Cover image: Young America (ca. 1863) by Thomas Le Clear

“Follow Friends’ – Q
Countries like Malaysia and Thailand are flocking to join BRICS as a potential ‘counterweight against U.S. economic hegemony’
America Unburdened by What Has Been
Big Tech Climbing Aboard the Trump Train
ICYMI – TRANSCRIPT: Every Word of RFK Jr’s Epic Anti-Establishment Speech
Bright Brief – Convergence
A “How To” Navigation of
The Candidate Who Isn’t There
Badlands News Brief – August 26, 2024
Trump has a Plan!
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: What ‘MAGA’ Means to Me — ‘A Nation Brimming with Vitality’
Enough With ‘Very Fine People’ and Other Lies
Just now noticing this after how many decades?
Sunday Schadenfreude: Democrats go bonkers over RFK’s decision to back Trump
In Detroit, 93% of Republican applicants were rejected as poll watchers
Explosive Revelations in Matthew Perry’s Death Investigation: Sinister Infusion Therapy, the Infamous Ketamine Queen Arrest and More Shocking Twists
Tweets…X-Files, uh, posts, whatever
Meme Zone

Per the boss’s instruction:

I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.
Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.
The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.
This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.
Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
And Auntie DePat’s requests:
If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.
The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.
Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.
Psalms 119:9-14
9How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to thy word. 10With my whole heart I seek thee; let me not wander from thy commandments! 11I have laid up thy word in my heart, that I might not sin against thee. 12Blessed be thou, O LORD; teach me thy statutes! 13With my lips I declare all the ordinances of thy mouth. 14In the way of thy testimonies I delight as much as in all riches.
Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)
Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Amen brother.
As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.

That isn’t satire.
Thank you, De Pat, for an ample Tuesday thread.
I hope you are settling into your new routine and feeling energized for your coming practices and events.
It’s Trembling Tuesday.
Or Terrifying Tuesday.
Or Terrific Tuesday.
Or Tomcat Tuesday.
Or just plain old Tuesday.
I think it’s past my bedtime. Cya.
For De Pat — when your nun teacher spoke against alliteration… I’m being faulted for not having enough.
Love it!
WOW! Talk about the Cabal SPLINTERING!
Remember Stein was who they USED to do a bunch of lawsuits against Trump’s win in 2016.
Trump files objection to Jill Stein-led election recount in Michigan — UK Groiniad
She’s being slightly less of a useful idiot this time!
The bribe wasn’t high enough….
If I had my druthers, there’d be two extra zeroes on all the cash amounts awarded —
If he was a black demonRat they would add THREE!
For example George Floyd’s family got $27 million for the OVERDOSE death of a criminal.
Regarding these X posts from the open and some others I’ve seen:
“DR. Kek”
Yes, “DR. Kek,” you are wrong. (Did you do any research to try to answer your own question before spreading disinformation? Apparently not.)
Then the “Joe Rambo” one about “the second or third term,” showing footage from the wreath ceremony.
What are we to take from that? That Trump is currently the president? He is not. Constitutionally, he cannot be governing as president. He abides by the law and the Constitution, but people ignore those facts. He won the 2020 election but was cheated out of office, and he has been working this whole time to restore the country. That is the only sense in which this is a second term for him.
I don’t object to thinking of it that way because he did win. What I object to is people saying that he is actually governing and that he’s in control, as if he could control what the Dems in D.C. are doing, and as if he sometimes does official acts that only the president is entitled to do. That is not happening. He is controlling his own plan, and that’s all we need from him right now. I believe it is bigger than any of us could imagine, and that we are starting to see portions of it with RFKJ and others coming on board.
“Joe Rambo” said:
Okay, Joe, I will.
Nick Sorter:
And this (emphasis mine):
So no, it doesn’t mean that Trump did something that only a president would normally do: something completely out of the ordinary, indicating that *gasp* he is really the president. He merely did something he was invited to do.
We don’t need Trump to be governing as president now, or to be acting as president, in order for there to be a master plan or for plans to come to fruition. IMO, this is where the theorists err: they project their theories onto actual events, reading into what has happened without doing research, which results in inaccurate reporting and theories based on falsehoods.
We have enough to celebrate and be thankful for in the fact that we have Trump as a leader who loves this country and sacrifices for her, who plays 4-D chess, and who is always several steps ahead. We don’t need to manufacture and believe in narratives that are untenable.
Well stated.
Please allow me to put forth a much more plausible explanation for SlowJoe looking at his watch at Dover when the bodies came home.
He was not checking the time. He was reading on an AppleWatch the name of the next family coming up to receive their official condolences. It was decided by the PR peeps that it was a superior method to having him hold a card with the names on it.
Why they didn’t just have an aide standing right next to him [holding the card with the names] who whispered in his ear the proper name, I haven’t got a clue. Too old fashioned, I suppose. This method seemed to work in prior situations like this. They’re so brilliant to come up with the smart watch method but they’re not smart enough to ban cameras and videos for the duration.
It never occurred to them how it might look.
aw man…here i was perfectly fine with despising him for that act and you come along with this plausible explanation.
you’re a narrative buster!
[sniff] I’m sorry.
well since you seem so sincere…LOL
Interesting theory. It seems, then, that he would have needed to look at his watch more than once.
If his people decided that looking at a watch to read names during a solemn ceremony would be a good idea, then they’re knuckleheads.
The Biden camp could also have stated that he had a list of names on his watch. It would have looked a lot better than checking the time. But no one said a word.
Our side got out in front so fast, they thought it better to let it fade out rather than challenge it.
Or they didn’t like SlowJoe anyway so they figured WTF.
Even his official apologist/liar Pasaki didn’t say anything about a apple watch..drats foiled again, didn’t think of it
Slow Joe not smart enough to use an Apple watch.
Hell, Slow Joe couldn’t even read off a 3 X 5 card handed to him, or even a teleprompter.
Stop harshing my mellow.
jack disagrees…don’t know who to believe
According to that, it seems possible that JB and Commala were expected to participate. Maybe that’s standard for the “president” and “VP.” But the fact still remains that PDJT was invited and was not performing duties of the president instead of the person currently occupying the WH.
Part of the evil of these “accusations” is that they make Trump conspiratorial – hiding the truth JUST LIKE THEM.
Accuse the other side of that which they are guilty.
Great post.
THANK YOU – for putting on the waders and stomping out that burning bag of horse excrement.
Well, I hope it is stomped out.
Well, buffalo chips have a way of flaring back up!
First he said it was horse crap.
Now he’s saying it’s bull crap.
He’s trying the cover up the fact that it’s horse crap. Conspiracy!!!!!
The Trump team used Obama’s DNC speech as a campaign ad. Brilliant in its brevity! 19 seconds long.
Heh. Kennedy is wearing a blue tie and is rolling up his left sleeve, but is wearing a MAGA hat. This is just what the Uniparty needs to see coming after them.
I will be honest – I am inspired as an American again. This is so encouraging. Unity is the way. Working through the differences while focusing on strengthening what is in common agreement.
We need to kill the devils we know in our own house first.
RFKJr’s hat should read “Make America Healthy Again”
I wonder if there will be merchandise that says that.
The blue tie is very slick.
Blue sorta looks like used on president AC. Throwback to Jackie?
I hope Trump will be able to pardon everyone, including this lady. It’s hard to believe this is happening in America.
