Dear KMAG: 20241014 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

And yes, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

We will always remember Wheatie,

Pray for Trump,

Yet have fun,

and HOLD ON when things get crazy!

We will follow the RULES of civility that Wheatie left for us:

Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And while we engage in vigorous free speech, we will remember Wheatie’s advice on civility, non-violence, and site unity:

“We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”

“Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”

If this site gets shut down, please remember various ways to get back in touch with the rest of the gang:

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

Joe Biden didn’t win.

And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wolfie’s Wheatie’s Word of the Week:



Best Definition

  • in biology, serving to conceal or fitted for concealing one organism to the disadvantage of another: as contrasted with procryptic, serving to hide an organism for its own welfare

Inferior and Less Clear or Complete Definitions

  • camouflaged
  • having protective resemblance to environment
  • of or pertaining to camouflage used by a predator to provide stealth, as opposed to camouflage used by prey to hide
  • of or relating to resemblance to surroundings that renders an animal less conspicuous to its prey
  • serving to conceal an animal from its prey

Shown in a picture

Unencrypted by magnification, so to speak

Crazy cat ladies – stay away, with your vegan cat food!


I let this nice song hang out in a tab forever. Need some room!

Ah, Celtic Woman! Always a pleasure!


Care for a piece of pi?

SO – what do we have here? A new way to calculate pi? That’s still pretty complicated?

Just sayin’!

And remember…….

Until victory, have faith!

And trust the big plan, too!

And as always….



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Slightly older Schlichter —

(an interesting companion piece to the Whittle video yesterday.)

Last edited 17 hours ago by cthulhu
Gail Combs

Stolen from Townhall


I think she must be sabotaging her election on purpose, there’s just no way anyone acts the way she is acting, unless she’s trying to throw the election.

Nobody is this bad, unless it’s on purpose.

You can go back and see her in Senate hearings, before she was VP, and at least she sounds like a coherent person.

What she is now is a complete nonsensical mess of gibberish.

It’s like some kind of prank, an inside joke or some kind of set up, to see just how gullible her voters really are. Like it’s a test to find out if she just stands there and make noises come out of her mouth, and do that weird cackle-laugh, to see if anybody even notices, or if they will still vote for her.

Brandon’s strategy in 2019 was to just hide in his basement, because the fix was in.

But this strategy, this is just bizarre. It’s as if she’s making public appearances with the express purpose of trying to show everyone she’s a complete lunatic, and yet her core supporters (and MSM) simply won’t believe it, no matter what she does.

Barb Meier

If Kamala were to become president, her legacy would be the collapse of the world when the dollar collapses. Talk about handing someone a dog turd.

Robert Baker

I can think of one rational explanation, and it applies only if I make the assumption that she took the COVID “vaccine” and associated boosters. Assuming she did take those therapies, it is conceivable that she is suffering from rapid on-set dementia. I know from watching Tucker’s interview with Harmeet Dhillon, who knows Harris from her San Francisco DA days, that Harris was quite articulate at that time.

My theory suffers from the fact that Harris may have been inarticulate during the 2020 Presidential campaign. I can’t say for sure because I don’t remember the Biden/Harris actually campaigning. I didn’t watch the VP debate with Pence, so I don’t have a pre-vaccine yardstick to compare.


Ooooh, I like your theory!

It may not even be full-on dementia, just that brain-scrambling many of us have noticed in the vaxxed around us.

Good call.


My granddaughter experienced this. She has come out of it. She is eating better organic and no processed food. I am supporting her a little so she can afford to eat right. She did not ask and even wonted to reject my help because she wants to do it on her own . She needs a little help the way everything got so expensive.

Barb Meier

I am so glad she has gotten better, Singing. I understand wanting to do things on our own. My mom used to cook all the time and send food home with my brother who was raising three kids with his wife on a modest income. After mom passed away, I made sure to tell my brother and SIL that mom’s cooking was her way of saying she loved us. My SIL was also a very good cook and I think she related to my thoughts on it. Yes, I can tell I feel better after eating fruit and also beef and both are so expensive now.


organic cooing is expensive I a glad I can support her. Your mother was what how y grandmothers were. 🙂


Robert Baker
Based on what just happened with my “fully vaccinated and boosted” brother, you may be onto something here, especially in terms of “altered” cognitive abilities.


You are not just kidding. They act slightly stupefied, without the full range of emotion. No animation.


“Unearthed video shows a belligerent Kamala Harris snapping at people for saying “Merry Christmas” because DACA kids didn’t receive citizenship”


I dare to say ‘Merry Christmas’, right to her silly face.

Maybe it’s insane guilt that makes people act like this. She has been given so much, a life of luxury and ease and privilege is all she has ever known, and maybe the guilt is just overwhelming.

She desperately needs to feel virtuous, anything to mitigate her guilt. Going out and shaming people for saying ‘Merry Christmas’ because one particular group of kids (never mind all the hundreds of millions of other poor children in the world) didn’t get on the DACA taxpayer gravy train, makes her feel righteous.

This would be another reason why public servants shouldn’t be wealthy.

They take their guilt out on everyone else, and they attempt to assuage that guilt with ‘good works’ paid for with public funds.

So they can play Robin Hood with other people’s money.

They get all the virtue and accolades without any personal sacrifice at all.

Valerie Curren

Ushering in Idiocracy on the heels (up) of 1984! 😲😂😲


How about that link I posted yesterday? Seems worthy of comment(s).


Agreed, but can’t waste this… 😁




Wolf Moon
This whole Vem Miller situation is a DeepState psyop to discredit / marginalize / destroy the reputation of, POTUS45 and the persons that Vem Miller knows (Bannon, Vivek, etc.) just before the election.


Man Arrested Outside Trump Coachella Event Spotted at RNC Convention Next to Don Jr. (VIDEO)
The article ends with this:

In a video posted to Instagram, Vem Miller came within a foot or so of Donald Trump Jr. at the RNC Convention over the summer.

Miller appears to be a Trump supporter who was taken into custody for having firearms in his vehicle.


The thing is, faking passes does fit into the “sovereign citizen” thing — government paperwork is all fraud, so what’s wrong with making your own?


Yep. Click Mindy’s name and the new stuff comes up. Little scroll down and seems this guy hangs with Steve Bannon, Vivek, Oliver Stone, Newt Gingrich and Ackkk! help me out, I can’t remember this other Top Trump guy?

Barb Meier

Catturd wrote a post saying he knows Mindy and trusts her word.


stripped the pic and brought it to twitter where it can be posted here.


I am not sure if it is a bad guy or if he is deep state weaved himself into Trump loyalists. At this time I watch what develops. Seeing what people say who know him and how and why he got so close to the Trump loyalists.

Last edited 5 hours ago by singingsoul1

I a plenty wrong only cautious for now


Have not followed closely.

I truly doubt this guy said he wanted to kill Trump.
– CA or not, he’d not be released on $5K bail.
– IMO Some moron in Sheriff’s office manufactured that statement. Or Pravda did, via anonymous source(s).

Total dumass for having “fake” VIP pass, if that is even true. I doubt it at this point.

Idiot is an understatement fir having the weapons as he did. I’ll leave it at that.
– Being armed, I get it.
As he did, SMDH.


