STOP PRESS: New Study Confirms the Shedding of the COVID-19 BTI (Bioweapon Toxin Injections, aka the COVID-19 “Vaccines”)

The above royalty-free image of vintage vaccine vials and syringes is courtesy of Shutterstock and Google Images.

This post is a STOP PRESS offering. It details what is, in Yours Truly’s opinion, indisputable confirmation that the ingredients (and, by extension, the mechanisms) of the COVID-19 BTI (Bioweapon Toxin Injections, aka the COVID-19 “vaccines”) do indeed shed onto other persons, including onto non-“vaccinated” persons; and, that this shedding can result in multiple negative effects.

Since this post relates to the COVID-19 BTI (the COVID-19 “vaccines”), it is dedicated to the memory of Yours Truly’s COVID-19 “vaccinated” brother, Sam, and to her cousin, Bill; and, to all persons who have passed away as a result (direct or indirect) of the COVID-19 BTI they have taken.

There are Important Wolf Moon Notifications, the Rules of our late, good Wheatie, and certain caveats from Yours Truly, of which readers should be aware. They are linked here. The discussion is not limited to what is presented in this post.

There. Must. Be. Justice.

Yours Truly begins with the following blog post by Dr. Pierre Kory:, “Newly-Published Study Shows Shedding Of Covid mRNA Vaccine Products”, 9 December 2024. The study referred to is here:, “Menstrual Abnormalities Strongly Associated with Proximity to COVID-19 Vaccinated Individuals”, Sue E. Peters, PhD, James A. Thorp, MD, et al., 7 December 2024. This paper is HUGELY important as regards not only proof that the COVID-19 BTI (the COVID-19 “vaccines”) do indeed shed, but ALSO that there are multiple negative effects of this shedding for females who are in their childbearing years. Several screenshots from the paper are below, starting with the Abstract:

Then, a diagram of the non-COVID-19 “vaccinated” subgroup of females in the study:

Followed by a table listing the menstrual abnormalities reported among the non-COVID-19 “vaccinated” females who were in close proximity to COVID1-19 “vaccinated” persons:

Finally, the Conclusion of the paper:

The “exposure radius” for the cohort set of non-COVID-19 “vaccinated” females was 6 feet (or shorter) to COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons. These females reported the same types of menstrual issues that have been reported by COVID-19 “vaccinated” females.

Dr. Kory cites another paper, by independent researcher Helene Banoun, from 2023, which is also important to the situation. It is here:, “mRNA: Vaccine or Gene Therapy? The Safety Regulatory Issues”, Helene Banoun, 21 June 2023.

There is now MUCH more than meets the eye regarding the shedding of the COVID-19 BTI (the COVID-19 “vaccines”), as found here (and also cited by Dr. Kory):, “What We’ve Learned from Over a Thousand Vaccine Shedding Reports”, by A Midwestern Doctor.

Back to the blog post by Dr. Pierre Kory: It is long and detailed, but Dr. Kory and A Midwestern Doctor have compiled an enormous amount of information about the COVID-19 BTI shedding phenomenon. Dr. Kory’s post has a list of chapters that have organized the material. Following are some screenshots from his post:

The above screenshot is from the Peters, Thorp, et al., paper cited above, listing items related to the development and implementation of the COVID-19 BTI (the COVID-19 “vaccines”.) It is important to understand that the Pfizer-BioNTech “clinical trial” (C4591001) was stopped at six months, in order for the company to give the data collected up to that point to the FDA in the fall of 2020. [Yours Truly: The six month timeframe was between late April (the start of the “clinical trial”) and late October-early November of 2020.] This was done by Pfizer-BioNTech so that their “flagship” COVID-19 BTI (“vaccine”), BNT162b2, could get through the “review process” by the FDA prior to securing that agency’s initial EUA for the use of BNT162b2 in the United States (this initial EUA was granted by the FDA on 11 December 2020.) [Yours Truly: C4591001 was “resumed” after the initial EUA was granted, under various “subsection trials” listed on] It is important to understand that Pfizer-BioNTech KNEW that shedding of BNT162b2 could occur — which is why the company asked that subjects in the C4591001 clinical trial report any exposure to pregnant females, or to the partner of a pregnant female “prior to the time of conception” (translation: the company ALSO KNEW that the fertility of MALES can be damaged by BNT162b2.)

Dr. Kory and A Midwestern Doctor did a thorough job of collating and organizing the details of the over 1,000 reports they received regarding shedding of the COVID-19 BTI (the COVID-19 “vaccines”.) What follows is a description of some of these details.

**** It appears that the most common “avenue” for COVID-19 BTI shedding is via spike protein “carried” by exosomes of the “vaccinated” person’s body. That’s right — exosomes, that “shuttle service” within the human body. Please see: A screenshot from this post, regarding exosomes, is below:

The exosomes that “shuttle” the COVID-19 BTI spike protein can be exhaled; they can be on the surface of the skin; and, they can be “transferred” during sexual intercourse.

**** The post by Dr. Kory contains several sections in addition to the Chapters section. Some of the sections include:

Evidence For Person-to-Person Shedding

Routes of Exposure” (exhalation; hugging [non-sexual]; sexual intercourse; skin-to-skin)

Most Common Symptoms” of COVID-19 BTI (the “vaccines”) shedding: in females: menstrual abnormalities, including pregnancy termination; other types of gynecological issues; in men: groin pain; in general: headache; tinnitus; nose bleeds; painless bruising; dizziness; brain fog; immune-suppression symptoms; Shingles; skin rashes

Less Frequent Symptoms“: Atrial fibrillation; muscle pain; seizures; insomnia; vision / eye problems, including microclots to the eyes.

Rarer Symptoms“: blood clots; cancers; and, anxiety, among them.

**** Below is a screenshot of the graphic from Dr. Kory’s post, listing the symptoms:

**** Dr. Kory adds an important caveat, the “Clinical Guidance” section of his post. A screenshot from this section is below:

Yours Truly has written about the importance for non-COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons to NOT make themselves into “hermits”, to NOT stay away from “vaccinated” friends and family, and so on. On the other hand, in addition to the above from Dr. Kory, it may be worthwhile to wash the hands frequently; and, to consider using disposable gloves when putting gas into the car, or perhaps in a healthcare setting, and the like. It is also imperative for people to have, and to maintain, their general health and the health of their immune system at the best level possible.

**** And, continuing from there, part of the “Protection Strategies” section:

Yours Truly here. Now that it is confirmed that the COVID-19 BTI (the COVID-19 “vaccines”) do indeed shed, and can shed onto non-“vaccinated” persons, questions arise: Does this mean that any of the N1-Methylpseudouridine in the COVID-19 BTI can also shed via the “shuttle service” of the exosomes? What about the lipid nanoparticles in these injectables? And, since nobody really knows how long the COVID-19 BTI work in the body of the “vaccinated” person, how long does this shedding continue? What about shedding among COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons — are they constantly exposing other “vaccinated” persons to the ingredients (and mechanisms) of these injectables?

