This Rejoice & Praise God Sunday Open Thread, with full respect to those who worship God on the Sabbath, is a place to reaffirm our worship of our Creator, our Father, our King Eternal.
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On this day and every day –
God is in Control
. . . and His Grace is Sufficient, so . . .
Keep Looking Up
Hopefully, every Sunday, we can find something here that will build us up a little . . . give us a smile . . . and add some joy or peace, very much needed in all our lives.
“This day is holy to the Lord your God;
do not mourn nor weep.” . . .
“Go your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet,
and send portions to those for whom nothing is prepared;
for this day is holy to our Lord.
Do not sorrow,
for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”
Faith and Hope
Faith and hope are distinct yet related. That there is a difference between faith and hope is evident in 1 Corinthians 13:13, “Now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” Two of the three greatest gifts are faith and hope, listed separately. That faith and hope are related concepts is seen in Hebrews 11:1, “Faith is confidence in what we hope for.”
Faith is a complete trust or confidence in something. Faith involves intellectual assent to a set of facts and trust in those facts. For example, we have faith in Jesus Christ. This means we completely trust Jesus for our eternal destiny. We give intellectual assent to the facts of His substitutionary death and bodily resurrection, and we then trust in His death and resurrection for our salvation.
Biblical hope is built on faith. Hope is the earnest anticipation that comes with believing something good. Hope is a confident expectation that naturally stems from faith. Hope is a peaceful assurance that something that hasn’t happened yet will indeed happen. Hope must involve something that is as yet unseen: “Hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have?” (Romans 8:24). Jesus’ return is our “blessed hope” (Titus 2:13)—we can’t see Him yet, but we know He’s coming, and we anticipate that event with joy.
Jesus said He is coming again (John 14:3). By faith, we trust Jesus’ words, and that leads to hope that we will one day be with Him forever. Jesus was resurrected from the dead, “the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep” (1 Corinthians 15:20). That is the basis for our faith. Then we have Jesus’ promise: “Because I live, you also will live” (John 14:19). That is the basis of our hope.
The relationship between faith and hope can be illustrated in the joy a child feels when his father tells him they are going to an amusement park tomorrow. The child believes that he will go to the amusement park, based on his father’s word—that is faith. At the same time, that belief within the child kindles an irrepressible joy—that is hope. The child’s natural trust in his father’s promise is the faith; the child’s squeals of delight and jumping in place are the expressions of the hope.
Faith and hope are complementary. Faith is grounded in the reality of the past; hope is looking to the reality of the future. Without faith, there is no hope, and without hope there is no true faith. Christians are people of faith and hope. We have “the hope of eternal life, which God, who does not lie, promised before the beginning of time” (Titus 1:2).
FIFTY days, 11 hours, 19 minutes until our Once and Future President, Donald John Trump, is restored to his rightful office.
Not that I’m counting, mind you.
Thanks for the continuing non-counting countdowns; they are an encouragement!
Both our faith and our hope in Trump’s third term are demonstrated! These may be lesser things than our faith and hope regarding Christ, but they’re real nonetheless!
maybetter be lesser things than our faith and hope regarding Christ” a slight improvement, in my mind, to your hopeful thought 😉Ah, yes. In our cases, surely. The argument is being mayed in such a way as to still potentially be true to those like Steve who may [COUGH] not accept other parts of the comparison! Your mayage may vary! 😉
Of course 🙂 didn’t want to inflate DJT to Messiah status 😉 😉 LOL
“Swamp Messiah” is still a lesser thing, by my reckoning! 😂
Genius!!! LOL
I think the music for “Swamp Messiah” goes something like this —
We seem to have a swapped around date, 12012024 instead of 20241201. I know you did it the other way last week.
Wolf may need to tweak something too.
Thanks. Got it.
No, thank you for years of holding down Sunday open threads.
I was able to flip the numerals in the URL. DONE.
AOC might run for president in 2028. 🙄
Kakula’s tic-tac-toe neck is a cat scratch loss 😂
How could anyone think the unserious AOC w/ That Voice could ever be in the big chair…but then Hildabeast & Kommie la la paved the way for feminIdiocracy 😮
AOC is so low-IQ she makes a toddler seem wise.
That mini AOC girl was more on the ball than actual AOC…just wow!
Lol, yeah she was!
She was Great!
She makes a Lego block look smart. Sandy, as she was known in college, has the metal aquity of a thumbtack, and is as deep a thimble
I think you may be giving thimbles a bad name!
AOV vs JD Vance? LMAO. JD just needs to ask her if we can still land on the Sun….at night. Seriously, this would be a slaughter.
Already putting a guarantee on J.D. ’28! I like it!
He’ll be catching the master’s mantle after learning at the feet of Gamaliel 😉
They will maintain that they fear Kash is going to weaponize the agency. Only they’ll call it “politicizing”
It should be a weapon…against ACTUAL CRIMINALS.
EXACTLY–isn’t that it’s purpose?
THAT is what we elected Trump to do, to PROSECUTE the prosecutors. They had their thumbs on the scales of justice. time to put BALANCE back. It MUST be done, and done SO severely that no one will EVER DARE use lawfare against the US public again.
Let THEM eat cake.
They already did, I say SO. Time for the shoe to be on the OTHER foot. Leet them stew, and FEAR. I can only HOPE that Patel does 50% of the evil the Cabal did to us to the Cabal.
“Patel does 50% of the evil the Cabal did to us to the Cabal.” He needs to stay within the bounds of constitutional law & bring crushingly swift justice ASAP
So in other words, they’re going to do what they always do, which is to project their own conduct on their enemies.
Got it.
Just like the illegal alien operatives. Those on the payroll will get out so they can continue their criminal activities outside the borders and hope for a return of the lawless to the white house.
Is it just me? I don’t think Kash’s skin tone is that dark, almost like somebody electronically played with the photo.
i thought so too
l smell FEAR, and, they SHOULD BE AFRAID after all that they did against the American people. The right people are apoplectic. GOOD.
Good, innocent FBI agents (and I’m including many diehard Dems) just need to sit tight. They will be in the power seats within the next 2 years, as the politicized operatives flee.
I will bet that, within the FBI, many are thanking the Lord that justice is almost here.
Well who were they thinking he was going to appoint, Pete Buttiedge-edge?
And if there are mass resignations, that just proves that the FIB has been totally:
1) politicized – they would have no reason to quit if they weren’t aligned with the radical Left
2) corrupt – they would have no reason to quit if they had nothing to hide
3) racist – what, they don’t want a black man to head the FIB?
4) hypocritical (for pretending they’re not a bunch of political, corrupt, fascist racists)
He’s not black or even very dark.
People been playing with photoshop.
“He’s not black or even very dark.”
He is a Melanin Lotto Winner by every Leftist measure, both on and off the books. Full and complete privileges and protected class status 👍
I thought Indians (sub-continent) were considered Caucasian…
It depends. The northern Indians are generally considered such (they are the “Indo” in “Indo-European”), however the ones in the south are “Dravidians”–the population that was there before the Indo-Aryans arrived, and a totally different language family–and they, as far as I know, aren’t.
Do these two groups look appreciably different?
My middle son’s fiancée is of Indian extraction by way of the Caribbean & Guyana & both she & her parents are quite dark skinned but their features are “white” fwiw. I think that she perceives herself as a POC & my son as “white” so thinks of their relationship as mixed race, or at least mixed ethnicity. They share a common foundational faith which is the glue 🙂
The best thing to do is to go search for “Dravidian People” or “Tamil people” or “Kannadinga people” or “Malayam People” (those are major Dravidian ethnicities). You’ll see a variety of skin colors, running from very dark to light, and you can assess the features. I’m not going to try to draw any conclusions because I suspect I’ll just end up saying something ignorant.
Eh, they all look alike to me.
No tentacles, no wings…..
I suppose I could just ask her, or my son, for the discussion is fairly academic at this point. Bottom line with our families is that we are all Brothers & Sisters in Christ so from one big happy family LOL
Technically speaking, Caucasians are from the Caucasus — .
True that, but it’s an old-fashioned term for “white.”
There have been recent papers suggesting that the Caucasus area was a prime spot for interbreeding between Neanderthals and modern humans. I found this particularly amusing in conjunction with “Caucasian” being “white”.
It doesn’t help that red hair is probably a Neanderthal trait.
And just to add to the confusion is the fact that we have Dmanisi Man, a subgrouping of Homo ergaster. However they have nothing to do with Homo sapiens (either Neanderthal or “us”).
(Most people insist on sticking a vowel between the D and the m, but they shouldn’t. On the other hand Georgian loves to torture others with consonant clusters.)
The Denisovans were another group similar to Neanderthals and I think we ended up with some of their DNA too…but they were FAR away from the Caucasus, closer to the Altai.
The Caucasus is a fascinating area in a lot of ways. I remember listening to a radio program where a bunch of “researchers” (students who needed academic credit for travel) were schlepping around the hills collecting samples of apples and pears, because that’s where they first evolved.
One asks the botanist leading the trek, “there’s something odd about the groundcover on this hill, but I can’t figure it out.” The botanist casually responded, “it’s arugula.” So, yes, there is a place where the weeds are arugula and the native trees are apples.
It’s also where Noah’s Ark was supposed to have landed after The Flood.
Mount Ararat, Turkey?
By the way, I’m about 2/3 through Stand on Zanzibar, which I think was your recommendation. A very interesting read. He was fairly prescient in a number of ways. Unfortunately this book is due tomorrow so I hope the lending library will extend the loan as I doubt it’s in high demand given its publication date. It’s a fairly busy time (B-days & holidays) to try to read something as hiccuppy as the disjointed aspects of that tale 😉
Oh, good!
