37 days, 11 hours, 59 minutes until the Once And Future President, Donald John Trump, is restored to the office that was Rightfully his the last four years.
Not that I’m counting, mind you.
What is it that feeds our battle, yet starves our victory?
Our Turn
[Yes, I did this one five weeks ago. But it was too cathartic to just throw away.]
We’ve often seen that quote from David Plouffe: “It is not enough to simply beat Trump. He must be destroyed thoroughly. His kind must not rise again.”
This was of course a declaration of intent to annihilate not just Trump, but rather “his kind.”
You know what? I think we should flip it around. David Plouffe’s kind should be destroyed thoroughly and their kind must not rise again.
What is Plouffe’s kind? I suppose it depends on who’s talking and what they are thinking of in particular. Well, at the moment it’s me talking and I am thinking of the sort of maggot who is attracted to politics not to better his world but rather so that he can wield power over others, or line their pockets with “free” money. Often these people end up as what Ayn Rand called “pull peddlers,” receiving money in exchange for using their connections to do favors.
This type is parasitic. Utterly parasitic. And they should be destroyed thoroughly and not allowed to rise again.
The bad news is we will never eradicate them. Useless turds who can’t do anything productive will always be with us. As will the outright sociopaths.
Of course they find Trump to be their enemy. And of course they find us to be their enemy. If we won’t simply lie down and let our “betters” have their way with us, we’re a problem, we’re something to be got rid of. And of late, we haven’t lain down without a protest, as we are “supposed” to do. Dang uppity Garbage Deplorables! We don’t know our place!!!
The good news is we can provide far fewer niches for these parasites. The niches come into being when something that people formerly did of their own free will is taken over by the government; then every aspect of that activity becomes a political football.
Take for instance education. Since the government runs it, if you don’t like what’s being done, you have to form a political movement and try to work your way around the maggots embedded in the bureaucracy. If education were private, then if you didn’t like what they were doing to your child, you’d take your money and your child elsewhere. And people who didn’t even have school-age children presently would have no voice–and not have to pay money. Making it a government “thing” turned it into a political thing, and the maggots began to swarm.
So we wreck them by seriously cutting government and giving them fewer places to exist. Among all of the other benefits, the body politic would have fewer sociopaths and parasites in it.
People like Plouffe are the same type, but they are the full-on political hacks who set policy, rather than implement it. They’re just as bad if not worse; they help government grow, and steer it into serving its own ends, rather than those of the people it is supposed to be serving.
The Deep State is nothing more than a government that serves its own ends.
And we have had enough of this.
They must be destroyed thoroughly, and their kind must not rise again.
This election wasn’t the end, it was the beginning. There are millions of these malignancies in this country and we’ve just defeated two of them. Keep pushing. Now we can go after them wholesale.
It’s our turn.

Our turn.

Our turn.

You stole the 2020 election. You’ve mocked and ridiculed and put people in prison and broken people’s lives because you said this thing was stolen. This entire phony thing is getting swept out. Biden’s getting swept out. Kamala Harris is getting swept out. MSNBC is getting swept out. The Justice Department is getting swept out. The FBI is getting swept out. You people suck, okay?! And now you’re going to pay the price for trying to destroy this country.
And I’m going to tell you, we’re going to get to the bottom of where the 600,000 votes [are]. You manufactured them to steal this election from President Trump in 2020. And think what this country would be if we hadn’t gone through the last four years of your madness, okay? You don’t deserve any respect, you don’t deserve any empathy, and you don’t deserve any pity.
And if anybody gives it to you, it’s Donald J. Trump, because he’s got a big heart and he’s a good man. A good man that you’re still gonna try to put in prison on the 26th of this month. This is how much you people suck. Okay? You’ve destroyed his business thing. And he came back.
He came back in the greatest show of political courage, I think, in world history. Like, [Roman statesman] Cincinnatus coming back from the plough [returning to politics to rescue the Roman Republic]. He’s the American Cincinnatus. And what he has done is a profile in courage. We’ve had his back. But I got to tell you, he may be empathetic. He may have a kind heart. He may be a good man. But we’re not. Okay? And you deserve, as Natalie Winters says, not retribution, justice. But you deserve what we call rough Roman justice, and we’re prepared to give it to you.
Steve Bannon, on election night



January 6 Tapes?
Paging Speaker Johnson…this is your conscience calling you out on broken promises.
For all your high talk about your Christian moral background…you’re looking less and less like you have any kind of moral background.
If You are a Patriot and Don’t Loathe RINOs…
Let’s talk about RINOs, and why they are the lowest form of life in politics.
Many patriots have been involved with politics, often at the grassroots, for decades. We’ve fought, and fought, and fought and won the occasional illusory small victory.
Yet we can’t seem to win the war, even when we have BIG electoral wins.
I am reminded of something. The original Star Trek had an episode titled Day of the Dove. It was one of the better episodes from the third season, but any fan of the original series will tell you that’s a very low bar. Still, it seems to get some respect; at a time when there were about 700 episodes of Star Trek in its various incarnations out there, it was voted 99th best out of the top 100.
In sum, the plot is that an alien entity has arranged for 39 Enterprise crew, and 39 Klingons, to fight each other endlessly with swords and other muscle-powered weapons. The entity lives off of hostile emotions, you see and it wants a captive food source. (The other 400 or so Enterprise crew are trapped below decks and unable to help.) Each side has its emotions played and amplified by the alien entity; one Enterprise junior officer has false memories implanted of a brother who was killed by Klingons. The brother didn’t even exist.
Even people killed in a sword fight miraculously heal so they can go do it again.
The second best line of the episode is when Kang, the Klingon captain, notes that though they have won quite a number of small victories including capturing Engineering, can’t seem to actually finally defeat the Enterprise crew. He growls, “What power is it that feeds our battle yet starves our victory?*”

Indeed. He may have been the bad guy, but his situation should sound familiar.
We are a majority in this country. We have a powerful political party in our corner. There is endless wrangling.
And yet,
What power is it that feeds our battle yet starves our victory?
In our case, that power is the RINOs in our midst. They specialize in caving when on the verge of victory. Think of Obamacare’s repeal failing…by one Republican vote. Think of the way we can never seem to get spending under control (and now our entire tax revenue goes to pay interest on the debt; anything the government actually does now is with borrowed money).
We have a party…that refuses to do what we want it to do, and that refusal is institutionalized. If you’ve been involved with GOP politics, but haven’t seen this, it’s because you refuse to see it. Or because you are part of the problem yourself. (If so, kindly gargle some red fuming nitric acid to clear the taste of shit out of your mouth, and let those not part of the problem alone so they can read this.)
We fight to elect people, who then take a dive when in office. But it’s not just the politicians in office, it’s the people behind the scenes, the leaders of the national, state and county branches of the party. Their job is to ensure that real patriots never get onto the general election ballot. They’re allowed a few failures…who can then become token conservatives who will somehow never manage to win (Jordan), or can be compromised outright (Lauren Boebert?).
That way it doesn’t actually matter who has a congressional majority. I remember my excitement when the GOP took the Senate in 1980. But all that did was empower a bunch of “moderate” puddles of dog vomit like…well for whatever reason forty years later the most memorable name is Pete Domenici. And a couple of dozen other “moderates” who simply had no interest in doing what grassroots people in their party–those same grassroots people who had worked so hard to elect them–wanted them to do.
Oh, they’ll put up a semblance of a fight…but never win. And they love it when we fight the Dems instead of fighting them. Just like that alien entity, whose motto surely was “Let’s you and him fight. It’ll be delicious!”
If you think about it, your entire political involvement has come to nothing because of these walking malignant tumors.
That should make you good and mad.
The twenty five who blocked Jordan, and the hundred people who took that opportunity to stab Jordan in the back in the secret ballot should make you good and mad.
I’ll close this with another example of RINO backstabbing, an infuriating one close to home.
In my county, the GOP chair is not a RINO. She got elected when the grassroots had had enough of the RINOs. Unfortunately the state organization is full of RINOs, and the ousted county RINOs have been trying to form a new “Republican Party” and get the state GOP to recognize them as the affiliate. I’m honestly amazed it hasn’t happened yet.
In other words those shitstains won’t just leave when they get booted out; they’ll try to destroy what they left behind. It’s an indication that they know we know how important that behind-the-scenes party power is.
So they must be destroyed. That’s the only way they’ll ever stop.
We cannot win until the leeches “on our side” get destroyed.
What power is it that feeds our battle yet starves our victory?*
We know it. What is going to be done about it?
*NOTE: The original line was actually “What power is it that supports our battle yet starves our victory.” I had mis-remembered it as feeds. When I checked it, it sure enough was “supports” and that’s what I originally quoted. On further reflection, though, I realized my memory was actually an improvement over the reality, because feeds is a perfect contrast with starves. I changed it partway through the day this originally posted, but now (since this is a re-run) it gets rendered this way from the start.
If one must do things wrong, one should do them wrong…right.
RINOs an Endangered Species?
If Only!
According to Wikipoo, et. al., the Northern White Rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum cottoni) is a critically endangered species. Apparently two females live on a wildlife preserve in Sudan, and no males are known to be alive. So basically, this species is dead as soon as the females die of old age. Presently they are watched over by armed guards 24/7.
Biologists have been trying to cross them with the other subspecies, Southern White Rhinoceroses (Rhinoceri?) without success; and some genetic analyses suggest that perhaps they aren’t two subspecies at all, but two distinct species, which would make the whole project a lot more difficult.
I should hope if the American RINO (Parasitus rectum pseudoconservativum) is ever this endangered, there will be heroic efforts not to save the species, but rather to push the remainder off a cliff. Onto punji sticks. With feces smeared on them. Failing that a good bath in red fuming nitric acid will do.
But I’m not done ranting about RINOs.
The RINOs (if they are capable of any introspection whatsoever) probably wonder why they constantly have to deal with “populist” eruptions like the Trump-led MAGA movement. That would be because the so-called populists stand for absolutely nothing except for going along to get along. That allows the Left to drive the culture and politics.
Given the results of our most recent elections, the Left will now push harder, and the RINOs will now turn even squishier than they were before.
I well remember 1989-1990 in my state when the RINO establishment started preaching the message that a conservative simply couldn’t win in Colorado. Never mind the fact that Reagan had won the state TWICE (in 1984 bringing in a veto-proof state house and senate with him) and GHWB had won after (falsely!) assuring everyone that a vote for him was a vote for Reagan’s third term.
This is how the RINOs function. They push, push, push the line that only a “moderate” can get elected. Stomp them when they pull that shit. Tell everyone in ear shot that that’s exactly what the Left wants you to think, and oh-by-the-way-Mister-RINO if you’re in this party selling the same message as the Left…well, whythefuckexactly are you in this party, you lying piece of rancid weasel shit?
It says “Justice” on the picture.
And I’m sure someone will post the standard joke about what the fish thinks about the situation.
But what is it?
Here’s a take, from a different context: It’s about how you do justice, not the justice that must be done to our massively corrupt government and media. You must properly identify the nature of a person, before you can do him justice.
Ayn Rand, On Justice (speaking through her character John Galt, in Atlas Shrugged):
Justice is the recognition of the fact that you cannot fake the character of men as you cannot fake the character of nature, that you must judge all men as conscientiously as you judge inanimate objects, with the same respect for truth, with the same incorruptible vision, by as pure and as rational a process of identification—that every man must be judged for what he is and treated accordingly, that just as you do not pay a higher price for a rusty chunk of scrap than for a piece of shining metal, so you do not value a rotter above a hero—that your moral appraisal is the coin paying men for their virtues or vices, and this payment demands of you as scrupulous an honor as you bring to financial transactions—that to withhold your contempt from men’s vices is an act of moral counterfeiting, and to withhold your admiration from their virtues is an act of moral embezzlement—that to place any other concern higher than justice is to devaluate your moral currency and defraud the good in favor of the evil, since only the good can lose by a default of justice and only the evil can profit—and that the bottom of the pit at the end of that road, the act of moral bankruptcy, is to punish men for their virtues and reward them for their vices, that that is the collapse to full depravity, the Black Mass of the worship of death, the dedication of your consciousness to the destruction of existence.
Ayn Rand identified seven virtues, chief among them rationality. The other six, including justice, she considered subsidiary because they are essentially different aspects and applications of rationality.
—Ayn Rand Lexicon (aynrandlexicon.com)
Justice Must Be Done.
Trump, it is supposed, had some documents.
Biden and company stole the country.
I’m sure enough of this that I put my money where my mouth is.

