DEAR MAGA: Open Thread 20240905

Cover image: Sebago Lake State Park, Maine

Badlands News Brief – September 3, 2024

Warren Buffet Dumps More Bank of America Stocks Indicating Possible Financial Meltdown

The Great Realignment

With RFK Jr. still on campaign trail, voters revisit Democrats’ COVID restrictions and censorship

Free speech on 2024 ballot because entrenched disinformation policing infrastructure, analyst says

Cable TV’s collapse deepens: ‘It is becoming increasingly clear that there is no longer any floor’

It still sucks. We can’t get the SEC network because our provider is in a price war with Disney. My dad will be lost without Mizzou football.

The Werewolf Game – Creation Myth Clues

Badlands News Brief – September 4, 2024

Will Election-Riggers Wag the Dog Again?

Kamala Harris new campaign hire attacks America as a ‘cult,’ ‘bloodthirsty imperial beast’

Another Huge Mall Retailer Closing 150 Locations

Now, Macy’s. I wrote about this on one of my personal blogs in the last week. I think the issue is oversaturation, to be honest. During the golden age of the mall, they sprang up all over. There just aren’t enough shoppers to make them all profitable.

Robert Kennedy Junior’s Greatest Red Pill Moments

The Deep State Admit They No Longer Control Public Opinion!

The Deep State’s Next Contingency

U.S. Steel shares plunge on report White House preparing to block Nippon Steel takeover

We need our own steel. End of sentence. It really is a national security issue.


Psst: It’s “Walzes.” Any number of nuns are rolling in their graves.

The guy was fair in his assessment. Watch the whole thing rather than take internet armchair pundits at their opinion.

Yep. There was a home here for kids who didn’t get enough sunlight when the coal dust smothered the city.


At least one of those guys is dead.


And now for the business portion.

Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list or the closest rescue thread.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.


All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information. Correcting the record on any one topic is appreciated.

Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights
  2. No running with scissors
  3. If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon

Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and don’t just play them on TV like the body doubles pretending to be the squatter in chief:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


1 Corinthians 3:18-23

18Let no one deceive himself. If any one among you thinks that he is wise in this age, let him become a fool that he may become wise. 19For the wisdom of this world is folly with God. For it is written, “He catches the wise in their craftiness,” 20and again, “The Lord knows that the thoughts of the wise are futile.” 21So let no one boast of men. For all things are yours, 22whether Paul or Apol’los or Cephas or the world or life or death or the present or the future, all are yours; 23and you are Christ’s; and Christ is God’s.

Psalms 24:1-6

1The earth is the LORD’s and the fulness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein; 2for he has founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the rivers. 3Who shall ascend the hill of the LORD? And who shall stand in his holy place? 4He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to what is false, and does not swear deceitfully. 5He will receive blessing from the LORD, and vindication from the God of his salvation. 6Such is the generation of those who seek him, who seek the face of the God of Jacob. [Selah]

Luke 5:1-11

1While the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God, he was standing by the lake of Gennes’aret. 2And he saw two boats by the lake; but the fishermen had gone out of them and were washing their nets. 3Getting into one of the boats, which was Simon’s, he asked him to put out a little from the land. And he sat down and taught the people from the boat. 4And when he had ceased speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” 5And Simon answered, “Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word I will let down the nets.” 6And when they had done this, they enclosed a great shoal of fish; and as their nets were breaking, 7they beckoned to their partners in the other boat to come and help them. And they came and filled both the boats, so that they began to sink. 8But when Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord.” 9For he was astonished, and all that were with him, at the catch of fish which they had taken; 10and so also were James and John, sons of Zeb’edee, who were partners with Simon. And Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid; henceforth you will be catching men.” 11And when they had brought their boats to land, they left everything and followed him.




Forbidden Sour


  • 1 ounce bourbon
  • 1 ounce Pama pomegranate liqueur
  • 1 ounce lemon juice, freshly squeezed
  • 1/2 ounce simple syrup
  • Garnish: orange wheel
  • Garnish: cherry


  1. Add the bourbon, pomegranate liqueur, lemon juice and simple syrup into a shaker with ice and shake until well-chilled.
  2. Strain into a rocks glass over fresh ice.
  3. Garnish with an orange wheel and a cherry.

Have a good one y’all.

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What a difference from yesterday.  😂 


Relax, I was just trying to make a smile. Certainly I was not being impatient with anyone, especially Gail.

Gail Combs

  :wpds_evil: ….

Beware I will sicc my big billy on you!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Even worse, sicc the baby dwarfs on him. They’re irresistible!!! 😉

Gail Combs

While he tries to sleep.

2 minutes…


One of the main reasons I WOULDN’T mess with you.  😂  😍 

Gail Combs

  :wpds_unamused:  ….   :wpds_lol: 


Stirring the pot… 😂

Last edited 10 days ago by scott467

Thank you, De Pat, for a fabulous Friday thread!

I hope that your commitments are sorting out well.


Seems like only yesterday that Thor was flying a Sopwith Camel.


It was!!! I was fooled by the cocktail.

That’s why I kept going on about the Monday polar bear and the Wednesday camel. I don’t have that good a grasp on what day it is.


CV doesn’t seem the type to include a cocktail on her Friday posts….


Consider putting a calendar widget on your desktop.


Who am I going to trust, a calendar widget, or a bonfire and a cocktail?


Trust a giraffe with a harmonica.

I can’t believe you didn’t know that.


My natural inclination might be to do so, but only on blue or orange days….


That’s a good start toward deeper comprehension.


“I don’t have that good a grasp on what day it is.”


Eh, who does?


Indeed — look outside, sun is shining, is it Wednesday or Thursday or what? No polar bears, camels, giraffes or harmonicas. How much do I care?

Look at the Astronomical Julian Day counter, it is divisible by 7 on Mondays… but sometimes it is just as well as to let all that be. Yet, like that Irishman who said, he knows he has the right to remain silent, but is lacking the ability…

The AJD starting at noon today, 2024-09-05, is 2460559. Dividing this by 7 gives a remainder of 3, so it must be Thursday.

Last edited 10 days ago by slowcreekno
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yep, that’s something Julius Scaliger came up with.

Not to be confused with the other “Julian Day” which is just the number of the day within the year (1-365 or 366).

There’s also a modified Julian day where they subtracted 2,400,000.5 from the Julian day, so it starts at midnight. The old DEC Vax computers used this for their system clocks.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trump is right. He’s at the mercy of crazy and evil people.

Brave and Free

Basically we ALL are……..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



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You go, Elon.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Bottom line truth. The moonbats have to go home.


Back into the closet. Only this time, we bar the door.

Gail Combs

I would prefer most of them going to GITMO after getting indicted.


That would not be a bad thing.


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Last edited 10 days ago by scott467


Last edited 10 days ago by pgroup2

Is it working after you refresh your screen? It’s working on my screen now.

It’s a gif, not a ‘content image’, so the image should be visible here.

Last edited 10 days ago by scott467

I deleted my comment.


reminds me of…

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yuval harari

“we will be gods” WEF false profit.

ghouls among us, cringe.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh, yes!!!


A silent movie worth the watch


what’s the name of that movie ? thanks.

pat frederick

looks like Nosferatu


It’s Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror


ah, right !


I have it on blu-ray, but haven’t made time to watch it yet. It’s rated 8.3 out of 10 by site users at, and 4.5 out of 5 by the reviewer.

Directed by F.W. Murnau in 1922. He also directed The Last Laugh (1924, rated 8.1), Faust (1926, rated 7.9), Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (1927, rated 8.5) and City Girl (1930, rated 7.8), among others.

Nosferatu has Max Schreck in the lead role:

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“Nosferatu was restored by Luciano Berriatúa on behalf of Friedrich-Wilhelm-Murnau-Stiftung, Weisbaden in 2005/06. A tinted nitrate print with French intertitles from 1922 from the Cinémathèque Française, Paris, was used as a basis for the restoration.

Missing shots were completed by a safety print from 1939 from Bundesarchiv-Filmarchiv, Berlin/Koblenz, drawn from a Czech export print from the 1920s. Other shots were taken from a nitrate print of the 1930 version, distributed under the title Die Zwölfte Stunde (The Twelfth Hour), preserved at the Cinémathèque Française, Paris.

