Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.
This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).
And yes, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

We will always remember Wheatie,

Pray for Trump,

Yet have fun,

and HOLD ON when things get crazy!

We will follow the RULES of civility that Wheatie left for us:
Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
And while we engage in vigorous free speech, we will remember Wheatie’s advice on civility, non-violence, and site unity:
“We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”
“Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”
If this site gets shut down, please remember various ways to get back in touch with the rest of the gang:
- Our backup site, The Q Tree 579486807,
- Our old alternative site, The U Tree, where civility is not a requirement
- Our Gab Group, which is located at
- Our various sister sites, listed in the Blogroll in the sidebar
Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.
We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.
Joe Biden didn’t win.
And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wolfie’s Wheatie’s Word of the Week:
adjective / noun
- bluish or greyish green
- having a blue color very low in chroma
- of the color of lavender
- pale blue with a slight mixture of gray
Shown in a picture

Shown in a different picture

Some more pale blue(s).

Have you noticed refrigerator magnets getting stronger?
There’s more where that came from!!! [COUGH!]
Just sayin’!
And remember…….
Until victory, have faith!

And trust the big plan, too!

And as always….


graduated in 2012 w a degree in Women’s Studies
cried in 2016 when Trump got elected
lost touch w the dems somewhere around MeToo
discovered entrepreneurship
updated my voter registration in 2018 but didn’t tell anyone
told myself i was a ‘single-issue-voting Centrist’
the last 6-12 months i’ve believed i was going to abstain from voting in the upcoming election because the options are equally terrible
but watching Trump survive an assassination attempt and act like a total fucking savage just shifted me into some strange, patriotic gear that my fancy-feminism-white-men-bad infected brain never showed me
like, the dude took a bullet and stood up with blood dripping down his face, and rallied a fucking crowd while fist pumping, yelling “FIGHT!”
sorry, but i’m voting for that.
and saying it out loud feels so freeing
(2012 stepfanie would be so pissed but that’s okay because 2012 stepfanie didn’t know shit)
I love it! Some people are starting to see who Trump really is.
She continuous on in the thread quite a bit as she engages with other posters. Quite interesting.
Do not miss the comments. Hilarious.
“graduated in 2012 w a degree in Women’s Studies”
There ya go.
A life that was going nowhere, never had a chance.
Drained of money, taught nothing worth learning, no hope for the future.
FemiNazism killed another one, it killed by the tens of millions.
And nearly killed DJT, wiping out the hope of a nation.
[edit: I thought the comments were part of the shooter’s ‘manifesto’ or something the shooter posted, my mistake!]
Oh, you were right! FemiNazism DID almost kill Trump. It just took the scenic route – through a boy tossed and turned through “feminized” public schools, raised by parents working in the feminized psycho-medical system – under a fake “president” illegally elected with the help of every neurotic feminist AWFUL in this country – and thanks to a Secret Service which has been destroyed by feminist LIES through multiple means.
So YEAH, you are completely right about that. Feminazis almost killed Trump.
Elon for the win!

Elon is awesome!
“The (new) Science”
One might think that Elon is stating the obvious; however, one must consider educating those who otherwise would not get the punchline. Great job, Elon!
Because narrative, silly!
Logic common sense
So he’s Lee Harvey Oswald reincarnated, that’s their story, and they’re sticking to it?
Let’s see how that works out, this time around.
They just need it to work long enough to get the CIA’s sad-sack fake “president” back into power.
“…Quantico reportedly cannot get into the alleged shooter’s cell phone…”
#1 the information is STORED by the carrier
#2. The phones have BACKDOORS.
2016 — How a smartphone backdoor can be used to spy on absolutely everything you do
2014 — FBI Asks Congress For Backdoor Access To All Cellphones For Surveillance
Supposedly it did not happen but this was OBAMA’s White House.
2015 — NSA And GCHQ Have Backdoor Access To Millions Of SIM Cards, Snowden Leak
Oh, yeah – it’s all lies. This government is evil and worthless. And they just tried to kill Trump.
From my point of view, it is up to us to EXPOSE the lies using as much evidence as we can.
The daemons sure can get into our phones.
SES management also plays its role. Move an IT team lead from the NIH over to FBI apps dev as a unit chief and voila! Instant incompetence.
“Chess” when playing badly sustains the evil betting surrounding the game.
Dan Bongino with Jesse Watters:
This is critical. This is complicity by the regime assets.
That is what this guy who does protection for a living said. Dan Bongino is more careful.
I believe this man.
^^^ G R E A T listen.
What he is saying, all the procedures, was all true, back when he did it.
How long has it been since then?
Why should anyone (including StormyJ) think things are still done that way today, the way they were done back when he was involved?
I see this over and over again.
Some absurd security lapse occurs.
Then retired experts, people who haven’t been involved for 10+ years, go on TV and social media and explain to the world “how things are done”, and it all makes good sense.
But it doesn’t reconcile with what actually happened.
So the experts end up giving a false sense of assurance to the public, and worse, giving political cover to the agencies they were formerly a part of, cover for what is likely utter incompetence on the part of the people responsible for security today, because chances are very high (IMO) that nothing is done right today, and hasn’t been, for at least a decade.
Everything is dumbed down with a triple dose of stupid.
Why would the security agencies be any different?
We saw the DEI girls of SS with our own eyes, that can only be the tip of the iceberg.
The DEI girls run around like chickens without a head and we all saw it
If the latest tweet about one of them being a DEA agent is true we don’t even really know if they are secret service. If they aren’t their training might not even include procedure on protecting a VIP.
This is so messed up
Yes it is messed up maybe on purpose?
I’d say it was on purpose! If I was one of them plucked away from my usual job I might wonder why they chose me to be around somebody that nearly got killed..and others were shot.
That’s because you think.
DEI training strongly discourages the beneficiaries of DEI from thinking — of any kind
Looks purposeful
“If they aren’t their training might not even include procedure on protecting a VIP.”
Their training doesn’t even include how to holster a pistol…
I read that part of Trump’s SS detail was sent to increase Jill’s SS detail. Perhaps Jill had them learning to tap dance to her new stage entrance music.
Whew!! It says “tap dance” and not “lap dance”.
so glad I had grammarly turned off for Safari at that moment.
Valerie!!! Hope all is well! Let us know when you’re back in town!
Hi Cthulhu! I’m planning to come home on Tuesday, God willing. It’s been pretty hot for Northern Michigan, might hit 90 later today. I’m plugging awAy at various tasks including a 1000 piece puzzle started after the young’uns left. The lake has been a treat in the heat and daily fresh raspberries from the garden an extra blessing! Hope you are doing well. I can only partially read comments and see limited graphics on this tablet. Blessings!!!
Drive safe, and we’ll hopefully see more of you after Wednesday!
TY hope so

That is maddening. Trump has been known to be a target for a long time, and he was at a venue with huge crowds. Also, Dems and the media have been talking about taking him out. But they placed his needs secondary to those of Jill Biden, who I bet could have been well protected by using local law enforcement.
Why does she need more USSS? Because she can read the tea leaves. If Obama needs Biden dead, it will happen, and she’s likely hearing the same rumors that it will be blamed on MAGA, but that doesn’t matter – she can’t afford to lose her meal ticket and protection from prosecution.
When the rumors flew that Biden would not go down without taking Obama with him, THAT is when things escalated.
The attack on Trump was to be the first step in taking out Biden, I’m sure. Praise God, it didn’t happen.
Latter, sadly so. We got a reprieve of sorts. Wish it would stop. It won’t.
I don’t know how Brandon would ever have been installed as Potatus without being under total blackmail control of the Hussein.
If that hypothesis is out the window, and there is actually a war now between the Hussein and FJB/Jill-Pop, then Switchblade Sister Jill knows the SS is as dangerous to her as it is to DJT.
With Hussein’s people throughout the FJB administration, all Hussein has to do is give the word, and they can make life impossible for FJB/Switchblade Sister Jill, simply through sabotage, dragging their feet, intentional mistakes, leaks, insubordination, there must be a thousand things they can do to grind the entire administration to a halt if FJB & Switchblade have really gone rogue.
Interesting times!
IMO Hussein and his CIA backers know that blaming a Biden death on MAGA ain’t gonna work now, so they have to take out POTATUS using “natural causes” and skip the side bennies of attacking MAGA. Touch cookies, OSATAN.
Taco Jill gets that now. She fell for taking more SS, and is suffering the blowback of that mistake, along with Osatan and his allies.
Taco Jill is keeping everybody away from POTATUS so that they can’t ax him, but that will be impossible. He will be forced to meet with too many CIA assets, and somebody will do the dirty deed. My guess is a nasty virus with low transmissibility, or a very hot COVID shot.
Or maybe arsenic and old lace flavored ice cream.
Jill-Pop is a bad dude.
And she runs a bunch of bad chicks.
Possibly including Leather Tuscadero.
There’s even a documentary about Jill and her gang of bad dudes, called Switchblade Sisters (1975).
As you might guess from the title and the subject matter, it’s obviously a classic
Planned Cover.
The EXPLOITERS OF PROCESS know this, and plan accordingly.
We are up against the DEEP STATE, and PROCESS is their primary weapon.
My conspiracy, local leo, Gov. of Pennsylvania, some one in the Intel SS or DOJ or WH. Connected invisible dots.
OMG – Taco Jill is worried that OBAMA and his allies are going to try to take out her meal ticket!!!
Of Course she is. I imagine she and Hunter and James are FRANTIC after this Assassination attempt on Trump.
They have to KNOW the failure sets up the ‘MAGA Retaliation’ scenario.
I suspect that Osatan is heading for his downside options – NATURAL CAUSES.
“They” can get a Two-fer….
Eliminate the Biden problem and BLAME it on MAGA.
Taco Jill, Briben and Trump were in Philly, same day, different locations.
DC is close by. Easy drive. Prolly faster than flying.
Lotsa SS could be made available from DC area and others.
I think this may be important – thanks!
Taco Jill, Briben and Trump were in
Philly, PA same day, different locations.Trump Butler. Taco Jill and Biben. One in Philadelphia. the other Pittsburg.
“He says a lot of them were temp Homeland Security agents.”
So uh…
What does that say about the security of the homeland — wherever that is?
DHS is the new GESTAPO.
This is one of the reasons why there was no real security.
They had inexperience officer, because they had to use the better personal to protect JILL BIDEN at her rally.
Wicked. Just wicked.
From one of the Commenters at Gateway Pundit:
Certainly a possibility. There were other building within Line of Sight and within the range of a trained Assassin. However I think it was a lone shooter in this case.
The trees? Is it only the stuff of movies that a professional assassin could have stashed himself up in tree canopy to make the shots?
I don’t mean to be presumptious, but I remember you, Wolf, talking about the impact that a near-death experience had on your life. It would not surprise me if Trump has been profoundly impacted in ways we might never know. I don’t think it will change his resolve to get the country back on track, but I think it could affect how his strategy plays out in some ways.
Oh, yeah! I agree. And interestingly, it was very similar, I believe, to what Trump is experiencing.
The “unity” thing. I was getting it!
Prolly be less cautious in getting things done.
We hired him the first time to fire them. But he had to first expose them. Now it is time to ship them off to Gitmo for their trials, sentencing, imprisonment or execution.
Trump has already said he is re-writing his speech because of his experience.
Just woke up. Yawn… hrmmm
might be time to make a copy of Trump’s current platform.
When you go to assassinate someone chances are you miss.
Might have to be concerned they had a back up plan.
I’ll read through what’s new and say more if need be. But Unite?
Okay, have read through the thread.
Make a dang copy of the current platform.
Possible they had a back up plan and injected some bot into the president. Will know soon enough depending on how drastically the platform gets changed.
Meantime Trust Trump but not sure what Unite means. They need to come to Trump as there is no to scarce middle ground at this point IMO.
IMO “Unite” is code for MAGA welcoming in all who are going to be fleeing the Dems. Why they will flee is unstated, but Trump may know something.
I keep seeing the dyslexic version:
AND logic!
Just one of those random thoughts….I wonder if actual analysis would show that the bullet didn’t come from the roof where the “assassin” had his head blown up, but from several yards further away along the same line.
And, BTW, how’d they do a super-fast positive identification using DNA from some guy who was still approaching ambient temperature on a roof?
Interesting thoughts!!!
And where’s the interviews with the parents? There’s a juicy opportunity unexploited by the normally ravenous newshounds.
Stolen too. I took it to X for the greater good… hehehe
This is the only thing I’ve seen about the parents.
Another tidbit:
Tic Toc…

“Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives were at an address registered to Crooks as cops stood guard in front of yellow police caution tape.”
Just go to the address registered to the crooks.
If only all investigations for law enforcement were so easy.
I guess they’d be going to a lot of their own addresses though.
Did he have a mother, or was he hatched?
Not sure about the mother. Mentions father in here. Posted late on Sunday’s thread.
ABLECHILD: Was Alleged Assassin Receiving Mental Health “Treatment,” and on Psychiatric Drugs? Guest Contributor Jul. 14, 2024 6:30 pm 422 Comments
Article said he had a mental breakdown in collage. Says Dad is indeed a behavioral specialist working in both a community and private setting as a mental health expert. Was living with Grandparents until he got kicked out for drug use.
Here’s the mental break down where he goes off on a group of conservative students as he has a tantrum screaming he wants every republican throat slashed.
Definitely disturbed and disordered.
Just the way they like them.
My estimates –
90% of FIB works as ordered to get the info on the “potential shooters” – 9.9% can be trusted to carry out the sketchy orders that don’t make sense – 0.1% knowingly obey a political murder agenda using the shooters, in conjunction with “them”.
FIB expresses extreme interest in potentially abusable psychos. It’s one of their TOP concerns. It’s like they’re farming them. When people were fishing for information from me, people who were clearly potential shooters was a top concern.
In my opinion your estimates are charitable.
Pocahontas sibling?
This absolutely clinches the MK aspect for me. The dude is DEMONICALLY POSSESSED.
“…would ‘wait until I talk to law enforcement’ before speaking about his son.”
I am sure he is ALSO talking to a LAWYER.
Didn’t they say there was no ID on the body?
Yes, I have seen that assertion elsewhere, but things are moving so fast, I am not sure of the source.
Of course, if someone arranged for a patsy to be somewhere, then eliminated, it wouldn’t take very long for them to ID the body, no matter what shape it was in or what ID was in its pockets.
And he also pre did that nasty video of himself saying they had the wrong guy, that he was still alive and hated MAGA folk.
Blood on the dead guy’s face makes it look like the body has been moved. Shouldn’t that not happen in an investigation?
I’m saving the text here, in case this post gets deleted from X.
Well isn’t this strange…
The Eddie Mac Condition
(@TheEMC12) July 14, 2024
Thomas Mathew Crooks, the one who has been identified as the one who attempted to assassinate Donald Trump today…..
The face shape on the video guy is wrong. Not nearly triangular enough to be the shooter:
His eyes are much more hooded, too.
I’ll need to take closer looks at pictures later, but I am sure that the guy in the video is demonically possessed, and THAT is what is needed for top MK.
I couldn’t get it to show for me this time but I remember thinking the same when it first came out. The fact that this guy (assuming it’s not Crooks) is on SM taunting is disturbing. Did he know Crooks? Was he aware of the plot and couldn’t resist putting in his2 cents?
Leftists are terribly, terribly disturbed. Some, like Wolfmoon says, are possessed or under demonic influence.
I need to have everyone on X see your random thoughts. Stealing this, it’s so good! I would give you a hat tip there, but won’t because I don’t want to accidentally weaken your security.
The thoughts are important, no matter who or what thinks them. I don’t need hat tips.
Thank you!!! I just attributed to great minds. The thoughts are so important.
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14, KJV)
Drew Hernandez
All survivors and eye witnesses of the Trump Rally yesterday considering talking with Biden’s FBI or submitting video footage
Make multiple copies, post it on X on a public forum and lawyer up
Do not trust these feds that have been hunting us for the past 4 years
They are not there to get justice for Trump
“I’m not sure what “narratives” they’re referring to,”
They’re just projecting.
It’s pathetic, but being pathetic is really all they have left at this point.
Secret Service blames local police, says it was tasked with securing properties surrounding Trump’s Pa. rally
[emphasis mine]
Baloney! Even if they tasked local police with that job, the SS should have made sure all was done correctly.
Tasked by whom?
My word… at this rate, the investigation into what went wrong should be complete by Monday afternoon. It’s a firehose of information.
Forgot your /S.
“The Secret Service blamed local police for failing to secure the rooftop from which gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump, insisting it was outside of the perimeter the federal agency was tasked with protecting.”
Nothing reeks of competence and professionalism like excuses in the aftermath of almost stupefying failure.
Good job, SS.
Keep digging that hole
That “Cheato” woman is GONE. This is not a good look.
“at least six officers from Butler County tactical units filled out the Secret Service’s counter assault team — the heavily armed agents who covered Trump’s evacuation — which only included two members of the Secret Service itself.”
Two, huh?
What a joke!
We need a list of how many actual SS accompany someone in no practical danger at all, like FJB or Jill-Pop, to compare that number to what they are allotting to their political opponent, the one they’re trying to have murdered.
That’s a bit of info I’d like to know.
The Secret Service is IN CHARGE. They are the ones with the specialized training not a bunch of semi-amateur local cops.
semi-amateur local cops
Not sure what you’re trying to say here but it sounds like a slur. If so, it is unfair.
Security / Protection is a specialized area of policing. It is not part of routine police work. It is not something a street cop should be tasked with doing, without supervision of a trained security person.
I believe that was the point.
Projecting is all she can do.
Evil Little Thing.
Actually some think she is the best thing to happen to MAGA because she is so cartoonishly over the top.
That comment is a good example.
Personally, I think she’s done net damage to us.
” ‘We may not see a rally like this in the future,’ he said. ‘There will be rallies, but they’ll be tightly controlled, perhaps more tightly controlled indoors, more thorough screening.’ ”
Apparently not, according to the Secret Service:
“Secret Service has no plans to beef up security at RNC after Trump assassination attempt: ‘We are confident in plans we have’ ” — NY Post
Methinks the outcry from this, and disclusure about Jill-Pop bogarting the security staff, will force SS to adjust their team assignments. Pres Trump has ALWAYS been a 24/7 active man; why in the hell was only one permanent cohesive team assigned to him who would obviously be overworked and require ad hoc teams thriwn tigether like this Butler one
My main concern for the future …. this guy on the roof was quickly identified by Patriots as a danger because he was aline and not in official clothing. I fear the next time it’ll be a fully SWAT or SS imposter, outfitted by our favorite 3-letter agency, who appears legit to our caring Patriots.
who is vetting the vetters and the uniformed security agents?
we can “afford” 87,000 MORE irs twits, but not more SS to protect candidates during an election year?
Our government under BRIBEN is now EVIL.
That’s RNC security. Maybe they are also “confident” about their rally security. But I have no doubt Trump will have a say in it.
No! We are not changing our rallies for ‘them’. We are not putting huge bullet-proof shields around our President like ‘they’ tried to isolate/cube us off with plastic shields during covid. If we have to surround the President with our own UPstanding Patriots and take a bullet we will. But we Will Not Surrender these gatherings because of ‘their’ security failings, deliberate or otherwise.
They work for us. We DeMAND they staff the RIGHT personnal (not DEI) and tools and procedures.
We must speak up on this one to Congress. Our Right to Free Assembly shall not be infringed.
AMEN!!! TIMES 1000!!!
Well said. That’s a powerful statement
Coothie, this one’s for you:
Slander against Cthulhu-cultists….what else would be expected from Prognazi scum?
I thought you’d want to know… I better stop though my mind is zoomy.
A meme off of Hoyt’s….
It’s cute, but Trump arose all on his own.
Yep, after 800lbs of SS flesh got off his back.
It’s a 36-second video of Trump, narrated by Sylvester Stallone as Rocky.
Grateful, defiant Trump recounts surviving ‘surreal’ assassination attempt at rally: ‘I’m supposed to be dead’
Some interesting tidbits in here, emphasis mine.
A wise decision. Those are the pics that would be shown instead of the iconic ones we are now seeing.
“A lot of people say it’s the most iconic photo they’ve ever seen,” Trump said.
So he’s downplaying it, in typical Trumpian fashion…
I love it!

This has some crucial information. It means that the 3-shot volley from the tripod gun likely didn’t kill the shooter – that it was the later shot – probably when the shooter tried to surface again and take more shots.
They should all be fired just for saying something so stupid.
No professional in his right mind wouldn’t reevaluate security measures in light of a credible assassination attempt just days prior.
This is CLEARLY the thinking of that PC woman in charge of Secret Service. That is the thinking of a politically correct HACK.
On the other hand, it’s entirely possible they ARE reevaluating and just not saying anything.
You wouldn’t want to tell the enemy you think your security has a flaw.
“You wouldn’t want to tell the enemy you think your security has a flaw.”
While I don’t doubt the Secret Service’s sky high Wile E. Coyote quotient, pretty sure even school children in Uzbekistan know USSS security has a ‘flaw’ at this point
Yours Truly has done some dissecting of the RNC security issue, and posted the results below in the discussion thread.
Bottom line: The USSS “liaison” to the RNC convention is what looks like another DEI hire, Audrey Gibson-Cicchino.
Is Audrey a man in transition?
Are there ANY men who work at the Secret Service anymore?
Probably not, since they made a pagan DEI worshipper head of the agency.
There is no way the snipers could have not seen that clown on the roof.
Zero chance.
Look at this…
Unbelievable… I can’t get this photo to show, even if I save it as a jpeg and then run it through post-image to create a link. It won’t give me a jpg or png link, even though I saved it as a jpg file.
Edit: Got it.
The SS sniper team was facing the direction of the shooter.
It’s completely in their field of vision.
They couldn’t not notice it if they tried.
130 yards is nothing to a professional sniper, he could probably make that shot with the right pistol.
Bongino said they’re qualified out to 1,000 yards, or more than 7-1/2 times the distance they were from the shooter.
The assassin was practically in their lap.
Look at the angles of the roofs – the different planes, elevations, etc. It was VERY well chosen to thwart the USSS snipers.
Crooks was hiding behind a rise in the roof where he was, on the adjacent property. He was easily visible from the ground behind him and to the side away from the USSS snipers, but he was protected from view of the USSS sniper team by both elevation and the angles of the roof. Typical sniper vs. sniper situation. He was invisible to the USSS snipers as long as he stayed low, which he did.
The USSS sniper team was in part foiled by the cross-fire situation. The apex of their roof was aligned toward the crowd – NOT toward Crooks. The line shown in the picture, from their location toward Crooks, is NOT the way they were facing in the early images.
Crooks FLANKED them – and IMO it was in part due to USSS “outsourcing” the security of the adjacent glass company property to local police.
Crooks understood geometry. I hate to say this, but he was an excellent MK assassin recruit. He was able to think on his feet, and use geometry to his advantage.
“They” saved Crooks for a top job – a presidential assassination.
There is NO coincidence that BlackRock monitored him in school. CUI BONO.
LOOK at that photo again.
The guys we were shown first are in outfits that say POLICE and one of the guys has a tattoo on his arm. That group I do not think is SS.
The other guys, in camo looking at the dead shooter are probably the SS sniper team.
IMO you have that backwards, but I’d say it’s uncertain on the latter (the people checking the body).
Referring to the rooftop team behind Trump, to the left when facing him.
Under “POLICE” it says in smaller letters “SECRET SERVICE”. Now that doesn’t mean they were actually Secret Service, but most people are saying that those were the actual SS counter-snipers, and I’m going with that for now.
Your mileage may vary, but I’m holding on my viewpoint.
You are forgetting that there is video by the crowd of him crawling across the roof and a police officer climbed the ladder and spoke to him. It is safer to say the guy was ignored, not missed. A simple check to suggest the real shooter was behind on the same line to target is to check the magazine of the kid’s weapon. If the mag is full, then the kid was a stooge.
Any checking and bullet comparisons will be done by the same agencies that have repeatedly tried to frame Trump so I doubt the credibility of any results
Exactly. The same people who denied the obvious evidence of 2+ shooters at Las Vegas, which was demonstrated by Health Ranger, and with which I was in full agreement after carefully reviewing the evidence.
I spent DAYS going over the evidence there. The level of denial, avoidance, and gaslighting that they employed to uphold one-shooter was one of the main reasons I lost respect for FIB. Politics over science and truth.
Since the outsider, the threat..DJT came on scene all of the govt agencies & Depts seemed to merge into one entity, each working together or adjacently to manage or get rid of him.
Since Briben the stooge was installed those same “merged”agencies seem to have turned their joint purpose into crippling the country AND attacking patriots. It’s an evil construct
The agencies working together was Obama’s doing. Before they worked independent and therefore more honestly.
Did not Trump say in La Vegas when he visited after that shooting ” he was a betrayed ?”
I never found out who betrayed and how he was?
I see no way around that unfortunate truth.
Where the other victims in the stand shot on purpose to divert the suspicion that there was another sniper who targeted Trump?
Doubtful. Trump Only target in my mind.
The others were just in the wrong spot.
I believe they were the sad reality of war, collateral damage.
A sniper or two on the water tower would have been good.
I have not yet seen a single photo or video where the SS snipers were not facing to DJT’s right (TV camera left), the same direction as the shooter.
I haven’t seen any photo (yet) where the SS is facing any other direction.
I don’t know why, there should have been SS sniper teams facing EVERY direction.
But the only ones I’ve seen so far, in all of the photo and video footage, shows the two SS guys on the roof looking and aiming in the direction where the shooter was located.
In the photo above, the SS sniper has his right knee on or near the apex of the roof and his tripod straddling the apex, and in the close-up in the upper right corner, the SS snipers are looking to their left, at around a 45 degree angle, which would be right at the shooter.
It appears that the building the SS snipers are on is a taller building (maybe 1.5 story vs. 1 story building), and may even be on higher ground too.
I know you’re seeing something that I’m not, I just don’t know what it is.
The rumors on this are flying. I’ll have to dig through my Twitter profile as I know I saved it, but word is they asked permission to engage and were either ignored or told to stand down.
No doubt in my mind they were asking for permission.
Posted it Saturday.
Compounding “permission”, communication interoperability issues. In Play.
Snowballing, cascading, compounding problems…
I remember Obama changed the military engagement rules so they could only shoot after being shot at. So asking permission may come from Obama people changing the SS procedures. That is, if they had ever read them and were just temp security.
Makes sense. Hussein did more to destroy America than Clinton and Carter combined.
When someone is aiming a weapon at the protectee, there is zero time to ask anyone for permission.
A trigger can be pulled in what, 0.001 of a second?
How long does it take to call Ernestine the telephone operator, get patched through to Central Planning to explain the scenario, have a committee meeting about it, call Washington for advice, reach a conclusion, and relay the decision back to the sniper?
It’s insane.
If that’s what they’re going to do, then don’t even have snipers, there’s no point.
You could drive from Atlanta to Tennessee, book a cabin and have afternoon delight with Big Fani in the amount of time it would take to get permission to shoot…
The two guys on the roof with the dead shooter look mean
Wonder who they were not SS?
Men!!! Strong men. Patriots … Veterans…strong and physically appropriate. Skilled & experienced. #GiveUsRealMen

This seems odd…
Would-be Trump assassin tried to join high school shooting club, was rejected for being ‘comically bad’ shot
Is it possible that Crooks got training on his own to spite them? A high school kid doesn’t have much power to do that kind of thing. Or was he given “special training” by someone?
Or did someone more competent actually do the shooting from behind and above him?
This theory must be maintained. To me it’s a distant – very distant – second, because there are too many points that have to be supported by bizarre contortions to match the audio data, whereas the “Occam’s Innocent Razor” explanation works very easily. But there could have been a professional sniper with subsonic ammo and a suppressor that was pacing him. And as long as FIB is the one handling the bullet analysis, they can just lie.
That is what I am now thinking Coothie. There were PLENTY OF BUILDINGS and also he was comical in his sneaking into place.
Very much a LOOK SQUIRREL I think.
The grassy knoll…
Assuming the story is not a total exaggeration, to miss by that much would mean totally ignoring the instructors coaching which might mean the kid was on some sort of meds that left him agitated and unable to take direction. But yeah, once alone and thinking back to what he was supposed to be doing he could of talked himself into a proper firing position, obtained good sight alignment and sight picture and then squeezed off some good rounds.
After being interrupted by Barney Fife, who retreated.
And who apparently didn’t alert anyone to his failure to engage an assassin.
I mean, if a guy is laying on his stomach, with a rifle, and you happen upon him from any direction other than right in front of him, you should be able to draw and fire long before he can roll over, bring his rifle around, and get a wild shot off.
And if you can’t, you might want to at least use that department issued radio device to let your team know about a shooter on the roof…
I am starting to sense an “oppositional and defiant disorder” personality here. That would mean the kind of person who would intentionally miss to the opposite wall, and yet not “break character” and admit that he was manipulating people with incompetence.
Basically a TROLL – and that is how people describe this guy. A TROLL.
“He made some crass jokes that weren’t appropriate when there are firearms in the school setting,” they said, without elaborating on what exactly Crooks said.”
If these people could take a trip back in time to the 1970s or 1980s, pre-safe space / powder puff girls time, they would be horrified at the things people said that were hilarious then, but would make a zoomer pee their pants and run screaming for the shrink they keep on retainer.
LMAO!!! Too true!!!
Was this part of the setup years prior to him actually being used? Plausible deniablity comes to mind. Theses plays are years in the making, there’s always someone in the pipeline at their disposal to use.
Exactly. BlackRock was already monitoring him at that time.
Chuck Callesto:
“Hey, Corey, nice to see you — glad you could catch up.”
IMO, the point is that he’s saying this out loud. It’s just “not done,” especially before an investigation is completed a couple of years later.
Ya think?!?
Welcome to the end of the thought process, Chuck.
Glad you could make it