The authority of Washington, D.C. — if it has any — should rise from the people and not from the permanent bureaucracy therein. There should be no special DC Courts and no DC Court of Appeals — all disputes should be litigated in the jurisdiction of the other party.
This need to never happen again. The District of Criminals needs to be vanquished once and for all.
The FIRST AMENDMENT NEEDS TO BE ENFORCED, not Oh!Bummer’s law that stomps all over our right “peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
“Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011” — Summary via Gov Track
Ocommie. Clearly the work of Ocommie and Molotov-Holder.
There is no need for fed courts in D.C., with the exception of Tax Court.
Ditto for the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals. They should all be abolished and their cases distributed among the surrounding jurisdictions/circuits.
Tax court is subservient to the IRS, so I’d think we should get rid of that too.
I hope it blows through $1M and heads for the stars.
IMO this is beyond huge. I believe some people might have died as a result, and it is election interference on a massive scale. I don’t know what can be done about it. I don’t know if anyone of the Left will care that the people they cheated into office were keeping vital information from them.
Admission is hardly enough. He needs to fire all the ex govt FIB and DOJ people he has working for him and then get frogged marched to jail.
We might give him the opportunity to fully expose and testify against the Bidarris administration first, putting them (and all the FIB and DOJ agents) behind bars.
If he does a really convincing and thorough job of it, if his heart is really in it, that could be taken into account with regard to charges against him, and/or at sentencing.
We do want to encourage him to do the right thing
Yup –
His censorship of COVID information, DONE KNOWINGLY caused many many deaths — GENOCIDE ANYONE???
Test him to see if HE took the Covid Clot shot, if he did not, then KNOWINGLY applies.
Went on the AG’s website to find the order but nothing.
I found this press release:
The other day, IRL, I got rolling on an anti-AI rant about how all the $$$ interest in AI was about the frustration Big Tech and Big Government were having correlating all the information they already had on people.
This fits in with the central conceit of The Anderson Tapes — all the major characters are under several types of surveillance, government and private, which ropes in all of the minor characters to the point that the entire novel (film) can be presented in the form of surveillance tapes. For a product of the ’70’s, it was remarkably prescient.
For some reason, however, I went off on a side-jaunt in my rant onto the subject of Hadoop. Hadoop is a framework to work with massive amounts of data with cloud resources. It got going in Google in about 2003 and got pawned-off onto Apache shortly thereafter. There was some hilarity around 2010 when a bunch of recruiters had ads for professionals with five years of Hadoop experience……although the first release of “Hadoop” was April 1, 2006 (and, yes, much of the mockery involved April Fools’ Day).
Commercial applications of Hadoop include: [emph added]
Log or clickstream analysis
Marketing analytics
Machine learning and data mining
Image processing
XML message processing
Web crawling
Archival work for compliance, including of relational and tabular data
[ ]
As can be easily seen from the highlighted items, the primary function of Hadoop was to pierce internet privacy by using cloud processing against massive databases. By the late twenty-teens, however, demand for Hadoop experts had cratered when it failed to be the panacea once sought.
But now, we have demand for AI system experts rising in its place.
As to the idea that “benevolent dictators” can use AI to provide people with what they really want, making informed decisions on every allocation of finite resources, we can refer to the Master — Friedrich Hayek, in his 1974 Nobel Prize lecture, titled “The Pretence of Knowledge” —
“If man is not to do more harm than good in his efforts to improve the social order, he will have to learn that in this, as in all other fields where essential complexity of an organized kind prevails, he cannot acquire the full knowledge which would make mastery of the events possible. He will therefore have to use what knowledge he can achieve, not to shape the results as the craftsman shapes his handiwork, but rather to cultivate a growth by providing the appropriate environment, in the manner in which the gardener does this for his plants.”
And, of course, Andrew Jackson’s 1832 Bank Veto speech —
[ ]
You are on fire today, coothie! One of my faves of PAJ. His statements are as true and applicable now as they were then!
He speaks the good of the American way.
Notice that he and other patriots were fighting the cabal some 50 or so years after formation of our nation.
The battle for what is right and good is ever present and never ending.
Joe Rambo
“Go ahead.. Please. Someone explain to me WTF just happened?! Trump has been “telling” us the whole time.
But, no one believed.
Proof that we had to be shown.
Trump told you he caught them all. [edit: source link]
He told you about the PAUSE. [edit: source link]
He told you we are sort of in my second term right now. [edit: source link]…
Q told us we were being given the gift of vision. [edit: source link]
People had to be shown not told. Trump told us “they are the ones who are REALLY under investigation.” [edit: source link]
Trump told us Joe was shot, and that it’s not him. [edit: source link]
Some of you called me crazy. Well please explain this away.”
This post, and hundreds (thousands?) like it, would be at least a million percent more effective, if they included simple source links to validate each point being made.
Not only would it confirm and verify what the poster is saying, but it would literally lead people to go down the rabbit holes by following the source links, to see documented evidence, and expand public awareness.
Yes, they need to provide sources. Some of those things I remember being said. IMO, it’s the interpretation of them that is so often faulty. So even if sources were provided, it wouldn’t change the fact that the author is projecting his theoretical view onto whatever situation it is.
When someone comes at it from the viewpoint that Trump is really the president, meaning he is actually acting as president (even though that makes no sense and no one can explain how it could be happening), then everything they look at will appear to fit that narrative, in their view.
And there’s no possibility of their accepting that they are mistaken. Even when faced with solid evidence, they will come back again with another one of these so-called “proofs” that are not true in the least.
I have come to believe that there’s a psychological component. Some people take delight, satisfaction–whatever the appropriate noun is–in being the ones who supposedly can see what others can’t. In my experience, they actually manufacture these situations, repeatedly bringing them up, possibly in order to be able to feel their own whatever–self-importance, superior intelligence; I don’t know. But the people who do this don’t seem to realize that it is making them look just the opposite. I have no respect for the reasoning ability of “DR. Kek” or “Joe Rambo,” for example, along with some others.
And my lack of respect for their thought process appears to be a badge of honor to them, “proving” that they can see what I can’t. It’s a vicious cycle. IMO, in this one area, they are as brainwashed as those on the Left.
I’m not arguing that Trump is currently POTUS but just want to point out that there was talk of some sort of contingency plan, with certain Constitutionally sound/loyal military personnel, iirc, about a continuity of government, I think it may have been termed, in the event of a coup. DJT never conceded the 2020 election because he, & we, knows that he won. Is it possible that he is “still” the president “behind the scenes” or “on a war footing” because the fraudministration of Bye-Done & Kommie la la is illegitimate AND unconstitutional & is a front for the Obamanation, Chyna, &/or Iran? I’m not saying that it’s so but it was suggested a number of times, but perhaps by those who work to keep us chasing our tales…
Our tales, and our tails!
The problem with these theories is that they are unconstitutional. There is no “continuity of government” clause that applies if the opposition steals the election and the military steps in, etc. It’s all made up.
I can’t speak for pgroup, but I believe he has stated that once a person is sworn in, that’s IT as far as legality goes. He is the “president.” There are Constitutional means of challenging elections and of impeaching and trying presidents, but there is no provision for a “behind the scenes” president or a “war footing” situation. That is all extra-Constitutional and therefore illegal. It’s not even a possibility for anyone following the Constitution, which Trump does.
It is not something that Q ever promoted, either. Instead, it’s the product of the imaginations of those who have grossly misinterpreted and embellished what Q has said.
