2024·08·03 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread

What is it that feeds our battle, yet starves our victory?

January 6 Tapes Reminder

After the first release, we were supposed to get more, every week.

As far as I know it hasn’t happened.

Speaker Johnson, please follow through!

A Caution

Just remember…we might replace the RINO candidates. (Or we might not. The record is mixed even though there is more MAGA than there used to be.) But that will make no difference in the long run if the party officials, basically the Rhonna McDaniels (or however that’s spelled–I suspect it’s RINO), don’t get replaced.

State party chairs, vice chairs, secretaries and so on, and the same at county levels, have huge influence on who ultimately gets nominated, and if these party wheelhorses are RINOs, they will work tirelessly to put their own pukey people on the ballot. In fact I’d not be surprised if some of our “MAGA” candidates are in fact, RINO plants, encouraged to run by the RINO party leadership when they realized that Lyn Cheney (and her ilk) were hopelessly compromised as effective candidates. The best way for them to deal with the opposition, of course, is to run it themselves.

Running good candidates is only HALF of the battle!

Booting a RINO

I’ve spent the last couple of years pounding home the message that RINO McDaniels was a symptom of a problem…a party shot through with RINO officials. In this instance it was the hundred or so members of the RNC who gleefully voted for her again, and again, and again.

Well I got to help take one of those hundred people down, as told here: https://www.theqtree.com/2024/04/07/i-aim-to-raise-a-ruckus/. What’s even better is that oxygen thief was apparently boiling mad at how poorly she did in the vote (according to a MAGA candidate for a county office I spoke to on Tuesday night). Apparently she felt entitled to her office no matter what the rubes thing…and that attitude turns people into RINOs.

Judging from the number of comments received few noticed or cared about the post, but nonetheless I noticed a pattern: Hardly anyone who regularly puts forth “devolution” or “this is all a movie” theories (or any other variant of the idea that Trump and/or his allies are really in charge) seemed to care about it. I described successful action against the enemy and they didn’t care.

I submit that that is the desired effect of such ideas as devolution…to get people on our side not to care, not to participate, not to fight, because they believe someone else will do it for them. “Nothing can stop what is coming?” Great! I don’t have to lift a finger, just be ready to microwave some popcorn!

If any of you really are thinking like this, you might as well be controlled opposition. You’re doing exactly what the other side wants you to do, sitting on your hands waiting for deliverance by deus ex machina.

Biden Gives Us Too Much Credit

…we can move on to the next one.

Apparently Biden (or his puppeteer) has decided we’re to blame for all of the fail in the United States today.

Sorry to disappoint you Joe (or whoever), but you managed to do that all on your own; not only that, you wouldn’t let us NOT give you the chance because you insisted on cheating your way into power.

Yep, you-all are incompetent, and so proud of it you expect our applause for your sincerity. Fuck that!!

It wouldn’t be so bad, but you insist that everyone else have to share in your misery. Nope, can’t have anyone get out from under it. Somehow your grand vision only works if every single other person on earth is forced to go along. So much as ONE PERSON not going along is enough to make it all fail, apparently.

In engineering school we’re taught that a design that has seven to eight billion single points of failure…sucks.

Actually, we weren’t taught that. Because it would never have occurred to the professors to use such a ridiculous example.

Justice Must Be Done.

The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.

Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2022 or 2024 is hopeless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud is not part of the plan, you have no plan.

Kamala Harris has a new nickname since she finally went west from DC to El Paso Texas: Westward Hoe.

Lawyer Appeasement Section

OK now for the fine print.

This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines,  here, with an addendum on 20191110.

We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.

And remember Wheatie’s Rules:

1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.

(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)

Spot Prices

All prices are Kitco Ask, 3PM MT Friday (at that time the markets close for the weekend). (Note: most media quotes are for the bid…the price paid by the market makers, not the ask, which is what they will sell at. I figure the ask is more relevant to people like us who wish we could afford to buy these things. In the case of gold the difference is usually about a dollar, for the PGMs the spread is much wider.)

Last Week:

Gold $2,387.10
Silver $28.00
Platinum $948.00
Palladium $926.00
Rhodium $4,925.00

This week, markets closed at 3PM Mountain Time Friday for the weekend.

Gold $2,444.10
Silver $28.66
Platinum $966.00
Palladium $916.00
Rhodium $4,925.00

Friday morning gold was well into the 2460s which as far as I know was a record. Silver has basically gone back to sucking more than it should.

The SteveInCO Federal Reserve Note Suckage Index (FRNSI) stands at 117.244-. (This index is the ratio between the price of gold today, versus the value of the dollar defined as dollars per ounce when we had the gold standard, minus 1 (so that an index of 0 means the dollar is at its original value and doesn’t suck at all). I use that clumsy phrasing because the dollar was defined as a certain amount of gold, such that an ounce of gold was $20.67. It’s a subtle distinction. One ounce of gold wasn’t worth $20.67 back then, it was $20.67.)

In light of the above, let me add the following. From 1837 through 1933, 25.8 grains of .900 fine gold was a dollar (by definition of the dollar). Thus a one dollar gold coin should have weighed that much (and a 20 dollar coin would weigh 516 grains). This works out to 23 2/9ths grains of pure gold, the rest being “crud.” (And a 20 dollar coin had 464 4/9ths grains of pure gold in it, similarly the rest being “crud”). “Crud” of course is my highly technical term for the stuff they add to the alloy, however it could be as much as five percentage points silver before 1873 (and one percentage point after) with the rest being copper. Not truly crud, it’s not as if it was zinc or something. Who would make coins out of zinc?

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Tatonka Woman

Just because, sometimes, the first really needs to be a surprise.
I’m always here…that fly on the wall.




Welcome. There are no fly swatters here.  😆 

Tatonka Woman

Knowing that is a relief!!

Barb Meier

Hi Tatonka Woman! I needed to look up what Tatonka means and found a whole web page explanation. What a nice name. There is a lot more than I quote below.


Tatonka Unveiled: Discover the Captivating Native American Meaning

By Justo Posted on October 19, 2023

Tatonka is a word that holds a deep cultural significance among the Native American tribes of the Great Plains. Derived from the Lakota Sioux language, Tatonka symbolizes strength, resilience, and spirituality. The word carries a rich history and embodies the essence of the majestic bison, which has been an integral part of the Native American way of life for centuries.

Valerie Curren

I’d been thinking buffalo because of Dances With Wolves 🙂

Tatonka Woman

Barb – thank you for your curiosity about this.

Yes. Tatonka (or Tatanka) is the word for buffalo or bison. These animals were literally the life support system for the tribes. They provided everything from their food to the covering for the tipis down to needles and thread for sewing. Nothing of the animal was wasted.

To destroy the tribes, the government realized they could do that by destroying the buffalo, and the herds were slaughtered almost to extinction.

To survive, the tribes became totally dependent on the government. Dependency meant control. The government lies and broken promises were countless.

If you really understand how, step by step, the government took down the Plains Indians, you will realize they are doing the exact same thing today to us, the American People.

They are working to take away our food supply. Our housing. Our energy (buffalo chips were a main source of fire for heat and cooking.) Our ability to create the things we need or want in our lives. Our ability to move as needed and wanted. Our ability to fight back.

They want us dependent on them. Dependency means control.

The other major comparison to recognize is the children. The government focused on the children. To destroy the history and the culture of those people, they needed to do it through the children. They worked on this through the boarding school systems. I won’t go into all of the history and methods of this, but the main point is…they are doing this today with our children!!!

Use the schools. Use the medical. Take away the history, language, and culture of this country.

Whatever thoughts anyone has about the settling of this country, or the condition of tribes all across the country today, the history of how they were brought to their knees before the government needs to be looked at closely with the understanding of how it compares to what is going on today.

And the Tatonka is the pivot point.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great observation! First they came for the Indian. Now they come for the cowboy – and everybody else!

Tatonka Woman


Valerie Curren

These are excellent insights AND give a whole new meaning, after a fashion, to the evil doers’ buffalo jump annihilations of formerly free peoples.


THAT IS one G R E A T post.

Barb Meier

Thank you for the important background, Tatonka! I once had some bison meat and thought it tasted very good. Buffalo are so big. I saw a video the other day of one walking beside cars in the middle of the highway. Everyone stayed quiet while he passed by.

When I was a little girl, my dad’s parents had a small dairy farm just west of the Mississippi River. The town’s main highway is a two-lane scenic road leading north to Hannibal MO.

Our uncles told us a story about an indian man who came to their house and asked to look out the upstairs window. He said he was looking for the location of a treasure and would have climbed a tree to find the spot but the house was there.

Then, the uncle opened the door and all of us little ones ran outside to find the treasure. We spent hours outside, which is a great thing for kids. Our uncles did find a few arrowheads on the property, but nothing more. The Indian man did not suggest there was a burial ground there and I am glad nothing like that was ever found though grandpa did raise corn, grapes, and potatoes.

Probably about 30 miles north of there, an Indian burial ground was discovered when a skylift was built on a tall hill above the local dam. They enclosed it to keep the area safe from disruption and had no idea it was there before they built the skylift.

I also remember an enclosed porch along the back of the house. There was always indian corn hanging in small bunches against the back wall. It was so beautiful to me.

It was wonderful as a child to think of the indian adventures. I am glad we did not know yet of what our government did to the native tribes. The house was at the top of a hill and there were a few large boulders, probably from glaciers, plus some holes in the ground, probably leading to animal dens.

Their well had the best water I’ve ever tasted and back then, they had no filtration. Dad said they put in indoor plumbing around the time I was born. He used to plow the corn with a horse-drawn plow.

Barb Meier

I bet it was, Steve. I don’t remember how many lanes but it seemed like a forest surrounding and if there were 4 lanes, they were not like interstate. Here at my home, I’ve seen black bear walking up the slow lane of our 3-lane highway early in the morning. Their paws are long and it was interesting to see from the side how their feet land first on the back and then roll toward the front. They seem to like the easy passage too though it would be very hot during the summer days.

Barb Meier

Did he walk past you?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Magnificent entrance! A perfect score!

Seriously – good to see you!

Valerie Curren

Wish you’d speak up more! Have an awesome weekend 🙂


Tatonka Woman
So good that you are here! (Sic bonus es hic!)


“Westward Hoe” 🤭


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JD Vance volunteered to serve in the American military

Josh Shapiro volunteered to serve in the Israeli military

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


There is a difference between America First and Israel First.


I love JDV’s entrance song – “Let’s Build America First”!!!!


Marines in dress blues are so gorgeous.

pat frederick


Valerie Curren



Thank you.
This needs to be spread as far and wide as possible.
Yours Truly again says that, IMO, Shapiro was picked to “keep the Jewish vote on the plantation”—the “Democrat plantation.”


It does look that way.


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Brett Baier & Martha MacCallum…ugh…blech

sure hope there’s no sloping roof nearby.


