What is it that feeds our battle, yet starves our victory?
January 6 Tapes?
Paging Speaker Johnson…this is your conscience calling you out on broken promises.
For all your high talk about your Christian moral background…you’re looking less and less like you have any kind of moral background.
If You are a Patriot and Don’t Loathe RINOs…
Let’s talk about RINOs, and why they are the lowest form of life in politics.
Many patriots have been involved with politics, often at the grassroots, for decades. We’ve fought, and fought, and fought and won the occasional illusory small victory.
Yet we can’t seem to win the war, even when we have BIG electoral wins.
I am reminded of something. The original Star Trek had an episode titled Day of the Dove. It was one of the better episodes from the third season, but any fan of the original series will tell you that’s a very low bar. Still, it seems to get some respect; at a time when there were about 700 episodes of Star Trek in its various incarnations out there, it was voted 99th best out of the top 100.
In sum, the plot is that an alien entity has arranged for 39 Enterprise crew, and 39 Klingons, to fight each other endlessly with swords and other muscle-powered weapons. The entity lives off of hostile emotions, you see and it wants a captive food source. (The other 400 or so Enterprise crew are trapped below decks and unable to help.) Each side has its emotions played and amplified by the alien entity; one Enterprise junior officer has false memories implanted of a brother who was killed by Klingons. The brother didn’t even exist.
Even people killed in a sword fight miraculously heal so they can go do it again.
The second best line of the episode is when Kang, the Klingon captain, notes that though they have won quite a number of small victories including capturing Engineering, can’t seem to actually finally defeat the Enterprise crew. He growls, “What power is it that feeds our battle yet starves our victory?*”

Indeed. He may have been the bad guy, but his situation should sound familiar.
We are a majority in this country. We have a powerful political party in our corner. There is endless wrangling.
And yet,
What power is it that feeds our battle yet starves our victory?
In our case, that power is the RINOs in our midst. They specialize in caving when on the verge of victory. Think of Obamacare’s repeal failing…by one Republican vote. Think of the way we can never seem to get spending under control (and now our entire tax revenue goes to pay interest on the debt; anything the government actually does now is with borrowed money).
We have a party…that refuses to do what we want it to do, and that refusal is institutionalized. If you’ve been involved with GOP politics, but haven’t seen this, it’s because you refuse to see it. Or because you are part of the problem yourself. (If so, kindly gargle some red fuming nitric acid to clear the taste of shit out of your mouth, and let those not part of the problem alone so they can read this.)
We fight to elect people, who then take a dive when in office. But it’s not just the politicians in office, it’s the people behind the scenes, the leaders of the national, state and county branches of the party. Their job is to ensure that real patriots never get onto the general election ballot. They’re allowed a few failures…who can then become token conservatives who will somehow never manage to win (Jordan), or can be compromised outright (Lauren Boebert?).
That way it doesn’t actually matter who has a congressional majority. I remember my excitement when the GOP took the Senate in 1980. But all that did was empower a bunch of “moderate” puddles of dog vomit like…well for whatever reason forty years later the most memorable name is Pete Domenici. And a couple of dozen other “moderates” who simply had no interest in doing what grassroots people in their party–those same grassroots people who had worked so hard to elect them–wanted them to do.
Oh, they’ll put up a semblance of a fight…but never win. And they love it when we fight the Dems instead of fighting them. Just like that alien entity, whose motto surely was “Let’s you and him fight. It’ll be delicious!”
If you think about it, your entire political involvement has come to nothing because of these walking malignant tumors.
That should make you good and mad.
The twenty five who blocked Jordan, and the hundred people who took that opportunity to stab Jordan in the back in the secret ballot should make you good and mad.
I’ll close this with another example of RINO backstabbing, an infuriating one close to home.
In my county, the GOP chair is not a RINO. She got elected when the grassroots had had enough of the RINOs. Unfortunately the state organization is full of RINOs, and the ousted county RINOs have been trying to form a new “Republican Party” and get the state GOP to recognize them as the affiliate. I’m honestly amazed it hasn’t happened yet.
In other words those shitstains won’t just leave when they get booted out; they’ll try to destroy what they left behind. It’s an indication that they know we know how important that behind-the-scenes party power is.
So they must be destroyed. That’s the only way they’ll ever stop.
We cannot win until the leeches “on our side” get destroyed.
What power is it that feeds our battle yet starves our victory?*
We know it. What is going to be done about it?
*NOTE: The original line was actually “What power is it that supports our battle yet starves our victory.” I had mis-remembered it as feeds. When I checked it, it sure enough was “supports” and that’s what I originally quoted. On further reflection, though, I realized my memory was actually an improvement over the reality, because feeds is a perfect contrast with starves. I changed it partway through the day this originally posted, but now (since this is a re-run) it gets rendered this way from the start.
If one must do things wrong, one should do them wrong…right.
RINOs an Endangered Species?
If Only!
According to Wikipoo, et. al., the Northern White Rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum cottoni) is a critically endangered species. Apparently two females live on a wildlife preserve in Sudan, and no males are known to be alive. So basically, this species is dead as soon as the females die of old age. Presently they are watched over by armed guards 24/7.
Biologists have been trying to cross them with the other subspecies, Southern White Rhinoceroses (Rhinoceri?) without success; and some genetic analyses suggest that perhaps they aren’t two subspecies at all, but two distinct species, which would make the whole project a lot more difficult.
I should hope if the American RINO (Parasitus rectum pseudoconservativum) is ever this endangered, there will be heroic efforts not to save the species, but rather to push the remainder off a cliff. Onto punji sticks. With feces smeared on them. Failing that a good bath in red fuming nitric acid will do.
But I’m not done ranting about RINOs.
The RINOs (if they are capable of any introspection whatsoever) probably wonder why they constantly have to deal with “populist” eruptions like the Trump-led MAGA movement. That would be because the so-called populists stand for absolutely nothing except for going along to get along. That allows the Left to drive the culture and politics.
Given the results of our most recent elections, the Left will now push harder, and the RINOs will now turn even squishier than they were before.
I well remember 1989-1990 in my state when the RINO establishment started preaching the message that a conservative simply couldn’t win in Colorado. Never mind the fact that Reagan had won the state TWICE (in 1984 bringing in a veto-proof state house and senate with him) and GHWB had won after (falsely!) assuring everyone that a vote for him was a vote for Reagan’s third term.
This is how the RINOs function. They push, push, push the line that only a “moderate” can get elected. Stomp them when they pull that shit. Tell everyone in ear shot that that’s exactly what the Left wants you to think, and oh-by-the-way-Mister-RINO if you’re in this party selling the same message as the Left…well, whythefuckexactly are you in this party, you lying piece of rancid weasel shit?
It says “Justice” on the picture.
And I’m sure someone will post the standard joke about what the fish thinks about the situation.
But what is it?
Here’s a take, from a different context: It’s about how you do justice, not the justice that must be done to our massively corrupt government and media. You must properly identify the nature of a person, before you can do him justice.
Ayn Rand, On Justice (speaking through her character John Galt, in Atlas Shrugged):
Justice is the recognition of the fact that you cannot fake the character of men as you cannot fake the character of nature, that you must judge all men as conscientiously as you judge inanimate objects, with the same respect for truth, with the same incorruptible vision, by as pure and as rational a process of identification—that every man must be judged for what he is and treated accordingly, that just as you do not pay a higher price for a rusty chunk of scrap than for a piece of shining metal, so you do not value a rotter above a hero—that your moral appraisal is the coin paying men for their virtues or vices, and this payment demands of you as scrupulous an honor as you bring to financial transactions—that to withhold your contempt from men’s vices is an act of moral counterfeiting, and to withhold your admiration from their virtues is an act of moral embezzlement—that to place any other concern higher than justice is to devaluate your moral currency and defraud the good in favor of the evil, since only the good can lose by a default of justice and only the evil can profit—and that the bottom of the pit at the end of that road, the act of moral bankruptcy, is to punish men for their virtues and reward them for their vices, that that is the collapse to full depravity, the Black Mass of the worship of death, the dedication of your consciousness to the destruction of existence.
Ayn Rand identified seven virtues, chief among them rationality. The other six, including justice, she considered subsidiary because they are essentially different aspects and applications of rationality.
—Ayn Rand Lexicon (aynrandlexicon.com)
Justice Must Be Done.
Trump, it is supposed, had some documents.
Biden and company stole the country.
I’m sure enough of this that I put my money where my mouth is.

The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system. (This doesn’t necessarily include deposing Joe and Hoe and putting Trump where he belongs, but it would certainly be a lot easier to fix our broken electoral system with the right people in charge.)
Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2024 or 2026 is pointless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud in the system is not part of the plan, you have no plan.
This will necessarily be piecemeal, state by state, which is why I am encouraged by those states working to change their laws to alleviate the fraud both via computer and via bogus voters. If enough states do that we might end up with a working majority in Congress and that would be something Trump never really had.
Lawyer Appeasement Section
OK now for the fine print.
This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines, here, with an addendum on 20191110.
We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.
And remember Wheatie’s Rules:
1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)
Spot Prices
Last week:
Gold $2,401.80
Silver $29.30
Platinum $974.00
Palladium $929.00
Rhodium $4,950.00
This week, at Friday close:
Gold $2,387.10
Silver $28.00
Platinum $948.00
Palladium $926.00
Rhodium $4,925.00
This time around the major beating happened on Thursday with gold dropping almost 40 bucks, then climbing 22 dollars on Friday. Silver took at least a 3 percent hit, too.
