Notice The British Empire vs The Ottoman Empire in the first map on the left. I thought about the promises the Brits made to the Arabs if they revolted against the Ottoman Empire. I did a bit of digging and decided I am going to explore WHY the Brits/Rothschilds were so interested in destroying the Ottoman Empire in the next article. Looks like double crossing the Arabs and adding Israel to the mix was a feature not a bug.

YOU HAVE BEEN SYSTEMATICALLY BRAINWASHED AND YOU DO NOT EVEN KNOW IT! And yes I mean all of us. I finished writing this and realized I had gone about it all wrong. Therefore I am changing the order and add a lot more information. (So what else is new?)

Our puppet masters are well aware that “…emotions drive more than 80 percent of our decision-making, while logic makes up the rest.… Social psychologists have discovered that emotional response to a given stimuli is milliseconds faster than cognitive or thinking response…” AND “… anger [along with fear] is one of our strongest and most powerful emotions…” In other words they know how to manipulate the public.

False Flag events are REAL events orchestrated by governments or non-state actors to elicit a specific response from the public — Fear & Anger. To make sure the specific response by the public is achieved AND directed toward the selected target, propaganda is used. It is all about getting the public’s buy-in to the Cabal’s narrative and has NOTHING to do with the truth.

5th-Gen Warfare Terms and Tactics —

“The deliberate manipulation of an observer’s context in order to achieve a desired outcome.” by Dr Robert Malone

“The basic idea behind this term [fifth-generation warfare] is that in the modern era, wars are not fought by armies or guerrillas, but in the minds of common citizens.”— Al Jazeera

So, what is fifth generation warfare and why does it matter?

5th-Gen warfare is an extension of Asymmetric and Insurgent Warfare strategies and tactics, whereby both conventional and unconventional military tactics and weapons are incorporated and deployed, 👉including exploitation of political, religious and social causes. 👈 This new gradient of warfare uses the internet, social media and the 24 hour news cycle to change cognitive biases of individuals and/or organizations. It can be conducted by organized or unorganized (ergo decentralized) groups; it may be led by nation states, non-nation state actors and organizations, non-governmental organizations or even individuals. A key characteristic of 5th Gen warfare is that the nature of the attack is concealed. The goal is to disrupt and defeat opponents by creating new cognitive biases.



This is key to understanding how we are being manipulated and BY WHOM. Please put your emotions on hold and look at this without the religious overtones. However if you do want to introduce religion…

Behold, I give of the synagogue of Satan, of them that say they are Jews, and they are not, but do lie….

Revelation 3:9:

I do not think the Cabal is ‘Jewish’ but instead are Lovers of Money and POWER who use the Jewish religion as cover especially in the USA. (Just try criticizing George Soros.)

…One item stands out as a person listens to the International Bankers and reads their books. They believe money is what makes the world go round. If you have money, you can do anything. Money is “God”, and it is worshipped and served. Even after these families accumulate more than can be spent, these devotees continue selling their souls for this false but powerful god. The great poet-philosopher Heinrich Heine (a Banker’s son) said, “Money is the god of our time, and Rothschild is his prophet.”As quoted in Sampson, Anthony. The Money Lenders. Middlesex, Eng.: Penguin Books, Ltd., 1985, p.37.

…According to eye-witnesses, who were prominent enough to visit one of the British Rothschild homes, the Rothschilds worship yet another god too, Satan. They set a place for him at their table.(8a) The Rothschilds have been Satanists for many generations. LINK

BELOW: “Marina Abramovic posing with Lord Jacob Rothschild, who is also a lover of the “arts.” The painting behind them just happens to be “Satan summoning his Legions” (1797), by Sir Thomas Lawrence.”

Just as we Americans are duped by the US government, the Jewish people are duped by theirs. In both cases atrocities are committed in our name as the true villains hide. You do not need The Khazar-Rothschild Continuum and the Hidden Hand of History (Burning Platform) to explain the present situation, all you need is the love of Power, Wealth, AND WAR!

Yeah, seems the Rothschilds OWN Charlies and have owned England since 1815.



1815 — Napoleon lost the Battle of Waterloo.

Nathan spread the rumor that Napoleon had won and that everyone on the English Stock Market should start selling their useless English money. Rothchilds’ agents were then able to purchase nearly the entire English Stock Market at incredibly low prices, thus controlling the entire English market…As of 2015, the English government is still paying back money owed to the Rothschild family from this Napoleonic fraud (Now removed from Investopedia, fancy that.)

1858 — The Suez Canal was an immensely profitable investment by the Rothschild family. The Rothschild’s basically owned the British banking system and had funded all the British war efforts throughout the 19th century. Because the Suez Canal was built with slave labor, the Brits did not want their name associated with the building of it. Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli, (Jewish BTW) had N M Rothschild & Sons acted for the British Government instead. Disraeli was a close personal friend of Lionel de Rothschild. LINK

1881 – Assassination of Tsar Alexander II in retaliation for his help during the US Civil War. Start of the Jewish Pogram in Russia in response to the assassination carried out by socialist Jews.

1882 -1918 — The Rothschilds began to buy land in Palestine. The Rothschilds, who had international power as they lent money to all governments, wanted the refugee Russian Jews to be allowed to settle in these lands. By 1918, one-twentieth of Palestine’s fertile lands belonged to the Rothschilds. — Who sold Palestine?

If the people settling in Palestine were Russian Jews, perhaps the scientist who looked at their DNA was correct and they are more closely related to the Khazars than to Middle East people. Remember these Jews were refugees because Jewish Socialists had assassinated the Tzar and Russians took out their anger on the entire Jewish community. Also, exactly WHO owns Israel if the Rothschilds bought the land?

1895London School of Economics was founded by Sidney Webb.

Among its major contributors: the Rockefeller Foundation, the Carnegie United Kingdom Trust, and Mrs. Ernest Elmhirst, the widow of J. P. Morgan partner Willard Straight, who founded the socialist. magazine New Republic. — The Fabians, the Round Table, and the Rhodes Scholars

The Fabian co-founders, the Webbs, founded the London School of economics with a bit of financial help from Nathan Rothschild. [ALL references are now gone…]

More recently Evelyn de Rothschild was a Governor of LSU.



Cartoon by Robert Minor [a Communist] in St. Louis Post-Dispatch (1911). Karl Marx surrounded by an appreciative audience of Wall Street financiers: John D. Rockefeller, J. P. Morgan, John D. Ryan of National City Bank, and Morgan partner George W. Perkins. Immediately behind Karl Marx is Teddy Roosevelt, leader of the Progressive Party.

1913 The Federal Reserve Cartel: Part I: The Eight Families

…J. W. McCallister, an oil industry insider with House of Saud connections, wrote in The Grim Reaper that information he acquired from Saudi bankers cited 80% ownership of the New York Federal Reserve Bank- by far the most powerful Fed branch- by just eight families, four of which reside in the US. They are the Goldman Sachs, Rockefellers, Lehmans and Kuhn Loebs of New York; the Rothschilds of Paris and London; the Warburgs of Hamburg; the Lazards of Paris; and the Israel Moses Seifs of Rome.

CPA Thomas D. Schauf corroborates McCallister’s claims, adding that ten banks control all twelve Federal Reserve Bank branches…

From: CHAPTER FIVE The House of Rothschild [SECRETS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE By Eustace Mullins]

…They are J.P. Morgan Company, Brown Brothers Harriman, Warburg, Kuhn Loeb and J. Henry Schroder. All of them maintain close relationships with the House of Rothschild, principally through the Rothschild control of international money markets through its manipulation of the price of gold…. Although these firms are ostensibly American firms,.. the fact is that these banking houses actually take their direction from London. Their history is a fascinating one, and unknown to the American public originating as it did in the international traffic in gold, slaves, diamonds, and other contraband.

👉 There are no moral considerations in any business decision made by these firms. They are interested solely in money and power.

1913 – Anti-Defamation League (ADL), formerly known as the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith is an international NGO formed in NYC. It opposed McCarthyism during the Cold War. (Can’t have the Commies and other traitors exposed now can we? Nor people like George Soros criticized.)

1917 — Congressional Record, February 9, 1917 Rothschild agents take control of US Media.

In March, 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, ship building and powder interests and their subsidiary organizations, got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world and employed them to select the most influential newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of them to control generally the policy of the daily press in the United States…

1950 February 17, 1950, James Warburg confidently declared to the United States Senate:

“We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.”  
James Paul Warburg (1896-1969) was the son of Paul Moritz Warburg, and a nephew of both Felix Warburg and Jacob Schiff, both associated with Kuhn, Loeb & Company which financed the Russian Revolution through James’ brother Max, banker to the government of Germany.
[Mastermind of the Federal Reserve]

1948 — Tantura massacre: Documentary exposes Israel’s foundational myth

“Some of these young soldiers I remember – it’s not nice to say – they put [the Palestinian villagers] in a barrel and shot at the barrel, and I remember the blood in the barrel.”

1953 — The Qibya massacre: The difference between deterrence and vengeance

Qibya is one of the saddest and most difficult events in Israeli history. A military unit enters a village, and when the raid is over, 43 homes had been demolished, and 69 civilians – mostly women and children – had been killed.

1954 — AIPAC

AIPAC was founded in 1954 by Isaiah L. Kenen, a lobbyist for the Israeli government, partly to counter negative international reactions to Israel’s Qibya massacre of Palestinian villagers that year. –WIKI



Many Democrat congressmen, senators and bureaucrats have duel Israeli citizenship LINK & LINK 👉That list includes David Plouffe.

I can not find my reference to the Democrat connection to AIPAC. but here are some alternate references:

No mention of Palestinians or Israeli settlements, as Democrats take AIPAC stage

A Big-Money Operation [by AIPAC] Purged Critics of Israel From the Democratic Party

AIPAC uncorks $100 million war chest to sink progressive candidates

Building on a successful playbook from 2022, AIPAC and other aligned groups are picking their targets — many more of them this time.

A California Democrat running for Rep. Katie Porter’s seat suddenly became the target of an unexpected barrage of negative ads from the nation’s premier pro-Israel group this year. So he emailed a former Michigan representative, Andy Levin, for advice.

Levin was ousted from his House seat in 2022, after the American Israel Public Affairs Committee spent $4 million against him. Levin was one of a handful of Democrats targeted by AIPAC last cycle, when the group went after a range of progressive candidates in mostly open House primaries over their criticism of Israel….

Rep. Thomas Massie tells Tucker Carlson every GOP member of Congress has an ‘AIPAC babysitter’

“Everybody but me has an AIPAC person — like your AIPAC babysitter, who is always talking to you for AIPAC,”Massie said. “They’re probably a constituent from your district but they’re firmly embedded in AIPAC.”

“Every member has something like this?” Tucker Carlson asked.

“Every Repub–, I don’t know how it works on the Democrat side, but that’s how it works on the Republican side, and when you come to DC you go have lunch with them and they’ve got your cell number and you have conversations with them.”

“That’s crazy,” Carlson responded.

“So, I’ve had four members of Congress say, ‘I’ll talk to my AIPAC person’ — that’s literally what we call them, ‘my AIPAC guy,'” Massie said, laughing. “‘I’ll talk to my AIPAC guy and see if I can get them to, you know, dial those ads back.'”

“Why have I never heard this before?” Carlson said.

“It doesn’t benefit anybody,” Massie said, “why would they want to tell their constituents that they’ve basically got a buddy system with somebody who is representing a foreign country, it doesn’t benefit the congressmen for people to know that so they’re not going to tell you that.”