Procryptic, I think (camouflaging itself from predators): the Oak Beauty Moth

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The camouflage doesn’t seem to be working so well, I can clearly see the outline of that moth… and the rest of it, too… 😁


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I’m calling him “Touchdown(there) Tim.”


Uncle Cryptic

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big dad energy


If this has been posted, I don’t remember seeing it in this form.

William Makis, M.D.

BREAKING NEWS: First-in-the-World Ivermectin, Mebendazole and Fenbendazole Protocol in Cancer has been peer-reviewed and published on Sep.19, 2024!

The future of Cancer Treatment starts NOW.

My thanks to lead authors Ilyes Baghli and Pierrick Martinez for their incredible inspired work, FLCCC’s Dr.Paul Marik for his extensive work on repurposed drugs and every co-author who worked hard to bring this paper to life.

I hope that this peer-reviewed paper lays the groundwork for a brand new future for Cancer Treatment.

Many of you know that I have been helping thousands of Cancer patients with high dose Ivermectin, Mebendazole, and Fenbendazole.

We are already starting to see incredible successes with these repurposed drugs.

Mainstream Oncology collapsed after the rollout of contaminated COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines.

Most Oncologists abandoned their Hippocratic Oath, gave contaminated mRNA Vaccines to all their cancer patients and took the mRNA jabs themselves.

Some Oncologists have now developed mRNA Induced Cardiac arrests, blood clots and Turbo Cancer. Others have already died suddenly.

These Oncologists buried their heads in the sand and abandoned everything that it takes to be a good competent doctor.

However, there are doctors who are blazing a new path into the future. See you there!

Last edited 17 hours ago by TheseTruths

Excellent! But unfortunately, I think most oncologists will keep their heads in the sand. They won’t make any money with this protocol, unlike giving people chemo.


By publishing, they establish a baseline. Now changes can be evaluated as being slightly more or less effective than the published version.


If the success rates are even mediocre, I suspect the public will demand the treatment from their oncologist, at least in cases where chemo could be reasonably delayed in order to give the new protocol a try 👍

Gail Combs

For what it is worth, I used double vitamins + the normal dose of Fenben (Safeguard) on two of my ponies that were going into Cushings disease. It is a slow growing benign tumor of the pituitary. Years ago I lost one pony to Cushings. It is easy to spot:

A Guide on Cushings Disease in Horses 

“…Watch for the tell-tale symptoms of Cushings disease in horses:

  • Excess, curly hair growth (hirsutism) on the neck, tail head, ears and lower legs that don’t shed normally
  • Increased water consumption and urination
  • Loss of muscle mass (particularly in the top line)
  • Fatigue and listlessness
  • Muscle weakness or stiffness
  • Laminitis

On their own, each of these signs may not be obviously Cushings disease symptoms in horses, so if you notice even one thing out of the ordinary for your equine pal, give your vet a call to be safe….”

Two of my old ponies have had the symptoms long curly hair that did not shed out over the summer and loss of muscle. They were diagnosed by the vet as having the disease last year.

We are now coming into the winter season. the ponies shed out normally and their new winter coats are NORMAL. They are also gaining back weight.

A Cushings Pony.

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Gail Combs

It really is!

Now if I can just convince my vet that it WORKS! I want to see others use fenben + double vitamins instead of the VERY EXPENSIVE pill that only prolonged my other pony’s life by 2 years.

My girls have just passed that 2 year mark and are looking good!



Brave and Free

Thank you Scott.

Last edited 11 hours ago by Brave and Free





Great news.

On the road at the moment. I need to find this study.

Looking forward to folks thoughts on this.


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Seems like it’s a much higher percentage of men wanting to be women, and not the other way around.

Makes me wonder if there are parallels to the Rachel Dolezal and Shawn King situation.


Rebellion against GOD
Rejection of Reality

pat frederick

I am not a doctor nor do I play one on tv but i often thought they can’t accept their homosexuality. for example, a man likes men, but sees that “normally” women like men; therefore he believes himself to be in the wrong body. see? I’m not homosexual, I’m just in the wrong body.


An awful lot of trans “women” are lesbians, just sayin’…..

pat frederick

these terms baffle me. it’s just us here–the sane ones–lay it out for me please.
trans women = men?
and they like women? they just want to dress like them?


This entire mess is just another facet of “look at me” disease.

Creativity is a curse when mental illness is involved because the field of possibilities is infinite.

pat frederick

i’m old enough to remember when we TREATED mental illness. now we celebrate and elect it


“now we celebrate and elect it”


Except me 🙋‍♂️😂

pat frederick

you’re right. i should have said “now THEY celebrate and elect it”.
my mistake


This could be an element!
Munchausen syndrome (factitious disorder imposed on self) is when someone tries to get attention and sympathy by falsifying, inducing, and/or exaggerating an illness. They lie about symptoms, sabotage medical tests (like putting blood in their urine), or harm themselves to get the symptoms. Diagnosing and treating Munchausen syndrome is difficult because of the person’s dishonesty.


“these terms baffle me. it’s just us here–the sane ones–lay it out for me please.
trans women = men?”


It’s better to be baffled.

I have no idea whether trans-men are biological women who pretend to be men, or vice-versa, same with trans-women.

It doesn’t matter enough to figure it out, because they’re both just artificial constructs of mental disorders.

I reject all of their made-up categories of sexual depravity masquerading as victimhood.

Just like I reject the term ‘cis’. It’s no accident that it sounds like an abbreviation for ‘sister’ or ‘sissy’. They can &^%# right off with that nonsense 😁

Straight or heterosexual people don’t need another word for their sexual orientation, and I’m not going down their weirdo rabbit-hole 😂


Pure baffle gab billshit.

I reject it all.

XX got it.

XY got it.

The rest is Pure Bullshit.

Much like giving lip service to misinformation, disinformation, malinformation. (Edited)

I Will NOT Comply With The Lunacy.

Fuck go along to get along.

Last edited 8 seconds ago by kalbokalbs



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This is almost unbelievable.

Because if it’s true, we know his handlers knew about this, it’s probably part of their own bag of blackmail on this clown.

And if there’s one, there are bound to be dozens of others. The way the letter described it, Tampon Timmy and Gwen had a whole routine established, which makes her an accomplice at the very least.


Shapiro to the rescue…Pennsylvania.

pat frederick

he’s a Jew…not gonna happen on the left


IMO, if the DeepState / DNC believes that Pennsylvania won’t go for “KamaCackle”, the switch from Walz to Shapiro can happen.

Last edited 8 hours ago by PAVACA

Then sue Tampon Tim AND his lunatic wife into oblivion.


Well …

why not sue Tim right now?

Valerie Curren

Larry Sinclair survival strategy in play?


We’ve come a long way…

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I started off as a big Walker fan.


me too.


I can’t believe how much time has gone by, and they are such great, wild memories. Still remember your first roller coaster post at SD’s 😁

There will never be another campaign as fresh and organic as that we experienced in 2015. I will cherish it forever. 🩷🇺🇸


I spent some time Cruzin’, as well.

Trump kept pickin’ ’em off, and I gained respect for him as he did so…..until I was pretty happy with him when he was the last man standing.





Took a few months to get on board this Trump Train.


I remain a Walker fan.


Where has he been lately?