I hope you’re enjoying it!
I am. It’s different & quirky, but then so am I!
I hope TPTB give you that extension — the way that different, quirky, disjointed, and hiccuppy beast comes together at the end is a wild ride.
If they don’t I’ll just request it again but it seems silly to send it back to the original lender to have them turn around to loan it out through my local library again…we’ll see 🙂
Did you read The Hunting of the Snark?
Not that I recall…
Would you like me to just tell you the link, so as to enhance your reading of SoZ? The Hunting of the Snark will still be worth reading afterward.
probably later as I already have a bajillion tabs open…
Oh, I meant just tell you (in a comment here) what the link between the two works is.
Yes & then I’d open it in a tab & it would get lost among All the other stuff I keep Hoping to read! 😉
OK go for it!
In THotS, there is a running gag where a character says, “Just the place for a Snark! I have said it thrice: / What I tell you three times is true.”
Later, another character says,
“‘Tis the note of the Jubjub! Keep count, I entreat; / You will find I have told it you twice. / Tis the song of the Jubjub! The proof is complete, / If only I’ve stated it thrice.”
It seems, much like the MSM in our world today, that one can say anything in the Snark universe, no matter how nonsensical, three times and it must be taken as truth.
In SoZ, there comes a time when a super-secret high-level security passcode is necessary. After a bit of drama, the passcode is revealed to be “I tell you three times.”
Mind you, this is edited quite a bit so as to minimize spoilers — and reading the full THotS might assist you to understand the weird jumpy structure of SoZ.
It should also be noted that Lewis Carroll, the author, was the public face of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson — a mathematician and constructor of logical puzzles.
I do love logic puzzles 🙂
The Greater Caucasus forms the border between Russia and Georgia/Azerbaijan. The Lesser Caucasus is further south and that’s where Ararat is.
The Russians call Georgia/Armenia/Azerbaijan the “Trans-Caucasus,” i.e., the other side of the Caucasus mountains, because they are thinking of the Greater Caucasus. The Greater Caucasus is also traditionally part of the border between Europe and Asia, making Armenia/Georgia/Azerbaijan Asian countries.
In the early 1920s there was a Transcaucasian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic before it got broken up into the Georgian, Armenian and Azerbaijani SSRs. In Russian the name was: Закавказская Социалистическая Федеративная Советская Республика, and that first word transliterates to “Zakavkazskaya”
I always wondered how Europe & Asia were defined as separate continents since they shared such a huge land mass. Oh & how Iceland was part of Europe when it seemed geographically closer to North America, though clearly ethnically closer to Europe, Vikings perhaps?
That Europe-Asia border is essentially arbitrary.
The Ural mountains–a not very impressive range–is most of the border. (Yekaterinburg and Chelyabinks are near those mountains.) Then there’s the Ural River (formerly the Yaik) and the Caspian Sea. They are also the dividing line between European Russia and Siberia. There’s even a marker on the Trans-Siberian railway marking the line.
In earlier ages, it was the Volga river, before Russia expanded past it (Ivan IV (the Terrible) conquering Kazan).
Many geographers simply give up and call the whole thing “Eurasia” though obviously there’s a big cultural divide. Zoologists note that the boundary between European animals and Asian animals is quite far east of the Urals, so to them the line is deep inside of Siberia.
Since geography is as much about people as it is the lay of the land, Iceland is considered European. From a geological standpoint, the western part of Iceland (including Reykjavik) is actually on the North American plate and part of North America. The rift zone actually runs through Iceland, and it’s possible to scuba dive in the rift and put one hand on each continent.
[As a total aside, the region we call Siberia is divided by Russians into “Sibir” and the “Russian Far East” around Lake Baikal. There was actually a “khanate of Siberia” that was conquered by eager-beaver Russians during the time of Ivan IV, though he had no idea they were doing it at the time. Once the Khanate was gone, Russia had little difficulty sweeping across the whole area…it just took time, because it’s very hard to travel there.]
Always fascinating your takes on such things. TY for expounding! I’m guessing that plate rift in Iceland is where there is that long valley with, I think, a river at the bottom, but very steep, straight walls of the canyons. Also given the plates meeting there that is (likely) why there is all that volcanic activity.
Is Hawaii also located on a rift between continental plates?
Hawaii is not even remotely close to a plate boundary. It’s about as far away as you can get from such a thing. It’s dead center in the northern part of the Pacific plate.
Hawaii is a “hot spot” and if you look at the map showing the ocean floor, you can see it’s at the end of a LONG chain of sea mounts with an “elbow” northwest of Hawaii. The line runs north south past the elbow.
The Pacific plate traveled north over the hot spot then at some point tens of millions of years ago shifted to traveling northwest. (I read somewhere that this happened about the same time India collided with Asia.) As it moves, the hot spot generates new volcanoes. The old ones go extinct and get eroded until they no longer appear above the ocean surface. In fact a new volcano is forming SE of the Big Island; it’s still well below the surface of the ocean though. Mauna Kea on the Big Island is already extinct, though Mauna Loa is not.
There are a couple of dozen of these hot spots, and many hot spots end up being on plate boundaries. (I suspect they help create continental rifts–I’ve never quite heard a geologist say that. I know one who specializes in this exact thing; I should ask him some day.) But the Hawaiian hot spot simply isn’t under a continent, so there’s nothing for it to help rift.
Endlessly fascinating. Pacific Ring of Fire is heavily volcanic too, iirc. Is that like Hawaii & mostly hot spots, or like Iceland, a hybrid, or something else entirely?
The Ring of Fire is plate boundaries…but a different kind.
Iceland is on a mid oceanic ridge where plate crust is being created and the plates are spreading apart (carrying North America and Europe further apart, about as fast as fingernails grow). Well, something else has to disappear for that to work (or the planet blows up like a balloon), and what happens on the other side of the world is the Pacific plate which has almost no land on it, gets shoved under the other plates as they move towards it. So you get those deep trenches there…these are called subduction zones, and there’s generally volcanos a bit inland from those trenches. That’s the ring of fire. Also, subduction zones get the absolute worst earthquakes, often over a 9 on the Richter Scale (Chile and Alaska in the 1960s, Fukushima, etc.)
In California the fault doesn’t spread or subduct, rather the two pieces slide past each other…not very smoothly, hence earthquakes. The Pacific Northwest, on the other hand, is a subduction zone and it’s overdue for a Big One. A really Big One.
TY Steve, very interesting per usual. I would guess that some of those mountains in the PNW would be volcanic, beyond Mount Saint Helens, then?
Oh, LOTS of them.
Mount Hood. Mount Rainier. Mount Shasta. There’s a cluster called the three sisters.
One time flying into Portland, I could look out the window and it was almost as if I could reach out and touch Mt. Hood. But then my eye followed the line southward. Big mountain, another big mountain far off, another one beyond that…a chain of volcanoes.
And Crater Lake was formed when a volcano blew itself to bits about 7000 years ago; the mountain has retroactively been given the name Mt. Mazama. [Edit: the date of 5783 BCE is given for Mt. Mazama. I hadn’t realized they had pinpointed it that precisely.]
(You’ll want to right click on this and open in a new tab:)
The Juan de Fuca Plate is wedged so far under the North American Plate that its far edge is near Yellowstone.
There is some speculation that it’s actually connected to the Cocos plate off the coast of Mexico, and that there is a mid oceanic ridge running under the Western US. Which would explain the Colorado Rockies; magma still upwells through the ridge even though it’s buried. (And Yellowstone would be a hot spot on that buried mid-oceanic ridge.)
I don’t know how seriously geologists take that notion; it might be no more than a “just so” story.
Sounds like Some of this is actually theoretical & speculative…hmmm
Plate tectonics explains so much and changes your perception to the point where you can’t unsee it.
It is simply amazing that it was only recognized recently.
That said, there are still little blips, burps, and blarps around the edges that could be one thing or another. But the fundamental understanding is pretty bulletproof.
Geology would literally make no sense without it.
TY Steve, never having been to the PNW this really helps 🙂
The only reason the PNW has a range there is because of the subduction zone.
Just as a slight clarification on subduction zones….
Ocean bottoms are primarily basalt, where mountains on land are often granite. The average density of basalt is 2.9 g/cm3, compared, for example, to granite’s typical density of 2.7 g/cm3. Despite our normal experience, then, granite tends to “float” on basalt when they come together.
Thus, it is quite common for oceanic plates to dive under continental plates when they meet — and, in such cases, the volcanoes are inland from the subduction trenches.
Sometimes, however, two undersea basalt plates will come together and form a trench, but there is no “inland” where the volcanoes would appear. Instead, you might have a chain of volcanic islands near the edge of the upper plate.
Possibly the most famous example is the Marianas Islands, which are on the western side of the Marianas Trench. The two plates are the Marianas Plate (west) and Pacific Plate (east).
Japan technically would qualify too. And the windward Caribbean islands.
They tend to be arc shapes for reasons I won’t get into here.
Philippines seem arc shaped too…
Again, you’ll want to right click and open new tab on this:
Red lines are divergent boundaries (rifts). Blue lines are subduction lines. Not sure what orange means.
That would be consistent with my rather limited knowledge of the topic.
I did try to check the San Andreas but things are just too packed together there.
we happily take Spock’s guesses over other’s “known” facts LOL
I looked again at high res. The San Andreas is orange, so yes now I am sure orange means strike/slip
Oh, and the Himalaya and Tibetan plateau are what happen when two continental masses collide. They both go up. Without looking it up, I suspect that the Indian continental rock is sliding at least partially under the Asian rock, forcing the Tibetan Plateau upwards
True 🙂
“I thought Indians (sub-continent) were considered Caucasian…”
I have no idea what they are considered, or by whom.