FORWARD: Jewish Independent Nonprofit Says It’s Time For AIPAC To Register As A Foreign Agent

…AIPAC is one of the leading forces behind the Israel lobby, joined in recent years by the ascending Christians United for Israel. Other Jewish “pro-Israel” organizations are niche affairs, representing particular constituencies on the left or right. But it’s AIPAC that is the registered lobby on Capitol Hill, and it is AIPAC whose clout on matters relating to Israel exceeds the clout of the National Rifle Association on matters related to guns; while the NRA’s sway is almost entirely over Republicans,

AIPAC has historically drawn its support from both parties. Is there any place but AIPAC that not only gets Mike Pence, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi in the same room, but also gets to hear them in near total agreement?

But there’s something strange, too, about AIPAC. Consider Vice President Mike Pence’s 

remarks at last year’s conference:

Every freedom-loving American stands with Israel — because her cause is our cause, her values are our values and her fight is our fight.” [Excuse me bull schiff! Why should US blood and money go to defend another country when we have major problems here at home? –GC]

And it is not just Congress.

FBI Basic Field Training Course

The Department of Justice released the Anti-Defamation League’s Basic Field Training Course (PDF). The course is mandatory for all FBI New Agent Trainees (NATs) and New Intelligence Analyst Trainees (NIATs). This release follows a decade of Freedom of Information Act requests and denials by the Department of Justice (PDF) and evasion by publicly funded content contributors.

The ADL course is developed and conducted by Anti-Defamation League (ADL) instructors. It selects materials from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) and Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial. Marcus Appelbaum, Museum Director of Law, Justice and Society Initiatives in 2014 resisted any public review of the curriculum, stating, “Unfortunately we do not randomly send out the curriculum.” Appelbaum also denied that any of the large amounts of U.S. taxpayer funding supporting the museum paid for the curriculum.

The ADL course facilitates a discussion of the USHMM video 

The Path to Nazi Genocide by asking trainees to watch and then consider “the challenges that police officers faced, and decisions they made in Germany during the Nazi era.” The video depicts the rise of Nazi Germany from WWI to the final WWII liberation of concentration camps replete with emaciated images of the dead and barely living.

The final question the video puts to agents in training is why the word “genocide” had to be coined in the aftermath. “As the world struggled to understand what had happened, a new word, genocide, was needed for these crimes — crimes committed by ordinary people from a society not unlike our own.”

And the influence extends to our military too. See the 133 page FOIA document obtained from the Department of Defense entitled: AFSS 0910 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY AND TREATMENT INCIDENTS (EOTI) LESSON PLAN

The whole document was obtained by Judicial Watch. August 22, 2013 ARCHIVED DOC


This lesson will focus on awareness and current issues requiring the attention of future Equal Opportunity Advisors. It will also provide information that describes sources of extremism information, definitions, recruitment of DoD personnel, common themes in extremist ideologies, common characteristics of extremist organizations, DoD policies, and command functions regarding extremist activities. ……


Seven Stage Hate Model, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin March

The following references are additional sources for current extremism information:

Anti-Defamation League – [The Anti-Defamation League was founded in 1913 “to stop the defamation of the Jewish people ]

Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism – [The Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino is a nonpartisan research and policy center ]

Know Gangs –

Political Research Associates –

Southern Poverty Law Center –



In the early ‘90s, legendary investigative journalist Seymour Hersh revealed the “Samson Option,” a secret Israeli nuclear deterrence strategy.

The Unclear Bomb – Investigating Israel’s ‘Samson Option’

…John F. Kennedy had run-ins with the Israel lobby early in his presidential campaign. He was visited by Abe Feinberg and eventually given $500,000 for his campaign. Feinberg is an important Jewish figure to have on side as his vote swayed the opinion of many Jewish businessmen in the USA at the time. Simultaneously he had a foot in Israeli politics, campaigning for the Zionist cause. Kennedy had needed the funding but was uncomfortable about the level of control Feinberg and other Zionists wanted to have over the President’s Middle East foreign policy.

Kennedy was committed to the cause of nuclear non-proliferation. It was one of the planks of his moral case for presidency and it sat well with a war-weary public. He would routinely pressure Ben-Gurion about inspections of the Dimona facility only to be stonewalled….

I quote here from Seymour Hersh’s eye opening ‘The Samson Option’ – an unparalleled research into Israeli nuclear ambitions with an array of primary sources in the US and Israeli intelligence services.

Ben-Gurion took no chances: the American inspectors – most of them experts in nuclear reprocessing – would be provided with a Potemkin village and never know it.

The Israeli scheme, based on plans supplied by the French, was simple: a false control room was constructed at Dimona, complete with false control panels and computer-driven measuring devices that seemed to be gauging the thermal output of a twenty-four megawatt reactor (as Israel claimed Dimona to be) in full operation….

Thus the semi-secret nuclear reprocessing could continue under wraps, the Kennedy government none the wiser. Following Kennedy’s assassination Israel had a much easier time under Lyndon Johnson. He would not only look the other way on the nuclear weapons issue, but would go on to approve missile and fighter jet deliveries to Israel. At the heightened speed of processing Israel could produce enough enriched Uranium for 4 or 5 nuclear warheads per year, from the late 1960s. Ben-Gurion’s successor, Moshe Dayan, continued in this stead following some pressure from the Zionist lobby in Israel and globally to keep Israel ‘safe’ by arming herself with nukes….

The above is one version of the story. This is the less ‘nice’ version.

Remember the ‘Samson Option’? 

Israel says they have nuclear missiles aimed at cities all over Europe, which they curiously and insanely regard as ‘hostile’, this being the preferred choice of target of the Israeli Air Force. Israel routinely calls the USA ‘anti-semitic’ too. Does anything strike you a being a little odd about that?….

During an interview with Alan Hart, the then Israeli premier Golda Meir twice stated that Israel was prepared to destroy the whole world with nuclear weapons if Israel ever faced military defeat...

More details: The Samson Option: Was nuclear blackmail confirmed by Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir?

…In an interview with Alan Hart of the BBC, Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir actually threatened the entire world with nuclear Armageddon. She verified the “Samson Option” without batting an eye, much less flinching …

Hart: “I recall the words spoken to me many years ago by Golda Meir, Mother Israel, when she was prime minister. At a point during an interview I did with her for the BBC’s Panorama programme, I interrupted her to ask, “Prime Minister, I want to be sure I understand what you’re saying … You are saying that if Israel was ever in danger of being defeated on the battlefield, it would be prepared to take the region and the whole world down with it?”

Meir “without the shortest of pauses for reflection, and in the gravel voice that could charm or intimidate American Presidents according to need” replied: “Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying.”

Should we believe Alan Hart and share his conviction that Mother Israel meant exactly what she said? Yes, because we have similar reports from other reliable sources. For instance, I remember reading Robert Fisk’s book The Great War for Civilisation in which Fisk, a keen-eyed and objective observer, mentioned watching high-ranking American diplomats like Colin Powell and Madeline Albright acting deferentially, even fearfully, around Israeli leaders.  If we consider the normal operating mode of American politicians—hubris—that seems hard to believe, unless Israel was threatening to use nuclear weapons. When I put two and two together, it seems to me that Israel may have warned American diplomats, “Unless we are allowed to have our way with Arabs, and the world acquiesces to our brutal, unjust treatment of them, we are willing to unleash a nuclear Armageddon on the world.”

And it seems those American diplomats also believed the threat of the Samson Option.

Henry Kissinger’s role

Do not forget National Security Study Memorandum NSSM 200 and his declaration: In 10 Years, There Will Be No More Israel. Other link: New York Post, Sep 17, 2012

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu uses a cartoon diagram of a bomb while delivering his address to the 67th United Nations General Assembly session, September 27, 2012.


Israel’s Nuclear Arsenal and 

American Foreign Policy

By Seymour M. Hersh

Prelude to War 

Israel’s development as a full-blown nuclear power by 1969 could not have come at a more fortuitous time, in terms of the American presidency. Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger approached inauguration day on January 20, 1969, convinced that Israel’s nuclear ambitions were justified and understandable. Once in office, they went a step further: they endorsed Israel’s nuclear ambitions. 

The two American leaders also shared a contempt for the 1968 Nonproliferation Treaty, which had been so ardently endorsed in public by Lyndon Johnson. Nixon, midway in his campaign against Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey, dismayed the arms control community by urging the Senate to delay ratification of the NPT until after the election. He went further a few days later, telling newsmen in Charlotte, North Carolina, that he specifically was concerned about the NPT’s failure to permit the transfer of “defensive nuclear weapons,” such as mines or anti-ballistic missile systems, to non-nuclear powers. Government arms controllers were hugely relieved in early February 1969 when Nixon formally requested the Senate to take up the treaty and then stated at a news conference that he would do all he could to urge France and West Germany— known to have reservations—to sign it: “I will make it clear that I believe that ratification of the treaty by all governments, nuclear and non-nuclear, is in the interest of peace and in the interest of reducing the possibility of nuclear proliferation.” 

In the secrecy of their offices, however, as only a few in the government knew, Nixon and Kissinger had simultaneously issued a presidential order to the bureaucracy undercutting all that was said in public. The classified document, formally known as National Security Decision Memorandum (NSDM) No. 6, stated that “there should be no efforts by the United States government to pressure other nations, particularly the Federal Government of Germany, to follow suit [and ratify the NPT]. The government, in its public posture, should reflect a tone of optimism that other countries will sign or ratify, while clearly disassociating itself [in private] from any plan to bring pressure on these countries to sign or ratify.”

[So in other words,we are doing the exact opposite of what we are telling the American People we are doing DC]  

“It was a major change in American policy,” recalled Morton H. Halperin, then Kissinger’s closest aide on the National Security Council staff. “Henry believed that it was good to spread nuclear weapons around the world. I heard him say that if he were the Israelis, he would get nuclear weapons. He did not believe that the United States should try and talk them out of it.”.

We really need POTUS Trump and the Abraham Accords!


Given the information above, I am in agreement with Tonawanda.


 September 23, 2024 09:11

I realize that many on our side regard the exploding pagers as primarily a laughing matter, and secondarily as an object of admiration.

Our side has been almost categorically on the side of Israel, regardless of the circumstances.

Ron Unz has a different take on the matter:

No doubt, the all purpose response of name calling, a form of “shut up” with implied threats, is what can be expected to the information he presents.

But it is information he presents, information which can be evaluated and assessed in a rational/reasonable manner.

Unz has the same impression I had of the exploding pagers, that the scheme was a brilliant operation indistinguishable from barbaric terrorism. Unz goes into some depth about the extensive use of assassination and terrorism by the Zionists before the founding of Israel, and by Israel itself. The exploding pagers were not assassination.

Unz is a very cautious and scrupulous man. He provides sources and documentation for his assertions, and he honestly admits to speculation when he is speculating.

It would take a year to read and comprehend the archives at, but the effort is well worth while with respect to an assortment of topics where the official narrative on a given topic turns out to be a series of lies, distortions and brainwashing.

On our side, we have been discovering for years how we have been lied to by our alleged government (run by TPTB) about a variety of topics. We are at the point where nothing is believed if it originates from the “government” or from their media/institutional frontmen.

The distinction has been made here and on other sites between the American people and the “government” who claims to act on our behalf. One of the fascinating aspects in this regard was Tucker’s interview with Putin, who disclosed his understanding that what the American “government” did was not endorsed or supported by a vast segment of the American people.

That distinction is a good one IMO when applied both here and in other countries.

Let me be very clear that I am condemning WAR especially Nuclear War and not the Jewish people. The IDF stood down allowing the murder of innocents just like our Air force stood down during 9-11. In both cases it was ALL ABOUT starting a war.

