DEAR MAGA: TGIF Open Thread 20240809

Bloody Mary


  • Celery salt
  • 1 lemon wedge
  • 1 lime wedge
  • 2 ounces vodka
  • 4 ounces tomato juice
  • 2 teaspoons prepared horseradish
  • 2 dashes Tabasco sauce
  • 2 dashes Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 pinch ground black pepper
  • 1 pinch smoked paprika
  • Garnish: parsley sprig
  • Garnish: 2 green olives
  • Garnish: lime wedge
  • Garnish: celery stalk (optional)


  1. Pour some celery salt onto a small plate.
  2. Rub the juicy side of the lemon or lime wedge along the lip of a pint glass.
  3. Roll the outer edge of the glass in celery salt until fully coated, then fill the glass with ice and set aside.
  4. Squeeze the lemon and lime wedges into a shaker and drop them in.
  5. Add the vodka, tomato juice, horseradish, Tabasco, Worcestershire sauce, black pepper, smoked paprika, plus a pinch of celery salt along with ice and shake gently.
  6. Strain into the prepared glass.
  7. Garnish with parsley sprig, 2 speared green olives, a lime wedge and a celery stalk (optional).

Kinda Funny…

The doom-fagging OT is precious.

Trump Snuck in Some Bombs in the Interview with Adin Ross

Badlands News Brief – August 8, 2024

The Werewolf Game – Hell is Organized

Kamala Cannot Hide for Long!

Liberal Gaslighting Goes Global

American Stasi: Tulsi Gabbard Confirms “Quiet Skies” Nightmare

Attor­ney Gen­er­al Ken Pax­ton’s Ongo­ing Inves­ti­ga­tion Into Act­Blue Yields Coop­er­a­tion On Donor Cred­it Card Identification

BREAKING: Smartmatic President Indicted on Bribery, Money Laundering Election Scheme.

Peter Navarro Rips Project 2025 as “Trojan Horse Funded by Globalists”

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin Mandates Paper Ballots for November Election

Tweets & Stuff From X

Memes & Other Fun Stuff

And now for the business portion of the post borrowed from Tuesday:

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion. In that spirit, though, threats of violence real or hypothetical are out of bounds.

Fellow tree dweller the late Wheatie gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.


Matthew 16:24-28

24Then Jesus told his disciples, “If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. 25For whoever would save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. 26For what will it profit a man, if he gains the whole world and forfeits his life? Or what shall a man give in return for his life? 27For the Son of man is to come with his angels in the glory of his Father, and then he will repay every man for what he has done. 28Truly, I say to you, there are some standing here who will not taste death before they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.”


I doubt it…on both counts.

Have a good weekend!

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Hello? Anybody in there?


Bit of a panic…..lost my garden.


Where was the last place you saw it?


In a tab, in a browser….


Fortunately digital gardens are easily replaced. Kind of like people in that regard. Such is likely our lot if we don’t maintain things.

Barb Meier

Check your History.


He’s too paranoid to just browse like normal people do. He likely uses a private window which doesn’t keep history.


I did, that’s why I got it in the comment.


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Very adorable. ThanQ for the smile maker.


YW 🙂


Thank you, De Pat, for another week of sterling posts!

Including this frabjous Friday post, starting with a timeless drink.


Oh, and a little gem I came across while looking for CV in the rain….


The garden itself is really small — only 10 acres. But they’ve got a great series of videos on common garden topics, so it’s busy.


You wouldn’t call 10 acres small if you had to pay the property taxes.  😂 


My aunt in Knoxville pays about $1000/year on 7 acres.


Kamala Harris may not be eligible to be President because her parents were in the USA on student visas (one expired!) when she was born, according to legal scholar Dr. John Eastman.


She wasn’t eligible to be VP. But the idiots swore her in anyway.

BTW, the reader context in that tweet is both wrong and stupid.

Gail Combs

Pgroup2 can you comment on what is said in this Find Law article.

Article III Standing Requirements
BTW I find this part interesting:

By Samuel Strom, J.D. | Legally reviewed by Edward Maggio, Esq. | 👉Last reviewed June 14, 2024👈

It looks like some lawyers are doing some digging into the ‘STANDING’ issue. I added the bold and pointers.

Article III of the U.S. Constitution sets four jurisdictional limits applicable to federal courts, which can impact or limit whether a party can bring their case through the federal court system. If any of the justiciability doctrines apply to a case, a federal court cannot adjudicate, i.e., decide it. 
The four justiciability doctrines applicable to federal courts are as follows:

  • Ripeness refers to whether a party has brought a case that is too early to adjudicate. For example, suppose a plaintiff files a case regarding an injury that has yet to occur. In that case, the courts may not have jurisdiction to hear it.
  • Mootness refers to whether the case involves an actual controversy. For example, the case is moot if the parties enter into a settlement agreement. 
  • The political question doctrine renders a case nonjusticiable when the Constitution vests power to address the issue in either the legislative or executive branch. 👉Courts analyze six factors when determining whether a case involves a political question. 👈
  • The standing requirements refer to whether the proper party filed the lawsuit. Generally speaking, a plaintiff must have a “personal stake” in a case’s outcome to have standing. 

To have standing to bring suit in federal court, the plaintiff must have suffered an “injury in fact” (or is in immediate danger of sustaining an injury). This means the defendant’s actions caused the plaintiff’s injury, and the court can redress the injury. 

This article describes Article III’s standing requirements. It also discusses how the Supreme Court has interpreted the requirements over time…. 


To put it bluntly we need to have a method to address a rogue agency/federal government that DELIBERATELY IGNORES THE LAW. One that does not involve waiting for years to elect a Congress that MIGHT rein in an the EXEC Bureaucracy that has ALREADY shown they just ignore.

Also one that does not include that 4th ‘box.’


Good to have information. Will help clarify if we are shooting arrows that can actually do damage or ones that only harass the enemy. Thanks.

Gail Combs


That question has been plaguing me.

Gail Combs

I did a bit more investigating and I think this the the crux of the matter:

….Over the years, our cases have established that the irreducible constitutional minimum of standing contains three elements. First, the plaintiff must have suffered an “injury in fact” – an invasion of a legally-protected interest which is (a) concrete and particularized, see id., at 756; Warth v. Seldin, 422 U.S. 490, 508 (1975); Sierra Club v. Morton, 405 U.S. 727, 740 -741, n. 16 (1972); and (b) “actual or imminent, not conjectural' orhypothetical,'” Whitmore, supra, at 155 (quoting Los Angeles v. Lyons, 461 U.S. 95, 102 (1983)). Second, there must be a causal connection between the injury and the conduct complained of – the injury has to be “fairly . . . trace[able] to the challenged action of the defendant, 👉and not . . . th[e] result [of] the 𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗽𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗼𝗳 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗿𝗱 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘆 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗯𝗲𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘁.👈Simon v. Eastern K.

Welfare [504 U.S. 555, 561]   Rights Organization, 426 U.S. 26, 41 -42 (1976). Third, it must be “likely,” as opposed to merely “speculative,” that the injury will be “redressed by a favorable decision.” Id., at 38, 43.

The party invoking federal jurisdiction bears the burden of establishing these elements. See FW/PBS, Inc. v. Dallas, 493 U.S. 215, 231 (1990); Warth, supra, at 508. Since they are not mere pleading requirements, but rather an indispensable part of the plaintiff’s case, each element must be supported in the same way as any other matter on which the plaintiff bears the burden of proof, i.e., with the manner and degree of evidence required at the successive stages of the litigation…

So you would have to connect the ‘independent action’ of the illegal alien killer TO the US government ALLOWING him the opportunity to kill a US citizen.

Gail Combs


It ALLOWS the FBI, DHS and Secret Service an very nice OUT, as long as you can not connect Crooks or Yerick TO the government directly.

Last edited 1 month ago by Gail Combs

Not sure if there’s anything I could add. Appears to cover all bases.