And, there is this, from Sasha Latypova:, 11 December 2024. A screenshot of the post’s title is below:

For more information regarding the shedding of the COVID-19 BTI (the COVID-19 “vaccines”), please see:


Peace, Good Energy, Respect: PAVACA

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Valerie Curren

TY PAVACA, a couple years back I had lunch with a friend who I was quite sure had taken the clot shot based on how our conversation went. We sat across the table from each other & conversed for more than an hour. We hugged before going our separate ways & we were both wearing cooler weather outer clothing. For about a week to a week & a half afterward I had strange tingling sensations along my back, approximately where her arms had been during our hug, as well as these poking/pinprick kind of sensations on my lower legs. During the course of the meal our legs were closer to each other under the table than were our torsos. I always wondered if I was experiencing some type of shedding phenomena back then. It was disturbing but I had no known lingering effects thankfully.

Valerie Curren

That’s the only thing that made sense to me too, but it was very strange at the time.

Gail Combs

Thank you very much for this report. You have been doing Yeoman’s work bring all the Clotshot Depopulation info to the QTree.


This is horrifying. When you think about it, pretty much every unvaxxed person in the country has been affected by this – and is still being affected since they are still giving these nasty jabs to people. Unless they’re a complete hermit, they’ve been around someone who is vaxxed when you consider the total number of people who have had at least 1 jab. I have many family members who have been jabbed that I’ve been around a lot. The depop people didn’t even need to get everyone jabbed to hurt us all. There is no punishment bad enough for those people.

Valerie Curren



It’s like inducing a cloud of mental health babble across the globe.😮


🤔 Maybe it helps explain this. Israel is one of the most vaccinated countries in the world.

This is Tartus. Russia just evacuated the port naval base just days ago before Israel struck it in order to destroy perceived stock piles of munitions. The city you see and your seeing all of it, is home to just under 500,000.
comment image


Please connect a few dots for Slow Guy.

What does a Jabbed society have to do with blowing up an ammo dump?


Connecting dots. You have to read Cuthulu’s story on jab induced mental illness. You also have to open the twitter thing to see the size of that explosion just inflicted yesterday. Huge is an understatement. Some are calling it a small tactical nuke, though enormous bunker buster is more likely. I would think collateral damage was unavoidable. Israel seems to have gone off the deep end with their paranoid bombing with consequence to innocents being damned. There is no Syria at war with Israel. WTF do they think they are doing!


Got it. Thanks.

I did look at the explosion. Crazy HUGE. Would really like to see before and after pictures.

Agree very large convention weapon most likely.

Nuke would be easily proven, I think. No sane person wants to cross that line. Yea, I do note, mental illness may be in play.

Last edited 3 months ago by kalbokalbs

Yes, would like to see before and after photos though I think I showed a legitimate before photo.

Expects there will be more, but with all the important news coming out of Antarctica we are likely to miss it. 😮

Here’s a little something more, but will look around for something better.

Last edited 3 months ago by para59r

Great find thanks. Guess we’ll see pix in a day or two.


Our family did not do the clot shots other than our law enforcement Son-in-Law who grudgingly agreed to take the Johnson early on so that he could attend a FIB bomb tech school that was mandated by his employer. He took supplements to counter any potential effects at my direction from recommendations here and refused all future recommendations and mandates to continue the jabs.

It must have worked because he and our daughter had a beautiful, healthy baby girl earlier this year. His side of the family put a full court press on him and our daughter to take them. They refused and followed our path.

They would still visit his family weekly and went on an annual vacation together. They came home from the vacations, themselves and children, sick with COVID type symptoms every time. This and other anecdotal observations tell me you are spot on, PAVACA. My hope is that we continue to develop natural immunities over time as well as outlaw the jabs and imprison those involved in their development and distribution.

Also, the last time we had COVID, two years ago, it occurred during a vacation to Hilton Head and exposure to people from all over the globe. Coincidence, I think not.

Last edited 3 months ago by TradeBait2

Our natural immune systems have developed over millennia to ward off pathogens that would kill us. That we are here is a demonstration that our ancestors’ immune systems fought them off. While man-made organisms and lethal biowarfare “treatments” are distinctly new, we come from a long line of survivors. We will develop natural immunities.


There is zero doubt she has been with a lot of such people. Our daughter and family are with us several days a week and they are with her jabbed in-laws weekly, one grandson is in school, church attendance, etc.

Good news I will post in the opener as well. The lab culture came back with a small bacterial infection – the best possible news. She has also responded well to the bacterial related antibiotic drops, especially over the past 24 hours. Her vision is improvingShe began the warm eye compresses and eating more meat as Wolf suggested. The doctor was very pleased with progress as are we! Praise the Lord!

Thanks to all who committed her to prayer. It made a difference.

Gail Combs

Excellent to hear!


Thank you, Pavaca!!! Shedding is real, but how long does it linger in our environment? Can it be cleaned up? Are the particles everywhere?


PAVACA; thank you for this information. It fits with my personal observations.

When I have been around the vaxxed, I have gotten the “painless bruising” more than once. What I do for this is drink star anise tea once a day for 4-5 days. Star anise strengthens blood vessels and stops the bruising.

I take nattokinase daily during “vaxx season,” Sept.-March. Along with all my other vitamins/supplements, of course.

Further, I take a prophylactic 3-day course of Ivermectin quarterly, just in case.

I think we can fight off the shedding if we are diligent. But we have to be aware of it to fight it, so thank you again for your persistence.