The SteveInCO Federal Reserve Note Suckage Index (FRNSI) stands at 114.486+. (This index is the ratio between the price of gold today, versus the value of the dollar defined as dollars per ounce when we had the gold standard, minus 1 (so that an index of 0 means the dollar is at its original value and doesn’t suck at all). I use that clumsy phrasing because the dollar was defined as a certain amount of gold, such that an ounce of gold was $20.67. It’s a subtle distinction. One ounce of gold wasn’t worth $20.67 back then, it was $20.67.)
Little fish: “I don’t get it….the Secret Service told me to swim right over a particular spot and this eagle shows up out of nowhere….”
Here is the likely eagle talon……
There actually is (or was) a bullet named the talon–a particular type of holllowpoint. I doubt it came in 300 WM, though as I remember it as a pistol round.
YES! I remember that one, too!!! A pistol round! I think it was rather popular for a while.
and in 10 mm no less.
(That’s the round that had to be “shortened” to make the .40 because so many FIBers were pussies. It should have been named the 10mm special.)
“It’s alive! The Saturday post is alive!”
Thanks Steve!! I am adding this to my personal tech glossary for future use.
A good acronym is easily pronounceable. This one would be Fren-zee and that has a great deal of merit.
Or alternatively Fernzee (as I was imagining it), because I once knew a number of people who call Federal Reserve Notes “ferns”, and will even say “fern” instead of “dollar,” as in “How many ferns did that set you back?” (And the cent is the “zinky” because it’s mostly made out of zinc.)
Your rendition, of course has the great advantage of resembling “frenzy” and since I’ve not heard that usage of “fern” in a while, it’s likely a good switch.
Interesting background about fernzees, ferns, and zinkys. Regardless of where our ferns are headed, I think I’ll stick with frenzee since it seems to fit the leftist trajectory for us all. I try to keep some of each denomination on hand. Just in case I want to hold a yard sale or all the lights go out for a long time.
Prepper material ya are.
I think one of my kitties would make a good attack kitty if I could only get him to attack on command.
Even our fiat money can be dropped on one’s foot.
OK, I’m starting to think that this is the Denver Airport of Olympic Openings.
Man, that is awful.
Homosexuality is a mental illness, one that apparently compels many people to be evil.
I think they hate themselves so deeply they want to destroy everything.
There’s a resident Drag Queen nearby who does Story Hours to indoctrinate the kids. His schtick is “love for all”.
Now this individual has been elected to the school board. People have no idea what’s coming. He will tear the district apart. The goal.
Taking the kids to “Meet The Morlocks Night”!!!
Demmunists just destroy school boards.
There’s a difference between hanging suspected pedos from cranes, and feeding them the neighbors’ kids.
Hopefully if he has pedo aims, local LE will out that behavior before anyone gets hurt.
A horror story sufficient to make Edgar Allan Poe feel inadequate.
WTF… bunch of weirdos is this? Who are their audience? Who paid for the photographer and recorder and broadcasting? Someone has money and it ain’t me….
And who know if the similarity to the last supper might be intended or incidential, but in which electric car junkyard did they find and select their «meal»? I’ve seen similar-looking components there.
This image, and then there is that rider on the white horse in front of the golden tower… the need for symbolism will be their downfall it is said.
Meanwhile any downfall hereabouts is of that limited and physical kind which is caused by laughing so hard I fall off the chair on which I sit.
I believe it’s intentional. They mock Christianity as far as they can get away with it, and they are in our faces on the world stage now. I saw a meme that remarked they don’t mock other religions like that. They hate Christianity because it stands against what they are doing. It also requires one to not make oneself a god, to “do what thou wilt,” but to submit to a higher power.
islam stands against what they’re doing too, but they know that if they go after islam the way they mock Christianity, the muzzies will kill ’em.
They’re cowards, who know they can get away with mocking Christians, because Christians aren’t insanely violent mass-murdering muzzies.
I have no doubt it was intentional; it’s an iconic image.
“Opening of the Games in Sochi and opening in Paris.
Visual degradation over 10 years”
This one had no comment attached…
Demonic freak stuff aside.
So glad I quit the Olympic crap couple decades ago.
Although, I do appreciate videos of Biles winning, winning, winning.
Incredibly happy for that young lady. All that she has overcome in life AND winning, winning, winning.
Not tired of winning.
Simone Biles skipped the satanic opening ceremony.
The director is a flaming fag. It’s all over Twitter. There was no originality that I can see, and I haven’t watched it yet. Just trying to queerify western culture. I’m sure the true French are not happy.
It was an abomination beyond all imagination.
Hope this lets it show here
Note he says he will vote for who will win.
Not a bad strategy during the primaries, but a very bad strategy in the general elections.
He may be thinking of the DNC because she’s not yet officially the candidate though she supposedly has it locked up by delegate count.
A pity Maher does not say he will vote for a canidate based on merit. That is, adhering to the constitution, logic, and commonsense. One might think Maher thinks political parties are indistinguishable from sports teams.
There are a LOT of people who will vote for the person they perceive will win the election; they seem to think it’s a popularity contest and further that they had better be on the winning side of the popularity contest.
I find that incomprehensible, but there it is.
As for Maher, he’s quite the mixed bag. He’s a leftist, of course, but he seems to have a lot more sense than most of them and is willing to skewer his own side’s excesses. As such I wish more leftists were like him.
He was pretty interesting in the early post-9/11 times…
Perhaps they are indistinguishable.
Political parties and sport teams are bought and paid for. Similar to politicians and the sports players.
“Why is no one reporting?”
Why is State Propaganda News not reporting news that would be detrimental to the State?
I haven’t seen it reported in conservative outlets either, though I haven’t looked specifically for it.
I think I know why nobody is reporting. Have you heard how VDARE got sued out of existence by Peekaboo James?
Talking about nobody reporting…..
He also talks about technical attacks – likely by the TLAs.
I watched Peter’s interview a few days ago. I followed VDARE on GAB and was so sad to see what has been done to them. They really were a valuable resource.
Letitia James deserves some kind of karma for all the damage she has done to this nation, and to the truth itself.
VDARE is like Lou Dobbs. They get my RESPECT. They took POINT on the issue. They KNEW it was enemy strategy.
Is that Brooklyn, chyna?
Are there any white people in Brooklyn anymore?
Should we send a rescue mission?
They’re STILL trying to say that Crooks might have just been shooting at the crowd and not Trump. They just get increasingly sneaky in how they keep those diversion options alive.
Pure cover-up of their crime.
I still think the first 3 shots were from a pro, not Crooks.
Well, on the top of the list they’ve still only offered tangible proof for five shell casings not eight.
Meanwhile no official posting of who was where with the sniper teams. Two on barns in front of the rally, check. One in the AGR bldg… why in side? Need a name for who decided that, plus deconflict on did they leave their post and which window, though crowd reports said the one that aligned with the edge of the single story bldg, but nothing official . and since they didn’t shoot, there is a fourth, but no one says where. I think someone said mobile, in the parking lot but I don’t think that’s official. It’s amazing the things they won’t tell us officially. It’s like they are playing musical chairs with the facts and keeping all options open in case they need to change their story.
Yup. LIars, liars, everywhere.
This, exactly.
I heard three inside but local. On man had a family emergency. Left early.
Two left over. One went to go look for shooter. Forgot to take his security card to access the building. could not find shooter. When faced with re-entering the building, could not get back in.
Last guy left his post to let second guy in.
Does any of this make sense?
Who had key cards?
A quick rehash with other developments previously posted…
And that came from the guy who testified in front of congress. Meanwhile the Butler DA refutes it and says they never left their post and it would be hard for them to see where Crooks was firing from which is BS.
The reporter who interviewed the Butler DA ends his broadcast separate from the Butler DA with a computer simulation showing that Crooks climbed up to the roof in front of the very window that the local snipers were posted at.
Again, logic and simple observation of the reality.
It was an incompetent hit job by our traitor government agency operatives.
Keep the cell phone videos on, people. Record everything you can record anytime you are in a political or other contentious environment.
I wish I had been videoing when that one smoke grenade landed near me.
This is a testiment to the failure of mixing depopulation, DEI, open borders, and social justice to produce incompetent people who you then elevate to positions of power. Stirring a pot of chaos fails all, including the pot stirrers.
“Give a thimble full of power to a leftist and they will abuse it.” Chris Plante
I still cannot figure out where that overhead photo of Crooks was taken.
From the very PA sniper team we are speaking and they are the ones that either stayed at the post and allowed Crooks to climb and shoot from the roof or abandoned their post and allowed Crooks to climb and shoot from the roof.
…which makes no sense. They got caught because they failed, and nothing they say makes any sense.
Anyone in Crooks’ position on that roof could have gotten off multiple rounds and hit a lot of people. It could have been a bloodbath in a very few seconds. That is true whether he actually fired any shots or not. He COULD have killed multiple people if he had been someone bent on shooting at the crowd, but that didn’t happen. Instead, whoever was shooting aimed directly at Trump.
And there’s a PHOTO of the bullet trail past Trump’s head!
Watch FIB try to “debunk” that now! Heck – watch FIB and the rest of Demmunism socially pressure the photographer to “debunk” his own photo!
“It was a mistake! I was too hasty in assuming it was a bullet!”
I am just hoping the country makes it to January 2025.
Sadly so.
Yeah… he was… he was aiming at the crowd, yeah, and uh… because he didn’t like random people in the crowd, yeah that’s it.
And it was a coincidence that Trump was the speaker, yeah…
And Crooks, who is a terrible shot, was shooting at random people in the crowd, and he missed so badly that he… he nearly put a bullet right through DJT’s head, purely by accident. Yeah, that’s it…
He was… he was aiming for the bleachers, filled with hundreds of people, and he missed so badly that he hit a solitary person, in the head, standing on a stage.
