Dear KMAG: 20241104 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic – Election Eve

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

And yes, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

We will always remember Wheatie,

Pray for Trump,

Yet have fun,

and HOLD ON when things get crazy!

We will follow the RULES of civility that Wheatie left for us:

Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And while we engage in vigorous free speech, we will remember Wheatie’s advice on civility, non-violence, and site unity:

“We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”

“Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”

If this site gets shut down, please remember various ways to get back in touch with the rest of the gang:

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

Joe Biden didn’t win.

And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wolfie’s Wheatie’s Word of the Week:



  • unable to survive drought
  • intolerant of dry conditions

Shown in a picture

Used in a sentence

Xerophobous plants which require wet soil or even standing water, such as some species of the Japanese iris, are sometimes described as water-loving, but are perhaps better described as water-needful.


Enjoy some real piano music!

The tank-top is the perfect touch!


While we’re here, some kudos to Musk for inspiring us all.

Are you inspired? Good.

Let’s win this sucker.

This is a fun piece of an interview with aging scientist Roger Penrose, a highly respected astrophysicist and theoretician. Don’t sweat it if you don’t understand the details. Soak up the controversy, still rumbling a century after the 1920s, when general relativity and quantum mechanics were just arriving.

This is, and was, what science was supposed to be like. Great minds feuding and governments staying the F out of the arguments.

HINT – “collapse of the wavefunction” means that “the tumbling dice of many possibilities settle down to something specific.” Penrose is saying that the idea our minds do this is bullshit. He believes that something in physics makes the dice settle on a value, but he doesn’t guess as to what it might be.

And that sounds like a call for more music!

Remember that gal?

Just sayin’!

And also remember…….

Until victory, have faith!

And trust the big plan, too!

And as always….



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One day to go.


Riding shotgun with you, friend. Let’s do this!


This time change has left me very confused….


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Sounds like a plan I can get behind!

I go to bed pretty early. I don’t want to fall asleep in one world and wake up in another, like I did in 2020.

I loved the show, but I really don’t like being actually in an episode of “The Twilight Zone!”

Valerie Curren

no doubt!


True or not, it’s entertaining to think about…

Bad Hombre:

New reporting that hard conversations are ongoing inside Harris campaign headquarters at this time.

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz met with campaign manager Julie Chavez, Jen O’Malley Dillon, and campaign co-chair Gretchen Whitmer this morning to review early voting data.

The meeting was described as somber. Harris was told to prepare herself mentally for a devastating loss on Tuesday.

The joy is gone.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Here’s an off the wall suggestion (and I don’t believe it myself; just my warped mind at play).

The dems realize they can’t cheat their way out of this. So they don’t even TRY. This would be an attempt to make Trump look like a cry-wolf alarmist on the subject of cheating. This might make sense if a) they know they can’t win, and b) they’re afraid of being prosecuted for cheating.



They play the long game, think “it’s only four years,” and try to cheat J.D. Vance out of the presidency in 2028.

Which is where my current thinking is.


an attempt to make Trump look like a cry-wolf alarmist on the subject of cheating

That has worked for them in the past, but there are already multiple documented instances of Dems cheating in this election. In some cases, lawsuits have been filed and the RNC has won. It’s all on record, and it wasn’t manufactured by Trump.


In that case they can do their victim pantomime to their hearts’ content.

We take the win, release the tapes and the avalanche of other evidence, and let the games begin 😂


I think you are on to something that makes sense to me, Scott. Many of us forget “we have it all” and the Dems/RINOs know it. The price for them losing with less rancor and violence is willingness to withhold some highly inflammatory details of their crimes from We the People and not criminally charge them. Seems to have been a tactic of PDT and supporters in the past.


I hope he doesn’t withhold anything. Sunlight is the best disinfectant, and exposure and prosecution is the only way to stop it.

The most inflammatory crimes are the ones needing exposed the most.

What are we going to do, prosecute a few low level people, and let Hannibal Lector and all the other real psychopaths go?

Where will they go?

They will just begin Operation Block Trump for Four More Years.

Better to have them thinking about something less destructive, like “how do I break out of this prison cell” 👍🙂


I’m bracing for a very disappointing night. I think it will be clear that Trump won, just like in 2020, but that the Dems will refuse to call states for him or they will pull all kinds of shenanigans. I hope I’m wrong.


Wolf Moon
I believe you are correct. The DemCommunists have the playbook going to steal the election.


With so many people awake to (and expecting) the steal, it will only blow up in their faces 😁

They have no support this time, except from suburban white liberal female baby killers.

There is no majority male demographic that will stand with them or back the steal. Not black men, not Hispanic men, not Asian men, not even islamic men.

And certainly not white men.

So if she refuses to leave, it becomes a matter of how many centuries Kakula wants to set the wymyn’s movement back, by the amount of damage she wants to do to the country, before she’s dragged out by her hair and thrown in prison.

And the best part is that it’s not even her choice, she’s just a puppet of the Cabal. Those Epstein and Diddy tapes are just itchin’ to go public, and they are just the tip of the ped0berg.

I do love the smell of napalm in the morning.

Smells like… victory 😁


Lest we forget the white powder found in the WH.

IF only someone in SS AND FIB were honest. Mystery would be solved.

Deplorable Patriot

Oh, I think they aimed to cheat as ever, and this one really will be too big to rig.

I don’t think they can manufacture enough votes this time. And I suspect there will be some surprises in the north east.

pat frederick

I think you’re right. they see the writing on the wall, so they don’t try to steal it. instead all their eggs are now firmly in the “convicted felon” phase of the steal. they always have a back up plan.

Deplorable Patriot

Some others in my life are more worried about the down ticket races, actually. Part of that, IMO, is what they are reading/hearing from God only knows where. Logically, that doesn’t really work, though.

pat frederick

well that’s true. if they can stall his plans in Congress, that would be effective too.
and joe’s been trying to load the judiciary up with dem despots.


“Kamala Harris and Tim Walz met with campaign manager Julie Chavez, Jen O’Malley Dillon, and campaign co-chair Gretchen Whitmer this morning to review early voting data.”


All chicks… they have really proven to have their fingers on the pulse of the male half of the electorate… 🤣


Well, that’s probably better than some other uses for their fingers.

  :wpds_shock:   :wpds_lol: 


Must be fingers because their THUMBS are up their asses.

pat frederick

scratching their brains no doubt


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How hard can this be?

1) Trump wins

2) Trump already has all of his choices for cabinet level on down

3) if he is sentenced on November 26, he will appeal and could certainly remain out of prison during the appeal process

4) even if he chooses to go to jail in order to make the Crims suffer that much more, he will still be sworn in on January 20th

5) as soon as he is sworn in, he can have that hangnail operated on that has been bothering him so much. 25th Amendment allows him to transfer power to VP Vance while DJT is under anesthesia

6) VP Vance pardons DJT

7) DJT wakes up from surgery and triumphantly returns to the White House 😂🤣😂


That’s if he wins, which by all rights, he should.


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It looks like Elons PAC “America” is going to be bussing PA Republicans to the polls on Tuesday, much like the PA Dems did in 2022 for Fetterman.

Dems will likely be bussing their own voters as well; but the fact that the GOP has responded is big.


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The black male murderer statistics are ORDERS of MAGNITUDE higher than anyone else.