The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system. (This doesn’t necessarily include deposing Joe and Hoe and putting Trump where he belongs, but it would certainly be a lot easier to fix our broken electoral system with the right people in charge.)
Nothing else matters at this point. Talking about trying again in 2024 or 2026 is pointless otherwise. Which is not to say one must never talk about this, but rather that one must account for this in ones planning; if fixing the fraud in the system is not part of the plan, you have no plan.
This will necessarily be piecemeal, state by state, which is why I am encouraged by those states working to change their laws to alleviate the fraud both via computer and via bogus voters. If enough states do that we might end up with a working majority in Congress and that would be something Trump never really had.
Lawyer Appeasement Section
OK now for the fine print.
This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines, here, with an addendum on 20191110.
We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.
And remember Wheatie’s Rules:
1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)
Spot Prices
Last week:
Gold $2,634.20
Silver $31.11
Platinum $936.00
Palladium $982.00
Rhodium $4,850.00
FRNSI* 126.429+
Gold:Silver 84.674-
This week, at Friday close:
Gold $2,647.50
Silver $30.62
Platinum $934.00
Palladium $976.00
Rhodium $4,875.00
FRNSI* 127.073-
Gold:Silver 86.463+
Gold blooped up over 2700 on Wednesday then got beaten with the ugly stick the last two days, but still ended up a bit up for the week. Silver, however, didn’t end up for the week. Platinum continues to be on sale.
*The SteveInCO Federal Reserve Note Suckage Index (FRNSI) is a measure of how much the dollar has inflated. It’s the ratio of the current price of gold, to the number of dollars an ounce of fine gold made up when the dollar was defined as 25.8 grains of 0.900 gold. That worked out to an ounce being $20.67+71/387 of a cent. (Note gold wasn’t worth this much back then, thus much gold was $20.67 71/387ths. It’s a subtle distinction. One ounce of gold wasn’t worth $20.67 back then, it was $20.67.) Once this ratio is computed, 1 is subtracted from it so that the number is zero when the dollar is at its proper value, indicating zero suckage.
The Final Experiment Begins
I wrote this first bit on Tuesday. Then realized my mistake. Rather than try to edit it, I think I’ll just tack on the next bit, written on Wednesday, and leave both parts in, plus what I come up with Thursday and Friday. It might give you some insight into what I choose to call a “thought process.”
My First Take [Written Tuesday, to be read Saturday]
It starts today. After a few days’ travel the four Flat Earthers, four Globers, and Will Duffy (who put the whole thing together) have now arrived at nearly 80 degrees South latitude, where they will enjoy several days of uninterrupted daylight.
Assuming, of course that globe earth is true. I’d normally not have to put that caveat in but under present circumstances, it’s necessary.
I contacted Will Duffy and will be taking photographs of the Sun over the next few days to bolster the data set. People all around the globe will be doing this.
Duffy dropped a video on Tuesday the 10th, mentioning someone that dang near everyone forgot. Including me, though as I watched the video I did guess what it was before he said it.
The video starts with a recap. Before the Final Experiment was announced, the Big Name Flat Earthers were adamant that there was no 24 hour sun in Antarctica. Once the Final Experiment was announced, they scurried like cockroaches when you flick the lights on, coming up with crazy rationales…followed by more crazy rationales.
Oh, the participants (including the Flat Earthers, who are really paid off shills) secretly went to the NORTH six months ago and filmed the sun there. Whoops–that won’t work, because the Sun would be traveling in the wrong direction. No problem, the film will be run backwards. Except that one of the Flat Earthers plans to wear a body cam. Run THAT backwards and people will be walking backwards. That string of Grade-A Stupid was their second resort; it came about after the first suggestion–that they’d be going north right now was instantly shot down on the grounds that you have 24 hour darkness in the Arctic right now.
[It’s funny that they’re changing their position on what a 24 hour sun means before they see the results. It’s almost as if they knew all along that the Final Experiment would show a 24 hour sun and were lying six months ago, and for years before that, when they said there was no 24 hour sun in Antarctica, but willing to stake their whole line of bullshit on it because they figured no one would actually offer to send them on a $31K trip to see for themselves.
Yeah, almost as if. In fact, these people are duplicitous cunts.]
There is not only a twenty four hour sun according to the Globe model…there is going to be a 24 hour moon! And, at least up to six months ago, Flat Earthers would have considered this impossible too. But! No one has ever videoed it, at least nothing can be found on YouTube.
(Contrary to grifter flerfer assertions, there are plenty of 24 hour Antarctic sun videos on YouTube, and not just the one that had an edit in it that was readily acknowledged and explained by the uploader…once someone actually bothered to ask him instead of leaping to conclusions about his motives. Of course the flerfers will say ALL of these have been doctored but when you demand evidence for that they change the subject.)
On the 14th the moon will be full. It should be visible in daylight, opposite the sun. If the Sun is to the north, the moon should be visible to the south. If the sun is to the west, the Moon should be visible to the East.
By the 19th the moon will be a waxing gibbous (as seen from the northern hemisphere, the right hand crescent is dark; it should be the left hand side as seen in Antarctica because the observer is upside down with respect to what we’re accustomed to (we in the Northern Hemisphere I think). At that point it will follow the Sun around the sky, trailing it by a bit less than 120 degrees. (If the sun is directly in front of you (“twelve o’clock”) the moon will be at about four o’clock. Both will move right to left [not left to right as in the Northern hemisphere].)
For those who need a quick refresher on terms like “twelve o’clock” and “four o’clock” as directions:
A nice timelapse from the 17th onward should show a visible change in the moon’s phase over the span of 24 or better yet 48 hours. Let’s see what Will Duffy comes up with.
Flat Earthers: What are you going to do if there’s not only a 24 hour Sun, but also a 24 hour Moon? Are you going to create a brand new set of outrageous theories and ridiculous excuses for the Moon, like you did for the Sun? Or will you just do the right thing, and finally acknowledge that we live on a globe?
I am throwing down the gauntlet, right here, right now. If we return from Antarctica with videos of both a twenty four hour sun, and a twenty four hour moon, this debate is over. Done. Finished. This is The Final Experiment.
Will Duffy of The Final Experiment, in the video linked above
But this is actually WRONG! [Written Wednesday]
In fact, I realized on Wednesday that the Moon will not be visible at all from Antarctica at this time of year! (And I am by no means the only person to realize this. Plenty of comments for the video, in fact, are from people who spotted this. They checked online. I, on the other hand realized from first principles there would be a problem.)
[At this point, I wrote what eventually became the science part of this post. You can go read it, or not…but what follows might not make sense without it.]
OK, let’s step back a bit, and get back to the Final Experiment, applying what we’ve learned.
The reason there’s a twenty four hour sun near the June solstice in the Arctic or near the December solstice in the Antarctic, is because the sun’s declination is extreme enough that it never sets in these locations. If you look at that last diagram, right now the Sun is near the left hand side, almost where that sun is drawn onto the far side of the sphere. Look carefully, it shines onto the south pole, albeit at an oblique angle. Earth rotates, but no matter what, the south pole is lit as long as the sun stays near there. That’s the current situation in Antarctica.
“Okay, Steve, but we dove down this rabbit hole because you got cranky about the twenty four hour moon. So what about the moon?”
The moon will be full on the 14th. Which means that on that day, it is on the opposite side of the celestial sphere from the sun. That way the Sun lights up the same side we are looking at, because the Sun is behind us as we face the Moon.
Is the Moon exactly opposite of the Sun on the celestial sphere? No. It usually is not exactly opposite on a full moon. But when it is, we get a lunar eclipse, because the Moon is actually traveling through the Earth’s shadow.
We need to know a bit more about the Moon’s orbit. Wikipedia says the inclination of the Moon’s orbit is 5.145 degrees relative to the ecliptic. (Oh, goody, just for once the data is in the most convenient form!) The plane of the Moon’s orbit intersects the ecliptic just like the celestial equator does, somewhere. In fact that intersection line moves a lot. But we don’t need to know where. We just need to know that the moon is never more than 5.145 degrees away from the ecliptic.
Now since we’re conservatives and old school, we go to a table and look something up. the declination of the Sun on December 14th:
The table says 23 degrees, 11 minutes south. Or almost exactly 23.2 degrees south. That’s the declination of that point of the ecliptic.
The opposite point on the ecliptic…near where the Moon will be, since it’s full on that date, is at 23.2 degrees north declination. The Moon is not more than 5.145 degrees off of this. I’m going to round that to 5.1, and say the Moon will have a declination of between 28.3 and 18.1 North.
So if I duck-duck-go that, there’s another table of lunar declination and it turns out that on the 14th the moon will be anywhere from 25 1/4 degrees to 27 1/4 degrees north declination. Later on the 16th its declination will be almost 26 1/2 degrees north.
That’s close to where the right hand Sun is in that diagram above. THAT Sun always shines on the north pole as the Earth rotates, never on the south pole.
In other words, if the moon is at that point (and it will be), it won’t be visible from the south pole, or anywhere within 25 degrees of the south pole. It will be below the horizon, all of the time. They will never see the moon at all.
If Will Duffy is expecting to take a video of a twenty four hour moon while he’s down there, he’s going to be sorely disappointed.
Is Will Duffy a chimp who didn’t think to check on this? Well, let’s think about this very carefully.
The moon not being visible in Antarctica for days is also a prediction of the Globe Earth. The flat Earth would never make a prediction like this, for exactly the same reason it won’t predict either 24 hours of sun or 24 hours of darkness in Antarctica. So if you are in Antarctica and don’t see the moon “over there” away from the Sun, like I described above, and never see it for days on end, the Globe model is in fact successful. Furthermore, any sight of the Moon would be evidence against the Globe Earth.
But note I not only said “you,” I emphasized it. Because there’s an important epistemic point here. If you don’t go to Antarctica, but someone else goes and says he didn’t see the moon, do you trust him? If he shows you pictures of a sky with no moon in it, how do you know he didn’t just face the wrong way deliberately when taking the picture, to avoid photographing the moon that was actually there? Oh, a really hard-core fisheye would photograph the whole sky…and immediately be condemned by the flerfers as NASA photoshop. (And you’d want a filter over it, one that wouldn’t let the moon through, because you don’t want the Sun–which will also be there–to burn a hole in your camera’s sensor.) The point is, someone who went to Antarctica can’t prove to you that he didn’t see the Moon. [He can prove to you that he saw the Sun, by producing photos with the Sun in them, but a photo with no Moon in it can happen even if there’s a Moon up.]
And the big-name flerfers who aren’t going to Antarctica A) won’t accept anything a glober says and B) won’t accept the testimony of the flerfers who went. [They’ll believe it because based on their recent behavior, they know the globe is true. They won’t accept it, though because that would be them admitting they are grifting pieces of shit.] Remember, now the flerfers in Antarctica are all “shills” just for having the intellectual integrity to go and look!
So how do you prove the Moon is behaving in accordance with glober predictions?
You have someone in the Arctic make the movie of the 24 hour moon. Because the moon will be 24 hours as far south as 63 1/2 degrees north latitude. In other words, Fairbanks will be able to see it for a few days. Prudhoe Bay will have no trouble seeing it the full length of time. People in Northern Scandinavia and Russia will have no trouble. There are plenty of people “up” there (I’ve even seen YouTube channels by some of them, talking about the round the clock darkness). And a pro photographer with the right equipment should be able to get “up” there, too.
And I believe this is what Will Duffy is doing.
He talked about a 24 hour moon happening at this time. He talked about a 24 hour moon happening in Antarctica (without being specific as to when). He never quite says he will see the 24 hour moon on this trip.
“But, he says he’s going to make a video!”
No, he says he will hopefully procure a video of the 24 hour moon. Elsewhere he says obtain. Not take it. Procure it, obtain it, do not necessarily mean he makes it himself.
Alternatively, he had someone film a 24 hour moon, six months ago, during Antarctic night.
I don’t think he’s a chimp who forgot to look it up. His phrasing is too careful. He knows.
I do think, though, that an Arctic 24 hour Moon won’t be helpful; if Flat Earth can predict a 24 hour Sun during north hemisphere summer time, it should have no problem with 24 hour Moons in the Arctic. What Flat Earth has a harder time explaining is why 24 hour full Moons only occur in the Arctic around December. What forces the Moon to be at its farthest north when the Sun is at its farthest south? They’re running around in two separate race tracks over the disc in that model.
OK, so let’s think about this, some. Imagine being at the south pole, just before sunrise. Early September. You have 24 hour pre-dawn twilight. The moon could well be above the horizon when it is at first or third quarter (a “half moon”) and it would be up for 24 hours. That would be another cool way to get a 24 hour moon video. And that could have happened just this last September. That would be a 24 hour moon in Antarctica, filmed under conditions short of completely brutal.
So I’m waiting to see what Will has up his sleeve.
Thursday Writings
A slight clue dropped on Thursday…Duffy dropped another video acknowledging the difficulty, and agreeing that he never actually said he expected to see a 24 hour moon this coming week.
It doesn’t tell us how he’s planning to do it. Some commenters speculate he’s simply planning to stay for an extra week until the moon rises. That would be cool, but I think he want some witnesses, preferably at least one flat Earther, to stay with him.
More Goodies
Jeranism, one of the flat Earthers going to Antarctica, was near the southern tip of South America this last week, preparing to fly to Union Glacier. He made this video in the middle of the night, twilight directly to the south. This is in perfect accord with the globe model, where at that latitude (56 degrees south, if memory serves) the sun is just twelve degrees or so below the horizon at that point in the circle. The flat Earth model does not allow for this, so he has already seen enough evidence that he should give it up. I heard elsewhere he had noted the sunrise and sunset being to the southeast and southwest, also in perfect accord with the globe (as I will explain in the “science” section).
Astronomical Coordinate Systems
This is a bit of a quick and incomplete lesson on celestial coordinates. This is a working tool of astronomy that often gets glossed over in popularizations and certainly in “science journalism.” But there are millions of amateur astronomers who know this stuff really well.
In order to look at something, you have to know where to look, and in order to report a discovery (and amateur astronomers often make discoveries, e.g., of comets), you have to be able to tell others where to look.
Astronomers in some ways operate in a two dimensional realm. If you specify a direction without a distance, you know where to look, since everyone is pretty much at the same location, Earth. (This direction can change slightly when it’s the Moon we are talking about–this is how the ancient Greeks figured out how far away it is. Everything else is so far away, the difference across the 13,000 km diameter of the Earth is insignificant.)
Astronomers have this concept of a “celestial sphere” for visualization purposes. It’s not a literal hard surface, but they conceive of it as being centered on the observer, with a very large, perhaps even infinite, radius. You are on the inside of the sphere, looking outward. The surface is two dimensional, and astronomical coordinates specify points on that sphere with two numbers. (In the deep sense that’s what “two dimensional” means).
How do those coordinates work? There are multiple schemes used. There are two major different systems; they work totally differently and each have their strengths and weaknesses. Astronomers (particularly amateur astronomers) think in either or both systems depending on context. There are two other commonly used ones as well, one of them quite useful for working in the solar system (so I should have covered it a few months ago, right?), the other more useful for discussing the Milky Way galaxy. I’m not going to discuss them here.
Let’s take up the conceptually easy one first.
Local Horizontal Coordinates
Imagine yourself standing on a flat plane, the horizon plane. It’s basically an extension of the horizon out to infinity.

