DEAR MAGA: Open Thread 20240829

Cover image: Flathead Lake, Montana

Badlands News Brief – August 27, 2024

Half of Americans under 35 would rather quit their job than work with political ‘opponents.’ That’s scary

Most of us do work with political opponents. It’s called being an adult.

China’s strategic silver takeover: A calculated move to drain the west

Which is Worse: Conspiracy Theory or Hive Mind?

Fascinating chat between Roseanne and RFK Jr. on deprogramming Americans trapped in the deep state ‘psyop’…

The death of celebrity culture: why Americans are sick and tired of rich, pampered stars

‘He Has No Business Being Out on the Street’: Carville Says ‘More Humane Country’ Would Have Committed RFK Jr

Maybe Carville is the one who should be locked up.

No Deals = No Plea Deals for DJT

US Elections Must Be Independent

Badlands News Brief – August 28, 2024

Report: Kamala Harris Claims She ‘Does Not Support’ Electric Car Mandates After Years of Backing Them

Just like a woman changing her mind.

Elections commission votes to keep Kennedy on Wisconsin’s presidential ballot

If You Want To See Where America Is Heading, Look To 1453

Supreme Court rebuffs Biden administration plea to restore multibillion-dollar student debt plan

Breaking: US Government-Funded Censorship Arm ‘Atlantic Council’ Targeted Telegram Just Two Months Before Durov Arrest


Personally, barred owls are welcome in this neighborhood. They help to keep the critter population under control along with hawks and other owls.



And now for the business portion.

Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list or the closest rescue thread.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.


All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information. Correcting the record on any one topic is appreciated.

Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights
  2. No running with scissors
  3. If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon

Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and don’t just play them on TV like the body doubles pretending to be the squatter in chief:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


Jeremiah 1:17-19

17But you, gird up your loins; arise, and say to them everything that I command you. Do not be dismayed by them, lest I dismay you before them. 18And I, behold, I make you this day a fortified city, an iron pillar, and bronze walls, against the whole land, against the kings of Judah, its princes, its priests, and the people of the land. 19They will fight against you; but they shall not prevail against you, for I am with you, says the LORD, to deliver you.”




Bijou Cocktail


  • 1 ounce London dry gin
  • 1 ounce sweet vermouth
  • 1 ounce Green Chartreuse
  • 1 dash orange bitters


  1. Combine ingredients in a mixing glass and fill with cracked ice. Stir well for 20 seconds and strain into chilled cocktail glass. Twist a piece of lemon peel over the drink and use as garnish.
  2. For a more modern version, use 1 1/2 ounces gin, 1/2 ounce vermouth, and 1/2 ounce Chartreuse.

Have a good one y’all.

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Hi.  🙃 


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Thank you, De Pat, for bringing us a lovely Thursday thread.

With vermouth and chartreuse, that Bijou sounds like it’d be pretty swampy.



MARVELOUS opening!!! What a treat!!!!!

TY! Not sure what I like best!

I know it is Thursday but…


Stayed in Kalispell. Took a day trip to Flathead. Huge lake.

LOVE the Brits having ribs for the first time!!!!

They need honorary US Citizenship!


Have friends in kalispell. Glad you went before it gets really cold.


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In his upcoming book “Save America,” Trump issues a stark warning to Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg:


“We are watching him closely, and if he does anything illegal this time he will spend the rest of his life in prison — as will others who cheat in the 2024 Presidential Election.”

Trump accuses Zuckerberg of undermining him in the 2020 election, despite previously cordial relations.

He criticizes Zuckerberg’s $420 million donation to help state and local governments conduct elections during the pandemic, dubbing it “Zuckerbucks.”

This comes as Zuckerberg recently apologized for Meta’s handling of COVID-19 content moderation, admitting to acquiescing to government pressure.

The book is set for release on September 3.

Source: New York Post


Do it!!!!! Do this every day!!!!


“We are watching him closely, and if he does anything illegal this time he will spend the rest of his life in prison — as will others who cheat in the 2024 Presidential Election.”


The CHILLING EFFECT this will have is perfect, it’s exactly the kind of thing the Left does to us routinely, but we never return the favor.

It needs to be a TIDAL WAVE of such promises, flooding social media, so that every would-be cheater is looking over his shoulder, and weighing whether helping Lalalala cheat is worth going to prison.




Does anyone have more info on what is happening? I believe this may be the storm starting.


This sounds like they know that we know that they know we know.

2016 was a test for all of the generals and military for Florida and Ohio.

2020 was the steal to confirm how all of the criminal systems were working.

2024…smells like WAR.

Valerie Curren



It’s certainly a loud and resounding crack that is making the heavens shake.
No doubt the next could crack or series of cracks will be them firing back as we should know by now they are not going away quietly and will fight for what they want which is all of us silenced and eliminated so they can get on with their utopian dreams of a clean and pristine world not mucked up by masses of humans but a pretty world where only they get to play on.


The funny part is that they have to be very careful HOW they go about it, because if they just go full-Hitler (their innate reflex), they just expose themselves and all of MAGA goes “I TOLD YOU SO!!!” 😂

So their own inner-tyrant has to hold back their own inner-tyrant, lest the whole world see and recognize their inner-tyrant.

It’s kinda beautiful… 😁


This is rather a loud Checkmate.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The liberal publishing world CLEARLY warned Zuckerberg about the contents of the book, which explains his recent lies about positivity toward Trump.


Ivan Raiklan’s public service announcement to Mark Zuckerberg:


Ranklin’s Commando’s are all over this. Wish I knew how to post the thread.
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Hoping Covid / Covid Jabs TRUTH AND who covered it up are getting bright sunlight.

Stuff FB censored, 2020 stolen election.

OK. Off to drifting around, waiting to learn elephant died.

Valerie Curren

Post a link to the first comment in the thread &/or the threadreader & Some of us can run with it 🙂


WATCH: RFK Jr. reveals that 37 hours after Kamala and Biden were installed into the White House, they opened an illegal portal between social media giants and the FBI, CIA, CDC, etc, to begin the rampant censorship of Americans

Platforms were THREATENED to comply, or else “their section 230 immunity was in jeopardy.”

“These people are cynical, terrible people, and they knew what they were doing was breaking the law.” – @RobertKennedyJr

This man is blowing the whistle on everything the people have been blinded to for decades.


“Platforms were THREATENED to comply, or else “their section 230 immunity was in jeopardy.”


As always, the BEST response would be to GO PUBLIC with the threats from government and take your chances in court. Expose their blackmail and coercion, it’s the best thing you can do.

Always, always ALWAYS call the bluff.

It’s like someone driving up to you, pulling a gun, and saying “Get in, or I’ll shoot!”

The correct response is always to RUN.

Both because a moving target is hard to hit, and because if you get in that car, you’re probably dead.

Same when the gov’t makes some covert threat.

Go public immediately.

Whatever they’re going to do to you, they’re going to try to do anyway — but if you go along with it, if you ‘get in their car’, you might as well be dead.

Last edited 3 months ago by scott467

Something is breaking wide open tonight. Nothing like timing on Labor Day weekend.

President Trump is making a statement of Zuckerberg on stealing elections!!! And prison.


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Captain Obvious?





Is Scott moonlighting over at Revolver?

Adam Kinzinger is known for crying and possibly being gay, which makes sense why he joined the Democrats. RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard are known for being free-thinkers who want to upend Big Pharma, Big Food, and Big Government, appealing to many voters who share those goals. They bring the power of voters, while Kinzinger brings the power of crocodile tears and Grindr.


It’s not me, I didn’t know Cryin’ Adam Kinzinger switched parties until just now, if I understood that correctly 😁


It’s his clone.

Valerie Curren

Colorado again.


ding dong..Avon calling…oh wait, not Avon, scary foreigners with weapons


Oopps… Not Colorado ….😮

Last edited 3 months ago by para59r
Valerie Curren

“if the driver sees a group of migrants at a bus stop, they will drive on”

How do they identify “migrants”? racial profiling?  😂 


Yes. Common sense.

Valerie Curren

Well given Africans, Middle Easterners, & South/Central Americans & Mexicans, let alone Chyneze as invaders that seems “challenging” to execute 🙂


Just saying. We don’t allow white adults to board school buses, alone or in gangs so it’s safe react proactively be it any type of adults, regardless of race, color, sex or creed. Answer is hell no or all of them.

BTW same rules apply in all countries, even the third world. It is not an accepted practice to allow strangers on school buses world wide. No excuses.


Now are there acceptations… Yes, but only when your talking not strangers.

Valerie Curren

Perhaps the bus drivers recognize both the kids & their parents so any loitering armed adults hanging at the bus stop would ring alarm bells…


Not sure, but maybe kids waiting at a bus stop need to post themselves down the street when a bunch of strangers are hanging around at their bus stop so they can flag the bus to stop where it’s safe. This is serious stuff. I smell test run.

