Please save all crucial information about the attempted assassination of President Trump HERE. There may be other articles later – we will make sure to link those HERE. Please also add reference links back to this post.
Thank you!
I am going to put this up fast. It will be a hodgepodge of data in no particular order… lots OF DATA!
My goal at this point is just to capture the information and not to actually write an article.
We will start with my raw notes THAT ARE ALL FROM SOMEONE ELSE. I am sorry if I ‘Stole’ your work without including your name. I AM NOT GOING TO DO QUOTES. It takes to long!
July 18, 2024 14:43
Afternoon Treepers. I have “held my mud” since Saturday to try and sort through all the lies and distortions on the assassination attempt. I think this stinks worse than day old tuna in the Sahara.
Lets state some OBVIOUS.
This is NOT incompetence. This was PLANNED. Meticulously PLANNED.
- Hint, it was NOT Crooks who did the planning
- Crooks was a set up radicalized PATSY
- SS, and some local PSP had to be in on it
- the cover up is WELL underway
- This will NOT go away or be explained away like 1963. The TRUTH is coming, and it will put the FINAL nails in the DS Cabal.
Guys. Lets be REAL here. NO ONE gets within 500 yards of a former and leading candidate for President in an outdoor setting with an ELEVATED position. NO ONE. There is a REASON that this had not happened since 1963. ALL elevated line of sight positions became the FIRST priority of the SS sight team.
Trump was a sitting duck. The SS and PSP had NO confusion on where to cover, that is complete horse shit. Remember my axiom. When the MSM or DS have to change a narrative more than ONCE, the original narrative, and ALL subsequent narrative to support it are a LIE.
As soon as the SS Director said the reason the roof at AGR was not covered was because of the pitch, I knew it was ALL a lie, and the circle jerk had began.
Too many “”omissions” for this to be mere incompetence.
1)Short perimeter instead of 500 yards it was 200, leaving the nice elevated and deserted AGR building just outside the SS “:perimeter.
2) Convenient “confusion” on what group was responsible for covering AGR )PSP or SS)
3) Supposed lack of comms between local, state, and SS LE running this site. NO WAY they were not ALL monitoring each others comms.
4) a suspect walks around with a range finder for HOURS before the event and NO ONE confronts him. SS and LE tactical units are trained to EXACTLY spot suspects like that. Loner, lurking around, scouting with a range finder…RIGHT.
5) SS supposedly stationed IN AGR building instead of ON the ROOF of AGR. Anyone that has ever been even moderately trained knows about sight lines, interlocking fire, triangulation, and the high ground. The FIRST thing is to scout and eliminate the OBVIOUS vulnerabilities. They did not, they left this OPEN, WIDE open, more on that in a bit.
6)the lack of air support even a drone. NO WAY someone of Trump’s stature politically is NOT given close air support, even infrared. To pretend that Trump was not a former President, not the presumptive Republican nominee, not the odds on favorite to once again be President, and did not have political threats and enemies looking to take him out, especially after Iran issued a threat that DAY is laughable. It is not just Trump, there were expected to be 20-5- THOUSAND people in attendance. Who are they trying to kid here.
7) a kid of 20, with no know military training was able to evade SS, with a range finder, a riffle, and perhaps a ladder, to find THE perfect spot. So close it was almost unbelievable. Like shooting fish in a barrel. Come on.
8) The PERFECT location was left WIDE open. No perimeter or roof presence, the building was likely deserted because it was a Saturday. The building was just far away enough to avoid regular LE detection. Easy road access, EASY roof access with concealment.. The perfect height and distance for line of sight. Hell the SS snipers positioned behind Trump could have just as easily been positioned at AGR for sight coverage. Why was it omitted? .
9) poor comms when the shooter was spotted (by the CROWD) no less than 30 minutes before he took the shots. 30 seconds would have been PLEANTY of time to remove the President AND neutralize the shooter. Which is EXACTLY what should have happened.
10) Trumps regular team was diverted, or over worked so that the pony tail brigade was brought in…furthering the “tragic circumstance” narrative
They did not need to WAIT to remove Trump, OR take out the shooter. See, not ONLY Trump was in DANGER. That is where their narrative FAILS. There were @ 20000 CIVILIANS there as well as Trump. The shooter could have EASILY randomly opened fire into the crowd after his initial volley at Trump. That ALONE was reason enough to terminate the target.
Think about it. person on WHITE roof, with a weapon, outside perimeter, aiming toward protectee AND crowd. 3 seconds to know that he was NOT part of the detail. One outside perimeter, two, NOT in SS or LE attire, three, no comms to suspect. Execute, bang…threat neutralized. Medals for valor conferred later, as well as TV appearances, and hero accolades for acting quickly and SAVING lives. Think I’m off base, try posing on a roof with a weapon outside any open air venue after Las Vegas. You will get properly ventilated expeditiously.
Now, back to the shooter. How did a kid from 1 hr away get the perfect location scouted? How did he KNOW there was not someone stationed on that roof waiting to take out a threat. How did he KNOW there was no close air support or elevated surveillance? How did he carry a ladder and a riffle around undetected?
Answer, he was TOLD where to go, where to set up, that he would be un accosted, and that he would have a free shot, be a “hero” and that he would get away. Bank on it. Hell, I bet the reason the ladder theory of 5 ft does not fit the building is because he did not NEED a ladder. Looks to me like that building has what we call a mechanical “penthouse” I bet the reason he was not seen at first is because he was either let in the building, or told where an unlocked door was and how to get to the roof position from INSIDE. Then he was seen by the CROWD as he crawled into position. Curious how that could happen.
Remember folks. It did not have to be a detailed comm message. Simply “possible shooter on the roof” would have sufficed.
Trump would have (should have) been immediately covered and rushed away. The shooter would have been targeted by the SS snipers and eliminated. Hell they were watching him purportedly for THREE minutes. “awaiting authorization to fire” BULL SCHIFF. Any ONE of the listed items could have been an oversight. The vast amount of “oversights” can only lead to ONE conclusion. .Trump was set up by insiders to be assassinated right before the convention when he had not yet named a VP. They were going to fill the vacuum with their DS choice, who would take the sympathy and be their Manchurian candidate puppet.
Almighty God had other ideas. That slight head turn, milliseconds before the bullet would have struck (it was already on its way) was NOT luck, it was not planned, it was God’s will and his hand. PERIOD.
Now, they are in full coverup mode, but this time, it is not still cameras, BW photos, or even grainy 35mm film that captured it ALL I GUARANTEE someone has some smoking gun video. They should not give it to the FBI so it will be lost or destroyed. They should give it to Trump or James O keefe. So the WORLD will see.
Lastly, LOTS of people KNEW this was supposed to happen. Why was THIS rally out of ALL the others so extensively covered by ALL the major networks…LIVE. Why was the AP photographer able to perfectly capture the bullet in flight in frame (because he was WAITING for the head shot…that is also why he used fast shutter speed, to capture the head explosion in gory detail) Why were politicians like Obama so quick to come out with statements? Answer because they were PRE written, and they only had to change a word from “attempted” to “assassination”
The Cabal left an opening, put in a patsy, and showed him the way to do it to a tee. Trump was supposed to die that day, and leave us all in morning with nowhere to turn. Their plan FAILED and now they are FUBAR. They KNOW IT.
The old adage holds. “If you are going to go after a king, you’d best not MISS”
They MISSED. I expect a LOT of mea culpa’s, fleeing the country, and yes even suicides soon. This was STUPID. They thought this was their way out, and it was 1963 all over again where they could take out the countries leader, line up a patsy and a BS story, and insert their puppet in our blind emotion.
Reply to prognosticatasaurusrex
July 18, 2024 15:57
No apologies rex, there’s a whole lot to this assassination attempt and it takes time and length to put the pieces together….I hope you don’t mind if I add the following as a consideration to be taken in regard to to your comment 6)the lack of air support even a drone.
I picked this up while I was crawling through social media this morning:
Anonymous insider testimony on the Trump shooter incident. This will eventually be submitted to the Congressional tip line. In the meanwhile, it’s your too! The people deserve to know.
My person has access to the PA State Police, Butler County Sheriffs, and Butler Police Department. Now let’s begin.
1. The water tower is still very much in play.
2. The Pennsylvania State Police are usually allocated to events such as the Trump rally.
3. Secret Service told the State Police not to show up.
4. All SERT tech (Strategic Emergency Response Team) would have been leveraged by the State Police that were disinvited.
5. Tech for State SERT services also includes drones, bombs, and snipers. So State Pol ice was not allocated and local police were only allocated to traffic control.
6. If SERT is the normal unit to provide permitted security and technology, how did the Secret Service intend to augment without them?
7. Only four state police were permitted onsite. They were stationed near to local police who had been restricted to crowd/vehicular traffic.
8. State SERT would normally be the team on the roof. (But the Secret Service told them not to show up.)
9. Sheriffs department is suggesting someone fell off the roof and broke both ankles. This has not yet been confirmed. [Would this be the local police officer that fell after he peeked over the edge and the cop that the Shooter pointed his weapon at?]
10. The Butler County Sheriff is largely corrupt. Many are questioning his messaging on Main Stream Media outlets. [such as this press announcement he gave on July 13, 2024: In a recent development, the Butler Police Department has announced the arrest of the suspect involved in the shooting incident targeting former President Trump. The alleged shooter has been identified as Mark Violets, who is reported to be a member of the Antifa group. Prior to the shooting, Violets posted a video on YouTube in which he ominously declared that “justice is coming.”
It appears to me that the Secret Service was deeply involved in perpetrating an assassination upon a political candidate…and it also appears at this time that the FBI, the DOJ, and the DHS are deeply involved in covering it up.
Cheato doesn’t deserve to be allowed to resign and walk away. She is a traitor who facilitated a murder against three civilians that her “team” put in harms way. I think she deserves to hang, but maybe that’s just me.
“Eyewitnesses from the ground who saw the shooter on the roof at the Butler Trump rally describe seeing snipers in the second story building of the AGR Building in Butler Township, Pennsylvania.
Speaking yesterday exclusively to the Gateway Pundit, the eyewitnesses said there is a lot more to the story that is not being reported by the mainstream media.
Though they could not get a clear look at them, they describe seeing one sniper in particular with a sleeve tattoo. The building staff had been chasing off Trump supporters earlier that day, people who wanted to walk up on the property to the security fence to get a better shot of America’s President. Later, when the group tried again the security was nowhere to be found so they went onto the field.
While there, they witnessed a man crawling on the roof and for what ABC admits is at least twenty minutes, and witnesses say was at least thirty minutes, trying to warn security as to what was going on, but there were no police and no security on this entire side of the Trump rally.
But they did notice some kind of security team inside the building on the second floor.
The windows for the second story were open so that the team of snipers inside had a clear view of the Trump Rally field.”
There are pictures from a drone showing windows in the article.
July 16, 2024 03:50
Where we left off last night late at the end of our Monday thread was with some tweets from a CBS reporter Olivia Rinaldi and a live blog from CBS.
The way this news is presented is rather disjointed with mish mash of information crammed together. It certainly does not read like a cohesive piece but it is telling a very strange story of what occurred in Butler PA. By all means read it yourself but your going to have to keep plowing through it to get to the salient parts as it is disjointed IMO or maybe I don’t understand modern writing.
For the above reason I’m going to provide the basic out line.
In the building that Crooks fired from were 3 local police department snipers inside the same building Crooks fired from. They had visual contact with Crooks two to three times as Crooks sat outside the building fiddling with a range finder. At one point Crooks left but returned minutes later carrying a bag. Shortly after the police sniper team went outside after being alerted someone had gone up on the roof. When they went out and looked up onto the roof is when the cop looking got faced off by Crooks with Crook’s rifle turning on him. The cop dropped to the ground and before they could get back up on the roof, Crooks was already firing at the President, approximately 8 shots.
Now we switch over to the Snipers we’ve all been seeing with vids and pictures. That sniper team never got off a shot apparently. The ones that shot Crooks were on the roof of the other building next to theirs. They were covering the other side of the venue but readjusted when Crooks started shooting and engaged after the other team failed to engage and it is them that killed Crooks with one shot. At the end of this thread reader it will link into the story below.
There’s a video with this story that should be watched.
Other source showing the other SS Sniper team engaging Crooks
While much attention has been on one of the Secret Service Sniper teams posted closest to the shooter, line of sight analysis indicates a second team, here, was more likely responsible for the return fire that killed President Trump’s would-be assassin.
All unconfirmed.
—FUNKER530 (@FunkerActual)
In the above video you see Trump is still talking before the shooting. You also see the SS sniper team is already deployed from their primary sector of fire to their secondary sector of fire which means two things. Both sniper teams on both roofs knew about the threat before Crooks fired. For what ever reason the closest SS sniper team did not take a shot so the other team took it for them.
Here’s some conversation from the tweet in case you can’t read it. Some disambiguation on if it was this team or one much farther away then these two teams. These two are 120m and about 180m away and they are talking about another team about 400 plus meters away. Which is still close for well trained snipers given their gear.
If there were line of sight issues with that specific roof top and building, the fact that it wasn’t secured or constantly monitored is a major lapse in security and seems negligent.
Next question, how does one have knowledge of the threat, location of target, eyes on target, and yet security detail doesn’t move in to protect their man. Now, does that sound routine?
The video of the other team looked like they were taking cover from shots. Never looked like they were shooting. These guys look far more likely. Good post.
Erik Prince said the sniper who took out the shooter was 488 yds away. Likely from an angle that had visibility on the shooter who had cover behind the ridge of a roof from these guys.
Seems more plausible. You don’t risk bad shots when your teammate has a lock on a perfect one.
I know some people are saying its the same shooters but The guys in one shot seem to be wearing boonies hats and the guys in the other shot seem to be wearing baseball caps. Or maybe I’m missing something
If you haven’t already, check this out Attempt on Pres Trump and response.
Antihero podcast had info that sniper from 400+ meters away shot him, aiming between bleacher seats…it’s a must listen.
And that makes sense depending on what side of the roof slant the shooter was on. People keep pointing out sniper team one wasn’t firing but they were probably trying to get comms confirmation shooter wasn’t another sniper team.
So they were totally disorganized.
….this point.
Crooks wasn’t stupid, to go up on the building where cops were operating from. That is extremely devious and smart. Note that he was not only boldly claiming the best vantage point – he was forcing the countersnipers to FIRE BACK ON THEIR OWN.
Think about that. He used a contradiction to suppress USSS fire. It was not incompetence. It was a brilliant strategy, programmed into him with MK technology.
We are up against some brutal adversaries, who know the USSS playbook, and have overcome it by a combination of agency weakening and strong MK tech.
Here’s what happened in PA.
MK-seduced “wanna-be assassin”, possibly “overshadowed” with “professional assassin(s), use BlackRock-owned facility as backdrop/stationing area to try and kill President Trump. Stationing area on roof of building hidden by “sudden” appearance of tall, thick trees (in contrast to the rest of the greenery around the building.) Possible “professional assassins” are stationed on water tower of facility.
“President Biden’s” handlers create “Jill Biden speech at local Italian-American League dinner” TO BE GIVEN ON THE SAME DAY as the assassination attempt on President Trump.
DHS and DEI-led USSS “possibly collaborate” to “divert” USSS protection for President Trump over to “Jill Biden speech at Italian-American League dinner.”
“Substitute” USSS team for President Trump includes some real USSS + untrained / unqualified / DEI hires from other departments.
Local LEO ** possibly ** told to “stand down” if “persons with ill intent” are noticed at President Trump’s rally.
USSS snipers at President Trumps’ rally literally wait until “wanna-be assassin” and/or “professional assassin” make their first shots BEFORE engaging. “Wanna-be assassin” becomes room temperature.
USSS “substitute team” at President Trump’s rally remove him from the scene. Removal clumsily and unsafely done — President Trump was exposed to more potential gunfire during the removal. At least two female “substitute USSS” ringers, too short and/or overweight, either panic or act unprofessionally.
Any questions?
Google Maps street view of that location. It is from November 2023, the date is shown. This even shows the “new” looking mulch under the trees:
another theory
July 15, 2024 9:49 am
Rule #1 – Follow the money. Possible theory below.
BlackRock reveals link to failed Trump assassin The shooter appeared in a commercial for the investment behemoth
Thomas Matthew Crooks, the suspect in Saturday’s attempted assassination of former US President Donald Trump, featured in a 2022 ad for BlackRock, the investment giant has revealed.
There you have it! Let’s do the math. Black Rock bought the best assets in Ukraine for 10 cents on a dollar. Practically a theft. It enrolled the neo-Nazi regime. Unleashed NATO and ISIS. All to protect its investments. There comes Trump saying he will stop the war in 24 hours, forcing Ukraine to settle the conflict. Black Rock will lose billions if that were to happen. They dust off their shooter who appeared on their commercial and was not paid on the books – but off the books. Wait… there is more.
Black Rock calls its CIA assets to direct the Secret Service to ‘loosen up’ the security around Trump. This is why there were security mishaps, designed to allow the shooter to fire his shots. So, to stop the shooter from talking and revealing his Black Rock connection, he was shot dead. All scripted by Black Rock, but there was poor execution.
Black Rock is the one behind Ukraine war, there are others too. Last, do not count on an investigation or punishing the masterminds. They are the government within the government! Major conspiration similar to the one that killed JFK. his brother, MLK, Malcom X and John Lennon.
Trillions of dollars are at risk. Blackrock has long wanted to steal the Rich mineral and Agriculture assets of Ukraine. and there you have the motive and setup. Large corporations control the government and other military and intelligence entities needed to make easy money for themselves (CEO and executives).
PS. The secret service is now a diversity DEI hiring group. Enough said about their performance. Bunch of bumbling keystone cops.
July 16, 2024 13:37
DEI head of the Secret Service — IMO, complicit in the assassination attempt on President Trump, perhaps?
Prison, NOW. Biden’s Secret Service director admitted the decision to leave the roof unguarded was deliberate. And her rationale is insane. Absolutely insane. You cannot come to any other conclusion than this: Biden’s Secret Service and DHS deliberately created every single condition that led to Trump nearly being assassinated. They did it on purpose. They’re admitting they did it on purpose. And they’re fine with the results, which is why no one has been fired. How long until we discover the shooter was in communication with fed informants or assets prior to the event? Pretty wild how he just happened to pick the one event with the one spot that Biden’s Secret Service deliberately kept unguarded.
—Sean Davis (@seanmdav)
Secret Service director says the decision to leave the roof unguarded was deliberate, because it was unsafe to have snipers on a sloped roof. “That building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point. And so, you know, there’s a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn’t want to put somebody up on a sloped roof,” Cheatle said. The director of the U.S. Secret Service deliberately allowed the former and future president of the United States to be shot in the face because she didn’t want a Secret Service agent to be on a roof with a minimal slope.
The other issue is whether the roof has enough of a slope to be dangerous to anyone who was on it. Someone posted this pic, which is basically a flat roof.
Everyone needs to see this photo to appreciate the tactical negligence that occurred during the assassination attempt on DJT. This photo was taken just minutes before the first shots were fired. DJT is oriented towards the shooter at this point.
Look in the upper left of this photo. That is the building. Look how fucking close it was. Direct line of sight to DJT.
You can see my wife & I to the right of the SS agent in the front row.
There is no excuse to not have someone on that roof. None.
It amounts to the most stunning incompetence & negligence in a tactical situation that I have ever been a part of. Ever.
It’s simply incomprehensible to me how this happens.
The only thing that is more incomprehensible to me is how the Director of the Secret Service still has a job. —
Here’s rightscoop’s story on same. Says she’s not quitting… says some other things as well. Odd things. This also substantiates the CBS reporting.
Wall Street Apes @WallStreetApes
WOAH Listen To This: Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle “She has close ties to the Cheneys, the Bidens and is responsible for the J6 deleted texts scandal”
She “evacuated vice president Dick Cheney on 9/11”
You can not tell me this wasn’t an inside job
“She would know. The 28 year veteran was on the team that evacuated vice president Dick Cheney on 911, and she served on then then vice president Biden’s protective detail. He named her director in mid 2022.
New election. Amid a swirl of controversy agency deleting nearly all of its text messages from January 6th.
The agency says that was due to a data migration. System migrations happen. But I think for a lot of Americans, it just doesn’t pass the smell test given the timing and the volume of messages deleted.
Well, it’s unfortunate that that would be the assumption that people would make. Our integrity is everything, and there was nothing nefarious attached to that.“
Keystone cops.
Some of this we have already heard. According to this report, the SS says it was not responsible for the rooftop where the shooter was because it was outside their perimeter. I call complete on that. There should be no outside perimeter for the SS. They should be overseeing everything.
The Butler police also say they were not responsible for that rooftop but that another local law enforcement agency was. The reporter does not know which agency that was. She says there were four cops. One of them got hoisted to the roof, looked the shooter in the eye, had a gun pointed at him, and dropped 8 feet to the ground. Because he was hanging on to the side of the building, he was not able to pull a weapon to engage the shooter and could not notify anyone.
So when the officers heard reports of a person on the roof from the rally attendees, instead of standing with the attendees and letting them show them where the guy was, they decided to peek over the side of the roof with no ladder, no ability to engage the shooter, and apparently no plan. It’s unbelievable.
NEW: Dan Bongino says an “unimpeachable source” tells him that someone was supposed to be on the roof where Thomas Crooks shot from but “didn’t show up.”
Bongino also claimed that the Biden admin is telling the USSS director to keep her mouth shut if she wants to keep her job.
“According to my source, that roof was supposed to be a police post… [there] was so supposed to be someone there.”
“They’re now making up excuses saying the pitch of the roof. My source says to me that no one knows why the post didn’t show up.”
“I was also told that the USSS director has been given instructions from the administration and the DHS secretary: ‘If you wanna keep your job, you’ll keep your mouth shut about this.’”
Video: @ColumbiaBugle
Why they didn’t put people on the roof of the building where Crooks shot from.
‘That building in particular has a sloped roof at its highest point. And so, you know, there’s a safety factor that would be considered there that we wouldn’t want to put somebody up on a sloped roof,’ she told ABC News in an interview Tuesday.
‘And so, you know, the decision was made to secure the building, from inside.’
Meanwhile I’m wondering how long we can keep it a secret from her that the other two locations where snipers were deployed had a march higher and sharper roof.
Or the fact that the same building complex had other roofs, one of which was flat and higher than the one chosen by Crooks and would have been a great vantage point in all directions to include the roof below them where Crooks set up.
Heck they could of tossed rocks at the guy and accomplished the mission of keeping the president safe. “plink! plink! plink! Hey you laying down there with the gun! Don’t make us come down there! . Plink! Go on get!”.
Trump rally shooting could have been MUCH worse
Police and Secret Service locked themselves inside the security fence and were not able to get to Thomas Crooks. If counter-snipers had not already taken him out, he’d have time to use all his ammo on crowd
Scattered through the short article.
- Bought a ladder.
- Carried a very tall ladder past SS, to get on the roof.
- Picture of the ladder against the building in the article.
- Ladder barely reaches roofline.
- Dope drove a Hyundai Sonata an hour to the rally site.
- Article says ladder purchased was five foot ladder. <<< ???
- “It’s not clear whether Crooks used the ammunition or the ladder that he bought on Saturday during his attack later that day.” However, a ladder was prominently propped up against the building where Crooks would shoot from.
Purchased 50 rounds of ammo from gun store. No mention of caliber…
Failed Trump Assassin Purchased Ladder and 50 Rounds of Ammo on the Morning of the Rally, According to New Report
Elon Musk
Looks very slopey …
Just a picture of a Secret Service agent standing on the roof of the White House.
Trump assassin
another theory
July 15, 2024 9:49 am
Rule #1 – Follow the money. Possible theory below.
BlackRock reveals link to failed Trump assassin The shooter appeared in a commercial for the investment behemoth
Thomas Matthew Crooks, the suspect in Saturday’s attempted assassination of former US President Donald Trump, featured in a 2022 ad for BlackRock, the investment giant has revealed.
There you have it! Let’s do the math. Black Rock bought the best assets in Ukraine for 10 cents on a dollar. Practically a theft. It enrolled the neo-Nazi regime. Unleashed NATO and ISIS. All to protect its investments. There comes Trump saying he will stop the war in 24 hours, forcing Ukraine to settle the conflict. Black Rock will lose billions if that were to happen. They dust off their shooter who appeared on their commercial and was not paid on the books – but off the books. Wait… there is more.
Black Rock calls its CIA assets to direct the Secret Service to ‘loosen up’ the security around Trump. This is why there were security mishaps, designed to allow the shooter to fire his shots. So, to stop the shooter from talking and revealing his Black Rock connection, he was shot dead. All scripted by Black Rock, but there was poor execution.
Black Rock is the one behind Ukraine war, there are others too. Last, do not count on an investigation or punishing the masterminds. They are the government within the government! Major conspiration similar to the one that killed JFK. his brother, MLK, Malcom X and John Lennon.
Trillions of dollars are at risk. Blackrock has long wanted to steal the Rich mineral and Agriculture assets of Ukraine. and there you have the motive and setup. Large corporations control the government and other military and intelligence entities needed to make easy money for themselves (CEO and executives).
PS. The secret service is now a diversity DEI hiring group. Enough said about their performance. Bunch of bumbling keystone cops.
Here is the BlackRock commercial!
Notice that it’s connected to TEACHERS’ PENSIONS.
Laura Loomer
AGR International, the building Thomas Matthew Crooks shot from, was just sold in March to a Clayton, Dubilier and Rice (CD&R)
subsidiary called INDICOR.
It is worth noting that Joseph L. Rice III is the Founder of Clayton, Dubilier & Rice. Rice is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and he is also a member of the Brookings Institution, the same Brookings institute
that has perpetuated lawfare campaigns against President Trump in an effort to keep him off the ballot for the 2024 Presidential election.
It’s important for people to understand how the DEEP STATE has a history of using proprietary companies as cutouts.
According to filings and their own press releases, Indicor was officially formed in Jan 2023 by CD&R, who just partnered Jon Selib
Prior to joining CD&R, Jon Selib was the Senior Vice President of Global policy and public affairs and Pfizer, a position he remained in until 2022.
As the Senior VP of Global policy and public affairs for
, Selib was a MAX DONOR to Joe Biden’s campaign when he ran against President Trump.
The current CEO of Indicor is Doug Wright, who was previously deployed with defense contractor Raytheon Technologies. Doug Wright, CEO of Indicor, confirmed that “law enforcement was on the premises of the building before the shooting took place”, since it was deemed to be a high security risk location by the Secret Service. Wright also said the office was closed on the day of the attempted assassination of President Trump.
Roberto Quarta is the Chairman of the Private Equity group (CD&R) that owns Indicor/AGR. His photo is listed on the World Economic Forum (WEF)
Oddly enough, John Stroup the Indicor Chairman and CD&R partner, recently announced his resignation from the board of directors of Crane Company on June 5th, 2024, effective July 22nd, 2024.
On March 18, 2024, the change of registered office by entity for the building the shooter shot from was changed to “Corporation Service Company”. Corporation Service Company is registered as a foreign business corporation in Delaware.
In December 2023, CD&R made Jon Selib a partner, after he joined CD&R in 2022. Selib was the former chief of Staff to Democrat Montana Senator Max Baucus
(D), the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee. In 2013, Barack Obama chose Senator Baucus to be the US ambassador to CHINA.
Selib spent 12 years working in the US Senate and became Chief of Staff to Senator Baucus after Baucus’ former chief of staff Jim Messina left to fill the same position for Democrat Barack Obama’s presidential campaign.
In 2020, Ambassador Baucus went on CNN and said President Trump’s rhetorical attacks on China make him “a little bit like Hitler” when President Trump was blaming China for the COVID outbreak.
Ambassador Baucus currently lives in Bozeman, Montana, where he and his wife, Melodee Hanes, formed a consulting firm called Baucus Group LLC. Ambassador Baucus provides consulting services to American and Chinese businesses and he serves on the Board of Directors of Ingram Micro, and the Board of Advisors to the Chinese Communist Party owned Alibaba Group.
Reply to PAVACA
July 18, 2024 14:20
And through the tangle of it all one word jumps out “Pfizer”
According to filings and their own press releases, Indicor was officially formed in Jan 2023 by CD&R who just partnered with Jon Selib.
Prior to joining CD&R, Jon Selib was the Senior Vice President of Global policy and public affairs at PFIZER, a position he remained in until 2022. As the Senior VP of Global policy and public affairs for Pfizer, Selib was a MAX DONOR to Joe Biden’s campaign when he ran against President Trump.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy(@wolfmoon1776)
Reply to pat frederick
July 15, 2024 10:53
Excellent. All speculation, but it’s speculation in the right direction.
Reader’s Digest version from the article.
“Malice Or Massive Incompetence”: Erik Prince Gives Detailed Assessment Of Secret Service Failure
Former Navy Seal and Blackwater founder Erik Prince gave a detailed assessment of yesterday’s Secret Service debacle in the wake of a failed assassination attempt on former President Trump.
DJT was not saved by USSS brilliance. The fact that USSS allowed a rifle armed shooter within 150yds to a preplanned event is either malice or massive incompetence.
The law enforcement sniper (unclear if USSS) in newsreels was clearly overwhelmed as his face came off his rifle instead of doing his job to kill the shooter.
Clearly USSS failed at the basics of a secure perimeter and once shots were fired their extraction was clumsy and left DJT highly exposed to follow on attacks
Merit and execution must be the only deciding factors in hiring and leadership, not the social engineering priority of the day.
When looking at the circumstances in favor of Thomas Matthew Crooks, the identified alleged suspect in the attempted assassination of Donald Trump in Butler, PA, it’s hard to see how the guy failed.
The rooftop used by Crooks was a mere 140 yards away from the event with a clear line of sight to the right of Trump.
The Secret Service is supposed to secure all obvious “sniper perches” well before the arrival of a protectee –
The idea of Crooks being able to get that close with an elevated position on the stage is unthinkable.
Finally, there’s the dismal lack of response time.
Stuck on this…
WHY did the sniper hesitate to take out the threat?
- Today we are to believe protocols NOT followed. (Under the bus)
- Permission to fire NOT required. (Bullshit. Show me the Rules of Engagement.)
Reply to kalbokalbs
July 15, 2024 09:38
Pretty simple, actually.
That building was supposed to be secured by local police. The snipers in the pic were local cops. They knew that. At first, they thought it was one of their guys, doing the same job they were doing.
One of the sniper cops lifted his head from a ready-to-shoot position to get a different look at the rooftop person, probably because he heard people yelling and pointing at the killer’s perch. They didn’t realize he was a threat until the killer took his shots.
They immediately fired on the killer, although the actual neutralizing shot could have come from USSS sniper team at a different location.
Two trillion dollar deficit, massive budget increase for IRS, yet USSS has bread-and-water rations for its budget.
Plus a D E I bitch for a leader. A cherry on top of a shit sundae.
Not to mention, but… President Trump should have been secured at the 1st HINT of an issue.
Candidate Trump rally Reno, NV November 2016.
Someone near the stage yelled “gun”.
SS rushed Trump off stage.
Crowd tackled the asshole. SS & LE took him away.
Slow guy in the crowd, ~100′ from excitement. No one ran.
Trump return in, I’m guessing <ten minutes.
i read this, this morning. true? not sure. but it makes sense in a way–kill a guy who’s got a telescope? seems out there, but maybe that IS their policy. I dunno.
Here’s my reporting on why the Secret Service did not shoot until AFTER the shooter engaged and some context about the House Republicans’ investigation already underway (months before Trump’s assassination attempt) into whether the agency’s DEI policies are affecting its readiness. The blowback against the Secret Service started within the hour of the assassination attempt and continued even after Trump and other credited the agency with saving Trump’s life by quickly killing a shooter crawling across a nearby rooftop.
But a source within the Secret Service community tells RealClearPolitics that the agency rules of engagement in this situation are to wait until the president is fired upon to return fire. “You want to take a shot then find out the guy was holding a telescope?” the source suggested. “The Secret Service is by nature reactive…and you better be right when you do react or you’re f—–d.” The Secret Service protocol requires that a counter sniper aware of a potential shooter to radio directly to intelligence division team to respond and investigate. In this case, the investigation may have been cut short by the shooter firing his weapon, so the counter sniper then fired as quickly as possible in return. The source praised the counter sniper who acquired the target and responded within three seconds, calling their performance “incredible.” “The counter snipers are highly trained and extremely accurate,” he said. Others with law enforcement and military backgrounds want to know whether the Secret Service utilized drones, i.e. small unmanned aircraft systems, to provide detailed situational awareness.
If the agency did not use drones, why not, these experts ask. The use of drones has been a controversial issue within the agency since at least 2016. Implementing drones would have provided detailed line-of-site analysis and aerial surveillance that would have easily identified the rooftop as a potential threat area. “The USSS has access to all the best imagery and elevation data,” the military expert told RCP. “I’m not saying they didn’t [use drones], but it’s an open question.”
The once vaunted Secret Service lost some of its former respect after a string of fence-jumping incidents and other security lapses came to light during the Obama administration. At the beginning of the Trump administration, a senior special agent in the Secret Service came under fire for suggesting in a Facebook post that she wouldn’t “take a bullet” for Trump. Kerry O’Grady, the former agent in question, was placed on administrative leave but was allowed to retire with full benefits, which outraged many in the Secret Service community.
