Jet Pilot
- 1 ounce overproof Jamaican rum
- 3/4 ounce overproof demerara rum (such as Plantation OFTD)
- 3/4 ounce gold rum
- 1/2 ounce grapefruit juice, freshly squeezed
- 3/4 ounce lime juice, freshly squeezed
- 1/2 ounce cinnamon syrup
- 1/2 ounce falernum
- 1 dash absinthe
- 1 dash Angostura bitters
- Garnish: maraschino cherry (and more, if desired)
- Add all ingredients into a blender with a cup of crushed ice and blend on high until combined but not smooth, about 5 seconds.
- Pour into a double old fashioned glass.
- Garnish as desired.
Badlands News Brief – July 18, 2024
How the CIA creates Lone Gunmen through the MK Ultra Program
Who’s Responsible?
“Not That Organized”: Fake News CNN Analyst Assures People That There’s No “Deep State That Could Take Out Donald Trump”
Sen. Bob Menendez Gives Up the Ghost, Reportedly Says He’ll Resign From Congress
Bookends: JFK to Trump
Joe Scarborough backs push for Biden to drop out, says aides keeping him in race for ‘financial’ reasons: ‘Not going to end well’
Ex-Hunter Biden biz partners and corruption witnesses Tony Bobulinski, Devon Archer team up at RNC in nightmare for Joe
Appeals court blocks Biden’s student debt relief SAVE Plan
JUST IN: Secret Service Whistleblowers Reveal Security Failures To House Judiciary
Time to Revive the Spirit of JFK
The Democrat Party Faces Extinction
That’s the goal.
Obama tells allies Biden’s path to winning reelection has greatly diminished
Tweets & Stuff From X
Can you imagine sitting at that table?
Memes & Other Fun Stuff

It’s a Christmas movie.

And now for the business portion of the post borrowed from Tuesday:
Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion. In that spirit, though, threats of violence real or hypothetical are out of bounds.
Fellow tree dweller the late Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
And Auntie DePat’s requests:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

MATTHEW 12:1-8
1At that time Jesus went through the grainfields on the sabbath; his disciples were hungry, and they began to pluck heads of grain and to eat. 2But when the Pharisees saw it, they said to him, “Look, your disciples are doing what is not lawful to do on the sabbath.” 3He said to them, “Have you not read what David did, when he was hungry, and those who were with him: 4how he entered the house of God and ate the bread of the Presence, which it was not lawful for him to eat nor for those who were with him, but only for the priests? 5Or have you not read in the law how on the sabbath the priests in the temple profane the sabbath, and are guiltless? 6I tell you, something greater than the temple is here. 7And if you had known what this means, `I desire mercy, and not sacrifice,’ you would not have condemned the guiltless. 8For the Son of man is lord of the sabbath.”
So much for using puzzling for relaxation.
Have a good weekend!
Thank you, De Pat, for providing us with marvelous posts through this entire trying, stressful week.
Oh, and let’s go back to some basics….lots of roses in a nice garden…..
I just want POTUS to wrap it up. Man, can he talk.
Absolutely fantastic speech. “HIGH ENERGY DONALD”!!!
I think he could have cut 30 percent of it without ill effect.
I think so, too, but I suspect he was sending a message with that length.
^^^ BOTH will be D-Rat AND Pravda News talking points for 3 1/2 months.
Exactly. Soviet Press will be doing Jakemitri Tapperov “Furrowed Brow” (TM) CONCERN talking points about both of those every night. Trump is giving us F U JAKE ammo.
“Conserrrrrrnzz arrrre mountingkkkk, komerrrradzzzz…..”
I’m seeing people saying that it was the best 15-minute speech they’d ever witnessed…..compacted into a mere 90 minutes.
You are on a roll tonight.
I won’t go that far.
He spent an appropriate amount of time on the assassination attempt.
The other stuff, seemed a disjointed and very slow ramble to me.
Back in 2016 I watched his speech at the convention. It was really my first exposure to his speaking style. I was in the Anybody But Hitlary camp, but would have rather had almost anyone besides Trump run against her; I feared disaster and that speech was none too reassuring. (I didn’t get on the Trump Train until September, when I saw the video adapted from some rally in Florida and I realized what he was really all about.)
When Hitlary later said something along the lines of “He spoke for 70-odd minutes and I do mean they were odd” I actually agreed with her; that’s exactly the sort of wiseass comment I would have made had I thought of it,
This unfortunately was too much like that.
LOL! Yeah, I noticed that, too. A truly great speech!
I was thankful for every minute of it. A lot was revealed.
Exactly. He left nothing out. Something special for everybody!!!
Yes! I’ve rarely watched an entire Trump speech, just snippets. I often watch while doing something else on the computer like solitaire or logic puzzles. I closed the laptop & was riveted for virtually the entire time even being annoyed whenever my son briefly spoke up & I missed even a few words. Loving Trump & America allows for some latitude w/ his style
I know what you mean, but I did not get antsy and check the time. I was just so happy to see him. I noticed after they were done and the family was all on the stage, he was still talking to his son Eric. LOL I wonder if he’s like that at home or also has some quiet time. He certainly thinks a lot.
I had to get up this morning. Some friends are out of town and their dogs needed to be let out.
J D Vance’s speech was great!!!
19 pistols!!!
Good! I’ll have to watch a video.
Back in my bachelor days, I had a theory about screwdrivers — I should always have one standard and one Philips within reach anywhere in my apartment.
This sounds like the corresponding pistol theory.
Pliers. Every house needs lots of pliers.
And socket wrenches. And the occasional vise grip though that’s really just a special kind of pliers.
Just make it a TOOL BOX….
Like the ones in each of my trucks and the bad-ass one in the middle of my kitchen. (It doubles as an extra counter top — yeah that big!)
I keep an over loaded smaller one on our hearth!
My dad has a chest. One whole drawer is screwdrivers. Another Craftsman wrenches. The original vice grips died they were used so much.
The Chest is in the garage. However hubby left so many tools in the kitchen I bought another BIG one.
The big rolling toolboxes are in the garage, the door to which is about 14 feet behind me.
We call them the “cajas rojas”.
It was this: Hart Stackable
Mine are Dewalt.
We have them too. And the Rubbermaid Step Stools. They are water proof and GREAT for horse grooming tools as well as helping kids onto ponies.
You can get ’em in almost any color you want at Harbor Freight.
Mine are Craftsman.
On my watch list, along with a bazilion windows opened from DPs opener.
I’m very impressed by Usha’s loyalty to her husband.
she’s a very intelligent & skilled litigator of complex legal cases ( a plus !) but she’s put her successful professional career on hold, to devote herself to supporting JD now.
I can see she’s a little nervous up there behind the mic but she steps up anyway.
she has courage & integrity & grace.
As was I.
Usha is a keeper.
Thank Kalbo!! I missed these and wanted to listen. I did hear all of President Trump’s speech and somehow did not mind the length at all. hehe
Here are the speeches:
19 loaded pistols.
ThanQ for the improvement.
An amazing convention. What a Trump rally!
Definitely one of the best Republican conventions I’ve ever seen.
We made the mistake of watching the CBS version. The fake news lady could not resist DIVING RIGHT IN the moment it was over and calling it “apocalyptic” and saying Trump was calling himself a “savior”.
What a bunch of fake news MALARKEY.
Remember the dark inauguration speech.
Well, at least in that case they were telling the truth. For those c*cksucking maggot-ridden turds, it was dark.
That was excellent, too!
I think the whole “unity” thing is clearer, now, and I like it. It’s not about compromising with evil, AT ALL.
This morning, I woke up and had an idea about starting to drain the swamp early. You know.., plan early, avoid the rush.
So if Trump does a Milei and eliminates entire agencies, then lots of support techies will be looking for new jobs, likely outside of the DC area and potentially outside tech. How to help that happen more smoothly and perhaps earlier than the election?
I’m going to write an X article with some thoughts about transitioning from Fed employment to the commercial side. A large number of people have only worked for the feds so only know how that works.
Often Fed-supported work is upside down from the commercial side. In Fed work, one submits a proposal in response to a request for proposal (RFP), the money is granted, and then the work is done. On the commercial side, often the money only comes after a desireable product is at least prototyped or perhaps built and then funding may (or may not) follow from venture capital companies.
The paths to get a product from concept to design through shipping to a customer vary widely. I hope over the next years, lots of little enterprisers stand up new U.S. companies that are not funded by the Fed gov. Celebrate Freedom!
Sounds kinda like a “what color is your parachute” article.
Great point! It looks like until at least 2015, the author was updating the book annually.
very charitable of you.
some gov’t workers will be unsuitable for normal jobs though–you know actually having to PRODUCE something
Thank you. Yes, some will have no idea what to do if the crony network collapses.
Some, Like my boss, an X-Fed, are JUST PLAIN NASTY SOCIAL CLIMBERS who rather ‘network’ instead of ACTUALLY WORKING.
I got the SOB fired BTW. He picked the wrong side in a corporate fight AND I HAD THE DOCUMENTS to bury him!
You sound like an avenging angel. Remember, I have only ever said nice things about you, even in private.
Always keep your receipts. You never know if or when you might have to return something.
I do.
In this case it was the reports I was writing that he was insisting went to him before going to the sec. for typing and then to marketing. (In the early 1970s before personal computers.)
I zeroxed the hand written report, gave a copy to the VP of Marketing (who gave it to his sec to type) and kept a copy.
When the SOB accused me of NOT doing the work and used that as an excuse to fire me, I got HIM fired instead. Didn’t hurt that the VP of Marketing was gunning for him too.
His problem was Marketing KNEW I did their analysis work promptly so I got contacted by the VP and asked what was going on. I told him about my ‘New Instructions’ and we worked out a work-around. I also did a lot of the marketing work on Saturdays so the SOB did not know.
There was a power play going on where one of the other VPs was trying to take over marketing and get the Marketing VP demoted or fired.
I really do hate office politics!
You would be surprised how many “one removed” jobs there are in a lot of fields. Someone who doesn’t actually produce the product but does fulfill some (sometimes even vital) secondary role. HR and Marketing but also some forms of QA.
Some of these jobs are necessary, but as time goes on a lot of parasitic deadweight accumulates here.
I should also add “… but also some forms of QA” are actually necessary if you are using raw materials from other vendors. It is also necessary to make sure internally made parts and the finished product meet specification.
As a QE chemist, I spent a lot of time with R&D and the engineers coming up with the correct test methods and then making sure they were implemented.
Unfortunately US manufacturers ignored Dr Deming while the Japanese honored him. (He is one of my heroes that I actually got a chance to talk to.)
W. Edwards Deming of Powell, Wyo.: The Man Who Helped Shape the World
That’s why I specified that some forms of QA were one-removes…the rest not being so.
Great thinking, Barb … keep us posted!!
Thank you, Alison! I will.
DJT gives a good “formal” speech. That one and the one he gave in Poland stand out to me.
His rally style is a little more stream-of-consciousness and both his 2016 and 2024 RNC speeches were rally style. For some reason this year’s speech, once he got through talking about last Saturday, really seemed to drag.
IMHO not a good look for undecided voters tuning in. He probably put them to sleep.
RSBN feed snatched from SD uninterrupted.
Odd, I thought. RSBN from YT riddled with RSBN yammering.
Seeing the supposed passport with the supposed name and now seeing this story below along with the earlier threat warning it’s clear they are building the narrative that Iran was behind the assassination attempt.
JUST IN: Trump Would-Be Assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks Had Two Cell Phones and 3 Encrypted Accounts Overseas Cristina Laila Jul. 18, 2024 9:20 pm 521 Comments
all those explosives.
the commies & islamists have similar agendas….until they eventually turn on each other.
remember The Shah & the Ayatollah ?
What was that inbetween the two gadgets (in TGP picture) it looked like a memory stick.
Remember Mar-a-lago, the feds like to stage pics. I wouldn’t put much stock in it.
These people. They never learn.
“…Trump’s would-be assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks had two cell phones and used three encrypted accounts overseas to communicate.
The FBI found Crooks’ second cell phone at his home with only 27 contacts…“
REMEMBER, THE FBI’s REAL JOB is Covering up for the CIA-Deep State.
Therefor expect lots of chaff, lies and false trails.
This is beginning to look like a 5 eyes operation.
Looks like the tattoo’d sleave mentioned yesterday that was seen through a window on the second floor. So why didn’t they stop Crooks?

JUST IN: Butler County Sheriffs Claim Responding Officers DID NOT Wear Body Cams – No Footage of Trump Attempted Assassination Cristina Laila Jul. 18, 2024 12:00 pm 575 Comments
Donald Trump Opens RNC Speech With Message of Unity: ‘I am Running to be President for All America, Not Half of America’ (VIDEO)
Preemptive, shot across the bow of D-Rat AND Pravda calls sure to come.
Beautiful, as always.
Thinking Melania sightings will be sparse. Very unfortunate. Also understandable.
This can work. Many states have deadlines for filing as mentioned often before. Putting new candidates on the ballot violates those deadlines. This should be fought for as long as possible. The longer we fight them on this the less traction they have to run. Make it difficult.
I was once involved with a third party that had ballot access, and unfortunately they nominated a lunatic for some office. They realized this and discussed yanking him out of the race…but what would have happened under state law at the time is the candidate would remain on the ballot but with no party affiliation; the replacement candidate would have got the party name below his.
They ended up not replacing the guy because no one wanted to fill in for him. I think that was a mistake; they should have taken the stance that they’d rather not run someone than run a nutjob. But the leadership was gung ho for “we want to fill every slot on the ballot.”
I agree. Don’t interfere with the KARMA these people deserve. They cheated past 2020, and now is when the consequences hit.
Your snark is dripping.
Basement Dummy Candidate Theory, in play.
