Dear KMAG: 20241023 DAILY THREAD &Gregg Phillips

I want to start with a MAJOR Hat Tip to Kanekoa The Great who has done such great research on many subjects. I link several of his articles at the bottom.

If you recall I view Patrick Gunnels with a very skeptical eye. He is a Flat Earther, who espouses nuclear weapons do not exist, viruses and bacteria do not cause disease… There is a good possibility Gunnels was behind the ousting of Kate Awakening who was/is part owner of Badlands. She signed a NDA so could not say much more than Jon believed a nasty rumor put out by a moderator. I am not the only one who thinks Gunnels had a hand in Kate’s ousting. That leaves Jon Harold in complete control of Badlands Media and under the influence of his good buddy Patrick Gunnels.

Gunnels went to Gregg Phillips’ PIT. He complained about the venue, he then hit the roof when the event started off with a presentation by Dr. Peter McCullough. Gunnels walked out in a huff as a result at the very start of the presentations. . Gunnels was NOT silent about his temper tantrum either. He broadcast it on a video and he came off as a typical spoiled soy boy.

That brings us to Defected Ep. 90 from about a week ago. Generally I enjoy Burning Bright (BB) and Just Human’s (Kyle’s) conversations. However the end of this one raised both eyebrows. As usual I am going to do a very rough transcript. However this time I am going to insert information after each different statement by BB or Kyle or both.

At 3:50:00 A paid rant mentions Trump never mentioning the voting machines and that he only talks about election fraud in vague terms

[My take is that there are multiple methods used and PDJT is avoiding getting TRAPPED by the media into making specific claims that can then be used in a court of law. Think of the Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell cases. — GC]

3:50:30 Kyle: The Computer control, Dominion thing is way over blown. Which is what Trump has indicated the entire time…

So why was Tina Peters sentenced to nine years for backing up the Mesa County Dominion system before Dominion came in and did a ‘Trusted Build’ wiping the system? Remember Badlands (Jon Harold) kicked Tina Peters off the Badlands Media platform on February 12, 2024, well before she was convicted. Tina Peters said it was due to violating their policy by having someone else host her show without permission on the day she was supposed to be in court for her criminal trial. So why was she tossed instead of given a warning?🤔 After getting fired, Tina moved her show to Mike Lindell’s internet TV platform.

Former Mesa, CO Clerk and Gold Star mother Tina Peters sentenced to 9 years in latest political persecution

Tweet by Badlands Host Brian Lupo aka CannCon

Bombshell Dominion ‘Error Code’ Uncovered in 97% of Georgia CountiesKanekoa

Open records requests reveal 64 of 66 Georgia counties have the same unsolved ‘Tennessee Error’ that caused seven scanners to miscount hundreds of ballots.

In a podcast episode released last week Thursday, David Cross and Kevin Moncla of the Election Oversight Group reveal that open records request from 64 of 66 Georgia counties show the same security error “QR code signature mismatch” and warning message “Ballot format or id is unrecognizable” that caused seven scanners to miscount hundreds of ballots in Williamson County, Tennessee.

The “Tennessee Error” is an “anomaly” discovered on Dominion’s Image Cast Precinct (ICP) Tabulators (also referred to as “scanners”) that occurred during a Williamson County election held on October 26, 2021….

This fits with Seth Keshel saying a lot of the ‘steal’ happens in conservative counties. Instead of wining by say +10 you only win by +3. Since you won locally, you do not look for fraud but a few hundred here, five hundred there and it changes the state and federal elections. NC for example has 100 counties.


Back to the Transcript:

3:50:50 BB: He describes Gregg Phillips in detail but does not name him, and then says [Phillips] gathers most info warriors in the desert to give them a BUNCH OF NOTHING and some of those people get deposed by some of these election info structure companies. Almost like the people telling you that they were going to solve election fraud, that used to work for CNN and maybe also have connection to the Clinton Foundation, were not trying to HELP Anons, but were actually setting traps for ANONs so they would get sued by voting companies, is that maybe what was going on there?

3:51:43 Kyle: Pretty much, pretty much…

3:53:00 Kyle: We have seen those types of mis-information shill plays on the topics of election fraud and Covid 19 more than we have on anything else. Its Covid-19, either the virus or the vaccination and it’s election fraud thru the machines. Those topic are the most shill filled topics out there….


This is the ONLY Gregg Phillips – CNN connection I can find.

Who Is Gregg Phillips, the Man Trump Name-Checked to Prove Voter Fraud?

January 27, 2017 – 
“Look forward to seeing final results of VoteStand. Gregg Phillips and crew say at least 3,000,000 votes were illegal. We must do better!” Trump tweeted shortly after Phillips appeared on CNN

And the Clinton Connection?

This is all I could find:

Gregg Phillips’ Security Man: Craig Sawyer

A connection to the Clinton Foundation and Human Trafficking?

The connection made is via Craig Sawyer being security for the Clintons. This website is dedicated to targeting Gregg Phillips & Catherine Engelbrecht and has several articles.

For what it is worth Wiki also eviscerates Phillips and accuses him of all sorts of fraud too.



(This is actually NOTHING compared to Part 2 but it is the info most known to Americans.)

I will start with this current tweet:

Jesse Watters says dems suing to prevent drop box surveillance: 10 sec to 15 sec

Attorney General Ken Paxton Sept 2020 Op Ed Mail-In Bal­lots: A Threat to Democracy

It is also no secret that both sides of the political aisle have long agreed that voting by mail-in ballot increases the likelihood of fraud. During a 2004 Congressional hearing, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jerry Nadler, D-NY, said, “In my experience in New York, paper ballots are extremely susceptible to fraud. I could show you experience which would make your head spin.” Just two years ago in a legislative hearing in Austin, a prosecutor from South Texas (and registered Democrat) testified: “Any time you have ballots that are outside the polling location, you’re going to have fraud…I would never recommend everyone voting by mail – it invites fraud.”…

During the 2018 primary, an anonymous video surfaced that appears to show how easily a Houston-area campaign worker collected a ballot application and signature from a voter in less than 20 seconds.  After providing her signature, the voter asked the worker, “Is this legal, what you’re doing?” The worker replied, “Yes, ma’am, we’ve done 400 already.”

Once mail ballots go out, harvesters show up at a voter’s door and offer “voting assistance.” They often appear friendly, and helpful. Successful vote harvesters leave with a voter’s signature and a ballot that is blank, that is “correctly” voted, or that can be modified later. Or the harvester can simply discard the ballot if the voter chose the “wrong” candidate. Done effectively, the process is largely invisible to the voter, who is led to believe their ballot was cast according to their wishes.  

Because of tactics like these, my office has conducted over 300 investigations of mail-in ballot fraud. Our investigators have spoken with thousands of victims of mail ballot fraud over the years, and they commonly tell us they were pressured and harassed by campaign workers to sign up to vote by mail, vote a certain way, or hand over their ballots. The common denominator in mail ballot fraud is that the votes of the victims are cancelled and replaced by those of paid campaign workers. Every fraudulent vote disenfranchises a lawful voter by canceling out their lawful vote.

Politically-motivated groups want to scare us into allowing what amounts to unlimited vote by mail. In doing so, they are stealing your right to vote. Democrats distract the public with talk of foreign involvement in our elections while they are brazenly creating election interference themselves…..