No wonder the Crims hide the data, that’s incredible.

It’s even worse when you consider that only 6% of the population are black males, and of that, maybe only half (or just 3% of the population) are in their prime murder years, say aged 15 to 40.

So just 3% of the whole population is committing 2.65 times more murders than all other demographics above, combined.


Gotta luv statistics!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

First draft of Saturday coming up.

The science part.

Who knows what “current events” will be like on that day!


I personally hope we’re dancing on the figurative graves of the D.C. establishment and the Demoncrat party!


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TBH, I just can’t get into the Candace research. For one thing it’s time-consuming, and for another, it won’t make a difference in this election.

I hope you will continue to bring evidence that you think is important.


Here’s a document for you. This is Beryl Finnegan’s death certificate, dated 1995. The “scandal” is, she never married Oscar Harris, so Kamala’s dad was illegitimate. Big deal:

Valerie Curren

Here’s the info there, as you have to sign in to Family Search to see it

Essential Information
Primary Name

Birth NameGiven Name: Beryl
Surname: Finnegan

More InformationSex: Female
Age: 81
None added yet

DateEstimated Year: 1914

PlacePlace: Alexandria, Saint Ann, Jamaica
District: Alexandria
Parish: Saint Ann
Country: Jamaica

DateDate: 03 Sep 1995
Month: Sep
Day: 3
Year: 1995

Here are images going through Gab, I had to use the snipping tool which is why it’s not just one image, fwiw

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Cool, thanks.

Valerie Curren

YW Can you see the images for they’re not showing for me, but I haven’t tried a page reload yet.


I can.

Valerie Curren

great ty

edit, images show for me after page reload 🙂

Last edited 3 months ago by Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

TY 🙂



Valerie Curren

Here is a note in a discussion at Beryl Finegan’s family tree notation

Agreed, the wrong information is being added here as fact at an alarming rate by conspiracy theory, in his 2018 essay the correct spellings, the right names (including the white lineage and salve owners) are included. So one would assume he is not covering anything up as he listed them and addresses the slave owner as something he had to come to terms. Take into account this is the same man who openly criticised his daughters comments on the Charmalagne show about legalizing weed “as making a mockery of the sterotype of all Jamaicans smoking pot.” lol. So he is pretty forthright.

I’m also inclined to believe this is the most accurate lineage listed vs sites, like this, ancestry, and gini, where the public and enthusiasts can add. The final kicker being that The Irish Times, The Mail, The Guardian, and other international newspapers that are required to fact check used this essay as a source to either prove Harris’ ancestors had slave owners – so not flattering.

Source 1: Donald’s essay, 2018 published – republished online 2020.
“my paternal grandmother Miss Chrishy (née Christiana Brown, descendant of Hamilton Brown who is on record as plantation and slave owner and founder of Brown’s Town) and to my maternal grandmother Miss Iris (née Iris Finegan, farmer and educator, from Aenon Town and Inverness, ancestry unknown to me). The Harris name comes from my paternal grandfather Joseph Alexander Harris, land-owner and agricultural ‘produce’ exporter (mostly pimento or all-spice), who died in 1939 one year after I was born and is buried in the church yard of the magnificent Anglican Church which Hamilton Brown built in Brown’s Town (and where, as a child, I learned the catechism, was baptized and confirmed, and served as an acolyte).
Both of my grandmothers had the strongest influence on my early upbringing(“not to exclude, of course, the influence of my dear mother”Miss Beryl” and loving father “Maas Oscar”).

Source 2: “Kamala Harris’ great-great-great-great grandfather was ‘notorious’ Irish slave owner who bought Jamaican plantation and travelled to London to fight abolition, historian claims
One of the unflattering articles referencing the essay, the slave owner, and the important point using that same B&W picture of Iris that all the articles use. It was also verified by a British Historian.


I trust my research. It tracks with the above.

Valerie Curren

Good Job! Thanks for keeping us informed on your findings!!!


My family history is much simpler. I remember my great grandparents on both sides, and have photos of everyone.

I have my paternal Grandmother’s driver’s license from the early 1990s (found in an old wallet), and my paternal Grandfather’s military ID from WWII.

My birth certificate has zero ‘amendments’.

There are no name changes, no gaps, no holes, no photos of strangers presented as family members, no questions about who was married to whom, or when my ancestors came to America.

No one’s college records are sealed, wouldn’t even know how to do it if we wanted to.

The only people who seem to have a ridiculously hard time proving even basic elements of their past are democrat politicians who run for offices that require such background information in order to be qualified for public office.


Iris ALLEN Finnegan. Here is Beril’s birth record with her mother’s name:

I think the maternal grandfather may be Patrick Finnegan. BUT, I think there may not have been a formal marriage. I further think the “Mr. Christie” may have been a later marriage/relationship.

I think a big part of the problem with this family, indeed with the whole of Jamaican records is only the mother is listed on the birth records. I think this *may* be because there were so many illegitimate births between the Jamaican women and the Irish land holders.

It’s a mess, for sure. But I think Candace has the wrong thing by the tail.

Gail Combs

Wolfie, that is what is great about the QTree. We all dig in different rabbit holes and bring the goodies back for the rest to see.

I am afraid this Wednesday is going to be very light. I am exhausted! However there are now a lot of happy kids who got pony rides this weekend. AND I did finish the Pegasus Unicorn just in time. I even guessed the colors correctly so they were the same as those the birthday child was wearing. The photographer at the party could not stop taking pictures of my ponies.

Maybe, If she sends the URL as promised, I can post a picture or two. The Pegasus wings turned out better than I had hoped. But boy are my hands sore from all that sewing!

Now I am off to bed with the hope I can get up at the regular time (5:00 AM)


She is having a lot of influence on black people, including a lot of black youtube influencers who are picking up on it and doing their own videos about it (even Jason Whitlock had a segment on it) and related subjects, seemingly thinking about a lot of these issues for the first time.

You can tell from the avatars (often self-photos or artwork depicting a black person) in the comments sections that most of the comments are from black people, and they sound as frustrated and angry with the Left as we often do 👍

Last edited 3 months ago by scott467

Good. I just can’t get into the weeds with it.


This is the truth of it.

Kamala is whatever it takes to get what she wants. Indian, black, Jamaican, whatever.

She is a chameleon opportunist.


This old lady was having a blast at the Trump Rally in Salem, Virginia

Now that’s joy! 😊


Great song, from back in the day.

Trump rallies play a nice spread of music. Mood music I spose.


All of the great songs of the 60s and 70s are being introduced to a whole new (young) generation via the ‘reaction’ videos on youtube.

They start out all over the place. Some focus on thrash metal, or punk rock, or 80s muzak, or whatever, but sooner or later they all seem to come around to 1960s and 1970s music, and that’s the music that hooks them. They love it. The songs, the real instruments, the amazing vocals (and no auto-tune!), how the whole is greater than the sum of the parts, all of it.

They frequently get hung up trying to classify or figure out what genre each song is. I don’t remember ever thinking much about that.

When I was a kid, it was just called classic rock, because that’s what was on the classic rock radio stations. They played everything from James Taylor and Carole King to Led Zeppelin and AC/DC, so it was all ‘classic rock’ to me 😁


Yep… “Still Rock and Roll to me”




I didn’t know it had gone missing 😂

Hadn’t thought about it in a long time though.