WORLD CHAMP: Trump Crushes All-Time Record, Herculean Stamina Days After Assassination Attempt
We almost lost him. He can talk as long as he wants.
I just watched the whole thing a couple hours ago, and I’m glad I did, it was great
Me too. So thankful we had the opportunity and were not planning to watch his funeral.
Enjoyed every minute.
Now I need a Trump Rally within driving range.
maybe it was cathartic for him.
He got to talk to EVERYBODY in a deep and heartfelt way.
“….We almost lost him. He can talk as long as he wants.”
I just listened this morning.
He talked that long that late into the evening to make a point even an idgit Dem should understand.
He’s da man. Would run through a wall for him.
I think most of his supporters were happy to hear him given what almost happened the week before.
Also he had to add:
#1. The explanation of what happened
#2. Condolences to the families of the dead and injured.
Just as a point of interest, Valerie is back.
Hopefully we’ll hear about her remaining activities in the north and her trip back when she has had time to catch up.
No, because just as she’s catching up something else will come up.
Daughter & middle granddaughter stopped by for a couple hours “today”, so there is that
I’m still also very sore & tired from the travelling process, didn’t have my son nor husband as packhorses so had to do it all myself LOL
About that pic that supposedly shows the bullet whizzing past DJT’s head …
It doesn’t line up with the wounded part of his ear. At least to me it doesn’t.
Has to be something to do with the angle, the way the photographer is looking upwards at DJT.
It also seems like the trajectory should be slopey, downward toward the right, since the shooter is on a roof and presumably at a higher elevation than DJT, even with DJT standing on an elevated stage.
I don’t know how you would make the bullet go practically horizontal, unless it first passed through Governor Connally before striking DJT’s ear.
Thank you. You are correct about the angle. But let’s cover all the angles.
First, let’s deal with the horizontal part.
The gun was almost certainly zeroed at that range, meaning it WAS shooting “upward” with a rising trajectory until that point in its flight, where it should be nearly perfectly flat. It would be nearly horizontal. A tiny rise or a tiny fall. Combine that with the fact that photographers only do an approximate zeroing with their camera, editors only do an approximate zeroing with the image, and readers are generally terrible with perspective and angles, one has to be very careful interpreting the image. But IMO it’s consistent with a zeroed weapon.
Second, let’s deal with pgroup’s issue, front to back angles.
At a steep angle BELOW the stage in front, anything to the BACK should appear LOW. But we can’t see his back ear, so we’re guessing where it is, and we’re underestimating.
Take a look at the picture, looking at the RIGHT BOTTOM EDGE of the lectern. You can see how FAST that falls in perspective.
Notice how FAST something that is roughly flat and horizontal* (*see below) to the ground in real life appears to be falling when viewed at this angle, from below? Consider that Trump’s back ear will “fall” likewise, and it will match that bullet.
Personally speaking, I trust that digital bullet “smear” because it’s unexpected by most people, and thus very unlikely to have been photoshopped. But I do think that it’s interesting that the wicked NYT was prepared for it.
*PS – the lectern likely has some of its own slope to the back (it’s not perfectly flat), but you can hold a line or an edge above your own head and vary the angle to prove that while this angle adds to the “fall” you see, it is only part of it.
Not sure if you were trying to say this with the quotes around “upward” but what that really is is “upward” with respect to the line of sight through the scope. The bore of the rifle and the scope line of sight are not parallel, they converge. The bullet leaves the barrel and immediately starts to drop with respect to the bore axis, but it still is climbing with respect to the scope line of sight.
In this case if he were shooting slightly downward neither the bore nor the scope were horizontal, though the bore would be closer.
This effect, honestly is minimal compared to other effects. For example (in addition to the things you did bring up) if the camera’s line of sight isn’t perpendicular to the bullet’s path of travel, then you could get an apparently rising or falling track, because (in the latter case) the bullet’s path at the right hand side of the picture is further away, than it is on the left. (It will work this way provided the camera is lower than the track, and in this case it was).
Thanks! Yes, even more complications!
complicated business
I think this link is from yesterday.
I’m posting it again because the comments are hilarious. I can’t stop laughing.
Sure wouldn’t wait for a bunch of shots before responding.
love it!
They’re gonna be so mad…
Only now came online, seems something’s gone wrong, the /s is strong in the east…
“Russian airports are not facing a global disruption, due to which air harbors around the world suspend their operations. All because of the decision to stop working on Windows in time, a source in aviation circles told SHOT.
Not so long ago, Russian airports began to use domestic Linux systems and DBMS (database management system), in addition, they have backup software. Therefore, a failure in Windows will in no way prevent Russian airports from checking in and sending out passengers.
We would like to add that the failure also did not in any way affect the operation of the capital airports Sheremetyevo, Vnukovo, Domodedovo and Zhukovsky.”
related…Windows IT disruption, worldwide…
Internet sites are working fine here in Virginia. I guess they don’t run Microsoft near infrastructure. Linux everywhere.
oh no! this won’t lesson the value of obummer’s third or is it fourth mansion???
Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of WEALTHY, ENTITLED GLOBALIST SNOBS!
Karma is a REAL Bitch!
Oh come on, Clownstrike likely just wiping a few things with a cloth…
“Global IT outage live: Computer havoc caused by CrowdStrike outage could take days to fix”
“A massive IT outage caused by issues with CrowdStrike software has caused havoc with computer systems around the world.
Airport check-in systems across the globe have been disrupted, while banks, supermarkets and media companies are among the other businesses reporting the “blue screen of death” and network outages.
Follow our live blog or download the ABC News app and subscribe to our range of news alerts for the latest updates.”
“Key events
gatesofhell now creating computer viruses–as always–diversify to ensure your holdings are secure
When world shaking events happen in quick succession I tend to wonder If there is a connecting thread.
Quite likely so.
Related somehow or not. Attempt on Trump. Possible Xi stroke.
Prolly more I missed or already forgot.
they do need unrest and disasters/catastrophes to implement lockdowns/martial law to prevent overwhelming voter turnout for President Trump.
and we’re getting wise to cv scares
I expect a long succession of these events leading up to the election.
Todays posts, IIRC,RAC posted up thread. Russian airports just went with Linux, shitcanning Windows.
Just a coincidence, I am sure. (Not Russia bashing.)
Well I dumped it after Vista finished, never regretted it.
Seven wasn’t bad, though XP was the best from a user perspective.
I still have a windows 7 virtual machine. Yes if I were to connect it to the internet it’d be pwned in microseconds….so I don’t connect it to the internet.
Looks like M/S shot themselves in the foot this article is dated Oct 2022…
“Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, and US and EU sanctions, western companies began a steady withdrawal from Russian markets. Microsoft was no exception, and in June, the company blocked Russian users from downloading the latest versions of Windows – impacting the roughly 95% of computers and laptops that currently run on Windows…
…The announcement: On September 20, the Russian daily newspaper Kommersantreported that the Ministry of Digital Development was preparing new changes to policies on software products.
While these changes won’t be imposed directly, the ministry states that in order to receive preferences in tax benefits, as well as government contracts, companies offering software products will be required to switch to Linux-based operating systems. To make this switch, companies would need to rebuild many of their products virtually from scratch.”
No matter what, right now the average Russian is doing a lot better than the average American.
But not for long. 1/20/25 is coming fast.
We’ll catch up.
Russia will continue doing well.
Sound leadership is the solution set.
Honestly we should be doing the same thing they did, pushing for Linux at least for business use.
Michael Shellenberger
The Biden-Harris attempt at a fact check is wrong and Trump was right. “Data centers could consume 9% of the United States’ electricity generation by 2030 — double the amount consumed today, according to a study released Wednesday by the Electric Power Research Institute,” the main research group for electoc utilities.
That is a phenomenal amount of power. Mond boggling. Trump spoke to this
Along with drill, baby drill. Unspoken, tap into more coal. We will.
totally agree. chyna is one giant coal plant…no one gives a damn. we need to worry about us right now…dump the “globalist” bullshit.
Trump doesn’t outright say it, but his performance and focus is jobs, infrastructure, energy dominance.
With Trump. Jobs and infrastructure. Drills, pipelines, terminals, power plants, transportation…
Absolutely. Only issue I have is super long lead time to build AND get online. Long term planning it fits.
Short and mid-term, coal, NG and dams. Or so I figure.
The super long lead is because of REGULATIONS and COMMIE PICKETERS!
Dave Walsh has been talking about this electric demand versus capacity for years.
He sounds like he knows what he is talking about.
Color me surprised.
Thanks for posting.
hmmm…red is mad, blue is sad, white is shocked/scared, green is envy, orange is the President, yellow is the opposite of the President-scared, purple is royalty.
so what color is surprised?
[grew up with it; scarred me for life]
Considering that “The Mauve Decade” was the 1890’s, that would be some long-term scarring….
Red, Yellow Blue = Primary colors
Orange, Green Purple = Secondary colors.
Brown = tertiary color
White = ALL colors
Black = absence of color.
So either black or brown.
What is the color of Surprise?
pat frederick
Thank you for this.
The Yamamoto, et al., investigation is about VAM (Vaccine-Associated Myocarditis.)
VAM can often be SUB-CLINICAL (no symptoms or very mild symptoms that are either dismissed or mimic other conditions.)
A summary of what the COVID-19 “vaccines” do to the heart (and lungs) is here:
Michael Palmer, MD, and Sucharit Bhakdi, MD
Here is Slide 10 from the paper:
Yours Truly will emphasize that damage to the aortic wall from COVID-19 “vaccination” can either be rapid: or, it can be incremental over time.
This is a bit of a shocker from SD, I assume he’s got his facts right, but his conclusions, I don’t know.
Sundance is a doomfagging attention whore.
Prove me wrong.
I read a lot of his stuff just to keep an eye on him. I’m pretty fed up with his negativity.
really? Mr. I-Said-It-First is negative?
He’s in a secret pissing match with Bannon’s Warroom for who got it first?
gee…thanks for THAT visual i will have to scrub from my memory…
anyone got the phone number for the fib handy?
See Here. Here. AND Here. See I told ya so.
I’ve thought someone else has been writing some of his articles for awhile, after he let on about his being contacted from the government.
As per JD, moves and counter moves of the DS, let’s just spread some discord.
I think it’s him. I don’t think anyone else cold mimic his use of pet words and phrases like “construct,” “writ large,” and some others that I can’t think of at the moment but that are jarring when I read them. I also think it would be very difficult to match the attitude behind the articles.
“you heard it here first”…
Yes, how could I forget “granular,” LOL!
One of my faves.
I read SD and did not know any of what he wrote. This is making me think. Barns pushed Vance, Don Jr pushed Vance, Tucker also. I trusted their judgement.
Wonder if the thirst for young leader clouded judgements?
Questions need to be raised, when Biden resigns whom they replace him with?
If the uniparty is caving in favor for us to win? Barns thinks that Vance is insurance for him not to be killed because they do not want Vance.
being aware is not bad.
I am now aware and look for signs. Vance became Catholic is his wife also?
If not why did he convert? Logically most people change for spouse and children.
the childhood connection between Vivek is interesting and I found out only couple of days ago. Vivek also was funded into Harvard.
For me it is good to see another site . When something looks to perfect then it is.
“I read SD and did not know any of what he wrote. This is making me think. Barns pushed Vance, Don Jr pushed Vance, Tucker also. I trusted their judgement.”
How can we trust anyone’s judgment, when everyone involved has financial and power interests that specifically (and only) benefit themselves?
“I am now aware and look for signs. Vance became Catholic is his wife also?”
There are all kinds of red flags around everything about JD Vance.
From Wiki:
Usha Chilukuri and Vance married in 2014 in Kentucky, in an interfaith marriage ceremony, which included Bible reading by her husband’s friend Jamil Jivani, while the couple was also blessed by a Hindu pundit. They have three children. She is a practicing Hindu, and her husband is a Christian who was raised Evangelical but converted to Catholicism in 2019.
Interfaith marriage is unusual. Marriage is hard enough without radically different worldviews and belief systems.
If you don’t even share a belief about where you hope to go when this life is over (and aren’t helping each other to get there), then logically, rationally, how much can you care about the here and now?
How does a Christian (and male) wear a Hindu red dot (“bindi”) on his forehead?
“Aside from the beautiful saris and gold jewelry that characterize much of the Indian subcontinent’s culture, one of the most internationally-known body adornments worn by Hindu and Jain women is the bindi, a red dot applied between the eyebrows on the forehead.”
My husband was Lutheran I was Calvinist and were married in a Episcopalian church. We spend 26 years in a Lutheran church and when we moved to S. OHIO were no Lutheran churches. We became Presbyterian to this day.
Lutheran and Calvinist (and Presbyterian) are all denominations. They all profess believe in God the Father, Christ the Son and the Holy Spirit.
They all recognize God’s Word as the highest Authority there is or can be.
JD was some type of evangelical at the time of his marriage, and he is Roman Catholic now, but his wife is a practicing Hindu.
Hinduism is a completely different belief system from Christianity.
“If not why did he convert? Logically most people change for spouse and children.”
Great question, and one that very few people would ask, and I suspect even fewer (i.e., converts) could answer.
But most people don’t like to talk about that stuff in ‘polite company’ because it’s ‘personal’, and because people are easily offended — and because the world hates truth.
So if you’re going to stand for truth, people will be offended, and you are going to be in conflict.
In order to avoid conflict, most people don’t stand for truth, and that’s exactly how we ended up in fustercluck America, circa 2024.
You simply must get over your habit of talking in such a nuanced manner.
Tell us how you really feel.
