This is a very open-ended post. The goal is to get YOUR thoughts, opinions, and theories.
Without getting too deep, I can tell you that we are seeing a LOT of COVID in my world. It seems to be everywhere. But some apparent attempts to get masks going again are fizzling out fast, thank goodness.
So I’m curious what others are seeing. But beyond that, we’ve had almost 5 years of COVID in this world – maybe more.
Time for reassessment – particularly prior to the election.
Time for some fresh ground reports.
What think you about COVID?
Tell us what you’re seeing and thinking, please!!!

Examples – how many times have you had COVID? How recently? What did you do for it? How are the neighbors and kin doing? Is your doc still pushing the jabs? Is anybody requiring masks near you, or where you go?
All thoughts appreciated!
The disproved “test” said we had it a while back, but we weren’t sick. Had to stay out for a week, then retest, and …. nothing!!
Very interesting…….
Thanks for that nugget!
I think I’ve had it three times, as far as I can tell. Never tested, because the tests were inconclusive and because I refused to use an invasive test procedure when a non-invasive saliva test (available only in Australia) would be just as (in)conclusive.
So apparently I don’t develop immunity after exposure, or it’s a different variant each time, or it could be regular flu + bacteriological pneumonia or who knows what kind of creeping crud that is close enough to Covid to be mistaken for Covid.
The first two times I waited too long to take IVM, so I was really good and sick before I took it. Both times, I felt noticeably better within about 12 to 14 hours, and a couple days later, felt completely better except for the lingering cough.
The 3rd time I took the IVM when I thought I was getting sick, and it seemed to prevent me from getting more symptoms.
Accidentally figured out how to get rid of the lingering cough, when I stumbled across some prank videos on youtoob.
One was fart-spray pranks, and the other was this black guy who took care of his grandma, but also pranked her all the time, and recorded it on hidden camera.
They were both so funny that I coughed continuously for about a half hour straight, which was what it took to cough up all of the crud that was deep in my lungs. The next day or two after laughing so hard (and for so long), the lingering cough was gone.
There was a time more recently, early June, when I had an ear infection (it still hasn’t completely healed, I can still feel what seems like swimmer’s ear if I move my jaw around or use my facial muscles to wiggle my ear).
I had other symptoms (headache, sore throat on the same side as the ear infection, fever, diminished hearing in the infected ear as if it was clogged, and a high-pitched ringing sound, like I guess tinnitus would be like), so I took IVM.
I felt better almost immediately (about an hour later), and thought everything was fine, but the next day, all the symptoms came back stronger than before.
A few days later I called the doctor’s office on a Sunday, and the on-call doctor called me back. Doc prescribed some oral antibiotic (diagnosis over the phone) which I took for a week. It seemed to stop the illness from getting worse, but didn’t make it better, either.
Then I went in to the doctor’s office, he looked in my ear and prescribed antibiotic ear drops, which I took for about 10 days, by which time most of my symptoms were gone, except I could still notice what seems like water in my ear, if I move my jaw around or flex my facial muscles, and that hasn’t gone away.
Hearing seems fine now though. I was concerned about that for a while, because I like my music
As for covid in the community, I haven’t noticed anything out of the ordinary yet, but I don’t have cable so I don’t see local news.
No one is requiring masks at this point, and I haven’t seen anyone wearing a mask for a long time now.
If they start requiring masks, I won’t do it, except to get into the dentist’s office or doctor’s office, both of which are ridiculous, but they wouldn’t let me in otherwise.
During covid (2020-2021) the dentist was doing interviews in the parking lot before letting people into the office, and wouldn’t let you go in without a mask on. Of course once you were in to see the dentist or dental assistant, the mask came off, so it was stupid, and I said so, repeatedly.
At the doctor’s office, the doors were locked, and you were supposed to call to let them know you were at the door. No cell phone, so I just banged on the door until someone noticed.
When they saw I wasn’t wearing a mask, they said I had to put one on to come through the door. I didn’t have one, so they went to get one for me. When she returned to the door, she was holding the mask in her BARE HAND, not even by the elastic band, but holding the mask part itself between her bare fingers.
I just looked at her like she was insane.
I said you’re concerned about spreading covid, and you hand me a mask that you were holding in your bare hands, and you want me to put that over my face? Does that make sense?
She just did the bureaucrat routine, said if I don’t put the mask on, she can’t let me in.
After I went in, the women who work the phones at the wall-length reception desk (with dividers between each receptionist / check-in person) all had their masks down around/under their chins.
The stupidity was off the charts.
My doctor was wearing a full N-95 respirator, with the extra length from the elastic straps flopping around the sides and back of his head, he looked like an extra from the bar scene in Star Wars.
I pulled my mask down and said you know this is ridiculous, don’t you?
But he was a true believer.
So I said you realize that the virus particles are too small for the filtration capability of these cheap surgical masks, or even that N-95 respirator you’re wearing?
He looked surprised for a second, and then he started trying to come up with a justification, pausing along the way, like a kid who was making up a story as he went along.
He said the virus particles could attach to dust particles, and the dust particles could be big enough to be blocked by the mask.
I said ALL of them?
If there are millions of virus particles floating around in here, all of them are going to attach themselves to dust particles that are big enough to be stopped by the mask?
