The 2020 coup/color revolution must be resolved. Hopefully the fraud is so egregious that the ‘pardons’ and laws enacted during the last four years are wiped from the record.
In a nutshell, Marc Elias used lawfare to get the Constitutional election laws changed via court cases in the critical states. However nowhere in the Constitution does it say the courts (OR the governor) are in charge of election law. The Constitution and the Amendments are specific, it is the state legislature.
Since Trump and MAGA would not lay down and shut up like the good little Rinos do when they lose via fraud, the Cabal had a problem. Trump could still get the fraudulent election over turned on Jan 6th . Thus a plan was developed to push through the ratification of the fraudulent election WITHOUT allowing any challenges and then cover it up.
In the video I link below, Alpha Warrior comments on how Trump should handle pardons. Instead of a blanket pardon, there should be investigations and then the cases dismissed if there was no probable cause. Look for prosecutorial misconduct – Dismissal ALLOWS lawsuits. Investigate the investigators. ALSO investigate the cases that SHOULD have been brought but were not.
Publius Huldah has a short but good article on the subject.
A Constitutional Roadmap for Conquering Election Fraud
….The fundamental Principle which should guide us in dealing with this issue is set forth at Article IV, §4, US Constitution. It reads,
“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government…”
The essence of a “Republic” is that sovereign power is exercised by Representatives elected, directly or indirectly, by The People. 1
Election fraud strikes at the heart of our Constitutional Republic. Therefore, Congress, the federal courts and the Executive Branch [i.e., the “United States”] have the duty, imposed by Article IV, §4, to negate the fraud in order to preserve our republican form of government.…
NEGATE | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
I am going to start off with a bit of background. These bits from Tore are very interesting.
The Quiet Game: How Drones, Power, and Politics Collide
This might just be the most I’ve ever spilled on the things no one ever talks about—consider it classified… but I was ordered to show teeth
“… They leverage MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems)—-based closed-loop controllers to traverse various terrains with minimal navigational errors, even in challenging environments like urban areas, dense forests, and rugged landscapes…. 👉 People seem to forget I blew the whistle on 𝕆𝕓𝕒𝕞𝕒 𝕦𝕤𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕡𝕖𝕠𝕡𝕝𝕖 𝕒𝕤 𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕘𝕖𝕥 𝕡𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕔𝕖, which was observed with these ORBS and the data pertaining to conversations, operations, and data collected by his unauthorized drone strikes in Northern Africa along with many complicit Generals and Admirals that aided in these unauthorized strikes.👈….”
….These orbs, capable of operating close to civilian zones under the guise of surveillance, could compromise individual privacy and potentially breach ethical norms. The PRISM surveillance program, which sparked widespread debate about government overreach and surveillance, is a stark reminder of the sensitivities surrounding technological snooping. (Thank you, Edward Snowden) When combined with autonomous, nearly invisible drones like MilOrbs, the potential for infringing privacy rights escalates significantly….”
“…. The increasingly sophisticated technologies involved raise questions about accountability—particularly 👉when AI-powered targeting systems are used to identify and engage adversaries autonomously👈…. From my perspective, the most concerning part is that autonomous targeting systems’ ability to make decisions about engagement independently 👉raises significant questions about accountability👈…” [The computer did it, not me! – GC]
‘…The architecture of intelligence agencies thrives on compartmentalization—a necessity to minimize leaks and keep critical operations insulated. However, this structure can serve a dual purpose. Secret factions within the intelligence ecosystem could deliberately silo information, shielding their operations from oversight… Those outside select intelligence pockets could easily be excluded, creating layers of intentional ignorance around key movements. The result? Authorities are unaware and unable to engage due to deliberate design, not out of incompetence… These unconventional propulsion systems render standard radar systems obsolete, while autonomous programming enhances unpredictability. Such technological superiority ensures that law enforcement and even military agencies without clearance are left chasing shadows rather than substantial leads. Think of it as technological misdirection—a deliberate choice to keep the eyes of the uninformed fixed on the wrong horizon…”
“… deliberately silo information, shielding their operations from oversight…” is exactly what was done in the J 6 cover up.
So Obama was using innocent Africans for target practice to test out sophisticated new technology. 🤔
What about the USA?
Who was Obama’s Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security? — Janet Napolitano.
In March of 2010 she switched the DHS focus FROM Muslim Terrorists TO military veterans, calling them ‘Homegrown Terrorists.’ This also included any other retired government trained weapons expert such as Secret Service or LEOs according to a retired Secret Service agent I talked to. He got that info from buddies inside the Obama Admin.
April 16, 2009 Napolitano stands by controversial report
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said Wednesday that she was briefed before the release of a controversial intelligence assessment and that she stands by the report, which lists returning veterans among terrorist risks to the U.S.
But the top House Democrat with oversight of the Department of Homeland Security said in a letter to Ms. Napolitano that he was “dumbfounded” that such a report would be issued.
“This report appears to raise significant issues involving the privacy and civil liberties of many Americans – including war veterans,” said Rep. Bennie Thompson of Mississippi, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, in his letter sent Tuesday night…
Of course military veterans and others trained in the use of weapons and tactics ARE a threat to the Cabal’s plans for the USA. So what happened to the Former AZ governor & Sec of DHS, Janet Napolitano? She became president of the University of California!
This Gateway Pundit article Former Democrat: The Truth is Democrats Won’t Build Wall Because They’re Under Influence of Mexican Mafia mentions Janet Napolitano at the bottom. More about Napolitano at my Old Comment and Napolitano’s Wiki is very interesting too.
Obama was certainly not the start. We are looking at the culmination of a long term plan by the Cabal. A major step was The Patriot Act [Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001] It was passed October 12, 2001. Given the above information, one can see why a POTUS Trump with his ‘supposed’ clearance allowing him to see everything was a major threat. No wonder they kept him busy with Russia, Russia, Russia and impeachments. No wonder they had to get rid of General Flynn and his crew.
Next we look at another bit of information unearthed by Ivan Raiklin. First, remember Speaker Pelosi tore up Trump’s State of the Union address on Feb 4th 2020 indicating her utter contempt for the President of the United States.
Next, lets look at Yogananda Pittman.
She was the assistant chief of the Capitol Police and controlled the threat assessment data. She then served as acting chief from January 8 to July 23, 2021, following the resignation of Steven Sund. With Chief Steven A. Sund forced to resign and Yogananda Pittman put in his place, she was a key figure in the Fedsurrection and persecution of protesters.
…According to Steven Sund and Tarik Johnson, formerly of the U.S. Capitol Police, while Pittman was the interim Head of the U.S. Capitol Police, she had specific intelligence that there was a planned insurrection at the Capitol at least two weeks before the January 6, 2021 incident.[9][10] According to findings in a bipartisan Senate investigation, a series of omissions and miscommunications kept that information from reaching front-line officers.[9] — Wiki
Yogananda Pittman appears to have doctored the evidence regarding J6 Persecutions/prosecutions before the evidence was sent to DOJ Matt Graves. This according to Ivan @ 40:00 min to 43:30 in the Paul Harrell interview of Ivan Raiklin. (See below)
DC US Attorney Matthew Graves Says DOJ is Now Going to Target THOUSANDS of Americans Who Were Around the Capitol on Jan 6 – But Did Not Enter the Building (VIDEO)
After executing the Planned Fedsurrection, Yogananda Pittman was hustled away to CALIFORNIA so she could not be easily be subpoenaed by Congress. Yogananda Pittman is now the University of California, Berkeley chief of police. As a further bribe, they made sure she didn’t lose her Capitol Police pension when she ‘retired’ early by keeping her on the Capitol Police payroll while she was in CA.
She, of course, was happy to appear while Democrats controlled congress so she could further damage MAGA patriots.
Capitol Police head says militias want to blow up the Capitol when Joe Biden addresses Congress to ‘kill as many members as possible’ – as she testifies 10,000 people swarmed the building January 6th and 800 made it inside — Daily Mail Has a video of Her testimony
Ivan Raiklin has been mapping out the architects of the Fedsurrection and how they keep it under-wraps and what can be done to unearth it.
Paul Harrell interviews Ivan 1/9/24 (1 hour)
Ivan discusses the role the Capitol Police Board plays in the J6 prosecutions, identifies those responsible and all relevant relationships with illustrative slides (starts at 5 minutes)
This is the law Ivan references:
Capitol Police security information: 2 US Code 1979 Release of security information
In this section, the term “
security information” means information that—
(1)is sensitive with respect to the policing, protection, physical security, intelligence, counterterrorism actions, or emergency preparedness and response relating to Congress, any statutory protectee of the Capitol Police, and the Capitol buildings and grounds; and
(2)is obtained by, on behalf of, or concerning the Capitol Police Board, the Capitol Police, or any incident command relating to emergency response.
(b)Authority of Board to determine conditions of release
Notwithstanding any other provision of law,👉 any security information in the possession of the Capitol Police may be released by the Capitol Police to another entity, including an individual, only if the Capitol Police Board determines in consultation with other appropriate law enforcement officials, experts in security preparedness, and appropriate committees of Congress, that the release of the security information will not compromise the security and safety of the Capitol buildings and grounds or any individual whose protection and safety is under the jurisdiction of the Capitol Police.👈
(c)Rule of construction
Nothing in this section may be construed to affect the ability of the Senate and the House of Representatives (including any Member, officer, or committee of either House of Congress) to obtain information from the Capitol Police regarding the operations and activities of the Capitol Police that affect the Senate and House of Representatives. [Note this is a very limited ability. – GC]
The Capitol Police Board may promulgate regulations to carry out this section, with the approval of the Committee on Rules and Administration of the Senate and the Committee on House Administration of the House of Representatives.
(e)Effective date
This section shall take effect on December 8, 2004…
So THAT law is how they have been hiding the Jan 6th tapes.
Ivan has also repeatedly brought up the fact Biden IS NOT a Constitutionally elected president.
At 40 minutes he talks about the quorum mentioned in the 12th Amendment and at 42:50 there is the tape of Nancy Pelosi allowing only 22 senators and 22 congressman on the floor. They rest have to be in the gallery [nicely squished together, so what is the point? – GC] and are thus blocked from participating. This helps PREVENT any objections based on the illegally conducted elections getting passed. [Later the house physician says he never made that directive.- GC] On top of that, as Senator Cruz(?) starts to make the first objection, Pence sighs and Ray Epps simultaneously starts the break-in of the Capitol. Ivan also makes it clear that Pelosi’s House Sargent at Arms is who is in command of security and NOT the Secret Service, Thus Pelosi controls the call for the Chamber to be cleared neatly blocking ANY possibility of objections to the slate of electors being heard
This is the actual 12th and I feel the need for a quorum is not as clear as it could be.
Twelfth Amendment
The Electors shall meet in their respective states and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice-President, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice-President, and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate;
–the President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted;–The person having the greatest number of votes for President, shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President.
But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. [And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a President whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice-President shall act as President, as in case of the death or other constitutional disability of the President.–] The person having the greatest number of votes as Vice-President, shall be the Vice-President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed, and if no person have a majority, then from the two highest numbers on the list, the Senate shall choose the Vice-President; a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two-thirds of the whole number of Senators, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States.
Congress has an annotated version of the Constitution. this is what it says:
Amdt12.1 Overview of Twelfth Amendment, Election of President
…Since the Twelfth Amendment was ratified, Congress and the states have made other changes to presidential elections. Following the disputed election of 1876, Congress enacted a statute providing that if a state’s vote is not certified by the governor under seal, it shall not be counted unless both Houses of Congress concur.4 In addition, in 1933, the Twentieth Amendment superseded some provisions of the Twelfth Amendment. 5
Twentieth Amendment — Nothing significant to change how the process works.
Article II Section 1
…👉Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct,👈 a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.
The Electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by Ballot for two Persons, of whom one at least shall not be an Inhabitant of the same State with themselves. And they shall make a List of all the Persons voted for, and of the Number of Votes for each; which List they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the Seat of the Government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate shall, in the Presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the Certificates, and the Votes shall then be counted. The Person having the greatest Number of Votes shall be the President, if such Number be a Majority of the whole Number of Electors appointed; and if there be more than one who have such Majority, and have an equal Number of Votes, then the House of Representatives shall immediately chuse by Ballot one of them for President; and if no Person have a Majority, then from the five highest on the List the said House shall in like Manner chuse the President. But in chusing the President, the Votes shall be taken by States, the Representation from each State having one Vote; A quorum for this Purpose shall consist of a Member or Members from two thirds of the States, and a Majority of all the States shall be necessary to a Choice. In every Case, after the Choice of the President, the Person having the greatest Number of Votes of the Electors shall be the Vice President. But if there should remain two or more who have equal Votes, the Senate shall chuse from them by Ballot the Vice President.
The Congress may determine the Time of chusing the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States.….
