Dear KAG: 20240731 Open Thread

Cover image: New River Gorge National Park and Reserve, West Virginia

Badlands News Brief – July 30, 2024

Cops Threaten To Take Kids From Family Terrorized by Anti-Christian Reddit Group

The Perfect Stooge: How Did Kamala Harris Get This Far?

A 2019 essay details just what a horrible, arrogant boss Kamala is

The ‘White Dudes for Harris’ Zoom call goes over like a lead balloon…

He’s Not A War Hero

Trump Gets Last Laugh as Democrat Lawfare Campaign Crumbles before Election

Young Men Are Becoming More Conservative, Poll Finds

New O’Keefe Video Exposes How Democrats Don’t Think Heels Up Harris Will Win and How They Lie to Donors to Secure Funds

Who are the ‘weird’ ones?

Poll: Abortion Not a Top-5 Issue as Kamala Harris Makes It Central Campaign Theme

This issue is done. The conservatives have outbred the leftists.

Bon Appétit! Paris Caves, Buys Tons of Meat and Eggs for Athletes After Backlash over Vegan Diet

Never mind traditional French cuisine featuring eggs and organ meats.

Project 2025 Wasn’t Awful But It’s a Good Thing That Donald Trump Just Killed It

X Files….

There are two ex-snipers in Congress and Cory Mills is one of them. Neither was put on Johnson’s task force.

Memes & Stuff

Have a good day y’all.

(I don’t remember who brought this to a daily in the comments, but thanks.)

And, of course, the obligatory George Carlin:

Per the Boss:

And now for an old classic:

And now for the obligatory message from our sponsors:

Here at the Q tree we believe in the concept of CIVIL open free speech and the discussion that fleshes out ideas. When commenting and participating in the OPEN discussion on this thread all comments MUST NOT CONTAIN personal threats, baiting, name calling, or other anti-social words fomenting hate, violence or destruction. Our host Wolfm00n has strict rules about that.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone

Please, stock up on blanks for celebratory gunfire, be ready to swing from the chandeliers…and no messing with the nuclear weapons.

Please remember to remain locked and loaded and ready for trouble should the insurrectionists try to invade your space.

Those who have things to say that do not fit the generally accepted limits of “civil” discussion, Wolf has provided a venue known as the UTree. You’re welcome to visit over there and say hi to anyone hanging out over there. The “Rescue Thread” is also over there. In the event a rendezvous of the tree is needed, please check it out, as well as the newest rescue venue.

Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.

One other vital note:

Please, review these rules that our host Wolfm00n outlined toward the beginning of the growth of the tree itself. it won’t take long.


Psalms 34:2-11

1I will bless the LORD at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth. 2My soul makes its boast in the LORD; let the afflicted hear and be glad. 3O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together! 4I sought the LORD, and he answered me, and delivered me from all my fears. 5Look to him, and be radiant; so your faces shall never be ashamed. 6This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles. 7The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them. 8O taste and see that the LORD is good! Happy is the man who takes refuge in him! 9O fear the LORD, you his saints, for those who fear him have no want! 10The young lions suffer want and hunger; but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing.

One of the best St. Louis Jesuits songs in the repertoire. Most professionals agree. This one may survive the test of time.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome.

Please include: President Donald Trump, the Q team, our soldiers in the field, special forces, tactical units, first responders and those working behind the scenes…and any and all people with family members in the hospital, COVID or not.

And…members of the QTree who no longer participate for one reason or another.

It is quite clear, as per Wolf’s message from July, that we are under spiritual attack. Building up a robust arsenal of prayer and discipline is a must in fighting the enemy and his minions.

In that spirit, the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel from Tuesday’s threads, and the Breastplate of St. Patrick, not to mention the Litany of Humility are favorites recommended by exorcists in spiritual warfare.


No new JP just yet.

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Thank you, De Pat, for staying up into your fridge-trashing time to provide entertainment for the unworthies here.


Oh, and —


Camel Day and Coffee. Great start of the day.


unworthies” ❓❓❓
I consider this to be a very worthy bunch.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

But sometimes we must praise by denial!!!

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Valerie Curren

I was going to stick that word in quotes too  😄  Glad you got there first!


🙏 ❤️ Yes.


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Fly under the desk?


Hiding with the teleprompter somewhere.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Obama is IN THE ROOM! HE is the TOTUS!

pat frederick




Very nice.  🙂 

pat frederick

you’re too kind


No Kamala either. She’s just another puppet, out campaigning.

pat frederick

she’s UNDER the desk…LOL

Gail Combs

… Suckalotacox

pat frederick

she could be the poster child

Valerie Curren


Barb Meier

Hunter or Hillary probably ate the fly. They both look a little lizardly to me. (No offense to dear Darwin.)


Darwin no longer cares.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent. You tell those fuckers to GO TO HELL, James!


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“Crazy” 😅

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I love Trump! So awesome!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They hit with “weird”. Trump hits back with “crazy”.

Don’t mess with a pro!!! 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Barb Meier



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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



The RINOS could not steal enough!!!!


Over 50% No run off! 🤗


That’s not Joe Biden carrying luggage and getting into an Uber. C’mon, man!


Could that be one of Biden’s stand ins?

Brave and Free

IIRC that’s an old video, so why bring it up now……..
No one needs to answer that.


My question exactly.

Last edited 4 months ago by TheseTruths

Regarding body doubles and stand-ins:

Yes, super-lifelike masks can be made.
Yes, stand-ins are used by people in power when convenient, when they won’t be engaging with people who know them well.

We have been told, and it is asserted here at least once a week, that there are multiple doubles being used for Biden.

I maintain that it isn’t possible to fool people who know him by substituting a double. I have stated all the difficulties that include height, shape of hands, gait, voice timbre, body of knowledge, and a host of other traits that would give the person away.

The other day, a man who looked way too tall accompanied Jill out of the WH (I think). Assuming that was a stand-in, these things are true:

• The group of people accompaning “Joe” and Jill were in on the substitution.
• No one who knows Biden would have been fooled by that, because ..
• ➡️ We weren’t fooled by it.

Which proves what I’ve been saying all along.

It is not possible to have a stable of body doubles who are functioning as the person, fooling everyone they know. People can detect subtle (and not-so-subtle) differences.

When Biden took a week to prepare for the debate, I wondered if anyone would say they were probably coaching and prepping the double who would be used. But no one surmised about that, and a double was not used. 

Since the debate, if there was a group of doppelgangers for Biden, they could have been making public appearances, making speeches, and acting somewhat less debilitated than Biden looks now. They could function as him until his term runs out. Biden didn’t have to get COVID. His stand-ins could have taken over. But that’s not happening because even people who don’t know Biden personally, like us, can tell the difference. And the too-tall guy just proved that.

Gail Combs

“….I maintain that it isn’t possible to fool people who know him by substituting a double. I have stated all the difficulties that include height, shape of hands, gait, voice timbre, body of knowledge, and a host of other traits that would give the person away….”


I think you are missing the point completely.

For OVER FIVE YEARS not only the DemonRats & Fake News, but the ReBoobs and bureaucrats have HIDDEN BIDEN’S DEMENTIA FROM THE PUBLIC!!!

Therefore “…it isn’t possible to fool people who know him by substituting a double….” IS NOT IN PLAY AT ALL!

The name of the game was to hide Biden’s dementia FROM THE PUBLIC and not from DC at large. After all most of them KNEW he was senile and did not care.

I do not know if a double was used or not but that part of your argument does not pass muster.

As far as the debate goes, the Cabal probably decided Biden was just too ‘DAMAGED politically’ to run against Trump and decided it was time for a switch. What better way than to SHOW the world his poor mental state and then have the Fake News start bashing him.

What I am now seeing is infighting among the Cabal as to WHO they are going to prop up against Trump. The voters of course have ZERO SAY and never have.


For OVER FIVE YEARS not only the DemonRats & Fake News, but the ReBoobs and bureaucrats have HIDDEN BIDEN’S DEMENTIA FROM THE PUBLIC!!!

No, they haven’t. Many, many people have seen it on both sides of the aisle. They have tried to gaslight the true-believer Dems, and it worked on a lot of them, but the dementia has been very obvious. They did not use body doubles to hide it because they couldn’t.


Briben’s dementia not hidden from anyone believing their lying eyes.

Pravda News, politicians of all flavors, WH staff and others IGNORED Briben’s dementia.

Briben’s dementia has been obvious for years. At least back to 2020.


If all the people around an individual are in on the deception, it doesn’t matter if the stand in is real or not.

In public situations the public can see, as we just witnessed, so yes, it matters. And there is no such thing as a “real” stand-in because a stand-in is fake by definition.

Until all is revealed, or not, it really doesn’t matter.

It seems odd that something that doesn’t matter keeps getting dripped out here in what looks like an effort to persuade.

And I disagree that it doesn’t matter. The truth matters, not only for the sake of it, but because not knowing or accepting the truth has far-reaching implications. People make decisions and take action based on the knowledge and beliefs that they have. If what they are told is not true, then that has consequences.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Which proves what I’ve been saying all along.



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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What an excellent AG!!!

Gail Combs

I wish we had one just like him in ALL 50 states!

Valerie Curren



Outstanding. But could we reinstitute an understanding of how to use apostrophes?


There are differing rules about the use of -‘s after a proper noun ending in -s. I don’t think the usage here is incorrect. 😊


Well … I do. No, I won’t change my mind.  😆 


Indeed, pg! My goodness!


No, we all know!

Barb Meier

There are two options and either Texas’s or Texas’ is fine. Author’s choice.


DP, I suppose we could go through older written word to discover how an s’ is used.

Last edited 4 months ago by WSB
Gail Combs

I remember being taught s’ for nouns that ended in s.


Same. And we see it in books.

Gail Combs

true. (I read A LOT)


LOL!!! May God bless you, GC!

Not sure where this became the new LBGT?!

Yet, I am behind the times!

Last edited 4 months ago by WSB

Where is STEVE when we need him?!

Barb Meier

If I want the history on language, I go to the Oxford English Dictionary (OED).

I always wanted to own the full set. It’s expensive and several books. They offer an online version.

The OED has an advanced search and they have over 500,000 words.


They used to have a version printed in two volumes, packaged in a slipcase with a magnifying lens. This was for people who wanted to claim they owned it but never actually intended to use it, as the text was microscopic.

There was also, IIRC, a multi-DVD version that would be easier to use. Thing is, new information is added all the time, so you could never know that your citation was definitive.

Barb Meier

Oh yes, I remember the 2-volume set with a magnifying lens. I didn’t get that either.

DIA updates their manual periodically but I don’t know how often. We would discuss onlilne in our Community of Interest, agree on a preference, and then one editor kept track of those decisions and updated the style manual. In our 2022 version, they made about 8 pages of changes.

Gail Combs

I am not sure which brand it is, but we have an old dictionary 2ft X 1.5ft and over a foot thick that rests on it’s own table in the piano room.

It was nice for when you ran out of other things to read. 😎

Barb Meier

(jealous) hehe

Valerie Curren

Have you seen that Mel Gibson movie about the creation of the Oxford English Dictionary? I enjoyed it a lot 🙂

Barb Meier

I never use the AP style, but that’s just me. My minor was Mass Communication, but I don’t think as highly of AP Style as other guides. Style Guides vary; however, I’m a proponent of being consistent whether you zig or zag. It makes for a better deliverable if the usage is consistent even if it is not our personal preference.

The DIA Style Manual offers a couple of pages on apostrophe usage. They have a FOIAed version or perhaps more online. You need to let Acrobat convert the image to readable text on the version at the link below.

Yes, the editors there like detail examples and then we would still discuss and disagree sometimes. That’s okay too. I was very glad they allowed us to bring home a paper copy of the DIA Style Manual and I refer to it often. It stays right by my desk.

I also like the Chicago Manual of Style and have had multiple editions of that since it is very popular with tech pubs people. Sometimes one will have an explanation and others won’t have one at all, or not as well targeted at the issue.

