American Stories: FIRE! – Part II; Plus Bonus Economic Content And A Ted Turner(?!) Lesson

Just a personal author’s note before getting started. The provided links are supporting evidence of my opinions and claims. Rest assured there are many, many more in each subject I discuss if you should choose to verify or seek more information.

Why Stories About Fire?

I am focusing my efforts in these American Stories on revealing conditions that are optimum for the long running globullist criminal cabal to execute plans to achieve their world domination goals. Currently I am drilling down on the subject of their use of fire. The Great Chicago Fire led off in Part I. A fraud perpetrated on Americans that continues to this day. With this part we will take a look at a couple of different types of fire – oil field fires and wildfires. There are a significant number of links to peruse that are integral to the theme of the story. As with most things to do with the globullist criminal cabal, nothing is as it appears.

With the recent work of A Midwestern Doctor on substack concerning the Lahaina, Maui fires from his somewhat unique medical background perspective, I will not be addressing it unless additional disclosure is needed. With the tools we all have available now, any of us could choose to follow the story closely and observe what happens to Lahaina and its residents over the coming years. The globullist criminals do not really care if we know what they do anyway. With uncontrolled power that has corrupted the American governmental and economic systems, they fear no repercussions. Below is a link to his story.

It makes me sick to my stomach when I open our honeymoon photo album and remember our outings in Lahaina nearly 40 years ago. I feel so bad for the people who live there and especially for those who lost their homes, businesses and/or loved ones. We offer special prayers for those affected in the spirit of mahalo. The world lost a unique community and centuries of history that the native Hawaiians shared with everyone who visited that special place.

Moving forward for purposes of this story, when did you last hear about a major oilfield fire that was not connected to acts of war and/or sabotage? You probably cannot recall any of note because they are not common place. Starting with the early days of the wildcatters; over time the industry developed, improved safety techniques were employed, and innovative equipment was introduced to reduce chances of blow outs and accidental fires. The reported major fires we read or hear about today usually involve above ground facilities, transport, etc.; which are easier for saboteurs to access or for real accidents to occur. The most dangerous that involve the wells associated with underground oil reserves, well, not so much.

The most celebrated American oil field fire fighter, the legendary Red Adair, handled a couple thousand during his 50 years in the business; although some major ones in his latter years of life were war related such as in Kuwait during the first Iraq War. He even consulted for a movie called Hellfighters that involved oil field fire fighting that starred John Wayne. The media and entertainment industry incorporated the theme of uncontrolled disastrous fires into their fare as the years rolled by.

Wildfires In General

Shifting to wildfires, to connect and amplify we can go with a current television show to help fuel the fires of emotions to normalize the fearful expectations of wildfires with viewers.

Building on themes such as that, they use DC media propagandists to tie oil field fires and wildfires together…

And here’s another…

Followed by this…

The truth is that for the most part, oil field fires are a rarity and above ground incidents are generally well contained. As you can see the propagandists still attempt to tie them together as threats to humanity. So, what is the real plan that incorporates all of the attention and hype?

Why, “Climate Change” Of Course!

They always provide sheeple an explanation that fits the narrative…

Except, CNN, arson and accidents caused by humans are the primary causes per government data. But let’s not confuse the issue with facts. Yet, here is another from our nazi government…

One more from a self appointed “defender” of the environment …

At least the NPS leaves out climate change speculation on their web page below. They also state up front that nearly 85% of all wildland fires in America are started by humans. Truth coming from a federal government agency? To borrow a phrase, “What’s up with that?”

They must not have received the globullist memo about climate change being the real cause behind it all. However, that does not stop more scammers in need of research funding from indirectly blaming war on climate change.

Or maybe it is directly causing it per this one. Yes, that Stanford.

The government even has this mapping to help us. Turns out there are several of these mapping sites from various orgs and government entities and you will one see later in this story.

Notice the ring of fire in the west along with fires in Alaska? I guess those fires are never extinguished because I have not seen them change in quite some time. 😀

What Gives?!

Oil Field Fires, Wildfires, Wars – our world is burning down because of… climate change?

OK, for fun –

That song is not that far off, is it? Stress points across the board stirring fears and distracting the masses from what is really going on in the belly of the beast; which is the creating and conducting of a fire sale of America and its assets and resources to the globullist criminals while the deplorable weirdo people are focused elsewhere on the destruction and loss of life. They create the stress points that promote fear porn with the propagandist media and “entertainment industry” fanning the flames while deep state bureaucrats quietly add restrictive regulations on private property behind the scenes to increase costs to the point of making it nearly impossible to privately own property unless your name is BlackRock.

