Dear MAGA: 20241117 Open Topic

This Rejoice & Praise God Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal.

It’s also a place to read, post, and discuss news that is worth knowing and sharing. Please post links to any news stories that you use as sources or quote from.

In the QTree, we’re a friendly and civil lot. We encourage free speech and the open exchange and civil discussion of different ideas. Topics aren’t constrained, and sound logic is highly encouraged, all built on a solid foundation of truth and established facts.

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On this day and every day –

God is in Control
. . . and His Grace is Sufficient, so . . .
Keep Looking Up

Hopefully, every Sunday, we can find something here that will build us up a little . . . give us a smile . . . and add some joy or peace, very much needed in all our lives.

“This day is holy to the Lord your God;
do not mourn nor weep.” . . .
“Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet,
and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared;
for this day is holy to our Lord.
Do not sorrow,
for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

Biblical Hope

Biblical hope has as its foundation faith in God. The word hope in English often conveys doubt. For instance, “I hope it will not rain tomorrow.” In addition, the word hope is often followed by the word so. This is the answer that some may give when asked if they think that they will go to heaven when they die. They say, “I hope so.” However, that is not the meaning of the words usually translated “hope” in the Bible.

In the Old Testament the Hebrew word batah and its cognates has the meaning of confidence, security, and being without care; therefore, the concept of doubt is not part of this word. We find that meaning in Job 6:20; Psalm 16:9; Psalm 22:9; and Ecclesiastes 9:4. In most instances in the New Testament, the word hope is the Greek elpis/elpizo. Again, there is no doubt attached to this word. Therefore, biblical hope is a confident expectation or assurance based upon a sure foundation for which we wait with joy and full confidence. In other words, “There is no doubt about it!”

One of the verses in which we find the word hope is Hebrews 11:1. “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” This verse at the beginning of the faith chapter (Hebrews 11) carries with it all of the confidence that comes with knowing for sure, with no question, what we have been promised by God in His Word. Our faith is confident assurance, for it is founded upon the Rock of our salvation, the Lord Jesus Christ. All of the actions of the heroes of the faith recorded in Hebrews 11 were made possible because they had this faith, based in their confident assurance or hope in God. As believers, we are also called to give an answer for the hope that is within us to any who would ask (1 Peter 3:15).

Therefore, biblical hope is a reality and not a feeling. Biblical hope carries no doubt. Biblical hope is a sure foundation upon which we base our lives, believing that God always keeps His promises. Hope or confident assurance can be ours when we trust the words, “He who believes on Me has everlasting life” (John 6:47, NKJV). Accepting that gift of eternal life means our hope is no longer filled with doubt but, rather, has at its sure foundation the whole of God’s Word, the entirety of God’s character, and the finished work of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

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A good Sunday morning to all y’all.


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Just heard that Elon Musk endorsed Howard Lutnick for Secretary of the Treasury. We’ll see what DJT thinks soon.

Apparently Lutnick is a billionaire, and… has hundreds of millions of dollars worth of Bitcoin.

JD Vance owns Bitcoin. On November 1st, 2024 his financial disclosure showed that he holds between $250K and $500K in Bitcoin. On November 1st Bitcoin was at $69K. It is up 31% since then (currently $90.6K), so his holdings are now between $327,500 and $655,000.

RFK Jr. owns 14 Bitcoin (current value: $1,268,400).

Vivek Ramaswamy owns Bitcoin and is a big crypto supporter.

Tesla owns 11,509 Bitcoin, no idea how much Elon owns personally, but I’m sure it’s a lot.

There are more, I haven’t been able to find a list yet of which (or how many) of Trump’s team owns Bitcoin, but I expect there will be a list soon.

Last edited 4 months ago by scott467

Just saw this:


Looks like, following Elon, now RFK Jr. is endorsing Howard Lutnick for Sec. of the Treasury:

RFK Jr. “Bitcoin is the currency of freedom , a hedge against inflation for middle class Americans,a remedy against the dollar’s downgrade from the world’s reserve currency, and the offramp from a ruinous national debt. Bitcoin will have no stronger advocate than Howard Lutnik.


Musk, RFK Jr side with Howard Lutnick in Trump search for Treasury secretary
By Jasper Ward and Steve Holland

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -Billionaire Elon Musk and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. sided with investor Howard Lutnick on Saturday in the debate over who President-elect Donald Trump should pick as his treasury secretary, making public the internal jockeying on the decision.

Trump has not announced his nominee for the role, but Lutnick, the CEO of Cantor Fitzgerald, and investor Scott Bessent are serious contenders for the job and sources familiar with his thinking say Trump has been wrestling with picking one of the two or considering another option. 

Musk said Bessent is “a business-as-usual choice.”

“Business-as-usual is driving America bankrupt, so we need change one way or another,” Musk said on X. “Would be interesting to hear more people weigh in on this for Trump to consider feedback.”

Kennedy, a controversial choice by Trump to be Health and Human Services secretary, said in a social media post that bitcoin is “the currency of freedom.”

“Bitcoin will have no stronger advocate than Howard Lutnik,” he wrote, misspelling Lutnick’s name.

Whether Trump would be swayed by the comments from his allies Musk and Kennedy was unclear. In recent days he was believed to have been close to selecting Bessent, but then Lutnick emerged as a serious contender.

(continued at the title link above)


If Lutnick is chosen, I am guessing that a United States Secretary of the Treasury, who is heavily invested in Bitcoin (and therefore understands Bitcoin very well), would be a net positive for Bitcoin’s prospects over the next 4 years.

Last edited 4 months ago by scott467

I’m sensing a pattern…


“JUST IN: Billionaire investor Paul Tudor Jones has increased his fund’s #Bitcoin holdings by 5x to $159.9 million through BlackRock’s ETF – SEC filings”



“JUST IN: Warren Buffett-owned Brazilian bank Nubank launches #Bitcoin and crypto swaps to USDC. Nubank has 100 million customers in Latin America!”

Last edited 4 months ago by scott467

Fattest, Sickest Country On Earth Concerned New Health Secretary Might Do Something Different

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Absolutely hilarious!


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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

64 days, 11 hours, 15 minutes before our rightful president is restored to office.

Not that I’m counting, mind you.


😄 I saw a guy on X counting … made me smile thinking of our QTree not-counter !


My dad could do that for the last seven-or-so years he worked for the City of Los Angeles.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

64 is a good number. An excellent base. I love it!


Wolfie, Gail et al … check out this regarding Blue Sky ” safety” where lefties are going when they leave X 😳


The Left is truly sick. And evil.


Indeed. I never heard of Blue sky till an artist I followed on X said she was going; now I’ve seen other artsy accts on X saying they are thinking of moving. I guess they think only liberals like to see their art. None of them post political stuff.

Then I found out that’s where the disgruntled snarly lefties are slithering off too. Ugh!


