Health Friday Open Thread 10.04.2024: Self-Amplifying RNA (saRNA) — A Primer on How to Amplify a Disaster

The above image of lab equipment is courtesy of Google Images and Public Domain Pictures.

Today’s offering for Health Friday concerns what is called self-amplifying RNA (saRNA.) As the presentation includes discussion of saRNA COVID-19 “vaccines”, this post is dedicated to the memory of Yours Truly’s cousin Bill, who “died suddenly and unexpectedly” in September 2023.

Readers already know about the Important Wolf Moon Notifications, the importance of Civil Discussion, the Rules of our late, good Wheatie, and the caveats regarding Health Friday posts by Yours Truly. Links to these items can be found here. NOTE: Since this post is detailed and there are multiple areas to cover, Yours Truly has added Summaries of certain sections, and a General Summary at the end.

Before one begins: It is well known that the modRNA and the viral vector COVID-19 “vaccines” currently in use have been, and are, a disaster on multiple fronts. Not only do they induce literally thousands of negative medical and psychological effects in the bodies of those who took them and who take them now; these “vaccines” also cause death. The numbers of COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons presenting with COVID-19 “vaccine”-induced illnesses, injuries, disabilities, or “died suddenly and unexpectedly” are increasing by the month. Nobody knows exactly how long, or in what amount, the elements and mechanisms of the COVID-19 “vaccines” work in the “vaccinated” person’s body: what IS known, is that whatever “protection” is conferred by these “vaccines” is short-lived, while, at the same time, the “vaccine” mechanisms linger on in the body for an indeterminate period of time. Yours Truly has written extensively for this board regarding this situation. For further information, please see websites such as these: (Steve Kirsch); (Peter McCullough, MD); and, (Ed Dowd, statistician.)

At the same time, the development of new types of COVID-19 “vaccines”, as well as new types of “vaccine delivery” (intranasal, oral, and aerosol, for examples) goes on apace. One of the “newest” types of COVID-19 “vaccines” uses what is called self-amplifying RNA, or saRNA.

The concept of saRNA is the use of a small amount of RNA (or mRNA) in an injectable. Once introduced into the body of the patient, the saRNA theoretically goes to work, “re-creating itself.” (Think RNA or mRNA being turned into a “Xerox copier” inside the “vaccinated” person’s body.) The “goal” of saRNA is for the agent to “re-create itself” inside the “vaccinated” person’s body for a certain amount of time and in some amount. The patient’s body is “instructed” by the saRNA to “recognize” and produce antibodies against certain “enemies”, such as viruses. The theory is that a smaller amount of saRNA initially introduced into the body, followed by the “Xerox copier effect”, then followed by “instructing” the body to “recognize” and fight off certain “enemies”, will make saRNA a “more effective use” of mRNA in injectables.

Basically, saRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” turn the “vaccinated” person’s body into a “Xerox copier” (which, apparently, the “vaccinated” person’s body CANNOT stop, slow down, or mitigate) for the ingredients (and, by extension, the mechanisms) of the saRNA “vaccine.” Today’s post is a primer about saRNA COVID-19 “vaccines.”

The trail begins here, with these:, “The First Self-Amplifying mRNA Vaccine”, 25 January 2024, by Derek Lowe; “Why we can’t move forward with self-amplifying RNA technology”, by Jessica Rose, PhD, 7 September 2024;, by Daniel Nagase, MD, 10 September 2024; and,, “World’s first “self-amplifying” vaccine approved in Japan”, by Kristin Houser, 16 December 2023. Please look at any or all of these to gain information about saRNA “vaccines.”

In addition, there is Dr. Robert Malone’s take: please see: Below are screenshots of his remarks:

There are “pros and cons” regarding the use of saRNA in injectables. Below, from an article that discusses these, via, by Jordan Nutting, 6 February 2024:

****** Summary: In other words, saRNA injectables **may**, at some point down the road, have **some** benefits. In the meantime — NONE of these types of injectables (GEMCOVAC, Kostaive) have been SUFFICIENTLY AND THOROUGHLY INVESTIGATED AND TESTED FOR USE ON HUMANS. But they are being approved ANYWAY, and are being injected into the bodies of unsuspecting persons who buy into the “Look, this shot has less mRNA than the ones you took before, and it’ll work better!” hype.

Here is a graphic depicting how saRNA works in the body of the person who is “vaccinated” with an saRNA injectable, via this “cheerleader” article:, by Dr. Zhen Sun, Editor, 9 May 2024.

****** Look closely at the above graphic. It appears that the basic schema of saRNA is a “double-layer” of saRNA “replicons” that create a “subgenomic RNA.” This, in turn, creates the “Xerox copier” response which forces the body of the saRNA “vaccinated” person to endlessly produce immune system response — and for “at least” as long as 28 days after such “vaccination.”

Please see this paper regarding a discussion of saRNA “vaccine” design:, “Rise of the RNA machines — self-amplification in RNA vaccine design”, Jerome D.G. Comes, et al., 14 June 2023. Below is the Abstract of this paper:

Another “cheerleader” article about saRNA “vaccines” is here:, by Cassandra Willyard, February 2024. Below is a portion of the article:

Note the language about “,…at least in theory” advantage of saRNA “vaccines.” Also note the last sentence — saRNA can “persist for a month.” In fact, nobody really knows how long saRNA elements will “persist” in the body of the person who takes this type of “vaccine” — NO long-term clinical trial or study has been performed using this technology.

On 28 November 2023, the Japanese Government approved the use of the saRNA COVID-19 “vaccine”, ARCT-154 (also called LUNAR-COVID-19 and Kostaive) for “active immunization” (translation: “prevention”) against COVID-19 for persons age 18 and older. Kostaive was developed by CSL / Arcturus (remember this company? Yours Truly took the lid off it here: This “vaccine” was to have supplies ready for administration by physicians or hospitals by mid-December 2023.

CSL / Arcturus, the Japanese government, and media outlets were quick to herald this “first-ever saRNA COVID-19 “vaccine.” Except — there already was an saRNA COVID-19 “vaccine” approved and in use, since 2022, in India: GEMCOVAC. Perhaps what CSL / Arcturus, the Japanese government, and media outlets should have mentioned the fact that Kostaive is modRNA-based from the J.1. Omicron SARS-CoV-2 variant (along with other “familiar” manufacturing methods, see below in today’s post); whereas GEMCOVAC based on an “ancestral variant” (in other words, the Beta variant) of the original Wuhan Hu1 SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Before Yours Truly presents information on Kostaive, she will first discuss GEMOCOVAC. This is in order to present further background information on saRNA technology as applied in COVID-19 “vaccines.” Stay with me — this is all germane to the situation:

Looking at GEMCOVAC, one can get the beginning of a picture of how saRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” work. The “latest version” of this “vaccine” is called GEMCOVAC-OM. Below is a portion of the SmPC pdf for this product (; scroll down the page to GEMCOVAC-OM SmPC (pdf) and click “Download”):

The BA.1. Omicron variant of SARS-Co-V-2 is the basis for this “vaccine.” It is not strictly modRNA (however, recall that ALL of the “descendant variants” of the original Wuhan Hu1 SARS-CoV-2 virus contain elements of that original lab-created virus).

Of the excipients (in other words, the adjuvants): per Wikipedia, DOTAP (1,2-Dioleoyl-3-trimethylammonium propane) is a chemical used in fabric softeners, but also is used as a lipid nanoparticle in vaccines. Squalene: below is Page 1 of the FisherScientific MSDS Safety Data Sheet for this chemical (

Continuing: for polysorbate 80, again from Fisher Scientific, Page 1 of the MSDS Safety Data Sheet:

And, here is the Mechanism of Action for GEMCOVAC-OM, from the Package Insert (see the link above):

Note the language, “…which is reported to interact with host cells receptors (ACE-2.)” (Italics mine.) The developer and manufacturer (GENNOVA) of this “vaccine” can’t exactly quantify how the product works.

Yours Truly now turns to Kostaive, (ARCT-154) the saRNA COVID-19 “vaccine” that was approved by the Japanese government in November 2023.

The announcement regarding the Japanese government’s approval of Kostaive is here:, of 28 November 2023. Below is a screenshot from the press release:

Note the language in the above regarding “…the potential for extended duration of protection while using lower doses of mRNA compared to existing mRNA vaccines.” (Italics mine) Again, nobody knows exactly how long this “extended duration” period is; nobody knows exactly how much “Xerox copying” of the altered mRNA in Kostaive occurs during this period in the “vaccinated” person’s body; and, nobody knows exactly what effects this “Xerox copying” of the altered mRNA in Kostaive will have in the “vaccinated” person’s body. In other words, anyone who takes Kostaive, or any saRNA “vaccine”, in Yours Truly’s opinion, is being used a “human lab rat” — just as people were used / are still being used, as “human lab rats” for the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines.”

And, here is the Report of the Deliberation Results (which contains the information about Kostaive that led to its approval) from the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare: This report is an interesting read. There are numerous “blacked-out” areas, reminding one of the blacked-out areas in certain publicly-released Pfizer-BioNTech reports that the company gave to the FDA regarding that company’s modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine” BNT162b2. HOWEVER, section 2.1 Active Substance for Kostaive states that this saRNA “vaccine” contains elements from the original Wuhan Hu1 SARS-CoV-2 virus, plus elements from the Omicron variant strain. More information on this is found on Page 4 of the document. Below is a portion of this page:

Looking at the above, starting with the D614G mutation, the Abstract from the Zhang, et al. paper on this (, “SARS-CoV-2 spike-protein D614G mutation increases virion spike density and infectivity”, Lizhou Zhang, et al., 26 November 2020. The paper was researched and published before any COVID-19 “vaccine” was authorized for use):

In other words, the D614G element causes the SARS-CoV-2 virus to be more infective.

