Dear KMAG: 20240819 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

And yes, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

We will always remember Wheatie,

Pray for Trump,

Yet have fun,

and HOLD ON when things get crazy!

We will follow the RULES of civility that Wheatie left for us:

Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And while we engage in vigorous free speech, we will remember Wheatie’s advice on civility, non-violence, and site unity:

“We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”

“Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”

If this site gets shut down, please remember various ways to get back in touch with the rest of the gang:

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

Joe Biden didn’t win.

And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Big News!

Two of our newest authors are going to have regular columns in our daily opens every week!

On WEDNESDAYS, Gail Combs will be presenting her evidence-packed deep dives and analyses, which have proven to be a thorn in the side of the enemy. This will be especially important as the November Presidential Election approaches. Depoppers, Caballists, Marxists, globalists, pedophiles, satanists, Fabians and other brands of social destroyers are going to have a BAD HAIR DAY every Wednesday, and I’m there for it!!!

Bring Your Own Camels!!!

On FRIDAYS, PAVACA will be presenting a weekly post related to health, particularly vaccines, pharmaceuticals, BIG PHARMA, nutrition, diet, and all things medical. We will NOT be going into another “plandemic” without some serious brain-power in opposition to the madness, and that opposition will be coming STRONGLY from this site. HEALTHY FRIDAYS are going to be a thing!

AND – in honor of the past – if people want to bring a drink or two – for medicinal purposes, of course – trust that Wolf Moon approves!

Thus, please welcome Gail Combs and PAVACA to regular authorship in the daily opens!

I am deeply grateful for their help. This is the Lord’s work. While we ARE a church here, and not an unimportant one, Deplorable Patriot directly serves our God by singing for some far bigger and very important congregations. It is critical that she spend more time with those believers, and not be run ragged by 4 nights a week of posts on this site. Thus, I am extremely grateful to Gail and CV for stepping up, thereby allowing DePat to bring her talents to the believers of St. Louis. You have made a difference, ladies! BRAVA!!

Monday – Wolf Moon
Tuesday – Deplorable Patriot
Wednesday – Gail Combs
Thursday – Deplorable Patriot
Friday – PAVACA
Saturday – SteveInCO
Sunday – bakocarl

Wolfie’s Wheatie’s Word of the Week:



  • a small, portable organ
  • a portable reed organ of the 16th and 17th centuries

Shown in pictures


How about some music played on a regal?



Imagine the very long Oppenheimer movie distilled down to just 30 minutes of video that you can stand, without all the interesting but potentially distracting and boring story details that many people can’t abide.

That is this.

Honestly, either version, glad that’s over.

Or is it?

Just sayin’!

And remember…….

Until victory, have faith!

And trust the big plan, too!

And as always….



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Further, we’re going to get a convention with endless shots of fat, unloved cat women cheering wildly in a cringe imitation of what they’ve heard orgasms sound like. 



And the alphabet loons cheering on the Hamas-ites who will gladly slit their throats.


It’s like zero logic squared 😂


It’s worse than that. It is more like 0/0 logic. No meaningful connection between what goes in and what comes out.


I think it SHOULD state, “…who will gladly slit their OWN throats.”


Many thanks to Gail and CV for stepping up and taking some of the weight from De Pat. She has been working so hard for us for such a long time that giving her some less-stressful time with Real LIfe is well-earned.

Great appreciation for De Pat’s past labors, and great expectations for CV and Gail.


It is a stellar cast 🙌 I don’t know how DPat has done it for as long as she has, but I greatly appreciate all she has contributed. It’s good to strengthen the team for the battles ahead! 🇺🇸🇺🇸

Deplorable Patriot

i can still pitch in as needed, but with choirs starting back up again…Doing Friday wasn’t as bad as doing Wednesday. I’d get home with an hour and a half before publish, and all the material was collected by then, or most of it, it just had to be put together and inevitably, my brother would want to talk.


Thank you for all the work you have put in while handling all of your other duties. Know that it has been greatly appreciated! 👏👏👏


An AI avatar sounds like it would come in handy for those times. AI can carry on a conversation fairly well.



DPat, you can still publish on your ‘off’ days whenever you want, just as others occasionally publish an auxiliary post. Your collection of links, Xs, and Babylon Bees is my nightcap 😁 and it will always be welcome.


It is an honor to assist you and this board.




Wolf Moon
Yes. First, there was the Great Leap Forward.
Then, when that genocidal effort didn’t do the trick for Mao, he instituted:
The Cultural Revolution, 1966 – 1976.

Last edited 6 months ago by PAVACA

Kamala did an interview in Iowa and was asked about climate change. She explained how because of climate change, farmers and other professions were going to have to transition to new careers.


Because in climate-induced psychosis world, people won’t need food anymore?

I mean, what the *&^% is this dingbat babbling about?

Gail Combs


City folk have ZERO idea of how much energy goes into food production, not to mention preservation and shipping.

President Barack Obama Issues Challenge: Reduce U.S. Carbon Emissions 80 Percent By 2050
Way back when, I did a quicky calculation and with out carbon based energy or nuclear power to take its place, you are looking at not the 1800s but the seventeen hundreds!

People forget that coal was very much in use in the 1800s and a lot of farm machinery pulled by horse, mule or oxen was factory made. (First Agricultural Revolution) Without coal you are back to charcoal as fuel for forges and metal implements will become very very rare. Solar panels and modern wind turbines can not be replaced using the power they generate so you are back to hydro (If the eco-nuts allow dam building) and old fashion cloth and wood wind mills. And those wind mills would soon be raided for the wood to burn.

Worse the western high tech people of today do not have the foggiest idea of how to survive without factory made equipment. Even the Amish buy factory equipment and they are the most well adapted to an 1800s lifestyle, BUT NOT 1700s subsistence level farming.

When you talk about modern farming, you first have to talk about MINING and SMELTING the metal ore to make the plows and other equipment.

Farmers made up about 90% of labor force in 1790 and 69% of labor force in 1800. (2.6% in 1990)

In 1790 it took about 250-300 labor-hours to produce 100 bushels (5 acres) of wheat with walking plow, brush harrow, hand broadcast of seed, sickle, and flail in 1830. (This is all by hand not animal power BTW) (1987 – 2-3/4 labor-hours required to produce 100 bushels but that takes lots of oil.)


1810-30 saw the transfer of “manufacturing” from the farm and home to the shop and factory. It wasn’t until the 1840′s that we saw factory made farm machinery, labor saving devices and chemical fertilizers became at all common.

Also up until the 1850′s dung and wood were the major source of energy.

In other words for the USA to use HALF the energy per person that was used in 1800 we must abandon ALL factories and 90% of the population must return to subsistence farming using animals if enough farm machinery can be produced.

Remember in 1800 there was only 2% of the current population in the USA. Solar and Wind are not going to produce enough power to keep us in anything but a few lights, a few wells and if we are lucky a refrigerator for the entire town. FACTORIES use a huge amount of power and that is why cotton mills and other primitive factories were built on rivers.

Anyone who tries to tell you differently is talking baffle gab because at present less than 9% of the US labor force is in manufacturing. The USA got rid of most of its really energy intense industry like smelting the ores to make machines. The USA shipped its factories to China and I mean that literally because I knew a guy whose business was packing up and shipping factories in New England to Israel.

“Cut CO2 emissions by 80% by 2050???

What do they plan to do wipe out 75% of the population to do it?
(Don’t answer that!)

What no one ever mentions is civilization is built on energy.
For most of history that energy was from slaves and animals. Only with the advent of machinery did abolishing slavery actually become a viable economic alternative. Get rid of dependable energy and the labor saving machines it powers and you have to substitute human and animal energy. Unfortunately this means a sharp reduction in food production, population and miserable living conditions for all but the select few.

