DEAR MAGA: Open Thread 20240912

Cover image: Meramec (some spell it Maramec) State Park, St. James, Missouri

Badlands News Brief – September 10, 2024

Just In: Rumble is NO LONGER AVAILABLE in Brazil-A Direct Attack on Freedom of Expression in Yet Another Country

Public Intellectuals Unite to Shame Darryl Cooper

Bright Brief – The Princess and the Frog

Badlands News Brief – September 11, 2024

Full Debate Analysis

4th Generation Warfare

Top US toolmaker quietly removes DEI and LGBTQ campaigns from its website after boycott

Saving Journalism from the Journalists

And for those who can’t view Twitter videos…until YT takes it down:


And…all the evidence of one HUGE anti-trust lawsuit against the Rockefellers, supposedly.

My one brother had a roommate in college who was from Puerto Rico. He said straight out that the people of Haiti are 96% Catholic and 100% Voodoo. Of course, the two are not compatible, but the Haitians compromise.

Most of us dog people are not exactly cat people, but the cats may need the dogs for protection. Cats do have a place in life…even if some of us are allergic to them.

No kidding.

Great. We upstream in the Mississippi River Valley are anxiously awaiting what’s left of Francine when she gets here. We need the rain. Badly.


Back when we used them as trash liners and book covers at least they had a second life.

I’m not sure this is really true about the cures, but a cured patient is a customer lost.

Unless I miss my guess, that’s the Lowenbrau tent. I was there in 1999.


And now for the business portion.

Please review our HOST and site owner’s Guidelines for posting and discussion for this site. Wolf is kind enough to put up with *most* of us and our antics after thorough vetting. Violators of the baiting and deliberately attempting to divide the group rules WILL face consequences.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Company manners are appreciated. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog out discussions best saved for a wrestling mat. If, for some reason, this site is not available, head over to the UTree and visit the post at the top of the list or the closest rescue thread.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.


All opinions here are valued for the diversity they bring to the issues, and the shaping of understanding regarding topics for which many of us do not have all information. Correcting the record on any one topic is appreciated.

Be careful in expressing thoughts as we would all like to think well of the rest of the group, and ill-thought out comments have a way of wrecking that for everyone.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights
  2. No running with scissors
  3. If you bring snacks, be sure they are made with bacon

Auntie DePat’s requests as we are all supposedly adults and don’t just play them on TV like the body doubles pretending to be the squatter in chief:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


Luke 1:46-55

46And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord, 47and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, 48for he has regarded the low estate of his handmaiden. For behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed; 49for he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name. 50And his mercy is on those who fear him from generation to generation. 51He has shown strength with his arm, he has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts, 52he has put down the mighty from their thrones, and exalted those of low degree; 53he has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent empty away. 54He has helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy, 55as he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his posterity for ever.”

So many settings of this text….




Limoncello Spritz


  • 1 tbsp limoncello
  • Chilled dry Prosecco
  • lemon slice


  • 1. Pour limoncello into a champagne flute or coupe glass. Top with prosecco. Garnish with lemon slice.

Limoncello…rooftop in Rome 2009…Barb…yeah, she had too much.

Have a good one y’all.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Whoa. I think I may be first! Aloha, everybody!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That Lowenbrau is good stuff.

A good choice, unlike a certain Marxist! 😉


German Löwenbräu is, indeed, good stuff.

American Lowenbrau is, thankfully, nearly extinct. They bought rights to the name but didn’t follow the recipe.

Last edited 5 days ago by cthulhu

The original Löwenbräu, brewed in Munich, followed the “German Beer Purity Law”, the Reinheitsgebot.

This law originally allowed three ingredients for beer: water, barley, and hops. Yeast was not considered an ingredient, as it was carried over from batch to batch.

While often characterized as a food safety law, the actual purposes of the law were manifold. One major issue had been that many grain crops — such as barley, wheat, and rye — had similar growing conditions. In times of poor harvests, brewers could afford to outbid bakers for wheat and rye to keep their operations running, leaving no bread for peasants to eat.

Last edited 5 days ago by cthulhu

Incidentally, when you’re looking at the barley for making beer, you’re looking at malted barley. Malting is a process where a shallow layer of seeds is put in a tray with water. The germ of the seed senses the water and starts to sprout. In order for the plant to get nutrients from the starch of the seed, it releases enzymes which break the starches into sugars, whereupon the seeds are removed from the water and dried in an oven (and sometimes toasted — “caramelized”).

These seeds are broken up. Some can be finely ground and added to wheat flour and dried milk, which produces the powder used for making malted milkshakes. Some can be crushed and boiled in water, forming the “wort” used in making craft beer. Some can have their sugars extracted and then reduced to a syrup, which tend to be used in industrial beer production. In all cases, the malted barley is sweet because the starches have been reduced to sugars during the malting process.

Sufficient enzymes remain in malted barley that you can add other cracked grains into a craft beer recipe and their starches will likewise be transformed into sugars. That’s typically done for wheat beers, rye beers, and oat stouts — they’re still mostly barley. Budweiser famously also includes rice in their product — which, again, is mostly based on malted barley for the enzymes.

Beer isn’t obnoxiously sweet because the next step is fermenting with yeasts, which digest the sugars into alcohol.


So a long time ago, some people worked out how to make something that the devil could use to successfully tempt me for many years.



A long, long time ago. Beer is the first known “beverage”, predating wine and even tea. Traces have been found from the dawn of agriculture, roughly 10,000 BC.


Egyptian beer?


Egyptian’s even awarded beer in the Netherworld. It was right up their with barley to eat, water to drink and some air to breathe. Unless you were a rebel. Then they continued to kill and torture you there. No barley, beer, water or fresh air for them. Same for the children of rebels. Apparently a pretty rough place.🤓


Zero forgiveness for rebels. Reminds me of democrats. Lousy place if you ask me.


Assyrian. A couple of thousand years before the Egyptians.

Valerie Curren

then let them eat cake 🙁

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I must have had the real thing. It was one of the best beers I ever tasted. But it was here in America. A long time ago.


I’m partial to the Limoncello Spritz on a rooftop in Pienza … or even here on my porch 😁


I’m curious how many liter mugs De Pat could carry back in 1999….


Howdy, howdy!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



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Thank you, De Pat, for a thoughtful Thursday post.


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Love the platform for the slut.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


A lightweight anchor.

Think about that.


A lightweight anchor would be very ineffective…




lightweight anchor…

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The smartphone is a crowning touch to an amazing pic.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Gail Combs

Light in the loafers?


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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Lauren Boebert is a co-sponsor, apparently!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good for her!!!


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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Double meaning there on her lapel button…


  :wpds_shock:  On purpose, I’m sure.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great catch!

Valerie Curren



Barron Learned of Trump Assassination Attempt During Tennis Lesson

It was a tennis lesson that Barron Trump won’t soon forget. In a recent interview with Fox News’ Mark Levin, Donald Trump revealed his youngest son learned that his father had been shot while on the court.

“He’s a good tennis player. And somebody ran up (and said), ‘Barron! Barron! Your father’s been shot!,’” the former president recounted. Trump said that Barron reacted immediately: “He loves his father. He’s a good kid, good student. And he ran, ‘Mom! What’s going on? What’s going on?”

According to Trump, his wife, Melania, was watching coverage of the July 13 rally in Butler, Pennsylvania and saw the attempt on his life play out live. “She was watching it live. Can you imagine? And then I got up and let people know I was okay. Fight. Fight. Fight. But it was a big hit,” Trump said.

In a previous interview with Fox News, Trump had spoken about Melania’s reaction to seeing the assassination attempt: “When I could talk to people, I said, ‘So what was your feeling?’, and she said she can’t even talk about it, which is okay because that means she likes me,” he said. Trump was on Fox News promoting his new book Save America, which will be released Sept. 3.