Should we win persuasively, I would hope that the rules for election cheating be changed so that every single one of the behaviors we have noted in 2020 and 2024 would result in decades of jail time. Further, there should be new laws such that if Marc Elias so much as jaywalks, he can be shot in the street like a rabid dog.


Why wait?


Last edited 3 months ago by kalbokalbs
pat frederick

someone that heinous has left a slime trail of everywhere he’s been and everyone he’s screwed over.
karma will find him and slap him into outer space.


I like the special treatment in your last sentence.


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That reminds me…..did Valerie ever read The Hunting of the Snark?

Valerie Curren

No. Did you recommend that to me? I already forgot. I checked out the Annotated Alice but didn’t get to it before it was due back…sigh…


The Hunting of the Snark is in the public domain. I had provided a link.

Valerie Curren

OK, my sieve like brain strikes again


How ’bout your sieve-like downloads?

It’s only 62 pages and doesn’t get rolling until page 18.

Valerie Curren



Oddly, that book seems to be missing an illustration — this one —

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 🤔 Hmmm this is open to various interpretations…

Andy Ngo
At a Harris campaign rally in Georgia, Kamala’s husband said, “Kamala did what Kamala always does: She just put her head down and went to work.”×504/QmYrIiFXSo1XPBGi.mp4?tag=16


Doug stepped in it there.

Ya think. /s

Last night I pondered if Doug would join Cuban. Sidelined. To to STFU.

pat frederick


the truth will out

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren

  :wpds_shock:    :wpds_envy:    :wpds_lol: 


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What a great song Tumbling Dice is… I have always liked it, but with Linda singing it, it’s the first time I’ve ever come close to understanding all of the lyrics 😁


Exile on Main Street (1972) has a notoriously low-fi grunge sound production which has always made it sound murky, and that (along with the lack of multiple radio hits) made it hard for me to really get into that particular album when I was a kid.

If I remember correctly, the U.S. first issue LPs with the Artisan logo in the dead wax run-out grooves are supposed to sound the best, but I have not heard one yet.

Here is a photo of the Artisan logo, it looks like a circle with two legs, sort of like a little space ship:

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Last edited 3 months ago by scott467

I don’t know how Jason hasn’t been banned by youtube, but it seems like he’s trying hard 👍😂


Brave and Free

That’s a great video.

pat frederick

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pat frederick

November 4, 2024 12:27 am

Election workers around the country have cameras in jurisdictions where it’s legal to record.

If there’s fraud, we’ll catch it.

I’m on the ground somewhere right now, in disguise.

If you’re lying stealing, or cheating, please know that I will make you famous.

Say when.

— James O’Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) November 3, 2024


Good with cameras where it is not legal, assuming it is ballot / vote counting, handling areas.


Helene fresh in NC folks minds bodes well for Trump.

TB has reported TN folks are voting in numbers higher than previous elections.

Early voting going strong in Western North Carolina despite hurricane damage


In its final poll of the campaign, the New York Times admits it has no idea how to poll white Republicans because they don’t respond to pollsters.


I think one of the most interesting moments of the podcast with @johnfetterman
was when we were talking about immigration. I think everyone should understand exactly what is happening.


So … what if they all have this dot, one after another?


Garbage. Maggot infested garbage.

James starts to capture my absolute loathing, for everything Briben.

Except, I would never say good riddance. Too damn nice for that vile piece of shit.

Four years of sadness, fear, anger, and depression. Living under an administration of corruption, mendacity, and moral turpitude. So glad he was thrown under the bus in the most ignominious fashion. For half a century he was a pompous, do-nothing political hack. Good riddance.

pat frederick

biden may be the head of that particular administration but the first female vp has her share of blame. she’s lazy–got her name in history books and is trying to gain even more space in history books by doing nothing. standing for nothing. speaking about nothing. fixing nothing.
what does that say about her as well?



James post applies to Kakala, equally.

Personally, I loath both of them.


Kakala has brilliant advisors. Kakala skipped a rally, for SNL.   :wpds_unamused: 
These 90 seconds will have a greater reach, impact than washed up SNL.   :wpds_lol: 

NEW : NBC forced to let Trump air a FREE 90 second campaign video during Sunday Night Football tonight to provide equal time that Kamala received on SNL.

Doncha just love it?

pat frederick

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Yep. On SNL, she’s just preaching to the choir.


I don’t like the word ‘forced’ in this context. The equal time rule was ruled to be unconstitutional during the Reagan Administration. Otherwise, Rush could never have started his career.

‘Compelled’ might be a better choice. When they did the SNL bit, they would have been liable/responsible for it as a Harris campaign contribution UNLESS they gave equivalent treatment to the DJT campaign.

It is unconstitutional for the govt to force/compel silence or speech.


Verse of the Day for Monday, November 4, 2024

“O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker.” 

Psalms 95:6 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!



Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Hearken Ye – Blest are the Pure in Heart;
For they shall see our God when they depart;
The secret of the Lord is surely theirs;
In Christ’s abode – their souls become heirs!

Their lives give glory to the Prince of Peace
Their love for Him is strong – it will not cease;
Like Him – they dwell in lowliness – with men;
Like Him – their pattern for holiness – Amen!

To the lowly soul – His grace He imparts;
With His Spirit pure – He fills their hearts;
For His cradle – and His heavenly throne;
He chooses the Pure in Heart – they alone!

Lord – Let us pray – Thy presence we seek;
Lord – For we pray – Thy blessing unique;
Give us – we pray – a pure and lowly heart;
The Grace from Your Spirit that You impart!

The temple within – we will surely refine;
For the pure resting place of the Divine;
Purify us, Oh Lord – that we may be worthy;
To receive Your Grace – wholly and humbly!

Give us this day Your blessing, Oh Lord;
Keep us securely – surely in Your Word;
Let Your Spirit abide within us today;
For You are the Truth, the Life, and the Way!

Blest are the Pure in Heart – the Bible says;
For they are the ones who know God’s ways;
Create in us all – a heart that is pure;
So we will be servants of all – for sure!

Let not worldly concerns sweep us away;
Temptation and sinfulness – let us defray;
For it is in giving – that we will receive;
And the Pure in Heart – will ever believe!

The Glory of God – will be theirs to enjoy;
If they seek His face – in all they employ;
Grant us – Oh, Lord – a heart that is pure;
For the Pure in Heart – will surely endure!

D01:  07/29/2013




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There once was a gal named Lil
Whose best friend was Jill
Who was married to Phil
And divorced from Bill
All carrying buckets up the hill

Buckets of praise to Almighty God
They raised up to give Him laud
When all of a sudden they were awed
Angels surrounded them as they plod
And lifted up high all in the quad

A miracle you say no not at all
For this was their mission their call
To bring an end and hasten the fall
Of the fraudulent gubmint squall
Restore the Republic all y’all

How can this be happening now
What in the world and really how
From where did they come oh wow
When did this inspiration become a vow
Why did they carry this message to Thou

You asked them to stop and to listen
Let their praise be known and glissen
Stop all the fighting – halt the division
Unite all the states – calm the derision
Save America from catastrophic collision

What is the best way to do all of that
How can they change the constant spat
Does the answer come from the Cat in the Hat
Or does it require them to do more than chat
Maybe God will take it all to the mat

No man has the power to resolve this mess
No man can restore us and end the distress
Only God can fix manmade egress
Only God can sort out the excess
Only God has the power to bless

With buckets of praise the quad will deliver
Our love to the ultimate lawgiver
Our beloved and glorified caregiver
To reign and rule and be the forgiver
The arrows of judgment in His quiver

For He is the judge of all in the world
It is the enemy who is unraveled and unfurled
As the mountains shake and the rivers swirl
Freedom will ring for all who’ve been hurled
And peace is restored while evil is whorled

Thank you, Patriots, for answering the call
For agreeing to carry the buckets the ball
For bearing the heavy load and haul
For ending the distress and halting the brawl
For Peace on Earth – Goodwill to All!!!

