Dear MAGA: 20240828 history of Khazaria & Open Topic

This is going to be part of a series concerning a contentious subject.

One of the arguments advanced to engage the emotions of Christians is that Israel is the Jewish homeland therefore Jews, from all over the world have a RIGHT to create a nation state on that land.

A John’s Hopkins University Jewish scientist’s study showed less than 3% of Israel’s Jews are descended from King David, whereby more than 80% of Palestinians are. — OOPS!


John’s Hopkins University Jewish scientist’s study that showed less than 3% of Israel’s Jews are descended from King David

…Dr. Eran Elhaik, geneticist researcher at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, found that today’s “Jews” originated from Khazaria and not Israel. They are not the seed of Abraham.
The newest DNA science finding is from Dr. Eran Elhaik (“a Jew”) and associates at the McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. In research accepted December 5, 2012 and published by the Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution, it was found that the “Khazarian Hypothesis” is scientifically correct.
Entire Article

The Study: The Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry: Contrasting the Rhineland and the Khazarian Hypotheses – Eran Elhaik

Science Daily: New study sheds light on the origin of the European Jewish population

Related articles:

DNA Study: Ashkenazi ‘Jews’ Not Semitic, but Turkish Origin

The ‘Jewish Nose’ is Not Semitic – Originates from Eurasian Khazarians who converted to Judaism in the 8th century

Of course this does not suit the story line of the Cabal so it has been refuted and the paper scrubbed.

This seems to be an archived version of the paper:  The Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry: Contrasting the Rhineland and the Khazarian Hypotheses


The question of Jewish ancestry has been the subject of controversy for over two centuries and has yet to be resolved. The “Rhineland hypothesis” depicts Eastern European Jews as a “population isolate” that emerged from a small group of German Jews who migrated eastward and expanded rapidly. Alternatively, the “Khazarian hypothesis” suggests that Eastern European Jews descended from the Khazars,an amalgam of Turkic clans that settled the Caucasus in the early centuries CE and converted to Judaism in the 8th century. Mesopotamian and Greco–Roman Jews continuously reinforced the Judaized empire until the 13th century. Following the collapse of their empire, the Judeo–Khazars fled to Eastern Europe. The rise of European Jewry is therefore explained by the contribution of the Judeo–Khazars. Thus far, however, the Khazars’ contribution has been estimated only empirically, as the absence of genome-wide data from Caucasus populations precluded testing the Khazarian hypothesis. Recent sequencing of modern Caucasus populations prompted us to revisit the Khazarian hypothesis and compare it with the Rhineland hypothesis. We applied a wide range of population genetic analyses to compare these two hypotheses. Our findings support the Khazarian hypothesis and portray the European Jewish genome as a mosaic of Near Eastern-Caucasus, European, and Semitic ancestries, thereby consolidating previous contradictory reports of Jewish ancestry. We further describe a major difference among Caucasus populations explained by the early presence of Judeans in the Southern and Central Caucasus. Our results have important implications for the demographic forces that shaped the genetic diversity in the Caucasus and for medical studies….

The Apricity Forum: A European Cultural Community  Discusses the paper and tries to trash it.

However there is another paper supporting the ‘Khazarian hypothesis.’

Counting the Founders: The Matrilineal Genetic Ancestry of the Jewish Diaspora

This gives the information that 5 million Jews are non-Ashkenazi meaning 8 million are Ashkenazi “…whose recent ancestry over the past millennium traces to Central and Eastern Europe….”

Contemporary Jews, whose number is estimated at 13 million[1], can be divided to Ashkenazi and non-Ashkenazi, which are each in turn comprised of numerous different constituent communities.

Ashkenazi refers to Jews whose recent ancestry over the past millennium traces to Central and Eastern Europe. The geographically much more widespread non-Ashkenazi Jewish communities are also culturally more diverse, and are comprised of the Jewish communities that have continuously resided in the Near and Middle East and in North Africa and in different geographic locations to which Jews fled or to which they were deported including the Iberian expulsion in 1492–1495. These communities also share similar religious rituals, probably due to their presumed common historical origin from the descendants of the much earlier Babylonian exile. As a result of common ritual practices, they are sometimes collectively referred to as the Sephardic (Spanish) or Mizrahi (Eastern) Jews. However, the term Sephardic might better be reserved to designate those Jewish communities that emanated directly following the Iberian expulsion. Moreover, neither the term Sephardic nor Mizrahi takes fully into account some additional Jewish communities such as the Italian and Yemenite. Therefore, the term non-Ashkenazi Jews, cumbersome as it is, encompasses here all non-Ashkenazi communities, currently estimated to comprise about 5 million individuals[1]. While the genetic ancestry of the Ashkenazi has been investigated recently in some depth in terms of both male and female lineages, by means of the male-specific portion of the Y chromosome and the mt-DNA respectively [2–5], the comparative data currently available on the non-Ashkenazi Jews is scant [6,7].These studies suggested geographically independent founding of the different Jewish communities. It is now possible to address the question of the matrilineal origin of these communities using phylogenetic resolution at maximum depth, and also to extend phylogeographic comparisons with a much wider range of reference populations…


So whether a portion of these 8 million are “ Khazarian” or not, genetically they are European.


Now that I have successfully stirred up that wasp nest, on to more history.

The Khazarians are quite controversial.

Clif High has done a video on “The Khazarian Mafia (aka the Name Stealers) [FAKE Jews]” LINK

At 12 minutes Clif says in China there are persistent historical expressions… for example those found in the book ‘Journey to the West.’ In the book there is a story/expression that “you had to watch out for the NAME STEALERS”. This SAME expression is also found in Europe. It was written down in 800 AD It is in the Codex Orea Linda [The Codex Oera Linda is a medieval manuscript written in Old Frisian – a Germanic language] and the Name Stealers are described as being to the East. According to the Chinese Legend if you go far enough West, you run into a people who will invite you in, feed you, give you the best bed AND THEN KILL YOU. They would get you drunk and were KNOWN to use DRUGS (aka Black Majick), to get you to talk about yourself so they could steal not only your possessions BUT YOUR NAME. They would use this information to MAKE deals IN YOUR NAME but never carry it thru.

An alternate source: The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia (Veterans Today 2015/03/08/)

by Preston James Ph.D. – Social Psychologist with Doctorate from Major Midwest Big Ten University. Retired after serving the community for over 36 years during which time there were numerous contacts with those associated with Intel and Law Enforcement.

Editor’s Note: The history of the Khazarians, specifically the Khazarian Mafia (KM), the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate that the Khazarian oligarchy morphed into by their deployment of Babylonian Money-Magick, has been nearly completely excised from the history books.

The present-day KM knows that it cannot operate or exist without abject secrecy, and therefore has spent a lot of money having its history excised from the history books

I want to stop here and add some additional info.

Ignoring Elites, Historians Are Missing a Major Factor in Politics and History:

Steve Fraser, Gary Gerstel (2005)

… Over the last quarter-century, historians have by and large ceased writing about the role of ruling elites in the country’s evolution. Or if they have taken up the subject, they have done so to argue against its salience for grasping the essentials of American political history. Yet there is something peculiar about this recent intellectual aversion, even if we accept as true the beliefs that democracy, social mobility, and economic dynamism have long inhibited the congealing of a ruling stratum. This aversion has coincided, after all, with one of the largest and fastest-growing disparities in the division of income and wealth in American history….Neglecting the powerful had not been characteristic of historical work before World War II….

Another article pointing to the destruction of our true history.

The Chasm The Future Is Calling (Part One) © 2003 – 2015 by G. Edward Griffin Revised 2015 January 31

…Where do we find this evidence? The first place to look is in history. The past is the key to the present, and we can never fully understand where we are today unless we know what path we traveled to get here. It was Will Durant who said:

Those who know nothing about history are doomed forever to repeat it.”


the year 1954 and, suddenly, we find ourselves in the plush offices of the Ford Foundation in New York City. There are two men seated at a large, Mahogany desk, and they are talking. They cannot see or hear us, but we can see them very well. One of these men is Rowan Gaither, who was the 3 President of the Ford Foundation at that time. The other is Mr. Norman Dodd, the chief investigator for what was called the Reece Committee, which was a Congressional committee to investigate tax-exempt foundations. The Ford Foundation was one of those, so he is there as part of his Congressional responsibilities.

In 1982, I met Mr. Dodd in his home state of Virginia where, at the time, I had a television crew gathering interviews for a documentary film. I previously had read his testimony and realized how important it was; so, when our crew had open time, I called him on the telephone and asked if he would be willing to make a statement before our cameras, and he said, “Of course.” I’m glad we obtained the interview when we did, because Dodd was advanced in years, and it wasn’t long afterward that he passed away. We were very fortunate to capture his story in his own words.

What we are about to witness from our time machine was confirmed in minute detail twenty years later and preserved on video. The reason for Dodd’s investigation was that the American public had become alarmed by reports that large tax-exempt foundations were promoting the ideologies of Communism and Fascism and advocating the elimination of the United States as a sovereign nation. As far back as the 1930s, William Randolph Hearst had written a series of blistering editorials in his national chain of newspapers in which he cited Carnegie Foundation publications that spouted Communist slogans identical to what was coming from the Communist Party itself.

When the Carnegie Endowment published an article written by Joseph Stalin attacking Capitalism and praising Communism, Hearst called it “propaganda, pure and simple.”

This is very critical because of what Mr Griffin says later.


The question that arises in Mr. Dodd’s mind is: How would it be possible for anyone to think they could alter life in the United States so it could be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union and, by implication, with other nations of the world? What an absurd thought that would be – especially in 1954…

The answer was provided by the Carnegie Endowment Fund for International Peace, the same group that had been the center of controversy in the 1930s. When Dodd visited that organization and began asking about their activities, the President said, “Mr. Dodd, you have a lot of questions. It would be very tedious and time consuming for us to answer them all, so I have a counter proposal…

This is what those minutes revealed: From the very beginning, the members of the board discussed how to alter life in the United States; how to change the attitudes of Americans to give up their traditional principles and concepts of government and be more receptive to what they call the collectivist model of society…

At the Carnegie Foundation board meetings, they discussed this question in a scholarly fashion. After months of deliberation, they came to the conclusion that, out of all of the options available for altering political and social attitudes, there was only one that was historically dependable. That option was war. In times of war, they reasoned, only then would people be willing to give up things they cherish in return for the desperate need and desire for security against a deadly enemy. And so the Carnegie Endowment Fund for International Peace declared in its minutes that it must do whatever it can to bring the United States into war. They also said there were other actions needed, and these were their exact words: “We must control education in the United States.”

They realized that was a pretty big order, so they teamed up with the Rockefeller Foundation and the Guggenheim Foundation to pool their financial resources to control education in America – in particular, to control the teaching of history. They assigned those areas of responsibility that involved issues relating to domestic affairs to the Rockefeller Foundation, and those issues relating to international affairs were taken on as the responsibility of the Carnegie Endowment.

Their first goal was to rewrite the history books, and they discussed at great length how to do that. They approached some of the more prominent historians of the time and presented to them the proposal that they rewrite history to favor the concept of collectivism, but they were turned down flat. Then they decided – and, again, these are their own words, “We must create our own stable of historians.” They selected twenty candidates at the university level who were seeking doctorates in American History. Then they went to the Guggenheim Foundation and said, “Would you grant fellowships to candidates selected by us, who are of the right frame of mind, those who see the value of collectivism as we do? Would you help them to obtain their doctorates so we can then propel them into positions of prominence and leadership in the academic world?” And the answer was “Yes.”

So they gathered a list of young men who were seeking their doctorate degrees. They interviewed them, analyzed their attitudes, and chose the twenty they thought were best suited for their purpose. They sent them to London for a briefing. (In a moment I will explain why London is so significant. [I will add think London School of Economics or Oxford. -GC]) At this meeting, they were told what would be expected if and when they win the doctorates they were seeking. They were told they would have to view history, write history, and teach history from the perspective that collectivism was a positive force in the world and was the wave of the future….

Back to the Veterans Today article.

…We now know that the Khazarian Mafia (KM) is waging a secret war against America and Americans by the use of False-flag Gladio-style terrorism, and via the illegal and Unconstitutional Federal Reserve System, the IRS, the FBI, FEMA, Homeland Security, and the TSA. We know for certain that the KM was responsible for deploying an inside-job, Gladio-style False-flag attack on America on 9-11-01, as well as the Murrah Building Bombing on April 19, 1995….

…the Khazarian king and his inner circle of oligarchs kept practicing ancient Babylonian black magic, also known as Secret Satanism. This Secret Satanism involved occult ceremonies featuring child sacrifice, after “bleeding them out”, drinking their blood [adrenochrome? -GC], and eating their hearts.

The deep dark secret of the occult ceremonies was that they were all based on ancient Baal Worship, also known as worship of the Owl. In order to fool the confederacy of nations led by Russia that were watching Khazaria, the Khazarian king melded these Luciferian black-magick practices with Judaism and created a secret Satanic-hybrid religion, known as Babylonian Talmudism…

The Khazarian leaders had a well-developed spy network [Just like Fredrick the Great of Prussia -GC] through which they obtained prior warning and escaped from Khazaria to European nations to the west, taking their vast fortune with them in gold and silver. They laid low and regrouped while assuming new identities. In secret, they continued their Satanic child blood and sacrifice rituals and trusted Baal to give them the whole world and all its riches, as they claimed he had promised them, as long as they kept bleeding out and sacrificing children and infants for him…

The Dark Virality of a Hollywood Blood-Harvesting Conspiracy – WIRED

A centuries-old anti-Semitic myth is spreading freely on far-right corners of social media—suggesting a new digital Dark Age has arrived.