Keeping his head down on the way to 2028?


He is not going to win he needs to be more visible for Trump train

Gail Combs

I was ALWAYS a Trump supporter. I started as a Ron Paul supporter looking at RAND but this killed him as a pick:

From my old notes:

I thought Rand Paul’s stand on the Trans Pacific Partnership suicidal for the USA and his view of China truly bizarre. Or is he on board the globalist train?

The New American: Rand Paul to Obama: “Prioritize” Passage of Trans-Pacific Partnership

…Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.), a man whose personal popularity and political fortunes have increased in direct proportion to his spreading of his libertarian-leaning ideals, has now publicly embraced the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), an unprecedented sovereignty surrender masquerading as a multi-national trade pact…..

Los Angles Times: Rand Paul drops the mic on Donald Trump over China’s participation in trade deal


That was the implied sound effect Tuesday night as Sen. Rand Paul casually reminded Donald Trump about China’s lack of participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the sweeping trade deal among the U.S. and 11 other countries. Trump had been on a tear, railing about how the deal was “a disaster” and saying China was the “No. 1 abuser” of the U.S….

Paul was the only person who seemed to know the basics of the trade deal, which has returned to the headlines in recent days as the full text of the complex deal was released.

Rand Paul, IF he had actually read that damn treaty should have know it is very easy to ADD another country and the ‘No China” gambit was the exact same chess move Clinton played to get the World Trade Organization treaty ratified. Then Clinton worked his rump off to get China added a few years later.

Is Rand really that dumb? Or is he FOR CHINA

China trade improves economy AND makes fight less likely

When I was about ten years old, like many conservative middle-class families, our inclination was to resist anything to do with Red China. In that black and white world, you were either for us or against us. Trade with China was thought to be trade with the enemy. A funny thing happened, though, along the way. Many conservatives came to understand a larger truth. As trade began to blossom with China, many conservatives, myself included, came to admit that trade improves our economic well-being AND makes us less likely to fight. The success of trade with China made many conservatives rethink their view of the world. — Rand Paul

So yeah, it looks like Rand is FOR CHINA.

This is paragraph is straight out of the Progressive play book on Interdependence one of Al Gore’s favorite issues.

SEE: Dale C. Copeland, “Economic Interdependence and War: A Theory of Trade Expectations,” International Security, Vol. 20, no.4 (Spring 1996) for exactly how dangerous Interdependence is.

Last edited 13 hours ago by Gail Combs
Valerie Curren

So Rand is controlled opposition…sigh

Valerie Curren

TY for these insights


So then the question becomes … why?

What reason could he have for doing so?

And in the idle curiosity category: what is his dad’s position on this?


I was Trump all the way when he came down the escalator. He is the first President I voted for. Only had become a citizen two years before.
Did not like Cruz or Walker or any other. I would vote for Vance but not for DeSantis. Some people give off a strange vibe.


I was always Trump 👍




Me Also


So was I 🙂

Last edited 5 hours ago by singingsoul1

Everybody at WQTH was in the 1% 👍 😂

Whoops, forgot the Qtree didn’t start until 2018… 😲😂

Last edited 16 hours ago by scott467

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sometimes we often might not know where we are when we are there but for not knowing where we are when we are there, we can also remember those times and those words we forgot before we remembered what we were supposed to be doing, as we try to move forward with joy in our hearts and skim milk latte on our minds.


Last edited 14 hours ago by smiley2

You got it perfectly!


I think you could definitely compare Camel-Uh’s mind to a skim milk latte.

Trump is Cowboy Coffee, black.


Camel does not feed her brain enough fat-skim milk brain.


The question that this raises is «Is there any there there?»

Gail Combs

And the answer is NO!

Valerie Curren

😂😂😂 for some reason Timmy’s got milk meme comes to mind


You’re hired!!!


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So no security in the parking lots? Maybe too much ground to cover?



Last edited 16 hours ago by cthulhu

Almost impossible to stop them. They have those little pointed car window breakers that fit in the palm of the hand. You could just walk past a window and take it out and none would be the wiser unless they are close by.


Alternatively, you can tape the edges of the windows and release a fog inside — let them think the car is full of VX gas.


If people set traps and ambushes, gave them some well publicized asswhoopins, made ’em famous on social media crying for their Moms, the vandalism would likely stop immediately, everywhere.


I’m all for the asswhoopins – how bout hiring some of those big ole motorcycle guys or retired DELTA FORCE & SEALS to take ’em down and show them the error of their ways –

and folks with video cameras and satellite comms patrolling the parking lots to tape the asswhoopins!!!!

I’d pay to view those.


Part of the problem is free parking. The other part is failing to offer a higher price for security.


Martha Raditz approved.



The violence and hate AND racism is practically entirely on the Left.

Which is hardly surprising, since the Left is socially rewarded and incentivized for that behavior, they’re virtuous for exhibiting that behavior toward Conservatives, while Conservatives are destroyed for such behavior.

If those two dynamics are in play for long enough, how could the chasm between Right and Left not be HUGE?


the Left is socially rewarded RETARDED




No security at parking lots at Trump rallies I’ve been to.

Nor have I heard of any problems.

It’s CA, so I am NOT surprised.

I expect everything in CA to be farkeled up.


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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And suddenly after an endless leadup…it’s almost here.


I wonder if this is connected to Timmy Touchdown.

Take a look at this…I have about 20 tabs open from internetarchive that houses the way back machine and the old books I’ve been reading. Here’s one below. But it’s going to take you to news that the has been taken down. Give it a click.

Apparently it started on the 8th as they came under a strong denial of service attack and attempts to break into their sight. So they’ve taken everything they run off line to include my twenty open tabs.

This doesn’t just effect book fags and the like, but effects the way back machine I assume. Haven’t tested that, but runs that as well.

Seems some of things that might verify the Timmy Touchdown story might be effected but they’ve been restoring services starting about 24 hours ago so it’s hard to tell what all is working and what is not. Best I can tell Way Back Machine has functionality but how much would be hard to tell unless certain searches are made. Meanwhile my books are still gone… Ackkkk!

Here’s their current status page on X.


I visited their site in Richmond, CA. There was one guy in there full-time building 19″ server racks and lighting them up. That facility was mainly video data. They were expanding so rapidly that they had AC units blowing through cardboard boxes into the servers to keep them cool.


You should just download the books you’re interested in.


If that’s the case, I am pretty sure they are a day late and a dollar short.

Black Insurrectionist has been working on this for months. Old-school journalism. Fact-checking, digging, documenting, phone-calling. You know, they way they did it when being a journalist was actually a job, not communist/leftist activism.

And I’d bet my hat BI has a deadman’s switch, because he would. I’ve been following this guy for a while. If he’s an op, he’s better than any I’ve ever seen.


Twenty open tabs? That ain’t much,  😆 



Ackkk… counted again… 70 open tabs!


Piker. I’ve got a couple hundred.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well if they can calculate pi, that’s string theory’s first actual accomplishment.

The fundamental problem with it is, it can’t predict a damn thing that we should see in the universe. Except, now, for the value of pi.


deeply and profoundly meaningless…

the latest tossed salad from the histrionic sociopath…

listen to it, here…

she was “speaking” at a so-called “Christian center” in Greenville, NC yesterday about “having faith in times of crisis”.

