Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.
This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).
And yes, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

We will always remember Wheatie,

Pray for Trump,

Yet have fun,

and HOLD ON when things get crazy!

We will follow the RULES of civility that Wheatie left for us:
Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
And while we engage in vigorous free speech, we will remember Wheatie’s advice on civility, non-violence, and site unity:
“We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”
“Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”
If this site gets shut down, please remember various ways to get back in touch with the rest of the gang:
- Our backup site, The Q Tree 579486807,
- Our old alternative site, The U Tree, where civility is not a requirement
- Our Gab Group, which is located at
- Our various sister sites, listed in the Blogroll in the sidebar
Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.
We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.
Joe Biden didn’t win.
And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wolfie’s Wheatie’s Word of the Week:
- piece of yarn used to fasten a sail to a spar
- a short piece of spun yarn or other material, used to secure a sail to a yard, gaff, or the like
Shown in pictures

Here’s an entire morning of bluegrass gospel. Enjoy, and praise the Lord!

This week, we’re going light on the math and science – but this will still tweak your brain.
Frankly, it’s kinda cool to see these people as “real” people.
Because they WERE real!
Just sayin’!
And remember…….
Until victory, have faith!

And trust the big plan, too!

And as always….


New Schlichter —
It’s all about death and destruction with those people.
And homo-everything.
And especially homo-erotic. Although it all seems weird and far from erotic to everybody else.
The vaccine-dance seemed more homo-necrotic.
Death cult for sure!!!
For sure!
Nice play.
They were dead fucking tired.
It was fun to play the bluegrass music while watching the portraits scroll by. It’s wild to see those people looking so modern. King Charles II became a rock star, LOL. I love Antonio Vivaldi’s music, and I think the modern portrait is fitting. Mozart looks very cool. I can’t see Beethoven without thinking of John Belushi.
A number of the ladies are quite pretty.
I’m sure AI could do the reverse: take current photos and make them into period portraits.
Ah, that latter idea sounds interesting! Could be a lot of fun!
Catherine the great was described (in her own day) as plain; I don’t think that’s quite justified here.
Many of the renditions smooth the edges off some feature that was really emphasized in the portraits which makes them look more plausible.
I’ll keep with this version knowing there are others.