The Dark Ages were rife with plague, fanaticism, and accusations that Jews secretly fed off the blood of children. In 2020, we too are beset with plague, rampant medical misinformation, and a persistent rumor that “global elites” torture children to harvest the chemical adrenochrome from their blood, which they then inject in order to stay healthy and young.

A favorite topic of interconnected QAnon and Pizzagate conspiracy communities, so-called “adrenochrome harvesting” long predates these groups….

HMMMMmmmm, they seem to be protesting that a bit too much.

We know that adrenochrome can be made synthetically, however if it is part of a dark satanic ritual, it is the RITUAL that counts and not the chemical. Also the injecting of ‘Young Blood to stay healthy and young’ is NOT far fetched.

Will revitalizing old blood slow aging?

Young blood has a rejuvenating effect when infused into older bodies, according to recent research: Aging hearts beat stronger, muscles become stronger, and thinking becomes sharper.

We also know about Operation Gladio, the Satanic Temple using ‘abortion rituals’ to claim religious liberty against the Texas’ ‘heartbeat bill’, and Putin even saying the West [is] Run by Satanic Pedophiles.’ So it is difficult to reject this possible history out of hand. You can read the rest of their version of the history of the Khazarian Mafia at the link above.

Then we have this from RUSSIA.

1050 years ago Svyatoslav squads defeated the state of the Khazars

July 3 2015

1050 years ago, in the summer of 965, the great Russian prince Svyatoslav Igorevich defeated the Khazar army and took the capital of the Khazar Kaganate, Itil. The lightning strike of the Russian troops with the support of the Allied Pechenegs led to the collapse of the parasitic Khazar state. Russ committed a sacred revenge, destroying the Khazar “snake”…

Khazar threat

The fight against the parasitic state of the Khazars was the most important strategic task of Russia. The trade and usurious elite of Khazaria, who subjugated the Khazar tribal military nobility, held in their hands all the exits from Eastern Europe to the East. The Khazar state received huge profits by controlling transit routes.

The Khazar Khaganate represented a serious military threat to Russia. Archaeologists have discovered a whole system of stone fortresses on the right bank of the Don, North Donets and Oskol. One white-stone stronghold was located at a distance of 10-20 kilometers from the other. The outposts were located on the right, western and northwestern banks of the rivers. An important role in the construction of these fortresses was played by Byzantine engineers. So, Sarkel (Belaya Vezha) on the bank of the Don was built by Byzantine engineers led by Petron Kamatir. Yes, and strengthened Itil Byzantines-Romans. The Khazar state played an important role in the military-political strategy of Constantinople, holding back Russia….

The Khazars made campaigns and raids in the Slavic-Russian lands. Arab geographer Al-Idrisi reported that Khazar vassals regularly made raids on the Slavs, in order to steal people for sale into slavery. These were not just spontaneous raids, from time to time, but a deliberate predatory strategy on the part of the parasite state. In the Khazar state, the power was seized by the Jews representing the caste of rakhdonites (radanity). This caste of international traders controlled trade between East and West, including the Silk Road and other communications. Their influence extended all the way to China and India. One of their main “goods” were people. The slave clan worshiped the “golden calf” and measured everything in gold….


This article, along with well researched maps, goes into the History of the Khazars. The KEY is the conversion to Judaism and I agree that it was probably for political reasons.

Maps of the Khazar Kingdom from 300 c.e. to 1000 c.e.

This is one of the maps that shows what Clif High and the Russian article were talking about. Note the location of Kiv/Ukraine.

Interesting that we have an Israel-Ukraine connection today. Ukraine’s Azov Regiment Visits Israel: ‘Mariupol is our Masada’ (White supremacist blog site. 🙄 )
Seven Ukrainian Mercenaries Killed in Shejaiya while Fighting with Israeli Forces – Reports

From that same article, Maps of the Khazar Kingdom

Khazarian History Notes

3 Empire of the white Huns (350-550) ….

c) Over time many other tribes appear in what is now south Russia. They are believed to be offspring of the Huns and or other nomadic tribes from the east. These tribes include the Bulgars, Avars, Uguars, and Khazars*. see arrows on map ‘pre-history’

5 – Conversion to Judaism

b) Bulan The first Khazar Kagan [King] and his conversion story. The story first appears in the Kazari published in 1700s*?

c) many different story lines exist to tell the story.

1. Yehudah ha-Levi (c. 1080-1141).

1.1 an angel appears to Bulan and tells him “Your way of thinking is pleasing to God, but not your way of acting.”

1.2 Bulan consults a philosopher, and informs him of his idea; that either the Christian or Muslim religion is the right way of ‘acting’

1.3 Bulan consults a christen sage and says “I do not see any logical conclusion here; indeed, logic rejects most of what you have said…. I cannot accept these things… My duty is to investigate further.”

1.4 He then invited an Islamic mullah [to his court], questioning him regarding his doctrine and observance. After talking to the Mullah he said “Indeed, I see myself compelled to ask the Jews, because they are the relic of the Children of Israel. For I see that they constitute in themselves the evidence for the divine law on earth.”

1.5 (after inviting the rabbi) The rabbi replied: “I believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, who led the children of Israel out of Egypt with signs and miracles;

1.6 After this [conversation] the Khazar king traveled to the caucuses (mountains) and came upon a cave where Jews had observed the Sabbath. The King was circumcised. The King only revealed this to his special friends and when his community of Jews had increased (several more upper-class Khazars then converted) he made the affair public

d) Another story involves the Khazar king inviting three sages to his court. A Christian, Muslim and Jewish sage were summoned. The Jew was said to already be at his disposal [Koestler] and only the other 2 were summoned. The three of them argued and the story goes…….**

e) The other theory is based on a Jewish manuscript that said the Khazars converted when an Army general became king.

Another article, this time from Jews and Gentiles in Israel. They have sourced their information.

Hope for Israel — Who we are

[Located in Jerusalem.]

“…Hope for Israel is comprised of a dedicated team of Jewish and Gentile believers who work together to bless Israel and see Israel return to God….

Hope of Israel Ministries (Ecclesia of YEHOVAH):

The Khazar Kingdom’s Conversion to Judaism

With the 👉overwhelming evidence that the modern Ashkenazi Jewish population is of Khazar origin,👈 this would clearly indicate that “their ancestors came not from the Jordan but from the Volga, not from Canaan but from the Caucasus, once believed to 👉be the cradle of the Aryan race;👈 and that genetically they are more closely related to the Hun, Uigur and Magyar tribes than to the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.” This conclusion would then logically render the epithet “anti-Semitism” void of any meaning!

by HOIM Staff

According to Benjamin Freedman the Khazars’ conversion to Judaism was first precipitated by their monarch’s abhorrence of the moral climate into which his kingdom had descended. Freedman has claimed — and other historians confirmed — that the “primitive” Khazars engaged in extremely immoral forms of religious practices, among them phallic worship. Animal sacrifices were also included in their rites.

The Khazar religious structure centered around a shamanism known as Tengri, which incorporated the worship of spirits and the sky as well as zoolatry, the worship of animals. Tengri was also the name of their “immortal god who created the world,” and the primary animal sacrifices made to this deity were horses. [1]…

So as not to exclude the Islamic account of these events, the following is taken by D. M. Dunlop from al-Bakri’s eleventh century work the Book of Kingdoms and Roads:

“The reason for the conversion of the king of the Khazars, who had previously been a heathen, to Judaism was as follows. He had adopted Christianity. Then he recognized the wrongness of his belief and began to speak with one of his governors about the concern with which he was filled. The other said to him, O king, the People of the Book form three classes. Invite them and enquire of them, then follow whichever is in possession of the truth. So he sent to the Christians for a bishop. Now there was with him a Jew skilled in debate, who disputed with the bishop, asking him, What do you say about Moses, son of Amram, and the Torah which was revealed to him? The other replied, Moses is a Prophet, and the Torah is true.

“Then said the Jew to the king. He has admitted the truth of my creed. Ask him now what he believes. So the king asked him and he replied, I say that the Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary, is the Word, and that he has made known the mysteries in the name of God. Then the Jew said to the king of the Khazars, He confesses a doctrine which I know not, while he admits what I set forth. But the bishop was not strong in bringing proofs. So he invited the Muslims, and they sent him a learned and intelligent man who understood disputation. But the Jew hired someone against him who poisoned him on the way, so that he died. And the Jew was able to win the king for his religion.” 


Koestler presents an interesting alternative to these views. His position was that the king’s conversion was essentially a political decision. “At the beginning of the eighth century,” he writes, “the world was polarized between the two super-powers representing Christianity and Islam. Their ideological doctrines were welded to power-politics pursued by the classical methods of propaganda, subversion and military conquest.”…

The Decline of the Khazars and the Emergence of the Ashkenazim

The Khazarian kingdom reached its peak of power and world influence in the latter half of the eighth century. The death knell of their empire was eventually seen in the dragon-headed ships of the Vikings who were to cross and navigate all the major waterways in their onslaughts. Even the legendary ferocity of the Khazars was outdistanced by these Norsemen who “did not deign to trade until they failed to vanquish; they preferred bloodstained, glorious gold to a steady mercantile profit.” [14] They were also called Rus, from which descended, among others, the Russians.

Because historical Scandinavian literature did not begin until after the time of the Vikings, little of actual fact is known of them, with much of it apocryphal and contradictory and almost none of it laudatory. Of their military powers, however, virtually all accounts are in harmony. In his book, The Magyars in the Ninth Century, C. A. Macartney quotes the Arab historian, Ibn Rusta:

“These people are vigorous and courageous and when they descend on open ground, none can escape from them without being destroyed and their women taken possession of, and themselves taken into slavery.”

Even in light of their viciousness and military prowess, these Norse Vikings focused their pillaging assaults on the Byzantine Roman Empire, preferring to trade with the Khazars rather than to tangle with them. Though eventually outmatched in ferocity, the Khazars were still able, for a while, to exact their ten percent taxes even from the Vikings on all of their “cargo” (more correctly spelled plunder) that passed through their land.

An interesting story emerges from this period of the Khazar Empire that gives a clear vignette of the emerging cultural schematic that was eventually to be scattered throughout the world.

In 912 the Rus Vikings, with an armada of 500 ships, each manned by 100 warriors, were set on invading and plundering the Muslim lands south of the Khazars, with whom the Khazars had a loose alliance of protection due to the thousands of loyal Muslims in the Kagan’s army. The Rus commander sent a letter to the Kagan asking permission to pass through his territory, to which the Khazar king acceded on condition of receiving half of the spoils upon their return.


The Khazars: Judaism, Trade, and Strategic Vision on the Eurasian Steppes

Published by the political science department at Bar-Ilan University, Israel. 

By Emil Avdaliani

…The Khazars were neighbors to two world powers: Byzantium and the Islamic caliphate. At the time of the united and relatively strong Islamic empire (the seventh to the tenth centuries) that dominated the vast territory from Spain to Central Asia, the Khazars, a nomadic people from the Eurasian steppes in the North Caucasus and the territory north of the Caspian Sea, created a large, powerful state….

 let us start with their geographical knowledge and their drive to use geography for the advancement of state interests. The Khazars built their state at the crossroads of two strategically important trade routes.

One ran from the Baltic Sea in northern Eurasia to the Caucasus, the Caspian Sea, and the Near East. The other ran from Central Asia (Khwarazm) to modern-day Ukraine and the territories of western Russia.

The Khazars thus placed themselves at a major transit point. Traders, both Muslim and Jewish, from the Near East, Central Asia, and lands that are now Russia and Ukraine visited Khazaria and its capital, Itil, on the river Volga.

It is astounding how well the Khazars understood and used geography to attain their economic and political goals. They managed to control the major rivers of the region: the Volga, the Don, and various estuaries running toward them. They built fortresses and collected taxes at the rivers’ major entrances and exits….


To sum up:

Huns ==> Khazars ==> becomes Jewish (for political reasons) ==> Ashkenazi Jews.

And if you want to get deep into the conspiracy theories… The ruling class of Khazaria were pagans who believed in child sacrifice and certainly, at a minimum, were charging a fee for passing thru their lands. One can see how the Khazars gave the Jews a ‘bad name.’ When they were defeated they scattered, most likely into Europe.


Then you have Prussia as the ‘horrible invisible enemy’ and not the Khazarian Mafia.

Table of Contents – by Will Zoll – Prussia Gate

Will Zoll (actually more than one person) has done an incredible job of looking at the history that leads to the present crisis. As well as Prussia and the UK, Will Zoll mentions the Hanseatic League.

An Ode to the Prussian Pickle – Part I — All in the Family

Going back in time to try and understand the present is becoming a #PrussiaGate fascination. Every new article seems to lead to more pathways requiring research. There is a lot more we intend to present that will hopefully shed even more light on the ‘horrible invisible enemy’ and expose the evil currently waging war upon humanity.

The Evolution of Slavery series was an incredible journey as we saw how the methods of control that were used way back in history are still being deployed today. In Evolution of Slavery Part I and II, we presented how members of the Hanseatic League had transformed into some of the world’s largest banks and trading houses through a process of systemic and generational chain migration into Great Britain. By the mid-1600s, the Hanseatic League was vanishing from public view. This decline not only coincided with the rise of the kingdom of Prussia, but also a major ‘change of the guard’ within the British monarchy.