The agency, more recently, has come under scrutiny for its diversity, equity and inclusion policies, after a female agency attached to Vice President Kamala Harris’s protective detail and identified as Michelle Herczeg, had an apparent mental breakdown and physically attacked her senior officers at Joint Base Andrews before a trip. An agency spokesman called the issue a “medical incident,” but other members of the Secret Service launched a petition over the agency’s diversity, equity and inclusion hiring and vetting policies during the Biden administration, as first reported by RCP.
In addition, after the attempted assassination of Trump Saturday night, conservatives blasted Rep. Bennie Thompson, the ranking Democrat on the House Homeland Security Committee, for earlier this year introducing a bill co-sponsored by several other Democrats that would have denied Service Service protection to Trump if he were convicted of a felony. The measure never gained traction in the GOP-controlled House. After the attempted assassination, which killed one innocent spectator and injured at least two others, Thompson tweeted that he is “glad that the former president is safe” and is “gratefully for law enforcement’s fast response.”
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy(@wolfmoon1776)
Reply to pat frederick
July 15, 2024 12:01
Pat – this is key – this is how the bad side controls evil outcomes through good intentions.
FIRST – remember what Sundance calls them – the INTELLIGENCE BRANCH.
Now look at this quote from what you posted…..
The Secret Service protocol requires that a counter sniper aware of a potential shooter to radio directly to intelligence division team to respond and investigate.
This is how they took over DOJ, too – using the “NSD” – the National Security Division. It’s the same thing. The shadow government uses the “intelligence group” within agencies to control them.
The Intelligence Branch can control outcomes in the Secret Service.
Now keep looking at why Trump survived.
In this case, the investigation may have been cut short by the shooter firing his weapon, so the counter sniper then fired as quickly as possible in return.
This broke the USSS out of the IC control loop!!!
The source praised the counter sniper who acquired the target and responded within three seconds, calling their performance “incredible.” “The counter snipers are highly trained and extremely accurate,” he said.
That 3 seconds CONFIRMS the audio of the shots, and my assessment of the first six bullets.
Crooks fired three shots in the video I watched, at 8.0, 9.0 and 9.9 seconds, with the countersniper getting three shots back at 12.0-13.0 seconds.
The head shot to the assassin happened at 24 seconds.
This is how the wicked Comey IC takes over. SS is under shadow government control, and they use “good things” as cover for bad things.
The same IC has total compartmentalization and deniability on weakening USSS and then sending secret forces against their hobbled Secret Service. Quite evil.
Trump assassination
New #QAnon. I believe Q to be saying “Bigger than 25th amendment attempt to remove”, meaning there have already been major assassination attempts on @realDonaldTrump, and we have evidence for these. Let’s thread down memory lane for the backstory.
Last year on June 12th, Q posted this photo of what looked to be a missile, saying “this is not a game”. This photo was taken June 10th overlooking Whidbey Island in WA by a weather photographer. When this was taken, Trump was on his way to the summit with N Korea in Asia.
The mainstream media tried playing this off as “just a helicopter” that the photograph was taken of. The cover story Q was mentioning today. That sure looks like a photo of a helicopter to me. (not)
Back on June 12th, Q then quickly gave us this saying “think hack”, which could infer that rogue actors hacked the sub that launched the missile directed at AF1 en route to Asia.
Ironically on June 8th, 2 days before the “helicopter” incident, the MSM reported that “China Hacked U.S. Navy Contractor To Obtain Sub Secrets”. Were they setting up the markers for a false flag here? If POTUS was downed, blame on China? Interesting.…
China Hacked U.S. Navy Contractor To Obtain Sub Secrets: Report
News comes a day after Trump agrees to drop sanctions against Chinese telecom giant ZTE.
Thankfully, an assassination never happened. A few hours before posting about the missile and sub on June 12th, Q gave us this photograph, which Anons determined was an original photo from Q taken over Alaska. If you zoom in, you can see it looks like the missile was intercepted.
Q posted today, “Coincidence re: AF1 re: CA route NK?” A flight path from California to the Korea’s would take you over a small portion of Alaska’s Aleutian Islands, which has 57 volcanoes. More evidence that our photograph above was the missile interception.
Then, in another Q post from this morning, they linked a tweet from @SevenFlamingos, who noticed that the US Army tweeted about the THAAD anti-ballistic missile defense system the same day Q brought back the June 12th “helicopter/missile” incident. What a coincidence.
In a quick search on THAAD, I found this Stars & Stripes article about a successful test over the North Pacific last year. “The target missile… was detected, tracked and intercepted by a THAAD battery at Pacific Spaceport Complex Alaska in Kodiak..”…
Kodiak, that’s right there next to the Aleutian Islands. If there was, in fact, a missile heading for AF1, the THAAD system based in Kodiak is likely what was activated to take it down >> Q’s photograph over Alaska of what looked to be an intercepted missile.
So let’s hypothetically say… A president for freedom, truth, and prosperity that a horribly corrupted Deep State wants to take out is on his way to North Korea. The jet that the president is in is heading from CA to Asia over the North Pacific.
They send a missile his way, hacked from a sub near Whidbey Island, WA. Missile gets taken out by THAAD missile defense systems over Alaskan islands in the North Pacific. We learn of this all through hints told via a backchannel communication line popularly known as #Qanon
Moral of the story, don’t f*ck with the military. The president is very well insulated, and him and his family are putting their lives on the line for us. These corrupted Deep State folks will go to no ends to avoid defeat, but their defeat is inevitable. Hypothetically. /end
Kalbo says: <i>”…. I hope they have proof of that bottom line…and and every detail back to its inception…..”</i>
OH, I think they do!
1. PDJT campaign to have Nasty Nan the Pigloser as Speaker of the House.
<a href=””>President Trump Urges Democrats to Support Nancy Pelosi</a>
2. PDJT shuts down government.
3. Nasty Nan and 100 of her friends and family take a bus to the airport to catch a Government Plane to EU andthen Afghanistan. This included:
Adam Schiff, D-CA
Mark Takano, D-CA
Susan Davis, D-CA
Stephen Lynch, D-MA
Eliot Engel, D-NY
Elaine Luria, D-VA
4. While in route, PDJT orders the plane GROUNDED!
<a href=””>President Trump Cancels Speaker Pelosi Overseas Trip…</a>
<blockquote> Hilarious Trump waited to release the letter while Nancy was en route to the airport and law makers were on a Air Force bus about to depart for the airport.
— The TRUMP PAGE (@MichaelDelauzon) January 17, 2019</blockquote>
5. MEANWHILE the FIB catches a Jihadist in Atlanta GA buying anti-tank weapons, small arms and such for a planned attack on the White House and other parts of DC. (We are not told anything further, but the possibility exist the Jihadist was one of a group.) This attack could have taken out BOTH PDJT AND VP PENCE, leaving Nasty Nan as president…. Who was ‘convienently’ out of DC at the time of the attack.
<i>”…The suspect allegedly <b>planned on using IEDs and an anti-tank rocket to inflict “mass casualties,”</b> reports
“His alleged intent was to attack the White House and other targets of opportunity in the Washington, D.C. area,” the U.S. attorney for the Northern District of Georgia Byung Pak told reporters….
<blockquote>ABC News…
[…]Taheb allegedly told the informant that “jihad was the best deed in Islam and the peak of Islam,” adding that “it was not complicated at all to do jihad today,” according to the complaint.
In a meeting with the informant and an undercover FBI agent on Dec. 2, Taheb allegedly stated that “they could do more damage” in the U.S. because abroad they would be “one of many.” He also allegedly said that he wanted to be a “martyr” and cause as much damage as possible, the complaint states.
[…]<b>“He said the group would fight to the end and make it a big bang,”</b> according to the document.
[…]…He also discussed the need for <b>a “base” where they could regroup</b> and “give a speech to motivate people” and show clips of “oppressed Muslims,” the document states. </blockquote>
6. That this was the plan was hinted at by Nasty Nan’s claims at the time that she was CO-EQUAL to President Trump (preparing for her ascent to the White house maybe?)
<b>And a really wierd tweet indicating she was about to become president.</b> (Sorry I did not save it but it was commented on OT at the time)
This was not the first attempt:
<i>New #QAnon. I believe Q to be saying “Bigger than 25th amendment attempt to remove”, meaning there have already been major assassination attempts on @realDonaldTrump, and we have evidence for these. Let’s thread down memory lane for the backstory.
Last year on June 12th, Q posted this photo of what looked to be a missile, saying “this is not a game”. This photo was taken June 10th overlooking Whidbey Island in WA by a weather photographer. When this was taken, Trump was on his way to the summit with N Korea in Asia.
The mainstream media tried playing this off as “just a helicopter” that the photograph was taken of. The cover story Q was mentioning today. That sure looks like a photo of a helicopter to me. (not) </i>
Nor was it the last…
As a reminder, Doug Leone of Sequoia Capital publicly voiced his support for Trump 6 weeks ago.
Silicon Valley has shifted.
—Elon Musk (@elonmusk) July 16, 2024
I know venture capital in CA from 2 decades in that field. I cannot overstate that this quote coming from a Sequoia Capital partner is HUGE.
Reply to Alison
July 16, 2024 19:57
Additional information for your considerations:
June 16, 2023
Sequoia Capital is the biggest US Venture Capitalist firm in China & they’ve been caught investing US Pension fund $$ into Chinese Military Tech Industries
Sequoia is largest US tech investor in China, including TikTok. Sequoia has been paying GOP members, *millions* to not investigate & to protect Adam Schiff
The biggest US investor in Chinese businesses is also one of the biggest GOP donors in the House & Senate.
The man in charge of Sequoia is Doug Leone, an agent for the Chinese Communist Party.
We now know why House Intelligence Committee Representative Mike Turner protected Adam Schiff from censure.
Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy’s top donor, has become Doug Leone (and wife) from Sequoia.
Jeopardizing America’s security while funding China’s rise damages US economic growth and poses grave threat to the nation.
I can only assume that PDJT is adhering to the old adage: “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.”
This was posted shortly after Trump was shot and is worthy of consideration:
“The building that the shooter was on is owned by AGR aka American Glass Research. They specialize in the manufacturing of various glass products.
AGR was bought in March 2020 by Indicor.
Indicor’s website indicates that Indicor is a freestanding, diversified industrial solutions company formed in 2022 by CD&R. It owns and operates a portfolio of industrial businesses that provide specialized, highly-engineered, mission-critical products and solutions for manufacturers. Indicorruns their companies under the ESG Green New Deal ideology.
Indicor’s Certified Equity Professional is Doug Wright, who used to work for Raytheon, Honeywell and Ingersoll Rand.
Honeywell & Raytheon both refused to donate to any persons who voted against certifying Joe Biden’s 81 Million votes on January 6. Both Honeywell & Raytheon are government contractors.
Alex Soro’s infamous “assassination” tweet from January 21, 2024 features a photo of glass with a bullet hole in it and the fact that Trump’s would be assassin fired from the roof of a glass factory seems to be quite a coinky dink.
Replying to @KanekoaTheGreat
One or two mistakes is one thing. But when you have 10-plus anomalies on the same day, it certainly begins to look intentional. Here’s a summary, as provided by @McCulloughFund: 1. No local law enforcement was on the rooftop used by the shooter. 2. When law enforcement was notified by citizens of the shooter, there was no prompt action at the rooftop to neutralize the shooter. 3. Local law enforcement failed to initiate active shooter protocol to protect Trump and the crowd. 4. There was no apparent communication from local law enforcement to the USSS to get Trump to a secure location. 5. Police snipers on the roof used binoculars to track the shooter’s position and did not warn the USSS below to get Trump off the stage. 6. Police snipers under scope vision allowed the shooter to get set and shoot six rounds at Trump. 7. A police sniper got off the scope and looked with the naked eye to be sure the shooter had taken his shots and never looked down at Trump. 8. Finally, a police sniper shot Crooks. 9. No local police went up on the roof immediately after Crooks was shot to take away his gun and check on his status. 10. All the while, there was no active shooter protocol, and no warning was given to Trump or the audience.
𝐁𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆: Austin Private Wealth with CONNECTIONS to the Bush family shorted 12M shares of $DJT via a put option on July 12, just ONE DAY before the assassination attempt. Did the Bush’s know something was going to happen to Donald Trump? This massive trade represents 6% of total shares and over 16% of the float, given Trump’s 60% ownership. Their $1B AUM makes this a significant bet. Austin Private Wealth is connected to the Bush family through James A. Baker III, a Senior Policy Director with longstanding ties to the Bushes, having served as Secretary of State under George H.W. Bush and in various roles under Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush. George W. Bush has strongly shared his support AGAINST Trump despite everything happening in our country. While these connections don’t imply direct involvement, they highlight significant professional relationships.. Sources: @JoshWalkos, @Gene_SD
Reply to TheseTruths
July 18, 2024 07:26
Traffic detail, you say?
Allegheny County PD covers the airport & provides motorcycle escort for VIP’s to & from VIP events. ACPD sent 10 motorcycle patrols to the rally.
Two supervisors dispatched were “unauthorized”, & later “transferred” according to local report:
Superintendent of ACPD is appointed by the Allegheny County Executive. The current AC Executive met Jill Biden at the airport on 7/13 @ 4 PM according to reports.
The current ACPD Superintendent was appointed by Rich Fitzgerald in his final term as AC Executive.
In 2021, Allegheny County “Reimagined” Public Safety.
Shooter lived in Bethel Park, part of the jurisdiction of ACPD.
Where’s that suspicious cat?
Reply to marymorse
July 18, 2024 07:34
Here’s the Reimagine Public Safety Report for Allegheny County:
Possibly a stretch but could it be? See Pg.7, photo taken at Allegheny County Jail, extreme left of photo, back row, loner in hoodie face obscured by purple gloved fist….
Stephen Gardner video
Bongino POINTS OUT something everyone missed | New Trump Shooting Facts (36 min)
13:25 Columnist Max Boot [weekly column @ The Washington Post and a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations] the man who propagated the Trump-Russia collusion story is MARRIED TO A FOREIGN SPY! [From internet: His Wife Sue Mi Terry Sue Mi Terry, a former CIA analyst and wife of Washington Post columnist Max Boot, has been indicted on charges of failing to register as a foreign agent and conspiring to violate the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA). Terry worked as an agent for the government of South Korea, receiving luxury gifts and covert payments in exchange for promoting South Korea’s policy positions and disclosing sensitive non-public government information.]
16:20 Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), meeting with whistle-blowers behind closed doors. Potus Trump was purposely given inexperienced, and in adequate coverage on the day of the butler PA rally.
[Here is what was said. -GC]
Hawley Reveals New Whistleblower Allegations Exposing ‘Loose’ Security Ahead of Trump Assassination Attempt
Friday, July 19, 2024
Today, U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-Mo.), wrote a letter to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, demanding answers behind the U.S. Secret Service’s botched security rollout at President Donald Trump’s July 13 rally. The letter comes after multiple whistleblowers contacted Senator Hawley’s office with disturbing new information behind the assassination attempt on the former president.
21:30, Gardner mentions the shorting of Trump stock and ALSO RUMBLE. [Think Game Stop and the attempted destruction of that company]
21:58 is the actual Bongino Clip
“There is a serious dispute right now going on with the SS. The SS knows that there were some lapses on the side of locals.
[Robert Barnes in an earlier Viva Frei video — — said PA Leo are VERY Corrupt. He is fighting a case there wher a women is going to prison for video taping HER OWN TRIAL! ]
There were — TIMEOUT –IT IS THE SECRET SERVICES FAULT It’s their job to secure the Presidents life, I get that, period.
They do have local partners however. There were some significant lapses. Here’s What I’m hearing. There is an Actual Text Record, so it’s not disputable. there’s text. Phone text, you know what I mean right? That this threat may have been recognized at about 05:01 PM an hour before Donald Trump got on stage. And there are some people telling me that there was a failure in the beginning to properly get that information out. I’m just telling you what I am hearing.
And let me give you the other side. The Locals and some of the Butler County officials are disputing that saying, Hey, we told the secret service about the threat and they didn’t do anything. That is going to come out in the wash, once we get these records FOIA’d and out in the public. [GOOD LUCK WITH THAT DAN. I am sure they are already shredded and wiped, “Like with a cloth”. -GC] You’re going to see via the text record who was notified when and what was done about it. I’m hearing from Secret Service sources that it was roughly a 1/2 an hour. In other words, 5:31 before they got a picture of this potential threat.
Folks again this is coming from the top.
Now, the Secret Service has a political problem right now. The political problem is serious. The Secret Service needs local partners to do protection. Follow me, because this is really important.
They can not do their job without local police departments. NYPD, LAPD…Butler county. It’s not possible. The Secret Service has what 5 to 6000 agents now, or when I was there it was like 3000 or so. It is not physically possible to do presidential protection with out Law Enforcement.
They are not only partners, they are integral partners. You get what I am saying? They are in a real Political Quandary Right Now. And I do not feel bad for anyone… They SCREWED UP PERIOD.
They do not want to throw the locals under the bus after they appeared to throw the locals under the bus. So they are in this bind right now.
Now my advice to them, if you’re listening right now is Ladies and Gentlemen the truth doesn’t have an agenda. The Truth is the Truth. Just tell the Truth.
I get it. Local Partners in the future are probably going to be pissed off and we’re going to have to mitigate a lot of that and do liaison wor But you got to fix this thing.
So I’m hearing again that there was some communications failure, but there is again, Media people are you writing this down? There is a Text Record Documenting this. That there was some failure to notify about the threats.
Stephen Gardner: As I mentioned a few minutes ago, Senator John Barrasso, who has been up dated, as part of a committee member, he said they knew of the shooter one hour before. They had snipers on him 20 minutes before. So there is a record of all of this stuff.
Dan: Second I have it confirmed from a source that there was no or very limited drone surveillance that day. There was no aerial, No effective aerial surveillance plan, basically what so ever. aerial surveillance would have detected this threat on the roof.
I’ve told you over and over again, I’m going to get to this in a second in with a secret service memo that was sent to me that’s going to prove to you that there couldn’t have been an air security personnel there because they changed the plan after we highlighted it. There was no drone.
So we can now confirm that. Which is an Absolutely ABOMINABLE SECURITY PLAN.
Stephen Gardner summarizes:
There were no dogs sniffing around [Explosives, gun powder?]
The additional snipers were in the building near Crooks.
There were no drones. SS and DHS sent no aerial/drones. But you know who had drones? Somebody who was up on the water tower.
Now 10 wittnesses have come forward, not family, not friends, at different times. Coming forward to authorities telling them “We saw somebody on the water tower just as Trump was being shot.”
I could not get the video to load. however if you go to google maps 3D, the water tower perfectly aligns with shooting Donald Trump. The roof and water tower align from different angles…. There is a video of the person on the Water tower appearing and disappearing at the same time you can hear pop pop…pop pop… We are not being told the full truth…but it gets weirder.
According to the FBI crooks has 3 encrypted bank accts overseas. [I thought the first story was encrypted phones -GC] WHY? What is a 20 year old doing with encrypted international bank accts?….. Was he a distraction the entire time so someone from the Water Tower could take shots? I do not know….
Stephen Gardner: Madcow said Poll out today of African Amer. Women showing that there has been a 31% DROP from 2020 to 2024 in terms of plans to vote for Biden.
Second video from Singingsoul1
Barnes first 18 min of 59 min video
~ 2:30 JD Vance fought in Iraq, thought he got lied to. I talked to him for hr & 1/2 before he came out against Ukraine war. I saw Karl Rove, his hands were shaking with rage when he got the news that JD was going to be the pick… US is unique, we are the only country that always has a ‘Lone Assassin’…
Multiple shooters coming out, Red flag Security lapses. A sign of a false flag is unusual and unexpected security lapses. That means someone on the inside is making sure certain events can occur.
Looks to me, multiple shoots, shots were excellent shots from sniper perspective…. When Trump stood and said Fight, Fight Fight he was signaling HE KNEW. Since then he is talking to RFK Jr about incorporating his vaccine policy. Talked to RFK jr about Biden asking why did you turn your head Don… gets leaked. Picks JD and accelerates nomination to Mon instead of Thurs.
I have talked to Don Jr and some other people. So I think Trump, KNOWS who wants Trump out of the way. And I think their attempt is going to backfire on them in Public Policy and a whole bunch of other ways.
I have ZERO doubts that at some level it was an inside job.
8:50 – First, many of Trump’s normal team was given the day off.
The second is the region had some high quality SS but THEY were re-assigned to Dr Jill…
The third is they had STAKED OUT THAT PRECISE LOCATION. There had been SS snipers on that roof and then they decide NOT to secure the roof… lists impossibles. [New] Had SS snipers on the roof THE DAY BEFORE and then the excuse of sloped roof...
Now coming out they IDed Crook 3 hours before because he is walking around with a range finder! … Almost like the profile of a patsy… He was so over the top that randos were screaming this guy is on the roof with a gun, minutes BEFORE he even fired a shot. They have video of him crawling across the roof! They have video of him near the building with the range finder so we KNOW he was on the SS radar.
He is acting so over the top it is being apparent he is playing a game. Can SS adequately protect a president and that president is a Trump president and he made comments on those games days before AND HE WAS GOING TO REALLY WIN THE GAME IN A SURPRISING WAY. So he is behaving like someone who is meant to be a patsy… couldn’t hit right side of barn according to tryout for rifle team.
And this guy is the one who snuck by SS & local LEOS and got off 5 or 6 shots? In THE primo location too?
So we know he was on everyone’s radar. SS was in the bldg, why were they doing nothing because we now know local Leos notified them TEN MINUTES before saying there is a guy with a gun on the roof. They all got that notice.
I do not buy the do not shoot after alerted. But the real question is WHY was Trump still on the stage AFTER THEY WERE ALERTED A MAN ON THE ROOF WITH A GUN 100 YDS AWAY???
THEY even set him UP!!
They get the notice and then say ‘Hey Don time to go up on stage!’
So the probability of incompetence as a likely explanation, when you go thru step by step, diminishes with each step.
And now we have Chris Martensen doing the sounds… [SEE: RAC contribution —×720/3FjK8z8DFZjvqgvf.mp4?tag=14 ] and people at the scene said they heard shots from multiple locations. Some times that can be tricky.. echoes & all that. BUT Chris and other sound experts have been breaking down the sound and they are saying there are multiple shooters.
There is at least two maybe three. There may have been one on the Water Tower and there may have been someone in the building. The reason they were not taking out the supposed assassin, is because someone may have been shooting from that building. Making it difficult to know how many shots from that area and who.
As Trump said…, there were bullets still going everywhere going over me. That is more like 8 -12 shots instead of the 2 or 3 they guy should have had time to get off at all under their own time line.
Discussion about the photo of bullet path near Trump’s head… Was it flat and not angled down from roof? experts are analyzing.
CNN streaming rally live. Why was photographer taking that photo? My understanding is it was a NY TIMES photographer and had his camera speed at like 800 or what ever which is very rare. very unusual. He apparently is the same guy who caught fellow whispering in GW Bushes ear during 9/11. So this guy has a magical way of showing up during ‘interesting times’
People are curious whether the guy was tipped off. [REMEMBER the CIA has a LOT of Agents in the Fake News. -GC]
You can see how the Deep State would want Trump killed in a public way. The message was: “DO NOT EVER MESS WITH US!”
The message was, not only will we bankrupt you and indict you, we will FLAT OUT MURDER YOU!
After all that is what they did to JFK, RFK, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, ALL those assassinations at some level had govt complicity and conspiracy. The only question… is what is the scale and scope…. AND I think Trump knows it. You have seen a different tone from him… Thankful to be alive but he will be more aggressive than he might otherwise have been.
His reach out to RFK jr signaled that. Pick of JD Vance signaled that.
The cases to bankrupt him, to put him in prison did not shake him up very much. These are crap political cases and will get overturned at a higher level. But the attempt to assassinate him DID WAKE HIM UP. And you saw… “We need to do some radical change in America” AND he is much more committed to it…
18:30 Rebel Capitalist : Robert, Can you explain the Patsy roll not just this time but thru out history…
And I quit there.
History of assassinations 18:20 t0 24:28
Rebel Capitalist: Can you explain the Patsy role a little bit better. Not just Sat but thru out history. Because that will be the Push back. If that is the Deep State doing this, why on earth would they use this kid who can not hit the broad side of a barn, 20 years old, some say with an inadequate weapon. Why wouldn’t they have a guy there who could get the job done….
Also motivation for the kid? “what’s in it for him?”
Barnes: So there are already inconsistent stories about the kid. So we will start with the profile of a Patsy…. Every great crime needs a great patsy. Particularly a political crime. You need a convenient narrative script. A design. You need somebody that the event can be blamed on that won’t implicate powerful actors, institutional actors, government actors… Ad preferably THEY DIE. So they can never talk. Lee Harvey Oswald shot before he could meaningfully talk. The Vegas Shooter, we will never know if it was even him because he got shot before he could talk.
In America there is a profile pattern of trying to blame a SINGLE CRAZY ASSASSIN for an event. Or in some cases 2 or 3. But it is always some ‘crazy people’ involved….[gives examples] They usually have mental illness issues.
Rebel Capitalist: Legitimate!
Barnes: Yeah and there is already information. With this kid his parents were both mental health councilors which is a little weird.
You can go back to the Manchurian Candidate film, The Parallax View[1974] which Warren Beatty starred in that hinted at this kind of thing in the early 70s because people were wondering how some crazy person keeps getting in and murdering prominent critics of the Military Industrial Complex.
WHY don’t the Crazy People ever kill the Military Industrial Complex? Right? Why isn’t it THOSE GUYS? Why isn’t it the Federal Reserve???
No one has EVER thought to assassinate anyone in the Federal Reserve?? [LOL from Rebel Capitalist] It is just the CRITICS of the Federal Reserve. I am sure that is just a coincidence.
So, they need someone who is a little bit crazy who is a loner, doesn’t have a lot of friends. doesn’t have a lot of family, Doesn’t have a lot of people who can COUNTER THE NARRATIVE. Who can say “No, No this doesn’t make any sense.” And he fits that pattern.
But you are right, these are people you would RARELY trust to be able to pull something like this off.
I was intrigued by Trump talking last night. Saying when he was on the ground, there were still bullets coming. That means someone who was very very good, kept shooting…. That would suggest that did not come from that kid.
His [The Kid’s] social media was non-existent which is very rare in these times.
Rebel Capitalist: They can’t find ANYTHING on him. you mean you can’t find his cell phone record? You do not have a text to a buddy? Every time you have a crazy you have a Manifesto. If he is not leaving any trail, what is his motivation? I mean he KNOWS he is going to die, so that [a manifesto] would be the only motivation. It was to make yourself look like a hero. You are a nobody but this is how you can be a somebody.
Barnes: EXACTLY. That is the usual profile of your mass school shooters and the like. And now TAKE A GUESS what they ARE going to blame on him in a certain way?
If you are the Deep State what sort of an ENEMY, institutional ENEMY if you will?
Rebel Capitalist: Gun Control or something?
Barnes: CRYPTO!
[NOW the Windows CRASH and INDIA CRYPTO LOSS makes a bit more sense! – GC]
That he has CRYPTO ACCOUNTS. So some how CRYPTO is part of the reason for the assassination. That is his reason for the attempt on Trump.
Rebel Capitalist: Is this the narrative that is coming out? I have not heard of this!
Barnes: Nods yes.
YES! The only thing they have found so far, they could not get thru the encrypted aspects of his phone.
Rebel Capitalist: How could you not? Are you kidding me? How could the SS, CIA, NSA, I do not know who is in charge of that, the kids 20 yrs old! It is not like he is Jason Borne for heaven sakes! How do you NOT get into his phone? [Remember back doors?? – GC]
Barnes: This kid has very little foot print, but according to the new report, he had 3 secured crypto accts. around the world. And so the goal is to say: “SEE this is what happens when people use Crypto! They become assassins!” [Hmm Kinda explains Sam Bankman-Fried getting hung out to dry. -GC]
One minute Bitcoin, the next minute they want to kill the president. It is that kind of logic. I figured they would try to demonize crypto some how. And maybe that is the link to Iran. Some how this guy was paid by Iran. And they did it using crypto because Crypto is ONLY FOR CRIMINALS. Good Honest people only use Central Banks and their money and their banking institutions. Because that is a great way to secure your money [Said snickering] And so that is the next step in the narrative.
And the CIA leaked over the weekend that Iran had been making threats and plans to assassinate Trump…
To round it out do not miss Wolfie’s comment about the Church.
Sean Davis @seanmdav
Here’s an abbreviated list of extremely basic factual questions about the Trump assassination attempt that for some reason haven’t been definitively answered (anonymous leaks don’t count):
1) What make, model, and caliber of firearm was used, and when/where/by whom was it purchased?
2) What make and model of ammo was used (including the weight of the bullet used)?
3) Did the rifle used have any type of magnified optic or red dot sight on it, and if so, what make/model, and what exact setting was the optic on when the shooter used it?
4) Have authorities put identical rounds through the rifle with the identical optics settings and confirmed both the zero and the result of shots fired at the range at which they were fired on Saturday?
5) How many shell casings were recovered from the crime scene? How many remaining rounds were in the magazine that was found in the rifle?
6) How many rounds were fired by the shooter on the warehouse rooftop? Has each round been accounted for (i.e., do investigators know where each round landed, and does the number of bullets found or accounted for match the number of shell casings found?
7) Have investigators confirmed, via the recovered bullets and the known trajectory of the bullets, that the shooter on the rooftop fired each one?
8) Have investigators reconstructed the shooter’s precise movements over the past days, weeks, and months? If so, have they put together a list of every person with whom he interacted over that time period, but in person and virtually or online?
9) Have investigators reviewed video surveillance of the shooter at all various locations he recently visited (e.g., gun range, gun dealer, restaurants, traffic cameras, etc.)? If so, have they canvassed and interviewed each person seen with the shooter?
These aren’t difficult questions to answer. These are usually the types of details promptly provided by authorities in the days following shocking, violent events of national importance.
Yet we do not have a single one of these questions definitely answered on the record by an official authority. Not one.
Why the heck not?
Attempted Assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks Flew Drone Over Trump Rally Site on Day of Shooting – 2 Cell Phones, Laptop and USB Drives Being Reviewed –
SUMMARY – In addition to bringing explosives, a detonator, a ladder, a range finder, a backpack and an AR15 rifle to the rally, while finding a way to sit atop the counter-sniper position, the 20-year-old without a social media footprint apparently had air superiority.
(Via Wall St Journal)
The gunman who tried to kill Donald Trump was able to fly a drone and get aerial footage of the western Pennsylvania fairgrounds shortly before the former president was set to speak there, law-enforcement officials briefed on the matter said, further underscoring the stunning security lapses ahead of Trump’s near assassination.
Thomas Matthew Crooks flew the drone on a programmed flight path earlier in the day on July 13 to scour the Butler Farm Show grounds ahead of Trump’s ill-fated rally, the officials said. The predetermined path, the officials added, suggests Crooks flew the drone more than once as he researched and scoped out the event site.
The use of the drone was just one way in which authorities have said Crooks planned his attack. Crooks, described by friends as very smart yet withdrawn, began researching the site shortly after the Trump campaign announced the rally on July 3, and registered for the event on July 7, officials said. He visited the farm show grounds a few days later to scope it out.
On July 13, officials said, he returned with a pair of homemade bombs that appeared to be designed to be set off by remote control, as they were fitted with a receiver like the kind used to set off fireworks remotely. Investigators found the rudimentary explosives in Crooks’ car parked close to the grounds, along with a ballistic carrier, or vest, with three, 30-round magazines in it, an indication that he might have wanted to cause greater carnage. (read more) –
Who was on that WATER TOWER?” 10 Witnesses Come Forward | Redacted with Clayton Morris (14 minutes)
at 5:20:
Senators got private meeting. Marsha Blackburn: SS KNEW about a threat PRIOR to POTUS Trump walking out on stage.
Harrison H. Smith ✞@HarrisonHSmith
So let me see if I have this Crowdstrike story straight…. When Hillary Clinton was Sec. of State, she was illegally funneling sophisticated weapons through Libya to terrorists in the MidEast in an effort to take out Assad in Syria for Israel.
When the weapons transfer went sideways and the US Ambassador was killed in Benghazi, it was discovered she was using an illegal private server for secret communications.
She destroyed the server, but not before its contents were leaked by Wikileaks, including communications about bizarre occult rituals and inexplicable code words involving children and pizza. Instead of investigating the leak themselves, the FBI relied on a Crowdstrike investigation that falsely claimed the server was hacked by Russia.
The FBI cleared HC despite admitting she broke the law, and launched the Russiagate investigation, using more fake Clinton campaign disinfo to tie Trump to Russia to get a FISA warrant and spy on Trump while leaking dirt to the press to undermine first his campaign, then his presidency.
When Trump had a call with Zelenskyy and asked about Crowdstrike, a “whistleblower” falsely claimed quid-pro-quo and launched the first impeachment to stop Trump’s inquiries. (It was in the midst of this impeachment trial, btw, when Event 201 took place.
But that’s another story.) Fast forward to 2024 and Trump is dominating Biden when he miraculously survives a deep state orchestrated assassination attempt two days before the RNC. Two days later Crowdstrike causes the biggest computer network crash in all of history, knocking millions of corporate and government systems offline for hours.
Other than the fact that Blackrock owns Crowdstrike and a Blackrock affiliated investment firm placed millions of dollars betting against DJT in the hours before the assassination attempt by a shooter who was featured in a Blackrock promo, did I miss anything?
OK that was the data dump of my notes.
Again this is FAST, I am not going to check if I have already included the bookmark in the above notes. I am not going to put them in any order.
I was the Sniper Employment Officer for my battalion and led hundreds of combat missions. There were major security lapses in the security plan that allowed a shooter to engage President Trump from ~130 meters – an easy shot. A
WHAT?! Trump Shooter Appears to Be Featured in 2023 BlackRock Ad (VIDEO) (GatewayPundit)
SPECIAL BULLETIN: America Teeters on the Abyss
Trump shot in assassination attempt in Butler, PA
Who is Thomas Matthew Crooks? Not much is known at this time but a disturbing picture is starting to emerge American Thinker
Rep. Bennie Thompson staffer loses job after posting that gunman needed shooting lessons NBCNews
“Malice Or Massive Incompetence”: Erik Prince Gives Detailed Assessment Of Secret Service Failure Zero Hedge
They Tried to Kill Trump – Now We’re Going to Fight Twice As Hard –Townhall Kurt Schlichter | Jul 14, 2024

