DEAR KAG: Christmas Eve 20241224

Depat note: given that the house will be full of people, and I’m still not up to snuff after three weeks of COVID shot spike protein shed by other people around me (this is no fun), I’m pulling out a post that didn’t get all that much attention when it was published in 2021. Hopefully, more people see it this time.

This is Lessons and Carols, an Anglican tradition that just about all Christians could adopt without issue, IMO. It’s just a nice addition to all else that happens at this time of the year.

For reasons that do not need to be delved, I thought I would put up what amounts to my version of Lessons and Carols, using some of my favorite music that I didn’t get to sing this year. A few pieces, yes, were slated, but my truly favorite stuff, no.

Lessons and Carols prior to Midnight on Christmas Eve is a relatively new tradition begun at Kings College in Cambridge in England. The current form was first done in 1918, and bore a far more formal name. However, the original Lessons and Carols came out of Truro Cathedral in Cornwall, where the congregation was invited to sing along with the choir. It was considered to be a service, and in other branches of Christianity, such a sing-a-long prior to Worship is usually called a prelude.

What makes Lessons and Carols different is the interspersing of Scripture readings outlining the fall of man, God’s promise to Abraham, the prophesy of the Messiah, the Annunciation of the Incarnation, and the birth of the Savior at the Nativity. As this is not an official Liturgy, but a service with sections that are not static, even Catholics use the form for a concert or prelude. Carols for the congregation are plenty, as is work for choir and soloists. I synthesized a number of programs I found online to present this version.

One thing I should mention about the combined seasons of Advent and Christmas is that the music which is so beloved is, in and of itself, a history lesson. The vast majority, yes, is European in origin, but it reflects over fifteen hundred years of music and music development. Every time period and type is represented: chants from multiple centuries, formal pieces from the great composers, folk songs written for guitar, and much more.

That’s one of the reasons I love this time of year.

Without further ado…..

Lessons And Carols According To DePat

Lesson 1

From the Book of Genesis, Chapter 3:

[8] And when they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in paradise at the afternoon air, Adam and his wife hid themselves from the face of the Lord God, amidst the trees of paradise. [9] And the Lord God called Adam, and said to him: Where art thou? [10] And he said: I heard thy voice in paradise; and I was afraid, because I was naked, and I hid myself.

[11] And he said to him: And who hath told thee that thou wast naked, but that thou hast eaten of the tree whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldst not eat? [12] And Adam said: The woman, whom thou gavest me to be my companion, gave me of the tree, and I did eat. [13] And the Lord God said to the woman: Why hast thou done this? And she answered: The serpent deceived me, and I did eat. [14] And the Lord God said to the serpent: Because thou hast done this thing, thou art cursed among all cattle, and beasts of the earth: upon thy breast shalt thou go, and earth shalt thou eat all the days of thy life. [15] I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel.

[16] To the woman also he said: I will multiply thy sorrows, and thy conceptions: in sorrow shalt thou bring forth children, and thou shalt be under thy husband’s power, and he shall have dominion over thee. [17] And to Adam he said: Because thou hast hearkened to the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldst not eat, cursed is the earth in thy work; with labour and toil shalt thou eat thereof all the days of thy life. [18] Thorns and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herbs of the earth. [19] In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread till thou return to the earth, out of which thou wast taken: for dust thou art, and into dust thou shalt return.

Lesson 2

From the Book of Genesis, Chapter 22:

 [15] And the angel of the Lord called to Abraham a second time from heaven, saying:

[16] By my own self have I sworn, saith the Lord: because thou hast done this thing, and hast not spared thy only begotten son for my sake: [17] I will bless thee, and I will multiply thy seed as the stars of heaven, and as the sand that is by the sea shore: thy seed shall possess the gates of their enemies. [18] And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed, because thou hast obeyed my voice.

Lesson 3

From the Prophet Jeremiah, Chapter 23:

[5] Behold the days come, saith the Lord, and I will raise up to David a just branch: and a king shall reign, and shall be wise, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth.

[6] In those days shall Juda be saved, and Israel shall dwell confidently: and this is the name that they shall call him: the Lord our just one. [7] Therefore behold the days to come, saith the Lord, and they shall say no more: The Lord liveth, who brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt: [8] But the Lord liveth, who hath brought out, and brought hither the seed of the house of Israel from the land of the north, and out of all the lands, to which I had cast them forth: and they shall dwell in their own land.

Lesson 4

From the Prophet Isaiah, Chapter 9:

[1] At the first time the land of Zabulon, and the land of Nephtali was lightly touched: and at the last the way of the sea beyond the Jordan of the Galilee of the Gentiles was heavily loaded. [2] The people that walked in darkness, have seen a great light: to them that dwelt in the region of the shadow of death, light is risen. [3] Thou hast multiplied the nation, and hast not increased the joy. They shall rejoice before thee, as they that rejoice in the harvest, as conquerors rejoice after taking a prey, when they divide the spoils. [4] For the yoke of their burden, and the rod of their shoulder, and the sceptre of their oppressor thou hast overcome, as in the day of Median. [5] For every violent taking of spoils, with tumult, and garment mingled with blood, shall be burnt, and be fuel for the fire.

[6] For a CHILD IS BORN to us, and a son is given to us, and the government is upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called, Wonderful, Counsellor, God the Mighty, the Father of the world to come, the Prince of Peace. [7] His empire shall be multiplied, and there shall be no end of peace: he shall sit upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom; to establish it and strengthen it with judgment and with justice, from henceforth and for ever: the zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this.

Lesson 5

From the Prophet Isaiah, Chapter 11:

[1] And there shall come forth a rod out of the root of Jesse, and a flower shall rise up out of his root. [2] And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him: the spirit of wisdom, and of understanding, the spirit of counsel, and of fortitude, the spirit of knowledge, and of godliness. [3] And he shall be filled with the spirit of the fear of the Lord. He shall not judge according to the sight of the eyes, nor reprove according to the hearing of the ears. [4] But he shall judge the poor with justice, and shall reprove with equity for the meek of the earth: and he shall strike the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips he shall slay the wicked. [5] And justice shall be the girdle of his loins: and faith the girdle of his reins.

[6] The wolf shall dwell with the lamb: and the leopard shall lie down with the kid: the calf and the lion, and the sheep shall abide together, and a little child shall lead them. [7] The calf and the bear shall feed: their young ones shall rest together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox. [8] And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp: and the weaned child shall thrust his hand into the den of the basilisk. [9] They shall not hurt, nor shall they kill in all my holy mountain, for the earth is filled with the knowledge of the Lord, as the covering waters of the sea. [10] In that day the root of Jesse, who standeth for an ensign of the people, him the Gentiles shall beseech, and his sepulchre shall be glorious.

Lesson 6

From the Gospel According to St. Luke, Chapter 1:

[26] And in the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent from God into a city of Galilee, called Nazareth, [27] To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary. [28] And the angel being come in, said unto her: Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women. [29] Who having heard, was troubled at his saying, and thought with herself what manner of salutation this should be. [30] And the angel said to her: Fear not, Mary, for thou hast found grace with God.

[31] Behold thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and shalt bring forth a son; and thou shalt call his name Jesus. [32] He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the most High; and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of David his father; and he shall reign in the house of Jacob for ever. [33] And of his kingdom there shall be no end. [34] And Mary said to the angel: How shall this be done, because I know not man? [35] And the angel answering, said to her: The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the most High shall overshadow thee. And therefore also the Holy which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.

[36] And behold thy cousin Elizabeth, she also hath conceived a son in her old age; and this is the sixth month with her that is called barren: [37] Because no word shall be impossible with God. [38] And Mary said: Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it done to me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her.

Lesson 7

From the Gospel According to St. Luke, Chapter 2:

[1] And it came to pass, that in those days there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that the whole world should be enrolled. [2] This enrolling was first made by Cyrinus, the governor of Syria. [3] And all went to be enrolled, every one into his own city. [4] And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth into Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem: because he was of the house and family of David, [5] To be enrolled with Mary his espoused wife, who was with child.

[6] And it came to pass, that when they were there, her days were accomplished, that she should be delivered. [7] And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him up in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn. [8] And there were in the same country shepherds watching, and keeping the night watches over their flock. [9] And behold an angel of the Lord stood by them, and the brightness of God shone round about them; and they feared with a great fear. [10] And the angel said to them: Fear not; for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, that shall be to all the people:

[11] For, this day, is born to you a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord, in the city of David. [12] And this shall be a sign unto you. You shall find the infant wrapped in swaddling clothes, and laid in a manger. [13] And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly army, praising God, and saying: [14] Glory to God in the highest; and on earth peace to men of good will. [15] And it came to pass, after the angels departed from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another: Let us go over to Bethlehem, and let us see this word that is come to pass, which the Lord hath shewed to us.

Lesson 8

From the Gospel According to St. Luke, Chapter 2:

[16] And they came with haste; and they found Mary and Joseph, and the infant lying in the manger. [17] And seeing, they understood of the word that had been spoken to them concerning this child. [18] And all that heard, wondered; and at those things that were told them by the shepherds. [19] But Mary kept all these words, pondering them in her heart. [20] And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God, for all the things they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them.

Lesson 9

The beginning of the Gospel According to St. John:

[1] In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. [2] The same was in the beginning with God. [3] All things were made by him: and without him was made nothing that was made. [4] In him was life, and the life was the light of men. [5] And the light shineth in darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

[6] There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. [7] This man came for a witness, to give testimony of the light, that all men might believe through him. [8] He was not the light, but was to give testimony of the light. [9] That was the true light, which enlighteneth every man that cometh into this world. [10] He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.

[11] He came unto his own, and his own received him not. [12] But as many as received him, he gave them power to be made the sons of God, to them that believe in his name. [13] Who are born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. [14] And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we saw his glory, the glory as it were of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

There are a lot more carols to choose from, of course, and in the most used lessons, the Epiphany reading is included as well as the Christmas Carol drinking song, We Three Kings, but that doesn’t come up for another twelve days.

Speaking of….

And for those who are inclined to fall for the adopting saturnalia story for the date of Christ’s birth currently circulating in regards to Christmas….

Merry Christmas.

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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

27 days, 11 hours, 49 minutes until our Once and Future President is restored to his rightful office.

Not that I’m counting, mind you.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Merry Christmas, De Pat!

Thank you for thinking of us while your home devolves into Bedlam.

Gail Combs

Merry Christmas D-Pat and all the other Q-Treepers!

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Last edited 2 months ago by Gail Combs
Valerie Curren

Merry Christmas Eve Gail  😍 


Is that the Combs residence?

Valerie Curren

Doubtful given how close the neighbor’s house is. That looks suburban to me & the volume of the lawn decor reminds me of someone in our neighborhood on virtually every holiday. That house was fairly infamous because a deranged adult son killed his parents there some years back. Thankfully the new owners share love & joy rather than sorrow & terror.

Gail Combs

No, just the best image I could find on Brave. Many stink of the satanic. 😡



The January electric bill.  😪 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Valerie Curren

Enjoy the journey!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Comedy gold. The first 45 minutes is a really nutty flerfer arguing with “Fight The Flat Earth” claiming the whole Final Experiment thing was done in a studio. Then Dave McKeegan comes in (the Flerfer had just called him a liar) and shows him the 360 degree footage and the guy ragequits shortly after the 1 hour mark. Good interview with Dave McKeegan afterwards. After Dave leaves, FTFE shows a livestream between 7 Flerfers going after each others.

Yeah, it’s over 2 hours…listen in the background.


The power of denial is truly massive and extraordinary.

And it’s all around us, all the time, regarding all kinds of subjects.

Covid, the covid shots, the masks, Globull Warming, TDS and on and on.

The reason this is so fascinating is because a scenario was created where the side that is wrong could not withstand the data. So they have to come up with reasons to deny or reject the data, and they can’t come up with plausible criticism as fast as the avalanche of data is coming in.

It’s too much, they can’t keep up with the facts and evidence, so the only thing they can do is rage-quit.

This is exactly the kind of confrontation that we’ve been waiting for regarding the Deep State and all the information DJT declassified but could never get released. It will prove many of the things we’ve been alleging for years, things which most people reject out of hand as ‘conspiracy theory’.

If Trump ever gets the facts and evidence released to the public (on all kinds of subjects), it will cause a similar reaction to this. Many people will simply refuse to accept reality.

But many more people will see the reality, and that will turn public perception on its head.

And that is going to be fascinating 😁


Can’t happen soon enough.

Trump really MUST release it ALL, withOUT redactions.

TS for living folks being outed, good or bad.

Gail Combs

Tell me what is wrong with OUTING CRIMINALS???

I can understand protecting methods but that is IT!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Sometimes the criminal is also an intel asset. So it’s not just methods, it’s specific agents. (And if we get a rep for burning our own agents, it will be hard to get any more in the future.)

However, that should be damned rare for domestic stuff.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Important point at the very beginning is that for the FE dude (flerfer), being born again and [important point right here] becoming a Biblical literalist is what made him a flat earther.

The pride-filled assumption that we can read the Bible and derive a bunch of stuff that’s not explicitly there is the source of so much error.

I was just looking at Truth Social, and was shocked at how many people don’t believe that a recent frozen mammoth carcass found in Siberia is actually 50,000 years old. They’re all about the 6000 year-old earth. All these people are primed to become flat earthers, and this is (IMO) going to kick a chair-leg out from under MAGA.