Valerie Curren

terrifying  😡 


Considering too many of the invaders are sexual deviant very terrifying.

Valerie Curren


Barb Meier

There’s a 13-year-old boy who went missing in our area at 4:30pm today. Prayers for him and his family who must be quite worried. Our county sheriff’s office is very proactive about letting the community know so the public can watch out for them.

Valerie Curren



“Adults” broke it. Adults fix it.


Damn, dude.

We have got to do something to fix this shit, fast. Are people really so asleep that they can’t see what is happening?




Nor is the video.

Not buying it.


Maybe, but easily done with a tiny bit of Fentanyl.


Last edited 3 months ago by para59r

Watch up to the 1:18 second mark, then pause:



Is it to your advantage to change your choice from Door #1 to Door #2?

They make it out like it’s a hard question, but I’m not sure it really is.

I could certainly be wrong! 😁

I will put my choice and reasoning behind the newly discovered ‘spoiler’ button (in the process, I also found where Gail and Kalbo get those giant emojis 😂 )

Edit: I had to think about it and puzzle it out for about 2 minutes. If they had asked me on live TV, and I had to give an immediate answer, I would have had to guess.


My choice:
So suppose, as in the video, you choose Door #1, and they reveal Door #3 is the wrong choice, and ask whether you want to switch your answer to Door #2.

I think the answer is yes.

When you had all 3 doors to choose from, whatever choice you made, you only had a 33.3% chance of guessing right, and a 66.6% chance of guessing wrong (the other two doors added together).

If they reveal that one of the two doors you didn’t pick is the wrong choice, you still only have a 33.3% chance of having guessed the correct door from the start. But if you switch your choice to Door #2, you are effectively increasing your chance of being right to 66.6%, because you are choosing a part of the “66.6%” possibility you could not originally choose, but now you can.

Your original choice still only has a 33.3% chance of being right, but the remaining unopened door (Door #2) now has a 66.6% chance of being the right choice, because it is part of the ‘group’ of 66.6% at the outset (the two doors you did not pick). Half of that 66.6% group (i.e., Door #3) has been eliminated, so if you now choose Door #2, you are effectively increasing your chances of guessing right to 66.6%, because your original choice (when there were 3 doors to choose from) could only ever have a 33.3% chance of being correct.

So the chance that your original choice (Door #1) is correct is still 33.3% (as it has been from the beginning), but the chances now are 66.6% that the correct door is Door #2.

So I think the correct answer is that you should switch from the original choice of Door #1 to Door #2.

And now, to watch the rest of the video… I hope this ‘spoiler’ thing works… 😁

Last edited 3 months ago by scott467
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

My incomprehensible commentary.
You’re basically correct; I’m going to walk through it in my own inimitable lack of style.

Before they open the door you have one chance in three, odds 1:3 Afterwards, there are two cases; your chances of success in each case must be added together to get the total probability of success.

Assume you will switch:

The first case is that you initially chose the right door. Switching will doom you in this case. So the probability here is 1:3 (the chance you were right) times zero (you will not be right after switching).

The second case is that you initially chose the wrong door; switching this time will guarantee success, because the remaining door must be the correct one.. Your chances of success here are 2:3 (your chances of having been wrong) * 100 percent.

The zero from case one can be added to the 2:3 in case two to yield your new probability of 2:3. In other words, if they open a door, they’re giving you an easy way to double your odds.

Now consider NOT switching.
Case 1. you had chosen the right door in the first place. If you do nothing, you win. But your odds of being in this case to begin with are 1:3, so your probability is 1:3*1=1:3.
Case 2, You had NOT chosen the right door in the first place. If you do nothing, you lose, and your chances of being in this case to begin with are 2:3…so your probability here is 1:3*0=0

Adding these two your chances are 1:3.

1:3 if you do NOT switch, 2:3 if you do; the two numbers sum to 1.0 so it checks.

Last edited 3 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

So it seems like you used math to reason through the problem, and I tried to do it using logic without math, to get to the same conclusion.

I’m not sure that’s right, it’s just my perception.

Math is not my strong point. I could do it, but it didn’t come naturally to me the way English always did, at least not from pre-algebra onward. I had straight A’s from 1st grade until 9th grade, when we began proofs, postulates and theorems, and that quarter I received the first non-A grade in my life.

Not just any “non-A” either, it was D-.

We weren’t allowed to get less than an ‘A’ at our house. It had never happened before. So when I blew that up, I blew it up real good 😂

I framed it, and put it on my dresser for the rest of the school year.

I would usually get the right answer (in proofs, postulates and theorems), but the work I showed to explain how I arrived at my answer was always wrong.

I don’t know how that’s possible, to arrive at the right answer using the wrong logic, and do it consistently, but that’s what I was doing, and the teacher wasn’t able to help me figure it out.

The next quarter, when proofs, postulates and theorems were over, I was back to “A’s” again, so it was a pretty strange looking report card at the end of the year.

But it was pre-algebra, the introduction of letters as symbols for numbers, that was my first struggle in math. y = mx + b. It froze me in my tracks. Some kind of mental block. I couldn’t bridge the gap between the alphabet and numbers.

I could understand using a letter to represent a number, but I couldn’t understand how you could know which number a letter represented, unless there was only one letter in the equation. [e.g., solve for ‘x’]

That took me about 3 weeks of thinking about it, and then suddenly it clicked, and I had no problem with it after that.

But proofs, postulates and theorems never clicked during the 9 school weeks we worked on it. I could get the right answer, but my teacher didn’t like the way I arrived at it.

So apparently I was using some other special power to derive the correct answer 😁

Last edited 3 months ago by scott467

That happened to me once. I got issued a teaching schoolbook [don’t remember which subject] by mistake. It had the answers in the back of the book.

Because I was so smart that I didn’t need the answer book, I alerted the teacher who promptly retrieved the gold.


Douglas Macgregor

BREAKING: Telegram founder Pavel Durov now under investigation for child abuse against his own children.. What is going on here? French authorities have launched an investigation into claims that Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov committed “serious acts of violence” against his own son, AFP reported on Wednesday. The investigation is separate from an ongoing probe into his alleged complicity in a wide range of crimes.


Oh, FFS….

Lemme guess — all he has to do to prove his innocence is fork over the crypto keys….


Hmmm another party not happy with Telegram? Why would they want to get off it, not as if they’re corrupt criminals looking to jump ship or anything./s

“The Ukrainian authorities want to receive $200 million from their sponsors to create their own messenger to exclude dependence on Telegram.


The irony.

Ukraine, the most corrupt country on Earth, wants $200 Million to create secure messenger service.


That someone may get the keys must have spooked them.


He should tell them that they were lost in a tragic boating accident.

On Lake Baikal.


The day is just starting.

Two Durov stories.

1 Macron lied to lure Durov, to get him to land in France. (Get crypto keys.)

2 Durov abused his son. (Blackmail. Bribe.)

If so, arrest wherever he may land. No Need To Lie. He has lotsa money. He will travel.Whatever it takes, to get the crypto keys. Hope Durov escapes France soon.

Seems Durov could coordinate his escape, via secure Telegram. Can’t make this shit up.

Western governments panicking.

Edit. Just as D-Rats accuse conservatives of what they, D-Rats are doing. Macron accusing Durov, while Macron is guilty of…? Evidence on Telegram.
Perhaps thin on logic, but, what if true.

Last edited 3 months ago by kalbokalbs

Similar to them charging Assange with rape


True the Vote

ALERT! Voter Registration Scam! Possible identity theft!! This is currently happening in Michigan but could be happening in other States. Our @TrueTheVote helpline is posted in the comments. If you experience any issues or have any concerns please let us know! Also be sure to talk with the elder members of your families about this. They are often primary targets for scams of this nature. Please watch and share!×474/eUW8re7vvlVbGvpB.mp4?tag=16

Last edited 3 months ago by RAC

Hmmmm Michigan …. separate but related anecdote, I just received 8 emails from my identity theft alert provider that my SSN has shown up on dark web (after recent news that “everybody’s” was stolen in some major hack).

i checked the alerts – 6 were related to my former addresses that would normally show up for me, but 2 were connected to an unknown name & phone # at 2 different addresses in Detroit Mi !!

i looked at my credit reports & nothing unseemly there, so I think these dark web steals *could be* election registration thefts for the MI steal that we ALL know will occur in Detroit. I placed an alert with credit agencies for potential ID theft, but now I need to figure out the nightmare of Detroit election office to see if there are bogus registrations in my name.


And … today got a slew of similar emails that Hubby’s SSN is on dark web. 🙄🙄 Rinse & repeat all stuff I just did for my accounts …

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Got the same notifications re: myself.



Detroit Registrar of voters or something on, True The Vote website?

Former likely NOT user friendly. CA surely was not, when I tried checking there.


Thanks, Kal. Will try that option plus a couple others via my MI family. Will post a comment if I discover anything useful.

