Dear KMAG: 20241118 Joe Biden Didn’t Win ❀ Open Topic

Joe Biden didn’t win. This is our Real President:

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.

This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).

And yes, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

We will always remember Wheatie,

Pray for Trump,

Yet have fun,

and HOLD ON when things get crazy!

We will follow the RULES of civility that Wheatie left for us:

Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

And while we engage in vigorous free speech, we will remember Wheatie’s advice on civility, non-violence, and site unity:

“We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”

“Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”

If this site gets shut down, please remember various ways to get back in touch with the rest of the gang:

Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.

We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.

Joe Biden didn’t win.

And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wolfie’s Wheatie’s Word of the Week:



able, apt or fit to fly

Shown in a picture

Used in a sentence

It’s not a question of whether or not to toss the toxic dwarf into GITMO – the question is whether he is sufficiently volacious to make it there intact without bubble wrap.


Speaking of volcano sacrifices, as a belated Halloween offering, and with EPIC musical character beloved by Wheatie, we bring you this little number…..

And now for…..


Thank you, Elon! You did it!

SO, in honor of Senator “Lurch” Thune, we have this!

And if that’s not enough Lurch, here’s more than you can handle!

Just sayin’!

And remember…….

Until victory, have faith!

And trust the big plan, too!

And as always….



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Exactly correct. Great assessment.


Good article.

Secretary of Defense Hegseth needs to plant this guy’s head on a pike in the Pentagon parking lot.


Barb Meier

There’s more… hehehe

And SecDef Hegseth will fix recruiting by making the military a destination for Americans who want to serve their country as warriors rather than as guinea pigs in a petri dish of San Franciscan social pathologies. 


Moving vans should be pulling up to the residence soon.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You may have misidentified your “moving van”

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LOL at the use of “volacious” in a sentence! 😂

(from Latin volāre “to fly”)


… used by Sergio Franchi….


I wish they would make cars like that now.


Corinthian leather?


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Crude, but LOL.

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You don’t need that many people these days, you can multilayer them in a computer —


Yeah, you’re right.

Don’t use God’s creations; use a machine.

Sorry but I’ll pass.


Eh, you have to record it somehow to be able to distribute it.

Pomplamoose (at that time) made a big deal of showing their work — those are overdubbed, but she really sings harmony with herself; those are really the instruments on which the tune is played; those are really the people in the video playing the instruments on the tracks that are in the final mix.


That’s funny.


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after seeing that plane photo so many times today, all I wanted for dinner was a quarter pounder and fries, so that’s what hubby and I ate 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


The hypnotizing power of Trump.  😂 


Sometimes only a hamburger will do! And these days, it’s McDonald’s.


Inline with that thought, All American cheeseburger with steak fries, Texas Roadkill.

Gail Combs

Forget that, how about the Texas restaurant that only serves STEAK! 1 pound, 2 pound or 3 pound. Your choice of cut.

I think it was the Big Texan Stake Ranch, but it was 4 decades ago that I visited.


Big Texan, Amarillo, TX. Along I-40, northside

These days, full menu. Including, Free 72 ounce steak.

  • 60 minutes to eat the steak, shrimp, baked potato, salad and dinner roll.
  • $85 for the goof, who doesn’t meet the challenge.
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If the steak is of good enough quality, it might well be worth failing and paying the $85

Gail Combs


The best I have ever had.

Hilltop in MA is the only steak house that comes close.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I would have to see if at some point they’d be willing to sell me just the steak, outright, for the $85. (Oh, the shrimp and salad too.) Skip the potato and dinner roll.

They should be willing to do that; their costs are lower and there’s zero risk to them.

Gail Combs

I just cooked up hamburgers with onion and cheese. YUM! (93% organic 😜even!)


Yup, I love cheeseburgers but McD’s is not on my dining list. Grill Daddy and family likes his Angus chuck or ground prime rib burgers via his own prep.

Love their use in the funny photo op though. America.


Bold move. I’d be afraid of the local commissar.


Petitioning Wolfie to change his Monday headliner to something like “Trump Wins His Third Race” or “Trump Threepeat” or … you get the picture … 🤓🇺🇸🇺🇸 Can you tell I’m ready to delete Joe altogether?


You’ll think of a way to work Wheatie into the header 🤓

I thought you might be waiting till inauguration which makes sense; I just got annoyed seeing Joe’s name tonight for some reason – probably cuz of the ukraine missile stuff today. UGH! And of course Joe is actually clueless that his thug staff is doing it.


Maggot prolly doesn’t know he left the States for Amazon nature walk.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You saw what I did, I think. Sort of a transitional title.


This guy is slowly waking up.

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Just an effort to attempt to tie Trump down.

In a couple of days, President-for-life Volodomyr will get a phone call. He will be told that he will be deposed and tried as a war criminal if he uses those weapons.

Brave and Free

Just trying to cover his a**, for being such an a**.


So big question since we know the ATACMS are already in Ukraine and it takes the US Military to guide the weapons to the target . At what point after Biden’s announcement to allow the American Military to fly these weapon systems into Russia will Biden consider he has received tacit consent from Congress to declare war on Russia? Is it days?
weeks? a month? Is tacit consent even a thing for declaring war?

It’s not just Biden that is going to be held responsible should we start to see US military bases in Europe come under direct fire. Congress too, since they know how these weapons work. Where is the resolution forbidding Biden from going to war with Russia?

Right now it looks like the only person taking action against this is President Trump by declaring he’s going establish military commissions to look into the debacle of Afghanistan and hold officers responsible for their part in that disaster. The officers up and down the chain of command in both Europe and the Pentagon should know they too are going to come under the same kind of heavy scrutiny for going to war with Russia without Congressional Approval, tacit consent or not.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

To quote HAL (speaking for ailiens) in 2010 the novel, “now you are beginning to understand.”


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Valerie Curren



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Benny Johnson:

Yes. This here is the single best video on the internet right now…

1:30 long. This is amazing to me. I had seen some clips of sports figures and others doing the Trump dance, but I had no idea there were so many or that it reached such a broad spectrum of society. This is yuge.


I cannot stop laughing at the brilliance of taking a homo song, adding goofy dance moves from an iconic great man of our day and promoting it into a rallying point worldwide.


Whatever works to wake the nation and world up I support. Good time to be alive.


I was just a kid in 1978 when YMCA came out. I loved the Village People and had no idea they were “gay.” I didn’t know what gay was at age 14.

That innocence ignorance of the underbelly of the world needs to make a comeback. And this is a start. Nobody CARES that the song is about gays. They just want to dance and have fun.

The underbelly needs to be eradicated by sheepdog alpha males on a mission. The rest of us need to remain unaware of it, for the most part. That’s how it was when the U.S. was good.

pat frederick

i had no idea it was about gays either…

Gail Combs

Neither did I and I remember the song too.


You didn’t clue in when “Can’t Stop The Music” was in theaters?


Brendan Carr will be FCC chair.

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Bluesky looking at you 😂😂😂


We have your back, Chairman Carr. Go gettum!


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DEI is an atrocity.


Yup, a commie stink bomb.

Brave and Free

I and many others would like to know, how many people are spread out over every governmental agency writing this crap. The amount of money that’s been spent the last four years must be unbelievable when you factor in the total cost involved to promote DEI.

Hey Elon, can we get a cost breakdown on this?


From OT:

President Trump Announces FCC Commissioner Brendan CarrNovember 17, 2024

SD: “Brendan Carr has been the censorship buster, investigating Newsguard, Facebook and social media censors directly. Today President Trump announces that Brendan Carr will be moved to the FCC Commissioner’s Chair.

DJT: “I first nominated Commissioner Carr to the FCC in 2017, and he has been confirmed unanimously by the United States Senate three times. His current term runs through 2029 and, because of his great work, I will now be designating him as permanent Chairman.”

Link to Twitter post by Brendan Carr:

“Facebook, Google, Apple, Microsoft & others have played central roles in the censorship cartel,” Carr captioned a letter to CEOs Tim Cook of Apple, Satya Nadella of Microsoft, Mark Zuckerberg of Meta and Google parent company Alphabet’s Sundar Pichai shared on X.

“The Orwellian named NewsGuard along with ‘fact checking’ groups & ad agencies helped enforce one-sided narratives. The censorship cartel must be dismantled.”


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According to the article I just posted, they are all pure as the driven snow. They were just doing their jobs, and they went through the proper channels. Trump is a bully who just wants revenge.

They know that if they are investigated it’s going to be very expensive and cause a lot of stress — just what they have caused for Trump and many others.

Brave and Free

Just the latest one…….
There’s no statute of limitations for murder.


IMO – of course.

If that had been Harris or Walz shot in the ear at Butler, what do you think would have happened and how would the commie media have reacted? Yet, crickets from all of them months after the July event because it was Trump.

They are all involved.

I pray justice is served and the Lord have mercy on their souls.


No mercy.

Valerie Curren

May God have mercy on their souls AND may they choose to repent in this life & be part of tearing down the whole evil construct…Like Dr. Bernard Nathanson & Abby (forget her last name) who got saved & expose abortion evils that they were eye witnesses, if not participants, to/in.


Of course they were. Somebody did it. It was obvious even from the cheap seats what was going on. Now they are running like the rats they are.


Breaking open the NSD is going to open a real Pandora’s box. We never did get the full story on that.


Gaetz is the guy to break it open.


Multiple current and former senior Justice Department and FBI officials have begun reaching out to lawyers in anticipation of being criminally investigated by the Trump administration, according to three people with knowledge of their deliberations.

Following Trump’s decisive election victory, many Justice Department officials and career staffers were already nervous about the possibility that they would be targeted by Trump loyalists, particularly members of Congress. But the selection of former Rep. Matt Gaetz, a firebrand Trump ally who was the subject of a recent FBI investigation, to lead the department has sharply increased the sense of alarm, the sources said.

“Everything we did was aboveboard,” said a former senior FBI official who has started contacting lawyers because he expects to be prosecuted himself. “But this is a different world.”

The official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity out of fear of becoming even more of a target, doesn’t believe any attempt to prosecute him will be successful. Judges and juries have the power to throw out cases or find defendants innocent if they deem prosecutions to be baseless.

But like many other current and former Justice Department officials, he is bracing for a potentially long and costly legal battle, as well as the possibility of protracted congressional investigations, after Trump takes office in January.

⬆️ Exactly what they put Trump through.

Career FBI employees are especially vulnerable, the official added. Since they make less money than they would in the private sector, they rely on the pensions they receive after 20 years.

“Agents have to do 20 years,” the former senior FBI official said. “These people don’t have options.”

…Trump and his supporters have consistently argued that all of the criminal investigations against him have been politically motivated, and that Justice Department and FBI officials deserve to be prosecuted…

Shock inside the DOJ

Justice Department officials, including Attorney General Merrick Garland, were shocked by Trump’s decisive election win. For the last four years, Garland has argued that strictly following post-Watergate norms that require the Justice Department to work in a nonpartisan manner in criminal investigations would restore public trust in the Justice Department.


Instead, some career Justice Department officials wept after the election, dismayed by the fact that large numbers of Americans apparently continue to believe Trump’s claims that the department is a cesspool of corruption.

Justice Department and FBI officials say that the Trump investigations were carried out properly. Justice Department prosecutors secured indictments from federal grand juries against Trump for his mishandling of classified documents and his efforts to reverse the 2020 election results.