One more reason I’m sure that the other side is pushing flat earth to their political enemies.

Between “no such thing as viruses” and “flat earth”, there is as much self-destruction on the right as there is on the “men can be women” and “racism is needed to destroy racism” left.

Anyway, after this horror-filled realization, back to the comedy show! 😂

Gail Combs

I am very glad to hear you say that.

I could never see WHY evolution — Random changes in DNA where the advantageous change wins — was contrary to the bible. I always saw evolution, biology, chemistry and physics as evidence of God. Put the LAWS in place and turn it lose.


Please see my response to Wolf here.


Yes, That God created everything doesn’t limit God to a poof, there it is. He has no limits.

Gail Combs

I find putting logical laws in place a much more elegant way of doing things than POOF.


I can not claim to know how God works, but I am certain He can work any way He desires.

Cuppa Covfefe


People keep trying to measure infinity with a human yardstick. Can’t be done.

Isaiah 55:8-9:
8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.
9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Also the book of Colossians…

Valerie Curren


Valerie Curren


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There is nothing to prevent there being an infinity of universes where “poof” is everything – in infinite different ways.


Minor note here.

One of the earliest Vedic goddess’s is named Aditi She is called the mother of all the gods. Her names means boundless, limitless and she is referred to as the goddess of infinity.

In S.B. Roy’s book on Prehistoric Astronomy he gave her a more natural history and suggested she was the seer and first known astronomer dating back to 6000 BC when the Star of Aditi (Pollux) was first known from the Vedas and was back then the star matched with the full moon that determined the autumn equinox. Given the procession of the equinox several other stars have since replaced Aditi/Pollux but the point is that Roy deduced the star was likely named after a person and that person was likely the seer who first named the star declaring the start of Autumn.

This proved costly for Roy, for he just down graded the mother goddess to the first known astronomer, a great honor some might think but still a mere human and the demotion was much frowned upon in Vedic circles. His book although published never received an ISBN. Too bad as his book is based on Tilak’s books but in easier to understand format. To appreciate Tilak one must be proficient in either math, astronomy or the Vedas.


POOF sounds too much like passing gas.  😂 

Gail Combs

Or a two bit magician.


Or a two-bit magician passing gas….

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

To abuse Einstein just a bit – “God does not pass gas!”

To then abuse Hawking – “God not only passes gas – he lights it on fire!”

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Valerie Curren

microevolution doesn’t contradict the Bible but, iirc, macro-evolution might, fwiw


One species transforming into another is a satanic lie. IMO.

As Pat Buchanan told some leftist [IIRC it was Sam Donaldson] years ago, “Well, you might have been created from apes but I was created by God.”

Last edited 2 months ago by pgroup2
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Although I am tempted to add…..

if [“from” != “by”] {
then LogicList.append(“AND”);

I leave open a lot of possibilities. The universe is an interesting place – and it seems to get more interesting all the time.

In any case, that’s all implementation details which distract from what’s most important, IMO.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’ve been tripped up by sloppy terminology.

Evolutionary theory and cladistics if applied to our case indicates A) we ARE apes, as are gorillas, chimps, orangutans and gibbons and B) we are descended from the first common ancestor of all apes…which was itself an ape, though not any species of ape that is alive today.

Occasionally I run into a scientist who will insist that I am wrong in making that statement; I suspect he’s thinking I said “gorilla” or “chimpanzee” which would indeed be false…if I had said that.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Not sure why, but the older I get, the more human I see (and the more sympathetic I become with) early hominids, and even the australopithecines. If it used stone tools, I’m pretty much seeing it as a bro.

The now-understood likelihood that early Homo were burying their dead – that really changes my attitude toward things. There was something there.

Valerie Curren

I agree there is no evidence of one species becoming another but differentiating between species is a real thing.

I read this article about dog DNA the other day & some of the dogs tested had percentages of wolf, coyote, & other dog “species” DNA. If animals can breed viable, reproductive capable offspring, I don’t think that they are actually different “species”, though I don’t know the term that applies.


One thing I don’t think people understand about the Creation; the Sun, Moon and Stars were not created until the fourth day. So there was nothing to measure time the way we measure it now for the first three “days.”

And the word for “day” in the original Hebrew means “a period of time with a beginning and an end.” It doesn’t translate as a “24 hour time period.”

And thus, we have NO IDEA how much time passed in the first three “days” of Creation. Could be a billion years. We just can’t know from the Biblical account.

Gail Combs

Thanks for that clarification. It makes sense.



I am a highly logical person, so I look for explanations for religious things that make sense to me.

You may enjoy my Christmas post tomorrow.

Gail Combs

I look forward to reading it As I usually do with all your comments.


Awww. Thanks, Gail. And of course I was happy to take a week off your hands, although your posts are FULL of so much great info, I have LARGE shoes to attempt to fill!

Gail Combs

😊 ThankQ and a very Merry Christmas to you and your family.


And to yours!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A great point. AND – there’s some new stuff from science that is very relevant to this.

I won’t post it here and now, but there is a long, new thread on X that deals with a new paper in cosmology, which points out that “dark energy” (which is something of a hack and a fudge, IMO) may not be necessary (HA! COUGH, COUGH, COUGH) because of a phenomenon which was illustrated in the movie Interstellar – that time LITERALLY runs differently in different parts of the universe.

In fact, this paper posits that the time difference between galactic space and “void space” in most of the universe is enough to amount to billions of years in terms of how much time has passed in the universe. Because of this time difference, they claim that certain anomalies which “need” dark energy as an explanation may not actually need it, and thus dark energy can vanish from theory very much like the planet Vulcan did.

I’ll find and post it later, but the point is – YES – time isn’t the same everywhere, and we had best not assume that our time is what runs in God-space and God-time.
And, ironically, this may be a reminder of the PRIDE of “flat earth”, which assumes WE are the center of everything, and “special” in ways we are not.


WOW. When you can, please do post that! Fascinating!


We have some clues that support your analysis.

I believe one of Paul’s letters says, in effect, In the Lord, a day is a thousand years and a thousand years are but a day.

Clearly, the meanings of words are not always what they are currently.


For sure!

Tune in tomorrow for another religious thing you might find interesting. I’m doing the daily post.

Gail Combs

AND thank you for taking that for me.


“For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night.” (Psalm 90:4, KJV)


“But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” (2 Peter 3:8, KJV)


It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:” (Isaiah 40:22, KJV)


Strong’s Lexicon for the Hebrew world for ‘circle’ (חוּג), as used in Isaiah 40:22

Gesenius’ Hebrew-Chaldee Lexicon:

Hebrew חוּג (ḥûḡ) m. a circle, sphere, used of the arch or vault of the sky, Pro. 8:27; Job 22:14; of the world, Isa. 40:22 (boldface mine)

Last edited 2 months ago by scott467

One thing I know is to place no limitations on the Creator. The limitations apply to our understanding of Him and His creation. He is not bound by our beliefs or understanding of Him. He is the great I AM.

I will not say 6000 years or billions of years. My understanding is limited to what he wants me to know. It is all far above my pay grade. He is unlimited and can change time, space, matter, energy, etc. along with our understanding of same in an instant if He so chooses.


And He has done so multiple times in my life. Like when a tree on a hillside next to the road I was driving fell uphill [against gravity]. Or when the car next to mine on the freeway hit a car on the right front of his car, sending it spinning right towards my vehicle. Until it amazingly changed direction 90 degrees while still spinning.

I could go on. Merry Christmas all y’all.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Merry Christmas!!! 💖 🎄 ✝


Same here, my friend – things that defy scientific explanation. Merry Christmas!

Valerie Curren

PTL God is watching over you & definitely not finished with you yet!

Valerie Curren

I think there is significant evidence supporting Young Earth Creationism as a legit belief for there to be scientific bases for this viewpoint, dissident science at this time, but still science, not just faith…ymmv 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I find myself defending YEC’s right to speak without hindrance or censorship, although at the same time, I find it to be defective science (to put it kindly – because normally it’s called pathological science). There are non-religiously-connected forms of science that are like it – the key point being that a certain outcome is required to be supported, or at least not contradicted, much like vaccine orthodoxy is right now, where outcomes must “not contradict” government positions.

One of the few places where I think YEC will end up being “somewhat validated” is that I am fairly convinced of the idea that there is “young earth creative stuff” which has happened, layered onto the “pristine evolution myth”, and which is metaphorically but factually described by the Bible – making it shockingly true in ways nobody expects. Stated differently, I expect that the truth is somewhere between the atheist and Biblical literalist positions, with both being right, and both being wrong, in ways that will be both pleasing and displeasing to all sides.

When God is ready for us to understand, we will understand.

All that said, I think there are far more important things in the Bible, and what we are celebrating now is one of the biggest! 😍 🎄 🙏 💖 ✝

Valerie Curren

Very interesting Wolf. I Definitely agree with your last statement! Blessings on a Joyful Christmas & Blessed New Year!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You too! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! 💖

Valerie Curren

TY Wolf hugs. TYSVM for hosting such an epic hangout zone for CTH “rejects” AND friends. You are blessing so many of us well beyond measure. TY for this gift that keeps on giving!  😎 

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

He got the banned back together.

Valerie Curren

Playing beautiful music to boot 😉


Is this the annual meeting of the Bah Humbug Society?

Gail Combs

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It must be. There’s the president.  😂 


Hands down. I’ll take Grinch over Maggot

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Gail Combs

Well you DID ask! 😎

(Why do you think I wear the shades…)


Thank you, DePat. Merry Christmas to you and yours.


A merry and blessed Christmas to you all!

I guess I am back now, although I still can’t like a comment except as a guest. Everything else seems to be working again. It has been a wild 2 years since my last comment at Christmas 22. There was so much going on that I had times I couldn’t even process anything I read here, times I had no stable internet connection and times I couldn’t get into WordPress to post anything. I have been back to lurking for several months as things have begun to calm down and have occaisionally liked something as a guest.

My update:

I wished you all a merry Christmas o the 24th or 25th of December 2022, then finished packing to board a plane for tinytown Missouri to organize my dad’s funeral. He had died 10 days before. Died suddenly or DIED SUDDENLY? I don”t know. Yes, he had the first round of shots. My daughter was his medical P.O.A. and was all for them back then. I tried to argue against them but without too much actual documentation. My dad suggested a compromise: Ask his doctor, who said “Get the shots”, of course. He was 91 and died of sudden gastrointestinal bleeding, which is not uncommon at his age, I have heard.He went home to His beloved Lord Jesus.

After several weeks in the states, I came back home, where the grief hit me. My dad’s was the last in a long line of deaths in the family since 2016: my oldest son, mom, brother and
several aunts and uncles. It left me the only surviving member of my childhood nuclear family. I am so glad I have so many kids and grandkids! That helps.

I had already been in the states twice in 22, once to babysit while my daughter’s 3rd baby was born. A few months later she came for a visit with her whole family + sister. They all stayed at my house + a son and family who live a couple hours away, also with 3 kids….all born within a month of their cousins. So it was like having 3 sets of twins in the house. Wonderful AND exhausting, especially when my two “american” daughters got strep throat and I was babysitter for the baby as well as the older kids.

Back in October (22) to visit my dad for the last time, as it turned out, I was already pretty exhausted. While I was half a world away, my husband had a series of TIAs and by the grace of God guiding his doctor, who we later found out is a believer, a more serious stroke was avoided by a timely operation to remove plaque in an artery that was 70% blocked. We said our goodbyes on the phone, just in case, as I could not have gotten back home before the OP even if I had gotten on the next plane. Since then I have been re-learning how to communicate with my husband due to some slight changes in his thinking and understanding.

The last couple of years are such a blur that I can’t even remember what happened exactly when. There was the wedding of our youngest son, several visits to the states, seemingly endless calls and emails with tax lawyers to wind down the family trust I had helped my dad set up after my mom died, shoulder OP and months of rehab, 4 weeks with a family of 7 staying in our home here last year while the men were doing ministry together in a different country, etc.After the wedding last October I was looking forward to only travelling to the states once a year, when my daughter announced a surprise 4th baby coming this year in May. So I went last January to sort out my dad’s house and again in May for the new grandbaby. A month before that, I had to travel a couple countries over where our 4-year-old grandson was hit by a car speeding through the crosswalk while my daughter and family were on vacation. He spent 10 days in a childrens’ clinic with brain lesions and a badly broken leg. I took care of his 2 siblings and helped with meals, etc. while daughter and SIL were at the hospital. PTL, our grandson has made a brilliant recovery, having “only” some bad scars on his leg and foot and some lingering emotional baggage from the ordeal.

We are now at 10 grandkids (+ the new daughter of the widow of our eldest son) and counting…..In a couple of hours we will have 2 of our kids with spouses and 3 grandkids here for Christmas, another child + spouse and 3 kids are coming tomorrow. I love being a mom and “grammy”! And I am glad that things are slowing down a bit, though there is always much to be done.

Sorry for dissappearing. I am SO glad to be back!

I would add a hymn but would probably mess that up. Here is the first stanza, though:

Oh God, our help in ages past,
Our hope for years to come,
Our shelter from the stormy blast
And our eternal home.

Valerie Curren

Oh Grammy you have surely been on such a wild ride. I’m so thankful that you & your family know the Lord & can partake of His peace that passes understanding especially when circumstances overwhelm & don’t seem to make sense.