I only know that in the crazy world of the hateful, racist, lunatic fascist Left that even one drop of melanin beyond what a white person has qualifies as a Melanin Lotto Winner.
The unhinged lunatic Left considered Commola, a Jamaican-Indian, as ‘black’, and if a Jamaican-Indian is black, then a real India Indian is black too.
Just look at that doctored photo, if he was any blacker, we wouldn’t even be able to see him.
That’s how it works in the crazy identity politics world of preferred treatment, special privileges, protected class & grievance.
Just ask Lie-awatha Fauxahantus. Being only 1,024th (or something similar) American Indian, she was entitled to all the benefits of being an American Indian, just because she had high cheekbones (I’ve seen them, they’re not that high) and a story from her Grandma.
Kash Patel is 100% Indian (India Indian).
He doesn’t even need to drag his cheekbones into it.
I seriously doubt Kash will be playing any theoretical race card the grievance industry will grant him, especially since he is conservative so likely less than 3/5 of a person in their twisted eyes!
Right, I wasn’t suggesting Kash Patel played the grievance game, I was just pointing out that from a Leftist perspective, colored is colored.
They are so Raycisssss!!!
His family is from India (by way of East Africa; the Brits imported a lot of Indians to East Africa).
But “India” is really a mish-mash of ethnic groups. It’s like saying someone is “European.” And in India the ethnic groups fall into two main categories, only very distantly related to each other, the ones in the north tend to be Indo-European (the Indo Aryan subfamily to be specific; it’s of the same rank in the family tree as the Balto-Slavic languages or the combination of Celtic/Germanic/Italic) while those in the south are Dravidian. Dravidians tend to have darker skin, and their languages are at most very distantly related to Indo-European languages. They were probably the “original” population of India before the Indo-Europeans (called Aryans but Hitler managed to abuse that term to the point where now it brings mental images that don’t match reality) moved in.
I put “original” in quotes because there are apparently remnants of groups that were around before the Dravidians, they are collectively called the “Adivasi”
Kash Patel is Gujarati, which is one of the Indo-European ethnicities, from Western India. Apparently there are about 70 million Gujaratis world wide, the vast majority in India, with smaller groups in Pakistan and the United States. (We’re the third biggest Gujarati nation, with double the Gujarati population of the UK which is number four. And if Patel is any indication, we are better off for it.)
Maybe if they ask nice the new DOJ can look into it as they look into where all the Ukraine money went since it will be the same place and no I don’t mean Ukraine.
Is he going after his former friends? What’s he know that he doesn’t want everyone else to know, is this a distraction?
Scrambling to protect his rear?
It was predicted the DemonRats would eat their own. Remember they are mainly psychopaths and have no real loyalty to others.
Criminals do what criminals do and that includes you, Carnival Barker.
Well, we can now be certain James Carville didn’t get any of it!
Cajun be rajun
That guy is such a nut.
Yep 😉
I still remember when he made his comment about dragging a hundred dollar bill through a trailer park you never know what you’ll find…he was trying to say you could find any white trash woman who’d allege an affair with Bill Klinton.
A CLASSIC editorial cartoon showed up with that line at the top, and a hundred dollar bill being dragged past a trailer on a fishhook. And two word bubbles from the trailer…one a voice saying “Bill why did you stop?” and the other saying “I think I just smelled a campaign donation going by.”
Serpenthead getting his old feisty self back. 😆
Uhhh, I do NOT think ol James has thought this through. PSST, ACT BLUE James. You do NOT want to REALLY know where that money went, OR where it CAME from.
On second thought, audit away, I’ll get my popcorn. 😎
He’s practicing his lines. “I’m shocked – SHOCKED, I SAY – that Act Blue was engaged in
gamblingsmurfing!”Great question… we’re all on the same team now, lizard head 👍😂
Never heard of this guy. I take it as a sign that there’s lots of ‘personnel mining’ going on inside the transition team. This is good.
It means he is NOT one of the good ol boys/ THIS is great, and VERY bad for the Cartels.
It might also give Az back to the People instead of the compromised fraudulently elected leadership.
THAT’s why yesterday was so slow. You weren’t there at all.
Someone had to oversee the Turkey Day festivities… 🦃😆
They wiped you out thru Saturday apparently. Anyhow, I hope you read the post.
I plan to do so, thanks.
Dem’s fightin’ words.
A lot of those will be going around…
As I predicted. For the most part BRICS will cave on that one except for a back-up system of currency facilitation to avoid sanctions should a future idgit inherit the white house and use that as their weapon of choice.
There would be no reason for a country to ‘cave’ if the USA doesn’t have the ability to domestically replace the product(s) that we now import from that country.
The fastest way to create a public outcry against DJT would be to artificially create a shortage by putting tariffs on a country for refusing to ‘cave’..
I have noticed a lot of stuff I used to buy is no longer available. I am sure that is the case for everyone. As long as it is not food, clothing or fuel, I do not think you are going to see an outcry. Also someone else, probably in the USA, will step in and manufacture the item.
That said, our status as reserve currency has enabled a LOT of inflation…basically we’ve been exporting our inflation for decades.
I’d like to at least consider slowly moving away from that status but that would have to be sometime after we have honest money. (I’m thinking in decades here.) That would help us stay on honest money.
Wonder what France will think about having a pardoned felon as ambassador. Will they understand the blatant nepotism inherent in this appointment?
Was that “felony” akin to the ones the psychopaths have attached to DJT?
Substantially worse.
From your link, this explains a lot “Republican Chris Christie, who chaired Trump’s first transition team,”
Interesting that most of the sources for the Wiki poo write up appear to be from the left wing, fwiw…
He was Chris Christie’s catch 🙄
Who cares?
If DJT didn’t care, then why appoint anybody?
Let whoever is there, stay there.
I think kalbo was saying something like, “who cares what the surrender-happy froggies think?”
The “insurance policy” was to keep Trump from being elected president in 2016 by using the “Russia, Russia, Russia” lies. Those people should have been tried and convicted a long time ago.
It was FAR more than trying to only keep Trump out. it was an ACTIVE act of insurrection (a REAL one) to stall, cover up, obstruct, and subvert the legitimate President of the US and his agenda AND those who were part of Trump’s team. they used Propaganda, MSM, military, Five Eyes allies, FBI, CIA, State dept, IC, political and criminal lawfare, and SPIES and listening devices. They set TRAPS and landmines everywhere. It was ALL at the behest of ONE man. BHO. That man is now about to be FULLY exposed, and he has had his political clout and influence destroyed.
Hey Barry, it’s your uncle Bingo, time to pay the CHECK.
Amen. Barky Insurrecto is sweating!
“It was ALL at the behest of ONE man.” AND whoever pulls Barry’s strings…
Fair prosecutions process to show how judicial system in Republic democracy works.
I know where that comes from, but a sledgehammer would be more appropriate in this particular case. I’d settle for a baseball bat.
^^^ This.
> Constant Wars
> Big Pharm
> Big Government
Barack Hussein Obama. Add him. ALL of the above were created and ran BY HIM.
Three people Trump MUST expose fully, prosecute, and put away forever. In no particular order
Soros, Obama, Fauci. Those three have done more damage to the WORLD by death, disruption, subversion, and mayhem.
Time for them to be used as EXAMPLES so that no one dares try it again…EVER.
If it means the ultimate price, so be it.
I want the puppet master(s) of those three. They are just the ‘face’ and not the REAL POWER.
The power of AND works well for me.
The real power is we the people 😎
So true, Singing!
This…need some AND logic here too!
Seems strange. 1. the snow is not really that deep. 2. it’s not snowing, so accumulations are not building. 3. Go to the 2 min mark. Who the heck clears a highway like that? This looks like a deliberate act or else the Safety Nazis have taken over America’s highways from what were being showed.
very odd, I’ve never seen snow cleared that way from a highway…
Lake effect snow bands. I’ve seen it snowing out front of my house but not out back. Depends on the winds blowing off the lakes. Could be 3 feet up on the ground ahead of the cars.
One of the gardening books we got way back when talked about “Bay Area Microclimates”, so we laugh every time it’s pouring rain in the front yard and sunny in the back (or vice-versa).
Seriously, though, we’ve had similar plants thrive and wither in spaces twelve feet apart (one got reflected light/heat from a wall).
Yeah we have a place on the front porch that doesn’t get much Winter sun & snow & ice can remain there when it’s gone off most of the rest of the property.
That is IDIOTIC!
I lived within walking distance of that highway. “Lake Effect Snow” has been a fact of life in that area for AT LEAST the seven decades I have been alive.
If snow is known to be on its way the plows, salt & sanding trucks are out in mass BEFORE the storm starts.
That mess is NOT because of a snow storm, it is because of MASS INCOMPETENCE or more likely MALICE!
Here is a CNN article:
Dec 1 Heavy lake-effect snow creates treacherous travel in Great Lakes region as widespread Arctic chill freezes US
Good grief we are talking maybe 3 to 4 feet spread over THREE days! That is nothing new for that area.
Notice the snow is maybe a foot deep.
Totally agree with this post, Gail. The I 90 is close by my home. Never in a thousand years would a rational person think that there was the danger implied by NY’s dictates.
Yes, there are always a few idiots who defy common sense. But it is crystal clear this was not the case under these circumstances.
I have traveled that highway from Boston MA to Rochester NY in a blinding blizzard at night with ZERO problem except for a bit of ‘snow blindness’
Falling snow plus headlights for hours on end really get to your eyes.