Valerie Curren

Thx for digging Alison!

Valerie Curren


pgroup2 will tell you how to proceed.


Daniel Davis and Col Doug Macgregor Ukraine Front Collapses 8-28-24


Can’t happen fast enough. Ukraine collapse.

Valerie Curren



When Reagan was shot:

As Reagan was wheeled to the operating room, Reagan said to his doctors, “Please tell me you’re Republicans.”

About the would-be assassin, he said, “Does anybody know what that guy’s beef was?”

When Reagan regained consciousness from anesthesia, he wrote a note saying, “All in all, I’d rather be in Philadelphia.”

He wrote in another note, “Send me to L.A., where I can see the air I’m breathing.”

In yet another note to his medical staff, he wrote, “If I had this much attention in Hollywood, I’d have stayed there.”

After a nurse praised his recovery by saying, “Keep up the good work,” Reagan said, “You mean this may happen several more times?”

When a top aide told him the government was continuing to perform normally, Reagan said, “What makes you think I’d be happy about that?”



Charles Lister

NEW — an aircraft has just crashed in al-Bulayl in Deir ez Zour, with its pilot escaping by parachute. Locals say U.S. aircraft are overlying the area. Video footage shows the parachute on the ground, in #Assad-held areas.×496/hdG3RBOa-4e4OYGd.mp4?tag=12


Looking forward to pics or video, of the aircraft.

Red parachute, seemed different. Odd. But then I am the Slow Guy.

If there is any truth to what is alleged, we’ll know soon.


Difficult to see but if one stops it at just the right place the person appears to be standing up. Confusing because I thought that the whole seat ejected with the pilot still sat in it.


The rest of the story.

When a pilot ejects from “fighter” type aircraft. Think, Goose, Top Gun. Assuming one saw the movie.

  • The canopy blows, is ejected.
  • Then the pilot seat, with pilot is ejected, (launched) from aircraft.
  • Followed by the seat and pilot separate.
  • Seat falls to earth.
  • Pilot with parachute, float to the ground / water

With more words, this splains it better than I can.


Didn’t know that, please excuse my ignorance
I’m beginning to doubt the story, as I’ve just now spent some time searching as much Syrian news I can find (written in English) and can only find one very short mention of it no details at at all. I don’t think they’d have any reason to hush it up, as they publish plenty about aircraft trespassing their airspace.


On the subject of trespassing airspace I see the Irish are alleging aircraft carrying arms to Israel have been using Irish airspace without bothering to apply for the special permission required when carrying arms.


When I first saw the video, assuming it is as suggested, Russia has a ‘trophy.” Also thought, MANPAD. Stinger like weapon took down a sloppy pilot / aircraft.

  • Again, if it is true, we’ll learn about that. It’ll be damning for the US.

Most of all, there should be pictures, of the aircraft, whatever type it was.


I know nothing about such things but my very 1st thought was red parachute? Too strange

Valerie Curren

Hey guys, just a heads up that I’m heading Up North to my parents’ Cottage near Otsego Lake later today. Most of my kids, hubby, my aunt, & one granddaughter & SIL are planning to be Up there for the Holiday weekend at least w/ a few of us staying longer. Unfortunately my parents don’t feel up to making the trip again even though Mom’s formerly broken arm is healing very well.

I might be up there for about 2 weeks w/ spotty Internet access so will check in as I can.

My aunt, who is 87, is having a job interview on her road trip too. She May be able to work w/ an extension campus in MI from one of the universities in IL who could benefit from her plant expertise. Age is just a number!

Hope everyone has a wonderful Labor Day Weekend. God’s Best Blessings to all 

pat frederick

Have a great time Valerie!

Valerie Curren

Thanks Pat. Hope you have a great holiday weekend too 🙂

pat frederick

oh i was looking at a great weekend (sarc) stacking 3 cords of firewood in the woodshed…lol
it might rain now on Saturday–I’m so disappointed!😆

Last edited 3 months ago by patfrederick
Valerie Curren

Hopefully your hubby &/or kids &/or grandkids can help with that!

Our hunting shacks need serious firewood, as they’ve Never been let to go so low before. It’s a side downgrade since Dad’s hunting buddy has been so sick with cancer these last 2 years. He’s really the crack the whip guy on firewood up there.

Last year they had a gang of guys up for a weekend before hunting season & got some decent wood but when it’s cold out they go through it pretty quickly. It’s good for the souls of those mostly suburbanites to get their caveman on Up North!!!

Hubby’s supposed to be hunting the first full week of October up there & our daughter is going to attempt a “commuter” hunting season from the Cottage as a base, where I’ll be stationed to help take care of GD Lillian (who’s getting to be a real cutie!). New adventures incoming!

pat frederick

we use the firewood as our primary heat in the winter, but have the heat pump if we need it.
this is oak that needs to dry for at least a year before we use it, so we’ll store it. hubby runs the tractor and brings the loads up to the woodshed for me to stack. when we need to replenish what’s in the garage, he backs the truck up to the woodshed and i toss the wood in.
it’s good exercise though

Valerie Curren

Go Team!!! Sounds like a great system!

pat frederick

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Valerie Curren

I thought you’d have on your Fight, Fight, Fight muscle Tee  😂 

pat frederick


pat frederick

that shirt is just for triggering liberals

Valerie Curren



Enjoy the peace and quiet…relax.

Our goat rope country will still be here when ypu return.

Valerie Curren

Thanks 🙂

Relaxation will Maybe happen after most people leave from this weekend. Hubby planned a work weekend up there this trip & there’s a pretty big list of tasks to tackle. I’m probably more on food prep & granddaughter watching duty (after I deal w/ bedding stuff tonight) over the work days.

Getting ready for the trip has been a lot of work & hauling stuff to/from the car is much more demanding since Josiah’s not going on this trip (he usually travels with me & helps w/ pack mule stuff). I’ve also gotta tackle the dog solo, which I’ve never actually done, so I hope she’s cooperative 🙂

goat rope country” Translation?


“goat rope country” 

Screwed up. FUBAR. Criminals in charge.

Valerie Curren


I’d originally misread rope as rape & I thought you were referencing the Muslim invaders for some reason (that have expanded from Dearbornistan to neighboring suburbs around here recently) 😉


We’ll let you know if anybody notices your absence.  😂  😍 

Valerie Curren

I Know that I’m an expendable crewman around here but sometimes Cthulhu frets 😉


Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl frehtagn!

Valerie Curren

Translation please 🙂


In his house in R’lyeh, dead Cthulhu lies fretting.



Had just done a search, which yielded something close.

“In his house at R’lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming.”

Me. Wierd, as in WTF. But, Slow Guy not learned.


Note the alteration of this word….

Last edited 3 months ago by cthulhu
Valerie Curren

Is that how You pronounce your screen name?

I’ve always said sss-thoo-loo myself 🙂


It’s not supposed to be pronounced by humans.

Or by any earth creature, actually….

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Assuming the letters have the same sound values as in English, it’s quite pronounceable and you don’t even have to cheat by sneaking a schwa in between C and th. Though most English speakers have to work hard to train themselves not to push that schwa in there.

If the th is actually an aspirated t, a bit trickier but still doable.

Valerie Curren

So phonetically is my guess close?

I’ve always said sss-thoo-loo myself”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I always took that C as a hard C, like a K. I could be wrong about that. Maybe because initial c is never an “ess” sound unless it’s in front of a vowel (well, I’m hanging myself out to dry there; someone will find a counterexample). So it’s “kth” which is not that dissimilar to the sound X makes when it’s not being pronounced like Z. In fact imagine saying X (ks) with a lithp.

Valerie Curren

Oh my so that means Cthulhu AKA Cthulhu–I am using the microphone and did the 1st word with an S. sound at the beginning And the second with the KTH sound at the beginning and it spelled them both the same, what does that sound Like To the computer then? It’s kind of wild to think the computer processes both pronunciations with the same spelling. I am Up North using the tablet with the microphone setting to try to get this message to you as It’s such a pain to type on the tablet so making corrections is also a pain. But frankly the microphone is also a pain too 😂

I hope you have a great holiday weekend And I thank you very much for your helpful reply.
However It’s rather annoying if Cthulhu wants us to lisp in our minds when we think of his screen name Boy do I do I hate lisping LOL


I’m not the one who brought up lisping.

Valerie Curren

And that’s a good thing! 😂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I don’t think of it as a lisp if the word is supposed to be pronounced that way. I mentioned lisping to try to help someone (you) who’s probably not used to /kth/ sounds but knows about /ks/ sounds, how to render them by reference to something they know.

Pronouncing “ducks” as /duckth/ is incorrect and a lisp, pronouncing Cthulhu as /kthulhu/ is not.

Valerie Curren

I appreciate your attempt to enlighten me 😁


Lovecraft, himself, likened it to a sneeze — and also spelled it “Kthulhut.”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


Valerie Curren

I wasn’t even close, it’s such an odd pairing of letters that I just imagined it was “chutooloo”.