JD Vance:

I think it’s pretty weird for adults to sterilize little kids by giving them hormone therapy. I know Kamala Harris disagrees with me on this and considers it to be totally “normal.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good. Looking forward to JD going after Sleazpiro.

Gail Combs

In a debate Vance needs to pound on the Sleazpiro put Israel FIRST theme.


I have no doubt that the former Marine will have a lot to say about that!

Gail Combs

  :wpds_smile:   :wpds_wink: 


Trumps’ Superpower; he just doesn’t give a shit.

He and I have that in common!


I love that video!

Valerie Curren

But Not that voice!

Valerie Curren



It’s so awful it’s funny.

Valerie Curren

It’s so hard to listen to light in the loafers sounding males  😮 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And that dude has helium and a jet pack!!!

Valerie Curren

Bwah ha ha

Had to read your reply to Hubby–Priceless!

Last edited 1 month ago by Valerie Curren

He just lost the pussy hat vote.


But did anyone even remotely associated with Trump ever have the pussy hat vote?


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I had no idea this was still being investigated.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good GRIEF. They’re still stuck on that stupidity?


Well, they don’t have much of anything else! Their policies suck, so does their candidate, their VP pick is an Israeli soldier, and they are out of ideas.

Seriously, I know they are morons, but what the actual f*ck are they thinking with Shapiro?

Half their base are Jew-haters. Michigan is full of Muslims who won’t vote for a quiet Jew, much less one who volunteered for the IDF.

I know Aubergine’s Razor and all, but this one really does just look stupid.

Gail Combs

AND Suckalotacox is married to ANOTHER Jew.

That needs to be pushed far and wide to the Muslim community.


Also Gay.




Keep It Simple Stupid, right?

If they know DJT is going to win, they need a candidate who is expendable. IOW a candidate who is worse than useless [in order to sacrifice him/her] AND is too dumb to recognize a suicide mission.

Is there anyone more useless and stupid than VP Kneepads?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I am betting that she did it for the money, on the advice of somebody in control of DNC finances. They have big Jewish donors fleeing – trying to get a few of them back. But whoever thinks this is a good idea, doesn’t get how badly this will tank them with the Muslim vote.

OMG – that’s it. The Muslims who stay home will have their votes shadowed in for Harris in the after-drop of Steal 2.0

The Dems know that they will get the votes anyway. More will stay home than switch to Trump, and the home-staying ballots will get added late.


You are probably correct. The question is, what the fuck do we DO about it!?

Barb Meier

First, within the linits of the law.
Second, take turns with our cell phone cameras recording all ballot box activity possible.
Third, also record polling places so we can count how many voters enter and leave. At our polling place, we go out a different door after voting and that door is a normal single exit door. Also, we would have photos of everyone who votes. If a polling place has more votes than voters, give a copy of the videos to Trump’s team first and keep the master copies.


These are all good ideas. But last time, no one would enforce the rules, or the law. Who will this time?

Valerie Curren

the cheaters in illegitimate power surely/s  😡 


I don’t think anyone is still investigating. The Inspector General just released his report and this footnote is from the report.


I find it hard to believe it is being addressed in any form.


Big Stoopid Government.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

These people are horrible and evil.


I thought those election machines were isolated from the internet?

Then how in hell can there be a DDoS attack on them?


It’s when you have multiple people try to cram fraudulent ballots into the readers too fast…..


What does that have to do with DDoS?


It’s Distributed because you have multiple people, and it’s a DoS when you cram so many fraudulent ballots in that actual ballots can’t be read.


Got it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They’re not talking about the voting machines, counting machines, and tabulators per se, but rather all the facilities around them, such as polling place check-ins, access to registration databases, voter lists, etc.

We’re talking a cyber version of what happened to Kari Lake.

Evil. This is how they’re going to fuck with Republicans again.

They’re creating chaos into which they can do all their usual cheats, plus some new ones, undoubtedly.


There was a report from Maricopa County, Arizona, after the Crowdstrike troubles a couple weeks ago, that machines at the voting locations had been acting up.

Not clear if it was the voting machines themselves, but still…


July 20.

Last edited 1 month ago by slowcreekno
Valerie Curren

Event 201 vibes   :wpds_evil: 


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And apparently Kamala is going to pick Shapiro anyway.


That woman with 20 stab wounds they called a suicide is going to bite Shapiro in the ass hard.

If they pick him, they deserve what’s coming. That situation is pure cronyism corruption.


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It’s the other side of “Our Secretary of Transportation is such an embarrassment that 99% of Americans know his name.”


[sad snort]


…..even if they have trouble pronouncing it.

Brave and Free

Que Ball works


What? It’s pronounced “Booty-Gig” right?

It’s like one of those doctor names that describes their profession so perfectly, like Dr. Needle or Dr. Healer. Or a woman whose name describes her personality, like Mrs. Love.

Booty-Gig is perfectly named.


Your friend Slaughter should have been a Gunny or Master Sergeant!


He is known as Pete Buttplug in my part of the world..:0)


I thought it was “Booty-Judge”.


Only at the gay bar on a Saturday night!


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Bunk playmates.

Gail Combs

These are 1 minute each:

October 2015

August 2016

Feb 2018



Barb Meier

Was watching NewsMax on Roku this evening and heard a little bit from author Scott Walter on Arabella Advisors, a dark money non-profit. Interesting stuff.

Arabella and the Secret Billionaires Trying to Stop Trump

Who are the billionaires out to stop Donald Trump and fundamentally change America forever?

You have heard of George Soros, the leftwing billionaire that backs far left causes and Democratic candidates.

Did you know Soros secretly backed Alvin Bragg, the NY prosecutor who targeted Pres. Trump? In fact, Soros funded Braggthrough a PAC few ever heard of . . . 

But who really is Soros and how does he move literally millions into the pockets of leftist groups for his radical agenda?

That is now answered in Scott Walter’s powerful new bestseller, Arabella: The Dark Money Network of Leftist Billionaires Secretly Transforming America.

Few know the secret ways of these billionaires better than Scott Walter.

As head of the renowned Capital Research Center, for over a decade he has probed the behind-the-scenes maneuvering of the far left and their billionaire sugar daddies.

He knows where the bodies are buried.


Valerie Curren

Hope this lets that tweet show here:

Here’s the rest of Lara Logan’s Tweet:

Lara Logan


If I could say this every day for the rest of my life, it still would not be enough. Time for us to stop people like this sheltering behind their charitable status. It is all a lie – and there’s a straight line from Brock to Crew to ActBlue to FactsFirstUSA to Project65 and so on. They are part of the affinity group network that includes Ford Foundation, Kellog Foundation, Tides, Sunrise Movement, Momentum, Indivisible and so one. They are ruthless and worthless.

No – I am not suicidal. I am a mother of three with everything to live for – I just want to save this country.

& Elon’s


Elon Musk

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Media Matters is pure evil
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Glenn Greenwald

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Nov 20, 2023
I think sometimes people forget that Media Matters was created, shaped and governed for a long time by David Brock, arguably the single most craven, deceitful and amoral scumbag DC politics has ever seen.

There was no way for anything decent to be spawned from that rotted root: x.com/JackPosobiec/s…
Show more

& then what he’s replying to:


Glenn Greenwald

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I think sometimes people forget that Media Matters was created, shaped and governed for a long time by David Brock, arguably the single most craven, deceitful and amoral scumbag DC politics has ever seen.

There was no way for anything decent to be spawned from that rotted root:
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Jack Poso https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f1fa-1f1f8.svg

Nov 19, 2023
BREAKING: Media Matters created accounts and gamed the X server to create false impressions for their article

This isn’t journalism, this is a hoax

& Jack’s original one…hopefully…


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Boy that gets a bit complicated while banned in twit world 🙄

Last edited 1 month ago by Valerie Curren
Barb Meier

Yes, connect the dots!

Gail Combs

For those who can not read Twatter:

Lara Logan @laralogan

If I could say this every day for the rest of my life, it still would not be enough. Time for us to stop people like this sheltering behind their charitable status. It is all a lie – and there’s a straight line from Brock to Crew to ActBlue to FactsFirstUSA to Project65 and so on. They are part of the affinity group network that includes Ford Foundation, Kellog Foundation, Tides, Sunrise Movement, Momentum, Indivisible and so one. They are ruthless and worthless.

No – I am not suicidal. I am a mother of three with everything to live for – I just want to save this country.



Elon Musk

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Nov 20, 2023

Media Matters is pure evil x.com/ggreenwald/sta…


Elon Musk says Grok will soon be able to read the omnibus bills Congress likes to make and summarize them so politicians can’t hide stuff from us.


What’s not to like?  😂 

Valerie Curren



When they fucked around with Elon, they found out.

This guy is intent on changing the world. And he will.


Maui Wildfire Victims Secure $4 Billion Global Settlement in Landmark Lawsuit After Tragic Fires

In a landmark development, Governor Josh Green, M.D., announced Friday night that a historic $4 billion settlement has been reached to resolve all tort claims arising from the catastrophic wildfires that devastated Maui last year.

The devastating fires on August 8, 2023, have been linked directly to failures by the state’s primary utility provider during a critical windstorm.

At first, Hawaii State Attorney General Anne E. Lopez decided to withhold initial findings from the public regarding the massive Maui wildfires that took place.

This move is purportedly to “protect the integrity” of the ongoing investigation, according to a statement from the Department of the Attorney General. The decision has raised concerns about the transparency of the investigation, as local residents question whether this “independent investigation” will indeed remain impartial.

As investigations revealed, the deadly wildfires were sparked by downed power lines, a finding that directly challenges the Democrats’ narrative linking such disasters to climate change.

The Associated Press reported that people in Maui who drove around a road barricade blocking the lone paved road from Lahaina as fires raged earlier this month survived, while those who obeyed perished in their cars or fled to the nearby ocean.

The government of Maui County swiftly responded by filing a lawsuit against the Hawaii Electric Company and its subsidiaries, alleging negligence in their failure to power down electrical equipment during dangerous weather conditions.

The proposed settlement, which remains subject to final documentation and court approval, involves seven defendants: the state of Hawai‘i, County of Maui, Hawaiian Electric, Kamehameha Schools, West Maui Land Co., Hawaiian Telcom, and Spectrum/Charter Communications.

They have collectively agreed to pay over $4 billion to compensate the approximately 2,200 affected parties who filed lawsuits following the August 2023 wildfires…

Brave and Free

Do they get to keep their property or is it turned over to the gov. If they take the settlement?


Good question. Meanwhile it might be a fair guess that the tax payer will flip the bill, a new agency will be created to disburse the money and yes you you’ll likely need to fight for transparency to see how that works and of course it’s unlikely any one will be fired.


~$1.8 Million each.

Defendants the usual suspects, except Kamehameha Schools.

Kamehameha Schools are Only for those with Hawaiian blood. Defendant. Interesting.

Looking forward to locals reporting their thoughts on any of this. Including as Brave and Free inquires, do they keep their land.