There are a lot of older articles with Democrats screaming about election interference via mail in voting. I had it and then lost it and could not find it again. However I did find this more current information.

SEPT 01, 2016 SLATE: Voter Fraud Exists.

The Washington Post and News21 published a thorough analysis on Thursday of alleged voter fraud cases over the past four years in Arizona, Ohio, Georgia, Texas, and Kansas—five states where Republican politicians have argued that voting restrictions are necessary to prevent fraud. Predictably, the study confirmed the academic consensus that in-person voter fraud is simply not a problem: In none of these states over the past four years has a single person been caught impersonating another voter in order to cast an illegitimate ballot.

So much for in-person voter fraud. But does that mean voter fraud doesn’t exist at all? No. Voter fraud does happen—but it almost never occurs at the polls. Instead, as election law expert and occasional Slate contributor Rick Hasen has explained, voter fraud occurs through absentee ballots. The vast majority of voter fraud prosecutions touted by conservative groups like the Heritage Foundation involve absentee ballots that were illegally cast. And the only voting fraud schemes with the potential to actually swing elections involved mail-in ballots, not impersonation at the polls. (This makes sense: It’s much easier to forge a signature, impersonate a voter, or buy a vote in the privacy of one’s home than it is in a voting booth at the polls.)

This distinction is critically important….

October 9 2020 The Globalist: Democratic Voters Beware: “Vote by Mail” in US Battleground States Is a Trap


On people being ‘set-up’ I can not find anything but I do remember people being warned to look at their state laws, NEVER confront a ballot mule and to keep their distance.

I think Melody Jennings founder of Clean Elections USA is who BB & Kyle maybe speaking of.

3 minute War Room interview

October 25, 2022 Reuters U.S. ad-hoc voter monitoring group intimidating Arizonans, says lawsuit

…Two U.S. voter-rights organizations have asked a federal judge to temporarily stop a grassroots group from monitoring voter drop boxes in Arizona for alleged voter fraud, the week after state officials asked federal prosecutors to probe the group for possible voter intimidation.

A lawsuit filed by Arizona Alliance for Retired Americans and Vote Latino alleges the private group, Clean Elections USA, and its founder Melody Jennings are attempting to “bully and intimidate lawful Arizona voters” casting early votes in the midterm elections…

For months it has been recruiting volunteers for drop box tailgate parties, where followers monitor ballot drop off locations for alleged fraud.

Jennings could not be reached for immediate comment.

The lawsuit was filed late on Monday in the U.S. District Court in Arizona.

Arizona’s secretary of state [who Kari Lake said wo last week asked the U.S. Department of Justice to probe a case of possible voter intimidation after a group of people linked to Clean Elections followed and filmed a voter dropping off a ballot.

The lawsuit cites that case, as well as an Oct. 22 post on Trump’s Truth Social media platform from Jennings in which she referred to two people described in the lawsuit as armed and wearing tactical gear while watching a drop box as “our people.”

Clean Elections USA is running a “coordinated campaign of vigilante voter intimidation” that violates the Voting Rights Act and the Klu Klux Klan Act, the lawsuit said….

Actually what I am seeing is a bunch of stupidity & poor training given democrats will use anything to sue someone they target. BTDT and have the lawyer’s bills to prove it.

For a different take and the judge’s ruling:

11/04/2022 Natural News: CHEATING IN PLAIN VIEW: Arizona judge bans anyone from using cameras to catch ballot stuffing MULES at drop boxes

11/13/2020 Natural News – Election integrity expert: Voter fraud is real, and it happens through mail-in ballots

….Hans von Spakovsky, one of the country’s leading experts on election integrity, said in an interview with Life Site News that voter fraud is real and that there are multiple examples of it in recent years.

“The reality is that we do unfortunately have election fraud occur in this country, and we also have mistakes and other problems occur in our system,” said von Spakovsky, who has written prolifically regarding campaign finance, voter fraud, voter ID laws and how federal voting rights laws must be enforced…

During his interview, von Spakovsky gave specific instances of election fraud. Many of them revolve around the use of mail-in or absentee ballots, which he believes are likely sources of serious security breaches, especially if their implementation was rushed and not properly regulated.In a report written for the Heritage Foundation — of which von Spakovsky is a senior legal fellow — he enumerated several elections that had been stolen in the past thanks to the use of mail-in or absentee ballots.

The most recent example of this occurred in the 2018 midterm elections, when Republican Mark Harris’ victory in the race for the ninth congressional district of North Carolina was voided because evidence surfaced of “concerted fraudulent activities related to absentee by-mail ballots.”The North Carolina State Board of Elections conducted a thorough investigation and concluded that a new election had to be called.

They found that ruthless political operatives had run a “coordinated, unlawful and substantially resourced absentee ballot scheme.”…

A bit of background: RNC Sues Detroit for Deleting Dropbox Surveillance Footage

On August 20, 2024, we submitted a FOIA request for drop box video surveillance footage after being alerted to a potential election integrity concern during the primary election. We requested the footage from August 7th and 8th to verify the situation.
Detroit immediately acknowledged our request on August 21st and asked for an extension to produce the footage. Then on September 16th, we received a response, letting us know that the footage was “automatically” deleted after 30 days.
Deleting footage that is the subject of a pending FOIA request—submitted more than two weeks before the footage was deleted—is a clear violation of FOIA. Detroit had a clear legal obligation to preserve and provide the footage, which they violated.
We are suing to hold the city accountable for its failure to maintain drop box footage while FOIA requests are pending and to ensure this does not happen for the general election.

Western Journal: Bombshell Kari Lake Video of Arizona Signature Verification Process Will Make Your Blood Boil

2022 Gateway Pundit BREAKING: Georgia Investigators have ‘Ballot Trafficker’ Who Is Talking — Admits to Being Paid THOUSANDS in 2020 Election Ballot Boxes Ballot Harvesting Scheme — 242 Ballot Traffickers Detected

4 Facts to Know About Democrat Election Lawyer Marc Elias

November 2, 2021 – Elias led numerous lawsuits in 2020 to expand mail-in voting and represented the Biden campaign in the election aftermath.

I do not think the Democrats would be fighting so hard on Drop Box surveillance and mail in ballot signature verification if there was no ‘there there.’



This is the information presented at the PIT that was not broadcast at the time. This is what BB & Kyle are calling a “Bunch of Nothing”

For a video of the part of the Pit that was kept private go to:

The Tiger Project: A Betrayal in Three Acts – as presented 08.13.22 at The Pit

The video is 42 minutes.

Katherine explains they were most interested in PROCESS and they did a lot of open records requests.

This is just the first few minutes of Gregg’s talk. My rough transcript:

2:30 to 7:30 Gregg: the 3rd week of January in 2021, my guys in Dallas called me to a meeting at a Hilton… they had rented a room and they were all sort of wierd and stuffed towels under the door… They pulled up on the screen, in essence a data base. And the data base had in it every bit of information you would want to know on 1.8 million Americans. Their Drivers licence number, their dates of birth, social security numbers, bank account numbers routing numbers for those banks, their addresses THEIR KIDS, pretty much everything you would want to know. Also the kids were in their and we knew that because the kids names were noted in all caps… We are going thru this and I am asking what is this? And this is 1.8 million election workers in America. But it was more than that. It was a lot more than that. So as we dug into it and spent the next 3 or 4 hours and breaking up just before dawn… We learned thru this discovery process that this company had COLLECTED ALL VOTING RELATED INFORMATION, not just about the workers, about the schematics for the buildings, the RFID codes on the equipment, anything you would want to know about an election, to run an election or administer an election was in this data base.

