Dear KAG: 20240430 Open Thread

Badlands News Brief – April 30, 2024

The Hillary Clinton portion of the Mar-a-Lago raid has just come into focus…

Another Bank Bites the Dust – So Who Will Be the Next Dominoes to Fall?

I last was in a swimming team locker room decades ago, but, yeah. There are no secrets.

The Enduring Legacy of the Entente Cordiale

New CNN poll is final blow that knocks James Carville out cold…

That old fossil thinks he’s still relevant?

Tweets…X-Files, uh, posts, whatever

The true monarch of France:

And now, from my home town….

Meme Zone

Per the boss’s instruction:

I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


JOHN 14:27-31

27Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. 28You heard me say to you, `I go away, and I will come to you.’ If you loved me, you would have rejoiced, because I go to the Father; for the Father is greater than I. 29And now I have told you before it takes place, so that when it does take place, you may believe. 30I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming. He has no power over me; 31but I do as the Father has commanded me, so that the world may know that I love the Father. Rise, let us go hence.


Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632 
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)

Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518 
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)


St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Amen brother.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.


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Thank you, De Pat, for a lovely Tuesday bouquet (not Bucket).


It must be terrible when you can’t leave the house without people singing at you….

Valerie Curren

The banner is beautiful too. What is the source?

OK I did an image search:

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from an Etsy listing:

Canvas PRINT featuring large abstract colorful blooms against deep indigo background. This is a fine art Giclee REPRODUCTION of an original painting of mine. It is printed using Epson Ultrachrome archival inks on MUSEUM GRADE SATIN CANVAS. This print will ship rolled and will have a 2″ border for framing.
Carolyn Shultz
Owner of CarolynShultzFineArt

Here are a couple more examples of her work

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Very colorful!

Valerie Curren

Yes. I Love flowers & flower art  😍 


GREAT tweets today ! The zombie …so funny but sad too. I wonder what deplorable helped stock the Rio Grande with gators? Good on them


Governor Abbott:

Alligators are in the Rio Grande.

FYI there are warning signs posted in some sectors.

Cross at your own risk.

Gail Combs

Too bad they are not salt water Crocs but that would have been too obvious. 🙃


Obvious is a deterrent.


We need them even bigger.

Gail Combs

That is why I wanted Salt Water Crocs. they are the largest.

…Saltwater crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus) are the largest living reptiles on Earth. They’re even bigger than the fearsome Nile crocodile and dwarf alligators, gharials, and caimans…

Many people may mistakenly believe that alligators are larger than crocodiles, but this is not the case. Alligators generally grow to about 13-14 ft long, while crocodiles reach 17 ft and longer. Another distinguishing feature of these crocodilians is their snouts. Alligators have a broad snout while crocodiles have elongated, thin snouts. Both species can be quite threatening, however, crocodiles are more aggressive and are known to kill humans while alligators rarely ever do….

The largest saltwater crocodile adults can eat prey as big as pigs, water buffalo, and kangaroos. If you’ve never seen a crocodile, perhaps the best way to describe them is as the rulers of the river. They’re big, scaly, and impressive. All saltwater crocodiles are dull green on the sides and back and pale tan on the belly. They have long snouts filled with conical teeth. Interestingly, their teeth aren’t meant for shearing, like a lion’s. Instead, they’re used to clamp down on prey (crocodiles have one of the strongest bite forces on Earth) during ambush and consumption….

Their favorite haunts include murky waters where they can remain concealed below the water, waiting for unsuspecting prey. Saltwater crocodiles can lie in wait like this for up to seven hours!…



pat frederick

wouldn’t it be great if they were ai generated–holograms if you will. it would scare the crap out of illegals until some enterprising mule herder tried to wrestle one…LOL


If there was a mixture of A I and actual crocs, the mule herder’s efforts would likely be highly entertaining.

pat frederick

pay per view!

Valerie Curren

I was thinking Gail took an unplanned trip 😉

Gail Combs

caught me!! Now you know why I wasn’t on the board for several days.
  :wpds_wink:   :wpds_lol: 


Would you please do the college protest circuit next..please? Any critters will do but preferably rodents or insects..roaches come to mind

Gail Combs

How about FIRE ANTS?

Fire ants frequently assault and kill tiny animals. Unlike many other ants that bite and subsequently spray acid on the wound, fire ants bite to gain a grip before stinging (from the abdomen) and injecting a deadly alkaloid venom termed solenopsin, a molecule from the piperidine class.

I hate them.

Their bites fester and do not heal worth a darn. The best method for dealing with the bites. I found washing immediately & then applying baking soda the first day. This is followed on the 2nd day by lancing the tiny boil and applying 7% iodine and then triple antibiotic + pain relief. At that point the bite will heal properly.


That’ll do sista. I’m available for a road trip if you want company!

Gail Combs

Don’t I wish!

Valerie Curren


Gail Combs

They leave nasty scars too.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

bwah ha ha


This is the complete statement by Louis Alphonse de Bourbon, descendant of King Louis XIV, from the open:

“The destructive violence unleashed against our legacy and our history are part of the revolutionary and totalitarian process which resulted in the deaths of Louis XVI (the French sovereign who provided extraordinary assistance to the US) and tens of millions of other people. What this process is intended to achieve is to erase the past so that a “new man” may emerge. Humanity is not merely the sum of its biological components : it is also the recipient of what has been accomplished by previous generations and of our travels on a spiritual journey. We need our saints and heroes so that they may inspire us to lead authentically human existences. It cannot be in vain that the Fourth Commandment in the Decalogue asks us to honor our parents, respect what we have received from our forefathers and love our nation. This is why, in grateful prayer, I wish to include all of those who within families schools institutions of higher learning and elsewhere in our society work so hard to transmit the Western culture and civilization which takes their roots in our Greco-Roman and Christian heritage. Only irresponsible barbarians can have as an objective the rejection of this invaluable treasure which is so critical to the betterment of our humanity.”


Good, they can use a Charles Martel right about now.
Better than the wanna be Napoleon, WEFen Marcon whose no better than the last few idiots they had.

🤔Almost makes one wonder if this hasn’t been the come back plan all along.
“Invite them in. Drive them out. Monarchy Restored and Celebrated.”

Well… Get On With It Then. Time is running out!

Last edited 7 months ago by para59r

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“Come and take it!”

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Yesterday Aubergine posted a clip from this movie. Someone has already made a meme. 😅

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Try that trick with an EV.  😥 


Add water.

EV may just come to life, one last time.


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This is the entire 40_head X post from the open:

I believe we live in an age of too much information. There is so much out there, truthful and not, from so many varied sources. It is simply too much for any one person to comprehend. We live in a day where people have the highest potential in human history to be intelligent, educated and learned.

And yet, at the same time, we’re lowering school standards to ensure that students can pass and advance to the next grade. Scoring and difficulty of the SAT testing process has been dumbed down repeatedly to ensure enough people pass to continue filling college classrooms.

In the past, the education system surveyed the average household income across the country and established a tuition price that was deemed affordable for 1 person in the family to attend college. Today, college tuition is far more expensive but comes with payment plans as low as $20.00/month in some cases for junior college classes. That, along wtfh government grants and scholarships, literally anybody can go to college.

I see a sort of societal conviction in the western world that insists that we gather as much knowledge as possible. But, there’s no requirement for any of that information to be useful, verified or accurate. There are no standards. Absolutes are being ignored and dismissed.

This has allowed the introduction of purposefully misleading information to be injected in every facet of life. There’s not enough actual intelligent voices to counter the damage done by people in authoritative positions as they wield their lies.

We have knowledge without truth. We have science that is more political than scientific. We have medicine designed to invoke financial servitude rather than invoking heading. And we have agenda based instruction where ideology is more important than facts. These are truly the signs of the times.

1st Timothy 6:20

“…keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:”

I’m not so sure that the problem is too much information. I do believe he hits the nail on the head with this:

We have knowledge without truth. We have science that is more political than scientific. We have medicine designed to invoke financial servitude rather than invoking heading [probably healing]. And we have agenda based instruction where ideology is more important than facts. These are truly the signs of the times.

But I think there are other problems. People are not taught to think, to question, to research, and to reason. Too many are gullible and lack the discernment to know what sources are credible and what information is probably true, and how to decide what and whom to believe or when to find out more.

Exacting standards have gone by the wayside. Too many of even the good guys are careless with the truth. I once worked with a woman with a Ph.D. in English literature who wanted to insert a quotation into matter to be published that she had altered to more closely fit the subject matter, without stating that fact. That is a major breach of publishing protocol, and of respect for those who came before and their words and what they meant. It is simply not done. If you write a research paper, a thesis, or a book, you’d better get the quotes and the sources right. This standard doesn’t alter depending on the circumstances. It should also apply to memes and everyday use of quotations because the truth matters.

This also applies in other areas. I think our education system has made “close enough” acceptable.

We are surrounded by people who are careless with the truth, and outright liars, which circles back to the need for questioning and discernment.

Gail Combs

“…But I think there are other problems. People are not taught to think, to question, to research, and to reason. Too many are gullible and lack the discernment to know what sources are credible….”

And that was DELIBERATE!

Dumbing Down America
by Dr. Samuel Blumenfeld

I am often asked to name those educators responsible for the change in primary reading instruction which has led to the decline of literacy in America….

After twenty-five years of research, I can state with complete confidence that the prime mover in all of theis was none other than John Dewey who is usually characterized as the father of progressive education. Yet the change of the teaching of reading is probably Dewey’s greatest contribution to the tranformation of American education from an academically oriented process to a social one.

The progressives were a new breed of educator that came on the scene around the turn of the century. These rejected the religion of the Bible and placed their new faith in science, evolution and psychology…. John Dewey got his education in the new psychology under G. Stanley Hall at John Hopkins University…

 In 1894, Dewey was appointed head of the department of philosophy, psychology and education at the University of Chicago which had been established two years earlier by a gift from John D. Rockefeller. In 1896, Dewey created his famous experimental Laboratory School where he could test the effects of the new psychology on real live children.

Dewey’s philosophy had evolved from Hegelian idealism to socialist materialism, and the purpose of the school was to show how education could be changed to produce little socialists and collectivists instead of little capitalists and individualists. It was expected that these little socialists, when they became voting adults, would dutifully change the American economic system into a socialist one.

In order to do so he analyzed the traditional curriculum that sustained the capitalist, individualistic system and found what he believed was the sustaining linchpin — that is, the key element that held the entire system together: high literacy. To Dewey, the greatest obstacle to socialism was the private mind that seeks knowledge in order to exercise its own private judgment and intellectual authority. High literacy gave the individual the means to seek knowledge independently. It gave individuals the means to stand on their own two feet and think for themselves. This was detrimental to the “social spirit” needed to bring about a collectivist society. Dewey wrote in Democracy and Education, published in 1916…

Even Putin is aware of this:

Putin tells scientists about Lenin’s subversive role in Russian history

“They put an atomic bomb under the building called Russia, and then it exploded”, the president said.

Moscow. January 21st. INTERFAX.EN — Vladimir Putin spoke sharply about the results of the activities and ideas of the leader of the revolution, Vladimir Lenin, which, according to the president, led to the destruction of historical Russia.

Controlling the flow of thought is the right thing to do, as long as this thought leads to the right results, and not like Vladimir Ilyich [Lenin]. And then in the end, this idea led to the collapse of the Soviet Union, that’s what. There were a lot of thoughts like this: autonomization and so on. They put an atomic bomb under the building called Russia, and then it exploded. And we didn’t need a world revolution. That’s the idea there”, Putin said, concluding a meeting of the presidential council….

I would like to know exactly what Putin means by “…Controlling the flow of thought is the right thing to do, as long as this thought leads to the right results…”

After all our educating the young is actually “…Controlling the flow of thought…”

We used to teach our children about God, our Constitution, pride in our country, how to read, how to reason…


ThanQ for this. As far as what Putin means, reading all the things he’s publicly stated, I think it’s clear that it’s a mixture of clear independent personal intelligence under a canopy of historical Russia tradition. Vlad is very big on Russian history and is not a supporter of communism though he seems to admire the social situation control during the USSR time. His limit to freedom is when it starts becoming chaotic; then he favors iron glove treatment to restore order.



I think you are spot on.

Gail Combs

I think you are correct. Stalin enforced Trofim Lysenko’s take that we inherited the characteristics we acquired during life. This was a central ‘fact’ for justifying Stalin’s brutality and enforced collectivism. Lysenko’s infamous tailless rats set Soviet Biology back decades an Putin would be well aware of that.

Hubby was working with some Soviet scientists in the 1960s – 70s. They apologized that they had nothing to offer in the biological sciences BECAUSE of Lysenko.


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Not anymore!


That’s gonna leave a S P L A T.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Fertilizer is always on the RIGHT side, dontcha know!

Gail Combs

  :wpds_shock:   :wpds_chuckle:  ….  :wpds_lol: 


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So turn off the water and power to Hamilton Hall, surround it. Nothing goes in. Anyone who comes out is arrested, and actually kept in jail. They won’t make it a week.

pat frederick

i nominate Aubergine as BORDER CZAR in President Trump’s next administration…lol


I accept!

pat frederick

wouldn’t that be great?


For some people maybe!

Gail Combs


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If your goal is to end the occupation, more than it is to put them in jail, after the first few arrests, announce a ten minute amnesty.

No arrests but perhaps the university will still sanction you.

Last edited 7 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Gail Combs

The problem with that is they just move on to the next protest.

We saw that with ANTIFA/BLM during the ‘Summer of Love’ where they were moving the ‘protests’ from city to city by bus.


I want to put them all in jail for a long time. Long enough to wake the hell up. There were protesters shouting “Heil Hitler” at Jewish students today. Enough is enough.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Rich Higgins was utterly prophetic with his warning about the leftist-Islamist axis against Trump. His boss McMaster was an absolute PC idiot to fire him. Another example of “PC kills”.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You’re assuming they would wake up.

As opposed to sticking to their principles (shitty as they are).


I see these as very, very weak people. I don’t think their “principles” are strong enough to withstand much.


Since we know they’re on the US Soros payroll I’d imagine it’s all scripted. If the paymasters want them to occupy they’ll do it.
Do we really believe that even if their demands are met everyone goes home and enjoys the summer? I don’t. This theater will continue as long as the cabal wants it to and not a minute sooner.

