Dear KAG: 20240528 Open Thread

Cover image: Midsummer Night’s Dream by Glenn Marshall

Badlands News Brief – May 27, 2024

Poll: Majority Not Taking Summer Vacation, 73% Cite Lack of Cash in Joe Biden’s America

Neocons Starting To Worry A Re-elected Trump Will FINALLY Pull Out Of NATO And Let Europeans Fend For Themselves

Study: The Amount of Copper Needed for EVs Is ‘Impossible for Mining Companies to Produce’


WATCH: Public schools are closing as school choice takes off

The Closing of the Internet Mind

W.H.O. Study: Pandemic ‘Wiped Out Nearly a Decade of Progress’ on Life Expectancy

Tweets…X-Files, uh, posts, whatever

Please, James, go slither back into the bayou.

Meme Zone

Per the boss’s instruction:

I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


1 PETER 1:10-16

10The prophets who prophesied of the grace that was to be yours searched and inquired about this salvation; 11they inquired what person or time was indicated by the Spirit of Christ within them when predicting the sufferings of Christ and the subsequent glory. 12It was revealed to them that they were serving not themselves but you, in the things which have now been announced to you by those who preached the good news to you through the Holy Spirit sent from heaven, things into which angels long to look. 13Therefore gird up your minds, be sober, set your hope fully upon the grace that is coming to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. 14As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, 15but as he who called you is holy, be holy yourselves in all your conduct; 16since it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.”


Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632 
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)

Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518 
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)


St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Amen brother.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.


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Thank you, De Pat, for this lovely Monday Wednesday Tuesday thread.


Valerie Curren

Love that song & it’s on our road trip playlist  😍 

Gail Combs

Back when the singers could actually carry a tune!


Brad Delp could do much more than carry a tune. Scholz had him do an insane number of overdubs where he had to harmonize with himself and sing with the exact same phrasing. Rick Beato does a couple of analyses that show the amazing talent, detailed craft, and patience involved.

Here’s one —

Also note that Delp’s vocals have other fans —

Last edited 6 months ago by cthulhu
Gail Combs

My comment was snark against the screaming that now passes for ‘music’

I am sort of tone deaf. I can distinguish very slight differences in colors based on tests I have taken, but I can not distinguish slight differences in musical tones. WEIRD.


We all have our quirks. I can handle tones in music (which gravitate towards fixed pitches), but am at a complete loss to deal with tonal languages (which are more simple “ascending”, “descending”).

Then, again, I have a total hole in my head when dealing with people names. I can remember a bunch of people’s online nic’s before I can remember a single person’s actual name. I can even remember the names of their pets.

Gail Combs

I am fine with written language, but spoken? even ENGLISH? No way!!! I can visualize something but I have trouble putting it into spoken words.

And BOY can a mangle a spoken foreign language!


Verbally I am fine and learn language well but writing is another matter. 😉


English is a complete pain when it comes to spelling.

One classic is “ghoti” — just pronounce “gh” as in “enough”; “o” as in “women”; and “ti” as in “function” and it obviously should be pronounced “fish”.


I agree 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Some linguists did an in depth analysis and found out that almost all English words follow a set of rules. The problem is it could be any one of three distinct sets of rules.

However, the exceptions were some of the really common words. Like “one” and “two” for instance.

I forget whether it was Tibetan or Nepali where the spelling was set over two thousand years ago, and that much time has rendered the spoken words completely different from the spellings…its completely unpredictable, worse by far than English.


I was always very good with pronunciation of foreign languages (French and Spanish, mostly), so in class I could read a passage out loud in either language very well.

I just wasn’t really interested enough to learn or remember what the words meant 🤣

Gail Combs

Hubby, can carry a tune play instruments and does very well with foreign languages.

NOT ME! I do the logistics.


I have the same problem with names and give people nick names to remember. The other is street names and directions. Somehow I get where I need to go.
funny quirks. 😎

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love those analyses of that song. I always loved that song – and now I know exactly why!!!


One of the Top 10 songs of ALL TIME!



The original (1976) was mastered by Wally Traugott, you will find “Wly” inscribed in the dead-wax run-out grooves of first pressings.

I have a near mint LP with -1B / -1B stamper markings, which is supposed to be the ‘hot stamper’ (best sounding), according to people on the music forums who compare various copies of original pressings.

Last edited 6 months ago by scott467

I used to watch her reaction videos, but she stops the song and talks so much that I just couldn’t take it anymore!

A lot of the reactors don’t seem to understand that most people don’t really care about their in-depth analysis. It’s a song that we all know by heart, or we wouldn’t be watching it.

What people want to see is the reactor’s REACTION to it, same as you would in person. And that’s ALL body language.

I promise you, if you came over to my house to listen to music, and you hit the pause button every 10 seconds to blither for a minute and half, that would only happen about twice, and I would have to explain the rules.

If you keep doing it, then we’re just going to stop, because I can’t listen to music in 10 second snippets. It destroys the whole experience!

Then I stumbled across one of her videos for a song I really liked a few weeks ago, so I watched.

She went on and on about how she’s not making eyes at the camera, and she’s happily married, and she’s not available, so all of her admirers were out of luck, and then it got even more weird.

So yootoob fame may be getting to her a little bit 🙄😁

Valerie Curren

I promise you, if you came over to my house to listen to music, and you hit the pause button every 10 seconds to blither for a minute and half, that would only happen about twice, and I would have to explain the rules.”

My family has taken the remote away from me so I can’t pause a movie or streamed show to make “helpful” comments. Sometimes I only get One strike, depending on how intolerant they are that day 😉 😉



Barb Meier
Valerie Curren

That’s hilarious!!!


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Gail Combs

I should have posted my breaches of US bases here. Instead I will post this that I came across when I was looking for data. It is ‘woo woo’ stuff… or maybe not. It is not the first time I have seen this. Not that that means anything.

It is from an archived post and is a comment:

Here is the information:

The Lowdown on Chinese Troops in MexicoSource: God Like Productions Forum [Not a live link anymore]

Okay, so I won’t name names, for obvious reasons, but I will tell you that my brother works in Defence Signals Directorate, as part of the Australian arm of the ECHELON system. Mostly just bureaucratic paper shuffling. While intelligence gathering is not strictly part of his job, he is in regular contact with American CIA and NSA personal working out of Pine Gap, and they talk.

While I don’t see my brother a lot- once or twice a year- when we do get together we’re liable to lay into the booze, and that’s when my brother talks. Talks a lot, in detail. I’ve heard all kinds of crazy stuff, but these recent rumours about Chinese troops in Mexico brings back one of my brother’s favorite stories, so I thought I’d share what I remember.

Now, I don’t know if this concerns the photos that have been going around GLP lately- my brother has never showed me a photo of these places, of course – but the way he tells it, for several years now the Chinese have had secret treaties in place with the Mexican government for the establishment of military bases in northern Mexico. Over a dozen I think he said, maybe more. Huge, sprawling bases in the desert, each one designed to accommodate an entire Chinese army of 50-60,000 men – a “group army”, my brother calls them. They have barracks, command centres, airfields, repair facilities, the works, all connected by rail and highway to ports on the coasts.

But these bases? They’re all empty.

That’s right. My brother calls them “bare bases”, manned by a skeleton crew of maintenance staff and security. Each base is stocked with a mountain of tanks and trucks and pontoon bridges and munitions and fuel, but it’s all just sitting in warehouses and bunkers. Over 10,000 armoured vehicles alone, my brother says, and they have thousands of people over there whose only job is to clean the artillery and turn over the engines sometimes, and they do this all day, every day.

The American intelligence agencies know all about it, of course. They always have, they watch it all from spy satellites, and people on the ground. And the Chinese know that the Americans know, but they keep building and expanding these bases anyway. See, the idea is, if a crisis eventually erupts over Taiwan, the Chinese knows that even if they capture the island, America will still have the power to carry on the war in the air and sea, just like with Japan 70 years ago. Chinese ports will be blockaded, and Chinese industry will grind to a halt. So the strategy they came up with is a sort of massive-scale hostage exchange.

In the tense time leading up to war, which they expect following a Taiwanese declaration of independence, the Chinese army hopes to ship and fly the vast majority of their armoured and mechanized forces into these Mexican staging bases. It won’t be like Desert Shield in 91, my brother says, when America took 6 months to build up enough forces to invade Iraq. No, because all their gear and supplies are ready and waiting for them, they just need to move in the half million to a million troops to man it, and, once the shooting starts over Taiwan, to make the push over the Rio Grande.

The strategy is supposed to be to roll on up these American superhighway systems in Texas and the Midwest, and capture as much territory between the Mississippi and the Rockies in as little time as possible. Just bypass the big cities and push right up to the Canadian border, if they can manage it. Then, once their momentum peters out, they consolidate the frontlines and besiege or capture all the American cities that are now in their zone of control. Tens of millions of American citizens under occupation, and all the Texan oil production secure. Then the negotiations begin, with a demand for the exchange of Taiwan, and probably a whole lot more, for the return of the occupied states.

Crazy, huh? The American spooks think so too. For this strategy to even stand a chance of success, the Chinese have to have a few weeks to get their troops across the Pacific Ocean, and the Americans reckon they can shut down the transport convoys in a heartbeat – IF the president of the day has the backbone to start the shooting first. If not, my brother says, all those Chinese armoured divisions still have to face the American airforce over open country, and he doesn’t know how they expect to counter that. It’d be a massacre, he says. In the tensions leading up to war the Pentagon plans to evacuate everyone within 200km of the Mexican border, and just turn the whole area into a bombing range. The American intel guys call it “the million man deathmarch”.

And if they somehow did ground the airforce, I suppose it’s just the Texan National Guard, and my brother calls them “speed bumps under the Chicom tanks”.