Looking at V987P, part of the section Full-Length S Glycoprotein Vaccines from this paper:, “SARs-CoV-2 Vaccines Based on the Spike Glycoprotein and Implications of New Viral Variants”, Daniel Martinez-Flores, et al., 11 July 2021):

In other words, if V987P was “good enough” for Pfizer-BioNTech and for Moderna to use in their modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines”, it apparently was “good enough” to be used in Kostaive.

The K986P protein used in Kostaive: please see here: This viral protein, along with V987P above, are BOTH on the Arg S1/S2 cleavage site on the SARS-CoV-2 virus genome. (FURIN CLEAVAGE SITE, anyone?)

The R682G, R683S, and R685S proteins used in Kostaive: please see here:, “Omicron SARS-CoV-2 mutations stabilize spike-up RBD conformation and lead to a non-RBM-binding monoclonal antibody escape”, Zhennan Zhao, et al., 24 August 2022. If appears that these proteins help to create a “one-RBD-up conformation.” Below is a portion of the Abstract of this paper:

In other words, these proteins increase the immune system attack from the Omicron SARS-CoV-2 variants by making Omicron “stick better” to the ACE2 receptor cells in the human body.

****** Summary: It appears, then, that Kostaive contains one protein from the original Wuhan Hu1 SARS-CoV-2 virus genome (D614G); two proteins from the “ancestral line” of the SARS-CoV-2 virus (K986P and V987P); and three proteins of the Omicron SARS-CoV-2 variant (R682G, R683S, and R685S.) See below in the post for more information on these items.

One more ingredient of Kostaive, mRNA-2105: This ingredient is derived from the Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis virus (VEEV.) Below is section 4.R.1. of the Deliberations Results document discussing this:

The question that immediately occurs regarding the above: How can Arcturus (the manufacturer of Kostaive) state that mRNA-2105 cannot be “incorporated into host cell DNA”? How is Arcturus absolutely sure that there is zero reverse transcription potential or ability in Kostaive? This is similar to the same statements from Pfizer-BioNTech about BNT162b2 “cannot change the DNA of the vaccinated individual” — which has been proven to be false (please see: here, Slide 14.)

****** Summary of the above: What Yours Truly is getting at here is that Kostaive appears to be the end-product of: ONE: a lab-created mixture of the dangerous D614G element from the original Wuhan Hu1 SARS-CoV-2 virus, plus, various elements of earlier SARS-CoV-2 mutations; TWO: NO long-term clinical trials, NO safety studies for Toxicity, use on pregnant women, etc.; THREE: the “Process 2”-type manufacturing method (“culturing” the lab-enhanced mRNA for the “vaccine” in a “bath” of E. coli); FOUR: using lipid nanoparticles, one of which (ATX-126) has never been used before in an injectable); FIVE: what appears to be a “pro-forma” Deliberation Results document on Kostaive that raises more questions than it answers; and, SIX: approval by the Japanese government for use on humans without a thorough investigation of the above. Related to point SIX: below is the list of Approval Conditions that were imposed along the approval of Kostaive for use in Japan, from the Deliberations Results document:

By the way, these Approval Conditions read very much like the ones that the FDA imposed on Pfizer-BioNTech along with that agency’s EUA for BNT162b2.

Regarding Kostaive itself, more particulars:

The ingredients of Kostaive are listed in section 2.2 Vaccine Product of the report. A screenshot of this section is below:

Kostaive contains at least three separate types of LNPs (lipid nanoparticles): ATX-126; DSPC; and, PEG2000-DMG. Below is a portion of the MSDS Safety Data Sheet for ATX-126:

Section 2.2.3 of the Deliberation Results document for Kostaive discusses the manufacturing process for Kostaive. It appears that Kostaive ALSO “switched” from a “Process A” manufacturing method over to a “Process B” manufacturing method. (Recall that the Pfizer-BioNTech BNT162b2 was “switched” from its “Process 1” manufacturing method over to a “Process 2” manufacturing method):

One more item from the Deliberation Results document for Kostaive, again on the ATX-126 lipid nanoparticle used in this “vaccine.” It confirms that this “novel excipient” (adjuvant) has not been used before in a “vaccine.”

Yours Truly will again emphasize that other sections of the Deliberation Results document on Kostaive make it clear that NO studies were performed for numerous items, such as Toxicity, potential for impairment of reproduction, and so on. By the way, buried in the document is a “passing reference mention” that the “Process B” manufacturing method for this “vaccine” uses E. coli as the “culturing medium” for the “enhanced” mRNA in the product. (The “Process 2” manufacturing method for BNT162b2 and its “descendant” COVID-19 “vaccines” also uses E. coli.) It also appears that the use of Kostaive on pregnant women in clinical trials was “inconclusive”; this “vaccine” should be taken by pregnant women only if the situation so warrants.

Also: Kostaive is to be taken as a “primary series” of two separate injections, 28 days apart; with a “booster” taken about three months later. The question that arises is: If it is true that the saRNA in Kostaive is active, including installing numberless “Xerox copiers” of itself in the “vaccinated” person’s body for AT LEAST 28 days AFTER the initial injection, WHY is there a need for ANOTHER injection around Day 28? And a “booster” after that?


Look at the “active ingredient” item, “zapomeran.” What is zapomeran? It is a “drug” that contains the RNA of the Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus (VEEV or VEE) in an saRNA form. It is ALSO manufactured by ARCTURUS (CSL.) It is unclear if it is being used in other types of COVID-19 “vaccines” other than Kostaive. Please see: Scroll down the page to R&D Status to see that zapomeran has already been approved in the EU; Norway; Iceland; and Liechtenstein; but in what final form it is used, is also unclear. NOTE 1: It has been impossible to find a complete list of ingredients for zapomeran. One would not be surprised to learn that the names Kostaive and zapomeran may, in some respects, be “interchangeable.” NOTE 2: It is not easy to find information on zapomeran. Yours Truly has encountered “504 Bad Gateway” error messages when going back to recheck a couple of the links to zapomeran in this post.

Looking further into VEEV (or VEE), there is this article:, by Amy Young, 28 August 2020. This virus can affect horses, donkeys, or zebras. VEEV is transmitted to these animals by infected mosquitos that bite them. It can cause severe disease or death by infecting the brain and the central nervous system. Humans who contract VEEV can also become severely ill and can also die from it. Another paper, discussing the RNA of VEEV (VEE),by Sarah E. Hickson and Jennifer L. Hyde, is here.

As an aside: zapomeran (under the name “ARCT-154-06”) was granted a “deferral” for use on children from birth to 18 years of age in the European Union for the “prevention” of COVID-19 infection in JUNE 2023: This means that the use of zapomeran (in whatever form) is restricted to persons age 18 and older.

AND HERE IS THE JAPANESE NIHS LISTING FOR ZAPOMERAN: Below is a screenshot of the listing (scroll down past the genome sequences listings):

****** VERY IMPORTANT: The SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins in zapomeran are the same ones that are in Kostaive. These were discussed above in the post. Turning to the nsP proteins (non-structural proteins) in zapomeran (hyperlinks to papers are embedded), as these elements are also apparently contained in Kostaive:

nsP1: this non-structural protein suppresses the immune system; Katharina Schubert, et al.

nsP2: this non-structural protein is a “delivery vehicle” for SARS-CoV-2 proteins; Ninge Zheng, et al.

nsP3: this non-structural protein is a “vital component in the replication of SARS-CoV-2”; Sofia Lemark, et al.

nsP4: this non-structural protein is the largest one. It is a Rotavirus enterotoxin that causes diarrhea, can cause severe diarrhea, and particularly affects young children; Judith M. Hall, et al.


Why on Earth is a COVID-19 “vaccine” that contains the RNA of an equine brain inflammation virus (a virus that comes from infected mosquitos that bite equine animals) being used on humans? A “vaccine” that is engineered to create an unknown number of “Xerox copiers” of the “vaccine” elements into the body of the “vaccinated” person? A “vaccine” that contains six apparently lab-enhanced/lab-isolated genome codes from the SARS-CoV-2 virus or its variants? What does an equine brain inflammation virus have in common with SARS-CoV-2? What if a person who has already taken, say, five or six injections of a modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine” decides to take Kostaive? Could an saRNA COVID-19 “vaccine” somehow “interact” with the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine” elements already in that person’s body?

****** GENERAL SUMMARY: saRNA “vaccines” for COVID-19 are already being used (GEMCOVAC in India); and are being approved for use (Kostaive in Japan.) The technology for saRNA is not fully developed and not fully tested; the COVID-19 “vaccines” that use saRNA contain “lab-enhanced”/”lab-isolated” genome codes of the SARS-CoV-2 virus or its variants; saRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” contain lipid nanoparticles — and, in the case of Kostaive, an LNP (ATX-126) that has never been used before in an injectable; that no studies have been performed on saRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” regarding Toxicity, the effects on reproductive potential, and so on; and, that Kostaive contains the RNA of the Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus. And yet, these products are being hailed as “the vaccines of the future.” And, the people taking them are again being used as “human lab rats.”

Peace, Good Energy, Respect: PAVACA

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I don’t even know what to say anymore about the vax industry, the experimental nature of the jabs, and the fact that no one seems to be protecting the public.

How can this be?