One big, deadly pysop. Rinse and repeat, again and again and again.

The Scam

The ramp up and rally around climate change endangering the world has been around as a scare tactic for the greedy power seeking criminals for a very long time, however, it began in earnest in America when Slick Clinton went into office. Al Gore took the lead as most know. Our Gail Combs has more than ably covered the reality of the climate debate in our world in a thread available on The QTree. As is the case with most things presented by the “experts” in America and the rest of the world, you can be assured that the opposite view from what they present will likely be the most truthful. Gail proves that statement accurate with data and facts. The change we need to prepare for in this climate cycle is actually global cooling. Yes, global cooling cycles are a thing and have been recorded and theorized about throughout history.

For some reason (😂) Mother Nature does not read the globullist created fake data, charts and analysis. She does not get the memo. She does what she does for reasons that are quite scientific, but, unacceptable to the desires of the narrative builders. Mother Nature tends do her own thing by ignoring calendars and working without regard to man’s desires and the recording of time. Thankfully.

Will end this scam discussion with the following. Does the use of fire by the globullist criminals correspond with the climate change scam in an attempt to divert observance of the significant benefits that carbon dioxide and the greening of the world provides? If so, that would also seem to indicate that droughts and desert conditions must work in the favor of the globullist criminals.

Barren, dry areas produce very little of significant value for mankind on their surfaces, which is why people do not cluster within them very often. Mankind needs God given natural resources to survive and even thrive. Barren, dry areas push population toward areas with more natural resources, housing, jobs, and recreational opportunities. Clustering then occurs. The value to the globullist criminals is that their totalitarian goals are much easier to accomplish when the people are clustered together.

It is not what is above the surface they seek in those barren areas. They seek what is underground, which will be addressed in the Reality section below. This scam can all be reduced to this very simple principle. You own it, they want it, and they will do whatever they need to do to take it from you as inexpensively as possible.


Fire has proven to be a great thing for humanity. Living well has depended upon it since the first fire was built by ancients to cook what they hunted as well as to stay warm in cold conditions.

Fire is also used to put out fire, to remove the fuel that wildfires must have to continue burning. Fires conducted in controlled situations are beneficial to the environment. Living near the Great Smoky Mountains National Park we experience the use of fire for that purpose annually in sections of the Park. It helps remove scrub and dying vegetation while providing nutrients to the soil to assist the growth of native grasses, plants and trees that are beneficial to wildlife.

If fire is not used for wicked purposes it is simply a tool for good. Yet, the globullist criminal cabal wants you to focus on its destructive elements. That makes fear of oil field fires and wildfires a useful tool to exploit people by increasing anxiety and even depression leading to an easier sale of climate change. When the population of the world buys into climate change it increases the wealth and world control of those who promote it. As a reminder, the latter are not nice people who care about the needs of others.

In reality, a growing number of people now understand that the climate change movement (religion) has been a corrupted tool to effect certain human behaviors that lead people to believe and do the will of the globullist criminals. What they sell, order and mandate others to do; they do not do themselves. They view human life as livestock. In their minds you exist because they allow you to exist for their purposes.

If they can use fire to influence people to believe in climate change and the dangers of fossil fuels, many people will give in to what they want. In so doing they can then successfully enslave the population to help achieve their longer term goals.

Let us assume a wildfire has indeed ravaged an area. What happens afterwards generally also reveals who benefits most from the disaster. For many people there are insufficient funds to rebuild even if treated fairly by insurers or through government financial assistance. For others the losses endured are simply too much to overcome emotionally to return to an area. In other instances the land or infrastructure itself has been too damaged to safely rebuild in a reasonable period of time. One needs only watch the hot, fire producing lava on Hilo flow and completely change the topography to know – nope – not going back even if one wanted to do so.

The globullists know all of that. They can acquire an affected property for a small fraction of the previous value if it sits near the disaster area, even if it was not damaged. They observe the behavior of the people who have endured the hardships and then influence the negativity to be worse than reality through fear porn, anxiety, angst, etc. ginned up through the propagandist media and influencers in the communities who receive compensation for services rendered. They have pre-event access to triggers (arsonists, planned “accidents”, etc.) that cause many of the fires; deep pockets to capitalize on the events; and the government nazis to back their efforts with excessive regulations, red tape and purchased opposition.

Have you ever noticed how relief funds and insurance settlements are nearly always delayed for long periods to residents and small business owners, yet, the bureaucrats can flush out billions to fight proxy wars and fund foreign interests in seconds? They know that many will grow weary, accept less than what is due or just walk away. These vultures are poised to pounce at all times and consider it great fun to take advantage of the misery.

