Placeholder Open Thread 10.02.2024

Today’s post is a Placeholder Open Thread for our good Gail Combs. Hoping that all is well with her.

Please, Civil Discussion is practiced here. Please do not give the modern-day version of Cato the Elder the opportunity to show “enmity” to the board.

However, to kick things off, there is this:, by Alex Berenson. It appears that John Kerry, who flies around in private aircraft, is making it quite clear that if he and the WEF have their way, free speech will have a large, red “X” target painted on it. Mr. Kerry, who supposedly will “decide” what is “disinformation” and who is “spreading disinformation”, made the following statement during the WEF meeting at which he spoke on Wednesday 25 September:

So, with civil discussion, have at it.

Peace, Good Energy, Respect: PAVACA

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It was great to hear from Gail and confirm that she’s still alive and kicking.

It’s unfortunate that something seems to have kicked back. She expressed a desire to grind through the pain to get her post out, but it’s better that she recuperates for a bit and gets her rye in.


I had missed her comment. Thanks for letting us know. 🙏 for her recovery from the back injury.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


pat frederick

thank you!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You are most welcome! And good morning to you! After sleeping on things, I’m very happy about the debate last night. J.D. has made me rethink things in a good way.


Trust the Middie. The principles of MAGA are strong.


I read that about fifteen times before I realized it said MIDDIE instead of MIDDLE.

pat frederick

positive energy nourishes the soul


So you have telepathy or what? I saw nothing from Gail.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Q’re welcome! 😉


And, here, I was going to try to convince him it was telepathy…..

Valerie Curren


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AND LOGIC is always to the rescue! 😉 🚀 🌎 🌠 🌃

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Valerie Curren

Sea aye eh necklace 😉


I’m thinking that “get your rye in” is the opposite of “poke your eye out.”


Oh, I missed that comment! Thank you. I have been worried about her.


That header pic is so perfect I might just kneel at your feet.

Valerie Curren

Was that Alice Cooper in that clip? He’s a Christian now, I believe. I heard part of his radio show on the road a few years ago, quite eclectic & interesting!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes! He was always fairly conservative – or at least much more than people expected. The first time I read about him playing golf and having a beer with some guy who I don’t recall, I was taken aback. But yeah.

Valerie Curren

Very cool, thx 🙂


He had one clip where he said something like, “Hi. I’m Alice Cooper. I’m a celebrity. If you’re getting your political views from celebrities, you’re an idiot.”

Valerie Curren

 👍   👍 


He’s supposed to be a pretty good golfer. In this story, he shot four over par on an unfamiliar 9-hole course.


Thank you, CV, for hustling up a quick placeholder post and allowing Gail to recover.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent cartoon. He has the traitors pegged perfectly.


John Kerry is a traitor, and hopefully one day soon he’ll be in Gitmo.

Last edited 1 day ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m good with it.


Always has been. Described his antics relating to our industry in my BIMD.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I know someone who would only vote against the Dem if he deemed them anti-American. He didn’t deem Kerry anti-American but did think so about Obola.

I of course disagreed with him about Kerry. Anyone who would testify to Congress that he committed war crimes in Vietnam either committed war crimes, or was trying to smear the United States. Either way, NO GO.


Traitor Kerry: “Our First Amendment stands as a major block to be able to just, you know, hammer it [dissenting opinion] out of existence.”


Someone’s gonna hammer YOU out of existence, you *&^%ing scumbag traitor.

The job of POTUS is to UPHOLD the Constitution, you slimy shit-stain.

Last edited 1 day ago by scott467
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The dude is definitely a traitor. Always has been. Always will be.


And an arrogant traitor.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, that is what makes Kerry so enraging. He’s a dope, a smarmy idiot, and all his other “virtues”, but he’s just utterly arrogant at all times. And he was CHOSEN FOR POWER in this country because of his treason – NOT because he’s capable or ingenious.

Thank goodness he was swift-boated out of ever being POTUS.


Perfect description 👍


In honor of JD Vance’s stellar performance last night …

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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^^^ That sentiment dawned on me a few days ago.

Recent D-Rat candidates for WH. Primary criteria for VP, who’s dumber.
Protects against impeachment.

Last edited 1 day ago by kalbokalbs
pat frederick

if she picked someone other than walz, the dems might be calling for her to step aside. she’s secure this way.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes – in some ways it’s protection against her fellow piranha.


I think they are about to reach the bottom of the barrel 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

NEVER underestimate the depth of the barrel of stupid.


The memes…they just keep coming… 🤣

Here’s what Tim Walz said: “I’ve become friends with school shooters”

If that was a misspeak, I don’t know what he was trying to say. All I know is that if Vance had said something like that we would never hear the end of it. It would be used as a reflection on Trump, and it wouldn’t matter what Vance would say to clear it up.

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He said it twice???

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Damaged goods.

Valerie Curren

Pedo pantsed???

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A new version o the JetPack plugin just went in. Hope for the best!


Quick! Roll out the St. Michael prayer!


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

All prayers accepted!


One person’s account regarding Asheville, NC:

Asheville is getting worse by the day due to no water. As some stores/gas start to open there are 4+ hour long wait lines…looting has started and someone got shot fighting over gas. Water systems destroyed in Asheville so while power is slowly returning water won’t be available for weeks or more. It’s very bad! Curfews started last Saturday but people still out on streets…so it begins 🥲

What’s not being reported on the news is hospital has shut down morgues due to overload of bodies and now storing them in containers. FEMA and National Guard are still focused on rescue and recovery will be next.

We are going to Asheville tomorrow with supplies and to lockdown our homes. If I have to drag (redacted) out of there I will. We are extremely lucky our homes weren’t flooded so time to lock up and leave while repairs are made.

Love you guys and we will remain safe! ❤️

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Potentially unpopular take follows.

This may have been a “warning from above” to our side, about what things will be like after the other side does its thing soon, to try to stop Trump. Why? To help us have the mental, moral and psychological strength we’ll need to withstand things, and to push back as needed.


We need to be ready for as many different scenarios as we can think of.
• weeks without water
• looters
• communications down
• lack of fuel
• lack of proper medical care

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

EXACTLY. You’ve got it.


😂😂😂😂 Walz can’t catch a break

pat frederick

I LOVE THIS! thanks Alison!

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Pat, Hubs and I watch Tool Time for chuckles before going to sleep.

That is a standard retort in our house 😁

pat frederick



Kamala Harris slammed for ditching hurricane season preparedness briefings

Former acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf told The Post that annual drop-ins from the president and vice president are important and that the omission calls to mind Harris’ role as Biden’s point person on illegal immigration.

“It just fits a larger pattern,” Wolf said. 

“It doesn’t seem like she wants to roll up her sleeves and actually get into the governing of the country, which is hard to do. It’s not glamorous. It’s a lot of briefings.”

“My guess,” he added, “is she would act the very same way [as president], which is hands off — ‘I’m not going to run the country. I’m going to put a team together, and they’ll run it, and I’ll kind of talk about it,’ which is obviously a very different model than what President Trump did.”

Wolf, who held a number of high-profile roles that dealt with emergency management in the Trump-Pence administration, said that the briefings served to put FEMA workers on their toes — and also to force their managers to analyze anticipated issues — while also facilitating support from on high…

“The people in western North Carolina feel let down, deservedly so,” Rep. Chuck Edwards (R-NC), whose district includes some of the worst-impacted areas, told NewsNation Monday.

“The response has been disappointing,” Edwards said. “We’ve begun to see some resources brought in today, but the storm was over about 80 hours ago. The storm was over about 10 a.m. Friday. We knew that the storm was coming and only today are we beginning to see the first FEMA employees and trailers and helicopters come in.”

It’s unclear why exactly Harris did not join the Biden hurricane preparedness briefings held during the first three years of their administration or why she didn’t hold her own — as Pence did one year…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Who would have guessed that the NUMBER ONE SOROS DA would be a LAZYBONES?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Valerie Curren

I think MI’s Witchmer may have started that way too  😡  demons  👹 


I know why she was a no-show.

Because she had nothing to contribute, she is too stupid.

Because she had no ability to absorb or take away any new knowledge that might help her make decisions in the future. She won’t be making any tough decisions anyway, that is what her ‘team’ is for.

Nothing to give, nothing to take away. And she knew it. Ergo, no-show


Trump sets the record straight on the 60 Minutes situation, says he would love to do an interview, but he first wants an apology from them for claiming the Hunter Biden laptop was “Russian disinformation” during his interview in 2020.

He’s right. They do owe him an apology.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I like this attitude and policy. Don’t talk to fake news when they’re sticking to lies.


Attitude and policy repeated as much as possible.

Called out Pravda News for what it is.

Valerie Curren

now do government!


Fundamentally, 60 Minutes should have corrected the record, long ago. At a minimum when FIB admitted Trump was right.

An on air apology at the beginning of a 60 Minutes show.

Then again, when (if) 60 Minutes interviews Trump. When the interview starts.

Bonus. Trump would further slam Leslie Stahl (I think that was the lying dog breath POS bitch).


They won’t because they are not journalists. They are propagandists. They have not been journalists for a century or more.

That’s how Walter Cronkite could fool people for so long while really being a communist. It’s a facade. A construct of the criminal cabal.

PDT is right to ridicule them at every opportunity.


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Then I wonder what Kevin Sorbo knows. Is it specifics, or just generalities about parties and what they did there?


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I suspect that the Dems are happy Walz only screwed up to the extent that he did.


Yup. A losers perspective. Jabs come to mind.

“Thankfully. It could have been worse.” 😂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




If I was that cat, I wouldn’t go near her. The woman obviously does not have the cat’s well-being at heart, abandoning her during a hurricane

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Not having watched it…is it possible the woman couldn’t find the cat when she evacuated?


Cats generally have a certain level of taking-care-of-themselves, especially outdoor cats. Might impact local bird population, however.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Climate activists? Straight up commies? Foreign agents, let across the border?

Whoever it is, they need to be massively “helped” to give information before they get to the hospital.

IMO if it’s climate activists, FIB is actually helping them.


This is akin to the people preventing linemen in Houston to do their work. If you’ve been without power the sight of linemen is elating. You know soon it’ll be fixed. ONLY people who have been tasked to shoot at, use bats, etc would do that. It’s not a natural reaction.

Last edited 23 hours ago by mollypitcher5
Valerie Curren



Jason Whitlock, who I have learned about thanks to his commentaries about how Caitlin Clark was treated this season, has an interesting commentary today about what’s wrong with sports.

He says things I don’t hear anyone else saying… things that would get most people canceled.

He holds back a little… but still better than anyone else I’ve seen out there.

About a week ago, when he said most of the WNBA players were “tatted-up, angry black lesbians”, I immediately subscribed to his y/t channel 👍 😁


Last edited 1 day ago by scott467
Valerie Curren

Weird, I was watching your video when it froze, but the rest of the page seemed to be working fine. Reloaded the page & now your video doesn’t show at all. Could be my overloaded computer or perhaps the gremlins who don’t like real men telling Truth!


Could be YT censors. They absolutely will remove video they when they don’t like it. He might ought to change to Rumble or Truth Social.

Valerie Curren

Could be. Are you & your family OK since the hurricane?


I just checked it and it’s working fine now, so maybe there was some kind of interruption, but seems to be working now 👍

Valerie Curren

Not for me, but now no videos on the page show except the ones within tweets.


IIRC he was on Tucker’s Fox show and ALWAYS made insightful commentary similar to this video.


These days, rarely give sports 30 seconds.

Decades ago, I became disgusted with sports “heroes” total obsession with money, not “Team.”

  • Think about it. Sports “athletes” NOT focused on Team.

Jason Whitlock commentary superb.

pat frederick

hubby still watches football.
when i am in a football mood? I watch The Replacements!
Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. Glory lasts forever.