GOP Was Investigating Secret Service Before Assassination Attempt Real Clear Politics
Susan Crabtree @susancrabtree
Jul 14 • 6 tweets • 2 min read • Read on X My latest compilation of reporting: GOP Was Investigating Secret Service Before Assassination Attempt | RealClearPolitics
REPORT: Secret Service Resources Were Diverted to Jill Biden’s Saturday Campaign Event in Pittsburgh and Away from Trump’s – Many Agents Assigned to Trump were Temporary Replacements GatewayPundit

I have a LOT more info to upload and I think this is getting way too long so I am going to stop here for now. This is the data dump up until Jul 14, 2024. The next is a Daily Mail article with a lot of photos dated July 15th.
Thanks Gail,
This information that’s slowly being revealed all needs to be saved. It may be years later but the truth will come out about how they tried to kill PDJT.
A couple more DragQueen comments
[This James Wood/ Kamala quote may be faked but there is this.]
Msgr. Carlo Maria Viganò
following the sacrileges and scandals
of the Paris Olympic Games
The opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games is only the latest in a long series of vile attacks on God, the Catholic Religion and natural Morality by the antichristic elite that holds Western countries hostage. We had seen no less disconcerting scenes at the 2012 London Olympics, the 2016 inauguration of the Gotthard Tunnel, and the 2022 Commonwealth Games, featuring infernal figures, goats, and terrifying animals. The elite who organizes these ceremonies demand not only the right to blasphemy and the obscene display of the foulest vices, but even their mute acceptance by Catholics and decent people, who are forced to suffer the outrage of seeing the most sacred symbols of their Faith and the very foundations of the Natural Law desecrated.
We witnessed a dystopian dance macabre in which holograms of the horsemen of the Apocalypse alternated with a plump blue Dionysius, served under a bell of various courses; the parody of the LGBTQ+ Last Supper, the truculent performance of a decapitated Marie Antoinette singing Ça ira called to celebrate the horrors of the French Revolution; the ballets of bearded transvestites and effeminate dancers accompanied by pitiful mime singers. In this provocative spectacle, Satan knows how to do nothing except ruin God’s creative perfection, showing himself as the envious author of every counterfeit. Satan creates nothing: he only ruins everything. He does not invent: he tampers. And his followers are no different: they humiliate woman’s femininity in order to erase the motherhood that recalls the Virgin Mother; they castrate man’s manhood in order to tear from him the image of God’s fatherhood; they corrupt the little ones in order to kill innocence in them and make them victims of the most abject wokeism.
The opening ceremonies of the Olympic Games have given scandal, not only because of the arrogant display of the ugly and the obscene, but because of the infernal subversion of Good and Evil, the insane claim to be able to blaspheme and desecrate everything, even what is most sacred, in the name of an ideology of death, ugliness, and lies that defies Christ and scandalizes those who recognize Him as Lord and God. It is no coincidence that the one sponsoring this revolting carnival is an emissary of the World Economic Forum, Emanuel Macron, who passes off a transvestite as his own wife with impunity, just as Barack Obama is accompanied by a muscular man in a wig. It is the reign of mystification, of falsehood, of fiction erected as a totem, in which man is disfigured precisely because he was created in the image and likeness of God.
Tolerance cannot be the alibi for the systematic destruction of Christian society, a society by which billions of honest and hitherto silent people identify themselves. This prevarication must end! And it must end not so much and not only because it hurts the sensibilities of believers, but because it offends the Majesty of God. Satan does not have the rights of God, evil cannot be put on the same level as Good, nor can lies be equated with Truth. This is what our civilization is based on, a civilization that some would like to bury under the physical and moral rubble of a world in shambles.
It must be made clear that the patience and forbearance of the faithful and of citizens have been exhausted, that it is no longer time to “deplore” but to act, even and especially when civil and religious authority are complicit in the betrayal.
It is therefore necessary for Christians to organize around the world with concrete actions, first and foremost with a boycott of the Olympic Games and all their sponsors. It is equally necessary for companies not subservient to globalism to revoke their sponsorship contracts, and for delegations and individual athletes to withdraw from the Games, which were inaugurated under the worst auspices. We must expect and demand that those responsible for this intolerable bullying be held accountable for their actions, as well as for the corruption that also accompanies this event. Finally, the homosexual set designer who gave birth to this blasphemous and vulgar spectacle must repay the fee that Macroniades charged French taxpayers.
I urge Catholics to make reparation by prayer, fasting, and penance for the outrages perpetrated against Our Lord Jesus Christ and against our holy Religion. And may the confident recourse of those who are good before the Throne of the Most High not be divorced from a general awakening of consciences, so that the King of kings may once more reign over nations, societies, families, and the Church.
+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop
July 28, 2024
Dominica X post Pentecosten
check part of the letter (3rd paragraph):
“…It is no coincidence that the one sponsoring this revolting carnival is an emissary of the World Economic Forum, Emanuel Macron, who passes off a transvestite as his own wife with impunity, just as Barack Obama is accompanied by a muscular man in a wig….”
[OUCH! — GC}
Thank you Wolf and Gail!! Last Saturday has a lot of good information about the assassination attempt.
I keep wanting to listen to Tom MacDonald’s “You Missed” song, so I went to iTunes and bought a copy.
Turning on the CC helped me understand words like “skeletons” and not miss what he was saying. Powerful lyrics. When Tom sings “you missed” I interpret that as meaning they should be aiming at themselves, not Trump.
Tonight, I am listening to Trump speaking in North Carolina. I keep realizing they tried to blow this man’s brains out on live TV. It still brings tears to my eyes. I am forever thankful for God’s protection of our President Trump.
Worse, they tried to kill the wife and daughter of Corey Comperatore because they dared to attend a rally for President Trump — to listen to his words in person. When the first shots were fired, his firefighter-trained instincts sheltered them as best he could, at the cost of his own life.
It is difficult to imagine the white-hot hate directed at Trump that would make it acceptable to shoot at the people around him, yet here we are…..
And, against such hate, Corey Comperatore saved the people most dear to him — vanquishing that awful hate with his love. His actions that day make him a hero to be forever remembered.
The sniper team on top of the roof behind the podium at the Butler PA rally WAS US Secret Service, not local police.
Enlarge this photo and you will see that the badge on their backs says POLICE in large print – and United States Secret Service in smaller print top and bottom.
Yes! This team and the other one on the building to the right were both USSS.
IMO this is just more evidence of CHEATO falling down on the job, with her concentration on D-E-I and not on the J-O-B. She had real SS out in front of the crowd for SHOW, and OUTSOURCED to TROUBLE in the big “piece of pie” shaped area that created the notorious “Pac-Man” security radius, allowing the AGR building, very close to Trump, to go to outsiders.
It was a SET-UP.
Sure was!
I am SO GRATEFUL for disciplined and detail-oriented (to say the least-haha) TRUTH WARRIORS like GAIL COMBS and WOLF MOON!!!!
Without them and this blog, we would be like the rest of the NPC world – vaxed, boosted and clueless why our immune systems are damaged.
We would also be ignorant about the whys and wherefores of our hijacked government and corrupt politicians.
If true – this is big.
UPDATE: After many days of analyzing audio, video and photographic evidence of the attempted assassination of President Trump, I cannot currently find any evidence whatsoever to support the notion that Crooks fired any shots at all. There is overwhelming evidence, however, in support of the idea that he was a patsy. The rifle was found 7+ feet away from his body. How did it get there if he was shot dead? Dead men don’t move rifles around. It’s clear the rifle was not in his hands when he was shot. No brass locations were apparently marked on the roof by the FBI or anyone else, and there are no brass casings present in the police body cam footage taken from the roof shortly after the shooting. Thus, we have zero evidence of any spent brass on the roof at all. The “crime scene” behavior and protocols by SS and LEOs is absolutely atrocious, as if they didn’t even consider it a real crime scene at all. The sniper named “Greg” in the second floor office of an adjacent building had a clear, open view of Crooks on the roof, yet did nothing to stop him, even after photographing him. The TMZ video showing Crooks at the very moment the first 3 rounds are fired shows NO RECOIL, no muzzle flash, and no brass ejecting from the right side of the rifle. How did Crooks fire a rifle with no recoil? The 1X optic or iron sights on the rifle also would have made it extremely difficult for Crooks to make a head shot with any sort of accuracy (without magnification). Furthermore, how did Crooks manufacture explosive devices that we are told were found in his car? Where would he have acquired such technical expertise to work with explosives without blowing himself up? Why was he allowed to fly a drone over the speaking location several hours before the event? Why was he allowed to use a rangefinger to range the podium location without being detained and questioned about his intentions? Why was he filmed walking around the grounds with no concern at all, almost as if he believed he was there with permission? (Training mission narrative.) How did he know this particular roof would not be covered by Secret Service? Who told him the roof was available to him? What seems to be emerging, in my view, is that Crooks believed he was on a training mission, working WITH law enforcement to determine vulnerabilities, and he was playing along as they told him things like, Here, take this rifle and climb onto that roof and tell us what you see. He did as he was told, put himself in position and then potentially somebody else took all 8 shots, after which Crooks was killed to wrap up the cover story. Although not yet provable – and perhaps never provable – this is emerging as a more likely explanation that fits the available data we have so far. It’s subject to change, of course, if new data points emerge, so I reserve the right to update or alter this analysis based on new data. Keep your thinking caps on. Keep crowdsourcing this investigation. The FBLie is now engaged in an active cover-up.”
This is one of the best statements I’ve seen yet. I have been assuming that Crooks fired SOME of the shots – most likely AFTER the initial ones – but that may not be right. We need to prove recoil and muzzle flash – although prepare for disinformation images from the plotters.
I think we have NESTED STORIES. After all the CLowns would expect Anons to dig.
So the first store is Crooks “The Lone Gunman” took all the shots. Wray is bolstering that with the “8 shell casings” Also Crooks IDed using DNA.
The second story is Hooper and Yearick were in on it with the shooter on the roof ACTUALLY being Yearick. Someone slipped up on that story and deployed it too soon so we got the positive ID of Crooks via DNA to counter it.
Now we have the VERY PUBLIC arrest of Hooper, Yearick’s sidekick coming out. Yearick is a MUCH MORE LIKELY SNIPER given he was a mercenary in Ukraine and probably CIA trained. Also funny how his being reported missing and the van full of explosives having AZ plates is being seeded.
Was he the actual shooter? Who knows.
But one thing is for sure the sniper team in the 2nd story windows had at ONE person in on it.
After looking at pics of the dead guy on the roof, presumably Yearick imo, it appears that his front teeth are missing. This bolsters my opinion that he was possibly shot in the back of the head & fell forward, explaining the blood trails on his face & the large blood “pool” on the roof where his head likely was. Was he possibly shot more than once, the claimed over the left eye from the front shot & then through the back of the head blowing his teeth out? I think the dead guy’s mouth, especially upper lip shape looks Exactly like Yearick, fwiw. I still don’t know why LE moved the body so early…
SO – was Yearick shooting from inside the building or from one of the other rooftops?
It sure looked like Crooks on top of the building when folks in the crowd saw him and raised the alarm and from these photos:
SO – was Yearick also a patsy?
It’s my opinion (at this time) that Yearick is the dead guy on the roof. It is possible that he never shot the weapon at all, per something Wolfmoon, I think, shared on another thread, quoting Health Ranger I believe. If those pictures above are of Crooks then he may have been a decoy to get legit snipers out of the building(s) so that the assassin(s) could act unimpeded, likely shooting through the window(s) from within either the 2 story adjacent building or perhaps the one w/ the dead “shooter” (Yearick in my view) on the roof. Crooks & Yearick may have been dressed similarly but one in pants & the other in shorts, given P-Rex’s insights shared yesterday, iirc.
If Yearick was also shot in the back of the head That shot could perhaps explain the rather obscured shot sounds of that “mystery” shot in the latest audio analysis by Dr. Martensen, iirc.
I would say that both Yearick & Crooks were patsies. The fact that Hooper also was arrested shortly after the shots were fired gives credence to the theory that Yearick was involved, given their previous association w/ criminal behavior at the 2016 Trump Rally. The AZ plates on the van imply Yearick too as he has allegedly been reported as missing by AZ family & not seen since the Butler Rally.
That is why I said ‘nested’ and yes, using Crooks to draw away LEOs. It got the 2nd story sniper’s spotter out chasing Crooks while Yearick got up on the roof.
Shot to the back of the head would be consistent with 2nd story sniper getting rid of patsy.
Without a lot of video arranged by time with confirmed ID of Hooper, Crooks, Yearick and the 2nd story cops, it will be tough to piece together the actual events.
One thing is for sure. Secret Service was PART OF IT!
Yes. Please see my finds from the Rumble version, 11 some minutes of body cam footage. The blood anomalies
& T-Shirt comparisons are “interesting”…
From HR’s writing above…
“What seems to be emerging, in my view, is that Crooks believed he was on a training mission, working WITH law enforcement to determine vulnerabilities….”
If that were to be the case, then this remark he is reported to have posted on a “gaming” site would seem to fall into context…
“July 13 will be my premiere,”
Late last night I replied to a comment posted by Pat Frederick that included this tweet:
from the tweet:
@In2ThinAir We now KNOW why MULTIPLE Vehicles were found plus a BIKE at Trump Rally in Butler, Pennsylvania!
-Plans to blow up the Water Tower AFTER Trump was killed!
-We had 3 Suspects at least!
Thomas Crooks
Maxwel Yearick
Kennon Hopper
-We hear multiple cops mention the Water Tower in RAW Police Audio!
#Butler #SecretService #WaterTower
The other tweet text here:
@In2ThinAir Suspects Tried to blow up Water Tower with the van! After the botched attempt on Donald Trumps life the van was then ‘Moved’ a few miles away where it was found!
-Remember the Van they towed away FULL of apparent explosives, Well where was the bomb squad before they took it away??
-A SIMILAR van was spotted under the Water Tower during the shooting!
-Second shooter was seen on the Water Tower by police (Audio Below), once escaped he was then likely to blow it up.
-Now that we have proved a clear ‘Cover Up’ what is to stop us form believing the van was rushed away form the Water Tower after botched attempt!
-Van had an MSNBS Sticker on the back left window.
#WaterTower #Butler #SecretService
I added a comment w/ a lot of info that wasn’t seen by many as it was added so late so I am reproducing it here, fyi…find that comment here:
Valerie Curren)Online
Valerie Curren(
Reply to pat frederick
July 25, 2024 00:10
In the replies
Replying to @In2ThinAir
Crooks may have potentially been FBI. Crooks.ETH was created 1 months ago prior to his FBI profile, in February 2020.
Crooks.eth is tied to Moderats.eth, who is the FTX Drainer, the Exploit I solved that caused them to do a Drive by on my HOUSE.
Last year, I was on the plane that flew closest to the Spy Balloon. January 2023
Then I had a drive by done on my house. February 2023.
Then I survived an assassination attempt at Mile 3 of the Kansas City Marathon. October 2023.
Then I was infiltrated by someone the FBI dropped charges on who was facing years in Prison. 2023.
And rumor is they aren’t stopping there.
When will you believe me? When will my work and investigations blow up? I don’t know, but I know I was built for this.
I told you in 2022, 2023, and 2024 that thru Time, my research would become Timeless.
Here’s a still from the video, neither video from the tweets to which I’m replying (comment above mine) were loading on Nitter. When hitting load more replies on Nitter it claimed that the top tweet no longer existed, though I was able to view it & the video at twitter.
This is the text of that last tweet, which I didn’t include in yesterday’s comment:
In the photo of the van under the tower, NOTICE it is the same van that was towed away with the MSNBC sticker. It was then replaced by some SUV once it was removed form the water tower and parked a ways away where it was claimed to of been found later that day.
-This was part of the cover up!
I also shared quite a few images from a number of sources at several comments starting here:
These images include Maxwell Yearick, & associates who were arrested along with him for criminal activities at/near a 2016 Trump Rally. Someone who looked like a shirtless Hooper appeared to be arrested shortly after the shots rang out at the Butler Rally which lends credence, imo, for Yearick also being there….There is also mention of a female gsv (gun-shot victim) in LE audio, which May be the other associate Lisa…
There is a lot of material on Yearick here:
& here:
FROM July 24, 2024
“Cowboy the Fuck Up, Maga” — Brenden Dilley (@WarlordDilley) July 24, 2024
MAJOR Points for this day:
Worthy of your attention. Update using more evidence from Dr. Martenson.
At 43:10 you can see ‘things’ on the roof near the blood trail. Casings?
At 43:45 you can see Crooks bare leg, sock and pants.
At 43:58 ?door? mid upper area between the tree on the roof line and the electric pole but closer to the electric pole.
At 43:31 Patch says WASHINGTON REGIONAL SWAT and his back at 44:40 says SHAFFER.
At 44:32 It is interesting the date time stamp is 2024/07/13 At 19:09:43 (left lower corner) the guy’s phone says 7:08 (or 19:08)
Brave AI gives:
” The timeline of events is as follows:
So this is video from about an hour afterwards. Plenty of time for clean-up. I looked and saw no shells and saw no markers.
Para59r: Also sees the St Johns Bell Tower plain as day as they film the suit.
BREAKING: Trump just filed a BOMBSHELL legal complaint against Kamala Harris and the Democrat party. He says they violated federal election law when Biden laundered his campaign cash to Kamala
“Kamala Harris is seeking to perpetrate a $91.5 million dollar heist of Joe Biden’s leftover campaign cash — a brazen money grab that would constitute the single largest excessive contribution and biggest violation in the history of the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, as amended”
Trump says Biden and Kamala “flagrantly violating the Act by making and receiving an excessive contribution of nearly one hundred million dollars, and for filing fraudulent forms with the Commission purporting to repurpose one candidate’s principal campaign committee for the use of another candidate.”
Scamala Harris + Act Blue…money laundering…
In the MatriXXXX and ShadyGroove fingered Hansjörg Wyss a long time ago.
Arabella Advisors: The Third Pillar of Election Integrity
Much more here
MGShow Arabella Dig — Telegram
Sean Cooksey:
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene:
Here’s that Chuck Grassley released video, Jesse Waters mentions in the top tweet & my partial insights (copied from late yesterday’s Q-Tree) (Valerie Curren)
Around 1:40 the guy whose bodycam is being viewed points to an open window & says “Greg” is in there & he took the “sniper” photo (by the wall presumably)
he shortly thereafter says that Greg is the “one who sent the pictures“…
Then the bodycam guy starts scrolling images on his phone so if someone w/ tech/image enhancing capability is watching the video they might be able to enhance what’s on bodycam guy’s phone screen to potentially see images that were not yet released?
“our sniper saw him (“Crooks”) walking away from his bike and stuff”
2:09 pretty clear image of guy in black suit w/ red tie whom bodycam guy is sharing info, there is a round lapel pin that could also be image enhanced as well as using facial recognition stuff (like Ya’acov Apelbaum used in his brilliant Mechanics of Deception piece) to help identify this person
2:14 black suit asks if there is somebody detained & bodycam guy says he doesn’t know
shortly after black suit says that his guys said that the guy detained was the owner of the bike but then he points to “Crooks’” body & says “that’s the owner of the bike” (VC note so now “Crooks” was driving a car, a van, AND riding a bike…hmmm)
2:47 the water tower is in the shot & it appears to still have the black figure on the right
shortly thereafter there is electronic voice info, like over a communication device, so that if someone has audio analysis capability they might be able to clean it up & identify what is being said by that as well as other people there that the closed captioning is not capturing the dialogue they intermittently contribute…
about 3:20 he’s talking about having “no problem” detaining people who were filming the roof guy before shots were fired, to find out if they were also involved…
about 3:40 black suit is trying to get info to relay back to “DC” & he says one shooter, one deceased (from the crowd), 3 injured, 2 life-flighted/helicoptered out…
3:55 they mention the water tower “any LE?”
from comments at boob tube, 40 replies on this Q so far
@jeffmilks45011 hour ago
did someone say “ do we have access to a drone to clear the water tower?” Clear indication that was left unsecured as well.
I’m sorry, but we are being PLAYED.
Watch this video in the link
The riddle me this Batman- We have all seen the TMZ video of the supposed “shooter” “Bear crawling” on the roof into position as the onlookers SCREAM for help.
Well, in that video the “shooter is wearing LONG brown or Khaki pants. In the body cam video in the link above, the shooter, as in his supposed SS surveillance picture, is wearing grey SHORTS.
Where did the long brown khaki pants go?
If he took them off, WHY that was a 94 F sunny day on a white roof. I am certain the temp of that roof would be hot enough to BURN his skin, why wear shorts?
Also, why is his rifle 10′ or more away? If the SS moved it, where is the evidence marker?
Only one conclusion, Crooks was the fall guy, he may have been there to take a shot, but HE was not THE shooter. I thought we did not have bodycam video…oops, now you know WHY.
I want just ONE Congress critter to ask Wray or any SS or Mayorkas, under OATH these simple questions. ANY obfuscation, or blaming on “an ongoing investigation” should lead to PRISON, immediate prison, to help jog their memory.
There is a pattern that early after an event, a lot of false information is given out.
For example, we had two different names for the shooter before the name Crooks appeared.
Even now, it’s hard to discern what is true fact and what is deception, smoke and mirrors.
I’ve been fooled more than once by false statements, statistics, memes etc. put out by someone supposedly on our side.
We may never know why the buildings with the closest clear shot to President Trump’s podium were not secured. The sloped roof statement was downright ludicrous.
Or why Crooks was allowed to take a shot before being eliminated. Was it to cover for the real shooters?
We will likely not be given the real ballistics reports about the bullets that left Crooks’ gun, the bullets that hit 3 Trump supporters and killed one of them and the bullet that killed Crooks.
The assassination attempt seems to follow the usual pattern – where an unbalanced mentally ill person is used – by a US agency on behalf of US political powers – as an instrument of bloodshed and death – in the service of their agendas.
I’m extremely doubtful that we will ever get the true facts about this planned operation.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Here’s another link to the video.
Graphic video shows Thomas Crooks dead moments after Trump assassination attempt, confirms Secret Service was warned
Several things bother me about this.
(1) They mention other people having been detained. WHAT THE HELL!!! I would love more information on this. I believe they say somebody was on a bike. Huh?
(2) Did Crooks or Yearick or both of them have the extensive forearm tattoos? The dead shooter on the roof does, in other photos.
(3) The lower-level people on the roof keep trying to tell the presumed USSS officer in a suit, to talk to the people in the window, and he seems to ignore them repeatedly. That’s weird. He doesn’t want to talk about the people in the window.
(4) The backpack below the shooter apparently wasn’t his – it was apparently from a first responder, if I’m hearing things correctly.
(5) I suspect this was leaked on purpose for some reason, likely to drive a particular point of the narrative, like single shooter.
Agreed on all. ONE of the list of things that lead to this shooting could be plausibly believed and attributed to incompetence. The fact that a myriad of things had to occur for this to even be attempted, broaches incompetence, and falls under a failed plot.
The Cabal essentially created a window, with means, motive, opportunity, and filled that window with a patsy. The REAL shooter missed due to the divine head tilt, and there was no contingency once the initial volley missed.
The Cabal were out of time, to do away with the patsy, and have the real shooter escape.
Trump essentially saved himself. First with the head tilt (God) and second by having the instinct to realize what happened/was happening, and to get down under cover immediately.
The Cabal didn’t thanks to HIS quick action, have time for a second volley, only a spray INTO the crowd. Look, Wolf, that is the SECOND miracle, the fire into the crowd SHOULD have caused PANIC and a stampede, which would have been used to cover the REAL assassin’s getaway.
The fact that not only did the crowd stay put, but also remained calm, turned TOWARDS the direction of the shots fired, and more importantly, FILMED that direction, lead to the hasty real assassin retreat, and not time for a 2nd round, thus saving Trump AND the crowd.
Who knows what they were going to unleash in the panic that was supposed to hit. Was that what the “explosive devices” for for, to create even more panic, and not just death? as COVER for the getaway.
I believe by not panicking, Trump, the crowd adjusted the Cabal plans.
That adjustment is now being ACTIVLELY covered up.
Valerie Curren
I think the dead guy on the roof is Yearick. Apparently his buddy Hooper was arrested shirtless & thrown in a white tent shortly after the shootings. Crooks, if he’s the guy pictured by the retaining wall as photographed by “Greg”, may have been used as a distraction to get legit LE out of the second floor before the actual shooting began. Elsewhere on this page I shared some picks of Yearick, Hooper, & the girl “Lisa” who was arrested with them in
Reply to Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
July 24, 2024 10:51
Yearick’s parents…in Arizona…have made a Missing Person’s report with local LE…he hasn’t been seen since day of attempted assassination, according to this…
and, yes, IIRC, he has/had tattoos on arm and (I think ?) leg(s).
so….what about that van…with the Arizona plates ?
regarding Yearick + tattoos, there’s this…
I dunno boy….this Yearick angle has had my interest since Day 1 of this.
From that article:
Some attendees have said a person who looked like Yearick was seen wearing a police uniform.
This grainy photo does make it seem as if Crooks was wearing pants.
This one however does not. It looks like shorts.

