Dear KMAG: 20240902 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

And yes, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

We will always remember Wheatie,

Pray for Trump,

Yet have fun,

and HOLD ON when things get crazy!

We will follow the RULES of civility that Wheatie left for us:

Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And while we engage in vigorous free speech, we will remember Wheatie’s advice on civility, non-violence, and site unity:

“We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”

“Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”

If this site gets shut down, please remember various ways to get back in touch with the rest of the gang:

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

Joe Biden didn’t win.

And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wolfie’s Wheatie’s Word of the Week:



  • of, like, or pertaining to the refraction of sound
  • pertaining to the science or doctrine of refracted sounds
  • relating to diacoustics


Check out some super-artsy ambient music inspired by diacoustics, prehistoric anthropology, paleohistory, and “world” musical arts.



I find the following to be one of the real beauties of the universe – the idea that there must be truths we cannot prove.

Sounds like a good design to me.

I can accept this.

Just sayin’!

And remember…….

Until victory, have faith!

And trust the big plan, too!

And as always….



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It’s weird that Labor Day is a day where almost everyone takes off from work.


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We park on driveways and drive on parkways. Labor Day is much the same; many have that day off. Only thing is that there is no opposite, no official Vacation Day on which everyone is at work.


Great suggestion.


Labor Day is a day we Americans recognize, honor and celebrate our country’s great workforce – like our good man, President Donald Trump does every day.

President Trump knows his many properties would depreciate and degenerate into ruin and chaos without good conscientious workers to keep them up and going! He also knows our country would do the same. He expects good work and respects good workers’ vital influence – therefore he works hard for the benefit and protection of all American workers!

This Days of Praise devotion further explains it and GOD’s requirement of good work:

September 2, 2024


“We beseech you, brethren, that ye increase more and more; And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you; that ye may walk honestly toward them that are without, and that ye may have lack of nothing.” (1 Thessalonians 4:10-12)

On Labor Day, we traditionally take time to recognize the great workforce here in America. From factories to restaurants, from typing pools to machine shops, from schoolrooms to gas stations, laborers help make the economy run, and on this day America honors its workforce.

The Bible likewise frequently commends those who work. For example: “Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labor, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth” (Ephesians 4:28).

Several of the words in our text are significant. The verbs “increase…study…be…do…work
…walk…lack” are all in the tense implying a habit or lifestyle. We are thus commended to have a mindset of work, not laziness or expecting others to do for us what we can do for ourselves.

The word “honestly” elsewhere is translated “decently” or “properly” and is emphasized in the Greek. There is a proper way to walk.

Perhaps Paul was referring to his own example: “For ye remember, brethren, our labor and travail: for labouring night and day, because we would not be chargeable unto any of you” (1 Thessalonians 2:9).

Note that an admonition to continue in “brotherly love” (v. 9) is the context of our text. For one who refuses to work and becomes a burden to society exhibits a lack of brotherly love and is a reproach to the community of Christ.

Laborers are honored in Scripture, and so is labor.



I think you took my opening snarky comment way too seriously.  😍 


Since Labor Day signifies among other things, the going back to school I was thinking of dropping this Book Review for aspiring Egyptologist’s today. It also has a full explainer which I’m unsure I should include as it’s not fully finished and I’m not sure I should add it to a lengthy review. Besides there are 14 more reviews I’ve yet to drop. I’ll put these two things in separate covers. Most will not be interested so passing by is fine. But any thoughts on either or combing the two might be found useful.

Book Review on
Five stars for this epic primer for would be Egyptologists by Christopher Eyre. Published in 2002, 276 pages of dense literature sporting on average 6 foot notes per page that take anywhere up to one third to two thirds of page text and point you to multiple references. All in an effort to explain to you four pages of 71 lines of text known as the Cannibal Hymn found first and primarily in the Tomb of Unas, the last 5th Dynasty King   (2321–c. 2306 BC) and source of what is regarded to as the 1st religious text of Egypt and 1st written religious text of world when discounting the oral tradition of the Vedas and perhaps the oldest stories from the Zend Avesta.


Readers will be enlightened to the heavy lifting required of an Egyptologist. With a 26 page Bibliography consisting of over 625 entries, all foot noted throughout the book this is indeed a very intimidating book not to be trifled with, not to be questioned which is likely one of it’s unstated purposes and an excellent working example of the Book of Gates found in Egyptian literature. 


By reading this book you will be exposed to some of the more important gates an Egyptologist must pass through in order to rise to notability in order to become an Egyptologist. Run afoul of these gates and you will be crushed and dismembered, then picked apart and scattered like Osirs by the order of Sethian scribes left behind to hide what really happens in King Unas’s Pyramid Text following the traditions of the entire VI dynasty. Unless you can say the magic words for each gate you’ll be condemned and forbidden to take part in Egyptology. 

Gate 1. You did not read what you thought you read. 


Gate 2. There is no history in the Pyramid Text, especially that of King Unas.


Gate 3. The cannibalism described by King Unas is purely symbolic as he was eating other gods and there is no tradition for kings eating real people.


Gate 4. The unstated rule that the myth “Destruction of Mankind” also known as “The Book of the Heavenly Cow” has nothing to do with King Unas’s Pyramid text.


Gate 5. Think nothing of King Unas’s claim that Sekhmet was his mother.


Gate 6. Ignore all obfuscations that render any semblance of unity to understanding the text in a simplified manner such as; avoiding the use King Unas’s name, except for Piankoff and Rambova, or any other kings name, jumbling the number of Utterances between translations, running the various King’s texts together so you don’t know easily when one stops and the next one starts until you get to Allen who will add the necessary clarity asked for but still maintain Sethe’s tradition of not using the kings name while adding much to the text that previous translators did not see and omitting previous utterances they had given.  And by all means pay attention to any notes that will save you from wrong think such as that given for Utterance 254 which your just going to have to trust without explanation.

Gate 7. The most important gate. Mention nothing about the Flood Hymn which are the combined utterances  248 then 254, 271, 279, 302, 305, 462 used by Mercer, Piankoff, & Faulkner and verily can lead one to believe that King Unas flooded the Nile River, pulled up the papyrus leading to mass censorship and a huge gap in Papyrus being found by which archeologists lament it’s 500 plus year void to this very day, and otherwise annihilated all those and then some that dared to rebel.

 See rules for passing through gate 2 if you do not understand that because “King Unas writes with his big finger and not with his small finger”.


Gate 8. Seek not Thoth nor Isis in attempts to circumvent the rules for passing through these gates.


Gate 9. No quibbling like squeaking out Mercer mentioning that Sethe said there are at least 7 layers of meaning detected in King Unas’s Pyramid Text.


After that, then you may be passed through to the darker chambers of Egyptology where pearls are not tossed to swine but only to the initiated high priests of Egyptology who understand the importance of a King’s Divine Right to Rule and if and when necessary destroy mankind which is still in play today just as it has been for countless centuries as practiced in Persia, Greece, Rome, throughout the Western and Eastern Nations throughout the world actually, wherever Might Makes Right held sway in the body politic be it by King, Parliament, Politburo or Oligarchy, even in finely tuned Great Britan and even covertly in the USA and Canada, so that kings and would be kings can create great things that serve themselves foremost even when they are not the beneficial rulers which most believe they should be.


Lastly we’ll not discuss a Gate 10 which would refer to foot note 51 found on page 163 where in Ritner’s “Magical Practice” it’s noted: “stresses the motif (of cannibalism) as an episode and not as a self-standing ritual.” as that would make a vast bulk of this book unnecessary and cause you to think erroneously the book a red herring.  Nor mention Gates 11 & 12 which go without mention as they are to make good use of your negative confessions and by no means lie least you run a fowl of Maat and get eaten by Ammit should Anubis decree your soul too heavy which shouldn’t happen if you make good use of the negative confessions. Or at least that seems the mechanism employed by many a would be king today and yesterday who have high hopes to ascend to the Kings bark unscathed.


Actually the book is quite good, a huge and daunting labor, and as stated from the outset written as practical exercise and does give a very strong taste of what it means to be an Egyptologist, minus my reservations mentioned above of course.  Highly recommended to anyone who really wants to know one of the darker well kept secrets that some in world use to hold the peons in contempt with as they hold sway over their fiefdoms.

Hats off to Natacha Rambova and Alexandre Piankoff, the Bollingen Foundation who launched them with good intent and I’d mention our esteemed author but I’d rather he not meet with a sudden fate for hanging about the gates so long by which someone might take notice. All of whom appeared at least to as Piankoff said, offer you the choice of making up your own mind about what was really in the tomb of Unas. 

And no I’m not an Egyptologist nor aspire to be one, but simply took the wrong path to the Pyramid Text of Unas expecting to find a flood and a flood is what I found even after the esteemed George McDonald Frazier wrote a full chapter (but very short) in his flood book ensuring the reader that Africa and Egypt in particular were the only places on earth that never experienced an epic flood of biblical proportions. And what gave it a way? His laudatory comments to the Huxley institute and its founder where he first gave his first flood talk. Now that should be a clue for any thinking person.