He ignored the question, gave up, and just asked what he could do to help me
edit: never covid vaxxed or boosted. I don’t think I’ve even had a flu-shot since the late 80s or early 90s, maybe longer.
Excellent information! I’m not able to shed light on the ear infection, more than what you already know. I think I agree about your having had it 3 times.
Yes – the masks are stupid,and we need to ignore that stuff in a big way!!!
Also, fwiw, I never experienced any loss of smell or taste during any of my illnesses.
Good!!! IVM seems to have some effect in helping with that, IMO.
I have never gotten my sense of taste completely back. I used to be able to tell the difference between English Black, Irish Black, DarJeeling and Prince of Wales teas. Now they taste the same DRAT IT!
I can tell the difference between black and green teas.
Yup. Anosmia is a pain!
Hubby’s is still off too. I picked some Phlox/Flox? flowers Up North & he couldn’t stand the smell & thought it was kind of like skunk. It was pretty funny how it messed with him for the rest of us found the scent quite pleasant though rather strong when the flowers were newly picked
You’re going to need a bigger
I had it once, November of 2019.
If I’ve had it again, I wouldn’t know, because I will not test for a COLD VIRUS!!!
I’ve never taken a Covid test & will never stick that rod up my nose!!! When I had it the severity, loss of smell, & proximity to others who had “covid” said that was what hit me too. If I ever choose to use one of those free tests we’ve been given, I’ll blow something out of my nose or throat/lungs & test that not put that stick–w/ who knows what on it that might cross the blood/brain barrier–up my nose!
I have never tested, either. But I know I had it, because my doctor did an antibody test.
That’s likely much more reliable than PCR stuff!
In PNW, a few hours north of Sylvia: co-worker went to Vegas a few weeks ago and got it (took a test to confirm). Another co-worker got something that might have been (but never took the any kind of test). He was asked to wear it. I also heard that quite a few of the co-workers were sick with it as well.
The temp here has been fluctuating a lot: really hot days and then temp dropped, then up again. I wasn’t feeling that well, start of a sore throat but did all I could to avoid catching anything. Thankfully it worked.
Haven’t heard about getting jabs this time, but most probably in a few weeks.
I’m not sure if people are requiring masks (except for that one incident) but I do see a few wearing them when going to public places (Church, public transit, mall).
Thank you! Very helpful!
I was on hold for University of Michigan’s Transplant Pharmacy & their on-hold messaging including shilling for the Covid shots/”vaccines” which they regurgitated as “safe & effective” spit. Still pisses me off for I used to hold U of M in high regard
Our oldest daughter came back from a trip to France this week, and started feeling bad on the plane home. I guess she was tested and her Dad told me she has Covid.
Her husband is a Hopkins trained medical school professor of pulmonology in Springfield IL.
They are believers in the standard care – vaccines, Paxlovid, Remdisivir, etc.
Sally’s Dad, my former husband of 31 years, a retired Ob-Gyn, nearly died of Covid in 2023. Developed severe dementia, wasn’t able to eat solid food.
I was the one who sat with him in the hospital because other daughter and her husband (another brilliant doctor full scholarship to Emory Med School) were sick with Covid. They are also believers in the hospital standard of care – vaccines, etc.
During those days, I prayed for him and kept him from crawling out of bed. He was disoriented, didn’t know where he lived, but did recognize me, though we had been divorced for 20 years.
Sally’s Dad has since made a splendid recovery thanks to good PTs, OTs, SLPs and his willingness to work at it – still goes to exercise gym at senior retirement center. Walks faithfully. He lives in the same apartment that she does and comes in to give her insulin shot each morning.
I’m the only member of our family who hasn’t had either Covid or the vaccine.
I’ll never take that damned vaccine.
WOW. Powerful! Thank you.
W – Not too much down here in my corner of the ATL. Where Mrs. RedLeg and I are working, we very occasionally see older white women and some men with masks, but for the most part for us, it’s over.
Strangely enough, I’m the only one in my family who has had COVID, and that was right at the very beginning before they even started calling it COVID 19. And I’m also the only one who didn’t get vaccinated. I haven’t heard anything much about COVID coming back in my area, though I occasionally see people wearing masks.
I’ve been on Ivermectin for almost a year now as part of my cancer protocol and haven’t had even a hint of a respiratory infection. The year before, though, I had a couple times when I felt something coming on so I took Ivermectin for a couple of days and never got sick. I really think that’s the best answer for anyone worried about COVID or any of their other supposedly deadly viruses – get a good supply of ivermectin and take it the minute you start feeling bad.
Excellent information! Extremely helpful! Thank you for that.
How much ivermectin are you taking as that cancer protocol? I’m curious how that compares to COVID and antiparasitic protocols.
I’m currently taking 24 mg a day, 4 days a week. However, I just recently dropped to 4 days a week as I’m coming up on a year since my surgery, so I’m tapering off into a maintenance mode. Most of those months I took it every day.
I’ve actually started buying 200 12 mg pills at a time just so I always have some around.
Thank you! And that is a really good idea to have a lot of ivermectin on hand.
Glad to see you! And glad the Ivermectin protocol is working for you.
Quick question. Is any one having problems with PharmacyonAir. We tried to order more FenBen and the PayPal will not go thru. Also we have been unable to contact them.