Last edited 7 months ago by mollypitcher5

Legalities have become a proxy for civil war.

The hyper litigationization of a country.

Everyone has to sue everyone else for everything, because everyone is at war with everyone else, but nobody is allowed to use force, so they use lawfare.


Does your dictionary have that word in it? Somehow, I doubt it.


Superhyperlitigationizationmentism 😂

Gail Combs


The hyper litigationization of a country.  is already showing on YANDEX!

But not on brave.



Gail Combs

Yeah, it was FAST!

Valerie Curren

With a link back to the Q-Tree???

Gail Combs

YUP! 😍

Valerie Curren

I missed my edit window so here’s my revised comment from above 🙂

With a link back to the Q-Tree???

So I looked at Yandex & they have this link from “18 hours ago” which would be about 1 am & Scott’s original comment is from 2 am-ish…hmmm

no link at Bing

no Q-Tree link in Brave yet either but this is there:

Hyper litigationizationHyper Litigationization: An Overview
Hyper litigationization refers to the excessive or rapid increase in the number of lawsuits and legal disputes, often resulting in a significant burden on the legal system and society as a whole. This phenomenon can be attributed to various factors, including the growing complexity of laws and regulations, increased awareness of legal rights, and the desire for financial compensation.
Characteristics of Hyper Litigationization
Some common characteristics of hyper litigationization include:

  • Increased litigation rates: A significant surge in the number of lawsuits filed, often exceeding the capacity of the legal system to handle them efficiently.
  • Complexity of cases: Lawsuits involving complex issues, such as product liability, intellectual property, and employment disputes, can lead to lengthy and costly legal battles.
  • Increased costs: The rising number of lawsuits can result in higher legal fees, court costs, and settlements, placing a significant financial burden on individuals, businesses, and society.
  • Impact on businesses: Hyper litigationization can lead to increased insurance costs, reduced investment, and decreased economic growth, as companies become more cautious in their business decisions.

Consequences of Hyper Litigationization
The consequences of hyper litigationization can be far-reaching and have significant impacts on individuals, businesses, and society as a whole. Some of the consequences include:

  • Increased legal costs: The rising number of lawsuits can lead to higher legal fees, court costs, and settlements, placing a significant financial burden on individuals and businesses.
  • Reduced economic growth: Hyper litigationization can lead to decreased investment, reduced economic growth, and increased unemployment.
  • Increased stress and anxiety: The legal process can be emotionally draining and stressful for individuals involved, leading to mental health concerns.
  • Overburdened legal system: The increased number of lawsuits can lead to delays in the legal process, resulting in a backlog of cases and a strain on the legal system.

Mitigating Hyper Litigationization
To mitigate the effects of hyper litigationization, it is essential to address the root causes and implement strategies to reduce the number of lawsuits and legal disputes. Some potential solutions include:

  • Alternative dispute resolution: Encouraging alternative dispute resolution methods, such as mediation and arbitration, to resolve disputes outside of the courtroom.
  • Legal reform: Reviewing and revising laws and regulations to reduce complexity and ambiguity, making it easier for individuals and businesses to navigate the legal system.
  • Education and awareness: Educating individuals and businesses on legal rights and responsibilities, as well as the consequences of litigation, to reduce the likelihood of disputes.
  • Litigation risk management: Implementing strategies to identify and mitigate litigation risks, reducing the likelihood of costly and time-consuming legal battles.

It should be a word. It expresses exactly what I was trying to say.

That’s why I said it 😁

Last edited 7 months ago by scott467
Valerie Curren

yep 🙂


“When I use a word,’ Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, ‘it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.’
’The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’
’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all.”


I like that!

It must have been close to 50 years since I’ve read that story 😁

Gail Combs

Here it is:

Dear KAG: 20240430 Open Thread – The Q Tree›2024/04/30/dear-kag-20240430-open-…

Published 21 hours ago

21 hours ago


Hyper litigationizationHyper Litigationization: An Overview Hyper litigationization refers to the excessive or rapid increase in the number of lawsuits and legal disputes…

Valerie Curren

TY Gail 🙂


Your life motto – if double down is possible, triple down is best choice.



“Does your dictionary have that word in it? Somehow, I doubt it.”


No, I had to make that one up. I do that a lot, and then I check, and usually the word already exists, but sometimes it doesn’t, like this one.

Generally, if it’s easy to pronounce, then the word in question usually already exists, I just hadn’t heard it or seen it or used it before.

But litigation-ization is not easy to pronounce, so I knew there was a good chance it wasn’t a word before I checked.


This is my kind of lawfare!

Gail Combs

YUP! About time Conservatives grew a spine and started fighting back!


So….Monday evening I went out to the local supermarket to buy beef for dinner. When I was getting back in my car to drive home, a random passer-by chanced to mention how he admired Honda cars of the 90’s.

I made a couple of comments, and he made his fatal mistake….he listened….

….and so began a free-form lecture on a variety of subjects, from car repair to model engine-building to machining to characteristics of steam locomotives to chemistry…..and on-and-on-and-on…..until it was thoroughly dark and much cooler, at which point he managed to break free.

Which is why I’m running a couple of hours behind. I should be asleep by now.

Barb Meier



He couldn’t find the scroll bar.

Gail Combs


Valerie Curren

I hope he Thoroughly Enjoyed your company AND your wisdom!


You are too kind….

Valerie Curren

Well, I like Sundials 😉 😉

pat frederick

Valerie Curren

Here’s the rest of her tweet 🙂

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Kari Lake


I was on the phone with President Trump when I learned the Washington ComPost was inventing another fake news story. We had a good laugh at our sudden “rift.” My friendship with the Greatest President in American History has never been stronger!

The same people who called terrorists austere scholars and invented a Russian collusion hoax are, once again, fabricating a bogus story.

Note to MAGA: this isn’t going to stop. The Fake News is going to work OVERTIME to try and divide us. Between now and November 5th, they will slander and attack anyone that is willing to sacrifice for our Nation. BUCKLE UP! Remember: whoever they are attacking, is who you should be supporting.

We will not let them divide this Movement & stop us from Making America Great Again.

6:36 PM · Apr 29, 2024

pat frederick

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I suddenly have a thought.

I think Obama was using Biden as a cut-out to commit treason with China. The rabid defense of Biden by this communist DOJ, by setting up Trump on Biden’s deserved charges, isn’t as much about protecting Biden, as it is about protecting Obama.

pat frederick

i think it was always about protecting obummer. he got to destroy America thru a dumb ass egotistical proxy all the while being protected from “any hint of a scandal…”
the SHIT will hit the fan. President Trump knows who spied on him, knows who’s running the maggot and he knows how to take that POS down.
i am looking forward to it.

Gail Combs

So Am I.


Obama is a TRAINED TOOL.


It’s as if they can’t help but tell us what they’re doing, or what they plan to do.



“I’d be fine with that.”

The filthy traitor would be fine with violating the letter and the spirit of the Constitution.

Last edited 7 months ago by scott467
Gail Combs

I agree. Biden is TOO DUMB to have thought this all up by himself. HOWEVER I think BOTH are cut-outs of the CIA/ MI6 globalist intel groups.

Kenya was a British protectorate at the time of Obama’s birth making it very easy to hide records.

In double checking that I found this:

Proof Obama Was Born in Kenya Provided to All of Congress
Source: Sonoran News, September 8, 2010

….Smith plainly states, “Barack Hussein Obama II is not a natural born citizen of the United States of America. President Obama was born in Mombasa, British Protectorate of Kenya at the Coast Province General Hospital in 1961,” adding, “I have proof of this.”

Smith told The Post & Email he personally entered Coast Province General Hospital in Mombasa, Kenya on Feb. 19, 2009 and presented a member of the hospital’s administrative staff $5,000 U.S. in cash.

He said, “I set the money down in front of them and told them the money was theirs if they could bring me a certified copy of U.S. President Barack Obama’s original hospital birth record.”

Smith stipulated he was only allowing a small window of time for the staff member to fetch the document and said the staff member returned within that specified period of time with the document….


He better have taken a picture of it on his personal tracking device.


It’s always about the magic Kenyan.

The Kenyan makes sure of it.

pat frederick

Gail Combs

Hope they manage to win that fight.

pat frederick

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A brilliant meme.

pat frederick

notice–many were outside agitators…smells like soreass to me

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Using Hamas azz wipes for the left’s summer of discontent smells of desperation to me.

pat frederick

i believe in free speech and protests but they have to be within the law. your right to protest should not interfere with my right to go about my business. you do not have the right to detain me (closing a bridge or roadway) or keep me from attending classes i paid for shopping at a store i choose to shop at.
and you definitely do not have a right to encamp in public places–you do not own public property.

Gail Combs

College campuses are NOT public property. Even as a paying student, I was not allowed to audit a class that I was not signed up for.

I had an empty slot between classes and I took to sitting in the class room where my next class would be. It was a very interesting grad level course on genetics. After a couple weeks the Prof kicked me out. 🤓


TB I think that way too. Hamas or even so called palestinian solidarity for the summer riot season seems a stretch to get non paid joiners. Looting is always a fun draw for domestic race riots but..a foreign inspired grievance just doesn’t have the oomph to get the locals going?!

Gail Combs

Is it a build up to summer terrorist attacks all over by the Muslim Jihadists flooding the country/


That would certainly be an escalation..FIB busy still rounding up J6ers so the standard motive unknown will be the narrative

Gail Combs

Given the new comments it certainly looks like it!

Valerie Curren

I Really hope not!

Gail Combs

Just make sure you are prepared!

Gail Combs

YUP it is good ole’ Soroass or at least his son.
FROM: Badlands News Brief – April 30, 2024
New York Post — George Soros is paying student radicals who are fueling nationwide explosion of Israel-hating protests

George Soros and his hard-left acolytes are paying agitators who are fueling the explosion of radical anti-Israel protests at colleges across the country.

The protests, which began when students took over Columbia University’s Morningside Heights campus lawn last week, have mushroomed nationwide.

Copycat tent cities have been set up at colleges including Harvard, Yale, Berkeley in California, the Ohio State University and Emory in Georgia — all of them organized by branches of the Soros-funded Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) — and at some, students have clashed with police.

The SJP parent organization has been funded by a network of nonprofits ultimately funded by, among others, Soros, the billionaire left-wing investor. — NY Post


Soros is leading those students and others down a path of legal jeopardy that could affect the rest of their lives. They need to wise up, but it can take years for useful idiots to do that, if ever.

Gail Combs

The problem is they will blame the college, the police, the courts… ANYONE but themselves for their legal problems. It is part of the current culture where SOMEONE ELSE IS ALWAYS AT FAULT FOR YOUR PROBLEMS AND NOT YOU.


To be fair, associated orgs and groups will also fund their defense if needed.
The whole protest movement is a well oiled machine

Last edited 7 months ago by mollypitcher5
Gail Combs

Putin Didn’t Directly Order Alexei Navalny’s February Death, U.S. Spy Agencies Find


was it poison?

Navalny visited Germany for medical care and very likely got JABBED….

Also there is the very suspicious activities of his wife.

Was Navalny’s Wife the Killer?

On February 14, Navalny’s wife visited him in the penal colony and gave him gifts and medicines, then urgently flew to Moscow, in the morning to Istanbul and Munich…

And this is what the inconsolable widow looks like:

comment image?




Putin tells scientists about Lenin’s subversive role in Russian history

“They put an atomic bomb under the building called Russia, and then it exploded”, the president said.

Moscow. January 21st. INTERFAX.EN — Vladimir Putin spoke sharply about the results of the activities and ideas of the leader of the revolution, Vladimir Lenin, which, according to the president, led to the destruction of historical Russia.

Thus, he responded to the head of the Kurchatov Institute Mikhail Kovalchuk, who at a meeting of the Presidential Council for Science and Education quoted Boris Pasternak’s poem “High Sickness”, in which he analyzes the October Revolution and says about Lenin: “And so, when I saw him in reality, I thought, thought endlessly about his authorship and his right to dare in the first person”.


The widow looks like a butch lez dominatrix.

pat frederick

i guess I’ll take your word for it

Gail Combs

I bet she was his CIA/globalist handler. I also think she was ORDERED to kill him and then scamper to the Munich Security Council meeting to cry about his death for the cameras.

The timing is too perfect. Also he was a nothing to Putin because he did not have a large following AND was already in prison.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

First thing I thought was that she looked CIA.

Communists love to spend their useful idiots as martyrs which are more useful.

Gail Combs

You certainly do not smirk a few days after your hubby’s death!… Unless you were his handler.

Kinda makes you wonder about Jill and Biden. The death of his 1st wife was certainly convenient.

Jill Biden’s ex-husband, Stevenson says Jill was having an affair with the Vice President before the tragic car accident which killed Biden’s first wife. At the time Biden was married to his first wife Neilia who died along with their one-year-old daughter Naomi in a car crash between the election and Biden taking his Senate seat. 

From WIKI:

…Her father was the CEO of the Mahwah Savings and Loan Association. In 1961, the Jacobs family moved to Willow Grove, Pennsylvania, a northern suburb of Philadelphia, and Donald became the president and CEO of InterCounty Savings and Loan in the Chestnut Hill neighborhood of Philadelphia. He held that position for twenty years….

…She married Bill Stevenson, a former college football player, in February 1970 taking the name Jill Stevenson. Within a couple of years he opened the Stone Balloon in Newark, Delaware, near the University of Delaware. It became one of the most successful college bars in the nation.

…She switched her enrollment to the University of Delaware becoming a student in its College of Arts and Sciences, declaring English as her major. She took a year off from college and did a little modeling for a local agency in Wilmington to supplement her income…

A few tells in that story line. Was the first wife honest and would dilute Biden’s usefulness as a Senator? Jill certainly did not. Also how important was Jill in controlling Biden’s speech?

I find the modeling interesting… the link goes to this article, Yandex found the archived version for me 😍


If Senator Biden is elected, he’ll bring along a close-knit family of strong, independent women—led by his remarkable wife, Jill….

It takes only a few minutes of being in her company to understand why vice-presidential nominee Joe Biden somewhat controversially introduced his wife at the Democratic National Convention in August as “drop-dead gorgeous.” Dr. Jill Biden—mother of three, political wife, college professor—exudes the confidence of a woman who has come into her own and is enjoying her moment….