D01: 10/10/2022

Valerie Curren

Amen Duchess TY


New Christian Worship Songs 2019 With Lyrics – Best Christian Gospel Songs Lyrics Playlist
Christian Worship Lyrics

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New Christian Worship Songs 2019 With Lyrics – Best Christian Gospel Songs Lyrics Playlist

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Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday

Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.
#faith #god #psalms




Just to recap things. I know it is NBC, but I checked several state sites and it is accurate.

76.4 M early and absentee ballot votes as of 10 minutes ago.


That IS a phenomenal number of early votes.

Deplorable Patriot

I thought about it, but the lines here have been unbelievably long. Early voting didn’t used to be like this.


Same here.

With our trip, we just decided to wait until election day. With the large number who voted early in our community, it should not be too bad tomorrow.


Hope the polling places are swamped.

Great opportunity to chat up Trump, JD…down ballot good guys.

Above has been my practice in past years.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m just hoping it’s not raining tomorrow.

Robert Baker

DP, this morning I saw a blurb from Amazon about a service they provide to market your books through their audio arm. When I saw that I thought of you since I believe I remember that you have written several fiction books. If you haven’t already explored this kind of opportunity I thought I would bring it to your attention.

Deplorable Patriot

I’ll look into it. Thank you.


We’re all going to be thrilled when Trump is announced the winner, but the happiest person of all will be Joe Biden.


Beautiful messaging in this video. Well worth a rerun…

I can’t stop watching this Trump video. It is the most dynamic one I have seen.

This man has done so much for Americans and this wonderful country.
Let’s show our appreciation and go vote.


This is classy… one on the bottom.. Amazing Americans!

pat frederick

T. Turtle
November 4, 2024 9:19 am

Reply to  T. Turtle
Another Strongly Worded Letter!
U.S. taxpayer dollars were spent on foreign nationals’ salaries so they could advise other foreign nationals on the easiest way to migrate to the United States.
At least $81.7 million in U.S. taxpayer funding spent by the open-borders United Nations to allow illegal aliens to bypass the southwest border and fly directly into the United States.
Migration centers set up throughout Central and South America staffed by U.N. bureaucrats.
Nearly 70,000 aliens referred for potential resettlement in the United States.


U.S. taxpayer dollars were spent on foreign nationals’ salaries so they could advise other foreign nationals on the easiest way to migrate to the United States.

At least $81.7 million in U.S.…

— House Judiciary GOP 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 (@JudiciaryGOP) November 4, 2024


Are You Good?

Are you good when you know
It’s a part of God’s plan?
Though you’d prefer other
This now comes from His Hand.

When the days all turn dark
Can you smile and be still?
Can you praise Him and say
“I trust God. It’s His will?”

When the hard times come fast
Can you see God is love?
When your spirit sinks low
Can you thank God above?

When all is in tumult
And the warning bells toll,
Will you find your refuge
In the calm of your soul?

For the Day will come soon
God’s will only be done
When the Perfect is here
And the last battle won.


What will election night be like this time around?

I dread watching it transpire, knowing that the left and elite RINOs are still attempting a steal utilizing every form of cheating and lying – from machine error, to fake ballots, to running ballots several times.

I dread the aftermath – having seen evidence that Norm Eisen has amassed at least a hundred leftist groups and they are planning to disrupt the entire nation with violent destructive riots and assaults using their millions of imported illegal criminal thugs – led by trained CIA/Fed agitators, escalators and instigators. It will be a False Flag of course – blamed on Trump and our MAGA patriots.

Since the fake science climate hoax, since the Plannedemic hoax when the medical community (owned by big pharma and the big hospital corps) were exposed as corrupt, since the 2020 stolen election and January 6 and4 years of the Biden-Harris fake administration, my suspicious cat has had 4 generations of suspicious kittens.

Meanwhile the search engines are still spewing out anti-Trump propaganda and the pollsters are putting out false data trying to make it look like a close race.

Cheating and falsifying elections is treason and should be treated as such.


A number of thoughts.


  • Illegals voting is my biggest concerns.
  • hussein is 100% banking on illegals stealing the election.
  • Vast majority of Americans will vote Trump, delivering an Electoral landslide.

Today is a perfect day for.

  • Backing up my computer files.
  • Stocking up a bit on food. Doubtful there will be unrest in my neck of the woods.
  • No idea when our October 7th, will arrive. Guaranteed it will arrive, unannounced.
  • Prudent to be ready.

I expect Trump will prevail in both popular vote AND Electoral.

The real problem follows.

  • Deep State / WEF generated violence in the streets.
  • Barrage of BS lawsuits, Trump will have to swat down.
  • Trump sentencing the 26th. Simply can’t believe some Court hasn’t trashed the case.
  • 100% the FUBAR EngMoron will be tossed. Ideally with a humiliating, very public bitch slapping for the DA, EngMoron…
  • Raskin and his band of traitors, IF we don’t hold the House., which includes Trump himself.


Trump MUST pursue aggressive accountability, across the spectrum of crimes against America.

  • Harshest penalties in all cases.

I’m praying for 100 million votes for DJT.


This is great stuff to read, going into tomorrow:

“Who actually are the “garbage” people?Are they one and the same with Joe Biden’s “semi-fascists,” “chumps,” and “dregs of society?”

Or Barack Obama’s “clingers?”

Do they include Hillary Clinton’s “deplorables” and “irredeemables?”

Are they FBI grandee Peter Strzok’s Walmart shoppers who “smell?”

Over the last decade-and-a-half, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Harris-Walz, and a host of other self-described elites have variously invented a wide range of smears and slurs—but about whom exactly?

Who are these people that leftwing politicians have so vehemently derided—and why?

They include Trump supporters, of course, or what Biden also dubbed “ultra-MAGAs” and Tim Walz called “fascists,” now without the prior qualifying prefix “semi.””


ZERO chance I’ll Forgive OR Forget what the bastards have done to America, Americans.

FAFO. Payback IS hell. Vengeance is on my mind. All, IAW law, of course.


All, IAW law…Of course….:0)


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A very stable genius indeed!

Trump, Vance and Donalds have 9 events today!


All good news there.

Surprised Sage Steele, Tulsi, Lara Trump, another gal I can’t recall, are not pressed into something today. Perhaps they’ll join Trump, JD or Donalds.

Guessing Vivek will be pressed into meeting on college / university campus to engage in a smaller setting.


Lara and a group of Women for Trump came to the Reading, PA rally.

