The above free vintage image of Thankfulness is courtesy of iStock and Google Images.
Health Friday is a series of posts devoted to Big Pharma, vaccines, general health, and associated topics. However, the discussion is not limited to what is presented today: It is an Open Thread.
There are Important Wolf Moon Notifications, the Rules of our late, good Wheatie, and certain caveats from Yours Truly, of which readers should be aware. They are linked here.
Today’s Health Friday post is devoted to Thankfulness. Beginning with:
Thankfulness for our gracious host, Wolf Moon, who provides The Q Tree as a haven of good cheer, encouragement, support, knowledge, and camaraderie to the online family that are denizens of this particular Tree. We are there for each other, in good times and in difficult times.
Thankfulness for the authors on this board, including our host, for their contributions and their expertise: for the Reminders of the Word of God; for the Physics lessons (Yours Truly’s eyes no longer glaze over at the mere mention of Physics or Astronomy); for the in-depth political / DeepState/ economic Analyses; for the adherence to Truth; for the Sharing of knowledge, of history, of research, of poetry; and so much more, that they bring.
Thankfulness for every commenter on this board, for their bonhomie and constancy.
Continuing with:
Thankfulness that Donald Trump, after surviving two assassination attempts, was re-elected President of the United States.
Thankfulness that there will be a chance that the corruption and deceit rampant in both houses of Congress, and in the White House, can be exposed and cleansed.
Thankfulness that breaches among individuals’ families and friends can be repaired; that our beloved country can be healed of divisiveness; that the United States of America can be restored to her rightful role as a Representative Republic, instead of as a “modern-day application” of the type of “despotic democracy” that helped to undermine, then ruin, ancient Greece.
Thankfulness that the entire truth behind the premeditated disaster of the COVID-19 itself and the COVID-19 “vaccines” can finally be brought to light; that the millions of “vaccinated” persons who are “vaccine”-injured or “vaccine”-disabled can be recognized, and their stories be told; that those who have passed away (either directly or indirectly) from the negative effects of the COVID-19 “vaccines” they took will not have died in vain; and, that Justice will be accomplished regarding those who created this virus, and those who developed these dangerous, deadly “vaccines” for worldwide use.
Thankfulness for this:

Thankfulness, above all, to the Supreme Being who is the Divine Force behind the Founding Fathers of this great land: the Founding Fathers who wrote the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the original Bill of Rights.
Peace, Good Energy, Respect: PAVACA
And thanks to you, CV, for challenging the frontiers of our knowledge.
Thank you, you are very kind.
52 days, 11 hours, 48 minutes until our Once And Future President, Rightful Holder of the Office, Donald John Trump, is restored to office.
Not that I’m counting, mind you.
And thanks for Steve’s keeping track of the countdown timer!
Wonderful open thread! THANK YOU!!!
Wolf Moon
I must Thank You.
This board has been, and continues to be, an important anchor in my life.
Happy to hear that we’re playing this role! I hope we can live up to this responsibility, and give you great fulfillment, peace and happiness!
From GAB…..
Tom Woods
Ohio governor signs law to Shield children from transgenderism
Ohio Gov. Signs Law to Shield Kids from Transgenderism
Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R) signed a bill into law preventing biological boys from using the girl’s restroom in public schools.
Link Feed
RINO’s have been known to move with the herd, the better not to get picked off by the lions.
Yup. DeWine delayed this as much as he could until after the election.
Licked his finger to check on the wind direction?
You find him duplicitous, I take it?
Oddly, this pretty much also works in reverse —
UK Cop: (shouting) It’s the wrong soid of the roade ye was droivin down, innit?
Driver: Sorry, I’m American.
UK Cop: You’re driving on the wrong side of the road.
[I’ve driven on the left in Scotland and Fiji; The Fiancee has driven on the left in England and Ireland. The Fiancee had pretty much this conversation in Ireland.]
Gab is having a sale – for Black Friday, you can get a lifetime Gab PRO membership for $350 – which is the lowest I have ever seen a life membership.
Twitter is also having excellent deals on Premium accounts – including Basic, Premium, and Premium+ (which has no ads at all). The annual deals are the best.
The only two things I must caution you about (there are lots more details you need to consider) is that you have to provide a credit card to pay, and you have to provide a phone number if you want your check-mark. AND for gift subscriptions (made from a different account), you WILL have to provide a phone number (otherwise, they get it from the credit card).
All of this is a bit too much disclosure for anybody who has dealt with entrapment..
I’m pretty sure SD sells our emails to various patriot news sites.
Amen, Pavaca! And I’m thankful for YOU for fearlessly exposing all of the evil behind the genocidal jabs.
Thank you. I do what I can.
You continue to do Amazing work, with zeal & heart–Thank YOU!
Hear, hear!!!
Yours Truly will add these to the above list in today’s post:
Thankful that there is a chance the MEDICAL TYRANNY of Big Pharma, “official government recommendations”, and Establishment Medicine can be broken once and for all.
Thankful that there is a chance the practice of Medicine can be brought back to its primary oath: “First, Do No Harm.”
YES! And in doing so, I’d love to see Trump Make American Medicine and Pharma Great Again.
With the team RFK Jr will lead, I am
hopefulconfident, American Medicine will become great again. Unfortunately, it’ll take many years.American medicine entire mindset needs recalibration. Not just quacks, but medical techs, nurses… Needs critical thinking and quit total reliance on their damn checklists. Quacks need freedom to “tailor” medical care to each patient.
Medical care systems like Blue Cross, likely a huge problem. They have no interest in true health care. Only profits. Similar to Big Pharma. Only medical care systems don’t create health problems as Big Pharma does.
Big Pharma, a much bigger problem. They are totally wedded to maximizing profits, on an accelerated schedule.
They’ll fight RFK Jr team, everyday. Big Pharma will likely improve, only because they’ll be forced to change.
My mantra to turn things around – PATIENTS FIRST. If I had to expand that, it would be DOCTORS SECOND – meaning the doctor of the patient – not some asshole on a medical board – not some administrator who has never had a patient in his or her life.
Wolf Moon
And, if I may add, not some medical school administrator who can “stifle” any “independent thinking” of a faculty member.
Throw in, not some hospital administrator who can literally stop a physician-employee from making a decision to use an “alternative treatment” or to prescribe an “off-label” use for a prescription drug for a patient who could benefit from such a decision.
Most scripts for Viagra are for off-label use. Just saying.
Pharma was never great. Pharma rejected natural medicine in favor of poison, for money, the love of which is the root of all evil. Even aspirin is a corruption of a healthy plant. Aspirin destroys the gut, but the source of it, white willow bark, isn’t harmful at all. Pharma twists God’s creation into poison.
Nothing will change my mind about this.