👉 what we see is so hard to see that we lose faith or a vision of those things we cannot see but must know.


Gail Combs

  :wpds_envy:   :wpds_chuckle:  …. 🤮🤮🤮


It’s just pure bullhockey!

The thing that was supposed to be was the way it should be, because what should be is how we know things are, and when things are, then we can be free to feel the hope that tomorrow will be better than today, just as yesterday is a reflection of the way things have been, and when you know how things have been, then you are prepared for the future we hope to be.

Thank you, thank you very much… 🤣


notwithstanding the above, we can never quite embellish the past in which we hope to have without it being what we can lose when we remember how it was without it being so difficult to put into words, we just know it.

and you’re welcome, as well.

Last edited 9 hours ago by smiley2

Squint real hard, it’ll come to you.



This must be in reference to Steve’s comment above. If not happenstance has raised its head! 👍



This is probably one of the best videos of Booster catch, with the rising sun as the backdrop.

Last edited 14 hours ago by eilert

That’s what I wanted to see, something with a background, a horizon line, instead of just blank sky, so there was something to contrast the rocket against, for scale and perspective! 👍

Gail Combs

Errrr, how about me?

Now add a trailer and it gets a bit complicated…


Part of the problem with parallel parking is that it is only reasonable in a high-trust society. It is too tempting for some jerk to leave you in an untenable position after you’ve parked — or to divide up curb space to make it difficult to park in the first place.

I’m old enough to have been trained in the classic parallel-parking maneuver, but I will go well out of my way to avoid it now because so many drivers have no clue.

Gail Combs

 Parallel-parking was part of my drivers test. And yes I rather walk a couple blocks!

Gail Combs

“…It is too tempting for some jerk to leave you in an untenable position after you’ve parked…”

Some jerks did that to the wife of a caving buddy. He was going for a PhD in aircraft engineering so his Scout was not exactly ‘ordinary’

Long story short. She left the jerk’s car leaning against an electric pole with it’s drive wheels off the ground. 🤓 NEVER muck with an engineer…


One clue that a woman is highly intelligent is that she is not a feminist.

Gail Combs





I know not many men can achieve that

Now make the trailer the size of a building of 17 stories and pluck it out from the air.

Barb Meier

Small town girls can parallel park to pass their driving tests.


It’s amazing how a sweet smile can help your score …

pat frederick

I know I can’t parallel park. I will park 15 streets away to find a spot I can drive into AND out of before i attempt to parallel park. and I have a little Jeep wrangler. it’s not one of my gifts and i’m okay with that.


But as long as you can shake your tailfeather, it’s all good …

pat frederick

sexy swinging walk? got that

Valerie Curren

Boom shaka laka, as one of my old co-workers used to say 😜😜


You will be barred from all dating sites if you persist in making cracks like that.

Gail Combs

Catturds cats demonstrate why the earth can not be flat. If it was everything would have been knocked off the edge by cats!


I hadn’t thought of that.

Barb Meier

Brilliant, Gail!!!!

pat frederick

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pat frederick

breaks my heart
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Gail Combs

AND the $$$ have to be PAID back or FEMA will take your property and sell it to the mining companies.


Jul. 12, 2011 wdam7 FEMA demands Katrina victims pay back assistance money

NEW ORLEANS (AP) – Nearly six years have passed since Hurricane Katrina drowned New Orleans in misery, but many residents haven’t forgiven the Federal Emergency Management Agency for its sluggish response to the storm. Now another delayed reaction by FEMA – a stop-and-start push to recoup millions of dollars in disaster aid – is reminding storm victims why they often cursed the agency’s name.

FEMA is working to determine how much money it overpaid or mistakenly awarded to victims of the destructive 2005 hurricane season. The agency is reviewing more than $600 million given to roughly 154,000 victims of hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma and is poised to demand that some return money.

FEMA already has sent letters to thousands of victims of other disasters, asking them to return more than $22 million. Letters to victims of the 2005 hurricanes could go out in a matter of months, but it’s too soon to tell how many people will be told to repay or how much money is at stake….

Should FEMA Have a Shorter Time Frame to “Claw Back…”

Paying back FEMA means that states, localities, and individuals have to pay twice.

FEMA can’t seize land or property from disaster victims | Fact checkyahoo news

The Federal Emergency Management Agency launched a “rumor response” page on its website Thursday to try to counter what it calls “false” accusations that it has diverted disaster relief funds to house migrants to the U.S…..

Would I TRUST Yahoo news or fed bureaucrats??? HELL NO!

Tatonka Woman

Aaaaannnd…this same government is working in every way possible to “forgive” 10’s of thousands of dollars in student debt – per student.


It’s an AI-generated pic, but still a valid point.

Barb Meier

I think this particular photo is AI; however, I am sure there have been a number of heartbreaking photos and stories like that shown here from the devastation of Helene.


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Of course it’s the Washington state patrol. They get a little bored out there on the eastern side of the state.

pat frederick

thread from the management of the apartment complexes in Aurora CO
Cbz Management
Oct 11 • 8 tweets • 5 min read •
Read on X
Gangs have taken control of several of our properties in Aurora, Colorado.
In an attempt to discredit this fact for political purposes and avoid governmental accountability, some have spread false information about our situation. Let’s set the record straight…🧵
We started managing these buildings when new owners acquired the Colorado properties in 2019. At the time, the properties were in poor condition, and our mission was to renovate them, thereby increasing their value. This was an ambitious project that would significantly benefit the people of Aurora while providing returns to the new owners.
We understood this project would take years to yield results and would be both time-consuming and costly, involving comprehensive upgrades to every unit and the overall structure. To manage the project effectively, given our New York-based operations, our representative moved to Colorado with his family.
We also undertook a complete renovation of nearly every unit in the now well-known building you’ve seen in the news. (The images shown depict our newly renovated apartments.)
Everything was progressing smoothly: property values were rising, and vacancy rates were dropping. It was a win-win for both the owners and the city of Aurora.
Then, the gangs arrived…
After some time, we noticed a rise in crime and tenant complaints. The most alarming moment occurred when our local CBZ representative was attacked at the end of 2023.
He had gone to inspect a recently vacated three-bedroom apartment (a rare occurrence for such a large unit) only to find a group of men already inside. When he refused their $500 bribe to overlook the situation, they brutally attacked him. (This photo was taken shortly after he escaped, just before being admitted to the hospital. The video footage comes from one of our security cameras, capturing part of the assault.)
After the attack on our CBZ representative, he began getting threatening text messages. We also frequently found people illegally occupying newly vacated apartments during scheduled tours. This was initially attributed to an influx of migrants exploiting squatter laws. We even received a call from a tenant returning from vacation, only to find strangers living in his apartment. This legitimate tenant was forced to find a new home after police couldn’t help him.
When confronted, many of these illegal tenants and squatters claimed they had already paid rent, which we soon realized was true—but not to us. They were paying rent to a different entity.
To address this entity (gangs) we contacted every city official we could think of for help with the problem. Unfortunately, none were willing to take meaningful action.
Meanwhile, our CBZ representative continued receiving threatening messages, in which these criminals revealed his home address and his spouse’s name.
Finally, the APD, FBI and Homeland Security informed us that those sending the messages and controlling our buildings were part of the notorious Tren De Aragua gang from Venezuela. They also mentioned that our situation was just “a blip on the radar,” as this gang is causing significant problems nationwide.
Two days after our FBI meeting, the gang confronted our on-site manager, asserting control over all three properties. They offered an ultimatum: share rental income 50/50 or lose the buildings permanently. They also threatened to harm him and his family.
For the safety of our management team and their families, we withdrew them from the properties and focused on seeking help from government agencies.Image
Once we fully understood what we—and our tenants—were facing, we expected a swift response, with the city offering meaningful resources and police protection—perhaps even from the National Guard—to help us regain control of our properties. That never happened. Instead, we were left helpless, watching as violence, bullets, and destruction overtook our buildings. Many of our legitimate tenants fled out of fear.
Despite the obvious crisis, several city officials refused to acknowledge the reality. Instead, they blamed us, citing “code violations” as the reason for shutting down our property—violations we couldn’t resolve for tenants who weren’t even ours.
Finally, one city councilwoman, @DaniJurinsky, decided to take action after one of our last remaining legitimate tenants, Cindy Romero, reached out to her in desperation.
Luckily, Cindy had her own cameras (most of ours had been destroyed by the gangs) and provided video proof to the councilwoman.
She realized the city could no longer ignore the situation if it was documented on camera.
Once she gathered sufficient video evidence, she assisted the tenant in relocating to safety before publicly releasing the footage.
Despite clear evidence, many still deny the reality of the situation, sometimes using us as scapegoats. That’s why we are no longer staying silent. We will continue to counter falsehoods with simple facts and evidence.
Yes, gangs did take control of our apartment complexes in Aurora, Colorado, and the government did nothing. That is the real story.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.