As to what the Mexicans expect to get from all of this, supposedly they have been promised the return of old lost territories, like Texas, Arizona, New Mexico. I don’t know about California, my brother didn’t mention it. But the real motivation is bribes. Massive Chinese bribes, from the Mexican President all the way down. Right to the local cops and the drug cartels, probably, to keep away from these bases. Like I said, the intel guys know everything. They know that the Mexican government doesn’t really think a war will come of it. No one does, except the old “Cold War Warriors”, as he puts it. Nobody wants a war – the Chinese are too busy getting rich and the Americans are putting huge pressure on Taiwan not to do anything stupid. It’s just a big game of bluff.

But I suppose people said that before WWI and WWII, huh?

Anyway, there was more, but that’s all I remember, and it’s more than I thought I would. Just thought GLP might like to know what’s really going on.


Smells like someone watched, Red Dawn (was it). Adapted it a bit.

By the way. What assets does the US have to blockade Chinee ports? How would these US assets be sustained?

If these bases existed, ….

OK, I’ll stop. BB material it is.


Why would anyone blockade Chinese ports rather than destroy them?

Gail Combs

Too true!

Unless they were ports like long beach where the Chinese operate the port on foreign soil.

Also you have ports that ship TO China. Unlike the USA, China has to have stuff from other countries. That is why Biden driving a Russia-China alliance was such idiocy.

Last edited 6 months ago by Gail Combs

If China’s five largest ports were destroyed, they could no longer import enough food for their population to eat nor could they import enough fuel (coal and oil) to run their economy. Even if Russia completely opened their gates to provide these, there is just not enough freight capacity to make it work.

Gail Combs

Also Russia does not have the capacity to produce the food. That was one of the reasons for going after the ‘breadbasket’ of Europe. Ukraine was the fifth largest exporter of wheat in the world.


…..which makes destroying their ports potentially a war crime. Too bad, so sad.

Gail Combs



Pesky minor details.


Theory goes the US would Only be defending Taiwan, NOT defeating Chinee. So don’t destroy the ports.

A fools errand. Broken record I am.


Biden’s FBI Justified Its Deadly Force Policy in Mar-a-Lago Raid Because of “Life Threatening” Kitchen Utensils, Resort Gym Equipment

Judge Aileen Cannon last Tuesday unsealed numerous motions related to Jack Smith’s classified documents case against Trump.

One filing revealed Biden’s FBI authorized the use of deadly force during their raid on Mar-a-Lago authorized by US Attorney General Merrick Garland in August 2022.

Armed FBI agents were prepared to confront Trump!!

“Should FPOTUS [Trump] arrive at MAL [Mar-a-Lago], FBI MM EM and OSCs will be prepared to engage with FPOTUS and USSS Security Team,” the document read. “Should USSS provide resistance or interfere with FBI timeline or accesses, FBI MM EM will engage with [redacted] and [redacted] will engage with USSS POC’s per existing liaison relationships.”

…The goalposts have moved again.

Joe Biden’s FBI justified its authorization of the use of deadly force during their Mar-a-Lago raid because of “life-threatening” contraband in the kitchen and gym.

But wasn’t it just standard policy?

“Without no basis whatsoever, in the affidavit or otherwise, FBI agents searched the private bedrooms of the First Lady and President Trump’s youngest son. See Walter v. United States, 447 U.S. 649, 657 (1980) (“[A] warrant to search for a stolen refrigerator would not authorize the opening of desk drawers.”). The FBI’s photo log demonstrates that the agents took extensive photographs of those rooms—42 and 27, respectively—for no apparent reason. See Ex. 5 at USA01285293-300. There was no factual basis for the agents to rummage through rooms not specified in the warrant and, not surprisingly, they seized nothing from these other rooms,” according to Trump’s motion for relief relating to the Mar-a-Lago raid and unlawful piercing of attorney-client privilege.

Nor was there any basis for the FBI to bring firearms into Mar-a-Lago. There were no threats and no risk to agents’ safety arising from their allegations relating to possession of documents at a premises already guarded by the Secret Service. But the agents appear to have done so, based on documents produced in discovery, in order to search for alleged contraband they pretended was life threatening in Mar-a-Lago’s gym and kitchen (five and four pictures, respectively),” the motion read.

I don’t understand this and am probably missing some details. If the FIB is justifying its bringing firearms to MAL because of alleged life-threatening contraband in the gym and kitchen, how would they have known, before the raid, that such things were present at MAL?

Additionally, “contraband” is not life-threatening unless it’s a poisonous substance that would harm one if touched. But people using “contraband” in a life-threatening way IS life-threatening. So the implication was that Trump or his family or associates were likely to endanger the lives of the agents.

Which brings me back to my original thought: This was not a standard raid, so standard operating procedure was not only not appropriate, but it was dangerous. It made Trump out to be someone who would endanger the lives of agents, opening him to the use of deadly force.


Julie Kelly:

As I warned, the Former Feds who defend the lethal force policy included in the MAL raid plan will be even more discredited when additional details are disclosed.

It appears the FBI lied about why they needed to be armed…a dumbbell and meat cleaver?

More from Trump motion:

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[loud snort]

Barb Meier

Dumbells against dumbells

Barb Meier

Just because President Trump and his family are not home does not mean the USSS abandons MAL. As described in second highlighted sentence of Trump motion.


Yes, and the FIB knows that.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Just calling this stuff “contraband” is ridiculous in itself.

Gail Combs

This is why Dan Bongino was so angry. LINK HE KNOWS and TAUGHT the protocols.

As he said this was a Blue on Blue set up. IT EVEN SAYS THAT!

  :wpds_arrow: “𝗦𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗨𝗦𝗦𝗦 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝘃𝗶𝗱𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗼𝗿 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗙𝗕𝗜 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗼𝗿 𝗮𝗰𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗲𝘀..”

𝗧𝗜𝗠𝗘𝗟𝗜𝗡𝗘?? Their f..king 𝗧𝗜𝗠𝗘𝗟𝗜𝗡𝗘??

If the Secret service STOPPED them to ask questions, they were authorized to KILL?



THIS is the law Dan should have brought up. It gives SS the PRIORITY in such a situation and therefore the FBI had to ASK permission of the SS and the FBI certainly WAS NOT ALLOWED TO BRING GUNS as Dan pointed out.

18 U.S. Code § 1752 – Restricted building or grounds

(a)Whoever—(1)knowingly enters or remains in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority to do so; [In other words the FBI had to SHOW the SS the warrant to prove they were there ‘lawfully’]



(c)In this section—(1)the term 👉restricted buildings or grounds” means any posted, cordoned off, or otherwise restricted area— [like the private living quarters or SCIF of POTUS Trump.]

(A)of the White House or its grounds, or the Vice President’s official residence or its grounds;

(B)of a building or grounds where the President or 👉other person protected by the Secret Service is or will be temporarily visiting; or….


He did discuss that statute.

Gail Combs

Sorry I missed it. Glad you did not.


I’m just going to say it; the FBI is full of shit.

They do whatever they want, and when called on it, make something up to justify themselves.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

FIB was bad, but the Demmunists have made it much worse.


“Without no basis whatsoever, in the affidavit or otherwise, …

Is somebody from the ghetto writing DJT’s motions? Good Lord, it’s slop like this that provides cover for adverse rulings.


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Jeremy Kauffman:

Yesterday, I held up this sign calling Donald Trump supporters socialists.

Tonight, the Libertarian Party nominated a gay race communist for president.

With those choices, I’m standing with Donald Trump.

It’s great that the Libertarian Party is losing people to Trump.


The majority are raving lunatics. That’s how queer commie got selected.

Side note: I sure hope Team Trump has a plan to campaign against him because his entrance changes everything. All bets are off. /s


I’m sure they got right on that. 😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



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From: White Expatriate Former Farmers of Zimbabwe
To: Current Starving Zimbabwe Residents

Remember all those people that recommended that you steal our farms, assault our people, and drive us out of the country?

Eat them first.

Then, maybe, we can talk.

Gail Combs


People do not remember that part of ‘drive them out’ WAS KILLING, TORTURING AND RAPING..

Perhaps South Africa should take note since they are following the Zimbabwe play book….


I forgot, the Chinee will send them farmers… LOTS of farmers… Of course the food raise will be shipped back to China but what the hey.


If they thought the Boers were racist, wait until they experience the Han.

Gail Combs

Ain’t that the TRUTH!

Drunk on Han supremacy, Communist China holds a very racist image of India

…A better model of understanding China is offered by Samir Saran, the president of Observer Research Foundation, one of the most influential think tanks in Asia. He offers the 3M framework, the first M of which is the reemergence of historical identity of Zhōng Guó, or the kingdom at the center (of the world). He says, “You are beginning to see a huge emergence of the Middle Kingdom identity again. They [China] now believe that they are Centre of the world and no rules will restrict their global and domestic behavior.” This “Chinese exceptionalism is aided by two other Ms — Modern tools of engagement and Medieval mindset”. In effect, while China is ready to embrace modern tools, its cultural values are firmly embedded in a very anachronistic mindset….

A key part of this ONE CHINA mindset is the Chinese view on race. To quote Martin Jacques again, “The Chinese have a very, very different conception of race to most other countries. Do you know, of the 1.3 billion Chinese, over 90 percent of them think they belong to the same race, the Han. Now this is completely different from the other world’s most populous countries. India, the United States, Indonesia, Brazil — all of them are multiracial. The Chinese don’t feel like that. China is only multiracial really at the margins.”

Historically this one master race has always considered itself superior, but the combination of humiliation that China faced at Japanese and Western hands, coupled with the communist imprint has driven it to crazy heights. It is now a mixture of great arrogance and great insecurity. This dichotomy reflects in a confused contradiction towards others. There is a great adoration for white people, while other races are looked down upon.

While the brutalization of Tibetans in Tibet is legendary and has books of its own to document it, the same is now extending to the Uyghur province.

  :wpds_arrow:  In mainland China itself, racism continues to be endemic, with “𝗡𝗼 𝗕𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗸𝘀” notices on restaurants and businesses not considered unusual.

