Dear KMAG: 20241028 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

And yes, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

We will always remember Wheatie,

Pray for Trump,

Yet have fun,

and HOLD ON when things get crazy!

We will follow the RULES of civility that Wheatie left for us:

Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And while we engage in vigorous free speech, we will remember Wheatie’s advice on civility, non-violence, and site unity:

“We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”

“Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”

If this site gets shut down, please remember various ways to get back in touch with the rest of the gang:

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

Joe Biden didn’t win.

And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wolfie’s Wheatie’s Word of the Week:



  • of an iambic line, having spondees in the second, fourth or sixth place
  • in ancient prosody, noting a variety of iambic trimeter which has not only a spondee or trochee for an iambus in the sixth or last place, as in the choliamb, but a spondee in the fifth place also

Wolf’s easy alternative explanation

A kind of irregularity in old Greek poetry, which jazzes things up, but too much so, in the opinions of some.


Links to further explain the definition

Used in a sentence

When the variation on the sixth foot of the trimeter coexists with a spondee in the fifth place, the verse becomes still more irregular, and can, in fact, hardly be considered an Iambic verse, but is rather a combination of an iambic diameter with a trochaic monometer. Such lines are called by the grammarians Ischiorrhogic (broken-backed) : they are very rarely used by Hipponax. LINK

It had something to do with Brokeback Mountain! I knew it!


OK, we’re gonna fake it just a bit for the sake of continuity!

Orrible! Just orrible! But istoric, too! And istory is…..


Shakespeare as a fan of then-modern science? Hmmmmm…….

“Double, double, toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble…..”

Sure sounds like chemistry lab!

Just sayin’!

And remember…….

Until victory, have faith!

And trust the big plan, too!

And as always….



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Ask the random chunks of Soulemani how Trump deals with scum who threaten our citizens. The only thing Trump will give them is a date with 72 virgins, and those virgins will all look like Chris Christie.




“Double, double, toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble…..”

Sounds like something horrible that Big Pharma would cook up.

Last edited 4 months ago by Linda

That Shakespeare performance! 🤣 I couldn’t stop watching it.


A Shakespeare-ism that I am particularly fond of is “hoist by his own petard”. If you get an explanation that doesn’t include the French performer Le Pétomane — and perhaps the Governor from Blazing Saddles — you’re only getting half the story.


Let’s start with — a very small, portable bomb of about 5 pounds of gunpowder, popular in Shakespeare’s day (invented in France around 1579) for breaching doors. “Pétard comes from the Middle French péter, to fart, from the root pet, expulsion of intestinal gas, derived from the Latin peditus, past participle of pedere, to break wind.”

To reflect on the popularity of farting in France, I can direct you to Joseph Pujol, Le Pétomane — — who entertained kings with his farting prowess around 1895-1910.

This segues nicely into Governor Lepetomane from Blazing Saddles, portrayed by Mel Brooks himself.

While five pounds of gunpowder can certainly injure or kill, the expression in Shakespeare is more playful — he is “lifted by his own fart”. This was, of course, long before Mossad managed to “hoist with their own pagers” senior staffers of Hezbollah, putting most on the injured roster with far less explosive.

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

Then there was the tweet shared here the other day whereby the dems were being hoisted by their own Retard LOL

Barb Meier


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, believe it or not Next Saturday is largely written already.

Obviously it won’t have Friday’s closing prices yet.


Saturday morning cartoons as a kid, and now Saturday mornings with Steve – eagerness in life is good!



Gail Combs


For brain fog issues switch to coconut oil (solid this time of year) Use the refined from Big Lots. It has no taste or smell. the ‘virgin’ tastes like coconuts.

Coconut Oil for Alzheimer’s? – Dr. Mary Newport

Study: Coconut Oil Improves Cognitive Functioning in Alzheimer’s Patients
Can Coconut Oil Prevent or Treat Alzheimer‘s? A Review…›pulse/can-coconut-oil-treat-…

Coconut oil contains 65% MCT, the highest percentage of any food today. Thus, if additional MCT can help with Alzheimer‘s disease, coconut oil deserves to be investigated.

Alzheimer’s: Coconut Oil to Feed the Brain.

Consumption of coconut oil prompts the body to produce a substance that is the best nourishment for brain cells – and can protect our little grey cells from dementia.

….pharma-based physicians and groups have largely condemned the use of coconut oil, stating that all the evidence is “anecdotal,” lacking peer-reviewed scientific research. Of course coconut oil is a natural food, with virtually no risk or side effects, and funding for research on a natural food is difficult to come by when no product can be patented as a result of the research, such as lucrative pharmaceutical drugs. As we have stated in the past, the lack of scientific research on coconut oil and Alzheimer’s should not stop people from trying it.

Some are taking notice and beginning to publish studies, however, so the claim that coconut oil improving Alzheimer’s lacks scientific support may not be true much longer. A clinical trial in Spain was published this month (December 2015) studying the effects of coconut oil on Alzheimer’s, and the results were very promising. Another study in Florida is in process and should be published in 2016….


Lion’s Mane Neurogenesis Study: What It Means for Brain Health and Function

Lion’s mane mushroom (Hericium erinaceus) has long been studied for its potential brain health benefits. Some research suggests that a main compound in H. erinaceus called erinacines may increase the production of nerve growth factor (NGF)*—a protein that helps nerve cells, like the neurons in the brain, grow and reproduce. This could be why other studies and trials show that taking lion’s mane mushroom extracts may improve memory, reduce dementia symptoms, and enhance cognitive function.*

A recent study in the Journal of Neurochemistry uncovered one possible explanation for how lion’s mane’s apparent brain benefits. Researchers from Korea and Australia collaborated to investigate how brain cells react to extracts from lion’s mane mushroom fruiting bodies and found that they caused an increase in neurotrophic factors, which had a significant impact on brain cell growth….

I get mine here:

With the addition of BEEF & eggs to the lions mane and Coconut oil, Hubby (81) is doing a lot better.


One caveat to Lion’s Mane; for some people, sadly including me, it can cause migraines. 🙁

DH uses it, but I tried and after three aura migraines in less than a week, I stopped. Apparently, Lion’s Mane headache is fairly common.

Just something to be aware of, for anyone trying it.


Also launched to SIL. Thank you.






Thank you. Launched to SIL, the brains AND common sense of the two.


Thanks. Will add to our diet. Already doing beef, eggs and lion’s mane.

Valerie Curren

My parents have started taking Lion’s Mane, which I told them about based on your previous comments. They were already using coconut oil to some degree. TY for all the Wonderful Info you share across domains!


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I hope he politely tells them to shove it where the sun don’t shine.


Somehow, I don’t expect that. I think he knows how to work with people while being truthful and drawing boundaries. He could make deals with them and if they don’t hold up their end of the bargain, there could be major consequences…something like that.


Remember, Trump is the ultimate PRAGMATIST.

If he can use them, he will.


Imagine how slimy they must sound, when DJT answers the phone. They must be repulsive even to themselves 😂


“We Have Microphones Listening to Everything!” Oh Sh*t!” – Kamala Harris Caught on Hot Mic Admitting She’s Struggling with Male Voters (VIDEO)
They can go to a bar if they want, but I question the wisdom. I never hear of prominent MAGA people sitting around and discussing things in bars, though I suppose it might happen. It seems as though Dem women like to drink a lot.


“Young men – especially black and Latino men – are rejecting Harris and voting for Trump.”


She ain’t seen nuthin’ yet.

Wait until she sees the number of conservative white men who are rejecting her 😂

Last edited 4 months ago by scott467

On Sunday my son hung up on me when I told him I vote for Trump to ensure a future for my grandchildren. He had told me ” that he is voting Harris.” I told him “he has nothing to loose since he has no children.”
Was he angry with me. I finally had enough and told him who I am voting for and he lost his mind. I wonder if he is ever calling me again. 🙄

Last edited 4 months ago by singingsoul1

Sorry to read this. Particularly harder on Mom’s. Sad.

Guess he missed the beauty of Freedom of Speech. Freedom of choice. Sad.

Thank you for voting to Save America.


I am over it to old to put up with crap. I find freedom finally to say where I stand concerning Trump and MAGA. This is to serious not to speak up. One day I know he will wake up and realize that mom had some wisdom.


100% Spot On.

I certainly do Not hold back in my support of Trump, MAGA, America First…

One of the speakers, (Tucker?) yesterday at MSG, spoke of, It Is OK To Say MAGA. I support Trump. America First….

  • Absolutely support Tucker rant. Went back and listened to it again.
  • Tucker said, what we all feel, know.

Good for you 🙂
I enjoyed the speakers yesterday watched the whole thing 🙂


I’m so sorry, singing. My oldest son doesn’t speak to me, either. Over similar issues, politics.

The truth is, they are brainwashed. Nothing else explains how crazy they are. I saw it happening over the span when he was in college. Then he moved to Seattle and that was the end. He’s now an actual communist, he says.

Not who I raised, that’s for certain. I don’t know who he is.

I’m sorry your son has gone mad. So many have.


I am sorry to hear about your son . Yes they change in University mine is a Marxist he said. I told him ” he has no clue what it is just because he read about it.” He does not understanding the suffering my grandmothers endured . Having a PhD did not give him wisdom and discernment.

Last edited 4 months ago by singingsoul1

I don’t know how anyone can be openly Marxist, it is (or certainly should be) even more of a taboo than being a Nazi.

Marxists have murdered more of their own people, by far, than the Nazis ever did.

Last edited 4 months ago by scott467

True but he is direct maybe tries to aggravate me because I refuse to move close to my children. One has to have a good temper and non of their spouses have that. Good people but not to live close. He really wants me close he did not marry until he was 44.

Valerie Curren

no words…this is heartbreaking AND infuriating…


Yes it is but everyone has free will and with that also consequences.

Valerie Curren

Amen…hope he learns quickly & grasps the importance, in God’s economy, of honoring his father & mother!


He called his dad and wanted to know how mom is doing 🙂 He knows and I keep praying 🙂

Valerie Curren






SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Purple diaper doper baby?


My poor boy has the double-whammy of genius-level intelligence with a learning disability. It made for some interesting times. He’s an Eagle Scout (from before Scouting got weird). But he’s also a preadolescent in a grown man’s body.

It sucks. The “education” system ruined him.

Deplorable Patriot

Yesterday, I talked to a cousin about this. We’re Spanish on that side, so family is everything. T just can’t fathom family cutting people out over politics and vaccine stuff. Along with a much unjustly maligned former member here, those two keep me sane sometimes. At least my family will see us. My much unjustly maligned friend from this site can’t see family members due to vaccination stuff. It’s always upsettng.


To think that this was instituted as an intentional strategy is particularly upsetting.

Valerie Curren

intentional strategy” to get FG&C off this site? huh? Clueless per usual here 😉


Intentional strategy to set people against people generally —

The current Democratic Party is driven by hatred, not compassion or even greed. They want you suppressed, censored, and your children to become your enemies. So many Democrats are promoting “no contact” with family members and asking young people to divorce themselves from their families.