I’ve read it that way for so long, I’m not sure I change it now 😂

Valerie Curren

Me too with my slithering “S” sound. It would be hilarious if His real world name was something pedestrian like “Bob”.

Hope you have a great Holiday weekend. Blessings!


Yep. Exceedingly pedestrian. Like “Bob Jones”, “Will Smith” or “Michael Bolton.”

Valerie Curren



Honestly, I have had people ask if that’s my real name, or if I’m related….

….but it’s not Michael Bolton.

Valerie Curren

That’s hilarious! I’ll have to watch later on a computer ☺


I have also ordered a pizza “to go” and had it not ready when I got there….because they thought it was a prank.

Valerie Curren

Where’d “Cthulhu” learn to like pizza amidst the sea?


It’s not all that odd…’s found in “icthys”.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

However there’s a tiny bit of a pause there on account of the syllable break. I’m talking about rendering it as an africate.

Valerie Curren

wow TY 🙂


I always like the last version best —


Not hardly!

We ain’t be gots no expendables 😂

Valerie Curren

OK, a cheap seats groupie, in awe of all the mega geniuses around here where I’m usually the dumbest kid in the room LOL


Nope, not buyin’ it 😂

Valerie Curren

LOL 😜😜

pat frederick

I wore my FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT t shirt to walmart again yesterday afternoon. I got a couple of quizzical looks–mostly from men. One woman I was passing in an aisle, said she loved my shirt and wanted to get one for her husband, but everything’s so expensive now. She went on to say that she buys 2 cartons of 18 eggs regularly and used to pay $6 for the 3 dozen eggs. Now it’s $10! I got a family to feed, she said. I want him back (pointing at my shirt).


Past couple weeks, eggs around here have gone up bigly AND sign says two carton limit.


Yes, same around here. Two carton limit. Hundreds of thousands of chickens being euthanized due to the current Avian Influenza scare. IMO, it will get worse before it gets better. Might think about getting a supply of freeze-dried powdered eggs before they disappear off Amazon, etc.

pat frederick

i have seen more people around here with chickens in their backyards than ever before.
we have too many foxes and other animals that would love to dine on chickens, so we might inquire at one of the farms with signs selling eggs.

Valerie Curren

“farm” fresh has gotta be best!


They call it ‘chicken wire’ for a reason. Got chickens? Buy lotsa wire.

pat frederick

foxes build dens…they know how to DIG under chicken wire…LOL


That’s what concrete footers are for.  🙂 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I thought they were for hiding bodies.


I pay $9 1 1/2dz The eggs I used to by are $ 12 for 1 1/2.

pat frederick

holy cow that’s a lot.


They’ve signaled how the will play it**************************************
Trump gunman saw rally as ‘target of opportunity’, FBI official says

The gunman who tried to kill former United States President Donald Trump had mounted a “sustained, detailed effort” to attack a major gathering of some sort before deciding to target the Republican presidential candidate at a Pennsylvania rally in July, FBI officials say.
FBI officials said Thomas Crooks, 20, searched more than 60 times for information about Trump and his then-rival, Democratic President Joe Biden, before registering for the Trump rally in early July.
“We saw … a sustained, detailed effort to plan an attack on some events, meaning he looked at any number of events or targets,” Kevin Rojek, the FBI’s top official in western Pennsylvania, said in a telephone briefing to reporters on Wednesday.
Rojek said Crooks became “hyper-focused” on the Trump rally when it was announced “and looked at it as a target of opportunity”.
Rojek said the FBI has not yet been able to determine what motivated Crooks to try to assassinate Trump at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13.
Crooks’s computer activity showed he was interested in a mix of ideologies but did not show definitively that he was motivated by a particular left-leaning or right-leaning point of view, Rojek said.
FBI officials said they had not found any evidence indicating that Crooks had worked with other people or had been directed by a foreign power.


Uh huh.

FIB said that.

Default setting remains. BS.




Jeez, the FBI can be obtuse (or lying, I guess).

The guy searched for information about Biden and Trump, but he SHOT TRUMP.

He probably wanted to attend a Biden rally as a supporter. But Biden was/is half-dead and didn’t do hardly any. He showed up at the first Trump rally nearby him, and SHOT HIM.

Come on, guys, if you’re going to bullshit me, at least make it plausible.


Hey, Flathead Lake! I love it up there. They grow sweet cherries all around the lake; they are delicious.

I may have to take a trip up there next weekend, after the Labor Day crowds are gone. It’s absolutely beautiful this time of year.


That wasn’t a one-off, the water really is like that all the time. And the rocks are multi-colored, too, so it is just magical.

I love state parks. Many of them are spectacular. Thanks for posting all the beautiful places!


Nat’ Monuments can be hidden gems too 🤓

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Great Sand Dunes and Black Canyon of the Gunnison were national monuments when I first visited them. My thought bubble at BCotG was “this should be a full blown national park.” I didn’t think so about Sand Dunes but given the criteria they use, it fits too. (To me at the time “Spectactular scenery” was the key criterion.)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And one city park that might shine out, Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs.

Valerie Curren

That place is Amazing!!!


Imagine, IF the Feds searched inward, for clues. Then followed what they find.

Last edited 3 months ago by kalbokalbs

I suppose the extremely rare occurrence of a cnn televised Trump rally had no motive behind it also? Having reporters there isn’t unusual but live broadcast for cnn… C’mon man!

Stelter mentioned that the anchors who were on air when the shots rang out, such as CNN’s Jessica Dean and Fox’s Shannon Bream, were “calm and careful.”

All five major networks (CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, Fox News) had reporters at the rally, 


Tipped off about a BIG event to happen?

Valerie Curren

Sure appears to be the case  😡 


I’m sure there were watch parties of select in-the-know people ready to toast each other when the assassination happened. I hope they choked on their champagne


Of course ** they ** expect us to believe this.
Dumbed-down “public education” + the “enabler society” + “helicopter parents” + “the government will take care of everything” + Big Pharma destroying bodies via “vaccines” + the entire COVID-19 disaster = sheeple who will accept what the government says.
Unless the sheeple start to wake up and realize they’re been had.


Christopher Wray, shuffles the brass
On the roof where a shooting has been
Lives in a dream
Waits at the window, wearing the quiff
That he keeps on a head by the door
What is it for

All the lonely gunmen
Where do they all come from?
All the lonely gunmen
Where do they all belong?


Whoa don’t drive it around it’s stolen and re-sprayed.

Valerie Curren



Very high quality. Double kudos.


Re: the wonderful Barr/Kennedy video

1) The degree and quality of consciousness on our side is a critical factor. Whatever Q was/is, consciousness was the central theme of Q. True, consciousnss-raising, even when it takes the form of “I’m only asking questions,” can be interpreted negatively, like controlled opposition or agent provocatuers. That is why every day in every way no discussion can take place without examining motivation. Lack of trust has been inculcated on our side, and there is no escaping it. It is one of the issues that our side has to deal with on an individual basis, meaning both individual speaker and individual listener.

2) Whatever else Q did, Q raised the consciousness on our side in a good way. It is impossible to see any possible negative motivations behind Q (if any) outweighing the good. Not even close, IMO, even considering that the question of Q’s motivation is necessarily part of the discussion. But then motivation is part of every discussion, every day. It has been made so by circumstances, both intentional and incidental.

3) How far our side has gone in developing consciousness is (IMO) impossible to measure. All we know is that our consciousness has gone far, and that it has not gone far enough.

4) Using myself as a measure, I can say that I understand the nature of things far better than I did five years ago or even a year ago. And so do many, many people. Just as an example, the understanding that the media is the enemy, a conduit for brainwashing and malignant propaganda, is far more widespread now than ever. That is a good thing.

5) But, to cite an opposite example, too many on our side cannot get over the idea that we are engaged in mere electoral politics. It is too much a part of their mental make-up. This is why (IMO) people get hung up on mean tweets, even when they are enthusiastic Trump supporters. The mean tweets, in their view, is related to who will vote for Trump. And while this is undoubtedly true, it is of minimal relevance in the big picture. It is missing the point. We are at war. The war is being waged against us. Do we really care if we use the words “jap” or “kraut?”

6) The USSR was running on empty for decades. There, the consciousness of the people was very high. They knew everything was a lie. They knew that the country was run only for the benefit of the top party members. But it took Chernobyl to galvanize people, to crytalize their understanding into active — don’t give a damn — freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose — defiance. The “leaders” needed to feel naked before the people, and they did after Chernobyl.

7) Part of the equation is the consciousness of the other side. And here is where the consciousness on our side is (IMO) vastly deficient, even unaddressed, even though it is critical.

8) To understand the other side’s consciousness, it is necessary to understand their fundamental motivation. What does the lowliest apparatchik/functionary have in common with TPTB?