Most of the original intertitles and inserts are preserved in a safety print from 1962 from Bundesarchiv-Filmarchiv, Berlin/Koblenz, originating in a print from 1922. Missing intertitles and inserts were redesigned on the basis of the original typography by trickWilk, Berlin. They are marked with F.W.M.S.

The lab work was carried out by L’Immagine Ritrovata, Bologna.”

Casey Broadwater (reviewer): “This is quite simply the best Nosferatu has ever looked on home video. As a film in the public domain, it’s seen numerous releases by less-than- reputable distributors using thrice-duped, badly tinted, and poorly mastered prints.

Kino-Lorber has aimed for a more definitive presentation, using an original print and attempting to stay true to the film’s intended appearance. While not as immediately jaw-dropping as the recent Friedrich-Wilhelm- Murnau-Stiftung restoration of Metropolis—which was given the frame-by-frame clean-up treatment—Nosferatu is gorgeous in this new 1080p/AVC-encoded transfer.

Specks and scratches still remain throughout, but the print’s grain structure is preserved, with no signs of adverse noise reduction or edge enhancement. Detail is massively improved from previous editions—with finer textures and sharper lines all around—and both the contrast and color tinting are balanced perfectly. This edition is by far the best way to appreciate Nosferatu‘s stunning visuals.

Note: The first disc of the two-disc set features reconstructed English intertitles—using a great Art Deco typeface—while the second disc includes German intertitles, some original and others reconstructed.

Update (11/20/13): At first glance, it appeared to me as though both transfers were identical, but on closer examination—and thanks to the sharp eyes of some of the readers in our forums—it’s obvious that the German edition on the second disc is superior. It’s visibly sharper throughout, and when compared back to back, the English version is slightly but noticeably cropped. Purists will want to stick with the German version, which is comparable in quality to Masters of Cinema’s U.K. release.”


Vampyr (1932, directed by Carl Theodor Dreyer) is also supposed to be very good, rated 7.5 by the site users, and rated 4.5 out of 5 by my favorite reviewer, Dr. Svet Atanasov, who may be the only conservative on the whole website.

Carl Theodor Dreyer also directed The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928, rated 8.7).

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Dayum, that lad is tall!


And nicely dressed in casual attire that is a cut above jeans and a sloppy t-shirt.


It’s a good thing his dad is a billionaire, or they’d have a heck of a time keeping him in clothes that fit.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Big And Tall shopper for sure!

Gail Combs

He is a head taller than his Dad. Supposedly Barron is  6 feet, 9 inches tall.


My post-college giant roommate was only an inch taller, IIRC.

Strange things happen around such people. For example, we were driving back to SB from his parents’ house one night in my car and he drove for a spell — but every time he relaxed, his knee turned off the headlights. We eventually decided that it was better if I drove, even if I was tired.

His own vehicle was a pickup.

Gail Combs

My brother is at least 6’6” (That is what he will own up to, although he has to duck his head to clear a doorway.) He insisted on driving a tiny sports car. 🙄 It was like watching a those clowns folding into those tiny cars in the circus.

Valerie Curren

I had a friend who was 6′ 8 1/4″ who drove a Le Car unfathomably!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That’s just taller than the standard 6′ 8″ doorway.

Last edited 10 days ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

What’s the bodyguard (Left photo) wearing under his shirt, 3 bulletproof vests?

Or is that a sawed off shotgun under his shirt?

Looks like he has one on the other side, too (top right photo, if that’s the same guy).

Last edited 10 days ago by scott467

“Be prepared…”


prayers up for handsome Barron with the soulful, intelligent face.



WATCH: Just as Liz Cheney announced her endorsement of Kamala Harris, a video has resurfaced of her SLAMMING Kamala, calling her a radical

“Her voting record is to the left of Bernie Sanders… It’s very clear, she [Kamala] is a radical liberal”

Under normal circumstances, you don’t do a 180 from the things she said in that video to supporting the person. Something is wrong. She either is in critical condition from TDS, for which she needs to be hospitalized, or Trump has something on her and she hates him for it, or somehow her father is involved, or something else. It makes no sense.


“Something is wrong.”


It’s just Dick Cheney in drag, doing what Dick Cheney in drag does.

Clouseau had more convincing disguises.

Clearly he/she is totally corrupt.

It’s cartoonish.


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Last edited 10 days ago by scott467

It’s obvious that she’s dead politically but her corpse is still twitching.


It’s cartoonish.

Like this 😅:

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Exactly! 👍

Gail Combs

Dick Cheney was born January 30, 1941 (age 83) He is still alive. AND he has LOTS of skeletons in his closet…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. IMO it’s all about 9/11.

Gail Combs

AND the CIA scandals/CRIMES…


You’ve got it. Pentagon.

Brave and Free

And responsible for many more.


“Liz Cheney announced blah blah blah…”


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Brave and Free

All of those are probably ture TBH. The ones with the most to lose scream the loudest.


Craig Kelly:


A new just published paper is wonderful news for mankind, climate alarmism has been debunked.

✅All the trillions of dollars that were ear-marked to spend on big batteries, high voltage transmissions lines, and wind turbines can now be diverted into health, improved living standards and eliminating poverty.

Legions of climate grifters can now spend their time in productive endeavours.

We won’t have to kill thousands of koalas by destroying their native habitat constructing wind turbines.

The little children will no longer have to be scared.

For this new peer-reviewed published study concludes;

The global SST (Sea surface temperature) has been the main determinant of annual increases in atmospheric CO2 concentrations since 1959.

No human impact was observed.

This result indicates that human efforts to curb CO2 emissions have been, at least in the past, meaningless.

Moreover, the theory that modern global warming and climate change are caused by human-emitted CO2 is also wrong, irrelevantly to the credibility of the story that modern warming and climate change are occurring more dramatically than those in the past.

The entire climate scare campaign is first and foremost underpinned by the theory that man’s use of fossil fuels is causing C02 levels in the atmosphere to increase.

Secondly, this increase in Co2 is not natural and is causing an increase bad weather.

And thirdly, by stopping generating energy from coal, oil & gas, we can stop C02 levels from increasing and stop increases in bad weather.

However, this new study finds that increases in CO2 levels are not caused by man’s activities, but by natural increases in sea surface temperatures.

ThIs makes sense as man’s activities (37 gigatons of CO2) only account for 3% of the total CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, compared to ~330 gigatons from oceanic sources and ~ 440 gigatons from terrestrial sources – and the CO2 emitted from the oceans varies depending upon sea surfaces temperatures.

The study found that variations in sea surfaces temperatures is what is what is driving CO2 increases

For example in 1992, the world experienced a global cooling snap caused by the Mount Pinatubo eruption, and in 1992 the atmospheric CO2 concentration only increased 0.49 ppm.

In contrast, in 1998 an El Niño warmed the world, the CO2 concentration increased 2.97 ppm

So between 1992 and 1998 there was a six fold difference in the increase in C02 concentrations (0.49ppm to 2.97ppm)

However emissions from 1992 (23.4 gigatons) and 1998 (25.3 gigatons) differed by only 8%.

So the science is in. The alarmism can end.

However, we need to understand that the climate change movement is a brainwashed cult, held together by a strongly held quasi religious belief, not to mention the grifters making millions from perpetuating the alarmism –

And like those that injected themselves with a 4th, 5th & 6th covid “booster” they will bury their heads in the sand and deny science and want to continue with the destructive insanity of Net Zero.

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The global SST (Sea surface temperature) has been the main determinant of annual increases in atmospheric CO2 concentrations since 1959.


Well, I guess that means we have no choice.

The seance is settled.

We have to eliminate the oceans.

No sense in crying about it or examining the problem too closely, let’s just get to work 👍


The seance is settled.

Very nice.  😆 


I’ll bring my bucket. 🪣


King Canute to the rescue.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wait – Gill Bates has a solution – we launch artificial comets made of ice into space! It may be expensive, but raising taxes will solve the problem.

pat frederick

he should go into space as well–to oversee the deployment. that is the only way it would work. without his genius, it might as well blow up on the launchpad.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



“he should go into space as well–to oversee the deployment.”


He doesn’t even need a space suit 👍😂

pat frederick

NOTHING to interfere with his genius


“In contrast, in 1998 an El Niño warmed the world, the CO2 concentration increased 2.97 ppm”

Don’t know or care who this El Niño guy is, I’m voting for him.
El Niño for the win, C02 for everyone.

Last edited 10 days ago by RAC
Barb Meier

CO2 for every tree, shrub, and plant.