At another point in the interview, Trump said that, after he had been taken to safety following the shooting, his son, Donald Trump Jr., who is “great with guns,” told him, “I can’t believe it. From that distance… I can’t believe it.”

“From that distance it’s supposed to be, like, a sure thing,” Trump continued, alluding that the shooter, Matthew Crooks, should have had no problem hitting him directly. “Like sinking a one-foot putt.” Trump had been showing a chart of border crossing statistics when he was shot. “If I turned around just a little bit less, or a little bit more,” he said. “If I turned around more or less, it was still the end”…


Barron Faces NYU Professors Who Signed Letter Saying Trump Was ‘Threat’ to the Republic

Eighteen-year-old Barron Trump’s first day of college at New York University’s Stern School of Business allegedly began by meeting his school’s once outspoken anti-Trump dean.

Interim dean J.P. Eggers was one of 14 NYU Stern administrators to sign an October 2020 open letter warning business leaders of then-President Donald Trump’s “threat” to “our republic.” The letter included over 1,000 signatories from business schools across America, including from Harvard, Yale, Cornell, and Columbia. Professor Deepak Malhotra of Harvard University served as the letter’s main author.

“It is time for business leaders to follow suit and speak out against the threat Trump poses to our country,” the letter urged, referencing veterans, scientists, doctors, and other professional groups that spoke out against Trump in the lead-up to the 2020 election won by Joe Biden.

“It is time for business leaders to declare publicly what so many have been saying privately: that President Trump is unfit to lead and is a threat to the Republic,” the letter read, adding, “And it is time for journalists to start asking America’s CEOs whether they believe four more years of Trump would be good for the country.”

The New York Post reported that Barron was flanked by bodyguards when he arrived to NYU before being hustled away to meet the dean and attend classes—where he is likely to have a run-in with one of the letter’s undersigned professors. The Daily Beast found via online records that more than half of the 14 NYU Stern administrators who signed the 2020 letter still work at Stern in some capacity.

“It’s a very high-quality place. He liked it. He liked the school,” Trump told the Daily Mail. “I went to Wharton, and that was certainly one that we were considering. We didn’t do that. We went for Stern.”

Trump also called on Stern to certify that his business accounting was sound in the $250 million accounting fraud case filed by New York Attorney General Letitia James. NYU’s student newspaper, Washington Square News, reported that Stern accounting professor Eli Bartov was paid $900,000 by Trump’s Save America PAC to testify…


results of the post-debate 24-hour cspan poll re: who won the debate

Gail Combs

That is pretty much the same split we are seeing in other polls.


NEW: Singer Jon Bon Jovi saves a woman from jumping off a bridge in Nashville, Tennessee while filming a music video.

Good man.

Bon Jovi was seen approaching a 62-year-old woman on the John Seigenthaler Pedestrian Bridge.

The musician leaned over the railing before hoisting the woman to safety and embracing her.

“It takes all of us to help keep each other safe,” the Nashville PD said.

“A shout out to Jon Bon Jovi and his team for helping a woman in  Nashville on the Seigenthaler Pedestrian Bridge Tuesday night.”

“Bon Jovi helped persuade her to come off the ledge over the Cumberland River to safety.”


Early in the video, three maroons walk right past the gal, on the other side of the railing.

Wonder how many walked by before that.

Wonder how many watched her climb across the railing.

The indifference of people. The not paying attention to simple details.



Valerie Curren

like the biblical Good Samaritan story…the one who had compassion is the loving neighbor…


boy oh boy, I don’t know about anyone else but I can’t wait for bakocarl’s Sunday post bc lately ?

…..I’m like….

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Look out for that woman! She has no trigger discipline… 😂


man running with TRUMP sign caught on camera behind weather guy as Francine made landfall, Louisiana…

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Free advertising.  😆 


Haitians in the news…

Windfall ! Follow The Money💲

AP Desperately Shields Non-Profits “Settling” Haitians, But OilfieldRambo Sees Through The Charade

AP propaganda

👉 Haitian Bridge Alliance…funded by (take a guess)….

…Geo Soros ! (wow shocked shocked).

read more about it, here…




Inside Springfield, Ohio…


Verse of the Day for Thursday, September 12, 2024

“As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:” 

1 Peter 2:2 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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I said a little prayer for you
Tho’ we have never met
I only know you slightly
From the Internet

I see you everyday 
While I am on my way
Traveling thru cyberspace
Your love I will embrace

I hear you reaching out
To give your piece of news
Sometimes you give a shout
Provide your special views

I thank God you stopped by
With what He gave to share
Right from your own mind’s eye
I am grateful that you care

Just so you know why I came
To this special place today
I am here to send you Angels
To help you on your way

I pray for you all the best
God can give to you
I said a little prayer for you
Gave thanks for all you do!

D01: 10/30/2020


Stay Strong

Valerie Curren

That’s a new one, to me, TY for sharing  😇 


Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday


Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday




Further proof that the “classic” internet security is actually patched-together using paperclips and post-it notes…..

Valerie Curren

Isn’t today that special concert you were eagerly anticipating? Hope it’s great, have Fun!


Yep. I’ll be out this evening.

Valerie Curren

That’s quite different. Hope you (& the fiancée?) have a great time!


I did, thanks!

That’s one of the more “normal” pieces.

Valerie Curren

different strokes 😉 😉 Glad you had fun!


Each verse of Elephant Talk is a list of words for talk that begin with the same letter. The first verse is “A”, the second is “B” and so on. So it’s a complicated instrumental piece linked to a children’s word game.

Valerie Curren

Fascinatingly creative 🙂

I just read a passage in the Book of Psalms the other day & the particular Psalm had a footnote saying it was an acrostic poem with each verse beginning w/ consecutive letters of the Hebrew alphabet 🙂


“Were you expecting him to win a 3-on-1 fight?”


After seeing who he was up against?

Yeah, I was!

Clearly he was holding back… 😂


overwhelm & collapse from within..

Is The Migrant Invasion Part of The Cloward-Piven Strategy To Collapse The Nation


good article…link…

Harris has brought a curse on our nation, jmo.

and, if there’s any doubt whatsoever about that, please read all of this…

👉 Senator Kamala Harris’ Attempted Sabotage of Immigration Law Enforcement


article link…

all the bills she co-wrote or co-sponsored while in Congress.

outrageous traitor, lying fiend, cackling deranged freak.

Last edited 5 days ago by smiley2
pat frederick

BREAKING: A federal judge has ordered Georgia and Fulton County election officials to appear before him to explain why he shouldn’t rule against them in an election integrity case that will force them to remove thousands of ineligible names off the voter rolls

Judge Steve C. Jones sent an order to the officials “commanding Defendants to appear and show cause why the relief demanded herein should not be granted.” That hearing is tomorrow morning.

As I previously posted, election integrity warriors @JasonFrazierUSA
 and @_CitizenAG
 filed the lawsuit after a Fulton County official admitted on camera that they don’t do routine maintenance of the voter rolls as mandated by federal and state law. They are requesting the judge to issue a writ of mandamus compelling the officials to clean and maintain the voter rolls and to ensure the integrity of the 2024 election, unlike what they did in 2020.

This is a CRUCIAL lawsuit, and I pray the judge follows through with his intention to do the right thing.


Well … it IS a show cause motion so that means he has ALREADY made his decision and the defendants are being given a chance to talk him out of it. Very few show cause motions lose, although the actual terms of the order do change somewhat.

Show cause is basically a civil version of guilty until proven innocent.

pat frederick



Smells like the judge KNOWS the correct answer, AND is spineless. Intimidated.