The Data base it’s self… explains how got into the data base using Binary Edge (5:17 – 6:15)…It would be startling enough to know that information… was on servers in America. You would be even more startled to know this server lives on the main Unicom backbone in China and it is in a Chinese University in Wuhan China…. I am not talking about this being a storage place for a data process here. The App server for this particular application was in China….

Gregg is introducing the people at the PIT to Konnech and Eugene Yu. The server not only contained info on Americans but also on Australians, Canadians, & Mexicans and they ultimately found out the CCP elections are on this same server. This confounded the local (Detroit) FBI counter intel team. Gregg says they were part of the on going FBI operation [Can you say set-up by FBI?] Later Gregg acknowledged that it was a set-up. At ~30 minutes they get into exhibits.

This is the complete list of Docs that were shared: Zip File

Also mentioned is the Chinese law that makes ALL THE DATA ON THAT WEB SERVER CHINESE GOVERNMENT PROPERTY! Konnech has contracts all over the country, mainly in all the key counties and all the key cities like Detroit and Boston.

At around 9 minutes to 11 minutes Gregg talks about Mungo DB and their password. How the system was so poorly written that it was wide open and allowed his guys to download all the data. He then goes into the Chinese Communist Credit Scores that ALSO IS APPLIED to AMERICANS. They have more info about Americans than anyone in the world. Gregg emphasizes they have info on just about EVERYONE in the USA. Also Gregg mentions Eugene Yu had his hands in mail-in vote counting software too.

Information from True The Vote:

Open Ink — Georgia Collection

“Open.Ink Editorial: The Georgia and January 6th-related indictments against Donald J. Trump are predicated on the narrative that election authorities like Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr, and others had thoroughly evaluated the accuracy of the 2020 elections and gave counsel to then-President Donald Trump that there was “no meaningful election fraud” based on their professional, supportable evaluations. True the Vote’s experiences in Georgia prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the General Election of 2020 was never meaningfully investigated. From the over 67,000 votes attached to voting records of individuals ineligible to vote in their jurisdiction to unmonitored surveillance cameras and phantom ballots, these errant processes should have been monitored and investigated before certification. As you will read, True the Vote repeatedly presented its work to Federal and State law enforcement officials. Authorities did not investigate. Instead, they obfuscated, delayed, and ultimately targeted President Trump, True the Vote, and others, for publicly exposing their failure to uphold lawful processes. Those who question the accuracy of the 2020 General Election were, and are, right to do so. team”

Kanekoa gets into the nuts and bolts of the computer stuff Gregg revealed and I do not understand.

FBI Conceals Chinese Infiltration of U.S. Election Software Kanekoa

“This is a red Chinese communist op run against the United States by Chinese operatives, and it’s a disaster.”



BREAKING: “2000 Mules” Investigators Gregg Phillips and Catherine Engelbrecht Threatened with Jail Monday If They Do Not Identify Confidential Informant in Konnech Investigation

by Jim Hoft 

Konnech CEO Eugene Yu was arrested earlier this month in Michigan in connection with “theft of personal data.” The alleged stolen data belonged to poll workers and was the subject of TrueTheVote’s “PIT” in Arizona last August, where Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips singled out the company…

This is the last MG Flannel Friday Show with Gregg Phillips. [my transcript]

7:50 Konnech dropped the lawsuits.

Gregg: the big lie under pinning suit was that we had entered their computers in the USA illegally.

Jeff: Interesting timing Dominion is acting like they won the defamation case when Fox settled out of court… It is like one vote fraud organization gave 780 million to another vote fraud organization…

Gregg: I do not know if the timing was a coincidence or not. However next week there was a bunch of DISCOVERY due to us. In our case discovery was OUR friend and not theirs…. They did not want to go thru discovery. That’s #1. #2 we dropped everything we had that was public out into our new transparency website: open dot ink [] Within 24 hours of the launch of open ink with all of this information, including the infamous video from the PIT, that everybody on the planet HAD LIED ABOUT… Where we talked about the Tiger Project. Within 24 hours they approached our lawyers with settling the thing out. And within 24 hrs after that it was settled… So it took 48 hrs from our disclosing all our information on Konnech to them settling it.

Greg goes into the ILLEGAL detention of Katherine and himself, where Katherine is tossed into a 92% male medical solitary where her cell has an ALL Glass front so if she takes a shower or goes to the bathroom she is visible to the men walking by. Greg was strip search… tossed in solitary and had to sleep on concrete…

Jeff: …This was a civil case and was for about a week….

Gregg: …It was about refusing to give up our sources…

16:20 Jeff: What does True the Vote and we the Patriots need to do as well?

Gregg: Well I think there is a lot coming. I think Eugene Yu and Konnech are still in trouble in Los Angeles…

Remember that Dot cn is china.

L.A. County to Pay $5 Million to Election Executive Wrongly Charged With Data Breach – The New York Times

January 25, 2024 – Eugene Yu, the owner of an election software company, was arrested in 2022 on charges of breaching election data. Those charges were dropped weeks later.

After Marc Elias, the DNC election bulldog entered the picture the case was dropped. Unfortunately I can no longer find that info on the web.

April 18, 2024 LA prosecutor on election software firm case claims charges dropped over DA’s political concerns | Just The News

The Los Angeles DA allegedly dropped the criminal charges against Konnech CEO Eugene Yu because he was afraid of appearing to be aligned with President Trump, according to the prosecutor’s complaint.

A lead prosecutor on a case involving the CEO of an election software company has filed a government tort complaint against Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón for allegedly dismissing criminal charges improperly against the company executive for political purposes.

The prosecution of the head of an election software company used by election offices across the country that began in October 2022 was ended about a month later because of the Los Angeles County district attorney’s concerns about his political image, according to the lead prosecutor’s complaint against the DA.


On Wednesday, Eric Neff, a prosecutor in the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office, filed a lawsuit against the DA for allegedly improperly dismissing criminal charges against Eugene Yu, the founder and CEO of the Michigan-based election software company Konnech….

Skuttlebutt from Naked Truth News. I do remember the move to Malaysia that included all the information/computers confiscated by California.

Feb 28 LA DA has reopened the Eugene Yu criminal embezzlement case

…His company makes PollChief election software in Wuhan, China.

At the recommendation of Homeland Security, Eugene moved his family and business to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on Nov. 10th, 2022.

The sources for the story are tips and court records from the Los Angeles Superior Court…

Also see Sundance’s Article

District Attorney Drops Charges Against Konnech

I am adding this MG Show interview from last year because Kash Patel REFUSES to go on Badlands media despite repeated invites… HMMmmmm

There is no ‘love’ between Badlands and the MG show BTW. They take potshots at each other on occasion. Kate Awakening was lamenting the breech between Badlands and her friends on MeWe just after she got booted.

6:51 –36:00 Kash Patel on the MG Show Dec 28, 2022 If you have the time it is worth listening.



I am just going to list most of his articles with the blurb he includes with some exceptions.