I think the total amount of snow dropped THAT NIGHT was close to 3 feet. And yeah it was on Thanksgiving weekend, decades ago.
The Fiancee’s degree is from St. John Fisher in Rochester. She knows a little bit about the seasons there.
I took all four of my German classes (required for chemists) from St. John Fisher. I knew I had a major problem learning languages and wanted to be able to concentrate on just that subject. So I took summer classes. I am glad I did. The prof was great.
I initially studied German because it was the language of Science, but I continued studying (despite headwinds) because it is such a beautiful language.
A few years after graduating my Ex was posted to Germany. So I got to mangle the language in front of the natives. We all had good laughs at my ineptness.
I even took riding lessons in German. I mostly said ‘Ich verstehe’ when the instructor looked at me to see if I understood her.
I purchased a child’s book on riding to learn the various words I would need to know. It was a tremendous help since it was a picture book. It covered and illustrated a lot of the dressage terms I needed to know.
Helped make things selbstverstandlich, no doubt.
(One of the glories of German is one can parse a word like that and figure out what it means, even never having seen it before. People sometimes think mein Deutsch ist sehr gut, when in fact it is schlecht.)
Here’s a tale of two Germans meeting in London (as related by Arno Backhaus (fun with translations 🙂 )
Eine Geschichte die das Leben schrieb
Two stangers meet in London. They start a conversation but they have to use their dictionary quite often.
Hallo, Sir, how goes it you?
Oh, thank you for the afterquestion.
Are you already long here? Can you tell me about this town?
No, first a pair days. I am not out London. You overasked me!
Thunderweather, that overrushed me. You see but so out.
That can yes beforecome. But now what other: My hairs stood to mountain as I the traffic saw. so much cars gives it here.
You are on the woodway if you believe that in London horsedroveworks go.
Will we now beer drink go? My throat is outdried.
But look, there is a guesthouse, let us man there go in!
That is a good think! Equal goes it loose. I will only my shoeband close. I must have my earlypiece!
Okay, I shall pay it, yesterday I got my gostop over meadows.
Here we are. Make me please the door open.
But there is a beforehangingcastle! Auf Wiedersehen!
Nanu sie sind Deutscher ?
Ja, sie auch? Das wundert mich aber. Ihr Englisch ist so hervorragend, dass ich es gar nicht bemerkt hätte.
And then they made them me nothing you nothing out of the powder…….
(funny translating that back into German 😆 )
Sadly, I get so little opportunity to practice that I can barely say, “Ick sprekkeh ine bitchin’ Doych,” any more.
Sadly, Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung (speed limit) is the only word I remember from one course in German. I can’t spell it without Translate help but it sure stood out to me when I encountered it.
I just remember Sergeant Schultz saying Ja!
Small world, my daughter took classes there also. I know all about Lake Effect snow.
IIRC Hochul closed that section of the thruway last year and then the storm never happened.
These people LOVE the control and the feeling of importance it gives them.
Yep and throw in emergency status to any situation (except the flood devastation) and it makes them giddy with power.
That’s Lowville. East of Lake Ontario. Reports of 30 inches there as of this morning.
Yup, Tug Hill Plateau. Snow Fall coming down in feet is normal.
I have friends who still live in that area…. Because they can not find any fools to buy their house.
Rent it to the feds for housing illegals.
I doubt they would be willing to stay there!
Absolutely ridiculous snow clearing.
The I 90 was closed from Rochester NY to the Pa line.
The cars you see in the video are people being PUNISHED by NY State for not obeying almighty government.
You and I know that is Government MALICE and not caused by a NORMAL snow storm.
It is malice. If you rode that section of thruway these past few months, you saw nothing but Trump signs and flags.
Ah ha! Safety Nazi’s, Control Freaks, Unions, and Politics! Should of known.
Kati Hopkins could move to NY State and explain to citizenry exactly what is happening.
Hah hah hah. Someone did a really bad job with that bleep-out. (I see that a lot actually and am sure it’s deliberate 99.9% of the time.)
When The Fiancee and I decided to visit Saint Petersburg, Russia, some years back, we discovered that our flight had to transfer in London. So we thought about which airline to use from there.
It wasn’t even winter, but we decided to use FinnAir. It’s an airline that flies into the Bahamas and asks, “where’s the ice?” They are disappointed when approach beacons aren’t sporadic and control tower transmissions are clear — they’d much rather be flying into a blizzard with patchy comms, zero visibility, and nasty cross-winds…..because that’s what they train for. Their safety record is amazing in Scandanavian conditions — just don’t expect too much of their in-flight food.
The same applies to highways during snow. Atlanta had a snow emergency a couple of years ago that completely incapacitated the metro — they have no plows, they have no salt, their pavement isn’t ready for ice, their markers are useless, and their troopers were just lost when it came to helping people…..
But New York and Pennsylvania have no such excuses when it comes to snow on I-90. WTF is wrong with these people?
My late uncle in Tennessee delighted when it snowed there — he’d dance over the snow and ice like Legolas in LOTR, because he grew up in Michigan. Everyone else would be creeping around to avoid falling on their ass.
How is it that NY and PA are acting like Californians all of a sudden. Have they lost IQ points?
My uncle would run around in tennis shoes and help everyone get their ice cleats on. And he’d come around and help everyone up when they slipped.
As a kid I spent the winters traveling on cross country skis when ever I went out side because the snow was over my head!
The dog would climb up the drifts and sit on the roof of the garage. Mom and Dad put a red tennis ball on the radio antenna so people could see the car going around a corner. (The roof of the car was not visible over the plowed snow.)
Hard to do nowadays since the antenna is in the windshield.
Don’t know whatcha talking about, my trucks all have normal antenna.
Not everybody follows Fred Flintstone’s example.
Poor them. They do not know what they are missing.
My family is from Buffalo. Two of them lived in Atlanta. They regaled us with funny stories about the terror two flakes of snow inflicted on the native populace.
I moved from ‘snow country’ to South Carolina so I know exactly what you mean.
However the biggest problem here in NC is they do not sand or salt so when the snow ==> ice everyone skids off the road.
We just stay home. 😋
Call Amish-Uber.
Why? I have a horse and sleigh.
Then you can do Uber in a snowstorm and make money.
What makes you think I haven’t?
Gail Combs
And it doesn’t help that lots of NC types usually drive like “hogs on ice”, even in good weather and also at night.
Actually I think those are the Dan Yankees come down from NYC and such.
Down from NYC is in the ocean. One must go west in order to access routes to the southern states.
Injecting a high-altitude POV here, the ocean is simply the world sump.
Decades ago I lived in CO. I was offered a job in Greensboro, NC, along with 3 others I worked with in CO.
Not too long after moving there, Greensboro had a snow of about 6-7″.
I drove into work. The only other people who came to work, out of a staff of about 16, were the other three from CO!!
We had a very quiet day because none of our customers went to their jobs that day!
Well it’s clear NY and PA would cease to exist in a place like Idaho and such.
Is that why they’re driving on the wrong side of the road? 😀
(probably negative got flipped 🙂 )….
on some interstates, there are a tremendous amount of tractor trailers. when we go to visit my mom in southeastern PA, there were always tons of them. some were reckless, but for the most part most were courteous.
lately though? there’s been more aggressive driving by operators. there is a stretch of interstate that PA that they have been working on (repairing a bridge and off ramp) for months. there is ALWAYS a police cruiser on the roadside and warning signs that the right lane is closed ahead, BUT more and more drivers are ignoring the slow down signs, and merge signs because they cannot see past the curves along the mountains. so they race ahead of the slower left lane traffic and then face trying to merge on a downhill stretch.
there have been some tractor trailers–that frequent the area (my guess) that know what’s coming up and curtail the idiots trying to pass by driving their rigs in the middle of the road.
But then you get the tractor trailer drivers who trying passing those middle of the road guys on the right and that makes an even mess. and of course, if they manage to pass and come around the top of the mountain they are met with immediate lane closures and traffic cones and policemen waiting.
it’s a bad stretch to have to close lanes and they aren’t doing enough to police the area BEFORE the dangerous cut off. people don’t or can’t merge…drivers won’t let them given their ignoring the signs for miles and IF that road gets icy?? forget it…tractor trailers will take out multiple cars and maybe lives.
some of those “newly licensed” drivers are not from colder climates shall we say and have no experience handling road conditions of this nature.
On a normal drive home, I can’t watch the traffic–it scares the crap out of me. in icy or snowy conditions, I’d rather stay home.
I have noticed the ‘new commercial drivers’ are really very under trained. They are also discourteous.
I think we are seeing DEI in action in this area too.🙄😫
Even in the mid 2000’s foreign teams were becoming a problem. One would get the license but almost always had several cohorts riding along. I remember one group that finally got cited for cutting a hole in the floor for using as a “bathroom”.
Well … that sure is creative. 😮
3rd world deluxe style
Reminds me of Soviet trains. I got to take one in Eastern Europe shortly after the fall of the Soviet Union.
the go hole? ewww
There was a toilet with a bowl (beating out many restrooms I saw in Italy, where one was expected to squat over a hole). But you could see the pipe out the bottom simply went out the side of the train, because you could see the ground through it.
One would hope people don’t like to walk the tracks in such places…gross!
Another factor is these “new” laws about having to change lanes or slow down near stopped emergency vehicles. Apparently the fine for this is really steep.
I’ve seen two people nearly run off the road by truckers who didn’t give a damn that they were there, they HAD to get over (god forbid they should hit their brakes, even on a level road). I personally have had to slam on my brakes for one such trucker.