The celestial sphere is centered on you. How do you specify locations on it? First, you measure along the horizon an angle from north, clockwise. This is called the azimuth. North is 0, east is 90, south is 180, west is 270, then back around to north which is sometimes called 360 as well as 0.
Then you measure up from the horizon, another angle. This is called the altitude (or more often in my experience, the elevation, but this diagram says altitude).
The zenith is directly overhead. Azimuth can be anything, elevation is 90 degrees. One more important line is the “celestial meridian,” the line running from due south to the zenith, and then down to due north. This doesn’t seem to mean much at this point but it will turn out to be very useful.
This system is also used a lot in aviation, it’s ideal, for instance, for specifying the direction of an airplane seen by a radar. Also, those numbers at the ends of runways actually are a reference to azimuth; an runway with (say) 15 painted at the end runs in the 150 degrees azimuth direction. That’s the direction you need to point your plane to land on that runway (assuming you want to stay on that runway after touching down, that is). The one difference is here they determine which way north is with a compass, rather than off of true north. And, yes, at the other end of the runway the number is 33, because if you’re landing there, you’re flying in the opposite direction, which will differ by 18 (= 180 degrees).
Artillery is another application. Once they’ve computed the exact direction you need to fire the gun (based on a number of things including curvature of the earth) it’s easy to tell someone to point the gun at azimuth 267 elevation 39. (Actually I think they are more precise than that.) Also surveying; it’s relatively easy to measure the direction of a mountain, then how far it sticks up above the horizontal plane.
Some telescopes have mounts that swivel around a vertical axis, then allow you to tilt the telescope up; this is called an “azimuthal” mount (or more commonly, an “alt azimuth” mount) because it naturally follows this coordinate system.

An alt-azimuth mount is used for a lot of very large amateur telescopes; the other alternative (which will be discussed in due course) is much more expensive and impractical for large telescopes.
But there’s an even more specialized case. There’s a thing called a “transit telescope.” It does not swivel horizontally at all. It can only move in elevation. And it’s fixed so that its azimuth is either 180 or 0. In other words it can point only along the celestial meridian. Here is an example:

It doesn’t seem like such a thing would be very useful, but in fact it’s very useful. I’ll explain in due course.
The local horizontal coordinate system, by the way, works quite naturally for flat Earthers as well. In fact it’s in some ways more natural for them, because everyone on Earth is believed by flat Earthers to have the same horizon plane. On a spherical earth, every point on the globe has its own unique version of this system (though it’s very hard to tell the difference for distances less than a few miles). The ancient flat earth model had the celestial sphere at a great distance (effectively infinity) so this was a natural for them (the earth was flat and finite, and the stars were fixed to a literal sphere that would rotate around the earth, with stars actually going under the earth after they set). The modern flat earth model conceives of the sky as being a big physical dome only a few thousand miles away, so it makes some difference where you are on earth, describing the location of some star. You could be directly under it, but someone a few thousand miles away will see the star as not being overhead. The orientation of the system is the same for both people but their centers will be offset enough to make a difference.
So LHC is easy…but it has a major drawback. As the Earth rotates west-to-east, the sky appears to rotate east-to-west, and the stars will move along arcs that do not conveniently follow either the elevation or azimuth axes of such mounts. Literally from one second to the next, the stars change coordinates!
[A geek inside joke: LHC is a “left handed” coordinate system, unlike most, and people often claim that LHC really stands for “left handed coordinates.”]
Celestial Coordinates
It would be handy to have a system where the stars do not change coordinates. That way you can look up a star’s location. You then have to do some math to figure out, based on your location and the time, where the star should be in your local horizontal coordinates, but at least you can (in principle) do the math and know where to look. (Nowadays there are web pages and apps to do that for you.) But there’s a very important point here. The formulae to do this were derived based on a full celestial sphere (not a flat earther dome) and they require your location specified on a globe. If the Earth were flat, and the stars on a small dome, these formulae would not work because they’d be based on nonsense.
But they do work. Perfectly. You can predict sunrise and sunset times and azimuths decades in advance. You have to correct for refraction which is worse near the horizon, but then these formulas are dead-nuts on, without fail. The celestial sphere and spherical earth models work, and they work because the models are in accord with reality. Flat earth provides you no mathematical method whatsoever to even attempt to do these computations…much less a method that would actually give you the right fooking answer every time, in every place.
With that rant out of the way, I have to do an aside: There’s a caveat about what I am about to describe. Absolutely nothing in the sky is truly stationary. But there are fast motions (the Earth’s rotation, the Earth’s orbiting the Sun, the motion of the Moon and planets) that you can readily observe, and others that take decades to become apparent, and even then perhaps only with very sensitive instruments. We will ignore everything but the fast motions. I’m going to skip right past precession of the equinoxes and proper motions of the stars and perturbations to the Earth’s orbital plane. They’re there, but too small to make any difference in the short term, and people usually teach them after they teach the “simple” case I am presenting here. OK, finally we can move on.
I alluded to there being four major systems. The other three are all designed so that star, galaxy and nebula coordinates don’t change (at least not over the span of decades). They are the equatorial, ecliptic, and galactic coordinates. We are going to talk about equatorial coordinates here. How do they work? They are actually defined by analogy with the Earth. With the Earth, we specify two numbers and they identify a unique point on the Earth’s surface. (The fact that the Earth isn’t quite spherical introduces a lot of complications that only matter when you’re trying to be really, surveyor-grade precise…ugly, ugly math; I’ve had to deal with it.)
Similarly we can specify two numbers, and identify a specific location on the celestial sphere, and we even have analogues to the equator and poles.
On Earth, we have latitude and longitude. Latitude essentially [not quite because it’s an ellipsoid] measures distance away from the equator, in degrees along the Earth’s curved surface, or in other words, how far north or south the point is. Longitude measures an angle east or west from some meridian line (a line which runs from the north pole to the south pole, intersecting the equator at a ninety degree angle). The choice of meridian line is arbitrary; we’ve settled on using the one that runs through the observatory at Greenwich, England.
We can do something similar to latitude and longitude on the celestial sphere. It turns out that since the Earth rotates, we can extend that axis of rotation (which goes from the north pole through the center of the earth to the south pole) out to infinity; the points where it touches the celestial sphere are the north and south celestial poles. The poles are stationary [aside from the caveat above].
Similarly you can think of a plane that goes through the equator of the Earth and the center of the Earth. You can extend that out to infinity, and where it crosses the celestial sphere, that is the celestial equator.

You can measure an angle from the celestial equator north or south to some object out in space (a planet, star, nebula or galaxy). However, we don’t call it a latitude, we call it a declination.
The constellation of Orion actually straddles the celestial equator. If you are in the northern hemisphere, the right hand star of the three on Orion’s belt, Mintaka, is nearly dead-on the celestial equator; it’s 0.3 degrees south declination. (If you’re in the southern hemisphere, Orion looks “upside down” compared to what we see in the US, and Mintaka will be the leftmost star in Orion’s belt. If you’re still confused, it’s the first of the three to rise or set.)
The stars are stationary [besides the caveat]. On the other hand, the planets–indeed any object within the solar system–move visibly.
The Earth orbits the Sun. That causes the Sun to appear to move against the celestial sphere. The Earth’s orbit is a plane. The intersection of that plane and the celestial sphere is yet another circle, called the ecliptic.

Since the Earth’s axis of rotation is tilted about 23.5 degrees with respect to its orbit, the celestial equator is tilted 23.5 degrees with respect to the ecliptic, as shown below.

But since we’re thinking in a set of coordinates that goes from the celestial equator, we think of it the other way around: we think of the ecliptic being tilted with respect to the celestial equator.
The other planets’ orbits are in almost the same plane as our orbit. So what we see from Earth is that the other planets stick pretty close to the ecliptic. From the outside, looking in, looking at the solar system edge on, they stay almost in the same plane, sometimes a bit above and a bit below:

So when we draw the celestial sphere, we can draw the ecliptic on it. This line is the line the Sun appears to move along in the course of a year. The constellations this line goes through are the zodiac. Sort of. It actually goes through Ophiuchus as well as the “astrology sign” twelve, between Scorpius and Sagittarius, but no one is an Ophiuchus. (Actually since Ophiuchus is the “Serpent Bearer” Steve Irwin could have qualified. Unfortunately he was born at the wrong time of year.)
There are four key points on the ecliptic. Two of them are where the ecliptic intersects the celestial equator, they are the equinoxes, one the vernal equinox and the other the autumnal equinox. As the sun (appears to) move(s) along the ecliptic (counter clockwise in the diagram above) over the course of a year, it will cross from south of the celestial equator to being north of it at the vernal equinox, then from north to south at the autumnal equinox. The other two points are unlabeled on the diagram; those are the ones where the sun is furthest north or south from the celestial equator, these are the solstices. The December solstice is near the left edge of the diagram, the June solstice is near the right edge.
The solstices are where the Sun is at its minimum and maximum declination, respectively. (Stop and think about that, until it’s clear.) This is why the Sun is low in the sky at noon in December, and much higher at noon in June (or vice versa for southern hemisphere folks).
Those four points define the beginnings of the seasons. For example the center of the Sun’s disc will cross the vernal equinox at 3:01 PM Mountain Daylight Time [you guys in the Eastern time zone can do the conversion for a change instead of making us people in flyover country do it] on March 20th, 2025. That is the beginning of northern hemisphere spring. More immediately and relevantly, at 2:20 AM Mountain Standard Time on December 21 (a week from today), Winter begins; the Sun is, at that moment, at its lowest declination, or (another way of saying the same thing) its greatest southern declination. It’s pretty close to that declination right now.
I haven’t yet talked much about the celestial sphere equivalent of longitude, and deliberately so; I needed to discuss the ecliptic first. Because it turns out the vernal equinox is the “reference longitude” on the celestial sphere. It’s the zero line.
Only we don’t call it longitude, we call it “right ascension.” And traditionally, we don’t measure it in degrees, we measure it in hours, 24 to the circle–fifteen degrees make up one hour. And in minutes, 60 to the hour, and seconds, 60 to the minute. (Unfortunately degrees are divided up into 60 minutes and the minutes are devided into 60 seconds, so now we have two different kinds of “minutes.” A minute of right ascension is four minutes of the 360 degree circle.
(Sometimes right ascension is measured in degrees, that’s probably going to become the standard someday.)
Why is it called right ascension? I don’t know. This is a puzzler, because as seen from the Earth the numbers go up to the left, as you face south. (We are “outside” the sphere in the next diagram, in a sort of “God’s Eye View,” so they go up to the right. Maybe God named it right ascension.)
So here’s that first “celestial sphere” diagram, with the declination and right ascension lines and ecliptic, and solstices, and equinoxes, drawn onto it. The really bright “Sun” is at the Vernal Equinox. The one farthest to the right as you look at the diagram is the June solstice, the one on the far side of the globe is the Autumnal equinox, and all the way over on the left, is the December solstice.

Here is a map, plotted as if declination and right ascension were planar coordinates, of the sky, with the official boundaries between constellations noted. Note that the ecliptic is a sort of “roller coaster” track. The sun moves right to left along it over the course of a year.

[Side note: Notice, by the way that the Sun is actually in Pisces at the vernal Equinox…not just about to enter Aries, as the zodiacal signs’ association with calendar dates would imply. That is a result of the procession of the equinoxes having been able to act for a couple of thousand years since astrology was invented. In fact, we will eventually reach a point where the Sun will be just leaving Aquarius at the vernal equinox. That is what “the Age of Aquarius” means.]
So why on Earth is right ascension done in hours? To answer that, we need a bit of history. Before there were atomic clocks, how did we determine the time, and do so with some degree of precision?
Remember that transit telescope? You use one of those. You then watch for a specific star to cross the center of the telescope; when it does that it crosses your celestial meridian. You look up the right ascension of that star…and read off hours, minutes and seconds. That’s what time it is.
Well…not really. More work must be done. What you have is the sidereal time; the time with respect to the stars. (At this moment, you set a special sidereal clock to that time; if it’s accurate you don’t need to set it again for a while. Note though that a sidereal clock seems to run fast; it goes through one “day” in 23 hours, 56 minutes, and some number of seconds I’m too lazy to look up.) You have to do a bit of computation still. Sidereal time only matches your local solar time if the Sun happens to be at 12h right ascension. So you get to do some subtraction, where the sun is versus where that star is, and NOW you have your local solar time. Then you gotta correct for the fact that the Earth’s orbit is elliptical which means the sun’s motion along the ecliptic speeds up and slows down, to get your mean solar time (that involved looking something up in a table that someone else calculated, saving you the skull sweat). THEN you have to correct for the fact that you’re not in your time zone’s central meridian. That’s a simple addition or subtraction. And then…add a gratuitous fricking hour if you’re on daylight saving time.
THIS is why people used to call the observatory to get the precise time.
Mintaka, that belt star in Orion, is at 5h 32m right ascension. So, if it’s on the meridian right now, exactly south or north of you, the sidereal time is 5h 32m. Note though someone to the west or east of you is not seeing the star cross at the same time you are. You are your own personal time zone when it’s sidereal time!
Or think about it a different way. On the first day of (northern hemisphere) spring, the Sun is at RA 0h. When it crosses the meridian (i.e., at solar noon where you are), the sidereal time is 0h, which is sidereal midnight! Half a year later, the first day of fall, the Sun is on the other side of the sky, and it crosses your meridian at 12h sidereal time. Which means that at that time of year the Earth is facing the opposite direction (with respect to the stars) at noon, than it was on the first day of Spring. Sidereal time is actually a measure of which way the Earth is facing, with respect to the stars, not the sun. Solar time is a measure of which way the Earth is facing, with respect to the Sun. (If you find that confusing, you’re not alone. One of the Flerfer talking points is designed to exploit that confusion.)
Telescopes (and cameras) can be mounted on an equatorial mount.