Gail Combs


CO2: The Greatest Scientific
Scandal of Our Time
by Zbigniew Jaworowski, M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc., March 2007

Dr Jaworowski explains the sleight of hand the Climate Scammers used. It is short, easily understood and well documented.

Dr Segalstad debunking from years ago.
9 years ago
Here I present Climate Scientist Professor Tom Segalstad.
He presents, using isotopic data, the reasons why the observed increase in atmospheric CO2 concentrations do not have a human cause.
He explains why just 4% of atmospheric CO2 is anthropogenic.
He also shows that the supposed ‘ocean acidification’ does not really exist, and is not of human origin either.

See his published work on this subject;
Do glaciers tell a true atmospheric CO2 story?
Jaworowskia, Segalstad, Ono; 1992.


Your last paragraph…

“And like those that injected themselves with a 4th, 5th & 6th covid “booster” they will bury their heads in the sand and deny science”, is a number likely over time to diminish.
And those who survived the covid scam vaxed or unvaxed will in future be a lot less likely to believe establishment lies.


I’m with him. Make them live by the rules they made.


I find it funny that the White Sox T-ball pic shows the batter wearing black sox.

Does Gutfeld’s shirt mean he’s a fan of wolfm00n and Q-tree?


I’m astounded that vim is still getting security updates.

Today’s is two instances of use-after-free….some of this code is older than dirt, how are they still finding these?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I guess vim still has vigor.


That’s a different project —

[ Motto: “All the problems and twice the bugs.”]

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Twice the bugs?

Darwin would have loved it.


I noticed that update also, even though i don’t understand I’m looking more closely now. When I saw the word vim this is what came to mind…
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As used and recommended by the Hag leaves emails spotlessly clean


I first encountered UNIX in about 1981 at the University of Casual Sun-Bathing. I took to it like a duckling takes to water. My girlfriend was a Computer Science major, and I rigged her Radio Shack TRS-80 so that we could log in from our apartment. One quarter, my logged-in time was more than the system administrator’s. I taught myself tricks like ringing the bell on other users’ tty connections or reading usage stats.

In those days, there were programs like sh*, vi, and more that you used all the time and were assumed to know. Today, the modern versions are bash, vim, and less — but they still act the same way. On some more recent systems, in fact, in deference to old farts they have aliased sh to bash, vi to vim, and more to less.

There are two text editors installed on virtually every Linux system — vim and nano. Nano is more practical (vim is actually somewhat dangerous), but they keep vim around for the hard-core. The reason that vim is particularly dangerous has to do with grep by way of regular expressions…..if you type something like “:%s/. /.g”, meaning to have vi remove all spaces after periods, what you will get is:

: Command mode
% For every line
s substitute
/ for
“.” Any character (if you only want to specify periods, you need to say “\.”)
” ” and a space
/ end of what you’re substituting for
. a period
/ end of what you’re substituting to
g as many times as can happen in each line

This will instantly turn your thesis from:

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs.


— and in the old vi, there is no “undo” — hope you saved it first.

Mind you, when modifying program code, it can be very handy to find and fix variable names and such…..but it’s like running a power saw with no safety guards.

It’s nice that people still care and are still maintaining this, but shouldn’t all of its errors been found a couple of decades ago?

*. We actually used csh — to-may-to, to-mah-to….


There was an infamous case of a grad student who used “:%s/./. /g” on her thesis. Imagine how she felt after finding the file size had tripled and now looked like “. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “…..


Which is why the :e! command is quite useful. Or :q! and re-start.

(the :q! means exit and don’t save the changes, which will have been the mistakes at this point. :e! means start over, discarding the changes/mistakes.)


I’m thinking you wouldn’t use my “just click it and see what happens” technique then.


That would be a “no”. Instead, you use the “make a backup, construct your command, check it twice, invoke your favorite deities, then execute” method.


Problem is the non-reversibility of changes. Most variations of vi that I’ve used through the years had at least one undo level; the exception being some really cut-down version as part of a busybox installation. If there is no way to undo, then the mistakes cannot be reverted. Hence the quit-and-start-over option.

And some care. When about to do something global (anything starting with :%) do a :w first to save all good stuff written up to that point (stuff at this point is always good for now; it may or may not be proven to be otherwise later on.)

Then the subsequent :e! done after the mistake has been discovered gets one back to something useful.


By the way, it used to be very easy to ring the bell on your buddy’s terminal — but there are now safeguards.

If you looked into /dev, you’d find a bunch of files like “tty22”. You could just use “ls -l” and see entries like “crw–w–w- 1 buddy tty 4, 22 Sep 5 01:10 tty22

Then you’d edit a file to have a bunch of bell characters in it (0x07) [ ]. When you were ready to make your buddy’s day, you’d just cat yourfile > /dev/tty22 .

The thing is, if you were willing to have your little hellions play practical jokes on each other and periodically crash the system, it was a great environment for them to learn a lot in a short amount of time.


This was running on the Computer Science Instructional Laboratory (CSIL “Cecil”) system, which was a brand-new VAX 11/780 with all the trimmings. Probably cost in excess of $1M, with a maintenance contract of $100K+ per year. Handled maybe 50 simultaneous logins.

Substantially less powerful than a modern Raspberry Pi4 at $100.


And that $100 in 2024 would be worth about 25 loaves of supermarket bread, where that $1M in 1978 would be worth about a million.

Barb Meier

We used vi with Xenix at Microsoft in 87 and the tech writers agonized over it’s strange ways. IIRC, if you changed something downstream, it could alter earlier content formatting. A real headbanger in terms of troubleshooting a document issue. Even today, MSoft Word tables can alter formatting earlier in a table.

I cannot remember how one should pronounce vi. Vee eye? Vi (my aunt’s short name for Viola). If you say it wrong, all the programmers will scoff.

Microsoft was great back then in that they let me carry in my iMac and do my Project documents with MacWrite and MacDraw. Then, they had a production team that changed my stuff into PostScript. LOL


Curious that no-one ever noticed? Would some tool like valgrind have found it?



The code for vim is studied by Computer Science students so they can rip parts out and use for their own projects. Thousands of people have handled the code over the years. It should be close to the most bulletproof code on the planet.


From Insty:

Flashback: A Word to the Wise Liberal. “This is a PSA to all male Democrat staffers: If a really hot chick goes on a few dates with you, there’s a 75% chance that she works for James O’Keefe.”




Heck, she could be James in disguise!

Gail Combs


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I absolutely love that James has been able to put on stupid “thicc” glasses and suddenly he’s not just anonymous, but hot to gays. 😂

Last edited 10 days ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It really is funny.


I think SD is right on this, it’s most likely BS

“According to Senator Josh Hawley a “whistleblower” is sharing how DHS officers were assigned to become Secret Service Agents for President Trump…. and that’s why mistakes were made.”

Gail Combs

Scapegoating… They didn’t fall for our first patsy (Crooks) OR our second (Kimberly Cheatle), so I guess we need to serve up another patsy…

In looking to see if Cheatle had a book deal yet, I came across this:

REAL RAW NEWS — Kimberly Cheatle Tries (but fails) Suicide at GITMO

[Information on this website is for informational and educational and entertainment purposes. 👉This website contains humor, parody, and satire.]

AND the reality: Joe Biden Orders Taxpayer-Funded Secret Service Protection For Former SS Director Kimberly Cheatle
So Fauci has a SS detail and now Cheatle. I guess they are taking Q seriously.


Aug 10, 2018 12:15:09 PM EDT

Q !A6yxsPKia. ID: 32060e No. 2538955 

Aug 10, 2018 12:07:09 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 3bc074 No. 2538860 

HRC has taken a number of villages from Haiti

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Re_read drops re: Haiti.

👉At some point it will not be SAFEfor them to walk down the street.👈




Fake News?

The World is WATCHING.


Gail Combs

“…this website is for informational and educational…”

By claiming “…This website contains humor, parody, and satire….” He protects himself while getting people to think.


Just a thought. A SS detail ALSO keeps track of the person… Almost like a ‘moving’ house arrest.’


MAP : Sanctuary Cities, Counties & States (updated)


with additional relevant & important info in other Articles, interviews etc. available on right side column of page/site.