I hope that you & your extended clan enjoy a Blessed Christmas Together. Your cup is surely overflowing with love & new life. Merry, Joyful, Hopeful Christmas to you All!


TY! And yes, my cup is overflowing, as well as our house every now and then!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I have updated your email address, and sent you an invitation email (two of them, actually – one is a “WordPress invite”. Anyway, if you go into the bin, I’ll approve it, and that should be that. Just be patient – I will make sure you get back in as a registered user.


Thank you very much 😊 

Last edited 2 months ago by GrammyInD
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good to have you back!!! Merry Christmas! 🎄 💖


Thank you. And Merry Christmas to you, too!

Valerie Curren

You are very, very blessed! Have a blast!!!

Valerie Curren



BEAUTIFUL! Thanks – I needed that!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Merry Christmas and God Bless! 🎄 💖 🙏


He went home to His beloved Lord Jesus.” What comfort that must give you though you miss him and grieve his loss!

Remember and rest in the unassailable truth that our Sovereign Lord numbers our hairs, our days and grants us our breaths and life – CV, vax or none.

May the Lord Bless you deeply and truly this Christmas, dear friend in Christ.




Wow – prayers for healing, peace, comfort, and wisdom among many other things. 🙏




So good to have you back in the fold. 😀






May our Savior give you peace.




My goodness, what a ride you’ve been on. Glad to see you made it back here.


Thank you! I am so glad to be back 😊 

Last edited 2 months ago by GrammyInD

So nice to see you again. Still recall your posts. (I think they were yours.) Height of Covidiocy, your travels between countries…to visit family.

Merry Christmas.


Yes, there was alot of travelling throughout Covid. I needed to take care of some things for my dad now and then. My husband had to jump through hoops to come to the US just for a visit as he is not a citizen. When Biden “came to power”,he was not allowed in at all for a time. Crazy! So thankful it is different now.

Merry Christmas!

Last edited 2 months ago by GrammyInD

“When Biden “came to power”,he was not allowed in at all for a time.”


Yeah, he (Brandon) is not very popular here… 😂

Last edited 2 months ago by scott467

Great to have you back Grammy 👍😁

And Merry Christmas!

Valerie Curren

TY DP for such an historic, uplifting, & scriptural way to honor the day. Bless You & Merry Christmas Eve, hope you will be quickly on the mend & enjoying your family gathering.



The Lessons and Carols at Kings College Cambridge are my favorite part of Christmas!

That you went to the trouble to make a special Lessons & Carols for our QTree means so much to me!

I’ve long enjoyed and been fed by your selection of Scriptures and lifted by your expert choices of music on your daily posts so this one is a keeper!

I’ll plan to watch and listen tonight. Sally Q loves music and she may also want to listen and watch it your special assemblage of music and lessons on her laptop with her special ear phones. She is also a big fan of Handel’s Messiah.


Hope 🙏 🕊️⚓ that you feel much better soon!

Gail Combs

Merry Christmas GA/FL, Sally Q and the rest of your family. May the season bring you peace and joy.

Valerie Curren



Just heard some Michael Saylor news a little bit ago, and it’s making me laugh 😂

Saylor is the founder of MicroStrategy (ticker: MSTR), which began as a software company but over the past few years has basically transformed into a Bitcoin company, a company that uses their access to capital in the stock and bond markets to raise cash to buy Bitcoin.

As of yesterday, they hold 444,262 Bitcoin. I think they’ve bought over 200,000 in just the past six weeks.

So I think Michael Saylor is bullish.

What I didn’t know is that apparently he has known DJT for 20+ years. That might explain why he’s so bullish since the election. It could be he knows something…

Also, MSTR was just added today to the QQQ, the Nasdaq 100. This means that every index fund around the world that allocates to the Nasdaq 100 (e.g., pension funds) will be buying MSTR, on an ongoing basis.

But what I just heard about tonight is even bigger than the recent announcement that they were going to raise $42 billion to buy Bitcoin ($21 billion in MSTR shares and $21 billion in convertible MSTR bonds). No company had ever even tried a capital raise of that size before. It was supposed to take place over the space of three years, but he has already burned through at least half of it in the first few weeks.

People were wondering what was going on, at his current pace, he will have gone through the entire amount by the end of next quarter, instead of by 2027.

Today it was announced that Saylor just filed with the SEC to sell more shares of MSTR (i.e., dilute the current number of shares outstanding). Normally this is a negative for a company, because it dilutes the value of the outstanding shares.

Usually a company does this to raise money, either to cover operating expenses (because they aren’t making enough money from operations, which is a bad sign), or to make an acquisition of another company, which will take several years to figure out whether it was a good move or not.

But with MSTR, there’s no waiting period to find out whether what they are doing with the money was a good move or not, because Saylor takes the money and immediately buys Bitcoin with it. That increases the amount of Bitcoin that MSTR holds, which immediately increases the value (the amount of Bitcoin per share) of each share of MSTR.

Saylor has already been doing this for the past 6 weeks (and longer), without seriously impacting the share price in a negative way.

It sounds crazy, but it’s working.

Saylor files with the SEC to do what is called an ‘ATM’, which is an intention to sell more newly created MSTR shares to the market (‘ATM’ stands for ‘at the market’, selling shares of the company ‘at the market’).

He waits for an up day, to sell into strength. He then takes the money raised, and buys Bitcoin.

As Bitcoin goes up in value (and if he buys enough Bitcoin, he can cause Bitcoin to go up in value), the share price of MSTR goes up.

So he sells some more shares of the company ‘at the market’, and uses the money to buy more Bitcoin. The price of Bitcoin goes up, which causes the share price of MSTR to go up, at which point he sells more shares of MSTR ‘at the market’.

That’s what he’s doing, over and over again. Like a positive feedback loop.

He is basically doing what governments do. He is creating new shares of MSTR out of thin air, the same way governments create fiat currency out of thin air. Like our currency, which is based on the ‘full faith and credit’ (and nothing else) of the U.S. government, i.e., all the lying, treasonous America-hating criminals who run this place. They don’t have any ‘credit’ (they’ve got us $36 trillion in debt), and nobody has any faith in the criminal political-class, so the fiat currency is literally based on nothing besides people deciding the paper is worth whatever number is printed on it.

So Saylor is exchanging what are essentially ‘fiat’ created company shares (shares created out of thin air) for U.S. fiat currency (also created out of thin air) and then buying Bitcoin with it. Bitcoin is not created out of thin air, Bitcoin is a hard asset.

So it’s basically the same as a government creating fiat currency out of thin air to buy Bitcoin, except Saylor has to do the extra step of exchanging shares of MSTR for fiat currency to buy Bitcoin.

This is what he has been doing for the past 4+ years, and now at a vastly accelerated pace since Trump won the election.

Which brings us to today’s announcement.

MSTR filed with the SEC for a shareholder vote to increase the shares of MSTR common stock (current share price: $332 per share) from 330 million shares outstanding, to 10.33 billion shares outstanding. That’s a 31x increase in outstanding shares of MSTR.

He’s going to issue 10 billion new shares, which at current share price would raise about $3.3 trillion dollars.

And like always, he is using all of it to buy Bitcoin.

I predict MSTR shareholders are going to eagerly approve this measure.

With that kind of money, and his frequent declaration (backed by past performance) that he is “buying the top forever”, it’s hard to envision how Bitcoin goes down substantially.

Even if he was the ONLY person buying in the market, he could easily prop up the entire market with his own purchases.

It’s like he has figured out a way out of the Matrix, and nobody can stop him, because it’s all 100% legal 😂

He sells shares of MSTR ‘at the market’, and the market eagerly buys because the buyers know he is using the cash to buy Bitcoin, which increases the value of the shares, which allows him to sell more new MSTR shares into the market, and so on, over and over again.

The more he does it, the less Bitcoin there is available on the exchanges, at a time when the 11 Bitcoin ETFs (especially Blackrock) are buying like mad.

It is going to force Game Theory. Several sovereign nations are already quietly buying Bitcoin, others are suspected of doing the same.

If DJT follows through on the Strategic Bitcoin Reserve, every other nation in the world will have to do the same thing, or get left behind.

All the while Saylor is sitting on nearly half a million Bitcoin, and raising $3 trillion to buy as much as he can, as fast as he can 🤣

If nobody else is buying, Saylor will buy it all, and he wins.

If national treasuries start buying, they will be competing with Saylor for Bitcoin, forcing the price of Bitcoin up, and Saylor / MSTR already has 444,000 Bitcoin, so Saylor / MSTR wins.

Either way, he wins.

The only way he can lose is if Bitcoin crashes. Which it could (and has before!), but if it does, he’s just going to buy more of it at lower prices, lowering his cost basis and getting a lot more Bitcoin for his fiat currency buck.

There will only ever be 21 million Bitcoin mined, and then it stops. Over 19 million have already been mined.

Of that 19 million, about 5 million have been lost, leaving about 14 million currently in circulation.

Saylor / MSTR holds 444,000 or a little over 3% of all the Bitcoin in the world.

If he buys $3 trillion worth more, even allowing for the price to rise, he could wind up with between 2 million and 3 million Bitcoin, or between 14% and 21% of all the Bitcoin in the world.

The only asset in the world that is finite, the supply of which cannot be increased to meet increased demand. So when demand goes up, the only variable that can change is price, meaning price has to go up.

It’s unreal.

Like a perfect storm. It’s as if he discovered a glitch in the system, and he is exploiting it, in plain view of the whole world, and nobody can stop him, and nobody can duplicate what he’s doing — for a variety of reasons, but mostly because he’s already too far ahead for anyone else to catch him.

It has to be the most amazing thing in the history of finance. If he pulls this off, it will be bigger than John D. Rockefeller consolidating the oil industry by buying out all his competitors with stock from Standard Oil.

It will be bigger than Carnegie vertically integrating the steel industry and capturing 70% of the steel market.

Those things took years (at least a decade) to accomplish.

Saylor might pull this off in under two years, without any performance risk, because he doesn’t have to build or manage or expand or increase capacity or anything a ‘normal’ business needs to do to grow their business.

He just needs to buy more Bitcoin, that’s it… and most people can’t even grasp what he’s doing, even though he’s telling anyone (and everyone) who will listen! 😂

Last edited 2 months ago by scott467

A few nuggets here.

So Saylor is exchanging what are essentially ‘fiat’ created company shares (shares created out of thin air) for U.S. fiat currency (also created out of thin air) and then buying Bitcoin with it.

  • Nothing inspires confidence as does, invoking fiat.
  • Bernie Madoff would be proud.

Bitcoin is not created out of thin air, Bitcoin is a hard asset.

  • Hard asset. So where is that I can admire this hard asset? Computer screen I spose. Redefines, hard asset.

Of that 19 million, about 5 million have been lost, leaving about 14 million currently in circulation.

  • ~5 million lost Bitcoin. ~25% lost Bitcoin. Dumbasses lost the password, key whatever.

Saylor / MSTR holds 444,000 or a little over 3% of all the Bitcoin in the world.

  • Imagine IF Saylor lost his Bitcoin password / key. Must be a fail safe way to get back in for him. Maybe the ten, fifteen or twenty guys that created Bitcoin, know.
  • Yea, i don’t know what I am talking about, regarding Bitcoin. Good with it.

Looks like Bitcoin mania in my area.

  • I-30 Texarkana near Sam’s. Dedicated huge LED billboard tracking Bitcoin price.
  • Don’t know the frequency it is updated. Always seems to be different, up when I drive by.

The entire Bitcoin frenzy is amusing to Slow Guy. Can’t imagine getting the Bitcoin bug.


Maybe it’s an age thing. We’re just too old to give a crap.


“Maybe it’s an age thing. We’re just too old to give a crap.”


I suspect it is more related to need than age.

In countries where the debt spiral to debasement infinity is already happening, people of all ages are turning to Bitcoin (and gold) for a life raft.

America just isn’t to that point (yet).

Imagine if Bitcoin had been available in 1930s Germany, and you were a German Jew.

You could have sold everything you had, and bought Bitcoin. Then memorize your security key, or as a back up, break the security key down into 4 or 5 parts and mail each part to relatives abroad.

Then cross the German border to freedom, and retain access to all of your (and your family’s) accumulated wealth.

Necessity is the mother of invention, and the need to solve a problem is often the reason we look for (and hopefully find) what may be unorthodox solutions 🙂

Last edited 2 months ago by scott467

“So Saylor is exchanging what are essentially ‘fiat’ created company shares (shares created out of thin air) for U.S. fiat currency (also created out of thin air) and then buying Bitcoin with it.

Nothing inspires confidence as does, invoking fiat. Bernie Madoff would be proud.


Saylor is just playing within the boundaries of the game as it was set up by TPTB 😁

TPTB created the fiat system.

Bitcoin was created in the wake of the 2008 global financial crisis and bank bail-outs, because it was recognized that everything TPTB cared about was ‘too big to fail’, so they would just debase / print fiat to infinity.

Bitcoin was the answer to that problem, a way out of the corrupt fiat system. Because it is finite, it can never be inflated past the originally programmed amount of 21 million Bitcoin, no matter how much demand there is.

For a time, it will be possible for nations to ‘print fiat’ out of thin air and exchange it (i.e., buy) Bitcoin, for those leaders who are smart enough to figure it out.

But as they do, it will force the price (measured in fiat) upward, so it is helpful to front-run TPTB. Something which doesn’t happen very often in this world, because TPTB created the whole corrupt system, so the ‘house’ always wins.