There are two ways for this to pivot, one around the bar with the weights on it, for declination, and the other at 90 degrees to this, through the part that shows as diagonal lower left to upper right. That part of the mount should be set up parallel to the Earth’s axis of rotation, that way pivoting on that will change the right ascension the telescope is pointing at. This one has a cap at lower left, because there’s actually a small telescope inside the mount. You use that small telescope to ensure that you’ve pointed that axis directly at the north celestial pole; then you’re good to go. That axis is often motorized, too, so it will cause the telescope to turn as the sky turns. This is advantageous for long-exposure photography through the scope. That’s the advantage of this kind of mount, and the advantage of this coordinate system; as the earth rotates, a telescope can stay pointed at the same place simply by rotating through right ascension. There are other designs, too, like a fork mount:

The fork pivots around the black dot at its bottom for right ascension, declination is managed by the two joints joining the telescope to the fork. For extremely heavy telescopes you get an English or Yoke mount:

And finally the horseshoe mount, used by Palomar. If the telescope is actually pointing through the horseshoe, it’s looking very near the north celestial pole.

So here we are; we understand the celestial sphere, we understand the ecliptic, we understand how they tie together to define the seasons. As one last parting shot here, I’ll point out that the celestial poles are necessarily on the celestial meridian.
How do you as an observer standing somewhere on planet Earth, fit in? I’m showing a whole sphere of stars, but at any given time we can only see half of that sphere; the nighttime sky is half of the celestial sphere.
Remember these diagrams are for illustration purposes only. The real situation is the sphere should be drawn very large (oh, say a mile across) and the Earth should look like a pinhead. Even that isn’t enough, but it’s a lot closer.
What do you, standing in some particular spot, actually see? How does the equatorial celestial system relate to your local horizontal coordinates? I’m going to assume the northern hemisphere (as the people who draw the diagrams usually do), and so here’s the usual diagram.

There’s the viewer, standing somewhere in North America. It’s oriented so that he is standing vertically, which gives quite a tilt to the equatorial celestial sphere. Projected onto the celestial sphere is the viewer’s horizon.
In this diagram we are pretending the Earth is not moving, but rather that the sky is; an object on the equator appears to move clockwise, as you’re facing south. Turn around and face north, and the celestial sphere appears to be rotating counter clockwise around the pole. That pole is almost at the north star, Polaris.
The pole is above the horizon by a certain angle. What is that angle?
That turns out to be easy. If you were standing at the north pole latitude 90 degrees North, the celestial pole would be directly overhead, which is to say, 90 degrees above the horizon. If you happened to be on the equator, latitude 0, though, the north celestial pole would be sitting due north, on the horizon, i.e., 0 degrees above the horizon.
So in essence the altitude above the horizon of the celestial pole, is equal to the north latitude of the observer. This is true in the southern hemisphere as well, almost; the altitude of the south celestial pole is equal to the south latitude of the observer. Notice that the stars will appear to circle the south celestial pole in the clockwise direction (this is probably easiest to see if you imagine the paths around the opposite pole marked in the middle diagram below).

This is why the globe earth model predicts that the stars will appear to spin clockwise in the Southern hemisphere. Furthermore, it doesn’t matter where you are standing (Africa, Australia, South America); you will the SAME stars rotating about the same pole. This is impossible on the flat Earth, since people facing south are facing in completely different directions on the disc world. The stars cannot simultaneously be circling around a point due south to all viewers, when the direction “due south” is different for every viewer.
One more thing: Notice in the right hand diagram, that some stars will never set; the ones fairly close to the celestial pole run in circles that are small enough they don’t dip below the horizon. In fact, it’s those stars within a certain angle of the pole, and that angle is also the same as your latitude. Conversely facing south, there are stars that will never rise above the horizon, again a circle of stars centered on the south celestial pole, and being within “your latitude” degrees of the south celestial pole.
When at the North pole, you can see every thing in the north celestial hemisphere, all of the time, but can never, ever see anything in the south celestial hemisphere.
And this applies not just to the stars but to the Sun. During the six months the Sun is in the northern celestial hemisphere, it too can be seen all of the time; the north pole therefore has six continuous months of daylight. Once the Sun goes into the south celestial hemisphere, you get six months of night. Similarly, the south pole has six months of daylight when the Sun is in the south celestial hemisphere, and six months of darkness otherwise.
For places on Earth near to, but not at the pole, there is some period of time less than six months long during which the Sun’s declination is high enough that the Sun does not set, and you have a twenty four hour sun. At Union Glacier, the site of the Final Experiment, the latitude is 79.75 degrees south so any time the sun’s declination is 10.25 degrees south (or further south than that) Union Glacier has 24 hour sun.
When on the equator, absolutely everything will be visible for half of the sidereal day, but if it’s something close to either pole, it won’t get that high in the sky. The celestial poles themselves will be sitting right on the horizon.
Here’s one more diagram showing, for three different declinations, an object’s apparent path across the sky, for someone at 35 degrees north latitude.
The object is the sun, at the two solstices (declination +/- 23.5 degrees) and on the equinoxes (declination 0).

When the sun is at a high declination, it rises in the northeast, climbs high in the sky, is at its highest as it crosses the meridian directly south of the observer, then sets in the northwest. When the sun is at equinox, it rises directly due east, climbs somewhat high in the sky, culminating at the meridian, then sets precisely to the observer’s west. Finally when the sun is at a low declination, it rises in the southeast, doesn’t get too far up in the sky, but does reach a maximum at the meridian, and then sets in the southwest. Note that different fractions of the total sun path are below the horizon. Most of the Dec. 21 path is below the horizon, which is why the daytime is so short in winter. Conversely the summer path is mostly above the horizon, which makes for long summer days. The sun is covering the same ascension angle in the same time, it’s just that more of the total arc is above the horizon in the summer, and less in the winter.
In the southern hemisphere imagine all of those sun paths leaning the other way, with the south celestial pole above the horizon. Now the December 21 path is the one that has most of its length above the horizon. The sun rises in the southeast, swings around to a high spot north of the observer (and, of course, on the meridian), then sets in the southwest. This is another concrete prediction of the Globe Earth; the flat earth has the sun circling around a point well north of the observer, so the sun should start in the northeast, come closest north of the observer, then set in the northwest. At no time in the Flat Earth model is the Sun ever to the south of the observer, certainly not at sunrise and sunset (provided the observer is further south than 23.5 degrees south latitude).
So here we are. This is how celestial coordinates work. And they do work.
I found this whole kerfuffle about the 24 hour moon to be a “teachable moment.” That’s a Leftist mislabeling of “perfect moment to try to indoctrinate people” but I actually mean “teachable moment.” Flerfers reading this will, I hope, accept it as possibly the first coherent/comprehensive explanation of the topic they’ve ever read (assuming it is coherent), then they can decide for themselves whether it makes sense (though I hope they take into their accounting that it works and can predict, e.g., sunrise and sunset with perfect accuracy).
This one ran a bit overlong but I hope it was illuminating.
There ain’t no justice when that dratted eagle cannot be observed sneaking up on me!
— little fish
I personally think the little fish is a minion of Soros.
And the little fish had just finished eating and even smaller fish…
A microfiche…
Steve…I’m like….
I am simply in open mouth AWE of all you put together…………
I had to ask…it could have been “I am appalled.”
But your name is Steve…
We do need more palleds.
To be moved around with a palled jack…..if you weren’t already named Steve.
Wasn’t that Pallance? Or have pun will travel?
I am now appalled that you would think I would be appalled by one of your in-depth scientific presentations.
Thanks for the actual LOL!
Just wait until we truly become a space-faring civilization, and one planet 8 light-years from another radios to the other planet — “hey, look at that weird thing over there!” and sends its coordinates. Then the other planet would get the message eight years later and have to translate the location into their own set of coordinates…..
Space-faring = space-folding.
Without space folding, there will be no space faring.
It’s really that simple.
I dune know what to say!
I figured someone would try to worm his way out of that one.
I foresee a long trek to get to that point.
Lol! Good one.
Mining is the good life!
I want my Burgie bottle-opener back…
Btw, is this you? (misspelled, but
From the article:
Wolfe paid $5,750 for the Burgie sign

Can neither confirm nor deny any ID!
But I can confirm that he who controls the Spice Girls, controls the universe!
Not hard to do actually.
Assuming (for the sake of example) both planets use a system centered in their respective solar systems, based off their home planets’ equators, you’ll need a rotation matrix (likely set up to also change unit lengths), and then you’ll need to add offsets to the result of that rotation. Done. Not hard.
Whoops, it may also be necessary to convert spherical or cylidrical coordinates (or vice versa) at either end of the process.
And, by the way, I did that once. Created an arbitrary cartesian coordinate system for a fictitious alien civilization (it was centered at the center of our galaxy, though) and was able to convert RA, Dec and distance into those coordinates for thousands of stars with a spreadsheet.
Why? A purely intellectual exercise, a class assignment, a work thing, a brutal hobby, to impress some unattainable chick, you were working on a novel at the Dune/LOTR level, or likely something I didn’t yet guess?
Boy I hope you don’t just answer “Yes” LOL
My grandfather, while employed as a cinema projectionist and moonlighting as a pipe-organ-tuner, would spend time manually calculating the twelfth root of two.
It’s an important number, because if the frequency of a note on a keyboard was x, the frequency of the next note up (black or white) on an even-tempered keyboard was x times the twelfth root of two. C to C#, C# to D, D to D#, D# to E, E to F — even temperment went up by the 12th root of two.
Mind you, the job of a projectionist was immensely boring but dangerous. The film was basically guncotton — the same sort of thing packed into ammunition. The light for the projector was an arc light. If it jammed, the light could ignite the film and blow up the entire projection room if you didn’t douse it quickly. On the other hand, if it didn’t jam, you had 10 minutes of whirring while the movie played before you had to do anything. When a reel was done, you had to dismount it, put it in the film magazine, load the next real and queue it up, and sit.
When he visited other theaters around the area, he’d look up at the scorch marks on the ceiling and reflect on his friends who had died there. Maybe they fell asleep after mounting the next reel while the projector just whirred….
It would be easier the further away the object was (which might not even be known).
Let’s say, for instance, that the object was 10 light-years from planet A and 6 light years from planet B (and remembering that planet A and B are 8 light-years apart)…..
*Note that the object would be at right angles to the line between A & B from the standpoint of planet B.
Distances would be VERY well known in those circumstances. We’d be triangulating from the two stars. As long as the distance between them is well known, we’d have really good distance data for the first time ever.
We’d be triangulating from the second star when (if) the second guys found the object. If the first message merely had coordinates from the first system, that could be tricky.
There’s something I’m not seeing here. Call the third star X.
First star supplies coordinates for X in its own system A. Second star supplies coordinates in its system B for star X. As long as each star understands the other star’s system, it’s straightforward math for the first star to get the second star’s coordinates in system A (well known by now), as well as the second star’s coordinates for X, in its system B.
It’s straightforward. Am I assuming too much knowledge?
Assuming a giant explosion happens in a space visible to A and B. A can’t get a range on it, but radios to system B, “hey, did you see the big flash at [A coordinates]? B does transforms of A’s coordinates and finds that (eight years ago), they form a line in 3-dimensional space that can be represented by [B coordinates].
As long as they know each other’s coordinate systems, this is not a hard problem. B can convert A’s observations to “somewhere along a line”represented in B’s coordinate system, and can see what point on that line is in the right direction from their POV. Done. It’s simple analytic geometry.
If the explosion is far away, the coordinates from A and B are similar, and the planets might see it at almost the same time (“yeah, that was Alderan about 2300 years ago”). If the explosion is closer to them, the math for mapping the coordinates gets messier and the timing gets more crucial.
“Am I assuming too much knowledge?”
For Some of us frequently “Yes”
That’s completely OK with this cheap seats dweller for I’m just happy to be allowed in the room 
“Am I assuming too much knowledge?”
A given, in my case.
LOL that entirely depends on the topic