What can be done about the Venezuelan gangs – when the DemocRAT Governors, Mayors, Judges, Prosecutors, etc. accept the crimes and loose the criminals on the citizenry?

You gotta know the DemocRATS will supply the aliens with temporary resident/citizenship papers ASAP – because they are getting a % of the drug and human trafficking profits.

The DemocRATS likely recruited, imported and put the gang leaders in place, and in reality are the bosses of the gangs.

Some of these imported military aged male criminals being put up in hotels, given food stamps, credit cards, etc. are recruits that will make up Øbastid’s thug army – his civilian army. 

That’s why the agencies have gone after patriot militias and other conservative defense efforts so strongly. 

They consider any dissent and any effort to resist their communist globalist barbaric pagan totalitarian agenda to be evil and punishable – by any means necessary. 

As we have seen over and over again – the DemocRATS never try to solve problems – they never look for win-win solutions – they only look for illicit profits and ways to enrich themselves and their cronies – ! 

Remember all the green businesses during Øbastid’s administration – that went bankrupt in less than a year? That was mega bucks (public taxpayer funds) money laundering.

Last edited 10 hours ago by GA/FL

Do we have an adjective to properly describe this?

Unless I mis-remember my American History class, this type of situation was avoided because of neighborhood militias. The bad guys knew two facts: most everyone had a firearm [or two] and most everyone knew how to shoot accurately.

Even the criminals were pro-life, back in the day [their own lives of course].  😂 

Gail Combs

Even now a Pedo has a short life span in the general prison population.


It does not matter if it is one gang member, one room, one apartment or one building that has been taken over.

these barbarians are a CANCER that METASTISIZES rapidly once they get a foothold. THAT is why the Martha Raddatz-es who have the media microphones and politicians who allow this invasion need to be loudly snuffed out at every opportunity.

JD did a great job with Martha as a starting point but it is the ABILITY TO RECRUIT AND QUICKLY METASTISIZE that we need to hammer home.


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Lol, I know the answer.


So how many are your kin?

All of ’em?

Dang. Not much spare time left, eh?  😂 


Kin in spirit, for sure.

pat frederick

Speaker Mike Johnson


FEMA has distributed 2% of the over $20 billion in disaster relief funding Congress provided.  They need to do their job and get this assistance to the people in need.  Once the total calculations are completed, Congress will address any additional needs.

Brave and Free

Another strongly worded statement this time……
That’ll have them shaking in their boots, I’m sure they’ll get right on it Mike.
How about you do your job Mike.

pat frederick

he’s working up to the strongly worded letter.


One thing that has become evident to me, and I actually heard some pundit confirm it, is that FEMA is not set up to be a First Responder; they are meant to be a Second Responder. Think about how ineffective it is that they want folks to apply for APPROVAL FOR AID online when folks have lost entire homes & towns!! If they really are meant to be Second Responders true, there are two, not one but two, HUGE problems with our Disaster Relief system.

DeSantis is a good example of solving the first problem – an effective, organized First Responder system at the STATE level. Every disaster has similarities, but the STATE knows far better than the Feds how/ where/ why to search/rescue/ provide immediate relief. Funds and authority should be in EVERY STATE budgets and Response systems, not feds. There’s no reason each state cannot better target a First Responder Disaster Relief setup/warehouses & equipment, etc.

Of course the other problem is the level of ineffective bureaucracy at FEMA that severely precludes them from even being an effective Second Responder. What we’ve seen from them lately is appalling. Another bureaucracy whose mission creep & wasted funds serves NO ONE they are supposed to serve.

I could go on … 🙂

pat frederick

nature is changing her gown…and it’s GORGEOUS!
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Pat, beautiful photo 🩷

while being mindful (and sending supplies) of all our flood-ravaged fellow Americans, Hubby and I have been out every day basking in Colorado’s glorious yellows, golds, and shades of red, still in shorts and t-shirt altho each morning is a bit nippier. It has been one of our best autumns for folks like us who marvel each year about how the angle of the sun has an almost healing power. God is an artist.

pat frederick

I can’t take the credit for it…only reposting it.
a fellow at cth posts beautiful inspiring photos everyday.

pat frederick

October 14, 2024 7:56 am

NEW: @MTracey
investigated Univision’s “town hall” and found half of the audience was flown in at the network’s expense, while the other half was brought in by a rent-an-audience company called FansOnQ.
It turns out, some “undecided” voters admitted to being Kamala Harris supporters.
“I already knew I was going to go for Kamala before the event, and now that just kind of solidified it… part of the reason I wanted to go was just fully support her,” one respondent said.
Everything about the Harris campaign is *FAKE.*
Worse than that, the U.S. and international media are helping her to fake it. This is Mexican collusion to commit election interference.

When are we going to get a Mexican collusion investigation?

Univision is headquartered in Mexico City and New York City.

And they are on tap to hold another “town hall” for Donald Trump. The Miami event was postponed due to the hurricanes.

— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) October 12, 2024


Some more of this stuff. The infrequency of these weather phenomena makes it easier for it not get close examination so grabbing what we can here least we just spin like a hamster on it’s wheel when the next event shows up… 😁

Welcome to the Swing State Storms of 2024, Brought to You by HAARP and the DoD

Just another reason for nefarious use…
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Gail Combs

An interesting tidbit….

Just before the hurricane hit NC my eyes (and that of my more sensitive ponies) were burning and watering.

 Reply to  TradeBait2

 September 22, 2024 19:32



I wonder if your fires are what are causing PAVACA and I to have ‘burning eyes’ I have 2 ponies with watery eyes plus a cat and the lady at the gas station was also complaining.