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Alison, Leftist Artists haven’t read the agreement they sign in order to sign up for Blue Sky. Any artistic information put on Blue Sky becomes their property. They can amend, change or do what ever they want to your art and use it to promote any program Blue Sky chooses to use it on….The minute art is posted on Blue Sky…it becomes their property.

Blue Sky is not a “good” site for anyone to use.


Uh, … that’s not exactly how it goes. While it might appear to be so, it is subject to legal challenge under copyright law.

Contract law may also have something to say on the subject.


And how many “artists” have the money to challenge Blue Sky in the court of law pgroup. I’m not saying it’s right, I’m just saying that’s the wording in Blue Sky’s user agreement.


Interesting… thank you Litenmaus. Although Pgroup has a good point, I’m still going to mention it to a couple of the artists. I truly enjoy the quality of art on X and hate to lose it. Most of the ones I follow are Brits, and we know UK is in great turmoil too.


and another interesting one regarding Blue Sky !


ok, one more … this is funny.

the guy’s first (and only) post on Blue Sky is on the left. The one on the right says his account was suspended 😂😂😂


Should have posted the Earth is flat.

Maybe they’d have kept him.


Now that’s downright side-splitting FUNNY!!!

We don’t even ban that shit over here – heck, we DISCUSS it.

Maybe we’re the sick ones!?!?!  😂 


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yep. They’d likely ban a Flat Earth poster ioo.

At least in that one case, they’d be justified in claiming it was misinformation, but their favored remedy for “misinformation” is still wrong.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Sadly, Flat Earth is more often associated with the Right; the sterotypical Flat Earther is someone who believes it largely because (they think) the Bible sez so.

So a flat earth post might actually have been a red flag for them.

Gail Combs

Boy are they NASTY!


And not in a fun way IYKWIM.


Yup. I think leaving X amd moving to their ‘safe space’ is, in their twisted minds, symbolic of leaving the US so they don’t really have to follow through on that ultimatum.


You’re so smart! That sounds exactly right


It is what happens when you spend more time in virtual reality than the real one. Your imagination mixes with everyone else’s and …

Poof, … reality with no dark corners.


Yup, it’s become a “what reality do you want it to be?” world for many.

Gail Combs

Yup, Hegel/Marx again.

Marx accepted the philoso­phy of Hegel as the only sound and adequate explanation of the uni­verse…. Hegel accepted as real only that which existed in the mind. Objective phenomena and events were of no consequenceThe Philosophy Of Karl Marx

That is why they are IMMUNE to rational arguments.

Gail Combs

Looks like someone close to POTUS Trump, BUT NOT KNOWN, needs to be on that platform watching.


Man, the discovery requests are going to be something else

Gail Combs

  :wpds_lol:   :wpds_wink: 


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Gail Combs

From the BRAVE AI bot

There were approximately 1.72 measles-related deaths per thousand people globally.

The estimated number of measles deaths globally in 2022 was 136,000.

In 2018, there were an estimated 140,000+ measles deaths globally.

Although there was a decline in measles deaths from 873,000 in 1999 to 345,000 in 2005, and further to 164,000 in 2008, the trend has since reversed, with an increase in deaths in 2022 compared to 2021.
It appears that the global measles death rate has fluctuated over the past decade, with a significant increase in 2022 compared to 2021. [Can you say Covid vaccination destroying the immune system? – GC]

According to the search results, the primary regions contributing to the recent increase in measles deaths are:

  1. Africa: Nearly half of all large and disruptive measles outbreaks occurred in this region, with a 37% increase in deaths.
  2. Eastern Mediterranean region: A substantial upsurge in cases was reported in this region.
  3. Europe: Cases surged in this region, with outbreaks reported in several countries.
  4. Southeast Asia: A significant increase in measles cases was reported in this region.

Very good points

Trying to use measles as cover-fire for their own vax failure

Measles also does significant immune damage, can knock back immunity 2 full years IIRC

Gail Combs


That is a double whammy for the poor kids who have been ‘vaccinated’ with the clot shot.

Any bets the schools demand measles vaccine and Big Pharma has the new improved mRNA version ready to go?


Traditional MMR and DTAP’s are fine – take normal precautions

My wife and I are traditionally very pro-vax though we follow a different schedule from the one they shove on parents

Wish more adults would get pertussis boosters – newborns contracting pertussis is basically a death sentence

But NO mRNA garbage which is just body poison!

No STD vax’s especially no HPV vax! Abstinence is far more effective than any STD vax and ZERO side effects. Also give people a false “health halo” that they’re protected from STDs when they are KNOWN to be only marginally effective!

Flu shots don’t work. They don’t. They simply don’t. They always make me feel like crud and I’m DONE.

They keep ramping up how many shots they want kids to get and they’re constantly recommending more – just say no to nonsense shots.

Measles is just fear mongering right now! I’m 100% sure they’re chomping at the bit to push another big round of these.

Now the dang colleges require vax’s for meningitis and lots of other things! I’m just outside that age window so I avoided most of that.

Of course, when I started in college, a VAX was a computer system that you needed an account on to access Internet email and USENET like all the other cool kids . . .

COVID-19 blew the lid off the vax bullshit and they’ll NEVER get it back on!

Last edited 4 months ago by michaelh

Gail Combs
Yours Truly will say, THREE things are in the mix:

One: Children being COVID-19 “vaccinated” — destroys their immune systems.
Two: COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons SHEDDING “vaccine” elements onto children through contact or via “aerosol” (sneezing.)
Three: The fact that there are MILLIONS of children in the United States now ILLEGALLY because of their ILLEGAL ALIEN parents (who whomever brought them here.) The VAST majority of illegals are NOT vaccinated against anything, let alone against Measles.

The CDC (Dr. Mandy Cohen) is TERRIFIED that RFK, Jr., will re-organize and re-prioritize the entire agency.

Ditto the FDA and the HHS.

Ditto Big Pharma.

Ditto the AMA — this organization makes money from EVERY vaccination injection administered, via the CPT codes that the AMA owns the rights for use of:

The CPT Codes related to Measles vaccination:
90705 (Measles vaccine only, live)
90706 (Rubella vaccine only, live)
90707 (the “MMR” injectablem live)
90708 (Measles and Rubella vaccine, live)
90710 (MMR + Varicella virus, live)
“Rubella” is what is also called “German Measles” or “3-day Measles.”

The above URL won’t show as a hyperlink. Below are the CDC recommendations:

Last edited 4 months ago by PAVACA

CDC FDA HHS Big Pharma AMA Pharmacy Boards Medical Boards

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Sounds strangely like a threat and not a warning


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Riley Gaines:

You don’t get to call RFK a science denier if you were someone who wore a mask to dinner, took it off to eat, and then put it back on to leave


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The truth is really painful at times.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yep the RINO playbook to a T.


I dare you to post that on bluesky.


