Health Friday Open Thread 12.13.2024: The DNA in the Pfizer-BioNTech modRNA COVID-19 Bioweapon Toxin Injections (aka the COVID-19 “Vaccines”)

The above free vintage image of DNA strands is courtesy of Shutterstock via Google Images.

Health Friday is a series of posts related to Big Pharma, vaccines, general health, and associated topics. Since today’s post is related to the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines”, it is dedicated to the memory of Yours Truly’s COVID-19 “vaccinated” late brother, Sam, and to her late cousin Bill; and to all persons, of whatever age or location, who have passed away from the negative effects (direct or indirect) of the COVID-19 “vaccines” that they took.

There are Important Wolf Moon Notifications, the Rules of our late, good Wheatie, and certain Yours Truly caveats, of which readers should be aware. They are linked here. The discussion today is not limited to what is presented below: It is an Open Thread.

Above all — There. Must. Be. Justice.

To Begin: Yours Truly will now change the name of the COVID-19 “vaccines” to reflect what they really are — dangerous and deadly bioweapons injections:

COVID-19 Bioweapon Toxin Injections (COVID-19 BTI). They are NOT “vaccines.” The FDA, the CDC, and the makers of these injections/injectables KNOW THIS. If Yours Truly refers to these injectables as “vaccines”, it is for “convenience-recognition” only, e.g., as in scientific papers or in media headlines.

Today’s post is a confirmation and an amplification regarding the discovery of large amounts of “free” DNA residue in vials of the Pfizer-BioNTech modRNA COVID-19 modRNA BTI, BNT162b2. The trail begins here:, A new paper confirms presence of DNA in COVID-19 shot vials, settles issues pertaining to DNA quantification models, shows spike persistence and exosomal shuttling (shedding), by Jessica Rose, PhD., 4 December 2024. Yours Truly will address this article and the paper that it cites, in addition to some earlier papers by other researchers on the topic. The “weave” of today’s post is somewhat dense — the depth of the perfidy behind BNT162b2 is wide and deep. Please bear with me.

The paper to which Dr. Rose refers is here:, Ulrike Kammerer et al., 3 December 2024. Read the paper’s title again — there are TWO types of DNA elements in the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 BTI, BNT162b2: what may be called “loose” DNA, plus an SV40 African Green Monkey cancer promoter-enhancer genome code sequence. The salient graphics regarding this from the paper are below:

The Kammerer, et al., paper is hugely important. The multitude of tests and assays that were performed on the samples from the Pfizer-BioNTech modRNA COVID-19 BTI vials is not only incredibly thorough; it is also stunning. Several earlier hypotheses (and evidence from previous scientific papers and articles) regarding these injectables are now confirmed:

One: More of the ingredients of the Pfizer-BioNTech modRNA COVID-19 BTI are confirmed — “loose” DNA; the SV40 African Green Monkey cancer promoter-enhancer genome code sequence; the presence of HEK293 cells (aborted fetal cells); the presence of the antibiotic, Neomycin (a drug that treats bacterial infections); and, ORI replicons in the plasmids in the injectable. ORI replicons are the things that “teach” the “vaccinated” person’s body to make copies of the spike protein — in other words, a type of self-amplifying modRNA mechanism is introduced into the body. Plasmids are tiny DNA molecules that are inside a cell; plasmids are not chromosomal DNA and can independently reproduce themselves. An image of plasmids inside a cell is below (courtesy

Two: The amount of “loose” DNA in BNT162b2 is well above EMA (European Medicines Agency) limits. A screenshot of Figure 2. section D, of the Kammerer, et al., paper, below, clearly shows this:

Three: The presence of the DNA plasmids and of the SV40 African Green Monkey cancer promoter-enhancer gene code sequence were NOT disclosed to the FDA by Pfizer-BioNTech prior to that agency’s granting of the initial EUA for BNT162b2 on 11 December 2020 for this injectable’s use in the United States. The salient statement from the Kammerer, et al., paper, on this is below:

Yours Truly will note that the FDA also granted “full approval” of BNT162b2 in 2022, under the brand name COMIRNATY, and its “descendant clone” modRNA COVID-19 BTIs, including all “new formula” injections {such as the 2024-2025 COMIRNATY COVID-19 modRNA BTI.)

Four: There is a distinct possibility that BNT162b2 can “shed” from “vaccinated” persons onto other persons, via exosomal secretion. From the Discussion section of the Kammerer, et al., paper, below:

The COVID-19 modRNA BTIs are “shuttled” throughout the body of the person who takes these injectables. This “shuttling”, in part, is performed by exosomes. Exosomes are tiny elements that are formed by lipid bilayers and function as a kind of “shuttle service” within the body, carrying proteins, lipids, and other items to and from body organs, including to the skin. Please refer to:, “Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs”, Stephanie Seneff, et al., 15 April 2022.

Scientific researchers have been experimenting with SV40 African Green Monkey cancer promoter-enchancer gene code since at least 1997. Please see:, “Direct modulation of simian virus 40 late gene expression by thyroid hormone and its receptor”, Fengrong Zuo, Tod Gulick, et al. Below is a graphic of the SV40 gene code experiment, followed by a portion of the Discussion section of this paper:

Research has been performed regarding SV40-induced cancers, via “methylation.” Please refer to:, “Epigenetic changes in virus associated human cancers”, Hsin Pai Li, et al., 1 April 2005.

Two papers by Kevin McKernan have researched much of the information that the Kammerer, et al., paper has confirmed. One McKernan paper is here:, “Sequencing of bivalent Moderna and Pfizer mRNA vaccines reveals nanogram to microgram quantities of expression vector dsDNA per dose”, Kevin McKernan, et al., 10 April 2023. A graphic from this paper is below:

Please note that there are two separate SV40 elements in this graphic: the SV40 enhancer and the SV40 “signal” in the poly-A “tail” of BNT162b2.

The other McKernan paper is here, regarding DNA fragments in BOTH the Pfizer-BioNTech AND in the Moderna modRNA COVID-19 BTIs:, “DNA fragments detected in monovalent and bivalent Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna modRNA COVID-19 vaccines from Ontario, Canada: Exploratory dose relationship with serious adverse events”, Kevin McKernan, et al., 19 October 2023.

Yours Truly now turns to the “primary source document” for BNT162b2, the International Patent declaration document for this injectable. It is found here:, published on 28 October 2021. Note: The patent number in the Kammerer, et al., paper (WO2021214204) is a another identifier for this patent. It is difficult to access the actual patent document by using this identifier on a search — the above Google URL is easy to find. Another patent number for BNT162b2, WO2021213924, is similarly difficult to find. Yours Truly suspects that these other patent documents and information were “subsumed” into WO2021213945A1.

Yours Truly found listed in the above document, among many other items:

One: That BNT162b2 targets the “vaccinated” person’s CD 4 and CD8 cells. Please see the screenshot, below, from the International Patent declaration:

Two: That BNT162b2 uses ** either ** N1-Methylpseudouridine, or pseudouridine, or 5-methyl-uridine, to replace the natural Uridine in the “vaccinated” person’s body. Please see the screenshot, below, from the International Patent declaration:

The reason why, in Yours Truly’s opinion, there are THREE different types of “fake” Uridine that can be used in BNT262b2 is because Pfizer-BioNTech wanted to have “maximum leeway” to choose any of these three types for use in various formulations and/or lots of BNT162b2. That’s why the words “in one embodiment” are used throughout the patent document. This “leeway” would also theoretically apply to any “descendant clone” modRNA COVID-19 BTI made by this company.

**** Three: Regarding the Kammerer, et al., paper: These researchers used “Sequence ID 16” (SEQ ID 16) in the BNT162b2 International Patent declaration as the basis for their tests and assays regarding the presence of “loose” DNA and the presence of the SV40 African Green Monkey cancer promoter-enhancer gene code piece. Below is a screenshot of the mention of this sequence, and the BNT162b2 patent that was used, by Kammerer, et al.

Yours Truly read through the patent document and found the only area that appears to match SEQ ID 16. A screenshot of this, from the patent document, is below:

From here, Yours Truly found a long list of the actual spike protein gene codes (S protein) in SEQ ID 16. This sequence begins with “hAg-Kozak“, which is important as regards “loose” DNA and the SV40 cancer promoter gene piece code. Please see the screenshot of the hAg-Kozak code, followed by a portion of the spike protein codes, below:

The hAg-Kozak codes are a kind of nucleic acid “pattern” that functions as a “protein initiation site” in mRNA applications (paraphrased from the hAg-Kozak entry at Wikipedia.)

Finally, a screenshot follows of the FI element and Poly-A tail gene codes in SEQ ID 16:

Recall that the Poly-A tail is the “signal” for the SV40 cancer promoter gene code piece in the McKernan paper, cited above.

Our gracious host, Wolf Moon, points out that the FI element is this, per the link here:

FI element (nucleotides 3864 to 4158): The 3′-UTR is a combination of two sequence elements derived from the “amino terminal enhancer of split” (AES) mRNA (called F) and the mitochondrial encoded 12S ribosomal RNA (called I). These were identified by an ex vivo selection process for sequences that confer RNA stability and augment total protein expression9

Wolf Moon continues: “So basically these are gene sequences that were found to work well as linkers which enhance production of the desired target (the spike protein), and are thus tacked onto the sequence for the spike. IMO they are a lot like the SV40 sequence for DNA, but they work at the mRNA level.”