Konnech’s Shocking “Back-Door” Access Into U.S. Election Data: Network Diagram

Los Angeles County prosecutors allege “Chinese contractors” had “superadministration” access to “astounding” amounts of data in what is “probably the largest data breach in United States history.”

The prosecutor’s complaint reads:

“Based on evidence recovered from a search warrant executed October 4, 2022, the District Attorney’s Office discovered that Konnech employees known and unknown sent personal identifying information of Los Angeles County election workers to third-party software developers who assisted with creating and fixing Konnech’s internal ‘PollChief’ software.”

Sam Faddis, retired CIA operations officer and renowned national security author, wrote in his Substack:

“An individual with super administration access to a system can do effectively anything inside that system. He or she can delete data, steal data, alter data, change programming, etc.

Perhaps most importantly, that individual can cover his or her tracks, because they can potentially also access and alter all security protocols and programs.

So, Konnech, which has numerous questionable ties to Chinese entities was allowed to punch a hole into our election systems, and then Konnech was allowed to grant that same level of access to unknown “contractors” in China.”

On Aug. 10, 2021, Los Angeles County’s election office uploaded a network diagram of its Election Management System (EMS) called “EMS Future State v15” to the county registrar’s website.

A network diagram is a digital roadmap that identifies data flow within an organization.

If Los Angeles county’s uploaded diagram is accurate, it demonstrates that Konnech’s PollChief software has a direct “data integration” and “data exchange” point with the county’s overall EMS software

Election Management Software like EMS for those like me who are computer illiterate.

The image below can be blown up and made readable in a new tab.

How the Chinese Academy of Sciences financed & developed Konnech’s subsidiary

Konnech’s rise from Jinhua Yulian Network to Hongzheng Technology begins on January 25, 2006, when CEO Eugene Yu was accepted into the Chinese Academy of Sciences Jinhua Science and Technology Park.

AUG 26, 2022 The America Project’s Election Integrity Initiative

Operation Eagles Wings is recruiting, training, and deploying thousands of citizens in local elections across Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia, & Wisconsin.

Konnech CEO’s connection to China’s National People’s Congress

October 6, 2022 – I meticulously documented everything I found about Eugene Yu for the last six weeks — and now I’m ready to teach New York Times reporters and FBI agents what I found.

…I found what caused Engelbrecht and Phillips to warn the FBI that Konnech is a “major national security risk.”

What was even more disturbing was that, according to Engelbrecht and Phillips, the FBI’s Washington D.C. office attempted to cover up this national security issue rather than investigate why Chinese nationals are programming U.S. election software.

“The problem is they know about this and chose to do nothing,” Phillips said.

“They chose to investigate it, and in the end, they chose to blame us, but this is China. These are Chinese operatives in the United States; these are Chinese citizens who are programming this.”….

CHARLES LIEBER: Harvard chemist Charles Lieber found guilty of all charges [from DOJ]

Konnech CEO linked foundation flew Harvard’s Charles Lieber to China

Eugene Yu was an “officer” on the “finance committee” of the American Zhu Kezhen Education Foundation, which awarded Dr. Charles Lieber an all-expenses paid trip to Zhejiang University in 2002….

AZKEF’s mission is “to promote exchange and cooperation between Zhejiang University and universities in the United States” and “to invite United States professors or scientists to Zhejiang University.”

According to AZKEF, Dr. Lieber’s visit “produced a lot of excitement” and other universities such as “Fudan University, University of Science and Technology of China, Tshinghua University, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences” took the opportunity to invite Lieber to visit their campuses…

Have Chinese Spies Infiltrated American Elections?

Konnech CEO’s deleted website reveals Chinese Communist Party roots.

Konnech CEO Eugene Yu worked for the Chinese Communist Party

The U.S. election software CEO managed the Guangzhou Development Zone, and his Chinese subsidiary developed electronic voting systems for China’s National People’s Congress for nearly two decades.

Konnech’s Connection to the CCP’s #1 Voting Technology Company

Do you think Eugene Yu is secretly running Hongzheng Technology? Or, perhaps, could Yu be secretly running Konnech, a voting technology company in America, for the CCP?

Konnech CEO Eugene Yu’s ties to CCP election software company [VIDEO]

An independent journalist published an excellent video report on Konnech CEO Eugene Yu’s connection to Hongzheng Technology. With her Chinese background, Lei independently verified Konnech CEO Eugene Yu’s relation to the Chinese Communist Party’s premier voting technology company Jinhua Hongzheng Technology. [Contains transcript]

Eugene Yu Konnech to China on and

Why was the website for the Chinese Communist Party’s premier voting technology company registered to

Again a major THANK YOU to Kanekoa for all his very good work.

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Gail, you came through. Bless you on this Hump Day.

comment image



pat frederick

^^^^^^if democrat women were camels?


Reposting this from shortly before midnight on yesterday’s thread. I didn’t notice the time, or I would have just waited 😁

Apparently DJT is going on the Joe Rogan podcast:



For Scott —


Thanks, Gail. This article reminded me of a number of things that used to be on the radar but that I don’t hear about anymore.

Note: I have never seen one thing to make me doubt the integrity of Gregg Phillips (or Catherine Engelbrecht, for that matter).

Jon Herold’s name is spelled “her old,” FYI.

I do not trust 99% of online bloggers for just the reasons you state. Patrick Gunnels appears to be working for some other side. Burning Bright and Kyle appear to be making pronouncements now that I disagree with. Yet, again, I have never heard anything controversial from Gregg Phillips. He puts the work in instead of talking about it all the time. And it’s very interesting that Konnech dropped their lawsuit against him just when discovery was about to come out.

I know that some states have changed their laws that in some ways might make cheating a little harder, but I never hear anything that directly addresses a resolution to MANY problems, including those you brought up here.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Agree with everything you said there!


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



They want to ride Trump’s coattails to success. Some probably want to undermine him for their own glory. I think he’s running a tighter ship this time.


I hope he is.


This brings up an entirely different aspect to how Dems have yet another advantage in outcomes for the election. Biden has been steadily packing the Judiciary where it concerns Federal Judges in much the same way we we watched Trump do it. At first I thought we were doing a fair job of blocking his nominees but that seems to have changed about a year into Biden’s Administration. Since then it seems he’s been racing to stack the bench and doing a good job of it (213) (all numbers in brackets are still active).

Meanwhile all the Trump nominees exist with a question mark hanging over their heads as all had to get past Mitch first and I don’t see where they were of much help in the last election (226). A weak bench I’d call that. Hopefully four years of Biden have shaken them up.

Over all a few Regan appointees are still out there from 30 years ago, which were by and by dependable (11) , then we have 12 years of Bushie appointees who while law and order are also likely to back the uni-party, which in my book says WEFfen Judges (122) . Then eight years of Clinton picks and eight years of Obama picks (262).

Times like this when we need Flep back.

Totals Dem picks (475) and Repub picks (359) of which some we won’t be able to depend on unless they really hate the Biden years. This gives Dems a clear (116) advantage. Ackkkk!

Tables used for count found here. Limited information on which courts they serve.

Another source with more detailed on which courts they serve.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great points!


The Post Millennial:

Obama: “Don’t have nostalgia for what [Trump’s] economy was, because that was mine. And now he wants to do it again.”

