Dear KAG: 20241001 Open Thread

Are we in for a Red October? There are those who say yes.

“Missile Comms” Comes True

Operation Cyclone – The Seeds of Terror

Badlands News Brief – September 30, 2024

Moderator in upcoming Vance-Walz debate is linked to Lincoln Project

The world’s semiconductor industry hinges on a single quartz factory in North Carolina

Hence, the resurrection of the weather control theories. It may not be a conspiracy.

US East Coast port strike set to start Tuesday, says union

This is going to be a disaster. I have seen, though, reports that the union members want to know why they are hearing children’s screams from the containers. Could be nothing, could be something.

Mexico Builds New Interoceanic Railway to Compete With Panama Canal

Who Fact Checks the Fact Checkers?

Our Liberal Friends Can Tell That Something is Wrong

Disinformation vs. the First Amendment

Netflix Cancelations Spiked After CEO Reed Hastings Pledged Millions to Kamala Harris

The people still have power. Of the purse.

Republican-Appointed Judge Strikes Down Georgia Abortion Law

The concentration of messaging on changing hearts and minds needs to happen. Otherwise, this is going to happen in a lot of states, the legislature passes a law, and the courts overturn it.

What’s the Deal With Republicans and Steakhouses?

Quiet Skies: Come Fly With Big Brother

Saltwater is making electric cars BLOW UP as Hurricane Helene wreaks havoc and drivers issued harsh warning

Tweets…X-Files, uh, posts, whatever

Or the true American spirit.

Not sure I like the sound of that. Vaccine management, yes, but military?

When did you know, and what did you know at the time? That is the question.

And the FCC is investigating them over this, too.

The $1.98 Beauty Pageant. Ah, yes, the TV show that prompted my mother to never buy Brach’s candy again. Well, other than her dad’s favorite, the coffee candies…and starlight mints…and butterscotch.

Meme Zone

I know/knew someone who was a victim.

My first thought…who’s Pieta is that.

Even if it is a Jag, it’s a beautiful car. Or was.

If this were me, there would be beer and glass all over the floor.

Per the boss’s instruction:

I’d throw in a few Rockefellers and Rothschilds also.

Of course, this does not mean committing felonies, but standing up to the forces that want to tear this nation – and humanity apart. The very people XVII told us will be destroyed by the time this movie comes to an end are currently roaming the halls of power…supposedly. It’s a sickening sight.

Guidelines for posting and discussion on this site were outlined by our host, WolfM00n. Please, review them from time to time.

The discourse on this site is to be CIVIL – no name calling, baiting, or threatening others here is allowed. Those who are so inclined may visit Wolf’s other sanctuary, the U-Tree, to slog it out. There is also a “rescue” thread there for members of the Tree to rendezvous if the main site goes kablooey. A third site has been added for site outages of longer duration.

This site is a celebration of the natural rights endowed to humans by our Creator as well as those enshrined in the Bill of Rights adopted in the founding documents of the United States of America. Within the limits of law, how we exercise these rights is part of the freedom of our discussion.

Fellow tree dweller, the late Wheatie, gave us some good reminders on the basics of civility in political discourse:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And Auntie DePat’s requests:

If you see something has not been posted, do us all a favor, and post it. Please, do not complain that it has not been done yet.

The scroll wheel on your mouse can be your friend. As mature adults, please use it here in the same manner you would in avoiding online porn.

Thank you so much for any and all attention to such details. It is GREATLY appreciated by more than one party here.


Isaiah 66:10-14

10“Rejoice with Jerusalem, and be glad for her, all you who love her; rejoice with her in joy, all you who mourn over her; 11that you may suck and be satisfied with her consoling breasts; that you may drink deeply with delight from the abundance of her glory.” 12For thus says the LORD: “Behold, I will extend prosperity to her like a river, and the wealth of the nations like an overflowing stream; and you shall suck, you shall be carried upon her hip, and dandled upon her knees. 13As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you; you shall be comforted in Jerusalem. 14You shall see, and your heart shall rejoice; your bones shall flourish like the grass; and it shall be known that the hand of the LORD is with his servants, and his indignation is against his enemies.

Matthew 18:1-4

1At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” 2And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them, 3and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4Whoever humbles himself like this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.


Anonymous ID: hHkrVD7x No.148156632 
Nov 5 2017 20:06:36 (EST)

Anonymous ID: pqW40Wgk No.148156518 
Nov 5 2017 20:05:48 (EST)


St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, by the power of God, cast down to Hell Satan and all his evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Amen brother.

As always, prayers for the fight against that which seeks to enslave us are welcome. Via con Dios.


Is that really satire?

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Red October was a submarine. And a darn good movie IMO.


Red October is also a date — November 7, 1917. And a Soviet holiday every year thereafter (until the Soviet Union fell).

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And before someone asks why Red October was celebrated in November, it’s because in 1917 Russia was still on the Julian calendar. Late October for them was Early November for us. When they switched sometime in 1918 they changed the nominal date to match.


The funny thing, to me, was that the same people who discarded the Julian calendar as a “relic of the old regime” (the Bolsheviks) still celebrated the downfall of that regime as “Red October” or the “October Revolution” [Октябрьская революция].

Last edited 2 days ago by cthulhu

Was just coming to post this – I for one, do not want a RED October.

I want an October Holy Ghost Revival.

pat frederick

let’s not forget the best part of that movie

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pat frederick

sigh…some men just get sexier as they age!

Valerie Curren

My Hubby 😉 😉


Thank you, De Pat, for a totes tubular Tuesday thread! It’s rad!


Today is Jimmy Carter’s 100th birthday.


He’s way past his ‘use by’ date.


He was past his ‘use by’ date in mid-1977, with his muddled and counterproductive energy plan.


“His grandson Jason Carter said he told his son Chip a few days ago, when asked whether he was trying to make it to his 100th birthday, that he is ‘only trying to make it to vote for Kamala Harris.'”

Doesn’t he realize that he doesn’t have to keep breathing for that to happen?



Amy will ensure he votes.

Brave and Free

OTOH, he was used in 1977 and beyond by the DS.


EXCLUSIVE: Trump Allies Unveil Policy Plan To Push Back On China’s Influence In America

A pair of Trump allies are unveiling a policy platform Monday that recommends how the U.S. should address the growing threat of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) within American institutions, the Daily Caller learned first.

Ric Grenell, former acting director of National Intelligence in the Trump administration, and former New York Rep. Lee Zeldin launched the “Protecting America Initiative” in August. It is an organization focused on supporting lawmakers by helping them pass legislation to limit the CCP’s growing influence in America, the Daily Caller previously reported. The Protecting America Initiative is introducing a series of policy proposals aimed at stopping the CCP from buying U.S. farmland, infiltrating American infrastructure and having influence within the country’s higher education institutions, according to a policy page first reviewed by the Caller.

“Beijing does not have the best interest of Americans in mind as it secretly works to leverage our food supply, economy, education, and businesses. China’s pervasive influence and malignant intentions cannot be ignored. If Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will not stand up for Americans and our country, states must take immediate action,” Grenell told the Caller in a statement.

“We need strong, precise policies to counter the CCP’s aims in this country, and our policy plan is imperative for all state leaders to secure American interest at home,” he continued.

In an effort to prohibit Chinese accumulation of U.S. farmland, the Protecting America Initiative is calling for any farms owned or operated by China to be stripped of their government financial assistance, according to its new policy page. The organization also suggests that each individual state should establish reviews of any foreign purchase of land and ensure that U.S. agriculture companies are creating their products within the country, rather than outsourcing to China…

Other policy platforms of the Protecting America Initiative include addressing America’s political independence. The organization suggests that all government officials and lawmakers should be required to report any contact they have with China, the new policy page states.

To stop the growing threat of the CCP in higher education and the country’s K-12 system, the Protecting America Initiative’s policy page suggests that all colleges and universities be required to report all its ties to China and lawmakers should ensure that there is an “availability of research dollars contingent on the production of viable plans to stop IP theft”…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent. People are getting smart.

Now – make sure that people understand we have MAOISTS running for POTUS and VP on the Democrat side.

Gail Combs


I am trying to get a lot of farm work done this week and managed to hurt my back to the point I can not sit without pain. Therefore I can not transfer my wednesday post to the Word piss format.

Sorry, I was planing to put it up now but instead I am going to be flat on my back hoping I am better in the morning and can get the rest of what I need done so I can get my Abrussi Rye planted Thursday and Friday.


Great to hear from you!!!

I would recommend that you just take this week off for posting and recuperate. We’ve got a placeholder already set up in case your communications were difficult — and it sounds like communications are difficult. Rest up.

Last edited 1 day ago by cthulhu
Barb Meier

  :wpds_smile:  so happy to see you, Gail!!! You have been in our thoughts and prayers. Take care of yourself.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great to hear from you! Glad that you’re safe – very sorry that you’re injured.

