2024·07·13 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread

What is it that feeds our battle, yet starves our victory?

Speaker Johnson
Pinging you on January 6 Tapes

Just a friendly reminder Speaker Johnson. You’re doing some good things–or at least trying in the case of the budget–but this is the most important thing out there still hanging. One initial block released with the promise of more…and?

We have American patriots being held without bail and without trial, and the tapes almost certainly contain exculpatory evidence. (And if they don’t, and we’re all just yelling in an echo chamber over here, we need to know that too. And there’s only one way to know.)

Either we have a weaponized, corrupt government or we have a lot of internet charlatans. Let’s expose whatever it is. (I’m betting it’s the corrupt weaponized government, but if I am wrong, I’d like to see proof.)

Justice Must Be Done.

The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.

Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2022 or 2024 is hopeless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud is not part of the plan, you have no plan.

Small Government?

Many times conservatives (real and fake) speak of “small government” being the goal.

This sounds good, and mostly is good, but it misses the essential point. The important thing here isn’t the size, but rather the purpose, of government. We could have a cheap, small tyranny. After all our government spends most of its revenue on payments to individuals and foreign aid, neither of which is part of the tyrannical apparatus trying to keep us locked down and censored. What parts of the government would be necessary for a tyranny? It’d be a lot smaller than what we have now. We could shrink the government and nevertheless find it more tyrannical than it is today.

No, what we want is a limited government, limited not in size, but rather in scope. Limited, that is, in what it’s allowed to do. Under current circumstances, such a government would also be much smaller, but that’s a side effect. If we were in a World War II sort of war, an existential fight against nasty dictatorships on the brink of world conquest, that would be very expensive and would require a gargantuan government, but that would be what the government should be doing. That would be a large, but still limited government, since it’d be working to protect our rights.

World War II would have been the wrong time to squawk about “small government,” but it wasn’t (and never is) a bad time to demand limited government. Today would be a better time to ask for a small government–at least the job it should be doing is small today–but it misses the essential point; we want government to not do certain things. Many of those things we don’t want it doing are expensive but many of them are quite eminently doable by a smaller government than the one we have today. Small, but still exceeding proper limits.

So be careful what you ask for. You might get it and find you asked for the wrong thing.

Political Science In Summation

It’s really just a matter of people who can’t be happy unless they control others…versus those who want to be left alone. The oldest conflict within mankind. Government is necessary, but government attracts the assholes (a highly technical term for the control freaks).

His Truth?

Again we saw an instance of “It might be true for Billy, but it’s not true for Bob” logic this week.

I hear this often, and it’s usually harmless. As when it’s describing differing circumstances, not different facts. “Housing is unaffordable” can be true for one person, but not for another who makes ten times as much.

But sometimes the speaker means it literally. Something like 2+2=4 is asserted to be true for Billy but not for Bob. (And when it’s literal, it’s usually Bob saying it.) And in that sense, it’s nonsense, dangerous nonsense. There is ONE reality, and it exists independent of our desires and our perceptions. It would go on existing if we weren’t here. We exist in it. It does not exist in our heads. It’s not a personal construct, and it isn’t a social construct. If there were no society, reality would continue to be what it is, it wouldn’t vanish…which it would have to do, if it were a social construct.

Now what can change from person to person is the perception of reality. We see that all the time. And people will, of course, act on those perceptions. They will vote for Trump (or try to) if their perception is close to mine, and vote against Trump (and certainly succeed at doing so) if their perception is distant from mine (and therefore, if I do say so, wrong). I have heard people say “perception is reality” and usually, that’s what they’re trying to say–your perception of reality is, as far as you know, an accurate representation of reality, or you’d change it.

But I really wish they’d say it differently. And sometimes, to get back to Billy and Bob, the person who says they have different truths is really saying they have different perceptions of reality–different worldviews. I can’t argue with the latter. But I sure wish they’d say it better. That way I’d know that someone who blabbers about two different truths is delusional and not worth my time, at least not until he passes kindergarten-level metaphysics on his umpteenth attempt.

Lawyer Appeasement Section

OK now for the fine print.

This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines,  here, with an addendum on 20191110.

We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.

And remember Wheatie’s Rules:

1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.

(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)

(Paper) Spot Prices

Kitco “Ask” prices. Last week:

Gold $2,389.60
Silver $31.16
Platinum $1,038.00
Palladium $1,064.00
Rhodium $5,025.00

This week, 3PM Mountain Time, markets have closed for the weekend.

Gold $2,411.60
Silver $30.84
Platinum $1011.00
Palladium $992.00
Rhodium $4,950.00

Gold was over 2,420 on Thursday, and drew back a bit on Friday, still up for the week. Silver a bit down. Palladium took a beating Friday and is now lower than platinum. Both are down for the week any way you cut it.

I need to make a technical comment. The modern run of bullion coins, things like the Canadian Maple Leaf and American Eagle (and many others) are indeed coins because they have denominations on them. The denominations are absurd; the one ounce eagle has a $50 face value. (If anyone ever spends one of these things at face value, I hope I am the one who reaps the benefit of his/her ignorance.) But they will also state their gold content in either grams or troy ounces (a troy ounce is 31.1035 grams or 480 reloading-bench grains).

What can cause some confusion (and did last weekend) is that the coins are often stated as having that much “pure gold” in them, but that doesn’t mean they are made of pure gold. The Canadian Maple Leaf tries for ridiculous purity, less than 1 part per 10000 is something other than gold. Our gold eagle is 91.67 percent pure (22 kt) (with the balance made up of 3 percentage points silver and 5.13 of copper), so it isn’t made of pure gold, but it still contains an ounce of gold; if you removed the other stuff, you would indeed have an ounce of pure gold. They do this, of course, by making the coin weigh more than an ounce.

(Frankly going to eyestraining purity strikes me as a stunt. No one really cares if the coin is absolutely pure; they’re interested in the net weight of precious metal. In fact high purity can have negative consequences as a pure gold coin is soft enough that it might get a ding in it if you give it a harsh look.)

When it’s not absolutely pure, of course, you have to be sure how much gold (or whatever precious metal) is in the coin. There is a big catalog of coins from around the world (the size of a very thick telephone book, and that’s just one century’s worth), generally called Krause after the publisher, and for coins with silver, gold, or other precious content they will give the weight of the coin in grams, then the purity as a decimal fraction, then “ASW” or “AGW” or “APW” for “actual silver weight”, etc. That last number is the actual content of precious metal. Collectors typically just follow that custom when labeling their foreign coins; coin shops will do so to entice people to buy the coin for the metal content if nothing else.

Anyhow the bullion coins, regardless of whether they are pure, will have some nice round number of either troy ounces (over here) or grams (over there in Europe/Asia) of precious metal in them. (Sometimes “over there” will do something in troy ounces, too.)

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Come on, Silver. Get up and go up!

$50 or bust!


Isn’t that supposed to be, “Hi-yo, Silver! Away!”?


Just trying to adjust to the environment.


Jason Willick:

Trump brief in Alvin Bragg case suggests SCOTUS immunity opinion might even blow up E. Jean Carroll verdict.

Jeff Clark:

As the DOJ leader in charge of defending the E Jean Carroll suit before the Biden DOJ decided — after initially agreeing with me when they came into office in 2021 — to change course after they were lobbied, I can say I agree with this.

President Trump should be immune from that suit because it’s based on statements he made while President that are part of his broad powers to speak to the American people, as recognized in Trump v U.S.

Sadly for Carroll and her lawyers, legal “thinkers” like George Conway, who was involved in engineering the suit, didn’t think carefully about presidential immunity before launching that case.

And the Biden Administration was wrong to change course.

By the way, it was the historic position of the Civil Division at DOJ that I helmed to defend a lawsuit like that. It’s the Biden/Garland DOJ that broke with that tradition.

I’m not sure exactly what Trump remarks this refers to, but I hope the case does blow up.


“Sadly for Carroll and her lawyers, legal “thinkers” like George Conway,”


More of a legal ‘stinker’, really.

This is the same guy who threw away his marriage over TDS, isn’t it?

Last edited 5 months ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And helped destroy his own daughter in the process!


A Prince among men!


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Cuck the fommies!


Should happen. Doubt it will.

The GOP will send a sternly worded letter first. Then when forced to vote, the RINO’s will pull it out for the Dems.

Rinse and repeat.

Until American citizens in blue and swing states wake up and recognize they are being screwed, get active in going after the perps, and make the necessary changes it will be as it is.


I can’t vouch for this but am reporting what Roger Stone is saying.

Roger Stone:

My sources confirm everything here is correct…

“Black Insurrectionist”:

I just hung up with my friend who works in D.C. The guy who has nailed everything and given me inside scoops for months that have led to viral tweets, correct predictions and he has not been wrong yet. Not sure if I should post this, but:

Jill Biden is running the country right now.

Joe Biden is sleeping up to 16 hrs. per day.

The Biden and Obama family rift has now blown fully open and any aides loyal to Obama are going to get canned.

Obama is going to try and force Joe out. Obama is meeting privately with power players to get them to withdraw funding.

Hollywood will begin to turn on Biden via Obama is telling them.

Democrats are making decertification plans in case of a Trump win.

Deals are being attempted with some republicans right now to turn on Trump.

A full-blown civil war in the DNC and an attempt to make sure Trump does not get elected at any cost is now happening. Many in D.C. are already saying that the Biden family has completely obliterated the constitution with how they are running the country.

Obama has the CIA and NSA in his corner. Bad news for Biden. The Biden family has cut Joe Biden off to anyone other than a few close people.

The Hur tapes are completely different than the transcription. The desperation to keep them is because apparently Joe Biden had full blown Dementia during most of that interview and some are saying the transcripts are in fact, doctored. I was even warned that I probably should not post this, but the hell with it, I hate the DNC, I hate democrats. The quicker we get rid of the democratic party the better off we all will be. But that includes getting rid of the GOP. Both parties suck.

Anyway, last night press conference did nothing, there is a full court press to get rid of Joe Biden and it is intensifying, watch for leaks to the press about Joe Biden and things that are happening behind the scenes. If the Hur tapes come out, it will be the end of Biden for sure and will lead to prosecutions because of the doctoring of the transcriptions. Internal polling has been disastrous. Many saying Biden has no path to win and if he were to win, the country would go up in flames. Crazy times we live in.


The quicker we get rid of the democratic party the better off we all will be. But that includes getting rid of the GOP. 

Well, Roger sure won’t be speaking at the GOP convention.


MAGA all the way. The good-old-boys parties do not serve America.


^^^ This.

Let’s go with a couple of guys named James.

James Monroe

“Surely our government will go on and prosper without the existence of parties. I have always considered their existence as the curse of the country.”

We are seeing what happens when that is not the case.

James Madison

“The future and success of America is not in this Constitution, but in the laws of God upon which this Constitution is founded.”

Since he was there and considered the “Father of the Constitution” when it was drafted and voted into law he ought to know, right? Maybe we should try something different than this secular bull shiz they have been doing.

“Democracy is the most vile form of government.”

Yup, let’s go with the representative republic we actually are.

“Oppressors can tyrannize only when they achieve a standing army, an enslaved press, and a disarmed populace.”

Welp, two thirds of the way there with constant attacks on the last one.

“Crisis is the rallying cry of the tyrant.”

One right after the other, stressing the system.

“The purpose of the Constitution is to restrict the majority’s ability to harm a minority.”

Which is why they ignore it at every opportunity and only comply years later when the legal system that delays SCOTUS from responding has enough time to do the intended damage.

“If man is not fit to govern himself, how can he be fit to govern someone else?”

That horse left the barn not long after Madison departed the scene.