I have no words to adequately express what I feel about BHO. Has he forgotten how Trump, running in 2016, said he would bring back the economy, and O asked how; did he have a magic wand?

Lyin’ liars gonna lie.

Last edited 11 hours ago by TheseTruths
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Obama is an evil little piece of shit.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Inflicted upon the United States by people who need to face justice.




THIS to the highest power – !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

pat frederick

an egotistic POS!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amen! The guy is both a POS and a POX on America!


“I have no words to adequately express what I feel about BHO.”


I have plenty of words to express what I think about the Usurper, but I can’t say most of them here and probably shouldn’t say most of them anywhere.


Moi aussi!!!!


Agree with everybody and feel very good that he’s forced to get out and campaign like a needy little bitch pimping for Harris

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

And you know that bastard still has an emergency plane ticket to Kenya or China!!!

pat frederick

hope it’s on a Boeing plane!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



I think he’s demeaning himself by campaigning for such an awful candidate. How the “mighty” have fallen. He used to be considered some kind of savior.


My response to Barry:

You didn’t build that.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love it!!! 😂


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Kunce, a Democrat, was at a private residence near Holt north of Kansas City with former U.S. Rep. Adam Kinzinger, an Illinois Republican, when a fragment appeared to have ricocheted off a target. Kunce was shooting an AR-15 at the time, and was the only person shooting when the injury occurred.


The rest of Nick Sortor’s X post:

These idiots decided it’d be a good idea to shoot metal plates with an AR-15 from just FIFTEEN FEET and are surprised they almost k*lled someone?

And Tim Walz has already proven he doesn’t have the slightest clue how to handle a firearm. There seems to be a trend here

Maybe it’s time to disarm the democrats. They’re the ones constantly shooting people.

Last edited 10 hours ago by TheseTruths

Nice eye and ear protection there, bucko.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO! Great catch! Up on top of his head, looking cool!


Nope… those are his sun glasses on his head. He’s using the little orange ear insert things. Too cheap to buy good ear protection.


It was only a photo op. They weren’t going to be out there for very many rounds


True, but if they were real gun enthusiasts they’d of had real ear muffs packed with their gear. This shows them as amateurs at best and at worst a 100% photo op with guns brought in by a third party.


Perzactly. No gear. It’s the same as Schumer’s grilling photo op. Obviously something they never do.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


When Democrats and other leftists do something stupid, they then immediately blame the freedom that let them be stupid, and try to take that freedom away.


Right. “See how dangerous guns are?” 😠


Nice shootin’, bois.

You don’t see conservatives shooting reporters…


Exactly 👍


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This thread is a related to the above:

1/ The leaked CCDH documents have exposed a disturbing pattern of foreign influence in U.S. politics, with a British group actively working to undermine American tech companies and shape online discourse ahead of the 2024 election.

Their top priority? “Kill Musk’s Twitter.”

2/ CCDH’s founder, Morgan McSweeney, is a key figure in UK politics, credited with Labour Party leader Keir Starmer’s rise to power.

Now, he’s advising U.S. Democrats, including VP Kamala Harris and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz.


Last edited 6 hours ago by eilert


“AND their donors.”


That’s the correct move 👍

“Alinsky RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.
Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.”

I would amend that to institutions don’t hurt at all, so going after the institution is pointless unless you have the potential to literally shut it down or sue it out of existence.

Go after the criminal people.

They are our teachers, and they have taught us by lifelong example exactly how they want to be treated. They have shown us no mercy.

I don’t want them to be disappointed, or to think that we haven’t learned.

Last edited 6 hours ago by scott467

This has to be understood in the context of the alternative. If you were doing business in Baghdad with the partnership of Abdul, Achmed, and McIntosh, and ran into trouble, you couldn’t sue in Baghdad. You had to track down Abdul, Achmed, and McIntosh in their ancestral villages where half the potential jury was their cousins and sue them there.

If Abdul, Achmed, and McIntosh, Inc. are doing business in Baghdad, Iraq, then their corporation must be chartered to operate in Iraq. You can no longer go after the individuals in wherever they are, but you can go after the corporation in Iraq — that is the tradeoff. If found guilty of wrongdoing, the assets in Iraq can be seized and their charter to do business in Iraq can be revoked.

The alternative to corporations shielding their investors from public consequence is not responsibility — it is a maze of impenetrable associations leading back to individuals in tribal areas.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is just nuts. These people just don’t give a shit about the law – either at the Constitutional level, or even at the nitty-gritty.


This is just bullshit.

The Demmunists scream about foreign interference – and what do they do?



The Demon Dems PLAN to use foreign help – so in Goebbels style, they ACCUSE THE OTHER SIDE FIRST as preparatory strategy.

They knew they would do this. They planned. PREMEDITATED.


Well, the dumb fucks have gone to war with the richest man in the world, and one of the smartest. Let’s see how they do against an army of lawyers, and a very pissed off genius trillionaire.

Last edited 2 hours ago by Aubergine
pat frederick

they usually pick on less wealthy people with LIMITED resources and win easily thru attrition. they picked the wrong target this time




I’ve never seen any indication that Musk can be intimidated by anyone. Big mistake on their part.

Last edited 48 minutes ago by TheseTruths

😂 Go gettum. Love it!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent reminders of election fraud reality.

Expect it this time as well.


Wolf Moon
Agree, absolutely.
The Georgia State Supreme Court just ruled that poll workers are NOT going to be required to hand count ballots for the 2024 election. The court struck down a new regulation that would have required a hand count.


Amber Duke:

Kamala Harris is now running ads against third party candidate @DrJillStein

in Milwaukee attempting to link her to KKK leader David Duke and Vladimir Putin.

Spending money on this two weeks out indicates the campaign has deep concerns about retaining the progressive Dem base. If that’s true in Wisconsin, the problem is likely even deeper in Michigan.


This is yet another sign that Camel-Uh’s internal polling is dismal.

I think she took the day off yesterday to try to figure out what to do. She is getting blown out, and it is humiliating. And she has no coping mechanism for it.

After all, she can’t just give the American public head and get the job. She’s gotta offer something actually worth voting for.


Yikes! You’re burning my ears!  😮 


Sorry. I’m in a bit of a mood 🙂

pat frederick

well there’s a disturbing image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Where was she during that time off?

I have a theory that she shorts her preparation for “public time” so that she can invest what little brain power she has, in “private time” where she gets her orders and conspires in criminal stuff, takes drugs, etc.

If she took off a full day, they’re up to some nasty plan, and she is getting prepped for it.


“He hit my car on the highway and he’s trying to leave!!!”

Which, apparently, justifies putting every other person on the highway at risk of sudden death.

Driver sounds very stable, a real pro… 🤣



He seems oddly fixated on something, but I can’t quite tell what it is…..


I think it’s something about a highway, but I can’t really make heads or tails out of it… he’s not saying it enough to really catch it 😂



No stay on appeal? No Eighth Amendment suit? WTF are his attorneys thinking? What is he thinking? I’m just blown away that this shitpile case could get to this point.

It’s like Rudy just gave up. Even the judge commented on it.

pat frederick

is he out of cash to continue his defense?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think so. He was riding on contributions, IMO. As the election approached, those likely dried up.