Ah, I see. Not just any Trump t-shirt.

Purple T. Defiant Trump, raised fist, (any blood?), Fight, Fight, Fight. 😂

pat frederick

we can be heroes…for just one day.

the owner of the nfl team in that movie had it right. the striking nfl players were just “bitchy millionaires” who forgot what the sport was about. so true today.


Yea, I was funnin.

Trump truly is a genuine American Hero Everyday.

Trump is absolutely motivated for America’s best. Of course, his children and Grands future on his mind.

J13 when he came up, total inspiration.

  • Once we see it, can’t unsee it.
  • Normally that sentiment is negative. Trump 100% positive.
pat frederick

his love for this country is obvious and the New Yorker in him drives his willingness to fight for it. he is the man this country needs now.

Valerie Curren

helped by her WGTTs foundation 😉

pat frederick

they help make the message stand out..LOL


LoL indeed.

pat frederick

you gotta work with what God gave ya!

Valerie Curren

Work it girl!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It’s good that you can be up front about things.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


“How many people in music & entertainment knew about this?”


Not that many, only all of them.


All of them, their hairdressers, make-up people, agents, housekeepers….


All of whose jobs depended on keeping quiet, I imagine. Some probably feared for their lives if they said anything. But I wish they had.


  :wpds_arrow:  Names need to get mentioned, before some corrupt court, orders names redacted or otherwise not released.

Stop treating hollyweird and politicians as if they rate special treatment. They are people, like everyone else.

Last edited 1 day ago by kalbokalbs
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Comment of the century!

The establishment protects itself. Most of all, it hides its greatest evils.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well crap. I missed out on an opportunity to title a post “Place Holder Under Arrest” again!

Gail did pop in late Tuesday; I hope for speedy repair of the mess she’s in.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Me, too! Hopefully she’ll be OK in a week. But no matter what, your readiness to Place Holder Under Arrest is appreciated!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Glad you did. I didn’t even show up yesterday until after time.

Valerie Curren

Thanks for stepping up PAVACA! Has anyone heard from Gail (I didn’t get to read any of yesterday’s Q-Tree & am heading out of town for very hit or miss access for the next couple of weeks)? Hope she & all others affected by the Hell-ene disaster are OK  🙏 

edit, clearly I should have read down the page to see Cthulhu’s comment, at least 🙂

Last edited 1 day ago by Valerie Curren
Barb Meier

Safe travels, Valerie!!!

Valerie Curren

TY Barb 🙂

What’s the status w/ your housing situation given storm complications? Hope All’s well!!!


Week or two delayed closing is what I recall. But tracking OK

Unless things got more complicated AND I missed the update..

Barb Meier

Thanks for remembering, Kal! You guys are like family I have yet to meet in person. QTreepers help me stay straight, steady, and informed amidst all the chaos. Funny thing, in spite of the 900 miles between my family and me, we manage to find all the same unfiltered facts. I have no idea where they source their news, but they are awake, not woke.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“awake, not woke”


Barb Meier

It is so good not to need to get people you love up to speed on reality, isn’t it? 😀

Valerie Curren

Amen! All our kids are quite dialed into what’s Really going on & I don’t know if Any of us have similar sources.


You might not want to meet.

We’re not real big in the looks department.

  :wpds_shock:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_wink: 


Well, some of us are plenty big in the looks department — not good, but big.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren


Barb Meier

You’re welcome, Val! Thanks for asking, all is well here. Kal is right. The earliest closing is the 11th so hopefully in October before we get snow.

Valerie Curren

great! hope things go well & as God wills & directs you…Blessings!


I get it, I get it. Vance wanted to be cool, calm, collected, and “moderate.” He did not want to do it in the street and frighten the horses. And he succeeded wonderfully.

This is all good for Trump in terms of the election. Let VSG throw the bombs, he knows what he is doing, and it is expected.

But when do we get a debate which reflects the pov of the tens of millions on our side?

For example, “Yes, climate change is a hoax.”

Or: “Yes, millions WILL be deported if they entered America illegally, and we will use the authority of the federal goverment to go it, even if it means cancelling 87,000 jobs at the IRS and creating 87,000 for ICE and border patrol. The consequences to those illegals and their families are consequences caused by commiting the crime, not caused by the lack of compassion.”

It is bad enough to watch the dreary robots who moderate these things. In what upcoming decade can we expect to have Tucker or Rogan or Taibbi or even Coulter ask the questions? People who will be pointed but fair to both sides?

I know, I know. The results were good, assuming there is an election and that it is even possible for VSG to overcome the fraud.

In the meantime, maybe it is just a dream to watch one of these things and hear actual reality come up once in a while.


>>> When, a real debate. I’ve suggested the answer a number of times.

Focus is 100% on the candidates.

Broadcast, stream by CSPAN.

Moderator control the mics and are time keepers.

  • Nothing else. No fact checking. Shut their damn mouths.

Two podiums. No notes. Pad of paper, pen and bottle of water. No audience.

Toss a coin. Determines who makes opening statement first, asks first question and closing statement.

Opening statements. Two minutes each candidate.

Candidate A asks a question. One minute.

  • Candidate B answers. Two minutes.
  • Candidate A rebuttal. One minute.

Candidate B asks a question. One minute

  • Candidate A answers. Two minutes.
  • Candidate B rebuttal. One minute.

Rinse. Repeat. 90 minutes.

Closing statements. Two minutes each candidate.

Focus is 100% on the candidates.

pat frederick

i think there needs to be a lightning round too. one candidate is put in a sound proof booth while the other responds in a one word answer to pictures. then that candidate goes in the booth while the other comes out and gives the one word answers.
then their answers are revealed together.

when they debate, they have a lot of time to prep and frame possible answers to pretty much say nothing (if they choose).
this could be very telling…


Speaking of debate prep, it’s been stated that chest feeding Pete was prepping Walz…not being briefed on the massive infrastructure failures …nope..prepping Walz. That’s the Biden-Harris admin priority, not the flooding, landslides, highway destruction, loss of life


Which is a huge freaking deal and lends strongly to them seeing fortune in delay.


Exactly Para.

Tatonka Woman

Excuse me…but this is an OUTRAGE! (yes, I yelled that!)

Mr. Pete Booty…however you spell that…is OUR employee. He is being paid with our taxes!! He is being paid…BY US…to do a specific job.

As our – we, the American people – employee, he should be working his job, and not be allowed to spend his working time for the benefit of his political party. NOT when our country is now in the throws of a major, catastrophic event that has impacted life-saving transportation needs.
Immediate, and long-term.

You know. The job for which we are paying him!!!


He thinks the job we are paying him to do is to polish his performance and help advance the queer agenda.

He needs to be retired because he’ll never do the job.

Robert Baker

Both Senators from Georgia and North Carolina along with one Senator from South Carolina voted to confirm Pete. Both Senators from Tennessee voted against.

Barb Meier

Agree, but Moderators cannot control microphones. Can we work cattle prods into the rules somehow? 😀

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Would be awesome. However, Demmunists will never allow this. They are at the point now where they need “moderators” as bullshit maintainers. They’ll never throw away that crutch!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I understand your wish, but we must realize that the communists handling Democrat candidates for POTUS will NEVER make the mistake of undoing decades of patient gaslighting and psychological bullshitting by allowing ANYBODY with “red pill abilities” to moderate a presidential debate. NEVER.

This is why Kakala and Walz (in reality Plouffe) ONLY agreed to debates on friendly ground. Even Fox – moderate, insipid Fox – was 100% off their menu.

President Wolf Moon would play a harder game during his re-election campaign – willing to scrub all debates by demanding that both candidates be wearing their favorite, loaded guns, visibly, during any debate. No “concealed carry” allowed! 😉


This looks like a nice place to eat. 🤔

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He can’t even answer that question without letting Plouffe handle it. WOW.


Making School Boards Great Again.


Assuming the school board weasels returned, I hope someone, LOUDLY called them cowards.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Note that it took a CHILD to break past the “juvenilization rules” that control discussion in school board meetings. This says a lot. They would have called the cops on an adult, but with a child, all they could do was walk out.

Don’t worry – the Obastoids will come up with some way to deal with this. They’ll call in FIB if they have to.


“Don’t worry – the Obastoids will come up with some way to deal with this. They’ll call in FIB if they have to.”


When they do, call them out for being child predators, grown adults who go after children.

Then start calling them pedos and groomers too, and if they don’t back off, then every agency that supports or goes along with it are pedos and groomers and child predators too.

Won’t be long before every single person in a position of government and law enforcement is openly called pedos and child predators. Let the Pension Protectors live with that, every time they interact with the public.

The police motto used to be “To Protect and Serve”.

They protect and serve, all right.

They protect and serve their pensions.





Tim Walz wandered into the wrong bar tonight.

^^^ Hilarious AND funny summation.

Imagine, Walz sitting across from Putin, Xi… Walz would wet his pants. Really would.

Part of JDs appearance is rooted in Marine Corps training. Guaranteed. Lawyer stuff of course also a big part.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

J.D. was clearly a brilliant pick. And he’s a Marine, too. I have to kick myself to remember that, because it’s easy to forget. J.D. giving himself that intro at the beginning was very, very smart. It sounded a little out of place when he did it, but it was necessary. Paid off in spades later. Military thinking right there.


Walz realized his mistake in not giving one and tried to get a half ass one in about two thirds through the debate. Weak!


That was when he got caught having to explain China 😆 Looked and sounded totally stupid especially when the moderators did something right by forcing him to answer the question.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Notice that Axelcommie was there, too. He was trying to look confident, but down underneath, he knew this dude was right.


Their speechless… must be waiting on more prepared scripts. 😆


After watching a few vids from NC I sure hope whoever is heading up the Gofund that Trump started know that it’s goods that they need right now. Having a war chest of dollars doesn’t help unless they have people in place to use the $ to travel outside the zone, buy water, food, and necessities and then figure out the means to distribute.

pat frederick

i was wondering how those funds would be administered and WHO was i charge of it.


A woman in FL set up the fund in Trump’s name (with his knowledge). Likely she has the capability to administer it.

pat frederick



Imagine if looters figured out that all they had to do was open a ‘go fund me’ after a disaster, and they could rake in a million times more than looting, and do it all from the comfort of their own home.

This is what it seems like charities and NGOs have become, they prey on people’s desire to send money to help others.

And when there aren’t enough natural or man-made disasters to keep the racket running, their side hustle, human trafficking into the U.S. and child trafficking plugs the income gaps.

It just seems insane to me, to send money to some unaccountable (or worse, unknowable) person at a ‘go fund me’, who receives who knows how many tens of millions of dollars, and then allocates that money however he or she sees fit.

Even if they WANTED to do the right thing, 100% with a good heart and a pure conscience, HOW would they distribute the money?

How do they know who actually needs it, and what’s the validation test?

Is there some sort of application, or do they just hand out thousands of dollars to whichever Haitian shows up with a half-eaten cat and a sob story?

Who is going to vet all the applicants?

Do they even need to provide I.D., and if so, why? If it’s racist to require I.D. to vote, imagine how much more racist it is to require I.D. to receive free money.

There must be hundreds of moving parts to the administration of tens of millions of dollars in a disaster zone. Who is in charge of that? What are their qualifications? Does anyone even know?

Does the person in charge have any experience in this sort of thing, or is it just some guy named Toby, working out of his basement?

In an era of post-covid total distrust, it beggars belief that people are still expected to just send money to anonymous organizations, trusting that even a plugged wooden nickel will ever actually get to the intended recipients.

It’s almost like impromptu ‘charity funds’ are just created to relieve well-meaning people of their hard earned money, and do so in a way that will make the donors feel good about themselves for doing it.

