This Rejoice & Praise God Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal.
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On this day and every day –
God is in Control
. . . and His Grace is Sufficient, so . . .
Keep Looking Up
Hopefully, every Sunday, we can find something here that will build us up a little . . . give us a smile . . . and add some joy or peace, very much needed in all our lives.
“This day is holy to the Lord your God;
do not mourn nor weep.” . . .
“Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet,
and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared;
for this day is holy to our Lord.
Do not sorrow,
for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”
God Loves . . . and Hates
It might seem a contradiction that a God who is love can also hate. Yet that’s exactly what Bible says is true: God is love (1 John 4:8), and God hates (Hosea 9:15). God’s nature is love—He always does what is best for others—and He hates what is contrary to His nature—He hates what is contrary to love.
No one should be surprised to learn that God does hate some things. He created us with the capacity to both love and hate, and we acknowledge that hatred is sometimes justified—we naturally hate things that destroy what we love. This is part of our being created in the image of God. The fact that we are all tainted with sin means that our love and hatred are sometimes misplaced, but the existence of the sin nature does not negate our God-given ability to love and hate. It is no contradiction for a human being to be able to love and hate, and neither is it a contradiction for God to be able to love and hate.
When the Bible does speak of God’s hatred, the object of His hatred is sin and wickedness. Among the things God hates are idolatry (Deuteronomy 12:31; 16:22), child sacrifice, sexual perversion (Leviticus 20:1–23), and those who do evil (Psalm 5:4–6; 11:5). Proverbs 6:16–19 lists seven things the Lord hates: pride, lying, murder, evil plots, those who love evil, false witnesses, and troublemakers. Notice that this passage does not include just things that God hates; it includes people as well. The reason is simple: sin cannot be separated from the sinner except by the forgiveness available in Christ alone. God hates lying, yes, but lying always involves a person—a liar—who chooses to lie. God cannot judge the lie without also judging the liar.
The Bible clearly teaches that God loves the people of the world (John 3:16). God spared wicked Nineveh, bringing them to repentance (Jonah 3). God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked (Ezekiel 18:32). He is patient to an extreme, “not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9). This is all proof of love—God wants what is best for His creation. At the same time, Psalm 5:5 says about God, “You hate all evildoers” (ESV). Psalm 11:5 is even harsher: “The wicked, those who love violence, he hates with a passion.”
Before a person repents and believes in the Lord Jesus Christ, he is the enemy of God (Colossians 1:21). Yet, even before he is saved, he is loved by God (Romans 5:8)—i.e., God sacrificed His only begotten Son on his behalf. The question then becomes, what happens to someone who spurns God’s love, refuses to repent, and stubbornly clings to his sin? Answer: God will judge him, because God must judge sin, and that means judging the sinner. These are the “wicked” whom God hates—those who persist in their sin and rebellion, even in the face of the grace and mercy of God in Christ.
David writes, “You are not a God who delights in wickedness; evil may not dwell with you” (Psalm 5:4, ESV, emphasis added). By contrast, those who take refuge in God will “be glad” and “ever sing for joy” (verse 11). In fact, both Psalm 5 and Psalm 11 draw a stark contrast between the righteous (those who take refuge in God) and the wicked (those who rebel against God). The righteous and the wicked make different choices and have different destinies—one will see the ultimate expression of God’s love, and the other will know the ultimate expression of God’s hatred.
We cannot love with a perfect love, nor can we hate with a perfect hatred. But God can both love and hate perfectly, because He is God. God can hate without sinful intent. He can hate the sinner in a perfectly holy way and still lovingly forgive the sinner at the moment of repentance and faith (Malachi 1:3; Revelation 2:6; 2 Peter 3:9).
In His love for all, God has sent His Son to be the Savior. The wicked, who are still unforgiven, God hates “for their many sins, for they have rebelled” (Psalm 5:10). But—and this is important to understand—God desires that the wicked repent of their sin and find refuge in Christ. At the moment of saving faith, the wicked sinner is removed from the kingdom of darkness and transferred to the kingdom of love (see Colossians 1:13). All enmity is dissolved, all sin is removed, and all things are made new (see 2 Corinthians 5:17).
GOOD. Let that wicked communist BEAYATCH have it.
Trump is going full scorched Earth on Hoe the Biotch at the Debate.
Call her out across the spectrum. Talking heads and D-Rats will be clutching their pearls.
It’ll be glorious AND the right thing to do.
The random rule changes thing hardly makes her look better — especially because there are no rules or combinations of rules that will keep Trump from shredding her choomy brain.
This is the disgusting post from Suxalotofcox he is referring to at the end:
One of the Gold Star Family members of who invited Trump replied to that post and he is furious:
This is not going well for her —
Here are more of the Gold Star Families responding:
Trump reposted them on X.
Thank you for posting these messages, from the parents of the fallen, murdered thirteen.
Can only hope, at the debate, Kakala Hoe, is ignorant enough to say something about Trump at Arlington.
As the mother of a Marine who fortunately by the grace of our God survived both Iraq and Afghanistan, thank you for posting these messages. My son came home but not without injuries both physical and mental as thousands of others.
He has gone on to become a wonderful and loving husband and father. He sits in Mass as I speak. He knows who protected him and brought him home.
