Joe Biden never won. This is our Real President – 45, 46, 47.

AND our beautiful REALFLOTUS.
This Stormwatch Monday Open Thread remains open – VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA/KAG/KMAG world (with KMAG being a bit of both).
And yes, it’s Monday…again.

But we WILL get through it!

We will always remember Wheatie,

Pray for Trump,

Yet have fun,

and HOLD ON when things get crazy!

We will follow the RULES of civility that Wheatie left for us:
Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
And while we engage in vigorous free speech, we will remember Wheatie’s advice on civility, non-violence, and site unity:
“We’re on the same side here so let’s not engage in friendly fire.”
“Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.”
If this site gets shut down, please remember various ways to get back in touch with the rest of the gang:
- Our backup site, The Q Tree 579486807,
- Our old alternative site, The U Tree, where civility is not a requirement
- Our Gab Group, which is located at
- Our various sister sites, listed in the Blogroll in the sidebar
Our beloved country is under Occupation by hostile forces.

Daily outrage and epic phuckery abound.
We can give in to despair…or we can be defiant and fight back in any way that we can.
Joe Biden didn’t win.
And we will keep saying Joe Biden didn’t win until we get His Fraudulency out of our White House.

Wolfie’s Wheatie’s Word of the Week:
- cultivation or development of urban life
- the practices and problems peculiar to cities or to urban life
- the way of life characteristic of cities
- urban culture
Used in a sentence
Is wokeism a natural part of modern urbiculture, or is it a special pathology thereof?
Shown in a picture by Gab’s “wokester” AI, “Woke Gemini”

Apparently shown in a video (by searching on the word)
SO – the DDG search “urbiculture music” weirdly brings back mostly videos of Ethiopian music, but it also brought back this ambient Greek and Mediterranean music with accompanying scenic photography. Enjoy!

This speaks for itself.
I really wish I had seen this movie earlier.
Just sayin’!
And remember…….
Until victory, have faith!

And trust the big plan, too!

And as always….



Incredible skill and judgment!
Amen! Smart cookie, that one!
Indeed — but I would not have wanted to be on that plane.
I’d be “is it too late to book for Norwich?”
Forty Two days, 11 hours, 40 minutes until our Once And Future President, Donald John Trump, is restored to his RIGHTFUL office.
Not that I’m counting, mind you.
Because every day is Christmas past that point.
Lara Trump resigns from the RNC.
WOW. She was GOOD. No – she was GREAT.
But who replaces her? We have a very important mid-term in two years!
Wolf Moon
Matt Gaetz?
Matt Gaetz? I like it!
He is rumored to be running for governor of Florida since DeSantis’ term ends in 2026. Gaetz is supposed to make some kind of announcement next week, I think, and that is the speculation.
That might be risky.
Gaetz is from a safe district. It is not a sure thing that his popularity there will extend across the state.
FL Very Red state. Fair bet he’d make it.
Purely FUBAR Gaetz resigned from the House.
Trump folded to easily on AG. Make R-Cons vote up / down.
I’d hope, Trump has another great job for Gaetz.
Announcing for guvner is both early, BECAUSE it takes away opportunities to directly support Trump.
I’m thinking it’s something else.
i have no proof to back this up, but i think THIS time around, if the left thinks they can run the board, PDJT will hit them back harder with an unexpected move. something twice as hard and something they will like even less.
let them know WHO’S in charge.
Agree. We’ll know next week.
For now, master tolling.
getting them to shit their pants…running around looking like fools talking about preemptive pardons. all that does is raise awareness that those folks have COMMITTED CRIMES. idiots…lol
There’s an ‘r’ running around looking for its place.
Great job.
I just knew the spelling kops could find the missing r.
Could Gaetz be available as a ‘special prosecutor’ ala Jack ‘weasel’ Smith?
that would be nice!
THIS is my hope.
We could use several special prosecutors.
Although, I see no value announcing before 20 January. But then, I know nothing about strategy.
Agreed. Trump has some amazing moves opening up.
^^^^ THIS ^^^^
I’d like to hear her take on the California elections where multiple races took weeks to resolve and they all went ‘D’.
Yes. That was my first thought. She goes out as a “conquering hero,” but in my mind, she and the RNC failed us at the end, UNLESS there is something going on to collect evidence to prosecute crimes and set these elections back to rights.
Wait for it…think Orange county Ca. The Dems have some splanin’ to do…they CAN’T. Look for at LEAST 3 more CA seats. The Dems will, in the end, GIVE THEM UP. Want to know why? Because once CA is exposed, they DO NOT want the REST of the country exposed, but it WILL be. Trump and team WARNED them.
Do you think they were NOT being watched? Guess again.
RNC lost purpose AND focus, after 5 November.
Seemingly there was limited focus down ballot. But then, I don’t pay attention to the RNC, so I may be out to lunch, again. Nor did I watch any rally from beginning to end. Unlike previous 2016, 2028, 2020, 2022…
Agreed — the RNC “walked away” from everything after Donald Trump was declared the winner of the 2024 Presidential race. RNC / Lara Trump STILL HAD work to do, making sure that the “still counting votes” races weren’t going to the DemCommunist cheaters.
Even if Lara Trump “threw in the towel” that doesn’t absolve this Whatley guy from doing the same thing.
Not yet. They had to LET CA finish their crimes. How about Nev, MI, WI Senate seats. WAIT FOR IT.
Like we had to wait for Biden to be inaugurated so he would finish the crime?
This is not a sensible rationale.
No coincidences. First thought in my mind.
On cue:
They did it for Miss Lindsey!
OK – that may actually be smart, as a way of preventing terrorists from moving around on Syrian passports.
And that would make sense. Obidenisiscia is playing on team jihad, but Trump is playing on team Israel BUT also Team Peace.
Complicated business.
Or preventing records of all of the Governmental and Congressional scumbags who have been sucking our country dry with ISIS.
Don’t be so cynical.
AND logic wins again!
Assuming the story is true, a civilian government building providing services to the country does not fit the definition of a military target. Now those services are gone and with them the freedom of travel into or out of the country as are services to any Syrian that is abroad. There are likely lessor means that could of been used to accomplish that narrow goal.
Now many that might wish to flee the new regime coming to power simply cannot.
Many are assuming it was Israel trying to cover up it’s use of insurgents with in the country. I’m not sure how much water that holds but the building is gone now, so no one will know now for sure.
Meanwhile I’d hope Israel told the people in that building to get out. Hate to think that happened while people were working there, the picture is in daylight, presumably working hours, though I’d think they’d all would of been members of Assad’s regime and were already escaping the new guys unless they thought their services to the country were such that they’d be left alone which is also likely.
Anyway, sees it as a gut punch to the Syrian people and the rebels would not care as their foreign help, which seems to number much according to that vid we saw yesterday, likely did not come in presenting passports and visas though some may have.
There’s also talk it may not of been Israel but the US that struck the building.
Anyway, such government buildings world wide have now been green lit to be okay to bomb as the custom has just changed.
Fresh targets in Ukraine.
It’s not new. We did it to the Chinese embassy in Sarajevo during the Clin-toon Administration.
At the beginning of the refauxgee invasion in 2015, there were a number of passport-making machines and tens, if not hundreds of thousands of “blanks” stolen, for Syrian passports.
Syria was one of the first countries recognized by Germany as an “endangered state”, such that refugees with Syrian ID would get prioritized, indeed, all but unexamined admission as accepted for admission as refugees….
Probably because of that, in whole or in part, there are more Syrians (real or fake) in Germany than anywhere else in the world outside of Syria. More than one in twenty Syrians live here, getting full state benefits, etc., without ever having paid in.
And yet that’s apparently not enough, as the Syrians are among the “leaders” in crime, robberies, stabbings, rape, murder here; not just in absolute number, but in percentage…
One bad crime deserves another, I guess. Gives a whole new meaning to “You can’t be Syria’s”…….
Worst part of all of this is the regime falling will perhaps change the temp status of these refauxgees to perm… although some countries, e.g. Austria, are halting ALL asylum and immigration activity for Syrians…
With all the various Moslem factions battling away at each other, I wouldn’t mind them eliminating all of themselves… but somehow we’d end up as collateral damage, no doubt…
72 inexperienced camels for them all…….
And here I thought it was 72 Virginians….
After Osama Bin Laden dies, he finds himself in heaven.
Lindsey your Warmongering is not going far this time.