What a perfect scam that would be.

There may not even be a distribution model associated with the ‘charity’, because that would require actual work, and if there’s no intention to actually send money to anyone besides the ‘go fund me’ creators, why do it?

I don’t mean to come across as skeptical (🙄), I just don’t know how many times we have to be burned, before we learn not to touch that red thingy on the stove…



Incredible..I can’t imagine . The one and only good thing is that the weather hasn’t gone cold yet but siiting in water ..omg


Past due statement of the obvious.

  • Alright, we gotta think about getting out of here.

No idea what happened before house flooded, or there terrain, but damn.

  • Do Something!

It would be terrifying. They probably are hoping that the water recedes but how do you decide when to start wading through deep water? You can’t even know what your feet are walking on. They could try and get to the roof and somehow put a SOS..but I don’t know

Last edited 1 day ago by mollypitcher5
Barb Meier

If they go outside, they have a greater risk of drowning. Is this a group home for special needs people? They would not have beds at a community center, would they. I am glad they are all together and alive. The dogs are up out of the water. It may seem awful, but they are not panicked. That makes rescue easier. Hopefully, since this video made it to the Internet, crews know where to find and help all these people.


Yep incredibly tough situation. I don’t know any particulars. Cheap seats are safe.


“We gotta think about getting out of here.”


Seems like you better think about how to get everyone on the roof, out of the toxic water, to get dry, and then call for a private helicopter or boat to come pick you up.

Because if you’re waiting for the government to save you, you’ll be dead long before they ever get there, if they ever get there.

And you can’t just stay in the water.

And since you don’t appear to have a boat (why don’t you have a boat, if you live in a flood zone?), you can’t just walk out, because you can’t see where you’re walking, and the last thing you need is to step on something sharp and slice your foot open in that toxic sludge.

Because what are you going to do then, out in the middle of nowhere, with water up to your chest?

Get dry, which means get on the roof. I would say move to the second story, but if it was a two story house, (hopefully…) you wouldn’t all be sitting in water on the ground floor.

And since some of those people must be neighbors, apparently nobody in the area has a two story house, or you’d all be there, dry, on the second story, instead of where you are.

Why the whole neighborhood is in a flood zone, and consists of one-story homes and no boats, is a mystery for another day. But if you survive, somebody is going to get their ass chewed out over that — you can count on it 😂

Since your phone is working, call for help. Call 911, just to let them know everyone’s name and where you are. Then call family who are not in the disaster zone, and have them arrange for a rescue, by boat or helicopter. People in the area with boats should be helping with rescues.

If none of that is possible, if there is no way that help can come to you in a reasonable time, then you have to help yourselves. You have urgent needs to concentrate on, meaning fresh water, food, getting DRY and finding temporary shelter, someplace dry where you can get some sleep.

In which case you better start building rafts out of anything that will float, because you can’t just stay in dirty chest-high water for long, without everyone’s health starting to deteriorate.

If you build rafts, tie them together so you don’t get separated, end to end, like a barge, so people can paddle on either side, where the water is stagnant.

Good luck.

And for the democrats in your group, on election day, make sure to remember which government officials didn’t help you at all.

Last edited 1 day ago by scott467

Building rafts would almost certainly be harder to do than it seems.

Doors would make for good flat pieces of wood (like bigger versions of what the dogs are standing on), but they probably need to be solid wood doors (I don’t know, I’ve never tried to float a door in a swimming pool or similar before), and unless it’s an old house, the interior doors are probably not solid wood.

The exterior doors should be solid wood, but you may only have two or three exterior doors per house, so if you can get an exterior door off its hinges, and it floats, you’ll have to scavenge the exterior doors from neighbor’s houses too.

Looks like there are about 11 people in the group, so you’ll need 11 doors, so get 12, and make the barge two doors wide by six doors in length.

Hope you can get to your tool chest.

Going by the video, the top hinge is well above the water so it should be relatively easy to remove, and the middle hinge should be not far below the water line, so you can feel for that one and get the job done. The bottom hinge is going to be a challenge though.

If the door is solid wood, and you get the top two hinges off, you might be able to just rip the bottom hinge off by twisting the door. Otherwise you’re going to need a piece of garden hose to use as a snorkel, while someone else holds the open end above water, and remove the bottom hinge by feel, with your eyes closed. Sounds like fun.

Once enough doors are collected, you need a way to tie them together so they don’t come apart, so you don’t all drift away from each other.

Grandpa’s old hand-crank drill would come in handy about now, so I hope you saved it.

If not, I doubt your battery powered drill is still functioning, so you’ll need to come up with a way to get a couple holes near the edges of each door, without the hole being too close to the edge that the wood breaks under stress.

You could drive roofing nails through it if you have them, and remove the nails with the hammer claw, and end up with a hole big enough to put a metal hanger through. If you unwind a metal hanger (at the top, where the hook is), it’s probably about 3 feet long, which should be plenty to tie the doors together.

If you don’t have roofing nails and a hammer, or a hand-drill, hopefully your ammo cases are the metal kind with the rubber seal, so your ammo is still dry, and hopefully your AR-15 didn’t float away.

This is the solution I was hoping for anyway 😁

Stand the door up, and shoot holes the size of a .223 round wherever you need them.

Tie the doors together with at least 2 or 3 metal hangers per hole, two doors wide and 6 doors long. There’s your barge.

You’re probably going to need (or at least want) extra flotation. Any plastic bottle that seals shut and has a built-in handle, preferably at least gallon-sized or larger, should work.

Empty plastic gallon milk jugs, Clorox bleach bottles, laundry detergent bottles, etc. should work if you can find enough of them. They seal tight and the handle is built in as part of the bottle, so you have a way to secure them to the raft.

Tie the sealed, empty plastic jugs to the hangers that tie the doors together, all around the perimeter and underneath, where the doors are tied together down the center of the barge. The more the better.

Take a plastic tarp with you, if you can find one. It won’t take up any space if you sit on it, and if it rains, you can get under it.

Make rough paddles and a rudder out of pieces of wood, and take extras to replace the ones you lose (or break). Pop a hole in them and secure them to the hangers. Or if you can get to the garage or shed, use shovels for oars, and tie them off to the raft by their handles.

Take an Igloo cooler for whatever food and water you have, and tie it to the raft. If it falls off, it should stay closed and float, so you should be able to get it back.

If you have a working battery operated boom box, bring some tunes. I’m thinking maybe CCR’s Born on the Bayou or Proud Mary or Who’ll Stop the Rain would be good theme music.

Or Dueling Banjos, from Deliverance… if you put all this time and effort into it, you gotta have some theme music to ride with 😁

Now, this last part is critically important.

In case it wasn’t already abundantly clear from all of the above, whatever you do, don’t put me in charge of this mission… you definitely don’t want that… 😂 🤣 😂

Last edited 23 hours ago by scott467
Robert Baker

When I was growing up on the farm in Ohio we would build a raft every Spring as the rains fell in April. We usually nailed a wooden platform to a couple of 55-gallon drums to float down our creek when it flooded. We did not follow Huck down the Mississippi. We were not inspired enough to apply to the Naval Academy or to pursue a career at sea. None of us drowned, so we had that going for us.

Last edited 23 hours ago by Robert Baker

That sounds incredibly dangerous and fun. I bet you didn’t even wear a bike helmet 😂

Robert Baker

I put on my first helmet when I played football.

Barb Meier

When I was in middle school, they had a small carnival at the riverfront. I was old enough to go on my own during the day. Rescuers retrieved the body of a drowned young man who tried to cross the Mississippi River in an intertube.

The small rescue boat docked at a landing ramp right beside the carnival rides where we were at. It was the first dead person I’d ever seen. His body so white. Terribly sad. They put him into a body bag and zipped him inside it. I did not recognize him.

BIMD, they did not try to hide death from the young ones. Perhaps it was better that way.


Rather sure when Trump approved his name sponsoring it, management was chosen and marching orders given. They knew $Millions would flow in.

Trump has himself donated $25 Million. Rather sure he has given specific guidance on its use.


I never doubt DJT’s big heart and sincerity so I hope it’s done quickly and to those way outside the bigger cities


Molly, following plenty of X accts who have boots on ground & helicopters in air etc. who are receiving supplies, starlink set ups etc. and moving from town to town methodically to reach people. Some are using own money; some take $$$ donations from VENMO, etc. and head to stores; some have facilitated a warehouse address whereby we out of staters can order from Amazon (from their list of needs) and get it delivered there overnight. Also orgs like Samaritans Purse take $$ donations and are actively supplying, cleaning up etc.

of course the immediate needs are greater than what’s available but the rampup from these ordinary cituzens is voluminous and continues to multiply as they get into an area and can specify what they need most.

Trump already donated $25 million (not sure how administered) but I’m confident the need for funds to rebuild will continue for years and his givesendgo $$ will get applied as quickly as possible. 👍👍👍🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Good to hear. A local guy here has been taking truckloads up to a distribution point. I need to get off of here and take what I can to the pickup place. He’s going again on Friday. USA strong!


Thank you Molly! It is hard to be far away and feel helpless so it’s great when we are finally able to send $$ we know will be put to good use or we can place orders with Amazon.

Barb Meier

On Facebook, I joined a public group called Burnsville Hub. John Green posted what he’s doing to help connect those needing help with those who want to help others.

Hey team-

We’ve got a connection problem between people who need help and those who want to help them.

I put together a website that allows you, or your loved ones, to post a relief request to a public help board. People in need can request food, water, essentials, medical help, evac, etc and others can purchase those items on Amazon > send them to warehouses we’ve set up > and our trucks will get them in.

The link is

As you go through the form, you’ll notice

1) you can only submit one request per relief type, so feel free to do multiple as needed – we will make this easier once my devs sleep a few hours

2) we are hiding personal information such as exact address / age / etc from the public board to discourage some of the more negative elements that may try to take advantage of people in the moment

This is a work in progress, we’re working on an interactive map next with a goal of being able to post

1) supply drops

2) volunteer opportunities

3) shelter locations

For food/water/essentials, myself, my team – and the sponsors I’ve gathered so far will amplify the living F out of this on a national level (my background is in marketing) – so people all over the country can sponsor these requests. For evac/medical etc – we’re working to get this database to any / all relief teams that are actually doing things locally to help get people to safety.

We’re working on a Facebook community page as well to handle support requests. Please keep in mind we are a small team, and doing the best we can.

If you click in the chat icon, I’ve started training an AI model to consolidate all relief information such as links to applying for FEMA aid, emergency contact info for affected states, and will keep adding to it

I realize some may not know me. I bought Gerald and Tara Lee’s former farm on Briar Ridge Road. I’ve only been in Burnsville a year, but I’ve never felt more at home. I care about the people of Appalachia and I will do my best to support them.

My ask to you:

Please share the relief form far and wide. I just spoke with someone on the ground who said there could be upwards of 6,000 people still out there. Nobody really knows. This isn’t just a Burnsville issue, so many people are hurting right now.

This could be our best shot at keeping rescue teams pointed in the right direction, raising money that goes directly to people vs. massive organizations, assisting the incredible volunteers on the ground and helping organize the unbelievable heroes who’ve come in from all over the country to help.

Love ya’ll, stay safe.


Local group near me helping in Tennessee:
They have done many disaster deployments over the years.
Also rescues trafficked children through:


Thanks for the links. So helpful.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I have come to believe that the Left has thrown all the normal standards of success and appeal out the window. They have tried to destroy standards of beauty and gender, and some of the WH hires are a freak show. It’s as if they’ve forgotten the common-sense rules of what it takes to be succesfull in the business and political worlds. They are so focused on their agenda that they put up substandard candidates and expect the public to accept them. That has happened in some blue states — Walz is a governor, after all — but it’s not the norm and it’s not universal.