Don’t worry about anything – we’ll put up the placeholder and get on with things.

Get better soon, and we’ll see you next week! 💖


Y A Y !

Relieved to hear from ya!!!

pat frederick

your pain needs to be tended to before all else. please take care of yourself!
you’re in my prayers!!


Very glad you are almost ok! Prayers!

Valerie Curren



Why not start requiring schools to teach that COMMUNISM is BAD (and why) again?

They didn’t have any trouble teaching that when I was a kid, before most of the teachers were communists.


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Oh, my!


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Use Navy Seals.



  :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol: 







NC needs Robinson as governor.


Regarding this X post from the open:

I wonder how many people recognized that as false information. This is the third time that I can remember posting about it.

The Nuremberg Code is not divided into Articles and Sections. It does not address masks.

The lack of knowledge of history and understanding of the context for the Code, or the unwillingness to do a two-minute search for accuracy, or, worst of all, the deliberate misrepresentation of the Code, are as egregious as anything the fake news does. IMO, it shows profound disrespect for what the trials and the Code were about. And that false information gets spread all over the internet by people who want to use the Code as an indictment against COVID jabs and masks. I maintain that, if one believes the COVID jabs were an experiment, then the original text of the Nuremberg Code is sufficient.

The principles of the Nuremberg Code were outlined in the section of the judges’ verdict entitled “Permissible Medical Experiments”:

The great weight of the evidence before us to effect that certain types of medical experiments on human beings, when kept within reasonably well-defined bounds, conform to the ethics of the medical profession generally. The protagonists of the practice of human experimentation justify their views on the basis that such experiments yield results for the good of society that are unprocurable by other methods or means of study. All agree, however, that certain basic principles must be observed in order to satisfy moral, ethical and legal concepts:

And here is the text of the Nuremberg Code:

1.-The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment. The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs, or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.

2.-The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society, unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and unnecessary in nature.

3.-The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other problem under study that the anticipated results will justify the performance of the experiment.

4.-The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury.

5.-No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those experiments where the experimental physicians also serve as subjects.

6.-The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment.

7.-Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury, disability, or death.

8.-The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons. The highest degree of skill and care should be required through all stages of the experiment of those who conduct or engage in the experiment.

9.-During the course of the experiment the human subject should be at liberty to bring the experiment to an end if he has reached the physical or mental state where continuation of the experiment seems to him to be impossible.

10.-During the course of the experiment the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe, in the exercise of the good faith, superior skill and careful judgment required of him that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject.

Last edited 2 days ago by TheseTruths

“I wonder how many people recognized that as false information. This is the third time that I can remember posting about it.”


It was way too conveniently specific. If that was actually Article 6, Section 3 of the Nuremberg Code, we all would have had a copy of it in our pockets every time we left the house in 2020-2021.

To shove it in the face of any Karen who even looked at us 😂

Last edited 2 days ago by scott467

There is also an omitted apostrophe that could have resulted from someone retyping it if the text were real, which it isn’t. But that alone is a giveaway. The people who post these kinds of things are not very savvy.


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Trump won.

Valerie Curren

So did Kari!


Commala gets scorched 🔥🔥🔥:

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She’s not good at this game… 😂


There are two kinds of bankruptcy — reorganization and liquidation — for individuals, Chapter 11 and Chapter 7 respectively.

One moves into Chapter 11 when one is unable to timely service his debts. The value may be there, but it is not there now. In Silicon Valley, it is very common to “grow into bankruptcy.”

Let’s say that you can get widgets for $100, put $10 of work into ’em, and sell ’em for $250. You’ll automatically be a great success, right? Even better, let’s say you can buy widgets on credit at net 30 terms. It’s like a printing press for making money! You start out with $1000.

Now let’s say that it takes you 30 days to put that $10 of work into it, and another 30 days to find a buyer, and the buyer pays in 30 days. Oh, and so many people love your widget that your sales double every month.

Month number one, you buy $100 of widgets and modify them. You are only out $10 because your labor needs to be paid NOW. Balance $990

Month number two, you buy $200 of widgets and modify them. You have to dip into cash for $100 to pay for the first months’ widgets and pay $20 for labor to modify the new widgets. Balance $870.

Month number three, you buy $400 of widgets and modify them, and you ship out your first month’s widgets to customers — woohoo! You have to pay your labor $40 and pay for last month’s widgets at $200, but your customers for the first month’s widgets are going to pay you $250!!!! Balance $630.

Month number four, you buy $800 of widgets and modify them, and you ship out your second month’s $200 widgets to customers at $500. You have to pay for Month 3’s widgets at $400, month four’s labor at $80, but you do collect month one’s sales of $250 — so you end up at a balance of $400.

Month number five, you buy $1600 of widgets and modify them, and you ship out your third month’s $400 widgets at $1000. You collect month two’s sales of $500, but have to pay for Month 4’s widgets at $800 and month five’s labor at $160. Your business is growing like a weed and insanely profitable, but you have burned through all your cash and are $60 short. You might be able to stall people off a bit this month — maybe there’s a holiday or something.

Month number six, you buy $3200 of widgets and modify them for $320, and you ship out your fourth month’s $800 widgets at $2000. You collect month three’s sales of $1000, but have to pay for Month 5’s widgets of $1600. You started the month $60 overdrawn, and your net this month is $920 further down.

Again, this is extremely common in high-growth, very profitable situations — you want to grab every available deal and just outrun your cash-on-hand. It’s not the bankruptcy of failure; it’s the bankruptcy of success. When you deliver and collect everything and pay everybody off, you likely end up with everyone satisfied and a bit of profit at the end.

So when you have Harris talking about “filed for bankruptcy six times” when she has never run a company and thinks cash flow happens by itself once a month, it is very annoying.


I should note that this was a cartoon example intended to blow up in six months. In real life, there’s rent and taxes and salaried purchase agents and inventory management, and all sorts of just weird stuff going on — and it may have been bumping along for years.

My first job in industry was something like this. We had $60,000 in the bank, $1.2M in payables, and inventory in every room in the building — including the men’s room. As things began to break loose under my tender ministrations, I found that we had to return a substantial number of lasers that didn’t meet our needs — and I brought in The Fiancee’s sister to get them returned.

The Fiancee’s family grew up in the nice ‘burbs north of NYC, but her sister could seriously put her New York on. I remember walking by her office and hearing, “fine, we can send them back to your factory tomorrow and work on the paperwork while they get there, just give me the address” [factory was in Eindhoven, Netherlands)]. *pause* “What do you mean, you don’t know where your own factory is?” The sales rep never had a chance (he had been happily claiming a commission on every laser delivered to us, whether or not it worked, for over a year, maybe over two years — management had been too busy shipping things to paying customers to dance his little dances about returns).


For her and her commies, cash flow DOES come by itself once a month.

Treasury just sells more bonds and poof!

The money magically appears in the fed agency credit card.



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this is satire, right ?

right ?


Yes, except for PhD Jill, she’s serious.

She even dressed for the floods.

Barb Meier

Another Jill fashion fail. Tennis shoes with high-water pants when Wellies rubber rain boots with tucked-in pants are required.


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Given Walz’s propensity to be a motor mouth I think this might provide a good preview of how the debate will go given the rule mics will not be silenced during the debate. Goes like this.


Valerie Curren

As annoying as all those sounds were I’d Much Rather listen to that than KommieLa!



VSGPOTUSDJT clearly shows “cares”, while Dims generally struggle to show “gives a wet shit.”


Actually helping isn’t something they can fake either.

Imagine violent, sadistic psychopaths actually trying to help others. The concept wouldn’t even make sense to them.

It would be like Fonzie trying to say “I was wrong” to Ralph, only worse 😁


Last edited 2 days ago by scott467

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“I have seen, though, reports that the union members want to know why they are hearing children’s screams from the containers. Could be nothing, could be something.”


If you hear any screams coming from the containers, you don’t wonder why, ‘why’ doesn’t matter.

You just call the police and bust the container open.

pat frederick



Yes, and word would have gotten out.

Last edited 2 days ago by smiley2

friend of mine experienced the Verizon “network disconnect/service unavailable/massive outage” yesterday afternoon, quite suddenly, for about an hour or so…

it cost him a few business leads, too.

glad to see this mentioned.

really 💖 the animal videos….feels good to smile.

Last edited 2 days ago by smiley2

I’d have been grateful for a one hour period of my phone being useless.

I was blessed cursed with seven.


Let’s Check In On How Walz is Feeling Ahead of VP Debate


here’s the link…


👉 nervous

Walz and his team want commonsense indignation to come across…their worry is that Vance is going to eviscerate {Walz’} hand-to-heart, dad-joke persona, and make Walz come across as either a moron or a raging bull or even an out-of-whack liberal vouching for another out-of-whack liberal.”

more, at the link.