Correct. IMO, practically all prescription drugs are poisons.
Case in point: Paroxetine (generic for PAXIL), an antidepressant SSRI prescription drug.
There’s a reason why this drug is called “the antidepressant from H3ll” in online support chat rooms.
This is due to several factors:
One: the number of side effects of this drug RUN INTO THE HUNDREDS: http://www.drugs.com/sfx/paroextine-side-effects.html
EVERY SYSTEM of the body of the person who takes this drug is adversely affected — physical (somatic) and mental.
There are SERIOUS emotional/psychological side effects of Paroxetine, including suicidal ideation, increase of depression, and more. There is a Black Box Warning about this.
Two: It takes A LONG TIME to “taper down” the dosage and then to wean off taking this drug. Depending on the size of the original dose, it can take potentially UP TO A FULL YEAR to go through the “tapering down” and weaning off process. MANY PATIENTS DON’T COMPLETE THE PROCESS, because it can cause real havoc with the body and the mind; and wind up either staying with a smaller dose, or even going back up to their original dose (this is called “re-instatement.”)
Even assuming that a patient successfully completes the “tapering down” and weaning off process, IT TAKES TIME AFTER THAT for the patient to “re-wire” the brain — because, NO MATTER HOW SMALL THE DOSE, the brain becomes “accustomed” to Paroxetine AND to its side effects over time.
Three: There are peer-reviewed studies which show that taking Paroxetine for over a certain amount of time (in most cases, between 1 – 2 years) CAN INCREASE THE CHANCE FOR THE PATIENT TO DEVELOP DEMENTIA LATER ON.
Four: The “tapering down the dose” and the weaning off process for Paroxetine MUST be supervised by a physician — and, that physician needs to be a psychiatrist: since PCP’s aren’t usually trained in watching for the MULTITUDE of side effects of this drug and what they can do to the psyche. It is SERIOUSLY UNSAFE for a patient taking this drug to “just stop taking it.”
Important Detail the Yours Truly has learned:
Patients need to do MORE than just read the “dumbed-down for the general public” version of the side effects of ANY prescription drug they take. Patients needs to read through the ENTIRE list of side effects of the drug that is listed under “For Professionals” or “For Healthcare Professionals” section of the Package Insert for the drug; or, on the online sources that list the drug (like http://www.drugs.com/)
This stuff is just horrifying. Thanks for the info. I think no one should ever take an SSRI.
More “sauce” regarding the effects of paroxetine on the body and brain:
From the article:
I had a friend who attempted to detox from an SSRI. I don’t think it was this one, however, she was unsuccessful, and went back on it. She couldn’t take the side effects of getting off it. SAD.
Nasty, nasty stuff.
I’m sorry to hear about your friend giving up on weaning off an SSRI.
SSRI drugs “get the patient” in several ways:
Get the patient “used to” the side effects of the drug.
Get the patient’s brain “accustomed” to the drug, so that patient’s brain “craves” the next dose (“quasi-addiction.”)
Get the patient’s body and brain so “wired into” taking the SSRI that “tapering down” the dose and then weaning off the drug is VERY DIFFICULT; and may ultimately be impossible for many patients to achieve.
Yours Truly was in the middle of the “tapering down the dose” process of the already-very low dose of an SSRI that she’s been taking for almost a year, when her brother died a month ago. The psychiatrist supervising the process “paused” the “tapering down the dose” process — to make sure that the “tapering down the dose” part didn’t interact with the grief response that was hitting me. I understand their decision. However, this “pausing” has also extended the entire “tapering down the dose” and the weaning off process for the SSRI. Now, it appears that it’ll be February 2025 before the entire process is finished. And, from there, I can start the “rewire the brain” process that has to happen after the psychiatrist OKs the complete discontinuation of the SSRI.
Yours Truly can also testify that, even at an already-very low dose of an SSRI, it’s NO FUN AT ALL to be going through the “tapering down the dose” part of the process that leads to weaning off the drug.
Well, I’m very glad you are getting off of it. And I’m sorry that you had to pause; but obviously there was a big reason.
My friend said she would get “brain storms.” She couldn’t describe the effect, really, just that it was like an electrical storm inside her head. It sounded positively awful.
I recall one of Josiah’s ICU nurses post-transplant stating how incredibly difficult it was for people to stop taking Paxil. I think J’s use of P didn’t completely end until that transplant surgery, age 17, but I’m not 100% sure for there were quite a few things going on at that time & it was all pretty overwhelming…
I wouldn’t go quite so far, but I would say that they shouldn’t be distributed willy-nilly as they are today. A doctor prescribing those things should have a damned good reason, they should be monitored six ways from Sunday, and any uncontrolled side effects (e.g. school shootings) should be regarded as malpractice and create liability.
It’s been proven that depression is not caused by a “chemical imbalance” in the brain. SSRI’s are a “solution” to a non-existent problem.
Wow, my special son was on Paxil for quite some time, years I believe. It was a med that wasn’t going to survive his Liver Transplant (hard on the liver to metabolize, iirc, so he was to step down his dosage) so he was going off of it before the transplant happened. He had been on a fairly low dose of the stuff anyway, I think prescribed like 6 ml of a liquid version for a number of years so clearly less than the “therapeutic dose”. I had tended to short dose him like 2.5-3 ml anyway for when he missed a dose we could definitely tell from behavioral challenges. He was never supervised by a psychiatrist but his primary care doc was a special needs specialist, her training was Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, but she also ran one of the 3 state approved autism programs so dealt with a lot of behavioral issues of kids on the spectrum.
My son had been on some type of behavioral regulation med for most of his elementary into HS years, usually for his ADHD issues but sometimes for the depression, anxiety, & OCD that were typically components of autism spectrum issues. When he was leaving these types of meds behind, especially post-transplant, he made choices not to restart some of them once it was deemed safe to do so post-transplant. Instead he really dove deeper into his relationship with the Lord to manage his anxiety, in particular, often using scripture & worship as ways to sooth his soul
I was pretty resistant to the idea of behavioral meds for him even when under pressure from school & medical people to go that route. Eventually his primary doctor made an argument about how some of those meds would allow a child to “feel normal” & also to function better, so reluctantly I gave in. He was started on Wellbutrin & used that for more than a year, I think, but started to develop weird neurological symptoms around tongue & mouth movements. Then he was switched to Strattera but his emotional control was much diminished, for we didn’t know that Wellbutrin had than effect in addition to ADHD management. At that point Paxil was added in & his emotional control was much improved. Eventually Metadate (a form of Ritalin) was also added & then he was able to do much better academically as he slowed down & took his time to answer questions & now Much more accurately than before. It was all a confusing dance but he is taking no behavioral nor ADHD meds & doing quite well thankfully
We just had this discussion at my house. I’m still recovering. Today, it was reported that I sound better, but my breathing is louder than normal. Well, after two straight days after being indoors with the furnace running…go figure. Dad claimed I’ve gone Amish. No, I just won’t take over the counter drugs anymore.