“We are free today substantially, but the day will come when our Republic will be an impossibility. It will be an impossibility because wealth will be concentrated in the hands of a few. A Republic cannot stand upon bayonets, and when the day comes when the wealth of the nation will be in the hands of a few, then we must rely upon the wisdom of the best elements in the country to readjust the laws of the nations to the changed conditions.”

And here we are today…

“If Tyranny and Oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy.”

Russia, Russia, Russia.

“Armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few.”

See above. Add Ukraine.

“A President is impeachable if he attempts to subvert the Constitution.”

Well, no, not today he isn’t. He’s impeachable if he fulfills its requirements.

“I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents.”

🤣🤣🤣 Define benevolence.

“It will be of little avail to the people that the laws are made by men of their own choice if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood.”

Ever read anything in the Federal Register? Can you imagine a dindonuffin understanding the first word it?

I could go on and on about how far we have strayed, but that is enough for the day. Remind your elected officials of these truths every single day that you can work it into your schedules. Pray daily to the God that this nation is founded upon to save us from ourselves.

Gail Combs

10 LAWS and 1,000 regulations should be REPEALED for every new law that is past.

AND the people get to CHOOSE what laws and regs are removed…


I prefer Melei’s approach.


How about the American version — for every law that is passed, 100 bureaucrats get chainsawed.

Gail Combs

  :wpds_cool:  I would certainly agreed to that!


Great post!


“I was even warned that I probably should not post this, but the hell with it, I hate the DNC, I hate democrats.”


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



“The quicker we get rid of the democratic party the better off we all will be. But that includes getting rid of the GOP. Both parties suck.”


That’s because they’re just one big Uni-Party 👍

Barb Meier

So if the current parties both go away, we have the MAGA party to replace Republicans. What on Earth can be sane enough to replace the Democrat party? We are so accustomed to two parties and I like that much better than some nations that have four or more parties. Then you end up with Macron partnering with the communists to keep his own power. And that sucks.


“If the Hur tapes come out, it will be the end of Biden for sure and will lead to prosecutions because of the doctoring of the transcriptions.”


Oh come on, this is Big Time Wrastlin’.

Nothing is the end of anything 🤣


Well, if the Hur Tapes will end Biden, seems the dems should revisit with Anna Paulina Luna, and vote in favor of a controlled demolition that will set Merrick Garland’s house on fire, which will then leave Biden’s flank wide open long enough to make him run for the hills after which they can attempt to mitigate by closing ranks around the DOJ again and blame Republicans for driving out Joe. 🤔🙄😏😆


You get the Run On Sentence award for 2024.


Technically It is grammatically correct and doesn’t fit the definition of a run-on unless you mean, “My, para, how you do run on!” 😅 But I like the sentence.



I was unaware that ‘run on sentence’ had an error component.

I thought it was just a sentence that could benefit from a few periods and capital letters.



I draw my inspiration from such by reading seriously out of date books where in you could get up and fetch a cup of coffee and the sentence would still be going and if your waiting for the paragraph to end, heck you can go get lunch and it will still not have appeared by the time you get back. 😁


I hesitated, suspecting I might be starting a subthread.  😂 




“Many saying Biden has no path to win and if he were to win, the country would go up in flames.”


We’re already the United States of Dumpster Fire 😂

Robert Baker

Starting to look like history is making a rhythm with the 1968 campaign. I thought a lot more of Humprey than I do of Biden. The convention is even in Chicago again. All that needs to happen now is the sitting President decides not to run.


Are you being prescient? I suspect so.


I read this yesterday. I think it is all true.

Robert Baker

“Black Insurrectionist”:

Reminds me of White Russians and Red Russians. Prelude to civil war? Last time it was the North and the South. This time will it be Black against ???.


I suspect it’s a stab at J6ers and the like being called insurrectionists, and this person is also highlighting race, a double whammy. But yes, the Left would love nothing better than to have a race war. Thankfully, their tactics are turning some black people away.


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Looks like Pelosi came straight from her recent appearance as an extra in The Walking Dead.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Delta Airlines creates new uniform policy BANNING crew from wearing all flag pins except for the U.S. flag.

According to the new policy, effective July 15th:

“We are limiting the display of all nationality/country flag pins on Delta uniforms, with the exception of the official US flag, effective Monday, July 15, 2024.”

It comes after 2 flight attendants were photographed wearing Palestine flag pins on board, sparking outrage online.

Delta did not take any disciplinary action against the employees.


Two more reasons I won’t ever fly again. And it ain’t about the flag pins.


“t comes after 2 flight attendants were photographed wearing Palestine flag pins on board, sparking outrage online.”



I wouldn’t fly on a plane where people who have access to… well, anything really, are Palestinian terrorists or supporters of same.


The problem is that we have no way of knowing unless they tell us.


My experience might not be the norm but for the last couple of years every flight I’ve been on the attendants have the same facial expressions as these two. They act like the passengers crammed in like sardines should be aware of their superior status (whatever) and be forever grateful for their labor intensive (whatever) beverage service.

Give me the old style stereotypical pretty smiling stewardess instead of snarly, abrupt, fat, old, lots of flaming gays, snooty , etc, etc cabin crew with or without their virtue signaling pins.


Yea, airlines are infested with freaks – staff and passengers.

Compounding that, TSA and goofs running the airports.

Easily remedied.

Interstates are awesome.

Gail Combs

As soon as the TSA was instituted I QUIT FLYING PERIOD!


You said it so much more elegantly than I did.  😍 


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Hope so.


A two-fer.


Don’t tease me, bro 🤣

Last edited 5 months ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Their terms are acceptable!


Get it now before the offer closes.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Pssst! You’re not supposed to say “goes down” anywhere near Kamala!!!


Add BO to that!


Flaming Action Hoe, Taco Jill will go out flaming as many as possible.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Maybe Taco Jill wants to be POTUS on the ticket, with Original Hoe as VP! That would be an awesome crash and burn!


More than ever, we need those tapes. Everyone who heard them Is A Traitor.


I’ve been thinking this and am just going to say it: Any ticket with two women is a crash and burn, IMO. I can think of few worse fates for America than to have any combination of these and other women running the country:

Kamala Harris
Gretchen Whitmer
Hillary Clinton
Stacey Abrams
Michelle Obama
Jill Biden

The cackling, the pettiness, the abuse of their staffs, the lack of sound decision-making ability, the lack of self-awareness, the failure to grasp the consequences of their decisions, the warped world view, and of course the woke ideology and leftist policies, would provide one of the quickest ways to finish off America.


And the bag of shit, IIRC, Klobuchar, had her staffee shave her legs under the desk.

On the flip side, Kari is good to go. Prolly another conservative gal or two out there.


Eww Klobuchar…that’s gross


Why would that ‘staffee’ do it?

The response should have been ‘I resign’.


Why? Intimidated, I guess.

Resign? Nope.

Can’t recall the details. Had to have been witnesses.

For openers, GFY. is certainly on the table.

Barb Meier

Bing, bing, bing… my first thought was “Go f yourself.” 😅 😅 😅


arrested for crimes against humanity AND elder abuse


Would anybody doubt that if anyone knows for sure, and has the evidence to prove that Michelle Obama is a man, it’s Joe and/or “doctor” Jill Biden?

It’s not the sexual orientation that’s the problem. It’s the lying and covering up that would destroy the Obama legacy, such as it is.


Let the destruction begin.

LOLF if Taco Jill takes a flamethrower, to the hussein legacy of lies.

Robert Baker

The Obama advantage is that Joe is not even close to a credible news source and has trouble even stringing a coherent lie together.


His wife will leak it to a credible source, with evidence, if it happens.

Robert Baker

I expect Jill would take the money offered to forego the blackmail. It is easier to spend cash than adoration.


Some personality disorders really require the adoration, however.


Taco Jill has for action. They can all go down in flames.


Having proof of Michelle’s being a man would be a major ace in the hole. I would think the Obamas would be a little more wary than they are, knowing that someone had that. I do not think she is a man but if she is, I would love for that speculation to be put to rest.


Maybe she is an It ? 😂


To me her/his? gender seek and reveal is a trap right now. If.MAGA or worse, MAGA pretenders use it as a flame thrower it’s only going to be a distraction that everyone digs their heels in. It’s not important right now

I suppose if the Biden loyalists toss it out there with proof that could be an advantage but due to the lying. Going down a morality path at this time probably isn’t the way to go, imo

Robert Baker

If they promote Michelle to Admiral, I can’t imagine there will be any scandal.


LOL…not a hint of scandal


PS~~~ I noticed that Aubergine basically already said this. Sorry, didn’t see it when I commented.


Lying always comes back one way or the other. Obama has much dirt in his closet .
Michel has something to hide maybe coverup about her husband. I do not care if she/ he is Michel or Michael. He personality is in question her ethical compass also.




Yes, it’s the lies I care about.


And the Klintoons too.


Looking like Briben will be booted from 2024 run.

Hoe? Trashed or lead the ticket.

Blacks, even though Hoe is Not Black AND women will be hugely displeased.

Can D-Rats steal the election with Hoe in the lead position.


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I just love it, DJT makes me grin and laugh 👍😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Do it for President Putin of Ukraine, and Vice President Trump!


You are having too much fun today!   :wpds_grin:   :wpds_mrgreen:   :wpds_twisted:   :wpds_razz: 


“For the good of the country” is a master stroke. Who could argue with that?



Former White House trade advisor Peter Navarro, who is currently in jail on contempt of Congress charges, is expected to speak at next week’s Republican National Convention just hours after his release.

That’s according to two people familiar with the event’s schedule who spoke on condition of anonymity to share details before they were formally announced. 

Navarro is set to be released from a Miami prison on Wednesday, July 17, according to the Federal Bureau of Prisons’ online database of current inmates. That would give him just enough time to board a plane and make it to Milwaukee before the convention wraps Thursday.


Just watch, they’ll slow-walk his release just to be petty bastards.


I wouldn’t put it past them!

Gail Combs

And POTUS Trump will make sure Dr Navarro has a ride waiting for him.


He shouldn’t have to board just “a” plane; it should be Trump Force One.


Navarro won’t be on a commercial flight.

Trump One or another America First sponsored AC will be made available.


With drug tests? NFW!


That’s because most cashiers at Home Depot actually know what they’re doing.


It’s not a suggestion, it’s just obvious.

There’s no actual controversy there.

Robert Baker

It seems that it is a reasonable assumption that Jon does not frequent Home Depot.


Lively dancing. Man who can dance like this with a cane?

Gail Combs

four years ago: Q&A with multitalented Roland Parijs 

Multitalented Roland Parijs loves to dance and speaks/writes many languages, also is an experienced system administrator with a history of working in the education sector. Proficient in MS Window Server, Programming, Research, Windows 7, System Management and Active Directory. He’s also an Arabic and Chinese translator and calligrapher. Graphic designer, painting artist and passionate dancer (Lindy Hop, Swing, Rock and Roll dance). “In my view a life well lived is a life in which you can make other people happy. I love to see people smiling when I am dancing, it makes me very happy.”  

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Barb Meier

Thanks for bringing this, Gail!

Gail Combs



On the tech side of things, I got my openwrt router booted and changed its password, and decided I didn’t want to try and configure it (a) in a place I had to stand and (b) on a laptop whose 11″ screen is at some super-high resolution, so I can’t easily read it. I’ll configure it in here.

I had a tinybox server with 16G internal storage that I had previously loaded with Linux and bricked doing a version upgrade because the storage was insufficient to keep the old and the new at the same time. I decided that I’d try to run it off of a 128G thumbdrive, which seems to be working, albeit slowly. I decided I’d just go with the thumbdrive as ext4, which is a journaling filesystem, despite this eating into the lifespan of flash memory devices, because its system device is, after all, just a thumbdrive — which I can easily replace.