Gail Combs



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Attention English Gangstercrats:

Don’t be such fabulous gay fascists.

Last edited 1 month ago by scott467
Gail Combs

“Don’t be such fabulous FABIAN gay fascists.”


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Hey, that looks just like my room!

pat frederick

wow you have a lot of video equipment in there


Why … you’re right, m’lord.

/s  😂 


LOL!!! Maybe without the piano?

Last edited 1 month ago by WSB

My room has two pianos.

I like stereo 😁


One in natural tuning and the other tempered?


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



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Barb Meier

Safety first!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Safety anywhere in the top 10! 😂


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What a PUTZ!!!


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Democrat Justice Department”


…The Trump campaign has a plan to put pressure on Harris and bring her into the spotlight, and it starts with Senator J.D. Vance, insiders told the Caller. While Trump has done various media appearances and taken questions in recent weeks, going forward, Vance will follow Harris on the campaign trail in an effort to draw a contrast to her policies and highlight her media avoidance.

“To highlight that, Senator Vance and President Trump are showing up where Kamala Harris is not,” a campaign spokesperson, granted anonymity to preview strategy, told the Caller. The spokesperson pointed out that Trump attended the National Association of Black Journalists conference when Harris did not. Trump has also appeared with non-traditional media personalities, including streamer Adin Ross and Elon Musk. 

“Senator Vance is doing the same by going to the same places that Kamala Harris is going but refusing to take questions. Anyone can show up in a state and read off of a script, off a teleprompter, and then leave 20 minutes later, that’s exactly what Joe Biden was doing, and it didn’t work for him. We’re not going to let it work,” the spokesperson continued…

Rather than a solo interview, there are plans to have Harris appear alongside her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, for a joint interview ahead of the Democratic National Convention on Aug. 19, two people familiar with the campaign’s thinking told Politico. One longtime Harris ally told the outlet that the vice president could avoid interviews until Labor Day, and the vice president’s inner circle is reportedly skeptical that doing such appearances would be beneficial [knows that the more she is exposed, the less she will be liked; FIFY].

Under pressure from Vance, the Trump campaign expects Harris’ media avoidance to be put on full display.

“The dam is going to break,” one source said…

The strategy to pull Harris out into the media doesn’t stop with Vance though, insiders told the Caller.

The Republican party plans to use its Twitter accounts, which combined have millions of followers, as well as surrogates, to hammer Harris on her previous statements and flip-flopping, a GOP source told the Caller. Such pressure, they believe, will force her into unscripted moments to defend her record. 

Less than a week into her campaign, the Republican National Committee’s rapid response account starting pointing out that Harris was yet to have an unscripted moment, press conference or interview. Other affiliated accounts, including Trump’s war room, have followed suit…

“We’ve now started to send out daily email blasts with questions that the press should be asking Kamala. I would certainly point that out as part of the strategy, just keeping the pressure on, because they need to answer tough questions, and the American people deserve to hear from them,” the campaign spokesperson told the Caller. 

Thursday’s email titled “18 DAYS LATER: Three Questions for Kamala Harris” was penned by Trump Campaign Communications Director Steven Cheung, who provided three questions that he says Harris ought to answer.

The questions dealt with Walz, whose 2005 retirement from the Minnesota National Guard after a 24-year career has come into question following a resurfaced 2018 Facebook post by retired Army Command Sergeant Major Thomas Behrends. Behrends replaced Walz as the top enlisted man in an artillery battalion after his sudden retirement.

“You chose Tim Walz as your running mate because he reflects the values you hold. He has now been exposed as a liar and fraud. Is this pick a self-reflection of yourself? Why did you layer the former Biden campaign staff with Obama’s team? Do you not have confidence with Team Biden? When is your next press conference?” Cheung wrote in his email…


“Rather than a solo interview, there are plans to have Harris appear alongside her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, for a joint interview ahead of the Democratic National Convention on Aug. 19, two people familiar with the campaign’s thinking told Politico.”


Kambalala needs an older white man to hold her hand.

She’s not a big enough girl yet to do real interviews all by herself 😂🤣😂


“You chose Tim Walz as your running mate because he reflects the values you hold. He has now been exposed as a liar and fraud. Is this pick a self-reflection of yourself? Why did you layer the former Biden campaign staff with Obama’s team? Do you not have confidence with Team Biden? When is your next press conference?”


These questions would be a LOT more effective, if they were written in Kambala-ese.

Use plenty of Kambala word-salad in the questions, just like she speaks, so it’s clear to both Kambala and to the viewers just how loopy and vacuous she sounds.


“Tim Walz reflects the values you hold. You hold values, and those values are something that he reflects. He is a reflection of your values. Since he has been exposed as a liar and fraud, does his choice as VP provide a self-reflection of yourself as you are reflected in his values as well?” 




The demon strategy to counter that and walk Kamala and the Tampon guy into the WH is to ignore all that, push phony polls that are heavily weighted with democrats and attach themselves to popular venues that don’t have an origin in grassroots support for the pair of traitors the better to insert millions of counterfeit votes and dare the weak spined republicans to contest such. Ackkk!


Ackkk! is right. Excuse me while I go barf.  🤑 



This is a rehashing of info we have already seen, but some of it might be new. There are photos and videos throughout the article.
Trump assassination attempt: Pennsylvania police release bodycam from deadly Butler rally

Police bodycam footage obtained by Fox News Digital on Thursday through a records request shows two officers attempting to intercept Thomas Matthew Crooks on a roof seconds before he allegedly tried to assassinate former President Trump at a campaign rally last month.

The footage is taken from two officers from the Butler Township Police Department who made a desperate attempt to stop Crooks moments before he fired his DPMS AR-15 rifle, striking Trump in the ear, killing Corey Comperatore and injuring two others. 

“F—ing this close, bro. Dude, he turned around on me,” the officer who was hoisted can be heard saying later on in bodycam video released Thursday.

One officer can be seen hoisting another officer onto the roof where Crooks was stationed, which is about 12 feet above the ground.

Crooks pointed his weapon at the officer who scaled the building, before the officer ultimately ducks his head and loses his grip on the roof’s edge and falls about 8 feet to the ground, spraining his ankle, Butler Township Manager Thomas Knights previously told Fox News Digital.

The footage captures Crooks toward the end as officers surround his body after countersnipers fatally shot him.

“I’m f—ing p—ed. We couldn’t find him,” another officer can be heard saying in the bodycam footage.

“Before you motherf—ers came up here, I popped my head up there like an idiot by myself, dude,” the officer who was boosted onto the roof says. “Then he turned around and I f—ing dropped, and I started f—ing, I was calling out, ‘Bro, f—ing on top of the roof.’ F—ing, we’re not on the same frequency?”

Butler Township PD Lt. Matthew Pearson told a local outlet that the officer was unable to draw his weapon since he was hanging from the building.

Seconds later, Crooks opened fire and grazed Trump’s right ear. Three rallygoers were also shot, including Comperatore, 50, who was killed protecting his family from danger.

Additional footage from the Butler Township police department shows officers immediately after Crooks was neutralized…

In other bodycam video, officers are clearly confused about why the roof of the American Glass Research (AGR) building, where Crooks shot from, was unmanned. 

“I thought you were on the roof?” one officer says.

“Why were we not on the roof…why weren’t we?” 

— Officer in police-worn bodycam footage

“If you’d all had a gun up there … I’d have shot him. He wouldn’t have ripped out a gun up there,” one officer says in the bodycam.

“I’d say this is a f— up…somebody f—ed up.”

…The FBI previously revealed that Crooks had driven to the rally site at 11 a.m. on the day of the shooting and spent an hour there before heading home.

Crooks did not return to the scene until 3:50 p.m. Local law enforcement officers, in their designated positions, spotted him for the first time around 5:10 p.m. — approximately 50 minutes before Trump took the stage, according to documents obtained by Fox News Digital from Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, who obtained them from the Beaver County Emergency Services Unit (ESU).