Thinking about biting the bullet and going to sit in the salt room for a few sessions.
I like to sniff little jars of Vicks VaporRub. I don’t apply it to my body. Just a nice big sniff.
Been doing both.
I hope it helps!
I take a dab of Vicks, Place it in a cleaned out can and add some of the boiling water from my tea. I place a towel over my head and the tin making a ‘vapor room’ and breath the warm moist fumes while waiting for my tea to steep.
I set the can on a hot pad to keep it warm longer.
I bet that you’re quite a sight to see, when you’re playing Towel Tent Pole.
I really do not care as long as it gets rid of the sinus headache! Besides I am normally up at 3-4 am so no one is around to actually see.
Sounds like you practically have Hubby’s schedule. He’s up at 3:30am & leaves for work at 4 & his shift starts at 5. The Earliest he gets home is 2:15pm if no OT. He’s usually trying to get to bed around 8 on worknights…even on weekends he’s hardly still in bed at 9am.
I do that too
That would be nice. And healing.
Going Amish is not a bad thing.
Oh, Lord, hear our prayer!
Starting in the late 1800s, medicine failed. For well over 100 years now, doctors have been trained to be little more than pill-pushing quacks. We MUST get back to the basic idea that medicine isn’t meant to make one rich, but to HELP our fellow human beings.
Doctors used to be valued members of communities, who were paid with chickens (or eggs), slabs of bacon, or help fixing a fence or the roof. We were all way better off then. And the doctor’s souls were not in jeopardy of hell.
In a way this is also an idea that works against DEI in the medical field. It’s gotten so $$ driven..ooh doctors make so much money so ‘they’ want “equity” by pushing unqualfied, unethcal and downright stupid people being given medical licenses.
I want a physician who is motivated by first wanting to heal and only secondly happy that it could provide a good wage.
They figured if it will work with lawyers, it should work with doctors. Before somebody misunderstands that sentence as meaning all lawyers, go check the courses offered at a few law schools.
And see who the ‘teachers’ are and what they do in their spare time.
Good observation. I don’t know this as a fact but it seems that it may be true. Since the D’s went full commie years ago I’m sure that lawfare became one of their pillars sooo the need to cultivate hundreds of thousands of drone attys. Those that could research, write bullshit papers, etc. They wouldn’t need to be brilliant minds. They needed allegiance to the cause.
I worked in a place 30+ years ago where I was introduced to the ideas behind homeopathy, and such, and it was really poopooed quite a bit. The Rockfellers literally drummed every other sort of practice out of favor and/or existence. Chiropractic has made a decent comeback, but even that is disdained for no reason other than industrial medicine says so.
I’ve found practicing herbalists and natural healers in my family all the way back to the 1700s. It used to be common for your neighbor to practice medicine, simply learned from their grandmas and great-grandmas and so on. Now they go to school for the better part of a decade to know less and owe a fortune.
And the classes they have to go through…it’s just about all memorization.
My great-uncle was such an old school doctor. He made house calls, treated extended family members for free, got “paid” in chickens, etc. & also treated impoverished immigrant communities. When his staff said he couldn’t afford to keep operating his practice that way he squeezed in even more patients on clinic days. He also served in Italy & several Pacific Theaters during WWII. I had a vignette about him at the end of one of my old Q-Tree posts here:
Those people were awesome.
Now THAT is tricky!
Isn’t that cat supposed to be busy knocking things off the edge of the Earth?
Sitting on keyboards and knocking things off of edges compete for feline attention.
He’s on his mandatory break time.
I thought shoving a vase off a mantelpiece was mandatory breakage.
True The Vote has just published:
Securing the Future of U.S. Elections”
1. American Voter ID (AVID)
2. Clean Voter Rolls
3. Paper Ballots
4. Transparent Ballot Counting
5. Eliminate Unsupervised Drop Boxes
6. Limit Mail Ballots
7. National Voter Info Campaign
8. Equal Access to Election Data
9. Federal Election Standards
10. Foster Election Innovation
Also find Thread on Thread Reader:
Direct access to the document:
My Comment:
Only One day of voting and No Voting Season.
This is implicitly implied by 9. above, but must explicitly be stated as one of the top priorities.
Other points like 5 imply they’re good with early voting and dropping ballots off at dropboxes. So I suspect they’d actually disagree with your comment.
Point 5 is also problematic. The “supervisors” must be monitored by a livestream, IMO.
I have personally observed drop box cheating by supervisors.
Several years ago, I used a supervised drop box at a board of elections to return a secure absentee ballot (requested, not “mail-out”) directly. I observed the personnel, who were likely union Demmunists, pulling some kind of switcheroo with my ballot, where they pulled a “magic trick” to drop my ballot into a bucket, and a different ballot replaced it, and went into the drop box. Very sneaky. My ballot eventually went into the system (they have tracking) – but not immediately.
The «right to try» must also include a «right to fail», that is, if the attempt happened to fail for reasons of not being conductive to election integrity, it should be possible to abandon it, with no penalties or loss of prestige.
Any consideration of whether it is profitable or efficient should not affect this decision — a profitable, efficient and wrong approach must still fail because it is wrong.
From worries about scope creep, and noting that money always talk.
Everything you are saying is exactly how “Operation Warp Speed” was captured, reversed, and destroyed by Pfizer and Bad Pharma. OWS was supposed to find the best and safest vaccines from many, by a shotgun approach. That would have worked, if Trump and Navarro had actually been in charge, instead of Fauci, Birx and Pence. Instead, Operation Warp Speed was turned into “you must take mRNA developed by Pfizer and Moderna.”
So yes – Demmunists, Bidenazis, Neocons, and assorted DS creeps can turn any honest thing into an evil travesty.
Wolf Moon
This MUST be written in letters 12 feet high.
So that NOBODY can try to “blame” Donald Trump (as POTUS45.)
It was Anthony Fauci — Francis Collins — Deborah Birx — who, IMO, were the “keep the information away from POTUS45” triumvirate. Pence, IMO, was following what they fed to him (and he likely had his own “axe to grind” regarding POTUS45, to boot.)
Disgusting that Pence might have had an ‘axe to grind’ when it was DJT who put him in the position of second highest position in the land. Plus he could have declined the position when offered if he didn’t want to play behind Trump.
Then he could have remained as king of the cowardly governors class, for capitulating to the queer mafia.
Pence and his Chiefs of staff WERE TRAITORS and complicit in MURDER.
Above is one. Ivan Raiklin mentions the other SOB. It is very much a FOLLOW THE WIVES. IIRC the wife worked with Peter Strzok.