Happy go lucky

Woot! It’s the weekend! Happy Saturday everyone!

I saw a Tesla truck on the highway today. I was surprised how it gave me quite a shock, actually, very unnerving and I would not have expected that reaction. I’m not looking forward to a future with militaristic auto designs.


I don’t see militaristic; I see minimalistic comic book.

I do agree that it is a startling thing to behold.


I hate them. I like these:

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Back when Chevy was a brand.


“Elon Musk donated a large sum to Donald Trump, Bloomberg writes, citing sources.

The world’s richest man has reportedly contributed a “significant amount” to one of Trump’s campaign funds.

The publication also writes that Republican billionaires Ken Griffin and Paul Singer met with Trump on this issue. But what they agreed on is unknown.”



It wouldn’t surprise me at all if DJT raises ten times whatever the previous record is. People who understand the consequences, and who have great wealth, and who are not part of the insane clown posse Leftist cabal, have nothing to gain by holding back — and everything to lose.

Meanwhile, if FJB remains the candidate, he won’t even be able to raise cab fare 😂🤣😂


A man was discussing the Chilean gangs roaming and robbing Country Clubs, homes in their area. “We need more police presence!” WHAT?
They voted in the politicians that gave us Defund the Police, open boarders et al.
Now they need police protection??? They should get their ballot shredded!


It’s not more police presence they need. They need the Chilean gangs gone. Do they really think having more police officers will curb organized home invasion gangs? That’s a pipe dream.
The invaders are the problem not the amount of cops.


SlowJoe will just sign an executive order that imposes a “10% for the big guy” surcharge on any company that fails to donate voluntarily.

Brave and Free

Thanks for the information Steve.


Steve, Technical comment hugely appreciated. Last week, I had made a couple incorrect conclusions. Technical comment above, makes it all easily understood. Thank you!


Good argument put forward there for counteracting the cultists.

Last edited 5 months ago by RAC
Gail Combs

Jo Nova is very good when it comes to the Info Wars.



Yours Truly: Dr. Robert Redfield, who was head of the CDC in 2020, testified before a Senate committee on Thursday, two days ago. Dr. Redfield stated that the COVID-19 “vaccines” are “toxic” and “should not have been mandated.” He said a lot of other things, too, like: pausing Gain-of-Function research; that the FDA should release all the safety data about these “vaccines”; and more.

Yours Truly’s “BS Meter” was on 12 on a scale of 1 – 10 regarding Dr. Redfield’s testimony. IMO, his testimony smelled a lot like “CYA TIME.”
Dr. Redfield, as head of the CDC in 2020, signed off on the CDC’s ACIP committee recommendation for the use of the Pfizer-BioNTech “flagship” modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine”, BNT162b2, to be used in the United States, on 12 December 2020. This was one day after the FDA granted this EUA (11 December 2020.)

Here’s his 13 December 2020 statement:

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Note he makes it clear that he’s “proud” to have signed off on the EUA.

Question for Dr. Redfield: With all due respect, Dr. Redfield, are you also “proud” of the COVID-19 modRNA “vaccine”-induced damages, illnesses, disabilities, and deaths, that BNT162b2 caused since December 2020?

Oh, yes, and who was Commissioner of the FDA in December 2020? — Dr. Stephen Hahn. Did Dr. Hahn do HIS due diligence and ALSO demand more data, detailed data analysis, and further testing of BNt162b2? NOPE. Instead, Dr. Hahn went with the FDA’s VRBPAC committee’s 11 December 2020 recommendation for granting an EUA for BNT162b2 to be used in the United States.

Were Dr. Redfield and Dr. Hahn also, along with then-President Trump, the victims of the intentional withholding of important information about BNT162b2 that was done by Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx, and others, prior to December 2020? And now Dr. Redfield knows the truth and is “coming clean”? What about Dr. Hahn?

Last edited 5 months ago by PAVACA

Hold ’em accountable!


One would not be surprised to see that the above archived CDC link to Dr. Redfield’s December 2020 statement is somehow “disappeared” off the CDC archived documents listings.
It is already very difficult to find Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers documents related to EARLIER versions of BNT162b2. It appears that many of these have been quietly “disappeared” off the internet.

AND — here’s perhaps one reason why this “disappearing act” is being done:
is the Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers for COMIRNATY, the “FDA-approved” earlier version of BNT162b2 as of August 2021. (This entire situation was a real “hat trick” by the FDA — COMIRNATY, while the agency “approved” it for use in the United States, WAS NOT USED IN THE UNITED STATES. The UNITED STATES version, called “Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine”, WAS USED. However — this product and COMIRNATY WERE THE EXACT SAME THING. The difference was that the “Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine”, since the FDA KEPT IT UNDER EUA, could NOT be held liable for any “vaccine”-induced injury, illness, disability, or death; whereas COMIRNATY, since it was “FDA-approved”, could be held liable.)
Here is a screenshot from the link above.
Notice the Section 13 Nonclinical Toxicology statement.

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Now, look at the following Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers for the Pfizer-BioNTech “2023-2024 Formula COVID-19 Vaccine”, page 39:

Last edited 5 months ago by PAVACA

The old boy is trying to rationalize and minimize his role in the destruction of humanity.


Janet Woodcock, MD, was Acting Commissioner of the FDA in August 2021. IMO, ** someone ** told her to get Section 13 removed from the August 2021 Sheet for BNT162B2 linked above.


Verse of the Day for Saturday, July 13, 2024

“And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us:” 

1 John 5:14 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Sing unto the Lord a brand new song;
Sing praises to Him all your lifelong;
For He has sustained and kept you sound;
His blessings upon you daily abound!

Sing – Sing your sweet song of praise;
Ring – Ring your Hand bells and raise;
Your voice to His Honor and Glory be;
Your ringtone – a joyful noise – artfully!

With thanksgiving, let your sweet song begin;
With gratefulness, thank Him for peace within;
In Him, through Him, and with Him, we thrive;
Keep His commandments – Keep hope alive!

Victoriously – Jesus conquered death;           
He suffered and bled until his last breath;
Praise Him – Oh, Praise Him – thank Him in song;
For without His gift – we would not belong!

It is said when we sing – then, twice we pray;
Double the praise – sing a new song today;
Raise up your voice – in Psalms praise His name;
Jesus is Lord – let your voice proclaim!

Sing unto the Lord – a new song today;
Rejoice in His blessings a brand new way;
When we give Honor and Glory to Him;
Our hearts fill with joy – right up to the brim!

D01: 04/17/2013

Last edited 5 months ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Psalm 91.The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday



Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday




Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

SD noticed something!!!


And the SD / Musk connection to JD is…?


See this BIMD for more personal information about JD Vance. Ignore my personal comparisons and parallels as you desire.


Do not underestimate JD as VP if he is selected. He is tough, smart, learns quickly, and dedicated. He will not be a Mike Pence.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Prepare for censorship wars!!!


That guy’s rockin’ a Steve Bannon ‘do.


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LOL That might be closer to the truth than fiction!!

based on some of @grandmaintexas’s Wednesday blog posts at Sylvia’s, many of us have dumped chemically-based (but often marketed as natural) items like soaps, shampoos, tooth paste and moisturizers.

specifically on moisturizer, Grandma had a great post on tallow and its uses and benefits. I found a company Heart and Homestead online ( or thru Amavzon) that sells whipped tallow balm with listed ingredients as: grass fed VA (Virginia) tallow, olive oil, calendula & rose infusion, roasted coffee oil, vanilla oleoresin. Certified USDA organic.

I’ve used both the Coffee Vanilla (ingred above) and the Vanilla Orange. Both have a mild, pleasant scent that quickly dissipates. I use a light dab of it on my face and the sheen/moisture lasts practically all day (altho it’s a bit too greasy on these hottest days).

i also put it on the thinning skin on the back of my hands.

pricy but I’m worth it 😊 check Sylvia’s for more of Grandma’s Wednesday tips 🩷




He’s right – can’t make this stuff up.



GWP ran a similar story two days ago. Makes the Catholic Priest’s combined with the Boy Scout’s scandal look like child’s play.


Given the roughly 50 million students in U.S. K-12 schools each year, the number of students who have been victims of sexual misconduct by school employees is probably in the millions each decade, according to multiple studies. Such numbers would far exceed the high-profile abuse scandals that rocked the Roman Catholic Church and the Boy Scouts of America.


Such a model of restraint!


Aside from the disgusting nature of it, I have to point out that it’s legal.


How sad. The next generation won’t get kinky sex instructions.


For the romantic girls on this blog:

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Happy go lucky

And right quick too

Gail Combs

Is it a black widow, or brown recluse or just a daddy long legs or an orb weaver?

Barb Meier

Oh Gail, let’s not pause to get all clinical… spider in my bra????! No time to waste…


What if it’s a friendly spider?


Well, who ever the guy is will get real friendly as she ditches her bra.

Gail Combs

We let them live.


Unvaccinated organic pure blood Novak Djokovic plays a small imaginary sad violin for his haters at Wimbledon after winning the Semi Final & progressing to this weekends final.

The Tennis GOAT is often hated after exposing the sheer lunacy of the COVID Vaccine scam & refusing the experimental mRNA Jabs.

While other athletes collapse on court or die suddenly for whatever reason – Novak continues to stand tall & the vaccine fanatics hate him for it.

It’s actually his tennis racket, so not a small violin, but good for him.


Watch this story disappear if they find out he’s an illegal immigrant…

“Armed police arrest man, 34, in Bristol as they investigate deaths of two men whose bodies were found in suitcases at Clifton Suspension Bridge”
“Police had earlier named Colombian national Yostin Andres Mosquera, 34, as someone they were hunting in connection with the grim discovery first made on Wednesday.”


Last edited 5 months ago by RAC

Oh yum.

Aldi’s in Great Britain is now selling bug meat for those that can’t afford a regular source of protein. We have an Aldi’s somewhere around here, but I’m not going to make an effort to find it. Meanwhile I’d be checking school menus closely. You can bet they’ll be sneaking that stuff into the cafeterias. By “they” I don’t mean the kids. Ackkkk!

You know what they say, “you are what you eat” and once you eat bugs, that makes you a bug and they’ll have no compunction against squashing you like one.



Aldi’s is a pair of German companies, Aldi Nord and Aldi Süd. Originally founded as one company in 1946 by two brothers, the brothers had a falling-out in 1960 (over the sale of cigarettes, which one brother insisted would attract low-lifes) and have since been separate corporations (headquartered in neighboring cities). In the US, Aldi Nord owns Trader Joe’s and Aldi Süd owns Winn-Dixie and Harveys. Great Britain is Aldi Süd.

The rivalry is not so fierce that they won’t gang-up on suppliers to get joint purchase discounts.

The brothers were out of the picture by 1993, leaving the companies to be run by private family foundations [think “Ford Foundation” and “Carnegie Foundation”].


Coothie’s Post-College Continuing Education Project rolls on.  😍 


Very interesting, never heard that before


If you think that’s fun, you should delve into Swagelok [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swagelok ]. The guy that owned it was a paranoid [I say with admiration] who structured the thing with rabbit holes and cutouts everywhere. The third largest employer in a city where you live might be Swagelok, and neither you nor its employees might ever know.

Being privately held, they don’t disclose Jack to the SEC or other Feds (except the IRS, and you can expect that to be confusing as hell). You can visit their website and hear their story — https://www.swagelok.com/en/about/legacy .


This guy’s running for governor of NC.

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If Trump wanted to guarantee his election as governor, he’d pick him for VP at the convention. Robinson would politely decline, saying that he’s honored but NC needs him to be governor.