They expressed bafflement at what criminal charge could be brought against them as a result. “There’s no crime,” said a current law enforcement official. “What’s the crime?”

Last edited 3 months ago by TheseTruths

“Following Trump’s decisive election victory, many Justice Department officials and career staffers were already nervous about the possibility that they would be targeted by Trump loyalists,”


Don’t worry, little criminals.

If you didn’t do anything wrong, what do you have worry about?

If you didn’t do anything wrong, what do you have to hide?


To a large degree, get a bird or two to sing, and dominos will fall. Including pandoras box.


“But the selection of former Rep. Matt Gaetz, a firebrand Trump ally who was the subject of a recent FBI investigation, to lead the department has sharply increased the sense of alarm, the sources said.”


Yeah, when just one of the thousands of Americans you went Full-Nazi on becomes your boss, and the head of the DoJ, it’s perfectly normal to have an increased sense of ‘alarm’…

So good news, you crash test dummies — your ‘senses’ are working just fine 😂 🤣 😂

Last edited 3 months ago by scott467

““Everything we did was aboveboard,” said a former senior FBI official who has started contacting lawyers because he expects to be prosecuted himself.”


That’s not even a little bit true.

But I hope you stick with your story.

You deserve the maximum possible sentence.


““Agents have to do 20 years,” the former senior FBI official said.”


You better expect a lot more than that where you’re going.

Last edited 3 months ago by scott467

“…Trump and his supporters have consistently argued that all of the criminal investigations against him have been politically motivated, and that Justice Department and FBI officials deserve to be prosecuted…”


Yes, but that’s only because it’s true.

Obviously so.

Last edited 3 months ago by scott467

“Justice Department and FBI officials say that the Trump investigations were carried out properly. Justice Department prosecutors secured indictments from federal grand juries against Trump for his mishandling of classified documents and his efforts to reverse the 2020 election results.”


May you receive everything you tried to do to DJT and the American People.


“They expressed bafflement at what criminal charge could be brought against them as a result.”


Then why are you lawyering up?

What are you so worried about?

The truth is that you’re not ‘baffled’ at all, you know exactly what you did, and lawyering up is an overt expression of consciousness of guilt.

Get some rest, you’re gonna need it.

Brave and Free

What a crock of BS about their pay. Many in LE are below their pay scale and the retirements have been changed over the years, with there contributing to their retirements just like everyone else now.
The federal retirement is probably better than anything you can get in the private sector.


Federal retirement is a gravy train. Delivers monthly like clockwork.


“Instead, some career Justice Department officials wept after the election, dismayed by the fact that large numbers of Americans apparently continue to believe Trump’s claims that the department is a cesspool of corruption.”

You mean, terrified that we’ve seen what you were doing all along, and now you’re going to pay for it. Assholes.


That gun in the nightstand keeps talking to them

Robert Baker

“What’s the crime?”

Famous Russian proverb: Show me the man….


“Some ‘openly wept.’ ”


Cry harder.

And there’s nowhere to run where you can’t be caught and brought to justice.

Sleep well, betrayers.

Gail Combs


IIRC Oh!Bummer used DRONES when he couldn’t get at his enemies any other way. So he set the ‘precedent’ 🤣

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Yes that TOTALLY explains the look on RFK’s face


Ok, I didn’t laugh at this one, I literally howled.

That’s hilarious.


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She’s a False Profit

Last edited 3 months ago by michaelh
Valerie Curren

rim shot


more like an airball

Gail Combs

And lets hope she is not the only one!


She’s the genius who, on a live-stream interview, with the interviewer referencing a poll showing Republican votes represented as ‘R’ and Democrat votes represented as ‘D’, said she didn’t know what the ‘R’ and ‘D’ stood for.

And she’s an ‘expert’.

Last edited 3 months ago by scott467

Look at the eyes.




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For far too long, the pain has only gone one way. Q has a lot of drops about “Now comes the pain.”


“Q has a lot of drops about “Now comes the pain.””


I hope so.

They need to pay for what they’ve done. For every life they have destroyed, in their maniacal lust for power.

Gail Combs

There really isn’t a problem.

If we deport all those illegals, and total were talking ~50 million if you include DECA and forward, Then all those jobs, picking cotton, slaughtering chickens, digging ditches and picking up garbage become open. 🤣

They might actually lose weight and get an appreciation for the hard work Americans do.


Was about to post the same thing. Besides, they are all leaving the country anyway, right?


START with the FDA, NIH, CDC, medical boards, hospital corporations – and big Pharma – those who promoted gender crap, established ‘gender clinics’ killed elders, children and adults – with impunity.

MOVE ON TO – DEA who hired alphabet agenda groomers, polluted our children’s textbook with alphabet propaganda and lies – stole and confused our children’s identities.

I’m still steaming mad about the hell they forced on our nation and its people

Remember – JUDAS PENCE – was in charge of election integrity and the White House Covid response. As VP, Pence should have rejected the electors because of obvious brazen election fraud. Instead, Pence went along with the J6 False Flag and approved the stolen election. Pence should be indicted first!

Last edited 3 months ago by GA/FL
pat frederick

i don’t know about first…certainly on the list, but i want to nab those who think they can leave the country–catch those bastards first.


I’m going to point out the obvious here.

“how does that HELP the economy?”

They aren’t productive members of the economy

They are leaches that draw value and wealth from others to survive.

She is stuck in the CONSUMER framing of economic value

But people aren’t economic consumers – they are PRODUCERS!

PRODUCTION creates economic value, not consumption

Nothing, nothing the government does is productive.

Tatonka Woman



Hey, you should feel happy and virtuous about losing your gov’t gravy train job…


Valerie Curren

For some reason this came to mind. Steve Crumbacher was one of my college roommate’s best friend. We saw him perform once on a break out in CA in the 80s 🙂


Very cool. He’s like a genius teenager who has the money and power to accomplish his goals. I’m so glad he’s on our side.

Gail Combs

I think we mistake his great sense of humor and Joie de Vivre for being a “genius teenager”

You do not do the things this guy has done with out having a very adult serious side.


It’s the difference between “childish” and “childlike.”


adjective: childish
of, like, or appropriate to a child.


adjective: childlike; adjective: child-like
(of an adult) having good qualities associated with a child.

I strive for the second.


Yes, that’s why I said he’s like a genius teenager.


“Welcome to Terminus, the first Martian City”


Pack Up, Bureaucrats: Vivek Ramaswamy Reveals How Trump With Help from DOGE Will Abolish ENTIRE GOVERNMENT AGENCIES and Crush the Administrative State (VIDEO)

NEW: Vivek Ramaswamy – who is co-leading the Dept. of Govt. Efficiency – just perfectly laid out how Trump can use swift, executive power to demolish the bureaucratic state.

RAMASWAMY: First, we want to go right through executive action to do the failures of the executive branch that need to be addressed.

The dirty little secret is the people who we elect to run the government, they’re not the ones who actually run the government. It’s the unelected bureaucrats in the administrative state.

That was created through executive action. It’s gonna be fixed through executive action.

Think about the Supreme Court’s environment over the past several years. They have held that many of those regulations are unconstitutional.

Rescind those regulations, and then that gives us the industrial logic to then downsize the size of that administrative state. That can be achieved without Congress.

Score some early wins. Then you look at those bigger portions of the federal budget that need to be addressed one-by-one.

How can the president of the United States, who’s been elected with a historic mandate, actually DO the things that voters voted for?

They haven’t voted for incremental change. We have voted for sweeping change, and the voters actually deserve to get it.

And we’re focused on how to do that as early and as quickly as possible.


“And we’re focused on how to do that as early and as quickly as possible.”


Yes. Start that snowball rolling downhill on day 1, and never lose momentum, just build momentum more and more and more and more.

Wipe out the whole rat’s nest.

Cut the heads off and cauterize the wound so it can’t grow back.

You can’t do too much, only too little, so no reason to hold back, at all.


Yup – better to go too far than not far enough this time around.


They have to go “too far.” Because some of the gains will eventually be reversed. So they have to go past “enough” to make up for that.


NBC is reporting 15-20 republicans privately confirmed they will not vote to confirm Gaetz for AG.


NBC is a gay fascist organization that lies for money.


Would Trump-favoring senators lie to a gay fascist organization?

Methinks they might, just for entertainment purposes.  😉  😆 


Gaetz never was intended to be confirmed.


If that is true, then what else is he going to do?

He already resigned from Congress.


Does it matter, I seem to remember from last time that a person can be put in office for a short time, 6 months?, without being confirmed.
PG will know the ins and outs.


Two actions come to mind. Acting, which I don’t think has a time limit.

Recess appointments in effect until Congress ends. I spose up to two years.

If wrong, this will be corrected.

Gail Combs

..How Long Does a Recess Appointment Last?

A recess appointment expires at the sine die adjournment of the Senate’s “next session.”

Where the President has made a recess appointment between sessions of the same or successive Congresses, this appointment has expired at the end of the session that next convened. Where he has made the appointment during an intrasession recess, however, the duration of the appointment has included the rest of the session in progress plus the full length of the session that followed. At any point in a year, as a result, by making a recess appointment during an intrasession recess, a President could fill a position not just for the rest of that year, but until near the end of the following year. In practice, this has meant that a recess appointment could last for almost two years….

What Is a “Recess”?

Generally, a recess is a break in House or Senate proceedings.11 Neither chamber may take a break of more than three days without the consent of the other.12 Such consent is usually provided through a concurrent resolution. A recess within a session is referred to as an intrasession recess. In recent decades, Congress has typically had 5-11 intrasession recesses of more than three days, usually in conjunction with national holidays.13 The break between the sine die adjournment of one session and the convening of the next is referred to as an intersession recess. In recent decades, each Congress has consisted of two 9-12 month sessions separated by an intersession recess. The period between the second session of one Congress and the first session of the following Congress is also an intersession recess.

Also see: ArtII.S2.C3.1 Overview of Recess Appointments Clause


“Acting” that rings a bell, I think it is for a limited time as I seem to remember people posting that it could be kept going by swapping different people in as each one timed out.

Brave and Free

Maybe Rhonda will appointment him Senator if the AG gig doesn’t pan out.



That would sure chap their hides, no?

Gail Combs

Recess Appointments.

OR Gaetz can join DOGE!


Senator or Governor of Florida

Last edited 3 months ago by rayzorback

After a year, year and half, unscrewing DOJ.


I don’t think Trump would sacrifice a loyal friend like Gaetz this way. Not unless Gaetz was ready to quit government and go back to the private sector, or unless Trump has another place for him in mind that doesn’t require confirmation.

I think Mike Johnson is going to force recess appointments, and point back to the precedents of every other former President. Just my humble opinion.


You are quite insightful.


Thanks! I just think I get President Trump. People say he requires loyalty, which is true, but that’s because HE is so loyal. Turn about is fair play.


The Recess Appointments gambit IMO is going to be leverage on the Senate that will force them to take action on record.

Senate is going to be very uncomfortable.


I agree. And I hope they are.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Apparently Gaetz is far and away the most objectionable appointment so far.

I can see them offering quick confirmations of everyone else in return for he drops Gaetz.


Shock-and-Awe…..he’s going to drop so many nominees into the Senate on Day 1 that they’ll have to confirm most or do nothing else for a year. Then they’ll settle back to masticate Gaetz and he’ll do 7-month appointments until he can get in a 2-year appointment.

