Dear KAG: 20240724 Open Thread

Cover image: Kobuk Valley National Park, Alaska

Author’s note: this one is going in the can early as I have to deal with a family issue before dawn, aka an airport run. So, please, fill in whatever I missed in the comments.

Badlands News Brief – July 23, 2024

ECCE HOMO—The Transformation of Donald Trump

There Never Was A Mythical Time When ‘The News Was Just the News’

The source of national anxiety

92 Percent Of Kamala Harris’ Staff Left In Her First Three Years As VP

The Immediate Benefits of JD Vance as Trump’s VP

Stumbling Out Of The Gate: Harris Starts Race Down 11 Points, Even Worse Than Biden

U.S. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle Resigns – Mayorkas Appoints Ronald Rowe as Replacement

President Trump Discusses Assassination Attempt – Pledges to Declassify all Documentary Evidence

Senator Chuck Grassley Releases Body Cam Video Footage from LEO and Secret Service on Roof Where Trump Assassin Was Killed

X Files….

-15. Math people will understand.

I haven’t been across the river to check on the corn. It should be well into picking, though.

Steve Bannon went to prison for that.


Memes & Stuff

Yeah, no.

And the guy in the “City” shirt with the Arch…yeah, STL soccer fan.

Giraffes are usually so placid.

Kids will be kids.

Have a good day y’all.

(I don’t remember who brought this to a daily in the comments, but thanks.)

And, of course, the obligatory George Carlin:

Per the Boss:

I know I’ve put this up before, but this week, it is appropriate.

And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:

Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone

Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.

Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.

Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there. The “Rescue Thread” is also over there. In the event a rendezvous of the tree is needed, please check it out, as well as the newest rescue venue.

Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.

One other vital note:

Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.


MATTHEW 13:1-9

1That same day Jesus went out of the house and sat beside the sea. 2And great crowds gathered about him, so that he got into a boat and sat there; and the whole crowd stood on the beach. 3And he told them many things in parables, saying: “A sower went out to sow. 4And as he sowed, some seeds fell along the path, and the birds came and devoured them. 5Other seeds fell on rocky ground, where they had not much soil, and immediately they sprang up, since they had no depth of soil, 6but when the sun rose they were scorched; and since they had no root they withered away. 7Other seeds fell upon thorns, and the thorns grew up and choked them. 8Other seeds fell on good soil and brought forth grain, some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty. 9He who has ears, let him hear.”

Not the best, but not the worst, either. I sang the intro earlier this year.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.

Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.

And…members of the QTree who no longer participate for one reason or another.

It is quite clear, as per Wolf’s message from July, that we are under spiritual attack. Building up a robust arsenal of prayer and discipline is a must in fighting the enemy and his minions.

In that spirit, the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel from Tuesday’s threads, and the Breastplate of St. Patrick, not to mention the Litany of Humility are favorites recommended by exorcists in spiritual warfare.


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I think I’ve got it figured out.

Today is hump day:

Last edited 1 month ago by pgroup2

Camel Day is complete.


Thank you, De Pat, for this wonderful Wednesday post!


Oh, and…..


Great job. Camel Day it is!


John Mayall has died…a great musician…


Now I’ve really got the blues.  😥 


While he was, himself, a great musician, his primary talent was probably recognizing the greatness in other musicians. Among the alumni of his band are Eric Clapton, John McVie, Jack Bruce, Aynsley Dunbar, Peter Green, Mick Taylor, and Mick Fleetwood,



that’s what makes him great.

Last edited 1 month ago by smiley2
Valerie Curren

Here’s one that popped up. I’m sorry to say I was not familiar with him or his music. RIP


BREAKING: Trump just filed a BOMBSHELL legal complaint against Kamala Harris and the Democrat party. He says they violated federal election law when Biden laundered his campaign cash to Kamala

“Kamala Harris is seeking to perpetrate a $91.5 million dollar heist of Joe Biden’s leftover campaign cash — a brazen money grab that would constitute the single largest excessive contribution and biggest violation in the history of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, as amended”

Trump says Biden and Kamala “flagrantly violating the Act by making and receiving an excessive contribution of nearly one hundred million dollars, and for filing fraudulent forms with the Commission purporting to repurpose one candidate’s principal campaign committee for the use of another candidate.”


Scamala Harris + Act Blue…money laundering…


Last edited 1 month ago by smiley2
Valerie Curren

hope this lets that tweet show


the fix is in !

Harris is the female Obama.

BTW, didn’t Crooks donate $$$ to ActBlow…oops…ActBlue ?

Valerie Curren

as per usual  😆 


IMO — KamaHarr is the female conduit and puppet of Obama.

Last edited 1 month ago by PAVACA
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes he did!


Just like they used Ukraine and China in money laundering and other schemes.

Remember how Fake Native American Elizabeth Warren used one of their programs CFPB as a go around Congress means to get money.

Wictor pointed out: “The Obama Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) collected and stored consumer data on credit cards and mortgages through disclosure rules, a consumer complaint database, and enforcement actions; this collection violated privacy laws and put consumers at risk of data breaches.”

No Democrat program or agenda is ever good – !

Last edited 1 month ago by GA/FL
Valerie Curren

That’s a great & pertinent recall. Amazing what they get away with  😡 

Gail Combs

In the MatriXXXX and ShadyGroove fingered Hansjörg Wyss a long time ago.

Arabella Advisors: The Third Pillar of Election Integrity

As you know, Q has said, “All assets [F] + [D] being deployed” (Foreign + Domestic) and “They all have foundations & institutes for a reason. Stupid!”

…Throughout our research, Eric Kessler’s name kept coming up. So, who is Eric Kessler, and where does he fit into the story? During the Clinton Administration, Eric was appointed by Bill Clinton as a White House appointee. He helped manage conservation issues during the Clinton administration. His tenure is not well known. We surmise Eric served from 1993-2001.

In 2004 Democrats suffered severe losses even with the Clinton Machine full steam ahead. After their vast defeat, George Soros (and possibly Hansjorg Wyss) convened a meeting of the top liberal strategists and progressive donors to conduct an autopsy of what went wrong. From that meeting, they formed a network of donors who committed to funding leaders and institutions that would last well into the future of election cycles. They invested in policy shops, watchdog groups, and training centers—an activist playground. As a result of this meeting, the idea of a new foreign dark money consultancy group was born: Arabella Advisors.

In 2005, Eric Kessler founded a little for-profit consultancy group called Arabella Advisors, which has turned into a $1.7 billion “dark money” behemoth for the democratic party. In 2006, Eric founded a 501(c)(3) called The New Venture Fund, and in 2009, they launched a 501(c)(4) called the Sixteen Thirty Fund.

 Much more here

MGShow Arabella Dig — Telegram

Hansjörg Wyss who is a Swiss citizen sits on the board of the progressive Center for American Progress, founded by Podesta.





Tie all the money up in court until after the election 👍



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I tweeted this at the FEC….


GOING VIRAL: A Latino band called “Grupo Norteño Gethsemani de Los Angeles” has come out with a song currently going viral, which speaks of the attempted assassination on Donald Trump, saying he was protected by God. (English Captions inc)


Definitely not my kind of music, but good for them!

Valerie Curren

ditto 🙂


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read somewhere that BLM isn’t thrilled with this.

paranoid about the “DEI hire” label Harris (first Black woman) is getting.

Last edited 1 month ago by smiley2

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immoral, corrupt & malignant, the only way they have “power” is money.

dark money.

and lots of it.

the only way to destroy that “power” is to compromise & eradicate the money source(s).

defund it.

then watch them destroy themselves.

evidence, alone, isn’t enough because it’s too politically radioactive.

Last edited 1 month ago by smiley2

Sean Cooksey:

House Democrats are now trying to silence me as @FEC Chairman for raising questions about President Biden giving VP Harris all of his campaign cash. All I did was quote federal regulations.

Why are Democrats afraid of the law?


“Why are Democrats afraid of the law?”


They’re not afraid of the law, the law just isn’t relevant to their objectives.

The democrats are literally a mafia, organized crime, people who accomplish their objectives through a systematic and progressive series of steps, including threats, coercion, intimidation and assassination.

They want the money, the $100+ million or whatever the latest figure is.

Cooksey dared to raise an objection.

They will now proceed to threaten, coerce, intimidate, and if it truly became necessary, assassinate him, if he was the actual and only obstacle (which he isn’t and won’t be).

They have killed lots of people for far less than $100+ million dollars.

Last edited 1 month ago by scott467
Gail Combs

Beat me to it. If I was Cooksey, I would hire security!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The CRIMS are loose, and it will get UGLY.

They already took a shot at Trump. Expect things THEM to escalate.

Last edited 1 month ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Gail Combs

I am thinking of all the NYC cops who ‘Suicided’ after the Wienie Wiener Laptop was seized AND all the Los Vegas witnesses who died AND all the DC Capitol cops who ‘Suicided’ after Jan-6th.

The Cabal thinks nothing of getting rid of ‘inconvenient witnesses.


He knows they’re not afraid. He’s couching it in terms that more easily penetrate the public psyche.


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Gail Combs

OH NO!   :wpds_beg: 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He took the shot. Spike protein is not nice to the retina!!!

Gail Combs

ALSO, inconvenient people have a habit of dying in hospitals.


Posted his newsletter below along with another link.

Last edited 1 month ago by TradeBait2

It’s that D@MNED COVID-19 “vaccine” that Steve Kirsch took!

Here’s where the FDA KNEW that this could happen — from the Pfizer-BioNTech document that they company gave to the FDA in APRIL 2021 regarding BNT162b2:

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God help Mr. Kirsch get through the surgery successfully — and KEEP the sight in his right eye.

ALL interested persons need, IMO, to save and/or print out the above document from Pfizer-BioNTech, found here:


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What is this all about? Anybody have a quickie explanation?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent! Thank you!

Here is the subtitle:

Bailey argued that the prosecution of former President Donald Trump in his hush money case, along with the court’s gag orders, damaged Missourians’ right to hear him speak freely ahead of the election.

Gail Combs

It is a very short article and worth reading.


That annoying First Amendment again!

  :wpds_shock:   :wpds_unamused: 

Gail Combs



A reminder — in NY, supreme court is NOT the highest court. It’s just your basic trial court judge from which appeals can be taken.

Valerie Curren

The article above says this order is from SCOTUS

Gail Combs

…The United States Supreme Court on Monday ordered the state of New York to respond to a lawsuit filed by the state of Missouri by this Wednesday, according to Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey….



BTW, ‘ordered’ means nothing. Any time a complaint is filed by a state in SCOTUS, the clerk sets a response time.

Valerie Curren

kind of like “mandate” 😉 😉


All of the following is from the article:

Donald Trump scored a significant court win Saturday as a state judge in Florida turned down attempts by the Pulitzer Prize Board to toss out a libel lawsuit Trump filed in 2022 relating to a series of reports in the New York Times and Washington Post on the 2016 Trump campaign’s ties to Russia.

In a 14-page ruling issued Saturday, Senior Judge Robert Pegg turned down arguments from the prominent journalism awards panel that their decision to bestow the national reporting prize on the staffs of the two newspapers in 2018 amounted to a statement of “pure opinion” rather than fact.

The libel suit does not hinge directly on the articles the Times and Post published about the Trump campaign’s links to Russia or on the decision to award the Pulitzer to the newspapers.

Instead, the case focuses on the board’s decision in 2022 to publicly reaffirm those awards despite repeated complaints by Trump that the the stories contained numerous falsehoods and were undermined by the findings of special counsel Robert Mueller’s two-year investigation into those issues.

Trump appears to have zeroed in on the board’s 2022 statement about the reviews it ordered of the earlier prizes because Florida law has a two-year statute of limitations for defamation cases.

This means the Trump team now has right to discovery.

…The rulings mean Trump’s suit will likely continue into a discovery phase, where the former president’s lawyers will be able to question Pulitzer board members about discussions related to the awards to the Times and Post. Trump’s attorneys are also expected to seek to expose who conducted the two reviews the board said it commissioned that reaffirmed the accuracy of the newspapers’ work.

As Spanky would say…
The last thing on EARTH the press and media need right now – in the middle of a disastrous presidential campaign season where they’ve been completely exposed as the arch co-conspirators in massive plots to install and maintain an animatronic cadaver as President of the United States and facilitated the coup that replaced him (all to the risible cry of “saving democracy”) – is to have their filthy little secrets and names named in an open court of law.