9) The answer is sadism. From the lowliest car scratcher to the highest WEF official, the commonality is the utter pleasurable satisfaction of inflicting pain. There is literally nothing the other side does at this point which deviates from a sadistic premise. The higher ups enjoy empowering the lowlies to be sadistic.

10) Think about an m.o. on the other side, for example. Denying the truth of a matter, or pretending it does not exist, or its relevance, is a form of sadism, as is the perpetuation of lies, even absurd lies. The primary purpose of the lie is not to deceive, but to compel the audience, whether they believe it or not, to participate in the lie, to make them part of the dishonesty, to force them to collaborate with the liar. In this way, the lie makes everyone who participates in it an accomplice, a collaborator in the process of humiliation.

11) An examination of every act, from smallest to grandest, can reveal the sadism at its source. And when our side gets to this level of consciousnous, we will be ready.

12) But persuasion has limited effect, as Kennedy states. There needs to be a galvanizing event or circumstance to open minds and to achieve satori, and that will come (if ever) from God most likely.

Last edited 3 months ago by Tonawanda

Excellent comment!

I would go one further on the sadistic force to “participate in the lie.” This is an act of ritual magic for them. It is a “requirement” of their religion. It’s why I will NEVER use the fake pronouns they insist on.

I truly believe that they use things like the Olympic opening ceremony to gain this “participation” covertly. That farce was a ritual, and millions unwittingly participated in it.


You’re very right, hadn’t thought of like that. Here’s other ways they do it….NFL and college kneeling on national tv, a plethora of drag queen themed tv shows, substituting blacks/others portraying white historical figures, inserting gender confused kids in children’s shows and school curriculum..I’m sure there’s a ton of others


Good additions. Yes, there are so many ways.


Didn’t strike me as covert. Seemed pretty much in your face, to me.


Covert is in the sense that people don’t realize they are participating in ritual magic. They may think the ceremony is “weird” or “occult,” but they don’t understand that they are contributing to actual spell-casting.


“I would go one further on the sadistic force to “participate in the lie.” This is an act of ritual magic for them. It is a “requirement” of their religion. It’s why I will NEVER use the fake pronouns they insist on.”


That’s a great point.

I don’t think I even can say them.

I literally don’t know the ‘rules’ for when to say what, I couldn’t explain them if I tried, and I don’t know them on purpose, because it’s like gibberish, and you have to accept that gibberish is something other than gibberish in order to allow your mind to try to comprehend it, and I won’t.

I don’t have to, and nobody can make me, so why would I?

I will never participate in their insanity.

If for no other reason, then because I can’t make fun of them if I have ‘done it’ too.

And am not about to give up my ability to make fun of them 😂


The primary purpose of the lie is not to deceive, but to compel the audience, whether they believe it or not, to participate in the lie, to make them part of the dishonesty, to force them to collaborate with the liar. In this way, the lie makes everyone who participates in it an accomplice, a collaborator in the process of humiliation.



This is what instinctively repulsed me about the stupid masks, and why participating in it was a non-starter, out of the question.

I didn’t even have to consciously be able to articulate the quote above, it was instinctive. Almost animal-like.

I hate the lies, and I hate the lying.

And I mocked and humiliated the mask-wearers, by not wearing a mask, and by staring at anyone who looked at me like they were thinking about saying something.

Besides a shopkeeper who felt compelled to politely ask me to leave if I would not wear a mask in his store, not one person approached me or said a word 😁

Last edited 3 months ago by scott467

Posted yesterday, but deserves repost. Very important enlightening interview and worth the time to watch it all – even if you only watch a few minutes at a time. Mike Benz has a comprehensive deep understanding of covert and overt US policy here and abroad.


Another great attribute of Benze. E A S Y to follow. clearly connects the dots.

pat frederick

pat frederick

this is what the tweet above references

Klaus Arminius


Spain: Spanish government is shutting down entire airport to exclusively fly African immigrants into Spain. Using taxpayers money, the government is flying immigrants from the Canary Islands into mainland and directly into hotels. This is treason!


Where’s the Crusaders when ya need them?

pat frederick

Shadow of Ezra


Retired ICE Director Tom Hogan has revealed that under a new Trump administration, a major operation will be launched to locate and rescue the 300,000 missing children lost in the Biden-Harris border crisis—an urgent mission that current government agencies have neglected.


“—an urgent mission that current government agencies have neglected precipitated.”


There ya go, no charge 👍😁

pat frederick

Charlie Kirk
Jack Smith’s superseding indictment is a good excuse to remind everyone how dark and how far-reaching Smith’s legal claims are, in his frenzy to imprison Donald Trump.

Smith claims Trump broke the law based on which of his advisors he chose to believe in fall 2020. Repeat, according to Smith, Trump is a criminal because he believed advisors who told him there was fraud in 2020, and that he didn’t believe advisors who argued otherwise.

Smith claims that Donald Trump broke the law by openly and publicly organizing alternate electors, based on the idea that alternative electors were necessary to sustain his ongoing legal challenges. According to Smith, this was “fraud,” even though Trump’s team was entirely honest at all times about what they were doing and why.

Smith claims that Donald Trump broke the law by lobbying state lawmakers to convene and pass legislation he supported.

Smith claims that Donald Trump broke the law by giving a speech on January 6. He claims that, simply by calling for his supporters to “fight,” Trump was criminally inciting the people who broke into the Capitol.

Jack Smith’s goal isn’t just to score another unjustified criminal conviction against Donald Trump. His goal is to gut the First Amendment rights of all Americans, criminalize the act of contesting an election, and transform America into a Third World banana republic ruled by a Putin-style oligarchy.

It’s Jack Smith, not Donald Trump, who belongs in prison.

pat frederick

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Kids cant even ride a school bus.

A group of about 20 migrants allegedly tried to enter a California school bus picking up students on Wednesday morning, district officials said.

The incident was one of two that occurred at a bus stop for Jamul-Dulzura Union School District students, with three men previously trying to enter the school bus on Tuesday, Fox 5 reports.

Superintendent Liz Bystedt said in a letter to parents that the group of migrants were walking in the middle of Highway 94 trying to stop one of the buses. 

Parents, however, were also at the site helping the bus driver ensure the students were safe and that none of the migrants boarded the vehicle. 

Nicole Cardinale, whose 8-year-old son was on the bus, told the outlet that it was “really scary” that the children had such an encounter.


Previous story did not have the number. 20 is much. Thanks for the update!

Good that they did not get away with it and were stopped both times. If they did, it would of been the norm and kids on school buses could easily become hostages in any number of situations if it became common place to allow invaders ride with kids going to school.


Theyll still try. Wait til Venezuelans start taking over areas like this.


Just as home security due to various foreign home invasion gangs has fallen on people so has your children’s safety in Jamul area.
What exactly are parents supposed to do IF the mob succeeds in stopping and boarding? Hope and pray?

Last edited 3 months ago by mollypitcher5
pat frederick

the only solution, without scaring the kids, is to pay a parent to conceal carry and ride the bus


Of course that’s the logical choice but it’s Californication so that would be tricky. Technically it would be a hijack but would the parent be charged if the poor weary illegals had no weapons? Insanity rules in Ca so?

I’m not even understanding the part about bus drivers told to pass on by if there are illegals waiting at the stop…WITH the kids. So they’re instructed to leave children standing there with a bunch of men?

Last edited 3 months ago by mollypitcher5

From a Fox5 article… I know it would make me feel safe that the head maintenance dude was following behind 😉 

This afternoon, the superintendent said the district’s director of maintenance and operations followed the buses to “ensure that everything was quiet.”

This afternoon, the superintendent said the district’s director of maintenance and operations followed the buses to “ensure that everything was quiet.”

Last edited 3 months ago by mollypitcher5
pat frederick

okay just spitballing here…paint DONALD TRUMP’S face everywhere…they know he’s gonna deport them, right?




I know. And you know theyl keep trying.


You can probably bet the “migrants” started this too, accidental or not.

Brush fire stopped at 27 acres in Jamul
Domenick Candelieri
Fri, August 23, 2024 at 9:14 PM EDT·1 min read

It’s out and naturally no idea how it began


Huh. Yeah likely. Btw, if youre interested, i was told about a free fire info app called watch duty. You get decent info from it. Not sure if its out of California but everything local is kept current.


Verse of the Day for Thursday, August 29, 2024

“And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” 

John 17:3 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Hearken Ye – Blest are the Pure in Heart;
For they shall see our God when they depart;
The secret of the Lord is surely theirs;
In Christ’s abode – their souls become heirs!

Their lives give glory to the Prince of Peace
Their love for Him is strong – it will not cease;
Like Him – they dwell in lowliness – with men;
Like Him – their pattern for holiness – Amen!

To the lowly soul – His grace He imparts;
With His Spirit pure – He fills their hearts;
For His cradle – and His heavenly throne;
He chooses the Pure in Heart – they alone!