The only entities mentioned in Article II of the Constitution and the Amendments is the STATE legislature, the out going VP and the House and Senate. NO WHERE is the state governor or state judges given ANY AUTHORITY over elections. Nor does the federal legislature have any authority to change the Constitution. Which brings us to the Newest law:
3 USC 15: Counting electoral votes in Congress
This law changes the Constitution WITHOUT going through the Amendment process — Naughty Naughty…
A memo, from John Eastman, detailing the unconstitutionally conducted 2020 election in various states and how PENCE could have remedy the problem. It is 6 pages this is the essence:
Illegal conduct by election officials.
Quite apart from outright fraud (both traditional ballot stuffing, and electronic manipulation of voting tabulation machines), important state election laws were altered or dispensed with altogether in key swing states and/or cities and counties. When the laws at issue were specifically designed to reduce the risk of fraud in absentee voting, those violations are particularly troubling. A sampling of the more significant violations is as follows… [Lists Specifics by state.]
Because of these illegal actions by state and local election officials (and, in some cases, judicial officials, the Trump electors in the above 6 states (plus in New Mexico) met on December 14, cast their electoral votes, and transmitted those votes to the President of the Senate (Vice President Pence). There are thus dual slates of electors from 7 states… [Remember these electors were then PROSECUTED! -GC]
The Electoral Count Act of 1887, which is likely unconstitutional, provides:…
This is the piece that we believe is unconstitutional.
It allows the two houses, “acting separately,” to decide the question, whereas the 12th Amendment provides only for a joint session. And if there is disagreement, under the Act the slate certified by the “executive” of the state is to be counted, regardless of the evidence that exists regarding the election, and regardless of whether there was ever fair review of what happened in the election, by judges and/or state legislatures. That also 👉places the executive of the state above the legislature, contrary to Article II👈….
War Gaming the Alternatives.
a. VP Pence opens the ballots, counts those certified by the State executive, and does not receive any objections meeting the requirements of the Electoral Count Act. BIDEN WINS 306-232.
b. VP Pence opens the ballots, receives objections to the 7 states with multiple ballots. The two bodies adjourn to their separate chambers and decide which slate of electors to count.
c. VP Pence opens the ballots, 👉determines on his own which is valid, asserting that the authority to make that determination under the 12th Amendment, and the Adams and Jefferson precedents, is his alone (anything in the Electoral Count Act to the contrary is therefore unconstitutional).👈
i. If State Legislatures have certified the Trump electors, he counts those, as required by Article II (the provision of the Electoral Count Act giving the default victory to the “executive”-certified slate therefore being unconstitutional). Any combination of states totaling 38 elector votes, and TRUMP WINS.
ii. If State Legislatures have not certified their own slates of electors, VP Pence determines, based on all the evidence and the letters from state legislators calling into question the executive certifications, decides to count neither slate of electors. (Note: this could be done with he gets to Arizona in the alphabetical roster, or he could defer Arizona and the other multi-slate states until the end, and then make the determination). At the end of the count, the tally would therefore be 232 for Trump, 222 for Biden. Because the 12th Amendment says “majority of electors appointed,” having determined that no electors from the 7 states were appointed (a position in accord with that taken by Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe (here)), TRUMP WINS. iii. Alternatively, VP Pence determines that because multiple electors were appointed from the 7 states but not counted because of ongoing election disputes, neither candidate has the necessary 270 elector votes, throwing the election to the House…
VP Pence determines that the ongoing election challenges must conclude before ballots can be counted, and adjourns the joint session of Congress, determining that the time restrictions in the Electoral County Act are contrary to his authority under the 12th Amendment and therefore void. Taking the cue, state legislatures convene, order a comprehensive audit/investigation of the election returns in their states, and then determine whether the slate of electors initially certified is valid, or whether the alternative slate of electors should be certified by the legislature, exercise authority it has directly from Article II and also from 3 U.S.C. § 2, which provides: “Whenever any State has held an election for the purpose of choosing electors, and has failed to make a choice on the day prescribed by law, the electors may be appointed on a subsequent day in such a manner as the legislature of such State may direct.”….
BOLD, Certainly. But this Election was Stolen by a strategic Democrat plan to systematically flout existing election laws for partisan advantage; we’re no longer playing by Queensbury Rules….
I have outlined the likely results of each of the above scenarios, but I should also point out that we are facing a constitutional crisis much bigger than the winner of this particular election. If the illegality and fraud that demonstrably occurred here is allowed to stand—and the Supreme Court has signaled unmistakably that it will not do anything about it—then the sovereign people no longer control the direction of their government, and we will have ceased to be a self-governing people. The stakes could not be higher.
The Cabal of course punished Eastman. Ex-Trump Lawyer John Eastman Officially Disbarred
This is especially a disaster for the Cabal’s new election law:
“….VP XXX opens the ballots, determines on his own which is valid, asserting that the authority to make that determination under the 12th Amendment, and the Adams and Jefferson precedents, is his alone 👉(anything in the Electoral Count Act to the contrary is therefore unconstitutional).👈…”
Then there was the absence of the National Guard.
Ivan claims, that according to Lizzy Chaney’s Jan 6th committee testimony, it was NOT Trump, but her darling Mikey Pence that ordered up the National Guard.
On top of that, there is this: (Both could easily be true.)
March 9, 2024 9:48 am https://discern.tv/latest-j6-claims-mark-milley-to-blame-for-4-hour-guard-delay
FTA “But in a recent interview, Matthews identified the person who delayed the Guard’s deployment, someone who had no authority to do so – Milley. Although the National Guard falls directly under presidential control, Milley circumvented his role. Matthews shared that Milley projected himself outside of his authority. As CJCS, Milley was only to serve in an advisory capacity to the president with no legal authority within the chain of command. However, through his position and exploitation of other generals, he was able to maneuver himself into controlling the Army. Matthews explained:
“The problem was not with Donald Trump; it’s Mark Milley and the Army leadership in control. They stopped the Guard from coming, then lied about it and said the Guard acted at sprint speed. This is about civilian control of the military. There was none. There is none. I argue that – Mark Milley had more control over the D.C. Guard on Jan. 6 than Donald Trump did – if Donald Trump wanted to call the Guard to go to the Capitol, Milley wouldn’t let him do it.” Among those supporting Matthews’ account are several District of Columbia law enforcement officials, including former Capitol Police Chief Steven A. Sund. He reported that the Pentagon seemed more concerned about the “optics” of military personnel engaged in crowd control as opposed to quickly deploying the Guard. He noted,”I got on a call with the Pentagon and pleaded for the National Guard. There was delay after delay after delay.””
So on the run up to J6 Milley took his orders from Pelsoi and the deep state and not the Commander In Chief!!!! No surprise he also disobeyed President Trump when told to bring troops home! So a military General was in on the 2020 coup d’etat!!! Too bad Milley will never be court marshaled because he should be!!!! Nothing will of this unfortunately!!!
BTW after Jan 20th President Trump will have the ability to recall to active duty ANY military personnel. 😆
This is the video that started my digging. It is a conversation between three retired marines. I had watched the 1st 1/2 hour and with the rabbit holing I did, decided it would make a very good article. The next day Wolfie posted the Tore article on drones. Were drones also used to spy on Trump’s supporters?
What is VERY interesting given the Janet Napolitano/DHS targeting of veterans, is retired marine, Alpha Warrior, a working LEO, WAS NOT at Jan 6th, but he was ‘swatted’ by the FBI anyway as a ‘Potential Domestic Terrorist’ and spent 1 ½ days in solitary. Some veterans are hair triggered thanks to their wartime experience. I wonder how many were early morning ‘swatted’, reacted as you would expect a hair triggered warrior to react when woken up by a ‘threat’ and were murdered by the FBI. It has certainly happened before.
SITREP Ep. 97: January 6th Inside Story, Tactical Errors, and FBI Corruption
In this powerful episode of SITREP, hosted by Alpha Warrior and CannCon, the discussion turns to the deeply controversial January 6th events. Our guest, James Brett, shares his personal accountof that fateful day, including firsthand insights into the chaos at the Capitol, the violent police tactics, and the disproportionate charges faced by the protesters. James also breaks down the FBI’s role, including the use of expired pepper balls and questionable arrests, while uncovering the complicity of both federal agencies and local forces. Tune in as we unpack the government’s manipulation, tactical failures, and the systemic corruption behind the scenes.
Alpha Warrior, being not only a marine but a Law Enforcement Officer, makes this discussion GOLD! (Besides I love his voice.)
James Brett is a Proud Boy and a marine. He was one of the ones who called Ray Epps a Fed in the video. He also says there was someone with a megaphone saying POTUS Trump was going to be at the capitol [THE LURES]
James also mentions the police would form a line and then fall back. They did this a number of times. Remember the videos of the guy removing the temporary barriers marking the no go areas? James says he was never arrested. [THE INVITATION]
James said the police were not following protocol. They were using expired rounds in freezing weather at POINT BLANK RANGE thus turning ‘non lethal’ ammo into LETHAL rounds. This is why the rounds tore thru cheeks and such. The police also fired grenades again at point blank range literally killing two guys via ‘heart attacks’ (Blunt force trauma to the chest see below.)
Third they were firing from above again turning non-lethal into lethal ammo.
However James said the biggie is they BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF WOMEN! [INCITING]
James has actual footage of the Capitol police beating a woman. He will be giving it to Alpha. Given what James is saying, inciting MAGA to riot is probably the real reason why Ashley Babbit was shot in cold blood. It is why @ 37 minutes, Alpha, who is a police officer, says if the police CREATE the situation they then can not arrest people because of the situation they created. This is in reference to the police gassing their own line and having to retreat, thus providing an opening for the crowd. He says it is similar to the concept of entrapment.
This is a very rough time vs info outline instead of a transcript.
41 min IMPORTANT It is about Ray Epps and Ryan Samsel. There is an article at the bottom about his treatment in pretrial confinement. Contrast that with Epps treatment. CannCon says you can clearly hear Epps saying to Samsel “we need more people” this is at the same time that James heard the megaphone saying Trump was going to the Capitol. Samsel is the guy who pushed over the bike rack just after Epps talked to him. CannCon interviewed a guy who was right next to Epps and heard what he said.
44min James says the Feds are probably coaching Samsel
49 min James said the Feds deliberately targeted the veteran population… However they do not understand vets. It made us STRONGER and more determined.
52 min James talks about The Info War.
The fedsurrection caused MAGA to be scared to protest. [Because we realized it would play directly into the Cabal’s hands – GC] so instead, MAGA focused on the info war. General Flynn said we now have thousands of Digital Soldiers. This means it now takes only 12 to 16 hrs to debunk the Cabal’s propaganda. James does not think they planned for that. He thinks they thought they would get on going skirmishes that they could then use to destroy MAGA and Trump. [Thus Elon’s take over of Twatter was a BIG victory for MAGA. With the Tea Party, the Cabal painted us as ‘racists’ in order to destroy us. — GC]
56 min James said for every officer the FBI finally acknowledged was there they would have another 15 to 20 tasked around that officer. A lot of CS were with DHS not FBI. [This is why I brought up Janet Napolitano’s targeting of veterans. It all fits like a glove. — GC] Since anything DHS does can be labeled ‘National Security’ they do not have to reveal what they were up to. They planned it for plausible deniability. Also some may have been working for PRIVATE individuals like Nancy Piglosi.
1 hour Alpha says he does not trust Mike Benz.
1hr 6min The pepper balls being expired how important is that? Fired from elevated position – HUGE lethal force from the start…. James says a buddy was hit. The ball split the visor on his hat and grazed cheek. They are supposed to explode [go splat like a paintball – GC] but it did not!
Alpha explains why and says those who were hurt can go for civil suits and probably criminal charges.
Rounds from a batch should be tested before firing at a crowd. Cold or hot can effect pepper bullets. [They are liquid -GC] An officer should fire at a bag that simulates a body to make sure the bullets are functioning properly. They have to be CERTIFIED to use as less than lethal.
Alpha asked Teric Johnson how often do you certify with the pepper bullets. He said he did not know. A LEO LT should know. This suggests every single one of those officers were out of compliance.
1:11:00 Official Warnings are discussed. There were No audible warnings, therefore the crowd was NOT accountable. Officers should be in crowd with recording devises as proof that warning were given.
1:14 James wandered around the night before. They set up a tower on N side of capitol. Plus he found 3 cell phone towers the night before. So why are you setting up facial recognition and cell phone towers? BECAUSE they were setting up a digital pen. To do what? To trap us.
Capitol police are exempt from FOIA requests — Are you out of your mind?
1:18 Alpha on how Trump should handle pardons. Instead of a blanket pardon, there should be investigations and then dismissed if there was no probable cause. Look for prosecutorial misconduct – Dismissal THUS ALLOWS lawsuits. Investigate the investigators ALSO. Investigate the cases that SHOULD have been brought but were not. Were these CSs & Informants?