Gail Combs

On 11 November 2024, the FDA a Study Can Proceed notification to Arcturus Therapeudics Holdings to being a “clinical trial” of the company’s saRNA “vaccine”, ARCT-2304, to be used against the H5N1 Avian Influenza virus.
ARCT-2304 is none other than KOSTAIVE, which Yours Truly has written extensively about on this board. KOSTAIVE has already been approved for use in Japan, and is being used there. KOSTAIVE has just received Marketing Authorization in the EU / Scandinavia.
“Arcturus Therapeutics Receives Clearance from FDA to Begin H5N1 Pandemic Flu Vaccine Clinical Trial”
11 November 2024
The “clinical trial” is listed here:
Study Start (Estimated): 12 December 2024
Primary Completion (Estimated): 21 July 2025
Study Completion (Estimated): 18 December 2025
Number of Subjects: 200
Yours Truly: This “clinical trial” of ARCT-2304 (KOSTAIVE) has one group, that will receive KOSTAIVE in 3 “dose levels” (the dose levels are NOT described in the Study Details.) The “control group” will receive an “influenza vaccine” plus a saline Placebo.
Here is the EMA (European Medicines Agency) release on that agency’s approval of KOSTAIVE to be used in the EU / Scandinavia:
13 December 2024
NOTE: The EMA release clearly states that KOSTAIVE is to prevent COVID-19 infection, NOT H5N1 infection.
What we have here is an saRNA “vaccine” that is being authorized and/or marketed as something to “prevent” a COVID-19 infection, but was REALLY developed as a “vaccine” against H5N1. What we have here is a case of something now being called “PANDEMIC INFLUENZA” that ‘combines” COVID-19 plus H5N1.
14 December 2024
Yours Truly:
(I’m going to try and copy/paste the above into the STOP PRESS post of yesterday as a comment.)HEADS-UP: THE FDA JUST RECENTLY APPROVED A “CLINICAL TRIAL” FOR AN saRNA (self-amplifying RNA) “VACCINE” IN THE UNITED STATES:
On 11 November 2024, the FDA a Study Can Proceed notification to Arcturus Therapeudics Holdings to being a “clinical trial” of the company’s saRNA “vaccine”, ARCT-2304, to be used against the H5N1 Avian Influenza virus.
ARCT-2304 is none other than KOSTAIVE, which Yours Truly has written extensively about on this board. KOSTAIVE has already been approved for use in Japan, and is being used there. KOSTAIVE has just received Marketing Authorization in the EU / Scandinavia.
“Arcturus Therapeutics Receives Clearance from FDA to Begin H5N1 Pandemic Flu Vaccine Clinical Trial”
11 November 2024
The “clinical trial” is listed here:
Study Start (Estimated): 12 December 2024
Primary Completion (Estimated): 21 July 2025
Study Completion (Estimated): 18 December 2025
Number of Subjects: 200
Yours Truly: This “clinical trial” of ARCT-2304 (KOSTAIVE) has one group, that will receive KOSTAIVE in 3 “dose levels” (the dose levels are NOT described in the Study Details.) The “control group” will receive an “influenza vaccine” plus a saline Placebo.
Here is the EMA (European Medicines Agency) release on that agency’s approval of KOSTAIVE to be used in the EU / Scandinavia:
13 December 2024
NOTE: The EMA release clearly states that KOSTAIVE is to prevent COVID-19 infection, NOT H5N1 infection.
What we have here is an saRNA “vaccine” that is being authorized and/or marketed as something to “prevent” a COVID-19 infection, but was REALLY developed as a “vaccine” against H5N1. What we have here is a case of something now being called “PANDEMIC INFLUENZA” that ‘combines” COVID-19 plus H5N1.
14 December 2024
Yours Truly:
There is ALREADY shedding of ingredients (and, by extension, the mechanisms) of the COVID-19 BNT (the “vaccines) going on. This shedding is already creating problems for non-COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons. WHAT WILL HAPPEN WHEN saRNA “VACCINES” START TO SHED ONTO OTHER PEOPLE?
(I’m going to try and copy/paste the above into the STOP PRESS post of yesterday as a comment.)
OK, that didn’t work.
Can someone please copy/paste the above into the STOP PRESS post of yesterday, and please tell me how I can do this? Thank you!

Valerie Curren

The “control group” will receive an “influenza vaccine” plus a saline Placebo.”

Note that there isn’t a REAL Control group of someone receiving NO “vaccine” just saline or other harmless placebo. Perhaps it’s true that NO VACCINE has ever been studied against a true control group, which would magnify the dangers of vaccines to ethical researchers!

Valerie Curren

Yes. Almost like they are trying to rig the trials or something/s

Gail Combs

“…A real control group would get only a saline solution injection.”


Otherwise you have confounding esp if the flu shot is ALSO mRNA. It is a VERY POOR DESIGN.

Gail Combs



 December 17, 2024 19:48
I knew this was coming, and now it’s here — an mRNA-based “cancer vaccine” that’s “personalized” to each cancer patient:
2 December 2024
Yours Truly: A consortium of three research centers in Russia have just developed an mRNA-based “personalized cancer vaccine” that will use the patient’s own cancer tumor as an “antigen” for the “vaccine.”
The “vaccine” has been tested ONLY on mice so far. It is claimed that it “shows promise” in “suppressing tumor growth and preventing metastases.”
HUMAN trials are “scheduled” to being “in 2024.” (It’s December 2024 — when do they begin, exactly?)
The Russian government promises to get this “cancer vaccine” into use in 2025, and that it will be provided free-of-charge to patients.
Riiiiiight. So, a patient’s cancer tumor is going to be turned into an “antigen factory” for an mRNA-based “cancer vaccine.” What can possibly go wrong? (sarc on)

Gail Combs



 December 18, 2024 20:14
DAMNIT! The DeepState is H3LL-BENT on getting another “PLANDEMIC” going before 20 January 2025 — IT’S THAT DAMNED H5N1 AVIAN FLU:
BREAKING NEWS: CDC declares first “severe case” of Influenza H5N1 in the US and California declares State of Emergency over bird flu on Dec. 18, 2024 — they’re going to do it again!
Yours Truly: There are SO MANY angles here:
ONE: the “severe case” of H5N1 was diagnosed in a person in LOUISIANA.
TWO: the person had been in contact with sick and/or dead birds in A BACKYARD FLOCK.
THREE: the H5N1 clade identified is a “new” version, called “D1.1 genotype.” This is apparently a version found in wild birds and poultry.
FOUR: Gavin Newsom (already jockeying for the 2028 DNC Presidential nomination) jumped all over this CDC news, declaring a State of Emergency in California and vowing to “do everything possible” to stop the virus from reaching there (possibly, perhaps, ordering the testing and/or destruction of BACKYARD poultry flocks in addition to commercial flocks?).
SIX: If the DeepState / FDA can, they will spin this situation into the IMMEDIATE GRANTING OF AN EUA FOR KOSTAIVE TO BE USED IN THE U.S., BYPASSING ANY “CLINICAL TRIALS.” The “rationale” for this potential action will be that the EMA (European Medicines Agency) just granted the equivalent of an EUA for KOSTAIVE to be used in the EU / Scandinavia. The “clinical trial” for KOSTAIVE in the EU “proved” that the “combo saRNA vaccine” is “safe and effective.” Also, Japan has already granted “full approval” for KOSTAIVE, and it is now being administered in that country.
Yours Truly smells the stench of “Something is rotten in Denmark” all over this situation.
Please also see:

Gail Combs

Brave and Free (Brave and Free)Offline

 December 20, 2024 07:40

More exposure on blood contamination from the spike protein.

Gail Combs


Base Spike Detox. ~73 seconds. McCoullough.
Safe and effective not unsafe and defective like a certain (Jab).

  • Nattokinase 2000 UI twice daily,
  • Bromelane 500 mg once a day and
  • Curcumin 500 mg twice daily.

Similar information commonly posted QTree, including today.

Gail Combs

Valerie Curren

This link has Many Links exposing the dangers of the covid shots, supposedly still being updated, but one can quickly scroll down for info of interest:

Gail Combs

Brave and Free (Brave and Free)Offline

 December 28, 2024 19:18

More exposure of the mnRa Vax horrors.

Gail Combs

TheseTruths( TheseTruths)Online


 December 28, 2024 02:27
Victory in Australia:

This is beyond HUG [huge?]

