Marina Abramovic & Lord Jacob Rothschild standing before the painting Satan Summoning his Legions (1797)

Money is the god of our time, and Rothschild is his prophet.”

Heinrich Heine

Before this last decade I had a major distrust of the British Empire and the City of London. I was aware that American Churches had been effectively neutered thanks to LBJ’s 501c3 LINK, but it was not until the Trump Decade that I realized just how EVIL the Cabal is and how much we have been lied to about EVERYTHING! Therefore I try to look at everything via a ‘suspicious cat’ point of view. That is my jumping off point. I no longer TRUST anything HUMANS say without a long hard look at it. I also want to make it very clear I am NOT a biblical scholar like my Dad was. So this is very, very rough peek at this possible argument. I am more concerned with the in your face EVIL I am seeing.

In the discussion of my next to last article I was sent by Smiley: 8 Biblical Reasons to Stand with Israel Today

As a side note, I did a bit of digging:

Jack Hayford is the founding pastor”

Jack Hayford ==>  International Church of the Foursquare Gospel ==>  Aimee Semple McPherson.

McPherson was born Aimee Elizabeth Kennedy in Salford, Ontario, Canada, (1871–1947) McPherson married Robert James Semple, a Pentecostal missionary from Ireland. She was born just six years after Booth’s mysterious trip to Montreal as a precursor to Lincoln’s April 1865 assassination.


With Confederation and the passage of the British North America Act, 1867, Canada’s Parliament was still legally under the authority of the British Parliament. By 1949, Canada had become fully sovereign in relation to Great Britain. This was due to landmark legislation such as the Statute of Westminster (1931). The Constitution Act, 1982 swept away Britain’s leftover authority…

So in my mind the first strike is the connection to the British Empire. I want to be very clear. This is NOT against the person but against the influence that may have been exerted by the Cabal. Remember those whose messages they approve get promoted to the public. Others they disapprove of they squash and even go to the effort of killing the messenger if needed. I have had 2 up close and personal experiences with the Cabal’s handy work in that regard.


These are some of the Biblical references in the article Smiley recommended. I am using the King James version since that is the Bible I was given at Confirmation.

Deuteronomy 32:43 [Old Testament]

Rejoice, O ye nations, with his people: for he will avenge the blood of his servants, and will render vengeance to his adversaries, and will be merciful unto his land, and to his people.

2 Chronicles 7:20 [Old Testament]

Art not thou our God, who didst drive out the inhabitants of this land before thy people Israel, and gavest it to the seed of Abraham thy friend for ever?

Ezekiel 38:16 [Old Testament]

And thou shalt come up against my people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land; it shall be in the latter days, and I will bring thee against my land, that the heathen may know me, when I shall be sanctified in thee, O Gog, before their eyes

And is not the return of the Son of God a very enticing thought for Christians? Can this enticing and seductive thought be used by the Satanists to manipulate Christians into doing as they wish?



Hosea 9:3 [Old Testament]

They shall not dwell in the Lord’s land; But Ephraim shall return to Egypt, And they shall eat unclean things in Assyria.

Sometimes Ephraim is used to mean Israel.

Ephraim was the second son of Joseph and a grandson of Jacob…

The tribe of Ephraim was chastised for idolatry (Hosea 4:17) and their partnership with heathen nations (Hosea 12:1). The tribe of Ephraim was taken into captivity by the Assyrians in 722 BC when the northern kingdom of Israel was conquered. Even so, the Lord declared, “Is not Ephraim my dear son, the child in whom I delight? Though I often speak against him, I still remember him. Therefore my heart yearns for him; I have great compassion for him” (Jeremiah 31:20).

Notable figures from the tribe of Ephraim include Joshua (Joshua 19:50); Samuel (1 Samuel 1:1) and Jeroboam I, the first king of the divided kingdom in the north (1 Kings 12:25). After the Babylonian captivity, some of the descendants of Ephraim resettled in Jerusalem (1 Chronicles 9:3).Got Questions Org

Assyria according to Britannica:

Reform Judaism

Reform Judaism, a religious movement that has modified or abandoned many traditional Jewish beliefs, laws, and practices in an effort to adapt Judaism to the changed social, political, and cultural conditions of the modern world. [Heathen Nations? — GC]

Reform Judaism sets itself at variance with Orthodox Judaism by challenging the binding force of ritual, laws, and customs set down in the Bible and in certain books of rabbinic origin (e.g., the Talmud).