James Brett says he has buddy advising him. They are trying to weed out CSs & informants.
Bombshell Video: Capitol Police Fired On January 6 Crowd Without Warning – Injured Many — Washington Standard
In the hundreds of conversations we have had with January 6 attendees, political prisoners, and police abuse victims, they all say the same thing. Innocent people were attacked by police without warning.
This was an attack on the American people.
While FBI-Deep State operatives, like Ray Epps, were breaking through barriers and leading Trump supporters to the Capitol, police were readying to fire on them indiscriminately without warning.
Four Trump supporters died that day in the violence. Dozens more were injured. Two Trump supporters, Kevin Greeson and Benjamin Phillips, died immediately when police started firing on the crowd – without warning….
Lots of videos included in that story.
DC Draino
Wonder why the J6 Committee never showed this video?
Watch as police throw 3 concussion grenades into a peaceful crowd
The man at the end says everything was peaceful until police did this
I’ve never seen cops throw flashbangs into peaceful crowds
Just in case you were wondering those concussion grenades CAN KILL!
Blunt Impact to the Chest Leading to Sudden Death from Cardiac Arrest during Sports Activities — The New England Journal of Medicine
Sudden death from cardiac arrest in a young person may occur during sports play after a blunt blow to the chest in the absence of structural cardiovascular disease or traumatic injury (cardiac concussion or commotio cordis). We studied the clinical features of this apparently uncommon but important phenomenon.

Those four protesters who were murdered during Jan 6th were not the only victims of the Cabal.
Biden’s DOJ Tormented These Four J6 Protesters To Death — The Federalist
...Many protesters were severely punished because federal courts stressed a “need to deter others, especially in cases of domestic terrorism.” In other words, they made examples out of Jan. 6 protesters for daring to question the results of the rigged 2020 election. Some Jan. 6 protesters crumbled under the Biden DOJ’s political persecution.
Four of them took their own lives. Here’s what we know about those victims….
…The hopelessness, demonization, and fear felt by Georgia, Aungst, Perna, and Meacham are not isolated.
More than 1,100 people present in our nation’s capital on Jan. 6 are targets of Biden’s Justice Department.
The Jan. 6 footage should have been released immediately for the benefit of J6 defendants and clarity for the American people. Since it wasn’t, Democrats have been able to destroy lives and freely lie for nearly three years about what truly transpired.
Biden and the corporate media claim that these protesters, the vast majority of whom were peaceful, are domestic terrorists and a threat to the nation…
So the Jan 6th MURDER count by the Obama/Biden regime is at LEAST eight.
Others were badly injured:
EXCLUSIVE: “CAPITOL POLICE TRIED TO MURDER ME!” January 6th Viral Victim Who Was Pushed Off Second Story Ledge by Police Speaks Out, Announces LAWSUIT!
…Scores of other Trump supporters were victims of extreme police brutality that left some near dead (including Victoria White and Philip Anderson) who were documented maimed or injured on video….
This is the guy CannCon and James discuss. He is the person Ray Epps whispered to. Stupid? Yes, but he does not deserve this gulag type treatment.
NY Judge Slaps AG Garland, Federal Bureau Of Prisons With Complaint For Depriving Now-Brain-Injured J6 Hostage Ryan Samsel Of Emergency Medical Treatment
This one is down right horrifying. It has to be read to be believed. Before being imprisoned he was due for surgery. The DOJ, Dept of Prisons, AND HIS LAWYERS are DELIBERATELY TRYING TO KILL THIS GUY! He is the one who was beaten in prison to the point he lost his eye. He is now being moved from jail to jail all over the country so his medical papers can not keep up.
“So I got moved around every two weeks because they didn’t want the public to know where I was at. So what they would do is they would just transfer me all over the country. And so, most of the time, I lived in booking. I wouldn’t make it to the block, they would process –keep me in booking for two or three weeks when it’s only made for six hours. I lived in bookings,” he continued. “Finally, when I was in Virginia, Virginia had sent me out and get checked to see how bad the clots got, and the clots have gotten worse, and they prescribed me a blood thinner and physical rehab. Never got to physical rehab.”… “So, they deny him his medicine because they had no records that he was ordered to be on blood thinners….. He has only received blood thinners that the doctors ordered for one or two months of the last three and a half years of his incarceration.”

This is what a holding cell looks like. This is where this guy has been living.

“Samsel has been transferred to 19 different correctional facilities 28 times since his Jan. 30, 2021 arrest, all along pleading with jail guards and the courts for the surgery he was prescribed before his arrest that was scheduled March 11, 2021. It is now painstakingly obvious that the US Marshals are being ordered to move him before he gets medical care. He’s about to get surgery, and then the Bureau of Prisons moves him…
There is a lot more.
I wrote this because there is NO WAY the USA will survive if these criminals are NOT punished. Biden pardoning MONSTERS can not be allowed to stand. The only way I can see to over turn these pardons is to destroy Biden’s illegitimate presidency making the pardons null and void.
33 days 11 hours 44 minutes until our Once and Future President is restored to his rightful office as president of the greatest country on the globe.
Not that I’m counting, mind you.
Are you sure the Earth is a globe, Steve? You seem pretty convinced, lol.
LOL! Globe Earth Steve ain’t Flat Earth Dave.
Dave’s not here, man!
Yep… their whole flat earth theory just went up in smoke (or frost 😀 ) at least the locals were dressed to the nines for the occasion, tuxes and all 🙂 ….
Hmmm. Wonder what a crossover with 2001 would be like…
“I’m afraid I can’t do that Dave”..
“Dave’s not here”…. 🙂
Pretty sure Steve has described a personal hot button in detail.
Good! The thread came up! Now to fix what I overlooked in the title…..
Done! Finally. Hey! Where is everybody?
Probably taking a happy break so they don’t bust their monitors. This is too infuriating a subject to deal with late at night.
Thanks Wolfie!
You’re welcome!
On a somewhat related topic, Poland has become the first EU country to introduce compulsory gun & shooting classes in all its elementary schools.
Excellent tweet – great video.
Not a bad idea.
Heh. I couldn’t see the tweet, but I really, really, really liked the concept.
Well done to Polish leaders.
Yeah. And this is under a Polish RINO, too!
Interesting drone thread. Note that they are now hassling ATC at Wright-Patterson AFB. They are also being detected coming in off the ocean.
Note the “racing drones” that are capable of anomalous flight. Note the comment that it would have been considered alien tech a few years ago. Note debate over heat signature, and its relevance to discussion.
Note how people are getting “nervous” thanks to the drone psy-op – exactly as they wanted. This drone is a stupid ammonia-powered drone that was busted by community notes on X.
The company is just pushing an “ammonia as fuel” angle.
The Capitol Police have too much power. There should be oversight regarding what they can keep from the public.
We should have a “Gail Combs J6 Committee.” I hope the good guys have all the information presented here.
A lot of people think that, if it’s proved Biden got into power illegally, that voids everything he did while in office. Others say no, that would not be the case. I think the latter is correct. The chaos of overturning everything would be destructive, even though I agree that it would be the “just” way of dealing with the fraud.
Citizens should have the magic key that opens everything, from the Capitol doors to the vaults with J6 footage. Holding oneself above the Citizens should be a capital offense — from the Capitol Police to the superannuated legislators to the SES and to the corrupt judiciary and Soros DAs. That would, of course, include any who engaged in election fraud.
Until Trump releases, withOUT redaction JFK, MLK, 9-11, two attempted Trump assassinations AND more, we’ll never start getting to full transparency.
Trump must lead the way, breaking the paradigm information must be kept from the people. This Includes the faux self importance of Congress AND their Keystone cops.
Massive drive to declassify must be initiated.
I agree. It is THE WAY!
A severe penalty to all who participated must follow to prevent this from happening again.
TB…how’s your wife doing??
Thank you for asking, Pat. She continues to slowly improve as hoped. We go for a follow-up exam with a different ophthalmologist from the same practice tomorrow morning, which is great as we will have a second opinion from another highly experienced specialist. If still progressing well, she will be released back to her optometrist for follow-up. Her optometrist is one of the best in the area and highly respected by the ophthalmologists.
It has been going exactly as Wolf indicated it might. Healing of the eye is significant, vision being restored fully has been going slower and will take much longer. The latter is happening, just slower.
good news!
I’ll keep you both in my prayers!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Good to hear! 👃
Thank you!
severe penaltypardon to all who participated must follow topreventENSURE thisfromWILL happeningagain…”Exactly. They serve us – We the People. We are not subjects.
Simple answer, what would the founders have done?
They would have hung them all. I’m afraid that’s going to have to happen to some. Just to prevent this from ever being tried agaif. We?
Even let one get away with it without punishment. They will try it again when they think we’re not looking.g
Even let one get away with it without punishment.They will try it again when they think we’re noty
Even let one get away with it without punishment.They will try it againt
Even let one get away with it without punishment , they will turny
Even let one get away with it without punishmentt
Even let one get away with it withouth
Even let one get away witht
Even lete
I’m dont know what happened.I tried posting from the phone and it triple posted sorry
pgroup2 says we can not nullify Biden’s admin because it would set a bad precedent.
The problem is ALLOWING it to stand sets an even WORSE precedent.
It is not possible to declare a presidency null and void nor is it possible to overturn pardons. It is very dangerous to pander with this nonsense idea. When the electoral college voted on 1/6/21, SlowJoe became the only person entitled to be president. When they administered the oath of office of 1/20/21, he became POTUS.
That’s it. No take backs. No do overs.
so fraud gets rewarded?
doesn’t sound like justice to me
Congress committed the error/crime compounding the Democrat crimes. And then SCOTUS helped. Yes, outrageous. An INJUSTICE happened, and then there were more.
Now the question is HOW does it get rectified, or do all the criminals walk away fat and happy ready to further destroy the USA.
They get to walk away until a moral just authority goes after them. I think that’s what the incoming admin will do. Justice is like a turtle – it’s slow but it gets there.
I certainly hope so. Otherwise it will be street justice like found that CEO.
Life is not fair and its systems aren’t either.
“…When the electoral college voted on 1/6/21,…”
That is the key point. 44 people out of 435 + 100 = 535 IS no where near representative much less a quorum.
It is not even 10%!
Do we now allow a SELECTED <10% out of those we voted into office AND WERE PRESENT, determine the fate of our country?
Can we do the same for All of President Trump’s cabinet picks? Select 22 SOLID MAGA republicans and who cares demon-rats plus JD Vance to break the tie?
ALSO, remember the WHO can declare a Plandemic at will so this becomes a new way to pass any legislation the Deep State wishes. It allows the installation of ANYONE they wish as president too.
Of course the alternative is to provide rock solid evidence that the Clot Shot IS a bioweapon, to show the public the videos of these SOBs abusing, raping and murdering babies and allow vigilante justice to prevail. That is something I do not want to see. However given Turbo Cancers plus the Clot shot harming mental health, that is a very real possibility. I am sure the puppet masters would be very happy to see that play out since it gives them the ammo they need for gun confiscation.
Aside from state law, the only other possibility I can see is shipping the bastards off to OTHER COUNTRIES for their justice system to deal with them.
It is taking me HOURS to post comments BTW…
That means the only answer is unredacted Transparency and unequivocal punishment, including the ultimate.
“These people.”
Love that this guy is coming!
I would love to see Mrs. Abe attend. Not the schmo currently in the hot seat, but Mrs. Abe.
I just love this guy! What a happy warrior he is.
He needs to bring his chainsaw and lend it to Trump.
Trump’s speech at his inauguration will be significantly longer than in 2017.
Hope he signs EOs AND pardons, setting the tone for Trump 2.0.
Significantly longer??? I hope not. People don’t like long speeches.
Forgot my /s. Sorry.
Significantly longer than the couple minutes in 2017, may not be long, by politician standards.
Then they will probably sue, and there will be a court battle. Bring it on.
Love that Trump isn’t backing down!
Well, the thing is, the cat’s out of the bag. It was a bit of a secret before COVID and not at all now.
Remote work is completely doable. It’s cheaper all the way around. Less stress on just about everyone who can do it, less fuel consumed in commuting, lower dry cleaning bills, etc. In my one brother’s case, he can work when he’s got a sick kid as his wife generally is sick.
Yeah, people need to get together to work as a team in many instances, but even when I was office working, a computer with internet access and my mobile, and there was a lot I could get done without being in the office.
then we need to seriously reduce the salaries of gov’t workers. they do not need extra consideration for business attire, commuting to work, finding a suitable apartment close to dc…etc.
and who’s to monitor or keep tabs on these people? if they spend 2 hours at lunch, take an entire day off–who’s to know?
remote work is fine for dedicated professionals, but does that describe MOST if ANY gov’t workers?