Have we ever found out for sure how many people actually died? They said 101, but I know that’s got to be bullshit.


Johnny Cash Will Get Statue In US Capitol Building

The legendary Johnny Cash will become the first professional musician to receive a statue in the U.S. Capitol.

Congress issued a statement the declaring the incredible honor Thursday. The National Statuary Hall Collection Statue Dedication Ceremony will take place Tuesday, September 24, 2024 at 11:00 am., in the Emancipation Hall.

The ceremony “will be a seated, invitation-only event,” according to the statement.

The statue of the country music icon will become part of the National Statuary Hall Collection.

The exclusive unveiling of the statue is a significant announcement for all Cash fans across the globe, but the private affair will only be attended by a select-group.

…Each U.S. state receives two statues to celebrate notable figures that are important to their history as a symbolic honor. The statue of Cash, who is a native of Dyess, Arkansas, will be Arkansas’ second to be erected, according to Rolling Stone. The state’s other statue is a bronze representation of civil rights activist Daisy Bates. 

Cash’s and Bates’ statues replaced those depicting 19th-century attorney Uriah Rose and former governor and senator James P. Clarke.

The article doesn’t say why those statues are being replaced.



Those words should be echoing across the land.


No Godly person could disagree with this man.

It’s either God or the Devil. Choose wisely.

Valerie Curren




There’s somebody who wants to talk to FIB.


The only help required would be the promise of looking the other way.


I must have missed the reports of his involvement in J13.


Makes no sense on the surface how Shapiro would have any play in J13.


As a governor he’s dialed in to many networks of power and influence. Obvious would be State Police, lessor so, back channels to district attorney’s of the Soros type, various union and mob elements (think dirty cops).

There is after all many of these outlandish type crimes that shock the nation take place in Blue centers of power be they State, city or even towns.

Then just attach that bad circuity to something similar on the Federal level and things get real creepy especially when you understand these criminal minds can be networked into all facets of society and operate with the barest amount of information to get things they want done, done as they know full exposure can be their undoing.

Gail Combs

Colonel Christopher L. Paris, a native of Lackawanna County, was nominated by Governor Shapiro to lead the Pennsylvania State Police…

Commissioner Paris is a 1998 magna cum laude graduate of the University of Scranton, a 2004 graduate of Temple University Law School, and a graduate of the 267th session of the Federal Bureau of Investigation National Academy. He has passed the Pennsylvania and New Jersey bar exams and is an active member of the Pennsylvania Bar

Col. Christopher Paris (2023) was confirmed by the Pennsylvania Senate


Valerie Curren

another DM pic from this article where Crooks appears a bit older, caption from DM after.


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Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle was forced to resign amid the backlash over the blunders. The FBI is still trying to investigate Crooks’ motive. A classmate told DailyMail.com he had previously been investigated over threats to ‘shoot up’ his school when he was aged just 15. The incident was not taken seriously at the time but is now being probed by the agency.

Last edited 1 month ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

DM has a number of pieces about the assassination attempt, but the often go back to the main page before I get to reading them. I was searching for Yearick & Crooks at their site. Most of the Yearick stuff appeared to dismissing info as a conspiracy, fwiw. Here’s one that didn’t disappear yet



Yearick hits, fyi, I haven’t read these (yet)




other Trump stuff when searching DM





haven’t heard This one before…


Secret Service security failures are revealed in damning document, that describes how agents allowed an armed guard with three arrests to ride in an elevator with President ObamaBy Josh Boswell For Dailymail.com – July 22nd 2024, 2:30:39 pmThe House Oversight Committee published a damning report on the United States Secret Service nine years ago that described an agency ‘in crisis’.
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Last edited 1 month ago by Valerie Curren

I saw the video by Copenhaver positioned from behind PT yesterday, where one can actually see two people on that roof.

The original one is the person who runs across the roof, but to the left is another person deep in shadow. Under what looks like a red boom arm…under an overhang. Fairly easy to see.


Valerie Curren

Thank you for that description of the figure under the red boom arm. Now you’ve given me more work as I try to isolate still shots of the various players, but not until I’ve gotten some sleep. Do you think that that figure could be the same as this person? I captured these images from the “Zapruder film” either the Dr. Martensen analysis or the “original” one returned to the guy from the FIB that has his images very obscured by all the writing over the top of the images…

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I need to find a way to edit these images to see if they can be made clearer, or the contrast increased to see if the figure & gun shows better…


Very difficult to tell. I thought I saw something more like white in that shadowed area.

Valerie Curren

I think this one is the clearer of the two above.

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If you follow the ridge lines on the roof edge, the furthest left one to the top of the roof comes out just to the right of what looks like a scope to me, as there appears to be glass in the center. The second from the left ridge line followed to the roof is very near what appears to be the bent left elbow of the figure in black. The third from the left ridge line hits the roof where there is an apparent bent limb, I think an arm, that is flesh toned.

It made me think that there was a black-clad pro up there, perhaps taking some of the shots, & immediately behind was either Crooks or Yearick w/ the rookie move of leaving flesh exposed.

If I (or somebody much more skilled) can figure out how to enhance the image it Might be possible to see another one of the assassin wannabes much more clearly…

Valerie Curren

I was attempting to make some image edits using an online editor here:


This is the original, I thought,

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Here are some of what turned out after playing a bit with settings…

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One of these images should match the original but I think the site even adjusted the orientation of the pictures so not sure…hmmm…

Clearly that was Not an improvement, if it is even the same starting image. I just don’t know & I’ve got a rather steep learning curve to boot on it all.

Last edited 1 month ago by Valerie Curren
Barb Meier

I asked Grok on X and it can do images but one needs a link to an image. I copied the link for the biggest image above, but Grok could not find it. Let me upload it on my website. That may be easier for it to find. No promises though. I’ve also tinkered a little in Photoshop but so far, it ends up looking like more than one person. I do see what looks like a gun barrel. Here is the Grok interaction.

Valerie Curren


Hope it works 🙂

Last edited 1 month ago by Valerie Curren
Barb Meier

I think Grok found the image at my link:

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I gave him the bigger image to work with. He came back saying it looks like they are having a party up there. I also thought I saw 3 or 4 people (the white tubes being gun barrels). He did not spit back a clearer photo, but perhaps it I take a different route it can.

What he did was give me a link back that looks interesting with someone else’s research. I have not checked it out yet.

Barb Meier

Here is the Grok chat thread and there is a placeholder for the image but not an image.

Screenshot-2024-08-03-at-10.56.03 PM
Valerie Curren

That is interesting. Will the image Ever appear?

Barb Meier

I looked at it in Photoshop and zoomed in to 2000 percent. There’s I can select individual pixels and even ones that seem like the trees at the top are still shades of gray or tan. That means I can’t delete all the green tree shades. I also tried sharpening the image, but that does not seem to do a lot either. This should show you what I see when looking at pixels. Any of the ways I know to clarify just don’t do much. Brightness, saturation, sharpen.

Screenshot-2024-08-03-at-11.13 PM-pixels
Valerie Curren

I really appreciate your efforts! Do You think that Might be a person in black holding what might be a scoped item (rifle or perhaps camera) or is that more just my imagination? Once I could “see” the scope the rest seemed to fit what might be somewhat a preconceived notion…

Valerie Curren

TY Barb!

Barb Meier

YW, Valerie!


Does anyone have any further information on what Tony uncovered?

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Tony Seruga


The assassination attempt at the Trump Rally in Butler, PA on July 13, 2024, FirstNet was responsible for the issues with radio communications and cell service outages that day.
Guess who is on the board?

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Last edited 1 month ago by WSB
Valerie Curren

I’m looking on his twitter feed, which isn’t chronological, & found this gem that Might be relevant regarding the recent “protests” in DC by these vandimals

Tony Seruga


People are seeing the trucks with supplies arriving at universities across the country, including the exact same signs, shirts, masks, tents, tables, chairs, even with the same snacks, brand of water bottles, etc., etc. And you can bet the next phase will be the pick up trucks with pallets of bricks. This is NOT going to end well!

But it is Qatar financing these Pro-Palestinian Protests (really Hamas terrorist rallies), more specifically it is the Muslim Brotherhood (Hamas) which is not just based in Qatar, they are the Qatar government and their unofficial leader is Barack Hussein Obama II.


Sad. These should be removed. And I see from late April.

Last edited 1 month ago by WSB
Valerie Curren

as in remove the Obamanation from America?



Valerie Curren

If only AND then apply that “fraud vitiates everything” dream…sigh…

Valerie Curren

This one seems important too

Tony Seruga


We have tracked the black SUV that had picked up our phantom water tower sniper that escaped using a zip line via the backside of the water tower into the trees and then on foot a short jaunt to Meridian Road. With https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f4af.svg confidence, based on cell phone data, that particular sniper was FBI and the SUV was registered to the Department of Agriculture.

more on the “assassin”/patsy

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Tony Seruga


The shooter visited the rally location five times in the week leading up to the rally. Three times exiting his Hyundai Sonata and walking the area, even on one visit entering the American Glass Research corporate offices located at 603 Evans City Rd, for approximately 6 minutes, and then walking to the American Glass Research building located at 615 Whitestown Rd, where it appears he went into the building spending approximately 12 minutes there, departing and immediately driving to Meridian Lanes bowling alley where the data indicates he spent 97 minutes at the Bullseye Sports Bar & Kitchen. Lastly, we are analyzing two devices located within a meter of his device for most of that 97 minutes.
12:01 PM · Jul 19, 2024

I presume this is connected to the assassination attempt, but not sure…

Could this be related to the above?


Last edited 1 month ago by Valerie Curren

This has been reported previously. I find it difficult to believe that someone got down from the tower gathered up all his equipment bundled it into his black van whilst being watched and there’s no video nor even a still shot to support it.
Granted a chance observer distant from the main focus of the event may not have known about the shooting or thought it suspicious but in this day and age an action man descending the tower with a rifle slung over his back may have merited a single snapshot.

Valerie Curren

Yes I agree, though with all the uproar of the Rally shootings people nearby may have been heavily focused in that direction & not on the back of the water tower. There were other “eye witness” reports of people seeing someone being shot on the water tower. I don’t recall ever seeing any such footage or images either  🙄 

Valerie Curren

This one seems pretty important too, but not on your query…

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Tony Seruga


Confirming the 3 individuals the ‘shooter’ was communicating with via text using one of his two devices, were not only in the crowd but appear to be in the bleachers behind President Trump. AT&T corrupted, deleted and then restored the corrupt data of these contacts approximately 30 minutes before the FBI accessed the data. Like J6 ‘pipe bomber’ was AT&T directed by DIA? FYI—and any reference to offshore encrypted accounts are likely a diversion and an attempt to manufacture motive/evidence?
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Tony Seruga

Jul 18
AT&T SG3 [Study Group 3] Secure Room aka the notorious Room 641A and the DIA are at it again. FBI has accessed the shooter’s phone but there are data holes.