I was banned from today…
For comments I made a couple days ago, where some Leftist loon was going off on another member, telling the mods he should be banned for being transphobic.
The message says:
“You have been banned for the following reason:
If you can’t stop posting political, culture-warring comments, then it’s time to find another site.
Date the ban will be lifted: 07-27-2024, 01:00 AM”
I’m gonna have to start looking for new places to sign up to be banned from soon… I’m burning through most of my regular haunts at an awesome pace

When you entrust opsec to the demented —
The FBI’s job is to obscure any evidence that leads back to culpability for the deep state.
As I stated BIMD with Deke Deloach, the chief cleaner for high profile cases for FIB. The clowns instigate the trouble and events, FIB is the cleaner to make it fit the operations of those in power.
Hopefully, one of these days the majority of Americans are going to figure out our nation’s history as reported by the “education system”, media, leftist historians and government is pure bullshiz.
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matt. 6:33
The first order of business is the respect the TRUTH.
What difference does the motive make ???
Sure am seeing a lot of relevant drops lately.
BOY ain’t that the Truth!
Tuesday’s Eye of the Storm is going to be a humdinger give what they put together fast just after the assassination attempt.
Jan 21, 2018 2:28:00 PM EST
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 49
6y, 5m, 3w, 3d, 20h, 49m ago
8chan greatawakening
So they are tossing the snipers under the bus.
We’ll see how that plays out. Any sniper that knows he can engage will engage. So then someone is lying or there were wide disambiguates to the rules of engagement.
We need the Rules of Engagement.
AND we need the rules for the SS snipers AND for the POLICE snipers. They may be different.
Along these lines, if they were local snipers, were their comms directly linked into SS? Or was there a work around, relay comm set up – verbal relay.
We can’t have any rational thinking around here!!!!
Sounds like everyone needs to be questioned under oath with intent to prosecute.
Intent to prosecute [or even the possibility] causes witnesses to invoke their Fifth Amendment protections against self-incrimination.
Questioning must be limited to political appointees and upper management.
Don’t know shit about legal stuff. Thankfully.
Question ALL OF THEM Under Oath.
Questioning political appointees and upper management commonly devolves into a circle jerk. Don’t believe me. Watch Congress on any day of the year. Assuming the fuck sticks in Congress show up for work.
Obviously you don’t know shit about legal stuff.
Keep it simple — read the text of the 5th amendment. Google ‘fifth amendment self-incrimination’.
We CANNOT force people to talk about their own actions.
“We CANNOT force people to talk about their own actions.”
But you can detain them, question them, interrogate them until they ask for a lawyer (some will, some won’t).
You can force them to hire expensive lawyers, which puts a strain on their other finances (and relationships).
You can make their lives miserable, increase their stress by orders of magnitude, and basically do to them everything they do to us.
After all, they’ve taught us.
Nobody knows how to beat the slave master better than the slave.
Said NOTHING about force. Nothing.
On the positive side, not knowing shit about legal stuff, I can see what does NOT work.
Quite clearly,
But yea, 100% focus on what does NOT work. Have a civilized Q&A with political appointees and upper management.
Sorta like “a Big Club.”
“Intent to prosecute [or even the possibility] causes witnesses to invoke their Fifth Amendment protections against self-incrimination.”
Then that kind of destroys at least several hundred years of precedent, putting pressure on lower level people to flip on the higher ups, and work your way up the food chain.
Lower level people flip AFTER investigators have gotten enough evidence to charge somebody. Several hundred years of precedent is that people cannot be forced to talk.
Well obviously you can’t just walk into an interrogation room, with a single bare light bulb at the end of a cord suspended from the ceiling, and a phone book on the table (to beat him without leaving bruises), and say “flip on your bosses”
Clearly you have to have some leverage in order to get the perps to flip, so it is implied that said leverage is the result of evidence obtained

Does NOT explain why the high priority vulnerability was NOT secured.
IF SS, HLS, Briben Administration are failures to the point of Fuck-Ups. Same as the shooter is being portrayed.
Unlike with the Kennedy’s Assassination they are NOT able to cover-up the Government’s MOST OBVIOUS ROLE.
Now they are in ‘damage control’ mode.
REMEMBER they will toss out a part truth (SS up) to satisfy the yapping dogs AND COVER THE DEEPER TRUTH — this was a CIA HIT on POTUS Trump.
Smoke alarm went off in master bedroom at midnight. Probably false positive. Inspected house and now have that alarm sitting next to me.
We’ve had them go off when the batteries are low and there is a large temperature swing, usually in the winter when the house gets cold at night, weird I know. Just a tip.
Notice at around 10 mins the interviewer says LAW ENFORCEMENT SNIPERS on the barn.
Verse of the Day for Monday, July 15, 2024
“Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.”
1 John 4:7 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Mathew my friend in faith come forth to Me
Be undeterred by the sturred stormy sea
Do not look back come forward without fear
I guarantee you that I will be here
Taking those steps are frightful to many
Their faith is weak and some have not any
With each trial in life we’re asked to be
So strong in our faith by the stormy sea
The mountains are high – the valleys are low
Sometimes there is no path no way to go
At other times we are told there is no hope
After deciding the depth and the scope
God instructs us to trust solely in Him
To lean not on our own when times are grim
To acknowledge Him in all of our ways
To give Him all Honor and Glory and Praise
Well if that is the case why go to man
For a purpose solution and a plan
What does man know that God does not
Why believe man’s predictions on the spot
God speaks to His prophets on the daily
Anointed appointed to set up the bailey
Guided by God to speak truth in His name
With warnings and platitudes of the same
Listen My people to what you must know
What you must do that to you I will show
I AM who I AM and ever will be
I will guide you safely by the stormy sea
D01: 07/11/2023
Thank You Duchess!
Psalm 91.The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing
#psalm91 #psalms #prayer
Pray Everyday
Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.
#faith #god #psalms
Pray Everyday