It only takes a day trying to clear brush from land with loppers and a buck saw to really appreciate a chainsaw, a tractor or bulldozer and the harsh reality of what labor saving devices really are all about.


One interesting conversation happened over at Jo Nova’s several years ago. It was about HOW MUCH LAND IS NEEDED TO SUSTAIN DRAFT ANIMALS. In Australia it is about 1/2 the farm. Here in the east it is 1/4 to 1/3. That is land that is now used to grow food for people.

Gail Combs


Zero CO2 emissions MEANS SUBSISTENCE FARMING = Return to the dark ages.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You wouldn’t need food either, if you’d just do what they want and fucking DIE.


I’m waiting on them to show me how it’s done.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If you’re looking for a demo, no…just this once you are not deemed stupid and should follow instructions rather than an actual example.


I have “come to Jesus” moments every day when I read about, watch and listen to these evil people because the worldly TradeBait hates them with a red hot passion.

Then I consider they are going the Hell if they continue their disgusting pursuits that lead to the destruction of God’s created beings and creation itself. That is worse by far as it is eternal damnation and punishment.

Robert Baker

That is the dilemma isn’t it TB? Righteous indignation and the path of Christ are not always fellow travelers. I often find myself in the same moral conundrum.


It is so hard, my friend. I have to remember my lowly estate as stated in Psalm 136 to do it.


Tulsi has been doing great work. Hope her message is being heard far and wide.


I read somewhere that Tulsi Gabbard is working for the Trump campaign.


Would not surprise me, or bother me.

Tulsi’s messages are spot on AND resonate with thinking folks.


I think she was doing debate-prep with President Trump.


Yes, a visit to Mara Lago, NJ or somewhere Trump was. All expenses paid, I would hope.

Beyond that. have not read. Have thought, Tulsi may be getting compensated in some way.

All of that aside, I believe it is genuine Tulsi messaging.


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great cartoon…

except the grotesque Walz piehole isn’t gaping open WIDE enough.

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Last edited 6 months ago by smiley2

Funny how this must be the same wall that the Barbarians came streaming through and brought China continued angst and peril, more than once upsetting the apple cart through countless strife and dynasty changing wars.


Well, don’t forget that Tim Walz sponsored the “gay students group” at Mankato High School while he was teaching there in the late 1990s.


Tiananmen Tim.

He was on his honeymoon when this was in action.

Funny that.


I will never be able to erase the gay dancing Tim W from my mind. He’s very dramatic with his moves ala Trudope


Trudope was born to dance.

A deeply held secret, kept from the world for decades.

Just a glorious quirk of fate that it was captured on video 😂



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Perhaps an empty bottle may be added.

  • Bottle of booze. Pill bottle. Both.

kamalala’s joy

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and so good, you think you’re Presidente !

Last edited 6 months ago by smiley2

Little white bag found near Oval Office.


Until today, I figured the white bag was Hunter’s.
Wonder where Hoe was the day, the white bag was found.

Last edited 6 months ago by kalbokalbs


what do insecure, anxiety-ridden politicians & entertainers have in common ?

stage fright.

snort !

Last edited 6 months ago by smiley2
Valerie Curren



Or the salad bowl full of word salad. Too early for the flies to appear. They can appear later.



Just so you know …

If Trump loses this election, freedom is gone, the USA is gone.

Any so-called young “Influencer” who doesn’t understand this, shouldn’t be taken seriously.

Without freedom, all their pet issues goes away and none of their talking points matter.

They’re going to purity test themselves into Venezuela.

That last line is important. I don’t think most people will agree 100% on all of anyone’s stances on the issues, but if we win the election, there is at least a chance that those things can be dealt with in time. If we lose the election, we lose the country and all chances to make reforms that are wanted and needed. It would be over.


the words sucks and Kamala and plunging, in the same sentence .


Last edited 6 months ago by smiley2

That is worth at least five bonus internet points.  😂 

Barb Meier

Please, bring no visual memes with this. (shiver)


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NOW: Protestors are surrounding the DNC Welcome Party with a MASSIVE banner reading “K*LLER KAMALA”

This comes just moments after the party was CRASHED by a protestor that got inside


Gail Combs

The chaos they spawned is now coming back to haunt them as the factions start fighting each other.


reap what you sow.

the whirlwind.

Gail Combs

Too bad it will not be televised.

Barb Meier

James O’Keefe will probably get video.


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Well, that sure is a cynical view.  😆 


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In case anyone missed it, the Kamala campaign had her go in a convenience store, and one thing she did is pick up a bag of Doritos. It’s all so fake.


Hoe couldn’t even find the Dori-Hos. She walked past them. Doug handed them to Hoe.


small organs…

if she only had a brain.


Read elsewhere normal customers kicked out of this WaWa / Sheetz or whatever it was.

“Customers” in the store were “actors.” Noter there clothes. Not typical for WaWa, Sheetz…



Dougie…they’re just like you and real ,how down to earth..this makes me cringe


Two Sheetz to the wind. And that is an ill wind.

Valerie Curren

breaking wind


Seriously? Pander much?


Good catch!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, it’s the rare but fun kind that goes kaboom! easily.


A real quote, for sure…🤣

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There should be a horse-drawn covered wagon in that pic.

With a sign saying P O P C O R N on the side.



This guy describes a map of the Las Vegas shooting that anyone can reference that shows tons of evidence of where people were when they called 911, where they made videos (with links to their videos), what they said and heard (other shooters, possibly), etc. Those who are interested in delving into this might find it useful.

Ian Carroll:

Do you know what the deadliest mass shooting in American history is?

I feel like a ton of people, especially liberals don’t even know the answer

This story never comes up on the news for reasons that become… really obvious once you look into it

More to come on this

Link to the map:


It’s shocking how much that guy in that video looks like I looked when I was in my mid 20s. Except my mustache was a handlebar and my hair was much longer.  😯 

My Previous Life. Sounds like a good title for my autobiography.  😂 


This is the look I was emulating, back then.


There has also been an abnormally long list of people dying through out the year after the event. People assume witness clean up. Some of which we covered here.


With regard to the word of the day, my grandfather would tune and maintain pipe organs.

He had a variety of other careers, which sometimes overlapped, but that was one of them. And, oddly, tuning pipe organs spawned a universe of stories and tales that rolled through the family.

To put things into perspective, an actual “acoustic” pipe organ consists of a series of rooms. In these rooms are boxes called “wind chests”, and on top of valves in these wind chests are mounted a series of pipes. The front of the room has a series of shutters to let the sound into the main listening area.

Here’s a wind chest with a bunch of pipes removed —

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The wind chests are arranged so that organ maintainers and tuners can move among the pipes.

One family story involves my uncle, who was just a kid and was wandering around inside an organ while my grandfather worked on the underside of its manuals (the keyboard parts that are linked to the pipes). To do this, my grandfather was laying across the pedalboard. This was ok because none of the pedal-to-pipe connections was selected.

That is, until my gramps’ elbow bumped the “Sforzando” button, which linked every C pipe in the organ to the C pedal that was under his butt…..and every D pipe in the organ to the D pedal that was under his hip….and every E pipe in the organ to the E pedal that was under his lower back….

So pretty much every pipe in the organ cut loose all at once while my uncle was standing right next to them — without shutters to modulate the sound.

My grandfather shut it off as soon as he figured out how he could, and went searching for his son to see whether he was permanently deaf. Fortunately, he was not — although he was significantly traumatized.

Some decades later, that organ was decommissioned and was given to my grandfather, who hauled it all the way from the east coast to San Diego, California — where I saw, with my own eyes, the infamous Sforzando button. There was some talk of carving it out of the console, mounting it, and giving it to my uncle.