To the disgust of many at the time, Britain was ruled by a Catholic King and Queen. Rebel Protestant nobles found this an unacceptable predicament, and took matters into their own hands.

Through the Dutch Ambassador in England, they made contact with Prince William of Orange, and kindly requested that he invade England. In return for a successful invasion, the nobles would invite William to become the King of England, Scotland and Ireland.….

Under William III of Orange’s rule, THE BANK OF ENGLAND WAS FORMED,and the British monarch has remained with German nobility to this very day. By 1871, every German noble pledged their loyalty to the newly-crowned Kaiser of Germany – Wilhelm I, from the House of Hohenzollern, the king of Prussia, and the prince of Orange….

#PrussiaGate has repeatedly contended that the ‘horrible invisible enemy’ we now face morphed into a complex matrix of central banks and globalist corporations after WWII, and is now openly coordinated through the World Economic Forum and controlled via international treaties. These corporate entities are managed and controlled by a shadowy group of private equity managers, hedge funds, and key personnel within the companies. It is hard to know exactly who owns or controls what, but what we do know is this corporate conglomeration owns and controls most of the world’s resources and supply chains, and they make huge profits by engaging nation-states in extortionary contracts….

I tried to connect the Khazars to the Prussians:

Perhaps the best evidence for now is from Kevin Alan Brook this is just one of several of his articles on the Khazars.

Are Russian Jews Descended from the Khazars?

A Reassessment Based upon the Latest Historical, Archaeological, Linguistic, and Genetic Evidence

The “traditional” view is that Eastern European Jews descend almost entirely from French and German Jews. This essay presents the pros and cons of the controversial “Khazar theory” of Eastern European Jewish origins and will attempt to provide a likely middle-ground solution to the question. Unlike other treatments of the question, this essay uses recent discoveries, is meant to be objective, and is fully sourced so that you can be guaranteed of the authenticity of the information. In summary, I argue in this essay that Eastern European Jews descend both from Khazarian Jews AND from Israelite Jews…

These are a few quotes he includes in PART 2. Scholarly opinions in favor of the Khazar theory

….”When, in 1016, a joint Russian and Byzantine army defeated the already much weakened Khazar army, these ‘Khazar’ Jews were forced to flee once more… These Jews were no longer simply the descendants of Jewish refugees from Greece and Persia. Intermarriage with original Khazars who had been converted to Judaism had introduced central Asian features, high cheek-bones and Oriental eyes… With the destruction of Khazaria some of the Jews found their way back to Greece and the Mediterranean, exiles once more. But many must have taken back with their Russian conquerors to the lands of southern Russia – to Kiev and Kharkov… The Khazar Jews who settled in Russia were not particularly liked or welcomed. Such historical records as survive show for example that a hundred years after their arrival anti-Jewish riots broke out in Kiev itself and many were killed…. Meanwhile, in the very same years that the defeated Jewish Khazars – and there was a second Khazar Diaspora following the Mongol invasion of the area in the thirteenth century – were finding new homes in southern Russia, another group of Jews, numerically much larger, were being driven out of their homes, along the river Rhine.”

Martin Gilbert, in Letters to Auntie Fori: 5000 Years of Jewish History (New York, NY: Schocken, 2002), pages 147-148.

“It’s even possible that my ancestry might not move in the direction of ancient Israel at all…. After 965, the Khazars were through as an organized power, but Judaism may have remained, and it may well be that many East European Jews are descended from Khazars and the people they ruled. I may be one of them. Who knows? And who cares?…. Where did all this [my family’s European physical traits] come from? Surely not from any Mediterranean or Turkish people. It had to be of Slavic origin and Scandinavian beyond that – plus a bit of Mongol to account for my B-type blood.”

Isaac Asimov, in It’s Been A Good Life (Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 2002), chapter 1.


Hanseatic League — by Hebrew Nations

I am not sure I believe much of the information in this Article. However there is this. (And I show the maps below.)

The Hanseatic League and the Jews.

Jewish communities weren’t allowed to settle in Hanseatic towns until the 1500s to 1700s, Luebeck only allowed the residence of Jews in the 1900s!

See: [They used WIKI???]

According to Altmann, Berthold. …” Jews were able to thrive in trade after the Thirty Years’ War ‘because’ the Hanseatic League became ineffective. ” Sephardic Jews from Portugal came to Northern Europe after 1580 when Phillip-2 of Spain annexed Portugal and introduced the Inquisition. In 1610 there were about 20 Sephardic merchant families in Hamburg. They were protected but held no official “Hans” priveleges. In principal to belong to the Hansa one needed German parents. The Sephardic Jews in Hamburg “were prominent merchants with many contacts and a high turnover in trade. The Hamburg Senate protected the Portuguese Jews much as it did the English community.” In Hamburg, “the senate granted all foreign merchants, including the Portuguese [Jews] equal rights as to export, import and wholesale trade in 1612, while all crafts, dominated by the guilds, remained closed for foreigners.”

Concerning the long-range impression it appears that Hansa cities in succeeding generations were relatively LESS anti-Jewish than other German locales.

“We find partial support for Montesquieu’s famous argument that trade encourages ‘civility.’ Hanseatic cities with a tradition of long-distance trade do not show persistence of anti-Semitism,” Source: PERSECUTION PERPETUATED by Nico Voigtlaender and Hans-Joachim Voth, Working Paper, 2011.


(He has books and tons of articles.)

Jewish city feared by Stalin is rediscovered

The ruins of a lost Jewish city that vanished 700 years ago have been found, it has been claimed.

Atil, the capital city of the Khazar Empire from about 750 to 969, has possibly been found underneath either Samosdelka or Semibugry! SAMOSDELKA is candidate #1 for possibly being Atil Dmitri Vasiliev and his team believe they located the remnants of the lost city in the newly-found 9th and 10th century layers at Samosdelka, including a triangular-shaped brick fortress and yurt-like huts. [Think Huns] Samosdelka is in the Kamyziak district (raion) in the Volga delta near the city of Astrakhan.

Read Vasiliev’s Russian article “Itil’-mechta (Na raskopkax drevnego tsentra Xazarskogo kaganata)” in Lekhaim, 10 (174), October 2006.

Also take a look at Valerii Zhuravliev’s Russian article “Sensatsiya nashix dney: A vdrug eto legendarnii Itil’?” from the September 20, 2005 issue of Parlamentskaya gazeta, and a report released by the Regnum News Agency on August 12, 2005.

David Keys wrote an article about the Atil digs in BBC History Magazine’s May 2008 issue which says they’ve found, among other things, turquoise-glazed ceramics from Persia, stone cauldrons from Uzbekistan, amber beads from the Baltic region, a dragon-adorned belt end from China, and a copper crucifix.

Bruno Maçães provided a more up-to-date report in his article “On the trail of Europe’s last ‘lost city’: A forgotten empire lies buried beneath the desert on Europe’s easternmost border” released on the Politico website on December 26, 2015.

“The Jews of Khazaria” [A book] by Kevin Brook contains information on Atil.

Maps of Khazaria

Notice that the country of Georgia, home of Stalin, is where ancient Khazaria once was.

Map of present day Europe:

Maps of Hanseatic League

And just for YUCKS, since this word made famous by the Nazis was mentioned above…

The Ayran Race

Aryan is a designation originally meaning “civilized”, “noble”, or “free” without reference to any ethnicity. It was first applied as a self-identifying term by a migratory group of people from Central Asia later known as Indo-Iranians (who settled on the Iranian Plateau) and, later, applied to Indo-Aryans (who traveled south to settle northern India).

The word had no widespread ethnic connotation prior to the 19th century CE other than its usage by the Persians (known as ‘Iranians’ from ‘Aryans’) to distinguish themselves from their Muslim Arab conquerors in the 7th century CE, and even then (it could be argued) it was not so much an ethnic distinction as one of class and personhood. Prior to the conquestPersia had been “the land of the Aryans” and, afterwards, a term was coined for non-Aryans.

‘Aryan’ became associated with ethnicity and, especially, with light-skinned (Caucasian) superiority, only after Western European scholars began translating, and often misinterpreting, Sanskrit texts in the 18th and more extensively in the 19th centuries CE. Theories had been advanced earlier regarding a correlation between Sanskrit and European languages, but this concept was popularized by the Anglo-Welsh philologist Sir William Jones (l. 1746-1794 CE) in 1786 CE who claimed there was a common source for these languages which he called Proto-Indo-European.

Jones’ claim inspired later writers to identify this “common source” and encouraged the French elitist Joseph Arthur de Gobineau (l. 1816-1882 CE) to develop the racist theories concerning “Aryan Blood” and White Supremacy which would become popularized in Germany through the works of Houston Stewart Chamberlain (l. 1855-1927 CE), the British-born political philosopher who would become Adolf Hitler’s mentor and inspiration as well as informing the ideology and work of Alfred Rosenberg (l. 1893-1946 CE) which empowered the Nazi Party in Germany c. 1930-1945 CE

MAGA Lion HAT, who put the Clif High video up on rumble, added this to the discussion.

It should be noted, the ADL defends the Khazars venomously and wants you to think that criticizing this group is anti-Semitic, even though they aren’t really Jewish:

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To be honest, there is just too much information here to absorb, and too many contentious topics to absorb with serenity.

Ron Unz at the Unz Review every day covers controversial topics, and over the years has collected writings on all manner of topics. Unz himself is an interesting person. He started off with entirely conventional conservative views, and over the years he has altered those views considerably. To summarize, he has concluded that most of what is conventionally believed about history, politics and culture is a lie, assisted by deliberate suppression of actual facts and circumstances.

It would take at least a year to go through all the archives on his site to absorb all the information about the many topics he has covered. They are well worth investigating, and the average person would learn much more about history, politics and culture than he ever thought possible (IMO).

Candace Owens has recently adopted an Unz-like approach to taboo subjects, and Unz himself wrote about her yesterday:

His post gives an idea of how convoluted any given subject can become. While Unz admires Owens in certain respects, he speculated that she may likely be controlled opposition, a plant intended to discredit “alternative” povs (like those found on Unz). He bases his speculation on what he regards as sheer craziness, Owen’s insistence that Macron’s wife is a man. Unz thinks that proposition (along with similar observations about Big Mike) are so self-evidently crazy that the person who asserts those views must necessarily be doing so in bad faith.

This is just an example of how a person’s actual motivation has become intertwined with each and every topic of discussion, every day. The chaos and confusion inflicted on us by TPTB deliberatly created this mistrust and animosity. Our society and the world in general has plunged into an abyss of mistrust and division.

No topic should be prohibited, IMO, and there are many topics which ought to be discussed precisely because they have been the subject of distortion and suppression, augmented by name-calling, calumny and fear tactics designed to avoid rational discussion.

We are not quite at the point where an opinion will get you burned at the stake, but we are getting closer, and that is a factor which requires the utmost exercise of prudence.


Your opening remark could apply to your comment itself.  😂 

Valerie Curren

bwah ha ha

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Echo effect!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well said.

I personally think that Candace Owens is a victim of her own eagerness to embrace contrarian viewpoints without sufficient questioning of her own questioning.

An easy example. Yes, Macron’s wife has some very weird stuff in her background. But I dug deep, and never found the smoking guns that I would have needed to make me comfortable saying that YES, SHE’S A GUY. I just can’t go beyond “she’s sketchy”.

I don’t think Candace is controlled opposition as much as she’s the focus of a lot of manipulation from a lot of different people TRYING to control her – positively or negatively.


That sounds reasonable, and it reflects negatively on Candace and reinforces the impression I have of her. It makes her look like a lightweight who doesn’t have the skill or maybe even the intelligence or wisdom to resist the pressure and be her own person.


Candace is a great talker.


“It makes her look like a lightweight…”

Candace IS a lightweight. This has been my opinion of her all along. She’s another woman “of color,” who looks pretty and speaks well (not necessarily what she says, but how she says it), but has no real depth. White people not familiar with black patois can understand her.

Remind you of anyone in particular?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Now THAT is the excellent question!!!

The difference is (to many people), Candace comes across as “real” black, whereas COUGH (and even COUGH-A-LOT) of whom you speak are both synthetic creations designed to “goat the sheep”.

But what you say is so true. She grabs attention before she opens her mouth too much, and THAT is a powerful tool in the world of political influence.


It is powerful. But it is easy to deflate with a few facts and some video to point it out.




“Once I glanced at the titles of her [Candace Owens’] more recent podcasts, I was much less surprised at her popularity. Many of these were her sometimes contentious interviews with other celebrities and influencers, notably including rap-star Kanye West, Alex Jones, Andrew Tate, and Russell Brand. Meanwhile, many of the monologues seemed to focus on Satanism, Hitler, 9/11 conspiracies, demonic agendas, transgenderism, Israel, and antisemitism.

Such lurid, “exciting” topics naturally tend to attract a large audience, though perhaps not one of the highest intellectual quality, and I think the main reason more YouTubers don’t emphasize them is because those who do often get purged. So her popularity was actually less surprising to me than her survival on what had gradually become a tightly-censored platform.”


I just got to that part. Hopefully he recognizes that she possesses two giant cards, the biggest there are (the female card and the black card) which provide her with mountains of protection.

The only cards that would give her even more protection is if she was gay and islamic.

If she was a gay, islamic black woman, she could do and say anything, and no one in all of Orwelliandom could challenge her or say a negative word to or about her.