I have never had this burning/watering from seasonal allergies before. ALSO it had been raining for days just before this so all the pollen should have washed out of the air.

A few days later on September 26, Helene made landfall.


Gail Combs
Thank you. No amount of “artificial tears” could help the burning, watering, stinging, etc., in my eyes.


One might wonder if it’s from the excess cloud seeding before the storm.

Adds that the cloud seeding/contrail thing is a conspiracy theory has finally died which should include intensifying storms on one side and prolonging draughts on the other side. More work on steering storms needed, though many are already there. After that, on to earth quakes! 😮


Then, there are the chemtrails. There were MULTIPLES of these in the skies in my area about a week before BOTH Hurricane Debby (as Tropical Storm Debby) and Hurricane Helene came through.


Yes.. i was reaching for chemtrails but contrails came out 😁

Gail Combs

There was certainly something in the air and it was NOT POLLEN!


Same here in east TN. Clear indication. At the time there was no precipitation.



Well, can they? Where in that 45-minute video does it say they can cause/steer hurricanes?

pat frederick

this article gives a very good argument for why the National Voter Registration Act is unconstitutional–the whole no removing non citizen names from the voter rolls 90 out of an election. (First of all, if you can’t remove them, then you shouldn’t be able to ADD them either in that time frame. but i digress.)

The law creates a window of opportunity for a crime to be committed–that 90 day window. if an illegal (OR MILLIONS of them) wait until 88-89 days before an election to register to vote, they can influence an election–foreign influence–and could not be removed. that would violate the constitution.

Valerie Curren

I just heard on Christian radio that Gaylord, MI just sent several semis filled with supplies to North Carolina with a police escort!!! Gaylord is a pretty small town of several thousand that was hit brutally by some killer tornadoes a couple years back, so they know the importance of help arriving from Our of Town. Hopefully these cops won’t yield to FEMA tyrannies so these needed supplies reach the victims problem-free!


That’s so generous of them, Val. Thanks for the report. When I lived in southern MI, Gaylord was always our touchstone, signaling both mapwise and visually that we had arrived ‘up north’ and were halfway to our favorite destination – Mackinac Island. Memories 🩷🩷


Interview with exchange student at center of Touchdown Tim interview. Walz part begins at 26:30 though there is a work up prior with the exchange student’s view on exchange program starting about 5 mins before.


Verse of the Day for Monday, October 14, 2024

“But he said, Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it.” 

Luke 11:28 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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In your kindness – Lord – come to my defense;
In your mercy – Lord – blot out my offense;
Wash me and cleanse me of my guilt, oh Lord;
Instill in my heart – the truth in Your Word!

My offenses – oh truly – I know them;
My sins ever – before me – You show them;
Against You alone – evil – I have done;
Empty – devoid of love – grace – I have none!

My shame I cover – hide my face – from You;
I have fallen short of Your Glory – it’s true;
Your forgiveness – I need Lord – and Your Grace;
The guilt in my heart – Lord – oh, please erase!

I come to You – sincerely – to repent today;
Oh, Lord – please take – this emptiness away;
Renew in my heart – Your Grace steadfastly;
Replace guilt and shame – with Integrity!

You love a truthful heart – and sincerity;
No malice or forethought – no absurdity;
In the secret of my heart – teach me, Lord;
Empowerment – how to take up my sword!

Let me not waiver or wander afield;
To temptation and evil – let me not yield;
Keep me chaste and pure – throughout the day;
With faith in Your goodness – let me not stray!

Fill my heart with Your Love unconditionally;
Let my armor and shield work protectively;
To secure Your trust – indwelling Spirit;
To help me discern – decide – and intuit!

A pure heart – Oh, Lord – create within me;
A steadfast spirit – so pleasing to Thee;
For a contrite spirit – You would not spurn;
To be full of Your Grace – I long and yearn!

Separated from You – I cannot remain;
From even a trace of sin – I must refrain;
If in Your Good Grace – I want ever to be;
My heart must be pure – filled with Integrity!

D01: 08/23/2013


For all who, like me, are following along with Black Insurrectionist on the Tim Walz story:

I have seen a couple of things that give me pause, but not certainty, about whether this story is valid. So caution is warranted at this point.

I am continuing to follow along, and will continue to post about it. I refuse to get burned if it is not factual, but I also am not going to dismiss the story. Not yet. I just want us all to be careful, because this is like handling TNT. It could easily blow up in our face if it is defective.


Unless the testimony is completely disowned at a later date this is much more than anything the left comes up to attack ours. Tara Reade level trust here.

Meanwhile this isn’t coming from the Trump campaign so no fear for blow back if it doesn’t pan.


I’m staying away from it. First because it sickens me although, if true, doesn’t surprise me and Second because it won’t make a difference or worse it will hurt us. If the actual, factual Stolen Valor stuff didn’t change votes or make them replace Tim, neither will this. Those voting for Harris Walz just don’t care about morality or sexual depravity. In fact many embrace it.

Do we really want Walz replaced at this late date … would it give them a chance to demand an election delay? Would it bring in Hillary or Michelle or PA Shapiro which would be a nightmare?

If this alleged victims were going through police filings or non-political means to bring this out .., maybe. But this smacks of the Thomas/Kavanagh etc, tactics of political sabotage and I just abhor going through another round of that.


At this point, I tend to agree.


Yeah, I think you, Aubergine and Cynical Publius have this just about venn diagrammed as far as identifying the parameters 😁 👍 Glad Aubergine could give some validity to BI but also recommending caution. This is ripe for exploding six ways to Sunday or being buried in a Russian conspiracy.

(I think I about covered the cliches 😂).


Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday

Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday



pat frederick

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pat frederick

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pat frederick

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Wow. This BI guy needs to get 24/7 armed security, stat, if what he’s going to drop is true.


Choose one –


Yes, that’s right. Choose one. Do I hafta spell it out for you???
OK. Here it is. Choose number one, SWAMP THE VOTE!
There. izzat bettah?



Silly is as silly does
As silly is meant to be
Outrageous uncontrollable because
It’s a release to set us free

We might feel foolish for a little while
Embarrassed and giddy and nutty
Normally not like us or our style
Unglued and detached without putty

So when you feel overwhelmed
Just let go and be silly
Shake the shackles be unhelmed
Writhe about willy nilly

Refrained and restrained for so long
Tied up in knots we have become
Stiff and unfit is oh so wrong
What happened to many benumb

Surely events of the past two years
Have shaken and rattled outrightly
Increased our fears brought us to tears
And unnerved us more than just slightly 

So if you are unravelled and uptight
Pay no mind to the cold and chilly
Get rid of the stress release it outright
Just let yourself go and be silly

D01: 04/24/2023


LIVE WITH JULIE – 10/14/2024



Matthew 11:28
John 14:27
John 10:10
John 17:14
Exodus 6:3-8
Genesis 17:1-10
Exodus 7:1, 3-5
Exodus 8:1, 23
Exodus 9:1, 4, 6, 24, 26
Exodus 10:1, 21-23
Exodus 11:1, 3, 7
Psalms 91:7
John 16:33
John 17:13-17
Isaiah 54:17
Romans 12:2
Colossians 1:13
Hebrews 13:6
1 Peter 2:9
Hebrews 2:1
1 John 5:1, 4-5
Matthew 12:34
Job 6:23-24
Psalms 37 (entire chapter)
Psalms 9 (entire chapter)