Gramps took the organ back with him when he moved to Parkersburg, WV, where he passed. It was sold [given] to the buyer of his house.


During the time that my grandfather lived in San Diego, my uncle wrote a book about computers. In the forward, he mentioned that my grandfather had a notebook where he computed (manually) the 12th root of 2 over some weeks — and how my uncle could just punch numbers into a calculator and get a result.

This poisoned their relationship during those years.

To understand why, you have to begin with why the 12th root of 2 is important. It is the basis of the completely tempered musical scale, because there are 12 tones between a frequency and its octave (2x the frequency). As an organ tuner, my grandfather knew this number.

At the time, however, he was working as a theater projectionist. As such, he had a few moments of quick action at the beginning and end of a film reel, with several minutes of sheer boredom while the reel was projected on the screen. Mind you, there was a certain amount of required diligence — film stock was flammable bordering on explosive, and a jam could rapidly lead to an emergency. During normal operation, however, a crossword or deriving the 12th root of 2 were reasonable exercises.


During the time that my grandfather was living in San Diego, he was the chief engineer for the university’s television station. They ended-up giving him a degree to do this because his previous education ended at 8th grade.

Barb Meier

Very interesting stories about your grandfather and pipe organs. I’ve never known anyone able to tune pipe organs or who understands how they work.

Moreover [I love this obsolete word, no idea why], I have only known the word regal used as an adjective, not a noun.

The OED online says that regal is used about 0.08 occurrences per million words in modern written English. The word moreover, by contrast, has a frequency per OED of 10 occurrencs per million words in modern written English.

It is a pity that calculators harmed some people’s relationships when they became available. I suppose sliderules were like that too at one time. Unlike communism, calculators and sliderules never caused the murder and starvation of millions of people, so there’s that.

I wildly speculate that duels may have been fought for less. (brain making silly whirring sounds.) More nap time here.

Thanks Cthulhu!


“Moreover” 👍😁😁😁 LOVE that word!!! Why DON’T we use it anymore 🤷‍♀️ You might have started a trend, Barb !!

Barb Meier

Oh Alison, I cannot say why but I LOVE it too. When commuting with audio books, a “moreover” would make me pause the audio to say ahhhhhhh… 😎 😂


That is the sort of tale that undergirded much of the social structure of America, during its formative era and forward. We are so much poorer due to the loss of the tradition of passing these tales down to the next generations.

Your contributions against the tide of social sterility are invaluable.

Gail Combs

So true. Families are now scattered from East coast to the West and from Canada to Mexico. For example I have family in Maine, Florida, California, New York… And that is just the CLOSE family. 🙄


Ah yes, the SFZ button. Had the misfortune to pull that stop out by mistake on a 4-rank Cassavant while practicing a piece in Pittsburgh decades ago. Probably was the start of the tinnitus that I have in my right ear.
What a wonderful thing for your grandfather to have had a pipe organ at his house!


After it was decommissioned, he hauled it cross-country twice but never put it back together.

Brave and Free

Excellent news Wolf, Thank you Gail and Pavaca, looking forward to the news y’all will provide.
Thank you DP for everything you bring us.

Deplorable Patriot

I started thinking about it earlier, and I’ve had two days for…quite a while, three days over three years, and four for about two and a half. I’d love to keep on keeping on, but post-COVID I’m actually somewhat getting a life. I appreciate others taking a day. If I’m around, I can always cover for others, but right now, I’ve got other stuff on my plate, some of which really cannot be helped (relatively close extended family member has been in ICU within the last two weeks. I have no idea if travel is in my future regarding that).

So, thanks to those who are willing to help.



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Last edited 6 months ago by smiley2
pat frederick

BREAKING: The DNC is now projecting the phrase “Project 2025 HQ” on Trump Tower in Downtown Chicago Whoever came up with this idea, expect to pay Trump millions of dollars in damages for this stupidity. This is defamation like never seen before
(video in tweet)

BREAKING: The DNC is now projecting the phrase “Project 2025 HQ” on Trump Tower in Downtown Chicago

Whoever came up with this idea, expect to pay Trump millions of dollars in damages for this stupidity. This is defamation like never seen before

— George (@BehizyTweets) August 19, 2024

pat frederick

August 19, 2024 1:34 am

Reply to  Troublemaker10

Democrats Taunt Trump At Trump Tower Chicago Ahead of Convention

Sun, 18 August 2024
Democrats Taunt Trump At Trump Tower Chicago Ahead of Convention
Party operatives, armed with a high-powered projector, booked themselves a room across the street from Trump Tower to display the message “Trump-Vance: Out For Themselves” — along with other slogans intended to rankle, rile, and otherwise irritate the candidate — across his 92-story building’s gleaming glass facade.
The slogans “Trump-Vance: ‘Weird
The slogans “Trump-Vance: ‘Weird as Hell,’” “Harris-Walz: Fighting for You,” and “Project 2025 HQ” are also in rotation.

Barb Meier

How could democrats fight for me when the only thing on their mind is obsessing on Trump and Vance?

pat frederick

well, you’re NOT their target audience. lol
they’re talking to illegals, freaks and loafers

Barb Meier

So true. What was I thinking? Silly me. 😅


What’s that sound?

It’s the sound of DJT’s attorneys cheering.  😆 

Gail Combs

AND he gets back ALL the $$$$ he lost to DemonRat LAWFARE and much more.


I vote David Plouffe for the dude who came up with the idea. The DemonRats keep POUNDING AND POUNDING AND POUNDING on that Heritage Foundation report, calling it TRUMP’S despite Trump refuting it and refuting it.

David Plouffe leads the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative’s policy and advocacy team. For more than 25 years, David has developed strategies to bring people together around common causes. He has held senior positions in government and the private sector including his role as manager of Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign.

David also served as White House Senior Advisor to President Obama and Chief Advisor at Uber Technologies, Inc, where he remains a member of the Board of Directors. He is a veteran of several congressional, gubernatorial and presidential campaigns and served as Executive Director of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and senior staff member to Democratic leadership in the U.S. House of Representatives. He holds a BA from the University of Delaware and is the author of of the New York Times bestseller, The Audacity to Win….

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More recently: January 5, 2024 Obama Campaign Strategist David Plouffe Recommends New Hampshire Democrats “Tactically” Vote for Nikki Haley —   Sundance 

“I think it’s probably too distasteful for a lot of people. But for those who would be up for it, to do something tactically—I don’t know if it would stop Trump, but, you know, it could help extend the primary.” … “I think, when you look out in the rest of the states, Trump’s clearly a dominant favorite, but in a two-person race, there’s a healthy number of Republicans who are open to an alternative if she’s the only one. So, I think for liberals, or Democrats, or independents who might not ever support Nikki Haley to be the president to cast a strategic or tactical vote, to me, makes a lot of sense.”  ~ David Plouffe


A couple of gay dudes.


Perhaps someone should start waving around Mein Kampf as the blueprint for a Democrat Administration.


Bobblehead Sauls.


2024 DNC Commievention….WATCH LIVE…

starts at 6 pm.


Good to know AND plan to focus elsewhere.

Can’t imagine watching any of the DNC freak show.


I’m curious.

I remember 1968.



Personally, I minimize focus on listening to liars, freak shows, whatever Antifa may do, D-Rat lies, fawning over UnAmerican values,…

  • Actually loath everything D-Rats stand for.

68, 7th grade. San Jose News (before the Mercury & News merged) paperboy. Afternoon delivery. Oddball of sorts, subscribed to Newsweek and Time. (Yea, indoctrinated by approved narrative.) Slowly started believing my lying eyes.