Bitcoin was created outside the system, and was designed to be impervious to the attacks of the system which would inevitably come. So far, it has been impervious, to the point where the ‘system’ has concluded that if you can’t beat it, endorse it and get as much as they can.

So long as the fiat system and Bitcoin coexist, people can exchange fiat (currency backed by nothing and which is constantly being debased) for Bitcoin, which cannot be debased.

So that’s what Saylor is doing.

He is selling newly created shares of MSTR into the market for fiat cash, which any publicly traded company can do.

What makes this situation unique is that *usually* selling more shares into the market causes downward pressure on the stock price, because the existing shares are being ‘diluted’ in the same way that the value of the dollar decreases when the government prints more and more fiat currency.

But because Saylor is using the fiat generated from selling shares of MSTR to buy something more valuable than the fiat he is spending, the value of the company is going UP instead of down.

If, for example, GM sells a billion new shares at the market, maybe to raise capital to build new car factories, that would normally cause GM share price to go down, due to dilution of the existing share base. Then the market would have to determine whether GM’s business plan was a good one, factor in the risk and the amount of time it was going to take, along with inevitable delays, etc., to the point where eventually the investment paid off and began contributing to GM’s bottom line, at which point the value of the initial sale of the new shares would be accretive to GM’s value and bottom line.

Saylor is doing the same thing, except cutting out all the time and risk in the middle part. He is selling shares of MSTR, immediately buying Bitcoin, and the market doesn’t have to wait years to find out if the investment will actually pay off, because Saylor already has the Bitcoin in the MSTR ‘vault’.

So the benefit to the ‘bottom line’ happens almost instantly, sometimes within literally hours of the sale of the MSTR shares.

The same concept would work with physical gold, it would just be much less efficient.

Suppose you believed that fiat currency was going to continue to be debased to oblivion, and you chose to counter that by buying gold (instead of Bitcoin).

So you sell shares of MSTR ‘at the market’, and immediately use that cash to buy physical gold, and store it in a vault at MSTR headquarters. The gold is shown on live TV arriving at MSTR headquarters, and independent auditors verify that the gold is real and that MSTR is in possession of it.

So the value of the company (MSTR) goes up, because they are holding a ‘hard’ asset in an inflationary environment, where fiat currency is losing value like a melting ice cube.

Saylor is doing the exact same thing, except he is buying Bitcoin (sometimes called ‘digital gold’ as a means of relating something ‘new’ to something familiar) instead of physical gold.

One of the many great discussions that arise because of the association between gold and Bitcoin is the value proposition.

People can’t see Bitcoin or hold it in their hand, so it is more difficult to understand the value proposition.

But what is gold, and why is it valuable?

You can’t eat it. You can’t really build very much with it. There’s really not that many things you can do with gold, which is one of the reasons it is well suited as a store of value.

By contrast, silver is also seen as a store of value, but silver has so many uses, that it’s price fluctuates much more than gold, depending on the business cycle. Gold is more stable, because it really only lends itself to one purpose, which is to sit in vaults gathering dust, as a hedge against fiat currency debasement.

But WHY is gold considered valuable?

We could discuss that for a long time, but at the end of the discussion, the ultimate conclusion would be ‘because people decided or chose to believe it was valuable’, or more precisely, because enough people chose to believe it was valuable, so everybody else had to go along with the proposition.

That’s it. Gold has ‘value’ because people decided it was a useful tool to ‘store’ value.

Gold represents energy and work. It takes work and energy to mine and refine gold, so it has ‘value’ because of that, but nobody would bother to mine and refine it if people hadn’t decided to use it as a store of value.

People could grow trees and harvest and refine the sticks into baseball bats, but nobody decided baseball bats were a store of value, so nobody does that.

The point is, it’s arbitrary to a large degree. There are reasons why gold was chosen over glass beads, or sticks, or iron, etc., but the fact remains it was chosen, it was imbued with value because people decided to use it for that purpose.

There is no ‘inherent’ value. If we look at gold with an electron microscope, there are no dollar signs at the molecular level, it’s just metal. But it is a scarce metal that requires a lot of time and effort to mine and refine, and it doesn’t have many industrial uses, so over time it became the best choice among the available choices to use as a store of value.

Not because it is inherently valuable, but because people decided to use it that way.

Bitcoin is exactly the same in that regard.

Unlike most other ‘cryptos’ which are created out of thin air (like fiat currency), Bitcoin is ‘mined’ and it costs a lot of money to mine it (current cost is between $40K and $80K per Bitcoin, depending on the efficiency of the mining rigs and cost of electricity).

Time and effort (work) and money go into producing Bitcoin, so the people who do the producing won’t part with it for nothing, in the same way people who put in the time and effort (and money) to mine gold won’t give it away for nothing, either.

If the price of gold drops too far below production cost, or for too long, they will shut down the mine until the price goes up enough to be profitable again. Same with Bitcoin.

It can’t just be created out of thin air, unlike fiat currency (and most other ‘cryptos’).

At this point, after 15 years in existence, enough people have decided that Bitcoin has value. So based on that decision (or belief, if you prefer), miners spend the money and time to mine it, and there are enough people ‘in the world’ who have decided Bitcoin has value that there exists a global market to buy and sell it.

The U.S. government, as of the past year, has officially recognized Bitcoin as a new asset class.

So it is ‘real’ in every sense except physical.

Nobody has to believe in Bitcoin or use it, or have anything to do with it. Just as most people don’t have any gold (besides maybe some jewelry), and gold is irrelevant to their daily life.

But enough people do believe in Bitcoin, that it is changing the world.

And the people who don’t believe in Bitcoin will only be able to ignore those changes for so long. There will come a time, and it should be soon, when it can no longer be ignored.

Practically everyone will have Bitcoin, whether they want it or not. Because pension funds are investing in it. Because MSTR became part of the Nasdaq 100 on Monday, and MSTR will be part of the S&P 500 possibly as soon as first quarter 2025.

So every fund (pension plans, retirement funds, etc.) in the world that allocates or indexes itself to the Nasdaq 100 or S&P 500 will be buying MSTR, and MSTR is a proxy for Bitcoin, because MSTR’s business is accumulating Bitcoin.

And when those funds which invest in the Nasdaq 100 and the S&P 500 recognize the outsized gains in their portfolio from MSTR, they will become very favorably inclined toward Bitcoin 😁

This is just a small part of why Bitcoin is so fascinating.

All roads (eventually) lead to Bitcoin.

Not necessarily because Bitcoin is so great, but because everything else has become so screwed up, that Bitcoin is gradually being recognized as the only viable ‘answer’.

If it wasn’t available, if it hadn’t been invented, if it didn’t exist, we would be well and truly screwed. Trapped in a fiat currency debt spiral, which would end in the same way fiat currency systems have always ended, throughout history.

But this time, for the first time, thanks to the availability of technology that didn’t exist before, people who could foresee the fiat currency problem (based on historical precedent and current unsustainable gov’t spending) created an escape hatch.

Something which TPTB could not stop or destroy. And because it is not physical, because it exists on a ledger in cyberspace (hardly different than the fiat currency in your bank account or the shares of publicly traded companies in your brokerage account), it is much harder to confiscate or steal.

When the light bulb goes on, when people (individually) recognize and realize what Bitcoin is, why it exists and what purpose it serves, it becomes very ‘real’ and very suddenly.

But like most new things, it doesn’t become relevant to most people until they recognize a need for it, or see a ‘use case’ for it.

Eventually (and not too far from now) everyone will ‘see’ it, everyone will recognize what Bitcoin is.

It is better, of course, to recognize it when it cost $68,000 per Bitcoin than when it cost $100,000 per Bitcoin. But it is also better to recognize it when it costs $100,000 per Bitcoin, than when it costs $500,000 per Bitcoin.

And no one has to buy a WHOLE Bitcoin, in the same way that no one needs a WHOLE dollar. You can have 10 cents, or 50 pennies, or a hundred pennies to equal a whole dollar.

Bitcoin is similar, except instead of calling the smaller units ‘pennies’, they are called ‘Sats’ or ‘Satoshis’, after the pseudonym of the inventor of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto.

There are 100 million Satoshis or ‘Sats’ in one Bitcoin. So anyone can buy $1 worth, or $5 worth, or $10 worth, or $100 worth, etc.

And with the new ETFs, you can buy a single ETF share of the Fidelity Bitcoin ETF (for example) for $86.42 today.

So people can ease into it, get comfortable with it, watch it grow. Apparently many people are not aware that Bitcoin can be obtained in small increments, so when they see the cost of a whole Bitcoin is nearly $100K, they may think it is out of reach.

It’s not.

Everyone can get at least some Bitcoin 😁

Last edited 2 months ago by scott467

“Bitcoin is not created out of thin air, Bitcoin is a hard asset.

Hard asset. So where is that I can admire this hard asset? Computer screen I spose. Redefines, hard asset.



It has been my understanding that ‘hard’ does not necessarily refer to the physical property of tactile ‘hardness’ (like steel, or gold, for example).

Energy is considered a ‘hard asset’, but it’s hard to put energy in your pocket, and it’s not usually very easy to see ‘energy’, unless you’re flying a kite with Ben Franklin, or making a movie with Gene Wilder in a castle laboratory.

comment image

Oil, for another example, is considered a ‘hard asset’, but if you have ever changed the oil in your car, and got some oil on your hands in the process, you know that oil is not very ‘hard’ in a tactile sense 😁

Hard asset
In finance, a “hard asset” may be real estate, commodities, or energy. For example, gold and silver are regarded as “hard” assets. Other types of raw materials, such as oil, copper, and aluminium, are also considered “hard” assets. Such assets are distinguished from “soft” assets such as stocks and bonds. “Hard assets” are susceptible to bubbles. Wikipedia


Bitcoin Marks 8th Year of U.S. Commodity Status As Other Cryptos Face SEC Questions
Today marks the 8th anniversary of a significant milestone in Bitcoin’s journey as a financial asset – its classification as a commodity by U.S. regulators.

Reed Macdonald
Sep 18, 2023

Last edited 2 months ago by scott467

“Of that 19 million, about 5 million have been lost, leaving about 14 million currently in circulation.

~5 million lost Bitcoin. ~25% lost Bitcoin. Dumbasses lost the password, key whatever.


Yes, security is a very valid concern, no different than when deciding how to store gold or silver.

Of the 5 million Bitcoin that has been lost, about 1 million belongs to Satoshi Nakamoto, who has not been heard from since 2009, if I remember correctly. He vanished, but his ‘wallet’ is still visible on the blockchain, and none of his Bitcoin has been accessed or moved since 2009.

So it is considered ‘lost’.

Alex Jones was given 10,000 Bitcoin by Max Keiser, back when Bitcoin was worth about $5 each (if I remember correctly). Today, that 10,000 Bitcoin would be worth $1 billion dollars. Jones had the ‘key’ on a laptop computer, and the laptop is long gone.

Because it had so little perceived value back then, people were not very careful with it, and much of the 5 million (4 million, not counting Satoshi’s wallet) was lost back then, when it was so cheap that security wasn’t taken seriously.

Most people are more careful today.

It’s not very intuitive though, it requires some knowledge and understanding and hardware to self-custody, and mistakes can always be made, and accidents happen.

Proxies like the Bitcoin ETFs and MSTR (and publicly traded Bitcoin miners) eliminate the risk of self-custody, while taking on the risk of a third party intermediary.

If possible, it would be better to do both, to diversify the risk, but one could also diversify the risk by buying shares in multiple Bitcoin ETFs and/or MSTR, based on it being unlikely that they would all have some kind of security or accident or incompetence or fraud issue happen at some point.

Last edited 2 months ago by scott467

“Saylor / MSTR holds 444,000 or a little over 3% of all the Bitcoin in the world.

  • Imagine IF Saylor lost his Bitcoin password / key. Must be a fail safe way to get back in for him. Maybe the ten, fifteen or twenty guys that created Bitcoin, know.


Saylor has been nothing if not thoughtful and methodical in his approach to Bitcoin since 2020.

I strongly suspect that Saylor has his Bitcoin spread out in multiple ‘wallets’ with multiple keys and a high cost security system with a well paid team that manages it.

It would be insane not to, when the value of the 444,000 Bitcoin is $44.4 billion dollars, and his entire company, and everything he has and is working for, depends on the security of that asset 👍


“The entire Bitcoin frenzy is amusing to Slow Guy. Can’t imagine getting the Bitcoin bug.”


Nobody can.

Not until they do.

Only then do they wonder why they didn’t understand it sooner 👍 😁


“Saylor / MSTR holds 444,000 or a little over 3% of all the Bitcoin in the world.

Imagine IF Saylor lost his Bitcoin password / key. Must be a fail safe way to get back in for him. Maybe the ten, fifteen or twenty guys that created Bitcoin, know.


Forgot to mention, if something happened to the Saylor / MSTR Bitcoin, that would be catastrophic for MSTR shareholders. Unless he has some kind of insurance plan to cover lost / stolen Bitcoin, if such a thing exists already. If it doesn’t, there will be such a thing, probably soon. Insurance companies are very good at sniffing out new opportunities to collect premiums.

But for everybody else who has either self-custody Bitcoin, or Bitcoin ETF shares, or Bitcoin mining stock shares, it would cause the value of their Bitcoin (and Bitcoin proxies) to go up, substantially.

