Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.
This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).
And yes, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

We will always remember Wheatie,

Pray for Trump,

Yet have fun,

and HOLD ON when things get crazy!

We will follow the RULES of civility that Wheatie left for us:
Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
And while we engage in vigorous free speech, we will remember Wheatie’s advice on civility, non-violence, and site unity:
“We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”
“Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”
If this site gets shut down, please remember various ways to get back in touch with the rest of the gang:
- Our backup site, The Q Tree 579486807,
- Our old alternative site, The U Tree, where civility is not a requirement
- Our Gab Group, which is located at
- Our various sister sites, listed in the Blogroll in the sidebar
Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.
We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.
Joe Biden didn’t win.
And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wolfie’s Wheatie’s Word of the Week:
coarse, undyed, woolen cloth
Used in a sentence
There is a long trail of custom and law for Scottish dress codes mandating the undyed cloth of lachdann and hodden for the common people.
Some recent epic musical performance from one of Wheatie’s favorite artists.

First, a doc – as in a documentary. This is soothing scientific clickbait. Just enjoy it in the background, if you have free time.
Another doc, as in Doc Holliday.
Everything you ever wanted to know, badly combined with marginally appropriate images grabbed from a few movies.
As one commenter says, “These AI written scripts drive me crazy”.
Ah, but so many great memes from that story!

And of course the classic!

Looks like that last meme is coming back A THIRD TIME.
Just sayin’!
And remember…….
Until victory, have faith!

And trust the big plan, too!

And as always….