Within the boundaries of America exists many of the most valuable natural resources for energy, research, manufacturing, timber and agriculture per square inch than anywhere else on earth. When included with neighboring Canada, the abundance is astonishing. We have enough to share with the world to enhance all lives.

Which is why we are being infiltrated, invaded as well as abused by our own government. The globullist criminals do not believe in sharing the wealth, they want to control it all. Klaus Scwab and WEF have already informed the world of exactly that intention. The catastrophic events and actions are used to push the population away from areas they want to control. They want the resources that they know to exist above and below ground for their purposes. Where these random appearing, destructive fires are located reveals many areas they highly covet. If you see no reasons above ground they would want it, rest assured there are reasons below ground.

They have illustrated this vividly throughout history and is why I started with The Great Chicago Fire and mention the recent Maui fire. Both of those were for above ground reasons. The wildfires potentially affecting oilfields in the links are obvious. What you may not notice are the wildfires in remote areas, particularly in the western U. S. However, those areas have been geologically researched for decades and are known to hold huge mineral and fossil fuel reserves for scientific research, manufacturing and energy production purposes.

Perhaps you missed the latest news on a large lithium discovery. Ever wonder why the leftists hate fracking in PA? Clue, other than seeking to induce more misery on the region’s population, it has very little to do with natural gas production. Read the following,

If as much as 30% of our nation’s anticipated lithium needs can be met by extracting it from wastewater associated with existing fracking operations in that one state, why would leftists object to this obviously environmentally friendlier activity than mining since they are the ones pushing the Green New Deal and EV’s that use lithium batteries?

Well, it could be that many of them are investors or receive lobbyist bribes from other competing energy and manufacturing sectors. In addition some are also probably investors in the companies who hold rights to lithium deposits found in the links below.

Notice where this lithium deposit was found; in the dry, scrub land of native Americans in northern NV at Thacker Pass. Notice that ACME Lithium is one of the companies that holds rights and is active in both America and Canada. Consider this statement I found on Yahoo! Finance:

Canadian government just announced $4Billion in funding to Canadian mining projects specializing in critical minerals. “Critical minerals present a Generational opportunity in many areas…this federal government is committed to seizing this opportunity that will benefit every region across the nation and throughout the world”- Jonathan Wilkinson, Canadian Minister of Natural resources, Friday Dec 9,2022.

Then there is this one in the same area with Lithium Americas;

Might want to bet on this company since GM invested $650 million into it. With a known 46 years of lithium deposits available in just this one area it is going to be around for awhile.

Economic Realities For MAGA – Bonus Content

Will you consider a fellow QTreeper’s economic advice? I propose a quick detour from the fires.

First, President Trump knows about the lithium in the wastewater of fracking operations in PA. As a result, PA and America will experience a huge economic boost if he goes back in as POTUS. One of the reasons he is working that state so hard beyond needing it to comfortably win the election is that it fits his overall economic recovery plan for our nation. The NV mines will also be another large source of lithium to make America totally independent in meeting the growing needs for the mineral. That PA fracking provides an on-going dependable source of low cost natural gas as a source of energy for homes, businesses and industry in the region is just icing on the cake.

Second, I am not yet an EV fan. However, the commitment made by both political parties plus major international corporations indicates that we all might as well get used to the idea as it is here to stay and will be a growing segment. Most rational people realize it will be just one segment of several and not be a complete conversion. We will have a choice for the foreseeable future. As range and features improve more folks will warm up to them. Until then expect to see a growing number of charging stations installed nationwide as well as universal engineering and technology standards emerge from manufacturers. We see the charging stations going in our grocery store parking lots in rural east TN now. You will see the expansion of EV purchases in fleets of autos as well as short range commercial trucks. This will drive the scale needed for production while gradually lowering production costs to make them more affordable for the public without needing government subsidies. Elon knows this with Tesla. Who supports lithium discoveries in America and has aligned with President Trump? Yeah, that guy. It is not the only reason, but it is a major one.

Third, GM is diving in head first. They have invested big in the lithium mining, own lithium battery manufacturing plants with LG Energy Solutions, and invested big into charging stations nationwide with Berkshire (Warren Buffett) owned Pilot Flying J travel centers as I previously discussed in a BIMD story. I doubt any of these corporate giants will be backing away any time soon from the now hundreds of billions of investment collectively into the EV sector. Which tells me that their research and development is indicating sizable gains in range and shortened recharging times in the future. With scale and more units sold, prices will trend down on the vehicles, parts, and batteries packs. It will not eliminate gas and diesel fueled vehicles. However, it will reduce some capital investment into those types of vehicles. EV’s and combustion engine driven vehicles can and should coexist. Becoming totally dependent on any one industry or product is never a smart idea.