This needs explainers around the edges for which I could go long or short on and another check for more proofs.

Utterance 248. 
$262 The King is a great one, the King has issued from between the thigs of the Ennead [the earthly priests in Heliopolis. Some believe Unas was not related to the last king by blood but was a priest at Heliopolis before he assumed the throne]. 
$263 The King was conceived by Sakhmet, it is Šsmt.t who gave birth to Unas. [Hathor’s lion form and the Eye of Ra used to destroy the rebels in the myth “Destruction of Mankind”.]
Utterance 254. 
$276. To say the words:
“The Great (Uraeus) fumigates the Bull of Nekhen (Hierakonpolis).
The heat of the fiery breath is against you,
you who are about the shrine (kAr)!
O Great God whose name is unknown, (bring) at once a meal of the Unique Lord.
O lord of the Horizon (Ax.t), make place for Unas.
If you fail to make place for Unas, Unas will pronounce a curse against his father Geb:
the earth shall not speak any more;
Geb shall not be able to defend himself.
(He) whom Unas finds on his way, he will eat him piecemeal.
The hnt-pelican announces (sr), the ennead(psD.t)-pelican comes out.
The Great One rises. The enneads speak: completely dammed-off shall be the land.
$279. The two ridges of the mountain (on both sides of the Nile valley) shall be united.
The two banks of the river will be joined.
The roads will be hidden from the passers-by.
The steps (rwd.w) will be annihilated for those who go up.
Make tight the rope (of the boat), sail the road of heaven!
Strike the ball on the meadow of Hapi (Apis)!” [Hapi is the flood god of the Nile regulated by Khnum the ram headed potter god, maker of kings and comes up often in the PT]
[Not to worry, all of the translators abide by the little foot note that says the above is but some sort of prophecy and none make attempt to explain further even though reading a fair few lines latter there’s this little oddity. Eh’em. Both cannot be true.]
$293. The heart of Unas be glad (sweet), the heart of Unas be glad (sweet).
Unas is the Unique One, the Bull of Heaven.
He has exterminated those who did this against him,
he has annihilated their offspring upon earth.
Utterance 271. 
$387. “To say : ‘I, king Unas, have inundated the land which came forth from the lake, I have torn out the papyrus-plant, I have satisfied the Two Lands, I have united the Two Lands, I have joined my mother the Great Wild Cow.'”
Utterance 279
$420 To Say, O Unas! I have trampled down the mud of the watercourses. Thoth [moon god] is the protector of Unas, when it is dark, when it is dark.
Utterance 302.
 $462. There is no word against me on earth among men, there is no accusation in the sky among the gods, for I have annulled the word against me, which I destroyed in order to mount the sky.


I have given thought to such as it could be a series. Not sure of the path for being an author though nor the interest level though this is all is pretty close to answering “who started the fire”.

Likes that quote btw.

Meanwhile after flashing that up, see’s somethings I need fix under both covers.


Should have also left links to the book.
First is where you can read the book and there appears no record of anyone having done so. Access is easy and free with no strings, just sign up.

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Amazon link.

Gail Combs

And I do not want to have to save his writings off line.   :wpds_wink: 


Okay, send info.
Knows it will have to go through the proper filter (you) so less chance of mistake.
Has some word press experience but is limited.
Don’t expect anything soon 😁


Has “Write” button.


Okay, sees how to start. Lots to learn there. Don’t expect anything soon. Will let you know.

Gail Combs

Good luck with Word Piss!


Don’t be intimidated by it. Just play with it. Wolf can fix it if it goes sideways on you.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

…you see, this way all of my embarrassing mistakes get published.


Last edited 3 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, thank goodness! My drafts are a mess!


Lol! Love it, I did. And this one:

“Remember, there’s a bell curve, and half the people live on the downslope.”

That led to some research. This is interesting:

Can you be a lawyer with a 105 IQ?
Yes, it is more than possible to become a lawyer with a 105 IQ, even if less common. Lawyers in the 25th percentile have an IQ of 109, which means that with studying and dedication, someone with an IQ of 105 stands a chance of becoming a lawyer.”

“However, lawyers tend to score below average on emotional intelligence tests, showing the limitations of using IQ to gauge intelligence.”

With Camel-Uh, you get a dead-average IQ (or less), AND a low EQ, which means she doesn’t connect with people and seems strange.

You know what’s worse than being a moron? Being one and knowing you are one. And I think Camel-Uh is excruciatingly aware of how sub-par her intellect is at the level she is on. And onstage with a 140+ IQ Trump? It’s almost (but not quite) enough to make me feel sorry for her.


Agree with all of that, AND…

I know nothing about the lawyer tests(s).

But, I’d bet Kakala delivered favors, with enthusiasm, to become a lawyer.

Kakala IS dumber than a box of rocks AND has worked the system, delivering her charms, her entire adult life.


I know she failed the California bar at least once. I don’t know if she failed it more times.

I’d bet her professors got “favors.” But who knows? The way universities have been churning out graduates for dollars over the past 50 years, she could have legitimately “passed.”


From the open:

I find the following to be one of the real beauties of the universe – the idea that there must be truths we cannot prove.

I agree. And the math video is fascinating even though I had a few brain short-circuits during the course of it. 😬 The more information I am exposed to, the more I realize that so much exists that I don’t know.


IMO, if you let yourself zone out, the Diacoustics video will lull you to sleep. 😴


It sounded a lot like ambient noises, like passing traffic of various kinds, or nearby machinery, or even weather, thunderstorms or something.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The first segment sounded to me like someone taking a leak, intermittently.


An interesting response to an audio Rorschach test.  😂 


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pat frederick

they actually put out that nonsense THAT day to get ahead of ANOTHER misstep of the current crime spree in office.


Pure diversion – look squirrel.

Ask WH to explain Kakala and Briben did not attend, Dignified Transfer.

Why Kakala and Briben did not personally contact the families of the fallen thirteen, August 2021.

Why Kakala and Briben have Never contacted families of the fallen thirteen.



Heard Chanel Rion use it yesterday, when she perfectly linked D-Rat Joy, to Nazi Germany.D

Chanel, absolutely exposing D-Rat Joy, as Nazi propaganda.

ht TT

Last edited 3 months ago by kalbokalbs

Ummmm . . . that’s Komrade Kakala, isn’t it?


I thought “Kakala” was perfect.


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Ha ha ha! I think those are tampons hanging out of his pocket.   :wpds_lol: 


Good catch! I’m in favor of returning to the days when that and many other topics were not talked about in public. The Left destroys everything, including a sense of decorum and class. 😒 It’s unbelievable that we have a candidate for office whose nickname is “Tampon Tim” because of his stupid and unnecessary stances and actions.


Or just plain Manchurian Tim.


I agree


Sometimes it’s the little touches that are the most funny.



pork on a stick.


There’s the collar; needs the little red vest!


My Emotional Support Person D U M M Y

Barb Meier

It was challenging to find a person more stupid than Kakala, but at last there was Walz.


That explains the whole thing! They had to administer IQ tests to everybody. Lowest wins, so all of them were trying to be even more dumb than they actually are!

Barb Meier

Can you imagine wanting to be second to Kamala? The one person more dreaded that would leave Kamala in office?


No! I have a good imagination, but not that good.


Pair of spastic wind bags with bad ideas.


If this is a new trend we’ll see more of it soon.


It ends when the people take back the streets and their safety. Of course that could involve violence, which is exactly what the Left wants: violence and chaos and a lack of security leading up to the election. They want people afraid to venture out.


Colorado Governor Polis…

…and his husband…

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Unbelievable. Is that kid even 18 years old?


very weak “men”…

in positions of leadership.

= sinkingship.


He’s 43 now —

Their relationship began when he was 21.

Gail Combs

That is what they ADMIT TO… It is Commie Wiki after all.


Ok, that guy is a pervert. Pedo vibes all OVER that.


Also known as Governor UglyAsShit.


That gives me cold chills watching it.
So if the homeowner was seeing it happen in real time he/she could shoot at them and then what? Knowing full well that the Tren gang is ruthless and may return for retribution?


diacoustic 👇

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What is the significance of the dog peeing on the lamp pole?



I can’t watch that. No way.


Intel Slava just got a twitter account, wonder if it’s a back up or something connected to the france telegram quarrel.


Just thought I’d mention something, though it might not be the same for everyone.
When I click on a nitter link on a web page, like the one above, it takes ages to open, says it’s checking my machine or something, and you may think the link isn’t working.
However nitter links that I have bookmarked open straight away, don’t know why that is but it is.


Don’t think it could be that as I clear the cache and cookies first thing on start up.


Pre-loading web pages you’ve visited seems to be your friend. There is a setting for that, along with myriad other display behavior settings.


Good to know. Intel Slava on X.

Gail Combs

At 33 minutes Devin talks about Kamala and Walz. He knew them both from Congress.. He says do not underestimate Kamala. She is very smart and pulled a coup on Obama to get installed as candidate. Walz he said used to cross the aisle to vote with Repubs when he was in a more conservative district but changed when his district changed.