It reminds me of the idea that one can recognize counterfeit religion if they know the Bible well enough. It’s similar with the Constitution. If we know it well enough, we will know that the idea of being a “behind the scenes president” is just a pipe dream.
I had forgotten about the theories you mentioned because I don’t see them being promoted anymore. It is obvious to most that they are not true. And every time someone tries to make a situation fit the narrative, it can be proved to be false, as in this case.
“It reminds me of the idea that one can recognize counterfeit religion if they know the Bible well enough.”
You certainly can. The interesting thing is, you don’t even have to know the Bible very well in order to do it.
You can go to any church website, go to their ‘About Us’ or ‘Statement of Faith’ page, and with an online Bible (so you can search easily), spend a little time trying to verify the things they believe.
I did exactly that, almost every day, for about 7 months, before I stumbled across a Christian website that I couldn’t trip up.
My search began in earnest after reading the Bible through one time. I thought it should be fairly easy to find a church that believed and taught what the Bible actually says — how wrong I was!
After several weeks of searching for a church that just taught what the Bible says, and not finding one, it turned into a sort of game, like “What’s wrong with this picture?”
The game was to see how long it would take to spot the error. After having read the Bible one time… and having access to an online Bible.
Pretty soon I was able to spot errors quickly, because a lot of them repeat, and there are a finite number of basic doctrines taught by most churches with English language websites.
Once I spotted an error, I’d cross it off and go to the next website. So it was both a hunt and a game. It looked pretty hopeless after a while, so if it hadn’t turned into a game of “spot the error”, I’m certain I would have stopped looking, long before I tripped over the needle in the haystack.
Which wasn’t actually a needle, because once I found one, I started to find others. Not a lot, but some. They had similar characteristics, e.g., no particular church name was prominently displayed anywhere, they were more like study websites, and almost pathologically provided Scripture references for e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g they taught or believed.
They sourced everything.
And that was very helpful, because I could go to the online Bible and just type in the Scripture references, instead of hunting for key words and scrolling through pages of search results which all contained the same key word(s).
Another thing in common was that some of the subjects that were covered were obviously controversial or ‘politically incorrect’. One could be somewhat confrontational in its approach (the one that Wolf occasionally references,, the others had a somewhat softer approach, but just as firm.
It wasn’t until later that I learned these different websites, the one in Canada mentioned above, one in Illinois (, etc., were managed by members of independent, autonomous congregations, but who were also familiar with (or in fellowship with) the others.
Just like the churches in the first century, written in the Bible. All teaching the same things, the same doctrines and beliefs, because their only source for doctrine and belief is the Scriptures, and nothing else.
“It reminds me of the idea that one can recognize counterfeit religion if they know the Bible well enough.”
The same concept applies to recognizing counterfeit dollars.
If I remember correctly, that is how Treasury and/or Secret Service members are trained, by studying the printed dollar ($20s and $100s, I would imagine), so that anything that deviates from what they know (and are hyper-familiar with) stands out like a sore thumb
“I can’t speak for pgroup, but I believe he has stated that once a person is sworn in, that’s IT as far as legality goes. He is the “president.” There are Constitutional means of challenging elections and of impeaching and trying presidents, but there is no provision for a “behind the scenes” president or a “war footing” situation. That is all extra-Constitutional and therefore illegal.”
Unless they have gone several steps beyond Lincoln’s suspension of habeas corpus, and done so secretly, under some ’emergency powers’ act which they can easily use as a fig-leaf to hide behind, since no one will ever challenge it if the public is not aware of it.
And if we think they wouldn’t do something exactly like that, then maybe we have forgotten who we’re dealing with
Trump would not do that.
Maybe not, but the CRIMs certainly would.
Well thought & well said. Thanks for catching my fortuitous misspelling too
“And there’s no possibility of their accepting that they are mistaken. Even when faced with solid evidence, they will come back again with another one of these so-called “proofs” that are not true in the least.”
Agreed, that’s when it seems to me like we’re dealing with a propaganda agent (on some side), because any regular person would, at some point, be forced to acknowledge their error, or at the very least, drop that particular subject and focus on others that haven’t been successfully challenged (yet).
But the people who just plow ahead, no matter what argument or evidence is presented, practically define a paid influence agent.
Saying the quiet part out loud:
It happens here, quite frequently. I addressed two X posts above. I would not have addressed them if they had not been posted here. It’s not just the actual X posts themselves; it’s that someone keeps bringing them here. Astoundingly to me, people don’t seem to put those two together.
Why do we have a constant drip, drip of these things being presented to us?
To be clear, I am not saying that we have an influence agent who is working for the other side among us. I am saying I believe there is a psychological component.
I had written several more paragraphs but decided not to post them, at least not yet. I will just say this:
Now it’s Trump body doubles, mentioned unnecessarily regarding a situation where it would be impossible for a double to be. I wonder how many people caught that in the open.
“It’s not just the actual X posts themselves; it’s that someone keeps bringing them here. Astoundingly to me, people don’t seem to put those two together.”
I think (or at least suspect) everyone does, but there’s a social dynamic at play. I am guessing you are referring to DP. I think everyone likes DP (me too) and appreciates the time and effort she puts into the daily threads.
So it’s hard to talk about it, without upsetting someone, or potentially multiple someones.
But I also sense your clear frustration, not just with the specific posts themselves, but even worse, that nobody else appears to notice.
I have a lot of empathy about that, because I experience that same thing regularly (not here thankfully, but in the ‘real world’), both among family and elsewhere, about the vaxx, about all the insanity going on in our country over the past nearly 4 years, and it frustrates the daylights out of me. I know they know, they have to, but nobody will talk about it.
It’s like being gaslighted.
I hate that feeling. You deserve to know that you are not alone. We all do
I used to engage (or try to engage) on similar issues as you frequently raise. When it did not appear to be possible to make any headway, I didn’t want to just keep at it and provide an opening for someone to play the “that mean boy won’t leave that poor girl alone” card
Nobody can play that card against you.
“Why do we have a constant drip, drip of these things being presented to us?”
I suspect (based on some past comments) that some of it is just put ‘out there’ to consider, and some of it she truly believes, to a large extent.
“To be clear, I am not saying that we have an influence agent who is working for the other side among us. I am saying I believe there is a psychological component.”
I’m sure there is, but isn’t that going to be true for everyone, like our apparent need to keep pointing it out? That is part of the nature of controversy. Just as it is generally those who are psychologically compelled (for any number of reasons) to engage the discussion, who actually do so.
What that psychological component is for each individual will often be difficult to determine, unless the person chooses to reveal it — if they have even thought about it enough to know themselves, which they may not have.
“Now it’s Trump body doubles, mentioned unnecessarily regarding a situation where it would be impossible for a double to be. I wonder how many people caught that in the open.”
I caught it, but I took that one as having been made in jest
I appreciate your comments. This is not about a need for empathy or about feelings. It’s about observations.
Definitely there is a social dynamic, and it is amazing to watch. I believe it is groupthink.
In this case, the consensus is not political but is about the kind of person someone is held to be.
The only thing I talk about is truth when disinformation is presented. I thought everyone here was interested in the truth.
When it starts to appear that we are being led, or that there are attempts to lead us in a certain direction, that’s a major red flag. And that’s how I take it when things that have been debunked and proved false keep being repeated. I have a low tolerance for being fed BS and for being lied to, as well as for being manipulated.