Read Dr Navarro’s book In Trump Time.
This is Dr Navarro’s interaction with Pence’s Covid Task Force detailed in his book: In Trump Time: A Journal of America’s Plague Year
Pence’s chief of staff was Marc Short. Short came under fire for
I don’t know if I agree with making voting day a National holiday, or not. On the one hand, it makes it easier to vote. On the other hand, voting should be valuable enough to us to make it worth taking some effort to do it.
This is what “Black Friday” really means.
I find the use of “Black Friday” Christmas shopping so cynical.
In the past “Back Friday” referred to the stock market crashes in 1929 and 1987, when it wiped out the wealth of millions of investors.
It is actually ” IN the black Friday” meaning profit (black) as opposed to loss (red) The Friday after Thanksgiving is actually @ 65% of annual sales for some companies, before Biden at least.
I think the Stock market crashes were black Mondays,
Details schmetails.
At which point it becomes Black To The Future, so to speak
Or how about Black oLives Matter …
Black Labs Matter, too
Was just getting ready for you to describe.
Lol, too true!
Getting Ready for Jan 20 2025
All I can hear when watching the above:
From OT.
“Happy Thanksgiving to all, including to the Radical Left Lunatics…”
The mean tweets are my favorite ones!

Trump LOVES to tweak the radicals.
If Trump could hear me, he’d hear this.
We Want More Tweaking Radical Leftist Loons.
Tweak leftist loons.
Keep tweaking leftist loons.
When you get to the sign on the fence that says “No tweaking leftist loons past this point” dream the impossible dream; jump the fence and keep tweaking leftist loons–forever.
By the way, they aren’t kidding —
Both in Dorset, England — near Wool.
Having a city named “Wool” feels kinda sketchy, too!
Don’t pull the Wool over our eyes!
This term comes from the custom of wearing a wool wig in the British legal system (where UK judges and barristers still do). It alludes to the slippage of the wig of a judge, who is temporarily blinded by a clever lawyer.
It was used by street thieves to disorient their victims while robbing them. The size of the wig corresponded to the wealth of the wig wearer thus attracting thieves who could be sure a man’s money purse contained substantial sums.
“It was used by street thieves to disorient their victims while robbing them. The size of the wig corresponded to the wealth of the wig wearer thus attracting thieves who could be sure a man’s money purse contained substantial sums.”
The wig-wearers, educated and rich as they were, carrying their purses, weren’t smart enough to think of removing their big honkin’ wigs when they went hooker shopping in the bad part of town?
THIS, is a keeper.
Example: PDJT stands and awaits Ben Carson at a debate off stage so Ben won’t be “shown up.”
I vividly remember that. I consider that one of POTUS Trump’s best moments.
Probably instinctual.
But I bet he also realized that it would have no downside.
Noblesse oblige is typically only felt by those who are noble.
Dang it.
There goes the Joy out of irritating libtards.
Good news. Libtards are s l o w learners.
November 29, 2024 12:34 am
Here’s something for President Trump’s Transportation and FAA managers to work on: Security, so that people can’t stow away on planes.
November 4, 2023: “A Russian man tailgated an unsuspecting passenger through security at a Denmark airport before he boarded a US-bound flight without a passport or ticket the next day, prosecutors said.” ( https://nypost.com/2024/01/27/news/russian-man-sergey-ochigava-found-guilty-of-being-a-stowaway-to-lax/ )
November 26, 2024: “A stowaway evaded multiple airport security checkpoints and flew aboard a Delta Airlines flight from New York to Paris Tuesday evening, authorities said – a shocking breach that raised serious alarm over airport security.” ( https://www.cnn.com/2024/11/27/travel/stowaway-delta-newyork-paris-intl-hnk/index.html )
This is a security issue.
So why in H do we have Grope-N-Fly?
Trump trolling D-Rats…
~36 seconds.
Hanging just below, but found one that shouldn’t cause the above to duplicate… lets see
That one is great!
Lowes this morning.
Dude. Nice hat.
Me. Thanks, I’m still gloating.
Dude: I’ll be gloating for years.
Totally roasts Kakala…
Holy Smokes: Democrat mega-donor John Morgan RIPS Kamala campaign staff after they blamed the ‘media’ for loss:
“Barron Trump is a lot smarter than everybody in the Harris Campaign.“
“Barron Trump — who looks like a runway model — was telling his father you need to go on podcasts, you need to go on Joe Rogan.”
“They progressives areound her said they didn’t want to go on Joe Rogan. Look, if I’m running, I’m going on Joe Rogan…that’s how you change minds”
“They lost badly — she should go away and never, ever come back.”
Watched that interview when it was on. Dude also thought the cadaver known as Brandon was a good POTUS. Typical, “I am out and an Independent now” post election losing Democrat. It was OK to steal the election and appoint a guy he supported, but when his party’s candidate did not win he is out.
Nah. He will be back supporting the next scum bucket the Dems trot out – just not Harris.
Glad to see they are eating their own.
Well said. This dude is all about winning by any means necessary.
Bottom line – IMO – Trump nailed all his adversaries by one brilliant move at the debate with Brandon.
The CIA-DS-MSM-DNC tricksters plotted to silence Trump’s mike, but not completely. They counted on Trump to behave just like prior debates, and I’m sure they tested the system – verified that it would make Trump sound weak, whiny, and hostile. It would make Trump look like a LOSER – not presidential. People would not be able to actually hear what Trump said, while Biden stopping, grinning, and saying nothing but calm comebacks, would have taken focus off his weaknesses.
Unexpectedly, Trump kept his mouth shut while Brandon was talking. Trump waited for the muting to turn off, and the cameras to go back on him. It was a brilliant move. Brandon rambled, floundered and showed his senility in spades. Trump looked capable and stable in comparison. Trump waited for the full mike and camera to deliver the death blows.
It was obvious. Brandon was nursing home material. Trump was vastly superior.
This sent the Dems into a panic. They all looked to Obama for guidance – their next mistake. Obama’s radical plan depended on Kamala Harris, but she was never supposed to win an election. Trump had created an opening to a Democrat vulnerability, and the Dems stepped right into a trap of their own making.
The Dems counted on a repeat of 2020. For all the reasons we know, that strategy failed. Between X, Trump’s brilliant team, and even Barron Trump, the Dems were outmatched. The right united, brought in the disaffected sane and center left, and Kamala was overwhelmed.
And here we are!
They literally fell for the character that POTUS Trump was playing. They never caught on that he was ACTING and that was NOT the real Trump.
He’s a political weather vane.
Or maybe a political whether vain…
OH, … a wise guy eh?
Ambulance chaser, need we say more? His commercials are very annoying.