Because suddenly the finite supply of Bitcoin in the world would drop by 444,000 (or however much Bitcoin MSTR holds at the time).

Imagine if there are only 10 of some ‘thing’ in the world, and the ‘thing’ in question is valuable.

If a few of them are destroyed, in a fire for example, the ones that remain are now even more valuable, because there are now even fewer of them.

Same principle.

This is also why Saylor is taking his ‘keys’ with him when he dies, meaning his own personal Bitcoin holdings will intentionally become permanently ‘lost’ (but still visible on the blockchain, just inaccessible, like Satoshi’s) when he dies.

It’s his gift to everyone who supported him and Bitcoin, a way to make the value of everyone’s Bitcoin go up when he passes away.

Nobody knows how much Bitcoin Saylor holds personally. Whenever he is asked, he refers to a statement he made several years ago, when he publicly revealed that he personally had 17,732 Bitcoin.

I suspect he has a lot more by now, just as his company has a lot more, and for the same reasons.

Last edited 2 months ago by scott467

Wow … sounds almost to good to be true. Now, I’m more familiar with physical phenomena, thermodynamics and electromechanical and electronic systems.

Thermodynamics represents the first and ultimate instances of TANSTAAFL (There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch), and this above scheme with unlimited growth has a scary similarity to something that promises a free lunch for an indefinite time.

Then there is the positive feedback property, which also can be illustrated by «gradually at first, then all of a sudden». Though in practice, anything that operates with positive feedback soon runs into a limiting boundary that stops or reverses the action, even if it just continues positive feedback in the other direction, until it hits the limiting boundary on that side. Some kinds of oscillators work like this, banging alternately into the ceiling and the floor. Other systems just go into saturation and become stuck in some stable, but generally rather uninteresting state when there isn’t enough energy available; or they blow up or break apart if there is enough energy available.

That latter doesn’t seem too remote a possibility, given the input already having been shown to be of the «free lunch at least for long enough» variety.

It might be that financial systems have different properties than physical ones, but nevertheless, I would want to be at a respectably large distance away if or when this process breaks down.


“Wow … sounds almost to good to be true. Now, I’m more familiar with physical phenomena, thermodynamics and electromechanical and electronic systems.
Thermodynamics represents the first and ultimate instances of TANSTAAFL (There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch), and this above scheme with unlimited growth has a scary similarity to something that promises a free lunch for an indefinite time.”


TPTB created the system.

Bitcoin was created to escape the system.

Saylor, given his unique position of a publicly traded company with access to capital markets, realized that he could use the system (created by TPTB) to get fiat currency (a non-scarce asset) and exchange it for Bitcoin (a commodity or hard asset).

So Saylor is taking advantage of the opportunities within the system, and because the system is so big and moves so slowly, his ability to exploit the opportunity should remain, essentially indefinitely.

It’s their corruption (the corruption of the system and TPTB who created it) that led to the creation of Bitcoin.

There would never have been any need to invent Bitcoin, if the system was not corrupt and rigged. Bitcoin did not develop on a whim, it was the answer to the problem created by a corrupt system.

TPTB are constantly devaluing our currency, constantly making everything more expensive in relative terms. The debt-based system requires inflating the currency, which devalues the purchasing power of every dollar in that system.

Bitcoin was created to combat that loss of purchase power.

This is one way to visualize what is happening. As the price of a home continues to go up and up and up (priced in dollars), the price of the same home in Bitcoin continues to go down and down and down.

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Last edited 2 months ago by scott467

Well, there is the cost to store the Bitcoin(s). Even though they are not physical, they must be somewhere and somewhere ain’t free. So that part of it eludes me.


“Well, there is the cost to store the Bitcoin(s).”


The cost is minimal.

If doing personal custody, you only need a hardware wallet to manage your ‘key’ to access the Bitcoin. Hardware wallets are around $100, more or less, depending on the brand.

There are no monthly or annual ‘storage’ fees.

If you have shares in the ETF, there is an annual fee, but they made it very low to encourage participation. I think the fees are around 0.25% annually.

With MSTR and the publicly traded Bitcoin miners (proxies for Bitcoin), there is no cost, just like any other publicly traded security 👍

pat frederick

long article i know, but it helps explain the Gaetz report and why the doj dropped it.

entire article
The last eight years at the Department of Justice have been a disaster for the rule of law. The sprawling intelligence and law enforcement agency ran the Russia collusion hoax, hamstringing President Donald Trump during his entire first term in office.
It interfered in the 2020 election by falsely telling social media companies that a laptop with incriminating information about the Biden family business was Russian disinformation, and telling them to censor speech and debate about the topic. Under President Joe Biden, the department ran two norm-obliterating politicized prosecutions against Trump in an effort to silence, bankrupt, imprison, and defeat him.
Instead of rooting out the corruption at the department, most of permanent D.C. did absolutely nothing in response. Yet somehow the chattering class was shocked when Trump nominated loyal foot soldier Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fl., to be attorney general in Trump’s second term and to fix DOJ.
Gaetz had proven to be one of the most effective advocates against corruption at DOJ and was unwilling to back down in the face of overwhelming public pressure. However, Gaetz does not fit the education or experience profile of many previous attorneys general and has limited experience practicing law.
Many Americans are sick and tired of elected officials and media pundits doing nothing as DOJ attempted to destroy the country with its abuse of the rule of law. Among the many powerful figures in Washington, D.C. opposed to the Gaetz nomination are some who are attempting to thwart it by releasing a report from the House Ethics Committee that will attempt to tie Gaetz to salacious allegations involving child sex trafficking.
The report comes years after DOJ dropped its investigation into the same claims on the grounds that the two central witnesses had serious credibility issues. Yet these are the same two central witnesses the House Ethics Committee has relied on for its critical report of Gaetz—the same report it is leaking to compliant reporters as part of a coordinated effort to thwart his nomination as President-elect Donald Trump’s next attorney general.
A John With a History of False Sex Smears
The two witnesses have massive credibility problems. The claims arose from Joel Greenberg, “one of the most corrupt Florida politicians of all time,” according to Florida reporter Marc Caputo, who is now with the anti-Trump media outlet The Bulwark.
Among many things the former Seminole County tax collector admitted to as part of a wide-ranging case for which he is currently serving 11 years in prison was falsely accusing local political opponent Brian Beute of having sex with a minor, similar to the outlandish claim he made against Gaetz. Greenberg also reportedly later attempted to frame his own attorney with pornographic images of children. One New York Times writeup of Greenberg was headlined, “Like the Tiger King Got Elected Tax Collector.“
According to the Washington Post, Greenberg admitted to “fabricating allegations against a schoolteacher who was running against him to be a tax collector. Greenberg had sent letters to the school falsely claiming the teacher had an inappropriate sexual relationship with a student — a similar allegation to the Gaetz case.” U.S. District Judge Gregory Presnell, appointed by President Bill Clinton, said Greenberg’s actions against that innocent victim were “downright evil.”
Too Ridiculous For Even The DOJ
The politicized employees at DOJ have shown themselves willing to explore novel legal theories and bend federal rules to the breaking point in pursuit of their most reviled political opponents, most notably former and future President Trump. Gaetz has a reputation as one of the most tenacious cross-examiners of DOJ officials from his perch on the House Judiciary Committee.
Yet even the DOJ was unwilling to exploit Greenberg’s unsubstantiated claims — apart from leaking them to the press to hurt Gaetz’s reputation. They announced their closure of the investigation in 2022.
The House Ethics Committee, however, decided to pick up the dropped and deflated ball and run with it a full year after DOJ dropped the investigation. The fact that the disgraced Greenberg was cooperating with the House Ethics Committee was shared for publication with The New York Times and other media outlets.
The news media “should not be laundering smears from people in prison,” a Gaetz spokesman said at the time. Gaetz speculated that the House ethics investigation was punishment for his leading role in the controversial defenestration of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, a move that angered many of his Republican colleagues.
The colorful representative and Trump ally has also won few friends on the Hill by pointing out his colleagues’ suspicious stock trades. Prior to marrying Ginger Luckey in 2021 and settling down, he had a reputation in D.C. for being a partier and dating many women.
2023 Lawsuit Sheds Light On Accusers
A little-noticed lawsuit from 2023 gives some insight into Greenberg and two women involved in the scheme against Gaetz. Greenberg alleges one of these women had sex with Gaetz when she was a minor. The other woman is her longtime roommate and friend, two years older, who has reportedly corroborated her friend’s claims.
The crime spree Greenberg was convicted of included charges related to his ongoing sexual relationship with the 17-year-old. He met her on a site for older men with money and younger women needing money who are prepared to have sex with older men. The practice matches “sugar daddies” with “sugar babies” and is considered a form of prostitution. The woman lied about her age when she registered on the site, and the married Greenberg maintains he was not aware she was a minor when he began having sex with her.
The lawsuit shows that Greenberg “became insistent” that Gaetz help him obtain a pardon for his various crimes. When he was repeatedly told that wouldn’t happen, Greenberg reportedly said he would seek vengeance on those who refused to help him during his time of need.
It was at this point that Greenberg began claiming without evidence that Gaetz and a variety of other Republicans and local businessmen were involved in his criminal actions, the lawsuit says. Greenberg was paying the legal bills of Gaetz’s accuser. He allegedly lied about Gaetz to “reduce his own prison sentence,” according to the lawsuit.
The latter claim was supported by a September letter from Gaetz to the House Ethics Committee. Gaetz revealed a letter from a jailhouse informant who shared a holding cell with Greenberg when Greenberg admitted “making stuff up about” Gaetz as part of a plan to lighten what could have been as much as a 27-year sentence in federal prison. He was eventually sentenced to 11 years for his role in sex trafficking, identity theft, public corruption involving taxpayer money and contracts, stalking, and securing fraudulent federal business loans.
Two former federal agents interviewed the inmate, who told them Greenberg said the woman Greenberg was convicted of having sex with as a minor “would be willing to adopt Greenberg’s lie in hopes of a future financial benefit.”
The woman is referenced in news reports and legal documents as “A.B.” A 2023 lawsuit from Chris Dorworth, a former Florida state representative and friend of Gaetz, reveals that Greenberg said A.B. performed deviant acts on the internet for money and “would do whatever he said because he was paying her legal bills.” He even sent a text message to Dorworth confessing he was paying for her legal bills.
“I’m having to pay for [A.B.] to retain lawyer,” Greenberg wrote in a text to Dorworth. “They contacted her and are wanting her to talk. She doesn’t want to talk to them. Likely Venmo was the link. I need help with this.”
The lawsuit shows that various people Greenberg spoke to about his problems felt he was trying to ensnare them as having been complicit in his crimes, frequently to their confusion. After speaking with Greenberg’s lawyer, Dorworth texted Greenberg, “I have nothing to do with any of this and think it is incredibly uncool you are trying to lawyer me up to be part of it, Joel. Not. F–king. Cool.”
The younger woman has gone on to be an “active participant” on OnlyFans and has appeared in pornographic videos under a stage name, according to the lawsuit. News reports claim she told the House Ethics Committee the same information she told the DOJ before it closed the investigation on the grounds she and Greenberg had credibility problems. Judge Presnell referred to the woman as “essentially a prostitute.”
The DOJ decided that the people making the accusations against Gaetz had such massive credibility problems that they could in no way charge him with any crimes. All the House Ethics Committee has done is revive those same accusations from the same unreliable witnesses.
As they did with the salacious accusations contained in the Democrat-funded Russia collusion dossier and the Washington Post’s unsubstantiated report against then-federal judge Brett Kavanaugh, the people who run Washington appear not to be concerned about the validity of the accusations so much as the ability to use them to stop a political opponent.

Gail Combs

Matt Gaetz looks like he is a TRAP, a lightening rod. He is drawing fire from the corrupt DC Swamp Rats AND THEN showing everyone what dirty filthy pond scum they are and how low these liars will go to keep power.

Given Russia, Russia, Russia, Two-Door Ford, the Biden Lap top…. Trump indictments and now this, the swamp has lost a lot of credibility esp on the right.

This means Nasty Pig-louse’s Wrap of Smear has lost it’s effectiveness AND those RINOs who try to use it are likely to find themselves PRIMARIED.

Keep this available so you can explain the tactic to others.

Apr 14, 2020

Nancy Pelosi is explaining the smear tactics used by politicians. In this video she is referring health care placement. This only proves that this practice is regularly used to misinform the citizens of the U.S. More recent that comes to mind is the HUGE smear against Judge Kavanaugh! Disgusting!

pat frederick

they are trying him the public eye–without giving him the benefits of a trial–no defense, no cross examination. the same needs to happen with the slush fund. release it all–they get no defense–no cross examination. they paid, they are guilty. they MUST go. then do away with the slush fund. it is taxpayer money and should be transparent to the taxpayers.

Gail Combs


I am wondering if Matt (or POTUS Trump) has ACCESS to that data.



No. Separation of powers prevents it. There may be some games the Treasury can play with House funding; I don’t know for sure.

Gail Combs

What about FOIAed?


The House will never release tax payer funded slush fund.

If nothing else, Privacy BS.

Gail Combs

Needs to be pushed all the way to the supreme court.

If nothing else it needs to be STOPPED.

What is Abuse?