Valerie Curren

utter, evil insanity 🙁


They should be careful what they wish for.


“Along with a much unjustly maligned former member here,”


Grandma in Texas?

I always liked Grandma.

Valerie Curren

guessing FG&C

Valerie Curren

I think Grandma is at Sylvia’s & Maybe Marica’s…


“We’re Spanish on that side, so family is everything.”


That would also explain why your brother was playing Spanish painter Francisco de Paula Van Halen.

It’s all starting to make sense now 👍

Valerie Curren





“He’s now an actual communist, he says.”


It has to be a lack of education, or blind ignorance.

Communists have murdered more people (usually their own people) than anyone besides (maybe) adherents of islam.

Nobody in their right mind would be a Communist if they had any idea what the real historic results of Communism really are, and always will be.


I wasn’t old enough to really think about politics until Reagan was elected, and I was in junior high and high school all through the Reagan era, and even into college he was still POTUS (which I had forgotten).

Reagan was so popular when I was high school, I just assumed most people in America were Republicans.

When I first stepped foot on my college campus, it was like I had walked into an enemy camp. I had only seen pictures of the university before I was accepted, I had never been there.

It seemed like students were maybe 50/50 split between Dims and Cons at the time, but the faculty seemed to be about 90% openly Leftist.

As far as I knew, all of my high school teachers were conservative, so going from that environment to suddenly most of my teachers being Marxists was a radical change from the perspective of the student (me).

What else was I supposed to do, except go to war with my professors?

I expected that would put my grades in jeopardy, which is why I decided to parrot back all their Leftist BS in the first paper we were assigned to write, to get an ‘A’ on the first paper.

After establishing that I was an ‘A’ student, on the second paper I dropped the mask and went after them no different than I would do here if a Leftist somehow managed to infiltrate 😁

It was like a continuation of high school / teenage rebellion, except the roles were reversed — suddenly I was in the right, and the people in positions of authority were in the wrong.

I had never been so eager to get a graded paper back as I was on that second paper. I didn’t know what was going to happen or how my teacher was going to react, but I wanted to see it.

When I did, there was red ink written all over my paper. She disagreed with just about everything I said (welcome to my world… turnabout is fair play!), but she gave me the ‘A’, so it worked.

Once I knew it worked, I used the same tactic with all of my professors for the rest of college. Told them what they wanted to hear on the first paper, get the ‘A’, and then fought them on every paper after that.

If I was given a lower grade because I disagreed with my professor’s politics, my plan was to go to the Ombudsman. I only had to do that once, in my Junior year. She was a black ‘female studies’ professor, so I knew I was on thin ice open water.

My first paper in her class was an ‘A’. It wasn’t very hard, my high school papers were harder than college, but on the second paper, when I challenged her politics, she gave me a D-.

I went to the Ombudsman, explained the situation, showed him both 5-page papers, and he read them both while I sat in his office. He thanked me for bringing it to his attention, and said it wasn’t the first time they had a problem with that professor. He crossed out the ‘D-‘ and wrote ‘A’ with his initials next to it.

He told me to take the paper back to my professor and tell her to change my grade in her grade book, and to say that if she wouldn’t, he (the Ombudsman) would do it for her.

I suspect they would never put a kid in that position today, but I told her what he said.

She changed my grade to an ‘A’, and never called on me in class again 😂

She gave me an ‘A’ on the rest of my papers, and didn’t write anything on them at all (unlike the second one). Which (naturally) encouraged me to keep pushing the boundaries of what I wrote, to get a reaction out of her.

Writing papers against everything our teachers were trying to indoctrinate us with made college fun.

It wasn’t just the papers though, it was in class too, which was even better. I always sat in the back. That’s where I liked to sit anyway, so nobody was behind me, but also because I often had to argue with one or more of the Leftist students in class who tried to stick up for the teacher’s point of view. It’s hard to twist around in your seat to argue with someone who is sitting behind you. Better them than me 😁

This was all new to me, I had never had any reason to challenge teachers (or other students) like that before. But what else was I supposed to do? I would never make it through college, if I had to just sit there and take it.

It would have been like being forced to watch CNN or MSLSD for 7 hours a day, every day, and never shout at the TV or throw stuff at it. It would have broken me 😂

But class was more like being in the studio audience at CNN or MSLSD, and being able to interrupt and ask questions of the ‘anchors’ in a way that made the ‘anchors’ look stupid in front of the whole audience.

And that was a blast. The other students in class were my audience, and it was fun to make the other students laugh every day, because of the questions I would ask our teachers. School was fun for the first time, and I was more engaged than I had ever been.

It made me a better student as an unintended benefit, because I had to understand the subject matter well enough to challenge my teachers in front of the whole class.

I didn’t always win those confrontations at first, but by my sophomore year, I had learned how to do it without leaving myself open to any obvious counterattack.

The confrontational questions were maybe only once or twice per class, I would wait for an opportunity where I was sure I could win the point.

The rest of my questions were mostly to make the other students laugh. Not so different than what I try to do here occasionally. It’s fun to make people laugh 😁

And it’s not easy for dedicated Marxists to indoctrinate, when someone is sitting in the back row and making half the class laugh several times each day.

I don’t know what they were thinking, letting someone like me on their Lefty campus. Obviously they didn’t vet the student applicants very carefully.

College was probably the best time of my life, but I don’t think that was their intent 😁

Last edited 4 months ago by scott467


Valerie Curren

Wow Singing that is so sad. I hope your son wakes up soon.  😠 


He is to far gone only God can change his mind.

Valerie Curren

there is hope then…in the Lord…


Yes 🙂

Valerie Curren



It’s a reflection of what they think of us; we’re a bunch of drunk yahoos, sitting around in bars yucking it up. So they think this will make them relatable.

Demoncrats are ridiculous.


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Valerie Curren



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I wonder if she’s a robot.

A human, even the unhinged radical feminista kind, would have to be out of her mind to do another Scold the Black Man Struggle Session, after the backlash from last week’s get back on the plantation whippings.

Why would any black man with even half a testicle vote for that train wreck?


Is half a testicle anything like being a little bit pregnant?


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Valerie Curren

The Hulk needs to hold the table edge for extra leverage LOL

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Not a real match without the knives, Klingon style.


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Elon is just so weird and different. He’s like from another planet. I think it’s cute. He’s like a big kid.

Valerie Curren

I think he Might be on the Autism Spectrum…the Extreme Genius end, obviously!


Oh, for sure.


Tulsi Gabbard: The Deep State is losing their mind that @realDonaldTrump’s transition team is self funded & already at work.

If he doesn’t use taxpayer funds they can’t slip in moles into his transition team to preempt anything they might do. 

GOOD! I’m glad they’re scared.


Scott Presler:


Major Breaking Story

At the most recent Luzerne County Board of Elections meeting, 

Manager Romilda Crocamo revealed that

“Beth McBride dropped off and dumped a numerous amount of applications.

Most of them were dated in June. 

They were delivered to the Bureau of Election on the last day of registration.”

➡️ Beth McBride was the acting Director of Elections when Luzerne County ran out of paper on Election Day in 2022

Recently, Lancaster County uncovered a voter registration fraud operation:

2,500 applications (the majority of which are fraudulent) were turned in on or near the deadline — just like Luzerne — & are linked to an organization that began efforts in June.

I am calling for an immediate investigation into the “numerous amount of applications” turned in to the Luzerne Bureau of Elections on Monday, October 21st. 

Contact Luzerne District Attorney Samuel M. Sanguedolce & demand that he investigate. The details mimic a current investigation in Lancaster County. 

After contacting the DA, contact your elected officials in the Pennsylvania State House & State Senate and demand they bring attention to this.

How many other counties received a massive amount of voter registration applications on the deadline that are dated back to June? 

If we do not address these inconsistencies, Pennsylvania voters cannot have confidence in fair & free elections. 

Share this everywhere.


Scott’s on ’em like a rabid wolverine — he’s schlepped all over that area and knows where the bodies are buried.


Beth McBride, nominee for the Luzerne county hoosegow.

Thanks to Tweeter, the whole planet knows what you did.

Enjoy the limelight 👍

Valerie Curren

More from Gab

comment imagePutinOnTheRitz


Lancaster, Pennsylvania officials have BUSTED a large-scale fraudulent voter registration scheme that includes thousands of applications with the same handwriting, fake signatures, false addresses, etc

They discovered the same scheme in other Pennsylvania counties.

District Attorney Heather Adams revealed that the applications came from canvassers who were paid to obtain voter registrations, adding that “The majority of the applications were from residents in the city of Lancaster… The canvases themselves took place at various shopping centers, parking lots of grocery stores and businesses, sidewalks and parks.”

“We are aware of at least two other counties that receive similar applications that are currently being investigated.”

If you listen closely, the DA said the Clerk received the applications at or near the deadline to register to vote. That means the bad actors waited till the last minute so no one would notice. They would’ve used the fraudulent applications to commit mail-in ballot fraud without getting caught.

We better check the entire state of Pennsylvania, and we better see arrests NOW.

This same scheme was discovered in Michigan in the 2020 election. Police caught a Democrat organization called GBI Strategies pulling it off after one of their employees turned in almost 10k fraud registrations in ONE DAY. The FBI covered it up.

The video below is the “interrogation” of the employee who delivered the 10k fake registrations. She was just a pawn in a much bigger game. The real bad actors are still walking free.

This footage was FOIA requested by


I hope the people doing that shiz enjoy their appearances before the throne when they attempt to explain their actions.

Valerie Curren

Amen. It would be nice for them to get a comeuppance down here though 🙂


That provides some clarification; thank you.

Valerie Curren



That jargon of the various ways of the syllables of poetry … it is all Greek. Di- Tri- Tetra- etc., yes. recognize the numbers.

All possible combinations of the heavy and light combinations have a name, which probably had some mnemonic connections back in the day. It is like Morse code with the long, or short elements. So Iambe maps to di-dah, A, trochee to dah-dit, N, spondee to dah-dah M, dactylos, dah-di-dit maps to D and so on, for a while at least.

But at first glance it looked rather opaque. Much like those heraldic descriptions of coats of arms and such. Or even semiconductor physics.


Could be worse, could be golf clubs.

Would you be wanting your brassie, a mashie-niblick, or a cleek?

Valerie Curren

This one word “cleek” reminds me of a term that in-patient adolescent psych patients used to use in my hearing (never heard of it before or since) called “Gleek”. By this term they meant shooting saliva out of the mouth from the salivary glands under the tongue. If done right there would be a thin stream of liquid that some of these kids got pretty adept at projecting. I have No Idea if that term is real or local to the Tulsa area in the late 80s.


Used to hear that in High School, SoCal, late 70’s.

Valerie Curren



Having attempted to swing a few of those, much admiration to the greats of old who actually used them to win tournaments. Holy smokes, they were hard to make good contact with a ball.