There are instances whether the ‘s indicates a contraction or possession. The noun may be singular or plural. I typically go with just the apostrophe after a noun ending in s when I mean possession. I use ‘s if a noun ends in s when I mean a contraction.

Bess’ cow bell.

But as a contraction:

Bess’s a Jersy cow.

Grammarly is one I use since it is online and I can turn it on/off per application.

And for all you grammar lovers, there is Mignon Fogarty, known as Grammar Girl. hehe… the editors at DIA liked her work.

My bottom line is that authors must own their documents and they have the final word on content. Love the scientists and engineers whose work I’ve got to review.

Last edited 4 months ago by Barb Meier

Just to expand the confusion, there are quotes in standard literary English, and quotes in technical English. Because of where I do most of my writing (e.g. here), I tend to lean heavily on the technical version even where possibly inappropriate.

Literary —
She told me, “I have a reason to believe this is the right way.”
She told me that she had a reason to believe this is the “right way.”

Technical —
She told me to enter “sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade”.
She told me that this was the “right way”.

Barb Meier

I do this too, Cthulhu. Often I just want to put the period outside the quotes and may even continue a sentence to avoid the .” versus “. issue, especially if I’m doing a document for someone with strong preferences.

I like that the DIA Style Guide offers a section on Economy of Words. I often write something that is longer than needed by using a short phrase when I could have used an adjective preceding a noun or a different word.

Gail Combs

I just asked Hubby (a tech writer & 5th generation newspaper man)

He said Strunk and White Elements of Style uses the XXXs’s while others recommend XXXs’

He was told PICK ONE AND STICK WITH IT through out the document.

Valerie Curren

That’s a great clip WSB–TY!

Hope this lets that tweet show here

Last edited 4 months ago by Valerie Curren
Barb Meier

Hey to Hubby (tech writer)! I concur. 🤓



Cannot even see this on line. 

Last edited 4 months ago by WSB
Barb Meier

Sorry, WSB! I gave a link to a blog page instead of the home page of the site. Hope this works better. At some level, it is free.


Sorry, sweetie. Still not working! We’ll regroup tomorrow AM!

Barb Meier

Sounds good!

Barb Meier

Oh here’s the link for Chicago Manual of Style.

Before I was an editor at DIA, I used this one a lot and always had my own hardback copy.

Microsoft, Apple, and Adobe all had their own style manuals. I think Dell probably just went with Microsoft’s.


I would not rely on Chicago for anything.

Barb Meier

LOL I hear you, WSB. I always thought they must be cloistered away from the rest of Chicago. hehe


PS no reliability on Microsoft, Apple and Adobe either. Dell is Ded.

Barb Meier

I liked Apple’s a lot and it was an early style guide. They were also very good at naming GUI objects. Microsoft’s changed the names of GUI objects over time though they are thorough if you’re writing about software running on their OS.


I agree.




This would never be correct.

Last edited 4 months ago by WSB
Valerie Curren

AND logic 🙂


Apostrophe is never a plural. s’ is the only correct possibility.


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Last edited 4 months ago by TheseTruths

[TT had a post that said something like “what comes after white dorks for Kamala?”, to which this was a reply.]


Last edited 4 months ago by cthulhu
Valerie Curren

Yikes…Reminds me of some stories the drummer from one of my Hubby’s old bands used to tell…butt cheeks & chaps…ewww…


I see. I deleted my comment because it had already been presented in the open. Yes, “white punks on dope” is probably already in play. 😅


Hope he’s got good security.


🙏🙏 for his success for the sake of liberty and freedom!


LOL on that tweet video about ladies’ fake eyelashes 😂😂😂 I cannot believe the vanity crap women/teens fall for and think they look good, especially when it is something uncomfortable.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


I wonder if they’re trying to take a page out of Trump’s playbook. He assigns names to people as a form of branding, and it is effective because there is some truth in it. Dems just look like school kids who don’t like someone so they call them names.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think you’re right.

The problem for Dems is that we have some excellent ways to make it backfire.


We OWN the memes


They have nothing original, just fake all the time.

Which is how Satan does stuff. Smoke, mirrors, deception, lies, etc.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

King of Kings vs. the King of Fakes!


Deplorable, irredeemable Hillary is projecting again.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Irredeemable”!!! LMAO!


So Her Nibs is out with her broad brush again….

Interesting, now the Republicans are weird as well. Used to just be deplorable, so the barrel of epithets has its bottom scraped, and see what emerges.

Weird huh… are we supposed to behave like the guy from «Make Portland Weird» fame, he on the unicycle with bagpipes and flamethrowers, rolling around playing the Star Wars theme? Apparently on a recent trip to Austin, Texas, I saw some posters about promoting weirdness there as well, but that was all.

Now neither of these two cities are exactly known for being Republican strongholds. So this needs more figuring…

Barb Meier

Do I have it right that Trump called Kamala “weird” before the mockingbirds all started accusing MAGA of being weird? If so, we should come up with new terms to keep them occupied.

Gail Combs

He did, Crazy. 😋


Whoa…..and Blake Masters had $$$ and JD Vance’s endorsement.

The stars are aligning.


JD needs to tell DJT he’s sorry.


This was before JDV was selected as VP. No apologies necessary — he’s aligned properly now.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Scott Adams says this so well! 😂

Election Persuasion Update:

Democrats are using the Mean Girls strategy of labeling Republican candidates as “weird” because Democrat policies poll so poorly. 

It is a solid strategy for pleasing their base. Everyone can play because it requires no actual knowledge.

All the media puppets are repeating the “weird” accusation in a super creepy zombie way while pretending they are having original thoughts. 

Republicans are countering by pointing out that batshit crazy Democrat women — who are disproportionately being treated for mental health issues — are a danger to civilization, and the Democrat men who are controlled by the crazy women are barely male.

And it isn’t even August yet.


Remember all the names McCain called us – whacko-birds, crazies, and worse? 

Remember Hillary calling us deplorables, irredeemables? 

Remember “bitter clingers, Russian bots, ignorant hillbillies, monstrous arseholes, gunsplainers, lunatic fringe, white privilege Christians, vulgarians, Crusaders, toothless garbage people, assholes, couch potato anarchists, enemy of the republic, Trump’s noxious base, Trumptards?conspiracy theorists, bunch of randos, virulent people, dregs of society…” – That’s just part of the list of ugly names compiled by Louisiana Mom at Weasel Zippers over the 2015-2016 campaign season from the time Donald and Melania Trump came down that escalator. 

REMEMBER – They go from name-calling 
to bullying/intimidation 
to silencing and censorship
to persecution (getting you fired/lawsuits) 
to imprisonment without a trial (J6 patriots)
to violence and murder without any shame or conscience. 
To them – their ideology, power and money are what matters most…and oh yeah, sexual gratification of any kind, including child p0rn, molestation and r4pe.

They are now calling JD Vance weird because he is defending traditional values and children and families – and that threatens their sexual agenda which is their true first priority.

Last edited 4 months ago by GA/FL

Kamalalala is weird.

Barb Meier

I think I would go with Kamalalaladingdong.


In California! Not only CA but san francisco.

California dad has been granted full custody of his now four-year-old son after the boy’s mother tried to raise him non-binary and forced him to wear dresses and make up.

Harrison Tinsley announced his victory in the years-long legal battle with his ex-girlfriend to gain full custody of his son, Sawyer, in an update on his online fundraiser for legal fees on July 18.

The father-of-one described how he felt like he was ‘watching a miracle’ when he found out he would be the boy’s full-time caregiver.

‘It definitely is a pretty wonderful feeling to fight for something so hard and to actually achieve it,’ Tinsley told The Daily Signal. 

‘It was extremely favorable for Sawyer and me,’ he said in the recent podcast with The Daily Signal. ‘And I’m just so grateful that CPS and San Francisco, California put politics aside and did what they felt was best for the child.

‘It was divine that I got the CPS worker I did and they really did their job – they did not care about politics,’ he added, noting that he believes the mother’s mental health issues and the ‘scary situations’ they caused contributed to the CPS recommendation.

‘It’s sad, though, that it had to get so severe,’ Tinsley said, arguing that he believes anyone who pushes gender ideology on young children ‘have to have some underlying serious mental health issues.

‘It’s madness,’ Tinsley said. ‘Kids don’t care about sex or identity or all these fake, weird concepts. They just care about having fun and getting to spend time with their parents – and it’s insane that we’re even considering this as a possibility to talk to children with.’


Parents who push gender dysphoria on children are the worst. The child should be removed from their care immediately. Well done, dad and judiciary.


Parents who push gender dysphoria on their children have Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy.

That’s what it is, and how is should always be referred to. It’s a severe, damaging, mental illness, with VICTIMS. It’s not ok. It’s no safer for a MSP parent to raise children than it is for a schizophrenic to raise them. Period. There’s got to be a line somewhere.


Reminds me of being stoned out of one’s mind yet trying to appear sober. Remember lots of guys doing this, to the point where the few who didn’t try to fake sobriety seemed weird and out of place.


Yes. The mother mustve been very insane for san fran to say no to her. The dad needs to move to a conservative county or leave CA now.


That is fantastic news!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Rowe is an abomination.


Dan has a high-level source telling him about denials of requests from Trump’s SS for more help.

He says he will out the source if they don’t go public. He gave them until next week.

Dan is pissed.


origin of the word weird ….


h/t Shakespeare 👉 weird sisters…👇

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“shit happens”


Last edited 4 months ago by smiley2
Valerie Curren

purple revolutionistas   :wpds_evil: 

pat frederick

pantsuit parasites

Valerie Curren

masked Machiavellians


John Cullen sees evidence from witnesses, videos, sound analysis, distance measurements, etc. that there were as many as 5 shooters that day, likely coordinated with each other by cell phone.

This while the Senator John Kennedy and FBI try to nail down the idea in the public’s mind that Crooks was the lone shooter.


Have yet to see anyone anywhere address the question: where was Trump’s private security?


WHO was PT’s private security? Were they inhibited?


1) It was my understanding based on reading throughout the years that VSG not only had private security, but top notch private security. I do not remember the details, just the general idea. Somehow this was firmly lodged in my memory.

2) At the Trump rally last Saturday I talked to a guy who had been to over a dozen rallies, including Butler which is a couple hours from here. He told me that Trump’s private security was evident and active at all previous rallies, but at Butler were a no show. I cannot vouch for him other than to say he seemed credible to me, and he was a Trump supporter so presumably an honest person.

3) I did not closely question him, and do wonder how a rally goer identifies private security.

4) I asked him if he knew why they were not there, and he said he did not know, but was confident they had been somehow misdirected.

5) What disturbs me is why Trump would not have private security, at least to check up on the official security. I do not trust official security an iota, and presume they are infiltrated with bad actors.

6) It is categorically implausible to me that Trump trusts his official security. If he does, we are in bigger peril than the immense peril I believe we are in.

Gail Combs

Eric Prince was saying that the logistics of coordinating Private and Secret Service is a MAJOR headache. Also Private will ALWAYS GET THE BLAME when things go wrong.

I have ZERO idea of why Trump did not have Private Security with him that day.

I wonder if the Mar A Logo raid may have had anything to do with it.


I can imagine that the officials would try to be an obstacle to the privates.

But think about Butler.

The privates would have been aware of the unguarded roof, and maybe even the citizen alarm over the shooter so many people pointed out.

Unlike the officials, the privates would have had communication with some friendly who could have warned Trump not to go on.

I do not think these things are apparent with the help of hindsight. They were basic redundancies which could have been done without the officials. They would have been done with the idea that the officials could not be trusted.

People have said that drones can be easily jammed. But will the officials jam drones, or will “mistakes” be made, and the equipment “fail”? Can redundant jamming be done?

And to the extent that official interference exists, the situation can be brought to Trump’s attention, and the proper decisions made.

I have voiced my concerns over time. I try to say things in a way which is not alarmist or defeatist. But they intend to murder Trump, and almost did, even with people like Tucker saying they would.