…could be tricky.
Worse yet would be the case where the object was 4.8 light years from A and 6.4 light years from B.
In case anyone does not recognize where these numbers are coming from, they’re coming from “3-4-5” triangles. That makes them easy-to-work-with right triangles with angles of 30,60, and 90 degrees. Being right triangles, they obey the Pythagorean Theorem where 3^2 + 4^2 =5^2, or 9+16=25.
It’s old school — Pythagoras was playing with them a while back — and even earlier, the Egyptians were using them to make sure their pyramids were square.
Just to be further clear about this, you can use three lengths of anything straight — even pieces of spun yarn pulled taut — and a random measurement implement with two marks….and construct a right angle.
You simply take your side material — yarn or whatever — and make three equally spaced marks on one piece, four on the next, and five on the last. It doesn’t matter if the distance is feet or fathoms, cubits or varas (Texan or Mexican), meters or Aztec tlacaxilanti…..the magic is the precise measure of 3-4-5, which, when arranged in a triangle, will have a right angle between the sides of three and four length.
I did recognize them, but thought “so what” as law of cosines would simply be used anyway.
Part of the fun of this exercise — and, mind you, it’s not impossible…..Steve’s point that its not wildly difficult is valid — is that the seemingly simple problem has many facets. If an explosion happened 4.8 light years from A, they’d see it 4.8 years after it happened. If they had a “magic communicator”, they could ask B if they saw it, but B wouldn’t see it until 6.4 years after the explosion, 1.6 years after A asked them.
We’re not using magic here, so when A says “did you see that?”, it takes eight years to get to B, and B thinks, “I did, 6.4 years ago.” [4.8 years after it happened for A to see it + 8 years for A to B – 6.4 years for the explosion to be seen at B.]
Then A has sent coordinates that it was off in this direction according to A, and B has coordinates where they saw it according to B.
One might suppose that the coordinates given from A eight years in the past might need some jiggering to match with coordinates given from B 6.4 years in the past.
Illuminating, like the sun.
Illuminating to the extent I could grasp it in one reading. I wonder how many flerfers and globers actually understand all of that. It looks as if Will Duffy might. I hope the results of this excursion will be explained in terms that everyone can understand, and put an end to the question of whether the Earth is a globe.
I need to go back and watch the videos.
It seems to me there could be at least two categories of flerfers: 1) true believers who think the facts are on their side, and 2) those who are grifting off of it. In an ideal world, the true believers would see their error and stop promoting the theory. I hope that happens, but it’s hard for people to admit they were wrong, and many hang on to baseless theories as if their lives depend on them. I also hope it would be possible to “shoot down” the claims of grifters who insist they are correct. Ideally, commenters should be able to debunk false theories.
Very interesting that you are contributing to the project. The next few days…
I think there is a large category of flat earth believers who are well intended, but are engaging in a kind of subconscious or suppressed self-deception. Let me describe how it works.
They are modulating a high but variable coefficient of distrust, which they apply to what others are saying. However, this level of distrust is not determined by examination of what was said – rather, it is assigned by experience with deception by scientists. It uses metrics of human trust – not deep understanding of any particular test (and this is important) where one side has to lose, and the side which loses could be flat earth.
The problem is that there can be self-deception by simply turning up this form of skepticism as an automatic defense, rather than by engaging the effort needed to examine the issue to a TEST which one will use to potentially ABANDON flat earth.
I.e. they engage in skepticism, but not scientific skepticism.
Good point. If they are not looking at the science, this experiment will not change their minds.
What you describe reminds me of emotional rather than critical thinking, although that is not a perfect analogy. Mistrust without sufficient data — and likewise trusting the proponents of certain theories while ignoring facts and the logical consequences of those theories — seems fed more by emotion than by thought, IMO.
I agree! Distrust can be motivated by logic, emotion, or both!
“they engage in skepticism, but not scientific skepticism”
Brilliant insight into how human nature often plays!
It’s a reflexive skepticism, and one you can’t assuage. So and so MUST be lying and I am so sure of that that if you bring in strong evidence that they’re not just this one time, I’ll refuse to accept the evidence.
Remember someone on here once decided he’d automatically disbelieve absolutely anything the government said. OK I am not unsympathetic in today’s environment, but he was starting to deny proven things simply because the government had agreed with them.
The correct response is to be skeptical. Do not ‘Trust Authority’ do your own research if something ‘smells wrong’
Because of the way science has been co-oped, The Abstract may lie to get the paper thru the vetting process, however the DATA maybe perfectly fine. Or you can figure out HOW they cheated.
For example a study PROVED the Dr Atkins type diet did nothing. How ever that diet allowed 27 calories from carbs/day. In the study the ‘Low Carb’ diet was 300 calories from carbs per day!
There are 15 calories in 1 teaspoon of sugar.
So Dr Atkins was 1.8 less than 2 teaspoons of sugar (cabs being both sugar and starch)
The studies ‘Low carb’ was 20 teaspoons of sugar.
We have also seen how they cheated in the ‘Scientific Study’ in order to make HCQ look dangerous.
There is a third category. There are people who believe the Earth is flat because of the way it is described in the Bible. It is a matter of faith for them, and you can’t shake it. I know a few of them.
I suspected there were people like that, but I didn’t know any. Good to know they really exist.
Oh, yes, they sure do! My best friend is one. Very Old Testament oriented Christ believer, almost a Messianic Jew, a description she would not agree with, but one which is accurate, nonetheless.
Professor Dave has a tiered list of types of creationism, and he puts those who believe in a young and flat earth at the hightest level, above those who just believe in a young earth. (High=most out to lunch.)
I know at least one.
Excellent! Enjoyed the flerfer/glober stuff greatly. Was happy to see that you caught this thing about the 24 hour moon being at the other solstice, because I was thinking “goodie, it’s a twofer” for a while, but then was trying to get past the thought that the new moon (if we could see it) would be so much better than the full moon, which seemed like it would have to be out of view at least part of the time, if it was in the plane of the ecliptic. So the fact that it’s totally out of view makes tons of sense. But that brings up a point – would a 24 hour crescent moon be a possible nice addition to the 24 hour sun? I’m thinking that might work, if not below the horizon.
Anyway, loved that livestream, and this is my new favorite song!!!
One suspicion is that Duffy is going to stay an extra week and catch a third-quarter (waning) moon for 24 hours, chasing the sun sort of like I said only a bit closer to it.
Hope he does! More data! More data!
Is third-quarter enough to be over the horizon for 24 hours? Just a cursory look at the problem, assuming the sun hasn’t moved from solstice and the moon is now perpendicular, would make me think it’s a 12 hour moon and a 24 hour sun. Granted, the moon might be peeking above the horizon just a bit for the dark 12, so maybe that counts, but the moon would be basically at an equinox angular relationship.
Indeed, the moon bobbing above and below the horizon equally in 24 hours, at both the 1/4 and 3/4 moons, would be something that the flat earth model cannot predict, because it demonstrates spherical curvature.
Just go find a lunar declination chart for this month. Any day where the declination is over 10 1/2 degrees south. is one it will be 24 hours at Union Glacier.
The bigger difficulty is having it be in a phase where it’s visible, even in broad daylight.
OK – then it means he has to wait until almost exactly Christmas Eve for it to happen!
But since the earth is rotating roughly 28 times as fast as the moon orbits, even though the moon is moving into visibility, the Earth should rotate it back down, to some extent, during that first day when it first rises above the horizon. Will the moon set? Not sure about the relative amounts of rise and set from the two effects. But this is a globe prediction – it won’t happen without spherical curvature. Flat earth can’t predict a periodic moon-set like this.
Seems to be confirmed here that it’s roughly Christmas Eve, though it’s not the exact same place.
The South Pole won’t see a moon set due to Earth’s rotation, but there should be one at Union Glacier. That’s not on the site. BUT…..
Now found data for McMurdo, at a similar latitude.
That shows setting at the crossovers. Hooray! We see a rise, a set, and a rise on Christmas Eve. The globe prediction!
So he has to wait longer than a week to get the moon up to where he can see it for 24 hours.
His most recent video seems to indicate he’s not making the video, meaning he’s getting someone else to do it. Or already has.
Certainly someone could have done it at Amundsen Scott sometime just before sunrise in late September The moon would be plenty visible in “dawn’s early light” provided it’s at some negative declination and not a “new” moon.
I just found this; I’m about to watch it.
It’s a hard thing he is doing. The people who oppose him are very personally invested in their belief, and they won’t give it up easily.
If I heard correctly, this has taken at least a year of his life, but as he said, the finish line is well within sight now, so he’s going to make it.
It reminds me very much of religious disputes, that was the first thing I thought of when I watched the first video (at the top).
It IS a religious dispute!
In many ways, yes it is.
Good stuff! Don’t let it turn into “reality” TV bullshit where they stoke the interpersonal drama. I hate to say this, but Hollywood is exceptional at stirring the pot for “reality” television that is everything BUT reality.
This is fascinating.
A seemingly rare occasion when a statistically significant number of people are going to have the bottom block of their Jenga Tower pulled out.
In one sense, the fact that this is even necessary (and coming to a head) is a testament to the power of human psychological denial, and how such denial can be maliciously manipulated by others, because this type of ‘dispute’ is necessarily always about some ‘thing’ which cannot easily (or at all) be proven beyond any doubt.
And this case is not some obscure debate among scientismists about some arcane issue in particle physics (or similar), this is about something everyone already knows about and understands.
There are enough people on one side of the controversy (flat earthers) and enough people on the other side (essentially everyone else) who are interested enough to ‘tune in’ for the results, that something interesting will actually happen.
Someone will be proven right, and someone will be proven wrong. And when that domino falls, it won’t fall in isolation, it will hit one of the other dominoes near it. So there’s no telling where it ends, which is why the denial is so strong in the first place. It is the denial which is protecting the whole Tower from collapsing.
So long as the belief in question cannot be proven false beyond any doubt, so long as the belief in question can hang on even by just a thread, the belief will remain strong enough to protect the whole Tower.
But if that thread is severed, the Tower goes boom.
This sort of conflict, where something definitive will force a significant number of people to actually change their belief, almost never happens. Because if it wasn’t so difficult to prove, there wouldn’t be a significant controversy in the first place.
There must be other examples, but the only other example that occurs to me at the moment is Copernicus’ insistence that the earth revolved around the sun.
TCTB could not accept that. Because they had built their Jenga Tower on a false assumption, a false doctrine, a doctrine of men. And they were powerful men, so they weren’t about to admit they were wrong, because if they could be wrong about something that big, it would obviously cause the serfs to wonder… what else have they been completely wrong about?
And TCTB can’t have the serfs thinking things like that — if they want to remain TCTB.
So it doesn’t happen often.
This experiment is like watching a live action ‘movie’ called “When Worldviews Collide”.
Or in Mad Max parlance, “Two men enter, one man leaves!”
Since the wicked establishment, which never believed in flat earth anyway, is the one that created it, and maintains it, I believe they will keep the movement on life support by infusing new chumps into the system.
All logical systems deviate from what they “should” do, when deception enters the arena!
I’m sure they’ll try, but if The Final Experiment is sufficiently well documented, the people who try to keep the movement on life support will be like one hand clapping.
It is already apparent from the video that they’re just manufacturing arguments on the fly in the attempt to counter the train coming at them through the tunnel.
It sounds like they have locked themselves into some arguments which, if conclusively disproved, will collapse the belief.
I don’t doubt they’ll try, but imagine how absurd their argument will have to be at this point, to claim that even though their own stated beliefs were proven incorrect, they now have a new belief which effectively counters all of the new indisputable facts.
I don’t think it can be done, but even if it could, it will be like Hussein giving a speech where he haltingly accuses the incoming administration of everything he himself has been doing for the past 8 years.
He could barely croak it out, because he realizes how absurd his accusations sound, even to his own Kool-Aid drinkers, after the curtain has already been pulled back and revealed his own hands on all the levers.
So we’ll see
I believe you underestimate the capacity of people to disbelieve their lying eyes and ears when something factually and demonstrably incorrect has become an article of faith to them
Sadly, too true.
I know the capacity is STRONG. The entire Left is a perfect example.
But it is not often when the Left takes a public stand, and their opponents can pin them down, put them in a choke-hold, and force them to look at something which destroys their position.
And do it while the whole world is watching.
We have seen it happen recently, so we have an example. The Left was in total denial of Brandon’s senility for almost 4 straight years.
But when he debated DJT, the whole world was watching, and the willful self-delusion could not withstand the pressure. It’s one thing to gaslight oneself.
It’s another thing to gaslight one’s followers.
It’s yet another thing to gaslight everyone, including one’s opponents, because their opponents don’t have a megaphone loud enough to effectively counter the gaslighting.
But it’s a whole other thing to try to gaslight everyone on the planet, while live TV cameras are rolling, and showing your candidate is a mental patient who is clearly off his meds
It took all of those factors to ‘break’ the spell.
It took everyone (i.e., a significant majority) of People, all looking at the same thing (Brandon), all seeing the same thing, at the same time (i.e., in real time), while the thing in question (Brandon) was obviously malfunctioning.
Everyone seeing it at the same time is important. If people only see video clips after the fact, in isolation, so there is no unified moment where everyone is sitting around the TV (with family, friends, etc.) and seeing the same thing at the same time, it doesn’t work. It seems that millions of individual ‘awakenings’ are not as powerful as a combined or ‘unified’ awakening.
But in this case, all of those things happened at the same time, and the spell was broken.
The Left could no longer maintain the illusion under those circumstances, it was too much. If they tried to continue under those circumstances, THEY were going to look like the crazy ones.
People would be laughing at them.
And that definitely wasn’t going to happen, the Left absolutely cannot tolerate mockery, it’s like Kryptonite to them — so under the bus Brandon went.
Just like that.
Four years of total and complete denial and gaslighting, obliterated in the first 5 minutes of a live debate with someone who wasn’t one of Brandon’s enablers.
So this type of ‘spell’ (or ‘strong delusion’) can be broken, we just have to understand how to do it, and then create the circumstances necessary to shatter it.
I was thinking that your example would be the 2024 election w/ DJT’s overwhelming victory, including the popular vote, AND Every “Swing State” despite the massive propaganda & cheating
Your example is even better & was a lightbulb moment for the world 
^^^ This.
It is the history of mankind in virtually all endeavors.
When does a lie become a lie or a false assumption instead of fact?
Just my opinion (not a fact
) –
Eventually the result is used in processes of discovery for other processes of discovery. At some point it all falls apart in future endeavors because the falsehood or lie is a building block for the future determination and understanding of results. The end result may still be true, the process was flawed. That flawed aspect can lead other processes to falsehoods. Think Jenga. All of that is fine if the participants also seek to identify the falsehoods to rule them out. However, many “scientists” no longer do that as they want the cred to get the funding and fame.
I believe this contributes to flat earthers and such. It helps create the skepticism about scientific endeavors in general. “Well, at one time we observed X and later we learned it was actually Y” discussions are legitimate processes in science. However, the absolutes that come out of the declarations about X being true with those who pursue the science cause the riff when they are later proven to be in error.
That contributes to the “I don’t believe you or that” comments in about everything, not just science.
Why does this remind me so much about my most recent interview by a nurse, asking me about vaccines???
Ah, Dr. Fauci! You’ve turned medical science into a comedy!
Some people will believe a confident assertion over a hedged one, and scientists will hedge because that’s part of the process. Error bars, etc.
I did just watch a video where the asshats were making fun of the scientists having four significant digits on the age of the universe (but also a 50 million year error bar). If they knew how much blood, sweat and tears went into that number…instead they’re implying these people just pulled it out of their ass, at that stated level of precision.
I agree. I admire the people you describe and the seeking of knowledge and truth. It is sad that some people would rather destroy than edify.
The service and knowledge you are imparting to all of us is priceless.
As mentioned yesterday, Pelosi was wearing shoes that do not look supportive and that have high heels.
Pelosi does have her uses:
And those guys are STILL younger than most of the people in that photo.
Paging Kash Patel…
Yep. Kash or Trump could simply order the damn tapes to be released RTFN and no redactions.
Oh, it implicates agent Bumfuck in a crime? Too bad. Why’d you commit a crime, Bumfuck?
If Ivan Raiklin is correct, it is the CAPITOL POLICE BOARD who has the authority to squash the tapes and not the FBI.
That is why killing DC as a separate political entity is important.
August 2022, Washington Times: House Republicans demand Capitol Police turn over full tapes from Jan. 6
October 12, 2023 — IVAN RAIKLIN: “House Administration Committee’s Vital Role in Post-J6 Era”
Somebopdy should inform those jackasses holding the videos that the people of the USA own them, not the US Capitol Police, its Board or any other entity.
They might have authority as agents of the people but that can change.
In that case Congress has authority, not the President.
Correct AND they used it to set up the Fedsurrection. People think it was the FBI that had agents and sources at the capitol. The forget the OTHER INTEL AGENCIES
List from WIKI
United States Intelligence Community
does it have a good restaurant inside? if not, could it?
the restaurant workers–servers, bartenders, cooks–are threatening to make repubs dining experiences disgusting.
Dine else where and let them go out of business…
Before you dine out determine if the restaurant workers belong to the union. After you are seated ASK! If they are part of that union, get up and LEAVE, telling them you will not support communism with your hard earned cash.
(BTW do your research before hand so you can call out the lies)
April 26th, 2022
NLRB Accuses Starbucks of Union BustingThe agency is asking a federal court to reinstate terminated workers.
March 15th, 2024
How Restaurants Can Prevent Unionization with Transparency
June 27th, 2022
Why Unionization Efforts are Not a Doomsday Event for Restaurants
August 29th, 2013
Paid In Full?
I suspect it might be difficult since Congress is involved. Some constituents will want permanent DST and others will want standard time, etc.
Most people when asked want permanent DST, not permanent standard time.
They don’t realize how late in the AM it will be ducking fark in the winter on year round DST. This came up when we actually tried it as an “energy saving” measure in the 1970s.
The thing is, the other option is not to become slaves to the clock even more than we are today — the other option is for governments and businesses to have “winter hours” and “summer hours”.
They could even get really tricky and tie them to local sunrise and sunset, so that Florida schools don’t have to run on the same times as Maine schools.
School could, for instance be slated to start one hour after sunrise. Or perhaps “one hour after sunrise, or 7:30 whichever is later”
But that would result in the start time being different every day except for perhaps March through June when it would be 7:30 which would confuse many people no end.
But they COULD maybe move it around in 15 minute increments.
Right now, they move it in a one hour increment. And, prithee, remember that 1/4 of the year is not part of the school year — and, yet, the school year currently has room for two such time changes.
15 minute increments might not be so bad…provided it’s on the kids and or the bus to get to school. “Kids, tomorrow school starts at 8:15 not 8:30” every one of them would know.
Kids who are taken to school by their parents, though…that would be screwed up. Some kids would fail to remind their parents; parents would fail to consult the calendar put out by the district, OR parents wouldn’t be able to do it at that time.
There’s always “School will open up at 7:00 AM for kids that want to hang out in the library or cafeteria. School classes will start at 8:15.”
I don’t care what anyone says, it’s up to the parents to have the kids in bed with enough time to spare in the morning to get them up and ready by the time they need to leave. No kid is going to do it on their own. My one nephew was here for two months one summer. He was five. I had him in bed at 8 pm every night so we could make it to speech camp on time.
Parenting 101.
Not as common as it once was.
Indeed it’s up to the parents.
Many don’t and that gives the school system an excuse to be as shitty at their jobs as they are.
School times are staggered for a reason. Busing, primarily. High school, public schools, anyway, start the earliest as it’s much easier to get older kids out the door early. Hours here are around 7:30 – 2:30. Then the middle schoolers start anywhere from 8:15 to 8:45 depending on the district, and whether or not they have specialty classes like classical violin in the morning. Grade schools always start after 8:30 and go to 3:30. Ever try to get a 5-year old ready for school at 7 am? It’s a staggered schedule based on the sleep needs of growing kids.
Private and parochial schools are different and tend to start and finish at about the same times for both grade schools and high schools. But transportation is handled differently.
It’s not as simple as it seems.
Who cares if it is dark in the mornings? I WANT LIGHT after I get home from work. Kids need to get out in the light after school too.
DST was all about child safety when most were walking up to a mile or more in the mornings. Now that is not true.
Also the SCHOOLS can change their schedules.
“In 2022, about 40.26 percent of all family households in the United States had their own children under age 18.”
That is households.
Some of us don’t function well in the dark in the morning.
Yes, but how many?
It appears most people want light in the evening hours. So that is the winner, in my opinion.
That said, whatever they do, I’ll adjust. But for the love of heaven, just PICK ONE, and be done!
Bingo. Entire post.
Light in the evening hours can be accomplished one of two ways: 1) fake the clock
2) change nominal times. If you want that extra hour, go to work at 7 instead of 8. Or if you don’t have that freedom, hopefully your boss will just change the schedule.
The result is the same; you’re going to work at the same time, it’s just that in the first, you’re pretending 7 oclock is 8 oclock.
But for people who work outside, and depend on those late evening hours in the summer, it’s a crimp on their income.
I mean, in August, we’d be dark at seven.
Which wouldn’t matter if instead of 9-to-5, nominal work hours were 8-to-4. (change to match your actual situation.)
All daylight saving time does is have you work from 8-to-4 and pretend it’s 9-to 5.
What neighborhood pool opens at 8 in the morning? They are open after dinner in the evening, though.
That’s the central issue here.
Rather than change their nominal hours, businesses expect the clock change to take care of things.
It would be work to have to post summer hours.
For centuries, people had to arrange their lives around natural daylight and darkness. I don’t know how farmers handled darkness in the early morning, but they did.
Depending on time, the probably organized their entire morning around the time of sunrise, particularly if they had no access to any sort of clock. I’m ignorant of what a farmer’s life was actually like so this is a caricature, but probably something vaguely like: wake up at twighlight and go milk the cows and do other stuff with the animals, Then do backbreaking agricultural work all day, eating breakfast at some time, probably pretty close to the same time every day–in relation to sunrise (which you and I know isn’t at the same time every day). Backbreaking work all day, then evening chores near sunset. They had a routine scheduled around sunrise and sunset, not around “6 AM” as shown on a clock.
We have “a routine scheduled around sunrise and sunset, not around “6 AM” as shown on a clock.”
Make up the wet pony mush an hour before daybreak
Eat breakfast
When sky gets light, feed cat
While he is eating load mush into tractor bucket
Feed ponies, hay water and then do other chores…
Do mid day feed
Do evening feed, hopefully early enough it doesn’t have to be done by flash light.
I guess I wasn’t too far off then.
Roosters make good alarm clocks, attuned to the sun I believe
Roosters in the Philippines do there thing, at any given time.
Guessing it is the same everywhere.
Do they “do their thing” even Before the sun is up?
Jan 6 was a planned False Flag event – intentional smear of MAGA people – to defend and validate the stolen election.
The Pelosi cabal, Capitol Police, FBI, Antifa trained personnel and more were involved.
I hate what they did to innocent patriots with the heat of 10 trillion suns.
Ground report:
Showed a couple of people I go way back with a picture of myself with Lauren Boebert.
They were both disgusted. They are both Republicans but “can’t stand” Boebert and “can’t stand” Trump.
I did not want it to turn into a political argument but if I had I would have told them that I as a Republican am sick of winning majorities in Congress, sick of winning the presidency…only to have no change whatsoever happen. She fights. He fights. Yes there are things about Boebert I really dislike. But damnit she fights unlike that jackass she replaced.
Hear, hear!!!
Wow that was A Lot to try to take in. Are there Any flerfers that live in the Southern Hemisphere for their personal observations of the sun would contradict their beliefs (assuming I understood some of what you said)?
Apparently there’s one in South Africa. Which is actually not all that far south. If someone lived in Punta Arenas full time, there’s no way they could believe that shit when they saw sunrise and sunset and midnight twilight. Jeran the flat earther is apparently having some difficulty coping. I suspect he’s a true believer not a charlatan. Lisbeth probably is a true believer. Charlatans can’t be convinced, because they already know, they’re willfully lying. A true believer could potentially be convinced they are wrong but sometimes a sort of “religious/cultic” psychology sets in.
I hope those “true believers” see the Real Truth, which will set them free! I also hope the globers that are there are kind & gentle with them while also aggressively exposing the charlatans!
Pop exercise.
Here is a diagram of some of the stars orbiting the black hole at the center of our galaxy (called Sagittarius A* [a-star]).
You should be able to interpret the coordinates shown. The center lines are actually offset, the captions will say that the axes are “offset from” but notice it’s right ascension and declination.
Those are scary big orbits – STARS taking huge swings around something BIG.
There are time lapses of S2 going through a full orbit over the course of 16 years.
That’s how they know how massive the black hole is–by the fact that something in an orbit about the size of Sedna’s is necessarily in a sixteen year orbit rather than one running tens of thousands of years.
Very cool. So yeah – distance and time mean velocity – velocity and that ellipse mean kinetic and potential energy – and that means that whole region of space and time is warped at “Interstellar” levels!
The trick is – engines with enough energy to achieve this plot. Hmmmm…..
They apparently have plotted S2’s orbit well enough to be able to see general relativity at work on it (line of apsides would precess).
I note with appreciation that the last item on the list of “See also” for that article is “Spirograph”.
If you remember about Mercury’s precession of perihelion, and how that was evidence for general relativity, this is exactly the same phenomenon, under a different name. The perihelion is simply the special name given to periapsis when it’s an orbit around the sun, and the periapsis and apoapsis are the two “ends of the ellipse; the “line of apsides” is simply the long way across the ellipse. In classical Newtonian two body gravitation, that line should not move; but with other bodies perturbing the orbit, it does. And general relativity will do it too. Mercury’s line of apsides precesses quite a bit, but when we added up all the known causes (other planets’ influences) before Einstein there was a shortfall; GR accounted for it perfectly.
you are perpetuating the stereotypical mean science teacher giving homework on a weekend!
Verse of the Day for Saturday, December 14, 2024
“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.”
Proverbs 9:10 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
What is that entity called knowledge
Is it something you learn in college
Is it acquired through solid study
Can you share openly with a buddy
What do you do with it once you have it
Does obtaining it become a habit
Is it stored in your brain for further use
Do you hoard it or is it oft obtuse
Without understanding knowledge is useless
Without discernment knowledge is juiceless
For clarity understanding is key
It is how the brain can function and see
If knowledge aligns with understanding
And discernment becomes notwithstanding
You’ll begin your journey to wisdom way
For the fear of the Lord comes when you pray
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of
Wisdom that comes directly from above
Knowledge of the holy is understanding
By the Power of God comes the branding
So if you seek wisdom study real hard
And if you’re approved it will be your guard
If the fear of the Lord is just the beginning
You’re well on your way to wisdom winning
The corollary of this lesson will be
Knowledge + Understanding you will see
Gives way to wisdom a treasure for sure
There will be nothing you cannot endure
Wisdom is the principal thing therefore
With all of your getting there is much more
When you marry knowledge to understanding
Wisdom is better than strength or standing
D01: 07/12/2023
Thank You Duchess!
Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing
#psalm91 #psalms #prayer
Pray Everyday
Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.
#faith #god #psalms