Heraldic descriptions are not too complex, and — despite being based on odd rules and arcane language — fundamentally are meant to enhance visual recognition at distance.

For instance, there are specific tinctures — metals (gold and silver, known as “or” and “argent”); colours (blue, red, purple, black, green — “azure”, “gules”, “purpure”, “sable”, and “vert”, respectively); and furs (ermine, ermines, erminoir, pean, vair, counter-vair, potent and counter-potent). Simplifying immensely, you can’t put a metal on a metal, a colour on a colour, or a fur on a fur.

There are specific names for the places one might put things, starting at “fess point” (right in the middle). The top edge is “chief”, the bottom edge is “base”, the left edge for someone holding the shield (and, thus, to the right of someone looking at it) is sinister, and the right edge is dexter. If something is dexter chief, it’s at the top left.

There are a great many widgets you can put in the various spots — pales (stripes), crosses, etc. I used to know more about this back some years.

On my first trip to Europe, when I was 15, over 40 years ago, I marked my luggage with a chevron argent and two pales vert so that I could find it in baggage claim.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

There are also, believe it or not, conventions for rendering color in relief, like on a coin.

Check out the US shield on our coins, the vertical stripes are alternating raised striped, then recessed. Vertical lines actually means red by convention, a solid area is white. The top is blue, denoted by horizontal lines.

As seen on both sides of this half dollar.

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Valerie Curren

very cool & interesting


Come to think of it, poetry rhythm patterns might be worse than archaic golf clubs or heraldry.


It might remind one of the Vedic auxiliary sciences. Some here, not me, brought something of this nature talking about Sanskrit long ago. But essentially the first four below. This from Wikipedia.

The Vedanga (Sanskrit: वेदांग vedāṅga, “limb of the Veda-s”;[1] plural form: वेदांगानि vedāṅgāni) are six auxiliary disciplines of Hinduism that developed in ancient times and have been connected with the study of the Vedas:[2]

List of the Vedanga

Shiksha (Sanskrit: शिक्षा śikṣā, “instruction, teaching”): phonetics, phonology, pronunciation.[2] This auxiliary discipline has focused on the letters of the Sanskrit alphabet, accent, quantity, stress, melody and rules of euphonic combination of words during a Vedic recitation.[3][4]

Chandas (Sanskrit: छन्दस् chandas, “metre”): prosody.[5] This auxiliary discipline has focused on the poetic meters, including those based on fixed number of syllables per verse, and those based on fixed number of morae per verse.[6][7]

Vyakarana (Sanskrit: व्याकरण vyākaraṇa, “grammar”): grammar and linguistic analysis.[8][9][10] This auxiliary discipline has focused on the rules of grammar and linguistic analysis to establish the exact form of words and sentences to properly express ideas.[11][12]

Nirukta (Sanskrit: निरुक्त nirukta, “etymology”): etymology, explanation of words, particularly those that are archaic and have ancient uses with unclear meaning.[13] This auxiliary discipline has focused on linguistic analysis to help establish the proper meaning of the words, given the context they are used in.[11]

Kalpa (Sanskrit: कल्प kalpa, “proper. fit”): ritual instructions.[2] This field focused on standardizing procedures for Vedic rituals, rites of passage rituals associated with major life events such as birth, wedding and death in family, as well as discussing the personal conduct and proper duties of an individual in different stages of his life.[14]

Jyotisha (Sanskrit: ज्योतिष jyotiṣa, “astrology”): Right time for rituals with the help of position of nakshatras and asterisms[2] and astronomy.[15][16] This auxiliary Vedic discipline focused on time keeping.[17][18]

History and background
See also: Brahmanical System of Education
The character of Vedangas has roots in ancient times, and the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad mentions it as an integral part of the Brahmanas layer of the Vedic texts.[19] These auxiliary disciplines of study arise with the codification of the Vedas in Iron Age India. It is unclear when the list of six Vedangas were first conceptualized.[20] The Vedangas likely developed towards the end of the Vedic period, around or after the middle of the 1st millennium BCE. An early text of the genre is the Nighantu by Yaska, dated to roughly the 5th century BCE.[citation needed] These auxiliary fields of Vedic studies emerged because the language of the Vedic texts composed centuries earlier grew too archaic to the people of that time.[21]

Vedangas developed as ancillary studies for the Vedas, but its insights into meters, structure of sound and language, grammar, linguistic analysis and other subjects influenced post-Vedic studies, arts, culture and various schools of Hindu philosophy.[22][23][24] The Kalpa Vedanga studies, for example, gave rise to the Dharma-sutras, which later expanded into Dharma-shastras.[21][25]

And this ancient classic from the story of the Ramayna by Gaiea Sanskrit where in the she sings the praises for great ape Hanuman who came to Rama’s aide to save the pure Sita from the clutches of the devil.








Last edited 4 months ago by eilert
Valerie Curren

Any Trump scam trial jurors in that crowd? 😉


It was super nice of the DemComm clan to advertise the rally so much. They talked about the Nazi gathering for days. If anyone came to get a look at nazis…none to be seen!


…this does give us some insight into the minds of the Democrats and what they believe is important.

Valerie Curren

My education in literature is sorely lacking but iirc Shakespeare’s sonnets were written in something called iambic pentameter, fwiw 😉


According to Wikipoo, “The term describes the rhythm, or meter, established by the words in each line. Rhythm is measured in small groups of syllables called “feet”. “Iambic” indicates that the type of foot used is the iamb, which in English is an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable (as in a-BOVE). “Pentameter” indicates that each line has five “feet”.”

By which one can deduce that Shakespeare took his shoes off while writing.

Valerie Curren

Great stuff, Especially your last sentence!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

As I understand it, sonnets must be written in Iambic pentameter. IIRC there are two different rhyming schemes used, but the meter is fixed.

Valerie Curren


obtw, I hope you saw the C. S. Lewis link I shared yesterday, I think you might find multiple aspects of that article interesting 🙂

Last edited 4 months ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

One of the fun finds of my genealogical pursuits was to discover that my husband & children are 1st cousins of William Shakespeare many generations removed, being descended from his brother, I believe. Of course this is assuming that BYU’s “Relative Finder” is “accurate” & given that the info they work from populates from the “world family tree” (I think it’s called) that is No Guarantee of accuracy.

At one point I was able to link up to other people’s (dubious) research through Family Search & actually print off a pedigree that went all the way back to Adam & Eve–every genealogist’s dream!!! This (highly fictionalized presumably) line went back through all sorts of famous personages, royalty, Roman emperors, & eventually Biblical figures–Ha!


Yeah, that thing. It is so ridiculous how that tree is made. ANYBODY can change it.

I am “supposedly” related to all kinds of famous people, kings, etc., according to it.

I trust my own research only. But I’m still related to all kinds of famous people, even kings, doing it myself.

Valerie Curren

Yes. The Family Search site is free & anyone can sign up & make changes. I’ve seen plenty of dubious connections at the site as well. I’ve gotten in the habit of adding research notes on persons that I know to have been assumed to be of one lineage but are in fact of another. It is my hope that adding these detailed notes will stop some people from taking inadvisable actions.

I’m thankful for the free (to me like at the library) genealogy sites & especially value the ones that put scanned images of documents into the public square. Not that documents are infallible either but they definitely can be major signposts on the journey.

I need to get my own research organized & saved into a program that no one can change but me. Holding a lot of it in my head has diminishing returns as I get older & the brain “power” wears down & out LOL & finding some of the paperwork buried in my home can be pretty daunting. Hubby & some of our kids did some work in our basement while I was out of town & unearthed an old family photo album, mid-late 1800s era, that my aunt gave me years ago. I thought it was in a box in my office  😳 


I write books of genealogy to correct issues. You could, if you knew my name, find four of them in the Family History Library in Salt Lake City.

The last one I wrote included almost 80 original documents on one family that has a ton of mythology around it. I was able to prove a whole lot (and disprove more) about the family using actual documents as proof.

I HIGHLY recommend, if you are certain you have a lineage correctly documented, sharing that knowledge somewhere online. Maybe on WikiTree. Just be sure to include actual documentation, not supposition like so many others do. Future generations will thank you for it.

Valerie Curren

TY A, it is my long-term plan to put as many of my solid genealogical findings online for posterity as I can manage. For now we have fun in the family with the finds I do unearth…like the newspaper articles that confirmed the family “legend” that Hubby’s father was shot in the balls by his own dad in DC. DNA cousins have basically proved that this man who wasn’t supposed to be able to father children & had multiple childless marriages was actually Hubby’s dad. Almost an Abraham & Sarah kind of conception there 🙂

Interestingly Hubby’s mother “dedicated him to the Lord” as a baby & this was before she was a Believer herself by at least a decade. God’s ways are higher & way more mysterious than our ways!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I wouldn’t trust it as accurate either…and even if all records are properly included in this and it’s actually “accurate” in that sense, it goes back into times when “who is the father” is a matter of opinion; mommy probably knows but if the answer isn’t right, she’s not likely to tell.

However, I am sure you ARE related to all of them. It’s just a matter of going back far enough.

Valerie Curren

That can be why genetic genealogy is such a treat cause the genes don’t lie!


Well, genealogically speaking, whomever your mother was married to in the days before DNA is your father. That’s the way it’s done.

I have run into DNA problems with people before, when they are not related where they think they should be. But if there is a birth record with both parents listed, that’s your genealogy.

Valerie Curren

Interesting. I think of genealogy as the bloodline, not just the legal family. For my mom, who was adopted as an infant, I enjoy looking for both her biological family & her adoptive family. We got nature from the former & nurture from the latter…complicated business 🙂


Yes, but how would you prove bloodline in the 18th century?

For example, I have a 7x-gg-father who was adopted into a family in England. He was a Native American slave on a Caribbean island who was sent to England as a child to be a “pet” for a wealthy woman (a common thing back then). When he was about 12, he was sent to a family in the countryside, christened, and adopted. Who is his family? Well, they are. There’s no way on Earth to trace his biological family.


Except through DNA.

Each generation leaves its mark on the 23 pairs.


True, but DNA that far back is notoriously hard to interpret. Past about four generations, it’s a crapshoot.

Valerie Curren

Yes. Here’s an article on DNA testing by one of the early genetic genealogists who is blogging on WP. I’ve learned some interesting things from her over the years.

Valerie Curren

My mom’s adoptive family IS her family. The birth family is a bloodline connection, the reason she exists on the planet clearly, but though they gave her life, the kind of life she had is All on the adoptive/legal family.

When we met some of Mom’s birth family it was quite surreal. One of her half sisters wanted to have a relationship with my mom like she had with her other half sister (3 moms but one dad). That wasn’t how it worked for Mom at all, never having had a sister. There were some early years of awkwardness while they worked out some of these relationship challenges.

In our situation when we ended up meeting some birth family on Mom’s father’s side it was only because we had a copy of the original birth certificate where her father was listed AND where he had signed the document that his sister would even believe that he’d fathered a child out of wedlock & kept it secret (to his grave) for nearly 6 decades. So the paper trail supported the bloodline declaration. I guess that DNA could then provide additional confirmation.