Oscar Wilde using the word of the day:
Miss you, Wolf! I’m praying for you!
I haven’t seen reports of this anywhere else.
Looks like it happened in a residential neighborhood, and the incident did not occur in view of the ring camera, only the audio was recorded.
Gunfire seems to be close enough to the ring camera that shouting by the police should be audible too, but I didn’t hear anything besides the gunfire.
The video at the link plays the same exchange of gunfire three times. You can tell that it’s looping by one of the tiny flashing lights in the center of the tree branches immediately to the right of the walkway, because the flashing light resets down and to the left after each exchange of gunfire. You can also hear what sounds like the same squeaky hinge on a gate, right before each exchange of gunfire. Trying to count the gunshots, I would guess at least 50 shots or more fired.
If the cops have Glock G17s, those have 17 round magazines plus one in the chamber, and all three cops likely fired until empty (mag dump), so that’s 54 shots plus however many shots the criminals fired. If three cops were shot, they would have approached from both sides of the car. It would be difficult for a driver alone to hit all three cops, when one or more would have approached from the passenger side, so I would guess there were at least two criminals shooting, so add another 20 rounds (at least) fired by the criminals, for around 74 shots fired in those few seconds.
Looks like they have redefined ‘mass casualty incident’ to include any type of incident where more than one person has been injured. This doesn’t appear to be a case where some lone gunman went to a crowded place and started shooting, as is generally meant by ‘mass casualty incident’.
So I would guess there was a traffic stop and the driver or passenger resisted arrest, but if three cops were injured, that would mean at least two cop cars were involved in the stop, which seems strange, unless the first car called for backup and the shooting didn’t start until after backup arrived.
Hopefully the cop who was shot in the chest had his vest on.
Guessing the ‘additional victims’ were innocent people in their homes hit with stray bullets.
Unless it was a SWAT type home raid, in which case the ‘additional victims’ could be other people in the targeted house. If it was a home raid, it seems reckless to do something like that where innocent people in nearby homes could be injured.
Just like with David Koresh. They didn’t need to storm the compound like it was a reenactment of the D-Day invasion. Koresh went jogging every morning, they could have arrested him without incident any day of the week, without getting all dressed up in their mall Ninja outfits and going in with guns a blazin’.
Guessing 99% chance the criminals were members of a protected-class.
Guessing 99% chance the criminals have long records, including recent arrests, and were released repeatedly without bail (or even charges).
Nothing is verified yet but this looks to be in the 1% chance, so I am intrigued and will follow the story. Two officers and the suspect are deceased.
Some of the stories were saying the vehicle was stolen. But that doesn’t pan. They stopped the vehicle at first and then it got away. They tracked the vehicle to owners home and that is where the shoot out took place (bye bye stolen vehicle reports). According this story an AR style weapon had been spotted in the back of the vehicle. When cops showed up at the home, they heard a rifle racking a round and then the shooting began.
Still no identify on suspect. Unless it’s Hunter Biden there’s not a good reason for that.
…heard a rifle racking… <<< Interesting.
Looking forward to clear statements with a timeline.
Several oddities. More information on deceased bad guy, person handcuffed, ages, backgrounds… In another post, Holly mentioned White guy, elementary teacher in his 60s.
Sniffing FF.
So if you get pulled over, the cops have your plates.
Plates link to name, photo and home address.
So if you run from the Police, after they have your plate number, home is probably the last place you want to go.
Unless you’re looking to turn yourself in
Faux News has this.
New York police officer, sheriff’s deputy killed in shooting; suspect also dead
A Syracuse police officer and an Onondaga County sheriff’s deputy were killed in a shooting in Salina, New York, on Sunday
The homeowner is a sixty something white male elementary school teacher. That’s why I’m following.
That piques my interest. Please share what you find.
(These days I rarely follow shootings.)
Same kalbo but there is something odd going on here. Reports of one shooter, then two and now I’m hearing three and an ambush. Trying to dig through it all. I’m in a different county, but Syracuse is the largest city near me so I get that area’s news.
Shooter ID’d as 33-year-old son of homeowner. Christopher Murphy.
I didn’t see anything.
America, LISTEN UP. Congress Has Failed You
Texas Rep Chip Roy “Every single person I talk to cannot understand how a body that is supposed to be representative of the people comes here and manages to make this country worse on a daily basis, no matter who’s in the majority”…
^^^ Understatement of many decades. ^^^
Emphasis added.
What is that that obscures the “s” of “United States” on the second from the bottom line? Is is some type of comms?
Good question. I don’t know.
Hmmm. I thought DJT deliberately misspelled words as comms before so this made me wonder too…
Could be a digital watermark, maybe.
If so it’s a pretty weird one, at least to me…
Looks like three characters of that sort of writing used in ME countries.
Pity it wont c/p so no chance of using a translator.
I thought it looked a bit like Hebrew…hmmm
Heh. Great minds….
Well, as I said to Steve yesterday One of them is–& it ain’t mine LOL
Great minds can oftimes be found in adjacent gutters….
Wow, that’s weird. Previously you had a Fozzy Bear video about gutter pigs & drunks & now it’s the same topics but in CONgress…hmmm. Did you change the video or would that be WordPiss gremlins?
The video is cached, and the cache got switched.
That’s sounds pretty strange to this non-techie…hmm…
Hope Wolf is aware of this, if it’s a bigger issue. I mean “bad guys” could change our comments at will making us appear to say things we weren’t saying…
Maybe we should fill the comment sections with [deleted] as the only text.
That would be “interesting” reading
Fozzy is Back after I reloaded the page!
Looked at both Hebrew and Persian alphabets and neither has anything that looks like that.
Falling back on the Q decoder ring
Sort of looks like “Tsadi Peh Zayin” in Hebrew….
Alef Bet Gimel Dalet He Waw/Vav Zayin Chet Tet Yod Kaf
א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ ך
Lamed Mem Nun Samech Ayin Pe Tsadi Qof Resh Shin Tav
ל מ נ ס ע פ צ ק ר ש ת ם ן ף ץ
A question comes to mind, is that a direct copy from whatever site PDJT posts on, or a copy taken from someone who had re-posted from the original
This is a great question, because the “smear” is right where station identification would likely be.
Copy link…
Obviously we will win the most votes.
But who wins the vote count?
The depraved debauched Democrats in the judiciary and prosecution have been making a mockery of our legal system and abusing every power of their offices.
They are following the pattern of Øbastid and his AG Holder, who brazenly abused their offices to attack political opponents from day one.
These are pagan pillagers and destroyers. They have no fear of The One True GOD and no regard for our Country, Constitution, or Citizens.
The RINOs like Pence and McConnell are their craven cowardly accomplices and play along with the destroyers in order to preserve their power and profit.
We’ll miss you Brian.
You were a good friend.
edit: I knew that sarcastic expression from somewhere, but I couldn’t place it. Then it came to me. It was House.
Wilson had gone to see a play with Cuddy, so House sent flowers to Wilson with a note, and made it seem like Cuddy had sent them, expressing romantic interest.
This scares Wilson, who runs away when he sees Cuddy.
House, expressing fake sorrow at the fate of his old friend, says “I’ll miss you. You were a good friend.” (at the 2:30 mark)
House still makes me laugh, all these years later
Hugh Laurie has some unexpected talents…..
Bertie Wooster sometimes played.
This is weird, but were you showing that House clip (which would make sense given Cthuhu’s Hugh Laurie reply) originally? I saw your comment earlier, before the edit so no video was there but now there is the same Snowden video that I shared elsewhere.
Above (or is it below?) a comment by Cthulhu to me about “great minds” had a Fozzy Bear video, but now shows the Jim Jordan debate video I also shared elsewhere. I wonder if it’s happening w/ anyone else’s videos or even what it might mean?
Valerie, the original post is above the word ‘edit’. I came back later and added to the post after I remembered that House, M.D. was the source of the expression, and tracked down the video clip.
I don’t know why it would be showing the Snowden video, it is a video clip from the old House M.D. episode, showing the scene I described in the edited post.
Here is a repost of the House, M.D. video clip link. If it is showing the Snowden video, then I would guess it has something to do with your browser and youtube ‘coookies’ that is confusing the two videos. Might clear up if you clear your browser cache, but then that might log you out of any websites you’re logged into, too:
I had to put the CC on to get House’s sexual metaphors…later he’s talking to Wilson & he says “Cuddy likes bold” but the CC has is as “Cuddy likes bald” (as if!–sorry to any bald guys in the Tree) LOL
fwiw my son Josiah revealed his double vision to me at some point after HS when we were watching a House episode & he was hunched forward, leaning his face down, & basically looking forward through his eyebrows. I thought he was having back pain or something so asked him why he was sitting that way & he goes “Because if I don’t then I see TWO Wilsons”…I about hit the roof. The kid went through All of his school years with undiagnosed double vision…sigh…
Later he gets a very complex eye exam by the pediatric neurological ophthalmologist, the same doc that had to sign off on his brain tumor surgery since the Pituitary Adenoma was pressing on/adjacent to his optic nerve. Anyway he was diagnosed with, iirc, V-Pattern Esotropia, & had surgery on both eyes that, thankfully, Mostly corrected it.
So in addition to having almost every House episode involve some test, diagnosis, &/or procedure that we’ve been through with Josiah I now also associate watching the show w/ discovering his Never-Before-Mentioned Double Vision!!! I still love House, the Character AND the Show!
So I can clearly see the House video immediately above & will reload the page after making my way through current new stuff & let you know if House remains immediately above &/or (re)appears where my video previously showed (at least for me) in your other comment…
I REALLY hope that this video swap issue is just My Own problem & Not indicative of something/one messing with the Q-Tree!!!
I’ve had the video swap thing for years, but not consistently. I doubt it’s something nefarious.
Hope you are right!
Wow, I’m glad Josiah said something and that the doctors were able to help him!
If he always had double vision, how could he know it shouldn’t be that way? OTOH, I would have hoped an eye doctor would have figured it out during a routine eye exam at some point.
No exam was routine with him, especially when he was younger & more problematically autistic (communication, behavior, & sensory issues). Yes we were thankful his vision problems were largely corrected (it was 100% corrected right after the surgery but diminished a bit since then)…
The House video remains in this comment too after reloading the page
The video Cthulhu posted was a music video, showing Hugh Laurie (Greg House in House, M.D.) doing a music performance. He has at least one album out, maybe more.
Yes I saw that AND enjoyed it!
House shows here now too for me after reloading the page!
He’s got to be kidding. The left wants Trump ordered to prison. This guy
agrees with me.
Remember all of this when the boot is on the other foot.
Because when it is, that boot is going so far up the enemy’s ass that women and children will beg for mercy on behalf of the traitors.
And if there is even ONE MAN standing, those pleas will go unheard.
“What is best in life? To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of the women.” — Conan the Barbarian
Elon Musk posted this:
The lying BS narrative couldn’t keep up with the facts.
Presumably, due in part, to at least one major social media platform (Tweeter) not being under control of illegitimate, death penalty-eligible traitor gov’t.
Hopefully Tax Slavery Day won’t involve this Too…
This looks concerning
[video src="" /]
Stuckinnj reposted
badluck’s hangout
The boat men have arrived on our shores.
Some are picked up by an awaiting car instantly.
This is reportedly happening daily in Carlsbad, California. Groups of middle-aged males arrive illegally via boat and then dispersed throughout the city in cars. No screening, no check required. Local authorities ignore this due to politics.
“Local authorities ignore this due to politics.”
Thanks, cops.
They put the ‘dereliction’ in dereliction of duty.
Thx for finding the version that plays here! I’ve never seen a boat being beached like that, leaving the motor down to drag in the sand. Very strange…
Money is not a concern. Well funded. Hell, the boat may be stolen.
Inserting military age bad guys is the focus.
Hope license plate information was provided to LE AND LE takes action.
Them bad guys are prime material fto carry out an Oct 7 in America.
Horrifying all around!
Somebody’s clearly funding this for these people are arriving w/ just the clothes on their backs per those videos…Follow the money…
Another one.
“During debate on the House floor, Reps. Michael Waltz (R-FL) and Jim Jordan (R-OH) debated the former’s amendment to FISA reauthorization.”
– Forbes Breaking News, Apr 12, 2024
40 second video…THIS is perhaps what Scott keeps hoping happens…
[video src="" /]
The Second Amendment post WWII veteran’s fight against political corruption in Athens, Tennessee.
Not hoping, but it clearly shows the difference between then and now, back in a time when there were men who understood the lawful use of force and were prepared to use it. None of the insanity happening today would have happened back then.
For one thing, the men who returned from WWII knew how to fight and wouldn’t put up with it.
And second, the politicians knew the men who returned from WWII knew how to fight, so they wouldn’t even dream of trying to get away with the blatant criminality and immorality of today.
A male dominated society would never put up with the criminal tyrannical political-class, and by the same token, the criminal political-class would never try to get away with the insanity they do, in a male dominated society, where the men have guns.
When women are in positions of power or authority throughout society, then by definition, men are not in those same positions. When women are ’empowered’ by the State, men are necessarily ‘disempowered’.
Women are generally not physically confrontational, for obvious reasons. They will always look for any and every way except use of force in response to force.
Women will never do anything forceful to challenge State tyranny. You will never see a band of armed soccer moms charging city hall. Disempowered men are in no position to do anything forceful to challenge State tyranny.
All by design of the Marxists / Leftists, to destroy Western nations from the inside out. Divide women against men, empower women and emasculate men, so no one will ever confront the tyrannical government.
That is a nice thought, but the Devil fears no man.
Even the archangel Michael was careful about how he contended with the Devil (cf. Jude 1:9)
Too true…
State legislatures make election laws that fall under their purview but now election bills to ensure integrity in our elections are being vetoed by the Supreme Court. I think we know that we arent in Kansas anymore??
Sort of like France suing Hitler for taking over France.
Even if you win the case, who is going to enforce the judgment against Hitler?
not actually news to anyone w/ half a brain
So do their mother’s.
Leftist Tears
The new study from British pediatrician Dr. Hilary Cass confirms what we’ve always known: Children presenting with sudden onset gender dysphoria are actually suffering from other mental health diagnoses—not true gender dysphoria.
his mission is to Glorify God…
He is the real deal as a human being. He is also one of the best golfers I have ever seen.
His press conference after the win was perfection.
so inspiring!
I wonder if there is Any Sauce for this claim?
Big Dick Mike is running for president!
They sued to get their kids back
reaping what he’s sown?
The last minute discusses Pegasus.
Millie Weaver is credited in the near end of the video, fyi…
God Bless You Wolf AND All Precious Q-Treepers. This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice & be glad in it!,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/160/672/011/original/4cb02e9f275ad106.webp