Dirty deeds [not] done dirt cheap. The price paid for the coverup is far greater than the price would have been for confession and apology.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene:

Her resignation isn’t the end of this failure for FORMER Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle, who reported to Mayorkas.

She will not get to slither away and enjoy retirement.

Cheatle and Mayorkas will face accountability for actions, including possible criminal investigations.

I won’t let this go unanswered!


Operation Claw Back. All her salary and pension were paid under fraud [she didn’t fulfill the purpose of the job in good faith yet she took the money].

Gail Combs


Barb Meier

When they are done with Cheatle, they should go back and do the same to Lois Lerner, James Comey, and the 350 on Ivan’s list.


If DJT doesn’t do this, he’s validating that crime does pay.


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BREAKING: Trump received a letter from Mahmoud Abbas, the President of Palestine, and responded, “Mahmoud, So Nice, Thank You. Everything will be good.”

Trump is going to bring peace to the Middle East once again

I pray the Lord Jesus Christ brings resolution to the conflict between Palestinians and Israelis and ends all innocent lives from being taken in Gaza or Israel; only Jesus can.


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Valerie Curren

Here’s that Chuck Grassley released video, Jesse Waters mentions in the top tweet & my partial insights (copied from late yesterday’s Q-Tree)

Around 1:40 the guy whose bodycam is being viewed points to an open window & says “Greg” is in there & he took the “sniper” photo (by the wall presumably)

he shortly thereafter says that Greg is the “one who sent the pictures“…

Then the bodycam guy starts scrolling images on his phone so if someone w/ tech/image enhancing capability is watching the video they might be able to enhance what’s on bodycam guy’s phone screen to potentially see images that were not yet released?

“our sniper saw him (“Crooks”) walking away from his bike and stuff”

2:09 pretty clear image of guy in black suit w/ red tie whom bodycam guy is sharing info, there is a round lapel pin that could also be image enhanced as well as using facial recognition stuff (like Ya’acov Apelbaum used in his brilliant Mechanics of Deception piece) to help identify this person

2:14 black suit asks if there is somebody detained & bodycam guy says he doesn’t know
shortly after black suit says that his guys said that the guy detained was the owner of the bike but then he points to “Crooks’” body & says “that’s the owner of the bike” (VC note so now “Crooks” was driving a car, a van, AND riding a bike…hmmm)

2:47 the water tower is in the shot & it appears to still have the black figure on the right
shortly thereafter there is electronic voice info, like over a communication device, so that if someone has audio analysis capability they might be able to clean it up & identify what is being said by that as well as other people there that the closed captioning is not capturing the dialogue they intermittently contribute…

about 3:20 he’s talking about having “no problem” detaining people who were filming the roof guy before shots were fired, to find out if they were also involved…

about 3:40 black suit is trying to get info to relay back to “DC” & he says one shooter, one deceased (from the crowd), 3 injured, 2 life-flighted/helicoptered out…

3:55 they mention the water tower “any LE?”

from comments at boob tube, 40 replies on this Q so far

@jeffmilks45011 hour ago
did someone say “ do we have access to a drone to clear the water tower?” Clear indication that was left unsecured as well.

Gail Combs

Wolfie said he might repost this today so I am going to do it for him since it has been bothering me.

Dr Cole tried to corner POTUS Trump on the Cloth Shot and Trump evade him.

At that point these two men ascribe MOTIVES to POTUS Trump. I think they are DEAD WRONG.

The simplest explanation, and one that I think is part of it, is the Left would USE Trump coming out against the Clot Shot against him politically. We saw that with HCQ and that woman poisoning her husband with fish tank cleaner. Also Trump does not want emotions towards HIM to interfere with a person’s decisions.

More important, what has Trump told us from DAY ONE?


And he meant what he said.

When they Left tried to corner him on Abortion he said, I returned it to the States where it belongs and refused to allow them to continue to ride their favorite hobby horse.

On the Clot shot he said he would never mandate it, THE CHOICE WAS OURS. We as a people ALSO have the choice of putting pressure on congress to CHANGE THE LAWS and on prosecutors and courts to go after Big Pharma.

This is not to say he will not go after the corruption, however I think he wants us to learn to use the power we actually have instead of trying to find a ‘Strongman’ to lean on. (See Tucker & Jack Posobiec ‘s discussion on Neocons, revolutions, deliberate flaws in our government & the attack on Christianity for an interesting take on the ‘Strongman trap’. start at 1:32:30)


Serious question: is that text below the video your statement or did you cut-and-paste it? [I’m guessing that it’s your personal prose]

I only ask because I was beginning to despair that nobody else saw the Trump situation in the same manner as I did.

Gail Combs

All the Text is mine. I always try to indicate other people’s work with ” work”


This is someone else’s work



Gail Combs

FWIW, trying to formulate and come up with HOW to articulate those two possibilities kept me up much of last night.

I knew he had those reasons in a foggy sort of way but it took a while for me to solidify the concepts into simple concrete statements.


You did good.  😍 


I get so friggin’ irritated by people riding their own personal hobby horse right off a cliff!

Do these dumbasses think they’ll be better off with Kamala deciding whether or not to MANDATE vaccines?

Stupid cunts like these guys could cost me my free choice and ultimately my life! Shut the hell up about it already.

Gail Combs

They are so ‘NARROW FOCUSED’ they do not see the broader picture.


We do not need to continue to take ‘Friendly fire’ This was my MAJOR problem with Patrick Gunnels, Flatrick, WHY in H are you dragging Flat Earth, The moon landing is fake, Nukes don’t exist, Viruses & Bacteria don’t cause disease…. up NOW??? WHEN WE NEED UNITY! Unless of course your GOAL is actually the smearing of MAGA as Kooks.


Uh-huh. Exactly.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well said!

I think there is a hidden point, which Cole implies but does not state explicitly, which is true, and which is also implied by what you say.

IMO, Trump is NOT going to reverse his position on the vaccines, ever. Those who think he’ll set up some commission to go after the shots themselves, or mRNA, or anything like that, are hoping for something that will never happen.

IMO, Trump will allow the FIGHT to go on, outside of government, but he will not do anything like appointing RFKJ to go after vaccines, appointing some commission, etc. Not in my opinion.

And I’m OK with that. As long as THE PEOPLE have free speech, we have a way to help scientists be honest, by contradicting the FAKE NEWS.

Gail Combs

If he wipes OUT the corruption in DC, which is the ROOT CAUSE, then the rest will take care of it’s self.

That is why I think Ivan Raiklin is correct. USE THE STATE COURTS. We are already seeing this happening.



A story in the NY Post today about an 80 YO man run over by a Trump hater for putting up Trump signs.

God bless us everyone, and please Lord keep safe Trump supporters in the dark days ahead.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Demons. The DEMONS want a fight.



So … what’s the problem? I don’t see a problem.


I’ve been building up steam for a rant about GDP. There are three approaches to measuring GDP, which should theoretically all result in the same number [ ]. Each approach has its own peculiar emphasis…..but the only one you’ll hear on TV is the lazy one [by expenditure — GDP (Y) is the sum of consumption (C), investment (I), government Expenditures (G) and net exports (X – M). Y = C + I + G + (X − M) ]. [You’ll also see it in the following rap video —

— at 1:45.]

The thing is, real people make decisions about consumption — if they want to eat beans for a month in order to go to Disneyland, that’s their choice. Similarly, people tend to be somewhat persnickety in their investment decisions. Foreigners tend to make rational decisions about what they buy from us or sell to us………but government expenditures are unhinged from such concerns, being thoroughly laden with Waste, Fraud, and Abuse (grift) when they aren’t just a bad idea in the first place.

And this leads back to the government blaming consumers for inflation, or investors for inflation, when the great majority of inflation is driven by government spending on grift.

That’s why the fraudulently named “Inflation Reduction Act” passed in the Biden Administration took inflation from a low rate (under Trump) to the highest rate in 40 years — the thing was one giant sticky lump of rancid grift.

Last edited 1 month ago by cthulhu

A little further video…..

If there is one word to attach to Keynesian Economics in your mind, it’s “flow”. Boost the flow and it boosts the good.

If there is one word to attach to Austrian Economics in your mind, it’s “malinvestment”. Some things are just bottomless ratholes.


Yup. Lies and damn lies…

Spot on, coothie.

Which is why they teach none of the truth in public schools as well as bend it in colleges.

It is a system of government corruption that rewards the most corrupt politicians and bribers of same to screw over We the People for their own enrichment.

Gail Combs

“Inflation is the surest way to fertilize the rich man’s field with the sweat of the poor man’s brow.” – Charles Holt Carroll (also attributed to Daniel Webster)

“Of all the contrivances for cheating the laboring classes of mankind, none has been more effectual than that which deludes them with paper money. It is the most effectual of inventions for fertilizing the rich man’s field by the sweat of the poor man’s brow. Ordinary tyranny, oppression, excessive taxation bear lightly on the masses of community, compared with fraudulent currencies and the robberies commiteted by depreciated paper money.” — Daniel Webster.

What has been wiped from the internet, was ALDRICH raised a toast at a dinner with that sentence just after the Federal Reserve Act was passed. The Aldrich Act was the original Federal Reserve act. It did not pass so it was booted to the OTHER arm of the Uniparty.

Somewhere I had that archived with the date and location.


I’m sorry, but we are being PLAYED.

Watch this video in the link

The riddle me this Batman- We have all seen the TMZ video of the supposed “shooter” “Bear crawling” on the roof into position as the onlookers SCREAM for help.

Well, in that video the “shooter is wearing LONG brown or Khaki pants. In the body cam video in the link above, the shooter, as in his supposed SS surveillance picture, is wearing grey SHORTS.

Where did the long brown khaki pants go?

If he took them off, WHY that was a 94 F sunny day on a white roof. I am certain the temp of that roof would be hot enough to BURN his skin, why wear shorts?

Also, why is his rifle 10′ or more away? If the SS moved it, where is the evidence marker?


Only one conclusion, Crooks was the fall guy, he may have been there to take a shot, but HE was not THE shooter. I thought we did not have bodycam video…oops, now you know WHY.

I want just ONE Congress critter to ask Wray or any SS or Mayorkas, under OATH these simple questions. ANY obfuscation, or blaming on “an ongoing investigation” should lead to PRISON, immediate prison, to help jog their memory.


There is a pattern that early after an event, a lot of false information is given out.

For example, we had two different names for the shooter before the name Crooks appeared.

Even now, it’s hard to discern what is true fact and what is deception, smoke and mirrors.

I’ve been fooled more than once by false statements, statistics, memes etc. put out by someone supposedly on our side.

We may never know why the buildings with the closest clear shot to President Trump’s podium were not secured. The sloped roof statement was downright ludicrous.

Or why Crooks was allowed to take a shot before being eliminated. Was it to cover for the real shooters?

We will likely not be given the real ballistics reports about the bullets that left Crooks’ gun, the bullets that hit 3 Trump supporters and killed one of them and the bullet that killed Crooks.

The assassination attempt seems to follow the usual pattern – where an unbalanced mentally ill person is used – by a US agency on behalf of US political powers – as an instrument of bloodshed and death – in the service of their agendas.

I’m extremely doubtful that we will ever get the true facts about this planned operation.

Gail Combs

HOWEVER, unlike with Kennedy, many people think the Cabal/US government is involved. AND the more Biden Admin officials stonewall and dance, the more people become convinced.

It took a while but now the majority of Americans think elections are stolen.

According to Rasmussen Reports:

A majority of voters suspect recent elections have been affected by cheating, and believe officials are ignoring the problem.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 60% of Likely U.S. voters think it is likely that cheating affected the outcomes of some races in last year’s midterm elections, including 37% who say it’s Very Likely. Thirty-five percent (35%) don’t believe it’s likely the 2022 midterms were affected by cheating, including 20% who think it’s Not At All Likely

pat frederick

not only that, but by refusing to give us facts, they’ve unleashed a public determined to know the truth. instead of one investigator–they’ve created hundreds.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Their trained assassins were not supposed to miss.

Just like Cankles was not supposed to lose.

Maybe it is time for folks consider there may be other forces in play?

How did PDT win in 2016 with all they threw against him? How did he lose in 2020? What have we learned since that election steal occurred? It was was permitted to occur and stand by elected officials and the judiciary. Why did he turn his head in the split second that he needed to avoid death on July 13?