Finally, South Korea headquartered LG’s investment into the lithium batteries with GM tells you this will continue to be an international push. South Korea based Hyundai and Kia have invested big into EVs. Honda of Japan is doing likewise. European automakers entered the market years ago. China is already flooding the world with cheap, disposable crap EVs. Sort of like this relic of yesteryear.

Anybody for a Yugo?

The primary complication for full scale acceptance will continue to be electricity generation. With EV’s growing in usage and AI on the horizon, the need for electricity in America will blow past current capacity rapidly. So look for a massive investment into power generation, which will drive manufacturing growth and AI implementation. Customers will not like the massive rate increases needed, so the feds are going to need to step in to make it all happen with tax dollar subsidies and incentives to the producers of power. Expect huge changes in the electricity generation industry with a continued resurgence in nuclear and backing off from killing coal and natural gas usage.

As an example, remember the MO bootheel aluminum smelting mill closure story in BIMD, the one that supplied about a quarter of our domestic demand? The same one that is now closed that countered the Chinese smelted aluminum that goes into the manufacture of electric transformers used in power generation? The same mill that used a huge amount of electrical power generation for production in a state that acquiesced to the closure of coal fired electric power plants? It would not surprise me at all to see that mill crank back up with new investment and tax incentives after the election with PDT’s emphasis on domestic manufacturing. Missouri will probably grant a stay on the closure of those coal fired power plants and push for more natural gas and nuclear. America needs to produce its own electrical generation product necessities and not depend on buying from people who hate us on the other side of the planet. That aluminum smelting mill would help that happen.

I have now informed readers about some good industries and companies to invest in over the long term. If PDT wins the economic gains will be off the charts. If the Dems pull off another steal, this process will still continue albeit with stronger international globullist criminal involvement and emphasis. With PDT winning the smart investment play will be to go with stock picks and mutual funds that focus on domestic energy, manufacturing and distribution. If the steal happens, go international with picks and funds that have a strong concentration of stocks in these sectors. This latter international investment will still produce gains even if Trump wins because a rising sea level (or tide if you prefer) lifts all boats and America is still the sea (tide) – for now. PDT wants the petro dollar to remain the world’s currency. The globullists would prefer it as well.

Back To Fires

I will start this section with a discussion about…Ted Turner. Wut?!

One of the best business investment lessons I ever heard in person as a young business banker was while attending a Chamber event with Ted Turner as speaker. I despise the guy, but he knew how to make a lot of money. He said he made his big move in business as a young man in the billboards industry, taking over his father’s business after he committed suicide. Living and working in the growing southeastern U. S. region he noted the rapidly increasing population and traffic on the highway and interstate system. From past experience he knew billboards were highly regulated within larger city limits in various areas. Very few new structures were being permitted as well as the costs for land purchases and leases were too high to justify those that could be permitted. So he invested big in building and leasing them in the surrounding suburbs and highway systems where people were moving to live as they would be commuting into town to work along with the usual commercial and tourist traffic passing through the areas. Many times he was able to buy the land on which the structures sat. Every time the costs got too high or the cities and counties became too regulation happy he would move farther out, buy more land and build more billboards. He always went where the fast growing bedroom communities were located and he knew they would continue to expand their borders and increase business. The structures his father and he previously built that he still owned were grandfathered in the regulations and as a result became more and more valuable as time passed with the growing number of eyes on them from the increasing traffic. Eventually they became so valuable he sold many of them. Sometimes he retained the land and leased the related land parcel to the buyer of the structure if it was a good property investment with upside. Many times the land would later go on to become parts of large shopping complexes or industrial parks. He used the funding from the various sales to get into media and the television industry. The rest is history.

And yes, I shook the capitalist commie’s hand and thanked him for speaking after the event. I then went to the restroom and washed my hands. It helped inform me about the industry as I had financed small time billboard owners in the past. More importantly it gave me great insight into how some of the globullist criminals think as well as their methods of operation. With that in mind please review the FEMA map linked below;

Thacker Pass, NV is in the northern area toward the Oregon border. However, the lithium mineral reserves that have been discovered also extend south and east of the pass. The mining and extraction of lithium is water dependent and the Humboldt provides same. This area just happens to be somewhat near the large wildfires that have have been a recurring feature in the northeastern as well as the central eastern parts of NV.