Last edited 3 months ago by GA/FL
Valerie Curren

Had NBC late local news on after football last night, briefly. They were talking a lot about the election including how it’s likely that it might take several days to complete the counting in Michigan but it could be done as early as Wednesday morning…sigh…


Must admit to feeling anxious. Nothing Earth shattering, just a sense of uneasiness thinking about what we are facing, however things turn out tomorrow (stolen or not). Overcoming the ongoing and blatant steal would be a wonderful first step.

On Twitter, someone posted this video which had been publicized by Scavino in June:

Someone commented that Seth Rich was shown behind and between VSG and Melania at the 2:02 mark. I looked up the familiar picture of Rich to check out the similarity:

The picture and the guy in the video do bear a strong resemblance. I put this in the too-good-to-be-true category, but would be exhilerated if Trump put Rich into this video given the lyrics to the song and the intent of the video.

It has been so long since 2015, it is impossible to remember all the gruesome stuff we have been through.

The key to unlocking the corruption against Trump (and us) is the download from the DNC server. That leads directly to the murder of Rich.

If the Rich murder is solved for the public, can the Weiner and Hunter lap tops be far behind?

Oh well, thoughts to help with the anxiety!


Certainly anxious here.

After we win tomorrow, the following two months will also be anxious times.


THIS is where I am. I’m fairly sure we’ll win, and if we do, I’ll be very happy. But, everyone please remember it can be lifetime between 11-6-2024 and 1-20-2025. Plenty of time for evil actions. Prepare … 😉

Last edited 3 months ago by RedLegLeader68

Here’s where Yours Truly is:
POTUS45 wins the “general” vote, but misses the Electoral College total. PA, CA, NY, possibly TX,etc., go blue — just enough illegals voting, dead people voting, “same address with 20 people voting”, “2AM stuffed ballot box voting”, “sorry, the vote counting machine is down”, “sorry, ran out of ballots”, etc., will take place tomorrow.

Yeah, just looked at The Weather Channel. Guess what? A tropical storm / hurricane, “Rafael”, is just now aiming at TX, FL, LA (Louisiana.)

Last edited 3 months ago by PAVACA

Rafael won’t be a problem – not due until FRI or SAT

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Last edited 3 months ago by GA/FL

Thank you so much!


If they can steer hurricanes, why wouldn’t they “make” it a problem?


Sadly, quite possible.

Valerie Curren

From the physics video, microtubules are brain structures where certain people theorize that consciousness lies? Interesting. I think the ancients thought it resided in the heart.

Valerie Curren

I’ve looked at some of the recent presidential polling & it Appears to have narrowed the gap between Harris & Trump. I’m guessing this is quite manipulated so as to make the general public believe it’s possible for Harris to beat Trump so “most” don’t question The Steal again…wish Flep were here to expound.

Has anyone dug into the polling details to reveal the (presumed) manipulations?

Is it possible that many women are so snowed by Harris’ sex that they’ll just vote for Her regardless of how bad her policies would be for them & their families?

pat frederick

so many want abortions. and they believe the rhetoric that PDJT will remove that possibility.

Valerie Curren

That’s certainly been a major emphasis in commercials here in MI, too. given that the nation seems to be quite well divided on the abortion topic still (50/50?) I don’t look at that as a winning strategy. As much as it lures in the pussy hat types it repulses me & others of a more Christian & Conservative perspective.

Overturning Roe v Wade threw abortion back to the states, where it belongs, imo. Ludicrous fear-mongering on the Dem(on)s part, but then they don’t reasonably articulate positions & defend them logically so that’s no surprise 🙁

pat frederick

it IS a state decision, but the left isn’t really explaining that to low info voters and rabid women who want the “power” and “control” over their bodies seem like low info voters to me. seems like (except in certain cases) birth control IS control of their bodies. but that’s not enough for them. they want to be free to enjoy sex any time without consequences and that is just not possible unless they sterilize themselves.

Valerie Curren

There are still God’s consequences for using His creation contrary to His design specifications…


The whole thing is ridiculous to me. Sometimes it .seems like the argument that poor dumb Dems simply are too country to figure out how to get an ID. The ones saying that are the “Massa” class. The ones who run the Dem plantation pretend that their folks are stupid so that everyone else will believe it………..nobody believes it but they persist.

It seems kind of the same with abortion. The ones yelling the loudest appear to be reasonably intelligent, often older white women, who’ve had access to reproductive care since they were old enough to get in on. Are they once again using the superior Massa role to protect their alleged dumb underclass?
I could be very wrong about this but it often looks like the tons of young girls that find themselves pregnant keep the kids. Watch any 48hrs cop shows on regular basis and you’ll find that true and it’s not confined to any race.
It’s like they’ve convinced older non child bearing age women they must keep abortion available for the others.

Last edited 3 months ago by mollypitcher5

Harris’ sex?

Isn’t that political prostitution?

Valerie Curren

Every dang time!

I was refusing to use “gender” which I perceive of as a social construct instead of an attribute of certain foreign language words. I use “sex” to differentiate male & female–AND to enjoy M-F bonding in Holy Matrimony 😉 😉


Nope. Kakala is a freebee.

Valerie Curren


lower than a whore?!?


IMO the polls are garbage. She’s been paying seat fillers for events. Not many random people when asked are gungho Ho ! Sure there are lifer Dems that would vote for her but I just do NOT believe that she’s neck n neck with DJT in reality. The polls are largely for media, for media to propagandize which supports the fraud . It’s what they do.


It’s what they do – just like a leopard changing his spots. Not very likely.  😂 

Valerie Curren

yup  😡 


EVERY election year the pols say the race has tightened. Statistical tie.

100%, bullshit. Ignore the polls….clickbait bs at its worst.

Valerie Curren

sounds about right

Valerie Curren

I was thinking back to my early voting experience. One difference from election day voting (& this was my first ever early vote so I have nothing to compare to) was that the ballot didn’t have a tear-off tab (about one inch deep that went along the entire top edge of the ballot & having a number printed on it) that I’ve always seen previously. You’d have to tear this tab off before inserting the ballot into the DEMONion machine…

This time they had us fill out name, birthdate, address, & signature In PENCIL (per usual) on a small sheet of paper. We were to hand this paper to the election worker when we put our ballot in the machine. I didn’t notice this time but previously these voter identity sheets were put in a stack with a couple of metal spokes to organize them. So previously there were Two ways to substantiate the vote, filled out paperwork & tear off tab.

I have no idea if it’s significant that the top ballot tab wasn’t there. I hope that my early vote won’t be evaporated into the ether. Any thoughts?


Couple minutes.

Joe Dan says he heard since worked at McDonald’s. Kakala is going to do, Five Guys.

As Doug would say. Kakala gonna put her head down and get to work.


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Valerie Curren

Scott shares one of my brother’s & one of my grandmother’s birthday 🙂

pat frederick

November 4, 2024 1:26 pm

Much different from Ronna McRomney in 2020.

Slight correction: our force is 230,000 poll observers & poll workers strong. AND 500 attorneys in EVERY BATTLEGROUND STATE.

Our message is crystal clear: DO NOT CHEAT.

If you do, we will find you and prosecute you to the FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW.


— Lara Trump (@LaraLeaTrump) November 4, 2024


11.4.24: Increased Military Movement, Timing, 11.3, 11.4, VOTE, Landslide coming? DS wants CIVIL WAR, PRAY!

And We Know


Is there few sentence Readers digest primer for this video? Thanks.