  • 100%. Events just outside of the DNC horrible, as I recall.
  • Can’t recall much of anything inside the DNC.
pat frederick

no thanks…i never cared for the Rocky Horror Picture Show

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speaks from


Last edited 6 months ago by smiley2

Briben will be lit on drugs tonight.

Then jet on back to the beach, for the rest of the week, month…

Uniparty won’t call bullshit. Run the 25th or impeach the asshole.

Last edited 6 months ago by kalbokalbs

Saw this at another site. Perfect:

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Also found at another site. Is this true? It is NOT implausible. If true, the implications are truly baffling and disturbing:

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(somewhat) unlike 1968, now international terrorism is thrown into the chaos.

Last edited 6 months ago by smiley2

HLS…TSA let them in through an airport.

Unless BP waved them through southern border.


surprise !

lots o’surprises in store, moving forward…


It’s more like internal govt terrorism


“…internal govt terrorism…” is what 1968 was all about.

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obama’s pal Bill Ayers & The WeatherUnderground, for one example.

Last edited 6 months ago by smiley2
Barb Meier

I find myself checking the distance between two cities to consider how safe various family members might be if BarkerJim’s EpochTimes post ( and Kalbo’s post ( both are true..

Then, of course, one needs to know the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow. What? African or European Swallow?



Barb Meier

After much description and figuring, the answer is roughly 24 miles per hour.

Although a definitive answer would of course require further measurements, published species-wide averages of wing length and body mass, initial Strouhal estimates based on those averages and cross-species comparisons, the Lund wind tunnel study of birds flying at a range of speeds, and revised Strouhal numbers based on that study all lead me to estimate that the average cruising airspeed velocity of an unladen European Swallow is roughly 11 meters per second, or 24 miles an hour.


I just figure that African ingenuity is probably that much less than European ingenuity!


Last edited 6 months ago by WSB

Geofencing – the 21st century version of a double-edged sword.

  1. How did they know the 61,000 foreign antifa AND 27,012 domestic antifa, are antifa.
  2. Who or what organization initially identified them as antifa AND captured those ~87,000 phone numbers, laptops, tablets…

IIRC, Wray, FIB, DOJ and HLS act as if, antifa is not an organized group of sorts.

Yet ~87, antifa converged on Chicago at the same time, just happens to coincide with DNC.


Besides these odd and end stories popping up that can be pretty much expected, there are also these other stories cropping up.

Unprecedented DNC “Security” Could Be a Test Run of How to Take Control of an Entire Major City Overnight

Department of Defense Preparing for Possible Bio-Chemical Attacks at DNC, Funded De-Contamination Rooms at Hospital
Anthony Scott Aug. 18, 2024 4:20 pm 250 Comments


I can’t wrap my head around why the DemCom apparatus allows the gaza terrorists and along with it the specter of troops and police. It has to be 100% approved by the shadow $$ people that fund all things Dem/WEF
What positive does it get them?

On the flip side the R convention was relatively free of disruption. Is that because ‘they’ thought Trump would be dead so no planned mass protests?.


The second point would be a good Trump talking point with visuals. This anarchy will continue unless the D’s absolutely placate the muslims and ice out Israel. Every event will be dominated by protests

Barb Meier

Thousands of police in Chicago? Perhaps we should keep an eye on the places all those police left unpoliced.


The ChiCom thugs might be getting some of those pay-not-to-do crime payments for a few days or they mght take advantage and do some extra suburb looting, carjacking and misc

Last edited 6 months ago by mollypitcher5
Gail Combs

“…Who or what organization initially identified them as antifa AND captured those ~87,000 phone numbers, laptops, tablets…”

IIRC, According to Thomas Wictor, during the summer of love the US military Intel was using drones to track ANTIFA and BLM.

From Q there are 67 drops on ANTIFA. These are a few — not in date order.


Sep 25, 2020 1:31:06 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 504687 No. 10784608

“…..designates the KKK and ANTIFA as terrorist organizations.”

[2] [D]-founded [financially-legally-backed] orgs?

DA set-free blockade post ‘terrorist designate’?

DA ‘no proof’ individual linked to ANTIFA argument coming?

👉ANTIFA mapping began long ago.




Sep 17, 2020 3:20:28 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 836ca2 No. 10683737

Sometimes non_domestic sources of information provide a more accurate report.




Sep 16, 2020 1:16:59 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 338ebd No. 10668955 

Add it all up.

1. Virus

2. Riots [organized _ANTIFA]

3. Fires

The ‘Why’:

Make no mistake, they will not concede on Election Night.

Make no mistake, they will contest this legally in battleground states.

Make no mistake, they will project doubt in the election results

Make no mistake, they will organize massive riots and attempt Anarchy-99 design

Playbook known.




Sep 14, 2020 12:23:52 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: a54ff9 No. 10644371 

What happens when people in positions of power are sympathizers to the cause or part of that same ‘organization’ themselves?

What is a ‘safe zone’?

Why are riots conducted in specific [D] controlled locations?

What happens when elected officials [governors/mayors] handcuff the officers instead of criminals?

What happens when elected officials [governors/mayors] refuse to call in the national guard or other federal assistance?

Sacrificing the lives and well-being of the community for a calculated political gain [or other]?

Does ANTIFA fear prosecution?

Would they continue to operate if they did?

What organized group(s) are bailing out rioters within 24-hours of arrest?

What happens post bailout?

Do charges remain enforced or dropped by DA?

DA: will not act re: “low-level’ arrests

Have all refusal to bring charges been related to “low-level” arrests?



What happens when prosecutors, board of county commissioner members, volunteer firefighters, etc. are sympathetic to the cause?

What happens if the organization [ANTIFA] itself is aware?

Infiltration not invasion.



Sep 14, 2020 7:01:31 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 8c6b18 No. 10648459 

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Media Keywords: ANTIFA burning american flag

Media Keywords Contributor(s): ToeCramp

Insurgency can be defined as ‘the organized use of subversion and violence to seize, nullify, or challenge political control of a region’.

Domestic terrorism.


ANTIFA activities are monitored the world over by citizen reporters of various expertise. It might be hard for us to cull the information but not for people who have been doing it for years now.



Sarcasm fully intended.

Barb Meier

Who paid their airfare or hired the buses?


These are the things that law makers and law enforcers should be interested in and they also should have the means to find out…but they won’t and don’t care..


All planned.

Gail Combs

This is a tweet from Tony Seruga explaining who he is:

Here is his Linked-in BIOGRAPHY Succession, Exit & Cash-Out Expert ✅ Investor ✅ Mentor ✅ CRE ✅ Board Member ✅ Data Scientist & Pioneer ✅ CIA/NSA Contractor ✅ Private Intel Ops ✅ Expert

Newport Beach, California, United States


If there was one takeaway, in fact, a multi-million dollar concept that few understand, it would be that you don’t make money running your business.

Tony’s a hardcore serial entrepreneur who built or sold over 600 businesses in the past 43 years with adjusted sales ranging from $2 million to just under $11 billion, beginning with his first multimillion dollar business, a commercial real estate lender he started in 1980, when the industry was paralyzed with fear, Tony saw and seized one opportunity after another. Double digit interest rates did not deter him.

Tony has a real passion for business and putting deals together. Tony is always looking for businesses to invest in or acquire, re-position and sell, with a passion for those in healthcare, medical and biotech. Imagine being able to unlock, and cash-out the trapped ‘value’ of your medical or dental practice, clinic, urgent care, laboratory, extended or residential care facility, all while you still own and maintain total control.

Benefit from a lifetime of strategic partnerships. Tony, his partners and team member’s clients have included the United States Government, British Government, Israeli Government, Saudi Arabia Government, NEOM, Microsoft, Dell Computers, GE, IBM, General Motors Corporation, The Scott Fetzer Corporation, Managing Dutch East India Company Archives for UNESCO, Procter & Gamble, Raytheon, Mastercard, Walmart, Northrop Grumman, Berkshire Hathaway, General Dynamics, BAE Systems, Standard Oil aka ExxonMobil, Saudi Aramco, et al.