Looking for an excuse to support the GA government fraud on elections.


Not sure from where you get that.

Providing the opportunity to respond is the way to comply with due process. Without it, reversal on appeal is guaranteed.


“Not sure from where you get that.”

  • Slow Guy screwed up and read your post.
  • Which included…
  • …it IS a show cause motion so that means he has
  • ALREADY made his decision
  • defendants are being given a chance to talk him out of it. 

Guessing I further screwed up and took the post literally.

pat frederick

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John Pinocchio Kirby.

pat frederick

never heard this before…???

September 12, 2024 7:21 am
Reply to I Hear You Now

Yes … and we’ve got a big problem w/the fact OH Gov DeWine has a “family charity” in Haiti. How much money is the DeWine family making off this “charity?”

DeWine says he is … fine with a small town of 59k being inundated and overwhelmed by 15k illegal foreign nationals. Why?

$2.5 million in financial assistance is a pittance to help this Springfield OH town manage this trauma to their town, schools, communities, resources, hospitals. DeWine is likely only helping Springfield…because it’s in the news now… so he has to do something.

Honestly, we need so many investigations into what our govt political elites (fed and state) are doing to our nation and citizens… it’s staggering.

No one ever bothers to explain WHY – defend why- 10s of millions of foreign nationals are being forced into our cities and towns in such extreme unsustainable numbers.

A few times I’ve asked dems – who support this invasion — WHY they defend it and want it.

Their answer is: (1) the poem on the statue of liberty; and (2) anyone that opposes it should be chastised as a bad Christian… (3) our own ancestors were immigrants [albeit legal immigrants Ellis Island] … and (4) all these migrants are escaping danger, are good people who just want a better life so we should take them all in.

I’ve asked… ok, do you have a cut-off number? If so, what is it? 50 million? 100 million? 150 million? At what point does the US collapse into financial bankruptcy and chaos? There’s lots of chaos already. Many states have huge debt already. The US is $35 Trillion in debt too.Dems never have a NUMBER where they will say: OK, that’s it. We cannot take-in anymore. They pretty much refuse to answer.


The DemCom lawmakers and probably most of the Rs wouldn’t have an answer either because they’re not in charge of anything. The shadow government, WEF and others are making the decisions.


I’d sure like to see the receipts on that ‘family charity’ [whatever that is] before I get on the anti-DeWine train.

pat frederick

me too…I had never heard that part before

Gail Combs

(5) The third world illegals will survive and TAKE OUT AMERICANS in the fight for resources when a nuclear EMP strike wipes out a lot of our electrical infra structure…. OR it is taken out by terrorists/enemy combatants.

No electricity = NO FUEL — NO TRUCKS — NO FOOD.


Mad Max comes to America.

Gail Combs

2015 – EMP Task Force on National and Homeland Security: DR. PETER VINCENT PRY. STATEMENT FOR THE RECORD

Grid-protecting CIPA: Enacted, but in time? – Washington Times

By Ambassador R. James Woolsey and Dr. Peter Vincent Pry – – Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Congress, virtually at the last minute and unnoted by the press, finally passed the Critical Infrastructure Protection Act (CIPA) — arguably the single most important piece of legislation approved by Congress in 2016 — by inserting it into the National Defense Authorization Act….

As we know passing a law and actually having it enacted are two entirely different things. We were PROMISED a wall decades ago for example.

Dr Pry isn’t impressed either.

August 25, 2020 EMP Weapons: How to Beat the U.S. Military in a War? by David T. Pyne

….Dr. Peter Pry, who served as chief of staff to the Commission to Assess the Threat to the United States from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack, which Congress unwisely chose to disband late last year, [So that is ONE FP Mag LIE – G.C.] currently serves as Executive Director of the EMP Task Force on National and Homeland Security.

He told Congress that there is the possibility that Pyongyang has deployed two “super EMP” satellites in low-earth orbit over the continental United States which, if detonated over the country without warning, could kill up to 290 million Americans within a year. Pry also estimates that Russia currently possesses at least three times more nuclear weapons than the United States.

In addition, communist China recently admitted having built three thousand miles worth of underground tunnels where it may be concealing hundreds of mobile ICBMs with 1,600–1,800 nuclear warheads, according to Col. Gen. Viktor Yesin, a former commander of Russia’s Strategic Rocket Forces. That number is considerably more than the number that the United States currently has deployed.

Meanwhile, Russia has tried to build underground towns and command centers from which its political and military leadership could fight—and possibly win—a nuclear war with the United States. Russia has also deployed a massive national-defense system, which the late former Defense Intelligence Agency and Central Intelligence Agency analyst William T. Lee documented in his excellent book “The ABM Charade—A Study in Elite Illusion and Delusion.” That defense system may be capable of shooting down most U.S. warheads launched in response to a hypothetical Russian nuclear first strike….

At there are several articles more articles about nuclear war. The above is one.


Gail, please allow me to very politely disagree.

Should an EMP disaster occur, we will all be on our own.

Very, very many of us have ample supplies of “protection” means and, at that time, WILL USE THEM.

Sure, many of us will not make it, but that’s why i took an Oath way back when to defend our Country. And will do so again.

They have been warned … 😉

Gail Combs

Actually I am talking about the DemonRat run cities.

Those of us in the country will have time to put defenses in place for our areas. However I would think the cities will become bloodbaths.

Valerie Curren

If an EMP is employed it’s not just the illegals who will be fighting for resources. Many people would lose their moral compass when the stores have been wiped out. They’re hungry, their kids are hungry, no clean water, etc

pat frederick

h/t Marica
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Polaris Dawn just completed their Space Walk:

From life stream:


A great day. Fitting that it’s the day after the 9/11 anniversary.

Sadness one day; optimism the next day.  👍 


Sure hope he has some kind of tether to the tin can.

Otherwise, he’s one-handing it at probably 20,000+ mph, in space 😂

If all he has is one hand connecting him to the capsule, if his hand slips, he’s gone.

edit: I see they have an umbilical cord now.

Last edited 4 days ago by scott467





2:07:00 clearly shows a leash.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

He’d be gone, but not because he’d go flying away at 20,000 mph. He’d drift off at just a few inches per second, unless he gave himself a push.

The problem is at that point, if unattached, he has no way to change his direction of motion.

On the other hand, he can wait about 45 minutes and his new orbit and the orbit of the spacecraft will intersect; then he can just grab on.


~Three minute video worth watching.

*** GRAPHIC CONTENT WARNING *** WATCH: IDF Reveals Tunnel Where Hostages Were Murdered


Why would a Gazan child’s room have an English word on the wall?

I think it’s a location marker for that access shaft so that new recruits know they are in the correct room.  🤔 


a literal descent into hell.

makes my soul hurt.



pat frederick

dems do seem to enjoy exposing themselves

White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby was met with intense criticism Wednesday after he inadvertently emailed a reporter that there is ‘no use in responding’ to veteran concerns about the Harris-Biden administration’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Kirby, 61, apparently intended to send his dismissive response to White House staffers but accidentally hit ‘reply all’ on an email chain that included the Fox News reporter making the inquiry.
‘Obviously no use in responding. A ‘handful’ of vets indeed and all of one stripe,’ read Kirby’s email, according to the outlet.

“No use in responding” to those who want accountability and answers. For Kirby, it’s better to simply ignore these time-wasting and annoying individuals… who left their brothers, fathers, sisters, mothers, friends, and blood in a desert more than 7,000 miles away. They’re worthless to this administration, and the ends it desires to accomplish, as they’re clearly not the veterans voting Democrat. These aren’t the “Veterans for Walz” sellouts or self-serving scum like retired “Rear Admiral” Kirby himself, but veterans who understand true sacrifice for and service to America and her people.