Just my inexpert opinion.
DePat is correct for private industry. Been there, done that in my personal occupation and as a leader of a business unit employing people who did so. You actually work more when employed in private industry working from home if the job can be handled in that manner. If you don’t you lose your job.
It is incorrect for government. They need to be physically accessible to unit leaders as well as We the People who walk in off the street. They serve us – We the People. We need to be able to observe them as they work for us as long as we do not disturb the work flow. Working from home as a government worker is an oxymoron. No actual work gets done. I experienced their “work” in this manner for two decades. It is rare for a government worker to ever get fired. They simply transfer them to another unit in government.
I will fight this “work from home” crap to my last breath.
There is more to “work” than productivity. Human beings needs to function together in units, to further the human race.
Our world is fracturing, people are lonely (some don’t even know it). Working from home will foster all kinds of social ills.
WHY don’t people see this?!?
Beat that drum. People sure need to hear it.
I see it. 100% agree.
Please, elaborate, as many of us cannot work in such conditions.
Let me rephrase that.
When I worked in an office – it was non-profit, but the same thing happens to me in choirs – I’d walk in the door, and within five minutes, there would be a line outside my cubicle with questions from people who should be able to look up the answers. Yeah, no. So long as we have you, why should we. Never mind what you had planned for the day, or the number of phone conversations going on around you. It’s not like my dad’s engineering corps experience where there was a low din all the time. Nooooooo.
This is not productive, especially if the office is paper free.
What needs to happen with government, IMO, is an audit of what the people who actually work, actually do. My guess is over a third to half are working in either redundant positions, or have 3-4 in positions that really are the same.
Start there. People who get their work done no matter where they are should be left alone unless they need a stand alone server, or are in the diplomatic or communications sectors.
Let the audit begin AND start letting dead wood AND redundancy go away.
This work-from-home phenomenon is anti-society, and ultimately destructive to humanity. Birth rates are already falling sharply; could it be that with no interaction with humans at work, people just aren’t forming relationships?
In the case you cite below, when people are trying to lean on you to do their work, that is a teaching moment. If you give in, they learn something bad. If you say ‘no, go away,’ they learn something else. It’s also a teachable moment for YOU; learning how to say no to others is an important skill.
The world is about more than work.
You say, No, go away, you get fired.
Frankly, I know few people who worked together who ended up together. My parents met due to my mother’s dog. My one set of grandparents were introduced by a priest, the other set, Grandpa was pushing his nephew in a stroller when they met.
I don’t think that really holds water.
I am one of those people whom everyone in a work environment tried to get to do their work for them. I know how to say no, and not be fired. I’ve done it many times.
Working from home should be the rare case, not the norm.
At a MINIMUM Monday for the work assignment & brain storming and Friday for the status report.
With the work I did I really needed to be able to talk to people and I want face to face. I found phones just do not work.
But that’s just it, it depends on the work. Come spring, my sister will pack up her work computer and monitors and will take them to her place as she has a two month project that gets more attention and is done more quickly without the distractions of the office so she does it at home. There are other things she does need to be on campus to do face to face, but that task is not one of them.
That’s what isn’t sinking in. It depends on what work is being done. I can schedule meetings from anywhere. Toward the end at the one non-profit, I’d go in twice a week just to deposit checks and file. Social media can be done from anywhere. It’s not cut and dried at all.
I offered to show a supervisor how to fill out a FedEx form and she literally said to me, That’s why I have you.
We all have our life experiences.
100% correct.
Private industry do as they wish, as they Must be profitable or fold.
Government, go to the office or join private industry.
IF government workers don’t want to go to the office, treat them as Reagan treated PATCO.
You Are Fired!
Does any work get done IN a Gubmint Office. Or is it just promiscuous extracurricular activity!
Asking for millions.
One 25+ year federal agency leader I knew surfed porn all day for years until he offended a female staffer with comments. She reported him. They put him on probation and he pretended to work until he got his 30 years in and retired. After being reported he would come in and sit at his desk and nap or pretend to do work shuffling files and papers, go to lunch, come back and continue, then go home every working day for years.
Another office in Atlanta of this same agency allowed minority workers to put up Caution – Do Not Cross tape across the entrance to their cubicles and shut down work on their files for up to two weeks of vacation. Screw the needs of the citizens.
Government union workers would get up and leave a meeting if it encroached on their lunch hours. We would look up and there they would go without saying anything.
All would look for inconsequential programs and such they could support and eventually lead to pretend to accomplish something and build their little kingdoms for budget allocations so they would not actually have to work.
All expected us to help them spend or use all of their budget allocations even if there was no demand for it.
All leaders expected us to attend their useless meetings and training sessions to justify their roles or else they would make things difficult for us in the performance of our jobs with our employers as well as influencing votes from politicians on business that affected our industry.
I could go on, but you get the gist of it.
Nothing like being in the corporate world and living in a Dilbert cartoon…
Make them contract workers instead of employees. Each segment of time requires certain tasks to be done. If they are, pay the contractor. If they aren’t, call the contractor into HQ to explain why not.
Make them contract workers.
THEN cancel the contract.
(An optimistic contractor, brings a lunch to work.)
I don’t have a problem with making them contract workers. However, if they are more productive not in an office with one distraction after another – this is part of the various reasons I will NEVER EVER work in an office again – then, what’s the problem?
…dedicated professionals…if ANY…
It only works well if you are paying [a contractor] for a finished piece of work at an agreed upon price.
Indeed. Done that for years. Remote is fine with a contract for services rendered.
Firm Fixed Price delivers.
Not drinking that Kool-Ade.
Just as Covid IS / WAS a lie, full productivity from home is a lie.
Laugh of the day. Stay home on full pay, take care of sick kid. Wife generally sick…
It’s all laughable.
Don’t give a rats if they save fuel not commuting, dry cleaning nonsense…
Have you ever been there and done that?
Which part?
Yes, I recall your posts having done so. Or was it your brother/ Both? Yada. Yada. Happy for ya. Does NOT change my perspective.
Government workers go to the office.
Private industry do as they wish.
Private industry has to make a profit.
Exactly. One is income producing. The other is not, it is a cash drain on all of us. The only way to judge productivity of the latter is to observe their performance in an work or office setting. How can a leader adequately judge the government worker’s response to citizen needs when they work from home? When they are isolated there is zero opportunity for building consensus on how to serve We the People better in their jobs.
FOr a computer engineer? The question is does the coding work or not.
I was about to say, it depends on the work. As a lab rat I HAD to go in, sometimes in the middle of the night.
For a computer engineer, he has to be available for the tech writers to interrogate at least once in a while.
Make Biden Null & Void…
We elected him to be hard azz toward all traitors, seditionists and the non-productive leeches who siphon our tax revenues.
While that court battle is ongoing, they will be out of a job and out of pay.
Does anyone really know what this is all about? Seems more nefarious than on the surface.
Why did Joe create this deal in the first place? Just to keep the cabal alive?
Great way to create and hide phantom employees….
Feds need to hold a “Man Overboard Drill”.
Match payroll employee number (SSN?) to live employees in the office.
Then verify, No Duplicates AND no reported dead SSN on payroll.
Replacing white historical figures with people of color…check.
Having a man pretend he can effectively portray a female…check.
Highlighting the absurdity of a SCOTUS justice performing on stage…check
I’d pay to see that….check.
TOMORROW – Lyrics from Annie (C. Strouse/M. Charnin)
The sun’ll come out
Bet your bottom dollar
That tomorrow
There’ll be sun!
Just thinkin’ about
Clears away the cobwebs
And the sorrow
‘Til there’s none!
When I’m stuck with a day
That’s grey
And lonely
I just stick out my chin
And grin
And say:
The sun’ll come out
So ya gotta hang on
‘Til tomorrow
Come what may!
Tomorrow, tomorrow!
I love ya tomorrow!
You’re always
A day
Love it…check!
Unfortunately, I don’t know too much about modern Broadway productions [I could do better with Gilbert & Sullivan], but I’m sure there could be at least one role for every Justice. How about Roberts doing “Trouble” from The Music Man? Barrett doing “Does Your Mother Know” from Mamma Mia?
Alito belting out “Tradition!” from Fiddler on the Roof?
Female Indians did not wear feathers.
She’s not breaking this rule, though. Think about it.
Why didn’t the females wear feathers?
Obviously she’s not Indian…enough…for it to matter…
War Bonnet…
TY So even the natives kept females out of war!
Fauxahontas had an ancestor who was part of the Army that drove the Cherokee out of NC and onto the Trail of Tears.
Just when I think I couldn’t love Trump any more! LOLOLOL!!!!!
Trump library funded by failed Pravda News.
Donations, contributions of any kind not used.
(I can dream.)
9/11 fakery is getting roasted on X, and the DS is having to fight back in Community Notes. This is what a lot of “them” are afraid of – justice finally coming for a bad plan. The community notes on a slow video of some really atrocious CGI are – quite frankly – desperate and dopey. Not only did I rate the note as only somewhat helpful – I commented.
Wolf Moon
Current @CommunityNotes is failing to address the actual issue here – is this a bogus video or not?
Having witnessed a case where NYC network photojournalists tried to fake some footage in support of big money left-agenda lawfare back in the 80s, I can believe them faking this.
1:33 AM · Dec 18, 2024
Do recall that I had a gas grenade land quite close to me.
Trying to find that video where I yelled FU! In the process, I discovered that our Jan 8 open thread had over 2200 comments. YIKES.
I still have to sleep tonight.
I’d prefer to distract myself by looking at things with different perspectives…..
That’s actually pretty cool.
Tomorrow, I’ll have another one where they gaffed a sponsor.
Here is one of their earliest, self-financed videos….the one that made them famous…..
It has something like 66 million views on this version.
What they look like when they’re just a band —
As a band —
Even weirder, when I looked at the date and thought “OMG, that was 5 years ago”, I then realized that it could NOT have been 5 years ago.
The date was wrong – GMIT wrote 20200108 instead of 20210108!
Which error I shall save and cherish! 😉
Perused that day, along with a few days before. Grandma (miss her) along with many posters that either visit periodically or moved on.
J6 Memorable. Heartbreaking to this day. Cold rage.
The coup truly needs to be exposed. Followed by indictments, trials, maximum punishment.
Like nothing else in my 69nearly 70 years, J6 has not faded a bit.
I think Grandma is over at Sylvia’s, so you might want to pop in to engage her a bit. She’s sorely missed around here.
I heartily agree with your assessment above. The treatment of the last individual in Gail’s post is unfathomable in our formerly free country 😡
No Words
I wonder how Valerie is doing with SoZ…..
Got about 30 pages left 🙂
Just finished it minutes ago, in time to return to the library tomorrow 🙂
What did you think?
I think it’s a bad sign that she finished the book and no longer wants to talk to me.
Ha ha, I ended up taking a random nap…
As opposed to a random walk — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Random_walk .
Although, I suppose you could do both — random somnambulism.
Well it was an entirely interesting read. The dystopian world & characters portrayed were mostly pretty disturbing & for the most part not people you’d want to root for. The way he divided up the tale w/ different style topical chapters took a bit of getting used to, almost like intermittent channel surfing. It was a pretty creative endeavor & prescient in a number of ways. That main computer they looked to for advisement was a decent foreshadowing of AI including the idea of computer “consciousness”. The idea that the whole world, minus very limited sectors, would get on the eugenics train was quite disturbing. There were certainly parallels with the depop agendas we see in play now on a global scale. I found his creative use of language, perhaps to sneak certain ideas past censorship in the era of its publication, kind of fun to try to decode. I’m sure I missed some stuff he was alluding to but I’m very glad his world is fictional, & under multiverse concepts not one that This world can spin off into 🙂 .
The chopped-up presentation comes from the work of Marshall McLuhan, who famously stated “the Medium is the Message.” [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marshall_McLuhan ]. McLuhan’s 1951 book, The Mechanical Bride, “is composed of 59 short essays that may be read in any order—what he styled the “mosaic approach” to writing a book. Each essay begins with a newspaper or magazine article, or an advertisement, followed by McLuhan’s analysis thereof. The analyses bear on aesthetic considerations as well as on the implications behind the imagery and text. McLuhan chose these ads and articles not only to draw attention to their symbolism, as well as their implications for the corporate entities who created and disseminated them, but also to mull over what such advertising implies about the wider society at which it is aimed.”
I hope you recognized when “tell you three times” was important. I should note that The Hunting of the Snark is subtitled an “Agony in Eight Fits”, and we recently touched on Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy at Qtree, which (in the original radio version) is comprised of Six Fits.
There’s a passing reference to a production of “Low-End Grin”, which is derived from Lohengrin [ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lohengrin_(opera) ]..