It’s most like one painted for her in her time.
The top portrait could easily be a depiction of the night she overthrew her husband Peter III (and he richly deserved it).
Catherine the Great wasn’t ugly, but she wasn’t demure enough to be reckoned a great beauty. She probably left most men feeling inadequate.
Delightful video!
1) Inclusion of Henry 8’s wives was inspired. I was particularly interested in Anne of Cleves. Henry decided to marry her for political (religious) reasons but only if she were good looking. She lived in far off Germany. Henry sent a trusted adviser to size her up and got a good report back. The adviser also had her portrait made, and Henry liked that.
When she finally arrived, Henry was crushed, thinking her very unattractive. Henry was furious with the adviser and the portrait painter, accusing them of making Anne look much better than she was. Henry had to go through with the marriage for political reasons, but he was very unhappy. Anne was a very good, pious human, and Henry always treated her well, but not romantically except for a few pro forma occasions.
The portrait in this video may have been the one Henry saw (there are 2 or 3). Henry may very well have been correct, that the portrait deliberately made her look better than she was. There was intense politics behind it all. In this video, both the portrait and the modern portrayal present an attractive young woman. It just may not present the real Anne.
2) The modern clothing chosen by the creators of the video was perfect, IMO. You can “see” the modern type of person for each.
When a movie was shot in Buffalo, a friend of mine was part of set security. A big production crew was here. My friend got to meet the casting person, and she and he hit it off very well.
She discussed the secrets of casting with him, and it was very interesting. For example, she told him that he had a 1930’s face, and could be cast as such. And you know, she was right. Whenever I see a movie set in the 30’s, I can see my friend’s face being there. Totally subjective, but somehow exactly right.
3) The young Stalin was also interesting, and again seemed very “true.” I just read the book Stalin: The Court of the Red Tsar. Great book, very illuminating. Stalin was a much more affable, charming and considerate person than I would have thought. It is easy to see him as the “cool dude” as portrayed in the video. But then that should tell us something, too, as much as his undoubted ability to make children laugh.
I remember my college Humanities profession describing Anne of Cleves as that “German cow”. At least she managed to escape Henry VIII’s murderous side, iirc. I wondered about how lovely that portrait made her appear too…
I actually was disappointed that so much of the video was of Henry’s Serial Harem.
When Henry fell in love, he fell in love. He was married to the wonderful Catherine of Aragon for many years before throwing her overboard. Catherine was a true heroine. Each of his wives is intriguing in her own right, and their individual stories are each very interesting. So my own fascination accounts for my reaction to their inclusion.
Yesterday was election day in Venezuela.
It appears possibly like Maduro may have sent too many of his soldiers here to the USA. He is having very serious problems at the polls and is threatening to blood.
I think this was earlier before the army was sent in to take the vote.
And what is happening there appears as if the vote will be stolen.
Prayers for the people of Venezuela.
But commies won’t give in.
“But commies won’t give in.”
They enjoy brutality and murder too much.
In a sense, communists never lose. Their innate sadism just changes venue.
it’s not about votes, it’s about who controls the “ballots”.
Yes, prayers!
One way or another, the opposition wins. If Maduro fails to leave power, his socialism will still lose all legitimacy.
I’m sure he’ll be fine with that, the iron fist works with or without the velvet glove.
Here it comes! There was no way Maduro could fudge the numbers! He has to do something different.
THIS is where the “too big to rig” strategy pushed his regime!!!
We need to take a lesson!!!
This would be a great time to substitute final images of Ceaucescu and Mussolini for the results of all his supporters’ internet searches….
“Well, you know, she wasn’t tall enough. Because I’m tall, and she wasn’t tall enough.”
Yes, that was the whole point of the criticism. It wasn’t a personal attack on her, she shouldn’t have even been there. There are no trophies for trying, if the protectee is killed.
And no matter how hard she tried, she wasn’t going to grow 10 inches taller once the bullets started flying.
I understand what he’s doing, I just don’t think it helps to prop up any aspect of the Great Pretending at this point. Or at any point, for that matter.
Pretending is a form of lie, it’s gaslighting, and it’s the entire ocean of lies that have led our nation, and the whole freaking world, to the global insanity we’re dealing with now.
Trump is projecting chivalry. It may not stop him from getting killed, but it’s points for style.
I’m glad somebody besides me got that.
Me, also.
Including moi.
“I understand what he’s doing, I just don’t think it helps to prop up any aspect of the Great Pretending at this point.”
Obviously he wants to encourage and praise anyone on the SS team who may actually be loyal, it would be suicidal to do otherwise, at least until or unless the entire agency is scrapped and replaced.
But when the entire nation (at least those who think) recognizes that the SS agency absolutely and very intentionally created the environment for what happened on July 13, and the whole nation recognizes the physical reality that a tall protectee requires tall agents for physical body protection, it is gaslighting to praise the agency and to admonish the public who see with their own eyes what took place.
I don’t see it as Trump propping up pretending. I see him praising an individual who was willing to die to protect him. Trump has also made statements about the failures of the SS that day. He is making a distinction between leadership vs. the officers who were on duty, and in so doing, he is highlighting the huge gap between the working people and the cabal who are running things. That’s something that everyone can relate to, and I believe people will understand. He is a master at messaging.
Yup, his message is, the SS better wake up and use appropriate people on his detail because HE KNOWS what they’ve done.
“Yup, his message is, the SS better wake up and use appropriate people on his detail because HE KNOWS what they’ve done.”
Kill me once, shame on you.
Kill me twice, shame on me…
Guess which agent should have been with JILL BIDEN? Instead of all the TALL GUYS she was surely assigned.
Feminism is a cancer, and this is a prime example of the toxicity. Politics over reality.
Is Caitlin interested in moonlighting as a personal security agent?
“Beautiful,” he said of Nellie Ohr, the wife of a Justice Department official who worked for Fusion GPS, the research firm that commissioned a dossier that made salacious claims about Mr. Trump.”
“In a separate tweet, Mr. Trump used the word “lovely” to describe Lisa Page, the former F.B.I. lawyer who worked on both the Clinton email and Russia investigations and whose text exchanges with another bureau official, Peter Strzok, included repeated criticism of Mr. Trump during his candidacy.”
You’ve probably seen this video before, but I just love the metaphorical description of what happened to her.
“Factory settings”; perfect.
“Design spec”…..per The Designer.
“So I go on dates with a lot of men and women…”
Yeah. Me, too!
And dogs. I date a lot of dogs here in East LA
This is an archived NYTimes article that I think is too long to copy here.
Gunman at Trump Rally Was Often a Step Ahead of the Secret Service
The piece is full of details and timelines about J13. It notes that law enforcement was aware of Crooks 90 minutes before the shooting, not 60 minutes, and it shows some text messages.
Someone who has been following closely and is well versed in details will be able to tell if there are any inaccuracies in this article and how much it might add to the knowledge we have.
I wasn’t aware of this:
Has Chrissy looked into the possibility that Kennedy was hit by shrapnel?
That Oswald was using the same self-disintegrating bullets that Crooks used?
They were invented after JFK was whacked.
SD has a theory about which IC/gov agencies use which news outlets to float their points of view on.
Yes, he’s been saying that for years, and I know there’s truth in it. But this article provides a lot of facts that don’t have spin.
No matter what else happened…. The biggest fail was…..
Letting Trump take the stage with ANY shenanigan’s happening.
Laura Loomer:
I think this needs to be highlighted in campaign ads.
Actually I think conservatives need to shut up until AFTER the DNC convention. All they are doing is helping OH!Bummer to get HIS Pick in place.
Truth delayed is Truth denied. Eric Holder excels at the delay game.
Nope. I’m gonna batter these people with TRUTH, at the earliest possible moment, and make them change horses as often as they have to do it, because we are creating a chain reaction of errors on their part.
IMO the only way to fight communists is to keep them backing up and tripping over their heels. And that includes HEELS UP, Kamalazuela, Scamala, THE HO.
OK, I can see that plan of attack.
I just hope it works the way we want it too!
BTW, I am archiving each day’s Assassination discussions on that post by day.
Not all comments but enough to be able to follow the discussion and to capture the info.
TY Gail for All of you MAGA efforts! You Rock!!!
You are very welcome.
The stuff we dig up here is too important to lose and as we now know Google and the other search engines tamper with our ability to FIND information.
It’s partly why I kept trying to capture so many images from the bodycam footage, thinking it will get disappeared “soon”…
We Are a TEAM!
Yes we are!!!
Synthetic support for a synthetic black candidate.
I need to teach Valerie to blarp sometime….
It’s just a jump to the left…..
Then a step to the rii-ii-iight
Put your hands on your hips
And bring your knees in ti-ii-ight…..
“Let’s….do…. the time blarp… again!”
Clueless here (per usual???)…
Yesterday’s open – cthulhu did a post saying “Blarp!” to hit 399 – then he did a Leonidas 400 to hit 400!
I was thinking of the sound effect that that alien pet in the new-ish Lost in Space movie made
That works, too….
Monster rant about Kamala and the Dems (language warning, of course):
Interesting analysis . I skipped to toward the end. There’s one especially odd clip after Trump has been hit, supposedly the assassin has been shot. An armed LEO on the edge of the stage lifts his foot and looks down as if another bullet has been shot approx at 40:00. Also they point out a mole on the dead shooters neck that is shown on Yearick in a photo.
Thanks! I’ve watched a third of it – more later!
If any good photos come to light of Yearick (alive) which show his lower teeth that would be the clincher.
Look for lower teeth on Crooks, too – for elimination!
I think I’ve seen them discussing this in another video where they think he’s running into a wire that connects the teleprompter to a weight that holds it down. Same set up on both sides of the stage. There are so many Cullen/Goodman videos that I can’t keep them straight.
Good! Makes sense!
Dan Scavino:
At the website:
I there any correlation between those who rely on Google and those who thought the jab was safe and effective.
maybe I shouldn’t say this but…
something’s been on my mind about all the various shooters & “snipers” on hand that day, at that site…
I love that iconic photo of PDJT’s courage & victory over that moment in history.
I thank GOD that he was miraculously able to, literally, dodge that bullet.
however…when you look at that photo, at that instant, a real sniper could have made the hit, right then, at that moment.
at best, they were marksmen.
but snipers…?
if they really wanted to do the despicable deed, they (any one of them) had other opportunities to do so after the shot that clipped his ear.
he had no protection whatsoever.
thankfully, they had no Plan B, apparently.
and no trained assassins.
just a patsy, and mediocre marksmen.
Don’t necessarily agree with that one. Target acquisition in the scope after the fisrt round is fired is not easy even for good shots. The subject was now moving and you’re trying to find it again.
(probably what the one sniper was doing when he looked up)
Also, remember once the patsy was down, their game was over even with a clear shot. At that point their cover is over.
You have to remember PDT “moved” at precisely the right moment in time.
right, I get what you’re saying.
their cover was over, thankfully it failed, that ship sailed.
but it unnerves me, still, how easily another shot could have been made by a skilled sniper who could have pulled it off, in all the confusion (maybe)….especially with the right gun for the job.
and the distances were short.
PDJT was just too exposed…vulnerable.
maybe I’ve been watching too many Shooter episodes…?
could be.
Four years deeper into Kamalazuela, and what you’re fearing is what would happen.
Second patsy operation – another shot – another patsy.
It MAY have even been planned to have happened here, if it’s true that Yearick or Hooper or some other asset was at the event. It’s possible that their “second patsy” got busted, and crippled the operation.
Also In one of the videos, BEFORE Trump was let up, you can hear them say the threat was neutralized.
YES! They were confident that the threat was neutralized enough to move Trump, which was a VERY high priority, only second to covering him immediately with their own bodies as the first step!
A “possible second shooter with no evidence thereof” would not be a reason not to move him.
Or…. maybe they chickened out?
I’ve seen criticism of the SS for letting Trump be visible at all after he went down. I’m glad it resulted as it did, but I get your point that he was still vulnerable and that shouldn’t have been allowed to happen.
Your not wrong. If they had like you said a Plan B still waiting in the wings. Meanwhile they didn’t let Trump up until they had a confirm on Plan A being cleared but what would they know at that time about a Plan B? Nothing.
That’s what the NYTimes article I posted is about. I couldn’t copy the text messages, but they are in that X post.
Hope this lets some of those images show, running them through Gab
A countersniper with local law enforcement first noticed Thomas Crooks nearly 100 minutes before the shooting and texted two colleagues about his presence.Credit…
Beaver County E.S.U., via Senator Charles E. Grassley
At 5:38 p.m., another countersniper sent photographs of Mr. Crooks outside the AGR International building to a group of local law enforcement officers.Credit…
Beaver County E.S.U., via Senator Charles E. Grassley
Sources: Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access (imagery); Beaver County ESU After Action Report via Senator Charles Grassley and Times reporting (locations)•By Scott Reinhard
NOTE: the above image is incomplete as to how it appears at the Times article as the labels didn’t also show…
position of
local snipers
5:14 p.m.Gunmanphotographed6:11 p.m.Gunmanfires
4:26 p.m.
Gunman first
200 feet
Hope this Snipping Tool Image shows OK
Part of the timeline per the article
“On Thursday, July 11, the Secret Service returned to the site for a final walk-through with its local partners.
The next day, Mr. Crooks made his own final preparations. He went to a shooting range, the Clairton Sportsmen’s Club, around 2:30 p.m., and practiced with his AR-15-style rifle.
On Saturday morning, July 13, the timelines of the security personnel and the would-be assassin converged.
Officers from several local law enforcement agencies were scheduled for a briefing at 9 a.m. at the Brady Paul Lodge in Butler, according to a plan shown in the text messages. The after-action report indicates the Secret Service was not in attendance.
At the same time, Mr. Crooks was at the Home Depot in Bethel Park purchasing a ladder. A bloody receipt, found in the shooter’s pocket after he was killed, showed he bought it around 9:30 a.m.
Then Mr. Crooks drove to the rally site, reaching the show grounds by around 10 a.m. and staying about 70 minutes — even as the local countersnipers were arriving.
When Mr. Crooks left, he drove back to his hometown and bought 50 rounds of ammunition at Allegheny Arms & Gun Works. Then he returned to Butler, arriving at the farm show grounds in his Hyundai Sonata at about 3:35 p.m., according to geolocation information from one of his cellphones. About 15 minutes later, he flew his drone over the site for 11 minutes, including in a path about 200 yards from Mr. Trump’s podium.
He finished using his drone and sat at the picnic table, where the countersniper spotted him.
Mr. Crooks walked to his car, left the drone inside and was soon hanging around the warehouse complex.
Unlike the other visitors, he was not trying to enter the rally site through the security checkpoints, a fact that attracted the attention of the local countersnipers inside the warehouse. One of them took photos of him at 5:14 p.m.”
VC Note could the feds have planted that one phone on “Crooks” for going back to his hometown to purchase ammo that same day seems really suspicious, like Manchurian Candidate level leave a trail that a blind guy could follow stuff
More of the Alleged Timeline, per the article:
“But then, Mr. Crooks did something that alarmed the police. They saw him using the range finder.
A Beaver County countersniper shared two photos of Mr. Crooks with his colleagues at 5:38 p.m., which were then relayed to the Secret Service, through a series of steps in the command center.
One of the two remaining countersnipers “ran out of the building attempting to keep eyes on Crooks until other law enforcement arrived,” according to a statement by Richard Goldinger, the Butler County district attorney, who supervises some of the law enforcement units.
But Mr. Crooks ran off, taking a backpack with him, Mr. Goldinger said. When the officer was unable to find Mr. Crooks, he returned to his post.
Four Butler Township police officers who had been directing traffic joined the manhunt.
At 6 p.m., one officer in the group texts guessed that Mr. Crooks was moving toward the back of the complex of AGR buildings, “away from the event.” Instead, Mr. Crooks clambered onto the low-slung building in the complex closest to the stage.
Mr. Trump took the podium at 6:03 p.m., to a roaring crowd.
Six minutes later, rally attendees began pointing to someone on the roof of the warehouse. Either through luck or preparation, Mr. Crooks had found a place on the roof that let him see Mr. Trump clearly, but also seemed to keep him somewhat hidden from the Secret Service countersnipers.
Though Mr. Crooks did not bring his newly purchased ladder, he managed to climb onto the roof and walk across a complex of interconnected roofs, Mr. Wray testified.
The Butler Township officers had no ladder themselves, so one officer boosted up another, who grabbed the roof and pulled himself up — to find Mr. Crooks pointing a gun at him. With no hands left to pull his own gun, the officer dropped.
At 6:11 p.m., Mr. Crooks let loose his first rounds.”
Law enforcement officers gathered on the warehouse rooftop near the body of the gunman after the assassination attempt.Credit…
Beaver Co. Emergency Services Unit, via Chuck Grassley
The body-camera footage shows officers climbing a ladder to find Mr. Crooks lying dead on the roof: a slight man, wearing black sneakers, a T-shirt and cargo shorts. His backpack and rifle lay nearby. A long trail of blood ran from his body down to the roof’s gutter.
“Looks like, what, at least eight,” one of them says, counting shell casings around him. “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. At least eight.”
Campbell Robertson, Jeanna Smialek, Malachy Browne and Glenn Thrush contributed reporting.
Haley Willis is a Times reporter with the Visual Investigations team, covering conflict, corruption and human rights. More about Haley Willis
Aric Toler is a reporter on the Visual Investigations team at The Times where he uses emerging techniques of discovery to analyze open source information. More about Aric Toler
David A. Fahrenthold is an investigative reporter writing about nonprofit organizations. He has been a reporter for two decades. More about David A. Fahrenthold
Adam Goldman writes about the F.B.I. and national security. He has been a journalist for more than two decades. More about Adam Goldman
VC Note here, I thought the body cam footage had the cop counting Five Rounds…
Yup – I hear you. Show me the video of when somebody counted 8 rounds – and when that happened relative to when 5 rounds were counted!
What you gonna believe your lying eyes AND ears?/s
What I wish to know, independent of second shooter theories, is if the PA sniper team in the AGR second floor could see Crooks and take his photo how in the heck is it he climbs up onto the roof right under their nose?
The Brooks DA doesn’t touch his egress to the roof, but does say that they would not be able to see Crooks on the roof top before shooting with out leaning out the window which is so much BS. You can sit by any window and practically get a 180 degree view without sticking your head outside. 160 degrees easy with out trying and Crooks firing position is less than 160 degrees from any of those windows on the 2nd story.
Meanwhile Wray also evades talk of Crooks’s exact way up onto the roof in relation to the local sniper team in the AGR bldg and no one will pin them down on this simple thing.
What someone needs to do is a reenactment. Sit a person down in front of each window on the second floor facing the rally and give them a flag to wave. Have some people play crowd pointing to the roof. When those in the window see the crowd they can wave their flag. Next have a Crooks Roll Player scale form AC to the roof. When those sitting at the the windows see Crooks Roll Player they can start waving their flag. Have them continue to wave their flag during the time that they can see the Crooks Roll Player as he moves into his shoot position.
Since the best location for the Counter Sniper Team would have been on the roof but are in the windows, they should be sitting as close to the window possible for the widest view possible.
Meanwhile without the reenactment, is willing to bet every window would see the crowd, see roll player climb up and see the firing position and approach to the firing position unless they sat a couple feet back from the window which would minimize the vantage point of using the window.
My theory is Crooks was just a distraction for the crowd and SS teams to concentrate on while the real killer made the first shot. And that shot was Crooks signal to fire away. If the sniper team had Crooks in their sights when he shot, why did they look up rather than fire on him?
Maybe because “he” didn’t take the first shot, someone else did, they looked up to find the source of the first shot.
Just all speculation and more than likely never going to know who did what.
I agree. He was a decoy
“If the sniper team had Crooks in their sights when he shot, why did they look up rather than fire on him?
Maybe because “he” didn’t take the first shot, someone else did, they looked up to find the source of the first shot.”
This!!! If only someone could ask the rooftop snipers what they Saw (or Didn’t See) & Heard…
Watch out for “suicides” on those counter-snipers!!!
I have been saying that for DAYS!
Think Wiener’s Laptop cops and J-6 cops, not to mention all the Los Vegas ‘accidents’
The Deep State has ZERO problem in getting rid of wittnesses.
This makes a lot of sense. If the rooftop counter-snipers were watching Crooks, who was HIDDEN OVER THE CREST OF THE ROOF, then it’s entirely possible that Crooks had never let his gun appear over the crest.
The counter-snipers were likely watching for Crooks to bring any gun into view – and he never did, until AFTER THE THIRD SHOT.
And those three shots likely came from either the first floor BELOW Crooks, or from a second floor, second building window.
That would really explain things.
The “Pro” (1st 3 shots) could have come from one of the nearby trees?
Also WHY have the window open if you were not going to stick your head out AFTER SEEING CROOKS ACTING SUSPICIOUS??
HA! Great thinking. It’s a DUH on the window. It’s either open for observation, or closed for safety. PICK ONE.
That would provide Crucial Info, so those in on the plot will avoid it like the plague, imo
Is it my eyesight or does he have on 2 different tee shirts in the 2 pictures?
Also I hadn’t realized that the roof had raised slats or whatever they’re called. How do you lie down on those?
I think it is one shirt but the logo is unusual & both times only partially seen. I think he laid down between those ridges as they were stretching between the roofline & edge/gutter area. His body appeared to be between those ridges w/ the long blood trail going between 2 ridges only. Lots of images here:
Honestly I’ve blown it up and still can’t understand why the shirt graphic looks different but ?
So the shooter was aiming over the adjoining roof that appears to be higher than the one he was on?
No – the shooter was on the LAST ROOF of the AGR buildings, on the side AWAY from the crowd and Trump, but firing OVER the center of that last building, and OVER the other side of the roof.
Firing DOWN in this diagram…..
And firing TOWARD the viewer in this image (which you have to click on and best view in another tab)…..
You know, something is really apparent in the overhead view.
Crooks was in THE BEST position to foil the USSS snipers on the roofs behind Trump.
He had tree cover obscuring his position from them, but Trump was completely visible and unobscrued to him.
THAT seems like far too good of planning for a first-time assassin.
AND the advantage of his position would be true for a pro firing from directly beneath his position.
Thank you
Were you able to take a look at the LEO at 40;00 in this vid? It’s very suspect to me
Are you talking about the guy with tactical gear who makes the weird step, and it might be because of a shot after the last shot?
Question… The “shooter” was elevated so how did he hit patriots that were above Trump in the stands? The bullet trajectory would be downwards?
I think these are very good questions, and patriots are going to need to work on both angle and elevation of the trajectories.
That said, it’s complicated – I think it was roughly flat. Crooks wasn’t that high off the ground. Trump’s ear and the stand were elevated. The heights may all be fairly similar.
BUT – if we can prove that the first three shots needed a rising angle, and the others didn’t have one, then I think it really confirms a second shooter somehow on the first floor.
They could be using some kind of Vegas “magic” tech to make those windows appear solid and closed when they’re not. That stuff could be highly classified.
Not over any other building… just over the “peak”.
Don’t know about the shirt(s)…
The ridges are a minimum of 2 feet apart and run vertically (up and down along the minimal slope), so laying between them is not an issue. He did not lay across them.
He may have exposed his forehead when crossing those ribs to the (his) left, in trying to get off the roof. That would be one explanation for separation from the gun, although the shell casings seem right for where he was found. The gun to the right remains puzzling. I have theories, but none are solid.
Yep… Gun seen a minimum of 10 feet away from the body.
I thought the gun was to the left of the shooter…
In this pic the gun, I believe, is just below the “weapon” in closeup & slightly left of “Michelle” (technically on Her right)
Hope this lets you see the T-Shirts better, by removing more of the extraneous info.
This next image was from on the roof, if the image could be rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise then it would be closer to the orientation of the other 2 pics
The source images:
I tried an image search with the first 2 clipped T-Shirt images but it did not turn up the actual T-Shirt, unfortunately.
It looks to me like an eagle with a black border that somewhat approximates the shape of the eagle, above & below. I cannot tell what the symbols directly above the eagle’s head are saying.
Hope this helps a bit more
Here’s the logo or whatever from the first T-Shirt image hard to make out.
I think if you split the first image down the middle of the head through the middle of the tail of the eagle & then mirrored it it would be close to the whole t-shirt, except for the logo which isn’t symmetrical, at least to me.
thank you, i see it now
That photo of Crooks is not on the roof of that building. There is NO BRICK on that building.
I haven’t seen any proof that Crooks was on that roof or that he was the shooter.
Looks more like Yearick in the death photos.
The PTB have been trying to mislead us since the moment the last shot was fired.
Only thing I’m even moderately sure of is that Corey Comperatore was killed and two others wounded.
I was not watching the rally live, but later saw clips where Trump grabbed his ear and was pushed down by the SS team.
I’m a very suspicious distrustful soul, even more so since the plannedemic, I’ve even considered the possibility that Trump might have slapped a packet of fake blood on his ear to simulate a bullet wound. Surely PDJT is not selfish and evil enough to let people be killed and wounded to create a sensation and sympathy.
I can only hope and believe the evidence we have seen that Trump fears GOD, loves our country and its people.
I agree, there is much to distrust, and I maintain a small amount of doubt that it was Crooks on top of the building.
As for the brick, I am now OK with it. There is a very skeptical anon (not anonymous, but whatever) who did a video confirming exactly WHERE that photo of Crooks (real Crooks) with the BRICK was taken. He found an overhead view of it. It’s in front of the two-story building where the “local” swat counter-snipers were supposedly stationed, and where they allegedly took Crooks’ picture out of a second floor window. The anon said that he confirmed that part of the story, and I believe him.
The short brick wall is on the ground in front of that building. The anon got Google Earth pictures of it.
Hilarious. Benny does his man- on-the-street “what d’ya think about Kamala Harris”
I think she’s beautiful….That was Willie Brown