The problem, IMO, is that Mr. Giuliani was “too close to the truth.”
So, the DeepState / WEF Cabal / “BO Cabal” resorted to lawfare to destroy Mr. Giuliani.
IMO, these “entities” won’t be “satisfied” until Mr. Giuliani is literally thrown out onto the street to fend for himself. And/or, to jail him for the rest of his life on this planet. And/or, to destroy his reputation for all time. And/or, to so undermine his health that this is destroyed, also.
God help him.

IMO, another “goal” of this situation: to warn others who are trying to get the truth out about the 2020 vote fraud, that this may happen to them also. Case in point: Tina Peters.


It’s their collective sadism. It’s immensely satisfying for them to cripple their enemies. It’s personal and hateful.



We should just smile.


Loved the laugh at the end. 😆

Meanwhile the reporter, Jeffery Goldberg, that did the Atlantic piece is the same one that created the story about Trump disrespecting soldiers when when Trump was in Europe.

This story heated up the internets yesterday.

Valerie Curren

Wow, Gail this is an Amazingly Deep Dive. So much to process, so little time. Bottom line I would guess that many of these alarming “systems” are still in place so that the 2024 election is ripe for the stealing?

TY for putting all of this info in one place! You ROCK, per usual!


The visuals suck, but the band is firing on all cylinders here —


‘m only a few minutes into the 1916 Project film, exposing how Democrats are facilitating the genocide of black babies, and it’s already super powerful

It’s amazing that the pro-life movement is finally taking over the culture war against abortion instead of just reacting.

I highly recommend watching it and using the information in it anytime you debate the wokies.

Great work to the team 



Huge reviews on this. People are blown away…. and that’s from people who already know the score.😮

pat frederick

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pat frederick

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pat frederick


What is needed now is a thoroughly cleansed future IC (if such a thing is remotely possible) to provide any com’s that these moves were being set up before the disaster struck.


Ah, well, I guess my land has been grabbed. A couple of years ago my loan was sold to Mr. Cooper, too.

Seriously, it doesn’t matter who services your loan. Nothing changes except where you send the money. Loans are sold all the time; in the 15 years I’ve owned my home, Mr. Cooper is my FOURTH loan servicer.

And to be honest, so far they are the best, easiest to access, and most efficient.

pat frederick

thanks for this Aubergine!!



It’s just business. I once had a friend who just insisted on getting a home loan with a local bank who promised to “never sell” her loan. The catch? An extra point of interest! I pleaded with her not to do it; that is a boatload of money over the life of the loan. And I guarantee there was some stipulation somewhere in the ream of paperwork that would let them do it anyway.



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pat frederick

we all knew it was a land grab–they did it in Lahaina –they’re doing it in NC too…
North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper (D) confirmed the government won’t help to rebuild areas of the state devastated by Hurricane Helene last month, and will instead opt to buy out the land.
Cooper claimed during a New York Times climate forum earlier this month that climate change was causing more frequent hurricanes and because of that, government land grabs were a more prudent approach to rebuilding.
“North Carolina had two ‘500-year storms’ within 20 months of each other in the same place. We just had a ‘thousand-year’ storm event. We know that that’s not true anymore. We know that these events are becoming more and more intense,” Cooper said.
There it is folks…
🚨 Governor Roy Cooper of North Carolina just confirmed that Certain Areas won’t be Rebuilt and they’re Buying Out Entire Communities Affected by “Climate Change”
“We’ve spent a lot of time on the way we approach rebuilding… in some areas, you just…
— MJTruthUltra (@MJTruthUltra) October 22, 2024
“We’ve spent a lot of time being smart about the way we approach rebuilding. We go into communities, we work with them, we have plans for local governments. In some areas, you just shouldn’t build back.”
“And we’ve been able to convince certain communities and people that buyouts are better. And you create green space that soaks up flood water that comes and protects surrounding areas,” he continued.
“When you do build back, you have to invest more in order for property to be more resilient. But when it is elevated, we even saw in some of the storm’s subsequent that those properties were unaffected because we had made them more resilient.”
Cooper also said he was able to convince some Republicans to go along with the Democrat “Build Back Better” agenda to fight climate change.
“So those are the challenges that we’re facing every day. And it’s one of the reasons why we’ve been able to get a number of Republican local officials, particularly on the coast who said, OK, guys, climate change is here,” he said.
“We know that we have to do something about it. We know that the United States is the leader in the world [that] needs to set an example, North Carolina needs to set an example. And so we’ve gotten a number of them on board.”
“There’s still a lot of climate denialists out there,” Cooper added.
Like with Hurricane Helene, the media was quick to blame climate change for the wildfires in Lahaina, Hawaii, that decimated the entire area last year and killed over 112 people.
Hawaii Governor Josh Green (D) soon after announced that his administration was looking into acquiring the destroyed Lahaina properties.
“I’m already thinking about ways for the state to acquire that land so we can put it into workforce housing, to put it back into families, or to make it open spaces in perpetuity as a memorial to people who were lost,” he said.
“We don’t want this to become a clear space where then, yes, people from overseas just come and decide they’re going to take it. The state will take it and preserve it first.”


And there it is explained to even the more dense by a criminal governor. Good post, Pat.

I hope more now see it is all planned and executed by evil doers who take the long view.

Maybe more can now see what my BIMD and American Stories posts have been centered on as well as what Gail brings.

Trace back the roots to global cooling, global warming, and climate change fear porn using the formerly trusted education industry, related science industry, media and publishing houses. What has transpired over time?

It is always about the money and power. We the People are livestock to them.

pat frederick

be on the lookout for more “weather related” disasters in the surrounding states were valuable mineral deposits have been found. if lithium is the future, those communities and those states are doomed


Yup. Arkansas is on the clock…

Which is why Sarah and the legislature booted Chyna’s land grabs from the state.

I hope people understand the clowns and Brits, among others, are behind Chyna.

Last edited 3 hours ago by TradeBait2

pat frederick
Thank you for this.
So, DemCommunist Gov. Roy Cooper first slow-walks / stonewalls, immediate and critically-needed support to the people of western NC devastated by Helene.
People there were badly injured physically, lost their homes and businesses, and people died from the storm, from their injuries, and more.
Gov. Cooper allowed FEMA and other federal government agencies to literally shove aside private persons and private organizations that were trying to help, taking their supplies away from them for “inventory” and threatening them with arrest if they didn’t “comply.”
Then, he allows “MAUI REDUX” to take place in western NC in the areas that were devastated by Helene.
Now, Vanguard, BlackRock, and other “financial predators” are making sure that “MAUI REDUX” happens in western NC.
Question: how much “appreciation reward” does Gov. Cooper receive from “certain entities”?

Last edited 1 hour ago by PAVACA
pat frederick


Challenge away, bitch. You are going down along with all of your fellow Chyna crims if patriots have any say in the matter .

pat frederick

ironic, isn’t it?
PDJT was labeled an election denier…
will her “challenges” similarly be refused to be heard by the courts?


Elections are “Safe and Effective”! Thanks, Gail!


WORD of encouragement for us in these times….
Days of Praise – 10/23/24

Endurance Empowers Sanctification

“But in all things approving ourselves as the ministers of God, in much patience, in afflictions, in necessities, in distresses.” (2 Corinthians 6:4)
The phrase “in much patience [endurance]” could be used to summarize all of the apostle Paul’s life. The Greek word for endurance (hupomone) is used in the New Testament over 30 times. Endurance is triumphant patience, causing the troubled saint to rise above difficult circumstances. John Chrysostom, an early church father, said endurance “is a fortress that is never taken, a harbor that knows no storm.” It describes a believer boldly facing the difficult circumstances of life.