The events of SoZ are supposed to take place in 2010 (the novel was published in 1968). It incorporates “widening social divisions and political extremism. Despite the threat of terrorism, U.S. corporations like General Technics are booming…. China is America’s new rival. Europe has united….affirmative action, genetic engineering, Viagra, Detroit’s collapse, satellite TV, in-flight video, gay marriage, laser printing, electric cars, the de-criminalization of marijuana, and the decline of tobacco. There is even a progressive president (albeit of Beninia, not America) named “Obomi”.”
On a personal note, I read the book before I was in High School. Imagine my surprise when part of the curriculum was to take a period in the middle of the day, and group together with a bunch of sweaty teenage males for an hour, before taking a perfunctory shower and returning to classwork. I was probably the only person in gym class who knew what “pheromones” were.
I guess you always were precocious, but given your parentage it’s not like you had any choice in the matter! LOL
In my junior high & high school the showers were shower heads around the perimeter of one big room so Zero Privacy, pretty brutal for adolescents. Hubby’s fraternity was worse. They had the toilets, 3 in a row on one wall with urinals on the opposite wall. No stall walls or doors anywhere. I just cannot fathom community dumping for an entire school year or even one’s entire college experience–Gross!
Why was the experience designed that way? What message was being sent? Remember the line from SoZ, something like “some guy had run fast and far to get there, and he was going to get turned around in a hurry and run off”? What happens when you run young men around together and stifle their aggression?
Probably depends on the specific group but some kind of dynamite, metaphorically, is often involved 🙂
James Blish (another Science-Fiction author) said, “I disliked everybody in it and I was constantly impeded by the suspicion that Brunner was not writing for himself but for a Prize.”
I actually felt sympathetic towards most of the characters…..but, then, I had a certain amount of internal social distance myself (despite interacting with all sorts of people). That’s about the time that my mom stopped in at a store several miles from where she imagined I spent my time and was told, “oh, you must be Cooth’s mom.”
Modern review:
“Only thing I have to say is don’t get this as an audiobook. The opening feels like drinking from a firehouse with nearly 20 minutes of news snippets and it’s a lot of work to pay attention because there are so many transitions.”
I saw this yesterday and thought it belonged here:
The FBI On January 6
…Not many people have actually read Horowitz’s report, and headlines about the report have been misleading, more often than not. American Experiment’s David Zimmer is one of the few who have read the report, and also have the expertise to evaluate it. David has collaborated with the FBI many times, including providing security at three presidential inaugurations. And he worked with many confidential sources during his 33-year law enforcement career. David recorded his observations on Horowitz’s report at AmericanExperiment.org.
This is what the Horowitz report says about FBI sources who were present at the Capitol on January 6:
Did you catch the logical fallacy used in that Limited Hang-out? The Strawman?
We call it a FED-surrection not an FBI-surrection. The FBI is not the only government agency that could have boots on the ground. In fact, after the FBIs role in Russia, Russia, Russia, the DemonRat Commies would be FOOLS to use the FBI again. Instead it makes a lot more sense to lay a false trail — Witmer Kidnapping, followed by the FBI agent transfer to DC. — And then use an entirely different government branch
Heck we know the CIA runs Confidential Sources in the USA. Then there is DHS, the State Department,Treasury… and even private citizens like Soros and his ANTIFA thugs.
‘Proving’ ONE of the many many departments was not in on the FED-surrection means Nothing. Especially if the actual truth is hidden under a National Security classification.
Rep Clay Higgins: ‘Easily 200 FBI Undercover Assets’ Dressed as Trump Supporters on Jan 6
Higgins would have been better off saying government assets. During the Tucker interview he stressed the fact you just can not walk in and find Nancy’s office without direction. The place is a maze. Tucker concurred.
We even have videos of the Q-Anon Shaman getting a conducted tour.
Have yet to read what the FIB agents assigned, or went their on their own accord, did In the Capitol or outside the Capitol.
Seems everyone one of these guys (gals) must be questioned in great detail.
Epps will be one of them. FIB, contractor or otherwise, Epps knows more than we’ve been told. His communications and finances have a story to tell.
As posted before, J6 rates a Special Prosecutor.
Edit. The use of “rounds” flash bang, CS, pepper balls needs to be investigated in-depth. Rounds expended, where, when, by who, why, etc. Including “proper use” and documented training.
I think Ivan Raiklin is correct the DMs at Twatter among those on his ‘Deep State Target List’ are going to be VERY INTERESTING!
Also, Biden can ONLY pardon FEDERAL CRIMES. There are also state crimes and Observing Consciousness [OC] at Badlands, mentioned “ the Uniform Code of Military Justice” which I know nothing about.
From Cornell Law: Uniform Code of Military Justice
Additionally from Military.com: The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)
I think OC maybe barking up the wrong tree in thinking pardons do not apply to military law. That leaves Ivan’s suggestion of state law. OR over-turning Biden’s installation because it was never valid in the first place.
There are also the EO stripping assets from people.
EO 13818 (Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption) However that EO expanded the scope of the Magnitsky Act, a FEDERAL LAW.
Like it depends on what the definition of “is” is.
Dan Bongino says he has photographic proof that an agent(s) was there.
…who was a crisis actor.
Technically, a pardon places the recipient beside the law.
With a glass wall between the pardonee and consequences. .
From a year ago. ANOTHER reason to wipe the Biden Admin off the map.
‘Unexpected’ Deaths of Young Americans Soared in 2023
Another reason FauXi, Walenski and All of those murders must be brought to justice.
And why the Biden Pardons MUST NOT STAND!
They CANNOT be undone. Implying that they can be undone is dangerous and causes patriots to have false hope while wasting energy pursuing it.
If nothing is done to bring justice by 2028, I see ZERO REASON to ever bother to vote again. Why bother if all that happens is the commies steal my vote and then tell me to kiss their butts.
I am sure a lot of others will be feeling the same.
“If nothing is done”.
I suspect something will be done.
That is why I used an IF — Then statement.
The method used to STEAL 2020 and then ‘Ratify it,’ can not be allowed to stand or it will become ‘Best Practice’
Whether you vote or not is your decision.
I did not say nothing could be done about it. I just pointed out that there is no way to ‘undo’ them.
And then, there’s that piece of human excrement, Xavier Becerra, who extended the PREP Act COVID-19 liability protections UNTIL THE END OF 2029. This HAS to be removed on 20 January 2025.
Pretty sure that ain’t in his lane.
The Problem. Pen used to extend Prep Act.
The Cure. Use a pen to Cancel Prep Act.
Another interesting article from Slay News.
Mitch McConnell Launches Attack Against Trump’s ‘America First’ Agenda
This is where the real fight is.
WHO actually controls the Reboob party? The Military-Industrial Oligarchy? OR We the People?
Mitch, the CCP asset, is making another grab for control of the Trump Admin. However I do not think it is going to work this time. MAGA is NOT going back to sleep after the election and they WILL organize to Primary the asses of those RINOs who refuse to support POTUS Trump.
Either get on the Trump Train or get RUN OVER!
Zero chance Turtle wrote that article.
IF Turtle were asked about that article,
Article in Foreign Affairs. Guessing MIC and DoS read that rag.
Yeah, it is a Deep State article. They want the gravy train to continue.
That magazine is how the globalists mind-control the entire “diplomatic class”. I used to be a regular reader, until I figured out that it was far from free speech and free exchange of ideas. Too many sound ideas are completely excluded from discussion. Too many things cannot be said, or must be qualified with bullshit. And you are right – there is no way Mitch did anything but nod to a RINO staffer with a sketchy Chinese wife who is running his office now.
The Deep State seriously needs to find a home for all these old men and women and quite parading them in front of the crowds like they were Pope Saint John Paul II. Yes, the man taught us what it means to die with dignity, but there is nothing dignified in what McConnell and the rest being propped up is all about.
Chinese Special Olympics.
Thank you, Gail!!!
You are very welcome. I figure this was a subject that would be coming up as a hot topic fairly soon, so background would be welcome.
Drone hoax rolls on…
Pentagon lying dog breath piece of shit.
BREAKING: Pentagon Press Secretary refuses to explain why the CIA/FBI drone briefing remains classified — even as they claim the drones are just hobbyist models.
today’s Ron White’s birthday
“I didn’t know how many of them it would take to kick my ass. But I knew how many they were going to use…”
Meanwhile the media has begun to showcase incidents of civilians being

scapegoatedarrested for flying drones illegally. This one below from Boston.Law Enforcement Arrests Two Men Over ‘Hazardous Drone Operation’ on Long Island — Third Suspect Still on the RunJim Hᴏft Dec. 17, 2024 9:45 am 448 Comments
Are they wearing Khakis?
Correction – DAMN L I A R S
Russia Says Suspect Detained in the Killing of a Senior General in Moscow
They are at war, casualties such as those are likely to happen. If true, address and televise the capital punishment.
“The only way I can see to over turn these pardons is to destroy Biden’s illegitimate presidency making the pardons null and void.”
I see one other thing we could do. Assign each of the “pardonees” a 24-hour detail for life. Watch every move they make. Prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law for any infraction, no matter how small.
Jaywalk, we got you. Five miles over the speed limit? Ticket with largest allowable fine. Have a glass of wine with dinner out and drive home? Immediate traffic stop with field sobriety testing. Taxes filed? Audit.
It’s the least we can do to protect innocent Americans from these bastards. Who knows what crimes they might commit left unattended.
Another thing to do for consideration . . .
If, as I have read, it is true that recipients of pardons have lost their 5th amendment protections concerning the pardoned offenses, then bring them in and question them to reveal all of the details concerning those offenses. If the pardonees are not forthcoming with the truth and all details . . . jail ’em. If they provide the truth and all the details, then there may be, or probably will be, some actionable information in their responses.
I bet this scheme is in DJT’s plan.
There is hope.
Gail Combs
Thank you for this!
So, it appears that Yogananda Pittman got a “revolving door golden parachute.” One wonders how many other government actors in the J6 disaster got something similar?
Doesn’t matter. It is subject to being clawed back under current law regarding obtaining payment from the Treasury using false pretenses.
Nobody is beyond reach, pardon or no pardon.
Verse of the Day for Wednesday, December 18, 2024
“The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever.”
Isaiah 40:8 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
T. Turtle
December 18, 2024 9:55 am
These $numbers are mind numbing! It is far cheaper, safer, and saner to deport them, ALL!
“Mass Deportations Would Save Americans $62 Billion a Year”
New York City alone has spent $5 billion in 2 years on the illegal alien invaders. Next year the city expects costs to double. And that’s just the cost of social services. The costs of the illegal alien crime wave can’t even be calculated, but the annual cost of incarceration is over half a million per criminal. The costs of the legal system are difficult to factor, but they are in the high millions. Illegal alien migrants already account for 75% of the arrests in Midtown Manhattan. Over 58,000 illegals in the city have been convicted of a crime or face charges.
NYC alone has enrolled an estimated 40,000 migrant minors. The city’s schools spend an estimated $36,000 per student. That comes to around $1.5 billion in costs. And the costs for non-English speaking students with social problems would be even higher.
Some open borders advocates argue that illegal aliens provide economic benefits through cheap labor. But the labor is only ‘cheap’ for their employers. It’s hideously expensive for the taxpayers who pay to house, feed and educate every single member of their large families.
Forgiveness in the 21st Century
Mind splitter, code keeper, builder of the altars
Where will you go when the magic falters?
Soul snatcher, trespasser, thief of the will
Cold-hearted, calculated; gives me a chill
Spell caster, handler, false web weaver
Seems like your working up a real bad fever
Tavistock, CIA, MI6, FBI pick up sticks
All of you playing from the same bag of tricks
Who gave you the right; what makes you dare?
Do you have any doubts about what is fair?
Worker of iniquity, mind violator
What turned you into this stone-cold hater?
You herald human intellect, elevate the mind
Survival of the fittest, strong wins over kind
Compassion seen as weakness, absorbed into the hive
Mentality of evil; it eats you up alive!
The WILL is inviolate and should be sanctified
All your violations, abominations; will be tried;
Judged and convicted, by the rule of the Law
There is a Higher Power that watches over all
Reject the dark forces, renounce and repent
Turn your face away, before your life is spent
Chasing after evil, disguised as golden light
You can’t change its nature, try as you might
To continue to deny exactly what you see
Before your very eyes, the true reality
We have been told, they will prefer the lie
At times the vision weakens me; makes me cry
The evil slay the wicked, it’s written in the Book
Maybe you should check it out; take a closer look
Power and the pleasure; the riches you enjoy
Are fleeting, temporary, spoiled, rich man’s toys
It hasn’t been an easy path that leads me to today
Where I can truly pray for you, and mean it, when I say
Forgiveness, such a thorny rose, but one that can be known
From deep within the heart; through prayer, in tears, alone
D01: 04/10/2013
Thank You Duchess! 🙂
Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing
#psalm91 #psalms #prayer
Pray Everyday
Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.