The lunatic left faction of the donkey party will end on 11/5/24.


Too damn funny if D-Rats replace Walz.

Like Kakala, no one voted for Walz. Except hussein of course.


Not gonna happen. TPTB in the donkey party WANT those two to lose.

November 5 is the donkeys’ trash pick-up day. Believe me, the old donkeys know that those two are disaster and that portion of the party has to go.

This scheme is planned.


Good with it.

And it STFU race hustlers like rev Al, Whippy…

Barb Meier

They have stayed silent too long and let the insanity go too far. The democrat party is already beyond redemption. All we are seeing now are the last gasps for control by totally incompetent idiots.


Word for our times:

The Law for Today

“And what nation is there so great, that hath statutes and judgments so righteous as all this law, which I set before you this day?” (Deuteronomy 4:8

God has never dealt with any nation as closely and fully as He has with Israel, but He nevertheless is directly concerned with every nation as a national entity. He has actually established each nation Himself (Deuteronomy 32:8), even determining the geographical boundaries of each and the time when each rises and falls (Acts 17:26).

Every nation has a purpose in history, but Israel had the highest calling of all. God personally gave them (through Moses) the finest governmental and legal system any nation ever had (Deuteronomy 4:5-8), and modern governments would therefore do well to emulate these as much as possible. In fact, it is amazing that this Mosaic legal code has since served effectively as the basic legal code for all the greatest nations in modern history. This in itself is clear testimony to its divine origin and is therefore justification for retaining and implementing it wherever possible, even today.

Sadly, however, modern political and judicial practices are departing further and further from this divine standard. The philosophies of evolution and relativism dominate our schools of law today, and the concept of absolute principles of righteousness and justice, rooted in the nature of God as Creator and in His revelation, are largely being replaced by legislation based on evolving social policies and preferences. Even the Ten Commandments are banned from our schools, despite the fact that they are engraved in the Supreme Court building itself.

It is sobering to consider that God did not even spare His beloved nation Israel when His people departed from His law. Nor will He spare America if our growing rebellion against His Word goes on much longer. HMM


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Verse of the Day for Wednesday, October 2, 2024

“Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.” 

Matthew 5:9 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Amen – Amen – I say unto you;
Gather together I am with you;
Remember what – for you – I have done;
To ensure you and I live forever as one!

Blessed are you who are poor in spirit;
The Kingdom of God is yours – albeit;
Blessed are you who mourn – in your hearts;
Sweet comfort for you – My Spirit imparts!

Blessed are you who are meek – and lowly;
For you shall inherit the earth – most wholly;
Blessed are you who hunger and thirst;
For righteousness you will be filled and first!

Blessed are you who are merciful – and kind;
Mercy shall be yours – so keep that in mind;
Blessed are you who are purest in heart;
For you will see God from the very start!

Blessed are you who strive to make peace;
As children of God – your joy will not cease;
Blessed are you who are persecuted for right;
The Kingdom of Heaven will be in your sight!

Blessed are you who men revile and persecute;
Relentless for My name’s sake they prosecute;
Saying in all manner of evil you’re defiled;
I will exalt you – you’ll not be beguiled!

Blessed are you who have suffered for Me;
For great your reward in Heaven will be;
As prophets of old suffered greatly as well;
Like them, you profit – your riches will swell!

Be not dismayed – there is right judgment;
Be not distressed – for any begrudge meant;
Know that I see what is hidden from sight;
As in the last days, it is I who is light!

Blessed are you who are faithful and true;
I am He who can see the good that you do;
Truly you are – blessed and holy you be;
Living in paradise – someday with Me!

D01: 07/21/2013


Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday

Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday




The people in Appalachia will never see that kind of money…


That is sickening and maddening. The people have no say over where their money is going.


Hi all.

Last night’s debate was a game-changer. I know, I know, VP debates don’t mean anything is the conventional wisdom. But this one DOES. Hear me out.

We have been shown in the last couple of months how much a VP actually matters. And Biden has said he delegated all kinds of things to Camel-Uh. And she is in the trap of, “well I didn’t do anything at all as VP, but I learned all kinds of things about how to be President while I was VP, while I was doing nothing at all associated with this failing government whose policies have killed the economy, while I was learning great things while doing nothing…”

People have to know that the VP is a heartbeat away, or a long slow slide into senility away, from running the country. And WOMEN need someone, whether they know it or not, who they trust with their PHYSICAL SAFETY. That is a biological imperative that is baked into the cake, because of fertility. When you are nine months pregnant, you are physically helpless, and our brains are wired for that.

If you only listened last night, you missed it. There is no one-liner or soundbite that will describe the debate and who won it. J.D. Vance, with those beautiful, laser-focused, serious blue eyes and manly beard, WON by only looking like J.D. Vance. My favorite comment so far online was:

“He’s bringing me out of menopause.”

Trump needs the female vote. J.D. Vance hits a primal-need nerve in women. Trust me on this. Last night was a blowout, but not in the way you think. Primal politics.

Valerie Curren

Alpha males rising! Thank God, literally! BQQM  😎 



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yeah, I agree. And it’s more than just women. Men with common sense and wisdom know that Walz has neither.

If I’m in a group of hikers (men and women), and our leader is completely incapacitated, who do I vote for to lead? Vance or Walz?

Walz is a scatterbrained troublemaker. I may want to listen to him, but I do NOT want him making decisions. I want Vance saying “Walz is right, BUT…..”

Vance is presidential timber. Walz isn’t even governor qualified, really. And that is why CHINA wants Walz.




I think Walz would be diagnosed with some kind of ADD or impulse control or other spectrum disorder … somewhat akin to whatever disorder his son has. That’s not to say someone with a disorder is incapable of handling the position he is seeking but HE IS NOT capable because his disorder is SO clearly evident.


I’d like to “piggy-back” on this comment. I have thought more than once that people under the age of 60 don’t have any experience with “real men”. I grew up with a very masculine father. He was a strict disciplinarian with no interest in being my friend. He was not always warm and fuzzy. He took care of his family and knew how to get shit done. I started my finance career with very masculine men. It was a bit of the “mad men” era. Many of them “hit on” the young gals, but accepted “no” for an answer and bought you a drink. They taught me how to drink Scotch, but they also taught me how to make loans, and they promoted me. Not one of them ever harmed me. I think the hysterical Trump hating women just don’t have any experience with a real man. There is a beautiful difference between men and women and it should be celebrated. I hate having bigger balls than men today.


numbersgirl, you have been missed.  😍 

Nice to hear from you. And your comment is sweet and perfect.  🙂 




Absolutely, NumbersGirl. I, too, worked in two industries dominated by what would today be deemed toxic male environments.

Then I worked in a more current ‘evolved’ environment once the HR departments grew dominant and more women ran the show. The bitches, backstabbing, undermining and bullying were horrible.

i would choose to work with that prior workforce, hands down.


Tell the truth – you just get warm and fuzzy over hillbillies.  😂 


Well, there is that 🙂


If interested, here’s a few legit folks on the ground in eastern TN and western NC doing great work you can follow on X. They’ve been hustling since Day One. God Bless them 🙏



Also, delivery by mules 🙌

Barb Meier

Thanks Alison!! There is even a Pack Animal Operations manual for Army Special Ops.


Local group near me helping in Tennessee:
They have done many disaster deployments over the years.
Also rescues trafficked children through:


Last edited 1 day ago by para59r
Valerie Curren

forgot the “r” in twitter 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She’s absolutely right. Communist “climate change” propaganda is just like COVID propaganda.

Valerie Curren

 👍   😠   👍 


This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;


She is not “floating” down the river. The river is rushing past her house.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You made me look.

Indeed. Floating down the river means you’re traveling with the water.

Now if it weren’t a house, it COULD be a boat under power going against the current.

If it weren’t a house.

Brave and Free

Julian Assange calls out the _ _ _
I suppose this will be his insurance against them if they take him out. Everyone will now know who to look at.


Good he is speaking out.


That and I’m glad that he’s alive and well enough to speak out. I was worried that he would be so damaged from the years of isolation that he might be ill or mentally broken.


LIVE WITH JULIE – 10/02/2024



1 John 4:4
Isa. 54:17
Gal. 3:13-14
2 Cor. 5:7
Heb. 2:14
Col. 2:15
Num. 13:30-33
1 Sam. 17 (entire chapter)
Josh. 2:9-10
John 8:32
Luke 10:19
Job 22:28
Phil. 4:13

Scriptures for today Wednesday 10-02-2024 “Your Enemies Are Ready To Strike This Nation In An Unprecedented Way” Spoken to Julie Green on 09-29-2024:

Scriptures of Encouragement: 

Psalm 121:4-5 
1 John 4:4 AMPC,CEV 
2 Corinthians 5:7 
Hebrews 2:14 
Colossians 2:15
Galatians 3:13-14 
Isaiah 54:17 

Scriptures from Julie’s Teachings: 

Daniel 5:5 
Numbers 13:30-33 
1 Samuel 17:24-37 
Joshua 2:9-11 
John 8:31-32 
Ephesians 6:17-20 
2 Corinthians 4:18
2 Corinthians 5:7 – 

God’s marching orders:
Scriptures from 2nd reading and Julie’s wrap-up: 

Ephesians 6:17-20 (God’s marching order to use the sword of the spirit against our enemies) 
Ephesians 3:12-15 
Luke 10:19 
Job 22:28 
Psalm 42:5-11 
Philippians 4:13 
Matthew 19:26
Deuteronomy 7:9 
Isaiah 63:1 
Luke 1:37 


There are always two reports: good and evil. Which one will you believe?
Be like Joshua & Caleb and remember all that God has done and will continue to do.
Hold the line, shout your enemies down and never surrender.
God is with you!
Your enemies are petrified of you because Who is in you. Anyone against you is terrified of your God.
Don’t believe a lie of a bad report.
You have to see this battle the way God does and not what it looks like in the natural. Because that can change your outcome if you choose to believe a lie.
You don’t need an election for God to save you from this evil. God is your deliverer and He will do a political reset.
Rosh Hashanah: Feast of Trumpets.
No matter what you see or hear, don’t be alarmed. Be the good report of the Lord Almighty.
Use the Word of God- the Sword of the Spirit. Use it out loud with authority!
Don’t give up or quit even when the pressure is on.
God will save His children. He is the God that saves a nation in a day.


JGM – LIVE WITH JULIE – [2 October 2024]


God is showing His faithfulness, that He is bigger than anything the enemies are doing. He’s bigger than the plans of the enemy….The enemy is trying to get you and I to quit on our health, our sound mind, our families, our financial situation, our countries…He’s trying to bombard you. It’s going to get very intense 

BUT GOD. 1 John 4:4… Little children, you are of God [you belong to Him] and have [already] defeated and overcome them [the agents of the antichrist], because He Who lives in you is greater (mightier) than he who is in the world. 

…Praising and worshiping God stops the power of the enemy…It makes the enemy scatter…He hates when a child of God is praising and worshiping when he thinks they should be full of despair, hopelessness and defeat. It makes your enemy angry. SO LET’S GO ON THE OFFENSE…START PRAISING AND WORSHIPING GOD DESPITE WHAT WE SEE OR FEEL…Thanking God for the answer silences the enemy. When we accept those thoughts it stresses our bodies. So many of us take the cares and the weight of that pressure back. Be honest with God about it. God I took that back I ask for forgiveness. I thank You that it’s in Your hands and not mine because Your hands are capable of handling it

… It’s how we deal with the situations whether we’re going to come out VICTORIOUS or accept a defeat that doesn’t belong to us…Sometimes if you don’t handle it right, wipe yourself up, get up and keep fighting again. God is not going to condemn you. If you make a mistake and fail, He’s right there to lift you back up God doesn’t fail and He’s always there for you. 