Tony’s been a lifetime data scientist. He owns the digital ID of every mobile device/computer in the U.S. and has indexed and archived every IP address in the world. Tony’s extensive experience in big and deep data, including geotracking and geolocation makes his companies the top authority for providing data to corporations, law enforcement and U.S. government agencies like the CIA, NSA, DoD, DIA, NGA, NRO, FBI, as well as Interpol and foreign intelligence organizations.

Specialties:, Acquiring or partnering with entrepreneurs to scale businesses through acquisitions, strategic relationships and marketing is of extreme interest. Tony is also adept at gathering and interpreting data, cell phone tracking and geofencing, negotiation, copywriting, marketing strategy, structuring and funding of mergers and acquisitions and, public exit strategies for businesses and entrepreneurs.

Tony’s team regularly help entrepreneurs acquire, grow, scale and exit 7, 8 and 9 figure businesses. Tony and his team provides solutions for “ANY funded problem”, pvt or govt.

Here is another BIO LINK Seems Tony is the guy who dropped the bomb.

TONY SERUGA BOMBSHELL: Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen Had An Affair Since 2006, Conspired To Extort Trump

Tony Seruga claims that he used to share an office building in Newport Beach with Michael Avenatti….

Here is a longer bio assembled by Grok:

Tony Seruga is a prominent figure in the intelligence community with over 39 years of experience as an intelligence analyst. He has worked with various high-profile clients, including the United States Government, British Government, Israeli Government, Saudi Arabia Government, Microsoft, and several other notable organizations.

Throughout his career, Seruga has made significant contributions to the field of intelligence analysis. However, it is essential to acknowledge that his work has not been without controversy. In 2023, he made headlines when he claimed that there would be a terrorist attack on US soil in the next 14 months. This prediction was met with criticism and skepticism from various sources.

Despite the controversy, Seruga’s expertise and experience in the intelligence community remain highly regarded. He is known for his dedication to his work and his commitment to providing valuable insights to his clients.



Seruga has been posting data like this for awhile about Kamala events etc. I’m not a techie so can’t vouch for his credibility, however I’ve yet to see anyone in comments refute what he is posting, and it sure seems believable.


Such great news with Gail and PAVACA taking some load off DePat and bringing their expertise to the dailies! Thank you!

pat frederick

I could never do the opens you all do! you guys are amazing!


Thank you, you are very kind.
Yours Truly asks for prayers and good thoughts to assist in taking useful advantage of this opportunity.

Valerie Curren



Verse of the Day for Monday, August 19, 2024

“And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:” 

Hebrews 10:24 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Mathew my friend in faith come forth to Me
Be undeterred by the sturred stormy sea 
Do not look back come forward without fear
I guarantee you that I will be here

Taking those steps are frightful to many
Their faith is weak and some have not any
With each trial in life we’re asked to be
So strong in our faith by the stormy sea 

The mountains are high – the valleys are low
Sometimes there is no path no way to go
At other times we are told there is no hope
After deciding the depth and the scope

God instructs us to trust solely in Him 
To lean not on our own when times are grim
To acknowledge Him in all of our ways
To give Him all Honor and Glory and Praise

Well if that is the case why go to man
For a purpose solution and a plan
What does man know that God does not
Why believe man’s predictions on the spot

God speaks to His prophets on the daily
Anointed appointed to set up the bailey
Guided by God to speak truth in His name
With warnings and platitudes of the same

Listen My people to what you must know
What you must do that to you I will show
I AM who I AM and ever will be 
I will guide you safely by the stormy sea

D01: 07/11/2023




Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday


Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday




However one regards Lame Cherry, her assessment of J13 is very reasonable and plausible:

The “FBI” cremating the body of purported Crooks IMO is by itself sufficient to prove their evil involvement. It is not only destruction of critical evidence, it is a means to spawn confusion and chaos by blatantly proving a murderous conspiracy, the specifc details of which will never be known.

Forcible interrogation of the “FBI” agents who caused the cremation, and the agent who performed the cremation (if there WAS a cremation), should be the starting point in working back to others involved.

I realize this will never happen. At this point we know there is no agency, organization, or persons who will have the ability to conduct an investigation even if there was a genuine intent to do so.

So we are left knowing without knowing, the daily MO of those who control us. And what are we to do, can we do?

IMO making direct accsations, regardless of the level of evidence, is a way to start. For example: “The FBI and SS were engaged in an assassination attempt to murder a political oppponent.” We are entitled to make the accusation (in part) because of the efforts to hide what happened, again regardless of the level of evidence. Under the circumstances there is at least enough to support reasonable suspicion, and that is enough.

Last edited 6 months ago by Tonawanda

Great enhancements!