This is a from President Trump:
So we’re supposed to believe Ukraine has lost 400,000 and Russia has lost 600,000?
Professional Russian soldiers are getting their arses kicked by civilians dragged off the Ukrainian streets to fight?
Has there been even one combat reporter, to verify that a war is even taking place?
I share your incredulity. As far as I’m concerned, those numbers are wildly inflated, and transposed.
Russia population, from wiki, 143,679,916
Ukraine population, from wiki, 33,443,000
Russia is roughly half the population of the USA. During the Vietnam War, this country was outraged at 100 KIA per week during the height of the war [1965-68]. Our total killed during the whole war was less than 60,000 but that was enough to get LBJ to not run for a second term. Yet we’re supposed to believe that Putin enjoys 75% approval rating while conducting a war in which ten times as many soldiers have died in half the time?
Keep in mind that the Vietnam War was the first war fought in the living rooms of America via TV nightly news and today’s war is being fought in the front pockets of every Russian [and first world inhabitant].
Excuse me but I wasn’t born yesterday.
Agreed. I wonder if Trump has a reason for those numbers. Kinda like a misspelling that draws attention to his posts which brings in more eye balls and gives him another chance to be questioned about it.
Yes – I think that’s what’s going on. He undercounted the Pentagon numbers, but the “undercount” is still wildly overcounted, IMO.
Later……”Oh – you mean it was even lower than that?”
This makes me glad I only play 3-D chess.
IMO Trump is calling attention to the bad numbers, by creating a smaller (!) discrepancy in the absurdly large or small numbers which are being cited (see below). He is using the high end to do it. There is a “10X” factor at play in the propaganda, it seems.
Check this article out.
Even the BBC is placing Russian losses in the 70,000 region, not 700,000, which is what Idi Amin (Lloyd Austin) is saying. So what Trump is doing is UNDERCOUNTING the Pentagram by 100,000, which is actually GREATER than what BBC estimates are TOTAL Russian dead.
Meanwhile, Ukraine says that it only lost in the 40,000 range – not 400,000. Again – 10X.
There will now be real scrutiny of the losses.
I suspect that Trump is also using this as a negotiating tactic.
ThanQ for that.
Simplicius has a TON of articles about the numbers, and the flood of lies coming out of the YSM/MCM and Ukaine itself…
Miss Lindsey and that worm Zelenskyyyyyyy…. turds of a feather float together…
Yes, and he was killed by Ukraine while Biden stood by and watched. Gonzalo Lira was his name.
Russian diplomat blames White House for reporter Gonzalo Lira’s death in Ukrainian Jail
The entire message is not helpful to any country. Nor anyone. If anything, detrimental.
Graham is evidently owned and operated by the MIC
Ms Linda heavily invested in MIC.
In Ms Linda’s case, he has Millions to collect.
Money is the only explanation for his positions.
Also, the sun rises in the east. I hope neither of these is news to you.
Will part of his job be to keep an eye on Rubio?
Maybe but DJT has Monica Crowley for that. And she’s such a sweet talking woman that she can probably control Lil Marco with a wink.
New Schlichter —
But Joni’s not a v….. – oh, never mind! We can sacrifice TWO!
Is that like splitting a pair in blackjack?
But she has cut off the nuts of many Iowa swine.
Does that atone for her lack of v… ?
Schlichter makes reference to the incident with .
Bureaucracies killing people to cover the tracks of their perfidy is not a new phenomenon.
Notice how the FAKE NEWS helped pull the trigger!!!
Make it Lurch Thune.
Always target the lead bad guy.
Lead by example.
Why sacrifice one squishy R-Con, when we can sacrifice six or more.
Bottom blow the bastards.
Fauci, Schiff, Cheney, Swallowwell, Barr, Lisa Page…….
Giorgia Meloni:
It’s that new cologne he’s selling.
Stuff is damn expensive! It better be good!
Maybe a better hairdresser.
It’s obviously very effective, if not very discriminating…..Giorgia Meloni got turned on by it, but so did Dr. Jill Biden and Macron…..
And maybe even Macron’s mother!
Whoz da gal?
Prime Minister of Italy! Conservative cutie!
I’m starting to wonder about my brain. Lots of things I know that I knew yet when the time came, … stumble rummage and … black spot.
She curled her hair at the ends – looks like a different woman!
You are very kind towards the elderly.
As Wolf said, she’s the Prime Minisster of Italy, Giorgia Meloni. She is the author of that X comment. She posted the two flags.
And neither are married.
Though Giorgia has a domestic partner. Andrea Giambruno.
Uh, I’m pretty sure Melania is still involved with DJT.
(btw. Andrea is a guy’s name in Italy, confusingly enough)… Seems like Giorgia split up with Andrea last year…
IMO it’s too late for her. Even if she supports Hegseth now, she has shown who she really is. She needs to go.
Not on X, but these need to be plastered on her account. Everywhere!!!!
That stuff has been plastered all over Twitter/X for months.
“IMO it’s too late for her.”
Times infinity.
I hope she has many prosecutable crimes.
If you don’t believe Elon, perhaps you’ll believe the economist Uncle Miltie —
You might remember that Biden claimed “Milton Friedman isn’t running the show anymore” in 2020, before the election which supposedly gave him the Presidency. After Biden was seated in the hot seat in 2021, Congress passed the “Inflation Reduction Act of 2022”, which Biden signed [ ]. The stage was set….. [ ]
As might be expected, the inflation rate jumped — — showing that “Milton Friedman runs the show no matter what you say.”
Congress much preferred John Kenneth Galbraith who each year after Milton Friedman would talk in front of congress would next get up and tell Congress it’s okay to spend from now till eternity.
Steve Inman
That has to have hurt, but i can’t stop laughing.
No worries – they probably laughed about it as well.
Elon Musk posted this clip of Speaker Johnson talking about Congress cooperating with DOGE. This is key because DOGE can’t make the cuts themselves.
Musk: “Perfectly articulated by @SpeakerJohnson!”
This is great. I cannot even imagine Kevin McCarthy beginning to get where Johnson is on this.
Johnson seems to only be a demi-RINO. If you prod him, he does the right thing…at least sometimes.
He’s just not a firebrand. We like firebrands, but most people like the middle-of-the-road, gentler, less partisan people.
I want to burn it all down, but that won’t happen. Hopefully we get at least a bonfire instead of the wildfire I would want.
Musk should hold him personally accountable, the first time Johnson goes wobbly, which I predict will be 0.023 seconds after DOGE begins.
Musk owns Twitter, so Musk can expose Johnson every single day, to hundreds of millions of people, and make Johnson the most hated man in America if he wants to.
I hope Johnson appreciates that.
Or maybe I don’t.
Maybe I’d rather see him learn the hard way.
Geez what an optimist. I figured it would be 0.017 seconds.
I’d rather see him do the right thing.
We don’t have to worry about that.
First – the Dems want involvement in DOGE to derail it, not help. Judas Goats will make their appearance in all of what happens from here on out. Make sure everybody understands that. Fox is controlled op that now leans right to stay financially viable. It will flop back the other way given the opportunity.
Second – Johnson has the opportunity, if he has the guts to do it, to be noted as the GOAT of Speakers. All he has to do is nod his head affirmatively with whatever PDT and Elon say to do, and then get it done.
Talk is cheap, until it happens, it has not happened. Nonetheless, I am encouraged.
^^^^ THIS ^^^^
Demmunist saboteurs. REALITY. Beware.
Citizen Free Press:
That did not go well for that witch at all.
Beat the Press !!!
Meat the Press.
As in dead meat. Figuratively of course.
“The court even caught the Bar lying,”
And what happens to “the Bar” for that?
Is it dismantled, for being a hideously corrupt and unreformable danger to the Republic?
Is anyone responsible for the lying or the persecution going to be stripped of their license to malpractice law, for life?
Can the fascist Leftist criminals involved be sued into oblivion?
Or is it just business as usual in the BRoA, the corrupt land of unequal justice under law?
Patience, grasshopper. Exposure first in order to build demand. This is just a first step and ONE court calling out the lawfare. It’s going to take a while for the grass roots to catch on with everything going on.
The lawn doesn’t look like a golf course the day after it’s seeded.
Yup – what the instant gratification people believe and want to have happen immediately should be toned down a bit.
A long while back PDT said he and we should stay on the side of doing things legally, which takes time. It has been proven to the entire world repeatedly that the VSGPOTUS has been correct about that.
I’m very much afraid American impatience is going to do in this movement. It’s not going to happen all at once, and scorched earth isn’t going to do the trick here.
“Yup – what the instant gratification people believe and want to have happen immediately should be toned down a bit.”
If it wasn’t for the so-called ‘instant gratification’ people (they’ve only been waiting patiently 8+ years now), would there be any calls for justice at all?
If so, by whom?
Certainly not by the Kick the Can Down the Road Some More crew.
Did they break the law or didn’t they?
If they broke the law, are they going to be prosecuted like anyone else would be, or aren’t they?
Do we have equal justice under law, or don’t we?
WTH is all the BS about waiting for anyone to catch on?
If you break the law, do you get to sit it out for a decade plus, while the public catches on, before you can be prosecuted? Has that ever happened to you before, or anyone you know?
Or is that only for the political-class?
Where does that ideology even come from? Is that one of the song themes from the “It’s a Small World After All” ride?
Where is it in the criminal code, that crimes against the Republic and against American citizens, by government officials and their cronies, have to wait for a perfect sunny day before being prosecuted?
What are we on, Awakening 2.0: Justice Delayed Again, a.k.a. Meet the New Narrative, Same as the Old Narrative?
Do we ever get to win, after we actually win?
Or is the only winning we get equivalent to a rug-pull, or Lucy with the football?
Why not start out with just one little prosecution of a heinous crime?
ONE prosecution, to see how it goes, to make sure the public doesn’t get the vapors and pass out all over themselves, at the thought of actual justice for criminal acts is being served.
And if it goes well, if the nation doesn’t utterly vanish in a simpian cloud of emasculated safe-space gayness, maybe try two prosecutions.
We could ease into it, for the faint of heart.
sane honorable men could not predict the freak show that embodies the left these days. and you’re talking about half of your ignorant countrymen.
this may have to be a slow procedure to make sure it’s a thorough one.
it cannot be rushed.
“Exposure first in order to build demand.”
Is there a code, or a statute, or a law, or anything that supports our system of justice operating on that principle?
Just one time in the whole history of the United States of America?
Marketing 101. This is not a cut and dried law and order sort of endeavor.
So the answer is ‘no’ then.
And justice is just a ‘market’ now, something to be bought and sold.
The Founding Fathers would be so pleased…
I went rummaging around on the interwebs and the document I found was dated 4/17/24 and a word search for ‘damn’ yielded zero results.
Apparently, there’s a newer version. Does anybody know where I can get a copy?
I searched for this sentence: You have to be a damn fool, and abjectly stupid not to see what happened here.”
I also searched for the Appeals Court ruling on Powell from December of 2024, and came up with nothing.
I really detest those who insert stuff and imply it’s a quote.
And now General Flynn is taking the ‘quote’ and running with it.
Kraken’ Lawyer Sidney Powell Completely Vindicated... —›2024/04
Court Vindicates Sidney Powell – LewRockwell
Looks like she is not out of the woods yet.
Texas Appeals Court Rules in Favor of Sidney Powell in Attorney Discipline Case
Defending the Republic has a link to the case
If this doesn’t show up, just click on it! Funny stuff on X.
I’m sort of shocked to see the world’s richest man wearing a shirt missing its stay.×1080/rZe2gjHZrHFh-ogu.mp4?tag=16
What? Elon’s barn door left open?
A stay keeps collar points from curling.
There are people who pull them out first thing when they open the cellophane!
If you starch the ^$&# out of the collars, you don’t need stays.
Sort of reminiscent of Dilbert’s tie…
Her body language, lol!
Smart guys are hot.
If there’s humor in this, it’s well hidden. And what country has commodes like that?
LMAO!!! Oh, that’s good!
Never seen that movie but Hubby & I might have to check it out LOL
You’ll love it. It is hilarious. Trust me.
This man is a natural. He said all of the following in less than a minute, unscripted, and it’s all so good, I can’t even decide which is the best line…
“Try and catch me, Ranger Rick!”
“Look what I’m doing, I handled it perfectly!”
“This car is so powerful… oh, yeah!”
“Oh wait, this is not my car!”
“Officer, are you in need of assistance?”
“Here’s the good news, I came back…”
“Let’s just talk about this…”
OMG, I have a headache and a hangover just watching this dude!
if her look is meant to be seductive, it missed by a mile.
I was surprised Taco Jill was there.
Granted, Maggot could not stay awake or focus long enough to shuffle on cue.
Hell, send the US Ambassador, Blinken or that other war mongering fool.
Must have been lots of laundered IOUs, that Taco Jill collected on that overseas trip.
why are you surprised?
one more chance to grift BIG on the American taxpayer’s dime? second nature to her.
I think she’s delivering the message to foreign leaders that she and the maggot may need to call in some favors if this goes sideways really fast for them. and i’m sure she knows some of their secrets that she can use for leverage.
It’s the perfect time for Christmas shopping and going to the fashion houses to fill her post first lady wardrobe with designer clothing
Wearable upholstery and curtains?
Yeah, but Paris designers tend not to use upholstery fabric in their designs.
Certainly limits their imaginations, I’d say.
bwahahahahahaha…maybe she’s looking to steal their drapes
Arrested for attempted drape(s)…..
Shopping for curtains and tablecloths
I see it as more of someone enjoying talking with a powerful man who has charisma and is cognitively sharp. Trump has charm, which the Left purposely hides.
you are so kind.
she knew she was in the picture and that face is not genuine imo.
she’d sell out joe for a nickel if there was a new gravy train pulling into town.
THAT is Jill Biden!
Yep… thin-lipped forced smile… the AI “fight” might not have been far off…
Wonder what Bombard’s Body Language would say…..
arms crossed in front in a “protective” stance…
As the days get shorter, and colder, and the snow lasts longer, you may find yourself…..
It dawned on me that the source of some of those sea monster tales was seeing those ship approaching in a dense fog.
OR the guys on shore were drunk…works either way
Or both.
I Hear You Now
December 9, 2024 7:47 am
Breitbart ~ Joel Pollack, Senior Editor-at-Large
Adam Schiff to Take Office as SENATOR this Monday!!