Do they still put out the Readers digest condensed literature books? I used to love those. Don’t think I would have made it through Anne of Green Gables if it weren’t for Reader’s Digest. :0)



pat frederick

November 4, 2024 2:58 pm

JUST IN – Elon Musk is going to do a digital town hall on 𝕏 tonight at 8:30 ET

pat frederick

now I know she’s totally gone…the cheese has slid off her cracker
November 4, 2024 3:09 pm
NOVEMBER 04 2024
On “The View,” Whoopi Goldberg floats former Rep. Liz Cheney to be Attorney General under Kamala Harris.
Goldberg says she’d “feel a lot better” with Cheney “leading the FBI, the CIA.”
On “The View,” Whoopi Goldberg floats former Rep. Liz Cheney to be Attorney General under Kamala Harris.
Goldberg says she’d “feel a lot better” with Cheney “leading the FBI, the CIA.”
Cheney politely responds: “We have to get Vice President Harris elected tomorrow.”
— bryan metzger (@metzgov) November 4, 2024


I don’t know why she’d think that. The DemCommies running it now have been in lockstep with every anti American plot and scheme the last many years.

pat frederick

because if PDJT gets reelected, hollywood will be empty.
perhaps that explains her ill ease. she knows what she’s done


Maybe, but that fat sloth isn’t going to leave. A Trump victory would give her table of bitter shrews something to talk about for another 4years just like the last 8. They wouldn’t have anything to do!

Last edited 3 months ago by mollypitcher5
pat frederick

i hope they put her in the prison detail that plants crops.she looks like she could use some exercise.


Yesss like that idea !


…hollywood will be empty…

Can’t happen soon enough for me.


Sounds like Hoopi has some tapes that she wants to stay hidden.

pat frederick

my read exactly


Things are looking good:




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Valerie Curren



My brother texted me on his way up to Raleigh Durham and said there’s Harris billboards all over the place but tons of yard sings for Trump


Billboards are evidence of campaign money spent.

Yard signs are evidence of crazy strong Trump support, i.e., people are risking their own property being vandalized by unhinged lunatic Leftists to put a Trump sign in front of their home 👍😁


That’s what we thought too


That was informative. I hope the usual Repub turnout happens tomorrow (IOW, that some of those numbers are not now in the early voting column). We need the election day turnout plus the huge early voting turnout.


Apparently Megyn Kelly will be endorsing DJT at a Pennsylvania really tonight with DJT. She’s come a long way, baby… 😁


Last edited 3 months ago by scott467

But he’s a misogynist.



It’s just a trope. I’ve never even met a misogynist. I’m not even sure I’ve seen one in a movie or on TV before. There should be lots, so Hollyweird could hammer it into the American psyche, but I can’t think of one.

It’s just another term like ‘rayciss’ or ‘homophobe’ or ‘islamophobe’ or ‘xenophobe’ that Leftists use to try to silence those they disagree with.

I’m sure Leftist women think anyone who doesn’t support their fantasy to murder any baby they conceive is a misogynist.

Last edited 3 months ago by scott467
Valerie Curren

in the popups LOL


I know that the trans issues and men in women’s sports are huge for Megyn. She has a teenage daughter.


LIVE WITH JULIE – 11/04/2024




Deuteronomy 31:6, 8
Hebrews 10:23
Deuteronomy 7:8-9
Hebrews 13:6
Proverbs 3:5
Exodus 14:13-14
James 4:7
2 Chronicles 7:14
2 Chronicles 20:2-9, 12, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24
Numbers 11:23
1 Samuel 17:47
Psalms 105:24
Psalms 37:12-13
Isaiah 54:15
Luke 10:19
Psalms 33:10
Colossians 2:15


Your enemies will never be successful because nothing is bigger than God.
Don’t trust in your enemies’ power to cheat more than the power of Almighty God.
God will not fail you or forsake you.
Forsake definiition: renounce or turn away from entirely.
Have the boldness and confidence that God has a covenant with you and He will not forsake or abandon you.
You have been given the name of Jesus, the Blood of Jesus, and the Sword of the Spirit.
God has given you all power, authority and dominion.
God needs to be invited into every place.
No one is able to withstand the power of Almighty God.
God is your protector. Believe and trust in God. He will fight for you.
Praise and worship because that sets up ambushes against your enemies.
God makes you stronger than your oppressors.
This is God’s movement. No one can stop His hand and His will.
God is your provider and He will restore all that has been stolen from you.
Declare and decree victory!
Your enemies are going to fall and they will have to surrender.
Do not give into fear. Stop the fear.



[Word heard – October 30 2024] 

My children, your enemies are about to experience a total blowout they don’t see coming. There’s a groundswell of people changing their votes as they have in the past to My David. There are now first time voters and young voters that will overwhelmingly turn out for the side of the red. There are people that have been silent until election day. States will be in play that were blue, that will now be red. Their enemies do not see yet there will be complete upsets because a storm is coming of people that have turned against the Establishment and the propaganda machine that will cause total devastation to Washington. Your enemies truly believe they can stop this movement but they can’t. They’ll be in for a big surprise when the turnout for My David destroys their attempts to steal another election yet again. 

As I’ve told you before My children, this is not another 2020. No, for I am the Deliverer and I’m delivering you from any attempts to steal the votes and decisions of this nation. Your enemies believe they have everything in order to cause outages and chaos for your election machines and polling places. They will say they are experiencing problems and issues they can’t fix, to stop My children from being able to vote or in Red counties so they can’t either. They have many different types of attacks planned to cause discouragement and to cause disruptions so there’s nothing people can do to fight against it. BUT as always, your enemies don’t see Me coming to intervene on your behalf. Oh My United States, your enemies will fall hard from this election but it won’t stop there because many who are not up for re-election are not safe either because of the political storm that is coming and the political reset I have spoken to you about. That is why I said you don’t need an election. You need Me to protect you. You need Me to clean out your govt and to start with a new one.




Prayer #152 Blessings to all Representatives of Jesus Christ who come together to PRAY and DECLARE God’s Will on earth! 

On 8-16-23, God spoke thru Prophet Julie: “My children, I need you to speak My words in agreement with Mine. Get your words in alignment with Me. Speak My words today.” 

Please join us as we ALIGN WITH and SPEAK GOD’S WORDS, in JESUS NAME: 

08-09-2024 They will try another last-ditch effort to stop My David and to stop this election, or to stop him even after. They will try everything they can and do everything, and what they chose, they will lose. 

Heavenly Father, THANK YOU for telling us about our enemies’ evil plans. 

Father, in the Mighty Name of JESUS CHRIST, Your Son, and our Savior and Lord: 





In Jesus Name. Amen.





A Night-time Prayer to Quiet Anxious Thoughts (Psalm 71)
Philippians 4:6-7 says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” When you lay down to sleep and anxiety has a chokehold on your heart and mind, run to Jesus. 
“Father God, I am anxious tonight and struggle to fall asleep. Rescue me, Lord, and deliver me. You are my fortress, my strong refuge, to which I can always go. You are my hope and my confidence. Be near to me and come quickly to help me. Comfort me once again. I praise You for Your faithfulness, God. You have redeemed me, and I will always have hope.

In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.”