There are tears of joy, not just in Australia but around the world.

The criminals of our state health bureaucracy have been destroyed in the Supreme Court of Queensland.

Here’s what Dr William Bay said after the court made the decision:

I think vaccines are stupid , mate, they are absolute stpud, they are killers. They destroy people’s DNA – and I say this to you, to Australia and to the world as a licensed medical practitioner.

This is coming from a licensed Australian medical professional: mRNA vaccines are toxic. They are bad for you, they are not good for you. They are harming your children, they are harming you.

Everything you have heard has been there to deceive you. Today I have it confirmed in court. Let me inform you, the people of Australia, that the medical regulator has lied to you.

The medical regulator APHRA has lied to you.

Judge Bradley of the Supreme Court today declared me 100% right.WE WON

(Author Mike Yeadon)





 Reply to  TheseTruths
 December 28, 2024 11:33
9 September 2024
Here is the RESULT section of the above report:

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Dr. William Bay was going to have his License to Practice Medicine revoked before his vindication by the judge!

“Bloody Hell”
23 December 2024
Yours Truly: This blog post cites the “Ryan, et al.” paper, which proves beyond doubt that excess DNA plus the kSV40 cancer promoter gene piece are present in the blood of COVID-19 “vaccinated” Australians. The paper is here:
“A systems immunology study comparing innate and adaptive immune responses in adults to COVID-19 mRNA and adenovirus vectored vaccines”
Feargal J Ryan, et al.
17 February 2023
AND, Two: the above paper is further analyzed here:
“”Chakraborty Part II: Odak et al.”
13 December 2024
Yours Truly: This article is dense and very detailed. There are numerous gene code chains presented, as well as graphics, that conclusively show the excess amounts of DNA and the presence of the SV40 cancer promoter gene piece in the blood of COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons in Australia.
Here are the bottom lines:
**** One: The modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” have excess amounts of “loose” DNA in them. This is proven beyond a reasonable doubt, using multiple testing techniques.
**** Two: The modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” from Pfizer-BioNTech also have the SV40 African Green Monkey cancer promoter gene code piece.
**** Three: It appears that the highest amount of activity in the blood of COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons to introduce and spread the above two items are between Day 1 and Day 14 post-“vaccination.”
**** Four: The “loose” DNA and SV40 cancer promoter items were found even though special tests were used to remove the DNA from the blood samples taken from the COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons in the study. This means that in actuality, the amounts in the blood are likely much higher. It also means that the “loose” DNA in the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines”, AND the SV40 cancer that is ALSO present in the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccines”, is in very high amounts when they are introduced into the body at COVID-19 ” vaccination”, and is also likely impossible to completely remove.
The implications of the results in the Ryan, et al., paper, are profound. This is ON TOP OF the fact that the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” CHANGE THE DNA OF THE HUMAN LIVER CELL LINE1. This is ON TOP OF the fact that the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” contain that damned
N1-METHYLPSEUDOURIDINE, which replaces (removes) the natural Uridine RNA in the “vaccinated” person’s body, replacing it with a combination of “fake Uridine” + a form of methane. This is ON TOP OF the fact that the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” (ALL of them—Pfizer-BioNTech; Moderna; Novavax) use dangerous lab-created LIPID NANOPARTICLES to spread these “vaccines” around in the body; lipid nanoparticles that the body is not well-equipped to recognize and eliminate.

Gail Combs



 December 28, 2024 19:59
Via The Burning Platform, regarding an interview between Ed Dowd and Brett Weinstein:

Screenshot from the tweet:

comment image

Bottom line: About 1Billion COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons worldwide SO FAR have either died, were injured, or became disabled, due to the effects of the “vaccines” they had put into their bodies.

Approximately 5Billion persons worldwide have taken at least one dose of the various COVID-19 “vaccines” in production. This includes COVID-19 “vaccines” not only by Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and AstraZeneca — it includes Sputnik (Russia), Sinopharm (CCP), etc.

Gail Combs

TheseTruths( TheseTruths)Online

 December 29, 2024 13:23

Senator Ron Johnson:”We Have to Know the Truth” About Vaccines, “Right Now We Don’t” (Video)

Johnson is poised to issue subpoenas to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) unless they fully comply with oversight demands.

Johnson demanded that these agencies immediately preserve and produce all records related to the development, safety, and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines noting that the Biden administration’s repeated refusal to provide unredacted documents has impeded Congressional oversight and endangered public trust.

In a November letter, Johnson lambasted the Biden administration’s health agencies for what he described as a coordinated effort to obscure critical vaccine safety data.

Real America’s Voice host John Solomon asked, “Senator, if we don’t have a functioning vaccine safety and transparency system, when the government says a vaccine is safe, is that assurance really based in science right now?”

Johnson replied, “Well, I would argue not really, because we don’t have true placebo trials of any of the vaccines on the childhood schedule. They’re tested against other vaccines. So if another vaccine has a certain level of adverse events, you test a new vaccine, it has the same level, ‘Oh, that sounds safe’, but we never tested the original one.”

“So again, you have to take a look at in totality, what is the rate of vaccine injuries? We really don’t know. I mean, VAERS, we’ve had a Harvard study that prior to COVID, only 1% of adverse events was actually reported to the vaccine adverse event reporting system, so it dramatically understates the number of vaccine injuries. So that’s a problem.”

More at the link.

Gail Combs


 December 30, 2024 15:29

26 December 2024
Yours Truly: This post by Mr. Roguski contains dozens of chapters, videos, links, and other items, providing evidence that the modRNA COVID-19 BTI (aka the “vaccines”) are not only NOT safe and NOT effective — they are also bioweapons.
Screenshot from the blog post:

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Gail Combs



 December 31, 2024 08:44
More on the H5N1 Avian Influenza psyop going on:
by Ashley Armstrong via Dr. Joseph Mercola
Yours Truly: IMO, the DeepState / WEF Cabal is waging a planned, organized campaign to get people GASLIGHTED (psychologically conditioned to believe) that an “H5N1 Avian Influenza Pandemic” is literally just around the corner.
At the same time, the US federal government (with the cooperation of the United States Department of Defense and HHS [via BARDA]) already has the plans rolling to produce and “have on hand” enough H5N1 “vaccines” to inject into the entire US population, if a “health emergency” is called for H5N1.
These H5N1 “vaccines” will include versions made using chicken / egg culturing, AND ALSO by “cell technology” (lab-created / mRNA / saRNA produced.)
IMO, this entire situation (which began with things like the H5N1 virus experiments performed at the USDA poultry research facility in Georgia), is to “condition” the US population to accept that it’s OK to kill millions of poultry, cows and cattle, etc., to “reduce” the “possibility” that H5N1 can “leap” from these animals to humans. (Translation: reduce the food supply from these animals; get all flocks and herds [including “backyard flocks” and small farms] under complete government control; ALSO, to get people to accept that the poultry, cattle and cow products they DO consume are all “vaccinated” against H5N1 — “vaccinated” with ingredients that will, by extension, show up in the products that humans consume by these animals.)
Screenshot from the article cited above:

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Gail Combs


 January 6, 2025 12:03

OK, Yours Truly has definitely decided that the 4 OR 5 COVID-19 “vaccine” injections that my late brother Sam took, starting in early 2021, were responsible for the MCI (Mild Cognitive Impairment) and hit him after he took the “booster” injection at Thanksgiving 2023. The ingredients and mechanisms of these damned injections literally swept away / undermined, all the hard work he had done to help himself grieve and process — in a healthy way — the traumatic death of his wife in the fall of 2018. He was doing OK with this — UNTIL he started taking these damned injections. Then, in the late spring of 2024, the MCI hit him. He lost interest in living and in taking care of himself. This eventually led to his catastrophic fall plus the Kennedy Terminal Ulcer on his back, plus the “sudden onset of dementia” — and then, to his death in October 2024.
“Catastrophic Neurological and Psychiatric Damage from COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’”
5 January 2025
One of the papers cited in the above article, the “Roh, et al.” paper:
“A potential association between COVID-19 vaccination and development of Alzheimer’s disease”
Jee Hoon Roh, et al.
1 October 2024
Here is the salient graphic from this paper:

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Gail Combs


 January 7, 2025 10:12
“NEW STUDY — COVID-19 mRNA Injections Dose-Dependently Increase Risk of SARS-CoV-2 Infection by Up to 121%”
by Nicolas Hulscher, MPH
6 January 2025
Yours Truly: This article presents a new study, from Japan, which proves that COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons are more susceptible to COVID-19 infection; and, that the more “vaccine” injections a person takes, the higher this risk goes.
The Japanese paper is here:
“Behavioral and Health Outcomes of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination: A Case-Controlled Study in Japanese Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises”
Eiji Nakatani, et al.
13 December 2024
The term “behavioral” in the study refers to what may be called “prophylactic” behaviors (in other words, washing the hands or not; avoiding crowds or not; wearing masks or not, etc.)
This Japanese study again confirms the two studies by Shrestha, et al., of the Cleveland Institute, which proved that employees of the Institute who took more COVID-19 “vaccine” injections got infected with COVID-19.
The Japanese paper does go through the now-apparently-obligatory boilerplate about how “the COVID-19 vaccines are effective”, etc. — possibly in order to get tha paper peer-reviewed and published. However, it does state that the “immunity” conferred from these “vaccines” wanes rather quickly.
Neither the Japanese paper nor the Hulscher article do not address the phenomenon of COVID-19 “vaccine” shedding.
The Hulscher article does not mention the fact that the Japanese government approved the use of the first self-amplifying RNA (saRNA) COVID-19 “vaccine”, KOSTAIVE, which is now being administered in Japan.

Gail Combs

pat frederick( patfrederick)Offline

 January 9, 2025 13:45
January 9, 2025 1:36 pm
NEW 🚨 Moms for America and GMO Science did a health test on 14 Girl Scout cookies, including:
Tagalongs®, Adventurefuls®, Thin Mints®, Trefoils®, Samoas®, Do-si-dos®, Toffee Tastic (GF), Lemon-Ups®, S’mores ™, Peanut Butter sandwich, Toast-Yay!®, Caramel deLites®, Peanut Butter Patties®, and Lemonades®.
Here are the findings:
• 100% of the Girl Scout cookies tested contained toxic metals and glyphosate.
• 22 out of 25 of the samples were positive for all five toxic metals – aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury.
• The Peanut Butter Patties® had the highest levels of toxic metals.
• Thin Mints® had the highest levels of glyphosate.
• 76% of the cookies tested positive for levels of cadmium that exceeded EPA limits in water.
• 24 out of 25 samples of the Girl Scout cookies tested contained lead.
There is no safe level of lead.

Gail Combs

Brave and Free (Brave and Free)Offline

 January 10, 2025 18:20
This fits in with your article PAVACA.

Gail Combs



 January 12, 2025 10:11
The following is a “quick and dirty” summary. Yours Truly will append a “Flash! News” addendum to the body of the Health Friday post of two days ago on the p53 cancer tumor suppressor gene and how SV40 interferes with it.
One: Dr. Kevin McKernan ran the gene sequence from the cancer tumor biopsies and compared them to the gene sequence in the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccine.” There was a match. He also found traces of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccines” in the cancer tumors.
Two: At least one sequence match was made a year AFTER the patient had been COVID-19 vaxxed.
The article that talks about this:
by Frank Bergman
11 January 2025
There is a video in the article of an interview with COVID researcher John Beaudoin on this situation.
Screenshot from the above article:

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  :wpds_arrow: There’s only one way that this can happen, IMO — it’s the SV40 African Green Monkey cancer promoter gene code piece that’s in the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccines.” The SV40 promoter interferes with the body’s p53 cancer suppressor protein.

Gail Combs

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy( Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy)Offline


 January 15, 2025 20:15
This is actually huge. Under a misleading title that seems innocent, a proof of just how bad the mRNA Covid vaccines are, appears to have slipped by our vax-murder overlords,
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Wolf Moon
Utterly strange. The “science cabal” allows a paper in Nature that conclusively proves all the biggest known problems with the mRNA COVID vaccines, as a test scenario for an AI technology that would make all vaccines safer – assuming anybody in power actually wanted that.
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Jessica Rose 📞
About this new Nature paper… There’s more to it than meets the eye.
Please read, archive and distribute.
@Kevin_McKernan @DJSpeicher @jikkyleaks @MaryanneDemasi @dystopian_DU @SenRonJohnson @SenatorRennick
Show more
Show this thread

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Gail Combs


 Reply to  Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
 January 15, 2025 22:13
Wolf Moon
Thank you.
The paper confirms what has been discussed on this board for quite a while, regarding the toxicity of the COVID-19 “vaccines.” Dr. Rose does a great job of deconstructing the paper.
I find it ironic that the term “criminal negligence” is used as regards the inclusion of the lipid nanoparticles in the modRNA COVID-19 vaxxes.
It’s not “negligence ” It was, and is, intentional. Intentional to harm, to disable, to sicken, and to kill the people who take these “vaccines.”
And the FDA knew what the lipid nanoparticles would do to spread the “vaccines” throughout the body back in January 2021. That was all laid out in the Pharmacokinetics Tabulated Summary report on BNT162b2 that Pfizer-BioNTech gave to the FDA Pages 7 and 8 of the report list the accumulations in organs and areas of the bodies of the lab rats the company used for the BNT162b2 + lipid nanoparticles experiments.