God Bless YOU too, real good, Duchess
Another form of antique transport — the “coffee pot” —
There’s someone in the comments who knows a few particulars.
“Coffee Pot has enough coal for the 34km round journey. At Woolshed Flat where lunch is had, the well tank is topped up, usually only 6-700L added.”
“Coal fired, the coal is in a bunker between the boiler and cab side on the fireman’s side. Water is carried in a well tank underneath the front part of the coach.”
“2-2-0WT. The carriage pivots on the engine unit. And the design of it (just for shit’s and giggles) the floor that the crew stand on is part of the coach, so it’s a moving platform relative to the controls in the cab.”
“First class has seating for 10 and a carpeted floor, second class has seating for 12 and a linoleum floor.”
“Coffee Pot carries 12 second class and 10 first class passengers. The usual run is 34km round trip, this coming Friday is a 40km trip. The total length of the track accessible to it is 40km, so that would make an 80km round trip.
It was bought by the SAR (government) in 1905, delivered in 1906 and out of service by the 1930’s. It was saved and then obtained by Pichi Richi Railway Preservation Society (owned by the Society/members) in the late 70’s and restored and returned to service in 1984.“
Or a bonus that got suggested by the algorithm —
An interesting discussion regarding a Fauci preemptive pardon, via Insty —
Hey there, Harvard. Now you offer an olive branch after having your kind was defeated soundly in the election booth by American First and MAGA? Did you mean to say you did not possess the character and intelligence to understand how anti-American, corrupted and evil you had become? Forgiveness and redemption require confession and a contrite spirit. Start there.
You have become nothing but fake, globalists shills. Not a good look. My preference is your grounds be bulldozed and the earth salted such that your kind never arises again. But I defer to the greatness of God.
You assume that you can shame them by getting them to realize this.
They know this already and consider it a virtue.
Yup. Universities cannot vote themselves out of communism, any more than the rest of us. Other means, only some peaceful, are required.
I felt better saying it knowing it likely falls on deaf ears. Sort of like the Hebrew prophets of old.
I see it as the possible but unlikely start of a long journey. Until university administrations start actually nicking departments for politically skewed faculties, the insanity will go on!
6.5 MILLION people on SS who are 112 yrs old?????
Feisty Hayseed
December 14, 2024 12:50 am
$1.3. Billion to dead people
You don’t have to be Euclid to figure out that when the government sends money to dead people, it’s fraud.
But this abuse is easily solved. Here’s how: pic.twitter.com/DUURZlFVhf
— John Kennedy (@SenJohnKennedy) December 13, 2024
Today’s post is one example that this blog is blessed to smithereens with brilliance – and goodness and courageous truth warriors!
Wolfie’s courageous truth telling gifts of brilliance, goodness and generous encouragement just attracted all of it!
Gratitude and love to all of you authors and commenters!
So well said! TY for this reminder!
That’s unusual — thunderstorm moving in.
Some distance away, based on the flash and the sound.
Keep hearing thunder. A concern from a couple of years back is “X complex fires”, where thunderstorm X hits some insufficiently dampened trees with lightning and causes a wildfire with multiple centers.
hope no fires are incoming there…
So far, I haven’t heard of any. We did get a nearby tornado, however.
That’s about 25 miles south of us.
Glad you were unaffected & Gil for I think you said she’s N of you
Gil’s about 400 miles southeast of here.
My bad, memory
Either way she’s likely safe 
For certain definitions of the word ‘safe’.
Well none of y’all in CA are safe when shill creme is still overlording it there
Get out while the getting’s good!!!
interesting. this video claims to be a radar guy–knows what he’s talking about…etc etc etc
the reason jd rucker (?) brings it is because after it was posted and some saw it, it was removed and the author of the video was removed. so make of it what you will…
(spoiler alert–they think they’re “space force” drones and there’s gonna be a show…)
Thank you, Steve! A long, but edifying explanation!
A quicky that I had wanted to post yesterday.
Obesity has taken off in the USA since I was a kid. I think this is ONE of themajor reasons.
The doctor tucker was interviewing mentioned all the sugar laced cereals kids are now fed for breakfast because it is EASY.
However there is a more subtle problem. It used to be salt (and bread) was fortified with IODINE because a lot of the USA had too little iodine. Think the goiter belt.
History of U.S. Iodine Fortification and Supplementation – PMC
One problem is fast foods DO NOT USE IODIZED SALT. Another problem was BROMINE which will replace iodine in the thyroid. Remember the thyroid regulates your metabolism. A’sluggish’ thyroid means no energy and weight gain.
Chiefio did an article on it in 2015.
Bromine, Iodine, Prostate and Breast Cancer
My old Comment
AND I FORGOT THE MAIN POINT — FLOUR!!! I wonder if we do not know our breads still have bromine because it is now listed as ‘flour’
From E.M. (chiefio)
“…But, believe it or not, this was just a preamble to the main point. To show how many places have a load of Bromine scattered around. It’s everywhere in anything that might burn.
But it is also in your food. Deliberately added, despite there being zero use for it biologically and despite it being a known toxin. (This is just the element I’m talking about now, not the hydrocarbon compounds). It is used in bromated flour in commercial bread (makes a smoother texture) and as bromated oil in sodas (especially lemon lime / Mountain Dew types) to carry flavors. So that sandwich and soft drink at the fast food place is loading you up with Bromine.
What does the CDC say about Bromine?
Well, at least they got it out of “medicines”, mostly… but looks like the bromine bleach used in hot tubs lets you soak in it…
Fluoride also displaces iodine in the thyroid. Is there any wonder there has been a big increase in hypothyroidism in the US? I’ve also read that iodine used to be put in bread before they started using bromines instead in the 1970s and that is when breast cancer started increasing in women. The thyroid and the breast are the 2 places in our body that need the most iodine.
This is unsurprising.
Fluorine will displace everything on that side of the periodic table, with a sort of “get out of my way or I will kneecap you” attitude.
Yeah, it’s nasty stuff and an awful lot of cities (including mine) put fluoride in the water.
here’s food for thought…
December 14, 2024 9:32 am
This X post makes a good case as to why now for drones:
It says “The FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018” expires on December 20th of this year.
“So the Federal Government is literally using a terrorism drone mystery psyop against you to manipulate Congress into passing the new H.R. 8610 (Counter-UAS Authority Security, Safety, and Reauthorization Act of 2024) which will include appropriations and enhanced government powers to control you, and they’re even going so far as to use it to push for acts of war against other countries.
“This is directly related to the Smith-Mundt Act being repealed, which prohibited the government from broadcasting propaganda.”
Johnson needs to stand up against this nonsense.
IF Johnson stands up against this, drones go away on the 21st.
OK, somebody has to get to the bottom of this crap, and NOW.
John Kirby (who, IMO, is starting to look like “John Kerry of 25 years ago”) is all over the place in with the talking head on FoxNews about the drones NOT ONLY all over New Jersey, but are now FOLLOWING US Coast Guard ships off the NJ shore. Take away: the “Biden administration” is just going to let this go on “while they sort out all the information” and “if they need outside experts’ opinions, they’ll ask after they do the government investigation” GARBAGE.
And now you know!