They will not stop. And it is very, very difficult to see how they cannot succeed. Especially so if Trump does not take private steps to defend himself.

Last edited 4 months ago by Tonawanda
Gail Combs

At this point I think he will have a lot of ‘unofficial’ protection.

Think Bikers for Trump. Also a LOT of veterans with 20 to 30 years are either retired or semi retired. THEY know what is at stake and will be a lot more vigilant.

Butler was their Last Best Hope as Erik Prince pointed out. As an official candidate he is NOW entitled to a lot more protection. Erik also said the BEST use of private contractors is for SNIPERS to case the place for where THEY would set up. They have a lot different mindset compared to a protection detail. However his biggest worry was a swarm of drones or a swarm of snipers.

Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

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I think the dude on the left is Hispanic.
Says to the creeper in blue as he creeps up to him: “Hi Senor”
Dude in blue creeps up to him and looks over and down and says:
“I seen yours too”.

Dude in blue is definitely a Dim white guy for kamaltoe

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

Hmmm 23 second video claiming NASA’s Mars cam is looking at Devon Island, Canada…Side by side images…

[video src="" /]

comment imageHodor


Flat Earth TIKTOK
“Mars” = Devon Island, Canada.

Valerie Curren

TY, that was interesting

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Watched without sound, about 2:48 in

It looks like that’s centered around the old FlashLine Mars station that Zubrin & others built to do simulations of a manned mission to Mars (assuming that Mars Direct’s mission profile would be followed).


People are slowly waking up!

Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

comment imageGolddiggerPatriot

ICYMI Mark Meadows asked the Supreme Court to consider his bid to move his election interference charges in Georgia to federal court, citing the high court’s recent landmark decision on presidential immunity. (Washington Examiner)

Valerie Curren

Crazy cat lady???

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As long as the cat doesn’t start hanging out in front of the bathroom mirror or your wife starts meowing, it’s all good.

Okay, I admit that’s not that funny. So sue me.

Gail Combs

“… So sue me.”

Nah, you know too many lawyers! 😂




That’s Prozac! Other common meds: ivermectin, trazodone, antibiotics…

Valerie Curren

chill out kitty 😉



Valerie Curren


I read yesterday that Meta AI said it was a fictional event. The victims families should sue.

Valerie Curren

guilt by association…if this is technically true…

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Somebody needs to learn about subjects and predicates.

Gail Combs


OK I am really bad about run-on sentences, but I do try to go back and chop them up!


That’s because you care.  🙂 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

As long as that first sentence is, it’s not complete. “Did you know that…” introduces a run-on subordinate clause with no verb in it, just a list of facts.

Valerie Curren

maybe it’s the new meme misspelling trend 😉


Oh, but, AI is good. It will never harm humanity. Trust them.



I trust my riot gun. So there’s that.

Valerie Curren

My husband & my father were both Eagle Scouts, Michael also attaining “Order of the Arrow”. I witnessed the power of this Eagle Scout identity a few years back. We’d stopped at a Michigan rest area on a holiday weekend heading Up North. Local volunteers manned tents w/ complimentary beverages & snacks. We struck up a conversation with an older gentleman there & somehow found out he & Hubby were both Eagle Scouts. Apparently this man was also a member of the first Super Bowl championship team, showing us his ring in the course of the conversation. At the end these men exchanged contact information with the Super Bowl victor claiming if Michael ever needed Anything to reach out to his fellow Eagle Scout, which was amazing to me!

Anyway, this article makes me sad. Scouting had a huge shaping influence on both my dad & my husband. For Michael, whose parents divorced when he was about 5, scouting provided much needed male leadership & several crucial father figures to help shape his youth & steer his path. For my dad, his own dad got involved in a very lively Detroit Troop & made himself available for the many activities (something he rarely did being the proprietor of his own business) & even though it was filled with city boys taught them so many necessary skills & traits of manhood & outdoor living. Two things that were quite meaningful were the building of a log cabin by hand on someone’s property outside of the City. They also built a fire tower by lashing. Oh & Dad’s “One Step From Death” trip to Isle Royal was with the scouts–I thought I wrote about that here: but it must have been elsewhere. When my dad turned 50 I flew home for the celebration & saw his old scoutmaster, who I knew from the church of my childhood, present my father with his Troop (scrap) Book w/ all sorts of news clippings & memorabilia from that storied troop…

Much is being distorted, destroyed, & lost by these insane maneuvers, tragically…

comment imageShalawam

The Boy Scouts of America has a Chief Diversity Officer & Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion. The organization requires all Eagle Scouts to earn a badge in diversity, equity, and inclusion. It admitted girls to its program for 11- to 17-year-old boys in 2019 and changed the name of that program from the Boy Scouts to Scouts BSA. The word “boy” has been routed from the organization’s promotional materials and replaced with “youth,” as in: “For more than 100 years, Scouting programs have instilled in youth the values found in the Scout Oath.”

The DEI apparatus is the antithesis of the original Scouting ethic. Scouts are supposed to focus outward, not on themselves, and especially not on au courant diversity characteristics. They are supposed to be dedicated to universal ideals, not to identitarian commitments. They are supposed to be honest, which means not pretending that, without affinity groups and “allyship,” the Boy Scouts of America would be a cauldron of exclusion and contempt. They are supposed to be color-blind, not exquisitely attuned to racial identity. They are supposed to be patriotic, not predisposed to think that the Scouts and America itself struggle to make every person “feel respected and valued,” in the words of the Scouts’ DEI mission statement. They are supposed to be volunteer-driven, not encumbered by superfluous bureaucracy. It would have astonished Baden-Powell and his North American comrades to learn that Eagle Scouts were spending time with the minutiae of progressive identity politics, rather than learning about nature and self-discipline.

By some accounts, getting rid of “boy” was less about attracting a larger female component than about drawing a larger LGBTQ component. The ubiquitous Sydney Ireland told PBS that this latest name change is “going to benefit everyone, including young men, young women, nonbinary people.” Scout CEO Roger Krone claimed to the Associated Press that the name change sends the message that “everyone . . . can bring their authentic self” and be welcomed. The language of “authenticity” is associated with novel issues of gender identity more than with being female. But in any case, the historical Scouts were not about affirming a navel-gazing self, “authentic” or otherwise; they were about equipping an otherwise puny self with a timeless, expansive code of selfless values.

The Girl Scouts will never give up the word “girl” in the name of inclusivity; nor will it end its all-girl membership rules. Only men are called upon to cancel their presence and their traditions. With the final erasure of “boy” from Boy Scouts of America, the progressive war on American institutions notches another victory. We are all the casualties.
comment imageGirling the Boy ScoutsProgressives notch another victory in their war on American institutions.
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Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

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comment imageGolddiggerPatriot
·️ Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raided Chinese-owned Fuyao Glass America in Moraine, Ohio — featured in a 2019 Netflix documentary that former President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama’s production company produced — over allegations of human smuggling and money laundering.

Read (

H/T: QAGG News

Valerie Curren

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comment imageKAT HOOKER
· PHUCK HER A FEMALE OBAMA SCAMMER! undefinedundefined undefinedundefined undefinedundefined undefinedundefined undefinedundefined
Kamala Harris’ father was a Marxist professor. Let that sink in.


Scroll down to the group photo, is the grumpy looking old guy the same person as the picture in that old newspaper cutting above.

Valerie Curren

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I think I read elsewhere that this is Kommiela’s mom’s family w/ the man being Kommie’s grandfather

Jul 28
Replying to @BanDavidNow @LauraLoomer @realDonaldTrump @Bitcoin
Share this one with Kamala and her dad instead

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which one is the hoe then

Valerie Curren

back left, next to her grandma w/ her sister on the back right. I believe this was after Kommie’s mother had died. One of the younger girls in front is Kommie’s niece & the other is a cousin, iirc. I think this photo was captioned w/ all the people identified at a DailyMail piece I read a while back


Verse of the Day for Wednesday, July 31, 2024

“And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me.” 

Psalms 50:15 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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As children of God we have been set free
In His Word He declares how that can be
God desires His people to have freedom 
Oppression enslavement we don’t need ’em

Seven times He directed an escape out
From His prophet He declared with a shout
Let My people go right now He ordered
But His commands were ignored and cornered

When He was despised a plan He devised
His prophet would decree as He advised
But no matter what plagued the oppressors
They continued to be the aggressors

Until the day He removed the most prized
Of the leader so stubborn and unwise
Deliverance from enslavement you see
Will occur in this year of Jubilee

Not by the hand of man will this happen
But by the hand of God it will snap in
The power of God is second to none
The only source thru which it will be done

Because we believe Jesus had the pull 
The price of our freedom was paid in full
The glory of the latter will be greater
And we will be free from the agitator

Deliver us Lord from four hundred years
Of discord and incalculable tears
Restore us with blessings You had planned
Before evil came in and stole our land

D01: 08/02/2023




Good news. Although I have no idea the details of what gets easier.

Rather sure Cry’n Chuck will kill it, assuming it ever gets out of committee.

Sen. Mike Lee Introduces Act to Simplify Firearm Suppressor Purchase Rules


Important for those that don’t want to wake up in the middle of night and look for ear plugs before shooting bad guys. Hearing is important & Seconds count! 😁



My comment was referring to whatever paperwork gets easier.

IMO, ALL of the paperwork should be canceled. Suppressor is simply another sale. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Gail Combs

If you put the insane into mental institutions then ALL the fire arms paperwork goes away.

Valerie Curren

AND many/most of the leftie loons!


I’d go even farther.

I know of nothing else in the Constitution that says “shall not be infringed”. To me, “infringed” means “any government restriction altogether”. No forms, no licenses, no restrictions at all — I’d go so far as to say that arms (guns and ammo, swords and armor) should be exempt from sales tax.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

There is, one amendment earlier, “Congress shall make no law…”

But strictly speaking that can be read as ONLY restricting the federal government. Later covered by the 14th amendment.

“Shall not be infringed” does not have such restrictive phrasing and could arguably have been read as applying to every level of government (though it was not, until recently, again due to the 14th amendment).

Valerie Curren

Seems to me that any & all paperwork pertaining to guns is unconstitutional & therefore illegal. Shall not be abridged!


abridged Infringed

Valerie Curren

Thx for the correction Rayzor!!!

Robert Baker

It seems to me that Tucker has a strategy on his podcast to give prominent politicians and celebrities a longform platform to air and explain their views. The philosophical bent and strategy of the mainstream media never affords them the opportunity to state their conservative ideas and goals. I consider this of immense importance and value to our citizens. Tucker should be commended and supported in this effort. Because of Tucker’s two hour interview with Senator Lee yesterday I have a better appreciation of the Senator’s integrity and character. I can say the same for the interview with Rep. Massie from Kentucky. Federal politicians get away with so much corrupt behavior because most Americans have no idea what they are doing. Tucker’s interviews give us a window into what is really going on. In my view, this is far superior to whatever comes out of Congressional hearings.


Great comment, Robert, and spot on.


Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 
#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday

Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.
#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday



Caution — graphic images and video of long blood clots removed from COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons. THESE CLOTS ARE FROM “VACCINATED” PERSONS WHO HAVE DIED, AND ALSO FROM “VACCINATED” PERSONS WHO ARE ALIVE:
via State of the Nation
Yours Truly: It’s called “CLOTASTROPHE.”

Gail Combs

Then I hope the Son of a Syphilitic Camel gets convicted of PREMEDITATED MURDER!

(And Yeah, Pgroup, I know it would be considered ‘manslaughter’ but in my view it is PREMEDITATE aka KNOWINGLY….)


Depraved indifference is actually murder, and this is depraved indifference.


2nd degree murder.

Valerie Curren

100% & the demons who decided to allow this need to be convicted as accessories!

Valerie Curren

Nice rant!

Valerie Curren

Michigan Mad Man (now in Texas I believe)!

Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

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Her family owned way more than 120 slaves. More like 500.


You and your annoying pesky little details.

Come on, man! Generalities, for the win.  😂 



Just by the way, even 120 slaves was a LOT in America, both before and after the Revolution.