A Night-time Prayer for Loved Ones (Psalm 112)
We want the best for our family and friends, and it is natural to worry about those we love. But anxiety won’t help them, and we have a direct line to Someone who can change their lives. When you can’t sleep at night because of your concerns for loved ones, take your worries to Jesus, who loves them even more than You do.
” Tonight Lord, bless ________, Lord, with joy and peace. Teach them to love Your Word and find delight in serving You. Guide them and give them the strength and courage to live a life of generosity and justice and compassion. Make their heart steadfast and secure, free of fear and trusting only in You. I pray for ______ in the name of Jesus, that they would see their need for You and know Your love for them. Help me to find sweet rest and peace tonight trusting in your sovereign care.

In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.”

A Bedtime Prayer to Trust God
In times of uncertainty and restlessness, finding comfort in trust in God can bring supernatural peace as you lay your head down to rest. This bedtime prayer seeks to cultivate trust and surrender to God’s plan, knowing He loves and cares for you!

Heavenly Father, as I prepare to rest my weary body and mind, I surrender all my worries and fears into Your loving hands. Grant me the strength to trust in Your divine plan for my life, knowing that Your wisdom exceeds my understanding. May Your presence envelop me in peace, guiding me through the night with unwavering faith. Amen.”


Grrrrrr…doesn’t show. It’s a good ad. Tucker narrating.


Great statement by Tucker.

Defines why Trump has our Total Support AND why Trump is running to Save America.

Taking out the, ? (Maybe they’ll work after the election.)

Last edited 3 months ago by kalbokalbs

kalbo…it’s so irritating! Sometimes replacing the X works and other times not




Trump massively gets the last laugh over Kakala and her brain trust.

SNL ~5 million viewers.
MNF – ~20 million viewers AND night before the election.

After SNL equal time scandal + FCC Commissioner @BrendanCarrFCC calling out the network, @NBCUniversal steps up, offers @realDonaldTrump time Sunday Night

Sunday Night Football audience — 20M
SNL audience – 5M

The irony of complying with FCC rules on political programming..


Our internal polls have President Trump leading in every key battleground state. We are cautiously optimistic about a big victory tomorrow night as long as everyone turns out to vote.


So very happy for this little boy and his family.

Remember Kyle, the brave NJ boy denied a kidney transplant because his family declined vaccination due to their religious beliefs?

We found a HERO physician in Pittsburgh who performed the transplant with no vaccine requirement. Thrilled to share that Kyle has just been discharged and doing AMAZING!


Looks like Kyle is both smart and happy! 😁
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Thank you for this!


Praise God!


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Our country will wither
And we will be dust
But God’s Word is true
And in Him we trust

Our old world will be gone
Destroyed in God’s fire
And we’ll be God’s people
Singing praise in His choir


Found this a while back on one of our blogs….
7 Scriptures to Pray for America
Jamie Rohrbaugh

1. First of all, pray for America’s leaders at the federal, state, and local levels.
1 Timothy 2:1-2 says, “Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.”

2. Pray for God’s people to turn back to Him.
2 Chronicles 7:14 says: “… if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

3. Pray for God’s people to love and serve America again in practical ways.
Proverbs 11:11 says, “By the blessing of the upright the city is exalted, but it is overthrown by the mouth of the wicked.” If a city can be lifted up when God’s people bless it, how much more a nation? We as God’s people need to bless our nation.

4. Ask God to raise up the leaders He wants in office, and to bring down the leaders He doesn’t want in office.
The Bible tells us specifically that it is one of God’s jobs to promote certain people, according to His choosing, and to bring others down. Psalm 75:6-7 says, “For exaltation comes neither from the east nor from the west nor from the south. But God is the Judge: He puts down one, and exalts another.”

5. Ask God to teach us how to disciple this entire nation for Him.
The Great Commission was not just a command to disciple people; it was a command to disciple nations. Matthew 28:18-20 says:
“And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, ‘All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.’ Amen.”

6. Pray for the hearts of parents to turn back to their children, and the hearts of the children to turn back to their parents.
Malachi 4:5-6 says, “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.”

7. Pray that America would become a “sheep nation” that protects and shelters God’s people.
According to Matthew 25:31-36, “sheep nations” are those nations who bless, protect, and care for Jesus’ brothers and sisters. “Goat nations” are those who do not–and goat nations will be judged by God when Jesus returns.
How should we pray, then? Simply pray that America would again become a safe place for the Gospel to be preached. Pray that America would protect and care for all of God’s people, and that we would remain free to preach and live Biblical truths.


Stefan Molyneux on Squirrel Daddy 😁



Wolf Moon and All —
Yours Truly is working on the Health Friday post for this week. It will be a ** very interesting ** piece, no matter what the outcome of tomorrow’s election may be (and one prays that the forces of darkness are defeated.)

Last edited 3 months ago by PAVACA

Wolf Moon
Thank you. It is an honor and a privilege to contribute Health Friday to the board.


I think he carries Michigan. We’ll see.

Valerie Curren

Very much hope so!


PLEEEEEZE let it be California


Yeah that could might be it !

We’ll take any and all!

Brave and Free

That would be kick in the ba*** .



coming on stage now… I think there’s one more tonight in Michigan?


[DS] Preparing Their [FF], Silent Majority No More, Bigger Than You Can Imagine – Ep. 3491
 November 4, 2024  x22report

[KH] has brought in more illegals than have created jobs in the US. Labor market is falling apart. Wages are not keeping up with US house prices. The retired generation cannot make ends meet. Trump will take control of the [CB] in the end. The [DS] is now telegraphing the [FF] they are preparing. Will this [FF] occur on election day or will they wait a couple of days so they can make the Trump supporters angry. Scavino sends a message letting everyone know that the silent majority is bigger than anyone can imagine. The [DS] will fight it all the way but the people are united not divided. It’s time to take the country back.

Ep 3491a – Labor Market In Death Spiral, Markets Down, Trump Ready To Take Control Of The [CB]

Ep 3491b – [DS] Preparing Their [FF], Silent Majority No More, Bigger Than You Can Imagine


Pittsburg, PA rally. Sound system seems to be FUBAR. Volume fluctuating.

Perhaps it is OK inside the venue.

On my laptop, TV, YT, RSBN, Fox…not good.

Crowd does not seem energized.

Hope my read on this is wrong.

10:30 ET Grand Rapids final rally.

Last edited 3 months ago by kalbokalbs

Thanks. Heading to OANN.


He just wants some of what Trump has. Third rally and he just finished at 1hr and 46 mins. Still on the stage dancing 😆

One more tonight! Off to Michigan!


Right!? Trump is amazing


You know, I’m not much of a Rogan fan. I’m not a podcast fan. But he has a BIG fan base. So I’m glad he did it.


I don’t even know who his audience might be. Podcasters aren’t my thing. Between the QTree and chores…don’t want to tune into much else


I can’t help but think why so late?

He could have used his influence all this time to support Trump. How many voters will this affected by this for tomorrow? I’m glad he did it, but I’m not impressed.


Chickened out…🐓

Robert Baker

From my perspective Rogan has aligned himself with the Trump narrative that the nation is in trouble and Trump is the solution. It is not so much about how many voters he can turn to Trump as it is about making his choice that the Trump propaganda from the Left is lies. If Trump is elected that will be one more voice of reason against the coming media avalanche of lies and hoaxes.

Brave and Free

Dominoes falling?