…best looking AG…That was hussein.
Only in Californicate could that be a bad thing.
Obama Apologizes To California AG Over ‘Best Looking’ Remark
I figured hussein was thanking her for past or planning some.
Assuming that the cartridge’s bought by Crooks are reasonably expensive and probably sold packaged not sold loose.
What would be the normal minimum quantity one could buy.
I’m wondering why buy 50 (plus any he took form home) when half a dozen would have been more than enough for his would be purpose and survival expectancy, if he was the assassin.
Two boxes of 25 maybe? Always practice with what you actually hunt with at some point.
Thanks for the information re quantities, but if he was the assassin he must have known he wouldn’t be around to need the second box.
Edit- unless he thought he was still in a computer game/
Adding on to B& F. Box quantity varies and includes, but not limited to 20, 50, 100, 150, 200, 500, 1,000. Some of those are packaged loose, like the box of 1,000. Or so I’ve heard.
50 may have been somewhat due to availability at the store AND OR the caliber, bullet desired.
In a year or two FIB will report their official version.
The store could have AND should have cleared it up on July 14. Transparency AND preclude FIB fibbing.
Ah, availability I’d never thought of that aspect.
Yea. I have no idea the store size and shelf space allocated to ammunition. More specifically .223 and 5.56 ammunition.
Here’s my opinion.
Boxes of 50+ loose .223/5.56 tend to be cheap, and are useful for sighting in, practice, etc. Sometimes these are fairly high-quality, reliable rounds, and are what people use to fill all their spare magazines.
Boxes of 50 loose rounds are also small – fairly compact – take up less room – good to throw into the bottom of a bag. They’re not too heavy, like a bigger box. And 50 rounds is “more than enough” for many things, including basic practice.
Boxes of 20 are sometimes cheap, but are sometimes fairly expensive, for exactly the same caliber, but very different rounds. They are typically padded and big for the number of rounds. The strategy seems to be “low priced and just 20 is very attractive and easy to sell a box or two for an eye-poppingly low price”, or alternatively “high-priced and just 20 is very attractive as high quality and special, and easy to sell a box or two for a stiff price.”
Either way, practicing with the same rounds used for whatever is being practiced for (hunting, target event, self-defense, etc.) is a good strategy, but can be expensive with premium bullets. In that case, it’s better to begin-practice and sight in with good cheapies, then run a box of similar expensive rounds to do final sighting and to load for standby.
Manufacturing 4AM talking points for Pravda News AND talk show asshats.
Beyond stupid.
If he fell, how many people down below would be hurt or killed?
I thought that was possibly (strange) AI imagery?
Kill joy.
I’m reading an old article of Naomi’s…
“Pfizer knew that “exposure” to the vaccine was defined — in their own words – as sexual contact (especially at time of conception), skin contact, inhalation or lactation. []. ‘Fact-checkers’ can deny this all they want. The documents speak for themselves.”
“It seems that there can indeed be a happenstance genocide. Reproduction itself is targeted, intentionally or not, by the mRNA vaccines. And if you know that reproduction is harmed, and babies and fetuses are harmed, and you know that this is at scale, which everyone at Pfizer and at the FDA who read these documents, knew —and if you do not stop — then does that not ultimately become a genocide?
The WarRoom/DailyClout volunteers have confirmed that lipid nanoparticles, the tiny hard fatty casings that contain the MRNA, traverse the amniotic membrane. That means that they enter the fetal environment, of course. (They also traverse the blood-brain barrier, which may help explain the post-MRNA vaccination strokes and cognitive issues we are seeing). The Volunteers have drilled deep into the Pfizer documents’ reports about pregnancy and found that the assurance that the vaccine is “safe and effective” for pregnant women, was based on a study of 44 French rats, followed for 42 days (the scientists who ran the study are shareholders or employees of BioNTech). []
The Volunteers found that while pregnant women were excluded from the internal studies, and thus from the EUA on which basis all pregnant women were assured the vaccine was “safe and effective”, nonetheless about 270 women got pregnant during the study. More than 230 of them were lost somehow to history. But of the 36 pregnant women whose outcomes were followed – 28 lost their babies.
The Volunteers found that a baby died after nursing from a vaccinated lactating mother, and was found to have had an inflamed liver. Many babies nursing from vaccinated mothers showed agitation, gastrointestinal distress, and failure to thrive (to grow), and were inconsolable.
I am hearing anecdotal reports of these symptoms in babies nursing from vaccinated mothers, now, from across the country.”
This goes right along w/ that chart tweeted by Naomi elsewhere on today’s page, imo…
He’s champin’ at the bit.
Little fun story. Our company flew to Ft Carson about 120 of us. We were then split up and put on 6 separate C 141’s with the intention of jumping into Forth Irwin, CA at the Desert Training Grounds and the rest of the plane was filled with soldiers from Forth Carson, a full battalion with support units, who would not have to pay for the trip if we jumped out of the aircraft since the Airforce considered paratroopers exiting the plane to be training for them and would thus foot the bill vs the Army paying for it.
So we essentially had 10 to 12 jumpers per door on each of the six planes. Now the Ft Carson soldiers were sitting across from the door and near the door so they could easily see out actions when we were told to stand up, check equipment, check static lines and then the doors of aircraft were open. We could see our sitting passengers get nervous as they gripped their seats harder and watched. Green light came on and we filed out the door. The army safeties are from our unit and do not jump. They remain in the A/C to retrieve the static line Deployment bags. They told us as soon as we jumped it caused a chain reaction of people throwing up in the back of the plane by the doors.
Wow, putrid puking peer pressure
As if insulting men couldn’t get any worse. Notice that they don’t say one negative thing about the queer gals.
The guy is an unwed father. His lifestyle choices are despicable but his paternal instinct was real and should be celebrated.
I speculate that the birth mother and the guy were having a relationship and they broke up due to her choice to have a girl sex partner. He probably donated his sperm the old fashioned way one last time.
WTH is wrong with Monday?
Nothing, if you’re on Qtree blog.
If you’re stuck in D.C., well …
the bear was exterminated by the park/wildlife people because he had been a nuisance–breaking into homes and camps for years. after they shot it, the removed the head and claws (as per the law) because these things are trafficked. the bear was shot in the river and started to drift, so they worked quickly to remove the head and claws and by then the body was drifting into waters too deep to recover. but it did get hung up on rocks and is noticeable to anyone in the river.
Allowing the ecosystem to recycle its detritus.
So the govt chops off the head and claws to prevent traffickers from chopping off the head and claws…
apparently it’s a law. if they have to kill a bear OR if they find one dead, they must, by law, remove those parts. to prevent the trafficking of those parts.
Thanks for bringing the facts, which IMO should have been discovered before any news outlet reported the story.
Russia, Russia, Russia
Hey, what’s up with that? Russia has free speech!
The world has turned upside down