AND this is in the replies. Note on this image there appears to be NO BLOOD running down the roof…

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Jul 19
Replying to @TonySeruga
” Slope roof shooter ” was someone else up there with him?
Either his rifle was planted after the fact or 2nd cover spotter killer ditched his rifle
Here is why … look at location of rifle gear and body of “tommy”
https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f447.svghttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f447.svghttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f447.svghttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f447.svghttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f447.svg J Cullen pointed this out


Last edited 1 month ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

This just has some “nice” characterizations of FIB

K Street IO
Jul 19
Replying to @TonySeruga
Fearmongering and Bullying Incorporated – Specialists in keeping the public in perpetual paranoia through intimidation tactics.

Fabricated Blame Investigators – Experts in framing the innocent and spinning sinister narratives.

Fatal Betrayal Institute – Where trust goes to die and backstabbing is the daily agenda.

Falsehood and Brutality Interrogators – Masters of extracting confessions through deception and violence.

Fractured Belief Initiators – Destroying faith in institutions one scandal at a time, ensuring no one feels safe or secure. 1



Valerie Curren

Have you guys seen THIS one before?



Ever feel like your brain is in a washing machine?  🤔 

Valerie Curren



I dunno….

I feel less and less brainwashed —

— and more and more brain tumble-dried.

Valerie Curren

This is another historic one on Tony Seruga’s twitter feed, kind of instructive on part of what we are apparently seeing play out in relation to Trump’s attempted assassination:

Tony Seruga


The Oklahoma City bombing was my first introduction to an FBI Special Agent that I believed was drugging (MKUltra) and using psychological manipulation to weaponize his targets.

In this case, Timothy McVeigh. Much of my involvement in tracking McVeigh is still classified but I can certainly comment on the rogue FBI Special Agent I’ve come to know as the connection to dozens upon dozens of mass shooters, including Las Vegas where he met with Stephen Paddock in a cafe in Pakistan weeks before the Las Vegas massacre.

In many instances, however, this SA sets his targets up to take the fall for events they actually didn’t do. Even if they thought they were doing them, another subject else was ultimately responsible.

There are so many unanswered questions regarding the Oklahoma City bombing. I do know our government has been lying to us.

Here is a summary of the transcript from “He’s EXPOSING the truth of the Oklahoma City bombing and they don’t like it | Redacted News – YouTube” which features an interview with investigative journalist Derek Bros. Bros discusses his documentary series “The Pyramid of Power,” which investigates those behind global power structures. The series delves into the deep state, aiming to identify who these individuals are and how they control society.

Bros has produced a series of documentary videos, each episode designed to be 30 minutes or less to cater to the Netflix generation, making the content more accessible and bingeable.

The series combines Bros’s original research with pre-existing documentaries and books, aiming to condense complex information into digestible episodes. Each episode concludes with suggested solutions and recommendations for further reading and viewing. The series, which started in 2021, will have 17 episodes, with the final episode exploring who or what is at the top of the power pyramid.

In this interview, the focus is on the documentary covering the Oklahoma City bombing. Bros questions the official narrative, which claims that on April 19, 1995, Timothy McVeigh, a former military veteran and white supremacist, acting mostly alone, detonated a truck bomb outside the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, killing 168 people, including children. Bros points out that mainstream media and government sources presented this narrative, but he suggests there might be more to the story.

He mentions that McVeigh was captured shortly after the bombing and highlights the legislative response to the event, which included an anti-terrorism bill that preceded the Patriot Act. Bros implies that the bombing facilitated a push for increased domestic surveillance and control, similar to the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks.

Bros’s documentary explores various discrepancies in the official narrative, including allegations that some federal agents were warned not to go to work on the day of the bombing. He also references a local police officer who raised questions about the bombing and was subsequently killed under suspicious circumstances. This officer’s family continues to seek answers.

Furthermore, Bros discusses evidence suggesting that demolition charges were placed inside the building, contradicting the story that a single truck bomb caused the extensive damage. He draws parallels between the Oklahoma City bombing and other historical events, proposing that such incidents are often used to justify policy changes and consolidate power.

The documentary on the Oklahoma City bombing is part of a broader effort by Bros to expose false flags—operations designed to deceive the public and manipulate political outcomes. He suggests that the bombing could have involved a deeper, compartmentalized operation, potentially implicating various levels of government and intelligence agencies.

Throughout the series, Bros aims to provide a comprehensive view of how global power structures operate, using historical and contemporary examples to illustrate his points.


Valerie Curren

more that seems to connect the above to current stuff

Tony Seruga
Jul 19
The shooter visited the rally location five times in the week leading up to the rally. Three times exiting his Hyundai Sonata and walking the area, even on one visit entering the American Glass Research corporate offices located at 603 Evans City Rd, for approximately 6 minutes, and then walking to the American Glass Research building located at 615 Whitestown Rd, where it appears he went into the building spending approximately 12 minutes there, departing and immediately driving to Meridian Lanes bowling alley where the data indicates he spent 97 minutes at the Bullseye Sports Bar & Kitchen. Lastly, we are analyzing two devices located within a meter of his device for most of that 97 minutes. 167
comment imageTony Seruga
Jul 19
Who drove the van with Arizona license plates? Is it just a coincidence the shooter took a quick turnaround trip to Arizona on the same date as the retired FBI SA was there? The same retired FBI SA who met Las Vegas shooter, Stephen Paddock in a Pakistan café just before the massacre.
Jul 19, 2024 · 4:29 PM UTC


D Reed https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f1fa-1f1f8.svg
Jul 19
Replying to @TonySeruga
How is that one guy, you Tony, can get this info relatively fast yet people in Trump’s inner circle can’t? Or maybe they can but just no sharing with public.

If this type of information and technology is available to IT people like you, how in the hell does the FBI think they can get away with these crimes? 12
comment imageTony Seruga
Jul 22
We are closing in on the Arizona meetup. I have a couple of retired counter intelligence physically there now. Plus we have AI going through reams of license plate readers and CCV around the dates. 2



curiouser & curiouser

Christopher Olguin
Jul 19
Replying to @TonySeruga
@iheartmindy note there is a connection to Butler incident and a former FBhttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f441.svgSA who met Paddock in Pakistan—who investigated the Vegas sho@ting.
He met with the sho@ter In Arizona and who’s connected to the attempt on President Trump. Small world. 1
comment imageJM
Jul 19
Replying to @TonySeruga

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Valerie Curren

Mini Maxwell Yearick rabbit hole, trying to find info WSB asked for from Tony Seruga’s twitter feed, but getting distracted by other assassination attempt material…



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Oh My…

Jul 25
Replying to @911Gene
comment imageIn2ThinAir
Jul 25
https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f6a8.svg#BREAKING Trump Assassination attempt UPDATE! – Both Thomas Crooks AND Maxwell Yearick were members of the same gun club!

(Clairton Sportsman’s Club)
-Same club the DHS and ICE train at!
-Talking in the video is George Webb
-Only club in the area that could have trained these 2 Probably more) to even attempt to pull this off.

Clip from the Legally Armed America YouTube channel
#ButlerFarms #SecretService


ICE, DHS train there too…hmmm

Crowdsource The Truth
Jul 26
Replying to @911Gene
comment imageCrowdsource The Truth
Jul 26
Uh oh… did the cops forget to redact something important before they gave that video to @ChuckGrassley? This looks like the first authentic image of Maxwell Yearick’s real ear. Was the man in the gray suit on the roof of American Glass Research a deep state Photoshop expert?

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Jul 27
Replying to @911Gene
If the investigators wanted to share the truth,they would share the doorbell cameras in the area where the van was left. It will show who parked it there. Bet it wasnt Crooks.Its starting to sound like Yearick befriended Crooks and even went to same gun range.Probably killed him.

comment imageBuddy
Jul 26
Replying to @911Gene
Explosives are red herring to explain transmitter found on roof, communication used between DS Sniper team and patsies to coordinate timing of attack. Communication device means multiple traitors in on assassination of Real President Trump.




Valerie Curren

more on Yearick

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Crowdsource The Truth
Jul 29
I stitched together this image of @realDonaldTrump shooting suspect Maxwell Yearick dead on the roof of American Glass Research from multiple unredacted frames of the @ChuckGrassley bodycam footage. Thomas Crooks doesn’t have a tattoo on his arm. Crooks was never on that roof.


Crowdsource The Truth
Jul 30
Do we think this very sketchy Mysterious Secret Service Tactical Dude who was hanging out inside American Glass Research where a sniper position has been revealed and muzzle flashes are seen in @realDJStew724‘s video knows Agent Dirty Sanchez, Kennon Hooper and Maxwell Yearick??


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Ron Reece
Jul 30
Replying to @JG_CSTT @realDJStew724
Got any insight on why this officer was, apparently, the only one that decided to sport a pair of NVGs on his helmet?

What kind of dark (room?) area required their use on that day?

And why was he one of the first on the scene of Crook’s body, and told other officers to “watch out for the casings”?

I would have a lot of questions for him.. (but casting no aspersions at this time)..

Everyone is a suspect, IMO, until we finally get some clarity on the events of that day.


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PONCHO ♥️ https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/2764.svg https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f60d.svg https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f1fa-1f1f8.svg
Jul 29
I can’t honestly say that is a tattoo. Is it blood pooling cause he’s dead? We really need to see photos from the medical examiners office. If the corpse has tattoos we know it’s not Crooks and most likely Yearik 27

comment imageCrowdsource The Truth
Jul 29
Replying to @LexieMayHunter @realDonaldTrump @ChuckGrassley
I have no doubt it is a tattoo



The conversation debates whether it’s a tattoo or not & a couple tattoo artists weigh in saying it is NOT a tattoo, fwiw…

Valerie Curren

Some insights on the blood spatter, or lack thereof…



This makes a lot of sense, to me, but this is far outside my wheelhouse

Brian A Alexander
Jul 30
Replying to @Jaden264 @JG_CSTT @realDonaldTrump @ChuckGrassley
The bullet exited the back of his neck behind his right ear below the base of the skull. If it had exited through his skull it probably would have blown out the whole back of his head.


K Robbins
Jul 30
Replying to @Jaden264 @JG_CSTT @realDonaldTrump @ChuckGrassley
I have seen photos where blood ran all the way down to the edge of the roof. Also, a closeup photo leaked from the 13th showed the shooter had most of his upper teeth shot away. Pretty gruesome.


Jul 30
Replying to @Jaden264 @JG_CSTT @realDonaldTrump @ChuckGrassley
by the blood around his ear, it looks like he was hit in the back of the neck/skull, medula area (off switch), and out his mouth (teeth are not in their proper place anymore). Neck, mouth, nose area is kinda flexible and wouldn’t explode like a movie


I have no idea who to believe & whether this is getting into chaff & disinfo territory…



For the record..I’ve been following a a stupid rabbit hole from this George Webb for an hour or so. All lies, nothing can be corroborated BUT it’s presented as documented, screenshots,etc yet when I took each name, each company it didn’t match up. It all sounded plausible and some sort of matched up but too many outright fabrications negates it all.