I could, but the Matrix couldn’t.

They would have to get rid of her some other way.

Last edited 3 months ago by scott467

A very interesting article GC, and lots of links to read up. Thanks for your work putting it together.

Valerie Curren

Yes! LOTS to (attempt) to process…


Good article Gail. Now do one on Tartaria?

Barb Meier

Tartaria? Here’s a little to wet your whistle.

What Is the Lost Empire Of Tartaria?

The lost Empire of Tartaria may have more roots in the modern world than we realize, or is it all a conspiracy? 

By Emilie Le Beau Lucchesi

Dec 25, 2023 9:00 AMFeb 5, 2024 10:52 AM

In 2019, many people watched in horror as black smoke poured out of Notre-Dame de Paris, the 12th-century Roman Catholic cathedral. An orange blaze spread across the roof, and it seemed the historic building might be lost. 

After the fire went out and experts assessed the water damage, some people may have felt comforted that a restoration plan was in place. But conspiracy theorists who believed in the Tartarian Empire felt otherwise. 

To them, it was just another example of Tartarian architecture being demolished.


From a wiki link on tataria

More positive opinions were also expressed by Europeans. Some saw Tartary as a possible source of spiritual knowledge lacking in contemporary European society. In Five Years of Theosophy, edited by the Theosophist and scholar G.R.S. Mead, the polymath and “seer” Emanuel Swedenborg is quoted as having advised, “Seek for the Lost Word among the hierophants of Tartary, China, and Tibet.”[8]

Which leads us to and Madame Blavatsky from which one can see they had quite a hold on the imaginations of many important persons of the last century that have influenced our culture in some degree.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That woman causes a boatload of trouble! 😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The part about the US capitol being thousands of years old and having been buried under mud (oy vey!), is the kind of crackpottery that is used to smear anything in its vicinity – including the legitimate questions of how Western/European Christianity and Judaism spread.

A quote from the article is in order.

What Is the Tartarian Empire Mud Flood Conspiracy?

Most of the empire was supposedly lost in a series of mudslides, typically referred to as “mud floods.” Some buildings remained and still stand today. Famous landmarks, such as the U.S. Capitol Building (built in 1800), are claimed actually to be from the Tartarian Empire and to be thousands of years old.

The conspiracy is that the empire was intentionally erased, and history was rewritten to make buildings seem younger and more modern. 

What Famous Landmarks are Part of the Tartarian Empire Conspiracy?

Notre-Dame de Paris is one landmark that conspiracy theorists believe was created by Tartars, not French craftsmen in the 1100s. In online forums, conspiracy theorists have claimed it was used as a sound bath by Tartars.

Conspiracy theories also claim more ornate buildings as Tartarian. This ranges from World Heritage Sites like the Taj Mahal to short-lived buildings like the Chicago Federal Building that only stood for 60 years.

The conspiracy theorists also claim buildings briefly constructed for World Fairs or expositions were part of the Tartarian Empire. In 1915, San Francisco hosted the Panama-Pacific International Exposition. The fair site included The Tower of Jewels, a temporary structure that was demolished soon after the fair ended. Conspiracy theorists claim it’s an example of an ancient Tartarian capital.

I have to admit that this is an excellent “CIA-promoted conspiracy theory” to discredit people who believe more sensitive stuff, like “the CIA killed JFK”. There is a certain beauty to a fake theory that says the great things are “too great to have been created by the current barbaric devils” – but that beauty is all accusation and no foundation, IMO.

Happy to be aware, now, of one more sand trap being used to keep MAGA from winning.


Some people research certain topics more than other people do. Some come to differing “Opinions” since none of us were there. Just like the moon landings etc. But we DO KNOW that we have been LIED to.


A 1000-foot view is that these theories are used to make us believe that nothing is real and that we can’t rely on our own thinking ability, the history that we know, and common sense. IMO it is evil. If I’m not mistaken, it is one way that prisoners are broken down.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes! Don’t trust anything, so that we trust the “new order”.


But when we can’t trust anything, the last thing we should ever trust is any boondoggle ‘new order’.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


If only humans were smart and logical.




Thanks very much gail.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. The real “people of Tartaria” didn’t even have cities or buildings, for the most part. How that got morphed into an Atlantis-type ancient civilization….. Hmmmmm.


Back in the day…..

There was a book called “The Vinland Map and the Tartar Relation” that went around in the late ’60’s. I believe that I have my family’s copy somewhere packed. The Vinland Map is widely considered a hoax, but the Tartar Relation (which is not really related) is generally considered valid.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! Useful!!!


I have a couple of friends who are “conspiracy-minded.” However, they have NO discernment whatsoever. They believe EVERY crackpot, crazy-ass, looney-tunes theory in the whole freakin’ world! Which leads me to hide my eye-rolls and ignore everything they try to tell me. They just sound nuts.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YES! That is the strategy of both domestic and foreign intelligence right there, to deal with opponents, and they have been caught so many times, but they simply don’t care, because it is so effective. Make those people who are catching on to the unbelievable truth, sound as crazy as possible, using other stuff. Meanwhile, control the media to set “Fake Normal” for the world.

Thankfully, they’ve been suffering some huge losses on fake normal.

One of the tactics which has been very good for our side, has been to fight back CORRECTLY on countering fake normal, and “normalizing reality” – and this was led by the Q people – that being not to negate skepticism per se, nor to negate things by authority, but to empower skepticism, and to even use it as a teaching tool. This has helped increase science literacy on our side. Oddly, the result is the left looking more and more anti-science on basics like gender. And because gender is so important to “their” plan, apparently, they’ve had to really step up discreditation programs like flat earth against our side, to keep the left and the gender establishment looking like the smart ones.

One of the problems for “our side” is that there are cover-up and discreditation programs that serve “our side” – the “white hats” – and it is painful to see patriots discredited in the process. But when they get close to highly classified stuff, the cover-up architecture kicks in, and stuff happens. At times I have to suddenly sigh, tell myself that it’s probably for the best, and with a certain amount of hopeful resignation, tell myself “you’re watching a movie – in a theater – don’t yell spoilers!” 😂

Barb Meier

Thank you for this historical firehose of information, Gail!

I read about the first half and needed a break. hehe I’m not qualified to make any judgments about what you’re presenting. So to cool off my brain cells a little, I explored elsewhere and found this news at Townhall.

What strikes me as important is that the man they rescued is a Muslim who was living in Israel and everyone is celebrating his rescue regardless of his chosen faith. I refer back to things like judging based on ‘the content of a man’s character, not color of their skin.’ I remember that ‘actions speak louder than words,” and Mark Levin long ago identifying radical Islamists as terrorists of concern. So Hamas kidnapped a Muslim man and held him for hundreds of days. What then, was their point?

IDF Special Forces Rescue a Hostage From a Place Biden Told Them Not to Go

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Katie Pavlich


August 27, 2024 9:45 AM

On Tuesday morning the Israeli Defense Forces announced the rescue of a hostage, who was kidnapped from Israel by Iranian backed Hamas terrorists, and taken into the Gaza Strip on October 7, 2023. 

“Today, the IDF and ISA rescued the hostage Qaid Farhan Alkadi, aged 52, from Rahat, who was abducted by the Hamas terrorist organization into Gaza on October 7,” IDF posted on X. “He is in a stable medical condition and is being transferred for medical checks at a hospital. His family has been updated with the details, and the IDF is accompanying them.Israeli security forces will continue to operate with all means to bring home the hostages.”


Thank you for properly spelling judgment.  😆 

Barb Meier

YW, PGroup!



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


“Judgth not, lest yee bee judgd!” 😉


Slow guy, out of character will not pass, judgement.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Barb Meier

The roving eees


“What then, was their point?”


To be evil?

Is there any other point to islam?

Is there any other ‘fruit’ of islam to the world, besides evil?

HamISIS should punish themselves according to the severity of islam, for kidnapping and abusing an innocent fellow mohammedan.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gail asked me to hide this until it’s actually supposed to publish (which should be 12:01 AM tomorrow). So I’m going to reschedule in a few minutes.

This is not being pulled because of controversy – I have my own opinions on some of this, so I welcome the free speech that lets me respond.

But as a daily, we strive for consistency (midnight of the start of the day) for the benefit of our posters who wish to comment at specific times in the life-cycle of the post.

Thanks! I will post this comment on yesterday’s (today’s) daily, too.

PS – to reschedule an accidental release, just edit it in WordPress and change the date. It will go to a scheduling prompt, etc. You can have an article hidden back in scheduling world in seconds.


Gail, are you familiar with the book Super Mob? I have only read reviews and assessments, but the book sounds fascinating. It is quite detailed and well documented, I am told by these reviews.

The book is about how a certain segment of the mafia infiltrated and took over California government as well as other “respectable” institutions, which were then run in furtherance of the mafia’s goals. A Supreme Court justice who was the mafia’s agent was put on the court and insturmental in decisions which helped destroy this country.


TY! Super Mob apparently highly documents the Lansky part. A review is somewhere on the Unz site, and I believe you would be interested.


This is the book.

This is an article based on the book:

Lansky’s first loyalty was to Israel and the Zionist cause:

It is too deep to go into here, but Israel in effect threatened JFK before he died, and there is substantial circumstantial evidence they played a part in his murder. They certainly benefitted greatly from his murder.

This does not mean they were solely responsible, just that they played a part.


This is a good read about Pelosi’s family.




Can we comment on current politics? Hope so.

Jack Smith has filed another indictment against DJT. He has adopted a got-nothing-to-lose philosophy. Usually [in the movies] this means a loved one is being held prisoner by the head gangster or some super damaging info is threatened to be released.

What sword does Jack see above his head? I can’t figure it out.


What sword does Jack see above his head?

I don’t know, but he has seemed desperate to get Trump and to keep him out of office–so desperate that I have thought the cabal must be pressuring him to do his part in the takedown. The furor over the court cases has died down, so maybe this is a last-minute effort before the election to revive suspicions and negative feelings about Trump. IMO it does look as Smith has something hanging over him.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

IMO Jack Smith was chosen because he is literally deranged, and will pursue a case for “MK” reasons alone. That is why his record reflects pursuit of cases that get strongly reversed. He’s the perfect patsy for lawfare.


It seems to fit when you think about it.


They are desperate to get some sort of conviction so that they are able to deny Trump the presidency . They want to smear Trump in the eyes of the voters . Seems to work for some I heard that “Trump is a criminal” from people who have little time to learn on their own who Trump is


“What sword does Jack see above his head? I can’t figure it out.”


The Sword of Soroscles?

pat frederick

so he filed it in DC? not Florida where it belongs? same DC grand jury bullshit?
Cannon said he was not appointed correctly. filing another indictment does not cure that.
how can he keep empaneling juries in other states for “crimes” committed in Florida?

pat frederick

my mistake…please disregard the Florida reference. This is the DC case about obstruction and whatever of Jan6.
still, can’t President Trump’s lawyer’s ask for dismissal since Cannon ruled Smith was not correctly appointed? Can’t they bring that issue up and have it move to SCOTUS for determination?


If they don’t, I’ll be shocked.


What sword does Jack see above his head? I can’t figure it out.


100% P U R E money play.

Huge bonus from outside DOJ if he can get a conviction.

pat frederick

i think it’s 99% ego. look at him…he ain’t gonna let a WOMAN call him impotent.


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I think he’s pissed.

Barb Meier

I think he’s just making sure to point out that lawfare has jumped the shark. These lawfare weasels must not rise again.


Here is Mayorkas telling Sen. Josh Hawley in a Congressional hearing that it is “unequivocally false” that the government was asking social media companies to censor speech. It is followed by the news report of Zuckerberg admitting that they did exactly that. Perjury charges should have already been filed against Mayorkas. He should have been impeached long ago, and a lot of others *should* be held accountable in multiple ways.

What is the difference between a “conspiracy theory” and the truth? About 18 months.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Cue-Ball deserves to be in prison. He just lied – over and over.


But B2 said you cannot/should not put everybody into prison that did something wrong, like Cankles and the emails. sarc/

We see where that has led us. It was one major point I have completely disagreed with PDT about – not prosecuting her to the fullest extent of the law. His “bad look” excuse backfired bigly. Of course, his “bad look” excuse is probably a ruse to make the leftists look even worse in the public’s eyes. But I am not interested in how things “look” at all. I am interested in truth and justice.

Cue-Ball is just as evil.

Granting mercy to Cankles and her ilk was never justified – ever. They are stone cold killers and system criminals who are operatives of an even larger worldwide criminal cabal. Now we get to add in the medical/Big Pharm genocidal wing of the cabal. Not going after any of them tells me they did not have adequate strength to bring it all down. The great arts of counterpunching and rope-a-dope do not allow for the extent of collateral damage patriot supporters have endured.

JMO – You cannot hold innocent people like J6 participants in jail while letting this criminal cabal and its operatives run free for decades and have me believe it is all just devo being played out or some white hat knights in shining armor are going to suddenly appear and save the day. The latter is us – MAGA patriots who put in the work. It is dirty and damaging to all of us to save the republic.

I hope he proves me 100% wrong, but I doubt he will. I believe we will see a lot of the cabal’s criminals being allowed to keep being who they are and breathe our air. And I will never stop believing that is the wrong thing to do.


If they did prosecute Hitlary and the rest right now, They would just get a “presidential” pardon and be off scott free forever.
Wait a few months and then… throw the book at them.

pat frederick

hell throw a whole LIBRARY at her…

Deplorable Patriot

 Not going after any of them tells me they did not have adequate strength to bring it all down.