Abuse occurs when someone behaves improperly, unreasonably, or misuses a position or authority for personal gain. It is behavior that a prudent person would not consider reasonable…

News Week — Why Are Congressmen Using Taxpayer Funds to Buy Off Sex Abuse Claims? Nov 29, 2017

Staffers who are the targets of unwanted sexual advances on Capitol Hill should not have to endure a lengthy mediation process and pay the legal bills as lawmakers secretly draw on a mysterious slush fund to settle the accusations against them, an advocate for taxpayers argues.

In the event of a monetary settlement of sexual harassment complaints, members of Congress can draw on a taxpayer-funded account set up within the Treasury Department to cover their legal expenses and settle cases.

The account has paid out $17 million in the past 10 years, public records show, although it is not clear how much of that was for cases of sexual harassment.

“Right now, it’s very unclear to the taxpayer where this money is going,” Grace Morgan, director of external affairs for the Washington-based Taxpayers Protection Alliance, told The Daily Signal in a phone interview.

“We don’t know who is getting paid the settlements and why they are getting paid the settlements,” Morgan said Monday. “The $17 million figure does not distinguish between sexual harassment claims and other general workplace claims. There is no information and no transparency.”….

The House Administration Committee scheduled a hearing for Dec. 7 to review possible actions under the Congressional Accountability Act, the 1995 law specifying that certain civil rights, labor, workplace, and health care laws must apply to Congress.

That law also created an independent agency, the Office of Compliance, which is led by a five-member, nonpartisan board of directors and four executive staff members appointed by the board.

The Office of Compliance is charged with advising members of Congress, congressional staff, and visiting members of the public on their rights and their responsibilities in the workplace setting.

The office also offers advice on potential changes to the Congressional Accountability Act. Its general counsel has independent investigatory and enforcement authority for certain violations of the law.

‘Needs to Be Reformed’

After receiving multiple media inquiries about taxpayers’ money being used to cover the costs of settling sexual harassment allegations against lawmakers or legislative branch employees, Susan Tsui Grundmann, executive director of the Office of Compliance, released figures showing more than $17 million has been spent since 1997 to cover the settlements….


I wonder if we can know that office’s budget, and how the $17 million was determined.

Gail Combs

Americans’ trust in media plummets to historic low: pollaxios – 2023/10/24/

Younger Democrats, in particular, tend to be much less trusting of the media, according to Gallup data… A record-high number of Americans (39%), say they don’t trust the media at all. That number has steadily increased since 2018.

From the article, based on gallop polls:
Those who said they have a great deal or a fair amount of trust in mass media
Annually, 1972 to 2023 dropped from 55% ==> 32%
Democrats = 58%
Independents = 29%
Republicans = 11%


Scientists have also taken a hit.

Nov 15, 2023 – Distrust in scientists rises among both Republicans and Democrats: poll — Axios

73% of Americans have at least “a fair amount” of trust in scientists to “act in the best interests of the public,” that’s down from 86% in 2019. The share expressing a “great deal” of trust fell from 35% to 23% in that time, while the percentage with “not too much” trust in scientists or “none at all” climbed from 15% to 27%. At the same time, the share of Americans who believe science has had a mostly positive effect on society fell from 73% in 2019 to 57% in 2023.


As far as distrust of scientists is concerned, I hypothesize that it is directly proportional to the size of the govt funding that they receive.  😥 


And people around me wonder why I despise FIB, the Dept. of Injustice and the clowns as much as I do. Entrapment and lies are their MO’s. Ruining people’s lives for sport is their game.

Again, I hope all of this stuff has been one big sting to draw out the evil doers and expose them. But like others have posted, it means nothing of lasting importance without justice being applied.


Seems Gaetz would be an ideal Special Prosecutor. Target rich environment.

Gail Combs


Wyoming Knucklehead

It is way passed time these women that lie go to jail for the amount of time it would put the men in IF they did it.

pat frederick


Gail Combs

ESPECIALLY if they are getting PAID to lie, and many of them are.


Regardless of the accuracy [or lack thereof] of the characterization of the female witness, I disapprove of a judge gratuitously stating it from the bench in open court.

Suppose he said it about an innocent person. She would be unable to do anything about it because judges have absolute immunity for their speech in open court.

Immunity carries with it an expectation that it will not be exploited. IMO. But it seems that has been lost, along with so many other things.

Gail Combs

Paul Fleuret (Q for dummies series @ Badlands) suggested this series. Paul said Trey Smith goes to the actual biblical sites and does deep dives.

God in a Nutshell:

pat frederick

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


pat frederick

on the plus side? we woke to 20* this morning. that’s a 30* difference…proof of global warming…LOL

Gail Combs

And we in NC ALSO had 20F. Right now (8 AM) it has warmed up to 33 and will be getting up to 52 this afternoon.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Fifty-two! Watch out for mosquitoes! 😉

Gail Combs

%&*^$# FIRE ANTS!!!

I just got bit all over my hands. 😡

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


We’ve been contending with pre-emerging wasps and various other bugs, who wrongly think winter is over. No fire ants, thank goodness!

Gail Combs

They gradually have moved north. When we moved here 30 years ago there were no fire ants.

Unfortunately their nests are very deep so killing the mothers is hard.

They like to climb into any equipment left on the ground. That includes our solar fence chargers. Primer has started making chargers that slide onto a T post for that reason. However our older one are boxes that sit on the ground and they just shorted out one that was in use. There was no way to pick it up without getting bit.

Last edited 2 months ago by Gail Combs
Valerie Curren

Can they bite through leather gloves? Yikes!


Thanks for this rerun, DePat. I have enjoyed it. I pray good health and stamina for you during these days.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


pat frederick

comment image


Merry Christmas Q Treepers!!!
Love you All, learn lots and laugh alot along the way.
Thank You Wolf! Q Tree is my daily vice.

pat frederick

Merry Christmas Charlie!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Merry Christmas, Charlie! 🍺 🇺🇸 🎄

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wow! Nice to know this is a working therapy! Hope you are truly beginning to recover now!!!

Gail Combs

Melatonin for continuing sleep. I have had sleep issues all my life and melatonin before bed seems to work. It allows me to get a full nights sleep.

Exploring 10 Different Types of Magnesium and How to Use ThemLearn about the many forms of magnesium and how to use each one for your benefit
The functions of magnesium are endless. Magnesium controls nerve and muscle function. It helps regulate blood sugar. It improves bone density. It regulates the heart rhythm and controls blood pressure. It helps relax the colon and produce bowel movements. Magnesium also supports healthy neurotransmitter levels in the brain. It regulates cortisol levels and helps relieve stress and anxiety. It boosts the mood. It aids in liver detoxification. It helps produce cellular energy.

Despite being such an important mineral, many people are lacking in magnesium. Studies reveal that about 50 to 80 percent of the American population is deficient in magnesium.


This article goes into the different forms and what they do.

I use Mg and K (potassium) for muscle spasms.




As hard as it is to face Sally’s cancer, her entry into Hospice, right at the Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years holidays… I’ve been faced with more challenges. I’m spitting mad and praying hard for the Lord to help me…and work out these challenges

Challenge #1 – Sally’s Dad’s continued relationship with Sue the past and present girlfriend. 
I have worked with him in Sally’s care. I was the one who sat with him, prayed for him and helped him when he was in the hospital with Covid and suffering from dementia (because our youngest daughter and her husband were also sick with Covid) and was heading for the nursing home on Hospice. He still persists in lies that they are only friends. I tried to be a friend, help him furnish his apartment, move in, drove him to doctor appointments until Sally got sick.

He asked if the girlfriend could visit Sally on Sunday this week. I said yes on Saturday, but after a sleepless night, quick 2 way trip home to pick up bed patient supplies, after he picked on and criticized me constantly and after she had a difficult day – I blew up! By the time Sunday came, I was at the end of my supply of grace and screamed at him, calling the names of all his girlfriends and said there were probably many more, that I do not know about and called him a ‘fkg jackass.’ 

Challenge #2 – Sally’s nurse case manager – We hit a hurtful snag with Sally’s Hospice nurse case manager. She’s a blonde buxom young blond thing around 30ish, full of herself. She came on Friday the day after we signed up and was the second nurse after the intake nurse on Thursday. The Chaplain also came on Friday. She told us she would talk with the doctor and he would phone in a Rx. Not sure the doctor ever did phone the pharmacy.

That very afternoon, the same nurse phoned Sally’s Dad and said they would be sending a nurse to pick up the pain medicine (Tylenol with Codeine) that her Dad had on hand from his fall last December – when he fell off a ladder and broke his cheek bone, and that we had used half tablets when she broke her both femurs last May. She said it was illegal for us to give that medication to our daughter. I called her back and said, ‘Oh no, you won’t be picking up our medicine – since as of right now, we do not have anything to replace it. She said we would have to sign paperwork that we refused to relinquish our controlled substances. 

She also said they (she and the intake nurse) thought we (who have taken care of Sally for 40 years with this disease, through many hospitalizations, and administered many Rx meds, and her Dad, a retired OB-GYN surgeon, who worked in a methadone clinic after retirement) were confused about medications. I was mad as a wet hen – !!! It felt like an assault and accusation by a nurse who was supposed to be a comfort to our family on the second day of our relationship with this Hospice group.  

My family, especially youngest daughter and her doctor husband told me they think I’m unreasonable, that Hospice is the authority over Sally – and I should not have objected to their confiscation of our meds. My children, birth and step children have heroized Sally’s Dad and have a low opinion and little time for me for many reasons. They were all on the establishment side of the Covid business, so they think I am stupid, irrational and ill informed. 

On Saturday – I made a running trip home to pick up and on the way back, I got a call from the Hospice weekend on call nurse. I tried to relate the medication problem briefly and civilly, and she said she would take care of it. Well – we finally got the Hospice’s pain medication – on Monday afternoon! – She had the Rxs changed to the Village Pharmacy which is more convenient for us. She contacted the second doctor, weekend on call to get the prescription phoned in. When we got it, it was the same exact Tylenol+Codeine medication we had been giving Sally for months, judiciously, PRN, in half tablets most of the time, never more than one a day! *&^%$#@! 

The same Case Manager Nurse called on Sally yesterday afternoon. I told her I thought her threat to confiscate our meds and the accusation of a crime was unnecessary and made me upset and angry. She was very defensive and would not let me finish saying what I wanted to say – she would not pay attention but kept typing on her iPad. She said I was rude to ask for her full attention. She didn’t feel safe discussing anything with me without a second person there, and that the social worker was on her way. She finished her visit, checkup with Sally and left. Before she left, I told her I was offended by the threat to take our meds and was sorry – and she also apologized for offending me and left.  

After she left, I had a great time of Christian fellowship and sharing with the Social Worker, a lovely lady who works part time at various Hospices around the state, and works in a school system on the east FL coast. 

Afterward, I thought long and hard about the relationship with Hospice and the various nurses. I am not sure the NCM followed through to get their ‘proper’ meds to us in a timely manner.  

So I went to his apartment and attempted to talk with her Dad, who said he thinks I just need to forgive her, forget it and go on. He also spent the time I was trying to talk to him typing on his cell phone and not listening.  

Last night and this morning, I spent time seeking the Lord, praying for the nurse, for Sally’s Dad and girlfriend, for the rest of the family, for Sally and for myself, acknowledging my own sin before our Righteous Judge, Suffering Savior Redeemer and Victorious King.

PLEASE PRAY FOR US.  I desperately need help. This is a Holy Time as we walk through the valley of death with our daughter. I would like our Hospice relationship to be comforting, not dictatorial or adversarial. 

My prayer is that, if it be His Will – that Hospice would change our Case Manager to the Weekend On Call Nurse who is a listener, a problem solver and has a level head and empathy. 

It might be best if we were to make that request – to ask Sally’s Dad to do it, since he is first on the list of guardians attached to Sally’s living will that was made several years ago before he was injured and got covid dementia and ended up with a walker and became unable to do Sally’s hands on care. He is now somewhat forgetful, but not cognitively incapacitated – not as much as Biden.

Gail Combs

No Words….


Wyoming Knucklehead

Praying for you and Sally and my elderly parents that are sick at the Holidays as well. I hope they will get better but they are old enough that they might not. I’m so sorry your Hospice relationship has become a bad one.

pat frederick

sending up prayers for your family as well.

Valerie Curren


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Praying for you and yours, too! 🙏

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW. Very typical for this situation, sadly. The switching to hospice creates a whole new chain of authority, and it can be a bit shocking to experience.

I had a very similar experience to your second challenge, although not nearly as bad. I will pray for God to help you through your challenge, as He helped me through mine.

I will pray for God to give you what I’ve been granted in dealing with medical bureaucracy – general acceptance (which is not resignation – it is calmness and patience during challenge) followed by moments of grace-filled opportunity to be seized and used to kindly educate the medical bureaucracy. In my case, this has helped them to trust and respect everything I say to them! I believe that this will happen to you very soon. They have entered with assumptions that are wrong, and will soon change their minds, as they discover you have information which can help them, and that they can trust you!


Hi Georgia …

So sorry to read of your hospice trials …

I had problems with Hospice when my Dad was dying … I fired hospice on the spot and contacted another agency. One should never have to deal with unprofessionalism when a loved one is ill.

NO ONE has been a better caregiver than you for your daughter Sally… the very idea that you would be criticized in such an offensive manner is unacceptable to say the least.

Praying that the Lord guides you to take the right action(s) for yours and Sally’s greatest good, that you find peace and harmony in a working relationship with a hospice group, in order that you can ‘be there’ for Sally and your family… I will be praying for you Georgia, that the Lord continues to give you strength as you walk this journey.