The battle of good versus evil continues.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


And in that battle, minimal moves by the top player, hidden in the randomness of the system, keep good on top, maximizing some desired product of the system.

Which obviously doesn’t sound Biblical, but certainly is, with the proper interpretation.

Gail Combs

God works THRU men. HE only gives a required nudge now and again.

Barb Meier

On the bright side, it got rid of Pence.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent. We’re moving things where they need to be.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent statement and fully agreed. There are many lies going on.

Something I really hate are the photos with the shooter digitally blurred or even erased. COVER-UP!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Side question – has Yearick appeared in public? I can see a FIB conspiracy using them both.


From the movie ‘Shooter’

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Here’s another link to the video.

Graphic video shows Thomas Crooks dead moments after Trump assassination attempt, confirms Secret Service was warned

Several things bother me about this.

(1) They mention other people having been detained. WHAT THE HELL!!! I would love more information on this. I believe they say somebody was on a bike. Huh?

(2) Did Crooks or Yearick or both of them have the extensive forearm tattoos? The dead shooter on the roof does, in other photos.

(3) The lower-level people on the roof keep trying to tell the presumed USSS officer in a suit, to talk to the people in the window, and he seems to ignore them repeatedly. That’s weird. He doesn’t want to talk about the people in the window.

(4) The backpack below the shooter apparently wasn’t his – it was apparently from a first responder, if I’m hearing things correctly.

(5) I suspect this was leaked on purpose for some reason, likely to drive a particular point of the narrative, like single shooter.


Agreed on all. ONE of the list of things that lead to this shooting could be plausibly believed and attributed to incompetence. The fact that a myriad of things had to occur for this to even be attempted, broaches incompetence, and falls under a failed plot.

The Cabal essentially created a window, with means, motive, opportunity, and filled that window with a patsy. The REAL shooter missed due to the divine head tilt, and there was no contingency once the initial volley missed.

The Cabal were out of time, to do away with the patsy, and have the real shooter escape.

Trump essentially saved himself. First with the head tilt (God) and second by having the instinct to realize what happened/was happening, and to get down under cover immediately.

The Cabal didn’t thanks to HIS quick action, have time for a second volley, only a spray INTO the crowd. Look, Wolf, that is the SECOND miracle, the fire into the crowd SHOULD have caused PANIC and a stampede, which would have been used to cover the REAL assassin’s getaway.

The fact that not only did the crowd stay put, but also remained calm, turned TOWARDS the direction of the shots fired, and more importantly, FILMED that direction, lead to the hasty real assassin retreat, and not time for a 2nd round, thus saving Trump AND the crowd.

Who knows what they were going to unleash in the panic that was supposed to hit. Was that what the “explosive devices” for for, to create even more panic, and not just death? as COVER for the getaway.

I believe by not panicking, Trump, the crowd adjusted the Cabal plans.

That adjustment is now being ACTIVLELY covered up.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great comments, and I’m with you on that!

PS – Gail and I just put up a dedicated resource thread for saving information about the assassination attempt.


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NOTE ADDED BY WOLF: Please save all crucial information about the attempted assassination of President Trump HERE. There may be other articles later – we will make sure to link those HERE. Please also add reference links back to this post. Thank you! W

I am going to put this up fast. It will …

Gail Combs


And thanks for adding the header image. I can no longer add a header image.

I will still put up a second article and link it to the first. I have a LOT MORE bookmarks to add. too many for the comments.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Don’t complicate things with TWO articles – I just increased the number of links allowed in a comment from 50 to 500. Try comments.

Gail Combs


That makes it easier since I can do it in batches.


As Usual Rex….. Thanx a million
Keep up the good work and don’t be a stranger 🙂

Valerie Curren

I think the dead guy on the roof is Yearick. Apparently his buddy Hooper was arrested shirtless & thrown in a white tent shortly after the shootings. Crooks, if he’s the guy pictured by the retaining wall as photographed by “Greg”, may have been used as a distraction to get legit LE out of the second floor before the actual shooting began. Elsewhere on this page I shared some picks of Yearick, Hooper, & the girl “Lisa” who was arrested with them in 2016 for some criminal activity at/near a Trump Rally then…


ha !

I’ve been watching the Shooter tv series with Ryan Phillippe in the Bob Lee role, Wahlberg was one of its producers.

Atlas 🕵👤

it’s spooky alright…

but what’s happening here in real time is far spookier.


Not spooky SCARY. They were millimeters away from utter CHAOS and i believe civil war. They ALMOST won. God intervened. It is a national tragedy that Corey had to die, and others had to be catastrophically injured.

It just goes to show, I believe, they KNOW they cannot BEAT Trump, they BELIEVE they cannot CHEAT Trump, they could not successfully lawfare Trump, and that their ONLY way out was to murder him.

They KNEW Joe was not going to make it, their objective was to kill Trump TWO days before the convention to throw our side into even MORE chaos than they were about to do with Biden. Thereby allowing the Cabal to not only install a DEM puppet, but ALSO a REP puppet in the void left if Trump were dead, using our sorrow and chaos to do it.

THAT is what is REALLY scary.



Valerie Curren

They are Demons!   :wpds_evil: 


Yearick’s parents…in Arizona…have made a Missing Person’s report with local LE…he hasn’t been seen since day of attempted assassination, according to this…


and, yes, IIRC, he has/had tattoos on arm and (I think ?) leg(s).

so….what about that van…with the Arizona plates ?

regarding Yearick + tattoos, there’s this…


I dunno boy….this Yearick angle has had my interest since Day 1 of this.

Last edited 1 month ago by smiley2
Gail Combs

From that article:

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Some attendees have said a person who looked like Yearick was seen wearing a police uniform.


Nah that’s just tin foil stuff.



AZ. Lotsa desert out there. PA. Lotsa mountains out there.

Across America, lotsa remote area few venture. Bad guys have shovels.

Gail Combs

“…PA. Lotsa mountains out there…” AND CAVES…

Caves are good for temporarily stashing bodies alive or dead.


Laughing here. Yes, caves are good also.

Desert. Lotsa very remote mine shafts, no one ever goes in. Drop body in AND forget. No one will ever find it.

Gail Combs

Especially if killed by heart attack gun, broken neck….

Last edited 1 month ago by Gail Combs

This grainy photo does make it seem as if Crooks was wearing pants.
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This one however does not. It looks like shorts.
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Also keep in mind the roof was white, which will reflect heat as opposed to absorb it and while hot, may not of been hot enough to absolutely demand pants.

All that said though, they are clearly manipulating through photo’s what we are being told we see. Unfortunately we’ve left such a large example strewn through out our page it would be difficult at this point to gather them all together to further the point.


Will add that there are certainly no bullet casings to be found in any of the pics or vids that shows the roof top and more importantly no markers for where they might of been which is clearly not the convention for gathering evidence.

Eventually they will be produced as a matter of course at which time they will need to be compared to the vids and pics we have been given and the new photos which will have to be produced eventually unless they wish to say they all rolled off the roof which would be highly suspect since all would likely get stuck on the sides as they rolled back.

Gail Combs

As usual I have bookmarked ALL the info brought to the QTree and I have archived off line ‘Notes’

Does the QTree want me to toss together the info I have gathered as I am doing on:

The Deagel Report: US Population Reduction of 68.5% by 2025

So it is all in one place?

It would be fast and a hodge-podge but at least it would be all in one place for referencing.

Valerie Curren

I like the one place idea!

Gail Combs

We will see if others do too. (It is a lot of work.)

Valerie Curren

Unlike some I don’t claim to speak for the Q-Tree 😉 😉 But this assassination attempt is going to draw A Lot of continuing analysis here, as it should, so likely this info will feature heavily in the daily threads in the days, weeks, & possibly months going forward.

If you do a feature piece, having the basic Factual info, like photos including aerial overview shots w/ locations of players, audio analysis videos, charts w/ that analytic data would be important to include there. The conversation about the ongoing developments will continue unabated in the dailies presumably…

Gail Combs


As I said it will be just a Data Dump and nothing more.

Somewhere we can archive more info as it comes up.

Valerie Curren

Makes sense 🙂

Gail Combs

I did the first data dump up til July 14th, and WordPiss would not let me post. 🙄

I think I overloaded it with links.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s up now.


comment image

NOTE ADDED BY WOLF: Please save all crucial information about the attempted assassination of President Trump HERE. There may be other articles later – we will make sure to link those HERE. Please also add reference links back to this post. Thank you! W …

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

PS – I just increased the number of links from 50 to 500, before it goes in the bin.

See if that helps.

Gail Combs


Valerie Curren

Great Job–TYSVM!!!


Make sure to include the Audio sample analysis

Gail Combs

I think it is already there. I do have that bookmarked.


Here is a better photo I found. It shows a similar, but clearer view of your first photo. He’s wearing shorts:

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Well spotted !
Screen shotted just in case, now want a good clear picture of him wearing long trousers.
Some versions of that vid I’ve seen are missing that bit that just catches the body.
At about 12 seconds in…×1080/HAzTGDVxauxLFI9N.mp4?tag=16

Valerie Curren

I think Crooks, if he’s the one in the pic on the ground by the retaining wall, was there to distract LE from the second floor (deliberately part of the plot) while Yearick was the one on the roof who May have shot the AR & was apparently killed. Yearick’s buddy Hooper was apparently arrested shirtless & thrown inside a white tent shortly after the shootings happened (they were both arrested, along w/ a girl, for something connected to a 2016 Trump rally previously & perhaps got the band back together for this “adventure”).

pat frederick

I’ve been stewing over this for a bit and i’m just throwing it out there.
what if the plot wasn’t about assassination? what if the plot was about getting the President to change venues all along?
no matter WHO they put up against President Trump, they were never going to match his crowds–never. MAGA is huge. so how do they avoid the embarrassing comparisons between his rallies and the dem’s candidate’s rallies–which would EMPHASIZE that they stole ANOTHER election (presuming their side “wins” again)?
they need to reduce his crowds and since the trials/lawsuits certainly didn’t diminish those crowds–they needed something else. an ATTEMPT. that might possibly scare off spectators/ rally goers AND intimidate President Trump into choosing a more subdued venue.
maybe the left is just capitalizing on this failed attempt.


More’n likely the evil globalist elites who planned the assassination thought

they would have Trump’s head blown off on live TVthat would end MAGA for sure – even if they missed,that would end his huge outdoor rallies because Trump’s followers would be scared to come.The assassination planners were WRONG – MAGA is stronger and bigger than ever. 

More people showed up and even stood outside the next rally which was indoors, even though they could be shot or harassed by leftist crazies as was done at other Trump events in the past. 

Trump’s support has grown among minorities and even among former Democrats since he was shot.

Last edited 1 month ago by GA/FL
pat frederick

they definitely misjudged the resolve of MAGA haven’t they?

Gail Combs


They expected MAGA to cower and stampede createding even more injuries.

Barb Meier

Leftists think everyone thinks like they do. I suppose that’s always a problem people have. Not being able to see through the eyes of others clearly. Dems think everyone is focused on money and power. Not everyone thinks that way.

Gail Combs

“…Dems think everyone is focused on money and power AND THEMSELVES….”

The SELFISH aspect of the left is one point we often overlook and yet it is the direct link to Satan/Evil.

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Barb Meier

Excellent point, Gail! Thanks! I once knew a guy in Houston who read Aleister Crowley. I was never interested in it. It’s all fun and games for some, until the demons arrive.


Classic narcissists.

Barb Meier

Yes, indeed. I have wondered to myself why democrats seem to pick the most broken people to lead others. Clinton’s dad abandoned him, IIRC. He grew up to be a rapist. Obama’s mom, dad, and step-dad abandoned him. His grandpa and grandma let him hang out with Frank Marshall Davis (commie). Some democrats seem to worship Obama. Now they hoist Kamala. She has nothing to recommend her. God has chosen broken people but they get better by following his counsel. Democrats are not God.

Gail Combs

Try Wolfie’s AND Logic

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – that is the way these “events” work. Multiple goals are accomplished for all outcomes. The spectrum of delivered goals varies.

The really big events (like COVID) have no “nice” pathways for Trump to pick. Typically, “charging the ambush” leads to the best bad outcome for those.

The only question then becomes when to turn the tables fully on the attackers.


^^^ This.

Gail Combs

“…The really big events (like COVID) have no “nice” pathways for Trump to pick….”

ALL of Trump’s good alternatives to Covid were blocked. It is worth reading Dr Navarro’s In Trump Time to see how the knives were stuck in his back.