Summary: In other words, saRNA injectables **may**, at some point down the road, have **some** benefits. In the meantime — NONE of these types of injectables (GEMCOVAC, Kostaive) have been SUFFICIENTLY AND THOROUGHLY INVESTIGATED AND TESTED FOR USE ON HUMANS. But they are being approved ANYWAY, and are being injected into the bodies of unsuspecting persons…

Thank you for this detailed, well-researched information.


I hope most won’t take the bait. The lack of testing to back up the claims would, among informed people, be a major red flag.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I am no longer taking any vaccine. The technology of vaccines is out of the control of even science itself. There are no brakes. It’s a crazy train.


The trust is broken. The only vaccine I see happening is rabies if I get bitten.


Can you even get a tetanus booster by itself anymore? (Not DTaP)

Deplorable Patriot

My last one was a tetanus shot in 1993. That’s it. No more. Yes, I had a steroid shot in 2012, but that’s not the same as a vaccine.


But it could have the same ‘side’ crap in it.

Hopefully not.


1 Timothy 6:10

10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

Isn’t that imagery, “pierced through,” fascinatingly evocative of a vaccine needle?

The things that appear in the Bible amaze me.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. No matter how it’s explained, it’s fascinating!


Janis Joplin’s harpoon, from the Kris Kristofferson song Me and Bobby McGee. It certainly ‘pierced through’ her spirit.

Barb Meier

Thank you, PAVACA!! Sharing with my family.


Anybody comes near me with a needle, I’m gonna break it off in their a$$.

pat frederick

I want you in the foxhole next to me!


Lol! Same to you!


Call me first. I want to watch.  😆 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I want it on viral video!!!




Appears we are approaching a crossroads of sorts.

Trump gets in the WH 20 January, with a Unity group. Take a sledge hammer to Big Pharma, CDC, FDA, NIH… Of course USG in general is gonna get major recalibration.

Or there is a fork in the road.

Last edited 10 hours ago by kalbokalbs
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

My guess is that – IF they allow Trump to take office – no sledgehammer, based on his history of how he actually treats pharma. Best case scenario is a jigsaw. Worst case, a scalpel, missing key tumors.

What we CAN hope for is medical freedom – possibly even an amendment – but it will end up protecting contraception and early abortion, too. [Insert pawnshop “Best I can do” meme here.] However, Trump will not get in the way of medical innovation, IMO. That would be why pharma would let him be President, and not try another assassination.

I’m of the opinion that pharma had a hand in both prior assassination attempts – if only giving their blessing to the act, together with the worst parts of the MIC. Why? Because I was just reminded of how criminal they are now. I knew a big pharma criminal. They plot outside their silo, and connive with the cabal and the CIA. I think they were in on the plots.


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Everything but the teleprompter.

But he doesn’t need it in order to deny compassion to the truly needy.

He remembers that from Maui.


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I don’t know how this works and hope she can appeal. Then a pardon from PDJT as POTUS would be in order, IMO. But it looks as if the entire government needs to be cleaned out from top to bottom, including FEMA.


How can it be cleaned out?

Even if every person in gov’t was fired tomorrow, the corrupt interests that corrupted them all will just do it again, and in only a year or two, we’re right back where we started from.

Until or unless the MONEY is removed, MONEY will own and control the political-class. That ensures gov’t will never serve the People it was created for, and it will always serve the rich and evil.

There has to be some kind of built in incentive to expose and prosecute corruption, and the penalties for corruption must be severe, and most of all, there has to be some kind of direct citizen oversight with authority to arrest. That means higher authority than DoJ or FiB or CiA or ATF or any other agency, such that if any member of those agencies resists arrest, the citizen oversight has the power and the firearms to take corrupt officials into custody by FORCE.

Because once DoJ is corrupted, which takes about 2.75 seconds, none of their cronies are ever prosecuted, no matter how corrupt they are.

Mostly the entire culture of marxist rot has to be repudiated, and that means EVERYTHING the Left promotes, because the Left has defined itself in opposition to everything America is or ever has been.

From gender insanity to the Constitution to basic understanding of right and wrong, to sexual depravity and perversion, individual rights, to God, to any subject you can name, the Left is on the diametric opposite of what is good and right and true.

There is no way to coexist with the insane Left, because no one can coexist with insanity.

It has to be exposed, examined in the light, rationally deconstructed and repudiated.

The demons won’t take it lying down, they will have to be run out, driven underground and back into the closets and basements from whence they came, with enough force that it takes another 50+ years before they even think of showing their faces again.

And it requires dismantling the corrupt fake news media, and the big tech media platforms (Google, FB, etc.), because they are the primary means of mind-control.

We have a right to not be propagandized, and we have a right to information that is not censored or filtered by anyone, much less nameless, faceless bureaucrats and big tech CEOs beholden to foreign interests and corrupt U.S. government agencies.

It’s a giant mess, precisely because no one has dealt with it, ever, so it has only grown for well over a hundred years, back to before the Civil War, if not longer.

The corruption needs to be ripped out by the roots and made an example of that will be burned into the memory of the American People for generations.

Patriotic Americans need to be empowered, and the corrupt and hostile interests that have intentionally subverted our Republic must be made to live in fear.

In other words, a total reversal of how things are now.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

When the system punishes a woman who simply wanted the truth, every lie of the left that they love science, truth, and justice stinks in the nostrils of the Lord.

She just wanted the truth, and they punished her for it.

These people do not deserve the nation that protects them.

The left is WORSE than the theocracies they abhor.


Yes, that’s what I meant. Well said.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We are approaching the brink.

Damn these evil people.


George Orwells ‘1984 ‘ was just off by 20 years.


40? OR 2004 was a watershed year for the evil thrust upon us. Guessing I missed something, again.

Valerie Curren

I had similar thoughts 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m thinking 2024, too, although there were significant nasty things started right around 2004, in preparation for Obama to arrive in 2008.


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They continue to be blatant, in your face, propagandist liars.

The clowns are evil.


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Bill Murray said “A vote for Trump is a vote against the swamp. 

Our Government is a “National Disgrace”


He just went on the lefties shiz list. Well done, Bill.


John Rich:

Just spoke to a friend of mine in law enforcement in NC…he said that they have, and I quote: “Already used over 500 body bags, and there are bodies in trees, mud, cars, houses, everywhere…No Fed support whatsoever.”


One person‘s ground report:

The devastation is immeasurable. I was able to flee to Atlanta for a couple days, rented a large vehicle and drove supplies into my area today. The stories I am hearing are crazy from friends that I just sat on their porches with. We’re hearing of makeshift morgues and piles of bodies. It makes sense because my street today had a checkpoint due to search and rescue looking for bodies. We had 2 homes on my road float away. It’s grim. Kids are hearing no school till after xmas and rumors are the water won’t be “mostly restored” for about 4 months. No one here realizes the scope of it all, alot of folks have very limited communication. There’s been helicopters nonstop.

Anyways. Had to vent bc I’m now here in my home in the pitch black dark and it’s really surreal. I am safe I’ve got my car and enough gas to get back out, but if anyone can help anyone in the area we really need it. It is so much worse than any media outlet is reporting. I would imagine there’s 5k dead in NC alone


How many of those people are democrats?

They voted for ALL of what they’re experiencing now.

Most people don’t want to be honest, or truthful, about anything, because truth is ‘insensitive’ and the Left has made sensitivity (to only their causes) a kind of god.

So most people who disagree with the Left just keep their mouths shut, and all it takes for evil to succeed is for good men to remain silent.

Now the bodies are piling up? What did they think was going to happen? What did they think the reward would be, for such cowardice, for turning a blind eye to immorality and perversion and obvious corruption?

Real consequences are a B!TCH, aren’t they.

Welcome to the world of the people who have been opposing this sh!t show all along, while the oblivious straddle-the-fence gang in the wishy-washy middle enjoyed their lives.

Count the bodies, and then go look in the mirror.


Answer to how many – in the Asheville metro – the clear majority. It had turned into a leftist swamp. In the rural areas – not so much.


Yes, but how many times did Israel go astray, be brutally punished by God, and repent?

These people can, if they choose, turn to God. Maybe this is the catalyst to wake them up.

pat frederick

i believe forgiveness waits for all who truly repent and ASK


I agree.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

IMO, one of the most important things we can do, if not THE most important thing we can do, when the “big ugly” happens soon, is to bring people to God.

We can be islands of stability, sympathy and reason, showing both sides that God is what they’re really looking for.


The difference being that in most cases, Israel was turning back to their God, Whom they already knew.

Generally, they recognized they had gone astray, and were turning back to God.

The modern day Left can’t turn back to something they don’t know in the first place.

Not only does the modern Left not know anything about God to turn back to, their entire worldview has been constructed for them (via Leftist narratives) as a direct and very intentional repudiation of God.

It’s practically demonic, masquerading behind a mask of prideful virtue-signalling, glorying in their wickedness and shouting down (canceling, deplatforming, banning, silencing) anyone who opposes them.

When they’ve been racing full-speed toward Hell for so long, there’s a lot of momentum that needs to course correct. First they need to let off the gas, then apply the brakes, slow down, come to a stop, turn around, and then begin to accelerate in the other direction.

At least Israel knew the right direction and destination.

The modern day Left doesn’t even have a map, much less believe the destination exists, or if it does, whether its anyplace they’d like to go.

They’ve been taught their whole lives to judge God and anyone who follows Him as hateful, intolerant, racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, islamophobic — and if there be any other phobias or epithets to hurl in their loving tolerance, those too.