Valerie Curren

If this actually happened as stated it’s quite remarkable & a model to emulate!

comment imageBrett Alexander

A Pakistani iman in Italy gave a sermon saying that every Muslim should fight the infidels or face ‘catastrophic consequences’.

The next day, Italian PM Giorgia Meloni personally requested for him to be deported.

He had lived in Italy for 30 years and was a permanent resident!

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He should be welcomed back in his homeland. After all, he suffered 30 years in the Italian diaspora, spreading the teachings of Allah [piss be upon him].

Valerie Curren



Well done. Let’s get started with that here in the good ole USA!

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

comment imagePutinOnTheRitz


good morning… this is a great start to the week… STANDING O

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: “I mean, one of the telling things that happened this week is that Bill Gates made his first political contribution in history. He gave $50 million to Kamala Harris. Now, do you think he did that because, out of a patriotic impulse? And do you think he did that out of a humanitarian impulse?

He did that to protect his wealth and his system, which he calls philanthrocapitalism, which is a way of making yourself rich by pretending to give money away to good causes. And he wants to keep that. He just got indicted in the Netherlands and is going to trial.

You know, I published an Instagram post or an expose that said, you’re welcome, Kamala. Because I’m sure, quite sure that the reason that he gave that is he does not want me running the health system in this country and looking into his business practices.”

[video src="" /]

pat frederick


Those letters need to be sent to Trump’s Team.

AND, mentioned at a rally or two.

pat frederick



The letters can be rendered void with an executive order from the POTUS.

Valerie Curren

This must be done ASAP, along with restoring positions, pay, & back pay for those who were fired or dishonorably discharged for exercising medical & personal bodily autonomy by not taking covid jabs!


Every day, I try to remain hopeful that our country, including our military, is not being run by a bunch of hateful morons.

And every day, I find something that makes me say “you’ve got to be shitting me.”



My disappointment with our military is huge.

They no longer reflect their Oath AND Purpose.

No easy OR quick fix. But it can be done.


A big part of the problem is that it is quite easy to force out the officers. Zerobama did that with tremendous effect. However, it’s not as easy to make it a two-way street.

Unless an officer’s separation from the military is reversed within a short period of time, he/she usually becomes stale both mentally and physically with regards to suitability.

IOW, the military is not like Legos or USB devices where it’s plug-and-play.



Valerie Curren

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Last edited 4 months ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

comment imageGreen Goat

Contrast this to the Dem rallies of max 33 people…&nbspcomment image

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Valerie Curren

comment imagesovereignbybirth

Apr 14, 2020 7:09:49 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 6769bc No. 8795380
An informed [awake] public holds all the keys.
4y, 6m, 1w, 6d, 11h, 12m ago

I believe there is an image explaining the symbolism of that statue that won’t show.

Last edited 4 months ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

comment imageI am a victim of Gang Stalking

JUST IN – Trump, speaking at a packed rally at MSG in NYC, tells House Speaker Mike Johnson to “get ready” to pass a revived Alien and Sedition Act of 1798 in order to conduct mass deportations.
Don’t be fooled by the flags of the companies and organizations that participate in the gang stalking. They are Kim Jong Un’s minions.

Valerie Curren

could be an underestimate!

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Valerie Curren

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Just remember that Hillary’s odds were higher.

And remember they’ll be doing their best to make these polls false.

Valerie Curren

Right. I have no doubt that the evil Steal Machine is still cranking out sulfurous schemes to overturn the will of the people…again…

Deplorable Patriot

They are trying to avoid being hung.

Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

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yes (TT) it’s the same pic, but this meme appears “true” to me 😉 😉

Valerie Curren

AI? gets one right 🙂

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Valerie Curren

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Sounds like a good start.

Valerie Curren

Yeah, like a pre-game warm up!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I still want to see Hitlary in jail.

Robert Baker

I can appreciate Trump’s perspective about jailing a former First Lady but I agree with you that in this case Justice should be blind. Her crimes are many and serious.


Lock Her Up.

Has nothing to do with politics, position in society…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If it were stealing a few thousand bucks, I could see holding off.

In this case, it’s MUCH more quantitatively and qualitatively much worse as well.

Valerie Curren

Lock her up!!!

Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

yes, it’s a pretty catchy way of saying it.

Valerie Curren

I thought Shadow of Ezra was a bit of a questionable source, but I think DP shares him periodically…

comment imagePutinOnTheRitz


Former Congressman George Santos claims that The New York Times, NBC, and The Washington Post are withholding a story out of concern it could harm Kamala Harris in the final days of her campaign.

According to Santos, the story involves Harris attending a Diddy-hosted White Party years ago, where some guests reportedly engaged in questionable behavior.

In 2020, mainstream media and big tech censored the Hunter Biden laptop story, which allegedly proved he was a pedophile.

Is George Santos telling the truth, or is the mainstream media covering up a potential October surprise?

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Last edited 4 months ago by Valerie Curren

If there were a betting line, I’d bet true.

Would be a great October surprise. Running out of October.

Of course there is also the white stuff found in the WH…

Last edited 4 months ago by kalbokalbs
Valerie Curren

yup  😮 


Screen shot from video, the “/s” is at your discretion.

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Valerie Curren



Shadow of Ezra is a questionable source. He latches on to conspiracy theories to feed people’s addictions, and he will even twist and/or make up “facts” and use innuendo to make things seem sinister.

However, this story comes directly from George Santos. Is he reliable? I have no idea. But if this is true, it is a major coverup and election interference.

George Santos:

My source alleges that the NYT is holding back info and not reporting on a story due to fear it will hurt VP Harris on the final days of the campaign trail.

This story allegedly places her at attendance of a White party hosted by Diddy a few years back in which there was bad behavior taking place by some other guests.

Furthermore I’ve spoken with an insider at NBC and they tell me that NBC similarly has a story of VP Harris that pertains to Diddy and they have yet to run it.

After the viral video two days ago a person reached out to me from WAPO saying they are sitting on Diddy related Kamala stories.

The VP was not the subject of the alleged investigative journalism into Diddy and was accidentally found in attendance at a White party years back.

Here are some questions:

Why did Harris then not question the behavior she saw?

Why didn’t she do something as the top cop of SF at the time?

What about Me Too?

So many questions….

So many allegations being casted…

Why is the media not publishing this?

I want a fair reporting stream and the American people deserve to know what’s really out there about both candidates!

This feels like the Hunter Laptop story from 2020… only this time they are allegedly concealing the story in a distinctive systematic form.

Robert Baker

I don’t think you have to believe in conspiracies to believe this. The suppression of the Hunter laptop story has been verified. All this story asks of readers is that you believe in trends. The story is specifically about the NYT and NBC suppressing news. The particular details are secondary.


I agree.

Valerie Curren

Sadly, this is not even remotely surprising  😡 

Valerie Curren

I think this is in the Q-Tree House neighborhood…sigh

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Predictable as night follows day,
Worthless lying fecker calling the flying monkeys for Maiden version.2

Boris Johnson

The picture emerging from Georgia is clear – yesterday’s election has been stolen by Putin’s puppet government in Tbilisi. I back the people of Georgia as they stand up for their freedom, their rights and their future

Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren


comment imageCharlton

Justin Trudeau’s government has begun euthanizing Canadian citizens suffering from severe injuries linked to the COVID vaccines – the same vaccines that his administration mandated and coerced the majority of the population to take.
If the covid vaccine didn’t completely kill you as was desired by these globalists, then the gov’t will finish the job by euthanizing you. They must get the world’s population down by 95%. Of course, they get to live because they believe they are more deserving of life than the rest of us.
comment imageCanada To Begin Euthanizing Millions of COVID Vaccine Injured CitizensJustin Trudeau’s government has begun euthanizing Canadian citizens suffering from severe injuries linked to the COVID vaccines – the same vaccines that his administration mandated and coerced the majority…


Valerie Curren
Thank you for this. It is confirmation of what Yours Truly presented on the board here a couple of days ago:
25 October 2024

Here’s the deal:
The Ontario man who was euthanized was in his late 40s.
He had a documented history of mental illness / psychological issues (PTSD, anxiety disorder, etc.)
He had had THREE injections of a COVID-19 “vaccine.”
His physical and mental decline appear to have begun after taking the “vaccines.”
His symptoms appears to match what is called “Long COVID.”

There are several states in the United States (California, Colorado, Maine, among them) that have OK’d “assisted suicide” laws.

Valerie Curren

Such a deeply tragic trajectory.  😡 

Valerie Curren

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Valerie Curren

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Q, Anon, Supporters
A European leftist’s shattering look at America under Democrat governance …

Because he’s not an American, he can say what American journalists refuse to say, which is that Americans are desperate for Trump’s fight and love of country
comment imageA European leftist’s shattering look at America under Democrat governanceI’ve been toying with several ideas for writing today, but they all went out the window when I saw Bruno Maçães’s “Letter from Michigan,” published in The New Statesman, an outlet that even Wikipedia identifies…

Here is a link to the item that generated the AT article:

& here is a brief view of the intro from AT on who the audience is for that…Wow…

I’ve been toying with several ideas for writing today, but they all went out the window when I saw Bruno Maçães’s “Letter from Michigan,” published in The New Statesman, an outlet that even Wikipedia identifies as “far left.” Maçães’s essay presents a shattering view of America. And through that view, he ably explains why increasing numbers of Americans are looking to Trump, who promises to restore our nation’s former greatness, rather than to Kamala, who promises more of the same decay that’s been the norm in Democrat-run cities and that Harris and Biden have brought to America as a whole.

Sidney and Beatrice Webb, two of the best-known British Fabians (they wanted pure socialism via a slow-roll through existing institutions rather than a bloody revolution), founded The New Statesman in 1913. In the 111 years since then, the publication has never deviated from its commitment to socialism.

Bruno Maçães is a regular columnist at The New Statesman and was Portugal’s former Secretary of State for European Affairs. He is a creation of and devoted to elitist leftist ideas. That means the essay I’m about to discuss comes from a hard leftist writing for a hard-left British publication that will be read by a hard-left audience.

Last edited 4 months ago by Valerie Curren

“This freedom to doubt is an important matter in the sciences and, I believe, in other fields. It was born of a struggle. It was a struggle to be permitted to doubt, to be unsure. And I do not want us to forget the importance of the struggle and, by default, to let the thing fall away. I feel a responsibility as a scientist who knows the great value of a satisfactory philosophy of ignorance, and the progress made possible by such a philosophy, progress which is the fruit of freedom of thought. I feel a responsibility to proclaim the value of this freedom and to teach that doubt is not to be feared, but that it is to be welcomed as the possibility of a new potential for human beings. If you know that you are not sure, you have a chance to improve the situation. I want to demand this freedom for future generations. — Richard Feynman, “The Uncertainty of Science”


I want to demand this freedom for future generations.