BREAKING : Shots Fired In Reported Terrorist Attack At The Israeli Consulate in Munich

X link

terrorist was reportedly neutralized before causing casualties.


ntel Slava@Intel_Slava
The Munich shooter, who was shot dead during a shootout at the Israeli consulate. He has a rifle with a bayonet


re: Darryl Cooper…

NO, Winston Churchill Did Not Instigate WW2 Against Hitler




laid it all out, here…

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Last edited 10 days ago by smiley2
Gail Combs

Miles Smith BIO:

He look young enough to have been fed the ‘NEW’ History.

Germany was set-up.

All Wars are Bankers Wars – A History of the Rothschild’s

I don’t know who said ‘all wars are bankers wars but I do know who said this –

“If my sons did not want wars, there would be none”

Gutle Schnaper Rothschild


The British Labour Leader makes the following statement on the subject of the Rothschilds,

“This blood-sucking crew has been the cause of untold mischief and misery in Europe during the present century, and has piled up its prodigious wealth chiefly through fomenting wars between States which ought never to have quarreled. Whenever there is trouble in Europe, wherever rumours of war circulate and men’s minds are distraught with fear of change and calamity you may be sure that a hook-nosed Rothschild is at his games somewhere near the region of the disturbance.”

Comments like this worry the Rothschilds and towards the end of the 1800’s they purchase Reuters news agency so they can have some control of the media.


The start of World War I. In this war, the German Rothschilds loan money to the Germans, the British Rothschilds loan money to the British, and the French Rothschilds loan money to the French.

Futhermore, the Rothschilds have control of the three European news agencies, Wolff (est. 1849) in Germany, Reuters (est. 1851) in England, and Havas (est. 1835) in France.

Gail Combs

The WINNER writes history — A RULE to remember.


Thanks for posting that. I wish Tucker would do a follow-up to discuss the points that were made.


I always wonder how many people have read the book, period, let alone read it with an open mind?

That question is NOT an endorsement!

IMO close to 100% of people who do so will find the book enitirely something they did not expect.

I do NOT mean better or worse, just different.


On that disturbing echo of 2008-2009 mentioned above. It does indeed not look good.

Usually, echoes are weaker than the original. This one looks to be about 10 dB (ten times) louder than the referenced one. There are also some similar, but smaller, pattern in 2018

brr… What happens when the associated pigeons come home to roost?

Barb Meier
  1. Stand with friend under tree.
  2. Stand aside casually.
  3. Clap loudly.
  4. Watch the pigeon poop rain.
  5. Laugh, run away, run away.

Courtesy Rice Edu pranksters, 1980s.


good luck with this, I applaud the effort & argument…

Presidential Eligibility Lawsuit : Harris NOT A “Natural Born Citizen” New York Case To be Appealed To U.S. Supreme Court

article link + Pleading document…


Article II, Section 1, Clause 5, The U.S. Constitution.


Much as I appreciate this guy’s efforts to deal with the brazen efforts of the donkey party to kill the constitution, I must point out a clear error in his thinking/logic.

He asserts [ ] that Kacklema is a U.S. citizen because she was born here. This is amazing to me.

How can someone argue the meaning of ‘natural born citizen’ when that person fails to know something so basic as … there is no such thing as ‘dirt citizenship’ in the USA.

Basic citizenship in the US is one of two types – natural or naturalized.

Natural is transmitted by the parents’ DNA [one or both are U.S. citizens].

Naturalized is via the application of statutes [parents’ citizenship irrelevant].

Natural Born Citizen is a subset of Natural Citizen.

Now go forth from there arguing the meaning of NBC.

Gail Combs


Anchor babies, birthright citizenship, and the 14th Amendment
…In 1866, Senator Jacob Howard clearly spelled out the intent of the 14th Amendment by writing:

Every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons. It settles the great question of citizenship and removes all doubt as to what persons are or are not citizens of the United States. This has long been a great desideratum in the jurisprudence and legislation of this country.”

The phrase “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” was intended to exclude American-born persons from automatic citizenship whose allegiance to the United States was not complete. With illegal aliens who are unlawfully in the United States, their native country has a claim of allegiance on the child. Thus, the completeness of their allegiance to the United States is impaired, which therefore precludes automatic citizenship.

The correct interpretation of the 14th Amendment is that an illegal alien mother is subject to the jurisdiction of her native country, as is her baby.

Over a century ago, the Supreme Court correctly confirmed this restricted interpretation of citizenship in the so-called ‘Slaughter-House cases’ [83 US 36 (1873)] and in [112 US 94 (1884)]. In Elk v.Wilkins, the phrase ‘subject to its jurisdiction’ excluded from its operation ‘children of ministers, consuls, and citizens of foreign states born within the United States.’ In Elk, the American Indian claimant was considered not an American citizen because the law required him to be ‘not merely subject in some respect or degree to the jurisdiction of the United States, but completely subject to their political jurisdiction and owing them direct and immediate allegiance.’

Congress subsequently passed a special act to grant full citizenship to American Indians, who were not citizens even through they were born within the borders of the United States. The Citizens Act of 1924…


Babies Don’t Provide Anchors!

The key is “subject to the jurisdiction thereof”: Consider the French ambassador and his lovely young wife stationed in Washington, DC. She gives birth to a child here. Her child was born here. But is her child “subject to the jurisdiction” of the United States? No! The child is subject to the same jurisdiction as his parents: France….

…To see the debates (on the language I quoted at the top) in the US Senate on May 30, 1866, go HERE  

and start reading in the center column, under the subheading, RECONSTRUCTION.  Fascinating.

revised Nov. 1, 2018…


Yup. The intended mayhem of the language continues, leaving a trail of wreckage in its wake.

Donkey party bigwigs cheer at the sight of the rubble.

Fuck those shitheads.


Intel Slava @Intel_Slava
Immediately after the massive strike of the Russian Aerospace Forces on Ukraine, US Army Lieutenant Colonel Joshua Kamara died in Poland. He was 45 years old. It is reported that he died in the US Army military camp in Poznan. Kamara was awarded the Legion of Honor, the Bronze Star, and the Medal of Merit, as well as other awards.
That’s how it happens. Missiles land in Poltava, and US Army officers suddenly die somewhere in Poland. Moreover, the number of NATO officers killed after that attack of ours has already reached dozens.

Intel Slava @Intel_Slava
The most obvious evidence of the effectiveness of the missile strike on Poltava was the swarm of NATO medical aircraft (USA, Germany, Poland, Romania). They are evacuating both wounded instructors and corpses.


Intel Slava @Intel_Slava

Putin has once again stated that the Kremlin is not supporting Trump in the US elections.
Earlier, he said that Biden is preferable for Russia. “Biden was our favorite, but then he was removed from the race. He recommended that all his supporters support Harris, which means we will support her too.
She laughs so infectiously that it means that everything is fine with her,” Putin said.
It should be noted that the American authorities accuse the Kremlin of interfering in the American elections in order to support Trump.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Putin is rather brilliant, using selective truth as cunning propaganda.

He really is for Harris, because weakening the US is good for defending Russia, long-term. It means a painful fight now, but Putin always covers the down side, so that he wins either way.

Biden was even better for Russia – utterly incompetent, corrupt, and hurting the US military in a huge way.

Russia knows that the globalists and American Soviets won’t let a good non-commie relationship happen with Russia. The commies need to stew in their own juices just a little longer. Then, they can be removed from the oven, sniffed to make sure they’re done to perfection, and thrown out. 😉


That’s more or less what I thought also, plus I appreciate their dry sense of humor.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, it’s a relief to have a bit of dry humor, perhaps difficult under circumstances.

Gail Combs

If the Conspiracy Nutz are correct, Trump ‘gifted’ Putin BYe-Done so he could clean out the Nazis and Corrupt Deep state nest in Ukraine.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Pure copium! Even deadlier than hopium!



That would mean that Trump swung the election and caused himself to lose on purpose.

That would mean that Trump acted unconstitutionally and unlawfully.

IMO it’s not just copium, it’s dopium. 😂


I also point out that such a theory is “Russia, Russia, Russia” on steroids, with our own side saying Trump colluded with Russia, and actually sanctioning it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Don’t attempt to confuse them with logic.






Russia knows that the globalists and American Soviets won’t let a good non-commie relationship happen with Russia.

… a good non-commie relationship …

Absolutely. I was beginning to despair of ever getting people on our side to understand that Russia (and Putin himself) are no longer communist. Personally, I doubt that Putin was ever a communist in his essence. He was likely a member of the Communist Party in the USSR (an act of self-preservation IMO) but I find it difficult to accept that a guy so well spoken on Russian history could really buy into the Bolshevik mindset. Plus he has publicly criticized communism. IMO the Russia Russia Russia hoax was mainly to prevent any ‘good non-commie relationship’ from developing with strong men heading up both countries.