8 Dec 2024
NOT in January,
After Newsom Makes Power Play to Help California
Once again, Schiff’s rise has meant that a Black woman has had to step aside, which is sure to raise some eyebrows.
Well, that increases our margin in the House. So it’s a wash IMO.
Until Congress adjourns in a week or two.
Schiffwreck in the offing….
Aubergine’s Brief History of the Modern Presidents:
2008 – First foreign-born President, Barack Hussein Obama
2012 – First (known) fraudulently elected President, Barack Hussein Obama
2016 – First miraculously elected President, Donald J. Trump
2020 to 2024 – First President in Exile, Donald J. Trump
2024 – First elected-against-the-powers-of-Communism President, Donald J. Trump
If I may.
2020 to 2024 – First Fraudulent pResident installed. Maggot Briben. Head of the Briben Crime Family
I don’t even see Joe Biden as an asterisk in history, much less a President. If you put a turd in a punchbowl, it doesn’t magically become an icecube.

Love it!
Verse of the Day for Monday, December 9, 2024
“Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.”
Matthew 7:6 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
So many times we think we know better
But in our minds we see not the fetter
Trapped in a world of utter madness
We see no way out only sadness
We think we are smart can figure it out
Without God’s help we really have no clout
For it is in His Word where answers lie
Simply the what and when and how and why
His ways are not our ways nor His thoughts
Without discernment we remain tied in knots
The answer to what is plaguing us
Is found in His Word and rightly thus
We think we can flourish all on our own
Taught this from childhood until we are grown
We wonder why we continue to fail
Our sacred source sadly of no avail
We lean on our own understanding
Knowledge is rarely ever expanding
We have no clue how to reach higher
Wisdom eludes we’re left in the mire
We must trust in God with all our hearts
From whom knowledge initially imparts
From knowledge comes the understanding
And wisdom erupts ever commanding
What is it that brings us life and success
With what ability does God rightly bless
The conviction of Faith in things unseen
The assurance of things hoped and have been
So if our leaning is all on our own
We miss out on what Faith has truly shown
We miss God’s vast unconditional love
His Fatherly assistance from above
D01: 02/22/2023
Thank You Duchess!
Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing
#psalm91 #psalms #prayer
Pray Everyday
Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.
#faith #god #psalms

Only for those unafraid to see the connections laid out with Q proofs. We are the Q Tree you know…
Sunlight is the best disinfectant.
I am trying to figure out what Q 0 = Q+ means!
OK – it was answered on Dec 10 of 2018
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: d5ad32 No.4241560