In the meantime, Gaetz will have a full stable of MAGA underlings.

Last edited 3 months ago by cthulhu
Gail Combs

I do not think Gaetz will need even 2 years.

Last edited 3 months ago by Gail Combs

Gaetz never was intended to be confirmed.

This was a loyalty test, plain and simple.

I don’t believe that. Gaetz has resigned from the House. It might be said that he had a “guaranteed” Senate seat if DeSantis appointed him to Marco Rubio’s seat, but IMO there are too many “ifs.”

People forget that Trump plays chess. He can accomplish more than one goal with a single action. I think that’s what he’s doing here. He’s appointing Gaetz AND seeing who is loyal.


ABC, NBC, CBS you are on notice for misusing your airwaves for partisan politics, by the guy who Trump nominated as FCC chairman:

Brendan Carr




Broadcast media have had the privilege of using a scarce and valuable public resource—our airwaves. In turn, they are required by law to operate in the public interest.

When the transition is complete, the FCC will enforce this public interest obligation.


With guns and badges.

Valerie Curren

So let’s defund PBS & NPR as they are mostly leftist shills…or expand programming to include more conservative perspectives as alternatives. Government funding should be egalitarian & not promoting one-sided partisan views.

Gail Combs


The government should not be in the propaganda business.

Valerie Curren

aka BHO made it “legal” to propagandize Americans, iirc. That needs to be undone ASAP!


I’m in favor of privatizing NPR and PBS.

It seems like a more moderate option than simply defunding them.

Really, it saddles the leftist foundations with funding them!

Less money they can spend doing their normal BS


Cutting them off from the government teat is the more moderate option. They can continue to do anything they please with the funds they collect elsewhere.

Valerie Curren

That makes good sense 🙂

Valerie Curren

This just popped up…

special vignette at 7:15 LOL

insightful comment there:

@Ytvzoey8 days ago
I used to be a feminist. I have a theory. Feminism preys on people who come from broken homes and then steps in as their abuser. It teaches women that if they think for themselves, or disagree with anything the leader says, that said follower will be ostracized. What led me to have one foot out the door during my feminist years was their constant criticism of Christianity. I didn’t grow up in a peaches and cream home — but God is what kept me afloat. Their narrative as “God equals abuse” was twisted, and something I would never concede to.

I officially dropped feminism by 2016 when the world went insane but openly dropped it by 2020. It took a long time to openly out myself as a non feminist. This is how cults work.

In retrospect, the common pattern I see is that these young women (likely) come from broken homes, they leave abusive childhoods, and then find a new abuser — Feminism. This was definitely my story. And I truly believe this is likely most of these women’s stories.

I feel sorry for these women. They are being misled by a group of abusive women who are extracting from their childhood pain/trauma.

This doesn’t remove responsibility and accountability. They are adults. And I had my head on straight enough to know that I wasn’t going to scream into social media with a piercing through my face and yell about men.

I actually didn’t hate men. Never have. And now I’m happily married 🙂 And very Catholic .. but that’s another story 🙂

Just my two cents. These women need … a hug … to say the least.

Last edited 3 months ago by Valerie Curren

True. Keep in mind that a straight jacket is a hug that never stops.

Read that as a metaphor for feminism commitment as well as literal.

Valerie Curren


I used to have to help hold down my autistic son for procedures. The pediatric dentist actually had what was like a velcro’d body sleeve where you’d wrap the kid up like a burrito so the arms couldn’t move & mostly just the feet could wiggle around. This way whatever needed to be done could be addressed without too much motion. I’d have the kid laying across my lap & would hold their head steady.

Ironically in Sensory Integration Therapy they actually had a procedure that they sometimes called taco or burrito where they’d roll the kid up in a thick fabric (I think for I never directly observed it) & lean their body weight down on the child. This “deep pressure” actually had a calming effect on the sensory overloaded autistic kid.

The ENT had to periodically work on my son’s ears & they didn’t have such a “sleeve” that I ever saw. I’d sit in the procedure chair, kind of like an old school dental chair, with my son on my lap. I’d wrap my legs around his & my one arm would pin his arms & torso to me. My other arm was used to strategically position his head so the doctor could access the ear. It was exhausting work as he’d yell & fight me the entire time.

A straightjacket Might have been more “merciful” in both scenarios, maybe for Both of Us LOL  😮 

Valerie Curren
Valerie Curren

A really good Dilley video.

Valerie Curren

Yes!  👍 


Intel Slava

The morning begins not only with coffee, but also with a destroyed American HIMARS MLRS, which was caught in the Gulyaipole area.×720/N0VsrlFLvKnjz1G3.mp4?tag=12


No, you are not going to get answers for all those things because government is in on the land grab and Hawaii is notoriously eaten up with criminals known as Democrats.


Democrats stole Hawaiian land before and they’ll do it again.

Valerie Curren

Fire sale   :wpds_mad: 


No doubt what happened to all those missing kids. Mr Evil chose well in having him as a fire chief.

Valerie Curren

shudder   :wpds_evil: 

Valerie Curren

More please. Nationwide.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I know you meant find more miscreants.

But more to me also means don’t just arrest the guy, try him. And if found guilty, punish him.

Last edited 3 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren
Gail Combs

Fetterman is not as out to lunch as we first thought.

Valerie Curren

IKR, wild 😉

Valerie Curren

oh my LOL

Valerie Curren

The story of Matt Gaetz’s supposedly Sex trafficking allegation is actually for more sinister than the involvement of the guy at the heart of this story.
Yes, the FIB is involved through this guy Ames who supposedly wrote the document that was used as a proof that the Proud Boys were involved with an insurrection on J6 and for which they were convicted and sentenced.

Some interesting details about the case involving former Seminole County Tax Collector Joel Greenberg—from whom the allegations against Matt Gaetz originated:

Greenberg, now serving an 11-year sentence for various public corruption crimes, facilitated part of his embezzlement scheme through Government Blockchain Systems, LLC, a company he co-founded in July 2019 with then-22-year-old Samuel Armes.

Armes had recently graduated from FSU, where he participated in a training program that included a stint in Jerusalem to learn Arabic so he could “maybe be an informant” in the Middle East. He described the program as having “groomed” him for intelligence roles with agencies like the CIA or FBI—a background he attributes to his involvement in cryptocurrency. The program aimed to prepare him to “become a member of the Feds” upon graduation, which is when he reportedly first met and became involved with Greenberg in 2018.

Shortly after, in early 2019, Greenberg hired Armes to set up a bitcoin operation at the Seminole County Tax Office—a venture that later became part of Greenberg’s legal troubles. This operation, in part, contributed to the criminal charges against Greenberg and, by extension, the allegations against Gaetz.

These allegations, originating from Greenberg—who is known for his pattern of making fraudulent claims—came as part of his bid to secure a reduced prison sentence.

Here is Armes discussing how he was “groomed” for intelligence roles before his involvement with Greenberg:

The Greenberg case, however, isn’t the only one Armes is tied to with the potential for significant political fallout, particularly targeting those in the MAGA sphere.

In the January 6 Seditious Conspiracy case against the Proud Boys, Armes was the author of what later became known as the “1776 Returns” document. Prosecutors used the document to bolster their claims of the conspiracy’s existence—despite lacking evidence that any of the defendants had ever read or even opened it.

Armes later told the January 6 committee that he drafted the document as a result of his background at USF, where he participated in numerous “wargaming exercises.” According to Armes, this training, along with inspiration from a separate August 2020 publication by the Transition Integrity Project, led him to “tinker with a Google document,” envisioning what could happen in a “worst-case scenario.”

Armes then shared the document with Erika Flores, described as an “interested friend” and “ally from the cryptocurrency world,” who then sent it to Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio.

While Armes denies any further involvement with the document after passing it to Flores—claiming she “took [his] ideas as an inspiration, and her or some group of people then turned it into ‘1776 Returns’”—Flores testified to the January 6 committee that Armes was the sole author of “1776 Returns” and had asked her to send it to Tarrio.

Neither Armes nor Flores have faced criminal charges related to January 6.


Armes has also not been charged in connection with the Greenberg case. Court documents do not explicitly name him but reference “the other individual” who, alongside Greenberg, managed the blockchain company through which part of Greenberg’s criminal activities were conducted. The documents describe this individual’s involvement as “short-lived,” ending after a September 2019 Orlando Sentinel article about Government Blockchain Systems, the entity Greenberg co-founded with Armes in July 2019.

“In response to that publicity, [Armes] was removed from the entity.”

Wonder why.


Last edited 3 months ago by eilert

Mollie Hemmingway of the Federalist has more about this story
House Gaetz Probe Relies On Witnesses DOJ Found Not Credible


A John With a History of False Sex Smears

The two witnesses have massive credibility problems. The claims arose from Joel Greenberg, “one of the most corrupt Florida politicians of all time,” according to Florida reporter Marc Caputo, who is now with the anti-Trump media outlet The Bulwark.

Among many things the former Seminole County tax collector admitted to as part of a wide-ranging case for which he is currently serving 11 years in prison was falsely accusing local political opponent Brian Beute of having sex with a minor, similar to the outlandish claim he made against Gaetz. Greenberg also reportedly later attempted to frame his own attorney with pornographic images of children. One New York Times writeup of Greenberg was headlined, “Like the Tiger King Got Elected Tax Collector.“


The lawsuit shows that Greenberg “became insistent” that Gaetz help him obtain a pardon for his various crimes. When he was repeatedly told that wouldn’t happen, Greenberg reportedly said he would seek vengeance on those who refused to help him during his time of need.

It was at this point that Greenberg began claiming without evidence that Gaetz and a variety of other Republicans and local businessmen were involved in his criminal actions, the lawsuit says. Greenberg was paying the legal bills of Gaetz’s accuser. He allegedly lied about Gaetz to “reduce his own prison sentence,” according to the lawsuit.


The DOJ decided that the people making the accusations against Gaetz had such massive credibility problems that they could in no way charge him with any crimes. All the House Ethics Committee has done is revive those same accusations from the same unreliable witnesses.

As they did with the salacious accusations contained in the Democrat-funded Russia collusion dossier and the Washington Post’s unsubstantiated report against then-federal judge Brett Kavanaugh, the people who run Washington appear not to be concerned about the validity of the accusations so much as the ability to use them to stop a political opponent.

Last edited 3 months ago by eilert

Color me unsurprised.

Valerie Curren


Go, Joe, go!!!

I hate to see them say, “so you got 12 people working with the FBI and 2 retards.” It’s not a nice way of putting it. Why not speak plainly and say “you got 14 imbeciles, 12 with a badge”?

Valerie Curren

no doubt 😉

Valerie Curren



Over 300 pages of evidence from the CDC show very clearly that vaccines cause autism and that Wakefield was right about the MMR shots
Recently, I received a treasure trove of documents from a source inside the CDC showing they knew for over 20 years that Wakefield was right: vaccines cause autism.

Steve Kirsch
Nov 17, 2024

Executive summary
“I recently received a treasure trove of electronic documents from deep inside the CDC. These documents have never been made publicly available.

The documents include voice-recordings, emails, hand-written notes, diagrams, and data.

The claim that “vaccines don’t cause autism” is simply very inconsistent with this evidence.