edit trying to post the image another way from Gab, hope it shows…
Seen on Gab
Real FLOTUS…sigh…
Pure beauty, grace and goodness. We need both Trump AND Melania.
Went looking for a Country Boy Can Survive & got sidetracked…LOL
Ah, that’s better
How about anyone contributing anything to the Zelensky regime after they murdered Gonzalo Lira is complicit in his death?
Appears that way. Could be part of why Iran threw the, I’ll quit fighting if you (Israel) quit.
I do wonder how many SM3 the USN fired at the three Iranian missiles. Did they actually intercept the Iranian missiles. Or did Iranian missiles themselves, fail.
It’s very difficult to get reliable information from that region because everyone and their brothers-in-law has a narrative they want to push, many of which are completely bonkers.
I joke sometimes that fine cuisine arrived on earth aboard a meteor that landed in Tuscany, and spread from there in concentric circles. [As a side note, French cuisine got a massive kickstart from Catherine de’ Medici when she became queen of France.]
In the same regard, it might be said that governmental corruption arrived on earth on a meteor of baksheesh that landed in Persia.
It’s like the reporting on the night, a different story where ever one looks.
This one says the broken rockets pictured on the ground are “ejected booster stages of two-stage rockets”.
Lotsa interesting information and what could be, may have. Presented that way, as the writer and we simply do not, know.
My take is Israel got the short end of the stick, totally. Israel knows it. Iran knows it. USG knows it. Prolly all governments in the ME, Russia and Chinee know it.
We always knew this was true.
Strong horse indeed. Kurt followed the weak horse for POTUS.
I watched the oarfish video. It was quite informative.
There are a number of things they put a weird slant to. For example, my original dive certification was NAUI Open Water I (it’s now Open Water II). By definition, this is diving over a deep inaccessible bottom (drop something and it is gone). This is not unusual and barely even noteworthy. When the video discusses this, and the diver is brushing the instruments on the buoy, I note that the brushes are tethered to the diver but float upward when he releases them….which is entirely to be expected. The narration is creating drama where there is none.
Similarly, I have done night dives as a recreational diver. You are not completely alone and untethered — you have your gauges for depth, your fellow divers are normally wearing glowsticks, and you typically follow something (like the buoy chain) up-and-down. If you get lost, you will typically have a compass and can surface to locate your boat. That said, I’ve had some nervous moments at night in a shallow gully with a large barracuda — not that we were interested in interacting, but the space was tight.
I can, however, sympathize with their alarm at reading 71 meters while pursuing particular photos. 71 meters is about 240 feet and is well past my deepest dive. The way that normal SCUBA works is that you are inflated to compensate for the water pressure at depth. If your tank holds 1000 breaths at the surface, it will feed you air at twice the pressure at 32 feet….which means you will have 500 breaths. If you are at 64 feet, it will feed you air at three times the surface pressure and you will have 333 breaths; if you are at 96 feet, it will feed you air at four times the pressure and you will have 250 breaths. At 240 feet, you have very few breaths to play with. That said, they were on rebreathers (which is a whole ‘nother bunch of technical stuff).
Did you say Barracuda?
Thx for the diving info too!
Seeing what the barracuda can do to a lionfish, it could easily mess up a human leg.
Yikes. Definitely not to be taken lightly!!!
Great song.
Yes! I heard it for the first time a few years back when out driving & I was like This is Classic Rock & Roll–Absolutely LOVE It!
Wish they still made music like this now but thankful we can at least find recordings of the Great Stuff!!!
Besides just running out of air, you also need to keep track of “the bends”, AKA “decompression sickness”.
When you breathe air at pressure, the gasses in the air are absorbed by every part of your body. The most common part of the atmosphere (about 70%) is nitrogen. When you inhale pressurized air, nitrogen is slowly deposited in every part of your body. If you have a can of soda, it is pressurized with carbon dioxide — which slowly dissolves into the soda.
If you rapidly return to the surface, that same nitrogen wants to exit all the body tissues where it was deposited, in a similar way that an opened can of soda wants to release all of its dissolved carbon dioxide. In both cases, if you’re unlucky, the gas foams over.
You can get “skin bends”, where you get painful bubbles under the skin which crackle. The classic “bends” is when the fluid in your joints get bubbles causing pain that is worse if you don’t clench your joints tight. And, then, you can get a very common form where bubbles form in your neurospinal fluid and pinch nerves. This is what the Fiancee got in Hawaii.
The problem with the pinched nerves from decompression sickness is that the nerves swell after the bubbles have pinched them, and do not resolve when the bubbles fade away. This can lead to permanent paralysis.
In Hawaii, part of the treatment is the “Kuakini spike”, where patients are immediately pressurized to the equivalent of 200 feet of sea water on admittance — usually shrinking gas bubbles to nothing. This allows the attending physician to evaluate long-term nerve damage against short-term irritation. Dr. Robert Overlock, one of the world’s best doctors for DCS treatment, was a major part of developing this protocol.
The Fiancee showed nearly complete remission of symptoms during the spike, which showed that she would likely escape permanent damage. Unfortunately, time spent at that pressure adds to the tissue loading that drives the risk, so it must need be temporary. In addition, patients are accompanied by volunteer aides who experience the same pressures themselves and are therefore exposed to risk.
We ended up spending an unforeseen fourteen days on Oahu with the Fiancee riding the chamber most days. You’d never know it to look at her.
Oh my, that was a pretty scary situation & glad to hear she is mostly OK. Is that decompression chamber the same thing as a “hyperbaric oxygen” chamber? There is one advertised on a local Christian radio station as a treatment for autism among other things. Those types of risks aren’t mentioned in the commercials though…
Yes. A hyperbaric chamber is a “hyper” (= a lot) “baric” (= pressure) chamber. While commonly used for DCS, it can also be used for a variety of other maladies, including flesh-eating bacteria.
My mother’s currently a patient at a wound care and hyperbaric medicine clinic. I now know way more that I care to about wounds. No mention of maggots yet though.
Hope your mom will be OK.
When my mom was a visiting nurse as a young, new RN, she had to change a bandage on a man’s leg wound that was moving w/ maggots…eww. I don’t know if they were there therapeutically or if he just wasn’t caring well for the wound. They do supposedly only eat dead tissue.
My grandpa (Mom’s adoptive dad) was hit in the ear with a snowball as a young boy & it shattered his eardrum. At some point a fly laid eggs in his ear canal & a doctor said that it saved his life as the wound was decaying & had almost entered his brain tissue, like a quarter inch away. This was around 1910. So he was deaf in one ear but lived well into his 80’s because of those maggots (& of course God’s mercy) apparently…
Thanks Valerie. It’s looking like she’s going to need surgery. It’s a surgical scar from brain surgery that has opened up. Surgery was 2 years ago so odd that this is happening but it’s so deep it’s to her skull. Am told it’s very hard to get tissue regrowth at the bone level.
Trying different medications – the current one is called BlastX teehee. Will see tomorrow if we’ve made any progress.
I’ll ask about the flies. lol. Seriously though I am over it all. Every week I sit there watching them cleaning and cutting and measuring. Then the same info. is discussed. The waiting room is depressing with all manner of people dragging themselves in for their wounds. Sometimes their are people who have been transported from rehab laying in beds waiting their turn. Gaaaaaaaaaaa I’ll stop now.
oh holly…gees!
I will keep you and your mom in my prayers!
Thanks pat. It’s all getting to be too much. I have caregiver’s burnout.
My sympathies Holly. It’s a difficult job but rewarding when things aren’t at high anxiety.
Thanks molly. It’s been 15 years. It’s just me and I’m so damn tired. Maybe tomorrow will be better.
That’s a long long time. I remember our discussions about maybe getting daily help but even that was stressful. Would they be nice, would my father be nice…we decided not to because it seemed like we’d be be watching over the caregivers too!
Truly I hope some unexpected good healing thing happens instead of the endless next treatment decision
Thank you. It’s like you want it to end but then it ends and you don’t want that. So we just keep going and try to appreciate what we have. Some days are better than others. I’m trying to laugh more. About anything. Even wounds.
Laughter IS the best medicine!
One day at a time or even just getting through the next moment is possible. You can do All Things through Christ Who gives You (His) Strength. God be with you…
Do your best to take care of yourself while you also help your mom. It’s so hard to keep things in balance (I’m still Quite out of whack from almost 3 decades of special needs parenting) but God can give you (both) the strength & grace to endure & even overcome so much!
May the Lord Bless & Keep YOU in His Perfect Peace, Precious Sister
Many thanks Valerie. I appreciate all the support and kindness from everyone here.
YW Holly. I think that there are quite a few seasoned burden bearers & caregivers in the ranks here
Please keep us posted on developments with your mom & as you research possible cures bring your thoughts here too for there are probably a number of people w/ helpful knowledge to refine some of the “best” approaches. God Bless YOU in this ongoing complicated journey
Oh my that sounds like a serious ordeal. Sorry you are both going through that!
Gail mentioned about a bad injury to one of her horses that she was able to heal with aloe & something else. I think the injury was large & to the bone & eventually healed up w/out some type of undesirable tissue growing as what would happen w/ the vet treatment, iirc.
I hope she might reply to you with what worked for her animal that Might give clues about what could Possibly help your mom.
My dad had to have cadaver bone to help fortify his jawbone before a dental implant. I think that cadaver skin is sometimes used for burn patients, to aid in the healing process. I wonder if that could be a potential viable option?
My son had a skin graft from his leg to cover the tip of his finger that was sheared off in a weightlifting accident. My husband often uses super glue to close wounds & it lasts a couple days, even allowing him to play his bass in concerts w/ injured fingers, fwiw…
I think the GC comment you mention was about that stuff from some kind of succulent called aloe.
Since I read it I’ve been using it on a several years old scar on the bony part of my nose that never healed properly. using aloe vera gel regularly has made a noticeable improvement.
That is great news! I thought Gail used aloe and some type of Native American plant concoction too but I’m not sure…
We’re trying to avoid surgery that involves anesthesia because of her age and other cognitive issues. There’s no good answer at this point.
The issue is also, I’m told, that if the skull bone becomes infected that portion needs to come out and be replaced with plastic or mesh.
Appreciate the information Valerie.
That’s so weighty. I’m truly sorry you’re facing these manifest challenges. Being caught in the medical whirlpool can be so incredibly draining…I hope your mom is not in much pain as this continues…
Medical Whirlpool. A perfect description Valerie! I’m going to use that.
Whoo Hoo!
I’m so sorry to hear of what’s going on with your mother. Sending much Good Energy and Deep Healing to her, and much Good Energy and Strength to you, along with prayers and best wishes for both of you.
Thank You PAVACA. Much appreciated.
Just read these posts, holly. Will be in prayer for the Lord to help you and your mom, but especially for you to have strength and peace.
Thank you TradeBait from both my mother and myself. For the most part I’m a resilient soul, but have been faltering lately. Strength and peace are exactly what I need.
Sometimes it’s good to know you can have a mini pity party where unconditionally friends understand and support you. This is the place. Being the 24/7 caregiver is h a r d.
PS~ I don’t mean that you’re having a pity party but if you wanted to, this is a good place.
I can be such a crab or whine about what’s happening …so I always think others might feel that way too at times.
Yes! We don’t always say so but plenty of us Know!
God bless those maggots.
Oh my, but yes & Amen (to a thought I’d never had before)
Holly may Christ the healer be with your family. I pray for healing .
My mother had most of her life an open leg. For her it was inherited.
Thank you singing. I never thought about wounds until now. Apparently there’s a lot involved when you are dealing with old skin.
I’m sorry about your mom’s health issues and your stress, and am praying for you both.
This might not be helpful or appropriate for her situation, but it came to mind so I decided to post it. I had heard of sugar helping wounds to heal. The following is from a quick search. I would think those who specialize in wound care would know about it and if and when to use it.
This is quite interesting. Thank you TheseTruths. The current medication she is using consists of a small bottle of liquid which a dab of is mixed with pinch of some powder and cost nearly $1,900. Insanity.
Perhaps the wound healing could be accomplished naturally. I will read through the links and see if I can put something together she would agree with. The first medication she used has Silver in it as an antimicrobial. Prisma AG.
Given Big Pharma infecting & controlling/hiding low cost &/or natural remedies it wouldn’t be a surprise to find that you Might be able to effect a better cure using things like Honey & Aloe…I Really Hope Gail weighs in w/ her particular insights & also Aubergine who knows so much about plants!
Yeah Gail had the animal that had some horrific wound. Wish she checks in soon.
You’re welcome. Best wishes to you.
Yes there is. My mother before she died the wound in her leg was closed. I used to joke with her telling her that she would die with her leg whole.
prayers for you and your mother, Holly. I too hope she will get better.
Perot Conservative
April 15, 2024 12:42 am
State of California proposes cutting Solano County water by an astounding 75%!!
CBS News: “Local leaders say California’s State Water Resources Control Board, in its Bay-Delta Plan, buried a proposal that would divert 75% of Solano County’s current water allocation from Lake Berryessa to the bay.
” ‘It’s an 8,000-page document, and if my staff had not read all 8,000 pages they would have missed it,” said Catherine Moy, Fairfield mayor and a Solano County Water Agency board member.
“Moy said that she cannot get a clear answer from the State Water Board about why they need 75% of Solano County’s water other than that it is to support projects protecting fish like salmon….”
“”We’ve spent $15 million on salmon habitat in Putah Creek which comes from Lake Berryessa. We can show we have salmon there that have never been there ever. We are making up for other areas that are killing salmon and still, they want to take 75% of our water? That’s cockamamie. That’s nuts,” Moy said….”
“Other local leaders like William Brazelton, president of the Solano County Farm Bureau, also feel left in the dark by the state.
“No one knew about this. No one expected it,” Brazelton said. “The manager for the Solano Irrigation District sent out a letter basically blowing the whistle on all this. ”
So, this would cut Solano County farming by 90% or more? And the County couldn’t grow – cities, population – without water!
Is this a purposeful Machiavellian move to freak out local leaders with a proposed unconscionable cut, so that they’ll then happily swallow a 20% or 30% reduction? All in a growing County, with two wet years, the states 7th-largest New Reservoir planned – Sites Reservoir – queued up, and Billions in water bonds unspent.
Cali folks must love being masochists.
Maybe those that don’t want out….
Exit signs are clearly marked. Roads open. Traffic flows freely.
Status quo will not hold. NOTHING will get better in CA. NOTHING.
Dehydrate me more, Daddy.
That has just enough of a nastiness aura to make me smile.
Thank you, Pgroup! I’ve not been known for my nastiness aura but these times seem to call for it.
Thank you, TB! It is clear we do not mock and laugh at California government nearly enough.
Directing 75% of Solano water to the Bay.
100%, that IS an attack on the US food supply.