The movement began early in the 19th century, in Germany, with appeals from laymen for an updating of the Jewish liturgy and other rituals. With the liberation of Jews from their ghettos, many Jews began to question their allegiance to such traditions as restrictive dietary laws, prayers in Hebrew, and the wearing of special outfits that set them apart as Jews. Many felt that Judaism would lose Jews to other religions if steps were not taken to bring Judaism into the 19th century…

Daily public worship was abandoned; work was permitted on the Sabbath; and 👉dietary laws (kashrut) were declared obsolete.👈

“…And they shall eat unclean things in Assyria…

Was this not what the two Orthodox Rabbis were gently pointing out when they said it was Zionists, Reformed Jews and Secular Jews who set-up Israel?


Revelation 2:9: [New Testament]

 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 3:9:

Behold, I give of the synagogue of Satan, of them that say they are Jews, and they are not, but do lie….

If they are NOT following the teachings of the Old Testament, if “… they shall eat unclean things in Assyria...” then how can they be the Jews of prophesy?


Isaiah 19 contains a prophecy regarding Assyria that describes the condition of the Middle East during the millennial reign of Christ. The repeated phrase in that day in Isaiah 19 is a reference to the day of the Lord, when He sets all things right. According to Isaiah’s prophecy, Assyria (modern Iraq) will join Egypt and Israel in serving the Lord (Isaiah 19:23), and there will be political unity among Egypt, Israel, and Assyria. All three nations will be blessed by God (verse 25) and be a blessing to other nations (verse 24). Jesus truly is the Prince of Peace who can bring unity to these three former enemies. Because of Jesus, the future of Assyria is bright. — Got Questions Org

Three former enemies, NOT crushed and destroyed but unified and BLESSED!

The Abraham Accords anyone?

The Guardian: Saudi leaders hail Trump visit as ‘reset of regional order

In addition to proposing a series of deals, 👉Saudi officials have also accepted a central theme of Trump’s visit of tackling radicalism.👈 Saudi Arabia had been accused by the Obama administration of proselytising an extreme Wahhabi view of Islam…

MARK 10: 13-14 & 17-19

13 Then were there brought unto him little children, that he should put his hands on them, and pray: and the disciples rebuked them. 

14 But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven…

17 And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments. 

18 He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, 

19 Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself….

If You are paying for bullets, as my co-workers were, to murder others, are you not also a murderer? If you agree with YOUR tax money being used to murder babies and toddlers, rape women and commit atrocities, are you not complicit? YOUR money is paying for not only the murder but the torture of women and children.

When the Israeli soldiers talked of stuffing Palestinians into a barrel and shooting the barrel do you think they were talking about adults? Or is it a lot more likely it was babies and toddlers that filled that barrel? Should Christians pray in front of abortion clinics where NON-CHRISTIANS are having abortions, but have ZERO problem with torturing babes & toddlers some of whom were possibly CHRISTIANS?? All because they hope the Zionist invasion of Palestine is the prophesied return of Jews to the Holy Land?

I am hoping that this at least makes you THINK instead of blindly following what another human is saying based on their understanding of the Bible.

Q 916 “We are saving ISRAEL for last. Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.”


Now on to the evidence of EVIL

I have already covered the Rothschilds in a previous article LINK. And I covered Kissinger’s National Security Study Memorandum NSSM 200 as part of the depopulation series.

Kissinger’s Public Confession as an Agent of British Influence:

…American memories were longer: The First World War was a temporary exertion, after which we withdrew into isolationism; during the ’20s the U.S. Navy Department still maintained a “Red Plan”👉 to deal with the contingency of conflict with the British fleet.👈

It was not until the war with Hitler that the gap closed permanently….