I refuse to speak the evil names of those who are in charge of this country but I can tell you that as a military spouse for 27 years and the mother of this Marine our country will never recover.
We have allowed the deaths of too many of our children from wars, abortions, drugs brought willingly into this country and a deadly vaccine.
Someone once said “In life we have 2 things that tell those who come after us who we were. Our character and our children.
Please pass to your son, thank you for his service. Along with your husband.
Americans respect and appreciate their sacrifices. Never forgotten.
As kal posted, please let them know we are appreciative of the sacrifices not only they made, but all your family has made. Amen and thank you for everything in your post.
Today we welcomed into membership in our church a man in his early 40’s with his wife and two children. He served in the military for 16 years and has suffered PTSD from what he went through and saw. He has been away from the church for quite some time, but has reached the point that he saw the need for Christ in his life to become a better husband and father along with knowing that Jesus will heal his wounds. His wife had begun attending a ladies Bible study group with my wife and daughter, which led him to try to restart with our church. They are neighbors to our Sr. Pastor and saw he and his family as authentic along with many of our church members.
Praise the Lord for all He has done and continues to do! Jesus changes everything.
most grateful thanks to your husband and son! please extend my gratitude and respect to them!
Chanel Rion:
You know – if Nazis had taken over our government, it wouldn’t look too much different in many ways, including how it treats blacks, how it absolutely hates Russia, and how it loves Ukraine. Also how it accuses its enemies of being exactly who THEY THEMSELVES are.
But as for the “Joy” thing, I kinda get what they’re doing, psychologically. It’s almost like a way to promote “Stockholm syndrome” in whoever just got subdued – in this case, Dems who were forced to get behind Coupmala, who they did NOT vote for.
I get that, but IMO it’s lame. They would have more luck if they hypnotized everyone.
But “You are feeling joyful, and you see us as joyful,” instead.
J O Y !
You’ll have nothing, AND be H A P P Y.
“You know – if Nazis had taken over our government,…”
What do you mean IF?
From my article: Spies, Spooks, Snakes and The Sea Eye Aye
After WWII there were actually three programs. Operation Paperclip, Operation Sunrise and Operation Sunshine. Operation Paperclip was for general consumption. Operation Sunrise was for ‘conspiracy theorists’ if they got inquisitive and to HIDE Operation Sunshine….
Project Sunrise: How Allen Dulles and the SS Preserved Each Other
Remember Kissinger was Klaus Schwab’s mentor and thus fundamental in the development of the World Economic Form.
The ReichsWEF Part V
For more information see: Nazi Industrialism, Technocracy, Social Engineering: A History of Klaus Schwab’s Family Values
There is a lot more about the take over of the USA by the Nazis in the article.
^^^ This.
There were Nazi scientists in Oak Ridge, TN that worked in the DOE, DOD and ORNL facilities. I met a number of them in my banking roles through the years.
This not a secret. Many of our leaders have been operating in collusion with them for decades.
Heck they guy in charge of NATO after WWII was HITLER’S CHIEF OF STAFF!!
So tell me again just WHO actually ‘won’ that war?
I think Will Zoll (Prussiagate) had it right. Prussia is now an ARMY without a country.
Not sure what metrics are involved in making Chanel Rion more articulate and understandable, damn right pleasant, but whatever they are they’ve made her more beautiful then ever. She’s literally tossed the clock back while adding more brains to more beauty. And no, I didn’t miss the Kamala/Joy/Nazi/ thing. Rang perfectly clear and the media should be ashamed in pushing their tripe.
From the lower posts in tweet… has been seeing the image all day on the internets and now learns of it’s origin.
Brutal AND effective!
Brutal, Effective AND Reality.
Best Evita Ever !!
Remember the weird old days, when Brandon was p-Resident, and Hunter and Jill were the news every day?
Seems like just weeks ago, and now they’ve completely disappeared, like they went for a boat ride with Tony, Paulie and Silvio.
…don’t forget Luca Brasi, heh heh.
That’s really well done.
Captures the essence of Cackala.
And Joey facing the corner with a dunce cap on and a knife in his back gives me horror movie vibes. Like something from The Shining maybe.
The whole thing is like something out of a horror movie — which I rarely watch, because I don’t need that stuff in my head
BUT you can have it on your wall! for signed prints
He has other nice prints too, so it is worth a look-see.
If it’s a t-shirt, even w/o a pocket, I’ll buy two or three.
Wear them daily, until and including November 6th..
Off to the web site. Doubt it’ll be there, which I understand
It says apparel but I could not find any. However he does ha contact page.
Sent them a query for t-shirts. If I get a positive reply, I will share.
Good Luck.
Maybe if he gets enough asks, he will consider it.
What good would it do on my wall?
No one would see it there, other than me and it would just ruin my mood.
Kalbo has the right idea…a t-shirt. Something public.
Not to take away from Scott, his masterpiece needs to go viral.
Trump should blast it out on Truth, X AND on Jumbo Trons at rallies.
This is the portrait of Kamala’s “We Did It Joe” he was unveiling:
that was so worth clicking save video is where you can get signed prints of Kamala as his Mona Lisa
I liked the way it showed fake news also, sit, beg, stay, roll over, spout joy.
Chanel is just catching her stride.
Perfect TwoFer, this Sunday morning.
Chanel is delightful to see AND listen in on.
WOW a REAL Journalist instead of a bought and paid for Urinalist.