Yeah, that’s what happened… Crooks probably died of humiliation and shame, before the sniper ever hit him.
Yeah, that’s the ticket!
If people aren’t seeing the dangers of American communism at this point, they’re asleep.
they = GASLIGHTING at it’s finest.
I agree. Pro. Cadence. That’s what gives it away.
YES!!! You can hear the difference between those shots and Crooks after them.
We will get none of the above from FIB and the SS.
Latter in itself is added confirmation.
Good point.
Notice how sleazy Wray slipped in “fired from the deceased subject’s rifle”.
Why does Chrissy think the bullet had fragmented before it hit DJT?
Was the air really hard that day?
Was the shooter using air-soluble ammo?
Good catch! He is pushing as hard away from the pro shooter(s) as he can.
FIB is criminal, and they know it.
FIB is criminal, and they know it.
The fact that the FBI is criminal is not relevant at this time. The organization has been criminal for decades. What is relevant, that given the fact that the FBI is a criminal organization, no one with the duty and authority to do something about it has done anything. Every organization and politician with the fiduciary obligation to solve the problem HAS DONE NOTHING. That is the crisis, a crisis of leadership and duty.
Nailed It.
They are plotters and use operatives, many of whom are criminals. After their operations, they become the cleaners.
Covered some of this from personal experiences in the BIMD stories. That alone goes back to the 70 ‘s and it has been going on a lot longer than that.
A shrapnel gun.
And, from a search:
Shrapnel was not used here. “The 75mm shrapnel projectile contained 270 lead balls.” Nothing even close to that was used at the rally.
Trump was hit by a single rifle bullet that grazed his right ear, and there is a photo showing it. IMO, that photo is the cherry on top of the divine intervention. Not only was Trump’s life spared, but we were given photographic proof that he was hit by a bullet in order to counter the naysayers and as further evidence of the miraulous event.
AND it was SUPPOSED to be a photo of Trump’s head exploding from the bullet…
Therefore turning EVIL to good!
How can a similar rifle bullet, not having struck anything, come apart in mid air. Is there any recorded case of it happening ever.
That’s the kind of thing I was asking yesterday. It makes no sense to me, but I am willing to learn if someone can explain it. Surely there are lots of experts who could weigh in.
It was a serious question, I know nothing about them, I thought anyone in the readership might have knowledge of such things.
To my knowledge, bullets do not come apart until they hit something. By comparison, shot (as in “shotgun”) are projectiles fired in bunches that do come apart in mid-air. There are also flechettes, which are needle-like things that come apart in mid-air.
On impact, regular slugs, or solid bullets, or “full metal jacket” bullets, will tend to stay in one piece as they go through the target. This is contrasted with “hollow point” bullets, that are meant to splash open into mushroom-shaped blobs or break apart.
Standard ammunition is prone to “overpenetration”, where the bullet goes straight through the target. A standard 9mm bullet tends to leave a track about the size of a pencil from entry to exit. Because hollowpoint expands or fractures, it will leave a cone of damage inside the target — which, if the target slows and stops the bullet, will get smaller again, leaving an area churned into hamburger that is around the shape and size of a lemon.
Hollowpoint with pieces that come off —
Various ammo — note that the pistol rounds, even though hollow-point, go straight through the blocks.
.223 / 5.56 hollowpoints that I’ve seen tend to have a VERY subtle, VERY non-aggressive cavity, because they need very little volume to begin the peel-back and deceleration process. May have what is little more than a pinhole in the end – a place for the jacket to begin peeling.
This is bigger than most that I’ve seen in .223
No, the bullet won’t fragment without hitting something, and because all ammo for .223 is copper-jacketed, it is very unlikely for the bullets to fragment after hitting anything less than very solid and hard materials like rock or concrete. .223 ammo tends to hold together fairly well.
.223 / 5.56 will sometimes cleave off some or all of the jacket after striking deep tissue, and soft-points or hollow-points will mushroom, but “flying fragments” are actually rather rare, except after striking solid hard objects. What will continue after exit from a soft target is MOST of the bullet, still partially or completely jacketed.
Wray is weaseling. He’s playing psych games for their side. EVIL.
That’s what I thought. The theories about shrapnel and bullet casings are not feasible. Shrapnel ammo is not in use anymore and clearly was not used that day. I’m guessing the closest thing to it is a shotgun, but that obviously could not have been used here.
And the bullet fragment theory would require the bullet to have hit something to cause it to fragment. I’ve seen explanations of fragments of metal casings that result from explosions, but this was not an explosion.
For one thing, shotguns don’t have nearly the range we’re talking about, and are woefully inaccurate; even if they did have the range you’d be lucky to hit anything. They’re meant for close to mid ranges and are very effective in that realm; very good for home defense for instance.
Only shot guns do that by design.
Which means your quite right. Does not happen ever
Well, someone put a stop to Wray, at least. We’re pushing back harder than they have ever encountered before.
Sometimes people slip on sidewalks.
Erase the attempted Trump assassination.
That there is a perfect explanation why SS, HLS, FIB, DOJ, ATF have not held daily pressers.
Act as if the attempted Trump assassination never happened.
Of course that’s why they’re not talking about it, holding press conferences, etc.
That’s what works now. The memory hole. They’ve done it with all the Covid bullshit, they’ve done it with Biden videos being “cheap fakes,” they’re doing it with Camel-Uh being the Border Czar, and they’re doing it with the assassination attempt.
And the public will mostly go for it, because 70 years of television, 50 years of video games (remember Pong?), and 30 years of the internet have primed the mind for the limited-attention-span-theater style of government.
YES. One more reason not to follow the Fake News. The Great Forgetting that they force on us, in such a sneaky fashion.
^^^ This. Great post.
Believe what you saw. It is reality.
Don’t fall for anything that diverts your attention from what is important.
It is that simple. Do you need or want your mind conditioned to accept what is unacceptable?
Thanks, TB.
Thanks Aubergine for the reminder. I never think about that aspect of it because I never believe the shit there selling. As you said, sadly a vast majority of people still believe the news/government.
We are certainly a more discerning group than the average!
Federal Bureau of Insurrection.
Federal Bureau of dis-Information!
Trump blatantly labeling FIB for what they ARE.
Federal Bureau of Insurrection.
The suspiciously high speed camera meant to record a fatal head shot just blew Wray apart.
“Hoist with his own petard”
I have seen the one photo. Seems to be on the opposite side of the hit.
Can we confirm if these people have attended rallies for President Trump before? Or were they there for a ‘special event’?
This one?
You think the streak appears to be on the left side of Trump’s head? That would be difficult to explain since the photo was taken at the moment he was shot, and he was shot in the right ear. I haven’t seen anyone question the authenticity of that photo. The only people I’ve seen questioning things are those on the Left who claim he was hit by something other than a bullet.
I think it’s possible that some photojournalists might have been told the rally would be something they’d want to be present to cover. But if they were told that and that’s all they were told, then after the event they would have realized that not only did someone put their lives in danger, but that whoever tipped them off knew in advance about the assassination attempt. That would put the photojournalists in the dangerous position of knowing too much.
On the other hand, I suppose one could think they were all in on it, meaning they knew there would be an assassination attempt on Trump and they wanted to be there, in spite of the danger they would be in, to take once-in-a-lifetime photos.
I find both of those theories to be unlikely. I think it is possible that, with it being campaign season, the coverage of Trump and the chaotic candidacies on the Left is ramping up.
That ‘bullet’ is an ear width – 3-4 inches too low to be the one that struck Trump. It was evidently another ‘miss’ and might have gone on to strike someone in the crowd.
So much I don’t know or even have the insights, to hazard a guess to doubt it is the actual bullet.
I have no idea the actual firing location/ position. .223 or 5.56 round. Nor velocity, energy, or trajectory. Grain of the projectile/bullet. Type of projectile.
Finally. Did piercing Trump’s ear, deflect the bullet at all?
I simply dunno.
See Robert’s reply. The “too low” appearance is a “photo angle + depth perception” issue. I have examined this problem extensively – it’s the same bullet that hit his ear. It can’t be either the second or third shot. It can’t even be a “silenced subsonic mystery bullet”, for reasons of bullet drop and distance. The audio is complete, and that is what’s undoing the other side.
It’s easier to see the angle/perspective explanation with a larger photo, which shows what that does to the bottom of the lectern below the bullet and Trump’s ears. Trump’s back ear is “lowered”, but you can’t see it.
Thanks for your explanation.
Here’s a different way of looking at the situation. Many of us believe there was divine intervention to save Trump’s life that day. Why could there not also have been divine intervention to cause that photo to be taken for posterity, and to prove that it was a bullet that struck Trump?
If we get past our demonizing of the photojournalists because they are part of the media, and we look at what Doug Mills, who took that photo, said, it seems highly possible that he was led to capture that precise moment.
That photo is a gift to us all, and I think we should accept it as such.
That’s what I said when the pic first showed up here. Wolfie said no, it was the camera angle.
I declined to discuss because I know nothing about photography angles and all that.
You think the streak appears to be on the left side of Trump’s head? That would be difficult to explain since the photo was taken at the moment he was shot, and he was shot in the right ear.
The illusion that it is passing by on the left is because of the lack of depth perception behind the bullet.
All well said, and I agree!
Yes, TT. Is that bullet wizzing after PT is shot but before he reacts? Looks like it is on the wrong side of PT’s head.
One possibility for extra coverage was the VP announcement.
Too many unknowns.
Wolf explained this below.
Trump people know every press type granted access at rallies.
Prolly couple years ago, Trump staff denied press access to some dirtbag reporter. Can’t recall the details.