I am hoping they did not get raided and shut down!
Can’t recall where I got FenBen.
IIRC. Linda had thrown caution to one FenBen source. Suggested another, which I used. It wasn’t PharmacyOnAir. (Not trash talking PharmacyOnAir.)
Either way. I’m in the market for more FenBen. Looking forward to Linda’s reply.
This is the Fenben source I use and their products have been tested and are 100% Fenben:
Thanks Linda.
Gail, the best place to get Fenben is here:
I wasn’t aware Pharmacy on Air sold Fenben, but I just went to their site and they do. Learn something new every day. That’s where I get my Ivermectin and they’ve always been very reliable for me. I’m hoping it was just a glitch that kept you from ordering, and not a shutdown. I would think the website would be down if they were shut down. But I don’t see why they would be. They’re in India and there are actually a ton of Indian sites selling Ivermectin and other drugs.
Ivermectin for the WIN!
Long winded. Broad strokes.
Likely had Covid ~Dec 28, 2019. Prolly worst cough and hacking I can recall. Middle of the night, bolted upright gasping. Freaking weird. OTC took care of whatever I had. HCQ and IVM not in my vocabulary at the time. Good this happened pre Covidiocy. I may have listened to the quacks, as very early on, QTree largely thought something really, really bad was up.
DW and I zero Jabs. Going on ~five years, few coughs, no colds… Done with “vaccinations.” Rabies and Tetanus (I know DPT), ONLY if truly needed. mRNA / ModRNA, NOT going to happen.
Weekly Ivermectin with daily vitamins and supplements. Same with DW, except she skips Ivermectin. Has agreed, if she starts catching something, Ivermectin is a go.
Unfortunately, three adult children and four Grands all Jabbed. None Boosted, so far as I know. Middle one says no vaccinations of any kind. Other two, likely doing flu Jabs.
Five siblings 65-76. All Jabbed. Likely most or all Boosted. No idea if they’ve had Covid. I assume so. They have quit communicating with me.
– Save one, who ~five weeks ago, chose to call. Tell me he has had found himself in town. Not knowing where he is or how to get home. My five return calls ignored. He’s running silent again. OFW.
Surely they take Covid tests, ignoring or not knowing tests gives false positives. (Ignorant as can be.)
DW relatives, Stateside and Philippines, blood line runs well into the 80s. All Jabbed, except the absolutely least educated one. The ones in the Philippines, several Boosted and several have had Covid. Stateside every one, all ages have had ALL Boosts. Even earlier this week, have stated they are waiting on the latest, Boost. Many have had Covid. All of the older over 50, terrible health.
– Worth noting. Five years ago, these were some of the healthiest folks around. Great diets. Primarily fish, vegetables and fruit. Jabs clearly taking a toll.
NE Texas, Bowie County, Texarkana area. Maybe, one in fifty wear a mask. Most older folks and worn below the nose. (Sadly skeered)
No idea if Covid is a thing in this area. Few visits to dentist, one for quack and two Urgent Care (Poison Oak / Ivy). 50% asked, am I Jabbed. No. Not interested is my reply. Subject dropped. Same 50% ask about flu, pneumonia… Same answer from me. No. No Jabs.
Thankfully DW totes me along so quacks don’t BS her, or coerce her into a Jab. English second language remains an issue. Also too trusting of quacks. She is Old School. Raised to listen, obey “educated” quacks more than she ought to. Adjusting to reality these days.
RSV is being pushed on Pluto TV ads. Have not seen a Covid Booster Jab advertisement recently.
They’ve tried pushing Monkey Pox twice this year. Failed miserably.
Some dopey areas seem to be doing masks. Guess they are big cities, likened to blue shitholes.
– Thankfully when Mask BS seems to bubble up, Trump AND others resoundingly say, Fuck Off. Well, they use PC words, like No or Will Not Comply. Same effect thought.
Good stuff. Your resistance to the Branch Covidian insanity is impressive!!!
Thank you for that!!!
Both, an Individual AND Team effort.
Huge kudos To QTreepers sharing insights, wisdom AND education.
Forever grateful here!
AMEN! There is power in numbers!
Amen! None of my kids took the shot, including son under tremendous pressure to do so to cross the border into Canada to finally meet his then girlfriend, now fiancée. So far are the kids who are parents plan for No Shots for their kids AND to homeschool! So thankful. PTL!
Your wife is so Blessed to have you there to protect her!!! Kudos
Wolf Moon
Thank you.
Yours Truly—very likely, got COVID in mid-February of 2020. Was likely exposed to it while at a restaurant in Chapel Hill with MD son and his household. I was quite sick for almost 3 weeks, then another 2-3 weeks of “not so bad.” I stayed home for a total of 5 weeks. At the same time that I was sick, I was also taking care of my little Sona, who was himself very sick with the kidney disease that eventually took his life.
While I was sick, I drank tons of hot tea with honey and lemon, took vitamin C and vitamin D, slept when I could. Dry cough for weeks. Some loss of taste and smell. Forced myself to eat as there was loss of appetite.
Thanksgiving 2022, I believe I came down with an Omicron variant. I was sick for 10 days. Exhaustion was the biggest symptom. By this time, I was taking IVM. No loss of taste or smell.