They took a train to New York in June 1977, got a marriage license at a courthouse in Brooklyn, and got hitched at the United Nations chapel

Valerie Curren

nice dig


Gail Combs

It was spur of the moment. I remember reading long ago that Jill had been their babysitter before his first wife died.

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Valerie Curren

I recalled that babysitter scenario too.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Methinks Biden falling for “drop dead gorgeous” Taco Jill meant “drop dead” for Biden’s wife, Neilia.

Valerie Curren

Yup  😡 

pat frederick

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 “Not my will but Thy will be done”
Believers pray to our Holy One
But why? Why is it His will not mine?
Because I’m flawed and He’s divine!

Being a man I’m flawed from birth,
As all men are upon this earth.
And what I want is not best for me,
For those are things that only God sees.

God’s will for me provides what I need,
For in His soil I am but a seed.
Food and water and air and sun
Are all mine ‘till my life is done.

And there are times of wind, heat and cold
To be endured as I grow old.
Endured, yes. But also to learn,
As He shows us His paths and which way to turn.

The winds and rain may form storms in life,
For there are times we must learn from strife.
With branches stressed, we rely on Him
To come and save us, to prune and trim.

All this is for us, for our own good,
To grow and bear fruit as we should.
We may not see these hard times as right,
But God knows best how to win this fight.

We are His and we’re in His hands,
And He’ll lead us to live by His plans.
So we must say, as our war has been won,
“Not my will but Thy will be done”

These thoughts occurred to me as DW has just been diagnosed with incipient dementia. More tests scheduled. I’m sure that she and I will both be led down future paths with much to learn.

Help me, Lord, to accept what You decide;
In You and with You – I long to abide.


Oh, I am so sorry. I will pray for you both.

pat frederick

i will keep both of you in my prayers Carl


I’m so sorry to hear of this! Sending prayers, Good Energy, Deep Healing, and Deep Courage for both of you.


May our Lord hold you tightly in your time of need.




I lift both of you up in Prayers. May Christ comfort you both in this time.

Gail Combs


I have been doing some research on increasing brain function esp. since hubby started have major balance problems.

We found Coconut oil, INCREASE in beef (zinc and B12) Lion’s Mane Mushroom has improved him. So much so that the people at our Easter gigs and Ramadan gigs remarked on how much he has improved from last year.

Hubby HATES mushrooms so I had to slip the Lion’s Mane into his food via, sauces, omlettes, stuffed peppers, hamburger patties etc. He ate one month’s worth over a period of 5 months but even with that shows major improvement especially since I upped my creativity in getting it into his food over the last month or so.

We also increased other foods and vitamins.

This is what I have learned so far.
Lion‘s Mane Neurogenesis Study: What It Means for Brain Health & Function

Lion’s mane mushroom (Hericium erinaceus) has long been studied for its potential brain health benefits. Some research suggests that a main compound in H. erinaceus called erinacines may increase the production of nerve growth factor (NGF)*—a protein that helps nerve cells, like the neurons in the brain, grow and reproduce. This could be why other studies and trials show that taking lion’s mane mushroom extracts may improve memory, reduce dementia symptoms, and enhance cognitive function.*

A recent study in the Journal of Neurochemistry uncovered one possible explanation for how lion’s mane’s apparent brain benefits. Researchers from Korea and Australia collaborated to investigate how brain cells react to extracts from lion’s mane mushroom fruiting bodies and found that they caused an increase in neurotrophic factors, which had a significant impact on brain cell growth….

Alzheimer’s: Coconut Oil to Feed the Brain.

Consumption of coconut oil prompts the body to produce a substance that is the best nourishment for brain cells – and can protect our little grey cells from dementia.

Coconut Oil for Alzheimer’s? – Dr. Mary Newport (I saw her slide show when a treeper brought it to the Qtree)They are now doing a designed experiment and looking for volunteers.

5 Vitamins for Brain Health and Memory
Folic acid, ageing, depression, and dementia Article by E H Reynolds, consultant neurologist
Pub Med: Nutritional status in relation to balance and falls in the elderly: a preliminary look at serum folate

Legumes, eggs, citrus fruits, and fortified grains are a few good sources of folate. Folate, also known as vitamin B9, is a water-soluble vitamin that has many important functions in your body.

Pub Med: Vitamin B12 and ageing: current issues and interaction with folate
[Sublingual – under the tongue B12 works wonders on my allergic reactions BTW. The B12 goes directly into the blood stream, by passing the absorption problem.)


A compromised vitamin B12 status is common in older people despite dietary intakes that typically far exceed current recommendations. The maintenance of an optimal status of vitamin B12 is not only dependent on adequate dietary intake but more critically on effective absorption which diminishes with age… Vitamin B12 is of public health importance, not only because deficiency leads to megaloblastic anaemia and irreversible nerve damage, but also because emerging evidence links low B12 to an increased risk of a number of age-related diseases, including cardiovascular disease, cognitive dysfunction, dementia and osteoporosis. Furthermore, there are concerns relating to potential adverse effects for older adults with low vitamin B12 status of over-exposure to folic acid in countries where there is mandatory fortification of food with folic acid. The aim of this review is to examine the known and emerging issues related to vitamin B12 in ageing, its assessment and inter-relationship with folate.

Neurovascular Correlates of Cobalamin, Folate, and Homocysteine in Dementia
(You need a medical dictionary to read this sucker!)


Background: Cobalamin (Cbl) and folate are common supplements clinicians prescribe as an adjuvant therapy for dementia patients, on the presumption of their neurotrophic and/or homocysteine (Hcy) lowering effect. However, the treatment efficacy has been found mixed and the effects of Cbl/folate/Hcy on the human brain remain to be elucidated.

Objective: To explore the neurovascular correlates of Cbl/folate/Hcy in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and subcortical ischemic vascular dementia (SIVD).

Methods: Sixty-seven AD patients and 57 SIVD patients were prospectively and consecutively recruited from an outpatient clinic.

Multimodal 3-Tesla magnetic resonance imaging was performed to quantitatively evaluate cerebral blood flow (CBF) and white matter integrity. The relationship between neuroimaging metrics and the serum levels of Cbl/folate/Hcy was examined by using the Kruskal-Wallis test, partial correlation analysis, and moderation analysis, at a significance level of 0.05.

Results: As a whole, CBF mainly associated with Cbl/folate while white matter hyperintensities exclusively associated with Hcy. As compared with AD, SIVD exhibited more noticeable CBF correlates (spatially widespread with Cbl and focal with folate). In SIVD, a bilateral Cbl-moderated CBF coupling was found between medial prefrontal cortex and ipsilateral basal ganglia, while in the fronto-subcortical white matter tracts, elevated Hcy was associated with imaging metrics indicative of increased injury in both axon and myelin sheath.

Conclusions: We identified the neurovascular correlates of previously reported neurotrophic effect of Cbl/folate and neurotoxic effect of Hcy in dementia. The correlates exhibited distinct patterns in AD and SIVD. The findings may help improving the formulation of supplemental Cbl/folate treatment for dementia.


Ive had lions mane recommended to me as well. I hope she is able to take it.


Thank you, Gail. I have been aware of the recent appearance of lion’s mane mushrooms in ads, etc. but very appreciative to have your comment and experience with it. 👍🩷

Gail Combs

Thank our favorite eggplant. She told me it was a great food for the brain sometime back. So as usual I researched it.


Thanks for the info. Adding the coconut oil, do you use it in cooking or alone like a tsp or tbsp per day?

Gail Combs

Cooking, I am trying to get it into Hubby. 🙄

Given the price of olive oil, I switched but it does have a bit of a fire hazard per Hubby.


I had read some time back that taking a bit of coconut oil every night by swishing it in the mouth before swallowing prevented gingivitis and plaque

Gail Combs

2015 Pub Med: Effect of coconut oil in plaque related gingivitis – A preliminary report


Background: Oil pulling or oil swishing therapy is a traditional procedure in which the practitioners rinse or swish oil in their mouth. It is supposed to cure oral and systemic diseases but the evidence is minimal. Oil pulling with sesame oil and sunflower oil was found to reduce plaque related gingivitis. Coconut oil is an easily available edible oil. It is unique because it contains predominantly medium chain fatty acids of which 45-50 percent is lauric acid. Lauric acid has proven anti inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. No studies have been done on the benefits of oil pulling using coconut oil to date. So a pilot study was planned to assess the effect of coconut oil pulling on plaque induced gingivitis….

Results: A statistically significant decrease in the plaque and gingival indices was noticed from day 7 and the scores continued to decrease during the period of study.

Conclusion: Oil pulling using coconut oil could be an effective adjuvant procedure in decreasing plaque formation and plaque induced gingivitis.


You said olive oil in response to a comment mentioning coconut oil. Did you mean to say coconut oil?

I ask because I don’t consider olive oil particularly expensive.

Gail Combs

I meant Olive oil. I bought a bunch (gal jugs now 101 fl oz) just after Biden was Selected. The price now, in my neck of the wood, is astronomical. It has doubled or more for all cooking oils. the jugs are between $35 – $50 depending on the brand.

I went to BJ for the first time in the Biden ADMIN, a full cart was $400.00 under Trump. It is now almost $900.00!


Gail Combs
Thank you for this. Yours Truly has recently increased the daily intake of B12, eggs, and Zinc.


Thanks Gail. Coconut oil is our primary oil. B6, B12, Folate, and Zinc we’re already supplementing. Lion’s Mane is on my list but I haven’t got it yet . . . and DW hates all mushrooms, too. I’m taking future actions based promarily on Dale Bredesen’s protocol for Alzheimer’s. I’ve had his book for years but hoped it’d never be needed. I’ll have to look into and get some cobalamin.


The Lion’s Mane from the company Real Mushrooms, called Cognition, comes in caps and they can be pulled apart and sprinkled into or onto just about everything.

Gail Combs

Nice to know, Thanks!

We just ordered a 6 month supply of the powder yesterday. 🙄


Godspeed to you Carl and your beloved wife also.

Gail Combs

Glad to hear that.

The dose of lion’s mane from Ascent is 1/2 a teaspoon of a tan powder that has very little taste so it is very easy to add to other foods.

Cobalamin is the scientific name for B12.


We know by the vows we take that it’s part of the plan.
Between God and the two of you, seems everyone’s chosen well.
More lessons, more love, more reasons enough to celebrate.
Doing good so far. Keep the Faith 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks for archiving this!


I hope that all things are managed as well as can be and that it is a slow process.

Prayer for Families and Caregivers of Those Living with Dementia

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases,    his mercies never come to an end;they are new every morning;    great is your faithfulness.”The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,    “therefore I will hope in him.”Lamentations 3: 22-24

Loving God, Healer and Comforter, we pray for those who suffer from the anxiety, ambiguity and confusion of dementia, and in a special way for their caregivers.

Give them patience as they work through familiar daily scripts and questions asked, answered and asked again.Give them long memories to recall the fullness of their loved one’s life beyond these moments of forgetting.Give them the grace to let go of what was and embrace what is in love.  

When the pain of being forgotten and the grinding trials become too much, comfort them with the promise of your Resurrection where every tear shall be wiped away and we shall know each other once more.

God of all mercies, sustain those who care for others. Grant them what they need for the moments ahead. We ask this through the intercession of Our Lady of Lourdes, Amen.


I’m sorry about your wife’s diagnosis and will pray for both of you. Thank you for that beautiful poem that applies in so many situations. May God bless you!

Valerie Curren

Ah, dear brother Carl, you & your wife will be experiencing the Refiner’s Fire AND God’s peace that passes understanding & joy in the midst of sorrows. When the time comes you will both cross the veil without dross or regrets. May the Lord sustain you both in His grace, peace, love, & hope…In Jesus’ Love 

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Lithium: This Dr. speaks mostly about the covid and the jab effects on the brain, worth listening to.
Towards the end, go in at 41:27ish, he mentions about low dose lithium for general use not only just for covid related stuff.

Gail Combs

What Food Contains The Most Lithium?

Lithium in Food Products The main sources of Li in the diet are cereals, potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, and some mineral waters [44]. It may also be found in some spices such as nutmeg, coriander seeds, or cumin; however, their share in the total supply of this element is negligible in many geographic regions [49]…..

[A lot more info]

Which bottled waters contain lithium?

Lithia Spring Water (also called Lithia) is an American brand of high mineral content lithia water that naturally contains lithium carbonate.

Review of Lithium in the Aquatic Environment: Distribution in the United States, Toxicity and Case Example of Groundwater Contamination

Lithium is found at low concentrations in the major rivers of the United States (about 0.002 mg l(-1)) and as a mineral or salt in pegmatites and brines. The United States produces many lithium materials and consumes the greatest amount of Li in the world for use in ceramics, glass, aluminum, pharmaceuticals, batteries, etc. From 1950 to 1970, Li was central to many nuclear-related US Department of Energy (DOE) activities…

I can not find an actual MAP!

I did find this from USGS
Data for generating statistical maps of soil lithium concentrations in the conterminous United States
The USGS USED to produce MAPS… GRUMBLE.😩

But I am persistent…

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One can get the 5mg a day tablets on ebay.

Gail Combs

I have a deep well in the RED zone. I doubt I need any move lithium then I get drinking tea & lemonade made with my well water


Check out Amazon for options – 1, 5 and 20 mg

Gail Combs

I hope the nutriceuticals help your wife as they did my Hubby.


I go to this hot spring here in Montana that is just loaded with lithium, which we can absorb through the skin. It feels WONDERFUL. So calming just to be in that water.

And the animals in the town are hilarious, because they drink the water. Deer just chillin’ next to dogs lolling around, cats wandering by unassaulted. The squirrels are even lazy and don’t run away.

Gail Combs

Might explain the fox that just wandered up to me one day or the one coming up the porch steps, cocking his head as if to say “Well are you going to put out my ration of cat food?”

We checked with our insurance agent who raises black Russian fox. He said they were just curious.


Lol! Cute.

Gail Combs

They were. Turns out we had a fox den under one of our sheds. The Mom got hit by a car. The woman was in a panic when she saw she was still nursing. I checked but the cubs were old enough for dad to raise. We saw them occasionally. There were three.