That perfectly captures the incessant emphasis on sexual acts.
W.H.O. owns that graphic. Just saying. BTW, the muzzies lie about their alky use. Don’t want to get called out on their sin at the mosque.
Who knew?
Seriously, who needed help figuring that out?
Subtract five gift points for expanding govt.
Side effect: the sadistic enjoyment factor of watching libertarians express their conflict over DJT’s bitcoin love versus having the govt involved in it.
Slab jab?
DiED suDDeNLy!!!
His heart wasn’t into it.
[ducks and flees flying objects]
Got caught with an unexpected left jab.
Economist Says Kamala’s Word Salad Is Really ‘Obscurantist Theorizing’ She Learned From Her Marxist Dad –Twitchy
Hoe is so easy to verbally slap around.
a completely unserious candidate
But no “standing” to reverse the results and charge the criminals for a federal election crimes.
The legal and judiciary of this nation should be ashamed at their own corruption. They have aided and abetted sedition.
All of it, J6, Russia Russia, the so called investigations, the Hur interview, election fraud, the Trump witch hunt, now the assassination attempt.would not have been possible with an honest ethical judiciary.
This is also interesting. The focus on crew diversity reminds me very strongly of antics that the Soviets played with their crews of cosmonauts.
Did they spot another FLY on the vehicle?
A maggot stowaway before take off
Or….. Just more LIES from NASA
BTW NASA in Hebrew = Deceiver
“Potential”? And how do we know it’s Mars?
AI said so.
In the article the “potential” was possible biological vs chemical or geological, I believe.
So they’re down to THAT!!!
They’re SCARED of JD.
Yeah Right. I doubt those emails would be news to DJT either LOL
This is important to listen to.
It sounds like FIB had an “informant” (handler?) meeting with Crooks.
In case anyone missed it here’s the original link to the oversight project posted a few days ago, street plan shows where someone was within walking distance of.
Scroll down and it ends with this statement…
Oversight Project
Jul 22
For those that are tracking this type of data, we identified devices that were located at Crook’s home and his work within the past year. There were at least 9 devices linked to these AD-IDs We are willing to cooperate with legitimate investigations and share further information.>>> For the protection of whistleblowers and our investigation, we will not be sharing further information with the congressional task force due to the connective tissue between that entity and FBI, USSS, and other entities.<<<
It is notable that Crooks’ phone never goes to DC, but a phone that visits him BOTH at home and at work goes to DC. Not just DC, but a likely meeting place with FIB agents. THAT person may be dead already.
Fort Marcy Parked, eh?
Elon’s tranny son
And remember – Biden has handed PRESIDENTIAL POWERS OF FOREIGN POLICY over to Antony Blinken, who is like a son to George Soros.
Yeah. I hear you! Bad news!
Should be illegal…passing off powers to dodge a 25th amendment removal
If he’s incompetent to stand trial, campaign, AND run the country then how is he competent to delegate power?
Wow! That’s an excellent point!
If rules still mattered for Demmunists, it might make a difference!
Rulz & Lawz are for everybody not Dems or their allies
Keep in mind we are all on a journey. Tucker’s led to this in his 50’s.
Great post.
Folks need to pay attention to this because it is truth.
We can refuse to accept it and it will not change the truth of what is happening today and what is going to happen in the future is contained within the Bible.
It is your conclusive evidence of God’s existence and hand in what happens with His creation.
Refuse to accept at your own personal peril, it will not change the outcome.
More France stuff…
“Massive sabotage was carried out on the network equipment of French telecommunications operators Bouygues and SFR throughout France, Le Parisien newspaper reported.
According to her, on Monday night the cables of these operators were cut in the departments of Hérault, Buch-du-Rhône, Oise, Meuse, Drôme and Aude. According to preliminary data, a total of 28 incidents were recorded, most of which affected fixed lines. So far, no group has claimed responsibility for the incident.”
Not sure I buy that.
It could also be somebody who needs Iran taken out, and doesn’t have the will or capability to do it themselves.
And I’m not a fan of Iran.
But I’m not a fan of trickery either.
I need indisputable proof of who did it.
“indisputable proof” should always be required, especially before retaliation!
My AMERICA FIRST “never again” is 9/11.
Other “never agains” get in line after that one.
Iran is the new Russia boogeyman. Iran cited as wanting to kill Trump. Now Iran behind widespread terroristic acts in France.
Why aren’t they afraid of a mass killing of Olympic crowds?
The “weird grifting complex” that feeds on money needs a new war which either does an Iraq on Iran, or does a Korea or Vietnam on Israel.
Yup. She’s got it!
I love the way she called her “Camilla”! LOL!
When was the last time I read that name? Might have been this one…..
Joe Biden or the new Mr Trump? Camilla ‘hasn’t stopped talking about’ hearing the President ‘break wind’ during chat at Cop26 climate summit in Glasgow
Oh my goodness…Right!
My late black pastor told me that 95% of American blacks are mulatto. He said that fact alone made racism a stupid notion since everybody knows how they got that way.
He is certainly correct.
So after 1808, no more PURE BLOODED black slaves were brought to the USA. And YOU KNOW the slave masters did not keep ‘it’ tucked in their pants, ESPECIALLY since light skinned Black slaves brought a premium price.
The American Fancy Girl
I can believe this. COMMUNIST.
Sounds like key info at the end of this video! Hope it makes the difference, if it’s needed…
He had a handler. This is CLASSIC.
Sure looking that way–demonic deep state
A good, concise explanation.
in lieu of a book deal?
whatfinger take: Justice Department reaches $2M in settlements with FBI officials whose texts infuriated Trump – Politico (The scam to give this one money)
That money, plus portions of their salaries, will be legitimately returned to the U.S. Treasury by the Clawback Division of the Treasury Department.
How come the slut got less than the tramp? How misogynistic of DoJ.
HA! Excellent description of her.
And I hear Mark Kelly (Actor-Not) is top of Cacklers VP list.
Prayer request please:
I just got done texting with a dear friend. she’s in the hospital…her heart was racing at 170…bp was 290/145. she was passed out on the floor when her hubby found her.
they think it’s something to do with her aorta valve. ( and her lymph nodes)
creepy thing is…when she was young–around 14 iirc–her weird neighbor told her she would never live past 73 and her 73rd birthday is this Saturday.
thanks Valerie!
YW Pat. Please share an update when you can
I will.
got an update from her husband: her heart rate went up to 261!
they have an EEG test scheduled for this afternoon and tomorrow they plan to insert a scope down her throat to see the aorta.
she has developed a “lift” (he hasn’t explained that yet to me) and will need physical therapy for that.
Will keep praying. OMG – 261 bpm is insane!
I asked if she was currently being given medication and her husband said yes. so why the heck did it spike HIGHER?
thank you.
that’s my plan too. just pray
Wow that’s pretty intense. Will keep praying!
thank you
YW…any new news?
I will begin by praying that God shows He is stronger than soothsaying!
thank you.
in the past this “73 belief” brought her through some odd maladies. she knew she would come through because she wasn’t 73 yet. she just refused to entertain any possibility.
now though…i am worried she will give up because she is almost 73…if that makes any sense.
Oh, I know exactly what you’re saying!
May these thoughts and the demons behind them be rebuked! The grace of God is sufficient!
I prayed for God to put Jesus in her heart to tell her that what her neighbor said was untrue. Jesus is stronger than any lie.
Amen to that!
thanks Aubergine!
pat frederick
Lord God Almighty, please help pat frederick’s friend. Please give Deep Wisdom to her medical team.
Sending Good Energy and Deep Healing to your friend. One hopes that she is not COVID-19 “vaccinated.”
thank you PAVACA.
iirc she is not vaxxed–her doctor did not recommend it for her.
Be with me – take not – Your presence from me;
Let Your Spirit dwell – in me – let Him be;
My strength and solace – in turmoil of heart;
From me, Oh Lord – let Him never depart!
Without You, Lord – there is no breath of life;
Without You, Lord – the sorrow – it is rife;
Happiness eludes me – from my soul – it is gone;
Your peace in me – is vacant – totally withdrawn!
Hide not Your face from me – show me Your love;
Touch my heart with Your grace – sent from above;
Abandon me not – in my hour of need;
In Your great love, Lord – I am blessed indeed!
Fill me with your Spirit – right to the brim;
Let not hopelessness enter – faith be dim
Renew me – redo me – all over again;
Today – tomorrow – forever – Amen!
Infuse me – use me – for Your Glory, Lord;
Let me not forget – the truth in Your Word;
Raise me up, Lord – both steadfast and strong;
Be with me, Lord – where You only belong!
Strengthen me – Lord – oh, please hear my cry;
I don’t need to know the what, where or why;
I trust in Your judgment – Your mercy, Lord;
I trust in the truth revealed in Your Word!
I trust in Your Love poured out on the Tree;
I trust in Your Promise to always be;
Faithful and true for eyes that can see;
There for us all – who trust in Thee!
Be with me – Lord – refresh me – renew me;
This pain and discomfort – really threw me;
Jesus, come quickly – come quickly, I pray;
Let this doubt not take hold – unravel – fray!
Oh, precious, incorruptible Blood of the Lamb;
Encompass me – protect me – the sinner I am;
Enthrall me – befall me – change me within;
Blot my sin – from Thy sight – let it begin!
Wherein and where out – let the demon flee;
Far away – to the dry place – let it be;
Confined in the spaces – to do no harm;
To cause no distress – disruption – alarm!
Wash me – and cleanse me – pure white as snow;
Be near me – cheer me – wherever I go;
Lift my distress – give me some rest – I pray;
Be with me, Jesus – and love me Your Way!
DD1: 07/14/2013
thank you duchess!
Thank You Duchess!
I laid it all at his feet in the manner of your words 30 years ago, duchess. I understand. Thank you so much for these.
Emphasis mine.
Elon Musk Says the ‘Natural Extension’ of Kamala Harris’ Political Philosophy is ‘a de Facto Holocaust for All of Humanity’
Musk responded to Vance, writing, “Shamala is an extinctionist. The natural extension of her philosophy would be a de facto holocaust for all of humanity!”
These people have her number.
Yea they do.
Still cracking up over a very fitting, Shamala.
May I say that “Shamala” is my favorite new nickname for her? Perfect.
Let’s go BRENDA!
Someone in NJ is selling mech with this logo.
This probably sounds crazy, but I have trouble believing she has any convictions and core beliefs at all. That is NOT to say that I ascribe any virtue to her, because I don’t. She just seems so vapid that it’s hard for me to accept that she believes the globalist baloney she spews. I always had the impression that she was saying what she thought was expedient for her career and for politics.
In the end it doesn’t matter whether she truly believes in the things she advocates for; it must be stopped, and she must be stopped.
Exactly. Does she believe it truly and deeply, or as a matter of convenience?
Doesn’t matter. Millions if not billions will die if she’s elected.
Dave of X22 Report calls her Obamala.
Love it! And in analogy to Obola, there’s also Kambola!
Or Hobola!
The study referred to is here:
“Isolated Self-Limited Right Oculomotor Nerve Palsy With Positive Asialo-GMI Antibody After SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination”
Antonio K. Liu, et al.
21 July 2024
Yours Truly: This paper is peer-reviewed.
The injury was caused by the MODERNA modRNA COVID-19 “booster shot” that the patient took. THE PATIENT HAD NO PRIOR CONFIRMED COVID-19 INFECTION, AND HIS MEDICAL HISTORY WAS NON-CONTRIBUTORY. The IIIrd cranial nerve was affected; positive ganglioside antibodies were detected; and there was oculofacial paralysis involving the eye.
ALL THREE OF THESE NEGATIVE EFFECTS of the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” are listed HERE (among the 1,200 negative effects of these “vaccines”):
Please refer to Page 30 (Appendix 1. List of Adverse Events of Special Interest) of this report, which Pfizer-BioNTech gave to the FDA on 30 April 2021, regarding adverse reactions to the company’s “flagship” modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine”, BNT162b2.
The MODERNA modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” use the same mRNA of SARS-CoV-2 as does the Pfizer-BioNTech line of COVID-19 “vaccines.” MODERNA uses a different (but also dangerous) lipid nanoparticle, SM-102, for its COVID-19 “vaccines.”
The paper cited above goes through the “mRNA vaccines are a tool in fighting the COVID-19 virus” statement, then goes on to describe what happened to this patient as “rare.”
In the Appendix 1. List of Adverse Events of Special Interest in the Pfizer-BioNTech report cited above, ALL THREE of the listed effects on the patient are found:
*** Page 30 (Page 1 of the Appendix 1.): “Anti-ganglioside antibody positive”
*** Page 34 (Page 5 of the Appendix 1.): “IIIrd nerve paralysis”
*** Page 35 (Page 6 of the Appendix 1.): “Oculofacial paralysis”
Notes: The IIIrd cranial nerve is the one that regulates eye movement. The presence of ganglioside antibodies is found in certain autoimmune diseases, as well as in certain neurological conditions.
Fortunately, the patient was admitted to the hospital and recovered from the injury. However, later testing revealed the presence of the Asialo-GMI antibodies. The patient subsequently had a full recovery.
Vaccination is a dangerous treatment. “Bad antibodies” with “wrong side effects” are a thing.
Wolf Moon
Screenshot from a statement by Dr. Peter Hotez:
He’s a dangerous putz!!!
He’s yet another totalitarian genocidal psychopath, per usual…
Horrifying. Glad That patient recovered though…
I wonder if Dr. Hotez is fully vaxed and boosted, yet hasn’t had any adverse effects…yet.
One would think that Dr. Hotez is “fully vaccinated and boosted.”
I don’t… He is working for them and has a big voice.
With saline.
Not a chance….. He is on “their” side. He Knew/Knows about the clot shot. Can’t have him suddenly die while he is spreading their bullshit.
I agree. He is likely read in on Depop.
That may be the case. IMO, on the other hand, he may have taken the protein-subunit COVID-19 “vaccine” that he helped to develop, called CORBEVAX. This “vaccine” is licensed for use in countries other than the United States (such as in India.)
Kamalazuela! It’s the choice before us.
Three of them should be women!
They may be
They have blood on their hands.
Good Catch! TY
This is pretty funny…5 mins
Quite excellent!!!
Seems important. Who would be bleeding?
Verse of the Day for Monday, July 29, 2024
“Acquaint now thyself with him, and be at peace: thereby good shall come unto thee.”
Job 22:21 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Do you not see – I am with you
Do you not see – what I can do
Do you not see – by My Mighty Hand
I can and will heal your land
Do you not see – my anointed
Do you not see – who I appointed
Do you not see – man can do nothing
Do you not see – the enemy is bluffing
If my people which are called by My name
Will humble themselves – pray the same
Seek my face – turn from their wicked ways
I will hear from Heaven as I do always
I will do the impossible – and bring Justice
I will rain down judgement – just trust Us
I will heal the afflicted in mind, body, and soul
I will repair the damage and make them whole
I can fix the damage the enemy has wrought
In unconventional ways no man has thought
It is I who created the world and over it rule
It is the enemy I will foil and make the fool
America and Israel are My covenant nations
It is I who have created their foundations
And thus – I will not see them destroyed
Nor will I forget them or leave them void
Yes the enemy has infiltrated their institutions
Truth has been hidden from their distributions
Fear and anxiety have destroyed their faith
From lies and deception they could not escape
Ah – but I am greater than they who deceive
From Me restitution and peace you will receive
Watch and See My power to relieve
Be not afraid – Be still – and Believe!!!
D01: 09/07/2022
Thank You Duchess!
Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing
#psalm91 #psalms #prayer
Pray Everyday
Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.
#faith #god #psalms
Pray Everyday