PDJT used what they were going to show as the last picture of Trump against the lying f
Brilliant, the f
has to be pissed.
Would like to hear that photographer’s explanation, why he chose those settings that day and that time.
TT posted answer slightly u or down. Prolly as good an answer as we’ll get.
It’s likely he had his camera set to capture a burst of photo’s before the shots were fired.
Because if he’d only pressed the button on hearing the first shot the bullet would have already gone past him.
So why did he choose that mode and speed for a subject that was almost immobile, he wasn’t photographing a neck and neck finish of a horse race, there’s two questions.
Great point about bursts. Did the photographer have a CUE when to begin taking them? I’ll bet he did.
All we have to do is see who employed the four photographers. Question answered.
Did any have ear buds or look at those behind/beside PDT who might have signaled with a subtle movement?
The New York Times.
The photographer who took that photo is one of the best known in the business. That was the only rally he ever attended, and he just HAPPENED to use a camera with an insanely fast shutter speed.
One time I took my M6 mark II, set it on its fastest setting, and just let it rip (IIRC 15 frames per second), to see how long it would take for the buffer to fill up. Of course the camera is unloading the buffer to the card as fast as it can, too, but if that latter rate is slower than the former, the buffer does eventually fill.
Over 30 seconds, and this is by NO MEANS a top-end camera, not even when it came out (Canon has since discontinued the entire M series with the possible exception of the M50).
Even though I own an R5, I tend to grab my M6-II first when I need a compact camera; in fact that’s what I used to photograph the eclipse because of its greater pixel density.
Is this a love/hate relationship?
What a difference two weeks can make. Same author. Left is July 9th. Right is July 23rd.
“One Swallow does not a summer make”
Nor even a presidential candidate.
She was Big Gulp.
WSJ flipped in two weeks. WSJ discovered what everyone already knows.
Hoe only perfected a couple tricks, that she does well. Politics not in her trick book.
Laughing at the D-Rat, Pravda News disarray.
Imagine all those millions ‘milked” from donors illegally last week, via Act Blue.
A look at the taglines explains the change.
The first: “She’d rally black voters who are souring on Democrats and she’s close to Trump in the polls.”
Two weeks later, the blacks hate her and the polls show Trump is way ahead of her.
So, second tagline: “On issues from crime to immigration to inflation,she offers more of the same failed left-wing policies.”
This guy is just doing what they do; leaning whichever way the wind blows.
Besides Hussein, all former presidents gave up power at the end of their term(s).
It’s not rare, it’s the Constitutional process, foreign agent Fareed.
And unless Briben has resigned, he’s still Potatus, so he didn’t give up power.
This foreign agent clown is a narrative engineer in search of a fact checker.
Who froze whose bank accounts?
That may have been a humorous way of saying that his donors cut off funding until or unless FJB was removed.
That’s how I understood it, anyway.
Probably because I would have said something similar
Got it! Slowgal!
Uh… somehow I don’t think so…
The Donors reneged on the PLEDGED donations (and probably put stop orders on the checks that had not cleared.)
The reneging actually made the news BTW.
Dog whistle whiplash!
Have they still not heard of Ivermectin?
Maybe DJT’s next rally should be sponsored by Ivermectin.
Dr. Ben spoke of the strong value of IVM and HCQ and his disagreement with its removal from access in his recent interview with Tucker Carlson. Don’t know why he did not use it other than him being duped by the same people he once trusted.
Access to IVM at the critical time.
Listened to the attending quack(s).
Will never make the same mistake again. Or so I’d bet.
Contracting – not contradicting.
Yes. A mistake that was in the original comment. Could have been caused by auto-correct.
& insufficient proofreading
That was enjoyable.
Blue shirt is packing. Not seeing any other guns.
This is what Democrats love, both the professional Democrats and the Democrats who proudly vote for them.
You mean the dead ones?
No, I mean the live ones.
Only live Democrats need to buy live children.
This is a long list of studies.
Is this true? Emerald is not able to reveal a source? I hate to say it, but I’m finding that some of the conservative sources whose word I used to take without question have not been completely accurate lately. Who would be aware that Kamala didn’t know where her husband was? That would have to be someone very close to them.
Dang, I thought that was Laura Loomer for a second! It’s Emerald! YIKES!!!
If she’s wrong about this, she’s going to get a journalistic black eye.
But I can see it. Plausible.
Emerald is a seasoned investigator – and – she has trusted sources. She would not say it if she didn’t know it.
99% of the time, yes, but she messed up on “luciferinase” and lost her job at NewsMax because of it. She gets out ahead of her skis, sometimes.
Wouldn’t surprise me at all. Sham marriages are apparently a thing with Dims.
Homosexuality permeates the Democrat political-class, just like fascism does. Homosexuality and fascism go hand in hand.
After the Democrat Party embraced homosexuality, where else would anyone expect homosexuals go?
Once in positions of power, what else would the gay Mafia do, besides act like fascists?
Would they be known as the gay Mafia if they didn’t?
It wouldn’t surprise me either. It just smacks of any random internet poster making stuff up. I’m not saying Emerald is making it up; I believe she has more integrity than that. But I am cautious when these things are said with no sources given and no corroboration.
“True story” does not inspire confidence in me. That said, it’s election season, and if anyone can, they should investigate if the public is being lied to by Harris and hubby.
I’m with you. Waiting for more data before I’m calling it a sure thing.
What was the front on kiss between Jill Biden and Kamalalalala’s husband at the State of the Union Speech last year?
No idea, but I didn’t see it. I haven’t watched any of FJB’s speeches or press conferences, except for various clips of gaffes posted online.
I can’t stand the sight or sound of him.
Just like Hussein.
It’s the constant and intentional lying. It makes me so angry that I have to turn it off before I break something. So I just don’t watch.
I think it’s mutual cheek kiss, kind of like Europeans do, but very inappropriately close to the mouth.
Huma Abedin and Alex Soros engagement.
Indeed. Things that make one puke!
It’s kind of like the Pelosi ‘marriage’
I buy it. Would even bet it’s true. Why not.
These people are warped in their thinking and personal lives. They support LGXYZ, Tranny BS, all the liberal depraved thinking…
CA. Hoe, a pass around POS herself. Always thought Doug was lite in the loafers.
Besides, for all we know, Hoe was focused on doing what she does best.
SAME as the medical emergencies we read a couple times in the past month were true, this one is also true. IMO.
Bunch of queers in unison: “Can I get an Amen?” and they all say “Amen!”
The devilrat candidate can mock Christians, because they’re cowards who know Christians won’t throw them off a roof top, but God will not be mocked.
“Hussein, a switch hitter, was available.”
I’m not aware of any evidence that Hussein has ever been with a woman. Not aware of any former girlfriends besides Mike.
Aware of an openly gay dude who gave Hussein oral sex at least twice, once in Hussein’s limo, and again the next day at the dude’s hotel room. The guy gave an interview about the whole thing, to Tucker Carlson, if I remember correctly.
Hussein likes to have white men give him oral sex. Hussein hates white people, so it’s a humiliation ritual for him. Makes him feel powerful in his little narcissist mind to be serviced by white men.
Larry Sinclair? The one they didn’t kill nor sue for his presumably accurate memoir? Revolting
Yes, I think that’s his name
Here is as good a place as any for this. Sort of a rant, sort of not.
I think we can be fairly certain that Washington, D.C. is something like Rome in its heyday.
I’m not talking Peyton Place here, I’m talking full-on Roman orgies.
Kamala, her husband, Obama, Big Mike, the Bidens (all of them), and most of Congress regularly “know” each other in the Biblical sense. The debauchery is the “tie that binds.” They all keep blackmail information on each other. Anybody who won’t “convert to pervert” is gotten rid off, or severely marginalized. See Madison Cawthorne and Marjorie Taylor Greene.
I am certain there are demonic summonings and forces at play. Secret societies, pagan rites, and the like are incorporated. Drug use is a factor. Seeking a new “high” in whatever way the jaded can come up with. Perversion of the human spirit.
The behind-the-scenes Machiavellian maneuvers are the unseen hand guiding what WE see, which is why so much of it makes absolutely no sense to us whatsoever. Anyone who isn’t in those depths of depravity is baffled by it. It’s just too dark to comprehend.
Yes. Excellent point.
I spent some time out East among the elite, long before recent madness, and was shocked by levels of casual “2020’s San Francisco” personal ethics. Very Roman.
What we’re seeing now was there in spades many years ago, and likely all along.
A good gauge of this is seen by Oppenheimer’s personal life, which is well-described in the Oppenheimer movie. In fact, director Nolan very astutely underplays the literal depiction, so that when it comes out tangentially later, it’s even more shocking.
RAMPANT. It’s not just a few people. It’s RAMPANT. It’s everywhere. And it has been for – well, maybe forever.
The closer one gets to power, the worse it is.
I didn’t make it all the way through Oppenheimer. To be honest, I found it boring as hell!
That’s a good sign! It could really only be exciting to geeks with an interest in the history of science at a COUGH “granular” level!
IMO Nolan made the movie as a way of thinking out loud about the issues of those decisions. To anybody deeply concerned about the morality of science (or lack thereof), it was fascinating. But yeah – it was like reading technical papers in some ways.
Well thank God! I thought I was just dumb or something.
Horrifying & likely pretty accurate
And perverted brainless liberals posted this in response.
Well done, para!
“Kamala” (Estee Palti) thanks the Obamas.
Money Laundering for starters.
Becerra getting a cut. Likely lots to Briben. Then there is whoever will be the D-rat nominee.
Yup, follow the money.
Wolf Moon
Thank you for this.