I am working with Trevor Fitzgibbon to pitch this to all the mainstream media so that I’m not talking to an echo chamber with this data. It is much better if we can get the blue-pilled media to red-pill their peers; it’s unlikely to happen any other way.”

(more at title link above)

Last edited 3 months ago by scott467

Hope Kirsch also sends these 200 documents to RFK Jr.

Gail Combs

If RFK Jr is not aware of Kirsch and his work by now, he has his head in the sand.


That’s a polite way to say it.  😆 


Hopefully he does not fold on this promise:

BIG NEWS: Speaker Mike Johnson Considers Recess Appointments to Push Through Trump’s Cabinet Picks Including Matt Gaetz if Senate Fails to Do Its Job | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft


Shannon Bream:

Critics argue that recess appointments undermine the Senate’s constitutional role. The Wall Street Journal editorial board called it anti-constitutional, saying it could open the door for future presidents to bypass Senate confirmations entirely. Wouldn’t this set a dangerous precedent?

Mike Johnson:

As a constitutional lawyer, I’ve always been a staunch defender of the Constitution. I’m sympathetic to these concerns. However, I’m hopeful the Senate will fulfill its constitutional duty and confirm these nominees. The hyperbole surrounding this issue is a distraction meant to stall President Trump’s agenda.


Last edited 3 months ago by eilert

Trump will keep Johnson close to the fold, so Johnson doesn’t go wobbly. Which is his character, to cave.


Johnson knows he has shelter with PDT and knows the vast majority of the GOP in the House is MAGA. They run every two years for office and the support for. PDT on the ground and in their districts is big and getting bigger. If they want re-elected they will vote to do whatever PDT wants. Easier to weed out the vermin in the House.

It is happy hunting time for RINO’s in the Senate. They have no more cover of darkness. 😀

Brave and Free

I’m thinking PDJT brought him along to the UFC fight to remind him of what an alpha male looks like and if he gets wobbly he’ll be replaced like the last speaker.


MTG at the ready to work, flushing Johnson if he caves.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Speaker Boebert!!!


“Critics argue that recess appointments undermine the Senate’s constitutional role.”


Critics are also the criminals who enable the ongoing uniparty fraud, which itself is a violation of the Constitution.

And a far greater one, with far more damaging consequences.

So in summation, I care about your concerns exactly as much as you care about the concerns of the American People.

Bye, Felicia.


Just dropping this in here —



My Maddie is a Sweetheart !!! and so smart, too !!!

pat frederick

Feisty Hayseed
November 18, 2024 1:07 am

Gotta Love it! Haitian immigrants are running from the coming Trump crackdown
Haitian immigrants flee Springfield, Ohio, in droves after Trump election win
Haitians are now coming to her to figure out how to leave.
“Some folks don’t have credit cards or access to the internet, and they want to buy a bus ticket or a plane ticket, so we help them book a flight,” she told the Guardian recently. “People are leaving.”
Koveleski, leaders in Springfield’s Haitian community, and others have relayed reports of Haitians fleeing the city of 60,000 people in recent days for fear of being rounded up and deported after Donald Trump’s victory in the 5 November presidential election.


The self-deporting has begun.

From the article:

Unofficial results from the presidential election found that Trump beat Harris by fewer than 150 votes in Springfield despite his making false claims about immigrants in the Ohio city a cornerstone of his anti-immigration election campaign.

How many of the illegals were allowed to vote?????

Last edited 3 months ago by eilert
pat frederick

isn’t THAT an interesting question?

pat frederick

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Says a man whose hold on power is now null and void – over and done.

I can’t wait to see when McConnell realizes this.

His pomposity will be deflated like a China spy balloon – and all that will be left is a putrid gas that stains his person and legacy forever.


Can’t happen soon enough.




“Yes There Will Be” – Sen. Rick Scott Claps Back After Reporter Alleges Mitch McConnell Will Not Allow Trump Recess Appointments | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) has assured the conservative base that, contrary to reports suggesting otherwise from outgoing Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, recess appointments are still very much on the table.

According to a now-deleted tweet by Jane Mayer of The New Yorker, McConnell was quoted at a Washington gathering on Sunday as saying, “There will be no recess appointments.”



pat frederick
Thank you. This confirms what Yours Truly posted on the board here last night.
Mayer has since deleted her tweet.

More sauce:


The Old Crow needs to test drive Harry Reid’s exercise equipment or SIL Tesla.

Not /s.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Put him on the first test flight of Space X’s next rocket.

(Yes they eventually work well…but only because of those test flights.)


Did Kentucky vote for Trump?

Does Kentucky have anything resembling representative government?

Is Cocaine Mitch, the drug and human trafficker, husband to Coco-Chow, CCP handler, accountable to the People of Kentucky, or to Beijing?

Asking for 4,505,836 Kentucky citizens.


Along with a few hillbillies who told the census people to ‘git out my holler’.

Gail Combs

He is NOT the Senate Majority leader. Someone needs to tell him to FUCK-OFF and keep on….

pat frederick

over 5,800 irs agents owe over $50 Million in taxes, but instead of instant firing and jail time and fines…here’s how they were treated: (70 referred to DOJ)

“Of the 70 employees who willfully failed to file tax returns, only 20 were removed after all cases were referred to the agency’s review board. However, Werfel noted that 47 employees were suspended, one faced “admonishment,” and two resigned from the agency.”

were they suspended WITH pay like the gov’t is want to do???


Another, classless lefty.

Fuck you, Elon Musk,”

says Brazil’s first lady, Janja da Silva, during the G20 Social panel.

Elon’s reply…

They will lose the next election

IIRC, They stole the Brazil election.

Last edited 3 months ago by kalbokalbs

“Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge in the field of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods.” – Albert Einstein (1953)


Via OS/2
Why are there not more operating systems?

“tl:dr There are more than often thought, and with EYG I’m responsible for building one more.”


Starship Flight 6 stacked and ready to fly Tomorrow 5pm Eastern:

Elon Musk


With Starship, humanity finally has a rocket design capable of making life multiplanetary

Chris Hadfield




I’m looking forward to the 6th test flight of Starship, the world’s largest & only reusable rocket.

Watch tomorrow 5PM Eastern:

… @SpaceXcomment image

Last edited 3 months ago by eilert


Verse of the Day for Monday, November 18, 2024

“O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.” 

Psalms 34:8 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!




Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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The law of the Lord is perfect and true;
It revives the soul – and gives life to you;
The rule of the Lord – you can trust;
It gives wisdom to the simple – a thrust!

The precepts of the Lord are right and real;
They gladden the heart – with righteous zeal;
The commands of the Lord are crystal clear;
They give songs to the voice – chords to the ear!

The Fear of the Lord is holy – abides;
Wherein – the heart – that the Spirit resides;
The decrees of the Lord are true and just;
So Fear of the Lord for all is a must!

More to be desired than the purest gold;
Sweeter than honey from the comb threefold;
For in them – the servant – finds instruction;
From precept to precept – no deduction!

Great reward comes from their very keeping;
Only He can detect error speaking;
Of hidden faults – His justice surely acquits;
From the judgment seat upon which He sits!

From presumption – we must be restrained;
From judging others – we must be retrained;
Under presumption – we make ourselves blameless;
Not cleansed from grave sin – or even shameless!

Let the spoken word of your mouth – win favor;
Let your thoughts be pure – that they He may savor;
Let your heart be of a clean – contrite nature;
Let your heart – the Holy Spirit – capture!

The Fear of the Lord – is not fear at all;
It’s His love in your heart – so answer His call;
His precepts – commands – decrees are all there;
To guide you – correct you – keep you aware!

Be prudent – be faithful – be thankful you are;
Chosen by Him – loved – and cherished by far;
The Fear of the Lord – is His awesomeness;
Give thanks – for His love – and His blessedness!

D01:  11/18/2013


Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 
#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday

Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.
#faith #god #psalms




I think we know this but worth hearing it again. They are using CPS to take kids away in the wake of the Hurricanes. 😠


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Mayorkus is the demon in charge of DHS > FEMA, also of course the invasion mastermind and had employees present at the assassination attempt site. He’s evil through and through

Gail Combs

Don’t forget this EVIL BASTARD!

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The text:

More CONFIRMED cases of Western North Carolina Hurricane Helene victims HAVING THEIR KIDS TAKEN AWAY

“I was just with a woman that they took her 3 children, and one of them is autistic. I said, where are they gonna put them? So they’re gonna separate them, put them in foster homes”

“They closed down the food pantry for us, so she couldn’t get food to people. — People are saying that the media is saying that that’s not true, that they’re not shutting down food. They didn’t shut it down. They took it over”

So FEMA shuts down places giving aid to people and then Joe Biden/ Kamala Harris Admin comes in and takes their kids when they can’t support them…


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I’ve seen somebody announce a primary attempt to oust Capito in WV, and the many NC accts I’m following about flood recovery efforts HATE Thom Tillis and their corrupt state elections. They want him OUT … as if they don’t have enough of a literal survival challenge now that winter is setting in.

Gail Combs

I hate Thom Tillis too!


You’re going to have to get in line with everyone else.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And one of our two Demagogues is up too. Can’t remember which one.

Heck Polis might try running for that seat; I believe he’s term limited as Goober.

Last edited 3 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Wolf Moon and All —
There was a question regarding the MMR “vaccines” and causing Autism.

Here is the CDC website for professionals regardi ng the MMR and MMR+V (Varicella) “vaccines”:
NOTE: This website has hyperlinks for the THREE types of “vaccines” listed below. Some of the hyperlinks will also lead to the “dumbed-down for the patient” insert / handout for the injectable.

There are THREE types of MMR (or MMR+V) “vaccines”. Varicella = Chickenpox.
One: M-M-R II by Merck;
Two: ProQuad by Merck; and,
Three: PRIORIX by GSK.

Here is the Package Insert for M-M-R II:
Yours Truly: Please read sections 11 Description; 13 Nonclinical Toxicology; and, 14.1 Clinical Efficacy.

Here are the FOUR SEPARATE FORMULA Package Inserts for ProQuad. Please look at section 11 Description through section 14 Clinical Studies for each of these.
NOTE: These “vaccine” contain traces of DNA.

Here is the Package Insert for PRIORIX, Please look through section 11 Description through section 14 Clinical Studies. In the case of PRIORIX, section 14 Clinical Studies NONE were performed for PRIORIX. The “efficacy” of this “vaccine” is based on the “efficacy” of the M-M-R II “vaccine.”

NOTE: In all the FDA URL’s above, it may be necessary to drop the “?attachment” part to access the Package Insert document.

AND, BY THE WAY: a “new vaccine” that combines a Measles/Mumps “vaccine” and a COVID-19 “vaccine” was developed last year. Funds are being raised to put this “new combined vaccine” into clinical trials. The COVID-19 virus strains in this “new combination vaccine” are the original Wuhan Hu1 strain, plus the Delta and the Omicron BA.1 variants strains. THIS “VACCINE” IS ADMINISTERED VIA NOSE DROP:

This “new combination vaccine” will put THREE TYPES of COVID-19 virus spike protein INTO YOUNG CHILDREN in addition to the Measles/Mumps “vaccine.” In other words, young children WILL be “vaccinated” against COVID-19 EVEN IF THEIR PARENTS/ GUARDIANS REFUSE — because the COVID-19 “vaccine”will be WRAPPED UP IN THE Measles/Mumps “nose drop vaccine” the child will take.