I have quoted passage;s from time to time.

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I’d only quibble on the thought that they’d just stop with an attempt, meaning just to wing him. Coming within once centimeter of that bullet entering Trump’s brain explains their intent was indeed what you have in mind but with Trump dead, assassinated, killed in public, so as to deter further attempts by the MAGA crowd to gather in large numbers and demand their rights and the protection of our nation state.


Assassinate Trump was the primary goal. S T O P Trump. Remove Trump.

Intimidate MAGA AND All Americans secondary. <<<>>> O B E Y.

Last edited 1 month ago by kalbokalbs
Robert Baker

Pat, that may be a little too far into the analytical weeds. If the intention was to miss, they would not have hit him in the ear, way too close to the target for an intended miss. Their aim would have been nowhere close to the head. The plot was to kill him

Last edited 1 month ago by Robert Baker

I agree.

I feel the same about people speculating that it was for show, and Trump was in on it. That shot was WAY too close for that.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The fact that the two follow-up shots MISSED tells me that he was likely saved by something like the scope having been knocked off its zero by several inches.


Nerves got to the shooter(s).

Lost complete control, focus of taking another well placed shot.

Gail Combs

Again, I am not a shooter, however if the sniper was using major magnification could he have ‘lost’ the bead since he was NOT using a tripod?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trump moving his head at the last second may well have thrown the sniper off, combined with his scope being knocked off zero. The combination made him correct in the wrong direction, I’m betting.

If he had corrected in the right direction, meaning to the right, he would have hit Trump.

Let’s say he thought that he was off to the RIGHT instead of the left. The next shots then went into space.

Barb Meier

I think in the video by the gun expert, he said the shooter’s gun had no magnification. Hmmm… that link needs to be in the Assasssination post.

Gail Combs

Barb, that was the patsy’s gun. The sniper’s gun, even if a twin to Crooks would be equipped with a magnified scope. Depending on the magnification the “circle’ you see is NOT very big.

That is based on me using binoculars to check on animals.

Barb Meier

Oh, I get it. Thanks Gail!


I personally think he was saved by God.

Professionals at that level would not have faulty equipment.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think we’re saying the same thing. I think Trump moving his head, and something wrong with the equipment that the pro simply could not expect or even believe possible combined to thwart him.

Partner dropped or kicked the gun accidentally and kept silent to avoid blame would be a classic way that evil undoes itself, adding extra karma to the put-down of the satanic side.

The fact that the follow-up shots failed, too – there had to be something that really frustrated the pro. Something he absolutely didn’t expect.



pat frederick

I think because murder is such a finite solution to a problem, it’s beyond my comprehension that it’s chosen this often.
i understand war and self defense but to end someone’s life and in full view of “witnesses” is so vile and despicable i struggle with that level of evil i guess.


…to end someone’s life and in full view of “witnesses” is so vile and despicable i struggle with that level of evil i guess.

You are not alone. It is a reflection of the evil facing Trump, All Americans. Including those in denial.


People in this country have been very protected some have problems conceptualizing the evil that almost half this country embraced.
“Evil is like a thief who comes in the night to steal your soul.”
Evil is stealing our children and grandchildren most watch and
do nothing…
.When one grows up in a country right after a most evil regime had taken place one gets it what good and evil looks like. I was blessed to spend summers with my grandmother in the DDR and saw first hand evil.. Power breeds evil if people are not strong. Evil breeds in weak people.. Christ makes one strong that is why evil regimes always undermine Christianity and its people..
I believe evil will not touch Trump because he is strong he does not need power .


Some organization meant to kill PDJT.
They failed and all the stuff about minimizing attendance at his rallies is just the SS being used try to salvage any harm they can do to PDJT’s winning.

In making the rallies smaller the SS are admitting…
1- They are incompetent to do the job they’re paid for.
2- They know and cannot or will not identify bad actors within.



Trump can get large arenas, which cost significantly more, than an airport, fairgrounds…

My only concern is Antifa or BLM being activated.

IIRC, the only time Antifa / BLM were a problem at a Trump rally was at an arena, IN A CITY.


See how big these panels can be made, might even be able to hire rather than buy them…

“Eiffel Tower Now Has Bulletproof Glass Walls To Protect Against Terror Attacks”
!0ft high & 2ins thick


Pray for Steve Kirsch and his vision. He is over target, Satan is fighting back.

I provided the link below as it gives a bit of history of how it all started with Steve. It shows how academia and the industry went after him soon after the scamdemic began. The article is from 2021.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, they HATE Steve. He needs to be careful.


Thank you. Yours Truly replied to the post by TheseTruths above in the thread.
Here’s the proof, IMO, that what happened to Mr. Kirsch was due to the COVID-19 “vaccines” that he took. Even if Mr. Kirsch had retina issues in his right eye (issues that may or may not have been diagnosed earlier, or may have just surfaced), THE ACTIONS OF THE COVID-19 “VACCINES” HE TOOK CAN ACCELERATE / AGGRAVATE RETINA ISSUES. AND THE FDA KNEW ABOUT THIS BACK IN APRIL 2021.
The image of his right eye on his Substack blog post that you linked, looks pretty bad.
God help him.

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I had a detached retina before it was fixed in the eye clinic office.


Sorry you had to go through that, but it sounds like it was completely taken care of.
The retina injury to Mr. Kirsch, from the photo Yours Truly saw on his blog post, looks like the retina was literally “blown up.”


That is bad. Prayers for Mr Kirsch.


Same here, setting off to work one morning started getting brilliant gold coloured flashes going across my vision. Went to eye ward via A&E who said it war a torn retina and had to be fixed that day. Waited there most of the day till they could fit me in amongst their already booked in patients then they stuck it back on with a laser.
Got home, hardly got through the door when it went again, phoned the emergency number they’d given me but all the doctoring staff had gone home, only the nurses there looking after the ward inpatients, told me to go back first thing in the morning. Went back next day and they did the whole thing again and it worked that time. That was around 15 years ago and it’s been OK up till just this last year or so.


Same here….

pat frederick

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent. This psycho radical is going to be torn apart on open borders.

Can Trump get over 50% of the black vote? It may be possible!!!

Gail Combs

His Street cred is now thru the ROOF!

Gail Combs

AND “…we can not longer separate the Parents CHILD TRAFFICKER From the child….”

“Certain children are being recycled, 4-, 8-, 10-year-old children.”

DNA tests revealed that 30% of all immigrant adults arriving at the southern border with children were not related to the children, according to a Saturday Washington Examiner report.

The tests, part of a pilot program being tried out by Immigration and Customs Enforcement, were used for only a few days earlier this month in McAllen and El Paso, Texas. According to an immigration official who spoke to the Examiner on condition of anonymity, the tests are meant to deter the growing number of migrants who lie about the children traveling with them at the border.

“There’s been some concern about, ‘Are they stepfathers or adopted fathers?’” the official, who was involved in the program’s rollout, told the Examiner. “Those were not the case. In these cases, they are misrepresented as family members.”

The tests, which are designed by a U.S. company, use a cheek swab to quickly verify the adult’s relationship to a child. According to the official, rather than submit to the test, some migrants admitted they were not related to the children traveling with them…


IMO, Kamala Harris is the conduit of, and puppet of, Obama.
She must know that she’s Constitutionally NOT eligible to either hold the office she has right now (Vice President), or to hold the office of President.
After all, she’s an attorney, right? (sarc on)

Last edited 1 month ago by PAVACA
Valerie Curren

So aka BHO’s black mirror 😉


she’s an anchor kid.

parents were here on Student Visas when she was spawned, one such Visa may have been expired ?

the insane motor mouth isn’t eligible !!

something’s wrong with her, seriously, that disorganized word salad verbal pile-up mumbo jumbo way of speaking pure gibberish.

is she schizophrenic ??

Barb Meier

Perhaps it was her way of having an insanity defense if OBiden went too far and got prosecuted.

Barb Meier

Warlord Brenden Dilley had a little to say this morning. 😅

We didn’t make it to this point by being afraid.

They told us that Trump couldn’t beat DeSantis, especially while he was being indicted.

They were wrong.

They told us that Trump had too much baggage and couldn’t breeze through a primary with a talented, youthful field.

They were wrong.

They told us that Trump couldn’t beat Biden and that he was making a colossal mistake accepting the debate terms.

They were wrong.

They, in this case, are NOT liberals. All of the above was said by gutless conservative influencers who truly do not know how to lead or win.


Cowboy the fuck up, MAGA.


I am borrowing the phrase “Cowboy the Fuck Up, Maga” and making in my mantra! I am dealing with a condo board who is trying to implement the most oppressive set of amendments to our documents you could imagine. The board hired a very large and aggressive law firm and I am trying to write a letter to my fellow unit owners to explain how bad these are. I’ve been struggling with this for over a week. I’m just going to “Cowboy the Fuck Up” and get it done today! Thanks Barb! You’ll never know how you have inspired me.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Best wishes to your effort! Corporatism and legalism are destroying this country! Traitorous boards are an integral part of this.


I like it, and I am going to do the same! “Cowboy the Fuck Up!”


HOAs are a cancer on homeowners.


glossy communism.

Gail Combs


Gail Combs


Why in Hades OWN a home if you are going to let some ASSHOLES you do not know tell you what you can and can not do? You might as well RENT!

After the trouble we had with interfering neighbors in MA, I made sure I read the tiny print for the laws here in my county. I was very happy to find pastured pigs down the street!

Barb Meier

Wow, glad to have inspired you, Numbersgirl. Bad amendments would harm everyone in your condos so you are being courageous to take this on. I’ll pray for your success!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wray is on TV live.

He just opened, calling the act an attempted assassination.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wray just said they found 8 shell casings on the roof.

IMO that means the pro assassins got their shells onto the roof at some point.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wait a minute! IMO they would have been better off using some older shells from Crooks’ gun. Three or four shells added to the ones he actually used at the rally.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Crooks himself could have helped in the process, adding his own shells, if he knew he was covering for the pros. AND if my theory is correct, that he waited for the pros to fire, then he KNEW he was covering for the pros. So adding casings to help them have cover is very reasonable.


Must have been a lot of money in those overseas accounts.

If Crooks knew the pros were in on it, Crooks had to know his ass was in serious jeopardy.

Gail Combs

OR he was a DUMB FOOL like many on the left are.

Remember they have swallowed the Cabal’s slop all their lives and are completely blind to their EVIL underbelly.


Found……. 8………shell casings……..roof
That’s four things any one of them, any two or three or any permutation of them could be a lie.
Imho Wray’s a snake, I believe he’s got some casing from somewhere to show everyone, no more than that except that it will eventually fit snugly into his remaining story when he tells it.

Last edited 1 month ago by RAC

Back to markings…. where are the markings on the roof for where the casings were found? Need to see those or it didn’t happen as described.


Yes that video must have been “take one” before they’d laid all the props out /s

Gail Combs

The guys phone showed a 1/2 hr earlier time then the date time stamp on the left bottom corner.

Gail Combs

“… they would have been better off using some older shells from Crooks’ gun….”

That is what I said yesterday. It also is indicative of the real sniper being CLOSE to Crooks.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Crooks may have never known the real sniper, but his handler was likely keeping him fully in the loop about what he himself needed to do.

“Save some shells at the range. We’re going to need them.”

“Bring three empty shells to the rally. They will cover for our sharpshooter.”

“Drop the shells near you behind and to the right, BEFORE you begin sighting in.”

“Don’t fire until after the THIRD SHOT from the sharpshooter. If he misses, it’s all on you.”

This is when Crooks had a moment of hesitation – about a second. Probably clicked off his safety and begin firing his 5 shots.

Then he ducked. Waited for a bit, came back up, and was taken out.

What they probably told Crooks, that was a lie, was this.

“After you finish firing, set down the gun. We will come out of the building and arrest you.”

Nope. They were planning on Crooks being shot by the guys on the rooftops, who were NOT in on the plot.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This explains why the pro who shot first used ONLY three shots, and stuck to the plan. They were counting on Crooks to do his part.

I’m not seeing any problems in this scenario. Only a minimal number of people need to be in on the plot.

Pro shooter who is left alone in a room, who has a gun like the one Crooks has. The handler, coordinating with Crooks. Crooks, who does what he’s instructed to do.