It’s all about passing / renewing some drone law that expires 20 December. 6 days.
Hopefully Johnson won’t let it happen.
Thank you.
Still no reason whatever to terrorize the people of New Jersey and for John Kirby (aka “looks like John Kerry of 25 years ago”) to appear like an idiot on FoxNews.
Even Trump is saying nonsense.
Whoever it is has gone from balloons we can’t bring ourselves to shoot down, to drones we cannot bring ourselves to shoot down.
First fruits:
14 Dec 2024 08:35(Utc-7) azimuth 135 elevation 15 degrees taken with a 400 mm lens on a Canon M6-II.
However, I forgot to ensure the tripod was leveled so the az and el will be off more than just by my mark 1 eyeball.
Hey! What gas giant is that!
One that supports thermonuclear fusion with gravity containment.
Another pic posted near local noon.
No surprises all in accord with the existence of a celestial sphere and the sun being far, far away.
Well daaaaaang I just used up all my luck for the month. The tripod was level.
Hmmmmm. Did you level it and forget that you did it? That sort of thing is not unheard of around here. Just sayin’.
To be sure the dinky bubble level isn’t super accurate. The new tripod head that I bought because it has actual hashmarks for az and el has level bubbles (likely better ones) on it too but the camera has to be at zero elevation to use them.
I will verify before the next picture. Another likely source of inaccuracy is my orienting the tripod so that “180” actually is south. My house is dead-on east to west so I can maybe get away with eyeballing it.
Thank you so much for today’s post!
Love, love the Parasitus rectum pseudoconservativum.
My question (and perhaps you’ve already covered it, and I missed it): Do the Flerfers believe the other planets in the Solar System are also flat?
As far as I know they don’t. They think they’re round. But it turns out this isn’t a good argument to raise.
Many Globers use memes showing all of the planets in the solar system including a flat Earth, to point out the absurdity of making the Earth a special case.
You know, like this one:
The problem is, they don’t believe in heliocentrism either. The diagram in the meme actually misrepresents the flat Earth position and so won’t do anything but lead to an entirely justified complaint of “strawman.” To Flerfs the Earth is just about the only body of any size, is flat, and the Sun is this dinky object a few thousand miles away, completely ancillary. The planets are just lights on a dome, so they could have been any shape at all, it’s just that God made them look round. So to a flat Earther the meme is just absurd because it’s based on a totally false notion of how things are.
This is closer to what they believe:
And notice the sun is this dinky thing connected (somehow) to Earth and what the exact nature of planets are isn’t clear, but they’re not bodies of size similar to (or bigger than) Earth orbiting the Sun.
Thank you!
What a messed-up belief ethos the Flerfers have.
One wonders if the Flerfers are somehow related to small children who really never get out of the “NO, I won’t!” phase.
I don’t know, TBH.
With many it becomes (psychologically) a religious issue.
And with many people it’s a literal religious issue; they think the Bible says the earth is flat, and therefore they will believe that (they’re not into any notion that the Bible is symbolic or metaphorical). They can’t change their minds without it threatening an underpinning of their faith.
I’ll point out again that this wacky model of the earth is not your great-great-….-great-grandfather’s flat earth.
The ancient flat earth vision had the celestial sphere as I described it in the post; the Flat earth (not the globe in the diagrams) was in the center of that. The ancients had no notion of timezones or it being dark in some places while light in others; even if they could explore a thousand miles away, they couldn’t tell what time it was back home. They didn’t have any means of timekeeping that wasn’t tied to the Sun or heavens, so they couldn’t tell the time at home was not the same as the time where they were. (This is basically why the British offered a very substantial prize to the first person who could make a clock that would keep accurate time even aboard a ship that is rolling and pitching–that made it possible to measure longitude by comparing the time back home (kept on the clock) and the sun time (go look at the sun).) Anyhow, the ancients believed the sun, moon and stars went below the plane of the earth when they set, traveled under the earth, then came back above it in the east when the objects rose. Literally the only thing that changed when they realized the Earth was a sphere was they changed out the shape of the object in the middle of the celestial sphere…and then realized the visible part of the sphere could differ by location.
Modern flat Earth attempts to deal with the fact that some parts of the earth experience night while others have daylight (knowledge that would have killed the old flat earth if it had lasted that long) by having the Sun always above the plane of the earth, going round and round in circles, with the sun being directional so that places far away from it get no light in spite of it being in the line of sight.
Thank you.
So, there’s no actual modern science to back up the beliefs of the Flerfers.
(My comment about small children and “NO!” phase was tongue in cheek. Should have made that clear )
Basically zilch. The Greeks figured out the Earth was round 2500 years ago. Eratosthenes assumed it was so when he measured the size of the Earth. (His method could have been spoofed by a nearby sun, but getting a shadow angle in THREE places would not have been.) Literally every thing that should work a certain way on a round Earth, does. I didn’t even mention celestial navigation (I should have, thought about it when away from the computer, but forgot) which works, you can find your way to port from the middle of the ocean. It couldn’t possibly work if the Earth were flat. There’s zero justification for the belief beyond a two-year-old-like “gee it looks flat from my viewpoint five feet off the ground.”
And I took your description as figurative. The mental image that came across to me was one of defiance of orders, not “nuh-uh, nuh-uh” when arguing over a factual matter…which DOES describe many of them to a T.
That’s funny.
I take it that you had a couple of those annoying creatures.
Lol, it was one small person—and, once it was established that eating the broccoli would result in a gold star on the refrigerator door, and that 6 stars would mean a new toy—voila!—problem solved.
LOL… I read that as “new toy viola” first time around. Well if they really love orchestral music…
Ha! I’ve never seen a toy viola, although I have seen toy violins. And, yes, the small person who’s an adult now does love orchestral music.
But not because of eating broccoli.
Well mommy was/is a musician
Someone created the following animation of what the sun should look like at Union Glacier if flat earth is true. (You can see the “God’s eye view” as an inset at upper left for context.)
Be aware that the Flerfer model doesn’t allow for an actual sunset. The sun just gets further and further away, closer and closer to the horizon, until you can’t see it any more (and it’s like a directional spotlight anyway).
And I just realized this is another “teachable moment.”
How do you want to orient the camera when you photograph the Sun? Or the Moon, for that matter? What I am about to walk through applies to both but people normally cannot see sunspots, so I’ll describe the situation with the Moon. (And I will assume the observer is at mid northern latitudes.)
When the Moon is on the meridian, its north pole is roughly pointing up–it’s actually almost perpendicular to the Moon’s orbital plane, and at a 24 degree tilt to Earth’s equator, which could mean the pole is anywhere from leaning 24 degrees to the left to leaning 24 degrees to the right, depending.
For purposes of this discussion let’s assume we’re lucky and it’s pointing straight up.
So you can step outside, hold your camera level, then tip your head back and take your picture. So long as the camera is left-to-right level you’ll get a picture with the moon’s north pole pointed up. Better yet, put it on a tripod with the camera dead level, set the tripod up so the camera points south, and simply tip the camera back on the tripod.
If you had done that at moonrise, and (say) you’re at 40 north latitude, you’ll see a moon rotated 50 degrees to the left in your picture. Because its axis is perpendicular to the line of declination it’s on, and that hits the ground at a 50 degree angle. And at moonset it will be rotated 50 degrees to the right.
I implicitly had you thinking of an alt-azimuth mount for your camera.
Put the camera on an equatorial mount (expensive but possible), and the camera will be tilted at 50 degrees for moonrise, counteracting the moon’s apparent rotation at that point.
I did my best to fake an equatorial mount when I did the eclipse, That mount had the swivel axis on a ball, and I tipped that axis back about the right amount (by very rough eyeball). If I had done that precisely for that latitude, though, I’d have got it wrong, because such a rig will only let you swivel the camera side to side along zero declination, and in early April, the sun is not at zero declination. However, by tlting it back roughly right (but still getting the sun in the frame), I was able to cancel out most of the rotation over the course of the eclipse. This is why the big prominence at the bottom (that reminded me of a rocket flame) was pointed straight down when I just looked at the sun, but was off at about 5 oclock in my pictures.
For this exercise, though, I am assuming they want to show the sun “rotating” as it passes across the sky (this is something the Flerfers can’t explain) so I am using an alt-azimuth mount deliberately. In fact I bought a heavy duty one that has degree hashmarks on the axes for this (I always wanted one anyway) so I could measure azimuth and elevation, albeit crudely.
By the way this “rotation” effect is nonexistent at whatever pole can see the sun at any given time. It’s following a line of constant elevation around the sky at those places. And at Union glacier the effect should be minor (but nevertheless detectable with a properly leveled tripod).
Hopefully explained in detail in a future post with lots of example pics
Devin Nunes – Truth Social Gets An Upgrade, We Will Celebrate The Destruction Of The [DS] With Wine
Today’s Guest: Devin Nunes
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Devin Nunes is the CEO of the Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG). Devin begins the conversation talking about Truth Social on how they launched their streaming service. The new streaming service will allow content creators to have a home when they are removed from other platforms. Devin has stopped the [DS] from manipulating the stock and now the stock is rising. Devin says that Kash is a good pick for the FBI and we will bring accountability. Devin then transitions the conversation into his wine that he produces. In the end we will celebrate the destruction of the [DS] with wine.
4 hours ago
At 11:56 local, 14 Dec 2024. Tripod leveled better.
Azimuth 181 el 24. (According to the naval observatory calculator my elevation is off by three degrees and my azimuth is almost dead nuts on). Everything else as before.
Compare to this morning’s picture:
I will comment below on the comparison.
Note that the pattern of sunspots has rotated (as expected, it was tilted left this morning compared to this time, when the sun is almost bang-on the meridian). The two discs are the same size, too. Flerfers would expect the morning and evening sun to look smaller because its a) small and b) close and c) further away in the morning and evening.
This is a basic Flerfer talking point claiming that the Sun’s angular width is smaller in the morning and evening as they would preduct, but they always show you a blown out blur in their pictures to make it harder to see. With a good solar filter this is shown to be utter bullshit.
The above pictures were cropped down to 2000 pixels by 2000 pixels (to get rid of a bunch of black) and then I reduced them to 25 percent. Here is an unreduced crop showing the sunspots.
Note that you can see both the dark centers (umbras) and the light “outlining” (penumbras), as shown in this picture taken by a much better instrument than my camera. (Though I am pleasantly surprised that I see the penumbras as well as I do.)
Is that second pic of the major spot 2nd in on the bottom left of the preceding pic, but rotated about 90 degrees?
That picture at the very bottom is a totally different time (pulled it off of wikipedia), if that’s what you’re asking.
No I was trying to compare it to the sunspots showing on your pic above & Guessing it Might be the one bigger one on the bottom left of your pic, second bigger spot in (lots of smaller spots ignored) & rotated compared to your pic, but looking again at your pic maybe it’s the larger spot at your lower left & not rotated? I’m guessing these sunspots have a way to be identified so is the larger, magnified image of ANY of the sunspots on your pic above?
Nope it’s an older image off of wikipedia (the article on sunspots) just so you could see clearly umbras and penumbras.
I get it’s not from the same pic, the one you took, I just wondered if it’s of ANY of the same sunspots that are Also on the pic you took. Going by shape & my naked eye I was guessing it Might be (a different pic) of one of the lower left (on your pic) larger sunspots…
Sunspots don’t last very long (days to weeks) so it’d have to be a fairly new photo for it to be the same ones. That said, they are pretty similar to each other.
OK that’s a piece of info I was missing. I assumed, clearly incorrectly, that sunspots were some type of typical topography of the sun, well mapped & routinely visible, not a variable phenomena–TY
No wonder my question made little to no sense to you. Now you can feel just a tad what my hubby feels in some of our conversations LOL
They’re quite variable and go in cycles. I suppose they’re similar to weather patterns on earth. But that’s the beauty of it; they can serve as timestamps.
I guess I should have deduced that from solar storm warnings, to some degree
All I know is that it’s amazing to catch those Northern Lights at times when those sun spots flare up 
There are certainly more of them than there were for the eclipse.
so these sun pics you’ve shared “today”, on your Saturday post, are recent pics taken by you, not from that eclipse you chased a while back? What would induce you to capture the sun “now” unless it has something to do with all the Antarctica antics?
It has everything to do with the antarctic antics.
I’ve been posting them here, submitting them to the Final Experiment website, AND emailing to McKeegan and McToon.
They want people all over the world to photograph the sun.
Hopefully someone did so in the last hour or so. I couldn’t because it’s ducking fark here now.
I see so that you get the “current” sunspot “map” to compare to pics taken in Antarctica, extra proof that the sun they are seeing down there is real & visible around the world? I guess I’m slow on the uptake LOL
Yep that’s it.
So they can’t claim the sun down there is fake.
They’re taking sunspot pictures there, to compare to sunspot pictures everywhere else.
I’m deliberately using an altazimuth mount so they can see the rotations as an independent verification of the time the pictures were taken.
Brilliant! Thank you for going the extra mile for truth!!! I appreciate you ‘splaining to me too
Flerfer claim reported: The plane has no windows.
Fact: It does.
Weather has been heavy clouds in Punta Arenas so they haven’t been able to check the sunrise location (Flerfer: NE, Glober, SE). Until today. And it was SE.
Other BS claims reported: They won’t get into the interior (false, 80S is pretty far in).
more thoughts on the drones
Cadence calls
December 14, 2024 1:34 pm
Reply to trapper
Hpge gamma ray detection drones.
They are deployed from the naval air base in NJ.
They will be used to survey an area when a dirty bomb is used against us.
And dirty bombs are a likely mass casualty weapon to be used on the CONUS.
This is a test.
Its why they fly with lights on and none are being taken out.
Cadence calls
December 14, 2024 1:41 pm
Reply to Cadence calls
The equipment is very heavy, and requires liquid nitrogen cooling.
The article link shows smaller drones used in development
The larger drones are being used because they can carry bigger batteries , loiter longer, and support the comm systems needed.
Thats what they are
December 14, 2024 1:33 pm
Reply to zephyrbreeze
Here’s a clip of Mayorkas saying we can’t do anything about the drones unless the government passes legislation.
Oh, and he gaslights by saying that people are seeing small planes and commercial drones you can buy at a convenience store??? !!!!!
7-11 sells drones??? On which aisle are they located?
Right next to the queens and workers.
Now people will be making a bee-line to 7-11 (or perhaps a B-movie about it )
Sweet as honey….
It could be very GUI.
Those prop engines are each missing an essential component.
Pretty sure that plane ain’t going no farther. Or further, either.
Oh, they bring the fourth blade out and duct tape it on, later. Otherwise they get in the way.
Probably made by one (or more) of the companies that make bird-chopper turbines…
That implies there’s such a thing as one of those that doesn’t chop birds.
Should have put a couple of Polar Bears there to confuse the flerfers… give them the faces of Gore, Greta-the-gangGreenhearted, Manniac, and others… sad to say, Kathy Mattea was down there with the Goreacle a few years back…sigh… it’s a Loveless world from there on
Hey Steve, I just ran across a quote in Stand on Zanzibar that I thought you might appreciate
I believe in logic, the sequence of cause and effect, and in science its only begotten son our law, which was conceived by the ancient Greeks, thrived under Isaac Newton, suffered under Albert Einstein…
It seems like we could come up with some pithy ways to state, in the same fashion, how it was tortured, killed, & buried by the Fauxists….. then how it might be resurrected under DJT, leading captivity captive, in a witty non blasphemous way
I cannot stop laughing…