You have the Greater One on the inside of you and He’s greater than any weapon, army and enemy. He’s greater. He’s not left you to fend or fight for yourself. He’s asking you to not give up, faint, or fear. If you quit you’re handing over a victory to the adversary that doesn’t belong to him.





More on road blocks to rescue missions. Give him a listen.


The Biden administration is inept at the least and most likely malevolent.

Biden’s legacy is one of failure….and since his cabinet, his VP, wife, every Dept head and Congress knew that he was no longer capable (if ever) to govern this country they all are traitorous.
They don’t care about us.

Barb Meier

They are busy draining the US coffers, laundering our $ to Ukraine, emptying the oil reserves so we become helpless. The onlly thing surprising to me is that they have not yet auctioned off all our gov lands to the highest bid from nations who hate us. Hush, Barb. Don’t give them ideas.


Real estate is the tar baby of foreign domination, because it’s subject to state property taxes. If we want to take our enemies’ money and allow them to be taxed, I’m ok with that.

pat frederick

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Hell YES!


Hard to get a good read on Lebanon situation. Ground attack started about 24hrs ago with Isreali Special Forces taking the first steps in.

Initally they were talking weeks, saw one story that says days now…

From Saudi News site, sounds like they’ve hit a brick wall.


Arab propaganda but I must admit, this is the way people are seeing things as they play out. Close enough to the truth not to be ignored. Trump is going to have to thread a path through all this to mend it back up.


Last night I asked if there was a memorable one-liner that people would take away from the debate. Today I think there were two, both by Walz:

“I’ve become friends with school shooters.”
• “I’m a knucklehead.”

Can you even imagine having that person be a heartbeat away from the presidency? And he’s a governor.

I think the details of this debate will fade pretty quickly, but the overarching message was received by a lot of people.


Lot of people saying Walz might vote Trump/Vance now given his performance last night.


“I used to believe the Media LIES!”


Interesting. Hard website to upload, must be sourced from behind the Disaster area? Lot of things loading slow these past few days, though much still comes up fast.


Seems like it is only visible just before the sun comes up. Today was the last good viewing day until the sometime near 12 Oct. After that it will be another 80,000 years if I read that right.

pat frederick

h/t Marica


I wonder what the ramifications of that will be, if any.


Vindication for him… for us?
We’ll see… Someone left this quote below. Might be something, but given Mr Evil’s propensities might seem harder than we can imagine…however! If it’s worth doing once, it’s worth doing again. 😁

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Just saying, it’s likely foundational to Diplomacy or some such. 😮


Who be, Mr Evil?


This goes along with Aubergine’s comment about Vance and the female vote.

Internet fascinated by JD Vance’s ‘pretty eyes’ during VP debate against Tim Walz

Social media marveled at JD Vance’s ‘pretty eyes’ as Google searches for eyeliner exploded during his VP debate against Tim Walz.

The high-stakes showdown between GOP Sen. J.D. Vance and Democratic Gov. Tim Walz comes with just 35 days left until the election and with polls showing it could be one of the closest races in decades.

However, some on X getting a first look at Vance seemed entranced by the Ohio Senator’s eyes. 

Even Democrats seemed taken with Vance, one writing: ‘I don’t know much about Vance, but I’m entranced by his icy blue eyes,’ before clarifying she wasn’t voting for him.

Another added: ‘Definitely having a girly moment….but JD Vance has such pretty eyes!!’

Roosevelt Institute director Elizabeth Panciotti posted the graphic showing how much Google searches for ‘eyeliner’ had increased during the debate.’

Out of nowhere, however, disgraced former Congressman George Santos tried to tamp down any scuttlebutt about the nominee wearing makeup.

He wrote: ‘Vance does NOT use eye liner. I’ve met him in person before he was a senator and I can confirm he has long eyelashes and they cast a shadow on his waterline when is studios full of lights… Grow up people!’


I think this is the newest one…


Debate Reviews: Media Elite Admit JD Vance’s Performance Was Spectacular

Members of the media elite acknowledged after Tuesday’s debate that vice presidential nominee Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) was the undisputed winner of the showdown with vice presidential nominee Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D).

Heading into the debate, media members appeared to believe Vance would perform well considering his experience of winning a bruising Senate Republican primary in 2022. Vance’s performance fulfilled their expectations.

“Vance’s Dominant Debate Performance Shows Why He’s Trump’s Running Mate,” Ross Douthat titled a New York Times column:

“Vance’s performance has included a dose of self-conscious humanization, an attempted reintroduction to his blue-collar background and striking personal biography after weeks of effective Democratic attacks on his right-wing podcast commentary. It’s included some careful rhetorical tap dancing and policy jujitsu on issues like climate change and abortion. But mostly it’s just been an effective prosecution of the case against the Biden-Harris administration, focusing relentlessly on encouraging viewers to be nostalgic for the economy, the immigration landscape and the relative foreign-policy calm of Trump’s term.”

…CNN’s debate panel acknowledged that Vance landed several devastating blows to Harris during the debate, leaving Walz unable to respond.

“When JD Vance said one of the many, many things he really hit Kamala Harris on, not Tim Walz, but Kamala Harris, he [Walz] didn’t respond because he clearly had things in his mind,” CNN anchor Dana Bash said.

“I agree,” Anchor Jake Tapper said. “I mean, JD Vance is much more experienced at this, at public speaking, at defending himself, at pivoting.”

New York Magazine’s political columnist Jonathan Chait admitted that Vance was “smart” and “filled with confidence.”

“It was damning and a perfect indication of what a slippery, dangerous, and unprincipled figure Vance is,” Chait said, attacking him without evidence. “But for most of the night, Walz could only barely keep up with him.”

Scott Jennings, a senior CNN political commentator, declared in a Los Angeles Times column, “JD Vance won the debate with Tim Walz, hands down.”

“Vance delivered in spades,” he wrote, continuing:

“On issue after issue, Vance delivered smooth, well-constructed arguments while Walz often answered haltingly, like an online video struggling to buffer on a slow Wi-Fi connection. There hasn’t been a vice presidential candidate this out of his depth since Adm. James Stockdale delivered his famous ‘who am I and why am I here?’ line in the 1992 campaign.”

Former White House communications director and Trump-hater Farah Griffin acknowledged Vance’s performance showed him to be “an incredibly effective communicator.”

“I was struck by the fact that JD Vance is a significantly more eloquent Donald Trump,” she said during a CNN panel. “Watching that, I don’t agree with JD Vance on quite a bit, but he speaks to MAGA in a way that he comes off as an incredibly effective communicator.”

Last edited 1 day ago by TheseTruths

Heh. “JD Vance is much more experienced at this, at public speaking”.

Maybe if Harris and Walz had actually been doing public appearances lately, they might have gotten some practice.


They can’t do actual public appearances. They have to have controlled public and press because they’re puppets with only a few talking points that can’t be legitimately questioned.




My favorite spot in the debate was:

In answering the attack dog media bitch about his past Trump trashing JD answered:
I believed the Media LIES!


That was powerful!


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This is one trustworthy place/person and a TN address where Amazon orders can be directly delivered. My first order was delivered today 🙌🙏


That’s great.


WHERE is the government?!?

Individual citizens have to use Amazon to ship disaster supplies to other Americans in their OWN COUNTRY, while the kleptocrats in D.C. and Martha’s Vineyard send hundreds of billions of dollars to Ukraine and thousands of other places around the world?

WT actual F?

Clearly the government isn’t just AWOL, because they’re great at sending money and supplies wherever it benefits their own interests — and they’re not doing ANYTHING here, so reconcile that.

Government is insanely expensive for something that literally does NOTHING on the rare occasion when it actually needs to be useful.

If the government is useless, which it clearly is, the people should vote to DEFUND it. Start at the local level, defunding everything, and work your way all the way up to the corrupt governor.

Defund ALL of it.

Then take care of yourselves.

You’re already taking care of yourselves, so why send half your paycheck to government thieves and robbers who do literally nothing in exchange for your hard earned money?

Valerie Curren



I just placed an order from Home Depot and sent it there. I can’t do much but right now a shovel might help someone, that was easy.

BUT i do agree with Scott…where is the govt with truckloads of supplies and manpower. All tied up with Ukr and the ME?.


JD on a roll…


100% !!!


Just under that post some says, “The Walz family is weird”. and posts this tweet…


Seems like a week or two, or three ago, soy boys and Pravda News was pushing Tampon Tim.
A Man’s, Man.
Slow Guy would look at his screen and say, WTF are they thinking.

Last edited 1 day ago by kalbokalbs

Past time for Tampon Tim to come out of the closet. Date Doug Emhoff.


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For the more imaginative… (means kid friendly 😁)

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Miss Spoke is priceless!!!!


10.2.24: OLD guard destroyed, VANCE victory, Iran/Israel, Diddy, Assange, Red October PRAY!

And We Know


  :toldyaso:    :wpds_lol: 

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Another Walz surprise Lie.

pat frederick

Walter Mitty strikes again!


I am so glad people are waking up and guys like Sperry are cutting through the bullshiz.

Everything from a Dem is a lie until proven to be true.


“Everything from a Dem is a lie until proven to be true.”


And there’s no danger of that happening 🤣

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I thought I heard a dem get the time of day right once.

I must have been confused.


Field update from the Tennessee operation taking place by Grindstone Ministries.
(Beware Bear – the CEO of Grindstone) may be a little rough for some of you).

Local group near me helping in Tennessee:
They have done many disaster deployments over the years.
Also rescues trafficked children through:


Every single msm employee and Congress people should be forced to listen to this man to know what’s really going on AND to know who is stepping up since it’s sure not the govt


Lots more at his Bear Independent channel on YT.
He is a Torah observant Christian with tough truths and prepping tips.


Biteme gave his answer yesterday. No. And gtfo mayorkas said fema has no dough.


“And gtfo mayorkas said fema has no dough.”


The gov’t has the entire United States military and national guard at their service, plus world reserve currency status, so they can PRINT all the money they’ll ever need, just like they’ve printed us to a $36 trillion dollar debt.

All these clowns have are excuses, and that’s not good enough.

15 out of 15 government employees gotta go.

Last edited 22 hours ago by scott467

I agree! Govt has been on a rampage w our money for decades. Now people say, hey aholes, we need some help w our money you took, its who me? What money?


Amusing. He vouched for the particular TDOT dropoff because he’s got them infiltrated. Looks like “emergency grift” is widespread (see FL Keys story elsewhere in thread).

Barb Meier

Shared on FB, X, and TS.


I’m sure they appreciate it. I’ve been following the YT channel for over a year and believe Bear is truly trying to do the Father’s work in several areas.


Sunken WWII destroyer found off California coast

A surviving ship from WWII that was used by both Allied and Axis forces in the Pacific and that was given a ceremonial burial at sea has finally been located after more than seven decades underwater.Thirty miles off the coast of California, resting on the seafloor of the Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary, resides USS Stewart DD-224.An expedition group composed of government and private organizations discovered the long-lost WWII destroyer on Aug. 1, using underwater drones operated by Ocean Infinity.

Current State of USS StewartSonar scans from the drones found the Stewart remains mostly intact and that its hull remains mostly upright on the seafloor.“This level of preservation is exceptional for a vessel of its age and makes it potentially one of the best-preserved examples of a US Navy “fourstacker” destroyer known to exist,” SEARCH wrote in a news release.
History of USS Stewart DD-224Laid in 1919 and commissioned in Sept. 1920, the Stewart would miss WWI by nearly two years and be left to await a future conflict.After serving in the Atlantic Fleet during its first two years of service, the Stewart was repositioned to the Asiatic Fleet on June 20, 1922, after traveling through the Mediterranean Sea to the Indian Ocean and onto the Phillippines.