Last edited 2 days ago by smiley2

So, Walz and his team are concerned Walz will come across truthfully.

  • Moron ,raging bull and out-of-whack liberal vouching for another out-of-whack liberal.
  • Toss in Chinee tool, liar, commie piece of shit.

Fixed it.


their worry is he’s gonna lose to Vance, and make an utter fool out of himself, in the process., and then throw a major hissy fit, maybe even a few punches ?

😫🖕Walz  looks like a giant cry baby, even on a good day 🖕😩


100% agree.


Walz was doing mock debates. Guess who was playing the part of JD Vance?

Swallow your coffee …

Pete “Chestfeeder” Buttplug.

You can’t make this stuff up.  😂 



And unlike fake boobies, Bootie can’t just “strap on” a fake brain!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good grief. That’s like having Peewee Herman standing in as Russell Crowe. What the hell! 😂


Lol. In other words, they are.afraid America will see exactly who Walz really is.


ALERT: Semi Truckers Going Through Tennessee I-40…..”Activist” Group Is Slashing Tires

video link..


Just read two books, Those Who Love about John and Abigail Adams during their US Revolution Years and The Wind at Morning about Magellan’s Journey around the world – both in Reader’s Digest books I bought for 50¢ in the Village thrift store.

In 1776, in America, those ‘activists’ would be shot or hanged and their homes burnt or dismantled.

Aboard Magellan’s ships, these ‘activists’ would be beheaded if they were granted mercy, if not, they were drawn and quartered alive. Either way, their parts were hung up to remind folks of the consequences of mutiny, treason, interfering with the ships’ mission and command. This was common justice aboard ships of that era.

Last edited 2 days ago by GA/FL

Learning’s always a painful process…..

Last edited 2 days ago by cthulhu

that would most certainly stop the repeat offenders.

*( I love finding good books in thrift stores, don’t you ?) 📖

Last edited 2 days ago by smiley2

I get a lot of bang for my buck with those RD Condensed books! Keeps my idle hands out of the devils workshop and keeps me out of the bars and pool rooms. When I finish, I take them back to the thrift store so they can sell ’em again! Books are a popular ‘hot’ commodity at a retirement center. They don’t last long at the ‘free table’ ! Especially mystery books!


What’s wrong with pool rooms, other than they’re too well lit today?

You would have loved the pool rooms of my youth.

Dangerously skilled players, hiding in the shadows on the chairs holding the walls back, waiting their turns at the green killing fields.


It’s just an ol’ sayin’ from my childhood. Folks used to get fleeced by pool hustlers, or get to drankin’


It made me laugh!


Law of the Sea is quite different from Law of the Land.

One of the major complaints of the people who believe in sovereignty is that the Law of the Sea has been brought onto the land and supplanted the Law of the Land.


I think we’re probably in official BOLO territory for Gail. Even though she’s caring for her husband, household, livestock, and possibly neighbors…..she’s extremely resourceful and tough and I expect her to pull through.

That said, it would be good to get a ping from her regarding status and whether she needs help.


She probably doesn’t have internet or a way to get anywhere, to town to a functional internet. Maybe the closest town is no longer there.


It would be good to get a ping, maybe by friend-to-friend relay. I recognize the potential difficulties.

It’d be nice to get a heads-up before we see news stories about the “Free Republic of Combsonia.”


What’s a ping?


With computers, a “ping” is a minimal network contact to show that a link is working.


OK – thanks – btw – love your explanations of computer and accounting ‘stuff’!


I still think of myself as a teenager, so I just talk about how I initially learned it myself.


We love you dear heart, and all your comments!


You are deeply cherished here, and we fret when you don’t keep us updated.

Last edited 2 days ago by cthulhu

TY so very much for your encouragement, prayers – I seriously could not make it without you guys!

Y’all keep me (relatively) sane and functional.


It’s the sound of a sonar pulse in The Hunt for Red October:

Barb Meier

Glad you asked, GA/FL!

In lesser known circles, an inexpensive book at Amazon tells The Story of Ping:

Since 1933, The Story About Ping has captivated generations of readers, but never before has it been available in a mass-market paperback format. No one can deny the appeal of the book’s hero, Ping, the spirited little duck who lives on a boat on the Yangtze River. Ping’s misadventures one night while exploring the world around his home form the basis of this timeless classic, which is brought to life by Kurt Wiese‘s warm and poignant illustrations.


Maybe now that some are getting Starlink, we will hear something. Gail is a National Treasure and should be cherished, protected and helped if we only knew how to do so. We didn’t know or understand what was going to happen until it did. I remember hearing the directors of NHC talk about the dangers of flooding and it didn’t register that the people and towns of NC and TN would suffer this kind of devastation.


The only problem with Starlink [in this crisis] is that it is a single location service. It has the capacity to be a mobile cell service [like what we use every day], but I have not heard that Elon will turn on this ability.

If he doesn’t, it will be the same as the meeting at the general store each morning of years ago. People will have to go to where the Starlink terminal is, plus the Starlink router requires electric power.


UH-OH – !

Thanks, PGroup

pat frederick

they might be going to shelters? at least those people might get word out to worried families?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gail’s last comment was on 9/25, which was when her last post went up. No pings since then.


100%. We’ve all been looking for pings. Nearly everyone has checked in. Gail’s ping, not yet.

Reality in play. Fundamentally sticking with, it takes time, to be able to ping.

Xx days since the rain and wind arrived. Fundamentals certainly in play.

Water surely receding. Perhaps not fast enough. Ground saturated.

Truly emergency repairs to the home.

Gotta have electricity and functioning Internet. Gail has a generator. Requires gas. Water. Cooking fuel. Priority freezer / fridge. Critters to care for.

Trees down around home, over passable roads. Destination with fuel and food available. Perhaps with electricity. Internet?

Suspect Gail and DH have their hands full. Exhausted AND dealing with brutal reality.

All too often, we read of power and Internet being out for week(s) after major weather damage.

  • Unfortunately, seems to be part Gail’s plight.

We look forward to a ping. A relief in itself. Whatever Gail needs, anything, would be good to know.

  • Would gladly donate to a givesendgo, exclusively for Gail and DH.

Until then, we have Gail and DH in our thoughts, prayers and ready to assist, given the opportunity.


Well said.


Verse of the Day for Tuesday, October 1, 2024

“He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.” 

Proverbs 13:20 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for. blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Happy are those who Feast on Wisdom;
Who savor her knowledge of His Kingdom;
She will refresh and nourish them wisely;
Her assistance is welcome – quite precisely!

Heavenly bread – her drink – understanding;
So succor her knowledge notwithstanding;
Her nourishment is constant and truthful;
Not for the blind of faith – or for the youthful!

Refreshment is – the fruit of the Spirit;
Through the lens of faith – we can intuit;
What can one do with only knowledge alone?
With no understanding – knowledge is prone!

The sweetness of Wisdom is God’s Great Gift;
Knowledge plus understanding – a lofty lift;
From the abyss of deception we will arise;
The richness of Wisdom is for only the wise!

His Word alone – not the fruit of the earth;
Sustains His faithful ones – from their rebirth;
The bread of Wisdom is insight – not mirth;
Her drink is understanding – knowledge worth!

Refreshed by His Word – and nourished divine;
His faithful ones repent – sin – they decline;
His Spirit indwells – in the temple of man;
Where wisdom is instilled – according to plan!

Your steadfastness, Lord, assures that within;
Both knowledge and understanding defeat sin;
When the two are united – wisdom be told;
A magnificent miracle – inside to behold!

For what is a man who is wise beyond years;
If he hears not – listens not – to what he hears;
If he has knowledge without understanding;
His foundation is shaky – so is his landing!

The Gift of the Spirit is Wisdom – and Grace;
The mind becomes avid – with Faith in place
The body is sound – the spirit is free;
So Feast on Wisdom – sweet delicacy!

Proportioned and balanced as God created;
With knowledge and understanding related;
Combined with His Word in perfect harmony;
Let’s Feast on Wisdom – His Word brilliantly!

D01: 08/20/2013


Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday

Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday




Was seated in the stands of old Crosley Field for some games with my dad the year (1963) Pete played as a rookie along with the great Frank Robinson. Pete was always my dad’s favorite player.

BIMD – My high school Guidance Counselor (oxymoron) and former baseball coach grew up with and was from Loveland where Pete lived. They played ball together in school. They were drinking buddies when Pete was in town. Yup, I left a few “stories” and other details out of BIMD intentionally. Back then 18 year olds could drink 3.2% beer, so several friends and I “visited” that establishment with our former GC after graduation. The primary illegal bookie operation that caused Pete’s issues with MLB was located in Franklin, OH; second floor, at Kinney’s Dinebar Cafe. It burned down in 2011.