X22 Report: Devin Nunes – We Are In The Investigation Phase, Justice Comes Next, Elections Were Rigged 1 hour


manipulative is not the same thing as very smart.

Harris is highly manipulative…she is deceitful & deceptive…she is a liar and a fraud…

and, therefore, a fool.

Gail Combs

She is still very dangerous and we should not underestimate her.


Kakala has the entire Fed criminal organization as a support structure.

With Pravda News running cover.


^^^ This.


Perhaps worth noting.

IIRC. hussein did not endorse Kakala immediately.


I almost think the racial element to this was organic, and Obama got hoist by his own petard.

Think about it; how in the world could the first black female VP be thrown over for a) a white woman (the execrable Whitmer) or b) a white man (Hair-Gel Newsome)?

Those were the top-two choices. And downstream of them were just more whities.

Biden made the mistake of promising a “woman of color” as his running mate during George Floyd. There were almost no choices. No black woman governor, and only Camel-Uh in the Senate. So whom to chose? She was about the only choice they had with any national recognition.

Obama made the mistake of elevating a black woman to VP. He got stuck with a lemon that he could not return.




“So whom to chose?”


Could’ve chosen Whoopi.

or Ophra.

Or Eddie Murphy in drag, talking like Buckwheat, would have been most hilarious — and easily would have won Brandon the election 😂


It can be quite entertaining to watch a bunch of wild monkeys swarm a vehicle. As long as it ain’t your vehicle.

Happens to tourists routinely in India who foolishly have luggage stored on the roof of their vehicle.


The moment the horde started moving toward me, I’d floor it.

If any managed to get onto the car, I’d slam on the brakes and watch the monkeys keep right on going, but not until I was at least a hundred yards from the main horde.

Far enough away that I could slam on the brakes and get going again, before the horde caught up to me.

And I don’t travel with luggage on top of the car.

Last edited 3 months ago by scott467
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If any managed to get onto the car, I’d slam on the brakes and watch the monkeys keep right on going, but not until I was at least a hundred yards from the main horde.

This is known as “applied physics.”

Gail Combs

Yes, I thought it was very much worth noting.

She did not get to where she is without cunning.


When I watched Nunes say that I was surprised but believe him. He seems to be one of the few honest Pols


Not smart. Cunning is the word he is looking for.

Gail Combs

Typical Psychopath.


The UN is “Terrified” of Trump, Official Admits in Undercover VIDEO

link + video…


a leaked conversation between an undercover reporter with Steven Crowder’s podcast and…

Jorge Paoletti, associate legal officer at the UN Office of Legal Affairs…

“I mean, we are terrifed. They’re terrified.”, says Paoletti, on hidden camera.

more + vid, at the link.


Not terrified enough to mend their ways.


Be better with the UNunited Nations

Gail Combs

Absolute Truth and Stormy Patriot Joe discuss a point Laura Loomer brought up. Whether you think Q was some LARP or for real, the recent data points they string together is interesting.

Seems the Army — /Nat’l Guard are being stationed in NYC before POTUS Trump’s sentencing. They even have Jason Goodman’s video of the Army getting a hotel ready and a service member chasing him off.

At 36:30 they are talking about some Q drops and then get into the recent news/tweets related to imprisoning Trump.

Loomer says the Gov & Mayor are worried the NYC cops are going to stage a massive SICK-OUT.

Catturd asks, do you think they will put Trump in prison. Gen Flynn answered YES!

Gail Combs

This is a clip, I think everyone will enjoy:

Tim Tebow clip from 1:05:20 to 1:14:45


Beautiful (and funny) story! TY, Gail!

Gail Combs

You are very welcome.


“Loomer says the Gov & Mayor are worried the NYC cops are going to stage a massive SICK-OUT.”


The Nat’l Guard and the Army should do the same thing.

If they won’t honor their oaths and fight to save our country, the least they could do is muster up the courage to call in sick.

Last edited 3 months ago by scott467
Gail Combs

Those were my exact thoughts too.


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Last edited 3 months ago by smiley2


Which then led to this:

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Last edited 3 months ago by PAVACA

Just as gay as he wants to be.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oh, joy.


Interesting article….

Really highlights why we need another Nuremberg.

Last edited 3 months ago by cthulhu
Gail Combs

I remember that flu. I was in college and got an upper class-man (Caver) to get me a small bottle of whiskey, lemons and honey to make hot toddies. I was only sick for a few days.


Another batch of twits that think they are more important than they really are….

I’m thinking the whole damned lot of idiots at the ICC could benefit from some Polonium tea. Hey, wasn’t that where Supreme Prosecutor Jack Smith was hanging out before Garland sicced him on VSGPOTUSDJT?

Gail Combs

Yes and he mucked things up ROYALLY

Is Extortionist Jack Smith Being Extorted to Pursue Trump?

It started off as a typical DeepCapture intrigue, this one set in Europe with whistleblowers whispering in the backs of airport hotel bars, stakeouts in obscure Swiss hamlets, and back-alley brush-passes in Eastern European capitals. It ended with proof that is a liver-punch to Garland’s politicized Department of Justice.

The superb 151-page whistleblower complaint (attached) speaks for itself. Three allegations to take from it…

Revolver News:
Evidence tampering? The Biden regime and Jack Smith just fessed up to messing with boxes of Mar-a-Lago ‘classified’ docs “Remember, Jack Smith was caught running an extortion scheme when he worked at ICC.”

Who is Jack Smith, the special counsel investigating Donald Trump — The Guardian UK

” … Smith began his career as a prosecutor in New York City, at the office of the Manhattan district attorney in the 1990s…”


If he’s getting arrested the armed police have got fancy uniforms.

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Verse of the Day for Monday, September 2, 2024

“Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and he shall hear my voice.” 

Psalms 55:17 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Be with me – take not – Your presence from me;
Let Your Spirit dwell – in me – let Him be;
My strength and solace – in turmoil of heart;
From me, Oh Lord – let Him never depart!

Without You, Lord – there is no breath of life;
Without You, Lord – the sorrow – it is rife;
Happiness eludes me – from my soul – it is gone;
Your peace in me – is vacant – totally withdrawn!

Hide not Your face from me – show me Your love;
Touch my heart with Your grace – sent from above;
Abandon me not – in my hour of need;
In Your great love, Lord – I am blessed indeed!

Fill me with your Spirit – right to the brim;
Let not hopelessness enter – faith be dim
Renew me – redo me – all over again;
Today – tomorrow – forever – Amen!

Infuse me – use me – for Your Glory, Lord;
Let me not forget – the truth in Your Word;
Raise me up, Lord – both steadfast and strong;
Be with me, Lord – where You only belong!

Strengthen me – Lord – oh, please hear my cry;
I don’t need to know the what, where or why;
I trust in Your judgment – Your mercy, Lord;
I trust in the truth revealed in Your Word!

I trust in Your Love poured out on the Tree;
I trust in Your Promise to always be;
Faithful and true for eyes that can see;
There for us all – who trust in Thee!

Be with me – Lord – refresh me – renew me;
This pain and discomfort – really threw me;
Jesus, come quickly – come quickly, I pray;
Let this doubt not take hold – unravel – fray!

Oh, precious, incorruptible Blood of the Lamb;
Encompass me – protect me – the sinner I am;
Enthrall me – befall me – change me within;
Blot my sin – from Thy sight – let it begin!

Wherein and where out – let the demon flee;
Far away – to the dry place – let it be;
Confined in the spaces – to do no harm;
To cause no distress – disruption – alarm!

Wash me – and cleanse me – pure white as snow;
Be near me – cheer me – wherever I go;
Lift my distress – give me some rest – I pray;
Be with me, Jesus – and love me Your Way!

D01: 07/14/2013




Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday


Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday




Oh My God!

LISTEN to this American.

First visual, one may stereotype and think less charitable thoughts. Don’t.

She IS informed AND RIGHTFULLY royally pissed off.

Do NOT let language divert from listening to her, 100% Spot On Message.

Truly, this X needs to go viral.

Gail Combs

Algerian Strategy

@SpeakerPelosi tore up the State of the Union address to signal that she’s on board with the Algerian Strategy.

mentions A refresher:

During the Algerian Civil War of 1991-2002, the Algerian government helped the Armed Islamic Group or GIA (Groupe Islamique Armé), the most violent terrorists in human history.


mentions The GIA’s motto was “No agreement, no truce, no dialogue.”

All they did was mass murder civilians in night raids. They cut the throats of entire villages and dumped them into wells.

What the GIA wanted was preemptive nationwide surrender. 

mentions The government helped the GIA for almost eleven years, until the Algerian populace agreed to support the government.

Only then did the government take on and destroy the GIA.

The Democrats are doing the same thing here. 

mentions All over the country, the most violent criminals are being released.

Violent felonies such as killing a police officer while resisting arrest are being decriminalized.

Cash bail is being abolished.

Incarceration itself is on the verge of being abolished. 

mentions I said that the Democrats are even IMPORTING violent criminals.

And now we have the proof.