agreed–AND they used their oldest trick in the book–burying it deep in an 8,000 page bill.
This war has been ongoing since the days of pioneers. Eventually, Bill Mulholland figured out how to steal enough water for Los Angeles. Chinatown was based on the water war.
former Israeli PM
Naftali Bennett נפתלי בנט
Some points regarding the overnight Iranian missile attack on Israel:
1. Contrary to what pundits are saying, this wasn’t designed merely as “bells and whistles” with no damage. When you shoot 350 flying objects timed to hit Israel at the same moment, when you use three fundamentally different weapon types—cruise missiles, ballistic missiles and UAVs, you’re looking to penetrate Israel’s defenses and kill Israelis.
2. The US administration is telling us: “This is a victory, you’ve already won by thwarting the missiles. No need for any further action.” No, it’s NOT a victory. Yes, it’s a remarkable success of Israel’s air defense systems, but it’s not a victory. When a bully tries to hit you 350 times and only succeeds seven time, you’ve NOT won. You don’t win wars just by intercepting your enemy’s hits, nor do you deter it. Your enemy will just try harder with more and better weapons and methods next time. How DO you deter? By exacting a deeply painful price.
3. It’s incorrect to say “nobody got hurt”. There’s a 7 year-old Israeli-Arab girl called Amina Elhasuny fighting for her life. That’s who coward Khamenei hit.
4. The Islamic Republic of Iran made a big mistake. For the past 30 years it’s been wreaking havoc on the region—through its proxies. A terror-octopus whose head is Tehran, and its tentacles are in Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, Syria and Gaza. How convenient. The Mullahs send others to conduct horrendous terror attacks, and die for them. Other people’s blood. Israel’s strategic mistake for the past 30 years was to play along this strategy. We always fought the Octopus’ arms, but hardly exacted a price from its Iranian head. This should change now: Hezbollah or Hamas shoots a rocket at Israel? Tehran pays a price.
5. The enemy is the Iranian REGIME, not the wonderful Iranian people. The Iranian regime reminds me of the Soviet regime in 1985: corrupt to the core, old, incompetent, despised by its own people, and destined to collapse. The sooner the better. The West can accelerate the regime’s inevitable collapse with a set of soft and clever actions, short of military force. Remember, USSR collapsed without any need for a direct American attack. Let’s do this.
6. Israel is fighting everybody’s war. In Gaza, Lebanon and Tehran. We’re considered “the small satan” by radical Islam. America is the big one. I’ll be clear: if these crazy fanatic Islamic terrorists get away with murder by hiding among civilians, this method will be adopted by terrorists worldwide. We’re not asking anyone to fight for us. We’ll do the job. But we do expect our allies to have our back, especially when it’s tough—and now it’s tough. Be on the right side and help us defeat these horrible and savage regimes.
We have known what the regime was since 1979. We should have dealt with them in the many years since.
agreed. but there isn’t a final goal in mind. mostly the MIC and our gov’t WANTS endless wars. it’s how they profit and retain power.
Iran is merely waiting for the right moment. This month, year or whenever.
Iran has the capability to, Rinse AND Repeat, on a grand scale.
Israel and the US cannot rise to meet that threat level.
If the head of the snake, Iran, is not removed, all hell will break loose on Iran’s schedule.
AND, Iran’s proxies living next to Israel will engage when Iran orders them to do so.
This is for 100 Comments…I don’t know how to add the numbers…
i apologize for not knowing, but there are so many theories, opinions. is this guy reliable?
Pretty sure this or a very similar report surfaced a few days after Dali.
CCP may have such a technology. Wolf and likely others believe CCP is prime suspect. Quite possibly so.
Betting Russia has the technology, perhaps other countries as well.
Slow Guy figures Russia guilty as a partial payback for Nordstream and dozens of other reasons. NOT justifying this, if Russia is guilty party.
What I 100% believe, then and now, Dali taking out FSK bridge was
a terrorists Attackan Act of War.Although the tweet is fresh, the tweet guy trusted as far as I know, the information is old. Nothing new here. But we have had three more instances, most recent the 26 barges breaking loose, the NY Harbor incident with a large freighter ship losing power and needed tugs to stop it from drifting into another bridge, and then the ship on the skinny river in Oklahoma hitting a bridge.
No Coincidences.
Broad based attacks on America, American way of life. IMO.
Dovetails nicely, although in an evil way, stuff we’ve witnessed over the past several years. Attacks of livestock (cows, pigs, chickens), food processing, storage…
IMO, this is correct — CCP doing “remote control demolition” tactics. The possibility that the 26 barges disaster in Pittsburgh is part of this is very real. CCP reminding “President Biden and handlers” who is really in charge.
It was a Barge on the Arkansas River. Not too “skinny” as the Arkansas river is the 6th largest in the US.
Thanks Wolf, I loved the oarfish clickbait!!!
Has to get out ahead of the media in Aus and fix the head line for the story.
BREAKING: Another Mass Stabbing in Sydney as Attacker Targets Bishop and Multiple Worshippers in Good Shepherd Church (SHOCK VIDEO)
Paul Serran Apr. 15, 2024 7:15 am 257 Comments
Proposed change… lets see how it works.
BREAKING: Another Mass Stabbing in Sydney as Male Model Targets Bishop and Multiple Worshippers in Good Shepherd Church (SHOCK VIDEO)
(Reported here as being against the current Globo way of thinking…)
“In Sydney, a bishop was attacked with a knife during a church service. Details are still unknown, the condition of the victim has not been specified.
The injured bishop is a fairly well-known blogger in Australia who criticized quarantine and vaccinations during the pandemic.”
“People tried to lynch a Pakistani terrorist who attacked a priest in Sydney. According to media reports, his fingers were cut off.
The bishop turned out to be the based leader of an ultra-conservative movement opposing LGBTQ people and the liberal policies of the authorities.”
Of course, this begs the question, why are there any Pakistanis in Australia — or any other Western nation?
Is the inverse true?
Are there lots of Aussies wandering around Islamabad, attacking mullahs?
Great news. He won’t be able to pick his nose or flip anybody off. Ever again.
Where are the knife control laws?
Can’t anybody stop this out of control knife violence?
Why haven’t knives been outlawed?
And scissors, don’t forget about scissors.
And box cutters.
And razor blades.
Well, the scissors have to go first so that we can’t run with them.
“Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth.” – Albert Einstein
Verse of the Day for Monday, April 15, 2024
“And a man shall be as an hiding place from the wind, and a covert from the tempest; as rivers of water in a dry place, as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land.”
Isaiah 32:2 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
As a daughter of the King, we sometimes forget how much power, authority, virtue, and value that God has given us. In this gripping spoken word, you will be empowered and reminded of who you really are! Share this with your daughters, sisters, friends, and husbands share this with your wives. It is something that every woman must hear.
January 30, 2024
Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing
#psalm91 #psalms #prayer
Pray Everyday
I always suspected!
Somehow, I get the feeling that any female who pointed a gun at you would have also pulled the trigger. Yes, that’s right — your logic would push any emotionally fragile female over the edge.
Denying her the right to be irrationally angry is a death penalty offense.
[calm down girls; I’m just funnin’]
“Somehow, I get the feeling that any female who pointed a gun at you would have also pulled the trigger.”
But chances are, she’d have missed, when I pulled the Keanu Reeves ‘Matrix’ moves
That I would almost pay to see!
Or if it’s at a shooting range, she’s trying to attract men.
were these same leaders warning iran NOT to attack after Israel hit the embassy i wonder?
April 15, 2024 11:07 am
The Latest | World leaders urge Israel not to retaliate for the Iranian drone and missile attack
World leaders urge Israel not to retaliate for Iranian attack | AP News
FTA~~~ The war erupted after Hamas and Islamic Jihad, two militant groups backed by Iran, carried out a devastating cross-border attack on Oct. 7 that killed 1,200 people in Israel and kidnapped 250 others.~~~~~~~~~~~~
Let’s understand this. ^^^^^ A brutal ambush attack on innocent civilians BACKED by Iran and now a direct attack by IRAN but everyone want Israel to let bygones be bygones?
Would you say that the Ukraine war started in February 2022.
Or did it have its roots in the western inspired color revolution of 2014, and the eight years of killing rained down on innocents in the DNR and LPR.
My point is that the cross-border attack on Oct. 7 2023 had its root decades earlier when an English king who no one ever voted for, signed the paper work giving away a country he never had a right to.
RAC, The entire saga and who are the rightful owners is so far over my head. It’s been going on for a couple thousand years over there and how Europeans and later US got in the mix I have no clue
That is not how the saga in Ukraine began. At the time before Nuland and Obama regime began meddling all was peaceful. Then some deranged Obama and his minions began their color evolution.
Obama began the same in Egypt but they got quick control over their country and squashed it. They made a mess in our name.
I would say it has begun 20144 color revolution. Ukrainians were misled with a promise the west had no intention to keep.
My brother told me what are Americans doing in Ukraine it is of no benefit to them. Someone had a plan someone wanted to stir the pot someone wants to get rich. Psychopaths are running the show including Zelensky.
The Biden Obama regime has no common sense they are psychopaths.
A suspected member of a “virulently anti-Western” terrorist group was turned loose by federal authorities after being apprehended crossing the US-Mexico border and, later, freed again when he went before an immigration judge, according to a report.
Customs and Border Protection agents apprehended and released Mohammad Kharwin, 48, after he illegally entered the US near San Ysidro, Calif., in March of 2023, despite suspicions the Afghan national was on the FBI’s terrorist watchlist, according to NBC News.
Kharwin was released under Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s “Alternatives to Detention” program – a process that generally requires migrants to submit to GPS tracking or reporting their whereabouts on a smartphone app – after CBP agents couldn’t definitively determine he was on the terror watchlist.
Almost a year later, the FBI notified ICE that Kharwin was a suspected member of the US-designated foreign terror group Hezb-e-Islami, or HIG.
HIG, which operates out of Afghanistan and parts of Pakistan, is described by the National Counterterrorism Center as a “virulently anti-Western insurgent group” responsible for the deaths of several US soldiers and American contractors.
So much for the “vetting” that the administration and its media apologists keep bragging about. The vetting, over and over again, has proven to be worthless even with terrorists whom we have derogatory information about.
There’s no other way to view this than treason.
For those following the NY shooting story – shooter ID’d as Christopher Murphy. 33-year-old son of the homeowner.
What a tragedy. Over a traffic issue. Senseless.
Supposed traffic issue. It keeps going back forth still from that or stolen vehicle which keeps appearing even in the newer stories, but as said before, you don’t go to house where the tags tell you car belongs and find it when it’s stolen.
Apparently this guys only other prior was a DWI from 10 years ago.
Something still smells about this story. I get the feeling the cops were hunting guns.
A news conference is scheduled for 4 pm. I agree para about the guns. There’s this weird witness story. Neighbor just happened to have a bullet proof vest. Lived across from the family for 20 years and yet nothing about the shooter in the story indicating a possible motive.
Shooter’s gun ID’d as an AR-15.
It was NOT over a traffic issue.
It was his refusal to obey commands of the police to put the window down and/or unlock the door.
Then he fired on the cop and got off 11 rounds.
The inevitable consequence of a stupid decision followed.
Bad guy won an “E” ticket to hell.
Can you imagine how loud an AR-15 is, when fired inside a car, with the windows up?
That can’t be doing your hearing any favors…
They hate to investigate themselves.
hamas supporters…
Illinois needs a ‘run them over” statute
Every time I see those black and white scarves my nerves go on edge. Take that shitz and go away and most of all STHU
They like to play dress up and lead empty lives. If these people truly had fulfilling lives they would not do this. They protest a country were women have no rights. Maybe we should give them a one way ticket lets see how it works for the to protest?
i believe they are getting paid to do this.
and it’s all cash under the table bullshit…
sic those 87,000 irs agents after them
Of course pay is involved. To much money floating around to use for evil.
So the cops can fix this quick. Just snatch one of the connected arms and all have to follow as you drag them off to jail.
If the cops don’t do it, I can well imagine some excited motorist accidently dragging them all behind his car as he zooms down the road to catch his flight.
the people actually had to park their cars and carry their luggage on foot to get to the airport. why didn’t the cops remove them? preposterous!
This is an interesting report on the October 7th attack on Israel, and false stories told about rape and murder by Israeli authorities:
What truth am I supposed to believe? I believe the women and men who experienced Oct 7. what happen. To much psy-op going on right now on the Internet at the moment.
I’m absolutely in agreement with you SS. We saw with our own eyes the initial brutality and murder. The systematic invasion of occupied homes. We know that there are dead hostages and a few live ones to this day.
The baby stories might be exaggeration but there’s enough abuse and murder that’s true .
As far as the slow military rollout, it was and still is my opinion that our very own deep state in cahoots with Israeli globalists or other similar , helped plan this and also had methods to conceal it.
So the chants Death to the Jews and Death to America are what? Nothing to see here, move along? These freaks are zealots and want Jews dead whether they’ve done anything or not.
I agree with your whole post. Well said
Well that’s just it, how can we know who to believe?
The guy in this video doesn’t seem to be any kind of Leftist sympathizer, he’s actually calling out the New York Times (among others).
“Al-Jazeera investigative unit”
I thought it was some Western outfit called DDN (with the apparently British guy doing the narration), and the Al-Jazeera logo was from a news clip during the presentation.
You’re right, he said it right at the very first sentence, he said Al Jazeera investigative unit.
My mistake!
Please disregard the video above.
Well I heard Al Jazeera & stopped watching LOL
You were right.
I only had about 3 hours sleep last night, so I’m running on fumes
Me too, but that’s almost Every Day LOL
It is not a left or right issue only good verses evil.
There is more than enough evidence and reporting that Hamas raped, murdered, tortured….Oct 7.
Do I believe everything Israel reports, No. But Hamas is the very definition of Evil.
h/t Marica’s blog—
What’s this horsesh!t I just saw via @prayingmedic about this Judge Merchan telling POTUS45 that if President Trump isn’t in the courtroom EVERY DAY of the “trial” that began today, he would be arrested?
I heard that he has to be everyday in courtroom. This is blatant election interference. NYC Judicial system is officially USSR criminal system. Anyone of these people complaining about Putin putting his political opponent into jail does not understand what has happened in this country.
I can promise you that if he’s in Florida [or maybe Texas], the governor will not honor an extradition request. The downside is that the SDNY atty could file unlawful flight charges against him. Not sure how that would play out.
can you imagine the legendary Bronco chase but with all his security and the Beast?
As Trump frantically grabs the wheel
The Beast???
Is there any news on Rodney’s mom?
She called Rodney yesterday.
TY Cthulhu. Moms will be moms LOL That’s good news, thankfully!
I would say karma…but the doj is helping her CORRECT the inconsistencies which means nothing will change
Thanks for bringing Melanie King’s stuff over.
I guess they aren’t one of those shithole countries after all.
i saw this posted before without sauce. not saying this is sauce…but the last refuge is commenting on it?