There are laws discriminating against ethnic minoritieswho are as much as 10% of PRC’s population, and no one thinks about such rank legalized institutional oppression twice. China Central Television recently celebrated the Chinese New Year by hosting a skit mocking Africans through its numerous racist scenes


And people call us hillbillies and bammers inbreds….


Gail Combs

What they forget is WE are the result of a ‘ great shifting’

Americans are the descendants of people with the grit to leave home, survive a very nasty sea voyage to start a new life WITH NO HELP from the government. We are also ‘mongrels’ I have at least 5 different nationalities. and Hubby is similar.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Euromutt. Me too.


^^^^ THIS ^^^^


BREAKING: Trump just stunned the world on Tim Pool, saying he will consider pardoning WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange once he’s President


The more these lawfare farces continue, the more Trump will be able to pardon anyone he damned well pleases — “looks like a railroad job, and I know what railroad jobs look like.”

Gail Combs


Valerie Curren

 I know what railroad jobs look like…

“I owe my soul to the company store”


No kidding.


Kash Patel:

Kash Patel: “If they jail Donald Trump, he’s going to win overnight.”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

How does one win overnight when the election isn’t tomorrow?


I wondered the same thing. I’m guessing he means it will make more committed Trump voters if they jail him.


CNN: “This case is not a slam dunk, which means that Donald Trump may very well not be convicted.”

“I think that it’s very likely this is the only trial that we are going to get before Election Day. And this case is not a slam dunk, which means that Donald Trump may very well not be convicted. Acquitted is the worst-case scenario for Democrats…
“Donald Trump gets to go out there and say, ‘Joe Biden’s prosecutors,’ which, again, not true, ‘came after me, his Department of Justice came after me, and they still didn’t convict me. I’m still innocent.’”

Gail Combs

“… ‘Joe Biden’s prosecutors,’ which, again, not true…” Which is CNN BULLSCHIFF

We already know that ‘former FBI agents’ ran the Censorship program at Twatter, a ‘former DHS’ guy ran a hate speech website. Heck he was on PAID leave…. and now a ‘Former DoJ prosecutor’ AND a demonRat politician are deeply embedded in this case.


Alex Jones:

Senator Josh Hawley Exposes CIA Creation Of COVID-19

13:16 long with subtitles.

Gail Combs

At ~ 8 minutes Senator Hawley mentioned a court case where it was proved the US government DIRECTED online censorship and the corporations COMPLIED.

The case was BIDEN v. MISSOURI

I had to add Cornell Law to my search to actually find the case instead of someone’s write up about the case!

Senator Hawley

 “..exactly what this administration did. From the White House to the FBI to the State Department to the CDC to Cisa have all been meeting with the Social media companies for YEARS NOW. GIVING THEM DIRECT COMMANDS about what to censor and take down, naming specific accounts and specific speach they want surpressed. Threatening the Social Media platforms if they don’t do it and remarkably, and I am quoting the fifth circuit court of appeals and there is a huge evidentury record, don’t take my word for it, … the social media platforms all complied. ALL of them, they all agreed to be tools of the US government and to censor what they were ordered to censor and supress the speech they were ordered to suppress…. the 5th circuit said in no uncertain terms that this was a clear violation of the US constitution…”

Mike Shellenberger then adds his opinion and says the 5th circuit did not go FAR ENOUGH! Worth a listen.

This is what he is talking about:

Court reduces restrictions on Biden administration contact with social media platforms

…A federal appeals court in Louisiana agreed on Friday evening with Missouri’s attorney general that the Biden administration “ran afoul of the First Amendment” by threatening social media platforms over posts spreading misinformation. 

But the three-judge panel of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans concluded a lower court’s wide-ranging order barring the federal government from communicating with social media companies was “vague and broader than necessary.”

The appeals court’s Friday order vacated much of the lower court’s injunction, with the exception of a provision it narrowed concerning alleged coercion.

“As an initial matter, it is axiomatic that an injunction is overbroad if it enjoins a defendant from engaging in legal conduct,” Friday’s ruling said. “Nine of the preliminary injunction’s 10 prohibitions risk doing just that. Moreover, many of the provisions are duplicative of each other and thus unnecessary….”


I can’t remember whether this information has been presented here.

Scientists Decode Deadly Blood Clot Disorder Triggered by COVID Vaccines

New research has shown that the dangerous PF4 antibodies involved in vaccine-induced thrombosis (VITT) and similar disorders from common cold infections share identical molecular structures, highlighting implications for future vaccine development and disease management.

New research conducted by Flinders University and global specialists is deepening our knowledge of vaccine-induced immune thrombocytopenia and thrombosis (VITT). During the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021, VITT was recognized as a new condition linked to adenovirus vector-based vaccines, particularly the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine.

VITT was found to be caused by an unusually dangerous blood autoantibody directed against a protein termed platelet factor 4 (or PF4). In separate research in 2023, researchers from Canada, North America, Germany, and Italy described a virtually identical disorder with the same PF4 antibody that was fatal in some cases after natural adenovirus (common cold) infection…

Now, the Flinders group has collaborated with this international group of researchers to find that the PF4 antibodies in both adenoviruses infection-associated VITT and classic adenoviral vectored VITT share identical molecular fingerprints or signatures.

The research will also have implications for improving vaccine development, says Flinders University researcher Dr. Wang, the first author on the new article that was published in the eminent New England Journal of Medicine.

…”Our findings have the important clinical implication that lessons learned from VITT are applicable to rare cases of blood clotting after adenovirus (a common cold) infections, as well as having implications for vaccine development,” he says.

I’ve never heard of cases of blood clotting after a common cold.

Gail Combs

The common cold refers to symptoms but it can be caused by several families of viruses including corona viruses, rhinoviruses, enteroviruses, and human metapneumovirus.

So it is possible a corona virus caused ‘cold’ could have blood clotting issues.


Should be a good place to insert this.

If as he states that 270 million Americans had at least one jab, and that is a big if with the liars that exist in government statistics related departments (I knew their game BIMD), the above is a massive underreporting of the health damages to citizens; although it is conclusive enough to prove the intentionally inflicted carnage that is occurring. The facts are we will never know just how many due to the long range effects on existing physical and mental weaknesses in every human on the planet who have been compromised.


Gail Combs

The Cabal very much want to kill off as many older people as possible as well as prevent Americans from reproducing.

The clot shot does both.


Only if people allowed themselves to be injected.

Gail Combs

That DAMNED Gain Function Corona virus, aka Ralph Baric’s disease, is nothing to write home about WITHOUT going into the problems of the Clot Shot.


If one is reading the following paper correctly, it appears that the COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) virus itself contains Mpro / 3CL protease elements (which would include P4):
“Structural biology of SARS-CoV-2: open the door for novel therapies”
Bin He, et al. (CCP)
Yours Truly: This paper is not easy to read; however, Figure 5 and the discussion below Figure 5 appear to show that the COVID-19 virus itself contains P4-like elements.

See below for another paper, from 2015, that demonstrates that the P4 protease element is contained in the MERS coronavirus:
“Critical Assessment of the Important Residue Involved in the Dimerization and Catalysis of MERS Coronavirus Main Protease”
Bo-Lin Ho, et al. (Taiwan and USA)
Yours Truly: Please refer to Figure 1 of this paper. The P4 chains are in magenta. They are from the C148A MERS mutant.
IMO, MERS and its mutants were closely investigated and elements of these were used in the development lab-created SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus itself. This would also mean that these elements are present in the lab-created and lab-enhanced COVID-19 “vaccines.”

It appears that these are two more data points on the tally sheet of just how complex, detailed, and long-term, were the investigations into the elements that would go into the lab-created SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus itself; and, by extension, into the development of the lab-created and lab-enhanced COVID-19 “vaccines.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

All of which makes the use of FULL SPIKE PROTEIN as the immunogen, as stupid as we would expect it to be. And (much more cynically) why the German government went after their retired vaccinologist who constructed an RBD vaccine.

These people are NASTY.


Wolf Moon
BARDA has been involved up to the max regarding MERS research and also in Remdesivir:

One: MERS — Regeneron — BARDA — from 2016:
“Regeneron Announces Agreement With BARDA For The Manufacturing And Testing Of New Antibodies Against MERS Virus”
22 August 2016

Two: Remdesivir — BARDA — NIAID — from 2020:
13 February 2020

Gail Combs

UNC WEBSITE: Remdesivir, developed through a UNC-Chapel Hill partnership, proves effective against COVID-19 in NIAID human clinical trials

On April 29, 👉Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), reported that data from an international clinical trial testing the broad-spectrum antiviral drug remdesivir in around 1,090 patients showed “quite good news” and should result in a new standard of care for COVID-19 patients.

Remdesivir was developed through an academic-corporate partnership between Gilead Sciences and the Baric Lab at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Gillings School of Global Public Health.

The biopharmaceutical company sought the talents of a research team led by William R. Kenan, Jr. 👉Distinguished Professor of Epidemiology Ralph Baric, who has studied coronaviruses for more than 30 years and pioneered rapid-response approaches for the study of emerging viruses and the development of therapeutics.

“This is a game changer for the treatment of patients with COVID-19,” Baric said upon hearing the results of the clinical trial. “Remdesivir provides an effective treatment strategy for the many infected individuals around the globe.”…

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I just ran a load of laundry. I’ve been rewiring and changing network cables and digging out stuff to the walls. In the course of this, I’ve got some loaded microfiber towels and dusty clothes.

We have a drainage issue, so we’re currently supervising our drain cycles, and the washer looked like grey miso soup — there were some hints of clothes down in there, but there was so much dust in the wash water that it was almost totally opaque.

So I’m running another wash cycle before I let it rinse.

Gail Combs


Good luck!

We just had our septic tank pumped. It has been 10 years however everything is good.