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Last edited 1 day ago by gil00

Considering how many ships our navy is short, it might be feasible to restore it.


Sadly true, and helluva better build.


“An expedition group composed of government and private organizations discovered the long-lost WWII destroyer on Aug. 1, using underwater drones operated by Ocean Infinity.”


So the gov’t always has endless money for this kind of nonsense, but not to help American disaster victims.


Last edited 22 hours ago by scott467

Point taken.


I didn’t mean that toward you giloo, I was just taking another easy shot at the gubermint 👍😁


Nooo i know you didnt. No worries. We equally cuss in their general direction, although you have a sharper wit.


Sharper tongue, maybe… 😁



As the Ferenghi would say,

Where is the profit in that?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Kaitlin Collins is utterly annoying. Such a DEM SHILL.


3 companies decide to foist this on the Japanese people? Not mentioned here is Japanese national approval or involvement. You’d kinda think that Japanese national involvement would be required before approval???


If there was anything resembling representative gov’t, instead of a suicidal death cult.


With or without this VENEZUELAN EQUINE ENCEPHALITIS VIRUS, since this things automatically replicates in others without consent, I move to ban all Japanese from entering into the USA for a period of a 10 years minimum until further studies can be conducted.

Can I get a second on that motion?

Failing that, they are not invited to my home.

Not that I have to worry about that, since no one ever comes to my home.


I second your sentiment including visitors 🙂


Stock up.

My stocks are quite good.

Easily increased if warranted. I have no problem with stacks of stuff everywhere in the house.

  • DW tolerates me well, along with eye rolls. 🙃

Always watching shelf life. FIFO – First In First Out.


Looking forward to whatever seems to be treatment for whatever may be inbound from Japan.

  • Priority for stocking.


Alexis comes to mind. Quacks demanding proof of Jab, prior to treatment. Not playing that game either.


And all Japanese products.


Second, third, fourth, etc. etc.


y brother 84 has taken many covid shots has now a heat problem. He had an operation two weeks ago. He used to be very active waked much and now is out of breath just walking in his flat . One by one the shots are taking their toll on people.


Heartbreaking. Prayers for his comfort.

Damned Jabs, CDC, NIH, FDA….murdering maniacs.

Along with anyone that coerced him to get Jabs.


“I just came back from Tokyo where they had a 30,000 person rally”


This is what happens when people don’t understand the difference between a ‘rally’ and a ‘riot’.

And where each one is applicable.

When their gov’t is about to release another bioweapon on the population, that’s the time to RIOT and burn their gov’t all the way down to the ground.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




Almighty God, we give you thanks for surrounding us, as daylight fades, with the brightness of the vesper light; and we implore you of your great mercy that, as you enfold us with the radiance of this light, so you would shine into our hearts the brightness of your Holy Spirit; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Grant us, Lord, the lamp of charity which never fails, that it may burn in us and shed its light on those around us, and that by its brightness we may have a vision of that holy City, where dwells the true and never-failing Light, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

O Lord God Almighty, as you have taught us to call the evening, the morning, and the noonday one day; and have made the sun to know its going down: Dispel the darkness of our hearts, that by your brightness we may know you to be the true God and eternal light, living and reigning for ever and ever. Amen.

Seek him who made the Pleiades and Orion, and turns deep darkness into the morning, and darkens the day into night; who calls for the waters of the sea and pours them out upon the surface of the earth: The Lord is his name. Amen.

Amos 5:8


I guess this story has been trending today.

I believe the problem has resolved.

Last edited 22 hours ago by para59r

I check everyone of my accounts everyday. Every transaction validated, or I’m bitching on the 1 800 line.



Presstitutes should not wait for Q&A, that never happens.

Get aggressive. Y E L L OUT why the fuck illegals AND Ukraine are getting Billions.

To hell with decorum and bullshit protocol. Challenge the bitch! Get it on Pravda video.

BLUNTLY challenge Smug Shag.

Last edited 22 hours ago by kalbokalbs

$750 in cash? A huge number of them probably no longer have wallets or purses with their trusty debit cards..or any other important things.
If it’s a credit card, that only works when somebody kindly rescues you from the mountains and the magic FEMA representative is waiting as the john boat delivers you to a town.


Assuming the store, gas station can process debit cards.


I notice she does her caring politico act in up Tennessee? North Carolina? South Carolina? Virginia?


1 billion for illegals and ooops running out for Americans

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Federal Emergency Management Agency can meet immediate needs but does not have enough funding to make it through the hurricane season, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas told reporters Wednesday.

The agency is being stretched as it works with states to assess damage from Hurricane Helene and delivers meals, water, generators and other critical supplies. The storm struck Florida last week, then plowed through several states in the Southeast, flooding towns and killing more than 160 people.


Another indicator that this was a planned attack? He can see everyone questioning the lack of support for the disaster area and is now going to blame it on Congress even though he’s directed the monies to be paid for the invasion?


Tatonka Woman

I can double darn guarantee you that many of these individual private citizens who immediately stepped in to help – helicopter owners/pilots, pack mule outfit, etc, etc. – have spent FAR more than $750 of there own money to provide aid and assistance to these disaster victims.

I wonder how many hoops the victims have to jump through to get their $750 of help from their government and how long that is going to take. What Kind of ID will they have to provide, considering they’ve lost everything in these floods?


[DS] In Trouble After The Debate, [AS] Says Quiet Part Out Loud, Stay Vigilant – Ep. 3465
 October 2, 2024  x22report

During the debate JD Vance mentioned how the illegals were going to make rent and mortgages go up, he was right the Fed mentions this. The port strike is one of the events that will give the Fed cover. If it ends early they will still blame it leading up to the cyber attack on the financial system. The [DS] is in trouble, the debate did not go as planned. The [DS] poll numbers are dropping and their cheating system will not work the way it worked during the 2020 election. The [DS] is now projecting that the election will be delayed. Many states are allowed to accept votes after the deadline. They will see that they don’t have the ability to create the ballots they need so they will say the elections were manipulated. DHS has projected that the US might be cyber attacked and attacked during the elections.

Ep 3465a – The [CB] Is In The Process Of Creating An Economic Out, Playbook Known

Ep 3465b – [DS] In Trouble After The Debate, [AS] Says Quiet Part Out Loud, Stay Vigilant

Brave and Free

So is this the reason for the climate change mantra, to cover their tracks of weather modification?


More fundamentally, it’s all about controlling the docile minions.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Perhaps you should read what These Truths had to say. In essence, these videos are devoid of any credible content. Unless you just want something to reassure yourself you’re right.

Last edited 18 hours ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I watched all 3 minutes of the first video. The title, “Weather Modification is a Broadly Growing Industry, But Don’t Worry, It’s Just a Conspiracy…” is not backed up in the video. There is no evidence that weather modification is “broadly growing.” It might be, but this video did not present evidence of it.
(That doesn’t make anyone else pause? Can you not spot the manipulative propaganda headlines?)
The video is about cloud seeding, which has been going on for decades. No doubt they are coming up with new ways to do it, but the concept is nothing new. By calling it “weather modification” instead of cloud seeding, it makes it appear that people are controlling diverse weather events. But there is no evidence of that in the video either.

The second link is about chemtrails. The article contains only one link, to a quote by PDJT, and no footnotes or references for the claims it makes. For example:

The aerosols sprayed into the stratosphere consist of toxic chemicals and metal oxides, which have been linked to devastating environmental changes such as prolonged droughts, severe hurricanes, and record-breaking heat waves.

Link? Evidence? Documentation? References? All missing. I have never seen documented evidence of aerosols sprayed into the stratosphere being linked to, for example, severe hurricanes. If anyone else has seen such evidence, please present it.


A 2021 report highlights how chemtrails have directly contributed to agricultural damage and the collapse of bee populations, further exacerbating ecological crises.

Maybe there is such a report. The author needs to link to it to back up her claims. Without documentation, the article is reduced to clickbait that feeds into people’s opinions.


Good read.

Repeated reports say Israel intercepted most of the missiles. Likely they did. hope they did.

That said, there were several videos that appear to show at least a dozen explosions. Either ground explosions or certainly low altitude.

Saw one report saying US Navy launched twelve missiles to intercept. Did NOT confirm any missiles intercepted. We’ll never get an honest answer anyway.

Doubtful Israel will come clean. They have a narrative for citizens. Every government does.


Yep, Israel will not come clean. Lots of vids out there showing different things to cloud the truth, but some of those showed missiles getting through. Then there’s the matter of the ground attack. Haven’t heard much more after reports of 14 dead other than another report that said 60 wounded.

Meanwhile Biden has has issued some garbled statement. Basically he’s backing off at least on Israel hitting nuclear sites in Iran. What’s that mean to the rest of Iran? Israel is leaning forward to attack but something should have happened by now… Crickets?

Last edited 20 hours ago by para59r

No worries. They’re probably busy making more pagers.

Valerie Curren

hope this lets that tweet show


A personal history I found interesting —


Mini ground report.

In Sam’s todays.

Nearly every cart in the store had at least one paper towel AND TP. Several dozen carts and flat carts loaded up with paper towels, TP, paper plates, coffee, dehydrated potatoes…

My first thought was, that’s a strong reaction to Dock Worker strike. Yes, I am this Slow.

After leaving Sam’s, it dawned on me, supplies for NC, TN, SC, GA, VA….

Tomorrow I’ll try to figure out a drop off point, return to Sam’s and contribute.


BRICS+ Taking Off, At America’s Expense… Going to be ugly? I’d guess, Bigly Ugly.


BRICS+ Trading System Hits. US Agriculture Lost.
BRICS+ Ditched the $US, Now Ag Info Sucks
There’s been a lot of talk about how the BRICS+ countries trading in non-$US currencies might hurt the value of the $US. IMO, the bigger issue will be the blinding of information about transactions and product flows. Trade in $US meant that our banks had to handle it, and thus our financial systems had information about it. That is now ending.

I don’t know this site, but the video looks to have proper evidence in it. I’ll need to spot check some of them to assure veracity. (His thumbnails tend to be “click bait heavy” and sensationalized, causing me to wonder. But the content looks true at first glance.)
If this is true, the damage to the $US economy will be huge; and already it is hitting agriculture. Grain trading companies (like Cargill) will be partially blinded to global prices, and the Commodities Exchange in Chicago will falter.

What is it about? China has cancelled several large grain orders, bought the grains elsewhere at lower prices and we don’t know how much was bought, from whom, or at what prices. (My guess would be Russia for wheat, and Brazil for Soybeans – but we just don’t know and can’t find out.)

This is going to spread to every international trade within the BRICS+ system.



Partially through 26 minute video at the link. Very one sided story. No idea how accurate. Either way, BRICS+ is a huge factor to reckon with.

My guess. VSG paying attention.

Last edited 20 hours ago by kalbokalbs

H/T Sylvia @ her site
This is long, but worth the read. Interesting background info on the confiscation of supplies, etc.

If you are wondering why citizens are being turned away that are coming to help NC and TN – you’ll want to hear my experience as someone who has been doing this as a private citizen for almost a decade.

I was able to get into, and out of Asheville. We brought food, water, fuel and other supplies as well as helped people affected by the floods, but there are reasons why they are not allowing outside help.

I cannot confirm the reasons why in NC, but i can tell you the reasons in other storms i have worked – i’ll explain below.

Let me share with you the first disaster area that i finally realized that this was all about money.

In the FL Keys with Hurricane Irma, after Texas got hit with Harvey, we finished our efforts in Texas and were the first citizen team to make it to Key Largo.

The federal agencies had US1 shut down just South of Key Largo and wouldn’t let anyone in or out, even though the road was okay to pass.

We explained to them that we had boats, Jet skis, food, water, chainsaws and fuel to bring these people.

They didn’t care and wouldn’t let us in.