IMO, no. Pointing out untruths is what we all do here. I think it’s human nature. On this site, it is almost always about the media or the Left lying to us or misrepresenting things. Pointing out untruths that come from our own side should be no different from that, especially if everyone were on the same quest for the truth. That anyone is not is something to consider.
We shall see. There was nothing to indicate it was a jest. No emoji or “LOL,” etc. This is someone who thinks multiple world leaders are now being represented by body doubles.
When I like someone personally–apart from appreciating a job well done–it’s because I experience some or all of this, and more:
• being able to have a dialogue and engage in conversation
• being treated with respect
• having appreciation reciprocated on some level — i.e., having the person occasionally show respect for one’s contributions instead of their being on the receiving end of that 99% of the time
• having mistakes and faults acknowledged and apologized for when appropriate
I also observe and evaluate whether a person behaves in those ways with others. That is, if they mostly accept compliments from others and almost never give them, if they refuse to dialogue, if they are disrespectful and speak about someone in a demeaning way, if they passive-aggressively undermine others, if they have caused people to leave the site,etc. (all of which has happened). When I see others being (mis)treated in those ways, I evaluate what kind of relationship I could have or would desire to have with that person (if any at all).
All of the above describes what I have observed to be normal human interaction my whole life. To see the highly aware, truth-loving, intelligent people on this site in the grip of groupthink, to the extent that they don’t seem to see such behaviors or choose to act as if they don’t exist, is both fascinating and frustrating.
“I have come to believe that there’s a psychological component. Some people take delight, satisfaction–whatever the appropriate noun is–in being the ones who supposedly can see what others can’t.”
If it is a psychological component, then it certainly must be well-known and understood within the field of psychology, and have a name or term of description associated with it.
“In my experience, they actually manufacture these situations, repeatedly bringing them up, possibly in order to be able to feel their own whatever–self-importance, superior intelligence; I don’t know. But the people who do this don’t seem to realize that it is making them look just the opposite. I have no respect for the reasoning ability of “DR. Kek” or “Joe Rambo,” for example, along with some others.”
I don’t know those particular people (outside of things I may have seen posted here), but again I agree, it is a giant red flag.
It is the absolute refusal to ever question oneself or one’s beliefs, under any circumstance, ever, that sets off the air raid sirens
There are many people like that, and I do not understand them, because there are precious few things that anyone can be so sure about in this world.
And if they are so sure of these things, which they cannot prove (and which can often be disproved, as you frequently do), then just imagine how many other things they must be just as wrong about — and just as certain they are correct.
This article is instructive, along with common sense and life experience.
• It’s an opinion piece.
• It’s on MSNBC.
• It’s prompted by the “Fetterman body double” conspiracies.
But the ideas it presents hit home.
At least one of them is here. See my reply above.
Talk about content – whew! Thank you, DePat. Amazing.
Throw this in from Steve that I got his AM. Jabs genocide for money and power program – confirmed. Does not include the contributing negative medical effects that will go on for the lives of the recipients for what time they have left.
from a tweet in DePat’s open
Julie Kelly

Jack Smith just filed his brief appealing Judge Cannon’s dismissal of classified docs case based on unconstitutional appointment of special coiunsel. The brief rehashes DOJ arguments carefully dismantled by Cannon’s order last month. I mean–this is silly talk:
He needs more billable hours.
Grabbing as much as he can NOW before he heads to Europe for the rest of his life.
he can run…but he can’t hide
It goes without saying I’m not a lawyer, but that’s how I interpret the dictionary meanings.
Appoint….to name officially (legal position)
Retain…. to keep in one’s pay or service (hired hitman)
i agree. retain implies previous service continuing in my mind. but when you hire a lawyer, you do “retain” him. so there’s that i guess
I thought the controversy was that they had not gone through the proper procedure for appointing him.
I may have got hold of the wrong end of the stick, not unusual for me.
that was Judge Cannon’s ruling iirc.
Smith is appealing saying he didn’t expressly need to–citing other clauses and msu
Cannon said his appointment was a turd. Smith said it didn’t matter because he picked up the turd by the clean end.
Lawfare creates their own language, to fit their narrative.
The “law” is full of such nonsense, where plain English words don’t mean what they clearly mean outside of the ‘law’, that’s why there are special dictionaries for “law”, like Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition.
I remember, from one of the courses I took, that the word “may” was used for an example, and the course instructor then showed, using lower court and (not)Supreme Court rulings, how “may” can actually mean “must”, and how “must” can actually mean “may”.
It sounds like nonsense, and it is, but there was reasoning for it, and it was important, because the outcome of cases hinged on this kind of thing.
This is a big part of how they keep We the People in subjection to all sorts of schemes, because words in statutes and codes and laws don’t always (and frequently don’t) mean what they appear to mean.
Keep in mind that any argument Jack the Flack makes in D.C. must not contradict arguments he makes in the appeal. And vice versa.
All arguments by prosecutors about the law must be consistent in all cases.
I really hate WordPiss
I was trying to schedule for tomorrow and it published NOW. (It never gave me the calender) So please ignore until Wolfie can fix the mistake.
Oh oh! I jumped the gun!
Me too. I also thought all day that today was the 28th.
So then for you, tomorrow is a do-over, like the movie Groundhog Day
You can say that again.
Verse of the Day for Tuesday, August 27, 2024
“And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.”
John 1:5 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Who is this man, Jesus – God’s Only Son?
Why did He die – what victory was won?
For whom did He suffer – approved above?
For His Beloved – was His Perfect Love!
God so loved the world – He sent His Son;
His Only Begotten Son – the only One;
To ensure our salvation – lost through sin;
To restore His creation – and begin!
The New Covenant – God made with man;
Would enhance the Old that God began;
Through Our Lord – Jesus Christ – we are assured;
Our salvation – by His death – He restored!
Be content with weakness and with distress;
With mistreatment, persecution, and duress;
All for the sake of Jesus Christ, Our Lord;
And His Perfect Love will be your reward!
In marriage, He unites woman and man;
Sanctified by His Perfect Love, they can;
Together as one – fulfill His pure plan;
Expressed in His – New Covenant with man!
For what is a marriage of woman and man?
Without God’s blessing – before it began?
It is worthless and meritless – you see?
Without His Perfect Love – it cannot be!
Single gents and gals – are not lost in the heap;
For what you sow – in the single – you will reap;
The widows and orphans are special, too;
His Perfect Love – is provided for you!
What has a man, woman, and/or a child?
Without His Perfect Love – they are beguiled;
Without repentance – they will never be free;
Separated from God – damned eternally!
Open your heart and accept Jesus today;
Know in your heart – He is the only way;
Repent of your sins – and name them outright;
And His Perfect Love will be yours tonight!
D01: 08/02/2013
Thank You Duchess!
Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing
#psalm91 #psalms #prayer
Pray Everyday
Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.
#faith #god #psalms
Pray Everyday

This what happens when a male child is molested as a teenager. He achieves adulthood believing he’s the center of the universe.
Mind blowing. An entire country at the mercy(!) of a megalomaniac. .
“Mind blowing. An entire country at the mercy(!) of a megalomaniac. .”
yeah… just imagine…
The NPF strikes back! “We will Impeach You!”
the french have balls???
We know they have yellow vests.
Once upon a time they had the guillotine. Not 100% sure they remember why. Maybe some.