On his return to the rally site, Crooks flew a drone about 200 yards away from where Trump was going to be speaking, according to the FBI. The FBI later said that no photos or videos were taken from the drone and that the agency found no memory card in the drone…

At 5:30 p.m., local law enforcement snapped a picture of Crooks and escalated it to command. 

“Kid learning around building we are in,” an officer wrote in a text message, along with an image of Crooks. “AGR I believe it is. I did see him with a range finder looking towards stage. FYI. If you wanna notify SS snipers to look out.”

“I lost sight of him,” the officer added.

A follow-up message said: “Call it in to command and have a uniform check it out.”

By 6:12 p.m., the “kid” would be killed by a counter-sniper after he opened fired on the rallygoers.

On the day of the rally, Crooks parked his vehicle and flew a drone between about 3:50 p.m. and 4 p.m. about 200 yards from where the former president would be speaking on July 13. FBI Director Christopher Wray testified during a July 17 congressional hearing that Crooks had been at the rally site for about 70 minutes the morning of the assassination attempt. 

Fox News Digital is reviewing the bodycam footage. This post will be updated. 


I am amazed that Crooks could point a rifle at the cop and then turn, locate his target, and fire [accurately] in such a short time period.

It has totally symmetry with spy action movies, such as the Bourne movies.

Is it possible for another shooter to have fired close enough in time to Crooks, so that the two shots sound like one shot? With the result that it’s impossible to determine which shot hit DJT?

Could there be a second rifle [but not a second shooter] controlled remotely, such as was depicted in the movie Vantage Point? Sounds far fetched but movies and sci fi books have an annoying habit of being prophetic/predictive.


Forgot to include this:

Could that hypothetical second rifle be activated by an added Bluetooth device to the trigger/firing pin mechanism of Crooks rifle?


This part of the story is where I go off the rails. It defies reason that real Crooks was that skilled, that composed, that accurate .
That said, whether t was actually Crooks or Yearick, would either of them willingly take the part of patsy shooter unless the plan was supposed to include enough chaos and being assured that the local cops would be elsewhere so he could escape?

Maybe the plan was to have the counter snipers picked off assuring no shots at the patsy?

Something very hinky about it all.


I think Dr. Martenson has clearly illustrated that there was more than one shooter and gun going after PDT from sound forensics alone. If the shot trajectories are ever truthfully revealed the picture is complete.

You say without saying it is dang near impossible to do what Crooks allegedly did after viewing the police video. The cop that saw him and ducked back down without unloading on the guy is a coward in my book, along with all of the rest of them that saw the guy before he started shooting. He supposedly fell backwards and was injured, yet, the guy was seen running around the building like an idgit afterwards. The SS is clearly compromised.

They identified a person of interest, Crooks, over an hour before the shooting and did not detain him or secure the most obvious rooftop from which to assassinate a political opponent. They did not keep PDT off the stage knowing all of that.

We know what this is, there is no speculation involved. .

Valerie Curren

A video I saw recently, I don’t recall which one now, involved discussions w/ a sniper/marksman/(ex?)military dude & they used audio to show the counter sniper teams behind Trump were taking suppressed gunfire Before Trump’s ear was shot. They also had a slowed down video showing a bullet in four frames going near Trump’s abdomen, also Before the ear. They thought that “Crooks” was supposed to wait for the pros to take out the counter snipers first & then he was supposed to have a clean shot at Trump. They thought the rooftop guy put his head up to see & was shot (in forehead & out neck) before he could take a shot himself. That was why back up assassins were firing from the window(s) because “Crooks” was down but Trump wasn’t. They had bullets coming from the first floor window below “Crooks”, just East of those large pipes. Also there was possible gunfire from the 2 story building window behind “Crooks”.

Valerie Curren

I don’t know that it has been Proven that Crooks/Yearick necessarily fired Any rounds.


I’ve not seen this one previously and have no idea what it is.
Before, after, during the event or reconstruction.×720/jQAyFZ86NRXQIB41.mp4?tag=12




Okay, I’ll play.

What are things we chew with?


I thought that one was pretty funny, I was still laughing about that reply while I was trying to go to sleep last night 😂



Last edited 1 month ago by RAC

When your dog gets its own horse….


Dogs don’t like to walk places where they can’t see the surface they are walking on. Not surprising. I once went walking with the dog across a nearby pedestrian bridge, with a kind of irongrid bottom, the better that snow would fall straight through in the winter time. Not a pleasant surface for paws, but the dog did manage that part. However, she didn’t want to stray away from walking right above the girder underneath, since it looked like she would be walking in the air otherwise. So that the dogs here don’t want to walk on the transparent glass surface is not surprising at all.

I’m not too fond of see-through floors myself.

As for the ActBlue and the so-called «smurfing», is that latter term from both having some association with the color blue or is it just a coincidence?

Valerie Curren

Thanks for a great week of posts DP. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

pat frederick

August 9, 2024 7:26 am

So the very same Reid Hoffman that funded the phony E. Jean Carroll civil suit against Trump is also funding Smartmatic’s lawsuit against Fox news, Newsmax and Rudy Giuliani.
Also the very same Marc Elias that hired Fusion GPS to fabricate the Steele dossier and make up the Russia / Trump collusion fairy tale is on Twiiter / X celebrating his win in the Wisconsin supreme court that will allow ballot stuffing boxes on the streets of Wisconsin.
Say what you want about Dan the man Bongino but he is right you know, it always seems to be the same cast of rats pulling these evil deeds in order to destroy our country bit by bit.

Valerie Curren

hope it lets that tweet show

pat frederick

never heard this one before
August 9, 2024 7:39 am

Reply to  bjorkdream
Heard a conspiracy theory that Walz, traveling to China many times was connected to a large counterfeit money crime from China. Floyd arrest for counterfeit $20. Supposedly the counterfeit money evidence was being held at the Minneapolis police station that burned down after Floyd death

Brave and Free

That would explain a lot….


Take a look at Feeding our future in local press reports. Hundreds of millions scammed thru fed funded MN DoE lunch program during COVID. Ilhan Omar involved.

I think Walz is a network dem launderer at the highest levels.

The cash (alleged counterfeit) seized was $900,000 in singles (not $20’s). Who counterfeits $1 dollar bills? Also, it was a rail seizure at the Minnesota port of entry, originating from China? How do you get two pallets of $1’s from China by rail?

The “counterfeits” we’re seized by CBP and tuned over to the US Secret Service.
The bills were neatly packed in cardboard boxes, $20k/box, only 5 boxes short of a full $million. 🤔

Que suspicious cat, & his entire family.

pat frederick

thanks for all this…i never heard anything about the counterfeit cash they seized!!


Sundance made a reference recently that links to a Twitter researcher.


Walz was a “Harvard Boy”:

WorldTeach was a HIID program.

Walz was at HIID when Gerald Keusch led it’s Health Group. Jeffrey Sachs may have been there too.

(Gale may remember Faralon & Nancy Zimmerman, I think. Daughn knew all about her from a different POV.)

( Where is Daughn?)


On the right side of this page is a list of off-site links. She’s in there.


Well that narrowed it down, thanks 😉
It would be one or a few of our sister sites to include her own, meaning ya’d have to look them through. And she did stop in recently on the news of our President being shot.


She’s the first one on the blogroll list.


But she hasn’t been posting there for a while.


Am I Daughn’s keeper?


While looking into Minneapolis’ process for “reimagining public safety” in the wake of the death of George Floyd, I found something that deserves light & scrutiny,imo…

Minneapolis partnered with NYU’s Policing Project in their defunding process:

More on NYU’s Policing Project:

In addition to coaching municipalities in restructuring their police forces, they nudge clients to enact the “30 x 30” pledge (advancing 30% female recruits by 2030):

They issued this statement related to the assassination attempt:×30-and-WIFLE-joint-statement-on-gender-equity.pdf

Here are the partners/funders of 30×30:

Of particular concern, imo, is RTI, Research Triangle Institute International. It’s the research institute of UNC, Duke, & NC State. 