The AMA gets paid EVERY TIME a CPT code is used. The AMA owns the rights to the CPT codes.
Here is the document, from JULY 2023, that “extends” PREP Act IMMUNITY for products under EUA:
Which ALSO includes products secured UNDER GOVERNMENT CONTRACT. This would mean the millions of doses of the H5N1 Avian Influenza “vaccine”, AUDENZ, made by Sequirus.
Yours Truly is working on another post that will take the lid off more details related to the PREP Act “EUA” for AUDENZ.
Thanks in advance for this coming post!!!
They are telling you that bird flu is coming to America via jabbing the sheeple. The same type sheeple who loved watching the Satanic Olympic ceremonies along with those who fall for their fear porn. .
Feds ignorantly purchased millions of Monkey Pox vaccine. Never used.
It’ll be the same with Bird Flu. Folks are waking up and will, believe their lying eyes this time.
Can lawyers use the recent Chevron ruling to override things like this?
Lighter fare, for the weekend…
Random, weird, quirky discovery from my 2 weeks out of town. My husband can exist for a week & a half on One Roll of Toilet Paper!
Just before heading Up North I had my son bring up an unopened 9 jumbo-roll pack & stashed it under the bathroom sink. It’s possible that I put the last roll from the previous pack on the TP hanger & there was still a small amount of TP on the quickly diminishing existing roll (no more than a 1/4″ thickness though).
Anyway when I got home after 2 weeks, hubby was gone for 1/2 a week concurrently, that 9-roll pack was still unopened under the sink–Yikes. Granted he can be gone 60ish hours/wk for work & 6-ish hours for church if he’s playing bass for worship so “Go Time” gets more spread out around town, as it were.
When I’m home, & especially when Josiah is staying with us, we are going through nearly 1 roll a day, I would Guess maybe 5 rolls a week.
This trip & the particular TP parameters before I left & when I returned provided this unique window into our inventory issues in that domain LOL
I Hate using the outhouses by the hunting shacks & now some of the hunters drive a couple miles into the stoplight “town” to use the facilities w/ running water as this newer generation of hunters are seeking “comfort” in their inconvenience

I don’t understand what the cob is for.
And the reason for that must be, that I don’t want to know… because whatever it is, it can’t be good…
You are obviously too young to know. Corn cobs were used as toilet paper in a country privy in the rural South way back in the 20s-40s until toilet paper was widely available for those who could afford it. Out of date Sears and Roebuck catalogs were also used as toilet paper by thrifty country folks.
Heck, I’m only 59 and I know what the cob was for! My best friend growing up didn’t get indoor plumbing until we were 10 years old.
Yeah, and if you ever played for hours in the rickety old corn crib on Uncle Louie’s farm, like we did, you’d know those corn cobs would not be a gentle wipe !!!!!
Oh, yeah! I can’t even imagine. My grandma had a corn crib, and we did play in there. But we had to be sure not to get caught!
And they used to stuff their mattresses with them, too.
People back in the day were way tougher than we are.
I forgot about the mattresses!!!
I remember the sign:
Please piss straight down, the spiders have already had their bath today.
those catalog pages would be a tad problematic in a flush system, I would guess. Yikes!
During the Soviet era, they’d use Pravda, cut into squares.
probably a bit softer than glossy catalog pages, but the ink probably stayed on the user.
apropos use of propaganda though
Out of date Sears and Roebuck catalogs were also used as toilet paper by thrifty country folks.
The origin of the recycle movement.
old school clean up on aisle 3
Allison Dyer
We, the People, are the Answer https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f1fa-1f1f8.svg
https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/25ab.svgBen Carson: “We are the major obstacle to a One World Government, and One World Domination.”
https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/25ab.svgBrett Weinstein: “We’re watching our governmental structures and every one of our institutions, captured, hollowed out, turned into a paradoxical inversion of what it was designed to do … that’s Not an Accident.”
https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/25ab.svgJordan Peterson: “The reason totalitarianism is total, is because everyone in a totalitarianism state lies, about absolutely everything, all the time.”
#DemocratsAmerica #Election2024 #ElectionsHaveConsequences
I was trying to share the top video there w/ Carson, Carlson, & Peterson, which is somewhat disjointed (I’d only partially watched when sharing) but has some crucial points.
This one appeared in reply to one of the tweets DP shared recently
Replying to @ShadowofEzra
And Now where the 9/11 monument it, the water is illuminated with yellow lights and two blue beams where the towers once stood.
Where else have you seen that color combination.
The Rothschilds https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f447.svg
Seen on one of the Bitcoin analyst yootoob channels.
Looks like the Bitcoiners are going all-in on DJT. The annual Bitcoin Conference has been going on this week, and ends today (Saturday) with DJT giving the keynote speech.
Lots of rumors that he will make some kind of big announcement:
I have seen several youtube interviews with Caitlin Long over the past few years. Like many people, her first experience with Bitcoin was that she bought near the top of a cycle (a couple of 4-year cycles ago) and then held it all the way down to the bottom of the bear market.
But she didn’t sell, and she’s way ahead now. This is her webpage and “About Caitlin” bullet points at the bottom of the home page:
About Caitlin
Welcome to my blog! Here’s my background:
• Wyoming Blockchain Task Force, gubernatorial appointee, 2018-2019
• Chairman, WyoHackathon, 2018-present
• Former chairman & president of Symbiont (2016-2018), which was named to Forbes Fintech 50 in 2018
• MarketsMedia Women in Finance Award for Excellence in Blockchain 2016
• Inc. list of 10 business leaders changing the world through tech in 2016
• Institutional Investor list of most influential people in pensions (“Pension 40”): 2015, 2014, and 2013
• Bitcoin evangelist since 2012; served on Morgan Stanley’s internal blockchain working group (2014-2016)
• 22 years of corporate finance experience, 1994-2016 (Morgan Stanley, Credit Suisse, Salomon Brothers); Managing Director 2001-2016
• Started & ran 3 successful businesses in pensions and insurance; was a top-rated equity research analyst; worked directly for the co-CEOs
• Numerous publications, press and speaking engagements (examples: WSJ, FT, CNBC, II Journal)
• Harvard Law School (JD, 1994), Kennedy School of Government (MPP, 1994), University of Wyoming (BA, 1990)
Brilliant, Trump supporting digital currency with Feds hands off. No CBDC.
The right thing to do. Sure, increases Trump votes.
What I didn’t see until today, donations to Trump 2024.
^^^ Absolutely brilliant.
Looking forward to hearing Trump’s speech at Bitcoin conference.
Close friends of ours are on a business trip to the mid-state and will be there. Will get their take on it when they come back from their trip.
Looking forward to reading their take.
Excellent, a ground report from an actual attendee would be great!
Kamalala AD (parody)…
What will Trump say in his Bitcoin Conference 2024 keynote tomorrow?
Trump’s evolving stance on Bitcoin marks a historic shift in his campaign strategy
Liam ‘Akiba’ Wright
Jul. 26, 2024 at 10:05 am UTC
Donald Trump is set to deliver a keynote address at the Bitcoin 2024 conference in Nashville on Saturday, July 27.
This will mark the first appearance of a US presidential candidate at this major Bitcoin event, with Trump scheduled to speak for 30 minutes on the conference’s final day. While the exact content of his speech remains undisclosed, conference organizers have hinted it will be “historic.” Trump’s participation signals a significant shift in his stance on Bitcoin and crypto, reflecting an evolving approach that contrasts sharply with his earlier skepticism.
Trump’s position on Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies has undergone a notable transformation over the years. In July 2019, he tweeted his disapproval, stating, “I am not a fan of Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies, which are not money, and whose value is highly volatile and based on thin air.” This sentiment was reiterated in a 2021 Fox Business interview where he described Bitcoin as a scam and expressed concerns about it competing against the dollar.
In 2024, however, Trump has rebranded himself as the “crypto president.” He now acknowledges Bitcoin’s permanence and emphasizes the necessity for the US to lead in Bitcoin and crypto innovation. Trump’s campaign began accepting crypto donations in May 2024, including Bitcoin, Dogecoin, and Ethereum, indicating a strategic pivot towards embracing digital currencies.
Several factors have influenced Trump’s shift in perspective. Politically, his pro-crypto stance aligns with his broader opposition to Democratic policies set out by Senator Warren and the SEC’s Gary Gensler and resonates with a significant voter base in swing states. However, the new presumptive Democratic President, Kamala Harris, has yet to declare a stance on Bitcoin or crypto. Her position is as yet unconfirmed. While there were rumors she was in talks to speak at the conference, organizer David Bailey stated she would not be attending after suggesting Harris should commute Ross Ulbricht’s sentence before addressing the Bitcoin community.
Trump’s choice of JD Vance, a known Bitcoin advocate and holder, as his running mate further highlights his strategy to woo Bitcoiners. Vance’s pro-crypto stance and personal investment in Bitcoin likely played a role in shaping Trump’s updated views.
Additionally, Trump’s campaign has capitalized on crypto for fundraising. A Bitcoin Conference fundraiser offered top-tier tickets at $844,600 per person, accentuating the financial potential Trump sees in the crypto space. Moreover, Trump’s rhetoric has increasingly highlighted the need for the US to compete with China’s advances in Bitcoin, suggesting that a strong position in this field is crucial for national competitiveness.
Given these developments, Trump’s speech at the Bitcoin 2024 conference may focus on several key areas. He will likely stress the importance of US leadership in Bitcoin and crypto innovation, critique the Biden administration’s crypto policies, and pledge to protect crypto holders’ rights. Additionally, Trump may outline plans to encourage Bitcoin mining within the US, declare support for Bitcoin as a strategic US reserve asset, and express opposition to a government-issued digital dollar.