#faith #god #psalms
Good online friends —
GA/FL posted an update over on Marica’s blog about Sally Q.
Please spare a prayer or good thought for Sally Q, for GA/FL, and for Sally Q’s father.
Thank you.
Here’s the link for details:
TY for the heads up CV, Blessings!
Understanding the Soul of China: Sun Yat-sen and Abraham Lincoln by Matthew Ehret
Is an interesting read. I disagree with him on the subject of FDR, who I feel advanced the wishes of the City of London, but the first 1/2 about Sun Yat-sen is quite interesting.
…While taking aim at the “old, evil capitalist system”, Sun was not attacking free enterprise or capitalism per se, as many reactionary communists tend to reflexively do, but rather the principle of empire masquerading behind ivory tower liberal theories of free trade, always with the intention of dividing to conquer their victims.
Writing his 1917 Vital Problems of China, Sun Yat-sen displays a profound insight into the true nature of the empire’s manipulation of both China (and the world,) saying:
Sun Yat-sen understood this “Great Game” very well.
Throughout his Vital Problems, Sun not only rigorously demonstrated how and why the British oligarchy directly manipulated ALL of the major wars of the 19th and early 20th centuries in the pursuit of a “balance of power”, but also laid out those imperial techniques that are as applicable today as they were in 1917 when he said:
Sun pointed out that when a nation is on the ascent, Britain’s policy is to use alliances with weaker powers who are on the descent to undermine it, and once those allies find themselves in a position of ascent, the policy is reversed, and they then become the targets for destruction, echoing Lord Palmerston’s famous assertion that the “empire has no permanent friends, but rather only permanent interests.”…
Unfortunately, Sun Yat-sen’s early death in 1924 created a leadership vacuum, which none among his allies within the Kuomintang were even moderately qualified to fill
In the modern age, the vision of Sun Yat-sen, Lincoln and Wallace for a world shaped by national projects, rail development and peaceful cooperation is again alive in the leadership of China, and the person of Xi Jinping….
At a recent event commemorating the life of President Sun Yat-sen, Xi said the following:
I went back to my article on Xi, China, Opium, the Triads and the British East India Co.
because I wanted to check on Xi’s father.
June 15, 1953 – XI IS BORN
Wiki has:
Xí Zhòngxūn; 15 October 1913 – 24 May 2002) was a Chinese communist revolutionary and politician who was the 1st Secretary General of the State Council from 1954 to 1965….
Pictures From a Revolution: … nytimes.com›2021/06/30/
All I can find about Xi’s grandfather is that he died in his early forties.
Nice Xi had good words for Sun Yet-Sen. Maybe he can do Chiang Kai-shek next or is that a bridge too far? After a small course on Chinese History I concluded reform was on way in China but the Commies could not wait and short circuited the process. Had they just waited they’d of ended up somewhat similar to the US. Alas Mao gave up on the Americans early after trying to get their help and turned to the harsher solutions. Those were the Dulles brothers and Wild Bill Donavan days where they had their fingers into everything. A bit more attention to the Republic of China might of helped avoid Mao’s rise.
Remember the Bank of London was behind the rise of the Bolsheviks. I am fairly sure they had their fingers in the rise of communism in China too.
Mao was a Yale Man – A Yali with Skull and Bones – Part 2
Skuttlebut? maybe
see: In 1969, Rockefeller Official Said US Would Be De-industrialized
That goes to:
👉“Each part of the world will have a specialty and thus become inter-dependent, he said.
Al Gore said the same thing to the Future Farmers of America. He told them to get out of farming. There were other plans for the USA.
I wrote a decade ago: You have to understand where the Progressives are coming from. The current US foreign and economic policy is based on INTERDEPENDENCE.
“Economic Interdependence and War: A Theory of Trade Expectations,” International Security, Vol. 20, no.4 (Spring 1996)
Bill Clinton with his ratification of the World Trade Organization in 1996 and his ‘Reaching Out to China’
for campaign contributionsput in place World Interdependence. Both the IMF and WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy said so.(For IMF see: Convergence, Interdependence, and Divergence, Finance & Development, September 2012, Vol. 49, No. 3 (wwwDOT)imf.org/external/pubs/ft/fandd/2012/09/dervis.htm)
For Pascal Lamy and Ian Goldin (University of Oxford )
Rethinking International Institutions
So Alex Jones was not off the wall with that stuff.
Matt responds to ethics committee releasing the report on him
Matt Gaetz
The Biden/Garland DOJ spent years reviewing allegations that I committed various crimes.
I was charged with nothing: FULLY EXONERATED. Not even a campaign finance violation. And the people investigating me hated me.
Then, the very “witnesses” DOJ deemed not-credible were assembled by House Ethics to repeat their claims absent any cross-examination or challenge from me or my attorneys. I’ve had no chance to ever confront any accusers. I’ve never been charged. I’ve never been sued.
Instead, House Ethics will reportedly post a report online that I have no opportunity to debate or rebut as a former member of the body.
In my single days, I often sent funds to women I dated – even some I never dated but who asked. I dated several of these women for years. I NEVER had sexual contact with someone under 18. Any claim that I have would be destroyed in court – which is why no such claim was ever made in court.
My 30’s were an era of working very hard – and playing hard too.
It’s embarrassing, though not criminal, that I probably partied, womanized, drank and smoked more than I should have earlier in life. I live a different life now.
But at least I didn’t vote for CR’s that fuck over the country!
I support his position on this shit. But he got lousy counsel on this.
He should have stayed and fought until the lie was exposed and repudiated. As it stands currently, it’s just another he-said-she-said pile of crap.
He didn’t have what it takes to be DJT’s reformer Attorney General. Sad but true.
jmo but i don’t think he was supposed to be.
but I am also side eyeing Nanzi’s accident.
Agreed. Nominating Gaetz was a beautiful Trump troll – and a threat. If they turn down Bondi, then Trump needs to re-nominate Gaetz, or somebody just as hated and feared by the bastards.
And just think what now can be exposed!
Natalie Winters
2h • 4 tweets • 1 min read •
Read on X
The CR mandates the establishment of no fewer than 12 bio containment laboratories.
They must research “rapid response” to “emerging infectious diseases.

The labs must be either biosafety level 3 or 2.
The text is vague, demanding “information sharing” with “researchers and other relevant individuals” which could very easily translate to foreign, Chinese labs.
Covid 2.0 here we come.
@threadreaderapp unroll
biosafety level 3 or 2.
Biosafety Levels 1, 2, 3 & 4: What’s the Difference?
Biosafety Level 2 (BSL-2)Biosafety level 2 (BSL-2) covers all laboratories that work with agents associated with human diseases — that is, pathogenic or infectious organisms — that pose a moderate health hazard. Common examples of agents found in a BSL-2 lab include equine encephalitis viruses, HIV, and staphylococcus aureus (staph infections).
BSL-2 labs are required to maintain the same standard microbial practices as BSL-1 labs, as well as enhanced measures due to the potential risk the aforementioned microbes pose. Personnel working in biosafety level 2 laboratories are expected to take even greater care to prevent injuries, such as cuts and other breakage to the skin, as well as ingestion and mucous membrane exposures.
In addition to the safety protocols established for BSL-1 labs, BSL-2 labs are subject to the following safety controls:
Access to a biosafety level 2 lab is far more restrictive than to a biosafety level 1 lab. Outside personnel, or those with an increased risk of contamination, are often restricted from entering the area while work is underway.
Biosafety Level 3 (BSL-3).
Common safety controls within a BSL-3 lab include:
Access to a BSL-3 laboratory is restricted and controlled at all times.
Biosafety Level 4 (BSL-4)Biosafety level 4 (BSL-4) labs are rare; however, a small number exist in the U.S. and around the world. As the highest level of biological safety, BSL-4 labs work with highly dangerous and exotic microbes, such as the Ebola and Marburg viruses. Infections caused by these types of microbes are often fatal and come without treatment or vaccines.
In addition to biosafety level 3 considerations, biosafety level 4 laboratories must follow these safety protocols:
BSL-4 labs are extremely isolated, often located in an isolated and restricted zone of a building or in a separate building entirely. BSL-4 labs also feature a dedicated supply of exhaust air, as well as vacuum lines and decontamination systems.
Good Lord, BSL-2 is like a glorified college-level science lab!
That damn BSL-2 lab at the USDA poultry research facility in Georgia is the most-likely “leak place” for the current H5N1 variant.
BSL-3 is only a little better than that.
And WTH is up with funding ANOTHER set of “regional bio containment laboratories”?
“…And WTH is up with funding ANOTHER set of “regional bio containment laboratories”?
They replace the ones the Russians blew-up in Ukraine.
Gail Combs
Where will these new “regional” labs be located? What is “regional”? In the United States — perhaps one of them being an “expansion” of Baric’s lab at UNC? In Africa? “Cooperative facilities” with the CCP? All of the above?
I don’t know why (well i do) these need to be in a CR.
there’s trying to hide stuff from the public.
Trump can deal with these. Withhold funds. Direct the stop work…shut down.
It cracks me up that hat hair is trending. Its a hat mullet!
Donald Trump has sent the internet ablaze after debuting what appears to be a new hairstyle as he met with MAGA fans at his Florida golf club.
The president-elect, 78, was seen sporting a short, slicked-back hairdo at his Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach on Tuesday.
The new look was a stark contrast from the iconic bouffant hairstyle that has been a key feature of his public persona for decades.
It is unclear if Trump, who at a press conference Monday was sporting his typical style, has changed his look for good or if he had just chosen a more relaxed hairstyle as he spent time at the club.
Regardless, social media users were shocked by the change, with some branding the swept-back look as ‘hat hair’ and said they were seeing the President-elect in ‘rare form’.
One user even joked that he would be rushing to the salon and ‘asking for the Trump 2025 look’.
These people…… ARE IDIOTS!!!
Wolfie, A warning. Our internet is acting up again. I have trouble posting comments today and yesterday it was down all day. 😕
I think I’m going to relieve you of duty next Wednesday, since it’s Christmas, and that is preferably done by a Christian anyway. That gives you two weeks to figure out what’s wrong! And if you don’t have things fixed by the next time (January First), I’ll do that one, too!
OK, Thanks Wolfie!
I bet DP has a few Christmas posts in the vault that could potentially be adapted for 2024 🙂
12.18.24: IT was OVER before it BEGAN, What is [P]?, Trump Presser goes wild, Art of the DEAL! PRAY!
And We Know
December 18, 2024 11:13 am
Congress is giving themselves all kinds of raises again, while they are rolling over for the DIMs yet again…
Haven’t passed a budget in almost two decades and they think they deserve more pay, more security, more everything.
SotH is lying trash and needs to be voted out NOW on a vote of No Confidence.
Congress’ New Spending Bill Allows Members to ‘Opt Out’ of Obamacare
By Brittany M Hughes
18 Dec 2024
“Tucked into Congress’ nearly 1,600-page Continuing Resolution that spends billions of dollars we don’t have on crap we shouldn’t be paying for is a little provision exempting representatives and senators from being forced to participate in Obamacare – the 2010 health care law Congress passed that was supposed to fix our busted health care system and…well, hasn’t.
Under the new bill, members of Congress would have the option not to enroll in a plan under the so-called “Affordable Care Act,” and could instead use the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, proving that even the people who passed the stupid law – which is neither “affordable” nor capable of providing good “care” – don’t want the garbage taxpayer-subsidized coverage offered by government-run health insurance.
Because it inarguably sucks.”
I am certain DIMs would never leave Obamacare since it is part of their platform and talking points.
Going for everything they can before PDJT gets in.
It’s like Mardi Gras on the Hill.
I never thought Congress had Obamacare. They always had their own custom plan, no?
Me too. Always thought Congress exempted themselves. Our betters are special.
Sally has (so far) decided against trying the alternative cancer therapies.
She just may be tired of fighting after 40 years post diagnosis with this disease, plus its accompanying heart disease and diabetes, and then cancer twice.
Things have gone downhill over the last couple of days – with an atrial fibrillation attack that lasted almost all night before it was resolved, and is in pain more often now. She’s taking a half or whole tylenol + codeine tablet PRN. She is still taking her Rx medications and her OTC supplements.
I spoke with one of the Hospice groups, and will talk with Sally and her Dad about her wishes going forward.
Please pray dear hearts – you and your prayers, advice, wisdom, encouragement have meant all the world to me. You fierce truth warriors have helped me heal, learn, grow, stand strong, overcome many faults, follies, falsehoods, obstacles, discouragement, quandaries and more -!!! YOU ALL are treasured beyond words – !!! I am so blessed to be among such a dear, encouraging, healing community – !!!