Barron looks like a young Roman emperor.
Some even say Alexander the Great.

Yes. I can see it, too.
Elon Musk
I was discussing consciousness & video games with Barron
10:34 PM · Nov 28, 2024
Maye Musk
They were talking all night. Barron is very smart.
Elon Musk
Nov 28
I was discussing consciousness & video games with Barron
Replying to @AutismCapital
And mostly, the tallest one wins the presidency.
Unless one is in a wheelchair [see FDR] even if that fact was concealed as much as possible.
There’s always an exception.
That’s true!
Check out this video of Trump with Barron as a kid!
““They progressives areound her said they didn’t want to go on Joe Rogan. Look, if I’m running, I’m going on Joe Rogan…that’s how you change minds””
She couldn’t have gone on Joe Rogan. If she had, the whole campaign would have been over the same day.
Can you imagine trying to get away with saying word-salad nothing for THREE HOURS with Joe Rogan?
He would have destroyed her… or she would have had to start speaking normal English and answering direct questions, which… would have destroyed her…
Yes. We would have either seen “real Kamala” or “super-fake Kamala” – and either one was destined to lose.
I am spending more time on twitter and enjoying it a lot.
I BLOCK any “parody” or “commentary” posters using the names of MAGA heros. There are many. It became quickly apparent that these posters hope to trick people into thinking they were the acual persons (for instance, Barron Trump). IOW, dishonest frauds.
Good move!
Thank you, Pavaca! We have so much to be thankful about!
Thank you. We do.
You are very kind.
Thank you, you are very kind.
John Campbell is familiar to us for his honest, dispassionate analysis of covid data.
Here he is discussing a recent interest of his, the Shroud of Turin. At the end of the video, he almost sheepishly wonders if the Shroud was intended as a message to our times. Before that, he reviews some of the data relevant to understanding what the Shroud is.
IMO the Shroud beyond a reasonable doubt is the burial cloth of the crucified Christ. Again IMO the Shroud captures the moment of the Resurrection, when Jesus comes to life. There are a number of videos describing the underlying physics of the process, at least one of which asserts that the Shroud captures the movement of Jesus at the moment of Resurrection (multiple “stuttering” images of His hands).
I was for many years an agnostic, meaning I had an open mind on questions far beyond my comprehension (or the comprehension of any human being, IMO).
Like many, many people, I contemplated the thousands of questions related to belief, from epistemology to the existence of miracles etc etc.
What “solved” the problem for me was a novel named The Master and Margarita, written in the 1920’s (IIRC) by a Russian, but not published until the 60’s because of implied anti-communism. It was an enjoyable book, not the greatest, humorous and interesting.
Toward the beginning of the book, the character in charge of all Soviet literature is talking to a poet who has submitted a long poem on Christ, mocking Him and mocking people who believe in Him. The guy in charge berates the poet for the submission because the poet has not engaged the subject correctly. The poet wrote of Jesus as if he had actually existed, but was foolishly misinterpreted by relgious fanatics and gullible idiots who created a ridiculous religion based on those delusions.
The guy in charge of all Soviet literature berates the poet for treating Jesus as if He were an actual living person. The official Soviet position was that Jesus had not lived at all, but was a total fictional character based on other fictional religious characters. The reason? It was too dangerous to posit Jesus as an actual historical figure given all the circumstances. There was too much evidence about Jesus to risk regarding Him as an historical figure. Better to eliminate that possibility, and treat Him as a fiction.
The idea entered into my thinking, and I had an enlightenment. First, did Jesus actually exist as an historical figure. Second, if He were real, what was He (or could we know what He was)?
No point in going through the process, but I concluded that Jesus actually was an historic person, and that He was what Christians believed He was. That is when God truly opened my mind, after an exercise of free will. It was the sort of process which is regarded as dangerous by communists etc.
The Shroud had nothing to do with the process. But in retrospect, the Shroud could have been essential to the process. The Shroud provides irrefutable corroboration of both steps of the process.
Thinking about the implications of the Shroud leads a person to see the revolutionary prospects of Its existence.
Thanks for sharing.
There are many paths to the acceptance of the sacrifice of the blood of Christ for our salvation. I have witnessed it through movement of the soul, tradition, knowledge, history, and so on. Ultimately, it is a step in faith one must take to receive the gift no matter the path one takes to arrive at the destination.
You may already know of these, but for significant historical references…
They were not believers in the deity of Christ, so had no reason to acknowledge even his existence if he was myth. Yet, these prominent historians, one Hebrew and one Roman, did just that.
There are many other less prominent mentions and references from historical statements of others from those days.. Some of Lee Strobel’s books deep dive with accounts from theologians and historians that deal with that and many other questions.
Verse of the Day for Friday, November 29, 2024
“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?”
Mark 8:36 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
From my Father – I came – born of woman;
Who conceived by the Spirit – for all man;
God so loved the world He sent forth His Son;
Through His Spirit – rose the Begotten One!
Be Consoled My Love – He came forth to save;
If you are lost – you must try to be brave;
Come to Me – I am gentle – humble of heart;
I’ve loved you long before – love did start!
I have chosen you – as one of My own;
You’ll never be lonely – or ever alone;
Ask Me – and I will – be with you always;
I will not leave you – for My Love – it stays!
If you love Me – follow Me – read My Word;
Let your heart be on fire – get yourself stirred;
Love one another – as I have loved you;
Forgive him his debt – I’ll forgive yours, too!
Be Consoled My Love – and fear not evil;
Be not afraid – but rather – be gleeful;
If Our Father tests you – be thankful for trial;
He’s testing your faithfulness – all the while!
His love is unconditional – and true;
He will forgive your sins – and forgive you;
His Spirit will convict – correct outright;
Whenever you confess – repent upright!
No matter what you’ve done – or sin commit;
He’ll relieve that guilt – if you – simply admit;
Repent – tell Him you’re sorry – on your knees;
You’ll be filled with His Grace – of guilt He frees!
Be Consoled My Love – be faithful and true;
Be kind to each other – as I have asked you;
Do all you can – to serve and be fruitful;
Above and beyond – be ever truthful!
Don’t be discouraged – feelings are not facts;
Nothing that comes from God – are merely acts;
His love is everlasting – meant to endure;
Without Him we’re nothing – that is for sure!
Whenever you feel – there is no hope at all;
Be not disturbed – simply – give Him a call;
Knock and it shall be – opened unto you;
Be Consoled My Love – whatever you do!
LBM: 12/06/2013
Thank You Duchess!
Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing
#psalm91 #psalms #prayer
Pray Everyday
Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.
#faith #god #psalms

Tim Pool
Holy shit
I just realized why so many liberals stopped posting and seem to have disappeared.