People in the islands where the cane plantations were, like Jamaica, owned many more than even the largest plantations here.

Valerie Curren

Some of my husband’s ancestors were White Slaves in the Caribbean for a couple generations, I believe. They were Quakers that were persecuted in Europe before being persecuted in the Americas…


I have some Native American ancestors who were shipped there as slaves, too.

Valerie Curren

I didn’t know That happened to the Native Americans too–wow. It’s kind of fascinating how much unexplored history one can rub up against when digging into one’s roots. What tribe(s) are you descended from? I have a GGGM who was part Indian, Chippewa or Ojibway supposedly. There are some 1800’s photos of her & some of her kids & that Native ancestry seems pretty apparent 🙂



Some “Tuskies” were taken as slaves here in the Americas:

Others, after the Tuscarora War 1713 in North Carolina, about 1000 were enslaved and sent to the Caribbean:

Valerie Curren

Thx A, I look forward to reading these & learning yet again something new! Blessings


And to you!

Valerie Curren

hugs 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If you want to do an article about Crazy Kamala’s slavin’ ancestors, I’ll promote it to the best of my ability on Twitter and Gab! It’s a real wake-up call.

Gail Combs

I second that!


I can work on that!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No rush!

I do think it may get cited, or perhaps “duplicated” by the MSM. Be sure to web archive any sources you think might get taken down by the leftists and their deplatforming, censorious allies.

Valerie Curren

I think the DailyMail has touched on this a few times including multiple plantations her ancestor had oversight of…


Still waiting for presstitutes to publicly ask Hoe about her family owning slaves.

Last edited 4 months ago by kalbokalbs
Gail Combs

That goes for most of American Blacks too.


Don’t hold your breath. Have a beer instead.

Valerie Curren

I’ve seen some of that family history evidence in British sources. That slave holding ancestor, Hamilton Harris iirc, continued enslaving the Irish after the African slavery was outlawed in Britain. Seems there are some long memories across the pond…



Gail Combs


In general terms, squatters rights in Idaho are governed by the common law statutes which dictate how property is being used through adverse possession.

An oral claim for possession is allowed in Idaho, but only when the squatters have been paying the property taxes on a parcel of land for a minimum of 20 years.

All other provisions under Idaho law must also be met for an adverse possession claim to be filed.

How could a property owner lose their Idaho property to squatters today?

Here are the provisions that must be followed exactly for a claim to be heard.

1. The Property In Question Must Be Possessed And Occupied.

Squatters cannot simply decree that they are using a property for 5-20 years [depending on when the squatting began] and then file an adverse possession claim.

It must be possessed and occupied for the prescribed period of time for their claim to be heard.

There are two ways that squatters can meet this definition:

1) by creating a substantial enclosure on the property to help protect it;

or 2) to cultivate or improve the property as any other property owner would do.

2. There Must Not Be a Written Instrument Of Ownership In Place.

An adverse possession claim will never be heard if a property owner has recorded a written instrument with their county clerk regarding their intent to use the property.

Even if squatters are there without permission, this written instrument shows evidence that a property owner intends to use their land at some point and it negates the possession requirement of adverse possession….

The Actual Law:






For the purpose of constituting an adverse possession, by a person claiming title not founded upon a written instrument, judgment or decree, land is deemed to have been possessed and occupied in the following cases only:

(1) Where it has been protected by a substantial enclosure.

(2) Where it has been usually cultivated or improved.

Provided, however, that in no case shall adverse possession be considered established under the provisions of any sections of this code unless it shall be shown that the land has been occupied and claimed for the period of twenty (20) years continuously, and the party or persons, their predecessors and grantors, have paid all the taxes, state, county or municipal, which have been levied and assessed upon such land according to law.

Provided further, that adverse possession shall not be considered established under the provisions of any sections of this code if a written instrument has been recorded in the real estate records kept by the county recorder of the county in which the property is located and such written instrument declares that it was not the intent of a party to such instrument, by permitting possession or occupation of real property, to thereby define property boundaries or ownership.

Provided further, that for purposes of establishing adverse possession pursuant to this section, a person claiming adverse possession must present clear and convincing evidence that the requirements of subsection (1) or (2) of this section have been met.


[(5-210) C.C.P. 1881, sec. 150; R.S., R.C., & C.L., sec. 4043; C.S., sec. 6603; I.C.A., sec. 5-210; am. 2001, ch. 290, sec. 2, p. 1028; am. 2006, ch. 158, sec. 5, p. 475.]

Valerie Curren

TY for diving in on the details!!!

Valerie Curren

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Thank God! Best wishes and Good Energy for a complete recovery.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

comment imageReal America’s Voice (RAV)


Foundation for Freedom Online Executive Director Mike Benz tells War Room Co-Host Natalie Winters about a whistleblower allegation that one Secret Service agent was supposed to be stationed on the roof in Butler, Pennsylvania…but strangely stood down. “Getting to the specifics of who dropped the ball tells the story of who they were connected to,” Benz said. “What was that agent’s cell phone and text messages like? What was that agent’s radio communications? If this was a government plot it would have required a government agent or informant to have been in this shooter’s group chats or online community, radicalizing this person or having awareness around this.”

Around 2:20 in the video he mentions HSI agents who had an even larger presence in Jan 6 than the FIB did…

Last edited 4 months ago by Valerie Curren
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We’re getting somewhere!!!

Valerie Curren

Homeland “Security” is looking pretty dirty lately…

Valerie Curren

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Last edited 4 months ago by Valerie Curren

Wasn’t this shown to be in error? NETFLIX only “tumbled” 0.4%.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah but they can muck with the vertical scale of the graph in such a way as to make it look like the stock cratered.

Valerie Curren

Is the “$2 billion lost in 4 hours” accurate at least? Seems I saw that in several places but I never read any of the source material.

Valerie Curren

I don’t know actually. My hubby has been talking about them “losing half their value” per stuff he’s seen, but that doesn’t make it true. I should add the disclaimer “seen on” for this type of stuff…

Valerie Curren

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Sounds good, but I’m afraid it’s another spurious quote…

And they misspelled his last name.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It simply doesn’t sound like something he’d say even if he’d likely agree with it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren

TY for the correction. I missed the name misspelling too.

Valerie Curren

I wonder if this was really said or if this is fabricated…

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Didn’t “they” kill Joan Rivers for pointing this out too?


Come on, Valerie. Do you really think Chelsea Clinton would put something like that out in public??? 🤔😅

Gail Combs

How about Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò?

Shadow of Ezra @ShadowofEzra

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, who was excommunicated from the Church by order of Pope Francis, has come out strongly condemning the satanic Olympics in Paris as a vile attack on God by the anti-Christian elite who want to undermine traditional family roles.

He says these satanic rituals are a recurring theme, previously seen at the 2012 London Olympics, the 2016 Gotthard Tunnel opening, and the 2022 Commonwealth Games.

He was disturbed by the following:

– Transvestite and effeminate dancers

– A parody of the LGBTQ+ Last Supper

– Holograms of the horsemen of the Apocalypse

– A decapitated Marie Antoinette celebrating the French Revolution

He even called Emmanuel Macron’s wife a transvestite and described Michelle Obama as a muscular man in a wig.

“Emanuel Macron, who passes off a transvestite as his own wife with impunity, just as Barack Obama is accompanied by a muscular man in a wig.”

He ends by advocating for Christians to unite globally and boycott the Olympics and its sponsors.

Paul reads the actual statement starting at 39:22 on Eye of the Storm

Last edited 4 months ago by Gail Combs
Valerie Curren

No that’s why I said the “I wonder” statement… 🙂

Valerie Curren

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Gail Combs

That is SUPER NEWS!!!

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

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Now get the money for all those supplies that SlowJoe sold off for pennies on the dollar. Bet that won’t be quite so straightforward.

Valerie Curren

You’re probably right 🙁


Exhibit “C” from the SINate Secret Circus hearing:
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This exhibit is supposed to make us believe that this is what the sniper(s) saw….
WTF? Do the snipers not use SCOPES?

Do these people really think we are stupid?


Excuse my ignorance but the trajectory stuff is over my head…so the snipers were looking straight at him? Wasn’t his head wound in the back of his head?


Which murder are you discussing?

DJT had no head wound – he was shot in the ear.


Allegedly Crooks , the assassin
IOW if the counter snipers were facing Crooks and shot him as he raised his head from his position

Last edited 4 months ago by mollypitcher5
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

IMO Crooks was shot just above his left eye, with exit wound in the back of his skull, under the hair.


I believe the actual shots came from the ground floor.

Shots to PT, I mean.

Last edited 4 months ago by WSB
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If so, then they used some kind of special phony Hollywood windowing that appeared closed but allowed the sniper to shoot right through it.

And if so, that might have accounted for them missing Trump.

I’m still thinking the second floor will be the answer.

Gail Combs

It is one or the other.

The dis-info about 3 (not 2) snipers Local LEOs and leaving their posts (OR not) seems to indicate the 2nd story.

Valerie Curren

Could be AND logic. That pic/still shot from either Martensen’s version of the new video, or the original from the guy whose phone was confiscated by the FIB, appeared to be guy in black w/ a big scoped gun w/ someone’s flesh-toned arm behind him on the roof. I shared it on Tuesday’s Q-Tree, I think. Also what looks like rifle barrel & muzzle blast(s) from the first floor window to the east of the metal stacks on the south-facing wall. With open windows on the 2nd floor of the adjacent building there could be shots fired from all Three positions potentially…




I presume that the Exit wound was in back of head.


Thanks. I guess my idea of what a bullet to the head would cause isn’t reality. I thought if someone was shot in the head there would be much more visible damage at the entry as well as the exit

Last edited 4 months ago by mollypitcher5

Typically “entry” wounds are just a hole, then the bullet tumbles and creates a lot bigger “exit” wound.




Yesterday a video was posted of people right next to the building when it happened.
on the soundtrack one onlooker can be heard saying he saw lumps of hair flying when the shooter got shot.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Very likely that his hair was flying back, perhaps with small coin-sized pieces of skull and hair flying away.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Agreed! And people saw his hair fly back when he was shot!


A “scope” on a rifle magnifies the target multiple times.

Gail Combs

I am putting this up on the assassination thread but I wanted to point out this information.

GA/FL brought up this yesterday:

On the Coffee and a Mike program, guest John Cullen discusses the Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump.
I listened to the whole thing from the video analysis which starts 20 minutes in. 
From the evidence (video, witnesses, bullet trajectory, sound analysis) Cullen sees the possibility of 5 shooters.
– shooter in the woods shooting at the SS sniper team above and behind Trump’s podium.
– shooter on the water tower 
– the kid on the roof 
– shooter from the window of the same building 
– shooter in a tree closer in.
This was interesting and very convincing.
Another analysis by John Cullen –

Since John Cullen mentions Dr Martensen’s analysis I am adding this. Cullen notes the time between sound of bullet and rife retort fits the window and NOT the shooter. The shorter time may fit the trees. He also mentions Erik Prince giving EXACT measurement. (sorry I do not have that number.)

However the substack noted above has the times. The screen shot is from

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However there is more info from other sources. I found the following very very helpful in visualizing stuff.

MIKE BELL: Bullet Trajectories | Near Assassination of ex President Trump (8 min)

They do 3-D of the site. They show real footage too.

From the real footage:

At 1:19 crowd points out shooter to uniformed LEO

At 1:23 you can see shooter climb onto the roof

At 1:26 they show there are FIVE drain pipes and the Shooters foot is at the MIDDLE (#3) drain pipe as he is belly crawling to his position. Between #2 & #3 (closest) is the roof of the walkway.

At 1:30 is a good still of shooter PLUS the lamp that concerned Valerie Curren and I.

At 1:40 they show the ladder up to the walkway roof.[Real footage & 3D simulation)

At 1:43 they show that same walkway roof and the shooters position and the trejectory of the bullets using the 3-D simulation.