My thought?
Hooray for karma.
I wonder if all these ccaabbaall people who keep dying are just faking it and going into hiding, he said from under his tin foil sombrero
i believe he cannot die. and his repeated appearances after an extended period of time would draw suspicions. i suspect you are correct.
Nice Baal allusion there
Thoughts? Klaus critical condition is a plus. Hope he gets unplugged, soon.
I’ve heard Remdesivir and a ventilator are just what the doctor ordered.
With some bugs, a fresh can of nothing and some strawberry flavored ‘be happy’.
( I’m not sure what they mean by “foreign agents”, might mean different things in different parts of the world, certainly a hot topic over there. )
“A serious fight occurred in the Georgian parliament during the consideration of the controversial law on foreign agents; the parliament interrupted the broadcast” (vid)
“Protesters in Tbilisi near the parliament building against the law on foreign agents are trying to break through the police cordon (c) TASS” (vid)
“Video of the continuation of the fight in the Georgian parliament , where the law on foreign agents is being considered.” (vid)
“I’m not sure what they mean by “foreign agents” –
Color Revolution riots in Tbilisi last night. A large group of rioters attacked security forces outside of the Parliament building. By about 6 pm local Tbilisi time, there were as many police on the scene as rioters.
TBILISI, March 8 (Reuters) – Police in the Georgian capital Tbilisi used tear gas, water cannon and stun grenades late on Wednesday as they moved to break up the second straight day of protests against a “foreign agents” law which critics say signals an authoritarian shift.
[The country’s parliament passed a draft bill designating that Non-Governmental Organizations and Media who receive 20% of their funding coming from abroad need to register as “foreign agents.”
MSNBC, CNN, Reuters, Politico & NBC are among some of the media outlets engineering the narrative that the riots as “pro-EU/anti-Russia” protests]
The “Foreign Agents” Legislation has been withdrawn from Parliament. The Opposition Party of Georgia has stated they will continue their rallies [aka riots] regardless of the fact that the Bill was withdrawn.
Duh Oh…Change of plans
The Georgian Opposition Party will hold a “meeting” instead of a “rally” today.
The Opposition Party is following the color revolution playbook and are now calling for Parliament to resign.
And today’s news is just a continuation of the attacks that NGO Activists have been engaging in for at least two years…..
Things will get interesting when the Parliament asks Vlad for help.
Thanks for the explanation, so in this case the parliament is trying to do the right thing, the surprising/confusing thing is how the NGO’s get large amounts of people to go along with them.
I suppose I set off with the notion that govmts always do the wrong thing.
In this case, yes, IMO, this legislation could save their sovereignty, but Georgia sold it’s soul to the IMF/EU/USG and I won’t be surprised to see the Parliament cave once again, in response to these riots.
Europe has a number of “Azov-type” groups and Antifa was born in Europe so I’m guessing that these individuals gather to make up a portion of the rioters.
Good stuff. Our Congress needs to stop talking AND instigate some action.
h/t Filly