Further discussion of the TWO separate SV40 cancer promoter elements in BNT162b2 are found in another item cited by the Kammerer, et al., paper:, “Pfizer and Moderna bivalent vaccines contain 20 – 35% expression vector and are transformation competent in E. coli”, 8 March 2023. A screenshot of their assessment of the SV40 cancer promoter and “signal” placements in BNT162b2 is below:

In Yours Truly’s opinion: What we have here was / is NOT a case of Pfizer-BioNTech saying, “Oops, forgot to remove the loose DNA from BNT162b2 before it was / is put into the vials”; NOR was it / is it, a case of, “Oops, forgot to remove the SV40 elements from the product before it was / is put into the vials.” Instead, it is deliberate inclusion of BOTH the “loose” DNA AND of the SV40 African Green Monkey cancer promoter-enhancer gene code piece into BNT162b2. It says it right there in the International Patent declaration for BNT162b2, the SEQ ID 16 listings. Since BNT162b2 is the basis for the “descendant clone” COVID-19 modRNA BTI by this company, plus the fact that all of these products are manufactured using the “Process 2” method (“marinating” the ingredients of the injectable in E. coli), Yours Truly will posit that it can be assumed that “loose” DNA and the SV40 promoter-enhancer gene codes are present in these “descendant clone” injectables, even if they are present in lesser amounts.

For more information regarding the “shedding” of modRNA COVID-19 BTI, please see:

For more information on the Process 2 manufacturing method that Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna use to produce BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 respectively (and their respective “descendant clone” modRNA COVID-19 BTI), please see:



Peace, Good Energy, Respect: PAVACA

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

38 days, 11 hours, 56 minutes until our Once And Future President, Donald John Trump resumes his rightful office and the THIEF in the office now goes away forever.

Not that I am counting, mind you.


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Last edited 1 month ago by GA/FL

Is this the open thread?


I think so.


The scientific details in this article make my head spin and I’m glad you are able to decipher them, Pavaca. I hope others are reading this who would both understand what’s going on and be able to do something about it.


I swear, Pavaca, I get madder and madder the more of your articles I read! It truly is time for justice.

Gail Combs

Jan 31, 2020 12:22:57 PM EST

What happens when people learn the TRUTH?

What happens when people WAKE UP?

They will not be able to WALKdown the street.



Deplorable Patriot

The right people aren’t quite awake for that.

In addition, any large, wide-spread,organized protest or action is going to get infiltrated. We know that. I’m convinced that’s part of why it hasn’t happened yet.

Gail Combs

True. However we are getting there.

And no it will not be protests, it will be shunning.

Deplorable Patriot

I think we need both…after the pharmaceutical advertising is illegal again. That way the networks, or what’s left of them, are free to report on it.


This is the way.

People underestimate the psychological effects of being shunned. Humans are programmed to need “the herd.” It was a basic need for survival pre-civilization, so it is a deeply, deeply primal feeling.

Gail Combs

It is amazing how strong that drive is. When I was unemployed & living alone, I would actually walk to a store just to have someone to talk to! That need shocked me, since I am normally self-contained and a bit stand-offish.


I get it! I am introverted. BUT, I do need human contact. Without any, I get weird.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


Valerie Curren



Haha, ok fine.


You forgot one.

The FDA doesn’t give a rat’s ass about the above.




Banking on RFK Jr stopping the EUAs, banning Covid injectables, AND exposes everything.

This is another area that warrants a special prosecutor.

There is no doubt in my mind, Trump is right along side us wanting justice.


If he is allowed to, he will do so. Exposing the horrors of vaccines in general is his life’s work, I think.

The question I have is, will Trump allow him to do it. Sadly, I have to wonder, based on Trump’s statements about the vaxx and its creation. I think it is a blind spot for him. I guess we’ll see.


Trump was deceived. He needs to know this, if he doesn’t already know it.

Trump won’t like admitting it, but he’ll be respected for admitting he was deceived.

This will allow RFK Jr and others to unfuck FDA, CDC, NIH, take Big Pharma to task…

If Trump simply knows he was deceived, doesn’t choose to admit it, he only needs to stay out of way JFK Jr and his team. Focus on the economy, shrinking the federal government, ending wars…

Gail Combs

If you read Peter Navarro’s book “In Trump Time” it documents how POTUS was deceived.

I think that information has to come out before POTUS Trump acknowledges it. But yeah, he KNOWS however there was nothing more he could do about it than he did.

If you have not read that book I would highly recommend doing so.

Deplorable Patriot

I have a hard time believing Trump didn’t know all the plays that were made before they were made and that he was ready to counter. The whole 3-D ventilator printing and more tells me this was mapped out, and they let the evil ones fall into a trap.

After all, the worst sin is pride, and Birx, Fauci, etc., were full of it.

Gail Combs

Also Trump did as much as he could to protect us. After all it is thanks to POTUS Trump we became aware of HCQ, and Dr Zelenko.


Yes, I don’t blame Trump. Did the best he could with the deck stacked against him.


I hope Trump is able to admit that he was deceived.


The Faux Vaccines are one of Multiple levels of intentional murder

Releasing the chimeric engineered virusesPushing the deadly fake vaccinesThe pharmaceuticals – Remdesivir, Paxlovid that also kill or spread the virusDiscouraging early treatment.Blacklisting effective medicines – forbidding doctors to prescribe – pharmacists to fill Rx for Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine.The deadly hospital protocolsThe censorship and persecution of those who tell the truth – researchers, doctors and lay people.Mandating the virus – firing people who won’t take itMasks, social distancing, shut downs killing businesses – and other useless defenses against the virus.

Last edited 1 month ago by GA/FL
Gail Combs

AND the ventilators with an 80% kill rate.


Organized genocide. Depopulation.


Never Forget the bottom lines. I won’t.

Justice Must Be Done.

Perhaps another bottom line.

Covid itself… I don’t know the correct words. Created to murder…

Covid and companion Covid-19 Injectables are a one two punch.

Intentionally created to murder the Global Population. Depopulation.

  :wpds_arrow:  Everything about Covid and the Jabs makes me angry as hell. I will never get over what has been inflicted on humanity.

PAVACA thank you for everything you bring here.

pat frederick


this is a crime of the century type crime. too heinous NOT to prosecute! there has to be an avenue to not only prevent this from happening again but to punish, disorganize, defund or disable this type of weaponization again.

Valerie Curren

This!   :wpds_mad:   :wpds_evil:   :wpds_mad: 


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He sure nailed the facial expressions.


The shirt of Procrustes.


Thank you for the link.

Saw your post above, rolled my eyes and was about to Google, Procrustes.
Ten seconds of Procrustes, felt dizzy. Too early. Need coffee.   :insane: 


Maybe this will help.

Valerie Curren



Well I’m glad they at least put a short line in there where Theseus gave Procrustes his comeuppance. I didn’t recognize the story until I read Procrustes was cutting folks limbs off to fit onto his iron bed. Then it all makes sense. Well, sort of. I still don’t understand the shirt connection, but prosecutors I’m much better with now. 😁

Valerie Curren

I’m feeling anti-crusties myself 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Me, too!

Valerie Curren



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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

DEM-P-Cs are so cute!


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Where’s firestarter Osatan???

Valerie Curren

he’s in FJB’s/LGB’s diaper along with all the other crap!


Beware Nestles Chocolate. They are going to use Bill Gates’ fake non-fart cow milk with all the poison crap in it


@Nestle declares full support for Bovaer in its supply chain products. 

Nestlè sells the following products and more: 

– Kit Kat

– Nestlè MILO

– NesQuik

– Sustagen

– Nescafè

– Starbucks

– Uncle Tobys 

– Le Snak

– Nestlè NANCare

– Nestlè Baby & Me

– Optifast

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Cadbury bars are made by Hershey under license from Cadbury UK.



They seem to forget that – – – RFK Jr has a MANDATE FROM TRUMP to clean up the Food-Drug industry – !!!

Hoping we will see Fauci and Gates and their cabal sent on a one way trip to Mars courtesy of Elon Musk – !!!

Last edited 1 month ago by GA/FL
Deplorable Patriot

Splitting up the food monopolies is going to be entertaining considering the number of them that gobbled up American family owned businesses. Over the decades.

Gail Combs




Gail Combs

  :wpds_shock:   :wpds_grin: 


Eric Daugherty:

BREAKING: Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick says he will buy the unused pieces of border wall the Biden administration is currently selling for $5 per piece.

“We will buy it in Texas and we will give it to Donald Trump.”


Creativity in motion.


Some guy on Coast to Coast [discussing shrinking farmland] said, hungry people topple govts over and over.

That is profound. How about if I flip it?

What if when not-hungry people topple a govt, it proves that politics is behind it and that the politics is not the will of the people?