Great report by Chanel.
Cherry on top…
Kakala Harris.
This what they mean by THEIR JOY. [They are wearing the boot.]
Yes, she’s incredibly irritating, but that’s OK. Treat her as she deserves.
Talk back to her. EVERY TIME.
Does she have no earthly clue that this is Trump’s bread and butter. What a moron.
Pence was polite, POTUS Trump is NOT about to let her run rough-shod over him. Remember Hitlery tried that.
Here’s the answer:
“You’re speaking, but nothing’s coming out of your mouth.”
From yesterday:
Aubergine Reply to Gail Combs
Yes, but I have not been taking it recently (I am almost out). I also eat raw garlic for the BP issue.
Unfortunately Hubby takes a LOOOOoong time to make it in or out the door and goes out and in a dozen times or more. So that means I am the only mammal available in the kitchen.
Guessing. The latter by design.
Trump is not an idiot, and he’s seen this debate. And anyone helping him prepare has seen it. Trump MUST be disciplined enough to just silently gaze directly AT HER as she gabbles. And when she has stopped talking, but still has time on her clock, CONTINUE to silently gaze at her, as she stands looking like the moron she is.
Pence should have answered. “Oh shove a cork in your big fat mouth”, gutter level yes but she’d understand that.
Mister SuperChristian say that???
Surely you jest, sir.
Some how the original comment got edited AFTER I commented to it.
Makes my response nonsensical.
If you start writing a reply, that doesn’t stop the original commenter from editing. If they post their edit before you’re done writing, this will happen. If on the other hand you make your comment before they’re done editing, you’ve blocked them.
Both have happened to me as the original commenter; I’ve edited and then saw a reply that made no sense (and that individual was ticked off), and I’ve been blocked.
The quirks of WordPiss.
Guilty, I had second thoughts, I though that cork would be better than that which you assumed rightly from the asterisks.
A- Though borderline it could be said on air.
B- It’s easily miss-heard and that would cause controversy to be argued over in the news cycle.
There is a LOT of popcorn on this one!
Shut down all telecoms in Brazil until this guy’s head is personally delivered to Elon Musk.
He’s telling Android and Apple to shut down X; Android and Apple should shut down Brazil.
If it works, France can be next.
I will keep my eye on Apple and Google.
That’ll have some people worried about coming to work on Tuesday morning.
“When you come to a fork in the road, take it.”
— Yogi Berra
Alternatively, stick it in an electric socket, or start a new Linux distro.
William Makis, MD:
@TuckerCarlson @JoeRogan #DiedSuddenly
The first of the four graphics, which contains the URL to the article:
I’m going to try Ivermectin topically to treat pre-cancerous and other skin lesions.
Pardon my total ignorance here.
Topical with the Ivermectin liquid or the Horse Paste, available at TSC and many outlets?
I’m not sure that topical is a good idea, being that it can be absorbed through the skin and become systemic (this effect is enhanced with goat spit). OTOH, systemic ivermectin has a safety profile that is quite admirable.
Actually it was moxidectin a ‘sister’ to Ivermectin
Moxidectin induces autophagy arrest in colorectal cancer
IVERMECTIN is under attack again – a threat to Cancer Industry & Vaccine Cartel, Ivermectin is now attacked as a “fertility toxin” just ahead of new mRNA Vaccines, new Pandemic and possible lockdowns – Burning Platform
Back a ways, we had discussed the prospect of infiltrating a hospital with ivermectin by filling socks with the paste for a patient.
Likely already there. But that study fits right in with Linda’s FB group on cancer.
That sounds a bit like how my Dr at the time explained to me how malignant melanoma spreads to other organs. Insomuch as if it grows deep enough to hit the little blood capillaries that lie beneath the skin surface a bad cell can break off and get carried around the blood system till it lodges somewhere and starts to grow, like throwing a bottle into the ocean.
So wonder if Ivermectin could do the same and kill those bad cells floating around.
What is worse is that most cancers grow at the margins and each cancer cell keeps checking back that it’s still in contact with “home base” — but if home base is removed, they don’t have to grow a bit at a time and can go adventuring.
Mind you, this is not official medical doctrine and is not stated in medical terminology and is my impression of things I have heard and should not be relied upon…..
Well on previous two occasions for MM , they cut out the lesion first for a biopsy then, if required, call one back to cut a wider margin. I always wonder why don’t they simply remove a bigger area to start with, it would cut down the waiting time between visits and help lessen the waiting lists.
It’s got worse still, now on the first visit one doesn’t get assessed by the specialist as it used to happen. Now on the first visit they take a photograph, and on the strength of that someone decides if you get to see the specialist.
I got the photo done in second week of July and have heard nothing since.
“…a photograph…”
Kicked twice!
So they stealthily took over the USA via the Feral Reserve…
Painful Truth.
That needs to be made into posters and stapled on every telephone pole and electric pole you can find.
Wow – that is ROUGH!!! And so TRUE!!!
A 20-something-year-old guy broke down the door of a house in the San Fernando Valley at 4 am and started threatening people. The homeowner stabbed him, then called the police when he fled.
They had little difficultly finding and identifying the suspect.
With that rate of loss, he may have been a couple of pints low.
So early in the morning, more good news.
Food for Thought, bakocarl.
thank you
I refuse to believe that’s real. Damn lying eyes.