Trump already put them into the crystals
12:06 PM · Nov 28, 2024
And here I thought it had something to do with Superman II.
My first thought was that this was a case of borrowed imagination from Superman and General Zod and cohorts. The question is who borrowed from whom; Superman or Warcraft?
Well a quick check says Superman II was released in 1982, and Warcraft was released in 1994. So I guess that makes Superman the idea’s ancestor.
That’s what I thought too LOL
Old SatanoDEMONRATS never die, they just Geode…
No relation to Geoduck, I presume.
I saw someone speculate today that the real reason why the Demoncrats are so quiet, and why there were no riots, social media trolls, etc., was that Kamala blew all the money, so they couldn’t pay them anymore.
Which actually makes perfect sense.
WOW. That actually does make sense!
It only makes sense that she’d blow all the money.
Blowing is all she knows how to do.
I kept trying to rhyme with Hog until I realized Boar LOL
Lol. Got her where she is today.
November 29, 2024 1:19 pm
Next Wednesday, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in U.S. v. Skrmetti.
11.29.24: Amazing THANKSGIVING, Zuckerberg with Trump? Threats everywhere, Rothschild death? PRAY!
And We Know
Odd. Really.
Col Davis 3hrs ago…
This ties in with a comment on Telegram, which when I read it earlier today without any other back up, just seemed like an opinion…
1. NATO is already deploying training centers in Ukraine, through which it is supposed to drag at least a million mobilized Ukrainians
2. To solve its problems, the West will go to the actual occupation of Ukraine under the guise of deploying peacekeepers.
3. The West plans to introduce 100 000 so-called peacekeepers to Ukraine.”
The best Ukraine Russia US video I’ve listened to.
Not an interview.
SUPERB recap, review of the past three years.
S O B E R I N G reality. USG SCKS. Brainless. Reckless. Criminal. .
Okay, but the Col is wrong about the pain Russia suffered when Ukraine counter attacked. That was a screen Ukraine pushed out of the way and they were never able to do damage to Russia’s center of gravity which was in the East. It was nothing more than an annoyance and had no lasting power after it’s initial push through empty lands. If it was as damaging as the Col said, they’d of slammed into the Russians down in the east but they stopped well short of that knowing they had no power beyond their initial push of lightly armed force. Continuing he’s fine.
Agree. That part was overstated, as it was in Pravda News.
It is a matter of time until Putin reaches out and bitch smacks Ukraine. Likely US and UK assets in Ukraine.
Perhaps in time for Sunday talk show hand wringing.
Bitch slapping is already underway. IMO.
Whatever the globo-homo motherWEFers are protecting in Ukraine is getting increasingly difficult to hide.
Ukraine is meaningless to western security, and not a single country in NATO has any national interest worth starting WWIII over, so…
Why are they doing all this?
It’s like committing the national resources of all of Western civilization, to defend a sand lot on the other side of the world.
What is the justification, for any of it?
That’s the missing thing, and whatever it is, they can’t say it or talk about it, because if they could, they would have said it a long time ago, and used whatever ‘it’ is as the justification, instead of just trying to ‘think past the sale’.
It is a global drug and human trafficking hub?
Is it a global money laundering hub?
What are TCTB doing in Ukraine that is so important to start WWIII over it?
Where’s the beef?
Apple advertisement for kalbo —
Since they no longer need a prescription, anyone can make and sell them.
(Note that this is not an endorsement — most of Apple is wildly overpriced. It’s a proof-of-concept.)
Neil Oliver interviews Ed Dowd. Really fascinating discussion.
Awesome, fascinating, excellent!
Very important point – the Overton Window on COVID/VAX has shifted to catch up to Michael Yeadon (ex-Pfizer VP).
Peace and Tranquility Prayers
Prayer for a Calm Heart
Lord of Peace, as evening falls, I seek the calmness only You can provide. Quell the storms of my mind and replace anxiety with Your peace. As the world quiets down, let my heart do the same. May Your presence envelop me so that I may know tranquility tonight and always. Amen.
Serenity at Day’s End
Heavenly Father, with the closing of this day, I ask for serenity. As the night sky displays its vast beauty, let my soul mirror its peacefulness. Help me to let go of the worries of the day and trust in Your loving care. May Your peace reign in my heart and home tonight. Amen.
Prayer for Restful Stillness
Dear God, in the stillness of this evening, I come to You seeking rest for my soul. Help me to lay down the burdens I’ve carried today and find comfort in Your arms. Grant me peace that passes understanding and a rest that restores my spirit. May my sleep be undisturbed and my dreams be sweet. Amen.
Nighttime Whisper for Peace
Creator of All, as I listen to the night’s gentle whisper, I ask for peace to settle over me. Let Your tranquility wash away the noise of the day. In this quiet hour, I lean on Your promise of peace, a heavenly balm to my weary soul. Keep me in perfect peace as I keep my mind stayed on You. Amen.
Prayer for Gentle Rest
Omnipotent and Gentle Lord, at the end of this day, I seek the gentle rest that You so lovingly provide. May my mind be at ease, my body relax, and my spirit find harmony. Help me to release every concern into Your capable hands and sleep in the assurance of Your protection and peace. Amen.
Another DEI coming to a closer.
Too damn funny….Baby Castro groveling.
Canadian PM Justin Trudeau visits Trump at Mar-a-Lago amid steep tariff threats: report
The best part about this entire Trump operation is that he can forever truthfully say that he did nothing – they just decided to do the right thing.
hahaha Baby Castro!
That was quick, Trudope’s globo-homo puppet-masters must be panicked
Or maybe, Castreauti…
Some timely info for Scott, via Insty —
Here’s what we know …
Nothing. But goldurnit we got lotsa speculations.
Have to watch out for those half-asteroids, though…..
“Again, there’s the chicken and egg problem of having a power source that is large enough to perform these processes, but building it would require the material that would require the power source.”
Seems pretty straightforward, if the component parts for manufacturing can be lifted into orbit, and I don’t know why they wouldn’t be.
We already have a space station, so build a manufacturing station the same way.
Save a lot by sending the whole Tesla rocket into space, then use the booster section as a pre-fab hull of the space station. That way you’re not hauling cargo, the rocket itself is the cargo. Multiple rockets for multiple hull sections, put it together like a giant Tinker Toy in space.
Have rotating sections of the station to create artificial gravity. Just like the models my Uncle built when he was a kid, and that I used to look at when I was a kid, in his old bedroom at my Grandma’s house.
The models were similar to these, except much more detailed, he must have had at least 15 of them:

Save the rocket engines to be used for space ships built in space, after the space station and ore processing stations are complete.
Use industrial scale 3-D printers to print all the parts you need to build out the space station, and then the ore processing station, along with the power sources for the space station and ore station.