pat frederick

h/t Filly
“Democrats Broke the Law by Pushing Joe Biden Out of the Race — If we apply Special Counsel Jack Smith’s interpretation of the “conspiracy against rights” statue included in the DOJ’s J6 indictment of Donald Trump, Biden and the Democrats have committed a crime.”
Julie Kelly, Aug 19, 2024
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“On Monday night, Joe Biden will stumble his way through a farewell speech in bidding goodbye to politics after more than 50 years in public office.
Biden undoubtedly plans to offer the same schtick—a caption-necessary combination of self-pity and self-righteousness punctuated by expressions of rage and his signature creepy whisper—as he soaks in his final moments of glory in front of thousands of Democrats assembled at the United Center on the west side of Chicago.
But this is not what Biden wanted. Far from it. His address will be less curtain call and more live hostage video performed under duress by a man taken captive by his own party elites including longtime friends and allies who have essentially chained the ex-presidential candidate to his Delaware beach house to keep him from doing any more political damage.
Biden may speak the jumbo-sized words plastered on the teleprompter but all the while he’ll hear in the back of his head the voice of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi: The easy way or the hard way.
And as Americans listen to Biden’s standard unhinged rants about Donald Trump’s so-called “threat to democracy,” it is important to recall that Biden was forced out of the race not by Trump but by top Democratic Party officials including Pelosi, Barack Obama, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries.
And aside from the unseemliness of it all, what happened to Biden could constitute a federal crime—at least according to Special Counsel Jack Smith.“Rule of Law” for Everyone…Right?
One of four counts in Smith’s January 6-related indictment of the former president is 18 U.S. Code § 241, conspiracy against rights. The statute reads:
“If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States; they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years.”
Smith once again relied on the vague language of a federal statute to argue that Trump’s claims about voting fraud in the 2020 election and plans to delay the certification proceedings on January 6 denied the rights of the (haha) 81 million Americans who voted for Biden. Smith’s indictment accuses Trump of conspiring to “injure, oppress, threaten, and intimidate one or more persons in the free exercise and enjoyment of a right and privilege secured to them by the Constitution and laws of the United States—that is, the right to vote, and to have one’s vote counted.” (Emphasis added.)
In announcing the indictment in August 2023, Smith described the conspiracy charge as Trump’s attempt to “disenfranchise voters.” Well, well, well.
Using Smith’s logic, that law now should apply to Congressional Democrats, the corporate news media, and White House officials including Biden himself for violating the rights of 14 million voters who selected Biden during the Democratic primary. By every measure, those parties collectively “disenfranchised” voters by first freezing out potential Democratic primary opponents last spring and officially clinching the nomination in March only to later succeed in strong-arming Biden out of the race when it was clear he would not win.
The criminal conspiracy to violate the voting rights of 14 million Americans began shortly after Biden’s disastrous debate performance on June 27. 
For three weeks, Biden, according to sources, vigorously rejected public and private calls for his ouster. One by one, loyal politicians and reporters turned on him. The short-tempered Biden “has been fuming at his Delaware beach house, increasingly resentful about what he sees as an orchestrated campaign to drive him out of the race and bitter toward some of those he once considered close, including his onetime running mate Barack Obama,” the New York Times reported on July 19.
Nonetheless, Biden and his advisors spent the next 48 hours promising that he planned to continue seeking a second term, even announcing plans to return to the campaign trail after a (questionable) bout with Covid. 
Then in a Sunday afternoon surprise, with 107 days left before Election Day, Biden quit the race on July 21.
Unlike January 6, July 21 Successfully Disenfranchised Voters
In any other industry or sport, Biden’s decision represented nothing less than conceding victory to Donald Trump. After all, Biden did not say he dropped out due to health problems or other unexpected issues. He quit because he was going to lose and take down other Democratic candidates with him in November.
His spokesman at the time portrayed his boss’s act as one of selfless courage. “The President has spoken to his decision to put country above self and unite his party, as well as the stakes of this moment.”
But that is not why Biden exited stage left. He got the hook.
“What happened was a number of my Democratic colleagues in the House and Senate thought that I was gonna hurt them in the races,” Biden told CBS News sycophant Robert Costa on August 7. “And I was concerned if I stayed in the race, that would be the topic. You’d be interviewing me about, ‘why did Nancy Pelosi say, why did so-and-so,’ and I thought it would be a real distraction.”
Not a distraction. A humiliation. It was all about party and politics and nothing about country. Further, Pelosi’s mob boss tactics also had nothing to do with protecting her friend of 40 years from a brutal campaign or “securing democracy” as she loves to say.
She ruthlessly booted Biden to prevent Trump from winning in what increasingly looked like a landslide victory. “Her goal, she added, was simple: That Donald Trump would never set foot in the White House again,” the New Yorker magazine reported on August 8. “My concern was: this ain’t happening, and we have to make a decision for this to happen.”
We have to make a decision for this to happen.
Quite ironic for a woman who calls the four-hour disturbance at the Capitol on January 6 a plan by Trump to “overturn the election results.” Rather than risk a loss at the polls in November, Pelosi took the losing matter of Joe Biden’s candidacy into her own talons—and subsequently out of the hands of 14 million Americans.
Biden reportedly is still steamed about the “unprecedented mutiny” against him. He and Pelosi have not spoken since he bowed out.
Kamala Harris, the installed replacement who didn’t earn a single vote for president, now is poised to formally accept the party’s nomination on Thursday night. Her speech will represent the culmination of an unprecedented criminal conspiracy—and a successful one unlike what happened on January 6—to steal the Democratic presidential nomination from Joe Biden and deprive millions of voters their chosen candidate.
Where is the Department of Justice when we need it?”

pat frederick

karma is a bitch that bites.


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Butler Coroners office never did the autopsy, it was shipped to an Allegany County Medical Examiner’s office. Lots of things smell in this latest update. At this point it seems iffy to even say it was Crooks who was cremated.
More Lies and Confusion Concerning Autopsy Thomas Crooks the Would-be Assassin of Former President Trump Guest Contributor Aug. 19, 2024 8:00 am 209 Comments


Everything FIB touches turns to shit, by design.

Gail Combs



Incoming stern letter.

Gail Combs

The REAL Reason Biden was forced to step down from running again.

Brave and Free

Little late I’d say 🥱


Right on the schedule, created by cowardly r-Cons.


Wolf Moon
Thank you for the music from the regal organ. Regals can actually be purchased from a handful of workshops, either as kits or as completed instruments. However, the bellows for regals must be hand-operated, either by the player (so the player can only use one hand to play the keys), or, by another person (so the player can use both hands to play the keys.)
There is another, larger version of the regal organ, called the “portative” or “portative organ” (I know, no pun intended — that’s the name of the instrument.) These can also be purchased from modern workshops in either kit form or as completed instruments. Many of these types of instruments are run by electricity.

Gail Combs

Speaking of bellows operated instruments, we have TWO player pianos. They work on vacuum. We also have about a thousand rolls.

Photos care of WIKI

….Melville Clark introduced two important features to the player piano: the full-scale roll which could play every note on the piano keyboard, and the internal player as standard…. [He was Mom’s cousin]

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Gail Combs
What a treasure, two player pianos that still have the roll mechanism! The first piano Yours Truly had at her family home was a “converted” player piano (the roll mechanism, etc., had been removed.) That was my piano until I started high school; then my parents found an old “apartment-size” grand piano that was in good condition. That piano got me through conservatory and beyond, until I married and left home.

Gail Combs

There was a guy in Maine, Doug Henderson, who made NEW ROLLS. We have several of his. QRS was also making new rolls.

Some of Dougs rolls for sale. He must be in his 80s or older.

ARTCRAFT Music Rolls for the 88-Note Player-Piano


Brother has a player piano that play the shorter (width wise) and the wider rolls. I think he has about that many rolls too. He and his wife found it on CL and it had been fully restored.



I remember being in a very old church at a concert in VA with period instruments, and something similar was played. Yet, this had a bellows that someone else maneuvered, pumped, if you will.

I have been trying to find this online but no luck.

Any ideas?

17th C?

Last edited 6 months ago by WSB

This is a friend of my parents, Dean Shostak.

Franklin’s contemporary Glass Armonica player.

Very expensive pastime.

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Last edited 6 months ago by WSB

LIVE WITH JULIE – 08/19/2024



Deuteronomy 7:8-9, 13-24
Exodus 13:3
Jeremiah 1:12
Ecclesiastes 1:9
1 Samuel 17:37-39, 45-47
1 Samuel 30:6-8, 19
Psalm 122:6
Joshua 1:3-9


You are truly living in unprecedented times. Be excited!
In unprecedented times you need to fight in unprecedented ways. The biggest way is with the Word of God and fighting with the Sword of the Spirit.
Hold onto God’s truths and hold onto them more than what you’re seeing.
You have the Blood Covenant of Jesus Christ. He is your everything.
God’s heart is increased for His children.
God is still the Great I AM for you today!
God is going to do something to a greater degree than what He did for the Israelites in Exodus.
Do not be afraid of your enemies because they do not have power like God’s power.
It is not your power or your might to defeat your enemies, but it’s by believing what God will do through you and His power and His might.
You need to have unprecedented faith like Joshua and Caleb.
There’s nothing impossible for God.
God will use you and it is His power through you that will do what needs to be done.
God wants a complete restoration of everything that’s been stolen from you.
Pursue, overtake, and recover all.
Spend time with God and in His Word, and you will see how it will change your life.
No matter what you’re facing today, have the faith like David had and know that God is bigger than any giants or situation you face.
Fight with God’s Word. Speak, declare, and decree the Word of God.
God is absolutely good!
God is telling you to stay focused on Him and do not fear.
The darkness, chaos, and judgment you are about to see is for your freedoms.
Have a firm focused foundation on the Father.



[Word heard – August 15, 2024] 

My children, there has been a deceiving ruling class that has taken over your government, your media, your court system, your financial system and has tried at the same time to collapse society morally, in every way – brainwashing, programming, to the point of easier control. It has made people weaker, spiritually, mentally, physically. Everywhere they could to destroy humanity, they have tried. They have made many viruses and diseases, poisoned everything they could to destroy you physically, but also to put strain on you financially. They took over the entertainment industry to corrupt your children, made idols out of people when children strive to be like them when they should be running away as fast in the opposite direction. They drew your children in with the illusion of fame and perfection and fortune, to get them distracted and controlled by an addiction – also to video games, to change their mindsets, of more an illusion of violence and being more unhinged, causing anger to rise in them where it would be uncontrollable. 