Dec 10 2018 13:39:04 (EST)
Scott Free > WWG1WGA!!!
AF1 Code Change > Q 0 > Q+
Q/POTUS Twitter 0 Delta Exchanges
FAKE NEWS coordinated attacks [#2 only to POTUS]
How do you ‘safely’ & ‘securely’ communicate through a backchannel w/ the public and bypass the FAKE NEWS MEDIA?
How do you ‘safely’ & ‘securely’ communicate w/o breaking the law and violating NAT SEC?
>Add multiple layers of ‘coincidences’ which mathematically proves legitimacy (standard deviation)<
At what point do people wake up?
That stretches it a lot. Goes for the simpler version posted above. Q is a derived from O and thus makes O Q+
Except the original was a ‘zero’, not a capital letter.
Fun stuff!
Takes a stab at that.
The little squiggly thing at the bottom of an O that makes it a Q would be the son of O
LOL! Not buying it, but still! LOL!
That’s okay, I’m still adding it to my Q proofs for Barron.
Q 0 is Q-zero. Like “patient zero” in an outbreak.
Therefore, Q 0 + Q+ means that Q+ (Trump) was the originator of Q. Patient zero.
That’s what I think.
That’s what I think as well … Trump is Q+
But why is Q silent now? Askin’ for 70M followers.
His Job is done.
I think it’s on hiatus for now. There’s a big finale coming up, IMO.
Possibly although I think Rich Higgins was one of the top people involved in Q
The Unconstrained Analytics websiteis dedicated to the memory ofRich Higgins
September 18, 1974 – February 23, 2022
I can only tell you what I think.
Q was an op designed to do a couple of things. First, there needed to be researchers and people (autists) who were engaged in looking for some specific trails of breadcrumbs, which would then be presented/leaked to the public. Because we are in the age of video games, Matrix movies, AI and the like, this had to be done in such a way as to be intriguing to that type of mind, so it was a very complex puzzle.
Second, Q was also a trap of sorts. There were lies in the posts, misinformation, disinformation, etc. This was to confuse the enemy, AND to create a chaotic environment within which certain actions could be taken without some people catching on. I doubt we will ever know what really happened with Jeffrey Epstein, for example.
Once the “tipping point” of several things was reached, Q was no longer needed. And that kind of operation consumes a lot of bandwidth, so that’s a good thing. With game theory, Q knew when, for example, it was guaranteed that Elon Musk, RFK, Jr., Tulsi, and others would join our side. People have free will, but their actions ARE predictable by supercomputers with enough information. Q could also predict the downfall of Barack Obama through his own hubris.
That’s what I think, anyway.
Can you put up the other URLs at the bottom of that thread for other threads?
All I get is Javascript:void(0) if I hover over the link
and if I click:
Some of the more recent,
I wanted to read them and was disappointed that Brave was not allowing it.
I am going to have Hubby up grade later tonight but it is COLD, RAINY and I am EXHAUSTED so I am loafing today. (Two major gigs plus ten hrs of driving this weekend.)
Chestnuts roasting by an open fire
Jack Frost nippin’ at your nose
December comes and graces us
Hearts rejoice in lights and snow
Lights that set our hearts aglow
Warm us to embrace the cold
Snow drapes land in soft, clean white
Makes memories to have and hold
Christmas tales and poems told
Heads nod and little ones tire
Calm and comfort fill the air as
Angels sing in the sandman’s choir
Sleep treads gently up the stair
And casts his soft net wide
Eyes close as minds set adrift
Over cloudy dreamscapes now glide
Thank you Carl!
Merry Christmas!
You two are a bit early. Next you’ll be posting Christmas singing videos.
Chess nuts boasting in an open foyer…
this is incredibly nuts!
The House Education Committee on Education and the Workforce is set to work with the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) to “cut back waste” and “fraud” in higher education.
Much wasteful spending is happening on America’s college campuses. DOGE chiefs Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy can push Congress to launch a thorough investigation into these questionable expenditures, particularly federally funded research projects that push far-left ideologies.
Here are 10 outrageous examples of university studies funded by taxpayer dollars obtained by Campus Reform:
1. Gambling for Pigeons
The National Institute of Health (NIH) granted $465,339 to researchers at Reed College in Portland, Oregon to “create a token-based economy where pigeons are taught to gamble with slot machines.”
The study gave pigeons tokens that they can “earn, accumulate, spend, or gamble” on slot machines, the New York Post reports.
2. Chimps Throwing Feces
The US National Institutes of Health spent $592,527 at Emory University in Atlanta to explore why chimpanzees throw feces. Another $117,000 was necessary to conclude that most chimps are right-handed, the Washington Examiner reports.
Their research suggests that throwing feces is a sign of intelligence in chimps.
3. Drunken Finches
The National Institutes of Health gave $5 million to the Oregon Health & Science University to study if finches slurred their songs when alcohol was in their systems.
The birds were given white grape juice spiked with alcohol, which impacted their singing ability, NBC News reports.
4. Bees on Cocaine
The National Institutes of Health funded over $240,000 to study the impact of cocaine on honey bees at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
With cocaine in their system, the bees were more likely to dance, the researcher found.
5. Shrimp on Treadmills
The National Science Foundation (NSF) funded $1.3 million to make shrimp run on tiny treadmills at the College of Charleston in South Carolina.
The study tested how sickness impaired shrimp mobility.
6. $500k Study if Selfies Make you Happy
A University of California, Irvine-based research team received $500,000 in federal funding to study if taking selfies makes people happy.
The 4-week study found that taking selfies boosted participants’ moods.
7. Secret Language of French Butchers
The National Endowment for the Humanities funded $30,000 for a study at the University of Connecticut to research “a secret, highly endangered language spoken by Parisian butchers,” the New York Times reports.
8. Bee Sting Pain
The National Science Foundation funded $1 million to a researcher at Cornell University to rank how much it hurt to be stung by honey bees on different parts of his body, Real Clear Policy reports.
Spoiler alert, it’s the nostrils, upper lip, and genitals. The researcher endured roughly 200 bee stings.
9. Sexy Goldfish
The National Science Foundation awarded $3.6 million to a study at Bowdoin College in Maine, where a portion of this funding went to experiments on what makes goldfish feel sexy.
Researchers discovered that when given sex steroids, male goldfish exhibited more social behavior and swam closer to their female counterparts, the Daily Signal reports.
10. AI Toilets
The National Cancer Institute funded nearly $7 million to researchers at Stanford University to build an AI toilet, Real Clear Policy reports.
The toilet is equipped with cameras that scans the user’s waste and unique “analprint.”
DOGE is not an official government agency and is expected to conclude its work by July 4, 2026. As of November 2024, the United States national debt is $35.97 trillion.
What, no study on what happens if you feed lions McDonald’s?
They get fat and let the females fetch lunch.
The latter as it should be.
or whether or not lions prefer the mcrib to the quarter pounder?
Fast food, or Scotsmen?
This researcher laughed his way to the bank! 5K per sting
The National Science Foundation funded $1 million to a researcher at Cornell University to rank how much it hurt to be stung by honey bees on different parts of his body, Real Clear Policy reports.
Spoiler alert, it’s the nostrils, upper lip, and genitals. The researcher endured roughly 200 bee stings.
Luckily not allergic to bee stings.
Oh if it were going to happen, it’d have happened by now.
I have No Idea how many stings it Might take to generate a bee-sting allergy… My one son has run into poison ivy several times in his 29 years & each time seems to be worse, but don’t know if That’s exactly an allergy. He has a history of asthma & eczema so likely some sensitivity to skin issues or something…hmmm
If I were to have a job involving being stung by bees, $5000 per would be entirely reasonable, as far as payment goes, what with the pain and all. In particular when it isn’t graded by how painful it is.
That is just disregarding the WTF of the whole thing.
This whole list looks like something that could have come from the Babylon Bee.
As it isn’t from there, this just proves that making good satire is becoming ever harder, as it is overtaken by real events.
It’s not waste, it’s grift.
It’s not stupidity, it’s money laundering
Slap in the face to NYC Court. Apparently the first one was not good enough.
Daniel Penny acquitted of criminally negligent homicide after more serious manslaughter charge was dismissed
Now it’s time for the riots.
It’s to cold out now, they’ll wait for summer.
Maybe some rioting Jan 6th and 20th in DC
I’m thinking the inauguration may not be in DC.
Now Penny is facing a civil lawsuit. I hope he wins that as well.
It’s a lead balloon lawsuit. Cause of Neely’s death ends the suit.
He actually has an estate, what are they dispersing to his family?
Where was the father when the kid had mental problems and drug problems? Money is not bringing his son back and does not absolve him from his failure as a father. Wonder if he has been in his sons life before he died? Pinning failure of his son on Penny is rich .
funny isn’t it? that branch seems to want to limit the other branches’ terms but NOT their own.
Senators Introduce Bill to Cap Supreme Court Terms at 18 Years
Yeah, not smart. SC years back disallowed capping congress saying the people decide. Imagine they might have a change of heart.
Someone should do the smart thing and impose a congressional cap that gets around the SC’s no. Something like after 2 terms a congress critter can only run if they won with 60% in their primary. This would get around “the people decide” thing.
Ricky Gervais:
Have to wonder if they put up any trigger warnings for Harry Potter…
Nahhhh…. didn’t think so…
As Katie would say..Batshit Bonkers Brits
Cupcake for Hoopy. Faces captured perfectly.
A Shitty View
Scott Lobaido
That’s hilarious
Person of interest in fatal shooting of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson caught with manifesto, gun and fake ID at McDonald’s
He was carrying around a manifesto?
Law enforcement was still trying to figure out the man’s real identity…
Person of interest in fatal shooting of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson ID’d as Luigi Mangione, an ex-Ivy League student
NYC right?
Assuming he is brought back to NYC, he should be out on bail within hours, if not minutes.
That is how NYC deals with those charged with crimes, IIRC.
Of course he is white, I guess. So maybe they’ll keep him locked up.
Deep Pharma trying to gin up sympathy for their “plight”… or a shiny silver red squirrel…
That was a major premise of the Westworld series.
Luigi Mangione (Credit: GitHub):