LIVE WITH JULIE – 08/26/2024
Psalm 32:7
Psalm 27:6
Nehemiah 8:10
Psalm 23:1-6
2 Corinthians 5:7
2 Chronicles 20:2-12, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24
Romans 8:31
Psalm 22:28
Psalm 18:48
Joshua 2:9-11
Hebrews 3:8
Deuteronomy 7:8-9
Acts 10:34
Romans 2:11
Galatians 6:7
Isaiah 54:17
John 17:13-17
God is El Elyon- The Most High God, and the One that you go to in times of trouble.
God shields, guides and directs your path in what you need to do and what you need to say to receive your victory.
Your enemy wants to hold you captive in your five physical senses, so you need to have a firm focused foundation on the Father.
Things are not how they appear to be, so you need to stay focused on what God is saying and what He is doing.
God is not limited or restricted to man’s timeframe.
The enemy always brings in intimidation, hoping you will give into the defeat that is not yours but is actually his defeat.
FEAR: false evidence appearing real.
You cannot fight this fight on your own. It has to be with the power of Almighty God.
WAR: Worship and Resist then the Wicked Are Restricted.
God rules over all the nations.
God’s Word is the key and solution to every problem you’re facing.
Obey God, listen to Him, and believe and trust in Him for your victory.
Renew your mind with the Word of God.
What you are about to see happen in this nation is unprecedented and unusual.
The winds of change are here.
Do not fear and know that God Almighty is with you.
[Word heard – 24 August 2024]
Woe to those who think they are controlling this nation and controlling these elections in this country. Your manipulation and deceptive ways will not get your desired outcome this time. Much chaos and division will consume your camp like never before. Like a swarm of bees you can’t get away from, you can’t hide yourself from this coming swarm and this political storm that is headed your way.
This replacement puppet will misfire and go off script when you least expect it and these words that will proceed from her mouth will do catastrophic damage to your election and your plans moving this nation in the direction you wanted it to go. This puppet will not work for the end result you so desired. You had no choice for the time being, so you went with her and soon this decision you will regret even more than you do now. Your plans are backfiring on you. As I speak these words, no matter the plan moving forward, you lose your power and you will lose this nation.
Kamala you think you are safe from a coup against you and you are not. You will end up with the same fate as the Biden: Betrayed and Discarded. In the short time before this upcoming election, many things will come at you. Even your own party will not stop or try to prop you up enough to see you through it. You have hidden secrets you never wanted anyone to know about besides the ones that already hold you captive over it. Those skeletons are about to be released by your own party. You’re about to take a hit, you will not be able to withstand the ramifications that will take place. Remember what you have sown with the Biden. That will happen to you. What you partook in against Trump, that same thing will happen to you. Do not get comfortable with your party’s support and in the news media on your side. This will also be short-lived.
LIVE WITH JULIE – 08/27/2024
Psalm 118:24
2 Corinthians 2:14
1 John 4:4
2 Corinthians 5:7
John 10:10
Isaiah 49:24-26
2 Chronicles 20 (Entire chapter)
Exodus 23:22
Deuteronomy 20:1, 3-4
Deuteronomy 28:7
Psalm 110:1
Ephesians 1:20-23
Matthew 12:25
John 8:32
Hebrews 2:14
Luke 10:19
Isaiah 54:17
Deuteronomy 28:13
Victory is in you because God is in you.
God is on your side and defending your cause.
Keep a firm focused foundation on the Father.
Your enemies are desperate and they are beginning to turn on each other.
Stay focused on God, praise and worship, and look to Him for all answers and instruction.
Delayed obedience is still disobedience.
Vengeance is the Lord’s.
Man is not the solution to any problem. God is the only solution.
God needs you to keep standing, praying, and fighting.
Only God will be given the glory. This is God’s show, His timing and His will.
God goes with you to fight against your enemies and will save you.
Satan has already been defeated, disarmed, and brought to nothing. His is under your feet and is your footstool.
Footstool: a lowly position. a low support on which a person who is sitting can place their feet.
Do not panic, fear, or give up your victory that is already guaranteed because God is in you.
God is with you and He is your victory.
Your enemies will not get the desired outcome they want. Keep standing and fighting.
No matter what’s going on and what your enemies try to do, remind yourself that the battle is the Lord’s and victory is in you. Your enemies are your footstool.
WAR: Worship And Resist then the Wicked Are Restricted
[Word heard – 24 August 2024]
My children, the United States has been under attack. It’s been under hostile takeover from an unruly and rogue govt and a machine designed to tear apart everything in this nation that made it strong, that made it united, that made it healthy, and that made it wealthy, to take any joy of living here away. They designed this nation and the people paid to run it, to kill the soul of this nation along with the world it was designed to help. This nation has a calling on it and a purpose, to give the world the Gospel and the Good News of Christ, and the Devil is doing everything in its power to shut it down, to further this world into a darkness it will never get out of. He knows this nation is a beacon of hope and truth to the nations and he’s doing everything he can to put out that light and destroy any hope that’s left of this nation and its freedom.
This is a war to save this nation. It is a time where you can’t quit because you would give your enemies something that doesn’t belong to them and it belongs to you, and that’s your victory. I never said getting back this nation wouldn’t take strength and fight with perseverance you didn’t even know you had. You will outlast your enemies, my children, no matter what it looks like now.
Great Britain couldn’t take down My nation during the American Revolutionary war, no matter how big or how many weapons they had. My children, it’s the same thing now. This is the same fight, just with different opponents. It’s a machine and a world-wide or global resistance by the elites to end this nation but they don’t have the power or the strength to do it, so don’t hand it over to them because of what it looks like now. You are about to see the greatest upset in this nation’s history.
UPDATE: French President Macron Says Arrest of Telegram CEO is Not Political (Yes, it is)
(That title IS a link. Right click and open in a new tab.)
SD says:
Allow me to augment that last statement:
What the government fears most is unregulated information that is averse to their interests THAT THEY CANNOT READ BECAUSE THE PLATFORM WHERE THE INFORMATION IS HAS TIGHT SECURITY MEASURES.
It’s not that they object to the material being shared…it’s that they can’t get to it to find out what the other side is up to. If they really objected to the information being shared, they would go after the individual posters not the platform owners and operators.
AND Logic, for the win.
Governments damn sure object to individuals NOT following the approved narrative.
FB admitting they censor individuals.
HLS, DOJ, FIB, CDC, FDA, NIH and other Jack Boot Fed agencies targeting conservatives, Christians, Whites, parents…
YES, of course, governments prefer to shutdown platforms, sharing wrong think.
Cynical Publius@CynicalPublius
The current Presidential election campaign has made it abundantly clear that America’s political parties have undergone a transformational realignment. Our political dialogue is no longer Donkey vs. Elephant, it is something new, never before seen and utterly novel. Described below is the party political divide in 2024. I’ll let you decide which is which:
One party believes:
-The government should decide how its citizens live, down to the tiniest detail.
-Globalism first.
-The economy exists to fund the government.
-Useless, endless wars are desirable if they serve a political purpose. The “troops” are mere political pawns.
-Democracy does not matter, you will vote for who we tell you to vote for.
-Free speech is disinformation.
-Dissent must be criminalized.
-Competence and policies do not matter in politicians, only looks and style matter.
-The press is an organ of the government.
-The Constitution is malleable and should be modified to serve the whims of the moment.
-Perversion is normality.
-Europe has it right.
-Truth is subjective.
-Citizens are stupid.
The other party believes:
-Citizens decide for themselves how citizens will live, down to the tiniest detail.
-America first.
-The economy exists to enrich the citizens.