Your enemies want you to feel hopeless and in despair. But God! He gives you peace that the world and your enemies cannot take away.
God is protecting this nation and His David. He is the protector of everything.
Know the names of God:
El Shaddai- The God with Whom Nothing is Impossible
Jehovah Nissi – The Lord your Banner of Victory
Elohim- The Creator
Adonai- Lord or Master
*This is not an exhaustive list*
The Blood Covenant of Jesus Christ is more powerful than the Abrahamic covenant.
Miracles, signs and wonders are for God’s people.
God is giving you hope and light.
You are not a part of all the evil, darkness, stress and what the enemy is trying to do to harm you.
You are not subject to things going on in the world. Do not receive or believe the evil report.
Hold onto the truths that God has given you.
Jesus is the Messiah and He has already brought you victory.
God is warning you that there is a darkness coming that will be felt, but you are not to be partakers in that darkness.
Listen and get into God’s Word and that will destroy the power of the darkness.
If your enemies can’t deceive you they have nothing.
Your enemies see their defeat is coming.
WAR: Worship And Resist then the Wicked Are Restricted.


JGM – LIVE WITH JULIE – [14 October 2024] 


[Word heard – October 11, 2024]

My children, I have told you before that a darkness is coming, a darkness that can be felt. This darkness will feel like it has set in and will not go away, a darkness that will be very heavy. You may be asking why Lord? Why does darkness have to come when You are Light? And Your glory destroys the darkness so why will it get worse? 
My children, I never said this darkness was for you. I’m protecting you like I did My people in the land of Goshen where there was light when Egypt was swallowed up in a gross darkness. This will be the same. I am warning you of this because catastrophes will take place in front of you but you will not be a part of it. I did not want your hearts to fear. I did not want you to grow weary while you saw all these things taking place when it wasn’t for you. Your enemies are in for a rough road ahead but you are My children so separate yourselves from this mess with My Word and with My truth that you are in this world but YOU are not of it. 

Some of My children will not heed these warnings and they will choose a path of destruction not knowing they didn’t have to. They will choose the evil report instead of Mine. My children you are living in not only unprecedented times but biblical times where scientists, atheists, and the world elites and anyone who is against Me cannot deny My power or My existence because of the things I’m about to do upon this earth for you children of Almighty God. 

Just as Egypt couldn’t deny My power neither can these enemies you are facing. Their plans are doomed. Their empires will collapse into nothing because they’re against Me. The world will see that there is nothing and no power bigger than the Great I Am says the Lord of Hosts. 

Your enemies are trying to strangle this nation until it has no more fight and no more breath left in it. But right when your enemies believe they finally have what they want.





I like this!!! RFKJr. On changes he’d make at USDA. Over the decades as I’ve traveled back & forth to MI, across IA and NE, the landscape has slowly but definitely changed … especially in southern MI where huge swaths of pristine forests have been leveled and small farmers forced by economics to sell out to large corporate agriculture. The land itself begins to take on an almost industrial, but tired, look … the soil depleted by chemicals and manmade fertilizers.

Regenerative soil farming & ranching is a next step beyond organic. Using methods that restore the natural health of the soil itself, in a similar manner as we all talk about naturally restoring and maintaining our immune systems. The key is how to measure a soil’s health, restore it and maintain it in a way that can be done for BIG agriculture, not just a very small farm/ranch.

Coming from a father whose every non-white-collar-working moment was spent in his vegetable garden or cultuvating apple & peach trees, hearing RFK tout these topics excites me. We’ve become a sick nation in too many ways, and we CAN change that with the right leadership.


10.14.24: Foreign Enemies ACT? SNL roasts DEMS, MSM Panic ELEVATED, Blacks respond to KAMBALA, PRAY!

And We Know


Bill Clinton agrees Administration has failed to vet illegals!! How quickly will they pull him off the circuit…


These people are stupid.
They actually think that the audience there is happy that they’re bringing in breeders and oh yeah, oops ,some of the new population replacement sires are murderers and rapists?? I don’t care if the people in attendance are lefties..this explanation of why they’re opening borders is disturbing. It’s a far cry from the usual trope about needing workers


Further…I realize he said workers are needed but anyone with 2 brain cells understands that they’re talking permanent workers not migrant….so they will be happy to breed the next gen of “workers”


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I’ve never understood the significance of the IVF claims. Tim said their children were conceived that way, and Gwen says they weren’t. Is there some political gain to be had regarding IVF? Is this just another example of Walz lying?

Tatonka Woman

My understanding on this is that the left is saying (they are even running ads specifically on this) that, in addition to abortion, Trump will ban the use of IVF.

Trump has said that is not true at all. Why would he do that, he asks. He says that he wants families to have children.

Walz lied because he was trying to say – boo hoo, waaah – Gwen and I wouldn’t have children if we couldn’t use IVF. Which, of course, turned out to be a lie, per a very good source…..Gwen.

I’ve seen one ad, or a portion of an ad, with a woman presenting herself as a military wife. She says they needed IVF to have children but, because – boo hoo – the military could send them somewhere that IVF was illegal, they might not have access to it.


The victim claims Tim Walz has a “Chinese symbol tattoo on his upper thigh.” That would be easy to verify, or not, with Tim’s cooperation.


Hillary Clinton’s Broadway Show ‘Suffs’ Ends after Failing to Turn Profit

…The musical “Suffs,” which lists Clinton as a producer, failed to turn a profit in its first six months and has now formally been tossed in the trash.

The cast, which are all women and “non-binary” actors, apparently didn’t have the talent or the story backing to wow audiences into coming back.

“Suffs” is a play about the women’s suffrage movement.

According to a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filing, the show cost a staggering $19 million to produce…

Who thought people were going to flock to a show about the women’s suffrage movement? Maybe write a book instead.


The latest Clinton money laundering avenue..a play that sux


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Sorry that text⬆️ is so small. If anyone can make it bigger, please do.

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The joy was always an illusion. Giggling ≭ joy.


Thats a lot of debt!

True Value Hardware, one of the nation’s oldest home improvement retailers, entered into a sale agreement Monday morning after filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, according to KTLA sister station WJET/WFXP.

The Chicago-headquartered company entered an agreement with Do It Best. According to the bankruptcy filing, the 75-year-old company has $500 million to $1 billion in liabilities to over 1,000 creditors while claiming $100 million to $500 million in assets.

All stores will remain open, with business remaining unaffected since the stores, except for one company-owned store in Palatine, Illinois, are independently owned and not directly a part of the Chapter 11 filing.

True Value has an international network of over 4,500 independently owned and operated stores.

True Value has requested court approval to continue its current customer programs, including its Direct Ship Program, Rebate Program, Warranties Program, Rewards and Loyalty programs, and gift card programs.

“We believe that entering the process with an agreed offer from Do it Best, which has a similar decades-long history in the home improvement space and also operates with a focus on supporting members and helping them grow, is the most beneficial next stepfor True Value and our associates, customers, and vendor partners,” Chris Kempa, True Value’s Chief Executive Officer, said in a statement. “We thank these valued stakeholders for their continued loyalty as we work to secure a stronger future for True Value.”