They didn’t, and to an extent still don’t, have the people on the bench willing to make the tough calls on the criminals.

I hate to say it, but the problem is the judiciary, not the evidence collected. How much of it would get squashed by drawing the wrong judge.


GREAT post! By now it seems clear that Trump mirunderstood and underestimated his opposition. Much of the Trump base was far ahead of him in getting these things.

In retrospect, Sessions was perfect evidence of this. Sundance was exactly (and brilliantly) correct in comparing Sessions to Colonel Nicholson of River Kwai.

In Alabama Sessions was called The Executioner, and his nickname convinced me that Trump knew what he was doing. The only thing Sessions executed was Trump’s chances of avoiding the lengthy ongoing political persecution of Trump, probably with Trump’s unwitting endorsement.

Failure to enforce the law against Hillary was not the grand gesture Trump intended it to be. It was a sign of weakness, a collosal own goal which handed the other side continuous victories.

Trump needed to be ruthless, and he was not. He needs to be ruthless still, and we shall see.


👍 – 100%.





Brave and Free

Another sternly worded letter seems to be in order……
Because ya know we can’t interfere in an upcoming election.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. Zuckerberg is one of the most morally weak people who has ever walked the face of this planet. Our criminals know it. China knows it. The GloboNazis know it.

Deplorable Patriot

He has a new puppet master. Bank on it.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She looks as wicked as she is.


“The anit-SLAPP law allows them to seek to have the criminal case dismissed quickly — assuming they can convince the judge that they have been charged under a legal theory that is not ‘clearly established.”


Looks like it’s about to be clearly established, and that’s a precedent worth having against these fascists and marxists 👍


The anti-Slapp law invoked by Steyn’s co-defendants took ten years to litigate. IIRC Steyn himself realized that it was faster and less costly to just get to trial as fast as possible, so he never raised the issue. He was right.


Kristin Kay Mayes is an American attorney, reporter, and politician who is the Arizona Attorney General. A member of the Democratic Party, Mayes was elected in 2022, defeating Republican Abraham Hamadeh by a margin of just 280 votes in one of the closest elections in the state’s history. Wikipedia


So she got away with stealing an election, and now she is using her power to destroy her political opponents.

Nice dragon lady.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They’re wicked.


The Dragon Benevolent Society is offended by your appellation.


That means I did it right… 😂


Can you say “hypocrite”? They persecute Trump and others, lie, cheat in elections, break the law, etc., which all affect “the integrity of our election system.” These people make me sick.

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We could best protect the integrity of our electoral system by taking the lot of you out back, lining you up against the wall, and shooting all of you.

But we’re way too civilized to do that nowadays so here’s a middle finger salute.


Slightly more effective than a strongly worded letter. 😅


“…saying it’s image generation feature is dangerous for ‘our democracy’ “.


I just did a word-search on the U.S. Constitution.

The words ‘democracy’ or ‘democratic’ are not found, not one time.

Then I did a word-search for REPUBLIC, and whaddya know:

Section. 4.The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.”


The Pledge of Allegiance doesn’t have the word ‘democracy’ in it anywhere, either. But it does have “And to the Republic, for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All.” (none of which we have today, btw).


As delegates left the Constitutional Convention in Independence Hall on September 17, 1787, Benjamin Franklin was asked what kind of government do we have?

He said “A our democracy Republic, if you can keep it.”


So when these ass-clown political-class hacks go on and on about ‘our democracy‘, I don’t know whose ‘democracy’ they’re babbling on about, but it sure ain’t mine.

As far as I can tell, ‘democracy‘ is as filthy a word as ‘democrat‘.


And who asked that question of Mr. Franklin?

Mrs. Powell, a revered member of that society.


One huge quibble with your opening paragraphs regarding the John Hopkins study. The vast majority of Israelis would NOT be related to King David. There were 12 tribes in Israel, the 12 sons of Jacob. King David was from the tribe of Judah. Anyone in the other 11 tribes would not be related to him. In fact, a good percentage of the other Judahites would only be very distantly related to him. Incidentally, where did John Hopkins happen to come up with King David’s DNA to make such a pronouncement?

If we’re going to compare the DNA of people in the middle east, they are all related if you just go back a couple of generations from Jacob. The Arabs and the Israelites were both children of Abraham. The Arabs through Ishmael and the Israelites through Isaac. But Isaac had 2 sons, Jacob and Esau. The Israelites were the children of Jacob, who was renamed Israel by God. The children of Esau settled in Moab, which is in southern Jordan. So practically the entire middle east are related several generations before King David. So I consider that John Hopkins study to be some kind of Deep State BS like a lot of other things that come out of John Hopkins.


You are a gem. So perfectly stated, using true facts instead of wishful facts.

And where did that sample of King David’s DNA come from and where is it now?

Yikes – these people.  😡 

Valerie Curren

I was concerned on that as the poster was “Palestine” so there was baked in bias, imo…


Correction: The children of Esau settled in Edom, which is now southern Jordan. The Ammonites and Moabites settled in what is now northern Jordan and were the children of Lot, a nephew of Abraham. They’re all related if you go back far enough.


We are all related if you go back far enough.


Wait just a gol durn minute!

I ain’t no kin of those damn democrats!




Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you. There are numerous other problems with this study, in that many more recent studies of Jewish genetics contradict it in a big way. I’ll try to find all my links later, but the bottom line is that while Judaism has spread widely and the population has picked up diverse genetics from numerous peoples, so that many Jews look very different from each other now, there are still many genes that have persisted almost universally in all types of Jews. Matrilinearity has a LOT to do with that.

Jews are an interesting human population which has genes reflecting the history reported in the Bible, as well as the history we all know and love since then.

One thing that is important to note is this. There are many leftist Jews, and leftist non-Jews who white-knight for them, who claim that any talk of “Khazaria” is automatic antisemitic conspiracy theory stuff.

However, if one simply looks at baseline information about Khazaria, such as in Wikipedia, then one realizes that Khazaria was a very real place, and important in much Jewish history.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

IMO much truth is hidden to preserve myths that are important to believers of all kinds. Whether those beliefs are overtly scientific (“vaccines are all awesome, side effects are rare, and all the bad vaccines are eliminated during testing”) or merely subject to science (“Jews are all still genetically just like the Jews of the Bible” / “modern Jews are not even Jews at all” [the latter sometimes including “we (whoever that is) are the REAL Jews!”]), my point is that science needs to be primarily dispassionate in what it chooses to examine, and HOW it examines, and yet (to a secondary degree) sympathetic to the idea that there is likely some fundamental truth or honesty in the positions of all sides. This approach has proven very reliable in finding not just the easy truths, but the harder ones that require revision of past understanding, yet not too easily, as the commies are prone to do.


This approach has proven very reliable in finding not just the easy truths, but the harder ones that require revision of past understanding

Agree 100%!


Are these the same Uighurs that still exist today as the much abused slaves to the Chinese?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

How did we get onto Kazakhs? That’s distinct from Khazars.


I think we fell into it from discussion of the Western Turkic Khaganate of around 600 AD which reached the area that became Khazaria 250 years later.




For those that think God loves everyone….

Malachi 1:3
but Esau I have hated, and I have turned his hill country into a wasteland and left his inheritance to the desert jackals.”

Romans 9:13
Just as it is written, “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.”


Oh my. You’ve slain another fake fact.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, there are/were 12 tribes, but 11 were not really in line with God. That’s what the book Hosea is all about. “Come back to me,” and all that. There’s a lot more in the Old Testament about the “lost tribes.” How were they lost? Physically, or spiritually?



Ezekiel 37 describes this situation.


Thank you for this. Yours Truly lost trust in Johns Hopkins when they started getting involved with these “tabletop pandemic exercises” meetings. Which is a shame, because, years ago, a surgeon at the eye clinic at Johns Hopkins performed a procedure that saved one’s eyesight.

Hope you’re doing well, sending Good Energy to you.

Last edited 3 months ago by PAVACA
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Given that it has been roughly 30 centuries since King David, and 4-5 generations per century (call it an average of 4.5) that’s 135 generations.

No one today is anything but an extremely distant relative of King David. We laughed at Fauxcahontas for being only 1/1024 Indian; that means she had ONE Indian ancestor ten generations ago. (Or maybe two eleven generations ago, on different branches of the family tree, or some other such combination).

135 generations means you have to multiply thirteen 1/1024s and then multiply that ridiculously tiny fraction (< 1 duodecillionth) by 1/32. If you are descended from King David, you got less than 1 base pair of your DNA from him.

Of course…I left out one key factor. You can’t possibly have that many ancestors in that generation; some people must show up in the tree, on different branches, billions of times (and that can be so without being remotely incestuous).


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Notice that was written several weeks ago. I guess he got what he wanted.   :wpds_lol: 



Valerie Curren



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A side effect that nobody saw coming.


One of the things that makes this entire subject frustrating is that there are patterns that surge through the area repeatedly, and the nomenclature is far from clear.

For instance, take a look at Gail’s Khazaria map from 850 CE and compare it to the Scythian empire of 300 BCE —

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On a personal note, the Fiancee and I visited The Hermitage, in Saint Petersburg, back in 2011, and they’ve got lots of really strange stuff from the area between Odessa and Samarkand over centuries.


Also note a wealth of stuff at , including another map “Khazar Khaganate, 650–850” —

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(Note that the original language of this map is German.)

[Samarkand is one of the rightmost cities on the map.]

Last edited 3 months ago by cthulhu

If one has a good grasp of Ancient histories, one can see a steady stream of barbarian tribes flowing out of the North as in your maps for thousands of years.

I’d be of the contention at some remote time in our history the polar cap was free of ice, water levels were down and ancients traveled there in awe of being on top of the world and seeing the starts and heavens revolve over their heads. It would be an astronomers delight. That peoples of that time migrated to the North to experience such seems common sense . Then came the cold, or should say then the cold came back after being absent for so many hundreds of years and they had to leave quickly with most all depositing themselves on the vast Russian Steppes.

That is pretty much what is described in the opening passages of the Avesta. It’s what Tilak would tell you. It even explains 10 month calendars of the Greeks and Romans, the earliest ones they had. 10 months given there’s no sun for three months out of the year, which would be had with two months missing from the calendars and might provide an idea of just how far into the artic circle they had lived while it was habitable and the climate temperate.

Valerie Curren

fascinating speculation, TY


In a 2.5-minute clip, a guy tells a black audience that they have used up all their moral currency because of the way so many act now. Interesting and thought-provoking, IMO, and needs to be said more.


He’s right. I used to care. Then BLM and all the “bow down” and worship us because we happen to be black stuff happened. Now I don’t care. Blacks are just another grievance group in a country full of grievance groups, and I need to feed my family.



Valerie Curren

I never felt such animosity toward this group before the Obamanation destroyed race relations in America, & the world 🙁


When I was a teen, racial problems were disappearing. Me and all my friends, white and black, knew that it was our parents problem, not ours. WE DID NOT SEE RACE. Now, it’s all people talk about.


Once, race relations were seen as a legitimate subject for ridicule [see Blazing Saddles and (to a lesser extent) The Bad News Bears {“Jews, spics, n-ers, pansies, and a booger-eating moron”}].

Now, there’s too much money in making a big deal about it.

Valerie Curren

too true 🙁


Bill Cosby was saying the same thing and he was destroyed. IMO because he was saying those things.

A vicious, arrogant, entitled and totally ignorant spirit has infected a small but consequential portion of a certain population. You can see it, hear it, and feel it every day. And, yes, the truth is that the antagonism creates a corresponding indifference. No complaint elicits sympathy.

Here is the problem. Those in a position to make course corrections may be just as intimidated and threatened as anyone else. It takes a certain integrity and courage to say what this young man is saying.


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Valerie Curren

She’d probably score higher with viewers if they couldn’t hear her voice or her inane ideas.


Or cackle.

Valerie Curren


Brave and Free

Maybe that’s why they agreed to have the mic muted, so you won’t hear her cackling.




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A new way of manufacturing chocolate (with the obligatory “environmental impact” mention that I skipped over).

Imagine picking up a nice juicy apple – but instead of biting into it you keep the seeds and throw the rest away. 

That’s what chocolate producers have traditionally done with the cocoa fruit – used the beans and disposed of the rest. 

But now food scientists in Switzerland have come up with a way to make chocolate using the entire cocoa fruit rather than just the beans – and without using sugar. 

The chocolate, developed at Zurich’s prestigious Federal Institute of Technology by scientist Kim Mishra and his team includes the cocoa fruit pulp, the juice, and the husk, or endocarp. 

The process has already attracted the attention of sustainable food companies. 

They say traditional chocolate production, using only the beans, involves leaving the rest of the cocoa fruit – the size of a pumpkin and full of nutritious value – to rot in the fields.

The key to the new chocolate lies in its very sweet juice, which tastes, Mr Mishra explains, “very fruity, a bit like pineapple”.

This juice, which is 14% sugar, is distilled down to form a highly concentrated syrup, combined with the pulp and then, taking sustainability to new levels, mixed with the dried husk, or endocarp, to form a very sweet cocoa gel. 

The gel, when added to the cocoa beans to make chocolate, eliminates the need for sugar.

Mr Mishra sees his invention as the latest in a long line of innovations by Swiss chocolate producers. 