It was night by that point and you rarely saw the lights of vehicles in the distance on the individual keys, meaning the emergency response teams from FEMA weren’t even working, it was all quiet.

We decided that we would go in anyways.

We filled up the boats and jet skis with all that we could reasonably carry and went by water, around all their BS blockades and around their law enforcement presence on the water.

It was 87 miles by water to get to our first stop, Cudjoe Key and Sugarloaf Key.

When we arrived there we were greeted by a homeowner (for privacy, I won’t name him, though we have video) who was elated to see us and all the supplies we brought, his house was in shambles.

We started offloading supplies on the shoreline and helping to get them into what was left of his house.
During that process, he explained to us that FEMA had set up a command center at a local high school on the island, but that they weren’t doing anything to help the residents, not even bringing them WATER!

Instead, he explained that they were driving around using a loudspeaker, telling people to stay in their homes. They weren’t even helping the home owners with supplies.

I was skeptical at first while he was telling me all of this, but then he said something that broke my heart….

He told us that the people of the keys were all in despair, because they had just seen, weeks before, the overwhelming support for Texas with Hurricane Harvey, by the citizens of this country. He, and his neighbors on all of the keys, felt like Americans had forgotten about them completely, because at this point, FIVE DAYS after landfall, all they had seen was FEMA, and they were of NO HELP.

The residents were cut off from the outside world, no cellular, no internet, no way to contact anyone or hear of any efforts to try to help them.

The ONLY communication they had was from a local radio station on Sugarloaf Key, that was broadcasting on AM to the surrounding keys.

The man, after hearing that there were citizens trying to bring them help, but being refused entry by federal law enforcement was visibly upset. He, and his neighbors, really thought the country had abandoned them.

He insisted that we get into his waterlogged truck and that he would take us to that radio station so that we could go live on air, to tell the citizens trapped in the Keys that we, the American people, were there to help and that the government was trying to stop our efforts.

And that is exactly what we did.

After that, we were determined to help as many people as we could, but we were met with red tape throughout the whole process and time we were in the keys.

We finally we able to talk some authorities to let us down to the Faro Blanco Resort in Marathon towards the end of Boot Key. This was the same hotel where state and local authorities were staging their personnel and they were happy to see us.

I was able to coordinate several trucks full of supplies to be brought down to the EOC in Marathon. I was privy to the EOC meeting, BUT was informed in that meeting, that all of the semi trucks full of food, water and hygiene supplies were to be turned around and not allowed to be offloaded for distribution by the EOC.

THE REASON they gave us, was that these donations were not from companies on their “preferred vendors list” and that they would not accept them or give them to the residents of the keys impacted by the storm.

It was at that point that I realized, this is ALL ABOUT MONEY.

These ‘preferred vendors” are getting part of the money being released by the state and federal govt for each disaster. In turn, some of the “vendors” make it on the list because a friend gets them on the list, and in return for getting ridiculously outlandish amounts of compensation for the services they render, they give kickbacks.

So accepting outside donations, even though they are on location and can help people NOW, they would rather let people suffer so they can get their kickbacks.

This meeting solidified my resolve to help these people, regardless of what the greedy officials wanted, we were going to feed the lower keys that were being neglected.

I diverted ALL SEMI TRUCKS to the Faro Blanco Resort in Marathon and filled the entire first floor with pallets upon pallets of food, water and essential supplies and created a food pantry for residents to come and get anything, and however much they needed.

From local state troopers to the homeless, all were given wheel barrels and free reign to get anything they needed.

We also delivered supplies down to Big Pine Key. We helped establish the tent city on Big Pine Key. Big companies like Titos Vodka and Whelen just kept bringing trucks full of everything that was needed. When FEMA FINALLY started handing out boxes of canned goods (limited to one per household), we were filing cars full of food and supplies for people and pets.

There is so much more to the story in the Keys and further from there in other storms we worked- the common theme though, is that the federal government always tries to keep citizens from helping and the local authorities, the ones that live and work in the area are always happy to have outside help.

I call out to Elon Musk and anyone else who can monetarily help people like myself and those that work with me, who have the knowledge and the will to help those devastated by these disasters.

Help us side step the red tape and get the people the relief they need.

We are willing, and we are many, and we are ready.


Reminds me of this:



They asked Hung Cao if he supports mass deportations as an immigrant himself, and his answer was FLAWLESS

“To anybody who wants to come here, don’t ask for an American dream if you’re not willing to obey American laws and embrace the American culture, because I did.”

Cao’s debate performance was amazing. Hillary Clinton’s lapdog, Tim Kane, had no good reply to Cao’s honesty and directness.

Virginians, do yourselves a favor and vote for President Trump and Hung Cao.


To say this is disappointing to me is an understatement. Seriously, she could have just shut the hell up. Been silent and lovely. But no, apparently she has “an opinion.” Isn’t Melania a CATHOLIC?

“Former first lady Melania Trump revealed that she is a staunch supporter of abortion rights in an excerpt released Wednesday from her forthcoming memoir — a day after her husband, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, vowed he would veto a federal abortion ban, should Congress pass one.

Melania, 54, wrote a long and passionate defense of a woman’s right to have an abortion in her soon-to-be-published memoir — a stunning rebuttal of the Republican party’s long-held anti-abortion stance.

“It is imperative to guarantee that women have autonomy in deciding their preference of having children, based on their own convictions, free from any intervention or pressure from the government,” she wrote in her memoir, according to The Guardian, which received an advance copy.”

There’s more. It goes on. What the actual fuck is happening here? Really. Again, all she had to do was SIT DOWN, SHUT THE FUCK UP, OR GO MAKE A SAMMITCH.

It makes me realize that we really don’t know fuck-all about most people in politics. We just project onto them what we want to see.


While I do agree that such discourse is unhelpful in her current situation, I would have to argue that there is a specific point to be made in this area, and that is “there are things people do that are not the government’s business.” As a codicil, I would add that plenty of those things probably result in damnation, but should not be illegal — lest we become a theocracy. Certainly no public monies should be allocated to further such pursuits, but no laws should be enacted to criminalize them.

That said, the article looks like a scam to rile people up. The given quote, “[i]t is imperative to guarantee that women have autonomy in deciding their preference of having children, based on their own convictions, free from any intervention or pressure from the government,” sounds like a discussion of birth control, not abortion.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well said!

Valerie Curren

I thought the Catholic view on birth control was that using it was akin to depriving a life of existence, not far from looking at abortion as de facto murder 🙁


Getting into the weeds where I am not qualified to say much, it is my understanding that not allowing the ovum to be fertilized is generally allowed (or seen as a lesser sin, [akin to onanism]). Once the ovum is fertilized, it becomes its own being and is life to be treasured. Once implanted in the uterus, it is tantamount to murder to terminate it.

I would, of course, appreciate correction from someone more knowledgeable.

Valerie Curren

I have no Catholic background personally but believe Life begins at Conception, not implantation, so chemical morning after meds are a form of abortion, but then so is the birth control pill, a “secondary abortifacient” per a doctor I had 30+ years ago. If she would have admitted that to me initially I would never have used those pills for that roughly year 🙁


One of the most prominent features in the reproduction/abortion space is how Federal government involvement has consistently made matters worse.

The Roe v. Wade decision in 1973 was a complete clusterfark from beginning to end, an abomination that was anti-scientific, anti-spiritual, and comprised of equal parts overweening hubris and stupidity.

Its creation of a “right to abortion” from “emanations and penumbras” tortured legal reasoning past the point of credibility. Its ramrodding a Federal standard over states’ rights was reminiscent of decisions leading up to the Civil War. Its codification of trimesters froze evolving technology when it was making substantial gains — the third trimester begins in the 27th week and there are people walking around today born at 22 weeks and change.

It was a disgusting oozing ulcer in Federal jurisprudence for every minute it was “the law of the land”.

That said, it is reasonable to discuss local restrictions and preferences so long as they comport with reality as it is known. Since premature babies at 22+ weeks are walking around, it seems repugnant to abort after 22 weeks, as they can survive outside the womb at that age.

This leads to another interesting question — what if technology were developed to raise a fetus outside a womb at 18 weeks? Might it be reasonable for a “mother” to rid herself of further biological obligations by transferring the fetus to an artificial womb at such point? Who would be financially responsible, and what parental rights would exist? What happens when a “mother” can have a $1000 illegal abortion or pay $50,000 for a legal transfer to an artificial womb at 20 weeks? If paid by the father, would she retain visitation?

It might seem that I am describing several types of chaos — and, certainly, there are questions of life and death to be argued — but anything would be better than the 50 years of fantasy-based stasis caused by Roe v. Wade.

Valerie Curren

I think I’m thinking of this issue more from a moral or biblical framework while you are focusing on legal & social concerns. It’s all a very big twinkie but Image of God & Right to Life should be pre-eminent, at least to my way of thinking 🙂


There are other direct quotes from the book in the article. If they are not direct quotes from the book, Melania needs to sue, fast.


“I would have to argue that there is a specific point to be made in this area, and that is “there are things people do that are not the government’s business.”


Very much agreed.

But murder isn’t one of them.

She specifically chose the word ‘children’, and children are, by definition, human beings.

So she is not dancing around the issue of when the living being in the womb becomes a child, she is beyond that, she is talking about ‘children‘.

Do children not have the same right to Life (and to not be murdered) as everyone else?


“As a codicil, I would add that plenty of those things probably result in damnation, but should not be illegal — lest we become a theocracy.”


Is it not about equal rights, and about equal justice under law?

Everyone has the right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, as well as all of the other God-given Rights enumerated and guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.

The whole point and purpose of our government, created by We the People, is to protect and guarantee those Rights.

Is the Right to Life not chief among those Rights, because without Life, none of the other Rights even apply or even matter? No one can guarantee our Right to free speech, or to own a firearm, or anything else, if we are dead.

Murder is always a crime.

The definition of murder is “The killing of another person without justification or excuse, especially the crime of killing a person with malice aforethought or with recklessness manifesting extreme indifference to the value of human life.”

A) a child is a human being, a person

B) a child has the same right to Life as every other person

C) for anyone to take a child’s life without justifiable cause is either murder (willful) or manslaughter (accidental)

It could be argued that, if there are health complications, so that carrying the child to term is a legitimate threat to the survival of the mother, in such a case, the mother has justifiable cause to use deadly force to defend and protect her own life.

If that most unfortunate circumstance occurs, she can choose whether to exercise that right, or hope for the best.

This scenario would apply to a very small number of pregnancies, particularly in the modern era, in America.

Last edited 37 minutes ago by scott467

“Certainly no public monies should be allocated to further such pursuits, but no laws should be enacted to criminalize them.”


Is murder not already a crime?

No one has the autonomy to commit murder.

The definition of murder is “The killing of another person without justification or excuse, especially the crime of killing a person with malice aforethought or with recklessness manifesting extreme indifference to the value of human life.”

A child is a person, by definition.

Murder has been a crime since Genesis 4:8.

Where is there any exception, based on the physical location, of the intended victim?

Last edited 1 hour ago by scott467

This won’t sway MAGA people one way or another. They already accept Trump’s two minds on this issue, that being States Rights and not Federal. This is more intune in swaying the woman vote. Melania is a fair vehicle for doing such though how many she can sway on this issue is questionable. Any woman on the fence with Trump might be inclined to accept his two minds on the issue.


The evangelicals will stay home. They are already on the fence because of Trump’s softer stance on abortion. If they don’t vote, we lose, period.


Then the evangelicals ought to be shamed, straight up, because Cackala will promote murder of the unborn on a scale no one has ever seen before.

By staying home, they become the enablers of a preventable genocide against babies.

Last edited 1 hour ago by scott467
Tatonka Woman

“…according to The Guardian, which received an advance copy.”