Please accept my prayers for you and your wife, Carl.

pat frederick


NEW: White House visitor log shows that David Ferriero, Obama-appointed national archivist involved in the early stages of the “classified documents” scheme against Trump, met with Biden’s WH counsel Dana Remus twice at the White House in Sept 2021: Ferriero called J6 the “worst day of his life” and started threatening Team Trump in the summer of 2021 with making a criminal referral to DOJ over alleged “destroyed” presidential records.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The slime thickens…..

Valerie Curren

AND Sickens  😡 

pat frederick


Citizen Free Press


Remarkable video from El Salvador. Nayib Bukele gathers every single official in the executive branch of his government and then announces a surprise. He asks the Attorney General to investigate all of them for bribery.


Needs to happen in the District of Criminals.

pat frederick

only with an honest AG
otherwise it’s all theater and I’m tired of clowns

Last edited 7 months ago by patfrederick
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Dirty judge Kapo investigating anybody is a joke!

Gail Combs


pat frederick

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Congress plays on the Briben Team.

Process me wrong.


No chain of custody, no case.

pat frederick

T. Turtle
April 30, 2024 9:48 am

This is the guy that continuously lied and said he had proven evidence that President Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election. He led the sham impeachments against the best President in modern history and richly deserves any consequences he may receive for his unethical behavior.
EXCLUSIVE: Evidence Shows Adam Schiff Falsely Registered, Ineligibly Voted, and/or Committed Mortgage Fraud”
Schiff refinanced his home in 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2013 claiming the Maryland home was his primary residence. In 2009, a House Ethics investigation claimed that Schiff did this and Schiff claimed it was an error and he repaid the exempt taxes to the state of Maryland.
A fellow member of Congress was charged with criminal counts for doing the same thing, Steven Watkins, of Oklahoma.
In addition, the amount of the home mortgage has remained basically the same this entire time. Congress should look into this as well.

Adam Schiff, despite claiming to live and represent the people in the state of California, filed and reaffirmed through refinancing documents, his primary residence at 8204 Windsor View Terrace, Potomac Maryland, 28054. Adam Schiff’s on the record acknowledgement of the mortgage document filings (primary residence in Maryland) during a House Ethics hearing via claim of a “mistake” evidences acknowledgement of mortgage fraud.

Schiff received better rates on his mortgage on the Maryland property by claiming it was his primary residence as opposed to his secondary residence.

Gail Combs


You could probably calculate the amount of time he spends in Maryland/DC and in California.

Any bets it is LONGER in Maryland/DC???
It is from WIKI

114th Congress (2015-2017)

157 days

115th Congress (2017-2019)

193 days [longer in DC]

116th Congress (2019-2021)

193 days [longer in DC]

117th Congress (2021-2023)

172 days

On average, the number of days in session per year is around 164-165 days for the Senate and 149-150 days for the House of Representatives.

It’s worth noting that these numbers are based on the total number of calendar days in session, which may not necessarily reflect the number of actual working days or legislative days. Additionally, these numbers may vary depending on the specific session and year.

AI-generated answer.


How is this fair? Schiff has lots of faults but a failure to commute from California isn’t one of them IMO.

This notion of comparing D.C. days to CA days is embarrassing at best and flat out deceptive at worst. It distracts from the very serious sins Schiff has done.

Gail Combs

If he is living in Maryland in a HOUSE he owns (not renting) And he is claiming residence AND he is there more than he is in Californicate,

Then I think you have a case. (Note the ANDS)

We had that problem in NH decades ago. people used vacation homes to register to vote and voted in NH AND in MA. So it is a sensitive topic.


I was only talking about using the number of the days as a measurement of which residence is the primary residence. Most of this kind of confusion/fraud was rare when the law used domicile [one’s center or base] as a determination of legal residence primarily for determining which jurisdiction one was under. Obviously, this will determine which govt can tax a person, among other things.

A person can only have one domicile at a time, which made the answer to the question determinative of many other related questions.

Last edited 7 months ago by pgroup2
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

In any case, if you’re in the US Congress you HAVE to spend most of your time in DC and wherever it is you are staying.

If you don’t your constituents will complain you’re not doing your job, which is STUPID because part of your job is to go home and hear from your constituents. (How many times do people complain about the times Congress is in recess?)

Gail Combs

YUP! MORE time LISTENING and LESS TIME writing and passing nasty laws.

I would like to see FOUR years of nothing but REMOVING stupid laws and nasty regulations!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


I saw the text of a bill for “constitutional carry” that was proposed for Colorado.

Did it simply remove the text of the ban on concealed carry without a permit? No! It added MORE verbiage; basically saying a Colorado driver’s license was equivalent to a permit. (Meaning, of course that if you weren’t a Colorado resident, you wouldn’t have the “right” to concealed carry. This is why I don’t consider proposals like this to be constitutional carry because RKBA shouldn’t depend on your state of residence, hence my use of quotes.)


Yep. This is way out in the open, has been for years. What others things dont we know that he kept hidden?


Yours Truly has been saying for some time now that the COVID-19 virus is NOT “just another type of flu.” Yes, people can get infected by the COVID-19 virus itself and recover well — BUT, it’s now being discovered that this ENGINEERED BIOWEAPON VIRUS can “leave behind a mark.” The COVID-19 virus itself code is the BASIS of the modRNA / vector DNA COVID-19 “vaccines” (Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, Johnson&Johnson (discontinued in the US), AstraZeneca, etc.) —

The type of “mark” that the COVID-19 virus itself can leave behind, AND is also in the COVID-19 “vaccines”, is an element in the S2 spike protein that INHIBITS the mechanism of the body’s p53 “signal.” The p53 “signal” watches over the body’s DNA and CONTROLS the repair of breaks in the DNA (something that happens when cancer is contracted.) This represents an “equal-opportunity mark” — it can happen in “unvaccinated” persons who contract COVID-19 itself and recover, AND in those who are “vaccinated.”

Yours Truly will emphasize that there are many causes of cancer. HOWEVER, it is more important than ever that ALL persons vigilantly guard their health and their natural immune systems; reduce stress; exercise regularly; eat a good diet; take vitamins and supplements; take Ivermectin if needed; have a positive connection with whatever Higher Power or Supreme Being they believe in — and stay away from COVID-19 “vaccines.”
16 April 2024

The preprint paper that is cited in her article:
“SARS-CoV-2 spike protein S2 subunit inhibits p53 activation of p21 (WAF1), TRAIL Death Receptor DR5 and MDM2 proteins in cancer cells”
Shengliang Zhang, Wafik S. El-Deiry

Yours Truly: One downloads the PDF to access the entire paper. Scroll down the paper to “Figure 1 Part C.” This is a (actually, quite horrifying) image of COVID-19 virus S2 cells (in red on the image) latching themselves onto p53 cells (in green on the image.)
Yours Truly strongly recommends that interested people download and save this preprint paper — IMO, there’s a good chance that it can either be retracted, or re-issued with “new conclusions” to “reflect” what TPTB in “establishment medicine” (CDC / FDA), and/or “Big Pharma” want the public to see.

Last edited 7 months ago by PAVACA

Thank you for this information. I can access the study but get “page not found” from the link to her article.

Gail Combs

put the URL:

into Yandex.

And it comes right up.


They are now mucking with the method used to find articles when you use Google.

Brave also found the URL.


Gail Combs
Thank you. Yours Truly did a typo (added a word) to the URL to Dr. Rose’s article. I corrected it above in a reply to TheseTruths.


Mea culpa, Yours Truly will correct the Jessica Rose article URL:

Gail Combs

I put your comment and the Abstract of the Preprint on:

as two separate comments.


Very interesting, Pavaca. I had COVID in the very beginning – December 2019. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in August 2023. Could having COVID have something to do with that? It sounds like the answer is yes. Thankfully, it wasn’t a turbo cancer like so many are getting from the jabs.


Pavaca will have a better answer, but it is my considered opinion that any extreme stress on the body can suppress the immune system, which is our main protection from cancer. And Covid, before anyone knew what it was, was a rough illness. I had it the last week of November 2019, and I was sicker than I have ever been.

That’s why it’s so important to take good care of ourselves all the time. It’s why stress is said to kill, in my opinion.

Gail Combs

Yes it was a really nasty disease.

The Hong Kong flu (1968-9) was the first bad flu I had. There was an even worse one in 1982 where I do not even remember 3 days. (1982-1983: 26,171 deaths It is one of the top four flu epidemics but it is no longer listed)


Absolutely, extreme or chronic stress can, and does, disrupt and suppress the natural immune system. Add in a person who is already having extreme or chronic stress and then they either get COVID-19 or get a COVID-19 “vaccine”, and the situation can turn into a real mess.

Last edited 7 months ago by PAVACA
Gail Combs

That substack is a MUST READ!!!

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pat frederick

Elise Stefanik files an ethic complaint against Jack Smith
Stefanik filed with DOJ Office of Professional Responsibility an ethics complaint against Jack Smith
Click to access Jack-Smith-Complaint-to-USDOJ-OPR-0429.pdf

pat frederick

per Filly
Fox: Judge Merchan said today that Trump WILL be able to attend Baron’s graduation.

Valerie Curren

Great News!

Gail Combs

Mercan was very afraid of the BLOW BACK, if/when POTUS TRUMP went to the graduation without his blessing.


The same Judge Merchan that just FINED President Trump $9,000 for “breaking the gag order” that was Merchan imposed on him. Per


That’s going to push DJT into Chapter 13.


Ha, not really. It’s that Merchan trying to “keep Donald Trump under control.”

Gail Combs

Good luck with that!

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Valerie Curren



He got enough feedback to wake the fuck up, in my opinion.

Gail Combs


I do not think Mercan realized how POPULAR Trump is. Right now New Yorkers are REALLY fed-up and I think he was worried the city would blow up with him as one of the scalps taken.

He darn well KNOWS they have killed cops and threaten Justice Kavanaugh at His Home:

Armed suspect arrested near Justice Kavanaugh home, charged with attempted murder

Suspect Nicholas John Roske was carrying a gun and a knife, and admitted to intending to kill Justice Kavanaugh, authorities say

The video has on Judge Esther Salas whose son was killed and she talks of other Judges have been attacked/killed.


Verse of the Day for Tuesday, April 30, 2024

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” 

John 1:1 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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To whom do we go when we are troubled
When our challenges in life are doubled
We might go to a relative or a friend
Discuss the problem in full to no end

In reality what should we do instead
When problems arise rear their ugly head
We should pray and get into His Presence
We should seek and find His Holy Essence

Where does the Spirit of God reside
Purely in us if in Him we abide
Man can provide some comforting solace 
But God’s pristine provision is flawless

The Bible details promises fulfilled
It teaches us Our Father is strong-willed
It provides stories of the days gone by
Prophecies probabilities from on high

The Bible explains the what when and how
We learn quickly why we reap what we sow
We’re taught of His commands and His rules
Given instructions and the proper tools

With holy knowledge there can be no doubt
What God’s Word can do what it’s all about
There is one requirement for us to achieve
We must be holy and we must believe

Because we believe God bestows His love
His Army of Angels charged from above
His faithfulness and power open wide
And His Holy Spirit resides inside

D01: 07/23/2023

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you, Duchess!!! 😍

Also copied to the Poetry Tree, here:


Being more recent, I thought we might of had it, but we didn’t. Good catch boss! 😁


Thank you for these, and for your poem. Prayers ongoing for you here and at Marica’s blog. Be well.


Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible.God’s protection, healing.
#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday


Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday

Robert Baker

A final question to address is whether there was such a concept in the ancient world as orthodoxy. We can certainly identify an orthopraxy in the sense that rituals and incantations had to be performed with precision. But the polytheistic systems were open to gods being added ad infinitum. If a deity showed himself or herself to be influential in the affairs of a person or group, that deity would be acknowledged. The cosmos was full of spirit beings of power, and one wanted to make sure to cover all the bases. So, for instance, the Ninevites would have no skepticism about Jonah coming with a message of a God from far away who had designs against them. There was nothing improbable about that scenario, and they would not hesitate to try to appease this deity’s anger. In this system there are no false gods and therefore no false beliefs. “Dogmatism and intolerance toward the beliefs of others was alien to the ancient religions, since the complete absence of the concept of false faith or of any forms of heresy were typical of them.”
What may look to us like persecution or repression of the worship of one god or another results from the political alliances that are associated with the worship of deities. This issue does not concern false faith, but which god/s has supremacy. “The images of deities of enemies were not smashed but only carried away in order to deprive the enemies of the support of their gods. For the same reasons individuals who chanced to be in a foreign land paid their respects to the local gods of that land and tried to win their favor, while at the same time retaining fidelity to their traditional gods.”
The gods would not be jealous of attention paid to other gods as long as their own needs were being met and their position was not in jeopardy. Again, in this way the God of Israel was very different from any other deity, and the Israelites had quite a bit of trouble adjusting their thinking to the idea that Yahweh would not tolerate the open-ended system and that there were false gods and unacceptable beliefs. This was evident especially in the Judges period during which someone like Gideon could affirm allegiance to Yahweh and wonder why he has been distant even while his father maintained a Baal altar and Asherah pole (Judg. 6:25).

John H. Walton, Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament: Introducing the Conceptual World of the Hebrew Bible (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2006), 111–112.

I had always wondered why the Israelites had such difficulty remaining faithful to their God. The Israelites were surrounded by cultures that were totally alien to the monotheistic Jewish culture. It might be comparable to the Amish culture located inside the broader secular American culture.

It also helps me understand why the modern Church has such difficulty with faithfulness. Now I have a better understanding why Jesus commanded his disciples to come out of the world and be separate. Disciples are to be in the world but not of the world. Sometimes a preposition can be an important distinction for understanding the meaning of a sentence. There is no survival for the believer that keeps one foot in both worlds. It makes us weak, faithless, and carnal hypocrites.


Precisely. For the record, it would have been an easier task if foreign females weren’t so darn good looking.

Robert Baker

Well to be perfectly forthright it is usually our human proclivities that cause the greatest challenge.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Other things different about Mediterranean religions (other than Judaism and then Christianity) were: in general thee was no sacred text. And also the gods didn’t impose ethical commandments. They were interested solely in the worship.

pat frederick

look at this load of crap…
Far-left Rep. Jamaal Bowman told a reporter in a recent interview that he supports bringing refugees from Gaza to the US as well as amnesty for all the illegal immigrants in the country. 
The interview with a Yonkers Voice reporter took place last week and has since gone viral online with the well-known fire-alarm-pulling congressman.  