His factual stuff is good but he sucks every ounce of joy out of the important victories we do achieve. I’m having trouble understanding how he cannot be recognizing the monumental shift at the convention where the Bushes, Romneys, Cheneys et al have disappeared in defeat. The energy and selection of new speakers; the attendance by so many citizens who have fought the information war for 9 years; the slow demise of Big Media; and President Trump surviving an assassination attempt. Let’s pause to thank God and celebrate our progress.
The new blood isn’t going to do everything right, and yeah, they could turn corrupt over time, but we are at the DAWN of a rejuvenated party. Let’s Roll

Nails it.
Maintain anti-RINO vigilance though. They’re like herpes; they’ll be back before you know it.
but they are definitely more like herpes than they are the bad penny !!
Well said!
Oh, please. Trump will be on high alert for anyone who appears to be MAGA but becomes subversive. Trump is the boss.
I can count on one hand the people whom I would trust to be 100% loyal to Trump’s agenda and not try to take over and steer him in their own direction. Many conservative influencers would try to, and have tried to, tell him what he should be doing. Trump knows this. He has to work with what he has.
A new list of bad guys, via SD. Those are his “benefactors” against whom Vance is to uphold “actionable policies.”
One of the commenters points out holes in the theory of Vance being a mirror of Obama.
Good comment.
Thank you
I think you were referring to the person’s comment on SD’s site. I agree that it’s a good one.
B I N G O.
Two days in a row SD grovels about JD.
If I recall correctly, Peter Thiel is one of the ‘white hats’…
I don’t trust JD Vance as far as I could carry a bank vault.
How could anyone, if even 10% of this is true?
From OT:
The Mirror
July 19, 2024
Abandoned by his father to a troubled single mother; eventually raised by grandparents. He is then recruited from an Ivy league law school by shadow figures, a specific billionaire and a network of interests. He changes his name, writes a book about his life story, and with the support of the aforementioned – who eventually pays for the assembly of a strategic campaign influence network, becomes a Senator for 2 years before being quickly elevated into position in the White House.
SD: Many people reading that paragraph would be familiar with the life story of Barack Hussien Obama. However, that paragraph also explains the right-side version of the exact same storyline, James David Vance. It’s a mirror.
On one side of the UniParty mirror we have an emotionally constructed political figure for the left. On the other side of the UniParty mirror we have an emotionally constructed political figure for the right. Each person, each emotional narrative, carrying the specific nuances to appeal to their wing of the UniParty audience. However, both are following the same playbook.
It started with a conversation several weeks ago. Who is JD Vance and where did he come from?
How does a person without any baseline in politics, not a council member, not a mayor, not a state rep – or state senate, governor etc., become a U.S. Senator and then quickly get into the White House?
What I was told sounded eerily familiar.
JD Vance was born James Donald Bowman in Middletown, Ohio (August 2, 1984). He then changed his name to James David Bowman. He then changed his name to James David Hamel. Eventually, in 2014, notably after Yale Law School (class of 2013) and after marrying his wife Usha, now age 30, he changed his name to write a book.
It was 2014, that’s when JD Vance was born.
Vance’s book, Hillbilly Elegy was published by Rupert Murdoch’s publishing house, Harper Collins in 2016. The book was made into a Netflix movie, [Reed Hastings] created by Imagine Entertainment and directed by Ron Howard (2020). However, the interesting background on JD Vance goes back to Yale, and the Obamaesque tap on the shoulder that comes from a billionaire most are familiar with, Peter Thiel.
Thiel first recruited Vance into his circle while Vance was still a student at Yale Law School. Shortly thereafter, Vance joined Thiel’s investment firm Mithril Capital, where he worked for two years before joining Revolution Ventures. Vance played a major role in Revolution’s “Rise of the Rest” seed fund whose major investors included Amazon’s Jeff Bezos. {Citation}
JD Vance then launched his own venture capital firm Narya Capital in 2020, using startup money from both Peter Thiel and former Google CEO Eric Schmidt.
From this timeline we can see how JD Vance went from no money (student loans) in 2013, to big money in 2020. Everything came via Peter Thiel and Eric Schmidt, but mostly Thiel.
To understand JD Vance as an Ohio senator, the inflection points in 2013 and the subsequent relationship with billionaire Peter Thiel (Palantir Technologies) from 2013 to now, becomes important.
Billionaires Eric Schmidt and Peter Thiel are key members of the steering committee of the controversial, closed-door and overtly globalist Bilderberg conference. Newsweek once called Schmidt and Thiel the two most influential figures at Bilderberg.
Peter Thiel’s company Palantir Tech is the driving force of a global surveillance system using artificial intelligence (AI). Palantir has massive contract interests in US military and intelligence communities.
Keep in mind, Palantir is the current company creating the tech mechanisms for the U.S government to conduct foreign and domestic surveillance. The actual technology needed by the Deep State to advance their interests, is provided by Peter Thiel. {Citation}
According to the popular narrative, JD Vance opposes the Intelligence Community deep surveillance state, while simultaneously being the political front for the interests of Peter Thiel and Palantir Technology? This doesn’t reconcile.
Peter Thiel was the money and network behind the 2022 Ohio senate race between JD Vance and Tim Ryan. It was Peter Thiel who took JD Vance to meet President Trump in Mar-a-Lago to get the needed endorsement to launch Vance into the U.S. Senate. Without Thiel there is no Senator JD Vance.
It is also important to remember that prior to 2018; prior to Peter Thiel becoming aligned with the FBI as a confidential human source, and prior to Vance needing the Trump endorsement; JD Vance was a staunch never-Trumper.
JD Vance went from calling President Trump “a literal Hitler,” to appreciating Trump’s incredible leadership, a remarkable shift in opinion. To his strategic credit, Peter Thiel was successful in gaining both the endorsement and the outcome of the 2022 Ohio senate race.
Within the Thiel network you will note the aligned interests of another key financial friend and big federal contractor, Elon Musk. Together, Musk and Thiel form the core of a very wealthy group of modern tech political influence agents, including another Yale Law School graduate and JD Vance supporter, Vivek Ramaswamy.
JD Vance even named one of his three children Vivek; suffice to say, they are close.

What you have read so far is the background of how one billionaire, Thiel, deeply enmeshed in the surveillance state creates the process to construct a political tool useful for the retention of his interests. A few dozen millions are a worthy investment if the investment creates and supports the objectives of the billionaire (Palantir Technology).
Unfortunately, this approach also diminishes the Trump policy objective intended to eliminate the IC deep state.
As an outcome of a control network in 2006 Senator Barack Obama was successfully installed. As an outcome of a control network in 2022 Senator JD Vance was successfully installed. Both Barry Sotero (Obama) and James Bowman (Vance) are mirror images of each other; the playbooks used to create both are identical.
We have exhaustively outlined the UniParty operation in Washington DC. What was once a radical concept and controversial, is now accepted as factual. Additionally, we have outlined the how the Fourth Branch of Government was created under Obama. What was once conspiracy theory is now accepted as the truth.
Once you understand how both wings of the UniParty operate you can then see how the system of silo creation, retention and protection works.
The Obama network ultimately led to the modern IC surveillance state. The Vance network now appears to be positioned to retain it.
Like an abuser toward the abused, our ideological enemy uses our virtues of love and trust as weapons. We are in an abusive relationship with government.
♦ ALL IS NOT LOST – In everything that happens, the geopolitical power players -including the Intelligence Community- have what are called “strategic interests.” Meaning, they plan out their future position based on current events (data), pathways and predictions.
Some of these power structures are, putting it mildly, not good. In fact, they are eroding liberty, freedom and making us serfs. We feel it daily.
In order to best weaken them and/or make them more vulnerable, you put them into a position where they cannot strategize the future because they cannot confirm a data point in their pathway.
Having a known 2028 U.S. presidential nominee gives them the ability to plan for it. They are able to make moves to get beyond the 2024 to 2028 challenges they face; they look toward who they will be faced with as an opponent in ’28.
From that position, they conduct enemy operations against Trump’s strategy…. they essentially plan to outlast him, ignore him, put on a mask when they talk to him etc.
President Trump, making it known who will be the ’28 nominee actually gives his opposition power. Essentially makes Trump’s position less strong.
Had Trump selected a “one-term” running mate (I don’t care who it would have been), the opposition would not know what to expect in 2028. They are then forced to focus every day on what Trump is doing now. That opposition cannot not look forward (proactive), they are forced to react. They are kept vulnerable.
Do you want your enemies planning, or do you want them reacting to the unknown variables?
Do you want them focused on your attack, or do you want them brushing you off as irrelevant in the longer term?
Do you want them on their heels each day/week as they try to figure out what you are doing…. or do you want them to know the destination ahead, regardless of the daily or weekly policy moves?
By selecting a VP nominee that will be the 2028 presidential nominee (what 90% of short-sighted people wanted), Trump can give greater power to the ideological enemy.
For the next four years, the deep state at home and geopolitical enemy abroad, must not know what they will face in the future.
From that position of potential vulnerability, they are forced to focus on daily events and counterstrategies, while unable -by design- to compromise the future opponent.
I never resign Trump to a failed position, as long as there is a way to turn a necessary decision into a winning and more powerful position.
The problem of Peter Thiel, his network and the potential problem JD Vance represents can be dealt with.
President Donald J Trump makes it very well known, and constantly reminds people for 3 years, that if JD Vance sucks, flinches, is inept or doesn’t follow orders, then JD Vance doesn’t get the 2028 endorsement. Thankfully, I saw the first indications of this last night during President Trump’s acceptance speech at the RNC Convention.
For Trump supporters and all supporters of the goal to deconstruct the worst and most toxic elements of the Deep State, we must support that tenuous 2028 endorsement message. After all, we are expecting Vance to uphold actionable policies against the interests of his benefactors.
Those benefactors and the aligned Vance influence network includes Charlie Kirk, Tucker Carlson, Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Bill Ackman, David Sacks, Chamath Palihapitiya, Jacob Helberg, Vivek Ramaswamy and of course, many more.
I don’t care about anything that happened prior to that 2013 inflection point, the tap on the shoulder at Yale. James Donald Bowman, aka JD Vance’s background construct as lived or as sold is irrelevant to me. We do not have the time to be emotionally attached to any individual. We need actionable results.
We are not going to be battered conservatives, pushed yet again into the position of Charlie Brown to Lucy’s deep state, ‘trust the plan‘ football. The trust account of the American electorate is bankrupt. Corruption is running amok.
The threat to JD Vance’s political career must be actual, loud and repeated often to keep the toxic IC and domestic Silo operators guessing. While simultaneously, every righteous attack takes down a small IC silo segment like a bite out of an elephant.
We accept that this approach is going to make Peter Thiel, JD Vance and the entire Thiel/Musk network quite unhappy.
Interesting Lord of the Rings symbolism, fwiw
“Vance joined Thiel’s investment firm Mithril Capital”
Mithril being the priceless possibly impenetrable dwarvish mail shirt that Frodo is given, “worth more than the value of the Shire”
“Peter Thiel’s company Palantir Tech is the driving force of a global surveillance system using artificial intelligence (AI). Palantir has massive contract interests in US military and intelligence communities.”
Palantir were the “lost seeing stones” that Gandalf warned Pippen about for you never could know exactly who might be watching you if engaging one…hmmm…
He (Sundance) has his strategic reasons for wanting Carson, but the reality behind the scenes that Trump sees, is likely very different.
I Trust Trump.
We, too, will mold and shape JD Vance, and that’s OK with him, because at a core level, he’s a populist, sensitive to the People.
SD raised some questions that is good. The people recommending JD Vance are young and look for young blood. I am now looking at JD closer.
It never hurts to look closer at people and to keep an eye on them. There are so few that we can trust. But IMO the reasons SD gives for his conclusions that Vance is a mirror of Obama are not sound. Many politicians are going to have similarities: they will have attended an Ivy League school, or they will have been sponsored by a big-money donor, or they will have hobnobbed with people in Washington that we don’t trust, or they will have worked for a big securities firm, or they will still have friends who are on the “other side,” etc.
Steve Bannon worked for Goldman-Sachs.
Donald Trump has associated with, and been friends with, just about all the major players in the world, regardless of political ideology. The Clintons attended his wedding to Melania.
Kari Lake was in media, which no one trusts.
There are countless examples. This is not a perfect comparison, but I liken it a little bit to people saying you shouldn’t get news from certain “non-conservative” sites. But sometimes those non-conservative sites present facts that are not covered elsewhere. One just has to be aware and be able to parse the data. IMO it’s the same with people. I don’t think it’s possible to maneuver in the political world, and even in our local business worlds, without coming into contact with people of opposing views, and sometimes it’s even necessary to associate with them in some form. Purity tests are not always helpful. We have to be watchful, but we also have to apply discernment.
Well said, TT.
JD will be a Pit Bull. Help get rust belt vote. Linkage to 2028.
Ben a great guy. America First. Has none of those attributes.
I trust Trump AND confident Trump is spot on.
Former Middletown, OH Middie hillbilly here.
Sundance can kizz my azz. Dad and several friends of our family worked with his grandfather.
When are people going to wake up about Sundance? He’s a diversion looking for relevance and income generation.
Wake me up when he is invited into PDT’s limited access inner circle.
He is being so insulting to PDT and patriots everywhere when he pretends he knows better than them. PDT is slowly, methodically taking down the deep state. Does he think PDT does not know where the pimples are on JD’s azz?
The higher performing OSU grads have direct access to Ivy League school admissions. I know personally. I interviewed with an OSU grad attorney in Columbus to get a referral into Dartmouth. I did not pursue it. Chose a different major and needed too much financial assistance.
As an example: JD already knows the legal ramifications and likely judicial outcomes if they fire most of the DC swamp critters. Does Sundance? Nope. He is still looking at the silos in his imagination.
It’s also RARE that there will be a man as independently wealthy as President Trump who is willing/able to step into the political arena and not be beholden to outside interests. Heck even Trump had to bend eg agreeing to Pence
as his VP.
