Ground Report: TB’s Random Fall Frolic Observations

Time for some randomness from the southeast that may be of interest as we prepare to storm the beaches on political D-Day.

As I have stated in the past, this is the time of our annual fall frolic to the beach. We have given our best efforts to the cause of those in need in our area that are impacted by Helene. Charitable organizations, churches, contractors, military and government entities have kicked in now. In the later case it has been primarily state and local that are beneficial – the feds are just not all that into us and we are not all that interested in them either. They are into themselves and doing the least amount they can get away with doing. Like taking available lodging rooms to pretend they are doing something to justify their employment.

Highway Travel

Whew, boy. Due to the effects of both hurricanes, Helene and Milton, our typical travel to the SC beach area we visit was more than challenging.

With I-26 north and I-40 west of Asheville, NC washed out in places with permanent repairs projecting to take 1-2 years; we headed south toward Atlanta. We had no desire to take the scenic two lane through the mountains from Gatlinburg around the I-40 closure to Asheville as commercial truckers have been illegally using it; some stalling with overheating motors. This has led to many road closures for all traffic. Law enforcement have been stationed along that stretch to catch them and our son in law participated for a time. At the time of our departure they had turned around 173 commercial truckers in just a few days. More recently the work by law enforcement has helped alleviate the issue along with the cooperation of the Cherokee nation reservation security. Non commercial traffic is moving through the area more smoothly now.

The interstate systems in metro Atlanta are actually parking lots. With the other two interstates out, much of the flow went to Interstates 75 and 85. With our schedule being in the middle of it all with Milton relief crews, power company crews, construction equipment, etc. adding to the already heavy flow from locals, FL hurricane evaders, and tourists; it was a zoo. This gave me time to make some observations as we stopped and started for three hours to move about 60 miles with thousands of our fellow travelers.

I saw a couple Harris/Walz signs, no bumper stickers and one billboard during the stretch. I saw hundreds of Trump/Vance signs and bumper stickers. I saw one very prominently located electronic billboard promoting Trump. If people in Atlanta are supporting Harris/Walz I saw very little evidence of it. The second thing of note was that throughout our journey, people were courteous while driving. During that 10 hour trip we only saw two smart azz drivers in Atlanta weaving through traffic at high rates of speed. We did see countless acts of accommodation in helping fellow travelers access other lanes. It was good to see. The last thing about Atlanta area road malfunctions is that it probably was Democrats who engineered them. Spaghetti Junction as it is called is an absolute clustereff in its design, a clear sign of leftist involvement. If you set your course through Atlanta north/south on I-75, you cannot stay in one lane to do it despite there being 5-8 lanes of traffic going one direction. You have to change lanes multiple times to stay on the same route. Frustrating.

We finally made it to the Macon area and headed east on I-16 for Savannah. It was going from urban madnesses to rural peace for the next 2+ hours. If any of you have traveled the route you know what I mean. There are only two areas of note with a good number of options for food and fuel. However, there are thousands of shallow rooted loblolly pine trees that are now in the process of being made into mulch. Helene did a number on those trees for over 125 miles of this stretch. Crews had cut them away from the road and left them laying to open access. You could look at the surrounding fields and see them down everywhere.

There seemed to be minimal effect on the cotton fields. For those who do not know, the deep south states that grow cotton pick it later in the fall, even as late as January in some areas. This season has lasted longer than most with the moderate temperatures. That is good in that it will allow time for the crops and fields to dry before picking.

The last observation is the following. Every time I have been on I-16 I think of the Allman Brothers and this song as we pass by the Statesboro exit. This video is from the same time frame I met Gregg, Dickie and the rest of the band in St. Louis. Gregg was sober as he had recently completed rehab. The bearded dude laying it down on the piano is my ex’s cousin. But I digress…

It also reminds me how old I am and just how things went with Goober Gump.


We have always been able to identify the general state of the economy, politics and the invasion status of illegals through the conditions in Hilton Head Island, SC. After over 35 years we have seen the patterns repeat and they are clearly identifiable. For those who do not know, that island community is a melting pot of American and international interests. There are the very wealthy, the very poor and everything in between. Every race and ethnicity is represented. People from all over the country and internationally live or have second homes there. It is an older, largely retired population in general, but growing younger with many young families moving into the town and surrounding area. Most religions are represented, although it is more Christian. In past years we had noticed an increased presence of transgenders working in retail stores and restaurants. We have seen none this year. I consider that progress.

For many years the politics here have been balanced between Establishment GOP and Democrats. Slick and Cankles visited the island for years in January for an event called Renaissance Weekend, which has also hosted many Establishment GOP and RINO’s. Basically it is a uniparty event most Americans would know very little about. The town no longer hosts the event in recent years as it has moved up the coast toward Charleston where leftists have been moving. When the politics of an area begins moving toward conservatives, the Uniparty leaves to infest other communities. Below is their link.

Which is an interesting thing that has happened since their departure. The town had accelerated in its turn more toward the GOP and MAGA with less leftists moving to it. As a result more southeast and Midwest folks are moving in. Town administration has become fiscally responsible and the factions that would normally fight and cause trouble have moved on to more appealing battlegrounds. Being in the good graces with Trump supporter, Gov. McMasters, has assured adequate funding and support for needed infrastructure projects, including a scheduled expensive new bridge system to access the island from the mainland to replace the current outdated ones.