Does the following look like a place where people would desire to live or supporting businesses of mines locate? How many buildings do you see?

That’s Thacker Pass, NV; the center of the lithium deposit reserves.

The wildfires are occurring east, southeast of this area in more forested, habitable areas that are more suitable and attractive to housing people and operating businesses. That area is directly en route to Salt Lake City, Utah. The Humboldt River runs east to west through the region. The town of Elko located along the river east of Thacker Pass and at the base of the Ruby Mountains is less than one hour from the eastern most point of the lithium find and two hours from the above referenced site. Elko already serves the NV gold mining industry and has been a bit of a boom or bust town historically with casinos and legal prostitution. It is a strong culture fit for what is coming. The area around it would be a logical area for new mining related support businesses to locate, which would lead to residential growth after state and local infrastructure investment. This area just so happens to be where wildfires have been burning north and south of Elko per the above referenced map.

How convenient for the wealthy to buy fire affected property at lower prices just in time for the boom to come while still selling that the wildfires contribute to the dreaded climate change. They will push the use of EV’s and their lithium battery packs to counter it. A real twofer for globullists criminals. They then go on to employ similar Ted Turner investment principles and build a gateway all the way to Salt Lake City, a distance of just 230 miles approximately, while using state and federal tax dollars to fund the infrastructure as politicians sell jobs, jobs, jobs to the unwitting NV and Utah voters.


Do we spot more investment opportunities in this discussion? Do we know of a large cult in the region parading in the mainstream of politics who may be interested and involved?


Climate change is noise meant to distract you from seeing what the criminals are really doing and want from you. The wildfires and threats of oil field fires are meant to drive you from the lands they affect. The decision to stay and fight, fight, fight or go is yours alone.

As for me and my house we will do our best to live the way God intended for all of us and it will work out in accordance with His perfect will. The criminals will have a fight on their hands with us.

In FIRE Part III, I will conclude comments on this climate change push and discuss a tragic wildfire that significantly impacted our lives in east TN.

May you and yours be blessed.

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Valerie Curren

TY TB for another eye-opening read. On fire:

My aunt has a passive solar home surrounded by native prairie plants in the Chicago suburbs. I believe that she does a controlled burn annually, under fire department supervision, to renew those botanical species in a simulation of the natural course of prairie fires. Those fires are vital for some plants to thrive.


The American Stories always help me to see things that are right there but are hard to actually see if that makes sense.
This one in particular puts into words something that’s been on my mind for some time. It was touched on a little bit yesterday by some of the friends at QTree.
The “distracted masses”, stress points” , entertainment industry”…all of these things have become the norm worldwide since television became at first a novelty and then a must have to almost every household. Now with internet on top of it, “they” dominate the information that is saturated in our minds. They manipulate the message to psychologically shape opinions and beliefs.

It’s also true though that the firehouse of internet information can help the few who still think for themselves to see behind the schemes. “They” always can counter it with a couple of their well established trigger points like climate change or racism. They’ve got the psyop so hardened that they don’t even bother really explaining why or how those things apply. Diabolical genius methods.

Trump, whether by design or luck has truly upset the plan, Q too, great hordes of humans rejecting the psyop and questioning and thinking is a problem. For some like you, putting the puzzle together is very problematic!

Guess I’ll stop rambling on but I wanted to share a company that I found last Christmas while looking for a few gifts that in a small way could help the Lahaina economy. It’s Aloha Ke Akua clothing co.

~~~~ What does Aloha Ke Akua mean? It’s a Hawaiian phrase most commonly translated to “God is love”. But to us, Aloha Ke Akua is more than just descriptive of God. It encompasses a larger value and even a command from God. ~~~

Thanks TB..great write-up!


YW and I almost always read the posts if I see the prompt . We need the written history from people (you) who were there or adjacent to these incredible scandals and regional events that impacted the ‘system’ from some of your other posts. Your efforts are appreciated.


The dots continue to get connected. Thanks for all of the information.

East TN fire. Yea, I recollect several years ago, perhaps a decade or more.

Huge, huge fire, in an area not known for huge fires.

Dolly even stepped in with huge dollars to help out the effected locals. Likely, Dolly never waivered from her roots much.

Tangent. Still cracking up from one of your earlier stories / posts. DW slept with Dolly. Surely caught my eye. Come to find out, young girls sleep over. Hand full of girls slept sideways on the bed. Friends of Dolly. Great story.

Back to East TN fire. Corporate and political interests in play. SMH.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Another well written piece. Thanks.

Brave and Free

Thank you TB2 for a fascinating read. Nothing surprises me anymore in regards to what the TPTB will do.