Your first paragraph is so true …

but …

there was Nineveh.

I suggest that everyone read the Book of Jonah. I believe it is prophetic for today. You can speed read chapter one, since we’ve heard it all our lives.  😆 

But the details of chapter two are beyond fascinating. Start with the size of the city – took three days to cross it [reminds me of another three-day period of time].

It only took one day for Jonah’s preaching to create a general uprising of repentance in the city/kingdom, from the bottom [grassroots] to the top [POTUS?].

And then there’s chapter three …


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Vance is an asset to the campaign in unexpected ways. 😅

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Vance’s Baby Blues May Have Just Flipped The Left’s Most Loyal Demo

As a group, gay people may overwhelmingly hate Donald Trump. But they couldn’t help but fall in love with JD Vance on the debate stage Tuesday night…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. Strong, competent white males are not allowed on TV, unless they have a qualifier (gay, satanist, doper, commie, psycho, etc.). I had forgotten about that rule.

Valerie Curren

Wow. I just finished watching the first season of Lost, that began in 2004. We enjoyed watching it as a family on library DVDs back in the day. There were Multiple Alpha Males in that show & at least one Alpha Female 🙂 Survival situations, crazy dangers, no rescue coming, being on your own, Alphas rise above & make stuff happen & help the Betas to get through. Art imitating life as we hope it might be 🙂


Pay attention to the people’s names on that show.
“John Locke”? and others from history.

Valerie Curren

Thanks, I hadn’t thought of that. Have some type of philosophy of Lost book on order from the library, so hopefully it touches on that a bit too (assuming I carve out time to read it). 🙂


Nice catch.  🙂 

pat frederick

it’s get too weird later on. clearly the writers were also adrift…LOL

Valerie Curren

No doubt. I have minimal recall of later seasons, like the 2nd & 3rd Matrix movies, all so weird that I mostly forget about the details 🙂 Everyone was lost on Lost, writers, viewers, critics 😉 😉

pat frederick

hmmmm…in my experience, “strong competent white males” don’t have THOSE qualifiers.


Exactly. Alphas don’t need image enhancement. They just are.

And looks have little to do with it.

pat frederick

so true! it’s more in the way a man presents himself.


Yeah but take a look at Ah-nold from his heyday. There was no way to hide what he was – a highly buffed out male – no matter what he looked like. Alphas learned early on that there was no way to ‘present’ themselves other than what they were – badasses.  😂 

pat frederick

i don’t think i watched the earlier ones. I saw Kindergarten Cop but he wasn’t a badass in there. the only other one that springs to mind is True Lies. that was funny.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very true. But such creations are CONSTRUCTS. They’re not REAL.

Soap operas are now a great place to watch erstwhile alphas forced to mouth beta platitudes.

Look at Heath Ledger – how he was created, modified, and destroyed. Very much like what they do with the “pop tart” females.

Bring them in fresh, young, strong and wholesome, use them to spread Cabal messages while they’re still viable, but corroding inside. Make them choose between harder evil messages and continued fame, or being cast aside as a has-been.

It’s all lies.

Although hard to find, some interviews with actors will inadvertently expose the program – particularly as actors “brag” about how they overcame inhibitions to do gay/lesbian roles, sick sadism, irredeemable villains, antiheroes, etc.

I think Taylor Swift may have sneakily gotten one by the cabal, and revealed the program to some extent, with her “Antihero” song.


But they couldn’t help but fall in love lust with JD Vance …

Their votes, sure. But not their morals or their politics.


Can’t confirm. Hope it’s true.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good. Time to push back on these assholes.



It’s true.


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Everyone in her area including herself applied for 750 dollars and were denied.

Last edited 18 hours ago by TheseTruths

Pretty sure I doubled posted this. That’s okay, people need to hear it twice 😉


I have an idea!

Let’s drop Camel-Uh on top of an Appalachian mountain with no food, no water, no booze or maryjane, and a debit card loaded with $750.

If she makes it off the mountain alive, she gets to run for President.


With a tribal council armed with tiki torches.

We absolutely deserve the guilty pleasure of voting her off the mountain.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



A gracious invitation:

TRUMP: “I am asking every citizen across our land to join me in launching a new Golden Age for America.”


Alarming rise of ‘super-fit’ slim young people suffering heart attacks as experts reveal theories for the surge

Heart attacks were once thought of as a disease of age – but worrying new data shows they are increasing in healthy young adults. 

Roughly 0.3 percent of Americans aged 18-44 had a heart attack in 2019 – but last year that rose to 0.5 percent, or one in 200. 

While that may still seem like a relatively low number, it represents a 66 percent increase in cases in just four years, which doctors call ‘alarming.’ It also means that one in five heart attack patients are now younger than 40. 

A number of factors are thought to be at play including rampant drug use, obesity, sedentary lifestyles and bad diets.

Okay, but the headline says “super-fit.”

But the timing strongly implies the Covid pandemic has played a role….

But in many doctors’ view, the timing is simply too coincidental for Covid not to be involved.

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The only mention of the vax in the article:

The Covid vaccines made by Pfzier and Moderna have also been shown to cause heart inflammation in rare cases, specifically young men and boys.

But real-world research has shown the risk of having this reaction to a vaccine is much lower than the risk you take not getting vaccinated in the first place – because severe Covid is much more likely to damage the heart.

The commenters tell what’s really going on.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

These people are evil.


Day One of Trump in WH, MUST include EO banning mRNA, ModRNA, saRNA, “RNA anything” JABs.


That would be nice but those are properties you’re listing. There is the Fifth Amendment that protects properties from govt adverse action.


Oh. Properties. Well we’ll protect their properties so they’ll die from lack of use.

Seems the Feds made those properties OK to Jab people.

Reverse the EUA. That’ll stop most of them, I’d guess.

Somehow, some way, CDC, FDA, NIH makes them poisons available.

Reverse engineer the idiot process poisoning Americans.

Last edited 6 hours ago by kalbokalbs
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We have to at least slow down the process, increase safety, AND (very important) DEMAND that older, non-mRNA vaccines be available for RELIGIOUS reasons, if not also medical reasons.

I think a medical freedom AMENDMENT is the best thing we can do – and TRUMP WILL SIGN IT!!!


Yes, reversing the EUA will do it. Hundreds of salivating attorneys has a captivating effect on the minds of wrongdoers.


My question is — — did they know their ‘facts’ were shaky?

If not, then redemption is possible.

If they did and didn’t care, then hellfire is the only way.

There’s a song from the late 60s that strangely fits here. Here’s the lyrics, weirdly appropriate nowadays:

Fire Lyrics
The Crazy World of Arthur Brown

I am the god of hellfire! And I bring you

Fire, I’ll take you to burn
Fire, I’ll take you to learn
I’ll see you burn

You fought hard and you saved and earned
But all of it’s going to burn

And your mind, your tiny mind
You know you’ve really been so blind
Now’s your time, burn your mind
You’ve fallen far, too far behind
Oh no, oh no, oh no!
You’re gonna burn!

Fire, to destroy all you’ve done
Fire, to end all you’ve become
I’ll feel you burn

You’ve been living like a little girl
In the middle of your little world

And your mind, your tiny mind
You know you’ve really been so blind
Now’s your time, burn your mind
You’ve fallen far, too far behind

Fire, I’ll take you to burn
Fire, I’ll take you to learn

You’re gonna burn, you’re gonna burn
You’re gonna burn, burn, burn, burn
Burn, burn, burn, burn
Burn, burn, burn


Trump’s interview with Dave Ramsey. 25 minutes long. After the intro, the interview starts at about 2:20.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks for the link to the Jessica Rose substack article. I think I get these vaccines now.

I asked Jessica some questions…..

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Wolf Moon

1 min ago

So – if I understand this correctly – the replicase, once constructed, then replicates the original saRNA, which creates both target protein and even more replicase. A subset of what is happening, is thus “replicase replicating instructions for replicase” – and the latter instructions create even more replicase and target.

How potentially exponential, or explosive, is this?

So – taking a COVID spike protein as the troublesome target – we are now creating two potentially problematic proteins – the spike protein and the replicase – and doing so exponentially.

Assuming a bell curve of responses among people in any dimension, there could be some number of people who create far too much of either protein – and given that one is a replicase, this is even more likely.

I would expect that if myocarditis problems are related to overexpression, then these should be an even greater risk with the new saRNA.

Can we object that the replicase by itself has not been adequately studied as a therapeutic, to isolate any problems cause by its “chain reaction production”?

Indeed, maybe “replicase chain reaction” or “replicase explosion” is a way to characterize the dragon that we are tickling here.

This seems very sketchy to be going into a public-facing product so quickly.


Once you understand the government is trying to murder you, everything the government does is sketchy.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy




One thing is not sketchy. Never, Ever Lose Site Of It.

Your life, along with each of our lives depends on knowing this AND acting accordingly.

Covid failed. Strike One.

Jabs failed. Strike Two.

saRNA incoming.

Not being flippant. 14 of 15 Will Go. It IS their stated goal.

I will finish reading PAVACA article. For me, at this point, it appears saRNA singular purpose is, to accelerate the body count.

Back to the article in a few minutes.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think you’re right.


everything the government does is sketchy. crystal clear.



everything the government does is sketchy. crystal clear EVIL



ThanQ for your help.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

As far as I can tell, the replicase IS the component that is being “borrowed” from the equine brain inflammation virus. The problem is compounded by the DNA step used in the creation, and that potentially leaking into the product, because it would encode for both the spike protein and the equine virus replicase. Lord knows what THAT would do.