Stanfoo ain’t Ivy League… wrong coast (but Ivy just as hard to get rid of)…
Future spook recruit.
Oh Yeah…
“…former prep-school valedictorian… anti-capitalist [aka MARXIST] Ivy League grad… he planned to seek a degree in artificial intelligence, focused on the areas of computer science and cognitive science at the University of Pennsylvania, according to an interview with the Baltimore Fishbowl.
Remember Stanford was part of the FBI-Twatter-Censorship
DHS officials created a ‘disinformation group’ at Stanford University to help censor Americans’ speech on social media ahead of the 2020 election, bombshell emails reveal
Obviously left his TLA ID Card at home…..
Yet another FF…..
I bet none of that evidence is admissible at trial. Betting they never gave him his Miranda warnings before they searched/interrogated him.
No idea how valid this is. Damn sure different.
premiered on luigi mangione’s youtube @ 2PM.
– 5 second countdown
– 60-second timer
– “if you see this i’m already under arrest.”
– The Truth
– “soon…” in the lower right after the timer expires
– “Dec 11th” appears/disappears once
– “All is scheduled, be patient. Bye for now.”
Also turbo-cancers and sudden death.
That sign should go up outside every pharmacy, quack office, hospital, CDC, FDA, NIH, AND asshole companies mandating Jabs.
I POISONED you and your family AND I Got
Leave it to Gail to cut out ALL the fat.
Just telling the truth. who printed the sign, to now seems be gone.
Diabolic SatanoDEMONRAT Duo…..
12.9.24: PARIS, Dark>Light, Real Leadership on DISPLAY, Syria, Watches, PRAY!
And We Know
As children of God we have been set free
In His Word He declares how that can be
God desires His people to have freedom
Oppression enslavement we don’t need ’em
Seven times He directed an escape out
From His prophet He declared with a shout
Let My people go right now He ordered
But His commands were ignored and cornered
When He was despised a plan He devised
His prophet would decree as He advised
But no matter what plagued the oppressors
They continued to be the aggressors
Until the day He removed the most prized
Of the leader so stubborn and unwise
Deliverance from enslavement you see
Will occur in this year of Jubilee
Not by the hand of man will this happen
But by the hand of God it will snap in
The power of God is second to none
The only source thru which it will be done
Because we believe Jesus had the pull
The price of our freedom was paid in full
The glory of the latter will be greater
And we will be free from the agitator
Deliver us Lord from four hundred years
Of discord and incalculable tears
Restore us with blessings You had planned
Before evil came in and stole our land
D01: 08/02/2023
Thank You Duchess!
Too damn funny.
Guess Maggot and Kakala are Not having frequent lunches these days.
Joe and Jill Biden give Kamala & Doug the cold shoulder!
They never even LOOK at Kamala tonight!
I’m beginning to think the Biden’s don’t like her.
O M G, two Xs in a row show.
I’d bet that Jill voted for DJT, maybe her husband too.
Kakula’s top is inappropriately low unless she’s trying to drum up more business…ugh…
Want to offer personal observations. I took wifey to the grocery store this morning and dropped her off to do some other errands. I came back, parked and headed toward the store entrance. As I was going in I saw what appeared to be an elderly woman using a cane shuffling slowing across the parking lot toward a car.
She looked familiar but I was not sure. Her hair was nearly white and straggly, walked slumped over and had no emotion on her face. She acted like she was not sure if she should know me when our eyes met, but continued on her way.
As I watched from the store window she managed to get in her car, which I then recognized and realized who she was. For many years we were friends with this woman and her husband. She was in our SS class at church and I had golfed with her husband a few times over 10 years ago until we left the UMC. She stayed in touch over the phone or we would run into her at a store in town through the years. The last time we saw each other was three years ago, although she has called a couple of times since.
I shared on here about this woman back then. At one time was she an accomplished, former head of nurse training department at a local major hospital. She holds a PHD. She is also a liberal. The last time she called to chat was when the jabs had just been introduced. She was selling that everybody needed to take them and that she and her husband had. I told her we would not be, that we had no interest in taking gene therapy shots. She got very upset with me and quickly ended the call. I guess because what would a former business banker know about something in her field of expertise, right? Thank you, Q Tree.
FWIW, we are the same age. I think I know why she avoided talking to me. Duh.
So many folks that took those things who are still alive are in such bad shape now. Which is also what happened to another leftist local couple we know. The wife has been a paid Dem social media Fakebook influencer for at least 10 years. She is a retired CPA and her husband is a former area staffer for Al Gore as Senator and as VP.
They took the jabs and their health is gone. She disappeared from FB right after the election. All the years of ridiculing others and selling the lies and the first thing she does is bolt from the scene. I guess the check from the DNC affiliate was not in the mail. The couple’s leftist Episcopalian priest son has also disappeared from social media.
The world will not miss their propaganda.
I am sorry you loosed a friend because of politics and jabs.
I lost my prime med doctor who suddenly retired. I noticed a change after he was forced to take covid shot. He told me I had a right not to take it.
My optometrist soddenly retired we did not even know he did until our appointment he was gone and now there is a foot doctor in the office.
I think many people were hurt I see it they look like wounded human beings and aged.
i have my appointment with a new doc told me I had the best calcium scan he has seen. My woodwork is fantastic he cold not believe I will be 80 this month.
My husband and I contribute good health to not having taken she covid shot. I am so glad we did not caved to the fear surrounding us.
You guys helped to stick to our guns not to take poison. I feel so sorry for people who were lured in taking the shots. No punishment for those who caused suffering is hard enough.
Excellent! Keep up the good refusal!
I tell people – take no shots unless given a copy of the printed circular from an empty box, to study at home BEFORE you come back to take the shot. Most doctors won’t even do that. If they do give you the circular, then take it with you, read it, research it online, and decide. Take NOTHING that uses mRNA. Take nothing from Pfizer or a Pfizer subsidiary like Wyeth. Take nothing with a bad record, or that has contraindications relevant to you, or if you have ever had a bad reaction to a vaccine.
Basically, you most likely won’t be taking it.
Good advice. Thank you
I ask my new doc “if one can be allergic to the fl shot?” He said “yes”
For years I got really sick after taking flu shot and my whole family it could not be true. Finally someone tells the truth that one can truly be allergic to the flu shot.
I was told NOT to ever take the flu shot because of allergies.
That is what my wife was told, who has terrible allergies. She stopped taking them 25 years ago. So, she asked after the COVID jab first came out and they said to wait because of her allergies, they did not how it would react. I refused it because of the experimental aspect and mRNA. A couple of months went by and we quickly found out as friends started having health issues.
You too ? My dog is allergic to shots and I used to have a cat with same problem. People dismiss it and hint one is crazy. I know my body and am sensitive and intuitive what is good for me and what is not.
My husband fixed the m but other letters stick also.
I figured my pets out also because when one is in tune with them one knows.
My stupid key board is sticking I spilled something on it.
Wolf Moon
Add in—Take NO shot made by Moderna. They’re as dangerous and deadly as the Pfizer-BioNTech shots.
And—NEVER trust ANY “patient handout” regarding any drug, whether it’s an injectable or something ingested. Those “patient handouts” are INTENTIONALLY “dumbed-down.”
Insist on having the Package insert for the item to study BEFORE allowing it to be given to you.
“Insist on having the Package insert for the item to study BEFORE allowing it to be given to you.”
I do this for All new meds prescribed for myself or my special needs son!
I’m glad you are healthy, and doing well. Those who succumbed to the pressure and took the shots are in bad shape. It’s too bad.
Yes I see it. I feel blessed having good health and never forget to be grateful.
This community with all its knowledge is a blessing also.
Aubergine have you noticed a change a relieve since Trump won? There is a sudden peace in people and in the air ? Maybe it is me but something has changed in the contry.
I noticed it the next day, lol! It was immediate. I went downtown, and people were out shopping and laughing and happier than I’d seen them in a long time. It has remained that way. People have hope.