Whatever can’t be built on site gets sent up with the next Tesla rocket. Nothing goes to waste, everything that goes up gets used.
Use Tesla’s Optimus robots, rigged with miniature rocket thrusters for zero-gravity movement, to do the assembly work outside the station. They should be far more agile than an astronaut in a space suit, and no tether would be necessary.
“The company plans to launch its next mission, a rendezvous with near-Earth asteroids, to try to tell if they’re ‘metallic’ in January.”
If the asteroid is metallic in January, it should be metallic all year round
Not all asteroids are metallic. Not by a long shot.
We had a good day – ! I was worried and anxious about many things when I woke this morning, but the fog is clearing. Then, before lunch, I spent time in the chapel – just reminding myself Who GOD IS – the Great I AM – just being quiet and still. As I walk around the hospital, I have been praising and thanking GOD, singing hymns, speaking Bible Verses…it really helps! I’ve met so many sweet Christian people, every age and ethnicity – !
Yesterday and today, I talked with several hospice groups and a palliative care nurse practitioner. Also talked with her insurance agent in the county seat where the Village is – he assured me that hospice care will be covered.
She’s off morphine and taking Tylenol with codeine – so much more alert. Her digestive system has kicked back into gear after being NPO. She’s feeling better – I can tell because she was grumpy again. If she’s doing as well as today, she may be going home tomorrow!
Interesting incident – when she was in the hospital last time, she didn’t like the blue foam bed cushions they supplied for her legs and the Physical Therapists said they liked the yellow ones better, but we never got them. So today, I went downstairs to the orthopedic floor to ask if we could buy a pair of the yellow ones. They said we would have to get an order from a doctor, and they looked on her chart – and lo and behold there WAS AN ORDER by a doctor we never saw or heard his name. They said we would have to get a sticker from the nurse for the cushions, and we did. They are very comfortable and she’s using them now! Maybe a divine intervention?
We are going to take it day by day – I’ll prepare my house for the time if she is bedridden. I’m going to order the alternative cancer therapies – which are also vaccine detox and virus treatment.
So – things are ironing out and HE – OUR WONDERFUL LORD GOD – is making our way plain, smooth, straight – Psalm 5:8 – https://biblehub.com/psalms/5-8.htm
Such good news.
This one made me smile.
What a difference a day makes.
Thank you so much for the update, so heartening! Saying Bible verses out loud is such a good thing to do.
Wonderful to hear that you’re going to try the alternative cancer therapies / “vaccine” detox and virus treatment.
Sending much Good Energy, Deep Courage, and Deep Wisdom to you.
What wonderful news!
Remind Sally that new therapies may be just around the corner. For example, my doctor when I was a teen (In the 1960s) used a cure for rheumatoid arthritis that she got out of country. Despite her going to bat to get this medicine OKed, FDA would not even allow trials! We have no idea what stuff has been hidden by Big Pharma that may now be released.
Right To Try. <<< May come into play.
You sound much calmer and better! I am very glad.
And I do think God is paving your road. He is so good that way. Especially when we let go and trust that He will.
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!

Wonderful report. The Great Physician is on the case!!! Praise the Lord!
My brother passed away a month ago.
I’ve been re-reading my notes for the Health Friday post a couple of weeks ago regarding the role of N1-Methylpseudouridine in the COVID-19 ‘vaccines.”
IMO, this damned combo of “fake Uridine + methane derivative” is at the root of the increasing number of scientific reports being published about COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons coming down with “first-onset psychosis.” Natural Uridine is an incredibly important “mood regulator”, as it interacts between the gut and the brain (the “gut-brain axis”, also called the Vagus Nerve. There’s tons of peer-reviewed stuff on this.)
N1-Methylpseudouridine basically wipes out (replaces) the natural Uridine in the COVID-19 “vaccinated” person’s body. IMO, the effects of this can be immediate, or over time. In my brother’s case, I believe it was after he took his 4th (or, perhaps, 5th) COVID-19 “vaccination” last Thanksgiving that the incremental damage to the emotional / psychological balance of the “gut-brain axis” in his body started becoming more than what his body could cope with. So, the “first-onset” of the “change in mental status” for him was the result of his three years’ of taking COVID-19 “vaccine” shots.
Coming to this conclusion in no way erases the pain and grief over his loss. If anything, it is more motivation for me to ensure that his death (which I firmly believe was indirectly caused by the COVID-19 “vaccines” he took) will not have been in vain.
EVERY TIME I read a phrase like “I believe it was after he took his 4th (or, perhaps, 5th) COVID-19 “vaccination”” I am taken completely aback that people do that.
It is absolutely counter to EVERY known thing about vaccination. They “got us” by calling the stupid flu shot a “vaccine,” which it is not, either.
But the very idea that one would take four or five shots in three years to “vaccinate” against something is just unthinkable. I can’t understand it. And some people have taken MORE than five!
Yesterday, Ram Forum, Old Fart (Senior Thread), five or six old farts bragging about getting all of their Jabs this week, last week, scheduled next week. Latest Covid Jabs, Flu, RSV, Pneumonia. “High Fiving each other on their proactive health care I guess.
KalboKalbs, also know as Slow Guy, post follows.
Celebrating Jab free, four years plus.
Jab happy mania, baffles this here Slow Guy.
Embrace America. Freedom To Choose.
Happy Thanksgiving folks.
Thanks to this post, we now have some new emoticons/stickers available!
I will include our prior custom emoticon for completeness!
I am spacing the colons out on the left, and letting them join to convert the text to GIFs on the right side of the equations.
: toldyaso : =
: insane : =
: cheers : =
: pepper : =
: banana2 : =
: banana-mario : =
SO – just type COLONwhateverCOLON – meaning no spaces, like :something: – and post the comment to see them. Only :something: that has been stored by me will work.
No clue if This will work
: loveJesus :
: cheers :
In case your colon hint goes beyond the above items
edit: guess not & I thought the “cheers” one would at least, hmmm
You have to remove the spaces to make it work. We don’t have a loveJesus emoji saved, but if you have one, just copy and paste it into a post. Then I can load it into our system.
Here is : cheers : with the spaces removed
Here is : loveJesus : right now with the spaces removed
It’s just crazy. People are completely brainwashed.
Drink the Kruel-Aid…
Big Fani gonna need some Nate time, assuming Nate is on the payroll.
BREAKING: The Georgia Supreme Court has DISMISSED Fani Willis’ case against President Trump.
Thank God!
Now, get Fani Willis disbarred.
And for Trump to go after Fani, James and Jack to recover Trump’s legal expenses.
You bet. Go for the “whole enchilada.”
A great first step. There are dozens more that should get the same reward.
Excited Lobbyists Line Up Outside Capitol For Doorbuster Deals On Congressmen
If you want a real-life example of delusion, here’s your link:
Saw a headline like that one earlier today.