They didn’t get any push-back on the COVID tech, so they just kept going. It’s shocking. This is radical stuff.


Japan, a very obedient society, IMO.

No idea how many Japanese have figured out both Covid and Covid Jabs are a scam to kill.

Surely saRNA Jabs in Japan will be mandated. Work, shop, healthcare, going about daily life in general.

Will be interesting.

Brave and Free

Probably one of the reasons they had to eliminate Abe. Like PDJT he was getting in the way.


I think there will be a twist in this evolving tale …


Nazis being Nazis…

Barb Meier

So people taking Ivermectin were accused of taking horse paste. Now, we have a new shot that borrows a component of an equine (aka horse) virus? Are they trying to create Centaurs? Eeeeeek, run away, run away! We are gonna need more insane asylums.

pat frederick

maybe trying to confuse low info people that they are getting something LIKE ivermectin?


Back to walled cities and moats with alligators and piranhas.


Don’t be so pessimistic. Of course it’s going to be okay.

Just close your eyes and click your heels three times.

/S [if it’s needed]


That’s nice. Mine is doing the same thing… 😆


Can’t wait to see the explanation.


😮 I posted that last night.
If I play it my Alexa hears it and answers the question as if it is from me.

Just now played it again and Alexa has changed the wording of the answer to make it more succinct. 😆

Last edited 3 hours ago by para59r

Guys got a great message and a bit of a plan.


Still no help getting through.

Last edited 16 hours ago by para59r





Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This story is just shocking. Communist thinking has just infiltrated everywhere.


Civil Disobedience IS the obvious answer.

“Local / State LE” TELL FEMA FUCK OFF.

  • WE Will Save Our Citizens.


  • WE Will Save Our citizens.

Well worth getting arrested over trying to deliver humanitarian aid.


I watch the videos above, and I can only think one thing:

In their position, nearby and able to help, the local law would have to catch me first. Kiss my ass. Because I have to be able to look at myself in the mirror for the rest of my life.


Now imagine taking one evil step further.

The evil landgrabbers come upon a piece of extremely desirable property with residents isolated and not willing to take the buyout …


That’s what tornados are for 😮


Maybe they should fire on them. Don’t have to aim to hit anyone, just warning shots. Maybe that would finally get the military to show up.

Or if not, it would at least make the gov’t cockroaches run away.

Last edited 15 hours ago by scott467

listening to some of these stories it sounds like a show down is warranted in some of these situations.


Past due for a showdown – Citizens Vs Pure Evil.

See post slightly up.

E N O U G H !

Last edited 10 hours ago by kalbokalbs


If that guy is right and that many have died, bulldozing the bodies makes sense from a demonrat prospective because they’d not want to win a state having won by a margin of error that comprised of dead red state voters.😠

pat frederick

if they bury the bodies in marked graves, they can’t vote. unmarked bulldozed graves means they can vote for them. (claim they were sent mail in ballots, early voters…they have options then)

Brave and Free

Sad but true. Also there’s probably going to be alot of people not making it to the voting place because it’s washed away in the flood. So many options now for the DS to manipulate the votes.


This is where local governments should be stepping in to take care of these kinds of situations.


Hope they start live streaming Feds / LE turning aid back.

It would be a shame if some of those Truckers had Starlink, to live stream, being turned back.

Make LE AND FEMA famous.

Last edited 11 hours ago by kalbokalbs

I never thought I would see the day that disaster relief workers would have to fight the government in order to help people.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I will say this – the mood out on the internet – everywhere – is overwhelming against the regime. The level of “fed up” is extraordinary – and growing.


Thank God Elon bought twitter or I’d think we’d not being hearing much of this.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Kakula is a vampire.


Count Cackala…

It’s like Count Chocula, without the sweetness or theatrical skills 😁


Last edited 16 hours ago by scott467

There are so many of these stories… can’t share them all. This woman has a another harrowing update. I don’t know where O’keefe is but he needs to drop his projects and send teams to find out what’s going on. More citizen reporters!

I get the feeling so much is going unreported. Willing to bet a quarter of the supplies are getting warehoused to rot or slip out the back door and another quarter are going to people taking advantage of the situation since a great many of these FEMA distribution points are in areas that were not impacted heavily.

pat frederick

warehoused? nah…probably airlifting those supplies to illegal migrants somewhere…


Or worse, warehousing the supplies so that nobody gets anything. They take dupers delight at showing the uppity We The People that spending their money on their devastated brethren is a folly..
The mighty govt decides who gets water and food…not others.


I did a search to see if the media is talking about large numbers of bodies. They are using numbers like “over 100” and “over 200,” not thousands. I’ve never seen such a disconnect. I guess they report what the powers-that-be want the people to know. Thank goodness for the internet and X (Twitter).


His attention span maxxed out at 90 days.


Remember this is the last month in the election season.
One would think every politician would do his best not to be seen to do harm to anybody.
But they don’t care. It is as if they think they already have won.

Luckily for Twitter/X we do get some of the truth out and it is not good for them.


We have just about arrived at the “hillbilly justice” stage.




Well, watching videos of grown men crying because they want to use their “toxic” masculinity to save lives but are being threatened with jail if they do it will make a person pretty fed up.

Watching women mourning the deaths of their child while that precious baby called for Jesus to save him will make a person fairly furious.

Knowing that illegals are living it up in five-star hotels while people in hurricane-ravaged towns are sleeping out in the weather with no electricity or water will tend to incite some rage against the powers-that-be.

I’m reading the Old Testament. God allowed some pretty devastating events to occur to change the course of history for His Chosen. There are some interesting parallels.


Thank you, CV, for a thick and meaty post.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Valerie Curren

Blonds have more fun?

Brave and Free

Mind Control!

Valerie Curren

Bleached Brains!

Barb Meier

Did China make the hair dye?

Valerie Curren

LOL or die? 🙂


Skateboard changed the turtle’s whole personality… turned the turtle into a fast, tough guy…

You wanna piece of me, cat? I’ll take you on, anytime, anywhere… 😂

Last edited 16 hours ago by scott467

Uh-oh… this one’s gonna be trouble… 😂


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


pat frederick

it’s to force them from the land–the RICH land–so they can steal what’s underneath at bargain prices. it’s rich people eyeing more wealth and how to quickly take it from those that own it now– same as Maui. the word is getting around about NC–the lithium, the quartz. if they don’t force people from there and quickly, they won’t get it cheap or free. the gov’t will eminent domain it and steal the riches from the rightful owners.

pat frederick

they’re becoming predictable in their greed


In other news, California wants to cut down food waste by having people eat stale food —


As always, my response to the fascist political-class is, “you go first”.



BREAKING: Dockworkers Strike Ends as Workers Reach Deal | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila

The dockworkers’ strike ended on Thursday as workers reached a deal on wages.

“The International Longshoremen’s Association and the United States Maritime Alliance, Ltd. have reached a tentative agreement on wages and have agreed to extend the Master Contract until January 15, 2025 to return to the bargaining table to negotiate all other outstanding issues,” The International Longshoremen’s Association and the United States Maritime Alliance said in a joint statement.

The International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA), representing workers at 36 ports from Maine to Texas, made in clear earlier this week that the strike was not only about wages but also about job protection in the face of creeping automation.

The strike began early Tuesday morning as the contract between the ILA and the United States Maritime Alliance (USMX) expired without a resolution.

45,000 dockworkers went on strike which prompted panic buying at Costco.

“ILU wages will increase 61.5% over six years under the tentative agreement, sources told CNBC’s Lori Ann LaRocco. A central conflict over port automation is still under negotiation,” CNBC reported.



pat frederick

so the next President gets the hot potato?


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That mechanism of the saRNA entering and multiplying itself indefinitely, then presumably causing the ribosomes to manufacture the proteins encoded in that RNA. This has a scary resemblance to a positive feedback loop.

This means an exponential increase. Or in non-technical terms, this is something that increases gradually and then all of a sudden. With most systems this is a Bad Thing, capitals. It will eventually stop, once it runs out of time, space, life, energy, money, heat dissipation ability, or some other resource it needs to keep going. But the result will be a wreck.

In the few systems where positive feedback is being utilized, some kind of non-linear limiting mechanism is put into place to catch the exponential increase before it goes out of hand, in order to control the overall behavior. Examples of these include certain fighter aircraft, some kinds of electronic oscillators, and old-style regenerative radio receivers.

But absent such controls, the positive feedback is a bad thing. And there is no obvious limiting mechanism that can rein in the exponential growth of production of these saRNA-encoded proteins. That means it won’t stop until the demise of the organism.

Another curious similarity is the word saRNA is so similar to «sarin». Which besides being the infamous poison gas, means «murder» or «homicide» in Korean.


A more familiar example is the screech heard when the microphone gets too close to the loudspeakers in a small area.


Yes, perhaps this is the instance of a positive feedback loop going awry that most people might have experienced. The round-trip gain with the feedback from speaker to microphone is greater than 1, so any little noise that the microphone picks up becomes amplified and emitted through the speaker; then this larger and delayed version of the noise is picked up again and amplified some more.

Soon the signal will become too large for the system to handle and the output amplifier and speaker goes into saturation. Once in saturation, there is a moment of silence before the speaker is released from the extreme position, the noise from this reaches the microphone and sets up another pulse of saturation. Then repeat. The repetition rate of this, and thus the pitch of the squealing noise, depends on the delays in the system — such as the time the sound takes going from speaker to microphone, and also the electrical properties of the various amplifier stages.