Also keep in mind the roof was white, which will reflect heat as opposed to absorb it and while hot, may not of been hot enough to absolutely demand pants.
All that said though, they are clearly manipulating through photo’s what we are being told we see. Unfortunately we’ve left such a large example strewn through out our page it would be difficult at this point to gather them all together to further the point.
Will add that there are certainly no bullet casings to be found in any of the pics or vids that shows the roof top and more importantly no markers for where they might of been which is clearly not the convention for gathering evidence.
Eventually they will be produced as a matter of course at which time they will need to be compared to the vids and pics we have been given and the new photos which will have to be produced eventually unless they wish to say they all rolled off the roof which would be highly suspect since all would likely get stuck on the sides as they rolled back.
Here is a better photo I found. It shows a similar, but clearer view of your first photo. He’s wearing shorts:
Well spotted !
Screen shotted just in case, now want a good clear picture of him wearing long trousers.
Some versions of that vid I’ve seen are missing that bit that just catches the body.
At about 12 seconds in…×1080/HAzTGDVxauxLFI9N.mp4?tag=16
Valerie Curren
I think Crooks, if he’s the one in the pic on the ground by the retaining wall, was there to distract LE from the second floor (deliberately part of the plot) while Yearick was the one on the roof who May have shot the AR & was apparently killed. Yearick’s buddy Hooper was apparently arrested shirtless & thrown inside a white tent shortly after the shootings happened (they were both arrested, along w/ a girl, for something connected to a 2016 Trump rally previously & perhaps got the band back together for this “adventure”).
Wolf Moon
Wray just said they found 8 shell casings on the roof.
IMO that means the pro assassins got their shells onto the roof at some point.
Wait a minute! IMO they would have been better off using some older shells from Crooks’ gun. Three or four shells added to the ones he actually used at the rally.
Crooks himself could have helped in the process, adding his own shells, if he knew he was covering for the pros. AND if my theory is correct, that he waited for the pros to fire, then he KNEW he was covering for the pros. So adding casings to help them have cover is very reasonable.
Back to markings…. where are the markings on the roof for where the casings were found? Need to see those or it didn’t happen as described.
Gail Combs
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy)
“… they would have been better off using some older shells from Crooks’ gun….”
That is what I said yesterday. It also is indicative of the real sniper being CLOSE to Crooks.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy(
Reply to Gail Combs
July 24, 2024 16:30
Crooks may have never known the real sniper, but his handler was likely keeping him fully in the loop about what he himself needed to do.
“Save some shells at the range. We’re going to need them.”
“Bring three empty shells to the rally. They will cover for our sharpshooter.”
“Drop the shells near you behind and to the right, BEFORE you begin sighting in.”
“Don’t fire until after the THIRD SHOT from the sharpshooter. If he misses, it’s all on you.”
This is when Crooks had a moment of hesitation – about a second. Probably clicked off his safety and begin firing his 5 shots.
Then he ducked. Waited for a bit, came back up, and was taken out.
What they probably told Crooks, that was a lie, was this.
“After you finish firing, set down the gun. We will come out of the building and arrest you.”
Nope. They were planning on Crooks being shot by the guys on the rooftops, who were NOT in on the plot.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
This explains why the pro who shot first used ONLY three shots, and stuck to the plan. They were counting on Crooks to do his part.
I’m not seeing any problems in this scenario. Only a minimal number of people need to be in on the plot.
Pro shooter who is left alone in a room, who has a gun like the one Crooks has. The handler, coordinating with Crooks. Crooks, who does what he’s instructed to do.
Wonder if the fusillade from Crooks was to make it look like the attack was ongoing and attract attention whilst the “first 3 shot man” swiftly did something to save himself, get away from the window, leave the room, exit the building, mingle with other LE.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy(
Exactly right!
You see, this story just writes itself. And it all started for me, with the curious difference in times (0.220 and 0.213) between shots 1-3 and shots 4+, in combination with other videos RE those two buildings.
They had an excellent plan, much like a magic show, but it fell apart in the audio, and by the grace of God, when they missed.
Depends how many were in the building, spread out or all in the same room.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Minimize the number of knowledgeable conspirators – ALWAYS.
[I think there were only 2 or a few more, but most likely 2 since that is the usual sniper team AND they were short handed thanks to Dr Jill & Kamala’s events. The sniper probably sent his spotter out to go look at the distraction. – GC]
Gail Combs
I think they probably told Crooks he would be hustled out before anyone got to him.
Remember there was that door to the 2nd story. He was probably told to head there and they would get him out.
After your shots… press the detonator button(s)….
The distraction will allow you to escape.???
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
And then somebody turned them off?
Valerie Curren

some images from that Post article
Grassley included an unconfirmed map that showed different state law enforcement sectors the rally grounds had been broken into, but the AGR building is not included in any sectors.

“Did the USSS, local, or state law enforcement deploy UASs or counter UASs for the July 13, 2024 rally?” Grassley asked, noting reports that Crooks had deployed a drone of his own to case out the rally grounds before the shooting
pat frederick
#BREAKING We now KNOW why MULTIPLE Vehicles were found plus a BIKE at Trump Rally in Butler, Pennsylvania!
-Plans to blow up the Water Tower AFTER Trump was killed!

-We had 3 Suspects at least!
Thomas Crooks
Maxwel Yearick
Kennon Hopper
-We hear multiple cops mention the Water Tower in RAW Police Audio!
#Butler #SecretService #WaterTower
#BREAKING Suspects Tried to blow up Water Tower with the van! After the botched attempt on Donald Trumps life the van was then ‘Moved’ a few miles away where it was found!
-Remember the Van they towed away FULL of apparent explosives, Well where was the bomb squad before they took it away??
-A SIMILAR van was spotted under the Water Tower during the shooting!
-Second shooter was seen on the Water Tower by police (Audio Below), once escaped he was then likely to blow it up.

-Now that we have proved a clear ‘Cover Up’ what is to stop us form believing the van was rushed away form the Water Tower after botched attempt!
-Van had an MSNBS Sticker on the back left window.
#WaterTower #Butler #SecretService
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
If there were multiple perps planning something, you can count on it having been ORGANIZED by the FBI (FIB).
Valerie Curren(
Valerie Curren)
In the replies
Replying to @In2ThinAir
Crooks may have potentially been FBI. Crooks.ETH was created 1 months ago prior to his FBI profile, in February 2020.
Crooks.eth is tied to Moderats.eth, who is the FTX Drainer, the Exploit I solved that caused them to do a Drive by on my HOUSE.
Last year, I was on the plane that flew closest to the Spy Balloon. January 2023
Then I had a drive by done on my house. February 2023.
Then I survived an assassination attempt at Mile 3 of the Kansas City Marathon. October 2023.
Then I was infiltrated by someone the FBI dropped charges on who was facing years in Prison. 2023.
And rumor is they aren’t stopping there.
When will you believe me? When will my work and investigations blow up? I don’t know, but I know I was built for this.
I told you in 2022, 2023, and 2024 that thru Time, my research would become Timeless.
Toria Brooke
BREAKING According to the Way Back Machine”…Crooks had an FBI address A profile was created as early as March of 2020. This is developing unless otherwise debunked.
Here’s a still from the video, neither video from the tweets to which I’m replying (comment above mine) were loading on Nitter. When hitting load more replies on Nitter it claimed that the top tweet no longer existed, though I was able to view it & the video at twitter.
In the photo of the van under the tower, NOTICE it is the same van that was towed away with the MSNBC sticker. It was then replaced by some SUV once it was removed form the water tower and parked a ways away where it was claimed to of been found later that day.
-This was part of the cover up!
July 24, 2024 16:13
Missed this if below.
Chris Wray Admits FBI Is Not Looking Into Why Trump Was Allowed on Stage After Would-Be Assassin Was Spotted an Hour Before Shooting Started (Video) Jim Hoft Jul. 24, 2024 12:00 pm 321 Comments
Gail Combs
Oh and did you catch the fact they LEFT the 2nd story window to go chasing will-o-wisps.
AND who is “Washington Regional Swat”?
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Perfect! This means that they had a handler or coordinator on site, who ordered the room vacated when they needed the pro shooter to make his appearance.
This means there is a conspirator in the SS or locals, ABOVE the snipers who were ordered to move as needed. That person cleared the room for the assassination pro.
Guard duty General order #1. I will guard everything within the limit of my post and not leave my post unless properly relieved.
Who told them to leave their post?
Or exactly what Wolf is asking. This nut must be cracked!
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
And Cheato knows that they didn’t save the comms. Intentionally.
And WRAYGUN won’t investigate the USSS, which has to investigate itself.
EVIL. Just evil.
Barb Meier
They are both teams of alphas with weapons and authorities. They are careful with each other. The USSS does tell the FIB to stand down when it relates to USSS defending their protectees. For FIB to investigate USSS seems to invert that hierarchy and would not be a small thing, IMHO.
This led me to check for a USSS Inspector General. They do have an Office of Inspector General (OIG) and there is a statement on the Assassination attempt. It just explains whistleblowers, so nothing yet about the case investigation. Yes, I know. Inspecting themselves is not so good in this case when people suspect conspiracy at higher levels.
I tried to copy/paste the statement, but it seems not to permit that. The last line has a link to which is an independent agency.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Valerie Curren
Here is info on Yearick from a Yandex search, including a connection to Rothschilds.
For some reason the article won’t allow copy/paste so these are images from it:
A couple more images, 1st the logo of American Glass Research
from this video:
Then those arrested previously w/ Yearick, with their names:

From the site above, this comment, FYI, I haven’t checked links…
3 points
11 days ago

= = = =
20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks IS NOT THE DEAD GROOMED SHOOTER!!!
The unique ear ( 
is dead Maxwell Yearick, age 36, proven ANTIFA and a look-alike :
see? Closed-up hole surgery.
Maxwell Yearick proven ear match!!
Maxwell Yearick convicted ANTIFA, recruited and groomed?:
Here’s a video, 1:42 long, “Fact-checking the shattering teleprompter conspiracy theory at Trump rally shooting.” It shows that both teleprompters were intact after the shooting.
Here is a photo that shows both teleprompters.
Nice find!
Adding this comment here, a copy of one on the 7/25 daily, found here in case there is any further discussion there:
If you look at the way the blood flowed in the ear area, the thicker path of blood that is below the ear appears to begin from the back of the head & then flow down toward the nose (which makes sense if the soon to be deceased was close to face down) but when the blood reaches the nose it separates with some/most going over the bridge of the nose & the lesser amount going under the nostrils.
The blood flowing above the ear & across the upper forehead could have come from the same entry wound, somewhere behind the right ear. The blood that trickles from the ear canal is harder to say since it looks to me to be flowing Out of the ear. Maybe the shot in the back/side/behind the ear caused the ear drum to blow out & a lesser flow of blood to come from the ear.
Looking at the blood & thinking of gravity & how it applies helps us get a slightly better idea of how his face/body was oriented shortly before death, while the heart was still pumping the blood.
The large amount of blood along the neck is very different in color & thickness from what flowed across his face (looks almost like red paint to me). The blood on the roof has small radiant edges that make me think his hair was bloody & helped the blood flow outward, the perimeter of the head/face/hair blood pattern, especially if he were lying nearly face down at the end. There appears to be minor amounts of residual blood from the hair feathering around the roof blood in that presumed “secondary” death position, which looks (to me) like further evidence of them having moved that man’s head.
It would Really Help to see a pic from BEFORE ANYONE MOVED the BODY!!!
Is there a tad bit of a face print in the blood on the roof, like the Shroud (no offence meant here)?
TY RAC. The guy at the door, around 3 mins appears to have a blood smear on his cheek. I wonder if he might have already moved the body on the roof?
Once I get to 4:05 the video keeps stopping…hmmm
From replies to that Rumble video
8 hours ago
Bodycam Footage from Moments After Trump Assassination Attempt
Channel: Police Activity
28 minutes of body cam from the trump rally
not sure why youre 2 videos adds up to less than 28min, but i’ll leave this here DOT com/watch?v=XwBygHmIZ6c
Edit, VC commenting again:
About 4:31 approaching the body which is at least partially laying on its left side as feet are pointing right, close up view/full screen just before obscuring the body begins
About 4:35 the toe of the right shoe appears to be resting on the roof ridge to the immediate right of the body
Around 4:43, though the image is obscured there appears to be someone kneeling by the body & they may have semi-opaque gloves on that are also quite red w/ blood/paint?
OK I have it going on 1/4 speed so at 4:45 you can see the person kneeling & there appears to be no body laying there…
About 4:45 a brief capture of the deceased’s face unobscured
& a more tightly framed version for zooming in potentially, note there doesn’t appear to be Any of that copious blood seen on the other pics of the face!
Hopefully the above image but slightly enlarged
About 4:48 partial view of lower body, appears to be facing down now
also at 4:48 the edge of the blood spatter shows just outside the obscuring area, to compare to the facial shots of the rooftop deceased “shooter”
Now at 4:50 on 3/4 speed there does appear to be a body there and the legs are quite pale with the feet facing downward. There is a person in camo kneeling or squatting near the head of the body, who may be the guy in the pics of the deceased’s bloody face?
Also around 4:50 the bodycam guy starts calling out bullet casings
Also about 4:50 this close up shows a partial T-Shirt logo that May Match “Crooks” photo from above by “Greg”
Here are some stills captured at 1/4 speed before the camo guy crouches over the body & before the image is obscured, at 4:31.
At 4:35 as the bodycam guy approaches the body on the roof it appears that at least the lower half of the body is laying on it’s left side as the feet are pointing to the right.
Around 4:40 now the body is apparently on its back for the feet are pointing up…
4:45 closer in view of person kneeling by the body now on its back
4:50 the body appears to be facing down now
5:02 this is an unobscured view of the person who’d been hovering over & touching the body on the roof, possibly “Michelle”
at 5:12 showing “Michelle” with Orange Gloves
About 5:48 the gun appears to be about 4 roof ridges away from the deceased, to the left
About 6:16 a small shadow (of a drone?) briefly falls across the obscured area & the sound of something like a drone is quite loud for a bit. Around 6:30 a small black object appears in the upper center left of the image, possibly flying toward the water tower.
At about 7:20 a small amount of blood spatter is showing near the bottom of the image seemingly somewhat to the right of the deceased’s mouth, past one of the roof ridges
about 9:25 they mention “one of the SWAT guys had a hand injury”
Multiple times the blood running down the roof shows & it has both a thicker & a thinner rivulet, could that be indicative of 2 separate gun shot wounds?
Based on the 18:33 on the video this whole bodycam footage is apparently taking place about 6:30pm. How long after the shots were fired would that be?
I brought some of the above to today’s Q-Tree here:
Just for ease of comparison, the back of the shirt for “Crooks” as photographed by sniper “Greg” I believe:
The shots I took from the Rumble video showing the shirt
This one I also shared at today’s Q-Tree here:
For shoe comparisons, from below
& from my video stills above
From July 25, 2024
Thanks to TT
pat frederick
this is a new theory to me…
In case anyone here wasn’t aware, legendary conspiracy buff Bill Cooper said that the SS agent in the car is who shot JFK. RFK Jr. says that his father’s SS bodyguard is who shot him not Sirhan. Now it’s evident the SS was behind the Trump assassination. I hate that Trump had to come so close to dying but this is going to be massive and the SS is going to be completely exposed. It’s no longer a secret that they serve someone else.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy(
One person said the entry is above one of his eyes, IIRC. It will be small – basically .22 caliber (.223)
An FMJ .223 will NOT create a huge exit wound. In fact, a human skull is an excellent TRAP for a .223 rounds, downrange, which will do a lot of damage (likely kill the person), but won’t have a huge exit, and may even bounce around inside the skull.
.223 is a VARMINT ROUND. It’s all that’s needed for humans. That’s why armed forces switched down from many 30 caliber rounds that were popular for 50-60 years, but are heavy guns and ammo boxes. .223 / 5.56 are lighter guns, with lighter ammo, and they leave more wounded combatants, which burn through more enemy resources than fatalities.
I suspect he was shot somewhere on the upper face, forehead, or past the hairline in front.
OK – I think it went in right over his left eyeball. All the blood from his ears, nose and mouth is quite typical for such a head shot, where the bullet experienced massive energy transfer and deceleration. Not sure if it was FMJ, slight hollowpoint, or some kind of specialty round. If there was an exit, it would be in the hair behind his head, which mops up quite a bit of blood and brain matter. But skulls can bounce bullets around, too, and it could have ended up in his body. The autopsy report will be interesting.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
I will bet Bongino knows it’s worse than he’s letting on.
He has been warning us for months. He knows something and I hope he told Trump
IF what I read about JFK in today’s posts is true, [Secret Service Driver shot Kennedy] Trump already knows.
One thing not to be ignored and vid below proves it. They only had one piece of farm equipment blocking line of sight. That is not the norm. Often you need two hands to count how many big farm vehicles they put out to block line of sight.
Regardless how this turns out with one vs more snipers, the entire set up for the rally has been jacked up in a way that is criminal.
BREAKING: Chuck Grassley Releases Full Bodycam Footage from Beaver County Emergency Services, Revealing the Full Aftermath of Trump Assassination Attempt
Jim Hᴏft Jul. 25, 2024 3:00 pm 539 Comments
Nor’easter:05 vid changes to earlier vid not seen yet. Of note is that 5 spent cartridge cases are accounted for in this vid. You can briefly see 3 and the body cam cop counts
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Excellent! They spotted 5 casings. That leave FIB making the difference!
Oh, we have these evil bastards!
Seems so, ball is in FIB’s court now.
Meanwhile, tossing this out…
Audio analyzer guy in yesterdays update vid did briefly offer up a new theory on the differences in sound in that after round 3 Crooks may have risen up from his prone position to take shots 4-8 thus changing the acoustics.
If that happened the missing shell casings could be under his body?
I found this, think it may be the same…
Full transcript: BONGINO: “It’s a large outdoor rally in an open field but massive line of sight issues. The advance Secret Service team should have been out there a minimum of eight hours in advance. How the hell did you miss this guy? Folks, I’m really nervous right now for this guy, for Donald Trump, that is. And candidly, Biden and Harris too. I don’t want to see anybody get hurt. That’s that’s not what that’s not what this show is about. This is just disturbing. And then you promote the guy who was running daily operations for protections, to actor protections, to acting director. I’m asking President Trump as a friend. You get in there. We got to make some massive changes. I’m happy to help. I’ll consult for you. I’ll do whatever you want. But there are massive numbers of people that have to go. You are in real danger with this.”
Health Ranger:
Scott467 Reply to TheseTruths
“The rifle was found 7+ feet away from his body. How did it get there if he was shot dead?”
I would expect that the first cop on scene kicked it away, out of sheer habit, to prevent the suspected shooter from being able to grab it.
Which we would know, if any of the clown posse had their body cameras on when they first approached the dead Crooks, and if that footage was made public.
But the body-camera video recorded by the first cops on the scene would also reveal a mysterious lack of SHELL CASINGS anywhere on the roof, so chances are, we won’t see that footage.
Because the lack of shell casings would be, umm, inconvenient to their lone gunman narrative.
Here’s a copy of a comment that is looking at the smudges on the roof near the deceased’s head
The large black smudge just to the right of the red arrow in the bloody pic here:
MAY be the same black smudge as to the right edge of the obscuring blur in this image…With NO Evident blood nearby.
If someone has facial recognition software they could check those smudge areas & the visible smudge lines around them to see if they are a high percentage Match…
I’m trying to get closer in shots to compare here:
Original comment is found here:
From July 26
Benny Johnson
I want to thank Navy SEAL Sniper Eli Crane and Army combat veteran & tactical security specialist Cory Mills for bringing my team to Butler, Pennsylvania today.
Both are incredible Members of Congress who will find the TRUTH about how a bullet hit Trump in the head.
He also got to the SS Sniper roof to examine their view point. Not surprisingly, it shows the slope of the roof to be not near as steep on the far side as many might think. Meaning the view of Crooks coming up to take the shot should have been easier than we are led to believe.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
THIS is where I am sure the fire-returning SS team was located (the one on the RIGHT when viewed from the crowd).
Here is something useful.