CONFIRMED: Israel ordered IDF to STAND DOWN and let Hamas attack – now Israel wants full-scale war to fulfill decades-long plan for “Greater Israel

The JERUSALEM POST: IDF knew of Hamas’s plan to kidnap 250 before October 7 attack – report

September 17, 2023 Saudi Arabia Suspends Talks on Normalizing Relations With Israel

Saudi Arabia has informed the United States of the termination of negotiations to normalize relations with Israel, media reported, citing a source in Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office.

The source claimed that the Netanyahu government had rejected “conciliatory gestures” towards the Palestinians and acceptance of the demands of the right wing bloc undermined any possibility of rapprochement with the Palestinians and Saudi Arabia itself.

The Israeli leadership is “at a loss” over Riyadh’s decision to halt any negotiations with Washington on normalizing relations, the source added…

It is my opinion that factions within Israel never wanted peace in the first place. They wanted WAR! AND they want the USA to fight that war for them.

 Rabbis Against War with Iran: An Open Letter 

We, the undersigned American Jewish clergy, are deeply concerned about reports that Prime Minister Netanyahu will demand of President Obama, at their meeting at the White House today, that either the United States attack Iran, or else, Israel will...

Most of the people of the State of Israel oppose Prime Minister Netanyahu’s military threats against Iran. They fear the consequences of an attack on Iran. As Jewish leaders, we too believe that the path of wisdom towards achieving peace and stability in the region is through dialog and engagement and not through acts of war. We call on the United States government to safeguard the interests of the people of Israel and Iran…

‘Stop Vetoing Peace,’ Rabbis Tell Biden at UN Security Council Protest

….the latest high-profile demonstration demanding the United States end its opposition to a cease-fire in Gaza.

The rabbis—whose action was organized by Rabbis for Cease-fire, Jews for Racial and Economic Justice, Jewish Voice for Peace, and IfNotNow—displayed banners with messages for U.S. President Joe Biden: “Biden: The World Says Cease-Fire,” and “Biden: Stop Vetoing Peace.”

The protest came weeks after the U.S. alone vetoed a U.N. Security Council resolution calling for Israel to end its bombardment of Gaza, which has killed at least 23,210 people, injured more than 59,100, and left thousands more missing and feared dead under rubble, as the population of the enclave faces starvation and disease stemming from Israel’s blockade…

If you do not have time for the entire video, please listen to the first 7 minutes AND especially the couple of minutes from 23 to 25 minutes.

These two rabbis explain WHY the Torah says Israel should NOT EXIST and that religious Jews are bullied, attacked and even murdered by the SECULAR Zionists if they try to speak up.

Funny how we hear about the idiots supporting HAMAS, but not the JEW CALLING FOR PEACE, not to mention the Orthodox Jews like those above saying establishing Israel was AGAINST GOD’s COMMAND! 🤔

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gail – I’m going to put this back into schedule if you don’t mind. You can then edit it and it won’t be visible to everybody else. I will do so at 9:30, unless you do it first.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Looks like it published as expected!


Unbelievable what governments do to their own people.

Leaving the ME for a moment.

Australia forcibly locking down, beating and jailing folks not buying into Covidiocy AND Covidiot Jabs.

Crap they did in the US, Canada…

Governments wield too much power C O N T R O L over citizens.

Valerie Curren

Trying to see if the tweet that underpins the nitter item will show here

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gail – I am not sure why this PMTW comment published, but it was not me. When I first saw it, I was surprised that somebody had already “liked” it. That could only happen by it having appeared publicly first – which requires being approved out of the moderation bin.

Nobody but you or I have the power to approve this comment, thus making it appear, which could happen by merely “liking” it, or by replying to it.

There is some possibility (yea, some likelihood) that state-level actors (US or foreign) have administrative access to this account. Thus, if the PMTW comment was not somehow accidentally approved by you, it may have been released intentionally, with purpose, or as a test of that ability to “admin” our postings.

I would suggest keeping a close eye on your PMTW comments, and don’t make any comments that you are not OK with being made immediately public. Also, it is possible for you to “disapprove” an accidentally released PMTW comment, but you will need to play around with how to do that. I can also do that, but it’s faster and better if you do it.



Likely many of us surprised to see it post.

First off, I know nothing of the behind the scenes WP / author stuff.

>>> Could it have published as it was not an original post.

>>> WP Only Gail’s post, a reply to another post, your post. <<<
Anyway, that is what struck me after seeing and wondering, WTF…

Last edited 4 months ago by kalbokalbs

Understand, private message.

Message above that published is subordinate to a published post. Part of a string of posts. In this case, WP did not recognize PRIVATE_xxxxxxx_xx_WOLF. < My initial guess.

Now that I see O, should it have been 0?

I’ll quit as I truly know nothing of this stuff.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – the O in WOLF is an O and not a 0 (zero), unlike the two zeroes in M00N!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Good question about Gail’s comment not being an original (top-level), but rather a reply. Turns out that does not make a difference – but there MAY have been a problem with the comment being “auto-approved” because Gail was the author.



Hope authors note your “MAY” have conclusion. It surely makes sense.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Somebody did a test – and PMTW worked for them.

The only other possibility I can think of, is that your own comment was “autoapproved” because it was your own article, where you were the author. I may experiment with that, later.


This daily is an amazing presentation of history. It seems to me that there is no solution for peace in the Middle East. Trump came as close as one can, I think, and maybe he could do so again. But I don’t think it would last because the people on both sides feel betrayed and entitled to retribution.

I also see the pager attacks as barbaric, but I understand people saying that Israel is justified because of what has been done to her. And so the fighting continues, never to stop.

It’s interesting that members of Congress have their AIPAC lobbyists, but a few, like AOC and Rashida Tlaib, are rabidly against Israel, and they don’t seem to get much pushback.


There are plenty of potential villains every where a person looks.

We do not know who runs America. We just have some familiarity with the frontmen.

But we do know how thoroughly corrupt our “government” is, from president to dog catcher. And we know how thoroughly organizations/enterprises/institutions both public and private have been turned against normal Americans, and specifically how our side has been demonized and dehumanized as a prelude to some form of hideous oppression.

The foreign policy of TPTB has zero to do with the interests of the American people. Is it a surprise that enough money can buy our foreign policy?

That is what concerns me. When do normal Americans get to vote for people whose interest is the interest of Americans, and not the interest of a foreign government who is completely indifferent (at best) to the interest of Americans?

If we cannot vote, at least we can recognize and acknowledge the situation, which is that our foreign policy has nothing to do with the American people, and everything to do with the interests of TPTB. IOW, we can be free to consider that the corruption and highest bidder rule dominant in American “government” does not have any special exceptions.


“In the 1980s, some of my office mates were donating $$$ to buy bullets so one set of Irishmen could kill a different set of Irishmen ALL IN THE NAME OF RELIGION!”

Won’t even get into the fundamental ignorance of it all, lest I inflame some.

Defies simple logic.



Last edited 4 months ago by RAC

Let me point out that it was the women who broke the stalemate and reached across the aisle in peace. That was the beginning of the end, mostly.


When do normal Americans get to vote for people whose interest is the interest of Americans, and not the interest of a foreign government who is completely indifferent (at best) to the interest of Americans?

We have that with PDJT and a handful of others. We have to expunge from our government those who put money and power over America’s interests. It seems to me that doing that requires having leverage over them. It’s above my pay grade, but I believe Trump and others are working on it.


Money and Power gets most of them to flip, but what about those Intimidated (scared)?
Nice family you got there……


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Absolutely brilliant!


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This is good, but it won’t solve the problem of treasonous leadership or moles within the Secret Service. Dan Bongino says whistleblowers have come to him with concerns about infiltration of the ranks and that the communications of the SS have been breached.


True. This is a variation on the false narrative that funding is the problem.

State sponsored assassinations are the problem.

pat frederick

what ISN’T about increased funding for DC?
throwing more money at it instead of addressing the problem is their go-to move.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. “Fail mo’ fo’ mo’ cash.”


SD has a simpler answer, reckons they’re eavesdropping every electronic communication around PDJT.


There’s the reinforced liberal outlook that encourages hating your political opposite so much that when their actual jobs require concern and loyalty to the protectee they don’t care if they fail. They aren’t required to like the protectee but…not despising or hating the person would be helpful!.

Last edited 4 months ago by mollypitcher5

I’m using AND logic on the assassination attempts.

Some say mole, some say Iran, some say three-letter agencies.

I say, Iran would use moles in the three-letter agencies to carry out their attempts.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Maybe the three-letter agencies have moles in Iran, and getting Iran to use their “assets” to do the dirty work.


That is kind of my thinking. Hand-in-glove, for sure.


Charlie Kirk:

BREAKING: President Trump announces plans to appoint a “Manufacturing Ambassador” who will be tasked with traveling the globe and recruiting major manufacturers to move their production facilities to America.


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This is and has alway been the way. Globalists traditionally hate it. It may be time for them to embrace it because BRICS+ will be hammering them over the coming years.


I think there is a lesson from gardening available here.

Real-world gardens do not grow clear paths and well-formed shrubs, with manicured groundcovers and stately trees, all by themselves. The groundcovers are looking to conquer the paths; the shrubs intend to shade the groundcovers and overwhelm other shrubs by growing lanky overarching extensions; and depending on your location, either Algerian ivy or kudzu wants to cover everything and kill the trees.

That’s not to say there are no beautiful gardens, but they need constant management.

Similarly, there are no nations, clans, families, factions, or blocs that naturally form a beautiful world. All are conspiring against all, and looking to seize resources for their own advantage and deny them to others.

We have seen all sorts of hogwash about the US, or Israel, or Australia, or the UK, being some sort of font of civilization, goodness, and light. Those pushing these lines tend to be using them to cover their own misdeeds. Neither would I say, however, that these nations are forever tainted or marred by historical incidents. Rather I would recognize that there are individuals and groups honestly working for the advancement of noble causes and those honestly working for baser ones — and many of both groups wear masks.

Where gardens have need of a gardener, societies have need of regulation by those of good will — and that judged not by their own egos or the Greater Good of some ideology.

Where might that judgement come from? Perhaps An Appeal to Heaven.

Last edited 4 months ago by cthulhu

This is probably a good place for another Heinlein quote:

Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded—here and there, now and then—are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into abject poverty.

This is known as “bad luck.”


Where gardens have need of a gardener, societies have need of regulation by those of good will — and that judged not by their own egos or the Greater Good of some ideology.

Good will seems to be entirely missing, which I believe is your point.

Where might that judgement come from? Perhaps An Appeal to Heaven.

Yes. But terrorists are not going to appeal to Heaven. Nor are people raised to hate the other side because of centuries of history.

However, God can and does work miracles. Perhaps the “regulators of good will” would come from outside the two warring factions.


humankind already has a Gardener…

The God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob.

He does the weeding, the pruning, the nourishing & the planting….

…and the protecting…

…and the judging.

Last edited 4 months ago by smiley2

Yes, but unfortunately many, and some entire nations, don’t acknowledge Him.


….and that’s the problem…

…for now, anyway.


This reminds me of one of my favorite book quotes ever:

“Nick writes on his notepad: ““I don’t believe in God.”
Mother Abigail chuckles. “Bless you, Nick, but that don’t matter. He believes in you.””

That’s from “The Stand,” by Stephen King, who used to be a great writer. He was hit by a van and almost died, which damaged him in some terrible way, I believe. He has never been the same.

“The Stand” is my favorite fiction book of all time.