Apart from PDJT, one rally goer was killed and two wounded, so the general direction of at least three of the bullets paths are known, so what if anything was behind the victims.
Have they found any of the bullets, are they intact enough to be useful, are they even looking for them.
Whatever they find will ultimately support the narrative, one shooter.
Which may or may not be truthful.
Short of what we put together, here, Internet, trusted sources, normal folks as witnesses, difficult to believe anything from the Feds.
after they discover the evidence, they will feed it to Bigfoot
Reality despite who was the assassin, the shooter pulled the trigger in that instant Trump moved his head and a sudden wind pushed the bullet away enough to pass only through the ear lope of President Trump. Thanks be to God that the Hand of God was present.
Today I have had moments of recognizing exactly how close it was to losing our President Trump. So that’s when I praised God and thanked him. I’m overwhelmed with gratitude.
Yup. Dude missed by a fraction of an inch. Praise God!
LOL…”big boy day”
Both cases are “lost” at this point.
Second time today I’ve read that thought.
D-Rats AND Pravda News would still run with Trump guilty, Facsist, liar, threat to democracy… Fuckers will NEVER stop. Nanzi’s smear rolls on.
IF the maggot does this–it will be an attempt to SEEM like he wants to unite the country too. his handlers cannot let President Trump assume the high ground
To late Trump has the high ground he has God.
Knock on wood, AMEN.
Pravda News should look in the mirror and see Nazi. They are the only real Nazis in this country.
Doing so would be an admission that he instigated the investigations, which he has denied in the past.
Does not mean he will not do it because they know John Q Public is gullible.
Briben won’t say it. DonChaknow Briben is “hands off” DOJ persecuting Trump.
Persecutors il drop charges, in view of Chevron being tossed.
All part of the recent Faux can’t we all just get along Briben BS.
BUT, persecutors will emphatically say Trump is guilty…
Megyn, honey, if you keep this up we might love you again.
…bless her heart …
Worth playing again. He says what ALL of us suspect.
And these two people say what all people should hear:
from K1tt7-fzn:
And from Barb Meier
thanks Gail. i missed that first one. “I’ll do it for free.” hope President Trump sees that.
I think POTUS Trump will have so many volunteers he will be overwhelmed.
Any bets Eric Prince will be organizing REAL PROTECTION for POTUS Trump from now on?
Trump will not trash talk SS.
Trump will work discretely to ensure his and his family security is The Best.
Security for Trump
will changehas already been massively upgraded.I sure hope so, I don’t know how it wasn’t already, long before that rally.
He has decades of experience with personal security teams, most of whose members were ex-military or ex-gov’t.
He understands what DEI is, and how it compromises everything it touches.
Unlike most protectees, he can easily afford his own security detail.
So WHY did he allow himself to be in a compromised position, where his life was obviously in danger, due to Keystone Cop level security?
Reader’s Digest version from the article.
“Malice Or Massive Incompetence”: Erik Prince Gives Detailed Assessment Of Secret Service Failure
Former Navy Seal and Blackwater founder Erik Prince gave a detailed assessment of yesterday’s Secret Service debacle in the wake of a failed assassination attempt on former President Trump.
DJT was not saved by USSS brilliance. The fact that USSS allowed a rifle armed shooter within 150yds to a preplanned event is either malice or massive incompetence.
The law enforcement sniper (unclear if USSS) in newsreels was clearly overwhelmed as his face came off his rifle instead of doing his job to kill the shooter.
Clearly USSS failed at the basics of a secure perimeter and once shots were fired their extraction was clumsy and left DJT highly exposed to follow on attacks
Merit and execution must be the only deciding factors in hiring and leadership, not the social engineering priority of the day.
When looking at the circumstances in favor of Thomas Matthew Crooks, the identified alleged suspect in the attempted assassination of Donald Trump in Butler, PA, it’s hard to see how the guy failed.
The rooftop used by Crooks was a mere 140 yards away from the event with a clear line of sight to the right of Trump.
The Secret Service is supposed to secure all obvious “sniper perches” well before the arrival of a protectee –
The idea of Crooks being able to get that close with an elevated position on the stage is unthinkable.
Finally, there’s the dismal lack of response time.
We have seen pictures of one sniper team.
Last night and this morning, two sniper teams. I Call Bullshit. Show pictures.
100% smells like SS, HLS, Briben C Y A.
Stuck on this…
WHY did the sniper hesitate to take out the threat?
i read this, this morning. true? not sure. but it makes sense in a way–kill a guy who’s got a telescope? seems out there, but maybe that IS their policy. I dunno.
Susan Crabtree
Here’s my reporting on why the Secret Service did not shoot until AFTER the shooter engaged and some context about the House Republicans’ investigation already underway (months before Trump’s assassination attempt) into whether the agency’s DEI policies are affecting its readiness. The blowback against the Secret Service started within the hour of the assassination attempt and continued even after Trump and other credited the agency with saving Trump’s life by quickly killing a shooter crawling across a nearby rooftop.
But a source within the Secret Service community tells RealClearPolitics that the agency rules of engagement in this situation are to wait until the president is fired upon to return fire. “You want to take a shot then find out the guy was holding a telescope?” the source suggested. “The Secret Service is by nature reactive…and you better be right when you do react or you’re f—–d.” The Secret Service protocol requires that a counter sniper aware of a potential shooter to radio directly to intelligence division team to respond and investigate. In this case, the investigation may have been cut short by the shooter firing his weapon, so the counter sniper then fired as quickly as possible in return. The source praised the counter sniper who acquired the target and responded within three seconds, calling their performance “incredible.” “The counter snipers are highly trained and extremely accurate,” he said. Others with law enforcement and military backgrounds want to know whether the Secret Service utilized drones, i.e. small unmanned aircraft systems, to provide detailed situational awareness.
If the agency did not use drones, why not, these experts ask. The use of drones has been a controversial issue within the agency since at least 2016. Implementing drones would have provided detailed line-of-site analysis and aerial surveillance that would have easily identified the rooftop as a potential threat area. “The USSS has access to all the best imagery and elevation data,” the military expert told RCP. “I’m not saying they didn’t [use drones], but it’s an open question.”
The once vaunted Secret Service lost some of its former respect after a string of fence-jumping incidents and other security lapses came to light during the Obama administration. At the beginning of the Trump administration, a senior special agent in the Secret Service came under fire for suggesting in a Facebook post that she wouldn’t “take a bullet” for Trump. Kerry O’Grady, the former agent in question, was placed on administrative leave but was allowed to retire with full benefits, which outraged many in the Secret Service community.
The agency, more recently, has come under scrutiny for its diversity, equity and inclusion policies, after a female agency attached to Vice President Kamala Harris’s protective detail and identified as Michelle Herczeg, had an apparent mental breakdown and physically attacked her senior officers at Joint Base Andrews before a trip. An agency spokesman called the issue a “medical incident,” but other members of the Secret Service launched a petition over the agency’s diversity, equity and inclusion hiring and vetting policies during the Biden administration, as first reported by RCP.
In addition, after the attempted assassination of Trump Saturday night, conservatives blasted Rep. Bennie Thompson, the ranking Democrat on the House Homeland Security Committee, for earlier this year introducing a bill co-sponsored by several other Democrats that would have denied Service Service protection to Trump if he were convicted of a felony. The measure never gained traction in the GOP-controlled House. After the attempted assassination, which killed one innocent spectator and injured at least two others, Thompson tweeted that he is “glad that the former president is safe” and is “gratefully for law enforcement’s fast response.”
Only the Briben, HLS, SS DEI world would support the telscope thing.
From my view, the sniper knows if he’s looking at a gun / scope.
Still standing by sniper was waiting for “OK” to shoot. True, but ignorant protocol.
Still question if the sniper was SS or local LE, wearing a vest with Police and smaller letters, United States Secret Service. MeThinks local, on loan to SS.
Waiting for bad guy to shoot first, DEFEATS the sole purpose of SS protecting the protectee. Recipe for failure.
Much could be cleared up by listening to the comms recorded at Butler.
agreed that wait-till-he-shoots-first protocol is total insanity
And you don’t need a dang scope to hit a target anything less than 300m This guy was only 119m away!
Never heard of such a stupid rule… who is making this stuff up.
Sadly, the Clown Show of Feds, Briben, HLS, SS DEI…
““You want to take a shot then find out the guy was holding a telescope?” the source suggested.”
Sorry, but if you are dumb enough to climb a roof at a rally for a once and future President, I will give you a Darwin Award if I am your sniper.
If it’s a spotting scope, the SS needs to be ready to take them out the moment they see a gun. If they see a gun, and know the person with a spotting scope is unauthorized, shooting first makes sense, frankly.
Pat – this is key – this is how the bad side controls evil outcomes through good intentions.
FIRST – remember what Sundance calls them – the INTELLIGENCE BRANCH.
Now look at this quote from what you posted…..
This is how they took over DOJ, too – using the “NSD” – the National Security Division. It’s the same thing. The shadow government uses the “intelligence group” within agencies to control them.
The Intelligence Branch can control outcomes in the Secret Service.
Now keep looking at why Trump survived.
This broke the USSS out of the IC control loop!!!
That 3 seconds CONFIRMS the audio of the shots, and my assessment of the first six bullets.
Crooks fired three shots in the video I watched, at 8.0, 9.0 and 9.9 seconds, with the countersniper getting three shots back at 12.0-13.0 seconds.
The head shot to the assassin happened at 24 seconds.
This is how the wicked Comey IC takes over. SS is under shadow government control, and they use “good things” as cover for bad things.
The same IC has total compartmentalization and deniability on weakening USSS and then sending secret forces against their hobbled Secret Service. Quite evil.
Great explanation, Wolf ! Thank you.
Absolutely unacceptable, and a good way to get the president killed. With all the technology available, they have to have means to see what is going on from the air as well. And if they had secured the rooftop like they were supposed to, they would have known that anyone who got up there had bad intentions.
Also a good way to get yourself killed if a good shooter could pop off 2 shots to the police snipers and then a shot to the target
Pretty simple, actually.
That building was supposed to be secured by local police. The snipers in the pic were local cops. They knew that. At first, they thought it was one of their guys, doing the same job they were doing.
One of the sniper cops lifted his head from a ready-to-shoot position to get a different look at the rooftop person, probably because he heard people yelling and pointing at the killer’s perch. They didn’t realize he was a threat until the killer took his shots.
They immediately fired on the killer, although the actual neutralizing shot could have come from USSS sniper team at a different location.
Two trillion dollar deficit, massive budget increase for IRS, yet USSS has bread-and-water rations for its budget.
Plus a D E I bitch for a leader. A cherry on top of a shit sundae.
That building was supposed to be secured by local police. The snipers in the pic were local cops. They knew that. At first, they thought it was one of their guys, doing the same job they were doing.
One of the sniper cops lifted his head from a ready-to-shoot position to get a different look at the rooftop person, probably because he heard people yelling and pointing at the killer’s perch. They didn’t realize he was a threat until the killer took his shots.
^^ Could be.Shooter was NOT dressed like any LE would be. NOT buying it.
It is SS responsibility to secure the area, which includes roof tops…
Once secured, turn over security of the building to local LE.
Also presuming that any movement would catch the spotter’s eye..someone bear crawling on the roof AND the supposed turning around enough to supposedly point the rifle at the cop..then there had to be a few seconds for Crooks to look through the scope to shoot
Not necessarily. Depends on the manpower available. Lots of reports that requests for more agents were denied, meaning USSS had to relay on local PD more than usual.
All could be true but surely they had a means of communication between all the law enforcement? The second the citizen reports of man with a rifle were heard, that should have been shared.
When the LEO decided to go up to the roof…that should’ve been relayed.
For that matter the LEO that was near that building..even if he wasn’t sure at the moment should’ve told that crowd to move away for safety until the man with rifle was identified
Yep… everyone on the protection detail should of been flashed the message and immediately closed ranks around the President and him ushered off the stage at that point. No waiting around for the gun fire to start.
Candidate Trump rally Reno, NV November 2016.
Someone near the stage yelled “gun”.
SS rushed Trump off stage.
Crowd tackled the asshole. SS & LE took him away.
Slow guy in the crowd, ~100′ from excitement. No one ran.
Trump returned in, I’m guessing <ten minutes.
You were there? Wow.
Knew Trump was my guy.
B O N U S.
Not to mention, but… President Trump should have been secured at the 1st HINT of an issue.
Local cops were responsible for that area. D.C. refused to send more agents.
Yup. THAT was the fundamental mistake, and that goes right up to USSS Director Cheeto.
She’s political, and we know what kind of politics, too.
I don’t know if anyone pointed this out here, but I read her background yesterday. She was only at Pepsi 2 years; prior to that she was SS for 20+ years and was part of Biden’s detail … most likely being forced to protect him while he swam nude …
A reasoned logical response to weekend events in PA from Mark Steyn. It is an excellent summary of the government incompetence with which we citizens have become all too familiar.
Shoots and Ladders :: SteynOnline
another theory
July 15, 2024 9:49 am
Rule #1 – Follow the money. Possible theory below.
BlackRock reveals link to failed Trump assassin The shooter appeared in a commercial for the investment behemoth
Thomas Matthew Crooks, the suspect in Saturday’s attempted assassination of former US President Donald Trump, featured in a 2022 ad for BlackRock, the investment giant has revealed.
There you have it! Let’s do the math. Black Rock bought the best assets in Ukraine for 10 cents on a dollar. Practically a theft. It enrolled the neo-Nazi regime. Unleashed NATO and ISIS. All to protect its investments. There comes Trump saying he will stop the war in 24 hours, forcing Ukraine to settle the conflict. Black Rock will lose billions if that were to happen. They dust off their shooter who appeared on their commercial and was not paid on the books – but off the books. Wait… there is more.
Black Rock calls its CIA assets to direct the Secret Service to ‘loosen up’ the security around Trump. This is why there were security mishaps, designed to allow the shooter to fire his shots. So, to stop the shooter from talking and revealing his Black Rock connection, he was shot dead. All scripted by Black Rock, but there was poor execution.
Black Rock is the one behind Ukraine war, there are others too. Last, do not count on an investigation or punishing the masterminds. They are the government within the government! Major conspiration similar to the one that killed JFK. his brother, MLK, Malcom X and John Lennon.
Trillions of dollars are at risk. Blackrock has long wanted to steal the Rich mineral and Agriculture assets of Ukraine. and there you have the motive and setup. Large corporations control the government and other military and intelligence entities needed to make easy money for themselves (CEO and executives).
PS. The secret service is now a diversity DEI hiring group. Enough said about their performance. Bunch of bumbling keystone cops.
Excellent. All speculation, but it’s speculation in the right direction.
Here is the BlackRock commercial!
Notice that it’s connected to TEACHERS’ PENSIONS.
Don’t know where I got this, perhaps in the daily.
Loony bitch needs to be slapped into reality.
Yup. But these are the morons that helped Mao’s cultural revolution destroy Chinese civilization, and they will destroy America if we let them.
I know.
Wolf Moon
And these are the morons who died of starvation, overwork in the rice fields, and/or execution because of “not being revolutionary enough” during the Cultural Revolution. They were nothing more than “expendable cannon fodder” to Mao and his gang.
Yup. Useful idiots.
Just like the brown shirts.
Oh, those were classic morons. Used and disposed of!
half of the problem? Meaning the rest of us are the other half that needs to be eliminated?
Yes. We ARE viewed as the problem. One obstacle. Trump is in the way.
Fundamental reality. Sad reality.
I think you should start praying for her future husband now. It is important to get a head start.
He’s going to have to be very skilled at pretending to listen, not afraid to take a punch and know the art of passive aggression. Also he should replace all his feathered pillows with foam given singingsoul’s sage talk, which I fully concur with.
yippee…searching for more details!
BREAKING: Biden DOJ’s classified docs case against Trump DISMISSED after judge deems Jack Smith appointment unconstitutional
“Former President Trump’s Motion to Dismiss Indictment Based on the Unlawful Appointment and Funding of Special Counsel Jack Smith is Granted in accordance with this order.”
Freedom Ring
July 15, 2024 10:08 am
Judge Cannon Dismisses Classified Documents Case Based on Unlawful Appointment of Jack Smith
Great news, and I hope it doesn’t get changed! I can’t help but think about all the waste of time and money, and all the stress that has been involved, in this and other cases. It should have never gotten off the ground
ifsince his appointment was unlawful. But things take so long…
of course, i expect it to be appealed.
That would not be the smart move.
It was a matter of time, Cannon was going to dismiss charges. Wish it was with prejudice. But Feds know it is a lost case.
Guessing Cannon is beyond fedup with Feds persecuting AND Feds trying to take Trump out.
E N O U G H.
Also very smart play be her, because with the failed assassination attempt, wicked Dodge and evil FIB would have to re-concentrate on their remaining options, and that means getting ROUGH with HER.
She understands what’s really going on. They will do ANYTHING to stop Trump.
A Monday Morning Drop???
More like a Monday morning bunker buster.
Looking at the potential threat to President Trump’s life at the RNC this week. A short summary of what Yours Truly has found so far:
One: The United States Secret Service is under the control of the Department of Homeland Security. The current head of DHS is Alejandro Mayorkas.
Two: Mayorkas was born in 1959 in HAVANA to Cuban parents who then immigrated to the United States in 1960. Yours Truly can find NO record online of when Mayorkas and/ or his parents became naturalized American citizens.
Three: The USSS liaison to the RNC convention is Audrey Gibson-Cicchino. Yours Truly smells another DEI hire here. Gibson-Cicchino graduated from the National Defense University in 2021. 2021/2021
NDU Graduation Program_FINAL_PRINTFILE_Updated2,pdf Note: (This URL was copied exactly as it appeared on the computer — remove the spaces)
Four: Here is the 2 April 2024 USSS briefing website summary / description with the Milwaukee Fire Department and EMS regarding the RNC convention in July 2024:
Audrey Gibson-Cicchino was the “head honcho” for this.
Five: The USSS is “satisfied” with the security arrangements for the RNC convention. Following is a story on this, and a screenshot statement from Audrey Gibson-Cicchino:
15 July 2024
“After Trump assassination attempt, guns will still be allowed near RNC, but tennis balls will not”
14 July 2024
Observation – I have been scrolling through the main fake news media for the first half of this year.
Fox News has moved squarely back toward PDT and the GOP. They are being much more transparent. Which confirms they were in on the 2020 election steal. Devolutionists will say, “Of course, part of the plan.” The rest of us will move on and know they are opportunist establishment snakes playing the game. I find this affirming that plans are in place to stop the steal.
CNN has even made some “wut” moves lately to try to survive.
But trust none of them. Just watch for signals.
So focus on the downticket races. The GOP needs control of the House and Senate with as many Trump endorsed candidates as possible.
Amen. BERNIE MORENO needs massive support!
Huge news. Judge dismissed FLORIDA Cass against PDT.
From NYT, haven’t seen this anywhere else yet.
WOW. Just WOW. Of course, that POHE (Piece Of Human Excrement) Jack Smith will appeal. IMO, there’s no way an appeal would prevail.
After this weekend’s events, I’m 50-50 on whether he will appeal or go quietly into the night.
At a minimum they’ll say, appeal will be filed. Likely won’t be filed.
Lawfare canNOT stop Trump. <<< The ONLY reason cases were filed.
Agreed. If it was up to deranged Jack Smith, they will appeal, but if his bosses decide to rein him in……. if they can….. we’ll see.
If I correctly understand the Supreme Ct overturning Chevron, as well as Sen. Massie’s recent interrogation (
) of Merrick where Merrick acknowledged Smith was appointed via a bureaucratic regulatory ‘precedent’ and not via presidential appt & Congressional approval, then I think an appeal is useless because bureaucratic regulations are no longer final controlling authority they pretended to be.
Yes, an appeal might be useless LEGALLY, but is it useless POLITICALLY and TACTICALLY? Because THAT is what LAWFARE cares about.
True. I forgot they’d beat a dead horse if it benefitted them politically.
They can. They always can.
You don’t think they would appoint/hire anyone they don’t 100% control, do you?
There’s always blackmail info on them all.
Good, now some legal retribution for the officials who set it all off, knowing it was a cowboy outfit.
This is where I’m at:
“The blood on former President Donald Trump’s face was barely dry before calls to “take down the temperature” and “unite” began rolling in from Democrats and their courtesans in the press.
President Biden issued a statement after the assassination attempt Saturday evening calling for unity, as did Vice President Kamala Harris and scores of other Democrats. Even the clueless and cowardly Republican Speaker of the House Mike Johnson got in on the unity wave, saying, “We’ve got to turn the rhetoric down, we’ve got to turn the temperature down in this country.”
Sorry, but that’s not going to happen. There can be no unity with the people and institutions who have spent years whipping the left into a violent frenzy over Trump. This goes for Democrats and the corporate media alike.”
Asshole loons have been lying about Trump AND MAGA since 2015. <<< FUCK THEM.
It’s the asshole loons that need to change.
MAGA, America First, Trump Are Spot On.
100% is why I’m worried about “Unite”.
They can come to him. That’s the only “Unite” that should be happening.
Watch for changes in our platform.
And trust no capitulations from the left unless they give up dramatic ground.
Biden said “Battle Box”. There is no such thing, so how did it slip out as a Freudian Slip?
So it sounds like something he’s been briefed on. What else did they have in the Battle Box besides a sniper??? Was there a back up plan? Alex Jones said watch for the next step “poisoning”. But that could be more than standard poison. In this day and age they can likely inject a bot to control or cloud the mind. Sorry if that sounds conspiratorial, but it’s in the range of possibility. Watch careful to determine what changes are afoot across the entire political spectrum and determine if they make sense.
At any given time, Briben has no idea what he is saying, reading…
Battle Box.
i think he meant ballot box
Yes, that is what he was supposed to say but said “Battle Box”. For it to be a Freudian slip that has to have come from somewhere. So where?
As to Kill Box… that works unless a secondary objective, fall back plan was briefed, aka a fall back plan that is less than lethal but achieves the same objective which broadly is for Deep State to keep control of the nation with the least amount of fuss. Killing Trump means lots of fuss. But if they can end up controlling Trump then their objective is met. Then briefing the secondary plan, “battle box” would make sense. Other than that, I’ve never heard of a battle box. WTF is a battle box?
Oh. That makes sense.
I have intentionally NOT listened to whatever Briben has been mouthing.
Including links to briben mouthing Unite, get along…
I’m going to leave off on the speculation for now. Seeds planted, time to get back with the program, but leaves off saying fast acting mind controlling tech via nano bots is already in the Sci-Fi literature and has been for a couple of years. Meanwhile mind control could be deployed to simply disrupt. Not enthralled with this term “Unite”. Will have to wait to hear more from the boss, but yes, troubling that Briben is using the same language.
What’s that saying..something like We use the ballot box and if that fails we use the bullet box
I trust Trump.
100% agreed. Uniting will NEVER, EVER, involve compromise with evil.
None of that is happening.
This isn’t exactly the same, but at a high level, it is.
I try hard to always pray for strength and fortitude, not for the easy path.
I was always told as a kid to never pray for patience, because God would show you just how much patience you have. I feel the same about comfort; if I prayed for that, God might show me just how much discomfort I can stand!
I was always told as a kid to never pray for patience
I had to laugh when I read that. I now understand why the world is the way it is. I am sure there are a lot of people who were given that same advice as children.
Awww Aubergine