Thank you for your kind words! I trust that with God’s help, you and Sally are making the right decisions. We will keep praying for you both, and for all family members! 🙏
GA/FL my prayers are with your family. May your faith carry you through this next part of your journey with Sally 🙏🩷✝️
Prayers 🙏
Prayers 🙏
I am very sorry to hear she does not want to try alternative medicines.
🙏 ❤ ✝
This is a hard one. Sending also Good Energy, Deep Wisdom, and Deep Courage.
Wow. May God help you all make the right decisions.
I wish she was using oxycodone instead of codeine. Much less liver threatening.
Keeping you all in my prayers. 🙏
Dear GA/FL, I will continue to be in prayer for Sally, you and your family. Life can be so fragile, yet it can be a wonder of delight, strength and memories thereof.
Cradle as much as you can now.
God will bless you with an ethereal calmness in the days ahead, no matter what transpires. I experienced this with my father’s situation two years ago. i hope you will find that calm as well.
🙏 always for you and Sally.
Prayers of healing body , mind and spirit. I pray for wisdom and strength GA/FL for you and your daughter. God knows what she needs. Peace and love ❤
I am praying for you both.
Will keep praying for you & your precious family. I also replied at Marica’s w/ more. God be with you all in Rich Abundance during these challenging times. 🙏
it gets worse…
December 18, 2024 11:33 am
Bannon said re the $$$ bill in Congress, our “Republican”congress are voting themselves a raise from 173,000 to $243,000.
Meanwhile we are how many trillions in debt? And how much goes to Ukraine and Israel?
Vote out Mike Johnson! What a loser.
December 18, 2024 1:43 pm
I wanted to read the full 1,500+ page bill & speak with key leaders before forming an opinion. Having done that, here’s my view: it’s full of excessive spending, special interest giveaways & pork barrel politics. If Congress wants to get serious about government efficiency, they should VOTE NO.
Keeping the government open until March 14 will cost ~$380BN by itself, but the true cost of this omnibus CR is far greater due to new spending. Renewing the Farm Bill for an extra year: ~$130BN. Disaster relief: $100BN. Stimulus for farmers: $10BN. The Francis Scott Key Bridge replacement: $8BN. The proposal adds at least 65 cents of new spending for every dollar of continued discretionary spending.
Thank you, Vivek. The CR bill will not pass. The game the Democrats play is to blame Republicans if it fails. It’s not a big deal if it fails. Non-essential federal employees are sent home without pay, they almost always are compensated retroactively. Essential government functions continue, such as national defense, law enforcement, air traffic control, and some healthcare services. Social Security and Medicare continue to be paid.
IOW, the claim that the govt shuts down is patently false. Maybe we should call everyone who says that a liar.
Been there done that when they played that idiotic game under OH!BUMMER.
From my notes at that time:
2011 report: <b>Government Shutdown: Operations of the Department of Defense During a Lapse in Appropriations</b> by Stephen Daggett
<i>”[…]Funding for the Department of Defense, as for most other federal agencies, is being provided through a Continuing Resolution that may expire after April 8, 2011. If additional funding is not provided after then, DOD, like other agencies, may be subject to a lapse in appropriations during which agencies are generally required to shut down. In the past, however, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has identified a number of exceptions to the requirement that agencies cease operations, including a blanket exception for activities that “provide for the national security.” If the Administration approves of such exceptions in the current circumstances, many Department of Defense activities would continue, though other activities would halt.
2011 report: <i><b>Shutdown of the Federal Government: Causes, Processes, and Effect</b></i> by Clinton T. Brass, Analyst in Government Organization and Management.
<i>”[…] If interim or full-year appropriations are not enacted into law, the time interval when agency appropriations are not enacted is referred to as a “funding gap.”5 A funding gap also may occur any time a CR expires and another CR (or regular appropriations bill) is not enacted immediately thereafter. When a funding gap occurs, the federal government begins a “shutdown” of the affected activities, including the <b>furlough of non-emergency personnel</b> and curtailment of agency activities and services. Programs that are funded by laws other than annual appropriations acts (e.g., entitlements like Social Security) also may be affected by a funding gap, if program execution relies on activities that receive annually appropriated funding […..]”</i>
This gives the departments like Social Security that are Debts or Entitlements that MUST be paid. It lists the <i>”information on agency securities and on investments of Federal Government accounts in Federal securities”</i> in table form.
TABLE FD-3. lists the Government Account Series in millions of dollars for 2010
Airport and Airway Trust Fund ……………………… 7,045
Deposit Insurance Fund ……………………………….37,441
Employees Life Insurance Fund ……………………. 37,605
Exchange Stabili-zation Fund ………………………. 20,436
Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund…… 187,222 down from 207,932
Federal employees retirement funds…………….. 785,988
Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund ………… 279,475
Federal Housing Administration ……………………. 4,194
Fed.Old-Age & Survivors Ins. Trust Fund… 2,399,111
Fed. Savings & Loan Corp., Resolution Fund………. 3,388
Fed. Supplementary Medical Ins. Trust Fund…….. 70,982
Highway Trust Fund ………………………………….. 24,455
National Service Life Insurance Fund ……………….. 8,161
Postal Service Fund …………………………………….. 1,142
Railroad Retirement Account ……………………………. 506
Unemployment Trust Fund …………………………… 18,703
Other ……………………………………………………. 759,426</i>
(reorganized to fit vertical instead of horizontal G.C..)
“Non-essential federal employees are sent home without pay”
I thought they were already AT home!
And if they’re non-essential, why do we have them?
….in a government of limited, enumerated powers?
“Non-essential federal employees are sent home…”
^^^ DOGE. Their work is NOT essential. ^^^
And unconstitutional coverups. What a disgrace!
Saw this on X as a reminder. For Steve 🤣
CO2 levels. THAT is the reality. Arguable climate changes. THAT is the reality.
Stripped of politically preferred interpretations, let the science be science!
Unfortunately fake. The “bumper sticker” doesn’t follow the curve of the window.
December 18, 2024 1:56 pm
EMERGENCY SITREP: The 1,547 page CR bill Breakdown
🔴 The CR includes The “Pandemic Preparedness and Response Act which reportedly allows for:
– Vaccine and mask mandates
– Vaccine passports
– Intentional emergency powers
– Gain-of-function research
These provisions also created agencies like BARDA, which are involved in mRNA and gain-of-function research.
🔴 The CR allows Congress to block subpoenas for House data, including emails, potentially preventing any investigation into the J6 Committee.
🔴 Social Security Fund Diversion
— it diverts approximately $200 billion from Social Security.
🔴 Pay Increases for Congressmen & Senators from $174k to $243k a year & making them eligible for Federal Employee Health Benefits
🔴 (1) year renewal of the “Global Engagement Center,” — the Censorship Industrial Complex aimed at continuing the silencing of our freedom of speech.
🔴 Redefines the National Health Security Strategy
—— this can allow them to declare Climate Change a National Emergency
OK – this is a NON-STARTER. End it!!!
Johnson must be blackmailed beyond belief. Could he be following PDJT’s direction to expose all the waste and who’s going along with it? Definitely highlighting the waste for DOGE.
He needs his butt kicked back to cajun country, then they can take over and finish the job.
Looks like he got his butt kicked and so did the rest so they backed down.
Yup – 2013 – 👍
They did not have Elon and Vivek back then. 😀
I will repost Mikes contact info tomorrow.
Remember we WRITE for a blog that routinely gets 200 to 400 comments and sometimes over 1000s…
Lot of hungry gators down there.
Time for phone calls again… SIGH!
At least we booted his ass already.
Ran Paul is definitely redeeming himself.
Well that’s going to probably be open for debate down the road. But we’ll take any help we can at this point with the CR BS.
The major reason that Washington is so afraid of government shutdows is that the rest of the country might realize that they like things that way.
Okay, update.
Started taking multi-vitamins again. Not as high a dosage on C & D as recommended, but it’s there.
Ordered Ivermectin today. Should be here next week.
Fatigue lessening VERY gradually. I mean very. I’m going to attempt laundry tomorrow. Wish me luck.
I am more alert as I’m getting sleep in 1-3 hour slots.
I am considering having Target deliver what household items I need. It’s just going to be easier than actually going there.
The Couch Commando actually put the lights on the tree today. Now, if I can just get him to sweep the floors.
How long does this spike protein thing last? I’m more than ready for its demise.
Will have something up tonight. It might not be up to the usual amount, but I’m fighting this and sitting all the time…being 4’11” in a house of people taller…the chairs are doing a number on me.
Take it easy D-Pat. Your health is more important than an article.
And decking the halls. I’ve pretty much decided since we have a smaller tree this year, not all the ornaments are going on it, and since the 12 year old special needs one will be here, the REALLY breakable ones are staying in the boxes. That includes my angels, and a number of others.
I just can’t do it this year.
Then don’t. Slim it down and I will bet no one will actually notice.
Oh, it’s already been noticed.
Dim the lights! 15 Watts!
Tell them to decorate, IF they think it is so important.
Couch Commando can get off his ass.
OK. I’ll STFU.
I was thinking the same thing.
Yea. I speak out of turn, too often. Back to STFU.
I am only decking my front door this year, and a few candles in windows. That is IT!
Maybe two poinsettias on the fireplace hearth. Honestly.
This year. Some outside lights. Pre-lit tree with 700 lights. Simple. Looks great. Have not done ornaments in years. DONE.
Next year prolly a wreath on the door and pre-lit tree inside.
Any comment, not complimentary. They can put up all the decorations they like AND take them down after January 1..
Has anyone ever tried a one-word article?
Maybe Andrew Breitbart…
Focus on your health, as The Priority.
Placeholder works. IMO. We’ll populate the day.
May even have fewer dupes. (Had to be a smart ass.)
Just take care of yourself. Floors can wait. Even on a good day, my floors just…wait!
And they are soooo patient. They never get up and go hide somewhere.
B12? For myself, I’ve recently started 2000mg once in the morning. Doesn’t add a zip, but the fatigue that has been creeping up for years now is gone.
I grab the sublingual (under the tongue) B12 when ever I have breathing or allergy problems. As a matter of fact I just took one.
I hope you get better . I know it is miserable being sick. I am glad you getting the Ivermectin.
I had something last week lots of sinus problems being tired . I took more vitamins no improvement. Finally I took “Zelenko Z pack ” still had a bottle. Also took Oregano oil in pill form. Made Chicken soup and herbal tee. Today after taking the program for 3 days feel 98% better. I also slept much that helped.
DW has severe scoliosis and as part of the physical therapy treatment, she gets needled by an acupuncturist who is very logical and well informed. She told DW, who is also experiencing heavy fatigue from her lingering past bout with WuFlu, that she also had WuFlu and took a preparation called D-Spiked produced by Holystic Solutions to ensure the spike protein was out of her system. The contents of the capsule look pretty good and we have subscribed for $55.25 per month. Just for your info.
Good to know. Thanks for the information. Best wishes for DW.
NONE, but I doubt any Q-Treeper fell for any.
My favorite is that Trump said drinking bleach would fight COVID. Anyone who believed that any adult of sound mind would say that is beyond hope.
CR/Omnibus needs to be shitcanned.
Have NOT read one good thing in the CR/Omnibus.
Start from scratch.
Just a mess.
all those greenies will get a seat at the table with elections there and a say in gov’t. i vote no
I’m enjoying Trump trolling and toying with spawn of Fidel.
I think he’s making sure that Canada takes out Baby Fidel. He’s making Canadians realize that they would legit be better off as a state in the USA. Once they realize that, they will get rid of Baby Castro completely.
Canadians don’t have the American mindset. And think what a YUGE state Canada would be. Imagine the number of electoral votes it would have.
Trump is trolling. I don’t know what he’s thinking, but he is already showing the world that the America-first way is best. He is demonstrating what a real leader looks like and can accomplish, and he’s not even in office yet.
Canada’s population is about 41M. By contrast, California’s population is about 39M.
Then not so many EC votes!
Roughly equal to Kalifornia.
The Post Millennial:
Yes. I’ve been thinking that those are OUR materials, paid for with OUR money.
Excellent idea. Pam Bondi can prosecute them, and we can make them famous as they await trial.
‘The View’ Co-Host in Hot Water: Alyssa Farah Griffin Caught Coaching Federal Witness and Known Liar Cassidy Hutchinson – May Face Criminal Investigation
…attorney, Stefan Passantino.
Seems this attorney, An Officer Of The Court (impressive words) may also be in hot water.
Have not looked into the details. No time. The entire J6 Un Select Committee was a sham.
Liz Cheney criminally referred. It’s all a snake infested criminal swamp, IMO
Liz, Liz, Liz … are your so spectacularly stupid to not realize that PDJT has had ALL this info since 2016?? OMG!
She didn’t think his kind would ever rise again.
Yes, they have to infiltrate our normal activities in order to change them and society. That’s their goal, not to be able to play sports or work in offices or whatever. They want us to change.