Trump could then reveal his real VP choice, saying that he was torn between 2 guys and he only picked Robinson on the way to the convention.


Robinson would be great by me.

MeThinks. Ben or Kari.

Not gonna be a sitting Senator, as we need the Senate.

Gail Combs


  :wpds_twisted:   :wpds_mad:   :wpds_evil: 


Okay, can’t wait till Tuesday when DP gets back.

Last edited 5 months ago by GA/FL



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Richard Simmons has passed at the age of 76.


Last edited 5 months ago by cthulhu

Note that the sex guru lasted 20 years longer than the fitness guru….

Barb Meier

Steve, everything is moving fast. I don’t remember where I saw this and I saved it on the 10th. I wanted to give you another beautiful eagle to add to your collection. 🤗 Thank you for your Saturday posts!!!


Apparently Trump was rushed off the stage at the Penn rally because shots were heard, as far as I know, DJT is fine.

Last edited 5 months ago by scott467
Deplorable Patriot

he did walk off, but there are reports of blood near an ear.


RSBN (video above) just reported that his ear may have been hit.


OMG…unbelievable. I hope he’s okay

Deplorable Patriot

Looks like he is.

The game just intensified.


It sure did. It makes me proud that the crowd turned on the msm instead of trampling each other to get out

Gail Combs

I sure hope Mega supporters scared the LIVING SCHIFF out of the Fake Mews -CIA gas lighters since THEY are ULTIMATELY RESPONSIBLE for Trump Derangement Syndrome.


TDS flames created AND fanned by Pravda News, lefty loons, hollweird.


Thank you


The two ladies reporting at RSBN are shaming the assassins, and shaming the demons and devils too 😁

She just said “I may get in trouble for this, but I’m a Texas girl, so I’m just gonna say it, get locked and loaded.”

Now that’s reporting! 👍

Last edited 5 months ago by scott467
Deplorable Patriot

Yep, there is definitely blood on his face, but he’s holding the Secret Service up as they tried to move him from the stage, saying ‘Wait, wait’ so he can address the crowd, pumping his fist in the air, and you can see he’s saying “Fight, fight, fight” (3 times), so it looks like he’s going to be okay 👍

Looks like the top of his right ear was grazed.

Can’t get much closer than that.

Last edited 5 months ago by scott467

Blood on his right ear, too!


Looks like he’s yelling Fight Fight?




Crowd responded well.


Prayers for President Trump. The person shooting needs to hang


RSBN video show Trump reach for his left right ear and goes behind the podium.

No idea about anything else.

RSBN say ambulance heading towards what looks like a medevac helo.

Last edited 5 months ago by kalbokalbs
Tatonka Woman

There was video of a life evac chopper leaving the site


Hasn’t seen that. Here’s the motorcade leaving.


Did they get the bad guy(s)?


One guy on R America’s voice said secret service may have shot someone OUTSIDE the perimeter

Barb Meier

RSBN says the shooter and a rally goer are dead.


Prayers for the rally goer and family. That’s going to be a hard one.


I haven’t heard yet, except that RSBN seemed to think the Secret Service fired at someone outside the event, maybe toward the treeline.


The tree line behind the podium or ?


I think to the side, to DJT’s right side (TV viewer’s left side).

He was facing to his right, pointing at a chart (or something, it was off camera), so if he was hit in his right ear while facing to his right, the shooter must have been off to DJT’s right (or possibly left, behind him, but my sense is that the bullet came from the left side of the TV screen, or DJT’s right).

Last edited 5 months ago by scott467

CIA specialty decoy . I do not trust those bleeps.

Gail Combs

Hubby reports:


So do we know if the dead guy is Mark Violets, or we have two bad guys.


Not sure… they keep showing vid of this guy getting dragged out of the stands… Might be an abundance of caution thing or something else. No clarification that I’ve heard of.



That might be the rally guy that was shot in the head.


Live Fox, looks local Fox

Nothing new that I can tell. Replaying the attempted assassination. Trump hit. I think he instinctively ducked. SS surrounded…

Last edited 5 months ago by kalbokalbs

Looks like there were three steady shots in a row, I think the first one hit his ear (which he reached up to feel) and the second and third shots apparently missed.

Sounds like Secret Service returned fire at that point, while other agents swarmed DJT and took him to the ground.

Someone in authority said “are we good?” a couple times, and “shooter’s down”.

Then “we’re clear, we’re clear” and “Let’s move”.

As they stand up, DJT says “Let me get my shoe”.

It was after that, still surrounded by Secret Service, that he pumped his fist in defiance, saying “Fight, fight, fight” to the crowd.

Last edited 5 months ago by scott467

Yea. I’ve settled on first round hit Trump.

After first round, accuracy fades. Only the Most experienced snipers can maintain accuracy. MeThinks.


The reporter just mentioned ‘smoke’ and I did see what looked like smoke around DJT’s head as he was shot, and that doesn’t make sense why there would be any ‘smoke’ at the impact site.

So I’m not sure what it was.


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Secret Service were having a hard time getting their guy down. Trump is a bull.


Looks like state troopers are hauling someone away who was in the bleachers, but that has to be unrelated, or there would be swarms of secret service involved too.


I’ll be quite surprise if the round that winged (or worse) Trump’s ear did not hit someone behind Trump.

If it missed anyone else, I’d question the angle. (Shooter >>> Trump.)


He was turned to his right (our left) pointing at some chart apparently, so the crowd directly behind the podium would not have been hit by the gunfire, and there may have been no one to his left (our right) off camera.

I would guess there were few people immediately to the left or right of the stage, that most people would be in front of or behind the stage.


Reporter talking about ‘smoke’ again, and I’m not aware of any weapon that causes ‘smoke’ at the point of impact, but I did see something that looked like smoke.

Last edited 5 months ago by scott467

Nor I.

Hoping the bullet, whatever caliber it was, was “off the shelf.” Nothing “special.”


^^^ Same source now saying…

Trump winged.
Audience member dead. Another hit, serious. (Edit. Guessing “hit, serious” incorrect.)

Me. Makes sense. Those rounds won’t be stopped by a winged ear.

Shooter dead. (Me. ???)

Fog of real time reporting.

Last edited 5 months ago by kalbokalbs

Reading the statement from the campaign: “President Trump thanks first responders for their quick action during this heinous act”, that’s according to a spokesman on the campaign.

It continues, saying “He is fine and is being checked out at a local medical facility, more details will follow.”


Reporter says they’ve heard from the Secret Service for the first time, saying the former President is ‘safe’.


Reporter asks “Wear does the investigation go from here?”

That’s a big problem, because the entire federal government apparatus is engaged in the “get Trump” effort, including the FIB and the DoJ, so who is going to investigate the investigators?

How are the insanely biased and corrupt FIB and DoJ, under FJB who has openly targeted DJT, going to do a credible investigation, and who in this world is going to believe anything they say?

Robert Baker

Maybe we can get the FSB to investigate. I hear they are supposed to be best friends with Trump.


Searching for reasons to trust DOJ, FIB, HLS… Low expectations here.


You have a point.


Commentator saying that the shots likely came from DJT’s right (TV viewer’s left), based on the crowd’s reaction, where many people turned that direction when the gunfire began.

A single shot would be very difficult to identify a direction, but the follow up shots would make it clear which direction the shots were coming from. The people behind DJT looked to their right, which was my initial sense also.


NY Post said somebody counted nine shots, three before Trump was hit.

Does not sound like an assassination attempt if that is accurate.


^^^ Nonsense. ^^^

100% Assassination Attempt.


Counted eight or nine shots. No idea if all the same weapon.

Video I saw, Trump hit within the first couple. My guess, First Round.

Last edited 5 months ago by kalbokalbs

Saw the replay again. Hit first round I think.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s what I thought, too. And THAT is assassination logic, because first shot is the only one with both surprise AND not suffering any recoil or post-shot downsides.


Yes think so too !


Not every sniper is a level 9 . An attempt on his life is an assassination attempt even if they fail


True. I just wanted to make sure nobody thought it was a plot.

Plot would have used a professional shooter. DJT would not be alive in that case.


You’re definitely right on that I’m sure.

Last edited 5 months ago by mollypitcher5

Quite possibly so.

Wonder who or what enticed him to attempt taking Trump out.


When JFK was shot they blamed a dork also and it took years to find out it was the CIA.


Exactly. Antifa does nothing on their own. Paid goons. IMO.


Panti-fa = Democrat brown-shirts, from the get-go. It’s their rent-a-mob.

It would be just as ridiculous for the Dims to try to distance themselves from panti-fa as it would be for the Dims to distance themselves from BLM.

It’s all one team.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, this one needed cover.

Something is up with the fact that this shooter had a vantage point with surprise for the SS snipers to Trump’s right – cross-firing on Trump. That is GOOD, military-grade planning. BUT if the guy is not a pro, then THAT is good CIA tactics.

I’m thinking this is an MK shooter.


I counted ten.


Not sure how they differentiate between shots fired by the shooter, and return shots fired by Secret Service.

To me, it sounded like three steady initial shots (and DJT reacted to the 1st shot, reaching for his ear), followed by a volley of return fire.


Saw another replay.

Nearly immediately after first shot.

Someone, perhaps more than one, shouts. Duck. Duck. Duck.


You heard what I did. To bad I did not sit next to the shooter I would have bead the shit out of him and I am not a violent person The worse would have come out of me.
JFK, Martin Luther King, RFK and President Reagan and now an attempt on President Trump. I would think it all comes from the feckless three letter agency.


I provided participant and witness comments from interviews to everybody in one of my BIMD stories on the MLK, Jr. assassination. The post is still up. The primary three letter agency involved was FIB. Deke Deloach was the cleaner after the fact for FIB. The clowns and ATF were also using some of the gang for other operations. I knew a couple members of the hit group as I lived in the same town they did. One was a former sheriff in that county.

The clowns use FIB and their operatives for domestic needs. That’s why so many FIB agents have clearance with them as well.

Gail Combs



They do.

As does hollyweird, loon politicians…

The never ending, Trump is a threat to democracy, lies, yada, yada…


The Hitler talk did not help.

Deplorable Patriot

When he came up off the stage…hate to say it, but that looked more like a theatrical blood pack than an injury as it wasn’t flowing so much. I could very well be wrong on this, but I’m wondering if this wasn’t a FF.


Winged. Ducked behind the podium, held down for a couple minutes. Long enough to coagulate. Depending on the wound. IMO.

NOT following the FF angle. Clarification…

Deplorable Patriot

I’d agree except that it’s a head injury.

There are indications he took one in the vest, so at this point, it’s all speculation. The fog of first reports.


Head yes…the ear. Looked to be top of the ear, IIRC.

I’ll go back and look for the maybe vest shot.

As posted a ways back.

  • After the first shot, someone or more yelled. Duck. Duck. Duck. Clearly on the video.

If he was hit in the vest with a follow-up shot, that might explain what appeared to be a puff of ‘smoke’.

But if he was hit in the vest, his whole body should have reacted to the force, unless it was a BB gun, or maybe a subsonic .22 caliber rifle round.

Last edited 5 months ago by scott467

so at this point, it’s all speculation

No, it is not all speculation. Trump was shot in the ear. That is not in dispute.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The direction of Trump’s head at the first shot, looking at the teleprompter to his right, lines up perfectly with the building on which the shooter was seen, and later found. That makes the ear shot perfectly plausible and explained. It’s all adding up, to me.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Also note that the putative gunshot hole high to Trump’s right side on the vest is also perfectly matched up to this positioning, and it’s perfect assassination logic. They tried FIRST for a head shot with surprise, followed by scattered shots at the top end of the vest, going for head, neck, collarbone.