(Some researcher suspect that RTI may have provide the funding for research that Daszak & Baric continued in Wuhan when DARPA declined funding their DEFUSE proposal.)

Here’s a current RTI project:

Now, let’s combine this, with the authority of local law enforcement.


Such a spider web of programs to tear down the system


The Who for the win, DePat. Thanks for all you do.


Light or not, grateful here. Had you not mentioned light, would not have entered my mind. Plenty of windows opened, to work through. Thank you!


The Establishment is going to rue the day for many years that they went after Ken Paxton.


Be still, my heart.   :wpds_unamused: 


Yesterday around here was pretty wild and “un-guessable” due to Tropical Storm Debby. Even after the worst rains calmed down, the wind was still a factor. Power went out again a little after 10PM for thousands of people in my area, then came back on a couple of hours later. Storm damage assessments going on all over the place, as well as removing downed trees and repairing power lines. What to watch for now is the “latent flooding” that will happen since the local rivers are at, or near, flood level.
Chez Yours Truly came through the event OK. Lots of branches in the yard. No roof damage that I can see. The golf course and stream flooding from yesterday got up to the property line of the back yard, but has receded quite a bit.
Deo Gratias!

pat frederick

today was our turn somewhat. torrential rains for the last several hours. luckily we didn’t lose power–only the internet.
our pond was down a foot due to the hot summer–it usually recedes somewhat in summer. but now it’s overflowing and the gullies on either side of the driveway look like muddy rivers.
the wind is picking up some and we have a flash flood emergency till 6 pm


Stay safe, Pat!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Father God:

We come to You humbly before the Throne of Grace with heavy hearts and thanksgiving for we believe You are with us.

We ask You to quell the turmoil that has plagued our nation and our President over the last four years.

We implore Your Mercy on our nation divided by those who are determined to destroy those who are united in Your Name.

We ask You to silence the voices that speak out against the principles upon which our nation was founded.

We ask You to strengthen our President in the months to come against the forces of evil that plague him daily.

We ask You to rescue the children held in bondage by those who rob them of their innocence and purity.

We ask You to protect the unborn from the ravages of abortion and bring forth a new generation devoted to You.

We ask You to heal those who are suffering mentally, physically, and spiritually through no fault of their own.

We ask You to replenish the livelihoods of those who have suffered loss through hatred and violence.

We ask You to heal our nation attacked by the forces of evil who seek to steal, kill, and destroy all we have accomplished.

We ask You to restore all that has been damaged by those who harbor hatred for us and You.

We ask You to protect our President, his family, and his Team against those who have opposed him since You have called him forward.

We heartily thank You for lifting us up from a physical plague, emotional turmoil, mental anguish, and spiritual warfare. 

We trust in You, lean not on our own understanding, acknowledge You in all of our ways, and believe You will set our path straight.

We give You All Honor and Glory and Praise and we thank You for Your Spirit of guidance and love.

We believe You will once again bless our nation and our President.

We believe You will heal our land and bless our families.

We believe in Your Son, Jesus, who suffered and died for us.

We thank You for blessings received and prayers answered.

We ask and declare it all in the Precious and Holy Name of Jesus.


D01: 09/08/2020


Thank You Duchess, see’s more above 😁



Valerie Curren




In your Morning Prayer – Praise the Lord;
Find your direction – from His Holy Word!
Thank Him for blessings – received and to come;
Ask Him to forgive you – for work left undone!

Pray the prayer Jesus perfected for us;
Our Father – Who art in Heaven – and thus;
Give us this day – Lord – and our daily bread;
Forgive us our sins – forgive others He said!

And lead us not into temptation, He prayed;
Lest by the devil – we are prey and betrayed;
His minions have methods that will entrap;
They are clever – sneaky – their evil unwrap!

They will stifle and stay the work of the Lord;
They can even contort and distort His Word;
As you give counsel and pray off affliction;
They prey on your emotions – dereliction!

While you are busy with their whiny whine;
Others who need you – you will surely decline;
Work must be done – and you are tied to a lie;
As anger takes hold – you’re left wondering why!

With your energy zapped and work piled high;
Frustrated and angry – God is gone – you sigh;
Oh, woe is you – you are foiled again;
Distracted and deterred – by his henchmen!

Repent of your foolishness – ask His Spirit;
Come into your heart – and truly hear it;
The devils take pride – you stumble their way;
You will be thwarted – serving God that day!

These Spiritual Vampires care not about you;
Their motives are selfish – it’s what they do;
Distract and defray – they take up your time;
You think you are helping – but, it’s a crime!

Their only intention is to use you somehow;
Extract all your energy – it is theirs anyhow;
Thus, you become the vessel ill-prepared;
For the slaughter and use of the declared!

Whether they reside in an article or call;
Their tug on your heart will be your downfall;
So pray them away – declare them – be gone;
The Spiritual Vampires – below and beyond!

D01:  08/19/2013




Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday


Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday



Barb Meier

Sheriff praises God for putting him in the right place to save autistic boy from drowning.

Barb Meier

By Tracy Beanz and Michelle Edwards.



Barb Meier
Thank you for this. The study referred to in the article linked above is here:
“Long-term risk of autoimmune diseases after mRNA-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in a Korean, nationwide, population-based cohort study”
Solam Lee, et al.
Yours Truly: The study investigated the incidence of increased risk of COVID-19 “vaccine”-induced certain autoimmune diseases, as well as the risk of COVID-19 “vaccine”-induced myocarditis / pericarditis. It appears that the study authors found increased risk for only certain autoimmune diseases (such as Guillian-Barre’ syndrome). However, the study also found that there is a large increased risk for COVID-19 “vaccine”-induced myocarditis / pericarditis.
The COVID-19 “vaccinated” Korean persons took either the Pfizer-BioNTech modRNA COVId-19 “vaccine” BNT162b2, or the Moderna modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine” mRNA-1273.

Bear in mind that BOTH of the these “vaccines” contain that damned N1-methylpseudouridine. BNT162b2 contains, in addition, the dangerous lipid nanoparticles ALC-1059 and ALC-0315. mRNA-1273 contains the dangerous lipid nanoparticle SM-102. N1-methylpseudouridine is a carcinogen:

The paper cited by Dr. Cartland is here:
“Review: N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ): Friend or foe of cancer?”
Alberto Rubio-Casillas, et al.

Here is the MSDS Safety Sheet for N1-methylpseudouridine:
Yours Truly: Page 1 of the MSDS specifically states that this chemical is for research only, NOT for human or veterinarian diagnostic or therapeutic use.

ALC-0159, ALC-0315, and SM-102, all have mechanisms that evade the natural immune system’s “are you a friend or a foe recognition system”, in addition to having mechanisms that quickly spread the ingredients of the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” to every cell in the “vaccinated” person’s body.

Barb Meier

Thank you for all the extra facts around this! I’m so glad you got through the storm safely. Have a wonderful weekend!


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The Marine combat correspondent MOS + related visual comms fields (photographer, videographer, public affairs officer) have recently been diminished as cushy PR jobs where combat is avoided and A/C is enjoyed.


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[video src="" /]

Last edited 1 month ago by barkerjim

[video src="" /]

If you copy from https to mp4, then you can post in another tab and watch a small turtle on a skateboard play with a cat. Not sure why it won’t just post here.

Last edited 1 month ago by barkerjim

I think we are taking all these animals for granted… That was amazing, but not sure the cat feels the same way…. “why did you give it skate board 😟” cat says.