…Bevin, the unlikely originator of this revolution in British diplomacy, shrewdly calculated that Britain was not powerful enough to influence American policy by conventional methods of pressure or balancing of risks. But by discreet advice, the wisdom of experience, and the presupposition of common aims, she could make herself indispensable, so that American leaders no longer thought of consultations with London as a special favor but as an inherent component of our own decision-making. The wartime habit of intimate, informal collaboration thus became a permanent practice…

The British were so matter-of-factly helpful that they became a participant in internal American deliberations, to a degree probably never before practiced between sovereign nations. In my period in office, the British played a seminal part in certain American bilateral negotiations with the Soviet Union—indeed, they helped draft the key document. 👉 In my White House incarnation then, I kept the British Foreign Office better informed and more closely engaged than I did the American State Department…👈

So It was not until WWII that Americans ‘forgot’ the British Empire was our long time enemy. Funny how this happened AFTER John Dewey’s Progressive education system (start 1915) had been in place for a generation along with the Banksters takeover of the Media ( start 1915) Of course it doesn’t hurt that the City of London now had a choke hold on US politicians via the US Debt and political funding. So after WWII, with their agents embedded in our government, the USA became the City of London’s source of cash and cannon fodder to toss at their endless wealth generating wars.

Henry Kissinger, the first Jewish U.S. secretary of state, stated — “In 10 years, there will be no more Israel.”

Remembering my late friend former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger

Sept. 18, 2012, I reported — and I quote him exactly: “In 10 years there will be no more Israel.” In 2005 he told me: “We will be going to war with Iran.”The hand that ruled the Western world is the hand that often stirred a good martini...

Seems electing Trump instead of Hillary derailed that plan. Or at least delayed it.

May 23, 2013 – Tablet Magazine

Henry Kissinger, who turns 90 this Monday, May 27, is one of the most influential Jews in American history—and one of the most controversial…

This brilliant refugee from Nazi Germany with the gravelly voice, Teutonic accent, and thick Poindexter glasses, embodied the pinnacle of a certain type of Jewish aspiration and achievement in 20th-century America, becoming a Harvard professor in 1954, Richard Nixon’s foreign-policy mastermind in 1969, and the first Jewish secretary of state in 1973, as well as the era’s most surprising sex symbol. For the past four decades, he has remained the dean of America’s foreign-policy establishment, advising presidents and foreign governments alike.

Just this month, at the Atlantic Council, Hillary Clinton wished him an early happy birthday.“Everywhere I go,” she said, “people talk to me about Henry.”….

Klaus Schwab’s Mentors Who Helped Create the World Economic Forum Are Revealed – G. Edward Griffin’s Need to Know News.

The World Economic Forum wasn’t the creation of Klaus Schwab, but was actually born out of a CIA-funded Harvard program headed by Henry Kissinger and pushed to fruition by John Kenneth Galbraith and Herman Kahn. All three men were members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Schwab is more than a technocrat and intends to fuse his physical and biological identities with future technology….


Yuval Harari is a professor in the Department of History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Yuval Noah Harari on Transhumanism and Eliminating Free Will: Hacking and Bioengineering Humans Using Biometric Data to Replace Evolution with Intelligent Design in Order to Re-Engineer Life

We are probably one of the last generations of Homo Sapiens because in the coming generations, we will learn how to engineer bodies, and brains, and minds.”

Yuval Harari


Yuval Harari is a “guru” of the World Economic Forum — the WEF — the group of transhumanist, corporate technocrats who meet in Davos Switzerland each year to decide what direction the world should take in regard to whatever matter they choose to discuss. They believe that corporations and their selected leaders should rule the world rather than elected representatives of the people. They clearly wish to bypass sovereign, national governments, both democratic and communist. The gathering is led by the mysterious Klaus Schwab and many billionaires are invited to fly in on their private jets. Workers are not invited.

Harari is becoming influential and is listened to by many people anxious for thought leadership…. He is especially known as a promoter of “inorganic life” which seems to mean robots or the robotization of humans. That is transhumanism — the merging of humans and machines, guided by the philosophy that humans themselves are nothing but machines, some being “useful” and others “useless eaters”

Transcript from Yuval Noah Harari Speeches at Davos:

We are probably one of the last generations of Homo Sapiens because in the coming generations, we will learn how to engineer bodies, and brains, and minds. Now how exactly will the future masters of the planet look like? This will be decided by the people who own the data. Now why is data so important? It’s important because we’ve reached the point when we can hack not just computers. We can hack human beings and other organisms….

I do not know about you, But I find Harari down right EVIL and Anti-God.