Since then, no COVID, thank God. Am taking vitamin C, vitamin D, Quercetin, green tea, Zinc every day. Have IVM on hand just in case. Walk 2-3 miles a day plus work with free weights. Take numerous other vitamins and supplements.
Practice hand washing religiously. Change clothes and bathe after running errands, going to son’s house, going to a restaurant, etc. Use disposable gloves when using public restrooms, getting gas for the car, when at a medical appointment.
MD son and MD DIL — have taken the jabs since January 2021 to keep their jobs. Both have had COVID, DIL 3 times, since starting the jabs. Both will get the 2024-2025 jabs.
Son’s household: all “fully vaccinated and boosted.” All have had COVID at least twice since starting the jabs. Numerous other “vaccine”-induced issues have hit them.
My siblings, their adult children, and their families—all are “fully vaccinated and boosted.” My sister has had COVID at least 3 times since starting the jabs. Takes Paxlovid for her COVID infections.
I belong to the International Vaccine Control Group. A xerox copy of my membership card is included with my emergency contact information.
“I belong to the International Vaccine Control Group. A xerox copy of my membership card is included with my emergency contact information.”
Surprisingly (or maybe not so surprisingly…) difficult to find.
Is this it?
That’s it.
Thank you!
Duckduckgo had nothing.
Even Google only had a few search results for “International Vaccine Control Group” (in quotes).
One of them was the blog at the link below, and the link to the International Vaccine Control Group was from someone named Sue in the comments section (I did a word search on the blog page for ‘control’ to find it):
Excellent information! Thank you!
Also noting that the IVM levels you took for Omicron seemed to save your senses of taste and smell. How much were to taking – do you remember?
Wolf Moon
Thank you. I was taking 12mg a week, the most I could tolerate for my body weight.
Thank you! Very helpful!
More regarding the “vaccines”:
Yours Truly tried to warn several family members about the dangers of these injections. Was either ignored, or brushed off with “I trust my doctor”, “we follow the science”, and/or “you’re not a doctor.”
Further thoughts, opinions, hypotheses:
The DeepState / Big Pharma / Establishment Medicine, are all going to be pushing for the COVID vax to become “mandatory for all persons age 6 months and older.” I can envision this to the point that those on Medicare will have to be “fully vaccinated and boosted” in order to keep getting their benefits. Ditto with persons on Social Security or disability payments. Securing a “vaccine waiver” will become very tough, including religious or “conscientious-objector” type waivers.
The above entities will also, at the same time, be creating “more variants”, more “infectious diseases of concern”, etc., and pushing “vaccines” for them.
Watch out for the next “manufactured pandemic crisis”, which, IMO,may be either a huge “insurgence” of Monkeypox, or even, God forbid, the re-emergence of Smallpox.
Unless it’s an emergency situation, or something that must be taken care of only in a hospital setting, try to stay out of the hospital if possible. Remember that hospitals will follow the FDA Guidelines for COVID-19 treatment, which STILL DO NOT ALLOW THE USE OF IVM, HCQ, ZINC, OR VITAMIN D to treat a person who is hospitalized with a COVID-19 infection. Instead, the FDA Guidelines “approve” things like Remdesivir (25%+ rebound infection rate, 30%+ death rate in hospital use); molnupiravir; Paxlovid; ventilators; and so on.
Building and maintaining the best natural immune system possible is hugely important. So is regular exercise (at toleration level); following a COVID prevention / detox program like the ones at FLCCC; reducing or eliminating stressors as much as possible; and having a positive connection with the Divine.
The COVID-19 virus itself was designed as a bioweapon. The COVID-19 “vaccines” were/are designed as bioweapons. The “vaccines” are more dangerous than the virus itself on a “Malthusian scale”, due to the insertion of other items into (or around) the furin cleavage site between the S1 and S2 proteins in the virus genome — things like the SV40 African Green Monkey cancer promoter gene splice in the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccine.” The “vaccines” also contain dangerous lipid nanoparticles and the PRRARSV “backdoor key”, which allow the “vaccine” ingredients entry to every cell in the “vaccinated” person’s body. The “vaccines” literally turn the body of the “vaccinated” person into a kind of “internal COVID-19 virus factory.”
“and/or “you’re not a doctor.””
Well they don’t have to be snippy about it, you’re just trying to help!
Great compilation of thoughts there – again – thank you!
“The DeepState / Big Pharma / Establishment Medicine, are all going to be pushing for the COVID vax to become “mandatory for all persons age 6 months and older.” I can envision this to the point that those on Medicare will have to be “fully vaccinated and boosted” in order to keep getting their benefits. Ditto with persons on Social Security or disability payments. Securing a “vaccine waiver” will become very tough, including religious or “conscientious-objector” type waivers.”
When DJT is sworn in, all that nonsense should stop in a hurry.
Even if it didn’t for some reason, the moment they try to make it mandatory for any large group (like people on Medicare), they will get sued all the way to Pluto and back, which will then be appealed back and forth up to the (not)Supreme Court, which should end it.
They cannot force people to be injected with anything. Not even in the proverbial ‘best of times’, much less when there is so much information — including peer reviewed studies which you have posted — showing the obvious danger of these pseudo-vaxxes.