NOT following the FF angle. Clarification…

The false flag angle would entail Trump being in on a scheme to fool everyone into thinking there was an attempt on his life. It would mean he was lying to every one of us. It’s flabbergasting that someone here would entertain such a thought for even a moment.

It would also mean that no one was killed or injured; it was all fake. That any Trump supporter could think he would go along with something like that is appalling to me.


Went to bed last night pissed. Now I’m pissed again.

IF that is the line of thought behind “FF” being posted, PURE Pravda News NBC Bullshit at best.


I’m wondering if this wasn’t a FF.

Please flesh out that theory. Are you saying that Trump was part of a fake attack on himself?


Just the notion, Trump would be in on the assassination attempt, and murder is purely ignorant.

Offensive to Trump AND Every America First MAGA type. U F B.Pravda News Level Bullshit.
(Not at you TT.)

Last edited 5 months ago by kalbokalbs

I feel as if I’m constantly (figuratively) jumping up and down and pointing out, “Did you see that?” “What about that?” “And did you see what was said there?” — all referring to comments from the same person.

IMO there should have been multiple pushback comments on the idea of this being a false flag, but it’s as if no one can see. I watch this kind of thing happen frequently here, in absolute amazement. It’s as if people have blinders on.

Just the notion, Trump would be in on the assassination attempt, and murder is purely ignorant.

Yes. And I believe it is borne out of at least three things:
1.The belief that nothing is as it seems because “we are watching a movie,” which is a distorted, inaccurate interpretation of what Q said, as I have demonstrated here.
2.The belief that “theatrical experience” makes one an expert in facial recognition, some clandestine ops, and now real blood vs. fake. The opposite of that is true. I have been much more accurate in my own assessments.
3.The apparent belief that one has superior ability to see things that others can’t.

Then there is the lack of thinking things through, the lack of logical thought, the apparent inability to analyze and to do it accurately — all while appearing to believe in one’s own judgment as superior.

But the most outrageous aspect is the idea that Trump would fake something like this because of some kind of plan. It is what some on the Left are saying. I’ve seen articles about their claiming the attack was fake. Yet we have someone on our side entertaining that possibility because they think they can tell the difference between real blood and fake blood and because “nothing is as it seems.” Unbelievable.

Offensive to Trump AND Every America First MAGA type. U F B.Pravda News Level Bullshit.

Yes. For this to have been a false flag would have meant that Trump was in on planning the whole thing. You don’t have a fake ear injury with fake blood without being in on the scheme. He would have had to agree to all the sordid details, including lying to the public about a man being killed. He would have had to coordinate with every law enforcement agency involved. I don’t know them all, but I would think at least the SS and the local police. Why would they agree to such a scheme?

He would have to be fine with lying to all of us and to the world, I suppose because it was part of some plan. When you take this kind of thinking to its logical conclusion, it circles around to the Left’s ends-justify-the-means rationale.

I believe I know who Trump is and the sort of person he is. I believe he is as honest with us as possible (because in politics, with strategy and national security and the like, not everything can be revealed). That honesty includes abiding by the rule of law and upholding the laws of the U.S. We’re in a fight, and Trump is a master at strategic thinking, but I am dumbfounded that someone would think him capable of faking something like this.


Yes. I wanted to get my thoughts on the record to refer back to later if this comes up again.


I will be ready if they are. This goes way beyond body doubles and the like. It cast doubts on Trump’s character, and I will speak against it.

Last edited 5 months ago by TheseTruths

I think it’s the latter.
I previously posted an article about the psychology of why people believe these kinds of things. Certain elements of that article apply here.

Last edited 5 months ago by TheseTruths

“Antifa Member Arrested for Trump Shooting: Mark Violets Identified”
By Chekwas John | July 13, 20240 Comment
Arrest Made in Trump Shooter Incident
In a recent development, the Butler Police Department has announced the arrest of the suspect involved in the shooting incident targeting former President Trump. The alleged shooter has been identified as Mark Violets, who is reported to be a member of the Antifa group. Prior to the shooting, Violets posted a video on YouTube in which he ominously declared that “justice is coming.”


I did NOT verify at Butler PD site so for now FWIW


Waiting to hear about the weapon, rounds…

Robert Baker

The media will tell you it was an assault rifle, AR-45.


If so, panti-fa is done, done, done.

They’re GONE.

No more games with that BS.


I wanna see what the asshole was wearing. Range…


I hope it was a bloody mess whatever his cool Shoot Trump outfit for today was


Good now take down every Antifa member with in 3000 miles of that dough boy.


Yes let’s see the FIB geotracking his buddies, his contacts, swarming his house… oh wait….they’re busy with law abiding citizens


Fr Altman was on youtube yesterday and said ” he gave a small statue of Archangel Michael to Trump. Trump has it on sitting on
his night table.

Barb Meier

Save the photo, X now says the post has been taken down.


So it appears that there is a dead shooter on the roof of some structure, and (also) a shooter named Mark Violets has been arrested.

[checking my fingers]

If I count right, that’s two shooters.


Clarification would be good.


thank you




This could be the guy, trying to find info before the Matrix scrubs the interwebs:


thought antifa is a myth….


Wray, Mayorkas not Antifa believers. (Spit)


Atifa is the brown shirts for the left.


It’s a video ‘short’, I don’t see any way to download or save it, before it gets wiped.


They have a free option

Also https://aquapp.net/

Last edited 5 months ago by K1tt7-fzn

Thank you! 👍


Apparently not available in “free” America:

Subject: Discontinuation of Service in the United States
April 16, 2020

Dear Savefrom User:

As you may have heard, our industry has been under strenuous attacks by certain US copyright holders. Because of these attacks, it has become financially impractical for Savefrom to continue to provide services in the United States.

Accordingly, Savefrom will be terminating its services in the United States as of April 28, 2020.

We thank you for your past loyalty and patronage and wish you health and safety during the present health crisis and beyond.

Very truly yours,


HLS on the lookout for misinformation, containing truth.


Oh, no wonder it worked for me (a few hours N from dear Sylvia).
The second one was supposed to be

I also found https://ytbsave.com/


Thank you again! 👍😁


Too late though, the video has already been taken down. Hopefully a lot of people saved it and can keep uploading it faster than Creep State can take it down.


Video has now been scrubbed.


Looking for more information, found this at Clinton News Network:


“The Secret Service said in a statement that Trump is “safe” and that the incident is being investigated.

“An incident occurred the evening of July 13 at a Trump rally in Pennsylvania. The Secret Service has implemented protective measures and the former President is safe. This is now an active Secret Service investigation and further information will be released when available,” Secret Service chief spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said.

President Joe Biden had not yet been briefed on the incident, he told reporters, as he was leaving church.

A senior Trump adviser in Milwaukee told CNN that the team is working to gather more information on the former president’s condition. The adviser was heartened by Trump’s gestures as he was led off the stage and from his SUV.

“We don’t know his condition,” the adviser said. “We pray he is OK.”


pervotus Joe was napping so…no need to wake him.


Was tidying up the last chores before going to bed and heard the shocking events on the midnight news.
Hope PDJT and all around him and all on here are OK.


According to Fox News (looks like a local affiliate maybe), the Trump campaign issued a statement saying DJT is “fine”.


Just now been reading all the recent comments, when is antifa going to be designated a terrorist organization.


After D-Rats removed from WH. NOT before.


“Just now been reading all the recent comments, when is antifa going to be designated a terrorist organization.”


It’s going to take time.

First they have to get rid of all the evidence for the ticker-tape parade party they were about to throw.


yep. IF it had been successful I’m sure thousands of MAGA , antifa dressed as MAGA would’ve taken to the streets proving once and for all how violent we are. Set up…fail


According to the Fox News feed below (or above, wherever it appears), the Trump campaign has issued a statement, saying DJT is “fine”.


The fascist Left always talks that way, they’re always violent, always projecting their own violent ways onto their opponents.

Brave and Free

Always inciting their fringe.

Barb Meier

Makes sense. Sniper on roof dead.

Every outdoor rally I have been to, SS snipers of a couple rooftops – the High Ground.

Those were always Trump 45 rallies, not candidate Trump.

No idea if SS had snipers on roof tops for this rally.

Last edited 5 months ago by kalbokalbs

Well, that best have been a SS up there. No way they should of allowed that if it was the shooter. Right out in the open.


See the SD video posted slightly up or down.

U F B.


Watched the video SD posted.

Obviously SS did NOT have snipers on high ground. (That will change going forward)


  • Dude in the SD video clearly said he was trying to get LE & SS attention, there IS a guy with a rifle on the barn roof.
  • No one warned Trump. Trump winged. Rally attendee murdered.

Explains rapid shots after initial shot(s) at Trump.

SS Will Be Going Pure Cover SS Asses.


Does the shooter have camouflage suit on? He looks like the snipers also has light hair not black hair ?


Doc in the crowd. Says some one got shot in the head. Says helicopter coming in to get him.


if i hear F’n msm call it an incident at this point I’m going to scream


Secret Service was first to say ‘incident’.



Nice to see Elon step up quickly.


Sure makes me wonder if our anti Trump shadow govt does to antifa what they do to gullible nationalists..infiltrate, groom and set some loser up to assassinate DJT /


That’d be the way to bet….

Robert Baker

I am not sure they need to groom these people beyond what they already get from the legacy media, MSNBC, CNN, The View, and the late-night talk shows.


Guessing and NOT being sarcastic.


It takes a hell of a lot for anyone to aim a weapon at a living person. Then, fire a live round at him.And be a pretty damn good AND composed shooter.
Ain’t easy, IMO uninformed opinion.

Shooter is no run of the mill dirtbag lefty loon.

Narrative as I understand it at this point is not good.

Happy to be wrong. Hope I am wrong.

Last edited 5 months ago by kalbokalbs

I do not know how to make the link, but Sundance has a four minute video of an eyewitness who saw the assassin on the roof with his rifle, and spent several minutes FUTILEY telling the police and SS that the guy was there. LE ignored the eyewitness.

Then the SS made sure to kill the assassin, forever closing his mouth.

The video is a couple dozen posts down in the thread.


Last edited 5 months ago by Tonawanda



Eyewitness Watched Trump Shooter Crawl into Position on Barn Roof, Alerted Police, Nothing Was Done – Video

An eyewitness gave a statement to BBC news, very angry about why nothing was done by secret service to secure a specific area.

The eyewitness describes watching the shooter carry a long rifle onto a barn roof. The eyewitness alerted police; no immediate action was taken. The eyewitness grew frustrated with police and secret service. The eyewitness saw the gunman prepare in position for 2 to 3 minutes before shooting 5 shots at President Donald Trump. The eyewitness saw law enforcement then engage and kill the shooter.


Last edited 5 months ago by kalbokalbs

Was coming to post this. This is very, very bad.



Unbelievably blatant to NOT put Trump’s safety First.

The ONLY reason LE & SS are there. ONLY Reason.




TY, Kalbo. That is it.

Trump was set up by SS, IMO. This assassination was inevitable, and it will not be the last attempt.


Tonawanda you led us to it. Thank you!

LE & SS has a lot of explaining to do.

Guy in that video AND his friends need to watch their personal security. Also, affirm they are NOT suicidal. Go to local press. Demand their friends and family record All interviews by SS & LE.

Something huge is glaringly wrong.


Agree, this eyewitness is in great peril. The BBC guy is on the side of the Deep State, he is there to gather info for the bad guys.


Also, the BBC told the eyewitness to “be safe.” This is Deep State code for “you are a dead man.” They also use “be careful” as a f-u “warning.”


Why did not the cameraman shooting this show where the eyewitness was pointing? Why not show the roof and the “small” area?

