Open Thread 20241225 – Pagan inclusion, or Creation calculation – how did Christmas come to be?

Recently, I accidentally discovered that a long-held belief of mine was very likely untrue! As I sure you all can identify with, this was somewhat disconcerting. Who likes to be wrong? But I am a researcher, and accepting what one finds when researching is imperative. I thought I would share what I found out with you all, since it is Christmas, and that is crux of the matter.

I thought for many years that Jesus was not really born on Christmas Day. That day was chosen, I believed, because pagan cultures already celebrated on that day, and Christianity wanted to include (subsume, some would say) those religions. This is called the “History of Religions” theory.

There was Saturnalia, for example, celebrated originally on December 17, and later from the 17th through the 23rd; and the December 25 holiday Sol Invictus (the Unconquered or Invincible Sun). The earliest reference I had seen to the celebration of Jesus birth on December 25 was in 354 AD. It is from Depositio Martirum of the Chronography of 354, and reads:

‘December 25, Christ is born in Bethlehem of Judea.’

However, I was to find that this is NOT the earliest that such a thing was suggested, by a long shot!

I stumbled across this reference to Hippolytus, who in his day attempted to date every Passover all the way back to the date of the Creation, and the first Passover full moon (he believed God created the moon in the “full” phase). To do this, Hippolytus created a “lunar table.” A statue of him was discovered in Rome in 1551 AD and now sits in front of the Vatican Library. On the right side of the statue is a carving of this lunar table, taken from Hippolytus’ Canon, written in 222 AD.

This lunar table was designed to calculate the dates of past and future Passover full moons, by determining the date of the full moon occurring on the Vernal Equinox. The date of this Equinox was fixed on March 25 in the Julian Calendar. This turned out to be more difficult than Hippolytus thought, and his calculations went awry within just three years of calculating the dates.

However, that is not the point of discussion here. The point is, Hippolytus noted two things in his Canon; one, that the Passion of Jesus occurred on Friday, March 25, 29 AD. The second is, he wrote that the “genesis” of Christ occurred on April 2, 2 B.C. The word for “genesis” here is γένεσις. There is debate on whether this word means conception or birth, but given what I have read in the last week, I am strongly inclined to the former meaning. Researcher Thomas C. Schmidt has done a fantastic study of this. You can read the research here; I highly recommend it:

This was my starting point, but I branched out when I realized there were others who believed early on that Jesus was conceived on or about March 25. In 221, Julius Africanus, the Roman Christian historian, wrote that Jesus was conceived on March 25, the anniversary of the day Africanus believed God created the Earth. This would logically, given a nine-month gestation period, put Jesus’ birth on December 25.

So, there are now two sources who believed Jesus was born on December 25, as early as 221 AD. Is there an even earlier source? Turns out, it looks like there is!

Clement of Alexandria calculated Jesus birth backwards (what a way to figure, but whatever) from the death of the Emperor Commodus, thusly:

From the birth of Christ, therefore,
to the death of Commodus are, altogether,
194 years, 1 month, 13 days.

This would put Jesus’ birth on January 6. It is still celebrated on that date by the Armenian Apostolic Church.

Clement continues:

“And there are those who have determined
our Savior’s genesis
not only the year,
but even the day, which they say took place
in the twenty-eighth year of Augustus
on the 25th of Pachon…

And treating of his passion, with very great accuracy,
some say that it took place
in the sixteenth year of Tiberius,
on the 25th of Phamenoth,
but others the 25th of Pharmuthi
and others say
on the 19th of Pharmuthi the Savior suffered.

Indeed, others say
that he came to be on the 24th or 25th of Pharmuthi.”

The important word in there is “genesis,” most likely meaning conception. The translation of “genesis” as conception is consistent with Clement’s usage of this word in other contexts, for example:

“It is not therefore frequent intercourse by the parents, but the reception of it [the seed] in the womb which corresponds with genesis.” (Clement of Alexandria Stromata

The 25th of Pharmuthi coincides with the Vernal Equinox in the Egyptian calendar and also matches one of the possible dates which Clement gives for the Passover of Jesus’ crucifixion.