The on-island work force is also evolving. In PDT’s first term the illegals departed. Poof – gone. Over the first few years under Brandon they returned plus some. It was so obvious as they were everywhere in many occupations while renting low cost apartments and trailers that were crammed full. In PDT’s first term the mostly African America regional workers were bused in daily from outlying communities. Under Brandon this commercial bus line shut down as the illegals filled the jobs, so there were few riders for the company’s buses. The roads were filled with obvious troublemakers. Crime was beginning to be a problem.

Now when we go to a restaurant or retail store there are only English speaking staff who are clearly citizens or otherwise legally here. The hispanic workers who are here are well acclimated and productive members of the community. They are rooted to life here, not transient illegals skimming the system.

As a result, guess what is back? The same bus line is operating again on the same schedules as in PDT’s first term. The illegals have vanished again. The parking lots are far less full and the roads less crowded. Crime is down to make things more peaceful again. It does not hurt that the sheriff has strengthened the deputy presence at their satellite office on island.

What has been fun to observe is how so many of the people here are openly MAGA and Trump supporters. This area has a large percentage of northern transplants and visitors. It has a Trump Superstore doing big business. Trump/Vance signs probably outnumber Harris/Walz signs 10:1. I don’t think the Dems want people to know they are Dems. Which leads to what happened this past weekend.

Daughter/SIL were here with the grandkids. They were shopping and headed to Wally World to pick up a few items. They sent a photo of what was going on there in the parking lot. A Trump Train bus was there blowing its horn. Families were coming from everywhere to see it. So later that day we all headed to our favorite seafood house, which is located by two other established restaurants along a harbor. The large combined parking lots of over 500 spaces were full with people parking along the roads for a local GOP fundraiser/rally and the bus returned. People were streaming in. As some left, more would take their place. The enthusiasm was off the charts. This is encouraging as it spells the end of the Uniparty in this part of the lowcountry as it has in many other areas of the country. There was nothing like this in open support of PDT previously. There is no open, obvious support for Harris.

What a difference a year has made. With all of this diverse humanity in one place, it has been many years since people were this kind and civil to one another. Friendly exchanges with strangers in restaurants, stores, beach, and so on, Both men and women having the courtesy to open doors for one another as they enter and exit with appreciative responses and wishing good days and blessings for store clerks and servers. Smiles as well as friendly hellos and conversations abound. It has been a heart warming time to see people respect one another and be kind. Was at the beach today. We returned to the truck and I opened the door for wifey. A retired African American couple in the car next to us noted it. The husband said to me, “A true gentleman…” I laughed and shook his hand through the car window and said, “After 40 years I’ve learned a few things.” He smiled and nodded his head.

Exchanges like this with random folks all over the area.

The last time that happened was when PDT was in office. The media, uniparty, liberal social media influencers, domestic terrorists and foreign entities immediately began to sow seeds of discontent. But down on the street with We the People; normal Americans generally got along well with one another. Higher paying jobs were plentiful, inflation and interest rates were low, recreational activities were desired, new housing starts were jumping, car sales were off the charts and so on. Most folks suspected the stuff they were attacking PDT over was bogus and not going to work. Same deal again.

Since then a unique discussion is happening whenever and wherever people talk politics and government. Election Steal has entered the lexicon of average Americans.


I have seen five in about two weeks. All of them were on retail store workers. I have seen none on store customers or out in the general public.


Nothing of note when talking to folks who live around here.

Early Voting

Off the charts. Back home, there were 3500 early voters in our community in our county in the first three days of it. Record. Most times there are less that 2500 for the entire two weeks. I have a half dozen good friends who have worked the polls every voting period for decades telling me they have never seen anything like it. So I went to the state site below.

Excluding absentee mail-in votes, over 606 K of early votes statewide in TN in just three days. Wow, just wow!

In SC, the early voting started Monday, 10/21. So we traveled by two of the four county voting sites closest to us. The two would represent about 125 K of the county’s 200 K population. Packed. Very few parking places available despite having large parking lots. The local media is already reporting it is a record turnout with people lining up well into the grounds around the facilities, some sitting in lawn chairs. Good sign for a big turnout.

The ads we are seeing from the area GA TV stations are disgusting from Harris. Nothing but lies and damn lies.


Gifts from God. Having our family here together for over a week with us was so good. The chaos, the constant demands, the young minds and their discoveries, the excitement, the crash as they hit the bed, the whining for breakfast in the morning, the competition for attention and affection, clamoring for beach time, ordering more than they can eat in restaurants and so on – we would not change one minute of it. The house we rented is so quiet without them.

Which makes me cringe when I see ads from Harris in support of abortion as a woman’s right for healthcare. Killing babies is healthcare in their world. Soulless ghouls.

Leafer Season In The Smokies

The kids made it home through Cherokee, NC and the GSM National Park. The leaves are just now starting to turn. The weather has been so warm and mild with more of the same forecast that it appears leaf season in the Smokies will peak well into November this year. Take note if traveling in that direction.


I will end this with a reminder that the lowcountry has the best crab soup on the planet. There are several variations on this classic that is called She Crab Soup. Pro tip – use the cream instead of milk and given a choice, always go with blue crab meat. The roe from blue crabs is what makes it all happen.

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I went to college in Statesboro, Georgia for a couple of great years. Thanks for the Allman Brothers song, I love it!

Barb Meier

How inspiring, TradeBait!!! Thank you so much for your fall ground report.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love it! Yes, I can believe it. TRUMP AND MAGA ARE IN THE AIR!