Also, Violet will be the guy intended to survive so he can perpetrate the cover-up protecting the SS/LE/authorities. The other guy was Seth Riched/Oswalded.




I kept wondering the same thing, TURN THE CAMERA to where the guy is pointing!


Was the obvious thing to do. But didn’t.


There it is. Do not accept any other explanation. First witness to the event. Heckuva shot to nearly take out PDT from that distance by your run of the mill ANTIFA member.

Watch the media and government response from here.


Training. Stressful environment. Target moving some.


Exactly. If PDT had not been face forward he would have his brains blown out all over the stage. A 2″ difference. That guy was well trained.

The Lord has greater plans for PDT. He moved his head at the right moment. That is no coincidence. There are no coincidences.


Absolutely agree.


Imagine the shooter’s “oh sh!t” moment, when he realized he needed follow-up shots 🙂


Incase you need to know. Anyone with any mil experience will know what it means in an instant.
comment image


The one OT seems to have gone, think this found in the comments is the same from your description



Yes, that is it. This eyewitness is in great danger.

Brave and Free

I am giving the 24 hour watch on this, sounds like it’s to convenient of an explanation. Lots of moving parts in this, deflection and cover up in motion. If this guy disappears in a day or two it’ll be telling.


Butler County District Attorney Confirms Two Dead — Including Shooter — After Trump Assassination AttemptBy Cassandra MacDonald Jul. 13, 2024 6:40 pm22 Comments


Oh Good Lord.
Had the news off all day.
Then on and see this.

I expect that ANY leftist who says 1 iota against him at this point with get their heads ripped off.


Don’t be surprised, apparently (according to a tweet I saw), lots of Leftists on Twitter are saying things like “missed”, “one job”, etc.

They hate DJT in the same way many of us despise Hussein, and that won’t change because of today’s events.

I wouldn’t expect the Left to back off one bit, just as I wouldn’t lose a second of sleep if Hussein was accidentally run over by a bus.

Last edited 5 months ago by scott467

Youre right and i expect it. I suppose i would couch my intended pants crappers to be political left office holders, esp those up for re elections.


Just to illustrate how much of a piece of shit Jack Smith is, check out the things he says in court filings:

“the Attorney General is statutorily authorized to appoint a Special Counsel.”

There is no statute [U.S. Code] for appointment of a special counsel who is not already confirmed by the Senate.

“The Government agrees to supplemental briefing on the immunity issue addressed in the Supreme Court’s opinion.”

The comments by Justice Thomas are in a concurrence, which is not the Court’s opinion.

Putting false statements in a court filing should result in Smith losing his law license. He is without a doubt one of the most unethical attorneys in the U.S. He makes Marc Elias look good.





I like this guy!



Worthless rag…


They’re just jealous.


Lol. Yeah. 😏



comment image


Quick quick. Check this mexican news site for shooter pic and video.



From the article:

Looks like the shot was fired from about 125 meters away:

[translated] “The shooter was on a roof approximately 125 meters from where Trump was, as revealed in this image.”


comment image

Last edited 5 months ago by scott467

Which points out again that he was well trained and it was a hit.


It better point that he was well trained. There should be records or people that can say he was an ace shot, practiced all the time, etc………………..otherwise it changes the entire narrative


Yep, and he had to train somewhere.

Brave and Free

Thats not an unreasonable shot for alot of your average deer or coyote hunters to be honest. Not saying it wasn’t a hit, but it leaves the “assumption” of your average John Doe doing the deed.


Have no personal experience here.

But I’d guess aiming AND shooting at a human is a few rungs up from standard hunting critters.


One (or at least I) would think that anyone besides experienced military or a trained assassin would have difficulty maintaining breath control and fine motor skills / control when attempting to assassinate the once and future POTUS.

Then again, the shooter could be a stone cold psychopath, or on drugs, or both, or something else.


Amazing that SS did not have that under observation.

Next time it could be easily be a full platoon of ex Venezuelan military, MS 13, or gaggle of red chinee.

SS needs to get a boot put up their ass. Bring back Black Water!


That was a huge error on the part of the SS.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Obastard infiltration, IMO. They have CLOWNS inside.


I’m sure it was just an understandable oversight.

Nobody has more excuses than the SS.


“Bring back Black Water!”




Robert Baker

It is astounding that the SS had not secured the perimeter out beyond 125 yards. Anyone, who was a reasonable shot, could make that shot, to a relatively stationary target, with a hunting rifle will a rudimentary scope.


When Trump was POTUS, they had snipers on multiple roofs – high ground.

Carson City guy with a sniper rifle on bipod. Another guy with a weapons slung over his shoulder. Binocs scanning surroundings.

Guess they don’t do that for X-presidents.

That’ll change or Trump will put his guys out there.


“Guess they don’t do that for X-presidents.”


Not if they want them to stay X-presidents.


Sad fucking reality.

Heads need to roll at SS.


Definitely lots of security lapses, all of which will be swept under the rug.


Assuming that is all accurate. One helluva shot.


Ty. Mr gil said that was an incredibly long shot for a 22.


comment image


Any of you gun guys….when you listen to the shots..do you hear different caliber reports than the first shots?
Curious since the eyewitness saw the shooter..so he did fire and then SS shoots him. Would all the reports sound the same ?


I thought about that, they shouldn’t sound the same unless they are similar rifles and caliber. For example, an AK47 does not sound like an M16/AR15.

They may have sounded different in person, but we’re hearing a recording, no idea how microphones might impact perception of sonic differences between rifles, if at all.

Last edited 5 months ago by scott467

Thanks. It doesn’t seem like they would sound the same.


The shooter in appearance looks like an internet warrior not a guy that spends hours at the range shooting in preparation for an assassination


Appears to be (at least) two different people involved. There is the shooter on the roof who was killed by the SS, and then, if I understood correctly, Mark Violets, who was arrested.

There was probably not time for the roof shooter’s name to get out, unless he was carrying I.D. and somebody among the first law enforcement to arrive leaked it immediately.



Shooter on the roof had to know he’d be Dead On Scene. No walking away.


Hope he left a manifesto…

Which will be hidden from the public in perpetuity.


First person shooter games. I’m told it makes a difference. It probably does make them more “comfortable” with the killing.


gil’s last post had about the clearest video of the shots.

Meanwhile lots of chatter that it was likely .223 firing. Small step below 5.56. Listening to it I’d not be able to tell ya.


Being the guy behind Trump hit in the head,. brain matter exposed. I assume it to be an AR weapon. .223 or 5.56. An AR that can fire 5.56, can fire .223. Could be larger caliber.

Still want to know the rounds were “off the shelf” not “special.” Likely they’ll never tell us.


The eyewitness to the shooter (before the shooting) said he was familiar with firearms, so he would certainly recognize an AR15, even presumably at some distance.

When the interviewer asked him what kind of rifle it was, the witness said he couldn’t tell, and then said it’s not like he was ‘close enough to read the label’.

Could be he was just too far away to be able to tell, or it was some other type of long gun, like a hunting rifle.

The witness didn’t say it was not an AR15, just that he couldn’t tell what it was, other than a rifle.

AR15 is pretty distinctive, especially to someone familiar with firearms, but it would require another interview to get more details.



I made a leap of sorts as the first two or thee shots were pretty darn quick. Guessed semi-automatics like an AR. But surely do NOT know.

Remaining rounds LE / SS.

Unless there is a second shooter. Not starting a rumor. Simply don’t know.


Listened to another video, recently posted this daily.

Thinking AR, for sure. Admittedly, I am no expert.


I hear four shots in quick succession (could only be three; the crowd noise escalated fast which made it hard to hear), then a pause, then six that sounded different.


Crowd instantly knew gun fire. Reacted accordingly.


I hope people are now willing to get serious and do the necessary things that touch their own lives to take our country back from the deep state and globalist criminals that have infested it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, yeah. That bullet was meant for each of us. Trump is just standing in the way, willing to take a bullet for us all.



I’ve never been shot at before. I’m finding that it makes me fucking pissed!


Count me in on that also. Cold hard anger

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YES! I was just pissed when I heard about this.



Literally everybody has seen he is willing to do that now. His raised fist to the crowd meant everything to me. It was as big as the escalator ride with Melanie.

Time to go on offense. Ridicule the shiz out of Dems, fake news and fake law enforcement.


Not house broken here. Always enjoy making fun of D-Rats, loons.


All I can say is that we are so lucky to have real time witness reports. It’s not the old days of analyzing the Mcgruder fim footage long after the shooting.
The circumstances look hinky and we can see it.

Deplorable Patriot

And it’s being dissected before the MSM can get organized. FINALLY.


Agree100 %
sheesh they’re still trying to figure how to downplay what happened.

Last edited 5 months ago by mollypitcher5

And before three letter goons create their approved narrative.


This is why anons were born.


Jan 21, 2018 2:28:00 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 49 


Earlier this evening, I was reading on LSN how Fr. Altman providentially gave Barron Trump a St. Michael the Archangel to give his father.

Then I hear about the assassination attempt on Trump.

Praise God for Trump’s survival, and praying for the rally goer that was killed, and I believe another one injured.


Interesting that it is always a Democrat or related operative doing the shooting in these things.


Clearly the dead guy on the roof is much thinner than the pictures circulating.


The image attributed to Mark Violets is from an Italian YouTuber


Butler police confirm the identity of Mark Violets as the alleged shooter against Trump, however the image spread on social networks corresponds to an Italian YouTuber
The news widely spread on X/Twitter is false. also from American profiles, on the alleged identity of Trump’s attacker: Mark Violets, complete with a photo spread on social media, is the English name of Marco Violi, a well-known YouTuber and Roma fan.


It’ odd that the name was released ASAP. Usually they wait and wait. Why so fast? Assuming this article is accurate how did the disinfo get spread so quickly ?


Does that remind you of JFK killing.


It does and coincidentally was listening to a documentary this afternoon with the doctors and other medical people who were around. The narrative was totally controlled by strongarm threatening no name govt men.


One wonders no coincidences




Someone asking if he took one in the vest?
comment image


Picture takes my breath away. I need to watch the shooting video again. Look for physical reaction for that round.

Hope Melania, Baron and the other Trump children are doing well.

Betcha Trump, after he gathers his thoughts, feels horrible for the attendee murdered.

(I, we are assuming that picture is legit.)


If so, we now have two bullets to compare. One in vest and one in dead attendees head.

One or two shooters.


Bingo my thought also. Reminds me of JFK.


he should NOT turn anything over to FIB. Have it analyzed by anyone but them


Very good point. Excellent.

Gail Combs

According to the commenters in the Badlands feed there were TWO rally goers shot! One dead.


Dr. Ronny Jackson’s nephew was there, not far from the man who was killed. He was grazed by a round in the neck and received treatment in the triage. However, I think there may have been at least one other.


Not surprising, a third attendee wounded.

AR rounds, which I suspect they are, don’t stop easily. Type of bullet dependent, of course.

Looking forward to Ronnie Jackson brining more details out.

Along with rally attendees uploading their cell videos, before SS takes phones.

Last edited 5 months ago by kalbokalbs

There were. 1 in critical.


Seems like there is a third. (Fog of reporting.)


Ok. Tomorrow and Monday will be big news days w this. Bidens statement was a joke.


Where there two shooters? One from the back one from the front?

Robert Baker

If there were two shooters, then it was almost certainly a government assassination plot.


I do not trust government no more.

Gail Combs

It was certainly a government assassination plot. I do not think that is at ALL in question.

Biden & the media has portrayed Trump as a MONSTER, a DICTATOR, HITLER, FASCIST…. so you are guaranteed to have some loony make the attempt.


Dunno. Need the location of those shot and where they were facing.

much we don’t know. Likely will never know.