Wonder if the fusillade from Crooks was to make it look like the attack was ongoing and attract attention whilst the “first 3 shot man” swiftly did something to save himself, get away from the window, leave the room, exit the building, mingle with other LE.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly right!

You see, this story just writes itself. And it all started for me, with the curious difference in times (0.220 and 0.213) between shots 1-3 and shots 4+, in combination with other videos RE those two buildings.

They had an excellent plan, much like a magic show, but it fell apart in the audio, and by the grace of God, when they missed.


Depends how many were in the building, spread out or all in the same room.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Minimize the number of knowledgeable conspirators – ALWAYS.

Gail Combs

I think they probably told Crooks he would be hustled out before anyone got to him.

Remember there was that door to the 2nd story. He was probably told to head there and they would get him out.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Used and discarded like toilet paper.


After your shots… press the detonator button(s)….
The distraction will allow you to escape.???

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And then somebody turned them off?


Pictures or is its all staged. Latter likely anyway. Can’t see Crooks getting eight rounds off. Certainly enough time. Given all the analysis, not realistic.

.223 or 5.56 of interest here. Surely they’ll verify all from Crook’s gun.

Would be nice to know, well have them report bullets from three rally goers, were from same gun. Bullet type.

For grins, same caliber and bullet purchased earlier that day or day before. How many rounds remained in the magazine? extra magazines with him, on his person, backpack…


I’m going with all staged.


Wolf Moon
Wait, isn’t there a photo of USSS / LEO with a water hose, literally hosing away evidence on that roof where Crooks was “eliminated”? Wouldn’t this also wash away things like shell casings? Or were the shell casings in some area ** away ** on the roof where Crooks was situated / eliminated?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We don’t know who bagged the evidence or when. We depend on FIB to do things, and to tell us the truth. Personally, I don’t trust them. AT ALL. About anything. They’re too infiltrated, IMO.

Robert Baker

I would suspect the filtering process for the “right kind of agent” occurs during the recruitment phase. I assume it has been that way for many years now. I also assume the institution already has a well-developed psych profile of acceptable candidates.

Gail Combs

I think they recruit from college and do not accept trained LEO. At least that is what I remember hearing.

Brave and Free

Yes they do, I know one who was recruited from college. No LE experience, and there pretty much a John Wayne wannabe.


They’d need a certain percentage of genuine ones to cover for the ones playing political games, else no real work would be done at all.

Robert Baker

I think they are looking for disciples not agents.


Bread and Circuses. Are we not entertained?

This is a great article about how Americans are being manipulated on a roller coaster ride:

“Modern America is an amusement park in which voters are wowed with dizzying rides, funhouse mirrors, macabre horrors, and unexpected scares.  It is filled with plot twists and cliffhangers that keep Americans on the edge of their seats.  Expectations are built up like an inflated water balloon until a sudden explosion triggers surprise and regret.  A manufactured cycle of psychological highs and lows keeps Americans’ attention directed toward anything that is glamorous and away from everything that matters.”

We should all keep this in mind over the next few months. A mind in chaos does not think, it reacts. And TPTB use that on us.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


I think that we here need to keep doing what we do best – figuring out EARLY and OFTEN what the other side is doing or has done, so that bigger fish can lead the fight on those issues.


We should keep in mind that when big stories are breaking, we have readers from bigger outlets following along to see what we come up with. You and I just saw that last week.

We can be force multipliers.


Sure is.

pat frederick

is all this true???????
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, these same facts were printed on coin memorabilia back then in 1964 or so. They would usually have an actual penny and a half dollar on them.

Yup. Exact same facts!

pat frederick


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And in the 70s someone engraved an outline of Kennedy’s head on a Lincoln cent then pasted it to a card with the same info…actually a subset of those factoids.

pat frederick

Trump assured of more votes.

Keep talking Hoe.

Barb Meier

EXCLUSIVE: First Photos of President Trump’s Ear without Bandages after He Survives Attempted Assassination

Praise God!

pat frederick

looking for corroboration on this…
July 24, 2024 10:48 am

Jimmy Carter has passed away. He passed away knowing that he will not go down in history as the worst US President ever. Biden took care of that for him.

pat frederick

never mind…LOL
July 24, 2024 10:51 am

Reply to  JWoo

whoa… back up… God knows! a hoax? Give me a break.

Valerie Curren

good grief


Verse of the Day for Wednesday, July 24, 2024

“…Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved…” 

Acts 16:31 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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In the early morning light, I see YOU;
I begin the day just right; I pray, too;
I recall the blessings YOU have given;
I ask to be Holy Spirit driven!

I thank you for the sunshine YOU have sent;
For the flowers and trees; their nourishment;
I thank YOU profusely for loving me;
And pray I may serve YOU graciously!

Oh, but lately, Lord, I’m having trouble;
I’m anxious, lonely, and seeing double;
I do not know what has come over me;
It’s been really hard connecting with Thee!

Overwhelmed at times, I can find no rest;
From the constant barrage of evil’s quest;
From unwelcome guests who rob me of time;
From interrupted prayers to outright crime!

Where are you, Lord? I need you right now;
Come quickly into my heart somehow;
Fill me with your Spirit and make me whole;
Let me suffer no more with this empty soul!

Hear my cry in the day and into the night;
Protect me by day and by night, be my light;
Let not Thy presence be hidden from me;
In your mercy, Lord, hide my sin from Thee!

Whatever I have done or have not done;
Let it be known; let victory be won;
Gather me into Thy Loving embrace;
Wash the pain and tears away from my face!

Reveal to me what I have done so wrong;
Away from YOU, I have suffered so long;
The emptiness inside is so hard to bear;
I wonder, at times, if YOU are even there!

Where are you, Lord? Oh, please hear my call;
I’m confused, broken in my wherewithal;
Why are you silent in my time of need?
Is it because of my secular greed?

Have I not attended to my daily prayer?
Have I neglected for my neighbor to care?
Have I been selfish thinking only of me?
Oh yes, that is it – that is what it must be!

Hence the reason for the anxiety;
My trust in YOU, Lord, has just ceased to be;
My heart is on things of the world not YOU;
No wonder I’m hurting, lonely, and blue!

Thank you, DEAR LORD, for clearing the air;
For sending YOUR SPIRIT for me to care;
For renewing in me hope, love, and peace;
For making this longing finally cease!
Forgive me, Lord, for my selfish pride;
For from you I have been trying to hide;
For feeling unworthy to share with YOU;
My ineptitude and shortcomings, too!

Why did I even think YOU did not care?
Why did I ever refuse with YOU to share?
Why did I think YOU could never relate?
To the suffering I simply abate!

Did you not see in the Garden at prayer?
The loneliness a man is forced to bear;
When he is abandoned by all in the end;
When no one will stay; not even a friend?

Did you not ask for this cup to pass?
Was it your fear? What was it alas?
Was this just another human refrain?
Something YOU would do all over again?

No, you were not complaining it’s not fair;
And you were not wishing YOU did not care;
YOU were just preparing YOUR human side;
To let YOUR soul with YOUR Father reside!

So I’ll take my cue directly from YOU;
And stop thinking of me as YOU would do;
Deny myself and just follow YOUR lead;
And YOU will provide whatever I need!

D01: 4/05/2013




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In the morning when you arise
Thank God for the lovely sunrise
Thank God you have the eyes to see
Thank God through Him you are set free

So many are suffering in various ways
From family problems to general malaise
From discouragement to deep depression
Hearts, minds, and souls suffer repression

Each day God asks you to boldly come
To the Throne of Grace and beat the drum
Sing Praise to our God – Sing Praise
To our Deliverer – Our voices we raise

God told us to pray unceasingly
Give Glory Honor and Praise to He
Bring our petitions and lift them up
So that all may drink from the Blessing Cup

When you are troubled the Body suffers
Take it to God and pray for others
When we reach out and pray for one another
We bless father mother sister and brother

Our own concerns become less of a bother 
When we reach out and touch another
So Rise Up Prayer Warriors and shout
Defeat the enemy roundabout

Send him back to the dry places of doom
Back off and prevent his message of gloom
Declare your victory over all that prevails
Defeat his plan and all it entails

Our nation has been attacked mercilessly 
Over a long span of time most relentlessly
It is time to defeat that father of lies
It is time for Prayer Warriors to rise

‘Go To The Quiet’ if it need be
To replenish and refresh on bended knee
You must be courageous and strong
To fight this battle all the day long

Rise Up Prayer Warriors and come to their aid
For many who are lacking let hope be staid
For those who are allegedly down and out
Sing Praise – Declare Victory – and Shout

Decked in your Armor fight the good fight
Send our enemy and his minions to flight
Give it your all and you will soon see
And taste the blessings of Victory!!!

D01: 11/18/2022


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Psalm 91.The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing #psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday




Secret Service Steers Trump Away From Outdoor Rallies

article link…

imo, if PDJT were to decide to do this, on his own, in the future, that’s one thing, and I’d agree..

but this SS steering kinda sounds like a veiled threat ?

you know, kinda like we can do this the easy way or the hard way…


SS creates an alibi, for SS failing.

Valerie Curren

some images from that Post article

comment image Grassley included an unconfirmed map that showed different state law enforcement sectors the rally grounds had been broken into, but the AGR building is not included in any sectors.

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“Did the USSS, local, or state law enforcement deploy UASs or counter UASs for the July 13, 2024 rally?” Grassley asked, noting reports that Crooks had deployed a drone of his own to case out the rally grounds before the shooting.

pat frederick

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pat frederick

i haven’t watched these videos and never heard this before…so please debunk away…
they were planning on blowing up the water tower?


SS & LE in their normal stonewalling have NOT, to my knowledge defined whatever explosives they found. Type, quantity…

For me, it’s all BS until proven otherwise.


abusive gaslighting usually includes a few grains of truth.

just enough to make you start second-guessing what’s real, what isn’t.

as cognitive dissonance & confusion set in…

and your balance falters.

the abuser gets you trauma bonded.

and you start to think only he can fix it.

and maybe its all your fault.

or is it…?


Classic gaslighting — emotional-psychological abuse and/or control. To the point where the victim can lose self-confidence, memory skills, grip on reality, and/or recognition that they’re in danger.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If there were multiple perps planning something, you can count on it having been ORGANIZED by the FBI (FIB).

Valerie Curren

In the replies

Replying to @In2ThinAir
Crooks may have potentially been FBI. Crooks.ETH was created 1 months ago prior to his FBI profile, in February 2020.

Crooks.eth is tied to Moderats.eth, who is the FTX Drainer, the Exploit I solved that caused them to do a Drive by on my HOUSE.

Last year, I was on the plane that flew closest to the Spy Balloon. January 2023

Then I had a drive by done on my house. February 2023.

Then I survived an assassination attempt at Mile 3 of the Kansas City Marathon. October 2023.

Then I was infiltrated by someone the FBI dropped charges on who was facing years in Prison. 2023.

And rumor is they aren’t stopping there.

When will you believe me? When will my work and investigations blow up? I don’t know, but I know I was built for this.

I told you in 2022, 2023, and 2024 that thru Time, my research would become Timeless.

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Here’s a still from the video, neither video from the tweets to which I’m replying (comment above mine) were loading on Nitter. When hitting load more replies on Nitter it claimed that the top tweet no longer existed, though I was able to view it & the video at twitter.

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Last edited 1 month ago by Valerie Curren
pat frederick

cameltoe’s achievements
Harris championed the administration’s record of policy blunders on Monday in her first appearance since jumping into the Democrat primary race.
“Joe Biden’s legacy of accomplishment over the past three years is unmatched in modern history,” she claimed, asking people to clap. “In one term — he has already — yes, you may clap. In one term, he has already surpassed the legacy of most presidents who have served two terms in office.”
Below are 17 examples of Harris’ far-left record:

  1. Co-sponsored legislation to protect illegal immigrants from deportation
  2. Backed Bernie Sanders’ Medicare for All legislation
  3. Backed banning private health insurance
  4. Supported giving taxpayer-funded coverage to illegal immigrants
  5. Supported banning fracking
  6. Backed defunding the police
  7. Compared ICE to the KKK
  8. Wanted to ban plastic straws
  9. Defended banning offshore drilling
  10. Wanted to “undo” the Trump administration’s border security, taking 94 executive actions in their first 100 days to rescind nealy every Trump-era measure
  11. Supported decriminalizing illegal border crossings
  12. Said she wouldn’t “treat” illegal aliens as “criminals”
  13. Called for “starting [ICE] from scratch”
  14. Argued that temporarily closing the border violated federal law
  15. Raised money for the Minnesota Freedom Fund, a far-left organization that pays to bail out of jail violent criminals, including accused murderers and rapists.
  16. Supported Los Angeles’s cuts to their police department
  17. Called efforts to add more police to the streets “wrongheaded thinking


LIVE WITH JULIE – 07/24/2024




Luke 8:17, 12:2
Daniel 2:34
Ephesians 6:12
Ephesians 4:11-12
Philippians 4:13
Luke 10:19


God is speaking and declaring these things upon this Earth, and wants you to be in agreement with Him.
Do not put your guard down.
There are deeply rooted things that are wrong, so do not go by how things appear to be. You need to continue to stand, shout, and pray.
God will separate the wheat from the chaff and the wolves from the sheep.
God wants to show His Glory and love throughout the Earth.
Stay on the side of God and keep praying, confessing and decreeing that the enemies’ plans will fail.
Everything that can be shaken will be shaken- finances, church, government, entertainment.
Don’t let your guard down. You need to press in and fight even more.
God will destroy every kingdom that is against Him.
Look to God for discernment. Have a firm focused foundation on Him.
God is preparing you for this time.