Merry Christmas, Phoenix! It’s so nice to see you again.


From out of the cold! Feared the worse. Merry Christmas Phoenix! Seems you were more right than wrong about Israel.


PR, Wonderful, helpful post to GA/FL.

Absolutely delighted to see your name, your post. Merry Christmas!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Merry Christmas and great to see you!!! 🎄 💖 🙏


Heartfelt thanks for all your wishes …
Merry Christmas to all …
I am well, and hope that all here are also.
p.s. I lurk alot!

Gail Combs

  :wpds_smile:  Glad to hear it.


Merry Christmas, Phoenix. Post more.


Dear Phoenix – wonderful of you to respond. Your prayers and counsel are worth gold to me- along with all those dear hearts on our several blogs – y’all are family.

pat frederick

so good to see you here!!!
Merry Christmas dear one!!!


Merry Christmas Sweet Lady …


HOW WONDERFUL to see you, phoenixrising!
Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Gail Combs

So very nice to see you Phoenix! 😍


I’m so sorry that this is going on. Sending prayers, Good Energy, and Deep Courage to you!

Please see my detailed reply to you over at Marica’s blog, thank you.


I had you in mind for a meaningful expert reply. You are such a great resource of wisdom and pharmaceutical knowledge for all of us.

Merry Christmas, dear Lady!


GA/FL, Heartbreaking. Wishing the best, comfort and strength for you and Sally Q.


Thanks so much, KK!



Sally has had a good morning! She had almond, apple pastries and rugelach for breakfast with milk and coffee! 

I explained to her about pain meds – that she could judiciously using the pain med to prevent pain – one tablet or half tablet every 6 hours – or she could treat the pain PRN. She asked for a whole pain pill and took it along with her heart and diabetes meds. She did not ask for her OTC supplements. So far, the pain med has not made her sleepy. 

She’s only asked for pain med once a day for the last week.

I’m cooking today – a scallop dish that she requested for dinner tonight. We usually have seafood on Christmas Eve. Tomorrow, we will have take out from the Village Christmas buffet in her apartment.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good news! Merry Christmas and God Bless!


GA/FL, so sorry you are going through all this. You are in my continued prayers.


🙏 is all I can offer and all that is needed. May the peace of the Lord fill your heart, friend.

Valerie Curren

Wow GA/FL this is such a heavy burden to bear. I’m so sorry that you are going through this at this festive, family time of year & that you are being treated as some type of ignorant black sheep in your family, by a faithless former husband, & by a hospice system that seems to be increasing pain & anguish for you instead of bearing & lessening burdens.

I can Very Loosely relate in how I was treated when my special needs son Josiah was hospitalized for Liver Transplant Rejection in the height of Covid criminality. First the cause of his rejection was medication limitations that were being inflicted across the country, if not around the world, during peak covid crimes. We also had an insurance change that prevented us from getting his meds from the U of M Transplant Pharmacy as we had ever since the transplant, which likely contributed to the loss of meds.

Ultimately we could not get sufficient Prograf to meet his daily requirements which were then 1.5mg in the AM & 1.0mg in the PM. At one point I think I only had 0.5mg to give him a day, as the pharmacy was only able to obtain about 7 days of meds instead of 30. I was calling multiple pharmacies in the system we were allowed to use & driving far afield to even get the inadequate Prograf to use for him for some weeks.

Eventually our oldest son noticed that Josiah’s eyes were getting yellow & his skin was getting orange-ish. Hubby & I who lived with him at that time didn’t even register these gradual changes as it was summertime & it sort of seemed like he was just tanned. Anyway we called the hospital, it was by that point a Friday evening, & spoke with the Hepatic fellow on call. They ultimately had me bring him into the hospital for a liver biopsy for almost a week later but based on that info they had him stay inpatient as he was in active rejection. Later they admitted “we almost lost the liver!”

I was very leery of hospitalization because of all the covid killings we discussed here at the Q-Tree even then in Summer 2020 so was very concerned about this particular hospitalization. They promised me that if he was given a single room I would be able to stay with him, & that happened the first night. However the second night they demanded I leave & only keep normal visiting hours & refused family being with him 24/7 which how I’ve always Tried to manage any hospitalizations he’s had. Of course they didn’t follow through with the tasks he needed assistance with as a vulnerable disabled adult so he went hypoglycemia & psychological distress multiple times…sigh…

Anyway at one point we had a phone call with the attending doctor, my husband was with me on this speaker phone call, & this doctor made all sorts of accusations about me & my supposed ineptness with meds. I’d been managing my son’s very complex med situation for his entire life & the extremely increased complexity of post-transplant meds for 3 years then. Anyway my husband ended up shouting at this doctor & the whole situation devolved to the place that I needed my daughter, who was a staff for her brother, to spell me the next day because I was still so shaken by that accusatory run-in with an insensitive doc. The whole experience was incredibly demeaning to me & beyond upsetting to our son who was in the room with the doc for this phone call…sigh…

More crap happened in that hospitalization that was so alarming for me & really made me Much Less Trusting of the U of M Hospital System than I’d ever imagined I could be…

Anyway, hang in there & hang on to Truth no matter what. You know your daughter probably better than anyone, even your MD ex given his own decline in recent years. May God give you wisdom, discernment, tenacity, favor, grace, hope, peace, AND joy, even & especially in the midst of sorrows. Be present for your daughter & true to yourself & your Lord. If this a situation that will ultimately result in your daughter’s sooner passing, as they favor pain management over life expectancy, please don’t leave anything unsaid or undone that you desire to address with your daughter before she crosses the veil. She’s made her wishes known to not fight this disease with alternate approaches, as I understand it, so as best as possible accept her choices, care for her, love her, & ultimately, when the time comes, let her go with the Lord without any shame or guilt as you have surely more than attained a priceless crown as a good & faithful servant!  🙏 

pat frederick

December 24, 2024 8:57 am

Christmas Eve Nightmare: American Airlines Grounds Flights Nationwide
The source of the “technical issue” has yet to be revealed.

Something up with American Airlines systems? Appears no one can board their flights right now!

— Joshua (@Nextlevel1G) December 24, 2024


Thank you, De Pat!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, this is a great post!


Merry Christmas!

While looking around this morning I found this version of O Holy Night.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wow! What a voice!

pat frederick

h/t Filly

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Such a great belly laugh.

That one is precious. Or should I say, …

Chuckling as I fight the urge to post a series of smart ass thoughts.


With those cookies in mind…


That’s close to how young boys see sex in everything.  😂 

Last edited 2 months ago by pgroup2

Young boys — y’know, ages 1-3 (digits in their age)…..

Valerie Curren


Last edited 2 months ago by PAVACA

However did that “,” get in there? 😮 😏 😆 Anyone going to visit, this will help. 😁


A world of difference. Thanks.


Thank you!


Well, that’s weird. Just clicked on the URL that I typed in the post and it went through OK.

Gail Combs

Fine for me too.

Barb Meier

Thank you, Pavaca! I really enjoyed reading about you painting a Seurat copy as a gift. It turned out very nicely. You also reminded me that during my mom’s last year, she wanted to take up painting so I sent her books, brushes, canvas, paint, and other supplies. She painted robins based on a book about painting. We always enjoyed how the robins would follow my dad around on his riding mower. We thought the mower may have gotten the worms more active and easier for the robins to find.


I agree that CV’s Seurat came out well, and completely understand how manipulating it with her own hands enhances her understanding and appreciation for it.

One side note that I didn’t know until the Musee d’Orsay exhibit in San Francisco was that Seurat could actually paint. He did a number of studies of people that ended up in, IIRC, A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte, that were painted “normally”. He then composed the entire painting around these vignettes and re-painted them in Pointillism.

Valerie Curren

Very interesting 🙂 TY

pat frederick

Insurrection Barbie


The people clutching their pearls over Matt Gaetz’s ethics report have not said one word about the child p*rnography on the laptop of the son President of the United States of America. The one that was walking around and advising him in the oval office not too long ago. If you or I had that on our computers, we would be in prison. Miss me with a highly partisan report orchestrated by Kevin McCarthy AFTER the DOJ/FBI cleared Gaetz to try and take him out. We don’t care. Again, we don’t take morality cues from the party of Clinton, Epstein, Weiner, and Biden.

The people clutching their pearls over Matt Gaetz’s ethics report have not said one word about the child p*rnography on the laptop of the son President of the United States of America. The one that was walking around and advising him in the oval office not too long ago. If you or…

— Insurrection Barbie (@DefiyantlyFree) December 23, 2024



Verse of the Day for Tuesday, December 24, 2024

“Seek the LORD and his strength, seek his face continually.” 

1 Chronicles 16:11 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!




Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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Have mercy on me, my Lord and my God;
For I am distressed – in chains I am shod;
My tears flow like rivers – raging from strain;
My heart is pierced – my throat aches in pain!

My life spent in sorrow – and in deep regret;
My sins are before me – I cannot forget;
In repentance I seek You – for right relief;
Your loving kindness is – my refuge – belief!

Lord – affliction – has broken down my strength;
From helplessness, stress – I suffer at length;
My foes have encompassed me – all around;
They ravage me daily – destruction bound!

I trust in You, Lord – take comfort in You;
Come to my aid – Lord – Refresh me anew;
My life is in Your hands – if it be Your Will;
Calm the waters – from their raging – be still!

Feed me – knead me – with Your nourishing grace;
Through faith without fear – my weakness erase;
Infuse me with courage – and strengthen me;
Help me be steadfast – a stronghold like Thee!

Let me be glad and rejoice in Your love;
Assured in Your goodness sent from above;
Let me not – for one moment – be fearful;
Keep me far from unsure – doubtful – tearful!

Free me from distress – of body and mind;
Help me walk self-assured – no longer blind;
With my life in Your hands – deliver me;
From the throes of my foes – let me be free!

Strengthen My Heart – as only You know how;
Pour forth Your knowledge – understanding now;
Send in Your angels – with reinforcements;
Lift up my spirit – in inch increments!

Send forth Your Spirit – to enlighten me;
With knowledge – understanding – wisdom be;
A tower of strength – instilled in my heart;
Let not Your Spirit – from me ere depart!

Strengthen My Heart – my Lord and my King;
Let the indwelling Spirit – His power bring;
Your justice – Oh Lord – from on high rain down;
Let Your Heavenly Grace – be forever my crown!

D01: 09/30/2013


Thank you so much for this poem! It speaks to many things.
Merry Christmas to you and yours!


Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 
#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday

Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.
#faith #god #psalms





12.24.24: Hunters become the Hunted, God WINS, Silent Night, Gaetz, Guatemala, RFK, PRAY!

And We Know

pat frederick

it just keeps getting worse!

Peter Bernegger
EXCLUSIVE: federal lawsuit filed in Green Bay Wisconsin. You’re not going to believe this…

The Wis. Election Commission (“WEC”) developed for voters. Where a citizen can register to vote, request an absentee ballot, look up their polling location, etc.

But WEC never put in any security such as a username and password to prevent unauthorized access. Still to this day.

Anyone can go to the site above and if you know the person’s name and birthdate (easy to find in seconds) can access another voter’s account.

Think of that, any websites you go to with personal information, govt. services, credit card usage, banking info, dealing with money etc. has various security levels built into them. But not MyVote!

You can access another voter’s account and request that person’s absentee ballot be sent anywhere.

You can change another voter’s address, heck you can change their name!

And if you used a VPN you’d never get caught, it would be impossible to trace you. So you’re thinking surely WEC has a security system on it right? Nope.

And who was the project leader at the time to create MyVote? Meagan Wolfe – who has an English degree. She was the former IT director of WEC, with zero computer/cybersecurity experience, training or education. We know this because Mr. Jay Stone took her sworn deposition.

She is pictured here, giving an interview to CBS 60 Minutes lying to them and the audience saying there was no election fraud in 2020.

Really Meagan? Answer us then as to why Claire Woodall-Vogg kicked out all the observers between 10:30pm to 11pm on November 3rd, 2020 at Milwaukee’s Central Count. Yet Claire didn’t come out of the Central Count building until 3:06am on November 4? 

And why did Claire prevent the Trump attorneys from seeing the absentee ballot envelopes at the recount? Maybe she was short in the count, or maybe because of the false signatures on the envelopes.

We’re waiting for your answers Meagan.

So Meagan Wolfe created MyVote and failed to install the requirement of a username and password. Hint: it was intentional.

Still till this day, even after it was exposed, you can go on right now and make changes in other voters’ accounts.

And don’t let off the hook the six Commissioners Ann Jacobs (D), @BobSpindell
 (R) @DonMillis
 (R) Mark Thomsen (D), Carrie Riepl (D) and Marge Bostelmann (R). Each of them is intentionally risking your personal information.

Bostelmann is the one who got kicked out of the Republican party because she has voted with Democrats so much. Good for you Green Lake County Republican Party!

So the six Commissioners and Meagan Wolfe are needlessly exposing personal information and risking illegal access to our voter accounts of all 3,891,444 citizens who are currently shown as Active.

Anyone who is registered to vote in Wisconsin is at risk, is exposed.

Per the federal court system PACER the federal lawsuit was filed to force WEC and Meagan Wolfe to put security onto the MyVote website. And guess what?

WEC and Wolfe are now using taxpayer monies to fight against the Plaintiffs! They WANT each of our voting accounts to be wide open to the internet, to the Chinese, to the Iranians, to anyone. 