I put this here to say that I don’t think that the nations who don’t acknowledge God are exempt from His weeding, pruning, nourishing, planting, OR judging. He IS, and that holds everywhere.


Actually, God turned over that responsibility to Adam. Genesis 2:15.

The closest we have today we call farmers.


you’re joking, right ?


I cited to a specific verse in Scripture. That should remove any possible humor.

What part do you find unserious?


you do realize that God knew what Adam & Eve would do there in The Garden, right ?

it’s not like Adam & Eve…and the serpent…took God by surprise there.

it’s an object lesson.

👉 the consequences of sin….and…

👉 the fallen nature of man(kind) without God (Old Testament) and without the Saving Grace of Messiah (New Testament).

just as Adam illustrated & motivated the downfall of mankind (sin), Jesus Christ has provided the way out of that eternal condemnation by saving us from eternal condemnation for our inherent sinful nature (which Adam…and Eve… illustrated.)

as much as I love & respect most farmers, they are not God.

and, incidently, God chose the Jews…the rebellious & stubborn Hebrews…to also illustrate how He operates & Who He is, especially during the Old Testament period when Paganism was running so amok and before the appearance of Yeshua on this earth (New Testament).

trust The Plan…

God’s Plan.

Last edited 4 months ago by smiley2

Exactly. 👍

Which is where John 15 enters the picture. Post Genesis, obviously.


I fail to see the relevance [of what you have stated] to my quote that God ASSIGNED cultivation/care of the Garden of Eden.

IOW God created Adam out of the dirt and then told him to take care of the dirt [and its products], the extension of which is farmers who take care of the dirt.

I never said farmers are God, or anything remotely resembling such blasphemy.


My impression, which could be mistaken, is that you are talking about physical land and gardens, and Smiley is talking about cultivating in the spiritual sense.


Just a random thought. Before BO, I personally had a very real sense that racial animosity and antagonism in America had lessened significantly during the course of my life, and that it was in a quite good place.

Then BO happened, with a determined and successful effort to promote hatred of white people, and to inspire the worst sorts of thoughts and emotions among black people.

Now, VSG seems (and is hoped) to be reversing that evil plan.


hussein Never lost sight of his entrenched vision for America.

  • Fundamentally Change America. (Destroy America.)

Why? Only need to look to hussein upbringing.

  • Lived in Indonesia. Commie mother? Father?
  • Lived with “That White Woman.”
  • Shiftless piece of shit, lived many years in the shadow of Waikiki. Endless White folk vacationing, Japanese tourists. All with money.
  • hussein seething with rage.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Don’t forget sexual abuse as a teen by Communist “poet” Frank Marshall Davis, who was also doing his mom.


Have not previously heard that in such plain terms.

What this also says is that BHO/Soetero is a real life actual bastard. so we have had our first bastard POTUS.

A first of which no one should be proud.

pat frederick

if it’s any consolation, I’ve always thought of him as a bastard.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

I thought “BJ” (Bill Jefferson) Clinton, Mark Levin’s creative appellation 🙂 was also technically one…I forget the details

Valerie Curren

FMD Might be aka BHO’s bio dad…


Baldilocks, who has Luo ancestry, absolutely believes that FMD is BHO’s biological father. He looks nothing like Obama senior.

Valerie Curren

Supposedly the Brits had some of aka BHO’s DNA & know just who/what he actually is  😡 


I don’t think that’s only a function of DNA.

Valerie Curren

probably not 😉


IIRC, Obama senior is Luo. Baldilocks has sisters and cousins and aunts and uncles and grandparents who all are Luo and look it. BHO doesn’t look like any of them.

Valerie Curren

good points


I trust Baldilocks way and above the amount I trust any who argue otherwise.

Valerie Curren

So, who is “Baldilocks”?


Juliette Ochieng, blogger.

Last edited 4 months ago by cthulhu
Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

I kept thinking it was a nickname you invented 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There is some speculation to that effect!

Valerie Curren

yes there is

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think there’s a song called “Everybody Wants To Be The Regulators Of Good Will”!  😅 


That’s by “Tears for Fascist Fears”, isn’t it?


Speaking of gardening, I found this article about an innovative new indoor vertical gardening facility interesting. Is it possible after billions of dollars to impoverished countries (pocketed by the corrupt), we might actually be on the cusp of provid8ng them a practical method of food self-sufficiency. It even has appeal to folks here in the states who want to grow their own.


I started my career as a gentleman gardener this year, with modest, somewhat unsatisfying success. Then my niece, who is an accomplished gardener, came over a few days ago and immediately pronounced “not enough sun.” As soon as she said it, I knew she was right.

I thought there would be enough sun, and there is considerable sun, but not enough sun to have the vibrant garden of my dreams.

So I am going to investigate the link!

Last edited 4 months ago by Tonawanda

Tonowanda…. it could have been me that wrote that comment! I was so jacked up to get it started, got a tiny few things…and truly was thrilled believing that a bounty was to come . it didn’t! Not enough sun


Beautifully stated.


Fits with what I was working on this morning. Once married to the eight richest man in USA at the time, died of heart at\tack at 42. She even had a direct line to Alan Foster Dulles so she could keep the OAS off the back of her authors.

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Trinity Episcopal Church Cemetery, Fauquier County, Upperville, Virginia

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Point being the garden swallowed her up. She doesn’t even have a direct Wikipedia page. Must be that warding snake on her tombstone. Besides Jung she brought the I-Ching, and a host more to peoples attention. Her award has been obscurity. Given her connections to the Pyramid Text by hiring on Natacha Rambova and Alexandre Piankoff I’m not surprised. Everything involving the PT’s has been cast into obscurity except for Natacha.


Josh Hawley:

NEW: A whistleblower tells me that the Secret Service told the Trump campaign they could NOT secure a rally for Trump in WI

This DIRECTLY contradicts what the Secret Service has said publicly. And it’s conveniently stopping Trump from campaigning weeks before the election


sounds like a veiled threat.

maybe not so veiled.

more like vile.

sounds like mayorkas doesn’t want DJT in Wisconsin, wonder why.


Wisconsin is an important swing state, so if the report is true, it is election interference.



“election interference” = putting it mildly.

(political satire…not meant to be funny)…

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Last edited 4 months ago by smiley2
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Kam-Com has to take Wisconsin to win. It’s the most believable cheat for them, too.


desperate ppl do desperate things.

and everybody suffers for it.

has the Rubicon been crossed ?


Well, ok. The Secret Service turns Trump down for security. That leaves him free to hire his own, correct? Why doesn’t he just do it?


Idaho man charged with threatening to kill Trump: ‘I am going to down him personally and kill him’
His last name is Crazybull. 🤪 You can’t make this stuff up. But he has aliases, so maybe this is one of them.

An Idaho man has been charged with threatening to kill Donald Trump during phone calls to the Mar-a-Lago resort in West Palm Beach, Florida. The charges against the Idaho man come as there have now been two assassination attempts on the GOP nominee’s life in the past few months.

Warren Jones Crazybull, 64, of Sandpoint, Idaho, allegedly made nine phone calls with threats to Trump’s home on July 31, just a couple weeks after the first assassination attempt on Trump took place in Butler, Pennsylvania, per Forbes. According to a criminal complaint reviewed by the outlet, Crazybull said he would “find Trump,” adding, “I am coming down to Bedminster tomorrow. I am going to down him personally and kill him.”

A Facebook page that is believed to belong to Crazybull contained more threats against the GOP nominee, according to a Secret Service (USSS) affidavit. “I start driving to the home of this multi person rapist PIG TRUMP to take him down single combat,” Crazybull wrote in one post. The posts also referenced Jeffrey Epstein and John F. Kennedy, as well as a “shadow government.”

Crazybull was detained on August 1 and then indicted on August 20 in a federal court in Idaho. He has pleaded not guilty to one count of making threats against a former president. His trial is scheduled for Oct. 28.

According to a copy of the court document posted online by News Nation reporter Libbey Dean, Crazybull has “several aliases,” and he claimed that Trump had “violated treaties, and thereby deprived Crazybull of his land.”

Last edited 4 months ago by smiley2

Looks like an old drunk Indian to me. Used to see them all the time in Arizona.


yes, I saw them collapsed in drunken stupor & addiction on sidewalks in New Mexico, years ago…a sad thing to see, hopeless, broken & addicted…lost & forsaken….poverty stricken….no direction known.

there are many types of poverty.

clearly this guy is off the rails, and the reservation.


Since they see fit to publicize all the nutjob’s reasons for wanting to kill Trump it’s clear that the lawfare/dem rhetoric has been effective. Also the latest news splashed all over msm and alternative outlets about Iran’s dedication to kill him is like a wrap up smear type thing. They reveal it so when something else happens they have plausible deniability


The BLOB has patsies in their file and will use whichever one they feel will be most advantageous. Crooks( Yearick) , the lone wolf prototype was used, Routh the idealist next, somewhere along the way the Pakistani that got away or something…it’s time for a “terrorist”


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Iran attacking Trump is suicidal, in a neocon world itching to pounce their oil, but we’re talking ‘Slims. Not the most rational folks out there.


This ^^^


James O’Keefe Announces New Film on Migrant Industrial Complex Dubbed “Line in the Sand” – Premieres October 10th Exclusively on The Tucker Carlson Network (VIDEO)

James O’Keefe Tuesday evening announced his new film on the migrant industrial complex dubbed “Line in the Sand” premieres October 10th on the Tucker Carlson Network.

“Undercover journalist James O’Keefe goes to the front lines of the migrant industrial complex using hidden cameras and raw testimonials. O’Keefe reveals the shocking reality of the U.S. border crisis like never before: Mexican freight trains, cartel tunnels, and U.S. funded child detention camps. Watch this gripping exposé of a corrupted system that demands change,” O’Keefe Media Group said.

The trailer:


Line in the Sand (2024) – Official Trailer | James O’Keefe, Debut Film

Undercover journalist James O’Keefe goes to the front lines of the migrant industrial complex using hidden cameras and raw testimonials. O’Keefe reveals the shocking reality of the U.S.… 

— James O’Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) September 25, 2024

Last edited 4 months ago by TheseTruths

the Orthodox Jews are against “establishing Israel” because they are still waiting for the Messiah.
they do not acknowledge Yeshua, Jesus as “the Christ”, The Messiah.
therefore, they think the “establishment of Israel” is premature.

“Father, Forgive them, they know not what they do.”

Last edited 4 months ago by smiley2

Who is more likely to kick out the neo-cons, and to establish a foreign policy devoted exclusively to the interests of Americans?


Asked AND Answered.


Mr. Pezeshkian was blunt. Israel was seeking to trap his country into a wider war, he said. “It is Israel that seeks to create this all-out conflict,” he said. “They are dragging us to a point where we do not wish to go.”

With the above in mind…

Reflections of the US encouraging Ukraine, taunt Russia, to go where it does not want to go.

Side thought. UK seemingly wants WWIII, more than the US.


UK, like USA and Israel, has its own Deep State / Swamp / Blob.


Five Eyes.

New Zealand, Australia, Canada and UK = four of five eyes.

UK being the Crown jewel of sorts.


“If YOUR god is A-OK with murdering children, ALL IN THE NAME OF ACQUIRING MORE LAND, then I want nothing to do with him.”

If you’ve read the Old Testament, then you know He is. I’m reading it again, and when the land being acquired is ruled by pagans, God instructs the Jews to kills them all. Right down to all the animals.

The OT God is not forgiving towards those who worship the lesser gods. Not at all.


Truth. But by ‘waiting for the Messiah’ they give themselves permission to live under OT law.


The blessing of living by Jesus’s sacrifice for us is SO MUCH BETTER than that alternative!