Shooter had to know DJT is always wearing a vest at public events, so there would be no reason to even try without rounds capable of piercing body armor.

So assuming the shooter had the right type of ammo, the next question is, what kind of super secret body armor does DJT have, that could stop a supersonic armor piercing rifle round?

There is Level III+ and Level IV body armor that can stop rifle rounds:


comment image


Advanced Rifle Protection – Level III+
Level III+ is a special designation that the body armor industry created to fill a gap between level III body armor and level IV body armor.

As we mentioned previously, M855 is a “penetrator” round designed to penetrate hard surfaces. This particular round is commonly referred to as a “green tip” based on the green-painted tip of the bullet.

The M855 round has an inner steel core that gives this bullet its penetration capabilities. It’s important to note that M855 rounds are NOT the same as armor-piercing rounds. While they are designed to penetrate hard materials, they don’t have the same penetration power as armor-piercing rounds.

Level III+ Products
Armor Piercing Rifle Protection – Level IVWhile it’s not the most common threat, armor-piercing bullets are a reality.

Level IV body armor is designed to stop .30-06 M2AP armor-piercing rounds. This is a large caliber round with plenty of powder behind it.

Level IV body armor is typically sought after by people more likely to encounter extreme danger such as Law Enforcement, Military, or Security Contractors. While level IV body armor is only required to defeat one armor-piercing round by NIJ 0101.06 standards, our level IV body armor is capable of defeating multiple rounds.

Level IV Products
Whether you’re looking for concealable body armor or a full tactical setup, having a good understanding of the body armor protection levels is an important first step.

Once you understand the level of protection that each level affords, it becomes much easier to identify the best body armor for your situation. Remember these basic rules of body armor protection levels:

• Level IIIA protects against handguns
•Level III protects against most rifle rounds
•Level III+ provides additional protection against rifle rounds, M855 in particular
Level IV is designed to stop armor-piercing rounds


Level IV will stop armor-piercing rifle rounds, but Level IV body armor is big, heavy and bulky.

Whatever DJT wears may be heavy, but it is not bulky like commercially / publicly available Level IV body armor.

Last edited 5 months ago by scott467

DJT will be exponentially stronger going forward, because of this.

If they were going to take that shot (and they did), they better not miss.

And they did.

All of his (and our) enemies know the whole world is looking at them now, and DJT can use that to his advantage.

And I’m sure he will, starting with his first statement, whenever he makes it 👍

Barb Meier

It seems like Photoshop to me. The circle is perfect and would it be going through cloth. I would expect more ragged edges to a hole like that.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I believe I saw it in a larger image earlier. We need to find the earliest and largest image of that moment.


Don Bongino saying SS Director needs to step down. Then feed cut.

Gail Combs

Reply in that feed:

comment imageMichelle #FJB

These rally goers watched the shooter climb up on the roof, and they were screaming at the Secret Service agents & cops to STOP HIM! They ignored it!!👇👇👇

Jul 14, 2024 · 1:00 AM UTC


Dan is correct. Accountability.

Head of SS should have already resigned.

Head of trump’s SS detail should have already resigned.

SS snipers at Trump’s rally should be fired.

  • ONLY excuse would be if they were looking elsewhere, based on false tips.
Gail Combs


Trump should have been stashed in a safe place and then the sighting investigated.

GOOD LORD THERE ARE SPY DRONES!! You can buy them on Amazon for $50 to $500.

Why were they not in use?

I get buzzed by the things at events all the time and SS and Cops do not use them?

Surveillance Drones


Yes to everything. Local swat team there, i wonder if at rally or called to assist after? They wont protect ss.


Makes sense. Hell to pay now.


I saw a still of this a few minutes ago but it was erased.
Right side of your screen, vid pans over to show SS sniper position.


Makes you wonder if he was waiting for permission to fire.

Here’s Joe reminding us that Corn Pop is a bad dude.
comment image


U F B.

Gail Combs


Sure smells like Dallas 2.0




That would be a good video to download before it disappears. I don’t know how to download from tweeter.

Looks like the SS were aiming at the shooter the whole time, just waiting for the shooter to do his job first.



I was able to download an mpeg-4 video using the trial version of the video downloader that K1tt7-fzn provided a link to (above or below) 👍

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Be careful of the angles involved. I believe that the SS on the roof near Trump were looking mostly FORWARD, and may have never received good information about that roof now having a shooter. IMO the roofs to their right were likely CLEARED, but in a very smart strategy, a shooter was introduced LATE IN THE GAME to that closest roof.


I was able to do a screenshot:


comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good. THIS is critical to understanding what happened, and why I believe that the SS next to Trump were SET UP and did not receive the information that a shooter had been inserted LATE to their right, in a cross-fire position on Trump.


President Donald J. Trump issued a statement on Truth Social following the failed assassination attempt against him:

I want to thank The United States Secret Service, and all of Law Enforcement, for their rapid response on the shooting that just took place in Butler, Pennsylvania. Most importantly, I want to extend my condolences to the family of the person at the Rally who was killed, and also to the family of another person that was badly injured. It is incredible that such an act can take place in our Country. Nothing is known at this time about the shooter, who is now dead. I was shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear. I knew immediately that something was wrong in that I heard a whizzing sound, shots, and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the skin. Much bleeding took place, so I realized then what was happening. GOD BLESS AMERICA!


So one person injured, one killed, plus Trump. Good job Joe.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ve heard two critically injured, one dead.


Best I know. Two dead (rally attendee & shooter), and one serious.

Would like to know where the rally attendee was standing (literally where in the stands). Same with seriously wounded. <<< I assume wounded, not another type of injury.


Dr. Ronny Jackson’s nephew who was grazed was behind and to the left of where PDT was standing in the friends and family section.


God Bless everyone on this site, and please Dear Lord continue to keep Donald Trump safe.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy





Tonawanda God Bless you also .




If this photo is genuine he doesn’t look as fat as the pictures on twitter in that picture of the video he made.



Of course our media doesn’t have that pic yet… Oh my!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“The body of the shooter who tried to kill Trump. An AR-15 semi-automatic rifle, which is legally sold in the United States, was found near the body.”


It’s not the same person as the pictures circulated earlier. That wrongly identified man is Italian
For sure your link is the is the assassin

Last edited 5 months ago by mollypitcher5

Didn’t know that thanks for clarifying


The gist of it is..Butler Police Dept named the shooter within minutes whichis extremely odd, Mark Violets. Said he was antifa. Next thing you know pictures flow on internet of a guy said to be Mark Violets but it’s an Italian youtuber.

That was a lot of information hitting the web at lightening speed for a shooting, imho

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

So is the shooter confirmed as Mark Violets, and Mark Violets is confirmed ANTIFA?


Yes, as of right after it happened per Butler Police Dept………………….. complete with the added tidbit that he had a video…yet nobody has found it and put on internet that I’ve seen.

doesn’t it seem strange? It does to me. Did this antifa guy have his id on him, SS got it from his pocket and immediately relayed to Butler PD and in turn they share it with the public?

Last edited 5 months ago by mollypitcher5

Just my thoughts:

In 1998, author Stephen Hunter came out with his new novel, A Time to Hunt. I worked for an ammunition company at the time, and I wrote a letter to the author and introduced him to our product. I was also a fan girl and let him know how much I enjoyed his novel. As a result, I’m sitting here with my first edition of A Time to Hunt.

In 2007 actor Mark Wahlberg won acclaim for his portrayal of Bob Lee Swagger, a former US Marine in the movie “Shooter”. The movie “Shooter” is based on the book A Time to Hunt by Stephen Hunter,

(Wikipedia) – has a recap of the entirety of the movie “Shooter” – an exerpt:

Three years later, Swagger is retired and lives in the Wind River Range. Swagger is approached by Isaac Johnson and his associates, Payne and Dobbler, to enlist his aid in thwarting a potential assassination attempt on the President during a public speaking event. Reluctantly, Swagger agrees to help. He assesses the only viable location is Philadelphia. On the day of the speech, Swagger accompanies Johnson to an overwatch position. The shot is made but is revealed to be a setup: the President’s guest, Ethiopian Archbishop Desmond Mutumbo, is killed, and a Philadelphia police officer, on Johnson’s payroll, shoots Swagger. Swagger escapes, disarms rookie FBI Special Agent Nick Memphis, and flees into the Delaware River.

A Time to Hunt: Great Book. Following the past few hours of information has given me a creepy sense of de ja vu.

How did an individual with a rifle, access the rooftop of another building with a clear line of fire to the stage???


Waiting on video to surface from the crowd who could see the SS anti sniper team. Will be interesting to see when they started to aim at the sniper. Before he shot or after. Lots of questions, but if was before, then there’s a whole bunch of new questions. Like why no one made the call to warn the stage.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I saw one such video. SS in background on rooftop, slightly behind Trump and to his right, scanning FORWARD into crowd, toward building facing Trump. The building with the shooter was to the RIGHT of the SS, cross-firing at Trump. When Trump noticed that he was hit, the SS sniper scanning with mounted gun was clearly searching for a target.

Later, in another crowd video, you could hear the sniper shot that took out the shooter.


It’s almost like they decided to let the guy take his shots. They were told by at least 2 people about the guy on the roof with a gun, but they delayed until shots were fired.


Something they could sell internally as a reasonable response to the threat. The problem was they did not expect anybody to see it all and tell the world.

Folks, everybody knows what happened here. You can believe what you saw. They had rooftops close to the rally that were not surveilled by SS or any other law enforcement despite all of the political rancor, threats and accusations that are ongoing. That is a choice, that is not agency policy.

The BBC interview with the local guy that saw it all go down is gold.

Gail Combs

ANY DOUBTS that it was a Biden Admin SANCTIONED HIT on POTUS Trump just evaporated with that guy’s testimony AND he was not ALONE!

I am reminded of the saying — If you aim for the King, DO NOT MISS.

Now one of HIS PEOPLE was killed….


Truly I believe it was another J6 set up. Had DJT been killed the MAGA imposters would’ve hit the streets. The entire MAGA movement painted as violent extremists.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

VERY smart thinking! Yes – they were likely ready to go.

The SS who were on the roof next to Trump were SET UP by the clown infiltration in SS, IMO. They were clearly not looking in the right direction.


“They were clearly not looking in the right direction.”


One would hope professional SS would be looking in every direction from which a shot could be fired.


It was an incredibly quick response, after the initial shot(s) at Trump by SS.

NOT patting SS on the back. SS FAILED today.


“It was an incredibly quick response, after the initial shot(s) at Trump by SS.”



TOO fast, unless they already had the assassin in their sights before the assassin fired.


I assume on a hot day. On a hot roof.

Climb onto a roof. Prolly ladder attached to building. Carrying a rifle.

Crawl into position.

Lay prone. Composed. Aim, ~400 feet, target moving some, fire. Once twice…

Will be interesting to read how this shooter is characterized on Sunday narrative shows.

me, I’ll be looking for Dan B to chime in.


:0) The point of my question was where the he!! were the SS Agents? Where were the patrolling dogs? And why did the SS allow the stage to be set up in the line of fire from nearby buildings if they weren’t going to keep those rooftops secure?


100% agree with you. I, and I believe you are calling BS.

Have attended four outdoor rallies. SS always had the high ground, two or more locations.

Something is way off.

no coincidences.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Mayorkas did this!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Bongino is right – the Demmunists and Mayorkas in particular have been trying to minimize protection for Trump and Kennedy.

comment image


Why would there be a ladder attached to a random building? I don’t notice these things but unless it has a condenser that needs maintenance often it doesn’t seem the norm to me
So if it didn’t have attached ladder how did he get up theere and if it did have one seems like that would be a red flag zone for SS

Last edited 5 months ago by mollypitcher5

I see them on lotsa buildings. I assumed a ladder was attached. could be an internal ladder to the roof. Dunno.


