Reparations for Slavery – Should Kamala Harris Pay?

I have commented here before about Kamala Harris’ supposed ancestor, a well-known slave owner in Jamaica named Hamilton Brown. Kamala’s paternal great-grandmother was Brown’s daughter, according to the listings on Findagrave. She was called “Miss Chrishy.” Her full name was Christiana Brown. She was born in 1888, and died in 1952:

Hamilton Brown owned an enormous number of human beings, close to 500, scattered across multiple plantations.

Over the period 1815-1843, Hamilton Brown was recorded as owning the following plantations:

  • Grier Park Estate (1815-1832) 124 slaves 
  • Antrim Estate (1816-1832) 159 slaves
  • Minard Estate (1819-1839) 128 slaves 
  • Colliston (1825-1839) 108 slaves 

He also leased a number of other plantations (Beverly, Little River, Retirement, Runaway Bay and Unity Valley) and was an attorney (agent) to several others including Queenhithe.

Who knows how many slaves worked on the plantations he leased. There might have been 1000 or more in total. Brown was such an influential figure in Jamaica that a town, Brown’s Town, was named for him. It remains so today.

Speculation about this line of descent is not hard to find. But I was shocked by one source in particular, Kamala Harris’ father, Donald J. Harris. He wrote an article, still online as of this writing at Jamaica Global Online. I challenge each of you to go and read it. The astonishing part to me is the pride in the tone of the writing:

I find no sense whatsoever of shame or sadness for the family’s possible slave-owning past. There are slave owners in my own ancestry, to my dismay. I can never speak of them without expressing my regret. Times were very different, of course, but to be proud of their “plantations” would never cross my mind.

In the article he wrote, Donald Harris’ proclaimed his father to have been known as “Maas Oscar,” clearly a colloquialism meaning “Master.” This illustrious character lived until 1974:

Much has been made of the fact that the genealogical evidence for the claim that Kamala Harris’ family descends from Hamilton Brown is thin, and that is true. As a professional genealogist, I must agree. There is, however, enough evidence that PolitiFact included this quote from a British professor of slavery and emancipation in an article about the issue:

“[Trevor] Burnard, who wrote a book about Jamaican slave overseer Thomas Thistlewood, told us that if Kamala Harris’ father says he’s a descendant of Hamilton Brown, “I would be inclined to believe him.”

It wouldn’t be unusual for Harris to have “some slave owner heritage,” Burnard said. “That would be extremely normal for members of Jamaica’s middle class, especially the educated elite, which is where Kamala Harris comes from.””

This is the part of this story that disturbs me. The fact that Harris’ father Donald was proud of his belief that his family traced back to this man, Hamilton Brown. The casual assumption that people would be impressed that Donald’s father was called “Maas Oscar.” That a town was named for his ancestor, the slave owner, was supposed to be cool.

That was what struck me. That to be “elite” in Jamaica for the Harris family meant being proud of slave owning heritage. This says a lot about Kamala Harris’ background that she might rather we didn’t know.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW. Fascinating. The real Kamala Harris is……. interesting. And VERY far from a normal black American.

She really is “Obama in a skirt”. And by that, I mean another “synthetic black American” – something very different, being used to lead black Americans in a direction that is not to their benefit.

I’ve known a fair number of Jamaican guys and gals. Kamala is definitely a lot more like them, than like most American blacks. But even compared to most Jamaicans, she’s VERY different – FAR more left wing.

And she’s RED DIAPER on both sides, too. Cuddled right up to red diaper Jussie Smollett.

And is she even eligible? Good GRIEF! Nobody is even talking about that elephant in the room.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


It seems to be the same playbook over and over. “They” push ineligible candidates and use media neglect to pretend that it’s not an issue.

Nobody in office – fighting every day for media attention – wants to touch the issue, because they will lose what little media coverage they already have. And if anybody forces the issue, the media will jump in with labels of “disinformation” or worse.

I feel like we need a meme war. “Not Even Eligible” strikes me as the truth.

I do have to wonder – would Dems try to remove her with it, if she is obviously going to lose to Trump? I wouldn’t put it past them!

It’s a bit late. I think they’re going to try to get the crazy, horrible, mob-leading bitch into office, so that they have a communist mandate.

Valerie Curren

1,000,000% I still consider aka BHO’s 3 admins as usurpations due to non NBC issues!


No, not eligible. My understaning is that Camel is Indian/Indian, Indian/Irish.

I may be wrong. If any black…25%, max?


Her dad, the Marxist Stanford Professor, was proud of his slaveholder ancestry? Yeah, that’s a normal bunch…..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! Yeah. Well said.


This is dizzying with the ‘social studies’ teacher coaching war dodger DUI-looking look-a-like but heavier Biden’ figure.

I do not even know where to start with memes?

OMG, I forgot to add in the ten-month old Babies Fetuses!

Last edited 7 months ago by WSB

Good dig, gal. Another in a long list of clown creations that the propagandist media proclaims as the next big thing.

The more you see, the more you cannot unsee.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


LOL. Exactly.

Which creation tells us quite a bit about her creators. Gun-grabby….. hypocritical…. willing to use violence…. goofy…. superficial….. hoaxing…. lying…. willing to run a carnival in Congress…. looking to get sexual compromise on any pol…. the list goes on.

Harris’ ads right now are actually quite good, because they reverse reality so well. They make look strong, competent, and leader-like. REALLY? I don’t think so.

The only place this woman could lead America is to a kind of Anglo-Venezuelan HELL.


Completely agree 👍


Montrealian Valley Girl?


Thank you! Knocked it out of the park!
Kamala Harris is a Constitutionally-inelgible “anchor baby” born in the United States of immigrant parents who were NOT naturalized American citizens at the time of her birth.
In fact, Kamala Harris was technically a British subject at her birth, since her father was a British subject (his birth country, Jamaica, went from a full British colony to a Crown-ruled member of the British Commonwealth in the early 1960s) living in the United States when Kamala was born.
Where are the citizenship papers of Donald Harris, her father, who supposedly “became a naturalized American citizen sometime before 2015”? Did the late Shyamala Harris, her mother, ever become a naturalized American citizen — and, if so, when?

Last edited 7 months ago by PAVACA
Gail Combs

Funny how both OH!Bummer and Suxalotacox are BOTH British Commonwealth SUBJECTS.

Valerie Curren

surely Just a coinkydink/s

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thankfully, somebody archived the source article you mention!



Gail Combs

cousin of Mary Melvina Brown, step mom of Miss Chrissy
Left by mary hurley aycock on 1 Oct 2022


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Thank you for this!