That’s the worst case–even under normal circumstances I’m often in the left lane and a truck “inexplicably” pops out in front of me. Plenty of time to slow down so I’m not scared, just wondering WTF is up…and only after the truck moves over can I see the cop. Meanwhile, the truck is impeding traffic (and oftentimes not just me) in the left lane.
This law was apparently passed because too many cops were getting hit during traffic stops, but I’ve seen more people nearly get into wrecks because of it than I ever saw cops nearly get hit (much less actually get hit).
I just talked to a friend who worked in a truckstop in ‘corn country’ middle America. She told me most of the drivers she saw were from INDIA and IRAN!!! They were not white or black Americans. There were also a few Chinese.
She also said they had very poor manners.
Some foreign countries appear to have practically Zero rules for the road 🙄
I’ve been to states where there are signs up ahead of lane closures that say “use both lanes, take turns merging”
Highway engineers wouldn’t leave the lane open as far as they do if they didn’t want people to use it.
In this case an argument can be made that they should close more of the lane, but in general I get annoyed with people who seem to think you should get into the open lane miles before the closure. (I used to think otherwise but then, as I said, it was pointed out to me that if they didn’t want the closed lane used as far as it is open, they’d close more of it.)
This process is called “the zipper merge” and is being actively encouraged.
It simply means all vehicles should use both lanes up to the actual point of the merge – where one lane is finally closed.
At that point, drivers are suppose to take turns using the open lane.
So all of those drivers who are using the open lane – and being cussed at by those sitting in the lane with a long line of cars – are actually doing what the highway engineers and state troopers want you to do.
i.e. use both lanes up to the point of the closure.
For all the newbies to this…now you can experience what urban Ca freeway life is like everyday!
Apparently the signs are different where Pat is…it says “merge left” well in advance.
The further East you go, the more they want you on the “left.”
you’re right!
We are in the Wild East then. No signs.
That only works with well mannered drivers who do not tailgate.
Rochester NY in the 1970s had such ‘zipper’ lanes and it worked well.
it’s a section of the interstate where speeds are 70+ mph most times and uphill for the most part. the posted signs clearly say right lane closed ahead, merge left. there is enough roadway to ensure everyone has merged (if they aren’t dicks). the trucks who have merged slow down the rest of the traffic and the dickheads don’t think the merge left is directed at EVERYONE. so they race ahead on the right and then they all bottleneck at the closed lane. the people who correctly slowed down and merged most times refuse to yield to the entitled asswipes who think they are above being inconvenienced.
Besides the hill I’ve seen That many times. My dad used to use our vehicles to stop the A-holes in the closing lane from rushing ahead to clog the final merge point. I find myself doing it on occasion, straddling 2 lanes…
Again, if they didn’t want people to use that lane, they’d have closed it. It’s not their fault everyone gets over miles in advance.
This is when the end is in sight & the open lanes are moving at a fairly reasonable speed. The people who rush up in the closing lane to try to cut in front actually slow everyone else down as most of the merging has already happened by that point. I also use the closing lane to pace myself to the other traffic & wait for an opening, usually in front of a big rig that can’t get up to speed as quickly, to duck in without slowing down the flow 🙂
I’ll tell you what IS “A-hole” behavior, though.
I was on a two lane road in the “mountains” north of LA when some idiot drove off the edge at a curve. Apparently this is a nearly weekly occurrence there. So we all got to stop while they closed the road down, bring in the rescue helicopters, and so on. This took about an hour.
Of course, if you’re on that road, there is NO oncoming traffic. So some people just drove on the left side of the road, passing everyone, and then expected to be let in once the road was open.
And of course some dumbshit let them in.
Wow, unbelievable!
jib jab idiocracy? 😉
Lutefisk waffles? 🙂
Definitely !!!
It’s obvious to me that they had a wreck to clear.
Sometimes they will shunt the stuck traffic over to the other side of the highway, making it temporarily a two lane road.
This storm is occurring in pat frederick’s area and gil00’s area, among others, yes?
we had 5 inches of snow on Thanksgiving so far on our mountain, but in the town below? they had nothing. we’ll see what this current storm does.
Nice. We have a couple inches which has stuck around making our outdoor coolers extra effective 😉
I love snow always have.
I use to like to cross country ski in NH.
Me too. & when it’s cold enough it stays white, increasing the beauty. ❤
Cross country skiing in fresh snow with the trees all glistening is incredible.
I’ve done it Once & absolutely Loved It! What a workout
Husband is expecting snow in S-OH he bought a electric snow shuffle 😂Not often we see lots of snow. We used to get people to shuffle snow but now all are lazy. Streets are always cleared. They put liquid down before it snows and keeps streets clear.
Isn’t Gil in CA? Kind of near Cthulhu?
Valerie Curren
You’re correct, my mistake. I meant to say smiley2.
gil00 is about 400 miles south of me. While we’re both in California, so are redwoods and Joshua trees.
so she’s even less likely to be in a snow system?
She’s farther from the coast and at a slightly higher elevation. Probably not much difference……then, again, neither one of us is likely to see snow in any particular year.
My old roomie from Riverside used to love to brag how the ocean & the mountains were just an hour away so you could snow ski & surf in the same day if you wanted!
…..and then 10 million illegals moved in and bollixed the traffic.
And the LA Cancer grew all the way out to Riverside.
I know the locals insist they aren’t LA, but sorry guys. I can drive from one to the other and it’s continuous development.
sprawling metropolis…sigh…
Well those conversations I’m referencing happened in the 80s so A Lot has likely changed since then 🙄
That looks like a nothingburger.
Snow plows should have been running, and they go with traffic not across it. Why on earth are they using bobcats?
This comment OT caught my eye…
Wray should be the first one arrested.
Can’t wait!
Perhaps they could use the Roger Stone arrest method since they claimed in 2019 it was so common nowadays.
Excellent idea.
This is the comment with my highlighting.
👉WHAT ELSE does he have, what he wants them worrying about.👈
Ivan Raiklin tells you exactly what ‘else’ they have. THE TWITTER DMS between the various players. Remember the Russiagate FBI agents headed for Californicate and took over Twatter.
As Ivan and Elon have said, Twatter is a CRIME SCENE!
Maybe this is why we haven’t SEEN all of the J6 footage or ALL the Twitter messages.
Were they saving them for a time like this?
The J6 footage, according to Ivan is controlled by the Capitol Police Board. There are 3 members. One appointed by Chucky the Schmuck, one by Bite-me and the last by the Speaker of the House.
If it were proved wray broke the law or did something outside of what he was allowed to do, I wonder if all the J6 prisoners could sue him personally.
Actually it is the Police Board and the LAWYER, USCP General Counsel Thomas DiBiase, who is attached to the Capitol Police is calling the shots. NOT the FBI.
Thread by @ZoeTillman on Thread Reader App
USCP general counsel gets up to explain that the USCP board would have to give its approval to show the video to a third party now.
This Stew Peters show has an image showing the board and who appoints them. VIDEO
NBC March 17, 2023, Capitol Police officials were not told that the surveillance video of the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, which they gave to House Republicans, would be passed on to Fox News host Tucker Carlson, the department’s top lawyer said in a sworn court filing.
This is well worth the read. It is short:
Sen. Ron Johnson Corners Capitol Police Chief For Dodging Questions About Sicknick’s Death
IVAN RAIKLIN: “House Administration Committee’s Vital Role in Post-J6 Era”
This has a rough transcript of a Zak Paine -Ivan rumble video. It contains a lot of history:
Well, I would say, if you were inciting a “riot” to “cause an insurrection,” that is TREASON.
I do not think it was ‘only’ the FBI. There is also the CIA and State Department and Dept of Homeland Security.
The rot is DEEP and pervasive.
Oh, I’m sure they were in on it.
Capitol Police, Pelosi, McConnell, Pence, Gang of Eight.
No, it’s inciting to riot.
Article III, Section 3, of the constitution:
Insurrection would probably be considered “levying War” against the US, but it’s generally just called “insurrection”
Conspiring to overthrow the legitimately elected President & thwart the will of We the People, aiding & abetting a communistic coup against America, sounds awfully close to treason to me 😡
Dutchman comments often at CTH. He gives good info along with an opinion.
“Going where Sundance quite wisely declined to go” LOL
A relatively quiet sun and loopy jets will get you every time. 🤓
“…Both solar cycles 24 and 25 show significantly low activity compared to the average of the last 300 years. Together they represent an extended solar minimum…” at WUWT by Javier Vinós
BREAKING: Sheriff Richard Jones of Butler County just announced that President Trump will grant Sheriffs the power to raid workplaces to arrest & deport illegal migrant workers. “We’re getting geared up. We’re making jail space available.” President Trump & Tom Homan really gamed this out. Mass deportations wasn’t just another talking point. It was being meticulously planned.
Popcorn shares going Way Up!
Another ignorant demeaning congress member Illegals pick the crops!🤨 She serves on the Agriculture Cmte But never heard of H2-A VISA for Seasonal Temporary Agriculture Migrant workers They get Free housing, Food+their non migrant Family is allowed to enter Legally !
December 1, 2024 6:32 am
Mario Nawfal
Pakistan’s cash-strapped government has found a financial boost from Manhattan real estate.
New York City is renting the iconic Roosevelt Hotel—owned by Pakistan’s government—to house migrants, in a deal worth $220 million.
Vivek criticized the arrangement, highlighting an issue that @DOGE may need to address soon.
“A taxpayer-funded hotel for illegal migrants is owned by the Pakistani government which means NYC taxpayers are effectively paying a foreign government to house illegals in our own country.