The part played by the positive feedback exponential actually ends just as the oscillation and thus the squealing begins. Since there is enough energy supplied to the system, it can keep oscillating — rattling — like this until something breaks or burns out. Or power is cut saving the hearing of the audience…

The biological system with the saRNA however, won’t begin oscillating when the exponential function goes out of bounds. Some other limiting condition will apply.

Last edited 5 hours ago by slowcreekno

OMG! What did I just do?

Thought I just signed the guest register. Found out later I signed up for a complete seminar AND bought a timeshare. [sarc off]

Seriously, thanQ for that explanation of how it happens.

Apparently they now have something that prevents this loop.

Valerie Curren

Amazing Deep Dive CV, thank you so much.

It struck me that the evil powers that be don’t want anyone to have a natural or God-driven approach to either their own health nor to disaster recovery. It’s like they are trying to steer the masses to their pre-determined pathways, especially ones where They can make money AND we suffer & even die. Natural immunity, dismiss since no one can get rich nor tyrannically control others with that. Let helpful people into disaster areas to assist their fellow man, can’t be allowed because the people might think they have the right to their own life, liberty, & property.

It’s like they are trying to normalize the lack of safety testing for pharmaceuticals. They seem more interested in profit margins than in human health. It’s like a genocidal cash cow for the evil powers that be.

Similarly, those humanitarians who attempt to effect real world solutions to the disaster areas of the recent hurricane (or the firestorm in Lahaina) are turned away because evil bureaucrats want to be sure the kickbacks flow & their crony capitalists can line their own pockets so the graft is unending.

No wonder these demons despised & thwarted Trump at every turn for he sort of thought like the Cajun Navy types, get ‘er done! Cheap therapeutics & preventatives, check. Non-coerced choices, check. Rapid acquisition & deployment of (allegedly) needed supplies, check. No locking down the masses, check. Everything Trump championed during the initial scamdemic was to alleviate the suffering of the masses & quickly solve problems. If he were currently in charge the disaster recovery from Helene, & “covid”, would be proceeding Very Much differently, & we would All be the Better for it!


It’s like they are trying to normalize the lack of safety testing for pharmaceuticals.

Yes! They’re trying to normalize so many things that are not normal or in the people’s best interests…common-sense things like safety and capability instead of hiring due to race or gender. They’ve been “normalizing” the mundane or the ugly over beauty, and they’ve been trying to feminize masculinity and masculinize femininity. JD Vance’s appearance the other night reminded people about attractiveness and masculinity.

Now, as you say, they are trying to get us to overlook safety measures. They really don’t want us thinking for ourselves.


Just for fun —

Hardware hacker Dmitry Grinberg recently achieved what might sound impossible: booting Linux on the Intel 4004, the world’s first commercial microprocessor. With just 2,300 transistors and an original clock speed of 740 kHz, the 1971 CPU is incredibly primitive by modern standards. And it’s slow—it takes about 4.76 days for the Linux kernel to boot.

Valerie Curren

Linux for all your post-apocalyptic computing needs 😉


That is VERY funny.  😂 

Valerie Curren



Enough time to get lunch or for a potty break.


Verse of the Day for Friday, October 4, 2024

“Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” 

Matthew 5:3 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Father God:

We come to You humbly before the Throne of Grace with heavy hearts and thanksgiving for we believe You are with us.

We ask You to quell the turmoil that has plagued our nation and our President over the last four years.

We implore Your Mercy on our nation divided by those who are determined to destroy those who are united in Your Name.

We ask You to silence the voices that speak out against the principles upon which our nation was founded.

We ask You to strengthen our President in the months to come against the forces of evil that plague him daily.

We ask You to rescue the children held in bondage by those who rob them of their innocence and purity.

We ask You to protect the unborn from the ravages of abortion and bring forth a new generation devoted to You.

We ask You to heal those who are suffering mentally, physically, and spiritually through no fault of their own.

We ask You to replenish the livelihoods of those who have suffered loss through hatred and violence.

We ask You to heal our nation attacked by the forces of evil who seek to steal, kill, and destroy all we have accomplished.

We ask You to restore all that has been damaged by those who harbor hatred for us and You.

We ask You to protect our President, his family, and his Team against those who have opposed him since You have called him forward.

We heartily thank You for lifting us up from a physical plague, emotional turmoil, mental anguish, and spiritual warfare. 

We trust in You, lean not on our own understanding, acknowledge You in all of our ways, and believe You will set our path straight.

We give You All Honor and Glory and Praise and we thank You for Your Spirit of guidance and love.

We believe You will once again bless our nation and our President.

We believe You will heal our land and bless our families.

We believe in Your Son, Jesus, who suffered and died for us.

We thank You for blessings received and prayers answered.

We ask and declare it all in the Precious and Holy Name of Jesus.


D01: 09/08/2020

Valerie Curren



From the C. S. Lewis

Dear God,

You have commanded us in Your Word to pray and give
thanks for all people.

Please bless everyone who belongs to Your family, and help us to act and think and rejoice as followers of Christ should, in everything we do, so we can help to bring others into Your Kingdom.

Bless those who do not yet know You, and help them to discover Your Truth. And please help me to help them, especially those I do not really like. Help me to forgive like You do.

Please show me what I ought to be when I grow up, and help me to study and learn so that I can best serve You with the gifts and talents You have given me.

Thank You for all the people who work so hard at so many different careers; please bless their work, protect those whose jobs are dangerous, and make sure that they fairly earn enough to make a living and help others.

Bless all those who must work together, giving them a spirit of cooperation and mutual respect and kindness toward each other.

Bless everybody who is in charge and responsible for others—parents, teachers, government officials, military leaders, and police officers. Help our lawmakers to make wise laws and decisions that will keep society well ordered and peaceful.

Please bless all the soldiers fighting for peace and freedom around the world, and bring all wars to an end that will uphold Your justice and righteousness.

Bless everybody who is poor or sick or in any other kind of trouble. Make them so joyful in You that their problems seem less troublesome, even before they completely go away. Help us to remember to help and comfort those who are having troubles, and please give us the ability to do so wisely.

Bless everybody who is growing old or in danger of dying, and give them an opportunity to come to You before they leave this world, so that they will live forever in the next.

Bless all my family and friends. Help us to live and learn and have fun together in love, being an example of the love and consideration for others that You want everyone to have for each other in the one great family of Your Kingdom.

Bless all of those who have done nice things for me today, and forgive all those who have been mean to me, and help them to repent and make friends. Forgive me for all the wrong things I have done and the unkind things I have thought, and fill me with Your Holy Spirit so that I may think and love in a Christlike way.

Thank You, Jesus, for saving me on the Cross, and blessing me with Your love all my life.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,



Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday

Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday



pat frederick

i was just thinking what a huge coincidence this is! first off…NC might be rich in quartz and lithium. second, you have this devastating “natural” event that causes widespread flooding and deaths–to that same region (!) third, the gov’t isn’t allowing rescue efforts and supplies into that area. fourth. there are thousands of illegals pouring into the country who could move into those towns and areas where so many were lost AND they could probably work in the new lithium mines for really cheap and not say anything or they’d be deported. and don’t forget the quartz mining too.

so the dems got a twofer…new dem votes to stay in power and cheap labor for the mines so they can get richer.

Brave and Free

Ah come on “they” wouldn’t do that.
/s 😠

Nothing from the DS commies would surprise me.


Been trying to tell folks who have been reading my BIMD and American Stories posts.

It’s not just Dems, it is Uniparty.

pat frederick

very true. my bad


An artificial perfect storm?

pat frederick

anyone heard of any shortages of cornstarch?

about 2 weeks ago, i helped a lady in Walmart looking in the baking aisle for cornstarch–we didn’t find any. she said she’d looked in 4 stores and couldn’t find any either. i checked the little market in town yesterday but they didn’t have any either. ???

Barb Meier

Amazon has a lot of places where you can get cornstarch by Oct 9th or free delivery tomorrow or on sunday the 6th with prime. I can pick it up at Walmart at my local store today. It must be a local issue.

pat frederick

thank you!!


PAVACA is a hero, a warrior against the greatest evil of our day in my opinion. God bless you for all you are doing to expose this.

More from Steve Kirsch this morning.

If folks cannot see that this has been planned and carefully orchestrated over 40+ years, there is not much hope for them turning away from their own choices to be injured and die a premature death.

The Nazis never left. They infiltrated “science” and other professions in many nations of the world.


Hell, we brought a shitload of them here beginning as soon as Nazi Germany surrendered. To keep them from being snatched up by the USSR.

Sure worked out well, eh?




Here’s one that lifts spirits. Robby Starbuck and supporters continue to slay the DEI beast.


Trump rally in Fayetteville, NC today.

Besides hyping donate, Hope Trump Blasts Feds Stopping Humanitarian Aid.

Blast slow FEMA warranted.

Absolutely Blasting FEMA for stopping humanitarian aid must be raised.

Hoping Mark Robinson is a speaker AND he rips Cooper, FEMA AND every criminal blocking humanitarian assistance.

Last edited 9 hours ago by kalbokalbs
pat frederick

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Thank you, dear gifted brilliant Lady – PAVACA!
You are so very thorough and supply all proof and all arguments.
We are grateful that you share this valuable and well-documented knowledge with us!

Last edited 10 hours ago by GA/FL

Last edited 9 hours ago by para59r
pat frederick

missing a “w”?


Yep… fixed right away, but ackkk! you won’t see it till you refresh the page. 😮


I can’t even say what I feel about this.


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Who can fix these issues? Governors? Congress? Someone needs to step up.