I try to be very careful of what goes into our septic system. Dusty clothes with hay and crap, gets shaken outside FIRST. We normally have a 10 to 15 mph wind out of the west so breathing the dust is not a problem. It is also why we do not have mosquitoes. Too much wind!


Second wash went much better — I could see that there were different colored clothes down in the wash water afterward, like a normal wash. That first one was a bit scary.

I’ve also been using a Dyson to vacuum, and I’ve emptied it four times during the same period. Some people talk about dust bunnies — I’ve been chasing dust rhinos.

On a not altogether unrelated matter, I’m on Day 3 of a multi-day allergy fest.

Gail Combs

You are giving that allergy test a real run for the money. 😆


Do you not put clothes wash water into greywater and reuse it?

Gail Combs

I am NOT in Californicate. We have plenty of water here. In some cases I either use the hose or a watering trough for the ‘first wash’

With the septic system. The water ends up in the goat pasture at the top of our hill so it is not ‘wasted’

“The grass is always greener over the septic tank”

comment image


My aunt in Knoxville, who has a 5-acre place on a well with septic, is my benchmark for such things — and she had a greywater system. Then, again, my uncle had a knack for MacGyvering things and they spent 30 years together in Southern California, so it was possibly overkill.

Gail Combs

Given I have 25 livestock tanks that need to be dumped and scrubbed frequently, catfish to eat the algae and scum would make a lot more sense… except they would probably boil to death in my tanks in the summer.

(I just dumped and cleaned 11 tanks yesterday, OH my aching back!)


Simple Slow Guy. Wash a second time without proper drain and rinse? SMH, a lot.

Locally. Wash always includes extra rinse. If needed. Wash, rinse, rinse again.

If the clothes, towels, rags, whatever are as filthy suggested, a gentle hand wash before running in washer. Rather than add the utter filth to the machine and drains

Smacks of drain issue priority, that needs to be raised. To do list tweaked…


I inspected it before a proper drain and spin. After the drain and spin, I did another wash and inspected. I then did a 2nd drain and spin and allowed it to go to rinse (then drain and spin).

Actually, the drain is doing reasonably well at the moment. It had been impacted with sludge such that it needed interruption halfway through the drain so as not to overflow the laundry sink, but various measures seem to have cleaned this out a bit. I may repeat these measures and put it back on unsupervised cycles.


I always rins wash twice. To dirty rags go into the garbage others rinse and wash with trow rugs mops. Get rid of all rags with oil or grease.





Gail Combs

Oil or grease are fire hazards.

Too dirty get down graded to use for washing ponies if not TOO dirty.


My husband uses his old undershirts as rags. I like micro fiber buy at Castco. When I wax or use furniture oil those get tossed. Sometimes old towels I give to a pet sanctuary they use them for cats and dogs. I need to clean out again.

Gail Combs

Same, but we use old absorbent rags to wipe down the ponies.


Same here for the dog.
Gail you and hubby have lots of work do not know how you do it 😉

Gail Combs

Yesterday gil00 brought up:

Joe intimidating a witness! Or a bribe?

Joe Biden makes surprise nighttime visit to Hunter’s ex Hallie Biden days before she testifies in first son’s gun trial

WASHINGTON — President Biden made a surprise nighttime visit to the Delaware home of Hallie Biden on Sunday — just before she’s due to serve as one of the most important witnesses at first son Hunter Biden’s federal trial for alleged gun crimes.

Biden stopped by Hallie’s home around 8 p.m. for a brief private talk eight days before the 54-year-old first son’s trial is scheduled to stand trial beginning June 3.

Think about it.

If Joe is aware enough to make 👉night time threats to Hallie, he is not nearly as senile as he acts.

Tips for Coping With Sundowning | National Institute on Aging

Late afternoon and early evening can be difficult for some people with Alzheimer’s disease. They may experience sundowning—restlessness, agitation, irritability, or confusion that can begin or worsen as daylight begins to fade

Last edited 6 months ago by Gail Combs

IIRC it didn’t say who else was along for the visit. Maybe someone with the ability to convey a specific “message’.


Simple messaging would suffice. Subtle comments…

  • Hallie, you are looking well. Did ya hear about xxx sudden demise. Sad.
  • Natalie and Robert rea doing so well. Healthy.
  • Grateful your mortgage was paid in full…

Perhaps gave Hallie information to access staged money, Bitcoin…

Hallie will behave.


You have useful “talents.” 😎


That’s what Hunter said.

Gail Combs

Jill along?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Gail Combs

I have often wondered if she was CIA…


JB has a grasp of the hot water his family is in (or should be in), and he has a grasp of the political scene. He is very worried about Hunter. All his handlers have to do is tell him that a visit would be a good idea to help any of the above, if he didn’t come up with the idea himself, which I believe could be possible.

Barb Meier

If JB is very worried about Hunter, I suspectr it is only about all the crimes they have committed that Hunter participated in and knows details about. JB only worries about JB, from what I can tell.

Gail Combs

Mollypitcher5  May 27, 2024 20:10

This story is strange and worrisome for everyone but especially soldiers. Yep..that open border policy is so great. FJB


This was in my neck of the woods. I do know there were breaches of Fort Bragg earlier and as a result security was tightened up DRASTICALLY.

You can not drive thru the base any more. I do not think the problem ever made it to the ‘Fake News’


Now add in:

👉Data Breach Hits 5 Million Troops
October 2011 (Yeah, over 10 years ago but some of those guys are now high up in rank)

Nearly five million current and former troops and their family members had their data stolen from a military contractor in September, putting them at risk for identity theft. The lost information includes individuals’ names, Social Security numbers and medical information.

The data was saved on computer tapes that were stolen from a car belonging to an employee of Science Applications International Corp. (SAIC), a large military contractor that runs medical centers for troops and their families.

“The employee was responsible for transporting the tapes between federal facilities in San Antonio, Texas,” Vernon Guidry, a spokesman for SAIC, told


A Mexican national breached a US Air Force base in Texas while on the run from cops — the second national security incident on a US military base this month.

Border Patrol agents in the Del Rio, Texas, region stopped an SUV near Laughlin Air Force Base, which prompted a 17-year-old Mexican male from inside the vehicle to run.

He then jumped a fence and entered the base…. The runner was caught an hour after the breach and taken into custody alongside four adult men who were also in the vehicle.

All are believed to be in the US illegally, according to sources.


Intruder boards military jet at Air Force One base – BBC News

February 5, 2021 

 A man was able to access the US president’s air base and board an aircraft

The US Air Force will conduct a global security review after an intruder entered the base that houses the presidential air craft, Air Force One.

  :wpds_arrow: 𝗢𝗻 𝗧𝗵𝘂𝗿𝘀𝗱𝗮𝘆, 𝗮𝗻 𝘂𝗻𝗮𝗿𝗺𝗲𝗱 𝗺𝗮𝗻 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗮𝗰𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝘆𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗱’𝘀 𝗝𝗼𝗶𝗻𝘁 𝗕𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗔𝗻𝗱𝗿𝗲𝘄𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗮 𝗖-𝟰𝟬 𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗰𝗿𝗮𝗳𝘁, 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗮 𝗳𝗹𝗲𝗲𝘁 𝘂𝘀𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆 𝗴𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗻𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗹𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿𝘀.

“Everyone is taking this very seriously,” said defence department spokesman John Kirby on Friday.

There is no suggestion that the intruder is linked to extremist groups.

The suspect was detained by security forces on the base, according to a statement from the Air Force. He was given a federal summons for trespassing and handed over to local law enforcement. No personnel were harmed during the breach.



Intruder breaches Joint Base Andrews, home of Air Force One February 6, 2023

👉 𝗔𝗡𝗢𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗥 intruder has breached the home of Air Force One, one of the nation’s most sensitive military bases, and this time a resident opened fire on the trespasser, Joint Base Andrews said in a statement late Monday.

During the incident, which occurred at about 11:30 a.m. Monday, “a man gained unauthorized access to a JBA housing area,” Joint Base Andrews said in a statement posted to Twitter. “A resident discharged a firearm, security forces arrived on scene to apprehend the intruder and law enforcement is investigating the incident.”

Joint Base Andrews is home to the fleet of blue and white presidential aircraft, including Air Force One, Marine One and the “doomsday” 747 aircraft that can serve as the nation’s airborne nuclear command and control centers if needed….

Holy F**K”: US Military Hid Quantico Breach Attempt By Jordanians In Box Truck In Possible Dry-Run Via ZeroHedge

Weeks ago, two individuals in a box truck attempted to breach the gates at Quantico Marine Corps Base in Triangle, Virginia. Armed guards immediately stopped them, and 👉the base’s top brass quickly covered up the incident.

The reason for burying this incident? It’s an election year for President Biden – and this type of news is politically explosive. The suspects were two Jordanian nationals, one a known terrorist, raising suspicions that they entered illegally through the Biden administration’s open southern border, as one report says, adding this could’ve been a dry run for a potential vehicle-borne improvised explosive device attack.


Chinese National Attempted to Run Gate at Twenty-nine Palms Marine Corps Base in CaliforniaApril 1, 2024

A Chinese national attempted to drive onto Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center at Twentynine Palms in California last week after military police informed him that he was not authorized to do so, Marine Corps officials told

The suspect briefly made it past gate guards on Wednesday, but was immediately apprehended by military police, Marine spokesperson Maj. Joshua Pena told

“At approximately 12:45 p.m. on March 27, 2024, an individual attempted to access Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center, Twentynine Palms, California, without valid identification,” Pena said.

Husband of top enlisted airman fired warning shot at base intruder
February 8, 2023

 Security forces arrested the intruder and an investigation is underway.

The husband of the Air Force’s top enlisted leader fired a warning shot at an intruder who was outside their home at Joint Base Andrews in suburban Washington on Monday, the service confirmed to Air Force Times.

Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force JoAnne Bass, the most senior enlisted airman and adviser to the Air Force chief of staff, said she and her husband, Rahn Bass, are safe…

On Military Bases, the Dangers Increasingly Come From the Inside – The New York Times
December 6, 2019 

Shootings in Pensacola and Pearl Harbor reflect the rising tide of gun violence at military bases.


I very much doubt all the breaches are reported in the media because it is a BAD LOOK for the Biden Admin.


Probing by enemies of the state who have infiltrated the military.

Gail Combs

That is what I think. Listening to Kash on the Tim Pool interview, he said Biden admin CAUGHT terrorists AND THEN RELEASED THEM INTO THE COUNTRY!🙄


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Traitor Joe is evil.

Valerie Curren

Hi De Pat. What is the meaning of the Scavino tweets? I’m assuming they are significant or you wouldn’t post them 🙂

Hope you had a wonderful holiday. TY for a wonderful post!


A mystery also for Slow Guy. Cheerleading? Lame form of red meat?

Valerie Curren

I have no tea leaf reading skills  🙃 


X marks the spot, upward to sunny skies ahead.

Or else he just likes fighter jet maneuvers.

🤣 – best guesses of the moment.

Valerie Curren

I was wondering if they were a loose reference to armed forces for Memorial Day (but thought that was probably too basic) 🙂

Gail Combs

Ask Stormy Patriot Joe @ Eye of the Storm.

He does ‘decodes’ 🙃

Probably covered in the upcoming video

Valerie Curren

TY Gail. No way I can attempt that viewing on the dino-puter here 🙂 If you discover anything of significance please share–Blessings!


What is the meaning of the Scavino tweets?

Here is what I think and have seen:
• I take interest in Scavino’s posts because of his close ties to Trump.
• Some people take the length of a video and link it to a Q drop of that same number. For example, a 7-second video might be pointing to Q drop #7. In some instances Scavino might be pointing back to Q, but I’ve also seen a lot of stretches to try to make it fit.
• Sometimes people take his videos as simple indicators that Trump is watching and planning for America. I’ve also seen some of them considered to be reminders of Space Force and its capabilities.
• I don’t think anyone can say for sure what Scavino intends with his tweets except Scavino.

Valerie Curren


Gail Combs

Study: The Amount of Copper Needed for EVs Is ‘Impossible for Mining Companies to Produce’

REALITY MEETS MARXIST UNICORN FARTS… (which substitutes for their brains)


As we know – all of these save the planet schemes are just about money.

Americans need to stop being stoooopid rabbits.


AND DePop.

All of the schemes we are subjected to are running parallel, supporting DePop.

Gail Combs

WATCH: Public schools are closing as school choice takes off

For WIW, Galloping Camel over at is the one who started charter schools in NC and FL.

The unwelcome success of charter schools —

By contrast, charter public schools in the South Bronx continued to outperform their district peers in both math and reading for third through eighth graders by a substantial margin in 2019…


More of this, more private, more homeschooling.

Releasing a personal homeschooling update post soon.

Gail Combs

I have been a home school advocate for decades!

Gail Combs

If you missed it Singing Soul brought up the Tim Pool interviews yesterday. I am watching it now.

Kash suggests that POTUS should yank security clearances of the intel types that went after him. I think he should yank almost all security clearances unless he/Flynn/Admiral Rogers… KNOW the people are ‘good guys’ ESPECIALLY those who are NO LONGER IN THE GOVERNMENT.

It might make the country vulnerable, but I can not think of a better way to cut the scum off at the knees.

PULL the security clearances of Schiff and Schumer and others while you are at it until they are NEWLY VETTED!

(around the 15 minute mark)

Gail Combs

Kash at 43 minutes… “I am the only Indian who sucks at math”

They are talking about the National Debt. Kash says Trump has a plan but he is not an economist.


CLICK to see our actual National Debt in real time –

There are many evildoers plotting to enrich themselves at the expense of the US taxpayer and US government economic system. 

Can and will these evildoers be stopped before they destroy our nation?

Gail Combs

“…Can and will these evildoers be stopped before they destroy our nation?…”

I think that depends on whether we can get the correct people elected to help POTUS Trump as well as electing Trump.

Part of the problem is the creating money out of nothing.

Most of the Mortgages, Car loans, Credit card debt… Are ILLEGAL CONTRACTS. LINK

I recommend reading: Mises on Money By Gary North
January 21, 2002

We also have to bring back our Industry. Trump has been working on that.

There is also the confiscation of the wealth of those criminals.

I do not know what the plan is but I do think there IS a plan.


While I have no idea what I am suggesting…

Trump will have one or more Emergency Orders, giving him increased authority to jerk common sense back into our country.


Security clearances should be withdrawn from all retiring from government.

Access should Only be to support Need To Know.

Gail Combs


I am for yanking the security clearances of ANYONE DJT wants to get rid of in the US Bureaucracy.

Make them have to go thru the security clearance check ALL over again. IF you can not pass? BYE BYE!


Shit like this is why I don’t travel out of the country anymore. These little island governments, with their power-tripping rules and laws, have no common sense whatsoever. Oh, and Hawaii is the same way, let me tell you:

“Five Americans have been detained in Turks and Caicos for illegal possession of ammunition. Some have been held since February. The crime isn’t malicious, but a lot of the legal drama could have been avoided if these people had checked their luggage for loose rounds. It’s no one’s fault, but it’s just one of those little checklist items that could have saved these folks a massive headache. Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) was part of the congressional delegation trying to free all the Americans who remain in detention (via CBS News)”

Having a stray bullet or two in your luggage is not a reason for arrest, unless you are in some third-world shithole bureaucracy. Ridiculous that Senators have to get involved to straighten it out.


Agree with the lunacy you point out.

Similar shit abounds in the US.

  • Huge fines if found with ammunition going through TSA checks at airports. I don’t support gun free zones in airports, AC…
  • District of Criminals. A few years back, we had someone get arrested for an expended shotgun shell?
  • NY, NJ, MD, CA…get caught with a gun in your car and face arrest.

I’m not going to research details to validate the lunacy.

  • Which is why, many states are No Go Zones for the likes of me. Run by tinpot asshole governments.

I agree. I am careful where I go.

Gail Combs

Why would you have stray bullets to begin with?

My first thought is WERE THEY PLANTED?



Heck, when I go camping, I sometimes toss in a handful of bullets to a pocket in a backpack. It’s not that strange, I don’t think.

Gail Combs

I do not have guns so I do not carry them. As a chemist, I have a distrust of things that go BOOM!

Like the hydrogen tank that blew out a shed wall. Or the catalyst that also blew out a concrete wall… or the extruder that exploded…


Lol! Generally speaking, guns only go boom if you squeeze the trigger.

Gail Combs

I was talking ammo.

Some idiot actually used a live ammo ?22? to take the place of a fuse in his car and blew a hole in his foot.


Lol! Did it duct-tape it in?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes, but that was a high-order idiot who did not know. (Here, high-order means “extreme” not “better”)

Why should this idiocy have any bearing on your decision?

Gail Combs

Actually it is living in NY and then MA as well as having bad astigmatism. When I shoot with a bow, I aim at the next target over. I kid you not!

Robert Baker

As a chemist, I have a distrust of things that go BOOM!

With one fell swoop you have proved that chemists have genetic memory. One more biological theory confirmed.


Typical. Not strange at all.


My thoughts.

  • TSA is a bad joke. Goofs fooling around in a faux security area. Drunk of their power.
  • Fool arrested. Backpack or whatever had the loose rounds likely went to the range, desert, his property wherever to plink away. He did NOT check his bag for rounds after plinking. Before air travel. Dumbass. <<< It happens. Really does.
  • Which is why, whatever I use when I go plinking NEVER traveled with me when I was traveling somewhere by air.


  • Back then, always used a “range bag” when I went plinking. Occasionally, a loose round(s) would end up in the bag. Shit happens.
  • Carry weapon or weapon for self-defense always has rounds in a magazine. Extra rounds in box(es). Still, shit happens.

For those that do travel by air AND plink for whatever reason…

  • A consideration also is “residue” from ammunition. What I’d call dirty ammunition. Gun powder. Some airport security wipes bags for explosive residue. Never wanted to explain that to humorless security in The Philippines or our idjit TSA.
Brave and Free

TSA is becoming as effective as the post office. I know an individual who mistakenly left a small pocket knife in their backpack and it made it through security. Didn’t find it till they got to their destination.
Also know a person who used to work for them, says it’s pretty much a joke, DEI taken over.


New post up on Homeschooling and Zach Williams. Have a great day folks. Will check back in later this PM as I have an eye exam and some retailing to do.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This really says something…..

Study: The Amount of Copper Needed for EVs Is ‘Impossible for Mining Companies to Produce’

The hubris of the “elite” is fully on display. Their breathtaking stupidity, in never having asked so many fundamental questions before embarking on lunacy, and even worse, forcing everybody else to go along with them, tells me that we really need to rein them in, before they destroy everything.


Silly people assuming Depop is not real.
We don’t need no stinking car if we’re dead! 😮

Kidding, putting Depop in your face!
People just have to do the math, by adding up all the little oddities. 😁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, that changes the numbers, doesn’t it?


never having asked so many fundamental questions before embarking on lunacy

• Not enough copper for EV production.
• Not enough charging stations, and many don’t function properly.
• No planning for putting out EV fires.
• No consumer demand for the product. (But that was going to be forced on us.)



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Sing a new song – unto the Lord – our God;
Just as the Heavenly Choir – gives Him laud;
Daily they praise Him – in sweet adoration;
Joyfully – their song – is just jubilation!

Glory to God in the Highest – they sing;
On their timbrels and harps – they ring;
A joyful noise – unto the Lord – in Heaven;
As their song rises – like bread with leaven!

The trumpets sound in a bountiful blast;
With triumphant blows – the effect is vast;
The Heavenly Choir sings a vibrant song;
To sing Praise to the Lord – all the day long!