This shows that in the time Clement wrote his Stromata, between 198 and 203 AD, where this information appears, there were already people who believed that Jesus was conceived on or about March 20-21, or on the Vernal Equinox.

What we know about the pagan holiday Saturnalia is, it was originally a one-day celebration on December 17. It was later extended to December 17-23. This is one celebration that has been suggested as a reason why Christians decided to put Jesus’ nativity on December 25, but this holiday never fell on that date.

A December 25th holiday, Sol Invictus, was instituted in 274 AD by the Emperor Aurelian, who made this the primary god of Rome.

“The festival of Sol Invictus on the 25th December in the later Roman empire combined the festivals of both the old sun god (Sol Indiges) and the new official sun god (Deus Sol Invictus). The Circus Maximus had been dedicated to Sol Indiges since ancient times, and then was dedicated to Sol Invictus. The Roman emperor Aurelian created the cult of Sol Invictus during his reign in AD 270-275 (in the 3rd century) and, on his coins, Sol was described as ‘Dominus Imperii Romani’, the official deity of the Roman empire.”

It has been suggested over the centuries that the “chosen” date of December 25 as the birth of Jesus was in response to the imposition of Sol Invictus. However, given that we know that 75-50 years PRIOR to Sol Invictus being instituted, Christian leaders believed Jesus was born on December 25, it is just as likely that Aurelian instituted the holiday against the Christian belief! This is actually more likely in my opinion, given the facts that: a) Romans were inclined to incorporate the gods of conquered cultures into their belief systems and had done so for centuries; and b) by the time of Jesus, Jews had been admonished against the practice of including foreign gods in their culture for literally thousands of years. This was almost the entire background cause of sin in the Old Testament.

This theory, that Jesus’ birth date was not chosen to subsume another religion’s holiday, but was instead “calculated” by early Church leaders from the Creation of the world, or from the dates of Passover full moons, is called the “Calculation Theory.”

This theory does not prove that Jesus was actually born on December 25, but rather it does strongly suggest, at least to me, that the date of his birth was NOT chosen in response to a foreign religion, but in accordance with the beliefs and dates spelled out in God’s Word, the Old Testament. Hippolytus used the dates in the Old Testament to calculate the years from the Creation to the birth of Jesus, as did Clement of Alexandria.

From Hippolytus Chronicon:

(§686) . . . from Adam until the transmigration into Babylon under Jeconiah, 57 generations, 4,842 years, 9 months. (§687) And after the transmigration into Babylon until the generation [generatio] of Christ, there were 14 generations, 660 years, and from the generation [generatio] of Christ until the Passion there were 30 years and from the Passion up until this year which is year 13 of the Emperor Alexander, there are 206 years. (§688) Therefore all the years from Adam up until year 13 of the Emperor Alexander make 5,738 years.
Chronicon §686-688

It is quite notable to me that there is a “9 months” period stated in this calculation, the span of human gestation. From Schmidt:

“Hippolytus only gives extraneous months on two occasions, once in §654 where he adds six months to David’s reign, and in §675 where he states that Jehoahaz reigned three months.”

So it is a rare case in his calculations to include months at all. The possible reasons for the nine month addition, how the translation of one word [generatio] affects the interpretation of it, and much more is found in Thomas C. Schmidt’s excellent research linked up above, if you want to read it.

I still don’t know for certain that Jesus was actually born on December 25. But I DO know that early Christians, based on their calculations of when God created the Earth, and when Passover full moons occurred and their dates, almost certainly believed that He was. And for now, that is good enough for me!


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Merry Christmas, Coothie, and to all at our wonderful Q tree.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You, too, Linda! Merry Christmas!

We all got some great presents! 💖🙏


The greatest of all presents is Presence.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Merry Christmas!!! 🎄 💖 🙏


Merry Christmas Coothie, QTreepers and casual visitors! A great day to celebrate.


Merry Christmas.

Will we set a record for the fewest comments?  🤔 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Quality! Not quantity! 💖


AND logic!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Comments are like a box of chocolates and……

Whatever! 😅


Some are sweet and some are nutty?


And some you have to chew on a while…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

We’ve already beaten my post from November 30, which got 161 comments, which I found dismaying as I actually thought I had done a good job on that one.