At 2:04 is a good view of the shooter’s roof position in relation to the 2nd story and the trajectory of the bullets

At 2:21 it shows drone footage still showing that walkway roof & blood trail & cops.

At 2:46 is a view from the opposite side showing the 2 story bldg in front with the water tower in the distance.

The video:


Erik Prince – Breakdown of the Donald Trump Assassination Attempt (1 hr 45 min)

At 6:50 Erik mentions ONLY ONE FULL TIME SS AGENT rest are DHS… There were only 4 SS post standers asigned (The guys who tackled Trump) Jill Biden had 12.

At 7:40 Erik Debunks Trump set it up. Erik would not trust ANY sniper, and he has known some great ones, to take that shot.

At 8:40 Shawn Ryan: some think DEI, some think Gov’t some think intentially let happen. Erik gives real examples of the incompetence of Feds.

At 12 min mentions handset going to house and DC. Not sure gov’t would use local kid. Is it DEI? lack of focus on merit and the mission and allowing political correctness & politics to distract…. We saw that in the conduct of the war in Iraq, in conduct of war in Afghanistan, in countering the Houthis…. WARS START BECAUSE OF ASSASSINATIONS, WWII started with assassination of Duke Ferdinand, heir to throne of Austrian-Hungry empire… Imagine USA today if they had assassinated Trump… Civil War? Maybe, Maybe not. Violence? YES!

[I will add remember the IRAN planing to kill Trump Deployment = start WWIII?? GC.]

Erik dodges the did the Gov’t set it up question and then gets into HOW to protect Trump and integrate Private with SS.

(From Youtube)

00:00 – Introduction

03:08 – Assassination analysis

14:39 – Was this a conspiracy from higher up?

23:55 – Types of security needed

31:30 – Obama

38:16 – A positive outlook

49:05 – Who is ‘they?’

1:05:50 – Agency overreach

1:26:33 – Defending against drones

1:28:49 – Israel

1:41:25 – Affluenza

The video:

Gail Combs

Do start at the beginning of the John Cullen video:

6:45 — Los Vegas shooters were in HELICOPTERS!! That makes that one of the biggest cover-ups in the history of the country. [NO WONDER THEY BULLDOZED THE SITE!]
“State Secret’ is used as a cover for any facts they do not want disclosed and the Courts go along.
 12:00 — Army of 60,000 dis-info agents working for Pentagon…

He also says to look at the Saudi Prince’s response to Los Vegas. Some say it was an assassination attempt on the Prince. He also mentioned the death of Jamal Khashoggi came on the anniversary of the Los Vegas  massacre.

This was an easy CHECK:

NY Slimes LINK
👉Nov. 4, 2017

LONDON — Saudi Arabia announced the arrest on Saturday night of the prominent billionaire investor Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, plus at least 10 other princes, four ministers and tens of former ministers.

The announcement of the arrests was made over Al Arabiya, the Saudi-owned satellite network whose broadcasts are officially approved. Prince Alwaleed’s arrest is sure to send shock waves both through the kingdom and the world’s major financial centers…

The name Khashoggi rang a bell. It was from this:

October 2008 — The U.N.’s Man of Mystery
Is the godfather of the Kyoto treaty a public servant or a profiteer?

….Strong sits on boards with the Rockefellers and Mikhail Gorbachev and chairs private meetings of CEOs, including Bill Gates. He hobnobs with the world’s royalty, too – and with dictators and despots.

He once did a business deal with arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi, and wound up with a 200,000-acre ranch in Colorado – which his wife, Hanne, runs as a New Age spiritual colony.

He told Maclean’s magazine in 1976 that he was “a socialist in ideology, a capitalist in methodology.” He warns that if we don’t heed his environmentalist warnings, the Earth will collapse into chaos.

“Do we really want this? Do we want Marx to be proven right, after all?” Strong asks. He shares the views of the most radical environmentalist street protester, but instead of shouting himself hoarse at a police barricade outside a global conference, he’s the secretary general inside, wielding the gavel.

Strong has always courted power – but not through any shabby election campaign. He was a Liberal candidate in the 1979 federal election, but pulled out a month before the vote.

How could a mere MP wield the kind of international control he had tasted in Stockholm? Journalist Elaine Dewar, who interviewed Strong, described why he loved the UN.

OCT 11, 2018 Jamal Khashoggi: The profile of a Saudi elite turned Riyadh critic

From rubbing shoulders with royalty to having a billionaire arms dealer uncle, nothing about the life and disappearance of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi, seems ordinary.

Khashoggi has made headlines across the globe after reports surfaced about the Turkish police’s suspicions that the journalist was murdered in the kingdom’s diplomatic mission in Istanbul on Oct. 2.

Known for being a vocal critic of Riyadh, Khashoggi used to be a loyalist before Prince Mohammed bin Salman became the crown prince in 2017…

Jamal is the nephew of late Adnan Khashoggi, an infamous arms dealer who used to be a key player in the Middle East and is said to have close relations with many prominent figures.

In the 1960’s, Adnan made a name for himself by brokering arms deals between Riyadh and Washington.

Reportedly also having close ties with late Israeli PM Ariel Sharon, Adnan became a prominent figure in Middle East politics….

In 2015, Prince Alwaleed bin Talal launched a TV station called Al-Arab News and appointed Jamal, his close confidant, as its editor-in-chief.

However, the TV station aired for less than 24 hours before shutting down, citing technical difficulties. Rumors started to circulate that the Saudi government pressured the station into closure after it broadcasted a Bahraini politician from opposition.

According to Jamal’s friends, who spoke to BBC Turkey and wished to remain anonymous, Jamal’s problems began shortly after the Al-Arab News incident.

Jamal was barred from speaking to any news outlets and could not find any work during this time, and chose to self-exile himself to the U.S.

In 2017, Prince Talal, along with prominent Saudi Arabian princes, government ministers and business people became a subject of a corruption investigation spearheaded by his cousin, Prince Salman.

Prince Talal was released after three months in jail.

58 people were killed, in addition to the gunman, and almost 500 others were injured on 👉Oct. 1, 2017, in the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history.

Date of DEATH:

Jamal Khashoggi: What we know about the journalist’s death | Euronews Answers

Khashoggi went missing on 👉October 2 after entering the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, Turkey, to obtain documents for his upcoming marriage.

But what do we know of his death so far and how much remains unclear?

Saudi Arabia’s account of events

In a statement, Saudi Arabia’s public prosecutor said Khashoggi got involved “in a fist fight” with men inside the consulate that ended in his death.

A Saudi official told Reuters: “A group of Saudis had a physical altercation and Jamal died as a result of the chokehold. They were trying to keep him quiet.”…

From the Daily Smell…
‘American mercenaries are torturing’ Saudi elite rounded up by new crown prince – and billionaire Prince Alwaleed was hung upside down ‘just to send a message’

…’They are beating them, torturing them, slapping them, insulting them. They want to break them down,’ the source told 

‘Blackwater’ has been named by’s source as the firm involved, and the claim of its presence in Saudi Arabia has also been made on Arabic social media, and by Lebanon’s president….

Last edited 4 months ago by Gail Combs

To the point of violence after assassinations it’s still my belief that had Trump been killed the planners would’ve immediately begun violent acts by “MAGA” to once and for all to “prove” Trump’s supporters are a “threat to democracy”.

Gail Combs


All they would have to do to make ALL fire Arms illegal is push thru an Amendment in the wake of the ‘wide scale violence’

At that point our republic becomes another 2 bit dictatorship with rotating puppets.




If Harries becomes Presided the vowed yesterday in Atlanta
that she will ban firer arms the first 100 in office.😡
The communists are hell bend to ban firer arms. I do not own one but feel protected that my neighbors own them. 😅

Gail Combs

She tries it and she will get slammed down by the Supreme Court


You will see a civil war started.

Their problem is if Americans say HELL NO! WHO is going to FIGHT FOR Kamala?

NOT the Blacks
NOT the Cartels
NOT the Latinos
NOT the illegals
NOT the local sheriffs & LEOs (most are not THAT dumb)

And there is this from Erik Prince:

Erik: …The political divide is Rural vs Urban. It is not North vs South…. It is rural areas vs cities and that can be ugly.


 Shawn: How close are we to that?


 Erik (57:42) If Trump had been assassinated and the gap? Who knows what would have ensued. Who knows what the federal over reach would have been. And there are a lot of people who do not have confidence in the Federal institutions anymore. And it doesn’t take much.


 Shawn: do you have convidence in any Federal Institution that exists?


 Erik: I have a lot of confidence in the men from the Units that we came from. I do not have supreme confidence in all the officers. But I have a lot of confidence in let’s say, O4, O5 and below [O-4 is Major and O-5 pay grade is a Lieutenant Colonel]

The problem is the CITIES are now pissed Off at the Biden Admin for stuffing their neighborhoods to the bursting with illegals. So FORGET the cities fighting FOR Kamala.

So that leaves Uni Profs, Soccer Moms, Soy Boys, the  latte & cocktail crowd and SOME Schools teachers, none of whom would be willing to actually fight… Except for maybe ANTIFA. Remember they had to PAY ANTIFA and BUS THEM from city to city.


I should add I was relieved by what Erik Prince said. I was very worried before that.

Last edited 4 months ago by Gail Combs

I start with this; I DO NOT want to see a civil war happen in America. This is the stuff of nightmares to me.

That stated, I will say this; it IS urban vs. rural, and it would be very bad. Sheriffs out here in flyover country would deputize everybody with a weapon, first of all. Second, city people live places where you can’t see more than a block or two, much less shoot the several hundred yards that rural hunters routinely shoot to eat. They would be outclassed instantly in the shooting department.

Also, the cities would starve if the rural areas simply cut off their supply lines, which, if I were in command of a force, would be the FIRST thing I would do. Nothing would go in, and nobody would come out.

This is not what we want in America. We want a peaceful transfer of power to a sane government. Camel-Uh is a commie loon, so of course that leaves her out.

Gail Combs

I agree with you completely. However the Soft Uni Profs, Soccer Moms, Soy Boys & the urban latte & cocktail crowd would be the FIRST attacked by the predators in the cities if the rural areas blocked/boycotted or had a universal strike.


Of course they would. This is the great irony of these groups championing leftist causes. They would be the first to die, at the hands of their “protectees.”

Gail Combs

AND why I am very very glad to live out in the country.

Blow up a couple bridges and my whole area is nicely isolated.


Mine, too.


she will ban fire arms the first 100 in office.😡

She would not be upholding the Constitution, then. The president takes a vow to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” That would be grounds for immediate impeachment (and a lot more), which is why the down-ballot races are also so important.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Once Crazy Kamala is in, she and Obama will only be removed by force, IMO. She will not leave, and she will get worse and worse.

Gail Combs

And a final bit of information:

A Simple Method to Extract DNA from Hair Shafts Using Enzymatic Laundry Powder

Published online 2013 Jul 29. 


A simple method to extract DNA from hair shafts was developed by using enzymatic laundry powder at the first step of the process. The whole extraction can be finished in less than 2 hours.

The simple extraction reagent proposed here contains only two cheap components: ordinary enzymatic laundry powder and PCR buffer. After extraction, an ultra sensitive fluorescent nucleic acid stain, PicoGreen, was used for quantifying trace amount of double-stranded DNA in the solution extracted.

For further validation of DNA extraction, four primers were employed to amplify DNA microsatellite loci. Both fluorescence spectroscopy and PCR results suggested that this method can extract DNA from hair shafts with good efficiency and repeatability. The study will greatly facilitate the use of hair shafts in future for DNA analyses on genome-wide scale.


Would still have to have a DNA “Sample” to compare it with.
Where did the FIB get that sample?


Also, the need for an approved lab to do the analysis on a late afternoon early evening. I’m fairly certain it isn’t a test strip item they have in their pocket UNLESS they were expecting to need it

Gail Combs

I am sure the FIB lab was waiting for the sample…

FBI Laboratory – A Brief Outline of the History, the Services, and the Operating Techniques of the FBI Laboratory

NCJ Number 78689
Date Published Unknown
Length 37 pages

The history, services, and operating techniques of the FBI laboratory are outlined.