The moment they try to force any group as big as everyone who is on Medicare, the class action lawsuit should be ginormous.
“Watch out for the next “manufactured pandemic crisis”, which, IMO,may be either a huge “insurgence” of Monkeypox, or even, God forbid, the re-emergence of Smallpox.”
Remember the genius move when Odumbo brought people infected with Ebola INTO America?
The arrogance and blatant disregard for the health and safety of the American People should have resulted in impeachment followed by criminal prosecution.
The genocidal maniacs are much more emboldened today than they were back then.
It wouldn’t surprise me now if they airlifted 20,000 African Ebola patients into the U.S. and disbursed them throughout the country.
“The “vaccines” literally turn the body of the “vaccinated” person into a kind of “internal COVID-19 virus factory.””
They must be shocked and dismayed that people aren’t dying a lot faster in much larger numbers.
They are shocked, dismayed AND pissed off at least 27% of us are Pure Bloods.
They are also pissed off so many folks survived, in-spite of Feds and our corrupt medical world’s, best efforts to Murder 14 of 15…Globally.
So much sound advice and positive recommendations.
Assuming we get Trump, much of the downside stuff will fade away.
CDC, FDA, NIH will get sweeping changes, whether they like it or not.
If we do not get Trump, so long as we have Freedom of Speech, we’ll simply have to tell the Feds FO, sue the day lights out of whoever, AND General Strike if need be.
After Covidiocy and Jab mania, the folks are primed to Say No More. IMO.
I’m in medical settings a lot now with my mom and nobody is wearing masks. Upstate NY.
A month or so ago she was hallucinating. Had brain surgery a couple weeks prior, so I thought her symptoms were related to that. Off to the ER, but after extensive bloodwork and imaging the only positive result was for Covid.
The doctor who came into her room to tell us she was positive for Covid did not wear a mask.
I had been around her a lot, closed up in the car for the ride to the ER, but did not get sick. I had Covid in Jan. for the first and only time, but recovered quickly. Took Ivermectin, Vit D, EGCG, Zinc. Maybe I had antibodies, so didn’t catch it from her. Not vaxxed.
She had no respiratory symptoms. Just a slight fever and thinking a man was trying to kill her. She had two Moderna vaxes in 2021. No boosters.
Hope your Mom is doing well.
“The doctor who came into her room to tell us she was positive for Covid did not wear a mask.”
I know! He did not care. Thanks for your well wishes for my Mom.
Big story of natural immunity right there!!!
Thanks for all this information. And like Kalbo, hoping that your mom is doing better and staying better.
Holly, I hope your Mom is feeling better
I hope that you mother is doing well, and great that you avoided getting COVID again.
That damned COVID-19 “vaccine” crosses the Blood-Brain Barrier and messes around with the brain of the “vaccinated” person in lots of ways — Central Nervous System, motor coordination, onset of psychosis, and much more.
Wolf Moon
Yours Truly is working on a “Hiroshima-style” expose’ for the next Health Friday offering. Thank you!
Looking forward to it.
I am seeing NOTHING!
Just did a birthday party and no sneezing.
I had covid 3 times, each time was a lot milder than the last. The first 2 were without Vitamin I just lots of Vit C, D, beef (Zinc) and green tea, followed by Moxidextin and goat spit. (june 2019)
The last time, last fall, was Moxidectin in gloves for a couple hours for Hubby and I. Symptoms gone in a couple days.
That is great news!
Moxidectin is Cydectin® Sheep Drench Also there is a Durvet Ivermectin Sheep Drench
I would only use those in skin application in an emergency if I could not get Ivermectin tablets.
A novel administration route, but apparently effective! Long live sheep dip!
I live in a university town, and seemingly everyone is sick and saying it is Covid whether or not they test. No masks for the most part; masks no longer have the virtue element, even for the previously diehard mask devotees. Everyone still likes bragging about having it, though. Weird.
I had the J&J clot shot in August 2020 in order to keep my job, we were being forced to get a booster but Governor Youngkin put a stop to that, Praise the Lord. The story I heard is that the university fired nearly 200 people.
I am pretty sure I had Covid June 2024, one of my students came back from Colorado with it. I didn’t test, but I was sicker than the time I had pneumonia. I took a dose of the vitamin I from the store that supplies tractors, and I felt better literally within 4 hours. By the way, it does NOT taste like apples
I hope you took Vitamin I (and Zinc) with your Clot shot!
“I took a dose of the vitamin I from the store that supplies tractors, and I felt better literally within 4 hours.”
I was also surprised at how fast it worked, about 12 hours for me. I went to bed sick, and when I woke up, the difference was amazing.
Great update. Wonderful you are felling well.
The apple taste comment cracked me up. Sorry. I’m guessing it was pretty bad.
General comment.
Have posted a few times. Four past orders with these guys. Reynolds.
People tablets. Vitamin I and other stuff folks may be interested in.
CC payment. Quick shipping. Tracking number within a few days. Excellent, bland packaging. Advertise 15-21 day delivery. My experience 18-21. My take, US Customs AND USPS the issue. Not the seller or IndiaPost.
Thanks for that info!!!
I think we did but just the one time. Got a larger amount, better price per pill, & it included a free “germ-free” spray, iirc. No probs with shipping.