When you squint it looks like an evil octopus.
That’s Cthulhu…not our Cthulhu, the character he’s named himself after.
Never fear, someone will make an adapter that you can buy on Amazon or eBay.
Or just MacGyver yourself….
Stuff that hardly ever happens —
Sorry, Kalbo, but the original article has better formatting. That said, I really wanted you to see this because I knew you’d understand.
Enjoyed the read, bigly.
I should have caught the formatting got screwed up, AND corrected it.
Oh, good — I had hoped Kalbo would see this.
Failed the spoiler. Trying again..
Only took Slow Guy, three tries.
Off to the treadmill…
“No Shit.”
^^^ Endless True stories from veterans start with, No Shit, let me tell ya…
Crazy, seemingly unbelievable stuff happens over the course of a few years or career in the military.
From the mundane…flags flying in two different directions though separated by less than a hundred yards, to, well, you name it.
As previously reported, there is a MAGA/Patriots rally held at a major intersection of suburban Buffalo every Saturday afternoon from noon to two. Yesterday was the 154th consecutive gathering. Amazing. I was there from 12:15 to 1:50.
1) This report has a sort of O. Henry happy ending to it.
2) But first I want to talk about rude gestures. There are surprisingly few, and they are mostly of the classic type. Some are just a thumbs down (not really a rude gesture), but most use the other digit.
3) The supportive horn honking vastly outweighs the negativity, and at points it is continuous for seconds at a time. Plus, the thumbs up is also frequently seen, often quite enthusiastically.
4) Yesterday for the first and only time that I saw, a person hung out of the passenger window and gave a Nazi salute. Those of us who saw it spontaneously laughed, it was so ridiculous. One steady topic of conversation at the rally is the impenetrable ignorance of the other side, the bizarre fantasy world of their minds. That is why, IMO, the salute evoked laughter.
6) Anyway, one look at our rally and you can tell no one there is going to Nurenburg nor weekending at the Hamptons. The style is Saturday afternoon running errands casual. There is not a hint of pretense or party discipline.
7) All clothing reflects general down-to-Earth disinterest in style, and practicality.
8) I do admit that I have worn my long sleeve, lightweight bright orange tee-shirt. I wear it in tribute to VSG as my own private joke. But one guy got the joke and he greets me with the words “orange man good.” And I reply “you got it!” and he says “I got it, I got it.” Just a nice human interchange.
9) The O. Henry story starts with a participant at the rally, a young man I came to learn was 33. I seemed to recall seeing him before. He had a very intelligent look and demeanor, but also down-to-Earth, amiable, low key, and approachable.
10) Another rally attendant (the guy who got the orange joke), this young man and I exchanged some chat for a couple minutes, when the joke guy says to the young man, “You look so familiar, I know I have seen you before.”
11) I am thinking, yes, because he has been at this rally before (but I was not certain).
12) The young man says, “I was in the news a lot, and on Tucker Carlson.” This got my attention.
13) Please recall from last week, I do not read the Buffalo news, or watch local tv, or listen to local radio, all of which are sickening propaganda outlets. If I had, I might have known who this was.
14) His name was Dennis Hannon. Dennis gave me permission to use his name or any other detail of our discussion.
15) Dennis had a son with a woman. I infer she was not his wife. Dennis had visitation rights (I later read online) of every other weekend and twice during the week. Apparently, he was as good a father as one can be under the circumstances. He proved to be the best.
16) I will not go into all the details. I have provided links below which give the details, well worth reading.
17) The broad outline is this: Dennis’ “partner” started turning his son into a girl at the age of three. With the compliance and assistance of the local public school system, she attempted brainwashing the boy with gender “affirming” “therapists,” and eventually he was approved for puberty blockers at the earliest possible age (which was 10, I believe).
18) For his visitations, the boy was returned to his father looking like a boy. The efforts to hide the evil transformation from Dennis were effective. It was only when he was in kindergarten that Dennis received a letter from the local school district addressed to the parent of Ruby Rose.
19) Dennis thought there must have been a mistake and investigated the matter, and found out to his horror the elaborate ongoing efforts from his “partner” and the school authorities to turn this boy into a girl. (IMO the letter was deliberate accidentally-on-purpose notice at a time when they thought everything was too late to stop).
20) Dennis stressed to me that there was never any indication in any respect from his son about gender confusion.
21) Dennis fought the whole process to save his son, the specific issue (I believe but could be wrong) was the adminstration of puberty blockers.. Dennis lost his life savings (150K) in legal expenses, he lost his job, etc etc.
22) Dennis recounted in some detail the legal process. Dennis was tortured and tormented by everybody every step of the way. The details are out of Kafka.
23) It turns out I am friends with someone who was similarly legally tormented, and the same set of people were involved, in circumstances just as gruesome and highly political. I think I knew more about what was going on than 99.99% of the population, even Dennis, but those are details I did not want to go into with him or here.
24) Suffice it to say, make sure your lawyer represents you, and not the other side.
25) Dennis told me he lost every legal battle, including the trial, where highly definitive, conclusive, undeniable evidence was excluded. IMO an evil travesty of justice, breath-taking.
26) Here are a couple links, including a transcript of the Tucker Carlson interview:
27) O. Henry?
28) Dennis told me that he lost at every step of the way. But his fierce battle took several years.