Both sniper teams in front of the crowd would qualify.
We know that there were two teams of SS snipers – on those roofs in front of the rally.
The viewpoint of the team on the closer roof appears to be obscured by trees.
The viewpoint of this team does NOT.
A still from the video.
Valerie Curren

OK guys, without reading the post or checking comments I think I’ve made a Pretty Big Find! I’ve been watching the Rumble video that RAC shared yesterday & on the Assassination Attempt Post trying to get relevant images. There are details here:
However, the biggie is that it appears that the deceased does NOT have all the “blood” around his face as is shown in those other images. The shot I captured is a brief opening into the obscuring of the face & upper body of the deceased. The female “officer” “Michelle” spends quite a lot of time with her hand in the facial area of the deceased as the bodycam officer moves about randomly capturing tidbits of her activities, though mostly obscured.
Did they add the “blood” to the scene to make it appear different than originally found? Was the rooftop male (Yearick or Crooks) not yet deceased so hadn’t completed the bleeding process even though there was already the trail of blood to the edge of the roof. In tinfoil hat territory were they faking this body somehow or restaging the crime scene for public consumption? Given it was about 6:30pm if the bodycam’s roughly 18:30 clock is correct, how long after the shooting was this video captured?
Here’s where I posted more details at the Assassination Attempt Post:
About 4:45 a brief capture of the deceased’s face unobscured
& a more tightly framed version for zooming in potentially, note there doesn’t appear to be Any of that copious blood seen on the other pics of the face!
Here for comparison of the “blood” around the face
“Michelle” wore orange gloves & the guy (I think) in the bloody pic has on black gloves, fwiw…
What do you guys think?
Also this
Just for ease of comparison, the back of the shirt for “Crooks” as photographed by sniper “Greg” I believe:
The shots I took from the Rumble video showing the shirt
From that video:
It starts at 18:27:02 or 6:27 PM
18:29:20 or 6:29 The Leo is knocking on the door.
18:30:32 shows a ladder near the locker.
18:30:38 shows top of ladder 9 steps
18:31 the Leo climbs up to roof & other LEOs (Dark uniforms) are already there
18:31:10 you see Mr Suit.
18:31:20 Cross to other building so you can walk on those. On that ‘bridge’ you can see what looks like a syringe. then the backpack
Around 18:31:40 start seeing the person looking at the body.
This video looks like it is from 1/2 hour later according to the time stamps:
At 44:32 It is interesting the date time stamp is 2024/07/13 At 19:09:43 (left lower corner) the guy’s phone says 7:08 (or 19:08)
Brave AI gives:
” The timeline of events is as follows:
So this is video from about an hour afterwards. This newer video is STILL TWENTY MINUTES AFTER THE SHOOTING!
I am copying to my archives and just realize THE HEAD WAS MOVED!!!
If you look, the roof has a large flat area and then a ridge, typical of metal roofing. The raised area is where the nails go.
Time wise, in the first video, yours from today, the head is in the FLAT SPOT.
In the close-up with the blood smear, the head is on the ridge. The blood smear looks like where the head’s original position was in the first video.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
I think that it’s very clearly the same scene, with all the blood consistent, and it’s the same person, BUT they moved his body BACK toward the rib of the roof metal, and thus exposed the blood underneath the body.
Look at the location of the body relative to the rib. In the initial video and photo, he is about a foot away from the rib. They then move the body BACK against the rib.
The blood on the face from the ear and on the forehead is exactly the same, photo to photo, and was already drying.
Look at how the blood is spread out. It’s clearly smeared UNDER his body, but when they moved the body, the bloody smear under him was exposed
Clothing on the lower body appears Darker than the upper body in the “Greg” pics, when “Crooks” was viewed from above.
Clothing on the deceased’s lower body appears Lighter than what is on the upper body. Did Crooks & Yearick wear the same style T-Shirt or perhaps swap shirts?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy(
This is all VERY consistent to me.
The bullet that took out Crooks will be hard to find. It is very likely somewhere on the AGR property, near the other end, or fallen down between the buildings, after passing through his skull and exiting near his neck in back.
I am satisfied that the body is Crooks, and that he died exactly where they found him, and was shot by one of the USSS sniper teams behind Trump and in front of the rally crowd.
If we can find a picture of his recent right ear, it will look like the ear seen on the body, IMO.
Valerie Curren
If the kill shot blew out the back of his head to some degree then where is the blood spatter on the Back of his shirt?
If the deceased is Crooks, & the same person photoed by “Greg” then where are the glasses?
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
…. Everything is adding up now, and the three early shots being Crooks’ “go signal” make tons of sense.
I don’t think Crooks was an “innocent patsy” – I think he was a betrayed guilty patsy, who was convinced to be the back-up for the pro shots, not realizing that he was being set up to be taken out by the rest of USSS.
In fact, I will bet that Crooks was told USSS was “all in” on taking out Trump, and that he would be allowed to get away.
Do we even know its f***in’ calibre yet???
That would certainly help in estimating where it might have gone.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
.300 Win Mag is likely per this article!
Valerie Curren

The large black smudge just to the right of the red arrow in the bloody pic here:
MAY be the same black smudge as to the right edge of the obscuring blur in this image…With NO Evident blood nearby.
If someone has facial recognition software they could check those smudge areas & the visible smudge lines around them to see if they are a high percentage Match…
Benny Johnson on the abandoned overwatch sniper team position in the AGR building.
TEXT of Tweet:
Benny Johnson
Sorry, I call BULL SCHIFF!
Interesting. Local news guy does several minute interview with Butler District Attorney says the guy who testified in front of congress concerning that post has it wrong . He insists that the two guys in the AGR building never abandoned their post and insists that they would not have visual on Crooks location on the roof as it was out of their view. The Butler DA appears nervous and defensive through out the interview.
Skip ahead to 32:55 The reporter had moved onto other things concerning Crooks and it is at this point he describes the exact location that Crooks climbed up onto the roof using computer simulation of the location. Up the AC and wall to the short roof. Which is right Infront of the window the two cops, who never left their post according to the DA, were sitting at.
I sincerely hope the news guy understands what he has.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
YES – it sounds like you have something here.
The physics of that site is obvious to anybody who has watched enough videos and looked at Google Maps. Especially after that Rep. Crane got up there on the roofs, which was amazing work.
They can’t just lie to us like they’ve been doing. Those lies are falling apart.
If true, which I don’t doubt, that Butler PA is dirty, then ofcourse the DA would likely be dirty as well. I hope some one is investigating this because the reporter just busted this twerp.
FBI idiocy about bullet striking Trump’s ear….
I could be off base but I would think that, with Trump being the target and being struck, the likelihood of the bullet striking something else before him is slim to none
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Agreed. But I am really seeing the FIB pursuing some strange ideas here, and I don’t know why, but I have strong suspicions as follows
We are in new territory here. Something really weird is going on.
From July 25, 2024
Thanks to TT
pat frederick
this is a new theory to me…
In case anyone here wasn’t aware, legendary conspiracy buff Bill Cooper said that the SS agent in the car is who shot JFK. RFK Jr. says that his father’s SS bodyguard is who shot him not Sirhan. Now it’s evident the SS was behind the Trump assassination. I hate that Trump had to come so close to dying but this is going to be massive and the SS is going to be completely exposed. It’s no longer a secret that they serve someone else.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy(
One person said the entry is above one of his eyes, IIRC. It will be small – basically .22 caliber (.223)
An FMJ .223 will NOT create a huge exit wound. In fact, a human skull is an excellent TRAP for a .223 rounds, downrange, which will do a lot of damage (likely kill the person), but won’t have a huge exit, and may even bounce around inside the skull.
.223 is a VARMINT ROUND. It’s all that’s needed for humans. That’s why armed forces switched down from many 30 caliber rounds that were popular for 50-60 years, but are heavy guns and ammo boxes. .223 / 5.56 are lighter guns, with lighter ammo, and they leave more wounded combatants, which burn through more enemy resources than fatalities.
I suspect he was shot somewhere on the upper face, forehead, or past the hairline in front.
OK – I think it went in right over his left eyeball. All the blood from his ears, nose and mouth is quite typical for such a head shot, where the bullet experienced massive energy transfer and deceleration. Not sure if it was FMJ, slight hollowpoint, or some kind of specialty round. If there was an exit, it would be in the hair behind his head, which mops up quite a bit of blood and brain matter. But skulls can bounce bullets around, too, and it could have ended up in his body. The autopsy report will be interesting.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
I will bet Bongino knows it’s worse than he’s letting on.
He has been warning us for months. He knows something and I hope he told Trump
IF what I read about JFK in today’s posts is true, [Secret Service Driver shot Kennedy] Trump already knows.
One thing not to be ignored and vid below proves it. They only had one piece of farm equipment blocking line of sight. That is not the norm. Often you need two hands to count how many big farm vehicles they put out to block line of sight.
Regardless how this turns out with one vs more snipers, the entire set up for the rally has been jacked up in a way that is criminal.
BREAKING: Chuck Grassley Releases Full Bodycam Footage from Beaver County Emergency Services, Revealing the Full Aftermath of Trump Assassination Attempt
Jim Hᴏft Jul. 25, 2024 3:00 pm 539 Comments
Nor’easter:05 vid changes to earlier vid not seen yet. Of note is that 5 spent cartridge cases are accounted for in this vid. You can briefly see 3 and the body cam cop counts
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Excellent! They spotted 5 casings. That leave FIB making the difference!
Oh, we have these evil bastards!
Seems so, ball is in FIB’s court now.
Meanwhile, tossing this out…
Audio analyzer guy in yesterdays update vid did briefly offer up a new theory on the differences in sound in that after round 3 Crooks may have risen up from his prone position to take shots 4-8 thus changing the acoustics.
If that happened the missing shell casings could be under his body?
I found this, think it may be the same…
Full transcript: BONGINO: “It’s a large outdoor rally in an open field but massive line of sight issues. The advance Secret Service team should have been out there a minimum of eight hours in advance. How the hell did you miss this guy? Folks, I’m really nervous right now for this guy, for Donald Trump, that is. And candidly, Biden and Harris too. I don’t want to see anybody get hurt. That’s that’s not what that’s not what this show is about. This is just disturbing. And then you promote the guy who was running daily operations for protections, to actor protections, to acting director. I’m asking President Trump as a friend. You get in there. We got to make some massive changes. I’m happy to help. I’ll consult for you. I’ll do whatever you want. But there are massive numbers of people that have to go. You are in real danger with this.”
Health Ranger:
Scott467 Reply to TheseTruths
“The rifle was found 7+ feet away from his body. How did it get there if he was shot dead?”
I would expect that the first cop on scene kicked it away, out of sheer habit, to prevent the suspected shooter from being able to grab it.
Which we would know, if any of the clown posse had their body cameras on when they first approached the dead Crooks, and if that footage was made public.
But the body-camera video recorded by the first cops on the scene would also reveal a mysterious lack of SHELL CASINGS anywhere on the roof, so chances are, we won’t see that footage.
Because the lack of shell casings would be, umm, inconvenient to their lone gunman narrative.
Here’s a new image I recently ran across that calls into question, for me, whether or not that rooftop blood trail might have been planted…There appears to be no blood trail here!
& this in replies to the above
At nitter it says there are 17 replies to the above but I can only see 5 of them. It Might be interesting to see if all of them are on twitter!
another interesting reply
I’ll just add this one here because I don’t recall if we have the image in the Q-Tree discussions yet.
Since I keep obsessing with the blood situation this pic looks like no blood on the neck after the deceased was laying “face down” after being shot, very different from the neck blood in the various close ups on the blood on the face (& I thought the neck blood didn’t look natural for there weren’t flow patterns & if it was transfer from the surface being laid upon well the neck wouldn’t be down on the rooftop even w/ the deceased lying face down as the head/face would elevate the neck off the surface below, imo.
Important info here:
Reply to para59r
July 28, 2024 16:12
Sen. Ron Johnson’s investigation learned that the Secret Service was not going to send it own sniper team at first then changed their mind and did send a team.
The report also reveals the Secret Service did not attend the security briefing with the other law enforcement teams on July 13, the day of the rally.
“Local law enforcement said communications were siloed and they were not in frequent radio contact directly with Secret Service.
Individuals with local law enforcement told Senator Johnson’s office that communications between different entities providing security at the rally were siloed. For example, local SWAT and sniper teams operated on separate radio channels from patrol.”
Full text of Senator Johnson’s Report –
Something fishy going on with the Secret Service throughout the whole event.
First I am also adding some other interesting INFO I do not want to get lost.
Trump Assassination 3
MARK KELLY COMMENTS LINK he is possible Dem VP pick.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy(
OMG – I got a YUGE lead here.
This affair that started in CHINA? Between Mark Kelly and Gabby Giffords?
MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE. Chinese brainwashing.
Just like Feinstein’s and pedophilia’s rise via the Chinese MK assassination of Mayor Moscone and Harvey Milk, so we have Giffords and gun control’s rise via the MK assassination of that judge, using a SATANIC killer.
And now China wants KELLY in the White House. A literal ChiCom Manchurian Candidate!
China wants their deep ChiCom plants in the White House!!!
Reporting back on the couple who are our close friends and their visit to Nashville/Bitcoin event.
Security was incredible. PDT was delayed on stage due to much more thorough procedures as they processed the usual phone threats that occur at each event. He provided me video of the law enforcement presence on the streets. Police on horseback and motorcycles surrounded the location. Local LE, state troopers, SS ,etc, everywhere. This male friend had 20 years in law enforcement after a successful insurance broker career. He worked security for previous POTUS and First Lady visits to Knoxville. He was impressed. His wife has worked charity fund raising events at Mar-a-lago in the past year.
Most of the major names aligned with the campaign and crypto were there. Standing ovations for PDT and the general consensus was they had their future POTUS.
Our friends are staying a few blocks from the event and are going to hit more of the scene downtown tonight. He even sent photos of the party buses that start rolling around the city at noon each day that give tours and drinks. Oh my…
Looking forward to listening to my fellow Middie speaking tonight at the rally in MN.
July 28, 2024 04:55
Barb Meier
Noted by many users on X: Massive Paris lights out except for the Sacre Coeur Church on the top of the hill.
Coordinated Sabotage Paralyzes France’s Rail Network… Olympics…
article link…
July 27
Apparently, Secret Service counter-sniper assets were routinely denied to the USSS Donald Trump Detail if the locations weren’t within “driving distance” of Washington DC.
Seriously Dan, they will just come back with “that’s why we approve local sniper assets” and we’re left sucking out thumb. Shocked Dan is going this way.
This ain’t it.
Show evidence markers for all eight rounds.
Show agents view posted in window vs where Crooks, shot from, climbed to roof using A/C vs crowd pointing.
Explain one tractor blocking line of sight. Normally multiple.
Long list. MORE MAJOR than that.
Donald Trump on Wray:
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
They’re STILL trying to say that Crooks might have just been shooting at the crowd and not Trump. They just get increasingly sneaky in how they keep those diversion options alive.
Pure cover-up of their crime.
I still think the first 3 shots were from a pro, not Crooks.
Well, on the top of the list they’ve still only offered tangible proof for five shell casings not eight.
Meanwhile no official posting of who was where with the sniper teams. Two on barns in front of the rally, check. One in the AGR bldg… why in side? Need a name for who decided that, plus deconflict on did they leave their post and which window, though crowd reports said the one that aligned with the edge of the single story bldg, but nothing official . and since they didn’t shoot, there is a fourth, but no one says where. I think someone said mobile, in the parking lot but I don’t think that’s official. It’s amazing the things they won’t tell us officially. It’s like they are playing musical chairs with the facts and keeping all options open in case they need to change their story.
I heard three inside but local. On man had a family emergency. Left early.
Two left over. One went to go look for shooter. Forgot to take his security card to access the building. could not find shooter. When faced with re-entering the building, could not get back in.
Last guy left his post to let second guy in.
Does any of this make sense?
Who had key cards?
A quick rehash with other developments previously posted…

And that came from the guy who testified in front of congress. Meanwhile the Butler DA refutes it and says they never left their post and it would be hard for them to see where Crooks was firing from which is BS.
The reporter who interviewed the Butler DA ends his broadcast separate from the Butler DA with a computer simulation showing that Crooks climbed up to the roof in front of the very window that the local snipers were posted at.
Again, logic and simple observation of the reality.
It was an incompetent hit job by our traitor government agency operatives.
Keep the cell phone videos on, people. Record everything you can record anytime you are in a political or other contentious environment.
I still cannot figure out where that overhead photo of Crooks was taken.
From the very PA sniper team we are speaking and they are the ones that either stayed at the post and allowed Crooks to climb and shoot from the roof or abandoned their post and allowed Crooks to climb and shoot from the roof
Reply to Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
…which makes no sense. They got caught because they failed, and nothing they say makes any sense.
Anyone in Crooks’ position on that roof could have gotten off multiple rounds and hit a lot of people. It could have been a bloodbath in a very few seconds. That is true whether he actually fired any shots or not. He COULD have killed multiple people if he had been someone bent on shooting at the crowd, but that didn’t happen. Instead, whoever was shooting aimed directly at Trump.
PHOTO of the bullet trail past Trump’s head!
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Reply to Aubergine
Watch FIB try to “debunk” that now! Heck – watch FIB and the rest of Demmunism socially pressure the photographer to “debunk” his own photo!
“It was a mistake! I was too hasty in assuming it was a bullet!”
Reply to Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
I agree. Pro. Cadence. That’s what gives it away.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy(
Reply to Aubergine
YES!!! You can hear the difference between those shots and Crooks after them.
No doubt in my mine after the sound evidence was analyzed. The logic fits as well. Trajectory evidence would collaborate it all.
Reply to Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
We will get none of the above from FIB and the SS.
Reply to TradeBait2
Latter in itself is added confirmation
Reply to kalbokalbs
Good point.
Reply to TheseTruths
Notice how sleazy Wray slipped in “fired from the deceased subject’s rifle”.
Why does Chrissy think the bullet had fragmented before it hit DJT?
Was the air really hard that day?
Was the shooter using air-soluble ammo?
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Reply to scott467
Good catch! He is pushing as hard away from the pro shooter(s) as he can.
FIB is criminal, and they know it.
Robert Baker
Reply to Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
FIB is criminal, and they know it.
The fact that the FBI is criminal is not relevant at this time. The organization has been criminal for decades. What is relevant, that given the fact that the FBI is a criminal organization, no one with the duty and authority to do something about it has done anything. Every organization and politician with the fiduciary obligation to solve the problem HAS DONE NOTHING. That is the crisis, a crisis of leadership and duty.
Reply to Robert Baker
They are plotters and use operatives, many of whom are criminals. After their operations, they become the cleaners.
Covered some of this from personal experiences in the BIMD stories. That alone goes back to the 70 ‘s and it has been going on a lot longer than that.
Discussion about different types of bullets LINK

Well, someone put a stop to Wray, at least. We’re pushing back harder than they have ever encountered before.
Reply to TheseTruths
Erase the attempted Trump assassination.
That there is a perfect explanation why SS, HLS, FIB, DOJ, ATF have not held daily pressers.
Act as if the attempted Trump assassination never happened.
Of course that’s why they’re not talking about it, holding press conferences, etc.
That’s what works now. The memory hole. They’ve done it with all the Covid bullshit, they’ve done it with Biden videos being “cheap fakes,” they’re doing it with Camel-Uh being the Border Czar, and they’re doing it with the assassination attempt.
And the public will mostly go for it, because 70 years of television, 50 years of video games (remember Pong?), and 30 years of the internet have primed the mind for the limited-attention-span-theater style of government.
You think the streak appears to be on the left side of Trump’s head? That would be difficult to explain since the photo was taken at the moment he was shot, and he was shot in the right ear. I haven’t seen anyone question the authenticity of that photo. The only people I’ve seen questioning things are those on the Left who claim he was hit by something other than a bullet.
I think it’s possible that some photojournalists might have been told the rally would be something they’d want to be present to cover. But if they were told that and that’s all they were told, then after the event they would have realized that not only did someone put their lives in danger, but that whoever tipped them off knew in advance about the assassination attempt. That would put the photojournalists in the dangerous position of knowing too much.
On the other hand, I suppose one could think they were all in on it, meaning they knew there would be an assassination attempt on Trump and they wanted to be there, in spite of the danger they would be in, to take once-in-a-lifetime photos.
I find both of those theories to be unlikely. I think it is possible that, with it being campaign season, the coverage of Trump and the chaotic candidacies on the Left is ramping up.
The suspiciously high speed camera meant to record a fatal head shot just blew Wray apart.
“Hoist with his own petard”
Reply to RAC
I have seen the one photo. Seems to be on the opposite side of the hit.
Can we confirm if these people have attended rallies for President Trump before? Or were they there for a ‘special event’?
That ‘bullet’ is an ear width – 3-4 inches too low to be the one that struck Trump. It was evidently another ‘miss’ and might have gone on to strike someone in the crowd.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy(
Reply to GA/FL
See Robert’s reply. The “too low” appearance is a “photo angle + depth perception” issue. I have examined this problem extensively – it’s the same bullet that hit his ear. It can’t be either the second or third shot. It can’t even be a “silenced subsonic mystery bullet”, for reasons of bullet drop and distance. The audio is complete, and that is what’s undoing the other side.
It’s easier to see the angle/perspective explanation with a larger photo, which shows what that does to the bottom of the lectern below the bullet and Trump’s ears. Trump’s back ear is “lowered”, but you can’t see it.
Robert Baker
You think the streak appears to be on the left side of Trump’s head? That would be difficult to explain since the photo was taken at the moment he was shot, and he was shot in the right ear.
The illusion that it is passing by on the left is because of the lack of depth perception behind the bullet.
Yes, TT. Is that bullet wizzing after PT is shot but before he reacts? Looks like it is on the wrong side of PT’s head.
One possibility for extra coverage was the VP announcement.
Too many unknowns.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy)
Would like to hear that photographer’s explanation, why he chose those settings that day and that time.
TT posted answer slightly u or down. Prolly as good an answer as we’ll get.
It’s likely he had his camera set to capture a burst of photo’s before the shots were fired.
Because if he’d only pressed the button on hearing the first shot the bullet would have already gone past him.
So why did he choose that mode and speed for a subject that was almost immobile, he wasn’t photographing a neck and neck finish of a horse race, there’s two questions
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy(
Reply to RAC
Great point about bursts. Did the photographer have a CUE when to begin taking them? I’ll bet he did.
Reply to Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
All we have to do is see who employed the four photographers. Question answered.
Did any have ear buds or look at those behind/beside PDT who might have signaled with a subtle movement?
Deplorable Patriots.
The photographer who took that photo is one of the best known in the business. That was the only rally he ever attended, and he just HAPPENED to use a camera with an insanely fast shutter speed.
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA(
Reply to Deplorable Patriot
One time I took my M6 mark II, set it on its fastest setting, and just let it rip (IIRC 15 frames per second), to see how long it would take for the buffer to fill up. Of course the camera is unloading the buffer to the card as fast as it can, too, but if that latter rate is slower than the former, the buffer does eventually fill.
Over 30 seconds, and this is by NO MEANS a top-end camera, not even when it came out (Canon has since discontinued the entire M series with the possible exception of the M50).
Even though I own an R5, I tend to grab my M6-II first when I need a compact camera; in fact that’s what I used to photograph the eclipse because of its greater pixel density.
The process of RINOs as the enemy within to defeat their Dem traitor slave masters is indeed, a process. It does not happen overnight. However, it can and does happen.
Election integrity before everything else. Quality attorneys assigned in every local voting area as their point of emphasis. Said attorneys must be in good standing with patriot, Constitutionalist judiciary. All of them must be protected by local law enforcement and patriot citizens. This is the circle of trust.
Once that is in place and any significant resistance neutralized, the games can begin.
We started this process in earnest in TN two decades ago. The process never ends, you never get to take a breather and sit back to enjoy what it provides. There will be more establishment/RINO GOP removed in this election in the state legislature. Some establishment/RINO incumbents who chose to run anyway realize they stepped in the shiz and have tried to recover. We will not fall for it. Quality opponents in the primaries have stepped forward and they will get their shots. If by some chance a RINO does win, the super majority applies pressure and makes sure the voters in the applicable districts know what their office holder is actually doing.
It is from their ranks that the future GOP MAGA federal office holders come. They will have served their local communities and state. Their records will be clearly known. The more of that ilk that go to DC, the better the country will be governed. When at least 30 states have committed to and followed the process for a significant period of time, our nation will be freed from the tyranny long term. Many of the other straggling states will figure it out and do better.
No short term answers in any of this, only commitment to winning a war of attrition based on America First principles and full support for the Constitution of the USA.
We’re gonna get MOAR outdoor rallies besides Butler !!! Pres. Trunp is unrelenting in winning for free speech and holding Secret Service to their sworn duties