Oh, I don’t know… what could it possibly be…
If we stop being taxpayers… we could be freeloaders too!
Probably don’t even need a license
But we would be prosecuted…
That’s when you identify as a protected-class member

“Something very bad happened on the front today for the Ukrainians, they are furious on their Telegram channels
We are waiting for details”
( mentioned three times )
Maybe a large gust of wind blew hundreds of billions of U.S. tax dollars away.
42 minutes ago, SprinterFactory-Xplatform
“Ukrainians suffered significant losses after a large camp was destroyed near Kharkov.”
That’s the latest that I’ve seen RAC….
i admit i didn’t read this. it just has to stop!!!!!
Gretchen Whitmer wants Michigan taxpayers to spend $8 million to provide free legal services for Illegal Invaders.
Don’t need to read it.
It’s just Witchmer enhancing her resume for donkey VP.
That would be a nightmare. She is much more capable than Kamala. JB would not last long, and the country would have a totalitarian dictator in the WH.
You’ve got that right!
Uh, … you think DJT is going to lose?
Well he didn’t Lose in 2020, yet here we are
If the people don’t raise Cain over that, they will get what they deserve.
Society is unraveling. Random face punches. Pushing people onto subway tracks. Knocking people down stairs. Looting and stealing in plain sight.
Now it’s a lady stabbing…her latest. 1yr old twins in a stroller
More benefits of big blue city life?
George Gammon and his team visited Argentina to see how easy (or hard) it is to ‘live’ on precious metals or Bitcoin in a place where there is high (or hyper) inflation and banking controls on the currency.
Apparently cash is king, because no one can withdraw more than $40 per day, and since no one can withdraw more than $40 per day, nobody puts any cash in the bank, because it’s like putting your money ‘in jail’.
And the coin dealers don’t want to buy gold because then they have to sell it to someone else but there are no buyers, because the premium is on CASH in order to transact business. Gold has become a liability, even though the Argentine peso is inflating away, because you can’t transact with gold.
Same problem with Bitcoin, there were lots of Bitcoin Cafes, but almost no one was willing to exchange their cash for Bitcoin, because cash has liquidity. Apparently they were in a city of 15 million people, and they found only one place that would accept some Bitcoin in exchange for $200 USD or USD equivalent amount of pesos.
Next, George Gammon and his team are going to Turkey to try the same experiment. He is expecting a different result, because Turkish banks are set up to handle cash, gold and Bitcoin, and to exchange among them, apparently without daily withdrawal limits, at least at the moment.
Sounds like the grifter class is going to war with Milei.
Can’t withdraw more than $40 doesn’t mean one can’t spend more than $40. People could buy and sell by writing and receiving cheques could they not?
They could, and I think he mentions that (I watched it last night), but nobody wants to take a check, because you can’t get your money out of ‘bank jail’.
So effectively they turned Argentina into a ‘cash only’ society, and then restricted access to cash.
IIRC, he used an example of someone trying to sell their home for $250k. How can you do it? You can’t get a loan, nobody has that much cash on hand, and even if they did, what are you going to do with it?
If you put it in the bank, and wanted to spend it, at $40 per day, it would take you 6,250 days (17 years) to withdraw it all
this is appalling!!!
Observer SC
April 15, 2024 4:45 pm
Apparently, this biased democrat Judge in nY will not allow President Trump to attend Barron’s graduation nor to attend the Supreme Court hearing on Thrusday (immunity).
Also, Judge told him if he missed a day of trial he would be thrown in jail.
Crooked partisan judges, prosecutors, and DOJ!
It’s so much worse than disgraceful and it IS disgraceful. This is the judicial system being used as a political and personal weapon. Communism. Banana Republic. Whatever the USA is in freefall .
I can hardly stand to hear of these things. We became the greatest country on earth after revolting against taxation….this is so much worse imo
It’s understandable given this is NYC. The judge is clearly worried Trump will go on a stabbing spree like this young fella did.
New York City Slasher Busted for Stabbing 24-Year-Old Asian Woman and One-Year-Old Boy with Long Knife after Skipping Court
Jim Hoft Apr. 15, 2024 6:15 pm
((looking back at Molly’s story below [Philadelphia], I’m detecting a new trend [NYC]… attacking infants with knives… who in Demonville thought that one up?))
PSSST… that’s a girl… suspect: 29-year-old Takeira Hester. The woman has previously been arrested for aggravated assault and currently has a warrant out for her in New York City for the same charge, Mr Banford said.
However, maybe it was Takshawn before and now he’s a she?
That picture sure looks more like a male than female to me…hmmm…Aggressively stabbing someone sounds more like male than female behavior to me too, fwiw…
If you have any extra eye ball time for this, it’s happening tonight.
House Votes at 6:30 PM Monday Night to Kill FISA Spying on Americans without Warrant – Call Your Representative Today!… Number Below
Jim Hoft Apr. 15, 2024 11:30 am 337 Comments
FBI Launches Criminal Investigation Into Baltimore Bridge Collapse
Anthony Scott Apr. 15, 2024 11:15 am 341 Comments
Story misses that attorneys for the workers killed and missing will also have people aboard the Dali conducting their own investigations.
What is likely is that FIB is going to act as a funnel and collection point for all the other investigations and will block anyone learning or releasing information they don’t want to get out.
Not buying any other excuse for them getting involved at this late stage in the game?
Meanwhile no interview with the harbor pilots?
& this will likely force the NTSB to tamp down the preliminary report they promised for the 2 to 4 week time frame.
Cover up, they had to put NTSB in it’s place.
Right. When I saw FIB my first thought was cover-up.
This trial should be stopped immediately. It is election interference. It could be held at a later date.
You sound like one of those deplorable MAGA types.