They have used every plan to dismantle the independence of humanity from the government and ruling class. They have tried to control even what you buy and when to buy these products. They’ve used algorithms to coerce you into something you would not usually buy or look at. They’ve used these tactics to get more people into credit card debt or any type of debt at all, as much as they could. 

My children, you have not been as free as you thought. But it’s time to break free from these oppressors. It’s time to stand and fight against them like never before, to take back your freedom that belongs to you; they have done everything in their power to take it away. My children, fight with My Word now to regain the society where it should be with Me and not under their demonic control.




Robert Baker

Tim seems to have left out zero.


Me included.

Gail Combs

From Nitter where you can actually see what is said!


Tim Sharp 🍊 🍊 🇺🇸


For my unvaccinated followers, how many times have you been sick with Covid.

Repost for larger sample.

64% – One

24% – Two

8% – Three

5% – Four +

90,844 votes • 7 hours

Aug 18, 2024 · 11:21 PM UTC


The Uncomfortable Truth



Replying to @realtimsharp

Why isn’t Zero an option ?

I can’t be the ONLY person that never got ConVid 19 121


Tim Sharp 🍊 🍊 🇺🇸



I forgot to add it. I’ve never had it.


Tim Sharp 🍊 🍊 🇺🇸

I meant to add zero, now I can’t edit! 318


Tim Sharp 🍊 🍊 🇺🇸



There is a new poll up with Bette/updated options 30


Hubby who eats better than I and takes Vit D religiously and LOVES blue berries (Quercitin) never got it either. He almost NEVER gets sick.


Neither hubs nor I take vax or flu shots. We take vit D and eat blueberries, blackberries & raspberries every morning; I drink kefir; we eat lots of onions – cooked & raw – and other vegies with nightly meat.

Knock in wood, neither of us has been ill or even felt unwell (occasional seasonal allergy) for at least a decade, and we are in our 70s.

I’m SO thankful for our ‘medic experts’ here, Dr. Zelenko and FLCC for timely advice on getting thru the bio-attacks.


^^^ THIS.

Hugely grateful here, for QTree experts, experience, wisdom AND each of us believeing our lying eyes.

Donkey Pox will be a walk in the park, as compared to navigating Covid / Covid Jab nonsense.


Meaningless without do over, with zero, as an option.

Gail Combs

For Steve who mentioned the computers on newer ICE were needed to get better milage… 😩

We bought a brand new Kubota about 3 years ago. BUT we bought the BIGGEST diesel that came with OUT all the computer and emissions crap.

 Aug 10, 2024 / Skid steer fire.

My 75-3 Kubota caught on fire today. The engine bay on this machine was completely clean. It’s never even been in the woods before. It flashed an error code about the injectors and a minute or so later and it was in flames. It had 55 hours on it.


Last edited 6 months ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs

Have I mentioned lately just how much I hate Word Piss?


Prolly not often enough.

Valerie Curren

Here, hopefully, are those pics, run through Gab (I couldn’t see them here)

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Gail Combs

Thank you. I changed them to a (DOT) jpg — Did not work
so I tried (dot) png and that did not work either although both showed in Brave.

Valerie Curren

YW–usually when I put them through Gab they show here. Formerly I’d copy the image address from twitter & remove everything from the “?” & beyond & replace w/ .jpg or .png or whatever was in the about to be erased gobbledygook. Copying image addresses directly from the Daily Mail usually works & those are often a .jpg format, fwiw…

Brave and Free

I hope the warranty paid to fix it for you.


But think of how little fuel it now uses!



Donald J. Trump
@realDonaldTrump 35m
[video src="" /]

Donald J. Trump
@realDonaldTrump 33m
[video src="" /]

Last edited 6 months ago by eilert

Members of Congress Attending DNC Told To Use Aliases ~ The Joy Is Overwhelming

article link…


nothing says “joy” like riots !

and lots of plywood !

👉 to House Dems : don’t book any hotel rooms in your own names or engage with any protesters… say the Congressional Securiy Advisors

🎶don’t go out tonight
you’re bound to lose yr life
there’s a bathroom on your right. 🎶

Robert Baker

We are the Hurricane party. Our mission is to destabilize the country. Donate today.


😂😂😂 What if …


that’s one of the reasons I want to try to sit thru some of it, just to see the utter absurdity of what might happen.

plus…who the mystery surprise guest speaker is.

and so much more !

it’ll probably be worse than wandering & getting stuck in the dark internet.

pat frederick

i think it’s Moochelle


Maybe it’s their golden boy Zelensky


could be…

I’m also thinking Hilary Clinton.


Thanks for taking one for the team. I look forward to any reports you might provide. 😊



Larry Johnson: “The United States and NATO have invaded Russia……..”



If Russia armed, trained, planned, manned sophisticated weapons systems with Russians used in a Mexican Army invasion to the US, we’d say Russia invaded America.

Larry also said Russia will respond to the invasion. And we will NOT like it. Can’t recall his exact words.

Francis Scott Keys bridge comes to mind. I continue to believe, taking that bridge out was courtesy of Russia. Civilian infrastructure.

  • Think Nordstream I & II. Civilian infrastructure.

Ukraine invading Russia, with American equipment, some of it operated by Americans. Toss in UK & German equipment. Prolly French.

  • UK & US will get smacked. Quite possible Germany. Maybe France.
  • Civilian infrastructure will not be the focus of Russia’s response.

Agrees but for Russia doing the Francis Scott Key’s bridge. There other suspects more likely to have done it and I doubt the US would of let that go if Russia did it.

BTW where is the report on Bridge? Isn’t that overdue. There was something released last month but it spoke to very little.


There are other suspects. Chinee, Ukraine, Iran… All the more reason I look at Russia.

We’ll never see a bridge report. If one shows up, zero chance it’ll be an honest report with transparency.

US IC would have to have proof, before any thought of going after Russia.

Then, if the US had proof, they have no backbone to do anything. Nor is our military ready to take Russia on, head on. Military equipment, ordnance, forces… We are in sad shape, IMO. NOT happy to admit it.


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Gail Combs

SAFETY is #1
MONEY IN YOuR POCKET (economy} is #2

Trump is hitting hard on BOTH ISSUES.


Dem’s fightin’ words.


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Guessing mid to late September Massie will issue a strongly worded letter.

Next hearing with Garland or Wray, he’ll bitch slap them around a bit.

Then met expectations of a r-Con, collect campaign donations.


Yep x 1000


I agree. What are the things that he and other members of Congress could do? Withhold funding, I believe. But that takes a majority, right? They can hold hearings and investigate but they can’t prosecute, and sending it to the DOJ is a dead end.


Somebody might get scorched on camera, or even fired – but no one will be prosecuted or jailed – no matter what..


Latest example…Director Cheatle..a public spanking and off she goes..buhbye……….EVEN though there was a death, a murder

Last edited 6 months ago by mollypitcher5
Gail Combs

Multi-million dollar book deal in 3…2…1…


Not much for talk AND excuses to do NOTHING.

The assholes in the House C O U L D take ACTION.

  • File articles of impeachment. FORCE the issues.
  • Privileged … (MTG and Luna have talked about them.) DEMAND Up or Down votes.
Brave and Free

Don’t forget the cocktail party they’ll both attend, after the strongly worded letter is received and they’ll be best buddies.


It really is so awful that we know how this works and we’re powerless to make it stop.

Tatonka Woman

So here’s a stinky thought:

What if, at the convention, Biden resigns and Harris then takes the (meaningless to them) oath of office as President at the DNC Convention with the cheers of the Party faithful echoing through the arena??

Just a thought. My lunch probably didn’t settle in well.