I know, my mind in overdrive right now


From the video showing Trump in the foreground speaking, and the SS snipers on the roof in the background, the SS is aiming his rifle in the direction of the shooter, long before the shooter ever fires.

Now, when the shooter does fire, he fires at least 3 times, in steady succession, taking about 3 seconds or less.

THEN the SS returns fire.

If the SS had no idea where the shooter was, and had to locate him FIRST, and then aim and fire, it would have taken more than 3 seconds. It’s daytime, so no muzzle flash would give away the shooter’s position, and it takes time (and at least two shots) to locate the origin of gunfire strictly by ear.

But the SS returned fire in just about 3 seconds, which supports the idea that they were already aiming at the shooter BEFORE the shooter ever took his shots.

If so, what were they waiting for?!?

What, is there some kind of gentleman’s agreement, that assassins go first?

Last edited 5 months ago by scott467

Politics delayed SS taking out shooter is my guess.

Stoopid Rules of Engagement. Same as in Iraq,, Afghanistan…now SS.

Robert Baker

I read the first Bobby Lee Swagger when it was published and every one since. The movie, Shooter, is one of my favorites.


I thought Wahlberg did a great job portraying “cold anger” :0) And yes, I’ve read them all as well.


“How did an individual with a rifle, access the rooftop of another building with a clear line of fire to the stage???”


Same question the witnesses asked.

The ones who were pointing out the shooter to the police and secret service, several minutes before the shooter fired.


I have been watching commentators who are using the ‘narrative’ that the Secret Service only saw the shooter just a few seconds before the idiot opened fire…..Drives me nuts…the Secret Service had 3 to 4 minutes within which they should have taken action.


Laura Ingraham just went ballistic on Hannity. Sort of proud of her. She’s played the game, but not this time.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Will be looking forward to that Ingraham video. Generally I can’t listen to her voice, or Hannity’s.


Agreed, if ever there was a voice made for the vacuum of space, it’s hers.

Last edited 5 months ago by scott467

Can Ingraham take Ana Navaro into that vaccum as well? Navaro has a voice that sounds like a cat with its tail caught in the door…soooo annoying.


That made me laugh!


And Bongino is back again with a bit more information. Says Trump has not been given a full presidential security package.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Mayorkas. He has been minimizing security for Trump and Kennedy. IIRC, he is the one who vetoed SS protection for Kennedy.


Bongino: “It is time right now for Kim Cheatle to get her head out of her ass and do the right thing. I could tell you stories for days about her putting politics ahead of…”


Then DO it.

WTH are you holding back for?!?



Agreed. The just empowered DJT, BIGLY.

And made him a sympathetic figure.

AND justified MAGA patriots jumping down the throat of ANY leftist scumbag we encounter in person or online.


I fully imagine pop up trump merch stands with make bank over the next week. Truck flags, house flags will be everywhere soon.


Not that I’ve ever needed justification….but I get your point :0)


Me neither 👍😁

But there are lots of times, on yootoob, on music forums, at blu-ray.com, etc., wherever Lefties gather, where I’m on my own, taking on multiple Leftists.

I get some likes from people who agree, but rarely does anyone who agrees with my position participate.

What happened today ought to embolden people, to give them righteous justification to stand up against these fart-holes 😁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. The guy just missed.

Note that the shooter is supposed to have been on top of a building to the right of the stage. If this is correct, then Trump must have been facing the right teleprompter, and basically looking directly at the assassin at the moment the shooter fired.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Granted I don’t have full context, timeline…

  1. SS should have fired sooner.
  2. Worst case, SS misses and shooter never gets his shot off or totally misses.
  3. SS Fucked Up IMO.

So looks like SS is already alerted to something and is searching. Once he went alert the stage should of been made aware IMO. An all hands tighten up alert or evac order should of been issued.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They should be in continuous scan mode anyway. Note that they were NOT scanning the buildings to Trump’s right. They were scanning the wrong places.


I have to ask, is this an age and immaturity problem? Inexperienced even though he’s a sniper?


What RAC just posted. Aubergine’s Razor.




“Shots you hear (and more) were from shooter, not SS. Later, a single shot which causes a woman to scream – is when assassin was “neutralized”.


If that’s the case, then after the shooter’s first 3 shots, apparently he gave up on careful aim and just fired as fast as possible at his target.

I had guessed that the volley of shots after the initial three was return fire from the SS.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That could be. I would expect the SS to have shot directional tools that would quickly locate the source of shots fired and get that information to the SS snipers.




James O’Keefe


DEVELOPING…Shooter found dead on rooftop with vantage point to stage.

Secret Service tasks counter assault teams to cover ALL vantage points — rooftops most obvious.

Counter assault teams are outsourced professionals. Unlikely they make these mistakes, even “B” team tasked to cover Trump.

Glaring error or intentional overlook. Confirmed with former CA team organizer and trainer.

While massive errors are possible, plausible intentional overlook of rooftop is more likely with CA team assignments given by SS. Who makes those possible? Deep State Intel Community?


Aubergine’s Razor


We all know Trump needs beefed up SS protection.

RFK Jr must also have SS protection.

^^^ Serious ruckus needs to be made about this glaring deficiency.

Tatonka Woman

The Director of the SS previously held the position of Director of Global Security for….PepsiCo.




Sorta like handing out Ambassador positions around the globe.



If I was DJT I wouldn’t wait. He is fortunate enough to have plenty of money to hire is own security detail.

They would likely all be former SS and military, and real professionals, not the scrubs who have been installed by Hussein.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Tatonka Woman

The comment from this man is absolutely unbelieveable!!!!
Rep. Steve Woodrow.
A Democrat in the Colorado State legislature, representing a District in Denver.
On his official twitter he posts:
“The last thing America needed was sympathy for the devil, but here we are.”
This man needs to be chased as far as he can run.


It’s hard to be compassionate when you’re infected with the disease of liberalism, the heart and soul is eaten away

Tatonka Woman

So true, Molly.
And the brain is impacted, too.


Always try to remember that the enemy despises us just as much as we despise them.

If it was Hussein that it happened to, I would think the same thing this guy just said, and probably post it too.

There’s a war going on.

They want us dead.

Be very clear about that, it has been true since at least 2016, if not far longer.

What happened today doesn’t change that.

Barb Meier

Mike Benz speaks on assassination attempt.

My immediate reaction, with very incomplete information, on today’s shooting of Donald J Trump.

When I was Trump’s speechwriter, I once was asked to look up JFK’s quotes about the machine inside his own government out to get him. That assignment left a lasting impression on me because there were hints of what we say today even then, 4 years ago, but it was also too hard to me then to fully envision the literal JFK parallels could be so real, let alone imminent. I’ve been saying for months now that I fear the “lone court” more than the “lone gunman,” because it’s cleaner, but the new SCOTUS immunity ruling last week has perhaps made the “lone court” strategy for neutralizing Trump no longer a viable option. Now, for this to happen so soon after that legal immunity ruling, it appears they’re going back to the JFK option.

Video linked in tweet…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Agreed. And Sundance called it, too. The SCOTUS ruling on presidential immunity has removed the 2016 / first term lawfare options. The DS cannot use the means it planned to use – lawfare and bogus impeachment – to remove the threat of Trump.


I wonder how much Sotomayor knows, with all that insane screeching about how Presidents can order people murdered….


This why the head of the snake must be dealt with sooner or later.


I was attending an event this evening and heard the horrible news while there. On the way home I listened to “network news” on the radio. They reported that Trump was “shot at.” No, he was SHOT. To be shot at implies that the bullet missed.

They also said it was a possible assassination attempt. Possible???

These people are despicable. They refuse to give Trump the full measure of reporting that he deserves.



And there it is in black and white. That’s exactly what they did. 😡


In a few days they’ll barely mention it

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

These people are despicable. American Progzi scum.


Just saw it being practiced. Wife watches Korean TV all day. Went down and I popped up yahoo news. All stories as described above. None show the shooting only the hiding behind the podium part. Then brief on Trump as he gets up from behind the podium and then the cut away to the Biden Presser for the 50% of time they are allocating to the story. Tried this with 3 different feeds all the same. Now wife has found it on Korean News or the Korean News is finally picking it up so she’s getting a better picture of what happened.



The media is a major part of the problem.

Gail Combs



TDS – Trump Derangement Syndrome Created AND Fanned by Pravda News, lefty loon politicians and hollyweird since 2015.


I heard from one of the bloggers that the shot to the ear is more dangerous,
Trump could have a concussion or even brain bleeding from the shot so close to his head.


Concussion is a real possibility.
Bleeding into the brain, not so sure.
Damage to the inner ear (hearing) is also a possibility.
These types of damage may or may not show up right away.
IMO, a neurologist needs to be doing follow up on a regular basis.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This may or may not be the shooter.

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Last edited 5 months ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Some more potentially useful video (mostly the audio – the video is crap).

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We have a real ID on the shooter now.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The gunman who attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump Saturday was identified as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, sources told The Post.

Crooks, of Bethel Park, Pa., squeezed off shots — one of which grazed Trump in the ear — at an outdoor rally in Butler, just outside Pittsburgh.

Sources said Crooks was planted on a roof of a manufacturing plant more than 130 yards away from the stage at Butler Farm Show grounds.

He was killed by Secret Service snipers. An AR-style rifle was later recovered.

Bethel Park is a village 40 miles south of where the Butler rally was held.

Why Crooks fired on the presumptive Republican presidential nominee is unclear.

This is a developing story. Check back for updates.


So Mark Violets is the new Sam Hyde?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

MSM caught on a lot quicker….winkwink..you know us crazy conspiracy kooks

https://www.nbcnews.com › tech › internet › trump-rally-shooting-conspiracy-theories-flourish-online-rcna161752
Trump rally shooting conspiracy theories flourish online – NBC News
TodayThe posts blamed a “prominent Antifa activist,” Mark Violets.


20 yrs old…excellent skills for one so young.
Years ago I knew a guy about that age who was considered about the best shot for his age..but he was a good ole country boy. This guy doesn’t exactly give off shootin-since-a-wee-lad vibes but…?


I have looked at every picture I can find and I still can’t answer these question, How did he get up on the roof? Why was he allowed to crawl to a different part of the roof with an open line of fire to the President? Why wasn’t he shot or detained by the Secret Service before he opened fire? The secret service had more than ample time to take this idiot out.

I not convinced yet that this young ‘un is responsible for the gunshot wound that killed the male “attendant” at the rally and the beautiful blonde woman who sat three row up and just to the right of President Trump.
And I am not convinced that his gun held the bullet that damm near killed Trump.

I too am a suspicious cat molly. :0)


Just saying, 130yds is 113 meters. Pretty much any kid in basic training can pick off a target at that range with easy regularity. Max effective range is 300 meters. Meaning most soldiers proficient with their rifle can hit a target at that range. This more than half that range. Perhaps more difficult because the guy was shooting for the head though. Still this is pretty much an act of God that Trump survived that.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Last edited 5 months ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That post has been deleted…..


Numerous Xs have been deleted. Feds cleansing.


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And then there is this.


So what’s the possibility this was filmed before the shoot?


Ackkk… didn’t convert the last one.


Anyway, one poster mentioned Crooks’s father is a behavioral specialist.
Which could mean some sort of depraved mind game going on. Or we just have to wait for more dust to settle?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There is massive disinformation on this whole thing.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Yep, were definitely going to have to wait on the dust to settle on this one.

In the meantime this will do until we get more information.😁


Yearick fits the profile much better than the two previous gentlemen who have so far been deemed as the shooter.