Ummmm….I’ll wait until I see it in print for myself


If the direct quotes from the book are misrepresented in ANY word, Melania should sue immediately.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You are now discovering something that I discovered in my sojourn into political work in the 2023 off-year election year.

EVEN most women who are…….

  • against trannies in women’s sports
  • against puberty blockers and surgery on minors
  • against partial-birth abortions
  • against trannies in women’s bathrooms

…….and even…..

  • against late-term abortions
  • against mid-term abortions

…..still do believe that……

  • early abortion is OK (the earlier, the more OK)
  • early chemical abortion is really just contraception
  • contraception is nobody else’s business
  • 15-week down to 12-week bans might be potentially OK


  • “total ban on abortion” is not OK (see Sherrod Brown’s ads)
  • abortion in cases of rape, incest, life of mother are always OK

This is the reality for almost all women who go to the polls. They may SAY otherwise, one way or the other, but when they get in the voting booth, this is how they vote.

The women who would bear a rapist’s baby are a tiny, tiny, tiny minority. They are an extreme. They are the women who could personally be comfortable with a total ban on abortion. For every one of them, there are dozens on the other extreme, who say “kill that baby” who survives RU-486 and then the Gosnell knife at 9 months plus – who support literal infanticide.

A total abortion ban is about as popular as a total gun ban. Nobody who advocates either will ever get elected in America.

The conservative side was actually making huge progress against abortion under Roe v. Wade. We have now LOST that umbrella. And I believe that Democrats – particularly the most radical ones – wanted Roe v. Wade to fall, and then to blame Republicans for it, to keep milking the abortion issue for women’s votes, and to keep leftist control of women.

Trump himself has always been consistent on this. When Jeb Bush tried to “go right” of Donald Trump on abortion, by mocking the term women’s health as code for abortion (which is definitely to some extent true), Trump fired back at Jeb, and very clearly stated that he (Trump) was a strong supporter of “women’s health” (meaning contraception and early abortion) as a “women’s right”. That is when I realized just how smart and sophisticated Trump actually was on this. He may hate early abortion, too, but (IMO) he literally believes, both as public policy AND with his own wife (based on what I know), that it is 100% a woman’s choice what to do about a pregnancy AT THE BEGINNING – that it’s a right – a freedom – a liberty – and not even a husband’s business.

Always remember that even in colonial times, a baby wasn’t considered “alive” until “the quickening”. We know more, now, about life per se, but our mental attitude toward the life of the baby is still very much the same, but couched in terms like “intelligence” or “feels pain”, etc. We cannot have universal standards based on things like a soul, when most cannot agree on that idea – thus, we are still looking for something that lets women control pregnancy at the beginning, when most Americans – and the majority of women – believe she should still have some control of things.

Thinking like my own – that my child was alive before I was born in some sense – that we have a duty to children and human life which transcends some arbitrary number of weeks – it’s a political non-starter.

I think Trump has a reasonable and rational stand. We may not like abortion at the stage when it’s basically an induced miscarriage, but even the women who despise that act, want that choice. I see that much like my own desire to own a gun that can kill a whole gang of people attacking me, even though I’m basically a pacifist, and vote that way. I hate that act, but I want that choice.

Valerie Curren

Very well reasoned & articulated, yet discouragingly horrific  😭 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. It’s military logic.

Valerie Curren

TY for sharing your insights…forewarned & all!


But Wolf, you (and it looks like everyone else who has commented) are missing my point.

This is NOT helpful now. Trump NEEDS the evangelical vote. He MUST have those votes. And they are already wavering because of his abortion stance. Now Melania has to weigh in? Really? Again, I want to tell her to shut up, because her opinion isn’t helping anything right now. Publish your damned views on abortion AFTER your husband is in the White House again, when it doesn’t matter so much.

Because I am telling you, there are a WHOLE LOT of people for whom this might be the very last straw.

I am thinking of how to WIN this election. I care deeply about this issue, but my views on it are irrelevant to my opinion of this action.


If we don’t win this election, some version of abortion-on-demand will be federalized. While each individual is responsible for their own soul and how they approach God, abortion culture rolls downhill in all kinds of horrific ways. What is happening RIGHT NOW to a whole lot of people in North Carolina is the direct result of the cheapening of life.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No, I see your point perfectly, but the sadder truth is, more people will vote for Trump because of what Melania is doing, and what she said, than will be alienated enough to not vote for Trump.

There are an enormous number of women in the middle who want to vote for Trump, but want late contraception and early abortion, and Trump and JD are telling them not to worry. Their sincerity might be debated, but Melania is basically telling those women “don’t worry”.

And Trump is being honest. He would NEVER support a federal abortion ban. I’m not even sure he would support a federal 15-week bill with all 3 exceptions for 9 months. He really likes the state solution, which I do as well, despite watching what it did in Ohio.

She is very strategic here. IMO, she’s very typical of a HUGE number of “edge Catholic women” in the US who do NOT toe the line on contraception and (in rare cases) early abortion. Multiply that number with mainstream Protestant women and lighter evangelicals. When those women hear anything against abortion from clergy, it almost all gets filtered in their minds into equating to late abortion, and not hearing anything about day-after or chemical. Yes, it’s cognitive dissonance, but it’s the reality. The cognitive dissonance is even worse on sex itself. Everybody else is a bimbo, whore or baby mama. Not me!

This is a huge spike strip in the road that Democrats planned to use for a bunch of very tire-poppable infantry transport vehicles.

Trump approaches abortion in a military way. He knows there will be accepted losses along the way to victory.

We are a BUBBLE here. When I went out working the voters, I saw the reality. People who are 100% against abortion are a TINY SLIVER. Demmunists capitalize on it. Their weakness – the fact that a vast majority are against late abortion. Trump and Vance understand this reality. Melania understands it even more.


Wolf, the church I attend is not evangelical, at all. Our pastor is young (43) and laid back. He has NEVER spoken about politics at a service in the time I’ve been there. I’ve been told he almost never has. This past Sunday, he brought up the coming election. He said that when considering a candidate to vote for, he considered BIG issues, and votes accordingly. He said, as his example, LIFE. He said that life begins at conception. He said he would have trouble voting for someone who didn’t believe that.

We study one book of the Bible at a time, in order. The teaching on Sunday was supposed to be the second half of Matthew 27. It has taken 22 MONTHS to work through Matthew. But our pastor said God said “change.” So we went through the rest of 27, and all of 28 in one go, which is UNHEARD of in this church.

Then he told us why. Our next study is the book of Daniel. Specifically, how Daniel lived in the Babylonian culture, but never allowed that culture to take hold in him. My belief is that the intent of this new study is about the upcoming election, and how we are not to allow this toxic culture to influence us.

Remember, this church is NOT evangelical, and really is not political. But it is very Biblical.

This is a big church for my area, about 600 people. How will they vote, given that they are being told to vote for LIFE, and not to be swayed by culture? I know what I think.

“… the sadder truth is, more people will vote for Trump because of what Melania is doing, and what she said, than will be alienated enough to not vote for Trump.”

I do not believe this is true.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Even more importantly, the gains will be where Trump needs them (swing states), and the losses will be where he can afford them (deep red states).

The Dems are panicking on this issue, and it shows. They are pretending to be strong, when they are weak. They are having to outright lie about Bernie Moreno on abortion. IMO, Bernie and Vance were the first GOP pols to read the Dem cards correctly on abortion in Ohio, and to interpret the amendment victory correctly. The media absolutely will not touch Bernie’s real position on abortion – which is only a little less moderate than Trump’s. They know that it’s doom for Sherrod Brown if they do.

The Ohio GOP only wants to reign in late abortion, where there is consensus among the People. Demmunists are hugely vulnerable on this. They are the chaos and child destruction candidates, and millions of women want to escape the chaos – if only their “morning after pill” is safe.

These women are not religiously sound, and most of them are no longer going to church. Many are liberal, but they see how Biden and Kakula ruined everything, and they would like to vote for stability. They are right not to trust Kakula.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You have a good church, precisely because it is not compromising, the way politicians have to compromise, to win.


I agree that her timing is more than a little suspect, and her view itself is more than a little surprising.

But she is not (and will never be) in a position of governing power or authority, and DJT is certainly the one who wears the pants in their marriage, so even if she believed in abortion-on-demand up to the point of birth, all she is doing is harming herself and her own reputation.

Her views are not DJT’s views, and she is not (and will never be) in a position to push her views on the Republic.

And even if that was not true, even if she had DJT’s balls in a vice, her position is still far less radical than what the result will be if Cackala cheats her way to victory.

So if the evangelicals have even a single brain cell amongst them, Melania’s views should be irrelevant.

A vote for Cackala is a vote for baby genocide.

Staying home and not voting at all is likewise a vote for the same, because not voting passively enables the same outcome.

As the philosopher Peart observed, if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.


“EVEN most women…”

“…..still do believe that……

  • early abortion is OK (the earlier, the more OK)
  • early chemical abortion is really just contraception
  • contraception is nobody else’s business
  • 15-week down to 12-week bans might be potentially OK


  • “total ban on abortion” is not OK (see Sherrod Brown’s ads)
  • abortion in cases of rape, incest, life of mother are always OK”


This is because most women are primarily emotional, and not rational or logical.

If that wasn’t true, there would be no Democrat Party, whose appeals are 100% emotionally based.

Most women (particularly younger women, today) simply want what they want, they ‘feel’ entitled to have whatever they want, and ‘feel’ no need to rationalize or justify what they want.

Like children.

And that child-like quality is wonderful, in the roles which God created women to fulfill, but it is horrible when emotionally based women occupy roles they were never intended to fill.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Another point – I think that the Ohio vote on abortion – putting it into the state constitution – even with a bunch of dangerous crap that will protect TRANSHORROR – woke up the GOP on the realities of the abortion vote. Trump’s stance, JD’s stance, and Bernie Moreno’s REAL stance (not what Sharrod Brown says it is) are all “electable” – meaning almost all independent women could accept them, as not going after early abortion.


“It is imperative to guarantee that women have autonomy in deciding their preference of having children, based on their own convictions, free from any intervention or pressure from the government,”


She doesn’t understand the issue, or how American gov’t is supposed to work, or she wouldn’t have framed the issue the way she did, using the words that she chose.

A) no one has ‘autonomy’ to kill any human being without justifiable cause. Don’t take my word for it, but if you try it, you’ll find out.

B) ‘children’ (her word) are human beings, which is not credibly disputed, by anyone

C) It doesn’t matter whether a child (a human being) is in your car, or in your house, or in your womb, or anywhere else, the physical location of the child is not relevant; no one — not the mother, and not a stranger — has the ‘autonomy’ to kill a young human being (or an older human being, for that matter).

Killing another human being without justifiable cause is the definition of murder (or manslaughter, if the death is accidental). No one has ‘autonomy’ to murder another human being. Never has, never will.

D) in America, government is SUPPOSED to be “representative”, as in the elected government’s job is to represent the interests of the People, to PROTECT the PEOPLE (children are PEOPLE) and their RIGHTS and defend the country.

So any ‘pressure’ to not kill human beings comes NOT from ‘government’, but from the moral and lawful authority of the PEOPLE who created and sustain that government.

And the People have EVERY RIGHT to demand their gov’t protect and defend the weakest and smallest among us, which are the human beings she properly called ‘children’.

So the ‘pressure’ comes from the real and living PEOPLE, American citizens, not from the abstract institution of government.

And the real and living People of America derive their moral Authority on this matter from God.

The very same God by Whom all of our Rights are given.

Not least of which are the Rights to LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Last edited 43 minutes ago by scott467
Barb Meier

Pretty jammin’ for a placeholder.

I think it was well appreciated that you stepped up when Gail was in pain.

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