When asked by the reporter in the interview if he supports allowing refugees in Gaza to come to the United States, he stated that he “fully supports” the measure as well as “amnesty for the migrants who have been here for quite some time.” 
“We are a land of immigrants, and we are a land of asylum seekers,” he began in his answer. “Anyone escaping persecution and oppression and violence, the United States has always been the open home to those people, whether they come from Palestine, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Mexico, Haiti.” 
“They’re coming here to contribute to our economy, which 99.9 percent of them are. We’ve always been a place to open our doors to immigrants coming here. So fully support that. And also, fully support amnesty for the migrants who have been here for quite some time,” he added.  
During the interview, Bowman also claimed that America colonized Africa when he spoke about US foreign policy being rooted in “racism” as well as “imperialism.” He also advocated for reparations in the interview. 
Aside from becoming well-known for pulling a fire alarm to delay a congressional vote, Bowman has also recently been duped into asking a fake “Gaza rabbi” to host a fundraiser by a parody account that pokes fun at progressive views on the Israel-Hamas war.

Gail Combs

BARF! Send the idiot to GAZA to make a peace deal instead!


I thought they loved their ‘homeland” river to the sea and all.


Gosh… Everyone needs to hold on tight if 99.9% of the 10 to 15 million invaders are contributing to our economy because with that kind of power our economy is about to take off like a rocket ship! . 😮🙄🤔😏aimed at black hole. 😉😆

pat frederick

That’s so nice of Biden & cabal to give the illegals monthly money that a portion can be sent home…They can afford it, housing is taken care of, personal necessities taken care of, meals provided so it’s a win/win

It seems to be the perfect business of the regime that Nicaraguans leave en masse in search of freedom and then send remittances to their families,” Dávila said.

Nicaraguan economist Enrique Sáenz stressed that remittances “are serving as social policy” for the communist regime, as the increase in economic activity means that Ortega does not have to “lift a finger” in terms of wage and social policyI


Yes! Maybe they help with that chemo drug shortage…oh wait…we don’t produce things here much anymore. Bug farm workers? Lithium miners?.


We have known for a long time that the Left wants to bring in as many illegals as possible and to grant them amnesty and all the rights of citizens. Now they are openly admitting it. They must feel there is nothing to lose. We need to show them that’s not the case.


Is anybody surprised that an elite level donkey party member supports this crap?

pat frederick

fanni didn’t show up to debate because she didn’t want to answer difficult questions (said her opponent)
Smith said, “I worked in that office, and my salary was significantly less than what that attorney [Wade] was paid.” He also explained, “And I was responsible for handling a lot more cases than one.” Great point.
Smith also dinged her, saying he heard she might have gone to the White House Correspondents dinner and that she was fundraising, but where was she for Fulton County? 
Willis apparently doesn’t feel that she has to show up and can just blow off the debate. Instead, she was hosting a “Self Care Fair.” She likely knows she would have to face questions about her actions and she wouldn’t be able to answer them. She’s also facing multiple probes and investigations, so she likely can’t feel comfortable about putting answers on the record about multiple subjects.



If someone doesn’t restore law and order ASAP, they will appear to be cowards or complicit, or both. They are depriving people of their rights, and they are stealing, IMO. The students who paid for college are having it taken from them.


True and it’s also an attempt at marginalizing a specific group . It’s normalizing discrimination based on the assumption that if others won’t adopt the political view of the protesters they will be penalized, actually that isn’t it exactly, all students are being punished. The university administration is allowing it.


An interview with a hospital medical coder regarding the deaths in the hospital of persons who got COVID-19 “vaccinated.”

Last edited 7 months ago by PAVACA

Horrific. And the vaxes are still being recommended.

Gail Combs


“I didn’t know it was possible for a human to die so horrifically, so quickly, before they rolled out the mRNA injections…[For] days, patients would be seizing, and no medications would stop it, and eventually they…kinda had to be put down.”

A hospital medical coder who goes only by “Zoe” for this interview describes for Children’s Health Defense (@ChildrensHD) the horrors she witnessed following the rollout of the COVID injections. Among the unthinkable, and deadly, illnesses were things like encephalitis, gangrene of the spine, blood clots, strokes, and multiple system organ failure.

“I didn’t know it was possible for a human to die so horrifically, so quickly, before they rolled out the mRNA injections…It was insane, I’ve never seen anything like that. The worst of them, they called it sepsis, but it was like instant multi-organ failure. Like, within hours patients would die of liver, lung, kidney… failure [all at once]…” Zoe tells CHD. She adds that “Some of the records…[from the] emergency crew that found them [the injection victims], it’s like their body tried to reject everything and [in] some of these cases their family would be there 30 minutes before, and then within an hour they’re dead.”

Zoe notes that “there were patients coming in with seizures like I’d never seen before,” and that hospital staff “couldn’t control some of them.” The coder adds, “[For] days, patients would be seizing, and no medications would stop it, and eventually they…kinda had to be put down.”

“They called it encephalitis, or encephalopathy, and then later on, even the coding organization…[called it] COVID-19-associated encephalitis,” Zoe says.

“[T]he clots were insane,” the coder notes. “Never seen clots like that before—even the interventional radiologists that were going in with…scopes where they can do heart interventions and do stents [a stent is a tube usually constructed of a metallic alloy or a polymer] in carotid artery (if you have a stroke going to your brain), normally it’s rare to have more than one stent go in, and they were documenting…multiple locations all at once. They had heart attack cases that were like that where they needed massive amounts of stents that they never needed before.”

Zoe goes on to say that “There were people that were hiking in their 20s that were totally healthy, that had been running marathons, that suddenly needed a leg amputated because they had a massive blood clot going from their hip all the way down to their leg, and it couldn’t be saved.”

“There were some cases of overnight spinal gangrene, which I’d never seen before,” the coder adds. “And, you know, you can’t amputate the spine when it goes gangrenous. Normally they cut out tissue that’s dying like that so it prevents further infection and they didn’t know what to do. The only thing they could do was…basically replace that part of [their] spine with an implant, that’s the best they could do… It was really intense.”

As for doctors’ responses to these horrors, Zoe says, “[they] were baffled, they weren’t connecting the dots.” However, she adds that “Knowing what the potential symptoms of a vaccine injury could be, we 100% had all the things I just described.” Despite that knowledge, “doctors would never tell [patients] that. They would just say, ‘It’s a stroke. It’s a heart attack. It’s a blood clot.’ And then they would never connect the two.”

Gail Combs

One of the comments:

Apr 25
Replying to @SenseReceptor
Indeed, it was designed to increase mortality.
comment imageNot Op Cue
14 Oct 2023
Replying to @NotOpCue
💉 mRNA Nanotech Injections
☠️ Resulted In Excess Mortality
☑️ Now Verified

As of September 17, 2023 The Correlation “Research In The Public Interest” Report published “COVID-19 Vaccine-Associated Mortality In The Southern Hemisphere” authored by Denis G. Rancourt (@denisrancourt), Marine Baudin, Joseph Hickey (@josephmhickey) and Jérémie Mercier.

The concluding remarks from the 180 page report verified the causality of mRNA nanotech injections resulting in excess mortality. The 17 countries studied (Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Malaysia, New Zealand, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, Suriname, Thailand, Uruguay) comprise 9.10 % of worldwide population, 10.3 % of worldwide COVID-19 injections (vaccination rate of 1.91 injections per person, all ages).

The scientific tests for causality were amply satisfied, as extensively demonstrated in these sections of the paper:

💉☠️ COVID-19 vaccines can cause death
💉☠️ Absence of excess mortality until the COVID-19 vaccines are rolled out
💉☠️ The COVID-19 vaccines did not save lives and appear to be lethal toxic agents
💉☠️ Strong evidence for a causal association and vaccine lethal toxicity
💉☠️ Causality in excess mortality is amply demonstrated

↙️↙️Read & Share The Full Article↘️↘️

🔍 “The Adverse Effects of Experimental Messenger RNA (mRNA) “Vaccines” a.k.a. Injections For COVID-19″


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Valerie Curren

Your image at the end, running it through Gab

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Gail Combs
Valerie Curren

YW 🙂

Gail Combs

Another set of comments. It has a major baring on the brain chemistry I just discussed earlier.

Bloody Scandal@bloody_scandal

Replying to @SenseReceptor

It’s a pity that doctors and the authorities are refusing to listen to me because my information could’ve given some of these people a chance if they’d been prepared to treat what were likely to have been incredibly severe folate, B12 and other deficiencies caused by the toxic spike protein being made in vast amounts.

Bloody Scandal


Mar 16

Replying to @HerbsandDirt

I believe that a lot of people are actually living with hypoxia already caused by folate, B12 and iron deficiencies as a result of toxins such as mercury, etc. Toxins can include bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi, etc. It’s the inflammation they cause which ultimately leads to the folate and B12 deficiencies as a result of excessive demand for DNA synthesis and repair. Eventually they become iron deficient too because the liver can no longer maintain and repair itself.

I lived with undiagnosed and untreated hypoxia for decades caused by mercury poisoning from dental amalgam.

As the metabolism decreases, the already impaired ability to synthesise DNA and make red blood cells means it doesn’t take much to make a person like that severely ill.

I think that the RBC of such people probably look normal to a biomedical scientist under a microscope but they’re perhaps less than 10% larger or smaller impairing their ability to take up oxygen due to reduced surface area. If they also have microcytosis then many of their RBC are simply too small to carry oxygen properly at all and there’s a microcytic tail of these tiny cells which is typically ignored. This is also an area that doctors and scientists simply haven’t bothered to study along with the physics of the plumbing, I.e. vasculature and how it’s affected by macrocytic and microcytic RBC blocking capillaries, etc., starving vital tissues of oxygen.

I’ve actually figured out that doctors don’t understand the full/complete blood count and basic haematology properly at all, failing to diagnose and treat hypoxia and the deficiencies I mentioned altogether in millions of people. Haematology is a total shambles as is the rest of medicine as a result. Unfortunately, I don’t think it’s a coincidence: once they’ve made us hypoxic, we’re bound to be chronically ill for life and they’ve ensured that it’s never diagnosed or treated.

Bloody Scandal


2 May 2023

Replying to @bloody_scandal

UPDATE: Shocking, Shameful Negligence at the Heart of Modern Medicine Which May Be Killing You Draft v0.3…

Mar 16, 2024 · 2:33 AM UTC


James Lyons-Weiler


Apr 3

Replying to @bloody_scandal

Did you know aluminum hydroxide binds to transferrin, and dietary iron cannot make it into the bone marrow where it is incorporated into hemoglobin? @US_FDA know. Mitkus et al. cited in our study that determined the world’s first pediatric dose limit for aluminum in vaccine per body per day. All open-access, cited here too.…


Gail Combs
Thank you for this.

Yours Truly is going to say something here as an addition to the presentation she made on the board yesterday, regarding the capability of both the COVID-19 virus itself, and the COVID-19 “vaccines”, to cause prion diseases and other neurological conditions:

The dreadful people who created the COVID-19 virus itself, the dreadful people who developed the COVID-19 “vaccines”—understood that the one thing people value most about their bodies is the normal, healthy functioning of their brains.

The capability of the COVID-19 virus itself, along with the capability of the COVID-19 “vaccines”, to interfere with / destroy this normal, healthy functioning of the human brain, is, IMO, the most destructive element that could have been inserted into the virus and into the “vaccines.”
(via Dr. Joseph Mercola) was the genesis of the presentation.

Last edited 7 months ago by PAVACA
Gail Combs

If I recall correctly prion misfolding caused by Covid was discussed on this blog fairly early on.

Unfortunately Google has really mucked up the Google Advanced Search and it is now useless for looking for past comments.


Gail Combs
Thank you.
It seems that other search engines that used to be good, like Start Page, have gone downhill also.


Donald Trump granted an exclusive interview to Time magazine.

Here’s how it starts:

Donald Trump thinks he’s identified a crucial mistake of his first term: He was too nice.

…I bring up the many former Cabinet officials who refuse to endorse Trump this time. Some have publicly warned that he poses a danger to the Republic. Why should voters trust you, I ask, when some of the people who observed you most closely do not?

As always, Trump punches back, denigrating his former top advisers. But beneath the typical torrent of invective, there is a larger lesson he has taken away. “I let them quit because I have a heart. I don’t want to embarrass anybody,” Trump says. “I don’t think I’ll do that again. From now on, I’ll fire.” 

I haven’t read it all yet. It says it’s a 26-minute read. Here’s a graphic.

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pat frederick

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JUST IN: Texas AG Ken Paxton has arrived in Manhattan to support President Donald Trump in his trial. Paxton understands what it’s like to be under attack, as he fended off his own impeachment from RINOs in his state. It’s nice to see some republicans have courage!

Robert Baker

Anyone think that Paxton might be on the VP list?

Gail Combs

You beat me to it!

I really like Paxton. Maybe AG??


He would be great for AG. Texas would need a really good replacement.

Gail Combs

With luck Paxton has trained up his sucessor.

pat frederick

they either get $5,000 or $9,000 depending on whether or not they’re buying used or new. says nothing about how they’re supposed to get a home charger or pay for insurance, but Washington plans on EV cash giveaway to low income people


This might sound harsh, but this is a terrible idea. Some low income people are not equipped, financially or mentally, to handle some things. (In some cases, that’s why they are low income to begin with.) Some of them won’t have the time or the inclination to figure out how to use them properly. “Nice things” sometimes get trashed.

pat frederick

or they will abandon them wherever they stop and become a homeless person’s home

Gail Combs

They certainly are not going to spend 6 hours waiting for them to charge!


That’s called re-purposing.

Gail Combs

It does not sound ‘terrible’

I have noticed low income people are high on impulse and low on thinking long term.

They rather spend money on cigarettes, beer, a soda or at Micky Ds then THINK about how they can SAVE the money to improve their life.

I bring a small cooler with homemade tea or lemonade or water when I go to town to shop (or anywhere else.) My low income friend spends a buck fifty on a coke while shopping and then goes to a favorite restaurant on the way home and spends another $20 to $25 instead of going home to eat. Even when staying with me she would run out to get take-away.