In the 19th Century, Rudolf Lindt, of the famous Lindt chocolate family, accidentally invented the crucial step of “conching” the chocolate – rolling the warm cocoa mass to make it smooth and reduce its acidity – by leaving a cocoa mass mixer running overnight. The result in the morning? Deliciously smooth, sweet chocolate…

“The farmers [would] get significantly extra income through utilising cocoa pulp, but also the important industrial processing is happening in the country of origin. Creating jobs, creating value that can be distributed in the country of origin.”

…what does it really taste like?

The answer to the last question, in this chocolate-loving correspondent’s view, is: surprisingly good. A rich, dark but sweet flavour, with a hint of cocoa bitterness that would fit perfectly with an after dinner coffee.

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The whole of the cocoa fruit can now be used to make chocolate”

It would be nice to have chocolate without added sugar or artificial sweeteners. I’d like to give it a taste.


Is it possible that Big food didn’t want a wholesome chocolate?



Increasing profits, drives the decision matrix.


Where does the cocoa butter come from?


That is a very good question!


Just as a side note to the Pavel Durov thing (CEO of Telegram held hostage in France) — why doesn’t the Board of Directors just fire him? It’s not likely that he was hauling around master encryption keys on thumbdrives — and, if they fire him, it’ll be pretty obvious that he’s not about to get them.

More —

Last edited 3 months ago by cthulhu

Our State Department needs his BRAIN…and his brother’s. Apparently, their encryption works like a moving Rubik’s cube, and no one knows how to get into the Russian war plan. IMHO. Just from the interview with Tucker.

Meanwhile, why is Tucker in the middle of all of these interviews?


Mostly his brother’s….his brain would just make you want to buy it.




It almost sounds as though there may not be an ability for a back door even if anyone wanted one. Maybe for a small slice of time? Any ideas?


The reference book is .

Assuming that the Durov brothers own a copy and are reasonably intelligent, it’s all about management of the keys, which are probably on thumbdrives locked in a safe that requires two physical keys to open.


Have not read this yet but intrigued as how the keys work if the system is constantly fluctuating? Do the keys stop the fluctuation enough to open up the comms?

I remember Durov said they have servers. If so, that is still collection, no? If this is supposed to be ‘Free Speech’, why would there need to be any holding of info? I understand the need for a structure of a system. But are the brothers collecting content?


Modern ciphers have two keys. For convenience, they are called the Private key and the Public key. You can encrypt with one and decrypt with the other, but each key cannot decrypt itself — you must have both. You can also have subordinate keys which work in similar pairs, but can be turned-off.

I don’t know much about it, but I would expect that Telegram would give you a subordinate private key and the matching subordinate public key would go to the person you are dealing with. Even if the messages exist on their servers, they would not be able to read them.


So each user would need to partner with Brothers Durov to share or extract their account info? Pavel was very explicit about privacy.

He did not care if it were a government or private citizen anywhere on Earth. Good or bad. Except that he has been contacted about terrorist activity and had complied to intervene. Not certain if that would be deleting accounts and ‘Channels’ or more.

I did see an article that the Russian government was told to delete their comms and accounts on Telegram, but who knows if this is just a psyop?


Only in setting up the program. Once the users had their own keys, even the Durov brothers couldn’t see inside their communications — and if they had anything saved on their servers, it wouldn’t be useful.


So the program ghosts the content. Wow!


Behind the scenes, cryptography has been advancing by leaps and bounds in recent decades. For instance,

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Only partially true.

What you describe is asymetric encryption. It’s computationally very expensive.

The more usual thing where the same key encrypts and decrypts, is a lot easier.

So what they do is encrypt the message with a symmetric key, and send the key to the recipient…encrypted with a public/private key pair. That way the information stays protected because you still need the “other” key to read it; just not directly.


My understanding is that our State Departmnt uses Telegram for all of their ‘Kolor Revolusions’, Belarus being the current.

Are they trying to remove content as well?


It’s somewhat fruitless to speculate on what Telegram might be doing with their encryption scheme. Like I said — there’s a textbook, and their specific implementation is an exercise for the student (and they probably won’t tell you anyway).


Indeed. I am more interested in as to why our State Dept is using France to go after Telegram.


I don’t know that they are. France has weird internal issues that may be causing this.


Let’s see.


If you’re running Linux, you can easily get public keys off of a keyserver.

For example, if you want the Ubuntu Linux disc signing keys, you’d go:

gpg --keyid-format long --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 0x46181433FBB75451 0xD94AA3F0EFE21092

The two things that start with 0x are “nicknames” for the actual keys, which are about 3/4 page each.

You should then see something like:

gpg: requesting key 46181433FBB75451 from hkp server
gpg: requesting key D94AA3F0EFE21092 from hkp server
gpg: /root/.gnupg/trustdb.gpg: trustdb created
gpg: key 46181433FBB75451: public key "Ubuntu CD Image Automatic Signing Key <>" imported
gpg: key D94AA3F0EFE21092: public key "Ubuntu CD Image Automatic Signing Key (2012) <>" imported
gpg: no ultimately trusted keys found
gpg: Total number processed: 2
gpg:               imported: 2  (RSA: 1)

This loads the requested keys into your public keyring on your computer for future reference.


Tucker’s da bomb, that’s why.

He might just be the G.O.A.T. of interviewers.

Barb Meier

I just finished listening to the Mike Benz interview. I think he got Tucker spun up about a dozen times. It’s insightful, important, and goes well beyond Pavel Durov’s arrest.

Benz had no teleprompter or notes. He has a lot of knowledge about the inner workings of various branches of government and how they operate. We should pray for him to stay safe. He says he is a one issue guy but that touches on various other things. His issue is free speech.

Harris and Walz should listen to Benz and then accept that they are completely out of their league. It would be better for them to stand down because their involvement in Fed gov simply cannot end well for them or anyone.


PS Apparently, Pavel only has 30 engineers, of which one was solicited by the FBI for hire.

Did not go well. Wonder if any of the 30 engineers have all of the system knowledge?

Barb Meier

Pavel owns Telegram. I don’t think it is a public company, nor does it have a board of directors. He owns it. He manages it. His company has no HR department (per his interview with Tucker, episode #71 IIRC).


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Valerie Curren

hope it shows here after running it through gab

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thanks… Mike Benz explaining the Telegram situation. He’s so easy to listen too. Learns much.


Thank you for this. IMO, here is the takeaway from the Zero Hedge article:

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suggested reading…

Competing Concepts of Land in Eretz Israel



This is fun, with the most interesting part at around 11:30 where it talks about Noah’s Ark, but the whole thing seems very well told by the British Museum curator of the Middle East department, IIRC:


Last edited 3 months ago by scott467

“place where the sun was never seen” meaning they knew about the artic.


I left this on Finkel’s vid.

Great Job Professor Finkel. You just established that the people who wrote that map knew that the Artic region stayed dark for long periods of time and didn’t see the sun “the place where the sun is never seen”. Okay no time limit mentioned in the cuneiform text but to know that they’d have to have been up in the Artic Circle where full night can last for as long as 3 months, 2 months or 1 month depending on where in the artic circle you were. You should know that Bal Gangadhar Tilak in his “Artic Home for Vedas” written in 1903 and William Warren just before him but not with near as much proof as Tilak, established that the artic circle was inhabited for an undetermined amount of time that had to be at least several generations, likely much more, like in several hundreds of years. His proofs which number in the hundreds have been unassailable yet no one takes them on directly and his work has been ignored and he continues to get ignored form your very organization. India won it’s independence long ago and your still punishing him for it. Get it fixed and give Tilak and Warren their due sir. It’s the decent thing to do.

Barb Meier

Thanks for this, Scott!! Irving Finkel is so entertaining. I watched this video plus a few more. The one that followed this link was a long video discussing an Ark documentary that Finkel advised on making. It’s nearly an hour and I have not found the documentary he mentions but he does have photos of the Ark that was made for the video. As you might guess, he is lots of fun.


I’m hoping to get around to that Ark documentary this evening 👍😁

pat frederick

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Wow! I’m speechless!  😶 

pat frederick

Feisty Hayseed
August 28, 2024 1:45 am

PINELLAS COUNTY BREAKING: Thousands Of Undeliverable ‘Vote By Mail’ Ballots Were Cast On Aug 20 Primary Election
According to data obtained from the Florida Secretary of State’s office, and run through the National Change of Address and USPS systems, thousands of ballots that were undeliverable have been found to have been cast during the Aug 20 primary election in Pinellas County.
The data was run through investigate journalist Peter Bernegger’s ‘Titan’ system to match ballots listed as undeliverable, and still cast.
In one specific example, 6,375 ballots were cast where the voter had moved permanently out of state, and no longer able to vote in Florida elections. The ballots should have been returned as undeliverable.
In another example, 3,515 ballots were cast for voters who had moved and left no forwarding address.


USPS is involved in election cheats and have been for many years. Union members do the dirty for the Dems/RINOs.

Wake up, America.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



If the USPS is involved, that should be automatic felony.

That’s one of the many ways the Feds get people who commit crimes via the mail.


THE BIBLE SAYS – a Jew is not one who is outwardly a Jew (by religious practice, bloodline or profession) – but inwardly – in the heart and actions.

See Romans Chapter 2 – – particularly verses 28-29 – “28A man is not a Jew because he is one outwardly, nor is circumcision only outward and physical. 29No, a man is a Jew because he is one inwardly, and circumcision is a matter of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the written code. Such a man’s praise does not come from men, but from God.”

The claim on the land of Israel has been contended for a long, long time.

After WWI, the British Mandate promised the Jewish people a large portion than what Israel occupies today –

BRITISH MANDATE FOR ISRAEL 1920 – Israel would be the land in orange – encompassing parts of Jordan.

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Britain and the allies reneged on that promise. Likely tired of war, they didn’t want to inflame the muslims and set off another tinderbox of conflict.

The nation of Israel today is a tiny sliver of what they conquered in 1967 – they gave back the Sinai peninsula in hopes of peace. However, the State of Israel has little hope for peace with GOD or man – because they are in violation of GOD’s commandments – allowing free abortions to all women and letting their nation become a tourist destination for LBGTXYZ practitioners.

REMEMBER THIS – Islam is a supremacist, continually warring, conquering ideology. They claim as much right to the USA as they do to Israel.

Islam will always be at war within itself and without against all others. War and conflict are built into its directives and texts. The early writings of Islam conflict with the later ones and thus keep individuals, families and tribes at war – with unresolvable cognitive dissonance in their minds and continual contentiousness in their interactions with each other and all others.

Last edited 3 months ago by GA/FL

Further thought – The Bible also says that Christians are grafted into the tree of Judaism. We are now Jews in the spiritual sense and could also lay claim to the ‘Holy Land’ through this act of GOD.

See – Romans 11:11-31


Disagree regarding Judaism. And Jews.

The passage quoted refers to Israel as the natural branches of the rich root olive tree, some of which were broken off due to disobedience. It refers to Gentiles who received and believed the Good News as wild olive branches grafted in.

The last thing I would want to be on Judgment Day is a practicing Jew. Keep in mind that they reject Yeshua as the Messiah.

He clearly came for His lost sheep [the Ten Lost Tribes] in order to join the Twelve Tribes back together with Himself as their Messiah.

If one is not prepared to confess [accept] that Christ was crucified for the sin of the world, then one is not fit for the Kingdom.

Last edited 3 months ago by pgroup2

Phil Haney would have loved talking with you. And you with him.

Thank God I can add one more person who truly understands muzzies to my list.


You can add me if you have not already. I am in 100% agreement. The seed of Ishmael knows no boundaries in regards to their hatred.


Consider yourself added.  😍 


Father of the Arabs:

Genesis 16

11 The angel of the Lord said to her further,
“Behold, you are with child,
And you will bear a son;
And you shall call his name Ishmael,
Because the Lord has given heed to your affliction.
“He will be a wild donkey of a man,
His hand will be against everyone,
And everyone’s hand will be against him;
And he will live to the east of all his brothers.”

Last edited 3 months ago by rayzorback



If one truly wants to understand the core truths about how many Israelites operate even today, one can read Maccabee text. The men were even willing to reverse their circumcisions themselves to be accepted by gentiles (Greeks) back then. That would be quite painful FWIW.

They endure what they endure because they are unwilling to be what God chose them to be and that has been true for thousands of years.


CNN could should neuter Hoe’s pacifier quite easily.

First words out of Dana’s mouth.

  • Tampon Tim (OK guvner for prissy types), This IS an interview between Hoe (OK Vice President Harris for the politically correct crowd) and myself, as the interviewer.
  • Not one question will be directed at Tampon Tim, nor is Tampon Tim invited to speak.

Then get on with a serious interview, which should be released in it entirety, unedited.

pat frederick

I don’t think he speaks…he fizzles like an alka seltzer


But instead … it causes upset stomach.  😼 



pat frederick

is there any ASSET forfeiture in there????
asking for 81 million friends


Should be. It’s obviously a RICO thing.

Last edited 3 months ago by rayzorback

pat frederick

that’s a great idea!


Poso threads that needle in a hurricane! Great job.


Disclaimer. I do not follow Pravda News. Nor do I live in CO.

Guessing the guvner of CO and Mayor of Aurora are OK with this…

Smells so much like Portland and other D-Rat shit holes burned down by Antifa / BLM.

Except Hoe and Briben imported illegals AND are paying them.

pat frederick

the police have called the “gang” SQUATTERS (apparently armed squatters) and say it’s a civil matter


This article gives the impression that it was nothing more than 3 to 4 thousand people gathered to wait for Venezualan election results. Nothing at all to see here, move along folks. Those gunshots…not to worry, fired into the air, the cop car that was hit..not to worry..might’ve been some other projectile.