29) During that time, the boy – – probably highly intelligent and independent like his father – – decided that he liked being a boy. As a matter of fact, he was with Dennis last week at our weekly Trump rally at a major intersection of suburban Buffalo, enthusiastically waving a Trump flag.
So sad, they will go to any lengths to achieve their goals.
Hopefully this youngster becomes a crusader against the evil.
Was prepared for a terrible ending.
SO happy for the Dad, Dennis, AND relieved the boy figured it out.
Orange. Such a great, subtle thing to do.
Thank you for being out there. 100% it matters AND helps each of us.
He really needs to get a lawyer from America First Legal [ ] or Harmeet Dhillon’s law office [ ].
Fast. Like yesterday.
It’s all over legally. He lost legally but won in real life. His son is still his son.
He needs to sue. Deprivation of rights by school. Needs to challenge the Newdow v Elk Hills School District opinion, wrongly decided IMO.
Sure sounds like CHILD ABUSE!
Thank you so much, firstly, for going to the Trump rallies and sharing about them here.
Secondly, thank you profoundly for sharing Dennis’ story.
IMO, there is likely some type of emotional / psychological toxic mix in the mind of someone who “decides” that a child “is better off being a person of the other sex.”
The AMA has an entire area devoted to “transgender health” / “Inclusive healthcare”, and so on. This means that physicians are involved in the situation up to their eyeballs.
Here is only ONE of the types of AMA Continuing Education Credits items for AMA members:
Here is a screenshot from the above:
Yours Truly will add something that is also important regarding this situation:
The COVID-19 “vaccines” have been proven to cross the Blood-Brain Barrier; and, that they also negatively affect the brain’s cognition mechanisms and ability, the emotional centers of the brain, the Central Nervous System, and multiple other factors of brain health. This would necessarily include the abilities to make sound judgement, to control emotions and behavior, and so on.
TY, Pavaca! Very interesting.
Dennis told me that the boy’s mother is presently “transitioning” from herself to himself. Not to being a rational human being.
Dennis and I did not get into partner’s motives too much, but he did confirm my guess that his son, even at such a young age, figured out that his mother was demented. Dennis said that his son became “very right wing,” which is a choice of words I did not exactly understand or ask about, but assume was a good thing if he rejected his mother’s manipulations and was waving a Trump flag.
Once again I assert my belief about the fundamental motivation for all these freaks and communists (redundant!), from the street people to the penthouse, which is sadism. They derive pleasure from the pain of others, and sadism gives them a sense of empowerment.
No doubt a scrambled brain is very much involved.
That certainly points to the genesis of the mother’s pushing her son to transition as Munchausen Syndrome imo.
Absolutely. All about her. How can you do that to another human being for your own gratification?
So agree, warped to the max.
One of the symptoms is the person will undergo tests and procedures and all sorts of painful or destructive lifestyle habits to ‘prove’ that they’re sick.
By proxy they do it to their innocent kids…it’s abuse and recognized as such………..except of course in the transgender realm…that’s celebrated…win/win for the narcissist but lose/lose for their children
And hopefully when he gets older he will choose to live with his father.
The fight is worth it.
The Greatest Story Ever Told
The Greatest Story Ever Told
Started long ago in days of old
Ere the earth’s foundation was laid
Ere God spoke and ere all was made
God planned Creation just for man
And controlled events by His plan
He made the heavenly denizens
Knowing they’d rebel, both how and when
God made a garden in the east
And filled it with all kinds of beasts
Then God made man to work that land
Stating “It’s all good” as He had planned
God knew the serpent would deceive
And knew man would be forced to leave
He knew that man would always sin
And knew that He, our God, would win
Man left God and took the world’s way
Full of sin, always, every day
So God sent The Flood to cleanse the land
Just saving Noah and his small band
Mankind gathered and Babel grew
There was nothing man couldn’t do
They built a tower for their pride
So God confused speech, spread them worldwide
God picked Abram to fulfill His plan
To father a people, a chosen clan
To love God and obey His Word
And it’s through these the world has heard
Two cities fell into deepest sin
All except for Lot and his kin
Fire and brimstone rained from the sky
Man must obey God and not defy
A big famine strikes, there’s no food
Jews go to Egypt with gratitude
As time went by, the Jews were saved
But then Egypt used them as slaves
Centuries passed. The Jews suffered so
Then God said “Let my people go”
God chose Moses to be His voice
To force Pharaoh to make the choice
A column of smoke and one of fire
God parted the sea when all was dire
Stone tablets of Law from Sinai’s peak
All must trust God, both strong and weak
The Jews demanded rule by a king
So came Saul and the trouble he’d bring
Then God chose David for a fresh start
Just a shepherd, but with God’s own heart
God sent a man, his name was John
To tell of the Light, the Coming Dawn
He traveled around so all could hear
“Repent now, the Holy One is near”
God spoke through prophets to tell all
Of His Messiah and what would befall
That God Himself gave to us His Son
And that believing, we’d be as one
All of these things by God’s strong hand
To bless people throughout all lands
And all mankind must make the choice
To live for the world or heed His voice
As God told Abram, through him we’re blest
With Peace and Joy and eternal rest
It’s by God’s mercy and grace we’ve won
So give all glory to God through God’s Son
Thank You bakocarl!