It is case McCole v Wisconsin Election Commission no. 24-CV-1348 in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, Green Bay Division. How about helping your neighbors, friends, relatives, spouses, adult children and writing a letter to the Judge in favor of this case for the Plaintiffs? 

125 S Jefferson St #102, Green Bay, WI 54301 is the address of the court. You could point out the Judge’s own voting account is exposed also. So is his wife’s (if he is married) and so are his adult children living in Wisconsin.

Stand up and fight the corruption of Meagan Wolfe and the corrupt six Commissioners!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This woman is a disgrace to the name of 🐺 !!!

GITMO is too good for her!

pat frederick

December 24, 2024 2:21 pm

I’m hearing solid rumors that Jamie Raskin is going to go for broke on January 6. They’re going to seek a delay in seating Trump based on a new investigation they want.

Do not congregate in Washington DC. Make yourselves known in your own nations capital and keep it peaceful.

— Patrick Byrne (@PatrickByrne) December 24, 2024


To which I say; tough shit, Raskin. You are about to hit a shitstorm like you have never seen before. There are TOO MANY of us now. And some of the biggest money and political power in the world is on OUR SIDE.

This isn’t going to go like you think it is, you piece of dog excrement.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You’re holding back.


Lol. You know, I’m known for my restraint 😉


Merry Christmas, Intrepid Qtreepers ✝️🙏🎄🎄🎄

I’m resolved to appreciate every day of 2025 with President Trump at the helm, regardless of how difficult the battles. With God’s help and a slew of earthly angels, we will right many wrongs.


With ya Alison. Have been thinking like sentiment since November 5th.

January 20th, can’t get here soon enough.

2 0 2 5. Will be epic for Americans. America.

pat frederick

Merry Christmas Alison!
from your lips to God’s ears!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN!!! Merry Christmas! 🎄 💖 🙏 ✝

Valerie Curren

Yuuuge Amen!

Merry Christmas Alison. God Bless You & Yours 🙂


Big Pharma HATES This One Simple Trick! (Chlorine Dioxide Is Their Kryptonite)

Gail Combs

Since I had mentioned the 2023 trust in media poll by Gallup

. The “reader note” for Drum’s post about this on Twitter/X points out:

This graphic misrepresents the Gallup results from “Americans’ Trust in Media Remains at Trend Low.” The posted graphic excludes Gallup’s “faith in media” results for Independents, at 27%. It also excludes the 👉By Age Group, which shows 18-29 and 30-49 for all parties at 26%.

That is certainly good news.


🤔might this explain why woke suddenly exploded in our school systems? Leftists are likely well aware of this trend and have been doubling down on ways to steal their lost power back no matter the societal expense.

Gail Combs

The School System and later Daycare was ALWAYS the target. Remember John Dewey started changing our educational system in the late 1800s before the federal reserve was put in place.


Trump Is Going To Remove The “Fourth Branch” Of The Government, POTUS Will Be Safe On AF1 – Ep. 3531
 December 24, 2024  x22report


Biden decides he doesn’t need the people anymore so he withdraws his student loan forgiveness plan, the election is over. Rand Paul shows the people how the government wastes their money. Trump is going to reverse the [CB]. The [DS] is now threatening Elon Musk. Trump says he will use the death penalty for those who rape, murder etc. Rule of law returning to the US. Trump and the patriots are going to remove the fourth branch of the government, the [DS] time is at an end. When the operation begins Trump will be safe aboard AF-1.

Ep 3531a – [CB] Panicking. Trump Is About To Reverse Everything, Time To Show The People

Ep 3531b – Trump Is Going To Remove The “Fourth Branch” Of The Government, POTUS Will Be Safe On AF1

pat frederick

December 24, 2024 3:21 pm

The FBI still has not provided me any answers despite a Chinese agent pleading guilty to operating a police station for Beijing in NYC.

It’s time for FBI Director Christopher Wray to go.

We need @Kash_Patel to bring transparency.

— Sen. Marsha Blackburn (@MarshaBlackburn) December 24, 2024

Gail Combs

….Next, consider his comments about how easy it is to modify damage documentation into salvage documentation – even a clean title. I don’t know how many vehicles have come out of hurricane-damaged areas into parts of the USA where they could be re-registered without any indication that they’d been flooded, but I’m willing to bet it’s more than a few. …

Saw this happen earlier with a different hurricane. This time with tractors, or in my case a pony saddle. The side shown in photos was fine, the other side, when I received it was badly water damaged. Luckily I am good at repairs.

E-Bay is where you will see a lot of this junk unloaded.



Healing Prayers

Prayer for Restorative Rest

Healing Hand, as I lay in my bed this evening, I pray for Your restorative power to touch my life. Mend what has been broken, soothe what has been hurt, and heal what has been wounded. May I find in sleep the healing that my body and spirit need and wake to a day of renewed health and vitality. Amen.

Evening Prayer for Wholeness

Gentle Healer, with the night’s calm, I seek Your healing for my body, mind, and soul. Where there is pain, bring relief; where there is fatigue, bring restoration; where there is distress, bring tranquility. Wrap me in Your peace as I trust in Your loving care to make me whole. Amen.

Prayer for Comfort in Illness

Lord of Comfort, as I face the trials of illness, I pray for Your healing touch. Ease my discomfort, calm my anxiety, and deliver me from my afflictions. In Your mercy, may I find the comfort that leads to a peaceful rest, knowing that You are with me, sustaining and healing me. Amen.

Nighttime Blessing for Healing

Divine Physician, under the canopy of the night sky, I pray for Your healing blessings. Let Your life-giving energy flow through every cell, every nerve, every aspect of my being. May my rest be deep, my healing complete, and my faith in Your power absolute. Bless me with the gift of health, and let my gratitude be a testament to Your mercy. Amen.”

Serene Prayer for Recovery

Merciful Restorer, as I seek repose in the stillness of this night, I ask for Your healing hand upon my life. Guide the hands of those who care for me, provide wisdom for the paths of recovery, and grant patience for the journey. In this serene hour, let Your comfort envelop me, as I place my trust in Your plan for a full recovery. Amen.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Merry Christmas, Duchess! 🙏 🎄 🐑 🐐 🌠 ⛪ 💖 ✝


Merry Christmas! And thank you for your steadfastness to us. You are a treasure.

Gail Combs

Matt Gaetz REJECTS Report, Sues Committee; Luigi Fan Club Arrives; Biden Commutes; Festivus Waste by Robert Gouveia, Criminal defense Attorney.
Have not watched it yet. (2 hours)

At 8:19 he starts talk about Matt Gaetz goes to 43:30. He does a very nice job of explaining the ‘Ethics Committee’ is lower than whale feces and that includes ALL of them!

Add the names to the list to be primaried!

From WIKI:

pat frederick

Susan Wild LOST her race this year in PA

Gail Combs

  :pepper:   :banana-mario:    :banana2: 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Early Christmas present! 😉

Gail Combs



Let the fin begin! 👍


FWIW – Thank you, Dr. Fauci is a ball buster. This shiz is going mainstream. Redfield and others take him apart step by step.

Brave and Free

The Tucker interview with Jenner Furst is very good too. Gets into the weeds on the background of the covid scamdemic.
Looking forward to watching the film.


I am halfway through it and I want to haul all of them to GITMO and effect justice for the entire world. It confirms every conclusion I came to during the period and after.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Fauci is, IMO, responsible for the explosive growth of flat earth belief. That’s a heck of a backfire for “THE SCIENCE”! 😆

Gail Combs

They STILL have not made the Ralph Baric connection. I KNOW darn well I got Covid (Ralph Barric’s Disease) and so did my friend from UNC hospital in the fall of 2018. We have BOTH been ill ever since.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Looking forward to the full truth about Baric’s NC sideshow house of horrors coming out someday!

Gail Combs

I wonder how many are aware a Covid variant was around at that time.

I certainly hope that SOB does not skate.


They connected him in the movie.


When all the scientists are liars, the troglodytes start to look pretty appealing!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


I know we’re all suspicious of people in Fauci’s line of work, and the climate weenies, but seriously, “all” scientists?


It’s a taint and spreads like a taint.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It’s one thing to say that “these guys are liars, therefore I will be suspicious of other guys in similar lines of work”

It’s another to say “these guys are liars, therefore the ones in similar lines of work are liars too.”

I mean, if you’re going to take the latter attitude, you probably shouldn’t bother reading my Saturday posts (for all I know, you don’t)…because from whom do you think I am getting that info from, ultimately?

Last edited 2 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Old-time scientists, before they became a liars’ collective?

I think we all revere Einstein, Fermi, Feynman, Edison, Tesla, and the guys that invented the transistor, queueing theory, and the laser at Bell Labs…..but increasing government meddling in Science, just like with everything else touched by its foul hand, has turned Science to crap.

Now we get Fauci, Baric, and the replication crisis.

Last edited 2 months ago by cthulhu
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

But I have recently pulled a lot of stuff from present day astronomers.


Who have maintained the presence of mind to call themselves “astronomers” instead of “scientists”, in order to avoid being lumped in with the tainted crew.


You know I read your Saturday posts (and for the most part understand them) because I keep heckling you about them.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This is why I find your present attitude of “all scientists are frauds or liars” rather puzzling.


What I’m saying is that the frauds and liars have ruined the “brand” of “scientist”, to the point that nobody in their right mind can be associated with it.

I grew up in a STEM household — my parents have five STEM degrees between them. I wanted to be a scientist since 3rd grade. I ended up in accounting because I realized that “scientists” spent most of their time doing assigned tasks or writing grant proposals. I enjoy the Maker movement today because people are doing things for themselves.

“Big science” and academia already had problems like running shrimp on treadmills and the replication crisis going in, but COVID and government overreach has made “scientist” toxic.

I wish it were not so, but that’s what I see.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

OK that’s fair.

Admittedly I am selecting a better sample than those who watch shrimps on treadmills!


Thank You, Dr. Fauci and Line in the Sand are two of the most important releases you will see – period.

Gail Combs

Rand Paul, in his Happy Festivus, details some of the horrid ‘experiments’ done on cats kittens and puppies.

Robert Gouveia details some of them 😭

at around 1 hr 16 min


Merry Christmas to the MAGA friends and Peace on Earth !

I have been blasting German Christmas songs that gave me much to think about.
The culture I grew up in is hard to escape even though I am quite integrated in the American culture.
I cannot relate to American Christmas music and traditions. For me Christmas Eve is special. I keep seeking the simplicity and reach for the true meaning of Christmas.
Christ child the gift to us. 😘

Last edited 2 months ago by singingsoul1

Merry Christmas Singing.


Merry Christmas to you and your family 🙂


Merry Christmas Singingsoul!


Merry Christmas Scott 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I get it! My mother used to sing German Christmas hymns to us at night, instead of the usual German lullabies. She also picked out most of the music for the season (many were old 78-rpm records, too). I had forgotten all about that until recently. It’s why a lot of American Christmas songs didn’t become familiar until I was older.

And, of course, Christmas Eve was the big holiday, unlike all our neighbors, but we opened most of the kid presents in the morning, just like our neighbors.

Merry Christmas! 🎄 💖 🙏 ⛪


Thanks for sharing Merry Christmas Wolf 🙂
YouTube has all the German Christmas songs in German. We also have many on CD.

Gail Combs

We always celebrated Christmas Eve with my Dad’s German Mom and Christmas Day with my Mom’s English Mom. Both of my Granddads passed very young before I was born.


Merry Christmas to you and yours! 🎄


Merry Christmas PAVACA 🙂


Merry Christmas Eve, and Merry Christmas! I just got home from a beautiful Christmas Eve service at church. It was glorious.

I want that simplicity, too.

Valerie Curren

TY for sharing these precious insights. God Bless YOU & your family this Christmas!

Barb Meier

Barb Meier
Merry Christmas to you and yours!
So glad you’re in your new home!

Barb Meier

Pavaca, thank you so much for your wisdom and kindness! Merry Christmas to you and your family and friends as well. You are a gift to us all!!


Merry Christmas 🙂

Barb Meier

Merry Christmas, Singing!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Be sure not to skip this one!


Merry Christmas Barb. A special Christmas I’m sure. Back with family. Settling in…


Merry Christmas Barb!




Merry Christmas 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Merry and HEALTHY Christmas! God Bless you and yours!!! 🎄 💖 🙏


Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas RDS!

Valerie Curren

Amen & Precious Merry Christmas to you & yours. God’s Best Blessings Be YOURS!


Powerful storm passing through E TX and across the deep South – please pray for those in its path!,30.510,-96.746,7

Gail Combs

Oh NO!



Had lotsa of rain and thunderstorm here. Looks like significant rain for a few hours.

The serious stuff, passing south of my world, into Louisiana and Arkansas.

QTree has several in Arkansas. One I believe is north, near I-40. The others, dunno. Hopefully out of the path.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Times Square Christmas video on all the lights – and it’s very impressive!


This Xmas Eve, the miracle I’m praying for is that the sacred English language of my forefathers survives, somehow, rabid DEI labradoodle Karine Jean-Pierre’s years-long jihad against it until she retires from the podium on January 20th and takes her new job directing Equity™ courses at Google as its newest Diversity™ mascot — or whatever she’s going to do for money next that doesn’t involve any honest work.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

SHAGGY will be SHAGGY!!!


Anglican Curmudgeon also agrees – The Birth of Christ – Christmas was indeed December 25


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