Holy – Holy – Lord God – Almighty One;
A new member – we suspect – You have won;
In an earthly choir – his voice he raised;
His great love for You – in song he praised!

In the earthly choir – we lift up our voices;
In praise and thanksgiving – our song choices;
Give Glory to God – through gifts He has given;
To praise Him and thank Him – we are driven!

Nary has a voice gone unnoticed – by He;
No matter how meek or weak it may be;
For the voice of the young is strong and clear;
While the older voice – we can hardly hear!

When we earn our place in the Heavenly Choir;
Our voice is renewed at that very hour;
So while we are here – we sing songs of praise;
Till God takes us home – our voices we raise!

Imagine the sound of Praise to the Lord;
Imagine the joy to sing in His Word;
To someday sing in the heavenly realm;
The happiness is sure to overwhelm!

While we are here we do the best we can;
To praise Him in song – and instrument plan;
To be worthy someday to be chosen among;
The Heavenly Choir that leaves no song unsung!

D01: 11/05/2013

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you, Para!




Psalm 91.The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday


Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

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I wise it were half of the country because the other half had an AR-15 there instead of an AK, but no, only half of the country is armed at all.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A great daily! I laughed – I cried – I said WOW. Muchas gracias!


They will not be able to walk the streets anymore.

Last edited 6 months ago by eilert

  :wpds_smile:  This will feed into his idea that Trump supporters are “violent,” because he was scared. Oh well.

I wonder whose idea it was to trot DeNiro out, a guy with an emotional IQ on the level of Alec Baldwin’s.


LIVE UPDATES FROM INSIDE TRUMP TRIAL: TGP Contributor Paul Ingrassia Reports from Inside New York Show Trial – Closing Arguments Scheduled for Today
Ingrassia is posting on things said in the courtroom as well as making his own comments, some of which follow:

Paul Ingrassia: 10:29 AM: BRIEF RECAP OF PROCEEDING: Merchan has so far run roughshod over the rule of law, making a casualty of the legitimacy of the New York State criminal system in the process. The controlling statute, Penal Law § 175.10, putatively serving as the basis for the People’s case, requires two crimes to raise the falsification scheme to a first-degree felony. The fraud must have been done with “an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.” Bragg’s prosecutors are now claiming that the second crime is some ill-defined FEC violation, which raises a slew of separate legal questions. But not being able to interrogate an expert on federal election law in court is the ultimate miscarriage of a justice system already loaded with abuses and unprecedented violations. Especially now with the FEC issue front and center (the prohibition by Judge Merchan of FEC Commissioner’s expert testimony on federal election law), it raises the separate issue of why this case is being brought in state court altogether, and not federal court? If the case involves a federal issue, the jurisdiction here is all wrong: state courts have no authority over the subject matter. This is a case that would normally get preempted or barred by federal courts – the FEC, a federal agency, has its own intricate rules over election-related questions and thus exclusive jurisdiction over any such matters.

Paul Ingrassia: 10:53 AM: BRIEF RECAP OF PROCEEDING (continued): …At a bare minimum, an expert witness should be allowed to opine on the issue in state court – and not be prohibited because it hurts the judge’s ego. This is a clear reversible error because the President’s fundamental rights have been so callously violated. This abuse alone should have prompted a mistrial – it is the reason, as well, why so many legal commentators and scholars have said this case will be easily tossed out on appeal, because of the widespread, undeniable prejudice that was allowed to take place under these unprecedented conditions.

Paul Ingrassia: 11:13 AM: No, and I’ve been watching this trial pretty much for the entirety of the past five weeks. I do not recall a single instance in which Merchan reminded the jurors of President Trump’s fundamental rights as a criminal defendant, as well as his presumption of innocence. We’ll see if that changes throughout the day, but so far Merchan has been utterly silent on all things related to Trump’s constitutional rights. To the extent he has advised the jury at all, it has been to repeatedly remind them that only he, not Trump’s lawyers, has final say over what the law means.

Paul Ingrassia: 11:41 AM: BREAKING: Every single American should be enraged by the corruption of justice being done in real time, and no matter the verdict of this trial, it will go down in infamy as a permanent blotch on the justice system, one that will take at least a generation to restore back to the glory it once had prior to Juan Merchan, Alvin Bragg, and Joe Biden taking a battering ram to it with disregard for the rights of every single American.

Gail Combs

Joe Biden Admin has run over the Constitution, backed up and run over it again.

Do not forget they ALSO ran roughshod over first amendment rights of FREE SPEECH by the FBI, CIA , CD& CISA INSTRUCT the media to CENSOR Americans. And then there is the BuffaloJump.


Paul Ingrassia: 12:49 PM: BREAKING: BLANCHE RAPS UP REMARKS — [Trump attorney] Todd Blanche has so far been extremely thorough in his summation…He restated time and again, reinforcing his argument with countless examples, of why Cohen is a liar, seeking every opportunity to benefit himself financially and professionally. “He is the human embodiment of reasonable doubt.” Blanche said “Cohen is the GLOAT: the Greatest Liar of All Time.” Stellar job driving that point home: He also explained how these allegedly erroneous filings were made while Trump was President, not before the 2016 race. And so it was impossible that these filings had any fraudulent intent, let alone had anything to do with affecting the results of the 2016 election. He explained cogently that any campaign is a “conspiracy” to win an election. However, Trump had no knowledge about these filings. In any event, there’s absolutely nothing fraudulent or criminal about marking legal expenses for what they are, namely, legal expenses. He also explained how the other alleged crimes linked to the alleged record keeping error — tax fraud, FEC violation, and a books and records crime have absolutely no basis. Trump accurately reported this filing to the IRS, to a government ethics office, and on social media platforms like Twitter. “This is a very easy non guilty verdict,” Blanche ends his scorching closing statement. President Trump should be proud of Todd Blanch’s terrific work this morning.

Paul Ingrassia: 12:51 PM: BREAKING: Prosecutor griping over Blanche saying President Trump shouldn’t be sent to prison over the non-crime that is the basis for this cases Bragg’s prosecutors are visibly fuming over Blanche’s very effective, logical summation. They are currently appealing to Merchan to have Blanche’s comment stricken from the record.

Paul Ingrassia: 12:53 PM: Merchan is IRATE now that Blanche made a quip about the Prosecution wanting to sentence President Trump! Merchan: Let me hear your comment about prison. Blanche: (Inaudible) Merchan: I think that statement was outrageous Mr. Blanche. A comment like that is highly inappropriate and simply not allowed, period! It’s hard for me to grapple that that comment was accidental in anyway!

Paul Ingrassia: 12:56 PM: BREAKING: Let me get this straight: so it’s fine for Merchan to toss Trump in jail every single day for violating his ridiculous gag order, but when Blanche makes reference to Trump going to jail, he enters into a nervous meltdown, admonishes Blanche, and screams at the top of his lungs “YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER THAN TO MAKE A STATEMENT LIKE THAT IN MY COURTROOM!”

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Smith wanted to keep Trump from talking about the FIB’s authorized use of force in the MAL raid.


The request to muzzle regarding the FIB use of force authorization was stoopid from the onset.

I continue to believe Cannon would have trashed regardless.


Why does Jack always look like a psychopath?

He looks lime someone who needs a serious attitude adjustment.

If someone was looking at me like that, I’d ask him if he had a &^%$ing problem.

Gail Combs

He looks like he is auditioning for the leading role as the villain in a horror flick.


He looks like the Spanish Inquisitor in The Name of the Rose to me:

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Only difference is, he really IS a friggin’ inquisitor, and the guy in the movie was acting!


Pesky little distinction.  😂 




Quick question about blood tests for those who may know.

Are there any specific blood tests recommended at the present time, for any various concerns (covid, etc.)?

I will be taking my Mom to get a blood test, and I haven’t had one in a while, so I wanted to find out if there is anything specific I should add to the list of tests (for either of us).


One test I’ve seen mentioned is for vitamin D levels so you know if you are getting the right amount to boost your immunity. I hope others who are more knowledgeable than I am will weigh in.


Thank you TT!

Added to the list.

Checking online, I found another recommended test, called HOMA-IR.

“Homeostatic Model Assessment for Insulin Resistance”.

To test for Insulin Resistance Syndrome, supposed to be an early indicator of diabetes, early enough to reverse the damage with change of diet.

Gail Combs

Excellent idea for anyone over 40 to 50 years of age who does not already watch their sugar intake.


Interesting! I’ve never heard of that one.


From here:


This is what we’re reduced to now, thanks to total abdication of responsibility by the medial profession.

Everybody has to be their own doctor now, because our own doctors aren’t really doctors anymore, they’re just drug company sales reps.

Gail Combs

D-Dimer test

Ddimer test is a blood test usually used to help check for or monitor blood clotting problems. It  is used to help rule out the possibility of pulmonary embolism (PE).  Ddimer is a protein fragment (small piece) that’s made when a blood clot dissolves in your body.

When I mentioned it for my friend when she lost the function in her leg, the witch doctor turned sheet white and stammered it was not a good test.

She had a leg that was MUCH COLDER than the other and had lost feeling in it indicating a possible blood clot and THEY DARN WELL KNEW IT! BASTARDS!


Thank you Gail!

Gail Combs

Also checkout the FCCC site to see what they might suggest.


After searching blood test on their website, only four articles came up. The only thing relevant was about Vitamin D blood test, for which the recommended:

“Vitamin D 25-Hydroxy is the most accurate measure of your vitamin D status, with an optimum measurement considered to be above 50 ng/mL.”


I would suggest a D-Dimer test if mom has had blood clots or if mom was injected with the experimental Covid serum.

Gail Combs

At this point I would suggest it for anyone esp if they are older and had the China Virus.


She was the only person in my family who heeded my repeated warnings against the vaxx, so now I’m stuck with her 😉

Gail Combs

Glad to hear she listened to you.


:0) Seems to me your mom is a lucky woman….



IIRC, these tests will need to be special-ordered by the doctor.