Prophecies mentioned:


JGM – DON’T PUT YOUR GUARD DOWN – [24 July 2024] 

[Prophetic Word heard – July 21, 2024] 

My children in the land of My eagle, you still have many dirty politicians influencing, controlling, manipulating and are doing everything to take out this nation still. It’s not just on the side of the Left. I’m about to shake DC, yes. I’m about to shake both parties. There has been a unity you see on the side of the Red, BUT DON’T LET YOUR GUARDS DOWN. There are many working and many have infiltrated this side. There are spies and many who are dedicated to take down My David, even if he was to win this election. [You see?] the handwriting on the wall for that to happen. So they have a plan in place to still try to take him out or to stop him even after this election from their impending doom. I must shake this nation even greater, My children, to destroy their murderers, treasonous traitors, who refuse to let go of power and refuse to let go of this nation. 

Whistleblowers are coming, yes, but it still isn’t enough for the full changing of the guard. You need Me for that. My children, the old guard, are more desperate than ever before, to get rid of Pres Trump and to get rid of this movement that has begun. I will expose the ones on the Right that are connected ever so deeply to the Left and ever so closely to My David. They are trying to move in closer to take another shot in another way at him, but they will not gain access as they suppose. I am halting the ones that are trying to get next to him to take out My David, not only politically, but are trying to deceive him spiritually. This is a warning to those who say they are called by My Name. And you look like you are from Me when you are not. The more you move forward with the plans you have to get close to My David, the more you will be exposed, not only to My David and his family, but I will expose you to the world that you are not from Me.





Is this a parody from CNN:


How many USSS agents were there?
How many USSS / LEO sharpshooters?
How many plain-clothes LEO in the crowd?

And the government is giving a “Mafia-style hint ** to President Trump to STOP doing HIS rallies?




Another man of the people today.


Cool story!

pat frederick

July 24, 2024 1:07 pm

For the first time EVER, a ban on congressional stock trading just got a vote in Senate committee – and passed. Now on to the floor
@ AndrewDesiderio: This bill just cleared the Senate Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs Committee, 8-4.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


pat frederick

don’t start dancing yet…it just cleared committee..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She’ll have to break cover to kill it!


Wise words on issues we have discussed on occasion in here.

Gail Combs

….Jesus treated the church leaders and government officials much differently.

To the money changers, Jesus turned over their tables and chased them out of the Temple with a whip. This is a stark difference from how he treated the common people, the people who had been led astray. With the church leaders, Jesus called them sons of Satan. I can’t imagine a bigger insult. The people who believed that they were holier than thou, were called the offspring of Satan. Ponder for a moment how truly offensive this must have been to them. Imagine how offended you would be if someone called you the son or daughter of Satan, especially if you believed you were morally superior.

To the pedophiles, Jesus simply said it would be better if they had a millstone tied around their neck and thrown into the sea. This isn’t compassion. This isn’t teaching or correcting. This isn’t understanding. Jesus didn’t use a different, less offensive word to describe the pedophiles. Jesus didn’t move them to a different parish or suggest they not interact with children. His response to them was condemnation, nothing more, nothing less…..

Compare that to today. BANKSTERS and PEDOPHILES…

One of the Badlanders, I think it was Julian’s Rum brought up a VERY VERY interesting point.

These weren’t just money changers, changing one currency into another they were extortionists. They would find people in bad circumstances, — he used your house burning and payment for putting it out being demanded — to loan money at a very high interest rate.

I found that to be a rather interesting twist and would certainly explain WHY “…Jesus turned over their tables and chased them out of the Temple with a whip...” It was usurt he was targeting not the simple exchanging of currencies.

Gail Combs

Thank You for the clarification. Commerce does not belong in a religious house/area. Not to mention sacrifice smacks of worshiping the OLD gods…

The Red Heifer sacrifice really bothers me.


Mini Ground Report….My mother has an aide now so she could stay at home after some health issues. She was watching the news and said “we need Trump to fix our country”. Her aide said she loves Trump and her whole family is voting for him. Her aide is black.

Last edited 1 month ago by holly
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent! Yes – WORKING people love President Trump! 😉

Gail Combs

As I have been vocal about for years, there are different TYPES of intelligence. Not everyone is a ‘nerd’ Some are incredibly athletic, some incredibly musical or artistic or mechanically inclined.

Schools should make sure students have the fundamentals and then ENCOURAGE children in what they are really good at. None of this false ego boosting schiff that has led to the mess we are now in!

Valerie Curren

Wonderful & hopeful news!!!


The strange photo of a giant FJB and Jill, with tiny Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter.



Even if it was legit – which it’s not – why release it?


:0) I have to disagree with your statement holly.

On May 5, 2021, President Puddin Head and his lemon grove went to Plains, Georgia and met with Former President Jimmy Carter and former 1st Lady Rosalyn in their private residence. Jimmy and Rosalyn loved the photo and wanted to share the event with the American people. The Carter Foundation released the photo. The photo is a legitimate photo taken with a wide angle lens.

I’m guessing there were no professional photographers present and an aide of the Carters with little camera knowledge, picked up a camera and snapped the shot without knowing the camera was attached with a wide angle lens…be that as it may, the Former President and the First Lady loved that quirky photo, and it has generated tons of conversation on the internet.


“lemon tree very pretty, and the lemon flower is sweet but the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat”

..I can’t get past the frock that Jill is wearing and now I have an ear worm. Very cruel Scott, very cruel. :0)

Robert Baker

That chorus has been running through my head since yesterday when Scott was talking about Peter, Paul, and Mary. Curse you Red Baron.

Gail Combs

And now the two fo you gave me that ear worm.

Here is the CURE!


Bless you Gail. That was the perfect cure. :0)


Did somebody call me?





That frock was a couch cover at one time, circa 1970s, before it was repurposed as Jill cover.

I don’t remember if Lemon Tree is part of this performance or not. I only found this video (from the BBC, 1965) a few years ago, it was the first time I had seen them when they were so young!

Hard to believe this BBC concert isn’t commercially available in high definition on blu-ray. If it was, I would have it, for sure 😁



pat frederick

oh my…just saw a comment on SD…if cameltoe gets booty edge to be her vp…can we shorten Harris/Buttigeg to the Harri/Butt (HAIRYBUTT) campaign?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“I GOT HAIRY BUTT.” -Joe Biden


I wonder if they are hedging bets in Las Vegas using that very name?

pat frederick


Worse. Maybe he should be slamming Kamala. Seems like Kamala gave the SS a day off? This after the Director claimed she was so busy preparing for this as her excuse for not being ready for her hearing.

Radical Pro-Hamas Activists Breach Security at Watergate Hotel Where Netanyahu is Staying: Release Insects and Maggots, and Trigger Fire Alarms
Jim Hᴏft Jul. 24, 2024 1:40 pm 242 Comments

pat frederick

i hope the hotel makes them foot the bill for the cleanup and disinfecting


Yours Truly doesn’t think that KamaHarr has the authority to give the Secret Service a day off—unless that “new head” of the USSS is already “following orders from someone”?

Gail Combs

Hey DemonRats! Beware the demons you unleash.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good. The “Hamassies” are the wickedest little antisemites on Earth. They are “pro-rape feminists” as far as I’m concerned. They love the lie.

The truth is, they either hate Israel and Jews, or are among the most deluded and self-loathing of Jews.

Loving your enemy does NOT mean embracing their evil. Take a page from Christians, you Hamas-loving Jews!

Gail Combs

Russel Brand shows footage from FOX @ 38:40 saying Don Trump Jr said he would not ask his dad to stop out door rallies. He loves the out door rallies.


At 43:10 you can see ‘things’ on the roof near the blood trail. Casings?

At 43:45 you can see Crooks bare leg, sock and pants.

At 43:58 ?door? mid upper area between the tree on the roof line and the electric pole but closer to the electric pole.

At 43:31 Patch says WASHINGTON REGIONAL SWAT and his back at 44:40 says SHAFFER.

At 44:32 It is interesting the date time stamp is 2024/07/13 At 19:09:43 (left lower corner) but the guy’s phone says 7:08 (or 19:08) so 30+ minutes to EDIT???

Last edited 1 month ago by Gail Combs

30+ minutes to edit??? REALLY!!!

Gail Combs

Just look at the time stamp and the guys cell phone! It is not off by exactly one hour which could be explained away.

Also the body is blurred = EDITED!


Your post says “the date time stamp is 2024/07/13 At 19:09:43 (left lower corner) but the guy’s phone says 7:08 (or 19:08).” So how is that 30+ minutes? Looks like less than 2 minutes!

Gail Combs

GACK, Glad you caught that — BRAIN FART!

At least we now have that info nailed down.

Also notice the video is from 7 PM

Brave AI gives:

” The timeline of events is as follows:

  • 5:52 p.m.: Secret Service snipers spotted the suspect, Thomas Matthew Crooks, on the roof of a building outside the security zone.
  • 20 minutes passed before the shots were fired at Trump.
  • 6:11 p.m.: People alerted law enforcement to the gunman on the roof, and video analysis shows that this was at least two minutes before the first shot was fired.
  • 6:11:29 p.m.: The shooter was spotted by people in the crowd, exactly four seconds before he opened fire.
  • 6:11:29 p.m. (or shortly after): The shooter fired multiple shots, including one that grazed Trump’s ear.”

So this is video from about an hour afterwards. Plenty of time for clean-up.


Plenty of time for a clean up but no time for proper investigation. 33 mins in. The brass should have been present as spent shells or markers.

Gail Combs

I looked and saw no shells and saw no markers.


At 43:31 Patch says Washington Regional Swat…..My assessment….Patch guy works for a “regional” SWAT Team…..I’m guessing that he and a few of his buddies were sent to the Washington Training Center and the Patch is a meritorious one signifying his achievement at that specific Training Center.

What it means is that Patch guy is highly trained and is working either with local or county forces in conjunction with the Secret Service. For all we know, Shaffer may be the local sniper that took a shot and missed….It’s a mystery.

pat frederick

Eric Abbenante


This focus group of Wisconsin women was just brutal for Kamala Harris. Elise Jordan asks when there will be a woman president ‘When there is a competent one’:

Elise Jordan: “How do you perceive VP Harris compared to President Biden in terms of competency and experience?”
Focus Group: “I think she’s worse.” “She doesn’t even know what’s going on at the border. That’s what she was supposed to be doing.”
Elise Jordan: “Is there anyone that Kamala Harris could appoint as her VP that you would find reassuring?”
Focus Group: “I would never consider voting for her. I would consider RFK Jr way before voting for her.”
Elise Jordan: “When do you think America will have a female president?”
Focus Group: “When there is a competent one.” “I don’t get a good feel for her.” “I think she’s an idiot.”
Elise Jordan: “Why do you think she’s not that bright?”
Focus Group: “Because she hasn’t done anything in the time that she’s had. She’s not real smart.”
When average women in Wisconsin look at Kamala Harris they don’t think ‘Future 1st Female President of the United States’ they think ‘Idiot’.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

GOOD. Restoring my faith in the public. There ARE people who get it.


“When do you think America will have a female president?”