I think a lot of people are getting it this year. Praise God for Gov. Youngkin stepping up!
And thanks for the information! Very helpful.
No, it tastes like HORSE APPLES! But it works the same as tablets, and it’s cheap. I just keep buying my vitamin I from the feed store. Call me Mrs. Ed.
“Mrs.Ed”, lol.
I’ll have to look into that again. In the height of the scamdemic they were locking it up at those stores with warning signs from the government (Gretchen Witchmer’s totalitarian psychopathic regime) warning against human use. Hopefully they’ve pulled back from such extremes now. We have human tablets but have only used a few in the couple of years we’ve had them. I think we paid about $200 for 100 pills.
Yikes! I’m cheap, so the horse paste is my go-to.
I’m cheap too so that’s why I want to check out the local options on “horse paste”
For me: Wuhan early 2020. Omicron in June 2022. The latest version this past July. Knocked out the last two with IVM in a few days. This last one did not hit as hard. Some of our neighbors and friends caught it, nobody became seriously ill from it that we knew.
There was a major increase of it this past spring and summer. It has died down of late. Our docs no longer mention jabs at all. They asked if we wanted Paxlovid and we said no. They did not offer an antibiotic, said we would have to wait for 14 days and if we needed it then they would prescribe. Did not like that part.
No pressure on jabs. Our docs have lost a lot of patients from all of this per a RN who works there we know well. People avoid going unless they just have to go.
Maybe one person out of hundreds wear a mask around here. Very unusual. Nearly always is an older female. Not seeing any masks worn by tourists. We had an unusual lull in tourism for a couple of months mid-summer. It is back with a vengeance now.
Received our kits from the Wellness Company recently. Will have it available for our fall frolic vacation as we head into winter. No point in messing with local docs unless it is necessary for something more serious. We can just go with Dr. McCullough and crew. We received them in one week from the order.
Thank you! Very useful information!
It sounds like the “third case” is coming due like clockwork – basically a case every two years. Roughly 2020, 2022, 2024 – the next case for the control group will center around 2026.
Docs were clearly left holding the bag by Joe Briben and Pfizer/Moderna/WEF/Cabal. Hope some of them learn to distrust NIH, FDA, CDC.
YW. I agree on the control group timing.
I have added something to my supplements that I experimented with several years ago and stopped for no good reason – a Candida Cleanse. I am using Ancient Nutrition’s version that has a Turkey Tail mushroom, probiotics, and enzymes blend combined with an organic botanical blend of Pau d-Arco Bark, fermented Oregano Leaf and fermented Astragulus Root.
Our area promotes allergies like crazy with all of the vegetation, rivers and lakes. One of the worst is candida albicans. My wife has been allergy tested twice and it was high both times for her. As I have aged I have noted increasing fungal issues. Toe nail, sore in the nostril, etc, The more I have dug into it the more I see from medical studies about gut health that there are potential links to immune issues, HIV, cancer, etc. The wiki link below is interesting, but beyond my knowledge base. Undoubtedly it will be right up your alley and I would appreciate any comments you may have.
If our immune systems are being attacked by gain of function viruses (bioweapons), it seems to me they are piggybacking on existing environmental pathogens, which is probably enhancing their effectiveness. From what I am reading candida albicans would fit that scenario.
FWIW, I believe the cleanse is helping. You feel like you are taking a cold about 4-5 days in, which goes away. I have more energy and the nostril sores that had been present for months have healed. My sense of well being has improved. I strongly believe if we can reduce the parasite and fungal issues in our bodies we will live much healthier lives.
Will investigate! Thank you!!!
I’ve heard of gut microbiome issues being a factor in diabetes & other diseases but have yet to dig into the topic either. Glad you brought it up!
In our family my husband, myself, & our youngest son had “Covid” in late 2020, I believe. Our middle son also got it at one point but he wasn’t living with us then, though he & Hubby worked together. That initial illness was pretty rough for us all, maybe worse for me for like 3 weeks (I had more co-morbidities) while the guys were closer to 2 weeks. A year or so later Hubby got it again but no one else did. I used many protocols learned on the Q-Tree to help him get over it & it really was minimally problematic for a few days. fwiw I’ve hardly been sick in the years since Covid…hmmm…
Both Hubby & I have different forms of “long-haulers”. He still has some smell & taste issues lingering. He may have some heart & breathing component too. I have lingering respiratory issues that mostly manifest as a morning cough that on most days is briefly productive & then gone. Sometimes I’ll get a lingering dry cough in the evening. I need to use more of the protocol items on myself & see if it can get kicked more. I’ve got Hubby on a regular protocol regimen but will have to push it more as it’s getting colder. He usually forgets his morning “meds” & we both forget the evening ones. If anyone is fighting something we increase Vit C, Vit D, & Zinc fwiw.
Our youngest son, who also has congenital heart defects, has been complaining about heart issues for some months now & it can’t be ruled out that they Could have some type of Covid long-haulers component to them. Also he lives about half the time at his wife’s parents’ home & his wife & her parents all took the initial Jab against our/his Strenuous advice. It is highly likely that Josiah has been subjected to vax shedding issues much more significantly than anyone else in our family.