You know what I want to know? Does he mean by this line:

“A ‘handful’ of vets indeed and all of one stripe”

A) All of one mindset, i.e. critical of the Biden withdrawal

B) All of one rank, i.e. a private

Choice A, he’s an asshole. Choice B, however, he is insulting EVERY soldier in the military of this rank.


I took him to mean A), and specifically that that “stripe” is Republican or MAGA.


Thomas Massie with the classic and the win today. Good stuff, DePat. Thank you.

pat frederick

interesting perspective

September 12, 2024 8:37 am

Sep 11
The benefit of not being able to speak is that you learn to see things beyond just the words and tone in a conversation. Body language, hand movements, gestures, sentence structure, and importantly, the words not said. I’m not going to ramble over the same talking points many have already highlighted in their analysis or interpretation of the debate last night, but a few things I do believe are crucially important. Firstly, for me this debate only further confirmed that my vote will go to Trump.

So many people are saying he was too angry and kept falling for the bait.

But for me that was what set the two apart – Trump showed raw emotion.

He’s fighting for the White House, and with all the vitriol, the attacks, crazy lawfare thrown at him, as well as an attempted assassination, this is a fight. With everything going on around the world, from the wars to mass illegal immigration to the madness of the woke agenda and media bias, this is a fight. I wanted to see anger. It showed that he cares.

And yes, when we’re angry it often looks optically bad, if you choose to view it that way. But a presidency is like a marriage… couples fight and argue and say and do irrational things when it’s worth fighting for.

When the fighting stops and the emotion disappears, it’s a sign that one or both no longer care. Trump cares. He showed that in abundance.

Kamala simply doesn’t. Everything she said was scripted and unauthentic. Add to the fact that last night was the clearest and most blatant ambush where Trump was up against both Kamala and ABC, his fighting spirit to stand there and fight in a ring designed to protect only her, I think he demonstrated a courage that has been missing in America for 4 years.

We all knew he was going into the lion’s den in this debate, and it was always designed as a setup. Yet he didn’t hide. He didn’t run away. He stood there in the ring that was a trap set for him and he took punch after punch and took every blow as I would want a president who cared enough to take.

Secondly, Kamala lied. And I mean a lot. Not small white lies but some of the most egregious lies imaginable, knowing she could get away with it because this was entirely intended for that.

It was one of the most shameful acts of cowardice I’d seen in a long time. She had nothing of substance to offer. Nothing. It’s bad enough to have no emotion or passion.

But to have nothing to even say that was genuine and that came from Kamala the person as opposed to her script writers and ABC “mediators” was as bad if not worse than Tim Walz cowardly running away from the military to avoid serving on the frontlines.

It’s that same cowardice and lack of leadership that is representative not only of the past 4 years, but what we will get from the next 4.

Thirdly, Kamala made a statement that all Biden and Kamala’s administration has done is defend the sovereignty of Ukraine. And that’s fair enough. I 100% agree that we all should.

But then just moments later, she says she wants a two state solution in Israel. So what happened to the sanctity of sovereignty? Israel is a sovereign state. Its borders and sovereignty have been constantly attacked and violated by all its surrounding enemies for 76 years. Yet she wants to violate that very sovereignty as well by carving up Israel’s sovereign borders and hand it over to freaking terrorists that just raped and murdered and kidnapped a combined 1500 innocent people?

And this after her administration gifted over $150 billion to Iran to fund those same terrorists?

And nobody even mentioned the hate protests the Biden administration defended and encouraged and stated they “had a point”? It’s one rule for one and a different rule for the other.

And that’s where Trump wins hands down. He’s consistent. She has no real clue.

To sum it all up: Donald Trump had a second assassination attempt in two months, and once again he survived. He is a fighter. Kamala is not. He is a president. Kamala is not.

End/ 12, 2024 8:40 am

Reply to Charlotte99

Cheryl was injured by a suicide bomb which killed her entire family and irrevocably damaged her vocal cord/larynx.

Nevertheless she joined the IDF and is a sniper.

She is married and has 2 children

She cares about Pres Trump being elected.


A compelling commentary. However, I disagree with her comments about marriage. If her views about marriage and her views about civil leaders are shared by a large majority of Israelis, then it’s obvious why they have difficulty supporting their leaders.

Gail Combs

They have reason not to support their leaders just as we have reasons not to support our pResident and Suxalotacuxs


Well, a big part of the problem is viewing the leader in the same way she views her husband.

The relationships are NOT the same. Not even close. Using the wrong standards is a big reason why we get lousy/dangerous/idiot leaders.

Gail Combs

Or viewing them as sugar Daddies.


A very wrong standard.  😠 


40Head makes an interesting point here:

“If Trump destroyed Harris in the debate, Democrats would swap her out for someone else. He’d have had to start all over, campaigning against someone new…again.”

Did Trump goes easy because he knew this was a possibility? Because 40Head is correct; they really might have had her die suddenly of Covid or something if he destroyed her in that debate.

pat frederick

i think he’s right. they have shown they do not care about voters or their perceptions only winning.
that’s why they allow negative stories to emerge about their candidates in my opinion. to maintain control over them if they become a liability.


If they had someone better in their viewpoint than HObama, they would have replaced her by now.

Last edited 5 days ago by Please

But TPTB might determine that it’s a necessary downgrade.


Who else do they have, that would be more viable?

If they had anyone like that, and it was possible to maneuver that person into the position, why wouldn’t he or she already be the candidate?


Because the not insane democrats are trying to purge the party of the insane democrats. In order to do that she has to be in a position where the polls show her guaranteed to lose. Then they have the cover to dump her without igniting a revolt from their base.


As a practical matter, I wonder how much time they have to do that. If I understand correctly ballots are already being printed (and probably already being counted, in Philly, Chicago, Detroit, Arizona, etc.).

If the Dims wait long enough to make the switch, so that whoever they choose has to be a write-in candidate, that dramatically reduces their candidate’s chances.

The Dims’ voters were assured that the test on November 5th would be multiple choice.

If they have to write in a candidate, that’s going to require homework, memory, practice, the ability to write (and spell), it’s asking a lot.

pat frederick

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So that’s pending cases. How many already sentenced with many still in jail need their entire cases reviewed? Sentencing is based on all the factors of a particular case. Some have even committed suicide or suffered other adverse effects over this over reach. It’s law warfare travesty. New trials or toss it all out.



My take was it is only a “charge”, not entire cases.

They ALL need to be tossed, dismissed.

pat frederick

hopefully they will be…and they or their families COMPENSATED!

pat frederick


Gail Combs

I want the people causing that lawfare to be indicted!

Valerie Curren

1,000,000%  😡  demons!


Trump really hit a nerve here. Ya gotta know the cat ladies are paying attention.


On Monday, Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost directed his office to research legal avenues to stop the federal government from sending an unlimited number of migrants to Ohio communities, a release says.

Yost said the problem is not migrants, but “way too many migrants in a short period of time.”

According to the City of Springfield’s website, there are 12,000 to 15,000 Haitian immigrants legally working and residing in Clark County. The city says it has seen an increase in immigrants traveling to Springfield to be closer to friends and family of the current residents.

“This is absurd – Springfield has swollen by more than a third due to migrants,” Yost said. “How many people can they be expected to take?”

The city website also says the rapid population increase has strained local government services and put pressure on public safety, health care, housing and education resource

At the link is a presser of deWine supporting the protected status program that allows the Haitians and even that they’re arriving in the State…his issue is that the State needs more $$$$$ to freakin take care of them.

So out of the 20,000 Haitians there up to 15,000 are working? Where? Obviously they have housing or there would be encampments in every green space. Who is footing the bill for that?