The FBI laboratory, first called the ‘Criminological Laboratory,’ was established in 1932, largely due to J. Edgar Hoover’s commitment to applying scientific principles to criminal investigations. Since that time, laboratory personnel have been recruited from such specialized fields as geology, metallurgy, mechanical engineering, mathematics, and other physical and biological sciences and given on-the-job training in the law enforcement aspects of their specialties. The laboratory is divided into sections and units. The Document Section deals with scientific examinations of physical evidence and maintains reference files for use in conducting examinations. The Scientific Analysis Section consists of several units which handle a variety of highly specialized examinations which involve chemistry, toxicology, firearms, toolmarks, hairs and fibers, blood, metallurgy, petrography, number restoration, glass fractures, and spectrography. The Engineering Section consists of units which design and develop new radio communications equipment for use in the field, set up and maintain a network of radio stations for use in an emergency, and serve in a consulting capacity in a large number of other matters relating to radio communications. Also described are the Special Projects Section and the laboratory’s reference collections. Brief case histories are provided as examples of how various units of the laboratory have helped convict the guilty and clear the innocent.


FY 2024 Solicitation Webinar – Competitive DNA Capacity Enhancement for Backlog Reduction (CEBR) ProgramEvent Dates 👉April 23, 2024,🤔 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm Eastern

In this webinar, representatives from the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) and BJA’s Forensics Training and Technical Assistance Program will review the FY24 Competitive DNA Capacity Enhancement for Backlog Reduction (CEBR) Program solicitation and application process.

With this solicitation, BJA seeks to fund states and units of local government with existing crime laboratories that conduct DNA analysis to solve crimes and protect public safety by maximizing the effective utilization of DNA technology to process DNA samples for entry into the Combined DNA Index System.

To use the time most efficiently, BJA encourages participants to review this solicitation and submit any questions in advance and no later than Friday, April 19, 2024. Submit questions to with the subject “Questions for FY24 Solicitation Webinar – Competitive DNA Capacity Enhancement for Backlog Reduction Program.”

Rapid DNA | Law Enforcement — April 24, 2024

Booking Station Rapid DNA

After the passage of the Rapid DNA Act of 2017, the FBI worked with the Scientific Working Group for DNA Analysis Methods, the CJIS Advisory Policy Board Rapid DNA Task Force, and other stakeholders to develop:

Standards for the Operation of Rapid DNA Booking Systems by Law Enforcement Booking Agencies

Audit document for these standards

National Rapid DNA Booking Operational Procedures Manual for the FBI approval and operation of the Rapid DNA devices in booking agencies….

Gail Combs

Remember his parents filed a missing persons report. At that point the cops could ask for a hair sample from his brush/comb/room and his parents were going to give it to them.

See how nicely the ‘OFFICIAL story’ hangs together?


Another story going round at the time was the cops using the number off the rifle traced it to the crooks address. By the time they’d done that the body might have been taken to the mortuary.

Gail Combs

Lots of stories. Also both could be true since you had Local & State LEOs and the FIB involved.


I’d thought the cops would then have got a DNA sample either from his parents or his belongings to ID the body.

Gail Combs

Actually they could use his Mom’s DNA since it would be an exact 50% (or more) match. However I think they probably went with his DNA. Normally if it is hair, they want tissue attached to the root end. However there has been that recent advance.

There is a good chance the body may not be released to the family. Remember Rosanne Boyland?

…It is hard to fathom how the Medical Examiner missed the blunt trauma that should have been obvious after the police allegedly pushed the crowd on top of Rosanne, would not allow anyone to pull her out, and then beat her with a stick to the body and the head repeatedly as she lay motionless. Unfortunately, Boyland was cremated shortly after her autopsy.Republican Party News


wrong place deleted

Last edited 4 months ago by RAC
Gail Combs

He did do more than one trip to the site according to what we have been told.

He also was flying a drone the day of. We do not know if he flew one on the days before that.

Thomas Matthew Crooks flew the drone on a programmed flight path earlier on July 13 to survey the Butler Farm Show grounds ahead of Donald Trump’s rally.

Thomas Matthew Crooks, the gunman who attempted to assassinate US presidential candidate Donald Trump, managed to fly a drone and capture aerial footage of the western Pennsylvania fairgrounds shortly before the former president’s scheduled speech, The Wall Street Journal reported citing to law enforcement officials…


Another thought just struck me the body was messed up somewhat, the parents may not have wanted to see it.
If the cops got them to go along with a DNA (phoney) identification they could pass off Yearicks body as that of Crooks.

Last edited 4 months ago by RAC

Crooks role may have been to place the rifle on the roof during the night then in the morning recon the site get himself noticed then brief Yearick and or others then disappear.

Last edited 4 months ago by RAC
Gail Combs

I am inclined to believe Yearick and Crooks were working together.

If that person doing the screaming fit at the Republicans actually was Crooks, he certainly would be/have been targeted.

Heck it could even be a teacher who first ‘steered him’ towards the ANTIFA crowd.


“……person doing the screaming fit…..”

I’ve missed something, more video of him?

Gail Combs

From the archive:

I just found this video in comments at CTH. Is this Crooks, do you think? He’s [s]creaming “slash Republican throats:”
[video src="" /]

Last edited 4 months ago by Gail Combs

TY Bit grainy but who knows.

Gail Combs

There was something earlier where it was said that was him but given the volume of info, I can not find it easily!

Gail Combs

I want to add this:

At 56 min Erik says he reads a lot of history and it actually has been worse…

Shawn:What does worse look like?

Erik: UNBELIEVABLE TRIBAL SLAUGHTER. He then comments on the LAST Civil War. It was largely over ummm, yes slavery was a factor. But industrial control of the South by the North, and Tariffs, and all those things played a HUGE FACTOR…. Of the people who fought for the south, very very few, I think less than 5% were slave owners. They were defending the way they wanted to govern themselves. Or the way they wanted to trade with Europe….

The political divide [now] is Rural vs Urban. It is not North vs South…. It is rural areas vs cities and that can be ugly.
 Shawn: How close are we to that?
 Erik (57:42) If Trump had been assassinated and the gap? Who knows what would have ensued. Who knows what the federal over reach would have been. And there are a lot of people who do not have confidence in the Federal institutions anymore. And it doesn’t take much.
 Shawn: do you have confidence in any Federal Institution that exists?
 Erik: I have a lot of confidence in the men from the Units that we came from. I do not have supreme confidence in all the officers. But I have a lot of confidence in let’s say, O4, O5 and below [O-4 is Major and O-5 pay grade is a Lieutenant Colonel]

He said he went to a military graduation and the guys were all studs who knew which bathroom to use. 😆


They are absolutely correct on the causes of the Civil War.As I stated in BIMD. They wanted unfettered access to the resources of the south and the manpower migration that would move north for the jobs in industrialization. Slavery was a bright shiny object to help incite the war. Lincoln had already run for election on the basis of leaving the slave states as is, just no new ones. The slave pool was declining anyway.

They wanted federalism to die. States rights were a pain in the azz to their plans.

Gail Combs

The City of London was colluding with the Northern bankers/industrialists. The ultimate goal was to bleed the USA DRY via a civil war and then move in to take back control.

The Russian Tzar prevented that by telling England and France if they attacked the USA, HE would attack them! For this they wiped out his entire family.

I used to have the link to that piece of history but it is now long gone.


Here is an interesting bit of skuttlebutt that is a mix of lies and facts. It does have the bit about the Tzar helping Lincoln.

Best write up:

…”Even for me it was not difficult to identify them,” said Gely Ryabov, the former policeman and crime writer who took credit for finding the grave.  It was 1989 when Ryabov broke the story.  Brezhnev had died, and so had Andropov, and so had Chernenko, and Gorbachev’s policy of “openness” was prying the lid off many a Soviet secret.  It would be two more years, even so, before the government authorized an excavation, and another after that before anything like a serious forensic investigation could begin.  Since then, scientists in AmericaEngland, and Russia have been trying, with the most sophisticated means available, to establish whether the unearthed skeletons are really those of the last Russian imperial family….

 I’m afraid all the skulls have been identified by medical experts.  And so this story about Anastasia is a fake one.  Her body was found in the grave.” … 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’ve seen people argue over whether the war was “over slavery” or “about slavery” many times.

I find it interesting that the people today who sympathize with the Confederacy will quote Northern sources to the effect that it wasn’t, and Union sympathizers will generally quote writings from Southern sources saying they were trying to preserve slavery. In other words each side in the argument ignores the sources from the side they sympathize with.

My opinion is along the lines of AND logic. It was probably the single biggest factor, but it probably wasn’t more than half of the cause.


Southerners were trying to preserve slavery, and state’s rights, but the North didn’t give a crap about slavery, either. The north wanted new states to be run they way they wanted, and industrialized for monetary gain.

If you want to evidence of this, you only have to look at when Lincoln freed the slaves. He didn’t do it when the war started; he only did it when it looked like the North was losing, and people up there were losing interest in fighting it. Then Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863.

It’s very sad, but the truth is slavery was viewed as “normal” back then, just like it had been for millennia. Slavery is all through the Old Testament, and most of America was Christian in that era. People (even blacks, some of whom were slave owners) just saw slavery as a part of the human condition. But nobody ever wants to talk about that.

Gail Combs

comment image



Slavery in America would have ended all on its own in a matter of a couple of decades, due to mechanization. Why feed 20 humans to pick cotton, when a machine would do the work with much less expense and trouble?


One thing not normally stressed is that all the British colonies had slavery, in the North as well as the South. Starting in the North, however, it was gradually eliminated…..and slaveholders in colonies where it was being eliminated didn’t just sit there and take the loss — they sold their slaves into colonies where slavery wasn’t being eliminated. This is the source of the phrase, “being sold down the river”.

As well as being well-read in the Bible, Americans were also well-read in history. There had been many instances over previous centuries where slaves were given their freedom — and in almost every case, the newly freed slaves revolted violently against their former masters (see also Zimbabwe and South Africa).

So more and more slaves were being packed into Southern states, and Northern states increasingly called for the abolition of slavery — not caring if the inevitable post-slavery revolt killed Southerners. “Compromises” where slaves could be shipped off to the American Southwest, to Mexico, or to Brazil were floated but went nowhere.

Unfortunately, both “I want to profit from human subjugation” and “I don’t want my family to experience post-slavery revolts” are both interpreted as “supporting slavery” by Marxist academics who write modern history texts.


All true.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah all too true; in fact the Bible does not speak out against slavery though IIRC somewhere in the NT there’s an injunction to at least be humane.


Colossians 4:1

Masters, give your bondservants what is just and fair, knowing that you also have a Master in heaven.

Gail Combs

Actually slavery was about to die out because of the new inventions that were making it obsolete.

Slavery (human muscle power ==> Machines + Horse Power ==> Machines + Steam/Internal Combustion Engines.

SEE: A History of American Agriculture 1776-1990 — Farm Machinery and Technology

The change from hand power to horse power (the first American agricultural revolution) was in the 1860s when methods of attaching animals to farm machinery were developed.

Farmers made up about 90% of labor force in 1790 and 69% of labor force in 1800.

About 250-300 labor-hours required to produce 100 bushels (5 acres) of wheat with walking plow, brush harrow, hand broadcast of seed, sickle, and flail in 1830. (This is all by hand not animal power BTW)

1810-30 saw the transfer of “manufacturing” from the farm and home to the shop and factory. It wasn’t until the 1840′s that we saw factory made farm machinery, labor saving devices and chemical fertilizers became at all common.