‘Rust’ Armorer Sentenced to Max Punishment of 18 Months in Prison for Involuntary Manslaughter
The judge’s remarks:
But what about Alec Baldwin?
Slimy Baldwin will walk.
Her conviction means Baldwin is not culpable for the result.
It can’t be his fault if it’s her fault. Baldwin’s attorney will make a motion on this basis before trial. The motion will be granted.
This is how the system lets him off while having a perfect cover story.
I was afraid of that when I read the judge’s remarks about it being her fault. Her conviction sets that in stone. IMO she is culpable, but so is Alec Baldwin.
Unless, of course, a conspiracy can be proved. There probably wasn’t one, much less a provable one.
Lot of great responses to this post by Dr Bowden of people telling what they did similar to this story along with a few heart wrenching regrets for not having the foresight or courage for doing something similar.
Mary Talley Bowden MD
Did you sneak ivermectin into the hospital for a loved one?
Here’s a story from @LostMyFlipFlop
who saved her father’s life my taking matters into her own hands:
I wanted to share with you how I was able to save my dad’s life with ivermectin while he was in the hospital, even though I wasn’t allowed to see him.
He was one of those who got incredibly sick when he got Covid. His doctors were talking about the possibility of a ventilator but he wasn’t on one yet. His doctors would not even give me a prognosis or a guess. He was still able to talk and understand me on the phone but they wouldn’t let me see him. I already had the ivermectin for him but didn’t know how I would get it to him.
One night after talking to him on the phone, I could tell he was declining. He kept saying he was dying. I stayed up all night trying to figure out how I could possibly get the ivermectin to him that I had IN MY HANDS. I wanted to hide it in some clothes and get the hospital staff to take him his things but they wouldn’t allow anything that couldn’t be wiped down.
I stayed up all night long and tore my house apart trying to find something I could put the ivermectin in that was acceptable to the hospital, but not something they could easily open up and see the contents.
I found an old laptop. I disassembled it and put the ivermectin in tiny bags for each day and put them under the laptop keyboard. I put it back together, prayed, and then took it to the hospital. I left the laptop with security. They wiped it down and said they’d make sure he got it. They took it to his room having no idea they were personally delivering to him the drug that ultimately saved his life.
I don’t mess around when it comes to the wellbeing of the people I love.
Thank you for being a fighter.
Great job saving her father. Likely many folks did so.
BakoCarl also shared a solution. Check out from the hospital AND IGNORE quacks imploring him to stay in the hospital.
BakoCarl’s post way back in, guessing late 2020, resonated with me big time. So very grateful BakoCarl checked himself out AND shared a detailed story with us.
I Will Always Remember BakoCarl’s personal strength to say, No More, I Am Leaving.
Medical community ever shots on me or my family, I’ll push back mightily. Just Say No.
Shared the story in progress if I remember correct. Was amazing and was thinking about it as I shared the above!
Numbersgirl tried something similar to the post above and believe at least one other…sneaking meds into hospitals is pretty much common fare for qtreepers now… the trust with our medical establishment is long gone…
From the FDA release, DATED 5 APRIL 2024:
“* The FDA has not authorized or approved ivermectin for use in preventing or treating COVID-19 in humans or animals.”
“* The FDA has determined that currently available clinical trial data do not demonstrate that ivermectin is effective against COVID 19 in humans.”
The FDA document includes links to the following, among them:
Healthcare Professionals protection protocols:
Last updated 18 March 2024
Killing continues unabated
Well, since it absorbs through the skin, put the horse paste kind in a foot cream container. Massage it into the bottom of the feet. That was my plan.
For what it’s worth (which is exactly nothing
), Grok, the Twitter AI (I think), says the WEF has made a statement that Klaus Schwab has not been hospitalized. I’m not going to any WEF sites to research this.
But what’s up with that headline about an arrest? AI is only as good as those who program it, and in this case it appears to be confused.
Not aimed at TT. In general….
Delta Force Strikes: Klaus Schwab’s Arrest Rattles WEF
^^^ Says it all. Click bait.
Yea, I have no clue. But that is goofy on its own. Delta Force? Seriously?
I agree. I’m not sure whether AI wrote that headline or was commenting on it, but it’s goofy.
I’m sure AI has its uses, but most of what I see is negative.
We should expect to see ol’ Klaus in a proof-of-life video soon. Of course it will be an AI generated fake but what the heck.
The rest of you probably didn’t get this offer from Trump but I did because apparently I’m on his triple VIP list…
( kidding)
He has a new MAGA hat. It’s black. It’s nice
h/t Marica’s blog —
DA Bragg just blocked Orthodox Jews, who vastly support POTUS45, from being considered for the jury pool for the trial. Per Mark Levin and National Pulse.
Is that Even Constitutional? Given Trump’s Jewish family members an argument could be made that Jews fall into the His Peers category, from which his jury Must be constituted.
If you keep making such shrewd observations, I’m going to have competition.
Bwah ha ha
Your crown is safe for I’m sure to goof up soon enough, given my track record
So here I am, doing my 30 minute +/- reading for the evening; right now: Outlander, Tell The Bees I’ve gone (her last book) and I ran across this passage; remember, this is the time of our Revolution:
“I’m thinkin’ it’s maybe time we raised a militia company, Bobby,” Jamie said casually. To his surprise, Bobby nodded soberly. “Past time, maybe, sir, if you’ll forgive me saying so.” “I will,” Jamie said, wary. “But what makes ye say so?” “Josiah Beardsley was by, two days ago, and told me that he’d seen a group of men in the forest between here and the Blowing Rock. Armed men—and he was “I’m thinkin’ it’s maybe time we raised a militia company, Bobby,” Jamie said casually. To his surprise, Bobby nodded soberly. “Past time, maybe, sir, if you’ll forgive me saying so.”
Anybody looking for Chinese, military age, males, “wondering around??”
I LOVE that series, and that book! I’ve read “Tell The Bees That I Have Gone” twice already.
Chinese military men are keeping immigrants from china in check. They need to do the spying otherwise they punish family in China.
Remember many Chinese work in research, universities and Industry and maybe our Government.
BREAKING: RINOS WIN – AMERICANS LOSE: FISA 702 Again Passes House by Vote of 259-128 – Here are The 117 RINOs Who Voted for Warrantless Spying on Americans
April 12th vote