Always a story…


Never missed a game IIRC. Should have been in the Hall of Fame decades ago for being the hitting-est player who broke Ty Cobb’s record.

R.I.P., Mr. Hustle.


I want to repeat a link DePat posted above. It is not for those who are averse to many words and details.

But for others it is a thoughtful and enlightening article about the origin of Islamic radicalism and the change in the meaning of the word “terrorism” to benefit of those who made the change, sort of like the change in the meaning of the word “vaccine.”

The later part of the article reviews some of the facts suggesting Israeli involvement in bringing down the three towers. The author also posits CIA involvement which is entirely consistent with Israeli involvement. Like the Kennedy assassination.

The other (omitted) details can be found by searching, but a “detail” also not mentioned is the question “cui bono” – – a consideration which could be discussed both from a prosepective and retrospective pov. Who benefitted from this spectaculer false flag attributed to Islamic terrorism?

IMO well worth reading unless your mind is closed to such information:


The Fiancee is moving from London to Florence (Firenze) today.

Firenze is an amazing place — centuries old, but it sometimes feels like it’s a Disney creation because it’s so full of happy tourists. You can dig deeply into the place, and there’s always more to see — and it’s a very walkable city.

Not only is the artwork amazing, but the food is awesome.

Last edited 2 days ago by cthulhu
Barb Meier

Perhaps you could convince the Fiancee to move to Florence and sell your property. From there, you could do whatever you choose.


She’s already read “Under the Tuscan Sun”, so I can’t just sneak that onto her nightstand.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

There is a Galileo Museum there (though only one of the galleries is actually about Galileo). You can see the apparatus he used to analyze motion under gravity and…(most importantly) his actual telescopes.


As a center of learning, there are a plethora of offbeat museums in and around Firenze. As an example, I’ve actually been to — the oldest public museum in Europe.

pat frederick

Matt Whitlock

@mattdizwhitlock would be huge The Biden/Harris admin took $230B from Medicare to fund EV tax credits When seniors’ premiums started spiking, Biden/Harris took MORE money to pay off insurers to delay price hikes until *after the election* Now Republicans are calling for an investigation

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Worthless r-Cons will hold a meaningless investigation.

Medicare premiums will still spike in January.

pat frederick

Wall Street Apes
🚨 Wisconsin Election Workers Being Told THEY CAN NOT CHECK FOR ID

When asked “what type of identification do you need? A voter’s registration card, driver’s license”

Election worker “Previously I had to check everybody’s IDs. But this year, I was told I wasn’t allowed.”

“We just walked in to get absentee ballots to register to vote for November 5th. Walked in, and we asked her how we go about getting those, and she said, oh, I’ll mail them to you. I said, well, what type of identification do you need? A voter’s registration card, driver’s license, whatever.

And her response is, previously, I checked. I had to check everybody’s IDs. But this year, I was told I wasn’t allowed.

Can somebody please tell me what’s wrong with that picture? I said, how long will it take us to get those? Because we’re gonna be going out of town.

And she said, oh, you’ll get them tomorrow. I’m gonna walk them over to the post office right now. You’ll get them tomorrow. So I walked in, asked for an absentee ballot. They’re gonna send it without anybody checking if I’m registered.

What’s wrong with that picture?”


Not a thing, if you’re a member of the Friends of Marc Elias Club.

pat frederick

pat frederick

October 1, 2024 2:10 am

Reply to  zephyrbreeze

Helene alone gives her standing to nix it for mercy’s sake, and yes, they will milk it all they can.

Last edited 2 days ago by patfrederick

True the media would portray it that way, but would anyone believe she was capable of doing that? It would only create an explosion of derisive scepticism, IMO.


BEST, MOST THOROUGH Weather Reports Ever – a Christian WX guy!


Barb Meier

Thank you, GA/FL!

pat frederick


Like Briben, Kakala a puppet.

Somehow far more pathetic and more worthless than Briben.

IF Kakala is installed, America is gone..


Again I ask why she’s the point man for FEMA? For the last 4 years she’s been AWOL but now all of a sudden she’s front and center. It’s obvious that it’s for optics


Optics for Pravda News to foist Kakala, as having a clue.

Until Kakala can field some simple questions reflecting awareness, Kakala remains point bitch.


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spaghetti models inconsistent, all over the map…too early…but could be something into the same general vicinity as Helene’s landfall, God Forbid.


Thankful you bring these.


Scepticism of RFK is fully warranted, although MAHA sounds wonderful

If it is true, as RFK expressly stated (and DePat posted) that Trump will give RFK oversight on the intelligence agencies, that is cause for concern.

But it is impossible not to wonder if RFK will be given the opportunity personally to expose who murdered JFK and RFK. That sounds like something Trump would make happen.


What is the concern for RFK getting oversight of IC?

Does anyone who cherishes America, The Constitution believe the IC has America’s best interests in mind?

Best I can tell, IC has been weaponized against America. As has DOJ, FIB, HLS…

Releasing stuff on the murders of JFK, RFK, MLK, J13th is a stroke of the pen by Trump. RFK Jr can be part of facilitating that.

While I do NOT agree with RFK Jr on many things, RFK Jr is presently an asset to America First, Trump.

Until RFK Jr acts otherwise, I am good with him. Same as Tulsi, Vivek…

Something about Unity is a great thing. My way or the highway, not so much.

Not implying the latter is your perspective. Just, no need to cast away assets, supporting America First.

  • RFK Jr simply needs to stay in his lane. Be monitored and if necessary, managed…
  • No different than Tulsi, Vivek…

Agree with everything you say. Maybe “trust but verify” is the best pov.


Yes, I am absolutely in the trust but verify mode.


Just my opinion…

Verify, then trust. He is very capable of doing the right things. However, he is also a Kennedy. PDT needs a hall monitor for him.

Which is how I think it will go. RFK does the due diligence and assessment. PDT authorizes the response along with who conducts the response.


Keep in mind that separating the assessment phase from the correction phase is important. If he has to do both, then he must allocate his personal resources [such as time, etc.]. Quality of each will be compromised.

Robert Baker

I believe the oversight discussion was with respect to the transition period. The context of the discussion was on that topic. This leads me to further believe that the oversight is for a limited time horizon.


True, but it was exactly at the tranistion oversight period when Trump got wrong people put into his administration. Bad people, traitors.

In RFK’s transition role, the question will be whether RFK will recommend the right people. Trump seems to rely upon the personnel advice of people he respects, and he seems to respect RFK.

In the area of MAHA, RFK probably would recommend good people. But in the area of intelligence, there was where the Trump administration was actively undermined.


^^^ This was why I said what I said. 👍

pat frederick

if nothing else, he deserves closure on that issue. the country does as well.
but being in charge of it? not in favor either

Barb Meier

The IC required employees and contractors to take the shots to remain employed. Perhaps that is still his focus. The activities of the IC are deep and broad. I suspect RFJ Jr will be focused on healthcare and policies related to that.


Another reason to calibrate the IC.

Barb Meier

And remove redundancy.


Terrific points.

Barb Meier

Thank you, TradeBait!! There are 18 IC agencies.

The U.S. Intelligence Community is composed of the following 18 organizations:

  • Two independent agencies—the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA);
  • Nine Department of Defense elements—the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), the National Security Agency (NSA), the National Geospatial- Intelligence Agency (NGA), the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), and intelligence elements of the five DoD services; the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, and Space Force.
  • Seven elements of other departments and agencies—the Department of Energy’s Office of Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence; the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis and U.S. Coast Guard Intelligence; the Department of Justice’s Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Drug Enforcement Administration’s Office of National Security Intelligence; the Department of State’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research; and the Department of the Treasury’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis



I guess we could call them silos in honor of SD. 😀

Barb Meier

I have seen intel analysts share their analysis reports with others in other agencies who focus on the same areas for peer review of their assessments. Sometimes they do not concur and produce their own rebuttal analysis report.

pat frederick

Goya Foods
“In the face of Hurricane Helene’s devastation, Goya stands united with the resilient communities of Florida, Georgia, and the Carolinas, embodying the spirit of compassion and support. Together, we nourish hope and rebuild lives, reminding everyone that even in the darkest times, we can share the light of generosity,” said Bob Unanue, the President and CEO of Goya Foods.

By collaborating with Sweetwater Mission FoodBank and Lara Trump in North and South Carolina, Global Empowerment Mission in Florida, and Atlanta Community Food Pantry in Georgia, Goya is providing food to families and individuals greatly affected by Hurricane Helene. #GOYACARES


How wonderful. Goya foods has a big heart and they stand up for what’s right and true!


Yours Truly has a Placeholder Open Thread post ready to publish for tomorrow, Wednesday, in case our good Gail Combs has been unable to do her Wednesday post.
Thank you!