Last edited 2 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
pat frederick

hey me too!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Still some people regularly do comment even if just to thank me or say it was interesting…and many of them were absent. Which makes me wonder if they ever saw that post.

Last edited 2 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
pat frederick

so you will accept a high five from me in lieu of a meaningful insight?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Having said that, you don’t need to start “making a point.” No problemo.

I just found it odd that many who DO say something, didn’t, that day.

I was wondering if I had pissed people off.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yep. It was a bit light the weekend after that but got back to normal.


The stars weren’t aligned….

Gail Combs

Oh, I read them. However it is usually early Sunday morning or sometimes on Monday.

pat frederick

please don’t feel bad. some commenters, like me, do not understand enough about your topics to join in meaningfully. and I choose not commenting about them instead of asking or making stupid remarks.

Gail Combs

Your posts are very appreciated. You do not get comments from me most Saturdays because I usually work on Saturdays.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

IMO that low number was because 20241130 was Thanksgiving Saturday, and was a very big shopping day due to Biden, Trump, weather and the economy.

Thanksgiving weekend typically has one day with much lower numbers than the rest, and it can be any one of the 5 days (counting Cyber Monday).

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

26 days, 11 hours, 42 minutes until our Once And Future President, Donald Trump, is restored to his Rightful Office. The one that was STOLEN in 2020 and awarded to Lets Go Brandon in 2021.

Not that I’m counting, mind you.

May justice be done. May the swamp be drained. May their kind never rise again.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Interesting stuff! The part about conception – I do kinda get why they would be so interested in it. I will bet that the idea that Christ was CONCEIVED and DIED on the same day of the year, was some critical part of the canon – written or not. In any case, it’s one more sign of divinity that many people, and especially back then, would find convincing.

Thanks again, and Merry Christmas!!! 🎄 💖 🙏 

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wow! So just one more example of fulfillment of prophesy, writ large, in that even an expectation was fulfilled.


Check this out.

It’s a chicken head stabilizer… better than anything modern technology can do… 😂


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

NI is great stuff – often better than AI, and cheaper, too!

Gail Combs


I do not know computers, but I can not see computers making the leap from ‘calculator’ to true intelligence. That I think takes the spark from God.

Can computers be very helpful at gathering information? OF COURSE! But I do not think a computer can make the ‘intuitive leaps’ the human mind can.


Which means, ultimately, that the simulated intuition AI might produce someday will be nothing more than the biases and preferences of the programmer written into the code.

Gail Combs

YUP, we are already seeing that.

Heck the difference between what Google/Brave brings up and Yandex in response to what is typed in the search box, is an excellent illustration.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What we’re seeing right now is that AI has the biases and preferences of BOTH the programmer AND the data used for training. Which tends to make it just kind of a programmatic way to average the intelligence of a lot of people, including all their mistakes.

I suspect that the Chinese figured this out quickly, and that is why they basically told China Joe not to hook up our nukes with AI. We’ve had decades of experience with real people preventing unnecessary nuclear war, and it seems to have worked. Cheaping out with AI would be a BAD move. AI not only has learned to “please its masters” – it has learned how to LIE to do it. AI is a downgrade for many tasks. But it’s a fast way to look through a lot of data.

In my opinion, the greatest mistake we have made, is listening to MIC/DS midwits who think that slacking on Azimov’s laws is no problem, or even a good idea. We’ve put liars and cheaters in charge of AI – people who answer to the liars, cheaters and slackers like Bill Gates. I get why Elon Musk has concerns about AI safety. Too many assholes are ready to create worse things than “Skynet”.

See a post coming later today!

Gail Combs

That is really really neat!

Short and sweet too!


I was planning on a nice, quiet Christmas Eve.

Our area lost all electricity from about 5:10pm to 10:25 pm.

Yup. Nice and quiet.


Quietly preparing to overnight with a wood stove?

Glad the power is back on. Hope it lasts.


Unfortunately, we live in an all-electric house. No choice.


Doubly glad the power is back on. Wishing you and yours a very Merry (and warm) Christmas.

Just to let you know, your escape from the clutches of the medical team some years back was very inspirational in a different way from your weekly posts. Thank you for both.