Laura outing Launch Viral, and the head Launcher’s response …
“RINOs and groomers”!!! LMAO!!!
He’s nothing but a “burdened by what has been” 2-bit whore !!!
Hope this lets those images show…running through Gab…
Not bad.
Now show us all your contracts.
“An explosion occurred at Germany’s largest chemical plant at BASF in Ludwigshafen, 14 people were injured – Bild”
Where is Joe Biden? Kamala is not the acting “president,” and she is certainly not the “president.” It’s as if Joe and Kamala have been swapped out. Now she is addressing things the POTUS would normally do, and she is running for office instead of Joe. This needs to be investigated.
With Tony Blinken in charge of war and peace (after Biden signed over Presidential powers), I think “they” have things exactly where “they” want them.
A. Blinkin (Abe Lincoln)… what are the chances?
Commie parents, maybe. Abe Lincoln used to be viewed favorably by red diaper families, and little red schoolhouses (where commies would send their kids) were often named after Lincoln. That would mean that Blinken may be full red diaper.
In-Sane. Can you explain why Commies admire Lincoln?
Another spot on.
Me. Also waiting to see if Maggot can even walk.
Maggot on parade?
There was a video within the last few days of allegedly Biden with Hunter and Jill (some claimed it was Biden’s sister) walking out to the helicopter.
Joe looked to be about 5″ taller than Hunter . He walked well. So many shady sketchy things going on
Yes, she’s taken on the face of acting potus.
Bit of an update.
My Halflinger seems to be OK but we are keeping a close eye on him.
Sat Hubby had an ‘Episode’ Vision spinning and a Blood Pressure Spike. Beet root gummies seem to bring things under control and we made a trip to the Emergency. They could find nothing wrong.
Hubby has been drinking 1-3 cans of a diet drink for years. In 2017? or 2018? he had a blood clot in his leg and was put on rat poison.
That drink contains ERYTHRITOL!!!
March 14, 2023
Erythritol and cardiovascular events
Could this be a bit of finger pointing AWAY from the Clot Shot? I do not know but I had Hubby send the URL to his doctor so when I wean him OFF that drink they can monitor his clotting.
HEALTHLINE: Erythritol — Like Sugar Without the Calories?
Most of the erythritol you eat is absorbed into your bloodstream and then excreted in your urine. Erythritol has had a good safety profile, but more recently has been found to be associated with blood clots and heart problems.
This is source #3:
The artificial sweetener erythritol and cardiovascular event risk
I thought people should be aware of this too.
I also tried a drink with Aspartame. 3 tries and I became dizzy each time.
Aspartame and dizziness: preliminary results of a prospective, nonblinded, prevalence and attempted cross-over study
Zevia Cream Soda, for the win.
They have it at the store I normally shop at to buy meats and fresh veggies.
Thy have seven choices:
Ginger Root Beer
Ginger Ale
Dr Zevla
Mtn Zevla
So worth trying some.
I’ve really been enjoying Kroger’s Big K Pink Grapefruit zero cal soda–Yum!
Val, did you read the label as to ingredients?
Probably not…expect some crap but probably slightly “better” than HFCS.
I did now…It has aspartame…
I stick to saccharin (sp), it’s been out for 80 years or more, my rational is any serious faults with it would have been found by now.
Mrs. RedLeg and I both use Sweet n Low (saccharin) with no side effects for over 45 years.
My mother hated it she said during the war sometimes that was all they could get instead of sugar and she never wanted to taste it again.
In no particular order.
Field report from way back when:
Re: Aspartame
For many years I was “addicted” to Diet Coke. Just loved ’em. Couldn’t get enough. My work caused me to travel al lot back them, mostly by car. So you can imagine that i had my way with the Diel Coke (Aspartame)
Come 2005 I get diagnosed with Colon Cancer caused by: guess what? Yep.
Fine now … but, if you can avoid it, don’t do Chemo or Radiation. Both almost killed me Post Op.
Whish I knew then what we all know now.
Stay very far away from: Aspartame !!!
Glad you are OK now Red!
“Laws are made for men of ordinary understanding and should, therefore, be construed by the ordinary rules of common sense. Their meaning is not to be sought for in metaphysical subtleties which may make anything mean everything or nothing at pleasure.” —Thomas Jefferson (1823)
Well said! President Jefferson seems to have grasped the folly of intellectuals rather nicely.
Well, he did live in France for quite awhile.
Gave him good experience in dealing with pointy heads.
pgroup, do you know where the term “pointy heads” originated? It’s not a phrase that I’m familiar with so I’m curious.
SNL’s Coneheads?/s
Maybe the land of point? It was a 70s cartoon movie. Harry Nilsson’s THE POINT (1971) – Alan Thicke…
Not sure but I think it was from some joke that said the shape of a dunce’s cap matched the shape of the skull.
How that found itself in relation to intellectuals, I have no idea.
LIVE WITH JULIE – 07/29/2024
Hebrews 10:23
Psalm 37:9-10, 12
2 Kings 4:1-7
Hebrews 13:8
1 Kings 17:8-16
Matthew 14:13-21
Matthew 14:22-36
Exodus 14:13-14
John 2:1-11
Philippians 4:19
Jeremiah 29:11
1 Timothy 6:12
Exodus 3:19
Isaiah 54:17
God is telling you NOT TO FEAR!
Things are going to shift quickly and shake violently. But do not fear.
Use God’s Word and His authority that He has given to you through the Blood Covenant of Jesus Christ.
Remember Who God is and look to Him- He is your provider, protector, multiplier.
No matter what happens with the food, it is not for your destruction but for an interruption. God will provide.
This is where faith comes in and you need to trust God more than ever. Things will be unconventional, unusual, unexpected, and unprecedented.
God can take something so little, but with your obedience and trust, he can take it to change your life forever.
Trust and obedience to God can bring the biggest breakthrough in your life.
God is an unlimited God!
God is bigger than this establishment and everything and everyone. He is the Most High God.
You are in the Army of the Lord. God has given you power, authority and dominion.
God will supply all your needs.
JGM – LIVE WITH JULIE – [29 July 2024]
[Word heard – July 25, 2024]
A major cover up, a plot to kill your rightful President will be clearer than it already is. More people within the Establishment will start to turn on other ones they used to side with. No amount of destroying evidence or wiping their fingerprints from this crime scene will be enough to save themselves this time. A major piece of evidence will come out of nowhere, it’ll appear like. A whistle-blower is coming to blow the doors wide open on this investigation of the attempted murder of My son. Your enemies are about to wish they never tried to kill him.
Things are heating up to a point against your enemies in the Establishment. They cannot pull all their power to try to hide their crimes and corruption anymore. There is just too much coming out and too many people turning and too many people they cannot trust like before. Your enemies are realizing they can’t silence everyone.
Their old tactics of war and covering up their crimes will not work this time. The more they try their old ways, they will find themselves exposed even more. Your enemies are coming down in a way you don’t see it yet or can imagine. Keep believing that I AM BIGGER than this Establishment and WATCH ME PROVE IT saith the Lord of Hosts.
O the walls of the CIA are about to fall. My children, in the Land of My Eagle, I want to remind you of many words I have given you regarding this agency. They’ve had more control than most ever thought they could have. They’re the ones with the videos, the set-ups and the traps, the blackmails and their fingerprints are on more crime scenes through this nation’s history than anyone ever thought they could have control. This agency has controlled many leaders in the White House and they have made laws and decisions between foreign nations. Oh yes. The money will expose what this agency has done and how deep this really goes.
Thank you duchess. Julie Green’s prophesies always bring a spring in my step. :0)
7.29.24: Many in GOV worship satan, Cleaning out BAD ACTORS, MN rally, Olympic cont.., Pray
And We Know
LOL! Yeah. I can see it!
Video release from the front of the building, during shooting.
Cops were clearing this area 1hour before.
Communism SUCKS.
These people are LITERALLY like the Soviets of Russia, in terms of their bald-faced lies, and their refusal to speak truth.
Sovietism has MOVED to America!!!
This was responding to the OTHER tweet that was shown!
Yes I didn’t see I copied the wrong link and edited later.
This has good video of the first floor windows of the building on which Crooks was positioned. The windows were CLOSED but UNSHADED or PARTIALLY SHADED at that time.
We need to see if any of those windows are OPEN later.
That is what I was looking for also…… Confirmed (as best I can)… All windows were closed.
To be fair – it was private property, not open to the public.
Thank you. This is YUGE.
This video is very clear. We should get some amazing acoustics from it.
At first, it looks like all the lower windows are closed, but one of them has really strange lighting effects, and they remain suspicious. Also a sound like breaking glass – very weird.
Not sure I trust it after being held by FIB, but will suspend disbelief for now.
The group of 3 and the group of 5 sound more alike in this video – not sure why. Acoustics may tell a story.
I can hear TWO counter-sniper shots, that are distinctly different from the others.
Thinking that Crooks ditched his gun between CS shots 1 and 2. Raised his head and that was it – lights out.
Never watched this show previously so don’t know what it will be like.
He has also refused the clot shot.
Good for him. Wish more people would have Christian principles. To easy to relegate faith to Saturday-Sunday affair.
Can they be sued?
Oh I rest assured…… (side eye)
Regarding the fake and extremely effective Kamala “ad.”
Elon has a funny sense of humor
I just wish he would crash my next birthday party.
Uninformed (and stupid) white chicks are a problem, and there are also plenty of liberal soy boyz as well.
“White dudes for Harris”
Nice finger discipline.
IT WAS A SETUP! Pelosi’s Aides Received Warning of Capitol Breach THE NIGHT BEFORE Jan. 6 – But Pelosi Blocked National Guard from the Capitol Anyway
What potential Capitol breach? I don’t believe patriots were knowingly planning to do anything illegal. So whose plans were being reported to Pelosi? The Feds’?
Good point.
No – I think FIB was feeding “breach” plans to their controlled assets, and the plans slipped out and then back in “real intelligence channels”, and then somebody with access to THOSE warned the “dupe aides” who dutifully reported to Pelosi as useful idiots.
I’m not clear about what the theories are. These photos were taken of Crooks at the rally.
Is there any dispute about that being Crooks, or about his being at the rally?
If there is no dispute about that, then what is the theory about Yearick? Some think it was Yearick on the roof, who was killed. What was Crooks’s role then, and where is he if Yearick is the one who is dead?
Some say Crooks has also been “disposed of.” But what was his role to begin with? I can’t see any benefit to having him wandering around and calling attention to himself, alerting bystanders and even law enforcement.
No answers here. Your questions are also mine.
My only contribution is, Look Squirrel.
None of those three shot Trump. IMO.
Assassin got away AND will never be found….
I didn’t know about a third dope.
Hooper, I think is his name. Friend or acquaintance of Yearick.
Sticking with Look Squirrel. Three patsies. The pro got away. May or may not be on one of the videos floating around. I suspect not. Guessing some in the IC knows all about this.
Lisa Guyler was the third dope arrested with Hooper and Yearick for committing violence during the 2016 Antifa anti-Trump protests.
So not at this rally, just associated with those two guys in the past.
At this time, there is no evidence that she was at the rally. :0)
There was some mention of a female GSV (gun shot victim), possibly in or near the white van w/ AZ plates, presumably Yearick’s.
Exactly, our government investigating be like
Hooper, iirc, for #3, arrested & thrown in white tent shortly after shooting AND also arrested w/ Yearick in 2016 for some aggression at that other Trump Rally…
He was the “Patsy”….. All MSM are saying that Crooks is the shooter.
Exactly. My mantra for years has been if MSM says’s not truth
My question is why was a patsy needed. It looks as if Yearick (if he was the guy on the roof) could have also been a patsy, if some other sharpshooter actuallly fired at Trump.
But say Yearick did fire the shot that hit Trump. Why involve Crooks? Why couldn’t Yearick be the guy we originally thought Crooks was — that is, the assassin on the roof who was killed by a law enforcement sniper? It makes no sense to have another guy wandering around, calling attention to himself and the whole clandestine operation.
These Truths…go back to the photo of the shooter lying dead on the rooftop. Look at the upper ear lobe. It has definitive “spikes” and is not round and smooth like the ear of Crooks in the photo above.
I will concede that it does appear as if Crooks was on the rally grounds, but I am still unconvinced that Crooks was the shooter on the roof. :0)
Either Crooks was working with Yearick OR with the Deep State OR both as a DECOY.
After all, according to one story he had the LEOs in the 2nd Story chasing after him. He certainly had their attention.
And yes, it would be fairly simple during the chaos directly after the shots, to grab Crooks and spirit him away to another location.
My question is why did they need a decoy. If Yearick was on the roof and had been working with them to plot the whole thing, why have a guy walking around for people to see? Yearick could have been on the roof, so low down that people wouldn’t have noticed him. Instead, we have Crooks being very obvious in his movements. It doesn’t make sense.
Instead of being a decoy, Crooks brought attention to the fact there was an assassin on the roof. If people want to say the guy on the roof (possibly Yearick) was not the assassin and he was a decoy for the real shooter, then again, Crooks was not needed.
Yearick had baggage. He was known antifa…can’t bring that in because FIB protects them. He supposedly went to Ukraine..that’s problematic. His family with the Armory biz has been accused ( wrongly or not) of having some shady dealings with foreign buyers.
Crooks was the perfect patsy. He could be presented as the acceptable typical mentally ill shooter
So the theory is that Crooks was there to keep Yearick from being exposed because the FIB protects Antifa?
Okay, but Crooks’ presence called attention to the FACT of a suspicious person being at the rally, which could have jeopardized the entire operation (and almost did). I understand the idea of a patsy to take the attention off of the real culprit. What I don’t understand is the supposed patsy calling attention to the heart of the operation before it happened, to the point that people were calling on law enforcement to put a halt to it.
That there IS the PLAN. Distraction from the real shooter.
It’s the real basic bait and switch.
You definitely said it better than I did