Shlomo Sand: I wish to resign and cease considering myself a Jew

His past was Jewish, but today he sees Israel as one of the most racist societies in the western world. Historian Shlomo Sand explains why….Deconstructing the Foundational Myths of Israel.

The basic foundational myths (of a verifiable historical variety) are twofold: Firstly, that Jews were expelled from the Holy Land by the Roman destruction of Jerusalem and then dispersed to various geographical locations around the Mediterranean and beyond. Secondly, that the present-day Jewish citizens of the State of Israel are by and large the descendants of those early Jews… Sand points out, while the Roman Empire did brutally put down Jewish revolts in A.D. 70 and A.D. 135, the Romans were not in the business of ethnic cleansing….the Romans did not have the technological means to accomplish such a dastardly thing. So where did the Jewish diaspora come from? …The Jews living elsewhere are mainly the descendants of converted peoples. Ashkenazi Jews (Jews in Eastern Europe) are mainly descendants of Khazars whose King converted in the 8th Century. Sephardic Jews (on the Iberian Peninsula and north Africa) come from converted Berbers.

Most of those original Jews who remained in Israel under the Romans (and after them) converted — either for pragmatic or religious reasons — to Christianity or Islam. Thus, it follows — if it matters — that the closest genetic descendants of these Jews today would be the Palestinians who have lived there all along — not 20th century immigrants...

If Sands is correct the Zionists are busy killing the descendants of the biblical Jews.

Book review: Shlomo Sand’s “The Invention of the Jewish People”

….According to Sand, the destruction by the Romans of the Second Temple in 70 AD left the indigenous Jewish population of Judea and Samaria in place. “[T]he Romans never deported entire peoples. It did not pay to uproot the people of the land, the cultivators of produce, the taxpayers” (130). Furthermore, at that time there were already Jewish communities numbering up to four million persons in Persia, Egypt, Asia Minor and elsewhere (145). Palestine’s status as the unique “ancestral homeland” of the Jews collapses together with the myth of David and Solomon’s imposing kingdom.

Against the ethno-biological concept of a Jewish people — a “race” — whose linear descendants returned from exile to (re)found today’s Israel, Sand posits a religious community proliferating throughout and beyond the Mediterranean region by means of proselytism and conversion. He offers a detailed rebuttal of the conventional wisdom whereby “Judaism was never a proselytizing religion,” a view disseminated by historian Martin Goodman and others (150, note 42).

Most importantly, he concentrates attention on Khazaria, that “Strange Empire” that flourished in the Caspian region between the seventh and tenth centuries AD. By the eighth century the Khazars had adopted Hebrew as their sacred and written tongue, and “[a]t some stage between the mid-eighth and mid-ninth centuries, the[y] … adopted Jewish monotheism” (221). Sand speculates that this conversion was calculated to save them from absorption into either the Roman or the Islamic empires. The Khazars, he contends, engendered those Askhenazi Jews of central and eastern Europe who would later invent the myths of Zionism to justify their colonization of Palestine, a land to which they had no “ethnic” connection and where they remain the dominant elite….


I was also told that Israel is a USA ally. However when an ‘ally’ repeatedly knifes you in the back, You are either their slave or an idiot but that is a subject for another article. However I will leave you with this from those WHO KNOW – Three Marines who served in the middle east.


Background on WHO Shane Hazel is who made that statement: 10:30 -20 mins It also includes the background of the other 2 marines.

At 19 min the paperwork showing Alpha was not even in DC when the FBI went after him for Jan 6th ‘wrong think.’

Rough transcript 49 – 54 minutes:

Alpha: When you see what is going on with Lebanon, with Israel…. you who has been in some of these briefs…

Shane: I hate to even say it… put that energy into the world…

You have Israel and you have the puppets here in the USA, … the entire cabinet is Israeli… They have no choice, right? They are going for broke they have to go for broke…. The underlying issue is currency, or money in general. If you understand anything about the Rothschilds being a banking conglomerate for over 3-400 years now… If you understand what usury is in terms of money. Any man who can print money out of thin air that everyone else has to work for? You basically have unlimited power… so if you need to buy a king, if you need to buy a cabinet, if you need to buy the police, if you need to buy the intelligence apparatus, if you need to buy the entire media apparatus… You are looking at a POWER that has been powerful in terms of concealing it’s self for an extremely long time.