Brave and Free

I can’t click on anything that _____ is saying. Just like Osatan and the cackling hoe. I can’t let them into my mind. Anything they say will be a lie anyway.


Once again, Wow! Thanks Pavaca!


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Why comply?


There’s probably some roadblock. You can’t get into an area witout the paperwork completed, etc. This is not America.


The ultimate answer is mules. Those animals will go anywhere but they are very smart and will stop if they sense a danger humans don’t see.



This is who the Biden people has training FEMA? 😮🤔🙄

Last edited 8 hours ago by para59r
pat frederick

h/t Filly
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That’s a keeper. Makes one wonder if Nebraska is reading here 😆

pat frederick


pat frederick

pat frederick


She says some stunning stuff and confirms a lot of other things. 👍


JUST IN: Congressman Cory Mills says Biden’s visit caused a four-hour delay in rescue efforts, adds it will take months to uncover bodies from Hurricane Helene.

Key updates:

– “They’re going to be recovering bodies for the next couple of months due to the landslides.”

– “We have transported 13,000 pounds of food.”

– “President Biden decided to do a fly-in… he put a 30-mile TFR around the actual impacted area, which means that no helicopters and no plane have any access or any capability to fly.”

“So for four hours, they were grounded, search and rescue were grounded, distribution of food and supplies was grounded.”


Has anybody considered there might be a cholera outbreak?


Yes. Very scary. Terrible.



Nothing new, just official confirmation of what we know.


🤔 So he’s doing what? Tossing the LGBTQMNXSupercalifragilisticexpialidocious kids out of the bus? 😮
Tim Walz Tries to Woo Islamic Voters, Promises Muslims ‘Side by Side’ Roll in Kamala’s White House
Ben Kew Oct. 4, 2024 10:30 am 0 Comments

“Vice President Harris and I are committed that this White House will continue to condemn in all forms anti-Islam, anti-Arab sentiments being led by Donald Trump, but more importantly, a commitment that Muslims will be engaged in this administration and serve side by side,” Walz said, according to Reuters.


So he’s really a Shrub devotee. Uni-party indeed.


Steve Milloy, the Junk Science guy, presents an interesting video, 1:23 long, showing that Asheville had major, comparable flooding in 1916 and 1940.



LIVE WITH JULIE – 10/04/2024



2 Kings 7 (entire chapter)
Philippans 4:19
John 17:13-17
John 16:33
Isaiah 55:11
Psalms 46:1, 7-10
Galatians 6:7-9
Psalms 47:8
Psalms 33:10
Psalms 34:17, 19
Isaiah 55:11
1 John 5:14-15
Jeremiah 1:12
Psalms 3 (entire chapter)
Psalms 60:12
Exodus 15:6
Psalms 89:13-18
Psalms 37:25
James 4:2
2 Chronicles 20:6
Psalms 37:7-13
Psalms 68:21
2 Timothy 1:7
Philippians 4:13


God is El Shaddai- The God with Whom Nothing is Impossible.
God is Jehovah Jireh – The Lord your Provider.
God is your source of supply. Not man.
Use the Sword of the Spirit (Word of God) as a weapon against your enemies.
The enemies cannot get past God.
God will be exalted among the nations.
Exalted: (of a person or their rank or status) placed at a high or powerful level; held in high regard.
God’s Hand shatters and scatters the enemy. Nothing is bigger than God.
Praise will unlock the power and glory of Almighty God.
God is a powerful God and He wants you to know how powerful He is.
God’s Angel Armies are standing guard and protecting His children.
The more your enemies pursue you, the more destruction will be done to them.
Pray a hedge of protection around those who are fighting for this nation and for freedom.
Nothing belongs to your enemies. They will not be successful.
Get the revelation of the power of God’s Hand and what it does against your enemies.
God will not leave you in the hands of your enemy. He will not leave you in the situations you are in.
Defeat is not in your future.


JGM – LIVE WITH JULIE – [4 October 2024] 


We need to be completely 100% independent. But we have an Establishment that has made us dependent on other nations in order to when they want to control these situations and supply chains, they can cut us off. The enemy has always done this in tactics of war. They try to suppress, squeeze, make you desperate…We are not supposed to panic because God is the One who liberally supplies, filled to overflowing our every need according to His riches in Glory by and through Christ Jesus [Phil 4:19]. We should not panic buying. The enemy wants us to panic. It’s another test run on how we are going to respond to things going on in our country. We can’t give them that satisfaction of us being afraid. We cannot. 

God has warned us about these times. They’re going to try to do things. He never said they were going to accomplish anything. 

We have leaders not leading. They’ve abandoned this nation and don’t even care. They’re not even trying to put on a show. Yeah righteous indignation should rise up in you, but that’s why we have to continue to pray, not to panic and get in worry.

They’re messing with our ports and our banking system. In the Midwest we were. IT’s ridiculous what they’re doing. Lord You said in Your Word…in John 17:13-17 we are in this world but we are not subject to it. No matter what craziness is going on in the world I’m not subject to that craziness, our family, the Body of Christ is not subject to this craziness. We’re in the world but we are not subject to it. You also said in Your Word in John 16:33 You deprived it of its ability to harm me and You conquered it for me. You conquer all these tests, trials, frustrations, tribulations, all the things going on to overwhelm and conquer and destroy Your people…You have destroyed its ability. You’ve told me in Your Word. Give His Word back to Him because His Word does not return void. Jesus has conquered all this evil in the world.




pat frederick

so Scott got them to fix it? YAY SCOTT!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



10.4.24: EVIL exposed! Helene victims rise, DEMS push for Illegals, PORT strike over, BATTLE is raging, PRAY!

And We Know


Ufb. On par though. She s the front for dick tatorial globalists.
Kamala Harris’s gushing tribute to Dick Cheney backfires spectacularly: ‘The single most evil man in the 21st century’

  •  President Joe Biden also praised Cheney’s ‘character’ 

Kamala Harris has sparked fury after praising former vice president Dick Cheney while campaigning with his daughter in Wisconsin.

Dick Cheney, the longtime Wyoming congressman and conservative vice president to George W. Bush is often blamed for America’s invasion of Iraq in March 2003. 

‘I also want to thank your father, vice president Dick Cheney, for his support, and what he has done to serve our country,’ Harris said on Thursday while thanking his daughter, Liz, for supporting her

While Harris’ embrace of former Republican congresswoman Liz Cheney may have been hard to swallow for some Democrats – it was the praise for her father that appeared to have been a step too far for many in politicians and commentators. 

The longtime Wyoming congressman and conservative vice president to George W. Bush is often blamed for America’s invasion of Iraq in March 2003. 

Dick Cheney not only committed war crimes and helped kill hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, but he also caused the deaths of thousands of American soldiers,’ wrote journalist Mehdi Hasan.

‘They should send Liz Cheney to Michigan to campaign for Kamala in Dearborn and Detroit. She can explain why she and her dad still support Guantanamo, CIA black sites, torture, rendition, drones and the war in Iraq,’ wrote journalist Glenn Greenwald. 

‘Yeah imagine how much worse off we would be without the service of Dick Cheney,’ wrote right-leaning podcaster Saagar Enjeti sarcastically.  

President Joe Biden also praised Dick Cheney on Friday after he watched Cheney and Harris campaign together.

‘I know her dad. … We argue like hell but I always admired his courage and honesty,’ Biden said, and added, ‘She and her father have character. Character dammit is what we need in this country!’

 As a senator, Biden voted to give then-President George W. Bush the authority to go to war in Iraq, even though he changed his mind and opposed the war afterward. 

But many left-leaning Americans felt differently about Cheney than Biden. 

‘We’d better win if we have to put up with this s***,’ wrote TV writer Ben Siemon.

‘If you were to pick a single most evil man in the 21st century it would be hard to beat Dick Cheney. People can do what they want but I’ll never vote for this,’ wrote podcaster Sean Padraig McCarthy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Strange Bedfellows of HOEBAMA.


You got it. Obummers 3rd term as dictated by soros n co.


It’s amazing. Nobody could have seen this coming.

/s [if needed]


Yep. Surprised the bushes have been silent all along though


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Who can step in and stop this?



Founders would already have tea in the harbor, and the shooting would have started.


Send whoever is stopping aid into the woods.

Don’t know what happened to ’em. Must have been a rogue wave, carried them away.

Last edited 1 hour ago by scott467

Swap ’em for people actually trapped up in the woods. “If I can just get you to turn your head and sniff this handkerchief…..”

Then take all their stuff.


“Who can step in and stop this?”



Lawfully armed and defending themselves against deadly gov’t force.


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Took him long enough.


That’s not going to save you, Jammie.


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I would like to know how many on the Left are seeing these kinds of reports.


They see what they want to see.


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Brave and Free

Just maybe the south will rise up again and show everyone else I how it’s done.

pat frederick

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pat frederick


The Judge walked himself right into reversal.

He says he’s sentencing Tina Peters to jail because prison is where people who are a danger to all of us by “the pen, the sword, or the word of the mouth” should go.

Sorry “Judge” Barrett. It violates the First Amendment to criminalize the pen or the word of the mouth.



Tina Peters is not in jail and will not be going to jail?

Not holding my breath.


This is entirely guesswork on my part. I’m thinking she would not be going to jail pending an appeal. Now it looks as if an appeal would be successful. I hope she doesn’t spend a moment in jail.


What an ass-clown this Barrett guy is. I hope whatever law school he graduated from is proud.

He needs to be disbarred and literally thrown off the bench.