Last edited 6 months ago by PAVACA

Thank you RDS!

We went to get the blood tests today, and the clinic couldn’t find the doctor’s blood work order. So they called the doctor, and their whole system was replaced a couple weeks ago, and nothing is working right.

So we waited for about a half hour to see if they could find the records, and they didn’t.

So we’ll try again in a couple days. In the meantime, I’ll call my doctor and have him add the ones that require doctor approval:

VITAMIN D TEST. (hopefully the same as Vitamin D 25-Hydroxy, I’ll check)


D-Dimer (clinic said doctor had to order that one too)
HOMA-IR (Homeostatic Model Assessment for Insulin Resistance) The clinic said they never heard of that one, which the doctor in the video I posted above said might happen, it’s not a well known or often requested test.

Gail Combs

Good lock Scott. Be ready to explain WHY you want each of those tests.

That could be fun. 😋


“Be ready to explain WHY you want each of those tests.”


I hadn’t thought of that, or why he would even care, but I better look into that now.

The vitamin D test and the A1C Diabetes test probably won’t require any explanation. I take vitamin D supplements and I want to know if I should be taking either more or less, and a Diabetes test is just a Diabetes test.

The HOMA-IR seems like a more specialized form of the Diabetes test.

Heart Troponin Level test
Blood Calcium test

I’m guessing these are all Covid related, which I’m happy to tell my doctor, but I don’t know why they would be helpful or what result I’m looking / hoping for.

I checked my saved Q-tree posts, and found this from 12-28-22, in reply to Robert Baker:

Gail Combs: “D-Dimer test? However that is the LAST test they want for determining if you had the Clot Shot because it SHOWS you are developing clots…

Cleveland Clinic: D-Dimer Test: What It Is, What It Is Used For, Risks & Results

A D-dimer test is a blood test that measures D-dimer, which is a protein fragment that your body makes when a blood clot dissolves in your body. D-dimer is normally undetectable or only detectable at a very low level unless your body is forming and breaking down significant blood clots.”

He knows I haven’t had the clot shot, but if I understand correctly, the D-dimer test should show whether I have been exposed to clot-inducing spike protein, which I probably have, since I think I have had covid 3 times (never tested, but Vitamin I sure worked fast all three times).


I saved this post from RDS, dated January 24, 2023 which references D-dimer AND Troponin:

Yours Truly: This is an article with an embedded interview video with Steve Kirsch speaking with Dr. Thomas Levy, a cardiologist and attorney. Dr. Levy is of the opinion that up to 100 million Americans may have heart damage from the “vaccines.”

If one is correctly reading the article that Dr. Levy wrote for published on 5 January 2023, it appears that anybody who had a COVID-19 infection (“vaccinated” or not), AND anybody who has taken a COVID-19 “vaccine” needs to have the D-dimer test AND to have their troponin levels assessed.

It appears that the spike protein in the COVID-19 virus itself, whether from an infection in an “unvaccinated” person, or from an infection in a “vaccinated” person, or just by getting a COVID-19 “vaccine”, can cause damage to the heart.

Jan. 5, 2023
“Myocarditis: Once Rare, Now Common”
by Thomas E. Levy, MD JD

(one also found his commentary here: — then scrolling down the main page to the Vol. 19, No. 1, January 4, 2023 listing with the hyperlink to “Myocarditis: Once Rare, Now Common”)”


And RDS again, from February 6. 2023 (excerpt):

One is of the opinion that any “UN-vaccinated” person who had COVID-19 and recoveredany person who is “vaccinated” — any person who is “vaccianted” and ALSO had COVID-19 and recovered — need to be taking IVM / HCQ and the other FLCCC-recommended “I-RECOVER (SM)” protocol items, in addition to the cardiovascular supplements recommended by Dr. Robert Malone.

And to keep taking them for an indefinite period of time. And consider getting a D-dimer test and a CD4 – CD8 immune function level test.”


So if I understand correctly:

The D-dimer test will show whether my system has been dissolving blood clots (clots which likely came from exposure to Covid).

The Troponin Level test is to determine whether exposure to Covid may have caused heart damage and/or Myocarditis.

The Vitamin D test and the A1C Diabetes test are self explanatory. I take vitamin D supplements and I want to know if I should be taking either more or less, and a Diabetes test is just a Diabetes test.

The HOMA-IR test appears to be a more specialized form of the Diabetes test.

That just leaves the Blood Calcium test.

What’s the Blood Calcium test for?


The Blood Calcium test measures how much, if any, calcium is being “leached” from the bones into the blood. Abnormal results can indicate bone disease or certain types of conditions.


Thank you! 🙂

Gail Combs



Gail Combs
Thank you so much!

Gail Combs



REPORT: Secret Service Has Met With Local Jail Officials to Discuss Preparations for President Trump to Go Behind Bars

…What is possibly even more alarming is that corrections officers will be responsible for protecting agents assigned to Trump. Recall what that Jeffrey Epstein died under suspicious circumstances after guards were assigned to watch and stop him from getting killed.

This means that Trump being thrown behind bars will put his life at stake, a fever dream for Democrats and Never-Trumpers.

No doubt the SS prepares for any contingency, including possible jail time.

If Trump were convicted, would he be incarcerated immediately, even while appealing?


GWP story and big round of applause for Smith, Merchan, Bragg and the many other law warfare pukes that pushed this to fruition.

Shock Poll: Trump Takes Lead Over Biden Among Black Voters Kristinn Taylor May. 28, 2024 2:00 pm 165 Comments


Sarah Smith


If this is true, it would make sense with why he is foaming at the mouth to keep Trump out of office?


He used to have such a tough guy image, thanks to the movie roles he has played.

But Bobby is so intellectually fragile and emotionally delicate at this point that almost anything sets him off like a ladyfinger.

Ladyfingers are little tiny firecrackers for children 😁

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Last edited 6 months ago by scott467

Ackkkk! Lets try it with the “twitter” thing.


Must Read …


Wonder if SD over there saw this?? 😂 


i’m very glad that I read it. Amazing connections

Gail Combs

Joe Lange is ALWAYS worth a read.


De Niro says ‘government will perish from the Earth if Trump wins.’

This is how you know democrats are desperate.

What a liar! He says if Trump gets in you can kiss your freedoms goodbye, and that Trump will never leave. Blatant, evil falsehoods.


ha! Look who’s behind him…the Pelosi Buffalo Jump team.

Gail Combs

YUP a couple of Capitol police clowns.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good catch! Holy crap! J6 really was a HOLLYWEIRD production.

Gail Combs

DAN BONGINO SUNDAY SPECIAL with Donald Trump Jr., Mark Robinson and Julie Kelly 
Mark Robinson is Lt Gov of NC and running against the Soros installed Cooper.
Julie Kelly is the one following the Fl case against Trump.

Gail Combs

23 min — Dan Bongino says, if you DEFENDED the FBI carrying weapons… “I am DONE, to the people I am talking about? LOSE MY NUMBER! You are not even worthy of a mention on this because I am SO furious. If you are going to defend, I am dead serious DO NOT CONTACT ME AGAIN!”

He refers to: 18 U.S. Code § 1752 – Restricted building or grounds

 and asks if the FBI walked into the White house with a Warrant on Cocainegate do you think they would let them waltz in there with weapons and start looking thru Jill biden’s underwear drawer?….

25 min — Julie Kelly: “You are right those people are permanently discredited!”


While sorting through the dusty crap, I encountered my California CPA wallet card.

I know of no other state that does this. The closest is Tennessee, who requires that you post your latest renewal somewhere in your business — like having a sales tax permit.

California sends you this little piece of paper with security overprinting, with instructions to cut on specific lines to make a wallet card. Instruction 4 says, “Please sign and carry this Pocket Certificate with you.”

The top third of the card have logos and information regarding the state of California, the Department of Consumer Affairs, and the California Board of Accountancy. The bottom half has my name, address, and space for my signature. The other 1/6 has Certificate number, expiration, and receipt number.

I cannot think of ANY circumstances, whatsoever, where I’d be tempted to whip out my wallet and show it off. I’ve been a CPA for decades and never have. It really is a strange little thing…….which I intend to scan and recycle.



Interesting! I wonder what the flat-earther comeback would be.


I was thinking the same thing 😁

Gail Combs

Ask Patrick Gunnels…

Gail Combs

And that idiot (or CIA asset) Patrick Gunnels REFUTED IT!


Just came across this one again, an oldie but a goodie 🤣

Gail Combs

This short (1 minute)

Valerie Curren


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




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THANK YOU for the Evening Prayers! You cannot know how much these are needed.


Closing arguments are taking place in Trump’s bogus trial today. Merchan has extended the hours so it will go on into the evening. Politico has a story on possible outcomes. Since there are 34 counts, I don’t see how they will resist convicting Trump of something.

Here are the 5 ways the Trump trial could conclude:

• Conviction on all counts

…For the jurors to find Trump guilty of all 34 counts, they must find beyond a reasonable doubt not only that Trump falsified or caused the falsification of business records “with intent to defraud” but also that he did so with the intent to commit or conceal another crime. That second element — the intent to commit or conceal another crime — elevates the charges to felonies.

Prosecutors have offered three possible underlying crimes — violations of state or federal election law and a tax crime — but the jurors do not all have to agree on what that separate crime was, Justice Juan Merchan ruled.

In the case of conviction, Trump is all but certain to appeal the verdict.

• Conviction on some counts, acquittal on others

Though all 34 of the felony counts were brought in connection with the same general set of allegations, each of the counts concerns a separate business record…

In theory, the jury could find that, say, Trump did falsify business records by cutting the checks from the trust and his personal account, but he doesn’t bear responsibility for the invoices from Cohen.

In that scenario, the jury could convict Trump of some charges and acquit him of others. The 12 jurors would have to unanimously agree on the verdict for each of the counts.