I did also people are calm and happy.
Bless you, singinsoul1. Thanks for sharing and I agree.
Good for you sticking up for yourself and your husband!
The people I know who took the poison look like hell. They are aging very fast. Their personalities have changed. They are strange, distant, and aloof.
I’m sorry they are gone, but they are.
I noticed that also.
Same here. The Jabbed look terrible.
Forgot who posted a few days ago, “resigned” to it. Good descriptor, resigned.
Jabbed folks largely know they’ve been poisoned.
The betrayal our government and medical world Imposed, Edict on Americans, global population Is Unforgiveable.
I’ll never forgive or forget.
Well, there is one. Our close 86 year old female friend and neighbor tells everybody what she has been through as a result of taking those first two. She fell again and hit her head again last week. She was lucky and did not do lasting damage but is very sore. She did bleed like a hog and have to go to the ER. We took her to her doc Friday and she let him have it once again for jabbing her.
Hope you’ve shared the detox protocols with her for she sounds open…
Nor will I. I can’t imagine living with the Sword of Damocles hanging over me all the time. Sad.
Same here. We had a Christmas lunch with a brother-in-law and his wife last week. I have been married to his sister for 40 years and we have seen each other through some rough times through the years. They own a place in the Virgin Islands where they spend the winter and took the jabs so they could travel when all that was going on. He looks 10+ years older than me and is 5 years younger. He was very active – skier, pickle ball, etc. Cannot do any of it anymore do to his joints deteriorating. His younger wife is falling apart physically as well.
It is so sad. We hugged goodbye, he told me he loved me and seemed to hold on longer like it might be the last time we would see him.
I’m so sorry to hear about this. God be with them.
That is very sad. People traded their health for momentary reward. Terrible.
The COVID-19 injections were designed to damage and/or destroy the body, the cognitive brain, and the emotional/psychological centers of the brain.
Oh, yes. So horrible and wrong.
Healing Prayers
Prayer for Restorative Rest
Healing Hand, as I lay in my bed this evening, I pray for Your restorative power to touch my life. Mend what has been broken, soothe what has been hurt, and heal what has been wounded. May I find in sleep the healing that my body and spirit need and wake to a day of renewed health and vitality. Amen.
Evening Prayer for Wholeness
Gentle Healer, with the night’s calm, I seek Your healing for my body, mind, and soul. Where there is pain, bring relief; where there is fatigue, bring restoration; where there is distress, bring tranquility. Wrap me in Your peace as I trust in Your loving care to make me whole. Amen.
Prayer for Comfort in Illness
Lord of Comfort, as I face the trials of illness, I pray for Your healing touch. Ease my discomfort, calm my anxiety, and deliver me from my afflictions. In Your mercy, may I find the comfort that leads to a peaceful rest, knowing that You are with me, sustaining and healing me. Amen.
Nighttime Blessing for Healing
Divine Physician, under the canopy of the night sky, I pray for Your healing blessings. Let Your life-giving energy flow through every cell, every nerve, every aspect of my being. May my rest be deep, my healing complete, and my faith in Your power absolute. Bless me with the gift of health, and let my gratitude be a testament to Your mercy. Amen.
Serene Prayer for Recovery
Merciful Restorer, as I seek repose in the stillness of this night, I ask for Your healing hand upon my life. Guide the hands of those who care for me, provide wisdom for the paths of recovery, and grant patience for the journey. In this serene hour, let Your comfort envelop me, as I place my trust in Your plan for a full recovery. Amen.
Joni Ernst’s statement on her meeting with Hegseth is a CYA that is more about her than him.
She knows she screwed up, and is likely to be primaried. She isn’t going to help herself; we’ve already seen her naked (ambition).
Phew. Started reaching for the eye bleach.
Then I saw, ambition.
Very much agreed – I can smell the CYA.
The demand for somebody to enforce stuff on sexual assault – this is potentially a scheme for DEI to hang on like tapeworm cysts, but I trust that Hegseth can sterilize her BS by picking somebody who is NOT a RINO RECOMMENDATION – meaning – whoever Ernst or her woke staffers recommend can likely NOT be trusted, and Hegseth should be careful.
Beyond that, this is a recommendation that can be morphed to our benefit.
The military is awash in RAPES BY FAGS – to put it quite bluntly – and turning an office that is currently being used for woke females to make bad accusations against language by men, into one that finds and runs the WICKED BUTT PIRATES out of the military and into jail for decades, is quite awesome.
[DS] Makes A Move In Syria, [DS] Fighting Back,Trump Counters It, We Are At The Precipice – Ep. 3519
December 9, 2024 x22report
The green new deal is a gigantic hoax; windmills will need lots of oil to operate. The economy is breaking down, the [CB] is timing the collapse for when Trump takes office; this will not work. Trump is showing the people the way to the economic system. The [DS] is fighting back very hard, they have planned an economic collapse, they are creating deals to keep their staffers, they are preparing riots, plandemics and war. We are at the precipice, Trump countered the [DS] move in Syria. The people are seeing the truth, the [DS] funds the state funded terrorists. The truth is coming out and the [DS] plan will not work.
Ep 3519a – Trump Is Leading The Country Into A New Economic System
Ep 3519b – [DS] Makes A Move In Syria, [DS] Fighting Back,Trump Counters It, We Are At The Precipice
If this is our controversial prophetess then this might seem fortuitous.
No, but she’s another one. She says:
“What happened in the United States of America with this prophetically biblical election and President Trump being elected–I had warned that it triggered, in the realm of the spirit, a changing of the guard in the earth; that that changing of the guard was triggered in the realm of the spirit and went out into the earth, into the natural, and this is why you see this happening.”
There is a subtle implication that people need to rely on her to be told what is happening. She “had warned” that Trump’s election triggered the bizarre changes she describes.
I suspect that the term “prophetically biblical” is also intended to point the listener to her world of prophecy, and the “need” to be looking for signs and looking to her for enlightenment and guidance.
Talk of “the realm of the spirit” vs. the “natural” sounds very new-agey.
We all already know the truth, and it is not necessary to couch it in woo-woo terms: Trump is a once-in-a-lifetime leader with tremendous intellect and a unique set of skills and experience that make him uncannily effective, command respect from world leaders, and enact positive change.
Screenshot of the tweet (video is embedded in the tweet):
I am thinking of doing an Article on Western North Carolina & Chemtrails for next week and was just saving my notes on the subject so I can shut down the computer for Hubby’s upgrade.
This will join the rest.
(I have another article in the works for this week.)
Least we forget, the Northern Lights crept south in a remarkable way about a week after the Hurricane. It was claimed to be from solar flare activity, but was it? Or was it just remnants from a massive cloud seeding event?
Thanks, I will add that to the info I am collecting.
There definitely was a strong solar flare a few days before the Northern Lights appeared, as is usual when it has a CME (Coronal Mass Ejection) hitting the Earth. That does of course not exclude other causes, though as weather is troposphere phenomena (0 to 18 km), while auroras are ionosphere phenomena (80 km to 600 km), a common reason for both might be harder to find.
Doesn’t mean that something weather-related couldn’t resemble auroras. And if we start seeing auroras not caused by activity on the sun, that would be a cause for concern.
Gail Combs
Go for it!
I can’t imagine the number of negative effects on humans and animals from all the accumulated poisons that are in the soil now in western North Carolina. These poisons have also very likely leached into the water table, into private and community wells, into septic fields (as opposed to closed septic tanks), “backyard gardens”, farms, etc., etc.
And what about the “downstream effects”, since just about all the rivers and creeks in western NC eventually make their way over to the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean?
And this is aside from the atmospheric contamination from the poisons.
I have my old soil tests from 25 years ago (I think.) I should do another soil test (actually a 1/2 dozen) to see the changes.
Gail Combs
I think the new soil test(s) will be worth it.
USDA does them for free April to Nov but I do not know if they do heavy metals.
Test ResultsThe following test results are given for each homeowner sample:
Lab Testing to Identify Contaminantsincluding Heavy Metals and Organics
More from Soils
Hope you share your results here if you do this testing!
See my reply to Gail. Short answer – it’s awful.
Are you able to edit articles? Have you tested the WordPress editor to see if it’s working for you? I may need to create a placeholder tomorrow, if not.
Hubby will be updating my computer tonight so I will know if that corrects my word piss problem.
I will let you know after he has mangled my machine if word piss is working.
If he is updating to 22.04 or 24.04, he should make sure that he has a backup browser for Mozilla beforehand — Mozilla gets turned into a flatpak and may be titchy about restarting.
Thanks for the info. I will give it to him. We have Ubuntu software on this computer.
You had mentioned running Ubuntu previously. It is a very solid choice — they take the guts of Debian and then rejigger everything to make it more bulletproof and smoother. It serves as the basis for Mint, Pop, and many other distros.
They do releases in April and October every year. The April release of even-numbered years is “LTS” [Long Term Support], and is good for five years. Other releases (e.g. 23.04, 23.10, 24.10) are only good for nine months, but are more “up-to-date”.
Ubuntu comes in a variety of flavors that are slightly different from the regular version. For example, Ubuntu MATE uses the MATE user interface and has a slightly different choice of default applications — both of which are meant to require fewer system resources. By contrast, Ubuntu Studio is optimized for audio/video editing and production — and typically requires MORE system resources.
I just got the 24.04 prompt.
That should be valid, with regular maintenance (without version upgrades) until April 2029.
I just tried it again and I am A-OK!!
So it looks like my Wednesday’s post will be up.
Excellent news! Thank you! And tell your husband THANK YOU from me!
Great news!!!
PLEASE! Looking forward to it.
That flows into our tributaries in East TN. The area you described was Ground Zero. The seeding started in the Gulf and continued into rural GA it appears.
The practical application – related relief workers have been getting sick with respiratory related illnesses at far higher rates than is normal. Residents of the area have as well, which had led to many walking away for good. We know relief orgs and teams, including some from our church. Respiratory illnesses are off the charts in our area. Most folks go not get a definitive diagnosis. The contamination moved downstream and we all detected changes in our water or a time.
FEMA was on the news today with a notice saying that people only have a week left to apply for financial aid. Eff ’em.
I am really getting tired of naysayers on weather mod and chem trails. They are the real science deniers on this issue. We can send high tech microscopes and satellites to the heavens, but we can’t seed clouds and hurricanes from the aircraft that fly through and over them? How absurd. Some folks need to spend more time getting to know the history, some researchers as well as some actual research that gets completed in our national laboratories and defense facilities on this and many other “conspiracies”.
I don’t think it has been discussed here for quite a while. Maybe you’re referring to things you see elsewhere.
I do not deny that some weather modification is possible, but I need evidence of hurricanes being initiated, steered, or worsened, and there is a dearth of it. What people accept as evidence is very often speculation and putting two and two together to make five. Fires can be started and maybe even droughts can be produced, but I need evidence to show that a hurricane can be steered.
No one denies that cloud seeding exists. Don’t fucking strawman me.
That’s MULTIPLE ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE different from steering a fucking hurricane.
Let alone creating one, which a lot of people seem to be saying anymore…
Makes conservatives look stupid, which perhaps is the point (seeding bad science, one might say)…
Probably TallBloke’s blog, Steve McIntyre, or WUWT has some explainers on the numbers involved…
Somehow, because we started seeding clouds in 1957 (or whenever it was) it *therefore follows* that we can steer hurricanes today. WTAF.
Damon’s back yard…
Ok, this is just WEIRD.
I saw this article about the guy arrested for killing the insurance CEO. He was on Twitter, and the infamous Taylor Lorenz followed him:
That’s odd. But even odder, Tracy Beanz, Bari Weiss, and Dr, Ben Braddock ALSO followed him. Those are just people who I follow who followed him. He has 225,000 followers.
Who the hell IS this guy?
I strongly believe he was a victim of MK ULTRA. Ivy League. They MKed him during school, IMO. This would be even more likely if his family has any mob ties, like the QAnon shooter (low level mob gopher) who was used for a hit job. The mob has been associated with MK ULTRA – much more than just Whitey Bulger.
Too much of this guy’s tweeting is rational.
I agree. I always suspect the MK. Always.
But if they picked a patsy to do this, I’m surprised they picked one with this kind of following. It;s weird.
I think they were rushed, and Mangione fit their specs. He was likely also an excellent hypnosis subject, who was technically capable of pulling it off. It must have been very important to take out that CEO, and to do it a.s.a.p.
One requirement would be motivation. They have to find somebody motivated strongly on a particular issue, who can be “tipped” into action.
This is why FIB “collects” would-be shooters of all types and models.
Read several times CEO was under investigation, scheduled to testify… I got the feeling he had turned for the prosecution.
Can’t say that I read it in an article anywhere.
There is more beneath the surface…..and the quality of information from the MSM is suspiciously murky.
Getting worse.
Shooter has geographic ties to second Trump assassin! Strange. China?
Shooter also has “inconvenient” ties to cousin pol who is MAGA and pro-Trump, just like John Hinckley (definite MK, IMO) had embarrassing ties to GOP and the Bush family.
Also, Shooter has weird ties that Laura Loomer found.
Oh, boy. The tangled web of the spider.
First thing I thought of with all of our conversations on here. Fits like a glove.
It’s getting very weird!
Garbage is being taken out.
BREAKING: FBI Director Christopher Wray to Resign Because He Doesn’t Want to Get Fired by Trump
Good riddance!
FBI Director Christopher Wray is preparing to resign as President Trump moves forward with nominee Kash Patel.
Republican Senator Chuck Grassley (IA) sent Christopher Wray a blistering letter on Monday and told him and his deputy Paul Abbate to step down for the good of the country.
“For the good of the country, it’s time for you and your deputy to move on to the next chapter in your lives,” Mr. Grassley wrote in the letter to Wray, according to The Washington Times. “I therefore must express my vote of no confidence in your continued leadership of the FBI.”
An excellent solution.
Wray is a turncoat, and a DeepState tool from head to foot.
Wrong way Wray… (ancient Forty-Niner Faithful, and even more ancient UC Bezerkeley fans might remember that)…
yeah Syria is free…
This one might be confounding. So words out that Syria is now free and like here shown from the Turkish border region, where Turkey was forced to take in many Syrian refugees who fled ISIS are now telling the refugees to go home, your country is free. Okay, that’s nice, but whose there now? Who freed it?
Crazy world.
So some are saying the above is propaganda, but this one sort of reinforces it.
Unless I learn different this will remind me of the start of the first Crusade.
Not going well…
Then there is stuff like this. Israel, US and Turkey are on the move, but not against new breed of ISIS. More reminiscent of kneading the doe to make a new pie. Wonder what it will be like. Personally I’m going to pass. Something about bloody dough turns me off.
Sounds like propaganda to me. I just got an urgent message from a mission I support:
““There were liquidation campaigns taking place silently, away from the cameras,” reports a Christian who just escaped to Aleppo. While the world looks away, our brothers and sisters face a terrifying new chapter of persecution.
“In just the past few days:
•Over 100,000 believers and religious minorities have fled their homes
•Armed groups are systematically targeting religious minority communities
• Families are being separated at checkpoints
• Many believers are trapped without food, water, or safe passage
“The harsh truth is this: while Assad’s rule was difficult for Christians, what comes next could be catastrophic. These Islamic extremist groups have a long history of forcing Christians to convert, pay heavy taxes, or face death. They’ve already begun seizing Christian property and restricting worship.”
Not for Para.
Not gonna spend much time on Syria. Just another IC and MIC cesspool.
Opening line.
Syria a manufactured mess, to increase odds of WW III AND complicate Trump’s presidency, come January 20th.
Now Syrians who fled the war can go back home and help rebuild their country
The awesomeness of Pete Hegseth is right here in this thread.