To be blunt, I don’t know, and I don’t care. It’s the same with the first midget president, or president of Japanese heritage, or president who is a twin, or president who was a star in a major sports league, or president who is a native Spanish speaker but who is qualified under our Constitution, etc., etc., etc. Can the person be (almost) as effective as Trump? No? Then out they go. 😂

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

No one should ever have been in a position to have to file a ‘religious exemption’ in the first place.

The Nuremberg Code is plenty sufficient, and invoking the Nuremberg Code doesn’t force anyone who may not be religious to lie about their religious belief in order to avoid being subjected to medical violation and experimentation.

Last edited 1 month ago by scott467
Valerie Curren


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

SD on Wray, and my comment.

Gail Combs

Sundance is forgetting the Kerry – Iran & Obama – Iran connections.

If there was chatter it was fostered by OBAMA!

Valerie Curren

US based Iranian threats = Val Jar front for Obola?  😡 



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


What is the only way?

Gail Combs


Jun 02, 2020 9:44:44 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 804282 No. 9439115 

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Media Keywords: drop 26 the ONLY WAY IS MILITARY 1 nov 2017 12 41 am think about it logically fully controlled save & spread once 11.3 verifies as 1st marker biggest advanced drop on pol

Media Keywords Contributor(s): AstuteActual45

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Media Keywords: donald j trump @realdonaldtrump djt tweet 8 45 am june 1 2020 november 3rd election day

Media Keywords Contributor(s): AstuteActual45

All systems go.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amen. It’s the only way.

Gail Combs

Notice that Ivan Raiklin and his group of Ex-Military are now demanding the Military commanders who forced the mandate OVER the medical or Religious exemptions be FIRED.

 200 troops demand Biden’s military leadership be court-martialed

IF that happens it will clean out the OBAMA officers.


Gail, My grandnephew is, at the moment, in his last two years in high school and has his eyes set on becoming an engineer. The other day he put together a pressure valve using a ball point pen, a pill bottle and a marker cap & he was trying to explain to me the physics of the valve. I was absolutely lost.

Reading the above post gives me the same sensation. Would you be so kind as to explain to me in normal everyday terms what the above means?

I know that it is a Q post, but I don’t speak the language and haven’t followed them so I truly don’t understand the message.


Thanks for asking the question.

Q stuff either I get explanations here or Praying Medic. The latter is several years ago. He was kind enough to get the Crayola’s out for me.

Gave up trying to decipher Q, after it was revealed, Q disinformation at times intention. I don’t have time for that stuff.


Thanks kalbo, I’m movin’ on…:0)

Gail Combs

I answered it for you. I think the answer is important.

Remember the Military has its own court system.

Who Can Face a Military Tribunal?

November 29, 2023 – 

These judicial proceedings are conducted by a military rather than a civilian court. Then they are used to try members of the military who are accused of serious offenses, such as war crimes or treason, in addition to civilians who are accused of terrorism or other national security crimes.


Yeah, I have to refresh my page, once in a while…I responded to your first post…greatly appreciated. :0)

Valerie Curren

Q disinformation at times intention” that was a main reason why I chose to Not follow Q…Ditto all the above 🙂

Gail Combs

What Q is saying is the Military is the only branch of the federal government under the control of the President that is not shot thru with rot.

Obama fired and replaced a lot of the Top Brass, but the President as Commander in Chief, can.

The President as Commander of the Armed Forces

SECTION 2. Clause 1. The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any Subject relating to the Duties of their respective Office, and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.


While the President customarily delegates supreme command of the forces in active service, there is no constitutional reason why he should do so, and he has been known to resolve personally important questions of military policy…

One important power that the President lacks is that of choosing his subordinates, whose grades and qualifications are determined by Congress and whose appointment is ordinarily made by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, though undoubtedly Congress could if it wished vest their appointment in “the President alone.”219 Also, the President’s power to dismiss an officer from the service, once unlimited, is today confined by statute in time of peace to dismissal “in pursuance of the sentence of a general court-martial or in mitigation thereof.”220 But the provision is not regarded by the Court as preventing the President from displacing an officer of the Army or Navy by appointing with the advice and consent of the Senate another person in his place.221 👉The President’s power of dismissal in time of war Congress has never attempted to limit.

And then there is always the Turkey Farm Route. 😆

Can Presidents ‘fire’ senior military officers? Generally, yes…but it’s complicated BY CHARLIE DUNLAP, J.D. · 15 SEPTEMBER 2016
(Duke UNIV)

….The context we are addressing is not one involving criminal misconduct, per se, but rather a situation where the President has lost confidence in the leadership of a particular general or even a group of generals.

Frankly, it is literally unthinkable that any officer these days, and particularly a general officer, would not acquiesce to a President’s request to retire under such circumstances, but let’s consider the options if one or more refused to go.

👉Here’s the easy part: can the President relieve any officer from any command or, for that matter, any particular position in the armed forces?
In my opinion, yes. 

The power to do so is inherent in the President’s Commander-in-Chief authority under Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution, and it cannot be fettered by Congress. For example, the controversial relief from command of General Douglas MacArthur by President Harry Truman during the Korean War was, according to the conclusions of the Congressional committees that examined the case, within the constitutional power of the President.”

It is also important to note that the most senior generals – that is, the three and four star generals – only hold those grades during the period in which they occupy positions designated as being ones of “importance and responsibility” per 10 U.S.C. § 601.

Accordingly, if the President chooses to terminate that assignment, and the officer does not apply for voluntary retirement, then he or she will typically revert to their permanent grade, usually as a two-star major general There are very significant financial implications to the reversion to the lower grade (by military pay standards that is; even after decades of service most two-star generals make less than first-year associates at big law firms).

In any event, if an officer (especially one who had been a three or four-star general) is relieved from his or her position and reverts to the lower rank of major general and still refuses to request retirement, the President may be able to dismiss the officer from the armed forces entirely…

  :wpds_arrow: 10 U.S. Code § 688 – Retired members: authority to order to active duty;

Gail Combs

So what this means is POTUS TRUMP 47, as Commander-in-chief CAN fire, retire, or send to Antarctica ANY OBAMA EMBEDS…

He can then replace them with WELL TRAINED RETIRED PERSONNEL.

THEREFORE the US Military is LITERALLY the ONLY BRANCH of Government that can be very swiftly cleaned out.

Now add in that POTUS Trump literally told General Flynn to BE READY. Most thought he meant for VP, however given the fact Flynn “knows where the bodies are buried” Cleaning out the military is a much more critical task.


Oh and Vindeman’s lawyer brother was deeply involved in the forced Clot Shot mandates.

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I get it..Thank you so very much for the information. :0)

Gail Combs

Glad to help. I just wanted to make sure you saw the answer.


Well, hell, there’s the answer. The Secret Service shouldn’t be guarding the Commander in Chief, or any potential CIC; the MILITARY should be.

Relegate the SS to guarding property gates and doors or something.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

THAT needs to be on the table.

Gail Combs

Yeah, they were part of the TREASURY up until recently???

That is a wee bit too closely connected to the Banksters.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

I Really hope he meant 2023-24 Not 2023-34 for lawfare (not that much stops those demons)


Missed this if below.

Chris Wray Admits FBI Is Not Looking Into Why Trump Was Allowed on Stage After Would-Be Assassin Was Spotted an Hour Before Shooting Started (Video) Jim Hoft Jul. 24, 2024 12:00 pm 321 Comments

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is the giant hole through which the interagency plot to kill Donald Trump escapes.

Gail Combs


Oh and did you catch the fact they LEFT the 2nd story window to go chasing will-o-wisps.

AND who is “Washington Regional Swat”?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Perfect! This means that they had a handler or coordinator on site, who ordered the room vacated when they needed the pro shooter to make his appearance.

This means there is a conspirator in the SS or locals, ABOVE the snipers who were ordered to move as needed. That person cleared the room for the assassination pro.


Guard duty General order #1. I will guard everything within the limit of my post and not leave my post unless properly relieved.

Who told them to leave their post?

Or exactly what Wolf is asking. This nut must be cracked!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And Cheato knows that they didn’t save the comms. Intentionally.

And WRAYGUN won’t investigate the USSS, which has to investigate itself.

EVIL. Just evil.

Brave and Free

Exactly, every governmental department has an excuse/explanation for not following properl protocols.

Gail Combs

DHS was SPECIFICALLY enacted via the Patriot Act to ‘cure’ this type of ‘Siloing’ SO it goes back to THAT DEPARTMENT!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They LIED. It was one more silo – designed to help THEM take over.

Gail Combs

Of COURSE they lied. It was all about SPYING on Americans.

However it is a data point that can be pounded on with our Congress Critters. If DHS can not do the Job it was supposed to do then it should be gotten rid if!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great point.


No way the kid knew the make up of the team in the building or what their actions would be once spotted. This had to have inside help.

Gail Combs

YUP! and the police cam footage shows what looks like the door I spotted before.

At 43:58 ?door? mid upper area between the tree on the roof line and the electric pole but closer to the electric pole.


Also sees the St Johns Bell Tower plain as day as they film the suit.

Gail Combs




For this one, there is NO EXCUSE, PERIOD.

There is no “could have been a kid with binoculars, so we couldn’t shoot,” no “we lost sight of him.”

There was a threat. The protectee is NOT ALLOWED ON STAGE until the threat is neutralized.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

FIB not allowed to look at compromise inside USSS is exactly why THAT now needs to be the leading candidate for a conspiracy. Because it’s a BLIND SPOT. One that the plotters fully understand.

Gail Combs

It is also where MAGA would not be looking because of Dan Bongino.

We would be focused on the FBI. Interesting that the phone showed up near a DC FBI office… RED HERRING?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think both agencies are involved, and CIA as well.

Gail Combs

CIA goes without saying. They are seeded throughout other agencies as well as the Fake News.

Barb Meier

They are both teams of alphas with weapons and authorities. They are careful with each other. The USSS does tell the FIB to stand down when it relates to USSS defending their protectees. For FIB to investigate USSS seems to invert that hierarchy and would not be a small thing, IMHO.

This led me to check for a USSS Inspector General. They do have an Office of Inspector General (OIG) and there is a statement on the Assassination attempt. It just explains whistleblowers, so nothing yet about the case investigation. Yes, I know. Inspecting themselves is not so good in this case when people suspect conspiracy at higher levels.

I tried to copy/paste the statement, but it seems not to permit that. The last line has a link to which is an independent agency.

Last edited 1 month ago by Barb Meier

Sounds like a missed opportunity here whether she is pro or anti Israel. This appears to be weaslism in the White House. In context to foreign policy Is weaslism even a word? Should be as of today.
Netanyahu Goes to Mar-a-Lago: World Leaders Line up to Talk to President Trump as Kamala Harris Snubs Israeli Prime Minister
Richard Abelson Jul. 24, 2024 9:15 am 575 Comments

Gail Combs

The DemonRats are running into a major problem, mainly thanks to the internet.

It use to be a crooked politician could promise one faction A and the faction that hated A, anti-A NOW they can not.


The DemonRat Party Useful Idiots consists of factions, all promised a ‘privileged classification’ and ALL of whom hate each other. Now those broken promises are coming home to roost and neither Bite-Me, Raggedy Ann or Suckalotacox have the verbal nimble footedness to dodge the pitfalls.

Brave and Free

” have the verbal nimble footedness to dodge the pitfalls”
Is that a fancy way to say there’re not smart enough?

Gail Combs

I am not “verbally nimble footed” Some people are and they make better politicians and negotiators.

It is a talent and skill just like any other.


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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It could have been worse, they could have put a porn pic on top of it.


Worse yet, they might have committed a porn act on top of it.

Valerie Curren



Anyone who tells you that people are leaving MAGA for Suxalotocux is gaslighting.
Ones you have woken up and left the Demon Rat party for MAGA you will not go back. That goes especially for Blacks or Hispanics, who left the Plantation for good.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The corporate media lies.


Say it ain’t so Gracie……:0)

Gail Combs

AND Lara and others do the best thing, Roll on the floor laughing.

Ridicule is very hard to counter esp in this type of case.


To answer Laura’s question — Planet Bizarro.

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

See, it’s NOT flat.

Valerie Curren

camouflaging a Borg cube 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trump has a litmus test for Wray’s dishonesty, and it’s a good one.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Chrissy believes he had to lie.

If he had admitted that he noticed the obvious cognitive decline, and said nothing, and did nothing (which is what happened), that would be an admission to his part in the Big Lie and associated coverup.

So he did what all of the political-class slimebags do, which is to lie reflexively.