Cory Mills
Our internal investigation that includes not just site survey, but discussions with those at the rally, and a whistleblower who we will protect uncovered many things not yet revealed. What we will have trouble with is that at certain stages of gross negligence it becomes indistinguishable with purposeful intent.
We hope to get all the facts in a transparent manner for the American people so we can take action for next steps. Please tune in to
to learn more about myself and
trip to Butler, PA. The site of the attempted assassination of President Trump, and the murder of Corey Comperatore.
Lots of meat in this one.
Deplorable Patriot
It really is a fascinating read. If everything we’ve been told is a lie, this could well qualify as part of that statement.
Tends to be how I see things, DePat.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Good stuff! All the REVERSO being cited, smells of DEEP STATE.
Assassination attempt #4 Comments from July 28th
[Bolding is mine G.C.]
Here is a good spot to insert the summary of two experienced, professional LE officers background people with whom I am very close. One has served on security details that has protected previous POTUS and FL visits to our area. The other has received FBI training, bomb tech qualified, and SWAT team member who became sniper qualified from an early occupational role on a NG airbase in our area. Both are pros’ pros.
To the point – Assassination attempt by government operatives that was poorly executed from planning through implementation. ME – Of course, look how the last four years have gone overall; easy to see why.
Crooks was definitely the patsy, the bait. Easy to manipulate before and during.
They know by sound forensics there were three and perhaps four different shooters with different weapons. They agree with some of us on here that the first three were the intended assassination shots. The head turn saved PDT. Shots by Crooks were to attract return fire for the assassination of the attempted assassinator.
The”crime scene” around Crooks was a joke, totally mishandled. Everything was set up for plausible deniability of participants.
The pre-event security was intentionally bad to set up both PDT and the patsy with easy escape of the fed operative who was actually assigned to the assassination. They were not impressed with how local LE responded to the crisis, but understood they were probably handicapped by the SS control pre-event.
The lack of daily reports to media and the public on the status of the investigation is telling to them (as it is to all of us).
Reply to TradeBait2
Good point on the investigation getting shoddy treatment to prevent successful prosecution.
That should be part of a larger circumstantial case that goes to the wider conspiracy. Congress should make their best circumstantial case they can and dump it in the public’s lap as soon as possible rather than wait on any investigations by the SS or FIB to finish. If they don’t like Congress’s verdict they can disprove it with evidence.
Brave and Free
care what congress says? They’ll just stonewall untill something else grabs the national news narrative. We’ve seen this dance before with every Congressional investigation.
Reply to para59r
I agree 100% with their insights TB2.
The problem with a Congressional investigation is, how many people knew the silencing of PDT was on the table? Most likely the controllers of congress knew so how will any investigation gain any traction?
(they control the members)
And why would SS and f
IMO the only way the truth comes out is if PDT wins. The truth will never see the light of day otherwise.
NOTICE DRAG QUEEN-OLYMPICS is the ‘Hey look a Squirrel’ for Christians. – GC
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Reply to para59r
If what you say happens, and PA falls back under a Republican Governor and AG, there could be prosecutions.
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Reply to Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
which is why “they” will expend every effort to prevent that from happening.
Barb Meier
Reply to TradeBait2
TB, great info!! I took a copy of your post and added it as an article on my X account. I then put a link to my article as a reply to Benny’s post with video of a group of local LE with a counter-sniper saying that they had no contact with the USSS until AFTER President Trump was shot. It is so important to keep the noise level up on this horrible assassination attempt. We cannot let it get drowned in the many distractions.
Reply to Barb Meier
Thank you for sharing it, Barb.
The more that see, the more that know, even if it scares them.
Two weeks and still nothing of substance released to Americans. If it had been Soetoro, Brandon or Hoe the media would have been losing their minds over it 24/7 calling for the POTUS to step down and all of Congress.
We are obviously under attack.
Florida Congressman Corey Mills is fired up and investigating the assassination attempt – bold mine!
Cory Mills@CoryMillsFL
“Our internal investigation that includes not just site survey, but discussions with those at the rally, and a whistleblower who we will protect uncovered many things not yet revealed.
What we will have trouble with is that at certain stages of gross negligence it becomes indistinguishable with purposeful intent.
We hope to get all the facts in a transparent manner for the American people so we can take action for next steps.
Please tune in to @bennyjohnson to learn more about myself and @EliCrane_CEO trip to Butler, PA. The site of the attempted assassination of President Trump, and the murder of Corey Comperatore.”
I’m not on X – but – If anyone can find Benny Johnson’s X post or video about their investigation – please post it!
Here is Benny Johnson’s twitter feed
Benny Johnson @bennyjohnson
Oct 27, 2022
BREAKING: Elon Musk has fired Vijaya Gadde, head of legal policy, trust & safety, who made the decision to permanently suspend Donald Trump.
It’s time for my periodic reminder that all Democrats are fascists.
I love the fact that whenever I point this out, some Democrat invariably claims “Derrrrr… you don’t even know what fascism is!” So let’s explore fascism a little, shall we?
Listed below are attributes and practices that all 20th Century fascists have in common with the Democrat Party of 2024:
1. Laws promoting the seizure of guns from law-abiding citizens and/or the denial of gun ownership rights for law-abiding citizens.
2. Censorship of free speech by pretending such censorship protects the citizenry from faulty information.
3. Government control of industry.
4. Government control of the mass media.
5. Control of the entertainment industry as a means of propaganda. (See: Leni Riefenstahl; Walt Disney Corporation.)
6. Children belong to the State and not their parents.
7. Political dissidents and opposing political leadership are to be persecuted for fabricated “crimes” under the color of law through the courts.
8. Political dissidents are locked up for months/years without a trial.
9. Leading political opponents who are a threat to the fascist order are to be assassinated.
10. Extreme nationalism (Democrats hate the United States of America, but are extreme nationalistic zealots for the Woke States of America).
11. Purposeful division of the population along racial and ethnic lines as a means to power.
12. Leadership of the ruling fascist party is chosen by party leaders without any input from rank-and-file party members, but an illusion of democracy is perpetuated.
13. Certain party criminals are turned into martyrs upon their demise. (See: Horst Wessel; Saint George Floyd.)
14. Destruction of statues, symbols and art of the pre-fascist order.
15. Accuse dissidents of the very crimes you yourself commit.
16. Justify all of it for the “common good.”
The Democrat Party of 2024 is a fascist party. Spread the word.
This Harris campaign statement – this is incitement to hate and violence.
Reply to GA/FL
Notice the extreme lies and how they are presented.
IMO, the “Harris campaign” is inches away from labeing President Trump “the next Hitler”, “the next Stalin”, etc.
Are her “campaign” writers aficionados of Saul Alinsky?
Local SWAT Team from Butler, PA Reveals No Communication with Secret Service Prior to Shooting, Scheduled Meet-Up Upon Arrival Never Occurred
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Strategic negligence and tactical silence.
Yep. Just saw that. Big question is where is the rest of that interview? If any of those are the ones that were in the AGR bldg and took that photo, which apparently some are, then surely there are other questions asked.
Also if the medic is part of the sniper teams then she and the two others who traveled across the rally in the Sen Grassley vid are the ones that shot Crooks?
A break out of duties at the rally would be nice, along with individual sit reps from each team.
In the story the interview part is sent by Speaker Johnson in a tweet.
I sure the heck he isn’t dolling out information again drip by freaking drip.
I didn’t catch a lot of new details while family was here but I’m not clear on the sniper team(s)….was there a SS team also in addition to the local team?
A local police counter-sniper team was stationed inside the building where attempted assassin Thomas Crooks climbed on the roof and fired on Donald Trump, law enforcement sources told The Post.
The building — the AGR International Inc. factory in Butler, Pennsylvania — was being used by local police as a “watch post” for snipers to scan for threats as the former president spoke onstage only 130 yards away, according to sources.
he revelation comes as local outlet WPXI reported the Crooks was spotted on the building 26 minutes before he opened fire — with one sheriff’s deputy from the Beaver County Sheriff’s Department emergency services team even taking a photo of the gunman before the shooting
Reply to mollypitcher5
Depending on the day and report, there was one, two three or four sniper teams. SS or LE?
Today or yesterday, report has SS denied sniper request as Butler is out of driving range. (Such utter ignorance.)
Identified communication as a likely problem shortly after the attempted assassination.
Brave and Free
Reply to kalbokalbs
It’s my understanding then the sniper teams never meet or communicated with each other? Then possibly they didn’t even know where the teams were posted either? How convenient is it then if one of the teams fired the first shots at PDT? That would explain why the one team looked up at the first sound of fire……if it didn’t come from Crooks who he was looking at.
Reply to mollypitcher5
IMO no one is clear on the sniper team lay out. 1 tm on each barn were SS. One in the AGR bldg was local. But another team also fired on Crooks. Where was that team? It’s said it was local. So assume they are sitting in that interview and since the medic is sitting there and she traveled across the venue with the other guys, then she must be in the other sniper team?
In case your missing the Grassley vid.
BREAKING: Chuck Grassley Releases Full Bodycam Footage from Beaver County Emergency Services, Revealing the Full Aftermath of Trump Assassination AttemptJim Hᴏft Jul. 25, 2024 3:00 pm 870 Comments
Barb Meier
Reply to para59r
In part 1 of 3 of the Grassley released footage, Crooks is dead and has on shorts.
Reply to para59r
Sen. Ron Johnson’s investigation learned that the Secret Service was not going to send it own sniper team at first then changed their mind and did send a team.
The report also reveals the Secret Service did not attend the security briefing with the other law enforcement teams on July 13, the day of the rally.
“Local law enforcement said communications were siloed and they were not in frequent radio contact directly with Secret Service.
Individuals with local law enforcement told Senator Johnson’s office that communications between different entities providing security at the rally were siloed. For example, local SWAT and sniper teams operated on separate radio channels from patrol.”
Full text of Senator Johnson’s Report –
Something fishy going on with the Secret Service throughout the whole event.
Reply to GA/FL
Thank you GA/FL for the info.
Hate to ask another question we know where this team was located? On the building that we saw pictures even though their vests said ‘police’ I think?
Now, it’s being reported that Thomas Matthew Crooks is NOT the alleged shooter, and that it is a guy (Maxwell Yearick) affiliated with ANTIFA that was actually arrested back in 2016 for being involved in an Anti-Trump protest in Pittsburgh
Wall Street Apes @WallStreetApes –
Could Be Big Google Scrubbing Info About The Guy Who Owned The Van Towed After The Attempted Donald Trump Assassination Owner of the white van towed after the assassination attempt linked to Arizona. He’s also tied to an Arizona company called Yearick Armory Explosives This journalist goes to his house, the house is also tied to the company. He films a conversation with a woman acting extremely shady. She says she doesn’t know him, then says they’re family. She immediately lies and then act suspicious. According to this journalist who’s been researching about these topics for days now, Google has already started scrubbing data from the Internet Lots of fact checking articles are now placed at the top of Google search results when searching the owner of the vans name. The articles fact check you that he wasn’t the second shooter. Let’s say he’s not the second shooter, there is no proof of that currently. All these details are still extremely suspicious, and why is Google scrubbing information?
Reply to GA/FL
Wait a fucking minute.
It’s been two weeks since this crotch novel started unfolding.
We had Crook’s dad call LE reporting son took his AR….
The world thinks Crooks is the bad guy. Family prolly harassed.
AR near dead guy on roof.
Guess FIB didn’t check weapon serial number against whatever was sold to Crook’s dad. Is it the same AR found on the roof.
Crook’s Yearick paths cross when AND where…
There was a third name at some point.
We had Yearick’s name shortly after Trump was shot. Then FIB poo=pooed it away for Crook’s
At some point, “Professional LE AND Investigators” need to be assigned to figure this out.
Brave and Free
Reply to kalbokalbs
Maybe they had Crooks bring the gun….. this Mathew guy obviously couldn’t get a gun legally. So is this how they used Crooks?
Reply to Brave and Free
July 28, 2024 17:12
Who knows.
Two weeks to announce, OR leak, dead guy is not Crooks. (I guess that’s the story.)
If so, where is Crook’s?
Even Barney Fife would disavow FIB.
Reply to kalbokalbs
The third name used in conjunction with Maxwell Yearick is Kennon Hooper.
Maxwell Yearick was arrested along with Kennon Hooper & Lisa Guyler for committing violence during an anti-Trump [antifa] protest in 2016 in Pittsburgh.
Yearick would be 38 and Hooper would be 40. A relationship between Crooks & (2) 40 year-old men seems a bit strange to me, but it is possible that perhaps their paths crossed at the shooting range that Crooks is alleged to have used.
Reply to litenmaus
Isn’t there a picture of Hooper being detained by a white tent at the rally after the shooting? I’m sure that I saw it. A woman was nearby, could’ve been Guyler.
The FIB is antifa handlers, antifa narrative providers…that antifa is nothing..if it’s true that Yearick went to train in Ukraine probably some c i a involvement also. Killing Trump has likely been a evolving plan for a long time but became critical when Biden crumbled.
Here’s additional pics and theory on these guys on 7/13
Here’s additional pics and theory on these guys on 7/13
Reply to mollypitcher5
The original twitter regarding the white van specifically stated that the owner of the van had ties to Arizona[the license plate was an Arizona plate] and the owner of the van had ties to the company named Yearick. Well, that was the advertisement on the side of the van that the SS? informed us held explosives. Except……the Arizona Yearick company owner has stated that the company does not sell explosives.
So…I think the white van is a red herring, squirrel, etc….
There is a video taken by a rally goer which shows someone running full speed in the background by “Crooks” bicycle…I am wondering if that was Hooper. If so, Yearick was already dead and Hooper was running for his life.
Reply to litenmaus
Here’s 2 google search entries for Yearick Armory..the pages wouldn’t load …………. › YearickArmory › posts › new-shipment-of-223-just-arrived-100-round-boxes-free-100rds-when-picking-up-eit › 174914378878889
Yearick Armory – New shipment of .223 just arrived! 100… – Facebook
New shipment of .223 just arrived! 100 round boxes. Free 100rds when picking up either of the rifles in the photo! Message for details, no firearms sold… › YearickArmory › posts › 143597548677239
Yearick Armory – Our website is now live,… – Facebook
Our website is now live,! The gun in the photo is not for sale, our personal TommyBuilt T36c with a @silencerco Omega 36M Suppressor and Vortex AMG UH-1 Gen II Holo sight….
Reply to para59r
For grins, went looking for Yearick gun store info. His parents gun store.Odd assortment of stuff. – Dunno if anything remains
Dead/MIA Maxwell Son of parents own the “Yearick Armory” drove White Van to Arizona from PA?
Reply to mollypitcher5
I have seen the photo that claims the individual is indeed Kennon Hooper by a tent [I would have told you it was a red tent, but I’m not sure] and the commentary states that Hooper was arrested at this rally. And yes, I thought after viewing the photo that the woman could indeed have been Guyler.
Do you remember molly, did the photo of the arrest give any detail as to who the arresting entity was that arrested “Hooper” at the rally?
Reply to litenmaus
No, I only recalled seeing him seated on the ground and I don’t actually know that he was arrested. Possibly detained but not taken in custody?
Either way, that would’ve been at the least a bit newsworthy since the 3 of them were arrested and charged at a Trump event 2016 IIRC but nothing from Butler PD about it that I’ve heard
If any of that stuff in the linked vids is true….that’s why a nice homegrown loner patsy was integral to this operation.
What better way to muddy the waters, tamp down verifiable facts, inspire conspiracy theories ( which are very often eventually proved real)…DS has decades and decades of running coups,scams and lies. It wouldn’t shock me that this is a riddle within a riddle..they can point at local cops, locals point at SS, the public has vids…chaos is the name of their game I think
Reply to GA/FL
There has been speculation about this for some time.
Things like this that are asserted as true when they are only theories make me suspicious.
Is the idea that it was Yearick on the roof instead of Crooks? Then where is Crooks? And why did his family report him missing? And why is Crooks the one in the photos that were taken before all the shooting happened?
Reply to TheseTruths
Which agency released the photo and told us that it was Crooks? Amazing that we are told that his dad called in to report him missing, yet days later we find that the SS/FBI took the Serial Number from the rifle and within 30 minutes learned that the gun was registered in Crooks fathers name w/address. That’s what we were told led them to the father.
Who told us that his father called the police?
Who took that photo on the roof and told us that it was Thomas Crooks?
We have nothing from elected officials! No press conference with City, County or State police. We have no medical information declaring that the deceased was indeed Thomas Crooks. The alleged parents have fallen into the black hole & the media hasn’t interviewed anyone associated with this event.
I’ve watched the media lie repeatedly over the past 3 1/2 years TheseTruths and I am not convinced that Thomas Crooks exists other than in a narrative pushed by those involved in this failed assassination attempt. At this stage we don’t have official identification and a 40 year old man known to have been involved with antifa seems to fit the profile of a shooter much better than a 20 year old man working in an old folks home.
Download both these pictures so you can manipulate them with whatever software you have.
Rotate the dead shooter so the face is upright.
Magnify to the max both pictures separately and zoom in on the front teeth in the lower jaw, (adjusting the contrast and or brightness may help with the dead shooters teeth)
Do you see any resemblance, smaller tooth, gap, larger tooth ?
Just found these B&W pics, teeth may show better with the contrast on these, not tried then myself yet.
Reply to RAC
Thanks RAC :0)
One can see in the left photo of the ear that the ear lobe has been closed. That agrees with reports that Yearick had his ear plugs taken out and his lobes worked on.
Also, it appears to me that they both have the same deep philtrum under their noses.
And those teeth certainly look gapped.
Reply to RAC
Picture of Crooks. His ear doesn’t look notched like the dead shooter;s

Reply to litenmaus
Your right that we have at least 3 earlier feeds of info that likely should not have happened. The serial #, dads call for which we had an amendment of, and the 2nd story photo of Crooks.
Meanwhile Crooks still comes out being anti MAGA and anti Trump by the video of him playing still alive as well as other tells. Crooks also comes out as a likely candidate for some sort of MK Ultra push and candidate for being psychotic and likely on some sort of drugs. Crooks has also been shown as trying to trick people in to thinking he was Republican by registering to vote as one, but is shown in Gab as being anti Trump and anti MAGA. Crooks is also shown having a connection to Black Rock with the video, and has cell data that put him in close vicinity of an FIB and CIA bldg.
Meanwhile Yearick is still an allusive figure but known ANTIFA with an arrest in Chicago I believe and claimed to have fought in Ukraine.
To me either Crooks points to wider conspiracy theory where he had to get help. While Yearick may of been able to do this as a lone shooter.
Meanwhile the white van story with Arizona plates belonging to Yearick is still not verified. Yearick has still not been located. The Home depot story for ladder favors Crooks but was not needed since he didn’t use the ladder. Crooks was tracked to the gun store buying ammo. Crooks with drones/bombs. Crooks with three encrypted accounts. Crooks with no social media foot print initially has changed but most info is still not released. Likely hood that Crooks was an Iranian asset seems to have fizzled but it seems it was tried which again points to Deep State.
Overall both candidates hurt Deep State IMO. Crooks more so. But it seems that Deep State wanted to keep open the option of using one or the other which sounds crazy.
INTERVIEW WITH SENATOR RON JOHNSON on the Assassination Attempt [8 min]
More at CTH –
CIA Addresses Claims Thomas Matthew Crooks Was Subject of MKUltra Experiment
Anthony Scott Jul. 28, 2024 2:20 pm 86 Comments
Essentially they say No he was not MK ultra’d and the program was scrubbed 40 years ago.
Personally does not think they needed to MK Ultra Crooks as he is a rabid TDS guy. Meanwhile of course MK Ultra has evolved to something else and it’s methods and techniques have likely been sold or copied many times by now.
Again my own need not be any more complicated than the proven entrapment/grooming/inciting Witmer kidnap plot by FIB
The program might have been scrubbed 40 years ago but I bet its operatives and agents weren’t fired/retired.
The Jason Bourne movies are based on ‘scrubbed’ operations that never quite died.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
OK – this guy is starting to do some trajectory work. I don’t buy everything he’s saying, and he even revises in the comments, but this is the beginning of some good stuff. [8 min]
Reply to Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
With out reading his corrections. Over all this vid is trying to get people to forget about the 2nd Story of the AGR Bldg while trying to get you to focus on a fast reaction by SS sniper along with a lack of communication between SS and locals.
So over all it seems they are aiming at poor coordination and planning as the reason vs a wider conspiracy with Crooks getting assisted with or without a second shooter.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Reply to para59r
Yes, that’s my take, too, on where he is at – and I’m not there. For instance, I want to see WHEN, exactly, the hydraulics got hit, because I think it was a subsequent shot.
Where we are right now:
#1. Federal Actors belong to Secret Service, CIA (Trained Azov Battalion in Ukraine where Yearick was a mercenary) and the FBI, if the connections to Crooks are to be believed. Not to mention the tap dancing by Wray.
#2. Probably Local LEO (2nd Story) is also involved. Tap dancing and conflicting stories there too.
At this point I think you ALSO have AT LEAST 3 NON- FEDS involved.
#3. Yearick, Crooks, and Hooper. Yearick & Crooks are dead. One body accounted for and the other gone probably in an abandoned mine.
Mine Map around Pittsburgh:
Trump Assassination attempt 4 July 29th
I have adjusted the order of comments somewhat so they are grouped by topic.
Start of DISCUSSION about Crooks vs Yearick on the roof and if/why two different patsies.
Key points:
ITA plus he established the backstory…the HomeDepot ladder receipt, the ammo purchase, the casing the grounds prior to rally, caught on camera nonchalantly wandering around….he almost wore a neon sign..pick me, it’s me…tell the world a social misfit loner committed the deed. It’s the story DS likes, the public can muse on it and let it go.
Gail Combs
The Deep State KNOWS the Anons will dig so they gave them another ghost to chase who is a much more likely Assassin then Crooks AND who has possible ties to the CIA.
Their big problem is the Oversight Project turning up possible FBI links to Crooks.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Reply to Gail Combs
Yes, I agree. Crooks looks like our man. All we need is some pictures of his forearm tattoos while alive.
Reply to Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Well, some tattoo artist somewhere did the body art. We need somebody on the ground in the Butler Co., PA area asking local tat artists questions.
Gail Combs
Reply to Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolfie, I do not see a forearm tattoo in this photo of Crooks. [OR a lot of arm hair.]
Reply to Valerie Curren
….or does he have on 2 different tee shirts in the 2 pictures?
Also I hadn’t realized that the roof had raised slats or whatever they’re called. How do you lie down on those?
Valerie Curren
Reply to mollypitcher5
Hope this lets you see the T-Shirts better, by removing more of the extraneous info.
This next image was from on the roof, if the image could be rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise then it would be closer to the orientation of the other 2 pics
The source images:

I tried an image search with the first 2 clipped T-Shirt images but it did not turn up the actual T-Shirt, unfortunately.
It looks to me like an eagle with a black border that somewhat approximates the shape of the eagle, above & below. I cannot tell what the symbols directly above the eagle’s head are saying.
Hope this helps a bit more
Here’s the logo or whatever from the first T-Shirt image hard to make out.
I think if you split the first image down the middle of the head through the middle of the tail of the eagle & then mirrored it it would be close to the whole t-shirt, except for the logo which isn’t symmetrical, at least to me.
There is the comparison discussion of the dead body vs Yearick in regards to ear shape, ear hole closed, gap in the front teeth.
IMO, the same could have been the case if Yearick had been identified as the guy on the roof. A lone assassin, [Except he was not alone Hooper was arrested -GC] social misfit. No need for Crooks.
Reply to Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
What about the moles on Yearick’s neck?
At 30:05
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Reply to mollypitcher5
DAYUM. That’s pretty distinguishing. Plus the earlobe.
And then all the vehicle stuff.
SO – maybe both of them were there, and working together? And if FIB wants to use Yearick’s identity, maybe they swapped the body onto Crooks, and Crooks is now a secret asset with a new identity.
I think we are confused on Crooks and Yearick with reason. I’m thinking AND logic on their being there.
Reply to Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Another comparison…look at the arm hair on the shooter compared to the arm of crooks