Gail Combs



 January 18, 2025 11:25
Wolf Moon, Gail Combs, and All —
More proof that QUERCETIN really assists in preventing / treating COVID-19:
“Friday Hope: Quercetin II: Inhibiting Spike Expression and Increasing Spike Proteolysis”
by Walter M Chesnut
17 January 2025
Yours Truly: Proteopysis is the process of breaking down a protein, either partially or completely.
One of the papers cited by Mr. Chesnut is this one:
“Quercetin inhibits SARS-CoV-2 infection and prevents syncytium formation by cells co-expressing the viral spike protein and human ACE2”
Annie V. Roy, et al.
25 January 2024
Yours Truly: There are several graphics in the above paper which show that Quercetin inhibits COVID-19 virus infection; that help to clear out a COVID-19 infection; and that prevents the COVID-19 virus spike protein from binding to the ACE2 receptor cells in the body.
Here is a screenshot of the Conclusion from the paper:

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Yours Truly believes that Quercetin can also help to mitigate / clear up, cases of “Long COVID.” is a good website to read about Quercetin. It appears that persons who are already taking blood thinners need to be cautious in taking Quercetin. Persons on blood thinners should talk with a medical professional regarding taking Quercetin.

Last edited 2 months ago by Gail Combs
Gail Combs


 January 24, 2025 10:45

This article is about how one scientific journal company, MDPI, is controlled by Big Pharma:
“Pharma-controlled publisher rejects critical study finding plasmid DNA in COVID-19 vaccines after agreeing to peer-review.”
by Courageous Truth
25 January 2025
by Rebekah Barnett
Yours Truly: These stories are from Australia.

Gail Combs

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy( Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy)Online


 Reply to  ladypenquin
 January 24, 2025 16:33

There was a paper recently, proving that the vaccines are accelerating mutation of the viruses.


Gail Combs

eilert (eilert)Offline

 January 24, 2025 12:24
Fraudci not out of the woods with his pardon.
Anthony Fauci’s Presidential Pardon Versus State Crimes | The Gateway Pundit | by Guest Contributor

Over the past three years, the Vires Law Group (VLG) headquartered in West Palm Beach, FL, has devoted much time and resources pro bono to researching and compiling extensive legal briefs submitted to several state attorneys general requesting an investigation of Dr. Anthony Fauci and other health care officials for alleged violations of state criminal codes.

To date, requests for criminal investigations have been submitted to the attorneys general of Florida, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, and Missouri. The Texas legal brief and supporting documents can be viewed at

Regarding Anthony Fauci’s recent presidential pardon, the Office of the Pardon Attorney, U.S. Department of Justice, states that “the President’s authority to grant clemency is limited to federal offenses and offenses prosecuted by the United States Attorney for the District of Columbia in the name of the United States in the D.C. Superior Court. An offense that violates a state law is not an offense against the United States.”

Therefore Dr Fauci’s pre-emptive federal pardon does not shield him from prosecution for violations of state criminal laws, and the efforts of VLG described herein become paramount if Dr Fauci and other health care officials are ever to be held accountable for alleged heinous crimes committed against literally hundreds of thousands of American citizens.

The requested investigations focus on alleged criminal actions taken against patients being treated in hospitals for the COVID-19 virus. VLG’s efforts are in response to hundreds of letters received from aggrieved families who lost loved ones in hospitals—all earnestly demand that investigations take place.

Among other things, these letters attest that the great majority of loved ones who died in hospitals received one or more doses of the drug Remdesivir which was known to have a mortality rate in excess of 50 percent.

The testimony of Dr David Martin before members of the Oklahoma state legislature concerning the toxicity of Remdesivir can be viewed here:

The promoted (and mandated) use of Remdesivir for Covid patients by Dr Fauci and other health care officials is perhaps the most egregious, heinous crime that allegedly occurred.

Much more can be said about the ongoing efforts of VLG to secure justice for the thousands of victims of alleged hospital homicides, but the necessity of thorough criminal investigations by state and county officials cannot be overstated.

Citizens need to contact their respective state attorney general and county district attorney and demand that these investigations occur! It is time for truth and justice in this matter. and the Vires Law Group is at the forefront of the effort.

Paul S. Gardiner is a retired Army officer, Vietnam veteran, and avid lover of America. He is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, University of Alabama, and the U.S. Army War College.

Gail Combs

Also Nobel Prize Winner Dr Luc Montagnier contended that “it is the vaccination that is creating the variants.” And what do you know? He ups and dies.

They Are Not Vaccines, They are Poisons”: Outspoken Nobel Prize Winner Virologist Luc Montagnier Dies Before Attending Grand Jury Proceeding for Crimes Against Humanity.

Nobel laureate in medicine for discovering AIDS, virologist Professor Luc Montagnier, was invited to the Luxembourg Parliament to accompany petitioners speaking out against compulsory vaccination on Wednesday 12th of January. He spoke on the Covid vaccines and Geneticist Alexandra Henrion Caude was also there.

Luc Montagnier said in his speech:

“These vaccines are poisons. They are not real vaccines. The mRNA allows its message to be transcribed throughout the body, uncontrollably. No one can say for each of us where these messages will go. This is therefore a terrible unknown. And in fact we are now learning that this is a work published over a year ago that these mRNAs contain an area that we can call prion, which is an area capable of introducing protein modifications in an unpredictable way. As a doctor I knew 21 people who received 2 doses of Pfizer vaccine, there is another person who received Moderna. The 21 died of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease caused by prions. The 3 vaccines Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna contain a sequence identified by Information Technology as transformation into a prion. There is therefore a known risk to human health.”

Gail Combs

pat frederick( patfrederick)Offline

 January 24, 2025 16:28
H/t Filly and I agree with her sentiments–oh hell no!

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 Reply to  pat frederick
 January 24, 2025 20:14
THIS IS BEING PUSHED BY THE AMA. The AMA has an entire department now devoted to AI “policy.”
“The Role for Policy in AI-Assisted Medical Diagnosis”
D.E. Newman-Toker, MD, PhD; J.M.Sharfstein, MD
From the article:

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Yours Truly: There are several things in play regarding this.
First: What the AMA calls “opinion pieces” in their journals is actually a “heads-up” situation. The AMA uses their “opinion pieces” as “front-loaded” statements.
Second: The AMA backdoor recognizes that COVID-19 “vaccinated” physicians are starting to present with “vaccine”-induced illnesses, injuries, disabilities, or even deaths. This is leaving a gap in the medical profession that cannot be adequately filled with using PA’s, Nurse Practitioners, or the like.
Third: The AMA backdoor recognizes that physicians who work in the United States, but have been trained overseas, may not have the command of the English language and/or the ability to read and digest English-language scientific papers — so, “Why not use ‘machine-learning’ and AI to fill in?” is the thinking.

Gail Combs

Gudthots( Gudthots)Offline


 Reply to  Gail Combs
 January 25, 2025 17:59
An interview of a doctor that learned of Mast Cell Activation due to her daughter’s suffering of the condition. Goes into details of what is going wrong in the condition. I choose to suspend my reaction to one of her lines of work in order to learn more about this condition.