I noticed this tendency to buy take-away all the time is VERY common in my neighbors. (Many of whom can not cook worth crap.)

For Hubby and I eating out, esp now is a seldom used TREAT not an every day occurance!


I”ve seen this same sort of thing.

Gail Combs

I think it is the defining difference between lower class and middle class. Some of these people actually have good jobs and they certainly have higher incomes than we do, but they waste it on food and toys. NEW muscle cars or trucks, ATVs….but they are stuck living in trailers. 🙄


I know someone who has worked with a low-income family for a couple of decades. In this case, there is a mindset that has to be overcome, and I think my friend has only been about 10% successful in that. It’s extremely difficult to get them to understand the basic principles you mentioned about money, let alone the bigger issues of housing, relationships/marriage/children, the importance of being able to get a good job, etc. It’s very difficult to overcome the examples they have before them and the community that they’re involved with.

Gail Combs

So very true!

We had a few kids from a low income family work for us for a while. I taught them to ride and other things like figuring out how many poles to buy and how much fence and such math problems.

They moved away, but some years later the eldest boy came by to thank us for changing his mindset and opening his mind to the possibility of a bright future. He was about to go to college to become a mechanic.

So the seeds CAN BE PLANTED, but chances are they will grow in the next generation.

pat frederick

and with food delivery–they don’t even have to go out to get it

Gail Combs

YUP! I see that too.


Let the street car b ques begin.

“Washingtonians really get it when it comes to electric vehicles,” Inslee said… they’re gonna get it alright..trouble

Last edited 7 months ago by mollypitcher5
pat frederick

maybe they best wait till winter–you know to keep warm


Well, I’m on SSI so I suppose that I’m in line for a Tesla.

pat frederick

Filly posted this and we were discussing the implications. Columbia banned the media from campus. i thought that was because they were caving to the students and didn’t want it publicized. She thought it was so the protestors would not be identified. (both seem true)
if Columbia caves and these pieces of crap do not get arrested, the media would still be grabbing their pictures and word would get out and the protestors’ demands that their actions not follow them would be shattered. Once they committed the acts of barricading themselves in a building–they are not longer protestors–they are occupiers and they should be dealt with swiftly. Columbia is setting the worst example possible.

Just The News: “Columbia University banned media access on its campus Tuesday as pro-Palestine protests continue.
“Media access to campus is suspended. Campus is accessible only to CUID-holders and essential personnel as a safety measure and that includes media,” read an announcement on the university website. The university also revealed that early Tuesday morning, “a group of protestors occupied Hamilton Hall on the Morningside campus of Columbia University.”
To protect the safety of the community during the “protest activity,” the university said it has asked students and faculty to “avoid coming to the Morningside campus to do so; essential personnel should report to work according to university policy.”
The university also said that “access to campus has been limited to students residing in residential buildings on campus and employees who provide essential services to campus buildings, labs, and residential student life.”
Columbia University administers the Pulitzer Prize for journalism and houses the Global Free Expression Center.”

Last edited 7 months ago by patfrederick

Terrible reponse. They have a responsibility to their students and faculty to have a safe environment and to hold classes.

Gail Combs

HOWEVER there are always DRONES and students with cell phones. LOTS of vids will be posted to TikTok and Twatter.

pat frederick

i sincerely hope so…hoping OMG infiltrates and gets a scoop

Gail Combs



They’re the ones that can’t exist without 24/7 validation via social media. Taking away media will cause them distress. How will the infidels truly comprehend their grand sacrifice? let them molder inside making demands…yawn

Gail Combs

That is why I think there will be lots of videos.

pat frederick

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Gail Combs

Summer of Love 2.0

There was also the riots over the ‘white’ Hispanic, of Black Peruvian descent, George Zimmerman killing of  Trayvon Martin (Feb 2012) (Incumbent Democratic President Barack Obama’s 2012, reelection bid)

And the cop shooting Mike Brown (Aug 2014)

The Tea Party had shown up in 2010 so OH!Bummer needed to stir up race rage to get the Blacks to vote DemonRat in 2012 and 2014.


I wouldn’t say there was nothing in 2016 … or 2017 …etc


Got my new bumper sticker today…
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pat frederick

love it!


Me too..It doesn’t have the ultra triggering word ‘Trump’ on it..makes people have to figure it out.


This is a transcript of Trump’s interview with Time that skips the journalistic write-up.

pat frederick


Protesters occupying Hamilton Hall will face expulsion, University spokesperson says

Student protesters occupying Hamilton Hall will face expulsion, University spokesperson Ben Chang wrote in a Tuesday press release.

“Protesters have chosen to escalate to an untenable situation – vandalizing property, breaking doors and windows, and blockading entrances – and we are following through with the consequences we outlined yesterday,” Chang wrote.

Dozens of protesters have occupied Hamilton Hall—which they renamed “Hind’s Hall,” in honor of Hind Rajab, a six-year-old Palestinian child killed by the Israeli military—since 12:30 a.m. on Tuesday. Upon entry, protesters sealed the building within five minutes, barricading entrances with wooden tables, chairs, and zip ties.

“We regret that protesters have chosen to escalate the situation through their actions,” Chang wrote. “Our top priority is restoring safety and order on our campus.”

Chang also stated that students who remain in the “Gaza Solidarity Encampment” will face interim suspensions. Columbia began suspending students involved in the encampment on Monday, according to a University spokesperson. Suspended students do not have access to any University properties, including academic buildings and residence halls, and may not complete the semester nor graduate.

“As we said yesterday, disruptions on campus have created a threatening environment for many of our Jewish students and faculty and a noisy distraction that interferes with teaching, learning, and preparing for final exams, and contributes to a hostile environment in violation of Title VI,” Chang wrote.

The disciplinary action comes against the backdrop of the University’s ongoing Commencement preparations, as staff continues to set up bleachers on Low Plaza and tents on the lawns across south campus.

Columbia University Apartheid Divest identified the protesters occupying Hamilton Hall as an “autonomous group” in a Tuesday 2:07 a.m. press release posted on X.

In a Monday substack post, CUAD reaffirmed their demands for Columbia: divestment from companies with ties to Israel, financial transparency on direct and indirect holdings, and amnesty for all disciplined pro-Palestinian students.

I wonder how many of those protesters are really students. If the university is suspending them, surely they would know if some of them don’t attend school there.

So the protesters want the university to take a side. I would think corporations and small businesses would be next.

pat frederick

i have demands…AND you must grant me amnesty as well…
what a bunch of entitled pissants!


Demands, demands and more demands..everybody has demands

Group leaders say they won’t leave until more money is provided for better living conditions. Sure sounds like extortion.  
The usual far-left activists were there to help orchestrate this massive move. Old friend Rosario Lopez Hernandez spotted me right away and chased me out of the encampment with a cardboard box. She’s facing charges for disrupting a Seattle council meeting in February.  
Councilmember Joy Hollingsworth and Mayor Bruce Harrell say there are no more city resources and state funds won’t be available for a few more months.  
So now what? I’m staying on top of this with 

Last edited 7 months ago by mollypitcher5
pat frederick

Jonathan Choe


ABSOLUTE MADNESS: Monday evening, more than a hundred migrants invaded Seattle’s Central District and took over Powell Barnett Park, a popular play area for kids and dogs. There are now more than 30 tents set up on a grassy area and wooden pallets are scattered everywhere. Group leaders say they won’t leave until more money is provided for better living conditions. Sure sounds like extortion. The usual far-left activists were there to help orchestrate this massive move. Old friend Rosario Lopez Hernandez spotted me right away and chased me out of the encampment with a cardboard box. She’s facing charges for disrupting a Seattle council meeting in February. Councilmember Joy Hollingsworth and Mayor Bruce Harrell say there are no more city resources and state funds won’t be available for a few more months. So now what? I’m staying on top of this with


This is all just getting started. We’re in for a “summer of love” and an autumn of chaos. I know the Dems will just cheat in the election, but I don’t see how this helps them.

Gail Combs

I was looking at the population numbers a while back and figured this would happen.


Muslims projected to bypass Jews as… — RT USA News

“Since then, the Muslim population has continued to grow at a rate of roughly 100,000 per year, driven both by higher fertility rates among Muslim Americans as well as the continued migration of Muslims to the US,” the polling organization said.

That will not open for me so here is another…


This was BEFORE the wholesale import of muslims.

The United States has begun to experience a demographic shift that has been taking the rest of the developed world by storm: the surge in Muslim populations through both immigration and procreation. 

Recent studies from Pew Research Center’s Fact Tank put the number of Muslims in the US at 3.35 million, which accounts for roughly 1% of the total population. 

Bolstered by increased immigration from conflict zones, such as Iraq, Pakistan, Iran, Bangladesh and Syria, but primarily due to substantially higher fertility rates in Muslim communities, the Muslim population is projected to increase from 1.5% to 2.1% of the US population by the year 2050. 

For comparison’s sake, the current Jewish religious community represents approximately 1.8% of the total US population and is the second largest religious population after Christians.

At the current growth rate, there will be more Muslims living in the United States than Jews by the year 2050, both in raw numbers and as a percentage of the total population. Of the 3.35 million Muslims currently living in the US, a staggering 58% were migrants who bring with them the cultural values of their home countries.

Communists and Muslims: the years of


The contradictory nature of the Muslim-Communist alliance of the 1920s has often been stressed and many authors claim the two systems of belief were fundamentally incompatible. There was always a strong faction of militant atheists in the communist camp; and on the Muslim side there were many people who rejected anything that cast doubt on the teachings of Islam, and more generally anything that undermined their traditional institutions and way of life.

This incompatibility, or this tension between contrasting views of the world, always put a great degree of strain on the alliance, and there have been periods when alliance was replaced by mutual hostility. This was particularly true at the height of the Stalin era. But we should not underestimate the points of contact between the two systems of ideas. Neither Islam nor Communism can be seen as fixed and unchanging entities. Both have meant different things at different times. Despite all these deep differences and hostility, wherever in the Muslim world there has been resistance to oppression, communist groups and parties have tried to form alliances with the more dominant religious factions, sometimes successfully, and fought side by side with them, where they have been allowed to do so.


So sorry. didn’t see that you caught this one already!

pat frederick

no need to apologize!

it bears repeating.

entitled pissants…whether they’re college kids or illegals—they think they’re entitled to everything


I can’t even imagine this happening in my backyard. There’s no fences between the gutter trash and the homes. These marxist/socialist lessons are hard…you work for the piece of the dream and then a ghetto springs up behind your house!!


What’s up with the pallets?

Gail Combs

Used to keep stuff out of the wet grass?

Used to move equipment and food into the park?

Source of building material and fire wood (They are made of red oak)?

Gail Combs

Coming out:

TIME OF DECEIT (Full Documentary) (1 hr 30)

Produced by Jon Herold of Badlands Media and Adam Riva of Dauntless Dialogue, Time of Deceit dials into the lesser known history of the mainstream media and its unholy marriage with the U.S. Security State and Intelligence Community. The legacy media institutions can accurately be described as the propaganda arms of the State, and we bring the receipts.

This is supposed to be a film you can give to you Normie friends.

Adam Riva is an author, documentary filmmaker, and founder of Dauntless Dialogue, a subscription streaming service that publishes original documentaries and series with a focus on analyzing conspiracies, corruption, coverups, and suppressed truths.

Adam is the creator of several viral films including the 5-part Devolved series, COVENOM-19, and Suicided.

In 2022, General Michael Flynn endorsed Suicided as “another impactful, powerful and epic film,” and he asserted, “This film will go down in history as one of the most important in human history. Must see.”

Dauntless Dialogue is a burgeoning platform striving to expose the roots of evil in a palatable way while instilling its audience with hope and inspiration in the fight for truth and freedom.

pat frederick

i had no idea they were tracking them

comment image


My question is Who is Tony Seruga, and how does he know that? I hope it’s true, but no one else has said anything. This is explosive news that should give all protesters and illegal border crossers pause.

Gail Combs

Oct. 31, 2023  Gateway Pundit:

39-Year Intel Analyst: ‘There WILL Be Multiple Terrorist Attacks in the U.S. Over the Next 14 Months’

An entrepreneur from California who works in the field of geotracking, geolocation, and intel analysis is warning that over the next 14 months the U.S. will suffer a wave of terrorism on our own soil.

Tony Seruga, who claims to have been an intel analyst for 39 years, jumped to his X account on Tuesday to warn that we are on the eve of wave after wave of terror attacks on our homeland. Seruga is not alone, of course.

According to his LinkedIn page, Seruga, who describes himself as a “hardcore serial entrepreneur who built or sold over 600 businesses,” said that he has performed intel services as a private individual for many governments and federal agencies….

“I’m a 39 year intelligence analyst,” he said, “I and my team’s clients include the United States Government, British Government, Israeli Government, Saudi Arabia Government, NEOM, Microsoft, Dell Computers, GE, IBM, General Motors Corporation, The Scott Fetzer Corporation, Managing Dutch East India Company Archives for UNESCO, Procter & Gamble, Raytheon, Mastercard, Walmart, Northrop Grumman, Berkshire Hathaway, General Dynamics, BAE Systems, Standard Oil aka ExxonMobil, Saudi Aramco, et al.”




This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

AND from the comments…

6 months ago

” Managing Dutch East India Company Archives for UNESCO..”

Looks like he recently modified his credentials.

The last post I saw of his he just stated that he worked for the “Dutch East India Company.”

Nothing about working for UNESCO .

The Dutch East India Company was dissolved in 1799

I am calling B.S. on this guy., and so did other people, to his face, who saw his original post

This has copies of the original Twatter post and people calling BS


Well, … as far as Dutch East India goes, he might just age well.

Or maybe Dutch East India is still around, now known by its initials.


Prove me wrong.  😂 

Gail Combs

Actually if you believe Matt and Ghost, The British East India company is now around as MI6! (And CIA/Chiquita Banana)

Chiquita bananas, CIA funded coups, and Colombian hit squads. 

The Chiquita banana company (formally known as United Fruit Company) has a dark history of oppression and violence that would make even the drug cartels proud.