Example – Ukraine. There was no good reason for the govt to fall in 2014. The govt was functional and the people had no serious gripes. Without Nuland pushing it, no chance the govt would fail.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Final Experiment Update:

Here’s Will Duffy, partially explaining what’s going on with the 24 hour moon aspect. He acknowledges it won’t be visible during the time they are all present in Antarctica. He does not say what he’s actually going to do to get the video.

Here’s a video by Jeran (a flat earther, now condemned as a shill for going). It’s taken at night in Punta Arenas, Chile, and shows twilight almost directly to the south, which is in perfect accord with the Globe Earth model…and very problematic for the Flat Earth.


Jeran (a flat earther, now condemned as a shill for going).

So, flat earther’s don’t believe in science, or so I’d guess.

Searching for my surprised face.   :insane: 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You likely lost it months ago so it will be a long search.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

More: Best part at 7:00 or so

And here’s a money making opportunity for RayzorBack. He can bet that they won’t see a 24 hour sun and get most of this guy’s nine thousand dollar bet.

Last edited 1 month ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Flerfs on Ice sounds like a production of the Ice Capades.


Don’t care who you are. That there is funny.

Cuppa Covfefe

Considering the faulty science they’re pandering (shades of “Spirit of Mawson”) maybe Ice Crapades would be fitting…


While everyone is chirping about health “insurance” executives, there’s a different outlook over at

FINALLY, one of those rat bastard telemarketing assholes got it in the teeth. Richard Zeitlin pled guilty to conspiracy to commit wire fraud, and got 10 years and $8.9 million in fines out of it. This was one of the assholes behind all of those computer calls you get about some PAC for some charity no one has ever heard of that is helping (list key constituency here).


Gosh I hope someone shanks his ass in prison.

Seems heartfelt.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oh I hate those bastards. I hope he gets shanked too. Slowly and painfully.


Because we care.

To ease the way, a rusty 20ga bore brush.

Last edited 1 month ago by kalbokalbs
Barb Meier

Use bronze and not nylon or cotton for the full rusty effect.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Absolutely! I always figured referencing it as rusty would indicate a steel bore brush.


Elementary, my dear Watson.

Cuppa Covfefe

Chucked into a hammer-drill…

Gail Combs

With a chainsaw?


Just as a side note, I put the word “insurance” in quotes because what we have today bears very little relation to actual insurance.

Insurance is paying a small amount against great odds that something will not happen that is (1) out of your control, and (2) would cause you significant personal harm. As an example, you might pay $1,000 against the odds that PG&E deferred maintenance will touch off a wildfire that amplifies in State of California mismanaged brushlands until it incinerates your house.

What we mostly have in the “health insurance” field is more of a “prepaid services” arrangement. You pay $800 per month so that you get doctor and quick-service clinic visits and whatever. The insurance component is minimal compared to the flow of money.

Thing is, I’m old enough to remember way-back-when in a time when some geniuses came up with prepaid legal plans. You’d pay a certain amount every month, and they’d defend you if you got sued and help you if you had to write a demand letter or something. These were actually popular, IIRC, in a brief period in the early 1980’s.

The problem, of course, is that the need for legal services is largely a factor within your control. If you are in the habit of sexually harassing your coworkers and suing your neighbors, this sort of plan just floors the accelerator — and the company offering it won’t make any money because they’ll spend all their time in court.

Within about five years, all these prepaid legal plans collapsed.

Obamacare has lasted longer, but is headed for the same fate.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I made a similar point (much more briefly) a few days ago and thank you for this (much more thorough) presentation.

pat frederick

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Now wait a minute! What about Michelle?

…uh. never mind. Forget I said anything.


How about Barack’s “New York girlfriend”?

…uh, wait — that was a “composite” in his “autobiography”….

Never mind.


Our First Lady looked very relaxed and supremely confident yesterday when our MAGA man rang the bell to start the trading on Wall Street! 

She’s more than meets the eye – MUCH more…

FOR EXAMPLE – The Floor Frame Sculpture by the Japanese American artist Noguchi – that Melania Trump installed in the White House Rose Garden was prophetic and symbolic of US political and social history from 2016 to 2024 and on.

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My Intrepretation – Reading the sculpture from right to left we see a smaller part (1st Trump presidency) then there is a break, the Trump administration disappearing, or going underground, then emerging bigger, stronger and more powerful than ever!

Melania Trump is an intentional, well-controlled lady and very subtle – her clothing choices often send messages to those who can see and understand. It’s really fun to watch for her Couture Comms.

pat frederick

hmmmm….interesting interpretation i never would have seen that from looking at it above. very insightful!


Nor I. But we have a western civ point of view so that’s not surprising.

Gail Combs

Pgroup. I know your are not a lawyer but do have some legal chops. I would like you to give a bit of advise (Whether to hire a lawyer, whether rights were infrenged…)

We ended up with a house guest [HG] last night. He had been doing work for a neighbor and for us free lance. He had also been staying with the neighbor who unfortunately has an drinking problem and is AC/DC… You get the picture.

HG is in his 30s. His grand dad and now his father own a company (Trades). HG has been trained and has the certificates to work in that field. HG had been living with his dad after his divorce and then a gold digger came on the scene. She took over even going so far as redecorating HG’s bedroom.

She is angling for marriage and probably wants the whole enchilada. Therefore HG has to go.

Long story short his Momma went to the cops and said he was suicidal or what ever. He was sleeping in his SUV at his uncle’s and woke up to Tazers pointed in his face. The sheriffs refused to show a warrant or say anything except that it was his momma who sicced them on him. They cuffed him and took him to the hospital. The nurse was going to give him a shot and refused to tell him what it was for or what it was. When he refused to cooperate, Jumping off the bed OVER the nurse, she called in the cops who tossed him to the ground (He was still cuffed behind his back) breaking open his forehead and his knee. [They are now badly brused.]

I looked at the discharge papers and the amount of Blood Alc is not consistent with HG actions — He should have been passed out at that level.

Stupor — 250-350 [Supposedly HG was at the high end from drinking the night before 🤔]

Difficulty in moving

Weak response to stimuli, if at all

Nausea, vomiting

May lapse in and out of consciousness

His blood work also showed Benzodiazepines

Benzodiazepines Commonly Used To Treat Alcohol Withdrawal

Benzodiazepines Commonly Used To Treat Alcohol Withdrawal

  • Diazepam (Valium) [Valium is most often prescribed to relieve anxiety, muscle spasms, and seizures. It is also used to ease uncomfortable symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. Valium works by diminishing hyperactive brain function to relieve severe stress and anxiety]
  • Chlordiazepoxide (Librium) [Librium is a habit-forming, psychotropic drug. Users who are prescribed Librium for medical purposes, like to treat insomnia or anxiety, can still develop Librium addiction.]
  • Lorazepam (Ativan) [Ativan is a potent benzodiazepine that has a high potential for abuse and addiction.]


He was never shown a warrant for his arrest.
He was never told WHY he was arrested.
He was never read his rights.
He was drugged without his permission. And had the shakes all last night.
The hospital paper work says he is to return in 2 to 4 day for a follow-up.

Also the Shrink found nothing wrong and discharged him. THIS IS NOT ON THE PAPERWORK.

About all they have is DUI when sleeping in his truck on private property. That is taking it that the blood alcohol was not faked to cover the hospitals ass after they had ALREADY given him a Benzodiazepine shot. Remember the blood works showed positive for a Benzodiazepine.


Should he get a lawyer? Did the cops have a RIGHT to haul him in? Did the hospital have the RIGHT to inject him with a substance without his permission?

Barb Meier

Who owns the private property? That’s such a horrible story. I hope things get better for HG but I would want him to find a better place to stay. I would not get in the middle of such a big mess. I have no “ammo” for such things.

Gail Combs

I realize it is a big mess, however WE DO NOT DRINK and do not allow drinking or smoking in the house. HG has also agreed to stay away from alcohol.

Alcohol was the only substance found and there is no law that says you can not drink.

Last, ISOLATING the targeted victim is a classic tactic so I am NOT going to allow that to happen to a nice guy. Also they do not know he is here.


OK. I’ll try.

First off, let’s clarify the difference between civil and criminal.

Civil is generally what is called tort law. Somebody does something and causes injury to someone else. This is a private cause of action called a tort suit. Criminal is where a certain type of behavior is declared by the legislature to be a crime [criminal statutes/laws]. If the circumstances ‘fit’ within the law’s description, then the person has committed a crime [of course he/she is presumed innocent until trial and conviction].

Our constitution prevents govt [cops] from intruding/arresting someone unless there are sufficient apparent facts that make it appear that a person has committed a crime. These facts can range from eyewitness statements to implied evidence [a gun was in the hand of a person and there’s a gunshot victim on the ground]. This is probable cause to arrest the person for whatever crime might fit with the known facts. IOW, the cops have authority of law to arrest and take custody of the likely criminal.

There are other authorities for intruding and/or arresting someone. Generally speaking, these are called welfare checks where someone asks the cops to check on someone’s well being [or lack thereof] usually because the asking person is too far away to do the checking himself/herself [like in another state].