Lord – Let us pray – Thy presence we seek;
Lord – For we pray – Thy blessing unique;
Give us – we pray – a pure and lowly heart;
The Grace from Your Spirit that You impart!

The temple within – we will surely refine;
For the pure resting place of the Divine;
Purify us, Oh Lord – that we may be worthy;
To receive Your Grace – wholly and humbly!

Give us this day Your blessing, Oh Lord;
Keep us securely – surely in Your Word;
Let Your Spirit abide within us today;
For You are the Truth, the Life, and the Way!

Blest are the Pure in Heart – the Bible says;
For they are the ones who know God’s ways;
Create in us all – a heart that is pure;
So we will be servants of all – for sure!

Let not worldly concerns sweep us away;
Temptation and sinfulness – let us defray;
For it is in giving – that we will receive;
And the Pure in Heart – will ever believe!

The Glory of God – will be theirs to enjoy;
If they seek His face – in all they employ;
Grant us – Oh, Lord – a heart that is pure;
For the Pure in Heart – will surely endure!

D01:  07/29/2013


Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday


Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday




Dr Doctorow gives his interpretation of what Russia is saying, why the two early warning radars were put out of action, why two aircraft carriers are placed where they are now and what actions Russia is ready to take.


Pepe’s Fren Zone
Fight by Guarding Your Mind
AUG 29, 2024

We all need to be vigilant in guarding our minds in these next few months. We know that the enemy is desperate, stupid, and angry. Spiritual awakening is occurring around the planet as so much evil has been “unveiled” to those who used to remain in ignorance. This causes the IQ level of the world to continue to rise while a cry for justice to occur becomes louder. They just tried to assassinate Donald Trump and failed. Their Covid plan backfired and woke up millions. They framed Trump for treason, but this also failed miserably. If the enemy cannot bring out another event, they will certainly try to pressure all of us individually in our own unique ways. They may attack us through family turmoil, broken relationships, mental anguish, loneliness, or spiritual pressure. This is why we must all take as much accountability as we can over the thoughts we allow in our minds. The enemy will attempt to discourage us, even as we head towards another finish line in this wild journey. In many ways, warfare is inevitable. There is going to be the pain of fighting spiritual battles. But we can prolong that pain by letting the enemy enter into those thoughts and accepting them, even if only for a time. Instead, we should swiftly reject that which would deter us. Is the enemy attempting to make you feel tired and weary? Remember that God is your strength and you have already come so far. The enemy may be attempting to use subtlety in the lies so it’s harder for you to perceive them. If you are tired, the subtle deception can be: You cannot make it. But when you look back at the fact-based evidence, you’ve come much further than you, perhaps, ever thought possible. So that lie that you cannot keep going is simply untrue. The human spirit is far more capable of enduring hardship than many give it credit for. In times of trial, we shine and soar to new places. When the water rises, God raises you up as a standard. Detect the lie that is bringing you down to a low place and you’ll often find it’s such a simple thought. That thought often comes from the spiritual forces attempting to stop you, God’s warrior. Bring truth back into that headspace. Sometimes it’s even better to say it out loud. Is the enemy saying you are too tired to go on? Then remind yourself of all the trials and tribulations that you’ve overcome, with heaven by your side. No challenge is too much. You can keep going. Yes, there is fatigue. But it is not the end for you. The best days are yet to come. You must hold onto this truth. You must hold onto hope. Hope is a truth so powerful. 

So as the world looks to bring about another chaotic finale to this Trump saga we’ve all been participants and cheerleaders: Every day I suggest we all watch over our minds like a hawk. There may be chaos in the world but you can give him no victory in your mind and do what is in front of you, what you are called to do and that is a victory that the enemy simply despises. When you don’t allow them to torment you and you thrive in the face of pressure, you grow into a force that hell simply cannot stop. Let’s all finish this chapter with our heads held high. Keep going and fight, fight, fight. 

Thank you for reading and thank you for your continued support.



U.S.-Made F-16 Jet Fighter Crashes in Ukraine
Kyiv recently received six of the planes to boost its fight against Russia, a key symbol of U.S. support

Behind a pay wall, can be read if one hits the screen reader soon as it loads.


Report says likely due to pilot error happened Monday.
That fits in with the dead pilot reported happening Monday 26th,
So maybe they got one off the ground during the missile attack that day.


“Kyiv recently received six of the planes to boost its fight against Russia, a key symbol of U.S. support”


Six planes?

That has to be some sort of joke?

It’s not the Battle of Midway, where six planes might actually make a difference.

It’s a conflict on Russia’s border.

It’s like six planes vs. North America.


From the opener.


Calling JAB on this..

Netflix star Julian Ortega dies aged 41 after collapsing on a beach

Initial reports about his death had suggested he had drowned, but according to local English-language outlet Olive Press Spain, authorities later confirmed Ortega had gone into cardiac arrest on the shores of Zahora Beach in Barbate, Spain.

Paramedics reportedly attempted to revive the actor but he was eventually pronounced dead at the scene.


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pat frederick

BREAKING: The DOJ is in PANIC mode that Wisconsin towns Thornapple and Lawrence have chosen to count their 2024 election ballots by hand without the use of electronic voting machines

Merrick Garland’s mafia sent a letter to the town officials, THREATENING them by “authorizing the filing of a lawsuit” unless they complied.

The Feds are trying to claim that the ONLY way disabled voters can vote is with a voting machine, which is next-level INSANITY. Apparently, no disabled people could vote before electronic voting machines were invented. In reality, they’re going after these towns because they’re setting an example for the rest of the country to follow

It also seems there’s a coordinated effort between the DOJ and a disability rights NGO because they’re arriving on the same battlefield against these towns together, “By ceasing to use electronic voting equipment and, instead, exclusively using paper ballots completed and tabulated by hand, Respondents are no longer using voting systems that are accessible for individuals with disabilities in a manner that provides the same opportunity for access and participation (including privacy and independence) as for other voters,” – Disability Rights Wisconsin in a complaint to the DOJ

Ask yourself this: Why do Democrats think towns with fewer than a thousand living in them need voting machines to count ballots? Why is the DOJ going scorched earth to make sure they use the machines?

pat frederick

August 29, 2024 3:46 pm

Boar’s Head brand lunch meats is having a few problems.
“At least nine people have died after being infected with listeria from Boar’s Head deli meats tied to a massive recall last month, federal health officials said Wednesday.”
“How does a company go from being the top dog to the bottom of the barrel so quickly? Well, you start implementing DEI practices, and in no time flat, your company begins to collapse. Just ask Boeing, Bud Light, and Harley Davidson. In other words, get woke, go broke.
Boar’s Head proudly displayed their DEI initiatives on their website, where they bragged about their programs focusing on “refugees.””
The program is called Tent Coalition for Refugees in the U.S.:
“As the U.S. welcomes tens of thousands of refugees fleeing Afghanistan, 33 major companies — including Amazon, Facebook, Pfizer, and Tyson Foods — today announced that they will join the Tent Coalition for Afghan Refugees, pledging to help create economic opportunities for Afghans as they start their new lives in America.
The new coalition is spearheaded by the Tent Partnership for Refugees, a network of over 180 global businesses integrating refugees. As part of this new commitment, some of America’s biggest employers will create job opportunities, provide training and other resources to help Afghans better integrate into the American economy — a fundamental component for Afghans’ successful resettlement in the U.S.”


The third world is notably lax regarding sanitation…..


And the English language…you know when supervisor tells you to watch this or that..and in return they get a head nod, yes boss (has no idea what was meant)

Last edited 3 months ago by mollypitcher5

Those afghanis are getting the royal refugee treatment. Couple weeks ago it was the great opportunity for fast track welding and other skills for the DOD in Virginia


ATLANTA — A tire explosion at a maintenance shop at Atlanta’s airport sent a piece of metal “flying like a missile” Tuesday morning, killing two workers and seriously injuring another.

Sources confirm to Channel 2 Action News that a tire that was being worked on inside a shop exploded, killing a Delta employee and a contractor.

The Clayton County Medical Examiner’s Office has identified the victims as Mirko Marweg, 58, of Stone Mountain and Luis Aldarondo, 37, of Newnan

The older man was nearing retirement and an Air Force veteran. Hope the other wasn’t DEI newhire

Last edited 3 months ago by mollypitcher5

One of the workers served in the Air Force for four years and worked for the MARTA metro system, prior to being employed by Delta Air Lines for more than 20 years.

Think you jump to conclusions???? Perhaps you shouldn’t be so quick to insult.


Hmmm same to ya BB


DEI comment most appropriate. IMO.

Last edited 3 months ago by kalbokalbs

To be fair, before I bothered to check further and revised the comment, it was without merit but DEI is a curse on the country and I still stand by my corrected statement..hoping Mr Aladarondo wasn’t a DEI hire.