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How GOD Secretly Protects You Through Powerful Prayer from Psalm 34 | C.S Lewis

354 views Premiered 7 hours ago Faith in GOD

Scripture Pathways: Unveiling Biblical Prophecy & C.S. Lewis’s Wisdom
How GOD Secretly Protects You Through Powerful Prayer from Psalm 34 | C.S Lewis
#CSLewis #Psalm34 #GodsProtection #FaithInHardTimes #PraiseAndWorship #ChristianEncouragement #OvercomingFear #SpiritualGrowth #TrustingGod #BiblicalInspiration

Discover the power of Praise in life’s storms through Psalm 34 and insights from C.S. Lewis. Learn how God’s Protection sustains us during Faith in Hard Times, offering strength and peace. This video provides spiritual encouragement, reminding you of God’s unwavering love and presence in every situation.

About our Speaker

C.S. Lewis is one of the most famous writers of the 20th century, known for his creative talent, writing across various genres from novels, fantasy works to religious literature. Each of our videos delves into Lewis’s rich theological perspectives, drawing from his vast body of work including “Mere Christianity,” “The Screwtape Letters,” and “The Problem of Pain.” We explore how his faith shaped his understanding of Christianity and how his literary expertise allowed him to communicate complex spiritual concepts with clarity and imagination.

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Explore our C.S. Lewis playlist:    • Faith in GOD  


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Prayer for Serenity 1: When Things Seem Out of Control
You did everything you could to assure a positive outcome, but it didn’t turn out the way you wanted or expected. We’ve all been there. It tests our faith. Maybe you accept the outcome or maybe you’re frustrated. God wants to help you put the situation into perspective and remember that he is always in control of every situation—even those you so desperately want to control.

Dear Lord, It feels like everything is out of control in my life right now. I know good things are happening too but the stress is overshadowing them. I wanted a better answer, things to change, but my hopes are dashed. Many people try to comfort me by saying that you’re in control, but it doesn’t bring me comfort. It seems condescending.

Lord, I want to understand and discern the plans you have for me. Father, restore my faith as I trust that you’re omniscient and I’m not. Envelope me with your peaceful balm to soothe my questioning mind. Remind me that you hold the whole world in your hands and all things work for good to those who believe in you. I do believe! Amen

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Prayer for Serenity 2: When Anxiety Overtakes Rationality
God didn’t create doubt, anxiety, or worry. Satan did to rob us of our joy, peace, and sleep. God knows common sense can flee when we’re under stress, so he gave us a remedy when we experience mind hijackers: “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7). Charles Spurgeon advised that, “Our anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength.”

Lord, you know how irrational I can become when I’m anxious. I can’t reign in my thoughts. Instead of expecting the best, I worry and wonder. I fret. My stomach churns, my heart races, and I can’t take my mind off the issue. I know you don’t want me living in a constant state of turmoil. It’s not good for my physical or mental health. It makes people around me miserable and keeps me living in a perpetual state of chaos instead of calmness, which I crave.

Father, you tell me in your Word to cast all my anxiety on you and so I’m doing that in this prayer. I lay at your feet the things I’m struggling with and I implore you Lord to free my mind of concerns. Remind me please to take deep breaths and trust that you can make a way even when the path is not visible to me. Father, please lead me to refreshing Scriptures when I feel anxiety approaching. Holy Spirit fill me with the serene peace and joy of the Lord. Amen

You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! Isaiah 26:3 NLT

Prayer for Serenity 3: When Fear Overcomes Faith

Faith is the opposite of fear. The antidote to fear is to renew and reaffirm your trust in God when things are going well, when things look bleak, and every time in between. Don’t doubt him. Realize and internalize that God’s got this and he’s way ahead of us. Elisabeth Elliot once said, “Fear arises when we imagine that everything depends on us.”

Scriptures remind us to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5). In times of trial, we may find ourselves by God’s grace able to overcome our fears quickly, or it could be an extended journey. The triumph will be worth the struggle as it draws us closer to God when we go straight to prayer and reliance on him.

Dear Father, I’ll admit that I’m fearful right now. My world seems unsteady and unpredictable and I’m afraid. I want to trust you in all circumstances. Please help me rely on you and avoid the instigators of fear. When I’m tempted to turn on the news, nudge me to pick up my Bible. When conversation becomes uncomfortable, please give me words to change the subject.

Lord, my hope is in you. Your Word always brings calmness to my soul and your presence in prayer is soothing and restful. I will not be afraid. I love you Lord and know that you first loved me. Greater love could no man have than to lay down his life as you did for me, even when I was so undeserving. Remind me Lord to believe when I forget that you are greater than anyone or any force in this world. I feel my fear subsiding as my love for you grows greater. Praise God from whom all blessings flow, even to me. Amen

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31:8

Prayer for Serenity 4: When What-if’s Overshadow What-Is

In Everyday Brave, I admit that I’m an overthinker and a perfectionist. Overthinkers imagine all the things that could go wrong or could happen. We wake up in the middle of the night ‘what-iffing’ and often create our own stress. We anticipate the worst in the future, robbing ourselves of the joys of the present. Overthinkers create problems in our minds that don’t exist and probably won’t ever occur. Perfectionists second-guess ourselves, never thinking we’re good enough or smart enough. Many don’t even try for fear of failure.

Lord, imagining future problems and never being satisfied with my, or others, performance doesn’t make me happy. I awfulize. I try to cope in my own strength and expectations instead of depending on you. Please teach me how to focus on actual circumstances and let go of those I fabricate. I waste so much of my life in a perpetual state of unrest.

You are my strong fortress, my anchor, my source of joy, serenity, and peaceful thoughts. Keep me grounded on the firm foundation of your Word and your ways. Guide me on paths of righteousness. You are the truth, the way, and the life. Amen

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34

Prayer for Serenity 5: When You Want to Give Up or Give In

Stress is debilitating. Even with our best intentions, the weight of whatever is bothering us can defeat our motivation to rectify the situation. We feel helpless and hopeless. It seems easier living with the source of our stress than praying to God for how we should respond. Often, he will direct us to take no action. It’s not our battle this time. Other times, he wants us to be resilient, resourceful, and rectify the situation remembering: “I can do all this through Christ who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:13).

Dear Lord, please refresh me with your living water. Let the Holy Spirit flow over me. Remind me that this world is not my home and to keep my eyes looking heavenly. I can so easily lose sight of you in the midst of my problems and the world’s craziness.

Others are watching how I react to stress and difficulties. They need to see that my dependence is on you. My source of hope is you working in ways I might not see.

I want to be an encourager when asked how I can still have a smile on my face and joy in my voice as I carry on in the midst of stressful times. Please don’t let darkness overtake me Lord as I seek your face in morning’s light and the stillness of night. I will not be discouraged for I know the Lord my God is with me wherever I go. Praise you Father. Amen

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26


A Surprising Weather Pattern Is Developing…

Ryan Hall, Y’all


I’m ready for spring.

pat frederick

I would like 2 days of snow–Christmas Eve and Christmas Day–just a little to whiten the place up…a few inches at most.
then BAM! spring.


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