. . . and have your account survive to tell the tale


Bluesky has “6 ways to Sunday” to ban us !!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy





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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Judging from their faces they just realized there’s no air being supplied to the suits.


Why does he hate the Moon?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Don’t worry, they’ll never make it.

Their corpses might be tholins someday.


He sure got the faces correct.

Valerie Curren

Amen Carl, Thank you for this simple, but profound, lesson. Blessings!


From the book by Andrew Murray – Let Us Draw Nigh:
“Into the light of God’s holy presence and love, into the full union with Him, the soul can enter by faith that makes us one with Christ, and abide continually because Jesus abideth continually.
“The boldness to enter into the Holiest, is not a conscious feeling of confidence’ it is the objective God-given right of entrance of which the Blood (of Jesus)assured us. The measure of our boldness is the worth God attaches to the Blood of Jesus.”
“Which is greater in your sight? Your sin or the Blood of Jesus? There can be but one answer. As your sin has kept you back, let the Blood now bring you nigh and give you power to abide. The Blood has put away the thought of sin from GOD. HE remembers it no more forever. The Blood has put away the thought of sin in me too, the evil conscience that condemns me. The better things that the Blood speaks in Heaven, it speaks in my heart too.”

1 John 1:9 – But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.

Psalm 103:12 – NET Bible – As far as the eastern horizon is from the west, so he removes the guilt of our rebellious actions from us.

Romans 8: Nothing Can Separate Us from God’s Love
31 What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us? 32 Since he did not spare even his own Son but gave him up for us all, won’t he also give us everything else? 33 Who dares accuse us whom God has chosen for his own? No one—for God himself has given us right standing with himself. 34 Who then will condemn us? No one—for Christ Jesus died for us and was raised to life for us, and he is sitting in the place of honor at God’s right hand, pleading for us.
35 Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death? 36 (As the Scriptures say, “For your sake we are killed every day; we are being slaughtered like sheep.”) 37 No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.
38 And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. 39 No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.”




Some days are goals-driven, competitive and precise….

And other days are Lobo.


“Be ungovernable.”


Ballot Curing Exposed: How CCP-Linked Operatives and Radical Leftists Are Stealing Elections (Video)  Leftist activists have been descending on “strategic” locations in the wake of the 2024 election to salvage tight races in Arizona and Nevada. It is almost unbelievable that ballot curing is legal, as it is clearly being exploited by partisan actors.
What is Ballot Curing?
Ballot curing is a process where election officials and volunteers give voters an opportunity to fix errors on their mail-in ballots, such as missing or mismatched signatures. Not all states have a ballot curing process. But according to the indispensable website Ballotpedia, “33 states required officials to notify voters and allow voters to correct signature errors through a process called ballot curing.” Every state has different rules surrounding the process.

h/t – Transfigurations –

Gail Combs

Screenshot from the article:

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This sounds like a great way to submit fraudulent ballots.

Brave and Free

It why they work so hard to get elected. They know before they go.


Republicans insider stock trades using intel gleaned from their positions on committees

Matt Gaetz calls them out fearlessly

So yeah, the knives are going to come out.

Last edited 4 months ago by michaelh


Verse of the Day for Sunday, November 17, 2024

“For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:” 

1 Thessalonians 4:16 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!




Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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When out doing errands – what do you do?
Do you smile at others – acknowledge them, too?
A kind word can make – all of the difference;
In a life filled with turmoil and incoherence!

When a soul is troubled – do you turn away?
Do you think – no, not me – or another day?
When one in need – for his family – pleads;
Do you think only – of your own selfish needs?

When someone calls – with you needs to talk;
Do you grumble and groan – sometimes balk?
Can you – be a blessing – listen with care?
Or do you find your mind – to be elsewhere?

What if God said – I do not have the time?
I can’t help you – don’t even have a dime;
I have no smile to share – I’m busy today;
I wish you would move along and go away!

How would you feel if God ignored your needs?
If His love was conditional – dependent on deeds;
If He closed the door – to you when you’re hurt;
Around each heartfelt prayer – He seemed to skirt!

You might feel abandoned – unloved and shunned;
You might be astonished – or even stunned;
You might question His Word – His promises, too;
You might wonder why – He abandoned you!

That’s how Jesus feels – when you ignore Him;
When His light and life in you has grown dim;
When you ignore His command to love another;
Pay no attention to the needs of your brother!

Be a blessing today – to all you meet;
Put a smile on your face – share it complete;
With kind, loving words of encouragement;
Dispel any thoughts of discouragement!

Be a friend to the lonely – lift up the poor;
Give love to the homeless – open the door;
Listen when asked – to the pain of another;
Show God’s love for your sister and brother!

Let His love shine through you – today and then;
Repeat it tomorrow – all over again;
With faith, hope, and love – filled to the brim;
He depends upon you – Be a Blessing for Him!

D01:  11/08/2013


Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 
#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday

Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.
#faith #god #psalms





It’s not just Haiti…

Guess there will be lots of copy cat morons.

Southwest Plane Struck by Bullet at Dallas Airport, Suspect at Large

Gail Combs

One of the comments:


a day ago

Southwest has it’s own airport called Love Field in Dallas.

This Airport is near the area that elected Ted Cruz’s opposition, Colin Allred, for their Representative. Allred’s area are now experiencing Venezuela gangs robbing them at gunpoint in the driveways of their wealthy homes.

Tatonka Woman

Love Field – where John F. Kennedy landed in Dallas the day of his assassination…
and where Johnson took the oath of office before flying back to DC – with Mrs. Kennedy and JFK’s body on board.


IT AIN’T OVER YET! N FL has wary eyes on Sara!

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403 forbidden


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Thanks – don’t know what happened to my link…


Looks like it’s coming here or somewhere in between Louisiana and Sarasota by next weekend.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

For a second there I though a House race was being stolen from someone named Sara.

Valerie Curren

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The Caribbean Sea has been a hotspot for tropical storm and hurricane development this season due to its warmer-than-average temperatures that extends 300 to 400 feet below the ocean’s surface.
According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), an average hurricane season produces 14 named storms, seven hurricanes and three major hurricanes.
However, the agency did predict earlier this year that there would be an ‘above average’ number of storms.
Sara is the 18th named storm of the 2024 hurricane season and is the third named this month due to record-breaking warm waters in the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico.


They have named a bunch that fell apart not long after they named them.

Valerie Curren

Interesting 🙂


THE TRUMP DANCE has caught on with the young people – and even old biddies like me can do it!!!!

Last edited 4 months ago by GA/FL


Out of all Trump’s picks, I think this one is the most likely to pass the Senate (assuming he’s nominated by Trump and accepts) because their asses are also at risk with an incompetent USSS.

BOOM! Trump Ready To Name Dan Bongino Secret Service Director?! | ‘The TRUTH About Assassination’ – Benny Johnson


So, SD figures the rest have average to poor to no odds of being confirmed.