Cops in any state have statutory authority [laws passed by legislature] to arrest and transfer custody to a medical facility for possible mental health crisis intervention. There must be facts that show a mental heath crisis is happening AND that the person poses a danger to himself/herself or others before custodial arrest is authorized.

All inferences from the facts will favor the cops and cops aren’t required to know if those facts are actually true.

Moving to your situation, it is critical to recognize that there are separate legal issues present. There is the issue of if there is authority of the cops to be there and to take action(s). I’m assuming there is such authority because they were summoned to come there.

Then there’s the authority to arrest and take custody. I’ll also assume there is enough facts to authorize the cops to “care” for the arrestee by transporting to a med facility instead of a jail [cops default destination].

Once at the med facility, the cops authority ceases [not ends] and the med people begin their authority. Whether they followed standard procedures is subject to determination if the patient has a different idea of what treatments should have happened instead of what did. This can be the basis for a civil suit [tort suit] for medical malpractice.

I hope this helps. There is one more thing – federal civil rights laws allow a suit for damages based on the cops having breached the civil rights protections of the fed constitution.

This is general information intended to help you stand firmly on solid ground rather than balancing on a slippery rock. Make no mistake – substantial legal knowledge and expertise is required in order to decide what to do next. You can usually get decent guidance to finding the proper attorney from the staff of the nearest big city law library [usually associated with the superior courts]. Paying a good attorney for a couple of hours of his/her time is usually money well spent.

Last edited 1 month ago by pgroup2
Gail Combs

Thanks much and I will let him read this.

He has been with his family on and off because his dad had a medical problem and needed an operation. The Truck at the time was parked at his Uncle’s. He has also kept ALL text messages and recorded conversations. (The guy is NOT dumb.)

From what HG said his Dad picked him up and lectured him about how he had to let his family ‘help him’ This is why I think Gold Digger may be behind all the crap.

I unfortunately saw something similar with my Gold Digging sister-in-law when they targeted my Mom. She did not bother to hide her nasty side from a kid. She & big brother much later also pulled the ‘she’s mentally crazy’ crap. As my lawyer at the time said “These are NOT NICE PEOPLE!”

If he has the money, or can get another relative to foot the bill, I would have a professional investigate Gold Digger.


Just remember that whatever an investigator finds on Gold Digger has no relevance to what I was talking about.

Gail Combs

It does have relevance to his situation with his dad.


“Reading the sculpture from right to left we see a smaller part (1st Trump presidency) then there is a break, the Trump administration disappearing, or going underground, then emerging bigger, stronger and more powerful than ever!”


So then, what do you think the cube at the end of the large piece represents as the endpoint of Trump’s term?

My personal interpretation would be a much, much smaller role for Presidents and/or federal government, if I am extrapolating on from your view. Which would be a great thing.

The President isn’t supposed to control every aspect of American life. Neither is the federal government. Most decision-making for people’s lives should be closer to home, with state and local government.



Verse of the Day for Friday, December 13, 2024

“God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto the fellowship of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord.” 

1 Corinthians 1:9 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!




Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Blessed are they who believe outright;
Who have eyes to see – and His insight;
Who have heard His Word – and abide in it;
Who – through His Spirit – simply intuit!

Faith – is a leap into the unknown – unseen;
It requires obedience – pure and pristine;
When the voice of the Spirit – guides the heart;
The unforeseen fear will quickly depart!

Faith is belief – the assent of the mind;
To the truth of another – from behind;
Resting on the authority – of the Spirit;
Judgment less evidence – you will merit!

Faith is relief – the release of the mind;
God’s revelation of the highest kind;
Confidence comes – from the mind of God;
A wondrous gift – to whit we are awed!

Belief in the scriptures – is the basis of faith;
The being and perfection of God – is a wraith;
Through Jesus Christ – and His revelation;
Our faith in Him – brings this elevation!

Faith is confidence – in the promises of God;
Without which through life – in fear – we will trod;
The truthful declarations – in His Holy Word;
Are accurate acclamations – be rest assured!

Faith is not speculation – it is truth;
A gift from God – He granted in youth;
With certainty in what – God has declared;
Inspired by Him – cannot be impaired!

Faith is correctness – assurance of heart;
That God will uphold us right from the start;
Adherence to the truth is beyond reproach;
With sincerity – honesty – above approach!

If you have faith like the mustard seed;
You will not sin – in word or in deed;
Faith will uphold you – through turmoil and pain;
With confidence – in His Word – you will gain!

Step forward in faith – leave fear behind;
Let faith be an asset – to body and mind;
Trust in His Word – and His veracity;
Let His grace increase – faith capacity!

D01:  10/06/2013

Deplorable Patriot

Sung at a funeral I attended recently.


Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 
#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday

Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.
#faith #god #psalms





Outstanding work, PAVACA. Two words – criminal intent – voids the liability shield.

These monsters need prosecuted and civil lawsuited into the next century.

After being tarred and feathered.

Deplorable Patriot

I have an old down comforter I can add to the cause.

Last edited 1 month ago by Deplorable Patriot
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And I have some liquid that might be tar.

Or it might be red fuming nitric acid.

No guarantees, and I expect few will care much.

Brave and Free
Valerie Curren


Brave and Free

Dang, she defines BU.comment image

Last edited 1 month ago by kalbokalbs
pat frederick

Baylor University????


Butt ugly.   :wpds_chuckle: 


She’s already serving time for killing a man after what she put those students through.


It was the prosecutor who provided most of the effort. Can’t remember his name.

She just provided the spark.

Barb Meier

Mike Nifong.


On April 11, 2007, North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper dropped all charges, declaring the three lacrosse players “innocent” and victims of a “tragic rush to accuse”.[6][7]

Cooper described Nifong as a “rogue prosecutor”; the district attorney withdrew from the case in January 2007 after the North Carolina State Bar filed ethics charges against him. In June 2007, Nifong was disbarred for “dishonesty, fraud, deceit and misrepresentation”, making him the first prosecutor in North Carolina disbarred for trial conduct. Nifong served one day in jail for lying about sharing DNA tests (criminal contempt); he had not given results to the defense team. The lab director said it was a misunderstanding and Nifong claimed it was due to weak memory.[8]

While DNA analysis did not show evidence from any of the men she accused, Mangum continued to insist she was sexually assaulted that night until admitting in 2024 to fabricating the assault.[9] She was not charged for her allegations.[10]

Cooper noted several inconsistencies between Mangum’s accounts of the evening and the alibisoffered by Seligmann and Finnerty, which were supported by forensic evidence. The Durham Police Department was strongly criticized for violating their own policies by allowing Nifong to act as the de facto head of the investigation; using an unreliable suspect-only photo identification procedure with Mangum; pursuing the case despite vast discrepancies in notes taken by Investigator Benjamin Himan and Sgt. Mark Gottlieb; and distributing a poster that appeared to presume the suspects’ guilt shortly after the allegations were made public.[11]

Seligmann, Finnerty, and Evans brought a civil lawsuit against Duke University, which was settled. The university paid approximately $20 million to each claimant. The claimants also sought further unspecified damages and called for criminal justice reform laws in a federal civil rights lawsuit filed against the City of Durham and its police department.[11]

Barb Meier

That’s been a long time ago. Mike Nifong was the lead prosecutor.


Yea, but not that long ago for those NC players … just sayin’ … 😉


The lifespan of collateral damage is amazingly long.

Gail Combs

One of the comments:


19 hours ago

The three players received $20 million each in a settlement with Duke.

Crystal Mangum has been incarcerated for murder since 2013. In November 2013, she was found guilty of second-degree murder after she stabbed boyfriend Reginald Daye, who died 10 days after.[5] She argued that she acted in self-defense, saying that she feared Daye would kill her. She was convicted and sentenced to 14 to 18 years in prison. Previously, in February 2010, she was charged with the attempted murder of her then live-in partner, Milton Walker, but was convicted of contributing to the delinquency of a juvenile, injury to personal property and resisting a public officer.

I hope she rots in HELL.

Brave and Free
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



If you have not watched this, consider doing so. Please understand you will not be happy about what you see. All of us need to know the truth even when it hurts deeply. The redeemer is you will come through it knowing what a great POTUS and man PDT is along with his team if you did not already believe it. You will possibly have newfound/additional respect for James O’Keefe, Tucker Carlson, and all of the patriots who are fighting this and other important wars. It may inspire you to help in whatever ways you can. It may cause you to never accept anything a Dem or RINO tells you as being truthful or of any value whatsoever. If you are the praying sort, you will hit your knees.

Last edited 1 month ago by TradeBait2

I just watched the trailer and was appalled. I am sickened by this beyond words.

Gail Combs


Just a little bit from my notes:
1 In 10 K-12 Students Has Been Sexually Abused By A Teacher

Monica Petersen “Suicided” After Exposing Clinton Human Trafficking

Undercover journalist Karlyn Borysenko was present at the recent Socialism 2023 Conference, where she recorded a Q&A session from a talk on The Politics of Childhood. One question from an audience member revealed a desire on the part of the adults present for children to participate in the “sex industry as part of children’s liberation…” —

The Ohio constitutional amendment in Issue One would basically legalize child sex with adults – worse yet – FOR MONEY.