Trump’s upcoming address represents a pivotal moment in the intersection of politics, Bitcoin, and crypto. His evolving stance highlights the growing significance of digital currencies in the political arena and sets the stage for potential policy shifts under his leadership. As the Bitcoin 2024 conference draws to a close, all eyes will be on Nashville to see how Trump’s words might shape the future of Bitcoin and crypto in the United States.
Rarely do I look forward to a 30 minute video. Trump speaking at Bitcoin is a Must See.
>>> Will be looking for a “live feed” of Trump’s address at Bitcoin. <<<
It should be here, hasn’t started yet, but will be soon. Right now, Ron Paul is being interviewed:
youtube feed stalled and people in the feed were mentioning it too. I found it on rumble live and seems to be working fine there.
Rumble feed stopped too, so I came to TCTH and went to the RSBN feed that’s working with Trump speaking now. It’s a youtube feed. Can’t figure it out.
LOL Trump just talked about having so much electricity to support Bitcoin and AI that America will lead the way in those technologies.
Trump said on day one he would fire Gary Ginsler and the crowd went wild. He’s so funny. Trump said “I didn’t know he was that unpopular. Let me say it again.” He did. The crowd was even louder. hahahaha… Then the crowd started a “Trump, Trump” chant.
Why Is No One (Except PDJT) Calling Out Kamala Harris’ Communist Ties ?
(older) article by Trevour Loudon
After Hoe is installed as the D-Rat nominee, Hoe will get blasted from all directions, relentlessly. Hoe is truly an easy target.
More info for those who want to dig around.
Verse of the Day for Saturday, July 27, 2024
“A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh.”
Ezekiel 36:26 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
We know not what the new day will bring
Which way our lives may suddenly swing
As we go about our daily chores
We pass by others in and out doors
Suddenly we are suspended in time
For no earthly reason or even rhyme
The silver thread that held us secure
Snapped in mid flight like never before
Down we fell without forenotice
Fragile and pale as a white lotus
Till an angel arrives to lift us upright
We move not fret not or even fight
Time is of the essence it cannot wait
It is crucial to help not hesitate
Critical care will now affect the outcome
To negative thinking we must not succumb
Stabilization comes all in due time
What we have left will be our prime
From here on in we rely on the Lord
More and more from now onward
Whatever will be will be our normal
From classy and sassy to informal
God will be our guide from day to day
Whatever we face He will make a way
As we put our trust right solely in Him
He’ll renew our mind heart and body prim
He will refresh our spirit alight with life
He will manage the pain reduce the strife
He is the Heavenly Physician who heals
He is the manager of emotions one feels
He is the Light, the Life and the Way
To help us rejoice rise higher each day
D01: 02/19/2023
Thank you so much for your poem today. Very sobering yet uplifting at the same time.
Thank you for all the wonderful inspiring things that you bring to the board every day.
Sending Good Energy to you!
Thank You Duchess!
Thank you, Duchess! Wise words, and something I will remember. Trusting God is ALWAYS at the top of the list for the remainder of our days, no matter what happens further down the list. You are right. Let us rejoice! Always!
Wise words, duchess. Thank you.
Psalm 91.The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing
#psalm91 #psalms #prayer
Pray Everyday

Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.
#faith #god #psalms
Pray Everyday
Well —
The power suddenly went out in the Durham-Chapel Hill area yesterday evening and stayed out for 3 hours, coming back on after Midnight today.
There’s been no bad weather here for the last couple of days, just some showers.
10,000 power customers were affected.
The electric company sends out text messages to affected customers, with details such as “outage maps” and a brief explanation of why the outage occurred.
There are usually local media outlet stories on power outages in this area.
But for this particular outage, which affected 10,000 customers? —
No text message from the power company as to why it occurred.
No local media outlet stories on the outage from what Yours Truly can find.
One would think that an outage that affects 10,000 people, if it was going to occur due to “upgrading of equipment”, would be broadcast far and wide before it happened, so people can prepare. And also if the power outage would be expected to last more than, say, 15 minutes.
Very likely a consequence of “pre-Green New Deal” grid insufficiency. They can’t talk about that.
7.27.24: Tales from the CRYPT, Demonic OLYMPICS=ENEMY is angry, FEAR NOT, Their PAIN is coming. Pray
And We Know
Perverted Gays having a last supper. How ironic for them once the Muzzies take over Europe.
Roof top Last Supper.
Last words…
Hoe exposed…
This is a GREAT commercial!
Melania Trump to release first memoirRyan Ledendecker — Read time: 2 minutes
Watching the photos/videos posted yesterday of President Trump with the Netanyahus, I noted a change … Benjamin’s wife was there but it was Trump alone who greeted them, and she also sat in on the ‘business’ meeting at the table.
In Presidential days, Melania would also have been there to greet them; and the only wife I know who sits in on meetings is “Dr. Jill”.
I can think of reasons the above is normal, and reasons it is curious, so I’m drawing no conclusions, other than to say this would typically be something the PRESS would hammer Melania for – not being by hubby’s side.
AND to say I’m REALLY ready to see Melania and her stunning fashions more often
After the beatings the Trump Family took in their four years, 3 1/2 years that followed and the attempted assassination, I expect things are different this time.
But yea, every Melania sighting is a pleasure.
I think any and every distraction that could be used to take people’s attention away from what is going on with the election is being avoided. Her presence is not needed for a meeting with a foreign leader. She is not the First Lady in the White House. As it is, we see Trump and what he is doing, and we see the Dem chaos, and IMO that’s all we need to see–not what Melania is wearing, not whether she smiled or not, etc.
The process of removing RINOs as the enemy within to defeat their Dem traitor slave masters is indeed, a process. It does not happen overnight. However, it can and does happen.
Election integrity before everything else. Quality attorneys assigned in every local voting area as their point of emphasis. Said attorneys must be in good standing with patriot, Constitutionalist judiciary. All of them must be protected by local law enforcement and patriot citizens. This is the circle of trust.
Once that is in place and any significant resistance neutralized, the games can begin.
We started this process in earnest in TN two decades ago. The process never ends, you never get to take a breather and sit back to enjoy what it provides. There will be more establishment/RINO GOP removed in this election in the state legislature. Some establishment/RINO incumbents who chose to run anyway realize they stepped in the shiz and have tried to recover. We will not fall for it. Quality opponents in the primaries have stepped forward and they will get their shots. If by some chance a RINO does win, the super majority applies pressure and makes sure the voters in the applicable districts know what their office holder is actually doing.
It is from their ranks that the future GOP MAGA federal office holders come. They will have served their local communities and state. Their records will be clearly known. The more of that ilk that go to DC, the better the country will be governed. When at least 30 states have committed to and followed the process for a significant period of time, our nation will be freed from the tyranny long term. Many of the other straggling states will figure it out and do better.
No short term answers in any of this, only commitment to winning a war of attrition based on America First principles and full support for the Constitution of the USA.
Sky News gal slaps around lefty loons, then the Hoe.
Sky News Host Rita Panahi Reacts to Some of Kamala Harris’s Most Cringeworthy Moments (Video)
Too bad that network gets more play in Australia than it does here.
Butt Plug feeling jammed up…
Pete Buttigieg Tries to Dunk on President Trump for Supposedly ‘Pulling Out’ of Debate Against Kamala Harris and It Blows Up in His face
More at…
How does Laura Loomer do it?? She is a digging machine. Altho I wish she’d waited until Obama officially named Mark Kelly as Kamala’s VP to out him like this.
I’m getting “this page doesn’t exist” for that link.
Hopefully it’ll resurface.
I’ll try again when I find it.
Thank you, RAC !
Paging Amelia Kelly for comment AND clarification.
Wonder what is on all the other pages. Guessing we’ll find out. (Hoping)
That’s intriguing. Sure would like to see all of it, including the declaration describing the bad things he supposedly did.
I’m shocked that Texas allows names of children in court pleadings. WA state requires using i8nitials on all publicly available filings.
We’re gonna get MOAR outdoor rallies besides Butler !!! Pres. Trunp is unrelenting in winning for free speech and holding Secret Service to their sworn duties

At the ready, given an opportunity in the
arearegion. Now this one makes sense.
Briben forced out of running. No immediate endorsement. Then endorse the Hoe.
Guessing after hussein’s handlers left Maggot’s presence, either Maggot or Taco Jill, Flipped hussein off.
REPORT: Barack Obama Had a Candidate Other Than Kamala Harris in Mind But Biden Endorsed Harris Quickly as a F*** You to Former President
As The Gateway Pundit reported, Biden dropped out of the Presidential race Sunday afternoon and later endorsed Harris as his replacement. This followed a months-long effort by top Democrats led by Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer, Bill Clinton, and Nancy Pelosi to force him out.
Now, it turns out Biden may have outmaneuvered Obama after his boss played a role in the coup.
The New York Post reported Friday that Obama told Old Joe to let delegates at next month’s Democratic National Convention in Chicago decide on a new candidate. This caused Biden to quickly endorse Harris as a middle finger to the 44th President.
“It was Joe’s big f*** you,” a family source told the Post. “Joe said, ‘If I’m out, then I am endorsing her.’”
“Joe (was) truly knifing Obama and Pelosi in the back for making him stand down,” a Democrat Party source added.
I suspected this right from the start.
OSatan was outmaneuvered by the Senile.
You can bet Jill had a hand in that too.
It’s truly like a soap opera.
Why now?
These asshats could have come out during the, J6 NOT Select Committee fiasco.
Better late than never. But, Why Now?