SD smells like doomfaggery.


I have noticed, even amongst my real-life acquaintances, that there are some who just can’t be happy, even for a minute.

Like the left, they have become addicted to the fear/doom response. It really is an adrenaline high. I think SD is exploiting this response in readers.


While I was reading SD – it was the comments that I really enjoyed. Especially Flep – he’s a treasure. Could not break that man’s optimism for Trump.


I wonder how he is doing? I hope he’s ok.


I sent him a message, haven’t heard back.

I assume he’s doing fine.

Valerie Curren

Please let us know if you here back from him 🙂


Please let us know if you hear anything.


He’s working for the NY school system as a data specialist, last I read when I tried to look him up. Bet he’s still fishing!


Thanks! Good to know he’s ok.

Valerie Curren

I really miss Flep, it would be Awesome if he would check in & even better if he’d come back home here!


My friend told of her Mother’s sad outlook on life, admonishing her children, “Don’t get too happy; something might happen.”

That is what it’s like to read SD the day after any victory or mark of MAGA progress … as you say, keeping readers in the fear/doom response.


We need a healthy dose of realism

But there are times for celebrating too

Being a wet blanket dampening everyone’s enthusiasm and a party pooper discouraging and undermining our JOY is psychologically abusive, 100% narcissistic codependent behavior

Gail Combs

The champaign has come out and the T-bone steaks, however unfortunately the DemonRats and Rinos are still fighting back.


We have every right to celebrate, while pushing back against D-Rats AND R-Cons.

The fight will never stop. We can hope they get weary AND less persistent.

  • Likely REQUIRES indictments, arrests AND prosecutions.
  • Would be great if they start with criminal skewing the vote count. PA Senate race is the most obvious.
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

They can’t stop. This is their entire way of life at stake. They’re parasites.


Which is why accountability AND punishment is mandatory. Maximum penalties.

Gail Combs

Correct, this is literally a ‘fight to the death’ Either we take our country back or we live as increasingly restricted serf-slaves. The Cabal has made their plans for us very very clear.

Gail Combs


MAGA HAS to start slamming the RINOS & D-rats with indictments and SOON if we hope to have this term turn out to be what it should be.

I have hopes that Ivan Raiklin & Ken Paxton and others have some nasty indictments stashed up their collective sleeves on the state level.


Gotta go on the offense.

Trump is.

Paging R-cons…


We need a healthy dose of realism

But there are times for celebrating too

Being a wet blanket dampening everyone’s enthusiasm and a party pooper discouraging and undermining our JOY is psychologically abusive, 100% narcissistic codependent behavior

This is why I objected to Gen. Flynn’s comments a day or two after the election when he said that we have to keep fighting. Well, duh. Having something to celebrate has been rare for us. Let us have our moment.

It doesn’t mean I don’t think Flynn has value; it means I didn’t like the timing of that comment.

Gail Combs

True, Celebrate NOW, but keep that loaded weapon (memes et al) at the ready.

Valerie Curren

Boy, I Really don’t miss reading over at CTH. Thank God, literally, for Wolf & his amazing Q-Tree. We are So Blessed over here  😎 



Gail Combs

It is just that we have had the ball jerked away, the rug pulled out from under us too often to TRUST good fortune anymore.


Sorry – wasn’t clear – that was a commenter, not SD.


Dan is much more valuable where he is. Maybe name him special advisor or similar.


Shocking I tell you. S H O C K I N G ! 😂

America Healthy Again starts TOMORROW.

Last edited 4 months ago by kalbokalbs
Brave and Free

Trolling the libtards I love it. 🤣

Gail Combs

Trolling the soyboy beta males.


😁😂 That’s great! So much fun to watch Team Trump at UFC last night; the raw energy was en fuego.


Jon Jones won the match, and then he gave his winner belt to POTUS47 Donald Trump!

Last edited 4 months ago by PAVACA

And he did his version of the Trump Dance 😄😄😄

the whole night was a glorious celebration of Masculinity … and I mean we women celebrating it as well 🙌🩷🩷

Gail Combs

  :wpds_smile:  At the party this afternoon there were some very nice examples. My friend was drooling over them.😆


Ooh look there’s one !!! *drool* 😉

Gail Combs

Remember Dana White & Trump have a long history. Teddy Kennedy tried to stomp the MMA into the ground & Trump rescued them

Trump and Rogan have a friendship now…that’s a bro hug.😂

Gail Combs


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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Now that’s interesting. SPeaker Johnson is there.

And they’re eating McDonalds…not normally associated with health!

(Of course, it could be made less unhealthy by use of the proper ingredients, but you probably still wouldn’t want to live on it.)

Last edited 4 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah RFK doesn’t look totally thrilled lol

Valerie Curren

Fry Cook & Friends!

Robert Baker

It looks like Trump is saying to Johnson, “Mike, if you want a seat at the table…?”


Did you watch the videos? Mike was always trying to be in the pic, doing thumbs up, etc. He reminded me of the nerd who gets invited to sit at the popular table, trying mightily to fit in. 😄 It really is a ‘motley crew’ for that event.

If that carries over to Mike doing some strong-arming in the House or with Thune, I’m all for it. Time will tell …

Robert Baker

I have not seen the videos. Like a moth drawn to the light, so is a politician drawn to power.


Speaker Johnson can redeem himself by taking the House into recess when PDT gives the signal. Every POTUS in memory has used it except when they screwed We the People over in the first term.

From this morning on Fox. Remember Thomas Massie has already stated as much in response to a whiny reporter. Which is why Dems are cheating in the races that have been held over for the House seats. They want enough GOP reps to roll on the issue. Don’t let them. Expose the truth.

Speaker Johnson gives his full support to Matt Gaetz as AG

“Gaetz will go in and reform the Department of Justice. We’ve seen the lawfare at the DOJ, how they target Catholics, parents at school board meetings, pro-life Americans and Gaetz will shake it up.”

Any Senator not confirming Gaetz will feel the Wrath of the People

We want DOJ reform!!

Last edited 4 months ago by TradeBait2
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Praise God!

Hope he supports Kennedy, too. Science needs Kennedy. I will explain! Soon!

Gail Combs

RFK Jr needs to kick butt and take names!


RFK Jr will kick butt.

He is smarter and more dedicated than stooges at HHS.

Gail Combs

Now Trump has to get him in place.


Thinking if the more moderate Dem Senators vote against his confirmation, they’ve lost his voters for the foreseeable future


I 100% believe Trump has a fully gamed out plan for this

and it’s not just “recess appointments”


Right on target, TB 👍👍👍

Robert Baker

bluesky? sounds Polish. I predict will become a new word in the English vocabulary. It will come to mean ‘safe place.’ The college provided a bluesky for its students.


Another DOGE task. Five Eyes.