Valerie Curren

TY Molly–great work!


It was this..https://georgewebb.substack.com/p/the-cheney-sanction-how-trump-was

If you run into it or see it cited..its 99% BS


YW.. anything to eliminate people deliberately lying about this

Valerie Curren

It’s like we need the Disinformation Hall of Shame to keep track of them all!

Valerie Curren



It bugs me that Alex Jones is urging him on. Webb has had a bad rep for awhile but his substack was intriguing so I looked into it anyway…so now it makes me go side eye more than usual with Alex Jones.

Valerie Curren

AJ does often come across as pretty click-baity though he also can have good stuff no one else seems to chase after. As usual it’s gotta be buyer beware!


Another small thing to look for is tats on alleged secret service…saw an arm tattoo on one in a picture above somewhere. The info below seems a bit ambiguous to me about arms but this is what it says
From the SS site~
Have no visible body markings. The Secret Service prohibits employees from having visible body markings (including but not limited to tattoos, body art, and branding) on the head, face, neck, hand, and fingers (any area below the wrist bone) (exception: a single conservative and unobtrusive tattoo in the form of a ring (e.g., wedding band) is authorized on one finger). If you have visible body markings, you will be required to medically remove such visible body markings at your own expense prior to entering on duty with the Secret Service.


One last thing..SS says they can have facial hair as long as it’s neat and trim.

There’s pic of a guy in a SS vest with facial hair that looks pretty scruffy in my view. Were they actual SS agents or borrowed from DHS or other places but wearing SS insignia?

Valerie Curren

Good Q’s & I have no answers but hopefully some will surface eventually…

Valerie Curren

Well an arm tattoo isn’t below the wrist bone, for what that’s worth.

Valerie Curren

Hope I can remember that in my sieve like brain!


On the picture above, the circle with his arm/hand, it almost looks like his hand may have been hit. would that explain the theory that the officer that shot him from the ground hit him but didn’t kill him?

Valerie Curren

good thoughts

Also given his arm position the body has CLEARLY been moved since the earlier images, with the yellow side wall showing below.

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I read somewhere that Maxwell Yearick’s father owned the Yearick Explosives Co.


No such company. Name is Yearick Armory Company or something very similar.


AS PG provided, Yearick Armory Company.

Only thing I could find was Mesa, AZ.

One of the vehicles, perhaps a van towed J13 / 14, had AZ plates.


Is it just me or does Roger look like Bret Baier’s twin brother?

Valerie Curren

I wonder about the ear stuff again, so for comparison…I pulled several of these images from various places on Gail’s Assassination Attempt post:


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Sorry if this is beating this topic to death…

Valerie Curren

So I went to look at the guy’s feed who was gathering some stuff on Yearick & found his pinned tweet pretty interesting…


 Pinned Tweet
comment image911Gene
5 Nov 2023
Bob McIlvaine’s son was in the morgue before the Twin Towers fell. Bobby was found with one arm gone, the top half of his head gone, glass throughout his chest and no shoes on. The burns on his body were post mortem; a detonation killed him on the ground level of WTC 1.

Explosive NanoThermite more powerful than known NanoThermite from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (a military lab) was found in the World Trade Center dust and documented in a peer-reviewed paper that stands uncontested since 2009:

Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe

Source: The Open Chemical Physics Journal, 2009, 2, 7-31 – Niels Harrit, Steven Jones, Kevin Ryan, Jeff Farrer
benthamopen.com/ABSTRACT/TOC…… OR

Saudi Arabia, Muslims, hijackers, planes, and fire DID NOT cause World Trade Center buildings 1, 2, & 7 to collapse entirely, evenly, and through themselves. Controlled demolitions did.

Dear @RepMattGaetz, @SpeakerJohnson, @Jim_Jordan, @mtgreenee, @CongressmanGT, @118Congress:
cc: @SenBobCasey, @JohnFetterman,

I respectfully request that you introduce the The Bobby McIlvaine World Trade Center Investigation Act — named after a 26-year-old who was killed by an explosion while entering the North Tower and whose father has been a leading advocate — would establish a select committee in Congress to reinvestigate the catastrophic destruction of all three World Trade Center towers.

Today would have been Bobby’s 49th birthday. Remember, remember! Every fifth of November,
  The demolition treason and plot;
  I know of no reason
  Why the demolition treason
  Should ever be forgot!


I pledge my life to the truth of Jesus Christ and this cause.

Sincerely and respectfully,
Gene Laratonda
Activist for the Greater 9/11 Truth Movement

cc2: @TuckerCarlson @ClaytonMorris
@jimmy_dore @patrickbetdavid @_whitneywebb @BenSwann_ @glennbeck @ggreenwald @billmaher @jonstewart @dbongino @joerogan @mtaibbi @CitizenFreePres @elonmusk @ic911justice @lcfor911 @RichardGage_911 10


Given the “new” film of the 2nd tower being hit shared yesterday this seems timely…


Last edited 1 month ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

Perhaps a lot of material to be found here for Gail’s epic post trying to separate fact from fiction on the assassination attempt



I’m having a hard time copying all the text of these tweets

It seems we finally have an answer to “Who took the ninth shot and from where?”

It was an ESU agent from over somewhere between the bleachers and Building 6. While I haven’t had a chance to scour the videos to see if I can confirm this, it fits with the audio data from the Stewart film which showed a distinct double impulse that would be consistent with a shot impulse coming from behind and bouncing off of the big flat building face right in from of Mr. Stewart.

If so, this means that the ESU agent is the hero of the day as that interrupted more firing, probably saving lives. They should be hailed as a quick thinking and acting person for having managed to respond appropriately in a matter of just 5.89 seconds from the first shot…which includes having to locate the shooter, decide, take and, and squeeze.




The Jesse Watters show talking about the “site supervisor” at Trump’s Butler Rally & they keep referring to this person as “they” so it makes me wonder if it’s actually another DEI female & they are circling the wagons to cover that fact up…Josh Hawley said he knew the person’s name…

Last edited 1 month ago by Valerie Curren

WOW VALERIE! You have posted a huge treasure trove of evidence today – !!!

Valerie Curren

I was trying to answer WSB’s question but kept getting sidetracked even trying to find the original tweet she referenced (I never did) on that epic tweeter (now I forget his name, which is Not Neil Sedaka, but he might share those initials LOL Edit add: Tony Seruga’s twitter feed) & finally had to get Some sleep.

Some of the info is a bit older but seems to help contextualize recent events.

Last edited 1 month ago by Valerie Curren

And that assassination attempt will be …

SlowJoe? SaladHo?

Valerie Curren

Let’s Hope No One!

pat frederick

Today is Marica’s Birthday…
her site is listed on the right under blogroll if you wanna drop by and leave a birthday wish!

pat frederick

thanks kal!

pat frederick

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pat frederick

Collin Rugg


JUST IN: The International Boxing Association (IBA) is awarding Italy’s Angela Carini with $50,000 in prize money after she got defeated by a fighter with XY chromosomes. “IBA will award Angela Carini, who abandoned the fight against Algeria’s Imane Khelif at Paris 2024 Games after 46 seconds of the first round, the IBA prize money as if she were an Olympic champion,” the IBA announced. “I do not understand why they killed women’s boxing. Only eligible athletes should compete in the ring for the sake of safety,” IBA President Umar Kremlev said.

Valerie Curren

Great news & awesome that he got this FACT out there: “a fighter with XY chromosomes” aka a MALE! Boom

pat frederick

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Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives


https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f525.svghttps://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f6a8.svgBREAKING NEWS: The number 1 Kick Streamer Adin Ross exposed Kamala Harris for paying rappers and other celebrities to come on stage and endorse her. The rapper Snot actually exposed how Kamala Harris sent him a dm on X for support yesterday. Adin Ross: “I have so much love and respect for Quavo as an artist. I really wish I didn’t see what Quavo did. You know, Kamala Harris is DMing rappers. She DMs Snot, Snot posted on Twitter, which I respect Snot for doing. She’s trying to endorse rappers to come and do it. Megan Thee Stallion and Quavo, they probably took a bag to go to the conference and stuff. It’s sad, bro. It’s really, really sad. You know, I wish they didn’t do that.” This is massive.


Needs to go viral.

pat frederick

California Joe
August 3, 2024 1:10 am

Four Bimbo Federal Judges (3 Democrat & 1 RINO) in Washington DC get Presidential Immunity 100% WRONG and they’re supposed to the best of the best Harvard law graduates? How do you get something so fundamental and important 100% wrong!!!
Appeals Court Kicks Jack Smith’s January 6 Case Back to Judge Chutkan After Supreme Court Immunity Ruling | by Cristina Laila
The case was sent back to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit after the Supreme Court ruled in a 6-3 decision that former presidents are immune from prosecution for official acts they took while in office. The three-judge panel at the appeals court level — which previously found that Trump could not be shielded from criminal charges — issued a brief, unsigned order sending the matter back to the district court on Friday.
“It is ordered, on the court’s own motion, that this case be remanded to the district court for further proceedings consistent with the Supreme Court’s opinion,” the D.C. Circuit said.


The judges. Spineless or Owned.

Reality. Spineless AND Owned.

pat frederick

good advice????

New Florida Blues a.k.a Cold Cornbread
August 3, 2024 7:19 am

Get ready Treehousers, Dengue Fever and West Nile Virus are in the GMO-squitos in Texas just in time for sElection Season!
Wasn’t Bill Gates supposed to “take care” of that?
Find some real lemongrass , press the oil to dilute with water and spray yourselves with or find some Beauty Berry bushes and rub the leaves on your exposed skin like a Seminole would to keep the buggers at bay!

Gail Combs


We have been here for 3 decades and NO mosquitoes. This year is the first time I am seeing them and boy are they aggressive!

pat frederick

I’m asking about the lemongrass and Beauty berry bushes…good advice or not?


pat frederick
Please see my reply to you regarding lemongrass.


Gail Combs
Aggressive, LARGE mosquitos are all over the place in the Raleigh-Durham area and have been around for a few months now.

Gail Combs

Tell me about it! I have welts all over and they love to sneak into the house!


Lemongrass does work fairly well. I don’t know about the Beauty Berry.


pat frederick
Thank you for the update.
Yes, lemongrass can be used as a mosquito repellent. Some people use it in a spray instead of chemicals as found in “OFF!”
Do NOT ingest lemongrass. Use it only as a spray, and like all other insect repellent sprays, keep it away from the eyes and mouth, and wash the hands before and after spraying the repellent on skin, clothes, etc.
One such lemongrass mosquito repellent is “Wondercide.” It can be used for children, adults, and pets. (The product for pets is a separate product from the one for human use.)

pat frederick



Do NOT ingest lemongrass.