Zelensky listens to delusional UK/US advisors far too much.
To this day, I remain surprised Zelensky is able to breath.
Maybe Putin will give Zelensky a reality check.
Honor Minsk, De-Nazify and No to NATO have always been Russia’s stance for peace. If Ukraine had acceded to those three so so so simple things there would have never of been a war and his country would not be in rubble today.
Now here’s Zelensky saying he’d accept peace if it was allowed into NATO as a precondition to peace. The story goes on to say
Sorry but anyone should know that war is simply an extension of “Diplomacy”. So what we have here is classic double speak, with a clear promise of resuming the war as soon as possible and resuming it in such away that would guarantee WWIII. Clearly delusional. He’d be better off asking for Ice Water in Hell as that is clearly where he wishes to go and take the rest of the world with him.
Honor Minsk, De-Nazify and No to NATO…AND Russia keep territory they’ve taken.
To the victor, goes the spoils. Or whatever the saying is.
Tesla’s robot, Optimus, is catching tennis balls now.
The speed of development keeps accelerating because of AI, and because Tesla either already has, or soon will have, the biggest AI computer in the world. It’s modular, so they just keep adding on to the compute power:
Seems like the least they could do is give him a Yul Brenner mask and a cowboy hat.
Lemme know when it starts catching bowling balls.
Or bowling a perfect 300.
Then pick up an, 8 – 10 split.
or a 7-10.
But it wouldn’t be creating those splits in the first place if it is doing its job right.
Yea. That’s what I meant.
Whereas I excel at creating 7-10 splits and do not excel at dealing with them (I’m lucky to hit one pin much less both).
Looking forward to Tesla’s robotic hand, play the guitar, piano…
Cracking up. Video literally just mentioned guitar, piano…
Edit. Fascinating, listening to Elon.
Forget the cowboy hat — needs a MAGA cap!
What’s the probability Musk is talking to PDJT to use robots as away to reduce federal government employees?
They wouldn’t even have to be all that sophisticated — just sit there and sometimes twitch randomly, and who’d be able to detect the substitution?
No they have to uselessly process paper and/or tell some guy trying to start a business that no he isn’t allowed to actually metabolize while running his business.
So yes it’s still a bit too complex.
[DS] Preparing Multiple Surprises, Putin Warns Trump, Trump Is Saving The Best For Last – Ep. 3512
November 29, 2024 x22report
First it was John Kerry calling for a climate emergency, now the IMF calls for carbon restrictions. 11 State Attorneys sue, BlackRock, Vanguard and others. Personal savings has been revised lower. Inflation is heating up again. Putin signs a law recognizing Bitcoin. Trump talks to Dimon using backchannels. The [DS] knew they could not beat Trump in the election because they were too big to rig, so they moved their plan and surprises to after the election. Putin warns Trump that the [DS] might try to assassinate him once again. Once Trump gets into the WH, the tables are going to turn and the hunted will become the hunters. Trump is saving the best for last.
Ep 3512a – Putin Signs Law Recognizing Bitcoin, Trump Uses Backchannels To Talk To Dimon, Game Over
Ep 3512b – [DS] Preparing Multiple Surprises, Putin Warns Trump, Trump Is Saving The Best For Last
Adjusting my tin foil hat.
When I heard those short video clips of Putin, saying he doesn’t think Trump is safe. I thought…
What Does Putin Know.
Putin putting USSS, FIB, IC on notice?
Has Putin back channeled information to Trump, for Trump’s personal safety.
1) A lot
2) Yes
3) No doubt about it in my opinion
We have seen Putin/Russia do this before. Many times our idgits ignore it because they or some of their cronies are involved in it. They just state that we cannot trust Putin or Russia.
We know why now.
That Putin video came across as a “mic drop” moment. IMO.
This is just ridiculous. In a FIRST WORLD country like Canada, malnutrition is causing friggin’ SCURVY!
“A disease often thought to only affect 18th century sailors is reemerging in Canada.
Earlier this week, doctors identified 27 cases of scurvy caused by prolonged and severe vitamin C deficiency in northern Saskatchewan. Experts say the confirmed diagnoses highlight a broader issue with poverty and food insecurity in rural and remote communities across the country.
“Vitamin C comes from lots of different food sources, but if you don’t get those food sources, the body can’t do what it needs to do,” said Dr. Jeff Irvine, a physician researcher with Northern Medical Services in La Ronge, Sask.”
The damned world economy is SO BAD that people are getting scurvy in Canada. The fresh vegetables and fruit costs SO MUCH that people can’t buy them.
Hopefully Canada will trash spawn of Fidel. He needs to be drawn and quartered.
Then start taking care of its citizens.
Justin Twinkle Socks has been a disaster for Canada.
It is shocking what has been and is going on in Canada, UK, Australia, and New Zealand.
Nor am I giving the US a pass. So much totally FUBAR stuff has been and is still going on.
Trump is going to enter office guns a blazing unfucking FUBAR stuff in America.
Thank God!
Super-sad, because pine needle teas (rich in Vitamin C) would solve the problem – and that knowledge is now GONE. Northern Saskatchewan has quite an abundance of pine trees, too.
Russia, Canada, and (not to be left out) Alaska have huge swaths of land that are nothing but pine forest. Though the pines look very scraggly to me, on account of their climate. But little else will grow in that belt.
Happy that something grows!
What I found shocking is that temps in northern Saskatchewan can get up over 100 degrees in the summer. WOW. But in the dead of winter, it can go for over a month with highs below zero Fahrenheit. Also WOW.
This is what is called a “continental climate” far from the moderating influence of the ocean. Less moisture and extreme temperature variation over the course of the year. The stereotype is places like Montana and Wyoming though Colorado has it to some extent (we’re a bit warmer–except up in the mountains). And inland Alaska. though it won’t tend to get that hot there.
Pine needle tea, rose hip tea or jam, tomatoes (easy to grow), kale, Brussels sprouts, peppers, black currants, broccoli, strawberries, and potatoes. ALL of these would grow in a Canadian yard.
Relax and enjoy. ht DP.
All That Jazz…
ht Cooth
Memes, memes, and more memes.
How to become a pirate real quick
2 replies
I just recoil at the thought of that…
I sure hope she didn’t actually fire that… geesh… not even good to pose like that, because it could give someone the wrong idea/technique…
Matt Wallace
Nov 28
Charlize Theron decided to adopt two black boys and turn them both transgender. Shockingly, it isn’t going so well!
Saturday never went into the can. I finished at 12:02 Eastern time (after giving one topic short shrift) and went directly to publish.
Then I realized I had left an entire section out. Fast, fast, covering THAT.
Hope to read it after getting some sleep…