This map is from 2019….2024…they’ve corrected this concentration and spread them throughout the nation
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AG Yost is part of the problem.

Maybe a large majority of the ‘immigration’ problems.


He’s either 100% in on it, or he is a political coward who can’t even articulate the reality of the problem, for fear of ‘offending’ the perpetually offended race hustlers and race-baiters.


“On Monday, Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost directed his office to research legal avenues to stop the federal government from sending an unlimited number of migrants to Ohio communities, a release says.”


Total FAIL.

The failure is right there in the messaging. How are you going to stop an ‘unlimited’ number, when all you have done is concede that you’ll take a crapload, and all you’re really arguing about is how many is ‘unlimited’?

Are you *&^ing STUPID, or do you think we’re &^%ing stupid, you &^#ing bastard?


Remember that old joke about the society lady asked if she would have sex with the stranger for a million dollars. She hems and haws and finally says yes. Whereupon the guy says, well would you do it for five bucks? The lady sputters out, Hell no. What kind of girl do you think I am? To which he responds, that’s been established. We’re just haggling over the price.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I heard it was Groucho Marx propositioning a celebrity. Of course he had a reputation for being a fun guy, so that helped her say yes, initially. She thought it was a joke.


““This is absurd – Springfield has swollen by more than a third due to migrants,” Yost said. “How many people can they be expected to take?”



You take *&^ing NONE, you stupid dumbass.

The people of Springfield are not obligated to take a SINGLE child molester, or tuberculosis positive person, or murderer, or witch doctor into their community.

Not ONE.

Your job is to protect the citizens, your job is NOT to decide what level of danger is acceptable to put them in.

Your job is NOT to decide how many rapes or murders are ‘acceptable’ by bringing savages, people who have NOTHING in common with the domestic population, inside the gates.

And until or unless you put them in YOUR *&^ing house, endangering your OWN family, and YOU take care of them with YOUR OWN #$%ing money, you are nothing but a stark raving hypocrite.


Nothing to add to that. Kudos.


Yost said the problem is not migrants, but “way too many migrants in a short period of time.”

The problem is the mindset, intelligence level, way of life and customs, lack of understanding of America except as a place to get benefits, and completely different culture. So in some cases the problem is indeed the migrants. America does not benefit from having anyone and everyone come in, just as we don’t let anyone and everyone into our homes.


Dems still think it’s funny. From the above a reply and counter reply.

pat frederick

123 456
September 12, 2024 9:18 am

Kamala sounds a lot like come Allah. The syllables they want you to pronounce right.


Hmmmm. More word trickery.
Corney? (Comey)
A Blinkin? (Abe Lincoln)
Obarna? (Obama)


Come allah, Hear us?



Valerie Curren


pat frederick

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Hi I a going to be off grit for 4 days 🙂 Short vacation 😍

pat frederick

stay safe and have a good time!


We promise to miss you terribly.  😂 

pat frederick

hey no fair!
some people do EVERYTHING terribly.

I will miss you GREATLY


Have a wonderful time! Be safe out there!


KY was safe 🙂




Good for you!




Have a safe and good time 👍😁


Thanks had a restful time 🙂

Valerie Curren

Have a wonderful time & be refreshed!


Thanks 🙂

Valerie Curren

YW 🙂

pat frederick

good question…i dunno
September 12, 2024 10:28 am
Hang with me on this one Treepers.
I grew up in Ohio in the 70s and 80s. Ohio was always a 19 year old state for beer and wine purchase and 21 years for hard alcohol (at one point you could buy 3.2 beer at 18). This was around the time that Mothers Against Drunk Drivers was actively pushing Govts across the country to make 21 the minimum drinking age for all alcohol. Ohio was one of the last holdouts because of a powerful beer distribution lobby.
What finally forced Ohios hand? The Feds passed a law that would withhold federal highway transportation dollars to any state that didn’t comply.
So my question is: could President Trump work to pass similar laws or use Executive Order to withhold Medicaid or EBT dollars to any state that was giving out benefits to illegals? Is this the tool to force the hand.


Yes it is, except I don’t think it would apply to federal direct benefit programs.

Robert Baker

I believe he could do so but here is the question in my mind: Do you want the federal government to have more control over the lives of citizens in the individual states?

The answer, in my case, is no. The federal government has too much power already. At this point there is hardly any reason to have individual states.

pat frederick

fair point


I think the real goal is to not have sovereign countries


As we have experienced over and over (and over) again, they can do whatever they have the WILL to do.

The solutions are never hard to figure out or implement.

It is always the lack of WILL to actually do what needs to be done that is the problem.


Ground report:
Yesterday evening, Yours Truly had dinner with MD son, his wife (MD), her children, and her mother. Yours Truly is the only one at the table who is NOT “fully vaccinated and boosted.”
DIL: Just “got over” the most recent bout of COVID. She stated that this time, she “was sicker than usual.” Also, this most recent bout of COVID lasted much longer than the previous ones. At least, she didn’t use Paxlovid this time.
Her mother: her fiance “hasn’t been feeling well.” Apparently, ditto for her.
DIL’s son, age 19: Continual coughing and sneezing. Been going on for quite a while.
In the dinner table conversation: Some discussion re taking Paxlovid for COVID infection. Yours Truly politely said that Paxlovid has a 30% “rebound infection” rate, “look it up.” This was a “new idea” to the others.
There was some discussion regarding the RSV “vaccine.” Yours Truly mentioned that a clinical trial for an RSV “vaccine” was stopped early because babies were dying from the “vaccine.” Consternation.
Both MD son and MD wife are planning to get the 2024-2025 COVID-19 “vaccine”, along with the influenza “vaccine.”
After Yours Truly arrived back at her house, she texted MD son, thanked him for a nice dinner and family visit. Then told him that of the 2 vaxxes, the influenza “vaccine” (the egg-based version, not the cell-based version) was “somewhat less of a poison than the COVID vax.” Said that the more shots of the COVID vax a person takes, the more damage to their immune system. This is due to the “class switch” done by the COVID vax between the IgG3 and IgG4 cells. The COVID vax damages the IgG3 cells and increases the IgG4 cells. Said that son will “need to do his own research” on this. Said that taking 30mg Zinc and 3000IU vitamin D every day will help to “shore up” the immune system. No response from son. Both he and his wife are “follow the science” and will do what is “suggested” to them by their medical facility employers.
Yours Truly has done what she could. God help them.


Up here in 49th parallel land, I use 10,000 I.U. of Vitamin D3 per day.


Some people need to be cautious about taking large daily amounts of vitamin D, as large amounts can cause dizziness. This is especially the case if a person is already taking a prescription drug that has a side effect of dizziness.


I do, too.

Gail Combs

I just make sure I am outside a lot in the summer and take Vit D + K in the winter.

This has some good tips on absorbing Vit D about 1/2 way down

A sunshine calendar with the month and location and time needed from:

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Look it up. Do your own research.

Perfect invites to validate what they have been spoon fed, OR discover truth.

Handing them the truth, answers, has not helped thus far.

I do hope MD son is continuing Zinc, that he started when, MD DIL had her recent Covid.

You. We. Endeavor To Persevere.


Thank you. Nope, MD son stopped taking the Zinc when his wife started to “feel better” of her recent COVID infection.


I don’t understand why they wouldn’t at least TRY Ivermectin, after they get sick.

Anyone can look it up and see that it is safe, it has been taken millions of times by millions of people, has practically zero side effects.

So unless there is some conflict with another medication one is taking, there is practically no reason not to TRY it, if they get sick.

There’s no down side.

If it cures the illness, great, you’ve learned something new AND feel a lot better.

If it does nothing at all, then it has done no harm, and at least you tried it, so now you know.