Or macrophage activation syndrome.
Side note: Pepcid worked against CV as a histamine receptor blocker.
Reactive macrophage activation syndrome in a patient with parvovirus B19 infection, lymphocytic lichenoid vasculitis, urticaria and angioedema
A 47-year-old woman had a history of episodic acute intermittent angioedema and urticaria with moderate pruritus for one month. She was on 10 mg of loratadine daily. She had a fever of 39°C, arthralgia, fatigue, and angioedema of the upper respiratory tract. Laboratory results are shown in Table 1. She had elevated IgE (206 kU/L). The immunoassay for C1-esterase inhibitor was normal. She was treated with H1- and H2-blocking antihistamines, and methylprednisolone intravenously (1 mg/kg/day). Culture results and viral titers were negative except for a high positive titer of specific IgG antibody to parvovirus B19 of 11.1 (positive titer >1). On the third week of hospitalization, she deteriorated rapidly and developed a macular rash on the trunk and extremities with generalised lymphadenpathy, liver dysfunction and disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC) (Figure 1). A skin biopsy specimen was compatible with lymphocytic lichenoid vasculitis. An inflammatory pattern centered on the basal layer of the epidermis and upper dermis in a dense band-like distribution. Direct immunofluorescence showed no IgG, IgA, IgM, C3, C1q and fibrinogen deposits. A bone marrow aspirate showed hemophagocytosis (Figure 2). Parvovirus B19 DNA was detected by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in bone marrow (Figure 3). Macrophage activation syndrome was confirmed. The patient was treated with methylprednisolone 250 mg/day intravenously and intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) 0.55 g/kg BW/day for five consecutive days, followed by methylprednisolone 1 mg/kg daily. Fresh frozen plasma and enoxaparin were administered. Two days after treatment, she improved. Monthly infusions of IVIG were continued for 6 months. Corticosteroids were tapered gradually to 8 mg of methylprednisolone daily. On periodic follow-up, the patient was quite well without episodes of angioedema and no new skin lesions were seen. Our patient met all criteria for reactive macrophage activation syndrome (rMAS) outlined by Imashuku.

Gail Combs

GA/FL( GA/FL)Offline

 January 27, 2025 09:52

Dr. Trozzi summarizes what we know about CV19 virus and vaccine harm and recovery:

Gail Combs

GA/FL( GA/FL)Offline

 Reply to  holly
 January 29, 2025 08:03
Could you tell us, as briefly as you like, what you did to prevent cytokine storm?


holly( holly)Offline


 Reply to  GA/FL
 January 29, 2025 08:27
Medrol 4mg. dosepaks. I take Day One’s six pills – supposed to be spread out through the day – all at once in the morning. Neurologist directed not me going rogue.
Usually one day is all takes for my immune system to calm down and stop pushing out antibodies. With Covid it took a week of stopping, restarting, watching. My next step would have been Prednisone.
Also, I was kind to myself – rested, de-stressed, lots of liquids, healthy simple food in addition to supplements, and visualizing myself healthy. I’ve been through this before and have a system of sorts. It was much more challenging though with Covid.
For the Covid portion I did Povidone rinsing, Ivermectin, high dose of D’s, C’s, Zinc, Multi Vitamin, and EGCG. The basics. Skated through that part in only a few days.

Gail Combs

Cuppa Covfefe (Cuppa Covfefe)Offline

 Reply to  Aubergine
 January 29, 2025 12:44

Here’s an article I ran across just now [while looking at the failing German traffic-light-coalition flailing about closing our borders and the firewall against the AfD (what a swampy ugly mess we are here….)]… seems Japan has been hit particularly hard…
Here is more info on the genocide that is the clot-shot via mRNA:
New skin diseases & shock medical finding: “mRNA is a killer weapon”

“The world has changed since 2020,” because for the Japanese dermatologist Prof. Dr. Shigetoshi Sano, the clinical pictures of his patients developed largely anew. Due to the mRNA covid-19 vaccines, he suddenly came across unprecedented skin diseases in people he treated. AUF1 editor Kornelia Kirchweger asked the renowned dermatologist about his new shocking findings and learned why the Japanese doctor even speaks of a “bioweapon”.


Prof. Dr. Shigetoshi Sano is a professor at the University of Kochi in Japan. He was president of the Japanese Society for Skin Immunology and Allergy. In the course of his treatment of up to 200 patients per week, he came to the alarming realization that the spike proteins are located directly under the skin and in the sweat glands of his patients. The dermatologist speaks of very likely shedding, because the spike proteins are transmissible through sweat, urine and also through the breath, he says.


The new self-amplifying mRNA introduced in Japan is even “more contagious” for unvaccinated people, warns Prof. Sano. He has also made a clear statement about Ivermectin.

Here’s the original article in German (a tad longer). The vid is in English…
The pics accompanying the article/vid are downright frightening!!!

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 Reply to  Cuppa Covfefe
 January 29, 2025 14:23
Thank you.
The modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” ingredients (and, therefore, their mechanisms) are spread throughout the “vaccinated” person’s body — by the lipid nanoparticles when the person is injected; and. also, via the billions of tiny “shuttle cells” in the body, called EXOSOMES. These exosomes “carry” their payloads (in this case, the COVID-19 “vaccines”) everywhere, including to the skin and to the linings of the nasal passages.
Stephanie Seneff, et al., wrote about the potential for COVID-19 “vaccine” shedding back in June 2021:
“Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19”
Stephanie Seneff, PhD, et al.
June 2021
Here is a screenshot from the paper regarding COVID-19 “vaccine” shedding potential:

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Gail Combs

Gudthots( Gudthots)Online


 January 30, 2025 04:10

In yesterday’s open topic Aubergine made a totally understandable lament regarding having to take supplements in order to stay ready for the health challenges we face today.
A recent substack post by A Midwestern Doctor seems to speak to this:
Direct link to section:
Our Decline in Health
In this article, I want to touch on a broad topic—what’s happened to our health and how do we get it back?
Over the last century, there has been a tremendous advancement in medical science and many previously insurmountable conditions are now easily managed by the conventional medicine. At the same time, almost every mentor of mine has shared with me that they observed from the start of their careers to the end of it:
•The rates of chronic illnesses in the population increased.
•Many diseases appeared that had previously been almost unheard of.
•Many holistic treatments that patients had previously had dramatic responses to, they now only marginally responded to.
Note: part of my life’s work has been tracking down the lost and forgotten medical cures and then seeing which did and did not work. I believe the final point plays a big part in explaining why it’s so hard to determine which ones were legitimate, as while some are still phenomenal, I believe many of the others that don’t get results now weren’t hoaxes but rather simply are no longer appropriate for the current age we live in.
In turn, quite a few of my mentors asked the same question I did to their mentors, and shared that my “grand-mentors” likewise observed this same decline throughout the course of their careers. From this, I’ve been able to trace a continuous observation of that progressive decline being directly reported since the late 1800s (and about 50 years earlier if I am make some inferences I believe are reasonable, and earlier still if I include what many of the doctors of that era reported about the early mercury preparations).
This discovery thus raises an obvious question: what has caused that decline in humanity’s health? I’ve put a lot of thought into this and believe that while the widespread use of a few of the early drugs (e.g., mercury) was incredibly problematic, by far the biggest shift occurred after the widespread adoption of the disastrous smallpox vaccine (roughly 150 years ago).
Since that time, numerous additional insults have been added into our environment and each one has created a significant (and sustained) spike in chronic illness that the current generation has become acclimated into accepting as the “new normal” until it is no longer questioned, while the doctors who bore witness to the catastrophic explosion in chronic illness become forgotten, and the cycle repeats.
(more at link)

Gail Combs

Gudthots( Gudthots)Online


 Reply to  PAVACA
 January 30, 2025 03:46
Ivermectin for cancer discussion/interview.
The skin cancer angle is of personal interest.