H. R. 5383. The New Way Forward Act.


Last edited 3 months ago by Gail Combs

Good read, but stuck on one tweet at a time as it looks like Twitter is charging for threadreader? All threadreader links are taking me to pay site or don’t pertain. Ackkk!

Gail Combs

Wrong. The Algerian Strategy culminates in the govt doing the correct thing – destroying the enemy.

I seriously doubt that Pee-lousy and Company have any intention of ever doing the right thing. More likely, they will legitimize the thugs into govt.

Gail Combs

Actually, Commies general kill off their original revolutionaries after they have done their work because they are too dangerous to keep around. They might get ideas and get too uppity.


She has no respect for the American people or the Constitution. Mafia Nanci


Mistake number one; we allowed Americans to congregate together in the millions in cities. You couldn’t GIVE me a house or apartment in a city that I would live in. Period. Human beings are not meant to live like that. It’s too impersonal and disconnected.

American has plenty of land that is not in use for agriculture or anything else. Small towns of less than 50,000-80,000 should be the norm. They should be established all over America and manufacturing and other industry should be placed there for employment. The cities are poison and should be emptied.

Also, I hope the people in these communities just start fighting back like this woman says.

Gail Combs

The only way I survived living in apartment complexes was having a horse boarded in the country. THAT was my real home where I spent most of my leisure hours.

Deplorable Patriot

Frankly, small town life is not for everyone. City life isn’t for everyone, either, I get that, but the truth is most housing in cities other than Manhattan is actually houses. Depending on the era when they were built, there may or may not be much of a yard. I dog sat last week in a really nice, crime free part of the city that was built for working class people in the 1930s. The yards are pretty much postage stamps, but still, there were outdoor living spaces in all of them, and being there was quite comfortable. It was very easy to visit with the guy next door who is a teacher. Apartment buildings and condos are far more full of single professionals and older people who don’t want to deal with a house anymore than not. At least that’s the way it is here.

What people forget is why the cities are WHERE they are, and what we’ve lost in them. Looking around the country, the majority of the big cities sit on (or near, in the case of my hometown) mouths of rivers. Some are simply ports along the rivers, but the reason these centers of commerce sprang up is because of water transportation. There was a lot of manufacturing, and all that in the cities before the 1970s. It was convenient to get the goods to barges, and later rail. Why would manufacturing have to be in a small town? The garment industry alone could be resurrected in any number of places. A whole block of Washington Avenue downtown used to be a garment district. It is doable.

Not everyone is suited for small town/village life. Personally, I like being pretty anonymous in this messy metro (and it is messy). If we had decent soil and not clay, a kitchen garden would be nice, but for now that’s out. I’m just as happy to pay local operations for food. I really do wish, though, that we weren’t so dependent on cars. That isn’t going to change anytime soon.


…messy metro (and it is messy).

  • Have lived in several big cities and all of that. Visited way too many.
  • They are messy. <<<>>> A very charitable description.
  • At this point, I have no desire to ever visit big cities again. Drive through on highways, when I must be near big cities. No fuel. No food. No stopping.

I really do wish, though, that we weren’t so dependent on cars.

  • You may get your wish. And NOT be happy with the reality.

That isn’t going to change anytime soon.

  • Unless Evil prevails.
Deplorable Patriot

Well, I like to visit national and state parks, and take day trips to the wineries, etc., but living in those places would mean a commute to my paying gig that would eat up what I make singing.

There’s other things, but it boils down to a difference in interests and lifestyle.


Cities can offer much like botanical gardens , Zoos, Museums and concerts. I used to love the liveliness of cities and if one is lonely one feels one is part of a group That was then this quiet life I lead now is different much contemplating. Must be an age thing 🙂 . Still I am sometimes twice a month in Columbus 🙂

Last edited 3 months ago by singingsoul1
Deplorable Patriot

Opera houses, symphonies, beautiful cathedrals….

Gail Combs

Museum of Natural history, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Madison Sq Garden, Central Park….
Salem Witch Museum, Faneuil Hall Marketplace and Quincy Market…


Things have changed I am with you on this.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I had occasion to visit the “community center” of a development in my town I didn’t even know had existed before then, and it was not only the usual clubhouse but had small shops, a green (with a concert being given, and food trucks–I was there for the concert), and so on. An actual community center, that got used as a gathering place!

The entire place was laid out like suburbia from decades ago, meant to be walkable. Narrow houses on small lots rather than McMansions on huge lots. It was clearly intended to encourage community; you could actually function some of the time without a car.

I’m not for city life but I wouldn’t call someone crazy for finding this attractive. Most assuredly, though, I wouldn’t want everyone to be required to live like this as many fear is the plan.

Last edited 3 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Deplorable Patriot

No one should be required for any type of living.

I experienced the family farm as a kid. Not for me thank you.


Even cities have small communities in them where everyone knows each other.
I know from my husband I felt more connected in NYC than I am in this small town.




Just my opinion –

We are growing closer and closer to the final battle for America’s soul. Gettysburg, D-Day, Hiroshima/Nagasaki, etc. had less meaning than this one.

The black hats are in full view. Anybody aligned with them are enemy soldiers. Do you personally seek to appease or confront them?

Through corrupted criminal governance, they have filled our nation with illegal aliens who are assigned roles to play. They have given ID’s to them and granted voting rights, drivers licenses, housing and jobs.

If they lose the elections, they will be activated to do evil. If the black hats succeed with their cheating, they will also be activated as intimidators and enforcers.

Do you believe the Black Hat creed that America is a democracy as defined by them, or do you believe in the Constitution and its stated definition of America as being a representative republic.

Will you leave your comfort and perceived safety to stand in the gap for America? Will you go to the polls to not only vote, but to work, observe and report malfeasance? Will you remove from office the neighbor or friend you know who has looked the other way or is an obvious enemy combatant?

Are you willing to step away from belief in Q, Flynn and any other narrative giver and simply do what is right for your country? The cost may be high – jobs, homes, friendships, health, etc. Are you willing to pay the price?

Are you willing to submit to the Giver of Life and His plan for His creation?

Choose this day whom you will serve.


x 1000!


Can I sleep on this for a couple of days?



Today is also VJ Day — on this day in 1945, the Japanese surrendered to Gen. Douglas MacArthur on the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay.

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Gail Combs

My Uncle was there. They marched all the guys 6 foot and over and the rest rode in the trucks.

A wee bit of psychological warfare. The medium height for Japanese men was just around 5 feet 2 inches fifty years ago.


Gail Combs
Wow, your uncle was at this historic event!

Gail Combs

So was Hubby’s Father.

Barb Meier

My Dad was there in the honor guard at the Presidential Palace. He said they got nice uniforms and guns.


Barb Meier
What a memory! To be part of this historic event!

Barb Meier

Thank you, Pavaca! You can understand why I have always believed my brother and I are lucky.

The Army sent home to Dad’s Mom copies of the German and Japanese surrenders from WWII. In the 90s, mom brought a cardboard tube to the kitchen, handed it to me, and asked: “What do we do with these?”

I lived in Creve Coeur, MO a suburb of St Louis at the time, not far away in California, Texas, or Virginia. So I took them and got them archivally framed together in a nice frame.

Then brought them back to Mom and Dad where they hung them in Dad’s office. I wished to pay respect to all that Dad and his fellow soldiers had done for us.

Today, I believe my youngest nephew has it at his home. He adored my Dad so I think he will keep it safe. I imagine the Army sent lots of these home to the soldiers’ parents but I have no idea how many.




Takemeiya, an Ensign in the Imperial Japanese Navy.

Takemiya went on to become an interpreter for MacArthur and his staff.

Later years, Takemiya became the interpreter for Commander, Fleet Activities, Yokosuka (CFAY) Japan.

While assigned to CFAY, 87-91, I had the pleasure of interacting with Takemiya. An incredible man, having lived in amazing times. Takemeya, preferred to go by “Tak” (Talk)

Literally a legend at CFAY. Always happy. Pleasant is an understatement. Everybody liked Tak.

Went looking for information on Tak. Only thing I could find is they named a club / dining facility after Takemiya. Great guy.

(Several years ago, I posted some of this.)


Oh my, what a connection to VJ Day!

pat frederick

Happy Birthday Keanu!

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pat frederick

I’m ready for the second half–kickass on one, on one!


Ok. For the clueless, me.

Who is Keanu?

pat frederick

Keanu Reeves. is an actor. the quarterback in the movie The Replacements.
he was in the matrix (? never saw it)
Speed and The Lake House



Heard of the actor guy. Missed all of them movies. Internally had guessed, incorrectly, college football.

pat frederick

fall, football and laughing…3 of my favorite things.
hubby likes Speed
neither of us liked the lake house…LOL


By pretty much all accounts, Keanu is a genuinely lovely human being. I’ve read many stories of his interactions with people. He has a generous heart, it seems.


Never saw The Matrix??? OMG!!!

You would really enjoy it, especially the closing scene.


There are a lot of movies that I have never seen that I can discuss. I’ve seen a lot of clips on YouSchmoob and seen plot synopses — or read the books. As an example, I’ve seen none of the Matrix movies, none of the Aliens/Prometheus franchise, none of the Jurassic Park movies….