I was taught to pray for strength, not for God to do it for me. God knows I struggle with that more often than I should!
I was taught to pray for Christ in my heart and to be grateful God in my life.
Whoops I must have accidentally prayed for patience, because I’ve got none when it comes to bullschiff
I really hope Trump is not going to go all kumbaya on us during his speech. He doesn’t need to attack individuals but the policies and the agencies are corrupt, anti-American and need to be replaced.
I disagree with Trump’s statement that we are divided about immigration. We are NOT divided about immigration per se, we are divided about unaccountable open borders vs. managed, planned, accountable LEGAL immigration!!!!!
please please President Trump, do not lose your willingness to home in on what has gone gigantically wrong in our government and its operations. Do NOT pretend we can reconcile with people who hate us or seek to control us.
Trump will NOT let us down.
Thank you! I needed that slap to ‘snap out of it’
Snap back in it.
From what I’ve heard from Trump, you’re quite right to fear that he’s going to turn this into a ‘can’t we all just get along’ moment.
I trust Trump.
And I trust God. And God may have allowed this to happen to Trump for a reason.
Trump is calling for unity, but he means for people to stop the partisan bickering for the good of the country. In no way do I think he means to stop fighting destructive policies and the like.
On the other hand, when the Left calls for unity, they mean “Stop attacking us and we’ll pretend to stop attacking you.”
They cannot rain in the the democratic hate the unleashed on President Trump. “When one empties a pillow full of feathers they are like words spoken and fly where they want never to be caught.”
True. Nice metaphor.
Heard it someplace many years ago
Guess What?
MSNBC removed Joe and Mika’s show today due to concerns that there might be “inappropriate commentary” on the assassination attempt on President Trump last Saturday.
guest post by Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge
15 July 2024
Yup. Those two crazies would likely create their own incident.
That sounds strange…This is what I mean by we need to watch the entire political landscape for strange occurrences. This is out of character for the left to give in so easily.
Short of them or a guest vowing to buy their own rifle and try to finish the job what could they say that hasn’t been said about him a hundred times?
LIVE WITH JULIE – 07/15/2024
Psalm 18:48-50
1 Samuel 19:9-10
Ecclesiastes 1:9
Luke 12:2
2 Chronicles 20:2-3, 6-9, 12, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24-25
Job 22:28
Josh. 23:10
God hears the cries of His people and He delivers them out of it all.
Keep that firm focused foundation on the Father.
God is going to fill the streets with His Glory.
Declare your protection, the deliverance of this nation, and that God is bigger and more than enough.
Look only to God. He is your protector, victory, and the One Who always shows up.
It is God Who will deliver this nation and save you from the wicked schemes of your enemies.
This is the time to fight even more and not to let down or give up. Keep standing and fighting.
God stands between you and your enemies. He is holding them back.
Declare and decree on a daily basis for things to be exposed.
WAR: Worship And Resist then the Wicked Are Restricted.
You are a child of the Most High God and you’re in the Army of the Lord. You have a part to play in this battle.
The greatest weapon against your enemy is prayer and the power of the name of Jesus.
You will win the battle by praising and worshipping the Lord.
Don’t get into fear or be anxious. Look to God and His promises.
El Shaddai- The God with Whom Nothing is Impossible.
God is here and He is bringing you a triumphant victory- the Angel Armies are here.
[Prophetic Word heard – July 14, 2024]
For I the Lord this day am telling My children in the land of My eagle, you shall live and not die as a nation. Your enemies tried a great attack on your country by trying to end the life of My David. Well, they did not and could not succeed. I’ve intervened for this nation, and I’ve intervened for My David. My children, your warring and your constant prayers were heard by El Shaddai. An awakening has begun in My nation but now it will explode everywhere. I will destroy the evil that you’ve seen in your land and the nations around the world. My children, I will expose this plan. I will expose the murderous plot. I will show you where the instructions came from and who ordered the hit of My David. I told you the ravenous wolves were coming out of their caves to devour any truth or any freedom you had left in this nation. I will unmask these wolves and these treasonous traitors in your country.
I told you My children President Trump had traitors in his midst, and this should prove to you that that is true. Things were allowed to show you who these traitors are. Some close to him are working for this other side. Those that were to protect him let things slip through the cracks ever so subtily to make it look like they were doing their job, but they weren’t. Some are there for the right reason, and some did their jobs. As I told you, I have infiltrated the infiltrators, and I’m smoking them out of their holes and their hiding places, and they will be revealed who they are. My David’s real protection comes from Me saith the Lord of Hosts.
Secret details of your enemy’s plan to take down My David as they were taking down your nation. They failed. This nation belongs to Me, says the Lord. My David is Mine. He’s protected by Me. As your enemy’s desperation has grown in this time, I told you they would overreach. They would make mistakes.
Helped me to understand the stress and pressure of security team sniper duty.
Interview with Robert Barnes and Viva Frei –
MORE about Westover – Twitter
His website – SLC Squared – –
The sniper talking is good. Better is Barnes at about 55 mins in. Once he gets going there’s no off switch. This is red hot and spot on and covers a wide swath.
Interesting, appox 1:20. Barnes says Trumps VP must be someone who scares them (uni party) Must be someone like “Vance, some one like Carson, someone like Gabbard. It can’t be a Burgam, Scott, Rubio…” etc. He’s picking principle over politics here.
According to SD, Vance is a total Never-Trump uni-party stooge.
If I remember, didn’t SD lead the charge against DeSantis? He seemed to have been right about that one.
And Sessions!
And Gabbard isn’t for real.
She’s playing on conservatives’ weakness for girl-power narratives.
She’s a democrat from Hawaii, of all places.
What I’m waiting for is the Left machine taking the Trump “Fight Fight Fight” and create a narrative about us MAGA rubes taking it to mean rise up and take over govt
Briben will respond with he has F15s. Briben is such an inept moron.
Well you do know that he’s piloted a F15..many times…
As Briben would tell it, he was flying over Vietnam during the Korean War….
i respectfully disagree.
he is a moron of the highest order…the Grand Poobah of morons
^^^ Nails it, again.
Fight has many meaning. One can fight with a gun, words and faith. We have free choice what to choose.
two percent neanderthal
July 15, 2024 11:56 am
It is interesting that the Judge’s decision makes note that Jack Smith’s scam has withdrawn 24 million $$ from the U. S. Treasury without appropriate authority. Would a “claw back” be in order?
At a minimum out of DOJs budget to reimburse Trump.
Wonder if Trump can file civil lawsuits against Jack The Hack, and of bags of shit in DOJ.
“file civil lawsuits against Jack”
DO IT make jack even sadder.
Win or lose it will burn up his personal cash, if he’s such a top notch lawyer he should have known he was doing wrong, no excuse.
Bankrupt the bastard.
Since he lacked authority, he is subject to personal civil lawsuits.
Including malicious prosecution.
Pile it on, what about slander or libel.
General Mike Flynn
BREAKING: Given the recent decision by Judge Cannon regarding prosecutor Jack Smith’s “classified documents” case, the following can now be stated. 1. A filed whistleblower complaint has Smith and other members close to him inside the DOJ under serious investigation by the DOJ OIG (yes, there are some good guys—but we’ll see). 2. Deposed witnesses (part of this WB complaint) have been offered massive bribes to back off their statements (by apparently Americans—to be named later). The bribes are north of $25M (you read that right). 3. I am told Judge Cannon had either requested or received a copy of this whistleblower complaint (I have zero idea if she actually received it or read it), but this is some of the information I’ve been made aware of. 4. This has been an ongoing investigation for well over a year now led by very credible investigators and the public whistleblower complaint was posted back in DEC (go find it). 5. This has been pressed very hard thanks to
(w/out his patience and support), the investigation and the legal and very public filing would not have occurred. 6. Be prepared for more on this very serious case which stands in history to be one of the most egregious abuses of authority within the department of justice (if the truth plays out here, the 2nd and 3rd order effects could very well prove to be stunning to America’s national security). 7. The media hasn’t covered one iota of this (no surprise here). For America to move forward, the rot must be removed and the corruption must be publicly called out and eliminated. More to follow.
Good. Somewhere, there is the beginning of reckoning with what happened to DODGE.
Would like to believe accountability is inbound.
But then again, I fell, Hook, Line and Sinker for Bull(shit) Durham.
Along with Barr, a couple other Special Prosecutor assholes.
Worse, I believed Nappy back in 2016 when he stood by Comey. Comey would do the right thing regarding hildabeast emails…
Damn Slow Guy IS Slow. But if I ever “get It”, NOT letting go.
Flynn, Byrne…need to build credibility. Yea, I’m prolly an outlier here.
I don’t trust anyone but President Trump and Ben Carson and Clarence Thomas.
The circle of trust is shrinking isn’t it?
And Justice Alito. I regret I didn’t mention him.
You have settled on a pretty good list.
It took a lot if false turns for us to get here, eh Robert?
Agree about Flynn, Byrne.
K you need to be optimistic. Every betrayal leads to better judgment in the future.
Actually quite optimistic. Trying to NOT be gullible
EVERYONE of the dirtbags I listed above, I 100% bought into. 100%. Optimism.
Now a days. Show Me.
Belly laugh one day last week.
Someone here boasted of Trump in the WH (totally agree).
Then those “thousands of seal indictments”, from years gone by, would lead to arrests…. <<< Pure hopium there.
I agree.
LOL just saw this on X:
“Let me get my shoes” is the new ” Hold my beer”
I would love it to be JDV.
I think the remark about shoes shows that DJT does his speeches without them.
Might have lost them in the scuffle.
he said the SS hit him so hard it knocked his shoes off
In football that is called decleating. If true, that is pretty impressive against such a large man.
possible vp pick?
If so, Ohio needs to backfill his Senate seat with America First – MAGA.
We need the Senate.
Amen. I sure hope they have game-planned that!!
Emerging theme.
A house divided cannot stand. United, the theme.
Coming days. Lincoln quotes.
Leftist head explosions incoming
Cuz they don’t want our house to stand!
That is excellent!
Last week, IIRC, Trump cited JD looking similar to Lincoln.
Trump on Truth responding to the Canon deal. Looks good! Full steam ahead!
Donald J. Trump
As we move forward in Uniting our Nation after the horrific events on Saturday, this dismissal of the Lawless Indictment in Florida should be just the first step, followed quickly by the dismissal of ALL the Witch Hunts — The January 6th Hoax in Washington, D.C., the Manhattan D.A.’s Zombie Case, the New York A.G. Scam, Fake Claims about a woman I never met (a decades old photo in a line with her then husband does not count), and the Georgia “Perfect” Phone Call charges. The Democrat Justice Department coordinated ALL of these Political Attacks, which are an Election Interference conspiracy against Joe Biden’s Political Opponent, ME. Let us come together to END all Weaponization of our Justice System, and Make America Great Again!
Jul 15, 2024, 9:41 AM
Joe trying to pre-empt our real President Trump.
Twitter people are tearing this up.
Outstanding. The internet is forever.
If you’re not our enemies, then TAKE YOUR BOOT OFF OUR NECKS.
BREAKING: Trump to Announce Vice President Choice Today at 4:30 PM ET
Should be Matt Gaetz.
Long time since reading Gaetz in the mix.
What brings him up? Just funning?
He would be good.
Yes I would like him or Navarro but not getting my hopes up. I used to want it to be Nunez
To much of a hot head. He gave us Johnson.
Another way of looking at it is that he got rid of McCarthy
Thankfully. Although both POS snakes.
That was a good thing
Thank you judge cannon!
I believe the assassination attempt sealed the deal to happen today. The appeal wont happen either.
*They* must be apoplectic because nothing they have done against Trump has worked. I don’t think about it in detail, but how different things would be if they had succeeded on the 13th!
Oh yes.
Pretty good article with the only pic I’ve ever seen of the ladder. It also said this which is accurate, imo
From his elevated vantage point, almost as close to the president as the secret service snipers there to protect him, Crooks had a clear and unimpaired line of fire and, armed with his father’s AR-15 rifle, he took his shot.
A chance turn of Trump’s head, not the swift response of those snipers, is what made the difference between a grazing glance of the bullet Crooks fired and a fatal shot.
Especially if the rules are to let the assassin shoot first so they can be sure it’s not a citizen with a telescope. Unbelievable.
Exactly, it’s UN-believable.
Notice how the ladder in the alcove is behind the tall trees. Easy to miss in a cursory walk round at ground level.
Is that its normal stowage, had some one been working on the roof recently, who left it there.
Now that you guys speak of it there does appear to be a latter there.
Adds for context. Hasn’t seen this view before.
deleted “water tower” since it’s in the picture
Like I’ve said before…… The water tower location is where I would have put the sniper(s) guarding the place.
What do you make of the info that Crooks accessed one building and went to another for his perch, meaning he was up there for multiple minutes..a moving object..Do you think they didn’t see him or ?
Why would there not be a SS sniper team in the trees?
Those trees are an obvious place for an assassin to use as cover, and the best way to prevent that from happening, is to occupy those trees yourself.
Why would there not be a SS sniper team on the same roof where the shooter was?
Probably because it would be harder for the SS to claim they didn’t see the shooter, if they were literally right next to him.
EXACTLY…and IF incel loner punk was a patsy..if a smart assassin was actually there why not in the trees?
With the cobbled together security a bad actor could’ve been up there for many many hours and doubt ifTeam barney Fife ever thought to look
There is SO much news going on right now — however, Yours Truly believes this news is important. Steve Kirsch brings it again.
Recall that Yours Truly has been posting and commenting for months regarding how much MORE modRNA and lipid nanoparticles are in EACH DOSE of the MODERNA modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines”? EVERY MODERNA DOSE has more “mcg load” than the COVID-19 “vaccines” by Pfizer-BioNTech (which does NOT mean that these products are somehow “safer” than those by Moderna. They are NOT “safer.”)
Mr. Kirsch is now proving that the MODERNA modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” are, in raw terms, DEADLIER than the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccines.” In fact, the MODERNA COVID-19 “vaccines” are 30% MORE DEADLY than those of Pfizer-BioNTech.
“VAERS data shows Moderna causes 30% more deaths per dose than Pfizer”
15 July 2024
Yours Truly: Mr. Kirsch has boiled down VAERS data from 2021. He will be amplifying his findings in an upcoming blog post. In addition, Mr. Kirsch will be writing for a peer-review journal his calculations and findings of COVID-19 “vaccination” in the Czech Republic. According to Mr. Kirsch: “The results are devastating.”
Below is the VAERS graphic from the Kirsch blog post.
Yours Truly will not get into politics here — one will only say that, IMO, President Trump needs to make it crystal clear that important information that he needed to have about the COVID-19 “vaccines” in terms of the dangers of these “vaccines”, was deliberately withheld from him during Operation Warp Speed. He needs to name those involved in the withholding.
I suspect most people have no idea which vaxx they received, probably were never told, and wouldn’t remember even if they were.
Well there was much bragging and discussion of the merits, people around me at least, and everyone got a card with the name. Not everyone got to choose but I think everyone knew which one they got.
Very interesting… I was never close enough to any of the poison dispatcheries to see the process.
“Yours Truly will not get into politics here —”
It’s okay… this is not a politics-free zone…
I know a lot of you dont like hollywood at all. Jack black is a funny guy and i like some of his tenacious d music. Today im done. Just done. This is black cackling on statge in AUS after his bandmate kyle gass says his bday wish is not to miss PDJT next time. No more.
True character is revealed in candid moments. Baker’s Law # 10: Words and actions reveal character.
Sure do… sure do.
I’m with you..used to love his movies but something in the last year I saw cured me of it.
Well i counter kyle gass’ bday wish since today is mine and wed is kiddo’s. I hope not only does PDJT win but a win of all R in every state si decisively these people are running scared.
And those who wish death, those who looking past have tried and failed, are dealt with in a finality for the ages.
Hows them
Thats very kind. Ty!
Happy birthday giloo!