One should always have a camping stove and a 5 gallon bottle of propane, The stove fits on the open oven door and two burners provide a lot of heat.

Happy go lucky

 and b) by the time of Jesus, Jews had been admonished against the practice of including foreign gods in their culture for literally thousands of years. This was almost the entire background cause of sin in the Old Testament.

🤦‍♀️ Of course, how obvious in hindsight. And how easily that lie slipped into casual belief (speaking for myself); because it seems logical that the early church would have co-opted pagan holidays to get people into church if one is familiar with a bland, vanilla, modern church and the means by which they try to get people into church.

Good stuff, Aubergine 🙏💕

Merry Christmas everyone, lots of love to you all ❤️

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Merry Christmas! Great to see you! 💖 🎄 🙏

Happy go lucky

Thanks, friend 🥹

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Actually it does seem logical to me…which is not to say it actually happened here.

As pagans convert they will tend to “miss” their old practices. Having something else and new (to them) happen at the same time makes things easier.

And it’s even possible to claim that God put those old holidays on the same day as “real” holidays to prep people for the new faith, in other words, retroactively claiming the co-opting was in the other direction but by permission.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Apparently the Romans had some other holiday they celebrated on Dec 25 (before it slipped out of alignment with the solstice)…mentioned in a Gail post somewhere else. If I try to look for it I’ll never find this spot again.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The Roman calendar was an absolute mess before Julius Caesar regularized it. The year before his reform took hold, he added several months to the calendar to get it back in alignment with the seasons. Before then it was the job of the priests to do so by adding extra months as necessary (old Roman months were of fixed length and that length didn’t divide gracefully into 360, much less 365) and they had bollixed things up pretty well.


Thank you, Purple One, for the wisdom in this Christmas post. It really is an interesting subject and you provide quite a bit of information.

On a sort of running tangent from here, I have known several cases where people have “body knowledge” that is completely reasonable, but is not measurable or explicable through “medical” means.

A couple of examples (I have more):

I happened to have a promiscuous female in my accounting staff. The morning after one evening’s activities, she told me that her activity had “caught”. Didn’t show up on a pee test for another four days. (Ended up having a daughter.)

My grandfather was in the ICU. Even though unresponsive, he started acting like Death was chasing him up a hill — panting and surging and painful for days. I talked to him and told him how much his panic was a concern — and that my grandmother would be taken care of and that he needn’t fret about such worries. He calmed a bit, and we left for the night, hoping he would rest and we’d see him in the morning…..then we were called back….and when we were back in the room, he left.

But to bring it back to this post — is it possible that we have been intentionally desensitized to internal sensations of important natural events (like conception)? It seems like there’s a calendar of “conception / quickening / pre-birth / birth” that is askew from modern medicine’s “fertilization / implantation / heartbeat / viability”. And of course, these things would have to be disconnected at an abortion facility.

This post was self-contained within its topic, but I’d love to see a subsequent post addressing that particular rabbit hole.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Seems like a perfect scam tool. I can bet it’s popular in Scam Kingdom.


Change of subject. Did your Datsun get a battery? Back to normal?


It’s a Honda. Got a new battery at Wally World in Fiancee’s coach. All good if it starts tomorrow.


Yea. For some reason, Honda Civic escaped me. So I tossed in a throw back in time.


It’s a Honda Accord Wagon EX. When I bought it, there were only 14 available for sale in the world with California smog configuration.


Good thing Honda Civic escaped me. Accord it is.   :wpds_exclamation: 


The setup here is that a young lady has a service dog that monitors several parts of her health — BP, sugar, etc. — and allows her to maneuver through life.

She ALSO has medical tech devices to do the same thing……except they don’t — not with the same response time.

(hopefully, this comes in at about 3:15)


She’s now a senior in college and graduating very soon. Her accommodations with a medical service dog have been very interesting along the way. A constant thread has been where Mars alerts her to get to a safe place before her medical equipment watch tells her why. If she were more in tune with her own body, could she not be even faster than her dog?

Just as another tangent — service animals are allowed to ride with people through a large percentage of rides. It’s sometimes amusing which ones are which. (For example, most service animals can ride through Disneyland’s “Peter Pan”.)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’ve even hears stories of bearded dragons knowing something was up before their epileptic owner’s seizures s hit.