Then he can be prosecuted for abusing his office under the color of law.

pat frederick

pat frederick

T. Turtle
October 4, 2024 2:49 pm

FIB interfering in elections? Probably. Sent by FJB/Commiela no doubt.
“FBI Whistleblower Alleges Plan to Deploy Plainclothes FBI Agents to Maricopa County Polling Stations to Monitor Trump Voters — FBI Responds”
bombshell report from a whistleblower has set off alarms among Arizona’s voters and political leaders, as new revelations have surfaced about an alleged plan by the FBI to deploy plainclothes agents to polling stations in Maricopa County.
According to a whistleblower who attended a recent security briefing, the FBI’s primary objective with this operation is to monitor Trump voters during the upcoming election—a disturbing indication of federal interference aimed at intimidating those who dare to support the 45th president.
Representative Alexander Kolodin (R-AZ) was quick to act, sending a forceful letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray, warning that such actions would not be tolerated.
In the letter, Kolodin made it clear that the House is prepared to take immediate action against any attempts by federal agents to intimidate or censor voters in Arizona.



From the article:

“A young hostage kidnapped by ISIS terrorists at age 11 and then held by Hamas for a decade has been rescued by Israeli forces in Gaza after a months-long operation led by the US, officials said Thursday.

Fawzia Amin Sido, 21, was freed earlier this week, with footage showing her being embraced tightly by her emotional family soon after touching back down in her native Iraq.

“Fawzia, a Yazidi girl kidnapped by ISIS from Iraq and brought to Gaza at just 11 years old, has finally been rescued by the Israeli security forces,” tweeted David Saranga, the director of the digital diplomacy bureau at Israel’s foreign ministry.


Sido had been snatched from her home back in 2014 when Islamic State jihadists were carrying out terror attacks on Yazidi communities across the country.

The young girl was then quickly sold off and trafficked to Gaza where she was held captive for the next 10 years.


From the comments:

““10 Years a Slave”-Reflections of an 11 year old Islamic Sanctioned Slave in the 21st Century— by Fawzia Amin Sido

Fawzia can detail how Women’s Rights Groups in the US and Europe, the most free, richest, most educated, most vocal in the world kept her name in the headlines.

She can document how Women’s Rights Groups held vigils, demonstrations, tirelessly talked about her on abc,nbc,cbs, cnn, the nyt, wapo and kept Fawzia on our minds lo these many years. The billboards on highways, the college campus demonstrations, the bumper stickers, the lapel buttons of “Free Fawzia!”, the pictures of her on FB, Instagram, Twitter and other social media that Women’s Rights Groups use.

The Women actors like Cher and Rosie O’Donnell, news anchors like Nora O’Donnell and Margaret Brennan and women politicians like HiLIARy Clinton, Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi who always mentioned her name at every opportunity to end her horrific , islamic religious based suffering.

So many more that people got tired of hearing “Free Fawzia!” On tv, radio, youtube, social media.

Oh wait, none of that happened.

So, Fawzia can skip those chapters.”




Well done.


That wasn’t me in the comments (I wasn’t quoting myself from the article’s comments section), it was just the comment that resonated with me most 👍

pat frederick

h/t filly

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Deplorable Patriot

Sometimes you have to wonder about civic workers. So, this week, crews have been on my block prepping for water main replacement. Asphalt was cut. Today, small trenches were dug and filled with gravel. And…someone from the city scheduled street cleaning. Really? This place is going to be a mess for at least a month and a half and the street sweepers come through today. Never mind that the leaves are all going to be picked up next month. Hopefully. If the new asphalt is laid by then.

Argh. And on top of it, our stellar HOA/Subdivision Trustee head is leaving her post. She’s been GREAT! A lot of needed work actually got done.

I realize that in light of western North Carolina, this is nothing, but still….


That is the first time I’ve heard nice things about an HOA person.


The position tends to attract the worst sort of authoritarian.


To @TheDemocrats ,

This is my career suicide note, but it’s also a thank you from someone who is done with careerism. I’m a lifelong member of your party and I’m voting for Donald Trump. Why? It’s not just your industrial-scale censorship or your endless wars or the fact that you disenfranchised millions of Kennedy voters through lawfare. If that were all I had, it would be sufficient, in terms of conscience and rage, but there’s more to this story than anger. Your hatred and censorship has taught me to admire @realDonaldTrump and to love my fellow working-class Americans, and for that I thank you.

This vote is for all the traumatized people who have been canceled and banished just for saying no to the establishment. This vote is for the surveyor, the farmer, the HVAC man, the nurse, the hairstylist, the Deadhead, the veteran, and my fellow adjunct professors who have told me their stories about being bullied by the Democrats in their friends and family and their colleagues at work. This is for the young Black woman in my class last year who, on the day of Kamala Harris’s visit to campus, said, “You’re going to hate me, Dr. Armstrong, but I’m not going. I’m voting for Donald Trump.” Why would she think I would hate her for the way she votes? What has happened to our country?

Somehow, Donald Trump has changed my mind. Where I once saw a cartoon white supremacist, warmonger, and narcissist, I now see the man who renegotiated NAFTA and the only president in the twenty-first century not to start a new war. Where I once saw the pal of the neocons, I now see a man who has awoken from his slumber and disavowed Dick Cheney, George Bush, and John Bolton, even as my own party embraces these “men.”

Why has the greatest entrepreneur of my generation (@elonmusk) risked his career to side with Trump? Why has the most consequential grassroots environmentalist of my time (@RobertKennedyJr ) sacrificed friends, family, and reputation to side with “The Orange Menace?” Why has the most courageous peace activist of the twenty-first century (@TulsiGabbard) left our party? Because Tulsi, Bobby, and Elon see what I see. Donald Trump is resilient and he’s risking his life to change the fate of our nation. Trump is transforming the Republican Party into the party of peace, free speech, and the working-class. He has converted George Bush’s billionaire boys club of Big War, Big Ag, and Big Pharma into a party that cares about public health and embraces regenerative agriculture.

Now I don’t think the GOP is all the way there yet, but they’re clearly the party that embraces dissent, and dissent—brave speech—is the fuel for evolution. So, for the first time in my life, I’m voting Republican. In the name of peace in Ukraine and free speech here at home, I’m casting my vote, as a Kennedy Democrat, for Donald Trump.

#TrumpVance2024 #MAGA #MAHA #TeamUnity 
#HealTheDivide #Peace #Iraq #Ukraine


And now we know where Matt Gaetz has been all this time… 😜

Whistleblowers Come Forward, Spill ALL the Beans on FEMA and It’s so Much Worse Than We Thought ((Okay, but I doubt it’s worse than we are thinking, but please go on 😁.))

From fellow travelers…😆


Hold on, I’m going to need to sit down from all the shock I’m feeling right now…

11:31 AM · Oct 4, 2024

San Soo Guy

Yea, I will mark this information in the section of my brain marked DUH…

11:30 AM · Oct 4, 2024


Matt Gaetz wrote a strongly worded letter.

Now what?

Wake me when someone is held accountable. As in fired, jailed…

Retirement with full benefits, is NOT holding someone accountable.

Brave and Free

Exactly correct. The problem is who’s going to arrest them?
The F 🐝 👁 won’t, the D O Injustice won’t. Who’s left, the local sheriff?



The issue is the definition of “weather modification” and the extent of the power they have. Someone needs to come forward with evidence. We need whistleblowers to say what has been done. Cloud seeding has been done for decades and is well known.



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Ugh Graham..he is NOT America First, can’t even stay focused for 10 seconds on the plight of SC


How would the war come here?

How would they GET here, unless the filthy maggot traitor gov’t BROUGHT them here?


Another one that torqued me, beginning to end



Kamala Harris Admin ARRESTED a man for bringing helicopter full of supplies to Hurricane Helene victims

“There was a man that took off yesterday in his helicopter to go up in the mountains to drop off food. He landed and got arrested and said he was interfering with a government operation, but there’s no operations going on.”

“I’m currently in Asheville, North Carolina with my company doing disaster security for a dialysis company, and we’re also doing search and rescue for patients to bring them to dialysis so they don’t die. 

This place is a war zone people and the military is not here. 

And the reason I’m pissed because I was part of the operation during hurricane Katrina. I was stationed in San Diego and within 96 hours we were in Louisiana. And these bastards are not sending the military here. 

There’s so much destruction. There’s no news crews here. That’s why you’re not seeing it. The American people should be angry at what our government is doing to this town. There are people hurting here. 

There are so many people dying. I drove past a young kids about 5 to 7 years old. They were brother and sister, and they were looking for their parents. We got them to a church. These young kids don’t know where their mom and dad are. 

And the military is being f*cking hamstrained by these goddamn DOD f*cking executives. If you’re not angry, you should be. Because this is what our government thinks about us. They’re not here to help us. We have to take care of ourselves. 

There’s townsears that are self policing. We drove into towns where the the town folk came up to us and said, what are you doing here? So we’re looking for patients. We’re trying to get them help, and they welcome us with open arms. This is bad, people. 

You’re not here. It is very bad. We need water. We need food. We need clothes. 

I’m in a budget motel, and I’m very grateful, and I feel somewhat guilty that I have a roof over my head and a shower. And it’s right across from the airport. 

There was a man that took off yesterday in his helicopter to go up in the mountains to drop off food. He landed and got arrested and said he was interfering with the government, a government operation, but there’s no operations going on. 

I’m sick to my stomach that our government treats our American people this way. 

And then when they get slapped in the face, oh, here’s $750. After we sent over $200,000,000,000 overseas. Alejandro Mayorkas, you’re a traitor to your country.


The truth about Chimney Rock…good watch


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