Even our most recent school board election in a mostly rural county garnered BIG HUGE $$$$$$ from outside – and I mean out-of-state – interests. Money is always going to be a factor, whether it’s wealth like Thiel grooming a candidate or Soros who salts the path for state elections.
The reason I trust President Trump, and what I have always seen him do, is choose the best possible path from a slew of often horrible options. Then he does his best to optimize his choice. THAT is why he has been successful at business and THAT is where his political instincts differ so drastically.
If Vance is willing to learn from this successful man, and we have no indication he hasn’t optimized his own choices, then we’ll be better off.
Well stated, Alison. I agree.
I like Dr Ben Carson. I think he is a very good man, however I do not think he has the FIRE needed to lead.
Would Baron’s absence last night be an indicator that Trump has doubts, while realizing he also has time?
I’ve no doubt that Trump would have to secure a bond with the elites, but perhaps he’s left open an emergency door to the future…
Baron missing was prolly Melania’s influence, more than anything else.
NOT dinging Melania, who IS Mom first. Mama Bear. For which I am grateful.
>>> Recall, a rally ~Two weeks ago. Baron was introduced.
I think the point might be that pgroup thinks Barron is Q (right, pgroup?).
Not seeing that one, to the point I think you’re joking / trolling.
No, I’m not joking, except that I misspoke. Para (not pgroup) and I have had conversations about it. Para’s theory is that Barron is Q.
Interesting. Still think you may be trolling / funnin.
Q stuff started 2017, 2018…? (I dunno.)
Baron as Q. Or Q comprised of more within the Trump family.
Granted I am truly a Slow Guy, I am missing some dots.
Baron just turned 18.
SD is butt hurt JD was selected.
>>> I’m good with JD Until JDs ACTIONS prove otherwise. <<<
JD support Trump 100% AND we’ll be just fine.
While Ben would be a great VP,JD seems he can be a pit bull. MUST Have As VP. IMO.
JD gives a link to 2028. The rest of the r-Cons S U C K. NOT interested.
fair is fair
July 19, 2024 8:18 am
The families should sue them all for $1 billion since precedent has been set with Alex and Sandy Hook.
Very interesting, I guess we’ll find out soon enough.
I said this myself to the DH just yesterday.
LOVE the idea and I was thinking the same yesterday.
wow…this seems a stretch. Smith was a PRIVATE citizen…Weiss IS a US attorney
Any argument like that is frivolous. Any attorney who signed such a motion should be sanctioned [punished] if it is not promptly withdrawn.
I’ve been thinking about the Trump assassin’s parents phone call to the police, that their son was missing with their gun. He’s 20 years old; they didn’t just notice he was missing for a few hours and call the cops.
I have come to an inevitable conclusion; he TOLD them what he was going to do. Probably in a heated, fraught, terrifying confrontation, as he was leaving the house with the weapon in hand.
That’s why they called the cops. But they were protecting their child by not telling them the whole story. That’s my firm belief.
interesting. how LONG was he “missing”? a couple of hours? a day or two? (cuz as a parent, i wouldn’t be particularly alarmed if my son was gone for an hour or two)
why did they check the gun? I wouldn’t have done that if my son was out for a few hours.
i think you’re right.
Hours, I think:
“His father told law enforcement he assumed his son had gone to the shooting range at the The Clairton Sportsmen’s Club to practice with his rifle and would be back by 1pm on Saturday, CNN reported.
But as time went on he grew more concerned and phoned local law enforcement. ”
It sounds like he had only left home that morning to me.
Sounds like the kid wasn’t a hunter, in which case “being gone all day with a gun from morning to night” is pretty normal, and calling the cops on a kid “gone with a gun” would not have been a big deal.
I think you’re right – those parents at the very least suspected what was going on.
Possible. Also possible is that phone call is going to be another element that will blow a hole in the fabric of the Feds turning the kid into an Iranian Terrorist with bombs and passport, name change, secure comms etc… if that is indeed where they are trying to take this.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the people who put this attack together have gotten themselves in over their head and now various agencies in our Federal Govt have been recruited after the fact to stich together a new narrative where he can still be a lone wolf, but a misguided one thanks to Iran.
They needing him to be a lone wolf has now turned into ‘well he had to have help’, so they’re turning to the Iranians?
Monday should be interesting. Gives us time to find a “Sure Jan” meme.
Lol. “Sure Jan.”
And I bet the Iranians are just gonna go along with that narrative /s … not likely. The. Guy. Missed. I doubt they want to be tied to this keystone cop SS operation in any way because it failed, and keyboard warriors are all over it.
unless, of course, the real culprits offer them another pallet of cash… if ya know what I mean… Ob-C-am-I-a-A
Makes sense.
Perhaps he left a note or manifesto (FBI handled)
I’m thinking they’re protecting themselves.
or….maybe they were told to make the call,
has anyone actually yet identified Crooks, through proper DNA/forensics evidence, as the person who was shot, up there on the sloping roof ?
do we know for sure that it was, in fact, Thomas Crooks ?
what if (just my theory)….
it wasn’t Crooks, at all.
it was someone else, an unknown patsy… but we’re sposed to believe it was “Thomas Crooks”.
the real Crooks is still alive & well, and far far away on a (Blackrock owned) island somewhere…
and…the dad of Crooks was told to make the 911 call, as part of the plan….to give credibility to the Thomas Crooks angle.
they couldn’t take him out until PDJT had been hit (by another shooter or shooters)…
so…..they had to wait to take him out until that shot was made.
in the meantime, everybody sees him !
Look ! Look ! bad guy on the roof !
LE sees him, DHS stooges (oops I mean SS) see him, the crowd sees him…
and he’s allowed to be seen bc he’s the decoy for the actual shooters.
isn’t it ODD that the sloping roof was quickly power washed by an agent of DHS ?
oopsie no more DNA up there, dang.
just my thoughts.
I also thought it possible that they were suspicious about their son’s proclivities and probably knew more than they were saying, even if he hadn’t told them directly. Maybe they knew that he hated Trump and had said things about shooting up a rally or something. Then when he disappeared on the day of a Trump rally, along with a gun(s), they put two and two together, had a feeling something was wrong, and became alarmed.
If the other scuttlebutt is true he was spewing hate at republicans earlier.
He may have left the house in ANGER after grabbing the gun and his parents saw him and became very worried.
^^^ The most likely explanation.
The airlines, at least, are up and running.
Dave of X22 Report has theorized for some time that a cyber attack is one tactic they will use to stop/influence the election, especially if it looks as if the Dem candidate is not popular enough to make stealing the election believable. (In other words, people would know that there’s no way the Dem candidate got all those fraudulent ballots because their polling and popularity had been so low.) Under this scenario, this kind of thing could be a rehearsal of sorts for a major cyber attack. It’s going to be a bumpy ride from now until the end of the year.
Keep a good supply of cash money on hand.
Yes, and I always think about bill paying online. If everything went down, I’m guessing they would have to forgive late payments. It never hurts to pay ahead of time. I don’t know how it would work with payments and paychecks that are automatically deducted and deposited.
Most companies have now gone to Auto pay and no longer use cash or checks.
That leaves them and their workers vulnerable.
Crash the system and you have really screwed with the poor people who live pay check to pay check.
Last night, at the very end of the convention after Trump was done speaking and the family was with him on the stage, I listened to this wonderful operatic singer. Chris Plante told us it was a song by Puchini called Nessun Dorma from The Sum of All Fears movie.
Nobody shall sleep!…
Nobody shall sleep!
Even you, o Princess
In your cold room
Watch the stars
That tremble with love and with hope
But my secret is hidden within me
My name no one shall know…
On your mouth I will tell
It when the light shines
And my kiss will dissolve the silence that makes you mine!…
(No one will know his name and we must, alas, die.)
Vanish, o night!
Set, stars! Set, stars!
At dawn, I will win! I will win! I will win!
July 19, 2024 7:00 am
Reply to nwtex
Thank you, Pat! I appreciate the confirmation. I’m going to watch the movie. I never have though I’ve heard it is good. In the video clip, I did see several people were being executed and two guys were signing an agreement. I don’t watch many movies.
we don’t watch much (READ: none at all of current tv) but we do watch dvds and series we liked. never heard of this one at all but did enjoy the conveyed message
That scene is from the end.
Be aware that in the BOOK the bad guys are Muslim terrorists, not some sort of neo-Nazi group. And it was Denver, not Baltimore (I wont say what “it” was for spoiler reasons). Other than that, the basic story line was pretty similar.
thanks Steve. i never watched it at all. not my type of movie
Barb Meier
Thank you.
Nessun Dorma is one of the most powerful tenor opera arias of all time.
The aria comes from Giacomo Puccini’s opera, Turandot.
The aria is sung in Turandot by Prince Calaf (the tenor lead).
Turandot is an opera about Princess Turandot, a cruel and cold woman who executes all the princes who want to marry her, as they can’t correctly answer several riddles.
Prince Calaf comes, using an assumed name, to try the riddles. He answers them correctly, but Princess Turandot doesn’t know his real name. She is angry that he won’t tell her his real name. She has him put into a dungeon.
Prince Calaf sings Nessun Dorma in response to Princess Turandot’s command that the prince must be killed if the princess does not learn his real name before dawn of the next day. If the princess can’t get his real name before dawn, she must marry him.
In the opera, Nessun Dorma is a determined and strong affirmation that Prince Calaf will win his bride.
The next day, Princess Turandot still doesn’t know Prince Calaf’s real name. He reveals it to her. She now will marry him.
Thank you, PAVACA. We are so blessed you are on the QTree with us. It is great to know so much more about the aria and the story behind it. The singer last night did a wonderful job. He was quite moving and powerful. After that, he sang America the Beautiful, IIRC. I was getting a little tired after this intense week. It is unusual for me, but I have had a hard time diving into my work like I usually do. No hot deadline, so I have focused like so many on current events.
One wonders why someone wants to marry a woman who has executed men who want to marry her…
The music is beautiful.
She threatens to kill him and places him in a dungeon, but he wins her hand in marriage. Hopefully, love conquers all.
In Turandot the opera, the ending is a love duet between Princess Turandot and Prince Calaf with full chorus backup. It is “love conquers all.”
Just as a wild guess…..WGTTs.
This is a really interesting explanation of why the U.S. spends so much money in foreign aid. I’s never thought of it in terms of support for trade:
“Many people are justifiably tired of failed overseas wars, fought by men who were lions but led by donkeys, in which defeat was consistently wrested from the jaws of victory. These conflicts led to trillions of dollars in wasted money, over 8,000 lost American lives, and entire regions upended and sent into the chaos, which has fueled the current immigration crisis in Europe and, partially, the United States.
It can be tempting, with the current “Specter of the Global War on Terror” under which we live, to be cynical: “No more overseas bases” and cries to eliminate our military presence in over a hundred countries can be a seductive reaction to the abject failure of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. I served in both conflicts as a soldier in the United States Army, and the day Kabul fell was similar to how many Vietnam veterans felt when they witnessed the fall of Saigon.
International Strategy
The economic lifeblood of a nation like the United States in 2024 is international trade — both the import and export of goods. To start: It is an abject crime against the national security of our nation that we have exported our manufacturing jobs overseas since the 1970s. Although this is a key factor in many of the problems affecting the U.S. today (see the cultural decline of the Rust Belt), it is not the most important theme in this article.”
Very insightful article, Aubergine. Thanks for the link.
So much depends on where and why we deploy these military assets and trillions of $$$ in foreign aid And whether our gov’t is being transparent in the accounting for it. We saw how the world functioned in the relatively short time under Trump’s economic/foreign policies. There simply is no excuse not to squander that success, but that was intentionally done.
personally, I daresay Afghanistan and Ukraine, and even aid to Africa, hardly hold up to scrutiny given all we have uncovered. Losing some of our best and brightest never even enters the equation in terms of what they could have contributed had their lives not been snuffed or tax dollars used in authentic foreign aid and not corruption.
From that article:
The US Military and CIA are the ‘strong Arm’ of the International Corporate Cartel. “Allow us to RAPE YOUR COUNTRY OF RAW MATERIALS and use your people as SLAVE LABOR, we will pay you off, otherwise we over throw your government!”
United Fruit, Banana Republics-The CIA’s Secret Genocide in Guatemala
Operation Gladio – Hard Evidence of Government Sponsored False Flag Terrorism.
Operation Gladio – A Primer
The other reason was POPULATION CONTROL US AId was not actual ‘aid’, it was about sterilizing women.
National Security Study Memorandum NSSM 200
I guess this grand plan to have Joe drop out of the race was not run past Jill.
Biden-Harris Campaign Co-Chair Cedric Richmond Refutes Rumors of Joe Biden Dropping Out This Weekend: ‘Biden is Running, End of Story’
Jim Hᴏft Jul. 19, 2024 7:45 am 195 Comments
Question why is the party not saving itself?
they’re all too busy preparing for the implosion and trying to cover their own asses?
That is a good one
Yes, but I think people have been expecting them to head off an implosion within the Dem Party. Maybe they think that would put themselves in danger.
Psychopaths are ALWAYS in it FOR THEMSELVES. Now that things are not going well you will see D-Rats deserting the sinking ship. It will be everyone for themself.
Also I think the Heads of the monster have been ‘removed’ so you now have DUMB ASSES running the show and no real coordination.
David Rockefeller — DEAD
Evelyn De Rothschild — DEAD
Pappy Bush — DEAD
Queen Elisabeth — DEAD
Saudi Arabian bad actors — neutralized.
Do not forget that Xi Administration’s Anti-Corruption Campaign Targets Shanghai State-Owned Assets and Jiang Zemin’s Family – Latest Updates and Analysis
(PDF) assessment on the china’S anti–corruption campaign…
I think the people who want him out are trying to build up so much momentum that Jill has to give in.