-Wars should never be fought except as a matter of national survival. The troops are sacred and must always be well-funded, well-equipped and well-trained.
-Representative democracy must be ensured via ironclad voting laws.
-Free speech is the fundamental component of civilization.
-Dissent with respect to government wrongdoing is the highest form of patriotism.
-Competence and policies matter most of all, and even though we don’t care about looks our candidates are the ones with style and panache.
-The press should be the constant challenger of the government—no matter who is in charge.
-The Constitution is the least imperfect governing document ever devised by mankind, and therefore must be treated as a sacred trust.
-Perversion is perverse.
-Europe has it all wrong, and is yet again descending into fascism.
-Truth is objective.
-Citizens are wise.
I’m pretty sure we can all tell which party is which.
If you forced me to give fully accurate names for these two new parties, I would label them as follows:
1. The Government Party. The party symbol is a cartoon depiction of a blood-sucking leech. (That thing that crawled into Chekov’s ear in Star Trek II-The Wrath of Khan would also work.)
2. The Citizens’ Party. The party symbol is a bald eagle flying high and free.
h/t – Charlotte99@CTH
“Never before seen” In American history, true enough. Standard fare for countries ruled by Kings and nobility. They want to drag us back to all that and it’s the primary reason Egyptologists hide the fact that Unas flooded the Nile and pulled up the Papyrus as it creates a huge blemish to the “Divine Right of Kings to Rule” as declared in the myth of “The Destruction of Mankind” also known as “The Book of the Heavenly Cow”, nearly 900 years after Unas did what he did. Kings the world over from Persia, Greece, Rome and all the Europeans, most notably the British, have stood in awe of Egypt’s achievements and want the very same and are under the impression even to this day that, that kind of splendor can only be achieved when they rule with an iron fist.
That is not Baphomet on Lady Philippine Rothchild’s neck. It’s Khnum and she chooses the pharos.
Just stumbled upon this.
Had to put the above to use. Won’t get seen though under 255 comments.
Oh and of course she didn’t mind people associating Baphomet with Satanism. The Rothchild’s loved that sort of thing.
Khnum | Ram-Headed, Creator, Nile River | Britannica
Your right, god, not goddess, maybe the fertility thing got me as rams went over my head. Doubly doubly bad up north in the Delta region where he is known as Banebdjedet and has four heads.
That part of the myth stems from a draught where the king sent investigators to determine why the Nile was not flowing properly and was near draught stage and they came back and blamed Hapi the god of the flood, who lived in the underwater caverns near the Elephantine just before the 1st cataract and modern day Aswan, who was not being properly appeased in which case the king invoked Khnum to regulate Hapi.
In all likelihood the King knew damn well that the underwater caverns were not what produced the flood and the likely source were the Nubians further south in Kush damning up the river on their end where the King had no sway as it was far too distant (400 miles straight line distance but likely closer to 500 miles following the river to the Elephantine add at least double or triple that to where Kushites might of produced a dam on the Nile or either of it’s two major tributaries). But it makes for a convent story for his subjects no doubt as none would be able to travel that far south to investigate such themselves. One that Egyptologists are expecting us to believe (that the ancient Egyptians did not know the source of the Nile. BS.)
That story comes in conjunction with Pepi II being gifted a dancing pigmy when he was a boy, brought back on that investigative journey which would date it near the middle of the 6th Dynasty circa 2212 BC. To put it in context Troy fell to the Greeks in 1140 BC.
The Donkey and the Elephant are in a secret
lovedepraved debauchery tryst, which they hide from the public.The parties haven’t changed at all, the elephant doesn’t represent anyone besides itself, they’re all-in for the Never-Trump DeepState.
Besides MAYBE 10% of professional Republi-cons, all the rest will do everything they can to help the rancid Left defeat DJT.
It is only DJT that is different.
The People, with many different views, are beginning to recognize that DJT is different, and that the insane Left is insanely dangerous.
Nobody, on any side, ought to trust the Republi-con party of corruption and pathetic weakness.
h/t Filly
EXCERPT: “The Minnesota State Fair is in full swing this week, with attendees seen lining up outside a popular anti-Tim Walz booth to win “Never Walz” prizes after the Gopher State governor ascended to the second spot on the 2024 Democratic presidential ticket.
“Never Walz,” reads a massive sign on a booth at the state fair, which has attracted long lines of people waiting to receive “Never Walz” fans and T-shirts, Fox News Digital has learned.
The booth was set up by conservative nonprofit Action 4 Liberty MN, which allows attendees of the nation’s second-largest state fair to spin a wheel to win “Never Walz” signage and apparel.
“Our amazing supporters spin the wheel for a chance at a free T-shirt and a ‘Never Walz’ fan. We’re a nonprofit organization that promotes liberty by exposing the RINOs and Leftists when they betray liberty, and we work to mobilize our grassroots army of supporters and train them on how to wield their individual political power as effectively as possible,” Action 4 Liberty leader and former Republican Minnesota state Rep. Erik Mortensen told Fox News Digital on Tuesday.
The Minnesota State Fair, which kicked off on Saturday and will run through Labor Day weekend, is anticipated to attract 2 million visitors. The “Never Walz” booth is a hot attraction on the fairgrounds, with Mortensen saying that even though they aren’t selling famed fair food, “our lines have been longer than most of the food booths.
Power of the Purse, fails again.
Republi-cons fail again.
It’s the only thing they ever do.
let’s dance!
Just heard that my DIL has COVID again — I think this is the third time. Texted my son that I’m sorry to hear about this. Then added the following:
for DIL:
Zinc: 50mg per day for 5 days during the infection, then 20mg – 30mg daily afterwards.
Vitamin D: 4000IU per daily for 5 days during the infection, then 2000IU daily afterwards.
1 – 2 cups green tea per day for 5 days during the infection, then 1 cup daily afterwards.
for son: the “daily afterwards” of the above since (at least for now) he doesn’t have COVID.
Can’t do more than that. Since they’re both MDs, they “follow the science.”
Doubt my information will be acted upon — Yours Truly isn’t an MD or a PhD.
Hope she gets better, son doesn’t catch Covid and they WTFU.
Don’t know about WTFU. They have well-paying jobs and board certifications.
Texted my son links to scientific papers on how Zinc helps the lungs; how Vitamin D and Green Tea help the immune system.
Same as you keep trying. Some unknown circumstance in the future, may jolt them to reality.
Maybe a crack in the wall — just got a text from son — he’s taking Zinc. Texted back, said Great, add the Vitamin D and the Green Tea.
Great news.
He’ll come around. Prolly has more that he is letting on.
He absolutely CAN NOT admit Mom knows best after he got that degree.
Mom always knows best.
That’s a victory !
Happy to hear that. The SCIENTIFIC papers would be a big help.
Here is another one:
Immune-boosting role of vitamins D, C, E, zinc, selenium and omega-3 fatty acids: Could they help against COVID-19?
Yuuuge! PTL
“Yours Truly isn’t an MD or a PhD”
And yet, so much more wise, educated, and practical than almost all of them.
“Yours Truly isn’t an MD or a PhD.”
Good thing.
Because if you were indoctrinated and marinated as an MD or PhD, your mind would likely be just as closed as theirs are.
Are we sure that’s satire?
Article 13 of the new “laws” by the Taliban in Afghanistan:
Prohibit females from talking, singing, reciting, or speaking in public.
Prohibit females from making any sound that travels “outside the home.”
Prohibit females from being outside the home without a male escort (either a husband or a blood relative.)