And what is coming unglued is this fiat state. ISRAEL IS NOT POSSIBLE WITHOUT FIAT. It was not possible with out the Rothschilds saying this is what we are going to do. There is a great video out there of this little Jewish guy who is interviewing Lord Rothschild. He has the letter from his grandfather basically stating this is what we are going to do as Zionists. Install a state down here in Jerusalem and we are going to call it Israel and we are going to move all these European Jews who are Ashkenazi who do not have ANY blood relationship [with Biblical Jews]… And now that banking system is coming apart… The proof is BRICS. They are tired of being ripped off by the dollar and not being able to keep up with the treasuries.

And then you have this other GIGANTIC FORCE in the world that people do not understand called BITCOIN. It is NOT crypto. what it is doing is taking everything in terms of liquitiy and sucking it into this finite amount…. The US IRS has not been able to post a positive in over a year. So they literally have no income anymore. They are bankrupting. They are trying to print their way out of this and the only way they know, the only thing they know is WAR.

So they are looking at this Gaza land which is rich in oil & natural gas. And now they are looking at places in Syria which is rich in oil & natural gas. The northern part of the kingdom Kuiwat… What they have going on right now is the Greater Israel Project. You can see it on the patches, Trump even alluded to it… “Yeah maybe they need some more land”…

I think what we are seeing is not only the disintegration of our empire [actually the British Empire -GC] but the Banking Empire [aka City of London – GC] This is the people that have EXPLOITED THE WORLD, AND I MEAN THIS! That have EXPLOITED THE WORLD for hundreds of years and it is coming unglued. Not only is our empire falling their empire is falling and I think that is what you are seeing over there [in the middle east – GC]

They have to create this, there is no other way for them [Israel] to stand on their own. The unfortunate thing is they are trying to drag us into fighting their biggest foe again.

If you look at Iran, it is the Holy Grail it is the Gem of the Middle East. Operation Ajax in 1949… with the CIA, it is the first Coup that we know of. We have been after that Crown Jewel for a long time. I should say the Rothschilds have been after it for a long time. I think the fact that people are waking up is what gives me hope…. The push back [against congressmen wanting war in the middle east] is especially strong in the veteran community…

Look dude [Israel] , we fought these guys, we fought all your enemies in Iraq, we fought them in Syria, we did all this kind of shit for you guys and WHERE THE F..K WERE YOU??? I NEVER SAW AN ISRAELI ON THE FRONT LINE. EVER! They were on the sideline they didn’t show up, they didn’t do ANYTHING! They were like if we get involved there will be war on us too. It was like WHAT! You were the guys that gave us the intelligence to come over here in the first place…

Alpha and Brian are nodding and making noises in the background as he says this. They then chime in with their stories. And yes THEY never saw hide nor hair of our ‘Greatest Ally’ either. Other nationalities fighting for the Rothschilds yes, but never the Israelis.

NOW do you understand WHY the Arabs hate our guts? We were SET-UP! And just like the EU, those who hate us are being imported into our country. Depopulation 2.0 maybe?


An additional thought. If you look at the UK – USA conflict history you have:

1976 – American Revolution

War of 1812

1861 – 1865 Civil War fomented by the City of London

1913 – Federal Reserve Act.

What I missed was the City of London/Rothschild set-up for embroiling the USA in endless wars. The US Civil war ended May 26, 1865 without the Rothschild/British Empire succeeding in gaining control of the USA thanks to the Russian Tzar. Lincoln was murdered and less than a year later the first assassination of Tzar Alexander II was attempted in April of 1866. By 1881 a Jewish Socialist who some say was a Rothschild agent, finally succeeded in killing the Tzar. Russian Jews suffered a severe backlash as a result. This gave the Rothschilds a reason to buy land in Palestine on behalf of others. This was the Rothschilds first step in creating Israel a useful source of endless wars.

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Without taking sides or casting blame. I read with an open mind. There is much food for thought and many places to launch further research for anyone who disagrees with any part or who wants to learn more and challenge the ideas set forth.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


We have free speech here. Use it or lose it.

While I agree with many of the facts presented, I differ in my interpretation. To me, assorted misdeeds by the Israeli government and various Jewish criminals are not a reason to stop supporting Israel and the Jewish people.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. Osoviet is up to his old tricks.