I think they underestimate her resolve; to her this is an existential crisis; she cannot give in.
They cannot leave the WH because they did to many shady things.
Thank you for this.
IMO, you are correct: “Dr. Jill” (and those handling her) weren’t consulted.
Here’s ** something interesting ** — Chuck Schumer visited “President Biden” PRIVATELY at the “Biden compound” in Delaware ON SATURDAY 13 JULY, JUST BEFORE THE ATTEMPT ON PRESIDENT TRUMP’S LIFE IN BUTLER, PA:
17 July 2024
Yours Truly: It appears that Sen. Schumer personally went to “President Biden” last Saturday afternoon and told him to step aside “for the good of the party.”
PAVACA, I wonder if they watched the Trump rally together? If so, I can imagine Schumer telling Joe that the IC has a thousand ways from Sunday to get Joe to quit the race. I don’t know that Schumer would leave it to Joe to tell Jill that the IC might try to assassinate them both. I do wonder.
Last week in the days before the rally, it was reported that Dems were going to talk with Biden last weekend. The implication was that they would persuade him to step aside from running. I imagine that’s what Schumer’s meeting with Biden was about. But of course they could also have been discussing a plot to take out Trump.
OK with all, except one point.
No one in their right mind, Knowing Briben’s mind is mush, talk about taking anyone out.
Possibly talking to Jill but I doubt it.
the king sniffs children, the queen wears drapes, and the son is a dope addict. I keep thinking this must be a sit com…
What was it Pravda News constantly repeated throughout Trump’s first four years?
For Briben, Taco Jill, Hunter, entire Briben Crime Family…The Wall Are Closing In.
Thank you for the link to the dog playing the piano and singing. That dog was playing some really cool jazz-type improv chords on the piano over a sort of “ground bass.” And the dog-singing was cool, too.
Nate Cain, Host of The Raising Cain Show
For CrowdStrike to make claims that this is not a cyber attack or cyber incident is laughable. No patch or update is pushed out to production without rigorous development testing in order to prevent what just happened. In my professional opinion as a cybersecurity expert of 27 years, CrowdStrike is guilty of gross negligence in their software development life-cycle and patch distribution, or this global, distributed denial of service, attack was an inside job by a malicious or disgruntled employee. This underscores the need by companies and agencies to do their own patch testing before trusting these companies to do it. It also proves why it is not a good idea to allow these big tech companies to hold monopolies on government contracts within all agencies of the government. One bad piece of software can take down everyone. Make no mistake. This revealed a major vulnerability in our government agencies. This is huge!
IMO, “President Biden” is in much worse shape than it appears even on the scripted “appearances” that he makes.
One: Please watch the video clip below, from 0:43 to the end (the video clip starts count at 1:00):
Yours Truly: In this video clip, it appears that the Secret Service agents have to not only assist “President Biden” into the car, but also have to help him get his legs situated once he’s seated in the car. “President Biden”, IMO, looks exhausted and weak.
Two: The Tom Renz Substack article:
“The Joe Booster Biden COVID Case and Congressional Vax Health Crisis”
19 July 2024
Yours Truly: Tom Renz is an attorney, not a doctor. However, he’s written many articles on the dangers of the COVID-19 “vaccines.” His article above summarize his opinions regarding the most recent “COVID-19 infection” that “President Biden” has, along with his thoughts on the “vaccine”-induced injuries and deaths among “vaccinated” members of Congress.
Yours Truly has been researching and posting about the neurological dangers of the COVID-19 “vaccines” for some time now — everything from cases of first-onset psychosis, to cases of clinical depression, to cases of suicide, to damage to the Central Nervous System, to cases of dementia and other neurodengenerative conditions — induced and/or aggravated by COVID-19 “vaccination.”
The COVID-19 “vaccines” cross the crucial Blood-Brain Barrier after said “vaccines” are injected into a person’s body. This is in addition to said “vaccines” gaining entry into every other cell throughout the “vaccinated” person’s body.
The COVID-19 “vaccines” damage and/or strip away, the MYELIN SHEATH that covers the nerves in the “vaccinated” person’s body. This includes the myelin sheath of the nerves in the brain, and the myelin sheath of the nerves in the spinal cord.
**** The FDA knew that the COVID-19 “vaccines” induces demyelination back on 30 April 2021:
Please refer to Page 32 (Page 3 of the List of Adverse Events of Special Interest.) “Demyelination” and Demyelinating Polyneuropathy” are listed.
Attorney Renz cites two papers related to COVID-19 “vaccination” and “vaccine”-induced neurodegenerative conditions:
First paper: https://doi.org/10.7759/cureus.34872
“A Potential Role of the Spike Protein in Neurodegenerative Diseases: A Narrative Review”
Stephanie Seneff, Peter A. McCullough, et al.
February 2023
Second paper: https://doi.org/10.1093/qjmed/hcae103
“A potential association between COVID-19 vaccination and development of Alzheimer’s disease”
Jee Hoon Roh, et al.
28 May 2024
(Yours Truly presented this paper and the discussion of how the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein damages the brain some weeks ago.)
Yours Truly will again emphasize that it is possible that UN-“vaccinated” persons who contract COVID-19 and recover, can be exposed to whatever elements are in the COVID-19 virus itself that can cause brain issues. HOWEVER, the potential for this to happen in COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons IS HIGHER, due to the lipid nanoparticles present in said “vaccines”, which keep the elements and mechanisms of said “vaccines” working in the “vaccinated” person’s body for an indefinite (unknown) period of time.
Or in one sentence, the debate actually was one of his good days.
“…The Secret Service agents have to not only assist “President Biden” into the car, but also have to help him get his legs situated once he’s seated in the car….”
Joe Biden is 81 years old and so is Hubby. I think that Hubby gets a lot more exercise than Biden and he also has to use his hands to lift his legs into and out of the truck.
He did not have Covid or get the shots, he does have balance issues that Coconut oil and Lions Mane mushroom is helping. He is also religious about vitamin esp D.
I do not think covid or the shots are the problem, more likely dementia and old age.
Gail Combs
Thank you. Deep respect for you in your efforts to help your husband stay active as long as possible — and also what you do to help yourself.
IMO, “President Biden” very likely had at least one injection of a COVID-19 “vaccine.” The others he has taken may be saline. And there are also the two brain surgeries he has had. So it may well be that what’s going on with him is a result of a mix of things. And he may be on various prescription drugs for his various issues, each of which prescription drugs having its own set of side effects.
The reason I doubt he has had an actual vaccine, is because the inner circle would KNOW that crap is POISON. Also since Biden was Obama’s Puppet they would take good care of him.
Verse of the Day for Friday, July 19, 2024
“For he maketh small the drops of water: they pour down rain according to the vapour thereof:”
Job 36:27 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
When we face challenges out of the blue
Our first instinct might be what went askew
We wonder what it was that caused the rift
Not recognizing what hit was a gift
We tend to take what occurs personally
Like some sort of punishment deservedly
When really it was nothing of the sort
Nor to the extent of fault to report
We have free will to make our choices
And that includes how we use our voices
We can rant and rave and complain why me
Or we can speak life and blessing to be
We are all prone to the seven deadly
We can speak out a tirade in medley
We can side with that demonic attack
Give negative thoughts credence right back
The effect of the weight we have laid down
Will surely defeat us cause us to drown
In a sea of self-pity barely function
Until we reach a decision junction
The difference between blessing and curse
Is the curse tends to make our plight much worse
It augments into a vicious cycle
We are less fruitful not at all vital
Speak life and blessing for each consequence
A positive outlook just makes more sense
It energizes God-given gifts in you
The Spirit inside comes alive when you do
D01: 08/11/2023
Thank You Duchess!
Psalm 91.The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing
#psalm91 #psalms #prayer
Pray Everyday
Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.
#faith #god #psalms
Pray Everyday

This one’s for our grand Qtree poobah, Wolfie, who always keeps the light on

Lotta disambiguation with this one.
Was arrested at Jan 6. Let go from the FIB?
Still with FIB was undercover?
Current photo much older?
This might be a plant story to mess with Jaunita and others told to investigate her, but I thought it was the other one with sign just behind we were supposed to look at. Which ever one that had the phone taking pictures.
Meanwhile the woman with the pink hat looks like the that other woman with the sign.
Thanks. Was using the sign as ID. Now sees they both had signs!
so if she is FBI, she could have been letting whoever was on that sloping roof (the decoy/patsy) know that it was ok to start shooting bc all the other actual shooters were in their designated positions atop various other rooftops, watertowers etc.
I am still not 100% convinced the sloping roof guy was actually Thomas Crooks.
heard something today about Thomas Crooks having “several” offshore money accounts…?
is that true ?
…off shore accounts… Is that true?
Reported by Feds. Likely another lie, until proven true.
(Mission Impossible.)
well there’s this about the “offshore accounts”…
as well as other info…speculated Iranian connection etc.
and that other oddball Maxwell Yearick.
Glanced at it.
So this 20yo dufus, is savvy enough to have encrypted accounts overseas?
OK, Iranians coulda set them up. Iran dialed into guy as the best option to “off” anyone.
None of that works.
Three letter or deep state to the rescue.
Then my thought is, is it all a diversion from the real bad guy(s).
how much did the dad of Crooks know ?
I find it extremely ODD, not to mention unbelievably coincidental, that the dad calls 911, on the same day, within the same timeframe as the attempted assassination of PDJT just because his 20 yr old son is “missing” (?) for a few hours ? and a certain gun is also missing ?
he lives over an hour away from the site of that rally.
was the dad just worried, for some reason, that both the 20 yr old weirdo + gun are gone ?
but wasn’t that the same rifle that the same wierdo 20 yr old son carried & used at the shooting range, from time to time ?
did dad call 911 then ?
I’m still unclear as to when, exactly, the dad made the 911 call…just moments or minutes or hours before the incident ? or just moments after PDJT was wounded ?
what dad volunteers to 911 such info about his 20 yr old son gone “missing” (rather alarmist, no ?) plus the fact that a gun is also missing out of the gun cabinet ?
something is just way off about that dad and his 911 call on that day for those reasons.
I think the dad knew the kid was troubled, knew he hated Trump, and had an inkling that something was up. Then when the kid disappeared with a gun hours before the rally, the dad became suspicious. If the dad had been in on the plot, he would not have alerted authorities.
Plausible Deniability.
Especially since Daddy was a shrink.
The anons already found another Thomas Crooks in Pittsburgh [very close by]. YSM was pegging him as the shooter until somebody fact checked them.
So how many Crooks are there? Any one of them could have accounts. Doesn’t mean it’s the Thomas Crooks.
Agreed about body on roof.
This is probably not a popular opinion, but it looks to me as if she is surprised and doesn’t know what’s going on. Within seconds, she gets down with the rest of the crowd. She is apparently trying to video, which might seem a little fishy if she felt in danger for her life. But she didn’t pull out her phone until she had ducked.
If I were an “asset” sitting behind the target of an assassination, I would not be comfortable when shots rang out even if the shooter knew not to shoot me. You never know what is going to happen. Someone might have gotten on the roof and spoiled his aim. I think her behavior seems pretty normal with just a slightly delayed reaction.
Also, I don’t know why the assistant director of the FIB would be in the crowd behind Trump if she knew he was going to be shot. It’s way too dangerous. And I can’t imagine there being any need for her to be there to facilitate the shooting. On the contrary, she would need the plausible deniability of not being there at all.
Ground report: a station wagon with some business logo on the side parked facing out in my driveway. They were just sitting there. I went out and saw a group of about 20-30 people walking up the mountain on the other side of the highway. They all had orange or yellow safety vests on. My place is about halfway up the mountain.
I asked the driver what’s up. She said they were walking from Harrisonburg, VA to Washington, DC to protest the war in Gaza. I told her I did not need her in my driveway. She left peacefully. She had a guy passenger in the front seat with long scruffy hair. I could not see him real well because the station wagon was fairly dark inside. It is not safe for individuals to walk by the road up this mountain. There is often big drop offs or cliffs with little walking room.
So I called our county sheriff and let the deputies know. They will be passing into Page County soon. I don’t care about them protesting, but walking along this highway is not too safe.
they’re supposedly walking from Harrisonburg VA to Washington DC ??
isn’t that at least a 130 mile walk ?
Fitness camp gone berserk.
They wouldl have walked up Hwy 11, turned E on Hwy 211, gone E to Stanardsville and on to Warrenton. From here to Chantilly is 94 miles. DC is probably another 20 or 25 miles from there, depending on their destination.
Beauty break. I saw lots of photos of Melania, but none showing her high heels. Finally, here’s a great full body shot including her lovely ruby shoes. Oooh ahhhh…
Thank you.
1000% class.
I swear, the heels on her shoes are higher than any I’ve ever seen.
You’re quite welcome, PAVACA. Once in my young days, I had some neat red and white 4-inch heels with straps and not lots of support. I can only imagine what it is like to walk in such high heels. Melania walks with such grace.
she is elegant and classy.
btw…her attire is classy yet understated.
the taco’s attire always SCREAMS LOOK AT ME!
“….the taco’s attire always SCREAMS LOOK AT ME!” THEN BARF!
then subconsciously consider redoing the upholstery

h/t Marica’s blog. This has to do with the possible assassin / sniper on the water tower at the Butler rally location where President Trump was shot and almost assassinated last Saturday:
And, the linked embed in the tweet:
If this is true, it means quite a lot.
if that’s true…a) holy crap and b) it means their desperation is making them reckless
“…escaped using a zip line…..through the trees…”
they’ve come a long way since the grassy knoll.
That’s very punny.
There are so many theories and it happens becase we cannot trst anyone anymore so much misdirection.
A zip line???