Last edited 3 months ago by PAVACA

No one is overseeing Big Pharma. I hope that ends soon.


RFK Jr, for action.

My guess is RFK Jr will stay the entire four years.

  • Lots of bad things going on and corruption.
  • Institute integrity AND focus.

If J.D. runs and wins in 2028, God willing, RFK, Jr. may be around for a full 8. He looks pretty healthy to me.


We desperately need INFORMED CONSENT laws WITH TEETH !!!


Russia reminding the USA they will be responding to latest Biden aggression.

France and England now authorizing an attack on Russia.

Hope they are ready to explain why Russia responded the way they will. Assuming of course they don’t loose complete control.


Russia will absolutely hit Germany, France, UK and IMO, US soil.

  • Targets Russia selects will be very tailored, and as surgical as possible.

I’d expect Russia will do as Iran has.

  • Warning. I’m gonna slap ya, Israel. Except, insert, Germany, France, UK and US.
  • You best STFU, or I’ll bitch slap ya.

Germany, France, UK and US can further escalate. Suffer the consequences.


More wisely, Germany, France, UK and US, grovel and thrash about over the beating they received. Then whimper as they move on.


If so, I hope they decapitate the psychopath leadership. It is the only rational move.

Anything less is just doing the psychopaths a favor, because they love to see their own people suffer.


““We will treat the use of western long range weapons systems as the joining of NATO countries into the armed conflict with Russia.The answer will be imminent and destructive.””


Good, I hope he targets the Capitol buildings, parliament buildings and any so-called ‘royal’ homes of NATO countries.

Wipe ’em out.

Save the world.

And if he wants to wipe out the Brandon entourage, the Hussein entourage, the Clinton entourage and the Bush entourage, who am I to argue or protest?


Small sampler of what you can find here.
Seems the lefties are getting froggy.

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All the product of feminism.

Let them have their fantasies, they will thrash about like the demonically possessed for a time, and wear themselves out in short order.

Last edited 3 months ago by scott467

(1) Leo The Lion on X: “🚨🚨BREAKING News: Trump has sent word to the Senate Majority Leader Thune that if the Senate doesn’t confirm AG Gaetz, he will appoint him using the Federal Vacancies Reform Act of 1998, which allows for temporary appointments for up to 210 days, with a possible 210-day” / X

BREAKING News: Trump has sent word to the Senate Majority Leader Thune that if the Senate doesn’t confirm AG Gaetz, he will appoint him using the Federal Vacancies Reform Act of 1998, which allows for temporary appointments for up to 210 days, with a possible 210-day extension. This individual would not require Senate confirmation.


🔥 How much “damage” could Gaetz do in 7 months? I think it would be considerable.


~14 months with the extension.   :wpds_wink: 

No need to wait on a non responsive Senate. LFG. A C T I O N.

Could dovetail nicely into a senate run.

Last edited 3 months ago by kalbokalbs

And Gaetz’ first investigation as AG should be into Lurch Thune.

Expel these evil traitors, straight into prison.


I think that would be waste of resources.


I’m counting on Matt being able to have the DoJ investigate more than one person at a time 👍😁


Start with disbanding DOJ-NSD.


And a recess appointment whenever the Senate goes into recess.


Catturd ™




OMG … 😂😂😂 been laughing for 5 minutes.

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Heh, twinsed 😂 younposted same time I wrote my comment 👍👍🇺🇸


Apparently, this is not from President Trump.


It’s becoming impossible to tell what’s real anymore.

Citizen Free Press:

Morning Joe and Mika reveal that they traveled to Mar Lago on Friday afternoon and met with President Trump privately.

Joe and Mika say that of course they disagree on a lot of things but they agreed to restart communications.


You can tell what’s real by going to the Trump acct on Truth Social.


Yeah, someone is adept at spoofing his Truth Social (red ckmark) acct … I would verify any screenshot of a supposed post ( this is a screenshot) by going to his TS acct to see if he actually posted it.

he also has NOT posted any announcement about fbi or kash … even tho Bannon has …

Brave and Free

Mika was charming, as usual.
BAWAHAHA what a back handed slap, perfect! 😂


Sowing a seed of divorce with that closing sentence.  😆 

A honey badger move.


well this is … interesting … filth-spewing mouthpieces Mika & Joe of MSNBC announce they went to Mar-a-Lago to meet with Trump 🤔 Trying to save their sorry asses for future grifting as MSNBC is barely treading water.

It continues to amaze me that Trump gives backstabbers an audience, but I remind myself he’s been doing it his whole life as he dealt in the construction/real estate swamps of NYC, and he almost always ends up getting more than he gives up.

i haven’t read the comments yet to see reactions to their announcement but then I don’t even know if they have a real audience.


Just announced by Steve Bannon on Bannons WarRoom that KASH PATEL will lead the FBI !!!!!!!


The cumulative effect of all the appointments:

comment image


Apparently not confirmed yet.


I’ll take Steve at his word. If nothing else, let’s spin up some leftards AND FIBees.

Oh well. It was a positive thought and likely had FIBees wetting their panties.

Last edited 3 months ago by kalbokalbs

seeing lots of support on X for this guy to head up ATF (altho also lots of support to abolish the agency). He ran for US House to unseat an incumbant in SW Texas but lost by very small margin. Not sure if the support is only Xer gun folks or if he’s on the radar for Trump appt.

Are we enjoying this part of our roller coaster ride??? I am glued to my seat to the detriment of my sleep & exercise routine !! But … history being made …


Good by me. ATF must have a gun guy. Not to mention, shitcan most if not all of ATF.


ATF is garbage. Close it down, Transfer anything of value.


When a Federal “firearms licensee” (FFL) closes down, all the 4473s are “hoovered up” by the ATF back to the dawn of time. This serves to create an illegal de facto gun registry.

When the ATF is shut down, this data should be wiped and the paper records burned.



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

G Gordon Liddy back in 1968 expressed an interest in taking that job (he was being rewarded for hard work on the Nixon campaign) but unfortunately Nixon wasn’t strong on 2A.


Putin doesn’t have to resort to nuclear weapon first off, in fact he may not have to do anything.
Don’t forget NK successfully tested a ballistic missile with intercontinental capacity recently.
They could decide to “test” another, this time with a warhead and a real life target.


LIVE WITH JULIE – 11/18/2024




Deuteronomy 31:6, 8
Isaiah 43:2
1 John 4:4
Job 22:28
Psalms 21:11
Psalms 14:6
Psalms 143:12
Psalms 54:5
Psalms 37:9
Isaiah 10:34
Deuteronomy 33:27
Proverbs 2:22
Psalms 33:10
Isaiah 54:17


You’re in the Army of the Lord and you are marching toward your victory.
God is with you and He will never leave you or fail you. God is with you everywhere you go.
The Church needs to take back their authority and rightful place on this Earth.
Stand up with the Word of God and start declaring and decreeing the plans of the enemy down.
God is spoiling the plans of the enemy. He is cutting off your enemies and removing them.
The only way you’ll be able to trust God is getting into His Word and getting to know Him.
Your enemies will try to blindside this nation with an act of war, but nothing they have planned will succeed because God is protecting this nation and His children.
This is a move of God’s Glory and His power to protect His nations.
Your enemies are becoming very desperate and will make more mistakes.
Don’t fear what your enemies are doing. Instead, take control over it by using the Word of God and your authority.
Things appear one way but are actually another way. They are not as they seem.
This is the time for the Church, for His people to rise up and for His Glory to flood this Earth.
Never surrender, don’t back down or let down your guard.
God wants to reveal Who He truly is and not a version of Him.


JGM – LIVE WITH JULIE – [18 November 2024] 


What God’s been showing us in the last several years is how to decree, declare, how to trust Him, that He’s faithful, that He will not ever fail and that He can save nations in a day. God’s been proving to us over and over again that WE CAN TRUST HIM. 

Dt 31:6, 8….Be strong, courageous and firm; fear not nor be in terror before them, for it is the Lord your God Who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. 
God’s letting us know exactly what the enemy is doing. He’s been going before us and setting up traps against our enemy making sure they’re defeated in everything and every way…everything they’re doing and trying to do against us. 

It is the Lord who goes before you. He will march with you. He will not fail you or let you go or forsake you [let there be no cowardice or flinching but] fear not, neither become broken in spirit – depressed, dismayed, and unnerved with alarm]. 

Satan’s agenda is for you to quit, stop trusting God, to be so overwhelmed and so depressed and living in such a darkness that you can’t keep trusting in God. 

…Stop looking at what you haven’t done and start looking at what you are doing. The enemy wants you to look at all your faults, what seems to be failures, all this discouragement in your life…WHY DON’T YOU LOOK AT IT THROUGH WHAT I AM SHOWING YOU IN MY WORD WHAT IS GOING TO BE YOUR FINAL OUTCOME. YOU NEED TO LOOK AT IT THROUGH MY EYES AND MY WORD ON HOW TO HANDLE A SITUATION. 

…All the tests, trials and discouragements, frustrations, life and death situations you’ve gone through…you never once have you given up hope in Me. I’ve given up hope in myself at times, but I never gave up hope in God. No matter how discouraged, He looks at all the positives…through the blood of Jesus, the blood covenant He has with us…We have to keep renewing our mind. The enemy wants us to focus on everything that’s wrong instead of everything that’s going right.





First try went into moderation, that box where one writes the email address uses light grey writing it’s practically invisible  😡 


Quite surprised that worm is still breathing.

Brave and Free

He’s like a cash register, open the drawer put money in and take money out.
Just a useful tool for TPTB.

Gail Combs

Putin needs to go after the source and NOT the Puppets. I think he is well aware of who that is and maybe he will…


Steve Bannon Retracts Statement on War Room Regarding Kash Patel’s Alleged Nomination as FBI Director

UPDATE: Bannon clarified that the information is currently unverified and acknowledged that he misspoke regarding the nomination.


Oh, Birx Admits Her Part In Fraud?


As expected.


Good, ramp up the fear, so the least dangerous criminal invaders can self-deport before inauguration day.

The defiant ones that are left can then be dealt with as harshly as necessary.

Tatonka Woman

Did Elon change the X verification check from blue…to red?


That’s not X – it’s Truth Social.

Tatonka Woman




I can think of few worse fates.

Cruise Line Offers 4-Year Trip for Americans Looking to Skip President Trump’s Second Term

Since announcing the trip, Petterson claims the company has received an “uptick” in calls inquiring about the cruise.


The crew would never survive a 4-year stint with a ship full of demonic TDS patients.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Nothing says the same crew must conduct the entire cruise.


So, in what “safe haven” would they dock to change crews? Or, just airlift them in via Helos?

Who are these people???

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Or here’s an alternative…send the cruise out, have it dock at an uninhabited island, then come in and airlift out the entire crew.

Full stop.

Last edited 3 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Gail Combs

In Drake passage of course.

comment image

Last edited 3 months ago by Gail Combs

How about we load them all up and run the ship into an iceberg?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Waste of a good ship.


Lol. Worth it.


You get a bonus internet point for insulting use of ‘patients’ in a blog comment.


Four years of norovirus outbreaks, mediocre food, bad comics and cheesy entertainment, and wall-to-wall leftist retards. Sounds like a blast.

My goodness these people are stupid.


good thread from Mike on progressives !!


Is there a thread reader?