Gail Combs

I had a friend who had a dog trained to notifiy her if an  epileptic seizure was about to hit. That dog trained her younger dog and so on.

Another friend worked cattle. His Tennessee Walker would point out steers that were about to become ill.

Gail Combs

I think they are a lot more intelligent than scientists think.


If you don’t mind my asking, how did you know? Particularly the first time, when it would have been something you had never previously encountered.



I had expected that you were going to compare it to other exclusively female feelings that I am ill-equipped to sense. I hadn’t really expected it to lean into the spiritual.


Coothie, that story of your grandfather reminds me of my father. When he was on his death bed, we found out he was worried about whether my mom would be able to take care of 3 things he’d been too sick to deal with. One of them was his taxes. It was late March and he was really worried about whether they owed money or not and getting them filed. My brother and 2 sisters took care of two of those things and I took care of the taxes. Thankfully, that was pretty easy as he always kept meticulous records. (He was an accountant). Later that day, my youngest sister was sitting with him and told him that all 3 things had been taken care of. He passed a few minutes later. I don’t think the rest of us realized he was hanging on because of those worries. But my youngest sister was a hospice nurse for several years, so she knew.

Something that was really infuriating is that he died on the very last day of March in the afternoon, and Social Security made my mother pay back that entire month.

Gail Combs

Very interesting Aubergine. I too bought into the moving of Christ’s birth date. Part of it was that taxes would be paid after harvest in the fall.

HOWEVER, one of the things we have recently learned is the Satanists LOVE to play games with history. For example: The Great Thanksgiving Hoax
So what do the Satanist gain by moving the date?
They cast doubt on the entire story of Christ’s life and the Bible. If the 25th is not the true date? What else is false?






Gail Combs

Quite possibly. Although many of the very early religions were nature based as would be expected.

From what I understand Satan can not create, he only distorts and destroys. Therefore it seems more likely he would use something that already existed.

Gail Combs

“…so could stick a false religion into our timeline anywhere…

But isn’t that creating a religion?

I can certainly see him twisting the Judeo-Christian religion into Islam. But could he create a religion out of whole cloth?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I tend to agree that Satan has a certain amount of look-ahead, but that it is limited. God has more, and God can grant us more, but I assume that Satan and minions are fairly “baked in” and have emergent capabilities, which look a lot like “creation” to us, in many cases. Satan and minions are created things – the devil in the details – but it is dangerous to overestimate the protection that gives us, since they can “create trouble” much earlier than man can begin to react.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

All of this ties in nicely to the theology of Christ, but I’ll let people just think about what that means (see beginning of the Gospel of John). All of that has to be so! So beautiful!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Remember that God may live within laws that make absolutely no sense to us, yet are true. Even within our universe, there are true things that cannot be proven false or true. God could exist within and beyond places where time and space both exist and don’t exist, and such paradox is allowed. Basically and utterly incomprehensible to us.

To me, all of our math and science is like the first step of a journey we know heads somewhere, but which journey also know we can never complete.

Beautiful, but strange. It is a privilege just to suspect what we don’t know!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I believe that you have to be correct here, but things are doubly tricky because [and people will cringe at the terminology, but stay with me] what we believe has EVOLVED. Look at the history of both Judaism and Christianity. What God seems to be doing is somewhere between “no change” and “wrong change”. But this fits in with what you are saying. Satan is all about chaffing up the slow and proper change, and steering it wrong, preventing it, or making it too fast.

Some things must not change (be conserved), others should be free to change to allow God to spread, and others should be in between. Discernment is watching and waiting for God’s plan to be evident. All of that is oddly but beautifully reflected in natural law, which is like the “quick start guide” to God’s plan, but better be careful – the quick start sheet is not the actual manual, and it’s always best to RTFM. 😉


Please bore me into eternity with my Father.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

On reading the f-ing manuel:

Every once in a while I see a typo that I have to make a joke or comment about, not meaning any disrespect to the one who made the typo.

There was a Dilbert strip where Dogbert was working tech support, and he told the caller to read the book that came with his computer, about a Mexican guy named “Manual.”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

When Dilbert did that series he perfectly encapsulated what tech support people think about their average caller. And there’s some justice to it.