Prohibit females from going to school beyond the age of 12 years.
Prohibit females from having a job in almost all areas.
Limit females from being outside the home unless performing tasks essential to the home, such as food shopping.
Reinforce the Muslim laws on unmarried females as being the “property” of the males in the family.
The implementation of these “laws” means that females in Afghanistan, by and large, will be denied medical care, since only female physicians are “permitted” to treat females. In addition, it means that females will be denied access to dental care, eye exams, and other health services, unless they are lucky enough to find a female practitioner. It means that all females are the “property” of males — from birth to death; and that the males are free to “dispose” of the females — in arranged marriages (including child marriages); take from the females any assets they bring to marriage — even to the point of forcing widowed mothers into an arranged new marriage. Even to the point of having “wayward” females who “do not mend their ways” punished in public (whipping or caning), or put to death. A screenshot from the article is below:
And, by the way — THIS is what, IMO, would be the fate of women in the United States if the Muslims who “immigrate” here have their way. In Islam, there IS NO ALTERNATIVE to complete submission to Allah and to his modern-day Imams. There is ONLY conversion to Islam, or pay the Jizya tax (and promise to convert to Islam), or death. (This is why, IMO, Rep. Ilhan ELMI Omar wears a Muslim headscarf — it is a sign of her submission to Islam.)
yup! I wanna see Moochelle or Oprah or Whoopi go there and make some noise for women. ain’t gonna happen
Confront Hoe, AOC, Squad dirtbags, to speak up, loudly.
I’d like to see them Go there, take a little junket to Afghanistan…good will and all..Moochell’s husband loves the call to prayer. She can recount the beauty of it all to him
There are few things Leftists love more than complete and total hypocrisy
Have said many times, likely not here QTree.
Females in Afghanistan, other oppressive muzzie shit holes, should be armed with 9MM pistol AND unlimited ammunition.
Even up the odds.
Well, we might get to see how that works out here yet as it seems to becoming more of a thing than must of might have ever expected…
But don’t worry as I recall a Bill O’Reilly show with him guaranteeing his listening audience that it would never happen here.
Halloween comes early in Utah.
At 0:02, there are the MALE GUARDIANS at the beginning of the group.
At 0:03-04, there is a FEMALE CHILD in full Islamic dress, walking beside a MALE child.
At 0:17, there is what sounds like Islamic verses and/or an Imam preaching being played on some type of broadcasting device.
The females are all wearing black (children and adults.)
The males are also wearing black (almost all the children and all the adults.)
The only thing missing is the females wearing the full-length burqa that also covers the entire face, leaving only a mesh area around the nose and eyes that lets in air (as in Afghanistan.)
Burial shrouds
Do they have them to fit their “ewes”? took me a minute but I finally got it..
Is that you, Gail?
“Females in Afghanistan, other oppressive muzzie shit holes, should be armed with 9MM pistol AND unlimited ammunition.
Even up the odds.”
But they can’t do that, and still remain muzzies.
So once again, as always, the root of the problem is always islam.
This makes me wonder whether we ought to hold islamic supporters to their own belief systems.
Opposing people often just causes them to dig in their heels, and the issue at controversy becomes rather moot.
But if we agree with them, and then hold them to their own claimed beliefs, they’re stuck
Saul Alinsky’s 12 Rules for Radicals
Alinsky RULE 4: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules. (This is a serious rule. The besieged entity’s very credibility and reputation is at stake, because if activists catch it lying or not living up to its commitments, they can continue to chip away at the damage.)
Particularly young Leftists in America who violently support the islamic paradise of Palestine.
Say that you agree that women should be prohibited from talking, singing, reciting, or speaking in public, and all the other glories of islam.
You agree that women should be prohibited from making any sound that travels “outside the home.”
You agree that women should be prohibited from being outside the home without a male escort (either a husband or a blood relative.)
You agree that women should be prohibited from going to school beyond the age of 12 years.
You agree that women should be prohibited from having a job in almost all areas.
You agree that women should be prohibited from being outside the home unless performing tasks essential to the home, such as food shopping.
You agree that unmarried females are the “property” of the males in the family.
You agree with all the rules and laws and codes of islam toward women.
Put them in the position of agreeing with those rules and laws and codes of islam (which they will never do), or put them in a position where they must oppose what they claim to support
It wasn’t just yucky Zuckerberg – they were all in on it….
President Barack Obama joins a toast with Technology Business Leaders at a dinner in Woodside, California, Feb. 17, 2011. Apple CEO Steve Jobs is sitting to Obama’s left with his back to the camera and Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg is sitting to the right of Obama.(Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)
Daniel Davis-FORUM on Trump Assassination Attempt: Getting to the Bottom of it
Only started watching so can’t comment.
Mr Prince came up with something I’d never thought of or seen discussed. He didn’t think there could be a second shooter because when PDJT stood up and waved his fist the shooter would have tried again.
That’s perfectly logical but assumes that after missing on the first attempt and after Crooks solitary fusillade he wasn’t already well advanced in making an exit.
1 I’m still with Crook’s is a patsy – useful idjit.
I like it. Makes sense to me.
EXACTLY! Once Patsy Crooks/Yearicks was dead, it was time to make a fast exit.
These assassinations are ALWAYS set up as ‘lone Shooters’ and almost never are.
Also Trump was surrounded by SS by then and was facing the crowd not the roof. I don’t think a shot was possible at that point unless the shooter was going to shoot through all those bodies. Also he may not of had the view to see Trump up with his fist in the air.
It would be ok if the shooter got Trump and some of his ultra-MAGA followers, but taking out any SS would have the co-conspirators in the SS responsible for harm to their coworkers.
It is confirmation that there were two shooters. The pro and the patsy. The pro would be under orders to not hit SS or other government agency agents.
If so, it might also mean that of course the patsy was predetermined to be a fatality. Once that happened and LEOs were swarming the area, the mission had to be aborted. The pro either had to blend back in or escape via a planned safe exit
Exactly my thoughts.
Patsy had to be terminated.
Dead man can’t talk. Feds will fill in his narrative.
And by that time, DJT was no longer a reasonably stationary target, giving a speech.
To my knowledge they have not released the trajectories of the rounds. Watch for this because the patriot experts will be able to confirm or deny them. If they are never revealed, we have our answer.
There are many more….
9-11-01, moon landing, etc.
Memes on that one are great. Here are three.
Love it!
“Comrade Kamala Harris”…
Evening Prayer For Forgiveness
Heavenly Father, thank You for bringing me through this day and Lord, forgive me for the times when I have wandered outside Your best will for me, instead of trusting You implicitly.
Thank You, that You are such a gracious Shepherd to me and that You come and rescue me even when I lose my way and stray from the path that You have laid out for me.
As I look back over today, I know Lord that there were things that I should have said and done differently, and times when I reacted in a manner that was not honouring Your holy name. Forgive me I pray, but thank You, Father, that You always faithfully prepared to gently bring me back to Yourself.
Give me a good night’s sleep I pray, knowing that there is no condemnation because I am in Christ, and may I wake up in the morning refreshed and ready to do Your will. In Jesus’ name I pray,
Evening Prayer For Future Guidance
Heavenly Father, as I lie down to sleep tonight, I pray that You would guard my sleeping and protect my mind from wandering thoughts and unnecessary planning. Teach me to wait for Your perfect timing and not to try to plan my future in my own strength.