Valerie Curren

Looks like the turtle Likes to go fast AND mess w/ the cat–cute 🙂

Barb Meier

test deleted…

Last edited 1 month ago by Barb Meier
Valerie Curren

Now I’m curious what you Might have hoped to say 😉


She should be asked about this 20 times a day till she dies.



Great reply.

Gail Combs

I said it yesterday, YOU CAN NOT REDUCE CO2 by 80% (Obama’s 2050 goal) WITHOUT a MASSIVE REDUCTION IN POPULATION!


YET the border czar has increased the population by millions.


PDT called it right again. This crud hoe is dumber than dirt. The crims cannot even trust her to keep their evil secrets.


LIVE WITH JULIE – 08/09/2024



James 4:7
Galatians 5:1
Deuteronomy 30:19
John 8:36
Galatians 4:5, 7
Galatians 3:13-14
Deuteronomy 28:1-14 (blessing) 15-68 (curse)
Isaiah 53:5
Exodus 5:1
Exodus 32:15, 18-20, 26
Exodus 8:23
Exodus 9:4, 24-26
Deuteronomy 30:19
Exodus 10:21-23
Exodus 11:6-7
John 17:13-17
Nehemiah 8:10
Romans 12:2
Psalm 91:7
Colossians 1:13
Micah 7:8
2 Chronicles 20:1-37
Ephesians 6:13
Isaiah 54:17


You stop the enemy by the Word of God and resisting the devil.
God is your way out of everything and He is faithful if you agree with Him and His Word.
Satan is trying to destroy your freedom, but you are already free by the price that Jesus Christ paid for you.
Jesus has made you the righteousness of God.
Jesus took upon the curse and broke it for you.
Rely on God and His Word only.
Your enemies are desperate and fear is growing in their camp.
This is not the time to be complacent. You must fight and push through like never before.
You have a choice- to choose God and the right side. Believe the Words of Almighty God and not how things look.
God will make a distinction between His children and the enemies and separate His children from the darkness.
This is the time of the divide, separation and things being unprecedented, as they were in Egypt for the Israelites.
Believe God and take Him for HIs Word.
God will distinguish His children from the world.
God is perfecting you in His strength.
God is separating you from what’s happening in the world, but you need to be in the Word of God and trust Him.
WAR: Worship And Resist then the Wicked Are Restricted.
Destitution: poverty so extreme that one lacks the means to provide for oneself.



[Word heard – August 8, 2024] 

My children in the land of My Eagle, your enemies are on a path they cannot move away from. They’re on a collision course of destruction and they will destroy themselves, including any credibility they had in their places of power on their way out. The Jackal is howling in your White House. He is injured. But others will join him and fight against the ravenous wolves on the other side. They’re in survival mode and they are willing to do anything to survive this catastrophic failure and destruction of this Establishment. The wolves and the jackals will devour one another while the world watches. 

I have told you before there is growing a civil war and a great divide in Washington. It has grown to new levels of deception. They don’t care who they have to backstab to save themselves. Many people in the Establishment in your capital, are making deals to hide their own secrets while they will expose other secrets to destroy ones on the other side of this great divide. They will continue to try and push their agendas in what direction their Establishment should go to take our My David and this nation the rest of the way. But they are not in agreement with this plan made by the puppet masters because others think they have a better plan and their voices are not being heard. Anger is growing with the new puppet that was put in the spotlight. Some will sabotage her supposed campaign and her running mate so they can have a say in the pick that they think won’t lose the election. 

My children, your enemies are obsessed with this election and their control. They will make more decisions that will prove even more who they really are. Their masks will come off and reveal the wolves in sheep’s clothing. It will reveal many governmental secrets. It will reveal the mob bosses calling the shots in your so-called govt.

PART 2 One machine they designed to control this nation and that machine is about to malfunction in ways that no one can repair. 

I have a hook in their jaw to drag them out of these positions with no way of stopping the end result and that is everyone of their removals and their terrorist plots they have made against you, to not go as they have wanted. Instead of destroying you, it will destroy them. They will try another last ditch effort to stop My David and to stop this election or to stop him even after. They will try everything they can and do everything and what they choose they will lose. My children there is a no win situation your enemies are in, when you let Me in to be your victory and you let Me be your Avenger, The GREAT I AM and I WILL SHOW THE WORLD NO ONE IS BIGGER AND I AM STILL VERY MUCH ALIVE saith the Lord of Hosts. 

High costs of destitution…this will be in your news. I will show you how many nations put so many people in this state on purpose, to enslave the world. I will expose this plan on a massive scale to set the captives free. 

Apologists…this word will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

Iran has a plan not only against Israel but My nation of the United States. They are not coming. They are in your land and they are ready to strike against you funded by the Establishment. Billions of dollars have gone to many foreign nations for an attack on this soil. My children you can’t fully stop this, but you CAN STOP THE EFFECTS OF IT. Remember your Establishment has their fingerprints on many crime scenes. I’m about to show these fingerprints, along with the money trails and the bank accounts of every treasonous traitor. Any attack they try will not be successful in their overall plan to destroy this country and to take over the world. As you’ve seen them try to kill My David – which they couldn’t – but now that crime scene, like so many others, will come back and haunt them.

PART 3 of 3 Treason is the name of the game. This will be in your news for a significant reason. Treasonous traitors have flooded your capital and I AM exposing and removing them all and justice will be served in a massive way. 

Electrodes…this word will be in your news for a surprising reason. 

Remdesivir…this name will be in your news for a significant reason. Blueprints will prove what your enemies were planning with mass deaths and how they used this drug on purpose to cause more deaths. The architect of that virus and others will be exposed and judgment is about to hit them all. 

Nuclear hideout will be in your news for a significant reason. 

The KGB…this will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

My children this is the time to hold your ground and to not move from your faith and your trust in Me. Don’t believe in what you see. It’s not bigger than Me and it’s all about to change. I am moving and I will not be denied. This victory is already Mine. My children there is nothing in this world that is bigger than the Great I AM and I live in you. Realize how much power you’ve been given and the authority that you’ve been given to use, SO USE IT. THIS IS THE TIME TO USE IT LIKE NEVER BEFORE. THIS IS THE TIME FOR YOUR FREEDOMS AND FOR MY GLORY TO BE POURED OUT ALL OVER THIS EARTH. My children prepare your homes, prepare your hearts for what is coming. Great changes on the horizon. A great change the world has never seen. The globalists are falling and My Church is rising and taking back the authority upon this earth you should have had all along. I am ready for this change so YOU GET READY FOR THIS CHANGE, saith the Lord Your Redeemer.





Rely on God and His Word only.

Valerie Curren



So that’s why Scot Ritters home got raided a couple of days ago…


Feds have dialed into nailing Scott Ritter.

Second half of the video.


Dr Doctorow is naïve imo about the govt in 2024. They pick and choose who will be on the receiving end of investigation. If the subject is in their favor by way of political position and party or repeating the govt narrative they will evade eyes on..if not they will use their power and their symbiotic relationship with the highest courts to bankrupt you and possibly imprison you.


DOJ Turns on Joe Biden, Claims Hunter Biden Was Bribed by Romanian Oligarch to Influence US Policy When Biden Was Vice President Cristina Laila Aug. 9, 2024 1:00 pm 52 Comments


Anyone watching Olympics?
Kyle Dake, Wrestling freestyle 74 kg taking a back seat to soccer on our tv. Arrrgh

He’s already wrestled, dominated on his first two matches. Wrestled his third but haven’t seen it broadcast yet and don’t want to be a spoiler.

Please watch this champion, you won’t regret it….



Governor Blagojevich is speaking about OSatan and Demon Rat and what they did to him when he didn’t play their corrupt game.
They put him in jail through lawfare. He was eventually pardoned by President Trump.


Looks to me Obama is the anti Christ. He fooled over half the country.

pat frederick

please, his head is big enough already. he is a useful tool of the devil…no more.
when he ceases to be useful, he will be discarded like used toilet paper.