Gail Combs



 February 7, 2025 20:38
“The COVID Dossier A record of the military and intelligence coordination of the global Covid event.”
James Roguski
4 February 2025
Yours Truly: This extensive article includes a PDF of the detailed report compiled by researchers Debbie Lerman and Sasha Latypova. There are numerous embedded links, also. The PREP Act and NATO are involved.
Screenshot from the article:
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Yours Truly again: One is of the opinion that, in addition to the military and intelligence aspects of COVID-19, there is also the component of those who want to reduce the Earth’s population to a “manageable” number of souls — all of whom would be controlled by the likes of Bill Gates / WEF. It may be that the military and intelligence aspects of the control would also be put into place.

Gail Combs

Alison (Alison)Offline

 Reply to  Aubergine
 February 7, 2025 16:53
Aubergine, one of the very first scientific papers I read about the concerns on the MRNA shots referred to the strong possibility that AIDS would result because of the breakdown of the immune system that you mention.
THAT was precisely what alarmed me enough not to take the shots, and gave me the ammo to explain my concerns to hubby so he, too, decided not to take the shots….


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy( Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy)Offline


 Reply to  Aubergine
 February 8, 2025 00:16

Here is a great article which directly addresses your concerns. I don’t think the conclusion is definitive, but there are clearly concerns.
Vaccines (Basel). 2023 May 17;11(5):991. doi: 10.3390/vaccines11050991

IgG4 Antibodies Induced by Repeated Vaccination May Generate Immune Tolerance to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein
Vladimir N Uversky 1,*, Elrashdy M Redwan 2,3, William Makis 4, Alberto Rubio-Casillas 5,6

Editors: Toru Awaya, Yukiko Miura, Yoshinari Enomoto, Taeko Kunimasa

Gail Combs

To look up batch number vs lethality:



 Reply to  4GodandCountry
 February 7, 2025 15:20

Try these:

Gail Combs

TheseTruths( TheseTruths)Offline


 February 8, 2025 01:08
Nicole Shanahan:

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Gail Combs

barkerjim( barkerjim)Offline


 February 8, 2025 16:08

Vaccines have become a controversial issue — partly due to RFKjr, but mostly because of the government’s vaccine policies. Here is a brief overview of this matter, from the perspective of a Scientist, not a medical professional.

Gail Combs


 February 18, 2025 10:51

There is a BOATLOAD of information coming out regarding the COVID-19 “vaccines” —
ONE: https://lionessofjudah,
“Harry Fisher, Paramedic: Every Shift, I’m Watching Vaccinated People Get Sicker and Sicker
18 February 2025
17 February 2025
Yours Truly: Actually, Dr. Birx makes THREE admissions in her latest CYA attempt to try and evade the justice that she will have to face. The THREE admissions are these:
*** The Federal government screwed the COVID response by “overlooking” early treatment. (REALLY?: It was Dr. Birx, along with Dr. Fauci and Dr. Collins, who were THE MAIN FORCES behind the denial of early [and, in fact, during infection] use of Ivermectin / Hydroxychloroquine, Vitamin D, and other safe, proven treatments for COVID-19.)
*** The COVID “vaccine” — in Dr. Birx’s own words, now — “was developed to target those at high risk of severe illness, not specifically the general population.” (ACTUAL FACT: It is inconceivable that Dr. Birx did NOT know this AT THE TIME THE COVID-19 “VACCINES” WERE BEING ROLLED OUT AND “MANDATED” ONTO THE GENERAL PUBLIC.)
*** Again, in Dr. Birx’s own words, now — “…the COVID vaccine… wasn’t designed against infection.” (REALLY?: It is inconceivable that Dr. Birx did NOT know that the COVID-19 “vaccines” were specifically designed to wreak as much damage on the “vaccinated” person’s body as possible, up to and including death.)


patfrederick( patfrederick)Online

 February 19, 2025 07:10

From American Thinker
It’s official: We live under the most bought-off Congress in history
By Olivia Murray
It’s official: We live under the most bought-off Congress in American history. Last year, lobbyists spent more than $4.4 billion on greasing the skids of our ostensible representatives, which was a “$150 million surge” from the previous year (2023).
Indy Scholten’s new report at OpenSecrets used data from the Senate Office of Public Records to determine that since 2015, or over the last ten years, more than $37 billion have flowed into Washington.
Let’s look at this data another way: If you were to determine a rough annual average, that means lobbyists consistently funneled $3.7 billion to Washington’s movers and shakers per year; if you divide that number between the 535 lawmakers, you get almost $700k per individual, per year.
Any guesses on which industry spends the most? Here’s a hint: Consider the absolute windfall one particular industry got over the past four years with a certain virus coupled with a very friendly Congress, and the viciousness of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s confirmation hearing.
If you guessed the pharmaceutical industry, you’d be correct, which spent roughly $385 million, and let me tell you, they really overpaid. Elizabeth Warren? Bernie Sanders? Sure these people vote exactly how Big Pharma wants them to, but they’re embarrassingly stupid.
Scholten also pointed out that the “most heavily lobbied legislation” was the Defense Department authorization bill (NDAA); the bill’s sponsor, Rep. Mike Rogers, is a “Republican” from Alabama who reportedly took home $165k from ActBlue just last year alone and yes, you read that right, the same ActBlue that’s the official fundraising platform for Democrats; Rogers also raked in the most money out of all Alabama’s federal lawmakers from Lockheed Martin in 2022.
Nevermind that the Pentagon has never passed an audit, because defense contractors are due for another payday!
I like that old suggestion about making members of Congress wear sponsorship jackets, so we know whose interests they’re actually fighting for.

Gail Combs

TheseTruths( TheseTruths)  February 20, 2025 00:27

We can’t “trust the science” when it has an agenda.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy( Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy)
 Reply to  TheseTruths
 February 20, 2025 00:39

OK – I dug out links for this – it’s BAD.

Here is the actual tweet……

Here is a very relevant tweet which links to a “good paper about the bad paper”…..

Here is the “good paper about the bad paper” – basically an autopsy of it…..

This is really an analysis of a scientific hit job. Stunning.

Gail Combs

from Wolfie

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