Ty. Taking kiddo to the beach for a couple days to escspe the heat. Itll be a nice change.
Happy Birthday giloo.
Happy Birthday, Giloo!!!
And jack blacks career has kinda tanked. Not a nice guy.
They are poison
The audience laughed.
Nice audience.
They deserve each other.
I know. Disgusting.
I barely even know his name, wouldn’t recognize him if he was sitting right next to me.
But that’s true for most hollyweird pop-tarts of the last 10 or 15 years.
When I scan the new movie listings at, unless Nicolas Cage is mentioned (apparently he makes about 36 movies a year now), I usually don’t recognize the names of any of the starlets.
Nick cage is a beast. Lol. The starlets arent even close to stars…woke and classless for the most part.
Kiddo just watched jaws and close encounters and loved them both.
Older films are classic for a reason.
Happy Birthday Gil !
On the classics I even pulled up Saturday Night Fever for sidekick gs to see Travolta strut down the NYC sidewalk. A lot cooler than saggin pants dudes claiming that’s hip
I havent watched that in yrs…
Me either and fairly quick into I flipped it off! I forgot how much they cussed and the rest of it was a little dark themed but for a look at cool that was great
It had its moments… best soundtrack!
A late Happy Birthday!!!
Ah ty mister. Just about to head to bed. Early roll call!
Good night and God Bless!!!
Happy Birthday!
Citizen Free Press has this headline but nothing to back it up:
LOL!!! And neither will Nikita Halite, Queen of RINO Salt!
Another surprise.
UPDATE: FBI Still Grappling with Thomas Matthew Crooks’ Motive Despite 70% Completion of Phone Analysis — Will Also Check Shooter’s Laptop
How about deranged, politically motivated hatred? Is that one on the books?
Uh what about the video of him screaming at the top of his lungs at republicans at the college? Thought that was what was called a break down. His parents never knew about that?
I believe the parents are “circling the wagons around Captain Dindu Nuffins” because the perp used Daddy’s gun.
Yes – that video solves everything, IMO.
Of course, FIB lowers without “beyond top secret” clearance will never know about MK ULTRA and all the rest. And they’re all forced to operate under Democrat principles of “pretending not to know things”.
Struggling over a reality that doesn’t reconcile with their preferred narrative de jour is more like it.
He was an unhinged Leftist who hated and threatened Republicans on video, and he was all hopped up on TDS thanks to 24/7 Gaslight Gov’t Media.
And besides all that, establishing motive isn’t even necessary to prove a crime.
And beyond that, the FIB is wholly corrupt, weaponized against the American People and specifically against DJT.
“A law enforcement official revealed that they are about 70% done with their examination but have yet to find any evidence pointing toward a motive for the assassination attempt.”
Well, that settles it. The FBI is clearly retarded.
What do you dumb fucks need, a billboard?
How do they know they’re 70% done, if they haven’t found any evidence yet?
If they find evidence (I know, I know, don’t laugh yet, just hear me out!
), that would certainly extend the investigation.
Point being, they can’t know if they’re 70% done unless they began with the ending already determined.
Excellent point, Scott.
Support For Butler PA Victims – President Trump AuthorizedNow over 4.2 million!
That’s enough to cover the cost of 120 ventilators.
Vaxx will be extra.
Remdesivir will be a lot extra.
Dot Connecting Anons
Forwarded from
Vigilant News
JUST IN: The building where gunman Thomas Crooks scrambled onto the roof and opened fire was the staging area for the local police tactical team that was watching over the crowd, two law enforcement officials told ABC News.
So this kid just happened to walk up to the local LEO staging building with a long gun and proceeded to climb onto the roof?
From what I’ve read, he crossed over from other buildings that were easier to scale.
Which is why there should have been an officer on the roof, but hey! Outsourcing MUST be done! Management says so!
One might hope somebody inside the building would hear a 160+ pound man walking on the metal roof over their heads…
I read that a police officer went up the ladder, saw the guy point a gun at him, and retreated back down the ladder. So if that guy was stationed up on the building when the kid showed up, he would have just leaped over the side anyway. Face it, most local law enforcement is useless.
I just read that the have finally given Trump Presidential-level SS protection. About fucking time. I am so mad.
They’re scrambling now. They know they’ve been caught, and are just hoping that what little cover they have left, mostly on the MK boy, holds.
Yep, that’s what we’re expected to believe.
Oh, and 50-cent paper masks will stop a virus, too
From the same page…..
Security planners reassessed plans for Biden’s visit to Vegas
Security planners have reassessed and reexamined their plans for President Joe Biden’s visit to Las Vegas this week in light of Saturday’s shooting, a senior official briefed on the matter told ABC News.
Officials expect that there will be a heightened level of security and additional federal agents on site in Las Vegas, the official said.
Biden will be in Las Vegas from Monday to Wednesday for several events.
-ABC News’ Josh Margolin
Beware Osatan and IC, Cornpop! They’re looking to take you down! Taco Jill! Your meal ticket is in peril!
With the low numbered attendees he usually gets they could assign 50 agents and call it good
That would be 48 more agents than DJT had.
And 40 more agents than attendees.
What perilous and chaotic times, with the Deep State looking to take down both parties’ nominees for president.
Yup. On the bright side, it does look like the Shadow Government is somewhat cornered.
Nobody is trying to kill FJB, certainly no patriots or conservatives. All the violence is cooked up and executed by the lunatic Left.
FJB is the leader of the lunatic Left.
Zero danger.
I thought they wanted him gone before the election.
They’d just do a ‘died suddenly during his nap’.
Choked on his ice cream.
Perhaps Obama can hire someone from his Netflix contacts to write a good script for the Biden hits that is at least quasi-believable It needs to be better than the Chef in the pond story.
It would be about an old greedy white man dying so the lefties wouldn’t care much, until they found out there was a nurse or is that a baby sitter involved along with a wanna be porn star who’s addicted to coke who does paintings and stuff after years of jet setting about making deals for his dad. Pretty soon they’ll think it’s a spin off from the Ozzie thing, then they’ll all take notice, but none of them will able to keep up with the plot.
Well if his own people are trying to get him, that’s a whole different situation.
FIB / DoJ / Homeland Security etc. are all trained to focus solely on white male Christian heterosexual conservative patriots.
Those agencies are completely worthless if the threat is coming from the God-hating, America-hating, gender-confused fascist Left.
So they do reassess the security for Briben, but they have no plans to reassess the security for DJT, the guy Briben’s people just took a shot at two days ago.
Got it.
From the article:
I kinda doubt it since the guy got up there.
But the Daily Mail had a pic showing a ladder – ?
I’m too lazy to look for it but one of the witnesses described him going up the building and at the time it didn’t sound like he meant using a ladder but IDK..maybe I misunderstood
A ninja wouldn’t even need a ladder.
I expect we’ll find out the shooter was a mall ninja any moment now…
Next up, the kid was bitten by a radioactive spider, enabling him to climb the side of the building using his web hands.
Good grief.
Oh bummer, the first sighting of a superhero is a Progressive.
“JUST IN: The building where gunman Thomas Crooks scrambled onto the roof and opened fire was the staging area for the local police tactical team that was watching over the crowd, two law enforcement officials told ABC News.”
The headline should read “Wile E. Coyote bedevils Keystone Cops”
H/T kyblue @ Sylvia’s
In that case, whoever put her in that position (probably Ms. Cheeto) should be fired immediately. If they won’t fire her, she should resign. If this problem is not taken care of, the SS will be in constant disarray and security will be compromised.
Too many disjointed security forces to be good protocol but it’s a perfect excuse in the plausible deniability game in a planned but failed assassination attempt.
Exactly. CHAOS is part of the communist war on America.
How does Wictor know this ? the badge maybe?
Can’t see it. No idea why. About 30% of the time, when I click on a tweeter link here, I get the “Something went wrong. Try re-loading” message, and no matter how many times I refresh the screen, I get the same error message.
Then I can click some other tweet link, and it works fine.
Go back to the previous one, and it still won’t work.
No idea why.
Scott, I think ‘sometimes’ it depends on the whims of the browser … I know in Brave, I can get that ‘wrong’ message, then click it a second time and tweet will show. But other times in same browser, I can’t get it to show no matter what.
And no tweets show here in the Tree unless I click the link, but I used to see them all.

“And no tweets show here in the Tree unless I click the link, but I used to see them all.”
Yep, several months back, for maybe a week or so, the whole tweet would show here, without any need to open a new window to tweeter.
That was nice.
So obviously someone had to put a stop to that
yeah same
Thomas Wictor
On Saturday night I attempted to verify my ID on Twitter. During this process it seems that I somehow managed to allow someone into my account.
Don’t ask me how.
I DID NOT post that bullshit about the DEA. The agent is wearing a US Secret Service badge.
I said I won’t be posting again on Twitter and I meant it.
This is a very crucial time in our history, which is reflected by the fact that all sorts of fuckers are doing everything possible to take the focus off of the fact that Trump was nearly assassinated.
At any rate, Trump’s security detail WAS US Secret Service, which actually makes things worse.
Newsmax just said the bldg of the shooters location was the leo staging area. Omg.
Yup. But he got on it from another building, and from the aerial photos, those look easier to get on top of.
Still, what a fuster-cluck.
July 15, 2024 1:30 pm
A ladder, hidden by dense shrubbery, propped against the side of the AGR building, leading directly to the rooftop where the would-be assassin had a clear kill shot of President Trump.
That’s a clearer version of the pic I saw in the Daily Mail.
Wonder how long that ‘dense shrubbery’ has been there. The mulch on the ground around the base of the shrubs is clearly fresher than the rest of the area.
yer gettin pretty sleuthy these days!
Clouseau is my inspiration
hmmm I see you more as a Kojak . He could figure things out and give a rapid fire dressdown too
More like Jim Rockford. Better hair than Telly, too

It shouldnt have happened. No one shouldve had the day off from any dept within 30 miles. Other drpts cover that city during thst day. All habds on deck. Thats how its done.
Congrats to ohio w the next vp!
WHOA! Did not know that!
TS post.
Told you it would be JD. I would have been happy for it to be Dr. Ben. But JD brings youth, veterans, brilliant attorney, Ohio/midwest, etc.
Did someone announce it was JD, or are we just doing process of elimination on the assumption the short list was accurate?
I just saw this:
First I saw of a source…up to now just people talking about Vance.
Yes, same here.
Well we have a long track record of great political leaders from the Ivy League so I guess the country is safe. Still, it may be wise to check Vance occasionally for sharp objects.
I’m hoping the U. S. Marine part of him will prevail over the Yale law part. We shall see.
Read my BIMD to know more about him.
Fox announced it 20-30 minutes or so ago on their convention coverage.
The black vehicles that were reported at JD’s house earlier gave it away anyway.
Trump announced it first on Truth Social

What a tremendous media coup and back slap. I hope he does this with all his big announcements .., Truth Social folliwed a minute later with same on X and drive the media goons MAD.
MAGA is alive and kicking

Out of all the names tossed around, I like JD best (if it wasn’t going to be Carson). Reading Trump’s announcement, I think JD will focus extensively on the Midwest states and that will be a HUGE advantage over the Biden/CamelCrap ticket.
Let’s Go MAGA
JD is the most toxic poison arrow for the Deep State, IMO, and particularly the Endless War Neocons, the Ukraine Grifters, the Progressive Parasites, the Bankster ESG/DIE Cabal, and the wicked bureaucracy.
JD is the BEST insurance for Trump. In fact, JD is the perfect REVENGE for the assassination attempt. Now, if they kill Trump, we send in a guy who they will hate EVEN WORSE – mega-tears worse, for a FULL EIGHT YEARS.
Salty bish tears be a-flowin’