FTA~ Police say the crowd was rowdy but not widely unruly

“The Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition stands by the values of unity, respect, and the right to peaceful assembly,” said coalition Communications Manager Raquel Lane-Arellano. “The recent gathering of Venezuelans at a Target in Aurora was an expression of their right to assemble, a cornerstone of our democracy protected by our constitution.”

Last edited 3 months ago by mollypitcher5

For sure.

I’m so sick of what’s happening


Aurora CO is where thousands of LEGAL African immigrants have settled for decades and they owned mom/pop grocery, liqour, etc. businesses; got high school & college degrees; and worked industriously at jobs like cleaning high rise office buildings, parking lot attendants, etc. Hubs and I both had good experiences employing them or working with them via commercial real estate and banking. Culturally we had nithing in common but they were decent, mostly law-abiding and wanted only a better life for their families.

As our state has steadily turned into a Commie cabal of political sway and monied interests, we have been invaded by the illegals. Sadly Aurora is one of the most invaded by the South American & Mexican gangs because the LEGAL population there is relatively poor and without political clout.

With the Leftist forces in control and legislated all-mail balloting & full term abortion, there is little hope for the future of this once fiercely independent state. 😢


Never, Ever, show a receipt while departing the likes of Wally World, Lowe’s, Home Deport, TarGay

I do not even wave the receipt at them. Just. Walk. On.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Walmarts here have gone to 15 item maximums for the self checkout.

So if I have 30 items I get stuck in line behind the person who bought too much for their food stamp card and has to remove one item at a time, then the person whose card just doesn’t work (they probably try to use it every time regardless), and on and on.

Regular checkout is an agony. Next time I’ll just go into the store repeatedly and buy 15 items at a time.

Last edited 3 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yup. Walmart goes out of their way, to deliver piss poor customer service.

When ready to check out, if I am near the garden area, I’ll look at that register(s). If it’s open, usually only one or two in line.


Verse of the Day for Wednesday, August 28, 2024

“Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.” 

Psalms 37:5 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Under His wing, a place of deep rest
Away from all trouble, secure, deeply blessed
A pavilion of prayer, restoration, retreat
I now lay my burden down at His feet

No marker of time, I’m welcome to stay
As long as is needed, all night or all day
Under His wing, I linger and pray
His Spirit refreshes and shows me the way

His peace He has given, I humbly receive
Give thanks for His mercy because I believe
Under His cover of gossamer Light
I thank Him and praise Him for now I’m alright

DC: 08/27/2024


Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday


Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday




In this video, you can see Trump going as far as he thinks wise and prudent:

I would have gone further and just said what we instinctively know to be true: factions of the government tried to murder him. People like Biden knew and approved of the murder, but their involvement necessarily had buffers and plausible deniability built in.

Trump could formulate a way to say it all without sounding crazy. But the goal should be to put them on the defensive, make them say that Trump is crazy, and as soon as they do instinct for the truth will kick in.



TY for doing that!


The Democrats – including Congress members and Senators – have spewed a plethora of hateful inflammatory rhetoric against Donald Trump – even calling for his death, displaying a decapitated head, calling him Hitler, etc.

It’s no wonder PDJT was made a shooting target on J13.


BREAKING: NY Times Turns On Kamala! Publishes NUMEROUS OpEds on ‘Weak,’ ‘Phony’ and ‘Ignorant’ Democrat Nominee
It’s hard to imagine. The Times on Friday posted a hit on Kamala Harris titled, “Joy is Not a Strategy.”

Then, on Monday, The NY Times published an op-ed titled, “Trump Can win on character,” something that must have made the leftist elites vomit in their mouths.


Video at the end of the article worth listening on.
RFK Jr.’s Running Mate Nicole Shanahan on Today’s Democrat Party: “I’m Shocked. I’m Saddened. I’m Worried for Them – They’ve Lost Their Soul” (VIDEO)


New mpox strain is changing fast; African scientists are ‘working blind’
to respondJennifer Rigby and Julie Steenhuysen
Updated Tue, August 27, 2024 at 5:54 AM CDT·5 min read

The WHO will shut down economies around the world but not fund people close to the problem which is quite evidenced by this story is pretty much all anyone needs to know that this is engineered. Silly people involved in this need to be shunned, boycotted and isolated, that/they being all things UN cabal and cabal related which would include nasty demonrats who promote deviant and abhorrent behaviors from which their hideousness can manifest.


Wow, thanks, Gail!

Deplorable Patriot

What a read. Thank you.

There’s a lot more out there on this topic, but the truth is that most of the people following Judaism are like the rest of us in one regard: we were adopted. Or adopted the faith of someone evangelizing. It’s not a blood right.

I won’t say much beyond that other than I have noticed among Jewish men of my acquaintance as well as a number of celebrities and Les Wexner, a peculiar resemblance. It’s just weird.

Really, having lived among Jews my whole life, and seeing the social peculiarities of the culture…that such a history would be hidden is not a shock. It would not serve them well at all. Neither would some other details of their history. Look up what the Czechs did with Bohemia before WWII.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Czechs are from Bohemia and have been there for centuries. Did you mean something else?



Newsflash for Camel-Uh:

America’s duly-elected Constitutional Sheriffs WILL NOT carry out her so-called Executive Order, should she ever be cheated into office to sign it.


Folks not gonna play along either.

Red state guvners likely tell the bitch to GFH.

On and on…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It would start a civil war – or make sure that one they started by other means (such as refusing to certify Trump) would take hold.

IMO, we have to be ready for the likely truth that Demmunists actually WANT to start a civil war – in which the “powers that be” (especially the media) can define patriotic Americans as “the bad guys”.


To your point about them wanting to start a civil war , the NYTimes abruptly allowing opinion other than DS approved narrative. CNN allowing some negativity toward Kommie .
Their transformation of her as the one was hasty and lackluster. They had 4 long years to come up with a better choice. Is there some psych play going on here? Have they changed course and want Trump to win so that they will call on the illegals, antifa, brainwashed military to light the fires?

Trump’s new unity tent has to be a surprise and a worry.
I really think the assassination failure thwarted their immediate and long range plans.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Agreed on the latter point! Trump wasn’t supposed to be here!


They want what they “think” a civil war would look like.

They don’t understand, in my humble opinion, of course, that it would look nothing at all like what they imagine. I won’t write out what I think that is. Why give anyone ideas. But I know in my heart that civil war in America today would be WAY worse than people think.


Civil war, assuredly worse than folks think.

Uglier than I’ve ever experienced.

Last edited 3 months ago by kalbokalbs
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Just considering the horrifying degrees of sadism and cruelty that Hollyweird has been teaching people, it would be monstrous.


Love this topic, Miss Gail! It’s one that needs to be researched deeply and honestly.

pat frederick

obamination needs to be pictured as well!
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OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


LIVE WITH JULIE – 08/28/2024



Psalm 118:24
Exodus 14:13-14
1 Samuel 17:47
2 Corinthians 2:14
1 John 4:4
Hebrews 13:8
John 8:32
Galatians 3:13
1 Peter 2:24
Psalm 91 (entire chapter)
Deuteronomy 7 (entire chapter)
Amos 3:7
Joel 2:28
Acts 2:17
Ephesians 6:12
2 Corinthians 5:7
Exodus 15:6-7
2 Chronicles 20 (entire chapter)
Romans 10:17
John 17:13-17
Galatians 5:1
Isaiah 54:17


Remain at peace and know that God is the One doing the fighting for you. Keep up your faith and trust in Him.
Fear not, do not be discouraged and rest in your victory.
God’s Word is your answer to every problem your enemies are creating in this world. The Word of God is the Sword of the Spirit and you need to use it.
The best thing you can do against those who are persecuting you is to pray for them.
God is warning you that there is a political storm brewing. He is telling you to batten down the hatches and hunker down.
These warnings are not to make you fearful. Do not fear. Keep a firm focused foundation on the Father. He is your answer.
Get into the Word of God daily. Spend time with God every day.
God is the fourth man in the fire. He is there for you. He will see you through everything.
Nothing your enemies are doing or will try to do is bigger than God.
No foe can withstand God’s right hand. Nothing can stop God’s hand from moving.
Marching Order: Stand, hold tight, and remain at rest.
God is your answer to every problem. If He is asking you to do something He will give you the ability to complete the task.



No matter what we see the Establishment try to do in these upcoming days and weeks and months and what not, God is saying to us you FEAR NOT, you HOLD YOUR PEACE, you REMAIN AT REST because HE IS FIGHTING FOR YOU… 


[Word heard – August 25, 2024] 

My children, the news regarding this fake administration, fake campaign and its new puppet is about to change drastically. Some of the media outlets and journalists are about to crack under the pressure and the weight that they’ve been carrying knowing everything they’re reporting on is a lie and it is destroying this nation as they know it. Some reporting the news thought they were helping to save this nation, not destroying it. Some were so blind to the truth they couldn’t see what was really happening until the truth finally hit them so hard it started to wake them up under such great deception that was controlling them. You will see more and more will start to tell the truth more boldly now because they want to save this nation. More will be willing to lose their jobs to speak the truth. 
There are greater divisions between the news stations and the Establishment than people realize. More people will start to turn on the propaganda machine.




pat frederick

pat frederick

one working woman debunks the “illegals do jobs Americans won’t”
As a working-class American who drives for DoorDash, I was paying attention to the Democratic National Convention to see if they had some ideas for how to make my life easier. Everything is so hard right now. With grocery prices what they are, the cost of rent and gas, we struggle every month to cover all of our bills—and that’s with taking on extra work cleaning homes and babysitting. I was especially eager to hear about immigration, which has had an impact on the industries I work in in a big way. Unfortunately, there wasn’t much in the way of policy that I heard that would help.
It’s disappointing that the party that says it’s for the people has so little to offer us.
Working-class Americans have been a gold mine for America. We have been and are what keeps America running and alive. Everyone seemed to understand this during the COVID-19 pandemic, that we were essential workers. We worked through the crisis while upper-class Americans sat at home safe and sound. We kept America going—and we are still doing it.
But what did we get as thanks? A wide open border and an influx of immigrants who came here illegally who have streamed into our industries, lowering our wages and increasing competition for the industries we labor in which are already at the bottom of the wage spectrum.
I have seen undocumented immigrants using fraudulent credentials, AI generated credentials, and just stolen identities to get employment. As far as I can tell, America has no policy or procedure to identify fraudulent credentials.
Deep conversations between people with completely different political and social perspectives. I want to receive special offers and promotions from Newsweek
How is that possible? How can people come and take work from struggling Americans like that, and no one does anything about it?
How is E-Verify not part of every employer’s onboarding process?
One thing we DoorDashers and Uber Eats and other Uber drivers have been noticing is undocumented immigrants on delivery apps. DoorDash requires your name, social security number, birthday, and driver’s license photo uploaded on the app so they can run a background check on drivers, given that we deliver to parks, schools, and people’s homes. But we’ve all seen accounts being approved with fraudulent credentials, AI generated ones, and stolen identities.
We’re not the only ones to notice. We hear it all the time from the businesses we pick up from. And I recently spoke to a police officer doing a shift on school grounds who told me about two incidents with illegal DoorDash drivers using someone else’s account.
This is not just added competition to those of us already struggling to make ends meet. It’s dangerous to anyone ordering from a delivery service and having it brought to their home or job.
But it’s also having a very real impact on my income, which has significantly shrank over the last year. I used to be able to make $100 a day working 8 or 10 hours. Now it’s down to $60. It sure feels like the additional competition is why I’m getting so many fewer orders.
It’s not just the delivery apps where it’s happening. I have my own cleaning business, which is also becoming much harder to keep afloat, because I charge a little more than an undocumented immigrant charges for the same service. Customers would rather allow an undocumented immigrant to take the job and pay $25 less so they can keep that $25 in their pocket, while I charge that extra 25 because I pay my taxes at the end of the year. I’ve lost several clients for this reason, and I have friends facing the same problem.
I unfortunately didn’t grow up with the option to go to college and get a degree. I didn’t have skilled trades training available to me for free. I work as hard as I can in the industries open to me. And yet for some reason, our government has decided that people like me don’t matter, that our jobs aren’t “real jobs” and that it’s OK to flood the market with a glut of illegal labor, driving down our wages and opportunities even further.
This is my reality.
You can look down on me and think I’m beneath you. I don’t care. I do what I have to do to take care of my family as I see fit. I will not feel bad or apologize for this.
But I will not just sit by and give up. I will continue to fight for my children, my family, and our working class.
Ruby Nicole Day is a 41-year old married mother. She homeschools her son and drives for DoorDash. She lives in South Lebanon, Ohio.
The views expressed in this article are the writer’s own.

pat frederick

more than 15 years ago we purchased a metal carport (which we use for firewood). we purchased it from a local used car dealer. They had many types on site. When the crew arrived to erect the carport, they were all Mexican. One spoke broken English–the other 2 none at all.


Gail Combs
Agreed. It is becoming “iffy” around here in terms of actually getting some types of repairs / renovations performed. The foreman / contractor who talks to the homeowner is usually an American. The work crew is composed of a sprinkling of Americans with more of “English is not their first language” types. This opens the door to mistakes being made in the accomplishment of the repairs / renovations. And this is if the “English is not their first language” types show up for the job.