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Should you ever decide to change that, just don’t bother with any of the Matrix sequels. The first movie was plausible; it had some “holes” in it that the subsequent movies could actually have fixed. Instead they chose to treble the fight scenes and philosophizing–but the latter was just word salad babble, and the former was simply pointless/gratuitious (as they could all have been avoided).

pat frederick

T. Turtle
September 2, 2024 11:27 am
Make no mistake, they are coming for US!
“Immaculate Conception Church Burns in France – Latest Catholic Church to Go Up in Flames – Bell Tower Collapses in Inferno”
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The Immaculate Conception Church of Saint Omer in Calais burned in France. The bell tower collapsed in the inferno.Excerpts:
The origin of the fire is not known at this time. The fire broke out at 4 AM in the morning.
The bell tower collapsed in the inferno.
The Church of the Immaculate Conception in Saint Omer, also known as the Church of the Haut-Pont went up in flames on Sunday night.
The Immaculate Conception Church in Saint-Omer, in Pas-de-Calais, was destroyed by a fire on the night of Sunday to Monday, France Bleu Nord reported on Monday, September 2. The fire was brought under control around 7:30 a.m. Monday morning and required the intervention of 90 firefighters, according to the prefecture.
The fire started in the sacristy around 4 a.m., said the mayor of the town, François Decoster. The flames then spread to the side and central nave, then to the roof and the bell tower, which collapsed.
No injuries were reported, according to the Pas-de-Calais prefecture, which specifies that around fifty local residents living near the building were evacuated as a precaution. The mayor specifies that there is no risk for local residents of lead or asbestos pollution, because the church was renovated in 2015 and 2018. However, the town hall advises residents in the area “not to open their windows today”.


Good God, the original church at St.-Omer was built in 1052, with additions and expansions dating from the 13th Century. The church contained priceless works of art, including paintings by Rubens.
Unless otherwise proven — this incredible historical and Catholic church was destroyed by “ALLAHU AKBAR.”

pat frederick

systematically destroying anything Catholic


i love European churches they are special. Very sad hope that this does not happen here

Last edited 3 months ago by singingsoul1

Hmmmm I see this is valid based in Chase’s statement, but I find it ‘curious’ that the TikTok generation would even have a single check – bogus ir real – to deposit. They do not use checks! 🤷‍♀️ I guess scammers always figure out a way to scam, huh.

pat frederick

company hired to rewrite an aging election database OFFSHORED part of it to a foreign entity.
When election officials in New Hampshire decided to replace the state’s aging voter registration database before the 2024 election, they knew that the smallest glitch in Election Day technology could become fodder for conspiracy theorists.
So they turned to one of the best — and only — choices on the market: A small, Connecticut-based IT firm that was just getting into election software.
But last fall, as the new company, WSD Digital, raced to complete the project, New Hampshire officials made an unsettling discovery: The firm had offshored part of the work. That meant unknown coders outside the U.S. had access to the software that would determine which New Hampshirites would be welcome at the polls this November.
The revelation prompted the state to take a precaution that is rare among election officials: It hired a forensic firm to scour the technology for signs that hackers had hidden malware deep inside the coding supply chain.
The probe unearthed some unwelcome surprises: software misconfigured to connect to servers in Russia and the use of open-source code — which is freely available online — overseen by a Russian computer engineer convicted of manslaughter, according to a person familiar with the examination and granted anonymity because they were not authorized to speak about it.
The company that conducted the scan, ReversingLabs, has also warned about those issues in a blog post and a talk at a hacking conference last year, though it did not specify the state and the vendor where the issues were found.
New Hampshire officials say the scan revealed another issue: A programmer had hard-coded the Ukrainian national anthem into the database, in an apparent gesture of solidarity with Kyiv.
None of the findings amounted to evidence of wrongdoing, the officials said, and the company resolved the issues before the new database came into use ahead of the presidential vote this spring.
This was “a disaster averted,” said the person familiar with the probe, citing the risk that hackers could have exploited the first two issues to surreptitiously edit the state’s voter rolls, or use them and the presence of the Ukrainian national anthem to stoke election conspiracies.

Gail Combs



pat frederick

the only way!


Connected to Russian Servers?
What convenience?
CYA: “We have done nuting – Swear”

pat frederick

bonus: when President Trump wins, they can claim russian interference and contest the results


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Well, air only travels in a horizontal direction, approximately 3-4 feet above the floor, in classroom settings.

Of course, this occurs only when everyone is seated. When people stand, all air movement stops, which prevents viruses from traveling, until everyone is seated again. Then the air moves and the viruses travel, but they are stopped in the nick of time by the always sterile and sanitary plexiglass.

Only us “rubes” who don’t belong to a teacher’s union don’t know these elementary rules of virus physics, doncha know.

Gail Combs

The sarcasm is dripping off the screen….   :wpds_lol: 


Lol, yeah. I was really pouring it on.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This comment should go viral. (ahem)


LOL! Good one!


On this day in history, September 2, 1775, the Independence Hurricane hit the American colonies as the American Revolution was beginning. It would be the 8th deadliest Atlantic hurricane of all time and would portend victory in the battle against Great Britain to the patriots. After dumping rain for a week, the hurricane landed in North Carolina and continued up the coast through Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania. The storm was particularly devastating to the region’s economy because it was harvest season. Many crops were still in the field and were completely destroyed.

In addition, the Continental Congress had enacted a ban on trade with Britain to take effect on September 10th. This meant a flurry of activity was taking place in every east coast port, as merchants and farmers tried to get out one last shipment before the trade ban went into effect. Ships and warehouses were overflowing with tobacco, corn, salt, sugar and other goods.

North Carolina suffered the worst effects of the Independence Hurricane, so named because it took place at the dawn of the War of Independence. The Outer Banks were destroyed and entire settlements swept away. Coastal cities were flooded, crops destroyed and many ships and their crews were lost. It is believed that over 200 people died in North Carolina alone.

As the storm continued to rage across the Chesapeake, towns such as Norfolk, Hampton and Yorktown had their ports destroyed. Warehouses full of goods were blown away. Ships were deposited on shore. The roof of the State House in Annapolis was blown away.

The hurricane sparked one of the first confrontations with the British in Virginia when the HMS Liberty was grounded at Hampton. Citizens boarded the ship, took its cargo, arrested the sailors and burned the ship. The HMS Mercury was grounded near Norfolk, but its captain had aimed its guns at the city and threatened to fire upon the town if the citizens boarded her. That ship survived and was refloated a week later.

The storm began to die out over Pennsylvania as it dumped loads of rain on Philadelphia and went back out to sea. One week later, the re-energized hurricane hit Newfoundland with a ferocity previously unknown to the colonists. Historians and meteorologists are not in agreement over whether this was the same storm as the Independence Hurricane, or if it was a second and distinct hurricane.

Nonetheless, this hurricane wreaked havoc on the fishing industry of Newfoundland. It is estimated that over 700 ships went down, carrying nearly 4,000 sailors. The entire Newfoundland fishing industry and fleet was destroyed in a single day. Coastal cities were flooded with a 30 foot surge of water, destroying all of the warehouses and facilities for preparing the fish. For weeks and months after the storm, fishing nets brought in bodies with their catch.

The destruction of the Newfoundland fishing fleet was, ironically, viewed as a good omen in the lower 13 colonies. In a day where storms and other acts of nature were viewed as the vengeance of God, many colonists viewed the destruction at Newfoundland as verification that their condemnation of Great Britain was just. The fishing industry was very lucrative to Great Britain and the storm had caused a devastating blow to the British economy. 

The Independence Hurricane was the 8th most devastating Atlantic hurricane on record and wreaked havoc across the eastern seaboard. Ironically, it may have played a unique role in the American victory during the Revolution, by encouraging the patriots that their cause was just!


…A BBC Weather Centre website says a “great number” of the 4,000 people killed off Newfoundland in September 1775 were seamen from Britain and Ireland.

“The most haunting account we get from this storm is when it struck Conception Bay. Vast numbers of fishing boats were in the bay as the squid catch was late that summer, but the men were oblivious to the growing winds and the sudden approach of the storm. The sea is said to have risen 20 feet higher than usual, putting the vast quantities of boats in the bay at great risk. The boats really had little chance against this severity of weather at sea, and all but one are said to have met their deaths — a total of 300 men,” the account on the BBC site reads.

“After this appalling weather system had moved on and died down, the beaches were littered with the corpses of the dead sailors, and it has been said that for many years afterwards bones were still being washed ashore.”

Author…Dale Jarvis references this in his book, “Haunted Shores.”

…Many residents claimed they could hear the cries of the drowning men, which became known as “the hollies.” 😱

The word “holly” has even made its way into the Dictionary of Newfoundland English, denoting the cries of dead fishermen heard on stormy nights.

Ruffman said there are also stories in Newfoundland folklore about the only survivor at sea in the 1775 storm being a young boy who sailors tied to a mast of a ship, who was adopted by an Irishman in Northern Bay.