New York City paying $220 million to Pakistan-owned hotel, claims author
This was my response over at OT:
December 1, 2024 9:49 pm
Reply to I Hear You Now
I have been screeching this since I knew about it.
I worked as a designer on this hotel.
The cover is that the place is owned by the Pakistani Airlines, yet that entity is owned by the Pakistani government. When we would present designs for refurbishment, we would be in front of “The General”. Some research would confirm his name. Still looking.
Yet this:
“The city leased the Roosevelt from Pakistan last June for $220 million for three years to serve as a migrant shelter.
This may have been a longer term plan than we know. Why rent it in June 2023 for ‘THREE’ years? And the money is off the charts! PDJT is all over this, I am certain.
Look for other foreign-owned hotels hosting invaders.
housing potential enemy combatants on our dime
Verse of the Day for Sunday, December 1, 2024
“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”
Matthew 18:20 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Like a Child – to you, Lord – I long to be;
Humble not proud – nor haughty – to Thee;
Trusting – forgiving – lovingly giving;
Innocent and pure – faithfully living!
You promised Your kingdom – and rightfully;
To those who – like children – are delightfully;
Pure in spirit – with simplicity of heart;
Where the Spirit resides – and will not depart!
As a child of God – I will give You my all;
Lest my sins weigh me down – and be my downfall;
Let my heart be not proud – or my eyes haughty;
Let me be innocent – pure – and rarely naughty!
What can a child do – an adult cannot?
Forgive in an instant – without a thought;
A child has compassion – when another hurts;
He comforts – consoles – no malice he blurts!
In awe of his God is the little child;
His love is great – his heart undefiled;
He sees no ethnicity or skin color;
His friend is a pal of vigor and valor!
Never let pride enter into your heart;
It causes the Spirit to quickly depart;
Be slow to anger and quick to forgive;
For it is in dying – that you will live!
When another is injured or afflicted;
Let compassion rule – be not conflicted;
As your Heavenly Father gives to you;
For brother and sister – so you must do!
In your relations – be honest and true;
Do not deceive – let your ego rule you;
For what do you gain – when left all alone?
All puffed up in pride – your friendship blown!
How can a man be childlike in spirit?
Be pure of heart – and receive great merit;
What can he do to please Jesus each day?
He must humble himself – there’s no other way!
Whoever humbles himself Like a Child;
Will be greater in heaven – never exiled;
Whoever receives one – in Your Holy name;
Receives Child and You – one and the same!
D01: 09/28/2013
Thank You Duchess! 🙂
Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing
#psalm91 #psalms #prayer
Pray Everyday
Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.
#faith #god #psalms
Thank you, Carl! I love the example of the child and the amusement park. A perfect analogy.
Praise to our God above
A bright, new dawn has come
God’s Light now shows the way
To where our race is run
As our lives continue
The Tribulation nears
Those times will be dark days
The sum of all men’s fears
As the days quickly pass
With faith we look ahead
To see our blessed hope
And escape this world’s dread
Our country will wither
And we will be dust
But God’s Word is true
And in Him we trust
Our old world will be gone
Destroyed in God’s fire
And we’ll be God’s people
Singing praise in His choir
Thank You bakocarl! 🙂
The pic reminds me of this classic one, having come full circle it seems…TY Carl ❤
Can you imagine the peacefulest day,
Brimming with peace in the peacefulest way?
Down by the ocean or up in the hills,
Just calm and simple with none of the frills?
Peace that is gentle when life is too bold
Peace that is warm when the whole world is cold
Peace that befriends you when enemies abound
Peace that is quiet in a riot of sound
Not just some peace from the top of your skin
But peace, perfect peace, from down deep within
Peace that is lasting, serene and whole
Peace that runs deep to the depths of your soul
Can you imagine a peace in this way?
Do you think you can? Is it “Yes” you say?
But wait. We’re now using minds that are flawed.
Think infinite peace from the mind of God.
But not just peace, joy is coupled there, too
Joy inexpressible, both pure and true
For those that love God, God has perfect plans
Wonders so great, never thought of by man
Never in our dreams – our dreams are too small
God is infinite – His mind has it all
Wonders on Wonders, and Wonders again
Heavenly Wonders where our lives begin
Thank You bakocarl! 😁
anyone ever had potato candy?
Yes, it’s good, but the person who made it when I had it said it’s a pain to work with it.
my Grandmother taught me. her recipe is simple to make. to make the “dough” you mix cold, leftover mashed potatoes, powdered sugar and a little bit of flour. on a floured board take a handful of the “dough” and using your hands shape into a rectangle of sorts. spread with peanut butter and roll up jelly roll style. then cut into pieces and put into the fridge to set.
Wow!!! Is this sugared mashed potatoes?
Sounds pretty gross to me…
I was told over 35 years ago ( I have worked in research for 40 years) that ” There is NO money in the cure, the money is in the DISEASE.
yup. curing a patient removes a “customer”…treating a patient ensures a customer forever
Thank you.
There is not only NO money in the “cure” — there is PLENTY money in keeping the vaccine-induced or vaccine-related sick and injured beholden to Big Pharma for their very existence and/or to function in society. These are the “spin-off” items, like prescription drugs, to treat conditions that are vaccine-induced / vaccine-related.
Example: It is becoming more confirmed that vaccination in very young childhood (like the three-dozen PLUS “vaccines” that children are “recommended” to get between the ages of 6 months – 5 years, per the CDC’s Immunization Schedule) is one of the main causes of Attention Deficit Disorder and/or Autism. There is a plethora of prescription drugs out there to “control” and/or “mitigate” the effects of these conditions.
Hopefully this is something RFKJ will look at and recommend less vaccines for children.
Better if the child receives colostrum (first milk) from it’s mom or a donor that has been immunized. IMHO vaccinating a mammal prior to weaning is pretty useless. (per my vet)
does this mean Wray stays until his term is up?
Texas midget
December 1, 2024 9:41 am
How can Kash become leader of the FBI?
Obama showed us the way.
Czar Kash.
No senate approval needed.
Trump fired Comey, he can and WILL fire Wray.
OR he’ll put him in jail.
AND logic applies here.
Create a parallel FBI without or within PT’s chosen military wing. Kash Patel will ‘serve’ as FBI Director (as per PT’s actual announcement), and then starve the current mess.
Close that building down and turn into a museum or park.
There’s something fishy going on IMO. I worked in the Memphis FedEx hub. That suspicious list is ridiculous. With thousands of boxes going down conveyor belts no way are these cops randomly snagging boxes with cash or other valuables.
Somehow someway they have intel. It would be hard but not impossible to hang out on the belt that would be expecting a particular tracking number and yank that one off but getting lucky with the way a box looks …not sure if I believe that.
Also curious, if this method is so successful, why only at FedEx? Not at USPS or UPS or DHL ?
good point!!
From Zero Hedge:
From my old notes:
[Major plug for Forfeiture Endangers American Rights Foundation (FEAR) Who has worked hard to protect our right to our property. They are down to one person and need Volunteers/Donations.]
Drugs are not a symptom they are a major revenue generator and ‘excuse’ for the government. Desegregation Busing of inner city kids to the suburbs to gave the under-aged drug pushers access to new markets – white suburbia school kids – and the drug problem exploded. After we had busing for a year in my school my best friend’s six year old sister was stealing money from her mom’s purse to support her new cocaine habit. So there goes your symptom excuse.
The Department of Homeland Security’s refusal to close the Mexican border gives the Drug Cartels easy access to the markets in the USA., as well as a highway for illegals and Muslim terrorists.
A study of asset forfeiture’s impact on police procedure. Drug Enforcement’s Double-Edged Sword: An Assessment of Asset Forfeiture Programs said the policy forces law enforcement agencies to subordinate justice to profit….
The WSJ also covers the problem.
Did the Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act of 2000 fix the problem NO!
FEAR who has worked on getting the reform says:
Ok, that made me laugh out loud! Good one.
buy his book to get the clues to where 5 treasure chests are hidden in the US
H/T Filly
^^^^This! Violating the oath to support and defend the Constitution is grounds for removal from office.
AND we need to make that a REALITY!
Just look at that lady. She’s a classic AWFUL.
Issues. And I am a hostage in this state.
She’s a FAT anti-American POS.
How much are they willing to pay?
Fortunately, they are bankrupt. 20 Billion in debt, even.
Kamala used the money to pay very rich people to support her… 😄
Rent-A-Dufus-Celebrity charges pretty high.
But I think her debt was 20 million, with an m. Bad enough. Vastly more than most of us make in a lifetime.
Oh my bad! Thanks for the correction.
I knew million…but….but…but…okay, my brain wasn’t working.
Just so long as it was working on election day!
They’ll probably up it a notch and find a boy for the job.
Huma Abedin?
Benny Johnson:
And yeah, it looks perfect!
Is it just me or does Tulsi really get better looking every day?
Robby Starbuck:
Adding this to my bucket list.
This has to be my next trip!
I’m so excited! It’s only a ten-hour drive for me!
Hilariously, almost the whole trip is just across Montana.
Those easterners in their joke postage-stamp states generally are surprised when I tell them things like “I drove for six hours straight and was still in Colorado.” Though granted I can be outside of the state in two or two and a half hours if I drive north, east, or south.
Yeah, I can escape Montana in a couple of hours going West.
My nephew is heading back to MT for a winter working at a ski resort with some buddies he picked up working at a ski resort in CO. He’d been camping in his car, before the job started, until some solo camper was murdered where he was hanging out solo, so he moved locations. I guess the job comes with some type of housing up on the mountains 🙂
Was that the guy they originally thought was mauled by a bear? But it turned out he was killed by some random guy? I heard about that. Scary.