And it’s just the beginning of “wanting us to change”. TRANSGENDER is the predecessor of TRANSHUMAN. They want the right to CHANGE YOUR KIDS.
I never thought of that but you are CORRECT!
Jennifer Bilek gets credit for that realization!
Jennifer Bilek
It’s here! Pre-order with TTT20 for 20% off until the end of August.
the 11th hour blog
12:55 AM · Jun 6, 2024
Yup – we were on that one a couple of years ago. Mix it in with AI, the DNA muck up from the jabs along with a few other evil ingredients. Voila – Transhuman. Dr, Frankenstein would be so proud.
Ahhh, the three-legged races…..
Bring back carnivals! We need a fat lady, a geek, the world’s strongest man (or woman, since they can’t tell the difference) a monkey boy, and some glass eaters. Take the show on the road!
Is it possible that Mike Johnson is strategizing with this monster bill? I don’t know how someone could be so dense as to think it would be acceptable.
It is certainly a great way to get every single one of them primaried.
Congress is very very used to pushing thru unacceptable CRAP during the lame duck session.
As Eric Trump said previously, “These are not serious people.”
Putin has also said the same thing about US politicians. NOT serious people.
Putin has to actually win elections. He has to be serious!
I do not think he has it in him to strategize 🙄
🤣 👍
h/t Insty
They even have the voice down pat.
Jon Herold
This CR is putting in a section that allows them to “quash or modify any legal process…if compliance with the legal process would require the disclosure of House data…” House data = “any electronic mail or other electronic or data communication” They’re also applying this section to any pending matters. Basically if somebody was trying to subpoena emails of a member of congress because of a potential crime or something, this would allow them to quash such a subpoena. Interesting…
j x
December 18, 2024 3:33 pm
Doesn’t sound legit.
Sure sounds like an ARISTOCRACY to me.
House Of
LordsUntouchables – Above The Law.Running for their LIVES!!!
In some places the Roman seaports are two miles inland.
Sea Level 2000 years ago higher than today? Roman coastline discovered two miles inland
Of course some land is subsiding while other land is rising.
Of course some land is subsiding while other land is rising.
Yup. Which is the point. They don’t know, yet, they claim to know.
And ports silt up.
ANSWER: We write the Federalist papers to explain it to them.
Cute! 😆
They’re too stupid even for that apparently.
Too corrupt.
Gratitude Prayers
Prayer of Daily Thanks
Heavenly Father, as the sun sets, I want to pause and say thank You. For the little things like a warm cup of tea to the big things like my family’s laughter, I’m grateful. Each moment of this day has been a gift, and I thank You for the blessings, both seen and unseen. Let my sleep be a thank you, my dreams be praise, and my night whispers echo with gratitude. Amen.
A Prayer for the Gifts of Life
Dear Lord, under the evening sky, I come before You filled with appreciation. For the breath in my lungs, the food on my table, and the love in my home, I am truly thankful. Help me to always notice the countless gifts You provide and to never take them for granted. I rest in Your care, grateful for today and hopeful for tomorrow. Amen.
Thanksgiving for Enduring Love
Gracious God, as I lay down tonight, I reflect on Your unending love and care. Thank you for guiding me through this day, for the smiles shared, and for the kindness I received. Your love is a constant in a world that often changes, and for this steadfast love, I give You thanks. As I close my eyes, I feel the peace of a grateful heart. Amen.
Evening Gratitude for Strength and Guidance
Lord of all comfort, I am thankful tonight, not just for the good but also for the strength You gave me in challenging moments. Thank you for the wisdom in decisions and the courage in facing my fears. Your guidance is a lantern to my feet. As the stars appear, I thank You for lighting my path today and every day. Amen.
Sunset Thanks for Life’s Journey
Almighty Creator, every sunset reminds me of Your glory and the journey You’ve laid out for me. I am grateful for the paths I’ve walked today, the lessons learned, and the growth experienced. Thank You for being my compass and my companion. As the night unfolds, I count my blessings, and atop the list is Your unwavering presence in my life. Amen.
Trump tells Fox News — I am totally against Mike Johnson spending bill.
Breaking — Speaker Johnson looking at Plan B.
“… including disaster aid and economic assistance for farmers…”
BRIBES for the slaves so they do not see the slave chains hidden behind Congress critters’ backs
“Clean” continuing resolution is the Obvious AND Only way to go.
Johnson Is A Total Failure even considering this 1,500 page monstrosity.
Johnson Must Go Away 3 January.
Sounds like a really good plan!
NASA astronauts not coming home until March.
NASA Starliner is consistent AND a failure.
Now that would sure be convenient for one of the heads of DOGE.
In other words, he should NOT do that, it would do nothing more than stir the shitstorm to end all shitstorms.
Agree. Trump and the House can do it without attribution.
Starliner is a waste, IMO.
Clean CR / Omnibus incoming? Or something with clutter. No Trust Here.
Before local press tries to spin this, watch this video. We will be getting disaster aid but the current rendition of the CR is being pulled from the floor. It’s a bad deal for America. Was terrible to try to put on the floor in the first place.
She was just on Ingraham with Eric Schmitt. Sounded like that is the path they are working now. Johnson has already lost Massie’s vote for Speaker over this and other BS he’s pulled. So expect some fireworks in early January over that position.
I think it was renewing FISA. Johnson was very against it and then did a sudden about face.
I saw a picture of the bill yesterday, not sure when it was taken and it was one coke can high. This is now 2 and 5/16ths coke can’s higher. 😆 Nancy Mace Slays Me! 😂
Johnson just cooked his goose. Lying to the public. No surprises.
We can let Mikey know if he brings that bill to the floor we WILL see to it he is primaried. We do not have to be in his district to raise funds or raise awareness of what a Judas back stabber he is.
Mike Johnson
Louisiana’s 4th District
Contact Info
H-232, The Capitol
Washington, D.C. 20515
401 W. First Street
Room 33
DeRidder, LA 60634
Washington, DC568 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202-225-2777
Bossier City2250 Hospital Drive
Suite 248
Bossier City, LA 71111
Phone: 318-840-0309
Northwestern State University – Ft. JohnsonPO Box 779 (Mailing)
Leesville, LA 71496
3329 University Parkway
Building 552, Room 24
Leesville, LA 71446
Phone: 337-423-4232
Here’s a few things Steube fished out of the bill. There’s more.

Perfect time to do this. No elections coming up. Lots of time to play a game of shut down.

Here’s Congressman Nostrothomas speaking about this.
Our Christmas present to Johnson is getting the SOB Primaried!
We should be able to come up with a good candidate and raise enough funds.
They’re on a spending orgy at our expense, and they don’t care that we know it. Some of them don’t realize how tuned-in we are and how quickly information gets disseminated.
WGTTs on our Congresswomen.
DAMNIT! The DeepState is H3LL-BENT on getting another “PLANDEMIC” going before 20 January 2025 — IT’S THAT DAMNED H5N1 AVIAN FLU:
BREAKING NEWS: CDC declares first “severe case” of Influenza H5N1 in the US and California declares State of Emergency over bird flu on Dec. 18, 2024 — they’re going to do it again!
Yours Truly: There are SO MANY angles here:
ONE: the “severe case” of H5N1 was diagnosed in a person in LOUISIANA.
TWO: the person had been in contact with sick and/or dead birds in A BACKYARD FLOCK.
THREE: the H5N1 clade identified is a “new” version, called “D1.1 genotype.” This is apparently a version found in wild birds and poultry.
FOUR: Gavin Newsom (already jockeying for the 2028 DNC Presidential nomination) jumped all over this CDC news, declaring a State of Emergency in California and vowing to “do everything possible” to stop the virus from reaching there (possibly, perhaps, ordering the testing and/or destruction of BACKYARD poultry flocks in addition to commercial flocks?).
SIX: If the DeepState / FDA can, they will spin this situation into the IMMEDIATE GRANTING OF AN EUA FOR KOSTAIVE TO BE USED IN THE U.S., BYPASSING ANY “CLINICAL TRIALS.” The “rationale” for this potential action will be that the EMA (European Medicines Agency) just granted the equivalent of an EUA for KOSTAIVE to be used in the EU / Scandinavia. The “clinical trial” for KOSTAIVE in the EU “proved” that the “combo saRNA vaccine” is “safe and effective.” Also, Japan has already granted “full approval” for KOSTAIVE, and it is now being administered in that country.
Yours Truly smells the stench of “Something is rotten in Denmark” all over this situation.
Please also see: http://www.theqtree.com/2024/10/11/health-friday-10-11-2024-about-that-bird-flu-summit-in-virginia/
And the DeepState is going to do this under the cover of the fighting about the CRAPNIBUS BILL in Congress.
Copied to STOP PRESS: New Study Confirms the Shedding
Gail Combs
Thank you!
Count Me Out Of Any Plandemic AND moronic mandates.
After the Covidiocy / JAB scam, Americans are awake.
Does not mean they will not come on to our property and kill our chickens AT A MINIMUM.
I heard this on the radio today. The sick person is over sixty-five, and has “underlying health issues.”
IOW, this is bullshit!
I thought I remembered reading that bird flu is not very contagious. I just searched, and that appears to be the case. They’re either going to scare the public into thinking it’s very contagious, or they’re going to attack farmers’ flocks and affect our food supply. Or both. They need to be stopped now before it gets out of hand.
Rep. Nancy Mace
Uniform Of The Day. Compliments of @CharlieWrldTV
6:40 PM · Dec 18, 2024
Crazy Plane Lady can now step aside… (Scott, Kalbo?)… 🙂
At 5:30 POTUS Trump wishes Dan Bongino a happy 50th birthday.
[DS] Creates A Omnibus Bill Firewall For Protection, Road To 47 Will Counter The [DS] – Ep. 3526
December 18, 2024 x22report
The [DS][CB] are trying to cover up their crimes and push more money laundering. The people see it and are rejecting it. Congress with a very low approval rating decided to give themselves a massive raise while people are struggling in the economy they created that is imploding. Trump is going to use the leverage against the [CB]. The [DS] is trying to protect their criminal syndicate and cover up their crimes. They buried many riders within this massive bill. The people see what they are doing and this is the opposite of what the people wanted. The [DS] firewall will not work. Trump has prepared the Road to 47 playbook to counter the [DS]. This newsletter will bypass the fake news and corrupt politicians. The clock is ticking down.
Ep 3526a – The [CB][DS] Reveal Their Trap For Trump, Economic Boomerang
Ep 3526b – [DS] Creates A Omnibus Bill Firewall For Protection, Road To 47 Will Counter The [DS]
Another one we knew – but is good to hear them admit it. What those scumballs put our country through is deserving of the firing squad.
Looks like we are back to WordPiss BS on posting again.
OMG with a video on them admitting Biden was tanking mentally early in his term.
SO? Tell me how he is capable of all those pardons?
Repost of an earlier post. Just trying to ensure that DPat sees it.
DW has severe scoliosis and as part of the physical therapy treatment, she gets needled by an acupuncturist who is very logical and well informed. She told DW, who is also experiencing heavy fatigue from her lingering past bout with WuFlu, that she also had WuFlu and took a preparation called D-Spiked produced by Holystic Solutions to ensure the spike protein was out of her system. The contents of the capsule look pretty good and we have subscribed for $55.25 per month. Just for your info.
Thank you!
Scott is going to love this. 😆
From the ^^^ Twit…
MAYORKAS: “China has, in fact, hacked into our telecommunications providers.”
NBC: What are you doing about it?
MAYORKAS: We put out a memo for “best practices” online.
NBC: “How long has this been going on?”
MAYORKAS: “It is still going on.”
Since the tune’s a classic, Scott might be doubly interested 😀 (and probably has a better vid 🙂 )…..
This Is Noteworthy.
What little I have seen of Victoria Spartz, she is America First.
I will stay as a registered Republican but will not sit on committees or participate in the caucus until I see that Republican leadership in Congress is governing. I do not need to be involved in circuses. I would rather spend more of my time helping @DOGE
and @RepThomasMassie to save our Republic was mandated by the American people.
Has video
Confirmation Johnson Must Be Flushed.
Still irritated Gaetz resigned. Wish to hell Gaetz could get his seat back in the next Congress. But, it seems Gaetz flushed it for good.
It will be good to have at least one member of Congress totally committed to DOGE. I know there are a few others too.
Oh my! Aren’t they tricky.
This is why, legislation Must Be Read, before voting.
Sad news…😂😅😂
Stephanopoulos May Be OUT at ABC News After $15 Million Trump Defamation Settlement
Vivek Ramaswamy . . .
Couldn’t we just call him VRam? It’d be a lot easier.
Waters does a bang up job providing even more nonsense that is in the XMAS Ominous Bill.
There’s a dagger in Johnson as Speaker.
32 days 12 hours precisely until Our Once and Future President is restored to his rightful office.
Not that I’m counting, mind you.