When I call tech support, I can sometimes convince them I actually do know more about the system than their average caller and cut through a lot of the script they have to walk most people through.

I once even had Microshaft waive the support fee for me because the guy was happy to talk to “another techie” for once. That was back in the 1990s so I am sure it would never happen today.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I knew someone who worked for T-mobile support one time, and he asked them to push the green button. The response was “what color is the green button?”

His thought bubble was “OK now could you just go get yourself sterilized so you don’t reproduce.” That wasn’t what he said though.

Gail Combs

Hubby says Read The FINE Manual…. Of course he was one of the writers. 😂


Like glue.  😂 


My late rabbi [teacher] maintained that Satan was the most obedient to God, once he was cast down. He said that Satan’s entire earthly purpose was to accuse the believers of sins whether committed or not.

God’s eternal purpose was to allow humans to be tested spiritually. He said that was why Christ had to be tempted by Satan; he was fully human and subject to every human personal frailty. By quoting Scripture to Satan, He showed us the surefire method to resist temptations – use the Word of God.

Gail Combs

Winter solstice was December 21.

From Brave AI

History of Winter Solstice: The winter solstice has been an important event in many cultures throughout history, often marking the beginning of winter and the shortest day of the year. Here are some notable examples:

  1. Ancient Mesopotamia: The winter solstice was celebrated as the festival of Yule, marking the return of the sun.
  2. Ancient Egypt: The winter solstice was associated with the god Osiris and the myth of his death and rebirth.
  3. Ancient Greece: The winter solstice was celebrated as the festival of Saturnalia, honoring the god Saturn and the Roman god of agriculture, Mithras.
  4. Ancient Rome: The winter solstice was marked by the festival of Sol Invictus, honoring the unconquered sun.
  5. Celtic and Druidic Traditions: The winter solstice was celebrated as Alban Arthan, or the Light of Winter, and was associated with the god of the sun, Lugh.
  6. Germanic and Scandinavian Traditions: The winter solstice was celebrated as Yule, a festival of feasting, merriment, and gift-giving.
  7. Chinese Tradition: The winter solstice is celebrated as Dongzhi, marking the return of longer daylight hours and the beginning of longer days.
  8. Inca Tradition: The winter solstice was celebrated as Inti Raymi, honoring the sun god Inti and the return of longer days.

History and Archaeology Online

The Brumalia

In 45 BC, Julius Caesar reorganised the Roman calendar. This reshuffling of dates shifted the date of the winter solstice to December 25- the equivalent date on the modern calendar of December 21st or 22nd. And so, the 25th December became the date of the Brumalia; the festival celebrated by the Romans as the mark of midwinter- and the end of Saturnalia.

The Brumalia derived its name from the Latin “bruma” or shortest day.  According to John the Lydian, winter brought an end to the pursuits of war, hunting and farming for the Roman people“because of the season’s cold and the shortness of the days.” And so, he continues, “in the old days they named it Bruma, meaning, ‘short day.”’ And Brumalia means ‘winter festivals’ so at that time, until the Waxing of the Light, ceasing from work, the Romans would greet each other with words of good omen at night, saying in their ancestral tongue, ‘Vives annos’—that is, ‘Live for years.’”




Natalis Sol Invictus

…The term “Invictus“ derived from the imperial title Pius Felix Invictus: “dutiful, fortunate and unconquered.” This association occurred because the Cult of Sol Invictus had imperial patronage. According to the Augustan History, it was Emperor Elagabalus in the early third century who introduced the celebration of the birth of Sol Invictus on the 25th of December. The festival reached the pinnacle of its popularity later in the century under Aurelian who established it as an empire-wide holiday. And so, for a time, the cult of Sol Invictus became the chief cult of the empire…

If I am interpreting that correctly the Roman 25th = our 21st or 22nd so they are NOT the same date.

Gail Combs

Yandex comes up with: 2460669.5


Early on in my career, we used the Julian date code for retain samples. The code was a number not a date.

Gail Combs

I tried the question a different way and got:

Orthodox Church of Ukraine to switch to Revised Julian calendar, celebrate Christmas on Dec. 25

The Synod of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine has approved switching to the new Julian calendar from Sept. 1.