It was to muddy the waters and give the Anons a story within a story that takes them AWAY from the CIA SS & FBI.
Crooks waa a Patsy/Decoy. Yearick who was in Ukraine in 2023
Assets Mag: Yearick who was in Ukraine
Hmmm… possibly VERY important find.
Very interesting photo.
It looks as if Crooks had associations with Yearick and had at least some similarity in his background. Yet Crooks was needed to take the public’s attention off of Yearick.
I can’t think of one other instance where the decoy, the chaff, called attention to the operation to the point of jeopardizing it. One of the spectators could have taken matters into his own hands. Lots of other things could have happened.
I very much doubt that Crooks had ANYTHING on him that implicated him so it did not matter if someone grabbed him.
I’m saying that his presence there alerted people that something was up. Law enforcement was also alerted. It put a spotlight on things.
They started posting that the day before yesterday. Same vid released today but it was shorter and jumped around more. When you compare it bright flickers in the vid to the sound, the shooting has already stopped. This is some kind of light coming from inside the room.
Yes, I had dismissed this as something like a light effect or even a reflection of the sun.
His background is perfect for being the shooter. Think about it, his background is pretty clean, no arrest record and he legally could have a weapon. So they had no reason to suspect him doing something like this, it’s their perfect alibi. Where’s if it was yearick they’d have some explaining to do of why they let an antifa guy on the roof. Easy enough to ID crooks as the dead guy on the roof, and poof yearick is gone. See how that works. Again my thoughts are he was just a decoy for the local LE and SS who weren’t in on the plan to take out Trump.
They “wanted” crooks or yearick (which ever one was on the roof) to attract attention to draw people’s eyes away from the real shooter.
IMO crooks was an easy target to be used in their plan.
Again if Trump doesn’t win we’ll never know what happened.
Some people will be making lots of $$$ on book deals though
ITA plus he established the backstory…the HomeDepot ladder receipt, the ammo purchase, the casing the grounds prior to rally, caught on camera nonchalantly wandering around….he almost wore a neon sign..pick me, it’s me…tell the world a social misfit loner committed the deed. It’s the story DS likes, the public can muse on it and let it go
IMO, the same could have been the case if Yearick had been identified as the guy on the roof. A lone assassin, social misfit. No need for Crooks.
Respectfully disagree…reply above
I’m with you on the idea that Yearick is toxic to the left, as a known Trump hater and TDS carrier, and there would be motive to swap him out with what is more obviously a mental case, so that it’s “mental illness” and not “politics”. I can even see DOJ authorizing the swap-out as a classified program based on BS, just like “avoiding vaccine hesitancy”.
Avoiding “political conflict”.
That said, I’m not convinced that the body is Yearick. I’m still in wait and see mode – but I call the shooter “Crooks” because he’s my lead theory. I believe that Crooks had forearm tattoos matching the dead suspect.
Wolfie, I do not see a forearm tattoo in this photo of Crooks.
It doesn’t LOOK like he has any, but the angle and lighting are not good enough to tell, IMO.
We need some good side-on pictures of Crooks!!!
TY for bringing that image so I didn’t have to find it again
We are not talking the 1970s. The Deep State KNOWS the Anons will dig so they gave them another ghost to chase who is a much more likely Assassin then Crooks AND who has possible ties to the CIA.
Their big problem is the Oversight Project turning up possible FBI links to Crooks.
Yes, I agree. Crooks looks like our man. All we need is some pictures of his forearm tattoos while alive.
What about the moles on Yearick’s neck?
At 30;05
DAYUM. That’s pretty distinguishing. Plus the earlobe.
And then all the vehicle stuff.
SO – maybe both of them were there, and working together? And if FIB wants to use Yearick’s identity, maybe they swapped the body onto Crooks, and Crooks is now a secret asset with a new identity.
I think we are confused on Crooks and Yearick with reason. I’m thinking AND logic on their being there.
Two guys wearing the same outfit, and similar long hair, would be one way to really fool the honest cops and agents.
I am fairly sure they were BOTH there.
Who ended up dead on the roof??? Who knows at this point. But I sure would not trust the FIB to tell me!
Similar facial hair, the style of it, too similar to me to be coincidence
Crooks supposedly appeared in that advert video in 2022 with only medium length hair. Is the length we see it in the j13 pics about right for 2years growth ?
Not to forget that pic we are generally using for Yearick was taken in 2017 he might look a bit older now.
Another comparison…look at the arm hair on the shooter compared to the arm of crooks
I was assuming THAT was forearm tattoos!
that darkness might actually be pooled blood but I’m not sure he had been dead long enough for that to happen.
That Could be dirt from shimmying on the roof, keeping as low of a profile as possible. Similar in color to the “dirt” on the knee above.
His position looks different than when that bodycam guy is on the roof, as in his torso here is more on its left side above & is more face down in the bodycam…fwiw…
Also, this makes it look like he’s right near the EDGE of the Roof not more to the left center of the building!
How much was the kill site staged???
The above images are from the bodycam footage, stills that I created using the snipping tool & Gab…
Many pics/stills here:
I think ‘they’ want us to accept that it was Crooks and drop the entire matter.
Funny that the c i a made a rare statement on MK but they haven’t touched the Yearick conundrum and you know they know it’s a very hot topic.
The statement on MK ULTRA is very crafty. I will go into detail at some point, but it skirts around a lot of things.
As for Crooks and Yearick, I’m now doubtful about much. I think both had to be there. And that gets very weird.
Some Shakespeare seems appropriate:
“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”
A dead carp called by another name would still stink like dead fish.”
My thought is, sometime in the last year or so, Crooks may have gotten involved with antifa. There are, I assume, people in antifa that are CI’s for law enforcement and/or the feds. And I’m sure there are “targets,” people the feds hope to use some way or another.
What if Yearick was the one the feds were using, but Crooks got involved? Yearick might have been using Crooks as a distraction, a lookout, or source of information (range finder, drone).
The feds, subsequent to the whole fuck up by Yearick and his death, didn’t want another “he was on our radar” moment, so they scooped up Crooks, either killed him or disappeared him somewhere, and blamed the whole thing on him. They would have known about him and his thorough lack of any sort of profile through Yearick, though they may not have known Yearick planned to involve him .
They did it “on the fly” and thus there are errors. Pictures, video, all kinds of clusterfuck.
A very interesting theory!
Yearick getting Crooks involved without that being part of the plan would explain Crooks’s unauthorized wandering around and looking suspicious, which is something that should never take place in a clandestine operation.
The Feds not wanting another “he was on our radar” moment also makes sense, as do the mistakes from their not knowing initially that they would have to deal with Crooks.
Nice work!
Thanks! It may be a fairy tale, but it’s entertaining me to think about your questions. They are good questions, and need answers.
Hmmm very interesting idea
I’m now seeing the rightness of this, but IMO the “assassination group” in FIB was planning to use Crooks to cover up on their Ukraine-trained gun (Yearick) all along.
I think they had both those boys headed for the meat grinder from the git-go.
FIB is ready for political murders, left or right. They just need to maintain all illusions with the public.
Well, some tattoo artist somewhere did the body art. We need somebody on the ground in the Butler Co., PA area asking local tat artists questions.
Yes, I know that people think they have evidence that that’s not Crooks on the roof. I’m asking what the theory is that incorporates all of that. If that’s not Crooks, then what was his role? The theory does not account for all the facts yet.
Crooks makes the most sense to me.
We need some good recent pictures of him alive, from an undisputed source, showing his face and his forearm tattoos.
I’m not arguing for either guy, just trying to make sense of the reasoning behind the theories that people are putting out there. It would be great to know the identity of the guy on the roof.
I’m doing my best to find images of Crooks that I can positively match to the shooter.
Example of “not recent enough” is this…..
Good find! But yes, it doesn’t show enough.
You can go with the govt whambam within minutes DNA “proof” that it was Crooks.
Too bad they didn’t DNA the blood found in the bathroom of the sniper building.
WE have nothing or anyone who can credibly substantiate any of the theories.
I have no reason to do that.
Yes. That is why I am skeptical.
I think we need to be careful not to trust FIB on anything. If Crooks (I mean the real one) is in some kind of witness protection now, all this crap about calling Yearick “Crooks” may be part of some op.
There is something going on here. But it’s confusing as hell.
Maybe it really is CRS, hiding that the sniper was a politically motivated leftist Trump hater, and they’re using their “violence prevention” as COVER for covering things up. Which makes it an abuse of the system.
“Are you sure?” “Yes, I’m sure.” “You are no longer David Webb. You are now Jason Bourne.”
I enlarged this pic of a much younger Crooks and he appears to have a gap in his lower teeth which is a very unhelpful coincidence.
It’s already been removed!
Did you save a copy?
TY here’s running it through Gab so it hopefully shows in our favorite Tree!