Brave and Free

Or are they tying up lose ends?


I am watching the Rogan/ Musk interview.

It is the social media crazy against the Knights Templar of our future. Musk is getting back to first voice of history.

Try not to read second, third or other ancillary views.

Letters are best.


Trump’s final rally is tonight at 10:30 Eastern in Grand Rapids. Preliminary speakers are on now.


Thanks… was just looking for that. Crowd is fired up! Trump is on the way!


Hey Wolf…just linked to your most amazing rant from many years ago, ahem, somewhere else…never gets old. Rock on brother…see you at the finish line


Libertarian Party NH:

LPNH Endorses Donald Trump for President

Donald Trump is officially endorsed by the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire for President.

This was not a light decision. But we feel it is the right one for ourselves, for our children, and for the best future of a Free State of New Hampshire.

Donald Trump is not a libertarian. Nonetheless, Trump is the best candidate for libertarians. He has:

1. Promised to free Ross Ulbricht.

2. Started no new wars, a first in over three decades.

3. Pledged to end the importation of anti-liberty migrants.

4. Indicated he will appoint Elon Musk, Ron Paul, and Vivek Ramaswamy to shrink the federal government.

5. Received endorsements from the greatest libertarians in America, including Thomas Massie.

6. Committed to ending the Department of Education.

7. Endorsed Bitcoin and cryptocurrency.

8. Flirted with ending the income tax entirely.

The list of Trump promises could continue. We don’t take them as a given. Trump promises much and we are skeptical of promises from politicians. However, we know for certain what the Democrat alternative is: more socialism, more censorship, more taxes, more authoritarianism.

There is, technically, a Libertarian on the ballot. This Libertarian spends his time supporting tax-funded trans surgery for prisoners, advocating for literal murderers, and trying to kick our members out of the Libertarian Party entirely. We cannot support him, and he cannot win.

Endorsing Donald Trump is in the best interests of our ultimate goal: creating a Free New Hampshire. As Free Staters, another term for libertarians who live in New Hampshire, our mission is to create a state so radically free that both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris look like communists.

We’re only part of the way there. The barbarians are at the gates. We must make sure that New Hampshire continues to repel progressives, socialists, communists, and leftists of all stripes. New Hampshire being the only red state in a blue New England helps achieve that goal.

For these reasons and more, the most popular Libertarian state affiliate in the country is endorsing Donald Trump for President.

Now get out there and vote!


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Bye Rick!


Rasmussen Reports:

Yeesh: Democratic Party data people have somber news … happily reported by The Trump Campaign.

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He is going to put a stop to the fraud machine in Philly (where he is heavily connected politically and where the majority of the fraud in this state happens) so Trump wins and he can run for President in 28.

Well, if Shapiro stops the fraud in Philly, he might not be guaranteed a win there in the future.


“Well, if Shapiro stops the fraud in Philly, he might not be guaranteed a win there in the future.”


More of a ‘pause’ in the fraud, I’m sure!


The gal emceeing the Trump rally on RSBN said he left his last location, Pittsburgh, at about 10:12 pm, and she expects he will arrive in Grand Rapids between 11:30 and 12:00. She said he was an hour and 40 minutes late in Pittsburgh. I don’t know how he does it.


Trump has landed at the airport, and the venue is about 15 minutes from the airport.


The press pool has arrived and there is movement of SS agents. Estimated 10 minutes or so until Trump takes the stage.


As we wait….

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and then there is this weird thing… too many twists and turns to understand this.. my suggestion is don’t bother….

Now lets get to some Normalcy. Bring us Trump!


Yeah! Perfect timing ! 😆


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Valerie Curren

LOL you beat me by seconds 🙂

Valerie Curren

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Reposting.. 😆 Dang these people in Grand Rapids are WILD!


Biden or Kamala could never do this at such a late hour… an excellent opening and more orginal than the last… and you just gotta know it’s not going to stop… 😆


Trumps count.. 900 rallys. Can’t argue unless I want to say he’s under counting!


The Kamalla clip. Kamalla: “Were going to win, were going to win” chanting… Little crowd does not repeat. 😮


Trumps in a natural groove… no teleprompter… pure thought and it’s ryhmes and reasons.. dang… poor Nancy right now… can’t make this up, but it all happened…


Nimble mind after midnight and now on Pencil Neck.. Dang!


This is Master Class speech… No teleprompter, natural flow then switches to teleprompter to bring terrible severe heat… then back to nimble tongue w/o teleprompter and then settles into relatable talk all while commanding purpose and sense…and it just doesn’t stop…

Last edited 3 months ago by para59r

Moves to NC and the storm.. all while telling stories he’s heard..all in free tounge and simple and relateble mode… “FEMA not what it was once”.. this is Master Class and True!.


That moves into the Mexican plant story sponsored by China… Guy tells Trump proudly it will bring car industry to ruin. Trump counters with 100% tariffs, then 200, 300, 500% and later asks guy how that plants doing.. ha ha.. not doing at all… they’re afraid to build it now.. 😂


Trump is not just wide awake after midnight… he’s trampling across the stars and forcing them down to earth for the people to see. Crowd is being amazed. Me too.


Sarah Huckerby Sanders is there!


“I saved Michigan, Detroit, without even being President!

May God bless this man.

I am a very calm president, she is very volitavale!

Not certain what he was meaning


Meaning Kamala never visited while VP. He lumped Hillary in that on the last election. You might have to back up several minutes to find the connection… this is amazing stuff.




Musk stuff is outrageous…Trump is settling the sniper story putting it into wider context…

Last edited 3 months ago by para59r

53 minute mark and signaling an exit.. but he’s always slow to exit.. it will be an hour maybe more. 😁


Yep.. he’s going for another 1:45. He’s got lots to say yet.. now on voter fraud and complex ways of cheating..


The 22nd Amendment needs to be repealed.


Accolades are amazing!


And very personal.


Everyone gets a personal story.. ties that bind.


Calls up his kids, talks for Melania and Barron absent, starts doing intro’s and then spots a mayor and the guy with him.. Arab Muslim.. makes him take the podium and wild news.. 70% support from his community.. all the talk rolls smoothly and greeted with wild applause.. crowd still ruckus …1hr and 35 minutes and now Laura Trump has the mike… this could continue for a while… Pittsburg was 1hr and 45 minutes..


DT Jr. points out it’s 2AM and they are still rocking.. and there’ not going to let me sleep… Ackkk! Amazing!


1hr 43 mins.. Mexico and China put on notice.. If Fentanyl continues to cross the border then its a 25% tariff for that alone… 😁


Crowd still wild as Trump goes down his list…no short cuts, just more emphasis… 1hr 55 mins and then Trump Dance! 2:10 AM in Grand Rapids, Michigan!


Extended Dance sequence with new moves and audiance participation. ha ha ha.. and SS looks like they are dragging ass.. there not looking at the crowd at all they are looking at him to see when he’s going to finally pack it in.. Amazing Rally… Finis!


RSBN says over 2hrs and he didn’t want to quit. Over 900 rallies.. Ms Liz Willis has been great.. Crowd is dancing to the exits.. still charged at 2:18 AM…

Last edited 3 months ago by para59r

Should likely add that Trump speech has brought a solid line of showers extending from Michigan all the way down to Texas across the breadth of the nation as it flows east..