Newfoundland is used to winter storms and the tail end of hurricanes in the fall, but Ruffman said, “I think what happened in 1775 was obviously very, very exceptional and still is not fully understood.”

While people today have the benefit of weather forecasts and storm warnings, Ruffman said the victims of the 1775 hurricane seemed to be completely caught off guard.


Is this gaslighting again, or will he follow through (Probably not)

Last edited 3 months ago by eilert

R-Cons best stand fast. Not cave, as they always do.

Deplorable Patriot

Read somewhere today that McConnell is going to stymie this.

pat frederick

read that too.
someone needs to break the stranglehold he has on the senate.


No. His ‘stranglehold’ [as you put it] puts him square in the spotlight, plus a govt shutdown ain’t up to him. It’s up to Chuck ‘Deadfish’ Schumer.

pat frederick

right…make THEM OWN IT
rally our side to vote for it. make them the deciding vote to kill it.


Let the government shutdown.

Wait the traitorous Uniparty out.

No thinking person gives a shit if the Federal government shuts down.



Who cares.

Take A Stand.

Let the government SHUT DOWN.

Stay closed until sanity makes a come back.


R-Cons are despicable pussies folding AND standing for nothing.

pat frederick

we may not overcome their majority but we don’t have to help them either.

Brave and Free

It’s his version of a sternly worded letter. Actually more along the lines he wants the voters to think his trying to do something.



Warning, viewer discretion is advised.

I’ve struggled with releasing this video. I thought… maybe I should never release it?

But then, when I saw how the media stopped covering it, trying to make everyone forget about what happened that day, it got to me.  

They are acting like it never happened, and they stopped pushing for the truth. The media is supposed to always search for the truth. But you won’t find that with today’s MSM.

I can’t withold my video anymore.

My bugle call is quiet. I have a small following.  

So if you could do me a solid, repost this everywhere on X.

America needs to see what happened at the Trump Rally on July 13th, 2024, in Butler, PA.

This video isn’t the best angle, but you get more of the crowds reaction. My wife took the video, and she didn’t realize she was still recording.

I also realize there are hundreds of others who are currently sitting on unseen footage, too. Why not just release it?  

I asked myself this.

For many, the thought of watching the video they captured causes them to relive that moment again, over and over in their heads.

For some, 

It’s a very personal and graphic video that they feel shouldn’t be seen by anyone. For those, we may never get to see those clips.

For others, 

They don’t trust that their government will leave them alone if they post their video. For those people, I will submit your footage anonymously for you if you wish.

Or you can contact 


 over at 


, and release it that way (anonymously or not). He’s been doing some great work at analyzing all the footage of that day, but he needs more to put the puzzle pieces together.

If you do release it here or on other channels, I ask you to release it under the hashtag #PatriotsInButler so we can view it all in one place, with one hashtag. Let’s all start a movement so America will remember what happened that day.

Thanks, everyone.

God bless Corey Comperatore and his family, David Dutch, and James Copenhaver.






I’m glad the video was released. Maybe someone can glean useful information from it.

Maybe I’m missing something, but I didn’t see anything new except the angle from which the video was taken and the ability to hear some of what the crowd was saying. I don’t know why viewer discretion was advised when we’ve already seen PDJT get hit and go down, as well as gruesome pics of the dead shooter on the roof. I didn’t see anyone else get shot.

I’m a little puzzled why the description reads like one of those ads that is trying to persuade people about something, as well as why the hesitation to release the video.



Guessing the guy is hoping fresh information will be posted.

Revealing information is likely on one or more cell phones.


Federal Appeals Court Rules Illegal Immigrants Have No Second Amendment Right to Bear Arms

The Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans has ruled that illegal immigrants do not have the right to bear arms under the Second Amendment.

This ruling is a significant victory for the rule of law and American sovereignty, as it underscores the importance of upholding the rights and protections reserved for U.S. citizens.

The case involved Jose Paz Medina-Cantu, a Mexican national who was arrested in Texas by Border Patrol agents in 2022. Medina-Cantu, who had illegally re-entered the United States after being deported, was found in possession of a handgun.

After pleading guilty to the charges of illegal possession of a firearm and unlawful re-entry, Medina-Cantu shamelessly attempted to challenge the legality of his conviction, arguing that the ban on his firearm possession violated his Second Amendment rights, Fox News reported.

However, the three-judge panel delivered a decisive response, affirming that the Second Amendment’s protections do not extend to individuals who are in the country illegally.

U.S. Circuit Judge James Ho, a respected conservative voice appointed by President Trump, wrote a concurring opinion that highlighted the clear distinction between the rights of American citizens and those who have violated our immigration laws.

I enjoy that the judge validates common sense and our laws.

Judge Ho wrote:

The Second Amendment protects the right of “the people” to keep and bear arms. Our court has held that the term “the people” under the Second Amendment does not include illegal aliens.


Illegal aliens don’t qualify under the definition of “the people” set forth in Verdugo-Urquidez and Heller—not as a matter of common sense or Court precedent. As to common sense, an illegal alien does not become “part of a national community” by unlawfully entering it, any more than a thief becomes an owner of property by stealing it.


And as to precedent, the Court has repeatedly explained that “an alien . . . does not become one of the people to whom these things are secured by our Constitution by an attempt to enter forbidden by law.”


Moreover, the Court has provided further reason why it reaches this conclusion. For an illegal alien “[t]o appeal to the Constitution is to concede that this is a land governed by that supreme law.” And “the power to exclude [aliens from the United States] has been determined to exist” under our Constitution. So, the Court concluded, “those who are excluded cannot assert the rights in general obtaining in a land to which they do not belong as citizens or otherwise.”

The ruling:
View Fullscreen


Great…start the confiscation and indicting in Colorado. No doubt who they are, no confusion about where they live..take care of it now

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

They’d surely confiscate those AKs if they belonged to citizens.

Well, Aurora might not, to be fair, but Denver certainly would try it.


Lotsa fun us legal beagles can have with that reasoning.  😆 

Gail Combs


pat frederick

throw the anchors overboard

Gail Combs

AND their babies with them. (Send them ALL BACK to their homelands.)


I guess Kamala is going to have to cancel shore leave in Turkey. Joe is too fried to do it himself.


This ought to be interesting to see who officially addresses this.


Kakala and Briben will say nothing.

Shag may say something, bland AND meaningless.


I haven’t seen Shag around lately. She may have shorted-out from overvoltage.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Izmir (formerly Smyrna) is the gateway to the old Greek sites like Ephesus, Priene, Miletus, Didymos, etc,, the cities of the ancient Ionian League.

Miletus was the home of Thales, the very first of the Greek philosophers. He is credited with predicting the total solar eclipse of 28 May 585 BC…which then happened during a battle between the Lydians and the Medes (causing them to call an armistice–the war had been going on for years and ended right then and there). It’s the earliest event in history we can pin down to an exact date because of that.

Last edited 3 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


US service members safe after assault by protesters in Turkey By ALISON BATH STARS AND STRIPES • September 2, 2024

Read more at:
Source – Stars and Stripes

Two U.S. service members from an amphibious assault ship visiting a city in western Turkey are safe after they were assaulted Monday by a group of protesters who have attacked American military personnel in previous years. Turkish authorities said they detained 15 members of the Youth Union of Turkey, also known as TGB, in the physical assault of the service members in the city of Izmir, the Associated Press reported Monday, citing the Turkish news agency Anadolu.

Read more at:
Source – Stars and Stripes


Wasp CO, Amphibious Group Commander (or whatever name it has evolved to) and Commander Sixth Fleet can cancel liberty.

The latter two, can order the ship get underway, leave port early. It’s probably at anchor, so easy to do. Prolly requites a harbor pilot.

None of that will happen.


9.2.24: FISA exposure, JFK JR “finish the job”, Gold STAR families, FED up with corruption. PRAY

And We Know

pat frederick

T. Turtle
September 2, 2024 3:09 pm
FJB and Harris Foreign Policy.
“JUST IN: US Seizes Venezuelan President Maduro’s Airplane in the Dominican Republic Following Sanction Violations”
The U.S. has confiscated Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro‘s $13 million plane in the Dominican Republic due to violations of sanctions, as reportedby CNN.
Earlier this year, the United States reinstated sanctions on Venezuela’s oil and gas industry due to the Maduro administration’s refusal to facilitate “an inclusive and competitive election.”
According to U.S. officials, the aircraft was flown to Florida on Monday, underscoring escalating tensions between the two nations.


From the article..

Earlier this month, President Biden offered Maduro amnesty if he stepped down from power. However, it appears Maduro is declining this proposal, prompting the U.S. to take action by seizing his aircraft, among other assets.

Yet a quick google search says nothing of the kind..strange…like after seizing the plane they’re covering their ass? Biden doesn’t know what “President Biden” is doing anyway › news › world › articles › 2024-08-15 › white-house-us-has-made-no-amnesty-offer-to-venezuelas-maduro

White House: US Has Made No Amnesty Offer to Venezuela’s Maduro
Aug 15, 2024WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The United States has made no amnesty offer to Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro after disputed elections, the White House said on Thursday. White House national security …

Last edited 3 months ago by mollypitcher5

comment image


I encountered this article —

It references (while not “speaking the name”), the Phillips Curve — — with which I have a passing familiarity.