Out of the Shadows: [This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s policy on harassment and bullying}

Jan Jekielek@JanJekielek

“The youngest child we’ve rescued…was 2 years old. 34 men raped that 2-year-old over a 36-day period…. “When it comes to sex trafficking, you’ve got backroom deals, you’ve got plea deals, you’ve got misdemeanors.”

says sex#Trafficking laws are not being enforced in the US
breaks down the alarming realities of child sex trafficking in America on American Thought Leaders

Jaco Booyen from S.Africa on Child Sex Trafficking in the USA.

  :wpds_arrow: Tim Ballard on World human Trafficking (USA is the customer


Taking Down the Kingpin of Child Porn

Disney grooming kids

Children as young as 5 are getting hooked on porn
“Expansion of sex industry has meant kids get access to pornography at a very young age.”

Nolte – Disney’s Monsters Inc.

Epstein is not the first kingpin of the Caribbean. In fact, there were many before him. This is the hidden history of CIA black ops in the Caribbean – from No Name Key to Norman’s Cay to Disney’s Castaway Cay and beyond.

  :wpds_cry:   :wpds_mad:   :wpds_beg: 


It is a sick world we live in.


👍 Calling it openly is part of the solution.

Gail Combs

Yes, I had no idea just how SICK AND EVIL our government/country had become

Deplorable Patriot

Later when I have my head in the steam inhaler.


Thanks for bringing this.
Trailer is superb AND quite sadly, what I expected. Documentary will be horrible, I am sure.
When Line In The Sand gets to a free venue, TCN, Rumble, YT, I’ll certainly watch it.

Likely not a popular thought, but it is mine.
Videos like this should be FREE AND PUSHED to the widest audiences.Yes the documentary costs a lot to make. What IS THE PRIORITY?.
People with lots of money need to make value judgements. Save lives. Stop sex and slave trade. Protect children.OR
ROI, while preaching on their soap box delivery great messages..
Tucker and James, whom I respect a great deal, should spam this stuff out, FREE

Last edited 1 month ago by kalbokalbs

I wish I could get it to everybody free, but it is paywalled on Tucker’s site for members. Hopefully it will pop soon.

The trailer does not even come close to doing the movie justice. This ole boy was sick to his stomach and begging God to bring this system of evil to an end. You will see the best and worst of our Border Patrol in action. You will lose your lunch knowing our federal government is funding the NGO’s that are committing atrocities against children and mankind in general. You will watch interviews of the illegals when they talk freely and others when they stub up and admit nothing here in America because they know there will be retribution. You will hear Mexican military admit America is paying their country to facilitate the invasion as well as stop the invasion.


Oh yea. Comments not aimed at you. I should have indicated so.

Everything you said in this post, I already believe. Hearing and seeing is always a great reinforcement mechanism.

Tucker / James will float it out free prolly within a month. I can wait. I’m not on the fence about this reality.

pat frederick

Betsy jones
December 13, 2024 10:10 am

VP-elect JD Vance has invited Daniel Penny to be his personal guest at this weekend’s Army-Navy Game.



Hope Daniel Penny leaves NY after his civil trial wraps up.

No idea how long that farce will take.

Last edited 1 month ago by kalbokalbs
Google founder Sergey Brin is the latest tech titan to make Mar-a-Lago pilgrimage for Trump meeting

  • He is the latest tech billionaire to put aside worries and meet the president-elect 

Kissing the ring is a time-honored custom intended to fend off decapitation.

Expect to see a lot more of it since there’s a lot of guilt to go around.


Apparently Russia responded early this morning out time to Ukraine’s last use of ATTACMs. Looked around for best story and had to choose this liberal outlet so read between the lines.

Everything below the opening paragraph will be subjected to Western Propaganda.

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Russia launched a massive aerial attack against Ukraine on Friday, firing 93 cruise and ballistic missiles and almost 200 drones, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said, describing it as one of the heaviest bombardments of the country’s energy sector since Russia’s full-scale invasion almost three years ago.


Hey Z-man, do ya wish you’d have signed that peace plan?

Instead you listened to that Brit who is more of a clown than you are.


Nancy Pelosi hospitalized after injury in LuxembourgPublished Fri, Dec 13 202411:26 AM ESTUpdated 2 Min Ago

Hopefully this has interfered with whatever plans the wicked witch was brewing up.
Friday the 13th. Her staff should of warned her.

pat frederick

interesting…first injured was the turtle who is now working from home, now the witch.
wonder if there’s something planned that these two are being spared or saved from?
if schumer has an accident and has to work from home, my spidey senses will be twitching uncontrollably.


She’s 84yo. He’s 80 or so.

They’re geezers dinosaurs. They need to go extinct.

pat frederick

oh no question of that. they’re also PAID FOR. whoever owns them will ride them till they’re dead

Barb Meier

Elder abuse.

Barb Meier

The turtle is 82 per conservative radio host Peggy Hubbard.


If I had the problems the turtle has I wold live in seclusion. 🙄


Watch it I will be 80 this month and am not a dinosaurs 😋

Last edited 1 month ago by singingsoul1
Valerie Curren

All those working on their 9th decade around here are young at heart & not black of soul! Hope you have a wonderful celebration!


You may be. A velociraptor!

pat frederick

Observer SC
December 13, 2024 11:36 am
“Just finished a meeting with the International Longshoremen’s Association and its President, Harold Daggett, and Executive VP, Dennis Daggett.
There has been a lot of discussion having to do with “automation” on United States docks. I’ve studied automation, and know just about everything there is to know about it. The amount of money saved is nowhere near the distress, hurt, and harm it causes for American Workers, in this case, our Longshoremen.
Foreign companies have made a fortune in the U.S. by giving them access to our markets. They shouldn’t be looking for every last penny knowing how many families are hurt. They’ve got record profits, and I’d rather these foreign companies spend it on the great men and women on our docks, than machinery, which is expensive, and which will constantly have to be replaced. In the end, there’s no gain for them, and I hope that they will understand how important an issue this is for me.
For the great privilege of accessing our markets, these foreign companies should hire our incredible American Workers, instead of laying them off, and sending those profits back to foreign countries. It is time to put AMERICA FIRST!”


Another throw down!!!

Does this guy ever stop???


I sure hope NOT!!



Valerie Curren

PAVACA, TY again for your amazingly detailed deep dives into this bioweapon horror.

In all of your research do you recall ANY Justification for including a “Cancer Promoter” item in any of these injectables? To my layperson’s understanding it Sounds Like these injections were Deliberately Designed to Promote Cancer, among other horrifying actions!

Also, I’m pretty sure that we have touched on the fact that the US Military was involved in the development of this BioWeapon. If we could draw a straight line of causation would it be fair to say that at the most basic bottom line the (rogue) US government was the underlying cause of the covid “pandemic” (& SARS & MERS & Swine Flu & Bird Flu & AIDS, etc.)? What is Really going on here? Is this direct de-pop like Gail has exposed being official US policy since at least the 1970’s? If so, can Trump & Team MAGA get that de-pop “justification” removed from the books?

These Horrors must be stopped, so can we go to the source/justification to do so???

Valerie Curren

TY for stating that despicable conclusion overtly! Bottom line is deliberate, diabolical de-pop…demons!  😡 


12.13.24: HAMMER TIME, Ring the BELL, Wray out, BIG COMMS, J6 pardons, BOOM! PRAY!

And We Know



Valerie Curren

“The recipe for how to make bird flu highly infectious for humans is already out there” Dr. Robert Redfield, former CDC director…he mentions gain of function research in 2012…

[video src="" /]

comment imageBeachMilk


Why would anyone ever rely of what a former CDC Director says.

It’s just another way to amp up fear by convincing people he’s somehow now a ‘good cop’.

4 minute video at the Gab post:

Deplorable Patriot


WOAH This needs to be National News

Johnson & Johnson is creating subsidiary companies and then letting them go bankrupt to escape liability and lawsuits from people getting cancer from their products

“Why would one of the most profitable companies in the world create a subsidiary only to declare it bankrupt? Not once, but three times since 2021. So I started to dig into it:

The allegations, the documents hidden from the public, and the legal maneuvering. Something bigger emerged.

Legal experts believe it’s the endgame of a decades-long strategy that could help J&J escape responsibility for thousands of cancer cases, while thousands of women are left fighting battles on two fronts, against the disease and against a justice system that is failing them.”

Journalist called the fake subsidiary companies, has all the documents, the legal cases and evidence. This research is INSANE


Those bankruptcies can be undone. As long as the creditors [plaintiffs] can lay out a credible claim of intent to defraud, the discharge can be pulled pack and reopened.

Bonus legal tip – file an involuntary bankruptcy petition on the parent company. The spin-offs will be dragged into it. Their attorneys will never see it coming, and they won’t be able to represent the parent company because their legal advice is part of the fraud.

I love the law!  😮  😆 

pat frederick

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Put them on a raft about 13 miles offshore. Be merciful and give ’em a sat phone.


And a paddle.


No pain – she’s doing great! 

Cooking today! Making 4 Quiches – to put in my freezer at home so I won’t have to cook. One quiche will be for Sally and I’ll give her not-a-quiche-fan Dad a slice for one meal. Sally wanted me to make hers Greek style with feta cheese and greek seasoning. 