Had the same thought earlier today. Would not surprise me, but thinking nope.


I had this thought today. They may “crown” her tonight.

I hope Trump has something ready for the possibility.


How about a lawsuit to determine her constitutional qualifications for the office?



Who is gonna file the lawsuit? Need a lawyer. Then a judge, that won’t whine about standing.

Hold your breath.

Valerie Curren


…now do Soetoro  😡 

Last edited 6 months ago by Valerie Curren

That would be great! But I think that ship sailed with Osatan, to be honest.

Gail Combs

The question is “WHO HAS STANDING?” Trump? Someone in the DNC?




U-Haul Moving Truck Parked Outside The White House …

article link…


Bye Biden ?

Last edited 6 months ago by smiley2

Hunter’s artwork secret documents.


It’s only a fairly small U-Haul truck so they’re probably just moving Hunter’s cocaine out of the White House. A bigger truck will be back later to haul out Pedo Joe’s cash stash.

Last edited 6 months ago by bakocarl
Robert Baker

What do they say, “The right truck for the right job.”  :wpds_lol: 


Bako, you cracked me up!


Remember when they had to ask Hillary to return the dishes and antiques… they may have to ask Jill for the same. They better count the silver.

Brave and Free

No there’re going ask her to return the drapes and couch covers she used to make her dresses with. 🤣


To take away any number of documents that are required to be saved but instead will be shredded?



Gratitude Prayers

Prayer of Daily Thanks

Heavenly Father, as the sun sets, I want to pause and say thank You. For the little things like a warm cup of tea to the big things like my family’s laughter, I’m grateful. Each moment of this day has been a gift, and I thank You for the blessings, both seen and unseen. Let my sleep be a thank you, my dreams be praise, and my night whispers echo with gratitude. Amen.

A Prayer for the Gifts of Life

Dear Lord, under the evening sky, I come before You filled with appreciation. For the breath in my lungs, the food on my table, and the love in my home, I am truly thankful. Help me to always notice the countless gifts You provide and to never take them for granted. I rest in Your care, grateful for today and hopeful for tomorrow. Amen.

Thanksgiving for Enduring Love
Gracious God, as I lay down tonight, I reflect on Your unending love and care. Thank you for guiding me through this day, for the smiles shared, and for the kindness I received. Your love is a constant in a world that often changes, and for this steadfast love, I give You thanks. As I close my eyes, I feel the peace of a grateful heart. Amen.

Evening Gratitude for Strength and Guidance
Lord of all comfort, I am thankful tonight, not just for the good but also for the strength You gave me in challenging moments. Thank you for the wisdom in decisions and the courage in facing my fears. Your guidance is a lantern to my feet. As the stars appear, I thank You for lighting my path today and every day. Amen.

Sunset Thanks for Life’s Journey

Almighty Creator, every sunset reminds me of Your glory and the journey You’ve laid out for me. I am grateful for the paths I’ve walked today, the lessons learned, and the growth experienced. Thank You for being my compass and my companion. As the night unfolds, I count my blessings, and atop the list is Your unwavering presence in my life. Amen.


Someone referred to as “the Bill Gates of the UK” is apparently lost at sea, along with 7 others.

15 were rescued:



Last edited 6 months ago by scott467
Gail Combs

Are we supposed to cry?


Nah. Scrolling on.


Depends on your mood.


It’s always interesting when billionaires ‘die suddenly’, both because there are always so many people with means, motive and opportunity, and because of the vacuum it creates.

Because they usually have their hands (and $$$) in all kinds of nefarious projects.

Imagine if it had been Billy Gates.

I don’t suspect many would cry, but there might be a hurricane from all the simultaneous sighs of relief 😉

Last edited 6 months ago by scott467
Gail Combs

That was a good Listen! Seems the bikers woke-up and realized the amount of power they have. GOOD!

Brave and Free

IMO Harley is in decline just because of market demographics. Their primary target market is dying off. The young riders don’t buy into their bad guy persona like the older riders did. And they really haven’t changed their products to keep up with the market demographics.


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Last edited 6 months ago by cthulhu
Barb Meier

Dog face pony soldier?

Brave and Free

The dog ripped up the Bible?


Nice page on Instagram by Kia. Anyone have any idea what the hand signal is shown in the photo series on the top, the one where you arrow over?

Kai Trump announces she will attend University of Miami on a golf scholarship.


Robert Baker

I am beginning to believe that Tucker Carlson has picked up the mantle of Rush Limbaugh although he uses a different format. Instead of one clear voice, Tucker has chosen many like-minded voices to spread the truth that is often hidden by the news.

Deplorable Patriot

There’s something to this.

Brave and Free

That’s a great perspective.
When Rush passed there definitely was a void that needed to be filled. Tucker seems to be doing that nicely without doing a call in show.

Last edited 6 months ago by Brave and Free

Yet – they still withhold it from the American public except in my state. The scum politicians, NIH, CDC, medical industry, pharm – all of them work to keep it out of the hands of We the People.

Last edited 6 months ago by TradeBait2

Unless you buy it like me, for “Mr. Ed,” down at the feed store!


We, the informed, buy it.


Such a great listen. Ivermectin works!

Last edited 6 months ago by kalbokalbs

I had said at some point I would explain why “Tampon Tim” Walz Stolen Valor was personal to me. I made it a stand-alone post. It’s up, if anyone is interested.


Definitely. In the queue. Thanks for the heads up AND sharing.



Valerie Curren

Thank you, A–Blessings!


Biden appears all revved up and ready to give a barn burner tonight. 😆


Not sure, but this might be the next Dr Jill as they always try to one up themselves.



OMG…I’m going to try and tamp down my excitement but if this right it proves there was 2 “Crooks” at the assassination venue. There can’t be Crooks by the Beaver County guys and strolling the grounds at the exact same time

4:26 Beaver County CS text continued …“I’m just letting you know because you see me go out with my rifle and put it in my car so he knows you guys are up there sitting to the direct right on a picnic table about 50 yards from the exit,” he wrote of the suspicious person who turned out to be Crooks.

Around 5:10 p.m., Crooks was below the counter-snipers who were inside the AGR International building warehouse where the 20-year-old eventually climbed onto the roof and from which he fired his AR-15, the Times reported.

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The video is at CTH

Last edited 6 months ago by mollypitcher5

MUD WRESTLING!!!   :wpds_shock:   :wpds_unamused:   :wpds_evil:   :wpds_envy:    :wpds_lol: 


It doesn’t have any mirrors in the mansion?



Brave and Free

I thought the same thing 🤣
I wonder if they steal another election they’ll come out of the closet?





wow, the spin machine is at full tilt…funny this trope never came to the headlines untl the govt actually tried to kill Trump.
Now they’ll steal the narrative with Pence as the target..FFS

Last edited 6 months ago by mollypitcher5

This looks like a good time for a blarp.


Incidentally, for all those Linux nerds out there, the August 2024 issue of Linux Magazine has an intriguing article about “Wake-on-LAN”.

The author is talking about a backup server that only wakes-up when it needs to take a backup, making it more secure from ransomware attacks, but there are all sorts of fun things to do based on the tools available.

Wake-on-LAN is a built-in function of certain network cards, which can be enabled by configuring Linux. The cards need a “magic packet” delivered to their specific MAC address to wake their system — mind you, this does not need to DHCP or get an IP address. You can WoL from a 10-base-T on one network, and wake up gigabit (or 10G) connections for the computer on a different network (or networks).

Besides being invisible to hacks, sleeping servers typically draw little current, which enables you to use WoL primitives to reduce your electric bill.

It is somewhat amusing that this article seems to have barely made the cover, considering that it might be one of the most useful articles in the magazine.


I’m just going to slide another blarp right in here…..


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