LIVE: “How Can I Know How To Forgive Someone Who Has Hurt Me?” | Nov 17, 2024 | 9:15am CT

First Baptist Dallas Church

1,547 views Streamed live 84 minutes ago

Choosing to forgive those who hurt us is essential for our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Don’t miss this important message, “How Can I Know How To Forgive Someone Who Has Hurt Me?”

Follow First Dallas on Social Media!

Follow Dr. Robert Jeffress on Social Media!



Love your neighbor as I have loved you;
This is what Jesus asked us all to do;
Judge not or you will be judged right the same;
Blame not a soul – don’t defile his or her name!

Only God knows the heart – it is His to know;
Backbiting and gossip – we must forego;
If we engage in demeaning our brother;
It hurts only us – not at all the other!

For God does not look kindly on attacks;
It is He who will correct – give the whacks;
In His conviction – he will pity the one;
Vengeance is His – and will be swiftly done!

Jesus wants us to forgive – or we will not;
When we ask forgiveness – as we ought;
We must be willing to forgive and forget;
Or forgiveness of sins – we’ll not beget!

Blaming one’s neighbor – to elevate self;
That’s not what God wants – for him or herself;
We must be accountable for falling short;
Of His glory and mercy – no smart retort!

What will we say when we stand before Him;
Will we make excuses – keep blaming Jim?
At that point it’ll be too late for amends;
It will be pointless then to forgive our friends!

Forgiveness is freedom from guilt and shame;
It comes when we repent and take the blame;
For our cruelty and meanness toward another;
For falsely accusing our sister or brother!

Be slow to anger – and quick to forgive;
Without guilt and guile is the way to live;
With love and understanding – you will be;
In God’s good graces – and frankly – free!

Creating strife among one’s sister or brother;
It is not really how you love one another;
Jesus commanded us to love as He did;
His Peace He gave us – to share not forbid!

Forgive one another – be a light in the dark;
Be love toward your brother – and set the spark;
For the peacemakers – the Word says are duly;
Called Children of God – and quite blessed – truly!

D01:  11/17/2013


Thank you bakocarl! 🙂

Strange the tweet showed up when I posted it there.
Also was hoping to see Melania or Barron doing the MAGA Mash, but alas… 😁




Carl 😂😂😂 You outdid yourself on this one. Sure wish we could get it to Dan Scavino. Never in a million years did I visualize Melania doing the MAGA Mash LOL LOL


Even if you’re a doctor…..

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Oh ouch 😂😂😇

Gail Combs

An immigrant who refuses to shake your hand…😋😂


Thune is the goon, we expected.

Johnson is talking a good game.

Hopefully appropriate persuasion has been applied.

Friendly reminder to RINO Senators that Trump won the popular vote to run the Executive Branch

This means he gets to pick his Cabinet picks

As Speaker Johnson says here, Trump’s picks “are persons who will shake up the status quo … You can’t have status quo appointments in a moment like this.”

We votes for big changes and we will get them


Maggot, Blinken and the other fool are sending Ukraine long range missiles, to strike deep into Russia.,


Got to get that ww3 going before January.
Using the pretext of NK forces in Russia.
Inside Russia, that’s it inside Russia’s borders assisting the eviction of ukraito forces that are inside Russia.
So nato globalists object to foreign forces fighting for Russia, inside Russia.
Whilst all along nato has had forces inside ukraine both fighting and assisting with intelligence all along.

Last edited 4 months ago by RAC

If there are Norks in Russia and Ukraine can reach them with missals controlled by the US but the Norks in Russia can’t fire back, what’s to stop Rocket Man in Norkland from firing at US bases in South Korea?
Questions, questions, questions. Biden better hope he has the answers.




Putin says he’ll use first strike Nuke options as soon as any missiles cross into Russian Territory.


We need to be reminded daily. Putin made this announcement in September 2023 when it was first proposed to allow Ukraine to fire inside of Russia with long-range missiles. He continues to speak the same words today. Putin isn’t playing!


Alexander Dugin

Biden desperately tries to start nuclear war before he leaves forever. That is the main sense of the permission to Ukrainian nazis to strike Russian territory with long range American missiles.


Based on what?


Won’t be hard to invent something if the shooting starts.
Folk on the internets are getting ripped.


As usual, worthless R-Cons are no where to be found. COMPLICIT.


Of course they are. They never disappoint in that regard.


Happens when you have spineless Republicans that won’t impeach the feeble leader of the so called Free World.


Been bitching about this for nearly two years.

Was, prolly remains a minority perspective here. SMH.


His admin and puppet masters will take the final crushing blow to Joe Biden’s legacy. It was dismal already but this will secure his placement as worst potus ever.


Biden Authorizes Starting World War III Before Trump Takes OfficePosted Nov 17, 2024 by Martin Armstrong

I have been warning that our Computer has projected that war will continue and that the Neocons are traitors to the people of the United States and a threat to the entire world. Biden, the senile one, will sign anything put in front of him, and he is incompetent to be president. For that matter, so is Kamala. Both threaten the National Security of our nation and the world. Putin is justified to start attacking the United States directly. Since he knows Trump is coming, he will try to sit on his hands. God help us if the Russian Neocons overthrow Putin. There will be no stopping this.

The Russian Foreign Ministry recently came out reminding the collective West that allowing Ukraine to use west-supplied, long-range missiles to attack deep into the interior Russia would make the collective West “parties to the conflict” because those long-range missiles require satellites to guide them to target. The Foreign Ministry reminded everyone that Ukraine does not HAVE any satellites. This is precisely what the Neocons are hoping for. Zelensky has abandoned defending the Donbas and switched to invade Russia on orders from the Neocons. They hoped Putin would attack anything in NATO. Now that Trump is president-elect and he has rejected all Neocons from his cabinet, they are desperate, and this is their next step to force Putin to attack anything so they can claim he started World War III when it has been the West under their control.

The Neocon propaganda is that Biden has authorized the first use of U.S.-supplied long-range missiles by Ukraine to strike inside Russia and then claim it will only be for short-range in defense of Ukrainian forces in the Kursk region of western Russia, the officials said. Let’s face the truth. Ukraine cannot defeat Russia, and this is all a ploy to weaken Russia for the NATO invasion.

All the Neocons, from Dick Chaney and his daughter to Kinzinger, who claims NATO can defeat Russia in 3 days. They said the same BS about Iraq. These people think war is a game, and they have no regard for the lives lost to fulfill their thirst for war. Kiss your future goodbye and that of your children and grandchildren. These people should be dragged out of their offices in chains.

As one reader said, we need a little Game of Thrones to purge these people from our lives and mount their heads on spikes around the White House as a warning to these usurpers. They have usurped American foreign policy. They are all UNELECTED, so they do not represent the people of the United States. They should be hauled out of their hiding and charged with Treason.

. . . SNIP . . .