Dang! There goes our daily dose of fear and trembling.  😂 


Wait till the upcoming Health Friday post this week publishes.

Last edited 2 days ago by PAVACA
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent! Thank you! Very smart thinking!




For 3 1/2 years, Briben Goons have ignored Americans in every disaster. IGNORED.

Briben Criminals Focus is Open Borders. Coddle Illegals. B I L L I O N S to Ukraine.


 Aubergine this strike of dock workers makes me think of you. It really is the only civil protest that will work. I wish it wasn’t over higher wages since more inflation is the last thing we need. And timing sucks for hurricane relief.

cloward piven is alive and kicking 😰


Civil protest? Way too polite of a term, IYKWIM. This thug who runs the union was acquitted of extortion charges [among other charges] in 2004 IIRC.


Thank you.
Cloward-Piven will be more than “kicking” if other unions decide to follow with a “sympathy strike” — say, the West Coast Longshoremen’s union.


Of course, reading further, I see ( shoulda known) he’s a staunch Democrat making $800+k a year) … strike coukd be Trojan horse for Kamala to come in and save the day … nothing is what it seems .., and Commerce Sec Raimondo said yesterday she’s “not focused’ on the strike. FFS 😡😡😡 they reall hate us.


Briben Administration, 100% Staffed To Destroy America.

  • hussein the master mind.
  • Uniparty confirmed AND enabled.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That woman is big evil. They’re planning bad stuff, IMO.


Why the hell did Kakala hussein select Chinee Tim?

Duh. DUH. DUH!

Chinee Tim is The Perfect VP Candidate for Kakala . 100% perfect.

Think back, or even consider present day.

Briben & Kakala.

  • OBVIOUSLY Briben has dementia, failing at the border AND orchestrating dozens of other offenses against his Oath.
  • Correct answer then AND Now, impeach the bastard.
  • But oh no, can’t impeach Briben.
  • Impeachment would fail AND NO ONE WANTS KAKALA as POTUS.
  • IF somehow Kakala is installed, Four More Years .
  • Kakala 100% incapable. No One Wants Chinee Tim.

Assuming America survives four years.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Current strategy is always a VP acting as an assassination stop, impeachment stop, or both.


LIVE WITH JULIE – 10/01/2024



Hebrews 13:6
John 10:10
Matthew 11:28-30
James 4:7
Mark 11:24
Psalms 27:1
1 John 4:4
Psalms 92:1, 8-9
Hebrews 3:8
Psalms 94:1-23
Psalms 34:17
Matthew 11:28
Psalms 47:3, 8
Haggai 2:6-7, 22
Daniel 2:21
Psalms 75:7
Psalms 33:10
Nehemiah 8:10


God is El Elyon- The Most High God. This name describes God as majestic and above everything and everyone.
God needs His children to believe that He is El Elyon and trust in Him.
God is Jehovah Shammah: The Lord is there.
God is Jehovah Jireh – The Lord your Provider.
God is not asking you to fight these battles alone. He is there with you.
This is not the Establishment’s nation or their election to steal.
God needs you to stand in the gap in prayer and to intercede during these times.
Do not just sit back and be crippled by fear. Don’t give up. You need to stand.
God doesn’t need your help. He just needs you to trust Him.
God’s Hand is against your enemies.
Your enemy wants to discourage and overwhelm you so you will stop fighting. Do not give in or let up. Keep fighting. Keep standing.
God knows everything. The avalanche of truth will soon break and destroy the enemies’ dam of lies.
Nothing is bigger than God. Magnify Him and His greatness!


JGM – LIVE WITH JULIE – [1 October 2024] 


God IS never going to leave you without hope, in despair…GOD IS YOUR HOPE. HE IS YOUR GOOD REPORT. GOD IS THE MOST HIGH GOD – EL ELYON. God is above everyone and everything. This name describes His position as a sovereign, majestic, pre-eminent God. There is no one bigger than our God. We’re facing big enemies. We’re in a war, a battle of the life and death of a country. They want to collapse it, destroy it from within. They are using every form of weapon they can possibly imagine…but GOD. He’s above everything and everyone. We serve the Most High God. 

Hebrews 13:6…So we take comfort and are encouraged and confidently and boldly say, The Lord is my Helper; I will not be seized with alarm [I will not fear or dread or be terrified]. What can man do to me?

 …We have everything we need because He’s the GREAT I AM Jehovah SHAMMAH…The LORD is THERE…He has not forsaken you. When the Jewish people were under an extreme amount of attack, under devastation, under a shaking, hopelessness and despair. They were weary and fainting because of the stress they were seeing and the attack they were enduring. 

The enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy…but GOD IS THERE. He’s there in the present and HE’s also there in the future. God’s already there. He’s in your tomorrow. The LORD is My helper I WILL NOT BE SEIZED WITH ALARM. Our enemies want us to panic, overwhelm us with circumstances and pile so much pressure on us so we break [physical, mental, family, financial or all the above]…Find encouragement in knowing GOD IS WITH YOU. Know you’re not trying to do it on your own. God’s not asking you to fight these battles, figure them out and pick yourself up all by yourself. He is there with you….He takes the yoke of bondage/slavery off of you, that the enemy is trying to put on you. Don’t take that worry on your life or body. God’s already freed you from it…start speaking to those thoughts that are contrary to the Word of God.





Short sampler and twitter has put “twitter” back in url. If this means no more having to type twitter in this would be a win. Lets see if it works… 😮

Last edited 2 days ago by para59r

Okay, posted different tweets there…or tried. the twitter thing worked but the first post got stuck in the dang browser again… Ackkk!


Oh oh… !!! 😠 (wasn’t going to post the lithium thing but now that I see the post above… thinks it’s a bit more relevant. Ackkk!)


This would explain the slow response by FEMA. They don’t want the disaster area cleared. They are going to pull a Lahaina thing and keep the people out, making it very hard to recover the area. 🙄

pat frederick

saw this…area in NC hit hard is essential for solar panels and semi conductor chips.
The remnants of Hurricane Helene ripped through the Western North Carolina mountain town of Spruce Pine last week, disrupting a quartz facility integral to the global production of solar panels and semiconductor chips.
The largest Spruce Pine mine is owned by Sibelco, a private Belgium mineral company that is Mitchell County’s top employer. Sibelco told The News & Observer Monday that the company has “temporarily halted operations at the Spruce Pine facilities” since Sept. 26.
“The hurricane has caused widespread flooding, power outages, communication disruptions, and damage to critical infrastructure in the area,” the emailed statement said. “Many people in the area, including our employees and their families, are facing displacement and significant disruptions.”
As of Saturday morning, the storm had dumped more than 2 feet of rain on the town, submerging its downtown buildings and overwhelming area roads, railways, utilities, and homes. Sibelco’s mines are north of downtown in an area called the Spruce Pine Mining District. From above, they look like giant white sandy beaches. The area is set back from the local North Toe River, which flooded. But news reports indicate surrounding Mitchell County has experienced extensive damage to roads and rail lines, which could impact workers’ ability to get to the site and the company’s ability to transport materials.
The town is home to the purest quartz on the planet, a byproduct of continental formations that occurred more than 380 million years ago. High-purity quartz is essential to making the silicon wafers that get cut into chips. While there are other sources of quartz, the purity many producers demand is only found around the mines of Spruce Pine. “It is rare, unheard of almost, for a single site to control the global supply of a crucial material,” wrote Ed Conway in his 2023 book “Material World.” “Yet if you want to get high-purity quartz — the kind you need to make those crucibles without which you can’t make silicon wafers — it has to come from Spruce Pine.”

Read more at:


^^^ This


This ^^^

pat frederick

H/t Filly

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pat frederick

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pat frederick

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is brilliant!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


pat frederick

now i can’t unsee it!


That is a seriously creepy photo!

pat frederick



I don’t know what this is. I’m posting it anyways…


Satanist in the WH. Blatant in that case, but we know that many Dems are satanists; we just don’t see it in the open.


Interesting boots.  😮 


Brave and Free

Looks like AI to me, not real???


Maybe…Maybe not….


To that bitch in the vid above…happy about this “racist” being “gone” ????

I cannot believe the hate that festers in so many liberals.


They are mental

Tatonka Woman

Even if this were proven to be AI (which I doubt) some human being with these thoughts and feelings put this message out.


This girl is a dumb ass . Her parents failed her and she is a reflection they raised

Tatonka Woman

Asheville is one of the hotbeds of liberalism in the South. Much of it has been destroyed.
This callous, evil, uneducated piece of human flesh is their spawn.


Your soft touch seems to have taken a day off.  😂 

Robert Baker

The most likely explanation for this post is a simple calculus that outrage gets noticed. There may be extenuating circumstances like she (please note that I am assuming pronouns here) just broke up (social trauma) with her boyfriend or girlfriend. It is also possible that she is just a brainwashed progressive narcissist with a titanium heart.