Preheat oven to 400ºF

Two pie crusts bottom only – frozen is fine – corn or canola oil crust also easy – recipe below.
– Prick crusts all around sides and bottom 
– Bake crusts until barely brown – set aside to cool

1 bag spinach chopped
3-4 chopped green onions  – can use chopped white or red onion
3 cups grated Swiss cheese
1 grated mozzarella – or favorite cheeses
6-8 beaten eggs
2-3 cups cream, milk, yogurt
1-2 Tbsp flour or almond flour
Italian or cherry tomatoes sliced

– Chop the spinach
– Toss spinach with cheeses and your choice desired seasonings – salt, pepper, Old Bay, Italian herbs, etc.
– Beat Eggs
– Add dairy ingredients to eggs
– Put equal amounts of cheese and spinach into cooled crust
– Put tomato slices around top of quiche in decorative pattern
– Pour milk egg mixture over spinach, pat down to moisten top of the ingredients into the deep dish pie crust.
– Top loosely with foil so that the foil doesn’t touch egg spinach mixture 
– Bake for 50 minutes, remove foil and bake and additional 10 minutes.


Great day just got better. Thanks for sharing.

Valerie Curren

Wonderful news. I bet meat would also go well in that recipe, bacon, sausage, ham 🙂

Gail Combs


One of my favorites is spinakopita but I do not have the patience to make it. I helped a Greek boyfriend make Baklava ONCE.


That’s good news!


Rachel Madcow thought she would be Lesbo Of The Year. 😂

comment image


Never trust a man with bedroom eyes 😂


Biden Pardon.

This is rough. Bet if they looked they’ll find one of Hunter Biden’s paintings hanging in the Judges House.


Begs the question of the 1,500 plus people that received a pardon or commuted sentence how many bought a Hunter Biden painting?

pat frederick

h/t Marica

“MAGA Voice @MAGAVoice
BREAKING  President Trump just announced that he will eliminate Daylight Savings Time – THIS IS A MASSIVE WIN”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Provided he really eliminates daylight saving time…not standard time! (In other words do we stay ahead all year, or back all year?)

Tatonka Woman

Not being much of a early bird type, I would prefer the time setting that gives light longer at the end of the day – especially in the winter nights.

BUT…I’ll adjust to whatever, just as long as we stick to one time setting for the whole year!!!

Gail Combs

I always wanted more light at the end of the day so I could do thinks like ride my horse.

Deplorable Patriot

Daylight at 4:30 am in the summer and no late twilight in July.

I guess I have to live with it.


Normal people can simply adjust their times for doing things. Employers need to take note as well.

Sanity returning.


Childs play, adjusting to standard time year round.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. DST was always a HACK. Happy to see it go.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Turns out I wrote a line taking a swipe at it a couple of days ago in my post.

I think I’ll just not edit that one out. 😀

pat frederick

Rodney Short
December 13, 2024 at 3:07 pm
A broken hip at Nancy’s age can’t be a good thing.

JUST IN: Nancy Pelosi fell down a set of stairs and broke her hip in Luxembourg, according to the New York Times.

Your country is controlled by nursing home patients

The incident happened days after the elderly Mitch McConnell fell.

“Ms. Pelosi tripped going down marble stairs…

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) December 13, 2024


OR, the osteoporosis cause by long-term heavy drinking caused her hip joint to fail and she fell down the stairs.

pat frederick

i am harboring the thought that someone tripped her…kik


More likely, an overt push.   :pepper:   :banana2: 


At her age wearing high heals will do it.

Barb Meier

Exactly. I stopped wearing heels decades ago.

Gail Combs


You are doing good to get me into a dress!


Oddly, it’s women that want to get other women into a dress…, by contrast, want to get women out of a dress….

Gail Combs

  :wpds_shock: ……….  :wpds_lol: .

Cuppa Covfefe

I was thinking that, too…

Sort of the opposite of Psalm 37:23-24a:

23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.
24 Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down:


That’s what I think. Her hip failed. It’s fairly common in someone that old.

Deplorable Patriot

Depending on what she broke….

An aunt had to have a partial replacement after a fall. Although, she was a lot younger and her vice was cigarettes. She quit after 60 years.

Barb Meier

I bet she was still wearing heels.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Time wounds all heels…


She was wearing heels. Those shoes do not look very supportive. Maybe they were slippery on marble as well.

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Case solved. Woman with glasses, tan jacket, black turtle neck, staring daggers as Nancy did it. 😁


Excellent work! Thanks, Pavaca!!


Sad news…

UPDATE: 84-Year-Old Pelosi Breaks Hip After Nasty Fall Down the Stairs in Luxembourg


Next stop – pneumonia. Very soon she will meet The Judge of the Universe.

Limited supply of crocodile tears. Get yours before they’re gone.


Gail Combs

The comments at GWP are not very nice. Most think hip broke and then she fell plus she will get the best of care.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Comments range between hilarious and grudgingly kind, with most being unkind, like this.

“Come on, Grim Reaper! You had ONE job!”


That’s the kind of comment that outrages the Right when applied to one of ours. Some people wanted Trump to die. Some are celebrating the death of the insurance executive (though I don’t think he was right-wing). IMO we need to guard against being a culture that celebrates death.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



“Come on, Grim Reaper! You had ONE job!”
That is to easy she needs plenty of time to reflect her part in the destruction of America.


I do think it would be beneficial for her to have to stop all her busywork and take stock of her life.

Barb Meier

I have been praying today to leave it in God’s hands and not celebrate.


Yes. I am interested, but not celebrating. If she had retired years ago to spend time with family, I doubt she would have been with a Congressional delegation in Luxembourg now. She would most likely have avoided the fall and having to face possible surgery in a foreign country. I doubt she will regain the amount of power she has wielded up until now.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Luxembourg trip seems very odd. It’s risky for somebody her age to make such a trip. Even many WWII vets don’t make such a trip to that region, and it’s much more important.

I think she was there to meet somebody. That woman is STILL up to tricks.


She’s a player, for sure.

Cuppa Covfefe

Luxembourg is not far from Brussels, the EC/EU power center, as well as NATO being nearby and Ukie power brokers/traffickers as well.

If there are dirty doings which need covering (including those of her son, and Bye. Done. junior and the rest of the Burisma Boyz), that’s yet another reason (for the treason)…..

I hope she seeks health for her soul as well as for her body…

Gail Combs

Europe is SMALL it is less than 20 hours to drive from Rome Italy to London UK.

Cuppa Covfefe

Depends on traffic… I’ve driven all over Europe for work and (rarely)(because of the work) relaxation…

And the ultra-left Greeniot countries now have draconian speed limits, taxes/tolls/other fees on many roads, limits on access (e.g. Londonistan), and everything they can possibly throw in the way of drivers, not to mention horrendous gas prices…

Back in the 1980s I often drove from south Germany to London in one swell foop, going 200KmH in Germany and the limit elsewhere… If I timed the ferry just right, I could make it in 12 hours. I don’t think I could get through switzerland and most of Italy in the remaining eight hours… and now the main freeway to Italy (A13, IIRC) is mostly down for repairs for the next three years…

They REALLY are trying to kill off cars (as well as us)…..

Gail Combs

I drove Baumholder, Germany to London UK then flew to Atlanta Ga followed by driving to San Francisco CA…

Europe is SMALL!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

There’s a saying in England.

Americans think 100 years is a long time.

Brits think 100 miles is a long distance.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent saying!

Cuppa Covfefe

IIRC in England, and probably the rest of the UK, you’re never more than 100 miles from the sea… Down here in “the greatest Germany of all time”, it’s a tad farther 🙂

Many years ago, a colleague of mine was to make his first trip to one of our UK sites. He knew they were in a different time zone, but wasn’t sure…

We told him to set his watch back one hour, and two hundred years 😆

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren

I hope, for her soul’s sake, that she gets right with God before her time comes…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Somebody commented “It’s already too much winning.”

To which I replied “Best terrible comment yet!”


I think there needs to be a mandatory retirement age for Congress. Seventy-five upper limit.

That would be easier to pass than term limits.


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Winter Wonderland.

The main cathedral of the armed forces of the Russian Federation in New Year mode

Last edited 1 month ago by kalbokalbs
Deplorable Patriot

Good news. I got my blue checkmark on Twitter/X.



Naive question.

What does a blue checkmark signify and or get one with the blue checkmark?

Guessing an annual fee. Levels of blue check mark?

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, there is a fee, but you can work your way to monetizing. I’ve got a ways to go.

Barb Meier

The blue check mark means you are verified to be who you say you are even if you use a nickname. Here’s the costs and features.

Screenshot-2024-12-13-at-7.00.02 PM
Barb Meier

more features…

Screenshot-2024-12-13-at-7.00.28 PM
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I just wish Catturd had got his brown checkmark.


Thanks for the information.

pat frederick

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Donald J. Trump

Mystery Drone sightings all over the Country. Can this really be happening without our government’s knowledge. I don think so! Let the public know, and now. Otherwise, shot them down!!! DJT

Dec 13, 2024, 5:08 PM

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Looks like the URL has changed, but it IS a valid post!!!