Gail Combs
Thank you for this fascinating article!
The descendants of Phillip II of Spain are literally around today, in the members of the ruling families of much of Europe (although many of these European monarchies are now either “in name only”, or are subject to the legislative bodies of their countries, as in the United Kingdom.)
In terms of the Khazarian issue, there is this, from State of the Nation:
World War 3.0: Literally everything has been painstakingly set up lie [sic] pieces on a chessboard by the Khazarian Cabal to trigger the kinetic stage of WW3.”
25 August 2024


With respect to Butler, has it been definitively established that CNN broacast the rally, and that it was the only rally to be broadcast?

And if true, has anyone put pressure on CNN to explain this anomaly?

Last edited 3 months ago by Tonawanda

8.28.24: Tulsi endorses, RFK JR to help President TRUMP, CIC Wreath laying? DEBATES, Pray!

And We Know




Sitting and waiting a long while for you
What is a wallflower supposed to do
Ladies in waiting for possibilities 
Scrutinizing probabilities

They strut their stuff just to simply impress
As if that is all one needs to address
Is there motion and movement maneuver
Do his eyes express he will approve her

Does he glide and guide her to ecstasy 
For all to observe so powerfully
Is there a flow to their core connection
Without a doubt in their glow reflection

The look in the eye conveys but a clue 
Of whether the bond is actually true
The caress of a partner oh so fine
Is hard to determine or deft define

Come Dance with Me to definitely see
If there is an attachment tween you and me
The dance will decide what is meant to be
An apt audition unexpectedly 

Can you see the majesty of the dance
Tis not just two bodies about to prance
The eloquent flow and abandonment
With each subsequent step and increment

Come Dance With Me until the morning light
Let’s see what develops throughout the night
Whatever will be will be once again
As our spirits unite where love will reign

D01: 06/08/2023

Valerie Curren

That one is just so fun!

Barb Meier
Last edited 3 months ago by Barb Meier
Brave and Free


Last edited 3 months ago by Brave and Free

Not a fan.

A groupie.


Valerie Curren

Here’s the rest of the image

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Barb Meier

Thank you, Valerie!! Someone needs to have a word with Obama about whether he saw this letter before or after he pushed for her to become Biden’s VP.

Brave and Free
Valerie Curren



Deplorable Patriot

There are so many reasons to love this video. Not just their words, but how they present themselves and speak. It’s excellent.







(Had to play about with the time bar to get to the beginning)


“It is reported that one of the first F-16 pilots, Lieutenant Colonel Aleksey Sergeevich Mes , who previously served in the 204th Tactical Aviation Brigade, has died.

Lutsk City Council deputy Igor Polischuk writes that Mes died on August 26, right during a missile attack on military and industrial facilities in western Ukraine.

It is possible that the F-16 pilot was destroyed at the base airfield during one of the missile attack.”


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They WANT IT, and they will PROFIT on it.

These people are RAIDING our pensions, retirements, and everything else.


…and I just want to know what is a “Bharat Rama?” Where is Bharat from; what is his USA status? Where is Mr. Smith??


Gail Combs
His name is Bharat Ramamurti.
His parents immigrated to the United States (likely on “student visas”.)
This man is likely yet another “anchor baby” born to illegal immigrants.
His parents came to the United States from TAMIL NADU, a Brahmin-caste state in India.
Tamil Nadu state is socialist.
The government there has control over business (including private businesses), finances, etc.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“Bharat” is actually the Hindi word for “India”


Remember also that much of the “unrealized gain” is actually government-caused devaluation of the dollar (AKA “inflation”). So the government can misbehave (running deficits), ascribe its misbehavior to the citizens, and tax them for it.

Last edited 3 months ago by cthulhu

“Pavel Durov has been released from custody. The investigating judge has terminated Pavel Durov’s detention in police custody for the purpose of his initial interrogation and possible filing of charges
In short, he is not yet free. This is only a change in Durov’s status for the purpose of interrogation and possible indictment. After that, a decision will be made about his fate”

(Out on bail ?)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I will bet that MK Ultra interrogation was used on him. He won’t remember a thing.


(Politico) – Pavel Durov’s brother has been placed on the wanted list in France 


Well if he’s not fore warned now he never will be.
Luckily he will have enough cash to be a free agent and travel any where he wants just as long as he steers clear of any globo land.



Had to figure out which one they wanted it to be.


Paging Higgins.

  • Please comment on the “shattered gun stock,” mentioned in your preliminary report.

Red dot, anyone?


….or is it some random “assault weapon” they intend to demonize?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Nice to finally see it!


Thanks for pulling the string on this…questions on X.

Later when I have time, I’m going to look for a picture of the weapon on the roof.

Don’t recall seeing a red dot. I may have missed it or the pictures simply don’t have the clarity.

Also wanna look at the buffer tube, if clarity and detail allows.


This is NOT Babylon Bee.

Disabled Veteran Cited for ‘Liquid Littering’ After Blowing Bubbles in California


Seems like JD will have to swat down Pravda lies on Sunday talk shows, that Trump was invited AND did not do the wreath laying and grave site visit(s) for political gain.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He should be able to drop nukes.

“Why do you, the media, assist these lies? You know this is as scurrilous and evil as the ‘suckers and losers’ hoax. You know that. You know it’s one more hoax by the people who hate Donald Trump. Yet you persist. You could choose real journalism at any time, but you don’t. You’re a disgrace, Kristin. A disgrace. You’ve abandoned every fine principle that you entered journalism to accomplish.”



JD swat down the lies, bitch slap Hoe Tampon Tim AND pointedly call out faux journalist.


Truth is an effective weapon. Use it often and use it well.

Valerie Curren



Questions about the influx of men in Ireland and US..he’s asking the right things


My guess is that he will be in a non-extradition country within 30 days.


Hope so.


If every thing on there is super duper encrypted how can the authorities claim to know what is on there.
Are they charging him on the assumption that his site is being used illegally.


France cover story.

  • Possible human trafficking, children… On queue, France cares about this. (No.)
  • Real story…

Somewhere a couple days ago, I read Durov’s plane was diverted to France. If so, I dunno the original destination.

It’s all BS to me.


What if Durov cut off every french subscriber and got Musk to do the same. Send them all a final message saying “sorry, your government did this to you. Sort it out with them, then get back to us”
D&M do business with the world they’re rich enough to drop one country for a while.


For now, my hope is Durov can escape France. Get to a country that won’t extradite him.

If he is of a mind, expose whatever he can of French government.


Screw Telegram and Twitter — hit ’em where it really counts.

Cut off France from Pornhub.


That will only hit government employees and civil servants, they’ll be sat at their desks all day with nothing occupy their minds.


….or hands….

Valerie Curren


Toobin still Tubin’


At one point, back in the ’80’s, it was estimated that 60% of all worldwide VHS tape production ended-up in pr0n cassettes.

(As a side note, there were tremendous economics of scale in producing the stuff [videotape], so there were far fewer manufacturers than generally supposed.)

(Mind you, there are still tremendous economics of scale in producing the stuff [porn], so there is a dominant company that controls more internet bandwidth than generally supposed. )


Incidentally, at one point I interviewed to be the Controller for Adult Friend Finder…..we had an interesting talk, but I had to confess that I was not their best fit at the end of it (even though I had a track record for picking up the finer points of odd accounting issues).

Before the interview, I had mulled over whether it would be more valuable to emphasize cost controls, or discuss capitalization rules for Intellectual Property, or review the finer points of internally-developed software….but their #1 need was something a little more basic — that I wasn’t going to be able to develop in the time required.

Their biggest problem was credit card charge-backs. Every time some schmo’s wife opened his credit card statement and found a charge to Adult Friend Finder, it would generate a call to the credit card company disputing the charge. AFF needed someone with extensive legal and operational experience in negotiating and administering credit-card agreements — and they needed it right now.

They’d have been better off recruiting from banks or credit card companies than talking to me.


You’re a billionaire.

You’ve been forbidden from leaving the country.

You’ve decided it would be best if you left the country.

You …


Hire a makeup artist and train a body-double?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wheatie is lighting her torch in the balcony at this nuttiness.


U F B.

Uniparty sux in its entirety.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A great governor!



Term limited, so on to the Senate, I hope.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great idea!!!



Gratitude Prayers

Prayer of Daily Thanks

Heavenly Father, as the sun sets, I want to pause and say thank You. For the little things like a warm cup of tea to the big things like my family’s laughter, I’m grateful. Each moment of this day has been a gift, and I thank You for the blessings, both seen and unseen. Let my sleep be a thank you, my dreams be praise, and my night whispers echo with gratitude. Amen.

A Prayer for the Gifts of Life

Dear Lord, under the evening sky, I come before You filled with appreciation. For the breath in my lungs, the food on my table, and the love in my home, I am truly thankful. Help me to always notice the countless gifts You provide and to never take them for granted. I rest in Your care, grateful for today and hopeful for tomorrow. Amen.

Thanksgiving for Enduring Love

Gracious God, as I lay down tonight, I reflect on Your unending love and care. Thank you for guiding me through this day, for the smiles shared, and for the kindness I received. Your love is a constant in a world that often changes, and for this steadfast love, I give You thanks. As I close my eyes, I feel the peace of a grateful heart. Amen.

Evening Gratitude for Strength and Guidance

Lord of all comfort, I am thankful tonight, not just for the good but also for the strength You gave me in challenging moments. Thank you for the wisdom in decisions and the courage in facing my fears. Your guidance is a lantern to my feet. As the stars appear, I thank You for lighting my path today and every day. Amen.

Sunset Thanks for Life’s Journey

Almighty Creator, every sunset reminds me of Your glory and the journey You’ve laid out for me. I am grateful for the paths I’ve walked today, the lessons learned, and the growth experienced. Thank You for being my compass and my companion. As the night unfolds, I count my blessings, and atop the list is Your unwavering presence in my life. Amen.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Can’t be said enough times.

USG does NOT give a shit about Lahaina citizens.

As an aside. Wish Tulsi would chime in on Lahaina cluster f…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good aside. She could be devastating on all Hawaii topics, although she has to be careful there, countering the far left nutcases there, who are so many.


Make sure you read the last paragraph. Not only did they not comply, they destroyed records.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Looks like a digit switch!


Too funny…


I ain’t buying it. JD set that one up.

But it’s still funny.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Looks like he’s reading from notes!


While I recall Trump has a history of inviting key guests to debates, this one smacks of troll.

  • Would really like it to be true, happen…


Gloves are off.

If Trump invites AND Mrs. Brown is willing to attend, I’m good with it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Me too.


The Master at play.  😂 



Snatched from SD.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent! Thank you!!!




Think they’ll call the beach house and let Joe know? Nahhh The freakin U S of A has no actual President right now the same as the last 3 years

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Susan Rice! Wake her up!


More. Wheels on the school bus go round and round…


She’s equally as disastrous as Biden..his fallback is dementia..hers? Stupid


And I think she assumes everybody is just as stupid as she is. Medical students, scientists, whoever. She just can’t believe they are smarter than she is.


My first wild guess is she was molested as a toddler and she has PTSD from it.

So when those feelings of helplessness recur, she relives herself as a toddler. Thus she speaks as toddlers do.

My second wild guess is she is re-living the molestation but taking the role of the molester and that’s how he/she spoke to KH.

Any time she feels like she’s over her head in a situation, the stress reverts her and triggers her PTSD.

I’m not a shrink and I don’t play one on the internet.


Mary Jane will do that.
To her doped up brain it’s like she’s imparting the mysteries of the universe.
The real mystery is why her audience thinks she is.


It would.

Also reports Hoe is a lush.

Not so long ago, I SWAG, the bag of Cocaine found in the WH, was not Hunters. Hoe came to mind.

  • Reports were, SS had partial fingerprints.
  • The ultimate blackmail.

Be a laugh if she started that circular talking during the debate.
PDJT could lead her on even give her some of his time, “Oh I find that concept interesting could you expand on it a little please” 😂  😂  😂 
Hope she smokes a strong one before it commences.

Last edited 3 months ago by RAC
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Can’t make this shit up.



Last edited 3 months ago by RAC

Dr. Naomi freakin’ Wolf retweeted ME!!!!!!

I feel like Elle Woods!


LOL…you’re SO Elle Woods today !

That’s quite an honor and we’re proud that you hang out here and suggest healthful tips for us too!


It just made my whole WEEK!


I’m happy for’s nice to be validated by a “biggie”


Wonderful! Congratulations!



Valerie Curren

Happy dance!




A liberal likes you. Sounds scary to me.  😂 


Lol! I’m tough, I can handle it.


Whoa! Congratulations!




🙌🙌🙌 We get to say “We knew you when … ” 😁😁😁 You are AWESOME Aubergine. That must have been a real (and well-deserved) thrill.


It was, and thank you!

I am still pinging her on Twitter, because her post can confuse people.

She made a video about using olive oil infused with oregano, which is healthy and great for you.

But people are so used to Doterra and Young Living hawking oregano ESSENTIAL OIL, they are confusing the two things.

Naomi uses a teaspoon per day of the INFUSED oil. A teaspoon of ESSENTIAL oil would be very, very bad for you.

I personally am against most people using essential oils internally. It takes 1000 pounds of oregano to make ONE pound of essential oil. I did the math on essential oils long ago, and decided that humans were never meant to ingest any herb at that concentration. Would you EVER EAT a pound of oregano all at once? But people will put the essential oil in some water and ingest that amount without even thinking about it. Not a good idea!


Just started listening…