Todays vote

They all passed their primaries so they think they are untouchable.
US Supreme Court Rules Idaho Can Enforce Ban on Sex Changes for Children – Healthcare Professionals Can Face Up to 10 Years in Prison For Mutilating Kids
The three liberal justices voted against this.
The case still has to go through the court system, but at least the law can be enforced while that happens.
BREAKING: Sen. Mike Lee Brings Business to a Halt in US Senate Until Democrats Hold Impeachment Trial for DHS Secretary Mayorkas – For Deliberately Implementing Open Borders Disaster
Always looking for new ways to exit a vehicle, hadn’t seen this one before
They’re so cute. I just noticed that there’s a small brown dog sitting between them.
Viva Frei, 11:46 long. He and Robert Barnes will talk about the trial this evening.
They might as well not have a trial because Trump will be convicted.
Scot Presler:
The thing that’s great about Presler is that he doesn’t just say stuff like this….he’ll go out and do it. I wish we had fifty of him so he could do it in every state simultaneously.
Enjoy a few pleasant minutes.
(It only take one leader. Many will follow.)
That’s that Greek dance where everyone looks like they’re staggering around drunk….
Perhaps a Sunday afternoon. Street blocked off…
People showing up with “Ottawa Zorba Sweepers” shirts shoveling things into “Zorba Plates Only” cans might lead one to suspect that this is not an unusual occurrence.
(Last one tonight.)
How can so many people just walk by without recognizing what he’s playing, and stopping to listen?
It’s a classic!
Odd, was my thought.
Just started listening in on this one…