EV extinction can’t happen soon enough.


Jeep announces recall for almost 200k plug-in SUVs that are at-risk of spontaneous combustion

Electric vehicles are already an exaggerated hazard on the road—weight and risk of fire—but now, a quality control problem is exacerbating the latter of those factors. From AP News comes this story:

Jeep is recalling more than 194,000 plug-in hybrid SUVs worldwide because they can catch fire with the ignition turned off.

In addition, Jeep is urging owners not to charge the SUVs and to park them outdoors and away from structures until they are repaired.



Sometimes some of these rockets get through. Similar to this vid that somehow made it through the internet. Rare but it happens.



No idea how many launched. Number intercepted. Number got through.

Simple numbers reflects Israel at a disadvantage, to stop all out missile launches.

Was Iron Dome overwhelmed? Dunno.Israel have enough missiles to intercept incoming? Dunno. Highly doubtful, based on what I’ve read in the past.

Last edited 2 days ago by kalbokalbs


We are going to have extreme weather and natural disasters at least through the rest of hurricane season. It seems, from year to year, that people forget this is a reality. It’s akin to the Left blaming everything on “climate change” because they conveniently view everything as a new phenomenon, never experienced before by humankind. Yet the most severe Category 5 hurricane to hit the US was the Labor Day hurricane in 1935,

the most intense tropical cyclone known to make landfall in the Western Hemisphere, having the lowest sea level pressure ever officially recorded on land—a central pressure of 892 millibars (26.3 inHg)—suggesting an intensity of between 162 and 164 knots (186 and 189 mph).


FWIW, nothing, I don’t buy into any of the hype. There’s more hurricanes, more severe, global…



Great message. Delivery, well, I’m older than dirt. Hope it goes viral.


Interesting as the woman in the second vid describes, the 77% increase in pay (thought she might of said 70% in the vid above) is over a period of 6 years. 🤔


:0) If I were a worker and I got a 1.3% Cost of Living raise every year for 6 years, that would be a 7.8% raise, which in reality is a good starting point. However, I’m not sure the wage increase is the biggest issue with this contract. I have a feeling that automation replacing workers is the issue.


10.1.24: October Surprise, Blitzkrieg, Trump supports victims, Assange speaks, Lithium+NC?, HUNT is on. PRAY!

And We Know


Trumps GoFundMe goal $1,000,000. Raised $3,078,286. so far. Still seems low.


5AM my time this morning, it was ~1.6 Million. Nearly doubled in nine hours.

Low or not, Impressive.

Glance at gofundme, large number of Helene related funds.

Givesendgo, likely the same.

Last edited 1 day ago by kalbokalbs

Lech Walesa would be very, very proud of Harold J Daggett.

Now if we could convince the truckers to shut down their trucks….we’d have something really good and the dock workers would be instant heros for standing strong….


Stop the trains also.

Airlines? They are in the Feds pocket, keeping airlines solvent.


Warren Buffet has been selling his shares like crazy and I don’t see him wanting his trains to lose money, so if the strike goes on too long, there won’t be enough goods to make it profitable to transport by train, the trains would lose money and Buffet would shut them shut it down, other than trains being hi-jacked by engineers, I don’t think there’s a way to stop the trains other than klabooming strategic track & bridge areas.


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Reminds me….Where is Sylvia with her shovel??? :0)


Sylvia has her own site — it’s in the sidebar.


Sylvia authored something over at her place yesterday.


Dan Bongino is stressing the importance of early voting because of what the Dems might be planning for election day. Those who vote early will have their votes on record. I don’t see this as a cure for their cheating, but at least we would have gotten to vote.


AT&T cellphone service is very spotty and Frontier internet service is completely out in my area of Durham at this time.

Barb Meier

Do you think a large number of tech wizards have retired, moved elsewhere, or died suddenly, leaving a greater number of beak dippers than inventors?


It’s a combination of factors.

Land used to be inexpensive, so you could set up a warehouse or manufacturing area. There were odd clusters of resources — like cubies — defense and aerospace was winding down in both Silicon Valley and Washington, so you could build a cube farm on the cheap. Regulations used to be lax and triggered after-the-fact — if you build something that went “boom” and issued a bunch of smoke, the Fire Department would come by and ask, “what was that?”… you need a permit in advance.

You used to get youngsters who could build models or work on cars, but now they just do Candy Crush or get shipped off to college.

There’s more, but starting a business (or even a project) is like trying to run a race with one foot encased in a bucket of concrete.


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Interesting information. Seems a bit dated.


All of about 13,000 people. Not a huge number and their chief concerns are getting their contract updated to reflect Bidenomics and the threat of automation.


Good with it.


Interesting that it’s not a huge number but their work is crucial for the entire country. It lends credence to the idea of stopping work — stop making the country/state/city run — as a protest. Those in power need the little people to bring them their groceries, building supplies, automobiles, needed parts, etc.


Julian Assange makes 1st public appearance since his release from prison

Julian Assange made his first public appearance since his release from prison, telling European lawmakers the United States had forced him to “plead guilty to journalism” to put an end to his years of captivity and that his case still set a dangerous precedent.

Assange addressed the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, an international rights body, in the French city of Strasbourg on Tuesday.

He said he had eventually chosen “freedom over unrealizable justice” in agreeing to the deal that allowed him to walk free after 14 years spent in detention.

“I am not free today because the system worked. I am free today after years of incarceration because I pled guilty to journalism,” Assange said at the hearing, which was broadcast live.

Assange was released from Britain’s Belmarsh prison in June and flown to a U.S.-district court on the Pacific island of Saipan after accepting the deal. There he pleaded guilty to conspiring to obtain and disclose classified U.S. documents and a judge sentenced him to 62 weeks in prison, the equivalent to his time spent in Belmarsh. The U.S. had been seeking to prosecute Assange on 18 counts under the Espionage Act.

The agreement ended the more than decade-long effort by the U.S. to prosecute Assange for his role in publishing thousands of classified materials, including diplomatic cables and some materials showing possible war crimes by American troops.

“I pled guilty to seeking information from a source. I pled guilty to obtaining information from a source and I pled guilty to informing the public what that information was. I did not plead guilty to anything else,” Assange said.

Assange was imprisoned in Belmarsh for five years while fighting extradition to the U.S. Prior to that, he spent seven years confined to the Ecuadorian embassy in London, facing arrest if he went outside.

“The experience of isolation for years in a small cell is difficult to convey,” Assange said on Tuesday. “It strips away one’s sense of self, leaving only the raw essence of existence. I am yet not fully equipped to speak about what I have endured.”

Since his release, Assange has been living with his wife Stella and their two young sons in his native Australia.

“I think everyone can tell that he is exhausted, that he is still very much in the process of recovering,” Stella Assange told reporters at the hearing. “And at the moment, the only concrete plan in the foreseeable future is that he will continue his recovery.”

Assange and his supporters have warned that the plea deal still sets a dangerous precedent for media freedom, making him the first journalist to be convicted under the Espionage Act. At the hearing, Assange said he was precluded from seeking justice over his detention, saying the U.S. had required the plea agreement to include a prohibition on his filing cases at the European Court of Human Rights.

He and his team are campaigning for a U.S. presidential pardon.

Kristinn Hrafnsson, WikiLeaks’ editor-in-chief, who also attended Tuesday’s hearing, addressed the precedent of Assange’s pardon with ABC News.

“You need to take away that dagger. It has now been bloodied once. And if there is no reaction and no push and no political desire to take that weapon out of any politician’s hand, it will be used again,” said Hrafnsson.

Asked if Assange had plans for work with WikiLeaks now that he was free, Hrafnsson said he had nothing to disclose for now.

“I’m certain there will be a role,” Hrafnsson said. “And of course there is a role for Julian. And of course there’s a role for the recognition of the work and the past and the legacy of Julian Assange’s and how he contributed in this massive manner to the history of journalism in this century.”


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I look at the last paragraph and consider the blood that the election cheaters have on their hands.


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A major campaign should be underway to get rid of anyone involved.

Last edited 1 day ago by TheseTruths

Love Wayne. He’s no blushing violet.


Uh huh. Abd his hotel isnt too far away.
People there like him a lot. I was therebwhen he popped in in August.


The statue of Christopher Columbus, which was defaced and thrown into a river by leftist protesters in Virginia, has now been relocated to New York under the initiative of Italian Americans


Same Italian-Americans that compose the Five Families?

Valerie Curren




BREAKING: Vivek just said he is now considering running for Governor of Ohio after a poll showed him winning the race by a landslide

“This is the number one thing that people across the state will come literally plead with me to do… And so, would I consider it? Yes, I would…


Hope Vivek runs for governor.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He could win, IMO.