At the University of Casual Sun-Bathing, there is no pure “Business” degree; rather, they have “Business Economics”, which leads to a certain number of required Econ classes. I wrote a paper on the Phillips Curve back around 1982 that criticized the pseudo-direct linkage of employment and inflation. My argument focused on the difference between expected inflation and experienced inflation and, further, the difference between linkage and influence.

In retrospect, it wasn’t all that good of a paper….but I was young and foolish. Today, being older and foolish, I would probably have included something about chasing the will-o’-wisp of “natural unemployment” and tightened things up quite a bit.

Gail Combs

“….And yet when you think about this alleged tradeoff, it keeps being contradicted by reality. In the 1970s, we saw our first big bout of what was named stagflation, when both inflation and unemployment were high….”


AND they left out the REAL WORLD CAUSE!

OPEC oil embargo and the DOUBLING of fuel prices.

EVERYTHING runs on energy, from the cells in your body to Elon’s spaceships.

Strangle the fuel supply and the cost of everything goes up while the job market tanks.


I’m gonna stick with Uncle Miltie on this one —

Gail Combs

I disagree. It is the FEDERAL RESERVE that ‘prints the money’ (Fractional Reserve Banking Practices) In 1913 the US government GAVE that right to foreign bankers.

Remember after the 2008 ‘crisis’ Ron Paul tried to audit the fed and was told to go pound sand. WHY??

The Federal Reserve’s Covert Bailout of Europe

…No matter the legalistic interpretation, the Fed is, working through the ECB, bailing out European banks…

AND the US tax payer got saddled with the debt.

This is a chart I did the first year of Obummer’s occupation of the White House. The typical American CEO is not about to take a pay cut, so he is actually paid five times MORE in “buying power” compared to 1976 while the rest of us are now paid a third of what we were paid in 1976. The price of gold indicates the steady devaluation of the US dollar as it’s purchasing power is diluted by the ever increasing supply of fiat money.

Date…$ /oz gold.. Money (M2)….min. wage…. in gold….CEO in gold
1959 ….35.25…….50.1 billion…….$1.00……….0.0284 oz. ……??
1974 …195.20…….101 billion……..$2.00………0.0102 oz. ……??
1976 …124.74 …. $113 billion…….$2.30………0.0184 oz……….0.663
1985 .. 354.20 …..$205 billion…….$3.35………0.0094 oz. ……??
1994 …409.80…..$ 406 billion…….$4.25……….0.0104.oz. ……??
2006 …636.30 …..$808 billion……..$5.15………0.0081 oz. ……??
2008 …880.30….. $831 billion……..$5.85..… ..0.0066 oz………..2.44
2009.. 1020.28…..1663 billion……..$6.55………0.0064.oz. ……??

Notice M2 litterally DOUBLED between 2008 and 2009

If you look at the price of gold, you can see how the value of the dollar has dropped and how the minimum wage no longer has the buying power it had in 1959.

In 1976 A typical American CEO earned 36 times as much as the average worker. By 2008 the average CEO pay increased to 369 times that of the average worker. LINK


However the restriction on energy throttles the entire economy which is why we had the ‘petro-dollar’


It’s both better and worse with regard to the Fed. The primary way the Fed “prints money” is by buying US government debt — which is issued annually to “finance” the government’s deficit spending.

While the Fed balance sheet did get wildly inflated with mortgage securities, this was more of an anomaly than a general rule. (an official release, so you can trust it accordingly)

Gail Combs

Also every time you ‘Borrow’ from a bank they print Part or ALL of the money you borrowed.

First National Bank of Montgomery vs. Daly (1969)

Mr. Morgan, the bank’s president, took the stand. To everyone’s surprise, Morgan admitted that the bank routinely created money “out of thin air” for its loans, and that this was standard banking practice. “It sounds like fraud to me,” intoned Presiding Justice Martin Mahoney amid nods from the jurors. In his court memorandum, Justice Mahoney stated:

Plaintiff admitted that it, in combination with the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, . . . did create the entire $14,000.00 in money and credit upon its own books by bookkeeping entry. That this was the consideration used to support the Note dated May 8, 1964 and the Mortgage of the same date. The money and credit first came into existence when they created it. Mr. Morgan admitted that no United States Law or Statute existed which gave him the right to do this. A lawful consideration must exist and be tendered to support the Note.

Appendix E – Money Is Created by Banks
Evidence Given by Graham Towers

Some of the most frank evidence on banking practices was given by Graham F. Towers, Governor of the Central Bank of Canada (from 1934 to 1955), before the Canadian Government’s Committee on Banking and Commerce, in 1939. Its proceedings cover 850 pages. (Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce, Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence Respecting the Bank of Canada, Ottawa, J.O. Patenaude, I.S.O., Printer to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, 1939.) Most of the evidence quoted was the result of interrogation by Mr. “Gerry” McGeer, K.C., a former mayor of Vancouver, who clearly understood the essentials of central banking. Here are a few excerpts:

Q. But there is no question about it that banks create the medium of exchange?

Mr. Towers: That is right. That is what they are for… That is the Banking business, just in the same way that a steel plant makes steel. (p. 287)

The manufacturing process consists of making a pen-and-ink or typewriter entry on a card in a book. That is all. (pp. 76 and 238)

Each and every time a bank makes a loan (or purchases securities), new bank credit is created — new deposits — brand new money. (pp. 113 and 238)

Broadly speaking, all new money comes out of a Bank in the form of loans.

As loans are debts, then under the present system all money is debt. (p. 459)

Q. When $1,000,000 worth of bonds is presented (by the government) to the bank, a million dollars of new money or the equivalent is created?

Mr. Towers: Yes.

Q. Is it a fact that a million dollars of new money is created?

Mr. Towers: That is right.

Q. Now, the same thing holds true when the municipality or the province goes to the bank?

Mr. Towers: Or an individual borrower.

Q. Or when a private person goes to a bank?

Mr. Towers: Yes.

 Q. When I borrow $100 from the bank as a private citizen, the bank makes a bookkeeping entry, and there is a $100 increase in the deposits of that bank, in the total deposits of that bank?

Mr. Towers: Yes. (p. 238)

Q. Mr. Towers, when you allow the merchant banking system to issue bank deposits which, with the practice of using the cheques as we have it in vogue today, constitutes the medium of exchange upon which I think 95 per cent of our public and private business is transacted, you virtually allow the banks to issue an effective substitute for money, do you not?

Mr. Towers: The bank deposits are actual money in that sense, yes.

Q. In that sense they are actual money, but, as a matter of fact, they are not actual money but credit, bookkeeping accounts, which are used as a substitute for money?

Mr. Towers: Yes.

Q. Then we authorize the banks to issue a substitute for money?

Mr. Towers: Yes, I think that is a very fair statement of banking. (p. 285)

Q. 12 per cent of the money in use in Canada is issued by the Government through the Mint and the Bank of Canada, and 88 per cent is issued by the merchant banks of Canada on the reserves issued by the Bank of Canada?

Mr. Towers: Yes.

Q. But if the issue of currency and money is a high prerogative of government, then that high prerogative has been transferred to the extent of 88 per cent from the Government to the merchant banking system?

Mr. Towers: Yes. (p. 286


Going back to Jackson’s Bank Veto speech, one sees that the Federal Reserve is just a dolled-up, tarted-up, lipsticked Third Bank of the United States.

The present corporate body, denominated the president, directors, and company of the Bank of the United States, will have existed at the time this act is intended to take effect twenty years. It enjoys an exclusive privilege of banking under the authority of the General Government, a monopoly of its favor and support, and, as a necessary consequence, almost a monopoly of the foreign and domestic exchange. The powers privileges, and favors bestowed upon it in the original charter, by increasing the value of the stock far above its par value, operated as a gratuity of many millions to the stockholders.

An apology may be found for the failure to guard against this result in the consideration that the effect of the original act of incorporation could not be certainly foreseen at the time of its passage. The act before me proposes another gratuity to the holders of the same stock, and in many cases to the same men, of at least seven millions more. This donation finds no apology in any uncertainty as to the effect of the act. On all hands it is conceded that its passage will increase at least 20 or 30 per cent more the market price of the stock, subject to the payment of the annuity of $200,000 per year secured by the act, thus adding in a moment one-fourth to its par value. It is not our own citizens only who are to receive the bounty of our Government. More than eight millions of the stock of this bank are held by foreigners. By this act the American Republic proposes virtually to make them a present of some millions of dollars. For these gratuities to foreigners and to some of our own opulent citizens the act secures no equivalent whatever. They are the certain gains of the present stockholders under the operation of this act, after making full allowance for the payment of the bonus.

[emph added]

The last four paragraphs of that speech are so direct and powerful that the other paragraphs (which, frankly, can cause MEGO [My Eyes Glaze Over] even to the financially minded) are frequently passed-over.