1850 – About 75-90 labor-hours required to produce 100 bushels of corn (2-1/2 acres) with walking plow, harrow, and hand planting

1850-70 – Expanded market demand for agricultural products brought adoption of improved technology and resulting increases in farm production

1854 – Self-governing windmill perfected

1856 – 2-horse straddle-row cultivator patented 

1862-75 – Change from hand power to horses characterized the first American agricultural revolution

1865-75 – Gang plows and sulky plows came into use

1868 – Steam tractors were tried out

1869 – Spring-tooth harrow or seedbed preparation appeared

1870’s – Silos came into use

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Arguments have been made that until the industrial revolution (or, I will modify the thesis, the efficient use of animal power), it would have been impossible to get rid of slavery; any culture that tried would simply be outproduced by ones that did not, and/or high culture would end since the leisure class that has time to philosophize, write literature, and make artworks would now have to go out into the fields.


Automation took years.


As I noted somewhere around here, no slaveholders wanted to take the economic loss when their slaves were freed; there was no “greater fool” to sell them to; and even if slaveholders were paid, nobody wanted to host the inevitable post-slavery revolt.

This was true whether or not there were technological innovations in agriculture.

It is intriguing to think of how Southern plantations may have been forced to adapt if they had been “stuck with slavery” while the agricultural revolution changed the economics of their operations. Would they have mechanized “field crops” and “row crops” (using slaves to man the machinery) and moved more into “exotic” crops for hand work — herbs and spices, specialty fruits and vegetables?

Might they have done what grain farmers in faraway Kentucky and Tennessee did, in order to reduce the number of wagons necessary to take their grains to market — reduce them to whiskey? Could cotton plantations produce cloth, and tobacco plantations produce cigars, in order to provide employment for the slaves?

Valerie Curren

Sounds like good fodder for an alternate history novel!


comment image



“Oh shit!”
-N. Maduro



Uh … who paid for those plane seats?  😡 


Chinee loaned the money to USG. We’ll be paying for years.


Duh…. us!

Gail Combs

comment image

Can’t resist!


Has a hat!

Gail Combs



comment image


Has he begged DJT for forgiveness yet?


I am not seeing him in syndicate columns in the last few weeks? On vacation? Or exiled?


Happy Hump Day! Quick (and dumb) question, does anyone here subscribe to Newsmax? I’m looking for a TV news source. Any recommendations?

Brave and Free

Theqtree…… really everyone here has their pulse on what’s happening and will post it.
If you have a samsung TV Newsmax is part of their programming I believe, plus other news outlets, like Steve Banon’s warroom all free.


Thanks for the responses. I watch very little TV. I was hoping to find a national news source I could turn on in the evenings. I appreciate the feedback.

Gail Combs

The Badlands Daily does a news round-up for the day with some commenting. It is about 2 hours.

Canncon and Ashe [and friends] in America analyze ongoing events in a traditional news broadcast style without the Mainstream Media spin and corporate BS.

CannCon is Brian Lupo who writes for the Gateway Pundit. Ashe is fighting Colorado in court, repping herself.

this is todays:


I watch Newsmax daily. Greg Kelly, Rob Schmit and Carl Higby are my favorite hosts.



Gail Combs

I would suggest RUMBLE instead.

Lots to choose from. Steve’s War Room, Badlands Daily at Badlands Media,… Rebel News is Canadian, Revolver Broadcasting

I consider Newsmax a limited Hangout of Conservative Inc


Well, what else would we expect from a cranky pony person like you?


Gail Combs


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We watch OAN. You can subscribe directly, or get KlowdTV which includes OAN plus NewsMax and a whole bunch more.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

All you need is a cable modem to the internet. You can use any of those smart TVs, sticks, apps, Apple TVs, whatever.

Gail Combs

I certainly agree that OAN is the BEST of the bunch. I think Epoch TImes has video too.


i haven’t seen this new suckalotacox video posted yet, so here it is for Gail and other sucka fans 🤡🤓😝


 😅  yeah, this one will probably get snatched off the web


Only in the last couple of days have I learnt how to save vids, and have saved a couple I thought were important, but once they’re stored amongst the downloads how does one post them.




TY will look into that.

What’s the current routine, a thumb tack in the fence or a yellow chalk mark.

Gail Combs


Brave and Free


Last edited 4 months ago by RAC

Crooks was a marvel. Running on the building, finds his spot, aims and missed only because Trump moved his head. Really?


James Copenhaver was released from the hospital yesterday. His family has stated that “he has a long road to go”…..Copenhaver is in his late 70’s.

Can you imagine?…..had Copenhaver died, we may never have gotten to view the above video that he had recorded on his phone


A true statement litemaus.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The great irony that the VICTIM had the VIDEO PROOF of the SHOOTERS is delicious physics. The bullet struck the upper stands, which had the VIEW BACK TO THE SHOOTERS!!!

Such amazing karma! Built right into the universe.

You can see me? I can see you!


Likely does not help that the SS guy by the stage below Trump and in the line of fire crouches down for a few seconds in this vid before moving closer to his partner who faced the shooter before standing to the side of the line of fire and facing back to Trump.

So what does this mean? Cause it’s looking like they moved in to position to rush the stage. As part of the grand illlusion, knowing Trump was about to be shot and they’d have to make it look good, them rushing forth to save him? or did have some comms with locals and were just anticipating word for Trump to be taken off the stage?


Goods questions Para.

It’s these kind of observations that are so important.
The haranguing over why/did SS cut agents protecting DJT in a way turns into a Squirrel because in THIS particular event it was so much more. It was deliberate that locals and SS couldn’t communicate. It was deliberate to assign locals on the ground.
It was a cluster on purpose..THAT’s the real question..why and who ordered this particular set up


It’s acceptable to the assassination planners and most likely expected by them that the SS would be called inept and failures.Cheatle and possibly others will be sacrificed. That’s an easy out, close the book and internal steps will be taken to improve methods. It’s all theater

Gail Combs

And Cheatle a book deal in 3…2…1.

The other money laundering method is a private LLC selling Rock Sweat or ‘consulting’ or some such crap.


it’s so frustrating to be out here trying to figure things out, tons of ideas, videos to prove or disprove…and see the writing on the wall as to the fate of her and probably the investigation too.
I’ll try and be positive and hope that the task force does it right

Gail Combs

My hopes are that Trump wins and THEN the SHTF FOR THEM!

If we start seeing ‘suicides’ and ‘accidents’, you know they are expecting a Trump win and are cleaning up.

Brave and Free

I’m right there with ya, I have no confidence the truth will come out.
Talked to friends today about this, they still don’t get it that their own government tried to kill their political opponents.
I’ve really given up on trying to explain to them what’s happening. They never open their eyes to reality, then again they trusted the science with covid too.
😳 😷😡


I will say though that this debacle was the first and only thing that made my lefty daughter take notice of the lying media and the her it looked like a deliberate set up by the people in charge (govt)
I hadn’t even mentioned anything about it but she came in flicking through vid after vid and doubting it was Crooks. Needless to say I was pretty shocked

Gail Combs

One at a time…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That chip off the block is growing bigger and bigger! 😉


L O L …the chip may fly right back to the woodpile of stoopid but the questions might gnaw at her!

Brave and Free

There’s still hope, that’s a good sign.

Valerie Curren

Light is beginning to shine on her. Hope she fully wakes up!

Brave and Free

Yup, everyone below the people calling the shots (pun intended) is expendable.


The whole response was stupid. All of it. They should have rolled him off the back of the dais.


I hate to say this but I believe they were looking for a second shot.


President Trump, that is.


And allow me to expound. Roll PT over a 48″ height on the backside. He was able to crouch or walk, put all bodies over him and get PT to a vehicle.

Nuf said.

WTH happened?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I have a theory that Crooks was running between the PRO inside and YEARICK on the rooftop, telling him to get ready.


Wow! Didn’t see that coming.


👍 I can go with that one as well.


Wolf, you may be correct. Two patsies?


So those snipers were ideally placed should they wish to take five quick shots towards PDJT.


Would also make sense that people higher up than Trump in the stands would get hit as opposed to the bullets flying in a downwards trajectory.



Gail Combs

I noticed this comment concerning the CLOSED windows. (2nd story I think)


reply to  John Wayne 25 minutes ago edited

But the snipers in the second story behind Crooks are a major problem, because more than 100 people were screaming for over 2 minutes (before shooting started) outside those OPEN WINDOWS “There’s a man on the roof!” He’s got a gun!”. THey had to be deaf not to move to the windows and check it out. As far as I am concerned the real shooter was dresses as a ‘gov’t sniper’. There is a witness named Greg Lewis who said he saw the snipers in the open windows behind Crooks right before the shooting started. He said he was 40 feet away


^^^ This.

It has been my theory from the beginning with Martenson’s work (and others) – 3 shots from a pro at the second floor windows at PDT, 5 shots from the patsy, shot #9 for the kill shot on the patsy, and a whiff or a dead body shot by the SS sniper.

Gail Combs

My only question is which window, but the 2nd story looks more likely. That 0.22 sec gap for shots 1-5 = the 2nd story window and a slightly shorter gap for the other shots possibly being Crooks.

Cullen puts the distance for those first shots at the windows UNDER Crooks so the shorter time is even closer = in the trees.

One thing is very sure. There was MORE THAN ONE SNIPER SHOOTING AT POTUS TRUMP!


and it’s almost a given that at least one or more of those snipers are actual govt employees OR they were provided uniforms. Wonder if there’s even been one iota of interest from congress or task force members on who these snipers are?

Valerie Curren

That first floor window below & slightly West of where the rooftop body was ultimately positioned per the bodycam footage, is where it appears that at least some shots originated, imo. I shared a series of still shots from the new footage that Martensen had recently analyzed on Wednesday’s Q-Tree post I believe showing apparent rifle barrel & muzzle blast(s). I also showed how the window looked before shooting started which was different than during shooting & afterwards, fwiw…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YES! This is brilliant! This is how it happened! This is why shot 9 is so different.

1-3 – shots at Trump by the professional

4-8 – shots at Trump by Yearick (“Crooks”)

9 – shot by pros at Yearick

10 – late shot from roof countersnipers on Yearick


Another good find Gail. Thanks

Gail Combs

You are very welcome.


I expect the SS to deny this, but the truth is coming out.


LIVE-STREAM VIDEO: President Trump Speaks at National Association of Black Journalists Conference in Chicago | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft
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Last edited 4 months ago by eilert
Gail Combs

Talk about the Lions Den!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gotta be a few commies in that pack!!!

Gail Combs

AND the are the ‘Privileged Black Class’ to boot.


Heard on headline news that the #2 in the organization’s pecking order, who invited DJT, has resigned due to members’ whining about the invitation.

Decent behavior will not be tolerated.


Trump was excellent and put the young lady in her place. She was not as smart as she believes.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Dems should have never launched “Operation Weird” on JD – Trump is going to scorch the earth with CRAZY on CRAZY KAMALA.


Weird is exceptional 🙂
My husband told e that when a person said that I was weird 🙂 By the way I a proud of it.
Weird is not what the left thinks what it is 😂

Last edited 4 months ago by singingsoul1

You need a new keyboard. Your ‘M’ seems to be AWOL.  😂 


Thank you 😊 I noticed that it is sticking

Gail Combs

I would rather be a goat than a Sheeple. and that is what ‘weird’ means. One who is their own person and not a follower.

Weird Definition & Meaning – Merriam-Webster

The meaning of WEIRD is of strange or extraordinary character : odd, fantastic.


Thank you ☺️ that is wonderful love it 😊

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Based on this, I think they’re intentionally misleading the public. I think they “used the gun” – which Crooks took from his father – for use by Yearick. Then they use the gun to make a bad ID on Crooks. And now, Crooks is a ghost – very useful.


It’s a logical theory and for spooks that have been planning the assassination of DJT I’d think that this mirage of the shooter running to and fro and his very predictable shooter background and history was interesting .Having that weapon was key.
I think they had gamed it out. One of the more curious things was the full front face of the dead shooter out in the public so fast. That wasn’t smart, wonder how that happened. No way crooks is still breathing and no way his family will ever question why that dead guy looks a bit different than their son. IIRC Seth Rich’s family stopped questioning the official narrative fairly quickly.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The way vaxxie parents now accept “died suddenly” on their own kids, without even thinking for a second that it might have been the vaccine, says it all.