The most likely explanation for the New Jersey Drones is they are some kind of ruse to that will be used to justify some kind of legislation taking away more rights from Americans.

Valerie Curren

Interesting he said “shot” instead of “shoot” them done, like it’s already done, hmmm

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This looks very promising. Sadly, this is about good, safe vaccines, and will upset a lot of money-making science, so I predict that forces in government and science will try to sabotage it. RFKJ needs to be warned that these likely safer vaccines, which are harder to be abused for depopulation, etc., will be opposed if not sabotaged or stopped.


Looking forward to this cream. If nothing else, it may be available via India, Canada…

Big Pharma can pound sand.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks! I was hoping that somebody would post about this! Very nice explanation here.

Valerie Curren

I shared that image claiming this from a Gab post yesterday & there was more at the original Gab post…Per that image the illness rate is more than Three times unvax’d

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[DS] Trying To Use The Drones In Their Information War To Start A War, Drones Tracking Only – Ep. 3523
 December 13, 2024  x22report

The [DS] /[CB] is imploding and the [CB] is trying to keep it from crashing, not because they want the economy to thrive but because they are waiting for Trump to take office. Florida is looking into gold to counter the fiat currency. The fake news pushes the narrative that Trump’s policies will cause the economy to crash. The [DS] is now pushing a multi level plan that consists of riots, plandemic, solar flares, drone warfare and war. The drones are most likely US based and they are using them for tracking. The [DS] will use this to push fear into the public. Raskin is now demanding Trump use the FBI for background checks. The [DS] is panicking, they are not in control.

Ep 3523a – Fake News Says The Quiet Part Out Loud, Gold Will Destroy The [CB]

Ep 3523b – [DS] Trying To Use The Drones In Their Information War To Start A War, Drones Tracking Only


Lest we forget, Trump WILL demolish any notion of CBDC in America.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Quick technical point!

The “FI element” is definitely EFF EYE and not EFF ELL. Thus, it cannot be Flerovium, which is basically non-existent on this planet anyway.

So what is the “EFF EYE” element? Here is a link to a place where it is defined.


FI element (nucleotides 3864 to 4158): The 3′-UTR is a combination of two sequence elements derived from the “amino terminal enhancer of split” (AES) mRNA (called F) and the mitochondrial encoded 12S ribosomal RNA (called I). These were identified by an ex vivo selection process for sequences that confer RNA stability and augment total protein expression9

So basically these are gene sequences that were found to work well as linkers which enhance production of the desired target (the spike protein), and are thus tacked onto the sequence for the spike. IMO they are a lot like the SV40 sequence for DNA, but they work at the mRNA level.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I would not assume that the FI sequence is carcinogenic or otherwise problematic, although I would defer to others like McKernan of Buckhaults on that one. I think it’s just different tech operating at a different level in the biochemical chaos of life. Indeed, I think that the fact it may be coded with pseudo-mRNA is actually a much bigger problem, since that has been proven now to cause problems in translation.


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You go, Dems. Keep going down that path.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent news! Absolutely excellent. Kamala is karma for Obama.


Can’t fix stoopid, Kakala or Dumrats.


The first press release on Pelosi: “She continues to work…” I don’t believe this.

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Brave and Free

So are the USA taxpayers picking up her traveling expenses? Hope she recovers quickly and realizes it’s time to step aside.


One person’s opinion on the drones:

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Gail Combs

Certainly sounds about right.


Trump should issue a new statement.

“My administration will investigate. Don’t get caught having involved yourself in something avoidable and stupid.”


On the positive side. We have the WH, Senate and House.

No reason to pass such a law. No reason for Trump to sign it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, but not yet. The DS presumably wants it to be passed by Dementia Boy, the Schumer-Mitch Senate, and the RINO-encrusted House.


Johnson, if he has a pair can obstruct this, or so I believe.

They should be breaking for the holidays, I’d guess this coming week.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. We can stop this. But we cannot take our eyes off the ball. I love how J.D. Vance has been going back to Washington to shore up votes against Demmunists! He gets it!


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I read that he is living in Florida.

Gail Combs

It makes me happy.


Odd as hell, FAA, HLS, DoD… admit knowing anything about the drones.

JUST SAW THE MYSTERY DRONE ACTIVITY FOR MYSELF. Dusk hit moments ago and very large drones flew outside my bedroom windows. My daughter Bella ran to get her cell. There are 6-8 hovering in one area now above the Hudson River. Street traffic to the George Washington Bridge is crawling as neighbors stopping to witness this.

Citizens have the cure for these drones.

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During the lead in to the Covid pandemic there were viral videos of horrendous Covid deaths in China that turned out to be fake propaganda all over then Twitter.

This drone/UAP has the same vibes.

We don’t know if these videos are organic (some are) or fake psyop propaganda.

Until an alien rips my heart from my rib cage I will believe humans are behind this phenomenon.

  :wpds_arrow:  Drones need to go the way of MonkeyPox, Disease X…

Gail Combs

I would think a shot gun would take them out. especially if it is from a concealed area.


It’s only a matter of time. IMO. Even in gun free, NJ, MD…

I have no idea what elevation these drones are operating or speed / hovering. If they come to fly over country, I’d guess target practice.

Last edited 1 month ago by kalbokalbs
Gail Combs

After all Bird shot was MADE for taking down small flying objects. It is also a lot safer since it does not travel very far.


Only in Dem states where Governors pretend to be concerned but do nothing about it.

Barb Meier

Parody account?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


When 90% of the grocery shoppers in America ask why all the fruits and vegetables are so tiny, and find out that all the “normal” sized ones are GMO, and the “tiny” ones are organic, and demand their GMO fruits and veggies back, THEN we’ll understand why this ain’t happening, ever.

Gail Combs

Not quite Wolfie.

I think you are confusing HYBRID with GMO. It is the pesticides and fertilizers as well as hybridization that contributes to the size.

HOWEVER I think the ‘shelf stable’ probably comes from GMO. Tomatoes, peppers, squash… I grow does not last nearly as long in the frig despite being picked fresh.

Science and History of GMOs and Other Food Modification Processes

1866: Gregor Mendel, an Austrian monk, breeds two different types of peas and identifies the basic process of genetics.
1922: The first hybrid corn is produced and sold commercially.
1940: Plant breeders learn to use radiation or chemicals to randomly change an organism’s DNA.
1953: Building on the discoveries of chemist Rosalind Franklin, scientists James Watson and Francis Crick identify the structure of DNA.
1973: Biochemists Herbert Boyer and Stanley Cohen develop genetic engineering by inserting DNA from one bacteria into another.
1982: FDA approves the first consumer GMO product developed through genetic engineering: human insulin to treat diabetes.
1986: The federal government establishes the Coordinated Framework for the Regulation of Biotechnology. This policy describes how the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) work together to regulate the safety of GMOs.
1992: FDA policy states that foods from GMO plants must meet the same requirements, including the same safety standards, as foods derived from traditionally bred plants.

👉1994: The first GMO produce created through genetic engineering—a GMO tomato—becomes available for sale after studies evaluated by federal agencies proved it to be as safe as traditionally bred tomatoes.

👉1990s: The first wave of GMO produce created through genetic engineering becomes available to consumers: summer squash, soybeans, cotton, corn, papayas, tomatoes, potatoes, and canola. Not all are still available for sale.


I’m not sure we’re all talking about the same GMO here.

Let’s take, for instance, “golden rice” — . This has two foreign genes spliced into the DNA of rice — one from a daffodil and one from a soil bacterium.

This is not hybridization or isolation of cultivars — this is deliberate DNA modification from different organisms.

Pretty much everything in the produce section is different from its wild forbears, due to the hand of man……but very little (so far) is GMO.

Gail Combs

You have selective breeding and cross-breeding practiced since ancient times.

Then you had hybridization. Take 2 pure bred strains and cross them and the offspring has hybrid vigor.

This was followed by plant breeders using radiation or chemicals to cause mutations at a faster rate in the hopes of getting an improved variety.

GMO is the latest and that is actually changing the DNA by inserting genes.

Gail Combs

As sure as heck hope so!


I believe that there is a time and a place for GMOs, and that a blanket prohibition is unnecessary and counterproductive.

OTOH, the FDA is such a pathetic politicized and compromised agency, they should be the last in the world to make any determinations of safety.

Further, there should be a serious bias against “new and improved” when it comes to food.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If things were held at the level they were in 2016, when Trump came into office, we would be fine.

Pharma and Big Ag truly went off the rails in 2020, when they helped take out Trump. There is justification in stopping the crazy train, but not (IMO) forcing a Franco-style block on science and technology. Trump’s appointments are actually on target to do the right thing. Jay Bhattacharya is a perfect example of a rational and moral scientist who knows where the proper balance lies. Things are probably just a bit worse than even Jay understands – that is why the RFKJ nomination is so crucial, IMO.

IMO this “parody” post is CIA-backed provocation, designed to push RFKJ supporters into crazy-land, so that his nomination can be sabotaged. Note that when we agree with it, this will be used to scare libtards, and to make them think it’s real, too.