We have a moved up Pediatric Cardiology appointment (they do all Congenital Heart “kids) this week because of his ongoing heart issues. He was supposed to get a Holter monitor to wear for about 2 weeks but it hasn’t arrived yet so our appointment will not include analysis of any data that might theoretically provide. He’s scheduled to have an Echocardiogram & EKG so those can be compared to his previous ones to see what, if any, cardiac issues are showing evidence beyond his personal recounting of increased frequency & discomfort events.
In the very rarely masked we have seen around here in Metro Detroit many of them are Black. It seems that that “community” has been traumatized by covid crapola more than most.
I’ve seen a handful of mask-morons, and I know a few people who have been sick.
Again, I will say, loudly for the dipshit leftists in the back:
Covid is going to come around every so often, just like any other common cold. Jeez, people, just buy some Dayquil and get over it!
Neither hubby nor I have ever had covid nor are we vaxxed. We eat lots of high grade beef, fish and vegies, very few sweets or dairy products (only kefir), and take extra Vit D and take a walk or pilates/weights daily. Colorado has lots of sunshine and we are out in it part of every day (hunting Venezuelan gangs or cats …)
My Colorado & Michigan families are all vaxxed, but I’m guessing most have stopped getting boosted. (After a few difficult interactions, we now have an unspoken don’t ask don’t tell on vax/covid and political topics which allows us all to better enjoy our time together.) Some have had mild cases once or twice, and one DIL who teaches in elementary grades gets all the boosters and gets covid/crud about every 3 months.
in general, I don’t hear too much about
or much pushing about the vax here in Colorado (at least right now). Even had an appt with GP last week and no one there asked if I wanted vax or flu shot!! I was shocked.
Excellent! Very interesting. Yes – that is shocking.
Straight up without reading your open or any other comments:
Covid is a “viral” (appearing) disease that was lab-engineered via illegal gain-of-function experimentation to be extremely contagious, in effect it was a Weak Bio-Weapon that the US was actively involved in the creation & proliferation of. Ralph Baric, UNC Chapel Hill, was involved in underpinning research, at a minimum, for decades. Peter Dasick, Eco Health Alliance, played a role. Anthony Fauci & Deborah Brix played prominent roles in lying continuously to Trump, America, & the world about virtually every aspect of Covid including masks, social distancing, lock downs, & designating Essential vs non-essential workers, striating & fracturing minds & society. The Wuhan Institute of Virology was a site where much of the research & development activities were reassigned after “gain-of-function” research was outlawed in the US during aka BHO’s Usurpation & it was an alleged source of the initial infections…maybe..
The Weak bio-weapon of Covid (19) was used to usher in the Strong Bio-Weapon of the Covid 19 injections, mislabeled “vaccines” after a duplicitous change in the meaning of that word at the CDC, I believe. Natural immunity, personal autonomy, & medical freedom were all disregarded as the extreme psychopathic totalitarians tried to coerce or shame the majority of people to surrender their physical & mental/emotional selves to inadequately safety tested mysterious substances that were not allowed to question or refuse in order to work, attend school, take part in normal activities for months/years of lies. “Vax” refusers were labeled as “granny killers”, conspiracy theorists, & nuts.
The worldwide “pandemic” was a fraud perpetuated upon the Earth & gamed out via Event 21 (201? I forget what number now) that was partially funded by Bill Gates, a multi-generational depopper & extreme psychopath who is wanted for crimes against humanity in India & several African nations for the deaths & disabilities directly caused by his vaccine activities (thinly disguised depopulation) in those & other nations, I believe.
Political Moonshine has a Huge Body of work on numerous aspects of what Covid is/was, including the political machinations that were laid prior to Trump taking office as a planned way to steal his executive power, American might, & ultimately the 2020 election.
PCR testing was misapplied to convince people without symptoms that they had a dangerous disease & then these “false positives” were counted breathlessly to convince the world that a “pandemic” was under way.
Normal medical approaches were suspended under totalitarian “public health & safety” dictates that forbid typical approaches to treating respiratory illnesses. Once people were severely ill enough they were confined in hospitals where they were systematically eliminated using “approved protocols” that were more about lining the pockets of big pharma, eliminating the elderly “useless eaters”, & paying off the complicit killing fields (hospitals) with government blood money (coercion with cash, so to speak). Family were forbidden from attending to their in-patient loved ones so a major line of defense for the ill was removed so that “protocols” designed to kill, not heal, would be administered unseen.
Inadequately tested or studied mRNA injections were designated as de riguer in addressing Covid 19 & they have caused untold damage to individuals, germlines, & society at large with spike protein shedding making All of us subject to Covid issues of one sort or another…
Traditional free speech was actively & coercively suppressed so that alternative approaches to addressing the heath dangers of Covid were hard to discover &/or implement with health care providers (doctors’, nurses’, & pharmacists’ licenses on the line if they stepped out of approved lanes & prescribed, recommended, or dispensed Ivermectin &/or Hydroxychloroquine, for instance) being forbidden from alternative treatments. Citizens, professionals, & interested parties who attempted to disseminate alternative info were deplatformed, banned, fired, marginalized, &/or shunned.