Deplorable Patriot

For quite a while, I’ve been convinced Israel is not what we’ve been taught to believe it is. You’re connecting the dots on that. Thanks.

Everything we know is a lie….

Just wait until the truth on American slavery comes to the surface. It’s out there, but, again, nothing is as it seems.


Everything we know is a lie. Way more than people are ready to believe.

Corruption AND Deception rule the day anymore.


Say the quiet part out loud, please.

The State of Israel has its very own Deep State / Swamp / Blob.


Mar 10, 2018 1:04:36 PM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 88957f No. 613229 
Mar 10, 2018 1:02:22 PM EST
Anonymous ID: 436341 No. 613193 
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What about Awan.
Is Israel involved?
We are saving ISRAEL FOR LAST.
Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.

Last edited 4 months ago by rayzorback

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I hear her speak in Estee Palti’s voice. 😂


The daylight basement window is a nice touch, along with the graffiti.


Yes. I like the word salad too, and I think the empty thought bubble is now a feature. 😅


Along with the fly and the hands dripping blood.


Those were Biden’s. Haven’t seen the same for Kamala (yet, anyway). There may be that she either has the teleprompter or the bowl of word salad. The tampon-carrying Walz is just as devastating.


Word salad, R A T.
Chinee Tim hands…  :wpds_evil: 

Brave and Free

No eyes for walz, an empty soul.

Last edited 4 months ago by Brave and Free

WTH is walz doing with his hands there ???

Valerie Curren

holding the tampon in 😉


fixing a flat tire ?

Valerie Curren


Barb Meier

With two spares in his jacket pocket.

Valerie Curren

yes!  😂 


An even nicer touch is the two tampons in his pocket.


That is one loaded cartoon.

Still figure Kakala rates a couple flies, or fleas



10 gas cans full … ✅

Plenty of food and water … ✅

Generators tested and running … ✅

Vehicles full of gas … ✅

New 100 ft 12-gauge power cords … ✅

Tons of batteries for my fans and flashlights … ✅

Getting ready – ugh.

Barb Meier

He has 12 dogs and cats on the ranch, so will ride it out. I wish a dozen of his close friends could help them all evacuate if needed.


That seems like a difficult proposition, and it looks as if he is determined to ride it out. He didn’t say anything about boarding up windows. Maybe that comes later.
🙏 for him, GA/FL and others who will be affected (Pavaca? Gail?).

Helene ‘Scares Me More Than Any Other’

September 24, 2024

A Florida county commissioner who saw Hurricane Idalia up close last year says future Hurricane Helene “scares me more than any other.” He tells the Weather Channel’s Jim Cantore, there could be rolling power outages during Helene.

He spoke of mandatory evacuations for 40,000 people, and a storm surge bigger than that during Idalia.

Barb Meier

Thanks for this post, Gail!! I will need to read it again more closely. It’s early here and it’s packing week.

Valerie Curren

Safe and joyful journey on your big adventure!

Barb Meier

Thank you, Valerie! This morning has been wild. Septic inspection, Title Company doing pre-closure paperwork, checking with possible home rental hoping to get a destination, and the UHaul guy will be away on pickup date, so I get it a day early. Checked and the loaders can come a day earlier too. Notary will stop by for signatures the same day the loaders & truck get here. Weeeeeee!!

Robert Baker

Sounds like a busy little Barb.

Barb Meier

Yes, Robert. It’s very exciting. 😊

Valerie Curren

You are a Dynamo!!!

Barb Meier


Barb Meier

Thank you, Gail! I haven’t moved nearly as often as you, but I have moved a dozen times, so I know what to do. I pack and nap. I just turned 70 so only sleep 5 hrs at night but take a nap or two after lunch/dinner. Lets me have a nap with each kitty. hehehe

Last edited 4 months ago by Barb Meier
Barb Meier

I hear you. I will do more outside again once I’m not on a mountain.


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Last edited 4 months ago by smiley2

** first & last of the 3 images posted above are not showing up so just click on comment image if you want to view them…

Valerie Curren

both of those images show as “403 forbidden” to me, fyi (I was hoping to copy them into Gab to get an image address that usually shows here)…


huh…ok…not sure what that’s about…I used to post links from that weather site (Tropical Tidbits) all the time when I was in SWFL during hurricanes…so…not sure why that’s forbidden now.

thanks for the FYI.

ha…maybe we should have a govt agency called The FYI. 😁

Last edited 4 months ago by smiley2
Valerie Curren

YW 🙂

Maybe it’s forbidden to me since I’m in Michigan 😉 😉


ok…so (duh, smiley)…

here’s the link to that site, for more info on Helene…

Valerie Curren

Thx…here’s the Tuesday images, running through Gab so they hopefully shows here. Blessings!

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Last edited 4 months ago by Valerie Curren

notice how it’s intensifying into a Major H (M) earlier…by Thursday PM (tomorrow) off the west FL coast, and extending as a Hurricane (H) well into GA by Friday.

that path it’s taking up along the west FL coast can be a churning nightmare of gradual intensification and storm surge all the way as it moves like a chainsaw thru the Gulf waters…everything on the northeastern/eastern side of it gets hammered.

prayers up for all who are in the path & within proximity.

Last edited 4 months ago by smiley2
Valerie Curren

I added a second image but didn’t proofread very well so now it sounds like bad Ebonics LOL




Bookmarked. Thank you.

Barb Meier

Thank you, Smiley!!


you’re welcome, Barb.


Yes – we had another front bring some last night, to be followed by this.

For those who read my last FIRE! story, this is a big help to putting out the fire on the mountain and the drought issues. The NPS is sending the Olympic module back to the western U. S. They were really effective in the short time they were here.


Right now, they are predicting hurricane force winds for my N FL area and lots of Gulf water dumped on our KY friends. May the Lord protect us all!


Guessing you’ll be camping with Sally Q for a few days. Be safe out there.


stay safe, friend.

Valerie Curren

Amen…God be with you all!


this is not “Religion”….

this is Scripture….

8 Biblical Reasons To Stand With Israel

article link…

and this is suggested reading.

it might open some eyes to the Truth, and the eternal Bigger Picture…

and to dispel the wrong-headed & overly pedantic notion that, if we do choose to stand with Israel, we are somehow brainwashed & duped either by our questionable “emotions”, various world governments, the Zionist Movement, the international bankers & warmongers, LBJ, and/or the nuclear-proliferating cabal etc etc etc.

Last edited 4 months ago by smiley2

38 Therefore, in the present case I advise you: Leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. 39 But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God.”

Why people choose to stand with Israel is entirely reasonable and understandable but may yet be wrong. I base that on my belief that God’s plan is unknowable when it comes to geo-political questions.

JMO there is something special about the Jewish people and the historical Israel. What I don’t know is how God is specifically using them in any given moment of present existence.

What I do know are facts, and the nature of the facts. Those are things we are in a position to know within a reasonable human certainty.

Actual truth by definition cannot be inconsistent with God’s plan. Facts make up the truth. And if the facts are inconsistent with a personal belief, then the personal belief requires an open mind and re-examination.



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Last edited 4 months ago by smiley2

David and Goliath

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a matter of survival.


Greed (or avarice) is an insatiable desire for material gain (be it food, money, land, or animate/inanimate possessions) or social value, such as status, or power. The initial motivation for (or purpose … Wikipedia

Will give the video another try.


Have posted this several times.

Israel do whatever it wants.

Israel buy whatever it wants.

USG no weapons, ammunition, etc.

USG no loans to Israel.

USG NO military action in defense of Israel.

USG Stay The Fuck Out Of Foreign Wars.

No More Endless Wars.


Last edited 4 months ago by kalbokalbs

If your list of ‘no’ items also includes no military/weapon sales to Israel, I’d like to know your justification for that.

I cannot see a reason to deny C.O.D. exports.

I tend to agree with all of your assessments but would add that they should apply across the globe.


As usual, typos galore in my post.

NO freebees. NO loans. Israel, other countries buy what they like.

NO C.O.D. Pay when it ships from manufacture.


no thank you.

I am totally turned off by yr entire ignorant attitude about this…and the obnoxious boorish way you try to push it down our throats.

and the way you SCREAM IN ALL CAPS !!! , as if that’s ever gonna persuade me

yr a !!! SCREAMING RANTING!!!! migraine-inducing anti Israel fanatic.

pardon me for being blunt.

Last edited 4 months ago by smiley2

then get off yr soap box

get on yr knees

humble yrself

open yr Bible, if you have one…

and Pray for The Peace of Jerusalem

Psalm 122

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maybe you might begin to understand that Scripture is not “religion” (as you keep insisting).

Last edited 4 months ago by smiley2

you assume a lot.

most overly opinionated ppl do.

Last edited 4 months ago by smiley2

I am done trying relate to you, sorry.

not gonna get baited & dragged into a toxic RANT FEST !!!

you fail to see the Prophetic ramifications and alliances shaping up.

you can cherry pick Bible verses as if that somehow gives “significance” to yr anti Israel screed while, at the same time, sneering at “religion”.

you’re part of the blame-Israel-for-everything mob.

with endless bloviating & OVERBEARING !! mind-numbing paragraphs and links and what nots that, frankly, bore me to sobs.

have a real nice day.

Last edited 4 months ago by smiley2

Just skip over it. For the most part, I do.

Recent geopolitics is just blinding for many people. If you notice, in this post it’s like all of the problems in the Middle East started with the Rothschilds and the British. Just discounting 3000 years of history and conflict between God’s chosen and everybody else over there.

Re-reading the Old Testament has been a real revelation for me.


finally…someone else who gets it.


Gen 16:11 The angel of the Lord said to her further,
“Behold, you are with child,
And you will bear a son;
And you shall call his name Ishmael,
Because the Lord has given heed to your affliction.
“He will be a wild donkey of a man,
His hand will be against everyone,
And everyone’s hand will be against him;
And he will live to the east of all his brothers.”

Last edited 4 months ago by rayzorback
Deplorable Patriot

Cognitive dissonance. It rears its head yet again.

Last edited 4 months ago by Deplorable Patriot

Because maybe… God is using “us” to do his will.


Goliath fell face down dead after he took a stone from a sling in his forehead.

The Philistines of Gaza Strip [and the Samaritans] are still using slings as war weapons today. They must have really learned something from the execution method used on their ancestral hero.

Last edited 4 months ago by pgroup2

1 Samual 17:51 Then David ran and stood over the Philistine and took his sword and drew it out of its sheath and killed him, and cut off his head with it. 


The Sword is not big enough. David chopped Goliath’s head off with his own sword.
Goliath was a Giant.


Somebody else besides me believes those in control of government have been involved in RICO. In actuality it goes back several generations, but for PDT it primarily goes back to the ride down the escalator with Melanie. Ashe in America from Badlands provided this link. The lack of conviction or a civil judgment does not necessarily mean a lack of guilt as we all know. It just means the judicial system is still rigged to protect the guilty.


With respect to peace between Israel and the Arabs, remember . . .

The Angel of the Lord said to her [Hagar], “Listen, you are expecting a child and will give birth to a son. You shall name him Ishmael, because the Lord has heard your affliction. He will be a wild donkey of a man. His hand will be against every man, and every man’s hand against him. He will dwell in hostility toward all of his brothers.”Genesis 16:11-12

And according to Islamic tradition, Muhammad descends from Ishmael through the Hashim tribe.

Last edited 4 months ago by bakocarl

And so it was and so it has been.

Deplorable Patriot

Yeah…I don’t think Islam is what we’ve been told it is, either.


That ambiguously clears things up. 🙃

Kinda sorta depends on the speaker /audience.