“This Is Amazing” Elon Musk Retweets EPIC Kamala Harris Achievement Ad – Quickly Racks Up 55 Million Views | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft
trying the link again; it’s about a restaining order against Mark Kelly to protect his first wife & kids.
Cc: @TeamTrump
I have obtained a copy of the restraining order that was issued against US Senator Mark Kelly in 2004 by his ex wife in the interest of her, and Kelly’s two daughters, Claire and Claudia, who were minors at the time.
Senator Mark Kelly of Arizona is being vetted as a possible VP pick by Kamala Harris.
He doesn’t want people knowing about his shady divorce and the restraining order that was issued against him in 2004. He goes to great lengths to keep these documents private. Sadly for him, but luckily for all of you, I have obtained these documents.
Do you really want a man in the White House serving as Vice President whose own wife had to issue a restraining order against him to protect herself and her two minor daughters?
I thought @TheDemocrats
were the party of “women’s rights” and #MeToo?
What did Mark Kelly do to his ex wife and 2 daughters that compelled a judge in Galveston County, Texas to issue a restraining order against him on July 8th, 2004?
Mark Kelly is married to Former Arizona Congresswoman Gabby Giffords @GabbyGiffords
, who he met at a seminar in China in 2003. His first wife, Amy Babis Kelly @BabisKelly
, filed for divorce in June 2004 shortly after Kelly met Giffords, who he was allegedly having an affair with while he was still legally married to Amy. Mark Kelly married Gabby Giffords on November 10th, 2007.
Mark Kelly destroyed his own family to pursue another relationship, all while having a restraining order issued against him.
This is DISQUALIFYING for someone (let alone a US Senator) who is looking to be the Vice President of the United States.
See the restraining order issued against Mark Kelly below.
Shoot!! Again says diesn’t exist!! I’m using ‘copy the link’ so not sure why it’s not linking. Anyway you can check her x account; it’s the court filing for restaining order.
I managed to copy the text and images here!
Bless you, our wingman

Gateway Pundit has this too:
OMG – I got a YUGE lead here.
This affair that started in CHINA? Between Mark Kelly and Gabby Giffords?
MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE. Chinese brainwashing.
Just like Feinstein’s and pedophilia’s rise via the Chinese MK assassination of Mayor Moscone and Harvey Milk, so we have Giffords and gun control’s rise via the MK assassination of that judge, using a SATANIC killer.
And now China wants KELLY in the White House. A literal ChiCom Manchurian Candidate!
China wants their deep ChiCom plants in the White House!!!
Yeah, that nugget was screaming at us to pay attention!! Combined with Eilert’s info about Kelly in business with a Chinese high altitude balloon-y company!!!!
California. This poor kid. I hope he sues the other team, coach, and kid. This is in no way defensible.
Disturbing video captured the moment a 13-year-old California basketball player stomped on a defenseless player’s head, forcing police to launch an investigation into the ruthless attack.
The on-camera assault happened during a game between two Bay Area teams, Tumakbo United — a Filipino-American youth basketball team — and Payton’s Place at the College of Alameda on Sunday, ABC7 reported.
The victim, who plays for Tumakbo, caught the basketball from a teammate but is heavily guarded against his opponent.
He falls to the ground and loses possession, prompting both players to wrestle and pull each other for a chance to regain the ball.
But as the two players scuffle on the ground, a second Payton’s Place player runs over and forcefully stomps the opposing player’s head onto the hardwood.
He has to have constant monitoring for a few months bc of the stomping.

Stomp-lynching blacks deserve the death penalty.
Change my mind.
It’s somewhat confusing — I was going, “what is a 13-year-old doing playing for College of Alameda?” But College of Alameda is just the venue, and both teams were youths.
Attacker is off the team; victim has concussion.
Game should have been instantly forfeited and attacker whisked off to jail overnight. That way the attacker’s team might learn some important things about sportsmanship.
Lots of meat in this one.
It really is a fascinating read. If everything we’ve been told is a lie, this could well qualify as part of that statement.
Tends to be how I see things, DePat.
For myself this just adds another layer of paint to a wall that’s been painted over to many times.
Interesting, how nothing has changed over the last sixty years in the way these people have acted compared to present day. They’ll do the same to what’s happening now in sixty years with speculation of the assassination attempt on PDJT.
Good stuff! All the REVERSO being cited, smells of DEEP STATE.
okay…opinions please.
i just got another Joanns Fabrics & Crafts email–i am subscribed and appreciate the announcement of sales and whatever.
they just started a “new” line of fabric…called Happy Value. is it me or does that sound chynese?
(Joann’s Fabrics was in the news recently because they had to “restructure” to hold off bankruptcy or something similar. and now they’ve got this new line of “cheaper” fabrics–sounds like chynese buyout to me)
That does sound Chinese. I did a quick search and found this opinion by someone on Reddit:
And here is an article about Happy Valley in China: https://saconavy.net/camps/happy_valley/
I hope it’s not a Chinese buyout. The less Chinese influence here, the better.
Sorry about that big graphic. I removed that link.
at the prices listed, I figured it can’t be a great quality.
and the patterns on the fabric weren’t quite right. they had some checkered fabrics–in the $2 a yard section…only the checks weren’t square…because the lines weren’t parallel. their stars were on point rather than the way stars look on our flag…just odd to my eye i guess.
Poor quality is a hallmark of Chinese goods.
Probably is. Truthfully, the quality of their yarns isn’t all that great anymore, either. Of course, several of the manufacturers discontinued some of the really good stuff.
i never minded paying a little more for good quality–quality LASTS.
It’s very hard to find polyester and cotton blend fabric anywhere. I tried Joann, Hobby Lobby and Amazon.
I wanted some to make aprons to use in Sally’s apartment – so they wouldn’t fade, fray, tear and wear out like the 100% cotton kettle cloth aprons I made.
My poly cotton aprons are 40 years old and haven’t faded or frayed.
Finally bought a Waverly poly cotton sheet on eBay – which was a coordinate for the Waverly comforter on her bed. I’ll make it with the sheet’s ruffle trim on the bottom and maybe the top of the apron so I’ll feel feminine wearing it!
awesome idea!
I shop the thrift stores for fabric, and for sheets to use for making things.
Amen on the loss of quality in yarn.
Admittedly I know nothing of Joanns Fabrics, other than drive DW to there store(s), as I wait in the truck.
Uninformed opinion.
Sorry if that is kill joy. Just an outsider thought.
i thought of that…they can’t use it cuz walmart already has it…but htis just has a chynese ring to it.
hubby waits in the truck too!
Are there any independent fabric stores left?
Are there any American fabric mills left?
The white hotel style towels I buy by the dozen, from a dealer in FL come from Pakistan.
hobby lobby has some fabric
our walmart still has a fabric section
Quilt stores have fabric.
Mike Lindell’s towels come from Pakistan.
Walmart no longer has fabric or a good line of notions (sewing accessories).
Many younger women do not know how to sew, or even mend, hem or alter clothing.
Two Candidates Reportedly Emerge as Frontrunners in Race to Become Kamala Harris’s Running Mate and They Both Have Serious Drawbacks
They’re both white men?
Josh Shapiro and Mark Kelly
Whoever is picked for her will be someone with ‘serious drawbacks’ by definition.
They wouldn’t be picked for her, otherwise.
UGH. A criminal and a flake!
Trump Bitcoin address schedule 3PM EST.
Snatched from SD.
Back-up from the Bitcoin Magazine live feed. If I remember correctly, the owner or chief editor of Bitcoin Magazine has been one of DJT’s Bitcoin advisors over the past several months.
There is a delay in DJT’s appearance, they’re saying it’s because they are waiting for a ‘special guest’ to arrive first.
Seems odd that POTUS would put his appearance on hold for some other guest to arrive, unless maybe it’s Melania.
“There is a delay in DJT’s appearance, they’re saying it’s because they are waiting for a ‘special guest’ to arrive first.”
Just occurred to me, it’s probably his Secret Service detail running late.
As you now know, perhaps other QTreepers not so.
SS delayed Trump. trump gave no details.
Snort! Was a sloped roof involved or maybe it was too hot…
I suppose the special guest could be JD Vance. JD is a Bitcoiner and is not new to the subject, as DJT is.
Could also be Elon Musk as the special guest.
The people at the Bitcoin conference apparently joined together to buy DJT his first Bitcoin, which they will present to him when he takes the stage, so that his speech will be given as a Bitcoin owner

He’s on!
He called the Left “Left wing fascists”
“On day 1, I will fire SEC chairman Gary Gensler.”
And the crowd goes wild!!!
Again he called the current administration a ‘fascist regime’.
Everything the Left touches turns to &^%#.
Always and without exception, because it’s no accident. The objective is destruction.
the elites do NOT want us to have NATIONAL pride. it represents a barrier to their new “order” –a world without borders-a world without exceptional or outstanding people–we are the world bullshit. no stand outs allowed!
Yes! That explains much!
She’s doubling down…
I like to see a good double-down!
She sounds pretty confident…

She does indeed!
I get the impression – despite the lack of flak at the moment – that she is over the target.
Only in the WH as a visitor, until Trump is sworn in.
Wait, wasn’t Doug Emhoff married before he met KamaHarr? And he has two children from his first marriage?
Yours Truly, years ago, knew a woman who was married to a man, had children with him, and then, one day, her husband “‘fessed-up” that he was gay. He moved out to live with his “partner.” The mother of his children divorced her husband and moved to the West Coast with the children.
A man exposed himself during the Olympics opening ceremony.
Complaints can be filed here:
Video of the ceremony is no longer available for viewing on the internet.
That won’t work for me, I have a “no death cult” clause in my contract… sorry Devil-Dims
“Why is this person showing his testicle at the Olympics?”