Larry Fink, Barack Obama, and George Soros not only had to endure a failed assassination – now they get “both barrels of justice”.
^^^ This.
The globalists can kizz Ukraine funding and endless wars goodbye.
Thank you. Many Congratulations to Sen. Vance!
Now, watch for the MSM, the “Civil Rights” types, the SPLC, and other “usual suspects”, to start “the Republicans just disenfranchised every Black / Person of Color voter”, “Trump hates Blacks”, “the Republicans want only white men to run the United States”, etc., BS, in 3–2–1…
I agree. Don’t think it will help them much. Most blacks view PDT as gangsta now.
And youth to the WH, after Trump’s next four years. Trump’s MAGA continuity plan.
jd vance is going to work his ash off the next 4 years to prep for the following 8.
This wont be an honorary do nothing vp.
BOOM. Exactly.
Thats really gotta hurt.
Exactly my thoughts about the whole reconciliation narrative after they tried to murder DJT.
And all the other abuse for the last 30+ years.
Trying to stir up covid scare in poo water. Not gonna work!
Coronavirus levels in California’s wastewater have reached a “very high” level for the first time since last winter, according to the most recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The Golden State was one of seven states with “very high” levels; the others were Arkansas, Florida, Maryland, Nevada, Oregon and Texas.
In Los Angeles County, the nation’s most populous, coronavirus levels in wastewater have also increased.
Pure click bait. Scrolling.
Similar, but a world of difference.
The difference is VAPE – whatever that’s worth!
Lord I hope so.
Left unsaid by Musk, “Advertisers pay attention.”
^^^ This. Cha-ching!
If he’d open the gates like it used to be where people without an account could would’ve broken the internet
Have you tried using
That’s what I have been doing since I found it (I think someone posted it here first).
Otherwise, I have some pages open with telegram and truth accounts.
SD used to have an almost daily account of how Tweeter was going to go out of business any moment because usage costs money, and there is no business model where Twitter can earn enough revenue to be profitable, which is why it was subsidized by the Creep State, which withdrew their subsidies when Elon took over.
Then all of a sudden, SD dropped that whole premise / prediction.
Sorta like predicting earthquakes.
photo of JD Vance as young Marine.
This is a big draw for me. The Marines are among the very few groups that I tend to trust until proven otherwise.
I have to agree with you there.
Of all the VP possibilities, which one candidate do you think Eric and Don, Jr. wanted?
This was known by all who know members of their family and inner circle. PDT obviously agreed with their assessment.
This combo is bad azz.
Mayorkus announces SS protection for RFK, Jr.
if I was RFK I’d say ‘no thanks; have seen your protection and it sucks”
The guy should be announcing his resignation.
Yeah. He sure did not look happy having to make this concession.
Hussein probably ordered it! They’re going to “Plan B: Natural Causes For POTATUS”!!!
mebbe so
Vacancy for ice cream taster
The Cuban Communist Spy is running scared.
Wolf Moon
Did you know Mayorkas is Jewish? I was surprised when Viva said it. Not that it matters .
Yes – I was initially surprised that he was Jewish, but I was also surprised to learn that he was Cuban! I assumed he was some Eastern European atheist commie “red diaper” direct from “somewhere”.
How religious he might be, I don’t know, but he is definitely more “progressive” than he is religiously Jewish, IMO.
Some of the Jews in this administration, and Congress, too, are so comfortable with lies, that as far as I’m concerned, they’re “JINOs” who wouldn’t know the 10 Commandments if they were tattooed on their foreheads backwards!
I assume he is not religious most are conservative if they are. He is on the red site communist.
They do not like when people refer to the divisions within Judism as sects, but that is what they are. There are about 5 primarily sects. The far left of about 15-20% do not even profess belief in God. The next more liberal is modernist Orthodox. Odds are the Mayorkas is in one of those two camps. When you actually dig into the different groups you learn that 75-80% of all professing Jews do not believe in or fully follow all of the tenets of the religion.
Can you guys imagine what DPat’s going through right now trying to sift her compilation for tonight !?!?
The Babylon Bee’s today are outta the park, let alone the rest of the news!!
MAN, i love winning

Great. A banner Tuesday! Not even camel day yet.
Eric announcing delegates for his Dad & putting Trump over the top for nominee. What a family

Christian Hodges
Senator McConnell BOOED and MUTED at RNC National Convention. Boos were so loud, he could not be heard.
They skipped him completely and went to hawaii. Aloha!
Good. He’s an arch-villain, just like his henchmen, Lurch, Ernst and Barrasso.
Good. Scare crow needs to resign in shame.
Musk was pushing Vance, wasn’t he?
So was Don Jr and Barns and I
The real danger now, as I see it, is that the Dems are going to concede the Presidential race. The new plan will be to steal the Congress, both sides if possible but one side for sure. I believe I first read about this strategy from kalbokalbs but I am not certain. That seems a more achievable goal at this point. I assume the Senate would be the priority since they could block confirmation of key executives and Supreme Court judges.
Harshing my mellow Robert
but you’re probably right!
I thought kalbo’s? insight was on the money.
Several have posted simialr thoughts. Hell I likely got it from someone here.
WWGOWGA. Or something like that.
It’s going to be very difficult for the Crims to win any down-ballot races if DJT wins the presidency in a massive historic all-time-for-the-ages landslide
I agree but I see it as the Dems only electoral option.
THIS IS my hope. trump will have hugely long coat tail carrying down-ballot races.
National and hopefully state races.
In 2020 they were cheating mainly against one person, will it not be a lot more difficult to cheat against a lot of different people.
I guess that depends on how streamlined and efficient their cheating scheme is
Several of us have chimed in stealing House and stealing the House.
Tough to impossible with a fair count. Unlikely. BUT…
MeThinks, prolly several have chimed in, something like…
Illegal votes ARE their Ace In The Hole. Illegal votes. Yet cast AND counted.
I don’t doubt that is true, but I believe your comment was the first comment I read on the subject.
There is a good video where Elon explains it to Don Lemon, I’ll see if I can find it.
Here it is, cued to the spot:
i read that Mike Dewine
will name Vance’s OH Senate replacement with special election later ( not sure those details are accurate) but DC Draino’s suggestion is Vivek V. be named.
OMG, that is awesome!
However, I think it will very likely be Matt Dolan, who ran against Bernie Moreno in the GOP primary for the Senate race (currently facing off against Democrat Sherrod Brown).
Matt Dolan is not a bad pick, because not only is he a really good political fighter, but it allows Vivek to be in the Trump administration.
The BEST solution of all, for Ohio and America, is as follows.
J.D. Vance – VP
Bernie Moreno – Senate (election)
Matt Dolan – Senate (appointed, then election)
Vivek Ramaswamy – Press Secretary
Frank LaRose (former special forces and Ohio SoS) – DHS (Elections)
I like it!! And that you are a close and accurate source of info on this important state!
I let Sundance know, too!
Not that I disagree with you but just wanted to post this from Rich Baris
JD Vance will be a great VP for MAGA and I’ve said he’s the most representative Republican in the U.S. Senate. It’s not even close. He checks all the boxes we’ve discussed, including the most important one: making sure the administrative state fears replacing Donald Trump.
One caveat, however.
There better be an agreement with Mike DeWine for Vivek Ramaswamy to become the next senator. If DeWine makes Matt Dolan, who was twice rejected by Republicans in Ohio, it’ll be a reversal for their entire movement AND the entire party in the region.
Thanks! I hear Baris, and he has a point about the voters having rejected Dolan, but IMO it was mostly because the other two options were so GREAT – not because Dolan is bad.
Ohio MAGA pulled hard for Bernie Moreno, and I was happy that he beat Dolan, (and by a wide margin, too), but Dolan is actually a solid conservative, extremely skilled as a legislative politician, and would provide a lot of tactical GOP smarts in the Senate. He could easily be Senate leader some day – and NOT a Cocaine Mitch type, either.
Moreno winning was great, but Dolan losing was a bit of a waste and a shame. In my mind, the real question is whether Dolan can keep the seat in a full election – and I think he can!
There are many people who think that anything DeWine touches or likes has to be RINO, but IMO that’s not true.
I know we’re waaay past the Biden double tussle but these pics are perfect for comparing teeth. Teeth don’t lie and aren’t a factor in plastic surgery. We can circle back (tm pataski) on a slow day.

Good stuff! Thank you!
Good deal, thanks
Saved on the site!
Not to forget his Adolph phase
His jaw certainly appears unhinged, doesn’t it? His mouth gapes open all the time.
sort of the way a snake can temporarily dislocate its jaw to swallow food whole.
Thanks be to God
Don Jr squares off with media clown
And Antifa sets up close to RNC convention. No word on how many assassins will be in attendance yet.
Sure hopes Antifa doesn’t have any plans to go bar hopping.
hahahah on the bikers
“Sure hopes Antifa doesn’t have any plans to go bar hopping.”
I sure hope they do!

Love the way we’re taking J13 and telling the Progzis to STFU on J6.
This is interesting stuff. Not sure if it’s true, but interesting.
If true, then it makes possible the idea that the Cabal did a “9/11 job” on the buildings on the AGR property, and created a spider hole shooting position for a second shooter to back up the kid from the same direction.
PATRIOTS in Secret Service need to tear that place apart.
Coincidence.I dug on this, and it seems to check out. At first, it looked like AGR was a mistake, because Indicor acquired AGR International, but the latter turns out to be the parent of AGR in Butler, PA. The question is then whether Indicor (which is heavy on ESG) is leveraged by BlackRock. Their major investor is a private equity company called CD&R, which has sold positions in glass companies to BlackRock, so there may be some real connection there.
Harry sounds like the ideal citizen for a banana republic.
Prayer for Serenity 1: When Things Seem Out of Control
You did everything you could to assure a positive outcome, but it didn’t turn out the way you wanted or expected. We’ve all been there. It tests our faith. Maybe you accept the outcome or maybe you’re frustrated. God wants to help you put the situation into perspective and remember that he is always in control of every situation—even those you so desperately want to control.
Dear Lord, It feels like everything is out of control in my life right now. I know good things are happening too but the stress is overshadowing them. I wanted a better answer, things to change, but my hopes are dashed. Many people try to comfort me by saying that you’re in control, but it doesn’t bring me comfort. It seems condescending.
Lord, I want to understand and discern the plans you have for me. Father, restore my faith as I trust that you’re omniscient and I’m not. Envelope me with your peaceful balm to soothe my questioning mind. Remind me that you hold the whole world in your hands and all things work for good to those who believe in you. I do believe! Amen
Prayer for Serenity 2: When Anxiety Overtakes Rationality
God didn’t create doubt, anxiety, or worry. Satan did to rob us of our joy, peace, and sleep. God knows common sense can flee when we’re under stress, so he gave us a remedy when we experience mind hijackers: “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7). Charles Spurgeon advised that, “Our anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength.”
Lord, you know how irrational I can become when I’m anxious. I can’t reign in my thoughts. Instead of expecting the best, I worry and wonder. I fret. My stomach churns, my heart races, and I can’t take my mind off the issue. I know you don’t want me living in a constant state of turmoil. It’s not good for my physical or mental health. It makes people around me miserable and keeps me living in a perpetual state of chaos instead of calmness, which I crave.
Father, you tell me in your Word to cast all my anxiety on you and so I’m doing that in this prayer. I lay at your feet the things I’m struggling with and I implore you Lord to free my mind of concerns. Remind me please to take deep breaths and trust that you can make a way even when the path is not visible to me. Father, please lead me to refreshing Scriptures when I feel anxiety approaching. Holy Spirit fill me with the serene peace and joy of the Lord. Amen
Prayer for Serenity 3: When Fear Overcomes Faith
Prayer for Serenity 4: When What-if’s Overshadow What-Is
Prayer for Serenity 5: When You Want to Give Up or Give In
If this is true I can’t see what the point is. Would it be a usual step to take?
“US authorities will not provide other countries with information about the investigation into the assassination attempt on Trump until it is completed, the State Department reports.
The State Department does not expect the assassination attempt on Trump to affect US foreign policy.”
We often get our best reporting from foreign sources like Daily Mail. Their reporters likely ask the questions and go in search of the answers that ours wont.
With lunatic cultural marxists running the show, trannies behind every door, and rampant DEI in every nook and cranny, it’s probably a lost cause to try to understand any rational point to the things they do
H/T Sylvia @ her site
Sean Davis
Pretty crazy how an assassin was given a free shot at Donald Trump after Biden’s debate collapse but right before Donald Trump announced his VP and was formally nominated as the GOP presidential candidate. It’s almost as if the whole thing was engineered not just to eliminate Trump, but to require an entirely new ticket free of any Trump influence whatsoever.
And then it just so happened the shooter is the only person in the entire country without any social media or online footprint whatsoever. And the FBI, after whole minutes of effort, just couldn’t figure out how to crack his phone. What a series of very strange coincidences.
For all who were worried about Trump’s call for unity:
Also enjoyed Trump’s response on Truth Social to Judge Cannon’s decision this morning. So far Unity is okay. It’s important to be unified if we want to kick the collectives butt.
Vanny was hoping DJT would pick a moderate, like Hoopie Goldberg or Joy Behar
BUTLER, Pa. — Channel 11 news uncovered dramatic new details Monday in the moments leading up to the assassination attempt on former president Donald Trump. According to multiple law enforcement sources, Thomas Crooks was spotted by law enforcement on a roof nearly 30 minutes before shots were fired that injured Trump, killed a former fire chief, and injured two others in the crowd.
>>>> Latest on the Trump rally shooting in Butler County
Channel 11′s Nicole Ford confirmed that Beaver County’s ESU team had eight members at the rally, including snipers and spotters. According to Ford’s sources, one of them noticed a suspicious man on a roof near the rally at 5:45 p.m., called it in and took a picture of the person. We have learned from our sources the person in that picture is Thomas Crooks. We’re told it’s not clear if Crooks had a gun with him at that point.
According to multiple sources, a law enforcement officer had also previously seen Crooks on the ground and called him in as a suspicious person with a picture prior to 5:45 p.m. Our sources tell us an officer checked the grounds for Crooks at that point, but did not see him where the first picture was taken.
26 minutes after the second picture of Crooks was taken by law enforcement and the information called in, shots were fired from the roof of the American Glass Research building. Seconds later, a Secret Service sniper returned fire ~~~~
Now the million $ question is who did they call this information to and why wasn’t there any directions from that person
Sounds to me like Crooks TESTED going on the roof, while leaving his weapon hidden nearby, then went down and came back with his weapon. That is a VERY smart strategy.
Doing his own dry run. Pretty ballsy, if you ask me.
He could have been arrested [based solely on suspicion; no probable cause needed] and held for up to 48 hours without charges.
That would crimp his schedule a bit.
Maybe someone handed him the weapon?
At that point it would make a great Monty Python sketch if they did.
Sounds like this Crooks character was on their radar… that almost never happens…
FIB AND local LE had the shooter on their radar.
Send more tax dollars and they may, connect more dots.
It would surprise me if “they” wanted to save any bystanders BUT the suit man staying down does seem odd
I think those people just weren’t supposed to be in the front row. Simple explanation.
While not common. Have seen some rally attendees in suits. Some ladies in very nice dresses. Have figured they were connected types to RNC…
Edit. Finally watched the video. Definitely suspicious.
We talked about this one yesterday and figured they were not in the line of fire from the sniper. However to think about it we also saw the strange lady in the bleachers behind the president acting weirdly. If those people had stayed there they may have blocked her view of the President’s last moments which appears to have been strange ladies job to catch for prosperity.
h/t k1ttz-fzn
Well, if he is SS he went above and beyond his job in to protect

the president.I wonder if there’s photos of him with any of the other SS?
I read in a story somewhere, with that photo shown, that the woman under that guy is conservative political reporter Salena Zito. This story doesn’t show that same photo, but tells the story:
She was about four feet from the stage. The girl next to her is her daughter, and the man on the ground is her son-in-law.
Scott Adams: “Can we make voting machines as secure as the shooter’s phone?”
H/T kyblue @ Sylvia’s
Do you have any links to the other two witnesses? This one isn’t a direct witness, IMHO – she sounds like she (and others) thought it was coming from the tower. We need more details!
Thank you – very helpful.
My current theory is that USSS was in the tower and took out the shooter from that position with the “late shot” that had no supersonic crack in the rally audio.
Helpful, but we need more, and from above. If there was somebody up there, they should be camped out over the rise, and almost invisible from the rally.
Couple of questions being asked on social media, then I gotta go fix dinner!
WOW. These are EXCELLENT questions!!!
Great questions.
Get the Cheatle halfwit and the network executives in front of Congress and make them answer the questions, make them lie through their teeth, under oath and on the record, to the American People.
I looked up the uber woke PBS coverage, it appears that they do cover rallies. I couldn’t say that they cover every single one but there were a lot that they did.
Thanks Molly. I wouldn’t know anything about PBS showing rallies * spit*