So I have to wonder, what is the rational argument for NOT at least trying it?

What do they have to lose?

Last edited 4 days ago by scott467

I do not believe ‘rational’ has any place in PAVACA’s tale.

It should but it ain’t there.


…there is practically no reason not to TRY it, if they get sick.

Correct, under normal circumstances. But in the case of some MDs, a successful round of IVM would upset the apple cart so that nothing would be the same ever again. They would have seen firsthand that which they have been denying. They would then be in conflict within their own thoughts, if not verbally with those who dictate protocols. They would be faced with the dilemma of knowing that what they’re being told to do, and what they’re doing, is not best practice. Then they would be faced with the decisions of whether to learn more, whether to speak up, and whether to take action. Some people will do almost anything to avoid that kind of stress and change in their lives–apparently even to the point of being purposely in denial about dangers to themselves and their families.


You are correct.
If “the word” somehow got out that they’re trying IVM, they could have potential problems with their board certifications. They could even have potential problems with their Licenses to Practice Medicine.
Recall that the AMA adopted a policy in 2022 that specifically targets MDs, DOs, RNs, PAs, for “spreading medical disinformation” — and, that the AMA “will work with” state medical licensing boards and board certification granting bodies to “enforce” the diktats of Establishment Medicine.

Last edited 4 days ago by PAVACA

Second paragraph raises hope.

First paragraph, if they try Ivermectin, do NOT talk about it. If they come to believe in Ivermectin, that is a fork in the road for them to reckon with. A Good Reality.

Valerie Curren

Perpetual cognitive dissonance=insanity only lightly disguised 🙁


“Correct, under normal circumstances. But in the case of some MDs, a successful round of IVM would upset the apple cart so that nothing would be the same ever again.”


Agreed, with all of your points, but those are all psychological reasons, not scientific.

And those who proudly proclaim they ‘follow the science’ need to justify their decision scientifically.

But just for fun, you could point out the error of hiding behind psychology while calling it science.

You could relate an allegory or parable, disguised as an anecdote, about some other doctor you read about, who was in that exact situation.

He was afraid to try IVM because if he did, and it worked, then he would know, firsthand, that it worked. And once he knew from his own experience that it worked, he would not be able to deny that it worked anymore.

And the cascade of consequences that would result from taking a bite of that Ivermectin apple, and having his eyes opened to the knowledge of good and evil, were too much for him to bear.

For starters, he would no longer possess the willful ignorance required in order to construct the likeness of a fig leaf, in order to hide himself and all of his credentials behind.

And then all of the things you mentioned, and the sad condition where that man ended up, in the shade of a beautiful willow tree, under a tombstone with an epitaph that reads:

Here lies Dr. Ostrich, M.D., well before his time. He followed the science incentives to keep his credentials, but all his credentials (and all the medical board’s men) couldn’t save Humpty from ‘died suddenly’.

You know, something subtle. Maybe work on the rhyme a little…

Then continue with the experience of another doctor you read about.

This doctor decided to try the IVM, secretly, and discovered that it did in fact work, and cured him.

He saved the lives of his family and all his friends, and everyone else who would listen to him. The medical boards did end up stripping him of his credentials, but he was a hero to everyone he saved.

Then he opened a veterinary clinic, and soon he was selling franchises, and became rich beyond his wildest dreams.

The end.


Valerie Curren

Well done! Pray that they see the light before it’s too late  🙏 


You have indeed done what you could. May God bless you and make them aware.

What I find remarkable is that you are able to converse in terms beyond those of many lay people. You are able to tell MDs about IgG3 and IgG4 cells, and more. That indicates an exceptional level of understanding and depth of research and caring. I would think that should make them pay attention and realize that there is more to this than they know.

The level of denial is extremely high, but as I wrote in response to Scott, their lives would change overnight if they realized the truth. That must be a potent motivator for some to keep the blinders on.


Couple thoughts.

First not intended to be offensive to the MDs. Quite possible, PAVACA is presenting stuff they don’t understand. So they refuse to consider or research themselves.

Second. Surely the MDs know Ivermectin is borderline harmless. Also easy to get. There is little to no harm in taking Ivermectin, along with vitamins and supplements as a preventive. After ~twelve months of no Covid, they may have an Ah-Ha moment.

So thinks Slow Guy, who can’t get anything across to five siblings. Not MDs. But, they are educated idjits.

pat frederick

H/T Filly

“Nancy Pelosi was visiting a primary school in Orlando and visited a 4th grade class. They were in the middle of a discussion related to words and their meanings. The teacher asked Mrs. Pelosi if she would like to lead the discussion on the word ‘tragedy.’ So our illustrious Democrat asked the class for an example of a ‘tragedy.’

One little boy stood up and offered: “If my best friend, who lives on a farm, is playing in the field and a tractor runs him over and kills him, that would be a tragedy.”

“No,” said Pelosi, “that would be an accident.”

A little girl raised her hand: “If a school bus carrying 50 children drove off a cliff, killing everyone, that would be a tragedy.”

“I’m afraid not,” explained Pelosi. “That’s what we would call a great loss.”

The room went silent. No other child volunteered. Pelosi searched the room. “Isn’t there someone here who can give me an example of a tragedy?”

Finally, at the back of the room, Little Johnny raised his hand. The teacher held her breath. In a quiet voice he said: “If the plane carrying you was struck by a ‘friendly fire’ missile and blown to smithereens that would be a tragedy.”

“Fantastic!” exclaimed Pelosi, “That’s right. And can you tell me why that would be a tragedy?”

“Well,” says Johnny, “It has to be a tragedy, because it sure as hell wouldn’t be a great loss and you can bet your sweet ass it wouldn’t be an accident either!”

The teacher left the room.”

pat frederick

Another one:
“At the National Art Gallery in Dublin, a husband and wife were staring at a portrait that had them completely confused. The painting depicted three black men totally naked, sitting on a bench.
Two of the figures had black penises, but the one in the middle had a pink penis. The curator of the gallery realized that they were having trouble interpreting the painting and offered his personal assessment.
He went on for over half an hour explaining how it depicted the sexual emasculation of African Americans in a predominately white patriarchal society. “In fact,” he pointed out, “some serious critics believe that the pink penis also reflects the cultural and sociological oppression experienced by gay men in contemporary society.”
After the curator left, an Irishman approached the couple and said, “Would you like to know what the painting is really about?”
“Now why would you claim to be more of an expert than the curator of the gallery,” asked the couple?
“Because I am the artist, who painted the picture”, he replied, “In fact, there are no African Americans depicted at all. They’re just three Irish coal miners. The guy in the middle went home for lunch.”


I nominate that joke for the Humor of the Year Award.

Valerie Curren

  :wpds_shock:   :wpds_oops:   :wpds_cool: 


Well I’d sure like to know how they swam in sand regardless of temperature.

Valerie Curren

Noah’s flood!


I previously never associated the flood with warmed temps.

Valerie Curren

I just mean evidence of water covering the entire earth, if the biblical account is correct 😉

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

In all earnest the Sahara used to be a lot wetter than it is today.

Valerie Curren

no doubt 🙂



Anybody know where this is located?

pat frederick

September 12, 2024 12:08 pm

ABC gave Kamala the easiest night she’s had…
Since Willie Brown ran out of Viagra 🙂
-Greg Gutfeld


Whatever It Takes…

…to start WWIII.

>>> L I S T E N in on at least the first three minutes.

  :wpds_arrow:  Putin has drawn a solid red line.

Only NATO, US personnel can program these missiles with data from European and US satellites.Changes the essence of the war.Russia will respond.
Back to listening in on the video.


Couple weeks ago, 50% of the US Navy was in the ME. AF was prolly had an increased presence in ME.