Yup. They do not care that we know.
A bit of a scheduling issue on the latest, so here is a link for those who may be interested.
Verse of the Day for Sunday, September 1, 2024
“Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.”
Psalms 51:10 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
In Your kindness, have mercy on me;
Let me not ever stray far from Thee;
Blot out my sins from your Holy sight;
Strengthen me – to fight the good fight!
In Your compassion, blot out my offense;
For my transgression, there is no defense;
Wash me and cleanse me of all of my guilt;
I have sinned against Thee – I need rebuilt!
My offenses are ever before me, Oh Lord;
I have fallen short as it says in Your Word;
Against You alone have I sinned grievously;
In Your sight, Oh Lord, sin encompassed me!
Justified are You in your sentence dispensed;
Without reproach is Your judgment against;
For in sin were all men ill-conceived;
From the womb we emerge ill-perceived!
In truth, it’s the heart only You can see;
Instill in my heart Your wisdom for me;
Purify and cleanse me that I may know;
Wash me – cleanse my soul – whiter than snow!
Create in me – a clean heart renewed;
Cleansed in the Spirit – no longer eschewed;
With a steadfast spirit – I am refreshed;
No longer in sin will I be enmeshed!
A pure heart create in me, Oh God;
No longer will You need to poke and prod;
Give me again, Lord, the joy of Your aid;
With a steadfast spirit – the ransom is paid!
Rescue me, Lord, from evil oppression;
Let love – once again – be my obsession;
Let repentance and mercy blot out my sin;
Let Your Holy Spirit live again within!
For, in sacrifice, you take no delight;
Burnt offering – You would refuse outright;
My sacrifice is a contrite spirit;
Humble and worthy – Your voice – I hear it!
In Your goodness, Oh Lord, make me anew;
Be near me, Oh Lord, keep me close to You;
Hold me, remold me – into what I should be;
Create in me, Lord, a clean heart from Thee!
D01: 06/28/2013
Thank You Duchess!
Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing
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Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.
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LIVE: “Observance Of The Lord’s Supper | September 1, 2024 | 9am CT Service
First Baptist Dall
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Join us LIVE at 9 and 11am as our Choir & Orchestra and First Dallas Band lead us in worship. Our Senior Pastor, Dr. Jeffress, will lead us in the observance of the Lord’s Supper.
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The first sensible thing I’ve heard on the subject since this Evil Carbon idiocy began.
Industrial mono-crop farming ESPECIALLY CORN is horrible for the soil health. The soil survey in 1948 showed my farm had 2 feet of excellent quality loam. When we bought it, there was no loam just 98% pure clay and even with fertilizer it would no longer produce decent crops. Turning it into pasture was the best thing for the soil.
Rotational grazing allows the grass to recover in height and hold even more manure in place. With the heavy rains here in the south, this is very important.
Monocropping: A Disastrous Agricultural System
Home Growing Produces Ten Times the Food of Arable Farms — United Nations University.
“Management-intensive grazing” is what I practice. It has many many benefits esp with horses who are very hard on pasture.
I have 30 grazing paddocks and 10 ‘sacrifie’ areas
Farm subsidies are MAINLY grain crops and go to the Mega-Farms.
According to the AAF (American Agricultural Foundation) report (2021), corn, wheat, and soybeans account for 82% of base acres, with subsidies for corn being the largest, totaling over $116 billion since 1995.
Top 10 commodities receiving subsidies in 2016
[The graph showed in the comment box but not after I posted it. }
I remember years ago an article about vegetable farmers…they didn’t get subsidies and often had contempt for the grain farmers, who had a relatively simple business (rather than handling a variety of things in what amounts to a big garden), and got the subsidies.
I’m gathering not much has changed.
That is the situation in a nutshell.
This is the 2016 graph (roughly)
Corn————————————————–2.2+ billion
Soybeans————————————1.6 billion
Sugar—————————————-1.5 billion
cotton———————- 0.95 billion
wheat——————-0.6 billion
oranges———-0.4 billion
livestock——-0.36 billion
Hay——–0.24 billion
All others———————–Under 1.4 billion
Off the wall.
Can’t find it now.
So yesterday, posted somewhere reflecting the large numbers of illegals Kakala and Briben have flown into the US. citing have dozen large cities, states.
With November 6th in mind, two locations stuck out.
How easy it would be to register tens of thousand illegally vote in FL. Stealing FL.
Not just houston, across Texas, registering tens of thousands to illegally vote in TX. Stealing TX.
Arizona, other states…
hussein is evil. Whatever it takes to steal another election.
Stealing the election AND whatever comes after that. They don’t really absolutely need the actual bodies of illegal present to steal the election. It helps but with the DOJ in their pocket lawsuits about election fraud can evaporate quickly.
They have other plans for the millions here illegally, what they are ???
Able bodied YOUNG MALES without family…
That is an ARMY.
Yeah and probably not all of them will be useful for that but they disguise the thousands within the millions that are army ready. The others are also good for making babies with women and girls also here illegally. Instant anchor and claims of being American citizens.
anchors work best when they are thrown overboard.
badda bing ! Along with the chain attached to them
Posted this on the wrong daily, so likely few saw it. I’m posting it here with some additional text.
OK gotta clarify something, since some seemed to think I could just ask to go along and get a free trip to see penguins or something like that.