In my world, just as Jabs are commonly in play with “sudden deaths, ” DEI commonly in play these days, when problems surface in the workplace.

Valerie Curren



Easy there. No fights in the locker room.  😉 



DEI a valid concern these days.

  • Airlines. Delta. I’d bet DEI in play.

All of the woke BS seems to be infecting major companies.

  • Lowers efficiency.
  • Lowers quality.
  • All to easily hurts and kills.
Valerie Curren

My old co-worker used to crack jokes about various government programs & I still recall his version of “MARTA” being “Moving Africans Rapidly through Atlanta” LOL

Brave and Free

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LIVE WITH JULIE – 08/29/2024



Jeremiah 29:11-12
1 John 5:14-15
IIsaiah 55:11
Jeremiah 1:12
IIsaiah 54:17
2 Corinthians 2:14
Psalm 100:4
Exodus 1 (entire chapter)
Exodus 15:6
Hebrews 10:23
2 Chronicles 20 (entire chapter)
Haggai 2:22
Jeremiah 1:10
Psalm 22:28
Psalm 33:10
Isaiah 54:17


Have confidence in the plans that God has for you, and that He hears and answers as long as you’re praying His will.
Trust and rely on God that He will give you your victory.
No matter the weapons your enemies choose, they will lose.
These are the days of Haman.
WAR: Worship And Resist then the Wicked Are Restricted.
Keep standing your ground because the Army of the Lord is advancing forward.
God has guaranteed you victory. Don’t back off.
You pull down your enemies by speaking the Word of God, trusting Him, and using your authority.
God rules over all kingdoms and nations.
God gives you hope, so if you’re hearing an evil report, it’s not from God. It’s a lie.
Your enemies’ strategies are not working.
God is taking the wind out of your enemies’ sails.
Earnestly remember that your enemies will lose no matter what they do.
The winds of change are here.
Prophecy mentioned:



[Word heard – August 28, 2024] 

My children, the Establishment in this nation is in bigger trouble than they have realized with this new puppet. Their fake campaign and their counterfeit look-a-like that is running for the seat of the president – it’s all a lie. They’re trying to hide her just like the Biden. There is no difference knowing they can’t run a real campaign and neither one of their puppets can run a true campaign against Trump. No one they have chosen can do the job because they were only looking for weak links to be their puppets with scripts that could not or would not go away from what they were being told to say. They didn’t want strong candidates, as ridiculous as that sounds, because they didn’t want anyone who would go against their design or their machine. They’ve had too many in times past that they had to dispose of, so now they’ve changed their strategy and they’re struggling with people who can’t put a sentence together on their own that makes any sense. So they will hide her more along with them still hiding the Biden. They’re overly panicked that both puppets would destroy the momentum they think they had by replacing the one puppet for the new one. By the words that will slip out of their mouths showing the world how weak their puppets or their plans really are. Well their ship is about to sink and I’m about to take the wind out of their sails. This puppet will not work just like the last one. Their strategies are not working. 

My children, the desperation that has grown in Washington and is about to get much worse than they realized hiding their puppet. It won’t work. Their scripts won’t either. She will have to go out on her own and she will fail just like the Biden. Their plans are falling apart quicker than they thought they would or could.





Evening Prayer For Forgiveness

Heavenly Father, thank You for bringing me through this day and Lord, forgive me for the times when I have wandered outside Your best will for me, instead of trusting You implicitly.
Thank You, that You are such a gracious Shepherd to me and that You come and rescue me even when I lose my way and stray from the path that You have laid out for me.
As I look back over today, I know Lord that there were things that I should have said and done differently, and times when I reacted in a manner that was not honouring Your holy name. Forgive me I pray, but thank You, Father, that You always faithfully prepared to gently bring me back to Yourself.
Give me a good night’s sleep I pray, knowing that there is no condemnation because I am in Christ, and may I wake up in the morning refreshed and ready to do Your will. In Jesus’ name I pray,


Evening Prayer For Future Guidance

Heavenly Father, as I lie down to sleep tonight, I pray that You would guard my sleeping and protect my mind from wandering thoughts and unnecessary planning. Teach me to wait for Your perfect timing and not to try to plan my future in my own strength.
Lord, I know that You have scheduled every day of my life. Help me to trust You in all things and rely on You to lead me along the straight path and guide me in the direction that You would have me to go.
Give me patience to wait for Your perfect timing, and may I not trust in my own abilities and scheming, but rather rest in Your love and trust my future into Your hands.
And so now Lord, I commit this night to you, asking that I would rest soundly and wake refreshed and strong to do Your bidding. This I ask in Jesus’ precious name,


Prayer Of Thanksgiving In The Evening

Praise Your holy name Heavenly Father, for granting yet another day in my life and for being with me every step of the way. Thank You for the many blessings that You have provided and the love and fellowship that I have with the friends and family that in Your grace You have placed in my life.
My heart is so thankful for all the many blessings that I enjoy day by day, and today I am once again reminded that Your mercies are new every morning and Your faithfulness endures from generation to generation.
Thank You, that I have been brought into Your family and have been made a child of God and a citizen of heaven. Words cannot express my love and devotion to You Lord
I pray that You would watch over me as I rest tonight, and that You would give me a restful nights sleep so that I may wake up in the morning refreshed in body and spirit and ready to do Your will. Guard all those that I love and may we all grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ in the days that lie ahead. This I ask in His precious name,



JD wields a hatchet with ease.


Hoe speaks, in a controlled setting AND says nothing of interest.

#BREAKING: CNN releases the FIRST clip of their Kamala Harris and Tim Walz interview. What a joke.

Dana Bash: “Generally speaking, how should voters look at some of the changes that you’ve made that you’ve explained some of here in your policy? Is it because you have more experience now when you’ve learned more about the information? Is it because you were running for president in a Democratic primary? And should they feel comfortable and confident that what you’re saying now is going to be your policy moving forward?”

Kamala Harris: “Dana, I think the most important and most significant aspect of my policy perspective and decisions is my values have not changed. You’ve mentioned the Green New Deal. I have always believed — and I’ve worked on it — that the climate crisis is real, that it is an urgent matter to which we should apply metrics that include holding ourselves to deadlines around time. we did that with the Inflation Reduction Act. We have set goals for the United States of America And by extension, the globe around when we should meet certain standards for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, as an example. That value has not changed. My value around what we need to do to secure our border. That value has not changed. I spent two terms as the attorney general of California prosecuting transnational criminal organizations, violations of American laws regarding the passage — illegal passage of guns, drugs, and humans beings across our border. My values have not changed.”


Pretty sure this was at a Georgia rally after the interview today.


Gutfield, referring to Komrade Hoe, “…Unburdened by the weight of brain cells…”


Too much choom.


“You know, the thing!”


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Brave and Free



Something different.

Brave and Free

Nice, that’s about the extent of my sports watching anymore. Just the highlights, thanks.


Uh yup.

Popped up on X. Otherwise I have no idea what goes on in sports world.

Brave and Free

Yeah, I appreciate it. It’s nice to see plays that are really amazing. 👍


Doesn’t watch either, but I don’t think I’ve seen the likes of that before. Let it be a metaphor for what’s about to happen as the dems have people on all the bases needing to advance or retreat to stay safe. Time to tag them all out.


I used to love baseball. I grew up wanting to play mlb.

Now all I see is bread and circus for the sheep. Sadz.


If r-Cons could just do one thing right this year


Guttfield on fire…


Several articles on this appeared yesterday, none of them deserving the attention dems want you to pay to this which is the point of the articles. They were easy to pass by but likes Gutfeld gutting all this in epic style.

Leaves you one below.

Liberal Media Gloats About Hundreds of Former ‘Republican Aides’ Endorsing Kamala Harris – List is Full of John McCain Interns and Volunteers! Ben Kew Aug. 28, 2024 10:45 am 584 Comments


Baby Bush is next, to join the morons supporting Harris.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

These people are just royal idiots. Supporting a communist because she’s not Trump. Beyond stupid.


Well, yeah. Beyond stupid lies TDS. And as you posted below, they need Independence.

They should NOT, however, ask their doctor is Independence is right for them.

They should get it on the black market. You know, like vitamin I.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Don’t ask the doctor. See next day’s post.


yet they do it. I wonder if it might be because they:

One, got paid to do it

Two, will end up out of a job and maybe in jail if they don’t, because justice is coming

They don’t give a flying fk about our country, Never have. Never will. They operate solely on the goal of fattening their bank accounts and enjoying their elitist lifestyles.

All they have to do is act like they care and read the script handed to them with the suitcase of cash by the criminal du jour, who’s also doing the same fkn thing

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is quite fun!


^^^ That IS one great video, ad. hope it goes viral.

Two weeks ago, I had never heard of Nicole Shanahan.

Surely i would have significant differences with her positions.

BUT, dang, Nicole, like RFK Jr ARE a breath of fresh air AND reason.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Some people are coming to their senses, past the crazy media and Demmunist party.