Absolutely, might be my imagination but think PDJT said something like being competitors rather than enemies.

Gail Combs

Trading partners makes a heck of a lot better sense then bomb throwing.

Gail Combs

Also Putin’s mother was a closet Christian. Now he is OPENLY a Christian.


Good to know. I don’t think it came up before but once and then only briefly long ago.

Gail Combs

Well this guy helps explain why hubby improved dramatically after I started feeding him 80/20 hamburger! (That is 20% fat) Hubby has always been picky about trimming the fat off his meat. Prefers white meat chicken… I am the opposite. At least he has always eaten eggs and butter.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This makes an enormous amount of sense. In particular, relative to observations I’ve been making among seniors I know and have known. Eggs appear to be brain food.

Gail Combs

That is why eggs, milk and BEEF have been demonized.


All my favorite foods!

The worst foods for high cholesterol, given their high saturated fat content, include:

  • Red meat, like beef, pork, and lamb, as well as processed meats like sausage
  • Full-fat dairy, like cream, whole milk, and butter
  • Baked goods and sweets
  • Fried foods
  • Tropical oils such as palm oil and coconut oil
  • Butter
Gail Combs

I drink my hot tea AND cold with HEAVY WHIPPING CREAM. The dentist wonders why my teeth are not stained. It is because I use CREAM in my tea. (I figured it out on my own.)

How To Neutralize Tannins In Tea 

…One of the most common issues that tea drinkers face is the bitter taste caused by tannins.

Tannins are naturally occurring compounds found in tea leaves that give tea its astringent flavor. However, when steeped for too long or at too high a temperature, tannins can overwhelm the tea and make it unpleasant to drink. [But this is the method used to extract ECGC from green tea…]

In this article, I will share with you some tips on how to neutralize tannins in tea…

Tannins are naturally occurring compounds found in tea that can make it bitter and astringent, but the fat content in milk or cream can help to bind with the tannins and reduce their effects. When it comes to using cream or milk to neutralize tannins, both options can work well.

Cream has a higher fat content than milk, which means it can be more effective at neutralizing tannins.


Yep! Always had milk in my coffee, so no stains.


I’ve returned to using the staple of my childhood when frying anything.



80/20 chuck for the win every time in our home. Eggs for every breakfast. Sausage or bacon most mornings. Use butter. Eliminated added sugars, seed oils and most processed carbs. Do not eat many starches and only keto breads occasionally. Eat green veggies and berries.

Problem solved, enjoy life and feeling good again.


That really is it in a nutshell.


Verse of the Day for Thursday, September 5, 2024

“Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.” 

Proverbs 30:5 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Hear my prayer, O Lord – please hear my cry;
Hide not Thy face from me – stand closely by;
Incline Thine ear to me – answer my call;
For I am helpless in my wherewithal!

My days are consumed – in pain, I move not;
My heart beats in vain – overwhelmed, besought;
I struggle to breathe – I implore Your aid;
Begging for mercy – and yet, unafraid!

Strengthen me, Lord – as only You know how;
Send forth Thy Comforter to help me now;
Send forth the angels to hold me upright;
Help me, Lord – Help me to live, love, and fight!

The enemy plagues me both day and night;
His demons work to discourage me right;
He taunts me, haunts me, and laughs at my pain;
My prayers he sees worthless – and all in vain!

Be it Your will – with Your power and might;
Remove this affliction – far out of sight;
Defeat the devil – his power disband;
Help me, Lord – with Your Healing Hand!

You called me, Lord – in Your Service to be;
Your minister, Lord – bring people to Thee;
How can I manage – for people to care?
With this heart sorely in need of repair?

I ask not for me this healing take place;
I ask not this suffering You erase;
I ask only to stand for You, O Lord;
To bring others to You in one accord!

If in this state, You still want me to serve;
If it be Your will, my heart you preserve;
Whatever you decide – I will endure;
With You by my side – of that I am sure!

Help me, Lord to accept what You decide;
In You and with You – I long to abide;
Through You and for You – my heart is alive;
Heal me, Lord – Help me – to live, love, and thrive!

D01: 05/14/2013

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday


Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday




I think we have found our Alexa impersonator. 😮😏😁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO!!! Oh, that’s hilarious!


Went into her time line. She’s one of us! From Q to Trump through and through. Even Queen.


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Good opener, DePat. Lots to consider and comment on. Thanks for your efforts.

As a former Armco Steel brat, now AK Steel, I can say that Japan saved its bacon long ago. However, it did not make it a better company. Steel production is a vital industry for our nation’s sovereignty. Just say no to foreign ownership. Be willing to pay a little more for a better quality product that is produced by American workers at home. Not every purchase should be judged by price alone with critical infrastructure, which exclusively low bid contracts promote. Product buyers tend to think all steel is steel as a commodity. There are quality and national security aspects to consider as well.

Along the lines of the Bee’s joke about incompetency, Chicago does not need or deserve the White Sox as a second MLB team. Nashville, TN should be their new home. A stagnant turd hole versus a vibrant city that would embrace them as Titans and Predators fans already know. Baseball is big in TN at all levels. We are filled with minor league teams including the AAA Sounds in Nashville. Amateur youth travel leagues, high schools. jucos and colleges are stocked with talent. The Vols showed the commitment and excellence with their first CWS win recently. UT is expanding and upscaling their ballpark to the tune of $100 million currently to increase their commitment. Braves, Cards, Cubs and Reds fans dominate the state. A lot of allegiances would change and rally around a home state team if it was here.

I feel for your fandom with Mizzou and the SEC TV debacle, DePat. The Tigers probably have their best team in quite some time along with a favorable schedule. I hope that gets handled soon.

Buffett’s moves sounds more BofA directed than overall banking industry. Being a Dem, he probably got word of pending criminal fentanyl probe results. “Dem” and “criminal” are synonymous and interchangeable as well know.

So much more in there, but time to get on with the day.


In reference to this:

When was this type of facial expression splashed all over the internet?

Maybe, PETER STZOK’s face during his Congressional “testimony” in July 2018?
“Faces of Strzok HuffPost Politics”
At 0.11 in the video.

Gail Combs

I think this has a lot to do with it. From Feb 2024 (ChiefIO)
Big Protest In Brazil

I found this report from Mahyar Tousi interesting. He includes some video of a large protest going on in Brazil.

I’ve not been following Brazil all that closely. I do know they have had an oscillation between Lula (a kind of socialist, I think) and Bolsonaro, who IIRC, is more conservative (maybe sort of a “Trump Light”?) and back to Lula.

The interesting bits to me were the size of the rally, that they were in support of Bolsonaro, and in favor of impeaching Lula. Then, that some kind of Lawfare is being conducted against Bolsonaro. (Seems to be the current method of choice to attack conservative politicians…)



Here’s a news article about it:

SAO PAULO (AP) — Supporters of former President Jair Bolsonaro staged a huge rally jamming a main avenue in Brazil’s biggest city Sunday to defend him against legal challenges that could put him in jail…



So I’m left to wonder IF there is a Global Socialist Movement out for blood against any Conservative National Leader? Coordinated and funded globally? Or is it just that the WEF (World Evil Forum…) in Davos leans toward socialists? Certainly the UN does.

Just wondering who it is that is driving this bus and running this playbook all over the place? IF it is run from a US TLA, why promoting socialists? (Obama hangover?) IF run from the UK Royals, a similar question. The EU seems very Socialism Friendly… perhaps these are all Fellow Travelers and it is just the Little People who think Authoritarian Socialism is A Bad Thing?…

They are trying to make sure people can not coordinate, and that is WORLD WIDE. Think FRANCE…


Either face might be good Halloween decorations.

Gail Combs

One of the responding tweets

pat frederick


Vlad trolling lefty loons. 😂😂

Gail Combs

You can see he is having a hard time trying not to laugh. I wonder how many retakes they had to do before they got a take without him cracking up.

Last edited 10 days ago by Gail Combs

Gail Combs

MORE: America First Legal sues Judge Merchan over refusal to release financial disclosures — Badlands Media

The AFL’s legal action follows a demand letter sent last week requesting Merchan’s financial records, which they had initially sought in June. Under New York law, judges must file annual financial disclosures that are available to the public upon request.