There is no way to prove that he didn’t notice FJB’s cognitive decline, so from his perspective, he’s safe.

Better to be safe and look like an idiot, than to acknowledge that he knew, just like everybody else did, and did nothing (like everybody else did).

Last edited 1 month ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Valerie Curren

I couldn’t see your image here, so hope this lets it show

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I believe this is Hooper

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Presumably both of the above from 2016 Trump Rally arrests…

Valerie Curren

What did they obscure by muting the last 10 seconds or so of the first video you shared?

Valerie Curren

This Hooper???

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The 3 individuals above were arrested in 2016 at a Trump rally. Was the female also at Butler along w/ Hooper & Maxwell Yearick? There May be a person/body associated with the white van, per info in the video…Yearick’s AZ family May have filed a missing person’s report on him…

stills from this video

Last edited 1 month ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Here is info on Yearick from a Yandex search, including a connection to Rothschilds.

For some reason the article won’t allow copy/paste so these are images from it:

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Last edited 1 month ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

A couple more images, 1st the logo of American Glass Research

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from this video:

Then those arrested previously w/ Yearick, with their names:

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found here:

From the site above, this comment, FYI, I haven’t checked links…

Maxwell Yearick images including bloody


3 points
11 days ago

Meanwhile it’s easy to determine that the guy is Yearick because of the distinctive gauge correction

= = = =
20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks IS NOT THE DEAD GROOMED SHOOTER!!!
The unique ear (&nbspcomment image ) is dead Maxwell Yearick, age 36, proven ANTIFA and a look-alike :
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see? Closed-up hole surgery.
Maxwell Yearick proven ear match!!comment image
Maxwell Yearick convicted ANTIFA, recruited and groomed?:
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FACT: Maxwell Yearick (aka Maxwell Yarick, aka Maxwell Yaerick) , IS THE DEAD ANTIFA GUY ON ROOF!!!

Last edited 1 month ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

I asked a question days ago about why the rooftop shooter was moved based on the blood on his face, given need to preserve crime scenes “as is” (assuming a Legit Investigation). Images above, behind the spoiler, make me think that he was Possibly Shot in the Back of the Head & then died face down & that was why the blood ran the way it did. Any thoughts?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I know that somebody spotted a bullet entry hole on his forehead, for whatever that is worth.

Valerie Curren

They said over his left eye, iirc. I can’t tell from the pics above but then that is the part of the face that is more obscured.


Looks like Lisa’s (a.k.a. Larry’s?) transition is coming along nicely.

Valerie Curren

yikes, at a minimum she looks like quite the wokester 🙁



Evening Prayer For Forgiveness

Heavenly Father, thank You for bringing me through this day and Lord, forgive me for the times when I have wandered outside Your best will for me, instead of trusting You implicitly.
Thank You, that You are such a gracious Shepherd to me and that You come and rescue me even when I lose my way and stray from the path that You have laid out for me.
As I look back over today, I know Lord that there were things that I should have said and done differently, and times when I reacted in a manner that was not honouring Your holy name. Forgive me I pray, but thank You, Father, that You always faithfully prepared to gently bring me back to Yourself.
Give me a good night’s sleep I pray, knowing that there is no condemnation because I am in Christ, and may I wake up in the morning refreshed and ready to do Your will. In Jesus’ name I pray,


Evening Prayer For Future Guidance

Heavenly Father, as I lie down to sleep tonight, I pray that You would guard my sleeping and protect my mind from wandering thoughts and unnecessary planning. Teach me to wait for Your perfect timing and not to try to plan my future in my own strength.
Lord, I know that You have scheduled every day of my life. Help me to trust You in all things and rely on You to lead me along the straight path and guide me in the direction that You would have me to go.
Give me patience to wait for Your perfect timing, and may I not trust in my own abilities and scheming, but rather rest in Your love and trust my future into Your hands.
And so now Lord, I commit this night to you, asking that I would rest soundly and wake refreshed and strong to do Your bidding. This I ask in Jesus’ precious name,


Prayer Of Thanksgiving In The Evening

Praise Your holy name Heavenly Father, for granting yet another day in my life and for being with me every step of the way. Thank You for the many blessings that You have provided and the love and fellowship that I have with the friends and family that in Your grace You have placed in my life.
My heart is so thankful for all the many blessings that I enjoy day by day, and today I am once again reminded that Your mercies are new every morning and Your faithfulness endures from generation to generation.
Thank You, that I have been brought into Your family and have been made a child of God and a citizen of heaven. Words cannot express my love and devotion to You Lord
I pray that You would watch over me as I rest tonight, and that You would give me a restful nights sleep so that I may wake up in the morning refreshed in body and spirit and ready to do Your will. Guard all those that I love and may we all grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ in the days that lie ahead. This I ask in His precious name,


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amen x 3 !!!




Currently, absolute chaos is unfolding as thousands of Pro-Palestine protesters have gathered at Union Station in Washington, DC. Moments ago, they took down three American flags and replaced them with Palestinian flags, with crowds of thousands cheering. The three American flags are being burned along with a mannequin of Netanyahu in effigy. Stun grenades have been deployed.

Numerous police officers have been trying to stop the violent chaotic scenes but have been pushed back by protesters and activists the atmosphere is extremely tense, with protesters chanting slogans and waving banners. Smoke from the burning flags is filling the air, and there are reports of minor injuries among both protesters and police.

Authorities are urging people to avoid the area as they attempt to regain control. Additional law enforcement reinforcements are being called in, and nearby streets have been closed off. The situation remains highly violent and is still developing.

New footage shows Pro-Palestine protesters dragging a U.S. Park Police officer on the ground as law enforcement officers made arrests outside Union Station. Additionally, significant vandalism was done to the Freedom Bell by protesters

Gail Combs

Any bet there will be ZERO CONVICTIONS???

Summer of Love 2.0 INCOMMING! Gotta get Trump off the Front page. 😉

Last edited 1 month ago by Gail Combs
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Trump ads will be amazing! Take out ads in every Jewish publication!


If it was regular Americans refusing covid shots, the police would have beat them mercilessly, put them down like rabid animals, no problemo.

But when it’s Leftist protesters, the policy occifers somehow are overwhelmed, not sure what to do, have to back-peddle and try really, really hard to regain control.

They just can’t seem to find it within themselves to handle their own brown-shirts.

Last edited 1 month ago by scott467

Captain Obvious calling Mr. Wray.

Have you turned the whole site upside down and inside out looking for an abandoned rifle.

Have you collected and fired a test bullet from every single rifle from every single person who carried one at the J13 rally.

I’ll bet the second thing wasn’t done and it’s too late to be meaningful now.


We have now identified 201 devices and growing, that were at the Kamala Harris Milwaukee, Wisconsin rally yesterday that have now arrived in Washington, DC., and are clashing with police, we have also identified the man with the metal ‘baton’ threatening police, he was a regular in Seattle antifa.

For a handful of these dipshidiots, a parent is a member of Congress! But most, if not all, come from wealthy elites. Hollywood, Silicon Valley, Wall Street, Political families.

–Tony Seruga


I really, really like unseen1 on Twitter. His is the best explanation I have heard for the Demoncrats suddenly going “all in” on Camel-Uh, the dingdong:

The rest:

“…not even help enough to make a steal believable. Yes, they looked far and wide for the best candidate against Trump and came up with Harris? That’s like Bush looking for the best Vp and coming up with chenny….. They had no choice. This whole thing started after a debate and a decision that they couldn’t keep biden because of the landslide the polls were showing. But then something happened that made them pivot from open convention to picking Harris. They wanted to pick someone else but settled on Harris within hours? That makes no sense. At the same time, they ALL decided to endorse Harris, we have reports of a health emergency in Las Vegas, and Biden disappeared for days… The only thing that makes sense on why they all settled on Harris is because they had no choice. Besides the money, the only other thing that would make them have no choice was that Biden would not be president for very much longer. They could not diss a sitting president at their convention. Even as bad a Biden was, they would have nominated him if he continued to refuse to leave the race. In fact, that was the plan by the DNC, so what changed? Oh, that’s right, the health emergency….. Even the outlandish response being pushed by every dem and media person to support Harris has an air of desperation to it. They had to pick someone to save the downballots. They couldn’t while Biden was fighting them. All of a sudden, they were free to do so. Free to pick the very best challenger to Trump, and they picked Harris? “Come on, man!””

Last edited 1 month ago by Aubergine
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, I agree. Something is up there.

I attribute it to the following.

  • the money, of course
  • Obama already picked Harris – it’s “The Plan”
  • the AME church cheaters demand it to carry out The Steal 2.0
  • she’s the most radical of the bunch – and they can’t resist going too far
  • Soros can’t resist a woman who is the ultimate “Soros DA”
  • Davos said it’s time for a black woman

They’re stuck with her.

From Soros DA to Soros President.


I just read on Twitter that Obama WON’T endorse Harris, because he thinks she can’t win a national election!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very interesting. This may be part of his “control strategy”.


Valerie Curren

I just twinsed your comment…oops…

Valerie Curren

hope this lets that tweet show here 🙂

Valerie Curren



IIRC, unseen used to comment here.

Valerie Curren

Under what handle?


From rally in Charlotte – Iron dome coming to America.I am sure it ties into Space Force.


Brandon lied his way right through his 5-10 minutes of saying nothing. Stayed true to himself.

Last edited 1 month ago by TradeBait2

Took zero questions.

Meaningless yammering.


Can you even imagine how much money it would cost, to set up “Iron Dome” protection to cover all of America?!?

Good thing we have a giant budget surplus and no national debt 🚀🚀🚀

Barb Meier

A bone to the warmongers? Money is their true interest.


There’s not enough money in all the world.


Worthy of your attention. Update using more evidence from Dr. Martenson.

Last edited 1 month ago by TradeBait2

Gail Combs

Please spare a thought for my Haflinger. He has colic and Hubby took him to the vet 2 hours ago.

I stayed home to feed everyone else.

Gail Combs

Update. He is on his way home. The vet thinks it is a displaced large colon. He had this before. We are supposed to watch him and make sure he recovers OK. Guess I will be up a lot tonight.


Gail Combs
Sending Good Energy and Deep Healing to the Haflinger!

Gail Combs

Thanks! He is in his late 20s and has no grinding teeth. The vet says he also has a heart murmur.


Just make sure that you hear that medical advice correctly…..


An older gentleman goes to see his doctor one afternoon. That evening, the doctor is astounded to see him dancing at a club with an attractive female half his age.

Striding across the dance floor, the doctor buttonholes his patient and drags him to a quiet corner, where he hisses, “just what the hell do you think you’re doing?”

The patient looks flustered and replies, “just what you said, doc — you told me to get a hot mama and be cheerful.”

The doctor is nearly sputtering at this point. “You idiot — I told you that you had a heart murmur and to be careful!”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This takes place in Boston, no doubt!


Would it help him to go swimming?

Gail Combs


It is normally caused by rolling and the colon moving to the wrong place. The vet said to turn him out where he can get exercise and keep an eye on him. It should move back to where it belongs.

Valerie Curren

Please keep us posted, as you can, including w/ any specific prayer requests  🙏 


Ooooh, I wonder what this is about?

Last edited 1 month ago by Aubergine

Speak up. You’re running out of time.

You know who you are.

🤔 So what happens when that “time” runs out?


I don’t know. But I know Bongino knows a whole bunch of SS people. And he is on the assassination attempt like a tick. He is not letting it go.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There have to be people on the inside who are studying the audio and know the truth.


For sure.


Somebody turns into a pumpkin at midnight.


….and all the coachmen turn into rats….



Kamala’s people.



Hateful, terroristic savages. Make them “famous.”

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James O’Keefe:


Our insider is still on inside of ACT BLUE….


Thank God for huge favors.

Next target — Arabella Advisors.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


There is talk of Kamala being a placeholder until they can put someone else in. I don’t know or understand the DNC rules, and I don’t know how this can be accomplished. Maybe through an open DNC convention where there are several candidates, and Kamala doesn’t make the cut? So the people fawning over her now, the same ones who fawned over Biden, might do another about-face? What a mess.

Valerie Curren

We pretty much expected that since the bulk of the electoral fraud of 2020 & 2022 remains unaddressed & unremedied  😡 


Marine veteran David Dutch, who was shot at Trump rally, released from hospital in good condition. – X platform/ProudElephant

Last report on Copenhaver is that he is still in serious condition.


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