Not yet! But, for me, clicking on first one does link to next etc. i guess all our systems work differently …

Gail Combs

Here it is via nitter & copy and paste.

Mike Lee
🧵 1. Progressives love to say “let’s keep politics out of this”

What they really mean is “let’s make sure the people have no say in this”
Nov 18, 2024 · 2:33 PM UTC

Mike Lee
2. Progressives propose insulating key decisions from politics when they want government “experts” to make decisions that are beyond the power of the people to oversee, or even impact
Mike Lee
3. This approach creates a degree of un-reviewable tyranny that would make King George III green with envy
Mike Lee
4. Progressives say we should make legislative redistricting decisions non-political 

What that really means is that they don’t want voters—through their elected lawmakers—to be responsible for making those decisions
Mike Lee
5. Progressives love the Federal Reserve Bank—a for-profit business enterprise that exercises vast, un-reviewable authority over decisions involving our economy—because it operates largely outside of politics, which is to say it’s beyond the power of the American people
Mike Lee
6. Progressives also love the fact that most federal law is now made by the unelected “experts” that we know as federal bureaucrats—even though the Constitution says that no one can make federal law but the elected lawmakers in Congress
Mike Lee
7. When you hear progressives—regardless of political party—suggesting that the core functions of policy making need to be insulated from “politics,” they’re really telling you that we, the American people, can’t be trusted to
have any impact on such things
Mike Lee
8. So when progressives tell you that, tell them to pound sand
Mike Lee
9. And then tell them to review American history and read the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution
Mike Lee
10. When it comes to federal lawmaking, the only “experts” recognized by the Constitution are those elected to Congress
Mike Lee
11. That doesn’t mean Congress consistently does the right thing; it just means that your laws should be made only by elected lawmakers who can be fire by voters through regular elections
Mike Lee
12. Elected lawmakers, having been elected to make law, should not be allowed to outsource that job to others—particularly elected bureaucrats


Mike Lee should replace Sotomayor or Kagan or even Comey-Barrett.

pat frederick

so the MAYOR of Denver doesn’t have a driver?

November 18, 2024 9:18 am

Okay so the Mayor of Denver was one of the people who basically stole a car… “… one of the customers that absconded with a vehicle was none other than Denver Mayor Mike Johnson. “We showed up and the rental car company was closed,” said Johnson. So, Johnson along with several others just walked up to cars with keys in them and drove off. “We took one we thought was for us.”
Abandonment Hertz: Customers Met By Empty Rental Desk Simply Abscond With Cars
Hertz employees left their posts hours early, which led to customers grabbing whatever keys were available.


That raises entitlement to a whole new level.



Did not go to the link. Taking the post at face value.

  • Hertz employees abandon the rental car location. (Shift over, at lunch…)
  • Hertz employees leave keys in cars.
  • Customers have reservations for Hertz cars at that location.
  • I assume cars are in slots typically used for customers to pick up their rental.

  :wpds_arrow:  Damn straight I’m driving out with a rental. Will take pictures of abandoned Hertz counter, car exterior, odometer….AND No dope at the exit checking rental agreement.

More than a decade since I rented a car.

  • National, perhaps other rental car companies used to advertise. Arrive. Pick a car and go. IIRC, usually a dope at the exit, checking contracts.

Harmeet Dhillon:

They will be stopped.

Byron York @ByronYork·

13 days after election, an extraordinary situation in Pennsylvania. Officials in Philadelphia and surrounding counties are ignoring the law, counting illegal ballots, and openly defying anyone to stop them.


As I have said from the beginning, and even before, the criminals will not stop without the use of force.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

“It’s what they do. It’s all they do.”

(from Terminator but I took the liberty of replacing “he” with “they”.)

Tatonka Woman

And does with do??

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

In the movie the Terminator’s sole purpose is to find and kill Sarah Connor. That’s all he does, and he will not stop, ever. The only “out” is to destroy the Terminator.

In this case, it’s the corrupt people in our government who are that way because that’s their lifestyle. Kick them out and they’ll just worm their way back in; they can’t live otherwise. That’s all they do.


BREAKING: The Pennsylvania Supreme Court just ordered Democrat officials in Pennsylvania to immediately halt their counting of illegal ballots, which they were doing to help Bob Casey steal the Senate seat

I did not expect the PA Justices to move so quickly, but they have.


Hope that order included, back out illegal votes tallied for Casey.

If so, Casey will fall out of the <0.5% mandatory recall.


11.18.24: QNN, Destroy the DS, WAR RUMORS, UFC massive comms, Big NEWS Week, Corruption within. PRAY!

And We Know

pat frederick

comment image


Sounds like newbs are leaking to me

pat frederick

they should be able to follow the leak back to the leaker easily enough


I have no idea whether that’s true. If it were true, then Boris could be a source for Bannon’s stating that Kash Patel will be nominated FIB director. But that is just speculation on my part.


IIRC, Boris used to spend plenty of time on War Room. Makes sense.

Get rid of leaks, wherever they are.

Gail Combs

Key word USED to.


Giving this the “side-eye” until it’s been verified.
If this IS verified, Boris needs to pack his bags and head for the door, IMO.
After signing a non-disclosure agreement.


Good. Ferret out leakers.

Gail Combs

Haven hear of/from Boris for a couple of years.


Around the 2022 midterms.

Roughly the same time Steve Cortes stabbed Trump in the back, going with Rhonda Desanctimoneous.

Not linking Boris with Cortes. Just they were commonly on War Room back then.


Lead Trump Florida Attorney Launches Surprise Forensic Voter Roll Audit for GOP Candidates Ready to Expose Voter Fraud

In a bold and strategic move, Florida attorney Peter Ticktin, a close ally of President Donald J. Trump, has unveiled a powerful forensic voter roll audit designed to uncover voter fraud and empower Republican candidates to challenge the results of contested elections.

Ticktin, a longtime Trump supporter and lead local counsel in the pivotal case Trump v. Clinton, et al., is spearheading this initiative to assist GOP candidates who suspect irregularities in their recent election outcomes.

Fighting Back Against Fraud

Ticktin and his legal team have developed sophisticated tools, combined with top-tier AI-powered skip tracing technology, to analyze voter rolls in counties across the nation. These advanced methods are specifically designed to identify ineligible voters, duplicate registrations, and other irregularities that have plagued the election system.

The findings from these audits will arm GOP candidates with inescapable evidence to challenge fraudulent results and secure their rightful victories.

“We Knew This Was Coming, and We’ve Been Preparing for It”

In a statement issued by Peter Ticktin, he emphasized the significance of this initiative:

“If there were illegal voters, we should be able to identify them and then work with your lawyers to provide a basis for challenging the incorrect results.”

Ticktin’s team has been preparing for this effort for months, recognizing the critical need to address vulnerabilities in the electoral process.

A Lifeline for GOP Candidates

Republican candidates who suspect foul play in their recent election losses are being urged to act quickly. Time is of the essence, and Ticktin’s team is standing by to collaborate with qualified experts to uncover the truth and ensure transparency.

Candidates can contact Ticktin’s office directly at (561) 232-2222 to initiate the process and begin analyzing the voter rolls in their states.


Where did [someone] say, “If you voted illegally, you’re going to jail?” …. or words to that effect …

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

62 days, 21 hours and 42 minutes until the Once and Future, Rightful President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump is restored to office.

And asskickings begin, one hopes!

Not that I’m counting, mind you.

Last edited 3 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Gold back up over 2600, 2610.90 as of this instant.

some believe the selloff is over. Only time will tell.


Steve, when would you imagine we’ll return to the gold standard? Am I being too hopeful?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I have no idea.

I can imagine two scenarios: One is to simply announce that the dollar is now tied to gold at the current price.

The other is to start over with a new dollar, tied to gold, presumably at a much lower nominal price (which would mean the new dollars are worth (say) a hundred old dollars).

But I have no idea if it will ever happen, honestly. It’s simply way too beneficial to be able to inflate the money at will.

World War I would have ended sooner, except that countries who would have run out of money to spend on the war suspended or abandoned the gold standard. The gold standard puts a lot of constraints on government which is why they hate it so much.


Not the MAGA west. Of course we are not the criminal west he is referencing.


The “West” doesn’t ‘lust for war’, NOBODY in their right mind ‘lusts for war’. Which means the people who do (infiltrated and subverted governments throughout the West) are not in their right minds.

They are psychopaths.

And they must be identified and destroyed.


Steve Kirsch has lost almost all the vision in his right eye due to that retinal hemorrhage he had a few months ago. Yours Truly suspects this occurred due to the effects of the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” that Mr. Kirsch took.
His retina specialists are suggesting that he undergo a risky operation to go in and drain the blood that is making his right eye blind.
On the other hand, Mr. Kirsch is investigating whether or not to use DMSO to dry up and eliminate the blood that is making his right eye blind.
He’s asking for opinions on this option:

The FDA / Big Pharma canned DMSO years ago. That’s because it can’t be patented (and, therefore, can’t bring in tons of $$$$ to Big Pharma.) has a good article on DMSO and how it can be used to treat many medical issues.

Last edited 3 months ago by PAVACA

Midwesterndoctor has good info. Been following for awhile now.

My pharmaceutical grade DMSO arrives soon. Purchased from Amazon. Willing to be a guinea pig subject to review of information and research. Will begin using on my lower back immediately. May try ears for tinnitus and potentially a MD affected eye once I know more.


Looking forward to thoughts you may share after giving it a go.


I just got some DMSO. 2 days ago I started getting an annoying headache, and I rubbed the DMSO into my temples and the top of my bald head. The light to moderate pain left in less than 10 seconds.

The cartilege is almost gone from both my wrists and thumbs. Yesterday my left thumb as talking to me so I rubbed some DMSO in. Again, the moderate pain left in 5-10 seconds.

Years ago I blew out my left knee, cartilege and ligament, playing football for a Navy team. It was aching this morning. I used DMSO and, again, the light to moderate pain left in 5-10 seconds and has not returned in 6 hours.

We’re all different with different pains with different causes, but, so far, the DMSO has been great for me with light to moderate pain.


I have never even heard of this DMSO stuff. Sounds like something my Mom might benefit from, just from normal aches and pains related to age.


Jump ontp There’s a lot of good info there, but I’d bet DMSO doesn’t work the same for everybody at all times. Probably better for surface pains than for deep pains.


Thank you Carl 👍

Gail Combs

Scott it has been used in horses, esp race horses for years. I forgot all about it. Horse grade is available at Tractor supply. I saw it there last week.


Suggested DMSO product? Thanks.


It’s sold on Amazon . . . pharmaceutical grade is probably your best bet.


Thanks. That is what I’m looking at.


Well, that means you’re a light-to-moderate pain in the ass.  😂 


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I scrolled up to see who it was to see if I agreed with you that it was just a joke. Fortunately, I do agree with you or I’d be making a wise ass comment here.


Great news. Thanks for sharing. Glad you have pain relief.

Brave and Free

I’ve been going to try it also for my back pain. Will be interested in your thoughts.


Anxious to try it. I have chiro monthly, but by the third week or so the back gets a bit cranky. Like Carl I had the same left knee issue from sports – ACL, meniscus, etc. The collagen supplements have helped that a bunch. Midwesterndoc show many benefits for organs and also included treating the tinnitus and eyes.