“The law is clear that judicial financial disclosures must be released to the public,” said AFL Vice President Dan Epstein. He added that transparency is crucial, especially given Merchan’s alleged involvement in unlawful campaign contributions and his role in the sentencing of a former president. Epstein emphasized the need to uncover whether Merchan has anything to hide or if he failed to file disclosures entirely.

The AFL’s concerns stem from Merchan’s daughter, Loren Merchan, who serves as president of Authentic Campaigns, a firm that has worked with prominent Democratic clients such as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. AFL alleges that Loren Merchan and her clients could benefit financially from legal actions against Trump.

The lawsuit also highlights that Judge Merchan has made donations to Democratic causes, including Biden’s campaign and a group called “Stop Republicans.” In July 2023, the Commission on Judicial Conduct issued a warning to Merchan regarding these donations.

Republicans have accused Judge Merchan of political bias due to his daughter’s political work. Trump’s legal team previously requested Merchan recuse himself from the trial, but he declined. A New York state ethics panel supported Merchan’s decision in June 2023.

Recently, the House Judiciary Committee, led by Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), subpoenaed Authentic Campaigns after the company refused to provide information related to Trump’s prosecution. Jordan questioned Merchan’s impartiality, citing concerns over his refusal to recuse himself and his daughter’s political connections….


The end for lumber liquidators. Good riddance imo. 37 of the 200 in CA.

After failing to find a buyer, LL Flooring, formerly Lumber Liquidators, has announced that it is shuttering its remaining 200 locations nationwide.

In an announcement Wednesday, the company said it could not secure an offer with “the necessary financing that would maximize the value of the company.” As a result, the company decided the sale of its “individual assets” would most benefit its creditors.

“It is with a heavy heart that we must let you know that we are going to begin the process of winding down LL Flooring’s business and closing all of our stores,” LL Flooring President and CEO Charles Tyson told customers in a statement, adding, “This is not the outcome that any of us had hoped for.”

The remaining 200 LL Flooring locations will begin their going-out-of-business sales on Friday. The company expects the closing sales to be held over the next 12 weeks, with closing dates varying from store to store.

LL Flooring has 37 locations in California, including stores in Los Angeles, San Diego, Santa Ana, Rancho Cucamonga, Monrovia, Murrieta, Pomona and Ventura.

“We sincerely appreciate the loyalty of our customers over the last three decades, and as webegin to wind down operations and close our stores, we are committed to doing so assmoothly as possible to minimize the impact on you, our associates and the communities weserve,” Tyson said.


Wait, where have I heard that [family] last name before???

LL Flooring President and CEO Charles Tyson …




I dont understand the purchase here. Verizon spun off fios years ago, and that became frontier. They said they only wanted to deal w phones. Now theyre buying it back but for more than they paid?

Verizon Communications announced a $20 billion deal to acquire rival telecommunications operator Frontier Communications Parent Inc., the US’s largest pure-play fiber internet provider. The announcement follows a Wednesday report from The Wall Street Journal suggesting that Verizon was nearing a deal, sparking a 38% surge in Frontier’s shares in New York. 

Verizon said Frontier investors will receive $38.50 per share in cash, representing a 43.7% premium to Frontier’s 90-day volume-weighted average share price on Tuesday, the last pure trading day before media reports leaked a potential acquisition of Frontier. 

The Verizon and Frontier Boards of Directors have unanimously approved the transaction. Subject to approval by Frontier shareholders and regulatory approvals, the deal is expected to close in about 18 months.

“This strategic acquisition of the largest pure-play fiber internet provider in the US will significantly expand Verizon’s fiber footprint across the nation, accelerating the company’s delivery of premium mobility and broadband services to current and new customers. It will also expand Verizon’s intelligent edge network for digital innovations like AI and IoT,” Verizon wrote in a press release. 

Frontier’s 2.2 million fiber subscribers across 25 states will join Verizon’s 7.4 million Fios connections in 9 states and Washington, DC. In addition to Frontier’s 7.2 million fiber locations, the company is rapidly expanding its fiber footprint with an additional 2.8 million fiber locations by the end of 2026. 

Gail Combs

One of the comments:

September 5, 2024 at 11:32 am

Asking politely for a company to stop its despicable behavior is no longer a viable method of obtaining justice.

A more effective way to obtain positive results has been to threaten painful beheading to all involved, and to give a few demonstrations with some of the senior people involved.

It seems that is the world we now live in.


Filtering it down. is being forced to delete 500,000 books. has the story in there news flash bar.
But but but… they want you to use to send out notifications and sign there petition.
Might be better to send money direct to They have a donate button and you can tell them what’s important to you and send money too.

Some of these are lefty demoncrat judges.

Internet Archive fights to preserve digital libraries in Second Circuit …Jun 28, 2024The parties sparred for over an hour on Friday, going well past the 20 minutes allotted for the arguments on this matter. Joining Menashi and Robinson on the three-judge panel was U.S. Circuit Judge Maria Kahn, who was appointed by Biden last year. The judge’s didn’t immediately issu …

But some have a mixed history, clerked for both Ginsberg and Scalia. Ackkkk!

Utterance 271. 


$387. “To say : ‘I, king Unas, have inundated the land which came forth from the lake, I have torn out the papyrus-plant, I have satisfied the Two Lands [[uni-party]], I have united the Two Lands [[uni-party]], I have joined my mother the Great Wild Cow.'”



I use books for research all the time!

Brave and Free

So let me figure this out. Pretty soon the Men in Kaki pants and mask will show up next, along with a DOJ/fib statement to follow.
Looks like the beginning of marshal law is on its way.
Brought to you by the DS just in time for the election.

Gail Combs

I love this video. When the AMISH get into politics you KNOW THERE IS A CRISIS!


It’s a sad thing when hardened gang members care more for their fellow Americans than the DHS, Demoncrats, DOJ, FIB.

It’s like when a trash family is beating up one of their household and a good samaritan tries to intervene. Then the entire family including the one getting pummeled stand together against the one trying to help.

Gail Combs

Remember what happens to child molesters in prison…

Brave and Free

Hunter Biden Flips To 11th Hour Guilty Plea In $1.4M Criminal Tax Evasion Case

Well someone must have told him there would be to much exposure if he proceeds to trial.

Barb Meier

Someone tod him his dad is incompetent to sign legal documents and nobody else cares to protect him?


You sure do like poking balloons with a hatpin.  😂 

Barb Meier

It should be an olympic competition.



pat frederick

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Kam-Com can’t go there!

Barb Meier

Trump should preface his proposal with: “Steal this, Kam-Com”.


Last edited 10 days ago by eilert
Gail Combs


Why don’t they use OCEAN water for their insane plans?

Gail Combs


I specifically remember:

it should be recalled that China and India were instrumental in sabotaging the December 2009 COP14 agenda in Copenhagen, which had promised to establish legally binding emission target cuts to guide the de-carbonization (and de-industrialization) of much of society….

What is not mentioned is CONTROL was to be handed over to the WORLD BANK! And that is what really spooked the African and other third world nations when they found out.

Scrounging around my old notes… Rummage Rummage…

Secret recording reveals Commotion at climate summit

There is a log of the failure: A secret audio recordings, SPIEGEL present the shows in detail how the climate summit in Copenhagen ended in a fiasco. The rift between EU, U.S., China and India went deeper than known – battle of words among other things, Merkel, Sarkozy and Obama are documented.

In the world climate summit in Copenhagen, it has much deeper rift between China and the EU, given than previously known. This proves a secret recording of the crucial round of talks with 25 heads of state, of the MIRROR exists and is documented in its latest issue.

The sound was created by a technical error. It dates from the afternoon of the 18th Dezember 2009 . and reveals how, especially in China and India blocked an agreement on cost reduction targets of greenhouse gases – and Chancellor Angela Merkel and duped the European Union.

Present at the central meeting were 25 including Merkel, U.S. President Barack Obama, the French president Nicolas Sarkozy, the Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh – but not the Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao. He was represented by negotiators He Yafei.

The recording can be found in, among other things, like Merkel, started up in the almost 90-minute meeting Singh. When the issue was how much of each to save the industry and the emerging markets in greenhouse gases, Merkel wanted a commitment of China and India to participate in the climate and pretend values. Since blocked the Indian Premier: “I have always said, anticipating no options.” ” Merkel on it: “But then you want nothing legally binding!” ” Singh said in a loud voice: “Why did you take in advance? That’s not fair!”