First Lady Melania wore Zebra print to the Madison Square Garden rally last night – which in Navy terminology – Condition Zebra – means “All hands man your battle stations, set condition zebra throughout the ship.” Get Battle Ready!!!!! –

Last night she came on stage walking to the beat of Guns N’ Roses’ Paradise City that had these lyrics:
“Take me down to the Paradise City 
Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty 
Oh, won’t you please take me home? 
I wanna go, I wanna know 
I want you, please, take me home 
I wanna see how good it can be 
I want you, please, take me home”

“Captain America’s been torn apart now 
He’s a court jester with a broken heart 
He said, “Turn me around and take me back to the start” 
I must be losin’ my mind, “Are you blind?” 
“I’ve seen it all a million times”

And then she introduced President Trump as our next Commander in Chief! – Stressing his military status as head of the military – America’s Chief United States Military Officer. Bet this time around there won’t be any creepy Milley style treasonous insubordination!!!

Remember throughout PDJT’s first campaign and first term, FL Melania sent messages in her choice of outfits – and often wore military army green and khaki coat dresses with epaulets.

This lady is different now, more assured and confident – speaks out more boldly! She is ready to fight for America and our people – especially our children!!!

She just glows with her love for children when she visits schools and hospitals!

She was always gracious and regal, kind and attentive, purposeful and intentional, but now she’s stronger and she is fully armored, armed and loaded, a formidable force. She a true female, without apology for being a woman, wife, mother, taking no prisoners, she will stand up for the Constitution against all assailants.

First Lady Melania Trump is a fitting companion and help-meet for her MAGA warrior husband.

Valerie Curren

Beautifully said!!!


I had wondered about the significance of her zebra print.

I think Melania is freer now to be more involved in the campaign and in politics because Barron is older and in college.

Robert Baker

Has anyone read what Barron’s career interests are? Does he want to be a builder, a physicist, or something else? I was just wondering while watching the Trump rally yesterday what his college curriculum might be.


He’s likely being educated to be the Kwisatz Haderach.

Robert Baker

I will have to look that one up, but it sounds like something from DUNE.





  • of an iambic line, having spondees in the second, fourth or sixth place
  • in ancient prosody, noting a variety of iambic trimeter which has not only a spondee or trochee for an iambus in the sixth or last place, as in the choliamb, but a spondee in the fifth place also

I have never in my life read a definition of a word that was more complicated, and used more words that required definitions to understand!

I’m not sure I’ve ever felt more uneducated.


Thankfully there are simpler words, to communicate clearly.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Eschew obfuscation.



Answer (1 of 10): It’s a wonderful bit of wit. As many others have pointed out it means “avoid being unclear”, but in two relatively obscure words.

Valerie Curren


clear as mud 😉



Valerie Curren


Deplorable Patriot

I’m having bad flashbacks to my sophomore English class. Didn’t get poetry then, don’t get it now.


Lol! I love poetry of certain kinds. But it depends.


I agree!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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His Grace is abundant in meekness
His strength is made perfect in weakness
Gladly glory in your infirmities
And do not fear any adversities

When you are torn and worn from battle
Angels will remove the rote rattle 
Lift you up and attend to your sores
The bruises and scars from many wars

When you are dejected defeated and down
Remember God’s mercy will soon abound
He will carry you gently while you heal
The power of His Love you will surely feel

By the Grace of God you are who you are
His Grace imparted on you left no scar
You labored more abundantly than many
More than adequate which was plenty

By Grace you are saved thru Faith it is said
And not of yourself but a gift instead
One of many God bestows upon those
Who obey His commands even en throes

When you are weakened spiritually
Be rest assured of God’s right remedy
Nothing that happens is ever too large
Be still and know that He is in charge

By your side He will always be ready
To raise you right up and keep you steady
By Grace through Faith you belong to Him
A loving gift He confers not on a whim

D01: 08/22/2023



Have you been wallowing in self pity
Tempted to give up the nitty gritty
Refusing to take just one step forward
Declining to gaze beyond the shoreward 

What would you accomplish if you laid back
If you cowered afraid to pick up the slack
If for some reason you wanted to die
What would that prove in a blink of the eye

There is a reason why you were left behind
Why you are facing life lost and so blind
God has a plan for your life henceforth
And your compass will always point due north

God knows our beginning and of our end
The time He has allotted here to spend
Apparently the unbeknown to you
Is what you’re doing here and what to do

During your life you experienced much
Not always with a partner was it such
You worked and labored at many a task
Is continuing on too much to ask

If you insist on living in the past
You will miss what God has for you amassed
His ways are not our ways and never will be
If you trust in His wisdom you will see

If you seek you will find the door open 
To a place of repose filled with hope in
The person you will find behind the door
Is someone you met long ago afore

If you prayed for someone to ease the pain
Then your healing has begun for to reign
We can’t change the past or know what will be
We have only the present and the key

What is this key to the present we hold
What if anything hidden can be told
This key represents a new day in life
The end to misery and daily strife

It opens whatever door you allow
It brings fresh ideas with it somehow
It provides a sample of what could be
When you ask God for direction you see

If you try to heal wounds without His help
You will be spinning your wheels and whelp
Around and around backward and forward
Upside and down and inside and outward

Where are you going and when will you stop
Driving yourself dizzy till when you just plop
Why do you insist God reverses course
When it is He who wrote chapter and verse

God watches you struggle every day
To change what you cannot to your own way
He gives you clues as to what you must do
But you refuse to listen and heed too

In your frustration you turn to the drink
Maybe just maybe you will cease to think
You have tried it before what did it do
Did the Dark Side solve your problem for you

The solution to your problem is clear
Listen to His voice and you will soon hear
What He wants you to know and you must do
Simple and understandable for you

D01: 10/27/2024


OK, Wolf, you brokebacked my comprehension and logic meter. Kaput.

Valerie Curren



Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday

Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms

Pray Everyday




Sincere question for the people here who have questions about the Holocaust:

How many Jews do you think died as a result of the Nazis?


After many of the posts last week, I am all ears to read truth.


Me, too.


AJR – Way Less Sad (Official Video)

34,448,038 views Premiered Feb 17, 2021 #AJR #WayLessSad #OKORCHESTRA
The Maybe Man, out now:


Directed by Edoardo Ranaboldo
Lola Newman – Producer
Stefan Nachmann – Director of Photography
Vince Sanchez-Sambrano – Production Designer
Caleb Natale – VFX Artist
Michael Francis – Editor

Check us out everywhere online @AJRBrothers

pat frederick

Wall Street Apes
Send This To American Voters, Vote Donald Trump To End This

American citizens get $1,400 per month on Social Security “If they’re lucky — We hand every alleged asylum seeker, illegal migrant pouring into the border — $2,200”

“A person who works all his life and then tries to draw on Social Security can expect a monthly payment of probably $1,400, if they’re lucky. $1,400. We hand every alleged asylum seeker, illegal migrant pouring into the border in Texas or wherever else. We hand them when they get there $2,200, and we put them on that $2,200 diet from there on per month. Yet somebody who works all his life retires and draws Social Security gets $1,400.”

– Tucker Carlson Interview With Douglas Macgregor


None of the perks for illegals make any sense. They get to fly around the country with no ID and no vetting. Some get free housing. They get to take over city services and sometimes entire cities. There is no logic or principle involved and it’s clear that the Left wants the country overrun with illegals at the expense of citizens.

Valerie Curren

  :wpds_evil:   :wpds_mad:   :wpds_evil: 


Øbama’s imported thug army….


I do hope this is true…

Intel Slava

Trump to launch ‘all-out war’ against Starmer if he wins presidential election – Daily Mail The British prime minister is “perceived as an anti-American and a sniveling, liberal bore” who has done significant damage to relations with Washington, a Labour spokesman said. Earlier, Trump filed a complaint with the US Federal Election Commission, accusing Britain’s ruling party of interfering in the election.


Can’t happen soon enough.

Britain has gone over the precipice. Brit government IS FUBAR.

It’ll take a general uprising, to unfuck what politicians have done to Britain.

Last edited 4 months ago by kalbokalbs

I guess Elon is still fired up from yesterday…



Trump got three Texas votes today. Along with Cruz. Latter more a protest vote against the D-rat opponent, a true POS.

Straight Rs. Glad to see no D-Rat incumbents on the ballot.

Last edited 4 months ago by kalbokalbs

Seems like the Walz folk got this education stuff all figured out… 😮
Who knew it could be this easy… ?

Deplorable Patriot

So they can learn all about toxic shock syndrome?

Tatonka Woman

Good thing I learned to read long before I needed anything like that…….

because I don’t think that would actually help.

Valerie Curren

I don’t know if any of you pay much attention to the NFL, but we are getting fairly jazzed about the Detroit Lions. After last year’s dismal showing at the NFC championship game where it looked like a “sure” Lion’s victory at half time but they blew it big time. This year they beat the leading team in the NFC North last week, the Vikings, & this week they won against the TN Titans, who gave them some stuff to overcome in the first quarter, 52-14.

Watching the Fox guys talk about Detroit as almost expected to make it into the Super Bowl (we’ve never been as all Detroit’s NFL championships were in the pre-Super Bowl era) was such a treat. Later hearing guys calling the Dallas game about how Dallas “to a man” were destroyed or devastated by Detroit a couple games back…sweet “revenge” after Dallas’ seemingly always bought off refs threw the sure Detroit victory away last year with a bogus call about substitutions on a trick play, where Dan Skipper, iirc, was penalized for something he didn’t do & a vital score was illegitimately erased. Whenever Skipper’s name is called at a home game the crowd goes nuts still…sweet!

Anyway, it’s a fun place to be for a home team that just a few years back was the only winless team in the NFL. We’ve come a long way, baby, in the Restore the Roar club!!!

Robert Baker

I have followed the Lions for many years. I liked Barry Sanders and can remember when Alex Karras played for the Lions. They have looked very good for the last several years. Their head coach made a big difference. I also remember when the Lions were the doormat. I always had empathy for Barry Sanders being on a going nowhere team. I am a Bengals fan and we suffered almost three decades in the doldrums after the 1990 Super Bowl.

Valerie Curren

Barry was an amazing player!!! Hubby got to watch him at Oklahoma State & then again at Detroit when we moved to Michigan in our early marriage. Ironically when Barry retired it was under the hiccuppy leadership of Wayne Fontes who was ultimately let go & then decades of sub-par coaching ensued w/ no one surpassing Fontes’ record post-season. Barry is still VERY Popular in Detroit, a prince of a guy!

Dan Campbell’s coaching has been a revolutionary change as has the rotation of some of the front office people. I think when the Ford family had a death the surviving widow, retaining ownership, allowed aspects of the team to go in some new directions, seemingly all good now. It’s great to watch the Lions again…finally!