A LOT more discussion on arm hair vs dirt vs tattoo & edge vs center of roof…LINK
Reply to Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
My thought is, sometime in the last year or so, Crooks may have gotten involved with antifa. There are, I assume, people in antifa that are CI’s for law enforcement and/or the feds. And I’m sure there are “targets,” people the feds hope to use some way or another.
What if Yearick was the one the feds were using, but Crooks got involved? Yearick might have been using Crooks as a distraction, a lookout, or source of information (range finder, drone).
The feds, subsequent to the whole fuck up by Yearick and his death, didn’t want another “he was on our radar” moment, so they scooped up Crooks, either killed him or disappeared him somewhere, and blamed the whole thing on him. They would have known about him and his thorough lack of any sort of profile through Yearick, though they may not have known Yearick planned to involve him .
They did it “on the fly” and thus there are errors. Pictures, video, all kinds of clusterfuck.
Reply to Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
I think ‘they’ want us to accept that it was Crooks and drop the entire matter.
Funny that the c i a made a rare statement on MK but they haven’t touched the Yearick conundrum and you know they know it’s a very hot topic.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Reply to mollypitcher5
The statement on MK ULTRA is very crafty. I will go into detail at some point, but it skirts around a lot of things.
As for Crooks and Yearick, I’m now doubtful about much. I think both had to be there. And that gets very weird.
Reply to Gail Combs
My question is why did they need a decoy. If Yearick was on the roof and had been working with them to plot the whole thing, why have a guy walking around for people to see? Yearick could have been on the roof, so low down that people wouldn’t have noticed him. Instead, we have Crooks being very obvious in his movements. It doesn’t make sense….
Gail Combs
Reply to TheseTruths
It was to muddy the waters and give the Anons a story within a story that takes them AWAY from the CIA, SS & FBI.
Crooks was a Patsy/Decoy. Yearick who was in Ukraine in 2023 was trained.
Assets Mag: Yearick who was in Ukraine
Reply to Gail Combs
They started posting that the day before yesterday. Same vid released today but it was shorter and jumped around more. When you compare it bright flickers in the vid to the sound, the shooting has already stopped. This is some kind of light coming from inside the room.
The third name used in conjunction with Maxwell Yearick is Kennon Hooper.
Maxwell Yearick was arrested along with Kennon Hooper & Lisa Guyler for committing violence during an anti-Trump [antifa] protest in 2016 in Pittsburgh.
Yearick would be 38 and Hooper would be 40. A relationship between Crooks & (2) 40 year-old men seems a bit strange to me, but it is possible that perhaps their paths crossed at the shooting range that Crooks is alleged to have used.
Brave and Free
Reply to TheseTruths
His background is perfect for being the shooter. Think about it, his background is pretty clean, no arrest record andhe legally could have a weapon. So they had no reason to suspect him doing something like this, it’s their perfect alibi. Where’s if it was yearick they’d have some explaining to do of why they let an antifa guy on the roof. Easy enough to ID crooks as the dead guy on the roof, and poof yearick is gone. See how that works.
Again my thoughts are he was just a decoy for the local LE and SS who weren’t in on the plan to take out Trump.
They “wanted” crooks or yearick (which ever one was on the roof) to attract attention to draw people’s eyes away from the real shooter.
IMO crooks was an easy target to be used in their plan.
Again if Trump doesn’t win we’ll never know what happened.
Some people will be making lots of $$$ on book deals though
Reply to TheseTruths
Yearick had baggage. He was known antifa…can’t bring that in because FIB protects them. He supposedly went to Ukraine..that’s problematic. His family with the Armory biz has been accused ( wrongly or not) of having some shady dealings with foreign buyers.
Crooks was the perfect patsy. He could be presented as the acceptable typical mentally ill shooter
Reply to TheseTruths
Lisa Guyler was the third dope arrested with Hooper and Yearick for committing violence during the 2016 Antifa anti-Trump protests.
Valerie Curren
Reply to TheseTruths
There was some mention of a female GSV (gun shot victim), possibly in or near the white van w/ AZ plates, presumably Yearick’s
Another bullet report analysis based on the newly released video for those that get this stuff [46min]
And another [8 minutes]
Never watched this show previously so don’t know what it will be like.
Reply to mollypitcher5
Finishes off the Crooks as the only shooter theory.
Finishes off they did not have time to pull PDT off the stage.
Finishes off they did not see him so or could not see Crooks well before the shots were fired.
This is an archived NYTimes article that I think is too long to copy here.
Gunman at Trump Rally Was Often a Step Ahead of the Secret Service
The piece is full of details and timelines about J13. It notes that law enforcement was aware of Crooks 90 minutes before the shooting, not 60 minutes, and it shows some text messages.
Someone who has been following closely and is well versed in details will be able to tell if there are any inaccuracies in this article and how much it might add to the knowledge we have.
I wasn’t aware of this:
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Interesting analysis . I skipped to toward the end. There’s one especially odd clip after Trump has been hit, supposedly the assassin has been shot. An armed LEO on the edge of the stage lifts his foot and looks down as if another bullet has been shot approx at 40:00. Also they point out a mole on the dead shooters neck that is shown on Yearick in a photo. [John Cullen Investigates: Assassination Edition: Eyewitness Special, w/ host, Jason Goodman VIDEO is 51 min]
Reply to mollypitcher5
I think I’ve seen them discussing this in another video where they think he’s running into a wire that connects the teleprompter to a weight that holds it down. Same set up on both sides of the stage. There are so many Cullen/Goodman videos that I can’t keep them straight.
Reply to Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
If any good photos come to light of Yearick (alive) which show his lower teeth that would be the clincher.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Reply to RAC
Look for lower teeth on Crooks, too – for elimination!
Reply to eilert
maybe I shouldn’t say this but…
something’s been on my mind about all the various shooters & “snipers” on hand that day, at that site…
I love that iconic photo of PDJT’s courage & victory over that moment in history.
I thank GOD that he was miraculously able to, literally, dodge that bullet.
however…when you look at that photo, at that instant, a real sniper could have made the hit, right then, at that moment.
at best, they were marksmen.
but snipers…?
if they really wanted to do the despicable deed, they (any one of them) had other opportunities to do so after the shot that clipped his ear.
he had no protection whatsoever.
thankfully, they had no Plan B, apparently.
and no trained assassins.
just a patsy, and mediocre marksmen.
Brave and Free
Reply to smiley2
Don’t necessarily agree with that one. Target acquisition in the scope after the first round is fired is not easy even for good shots. The subject was now moving and you’re trying to find it again.
(probably what the one sniper was doing when he looked up)
Also, remember once the patsy was down, their game was over even with a clear shot. At that point their cover is over.
You have to remember PDT “moved” at precisely the right moment in time.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Reply to smiley2
Four years deeper into Kamalazuela, and what you’re fearing is what would happen.
Second patsy operation – another shot – another patsy.
It MAY have even been planned to have happened here, if it’s true that Yearick or Hooper or some other asset was at the event. It’s possible that their “second patsy” got busted, and crippled the operation.
Reply to para59r
That’s what the NYTimes article I posted is about. I couldn’t copy the text messages, but they are in that X post.
Valerie Curren
Reply to TheseTruths
Hope this lets some of those images show, running them through Gab
A countersniper with local law enforcement first noticed Thomas Crooks nearly 100 minutes before the shooting and texted two colleagues about his presence.Credit…
Beaver County E.S.U., via Senator Charles E. Grassley
At 5:38 p.m., another countersniper sent photographs of Mr. Crooks outside the AGR International building to a group of local law enforcement officers.Credit…
Beaver County E.S.U., via Senator Charles E. Grassley
Sources: Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access (imagery); Beaver County ESU After Action Report via Senator Charles Grassley and Times reporting (locations)•By Scott Reinhard
NOTE: the above image is incomplete as to how it appears at the Times article as the labels didn’t also show…
AGRINTERNATIONAL Primary position of local snipers
5:14 p.m. Gunman photographed
6:11 p.m. Gunmanfires
4:26 p.m. Gunman first spotted
Secret Service snipers 200 feet
Hope this Snipping Tool Image shows OK
Part of the timeline per the article
VC Note could the feds have planted that one phone on “Crooks” for going back to his hometown to purchase ammo that same day seems really suspicious, like Manchurian Candidate level leave a trail that a blind guy could follow stuff
More of the Alleged Timeline, per the article:
VC Note here, I thought the body cam footage had the cop counting Five Rounds…
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Reply to Valerie Curren
Yup – I hear you. Show me the video of when somebody counted 8 rounds – and when that happened relative to when 5 rounds were counted!
Reply to Valerie Curren
What I wish to know, independent of second shooter theories, is if the PA sniper team in the AGR second floor could see Crooks and take his photo how in the heck is it he climbs up onto the roof right under their nose?
The Brooks DA doesn’t touch his egress to the roof, but does say that they would not be able to see Crooks on the roof top before shooting with out leaning out the window which is so much BS. You can sit by any window and practically get a 180 degree view without sticking your head outside. 160 degrees easy with out trying and Crooks firing position is less than 160 degrees from any of those windows on the 2nd story.
Meanwhile Wray also evades talk of Crooks’s exact way up onto the roof in relation to the local sniper team in the AGR bldg and no one will pin them down on this simple thing.
What someone needs to do is a reenactment. Sit a person down in front of each window on the second floor facing the rally and give them a flag to wave. Have some people play crowd pointing to the roof. When those in the window see the crowd they can wave their flag. Next have a Crooks Roll Player scale form AC to the roof. When those sitting at the the windows see Crooks Roll Player they can start waving their flag. Have them continue to wave their flag during the time that they can see the Crooks Roll Player as he moves into his shoot position.
Since the best location for the Counter Sniper Team would have been on the roof but are in the windows, they should be sitting as close to the window possible for the widest view possible.
Meanwhile without the reenactment, is willing to bet every window would see the crowd, see roll player climb up and see the firing position and approach to the firing position unless they sat a couple feet back from the window which would minimize the vantage point of using the window.
[Also WHY have the window open if you were not going to stick your head out AFTER SEEING CROOKS ACTING SUSPICIOUS??
– GC]
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Reply to Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
You know, something is really apparent in the overhead view.
Crooks was in THE BEST position to foil the USSS snipers on the roofs behind Trump.
He had tree cover obscuring his position from them, but Trump was completely visible and unobscrued to him.
THAT seems like far too good of planning for a first-time assassin.
AND the advantage of his position would be true for a pro firing from directly beneath his position.
Brave and Free
Reply to para59r
My theory is Crooks was just a distraction for the crowd and SS teams to concentrate on while the real killer made the first shot. And that shot was Crooks signal to fire away. If the sniper team had Crooks in their sights when he shot, why did they look up rather than fire on him?
Maybe because “he” didn’t take the first shot, someone else did, they looked up to find the source of the first shot.
Just all speculation and more than likely never going to know who did what.
Valerie Curren
Reply to Brave and Free
….This!!! If only someone could ask the rooftop snipers what they Saw (or Didn’t See) & Heard…
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Reply to Valerie Curren
Watch out for “suicides” on those counter-snipers!!!
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Reply to Brave and Free
This makes a lot of sense. If the rooftop counter-snipers were watching Crooks, who was HIDDEN OVER THE CREST OF THE ROOF, then it’s entirely possible that Crooks had never let his gun appear over the crest.
The counter-snipers were likely watching for Crooks to bring any gun into view – and he never did, until AFTER THE THIRD SHOT.
And those three shots likely came from either the first floor BELOW Crooks, or from a second floor, second building window.
That would really explain things.
Reply to mollypitcher5
Don’t know about the [tee] shirt(s)…
The ridges are a minimum of 2 feet apart and run vertically (up and down along the minimal slope), so laying between them is not an issue. He did not lay across them.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Reply to rayzorback
He may have exposed his forehead when crossing those ribs to the (his) left, in trying to get off the roof. That would be one explanation for separation from the gun, although the shell casings seem right for where he was found. The gun to the right remains puzzling. I have theories, but none are solid.
Reply to Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Yep… Gun seen a minimum of 10 feet away from the body.
Reply to Valerie Curren
Honestly I’ve blown it up and still can’t understand why the shirt graphic looks different but ?
So the shooter was aiming over the adjoining roof that appears to be higher than the one he was on?
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Reply to mollypitcher5
No – the shooter was on the LAST ROOF of the AGR buildings, on the side AWAY from the crowd and Trump, but firing OVER the center of that last building, and OVER the other side of the roof.
Firing DOWN in this diagram…
And firing TOWARD the viewer in this image (which you have to click on and best view in another tab)…..
Reply to Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Question… The “shooter” was elevated so how did he hit patriots that were above Trump in the stands? The bullet trajectory would be downwards?
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Reply to rayzorback
I think these are very good questions, and patriots are going to need to work on both angle and elevation of the trajectories.
That said, it’s complicated – I think it was roughly flat. Crooks wasn’t that high off the ground. Trump’s ear and the stand were elevated. The heights may all be fairly similar.
BUT – if we can prove that the first three shots needed a rising angle, and the others didn’t have one, then I think it really confirms a second shooter somehow on the first floor.
They could be using some kind of Vegas “magic” tech to make those windows appear solid and closed when they’re not. That stuff could be highly classified.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Reply to rayzorback
He may have exposed his forehead when crossing those ribs to the (his) left, in trying to get off the roof. That would be one explanation for separation from the gun, although the shell casings seem right for where he was found. The gun to the right remains puzzling. I have theories, but none are solid.
Reply toWolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Were you able to take a look at the LEO at 40;00 in this vid? It’s very suspect to me
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Reply to mollypitcher5
Are you talking about the guy with tactical gear who makes the weird step, and it might be because of a shot after the last shot?
Assuming that the cartridge’s bought by Crooks are reasonably expensive and probably sold packaged not sold loose.
What would be the normal minimum quantity one could buy.
I’m wondering why buy 50 (plus any he took form home) when half a dozen would have been more than enough for his would be purpose and survival expectancy, if he was the assassin.
Brave and Free
Reply to RAC
Two boxes of 25 maybe? Always practice with what you actually hunt with at some point.
Reply to RAC
Adding on to B& F. Box quantity varies and includes, but not limited to 20, 50, 100, 150, 200, 500, 1,000. Some of those are packaged loose, like the box of 1,000. Or so I’ve heard.
50 may have been somewhat due to availability at the store AND OR the caliber, bullet desired.
In a year or two FIB will report their official version.
The store could have AND should have cleared it up on July 14. Transparency AND preclude FIB fibbing
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Reply to RAC
Here’s my opinion.
Boxes of 50+ loose .223/5.56 tend to be cheap, and are useful for sighting in, practice, etc. Sometimes these are fairly high-quality, reliable rounds, and are what people use to fill all their spare magazines.
Boxes of 50 loose rounds are also small – fairly compact – take up less room – good to throw into the bottom of a bag. They’re not too heavy, like a bigger box. And 50 rounds is “more than enough” for many things, including basic practice.
Boxes of 20 are sometimes cheap, but are sometimes fairly expensive, for exactly the same caliber, but very different rounds. They are typically padded and big for the number of rounds. The strategy seems to be “low priced and just 20 is very attractive and easy to sell a box or two for an eye-poppingly low price”, or alternatively “high-priced and just 20 is very attractive as high quality and special, and easy to sell a box or two for a stiff price.”
Either way, practicing with the same rounds used for whatever is being practiced for (hunting, target event, self-defense, etc.) is a good strategy, but can be expensive with premium bullets. In that case, it’s better to begin-practice and sight in with good cheapies, then run a box of similar expensive rounds to do final sighting and to load for standby.
Valerie Curren
Yearick Armory Explosives to blow the Trump Assassination case wide open?
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Reply to Valerie Curren
This is important to listen to.
It sounds like FIB had an “informant” (handler?) meeting with Crooks.
Reply to Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
In case anyone missed it here’s the original link to the oversight project posted a few days ago, street plan shows where someone was within walking distance of.
Scroll down and it ends with this statement…
Oversight Project
Jul 22
For those that are tracking this type of data, we identified devices that were located at Crook’s home and his work within the past year. There were at least 9 devices linked to these AD-IDs We are willing to cooperate with legitimate investigations and share further information.
>>> For the protection of whistleblowers and our investigation, we will not be sharing further information with the congressional task force due to the connective tissue between that entity and FBI, USSS, and other entities.<<<
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Reply to RAC
It is notable that Crooks’ phone never goes to DC, but a phone that visits him BOTH at home and at work goes to DC. Not just DC, but a likely meeting place with FIB agents. THAT person may be dead already.
Valerie Curren
BOMBSHELL! The Oversight Project and Blaze TV are investigating a possible link between Thomas Crooks and the FBI
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Reply to Valerie Curren
He had a handler. This is CLASSIC.
Valerie Curren
Sounds like key info at the end of this video! Hope it makes the difference, if it’s needed…
It’s been nearly 3 months since Milwaukee Elections Director Claire Woodall was fired for printing 64K ballots with Biden’s name on them, in the back conference room of City Hall on election day 2020.
Trump only lost Wisconsin by 20K votes! The media remains SILENT as usual!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑜𝑖𝑠 @chiIIum
Hidden under “probable spam”
J13 isn’t going away.
Dave @realDJStew724 . 13h
Me and 4 or 5 other people plus an officer were ducking for cover behind a cruiser. We all heard over the car radio “Suspect down on roof… clearing building…BLOOD FOUND IN BATHROOM… 2nd suspect at large. This freaked us all out so the police moved us.
Never watched this show previously so don’t know what it will be like.
Erik Prince – Breakdown of the Donald Trump Assassination Attempt | Shawn Ryan Show (1 hr 45 min)
Erik Prince is an American entrepreneur, former U.S. Navy SEAL Officer and founder of the private military company Blackwater. Returning as a guest and fan favorite on SRS, Erik joins Shawn for an in-depth exploration of the recent assassination attempt on former President Donald J. Trump. Together, they delve into unresolved security and operational issues surrounding the tragic event, speculating on how the situation might evolve as new information emerges. Leveraging their backgrounds, Shawn and Erik offer distinctive perspectives rarely found in mainstream media coverage.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Reply to TheseTruths
Thank you. This is YUGE.
This video is very clear. We should get some amazing acoustics from it.
At first, it looks like all the lower windows are closed, but one of them has really strange lighting effects, and they remain suspicious. Also a sound like breaking glass – very weird.
Not sure I trust it after being held by FIB, but will suspend disbelief for now.
The group of 3 and the group of 5 sound more alike in this video – not sure why. Acoustics may tell a story.
I can hear TWO counter-sniper shots, that are distinctly different from the others.
Thinking that Crooks ditched his gun between CS shots 1 and 2. Raised his head and that was it – lights out.
Video release from the front of the building, during shooting.
Cops were clearing this area 1hour before.
FBI Director gaslights the public about whether or not Trump was hit by a bullet. Within 48 hours, Google obscures Trump assassination attempt from its search engine, ChatGPT AI says the attempt is unverified, and Meta AI says it’s fiction.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
This has good video of the first floor windows of the building on which Crooks was positioned. The windows were CLOSED but UNSHADED or PARTIALLY SHADED at that time.
We need to see if any of those windows are OPEN later.
Reply to Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
That is what I was looking for also…… Confirmed (as best I can)… All windows were closed.
Reply to para59r
That photo of Crooks is not on the roof of that building. There is NO BRICK on that building.
I haven’t seen any proof that Crooks was on that roof or that he was the shooter.
Looks more like Yearick in the death photos.
The PTB have been trying to mislead us since the moment the last shot was fired.
Only thing I’m even moderately sure of is that Corey Comperatore was killed and two others wounded.
I was not watching the rally live, but later saw clips where Trump grabbed his ear and was pushed down by the SS team.
I’m a very suspicious distrustful soul, even more so since the plannedemic, I’ve even considered the possibility that Trump might have slapped a packet of fake blood on his ear to simulate a bullet wound. Surely PDJT is not selfish and evil enough to let people be killed and wounded to create a sensation and sympathy.
I can only hope and believe the evidence we have seen that Trump fears GOD, loves our country and its people.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Reply to GA/FL
I agree, there is much to distrust, and I maintain a small amount of doubt that it was Crooks on top of the building.
As for the brick, I am now OK with it. There is a very skeptical anon who did a video confirming exactly WHERE that photo of Crooks (real Crooks) with the BRICK was taken. He found an overhead view of it. It’s in front of the two-story building where the “local” swat counter-snipers were supposedly stationed, and where they allegedly took Crooks’ picture out of a second floor window. The anon said that he confirmed that part of the story, and I believe him.
The short brick wall is on the ground in front of that building. The anon got Google Earth pictures of it.
It was to muddy the waters and give the Anons a story within a story that takes them AWAY from the CIA SS & FBI.
Crooks waa a Patsy/Decoy. Yearick who was in Ukraine in 2023
Assets Mag: Yearick who was in Ukraine
July 29, 2024 15:43
On Liberty…
This is why I said we started into a recession 1.5 years ago. The majority of economic reports they issue are adjusted negatively months after the fact. When you take the adjusted reports, remove the war pig contracts, look at numbers of other trading partners, look at oil demand, look at port activity, look at domestic trucking, look at housing starts, mortgage rate trends, etc. you know what you know.
Nothing is being reported truthfully. It’s what fascist regimes do when things are crumbling around them. There is no legitimate good news from their efforts, so they lie and create some. When that stops working they turn totalitarian to retain power. It has to chaff their azzes we have the 1A and 2A, and states rights to deal with them.
The whole federal government is operated as a Ponzi scheme. If you cook the books much for one reporting period, they have to be adjusted for the next, then the next, and so on. If the trend is growing more negative you never have the opportunity to catch up before it all crashes.
By ignoring the real stats with the crime rates in the link, it just causes people to write you off as a dependable source of information and truth with all of the other operational stink on them. No amount of self promotion through fake news, TV shows, Hollyweird, staging of events, etc. is going to change the perception of the majority of Americans now.
Stick a fork in them. They will never be trusted.
I find this to be a very interesting theory relating to the Trump assassination attempt:
“Kyle Seraphin is a recovering FBI agent and whistleblower — and he has a theory as to what might have really driven Thomas Crooks, Trump’s would-be assassin, to pull the trigger on July 13.
“There is a thing that we refer to as the ‘playbook,’” Seraphin tells Sara Gonzales of “Sara Gonzales Unfiltered.”
“The ‘playbook’ essentially is this: ‘I found you online, and you’ve got a lot of r
On the Coffee and a Mike program, guest John Cullen discusses the Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump.
I listened to the whole thing from the video analysis which starts 20 minutes in.
From the evidence (video, witnesses, bullet trajectory, sound analysis) Cullen sees the possibility of 5 shooters.
– shooter in the woods shooting at the SS sniper team above and behind Trump’s podium.
– shooter on the water tower
– the kid on the roof
– shooter from the window of the same building
– shooter in a tree closer in.
This was very interesting and convincing – especially the diagrams, witnesses and images of the scene.
Another analysis by John Cullen –
2 more:
Sniper instructor hears suppressed shot
Cullen is not necessarily correct in all his calculations and theories.
Critical comments on YouTube say neither of the windows on the ground floor below ‘Crooks’ were broken or open, so how could anyone have shot at Trump from there.
Cullen proposes the idea that the shooting of Camperatore and another of the victims was intentional due to their connections or positions against nefarious organizations and interests.
Meanwhile – the Senate, particularly Sen. John Kennedy, and the FBI are trying to nail down the idea in the public’s mind of Crooks as the single lone shooter.
The video (Stewart) showing closed windows was in the hands of the FIB so who knows what type of ‘Magic’ They could do esp since the video jerked around a lot.
Yep – since we weren’t there, how can we know for sure.
Hope Trump’s people were on it right away – documenting everything including trace DNA.
I am going to slide this in here since it does not fit well with the Assassination part of my round-up.
Do start at the beginning of the John Cullen video:
6:45 — Los Vegas shooters were in HELICOPTERS!! That makes that one of the biggest cover-ups in the history of the country. [NO WONDER THEY BULLDOZED THE SITE!]
“State Secret’ is used as a cover for any facts they do not want disclosed and the Courts go along.
12:00 — Army of 60,000 dis-info agents working for Pentagon…
He also says to look at the Saudi Prince’s response to Los Vegas. Some say it was an assassination attempt on the Prince. He also mentioned the death of Jamal Khashoggi came on the anniversary of the Los Vegas massacre.
This was an easy CHECK:
Nov. 4, 2017
NY Slimes LINK
The name Khashoggi rang a bell. It was from this:
October 2008 — The U.N.’s Man of Mystery
Is the godfather of the Kyoto treaty a public servant or a profiteer?
OCT 11, 2018 Jamal Khashoggi: The profile of a Saudi elite turned Riyadh critic
Oct. 1, 2017, in the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history.
58 people were killed, in addition to the gunman, and almost 500 others were injured on
Date of DEATH:
Jamal Khashoggi: What we know about the journalist’s death | Euronews Answers
From the Daily Smell…
‘American mercenaries are torturing’ Saudi elite rounded up by new crown prince – and billionaire Prince Alwaleed was hung upside down ‘just to send a message’
Another bit of interesting evidence:
A Simple Method to Extract DNA from Hair Shafts Using Enzymatic Laundry Powder
I am putting this at the top because it is so important. Do start at the beginning!
6:45 — Los Vegas shooters were in HELICOPTERS!! That makes that one of the biggest cover-ups in the history of the country. [NO WONDER THEY BULLDOZED THE SITE!]
“State Secret’ is used as a cover for any facts they do not want disclosed and the Courts go along.
12:00 — Army of 60,000 dis-info agents working for Pentagon…
July 30, 2024 16:40
On the Coffee and a Mike program, guest John Cullen discusses the Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump.
I listened to the whole thing from the video analysis which starts 20 minutes in.
From the evidence (video, witnesses, bullet trajectory, sound analysis) Cullen sees the possibility of 5 shooters.
– shooter in the woods shooting at the SS sniper team above and behind Trump’s podium.
– shooter on the water tower
– the kid on the roof
– shooter from the window of the same building
– shooter in a tree closer in.
This was interesting and very convincing.
Another analysis by John Cullen –
I am putting this up on the assassination thread but I wanted to point out this information.
GA/FL brought up this yesterday:
On the Coffee and a Mike program, guest John Cullen discusses the Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump.
I listened to the whole thing from the video analysis which starts 20 minutes in.
From the evidence (video, witnesses, bullet trajectory, sound analysis) Cullen sees the possibility of 5 shooters.
– shooter in the woods shooting at the SS sniper team above and behind Trump’s podium.
– shooter on the water tower
– the kid on the roof
– shooter from the window of the same building
– shooter in a tree closer in.
This was interesting and very convincing.
Another analysis by John Cullen –
Since John Cullen mentions Dr Martensen’s analysis I am adding this. Cullen notes the time between sound of bullet and rife retort fits the window and NOT the shooter. The shorter time may fit the trees. He also mentions Erik Prince giving EXACT measurement. (sorry I do not have that number.)
However the substack noted above has the times. The screen shot is from
However there is more info from other sources. I found the following very very helpful in visualizing stuff.
MIKE BELL: Bullet Trajectories | Near Assassination of ex President Trump (8 min)
They do 3-D of the site. They show real footage too.
From the real footage:
At 1:19 crowd points out shooter to uniformed LEO
At 1:23 you can see shooter climb onto the roof
At 1:26 they show there are FIVE drain pipes and the Shooters foot is at the MIDDLE (#3) drain pipe as he is belly crawling to his position. Between #2 & #3 (closest) is the roof of the walkway.
At 1:30 is a good still of shooter PLUS the lamp that concerned Valerie Curren and I.
At 1:40 they show the ladder up to the walkway roof.[Real footage & 3D simulation)
At 1:43 they show that same walkway roof and the shooters position and the trejectory of the bullets using the 3-D simulation.
At 2:04 is a good view of the shooter’s roof position in relation to the 2nd story and the trajectory of the bullets
At 2:21 it shows drone footage still showing that walkway roof & blood trail & cops.
At 2:46 is a view from the opposite side showing the 2 story bldg in front with the water tower in the distance.
The video:
Erik Prince – Breakdown of the Donald Trump Assassination Attempt (1 hr 45 min)
At 6:50 Erik mentions ONLY ONE FULL TIME SS AGENT rest are DHS… There were only 4 SS post standers asigned (The guys who tackled Trump) Jill Biden had 12.
At 7:40 Erik Debunks Trump set it up. Erik would not trust ANY sniper, and he has known some great ones, to take that shot.
At 8:40 Shawn Ryan: some think DEI, some think Gov’t some think intentially let happen. Erik gives real examples of the incompetence of Feds.
At 12 min mentions handset going to house and DC. Not sure gov’t would use local kid. Is it DEI? lack of focus on merit and the mission and allowing political correctness & politics to distract…. We saw that in the conduct of the war in Iraq, in conduct of war in Afghanistan, in countering the Houthis…. WARS START BECAUSE OF ASSASSINATIONS, WWII started with assassination of Duke Ferdinand, heir to throne of Austrian-Hungry empire… Imagine USA today if they had assassinated Trump… Civil War? Maybe, Maybe not. Violence? YES!
[I will add remember the IRAN planing to kill Trump Deployment = start WWIII?? GC.]
Erik dodges the did the Gov’t set it up question and then gets into HOW to protect Trump and integrate Private with SS.
(From Youtube)
The video:
Valerie Curren
nice view of the potential Actual shooter, slow to 1/4 speed
Bombshell new bystander footage of Trump assassination attempt in Butler, PA reveals police surrounding building, clearing perimeter where sniper Thomas Crooks opened fire OVER AN HOUR before shots rang out
At 3:12 – 3:13 seconds, you can see a flash and hear a sound from the window below where the sniper was shot. Looks to me like a suppressed rifle being fired.
Reply to Valerie Curren
Nope we talked about this yesterday.
The vid this came from was the same vid that came out yesterday but it came out early the day before that and was sped up. The flashes they used did not correspond with the sounds in the vid. So flash but no sound. Now they are saying sound. Keep in mind that this vid was held by the FBI. The guy got the vid back and released it yesterday. But someone else prereleased a faster version the day before. Now this. Also two things. General consensus is that all windows are closed. Second you have people walking by the window, mostly cops but camera guy too and none are reacting to shots being fired from a lower window. What we have is light reflections and FIB manipulation.
Valerie Curren
Reply to para59r
I missed that discussion, I think. I did spend a bit of time on the video at 1/4 speed & saved a number of images that seemed pertinent to truth digging. Slightly before the shooting began the window in question appeared reddish w/ some lighter outline encircling the perimeter, maybe roughly 2 inches in from the window frame, iirc. In the image below the window appears reddish w/ a white curved object hanging down from the top, could mean lights on in the room perhaps. During the shootings the window appeared black & sometimes had what might have been gun barrel &/or muzzle flashes showing, in my opinion.

Window before the shooting started:
Various stills, not necessarily in order, from around the time of the shooting
This one appears to show someone w/ a big gun on the roof, fwiw…
Another close up of the alleged rooftop shooter, this one located closer to where the bodycam body version of the crime scene was staged, imo.