Who Rules the World? (Part 1) EXPOSE NEWS

In a two-part presentation for the International Crimes Investigative Committee (“ICIC”), Matthew Ehret, a journalist, lecturer and founder of the Canadian Patriot Review, spoke to Dr. Reiner Fuellmich about the structure of modern oligarchism by going back to the geopolitically relevant beginnings of a globally ruling conglomerate that has infiltrated all socio-political structures over centuries up to the present day and revealed its full power in the so-called “Corona Pandemic.”




“We have been living under a system of oligarchism of these hereditary powers for a long time. The centre of world government was localised, primarily, in the City of London. The City of London, just like today, was back in 1776 the world global financial nerve centre,” Ehret said. “The British East India Company, after having merged with the Dutch East India Company, was the first multinational corporation with its own private mercenary force integrated deeply with the British Parliament … coordinated by British intelligence [and] the British Foreign Office.”

King Charles III has walked in his father’s footsteps as the President of the British World Wildlife Fund for Nature, has expressed the Malthusian idea that the human population isn’t qualitatively different from the animals as far as population limits are concerned and admires people like notorious paedophile Jimmy Saville, who was one of his mentors and a close friend of his father Prince Philip.

Prince Philip was trained in a Nazi-managed programme in high school. His four sisters went on to marry Nazi SS officers. Together with Julian Huxley and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, Prince Philip founded the World Wildlife Fund for Nature. The idea of this organisation was to shift the moral values of society away from intrinsic human values, which had caused previous attempts at a new world order to fail, and change societies’ values to “save nature from humans.” ..

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Dutch East Indiana Jones.


Thank you! If it seems too good to be true, and is sticking out like a sore thumb…

comment image

Gail Combs

Thanks for the Prod to look into him.

Anyone who CLAIMS to work for  UNESCO ain’t MAGA!

Barb Meier

Tony’s bio at X. He has a blue checkmark.

Tony Seruga
Investor | Board Member | Big Data Pioneer | Intel Ops | CIA/NSA Contractor/Whistleblower | CRE | Philanthropist | Healthcare M&A @

Newport Coast, CA July 2009
13.4K Following

Last edited 7 months ago by Barb Meier
Barb Meier

Tony’s pinned tweet. Archiving IP addresses seems weird to me since they change over time and also when I access via wifi, my location data is inaccurate.

My partners and I have been lifetime data scientists. We own the digital ID of every mobile device/computer in the U.S. and have indexed and archived every IP address in the world. Our extensive experience in big and deep data, including geotracking and geolocation makes our dozens of data companies the top authority for providing data to corporations, law enforcement and U.S. government agencies like the CIA, NSA, DoD, DIA, NGA, NRO, FBI, as well as Interpol and foreign intelligence organizations.

There are a number of videos documenting these ghost buses as well as a number of mostly nondescript DOJ vans that dropped off ninja wearing individuals that appear in other videos to have breached the Capitol cutting fencing, removing barricades, opening doors, and other nefarious behaviors.

We also tracked the infamous J6 ‘pipe bomber’ from one of these vans. Later, we eventually tracked them to a Virginia Metro station where a perfect capture of their vehicle license plate was made.

The FBI has ALL of this information. Shortly after they were alerted, however, AT&T mysteriously ‘accidentally’ corrupted that and only that particular cell phone user’s data.

Additionally, their mobile device was used hundreds of times before and after J6 accessing keycard required DOJ/FBI parking garages and buildings.


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It always amazes me that no one in the press corpse has a booming voice that projects so loudly that everyone in Brandon’s entourage would be startled enough to look over.

I can do that, and if I can do it, then lots of people can.

I shouted so loudly at someone nearby once that he fell over. It sort of erupts from deep in the chest, it comes out almost like a bark.

Once at a 4th of July party, with about a hundred people, I had my niece on my shoulders, and my 4 or 5 year old nephew was running around in the dark. There was a highway about 30 feet from where we were standing, and I was keeping an eye him.

He was looking at the ground while running in ever larger circles, and I could see he was about to run onto the highway.

I shouted his name so loud that my niece screamed, and everybody there froze and looked at me.

My nephew froze too, a few feet from the highway, where cars were speeding by. I used my normal voice to tell him to come back toward the group, and everybody went back to enjoying the fireworks display.

Nobody in the press has a voice like that. It’s all girls with that high whiny voice, or girly bois with a high whiny voice.

If I shouted at that *&^%ing traitor bastard Brandon from the press pool, he’d hear me, and so would the rest of the clowns in his entourage.

So why don’t they have anybody who can do that?

Last edited 7 months ago by scott467
Gail Combs

As Hubby just remarked today, high pitched noise does not carry as far as low tones like a drum.

He was going nutz trying to figure out who was running machinery nearby…. It was LOCUST.😂 I can hear their high pitched whine in here, they are that loud.


Elephants ‘talk’ with sounds lower than we can hear, up to 20 miles away.


You should ask the Trump campaign if it needs a drill sergeant.


Press corpse…lol good one


Wow, you saved your nephew’s life.


I guess so, I never really thought about it that way. It all happened very fast, from noticing where he was, and where he was heading, and the shout that came out of me.

The year before (or after, I’m not sure now), he had jumped into the driver seat of my sister’s Chevy Tahoe and started playing with the steering wheel.

The Tahoe wasn’t running, it had a dead battery. It was at the end of my Mom’s driveway, where there is a little curb and a chain link fence that spans the width of the driveway, a few inches behind the curb. The driveway slopes slightly downward at the back of the driveway, where the Tahoe was parked. There is a woods on the other side of the fence, the fence is on top of a stone wall, and the ground on the other side of the fence is about 4 feet down.

My sister was standing between the hood of the truck and the chain link fence, on the passenger side, about to open the hood.

My nephew managed to shift the truck out of park and into neutral, and the Tahoe rolled forward, pinning my sister between the fence and the truck, and the fence bowed outward from the weight.

I had been standing in front of the truck too, on the driver’s side, next to my sister, just a moment before.

It was one of those rare ‘mad minutes’, where everything seems to slow down. You have to move, you have to act, but you also have to do the right thing, because if you do the wrong thing, there might not be enough time to fix it.

It’s hard to think clearly in that moment. It’s like there is a sudden panic, but it’s walled off, you can’t focus on it, almost like you couldn’t focus on it even if you wanted to, you just know it’s there. Like it’s not part of you, even though it is.

I tried to move the Tahoe, but I couldn’t. I yanked my nephew out of the driver’s seat, and of course he’s wailing by that point because he knows something really bad is happening.

I put the truck in park (mistake), and then immediately put it back in neutral, got out and ran around to the passenger side. The front tires were against the low curb, so it probably wasn’t going to break through the fence and down into the woods, but my sister was pinned, with a really scared look on her face, and she couldn’t really say anything, I don’t think she could breathe.

I didn’t know what to do besides try to push the truck backward, up the slope of the driveway. I couldn’t move it. I braced my foot against the curb and pushed, with my arms low around the bumper area and my upper body / shoulder against the truck, but it wouldn’t budge. I was too upright, there wasn’t enough room to get low and get leverage.

I could rock it a little, but I was afraid that if I rocked it back, it would be worse for my sister when it rocked forward, or worse, it might roll over the low curb and through the fence, and take her with it.

I pushed again, and then it moved. Only a few inches, but it was enough for my sister to squeeze past me, climbing over my legs behind me, while I pushed against the Tahoe.

And then time suddenly resumed normal speed again.

Haven’t thought about that in a while, it was about 15 years ago!

Valerie Curren

Wow that’s intense!


Apparently my nephew gets in a lot of sticky situations 😂

Valerie Curren

Well he Is Male, after all LOL


True! 😂


I think it was a 1999 Chevy Tahoe. I just looked it up, and the 1999 Tahoe has a curb weight of 4,524 lbs. to 5,280 lbs.

On flat ground, with the truck in neutral, with normal air pressure in the tires, it shouldn’t have been too hard to push and roll it a little, but this was on a slope, and I couldn’t get in front of it. I was pushing from the passenger side front corner, and with the fence right behind me, I didn’t have enough room to lean forward much, to get my body more horizontal, so I could use my legs more.

Not sure how I was able to move it even a little, under the circumstances.

I have pushed my Grandma’s 1975 Caprice Classic convertible a few times in that same driveway, and it was a beast, it took 3 of us to push it on the flat part of that same driveway, with my niece at the steering wheel. I remember saying “Are you sure it’s not in park?” 😂

But it was on tires that were very low on air, after sitting in the garage, undriven, for several years.

The Caprice Classic has a curb weight of 4,484 lbs. so roughly equivalent.

Valerie Curren

Perhaps God gave you that burst of adrenalin-based super strength to save your sister! I’ve occasionally pushed a car myself but either down an incline or after having it go down a driveway on an incline then forward on a flat street, It’s definitely not easy just on the flat!


I pushed my 1980 Toyota Celica by myself lots of times, I could push that car from the side, with the driver door open, pushing against the ‘A pillar’ (the part of the body/frame between the driver door window and the windshield) so I could turn the steering wheel while I pushed, and then jump in to hit the brakes when I needed to.

The curb weight on the Celica is 2,238 lbs., at least for the European version. They didn’t have the U.S. version listed at that website yet, but it should be about the same.

Last edited 7 months ago by scott467
Valerie Curren

I’ve done similarly w/ my old Ford EXP too which was a pretty small car 🙂


Get this man a press pass!

Gail Combs

Actually I think it is a good small Business ECON 101. It is easy to understand, has solid facts and something you can show a normie.

business networking platform Alignable found that 43% of small business renters in the U.S. were unable to pay their rent in full and on time in the month of April. Such a high delinquency rate hasn’t been reported in the U.S. since March 2021, at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, when it reached 49%. The delinquency rate was also 4% higher than in March, making it the largest month-over-month surge in over a year.

So this is showing the problem did not go away after the lockdowns ceased. AND it is getting WORSE.

The top three business sectors experiencing the worst rent problems are restaurants, science and technology, and beauty salons…

 …I realized the restaurant is no longer in business…

This was a real slap in the face for me. A real-world reminder of how bad things really are for small businesses, restaurants in particular. I’ve probably eaten at this restaurant a dozen times since it reopened after the Covid lockdowns a few years ago. There always seemed to be a decent number of customers, even more recently, yet they are now closed.

To me this is a sign that it is now too expensive to run a restaurant, or a small business for that matter, and here’s the rub. If you raise the prices at your restaurant too much, people will stop eating there, if you don’t raise the prices enough, you won’t be able to make ends meet. Caught between a rock and a hard place. It’s kind of like DEI, if you don’t adhere to the woke craziness, the major investment firms like BlackRock and Vanguard will jettison you from their investment portfolios. If you do adhere, many of your customers will stop buying your product or service. Either way, you lose.

Something people tend to not understand is that 99.9% of American companies or businesses are small business. 0.1% of American companies are publicly traded companies, which mean they are a part of the stock market. When the average person sees that the stock market is doing ok, they assume the economy is fine. It’s not…..

And for me the GOLD:

…For Amazon, Walmart, Target and Costco it was business as usual. In fact, they were able to gain a larger market share due to small businesses never recovering and closing down permanently.

This was not an accident. This was completely intentional. …


Well, as mentioned before, Marx did make it a center piece of Das Capital.
The final piece before Shangri-La. Where the govt & select business chosen to survive set up their gauntlet that they run us all through at end to strip all of us of the last of our liberties. 😮 I still don’t think it’s going to work, but here we are…😏🙄



Have you noticed the same green tents & printed signs at these Hamas encampments?

We figured out why

These occupations are being coordinated by the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR)

Funded by George Soros

Paying agitators $2,400+

@its_gabbygabs exposes the $ trail

Gail Combs

Notice how FAST the Anons exposed this schiff.


They do appear to be fast.
comment image

Gail Combs




We love the 4chan autistics. Ever since they found that flag.

Gail Combs

  :wpds_wink:  They really are great.



Yours Truly just came across a blog post from Dr. Sherri Tenpenny (below), in which a link to a paper from December 2020 led me to THIS paper (cited below), which, if one is reading it correctly, proves that BOTH the S1 AND the S2 spike proteins in the COVID-19 virus itself cross the human Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB) and destabilize this barrier to induce inflammation in the brain.

Dr. Tenpenny’s substack article:
“Neuroinflammation: Connecting the Dots”
13 April 2024

The paper linked in her article, published December 2020 (just after the FDA gave the initial EUA to the Pfizer-bioNTech COVID-19 “vaccine” BNT162b2, but BEFORE this “vaccine” was in widespread use):
“The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein alters barrier function in 2D static and 3D microfluidic in-vitro models of the human blood-brain barrier”
Servio H. Ramirez, et al.
Yours Truly: Section 3.3 SARS-CoV-2 spike protein induces loss of the BBB integrity in the paper is a good place to start reading, then continuing to the end of the paper. The included images and charts are also good reference points.

The dreadful people who developed the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus itself (also called Wuhan Hu1) inserted elements into this virus that would cross the human blood-brain barrier and create inflammation in the brain via degrading the endothelium. The elements of the virus itself are the foundation of the COVID-19 “vaccines.”

Last edited 7 months ago by PAVACA

Worse than Mengele . Wicked people

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you! This is a very good article, which came out early in 2020. Here is the resolved URL…..

The bottom line is that this work implicates the two separated spike protein fragments (S1 and S2, one of which is created by the “vaccines”) as dangerous b/c of their nasty effects on the blood-brain barrier due to attack on the endothelium.

One might think that this finding would have earned censorship of the article, but IMO “they” (the evil Bill Gates powers-that-be) found it more useful for hyping the danger of the virus (meaning “we need the vaccine”) than dangerous to their agenda by implying that the “vaccines” might not be safe.

Bottom line – this work shows that the spike protein is clearly “brain-unsafe”, and that the whole approach of the vaccines was highly questionable, in the way that Dr. Robert Malone was concerned, that the spike protein itself was too pathogenic to be safely used as an immunogen.

Gail Combs

I am still moving these types of comments over to The Deagel Report: US Population Reduction of 68.5% by 2025 so they are all captured in one place.


Gail Combs
Thank you.

Gail Combs

No worries, I just want to make sure we all have a one stop reference for all this good info.


Wolf Moon
Thank you.
Yours Truly knows something about what happens when the BBB is crossed. The experience was horrendous. The IV antibiotic my late husband was on to fight a terrible UTI he had crossed the BBB. He went into “induced dementia” that lasted for six weeks. It was Hell on Earth for both of us and his other caregivers. He passed away a few months after the dementia resolved.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

So sorry to hear that! OMG.