Care to clarify? (Please.)

Deplorable Patriot

I’ve seen it posited that Islam is really somebody’s idea of a political system. I also have compared dietary rules to the other faiths out there, including mine, and it mostly resembles Judaism. That could just be a coincidence, but who knows. A lot of their rules for living also resemble some of the Old Testament laws as well. I just think we don’t know the whole history.


Thank you.
IMO, Islam is a combination of control and intimidation. it is made up of “rules” for religious belief control, for political control; for economic control; for intimidation of people (Muslims and non-Muslims alike); and, for conquest by any means necessary to attain and keep this control and intimidation. These “rules” are all “attributable” to Allah, but are the products of Muslims (humans) who claim to “speak” for Allah and/or to have “knowledge” of the thoughts of Allah. In Islam, Allah is basically a god of eternal war; in the Judeo-Christian religions, the Almighty God is a God who can, and does, “chastise” believers, but also is “bounteous in mercy.”

Last edited 4 months ago by PAVACA

Let’s do it like our friend…

Whose agency is the CIA?

Who formed Israel post WW II?

When did the CIA form as an agency of said nation?

When did Israel form as a nation?

When was the Iranian 28 Coup that aligned Iran with the West?

Who instigated that coup?

What is black gold?

Let’s play a game


Satan frequently delivers 99% truth and 1% lie. It is still a lie, a deception.

Ottoman versus the Brits – oh my. Few take that one on, but you are correct, that it is still being fought just in an arena most never think about.

When secular nationalism loses influence and governance it is nearly always replaced by Islamism in those nations. To me its like the dog returning to its vomit. To them it is safe harbor they have been conditioned over many centuries to believe is truth and that brings order. This seesaw is manipulated by whoever has the upper hand for economic gain as well as power.


Wow again, Thanks Gail!


I’m Shocked!
we are doing the exact opposite of what we are telling the American People we are doing “

pat frederick

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pat frederick

September 25, 2024 9:56 am

And just like that, the DOJ’s new indictment of Routh under 18 USC Section 351 takes away Florida’s investigative powers even before they started:
“(f) If Federal investigative or prosecutive jurisdiction is asserted for a violation of this section, such assertion shall suspend the exercise of jurisdiction by a State or local authority, under any applicable State or local law, until Federal action is terminated.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well, that explains that. DODGE and FIB need to cover up their second assassination attempt, screwed up once again by CIA.

Brave and Free

So the question becomes, is Rhonda just puffing his chest because he knows he’ll be undercut eventually and he’ll look like he did something?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Interesting question!


That’s facially unconstitutional.


Good. Let’s see how it plays out.


I am confused here…
I notice the Rabbi is wearing the “Palestinian” scarf?
He never (yet, as I have not finished the video) states where in the scriptures that the “Jews” are NOT supposed to have a nation.
Ezekiel in the Torah says that the nation will be (and has been) returned to their land (Israel).


Yes, and Isaiah said that the nation will be formed in a day, as it was on the day they declared themselves a nation again. All through the Old Testament there are prophesies about how the nation of Israel will again come about in the last days. I think we all need to remember that God even uses evil men to accomplish His purposes. Forget about the Rothschilds – it was God in the final analysis who once again brought about the nation of Israel. And Israel has to be a nation for the prophesies of the last days to come about. We are there.

Last edited 4 months ago by Linda


pat frederick

h/t Filly

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Last edited 4 months ago by patfrederick

Verse of the Day for Wednesday, September 25, 2024

“He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.” 

Psalms 23:3 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Have mercy on me, my Lord and My God;
Trapped in iniquity I have trod;
Against Thee alone have I surely sinned;
‘Tween a rock and a hard place I am pinned!

I acknowledge my transgression, Oh Lord;
Away from your presence, there’s no accord;
My sin is ever before me, Oh Lord;
Evil in Your sight – I cannot afford!

Purge me with hyssop – and I shall be clean;
Wash away my iniquity – unforeseen;
Hide Thy face from my sin – blot it all out;
I cry unto You – let there be no doubt!

Restore me by grace – give me Your wisdom;
Leave me not lingering in this chasm;
Uphold me secure in spirit divine;
Break the grasp of sin – let me not opine!

The joy of salvation has bypassed me;
Uphold and mold me – oh please set me free;
Open my mouth – and I will sing your praise;
Forgive me my sin – my voice I will raise!

From my transgression – oh, make me anew;
I will teach others what they need to do;
Sinners will seek to reconcile with You;
From my heart, I promise this I will do!

Whenever your sin is before you to see;
Waste not a moment – repent ye quickly;
Be not away from His presence assure;
For the wages of sin is death for sure!

Be not afraid – He is waiting for you;
So humble yourself – you know what to do;
Ask him to wash your transgression away;
Refresh you – renew you – this very day!

There is only one sin with no recompense;
The sin of unbelief really makes no sense;
When the Spirit convicts you – do not hide;
Ask Him to cleanse you from outside inside!

The last step is important to complete;
It is the requirement – most replete;
Reconciliation with God – you must do;
If you want His Spirit to live within you!

D01: 07/26/2013


Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday


Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you, Duchess! 💖

Deplorable Patriot

They wanted WAR! AND they want the USA to fight that war for them.

Read the Passion in the Gospel According to St. Mark. They’ve been doing this for a long time, wanting a specific outcome, and goading someone else into doing it for them.


OK. It is still wrong. Something about two wrongs do not equal a right.

Further, USA needs to stop being the world’s bitch. Pay mega bucks to “friends” and foe alike. Fight their wars.

No thank you!

pat frederick

September 25, 2024 11:15 am

SEPTEMBER 25 2024 
Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo went on MSNBC Wednesday,
talking about Trump and said: 
“Let’s extinguish him for good.” “Lets just get it done.”

BREAKING: Harris-Biden Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo calls for Trump to be “extinguished for good.”

— The General (@GeneralMCNews) September 25, 2024





Sec. Raimondo needs to the interviewed by Federal Marshals — under oath and being video recorded — for her threat against the life of POTUS45. NOW.

pat frederick

Bill Melugin
NEW: In a multi day operation on Nantucket Island, ICE’s Boston office announces they arrested four illegal aliens who are charged with raping or sexually assaulting Nantucket children or residents – all of whom were released from local custody despite the serious charges.

They include:

Elmer Sola, a Salvadoran illegal alien who entered the U.S. as a gotaway and was charged last month with three counts of aggravated child rape. The victim was a Nantucket child.

Bryan Daniel Aldana-Arevalo, another Salvadoran illegal alien who entered the U.S. as a gotaway and was charged in July with raping a Nantucket child.

Gean Do Amaral Belafronte, a Brazilian illegal alien who entered the U.S. as a gotaway and was charged in June with sexually assaulting a Nantucket resident.

Felix Alberto Perez-Gomez, a previously deported Guatemalan illegal alien who re-entered the U.S. as a gotaway and was charged last month with sexually assaulting a Nantucket resident.

All four of these alleged sex offenders were gotaways, ICE says. They were all arrested by ICE on Nantucket – in sanctuary state Massachusetts.

According to internal CBP data, there have been over 1.9 million known gotaways who successfully evaded apprehension & snuck into the U.S. during the Biden administration, tracked via cameras, sensors, footsign, etc.


Thank you.
This 1.9 million are only the KNOWN GOTAWAYS. According to earlier statements by the Border Patrol, there are 3 – 4 illegals who sneak into the U.S. who are NOT caught and are NOT classified as “gotaways’, for EACH illegal who IS caught.


It’s tricky with these reports because when they say a Nantucket resident was assaulted/raped we no longer know if they mean another illegal “resident” or a genuine local resident.
If it was long time Nantucket women or children doesn’t it seem like there would be loud outrage?
The crime is no less awful but I think it’s not the same community anger about it.

Last edited 4 months ago by mollypitcher5

You mean locals wouldn’t report a rape or assault ? I don’t think even the most rabid leftard would not report that.


Ohhh yes..that I agree with too!

Deplorable Patriot

A city cop was hit on I-70 over the weekend by an illegal who was drunk. The cop died in surgery. He was securing a single car accident on the highway when it happened.


In our county, about 75% of the stops made by SIL and his shift are illegals.


LIVE WITH JULIE – 09/25/2024




Psalms 23:1-3
Acts 3:19
2 Timothy 1:7
Hebrews 13:8
Hosea 4:6
Philippians 4:19
Isaiah 54:17
Psalms 27:1
Isa. 55:11
Jeremiah 1:12
Psalms 18:1-3
Psalms 18:48
Psalms 62:2, 6-8
Psalms 31:3
Psalms 91:1-2, 7
Psalms 113:4
Psalms 59:1, 16
Jeremiah 29:11
1 Peter 5:8
Deuteronomy 28:7


There will be violent shakings but it will be for those who are against God.
God is your fortress, protector, and defender.
Fortress definition: a place of protection and defense.
Do not be afraid of the attacks against you because God is your fortress.
God is:
Jehovah Sabaoth-Lord of Hosts
Elohim Shomri- God is my protector
Jehovah Jireh – The Lord your Provider
Jehovah Rapha – The Lord your Healer
El Elyon- The Most High God
El Shaddai- The God with Whom Nothing is Impossible
No matter how big your enemy is he is not bigger than God.
God has hope for you in your final outcome because He is your everything.
If you get to know who God really is, it will destroy the fear of what’s to come. You will experience His peace.
Stay prayed up and fight the enemy with the power of God’s Words.
The enemy will always deceive, distract and destroy.
No matter the attacks of the enemy, you will not give in, surrender or fear. You are a fighter because you are in the Army of the Lord.


RESPOSTING: JGM – LIVE WITH JULIE – [25 September 2024] 

[Word of Encouragement]…Ps 23 is so important for us right now. It’s so important for us to know who God is and what to expect for Him to do in our situations…The Lord is our Shepherd. He shields, He guides, He protects and we shall NOT LACK. LACK is not just financial. LACK is anything [healing in your body, peace in your mind, restoration in your family, it’s even having a good job – whatever you’re lacking in]. If you’re lacking in joy, peace, in something, that’s not the will of God. God doesn’t want you to have a lack in any part of your life. He wants you to be filled to overflowing. He wants you to have more than enough joy, peace…more than enough of everything in your life that’s good. …
if you don’t have any peace, you don’t have any joy, you’re frustrated, overwhelmed, you have so much going on in your mind, you’re stressed out and fatigued because of what’s going on in your life. Read Ps 23:3. He refreshes, restores my life and myself. He leads me in the path of righteousness…not for my earning it, but for His namesake. HE REFRESHES AND RESTORES MY LIFE. He wants to restore in your life what has been stolen from you, what the enemy has damaged and all the destruction he’s caused. HE WANTS TO RESTORE YOUR LIFE. [Acts 3:19] 

If you are stressed out, burned out, overwhelmed, tired of your circumstances…go into the presence of the Lord. That’s where restoration and refreshing comes. That’s where guidance comes. That’s where you will have no lack of anything because with God there is no lack. 

So many are going through a fiery furnace. The 4th man, Jesus will always show up in your fire. He will get you out of that fire like you were never in it to begin with…Don’t focus on the problem…focus on the One who Solves the problem. That’s God. FOCUS ON HIM. HE’S THE SOLUTION TO OUR PROBLEMS. HE’S THE REFRESHMENT, IN THE MIDST OF THE HEAT, THE TRIAL. GOD IS THE ONE YOU CAN RELY ON.








Robert Baker

I think I will put Elon on that short list of people with whom I would like to have a conversation. It would surely be a trip down the road less traveled.