Obama has been groomed by CIA Bush senior for a long time. His stepdad was a Muslim and adopted him that should make Obama Muslim? Just logical thinking




SS, HLS and Feds are out of control. Do whatever they want, anytime they want.

BREAKING: U.S. Secret Service Breaks into Massachusetts Hair Salon and Tapes Over Security Camera to Let People Use the Bathroom During Kamala Harris Fundraiser


Her daring to reveal their breaking and entering will probably lead to some sort of in depth IRS audit or other form of banana republic lawfare.

You would think secret service would be on their best behavior after very bad publicity lately but years of lowering integrity and ethics are part of the department now. Who knows, maybe a few people allowed in helped themselves to retail products too. They’re scum.



IRS digging into her returns.

Local Health Inspectors / licensing assholes messing with her business.


8.9.24: Trump COMMS in Press BRIEF, 17 everywhere, Central CASTING, CGI, Pray!

And We Know


Reading material for the weekend. A story about the current economy, digital media, money, clowns and such.


Perfect, some light reading. Needed education and more. Looking forward to this.


Air crash in Brazil, sounded like its engines were still going but didn’t seem to be making any headway.

Brave and Free

Just more Vax info, don’t know much about the sorce. …..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Please follow this guy on Twitter. Trump is trying to take out his opponent, Tester!


Oh the stories that I could tell about Jon Tester. I once upon a time, sometime prior to Jon Tester’s First Senate run, lived in the same community as Jon Tester. Tester was a small-time farmer, he didn’t have a clue how to farm, was as lazy as one can get and he ran his farm into the ground. Tester had land that abutted the border of the Rocky Boy Indian Reservation and he parlayed his “good ol’ boy” schtick with the Natives across the state to win at the ballot box.

The only reason that Tester keeps getting re-elected is because he has created a network of money laundering that benefits both his pockets and the pockets and power of the Reservations across the state. Illegals are being harbored on the reservations, untouchable by any but Reservation police & I am guessing there will be an unusually high count of “native” votes cast on the reservations this coming November.

.Tester is spending millions on advertising and negative propaganda against Sheehy and YouTube floods my channel watching by featuring Jon Tester ads all day long so the race may be very very close due to ignorant sheep.

It really is imperative that Montana votes in Sheehy and I am very thankful that PDJT chose to rally for him in Bozeman…a liberal college town and the home of the reknowned Museum of the Rockies – an affiliate of the Smithsonian Museum in D.C.

pat frederick

August 9, 2024 5:42 pm

just heard on info wars War room show…that Prez Trump plane had to make an emergency landing on the way to Montana …hydraulic leak
any way will change to a private plane to cont. to Bozeman


h/t Marica’s blog—
DC_Draino has it on X.
So, since “the Butler rally plan” didn’t work out for **them**, now it’s “sabotage the plane?”


It is a Boeing AC. That in itself not an issue in this case. IMO. But bears watching. No doubt Trump AND his maintenance team will apply a critical eye on the hydraulic leak, cause, recent maintenance…

  :wpds_arrow:  Bozeman, Trump working to plus up the Senate.

pat frederick
August 9, 2024 5:27 pm

Judge orders National Archives, AG Garland to attempt to recover illegally deleted CDC records


Speaking of Garland, whatever happened with the contempt of court deal?


Nothing. D-Rats do whatever they want.


That’s what I figured.

Brave and Free

Isn’t that the truth 😴😴😴


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

More fallout from the anti-trust decision against Google, IMO.

Group “public-private partnerships” that even sniff of monopalistic and/or trust behavior are now risky.

GARM disbanded – this is part of that same run for the fire exits.


Prayer Of Thanksgiving In The Evening

Praise Your holy name Heavenly Father, for granting yet another day in my life and for being with me every step of the way. Thank You for the many blessings that You have provided and the love and fellowship that I have with the friends and family that in Your grace You have placed in my life.
My heart is so thankful for all the many blessings that I enjoy day by day, and today I am once again reminded that Your mercies are new every morning and Your faithfulness endures from generation to generation.
Thank You, that I have been brought into Your family and have been made a child of God and a citizen of heaven. Words cannot express my love and devotion to You Lord
I pray that You would watch over me as I rest tonight, and that You would give me a restful nights sleep so that I may wake up in the morning refreshed in body and spirit and ready to do Your will. Guard all those that I love and may we all grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ in the days that lie ahead. This I ask in His precious name,


Prayer Of Reflection On The Past Day

Loving Lord, as the day is coming to an end, I want to thank You for being with me in all that has taken place today. I also want to lay the whole day before You, asking that you would show me if there is anything that I have done to hurt or harm another person unknowingly, or if I have done anything that is displeasing in Your sight, or quenched the work of the Spirit in me, so that I may turn away from such things in the days that lie ahead.
Lord, I desire to do Your will in all things. I pray that You would cleanse me of any wrong thoughts or attitudes that may have surfaced in my heart today. Wash me in Your cleansing flood, I pray. 
Thank You, that You are a God who forgives our transgressions when we are willing to confess them to You, knowing that such cleansing before You immediately draws us back into sweet fellowship with Yourself. 
Give me a good nights rest I pray, and may I rest quietly in Your loving arms in the knowledge that in Christ, I am eternally secure, due to Your amazing grace, for which I praise You. In Jesus’ name, 


Prayer For Grace At The End Of The Day

Heavenly Father, as the day is drawing to its close I ask that Your continued love and presence be with me and with all that are Your children in Christ. Guard us through the long hours of darkness this night I pray, and keep us safe from all harm and dangers that may try to cross our threshold. 
Give us, I pray, an untroubled night of rest and quietness of heart. May we be refreshed and renewed in body, soul and spirit as we rest our weary hearts in You through the hours of the night. 
Lord, I pray that by Your great grace and mercy, You would grant us untroubled sleep so that we may rise up in the morning strong to do Your bidding. May we all rejoice for the dawn of a new day, knowing that Your mercies are new every morning. In Jesus’ name,


Valerie Curren


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Fifteen years ago?

Last edited 1 month ago by WSB
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Couple positives.

Looked like an incredibly smooth landing.

No emergency vehicles that I could see.


Billings to Bozeman ~123 miles. Must have been absolutely critical to get on the ground ASAP, rather than complete the final 20-30 minutes.
Looking forward to reading about whatever Trump Team chooses to share.

Wonder if Trump One was able to complete Bozeman, or ?

Another edit. Bozeman rally scheduled 10PM EST. RSBN has it.

Last edited 1 month ago by kalbokalbs

A well-handled landing that had to be performed in a hurry. Kudos to the pilots of Trump One.



Granted Trump One has a hydraulic issue.

Perhaps Billings has more robust maintenance capability, over whatever Bozeman may have.

Will be interesting what comes out.

Valerie Curren

Thx for the Rally link KBK–good stuff!


Just a little local color….Billings lies at the bottom of a massive cliff side. Approaching Billings from the north one travels across praires and plains for about four hours and one passes the Logan International Airline whichi sits at the top of the cliff. Then one begins to descend from “The Heights”, into developed homes and condominiums with views of the valley and an unending sky that is breathtaking.

One continues to mosey on down to the suburbs that take you into the outskirts and “downtown”. But on top of the city itself, the President finds one of the few airports that have runways long enough and isolated enough that it is another sign to me, that God is guiding his warrior or…..

Perhaps our VSG President has set another trap…just a thought

Donald J Trump knows aircraft. That plane is kept in tip top shape, so it will be interesting to learn what the “mechanical” issue was….


Last edited 1 month ago by litenmaus
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A bit late, but still good to know.