Quite likely a significant portion of the NAVY has rotated back to the US. Perhaps some AF units.

Still an increased US presence. Unfortunately.

Last edited 5 days ago by kalbokalbs

Time for the press or Trump to post on X a question to Harris. What’s her position on this?

Brave and Free

Does the US military use spaceX satellite technology?


Abbreviated version. You will have to fill in the blanks if you don’t have time to watch the vid. 😁 Oh and WWIII is now trending on the internets.


It sounds like Vlad has warmongers advising him, just like we have.

He wouldn’t have to be concerned about escalation if he would just stop the slow torture and take Ukraine over. He could restore it to sovereign status [just like Khrushchev did] after he cleansed all the nazis and Zelensky suckups.


How is it not all posturing?

Brandon (shorthand for ‘U.S. administration) would have to be insane to provoke a nuclear war with Russia over Ukraine, or just about anything else, short of a Russian nuclear attack on America.

That’s the sane, rational position.

That position has been thrown down the toilet, and a new position has been adopted, that America will set the whole planet on nuclear fire over some country that most people have never heard of before and couldn’t find on a map if their lives depended on it.

So the problem is Brandon.

Whether Brandon is insane, or whether Brandon is protecting biolabs and a global child-trafficking and drug-trafficking empire that the Cee-eye-A runs in Ukraine (which is also insane), either way, Brandon is the problem.

So Putin faces an insane adversary, not a rational adversary.

This means tit-for-tat is NOT applicable, it’s not in play, and neither is MAD (mutually assured destruction).

Which means that if Brandon launches missiles at the interior of Russia, retaliating against the interior of the U.S. is NOT rational.

It would be rational, if Brandon cared about the American People and wanted to protect them, but everyone (including Putin) knows that’s not the case. So if Putin launched a retaliatory attack on the midwest U.S. (for example), he would be doing Brandon a favor. Brandon would celebrate the deaths of as many Americans as possible, that’s less work that he has to do himself.

So because of this dynamic, because there is no leverage (i.e., the American People mean nothing to Brandon, so threatening the American People with nuclear retaliation means nothing to Brandon), because there is no concern about the welfare of America or the American People, it is not rational for Putin to launch a retaliatory attack on the interior of America, if Brandon authorizes Ukraine to use U.S. missiles to attack Russia.

It would be as effective as Putin hitting himself in the forehead with a hammer.

That doesn’t mean Putin is helpless or without options, far from it.

The rational option and action (for Putin) is to ELIMINATE BRANDON.

That ends the problem.

The American People are hostages to a rogue, renegade, lawless regime. Attacking the hostages accomplishes nothing (from Putin’s perspective).

Attacking the hostage TAKERS, on the other hand, makes perfect sense, and would be very effective.

Putin knows this.

I know this.

So why should I be worried that Putin would do something completely irrational (e.g., launching a retaliatory strike against the interior of America), and which would accomplish absolutely nothing, besides helping his enemy (Brandon)?

And why is the guy in the video trying to get me all worked up over this?

Even if he was right, what are we supposed to do about it?

What can ‘we’ do, except be afraid?

And what good does that do us?

Last edited 4 days ago by scott467

Putin sounds very rational, very clear-minded, no double-speak, no politi-speak, no typical Western bullshit-speak or lie-speak, no word salad, just a clear, rational, logical evaluation of the obvious.

I think he’s just biding time until November 5th.

But if insane, criminal, psychopathic Brandon and NATO purposely provoke a nuclear war before then, Putin has every right to eliminate the leadership of every Western nation in Europe, along with the leadership of Canada, Australia and New Zealand, because they all deserve it in spades.

And if he eliminated Brandon in the process, that would be a real tragedy.

I’d be real broken up over that.

Like the French were broken up about being liberated from the Nazis by the Allies.

Last edited 4 days ago by scott467
Gail Combs

Gee, could I send him a thank you note?

although I think Davos would be a better target.


Agree ! Clean house!

Valerie Curren

simultaneous fumigation AND exorcism   :wpds_twisted: 


Time for AND logic….

Gail Combs

….To make matters worse, the many newly independent nations struggling to liberate themselves from colonialism were told that they would have to abandon their dreams of development, since those goals would render the formula of a producer-consumer stratified society impossible to create.

Those leaders resisting this edict would face assassination or CIA overthrow. For the leaders who adapted to the new rules, they would soon become tools of the new age of “Economic Hitmen”….

That is similar to what I was saying yesterday. The King of Saudi Arabia was told by his British/Cabal handlers that he was NOT to develop his kingdom. Third World Leaders who disobeyed ended up dead.


He speaks like someone with sense and experience, unfortunately our leadership seems to be the polar opposite.

Gail Combs

I think Ghost had a better view of what the Russians are doing to the Ukrainian invading forces. They developed it fighting the Nazis in WWII.

It is a pincer sort of move. Allow the enemy to invade far enough, and then cut off the supply line.

pat frederick


Too funny.
Maybe Swalwell and other D-Rats will have another melt down.   :wpds_lol: 

Valerie Curren



To damn funny.

Same firehouse. Looks like same group of folks.

Folks couldn’t give a rats ass Briben and Kakala arrived.

Cheers and joking when Trump arrives.

Hope it was in earshot of briben and Kakala.

~50 seconds.


I hope that stung like hell to Harris still riding high on the msm pandering over her debate performance.


What am I missing?


Troll much?   :wpds_wink: 


These are all supposed to be ‘conservative influencers’ who were part of Rhonda’s ‘Never Trump’ club. I found the photo in one of SD’s old CTH articles (here).

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I think I recognize the two guys in the back, is that Benny Johnson and Rick Rubin?

The woman in the red outfit, is her name Lisa something?

Can we put names to each of the faces, from left to right?


And then there are these guys, from this old CTH article:

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I’m not sure who is who, but it’s Steve Cortes, Matthew Tyrmand and John Cardillo.


No more baiting into dugout fights. We got an election to win.


I don’t want to bait anyone into a dugout fight, I’m just trying to figure out which influencers to ignore.

For example, I saw some yootoob show run by Ben Shapiro after the debate. I watched his opening, and it was typical Shapiro snark.

He thought Trump blew the whole debate, that he was baited into every rabbit-hole, and never took advantage of the many openings Cakala gave him. Typical Con., Inc. stuff.

People like this are all over the place, and they don’t exist to help Trump or MAGA. They’re all being paid by the same people who paid them to destroy Trump during the primaries.

In the same way Frank Luntz (in one of today’s CTH articles) grifts off the establishment system that needs for Trump to lose, or Frank’s tenuous strings to affluence and influence are cut.

So it seems it would be good to know the names of the people who have already dropped their masks and tipped their hands. There is no reason to give those people our time or energy.

But in order to avoid them (not get in a dugout fight), we have to know who they are.

pat frederick

no third debate

Truth Details

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Donald J. Trump

When a prizefighter loses a fight, the first words out of his mouth are, “I WANT A REMATCH.” Polls clearly show that I won the Debate against Comrade Kamala Harris, the Democrats’ Radical Left Candidate, on Tuesday night, and she immediately called for a Second Debate. She and Crooked Joe have destroyed our Country, with millions of criminals and mentally deranged people pouring into the USA, totally unchecked and unvetted, and with Inflation bankrupting our Middle Class. Everyone knows this, and all of the other problems caused by Kamala and Joe – It was discussed in great detail during the First Debate with Joe, and the Second Debate with Comrade Harris. She was a no-show at the Fox Debate, and refused to do NBC & CBS. KAMALA SHOULD FOCUS ON WHAT SHE SHOULD HAVE DONE DURING THE LAST ALMOST FOUR YEAR PERIOD. THERE WILL BE NO THIRD DEBATE!