Afternoon guys. A few days ago i posted that Trump has a PEST problem, a MOLE that is giving away his locale at opportune times, where certain “vulnerabilities” are left open by the SS…you know, due to “incompetence” or some such drivel.

Well, read this.

The last wacko nutjob, HAD TRUMPS confidential schedule. He even knew Trumps likely habits, like golfing on a Sunday. Now, in a VACUUM, this might seem plausible, a kook with no JOB, no, visible source of income, and NOT from the area, could get “lucky”.

Well, NOPE. This guy, like Crooks before him, knew, WHEN and WHERE to set up. That is NOT just one mole, that is COORDINATED.

A mole could give out the when and where, but NOT where the vulnerability would be left open.

The DS has moles monitoring his schedule for sure, but ALSO plants that know WHEN and WHERE the hit job is to be left open. Ergo, they must ALSO know when the assassin is coming and WHERE he will be. Easier to eliminate the patsy that way once his job is done.

I propose that the mole is not exactly IN Trump’s inner circle, but REAL close. Likely someone the DS has compromised. Someone like a driver, a Mar a Lago employee, a secretary, ETC. Someone who would not only know where Trump was supposed to be on a schedule, the SS would know that as well as other staff etc, but the mole would also know of LAST MINUTE unplanned stuff, like say a Sunday golf outing.

The schedule mole is likely just ONE person, at a lower level, whose only got the small part of schedule…IE where Trump will be. This person is communicating with their handler who then uses the SS moles to create the setup. That is also likely a small group who ONLY know their part.

The one who knows all is the handler, and THAT is who I want first. But how to find them. I want all of them, but the handler is DIRECTING both moles AND the assassins. The handler is more important, because they lead to whomever is directing them and likely PAYING for it all.

My proposal is simple. Trump needs to, with a VERY small group of people knowing, create a series of barium meals. Give the barium meals to people, who are on a VERY short list. Have a trusted set of counter assassination teams ready at the barium sites ready to go watching, listening, and surveilling the suspected schedule moles. The important part of both these teams, is they MUST be non government, due to the obvious trust issues within the current government agencies. That is inherently dangerous. It would have to be very clandestine, very secret, very innocuous, and VERY good. Think special forces good. To be able to execute that sting right under SS and FBI operators would require skills.

Now, here is where I think it could work, the government agencies, and those they have planted around Trump, are focused solely on GETTING Trump, in their clandestine ways, they might be so preoccupied AND OR incompetent and focused by TDS on getting Trump, that they may not notice the counter group, OR may even think the counter group is part of THEIR team.

The key would be using Trump, essentially as bait, and that would be dangerous, unless some sort of double could be used, hey far fetched I know, but necessary. The lowest level person needs got, and gotten as innocuously as possible to not spook off the handler and SS moles. A barium meal would do it. Then you flip the schedule mole, and they then work for US. That would lead to setting up both the handler and SS moles. Then the fun could begin, as the trail leads UP from there.

But Prex, why all the subterfuge? Because we are dealing with people in multiple areas, with vast resources, and an even bigger network in courts, politics, media, etc at all levels. One tip and it is ALL blown. The handler will be gone to the wind, and the patsy’s eliminated before they can talk.

The barium meal, in case people here forgot, is a series of different false stories fed to multiple people, each with a different outcome. When the unique set up place is hit, you know who the mole is. For example, one suspect is told Trump will be at McDonalds, on Sunday at 2 pm, another is told at the golf course at 3, and then another is at a fundraiser at 4. ALL unscheduled. See where you get a bite by having all the false sites watched. IF an assassin shows or sets up at one, you have your mole. The counter team watches, and sees just how and who on the SS does what is needed, or what is SUSPICIOUS. Mole 2 found.

Now it is EASY to find the handler. There will be a trail, and you only need look at TWO peoples phones, communications, bank accounts, etc. Less likely to spook the handler. Then you connect the dots. Once the handler is fond, the chase is on. Hard and costly to do, but not impossible, Trump KNOWS people, he is a billionaire after all.

If you go in ham handed, surveilling everyone, you will spook the fish. You would get the guppies, but NOT the shark, because it is the shark that leads to the WHALE. THAT is who we really want.

I have my suspicions it leaks to Barry. He after all has the most to loose.

In a crime, you ask yourself. Who has the most to gain? Who has the most to lose? Who has the means? Who has the motive? and who has the opportunity? Barry fits ALL those criteria to a T.

I always say Trump was smarter than all of them BEFORE he was President. He was smarter than all of them WHILE he was President, and he would be smarter than all of them AFTER he was President. We shall see.

If I am right, This has ALL, dating back over TEN years been the largest, most complex, and most SECRET sting operation of all time…EVER, it makes operation Overlord look like an escape room party. They ALL had to be revealed, exposed, compromised, and then entrapped by their own words and deeds. This was not an easy or quick feat. It required not only ceding some things, but LOSING some to find out methodology. MOST will not believe it.

I ask you simply this, is it COINCIDENCE that Pdiddy is about to take a HUGE chunk of the entertainment industry down? Is it COINCIDENCE that the MSM has been revealed (lost their power and influence didn’t they, at least to a vast majority of “folks”) Is it COINCIDENCE that Biden was redacted? With Kamala (a sure looser) inserted? Is it COINCIDENCE that even MORE politicos have revealed themselves? Is it COINCIDENCE that politicians in all levels are suddenly facing scrutiny (Mayor Adams and MORE to come) Is it COINCIDENCE that all the lawfare against Trump FAILED? Is it COINCIDENCE that around the globe there is a resurgence of populism, nationalism, and conservatism? There are MORE. Look from 20000 feet, you’ll see.

Yes there were unforeseen events, like assassination attempts, BUT they too lead to enlightenment. Yes there were hardships and sacrifices, even the most tragic of all. The swamp is big, wide, deep, and filled with lots of creatures. It was ALWAYS going to take more than on or two terms to get to DECADES of corruption. This is war, there are always going to be wins and losses, sometimes big ones, the END goal is the penultimate goal.

It is almost showtime folks, I hope you enjoyed the previews, I have my popcorn ready, do you?


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I’ve been hoping they are doing this kind of canary trap. I would love to see someone get caught ASAP.

For example, one suspect is told Trump will be at McDonalds, on Sunday at 2 pm, another is told at the golf course at 3, and then another is at a fundraiser at 4. 

They would have to be sure the various people were not communicating with each other. But I get the point: different information going out, that can be tracked.

pat frederick

i wondered about Nauta being squeezed and indicted. hope it isn’t him. he seems loyal, but the deep state can threaten family members for your cooperation and still sleep soundly at night.


Let’s not start guessing.

That is exactly what the commies want – us distrusting each other.


9.25.24: OH DEERE? 200% Tariff? Food exposed, VAX up front, Illegal MIGRANT Awakening, Out they GO! PRAY!

And We Know


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Gossip rag headline:

Alex Jones to get Stoned.


Near the beginning he talks about how the Congressional investigators don’t know the procedure and don’t know the right questions to ask, so they get answers that should be challenged, but aren’t. I wish they would put Bongino in charge of the investigations somehow.


I hope Trump’s people are paying attention to what Bongino is saying.


This is cool:

These images were taken by the commander of the recent Polaris Dawn mission from Space while they wer flying over the Amazon basin during the nighttime.
It shows the reflection of the moon shine of the Amazon and its tributaries.

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New Trump ad: Commala’s economy is Biden’s economy.


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pat frederick



I hope the money provides some incentive to rat those people out.

pat frederick

the chicago gangs would do it for free I bet…LOL



Brave and Free

Many Texans would do it for free I am sure.


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100% unacceptable. They won’t be removed from the process so unless it’s out of a person’s control…no mail-in ballots

pat frederick

i can’t believe a partisan entity like the postal workers union (who in the tweet referenced in the tweet above, calls PDJT an “EXISTENTIAL THREAT”) can be trusted to handle ballots


Don’t be silly; of course they can be trusted. They’ve never lost any mail.



Theoretically it’s not lost if they know where they put it.

pat frederick

no, but they found enough ballots

pat frederick

h/t Marica


BREAKING: The Coca Cola boycott is officially happening. Their new custom website allows the use of “Harris 2024” but prohibits “Trump 2024” due to it being deemed “political in nature” or “offensive.” This is election interference. People have also reported that you can use the name “Allah”, but not “Jesus” because they restrict “religious figures” to not offend anyone. Last time I checked, “Allah” is a religious figure.


 🚨  BREAKING: The Coca Cola boycott is officially happening. 

Their new custom website allows the use of “Harris 2024” but prohibits “Trump 2024” due to it being deemed “political in nature” or “offensive.”

This is election interference. 

People have also reported that you can use the name “Allah”, but not “Jesus” because they restrict “religious figures” to not offend anyone. 

Last time I checked, “Allah” is a religious figure.

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pat frederick



I tried it.

Can’t use Trump, Harris, Biden, Jesus, Allah, or Buddha. I stop trying after that. Seems pretty even across the board.


Can do ‘Trump – Vance’ but not ‘Trump – Vance 2024’. Both ‘Harris – Walz 2024’ and ‘Harris – Walz’ work


They are to kill whomever they please regardless of what Americans think.

They just have to make sure they have plausible deniability.

BTW, terrorists don’t need an excuse to ‘remove the cooler heads’; it’s what they will try to do no matter what. That’s why we call them terrorists.


The terrorists use America’s freedom of religion, our freedom of speech, our culture, our lifestyle, and everything about the West to incite violence and to turn “cooler heads” hot.

The religion of Islam tells them to kill infidels, period. An infidel is anyone who doesn’t worship Allah. If they let you live, it is to live as a slave or a source of income for them.

It is just amazing to me that there are some who just don’t see that there will be NO PEACE with Islam. Not between Israel and those who want it annihilated, and not between Islam and the free West, where EVERYTHING we love and do is anathema to their belief system. The fact that I can write this post, or that Gail can write hers, as women, is enough to make them hate us.


Islam is not compatible with anyone else. <<< That says it all.


Doesn’t seem to be, no.

pat frederick

h/t Marica


In perfect English? It is chilling mostly because I can’t help but believe that our own side put it together because they want Trump..what was it today..extinguished

The call is coming from inside the house. This is narrative building

Last edited 4 months ago by mollypitcher5

Yes, but AND logic.

I would not doubt that America had a hand in the making of it, but the Ayatollah would have to post it on his site.

The truth is, every bad guy in the world wants Trump dead. That includes the bad guys in our own government.


And you would be correct IMO.


Guessing the CNN trash talking LtGov Mark Robinson is nothing more than lefty smear stuff.

Last I read Mark Robinson was handily leading NC guvner race.

Great opportunity to pick up a guvner seat.

Robinson said he’s looking at legal action. They all say that. But I believe Robinson will sue CNN, anyone else for that matter, if there is a viable case.

Have not read anything on this for a day or two.



Low life blonde busted…

Last edited 4 months ago by kalbokalbs

Good on him for confronting her. Whadda world we live in now. What’s yours can be mine if I want it


I’m not blaming him, but I wouldn’t have left it there unattended. Someone took something out of my shopping cart once when my back was turned. It’s a shame that people can’t be trusted.


People and their stupid phones! She took it right in front of others so anxious because she had to make absolutely sure that her phone could survive the flight and the delay…phone junkie had to get her fix!


And honestly, if you just ask, most people will loan you the charger for a little while.




This just happened. Maybe this will get the Left’s attention.

Armed Man Came within Inches of Barack Obama Sitting in Back Seat of Vehicle in Stunning Secret Service Breach

An armed security guard came within inches of Barack Obama sitting in the back of a vehicle in the latest stunning Secret Service security breach.