Lord, I know that You have scheduled every day of my life. Help me to trust You in all things and rely on You to lead me along the straight path and guide me in the direction that You would have me to go.
Give me patience to wait for Your perfect timing, and may I not trust in my own abilities and scheming, but rather rest in Your love and trust my future into Your hands.
And so now Lord, I commit this night to you, asking that I would rest soundly and wake refreshed and strong to do Your bidding. This I ask in Jesus’ precious name,
Prayer Of Thanksgiving In The Evening
Praise Your holy name Heavenly Father, for granting yet another day in my life and for being with me every step of the way. Thank You for the many blessings that You have provided and the love and fellowship that I have with the friends and family that in Your grace You have placed in my life.
My heart is so thankful for all the many blessings that I enjoy day by day, and today I am once again reminded that Your mercies are new every morning and Your faithfulness endures from generation to generation.
Thank You, that I have been brought into Your family and have been made a child of God and a citizen of heaven. Words cannot express my love and devotion to You Lord
I pray that You would watch over me as I rest tonight, and that You would give me a restful nights sleep so that I may wake up in the morning refreshed in body and spirit and ready to do Your will. Guard all those that I love and may we all grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ in the days that lie ahead. This I ask in His precious name,
Judge Nap three interviews 1hr 15 mins.
Just when I thought Jack The Hack Smith’s fifteen minutes of fame had expired…
BREAKING: Jack Smith Indicts Trump AGAIN in DC Following SCOTUS Presidential Immunity Ruling
Were way past the harassment/interference stage. Where freak is the crook? Time to yank this goon off the stage.
Yes. Past time. Problem is, >>> criminals are running DOJ. <<<
It’s only fair..the assassination failed so back to corrupt lawfare..
For the record, our little beachbilly group are everyday peaceable people but he and the other corruptocrats up the chain would be surprised at the ideas that come to discussion.
The institutions support the lawfare and the dark plots but at the end of the day it’s human beings that create and implement the ways to take Trump and us down.
This is why they used Crazy Jack. He’s deranged.
We can hope that he gets sanctioned for this.
Pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall!
Cornell Law:
18 U.S. Code § 595 – Interference by administrative employees of Federal, State, or Territorial Governments
And for Michigan’s DemonRat Secretary of State, Jocelyn Benson…
52 U.S. Code § 20511 – Criminal penalties
Don’t know if the technicalities are correct but I saw in the replys to a tweet that he did this to get it in before 60 days. Is there some kind of period before an election when bringing charges are not allowed ?
I am not sure, but I think it is a ‘tradition’ and not a law.
Once Trump was confirmed as the Reboob nominee, I think Smith might have a bit of a problem. ESPECIALLY since we now have ‘election SEASON’ instead of an election day in Nov. Minnesota, Virginia & South Dakota for example have early voting starting 9/20/2024 so his move had to be made right after the Assassination Attempt…. Kinda makes you go HMMMmmmm.
I am not seeing anything at Cornell Law:
Election Law: An Overview
Please note I am NOT a lawyer. The only law course I took was employment law.
That’s DoJ policy, not a law.
Well, the line was set to four years for Democrat candidates, and two weeks for Republican candidates.
Caught on Camera: DOJ Attorney Who Defended FDA in Court Admits Agency’s Anti-Ivermectin Campaign was a ‘Mistake’ and an ‘Abuse of Authority’
BREAKING: DOJ Lawyer ADMITS FDA War Against Ivermect*n was a Mistake, Abuse of Authority, After Doctors Sue Government and Win
“So, what the FDA has done… [is] unquestionably beyond its authority.”
“Making a recommendation of what drugs to take or not to take, that’s the practice of medicine. And FDA can’t practice medicine.”
The FDA’s “horse medicine” tweets caused a deadly chain reaction – meet the Doctors (@MdBreathe, @RobertApter1) who were victorious against @US_FDA @HHSGov
tyranny. #FDATweets
So when do the lawsuits begin, and the people who were behind the misinformation going to be held accountable?
AND how about the Doctors who lost their licenses to practice. Are the re-instated with a MAJOR APOLOGY AND COMPENSATION FOR LOST WAGES?
Project Veritas is trying hard to compete with O’Keefe Media Group.
By expelling James, they have actually benefitted society albeit accidently. Now there’s two teams sneaking around with hidden cameras.
Tomorrow’s daily by Gail accidentally published early. Gail asked me to hide tomorrow’s daily until it’s actually supposed to publish (which should be 12:01 AM tomorrow). So I’m going to reschedule it in a few minutes.
That daily is not being pulled because of controversy – I have my own opinions on some of the topics, so I welcome the free speech that lets me respond.
But as a daily, we strive for consistency (midnight of the start of the day) for the benefit of our posters who wish to comment at specific times in the life-cycle of the post.
Thanks! This comment is posted on tomorrow’s daily, too.
PS – to reschedule an accidental release, just edit it in WordPress and change the date. It will go to a scheduling prompt, etc. You can have an article hidden back in scheduling world in seconds.
Sorry for the mix-up guys.
And Yes, I KNOW this is a controversial topic, however I think we should look at it.
Douglas Macgregor retweeted
True the Vote
ALERT! Dominion is allegedly using Huawei as their cloud provider, and if this is the case, it’s worth noting the Federal Govt has BANNED the use of working with Huawei. At a minimum, states should be demanding answers and full cloud access. Americans must speak out, demand transparency and accountability NOW. We are where we are because we trusted untrustworthy people. Never again
Good grief.
“America is facing its RECKONING and no one is ready” Col. Douglas MacGregor | Redacted News”
A spox for Michigan’s Democrat Secretary of State, Jocelyn Benson, told Axios that RFK Jr. cannot withdraw his name from the ballot.
“Minor party candidates cannot withdraw, so his name will remain on the ballot in the November election,” said Jocelyn Benson’s office.
Jocelyn Benson however fought to keep far-left candidate Cornel West off the Michigan ballot.
That lady is a criminal. She needs to be in JAIL.
We’re gonna be needing a different despot to attach our fascists to…Obamesque maybe. Our own homegrown tyrants are getting close to Stalin’s early days
Daniel Davis interview.
Larry Johnson – Lavrov: “West Playing w/ (Nuclear) Fire over Kursk”
Hope governments freezing contracts with France is contagious.
Past time to leave California AND D-Rat shit holes.
It would be too bad if the store mysteriously went up in flames, hopefully insured, relocate.
My comment was not my typical smart ass, flippant, slap the idiocy of California just cuz CA is a shit hole, itself.
Well, it was the above, AND MORE THIS TIME.
The guy, IMO, rightfully brandished a weapon. He is still SCREWED.
Local thugs will be targeting him personally AND the store, itself. Other employees as well.
Local DAs AND AG WILL be looking at him closely.
However one wants to slice it, this citizen Is Screwed.
Past time he moved, out of CA.
ALL of this ^^^ exactly
Megyn Kelly pisses me off sometimes, but dang can she be funny!
I wonder if he’ll wear a little vest and a collar.
Maybe he’ll sport the new Kamala kamo hat….you know they’re takin’ back the manly man camo look . They be snatchin’ it back from MAGA…whatever LOSERS
Just for fun I looked up my Nitter site, banned on twitter for 3 1/2 years now though my account still’s there, & this is the first tweet that I found scrolling back that I generated.
Saw this one by Wolf that I can’t answer there unless I censor myself…
This is my pinned tweet w/ lots of research tools, found at the Q-Tree of course