Because they are juvenile at best. I remember being a juvenile, seems like only yesterday… maybe an hour ago…
Juveniles do stupid and inappropriate things out of rebellion and for the benefit of their friends who get endless entertainment out of pranks and doing whatever makes the ‘grown ups’ lose their minds.
It wasn’t like a sport, it was a sport, and we weren’t good at it, we were great at it
That’s what testicle-boy is doing here. All his gay friends (and gay people everywhere, as soon as it went viral) will get to laugh and snicker and talk endlessly about how hilarious it is that one of their fag-boys managed to sneak a testicle exposure into an Olympic photo.
It’s exactly the kind of thing immature, juvenile people do.
And if these people in the photo aren’t immature and juvenile, then nobody is
This bitcoin conference speech is dynamite. We are getting the real picture of the plans he will be implementing, not only in regards to crypto but overall.
This one has meat on the bones. Love it.
It was a great speech.
If Bitcoin folks were not favorable to Trump before today, they ARE believers today.
GLOVES OFF: Trump Campaign Releases Brutal Ad Blasting Soft-On-Crime Kamala Harris (VIDEO)
Excellent. The TRUTH is rapidly overtaking Cackles and her master, Osatan.
I would say it’s not nearly brutal enough.
Call for Nutjob Kamalala to be arrested as an accomplice to all the crimes she facilitated by raising money to put dangerous criminals back on the streets.
Demand reparations for the families and survivors of the crimes committed by the people Crazy Harris put back on the street.
Interview the victims and put them in the commercial.
Encourage the families and survivors to sue Whackjob Kamalala for putting all of their lives in danger, for medical expenses, for lost wages, and for the psychological harm inflicted on the victims and their families.
The Left has an entire playbook for this stuff, they all taught us how to do it, so DO it.
Really take the gloves off, and give them a fire hose full of their own medicine.
Most of the state legal actions are now likely barred by the statute of limitations. They might still be able to sue for conspiracy to deprive civil rights in fed court.
Reporting back on the couple who are our close friends and their visit to Nashville/Bitcoin event.
Security was incredible. PDT was delayed on stage due to much more thorough procedures as they processed the usual phone threats that occur at each event. He provided me video of the law enforcement presence on the streets. Police on horseback and motorcycles surrounded the location. Local LE, state troopers, SS ,etc, everywhere. This male friend had 20 years in law enforcement after a successful insurance broker career. He worked security for previous POTUS and First Lady visits to Knoxville. He was impressed. His wife has worked charity fund raising events at Mar-a-lago in the past year.
Most of the major names aligned with the campaign and crypto were there. Standing ovations for PDT and the general consensus was they had their future POTUS.
Our friends are staying a few blocks from the event and are going to hit more of the scene downtown tonight. He even sent photos of the party buses that start rolling around the city at noon each day that give tours and drinks. Oh my…
Looking forward to listening to my fellow Middie speaking tonight at the rally in MN.
Thank you!
Things are looking great.
Thank you so much for this update! It does sound as if security around President Trump is bigger and better. This has to continue.
Agreed, After the failed attempt I expect that has been handled. There are plenty of patriots in service to our country. There are some rotten leaders who have handpicked infiltrators they use for their dirty work.
Gratitude Prayers
Prayer of Daily Thanks
Heavenly Father, as the sun sets, I want to pause and say thank You. For the little things like a warm cup of tea to the big things like my family’s laughter, I’m grateful. Each moment of this day has been a gift, and I thank You for the blessings, both seen and unseen. Let my sleep be a thank you, my dreams be praise, and my night whispers echo with gratitude. Amen.
A Prayer for the Gifts of Life
Dear Lord, under the evening sky, I come before You filled with appreciation. For the breath in my lungs, the food on my table, and the love in my home, I am truly thankful. Help me to always notice the countless gifts You provide and to never take them for granted. I rest in Your care, grateful for today and hopeful for tomorrow. Amen.
Thanksgiving for Enduring Love
Gracious God, as I lay down tonight, I reflect on Your unending love and care. Thank you for guiding me through this day, for the smiles shared, and for the kindness I received. Your love is a constant in a world that often changes, and for this steadfast love, I give You thanks. As I close my eyes, I feel the peace of a grateful heart. Amen.
Evening Gratitude for Strength and Guidance
Lord of all comfort, I am thankful tonight, not just for the good but also for the strength You gave me in challenging moments. Thank you for the wisdom in decisions and the courage in facing my fears. Your guidance is a lantern to my feet. As the stars appear, I thank You for lighting my path today and every day. Amen.
Sunset Thanks for Life’s Journey
Almighty Creator, every sunset reminds me of Your glory and the journey You’ve laid out for me. I am grateful for the paths I’ve walked today, the lessons learned, and the growth experienced. Thank You for being my compass and my companion. As the night unfolds, I count my blessings, and atop the list is Your unwavering presence in my life. Amen.
I’m reading a substack by Naomi Wolfe, and just came across this:
“Some commentators noted that the letter had no White House seal. That is correct but not important evidence, since campaign matters must, per FEC law, be separate from governing.
But there was also no Form 460 related to this document, to my knowledge, and no disclosure statement on the letter, both of which are required by FEC law for any communication by the candidate to the public. As a result, to my knowledge, this is just a letter. This is not an official campaign document. It has no legal weight in terms of the purported cessation of President Biden’s campaign, and is in fact, per campaign law, possibly an illegal communication.”
I hadn’t noticed this, but she is correct.
This is Form 460:
IS Joe Biden really out of the race? Is he actually alive? Did he write that letter? Is he going to jump out of a cake and yell “boo!?”
What the actual f*ck is going on?
P.S. Y’all really ought to read the whole thing. Naomi is onto something here. More:
“There is a narrative being played out now, it seems, in legacy media, that astonishes me; it implies that President Biden can just step aside and Vice President Harris can just step into his place.
But FEC law does not work that way.
She too would have to start a Presidential campaign from the very beginning. She too would have to file with the FEC. She too would have to put in place her legal team, her campaign manager, her communications team, her fundraising team, her advisors, her pollsters, her ground troops. As I know full well from having worked for both a Presidential and a Vice-Presidential run for President, these are completely different officers with totally different staffers. And campaign staffers are different from either of these and cannot be simply shared.
Legally, as I understand FEC law, VP Harris can’t simply pick up where President Biden left off and simply “inherit” his campaign, let alone his donors’ money. To my knowledge, you can’t just at will, without at least complex filings and legal appeals, switch out the candidate and just change the name of the campaign. Read the FEC law for yourselves. There is no entry for simply switching out a candidate for the same campaign.”
Very interesting. I keep seeing speculation that Kamala will be “swapped out” for someone else, too. So that person would have to do all the things mentioned, and time is running short.
If they are made to follow the law, it is almost impossible for them to do it.
That’s what I’ve been saying all along. They question is, will they be made to do it?
They may receive a Sternly Worded Letter at best IMO.
Sadly likely.
Hoe is a placeholder.
No idea when they’ll throw her under the bus, not who they’ll replace her with. Newscum is my suspicion.
The beautiful thing is, D-rats are In Total Desperation Mode. <<< LOLF.
Are we having fun yet?
Are we entertained?
11/5/24 will tell.
Guy Fawkes Night.
I would like to be bored for while. With Trump as President, some world peace, and a trip to the grocery store that doesn’t spike my blood pressure.
Found this, too!
I just saw that! I commented, too.
Naomi is very weirded out by current goings on. I think she is having a really hard time with coming out of the Matrix. Her pain is obvious.
She needs to just jump in and leave the BS behind for good. You cannot make it with one foot in and one foot out, like Lot’s wife found out.
I agree entirely.
Did Kamala suspend her primary race for President in 2020? Would that suspension be lifted?
Interesting thought.
I was just at an LGBTQ+ bar in San Francisco in the Castro. An African-American two-spirit Hindu Palestinian MtF transgender fat-liberated NEA union kindergarten teacher wearing a rainbow tutu and a Che Guevara halter top told me, “You know, I really don’t think Kamala is qualified to run this country, I’m voting for Trump.” Everybody at the bar cheered and clapped, and the bar owner shouted out “Rainbow Jello shooters for everyone!!!!” Then we played “YMCA” by The Village People and we spilled out into the street to join a “Black Lesbians for Trump” rally. It was so awesome.
Please give me a break.
First of all, what normal person goes to a queer bar in the Castro? Are you testing your immune system? Second, that is not a pic. It may have begun life as a pic but it’s been massaged by A I.
There you go! I said it was easy.
No, they didn’t say that. No one attending a Trump rally a) thinks they will only be there an hour, and b) lies about it. The guy just hates Trump.
They had a contract. Owner broke the contract.
Find an attorney and file a class action suit.
This guy isn’t the owner. He’s a really nasty Trump-hating Dem troll.
This ain’t it.
Show evidence markers for all eight rounds.
Show agents view posted in window vs where Crooks, shot from, climbed to roof using A/C vs crowd pointing.
Explain one tractor blocking line of sight. Normally multiple.
Long list. MORE MAJOR than that.
Seriously Dan, they will just come back with “that’s why we approve local sniper assets” and we’re left sucking out thumb. Shocked Dan is going this way.
The communist guardians of truth are so cute.
Love the FRNSI!
Reese Reports: Rockefeller CIA Connections to Deagel Depopulation Forecast [VIDEO] Ties drastic population decline to economic collapse.
Added to this page in Gail’s Depop series.
Oh, blarp!
So you said this to bring the count to 399…then posted the Lion as self-fulfillment.
An excellent plan! BLARP!!!