So, what were a few of Paul’s afflictions (Greek thlipsis)? Paul uses the same Greek word to describe his “trouble which came to us in Asia” (2 Corinthians 1:8) as well as his distress in writing his sorrowful letter to the Corinthians (2:4). He also used this word to summarize the troubles that caused him deep anguish (4:16–17). Even with these great struggles, Paul obediently overcame and endured.

Paul remained steadfast under the most arduous trials, and so can any believer in Christ. “We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed; always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body” (4:8–10).

The sufferings of this present world are not to be compared with the glory that is ours in eternity. As one saint described, “Ministry will be a wildly oscillating experience.” Through all of life’s oscillation, the Holy Spirit grants the believer the strength to endure with contentment and integrity. May we be empowered to follow Paul’s example (11:1)! – CCM


It is past time for Chyna and all of its traitor cronies in the America to be escorted to the dungeon.

pat frederick

there must be an ap for that…
maybe Israel knows a tech?


Verse of the Day for Wednesday, October 23, 2024

“Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.” 

Psalms 150:6 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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ARMOR OF GOD: The Hidden Power You May Not Know | C.S Lewis 2024

166 views Premiered 4 hours ago Faith in GOD

Scripture Pathways: Unveiling Biblical Prophecy & C.S. Lewis’s Wisdom

ARMOR OF GOD: The Hidden Power You May Not Know | C.S Lewis 2024

#CSLewis #ArmorOfGod #SpiritualWarfare #HiddenPower #2024insights #Faith #DivineSigns #ChristianLife #SpiritualJourney #ChristianFaith #GodsWork #SpiritualWarfare #DivineProtection #BibleTruth #SpiritualVictory

Discover the hidden power of the Armor of God that most people overlook. In this video, we explore how C.S. Lewis’ insights reveal the true strength of this divine protection. Learn how to use the Armor of God in your daily battles and unlock spiritual victory in 2024!



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Lord – on our knees – we humbly adore You;
Lord – on our knees – we humbly implore You;
Help us – we pray – to meet needs and demands;
Touch us tenderly with Your Healing Hands!

For Barb, David, Tex and families/friends;
Our hearts are burdened; the need never ends;
For the lost, lonely, and troubled – we pray;
That they may be relieved of turmoil today!

There are so many, Lord – You know their names;
Who suffer – some who – the devil reclaims;
Help us, Lord – bring them back – into the fold;
Release them, Lord, from the evil one’s hold!

There is anger – there is strife – all around;
No peace anywhere – no peace can be found;
Electromagnetic – chemical hacks;
Through food, water, air – and mental attacks!

Military – who have returned – come home;
Are plagued by technology and syndrome;
Chips in the pills – and chemicals in drugs;
Wreak havoc on health – and the body slugs!

Sometimes, we wonder why You allow this;
Why You let him win – and us you dismiss;
Sometimes – at every turn – we dismay;
We can’t understand why he has his way!

Help us, Lord – to persevere and hold on;
Help us help others know where they belong;
Help us minister – leave all up to You;
Your will not ours – we accept and pursue!

Though we may suffer along with our friends;
Though our petition – our prayer never ends;
We trust in Your Love and Your Healing Hands;
We trust in Your Promise and Your Commands!

 We pray fervently – In His Name, we pray;
The Blood of the Lamb protects us each day;
Through His Mercy and Kindness – we heal;
Our souls – we are confident – He will seal!

Touch us, Dear Lord, with your Healing Hands;
Help us keep up with the prayers and demands;
Help us – through Faith – be a blessing to all;
Through divine appointments – answer Your call!

Heavenly Physician – We implore You;
Lay Your Healing Hands – on those before You;
Shine Your Light on us all so that we may see;
The Glory and Honor that belongs to Thee!

D01: 05/28/2013


Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday

Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday




Gail Combs
Thank you so much for this!
Yours Truly had “Suspicious Dog” thoughts about Lenovo computers 20 years ago, when the rumors about these computers having “spyware installed in them by the Communist Chinese” was going around.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If you want confirmation that “Black Insurrectionist” was some kind of leftist op to smear MAGA, discredit patriots and anons, get out ahead of actual victims, immunize Democrat voters, etc., etc., then just check this out. Woman got burned, but talks about all the burnage, and what she thinks is really going on.

It’s all very wordy, but insightful.

One comment theorizes that it was a Krassenstein operation.


Listened to the podcast from alleged victim #2 the foreign transfer student from Kazakhstan. Sounded extremely credible. At the time only the first victim was being talked about and this victim was not getting much exposure with little if any follow up. Hasn’t followed anything on third victim as nothing has been clear cut.

Also in the middle of this was the Way Back Machine and it’s other part Internet Archive dot Org was hit hard by hackers and had to go off line. Way Back Machine came back fully functional late last week and Archive dot Org is now finally functional but limited as of yesterday. My opinion is someone was trying to prevent people to check out what veracity could be found. There was the horse semen/Walz news article that could have been checked. Still not sure it has been yet. Not interested myself in checking if it actually existed. Trump doesn’t need any of this anyway.

When those two platforms ran by the same people went off line to fix their problem stories came out Russia Russia Russia and pro Palestine hackers. Which to me spells CIA since targeting those are not in either’s interest but they would be in the interest of the Biden/Kamala folk who would want to head off October surprises.

Could of been a legitimate hack by CIA like folk or those two platforms used the down time to dump their data. Nothing can be fully trusted but I’m glad my old books are coming back. 😁


Thank you for this. I loathe these internet liars.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

On plagiarism…..

Sure looks like Kamala is as bad as Biden, if not worse. The fact that two plagiarists were chosen by the powers that be in 2020 – very interesting.


Garden variety dimwits, Biden and Harris, the forerunners of DEI before it was coined. Same thing, subpar politicians promoted and obedient to the cause.

Deplorable Patriot

This fits with Seth Keshel saying a lot of the ‘steal’ happens in conservative counties. Instead of wining by say +10 you only win by +3. Since you won locally, you do not look for fraud but a few hundred here, five hundred there and it changes the state and federal elections. NC for example has 100 counties.

This is the part that we usually miss when talking about election integrity. Sneaky.


Republicans do sleepwalking better than anybody.

Grrr!  😡 

Brave and Free

More exposure of the Vax mRna fraud. This will never happen here until the cdc is cleaned out and politicians quit getting kickbacks from big pharm.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you! Re-posted to X!!!

Brave and Free

More exposure that will never be reported on by the controlled faux news.
One question, who altered the serial #, the people who let guns walk across the border?