Here’s some stills from Dr. Martensen’s video:
This appears to show an object protruding Beyond the window frame, gun barrel?
In my honest opinion I think that window in question was closed with an interior light on just before the shootings started. Someone turned off the inside light & opened the window (perhaps it opened inward or a raised sash) just before the shooting. It looks to me like multiple gun barrel images as well as some muzzle flashes that make it seem as if someone is taking shots from that spot. After shooting the window was closed (as the Real Shooter made an escape presumably) but I don’t think the light was turned on again.
The shooting started at almost right after a Drone appears on the scene, flying in from the East, maybe from the water tower area. It made me wonder if the drone was a signal to shortly begin the shooting. I think I captured about 1/2 dozen drone images.
Given the FIB had the guy’s phone for a while them tampering with evidence makes sense, including shifting the timing of the sounds of the shots versus the visuals from the window (assuming the window imagery is revealing one of the assassin’s attempts).
Also, the shots of the possible shooter on rooftop look like that person is mostly in black, with a black helmet on. There is a flesh toned slightly bent arm, or possibly leg, behind that. It reminded me of that shot of the mall shooter dupe, who was killed after “his” rampage, standing behind the black uniformed armed pro outside the mall, fwiw…
I am adding Dr. Martensen video analyzing the Stewart video (7/29) since Cullen talks about it. -GC
Valerie Curren
TY! I just finished watching the Dr. Martensen video shared late yesterday & he said that there was a drainpipe on the more eastern side of that building that we could use to orient to where the shooter was positioned, likely more like where the bodycam guy encounters the body, like perhaps 2/3 of the way to the East compared to the West edge of the roof.
Reply to Valerie Curren
Spoke with a LE who would know (SWAT/sniper experience). Had the SS sniper with shot # 10 at 15 seconds from the start been who took Crooks/whoever out, the higher caliber round would have blown his brains and head out all over the roof. The round penetrates and explodes apart upon impact. In his opinion, the kill shot would be from shot #9. Which is to be determined.
His gut says pro. Cadence of the first three rounds are more measured like he and trained snipers would handle it, which LE did in the response fire on Crooks. The second grouping of five are rapid fire, show inexperience, anxiety, etc.
If he was a black hat he said he would use similar weapon/rounds and have a similar trajectory/line of fire types as the patsy to cast doubt. Believes that is what is in play – just his opinion. He could not believe that they did not get PDT off the stage or even let him go on it at all when they had spotted the guy. Like everybody else he wants to see more people provide their cell phone recordings for the sound and trajectory forensics.
We had a good conversation about it last night.
Valerie Curren

Reply to TradeBait2
In listening to that Dr. Martensen video, or possibly the longer original one (the views obscured w/ a lot of verbiage overtop) where someone is talking to the guy doing the filming after all the shooting was over & he said that he saw the shooter hit in the head & that a lot of his hair blew up (I don’t recall the Exact way he said it)…
Here’s a shot of what looks like a uniformed & helmeted pro on the rooftop w/ the patsy possibly behind. I don’t think the gun they took from “Crooks” had such a big scope. A few more images at a comment way up in reply to Para (I think) after sharing a tweet w/ the “shooting from the window” that may or may not now be debunked…fyi…
Video at the link. Hawley takes apart SS goof.
Acting Secret Service Director Loses Composure – Plays Victim as Senator Hawley Grills Him Over Attempted Trump Assassination – Fears Secret Service Unfairly Persecuted
Senator Hawley: Is that the person who is in charge of the interoperability of radio frequencies between local law enforcement and secret service? Has that person been relieved of duty?
Acting Director Rowe: No, Senator, because interoperability is a challenge, is a greater challenge than just one person. On that day, we had a counterpart system. It failed spectacularly.
Senator Hawley: As the person who decided, who made the decision to send Donald Trump onto stage knowing that you had a security situation, has that person been relieved of duty?
Acting Director Rowe: No, sir, they haven’t.
Senator Hawley: Has the person who decided not to pull the former President off of stage when you knew that, in your words, the locals were working a serious security situation, has that person been relieved of duty?
Acting Director Rowe: No, sir. Again, I refer you back to my original answer that we are investigating this through a mission assurance As opposed to zeroing in on one or two individuals.
Senator Hawley: What more do you need to investigate to know what the decision-making process was? What more do you need to investigate to know that there were critical enough failures that some individuals ought to be held accountable? What more do you need to know?
Acting Director Rowe: What I need to know is exactly what happened, and I need my investigators to do their job, and I cannot- A lot of people didn’t do their jobs. I cannot put my thumb on the scale.
Senator Hawley: Otherwise- What do you mean put your thumb on the scale?
Acting Director Rowe: You’re asking me, Senator, to completely make a rush to judgment about somebody failing. I acknowledge this was a failure of the secret service.
Senator Hawley: Is it not prima facia that somebody has failed? The former president was shot.
Acting Director Rowe: Sir, this could have been our Texas schoolbook depository. I have lost sleep over that for the last 17 days, just like you have.
Senator Hawley: Then fire somebody to hold them accountable.
Acting Director Rowe: I will tell you, Senator, that I will not rush to judgment, that people will be held accountable, and I will do so with integrity and not rush to judgment and put people unfairly persecuted.
Senator Hawley: I can’t believe that you are… Unfairly persecuted! We got people who are dead!
Wild. And a bit longer than the GWP clip.
Odd comment. But Hawley and Cruz are not taking this where it needs to go. To which room the local PA sharp shooters were stationed. They got that they where supposed to be on the roof. How about the next logical thing. Where were they, and what did they see.
Okay got it, SS guy won’t answer that, but I don’t know why he would not, they fell under SS’s command. So he should know. But no one is asking this. They are staying away from it? Even if SS guy says not our ball of wax, you get to ask whose ball of wax? who is investigating that?
Meanwhile all this I don’t have the answers yet is way old. If your firing memos at each other from separate offices and then say I’ll need to do study on that.. okay, but we should not be having any of that. Everyone involved should be treated and questioned as suspects/subjects.
Beginning to look like everyone is giving the run around at this point.
July 30, 2024 01:11
Former Sniper Rep. Cory Mills to Conduct “Parallel Independent Investigation” Into Trump Assassination Attempt in Response to Johnson’s ‘Task Force’
Reply to TheseTruths
Great work by Cory Mills. It will be EASY to expose the purpose of Johnson’s team is to coverup, just by Cory Mills using subject matter experts, which Johnson’s team probably won’t use.
And if Johnson’s team does have some corrupt subject matter experts, now they know that Cory Mill’s subject matter experts are going to be presenting facts that any SME Johnson uses are going to have to deal with.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
The “side show” is going to be the main event, and I’m there for it!!!
The FIB doesn’t even pretend to be a credible agency anymore. Because they can’t, they’re just a bad joke.
FIB investigations are like movies with multiple “rest of the story” summaries.
FIB tests for public acceptance, having discarded truth from the onset.
Received this from Gab as some of you with accounts may have. My email provider sent it to spam. Feds doing feds things.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Torba asking for prayers!
I am once against asking for your prayers. I am taking a big leap of faith with this and see it as my patriotic duty to my country to share this information. All glory belongs to Jesus Christ for giving me the courage to speak the truth.
Here is Torba’s post.
BREAKING: The FBI is now claiming that the Trump shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks had an unspecified “social media account” in 2019/2020 (when he was 14/15 years old) that posted “anti-immigrant and anti-semitic” content.
This is not consistent with Gab’s understanding of the shooter’s motives based on an Emergency Disclosure Request (“EDR”) we received from the FBI last week for the Gab account “EpicMicrowave” which, based on the content of that EDR, the FBI appeared to think belonged to Thomas Crooks.
Many, particularly regime media reporters, have doubted Gab’s claims that this request existed. Normally we don’t confirm the existence or content of law enforcement communications. In this instance we had to make an exception due to the overwhelming public interest in disclosure and transparency.
As a courtesy to law enforcement, we are not going to post the entire request. This is the first page of that request.
The story is this: the account for which data was requested was, UNEQUIVOCALLY, pro-Biden and in particular pro-Biden’s immigration policy.
To the best of Gab’s knowledge, as of 2021, Crooks was a pro-lockdown, pro-immigration, left-wing Joe Biden supporter.
Andrew Torba may have just brought down Chris Wray – or at least he hit him at midships.
HUGE: President Trump Goes There — Republishes Social Media Post that Links Chris Wray and the FBI to His Assassination Attempt
Almost as if Trump knew Gab was about to release FIB info on Crook’s.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Did Trump know ahead of time about what Torba released, showing FIB was playing games with the shooter’s politics?
If the FBI is willing to lie about the politics of Thomas Crooks, it is not inconceivable that they are also lying about the identity of the actual shooter, who didn’t look as much like Crooks, as he did like a known Antifa member. The FBI seems weirdly protective of Antifa.
This is one of the bravest things I’ve seen, speaking truth to power, by demonstrating with plain facts, that the FBI is now engaging in Soviet levels of deception of the American people.
Valerie Curren
Here’s that image you shared but apparently twitter is hiding

“The story is this: the account for which data was requested was, UNEQUIVOCALLY, pro-Biden and in particular pro-Biden’s immigration policy.

To the best of Gab’s knowledge, as of 2021, Crooks was a pro-lockdown, pro-immigration, left-wing Joe Biden supporter.”
Lying about his politics especially at age 15 is stupid to begin with. It’s akin to window dressing adding more tsk tsk about something that’s basically irrelevant. They want so badly to frame a 20 yr old as the shooter that Wray is blowing it up.
Why don’t they gives the names and dept from which all the counter snipers were from?
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
IMO Trump is challenging FIB to actually pursue the assassination where it leads – meaning into at least two “sister agencies”, and maybe even elements of the military.

EXCLUSIVE: A Secret Service counter sniper sent an email Monday night to the entire Uniformed Division (not agents) saying he will not stop speaking out until “5 high-level supervisors (1 down) are either fired or removed from their current positions.” The counter sniper also said the agency “SHOULD expect another assassination attempt” before November and complained that he is no longer proud to be a USSS counter sniper after leadership failed the officers at the Trump rally in Butler on 7/13.
Susan Crabtree
“This agency NEEDS to change,” the sniper wrote in the email. “If not now, WHEN? “The NEXT assassination in 30 days?”
“Sadly we have fallen short for YEARS,” the counter sniper lamented. “We just look good doing it. I have conveyed these thoughts to not only supervisors (to include the current Captain of CS, but those responsible for training us (SOTS/CS). Only to be brushed off as those with less experience somehow knew more than me.”
“The team I was once proud to be a part of, is something I have to somehow hide as I move into my next career,” the counter sniper continued. “Who wants to hire a USSS CS guy who failed? That’s the public perception I’m not faced with. The USSS CS team is a stain I will never be able to cleanse.”
He concluded with these two lines: “The motto of the USSS…CYA. And every supervisor is doing it right now.”
The agency quickly deleted the email, a knowledgeable source told RealClearPolitics.
Full email with name redacted below:

Valerie Curren
Hope this lets the full letter show here, via gab
Valerie Curren
OK guys I think this important & needs some explanation. Is anyone else looking into This part of the story they keep trying to sell to us?

Here’s (what I would guess to be) an early shot of “Crooks” dead on the roof.
Now here is a still from the body cam as they are approaching the body:
& Another still of the body from the body cam footage showing multiple channels or roof ridges before getting to the Western/rightmost or toward us, depending on which pic is being used for comparison:
It appears that his position looks different than when that bodycam guy is on the roof, as in his torso here is more on its left side above & is more face down in the bodycam…fwiw…so at a Minimum they shifted the body positionally…
Also, this makes it look like he’s right near the EDGE of the Roof not more to the left center of the building.
How much was the kill site was staged???
I’ve thought this blood trail suspect for if he was killed quickly w/ a head shot once the heart stopped the blood would no longer be being pumped out.
The thicker line of blood & the thinner line of blood that trail from the deceased to the edge of the roof would imply 2 different blood generating sites, perhaps at slightly different times. Perhaps this is a dumb analogy but I often try to get the dregs of pop out of a 2 liter bottle so will lay it on its side for a while & come back later. There will be some larger drops of pop & a small puddle residue in the side facing down. I’ll tap the bottle a few times to get some of the drops to gather together. If even a small amount of liquid can flow once it hits a separated drop it will add Most of the drop to the larger amount flowing & leave a small bit behind. That strange blood flow down the roof doesn’t seem to display this quality of liquid joining together when it meets. I just seems “off” to me, instinctively. Frankly it strikes me like there were 2 bags of blood, first with a larger amount spilled out as someone walked from the body staging area to the roof’s edge & then with perhaps the smaller residue squeezed out in an overlapping pattern.
This body position of the alleged shooter Crooks/Yearick? lines up with the top picture in this comment of the deceased. It also lines up with the ABC News, iirc, graphic that claimed “Crooks” was shooting near that edge of the roof (which could provide convenient cover if the actual snipers were firing from the second story windows). This is NOT the location where the body cam footage placed the body about 1/2 hour after the shots were fired, I believe…
These shots appear to also place the deceased near the Western edge of the roof…
Were they staging TWO separate shooter areas, but just one deceased, given the blood pattern on the face which is the same in BOTH locations???
I still think these differences in blood “pooling”, possibly in 2 different rooftop locations for the same deceased body need an explanation!
Please help this make sense for once I see TWO DIFFERENT LOCATIONS for the SAME BODY I Cannot UNSee it!!!
Reply to Valerie Curren
Who is the princess snowflake cupcake who keep blurring out images and writing GRAPHIC all over everything?
A Clint Eastwood western is roughly a hundred times more graphic than anything in these pictures, and people pay money to see those movies.
The daintification and woosification and prissification of our society has to stop.
And it’s not MEN who are behind all of that BS!
Valerie Curren
I think that blurring was done by the police that the bodycam guy worked for, but that’s purely a guess on my part.

Reply to Valerie Curren
I can’t speak to the blood flow but it torques me that the hearings never touch on the identification of the shooter. To my knowledge they haven’t explained how they used DNA for proof so quickly. What did they use to compare? Why would they have immediate access to a smear of his DNA?
That ‘s one thing but the next is the typical swallowing whole the “fact” that it was Crooks. There is ample reason to at least question that “fact”.
It’s the usual half assed way the govt investigates anything when the FIB or CI A might be involved. In the end they might do a small mea culpa and admit shortcomings and we’re all supposed to cheer for that worthless victory. The truth is..if it wasn’t Crooks that exposes a huge gaping GOVT conspiracy and Congress doesn’t have the steel to confront them or stand up for absolute truth. They like their truth in easily digested bullsh*t
Valerie Curren
Reply to mollypitcher5
Well said. That blood flow “concern” was a side issue with me. The real problem (well a Big One of Many) is what looks like TWO Different Locations for the same body, one in the first or possibly second channel (between those roof ridges) off the Western side of that building & the second closer to the middle of the roof, but more toward the East, like at least 30 feet apart. We have Clear Photographic Evidence of those TWO places for the same body, that may or may not be Crooks or Yearick.
This appears to be at nearly the Westernmost edge of the roof, clearly not in the middle…
I muddied the water talking about the blood issues (that I have). I really wanted ANYone to weigh in on these 2 different locations for the SAME BODY, per the blood trails along the face.
I agree with you about the Crooks vs Yearick issues. That DNA claim appears false on its face for Crooks had no (acknowledged) criminal background so where did this DNA sample come from? If his parents did report him missing would they Already have provided DNA to authorities, before he’s been gone a day. Based on Crime tv I’ve seen I thought “they” wouldn’t even open a “missing person’s case” when an adult has been gone less than 24 hours…
Capturing nuclear DNA from hair shafts | National Institute of Justice
Look at the 2 smaller pics in the lower left of this collage. Obviously the angle is slightly different. Look at the foliage. Look at the silver object w/ the green “top” that is to the right & above the deceased’s head. Look at the beige elevated stuff behind the uniforms in the one pic but not the other…

GC- The top of the light, the green topped thing, Is in the middle of the photo, next to the guy’s knee in top photo. In the bottom photo the light is all the way to the right in the corner under the bent elbow of the guy who is partially in the photo. The camera has swung several degrees towards the left in the second picture.
Valerie Curren
I think the 2 images in the collage w/ armed men & the deceased were taken either by 2 different photographers or by 2 different vantage points. Most of those edge of the rooftop images have the “light fixture” roughly at the deceased’s thigh so they look like there were taken from one vantage point, presumably by one person…
Re-viewing the images in the immediately above comment, in the bottom pic the right-most camo dude has what looks to be the silver w/ green top “street light” around his kneecap. So seeing that somewhat anchoring object these Westernmost roof pics, near the yellow/beige wall, are probably showing the same site, just with some different foliage depending on the vantage point of the photographer (who may be shooting pics in a tree as there were some maple leaves in one pic at least)…
This is still, in my opinion, a DIFFERENT Location for the Body than that depicted in the bodycam footage, fwiw.

Prove me wrong!!!
These appear to be the same guys & it looks like they are removing the gun from the deceased’s hand in a fairly dangerous manner as the barrel is pointing at the uniformed guy’s gut…
[AND/OR are they moving the body? — GC]

Here is another pic of Crooks, not a very good one, think it’s from 2022 when he graduated.
Same again not a clear picture, but does seem to show at least some background I was beginning to thing he may have been totally invented and fake. [1:08:00]
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
He does NOT look like the dead shooter.
I just found this video in comments at CTH. Is this Crooks, do you think? He’s creaming “slash Republican throats:”
[video src="" /]
Valerie Curren
What a psycho, seeming demon possessed, tragic character whoever that is–product of Marxist education, separation from God, & perhaps MK. If that’s Crooks he’s insane. How would anyone want someone like that working with the elderly???
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
I think it looks like Crooks. If it is, then he looks possessed and/or MKed in some fashion.
He doesn’t look like the dead shooter’s face on the roof, for whatever that’s worth.
I’m about 95% convinced the dead guy on the roof is not Crooks. That mole picture clinched it pretty good.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Me, too. And now that FIB has been caught “red-handed” trying to reverse Crooks’ politics, it is very conceivable that they would try to cover up that Yearing [Yearick -GC] was the shooter.
Why would they cover up? IMO it’s because Yearing [Yearick -GC]is deeply connected to FIB. In fact, I think it’s possible that Yearing [Yearick -GC] is the phone that shows up in DC at the FIB “informant hang-out” coffee shop.
Why is Yearing [Yearick -GC]an informant? Because that way his identity can be protected. So he was intentionally allowed to try to take out Trump, by FIB, and then they have MMO (means, motive, and opportunity) to cover up, by switching his identity to Crooks. But they got greedy, and tried to flip Crooks’ politics. Torba couldn’t stand to see them lie, so he outed them, and KARMA ensued.
I think Trump is right. People in FIB – certain people – knew that a hit was coming. And some of them are likely behind it.
Aftermath of the Stewart video making it’s rounds…
In this interview, President Trump confirms that poor Melania was watching as he was shot. I can’t even imagine. No wonder she keeps Barron away from politics. Trump talks about it starting at 9:43:
Trump Assassination 5 July 31
Israel knows how to do the BEST assassinations!
Loosing ground again. Reason why we never got definite word on what happened. They needed fall back positions. Also known as fall back lies. This is the latest. Even in this story they mince words so as not to get pinned down.
This is bull. They are being forced to change stories because being on the 2nd Floor means they had to see the crooks on the building, climbing up onto the building and the crowd pointing to him. So now they say they were on the ground. SS and locals all in on it.
Locals told to set up at ground level?
Reply to rayzorback
I expect the SS to deny this, but the truth is coming out.
Reply to rayzorback
So those snipers were ideally placed should they wish to take five quick shots towards PDJT
Reply to RAC
Would also make sense that people higher up than Trump in the stands would get hit as opposed to the bullets flying in a downwards trajectory.
Reply to rayzorback
Gail Combs(
Reply to rayzorback
I noticed this comment [@ Gateway Pundit] concerning the CLOSED windows. (2nd story I think)
My only question is which window, but the 2nd story looks more likely. That 0.22 sec gap for shots 1-5 = the 2nd story window and a slightly shorter gap for the other shots possibly being Crooks.
Cullen puts the distance for those first shots at the windows UNDER Crooks so the shorter time is even closer = in the trees.
One thing is very sure. There was MORE THAN ONE SNIPER SHOOTING AT POTUS TRUMP!
Valerie Curren
Reply to Gail Combs
That first floor window below & slightly West of where the rooftop body was ultimately positioned per the bodycam footage, is where it appears that at least some shots originated, imo. I shared a series of still shots from the new footage that Martensen had recently analyzed on Wednesday’s Q-Tree post I believe showing apparent rifle barrel & muzzle blast(s). I also showed how the window looked before shooting started which was different than during shooting & afterwards, fwiw…
Reply to Gail Combs
and it’s almost a given that at least one or more of those snipers are actual govt employees OR they were provided uniforms. Wonder if there’s even been one iota of interest from congress or task force members on who these snipers are?
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Reply to TradeBait2
YES! This is brilliant! This is how it happened! This is why shot 9 is so different.
1-3 – shots at Trump by the professional
4-8 – shots at Trump by Yearick (“Crooks”)
9 – shot by pros at Yearick
10 – late shot from roof countersnipers on Yearick
More interesting info about the shooting:
Gail Combs(
Gail Combs)
I am getting the limited hangout feeling.
The guy talking is a ‘conspiracy buster’ according to what he says about himself.
He is STEERING people towards the USUAL ‘Lone Wolf’ No other shooters except AT Crooks.
He is cracking the door open to Crooks being groomed, possibly by those outside the USA and that things are beyond incompetence.
Remember, whe things go south the Cabal will allow SOME of the truth out in order to PROTECT the WHOLE TRUTH.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Reply to Gail Combs
Yup. I got that impression from the last video. This dude is as bad as that “Remington Steele” (or whatever his name was) MUH RUSSIA disinformation.
Gail Combs
Reply to Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
The fact they had Blaze come out with this crap tells me they are a bit worried. That means the ‘Anons’ are getting way too close to the truth.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Reply to Gail Combs
I think you’re right. They’re breaking out quality disinformation.
Hell. They tried to kill Trump. And they’re going to try again. BASTARDS
Reply to Gail Combs
Yeah, I’m with you. It’s comfortable to have Crooks as the patsy.
My working idea is that Yearick was sent to Ukraine for sniper training. I really doubt he spontaneously went there of his own accord to “fight”. That’s BS.
That supposedly was a year ago so…why? Who sent him?
The inclusion of Crooks as the patsy gives the planners a separation from questions about a known antifa who hates Trump, been arrested at a rally AND who went to Ukraine. WAY too many live wires to the ic
Gail Combs
Reply to mollypitcher5
We know that ANTIFA is NOT organic and also that they are paid.
I think if you trace the $$$ it goes to Soros and then back to the WEF.
You also have the Operation Gladio/CIA information.
So I think you are correct, Yearick was sent overseas for training. And what better place than Ukraine.
Valerie Curren
Reply to mollypitcher5
If they even just made a qualifying statement like “the shooter that May Have Been Crooks” or “is claimed to be Crooks” would lend some credibility. The deep state wants a bow on this incident & it to go on the shelf w/ their narrative, clearly very far from the Actual Truth, being the conclusion of the matter
John Cullen sees evidence from witnesses, videos, sound analysis, distance measurements, etc. that there were as many as 5 shooters that day, likely coordinated with each other by cell phone.
This while the Senator John Kennedy and FBI try to nail down the idea in the public’s mind that Crooks was the lone shooter.
Reply to Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
I believe the actual shots came from the ground floor. [John Cullen’s theory — GC]
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Reply to WSB
If so, then they used some kind of special phony Hollywood windowing that appeared closed but allowed the sniper to shoot right through it.
And if so, that might have accounted for them missing Trump.
I’m still thinking the second floor will be the answer.
Gail Combs
Reply to Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
It is one or the other.
The dis-info about 3 (not 2) snipers Local LEOs and leaving their posts (OR not) seems to indicate the 2nd story.
Valerie Curren
Reply to Gail Combs
Could be AND logic. That pic/still shot from either Martensen’s version of the new video, or the original from the guy whose phone was confiscated by the FIB, appeared to be guy in black w/ a big scoped gun w/ someone’s flesh-toned arm behind him on the roof. I shared it on Tuesday’s Q-Tree, I think. Also what looks like rifle barrel & muzzle blast(s) from the first floor window to the east of the metal stacks on the south-facing wall. With open windows on the 2nd floor of the adjacent building there could be shots fired from all Three positions potentially…
Reply to mollypitcher5
Yesterday a video was posted of people right next to the building when it happened.
on the soundtrack one onlooker can be heard saying he saw lumps of hair flying when the shooter got shot.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Reply to Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Dan has a high-level source telling him about denials of requests from Trump’s SS for more help.
He says he will out the source if they don’t go public. He gave them until next week.
Dan is pissed.
Exhibit “C” from the SINate Secret Circus hearing:
This exhibit is supposed to make us believe that this is what the sniper(s) saw….
WTF? Do the snipers not use SCOPES?
Do these people really think we are stupid?
Crooks was a marvel. Running on the building, finds his spot, aims and missed only because Trump moved his head. Really?
Reply to mollypitcher5
James Copenhaver was released from the hospital yesterday. His family has stated that “he has a long road to go”…..Copenhaver is in his late 70’s.
Can you imagine?…..had Copenhaver died, we may never have gotten to view the above video that he had recorded on his phone
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Reply to litenmaus
The great irony that the VICTIM had the VIDEO PROOF of the SHOOTERS is delicious physics. The bullet struck the upper stands, which had the VIEW BACK TO THE SHOOTERS!!!
Such amazing karma! Built right into the universe.
You can see me? I can see you!
Reply to mollypitcher5
Likely does not help that the SS guy by the stage below Trump and in the line of fire crouches down for a few seconds in this vid before moving closer to his partner who faced the shooter before standing to the side of the line of fire and facing back to Trump.
So what does this mean? Cause it’s looking like they moved in to position to rush the stage. As part of the grand illlusion, knowing Trump was about to be shot and they’d have to make it look good, them rushing forth to save him? or did have some comms with locals and were just anticipating word for Trump to be taken off the stage?
Reply to para59r
The whole response was stupid. All of it. They should have rolled him off the back of the dais.
And allow me to expound. Roll PT over a 48″ height on the backside. He was able to crouch or walk, put all bodies over him and get PT to a vehicle.
Nuf said.
WTH happened?
I hate to say this but I believe they were looking for a second shot.
Reply to para59r
Goods questions Para.
It’s these kind of observations that are so important.
The haranguing over why/did SS cut agents protecting DJT in a way turns into a Squirrel because in THIS particular event it was so much more. It was deliberate that locals and SS couldn’t communicate. It was deliberate to assign locals on the ground.
It was a cluster on purpose..THAT’s the real question..why and who ordered this particular set up
It’s acceptable to the assassination planners and most likely expected by them that the SS would be called inept and failures.Cheatle and possibly others will be sacrificed. That’s an easy out, close the book and internal steps will be taken to improve methods. It’s all theater
Brave and Free
Reply to mollypitcher5
Yup, everyone below the people calling the shots (pun intended) is expendable.
Gail Combs
Reply to mollypitcher5
And Cheatle a book deal in 3…2…1.
The other money laundering method is a private LLC selling Rock Sweat or ‘consulting’ or some such crap.
Reply to Gail Combs
it’s so frustrating to be out here trying to figure things out, tons of ideas, videos to prove or disprove…and see the writing on the wall as to the fate of her and probably the investigation too.
I’ll try and be positive and hope that the task force does it right
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Reply to mollypitcher5
I have a theory that Crooks was running between the PRO inside and YEARICK on the rooftop, telling him to get ready.
Reply to Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf, you may be correct. Two patsies?
Gail Combs
A Simple Method to Extract DNA from Hair Shafts Using Enzymatic Laundry Powder
FBI Laboratory – A Brief Outline of the History, the Services, and the Operating Techniques of the FBI Laboratory
Gail Combs
Reply to rayzorback
Remember his parents filed a missing persons report. At that point the cops could ask for a hair sample from his brush/comb/room and his parents were going to give it to them.
See how nicely the ‘OFFICIAL story’ hangs together?
Reply to Gail Combs
Another story going round at the time was the cops using the number off the rifle traced it to the crooks address. By the time they’d done that the body might have been taken to the mortuary.
Gail Combs
Reply to RAC
Lots of stories. Also both could be true since you had Local & State LEOs and the FIB involved.
This article gives the details on the Crooks DNA identification
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Reply to mollypitcher5
Based on this, I think they’re intentionally misleading the public. I think they “used the gun” – which Crooks took from his father – for use by Yearick. Then they use the gun to make a bad ID on Crooks. And now, Crooks is a ghost – very useful
Reply to Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
It’s a logical theory and for spooks that have been planning the assassination of DJT I’d think that this mirage of the shooter running to and fro and his very predictable shooter background and history was interesting .Having that weapon was key.
I think they had gamed it out. One of the more curious things was the full front face of the dead shooter out in the public so fast. That wasn’t smart, wonder how that happened. No way crooks is still breathing and no way his family will ever question why that dead guy looks a bit different than their son. IIRC Seth Rich’s family stopped questioning the official narrative fairly quickly.
Real America’s Voice (RAV)
Foundation for Freedom Online Executive Director Mike Benz tells War Room Co-Host Natalie Winters about a whistleblower allegation that one Secret Service agent was supposed to be stationed on the roof in Butler, Pennsylvania…but strangely stood down. “Getting to the specifics of who dropped the ball tells the story of who they were connected to,” Benz said. “What was that agent’s cell phone and text messages like? What was that agent’s radio communications? If this was a government plot it would have required a government agent or informant to have been in this shooter’s group chats or online community, radicalizing this person or having awareness around this.”
Around 2:20 in the video he mentions HSI agents who had an even larger presence in Jan 6 than the FIB did…
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy(
Reply to Valerie Curren
We’re getting somewhere!!!
Valerie Curren
Reply to Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Homeland “Security” is looking pretty dirty lately…
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