Something remarkable was discussed on the Fox NFL Sunday show about the NFC North currently having All Four Teams potentially being post-season eligible, something that is apparently unprecedented. It’s pretty wild to have All of the North being very good. Time to ride that wave! Hope this means Detroit won’t bomb, per usual, on their Thanksgiving Day game, but that remains to be seen…

Sorry about what you endured with the Bengals. Hope they are on the upswing & giving you & their other fans reason to dream again.

Last year U of Michigan went undefeated & attained the NCAA National Championship. This year they are “rebuilding” after Jim Harbaugh left to coach in the NFL & many key players who’d stayed around last year to handle “unfinished business” moved on. They hired Sherone Moore as Head Coach, who’d filled in on the games where JH was banned (without having had a competed investigation but inflicting punishment anyways) last year. JH was very involved in all the prep for each of the games he missed so SM was executing JH’s coaching vicariously, he’s not nearly as formidable on his own it seems, but then there’ve been significant changes to the roster, as happens in college every year.

Basically I guess you need to enjoy the peaks, when they are attained, for there is no guarantee that they’ll be summited again, for perhaps a very long drought period.

Last edited 4 months ago by Valerie Curren
Last edited 4 months ago by TradeBait2
Valerie Curren

TY TB for the link…it’s interesting info. I’ll discuss w/ Hubby to get his take for he listens to Sports Talk Radio a bit so gets expanded insights.



Tennessee had their share of NCAA stuff a few years ago.

Valerie Curren

The Freep link appeared to me only after a page reload. The last article quoted there had this for (some) perspective “Although scouting opponents is not illegal, sending staffers to games instead of using provided video is a subversion of the spirit of the rules. Impermissible recording is also prohibited. “


LIVE WITH JULIE – 10/28/2024




Psalms 126:1-4
Ephesians 3:20
Luke 8:17
Luke 12:2
Psalms 21:11
Isaiah 54:15, 17
Isaiah 8:10
Esther 4:14
Psalms 20:8
Jeremiah 1:10, 12
John 6:63
Job 22:28
Psalms 25:20
1 John 4:4
2 Chronicles 7:14
Isaiah 55:11
Hebrews 13:8
Psalms 75:7
Proverbs 3:5-6


God is working miracles for you and He will make it known to all nations.
God does exceedingly far beyond what you think or even ask for.
Every lie will be revealed. God will make everything known. He will show the world what your enemies have been hiding in secret.
Your enemies will not be successful against you because you have the Greater One with you.
Emmauel- God is with us.
God is El Elyon- The Most High God. There is nothing bigger than Him.
Marching Order: Rise up full of courage.
God needs to be welcomed and allowed back into the government.
God will perform His Words.
Take refuge and comfort in what God is doing and what He is saying.
God is going to reset an entire government body.
There’s nothing too big or too hard for God. Do not limit Him or put Him in a box.
Things will get darker before it gets lighter, but you will not be moved or shaken because your heart will be fixed on God.
Every Christian needs to vote and vote Biblically. No Christian should be sitting out this election.
Nothing your enemies are doing is working. All of their plot, plans and schemes will not work.
Press into God and His Word.
God will always have His Way and the final say.


JGM – LIVE WITH JULIE – [28 October 2024] 


Ps 126:1-4…It seemed like a dream when the Lord brought us back to the city of Zion.[a] 2 We celebrated with laughter and joyful songs. In foreign nations it was said, “The Lord has worked miracles for his people.” 3 And so we celebrated because the Lord had indeed worked miracles for us. 4 Our Lord, we ask you to bless our people again, and let us be like streams in the Southern Desert. 

The Lord wants us to know HE is working miracles for us … .what God is doing for His people/our nation it’s going to be so unreal, it’s like we are in a dream…God is a supernatural God. What God’s going to be doing for our nation and around the world, it’s going to be so unreal, like a dream, it’s going to be so awesome. 

Eph 3:20…Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of) the [action of His] power that is at work within us, is able to [carry out His purpose and] do super abundantly, far over and above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams]—

 God does exceedingly above our expectations…DON’T limit God with what you think God can do. 

GOD IS AN ABSOLUTE BIG GOD…WHEN YOU THINK BIG…THINK BIGGER. There’s no one bigger than Him because He’s the Most High God. So don’t limit Him. When you think big, think bigger. 


[Word heard – October 24, 2024]

 My children, your enemy’s firewall has been breached, a firewall that protected their most secret plans and crimes they have buried behind these walls. An explosion is about to take place that cannot be denied. Another server has been found by My infiltrators and they have been able to breach these servers and what they have found will tear apart the long-lasting Establishment machine running Washington. 

PART 2 Secrets to blackmail and it’s beyond anything anyone could have ever imagined. Presidential crimes, political corruption so unprecedented it will completely reset an entire government on every level and most elections this nation has had over the last 60+ years. This corruption runs so deep that it would implement almost every political career politician you see before you. 

My children, this information will shake this country like never before. It is much deeper and much darker than anyone could have imagined. So prepare yourselves for the bumpy road ahead. As this will all come out and new elections will take place. 

Your enemies will try to start a Civil War and unrest. They will try anything as their last ditch efforts to stay in power, but they will not work. Nothing they do is working or be able to help them move forward. The machine is breaking with no way to repair it, says the Lord. A major financial scandal among politicians is coming out in the open. A scandal so massive it will bring major shock waves to this nation, how your tax dollars have been used, how lobbyists control the bills that were passed and I will show you the corruption attached to every major bill and who all profited from it. 

I will also show you the ones who control Wall St. I will show you insider trading. I will show you proof of money changing hands of foreign spies inside your govt and giving it to their own nations. 

I will show you all the judges who were paid off for all the indictments. I will show you the blueprints to prove all of them were a lie, for a coup to try to keep President Trump away from Washington. I will show the intricate details on how they manipulated the laws to try and find a crime. I will prove this was all a set-up, not only against My David but against this nation to destroy it once and for all. These indictments were meant for more destruction than you think. I will show it all to you and destroy the ones who designed them, says the Lord.

PART 3 My David will be handed more proof of these crimes and who was all involved, how they accomplished what they had so far. A chess move is about to be played your enemies will never see coming. The Establishment is in over its head. Everything they are doing against My David in this nation, they don’t have the power or intelligence to accomplish such plans. That’s why all of them will implode before your eyes, says the Lord of Hosts. 

A Rover is about to be in your news for a shocking reason. Many things that have been hidden in the space program are about to come to the surface. There are things that have been covered up that will be revealed. 

A high-profiled politician will be exposed for child pornography and child trafficking. They will let this person go to protect others in your government. Many things they are hiding with P Diddy and Epstein, they’ll not be able to cover up much longer. Every child predator in your capital soon will pay for their crimes for the world to see. 

The Aerospace Corporation has been a cover up for federal spending. There is more to this corrupt corporation that meets the eye. Everything your enemies were hiding behind will soon all be uncovered. 

Big Pharma and every company and all their contracts and deals they have made with the globalists and the Establishment is soon to be completely uncovered. How your government has been a part of many deaths. I told you your White House is actually red because it’s dripping with the blood of many lives that have been killed for the agenda. Every honeypot and every honey hole your govt has is about to be raided by Me says the Lord. 

My children, brace for the impact and the exposure and truth will bring to the enemy’s camps. This is the time to press more into Me and My Words because this battle is about to take a turn you don’t see yet. If your hearts are fixed on Me you will not be affected by the devastation your enemies are about to endure. Their control is over.

PART 4 of 4 Their reign is over and it’s all coming to an abrupt end. 
I will always have the final say and I will always have My way says the Lord Your Redeemer. 

Some more notes… Ps 20:8 [TPT]…Our enemies will not prevail. They will only collapse and perish in defeat while we will rise up full of courage. 

God’s asking us to rise up full of courage. Our enemies are going to fall. We’re going to prevail. They’re going to collapse and perish in defeat. 

Jer 1:10… See, I have this day appointed you to the oversight of the nations and of the kingdoms to root out and pull down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant. 
God has given us a job to do…to overthrow, root out, pull down…we are supposed to be the oversight of these unruly govt…we get rid of them with the Word of God. There IS something we can do about the enemies we are seeing, about all the crime, corruption, and what is going on in our govts. We have OVERSIGHT of the nations. That’s why there is such a lie against us now…separation of church and state is a lie for people not to do anything about rogue govts. All these different people who are against you and against God and if you sit there and say you can’t do anything about it, you’re saying Lord there’s nothing You can do about it. We have to allow God back into our government. It’s important to know if God’s not there, our enemies are there. 

…Ps 25:20 [NIV]… Guard my life and rescue me; do not let me be put to shame, for I take refuge in you.





Nice summation of reality…

WAYNE ROOT: Why is Kamala’s Campaign in Freefall? Kamala Isn’t Just DEI, She Owns a Category All to Herself. She’s DLI: “Dumb, Lazy and Incompetent.”


10.28.24: DARK MAGA? New YORK, Gold, Zebra Comms, VOTE EARLY, Exciting but BUMPY road ahead, PRAY!

And We Know


Robert Baker

I would say that Elon is onboard. He has burned his boats.



comment image

Robert Baker

And I guess Australia is the ball of yarn. Take heart Australia, someone thinks that you are in better shape than Cali.


Pretty low bar.

Robert Baker

K, sometimes you just have to take what is offered.




Well, I think I understand why “all of a sudden”, multiple “we’ll buy your house for cash” offers are appearing in my mailbox.

Durham City and County are doing a full re-zoning. Also, all real estate is going to be reassessed in January 2025.

About the re-zoning:
Residential properties that are currently zoned “single family residential” will be re-zoned to a new “R-D” zoning.
This means that a residential property that is a minimum of 5,000 sq ft lot can have built on it:
** A single-family residence PLUS an “ADU” (a new zoning that means “Accessory Dwelling Unit”.) An “ADU” can mean anything from a “mother-in-law cottage” to a “guesthouse” to, “housing” for ** certain types of new residents.** OR,

** A “Compact” housing build. This means a minimum 5,000 sq ft lot can have as many as FOUR very small houses built on it (either one or two stories.) Yours Truly’s house is on about 0.40 ac, or 18,000 or so. This would mean multiple very small houses could be built, assuming that the house where one lives currently is taken down. OR,

** An “Affordable” housing build. There is NO minimum lot size for this “option.” This means that EACH 625 sq ft of lot area can have housing built on it — in other words, that 5,000 sq ft lot can have 8 “units” (an apartment building filled with very small 1-bedroom apartments and/or 2-3 bedroom 1250 sq ft apartments and/or small studio apartments) built on it.

This is ON TOP OF Durham City and County apparently buying into the “15 minute cities” concept.

What I wonder now is just how much the value of my property will rise in the 2025 reassessment. If it’s possible for as many as, say, 16 of these “Affordable” housing units to be built in a 0.40 ac current single-family lot (like mine), does that mean that my “new” real estate property assessment will go up to reflect how much in taxes a multiple build could bring in to Durham County, as opposed to what a single-family residence could bring in? Or some figure in between?

One smells “BlackRock” all over this scheme.