The Winner Speaks!

Gail Combs

The difference between Putin and the rest of them is that in his world this is real. The others have been promoting a virtue signaling ideal never reporting the massive human toll on Ukrainian troops. Even little Z doesn’t mention the loss of human life much. It’s always give me more money.


I know ^^^ that’s overly simplistic with regard to many other things about the situation

Gail Combs

I do not think Ukraine has enough male population left to reproduce or even HAVE a country.

They are down to grabbing boys and grandfathers and prisoners as Cannon Fodder.


When Russia says the Ukraine fight is over, keeps what they want, the rest will be up for grabs.

Poland, Belarus…expansion in the future.

Gail Combs

Monsanto, Cargill, Dupont and Blackrock have ALREADY started buying up the prime farm land…



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Valerie Curren

I’m back home after almost 2 weeks in Northern Michigan, half solo at the beginning & end of the trip. It’s always good to be home but great to be Up North!

On the drive back I heard a Christian radio host discussing the upcoming vote in the UN, I forget the name of the event in like 10 days, where the totalitarian psychopaths want all the nations to cede authority to the UN for a total one world government. According to this host there are policy papers out where this vote would yield control of the atmosphere (air), hydrosphere (water), biosphere (all living things), lithosphere (land), & cryosphere (ice).

Well out of town I was reading at the Q-Tree nearly every day but I don’t recall anyone talking about this UN takeover of everything…is anyone following this or have any details? I’m imagining that if this goes through it Might be like the horrors of needing EPA permission to deal with puddles on one’s property, massive red tape, restrictions, & elimination of private property rights or any real or de facto ownership “perks”  😡 

Here’s a link to the main site of this dystopian event:

New York, 2024Summit of the Future
20-21 September — Action Days22-23 September — Summit
Any thoughts?


Means nothing to us. Our constitution requires Senate approval for treaties and they cannot apply inside the USA.

Also, at the time of creation of the constitution, treaties were between sovereign governments. Thus, treaties of an org like UN or WEF cannot be validated by the Senate and therefore cannot control the fed govt.

Valerie Curren

TY for these insights. Not that the Dems/Uniparty give a fig about the Constitution 🙁


Welcome back.

I don’t fret over UN or WHO BS. Clickbait.

Valerie Curren

Not worth fretting over much, which is a good attitude to have, along w/ eternal perspective 🙂 Blessings!

Gail Combs

Thomas Massie has a bill up that BIDEN CAN NOT SIGN WITHOUT APPROVAL (Treaty clause of Constitution.)



Rep Massie: Amendment passed to protect the constitution against WHO Treaty (5 minutes)It is worth the listen

Valerie Curren

Excellent info!!! TY That is encouraging

Hubby was saying that when Trump wins if he is allowed to take the Big Chair he would likely immediately undo any such insanity, like w/ the Paris Climate fiasco–that the Usurper #3 immediately undid upon “helming” his Fraudministration  😡 

Last edited 4 days ago by Valerie Curren

Trump takes the Oath, he’ll set a World Record day for Executive Orders, the first day.

Valerie Curren

No doubt, but there needs to be a way to get the good ones to last longer than the next prez…


She also knows that he may respond to her comment and give her some material for her on-life-support career.



Kathy Griffin fifteen minutes, expired years ago.

Threats to America, Trump will be dealt with, after 20 January.


[DS] Sets The Stage For WWIII, No Third Debate, Sometimes You Must Show The People – Ep. 3449
 September 12, 2024  x22report

The ECB just did another rate cut, the Fed is next. The inflation rate is where they want it, it’s all based on fake data. Yield curve is turning down, more labor market weakness or layoffs coming. Trump makes a huge announcement, it’s time to embrace crypto and leave the old banks behind, the shift is happening. The [DS] is now setting the stage for WWIII, they are going to allow long range missiles to hit Russia. The [DS] is preparing for the elections and now they are putting up Super bowl security around DC. Translation: they are planning another insurrection. Trump has decided that there will be no third debate, sometimes you have to show the people, Talk is cheap.

Ep 3449a – Trump Says We Are Going To Embrace Crypto & Leave The Outdated Big Banks Behind

Ep 3449b – [DS] Sets The Stage For WWIII, No Third Debate, Sometimes You Must Show The People

Brave and Free

I did see tanks on flat beds on the express ways a few days ago.

Valerie Curren

what state?

Barb Meier

How will I have yard sales if currency is digital?


Just give all your property to the bankers or the State.


If the crowd won’t come to her….import them…buses for all and no telling what other perks they got. Pathetic Harris

Last edited 4 days ago by mollypitcher5
Gail Combs

I put in twitter where the X was so it shows.

Last edited 4 days ago by Gail Combs

We really need to dust this place more frequently.
THIS IS THE REAL DONALD TRUMP: 45th President Sends Beautiful and Touching Birthday Letter to Young Boy With Rare Brain Disorder, Bringing Him to Tears (VIDEO)


Yeah, dust…🥹


Trump continues to seize the narrative, Americans Care About.

Valerie Curren

Now repeal the unconstitutional income tax altogether!






Blinken was in Poland today. I hope they said this to Blinken’s face.

24 seconds.


I’m okay with that.


Have to admit, it kind of freaks me out! The IC just frees them up to tell the truth? Just like that?


There are theories that Dems will still try to replace Commala. I have no idea how that could work, but if the media starts criticizing her, it could be a sign that they’re trying to push her out.

I don’t know of any mechanism by which she could be replaced, but cheaters know how to cheat.


Seems way too late for musical chairs but as you said they cheat


Was just coming with that. Wall Street Silver and others are putting it out as well.

Then this was close by that.


The government tried to assassinate Donald Trump, and they are going to throw the Secret Service under the bus to cover it up. Here’s your sign:

“Democrat Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) warned that the American public would be ‘shocked, astonished, and appalled’ by the level of incompetence and failure within the Secret Service surrounding the July 13, 2024, assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump.”

When this hyper-partisan fucker seems to be on the “right” side of things, you know it’s pure bullshit.



First I read that headline, C O V E R UP came to mind.

We’ll be told some truth. Along with look squirrel. Not to mention, CLASSIFIED.

“The Rest Of The Story,” will never come from DOJ, FIB, HLS, SS or Congress.

Short of whistleblowers helping, we are on our own.

Until trump is in the WH, AND he releases everything.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I love that it’s YOU, Augergine, calling out these murderous losers who are desperately trying to fend off your razor, and getting nasty cuts as they FAIL UTTERLY


Lol, thanks, Wolf. I try not to “live dangerously,”


They have to protect the ones higher up the chain…

The text of the tweet

Now I’m told the Department of Homeland Security is pressuring the Secret Service not to comply with document requests by Congress about the Trump assassination attempt.

What are they hiding from the American people?

Last edited 4 days ago by mollypitcher5


See new posts
Josh Hawley

Now a whistleblower alleges that the lead advance agent for President Trump’s entire trip to Butler, PA had failed training exams when she first joined the Secret Service. 

And the Secret Service Director won’t even level with what’s going on here. It’s absurd.


We know what they’re hiding. They know that we know. But they will desperately cover it up, just like the Kennedy assassination, labeling Americans as “conspiracy theorists” for simply knowing the truth.


I agree. But the SS had to be part of the plot, meaning their incompetence was intentional, so of all the people involved, the SS has become the designated fall guy.


Which is why we need, The Rest Of The Story.


I believe “some” in the SS were part of it, but not all. And those ideologues care so little for America that they are willing to destroy their agency in their quest to destroy Donald Trump and his supporters.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


trillions can’t make up for what was done to the boy but toppling the porn hub might go a long way to build self worth and pride after proverbially slaying Goliath. Godspeed to him

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



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