Her visit was announced last Wednesday. That doesn’t indicate how long it had been planned. I think Trump’s rallies are not usually announced very far in advance, so they might have found out about his rally and invented a trip for Jill.
The link below is to her prepared remarks. It was only about a five-minute speech. It appears to me that there was no good reason for her to go there except that it’s campaign season. The Pittsburgh chapter of the Italian Sons and Daughters of America has a Facebook page but I can’t access it. Someone else might be able to.
Oversight Committee
Chairman James Comer and Committee Republicans have sent a letter to U.S. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle requesting the following information be produced no later than this Thursday, July 18, 2024:
– A complete list of all law enforcement personnel, including Secret Service, Department of Homeland Security, and local law enforcement, with roles in protecting President Trump at the campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13, 2024, including but not limited to the advance team;
– All audio and video recordings in Secret Service’s possession or custody related to President Trump’s campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13, 2024;
-Any memorandum or notice issued by the Director to Secret Service personnel regarding the Butler, Pennsylvania, assassination attempt on President Trump.
We also request the following information be produced no later than July 29, 2024:
– All documents and communications related to the Secret Service protection for President Trump’s campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13, 2024, including but not limited to any pre-site survey identifying security concerns and/or mitigation of security concerns and monthly Office of Protective Operations reports;
– All internal documents and communications, including text messages and email communications, between Secret Service and the Department of Homeland Security related to President Trump’s campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13, 2024;
– All documents and communications, including text messages and email communications, between Secret Service and local law enforcement related to President Trump’s campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13, 2024;
– All communications, including text messages and email communications, among Secret Service personnel related to President Trump’s campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13, 2024; and
– All maps, aerial views, diagrams, and assessments in the possession or custody of the Secret Service of the setting for President Trump’s campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13, 2024.
– All remote surveillance data, including but not limited to drones, listening devices, remote cameras, and satellites, used for President Trump’s campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania on July 13, 2024.
Read our letter to Director Cheatle here
Good. They want it by Thursday. Monday is the first House hearing.
Lemme guess.
Reply includes, classified, ongoing investigation AND ignore whatever SS wishes to ignore.
Guessing D-Rats not signing onto Briben’s unity call.
Surprise.And the all encompassing “no; can’t; national security”
David Dutch was one of the victims shot at the Trump Rally. The following information was posted this morning:
David Dutch, 57, was shot in the liver and chest on Saturday night, according to a post by the Marine Corps League, where he is a member.
He had recently been installed as the commandant of Westmoreland County Marine Corps League Detachment No. 1416, TribLive reports.
‘He has had one surgery and is undergoing another this morning,’ the post from District 8 Vice Commandant Matt Popovich said.
‘He is currently in an induced coma.’
Please keep him and his family in your prayers.
Thank you!
Oh man, yesterday the update was that both were stable. I hoped that meant much better than stable in an induced coma.
Stable, I had hoped awake.
Everything about this debacle pisses me off.
Thank you. Sending prayers and meditations for Deep Healing.
Dead ringer for Pocahontas look alike.
Looks like the second SS sniper team has been found.
Good. It does NOT look like this second team fired anything in those first seconds, and they clearly didn’t have as good of a position on the shooter as the other team obviously did.
Let me guess… in Brazil, with hookers?
This is so funny!
para, I don’t know if you follow “UnCivil Law” on youtube, but he did a critique on the oval office speech and when it got to the above scene, he lost it….. Kurt (UnCivilLaw)had to rerun this section several times and he found great joy in this portion of the speech. “so close”..
“Aww come on man…”
Actually no to Uncivil Law… but you can see Joe loosing it… was wondering if there was more. Thanks.
Does anyone snoop around liberal chats/sites? I can’t help but wonder if they go down rabbit holes like we do. For example, all of the scripted Biden releases lately…yeah he’s senile and a gaffe machine but hasn’t gone complete zombie like the debate night. Don’t they wonder, even a little, that somebody (BHO) spiked his meds to make him appear so bad that he needed to be replaced ASAP? Or maybe they’re so brainwashed that whichever commie the party chooses they’ll buy into?
Once put together a small stack of lib sites that allow chat. It was actually very hard to do since most don’t allow chat or only offer it for select stories. Huffpo used to have chat, but that seems pretty dead now. Mediate still has chat and is something of a mixed bag, about the only one, one of us might be ale to tolerate, but arguing with liberal is like talking to a wall. When you do find one you’ll find them extremely toxic and living in a world not yours and can go rabid quickly. Some will congregate on certain stories on yahoo. Twitter you can find them and engage one on one, but if you push them too far they go and find one of their hacking buddies and you’ll end up having something weird happen to computer. They are really not nice people.
I hear ya. They are nasty people.
When it comes time to push the assassination attempt back to it’s source there’s this story.
Zelensky Suddenly Reverses, Says Russia Should Attend 2nd Ukraine Summit
July 10, 2024 – The west told Zelensky to enact a law which makes it illegal for any Ukrainian to negotiate with Russia involving Ukraine land. Zelensky did.
The west told Zelensky to declare martial law so that elections can’t be held, Zelensky did.
Per the Ukrainian constitution, Zelensky is no longer the legitimate President of Ukraine and at this time the Ukraine Parliament Chairman Ruslan Stefanchuk is the actual Head of State.
July 13, 2024 – Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service has released decrypted messages that show U.S. authorities are consulting with Ukraine’s chief of staff, Ermak, as well as former commander of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Valerii Zaluzhny and former speaker of the Ukrainian parliament, Dmytro Razumkov , about replacing Zelensky with someone else.
Andriy Yermak was a film director/producer prior to Zelensky’s Presidential election.
Valerii Zaluzhny was the Minister of Defense who this week began his new job as Ukraine Ambassador in the United Kingdom. Dmytro Razumkov is a professional Ukraine politician.
Russia won’t give up land, Zelensky and his administration can’t legally negotiate with Russia regarding land and I’m guessing the second “summit” would be just as worthless as the first one.
it’s probably some kind of scheme to show the ‘new’ peaceful unity Biden admin for pre election optics
Sean forgot the rule of double-standard.
Crims have no shame, no honor, no dignity, so when they get caught doing the kinds of things they always do, or just being incompetent, no one is surprised and no one expects them to be held accountable, and certainly no one expects them to resign — if anything, they’ll be promoted, as a way to cover up the failure.
But if the person in question is a Republican, the rules and expectations are radically different.
First he will apologize all over himself (‘he’, because women mostly don’t apologize, ever, for anything, it’s just not something they do).
Then if the polling is bad (and it will be, because the democrat machine gov’t media won’t cover for the Republican, but instead, will expose the Republican to the widest audience possible), then internal pressure from other Republicans will force him to step down.
None of that happens on the democrat side.
Getting caught while involved in illicit activity or plain incompetence is a badge of honor for democrats.
Two standards.
Corey Comperatore’s widow refuses call from Biden.
Said she’s not political but “I didn’t want to talk to him. My husband was a devout Republican and he would not have wanted me to talk to him.”
Good for her. Corey threw his body over those of his wife and two children to shield them from the gunfire, and was shot in the head. His last words, his widow said, were simply “get down!”
h/t Marica’s blog:
That’s not strange.
Doesn’t everybody have a son named Vivek?
H/T Sylvia
Huge thank you Kitt7 for all of the links and tweets. They’re so helpful and eye opening
You are most welcome.
I actually just post what I find from accounts that I keep an eye on (don’t have an X account).
I do have to change the links so that they point to twitter instead of x when posting here (and at Sylvia’s).
How do you get up to date tweets? When I go to accounts the tweets are random dates not current .
Like for example, one of the accounts that I posted from
This gives you all the posts from pepesgrandma, then you select a specific post and open link in a new tab.
If you want the post to show here, you need to change to, so it would look like (without the space )
Ohhhh…I’m going to have to copy that and try it. Thanks a lot
Thank you for that information.
Donald Trump could try to use Monday’s bombshell ruling tossing the Florida documents case against him to also get his election-interference case dismissed, experts told The Post.
Florida federal Judge Aileen Cannon threw out the documents case arguing that special counsel Jack Smith was appointed to prosecute it without Congress’s OK — the same situation as in the election case.
“It’s the same prosecutor … it’s the same issue, so yes, I think it puts DC in play,” Cornell University Law Professor William Jacobson said of Florida’s ruling.
Don’t know if anyone has already brought this, it’s from July 2nd:
Jul 2
WOW, could you print a more dangerous headline? Our country is a tinderbox and you are pouring gas on it….
If there was ever any doubt what MSM is trying to do to this country, that can clearly be put to rest!
Doubtful Joe saw it, but you can bet Jill did.
“Unacceptable”? It was an epic failure. The protectee got shot, two citizens were nadly injured, and a man was killed. I wish the agents would rise up against her.
Don’t worry – she’ll find some white men to blame it on! But not Biden!
Lindsey Graham
has one of the most compelling stories in American politics, overcoming so much adversity in life.
He understands the struggles of working Americans, as he has walked in their shoes and has become one of their best champions.
Bright, articulate, and a Marine veteran, he will serve President Trump well on the campaign trail. It is imperative we win this election to end the disastrous policies of the Biden Administration and Make America Great Again.
J.D. is a hard worker with a beautiful family who will be a great spokesperson for the America First agenda. This is a clear choice for America.
Trump-Vance 2024.
Tucker Carlson
Lindsey Graham is a liar. No one lobbied harder against JD Vance than he did, and in the sleaziest, most vicious way. He was doing it this morning. This is why everyone hates Washington, because people like Lindsey Graham are happy to lie right to your face, smiling as they plot your destruction. It’s disgusting.
There’s the Miss Lindsey that we know and loathe….
And there’s our VP selection sitting right by jackass Graham. He’s right this is why we hate Washigton backstabbers. JD..not every RINO needs to be photo op
Real Potus on stage!!!!
Hmmmm……both today’s post and yesterday’s post holding at 761 comments…..
And when I posted this, today jumped up to 764.
Which means there is another source of posts from around here, similar to the way the underwater caverns at Elephantine was the cause of the Nile River surging to flood stage each year people were told by the king because he couldn’t get anyone to go deeper up country.
Very nice response by RFKJ.
Yes. THAT is quality improvisation!
Having reached the end of over 700 posts here (mostly read), I moved over to do a little X patrolling for news. First up! Back to QTree with “Secret Service Barbie.
Back to share… hehehe
Good one!
I kinda feel sorry for her. It’s not her fault that Biden and Mayorkas are destroying America.
I was just thinking the same thing, it’s not fun to be the target of national laughter, especially if you’re not in the public eye and know how to handle it.
But she is caught up in an insanity world of gender confusion and DEI that is putting the entire nation at risk.
Yup. I went through hell at the beginning of “DEI” when it was called “Affirmative Action”, and the evil cabal pulled out all the stops to make it happen. And it will keep hurting and killing people until they cut it out (DEI, ESG) like the cancer that it is.
New face of the Secret Service and she’s not even one of them
Too bad, blame Mr & Mrs Briben if ya don’t like it.
THIS !!!! A Party of Black Men
How Trump looks now:
President Trump Takes the Stage at the RNC Convention with Bandaged Ear to Thunderous Applause (VIDEO)
Sundance is coming around to JD already!!!
Why Rhonda?
If it has to be a Santis, might as well take the one with the balls who wears high heels openly.
That is fantastic! He appears to be as “forthright” as Trump.
Yup! Callin’ out “dem cat ladies”!!!
Holy Toledo! These details are SHOCKING!!!
Text of Tweet…..
Full story here. Your going to have to ignore the disjointness of the writing and plow through. This is stuff we haven’t heard. There were local police snipers occupying the building Crooks fired from…
Archived here!
And there are prior versions with other data.
Someone posted a report here that the rules are for snipers not to fire until the shooter fires because they don’t want to kill an innocent guy just using a telescope, or something. If true, it’s appalling. We need answers.
“Someone posted a report here that the rules are for snipers not to fire until the shooter fires because they don’t want to kill an innocent guy just using a telescope, or something. If true, it’s appalling.”
There is no WIH that same bogus ‘rule’ would ever apply to baalcrats.
They would laugh their asses off if someone tried to impose that rule on Hussein’s security detail.
I mean, their asses would completely detach from laughter, and fall on the ground.
It’s so far beyond stupid, that just asking anyone to believe it is a bigger exercise in gaslighting than telling people a mask can stop covid.
It’s so far at the end of the idiocy spectrum that there’s really no further one can go in that direction.
It’s peak idiot.
It’s a Darwin Award, on final approach to a winner
“We need answers.”
And we’re supposed to believe that the same crimicrats, who have never given us an ‘answer’ to anything in my lifetime (and never will), are so big-hearted and magnanimous and self-sacrificing (literally) that they have a ‘rule’ in place where their protectee (e.g. Hussein) would willingly, by rule, lay down his life for the American People, rather than take a chance of killing an ‘innocent guy’ who is aiming a rifle at him?
Come on… we can’t be this gullible…
Need in one hand…..
We are talking about Feds. Answers? 10% stonewalling AND fabricated bullshit incoming.
Prove me wrong.
Sounds like he was, uh, ‘on their radar’… just as with every other major incident that ever happens…
So it seems like their ‘radar’ is working just fine.
The problem isn’t with the ‘radar’.
The problem appears to be an inability or unwillingness to use the ‘radar’ for its intended purpose.