Very much like the people who tried to derail the Q psy-op by pushing it to be as crazy as possible.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

After seeing that “they” roped in something like 100 Nobel laureates to sign a letter opposing RFKJ, which is comparable to the letters against both Trump and Tulsi Gabbard, I am ready to believe that they will carry out the same levels of malicious operations, up to and including assassinations. Particularly RFKJ.

Gail Combs

For GMOs, I want to see a lot more testing esp given the horizontal gene transfer possibility.

A lawyer from Monsanto became the head of the FDA. He declared GMOs ‘Substantial Equivalent’ to their non modified counterpart and thus need no real testing.”

This is a good article looking at pro vs cons.

Are GMO foods ‘substantially equivalent’ to non-GMO foods, as the FDA maintains?

If there is one concept that defines much of the divide in the GMO debate, it’s the concept of “substantial equivalence,” one of the standards by which regulators assess the safety of genetically engineered crops before they enter the market. “Substantial equivalence” has been applied to foods since 1993….

That suspicious characterization is nearly always based on a misunderstanding of substantial equivalence. “Substantially equivalent” means that the properties of, say, a novel tomato lie within the range of properties of all tomatoes. The scientific consensus on genetic engineering, based on approximately 3,000 studies, is that the process is not substantially more risky than traditional breeding methods, and that all breeding methods carry some small risks of harmful, unintended consequences. Indeed, many scientists see the relative precision of moving one or two genes to improve a plant or animal as less likely to introduce unintended consequences than traditional breeding methods, mutagenesis in particular.
With greater regulatory scrutiny applied to biotech products than organic or conventional equivalents, a reasonable case can be made that foods derived from GMO plants actually present fewer health risks to consumers, though no foods currently on the market are considered harmful to human health.

Several new studies carried out by scientists independent of the biotech industry are showing up glaring differences between GMOs and their unmodified versions. This makes a mockery of the regulatory principle of ‘Substantial Equivalence’ which has facilitated approvals of GMOs with practically no protection for public health and the environment.

—Eva Sirinathsinghji, neurogeneticist at the Institute of Science in Society

The following experiments and tests should be done to address the risks of horizontal gene transfer.

  1. Feeding experiments similar to those carried out by Dr. Arpad Pusztai’s team should be done, using well-characterized transgenic soya and/or maize meal feed, with full, adequate, monitoring for transgenic DNA in the faeces, blood and blood cells, and post-mortem histological examinations that include tracking transfer of transgenic DNA into the genome of cells. As an added control, nontransgenic DNA from the same GM feed sample should also be monitored.
  2. Feeding trials on human volunteers should be carried out using well-characterized transgenic soya and/or maize meal feed, with full, adequate monitoring for transgenic DNA in the faeces, blood and blood cells. Also as an added control, nontransgenic DNA from the same GM feed sample should also be monitored.
  3. The stability of transgenic plants in successive generations should be systematically investigated, especially for those containing CaMV 35S promoter, using adequate quantitative molecular techniques.
  4. Full molecular characterisation of all transgenic lines must be carried out to establish uniformity and genetic stability of the insert(s).
  5. All transgenic plants created by the Agrobacterium T-DNA vector system should be tested for the persistence of the bacteria and vectors. The soil in which they have been grown should also be monitored for gene escape to soil bacteria. And the potential for horizontal gene transfer to the next crop via the germinating seed and root system should be carefully monitored.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The level of GMO crops being fed to food animals right now is shockingly high.

Gail Combs

From the little bit I picked up, the problem is the carrier for the genes doesn’t just stop working.

I remember reading this article:

November 2002 – Recent Evidence Confirms Risks of Horizontal Gene Transfer
…The oft-repeated refrain that “transgenic DNA is just like ordinary DNA” is false. Transgenic DNA is in many respects optimised for horizontal gene transfer. It is designed to cross species barriers and to jump into genomes, and it has homologies to the DNA of many species and their genetic parasites (plasmids, transposons and viruses), thereby enhancing recombination with all of them [2]. Transgenic constructs contain new combinations of genes that have never existed, and they also amplify gene products that have never been part of our food chain [3].
The health risks of horizontal gene transfer include:

  1. Antibiotic resistance genes spreading to pathogenic bacteria.
  2. Disease-associated genes spreading and recombining to create new viruses and bacteria that cause diseases.
  3. Transgenic DNA inserting into human cells, triggering cancer. 👈Rather prophetic looking back from 2024.

One of the nice things about “golden rice” is that it runs true to seed. You can have fifth generation golden rice, where you can presume that loose DNA and artifacts of splicing have been washed out over time. I would believe that 5th generation (and later) would only have the daffodil and soil bacterium DNA inside and that firmly incorporated into the genome.

This doesn’t mean I believe it’s entirely safe, mind you — but it reduces some anxiety over peripheral issues.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Agreed. Trapped between Pol Pot Luddites and Bill Gates “Terraform The Homeworld” Progzis, the rational man or woman hopes for just a bit of choice and common sense while not turning the planet into a black lump of coal.

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

These are all Trans-Neptunian objects in the most literal sense of the term (think about it). Note that 666666666 Giedi Prime has a very low albedo.

(I think I wrote too much about TNOs recently.)

Last edited 1 month ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Without replying to anybody specifically, so as not to pick on anybody, the answer to how much of our food supply is GMO can be answered very simply, and it’s even more than I thought. Some items are almost ALL GMO now.

I know that they’ve approved insertion after insertion (of genes) since the 90s, but evidently it’s been going on very quietly now for 25 years since, and here is the result.

Just look through the search summaries.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If you don’t want GMO, you have to buy organic at higher prices. Organic means not GMO and not treated with pesticides. Just do a comparison. Look at them. Buy them both. Eat them.

Organic taste better, with more flavor and better texture. GMO are bigger and have more fiber, but tend to have less taste, color, and presumably less antioxidants.

I eat both, so I’m not particularly biased, but I am a huge defender of organics and natural, non-GMO plants. The goals of GMO producers are not the same as the goals of organic producers.


“If you don’t want GMO, you have to buy organic at higher prices.”

OR, you grow your own veggies. Just make sure they are HEIRLOOM varieties. The label “organic” on a seed package doesn’t mean it isn’t a GMO. Heirloom does. So does “open pollinated.”

Valerie Curren



One thing often missed in this sort of discussion is how much gene transfer goes on normally. If you grew daffodils and rice together in soil containing the relevant soil bacterium, you might get the gene transfer found in golden rice naturally — this stuff happens. Might be once every 5 years, or 50 years, or 500 years…..but the planet has been here a while.

Which leads into the second observation — most such “sports” or “mutations” are stomped by normal natural processes. Doesn’t matter if it’s a rice plant or a coronavirus — nature has had millions of years to try that trick before, and it didn’t work then. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be here to panic over it being “new”.

Which leads to “open pollinated”. Seems to me that open pollinated rice might be downwind from a golden rice paddy.


Yes, natural genetic modification occurs. I explain this to people all the time. But that is different from gene insertion in a lab to create a Round-up-resistant corn or wheat. Nature has a way of “cleaning up” its messes. But lab-created varieties of things are not natural.

This year, I had a zuchinni planted near some spaghetti squash. The zuchinni was a green striped variety. The spaghetti squash should be solid yellow at maturity. Well, some of then were green striped! But, having had this happen before, I knew what was going on. I would not save seeds from the “GMO” squash, as they might not even germinate. If they did, they might not make squash, and even if they did, it might not be very good. Gardeners have been making these choices for millennia.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Marc Andreessen 🇺🇸

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We are living through the most dramatic preference cascade of my life. Every day I am hearing the most amazing things. 🇺🇸

Last edited
4:16 PM · Dec 13, 2024


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A livestream from MCToon (a Glober) in Punta Arenas

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I can’t believe that I’m this excited about a science demo THIS BASIC, but yeah. Excited!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

LOL…”You normally can’t do Eratosthenes at midnight!”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I want that banjo song! LOL!!! And it actually sounds GREAT!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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That lays it out very clearly.

(They need to correct “whom” and make it “who,” though. Ack.)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


“Whomever!” 😉 🍷😂

Valerie Curren

On the dot…maybe…just to make Steve happy 😉

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

OK. Mine is up. Just to make you unhappy.

Valerie Curren

just kidding…I hope…I’m always happy to see your posts!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah but then you complain about how much there is to read!


Your posts are keeping her from finishing SoZ!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

She’ll never finish it because I’ll keep recommending Niven and Pournelle books.


I spent some time with Niven and Pournelle when I got “Footfall” signed. Nice, wide-ranging conversation. Biggest surprise was that Chaos Manor was 2-1/2 stories tall — when Pournelle added his second floor, he inserted a service area off the stairway landing. All that computer/networking stuff? That’s where it lived.

Valerie Curren

Your perception of “complain” & mine are apparently quite different. I often try to finish reading the main body of the new daily before heading off for some sleep. Your posts typically require more brainpower than some others around here & are then harder (for me) to manage when encountered in a sleep-deprived state (a place where I usually exist anyways), so no complaint intended nor implied 🙂


Some interesting suggestions regarding DC —