Here are side-by-side photos of Crooks and Yearick. When I enlarge the photos, I see what could be a lack of smoothness in Crooks’s right ear. His right ear definitely looks different than his left ear. But I don’t have a good way to enlarge it and am not sure.
Crooks was diversion while the real shooter shoots at Trump creates turmoil?
If someone can tell me why a diversion was needed that would reveal and jeopardize the operation before it could be commenced, I’ll listen.
There was a shooter on the roof. If no one had seen him (that is, if Crooks’s presence had not been known), the operation would have commenced anyway. The fact that people saw Crooks wandering around, and then saw the guy on the roof, made no difference in the long run. The guy got a shot off that nearly killed Trump. There is no evidence that he was distracted by any of the bystanders. There is no evidence that Crooks’ presence distracted people or that that was even needed. Thus, no need for Crooks to be there, or if he was actually the guy on the roof, to have been seen.
The only thing that remotely makes sense is if the planners used Yearick as the shooter and wanted to hide that fact by using Crooks, as many people believe.
The sticking point for me is that, in hiding Yearick’s identity (if it was him), and using Crooks in some way, they called attention to the operation before it was completed, severely jeopardizing it. That makes no sense to me.
The one thing that I can think of is that the planners, DS, knew that secret service and local PD were basically unable to communicate. Feature not a mistake.
They assumed that the local cops would be chasing a ghost. Feature not a mistake.
Possibly Crooks was given explicit knowledge of unlocked entry doors to hide to prolong the local police looking for him.
These are possible explanations for Crooks to be visible and a diversion
That all seems possible, but entirely unnecessary. There was no reason for people and law enforcement to be seeing a guy wandering around and seeing his bike and backpack and whatever else they saw within the 90-minute time frame before the shooting. If the idea was for law enforcement to capture and stop that guy (Crooks), that would have occurred before the shooting, and it would have been obvious that Crooks was not the shooter. That would defeat the patsy theory.
If the idea is that they would be chasing Crooks and therefore would not have been aware of Yearick, I can’t imagine that working in a real law enforcement situation. (But of course, a lot of things didn’t work as they should in this case.) LE checks every possible scenario. They know to look for accomplices.
In reality, if that was Yearick on the roof, then Crooks’ presence did nothing to distract from him. Bystanders did see the guy on the roof, and they alerted law enforcement.
If Crooks’ presence was there to make us think he was the shooter and he was the one killed (in order to hide Yearick’s involvement), then he took a lot of risks of being captured before the shooting occurred.
For that to have worked, then all of LE had to be in on it, had to know that Crooks was the patsy, had to know not to capture him because they were covering for Yearick, etc. I don’t know how plausible that is.
Let’s look at this from a different view point.
What have we been told?
The result is many conflicting stories ALL of which work IN FAVOR OF THE DEEP STATE COVERING THEIR ASSES!
Yes, they are covering for themselves and there is chaos.
I’m not advocating for any one theory over another. I’m just saying that the one that many people seem to have settled upon doesn’t make sense to me.
That said, it is early days, and I know that people are just trying to make sense of it all. I completely understand that.
Maybe it was Yearick on the roof. Maybe it was Crooks lurking around in the pics taken by law enforcement. If so, then I hope people who are investigating (probably besides official agencies) will find the answers. Until then, I remain skeptical unless something makes sense to me.
Slow Guy here.
Most importantly.
TRY to not be so damn factual, when By Design, facts are not available. Get over it. REALITY.
Skip Logic. Insert CHAOS.
Fundamentally, Trump Must Be Stopped.
The assassination attempt was simply the next level.
planwas by design a joke, from the onset.Makes Perfect sense for Slow Guy.
They’ll be back for Trump. When, where, method, no fucking idea.
Upping the ante is clearly on the table.
Why, up the ante? DonChaknow, Trump Must Be Stopped.
From Sundance:
Reminder – David Plouffe: “Trump Must Be Destroyed”…May 18, 2017 | Sundance
Reminder. David Plouffe was President Obama’s campaign manager and Senior White House advisor: (source link) Plouffe has ideological cohorts, friends and embeds inside almost all corporate media entities; specifically WaPo and NY Times.
Always. Always. ALWAYS remember…
Reminder – David Plouffe: “Trump Must Be Destroyed”
^^^ Plouffe and criminals in government living it. ^^^
LOL! We have quite a few facts avaiable.
Not enough to validate what folks are trying to validate.
^^^ 100% by design. Chaos.
I completely agree about chaos, and I’m all for trying to validate theories and facts. My issue is when a narrative forms out of the chaos that people decide must be the truth, when it might not be. IMO, just because things are chaotic, that doesn’t mean we have to play along and accept things that don’t make sense. If the chaos is by design, then that is exactly what they want us to do. It can keep us from getting to the truth.
Perhaps folks are looking at the wrong stuff.
Skip Dead Ends – Patsy’s.
Security has to be done right. My estimate is SS AND Trump folks will get it right.
Figure out the Pro angle.
Several time I thought of posting, or did once today / yesterday.
Likely clues in videos floating around. Bad guy may be in a video, although I suspect not.
Bad guy likely drove in. Found his spot, well before the rally. Got away as everyone was focused on Trump, Cory and two wounded rally goers.
I agree, including with this:
Lot of things make sense about the shooting ..
Looks like Johnson = McCarthy = Ryan = Boehner etc.
All the same by me.
Compromise with evil (read Democrats) never ends well.
almostClay Higgins at least will be useful
There is nothing in Speaker Johnson’s public actions that would suggest that he is a man of strong character. Maybe his pastor can prove my claim unfounded.
On Liberty…
This is why I said we started into a recession 1.5 years ago. The majority of economic reports they issue are adjusted negatively months after the fact. When you take the adjusted reports, remove the war pig contracts, look at numbers of other trading partners, look at oil demand, look at port activity, look at domestic trucking, look at housing starts, mortgage rate trends, etc. you know what you know.
Nothing is being reported truthfully. It’s what fascist regimes do when things are crumbling around them. There is no legitimate good news from their efforts, so they lie and create some. When that stops working they turn totalitarian to retain power. It has to chaff their azzes we have the 1A, 2A, and states rights to deal with them.
The whole federal government is operated as a Ponzi scheme. If you cook the books much for one reporting period, they have to be adjusted for the next, then the next, and so on. If the trend is growing more negative you never have the opportunity to catch up before it all crashes.
By ignoring the real stats with the crime rates in the link, it just causes people to write you off as a dependable source of information and truth with all of the other operational stink on them. No amount of self promotion through fake news, TV shows, Hollyweird, staging of events, etc. is going to change the perception of the majority of Americans now.
Stick a fork in them. They will never be trusted.
Excellent info–TY!
Nails it. Again.
Sounds like the Euro “newcomers” from the last decade are finally doing what they came to do..Several posts OT with links……… God help us because we’re going to eventually face this if Trump doesn’t win
More sabotage in France in the last while.
Germany railway sabotage
Finland telecom sabotage
Nice ^^
Healing Prayers
Prayer for Restorative Rest
Healing Hand, as I lay in my bed this evening, I pray for Your restorative power to touch my life. Mend what has been broken, soothe what has been hurt, and heal what has been wounded. May I find in sleep the healing that my body and spirit need and wake to a day of renewed health and vitality. Amen.
Evening Prayer for Wholeness
Gentle Healer, with the night’s calm, I seek Your healing for my body, mind, and soul. Where there is pain, bring relief; where there is fatigue, bring restoration; where there is distress, bring tranquility. Wrap me in Your peace as I trust in Your loving care to make me whole. Amen.
Prayer for Comfort in Illness
Lord of Comfort, as I face the trials of illness, I pray for Your healing touch. Ease my discomfort, calm my anxiety, and deliver me from my afflictions. In Your mercy, may I find the comfort that leads to a peaceful rest, knowing that You are with me, sustaining and healing me. Amen.
Nighttime Blessing for Healing
Divine Physician, under the canopy of the night sky, I pray for Your healing blessings. Let Your life-giving energy flow through every cell, every nerve, every aspect of my being. May my rest be deep, my healing complete, and my faith in Your power absolute. Bless me with the gift of health, and let my gratitude be a testament to Your mercy. Amen.
Serene Prayer for Recovery
Merciful Restorer, as I seek repose in the stillness of this night, I ask for Your healing hand upon my life. Guide the hands of those who care for me, provide wisdom for the paths of recovery, and grant patience for the journey. In this serene hour, let Your comfort envelop me, as I place my trust in Your plan for a full recovery. Amen.
5X AMEN!!!
Amen. Thank You Duchess for your faithful ministry to the Trees. Blessings!
Hopefully this lets the full image show, exposing the genocide
“They’re weird” is the latest talking point.
Conservatives Flip Kamala Harris Allies’ Claims that JD Vance Is Weird Back on Democrats
There’re more than weird, there’re mentally sick.
Tweet by End Wokeness:
H/T to Eye of the Storm. Video of Kamla saying this at 56 minutes
FFS… nobody would have believed that a USA presidential administration would be comprised of flaming nutjobs of all stripes 10 years ago.
A double swing with 2 MEN canoodling is beyond the pale
They have made a complete mockery of our government.
“JD Vance is weird”
They’re desperate to protect Kamigula.
They were even saying
No, JD Vance did not have sex with a couch | AP News
5 days ago –
The Associated Press removes a fact-check claiming JD Vance has not had sex with a couch – The Verge
› fact-check-no-jd-vance-230000547.html
No, JD Vance Did Not Say He Had Sex with Couch Cushions
Eye of the Storm showed this tweet and I checked…
Not the Bee
(GOOD GOSH these idiots have gone of the rails!)
Elon’s comment on that tweet was AP = Associated Propaganda
You are on a Kommie La La nomenclature roll! Criminal Kommie Chameleon.
If J.D. Vance is ‘weird’ then so is most of the rest of the USA!
Harris is weird.