I don’t know the details but it sounds like it happened pretty recently.
It was in October I think. It was really bad. The guy was hacked up with a hatchet.
Oh my, that’s horrifying & I would guess rather hard to mistake for a bear attack…
My hubby & some backpacking buddies were contemplating a trip to Isle Royale, in Lake Superior off of MI’s Northwestern UP. Turns out it would be something like a 12 hour transit time, in cars & a ferry, from Metro Detroit. Kind of rough when you have to dedicate 2 full days of driving on either end of a trip. Might have to be postponed til retirement so one has sufficient “days off” to make all that travel effort worth it…& that’s never leaving Michigan either 😉 😉
Michigan and Florida have “boomerang” shapes, and from my POV they also aren’t on the way to anywhere else I’ve ever wanted to go. (Niagara would be a place where it makes some sense to drive through MI to get to, but I’ve never gone.) So in the case of Florida it was actually my destination; Michigan I had to deliberately go tourist mode and drive to the UP as a side trip just to see it. Never been anywhere in Troll-land other than St. Joseph and the very northern tip just below the bridge.
I haven’t been in the UP in years but there are plenty of places with rugged natural beauty throughout. Hubby & friends backpacked in the Pictured Rocks area of the UP along Lake Superior & had gorgeous views daily for that roughly 50 mile hike. My parents’ Cottage is an hour South of the Big Mac, but the Tip of the Mitt is also very nice. Obviously there are no majestic mountain views but some of the lake views & the northern woods can be quite gorgeous.
We’ve hung at Lake Michigan, Sturgeon Bay, the South portion of Wilderness State Park, which is the NW portion of the tip of the Mitt. The N part of WSP Lake MI is quite rocky as that is part of the Straits of Mackinac. The WSP on SB has glorious sand dunes going almost a half mile back from the water. Fortunately the roadway is closer to the water so navigating down to the lake isn’t too difficult. It’s a beautiful place with minimal tourist activity so you can really enjoy the natural beauty in relative peace. Gorgeous sunsets can be a great cap to a sun-filled freshwater beach escape there too!
That is a lot, except passing cops put their hands out of their windows to tell you to slow it down if you are going 90MPH.
PSA Running into Buffalo can be an issue at that speed.
Of course Kash doesn’t reveal what’s in the file or whether he thinks the C👁️A was involved, but I didn’t know that he had seen it all.
Prayer For Grace At The End Of The Day
Heavenly Father, as the day is drawing to its close I ask that Your continued love and presence be with me and with all that are Your children in Christ. Guard us through the long hours of darkness this night I pray, and keep us safe from all harm and dangers that may try to cross our threshold.
Give us, I pray, an untroubled night of rest and quietness of heart. May we be refreshed and renewed in body, soul and spirit as we rest our weary hearts in You through the hours of the night.
Lord, I pray that by Your great grace and mercy, You would grant us untroubled sleep so that we may rise up in the morning strong to do Your bidding. May we all rejoice for the dawn of a new day, knowing that Your mercies are new every morning. In Jesus’ name,
Prayer Of Reflection On The Past Day
Loving Lord, as the day is coming to an end, I want to thank You for being with me in all that has taken place today. I also want to lay the whole day before You, asking that you would show me if there is anything that I have done to hurt or harm another person unknowingly, or if I have done anything that is displeasing in Your sight, or quenched the work of the Spirit in me, so that I may turn away from such things in the days that lie ahead.
Lord, I desire to do Your will in all things. I pray that You would cleanse me of any wrong thoughts or attitudes that may have surfaced in my heart today. Wash me in Your cleansing flood, I pray.
Thank You, that You are a God who forgives our transgressions when we are willing to confess them to You, knowing that such cleansing before You immediately draws us back into sweet fellowship with Yourself.
Give me a good night’s rest I pray, and may I rest quietly in Your loving arms in the knowledge that in Christ, I am eternally secure, due to Your amazing grace, for which I praise You. In Jesus’ name,
Prayer Of Thanksgiving In The Evening
Praise Your holy name Heavenly Father, for granting yet another day in my life and for being with me every step of the way. Thank You for the many blessings that You have provided and the love and fellowship that I have with the friends and family that in Your grace You have placed in my life.
My heart is so thankful for all the many blessings that I enjoy day by day, and today I am once again reminded that Your mercies are new every morning and Your faithfulness endures from generation to generation.
Thank You, that I have been brought into Your family and have been made a child of God and a citizen of heaven. Words cannot express my love and devotion to You Lord
I pray that You would watch over me as I rest tonight, and that You would give me a restful night’s sleep so that I may wake up in the morning refreshed in body and spirit and ready to do Your will. Guard all those that I love and may we all grow in grace and in a knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ in the days that lie ahead. This I ask in His precious name,
The Fiancee had gone out and purchased candy-making supplies in October, and she’s putting together a candy-making deal and couldn’t find where she’d stashed it. It was a large reusable plastic sack with about $200 of stuff in it.
Took me walking around for about 10 minutes before I was ready to suggest a couple of places. It was in the first one.
Panic averted.
ha! She’s not alone. The last couple of years with my propensity to freak out over possible shortages and disaster food storage…sometimes I know that I bought this or that and have to wrack my brain about where it is.
Try having several out buildings and a Hubby who is a packrat and a slob…😫
My goal this winter is to load up the pick-up with trash — SEVERAL TIMES — and haul it all off to the dump.
Oh, trust me, I feel your pain!
e too 😂
Sounds like there could be a swap or online W00lfbay here.
Ummmm…Mr. TW sympathizes with you… 😳
My hubby too LOL I come from a long line of pack rats…
And women…
my out buildings are stuffed too! It’s all nice and neat but i do need to purge!
You can come organize mine!😄
Did I say organized? Oh..such a big diff between neat and organized! I have no idea which plastic crate has what in it!
Your first thought is best…the dump!
A friend of mine got his wive to stop chiding him about the “junk” in the outbuildings.
When the water heater broke, he had a spare on hand.
hahahaha…sweet deal
( I have an extra dryer in one shed 😎 ).
We had an extra washing machine for a while.
Not a bad idea, considering that the modern “water and energy saving” models are garbage.
You took the words right out of my keyboard
Yeah Hubby was going into repair mode when a friend gave us their old one, which we still have…
Every so often, I contemplate how many neurons I have dedicated to keeping track of stuff. It’s sad. Memories of long ago — a lover’s touch, my mother’s hug, the first time I had 100+ foot viz while diving, the sound of a pipe organ…..they’re all fading away… I can keep track of a bunch of crud I will probably never need.
I would hope that those emotional memories reside in a different location than the packrat management ones 🙂
Sadly, data is data. Then again, I also remember how to set up ST506 disk interfaces, which I wish I’d never had to deal with.
You’ve forgotten more about computers than I’ve ever known!
My dad had saved their old water heater when they got a new one & garage/shed walls when they got new out buildings, all in hopes of assembling some type of “sauna” at the Northern Michigan hunting shack so they could bathe in hunting camp. That has never happened yet & I think all that old crapola finally got pitched LOL
He won’t.
It’ll just go underground.
You’re not going to stop these people from believing in it. At most we’ll coerce them to stop acting on it.
Let’s do that first step anyway! 😎
Baby steps to dismantle tyranny 😮
Wasn’t saying not to.
Just that it won’t solve the problem forever.
It’s like stopping the murder, versus stopping the murderer.
Fed Bundy!
I’d say the FBI has a problem there, wouldn’t you?
No, we have the problem. And we know what to do to solve it.
The question is, do we have the will?
Depends on who you ask.
And the person to ASK is the person who has the ABILITY to do something about it.
No one else’s will is relevant.
The people who are moaning over Kash, as well as the possible firing of Wray, are completely ignoring those facts and many others. They act as if we’ve had an impartial, fair, nonpartisan FB👁️ all this time. It’s hogwash.
Yes, and that’s exactly what the FIBers who are thinking of leaving will claim is their reason for leaving.
I shouldn’t have to tell you that I think they’re liars if they say this (heck, they’re liars for other reasons already).
Panic In DC,Kash Steps Into The Light,Team Is Coming Together,Get Popcorn,Enjoy The Show – Ep. 3513
December 1, 2024 x22report
The [CB]/[WEF] are struggling with their agenda, it’s falling apart right in front of their eyes, they will give it another push but it will fail. The economy is continuing to fail, Trump is making moves to shift it around. Trump warns the world, you stop accepting the dollar, tariffs are coming. The [DS] is now panicking, there is real panic in DC. Trump is putting the team together and the latest team member is Kash Patel. Kash just stepped into the light as the FBI director. Kash will now pursue justice and will follow the rule of law. Declas coming, get the popcorn and enjoy the show.
Ep 3513a – [CB] Panics Over Tariffs, Trump Sends The World A Message About The Dollar
Ep 3513b – Panic In DC,Kash Steps Into The Light,Team Is Coming Together,Get Popcorn,Enjoy The Show
Nice Rant. Rants like these are pouring from the ether now. America is getting clean.
I really like the way you put that. An excellent mental image that will stick. 😀
Lead snitch to take down Briben Crime Family identified.
Joe Biden pardons son Hunter in shocking reversal, claiming he was ‘unfairly prosecuted’ as lame-duck prez winds down term
Well maybe the new AG can find out who’s white pwd was in the WH……..
Pretty obvious that it belonged to Kackle “Sniff” Harris. 😂
The VP doesn’t live or work in the White House (other than going to meetings there), so the question I’d ask is why she had a stash there.
I am not saying “no way” because there are plenty of reasonable answers to that question, including “the coke fell out of her handbag one day” or “she forgot to put it back into her handbag after doing a line in the WH restroom” or…
But if I were investigating this I’d need an answer to that question, or I’d have to reject the notion.
Just an exchange point. Pretty hard for her to score unnoticed, plus there’s a lot more traffic in and out of the WH.
When the story first broke, most people assumed it was Hunter’s stash, but I would be surprised if he spends a fraction of the time in the White House that Hairyass does.
SOMEONE has the finger print.
This the best news yet. His constitutional protections just vanished. He will now be the best informant EVAH or he’ll be jailed for contempt of court [or of Congress].
He is soon to reveal the entire pay-to-play scheme. Pass the popcorn.
OK, I’m going to spitball here.
What will Hunter be pardoned for? Drug charges? Firearms felonies? Or for absolutely everything (blanket pardon).
If anything having to do with being part of the Biden bribery and/or corruption is not included, as far as I know he can take the 5th when asked about that.
True DP. Is it correct that Treason has no term limitations or pardons?
I still believe there needs to be at least two to three witnesses?
The constitution insists that there be two witness (unless the defendant confesses). Not only that but they both have to be witnesses to the same specific act (Article III section 3, which I quoted in some other comment tonight).
I gather that the charge of treason must have been abused by the Brits or they woudn’t have done that.
And which witness would testify for each other of treason, unless two whistle blowers?
Better off having blowfish, unless two people listening in?
It was a blanket pardon, for a period of a decade. He’s off the hook for all of it.
And honestly, after having used him and abused him the way he did, it was the least Biden could do for his permanently damaged child. What a waste of a human life.
I think people who grew up in at least semi-normal homes grossly underestimate the damage caused by growing up with a narcissist, deranged pedophile. Even if Hunter wasn’t the sexual target and his sister was, he was under the roof with this perversion. And then used as a bagman, while his obvious problems with drugs was ignored because it was inconvenient.
Joe Biden is a piece of shit. His children are ruined husks of humanity.
And you could ask me how I know what this is like, but if you think about it, you know, don’t you?
Rapier thrusts of Light dismantling that demonic darkness!!!
I am taking it this way tonight, Steve.
Biden shot a pardon for Hunter from 2014 to December 1, 2024.
Now, tomorrow is December 2, and what the heck is Biden going to Angola for, and will Hunter be on AF1?
There will be 1.5 months to monitor these two. Not to mention the entire family and moneys coming in right after leaving the WH.
My thought s that Joe gives his family and himself a blanket pardon on January 19, 2025, 11:59 PM.
Or even the next morning.
I skimmed the article in the original link and I didn’t see where it was a blanket pardon, but that could just be me being blind. I’m now taking people’s word for it that it is a blanket pardon.
That family would be that sleazy. Not to mention all of the other traitors they need to pay back. Dynasty criminals, you know?
Still, I want to know if anyone can be pardoned against Treason…
The constitution says that he can’t pardon someone in cases of impeachment. Nothing about not being able to do it for treason.
Hmm. Was PT not impeached after being in office?
I am guessing that bit about impeachment is there so that he can’t just pardon someone who is being impeached (either himself, a judge, or an official in the executive branch) and end the impeachment that way.
OK Yet, PT was impeached. For official acts.
Biden could be impeached for unofficial acts?
I have no idea why you’re hung up on this. No one is talking about impeaching biden for unofficial acts.
Besides, impeachment simply removes from office if successful. Someone can then criminally charge the person, afterwards. THAT criminal charge, he could pardon. The impeachment, he cannot stop.
I am hung up on this because PT was hung up on the same.
1.5 months. Why not return the favor?
At least there is actually something upon which to impeach Biden.
I really don’t want to see this country go down the road of tit-for-tat impeachments. It’s become a thing where one side looks for an excuse to impeach the other side for revenge. The dems are still pissed off about Klinton, 1998.
It’s supposed to be an extraordinary thing, not just done over policy disagreements and certainly not after they’ve left office. That was just absurd, and we don’t need to legitimize it by doing it ourselves.
Once Biden is out, you can prosecute him for corruption, either in or out of the White House. Or just decide he’s not worth the bother any more since his brain is mush.
Hitlary Klinton is a better target because she’s still capable of getting into office.
The Chevron Reversal I think would not apply, if the actions were not within official acts.
Good one.
I will be surprised if he doesn’t pardon everyone in the D-rat party (including Hussein, Bubba, Hitlary), and Hollwood, and Soros, and Gates, and Zelensky, Klaus Schwab and the entire WEF, the U.N., the W.H.O., the leadership of every Western nation in the world, BLM, panti-fa and anyone else he can think of.
It wouldn’t surprise me if he pardoned every criminal in the United States, literally empty the prisons nationwide, to raise up an instant militia, forever loyal to the criminal D-rat party.
Why wouldn’t he?
all the criminal illegal aliens 😡
As I understand it he can’t pardon for state crimes.
I am in interested in your take on this over the coming days.
This lines up with your take on it, which is how I thought these pardons worked based on many others made by Presidents.
I’m not sure that Joe Biden has fully considered the ramifications of his pardon of Hunter. The pardon is extremely broad and covers activities while Joe was vice president. This means that Hunter cannot plead the Fifth if asked about his business dealings with Ukraine and China, including his Dad’s involvement, because, with his pardon, he has no risk of criminal jeopardy.
“I’m not sure that Joe Biden has fully considered the ramifications of his pardon of Hunter. The pardon is extremely broad and covers activities while Joe was vice president. This means that Hunter cannot plead the Fifth if asked about his business dealings with Ukraine and China, including his Dad’s involvement, because, with his pardon, he has no risk of criminal jeopardy.”
He doesn’t need to plead the Fifth, he can just say he ‘has no recollection’.
Then when they press him, he can do the “Lil Woody” routine, and testify that he is truly saying whatever the prosecution wants him to say, making his testimony irrelevant.
It’s hilarious to watch, until you realize that the ‘system’ is broken, and justice is dead:
Fani Willis Case Over. Secret Meeting Witness “I Would’ve Said Trump Did It If They Told Me To!”
Timeline of Lil Woody’s Crazy Testimony. Worst Trial in America Fulton County vs Young Thug Rico
“This the best news yet.”
Brace for impact, those are the words that always come right before the rug-pull.
“His constitutional protections just vanished. He will now be the best informant EVAH or he’ll be jailed for contempt of court [or of Congress].
He is soon to reveal the entire pay-to-play scheme.”
Sounds perfectly reasonable in theory.
So far in this life, not a single thing having to do with justice for the globo-homo / cabal has ever worked out the way it should, or even worked at all.
Not even once. Not one single time. Not ever. As in, never. Not even a little tiny bit.
Itty, bitty, teeny, tiny… Not even.
So I’ll believe it when I see it.
Apropos of pretty much nothing, here is a series of pictures (pulled together into a GIF) that New Horizons snapped on its way past Jupiter as it boosted its speed towards Pluto.
It’s the volcano Tvashtar on Io, erupting.
Besides that this is probably the coolest image of something on Io erupting (taken by Galileo in June of 1997).
That’s amazing!
Is it one of those water volcanos?
On Io? Nope those are actual lava volcanoes. Though the confusion is understandable as basically everywhere else in the outer solar system it’s cryovolcanism (i.e., water volcanos and/or geysers).
Enceladus (second big moon of Saturn, going outward) and Triton (only big moon of Neptune) are the two places with active cryovolcanos. Many, many other bodies out there (including Pluto) probably had it in the past.
Well to my Very Untrained eye it sort of looked like what I might guess Water spouting up would look like LOL Is there no atmosphere there for the volcanic “detritus” (not sure what to call what shoots out of the top of That volcano, in case it’s not lava & ash) to dirty up, for there didn’t appear to be corresponding clouds of ash, like after an Icelandic volcano blows its top…
Even volcanos on Earth have a lot of water vapor in their outflow.
The Tvashtar picture I posted is black and white so who knows what color that was? Also in both cases the plumes were backlit so who knows what that’s picking up; possibly stuff we don’t normally notice coming out of our volcanos.
The height of these plumes, proportionately, would be like plumes on earth hundreds of kilometers high (well out of the atmosphere and into space).
I was wondering about how huge those plumes looked in relation to the size of the “planet”. Sounds like A Lot of force behind that!
I posted them here tonight because I saw something that pointed them out and felt like a fool for not having done it when I wrote the post about Jupiter’s moons. The speaker in that video made the same point and called these pictures his favorites (and he’s a professional astronomer). The color one was his favorite, until the Tvashtar GIF came out.
You should add them in as an edit on your Jupiter post for you don’t want that beauty to get lost in the shuffle!
NOT a garden spot. If the volcanism doesn’t get you…and it probably won’t, not fast enough…the radiation from Jupiter will certainly fry you.
I am certain! I was thinking more like an odd opal.
I don’t care too much about radiation…unless it’s pretty.
Did we forget to do this?
YOU didn’t…& you beat jealous Steve to the finish line…he was lamenting TT’s absence from commenting to bump his own comment count up on Saturday AND he gave me crap for sorrow over no “100” to drop (too lowly for the “Lion” King) as he considered that a pathetically low number of comments for a regular post, but it’s not too bad for those of us who occasionally snipe in with random, non-daily, posts!
Valerie, I am random and non-daily…but Steve and cthulhu are so CUTE when they have to do the dishwasher!!!!!!
Nice. I love their interactions with each other & the rest of us mere mortals 😉
Oops. Wrong day.