Since lemongrass is used in Thai cooking, I did a little research and found this:

While lemongrass in food is one thing, essential oils are another. They’re potent and not recommended for young children. High amounts can wreak havoc on the liver and stomach, so keep the oil out of reach and out of the diet.



That’s what Yours Truly meant above, probably should have clarified it more. Lemongrass oil — don’t ingest. Lemongrass in foods — in moderation.

pat frederick

this sounds like bullshit to me
Undocumented Immigrants in US Pay Nearly $100 Billion in Taxes

  • About 26% of the group’s income went to taxes in 2022: report
  • Border policies have major implications for government revenue

By Nic Querolo
July 30, 2024 at 4:01 AM UTC
Undocumented immigrants paid almost $100 billion of taxes, underscoring the importance of border policies on the country’s tax collections, according to a new report.
One of the most common arguments for curtailing immigration is the cost borne by the US government. But undocumented immigrants pay more than a quarter, about 26%, of their income in taxes, in line with the median taxpayer, according to a report released Tuesday by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, a left-leaning think tank.
In total, undocumented immigrants paid $96.7 billion, or roughly $9,000 per person, in taxes in 2022, the report shows. While their incomes are usually lower, they’re less likely to claim refunds or earn tax-preferred income.
About one third of the total dollars collected from undocumented immigrants funded programs they’re mostly barred from using, including $26 billion to Social Security and $6 billion to Medicare, the report said.


More likely they get all that money in tax refunds, welfare checks, free health care, housing, food stamps, etc.

pat frederick

when you hire someone, you are required to file an I-9 with the gov’t. a lot of companies don’t do that i guess, because you need a photo id.
so that means a lot of these workers are paid UNDER the table and there are no taxes collected.
this report, according to the article, is from a “left leaning think tank.
enough said.


Your first line says it all.

Most are paid in cash. Some are paid through paychecks as employees or 1099’s as sub contractors to workers who are on legal work visas. They pay the others in cash and provide housing.

People are so stupid to believe anything a Dem or RINO says.

Last edited 1 month ago by TradeBait2
Gail Combs

MAJOR BULL SCHIFF when you consider the TAX SCAMS!

IIRC ONE address here in NC had MILLIONS in tax REFUNDS going to it.

Also if an Illegal uses a stolen SS# then you have 2 or more people paying taxes. The IRS DOES NOT NOTIFY original addressee but instead places ALL the Social Security $$ into a separate account and NO ONE GETS THE BENEFIT OF THOSE DOLLARS!

For young people just starting into the work force (the main target) this means when they retire they will get little to NO BENEFITS!


ThanQ. Do you think DJT will do something about the ‘catch-all bucket’ scam?

BTW, do you have a link for this?

Gail Combs

I think I may still have the links. I can look. (Was out all day hauling ponies around.)

BTW, Hubby talked to a black dude who was passing by at the party. He has it ‘figured out’ and is trying to talk other Blacks OFF the plantation. Hubby thought he might be a Q follower.

Gail Combs

From my old notes…
From memory…

1. Most stolen SS# are from YOUNG PEOPLE.

2. Social Security DOES NOT TELL YOU.

3. If there are TWO tax returns with the SAME NUMBER the SS and Medicare $$$ go into a ‘Special Fund’ called the Earnings Suspense File (ESF).

4. When you go to CLAIM SS at retirement YOU GET NOTHING from those disputed funds. Think of all those young folks working for DECADES and getting NOTHING!

<i>”…The ESF has become a hotbed for debate over everything from immigration rights to identity theft, as it continues to accrue money at roughly $6 billion a year, with the total as of 2005 sitting at $519 billion…. , there may be as many as 1 in 50 people in America who have someone else sharing their Social Security number… “</i> — 2006 <a href=”https://www.consumeraffairs.com/news04/2006/02/ss_secret_stash.html”>The Earnings Suspense File: Social Security’s “Secret Stash”</a>

WORSE: <a href=”https://www.alipac.us/f12/irs-admits-encourages-illegals-steal-social-security-numbers-taxes-356376/”>IRS Admits It Encourages Illegals To Steal Social Security Numbers For Taxes</a>

Additional REFERENCES:

<a href=”https://www.jacobymeyers.com/identity-theft-can-affect-your.html”>Identity Theft Can Affect Your Social Security Benefits | Jacoby and Meyers Law Offices</a>

<a href=”https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/jun/22/14-million-illegals-working-stolen-social-security/”>1.4 million illegals working under stolen Social Security numbers: Audit – Washington Times</a>

<a href=”https://www.teaparty.org/irs-doesnt-tell-1m-taxpayers-illegals-stole-social-security-numbers-184997/”>IRS Doesn’t Tell 1M Taxpayers that Illegals Stole Their Social Security Numbers – Tea Party News</a>


I don’t believe anything coming from USG anymore. I’m supposed to believe that MILLIONS of people who are fresh from every 3rd world country, can’t read or speak English are working like bees and filing taxes…nah

pat frederick

death penalty back on the table–i think the backlash was tremendous

Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III on Friday relieved the overseer of the war court at Guantánamo Bay and revoked a plea agreement reached earlier this week with the accused mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and two alleged accomplices.
The Pentagon announced the decision with the release of a memorandum relieving the senior official at the Defense Department responsible for military commissions of her oversight of the capital case against Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and his alleged accomplices for the attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people in New York City, at the Pentagon and in a Pennsylvania field.
The overseer, retired Brig. Gen. Susan K. Escallier, signed a pretrial agreement on Wednesday with Mr. Mohammed, Walid bin Attash and Mustafa al-Hawsawi that exchanged guilty pleas for sentences of at most life in prison. In taking away the authority, Mr. Austin assumed direct oversight of the case and canceled the agreement, effectively reinstating it as a death-penalty case.
Because of the stakes involved, the “responsibility for such a decision should rest with me,” Mr. Austin said in an order released Friday night by the Pentagon.
“Effective immediately, in the exercise of my authority, I hereby withdraw from the three pretrial agreements that you signed on July 31, 2024.”
Ms. Escallier’s approval of the agreement that was reached between prosecutors and the defendants over two years of negotiations had appeared to resolve the case, which had been mired in pretrial hearings since 2012. Some family members of those killed in the attacks reacted with anger that a death sentence was no longer possible.
Mr. Austin was traveling abroad and returned to the United States later that day.





To me it’s strange that this deal had been brokered over a 2 year period. Why was a plea deal being considered and pounded out for that long and at the 11th hour flattened.

pat frederick

why weren’t they put to death a long time ago?

Last edited 1 month ago by patfrederick

Right !?!

Did Austin think for 2 solid years that they were discussing a more humane death penalty in a plea bargain instead of bargaining for no death?


Good morning, Q Treepers!

Prayer request – On Monday, soon to be named, Tropical Storm Debby, will be passing over the Village, where our disabled daughter Sally lives, so I will need to stay and help her through the storm and likely power outages. 

Thanks so much!

pat frederick

you and Sally are in my daily prayers GA!
stay safe!


Daily sending the best for Sally Q and yourself. Always.




Thank you for the update. Please, you and SallyQ (and SallyQ’s father) stay safe!


Prayers for safety and as little inconvenience as possible. 🙏

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

God be with you & Sally & the whole community. May He calm the storm & keep you all in the palm of His hand.  🙏 


Yesterday Wolf posted a link to an article of his dated December 23, 2018, about the murder of Barbara Olson:


1) It not only has stood the test of time, in retrospect its analysis has become more credible in light of the thoroughly brilliant corruption we have come to know.

2) There was some discussion in the thread about the actual evidence supporting the theory of murder, and Wolf accurately characterized his analysis as speculation. This struck me as demonstrating once again the wisdom of Aubergine’s Razor, and also reflected what we have come to know as a foundational truth: in our daily understanding of the world, we have been denied the ability to know the essential facts of any matter, and we necessarily need to act on speculation, proceed as if it were true. Hence, the importance of AR.

3) The entire thread is fascinating for a variety of reasons related to understanding as a function of the passage of time, but one was the sense that something was going to be done, that justice would happen, that essential facts would be found out. That may still be true, but there is little confidence now that it will happen, and we now understand more than ever how thoroughly confusion and chaos are an irresistable part of our daily lives.

4) Wolf’s assessment was that the Clinton’s were central to effecting 9-11, and China might be invloved. It was my understanding then and now that the Clinton’s have been Chinese agents all their lives. Clearer now IMO is that the Bushes are just as evil, part of the same group, and IMO read in on 9-11, playing their role as necessary.

5) God bless Barbara Olson. There have been other great writers/speakers on our side who died way too soon. Jack (or was it Mike?) Kelly (the Pittsburg guy) from many years ago, one of the first to figure things out; Rush; Breitbart. There are more. I wonder what happened to Steyn. He has said nothing, but he has to suspect that he was targeted with technology.

Last edited 1 month ago by Tonawanda

Valerie – this seems pertinent – https://tribe.peakprosperity.com/t/secret-service-leadership-is-deplorable/41333/22

Question to Chris Martensen

Are you considering new audio evidence from Stewart video offered by Cullen for suppressed sub sonic rounds?


No, I’m not presently. It feels like a manufactured goose chase.
I’m waiting to receive the raw files from Dave Stewart before I commit to anything that involves those lower windows. But based on what we have, they are all closed and so that’s my position until different data comes along.
But I know this. I can find you dozens of parts of various audio files that sound surprisingly like a suppressor coughing. Of course, the subsonic rounds themselves make no noise, that’s the point.
So one has to be remarkably close to a .300 blackout for it to be noticeable.
Again, Cullen is not using data, he’s using what he believes to be evidence.
People flinching is evidence, but of what? Unfortunately, that’s a matter of subjective interpretation. An audio file that “sounds like” a suppressed round isn’t data, it’s barely evidence. It’s a bright orangy-red color because there are so many artifacts that can mimic the sounds.
Running a spectral fingerprint of that sound and comparing it to a 300 blackout shot from the same location would be interesting.
Instead, we have certain pieces of data that are quite useful to follow and that’s always where we start.
Even though John proved to be enormously unpleasant to me for committing the unpardonable sin of opting not to engage with him, that’s not my biggest problem with him. It’s the trolls and bots that swarm around his. A whole lot of that energy is not organic. It’s part of the disinformation landscape and they tend to swarm most vigorously around the bad ideas.
The water tower is one example. His ‘call’ that multiple people had been shot by the same round traversing down the back row was also not correct. I took the time to find the longer tapes and tracked all of those people in the after moments and only two were injured in the upper right back stands and by separate bullets – a placement that is 100% consistent with the Building 6 shooting location.
I get far fewer bots amplifying my work because I take care to be as precise as possible, use data and then self-correct publicly and immediately when a new or better interpretation is possible.
We’re in an information war at the moment, and time spent chasing the wrong leads are very expensive to momentum and the overall victories that can be attained. And they know that.
So this is a general caution to everyone…there’s a bunch of nonsense out there and much of it has been inserted on purpose by who knows who for who knows what reasons.