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Won’t work unless she describes the liability parameters of the criminal law of which she might credibly be exposed.

Depends on the gumption of the prosecutors/adverse attys.

Pretty simple to get a court order for her to disclose it, and upon refusal, to hold her in contempt in the GrayBar Hotel.


First two words says it all. Won’t work.

Then something about, gumption.

That sealed the deal. r-Cons have no gumption, integrity, leadership, initiative…

Last edited 1 day ago by kalbokalbs

The Las Vegas shooting happened on October 1, 2017, and we still don’t have answers.


A grim anniversary.  😪 


I don’t see any links to the reports included in this X post, but it’s interesting, if true.

Harold Daggett, the ILA boss who pledged to “cripple” the United States, owns a 76-foot yacht, a Bentley, and gets paid over $900,000.

He was acquitted on RICO charges after the main witness against him, mobster Lawrence Ricci, was found decomposing in a car trunk in New Jersey.

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Brave and Free

Just doing what he’s told to do, another cog in the wheel.
IMO there’re all puppets for the DS. Why isn’t Ole Joe or the cackling hyena doing anything? Their all on the same team.

Last edited 1 day ago by Brave and Free

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And very few of those Haitians were from Haiti.

Most were from South America.


This girl always seems to have something interesting to say.


And then there’s Alex Jones… latest or last?


That first gal is spot on. I just wonder what she was waving around. Was it peanut butter or something? 😅 Not that it matters. I love that she’s real.


Pretty sure it was you guessed it… peanut butter. 😁


A rubber spatula. My wife eats peanut butter that way.


“Where is Taylor Swift – Where is Oprah – Where is Brad Paisley (who wrote a song for Zelensky/Ukraine) – Where is all the help from the celebrities to help the citizens devastated by the hurricane”


Probably huddled with their attorneys, trying to deal with the fallout of the P-puff Piddly crisis.

They’ve got bigger things to worry about than photo-ops for disaster relief.


“…trying to deal with the fallout of the P-puff Piddly crisis.”

Do you follow the world of the Judicial Branch of the Government Scott? Did you watch any of the impeachment hearings held on Attorney General Ken Paxton in Texas last year? Tony Buzbee was the lawyer for Ken Paxton. He was magnificent in court and not an attorney to be trifled with.

This morning Buzbee announced in a press conference that he has been hired by approximately fifty separate individuals[50% male/50%female] whose cases vary from sex assault to sexual abuse and trafficking. Buzbee stated that he’ll be filing these 55 cases against the old P-puff Piddly over the next 30 days.

The “fall-out is just beginning if Tony Buzbee is involved.


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If even 1% ($250K) gets to the actual people, I’ll be amazed.


Russia. Small postage stamp city in key location has fallen to Russia.

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Barb Meier

All the kids at the bottom look like they’re doing the Walz. Weeeeeee!!! \o/


Looking like 1 November Bannon out of the Gulag.


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I believe we followed this some… so this might be an update?


Meanwhile someone thoughtfully reminds us…
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Shades of Soylent Green.

Last edited 1 day ago by pgroup2

Interesting video from 1993. Covers everything we understand and have discussed at one time or another. Things may not being working exactly as they laid out but they have all this nailed done tight. Fascinating talk all the way through that validates everything we already know.


So Japan is committing a biological war crime, and their government should be removed because of it. Right now. The Japanese People should end their government TODAY.

But that doesn’t help us as far as not being infected.

So, what can we actually do?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Frankly, I’m not sure. We are rapidly careening toward uncharted anti-human territory.

Barb Meier

There is the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC):


If they get funky with biological weapons, we could nuke ’em!

Oh, wait…..that’s been done……

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Dr. Robert Malone: “I just came back from Tokyo where they had a 30,000 person rally because they’re about to deploy self-replicating RNA vaccines. Japan is being used as the guinea pigs for the world for this new technology. The Japanese people are calling this the third atomic bomb. This is being deployed in a cooperative agreement between a US company, Arcturus, a Canadian company, I’m sorry, a Australian company called CSL and a Japanese company.

Now the CEO of the Japanese company recently gave a press conference. What did he say? He said anybody that is spreading misinformation, we’re going to go after him legally, we’re going to try to have them jailed. If you say anything against their self-replicating RNA vaccine technology that’s never been rigorously tested, we don’t know if it’s going to infect other people. We don’t know if it’s going to spread.
We know it’s going to replicate. We don’t know if it’s going to get into the brain of the elders in Japan. But we do know that if we say anything about these concerns, the CEO is going to come after us and try to put us in jail. That’s the new world order. That’s what we’re coming into. That’s what they want to implement on us.

They want to shut us down. They want to prevent us from speaking. They want to completely control the narrative and they want to be able to deploy psychological warfare on all of you to control you, to train you, to respond to the fear narratives about avian influenza and monkeypox and whatever it is they want to deploy next in order to control you, in order to teach you to shut up, sit down, stay in your homes, and do what you’re told. Now I’m not okay with that, I don’t think you’re okay with that, and I hope that you join all of us in fighting this new tyranny.”


Wolf Moon
The Health Friday post this week is about saRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” and discusses the situation with this in Japan.


Malone posting that stuff from Japan is alarming.

Smacks of something coming to America, if we can’t get Trump in the WH.

Looking forward to Health Friday.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good. This is critical. This is why they will do anything to stop Trump and Kennedy.

Barb Meier

Would Shinzo Abe have allowed this? 🤔 🤔 🤔 Flawed security??!

Shinzo Abe killing: Security was flawed, Japan police say – BBC

Valerie Curren

Excellent! TYSVM


[DS] Lit The Fuse, World Is On Fire, Chaos Is Everywhere, Dark To Light – Ep. 3464
 October 1, 2024  x22report

Every time there is a storm or disaster EVs aren’t able to function, during winter the cars would not run, during a flood they would catch on fire. The Port workers have gone on strike and [KH] has caused this to occur. Be prepared for shortages. Is this an economic black swan? Chaos is everywhere, [KH] now has to deal with the Port strikes, Hurricane disaster and war, this is just the first of the month. Darkness is falling and the people are going to be looking for someone to help with the chaos. The [DS] has lit the fuse, they want the war, they want the destruction of the economy. The US has entered the war in the middle east, Iran will prepare attacks in the US. Trump has the ultimate weapon and that is peace.

Ep 3464a – [KH] Caused The Port Strike, Are We Experiencing An Economic Black Swan?

Ep 3464b – [DS] Lit The Fuse, World Is On Fire, Chaos Is Everywhere, Dark To Light


Been trying to give our good folks here a heads up on how all of the wealth grabs work. Some were in BIMD. I am getting more specific in American Stories. Some will remember a post regarding fracking/lithium in PA as well as lithium in NV.

If coal is present, odds are other mineral and fuel deposits may be found as well.

Appalachia is filled with highly valuable deposits. Some may remember companies going around the country obtaining rights from property owners in the 50s-70’s. Some of our hillbilly kin signed the dotted line and nothing materialized. Through the years the properties changed hands, but the 99 year rights for exploration remained in place. Those contracts were not just for oil or gas rights, they were also for all mineral rights. Few knew the real reasons why they wanted them back then. They figured it was just for oil and gas exploration, which never seemed to amount to much..

Take the long view, the criminal cabal does.


Excellent point. Not just about Lithium. It’s about getting around property rights and a host of other things right down to depopulating the Appalachian Mountains, disrupting commerce and interfering in our election. It will be a long time before we see how much they get away with but there should be early signs. Put this on the WEF watch.


Clint Eastwood is 94. He is about to release his newest movie, which he directed:


Could be wrong but it sounds like a remake of 12 Angry men from which we learn about jury nullification. If such is the case Good! a remake is in order.


It does.

Timely reminder.

There is a time and place for jury nullification.

Courts and prosecutors, at times need someone to stop malicious prosecutions, railroading…


I don’t think any of the jurors in that flick were potential witnesses to an element of the crime. The only commonality is the jury box.


Over 200 Retired Generals and Admirals Endorse Trump for President: ‘Our National Security and Personal Safety Are at Stake’


From The Spectator by way of Insty:

But consider accountancy. At first the use of AI will come as a boon. Think of all the fairly mindless legwork, the retrieval of records, the processing of data, the assembling, charting, calculating and presentation of accounts; the discovery and reconciling of discrepancies. AI can do a lot of this. Important questions of inspection and judgment will remain (at least for the time being) the preserve of humans, and in the short term this will make accountancy a more stimulating job by removing much of the drudgery. But drudgery means time; and time, at present, means human labor. Look at what happened to bank clerks.

I love it when people opine on accounting without having the least understanding of it.

Accounting isn’t shuffling paper and processing transactions — that’s bookkeeping. Accounting is all about accountability, and a lot of it is demanded.