I warned at the WEC that Trump’s Administration will NOT be four years of bliss. I warned that the computer was forecasting a serious shift in trend, and as you can see, we have a Panic Cycle in 2026. These Neocons have full control of NATO and are pushing Europe to the brink of World War III. The Neocons killed Kennedy for being anti-war, and they tried to kill Trump twice to keep their war going. These people have no ethics or morals. They are pure evil. Any media that call that a conspiracy theory, ask them how much they are paid to say that BS.

Neocons to Get the Last Laugh to Defeat Trump’s Anti-War Policy.


Just a point to ponder – if the were successful in killing DJT, then JD Vance would be president.

What makes anybody think he wouldn’t be at least as MAGA as DJT?

Last edited 4 months ago by pgroup2

MAGA with a hillbilly-justice twist. I hope they realize how stupid they are being.

The American people have spoken. WE ARE SPEAKING NOW (h/t Cackles the Clown).

It’s time for change. They can fight it, but change is coming no matter what they do. It’s the hard way or the harder way. Choose wisely.


From yesterday’s thread . . .

Now the rabbit hole comes to why . . . [the left wants WAR so much they’ll ignore their own ANTIWAR protestor base]

There’s the commie goal to spend money as wastefully as possible to drive up debt and default the U.S. – that’s how they got deficit spending under Reagan.

The less lefty reason, of course, is that they profit off those military contracts in the military industrial complex just as much as NoName’s crew – HRC being an obvious case given her debacle in Bengazi. There’s lots of money in illegal arms sales . . .

“Neoliberal” and “Neocon” – the “NEO” both mean the same thing – an illegally profiteering war hawk disguised as a legitimate ideologically aligned politician!

The new news has more to do with Gaetz and calling out the [R] party’s ambitions

Such as, oh, the head of the intel committee putting HUGE $$$ MONEY on RTX stock the day of the Ukraine invasion!

RTX, for the uninformed, is the post-merger name for United Technologies and Raytheon that make TON$$$$ of money on missiles . . .

From Brave and Free in today’s threat above:

Republicans insider stock trades using intel gleaned from their positions on committees

Matt Gaetz calls them out fearlessly

So yeah, the knives are going to come out.


Rep. John Rutherford (R-FL)
Ethics Committee
House Appropriations Committee
152 Stock Trades
Top-10 Congressional Stock Trader
STOCK Act Violator
Actually Bought RTX Stock the day that Russia invaded Ukraine
“. . . Imagine if every American could make money off of war . . .”

Energy Sector Congressional Stock Trading

Rep. Michael Guest (R-MS)
Chairman, House Ethics Committee
STOCK Act Violator
Bought energy stocks before War in Ukraine
Between $10ks-$100ks in energy
Owns stocks in online gaming companies
Bought NVIDIA three days before quarterly earnings
“. . . you would think that people on the Ethics Committee would be your best allies in this fight, but indeed they are the most prolific traders, and not only trading, in the case of Mr. Guest trading in an area where he has access to energy information moreso than almost any other American.

“. . . it seems as though the pace is only accelerating.”


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Stay classy, Liz



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“RFK is TOTALLY WRONG in our fact check, when you ignore all the ingredients where yes, he is actually 100% correct. So we’re labeling this fact check FALSE.”


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Robert B. ReissssssssssssssssssssssCHa, Hypocrite Extraordinaire


That comment makes Rush smile.


My wife bought the two Limbaugh books last week and my son is reading them!

Valerie Curren

Good Stuff! Still missing El Rushbo here…


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Brave and Free

Perfect reply!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



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And the biggest, most important difference to me is we do not tout those identity stats because what we care about is MERIT !!


This continues to be such an egregious slap in the face to our flood-ravaged citizens in western NC and eastern TN. It breaks my heart to see this being rubbed in everyone’s face. Don’t tell me there is not some kind of gov’t funds that cannot be used right now to get shelter for folks on their own land.


Of course there are sufficient funds available.

Maggot and his frauds are busy:

  • Laundering money through Ukraine.
  • Giving illegals free room, board, cells…
  • Today they announced hundreds of millions for trains somewhere in South America.
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They’re just evil.

Gail Combs

And they want to RUB IT IN OUR FACE!

I really really hope someone is looking into that DemonRat wining the governor seat instead of Mark Robinson!

This was the race:,_2024

Per usual they floated a Libertarian to steal votes from the Republican.

Stein was elected as the state’s attorney general in 2016 at the same time they cheated Cooper into the gov seat. 

2022 — Soros AG Won’t Let Mark Meadows Vote in NC- Put Him Under Investigation

Donald Trump’s former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows was removed from the NC voter rolls, according to the State Board of Elections, acting on behalf of the Soros Attorney General.

The BOE says the former congressman from North Carolina is under investigation for allegations of voter fraud, and, therefore, can’t vote in his home state…

The NC Attorney General Josh Stein, a far-left Democrat, asked the Board of Elections to investigate. Stein’s campaign was funded by George Soros and his son Alexander.

He is a radical who is accused of manipulating elections and using Marxist tactics to usurp the power of the voter….


Melanie King, with opening clip showing DJT and crew (Elon, Tulsi, RFK Jr., House Speaker Mike Johnson, and others) at the UFC championship fight last night, being acknowledged by the winner:


Closing seconds of the fight, then the winner does the “Trump Dance” for DJT 😂

Last edited 4 months ago by scott467

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Proverbs 22:6 —

Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Deer as a species approve of this message!

Valerie Curren

Way better than starvation!


Evening Prayer For Forgiveness

Heavenly Father, thank You for bringing me through this day and Lord, forgive me for the times when I have wandered outside Your best will for me, instead of trusting You implicitly.
Thank You, that You are such a gracious Shepherd to me and that You come and rescue me even when I lose my way and stray from the path that You have laid out for me.
As I look back over today, I know Lord that there were things that I should have said and done differently, and times when I reacted in a manner that was not honouring Your holy name. Forgive me I pray, but thank You, Father, that You always faithfully prepared to gently bring me back to Yourself.
Give me a good night’s sleep I pray, knowing that there is no condemnation because I am in Christ, and may I wake up in the morning refreshed and ready to do Your will. In Jesus’ name I pray,


Evening Prayer For Future Guidance

Heavenly Father, as I lie down to sleep tonight, I pray that You would guard my sleeping and protect my mind from wandering thoughts and unnecessary planning. Teach me to wait for Your perfect timing and not to try to plan my future in my own strength.
Lord, I know that You have scheduled every day of my life. Help me to trust You in all things and rely on You to lead me along the straight path and guide me in the direction that You would have me to go.
Give me patience to wait for Your perfect timing, and may I not trust in my own abilities and scheming, but rather rest in Your love and trust my future into Your hands.
And so now Lord, I commit this night to you, asking that I would rest soundly and wake refreshed and strong to do Your bidding. This I ask in Jesus’ precious name,


Prayer Of Thanksgiving In The Evening

Praise Your holy name Heavenly Father, for granting yet another day in my life and for being with me every step of the way. Thank You for the many blessings that You have provided and the love and fellowship that I have with the friends and family that in Your grace You have placed in my life.
My heart is so thankful for all the many blessings that I enjoy day by day, and today I am once again reminded that Your mercies are new every morning and Your faithfulness endures from generation to generation.
Thank You, that I have been brought into Your family and have been made a child of God and a citizen of heaven. Words cannot express my love and devotion to You Lord
I pray that You would watch over me as I rest tonight, and that You would give me a restful nights sleep so that I may wake up in the morning refreshed in body and spirit and ready to do Your will. Guard all those that I love and may we all grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ in the days that lie ahead. This I ask in His precious name,



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Dr. Naomi Wolf. 8 NYT Bestsellers. DPhil, Poetry.