Brave and Free

Same here,
I had ACL surgery 12 yrs ago, the knee wants to slip out of place occasionally when i play pickleball so I just wear a knee brace for that. Then I ruptured a dis last year and was going to have surgery for it, but my blood work showed I was to anemic because of my HHT blood issue. So no surgery which I think was a blessing in disguise. I have back pain in the morning though. So was wondering about the DMSO for the that.
I do back stretching and strengthen daily and that’s been helpful.
Getting old is fun, not complaining though, when I see people who are younger than me who are in really bad shape.

Last edited 3 months ago by Brave and Free

Similar path without the disc issue. I have spurs on my vertebra in the lumbar area.

Had to give up racketball and bowling because of my lack of meniscus in the knee, but the joint is stable. So I just went to fitness walking and kept golfing. Now the golf is causing some discomfort. Want the DMSO to see if it will give some relief because I have two grandsons getting into the sport and I can teach them.

Gail Combs


I wanted to look into it for use on my pony with swallowing problems. After 4 cases of ‘choke’ I am afraid he has scaring.

So far we are OK from the last time.


Is there Readers Digest version, revealing the next bomb?

Two comments under the video.
Trump is only a front man. This is not HIS plan. This is an operation.Bait and switch. This is not an interview with Dr. Jan.

Last edited 3 months ago by kalbokalbs

Yea, after seeing the comments (2), meh, I’ll pass and save an hour of my life!


Whatever….. your loss.
Scroll to 54:50 and get the conclusion.
You will understand.


Scroll to 54:50 and get the conclusion.


Bait and switch?
The title is Q Documentary with Dr. Jan.
Never said it was an “Interview” with anyone.


I found it interesting!


So did I….
Or I would not have posted it. 🙂

Valerie Curren

I thought Halper-Hayes was getting the suspicious cat side eye…hmmm…

Gail Combs

She was. She CLAIMED to be MAGA and CLAIMED to be military Intel but wasn’r.

Valerie Curren

TY Gail, you Rock, per usual!

Brave and Free

RFK Jr has an alliance with Corry Booker in the quest for healthy food, this could be interesting.


I’d call it a loose affiliation. Much less than alliance.


GWP typical hyping stuff that is not there.

I frequent GWP. Unfortunate, GWP headlines do not match information they provide.

Last edited 3 months ago by kalbokalbs
Brave and Free

Yeah I agree, I was searching for the correct word to use.


From the link.

~5 minutes. Very interesting RFK Jr.

Folks with TDS ought to listen to this one.

Have never agreed with anything Cory Booker said. This one IS spot on.
>>> Bonus. Booker will help confirm RFK Jr.


Truth – yet infuriating. Their Tower of Babel must collapse and the ground salted.



A Powerful Evening Prayer for Peace and Serenity
Dear Lord,

As the day gradually transitions into the comforting embrace of night, I humbly come before you, seeking the precious gifts of peace and serenity. Please, dear God, enfold me in your tranquil presence, and help me find respite from the storms that may be raging within my heart and mind. Grant me the serenity to gracefully accept the things I cannot change and the courage to change what I can. May your divine light shine upon me as I seek rest and tranquility, knowing that your unwavering love and guidance are my constant companions.


A Powerful Evening Prayer for Strength and Guidance
Dear God,

In these twilight hours, I turn to you, my unwavering source of strength and guidance. As I reflect upon the day’s challenges and triumphs, I seek your divine intervention. Grant me the courage to face the uncertainties of tomorrow and the wisdom to make sound decisions along the way. I earnestly request that your radiant light illuminate my path through the darkness, and may your steadfast strength be my refuge in moments of doubt and weakness. Lord, help me navigate life’s complexities with unwavering faith in your unwavering presence.


A Powerful Evening Prayer for Gratitude and Thankfulness
Heavenly Father,

As I pause to contemplate the events of this day, my heart brims with profound gratitude for the countless blessings you have graciously bestowed upon me. I thank you, dear Lord, for the boundless love of my family and friends, for the opportunities that have enriched my journey, and for the valuable lessons I’ve gleaned from life’s experiences. As I lay down to rest, may my heart overflow with thankfulness, recognizing that your grace continually sustains me and that even in the challenges, your love remains unwavering.



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Hopefully they’re building a giant trebuchet, big enough to launch the criminals all the way over the Mexican border — from Oklahoma 👍😂


comment image

Leftists have a master plan to ensure that President-elect Donald Trump’s economy tanks: They are not going to buy anything.

Leftists across the country are still reeling from Trump’s historic comeback victory, which saw him sweeping all seven swing states, garnering 312 electoral votes and also winning the popular vote after making historic gains in traditionally blue areas.

There was a sizable shift in the electorate and a clear mandate for change, but some leftists ardently disagree and have a plan to tank what everyone anticipates to be a strong economy under Trump’s leadership.

“Trump will not have a good economy because we don’t have to let him. I myself plan on paying my bills and saving every penny beyond that. I will not contribute to this economy in any other way,” one leftist X account with the handle @PrezLives2022 said to 127.1K followers, previewing plans to strategically purchase clothing “before he takes office and make sure I have everything I need for the next four years.”

This individual is also pledging to refrain from eating out “unless it is an emergency that cannot be avoided.” Further, there will be no going to the movies, sporting events, “or any local attractions.”

“New furniture or household goods will wait until 2028. I’m going to install a few other search bars and avoid Google as much as possible. I will not buy a new car before 2028. I will do everything in my power to hold on to as many dollars as possible,” they continued, making it clear that they “do not care about the consequences of a poor economy.”

Another X user, @mmpadellan, boasting 1.3 million followers, previewed similar plans.

“Over the next four years, I highly suggest folks tighten their belts and spend as little as possible, except for the essentials like food, utilities, rent, etc.,” he said, adding, “After riding the coattails of President Biden’s AMAZING economy for his first six months in office, trump is going to destroy it with his dumb policies.”

What planet is he living on? Everything has gone up in price under Biden.


Pure horseshit.

This is the nonsense of hollyweird saying they are going to leave the country.

If they don’t buy, I’m good with it. Supply and demand. Lower prices.

Gail Combs

Leftists with self control???

Don’t make me laugh!

That vow will last for a couple of weeks at most.

I doubt they can even cook

Last edited 3 months ago by Gail Combs

When the car breaks down in 2025, they won’t be able to hold out until 2028 to get a new one.


Maybe a solid percentage of them will starve to death.

Gail Combs



There’s not that many of them – so it won’t have any effect whatsoever.

Bet they don’t stick with their plan anyway.


Excellent plan.

Their loading up on supplies over the next 60 days will goose the economy just enough to buy DJT time to save it.

Thanks, TDS fascists! 😂🤣😂

Brave and Free

Who would have thought the libtards are the newest preppers. 🤣🤣


Oh brutha…go for it imbecile


Go ahead, be miserable, you dumb fucks. The rest of us, me included, will spend money and have a high old time on $2 a gallon gas, cheap groceries, and good times.




This is going to backfire spectacularly… 😂🤣😂



NFL rule makers are childish, at best.

They allowed, pushed all of the woke BS, kneeling…

Thankfully I have refused to watch NFL, since ~2012..


It’s not called the No Fun League for nuthin’! 😁


They should change it to the NTL, the No Testosterone League, for simps only 🤣

I hope the fans mock the woke NTL into bankruptcy.

It’s the only way to eradicate the woke mind virus. Whatever is infected has to be destroyed, before it can be reconstituted.

Better, stronger, faster 👍😁



No Fun League going full Hitler on the Trump dance. They had no problem with all the ridiculous end zone celebrations since the 1980s, but now Fascist Woke No Fun League is going to try to stamp out every last ounce of fun that players and fans might have 😂

I hope fans boycott the No Fun League all the way to bankruptcy.

Make the NFL owners beg for mercy, and then crush them, before starting a new league without them.


Last week, Michael Saylor (MicroStrategy) bought 27,200 Bitcoin.

Today he bought 51,780 more Bitcoin. He has never sold, and says he never will sell, and last week announced that he is raising $42 billion (half in MSTR share sales, half in convertible debt) to buy more Bitcoin.

That’s a commitment to buy more than 2.5 times the dollar amount they have invested in Bitcoin now, and they already have more than anyone besides maybe the Blackrock ETF (I haven’t checked their total today).


James at InvestAnswers: “MicroStrategy has acquired 51,780 BTC for ~$4.6 billion at ~$88,627 per #bitcoin and has achieved BTC Yield of 20.4% QTD and 41.8% YTD. As of 11/17/2024, we hodl 331,200 $BTC acquired for ~$16.5 billion at ~$49,874 per bitcoin.”


MSTR also just announced a new convertible debt raise of $1.7 billion to buy more Bitcoin.

James at InvestAnswers: “Debt issuance this time. 1.75bn
They will prob close around 2.5bn when all said and done
Then turn it fast into BTC
Saylor wants to stack as much as he can as fast as he can before BTC goes above $100K.”


I don’t know how this all plays out, but however it plays out, it’s going to be big, one way or the other.

It is fascinating to see someone (Saylor) who has such strong conviction, someone who is so totally committed to his understanding and his vision, that not only will he not back down, but he is determined to keep pouring gas on the fire, until someone stops him.

He’s going for it. He’s going all the way — wherever that is.

That’s why he’s called ‘Giga Chad’ 😂

Or the modern day version of John Galt.

The money is important, but it’s not about the money. It’s about challenging the whole corrupt fiat system, forcing the issue, and going for a dagger to the heart.

And I love it.

I just love it 👍 😂 🚀 🚀 🚀

Last edited 3 months ago by scott467

Wonder how many Bitcoins the Cartels own.


Probably not many, if any.

For the same reason HamISIS pleaded with donors to stop sending them Bitcoin, because it’s right there on the blockchain for the whole world to see 😂

TCTB constantly lie, claiming Bitcoin is used for all sorts of nefarious purposes and money laundering, but Bitcoin is positively tiny compared to the trillions of U.S. fiat sloshing around the globe, and it is fiat currency that is used for money laundering and illicit activities, because it is much harder to trace cash than Bitcoin.

Politicians lie, and MSM lies, because… they’re liars!

Barb Meier

Hey everyone!! I’m moved in and slept in my own bed for the first time last night since the move. Oh ahhh… such an adventure. Today, I went to Walmart and two ladies went past me. The one in front had a fairly small thin live monkey riding in her cart.

I did not know that Walmart sold monkeys. 😂


There’s a great laugh. Monkey in the cart. Which aisle would that be? With the goldfish, I guess. Assuming they still sell goldfish.

Good to know you are settling in.

Barb Meier

I was over by the home goods, finding a couple of bath mats and new towels. It is good to see you again, Kalbo! He was mostly a black monkey with some white around his eyes, but I did not want to stare.


Wonderful belly laugh Barb, thank you.. .

I was at Wal-Mart today. First time I’ve ever been to Wal-Mart on a Monday morning…..No monkeys, but it was still a zoo!!

(Don’t over-tax yourself as you settle in…:0)


Great to have you back Barb! 👍😁

Barb Meier

Thank you, Scott! It is great to see you all again too. Litenmaus has excellent advice about not over-taxing myself as I settle in. Kitties seem to like this smaller place, all on one floor but interesting with different rooms for them to nap in. Plenty of windows and a big screened back porch that will be the most fun in spring to fall.