It’s 3 AM, and I just touched down in Bozeman, Montana after driving 12 hours to attend my FIRST EVER Trump rally. I’ve been supporting him since he came down the escalator in 2015

I was in middle school and didn’t have to know anything about politics to realize Trump was real and the others were FAKE

I still remember making a cringey video celebrating his victory after he won. I forced my entire family to watch the debates, and they thought it was a joke until they experienced his successful first term compared to Briben’s illegitimate installment

Under Trump’s first term, my parents bought a house in a middle-class neighborhood with gorgeously low interest rates. It was 4 beds and 3 baths for $258k in 2017, and that same house was sold last year for almost $500K. We [our family] now owns homes, cars, and investments all over the place, all because of Trump’s economy and hard work 

A family like ours would have no chance at achieving a better life under this regime installed by the stolen 2020 election

Okay, I’m going to sleep, hoping I wake up in time to make it to the rally



Delightful, Than you K1tt7. George is doing a magnificent job! :0)


You’re most welcome.
I was actually surprised by how young he is and his story (in the previous post).

Last edited 1 month ago by K1tt7-fzn
Valerie Curren

Sounds like they expect Trump on the stage around 11pm now, fyi…


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Common sense prevails. (For now.)


Joe Rogan reacts to reports that he is endorsing RFKJ:

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Joe Rogan might have jumped the shark with this shameless grab for followers. He knows damn well that most phone worshipers will read it as an endorsement.


This would be so much fun 😂:

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Such a GREAT idea. hope that one gets to the Trump 2024 Team, but with my twist further down.

Would be funny. Trump won’t do it.

But, that guy that impersonates Trump and this gal could have a series of short videos blowing up Kablamala, or whatever her nickname is.


Great idea! Shawn Farash and Estee Palti did one short, informal “debate” video. I hope they do more.


⬆️ That was a longer version than I saw previously. 😅


Very enjoyable. Thanks.

Hoping for more.


YW! Me too.


That would be the funniest move ever!

Gail Combs

I wonder if Fox would go for it? Maybe Jessie Watters.


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judge Chucker bows to Jack The Hack…

Greater opportunity for Federal election interference.

Emphasis mine.

Judge Chutkan Grants Jack Smith’s Request to Delay Next Steps in Trump’s January 6 Case

U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan on Friday approved a request from special counsel Jack Smith to allow for more time to propose the next steps in the government’s election interference case against former President Donald Trump.

The decision came a day after Smith and fellow prosecutors asked the judge to delay the deadline to offer a new timetable in the case until Aug. 30.

Chutkan had given prosecutors and Trump’s legal team until Friday to submit a joint status report including a timeline for pretrial proceedings ahead of a scheduled Aug. 16 status conference.

The special counsel’s office said in its filing Thursday that prosecutors are still assessing the “new precedent set forth” in the Trump immunity decision by the Supreme Court.


h/t Marica’s blog —


That looks to be earlier today. Suppose if it was something awful something would be out about it BUT…just told my doubting Thomas brother yesterday that I think they might knock Joe off to settle the campaign $$ issues and give their Harris/Walz loser team a chance to shine at a huge State funeral..Pols loves a funeral

Last edited 1 month ago by mollypitcher5

Last I heard Maggot was at the beach.


Probably true, why would he be at the WH anyway, he’s done (has been for years)


So “swiftboating” is the term they’re using for those who tell the truth about Walz and the military. It’s not an accurate use of the term.

Swiftboating – Wikipedia

The term swiftboating is a pejorative American neologism used to describe an unfair or untrue political attack. 

The reports about Walz are neither unfair nor untrue.


It wasn’t unfair or untrue for Kerry, either.

Valerie Curren



Pravda News TRYING to wash away Walz is a serial lying dog breath communist piece of shit.



Shopping for continuing education……

I’ve never done the course, but the title “Tax Implications of Death” [ ] has always intrigued me.

It’s sort of like the phony Wall Street Journal headline — “World to End Tomorrow 2:36 PM — Indications for Copper Futures.”


Smells like the annual CA CPA quals renewal time


The NC CPA is annual, but is straightforward, direct, and reasonable. The CA CPA is every two years, and is like solving multiple mathematical equations while DEI hires second-guess you on everything.


I’ve made my selections and paid for them, downloaded all the texts and printed all the exams (showing why the profession understands that CPA stands for “Cut, Paste, and Assemble”), and now I just have to do them.

I’m taking one called “Fraud Schemes”. I sure wish they’d have one on “Extradition Laws Around the World”.



An Osprey crash in Australia that killed three Marines last August was caused by multiple pilot errors during a near mid-air collision, a military investigation has found. It also found that squadron leadership had permitted “a culture that disregarded safety of flight.”

Two Marines were killed by the Aug. 27 crash, pilots Capt. Eleanor V. LeBeau, 29, and Maj. Tobin J. Lewis, 37. A third Marine, crew chief Cpl. Spencer R. Collart, 21, was killed as he “heroically re-entered the burning cockpit of the aircraft in an attempt to rescue the trapped pilots,” the investigators said in a report released late Friday.

The Australia accident exposed significant safety issues within the squadron. Investigators recommended punitive actions, including potential court martial charges for one senior squadron member and potential administrative actions against the squadron’s former commanding officer, Lt. Col. Joe Whitefield, who they said “permitted a culture that disregarded safety of flight procedures.”

A senior maintenance officer, who was unnamed, was found to be in violation of the Uniform Code of Military Justice for dereliction of duty and for falsely generating and signing a form detailing the aircraft’s weight and loads after the crash. Lewis, the aircraft commander for the downed Osprey, was required to have reviewed that information prior to the flight. Investigators recommended the maintenance officer face administrative or judicial procedures.


That is both sad and maddening.


…squadron leadership had permitted “a culture that disregarded safety of flight.”

Completely unnecessary and unacceptable. I wonder how much of a role DEI played, if any.



Oh, boy, you guys!!

I think the people who are suggesting ole “Tampon Tim” might not make it to the convention could be right! Get a load of this:

“In a devastating development, current Kamala Harris running mate Tim Walz’s former unit commander appeared on CNN and completely blew up the scandal surrounding the abandoning of his unit before its deployment to Iraq.

For days, the mainstream press has claimed that Walz did not know about the deployment before deciding to retire early and run for Congress. Command Seargent Major Doug Julin, who was the now-Minnesota governor’s direct report went through the timeline with Laura Coates. Not only did Walz know about the deployment, but he had committed to go. It was only after he went around Julin that he was able to secure his retirement, leaving his [unit] hamstrung just months before they shipped out.”

It goes on, and Julin would not back down, no matter what the media chick said.

I think folksy ole “Tampon Tim” the Stolen Valor Man may be toast.

Last edited 1 month ago by Aubergine

Rut Roh….that’s a burden he might not be able to unburden himself of


Not only “what might have been,” but what actually was. 😅


lol…that too.




Certainly should be toast.

Certified liar on Iraq stuff for years. Never corrected the record. Lied to the Hoe, to get chosen. Lies on stage with the Hoe, at a rally.

Dozens of other reasons Walz is a terrible person, unfit for American office at any level.

Looking forward to the next bag of shit hussein shits out for the Hoe.


Lol. Who knows who that might be! It just won’t be a Jew, I’d guess.


Folks, this is the smoking gun.

No matter how many Democrat apologists try to spin reality, this is from Walz’s actual campaign.

Case closed. Walz is a filthy coward who abandoned his soldiers, his unit and his nation. He sat fat, dumb and happy collecting drill pay checks for 24 years, but when the call to combat came, he ran.

This link effectively refutes every Democrat lie:

For anyone that doesn’t want to hit the link.
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Former Army personnel officer here, 6 years active duty, one in a combat zone. Processed many medals. Some insights on the Walz stolen valor controversy.

A thread…



Can someone bring the article mentioned in the post?



🤔 Lets try the whole thing then. Long so I’ll put it under cover and leave the photos out.