Valerie Curren

 😮  😪  😡 

Barb Meier

Parents paid off? After Ted Kennedy left Mary Jo Kopechne to drown, her family also went silent for twenty years. Silencing victims seems to be a democrat tradition.

When they did speak, Mary Jo’s parents said the only satisfaction they got was that Ted never became president.



Peace and Tranquility Prayers

Prayer for a Calm Heart

Lord of Peace, as evening falls, I seek the calmness only You can provide. Quell the storms of my mind and replace anxiety with Your peace. As the world quiets down, let my heart do the same. May Your presence envelop me so that I may know tranquility tonight and always. Amen.

Serenity at Day’s End

Heavenly Father, with the closing of this day, I ask for serenity. As the night sky displays its vast beauty, let my soul mirror its peacefulness. Help me to let go of the worries of the day and trust in Your loving care. May Your peace reign in my heart and home tonight. Amen.

Prayer for Restful Stillness

Dear God, in the stillness of this evening, I come to You seeking rest for my soul. Help me to lay down the burdens I’ve carried today and find comfort in Your arms. Grant me peace that passes understanding and a rest that restores my spirit. May my sleep be undisturbed and my dreams be sweet. Amen.

Nighttime Whisper for Peace

Creator of All, as I listen to the night’s gentle whisper, I ask for peace to settle over me. Let Your tranquility wash away the noise of the day. In this quiet hour, I lean on Your promise of peace, a heavenly balm to my weary soul. Keep me in perfect peace as I keep my mind stayed on You. Amen.

Prayer for Gentle Rest

Omnipotent and Gentle Lord, at the end of this day, I seek the gentle rest that You so lovingly provide. May my mind be at ease, my body relax, and my spirit find harmony. Help me to release every concern into Your capable hands and sleep in the assurance of Your protection and peace. Amen.


Thank you, thank you for the Evening Prayers today! They are balm to the body, mind, and spirit.
Have a restful night.

Valerie Curren



Trump is at the podium! The Harrisburg crowd is huge and wild!


Do we know when Trump goes back to Butler, PA?

Not listed on

Last edited 4 months ago by kalbokalbs

I haven’t heard.


Said they were working on details and they were going back outside with some rallies.

No taxes on Social Security got my attention. 😀


After the democrats in media called Captain Sam Brown weird (he suffered those injuries when he served in the army during the War on Afghanistan) he put out a message encouraging people to embrace that which makes them unique.

What an incredible response to people who are truly subhuman.

Valerie Curren

That was beautiful–TY for sharing!


hey kamala … where’s your black ?????


Trump hits another Grand Slam…

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Chasing the geezer vote!


Well, also we got taxed on it already when it was withheld.

Gail Combs



Just the news you’ve been waiting for . . .

Cutting out breakfast favorite slashes risk of dementia 20%, finds major study
READ MORE: How five lifestyle changes may REVERSE Alzheimer’s disease

PUBLISHED: 10:21 EDT, 31 July 2024 | UPDATED: 10:41 EDT, 31 July 2024

Adding bacon to your morning breakfast could raise your risk of dementia, experts warn.

In a newly presented study, described as one of the most ‘robust’ to date, researchers followed over 100,000 adults for four decades to evaluate the link between diet and cognitive health.

The team, from Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, found that adults who ate at least two servings per week of processed red meat were 14 percent more likely to develop dementia compared to those who had less than three servings per month.

But replacing that slice of bacon with one serving of nuts of beans was enough to slash the risk of cognitive decline by 20 percent. 

Processed meats like bacon were linked to a 14 percent increased risk of dementia, according to newly presented research

Processed meats like bacon were linked to a 14 percent increased risk of dementia, according to newly presented research

The findings come as processed meats like bacon and hot dogs have been blamed on a slew of health issues, including the surge in colorectal cancer among young Americans.

Dr Maria Carrillo, chief science officer of the Alzheimer’s Association, said: ‘This is one of the most robust studies I’ve seen that’s associating processed meat consumption an dementia, because they actually followed individuals for decades.’

The study, which has not yet been published, followed 130,000 adults for 43 years. Every two to four years, the team would collect nutritional data from each participant.

They were asked how often they ate a serving of processed red meat, which could include two slices of bacon, one hot dog, two small links of sausge, and sandwiches made with salami, bologna, or other processed meats. Additionally, researchers asked how often they ate nuts or legumes.

The team then compared the cognitive health of those who ate at least two servings of processed meat per day to those who had less than three servings per month.

In addition to the 14 percent increased risk of dementia, each additional serving of processed meat per day added an extra 1.6 years of cognitive aging, specifically in the areas of the brain that control language and behavior.

However, unprocessed red meats like ground beef and steak did not carry the same risks. ‘When it’s not processed, in moderation, red meat is actually okay,’ Dr Carrillo said.

She noted this could be because processed meats contain nitrates, chemical compounds used to keep meat fresh and preserve color.

When consumed, nitrates convert into nitrosamines, which can damage cells and neurons, impairing cognitive health.

Nitrosamines also promote inflammation in the brain, which breaks down crucial neurotransitters and produces plaques that degrade brain health.

Bacon and lunch meat also have high levels of saturated fat and cholesterol. These have been shown to cause atheroschlerosis, a buildup of fat in the arteries that restricts blood flow to the brain, contributing to cognitive decline.

Additionally, the high sodium in processed meats could lead to high blood pressure, which can damage blood vessels in the brain over time.

Bacon is considered an ultra-processed food, generally going through at least five levels of processing, including curing, smoking, and slicing.

Other recent research has seen similar effects. A 2021 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition of nearly 500,000 adults, for example, found that consuming 25 grams of processed meat per day – about six slices of bacon – increased dementia risk by 44 percent.

That intake was also associated with a 52 percent increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease, the most common form of dementia. 

The new findings also suggested that replacing one of those servings of processed meat with a serving of nuts or beans could reduce the risk of dementia by 20 percent.

‘Those are anti-inflammatory foods, so you can imagine they have a lot of benefits in addition to reducing the processed meats with toxins, nitrates and sodium which are not good for you,’ Dr Carrillo said.

The research had some limitations. Participants were mostly white members of a higher socioeconomic class, meaning that the findings might not represent the majority of the US population.

The study was also observational, so it can only show associations rather than direct causes. 

The research was presented Wednesday at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in Philadelphia.


I guess I should not mention I had a total of 7 slices of King’s hickory bacon on my two sandwiches of bacon, egg, tomato and Duke’s today.

They were really good.

Gail Combs

  :wpds_smile:  I had to make due with pork…. 2 portions of pork, one of meat loaf and tonight mix veggies and more meat loaf. 🤗



Gail Combs

I can not remember ever going a day without a portion of meat, unless it was eggs or cheese instead when I was really pinching pennies.

Gail Combs

I sure as heck would like to know HOW they ran that study!!!

I have seen WAY TOO MANY ‘USEFUL’ studies where, when you dig down into how they were run you find they CHEATED.

Progressive Education and the Destruction of America: PART 2
Shows how the science in the USA has been corrupted.


I should think that if Qtree is any kind of scale for dementia due to bacon intake we’d hardly be able to make a lot of sense by now  😍 

My rationale (excuse) is that bacon is not in the same box as hot dogs and other processed meats!

Gail Combs

Humans have been consuming bacon for thousands of years. And just like any other food, it is fine in moderation.

Bacon History

Bacon’s history dates back thousands of years to 1500 B.C. in which the Chinese were curing pork bellies with salt, creating an early form of bacon, although pigs were domesticated in China in 4900 B.C. and were also being raised in Europe by 1500 B.C. Speculation exists that the Romans and Greeks learned bacon production and curing through conquests in the Middle East. The Romans improved pig breeding and spread pork production throughout their empire…


And eventually a horse was appointed as a senator in the Roman Empire.


That was fairly early on. Caligula was only the fourth Emperor (Julius, Augustus, Tiberias, Caligula).



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Technically Julius was never emperor.


I thought he was, but at the time it only meant “victorious general of a Republic”, whereas Augustus made it “head of state of an Empire”.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Historians of Ancient Rome think of the early empire as the “principate” where all the forms of the Republic were kept, except there was one man, the princeps, who had a bunch of special powers. He could, for instance veto Senate actions like a tribune, (but was not a tribune; tribunes were plebians, not patricians), this was the tribunician potesta (tribunal power).

Augustus worked it this way so that he wouldn’t look like he was trying to become a king; and he lived so long that when he did kick the bucket finally, it was much more logical to keep things as he had made them than completely restore the Republic. (He was well aware that some people would take it upon themselves to kill anyone attempting to be a king; Brutus’ family had historically been famous for doing so in the 500s BCE and it was by appealing to that tradition that Brutus was induced to turn on Julius Caesar.)

Only after Diocletian in the late 200s did the Empire become an *overt* monarchy, that’s called the “dominate” period.


Which, of course, is why Suetonius had “The Twelve Caesars” instead of “The Twelve Rulers”.


Well, this explains some of my comments.  😂 


You bacon-eater, you….


Trump has the audience dying in Chicago

“I’ve known Kamala a long time… She was always of Indian heritage… I didn’t know she was Black until a couple of years ago when she happened to turn Black”.

Trump drives the info-babes* crazy. 😅
*(h/t Rush Limbaugh)


The GOAT!!!!!


More interesting info about the shooting:

Gail Combs

I am getting the limited hangout feeling.

The guy talking is a ‘conspiracy buster’ according to what he says about himself.

He is STEERING people towards the USUAL ‘Lone Wolf’ No other shooters except AT Crooks.

He is cracking the door open to Crooks being groomed, possibly by those outside the USA and that things are beyond incompetence.

Remember, whe things go south the Cabal will allow SOME of the truth out in order to PROTECT the WHOLE TRUTH.




Yeah, I’m with you. It’s comfortable to have Crooks as the patsy.
My working idea is that Yearick was sent to Ukraine for sniper training. I really doubt he spontaneously went there of his own accord to “fight”. That’s BS.
That supposedly was a year ago so…why? Who sent him?
The inclusion of Crooks as the patsy gives the planners a separation from questions about a known antifa who hates Trump, been arrested at a rally AND who went to Ukraine. WAY too many live wires to the ic

The Blaze guy is trying to dance on the head of a pin. Trump Jr..not so much, much more direct

Last edited 4 months ago by mollypitcher5
Gail Combs

We know that ANTIFA is NOT organic and also that they are paid.

I think if you trace the $$$ it goes to Soros and then back to the WEF.

You also have the Operation Gladio/CIA information.

So I think you are correct, Yearick was sent overseas for training. And what better place than Ukraine.


wow..had spaced all of that out! Yes..the $$$ and gladio

Valerie Curren

If they even just made a qualifying statement like “the shooter that May Have Been Crooks” or “is claimed to be Crooks” would lend some credibility. The deep state wants a bow on this incident & it to go on the shelf w/ their narrative, clearly very far from the Actual Truth, being the conclusion of the matter  😡 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. I got that impression from the last video. This dude is as bad as that “Remington Steele” (or whatever his name was) MUH RUSSIA disinformation.

Gail Combs

The fact they had Blaze come out with this crap tells me they are a bit worried. That means the ‘Anons’ are getting way too close to the truth.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think you’re right. They’re breaking out quality disinformation.

Hell. They tried to kill Trump. And they’re going to try again. BASTARDS.


Quiet part out loud.


Finally. It needs to addressed.


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The technical among us will appreciate the humor in this —

Specifically, Steve — aren’t you glad Qubes isn’t based on VMware?



Loosing ground again. Reason why we never got definite word on what happened. They needed fall back positions. Also known as fall back lies. This is the latest. Even in this story they mince words so as not to get pinned down.
Beaver County Officials Say Secret Service Told Them to Set up Snipers on Ground Level as Opposed to on Top of Roof (VIDEO)
Cristina Laila Jul. 31, 2024 1:40 pm 391 Comments


Israel knows how to do the BEST assassinations!