Gail Combs

I think that is the Paper I remember. I certainly remember Dr Tenpenny and the Cabal’s attempts to destroy her reputation.

See Wolfie’s

Truth Social and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny – a Lesson in Dealing with “Disinformation”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gail Combs

JUST IN: Jewish girl at UCLA sent to the ER after being beaten unconscious by pro-Palestine protesters.

The incident reportedly happened at Dickerson Plaza.

According to ‘ThatKoreanJew’ on IG who is a medical student at UCLA, the girl was surrounded by 5 people.

She suffered a concussion and was unable to recognize her family when she initially woke up.

Thankfully she is in stable condition now.

Source: ThatKoreanJew on IG


I hope they find out who is responsible and hold them accountable.


Well the top 10 or 20 schools are pretty much done, amirite?

Gail Combs

No real loss at this point. They were already rotted to the core.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The radical left has had philosophical control of those schools for 50 years now. Even the “lesser” schools are not safe from the rot.

Gail Combs

….The raid comes after Columbia leaders asked NYPD to come to the campus and make arrests following an escalation in the protester’s tactics.

An encampment first sprung up on April 17 after the university’s president Minouche Shafik was hauled before Congress to address anti-Semitism on campus. 

Video from the college showed hundreds of cops in riot gear leading people away in zip-tied handcuffs. Student radio reported at least 20 people were arrested at Hamilton Hall.

Around 9pm, the cops stormed the university as the crowd chanted and yelled at them, some confronted the officers and pushed barricades to try and block their path.


In one video I saw, the crowd repeatedly yelled “shame” at the officers when they showed up, and then they were shouting about Palestine and “from the river to the sea.”

It’s all so foreign and useless to me. Just live your life here in what is still the greatest country on earth and let the Middle East sort itself out. I understand that some of the protesters probably have skin in the game, but I suspect it’s a very small number.

Of course all these riots are not organic. I think more people can see it this time than with BLM, before.

Gail Combs

ESPECIALLY when the BLM leaders took all the money donated and bought mansions etc.


Exactly..who really identifies with these people? Paid agitators and some gullible students who are probably going home soon
Unless the US Soros faction has the money to pay blacks to join forces the protest size will diminish. The universities are going to trash their reputations if they allow it to continue.
If the protests move to cities in the usual antifa pattern they can cause problems but they usually operate in already burnt out blue cap cities anyway


Ugh..just remembered the millions of invaders. Time for them to make some serious money marauding, looting ,tearing things up.

Gail Combs

Bur this time the Blacks in the ‘hood’ are going to be fighting them.


Auntyfa plus dumb rich kids results in this garbage.

Gail Combs

Do not forget the imported MUSLIMES.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Not organic. They were, however, “seeded” to fertile ground.

The “kids” have been trained in our wonderful “pubic” schools that they need to be activists – and – WEIRDLY BUT OH-SO PREDICTABLY – it was the ADL that insisted on it.

But my point is that the kids have a deep meta that they need to be activists for an unstated “cause du jour” which will be provided as needed by the media to make them “good people”. They are trained to adopt whatever group tactics for such activists are promoted in the media – which in this case began with tearing down hostage posters.

“The kids” are not really deeply antisemitic, IMO. They are like most 1930s-era German youth under Nazism – they are TRAINED to believe that doing, saying, or believing certain things makes them “good”. They parrot stupid but cunning ideas that we KNOW will lead to genocide against Jews. “From the river to the see” implies the wiping out of Israel and Jews there – either by death or expulsion – and we remember how Hitler carried out the same.

Yet “the kids” ignore – with gusto – the consequences of what they advocate. They “pretend not to know”.

Palestinianism is fundamentally a rejection of the existence of Israel. It is, at its core, about a 1-state outcome – with the destruction of Israel being a necessity for that other “1 state” to exist.

A “free” Palestine can only exist on the graves or abandoned homes of all Jews who live anywhere in the Levant now.


In case you missed it cause ya really had to hunt for it…

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Terry Clark Hughes Jr. Is Suspect in Deaths of 4 Officers in Charlotte, Police Say

Charlotte Shooter Identified as 39-Yr-Old Terry Clark Hughes, Jr. – 4 Law Enforcement Dead, 8 Shot – Two Females Arrested from House Including 17-yr-Old – Police Report Second Shooter Jim Hoft Apr. 30, 2024 8:15 am 672 Comments

Gail Combs

Some how I do not think that guy is an American or if he is, he is first generation.

Daily Mail PICTURED: Firearms felon Terry Clark Hughes who shot at Charlotte cops as they came to arrest him setting off gun fight that left 4 officers dead and 4 more wounded

  • Terry Clark Hughes, 39, was wanted for possession of a firearm by felon, and felony flee to elude out of Lincoln County
  • He was shot dead on April 29 during the deadly gunfight

…The suspect had a lengthy criminal history and was wanted for possession of a firearm by felon, and felony flee to elude out of Lincoln County, before he was shot dead on Monday, according to Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police.

But Hughes was not the only shooter, CMPD Police Chief Johnny Jennings said in a news conference.

‘When [officers] approached Hughes they were met by gunfire and returned the gunfire, striking Hughes, who was found deceased in a yard’, Jennings said.

Officers then received ‘additional gunfire’ from within the residence, but it is not yet clear whose bullets struck which officers, and how many cops were hit overall.

The identity of the second shooter also remains unclear as Charlotte cops continue their investigation into the horror gun fight, but they have stated that a woman and a teen, 17, who were found in the home following the shootout are being questioned….

WSOC-TV showed from a helicopter the incredible scene that showed an armored vehicle driving through yards and knocked over recycling bins before officers removed a person with blood on their shirt who was then loaded into an ambulance.

After the home was cleared, the station’s helicopter pilot said he couldn’t show the front lawn of the home because the scene was too disturbing.

He picked the WRONG town

…The Carolinas Regional Fugitive Task Force is headquartered in Charlotte with 70 federal, state and local agencies. 

Fugitive task forces are collaborations between agencies to find and arrest suspects in crimes.

In six years, the regional task force has apprehend more than 8,900 fugitives, the US Marshals Service said on its website….


Suspect ID’d after 4 law-enforcement officers… –

Police said Terry Clark Hughes Jr., 39, had faced 49 criminal charges since 2001 and was convicted of crimes in many parts of North Carolina, The Charlotte Observer reported Tuesday.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This dude should NEVER have been out of prison. So it’s looking like even the Carolinas are now falling into NEW YORK STYLE “let them out of jail” bullshit.

Gail Combs

We got a Soros governor — COOPER he was the AG before that. With luck he gets booted by his Lt Gov. Mark Robinson

He talks about UNC is booting DEI

This is our beloved Lt Gov. Mark Robinson. He is the one who gave the fiery pro-2hd amendment speech in Greensboro a few years back.

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Last edited 7 months ago by Gail Combs

I’m… shocked.



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How about burn it to the ground?

Gail Combs

AND salt the earth afterwards…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“FIB” has clearly been taken over by leftist shit-heads and/or Democrat propagandists.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And, if that isn’t a “red pill” about how fucked up FIB is now, I don’t know what is.


You’re so based. 😅

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And I agree, BASED on what I’ve seen.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Last edited 7 months ago by para59r

That’s a good one. I don’t get the “poor Barron” comment, unless it is just in general because they’re giving his dad so much grief.

Gail Combs

May not have known Trump will be ALLOWED to go to Barron’s Graduation.


I edited that out. The original tweet had it. Came from a Barron trending tweet place. Some of the tweets were pro Barron and some were making fun of his father. Some how the dummies think Barron is now going to suffer because his father will be going to the graduation and such…


FIB is going after the Wachowski brothers girlymen for giving Neo a red pill?


The FIB is so very, very gay.

I mean, that’s just pathetic… 😂


EXCLUSIVE: New Gen 47 PAC to Whip Up Support for Trump Through Pop Culture and Concert Events with A-List Acts – YOU WON’T BELIEVE THE NAMES THAT ARE JOINING IN! (VIDEO)

New Gen 47 PAC, a new political action committee, seeks to use popular culture and is in talks with A-list celebrities to focus on turning out low-propensity voters in swing states and purple suburban counties for President Trump and conservative candidates this November.

The group was founded by LJ Fino, President of First Class Records, and PR consultant Alex Fahmy. It can be recalled that LJ Fino had a hand in producing hit #1 songs, such as “Justice for All” featuring Donald Trump and the J6 Choir and “Kari Lake’s 81 Million Votes my Ass,” as Mailman Media’s Head of Recorded Music Operations. Fino’s First Class Records label has also produced music by Lara Trump.

Under New Gen 47, Fino and Fahmy plan to hold concerts and music events with famous musicians to rally voters for Donald Trump and other conservatives in November.

Their first event will be held sometime in June, and the group will hold more concert-style events with A-list entertainers, soon to be announced…

Fino told The Gateway Pundit, “NEW GEN 47 is a Hybrid PAC that combines popular culture with politics. We will be focusing on reminding the electorate which Presidential candidate benefits all Americans from all walks of life, and that candidate is President Donald J. Trump.”

  :wpds_arrow:  He continued, “President Trump signed the Bi-Partisan Music Modernization Act into law, which helped songwriters, musicians, performers, and creatives receive fair compensation for their work in the arts and changed copyright law to better reflect the digital era of music. It is incredibly hard for me to fathom why people continue to vote for a candidate who has repeatedly lied and made racist remarks throughout his long career in politics and signed the 1994 Crime Bill, which unfairly treated minority individuals and resulted in the mass incarceration of a group of Americans whom President Biden and his party claim to support.”

  :wpds_arrow: “President Trump also signed legislation in 2018 that provided more than 360 million dollars in funding to Historically Black Colleges and Universities as part of his efforts to expand opportunities for minorities in higher education,” Fino added.

“You can ask yourself the age-old question, ‘Are you better off today than you were four years ago?’ and no one can genuinely say ‘Yes,’ with the exception of Hunter Biden.”

co-founder Alex Fahmy had similar comments, telling The Gateway Pundit, “Over 60% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck thanks to Joe Biden’s ‘Bidenomics.’ This election is between putting America First with President Trump or continuing to put America Last with Joe Biden.”

“Joe Biden is rolling out the red carpet for illegal immigrants, and people are waking up to it. Our tax dollars are paying for visa gift cards, plane tickets, free healthcare, and housing for illegal immigrants.”

According to New Gen 47’s webpage,


Welcome to NEW GEN 47, where the pulse of the future beats with the rhythm of change.

We’re not just a Hybrid PAC; we’re a movement fueled by the energy of a new generation. We’re on a mission to ignite a revolution in politics—one that resonates with the youth of today.

Our goal is crystal clear: to secure another term for Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential election, pitting his vision against the status quo. But we’re not just about politics as usual. We’re about rewriting the script, infusing pop culture into the MAGA Movement, and embracing the diverse voices that make up our nation.

At NEW GEN 47, we believe that politicians are the new celebrities, and by harnessing the power of pop culture, we’re opening doors to Independent and disengaged voters like never before. Our mission is multi-faceted: to educate, energize, and empower young voters aged 18-39, particularly in Florida and Key Swing States. We’re not just registering voters; we’re sparking conversations, building bridges, and amplifying President Trump’s agenda through social media and direct outreach.

But we can’t do it alone. We’re forging partnerships with community leaders, Trump-endorsed politicians and candidates, educational institutions, celebrities, influencers, and businesses—because change is a team sport, and together, we’re unstoppable…


You can support New Gen 47’s mission to turn out voters for President Trump here!

You can also follow New Gen 47 on Truth SocialX, and Instagram.


Names of some of the people who have spoken up are included here.

We are currently seeing a shift in pop culture, with former and current Hollywood stars waking up to the reality of the Democrat party. While Biden tries to bribe porn creators on Only Fans to push his propaganda, more and more well-known actors, comedians, and musicians are realizing Trump is the answer to this country’s problems.

As The Gateway Pundit recently reported, comic legend Jerry Seinfeld calls out the joy-killers in the far-left for ruining comedy with political correctness.

Cherie Currie, former lead vocalist of the iconic 1970s rock band The Runaways, recently delivered a vehement condemnation of the Democratic Party and former President Barack Obama.

Drea de Matteo, a star of the legendary HBO series ‘The Sopranos,’ recently slammed Biden’s Far-Left policies and Illegal Immigration after it was revealed the actress was blacklisted in Hollywood for refusing the COVID jab.

This is also seen in the music industry with rap stars like Lil WayneKodak BlackSnoop Dogg50 CentMeek MillChief Keef, Waka Flocka FlameLil Pump, and others expressing frustration with the Biden Regime and signaling that they will support President Trump in 2024.

Kodak Black, one of the top rap stars in the world today, endorsed Donald Trump for President in 2024, saying, “We need Donald Trump in office, forever!”

It can be recalled that Lil Wayne also endorsed Trump for President in 2020, and with the way things are going in Biden’s America, he’s likely not changed his mind!

This could be why President Trump’s popularity within the black community continues to grow, and racist Joe Biden is losing popularity among black voters.

Last week, rapper Afroman came out with a parody of his 2000 hit song “Because I Got High.” His incredible new song, “Hunter Got High,” produced by Baste Records, makes fun of Hunter Biden for his drug usage, scandalous laptop, d*ck pics, prostitutes, and foreign business dealings with China and Ukraine. 

“Hollywood is melting right now,” said Fahmy, pointing to Biden’s recent New York fundraiser with former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, Stephen Colbert, Lizzo, and other Hollywood stars, which raised a record $25 million, which President Trump shattered at his fundraiser about a week later, setting a new $50 million record.

Watch New Gen 47’s official launch video below. (If it doesn’t show here, it can be found at the link above.)

The Gateway Pundit will continue to provide updates on New Gen 47 PAC’s upcoming events! 


They’re selling stickers on the website. I don’t know if this will show here, but it counters the JB “I did that” stickers that people have been putting on gas pumps.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, that’s hilarious! I love it!!!

Gail Combs

You need both stickers.

Biden …………………………………………Trump

I DID THAT=> [gas price] <= I CAN FIX THAT


This is the list of trustees for Columbia University. Shall we expect resignations from all tomorrow, as well as their school president?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


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