Funny what having to give depositions does to the leftists.
StephanopoulosSlopdopolous. EVENING PRAYERS
A Powerful Evening Prayer for Peace and Serenity
Dear Lord,
As the day gradually transitions into the comforting embrace of night, I humbly come before you, seeking the precious gifts of peace and serenity. Please, dear God, enfold me in your tranquil presence, and help me find respite from the storms that may be raging within my heart and mind. Grant me the serenity to gracefully accept the things I cannot change and the courage to change what I can. May your divine light shine upon me as I seek rest and tranquility, knowing that your unwavering love and guidance are my constant companions.
A Powerful Evening Prayer for Strength and Guidance
Dear God,
In these twilight hours, I turn to you, my unwavering source of strength and guidance. As I reflect upon the day’s challenges and triumphs, I seek your divine intervention. Grant me the courage to face the uncertainties of tomorrow and the wisdom to make sound decisions along the way. I earnestly request that your radiant light illuminate my path through the darkness, and may your steadfast strength be my refuge in moments of doubt and weakness. Lord, help me navigate life’s complexities with unwavering faith in your unwavering presence.
A Powerful Evening Prayer for Gratitude and Thankfulness
Heavenly Father,
As I pause to contemplate the events of this day, my heart brims with profound gratitude for the countless blessings you have graciously bestowed upon me. I thank you, dear Lord, for the boundless love of my family and friends, for the opportunities that have enriched my journey, and for the valuable lessons I’ve gleaned from life’s experiences. As I lay down to rest, may my heart overflow with thankfulness, recognizing that your grace continually sustains me and that even in the challenges, your love remains unwavering.
Looks like an attempted live stream in six hours, 9PM my time.
Followed by live steam from the flerfers…
This may be one of the first live streams from the interior of Antarctica, ever.
Well, you can just feed it up to a satellite…..oh, wait…..
Somewhere out there on the icecap there’s an invisible tower that pretends to be a satellite. Try to keep up.
Al Gore with a tinfoil hat…
Critical Think (Glober) livestream…already over. Just about to watch it.
He lives in New Zealand and flew to Chile in 15 hours…on one of those southern hemisphere flights that Flerfers insist don’t exist, because on their disc world the route would be twice as long.
So much for that. Debunked the moment he got off the plane in Santiago.
If you are familiar with the terrain in Eastern Colorado, you’ll be unsurprised to hear I have high ground to the west.
So the sunset picture is a bit earlier than one might otherwise expect.
Azimuth 230, Elevation 5. (If you need those explained, you either didn’t read today’s post or need to go sit in the corner.) Time 15:38 L (UTC -7).
Note further rotation and identical size to the prior two pictures.
A flat earth livestream,
I’m 8 minutes in and they are quite confident they are in Antarctica and haven’t been sent somewhere else by NASA.
They asked the employees when the sun set and they complain about how the employees look at them funny for asking.
at about 16 minutes in the guy says that it doesn’t look like the sun will set. (Welcome to reality.)
These people are retarded. I mean that in the nicest way.
Easy pickins for DOGE… Cancel them all.
LaJoyLess must be proud of this cluster F.
They might be an improvement over those fooking Carter-Era trucks that can’t do over 55 and impede traffic on Highway 24 (speed limit 65).
They might, that is, if they existed.
Cracking up.
This applies to Fly Over Country, and parts of the rest…
If those drones were in Texas …… we’d be done now.
Does anyone have an idea what is going on concerning the drones, To me it seems like an invasion. Maybe there are simple explanation? I try to think out of the box two possibilities in my mind,
It is obvious people have fear the devil always wants to evoke fear to gain control.
Maybe some psi-op operation.
I really like to know what you all think what is going on?
Avoid fear stay strong
I know nothing about it, but I heard Dave of X22 Report say the drones are following whatever rules are in place regarding air space and maybe lighting? — not sure. For that reason he thinks it’s someone within our government.
Another theory was that the good guys are spying on the bad guys. Someone can probably shoot that theory down. But I have no idea.
Thank you . We seem to figure things out. I see more bad guys intimidate.
That one’s tough for me to believe. Surely the bad guys (who are still in control) would do something about the drones, then.
Looks like a good guess
No 1. is most likely. It’s clear the people who can answer the questions and provide the solutions are doing neither. These same people are the ones who have lied to us about the border and long list of other things. They seem to be acting with impunity right now, knowing Biden will likely pardon their actions if it comes down to them getting caught.
The end game or motivation for doing what they are doing are still up in the air. Several guess’s have been ventured, mainly to drive through legislation in congress that regulates drone use, by ginning up fear as you suggest. Some say that the legislation also moves the bar on other elements that we are not clear on.
It’s easy to see that this phenomena is now eating up all the news band width, so the “look squirrel” thing is in effect. There are so many things they don’t want us to see happening during the transition period and so many other things that are opening up right now that they don’t want the public to see so this phenomena is just what they want and it serves the bad guys in multiple ways.
The worst case scenario is this will some how snowball into something else that we can’t see at this point that will derail Trump’s taking office or hinder his taking office and accomplishing the things he needs to get done.
Thank you I feared that the deep state is demonic. What are they trying to divert us fro? WWIII?
I hope people stay strong and do not let fear overcome them.People are angry if they find out the deep state did this to them the dems can kiss leadership role good bye for at lest a generation.
WOW!!! Take a listen:
Japan’s most senior oncologist professor Fukushima drops a bombshell:
“Genetic vaccines are totally unacceptable. The introduction of transgenes into the human body is gene therapy.
How can this be considered acceptable for creating vaccines? If you encapsulate mRNA in nanoparticles and administer it you only get off target effects starting from the ovaries, to the brain, liver, spleen and bone marrow.
The biggest problem is going to the bone marrow, the reproductive organs like the ovaries & then every possible organ.”
YOUR ADMINISTRATION MUST REMOVE THESE mRNA VAXXINES IMMEDIATELY! They cause more harm than good! The contents in these vaxxines by definition DOESN’T MAKE THEM A VAXXINE! It’s a DEADLY https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/2620.svgShot!
Thank you!
Prof. Fukushima points out that the spike protein in the modRNA COVID-19 Bioweapon Toxin Injections (the “vaccines”) is still “making copies of itself” in the “vaccinated” person’s body a year AFTER said “vaccination.” IMO, this “a year AFTER” is ONLY because the negative effects of these injectables have ONLY been studied for a year. I suspect that the negative effects likely last MUCH longer, especially since the DNA of the “vaccinated” person is CHANGED by these injectables (the LINE1 human liver cell line), AND the RNA of the natural Uridine in the “vaccinated” person’s body is REPLACED by the N1-Methlpseudouriine in these injectables.
Livestream starting at 8PM Mountain time. (For you slackers on the east coast who never have to convert time zones, that’s 10PM your time.)
Candace Owns streaming the sun in Antarctica on her rumble channel.
He just showed the sun in the south.
Big thank you !!!!!!
Steve yo are doing a good job
but will they Admit it?
Excellent! Perfect timing – just started watching!
Jeran of Jeranism concedes, there is a 24 hour sun there. he says he didn’t believe it, now he does. Not 24 hours of light, 24 hours of SUN. He says he will be called a shill and doesn’t care if he’s called a shill for telling the truth.
A shred of integrity.
The map we see them use is the “Gleason Map” and it is falsified.
Flerfers must figure something out. Or realize they’re just wrong.
I wonder if RazorBack is reading along here today & might comment…
I respect him for that.
Critical think from OZ, livestream. Thumnail says he’ll be talking with a flerfer.
Flattie in Brisbane Australia…says the AE Map is dead.
He’s wondering what can work.
I can respect this guy for admitting he was wrong, and can see it’s painful.
I wonder if any national news outlets will be covering this. Maybe they have been and I’m just not aware.
Unaware. If they were aware, they wouldn’t care.
Pravda News has narratives to prop up, like drones.
Arguments that this drone stuff is designed to get a federal bill passed are sure looking smart right now. Just listen to this guy, trying to get some federal bill passed!
Absolutely the gov of NJ must thinks so.
36 days 12 hours PRECISELY until our Once And Future president is restored to his rightful office in the greatest country on all the GLOBE.
Not that I’m counting mind you.
(previous posted, starting now)
We can do this!
Self-licking ice cream cone.
Well, you could go lick the next one — it’s only short three blarping comments….