Of course, fact that this area has become a HUGE “magnet” for illegal aliens isn’t mentioned at all. Unless “Affordable” housing = housing for illegals and/or others who are working the landscaping, painting, yard work, construction, etc., jobs all over the place.

Of course, the 2025 real estate tax reassessment isn’t mentioned in the glossy flyer or on the website connected to the “new zoning” scheme.

The glossy flyer and the connected website are asking for “comments.” Comments, my foot. Durham City and County are so deep blue that this “new zoning” scheme will pass with no problem.

Meanwhile, for Yours Truly, who has given it her best shot at living here, this is the last straw. I’m going to take myself, my dog, and “get out of Dodge”, finding a new home in a place that isn’t on the road to becoming a “15 minute city” or jammed-in “New York City-style” apartment buildings nightmare.

Here’s a JPG of the “new R-D zoning options””

comment image

Last edited 4 months ago by PAVACA

I truly feel your angst. Same exact thing happening here.

Valerie Curren

This is extremely disturbing…so sorry…Your lot sounds like a dream to keep in the family…if only…sigh…


Put it in a trust.


Won’t keep it from being reassessed and taxed.



Valerie Curren

death & taxes…spit…

Valerie Curren

This is what I hope my parents do with their properties, as they’ve been advised to multiple times. We’ll see, I guess…


Wondering. Are the zoning goofs elected or appointed.

While I don’t know for sure, I’m guessing something like this has happened in Reno and Carson City, NV. Tiny homes are being built, nearly on top of each other. Lots barely accommodate the tiny homes.

My bet is this is common in many, if not most larger cities.

Last edited 4 months ago by kalbokalbs

Here the county council (elected) makes the decision and zoning abides by their rulings. The council meetings that I’ve been to…these people are not smart. It’s people that really have no business making decisions and prior to this new trend of developers with fancy graphics and professional con men tactics the things the council had to make policy about was easy like ‘can we build a garage’ or maybe approving a small hotel in the area but something huge that will impact this coastal area forever is insane. We’re fighting it hard with trying to incorporate a large chunk of it so that we make the decisions. This plan is involved and has to be approved by the State. 50/50 that they’ll allow it. it was attempted years ago but was denied so..?

pat frederick

in my mom’s neighborhood, single family homes are being sold and torn down. in their place are larger monstrosities sold as “doubles”. they take up almost the entire lot with no yards to speak of.
they are hounding my mom with constant phone calls–let me sell your house–let me BUY your home. (she has a LARGE corner lot with a small cape cod home.) she doesn’t answer the phone anymore unless it’s a number she knows.

Valerie Curren

she doesn’t answer the phone anymore unless it’s a number she knows.” We’ve been doing that for years, which reduces household stress significantly!


You’ve probably heard my story.

The subject came up with The Fiancee and I some years ago. Being an accountant, I did what comes naturally — I made a spreadsheet.

On it, we logged every call we got for over two weeks. During this time, we received an average of three phone calls per day. We got only one phone call from a number we might want to talk to…..

… was The Fiancee’s sister…..doing a butt-dial. So we got to yell, “hello, hello,” while getting only fabric noises in return. Since then, we don’t answer unknown numbers (and sometimes known ones).

Valerie Curren

hadn’t heard this one but I bet if we tracked it our numbers would be similar, though we have more “real” calls than that. Oftentimes just to stop the ringing we’ll answer & hang up almost immediately 🙂



Healing Prayers
Prayer for Restorative Rest

Healing Hand, as I lay in my bed this evening, I pray for Your restorative power to touch my life. Mend what has been broken, soothe what has been hurt, and heal what has been wounded. May I find in sleep the healing that my body and spirit need and wake to a day of renewed health and vitality. Amen.

Evening Prayer for Wholeness

Gentle Healer, with the night’s calm, I seek Your healing for my body, mind, and soul. Where there is pain, bring relief; where there is fatigue, bring restoration; where there is distress, bring tranquility. Wrap me in Your peace as I trust in Your loving care to make me whole. Amen.

Prayer for Comfort in Illness

Lord of Comfort, as I face the trials of illness, I pray for Your healing touch. Ease my discomfort, calm my anxiety, and deliver me from my afflictions. In Your mercy, may I find the comfort that leads to a peaceful rest, knowing that You are with me, sustaining and healing me. Amen.

Nighttime Blessing for Healing

Divine Physician, under the canopy of the night sky, I pray for Your healing blessings. Let Your life-giving energy flow through every cell, every nerve, every aspect of my being. May my rest be deep, my healing complete, and my faith in Your power absolute. Bless me with the gift of health, and let my gratitude be a testament to Your mercy. Amen.

Serene Prayer for Recovery

Merciful Restorer, as I seek repose in the stillness of this night, I ask for Your healing hand upon my life. Guide the hands of those who care for me, provide wisdom for the paths of recovery, and grant patience for the journey. In this serene hour, let Your comfort envelop me, as I place my trust in Your plan for a full recovery. Amen.


Thank you for these Evening Prayers. I will pray them for my brother.


PUT GOD FIRST, His POWER Will Heal Your Soul | C.S. Lewis Explains

81 views Premiered 6 hours ago Faith in GOD

Scripture Pathways: Unveiling Biblical Prophecy & C.S. Lewis’s

Wisdocomment image
comment image PUT GOD FIRST, His POWER Will Heal Your Soul | C.S. Lewis Explains

Whether God’s healing power can truly restore your soul? In this video, we explore how faith transforms pain into peace, guided by insights from C.S. Lewis. Learn how God’s presence offers deep, lasting healing for every wound. Watch to find strength, hope, and divine comfort for your soul’s journey.


C.S. Lewis Reveals the SECRET to Renewing Your Mind

12,558 views Oct 27, 2024

This is our exclusive E-BOOK, now available for purchase at an incredibly affordable price of $9.90.

You can buy it at this link:

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An amount we consider symbolic to help the channel keep running regardless of the circumstances.

God bless you all.



Fauci also needs to be prosecuted.


One at a time.  🙂 


Katie is always delivers a delightful listen.


comment image

EXCLUSIVEKamala Harris’ VP choice Tim Walz had secret fling with daughter of top Chinese Communist official during teaching stint in China

  • Tim Walz had a romance with Jenna Wang, daughter of a CCP official in 1989
  • She said her father Bin Hui would disown her for fraternizing with a westerner


Well, she’s nowhere to be found thanks to this.

Messing with democrats never ends well.


October surprise? Is there a word of truth in this? The Daily Mail is not mincing words and is reporting it as fact.

EXCLUSIVEKamala Harris’ VP choice Tim Walz had secret fling with daughter of top Chinese Communist official during teaching stint in China

Tim Walz had a secret fling with the daughter of a high-ranking Communist official during his 1989 teaching stint in China, can exclusively reveal.

Jenna Wang, 59, claims the VP hopeful showered her with gifts and seduced her at his poky staff accommodation at No. 1 High School in Foshan, Guangdong Province.

The lovers could not risk holding hands or showing affection in public because Wang’s dad was a high-ranking figure in the Chinese Communist Party who would disown her for fraternizing with a westerner.

More details at the link. I don’t think he married Gwen until 1994, after this affair was over. Maybe someone put this out to counter the reports that he seems gay.


Eric Swalwell probably advised him that “bang bang with Chinese woman better PR than parties with little boys.”


“But their romance blossomed behind closed doors as they sipped tea, made love and listened to George Michael hits – leading the then 24-year-old Wang to dream about marriage and a new life in the United States.”


Yes, it was luv they were makin’…


“No proposal was forthcoming from the future Minnesota governor, however,”


Or maybe it was something else they were makin’…


“…and the shame of being treated ‘like a prostitute’ eventually left Wang feeling angry and suicidal, she claims.”


Tampon Timmy… natural born diplomat…


I feel like I need a shower.


“I feel like I need a shower.”


That’s what the Sham-Wow is for, those between shower clean-ups 👍 😁


Valerie Curren





” ‘Tim was very passionate and very romantic. I can still remember dancing with him to our favorite song, Careless Whisper,'”


Well, there’s a mental image I didn’t need…


Well, we just like making your blog commenting experience well-rounded.


“Well, we just like making your blog commenting experience well-rounded.”


And oh how it is!

We must, and we will much, about that, be committed 😂


Tim Walz married Gwen Whipple in 1994.


Thus completing his transformation into Mr. Whipple……”don’t squeeze the tampons!”



Valerie Curren



“Walz’s time in China is already a source of controversy after he misleadingly claimed in interviews and congressional transcripts that he was in Hong Kong when the Tiananmen Square protests erupted from April to June of 1989.

It later transpired that he didn’t join the staff of nonprofit WorldTeach in China until August 1989, prompting Walz, 60, to profess during the recent VP debate that he was a ‘knucklehead‘ when recalling dates.”


What a great defense… “I’m a knucklehead at times”… just what people look for in a leader… 🤣


So after two solid minutes of self-aggrandizement and Kamalala word salad, the CNN flunky says “Governor, just to follow up on that, the question was, can you explain the discrepancy…”

Walz: “Alls I said on this was that I got there that summer and misspoke on this, so I, I will just, that’s what I’ve said.

So I was in Hong Kong, in China, during the democracy protest, went in. And from that I learned a lot of what needed to be in, in governance.”

What a great, great answer… 😂

He rode a bike until the street lights came on when he was a kid, too… and he’s proud of that ‘service‘.

He’s not kidding, I remember when I used to ride my bike until the street lights came on, and how proud I was of serving in that capacity. I think we all were.

It was selfless, it was patriotic, and above all, I think it showed how deeply we really cared about the community…

Last edited 4 months ago by scott467
Robert Baker

The story had to come from the Brits. American media would suppress the story. The motive has to be partisan whether professional jealousy or opposition tactics.


Agree. Although the Brits should be hoping Kakala wins.

Trump has the Brits number. Starmer anyway.

Robert Baker

The Brits are allies not friends. All allies are motivated first by self-interest. They have an angle that I don’t see.




Cui bono?

Walz/DNC – “See, he’s not gay! Release the China beard/girlfriend!”

CCP – “See, he’s not gay! (He is our spy, but shhh). Americans don’t want another gay VP.”

MIC – “Uh-oh. We might not have control of which war we want next.”

White Hats – “Uh-oh. CCP is trying to get an MK in the actual White House. Can’t have that!”

Hell, who knows? Maybe the poor Chinese girl doesn’t want WWIII, millions of aborted babies, trans-mutilated teenagers, and who knows what-all else on her conscience, so she just went to the press.


Just imagine the post-debate analysis at DNC headquarters… 🤣🤣🤣


Tampon Tim is still gay.

Just cuz Tampon Tim banged Jenna Wang and married Gwen, doesn’t change anything in my mind. Gay. Gay. Gay.


Alastair Crooke has a different theory about the attack on Iran, which if correct has implications for stealth aircraft in the future…



This past week I’ve seen little to nothing from Israel, regarding Israel successes in their attacks into Iran.