Non-compliant heads of state were assassinated to keep those on the fence seemingly in line with Covid dictates. The World Health Organization exercised its totalitarian fantasies with the bootlicking & support of numerous nations or respected institutions, like Johns Hopkins, I believe.
The CDC & FDA were revealed as money-grubbing shills for totalitarian government bought, paid-for, & wholly owned by big Pharma, out to make many bucks while killing off the inconvenient recipients of their “treatments”.
The Military was complicit in the killing fields, with mandates on their own personnel that have killed or maimed many & significantly diminished readiness (like w/ pilots no longer cleared to fly because of “vax” injuries). BARDA, DARPA, other entities under PREP etc that had “medical countermeasures” in place to inflict on huge populations show that virtually every aspect of the “pandemic” was planned & executed with deliberate, inhuman(e), & immoral precision. Bigger agendas than we can fully realize are in play (PM details this extensively)
Covid was a partial descent into totalitarian madness that was inflicted on the entire world with a complicit media, social media, government, industry, & society. There are losses to personal, relational, & social functioning that will never be regained nor restored to pre-“pandemic” functionality. The damage to individual people, families, communities, industries, societies, states, nations, & the entire world is both incalculable & irreversible, to some degree.
Like 9/11 the Covid 19 inflicted scam has created a pervasive reshuffling of the world from which we can never turn back the clock, but only hope to learn from so as not to repeat the contemptable actions & attitudes that characterized much of this worldwide entirely manmade & fraudulent false-fear based disaster.
Well, that’s certainly not even close to all that Covid is/was but it’s enough for now, whew.
God help us all going forward…
Covid is now endemic & maybe has mostly replaced “flu & influenza-like illnesses” so that Fall/Winter is now more likely to be labeled Covid rather than (or perhaps AND) flu season. The un”vaxed”/lesser “vaxed” are at diminished risk & everyone can benefit from immune boosting protocols so that Covid/flu need not be feared nor cause a big disruption in society at large, at least in my opinion.
In minor ground report status the little bit I get out & about I do occasionally see masks but they are well under 10% of people, usually under 5% & mostly under 2% in my view…
I live in Santa Clara County, which was one of the first counties hit by this mystery infection (before it got rolling among the elderly). The local public health authorities are totalitarian to the core.
There was a period where Chinese authorities were banning internal flights to-and-from the Wuhan region of China, while continuing to allow international flights to-and-from the SF Bay Area and Wuhan.
I’m seeing some masks and gloves — maybe 1 person in 40 — in the places I’m going. That said, there were some masks and gloves long before COVID (particularly among the oriental community). The hastily-erected plexiglass shields over counters at supermarkets, 7-11, the bookstore, and such are all gone.
Masks are still demanded in some healthcare facilities.
I have not been jabbed, and I’m unsure as to whether I’ve had COVID. I had one random illness where I cracked into my store of Vitamin I…..which didn’t seem to help much. I discovered Zinc+C well over a decade ago and take it during “cold and flu season” and stopped getting colds and flus. I took it year-round during the COVID panic.
I firmly believe that Fauci and Brix, Bourla and Baric, a whole bunch of their enablers and co-conspirators, and several Bay Area public health officials should be hanged by the neck until dead. I hope to see that come to pass.
Again I’m pretty sure it was Aubergine who gave us these two articles…,33009,932876-1,00.html,33009,932876-2,00.html
If one scrolls down to the red banner across the bottom of the page it can be seen that the present article was from 2019.
I have always thought it was more than a little strange for them to, with no apparent reason, reprint an article dating from 1942 right before covid struck.
I’m not sure if all brands of vaping fluid share a basic common recipe, but the one I use contains is just over one third propylene glycol.
I have only had covid once, as far as I know. I might have had it again later, in a weaker form this summer, since I did catch some kind of bug in late July, and it went to the lungs, then around the body, feeling like a much attenuated encore of the ordeal in 2020.
But I kept to Quercetin, Zink, Magnesium, Vitamins C, D, B12 and I was only out of action for a day or so.
No jabb, originally I figured that as I’ve had «the coof» it was meaningless to vaxinate against something I just went through, seeing from experience with similar viruses, that natural immunity would last for quite a while, possibly as long as decades.
And then there was that weird time-shift; in March it was all over that no-one had identified the virus yet, while in May it was sufficiently known so that it could be verified that I indeed had had it. It was a mysterious and quick discovery of the jabb juice from this…. as if the whole damn thing had been manufactured — hence the occasionally seen term «plandemic».
As for jab damage, the first rule of the jab club is still in effect («Do not talk about the Jab Club») so a number of people are suffering in silence. But some of them do look quite older all of a sudden, there are some who have reported kidney damage, and even cancer. Or shingles. And there have been more strange accidents, like a motorcyclist going off a straight section of road at low speed in the middle of a sunny day; others have flipped their car on the motorway or hit the tunnel walls. Some of them have been drunk but not all of them.
Lived in San Francisco during the HIV/Aids crisis. The death and destruction the infection caused ravished the gay community through their imune system. Many died a horrible death, alone and issolated. Belief this was a test run on the imune system.
Co V…id injections are doing something similar to people with comorbidities. It breaks down the immune system opening the victim up to many complications, many leading to death. The connection, both had Dr. F’s fingerprints. Why is he getting secret service protection instead of jail guards 24/7?