According to TMZ, a security guard for a bar mitzvah nearby stumbled upon Obama’s SUV parked in a Hollywood alleyway outside of a restaurant last weekend.

The security guard did not know whose vehicle it was but he suspected it was a dignitary since it had Department of Homeland Security plates.

The armed guard approached the vehicle after coming down an unguarded stairwell. He saw Barack Obama sitting in the back seat using his laptop.

According to TMZ, the armed guard said Secret Service agents were startled when they saw him.

“[The security guard] turned around, walked past Obama’s SUV again, and walked back upstairs to the bar mitzvah. Then, about 30 minutes later, he says his boss asked him to hand over his credentials and his license to carry a concealed weapon for the Secret Service,” TMZ reported…


I keep saying I can’t believe anybody guarded by the SS is still alive. They suck now.


They certainly took the CRT rule that being exceptional in school or on the job is racist to heart. They’re exceptional alright, exceptionally bad! .


Lol, true!


haha I’m curious why he’s in an alley in Hollyweird. You’re either going in or out of a place of business not sitting in a car. Who ya meeting Barrack?

Last edited 4 months ago by mollypitcher5



Dark alley. Hollyweird. hussein in the back seat.

hussein waiting to be serviced.

Barb Meier

The only setup they thought would save the USSS is to have Obama sit in a backseat and let a security guard walk past? Not buying it.


 😂 Look at us, we’re equally bad for both sides.


maybe Obamination had some Diddy business to attend to in Hollywood, clean up a loose end or something


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You have to love this man..he doesn’t cower  😂 



Countries Preparing For WWIII,Iran,Russia,China,Entire US Military Is Watching & Waiting – Ep. 3459
 September 25, 2024  x22report

The green scam has fallen apart, the green party just resigned. Production is failing in Germany. The climate hoax is just that, a climate hoax. The signs are pointing to a major crisis, while the fake numbers are pointing to a strong economy, soon the truth will be seen. Trump is preparing the country for an economic renaissance, it will be the golden age. The [DS] is now preparing the narrative for war. They have now passed intelligence to Trump letting him know that Iran is coming after him. Russia, Iran, and China are now preparing for war. Russia just changed its policy, they can now use a nuclear weapon if they are attacked. China just cyber attacked US ISPs. Trump warns the world, the military is watching and waiting.

Ep 3459a – Trump Ready To Usher In An Economic Renaissance, It Will Be The Golden Age

Ep 3459b – Countries Preparing For WWIII,Iran,Russia,China,Entire US Military Is Watching & Waiting


Good online friends —
Yours Truly has gone ahead and finished the Health Friday post for this week. It is scheduled to publish on the board just after Midnight on Friday.
I decided to do this due to the upcoming Hurricane Helene. According to, a huge storm pushing down from Canada is going to “meet up” with Helene once it leaves Georgia. Helene could “shatter” and veer either further into the Midwest; or veer into NC, from the effects of this Canadian storm.
Yours Truly is getting text messages and emails from the power company, warning that this storm can change its path and to be prepared.
Thank you!

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Gail Combs
Yes, trees in NC will be coming down, no matter what. And the ground is like a soaked sponge already. I’m doing all I can to prep.

Deplorable Patriot

Clay soil is the bane of many an American existence. Honestly. You’re right about the trees. They just fall right over.


the Rothschilds worship yet another god too, Satan. They set a place for him at their table.(8a) The Rothschilds have been Satanists for many generations.


It makes no sense.

They know that not only does God win, but He has already won.

So why would they purposefully, knowingly, willingly, choose the losing side?

They have maybe 100 years in this world, which is nothing compared to eternity, and yet they choose the losing side anyway.

They’re not stupid, so it must be something else.


“Oh yeah, and I later found out she was a practicing witch and a cocaine dealer.”


I was going to guess mental illness!


To-may-to, to-mah-to…..

Valerie Curren

AND logic   :wpds_evil: 

Robert Baker

So why would they purposefully, knowingly, willingly, choose the losing side?

As always, I find some of the most elegant answers to basic questions in the Bible.

   This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. 
      20    All those who do evil hate the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. 

The Holy Bible: Today’s New International Version. (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2005), Jn 3:19–20.


Excellent reply! Thank you!


Certainly, that’s why people hide their evil deeds once they’ve already committed them, to keep them from being exposed.

But what I’m trying to get at is why they chose the side of evil in the first place.

The Rothchilds are not stupid, they are well educated, and they believe in God, because you can’t believe in Satan without believing in God first.

So being intelligent, well educated people, and believing in God, and knowing God wins, they still choose to burn in the lake of fire for all eternity, in exchange for around a hundred years of pleasure (or less).

That doesn’t seem like the kind of decision bankers would make, it’s infinitely short sighted.

It’s like trading the long term benefits of the compounding of interest for 30 seconds with a hooker.

It’s just not a good allocation of resources, it’s not a good investment, it’s not good money management, and bankers would know that better than anyone.

And yet they do it anyway.

Last edited 4 months ago by scott467
Robert Baker

  So being intelligent, well educated people, and believing in God, and knowing God wins, they still choose to burn in the lake of fire for all eternity, in exchange for around a hundred years of pleasure (or less).

The short answer is pride and arrogance.   Intelligence has little advantage in the kingdom of God. What is of value from God’s perspective is heaven’s wisdom. The wise man will order his steps with an eye toward heaven.

I would also take issue with your assumption that they believe in God. I would venture to say that it is likely that they have a different concept of the Creator God than you. They may agree about the existence of God, but they may not see Him as a Judge or a being they should fear or to whom they will be accountable. I believe that analyzing this as a cost-benefit equation misses many of the reasons people reject the gospel message.

The passage about the fall of Lucifer can be applied to those who love the darkness.

   You said in your heart,
    “I will ascend to heaven;
    I will raise my throne
    above the stars of God;
    I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly,
    on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon.
      14    I will ascend above the tops of the clouds;
    I will make myself like the Most High.”
      15    But you are brought down to the realm of the dead,
    to the depths of the pit.
      16    Those who see you stare at you,
    they ponder your fate:
    “Is this the man who shook the earth
    and made kingdoms tremble,

The Holy Bible: Today’s New International Version. (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2005), Is 14:13–16.


you can’t believe in Satan without believing in God first

That doesn’t stop people from wanting to be their own gods. “Do as thou wilt” is what Aleister Crowley promoted.

Believing in God involves being submissive to His will and commandments. Make yourself a god and you are free to try to rule the world, to covet, to steal, and to break every commandment if you like. You don’t have to answer to anyone unless there is someone you choose to be responsible to, like a spouse. Certainly not a supreme being who created you.

If they believe in God, it is not a true belief in the sense of knowing Him and acknowledging one’s place in relation to Him.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Contemptuous belief is not the same as faithful belief.

The latter – God exists and should be trusted as understood.

The former – God exists, but following his dictates is for chumps and losers.

Hate is very blinding.


I don’t think that it’s precisely hate….and there is a reason that Pride is taken as the worst deadly sin. Pride insists on standing apart from God and Godliness in order to feel superior, where hatred merely creates negation.


WATCH: They asked author & community leader Stephen Hargrave who is better for the black community between Trump and Kamala, and his answer was utterly astounding

“I say unashamedly, not even close. Nowhere in the same universe. Mr. Trump, by far.”

He also perfectly articulated how Trump is superior to Kamala Harris in every single way: “I don’t get the sense that she would even desire or have the knowledge or the leadership ability to say, let’s make that go. Let’s fix that. Let’s work that out.”

The entire interview on the “Gotta B Me” podcast is pure gold. Hargrave is a community activist, thought leader, and entrepreneur. Someone get him on more podcasts. I love the way he thinks.


Sundance is talking MY language on Twitter! We don’t have to DO anything. We can simply quit:

“A reminder to those who might consider harm to President Donald J Trump. We are not locked into this nation with you. You are locked into this nation with us! We are the backbone of industry, the people who keep it all functioning, the builders, diggers and blue-collar workforce that keeps everything functioning. We are the people you will never fully control. We speak in languages you do not understand, and we absorb targeted ridicule as fuel. We are the movers of goods, the truckers, the farmers, the nameless people behind the skilled trades that keep what you call ‘American society’ moving. We are the people who grow the food, pick the food, transport the food, stock the food, cook the food and facilitate the life you live. We are a visible, yet disregarded, insurgent force within your sphere of life that is never considered, yet we control the outcomes of every moment you value. We pick up the trash, answer the phones, run cables to your devices, mow your lawns, solve your problems, control the flow of essential services and keep our heads below the radar. We are the majority. The only thing we need to do to fuck you up, is nothing. If we don’t work, your everything fails. We are a self-reliant, freedom loving, normally peaceful and God-fearing assembly. We drive you to your destination; we are comfortably out of mind until needed, and yet we are irreplaceable for the things you require. We are armed with hammers, pens, rulers, perhaps mice, pickup trucks, laptops, post-it notes, stickers and alternate forms of messaging that circumvent the control mechanisms deployed to create our silence. We are inside every facility, every institution, every meeting, every moment of your existence – and we notice everything. We have eyes of mice and ears of elephants. We are there when they you do not expect, and we melt away before you notice our appearance. We are smart, strategic, highly intelligent and carry a brutally obvious and pragmatic common sense that finds optimal solutions to everything. We identify our tribe immediately and without conversation. We see what you hide, we hear what you whisper, we decipher your codes, and we understand the complexity you create in your effort to conceal. We control the physical world that operates around every element of society, and we value real and tangible assets. We do not sit around pontificating eloquently about philosophic nuances; we get shit done. We are the people who facilitate your ability to take us for granted, and we do so without issue, resentment or desire for recognition. We are optimistic, affable, kind, generous, friendly, loyal, warm and quietly spiritual in purpose. We are polite, considerate and slow to anger. We prefer to be left alone. However, pushed entirely far enough, decisions are reached. Right now, we are tenuously staring; deliberately, with deepened gaze. In every town, village and hamlet we are encountering the same conversation. On every porch, in every shop, at every event, the topic is the same. The two biggest mistakes you can make right now is not understanding why we have begun to bow our heads. First, our heads are not bowed because we are subservient, cowering or accepting the current effort to control us…. ….We are praying! Your second mistake would be to ignore that we are not praying for us… ….We are praying for those who trespass against us! You may not like what follows, “Amen!” Because we are resolute and of common purpose. We are, quite simply, MAGA!”


And the only people who read any of that or cared, are people like us.

Nobody else, especially the Left, gives a &^%#.

It’s just emotional self-gratification in the form of empty threats.

I can barely get through the first couple paragraphs, because until or unless we actually DO something, it’s just another exercise in talking and ego stroking.

Last edited 4 months ago by scott467

“Congressman Thomas Massie reveals to Tucker Carlson that his Republican colleagues have an “AIPAC babysitter” to ensure they vote in the interests of Israel at all times.

“It’s the only country that does this,” Massie adds.”


Well that’s treason, plain and simple, and they should all be put in prison, both the Republi-cons and their minders.

They are elected to represent AMERICANS, not Israelis.

And Israel’s best interests have NOTHING to do with America’s best interests, in the same way that America’s best interests have nothing to do with ANY other sovereign nation’s interests.

EVERY NATION has to look out for itself. You can’t subvert and conscript some other nation’s gov’t and bend it to the will of a foreign nation at the expense of the domestic population, because that’s an act of war by the foreigner, and an act of High Treason by the domestic politicians who do their bidding.

Give them a trial, and for those who are guilty, string ’em up and pull the lever.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



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