The last couple of days have been a whirlwind of controversy regarding the military service record of Democrat Vice Presidential candidate Tim Walz. My X account has seen the most traffic it has ever known as I have discussed this issue at length, and I thought it would be a good idea now to take a deep breath and kind of recap where we are at in this controversy. I know for sure that the veteran community is fired up over this issue, but I sense that many from the non-veteran community do not know what to think given the competing arguments from both sides of the political aisle. I would like to share my own personal experiences and thoughts as a retired Army Colonel and veteran of both Iraq and Afghanistan. What I hope for civilians to understand is this: the issue is not the number of years Walz served, or when he submitted his retirement paperwork, or what his final rank was, or even—just as a stand-alone proposition—whether he ever went to combat. No, the issue is the unique and special position of trust he held when he decided to walk away from his soldiers, his unit, and his nation. I’ll explain.
But first, some facts. There are all sorts of facts and disinformation flying around on this matter, so I want to highlight the most basic and most important facts, ones that not even the most rabid Democrat can dispute:
1. Walz served for 24 years in the Minnesota Army National Guard, retiring at the rank of Master Sergeant (an “E-8” in the Army).
2. In the spring of 2005, Walz was serving as the Command Sergeant Major (an “E-9”) of the 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery, a Minnesota Army National Guard battalion that is part of the 34th Infantry Division.
3. Also in the spring of 2005, Walz and his battalion received a warning order that the battalion would be deploying to Iraq. (We know this because Walz’s own Congressional campaign told us at the time; see the link below from the Wayback Machine.)
4. Knowing that his unit was deploying, Walz nevertheless chose to retire from the National Guard in May of 2005 to pursue his Congressional campaign.
5. Serving members of the National Guard and the Reserves routinely also serve in Congress, and always have. Tulsi Gabbard is an excellent recent example. Walz did not necessarily need to retire to run for Congress. However, an Iraq deployment he might have instead chosen to participate in would, in fact, have prevented him from campaigning.
6. Walz’s retirement meant he did not fulfill a contractual service commitment he willingly entered into when the Army selected him to attend the United States Army Sergeants Major Academy. As a result, the Army reduced his official retirement rank from E-9 to E-8.
These are facts. Now let’s explain what was so egregious in what Walz did.
So Walz retired when he was allowed to and ran for Congress instead—what’s the big deal, right? Well had Walz been some slug E-8 holding down some clerical job in the 34th Infantry Division Headquarters, counting his days until retirement, and he had opted to take a lawful retirement rather than go to Iraq, no one would care. But that’s not what happened. Walz was a COMMAND SERGEANT MAJOR (“CSM”), and that makes all the difference in the world.
A CSM is the senior NCO in an Army battalion. He is the battalion commander’s most trusted advisor. He is the standard-setter for every other NCO and junior enlisted soldier in that battalion. All eyes are on him. He is as close to a god on Earth as a soldier could ever be. The rank and position of a CSM is exceptionally hard to attain—very few NCOs ever make it. More importantly, taking on the duties of a CSM is a sacred trust. The 500+ soldiers in your battalion are trusting you to train them and hold them to a standard where they can fight, win and survive in combat. Those soldiers put their faith, trust and lives in your hands. I’ll say it again: this is a sacred trust. I’ll now be blunt. In the spring of 2005, Walz walked away from that sacred trust by abandoning his post when he learned of an upcoming Iraq deployment. He was a coward. He was a quitter. He placed his own self interest over that of his soldiers. He was an NCO Courtney Massengale (IYKYK).
It is at this point that I would like to share a relevant personal anecdote to explain what it means when a CSM walks away on the eve of combat. When I was a battalion commander, just a few weeks before we were about to deploy to Afghanistan, and after we had done our intensive Joint Readiness Training Center rotation with the team we were taking to the fight–my CSM was relieved by the Division Commanding General because the CSM did something particularly stupid involving a junior enlisted soldier and got caught. I cannot describe how disruptive that was. It was like having the beating heart ripped out of my battalion. We overcame it, but it was tough—and it upset the entire NCO chain as we had to elevate multiple NCOs in the chain of responsibility to new positions they had not trained in, all because of our CSM being relieved. That disruption could have resulted in deaths in combat (thankfully it did not). If you are an Army battalion commander, NO ONE is more important than your CSM. So yeah–I understand the impact of Walz’s cowardice better than almost all of the other people on this planet.
(Someone asked me in good faith whether or not Walz simply left one kind of service for a higher level of service in Congress. I thought long and hard about an appropriate analogy as an answer to that question, and finally came up with one: what Walz did is the moral equivalent of a mother dropping off her five pre-teen children at an orphanage in the dead of night so she could run for Congress. Yes, it’s that bad.)
Walz’s ignominy was more than just abandoning his troops; it also reflects some sort of personal deficit in his character and make-up. For almost every professional soldier I have ever known, the idea of not going to war with his or her unit is a hateful thing. Please let me tell you another story to illustrate. One of the things that the Army makes a battalion do when it deploys to war is to leave back in the USA a “Rear Detachment.” It’s a very small group of soldiers who cover important administrative and logistical matters back home. The Rear Detachment is also the hub of the civilian spouse-led “Family Readiness Group,” keeping spouses and kids informed and–Heaven forbid–helping families if one of your soldiers is killed or wounded. There are different schools of thought as to who a battalion commander should leave in charge of that Rear Detachment. Some battalion commanders leave their worst Lieutenant or Captain behind. When my battalion went to Afghanistan, I chose to leave my very best First Lieutenant behind. The job is just that important. When I called this Lieutenant into my office to tell him that he was being left behind to command the Rear Detachment, this stoic, hard-core, physical training stud, Jumpmaster, Ranger-qualified, combat medic Lieutenant broke down and boo-hoo cried, tears and all. He begged me not to leave him behind. Being left behind while the rest of the battalion and his company deployed was sheer heartbreak to him. He ended up doing the Rear Detachment Commander job extremely well, but I’m not sure he ever forgave me. Most military leaders are like that. They will extend retirement dates. They will hide injuries. They will cancel a permanent change of station move or a desirable military school. Hell, many will even get divorced rather than not deploy to war. They will do any and all of those things to avoid not deploying with their unit. True military leaders are like that: the most dishonorable thing imaginable is to not go to war with your comrades. But not Tim Walz. He was a battalion Command Sergeant Major–the most senior and important NCO in a battalion–and he bailed, ran and hid rather than deploy with his soldiers to Iraq and do his duty.
So right about now I can hear my midwit Democrat pals shouting “WHAT ABOUT CADET BONESPURS, HMMMMM!?!?” To which I easily say: Trump did not serve. Neither did Clinton. Nor Obama. Nor Biden. Nor Harris. But cutting and running in the face of the enemy and abandoning the troops you were sworn to lead AS THEIR SENIOR NONCOMMISSIONED OFFICER is 1,000 times worse than never serving at all.×900
Incredibly, it gets worse. Not only did Walz abandon his sacred duty to his soldiers to pursue a self-serving political goal, he then went and bragged politically about the honorable leadership as a CSM that he never provided. He took credit for a rank he never fulfilled, he lied about his service in war, and he cynically did all of this for no other reason than personal gain. This is despicable stolen valor, and reflects this man’s lack of honor, integrity and good character.
If Master Sergeant (Ret.) Walz could not be trusted to fulfill the duties he had to his soldiers, his unit and his nation in 2005, how can he be trusted to be Vice President in 2025? Tim Walz is not qualified to be a municipal dogcatcher, let alone Vice President of the United States of America.
Walz’s egregious behavior boils the blood of veterans who left a part of their soul in Mosul, or Fallujah, or Kandahar, or Ramadi, or Khowst–or any of the other cities or open spaces where their friends died. Veterans and non-veterans alike, please vote accordingly. Keep the heat on please. If all it does is cause 10,000 veterans to turn out in Pennsylvania or Wisconsin who might not have done so otherwise, we win. This is a vital issue—make Walz and the Democrats pay for their perfidy.


Thank you!


H/T kyblue @ Sylvia’s


We get a hat!

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