That’s almost a perfect parody of drug commercials, while mocking the idiocracy all the way through 😂🤣😂


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

So horribly true!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This, on the other hand, is both fascinating and heartwarming.


Tree rats. They cause tens of thousands of dollars of damage to homes.

It didn’t look like it was tucking the hands and feet in so it could be carried to me, because the hands and feet came right back out when the squirrel picked it up anyway.

It looked to me like the baby squirrel had fallen out of the tree, and the mama squirrel was checking it for damage, turning it every way and touching it everywhere, looking for a pain response.

When it seemed like the baby was okay, then the mama squirrel picked it up and took it back up to the nest.

If it had suffered some sort of serious injury, maybe the mama squirrel would have left it, I don’t know.

I could be completely wrong, that’s just how it looked to me 😁


Well, so much for your potential gig narrating nature documentaries….




Nice move with the switchblade.


I can do much more damage than that 😁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I do agree that it seemed to check for damages a bit. But after that, it did seem to “ball up” the baby until it was similar to a walnut in size, which is something commonly carried by squirrels. In doing so, it ended up grabbing the baby by loose skin on the side of the rib cage, which is actually an excellent place to grab. This then caused the baby to remain somewhat balled up when travelling upwards on the tree trunk.

IMO this is an evolved behavior which minimizes damage to the infant and has the best chance for success returning the infant to the nest. It also leverages evolved feeding behaviors. it’s all very smart, because it is smart, the smartest part being simply THAT IT WORKS.

Humans tend to ball up infants in their arms as well, but then carry them “back down” instead of “back up”, because we’re bipedal.


Totally Off The Wall. Venting.

Following not well thought out, at all. In no particular order.

Briben has essentially checked out. Incapable of performing any POTUS function. Asshole does not even go to work. Vacation. Beach. Vacation. Beach.

Hoe, 100% inept. Worthless. Speaks childish word salad. Can NOT speak on an adult level.

So, who’s mismanaging the US? hussein, hildabeast, Blinken…

Congress does NOTHING. 100% acts oblivious AND does NOT give a damn.

International. WW III potential.

  • Ukraine / Russia spilling over into NATO. Largely caused by US AND UK. When will Putin respond to UK/US facilitating Ukraine invading Russia.
  • Israel largely out of control, doing their part to foment WW III.
  • Reported 50% of USN in the ME. NOTE. That does Not allow the other 50% to deploy. They are mostly in maintenance…can’t get underway.
  • No carrier in the Western Pacific (Asia area). Forty plus years, I have never known this to happen.


Briben AND Hoe, at the behest of hussein, Opened the border to illegals January 2021.

Cartels operating in numerous, if not most states.

School busses being boarded by illegals.

Parts of CO being taken over by Venezuelan illegals.

Of course there is much more unchecked lawless actions across the country.


Hoe AND Tampon Tim, totally inept D-rat candidates. Deep STate and D-Rats likely early stages of PANIC.

Deep State, hussein & company have NOT been able to stop Trump.

  • RFK Jr & Tulsi joining trump in a Unity movement.
  • Betting more D-Rats will team up with Unity, supporting Trump.

As things increasingly spiral out of control, I’m smelling some form of heavy handed Federal Edicts.

  • Emergency Orders of sorts.
  • First steps towards Martial Law?
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I hear you. Something is up.


“When will Putin respond to UK/US facilitating Ukraine invading Russia.”


After the election in November. I think that’s what he has been waiting for since the beginning of the Ukraine proxy war.

If Trump wins, he knows DJT will stop the insanity of the U.S. arm of the international Cabal war machine, and the others will stop when the criminals in the U.S. gov’t stop funding and directing it.

If Camalalahoe cheats to victory, then Pooty-poot will have to do what he has to do.


Agree. Pretty much what I’d have posted, only with typos.


“Congress does NOTHING. 100% acts oblivious AND does NOT give a damn.”


They seem no different in that regard to other groups of people I know ‘in the real world’.

Either they are on autopilot, living in the Twilight Zone and oblivious to what’s going on in the country (and the world), or socially, they are too afraid to say anything that could possibly be perceived by others as either ‘political’ or ‘controversial’ (essentially the same thing, since everything controversial is ultimately controversial because of politics).

They want to avoid politics, but when the enemies of truth, freedom, etc. make literally everything political — including truth — then you can’t avoid it, you have to deal with it.

And they won’t.

And they don’t like it when I talk about the 800lb. elephant in the gorilla room.

Last edited 3 months ago by scott467

Is that the one dead in the ‘toon upthread?


Something a little different —


 😃  👌 


‘Taiwan is the uncrossable red line.’

Military official tells US’ Sullivan Taiwan is Beijing’s ‘uncrossable first red line’

On last day of China trip, Sullivan says the US values its ‘commitment to freedom of navigation in the South China Sea’: White House

What really happened…

From Zero Hedge. PLA Will ‘Reunify’ Taiwan: Chinese General Confronted Sullivan Just Before Surprise Xi Meeting

Chinese leader Xi Jinping met with US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan on Thursday at the end of the latter’s three day trip to Beijing, which is a first such trip for a sitting US national security adviser in eight years.

But the most interesting and tense moment came just before that, when Sullivan met one of China’s vice chairs of the Central Military Commission, Gen. Zhang Youxia. The top general confronted Sullivan on growing US support for Taiwan’s military. Zhang informed Sullivan that reunification of Taiwan with the mainland is “the mission and responsibility” of the Chinese PLA military and that it won’t be deterred. Sullivan looked nervous and unsettled throughout the whole encounter, with Zhang confident and beaming…

The article ends with Sullivan saying “this will be the last meeting between the two nations before the election.” What was not said is the meeting was really about Sullivan telling the PLA that we are now disarmed in the Pacific.

to wit…

Should China decide to act on this, and there’s little reason they won’t if they know Trump is coming back, it should make for a great huge distraction that will help them steal the 2024 election as all kind of saber rattling noises can be made and there’s much potential for martial law waiting in the wings with this given the number of China Invaders that will be here when it all kicks off.


DJT will have a plan for this, right?

I pray that he does.


Whatever plan Trump may have, will NOT be a US military response.

That includes if somehow the ME cools off AND Ukraine finally capitulates to Russia.


Interesting on the heels of this………..’So sad’: 15-year-old Tennessee boy on cross-country team collapses, dies on routine run
Story by Amaris Encinas and Tyler Palmateer, USA TODAY NETWORK

In just the last few weeks, at least six teenaged football players have died. Their grieving families are now calling for better safety measures that may have helped save their sons.

Ryan Craddock told NBC’s Sam Brock that his 13-year-old son, Cohen, had only been playing organized football for a year when he died due to a head injury sustained during practice.

13-year-old football player died during practice. He’s part of a national trend

There were 16 football fatalities in 2023, according to the annual report from the National Center for Catastrophic Sport Injury Research.

Of those deaths, three were due to traumatic injuries while 10 were related to exertion or medical issues like sudden cardiac arrest, heat stroke, aneurysms or asthma.


better safety measures…..too late for the ones required to take the JAB to play sports.

For measure, some may recall my anxiety when my then 17 year old gs got a concussion during practice from a very light tumble. He’s had so many things now, many we’ve talked about here. It’s the jab, the smallest things are hard for the body to overcome for him now. People want to believe it’s anything but the vax

Last edited 3 months ago by mollypitcher5

Yup. Jabs the problem.

Assuming Trump gets in the WH, the entire country will learn Jabs are poison. Injuring AND killing folks of all ages.

Covidiot Jabs will be banned. Big Pharma will be in for a world of shit. Investigations and massive lawsuits.

We’ll see which fork in the road the US takes.


The Ukrainians have evidently lost one of their brand-new “game-changer” F-16’s and its pilot.

They may have shot it down themselves.


In the meantime, there’s fun in Brazil.

“Rogue” Supreme Court Judge Alexandre de Moraes threatened to imprison X’s legal representative in Brazil if she didn’t make X do as he said, so she quit. De Moraes seized her bank accounts anyway and demanded that X provide another legal representative — but, get this, nobody wants the job.

Feeling his leverage slip away, de Moraes decided to block the financial accounts of Starlink (a different company). Brazil is practically the textbook example of a country that needs satellite internet — large parts of it are impassible. I just attended a fish meeting presentation where a guy was supposed to visit an outpost up a river for several days and only managed a few hours because it took so long to get there [When he did finally get there, he could check his email — because of Starlink.]. Musk is saying that he won’t shut Starlink down in Brazil……yet……

Last edited 3 months ago by cthulhu


Killings of invasive owls to ramp up on US West Coast in a bid to save native birds

— The Associated Press (@AP) August 28, 2024


Wonder if a similar approach would work to save native Spaniards, British, French, Swedes, Germans, Americans, etc.?

Last edited 3 months ago by scott467