Gail Combs

“Those few who can understand the system (check book money and credit) will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on it favors, that there will be little opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system, will bear it burdens without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.” — ROTHSCHILDS BROS. OF LONDON

“Banking was conceived in iniquity, and was born in sin. The Bankers own the Earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create deposits, and with the flick of the pen, they will create enough deposits, to buy it back again. However, take it away from them, and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But if you wish to remain the slaves of Bankers, and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create deposits. — SIR JOSIAH STAMP, (President of the Bank of England in the 1920’s, the second richest man in Britain)

The Federal Reserve Act was originally called the Aldrich Bill.

If you have any doubts at all about the CRIMINAL INTENT of those who conspired on Jekyll Island to bring about the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Here are the words of the organizer:

Of all the contrivances for cheating the laboring classes of mankind, none is so effectual as that which deludes them with paper money. It is the most perfect expedient ever invented for fertilizing the rich man’s fields by the sweat of the poor man’s brow. Ordinary tyranny, oppression, excessive taxation, these bear lightly on the happiness of the community compared with fraudulent currencies and the robberies committed by depreciated paper. [i][inflation cv][/i] Our own history has recorded enough, and more than enough, of the demoralizing tendency, the injustice and intolerable oppression on the virtuous and well disposed, of a degraded paper currency, authorized by law, or in any way countenanced by Government. ~Nelson W. Aldrich, United States Senator, at a New York City dinner speech on October 15, 1913 IV Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science #1, at 38 (Columbia University, New York (1914)). [He was quoting Andrew Jackson. GC]

Redirects to:



The Federal Reserve Bank, just like the prior two Banks of the United States, was created by Congress so that they could run inflationary deficits and point at “some other guy” for the resulting inflation.

That they roped-in “foreigners” to whitewash the mechanics of this (in return for a cut) is secondary.

Gail Combs

And that is why practically ALL congress critters and Senators become multi-millionaires while ‘serving’ the country.



A Night-time Prayer to Quiet Anxious Thoughts (Psalm 71)
Philippians 4:6-7 says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” When you lay down to sleep and anxiety has a chokehold on your heart and mind, run to Jesus. 

“Father God, I am anxious tonight and struggle to fall asleep. Rescue me, Lord, and deliver me. You are my fortress, my strong refuge, to which I can always go. You are my hope and my confidence. Be near to me and come quickly to help me. Comfort me once again. I praise You for Your faithfulness, God. You have redeemed me, and I will always have hope.

In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.”

A Night-time Prayer for Loved Ones (Psalm 112)
We want the best for our family and friends, and it is natural to worry about those we love. But anxiety won’t help them, and we have a direct line to Someone who can change their lives. When you can’t sleep at night because of your concerns for loved ones, take your worries to Jesus, who loves them even more than You do.

” Tonight Lord, bless ________, Lord, with joy and peace. Teach them to love Your Word and find delight in serving You. Guide them and give them the strength and courage to live a life of generosity and justice and compassion. Make their heart steadfast and secure, free of fear and trusting only in You. I pray for ______ in the name of Jesus, that they would see their need for You and know Your love for them. Help me to find sweet rest and peace tonight trusting in your sovereign care.

In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.”

A Bedtime Prayer to Trust God
In times of uncertainty and restlessness, finding comfort in trust in God can bring supernatural peace as you lay your head down to rest. This bedtime prayer seeks to cultivate trust and surrender to God’s plan, knowing He loves and cares for you!

Heavenly Father, as I prepare to rest my weary body and mind, I surrender all my worries and fears into Your loving hands. Grant me the strength to trust in Your divine plan for my life, knowing that Your wisdom exceeds my understanding. May Your presence envelop me in peace, guiding me through the night with unwavering faith. Amen.”



Erik with a good take, must read hear. Makes a good point about watching where Big Pharm invests their money after they get throttled, just as Big Tobacco became Big Processed Food.

Last edited 3 months ago by TradeBait2

I think, unless more is said about this side of it, that cancer treatment will be their fallback.

Everybody is worried about drugs and vaccine, with good reason of course. But cancer treatment, (not cure, never that) is where they can and do make the big bucks. And all the doctors are in on it.

The way I’m informed it works is, Big Pharma sells chemo to doctors, who then sell it to patients at a HUGE markup. This incentivizes them to recommend it to everyone, even those for whom other treatments would work better with less side effects.

The “health” (yeah, my ass) industry is sick, sick, sick on the root of all evil, filthy lucre.


A quick administration of Nuremberg would clear-up the problem.


From your lips to God’s ears. We can hope.

Deplorable Patriot

And the sad thing is the less processed the tobacco, the more effective it is as an anti-parasitic. I came across that in a novel some time ago, and have seen it reinforced of late. It’s not the tobacco or the nicotine itself that’s the issue. It’s the crap that’s added. That may be why the cigar smokers in my life don’t seem to get as sick as some of the other people. Cigars just aren’t as processed.

Gail Combs

Goes along with what RFK Jr is saying. It is all the extra crap added that is the problem.

Deplorable Patriot

A very good, OLD OLD OLD family friend died at 89 of complete organ failure. He was a cigar smoker to the tune of 2 an hour sometimes. He did have cancer at one point, but otherwise had PERFECT health numbers despite being 100 pounds overweight. He was a gin drinker, too. The cigars must have been a boon for him.


89 we should all be so lucky. Sounds like he had a good life enjoying what he liked.

Deplorable Patriot

Tombstone? The man loved to live life…even if the old family business was in death monuments.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’ve always suspected that it’s not the nicotine, it’s the burned stuff. After all smoke inhalation is a thing that injures.

You’re being more specific here and saying it isn’t the smoke, or at least it’s not the smoke nearly as much as it’s the additives in the smoke.

Last edited 3 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Deplorable Patriot

It’s not the tobacco itself. It’s the additives. That I will believe.


I grew some a few years ago, and cured it myself. I use it topically for bee stings and such.


This is pretty amazing. I watched the whole thing yesterday (about an hour long, showing highlights of many UFC or MMA fights), but the first one is only a few minutes, and they don’t waste any time going berzerk on each other.

I’ve never seen anything quite like it… 😂



Loved this group back in my day. Some simple wisdom people need to follow today.

“Don’t hate the black. Don’t hate the white. If you get bitten, just hate the bite.”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Apropos of nothing.

Nothing at all…


Odd. They seem to avoid central Antarctica behind the coastal ranges of Queen Mary Land….

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

They seem to be largely Union Glacier and some Amundsen Scott. Vostok is, of course, a Russian station (it’s their word for “East”; “Vladivostok” = “Rule the East”), and Kunlan is China-is-asshoe.

They seem to want to stick to US stations.

Last edited 3 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This page — — is a hoot.

“Can you hike uphill for 6-8 hours carrying a 25 kg/55 pound pack without being
exhausted the next day?” Y/N

“When did you last do this?”

“What experience do you have navigating over featureless terrain with a compass?”

They were very nice and did not inquire as to one’s next-of-kin.

Last edited 3 months ago by cthulhu
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I think that might be on the next page.

I can understand it though…some guy shows up thinking it’s frigging central park and conks out.


What is West Antarctica? I thought it was all South.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If you look at the map…West Antarctica is the part that looks a bit like the head of a penguin. East Antarctica is the semi-circular bulk of the continent. Cutting across the narrow spot between the two big bays is part of the Trans Antarctic Mountains; it separates the two parts of the continent.


So, everything under UTC -8 (Alaska) to UTC +2 (Poland) is West?

Speaking of which, what time zones are observed in Antarctica?

IIRC, the Trans Antarctic Mountains are S-shaped. Are there parts of West Antarctica that are more East than parts of East Antarctica, and vice-versa?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


Should answer your questions

Except that I think Amundsen Scott is UTC. Union Glacier is on Kiwi time (UTC+12 IIRC). I think. I read about that earlier this evening.


So, about 30W and 150E… it.


So, 30W is just east of the tip of Brazil (and just west of Iceland) — it catches a bit of Greenland but is otherwise quite damp.

150E passes quite close to Sydney, Australia. NZ is off to the east at about 175E, and Japan is more like 140E.

So “West Antarctica” is under North and South America out to just past Brazil’s nose, then back across the Pacific, including a bit of Siberia, a bunch of island chains, New Zealand, and a thin slice of Australia…..but not including Japan, China, India, Africa, or Europe — which are over “East Antarctica”.


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Correction, Amundsen Scott uses Kiwi Time (UTC+12 and even UTC+13 in the summer for DST) because McMurdo does; McMurdo does because the flights into it come from Christchurch NZ.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

West Antarctica is largely in the Western hemisphere, East is in…well, the eastern hemisphere.


Ukrato blinked…

Douglas Macgregor

BREAKING: NATO warns members against shooting down Russian missiles..


Nato member, wants to join EU, wants to join BRICS.
If there was one more camp to try and get a foot into they’d have to be a quadruped.

Douglas Macgregor

BREAKING: Turkey officially makes request to join BRICS.. How are those sanctions going Joe?

Last edited 3 months ago by RAC