Let’s leave behind some good evidence, shall we.
Good grief, these guys watch too many Mission Impossible movies.
VIDEO : Who Is The Allen Dulles of the 2024 Attempted Trump Assassination
watch, at link…
maybe the gang is gonna get back together
July 19, 2024 1:27 pm
NOW — Former chief financial officer of the Trump Organization, Allen Weisselberg, has been released from jail.
Good Lord, now “they” are using the National Weather Service to push for everyone getting COVID-19 “vaccinated.”
Now, the claim is that getting COVID-19 “vaccinated” can help prevent Long COVID.
This link is on the main page of the NWS website. It goes to a paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine.
Here is the paper:
“Postacute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in the Pre-Delta, Delta, and Omicron Eras”
Yan Xie, Ph.D., et al.
17 July 2024
Yours Truly: HOWEVER, the National Weather Service “conveniently forgot” to mention that the potential for Long COVID was “substantial”, even among COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons. Here’s the Conclusion from the paper:
This might be an insightful discussion to listen too.
Nodded at the possible replacements for Biden the Dems might choose, Barnes first thought is Dwayne The Rock Johnson. Thought that since “Doom”. The movie ended with him the ultimate bad ass hero who kills all the bad guys but then he makes statement at the very end of movie saying he’s going to be oh so much worse. Ever since the guys had a complex thinking he’s qualified to rule as President and has tested the waters at least twice. Almost like someone has been grooming the guy for something like this. Guys a nut IMO.
President Trump carries the weight of the Constitution. and everyone knows paper covers rock. PDJT wins.
Very shrewd.
Thank you, Singing!! The video is very good. Near the end, Robert Barnes explains his website to help regular people research and submit FOIAs to various agencies and state, local governments for information. This sounds very helpful, and you’re right, Insightful.
Yes Barns is a mixed bag but overall worth listening too
UK is loosing control. Multiple vids. Not sustainable. Backlash likely but it needs to come from the govt.
England HAS FALLEN: Insane Videos Capture Dystopic Scenes as MASSIVE Migrant Riots Break Out in the UK Guest Contributor Jul. 19, 2024 10:20 am 714 Comments
everyone has heard it, but I’ll repeat it anyway.
import the 3rd world…GET the third world
No one knows that better than the vicious, heinous evil people in government (and NGOs-for-profit) who are doing it.
They are evil incarnate.
Every single assault, arson, theft, vandalism, rape and murder is on their heads and hands.
Population allowed it. People need to vote and vote for their interest not against.
I’m not sure we can know the population allowed it as far as voting is concerned.
When was the last time any Western nation had a legitimate election?
I mean, WEF has their people installed in practically every one, along with the EU leadership.
All of them in opposition to their own populations.
I don’t think any of them were legitimately elected.
Just like Briben.
They just elected the English version of Obama from what I can tell (not following closely).
Never before in history have countries (including ours) allowed their own governments to import millions of foreign invaders to destroy their own countries.
I don’t know who’s more insane, the governments who are doing it, or the People who allow it.
The beatings will continue until morale improves.
Y’all, I’m pretty sure hell just froze over:
He’s getting ready to meet his new boss.
smoozer has to find a wormhole to exploit…ingratiate himself as much as he can.
Did he just blink?
Scene of Fredo on the pond from The Godfather II (1974).
Not the exact image from the tweet, but close enough:
they’ve upgraded it. SEE: paddleboarding/ obama
Cracking up…D-Rats dithering AND Briben bobbing…AND remaining D-Rat nominee.
D-Rat Implosion In Super Slow Mo…
More Great news…
Ford Expanding Production of Profitable Gas-Powered Trucks at Plant Meant for Electric Cars
wow…they finally went from WOKE to AWAKE
More car makers will follow suit.
Trump nailed it solidly.
The reason Trump will be good for EVs is because he will make electricity affordable again, in the short term, and he will free up nuclear power in the long term. Both of those are necessary for EVs to move forward.
Trump actually knows how to make REAL progress – by letting it be led by the people, and not by the scarcity-profiting elites, who don’t want ANYBODY driving or flying except themselves.
It may be AI that drives the massive amount of electricity production needed, and EVs will be secondary beneficiaries.
“More car makers will follow suit.
Common sense AND Solid Business sense.”____________
It never made sense for legacy auto makers to use legacy manufacturing processes and plants to compete with Tesla, whose entire process and production, from start to finish, is designed and optimized around building EVs.
EVs and internal combustion engine cars look very similar on the outside, but they are very different machines.
You can’t just take a gas-car production plant and start making EVs with it, and hope to be even remotely competitive with someone whose entire production capacity was designed for EVs from the ground up.
Yet that’s basically what the legacy auto makers did.
It can’t work, and it was never going to work. The only reason legacy auto even tried was purely because of politics based on ideology which in turn is focused on solutions to imaginary problems.
Hundreds of billions of dollars have been wasted in pursuit of that vanity, and many others like it.
This is good. Rush lives on in David’s words; so happy to have David on our team.
Trump lost nothing by talking for 90 minutes.
Delivered pure reality.
To me, BIG net positives with this speech. Trump knows what he’s doing.
Excellent commentary.
Almost as long as Trump!
Do not miss:the comments by Gordon about the story:
Netanyahu works behind the scenes to win Trump back
in Badlands News Brief – July 18, 2024
Consider the idea of the Nuclear Option. SEE: Samson Option – Wiki
The Jerusalem Post Netanyahu: Money to Hamas part of strategy to keep Palestinians divided MARCH 12, 2019
Until you see the British/City of London’s Hand in the mess, you can not untangle things
The USA has provided the WEALTH and the CANNON FODDER to Fight the British Empires wars. — SUCH A DEAL!
And the Israeli Lobby has been used to MAKE SURE WE DO SO!
Thomas Massie 10 -32 min on Israel’s Lobby’s CONTROL OF CONGRESS!
Who Really Created the Middle East Terror Apparatus? CYNTHIA CHUNG [Historian Matt Ehret‘s wife] JUN 26, 2023
Netenyahu lost me for good, November 4, 2020.
Genesis 50:20
1 Timothy 6:12
Psalm 59:1
Psalm 91:1-16
1 John 4:4
Leviticus 8:22-24
Leviticus 14:28
Ephesians 6:10-18 (The Armor of God)
Isaiah 54:17
This is a pivotal moment where things are going to intensify.
Something is going on that will need you to put on the Armor of God.
Stand the good fight of faith. This is the time that the Lord has prepared you for.
Unprecedented events are taking place.
God is the One Who will save your nation. He is faithful.
God is revealing the truth to people. There is a spiritual great awakening.
God is the God over all the Earth! God is showing miracles, signs, and wonders.
This is a time where the enemies are reaping what they have sown.
God will defend and protect you.
Pray Psalm 91 over yourself and your nation.
No matter what you see and hear, things are going to intensify. But keep your eyes on God.
Shout louder and fight harder.
Do not fear because God is here. The Angel Armies are with you. They are protecting you. You have the Blood Covenant of Jesus Christ.
Prophecies mentioned:
JGM – LIVE WITH JULIE – Special Broadcast – 19 July 2024
This is the time where things are going to intensify…This is the time God has warned us about. Yes the Momentum is on our side. Yes everything is looking like it’s going in that right direction. But God is telling us something is going on that is going to have to have us PUT ON OUR ARMOUR OF GOD…where we have to stand and fight the GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH….WE HAVE TO TRUST IN ALMIGHTY GOD. I don’t know what’s going to take place but I know…there are technological outages going down worldwide…Whether this is the blackouts that God’s talking about or this is just a foreshadowing of what we’re going to see. [Headline: Widespread technology outage disrupts flights, banks, media outlets and companies around the world].
God is the news before the News. He’s the ONE WHO WILL SAVE OUR NATION…He will continue to do that because GOD IS FAITHFUL. No matter what you’re about to see or hear, REMEMBER GOD IS FAITHFUL. IF HE SAVED IT ONCE HE WILL SAVE IT AGAIN.
[Word repeated From July 18, 2024]…
Things are heating up…You are at the door of a GREAT CHANGE worldwide. Fight like never before. Stand like never before. Trust Me like never before. War is here but it’s not the one your enemies wanted. It’s Mine to bring this great defeat seen by the world. My children, you will see that I AM the GREAT PROTECTOR. I AM the GREAT DEFENDER and the GREAT DELIVERER says the Lord of Hosts.
[Prophetic Word heard – July 19, 2024]
I was just dusting a shelf and ran across a bottle of perfume I bought maybe ten years ago.
Holy crap, you can’t make this stuff up! Here it is:
P.S. It smells amazing.
:0) Will you come dust my shelves Aubergine? The scents indicate that it’s a sweet musky spice…am I close?
:0) the Branding is Awesome! Thanks for sharing.
It is a musky, spicy scent, a little bit sweet. Those are always my favorites.
And I HATE dusting, which is which I just found this bottle!
Dusting? Whats that?
I spend a lot more time with a manure fork.
Lol, me, too! Chicken manure, but still.
I am allergic to dust so I MUCH rather deal with manure. At least I do not have to use a mask.
I hate masks!
That is one reason Hubby gets to do the vacuuming. The other is I can not push a vacuum without major back pain. Broom, shovel, manure fork, pick ax, chainsaw — no problem — WEIRD!
2 to 1 you are wrong!
Vacuuming uses weird muscles! It hurts me way more than shoveling ever does.
Nice to know it is not just me.
allergic to housework

Metaphorically AND otherwise…yikes!
A message from The Twilight Zone.
Lol, true!
Apparently this particular fragrance came out in 2011.
Here is what I found out about the brand.
I know I’ve seen this brand around for a while, in stores, often when shopping with my wife. In fact, it was years ago. I think I saw this particular perfume, too, although I’m not positive.
“Enjoy the show.”
Now – as a scientist – I don’t find it THAT freaky. I would say that it’s clear that this company picked “45” as the number of the fragrance because of the .45 caliber, and not POTUS #45, but still, yeah, it’s kinda cool. Note that several Trump handguns have been created in .45 caliber, because of the “coincidence” of his presidential number.
Yes, it is just a cool coincidence. But I’m glad I have it! I’m going to wear it all the time between now and the election, just for luck.
Great idea!
It’s wonderful that you have that! And if I ever see it again, I’ll be sure to smell it.
LOL wear it to the rallies!!
For sure!
Wall Street Apes
All These “Coincidences” Add Up To Something Very Sinister. Be Prepared For What’s Coming “I really feel inclined to make this video. I’m not a conspiracy theorist, but I do recognize patterns, and it’s staring me right in the face: – How is it that Event 201, which is a real event, you can look it up, It was 4 or 5 months before the pandemic. Still to this day, it’s not answered why Bill Gates was so heavily involved in the entire response to COVID 19, why we were having listening to guidance from him. – But the reason why I bring that up in addition to what I just said was, how are we gonna wake up and all of a sudden there’s these global outages? And, apparently, it’s Microsoft that is, you know, failing everywhere? I mean, nothing but the words test run come to mind. Okay, is this a test run? At some point, you guys gotta understand. We obviously see there’s a lot of f*ckery out here. Okay, a lot of deceit. A lot of lies. – So yesterday comes out that there there’s a firm that shorted Truth Social. And if president Trump’s assassination would have been successful, the people that shorted it would have made a lot of money. So what I’m seeing is their dominoes are not falling in line with what they wanted to do. – They wanted to kill this man’s character – They came after him in court – Case after case, they came after his children – They came after him in the campaign trail – They came after him while he was president – They came after him after the presidency – They came after him online, censorship, gag orders. – Then they came after his life. He’s still standing. And you know what happens when you make people really, really nervous? You know what happens? This is what I’m afraid is about to happen. Let’s say this is a table. You know what losers do when they’re about to lose? They flip over the f**king table. That is what I truly believe is happening, ladies and gentlemen. I recognize patterns. So you’re telling me that there’s all these outages, and it could very well just be outages just randomly the night, you know, the night after an RNC convention. I personally don’t believe in coincidences anymore. I also lost full blown trust in media, the legacy media, mainstream media, whatever it is. I I’m not that supportive of every single thing that I see, you know, circulating online. The one thing I have left, though, is my own common sense, and this pattern is so obvious to me. And the Democrats are so desperate, desperate, and they are not even hiding it anymore, it’s to the point where they will literally stop at nothing. And what’s one thing they can do that can really disrupt everything and stop us from communicating with one another and stop all this shit from coming out? And what’s one thing they can do that can really everything and stop us from communicating with one another and stop all this shit from coming out? You shut down the grid, shut down the Internet. You f**k over the people and you stay in power.”
Is she the Kamala impersonator?
Thank you. Now I was able to book mark her
That was fun, skips down and one more…
And yes this happened today also.
Kamala Harris Agrees to Last-Minute Zoom Call with Democrat Megadonors as Largest Super PAC Abandons Joe Biden Cristina Laila Jul. 19, 2024 3:20 pm 356 Comments
Story doesn’t say what was discussed…
Too damn funny.
Wonder how SS deals with satire.
It’s not like they take safety of protectees seriously.
Maintain preparations. Increase where it makes sense AND affordable.
Recently had manual switch put in, if city electricity fails. Tri-fuel generator can support essentials.
Looking at StarLink for Internet. Current Internet takes timeouts, when it feels like it.
Evening Prayer For Forgiveness
Heavenly Father, thank You for bringing me through this day and Lord, forgive me for the times when I have wandered outside Your best will for me, instead of trusting You implicitly.
Thank You, that You are such a gracious Shepherd to me and that You come and rescue me even when I lose my way and stray from the path that You have laid out for me.
As I look back over today, I know Lord that there were things that I should have said and done differently, and times when I reacted in a manner that was not honouring Your holy name. Forgive me I pray, but thank You, Father, that You always faithfully prepared to gently bring me back to Yourself.