Gail Combs

Chris Martensen is using Dave Stewart aka Dayve Stewert’s videos. How does he reconcile “LONE SHOOTER” with this evidence given to a State Trooper by the SAME PERSON?

COP: Do you recall uh fellow there in a bright yellow shirt?

Dayve Stewert: yeah yeah he was next to me like the neon green like traffic cone yeah yeah yeah he was a weird one too okay yeah yeah yeah he was near me he was filming too but then he quit filming and was just kind of standing there

COP: Okay do you know him at all ?

Dayve Stewert: not at all his name or anything like that if I recall one of the officers were asking him Alex maybe said he owned like nine properties in the area or something like that and then there was a different guy the guy that I helped behind the tree whenever the shots were going off his name was Dave um yeah there was a Dave and then uh then there was like a there was a couple there and then there was a guy with the Gin American flag who said that his motorcycle was left in the area there and he was pissed about that okay I forget his name…

👉COP: so you began this conversation saying something about a a second shooter ?

Dayve Stewert: yeah because when we were first ducking behind the uh when they moved us all from the back of the AGR building and Homeland Security and the other guy with the long gun moved us over to the Township police car uh to take cover there the the door was open and we could hear the radio communications and uh they said shooter dead on the roof and then they said uh we breach the building there’s blood in the bathroom second shooter on the loose so because like if the guy climbed the building and shot from there like how was there blood found inside of a bathroom inside that building so there had have been a second shooter right that got shot or something um you got moved to another building by who moved to another area by Homeland Security I got the Cuffs taken from behind me to the front by Homeland Security okay and then when we got moved over to Township Township police were like Dave and I’m like yeah please take These Cuffs off me and they took the Cuffs off me and then they moved us across the street and then they were like this is even a horrible spot over here if the dude wants to shoot out the windows get in the trunk of our car over here and we’ll drive you to the farm show okay so what was it that you overheard on the radio that there was uh shooter dead on the roof and then they were clearing the building and they found blood in the bathroom and they said Su second suspect at large or something like that or whatever I don’t know but blood was found in the bathroom remember that for sure cuz that’s what had us freaked out because that’s what the cops are telling us like hey the second shooter still around here so like let’s move from this point over to this point where it’s safer and then they’re like well it’s not safe over here let’s take you over here so you didn’t actually see any um potential second shooter no I assume the red truck guy was cuz what I thought was when the shots were going off I thought it was the red truck guy shooting us for being along his fence


Last edited 1 month ago by Gail Combs

That’s just word salad to me. If you can edit it into something I can comprehend, I would be eternally grateful.


Here is my attempt to make sense of it.

COP: Do you recall a fellow there in a bright yellow shirt?
Dayve Stewert: Yeah. Yeah, he was next to me, like the neon green traffic cone. Yeah, he was a weird one too, okay? Yeah, he was near me. He was filming too, but then he quit filming and was just kind of standing there.
COP: Okay. Do you know him at all?
Dayve Stewert: Not at all, his name or anything like that. If I recall, one of the officers were calling him Alex, maybe. Said he owned like nine properties in the area or something like that. And then there was a different guy, the guy that I helped behind the tree whenever the shots were going off. His name was Dave. And then there was a couple there, and then there was a guy with the Gin American flag who said that his motorcycle was left in the area and he was pissed about that. I forget his name…
👉COP: So you began this conversation saying something about a second shooter?
Dayve Stewert: Yeah, because when we were first ducking behind the—when they moved us all from the back of the AGR building and Homeland Security and the other guy with the long gun moved us over to the Township police car to take cover there, the door was open and we could hear the radio communications. And they said, “Shooter dead on the roof,” and then they said, “We breached the building. There’s blood in the bathroom. Second shooter on the loose.” So if the guy climbed the building and shot from there, how was there blood found inside of a bathroom inside that building? So there had to have been a second shooter, right, that got shot or something? 
“You got moved to another building, to another area by Homeland Security?” 
I got the cuffs taken from behind me to the front by Homeland Security, and then when we got moved over to Township, Township police were like, “Dave.” And I’m like, “Yeah, please take these cuffs off me.” And they took the cuffs off me, and then they moved us across the street. And then they were like, “This is even a horrible spot over here if the dude wants to shoot out the windows. Get in the trunk of our car over here and we’ll drive you to the farm show.”
“Okay, so what was it that you overheard on the radio?” 
That there was a shooter dead on the roof, and then they were clearing the building and they found blood in the bathroom. And they said, “Second suspect at large,” or something like that, or whatever. I don’t know, but blood was found in the bathroom. I remember that for sure because that’s what had us freaked out because that’s what the cops were telling us, like, “Hey, the second shooter is still around here so let’s move from this point over to this point where it’s safer.” And then they’re like, “Well it’s not safe over here. Let’s take you over here.” 
“So you didn’t actually see any potential second shooter?”
No, I assumed the red truck guy was because what I thought was—when the shots were going off I thought it was the red truck guy shooting us for being along his fence.

Last edited 1 month ago by TheseTruths

The earlier text given on this was long and hard to understand. This is much better! Interesting stuff.

Valerie Curren

Excellent find–TY! If Cullen is the one with the slick soundtracks & small sound bites of events I’ve wondered about him, just a gut feeling. Martensen’s insights are invaluable!


Verse of the Day for Saturday, August 3, 2024

“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” 

Mark 16:15 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Prophets are humans who speak through God
Some see visions while others are awed 
By what God reveals to them they must share 
Backed by scripture and the Spirit through prayer

The Bible mentions of false prophets beware
They claim to speak through God unaware
Their god is not our God by any measure
Their words are a disproven endeavor

Take Elisha and the prophets of Baal
Numerous seers whose incantations fail
If what the prophet claims does come true
God’s gift rests on that person a sure clue

Prophecies have no timeline – that is of God
It is His determination that gives them laud
They contain warnings and past revelation
What has occurred prior is their elevation

The Bible names many both major and minor
Some of them are prominent and the finer
But all have one thing fairly in common 
What they say will be fulfilled phenomenon

The ungodly will fail and fall short in time
Their deception will be revealed as slime
Without proof the prophecy as revealed
Will serve no purpose and have no yield

The messages from God come in many forms
Dreams poetry sermons physical norms
Prophets can speak of past present and future
Intertwined together enjoined by suture

Prophecy is judgement and restoration 
Of people and nations and of causation
Not always direct or clear of happening
Ordered by events and loose fastening 

Discernment is key to unveiling truth
Does not require a seer or a sleuth
The proof lies solely in the fulfillment 
Drop by drop with Almighty instillment

D01: 06/27/2023




Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday



Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday




pat frederick

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What they are doing is trying to “pause” the count, just like 2020, without us knowing that’s what they are doing.

If we lose access to information for hours, that will give them to opportunity to manufacture votes, and magically alter the counts without us being about to see this again:

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pat frederick
Thank you.
So, here’s some “timely information about the 2024 election” that the F_I_B and CISA would prefer that Americans either not know about, or to forget about:
One: The DeepState tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump, the now-2024 Republican nominee for President of the United States, on 13 July 2024. And that the DeepState may try this again.

Two: Kamala Harris, the 2024 Democrat nominee for President of the United States, is Constitutionally ineligible to be either President, or Vice President (which she is currently), because both of her parents were citizens of foreign lands when Harris was born in California. Harris is an “anchor baby.”

Three: IMO, Josh Shapiro, the 2024 Democrat nominee for Vice President of the United States, was chosen to “keep the Jewish vote” for the Democrat Party.


Soon as any funny business is detected immediately switch every thing off, clear and search the building, lock and seal the doors stand an armed guard on every enterance, and impound and seal every arriving vehicle.


Well, looky here — It appears that Josh Shapiro may be a “certified liar.” The following was just published online:

3 August 2024
Yours Truly: It appears that JOSH SHAPIRO, the current governor of Pennsylvania and the Democrat Party pick for Vice President on the 2024 ticket, NEVER served in the IDF (Israeli Defense Force.) Shapiro, while studying at an Israeli high school, did a required “service project” that apparently involved his visiting IDF bases in Israel.
But that didn’t stop Shapiro from writing, back in 1993, about his five months in Israel *studying and volunteering in the Israeli army.” The piece appeared in Shapiro’s college newspaper.
So, it appears that the Democrat Party is OK with making a “new normal” for them — choosing a Constitutionally-ineligible “anchor baby” for President of the United States on its 2024 ticket (Kamala Harris); and, choosing a “certified liar” as Vice President of the United States on its 2024 ticket (Josh Shapiro.)

Last edited 1 month ago by PAVACA
pat frederick

I am from PA
Shapiro is a zero


pat frederick
Also, Shapiro was chosen to make sure that Pennsylvania does NOT swing to the Donald Trump side in the 2024 election.

pat frederick

he’s not popular among normal folk

pat frederick

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“Netizens noted that in the area where the department is located, there was a sharp jump in orders for pizza delivery, and at the same time, local bars were empty. The last time this happened was in April, shortly before and after Iran’s attack on Israel. Then The Sun noted the high workload of Papa Johns pizzerias with orders from the Pentagon.”



Not even Midwestern manners can disguise Wisconsinites’ anger over how high housing prices have climbed. With median sale prices up 8% in the past year, according to Redfin, Wisconsin is the unhappy winner of the biggest price jump among the presidential battleground states. Prices are up here at double the U.S. average.

Of course by now even most liberals have come to acknowledge that land use over-regulation is a primary driver of the lack of affordable housing…


““British submarines use software developed in Russia and Belarus,” The Telegraph.

The software supplier tried to hide this information by giving the developers fake names of the dead Britons.

Now the British fear that the software could reveal the location of the ships, and that Russian code is also in other projects.

The British Ministry of Defense has launched an investigation.”

 😂  😂  😂  😂  😂  😂 


🤣 Dem Brits can be pretty stooopid.


I feel the same sentiment about Dem Americans…we use chinese steel, chinese pharmaceuticals, chinese made electronics, chinese owned meat companies….when a lowly DIY-er scratches through coffee cans for screws that won’t strip…pretty sure lots of essential items are being held together by tinpot fasteners


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Gail Combs

Just as long as it is not a Goose! Those beasties are NASTY!


comment image?w=600&h=852

pat frederick


Chuck Ross


Kellyanne Conway registers as a foreign agent of Ukraine and Viktor Pinchuk Foundation. She’s getting $50k a month to get US lawmakers to speak at the Yalta European Strategy next month, arrange meetings between Ukrainian soldiers and US political leaders


At least she registers as one. That’s more than a lot of the D.C. vermin do.


Just a piece of history behind the newest narrative spewed that Trump is weak….

In 2015 Vice President, then Attorney General Kamala D Harris joined the Center for American Progress (CAP) as a Director of Education to address truancy –[The solution that Harris developed and that she was proud of instituting was the years long imprisonment of the parents under California truancy laws….]