I once joked that the “income statement” of a church could be three lines — “beneficence of God”, “good works”, and “increase/(decrease) in funds”. In the real world, accounting records must support management’s decisions, maintain compliance with laws and taxes, provide information for investors. Procedures are developed to churn all that hated “paperwork” to do all these things in a way that can be trusted by all parties.

Warren Buffett famously quipped, “you manage what you measure.” Accounting provides that measurement.

It’s not quite ready for AI.


In the meantime…..

Scott Pinsker
So, how do you tailgate for a VP debate? (I think it should involve a smorgasbord of second-best items. Like, Pepsi, hotdogs and a Hydrox.)


Starting in about 10 minutes.. Takes you to Fox.

WATCH LIVE: J.D. Vance and Tim Walz Square Off in First Vice Presidential Debate at 9 PM ET – LIVE Reaction From Trump!Jordan Conradson Oct. 1, 2024 7:20 pm 22 Comments

I’m sure there’s more links but haven’t stumbled upon one yet…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m watching right now. Walz is just an annoying blabbermouth. UGH.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

China Tim is a POS, and it’s showing.

Vance really zinged him by hitting KAM-COM.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Yes indeedy. Its all fair share billionaire commie mumbo jumbo.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YES. Broken record on that crap. It’s not working on me.


Vance is very comfortable in the debate so far. Measured and calm. Moderators are bummed


Moderators follow-ups are jabs at Vance/Trump.


Seems so! Wth w the nonstop focus on abortion?


Thinking Vance got bogged down on abortion AND did not represent it well.

  • I thought abortion, as trump presents it is easy.

Vance is doing quite well in all other areas.


Here ya go, gun stuff.


I am amazed that there is an issue about this. The Dobbs decision clearly stated that abortion is not within the federal constitution.

All a GOPer has to say is that the abortion issue cannot be a federal issue because of Dobbs. Any fed legislation on abortion is automatically unconstitutional. Arguments to the contrary are simply false or bald lies. When idiots say that the Congress can put Roe into law, they are lying or moronic, It simply cannot be done as long as Dobbs is the controlling opinion.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The thing is, Demmunists don’t accept Dobbs as controlling opinion. To them, all things are political, and with enough politics, that decision can be reversed. They don’t even accept the Constitution, TBH.

Valerie Curren

They don’t even accept the Constitution”

This!  😡   👹   😡 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Tim Walz is such a piece of shit. Good grief, he’s ANNOYING.


Walz’s eyes bulge constantly.

Seems as if Walz’s on speed or the like. Hyped up…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, he seems like he’s on speed.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOL! Yes. ANNOYING!!! But also mental. This guy is a problem. And that’s not even dealing with the Chinese brainwash aspects.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Yes. This guy is WEIRD and ANNOYING and – well – do I really want this guy eligible for the red button?


Depends on which red button.


Oh boy. The thought. He does remind me of shrillary’s veep pick. Same doofus animation.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great call. Such BETAS.




Sounded like Walz said, “I’ve become friends with school shooters” — how’s he doing with potential assassins?


Odd as hell thing to say.

Wished he got called on it.


My daughter was killed in the Parkland school shooting. It’s absolutely abhorrent that Tim Walz has befriended school shooters. Disqualifying.

— Andrew Pollack (@AndrewPollackFL) October 2, 2024

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Pollack knows it was a misspeak, IMO, but is forcing the issue.


It’s all over the internets 😆

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Walz has done this misspeaking thing several times tonight. Can’t remember what the first one was, but Walz made a similar error, sounded like he was a “knucklehead”, as he says.


He said Iran, but meant Israel at one point.


You noticed that too?! Lol. Its like the guy is spazzing out bc he isnt prepped.


So, yesterday and today here was strange in terms of allergies.
There is a weird smell in the air.
This afternoon, the atmosphere had a gray-green tinge to it.
My allergies are really ramped up. Antihistamines aren’t helping much.
I wonder if the environmental damage from Helene in western NC is “drifting” to the east.
I mean, there are all kinds of toxic smells that Helene produced, along with incalculable human and economic damage—smells from dead animals, from destroyed garbage dumps, from dead vegetation, etc.


Quite possible. Industry sets up by water sources and lots of industry got wiped out in the flood. Hard to not think some of that is not released into air as well as the water.


Water treatment plants swamped AND cascading down rivers.




Yes. Reports are from Unicoi County, TN that relief workers are developing respiratory issues in large numbers.


Didn’t that also happen in WV a few years back?


Seems like downstream from East Palestine had issues.


Just a thought.

What upstream collapsed or otherwise swamped.

Barb Meier
Last edited 1 day ago by Barb Meier
Valerie Curren



Wonder about the strings attached to Kakala’s $25K for housing.

They are targeted to benefit illegals.

Last edited 1 day ago by kalbokalbs
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. They’re not trying to help Americans.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

🎼 of COURSE it’s NOT TRUE!!! 🎵


I’ve been listening to part of the debate (not watching). Vance has a good voice for radio, and in general, and he comes across as knowledgeable and intelligent.

I hadn’t heard much of Walz at all. I agree with all the negatives that have been said here. At the same time, if you’re not looking at the issues, he comes across as a warm and fuzzy guy who’s in your corner. He’s Grandpa or Uncle Tim. He would welcome you into his home or office. He would take care of you, and I think that’s his appeal. IMO he would be a very successful salesman because he’s a BSer. These things make him dangerous because his policies are so unAmerican.

I have doubts about his son having witnessed a shooting just because Walz has lied to much.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well said, and agreed. Walz may be lying about the school shooter thing, too. If Vance suspected anything, he was VERY smart to “agree” with Walz and let the real fact checkers (us) figure out the truth.

Your point about Walz being a “nice” charlatan, makes me think of (1) The Wizard of Oz, or (2) a patent medicine salesman, peddling snake oil.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



One of the points on his fair share bs. He had 1 house and sold it bc he couldnt manage the money. So, he has lived in government housing paid by taxpayers forever. Where has all his money gone???!!! And he expects to dictate financially fixing the US?


It’s just incredible… I couldn’t have even dreamed that up… I mean, that’s like walking around, looking for a rake to step on 😂 🤣 😂

Last edited 1 day ago by scott467

Now, that is funny.

…that’s like walking around, looking for a rake to step on.😂


Hehehe . 🤨😄


Royal azz kicking being delivered by Vance.

Barb Meier

Thank you for watching, Kal and TB!! I just couldn’t deal with Walz. He’s so over the top weird. Naomi Wolf is livestreaming with Emerald on Rumble, but I had to turn it off when it started. LOL

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Walz is showing himself, for sure.

I think I see the Team Trump strategy here.


Chinee Tim has pageS of notes.

Have not seen JD make any notes.


Walz getting tired.


Catherine Salgado

Walz looks like a Tussaud’s waxwork gone wrong and starting to melt



Definitely a sagging face…

Drugs wearing off.

Valerie Curren

Walz. I don’t run Facebook.

FEDS PAY FB and others to censor Free Speech.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Tim Walz is looking REALLY unhinged about January Sixth and Trump.


The problem with talking about J6 in a public forum is that you can’t argue that the election was stolen without looking crazy (because that’s how the Left will characterize you) or fanatical, which turns people away. The election WAS stolen, but there’s no way to convince doubters of that in a forum like this.


Yikes! I had only been listening but I just tuned in to a video feed before they took a break. Walz’s eyes are WAY too wide open.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Chinese MK. Brainwashed decades ago.


Someone should wave a Queen of Diamonds at him.


Methinks he’s on drugs.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Could be.


Hope this thing is about over.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Listening to Walz is a chore. I wouldn’t hire the guy to be a checker at the grocery store. He’s OTT.


Has there been a memorable one-liner that would characterize this debate? If so, I have missed it. I think both sides will say they won.


None by me.

Perhaps JD will have one in the closing.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. Both sides will say they won.

IMO J.D. won strategically.


Doesn’t matter. Show me one prez election where the VP made a difference.


Kill Joy.

But, yea, true.


Then there was this….


Great closing by JD!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. Excellent closing.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

JD going after censorship was smart, and made Walz fall into a trap on it.


Citizen Free Press:

Very weird debate moment for Tim Walz, caught lying.

I note that Walz began his statement with the equivalent of “I grew up in a middle class family.” It’s a stale tactic.

I was surprised that the moderator doubled down on the question after Walz gave his spiel.


The moderator was giving the MAGA folks a false branch to grab while sliding down the cliff. Assuming they actually were sliding down the cliff of despair, which I doubt.


I’m not sensing any despair in the MAGA camp. I think the moderator thought she had to look impartial. In any case, I’m glad she doubled down because it was very revealing.

Last edited 1 day ago by TheseTruths

Okay, I think we do have a memorable one-liner from the debate. 😂

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Yeah – I think “Let Walz be Walz” was a winning strategy.