I was notified by the IRS that I owed some additional taxes. I had to hire an attorney to help sort it out as I was unaware of it. I paid the outstanding amount in full, and sent my lawyer the bank statements. Up until the election, the IRS official kept threateningly not counting the full amount I’d sent in, undercounting the total, and as a result she demanded a list of my assets. Two days after the election she said oh, whoops, there might be payments in that they had not correctly counted.

7:05 PM · Nov 17, 2024


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Wolf Moon


Yup. Suddenly she thinks about keeping her job. Suddenly she thinks about doing her job. Suddenly she realizes that @DOGE
might suspect that her political party wanted you more deeply audited for both intimidation and “scoping for dirt”.

There needs to be a deep clean in IRS.

7:21 PM · Nov 17, 2024



There needs to be an elimination of the IRS.

And the criminal Federal Reserve (which is neither federal, nor a reserve) can go right with it.


A lot of agencies

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Damon adds an update at the end. 😮

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Had not heard about this.

Believable. But I will need MORE FACTS.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Nice commentary about Matt Gaetz, to harden spines.

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Jack Poso


In American politics, where character assassinations are as common as policy debates, Matt Gaetz has emerged not only as a figure of resilience but also as a beacon for those who value true justice. The salacious allegations against him, which painted him as a villain in a lurid narrative, have been thoroughly debunked, revealing a tale not of personal misconduct but of political maneuvering by a convicted felon seeking leniency.

The Allegations and Their Source

The accusations against Matt Gaetz, involving sexual misconduct and illicit behavior, were initially explosive, threatening to end not just a political career but a man’s reputation. However, the source of these allegations was none other than Joel Greenberg, a former associate embroiled in his own legal troubles. Greenberg, facing a slew of charges including sex trafficking, wire fraud, and identity theft, was in a position where cooperation with federal authorities could potentially mitigate his sentence. It was under these circumstances that he pointed fingers at Gaetz, painting a picture of corruption and misconduct that could sway public opinion and potentially derail investigations into his own crimes.

The Unraveling of False Claims

Under the scrutiny of both legal and public examination, the allegations against Gaetz began to crumble. The Department of Justice, after a thorough investigation, decided not to pursue charges against him, citing issues with witness credibility and lack of substantiating evidence. This decision was not made lightly, especially given the political climate where such allegations can fuel partisan fervor. However, the truth emerged that Greenberg, in his desperation, had tried to manufacture an alliance of guilt that included Gaetz.

Moreover, Gaetz’s staunch denial and his proactive approach in addressing these allegations head-on further highlighted the falsehoods. His transparency, along with his legal team’s vigorous defense, showcased not only his innocence but also the fragility of claims made by someone with everything to lose.

Gaetz as Attorney General: A Champion of Justice

This ordeal has not only cleared Gaetz’s name but has also positioned him uniquely to serve as Attorney General. Here are several reasons why Gaetz could be the most effective Attorney General for justice in America:

1. Understanding of False Accusations: Having been the target of baseless allegations, Gaetz brings firsthand experience with the destructive power of false accusations. This personal insight would drive him to ensure due process and fairness, preventing the misuse of legal power for political vendettas.

2. Advocacy for Victims of False Allegations: His experience could lead to reforms that protect individuals from unwarranted legal attacks, ensuring that the justice system does not become a tool for political retribution.

3. Commitment to Transparency: Gaetz’s handling of his own situation demonstrated a commitment to transparency. As Attorney General, this could translate into policies that enhance public trust in the Department of Justice, ensuring that investigations are conducted openly and justly.

8:53 AM · Nov 17, 2024



The attack against Gaets reminds me of the pee-pee allegations against Trump and also of Pelosi’s wrap up smears.

Last edited 4 months ago by GA/FL

DJT could easily announce that the Brandon administration is a lame duck that does not represent or speak for the American People, and that DJT and his administration does not support any kind of attack on Russia.

And if the Brandon administration attempts to start WWIII on their way out the door, they will not escape the condemnation of history, or justice for everyone involved, in the very near future.

Gail Combs

Where is CONGRESS? This is Bite Me declaring war on Russia WITHOUT Congressional approval.


We have been engaging in proxy wars since Korea.

Viet Nam was a proxy war
Afghanistan was also a proxy war
So is Ukraine


This is a PSA reminder: The U.S. totally beat the Vietcong

Last edited 4 months ago by michaelh
Tatonka Woman

And the North Vietnamese Regular Army


Vietnam. IIRC, we won the battles, not the war.


Vietnam. IIRC, we won the battles, not the war.


And Congress is not stupid, they know this would be an act of war and they likely know by not saying anything they are giving tacit consent. Is there a time limit on tacit consent when Biden can claim such?


So if biden has not gone through the correct process in declaring war on Russia his orders or permissions whatever one wants to call them are illegal.
It is then on all bidens chain of command, top to bottom civillian and military to use their own judgement on whether to follow an unlawful order or permission.
IMHO those who choose wrongly are open to retribution, from general to private and cabinet member to typist.


That’s all good and well but if Biden uses the US Military to guide bombs into Russia, Putin is going to respond. A. He fires into Ukraine. Assumes that is a given. B. He fires on US bases in Europe because attacking Ukraine alone is not going to be a full answer to the US attacking Russia.

Trump may already be one step ahead of this and is trying to preempt US forces from guiding missiles into Russia.

Trump has just announced that he is setting up military tribunals for the officers who screwed up the withdrawals in Afghanistan.

The likelihood that he would then do the same to officers in Europe that fire on Russia which in turn has Russia fire on US bases killing American Troops is plainly a message that can’t be ignored. If they do it they will likely be prosecuted.

Gen Milley proudly claimed he would not do Trumps bidding in regard to China. The same then should be expected of the Military following Biden’s crazy orders to push us into war with Russia when it’s quite clear peace is right around the corner.

If the Pentagon and field officers in Europe do not do something similar to what Milley did, they can all expect to be treated harshly by Trump for having brought on an attack on US bases in Europe when it was totally avoidable.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



People are saying they think she’s pregnant. Think ole Elon knocked her up?