Forty eight people were invited to go to Antarctica for the Final Experiment. But only 1 flat earther and 1 globe earther will be paid for by TFE. The others who take Will Duffy up on it must pay their own expenses. (Some have benefited from people raising their money.)
Anyone is free to join them…by paying their own expenses. Write TFE and they will put you in contact with the provider. But it’s a whopping $31,495 to go. (There are cheaper ways to cross Antarctica off your bucket list. OTOH you can probably pay more and go to the South Pole.)
There was never any chance I could go for free, and I said so (not enough of an influencer to be worth it).
In the, you cant make this SCHIFF UP category…
The New York Times:
The Constitution is Sacred, Is it also Dangerous?
One of the biggest threats to America’s politics might be the country’s founding documents.
Hey Idjit, the “ dramatic loss of faith in democracy,” is because of MASSIVE CORRUPTION. OH and we are NOT a Democracy, we are a Constitutional Republic that is supposed to PROTECT THE RIGHTS OF THE INDIVIDUAL from the TYRANY of the MAJORITY, so there is No there there to begin with.
So expert if he gets THAT simple fact wrong.
He doesn’t get that fact wrong. He’s giving voice and forward movement to the LIE they need to imprint on the minds of low info, under educated, ignorant lemmings.
They haven’t started using the word democracy in error at all. It’s narrative building.
The hive is always working, one thing after the next to tear down the country
^^^ This.
I heard somebody on Warroom [think it was Benz] that ‘our democracy’ means the democracy of institutions, not people. IOW they’ve changed the meaning.
Or just “self rule, the people having a voice in their government.” I think that’s how the word has been meant for generations, honestly. I don’t think it’s necessarily malicious.
YMMV. Not sure why you would defend what is now obviously a code phrase intended to deceive potential voters.
The word has been used this way for decades, maybe for over a century. And we’re just being pedantic twits most of the time when we insist on an old definition.
That being said, claims made today that Trump is somehow a threat to socialism-labeled-as-democracy are an abuse. But I remember a day when socialism was contrasted with democracy.
In other words the word “democracy” is being redefined for a second time, and many pedantically bitch about the first redefinition which happened before we were born.
Since Biden, Kommie, AOC, Pelosi, Obama and the rest keep using the word it says to me that it is malicious because they never tie it to the Constitution being the reason they’re able to have a voice.
The ” it’s just a piece of paper” mantra is getting louder and many people think that’s fine because we’re a problem, ditch the Constitution..we’re covered . They’re very wrong
It was Mike Benz and yes, they deliberately redefined Democracy as ‘The Consensus of Institutions” so that they could claim someone like Trump of Bolsonaro, which are not approved i.e. controlled by these institutions, are ‘Undemocratic”. and are a “Threat to Democracy” and must either removed from office or prevented from ascending to it.
FASCISM aka the Third Way that PM Tony Blair, Pres Clinton and the head of the London School of economics, Anthony Giddens are pushing. (That is from E.M. Smith aka ChieIO)
What Makes Progressive Ideology? Lessons from the Third Way
Also see: What is the Third Way? Definition and meaning
Senator Cotton sets the record straight over Kamala and Dems flapping about nothing all to avoid people seeing their antipathy for American Veterans.
Sounds like someone is scared.
Hamas terrorists killed six hostages Saturday, including Israeli-American Hersh Goldberg-Polin, as Israel Defense Forces closed in for a rescue attempt in the tunnels deep below Gaza’s Rafah.
Goldberg-Polin’s family confirmed his death early Sunday. His body was one of six recovered on Saturday. The IDF revealed that Hamas killed the hostages, who had been held for nearly 11 months, just as they were on the brink of freedom.
“According to our initial assessment, they were brutally murdered by Hamas terrorists shortly before we reached them,” IDF spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said in a statement.
At the DNC convention the family members pleaded for the release of their family members.
Israeli-American Hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin and 5 Others Found Dead, Murdered by Hamas One Week After Parents Spoke at DNC Convention Pleading for His Release – Executed by Hamas in a Gaza Tunnel Jim Hoft Sep. 1, 2024 8:15 am 401 Comments
“We Are in Desperate Need for a Change in Leadership” – Billionaire Bill Ackman BLASTS Joe Biden and Kamala Harris After Jewish Hostages including an American Are Executed by Hamas – Twitter CEO Chimes InJim Hoft Sep. 1, 2024 9:15 am 308 Comments
Wow… glad we can clear that up.
QUICK! — Somebody come up with a cartoon meme of Tim Walz running away from a question WITH A MILKSHAKE in his hand.
In other words — This is TIM WALZ’ “ICE-CREAM CONE MOMENT.”
I kinda like the idea of a pork chop on a stick only Walz isn’t holding the stick like he did at the Minnesota State Fair.
hahahahah…great minds think alike. Didn’t see your comment before I made mine
Just like POTATUS…the ice cream or whatever this idiot’s concoction is is like a hand held shield…uh duh…I got muh treat..gotta run..chickenshit
Looks like negotiations are over. Time for full batshit crazy.
I have long wondered when Israel will disclose that they have Hamas’ payroll records.
After all, they were pretending to be a quasi-government. Gotta do accounting for that.
And maybe Hamas knows what to use thermite grenades for.