The shame is all his.

He’s a shameful, dirty person.


Dirty CYA asset.

Mike Benz talks about this.
He makes it clear that there is as usual no direct evidence (Plausible Deniability Doctrine), but there is so much circumstantial evidence around OSatan and his associates / family members over decades that it is virtually impossible not to come to this conclusion.


Democrats Bud Lighted Their Entire Brand, And It’s Too Late To Save It

…For years during the Biden-Harris administration (and even before then), Democrats pandered to left-wing activists and embraced radical ideas, such as sex changes for minors and “anti-racism.” At the same time, they told normal, working men, many of whom would have probably voted Democrat, that they were toxic, privileged, racist, undeserving of attention or doomed to be irrelevant in the woke America of the 21st century.

Now, less than a month from Election Day, Democrats are scrambling to court the very same voters they have chastised for years.

The Harris-Walz campaign launched a media blitz over the weekend to target black and rural men and sent the Minnesota governor on a pheasant hunting trip in his home state. Of course, the hunting PR stunt was an embarrassing misfire. Walz was caught on camera whining about shoulder pain from recoil while failing to load and clear his shotgun. The gaffe only underscored the hunt’s artificiality — that it was just optics, that Walz, in reality, has no clue what he is doing when it comes to firearms, that he has no natural appeal for men…

Kamala Harris is taking a more direct approach. The vice president is pretty much bribing black men by promising them forgivable small business loans based on their race. Not only is it a cynical ploy, but it is also likely illegal. Also, what will white rural men think of this proposal? They get Instagram reels of Tim Walz stalking a Minnesota field for pheasant, but the black man in the city gets a $20,000 loan. Okay, message received.

All of this will backfire, of course. Democrats should’ve taken a lesson from Bud Light, but they didn’t. You cannot Bud Light your brand for well over a decade and expect to salvage it in just one election cycle. Normal American men are not that stupid. Come Election Day, they will see this for what it is: a fake, cynical, eleventh-hour bid to convince them that what they have seen over the past several years never actually happened.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YUP. Gaslighting Demmunists are not to be trusted in any way, shape or form.


The DemonRat party only could have survived so long with the help of the RINO’s in the Uni Party, who were rescuing them every time.

That party would have imploded a long time ago, by their stupid and often evil actions.
Now that the RINO’s are being driven out of the GOP they have no partner they can hide behind.


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Liability Liz? Text messages raise fresh ethical concerns since Cheney was a DC attorney and local bar rules require approval of defense counsel for any communications with witnesses.

While vice chairwoman of the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, former Rep. Liz Cheney used an encrypted phone app to directly and indirectly communicate around defense counsel –and possibly ethical rules — with a witness who would later change her testimony in shocking fashion, according to evidence obtained by congressional investigators and Just the News. 

Cheney’s Signal communications with witness Cassidy Hutchinson on June 6, 2022 and her friend, Alyssa Farah Griffin, were recently obtained by Rep. Barry Loudermilk, R-Ga., chairman of the House Administration oversight subcommittee that has identified significant problems with the original Democrat-run inquiry into the Jan. 6 incident.

The communications are now raising fresh concerns about the ethical conduct of that Democrat-run investigation. At the time of the communication, Hutchinson was represented by attorney Stefan Passantino, who told Just the News he did not authorize the contacts with Cheney and was not aware of them until contacted by Just the News

Cheney is a licensed lawyer in Washington D.C. where the DC Bar rules stateunequivocally that “a lawyer shall not communicate or cause another to communicate about the subject of the representation with a person known to be represented by another lawyer in the matter, unless the lawyer has the prior consent of the lawyer representing such other person or is authorized by law or a court order to do so.”

…Contacted by Just the News, Passantino said he was troubled to learn about the text messages and never authorized Cheney to talk to his client without him present.

“I absolutely had no knowledge at the time that Congresswoman Liz Cheney was communicating with my client behind my back – either directly, through her staff, or through cutouts,” Passantino told Just the News. “I filed suit against Congress over a year ago on these matters and had absolute confidence in my claims at the time I filed them.

“I am frankly shocked that the smoking gun documents still exist and have come to light. I am currently examining what additional remedies may be available to me in light of Chairman Loudermilk’s remarkable investigative work,” he added.