The federal government, meanwhile, reacted to the publication of the recordings. From sources said Singh was not at the time of Merkel-looking statements within the room, but a low ranking member of the Indian delegation.

Sarkozy: “must respond to this hypocrisy Man”
Merkel argued loudly in the recording, even if we assume a CO2 reduction to zero in the industrial countries, emerging economies should “reduce its own CO2 emissions” to global warming as you want to limit to two degrees. China’s negotiator He then had the Europeans accumulate abruptly. “”Thanks for all your suggestions,” he said, adding with regard to Europe’s demand to absorb the general savings target of 50 percent of greenhouse gas by 2050, Copenhagen in the final paper: “We said that we do not accept the long-term target of 50 percent. ”

Then Sarkozy reacted sharply and accused China lack of will for climate protection. ” and “with all due respect to China,” the West has committed to cut greenhouse gases 80 percent. “And in return, China, which will soon be the largest economy in the world says to the world: engagement apply to you, but not for us.” Then Sarkozy, added: “That is not acceptable!” This is about the essentials. “We must respond to this hypocrisy.”

Then Obama stepped in and tried to moderate – complained to speak but also on diplomatic affront, but with the Chinese negotiators He can be held with Prime Minister Wen, who had remained in his hotel room. “I know that here is a Chinese Premier, who is critical decisions.” ” The negotiators held before Obama: “He gives you instructions at this stage.” ”

He Yafei was unimpressed: “I am not speaking for myself, I speak on behalf of China.” Then he said: “I heard President Sarkozy to talk about hypocrisy. I avoid such concepts.” The industrialized countries have caused within a century 80 percent of all greenhouse gases and are responsible: “Run away before it does not.”

Obama: “extraordinarily important business to do yet another”
In the course of the negotiations in Copenhagen is then discussed, inter alia, Singh, Wen and the leaders of Brazil and South Africa burst into a separate round; Obama in there. At the end of the round in the concrete objectives of Europeans have been largely removed from the draft treaty. Obama was previously in the round of 25 at a distance easily walked to the European position. . There, he said the recordings that he hoped for a solution Chance “later outside this multilateral framework,” and we also need progress, because “all of us have to do other exceptionally important business.”

A formal trick was at the end of the climate summit to help end the climate summit to be not quite the disaster. . The participants agreed to the controversial Copenhagen agreement “take note” – a formal vote was not.

The paper identifies the key demand of Germany: The warming of the earth shall be limited to less than two degrees compared to pre-industrial times. . [THINK LITTLE ICE AGE!!] In addition, the industrial countries to promise formally developing grants for climate protection. . They should first ten billion dollars a year, later got up to a hundred billion dollars. . Merkel said it was unable to agree on binding emissions targets. So lacking the announcement that the emission of greenhouse gases must be halved by 2050, although this is considered a prerequisite for the two-degree target.
cib cib


Richard Folland

The financial sector has a major stake in Copenhagen. Decisions there will affect investment and business. At J. P. Morgan, we are significant participants in the carbon market as traders, project developers and in voluntary carbon offsetting.

Our hope for Copenhagen is that we get clarity, to set out the long-term policy framework that investment needs. Parties could, for example, reform and improve the Clean Development Mechanism. This is criticised, sometimes justifiably, but its achievement in incentivising private finance for clean energy projects in developing countries is undeniable. Our fear is that an inability to reach an agreement puts these decisions on hold, thus delaying investment and therefore emissions reductions which are urgently needed.

subject: Re: Fw: Need to draw the 1000 yr record on a World Bank cover asap

Hi Michael, [Mann]

Hope all’s well with you. I am finishing up a not particularly contemplative

sabbatical at the World Bank, working on their World Development report. We are 2 weeks away from printing and the cover we were going to use just appeared on another book.

Chaos and panic ensued….

Dear Keith –

I understand from Michael Mann (see exchange below) that you may be ableto provide us the raw data of the 12 proxy temperature reconstructions for the past 1000 years that were used for the “Dire Predictions” book. As you will gather from the emails below, we need to quickly redesign the cover of the forthcoming World Development Report on Development and Climate Change – the cover graphic we had chosen appeared on a different report 2 weeks ago …


I am forwading this message to Tim Osborn , my colleague in CRU who will be able to supply the data – he drew the Figures in the AR4 report and you might usefully discuss the data and figures directly with him. I am away from work for some time yet – good luck


Dear Alex,

I’ve made available all the data used in the IPCC AR4 paleo chapter (at….

Tim –

thanks for these. Having the source data will make things much easier for us. I hope you

enjoyed Perseid!


Resignation. C Degouvellois is Climate Policy Board member.

Summary for Policymakers to: Rwatson

Dear Bob, [Robert Watson of World Bank]

Thanks for giving us the opportunity to react to your thinking. <b>It forces us to think more clearly about the main messages.</b> I must admit that I am somewhat confused about the 26 page summary, since this comes very close to (although it is different from) the full-scale document the various teams are currently writing. My view would be that those teams take their own text as the starting

point and try to improve/shorten it on the basis of your text. Here, I only respond to your main messages in italics and mainly focus on WG3 issues…..

Question 2:

I would not include a WG3 paragraph, like “The Kyoto Protocol has led to the

creation of new market mechanisms”.…..

Long but worth reading.

Drumming up projects for USAID on the Supplemental Grant Program

Editorial for Climate Policy, Issue 2

…. Dear Michael,

I really like the solution of presenting view and counterview articles. I retain some reservations about your proposed editorial. It seems to me that you have the difficult problem of wearing two hats: one as the advocate of particular policies and viewpoints, and the other as an editor of a journal which aspires to be a neutral forum for policy discussion. I appreciate and sympathize with the depth and grounding of your personal views. However, as editor, it seems to me, you have to bend over backwards to be neutral. The editorial uses charged words like ‘demonize’ and could easily spark the war of words you wish to avoid. A strongly worded editorial risks associating the journal with a particular viewpoint, and hence reducing the journal’s value and reputation as a neutral forum….

Kenneth M. Chomitz

Development Research Group

World Bank


from: Hadi Dowlatabadi

subject: Re: [New] Editorial for Climate Policy, Issue 2.

Dear Ken,

I agree with your perspective, but why not set a realistic target? The editorial columns at Science, Nature and New Scientist have rarely hidden their subjective perspectives. I think there are shades to this, and Michael can be a shade grayer, but the passion is also important.


I know others will be able to make more intelligent responses but the only thing that comes in my head after reading that a couple of times is……..insanity. Climate fakery and probable fake hysteria by these heads of States to usher in one world power?


It’s all, GIGO.


It surely is and it’s inconceivable the charade and pomp based on nothing as the front for the top ghouls to rule the world.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. It’s a plot. A good one.

pat frederick

h/t Filly
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pat frederick

Gail Combs

The Werewolf Game – Creation Myth Clues

….In the Werewolf series, I’ve endeavored to learn as much as I can about the history of the occult, because, frankly, I don’t see how one could possibly figure out what’s going on these days without that context. Werewolves aren’t a fictional construct—at least, not entirely—for there was once a cult that hailed from the same part of the world known today as Ukraine/Romania/Western Russia who groomed children, and who wore wolf pelts on their heads as they committed bizarre and berserk acts upon neighboring peoples. [That is the same general area as Khazaria…]

Evidence of these werewolf cultists—the Koryos, as they were called—can be found all over the world, and throughout history as well. In many respects, the “cultural revolution” of the 60s signaled the ascendancy of their ancient practices within modern culture. You see, they were all about  sex, drugs, occultism, grooming children, and generally behaving like unproductive parasites… it’s not hard to see how their “values” have become the dominant values of the modern west….

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Map of Romania (it is west and a bit south of the Khazar Empire)

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There are LOTS of cult and occult movies, particularly from the 1960s and early 1970s, that I see reviews for as they are restored and reissued on blu-ray or 4K.

Many of the review photos taken from the movies have people wearing animal heads, frequently with antlers.

These are from a movie called The Nude Vampire (1970):

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Synopsis: “Wealthy and decadent industrialist Georges Radamante rules over a strange secret suicide cult and wants to achieve immortality by figuring out a way to share the biochemistry of a young mute orphaned vampire woman. Complications ensue when Radamante’s son Pierre finds out what’s going on and falls for the comely lass.”