Last edited 1 hour ago by Brave and Free

LIVE WITH JULIE – 10/23/2024




Psalms 105:24
Psalms 18:48
John 10:10
Luke 12:2
Luke 8:17
Mark 11:14-19
Job 22:28
Luke 10:19
John 14:12
Psalms 52:1-9
Psalms 54:1-7
1 Timothy 6:12
2 Corinthians 5:7
Psalms 56:4, 9
Deuteronomy 28:7
Revelation 3:16
Isaiah 54:17
James 4:7


God is the One that gives you the news before the news and He is in control.
God is making you stronger than your oppressors and He is lifting you up above those who rise up against you.
Pray that every lie will be revealed.
Your enemies are becoming more desperate and will continue to make more mistakes.
Speak to your enemies plots, plans and schemes and call them down.
God is overturning your enemies’ tables and destroying their roots.
God has given you power, authority and dominion.
The power of God’s Words destroy the enemy!
God has always vindicated, avenged, and delivered His children.
God will triumph over your enemies.
It’s exciting to see the fulfillment of the words God is speaking. Continue to stand, hold fast, walk by faith and don’t give up.
God is your defender, protector and deliverer.
God is destroying your enemies’ power, fraud and destruction.
God is the God of restoration and wants everything restored that has been stolen from His children.
God’s Word is truth and life and brings freedom, health and restoration.
Vote the Bible and for biblical values.
You cannot be lukewarm. You are either hot or cold. Be on fire for God!
God is overturning the tables. He is doing cleansing in both churches and the government.
Hold on because good days are ahead waiting for you!
Your enemies are turning on each other. Continue to pray for chaos in their camps.
Declare and decree that no one will be controlled and enslaved by the Deep State again.


JGM – LIVE WITH JULIE – [23 October 2024] 


Ps 105:24…There the Lord GREATLY INCREASES PEOPLE and MADE HIM STRONGER THAN THEIR OPPRESSORS. God right now is making us, the church, stronger than our oppressors. It doesn’t matter how much power they had at one time, God is saying He is making us stronger. 
In Ps 18:48…He rises us up against those who are against us…He lifts us up above those who rise against us. …
So whose report are you going to believe?…
Focus on what God is telling us. 


[Word heard – October 21, 2024] 

For I the Lord this day am telling My children in the land of My eagle I’M TURNING THE TABLES ONCE AGAIN: 


The tables are turning where the enemies had control over My church, to My church having control over it, where it was always meant to be, the influence it always was meant to have. 

But first, I am turning the tables in the Body of Christ with church leaders and ministry leaders whose hearts are not fixed on Me but to benefit for themselves. I’m exposing those who have betrayed their congregations and their followers. I’ll reveal the ones who are paid by your government to lie to you and to tell you what they want you to hear. I will reveal the ones who were never called by Me. I’ll reveal the wolves in the church that were trying to devour it. I will show you leaders of ministries that were being led by the enemy and not by Me. I will show you big names that will shock you and that they were not of Me at all. I will show you the ones that are trying to sneak into the White House, alongside My David to lead him away from the ones who I have called next to him this time.





I havent been to a TGIFridays in years. They closed several in CA a while back. Another chain that lost its way many years ago. Too big, too expensive, poor service.

Restaurant bankruptcy filings have been ticking higher this year as budget-conscious consumers cut back on eating out, and many eateries struggle with high debt loads in a toxic environment of high interest rates. TGI Fridays is the latest casual dining chain preparing a bankruptcy filing.

People knowledgeable of TGI Friday’s bankruptcy plans told Bloomberg that the US casual dining restaurant chain, with 600 locations in 55 countries, including 233 in the US, will file for bankruptcy protection in the coming weeks. 

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TGI Fridays executives have been in multiple discussions with lenders searching for a loan to ensure operations run smoothly through the Chapter 11 process, the people said, who asked not to be named in the report. 

The people said Ropes & Gray LLP lawyers are advising TGI Fridays on bankruptcy preparations but noted plans have not yet been finalized. 

Bloomberg pointed out:

Credit rating agency KBRA recently reported that the chain lost control of much of its business functions through a manager termination event because of TGI Fridays’ “failure to furnish a report of the independent auditors or back-up manager summarizing the findings of certain agreed-upon procedures within a certain time period.”


It’s a sign.

The left tried to stop its illumination in court but failed.

They thought it’s visibility from the NYS Thruway at Amsterdam was dangerous.

(I knew someone who worked this Amsterdam right of way relative to signs located in proximity to the Thruway. He also represented the State in court relative to removal of billboards, located too close to the roadway.

May perpetual light shine upon you, Daddy-O.

It’s a sign.)


Morning guys. just dropping by. Thought I’d pass along something interesting I found.


Now ask yourself, WHY is ole Barry out spouting his hateful rhetoric now? Afterall, its “extremely close” and the last time ole Barry went out on the stump, it didn’t work out for Hildog, did it? Methinks I smell FEAR.

And, if you catch the ever so SUBTLE retort by Trump, you’ll know why.

Just in case you miss it. FTA

“I think he’s a real jerk because I’ve watched him campaign over the last couple of days,” Trump told his fans. “Over the last couple of days I’ve watched him campaign. What a divider he is. He divides this country. He couldn’t care less, him and his little group of people.” (emphasis mine)

That is a YUGE old FU Barry. Trump knows WHO is running the Cabal, who has ALWAYS been running the Cabal.

I speak fluent Trump, let me translate.

Trump, not so subtly, just told Barry I know it is you, and your little Cabal that has ruined this country, divided this country, and are shadow running this country by hate, fear, and division.

Trump also not so subtly refers to Barry being exhausted….trouble sleeping perhaps?

Trump IS coming for them…ALL, They KNOW it, that is why they are ALL out there stating Trump is going to jail his “opponents” and perhaps even try them for treason.

It is because Trump IS going to do just that, moreover, we not only WANT him to, hell, we DEMAND him to, THAT is why we are electing him. To fix the economy, fix the border, fix the wars and foreign policy, fix the govt, fix the election integrity, fix healthcare, AND most importantly, to hold those that maliciously, and PURPOSEFULLY destroyed it ACCOUNTABLE for their misdeeds.

It AINT close folks, but VOTE and make it even BIGGER, make it so big, that the WORLD will know the USA is BACK, and we aren’t taking crap from elitists, globalists, or subversives any longer.

They KNOW they can’t beat him fairly, the believe they can’t CHEAT him either, not this time, too many eyes on the prize this time. No more Rhona Romney McDaniel’s and RINOS to look the other way, and to be intentionally not prepared. Between the new RNC, and the pissed off MAGA citizens watching, they will NOT get away with it.

IF they thought they could beat, or cheat him, they would not have tried to first lock him up, and then TWICE try to kill him (that we know of).

They are desperate. You can see it, you can hear it, and you can feel it, be vigilant, vote, and take others with you, make it SO massive a defeat that they will take years to recover. Trump WILL have coattails too, at LEAST 55-56 in the Senate, and likely 240 plus in the House. Hold them to their pledge to MAGA. Take NOTHING for granted, and let them ALL know “never again will we be betrayed, we ARE watching, and your DEEDS will be judged, weighed, and measured, not just your words. Let them know their will be monetary, electoral, judicial, and even CIVIL penalties for ANY shenanigans, They are their for US, not them, not the special interests, RINOS, lobbyists, or big donors. The work for US, at our pleasure, and they had damn well do exactly what WE put them in office to do. MAGA!

2 weeks till we START to put the USA back on the track. No turning back now, full steam ahead. Vote like not only your lives are at stake, but also your children’s and your grand children’s’ because, in reality the ARE. God is giving us ONE more chance, don’t squander it. Time to put evil back in it’s hole. Praise the Lord, vote Trump, he is not perfect, but he IS what we need at this moment.