More details at the link. The thing I remember most is the hug that Cheney and Hutchinson exchanged, as if they were best friends who had gone through something together.




I think red counties in swing states should refuse to report their vote totals until the blue counties in swing states report their vote totals.

This way you don’t give them the chance to cheat by knowing how many votes they need.

For real. Not kidding. What say you, @GOP?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sounds like a potentially great idea.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yup. AWFULs are quite awful.


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Is this supposed to make people think twice about voting for Trump? 😂 Vance would be far superior to Commala in every way.

Last edited 4 hours ago by TheseTruths
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think she’s “threat-porning” on Trump – hinting that he won’t be in power – possibly that he’s going to be assassinated.

If so, then I hope President Vance makes sure Rachel Vindman is arrested by the investigating tribunal, waterboarded into giving up all her fellow traitors, and sent to live out the rest of her horrible life in the place they put the January Sixth heroes.


I think all of the Vindmans should be sent to Ukraine.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sounds like a very just solution to the problem.


Oh yes!


A vote for Harris would be a vote for Vindman…..except that Walz was considered more appealing.


So, this is the last day for the Fiancee in Europe (although she doesn’t arrive back until Thursday) — she’s going to Canterbury.

I told her that the tradition was for everyone to nickname their fellow travelers — things like “The Prioress”, “The Clerk”, “The Merchant”, and “The Cook” — and pass the time during the journey by telling stories to each other.

They’ll have to tell short stories, because it’s pretty quick to get there by tour bus.

The good news is that they can just paraphrase something by Boccaccio if they can’t think of anything else.

Last edited 4 hours ago by cthulhu

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Last edited 2 hours ago by smiley2

Another segment from Jason Whitlock’s show yesterday. The whole segment (11:45) was interesting, I’m amazed he hasn’t been shut down by youtube already. His closing today sounded like he would fit right in here.


(around 10:20) “I’m going to say all this to repeat, once again, why it’s important that you support this show. It’s, it’s the only Sports show that talks about what’s really going on.

It’s the only one.

You can continue to go for the bread and circus at ESPN and other places that will not address these issues, because again, they don’t want to have to defend themselves.

They’re like Joe Biden hiding in the basement in 2020. They’re like Kamala Harris that was ducking every interview for months, until it became quite obvious, like oh my God, I’m getting my brains beat in, let me go out here and try to talk to people, and now I’ll interview with Bret Baier.

This this show is important. I need you to go to Fearless, become a subscriber, support this show. They don’t want me talking like this on YouTube. They don’t.

They’re figuring out ways to punish us and drive you other places, so you don’t hear this level of truth about important issues, but it is affecting your children.”


(1:45) “Here’s what (Brooke) Slusser told Out Kid:
‘It was a really hard pill to swallow, because I couldn’t comprehend the fact that there was a man on the team, and it was almost as if I was in denial for a really long time that this was happening.

So it was just really hard for me to wrap my head around. And then, it still being a topic we weren’t really allowed to talk about. It was just kind of whispers behind closed doors that this is what’s happening, but no one’s really talked about it or addressed it.’ ”


It’s gaslighting.

She’s describing the same thing that happened during Covid, where most people simply lived in denial and didn’t want to acknowledge the insanity going on all around them.

This is what they’re doing to kids in schools. They’re putting men on women’s sports teams, in their locker rooms, even making them roommates with women, and NOBODY is even allowed to talk about it.

This is so #*&^ed up, the people doing this deserve to be destroyed.

Along with all the cowards who allow it.

I don’t care if they’re ALL on P-diddy’s blackmail tapes.

I hope DJT blows this whole country up with truth, expose the whole disgusting, corrupt, depraved criminal mess.

Last edited 17 minutes ago by scott467

Human/Supervisor: “You are not allowed to climb that pyramid. Period!!!”
Dog: “Hold my beer”


The Fiancee was persuaded by her school chums to climb the Pyramid of the Sun in Mexico. What they don’t tell you is that it’s too steep to walk down facing forward.


Douglas Macgregor

A Trump victory in America is a victory for the world. Trump will deliver peace and prosperity..×1000/gql3Tkg0L7B-eu4b.mp4?tag=14