  • If Israel was successful, they would have been bragging big time, WITH pictures. There likely would have been leaks from within Iran confirming some of the damage. Israel successes.
  • Iran released several short videos of what appears to be Surface to air missiles. In theory to intercept Israeli aircraft / missiles. Those same videos appeared to intercept there targets.

Now, add in Alastair Crooke’s assessment in RACs post above, Israel 100% failed in there attack on Iran.

  • Initial wave of Israel aircraft never even entered Iranian air space. Blindly launched there missiles, which never reached there targets.
  • Israel’s follow on waves of attacks, canceled or returned to base, if they were already airborne.

IF all of this is true, Israel Is Screwed. Israel cannot effectively attack Iran in a meaningful way. Can’t hit Iranian leadership. Can’t take out Iranian military bases. can’t take out Iranian petroleum facilities. Can’t take out Iranian nuke anything.

Israeli F-35s are easy targets, if air defenses have not been taken out of play.

Israel is being largely stopped on the ground in Lebanon.


Israel is at an inflection point AND Israel does not hold a lot of Aces. A whole lot fewer than many believe.

Israel is in a seriously bad position. IMO.

All of this should have alarm bells going off in DC, Pentagon… Russia has several aces the USG did not bank on. Or USG truly let Israel get bitch slapped in a huge way.

  • US F-35 flown by USAF, USN and USMC, along with a few dozen allies, is questionable.

F-35 an obscenely expensive aircraft.

The cost of an F-35 varies depending on the variant:

  • F-35A (Air Force variant): $82.5 million (average flyaway cost for lots 15-17)
  • F-35B (Marine Corps variant): $135.8 million (per unit, including ancillary costs)
  • F-35C (Navy variant): $117.3 million (per unit, including ancillary costs)


>>> An unknown. I have no idea if Israeli F-35 are truly the top of the line. Or some technology installed, NOT the best.


OTOH, it wouldn’t surprise me if they launched a test of whether the US had handed more information to the Mullahs, and returned to base when the answer was “yes”.

IIRC, the Israeli F-35s had open bays in their instrument cluster for insertion of Israeli technology — whether denied US tech or just by preference.



Israel, Japan, likely many countries do “upgrades” on military hardware we sell them.


A couple of other interviews by Judge Nap tonight didn’t go along with AC’s theory, but AC does seem to have contacts, he was an ambassador in the past I think in that part of the world.


Thanks. I’ll look for the other Nap interviews.

Would like some pictures and such, to go along with the talking heads.

AC perspective easily reflected in what was released. Doesn’t make it true. Just compatible information.


Completing a Scott Ritter interview.

Scott confirms Israeli ground forces getting waxed.

Along with a somewhat better picture of Israeli attack on Iran last Friday.

Will seek out Macgregor or Larry Johnson interview.


Larry Johnson aligns with AC, Israel air attack in Iran, a failure. Does NOT bode well for Israel.

Last edited 4 months ago by kalbokalbs

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First sentence in closing paragraph seems to be missing a word.

Not very impressive.


“RNC lawyers have sent a letter…”


It better have been strongly worded! 😂🤣😂


I doubt it … unless they called you first.  😆 


Zebra Message Received, Operations About To Begin, Trump Reveals He Has A Secret- Ep. 3486
 October 28, 2024  x22report

The green new scam template that they used for Germany has failed. Volkswagen is now closing 3 plants and laying off thousands. Climate bank is missing 41 billion dollars, most likely laundered. Trump is now trapping the [CB], in the end the [CB] will not be able to fight back. The [DS] is trying everything to get the people to turn against Trump, everything they are doing is having the opposite effect. Melania sent a message, she was wearing a zebra print, does this mean operations are about to begin. During the rally at MSG, Trump reveals that he can take back the house and the senate because he has a little secret and Matt Gaetz knows about it. The [DS] is becoming desperate, Trump has them exactly where he wants them.

Ep 3486a – Trump Issues Another Solution, The End Goal Is To Make Sure The [CB] Cannot Fight Back

Ep 3486b – Zebra Message Received, Operations About To Begin, Trump Reveals He Has A Secret


Come over to the bright side. Hire real journalists, not left-leaning writers. Work on some projects with Trump. Business could pick up if WaPo would do an about-face.


It’s hard to believe they had 200,000 subscribers to lose.


I can’t find the source, but I think I read that that is 8% of their subscribers.


May or may not be paid subscribers. “Subscriber” numbers drive ad value as I understand it.


“Hire real journalists, not left-leaning writers.”


I’ve never seen a Leftist whose ‘lean’ wasn’t all the way horizontal.


I’ve never seen a Leftist whose ‘lean’ wasn’t all the way horizontal.

It depends on the definition of “Leftist.” There are some Dems who are able to be fair-minded.


“There are some Dems who are able to be fair-minded.”


I’m sure you could come up with multiple subjects where those same Dems are not fair-minded at all.

Because being a Dem has almost nothing to do with logic or reason, and everything to do with emotion and dishonesty.

And you can’t be fair-minded while being dishonest or emotional.

The Democrat Party has literally positioned itself to be in opposition of anything rational, logical, reasonable or fair-minded.

It’s not a flaw, it’s a feature.

I’m not even kidding.

Valerie Curren

AlGore’s running mate, Joe Liberman, comes to mind.


I think my Dad was in the same class as Joe at Yale. They were there at the same time, anyway. My Dad didn’t talk badly about hardly anyone, or even talk very much at all, but he didn’t think much of Joe Lieberman.

Last edited 4 months ago by scott467
Valerie Curren

Well that’s understandable. Did you make it to Ivy League too (as a legacy perhaps)?


No, I never even thought to apply. I don’t remember my parents ever talking to me about college. Or about anything else, really.

There’s no way to answer the question without raising (and answering) more questions, and I spent several hours doing that yesterday.

I ended up with a fairly comprehensive reply, but no matter how I tried to edit it, it’s just too much information (literally and figuratively) for a blog reply.

So I will spare you all… 😁

Last edited 4 months ago by scott467
Valerie Curren

Sorry that your growing up years apparently were lacking in several arenas, iirc, like your mom’s cooking….fwiw, you turned out Great!!!


Just making Bezo’s job easier.

Jeff Bezos wants more conservatives at Wash Post.


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As I read that, I thought that today’s Left is a bunch of soy boys and cowards who are not going to start a civil war. Any violence of that type will be manufactured by the higher-ups who will use their paid useful idiots like Antifa and BLM. We’ve already heard from those groups on various occasions, and the Right doesn’t take the bait.

I’m not doubting there will be violence; I just don’t think it will all be organic by people who are wedded to a cause.


Violence will be provided by paid thugs and goofballs. Not everyday folks.

Wildcard for me. What will local LE, courts governments do.


“Wildcard for me. What will local LE, courts governments do.”


Whatever protects their pension most.

If Trump has clearly won, the Pension Protectors will protect their pensions by falling in line and at least making a pretense of suppressing Leftist goon squad rioters.

If it looks like the steal might be successful, the Pension Protectors will protect their pensions by ignoring Leftist rent-a-mob violence and cracking down on peaceful Trump supporters, like usual.

Once we understand that ‘law enforcement’ could care less about enforcing the law, and only cares about CYA and protecting their own pensions, it is easy to predict what they will do.


On the plus side, Musk / Tweeter not only won’t go along with the FF, but will expose it to tens of millions of Americans and people all over the world.

And black youtube influencers are having the time of their lives exposing the crooked Dims and Crims. They are getting a lot of practice in these last couple months, so they will be primed to expose any and all “get back on my plantation!” tactics from the Demunists.

Last edited 4 months ago by scott467

Not to mention, it’s pro 2nd Amendment conservatives who own at least 75% of all the guns in any ‘civil war’ scenario.


49er with MAGA hat.

Fans with MAGA hats harassed.

Last edited 4 months ago by kalbokalbs

I think the 49ers are going to regret this. The hat doesn’t even have a name on it.


Fagtown doing what Fagtown does.


Cooth’s hometown you’re talking about there.   :wpds_shock: 
Yea, no reflection on Cooth. .   :wpds_cool: 


If I have a hometown, it’s probably Newhall — much as I hated living there and beat feet as soon as I could. Alternatively, the place I would choose to live if I could afford it is Santa Barbara.

Moving to Silicon Valley was always meant to be a temporary thing.

Last edited 4 months ago by cthulhu
Valerie Curren

the place I would choose to live if I could afford it is Santa Barbara.”

I thought you were allegedly choosing some place in NC…of course since Helene that might be even more problematic than drugging the fiancée & deprogramming her LOL


I couldn’t afford to live in Santa Barbara if I won the lottery — not with Random Nuisance and his bunch of happy henchmen mismanaging this state.

The plan is still in the piedmont of NC.

Valerie Curren

Hope that works out for you Soon!

Deplorable Patriot

Working on Tuesday. Th Couch Commando won’t leave me alone.

Deplorable Patriot

He’s playing Van Halen and won’t get out of my room.


The great Spanish painter, Francisco de Paula Van Halen (1814-1887)?

Last edited 4 months ago by scott467

Understood. When my little guy starts that on me, I give him a couple of treats and tell him to lie down and be a good boy. If he still doesn’t get the “hint”, he goes into his “big room” (his extra-large sleeping crate for awhile.)


I wonder how well that would work (The Couch Commando is her brother).


Yes, I understand that.
I probably should have added something about small dogs and brothers are different.

Last edited 4 months ago by PAVACA

But I’ll bet a shock collar would work about the same on either one!

Deplorable Patriot

That would just piss him off.


But it’d be fun 🙂


Not necessarily that different…..

Deplorable Patriot

It’s in the can. He passed out.


In his crate?

Deplorable Patriot

He went to his room and passed out.


Yours Truly’s street mailbox has been “stuffed” over the past 2 weeks with flyer after flyer from the KamaCackle campaign. Every one of these flyers has color images of her smiling, arms spread out in “joy”, “time to move forward in progress”, etc. POTUS45, on the other hand, is always in shades of black, white, and gray on these flyers, with a dark background. His face always has a big frown on it. There are “veiled”, but unmistakable, inferences that “Trump is the ‘resurrection’ of Hitler” and “will take the country into fascism.”


Odd as hell here. Three registered voters in this home. Two R-Con. One Independent.

Not one political anything this year. Nothing. Not even a sample ballot from the County Registrar of Voters. We do have our voter registration cards.
We voted today. So we are clearly registered.
After the election, I’ll contact Registrar of Voters and inquire if the mail out sample ballots.

Have voted in MD, VA, NV, CA and HI. Always got the junk mail AND sample ballot(s).

Last edited 4 months ago by kalbokalbs
Valerie Curren

On the dot!

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9:07 PDT.


Is your clock off?



Dunno when this one happened…

Guess the fans get tossed. Would think the batter is called “out.”



Nice to see this getting air time, even if it is only an affiliate station.


Has hump day been rescheduled, or am I out to lunch?

Memes incoming.