(if your location is about to be captured and the heavy file cabinet (or safe, generally rigged as a file cabinet with thick walls and an S&G lock) can’t be moved, you grab a thermite grenade, pull the pin and set it on top of the cabinet. It goes off. It doesn’t go Kaboom, it just burns really really hot, burning through to the inside of the safe and incinerating its contents.)
I get the impression that typical Hamas operatives’ first thought when their “location is about to be captured” is to hastily relocate and maybe kill some hostages.
H/T to Gordon (Ghost of Patrick Henry)
Daily Mail:
Democrat influencer twins Ed and Brian Krassenstein are accused of owning multiple PORN site domains
I guess no one will mistake her for a penguin.
Healing Prayers
Prayer for Restorative Rest
Healing Hand, as I lay in my bed this evening, I pray for Your restorative power to touch my life. Mend what has been broken, soothe what has been hurt, and heal what has been wounded. May I find in sleep the healing that my body and spirit need and wake to a day of renewed health and vitality. Amen.
Evening Prayer for Wholeness
Gentle Healer, with the night’s calm, I seek Your healing for my body, mind, and soul. Where there is pain, bring relief; where there is fatigue, bring restoration; where there is distress, bring tranquility. Wrap me in Your peace as I trust in Your loving care to make me whole. Amen.
Prayer for Comfort in Illness
Lord of Comfort, as I face the trials of illness, I pray for Your healing touch. Ease my discomfort, calm my anxiety, and deliver me from my afflictions. In Your mercy, may I find the comfort that leads to a peaceful rest, knowing that You are with me, sustaining and healing me. Amen.
Nighttime Blessing for Healing
Divine Physician, under the canopy of the night sky, I pray for Your healing blessings. Let Your life-giving energy flow through every cell, every nerve, every aspect of my being. May my rest be deep, my healing complete, and my faith in Your power absolute. Bless me with the gift of health, and let my gratitude be a testament to Your mercy. Amen.
Serene Prayer for Recovery
Merciful Restorer, as I seek repose in the stillness of this night, I ask for Your healing hand upon my life. Guide the hands of those who care for me, provide wisdom for the paths of recovery, and grant patience for the journey. In this serene hour, let Your comfort envelop me, as I place my trust in Your plan for a full recovery. Amen.
Go in at 48:45 this is an RF apartment building, guess it’s not terrorism when zelensky does it.
The Cabal really really wants a nuclear war I think.
In total agreement, TPTB won’t have to worry about the covid-19 hoax being exposed.
AND it gets rid of a large portion of the population and scares the rest into accepting a WORLD GOVERNMENT.
Win -Win
Once you understand that Kissinger was making SURE other countries had the BOMB… that the CIA was who GAVE N Korea the bomb and controlled KIm… The it is not hard to see they WANT a nuclear war. It is the ace they keep in the back pocket.
They do.
Steve Kirsch just confirmed Yours Truly’s post of Friday regarding the power that medical boards have over doctors — especially doctors who know the truth about COVID-19 and the COVID-19 “vaccines”, but can’t / won’t say anything out loud:
“There are only 4 ways to extract the truth from doctors about the harms caused by the COVID vaccines”
Steve Kirsch
1 September 2024
Just received news my BIL passed away this evening. He went into the ICU this afternoon his kidney and liver shut down after battling cancer the past 6-8 months. Last week he went into the hospital so they could put a stent in his liver because it wasn’t draining. After he came home from the hospital last week he wasn’t feeling while, they called the hospital and the hospital said there was a covid outbreak at the hospital and to get tested. Yup he had covid. This is so sad, we lost his mom last October and now this.
He had testicular cancer and recovered about 15 years ago. He had taken a vax last year, and shortly thereafter the cancer showed up in his lungs.
IMHO the Vax claims another one, he was only 64.
I am so sorry to hear that. 64 is much too young.
Prayers for the family.
Heartbreaking. Condolences.
Brave and Free
I’m so sorry to hear about your BIL. So young. May he rest in eternal Peace, and may you and the family find Deep Comfort.
(One agrees with the opinion that the “vax” was involved. Awful, awful.)
Most unfortunate. Condolences to you and the family. From this report It almost sounds like the hospitals might be on the warpath again. Hopefully your sister is well cared for. Prayers.
Oh, very sorry to hear that! That is too young. Damn that evil vaxx.
Makes me so mad that this is happening. I’m very sorry about that news, Brave and Free. I hope that your family, and especially your sister, will be comforted.
I’m so sorry about your loss. People’s health and immune systems are being destroyed by design. I pray for comfort for you and all his family.
So sorry for your loss. God be with you all.
100% correct
Actually, we just have a problem with those claiming to be republicans who do not support Trump. They’re interlopers.
The first part is about what they are planning for Truth Social.
X22 Report: Devin Nunes – We Are In The Investigation Phase, Justice Comes Next, Elections Were Rigged 1 hour
No idea how the movie ended (last tweet) but it looks like the Alien Reserve may have been activated.
Boeing’s Starliner Is Making Mysterious ‘Sonar’ Noises and No One Can Explain It – Plagued Spacecraft Is Scheduled To Return to Earth in a Week Without Its Crew
Paul Serran Sep. 1, 2024 3:20 pm 423 Comments
If the noise is coming from the speaker what is the amplifier input connected to, what is it meant to be listening to, they will know that.
Placating with your tax dollars.