February 7, 2021 – Investigative journalist/author Lee Smith:
“Think tanks and research institutions like the Atlantic Council, the Center for American Progress(CAP), the EastWest Institute, the Carter Center, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, and others gorged themselves on Chinese money.”

May 14,2021: Joe Biden names Neera Tanden as his Senior Domestic Policy Advisor.
May 14, 2021: Joe Biden also appoints Neera Tanden to be the Director of the Office of Budget and Management.

April 2, 2021: The Center for American Progress(CAP) was lobbying on behalf of the Chinese under CCP’s overseas espionage/influence peddling organization ‘the United Front’:

The Center for American Progress(CAP) was founded by and is chaired by John Podesta. John Podesta was Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, Attorney Marc Elias was Hillary’s campaign attorney. On September 2, 2022 The Biden WhiteHouse Appointed John Podesta as Senior Advisor to report to the President and serve as Senior Advisor to the President for Clean Energy Innovation and Implementation.

Stacey Abrahms sits on the Board of Directors of the Center for American Progress (CAP)…

Neera Tanden was the President & Chief Executive Order of the Center for American Progress (CAP) until May 14, 2021 when she was moved into the White House.

Joebama appointed Tanden to be the Director of the Office of Management & Budget.  [she had to withdraw due to her virulent social media posts against the very Senators who were to approve her nomination]      

October 28, 2021
Senior Advisor Neera Tanden has been promoted to White House Staff Secretary. She will be in charge of all documents going in and all signed documents coming out of the Oval Office.

Today August 3, 2024:

NeeraTanden, x/Twitter platform 5:59 am:

“So Trump is too afraid to face Kamala in a neutral setting he previously agreed to. He basically admits that to face her he’ll need to the assist of two Fox hosts and its whole network.

You know what that is?
It’s weak.”

Thomas Raffles, x/Twitter platform in response to Neera:
“He agreed to debate Harris? I don’t think that’s true. The candidate he agreed to debate left the race. New candidate. New campaign. New debate negotiations.”

Same playbook, different day.



Kamala Harris doesn’t have the mental capacity to do a REAL Debate against me, scheduled for September 4th in Pennsylvania. She’s afraid to do it because there is no way she can justify her Corrupt and Open Borders, the Environmental Destruction of our Country, the Afghanistan Embarrassment, Runaway Inflation, Terrible Economy, High Interest Rates and Taxes, and her years long fight to stop the words, “Merry Christmas.” I’ll see her on September 4th or, I won’t see her at all. She is acknowledged to be the Worst Vice President in History, which works very nicely against the Worst President, Crooked Joe Biden. The combination of these two Low IQ individuals have destroyed our Country, but we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


I’ll see her on September 4th or, I won’t see her at all.

So if “something comes up” to prevent her appearing on the 4th, there won’t be a debate. If I were on her team I’d be thinking of excuses. 😂


Hoe will Never debate Trump.

Hoe will have fewer appearances than Briben did in 2020.

Q&A, if any, will be 100% scripted on friendly terms.


Hoe will have fewer appearances than Briben did in 2020.

And she doesn’t have the excuses of needing to isolate or protect herself from COVID and of being elderly.


Judge Joe Brown filets the Hoe…

Video at the link 1:42.

“She Lacked Professional Competence, So She Worked on It By Hiking Up Her Hemline” – Judge Joe Brown Destroys Kamala Harris in One Brutally Honest Interview (VIDEO)
Judge Joe Brown destroyed Kamala Harris’s run for the presidency after one brutally honest interview.

Judge Brown told Dialogue what he really feels about the former California mistress turned politician.

Reporter: But I got to ask you about Kamala Harris. How you feel about her?

Judge Joe Brown: She’s a piece of sh*t. I was in California. She lacked professional competence, and she worked on it by hiking up her hem line when she needed influence rather than researching. She’s always tried to do the casting couch to get where she wants.

Now, the problem is that it’ll get somebody to a certain level quickly, but you can’t you get past that level if you don’t have competence and talent. So my thing about it is, if

I’m crude about it, in this city, years ago, I used to represent a whole bunch of pimps and hos, and I know a ho when I see one.

And, I say this. I don’t care, woman, you do what you want to do if you want to have recreational sex, but when you do the casting couch or anything else for professional purposes to get paid or advance, you’re a ho. And, she’s an old ho.

And the problem is, what is she supposed to do? Somebody, one of her sycophant slaves, comes up and unwraps her on a carpet naked at Putin’s feet, and he says, Oh, yeah, I’m Julius Caesar. He says, ‘No, ho, I got better stuff here already. Plus, I don’t want you anyway, you old woman. Get on up.’

Xi Jinping, is he supposed to be impressed? She’s doing word salad. Well, we are here today because China and the US are here today, and that’s why we have to agree on what we are doing here today. Like, fool, what did you just say? Did you say anything?



This Judge Brown is not holding back on Suxalotacox:

Another one:

Last edited 1 month ago by eilert

Commenter on the above:

Last edited 1 month ago by eilert

I think one of Trump’s conditions for the Fox debate is to have an audience. 😁

Valerie Curren

1/3 reps, 1/3 dems, & 1/3 undecideds?


”The Girl in Blue is the True Epitome of what a Queen Truly Is! She was crowned Homecoming Queen By her Senior class….but took the crown off her head and placed it on the Girl in Pink (escorted by her Daddy) who lost her Mama to Cancer the Morning of Homecoming! It showed Marvelous Grace, Humbleness, Friendship, Beauty & Love!!! Way To Go Sweet Girl…..we could all take a lesson in “Loving Thy Neighbor” through you! 💕.”

📸 ✏️ Rick Karle WVTM 13 / Eleanor ONeil

Last edited 1 month ago by eilert
Valerie Curren

Hopefully this lets it show here

The rest of that tweet

Mr Commonsense


”The Girl in Blue is the True Epitome of what a Queen Truly Is! She was crowned Homecoming Queen By her Senior class….but took the crown off her head and placed it on the Girl in Pink (escorted by her Daddy) who lost her Mama to Cancer the Morning of Homecoming! It showed Marvelous Grace, Humbleness, Friendship, Beauty & Love!!! Way To Go Sweet Girl…..we could all take a lesson in “Loving Thy Neighbor” through you! https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f495.svg.”
https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f4f8.svg https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/270f.svg Rick Karle WVTM 13 / Eleanor ONeil

Last edited 1 month ago by Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

Weird, up until I reloaded the page I only saw the x.com URL that perhaps you originally posted. You must have made the twitter.com adjustment before my comment went through. Now I sort of look like an idiot (not unusual in this brain-trust collective LOL) for semi-duplicating your work 🙂



Chicken-mala Harris is trending on X:

Last edited 1 month ago by eilert


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MORE…relentless 24/7 challenge AND call out the Hoe.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Her ads are running now. They make her sound smart and strong.

Trump knows that debate will DESTROY her. Any debate.


I think he’s baiting her into a trap. 🍿

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


The woman is 100% manufactured by media.

Remember – the last time she debated, she LOST to MIKE PENCE.

pat frederick

h/t Filly
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pat frederick

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pat frederick

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pat frederick

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pat frederick

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You can tell how close those Karens are, by how they have all assimilated each other’s hairdos.

I wonder if they notice?



It used to be the BMV, the Bureau of Motor Vehicles.

No doubt something sneaky but significant happened in order to require a change from ‘Bureau’ to ‘Department’.

Last edited 1 month ago by scott467

United Sovereign Americans Filing Election Integrity Lawsuits in Multiple States – Group Finds 29 Million Voter Registrations That Need to Be Removed, Explained or Adjudicated | The Gateway Pundit | by Guest Contributor

United Sovereign Americans is filing election integrity lawsuits in multiple states.

United Sovereign Americans, a nonpartisan, all-volunteer organization dedicated to honest elections, has just released a report detailing millions of errors discovered in state voter databases in twenty states that account for 338 electoral votes.

** The report can be found at https://unite4freedom.com/progress/

Their team of data analysts has over 700 years of big-data and auditing experience. They have acquired multiple copies of actual state voter databases for 2022, and their peer-reviewed analyses have discovered 29 million apparently ineligible voter registrations, 10 million votes cast by those ineligible registrations, and 2 million more votes counted than voters who voted, leading to a 13% vote error rate, where the legally allowed error rate is 0.0008% (1/125,000).


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George Papadopoulos

JUST IN: Russian IL-76 aircraft, known for transporting heavy weapons, has landed in Tehran, Iran. The time is near.


Could have gone there empty to pick up a new batch drones or somesuch for the RF.


I just tuned in to a few minutes of the Trump/Vance rally. Trump is highlighting Kamala’s lies as only he can. 😀


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren

Demons!   :wpds_evil: 


THIS is the kind of thing we need to spread far and wide:

A serious President for serious people.


He does these type meetings everywhere, especially if there is a subject of great importance to each particular area. PDT cares, a guy that gets things done.


Yes. He is a genuine person who cares about others.

Valerie Curren

Seen in the replies

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AND this!


Looks like good info here too!


Apple Lamps
Jul 31
https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f6a8.svg President Trump has consistently met with and supported diverse groups, countering the false narrative of racism often levied against him. Just look at his engagement with the Young Black Leadership Summit, his support for Native American communities, and his roundtable discussions with Hispanic leaders.

These are just a small sample of what he has done to honor and hear the concerns of these communities.

What has Kamala Harris done for minorities in comparison?


Last edited 1 month ago by Valerie Curren

BREAKING: The Make America Great Again PAC just unleashed one of the most jaw-dropping campaign ads in history. The ad has no voice-over or text. It’s just a series of clips showing high food prices, high gas prices, high taxes, the border invasion, and rampant crime

Every ad ends with: “Courtesy of Kamala Harris.”

“The sound of inflation. Courtesy of Kamala Harris.” 
“Travel anxiety. Courtesy of Kamala Harris.”

“Higher taxes. Smaller paychecks. Courtesy of Kamala Harris.” 
“Coming to a border near you. Courtesy of Kamala Harris.” 
“The new normal. Courtesy of Kamala Harris.”

Whoever came up with this is brilliant. The people don’t need an explanation; they know exactly what each clip represents


Very effective because it hits home.


Hard hitting ad Americans can relate to.

Need another ~90 days of this stuff.

As an aside.

When is the last time one of us pulled down the rear license plate to fuel a vehicle.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Long time ago on that last one. I know I did it, but DAYUM.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


The crime scene photographer – wow.

Pure Kamala.


She’s still trying



NFL has gone to The Dark Side.

BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING: NFL Announces Mandatory Facial Recognition Software for All 32 Teams to Monitor Stadium Attendees


People are so stupid to pay their hard earned money to watch those games in person and put up with the woke and big brother BS.


Kicked the NFL habit (TV) ~twenty years ago. Never looked back.

Valerie Curren

We always mute the commercials, which helps A Lot!


They should make Bud Light the official sponsor of the NFL while they’re at it.



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