Give me a good night’s sleep I pray, knowing that there is no condemnation because I am in Christ, and may I wake up in the morning refreshed and ready to do Your will. In Jesus’ name I pray,
Source: https://prayer.knowing-jesus.com/Evening-Prayers
Evening Prayer For Future Guidance
Heavenly Father, as I lie down to sleep tonight, I pray that You would guard my sleeping and protect my mind from wandering thoughts and unnecessary planning. Teach me to wait for Your perfect timing and not to try to plan my future in my own strength.
Lord, I know that You have scheduled every day of my life. Help me to trust You in all things and rely on You to lead me along the straight path and guide me in the direction that You would have me to go.
Give me patience to wait for Your perfect timing, and may I not trust in my own abilities and scheming, but rather rest in Your love and trust my future into Your hands.
And so now Lord, I commit this night to you, asking that I would rest soundly and wake refreshed and strong to do Your bidding. This I ask in Jesus’ precious name,
Source: https://prayer.knowing-jesus.com/Evening-Prayers
Prayer For Grace At The End Of The Day
Heavenly Father, as the day is drawing to its close I ask that Your continued love and presence be with me and with all that are Your children in Christ. Guard us through the long hours of darkness this night I pray, and keep us safe from all harm and dangers that may try to cross our threshold.
Give us, I pray, an untroubled night of rest and quietness of heart. May we be refreshed and renewed in body, soul and spirit as we rest our weary hearts in You through the hours of the night.
Lord, I pray that by Your great grace and mercy, You would grant us untroubled sleep so that we may rise up in the morning strong to do Your bidding. May we all rejoice for the dawn of a new day, knowing that Your mercies are new every morning. In Jesus’ name,
Source: https://prayer.knowing-jesus.com/Evening-Prayers
I just found this SD tweet. Think some body got a phone call?
The rest…
“race, whatever it takes. Only focus = November. He saw JD Vance as the best shot to unite the clans and strategically ward off the incoming age issue which will be created by Newsom potentially replacing Biden. [Very strong potential] Unite Clans. Win in November. Use Vance as a tool toward that objective. Then manage him from 2025 forward. That’s it. Nothing more.”
Sure sounds like someone straightened Sundance out and it would have to be someone with CLOUT! Sundance usually BANS anyone who disagrees/argues with him.
Might have been the campaign. I think our beloved Melania is said to read over there sometimes.
The campaign would make sense, as in “Please stop pouring negativity all over this crucial presidential race. We need all hands on deck.”
We do know that Sidney Powell, Gen. Flynn’s Lawyer would comment there sometimes.
Bless you for spelling her name correctly.
I looked it up.
I told you I can not spelllll.
Note to self. Don NOT reference Sidnay Powel.
A Fellow Horrible Speller!
Phone call AND blow back, MeThinks.
7.19.24: The SUM of ALL Fears, RNC Gold, Pres. Trump delivers amazing message, Final ACT, Pray!
And We Know
What a great guy! Taking a page from Reagan, and being presidential already!!!
How likely is it that VZ will be held accountable for his dictatorship stealing our funds?
All he has to do is FLIP on those who are actually doing most of the stealing.
Zelensky will be poison and they blame it on Russia. The powers do not want peace/
Zelensky will try to make a deal to save his hide.
Laura Loomer has claimed Zelenskyy purchased a 22 million mansion in Vero Beach, Florida. However Fake News says that is false so who knows.
The Apartments in London are real. Plus he has others. His Wikipedia page used to list them. Hasnt been there for over a year.
I guess Biden did not expect a knife in the back from the America Hater.
What’s that saying? No honor among thieves.
Esp when they are all Psychopaths!
Someone read Briben the snake story. With a hint, hussien is the snake.
Mush mind wouldn’t figure it out, without hints.
The puppet now realizes that he is a patsy, too.
It is Dr JILL who now realizes the family is expendable.
punishment fits the crime!
Now all we need is another million to wake up like Lori’s friend.
President Susan Rice will circle back on that!
I do like Maisse…
I want all of my friends on here to know I consumed two BLT’s with Duke’s mayo on toast for lunch today. There were three pieces of bacon on each sammich. The tomatoes were Big Beef variety from our own tomato garden.
Today was a good day…
Yay! And Duke’s mayo too!
That is all we have in the house.
What’s that new saying I have been hearing?, “Without video it didn’t happen.” BTW, did I just read that you were from Middletown, OH?
Yes. Grew up there and moved to a neighboring small town in 8th grade. Went to Wildwood Elementary School and Manchester Junior High. Dad worked for McGraw Construction at Armco Steel for 34 years. Still correspond with one of the guys on his crew who is still alive who sees to my parents’ gravesite for us.
My brother lived in Middletown a few years while attending Miami University. Our family is from Clermont County. east of Cincinnati.
That’s where my sister went to college part time until she married and moved to Toledo. She finished at Lourdes.
Been awhile but have been in your family’s county some in my younger years, just not lately. Bet it has grown a lot.
Would head down to Loveland and Milford occasionally. There was a teacher/coach friend (our former baseball coach) from high school that lived east of Loveland in that county all of his life. My buddies and I would meet up with him at a local tavern in the summers of our college years. It was a place where a number of the Big Red Machine would come after games and in the off season occasionally. They never had to buy a beer.
Let’s just say I was well aware of the location where Pete placed many of his bets. Third floor above a popular local steak restaurant on the main drag of a small Miami River located town.
Almost all of my family still lives there. Sisters in Milford, Bethel, Felicity and Amelia. Brother in Amelia.
You are from a big family. A lot of interesting history in that area. Easy commute into Cincy. Middletown area was all factories or corn fields. It never seemed to find its way past being a steel mill town.
SNIFF… I can not eat bacon…
I haven’t had a BLT in DECADES!
EGADS! My sympathies!!!
With luck FenBen will take care of my salt intolerance problem. It seems to be caused by a slow growing tumor on the adrenal gland. I am a ‘slam dunk’ per this website except for the blood tests. However my BP dropped like a rock to below normal when I was on prednisone which is known to suppress aldosterone.
So far the Fenben, at much too low a dose seems to have helped a bit.
Interesting about prednisone lowering BP!
Primary Aldosteronism Medication: Aldosterone Antagonists, Selective, Potassium-Sparing Diuretics, Thiazide Diuretics, Calcium channel Blockers, ACE Inhibitors, Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers, Corticosteroids
Yes, but prednisone makes people and pets pee like a race horse.
That is torture. I am so sorry for you. But not enough to stop eating them and telling everybody about it.
I have NO food allergies or intolerances, and I am GRATEFUL to God for that everyday!
That would definitely make for a good day at my house!
Brenden Dilley…
Quite awesome!!!
That is a really super ad!
h/t Marica’s blog —
** Interesting, no? **
I keep seeing conflicting stories. On the one hand, people are saying it’s just a matter of time until Biden drops out of the race, and every day more Congress people are urging him to drop out.
On the other hand, I see stories like this one where he says he is definitly in the race and will be the nominee.
It’s fun to see the Dems in turmoil. They deserve it, and a lot more.
I have no idea what they’re going to do, other than CHEAT LIKE HELL. I know that much is part of the plan.
You know what finally occurred to me today?
Hunter and/or “Doc” Jill must have some crime in their respective pasts that has no statute of limitations.
Biden can’t just issue a “blanket pardon of all crimes ever committed” for the both of them. If there’s a crime in their pasts that can be charged forever, any investigation by President Trump could result in their going to prison, or worse.
They MUST keep the White House. They don’t care what it takes to do it.
Presidential Pardons DO NOT COVER STATE CRIMES!
For example murder is normally a state crime. Child trafficking can also be considered a state crime as well as a federal crime.
In Texas for example: Sexual assault of a child and aggravated sexual assault of a child (younger than 17): no time limit…
Uh huh. You’ve got it.
Ah, that could be. Consciousness of guilt.
Agreed, lots of “swirling” going on.
On the other hand, IMO, “Dr. Jill” and Hunter are likely ** aware ** that any number of **not-very-nice-things ** are likely ** in the wings ** at some point down the road — and are likely attempting to do whatever is ** necessary ** to stave off those ** things ** as long as possible?
Staving things off by staying in the race? Probably. Also, I think, staving things off by staying in the White House.
Ed. note: I will refrain from further commentary except to note that it contains “rock solid” audio analysis that fits my initial reaction to the Trump shooting video.
It is corroborated by video analysis and mainstream media reporting. It is *not* fringe analysis. It is conducted by Dr. Chris Martensen @chrismartenson. There is nothing hyperbolic or flimsy about it.
We should not rush to conclusions. But I will add that I am highly disturbed by the prospective inference about where a “second gunman” appears to have shot Trump. (In my view, it seems to be the “first gunman.”)
Ed. note: The direction of fire is still not verified. But the echoes on audio suggest the second batch of shots is outside a building and of a smaller caliber round unlikely to be used by Secret Service counter-snipers (and it is also unlikely that small arms fire of the same caliber would be trained on the suspect that quickly).
This is suffice to say there are a lot of unknowns about an event that happened nearly a week ago. We are left to informed conjecture due to an FBI and Secret Service that refuses to be forthright with the American people.
Great stuff. Nobody is falling for their shit now.
AND that is what a lot of the Q ‘training’ was for. The Cabal’s Bull Schiff got ripped apart in less than a week!
Dr. Chris Martenson did an analysis of the audio from the 13 July attempt on President Trump’s life at Butler, PA:
“The Official Story of a Lone Gunman Is COMPLETE BUNK”
19 July 2024
Yours Truly: Dr. Martenson believes there were ** at least two ** assassins who tried to kill President Trump on 13 July.
GOOD. Taking a look now…..
The website has been shut down!!!
I didn’t get to watch the video but the x post from right above it (the first one) also has a video by Dr. Chris Martensen, it might be the same
I got in via Yandex using:
Dr. Martenson “The Official Story of a Lone Gunman Is COMPLETE BUNK”
Copy & Paste:
Watch as Chris Martenson meticulously breaks down the audio evidence.

The following is a summary of Dr. Martenson’s findings:
• There were at least two distinctly different [unfriendly] weapons being fired.
• First three shots were further away than the weapon(s) that fired the next 5-7 shots.
• Sonic cracks tell us that they were also fired at Trump’s & audience’s direction (and weren’t taking out Crooks, eg).
• This means that the “lone shooter” story is 100% false.
As such, Dr. Martenson concludes, “So this tells us that this was a full-on operation.”
Gail Combs
Thank you!
You are very welcome.
Wolf Moon
Lord God Almighty, ** they ** didn’t waste any time.
Just pulled the Dr. Martenson story and video up here:
They haven’t gotten all of it yet.
from yandex
Health Ranger (THE BEST) has a new analysis…..
(Updated July 19th, 2024, with most current analysis by Mike Adams)
(Seconds indicate INCOMING arrival time of rounds / sonic crack)
0 seconds: Round 1: 0.22s snap/boom gap – Crooks on roof? 400ft – 450ft away
0.8 seconds: Round 2: 0.22s snap/boom gap – Crooks on roof? 400ft – 450ft away
1.5 seconds: Round 3: 0.22s snap/boom gap – Crooks on roof? 400ft – 450ft away
(roughly 2 second pause, during which actual snipers are likely ordered to commence kill shots on Trump)
4.3 seconds: Round 4: 0.22s snap/boom gap – Assassination sniper inside building? 400ft – 450ft away
4.6 seconds: Round 5: 0.22s snap/boom gap – Assassination sniper inside building? 400ft – 450ft away
4.9 seconds: Round 6: 0.366s snap/boom gap – Medium-range sniper at unknown location (water tower?) 600ft – 700ft away
5.1 seconds: Round 7: 0.714s snap/boom gap – Long-range sniper at unknown location (farther than water tower) 1100ft – 1500ft away
ANALYSIS: Rounds 6 and 7 fired from bolt-action rifles. Single shots only. Likely higher caliber: 308 Win or 300 Win Mag
Good to know. Thanks for inserting the information. Now wonders where round 7 might of came from.
More on Health Ranger. Look at the comments here – lots of talk about the church tower!
So if this was the last shot that killed crooks we would have to subtract from 2,384ft. That is distance from tower to venue. Just distance from tower to crooks. I think that would ball park to the audio foot print.
Belay that… sees ft. is the unit of measurement. Church Tower had to be the shot that got Crooks. Minus distance from Church tower to venue so it fits church tower to Crooks.
Trump and Zelensky Speak via Phone Call, Agree to a Personal Meeting
Zelensky Wonders if Trump “Knows What’s Going On” in Ukraine
In replies on nitter
I also found this when going through the replies to Dr. Chris Martensen’s post. Although not sure how useful it is
People are fighting back against leftist weaponization of Community Notes!
I think Cullen has been right, basically, about the grouping of shots, but I’m currently afraid to attribute the first group of 3 to Crooks. I think that the idea that a pro under Crooks or near him took the first shot, makes sense. I have suspicions about both the building under Crooks, and the 2-floor building behind that one.
In honor of Elon and the X and Space-X moves to Texas.
Great song. Wish I could have been at that George Strait concert.
Another fun song…
One more fun one….
Fun story!!!
Great story.
I have only watched the first 15 minutes but I wanted to get the info out ASAP!
Bongino POINTS OUT something everyone missed | New Trump Shooting Facts (36 min)
13:25 — Columnist Max Boot [weekly column @ The Washington Post and a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations] the man who propagated the Trump-Russia collusion story is MARRIED TO A FOREIGN SPY!
His Wife Sue Mi Terry Sue Mi Terry, a former CIA analyst and wife of Washington Post columnist Max Boot, has been indicted on charges of failing to register as a foreign agent and conspiring to violate the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). Terry worked as an agent for the government of South Korea, receiving luxury gifts and covert payments in exchange for promoting South Korea’s policy positions and disclosing sensitive non-public government information.