What we are having is if a person is different then they are weird. Seems to be the go to word because I have been called weird.
What people do not understand they label it weird. West coast East cost convinced themselves. That they are normal
When everyone in your circle is either queer, a trannie, a single woman with forty cats, or a pedophile, OF COURSE J.D. Vance, a married Christian father of two, seems weird to you!
Three kids.
Yeah I had a homo friend that used to hang at gay bars. When he saw men & women dancing with each other he thought it was weird & jarring…
It is human nature to think that whatever is very different from us is weird.
But we also have a handbook about what isn’t just weird, but sinful. It’s called the Bible. It’s a good read; I highly recommend it.
Amen! That friend was also a Christian, kind of on the run from God. He said he’d get drunk at the gay bar & tell people about Jesus–wild…
Mumbling Maggot…
I wonder if this is why they were freaking over that photo…
OK, this is getting very weird.
YEAH… H/T to Eye of the Storm BTW.
Baloney and hogwash!
Here is another interesting tidbit from Eye of the Storm. 55 sec video
Another bullet report analysis based on the newly released video for those that get this stuff
Finishes off the Crooks as the only shooter theory.
Finishes off they did not have time to pull PDT off the stage.
Finishes off they did not see him so or could not see Crooks well before the shots were fired.
Amen. This is putting holes in the whole story. Big enough for Yearick to fit into the script, IMO.
Three guns in 9 shots. WOW.
I find this to be a very interesting theory relating to the Trump assassination attempt:
“Kyle Seraphin is a recovering FBI agent and whistleblower — and he has a theory as to what might have really driven Thomas Crooks, Trump’s would-be assassin, to pull the trigger on July 13.
“There is a thing that we refer to as the ‘playbook,’” Seraphin tells Sara Gonzales of “Sara Gonzales Unfiltered.”
“The ‘playbook’ essentially is this: ‘I found you online, and you’ve got a lot of really dumb ideas, and some of them are violent. And I’m going to encourage all of those dumb and violent ideas. I am either a CHS, a confidential human informant for the FBI, or what’s called a UCE, I’m an online undercover employee,’” Seraphin explains.
“’We’re going to encourage you to do all your dumbest ideas. And not only that, but we’re also going to help you do it for the amount of money that you have. Oh you need a thermal sight belt fed weapon and you only have $940? Luckily for you my friend, $88.99 today only, my buddy will help you get it. He’s a weapons expert,’” Seraphin says, noting that the gun would likely be a dud.”
It continues. Seraphin says he’s seen many takedowns using the technique. The idea is, the patsy was not supposed to use his OWN weapon. But, he decided to steal Dad’s gun and go “do the terror” he had been egged on to do.
I think he is implying that this may have happened in the Trump case.
Great stuff. Thank you!
More interesting stuff from Eye of the Storm.
Trump Truthed “Tales from the Crypt” image three days ago.
They linked to Q DROP 1827
This is just a theory. I always wonder if someone in Trump’s orbit clues him in on these things. And by that, I don’t mean to take from Trump’s involvement in the least. I believe he is fully involved with, and cognizant of, the Q movement, to the extent that he can be and still have plausible deniability. I also surmise that Trump, being a busy executive, is unable to concentrate on all of the nuances that might be appropriate at any given moment and that some of his people (maybe Dan Scavino?) might show him what Q reference would be suitable at any given time. Then Trump goes along with it, knowing that it’s a way to communicate with and encourage the people and also to validate Q.
I also add that people in other countries are looking to Trump, just as they have been encouraged by Q. I believe he knows the significance of it.
We have all seen the insane media blitz the past few days regarding Kamala Harris, Ruler of the 50 States, Queen of the Midwits and the Fascists and the First Illegal Immigrants, Khaleesi of the Grassy Sea of Clean Energy.
I am seeing so many Patriots who are demoralized by this concerted propaganda campaign and seem to have already thrown in the towel.
If you are one of those people, please know this:
The very specific purpose of this media blitz is to make YOU (yes, you personally) feel despair.
Please don’t fall for it. This blitz will keep happening just as it did in 2016 with Queen Hillary (Peace be upon her, I’m with her), and what happened then, hmmm???
And please don’t give me the line about the election being rigged. That just means we need to fight harder to be outside the margin of fraud.
They WANT you demoralized. They NEED you demoralized. Don’t bend the knee.
Optimism is infectious. But so is pessimism. Be optimistic. Spread your optimism. Harris is a historically awful, unintelligent and inept candidate. Time will out her.
Stay strong. We’re gonna have a historic win.
Just for the record, Patriots can be cheerfully optimistic about their own chances while at the same time viciously eviscerating Fascist Democrats for their lies, racism, hate, intolerance and attempted assassinations of their political opponents.
The two are not mutually exclusive.
Seriously, why are the dems not proud of their record? Why aren’t Harris and the dems out running on their record? They spend 4 years changing America. Why aren’t they proud of the millions of illegals they allowed in? Why aren’t they proud of the inflation they caused? Why aren’t they proud of their Afghan withdrawal? Why aren’t they celebrating the opening of the Olympics instead of removing it from every source they can? Why aren’t they proud to run on the job Harris did on the border and on the root causes of illegal immigration? Why aren’t they proud of the wars they allowed to happen in Europe and the Middle East? Why aren’t they proud of all the drugs pouring into the country?
Why aren’t they proud of the works they did? They did it all with a plan. They took steps and effort to achieve these goals. They did exactly what they set out to do, and they did it well, so why aren’t they running on that record?
Why are they trying to memory hole the entire record of the last 4 years? Why are they pretending they didn’t do any of that shit?
They seem to be trying way too hard to create Kamala the pop star. Kamala the cool hip chick in heels. Kamala the female Obama. She’s not any of those things and has been almost invisible for 4 years except for word salad appearances to women’s groups. She isn’t capable of defending any of what they’ve brought onto the country but they can try to reimagine her into a glam celebrity..Bleh I’m tired of it already
I’m tired of it, and I’m tired of our side having to bring up all her shortcomings. She’s not even the nominee yet. But I suppose it must be done. It’s important to get the word out.
It’s one thing to get caught by MAGA guys doing this sort of stuff, but to have Musk call you out? Dang! Now that’ just weird!
Musk has been on target lately.
The whole “weird” thing comes across as juvenile and lacking in substance (because it is!). There are already a million memes pointing out their hypocrisy. I dread what they’ll come up with next just because I’m tired of having to hear from the empty and evil Left.
Blarps won’t save you now! —
Well, at this particular point 32 of them would but that would take the Q-Tree vibe down!