• Acquittal on all counts

There are a number of ways the jury could come to the decision that Trump is not guilty on all 34 counts: They could find that Trump didn’t make false business records or cause others to make them; that he made them but not with the intent to defraud; or that he made them with the intent to defraud but not in service of committing or covering up an underlying crime..,

Again, all 12 jurors would have to agree that Trump isn’t guilty of any of the 34 charges for the jury to fully acquit him in any of these scenarios.

A “not guilty” verdict would be final: Under the Constitution’s bar on “double jeopardy,” prosecutors cannot appeal acquittals.

• Hung jury

This is where things get dicey. If even a single juror cannot come to the same conclusion as the 11 others, Trump will get a hung jury.

This is far from unprecedented. Two years ago, a lone holdout juror who reportedly ranted about a “government witch hunt” during deliberations forced a mistrial in Manhattan federal court in the case of a businessman charged with fraud alongside Trump ally Steve Bannon. (The defendant, however, was later convicted for his role in a fraudulent fundraising scheme.)

And in 2012, in the prosecution of former Sen. John Edwards (D-N.C.) — a case with passing similarities to the Trump case — the jury hung on five counts of campaign finance fraud and conspiracy…

In theory, the jury could hang on some charges, but reach a verdict on others.

The Manhattan district attorney’s office could choose to retry the case, but given the resources required to hold a criminal trial of a former president — and the possibility Trump could be president-elect by November — it’s not clear they would do so.

• Directed verdict

It’s unlikely, but still possible, that the judge could remove the jury from the equation entirely.

Merchan could take the decision out of the jury’s hands by issuing a “directed verdict” for acquittal — in essence, a determination by the judge that no reasonable jury could find that the prosecution has proved its case. Such verdicts are more commonly issued immediately after the prosecution rests. But it’s still an option that Merchan could take, even after the trial ends.

Trump’s lead defense lawyer, Todd Blanche, asked Merchan to dismiss the case last week, citing insufficient evidence. Blanche’s motion remains pending.

Fat chance that there would be a directed verdict! Merchan would be tarred and feathered by his own side if he did that.

Gail Combs

“… I don’t see how they will resist convicting Trump of something….”


I think we are going to see the Trump Boomerang. Remember this jury has NOT been sequestered and therefore knows a lot of people think the case is complete Bull Schiff.

Someone mentioned these people are all from Manhattan which is solid DemonRat and the Jury would not dare NOT convict Trump…

HOWEVER, since Jan 6th the Fake News, DemonRat politicians, FIB… have spent 4 long years convincing Demonrat voters that Trump Supporters are DANGEROUS EXTREMISTS and TERRORISTS!

Heck when I manned the polls in 2020, I had some people go around me in a very wide circle, looking scared to death. Good grief, I am a short grey haired little old lady!

I am sure, some of the jurors at least have some doubts about Epstein who didn’t kill himself.

SO what bits and pieces do we have.

Defund the Police
No Bail = criminals back on the streets.
Massive Trump rallies in the Bronx and NJ
De Niro BOOED and heckled.

If I was a demonRat Juror, I would not be worried about friends and family, instead I would be a LOT more worried that Trump might be injured or even killed in jail. That someone would hack into the data base and find my name & address and RELEASE IT TO THE EXTREMIST TRUMP TERRORISTS!

OOPS, Biden/Dems may have just shot themselves in the foot again.


Defense attorney Randy Zelin tells CNN earlier today ‘there is reasonable doubt all over the Trump case.’

He believes there is ZERO chance Trump is found guilty, on any charges.

He’s talking about what would happen with a fair and impartial jury. We’ll see if that is what we have.

Those are also the reasons why this case should have never been brought, and yet it was.

If Trump is acquitted, it will be raining popcorn. 🍿😅


BREAKING: Members of the media from the hush money case courtroom believe the prosecutors have LOST the vote of at least half the jurors. Here’s a conversation between reporters

“Steinglass has lost the jury. I’m looking at them. They look lost. I’m counting 7 not guilty votes.”

Source @AndrewHGiuliani

Pray for all the jurors to make the right decision, remember we only need one with courage to destroy this bogus case

Gail Combs

AndrewHGiuliani Is Rudy’s son.


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The alligator, for sure.

If it’s cold, the alligator will be lethargic. If there’s a tree, unlike the bear or the tiger, the alligator can’t climb it.

You can fend the alligator off with a pole or a big stick. I learned that trick from the TV show “Land of the Lost” when I was a kid, where the family used a wooden pole to fend off a T-Rex. If it worked against an imaginary T-Rex, it might work against a real alligator. I wouldn’t try that with the other three 😂

If you had to wrestle, the alligator has little strength to open his mouth, if you can manage to grab it when its mouth is closed. I wouldn’t try that with any of the others… 😂

If I can find just about any type of barrier to get behind, that should work against the alligator, while it would only pose a fun challenge to the other three.

Definitely alligator for the $100 million 👍

Last edited 6 months ago by scott467
Gail Combs

Throw a bucket of Ice at him …. or better yet a DemonRat Woman. He would not need another meal for another year, if it didn’t poison him.

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“Throw a bucket of Ice at him …. or better yet a DemonRat Woman. He would not need another meal for another year, if it didn’t poison him.”


If I have one of those nearby, I don’t need to be faster than the alligator, I just have to be faster than her…

$100 million dollars, here I come! 😂 🤣 😂

Gail Combs


That is the philosophy of herd animals — You do not have to be the fastest, Just don’t be the slowest!


Poke the alligator in his eyes. ?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That might be unnecessary, he’d surely go blind after seeing the Democrat woman.


That is funny 😁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Alligator – or CROCODILE?

I think you’re still right about picking it, but croc would take a bit more work! They’re significantly less lazy.

Hard Data Proves Big Pharma Knew COVID Vaccines Would Worsen And Prolong The Pandemic
28 May 2024
Yours Truly: A stunning compilation of charts and graphs from countries around the world, showing clearly that the COVID-19 “vaccines” started increasing worldwide mortality rates in December 2020.
The lines in red on each graph show that infections from the virus itself were beginning to move toward “herd immunity.” Then, starting in December 2020 (when the COVID-19 “vaccines” were granted EUAs for use in countries including the United States), and continuing through March 2021, the blue line of deaths after COVID-19 “vaccination” take off, depending on the country.
There is a link to a video on You Tube for further information.

Gail Combs

Just ran across this video:

Mainly Kevin Shipp (Ex-CIA) is pushing his book due out in September.

At 17 minutes he says the CIA in conjunction with Johns Hopkins designed the Plandemic including the lock-downs. The young dude doing the videos was offered $$$ to PUSH the vax because he was seen as an influencer. Entire video is 20 minutes.

Blurb under the video:

Ex- CIA Kevin Shipp tells Stephen Gardner about how the CIA has actively infiltrated the US government and how they will actively set Trump up to fall. Kevin’s first book From The Company of Shadows –;| Kevin’s new book will be out in September of 2024 – Follow on Twitter @Kevin_Shipp

– **Guest Introduction**: Kevin Shipp, former CIA Counter Terrorism Expert, Counterintelligence Investigator, Whistleblower, and Author of “From the Company of Shadows” and “Twilight of the Shadow Government: How Transparency Will Kill the Deep State.”

– **CIA Contractors Withholding Intel**: Investigative journalist James O’Keefe recorded CIA contractors admitting they withheld intelligence from Donald Trump and plan to do so again if he returns to office. Question: Doesn’t the CIA report to the sitting president, and isn’t it unethical to mislead a president?

– **US Government and Technology Theft**: Discussion about the Netflix show “The Octopus Murders” where the US government allegedly stole computer technology from a private business for espionage. Inquiry into the CIA and intelligence agencies funding Google and using it for nefarious purposes.

– **Hunter Biden Laptop and Election Interference**: Addressing the false letter from 51 former intelligence officers claiming Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation and the implication of this act as election interference deserving punishment.

– **Government Allowing Harmful Chemicals**: Exploration of government actions allowing harmful chemicals in food and water, and reports of chemical contamination in sperm. Question on whether this is a strategy to control the population.

– **CIA Infiltrating Media (Project Mockingbird)**: Question about the veracity of Project Mockingbird, where the CIA allegedly infiltrated mainstream media to control the narrative, based on previous CIA operative’s denial.


I think Trump is aware. CIA operation in US against US need to be treated as traitors. They are no better than the SS or brown shirts and secret police in despot run countries. Hunter is a tool of CIA I read the other day someplace.Yes what we are seeing is not organic it is purposeful destruction buy a despot leader using his goon CIA to accomplish it. Regular people would not be involved . CIA has perfected toppling countries for their advantage. Somehow it switched from US advantage to their own. They are dangerous more than we can imagine.

Barb Meier

Tucker spends 2:25 hours with Jeffrey Sachs. I had to walk away and chew on the decades of government lies after the first 20 minutes. Came back and finished the whole interview.

At 1:49:00 they moved into the COVID discussion. Perhaps people here know all these things but I didn’t. There was the DARPA Diffuse Proposal’s pages 10 and 11, which Sachs describes as a cookbook for SARS Cov-2. He talked about Baric and so much more.

Prayers for us all.

Last edited 6 months ago by Barb Meier
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Barb Meier

I knew they lied, but I am stunned to have the veil pulled back a little on how long and deep the lies go. Sachs talks about “noseeums” and the furin cleavage sites and lots more.

Last edited 6 months ago by Barb Meier
Barb Meier

The only thing I disagree with Sachs about is his encouraging Biden to talk to Putin. Biden is not able to talk to anyone, no less Putin. Moreover, no one in the Biden administration is smart enough to talk to Putin. For that, I am sad and hope Putin can hold out until we have an adult in charge.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

So that dopey FRIEND OF CANKLES and FELLOW WELLESLEY GRAD Madeleine Albright…..

… the one behind NATO overexpansion, starting under Bill Clinton.


Last edited 6 months ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy