44 days, 11 hours, 59 minutes until the Once And Future President, Donald John Trump, is restored to the office that was Rightfully his the last four years.
Not that I’m counting, mind you.
What is it that feeds our battle, yet starves our victory?
January 6 Tapes?
Where are the tapes? Anyone, Anyone? Bueller? Johnson??
Paging Speaker Johnson…this is your conscience calling you out on broken promises.
Day of Infamy
One thing that many are counting is the 83rd anniversary of the Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor.
When I was a kid it seemed like every account of World War II didn’t just call it an “attack” but rather a “sneak attack.”
It seems that we were as outraged by the “sneak” as we were by the “attack.” What made it a sneak attack was that it happened with no declaration of war by Japan. Here we are at peace with each other and WHAM!! our Pacific fleet is burning or already at the bottom of the harbor. (We can argue whether Roosevelt knew it was going to happen and let it happen, or whether we just got caught napping…either way the effect on the public was the same. I do think Roosevelt was on some level happy that we were in the war; he had up to that time wanted to help the allies a lot more than the American people did.)
If the telling in Tora! Tora! Tora! is to be believed (and I tend to believe it), the Japanese didn’t intend it to be a sneak attack. They intended to pass their declaration of war on to our government and then attack almost immediately, but slow decoding of the dispatch prevented that from happening; the attack happened before the message was delivered.
Whether that would have made a difference in the level of resolve we felt, is another question entirely. And so we have a straight line from this–the photograph taken from one of the Japanese aircraft just after the start of the attack, educating us on the folly of bottling up our fleet and parking our aircraft too close together:

To these two photographs, taken from two different aircraft, the Enola Gay and the Bockscar after they did a couple of “physics package” demos to complete Japan’s education in the folly of their foreign policy:

We had learned the lesson Japan had taught us on this day in 1941.
We are excellent teachers as well as studentsl we reinforced our lesson for the Japanese by repeating it. But we did a slightly different demo the second time–plutonium instead of U-235–in order not to be too repetitive.
The lesson stuck. Japan hasn’t been a problem on that scale, since.
And now, on to the Deep State, which needs a salutary lesson of its own.
News Flash
Today, it is still the case that Joe Biden didn’t Win.
I realize that to some readers, this might be a shock; surely at some point things must change and Biden will have actually won.
But the past cannot actually be changed.
It will always and forever be the case that Joe Biden didn’t win.
And if you, Leftist Lurker, want to dismiss it as dead white cis-male logic…well, you can call it what you want, but then please just go fuck off. No one here buys that bullshit–logic is logic and facts are facts regardless of skin color–and if you gave it a moment’s rational thought, you wouldn’t either. Of course your worthless education never included being able to actually reason–or detect problems with false reasoning–so I don’t imagine you’ll actually wake up as opposed to being woke.
As Ayn Rand would sometimes point out: Yes, you are free to evade reality. What you cannot do is evade the consequences of evading reality. Or to put it concretely: You can ignore the Mack truck bearing down on you as you play in the middle of the street, you won’t be able to ignore the consequences of ignoring the Mack truck.
And Ayn Rand also pointed out that existence (i.e., the sum total of everything that exists) precedes consciousness–our consciousnesses are a part of existence, not outside of it–therefore reality cannot be a “social construct” as so many of you fucked-up-in-the-head people seem to think.
So much for Leftist douchebag lurkers. For the rest of you, the regular readers and those lurkers who understand such things: I continue to carry the banner once also carried by Wheatie. His Fraudulency didn’t win.
Let’s Go, Brandon!!
His Fraudulency
Joe Biteme, properly styled His Fraudulency, continues to infest the White House, we haven’t heard much from the person who should have been declared the victor, and hopium is still being dispensed even as our military appears to have joined the political establishment in knuckling under to the fraud.
One can hope that all is not as it seems.
I’d love to feast on that crow.
(I’d like to add, I find it entirely plausible, even likely, that His Fraudulency is also His Figureheadedness. (Apparently that wasn’t a word; it got a red underline. Well it is now.) Where I differ with the hopium addicts is on the subject of who is really in charge. It ain’t anyone we like.)
Justice Must Be Done.
The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.
Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2024 is hopeless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud is not part of the plan, you have no plan.
Lawyer Appeasement Section
OK now for the fine print.
This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines, here, with an addendum on 20191110.
We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.
And remember Wheatie’s Rules:
1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)
Spot Prices.
Kitco Ask. Last week:
Gold $2,650.10
Silver $30.69
Platinum $954.00
Palladium $1002.00
Rhodium $4,850.00
FRNSI* 127.199-
Gold:Silver 86.351-
This week, markets closed as of 3PM MT.
Gold $2,634.20
Silver $31.11
Platinum $936.00
Palladium $982.00
Rhodium $4,850.00
FRNSI* 126.429+
Gold:Silver 84.674-
Gold down and silver up. This is good news for silver, which has been rising relative to gold, finally recovering somewhat from the disproportionate beating it took since the election.
*The SteveInCO Federal Reserve Note Suckage Index (FRNSI) is a measure of how much the dollar has inflated. It’s the ratio of the current price of gold, to the number of dollars an ounce of fine gold made up when the dollar was defined as 25.8 grains of 0.900 gold. That worked out to an ounce being $20.67+71/387 of a cent. (Note gold wasn’t worth this much back then, thus much gold was $20.67 71/387ths. It’s a subtle distinction. One ounce of gold wasn’t worth $20.67 back then, it was $20.67.) Once this ratio is computed, 1 is subtracted from it so that the number is zero when the dollar is at its proper value, indicating zero suckage.
The Final Experiment
…starts in one week.
Eric Dubay of the two hundred proofs contradicting himself, at one turn insisting he’d love to go to Antarctica to see for himself, and when offered the opportunity, refusing to concede that he had ever said so.
Disgraceful behavior from the Flerfers. Predicted by the globers. Will Duffy initially didn’t believe they’d turn on their own like this (as the globers said they would), but finally just had to come out and call them on it.
In related news, one of the globers had to back out for medical reasons. The Final Experiment is actually getting a special campsite at almost 80 degrees South–one where no terrain will occlude the Sun– and now they were below the threshold (nine) that the company doing the logistics actually needed for the special camp. So Duffy had to find someone to take the open slot.
And who stepped up? A full-blown, Hollywood-grade documentary producer named Jonathan Mariande. He will make a documentary of the trip.
This will make it even harder for the Flerfers to tap dance around what happens.
It must be great to be a charlatan and make money off of suckers…until the truth outs. Then suddenly you see your life turning to garbage. Sorry, no sympathy from me.
It Came From Deep Space
If there’s one thing almost all of the moons of the outer solar system…and all of the TNOs…share in common it’s that they’re largely made out of water ice.
Honestly if anyone tries to sell you on the idea that space aliens are going to come here to steal our water, just laugh in their faces.
They don’t even have to come almost all the way to Earth just to filch water from our TNOs, they certainly have similar things in their own systems. Water is the most common heteronuclear molecule (i.e. composed of more than one kind of atom) in space.
Which makes sense. Half of all of the “stuff” in the universe that is not hydrogen and is not helium, is oxygen. And after being blasted out into space in a planetary nebula or supernova, the first thing an oxygen atom is likely to find (once thing settle down enough to let it hang onto eight electrons) is a hydrogen atom, or even a hydrogen molecule, because there are seventy grams of hydrogen for every gram of oxygen…which means 1100 hydrogen atoms for every oxygen atom. There’s plenty of helium around too but that’s fluff from a chemical standpoint. So the first thing that lone oxygen atom is going to find isn’t another oxygen atom to form O2, but hydrogen, to form OH then another to form H2O. Badda-bing! Water.
This notion of most solid things being made largely out of water ice is foreign to us, because Earth is almost purely rocks (which, OBTW, generally contain plenty of oxygen) and (deep, deep down) iron-nickel. If Earth actually had its share of water, it’d be Water World, with no rocks within hundreds of miles of the surface. It would look like Europa would look, if Europa melted. (Europa probably has more water in that subsurface ocean than Earth has in total, in spite of being much smaller than Earth.)
Where did our water go? It got blown away by heat. When the Earth first formed it was a molten mass; the water certainly vaporized, and at those temperatures Earth’s gravity would not hold it. Then the stream of energy and particles from the Sun would simply have whisked it away. (In fact we still lose a tiny bit of water vapor this way from our atmosphere even at our current temperatures.)
The next natural question is…OK, it’s not necessarily the next natural question, but this is my post and I’m going to go there anyway: So what would happen if one of those mostly-ice objects somehow ended up getting close to the Sun? The same thing.
You don’t have to take my word for it. This actually happens, a lot. Have a look.

Yes. Comets are basically bodies from the outer solar system that somehow end up getting into an orbit that brings them closer to the Sun. They spend billions of years “out there” just minding their own business, when some other body–perhaps another comet, or a planet, maybe even a rogue planet (one that has escaped its parent star) wanders through and perturbs its orbit, and it drops towards the Sun.
It’s now in a highly elliptical orbit. Depending on where it came from the comet may be regarded as a “short period” comet if it came from the Kuiper Belt or the scattered disk–places I talked about last time–or it may be a “long period” comet if it came from further out.
Further out?
It’s the existence of so many long-period comets that has convinced astronomers that the Kuiper Belt and scattered disk are not the outermost parts of the solar system. Instead it’s thought that these long-term comets originate from a very sparse and gigantic zone called the “Oort Cloud” (pronounced like “port” without the “p”) named after Jan Oort who first proposed it. (Note the third Dutch astronomer who has had a major role in this series on the solar system.)

These orbit anywhere from 2000 to 50,000 AU, though estimates of that upper end vary; I’ve seen numbers as high as 200,000 AU for the upper bound, and so will you by the time you finish this.
For reference, the nearest (other) star to our solar system is at a distance of 268,551 AU (or 1.3 parsecs or 4.25 light years). [Which should tell you how ridiculously far apart stars are in comparison to the sizes of solar systems…much less the sizes of the stars themselves.]
We have never, ever detected an object that is in the Oort Cloud. Too far away, and too small. We only know about it from backtracking comets. And because of these “ambassadors” from the Oort cloud, we know a fair amount about the objects in the Oort Cloud, as a class. We can’t send a probe to them, not in this lifetime, but they sometimes come most of the way to us.
Comets have been known, and feared, since ancient times.
The night time sky is mostly changeless. Oh, the stars shift a bit westward from one night to the next, but after a full year, you’re back where you started from; that in fact is a direct consequence of our yearly orbit about the Sun.
We see planets and the moon moving around, but they are at least somewhat predictable (even by very ancient peoples); they tend to stick being near a band about the sky called the ecliptic. In fact the Sun stays on the ecliptic though that’s a bit harder to see since you can’t see the Sun and the stars at the same time. The point being the planets were predictable and though some people tried to do “woo” with planetary positions, people in general weren’t scared of them.
There were also shooting stars, but even though those are quite unpredictable, they’re fairly frequent.
But a comet? Comets are big, spectacular, hang around for months, and completely unpredictable. There could be a big one next year. Or not. Thus they tended to be regarded as bad omens.
And then came Sir Isaac Newton and Edmond Halley.
Isaac Newton, I’ve discussed enough. He was able to show that a force that could be described mathematically (and thus, precisely) was responsible for the orbits of the planets. At that point they became viewed as essentially a clockwork. His work was published in Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica in 1687, thanks in part to Edmond Halley’s funding and encouragement.
Halley had already made observations of a comet that showed up in September of 1682. He used that data to show that that comet, too, was in an orbit fully consistent with Newton’s gravitation, but rather than a nearly circular orbit, the comet was in a highly elliptical orbit–one with an eccentricity of 0.96658, where 0 is circular and 1.0 is a parabola or line segment. And the orbit has a period of 76 years. Its semi-major axis (i.e., halfway along its length) is 17.737 AU, its nearest approach to the Sun is 0.59279 AU (inside the orbit of Venus), while its furthest distance is 35.14 AU, beyond the orbit of Neptune (which wasn’t known yet!).
Halley published this in 1705, along with data on other comets.
But here was the key implication: There’s be another comet in 1682+76=1758, but it would actually be the comet of 1682, returning.

And sure enough, sixteen years after his death in 1742 at the age of 82, a comet showed up…and it was in the right place, following the right path. That comet is now known as “Halley’s Comet.” (“Halley,” by the way, rhymes with “Valley,” at least that’s the way most people with that name pronounce it today. We’re not 100% sure that’s they way they pronounced it back then, it might have rhymed with “Holly.” Or it may actually have been Hail-ee, as it is commonly pronounced by non-astronomers.)
[Note, by the way, that the animation shows Halley’s comet orbiting clockwise. Yes, it’s retrograde just like irregular satellites are. But if you think about it other than minimum distance this looks an awful lot like an irregular satellite.]
Halley had predicted a comet. And thus, comets became something explicable. Sure, we couldn’t predict when the next long term comet would show up, but the short term ones we could predict like clockwork, and either kind, once visible, would follow predictions as to their path across the sky.
Well, mostly. The difficulty is, that an orbital calculation assumes the object isn’t under any kind of thrust. But when a comet is near the Sun, it’s constantly outgassing as it warms up…and those jets of gas act like random rocket burns. But now we knew what comets are, and that took all of the supernatural “woo” out of them.
And the terror. Well, mostly; but 1910 is a special case of panic caused by scientific illiteracy.
Once comets became an irregular but nevertheless normal phenomenon, astronomers started looking for them. Any unexpected, diffuse blob in a telescope could turn out to be a comet in the early stages of warming up and outgassing. Charles Messier (1730-1817), in fact, made it a hobby to look for comets, and made a catalog of objects–ones that were nebulous in appearance but were not comets–that had fooled him, so that he could check against it in the future to weed out false alarms. This is now known as the Messier catalog, and although it’s by no means comprehensive (it has 110 objects in it), it’s famous. Many objects in the sky are known by their Messier numbers, for example M 31 in Andromeda (the “Andromeda Galaxy”) or M 1, the Crab Nebula. Amateur astronomers even hold “Messier Marathons” during the one month of the year when they are all visible sometime, somewhere, between dusk and dawn, trying to get all of them. (On my one attempt, I got all but 15 or so of them.) Messier did discover 13 comets, and co-discovered a fourteenth.
Now that we knew what we were looking for, we have found Halley’s comet in records from 240 BCE, in Chinese chronicles. And then in 164 BCE in a couple of Babylonian tablets…actually fragments of tablets. And again in 87 BCE in more Babylonian tablets. (And it may be depicted on Armenian coins.)
The appearance of 12 BCE was recorded in China. It likely passed pretty close to Earth then. It so happened that in Rome, Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa died at that time, so the Romans took it as an omen of his death. It is also sometimes cited as a possible Star of Bethlehem (though it seems a bit early for that to me).
There is a possible record of the appearance of 66 CE, the Chinese recorded its appearance in 141. Then we apparently missed one, because the next one is 374, then 451 (heralding the defeat of Attila the Hun). Past that point, we can find every single appearance in the records. The most famous of these was in 1066, meaning someone was going to have a very bad year. Well, it was either going to be Harold (if he lost the English throne) or William (if Harold stopped him from seizing the British throne). It’s convenient that no matter what happens, the comet will turn out to have been an omen! And of course we know that Harold lost out to William the Conqueror, bringing the French language with him. (And English spelling has sucked ever since.)
The comet is depicted on the Bayeaux Tapestry, telling the history of the Battle of Hastings:

Speaking of the Star of Bethlehem, in 1305 Giotto di Bondone produced a work, the Adoration of the Magi, which depicts the star of Bethlehem as a comet. How did he know what a comet looked like? He had seen Halley’s comet in 1301, and that time, it was visually spectacular.

As it turns out, one of the probes that visited Halley’s Comet in 1986, was named Giotto after this artist.
In 1835 the comet appeared, and Mark Twain was born two weeks after its closest approach to the Sun. It was during this apparition that German astronomer Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel (who also developed the Bessel functions–very eclectic stuff) suggested that jets of evaporating material might supply enough force to alter a comet’s orbit.
In 1909 Twain stated that he “came in with Halley’s comet in 1835. It is coming again next year, and I expect to go out with it. It will be the greatest disappointment of my life if I don’t go out with Halley’s comet. The Almighty has said, no doubt: ‘Now here are these two unaccountable freaks; they came in together, they must go out together.'” And sure enough, Twain died on 21 April 1910, the day after the comet’s closest approach to the Sun.
In 1910, we had the benefit of spectroscopy and photography. We could tell from the light, what the comet was made of. One thing found was the toxic gas cyanogen. Earth was expected to pass through the tail of the comet, so a panic ensued with people afraid all life on Earth would be snuffed out, and thus buying gas masks and “anti-comet pills” that were useless (a better record than COVID “vaccines”). The fact of the matter is that a comet’s tail is so diffuse it had no effect.
Here’s the comet in 1910, taken from the Yerkes Observatory, at the time home to the largest telescope in existence. (It still is the largest refracting telescope in existence.)

Based on my grandfather’s recollection, it was a spectacular appearance. Or perhaps he was remembering a different comet; the Great Daylight Comet of [January] 1910, which could be seen even in daytime!
Speaking of comet tails…now would be a good time to discuss the structure comets. Or it may be a bad time. But this is my post, so we will.
The Anatomy of a Comet
At the very heart of a comet is the nucleus. This is the icy object that–when it’s out in the Kuiper Belt, Scattered Disk, or Oort Cloud, just minds its own business, it’s a bunch of ice, dust, and rocks, mostly water ice but also carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, methane and ammonia. They range from 100 meters across to possibly as much as 30 km across. Often they are called “dirty snowballs.” Comets that have passed by the Sun multiple times in the past will tend to have more rock and dust at their surfaces–any ice there boiled off during a previous visit. They are very dark in color, reflecting as little as four percent of the light that reaches them.
Surrounding the nucleus is the coma, it’s basically the sum total of all of the stuff that is outgassing from the comet, and any dust that is being carried along with the outgassing. It can be thousands or even millions of kilometers across.
Here you can see the nucleus of the Hartley comet, complete with very active jets of material:

The tails form…yes, I said “tails”…when the coma material interacts with either solar radiation or the solar wind. One tail will be curved and will consist of the dust and other (relatively) heavy particles. The other is the gas tail, pure gases, and that one will always point directly away from the Sun; these are lighter things that are pushed away instantly by the pressure of the solar radiation.
The gas tail glows because the gases become ionized…in other words it actually emits light. The dust tail, on the other hand shines by reflected sunlight (like planets do).
Tails have been known to be 3.8 AU long… that’s over half a billion kilometers.

The one statistic that I clearly remember reading a lot when I was younger was how rarefied a comet’s tail is. For all of the visual appearance, it’s a near perfect vacuum (just not as close as space normally is). But I haven’t been able to nail it down on the internet. Suffice it to say it’s very, very sparse.
Here’s an animation

So, comets are huge, when they’re active.
Comets that pass by the Sun multiple times will eventually run out of ice to have vaporize. They may then resemble asteroids, or the object may have no cohesion and become swarms of small objects–dust particles, mostly. Those can eventually cause meteor showers on Earth when the Earth eventually passes through them. There are a number of these over the course of a year, generally named for the constellation the meteors seem to radiate from as seen from the ground. Typically there are good and bad years for meteor showers, depending on whether Earth is cutting through the center of the swarm or not.
Categories of Comet
As alluded to above, comets are roughly divided between short period and long period. Short period, or to many astronomers, just plain “periodic” comets are generally those whose period is less than 200 years. Usually, but by no means always, they orbit in at a low inclination, close to the ecliptic, the plane of the planets’ orbits, and in the same direction as the planets. This is an important clue. Short term comets are generally former long term comets that passed too close to one of the planets and had their orbits perturbed. Many will be sub-grouped into “families” based on the outermost extent of their orbits; that’s thought to be an indication as to which planet did the deed. In the case of Halley’s comet, since its orbit extends just a bit past Neptune’s orbit, it’s believed that Neptune perturbed its orbit. The largest of these families is (no surprise) the Jupiter family. There are also comets that orbit within the asteroid belt…they have the right composition, but very little outgassing happens that far away from the Sun.
Long Period comets can have periods of thousands or even millions of years. Those latter are our evidence for the existence of the Oort cloud. Comets C/1999 F1 and C/2017 T2 (PANSTARRS) have a semi major axis of 35,000 AU and a period of six million years. If you missed them when they first showed up, you’re basically out of luck as far as seeing them the next time. You’ll have to wait for them to reach their maximum distance from the Sun…over a light year (!), then come back.
But some comets are literally never expected to come back; those are the single-apparition comets.
If the Kuiper Belt and Oort cloud seem a bit bewildering here is another diagram for comparison…actually it’s three diagrams, one each of the asteroid belt, Kuiper Belt and Oort cloud. These are not drawn to any kind of scale; for instance in the last diagram the planet orbits and Kuiper belt are much too big; and as always the planets themselves and even the Sun are drawn much too large (they should be much less than one pixel in size).

Other Famous Comets
There are over 3,500 known comets. Most never get bright enough to be seen with the naked eye, but some become famous for one reason or another. Halley’s comet, of course, is the undisputed celebrity.
9P/Tempel was discovered in 1867 by William Tempel, and has a 5.6 year period. We lost track of it in 1898 and assumed it had disintegrated, but it was rediscovered in 1967. It turned out that its orbit had been perturbed, and that is how we lost it; it wasn’t where we expected it to be. We have sent probes to this one.
Kohoutek (C 1973 C1) in 1973 was a fizzle. Early estimates of how bright it would get made it seem as if it would be one of the brightest comets of the century, but then…big nothing! And it faded from sight by the end of January 1974. It’s hard to predict how bright a new comet will be, because we rarely have a good feel for how much ice it has, how deeply it’s buried, and so on. On a comet’s second trip, though, we will have a past history to go off of.

Kohoutek is a classic long term comet. Its measured eccentricity was between 0.9999 and 1.0. A 1.0 orbit is an escape orbit (barely), so we don’t expect to see Kohoutek again any time soon. Current estimates are that it is in a 75,000 year orbit. It passed only 0.14 AU from the Sun, meaning it went inside the orbit of Mercury.

Hyakutake in 1996 passed very near Earth (about 15 million km) over the north pole and was readily visible late at night (rather than being buried in twilight. I went outside the city away from the lights to see it as it traversed the Big Dipper and it noticeably moved in just ten or fifteen minutes. This was an unusual opportunity, comets are usually brightest (as seen from Earth) near the sun so it’s unusual to see a bright comet in a truly dark sky.

The comet came in from “below” the plane of the ecliptic (bottom center), crossed the plane of the ecliptic then over our north pole on March 22, zipped through perihelion (closest approach to the Sun, then dropped below the plane of the ecliptic and exited, lower right. Unlike with Kohoutek, this probably isn’t Hyakutake’s first visit; it’s in a 17,000 year orbit with an excentricity of “only” 0.99989.
The Ulysses spacecraft–one studying the Sun–passed through Hyakutake’s tail.
Hyakutake, however, was overshadowed by Hale Bopp, just a few months later in 1997. Hale Bopp is actually the comet I used at the beginning of this post. I unfortunately never got a good look at it. At most I saw some fuzz at twilight, and then it would set. I could never get far enough away from the city fast enough at sunset to get a good look at it. Apparently it came into its own later, after I had given up on it. So for me Hyakutake was “the” comet.

So I really missed the boat on this one, but I’ll get another crack at it in abut 2400 years. This is by no means a short-period comet but it has a significantly shorter period than Kohoutek and Hyakutake, and its orbit has a semi-major axis of a mere 177 AU.
Shoemaker-Levy 9 This one, no one would ever have cared about (other than Carolyn and Eugene Shoemaker, and David Levy, the co-discoverers of it the comet. They discovered it in 1993…and it had already broken into 21 pieces, probably sometime in 1992 when it approached Jupiter (yes…tidal forces!). But then when they plotted its orbit, the astronomers realized two things: the pieces were actually in orbit about Jupiter, not the Sun, and also that they were going to make direct hits on Jupiter in July of 1994! (Hard to believe that was thirty years ago!)

By the time it hit, Shoemaker-Levy 9 was in twenty one pieces and every one of them hit Jupiter.
The comet fragments were up to 2 km in diameter…meaning before it broke up it was actually pretty big.
How would Jupiter hold up getting pummeled like this?
The bad news is the pieces hit just into the dark side of Jupiter. That means we couldn’t see the actual moments of impact from Earth. Hubble got retasked to look; The Ulysses probe got retasked…and the Galileo orbiter was 1.6 AUs out, but it could actually see the impact site. NOTHING was more important than this.
One of the most famous pictures in astronomy is of the black holes the impacts left in Jupiter’s atmosphere.
The largest piece, G, hit with 6,000,000 megatons of of energy. It took months for the atmosphere to recover from the hits. Some of the blemishes were the size of Earth.

Perhaps we will leave such smoking holes in the Deep State, shortly.
This was particularly poignant for Eugene Shoemaker. He almost got to go to the Moon on Apollo 17 as the geologist, but for medical reasons never got to do it. He was however the head of the geology program for many years..
But one of his big “things” was warning people about the dangers of possible future asteroid and comet impacts. He spent time studying Meteor Crater in Arizona, he discovered that the Ries in Germany was an old impact crater (that wasn’t hard. It turned out that St. George’s church in Nördlingen was built out of rock that clearly had been altered by the force of an asteroid impact (it’s very distinctive; no volcano or other Earth-bound force can produce it). After that all he had to do was find the right quarry in order to bag his…er…quarry.
Geologists and astronomers had pooh-poohed his warnings, but Shoemaker-Levy 9 vindicated him completely. Now we’re quite aware of the very real danger of being hit by one of these objects. We’ve had two significant…but still very small…pieces hit since 1900, both in Russia: 1908 Tunguska and 2013 Chelyabinsk.
When recounting the history of Halley’s comet, I stopped at 1910, not 1986. That’s because we were able to send probes…yes more than one…to the comet because we had plenty of advance notice. In fact we sent five probes. The European Space Agency sent Giotto, the Soviet Union sent Vega 1 and Vega 2, Japan sent Sakigake and Suisei.
NASA didn’t do a damned thing. However they did send a mission, ICE, to another comet the year before, and therefore the first mission to study a comet was an American probe. Another six missions have been sent to other comets since, including one lander and one deliberate impact:
Deep Space (launched 1998) used an ion drive for manuevering. It had two targets, it missed its first target and managed to reach its second target.
Stardust (launched 1999) actually captured dust from Wild, one of its target comets, and launched a capsule that returned that dust to Earth. So we got to put bits of comet into test tubes in a lab here on Earth. The other comet was…well let me hold that until later.
CONTOUR (launched 2002) was intended to study two comets but failed. Plan B was to head to yet a third comet, but the spacecraft couldn’t be contacted. Can’t win ’em all.
All missions up to that time were flybys, but we actually set up an orbiter, Rosetta, launched by the European Space Agency in 2004. It orbited 67P Churymov-Gerasimenko in 2014 and attempted to land. In the meantime, it took pictures, like this one.

Rosetta had company; ESA had launched two probes on the same day and Philae‘s purpose from the start was to land on the comet. It actually ended up bouncing multiple times, and ended up in partial shadow, limiting its useful lifetime. Philae was last heard from in 2015.
Finally there was Deep Impact, launched in 2005. Yes, one of the two big “asteroid hitting the Earth” movies from 1998 bore that name, but neither Wikipedia page references the other, so there’s not even a “name inspired by…” connection that I can find. The goal here was to study the internal composition of a comet, so the probe actually launched an impactor, and then photographed the light flash. That was comet 9P/Tempel (a fairly well known comet, though not as famous as Halley’s comet). The main craft went on to take the picture of Hartley I showed above.
Tempel is actually a fairly well known comet, it was first observed in 1867 by William Tempel, and has a 5.6 year period. We lost track of it in 1898 and assumed it had disintegrated, but it was rediscovered in 1967. It turned out that its orbit had been perturbed, and that is how we lost it; it wasn’t where we expected it to be.
Here is a composite image based on photographs taken by Deep Impact before the impact.

Here is a photograph taken by the impactor, before it became like a bug on a windshield, on July 4, 2005.

If that’s a bit boring. how about an “oh, SHIT!” GIF?

Or as seen from the main spacecraft:

The impact speed was 10.3 km/second and delivered energy equivalent to 4.7 tons of TNT. We predicted that the crater would be about 100 m across. Only in 2011 did we find out…thanks to a flyby by Stardust, that the crater was roughly 200 m across.
The Impactor bore a CD with the names of 625,000 people encoded on it.
Smack! in Popular Culture
What would happen if one of these hit the Earth?
Well, it would suck. A 1 km wide body hitting us would make every hurricane and earthquake in history put together look like nothing; the entire planet would be affected.
Consider that a long term comet will be moving at pretty close to solar escape velocity. Which when it hit the earth would be about 42 km/sec. Earth would be moving at 30 km/sec. The typical scenario is a right-angle collision, basically Earth getting T-boned by the comet; that’s a collision speed of 51.6 km/sec. Under very unusual (but not impossible) circumstances where the comet’s closest approach is 1 AU and it happens to be headed in exactly the opposite direction to Earth’s motion it could be a head-on collision at 72 km/second, but that’s so unlikely that it’s only worth contemplating if you are so tired of winning that 51.6 km/sec isn’t enough to adequately ruin your day.
An object of, say, 1km in size popping in at that speed would be catastrophic, especially if it hit the ocean. Humanity would probably survive–a death toll of 90+ percent is not 100 percent, but the survivors might find themselves blown back into the stone age…and the lasting effects would make “climate change” look like a mouse fart. Make the asteroid or comet much bigger and…we probably wouldn’t survive.
Tempel, by the way, averages about 6km across. Fortunately it doesn’t cross our orbit and if it did, it wouldn’t be at quite that high a speed.
This doesn’t mean we haven’t contemplated both comet and asteroid strikes. We know an asteroid strike either killed off the dinosaurs, or helped do so. We have those two movies from 1998, Deep Impact and Armageddon. Deep Impact was from a scientific basis a much better movie but it didn’t have Bruce Willis in it.
We also have fiction. Lucifer’s Hammer (1977) was a book by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle. They’re both good authors, and they are even better when they work together. It details the discovery of a comet that’s going to come very close to Earth, and follows a number of different people before, during and after the impact. The survivors fight to maintain civilization in the face of torrential rains that lasted for months, hordes of other survivors reduced to barbarism, and the incipient ice age triggered by the impact. Highly recommended.
And then it turned out that the original concept of the novel was that alien invaders had deliberately caused the impact, this time with a moonlet brought from Saturn. For whatever reason their editors had rejected that concept, but Niven and Pournelle had the last laugh; in 1985 they published Footfall, quite possibly the best alien invasion novel ever. And yes, the aliens dropped one in the Indian ocean, killing billions. Also Highly recommended.
Where Our Water Came From
Not every cometary collision is a bad one though. I mentioned at the beginning of this post that Earth lost its water back at the beginning, so the question arises, how is it we have any now? We believe that it was mostly brought in by comets, shortly after the planet cooled. There were a lot more of them back then, and Earth did its part to reduce the numbers.
In 1984, it was suggested that we might be a binary star. Some very faint red dwarf could be orbiting at about 95,000 AU, outside of the Oort cloud (depending on which estimate for its outer bound is correct), and perturbing comets’ orbits, eventually leading to huge numbers of comets reaching the inner solar system. This would make sense if the red dwarf were in an elliptical orbit, and doing the perturbing only when closest to the Sun. There seemed to be a 26 million year recurring pattern of mass extinctions (not as big as the dinosaur killer or the Great Dying at the end of the Permian, but mass extinctions nonetheless).
With an effect like that, the hypothetical star has been named Nemesis.
Surely we’d know already if we were a binary star? I mean, come on. We don’t see this except on movie screens.

Not necessarily! Most stars are red dwarfs, they’re incredibly faint. None of them are visible to the naked eye at night. None of them, not even the closest one we know of now, Proxima Centauri. So one of these would not be obvious. We’d only be able to tell if we happened to look at the right one and measured its distance and speed. There is a systematic survey being made of red dwarfs, starting with the ones that appear brightest and working their way down. Conceivably, we could get a “hit.” If it’s close enough we could even conceivably send a probe, but it’d be by far the biggest space project ever, and we wouldn’t live to see the pictures.
But as of now, Nemesis is considered very unlikely. Many astronomers think we may once have had a Nemesis but it could have been lost when another star came relatively close sometime in the past.
The End?
That’s comets in a nutshell. Many are denizens of the outermost marches of the Solar System.
As usual I could only scratch the surface of the topic.
This is, I believe, the last of the series on our solar system.
Oh boy. Nobody’s home?
Well then, I’m heading off to bed .
After I put up the stars for the rating, I cooked my dinner.
Comet, the cleaning powder, was introduced in 1956 by Procter & Gamble. It was sold in 2001 to Prestige Brands, then again in 2018 to KIK Custom Products — a company with such attention to detail that it says “All Rights Rerved” on the bottom of its webpage [ https://www.cometcleaner.com/about ].
There is no obvious connection to a particular actual comet.
Ahhhhhh, Comet…
It makes your mouth all green.
Comet, it tastes like Kerosine.
Comet, will make you vomit,
So get some Comet, and vomit,
WOW. I remember that one!
We had a similar version in MI LOL thanks for the forgotten memory
“Ahhhhhh, Comet…
It makes your
mouth allteeth turn green.Comet, it tastes like
willmakeS you vomit,So get some Comet, and vomit,
Thank you for this series, Steve. Even with all the stats that I don’t perfectly understand about distances and speeds, it has been very readable and enlightening.
Do you mean if Earth were in a binary star system? (Am I even asking that correctly?)
Yes, and yes,
Something tells me the FBI pissed off more than a few state and local PDs by swinging their big dicks around.
You bet they have. Not to mention violating the Constitution. Good police hate that.
How much voice good police have with that union is one thing. But good and bad they both hate the FIB.
It’s a big club.
Why, yes. Yes, we do.
Actually the better question is, “Who did not know that Tillis should be primaried, Alex?”
IMO, it’s clear that Tillis, Ernst, McConnell, Collins, Schumer, and perhaps Thune, are actively establishing a “SHADOW GOVERNMENT” to oppose/obstruct incoming POTUS47. Schiff will be part of this situation. Could also be happening in the House.
This SHADOW GOVERNMENT has nothing to do with “loyal opposition” or “principled criticism.” It has EVERYTHING to do with the DeepState doing whatever it has to do to remain in total control.
What does McConnell have on Tillis?
Here’s the way to get Tillis to “come clean”, IMO — Ask him WHY he’s not pressuring FEMA and Gov. Roy Cooper to DO THEIR JOBS, instead of letting the people of Hurricane Helene-devastated areas in North Carolina FREEZE TO DEATH in the tents they’re living in.
They might not need anything.
Here’s someone with bright prospects for America’s future if Tillis, Ernst and others can be stifled or removed.
Yup. It is buying access to assets of other nations and peoples. If you have to pay for “friends” and “allies”, they are not friends and allies.
Benevolence should come from private citizens.
No wonder BDD (beautiful downtown Deutschland [apologies to Johnny Carson and Burbank]) is so far in the hole. Of the contributions from the EC, Germany ALSO provides the largest component, especially since Brexit…
Time to stop funding idiocracy…

Note that it’s less than ten billion.
Not that it shouldn’t be cut, but sometimes I get the impression that some people think foreign aid is the entire reason we have a budget deficit.
Of course this graph does NOT include the genuinely big sums of money we’ve shipped off to Ukraine, but that wasn’t a factor until the last couple of years.
We’re so far ahead of people like Ernst and Susan Collins that statements like these are almost inexplicable.
Trump made his choice, we have facts about him and believe him to be capable and a patriot, and that’s it. Simple. But noooooo, we have to get his “vision” for our “warfighters.” Who talks like that? Why is he having to convince Ernst during “constructive conversations”? Because she’s a RINO who appears to be under someone’s power, IMO.
There you go again with your truths thingy.
“You truly are everything that’s wrong with our country.”
It all starts from ground level in local and state politics. Once the uniparty scum make it into position they buy key voting blocs with their Congressional votes and influence that keep them there. They eventually lose (often intentionally), retire or die rich.
Speaking of dying rich, how about a constitutional amendment banning collective bargaining, government retirement plans/pensions, lifetime govt paid medical care, and public sector unions?
There you go again. You are making me all jiggly early today.
Pleased I could be of service.
Catturd is correct. She serves only through the authority of the people who elected her. Representative republic. The citizens are not her subjects. She should be recalled by Iowans. As should Tillis in NC as well as other RINO’s.
Every one of these scumbags self identify at some point. They are liars, hypocrites, thieves, frauds and murderers. American citizens need to get off the couch and get active in fixing this mess.
I like how it says ‘show more’ at the bottom.
Catturd isn’t quite done with beating up the old hog de-nutter.
Here is the full statement. hehe…
Judicial Bombshell: Federal Judge Forces FDA to Release Over a Million Pages of Pfizer’s COVID-19 Trial Documents They Wanted to Keep Hidden for 75 Years

June of 2025 is too far away.
Once FDA and the CDC are conclusively proven in court to have conspired with Big Pharm, medical providers, government – and that will be proven – oh my. There is no liability protection for criminal negligence. If government officials are proven to have conspired – RICO.
Criminal prosecutions and civil lawsuits will be off the charts. Only the most leftist fool will trust anything that a medical provider or Big Pharm says.
It might be time for mommas to say it is OK to let your babies grow up to be attorneys again.
Well, our entire system came from words written on a couple of stone tablets. In other words, our legal system came from Almighty God. We haven’t taken very good care of it but we’re capable of fixing it.
Agree completely.
What vine had that judge? We need to go back there and pick a few more.
This is the second ruling by Judge Pittman. He is the judge who ordered the initial release of the “Pfizer file” in 2022. The new ruling will force the release of ALL the remaining material related to the FDA granting the initial EUA in December 2020 for BNT162b2 to be used in the United States.
The consequences of Judge Pittman’s new ruling are IMMENSE. Yours Truly hopes that RFK, Jr., is already on top of this “like flies on dung.”
Somebody explain to me how Mexicans moving into America and overwhelming the existing population to the point of becoming a minority is different from Europeans moving into America and overwhelming the Indians to the point of becoming a minority.
The left screams about the latter case, and celebrates the former.
Outrage industry is not required to be logical.
They think former is our just deserts from the latter.
Ah ha.
Not sure whether you just had an epiphany or that was sarcasm. But I was being dead serious.
Many of them feel overwhelming guilt about the European conquest and overrun of America, and since they think of people as being their races we are somehow responsible for that. (Collective and inherited guilt, a no no to any rational mind.) We owe the non-whites of the world, in their view.
The same “logic” is behind reparations. I am somehow responsible and accountable for what other whites, in my case not even my ancestors, did to the ancestors of other people–who likely have some white ancestors themselves.
That “ah ha” was akin to “oh, yeah.” You are right, of course.
I suspect that is what they tell themselves and others, but in a moment of candor, they admit they need someone to clean their house, pick their bueberries, and cut their grass.
That there is a great conclusion to a superb series, on the solar system.
Learned so much. Dot connecting. Hell, learned of dots I had no clue about before. Then connected those dots.
“Anti-comet pills” Nice chuckle out of that one.
Looking forward to reports from the Final Experiment as well as this.
Looking forward to this one also.
“A full-blown, Hollywood-grade documentary producer named Jonathan Mariande. He will make a documentary of the trip.”
Fed in here again, and this time it’s not because of Turkey Day.
Really? Do tell….
What the heck. I thought I wrote “Dead in here.”
Was wonder WTF did I miss this time.
And it really is dead in here. 10 AM and only 51 comments? I’m used to seeing 40 before 2AM.
I wonder why? Tough week?
Well they’re coming in fast now. Orange ball at 18 suddenly.
Saturdays seem to be when people here are getting offline and doing stuff.
The usual pattern is that Saturday is stronger than Sunday. Last week for some reason Saturday didn’t even get to 200 posts and that might be the case today too.
I’ve been fighting some crud running through the family so only finished reading Wednesday’s post yesterday & then slowly moving forward…sigh…
Hope at some point you’ll expand on the asteroid belt, Kuiper Belt, AND the Oort Cloud
I thought this was the expansion?
I know I covered the asteroid belt a few weeks ago; the Kuiper belt 2 weeks ago and last week (including Pluto) and the Oort cloud here.
I guess I missed reading some of that between family gatherings & illness. Hope I’ll get back to it…eventually. This is a pretty busy time of year
Missing, and presumed fed?
or was that fed a party parody of Cyrus
Good stuff, Steve

Welp. I was in a position to listen to NPR the other day. And they were making a pitch for their “first ever December fund drive” due to the expected cuts in federal funding. So looks like it’s going to be real!
In case y’all want to donate *snort*
Oh yeah let me get right on over there.
I have to say, some of the worst bullshit I’ve ever heard came from NPR. I hope they fail. I really do. Some people believe the crap they say like it’s gospel.
NPR. Unlistenable.
About as insidious as the MacNeil-Lehrer report on PBS.
It poses as an objective show covering both sides, but it’s slanted to make our side loiok ridiculous an d the other side reasonable, whilst being at a somewhat higher intellectual level than the regular networks’ news programs,
Turned my dad’s brains into leftist mush after he discovered it.
It did that to a lot of people. Really top-notch psy-ops are dangerous for most people.
This is why I say both kinds of propaganda, the clumsy and subtle, are designed to work together. The clumsy propaganda lends credibility to the subtle kind. The victim spots the clumsy stuff and laughs at it, and doesn’t realize the other stuff is also lies.
This ^^^
Good theory.
I’ve seen it in operation.
They sell advertising. They have no need for fundraising. Just up the advertising. It’s actually a viable business model in that way.
Yup. Up advertising rates AND there periodic
fundmooch for money drives.Hunter probably has a lot of snort he can donate
Interesting post! It brings up several things for me.
First, I am fairly convinced, but not entirely, that the Christmas star was not an actual object in the sky, but an astrological sign. The Magi were astrologers; astrologers make “star charts” of births and other events. If they saw a “star” in a chart that foretold of the birth of the Messiah, they would have “followed” it to the place that the star in the chart predicted, and found Jesus. Scholars seem to think Jesus might have been a year or more old when they arrived.
Second, I have a piece of jewelry made of tektite, which is glass made when a meteor hits. Mine is called moldavite, and comes from the Nördlinger Ries crater in Germany.
Third, Lucifer’s Hammer is one of my favorite books ever! I started collecting “how to” books after I read it, just in case I had to bury some in case of a meteor strike, lol. I learned all my “survival skills” after reading books like this. You never know….
Hot Fudge Sunday…
…which falls on a Tuesdae.
Lol. Everybody should read that book.
It has a different “feel” than Footfall does. Footfall is a war. Lucifer’s Hammer is man overcoming adversity. I recommend both books, but in spite of similar plots they are very different.
I’ve never read that one. In general, I don’t like science fiction. Of course, Dune is one of my top five books ever, and I loved the Foundation series. But after the genius of those, most sci-fi just feels derivative to me.
And both very good!!!
Another good one describing a possible oncoming ice age is Fallen Angels.
Yep. They wrote that one as a thank you to fandom.
I went to a worldcon once, back in the 80s, roughly the time these three books were written.
I wonder if I would even recognize anything now. How many of the younger generation have read Heinlein and Asimov and Niven and Pournelle?
I just put both on hold at the library
What about the end of SoZ???
It’s back, I just have to check it out again. Thursday is my usual library day so maybe I’ll get back on it then
Here’s looking forward to it….
I’ll let you know when I finish
Actually, astronomers have looked back in the history of the galaxy and there is a theory that the Christmas Star was actually three planets that were really close together at one point. It’s a theory, so take it for what you paid for it.
Yes, I have read about that one. And my theory is the same, worth what was paid for it.
Since we weren’t actually there, we can’t know exactly “what” the Magi were following.
I rather like that one, actually. The magi were astrologers, apparently, and a conjunction of the planets like that would have given them an astrologer woodie. And they would have been able to predict that and set off on their journey in anticipation, unlike a comet.
A comet, honestly, you couldn’t prove anyway. We know Halley was around at almost the right time; we don’t and can’t know, unless we find a contemporary record, whether some other long-period comet might have come along at the right time. Whenever that was. You can’t predict them and you can’t even post-dict (if that is a word) them.
One of the big difficulties with trying to reconstruct the Christmas Star–and that’s assuming it was something tangible rather than a sign–or for that matter to show that there wasn’t anything and therefore show it must have been an astrological sign is that we can’t nail down a date for the nativity. One of the two accounts indicates before 4 BC, the other seems to indicate after AD 6. And you’ve alluded to other things (such as the possibility that the magi didn’t visit until a year afterwards) that make it more confusing.
I’ve seen conjunctions of planets suggested as well (and that would definitely have been of interest to the magi–and it’s something they could predict and make a journey in anticipation of, unlike a comet).
That’s what I think. They saw the conjunction of planets, or whatever the “star” really was in their charts, and then made their journey.
The Christmas story is very condensed, but there are clues in it. The Magi “came from the East.” They had to travel some distance after Jesus’ birth to see Him. He had already been born when they journeyed.
Matthew 2:1-2
Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, [a]wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, 2 saying, “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him.”
And Herod ordered the deaths of boys two and under. Why two? If Jesus was a newborn, why not infants under one year old? The magi had clearly told him something to make him think the child could be up to two years old.
Matthew 2:7
Then Herod, when he had secretly called the wise men, determined from them what time the star appeared.
Matthew 2:16
Then Herod, when he saw that he was deceived by the wise men, was exceedingly angry; and he sent forth and put to death all the male children who were in Bethlehem and in all its districts, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had determined from the wise men.
If archaeologists ever discover anything that points to the date that Herod ordered all those children killed, we will then know for sure when Jesus was born, at least within a year or so.
Nice hypothesis! Testable!
Thanks. I think about this stuff a lot.
This is a great article about Pete Hegseth from a retired CIA officer and Air Force veteran who actually worked for Hegseth.
Hegseth is exquisitely qualified to be Sec Def. People who are against him have DE FACTO ulterior motives. It shouldn’t be questioned “whether” they should be primaried. It just needs to happen, regardless of if they see the handwriting on the wall and eventually vote yes, or not.
Thank you for today’s lesson!
Thank you for the series on the Solar System. I’ve learned so much. Hats off to you — this is coming from a person who managed to get a B in Algebra II in high school, and stayed away from the higher math courses from there on out.
I do have a question, about “space junk.” Is there any way that the increasing amounts of this stuff in the space above Earth (from broken-up satellites, etc.) could somehow “fuse together” and create a disturbance in the Earth’s orbit?
The short answer is No.
The slightly longer answer is No, but something else could happen instead.
The even longer answer is: The aggregate weight of everything we’ve put up there is insignificant compared to even the tiniest comet or asteroid, and they are a mere flyspeck compared to Earth, totally unable to shift its orbit even with a direct hit. (A direct hit would be a catastrophe for us; the Earth as an orbiting object would be unaffected.)
But let’s put that aside; let’s assume for the sake of argument we put so much junk up there that it amounts to one percent of the Earth’s mass. Almost as big as the moon. It still wouldn’t shift our orbit about the Sun, because what’s orbiting is the Earth-Moon center of mass. Now it’d be the Earth-Moon-newthing center of mass, but it (the center of gravity) wouldn’t shift. (So long as new material isn’t brought in from the outside.) I am struggling to come up with an analogy to illustrate that point.
The real hazard (a much smaller one) is that we could reach a point where stuff up there that breaks up could result in flying bits that hit other objects and break them up, and there could be a cascade effect. Eventually low earth orbit could be filled with tiny debris and be unusable. Many are concerned we may be near that tipping point already.
Thank you!
What kinds of things move around in low Earth orbit? — Communications satellites? Supersonic aircraft? Is anybody coming up with something that can “remove” this stuff so it doesn’t become a problem? (Except, I guess, how would the “hoovered up space junk” get down into Earth’s atmosphere to be “disposed of” anyway, since it would burn up on the way down, right?)
Commsats (like for satellite TV) and weather satellites are typically in GEO (geosynchronous orbit) which is a lot higher up. The ISS, on the other hand, is in LEO; all of our shuttle missions were to LEO–in fact since Apollo every manned space flight has been in LEO. Hubble is in LEO. I think the starlink satellites are LEO, though; they make up for the fact that they don’t stay in one place (as seen from the ground) by there being so many of them that there’s always a lot of them present. I honestly don’t know the full list, but it’s the easiest to get to so if it doesn’t need to go higher, it won’t.
Supersonic aircraft don’t get that high. Sort of by definition; if it’s up there it’s a spacecraft not an aircraft.
If we can deorbit it, then problem solved, we don’t care at that point if it burns up (actually we prefer it…people get irate when junk falls on their property). In fact we now try to make sure that big things deorbit; satellites reaching end of life are preferentially deorbited.
Hoovering it up, I guess they’d either deorbit it or actually try to return it safely to the surface (like with astronauts). I don’t know, and it depends on what the junk would be useful for…possibly checking it to see how much being in space affected it.
The scary thing, though, isn’t the pieces we can track, it’s the pieces that are so small we can’t track them, anything from nuts and bolts to flecks of paint. Those can still cause significant damage.
Currently there are more than 6000 Starlink satellites in different orbital shells in LEO, but above the ISS, so that they are not in a collusions course. At the moment SpaceX has a license to put up 7500 satellites, but they plan to extent it to 30000 some of them below ISS. They have to coordinate with NASA to avoid as one of the conditions of the license.
If you want to have an idea how many Starlinks there are, here is a video of Don Pettit who is one of the astronauts on the ISS
Interesting discovery. I frequently enjoy listening to Jesse Waters’ interviews as posted on X here and at other places. So I decided to follow him on X. Blocked. I have never blocked him or anybody else on X. No problem unblocking and now follow. But why was it blocked at all? Nobody else I have wanted to follow was blocked previously. Any ideas?
Did you interact with him or that account other than following?
Usually that’s what draws a block. However, Twitter has been doing some wacko stuff and people are constantly losing followers, or getting shadow-banned of late.
Thanks, DePat! Elon’s away, so the rats are at play. First time that I have seen that and was wondering.
It is sometimes possible to accidentally block somebody on Twitter/X by typing the wrong combination of keys in a long string of typing that is only partially picked up by the web page, when your screen freezes up buy you keep typing, and then the interface lets some of the keystrokes through, but others not, in the wrong places and times. The result can be something you don’t want. Typically, you will see a pop-up asking if you’re sure you want to block or mute somebody, but if you typed more, you may not see that.
However, it is VERY rare for this to go through unnoticed. I have probably muted people twice in my life in this way. No blocks that I know of.
I have been blocked by a couple of people, and in both cases, I said things they didn’t like (though not meanly).
Twitter/X has been doing some weird stuff lately, to where I cannot see posts by friends, which I know are there. I am researching when and why this happens. I have some good developing theories.
Thanks, the results will be interesting to know.
My X gathers so much trash, I block dozens daily. No idea how that trash gets vectored to me.
Follow prolly ten X accounts that I align with. Mainly to see what they say AND not attract trash, by following different angles.
Occasionally I block an X account by accident. Discover when viewing Xs that indicate a linked X account I blocked. Which I then unblock. Moving on.
X, by all appearances is a convoluted jungle. I try not to get involved. More like Observe AND Bring back stuff of interest.
That’s how I do it. I rarely post, just observe and focus on interests.
I’ve been posting a lot more lately. Going to do the verification thing. I hang out there enough, may as well get paid for it.
Good. I need to follow you.
LaughLoveLive, identifies as Deplorable Patriot
Are you GooberGump72, by chance?
Verse of the Day for Saturday, December 7, 2024
“For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.”
1 Corinthians 6:20 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Are you saved by the Blood of the Lamb?
Are you washed clean or will you God damn?
Have you repented down on your knees?
Have you accepted Jesus as God decrees?
Were you made in His image from the start?
Separated through sin, did you depart?
Did you fall short of the Glory of God?
Trapped in sin throughout your life have you trod?
Was it the lure of pleasure that did you in?
Was it the lack of conscience deep within?
Did you seek attention and praise from man?
Was that when you fell and it all began?
Were you puffed up in pride with your gift?
Did attractiveness, talent give you a lift?
Was it approval from man that you sought?
Or were you meek and humble as you ought?
Did you trod on your neighbor; feed your greed?
Did you compete ruthlessly; feed your need?
Up front and center; was that your desire?
From attention and praise did you ever tire?
Selfishness rears in unlikely places;
It shows in actions; mostly in faces;
Its ugliness, strain affects not just one;
All who love Jesus; have Him in common!
The root of all evil is money, some say;
But selfishness, too, has a part to play;
For when we are selfish, we create strife;
We ignore the Truth, the Way, and the Life!
Jesus said: Deny self and follow Me;
How can we do that if selfish we be?
By the Blood of the Lamb, we are saved;
But we cannot ignore the heart depraved!
For, from the heart, comes what we admire;
If worldly pursuits alone we desire;
If putting another down raises us up;
From the cup of salvation we’ll not sup!
Repent and be saved from worldly aims;
Accept Jesus as Lord; the prayer claims;
Renounce all your sins in His holy name;
Renounce the need for attention and fame!
By the blood He selflessly shed on the tree;
Victory over death made mankind free;
For the wages of sin is death for all;
Failure to repent will be mankind’s fall!
Seek first the kingdom and earnestly pray;
The Blood of the Lamb will wash sins away;
Accept Jesus as the Lord of your life;
Defeat selfishness and eliminate strife!
D01: 04/18/2013
Thank You Duchess!
Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing
#psalm91 #psalms #prayer
Pray Everyday
Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.
#faith #god #psalms

The attack on Pearl Harbor occurred this day in 1941.
Lou Contor, the last survivor of the USS Arizona, died in April 2024. There are, apparently, only 19 survivors total from the Pearl Harbor attack alive now.
My late husband was born on 9 April 1910, just before the Halley Comet made its appearance that year. He “outlived” its next appearance, then lived for another 32 years, passing away in 2018.
Holy smokes! 108! No getting rid of that guy!
He likely got to outlive everyone he detested, which is the best revenge.
My husband passed away four months before his 108th birthday (so he was 107 years of age when he passed.) He was planning to live to be at least 110 (because his doctors all told him that if he did, all his care from them would be for free, lol) — but his body gave out under the stress of physical ailments.
He did, however, outlive many people he “had odds with.”
I did a double take when I realized he was “up there” in age.
I knew (not well) a guy who lived to 104. He once remarked (in the presence of his 70 year old wife) that his secret was to marry younger women.
Well, considering that Yours Truly was a modern-day version of a “Civil War bride”, in that there was an “appreciable age gap” between my age and my husband’s age when we married—your friend may have had a point.
I figured as much since you gave no indication of being a centenarian yourself.
Pavaca, I just went to my link to your husband’s memoirs and it is broken. I am certain it worked at one time.
The Amazon link works.
I could almost imagine myself writing such a thing.
Fortunately, it was the right time to be aghast; we apparently needed more ghasts.
Barb Meier
Yeah, the website you listed is gone. I refused to pay another chunk of money to the publisher to keep it going. These “self-publishing” houses are in it only to make as much money as possible for themselves. They couldn’t case less if the author makes any income.
I will update the link, thanks Pavaca!! I loved the book and believe others will too.
Thanks Steve for the interesting comet post. Never heard that about Mark Twain.
Something hit me this morning. This man that was shot has become the sensation of msm which is odd. Every single day in NYC people are shot, stabbed, knocked unconscious by total strangers…why has this murder been their go-to top story? By now the furor should’ve died down.
My hinky meter always goes off when msm latches on to something.
I am so disconnected from MSM that I honestly have no idea what you’re referencing here.
Sorry, I’m talking about the insurance executive gunned down outside his hotel in NYC. It was just a random thought..probably should’ve had more coffee before saying anything.
Oh you mean the United Healthcare guy.
(I don’t think of medical insurance as actual “insurance” when it’s mostly pre-paid health care with a shit ton of adminstrative overhead shoved off onto doctors’ offices.)
They’re likely hoping to blame us for it.
Yup. I’ve been trying to keep an eye on this. Particularly the leftist move where they wrap the target (us) in something else, and get us to join in.
Thanks, Steve. A great finale, but that implies an Encore!!
LOL! Hear, hear!
Thoroughly enjoy this series, Steve. Thanks for your efforts.
All the best for Joni.
Can someone please explain why the person giving the “injection” to Sen. Ernst doesn’t have their thumb, first and middle (“second”) fingers around the pulled-back plunger on the syringe? That position is assumed before the syringe’s needle is supposed to break the skin. The thumb is then used to evenly dispense the contents of the syringe into the muscle. Then the needle is cleanly removed, the injection site wiped with an alcohol pad if needed, and a bandaid applied.
She never got the shot.
Good to see you! Hope all is well with you and yours.
That’s my suspicion. Either Sen. Ernst had a “photo op injection” staged, or she actually did get the injection at some other time and did a staged photo op.
LOL! Love these “Hollywood hacks”!
I remember we saw Hyakutake for a few nights in 1996. It was quite impressive while it passed us by.
Thanks for the posts on science and astronomy!
There is now some concern being expressed in some European countries about a new feed additive for cattle, which is supposed to reduce the methane produced by them, all in the name of fighting the «climate change». Methane is apparently a potential greenhouse gas, never mind that it is so reactive and thus dissipates before very long. Bill Gates apparently has his dirty hands in this as well.
There’s a discussion of this here: https://underdogsbiteupwards.wordpress.com/2024/11/29/the-fart-of-doom/
Apparently this product has a number of safety concerns in itself, being hazardous in larger concentrations as well as reducing sperm quality in males…
And it is called Bovaer
Yes, substitute C for B and id for er and voila! …. It is almost as we are being trolled, but this is real enough.
Absolutely do not trust Billy Ghoul Gates of Hell on this. He is the master of the hidden payload, where the payload is BAD for whoever he suckers.
Killing off all or most cattle to force us into fake meat is an acceptable outcome for Gates. Thus, he cannot be trusted. End of the argument for me.
Oh no argument from me either.
This looks like another questionable top-down decree, that for some ostensibly good reason, cattle feed is being poisoned in order to fix a completely irrelevant issue.
It resonates a lot with the jab campaigns, where people have to be poisoned in order to avoid the planned pandemic.
In both, some stupid and dangerous policy that effectively poisons the populace is enacted for profit. Like the jab, this Bovaer (rhymes with Covid and BOHICA) is another thing to watch out for.
Mankind has lived throughout all of history with cattle methane. The earth has survived and is thriving. People buying into this stuff are either extremely gullible, o they are in on a money-making, power-grabbing scheme.
Methane is a very powerful greenhouse gas. So is water vapor. Still, worrying about cow farts…??? even if it’s a concern surely they have bigger fish to fry.
A very enjoyable read linked below that we may see play out in the coming months and years. In going through it all again, seeing the logic and connections as well as remembering the legal events and timeline; it seems to fit as he presents.
The delays in justice has produced a defeatist attitude by much of MAGA along with charges of hopium against many sources. Remember how we all felt as it seemed Huber’s and Durham’s investigations were nothingburgers in the end? What does it tell us that PDT’s trusted guy, John Ratcliffe, will be working where Brennan once roamed?
What if this whole thing is as big and perhaps, a great deal bigger than even Brian states below?
If true, for MAGA patriots there will be …
This seems odd:
16 older guys.
Only 3 are balding — Brandon, Brennan and some guy across from Brennan.
That’s 18.75% of the men in the room who are losing their hair.
The average in the United States is 42.68%
I knew guys in high school that were already starting to lose their hair, and here all these geezers are, most of them with a fuller head of hair than Moe Howard.
I don’t remember a lot from my college courses on statistics and standard deviations, but that seems like an unnaturally small amount of balding men.
Brain Cates: “And Durham DID prove all of this. It’s in the filings. It’s already in all the court records.
What hasn’t happened is any CHARGES and PROSECUTIONS for any of this.
Good thing there’s no statute of limitations on TREASON, right?
Something I assure you that Trump knows VERY WELL.
He gets in there with the Attorney General and the FBI Director that he wants, hell yes they’re going to pay for what they did to him.”
Duck assist query: “can a president pardon someone for treason?”
Answer: “Yes, a president can pardon someone for treason, as the presidential pardon power extends to federal offenses, including treason, except in cases of impeachment. However, the decision to grant such a pardon is at the president’s discretion.”
Since when is it okay for the red carpet to be wrinkled?
A secret insult?
It’s OK if one is Macron and realizes that “Papa is Back in Town.” So, IMO, like any self-respecting overgrown child who also, perhaps, has a “Napoleon complex”, Macron tries a backhand insult to Papa?
Looks like good news, didn’t see it mentioned at OT yet, this is all I have. Apparently dismissing the manslaughter charge is a strategic move, so who knows whether it’s good or not, or ‘legal’ system is a bad joke:
it is good news.
Bad news. Going back Monday on lesser charges. Judge railroading Penny.
A Night-time Prayer to Quiet Anxious Thoughts (Psalm 71)
Philippians 4:6-7 says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” When you lay down to sleep and anxiety has a chokehold on your heart and mind, run to Jesus.
“Father God, I am anxious tonight and struggle to fall asleep. Rescue me, Lord, and deliver me. You are my fortress, my strong refuge, to which I can always go. You are my hope and my confidence. Be near to me and come quickly to help me. Comfort me once again. I praise You for Your faithfulness, God. You have redeemed me, and I will always have hope.
In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.”
A Night-time Prayer for Loved Ones (Psalm 112)
We want the best for our family and friends, and it is natural to worry about those we love. But anxiety won’t help them, and we have a direct line to Someone who can change their lives. When you can’t sleep at night because of your concerns for loved ones, take your worries to Jesus, who loves them even more than You do.
” Tonight Lord, bless ________, Lord, with joy and peace. Teach them to love Your Word and find delight in serving You. Guide them and give them the strength and courage to live a life of generosity and justice and compassion. Make their heart steadfast and secure, free of fear and trusting only in You. I pray for ______ in the name of Jesus, that they would see their need for You and know Your love for them. Help me to find sweet rest and peace tonight trusting in your sovereign care.
In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.”
A Bedtime Prayer to Trust God
In times of uncertainty and restlessness, finding comfort in trust in God can bring supernatural peace as you lay your head down to rest. This bedtime prayer seeks to cultivate trust and surrender to God’s plan, knowing He loves and cares for you!
Heavenly Father, as I prepare to rest my weary body and mind, I surrender all my worries and fears into Your loving hands. Grant me the strength to trust in Your divine plan for my life, knowing that Your wisdom exceeds my understanding. May Your presence envelop me in peace, guiding me through the night with unwavering faith. Amen.”
p, go straight to your room young man.
This is surely an example of secretly smiling as one has to punish a ne’er do well.
Without standing next to Hussein or the banana, I wouldn’t have even guessed that was Mike. Looks nothing like him.
Not tall enough (isn’t Mike at least as tall as Hussein?), not wide enough, and Mike doesn’t smile. Certainly not like that.
Doesn’t even look like a black woman, it looks like a white woman, with white features and a white woman’s hair.
Like the whole head was culturally appropriated from a white woman.
Looks like Sally Field…
Mister Bertrille…
Dr Kory.
Since 1964 the FDA knew DMSO was miraculous for skin diseases (ie. burns, bites, acne, ulcers). Yet they banned it and no amount of evidence could change their mind.
@MidwesternDoc‘s articles inspired us to try DMSO and what we’ve seen it do is incredible
When enough people find out, there is no amount of protection that will help these criminals.
The amount of needless pain and suffering they caused, with malice aforethought, is incalculable.
It takes a horrible, awful, wicked, evil inhuman being to hurt people on purpose like that.
Medicine can never, EVER be left in the hands of an exclusive cabal of psychopaths masquerading as medical professionals again.
That’s done. It’s over.
NEVER again.
Not ’75 years’ never (like the Holocaust), I mean never ever.
Jimmy Dore. Short video at the link. Well worth the listen, AND the laughs.
The same establishment that lied to you about everything Covid has you afraid of Bird Flu, please watch as I disabuse you of that idea:
I don’t fear the bird flu.
I fear the response to the bird flu.
Prolly some truth in this one.
Why did Ukraine stop launching ATACMS missiles? Because the Russian military destroyed all the launchers, including US technical support staff. Russia had previously carried out a precision attack on a train coming to Ukraine from Romania carrying ATACMS and Storm Shadow missiles
Cornyn may be taking the get onboard OR get primaried for real.
In any case, Cornyn needs to be primaried.
Good, but I give the FDA zero credit.
Yeah, they’re doing it under duress.
Wonder what our food actually looks like. Or rather, given what’s illustrated, what our “food” actually looks like.
Indeed… these pictures makes it apparent that the four food groups are Magenta, Cyan, Yellow, and Black. For some particular definition of «food» at least.
That diabetic-killer ribbon on the lower right reminds me of the Nork flag.
Trump is relaxed.
Wills a stuffed shirt.
Which is funny because by all accounts, he’s the most normal person in that whole family.
Actually, his Aunt Anne and her progeny are pretty normal. Her kids don’t have royal titles. Edward’s kids are pretty normal.
They’re like any other close knit family in a lot of ways, as I understand it.
Fair enough. Was thinking of the major players, people high up in the succession order. Wasn’t thinking broadly enough (or for that matter know enough of the branches, I just had to look up who “Edward” is–younger brother of Chuckles. I did remember Anne. OTOH their brother Andrew is a stain.).
I doubt this will play, but it’s Trump’s entrance into the event …He is such a leader.
Maybe someone can find it on X. It’s worth a watch
Actually what shows up is a tweet about Penny.
well hell..it’ll show up here sooner or later
Sundance has it, with a whole article. He thought is was hilarious how they all got up to meet Trump.
That’s where I saw it. It was pretty amazing considering he was a guest just like everybody else but was treated like a boss!
Alpha pheromones. He can’t help it, and they can’t keep from reacting.
LOL for sure, that’s such a bunch of wimps and weirdos !
Of course he was. He’s the leader of the free world.
Only Trump would wear a tie that matches the décor.
Gold tends to match gaudy vomitous baroque.
Melania picked it out
Open season on scum-sucking, shit-eating, piss-guzzling RINOs.
I may or may not have said something about them being the force that feeds our battle yet starves our victory. About time we did something about it, rather than just shrug and vote for them when they show up on the ballot again.
The talk that she is doing after Graham’s seat is exciting, frankly.
Wow – hope that is true!
If so, SC wins if they flush MS Linda AND Mace gets in the Senate.
i sure hope that happens.
OK, this makes sense now.
Wolf Moon
Yeah, there’s some stuff going on here.
This website says that Sen. Ernst is worth about $19 million. Real estate, stocks, etc.
This is in addition, IMO, to her being H3ll-bent on being a “kingmaker” / “deal-maker or deal-breaker” / “person to reckon with” regarding the incoming POTUS47 administration. In other words — the Shadow Government that the DeepState is setting up in front of the eyes of the very voters who elected Donald Trump to take the Oath of Office in January 2025 — and they’re not even hiding it.
Hope to the Almighty God that Pete Hegseth doesn’t fall for this Shadow Government trying to suborn him.
Joni is dumber than she acts.
Ukraine war will end soon. Regardless of Hegseth being SecDef.
Whether Trump stops the war or not. Ukraine is NOT going to get Billions of dollars worth of shells.
Artillery shells will be placed in American ordnance magazines, that have been depleted.
A PERFECT shot for a “fisheye” effect. Fortuitous use of a crappy photo.
Trump has the right US policy for Syria.
The only legit reason for us to get involved would be if one of the two sides is significantly worse for the US than the other.
Is DJT so ill-informed that he doesn’t know we have hundreds of troops there RIGHT NOW? We ARE involved.
I’m sure he is.
Remember he shot those cruise missiles into Syria shortly after assuming office.
Trump understands perfectly well that the Deep State has American military hostages in Syria! And he’s not about to do their propaganda work for them.
Good question.
I know, Trump knew they were there at one point.
I believe Trump ordered them out. If so, Milley and his criminals disobeyed orders.
Trump was continually dealing with
pushbackinsubordination AND more, by war dogs.If they are involved right now there is nothing he can do to stop them other than issue that statement.
The rebels were pretty much only active in the Northern part of the country where they made their sudden gains and were said not to be threat to Damascus as little as five days ago. Claim was they did not have enough power to make a break out and threaten the rest of country. Now this sudden uprising all around as “sleeper cells ” have gone active.
The rebel leader is a former Al Qaida Leader who has claimed to no longer be affiliated with the group.
psst.. psst… “how about the CIA? Affiliated with them?”.
Meanwhile Biden’s been sending lots of aid to Afghanistan 17 billion worth in addition to everything we left behind in the pull out and oh looky there…
Marc Andreessen
I am having SO MANY conversations with people in positions of power who are exhaling in relief, and making changes they wanted to make for YEARS.
5:25 PM · Dec 6, 2024
I like Andreessen’s avatar!
(as well as his [re]tweet)…
(somehow the thought “retweet, and pin no more” zipped through my head… not much there to stop it today
There are reports that Syria has fallen to jihadists and Bashar has fled the country.
Bashar’s father, Hafez, had faced a similar challenge in February 1982. Proving that he was made of sterner stuff, he bombed and bulldozed the city of Hama and everyone in it. [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1982_Hama_massacre ]. Assad senior ruled Syria for another 18 years before succumbing to a heart attack and leaving Bashar in charge.
Senior was a true S.O.B. complete with claims he ran torture prisons. Son came in started to make real reforms promising not to follow in Daddy’s foot steps. Instead of taking it as an olive branch, it was taken as a sign of weakness and since then everyone has been beating up on him and the Bath Party. Complete with false claims of using chemical weapons against his own people by the West.
IIRC, long ago, “junior” was said to be an accomplished eye surgeon… wonder what is REALLY going on there…
I think it’s wise that VSGPDJT says it’s not our war… time to quit paying for everyone else’s rivalries, hatred, crimes, and all the rest…
Wonder how long it will take the latest Bye. Done. Beeelion(s) to Ukraine to circle back into the SatanoDEMONRAT’s coffers…..
Very enjoyable read! TY