Valerie Curren

Glad you are Home! What a blessing 🙂  ❤  🙂

Barb Meier

Thank you, Valerie! Yes, it is so good to be farther away from DC and back in the state where I was born and raised.

Valerie Curren

AND with family & friends much closer by! Hope things continue to go wonderfully well for you!

Brave and Free

Was it one of the escapees? 😆

Last edited 3 months ago by Brave and Free
Barb Meier

  :wpds_lol:  dunno… I didn’t stop to question the little fellow.


Barb Meier
How good to see you on the board l! Wow, a live monkey in Walmart.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And it wasn’t one of the customers.

Barb Meier

I did not look those ladies in the eyes to be sure. I suspect people do stuff like that to get attention for themselves. I can’t know of course. I was reminded of a lady getting her face ripped off by her monkey years ago. She probably had done something extremely stupid.

Barb Meier

Thank you, PAVACA! I know. It is weird and I doubt most people know enough to be good monkey caregivers. Poor monkey…


Big Fani needing some Nate. Assuming Nate remains on the payroll.

BREAKING: Georgia Court of Appeals Abruptly Cancels Oral Arguments in Fani Willis Trump RICO Case Against Trump
The Georgia Court of Appeals has abruptly cancelled oral argument in the #FaniWillis Trump RICO disqualification appeal


If there is one thing Nate knows, it’s how to stay on the payroll 😂


  :wpds_chuckle:    :wpds_shutmouth:    :wpds_lol: 


Lawd I’m so tahd! How long can this go on?


Nate’s on the Willis Affirmative Action Lil Boo plan. He’ll rub her feet and fetch her a skinnytini


[DS] Prepares Their 3 Staged Plan To Stop Trump, Trump Has The Ultimate Countermeasure – Ep. 3503
 November 18, 2024  x22report

The globalists are going all out, in the UK they are planning to steal the land from the farmers. LuLa is calling for a global tax on the people. Hochul is imposing a tax to limit cars. The economy is breaking down at an accelerated rate. Trump will turn it all around. The [DS] was very quiet before the election, now we know they planned everything post election. The [DS] has prepared the 3 staged plan to stop Trump. They are prepared to bring the economy down, create chaos on Jan 6 and the 20th and start WWIII. They will now push all three as we approach Jan. Trump has the ultimate countermeasure, peace. Peace will shut it all down and allow the economy to recover,he will round up the illegals, in the end the [DS] plan will fail.

Ep 3503a – UK Confiscating Farmland, [CB] Pushing A Global Tax, DOGE Is Coming

Ep 3503b – [DS] Prepares Their 3 Staged Plan To Stop Trump, Trump Has The Ultimate Countermeasure


[CB] Pushing A Global Tax


Molon labe, fascists.

Don’t be little babies about it, don’t send your goon squad dressed up like teenage mutant ninja turtles, do it personally.

Love to meetcha.

Last edited 3 months ago by scott467

Buh-bye, Mayor Pete.

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Rachel likes being pregnant.

Sean fully enjoys helping.

  :wpds_shock:   :wpds_lol: 

Deplorable Patriot

Yeah…not really. I’m one of five, which was normal for our parish. The larger families were 7-10…one more is just another kid. My sister stayed with a family of 8, 9 the next year, when my mom had my youngest brother, and she was just another kid. Same with me. I stayed with a family with five, and I could have fit right between the two youngest.


Biggest Catholic family I know was 15 kids.

Deplorable Patriot

St. Catherine of Sienna’s parents had 25. She was number 24.


Not from me!

Deplorable Patriot

There was a family in the parish with 16. My great-great grandmother supposedly had 18. The records are in Spain.


I’d be dead if I had that many kids.

Deplorable Patriot

My great-great grandmother was about six feet tall. Wonderful woman, I understand. When family members go to Spain and take pictures of the house where my Abuella was born, the neighbors all say, “Oh, the people who lived there, they reproduced like rabbits, ” right before hugging and kissing the relatives.

Seriously. From, the 13 who lived to adulthood, there are at least 200 descendants.

Valerie Curren

That would make for some fun genealogical sleuthing!


Lol. Cute story. Rabbits…


“We’re just here to visit the ancestral warren.”


You recruit the bigger ones to take care of the smaller ones.

Deplorable Patriot

This is true, even with smaller families. I’m only seven years older than my youngest brother, and I was trusted with him a lot.


I was just talking about the physical aspect of carrying and birthing them all!


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Who knew that Japanese quail were sexually promiscuous 🤔


Maybe they weren’t until the government perverts coked ’em up!


What shall we do today? I know…let’s give cocaine to Japanese quail. It’s not something they would ever encounter in nature, but let’s just see what effect it would have on them. And we need a million dollars to do it.


So stupid.


That’s not a million dollars of real money — it’s only a million dollars of taxpayer money.

Tatonka Woman

Hunter Biden already passed that test.

Valerie Curren



Sir Belvedere:

So, if Hunter Biden reacts the same as a Japanese quail, he’s a cokehead?


Another DMSO report –

Some number of years ago, so long I forget the details, I smashed my thumb into something and it left me with a small scar and a rather sizeable lump between the last thumb joint and the fingernail. It’s been there for years and is quite tender if I bump it.

Well, about a half hour ago I really rammed it into the edge of a drawer . . . this was well beyond an “ouch”. I thought it would be good for another DMSO test. So, I put the DMSO on it and, sure enough, the pain disappeared in 5-10 seconds, and it hasn’t hurt since. Usually when I bang that lump it’s gonna hurt and ache for an hour or more.

So, another successful DMSP test!

Deplorable Patriot

Ganglion cyst?


I’ve got no idea. I used to bang myself up and just shake it off, and then forget it. So I never looked into it.


Is that the name of a punk band?

Deplorable Patriot

No. A type of cyst that contains yellowish jelly.

Valerie Curren



Benny Johnson had dinner at Mar-a-Lago recently, and DJT played “Justice for All”, a song he recorded with the J6 Prison choir 👍





I don’t know if this has been posted before
H/T Sylvia @ her blog

“When Kevin McKernan gene sequenced [a] tumor, [a] colon tumor, a few weeks ago and matched the genetic sequence to the Pfizer vaccine, it’s freaking over…He got them…There’s no question [the COVID mRNA injections are causing cancer]. Kevin proved it.”

Electrical engineer and independent investigator John Beaudoin, Sr. (@JohnBeaudoinSr
) describes for Shannon Joy (@ShannonJoyRadio) how the evidence linking Pfizer’s COVID mRNA injection to cancer is now definitive. Beaudoin specifically highlights work done by R&D lead of the Human Genome Project at MIT and Medicinal Genomics Founder Kevin McKernan (@Kevin_McKernan), which found “the genetic sequence” from Pfizer’s COVID injection in a colon tumor.

“Kevin is the one who found the simian virus 40 promoter [in the mRNA COVID-injection vials], which is a little plasmid. He found DNA contamination in the Pfizer vaccines,” Beaudoin says. “This was corroborated by Philip Buckhaults down in North Carolina and people in Canada and Europe. It is now known the SV40 is in there [the mRNA COVID-injection vials].”

For reference (from Grok), “the SV40 promoter is a DNA sequence derived from the Simian Virus 40 that enhances gene expression in eukaryotic cells by driving the transcription of genes placed under its control.” According to a Children’s Health Defense article from June 2023: “SV40 has been linked to cancer in humans, including mesotheliomas, lymphomas and cancers of the brain and bone. In 2002, The Lancet published evidence linking polio vaccines contaminated with SV40 to Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. According to the authors, the vaccine may be responsible for up to 50% of the 55,000 Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma cases diagnosed each year.”

“There are two aspects of the turbo cancer [caused by the COVID injections],” Beaudoin goes on to say. “One is the fact that the incidence rate of cancer is higher. There are more cancers in general in people, and there are more cancers in an individual person that are…being caused. But a second thing is that they’re growing much faster than they ever have. That’s different. They haven’t seen anything like this.”

Beaudoin goes on to say:

“There’s no question [the COVID mRNA injections are causing cancer]. And Kevin proved it. He gene sequenced it. It’s from the vaccine. And with the data I have…lymph node cancer is at 400% of normal in Massachusetts. That’s the biggest one. And the other big one is bone marrow cancer….But blood-forming organs or your lymph nodes and your marrow, they [get] attacked and they’re dysregulated and they’re producing wacky cells that multiply, basically.”

—————Partial transcription of clip—————-

“Kevin is the one who found the simian virus 40 promoter, which is a little plasmid. Well, he found he found DNA contamination in the Pfizer vaccines. This was corroborated by Philip Buckhaults down in North Carolina and people in Canada and Europe. It is now known the SV40 is in there. The SV40 is known to be
meaning it causes cancers.

“I also found out that it’s also, cancers in general are angiogenic, meaning they create blood vessels to feed whatever tumors created as the cancer. But there are two aspects of the turbo cancer. One is the fact that the
incidence rate of cancer is higher. There are more cancers in general in people, and there are more
cancers in an individual person that are cause being caused. But a second thing is that they’re growing much faster than they ever have. That’s that’s different. They haven’t seen anything like this.

“But you can’t grow something really fast without angiogenesis. You need a blood supply to it. It can’t just absorb the nutrients from the surrounding tissue and grow that fast. Okay. And, yes, angiogenesis occurs
in cancer anyway, but not to this rate. And I showed that
by showing, uh, it’s also occurring with lipomas, which are fatty tumors, which are benign. They’re not malignant cancers. Those are also growing really fast
and something called granulation tissue, which occurs in wound repair. So granulation tissue is growing wicked
fast, and I show a couple of really ugly pictures of,
um, tissue popping out the injection sites on both deltoids. 92 year old woman, within 5 months, those things grew, um, 4 centimeters by 1 4 centimeters around and 1 centimeter thick on the outside of her arm.
They grew out of a hole in her arms at the injection
site to these massive tumors. They’re not tumors that granulations. And they were at the injection site. Now what causes that? The SV40 is involved in angiogenesis as well as oncogenesis.

“There’s no question. And Kevin proved it. He gene sequenced it. It’s from the vaccine. And with the data I have so lymph node cancer is at 400 percent of normal in Massachusetts. That’s the biggest one. And the other big one is bone marrow cancer. So but blood forming organs or your lymph nodes and your marrow, they got attacked and they’re dysregulated and they’re producing
wacky cells that multiply, basically.”


I had not seen it before. Thanks for posting it.


Oh noes!

The elegant flying experience that makes Spirit Airlines so, uh, unique, appears to be coming to an end.

Spirit Airlines filed for bankruptcy



Deplorable Patriot

I got an earful one night about Spirit from our airline pilot friend. the words “nasty little planes” came out of his mouth.

This is not necessarily a bad thing.

Last edited 3 months ago by Deplorable Patriot

Elon’s latest launch… Simply incredible.


Here’s what Trump realy said about his meeting with Mika and Joe:

Trump spoke with Fox News Digital on Monday about the “extremely cordial” meeting he had with the MSNBC hosts.

“I received a call from Joe Scarborough requesting a meeting for him and Mika, and I agreed that it would be a good thing if such a meeting took place,” Trump said in an interview. “Many things were discussed, and I very much appreciated the fact that they wanted to have open communication … In many ways, it’s too bad that it wasn’t done long ago.

“The meeting ended in a very positive manner, and we agreed to speak in the future,” he added.


A smelly kettle, to be sure.

What’s the upside for DJT? I see none.


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