He has been on a one-man crusade to avoid depopulation…..

Last edited 4 months ago by cthulhu

Sure enough.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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If you think the speaker of the house being at the UFC with Trump and his cabinet picks wasn’t sending a message to senate majority leader thune and the rest of the gop senators you aren’t paying attention.

10:12 AM · Nov 17, 2024


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Elon Musk

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I’m watching myself watch this


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Sawyer Merritt


Elon sitting next to Trump tonight, scrolling 𝕏 and cracking up at memes

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11:42 PM · Nov 16, 2024



[DS] Pushing Race War,Election Fraud Exposed,Fake News Admits There Was A Great Awakening – Ep. 3502
 November 17, 2024  x22report

The US is going to break free from the green new scam. Trump has nominated Chris Wright to lead the energy dept in the US. Hochul tries to convince the people that she is saving them money. The World Bank panics about Trump’s budget cuts. The Fed is trying to time the crash, boomerang. The [DS] has not given up, their next plan is chaos, could be a race war. Election fraud is being exposed to the people and people can now see how you rig an election. The fake news admits that there were a lot of people who voted for Trump but they kept it a secret, the Great Awakening worked.

Ep 3502a – World Bank Panics, Trump Readies The Country For A New Age Of Energy Independence

Ep 3502b – [DS] Pushing Race War,Election Fraud Exposed,Fake News Admits There Was A Great Awakening


What’s this horseshit with The Turtle saying, “There will be no recess appointments”?

h/t Marica’s blog


No idea if Turtle said it. Though, I’d assume so. It was Turtle’s policy for Trump’s first four years. Thune is Turtles, bitch.

Various things posted / read past week or two, indicates a work around, if Thune does not support a recess.

Johnson in the House can arrange it. More steps, but in essence that would become the path. .

I’m not going to get spun up on this. Though I am watching.

Fundamentally, we gotta get Trump in the WH. Steve will likely give us a day count early tomorrows daily. 🙂

Somehow, I’m thinking Trump and his team have Johnson’s attention. Do the recess, if requested.

I fully expect things will be very ugly for the next three months. Perhaps longer. Deep State and the criminals will not give in, give up willingly.

  • They’ll need to be indicted, arrested, tried and found guilty.
  • Until we have major wins of this nature, the fight is on.

Not that we’re counting, but we do need to fix Miss Wheatie’s flag post at the inauguration. She’d want it put right!


The Turtle:

‘Tis the voice of the Lobster: I heard him declare

“You have baked me too brown, I must sugar my hair.”

As a duck with its eyelids, so he with his nose

Trims his belt and his buttons, and turns out his toes.

When the sands are all dry, he is gay as a lark,

And will talk in contemptuous tones of the Shark;

But, when the tide rises and sharks are around,

His voice has a timid and tremulous sound.


I passed by his garden, and marked, with one eye,

How the Owl and the Panther were sharing a pie:

The Panther took pie-crust, and gravy, and meat,

While the Owl had the dish as its share of the treat.

When the pie was all finished, the Owl, as a boon,

Was kindly permitted to pocket the spoon;

While the Panther received knife and fork with a growl,

And concluded the banquet by — *

Last edited 4 months ago by cthulhu

…eating the owl” Lewis Carrol 1886 ?


That is the ending that is usually supposed.

And, yes, this is found in Lewis Carroll’s book “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”, published in 1865.

The creatures Alice is reciting the poem are to the Mock Turtle and the Gryphon. The first stanza is from a more vegetarian viewpoint, and is spoken by to the Mock Turtle; the second, more carnivorous, stanza is told to voiced by the Gryphon until the Mock Turtle interrupts its concluding line.

Last edited 4 months ago by cthulhu

This is part of the odd alterations to Alice’s mind in Wonderland — rhymes and lessons that she thinks she knows come out inexplicably altered. It’s been a while since I picked up the books (they’re packed), so I inexplicably altered Alice’s recitation to the Mock Turtle and Gryphon into a recitation by the Mock Turtle and Gryphon to Alice.

To further illustrate my derangement, I was actually thinking of the Mock Turtle’s song —

Beautiful Soup, so rich and green,

Waiting in a hot tureen!

Who for such dainties would not stoop?

Soup of the evening, beautiful Soup!

Soup of the evening, beautiful Soup!


Beau–ootiful Soo–oop!

Beau–ootiful Soo–oop!

Soo–oop of the e–e–evening,

Beautiful, beautiful Soup!


Beautiful Soup! Who cares for fish,

Game or any other dish?

Who would not give all else for two

Pennyworth only of Beautiful Soup?

Pennyworth only of beautiful Soup?


Beau–ootiful Soo–oop!

Beau–ootiful Soo–oop!

Soo–oop of the e–e–evening,

Beautiful, beauti–FUL SOUP!


Which is not to be confused with the McTurtle’s song —

Beautiful Grift, so rich and green,
Simmering in someplace unseen!
Who could knowingly skip such a gift?
Grift of the government, Beautiful Grift!
Grift of the government, Beautiful Grift!

Beau-ootiful Grii-ift!
Beau-ootiful Grii-ift!
Grift of the government,
Beautiful, beautiful Grift!

Beautiful Grift, who cares for theft,
Physical loot with so much heft?
Far better is paper when value to lift
Percents for the Big Guy of Beautiful Grift!
Percents to the Big Guy of Beautiful Grift!

Beau-ootiful Grii-ift!
Beau-ootiful Grii-ift!
Grift of the government,
Beautiful, beautiful Grift!

Valerie Curren

Perhaps where Bye-Done got his “Big Guy” (Old) Nickname 😉


I think that qualifies under Wheatie’s rules… 😆
If anyone objects, they can go there and leave a complaint as it is done. 😮


Like much of the finest children’s literature, there is quite a bit going-on in the Alice books that may just slide by.

One of my favorites is the first death joke. Mind you, there should be one of those counter things in the upper left corner that goes “ding” every time one is encountered — there are quite a few.

Anyhoo, the first death joke is in a scene where Alice is talking with Humpty-Dumpty, and he inquires how old she is.

‘Seven years and six months!’ Humpty Dumpty repeated thoughtfully. ‘An uncomfortable sort of age. Now if you’d asked my advice, I’d have said “Leave off at seven” — but it’s too late now.’


‘I never ask advice about growing,’ Alice said indignantly.


‘Too proud?’ the other enquired.


Alice felt even more indignant at this suggestion. ‘I mean,’ she said, ‘that one ca’n’t help growing older.’


One can’t, perhaps,’ said Humpty Dumpty; ‘but two can. With proper assistance, you might have left off at seven.’

People are often too entertained by the gamesmanship to realize that Humpty just suggested she should have been murdered.

Last edited 4 months ago by cthulhu

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Valerie Curren

Dining on fowl?


Oooo — that’s good!

Valerie Curren



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OUCH! the burn