16:20 Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), meeting with whistleblowers behind closed doors. Potus Trump was purposely given inexperienced, and in adequate coverage
on the day of the butler PA ralley. Here is what was said.
Hawley Reveals New Whistleblower Allegations Exposing ‘Loose’ Security Ahead of Trump Assassination Attempt
Friday, July 19, 2024
I hate to say it, but I think that Bongino is getting fed SPIN and LOOK SQUIRREL.
“Limited Hangout”
The video and info is from Stephen Gardner and not Dan I have not gotten to that part yet.
However Senator Hawley could certainly be fed Bull Schiff by “Whistleblowers”
It’s all complicated – but the audio analysis is something they can’t control or spin.
AND there are enough QUALIFIED people willing to do the work and post it on X.
I still think they lost the real brains in the Cabal. This attempt is too shoddy, unless the REAL OBJECTIVE was AND LOGIC.
Kill off POTUS Trump, AND ENRAGE MAGA driving them to violence (Or at least being able to SAY the violence was caused by MAGA.)
POTUS Trump and the Crowd in PA pretty much killed that ‘hope’ because the crowd did not react as expected.
That and we go back to the phone call to the police from the parents. However long he was gone from the house now we have to add flying a drone around the fair grounds to it.
I don’t think it was his drone. Seriously – I think it’s a lie.
Agreed. More effort to make people think he was a lone wolf.
Yes. They are beginning to react to the obvious second and maybe third shooter.
More info suggest drone was from the Water Tower….
Usually Dan Bongino says his sources are people he knows within the SS. I doubt they would be feeding him inaccurate information on purpose unless they have been compromised. But if they are friends whom he has kept up with, it seems likely they are on the up and up.
Yes, but they get their information second hand from their friends. Easy to break the trust circle if someone is not on the up and up.
The ones who are currently working as agents are giving firsthand information.
To someone who knows Bongino I’d think? Or turned onto Bongino and he’s assigning trust because they are in the club?
It is like soldiers that served together. You are going to trust them. That makes then the perfect conduit for misleading info.
Remember with ~5,000 agents, the guys Bongino knows were NOT in POTUS Trump’s detail in PA [The Cabal is NOT that stupid] That means all the info Bongino gets is THIRD HAND.
Feeding information is exactly how the other side works. McCabe worried about the media all day, feeding them crap.
Bad guys will feed the lies to good guys that Bongino trusts.
Very likely. All the people that do good reporting have likely gained new “trusted sources”. This is why they all need to be validated by multiple sources. The cream will rise to the top and we skim that.
Beware some kind of new narrative trying to save the coupist murderers.
ANYTHING to divert attention from the Secret Service and CIA AND SECOND SHOOTER.
T H I S.
I am sure the Cabal is quite willing to toss Director Kimberly Cheatle under the bus with a nice ‘Book Deal’ to soften the blow if needed.
Dot Connecting Anons
Forwarded from Just Human ️️️
“One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful.”
-Sigmund Freud
I think about this quote often, typically when reflecting on my life and the journey thus far.
However, lately I have been meditating on it in the macro context of the information war and our efforts to resist tyranny as we seek to restore liberty. Now that we have passed the convention, it is even more on my heart.
We are truly blessed to be living through this “most beautiful” time. To have experienced this history as it happened. Even the darkest of days and the most difficult of struggles have made us stronger, more resilient, and better equipped for the next.
These beautiful struggles, though often ugly at the time, also offered us opportunities to extract meaningful lessons, discover profound truths, and develop our ideas and understanding.
This difficult time sharpened and hewed us into the digital soldiers, the patriots, and the Americans that America needed us to be.
We now know the enemy and ourselves better than [they] know either the former or the latter.
We’ve all taken on some heavy, painful losses—myself included. It was not always fun, beautiful, or even meaningful at the time.
As the years go by and we get further into this century, I think we will sometimes find ourselves reflecting on this time period, on our experiences both good and bad, and even if we still hold on to some pain, some anger, some regret, some resentment—and who could blame us for holding on to such things?—a smile will cross our faces when we allow ourselves to recognize the beauty that was inherent in the struggle.
There is a lot of wisdom in what Kyle (Just Human) says. It is why I watch Defected.
God gives us trials to bring us closer to Him.
H/T Sylvia @ her site
MemesOfTruth @TheMemesOfTruth
In case it’s not clear, let me explain that what happened on 7/13 was an engineered event by the Biden administration.
They knew they were failing on the lawfare front, having only made Trump more popular.
The debate was the final straw, they had to act.
They needed a new plan.
Knowing that their constant calls for viol€nce had stokes the fires of hate on the left, they devised a way to ensure that hate had an outlet which would eliminate their political opponent.
But they needed was a way to do so that didn’t lead back to them. It had to be “some nut job”. So, the administration simply modified Trump’s secret service detail; refusing extra agent’s requested, pulling the highly qualified team who had been protecting Trump supposedly, and assigning agents both unqualified, and even some who had sworn NOT to protect him.
This new team left multiple security holes develop, including leaving the most obvious firing position COMPLETELY unguarded.
Then, they modified the operational rules such that it became possible to bring a ladder and range finder to an event, GET CAUGHT with those, and still be allowed in … with those items not confiscated!!
The secret service let an identified threat wander the event for hours, and reports of a man on the roof with a gun were ignored.
With a verified threat, they let Trump stay on stage without even warning him.
Snipers had “the” shooter in their scopes, but fire until after a SECOND round of shots into the audience (eg, they let a shooter get off multiple shots at Trump WITHOUT returning fire).
This supports the second shooter theory, because the counter snipers were probably ready to act, but were then startled by unexpected gunfire (watch the video).
Maybe he did not fire the first rounds, the second shooter did. Maybe this guy then just fired into the crowd and that’s when the counter snipers did him in.
This would explain how the terrible shot suddenly became a great shooter, and how someone with no experience build sophisticated, remotely activated, explosive devices.
He didn’t.
Whether it was one shooter or two, or if there was an inside operator or just the opening for a lunatic is irrelevant at this point.
What is relevant is that this was an effort by the ruling party to eliminate their political opponent.
Plain and simple.
All well said.
So the gunman flew a drone but the SS didn’t?
AND logic. The gunMEN were hosted by the USSS.
Would also explain “why” ole Joe caught covid.
Definitely couldn’t have him out there trying to answer questions.
IMO when Ms. Cheatle and her spokesliars talk about local LE, it’s code for the highly classified DS assassin team that was brought in under some pretext. The local cops were likely sidelined and told that this outsider team was going to use them as cover.
The truth is all hidden under a bunch of classified BS.
I agree. I’m just pointing out surface facts that the public can now see. I’d like to know what the Trump team is doing about the SS and security moving forward.
Kari at RNC
~Seven minutes.
Tucker at RNC.
BREAKING: Massive Fire Engulfs Dallas Area Church Led by Trump Supporter Pastor Robert Jeffress (VIDEO)By Mike LaChance Jul. 19, 2024 8:54 pm
Those $%#@ Terrorist burning churches in France are now here. It is not by chance they picked THAT CHURCH!
Corey laid to rest.
BREAKING: Democrat Rep. Sheila Lee Jackson Has Died
74 years old. Wasn’t she recently diagnosed with cancer?
Thank you. IMO, if Rep. Lee was “vaccinated” (IIRC, every DemCommunist in the House was), the Vax cannot be dismissed as a factor either in inducing or aggravating the cancer.
I agree. I read that she had had breast cancer years ago. I’ve also read of vaxed people having cancer return in some form after they had gone into remission.
H\T kyblue @ Sylvia’s
30 Year Texas Swamp Creature Sheila Jackson Has Died
She passed away from pancreatic cancer… which she just announced in June. (https://rumble.com/v4zbabz-dem-sheila-jackson-announced-she-has-pancreatic-cancer.html…)
https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f534.svg Her Accomplishments:
• Sheila loved Pedo Jewelry
• Sheila loved defending George Soros because he’s an “American Patriot”
• Sheila hated white people She introduced a House Bill to criminalize “conspiracy to commit white supremacy,” which includes any criticism of non-white people that influences (such as something published or said online) someone who commits a hate crime.
• Sheila will be remembered for saying
“The moon is made up mostly of gases so we can soon live inside it, unlike the sun which is almost too hot to go near….”
Weird how they’re all passing away, resigning, or developing some kind of health issue, right?
Some of the old guard who have been in Washington for decades are getting old and sick.
That was fast! Guess she tossess and turns for eternity or until after she’s led 20,000 lives as a maggot in a cistern or some such at which time she move up to rock if she’s lucky.
Pancreatic cancer is known to be a fast killer.
My sister died within 2 weeks of diagnosis.
How difficult. I’m sorry.
I’m sorry for your loss & the pain & suffering of your sister, family, & her loved ones
I’m going to say nothing at all.
I still can’t find my bottle of crocodile tears.
However, I do want her hat collection.
I don’t think she’s the one who wore all those hats. I remember seeing pics of her with braids on her head.
The hat lady is Frederica Wilson, from Florida.
That just shows that I don’t know much about donkeys.
Well if it’s crocodile tears we are speaking should then Democrat Rep Sheila Lee Jackson has a most high standard to meet in the hear after. Her life will be measured against a one of Ma’at’s feathers and should it be found heavy enough to tip the scales then the crocodile god shall gobble her up. The following are a list of things that may cause her heart to weigh more than one of Ma’at’s feathers. Somehow I don’t think she’ll do well in this test.
Her vote will be counted for who ever takes the donkey torch.
Evil woman.
I read in an archived NYTimes article that he was smart, a member of the National Honor Society and someone who could take a computer apart and put it back together. It would not surprise me if he was able to figure out how to get drone footage of the area.
But I don’t know what we can believe. The article said a drone was found in his car. Was it really? If so, was it really used to surveil the area?
And did he put it there? First we hear he has explosives in his car, and now a drone?
Yeah funny the way that got dripped out. Part of why people will question the veracity of it.
The question is WHICH GUNMAN? Crooks or the professional sniper who actually did the deed.
Was the drone used, not to check on Trump, but to see if Crooks was in place or at least around to play Patsy?
If this is true, which is questionable, it would make SS look like petty cheap fools for not flying their own drones.
According to Dan Bongino’s sources THEY DID NOT HAVE DRONES!
More tomorrow.
Can an author or Wolf please check to see if the post-kicker-outer-thingie needs some percussive maintenance?
I’ll check again and throw out a placeholder if nothing is out there now…..
Steve got it!
Help! Saturday’s post is stuck in purgatory.
Actually, it doesn’t even exist as scheduled or a draft. Not sure if Steve is working on it in some unsaved draft or not. Given that he has until noon tomorrow to get one in place.
Alternatively, his provider may have gone down in the cyber crap today.
According to the price of silver, gasoline in WA state is 20 cents a gallon.
If you pay in silver dimes.
That’s reassuring, because I think I remember when gas was around 30-40 cents a gallon, sometimes less.
I remember price wars happening below 25 cents. Dad would go to a station that was a penny cheaper than the closest one.
H/T kyblue @ Sylvia’s
Breaking Down the Truth: Second Shooter Theory
From the beginning, the Colonel (@ColonelTowner
) and I have been adamant: if there was a second shooter, they were positioned far behind the alleged suspect, nearly twice the distance away. And now, President Trump has just confirmed it in his speech.
In his words: “Our Secret Service Sniper, from a much greater distance and with only one bullet used, took the assassin’s life, took him out.” – President Donald Trump (RNC Convention Speech).
Trump is not just hinting; he’s dropping a bombshell. The real sniper took a single, deadly shot from a much greater distance. Trump just sent a clear message to the deep state: he knows exactly what went down. The truth is out, and it’s intense. #SecondShooter
That’s interesting…
Yes, remembers him saying that. It sounds like the Church Tower on Evans road? St Johns Church of Reform. The roof to where crooks was shooting from was in easy view of the Church Tower.
I don’t think a cause of death has been given. I imagine that, besides being his companion, she provided care for him since he is in his 90s.
H/T kyblue @ Sylvia’s
Wall Street Apes
WOW We’re Being “Allegedly” Lied To About The Microsoft Outage
“It wasn’t a cyber attack. It was an update from Microsoft. And he says, no. You are misinformed. That’s what they’re telling you.”
India guy in tech says it wasn’t an “Update.”
Coincidentally at the exact same time as the outage India’s largest crypto magically hacked, hundreds of millions now missing
“Are we being completely lied to again, and then as the truth comes out day by day, -2Well, this whole Microsoft update thing that, you know, it wasn’t an attack, it was just an update, but it affected people globally. Right? Okay.
— So I have a very good friend that lives in India, and I speak to him almost every day about social media and websites and whatever, and I couldn’t get in touch with him this morning.
So I figured it was the update from Microsoft could be the problem. Well, he finally gets back to me, and he says, I’m very sorry for the late reply, but we’re having major issues over here due to the cyber attack. I said, no. No.
It wasn’t a cyber attack. It was an update from Microsoft. And he says, no. You are misinformed. That’s what they’re telling you.
Oh, of course, this is hypothetical. You’ll have to check this out for yourself. I’m just saying, you know, a situation that could have happened. Anyways, so then he goes on and says, also, look up WazirX, I think it is. It’s a cryptocurrency thing in India.
They mysteriously lost $230,000,000 of cryptocurrency. Look it up because it’s hypothetical, and I don’t even know if you’ll find it on Google. Unbelievable. It will slowly probably come out — just like the Secret Service. But anyways, thanks media.
Thanks government for being so truthful to us.”
“India’s largest cryptocurrency exchange WazirX hacked”