They’re not my type of movies, but occasionally one is good enough to break through into the mainstream, like The Wicker Man (1973, rated 7.8 at

The cover from the steelbook release certainly reminds me of The Burning Man festival every year in the Nevada desert.

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And all of them are reminiscent of Stanley Kubrick’s last film Eyes Wide Shut (1999, also rated 7.8), starring Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise, and the claims / stories that Kubrick was killed for revealing too much about the ‘secret societies’ that he was either a part of, or apparently knew a lot about.

The ones mentioned above are just a few of the better known movies, but there must be hundreds (if not thousands) of movies with these themes in the horror genre, hiding in plain sight.

Last edited 10 days ago by scott467
pat frederick


Well they had to sweeten the pot for the communities (demComs in charge) not to fold under public anger. The illegals are already on the govt teat so a big portion of the $$ goes to buy continued cooperation
..some for the Governors, some for the mayors and police chiefs

Last edited 10 days ago by mollypitcher5
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent point. Wonderful explanation. The Dem-Coms at the federal level needed to make state and local dems go along with the plan, so they bailed them out with our dollars.

pat frederick

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Healing Prayers
Prayer for Restorative Rest

Healing Hand, as I lay in my bed this evening, I pray for Your restorative power to touch my life. Mend what has been broken, soothe what has been hurt, and heal what has been wounded. May I find in sleep the healing that my body and spirit need and wake to a day of renewed health and vitality. Amen.

Evening Prayer for Wholeness

Gentle Healer, with the night’s calm, I seek Your healing for my body, mind, and soul. Where there is pain, bring relief; where there is fatigue, bring restoration; where there is distress, bring tranquility. Wrap me in Your peace as I trust in Your loving care to make me whole. Amen.

Prayer for Comfort in Illness

Lord of Comfort, as I face the trials of illness, I pray for Your healing touch. Ease my discomfort, calm my anxiety, and deliver me from my afflictions. In Your mercy, may I find the comfort that leads to a peaceful rest, knowing that You are with me, sustaining and healing me. Amen.

Nighttime Blessing for Healing

Divine Physician, under the canopy of the night sky, I pray for Your healing blessings. Let Your life-giving energy flow through every cell, every nerve, every aspect of my being. May my rest be deep, my healing complete, and my faith in Your power absolute. Bless me with the gift of health, and let my gratitude be a testament to Your mercy. Amen.

Serene Prayer for Recovery

Merciful Restorer, as I seek repose in the stillness of this night, I ask for Your healing hand upon my life. Guide the hands of those who care for me, provide wisdom for the paths of recovery, and grant patience for the journey. In this serene hour, let Your comfort envelop me, as I place my trust in Your plan for a full recovery. Amen.


Here we go again. FIB advises that armed and dangerous gangs are operating there but..but what? Good luck to ya? They’ve done their part by advising about the crisis? Too busy with J6ers?

​​​​​​​It’s Spreading: America’s Top Oil Field Terrorized By Armed Venezuelan Gangs
Tyler Durden’s Photo
by Tyler Durden


545,000 Venezuelan immigrants 2021
  2022, 190,000
 65,000 encounters over the first four months of FY 2023

These stats are of documented entries. There’s no way of knowing how many more thousands came in in 2023 and 2024

info from

Last edited 10 days ago by mollypitcher5

tucked under the story… Sounds like today.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Gail Combs

It is Texas, with luck the local Sheriff will deputize several oil field employees…


And outfit them with armored vehicles, kevlar, night vis sniper gear and the best weapons on the market


I hope the cameras will be rolling!

Gail Combs

Or the companys will


Harriet. Great talker. Prolly signs strongly worded letters. <<< All worthless.

Harriet, impeach the assholes AND defund there worthless agencies. .

Otherwise, Harriet, you are NOT part of the solution set. If this, STFU.


😆 Does beat the silence though.



Action IS appropriate AND required.


If someone tied a little noose in the form of a hand-pull, and left it hanging on a garage door at the apartment building in Colorado, the entire Federal Bureau of Lies would immediately relocate to the scene of the crime, and propaganda media would spend the next month obsessing over it, while the black exploitation money & grievance machine worked itself up into a frenzy of fund raising for the personal betterment and fortunes of ‘the reverend’ Al Sharpton and the very ‘reverend’ Jesse Jackson.

And their entourages, and hangers-on, and associated gravy-train riders.

Last edited 10 days ago by scott467

Good idea!

Gail Combs

Bid to block Illinois from counting late mailed ballots tossed

The court said even accepting that including those ballots would dilute the plaintiffs’ votes, their votes would be diluted the same as every other vote cast prior to Election Day.

(CN) — A Seventh Circuit panel on Wednesday ended an effort by an Illinois congressman and two political activists to block the state from counting mailed ballots up to two calendar weeks after Election Day.

In a divided ruling, the three-judge panel determined the plaintiffs — Michael Bost, a Republican member of Congress representing Illinois’ 12th Congressional District, and two Republican political activists — lacked standing and affirmed the a federal judge’s dismissal of the case.

Bost and the two other plaintiffs, who served as presidential electors in 2020, sued the Illinois State Board of Elections in May 2022 seeking to enjoin a state law that 👉allows mail-in ballots to be counted up to two calendar weeks after Election Day👈….😫

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Communism cannot be voted out.

We will see it again in November.


An open invitation to everybody to watch this movie, especially Godless leftists who want to destroy our Constitutionally protected natural rights. You get to worship climate, violence, pedophilia, power, greed and all of the other Satanic gods. We get to worship the one true God of creation.

Last edited 10 days ago by TradeBait2


Must have been a two-headed coin, using DJT’s portrait.

 😜   :wpds_silly: 


Shutdown, [DS] Prepares Election Narrative, Trump Warns The [DS] Two Can Play The Game – Ep. 3443
 September 5, 2024  x22report

The automobile manufactures are now giving up on all EV production, they realize that this will bankrupt them. No demand equals no sales. Unemployment numbers are on the rise, job openings are shrinking, we have been in a recession and it’s getting worse. Trump says if [KH] gets elected we will be in a depression. Trump is going to reverse everything the [CB]/[DS] has done. The [DS] is now shutting down platforms, arresting those who own platforms, going after influencers that are on the platforms they control. Prepare for a communication blackout. The DOJ/FBI is now prepping the election narrative, when we cheat and decide not to certify the election those who speak up will be thrown in prison. Trump warns the [DS], they are trying to throw him in prison; he says that two can play the game.

Ep 3443a – Trump Sets The Economic Tone, Drastic Reforms Coming, [CB] Reversal

Ep 3443b – Shutdown, [DS] Prepares Election Narrative, Trump Warns The [DS] Two Can Play The Game


The automobile manufactures are now giving up on all EV production, they realize that this will bankrupt them.

I think they probably have given up on it, but they can’t quite say it with such finality. I’ve seen some say they still have a future goal of being some (high) percentage electric. They will find out that many people don’t want EVs and probably aren’t going to change their minds. And I don’t think there is a generation of car buyers who will come of age by 2030 and be all in for EVs.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


I hope the book has lots of photos since the media and fashion magazines don’t give Melania the attention she deserves.

At :37 is a photo of Melania and her older sister. Even at that age she looked like a little model.

Last edited 10 days ago by TheseTruths

Adding a little candor into the simmering pot before we turn up the heat for max boil over.
ELECTION INTERFERENCE: DOJ Chief Caught Admitting in Undercover Footage That Trump Indictments Are Politically Motivated — Exposes Plot to Make Trump a ‘Convicted Felon’ and ‘Affect His Candidacy’
Jim Hᴏft Sep. 5, 2024 11:00 am 728 Comments


Good online friends —
The Health Friday post is scheduled to publish just after Midnight tonight. Fingers crossed that WP doesn’t mess things up.

Also — Yours Truly’s sister called today. She talked with our brother and his son (who was visiting his father at the nursing home.) Our brother is alive! Still weak, but he’s trying to eat! He sounded a little different from his former self, but he’s “cogent and coherent.” I think he’s got a chance! Neurologist exam is being scheduled. Thank God.

Last edited 10 days ago by PAVACA
Gail Combs



Well, that is good news!

Barb Meier

Saying prayers for your brother to have deep healing. Thank you for sharing the good news!!


Worthy listen. DOJ dirtbag tells the truth about DOJ persecuting Trump.

In second X, DOJ dirtbag back peddles.