It means the Church will celebrate Christmas on Dec. 25 instead of Jan. 7. Other holidays with a fixed date will also be moved while the change will not apply to Easter as its date fluctuates.

According to the Church, despite the Synod’s May 24 decision, parishes and monasteries can continue using the old calendar.

The Church’s local council is yet to approve the transition on July 27, 2023. However, the Church’s Head Metropolitan Epiphanius and some other bishops told BBC Ukraine the move was decided upon and would happen as planned.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Partially false.

First off to avoid confusion the Julian date means two different things today; one is the number of the day within the year, Jan 1 = 1, December 31 = 365 or 366 depending on leap year); the OTHER meaning is the one you’re referencing.

The Julian date scheme was invented in 1583 by Joseph Justus Scaliger, who wanted a system where dates were simply numbered, indefinitely. He named it after his father Julius Caesar Scaliger; it’s basically mere coincidence that the civil calendar at the time was named the “Julian calendar” after the same guy his father was named after.

He didn’t want to deal with negative numbers, so he found the last time the new year, the lunar month, and the Roman 15 year tax cycle all landed on the same day and that was January 1 4713 BC.

Since the new year was tied directly to the calendar in use at the time, which was the Julian calendar, the Julian date derives FROM the Julian calendar, not the other way around.

Astronomers find the Julian Date convenient because it allows them to simply do a quick subtraction to time to (say) determine the period of some object’s orbit. (They will then divide by 365.25 to determine the number of years, even though that’s not quite right–though it was the average length of the year on the Julian calendar.)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Astronomers and astrodynamicists typically drop the leading 2 or even the leading 24, and have the date start at midnight rather than midday as Scaliger originally intended, to create something called the “Modified Julian Date.”

The computer clock on DEC VAX computers was actually based on the Modified Julian Date; for which the beginning of the first date was midnight November 17 1858. I remember figuring out that was Day Zero on the VAX system clock and wondering why on earth they picked that particular date; then seeing that date referenced in my astrodynamics classes a few years later and a light bulb went on in my head. I told the instructor after class, and he said that was convenient because they used VAX machines where he worked…I have no idea if they actually just took the system time and used it, or whether they were unaware of this and reinvented the wheel in their code.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yep. You win the internet understatement contest for today.

Gail Combs


I had a special calendar I used for date coding retain samples. (We lowly peons did not have computers back then.)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The Gregorian calendar was created to deal with the fact that the actual astronomical solstices and equinoxes were happening earlier and earlier on the calendar as the centuries went by. Essentially the Julian calendar in use at the time was just a tiny bit too long on average; 365.25 days is a bit longer than the actual solar year. By skipping 3 leap years in every four hundred years the average length of the new Gregorian year is 365.2425 days, which is closer to correct (365.2422 years, but even that number is rounded.) This was done in the late 1500s.

To try to bring things back in line with where we would have been if we had only used the Gregorian calendar in the first place, everyone following the authority of Pope Gregory dropped ten days out of their calendars to bring it “back in sync” with the seasons. The correction was still ten days in the 1600s and 11 days in the 1700s when Britain (and her colonies including us) made the switch in 1752. (And 13 days in the 1900s and 2000s.)

The problem is the ten day adjustment basically synced things up with the seasons as they were in the 300s AD, not the time of Julius Caesar, so our equinoxes and solstices tend to happen on the 20th through the 22nd of the month, not around the 25th which is when Julius Caesar would have been used to them happening.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Hypothetically speaking, the Bible doesn’t get that specific as to the date. And people switch calendars. Calendars weren’t perfectly predictable, either. Hence the need for all of those calculations, and how error prone they could be.

We’re used to a nice, steady calendar where we can ask the question “what date will it be one million days from now” and get a clean answer with nothing more than a lot of arithmetic. You can’t do that with many ancient calendars (even the Roman calendar before Julius Caesar was an absolute mess, he reformed it; they got the leap year rule wrong for a few decades afterwards, they corrected for that…and then about 1600 years after Caesar we made one more adjustment to give us the Gregorian calendar we use today). And even today the Islamic calendar is hard to project into the future because it fundamentally depends on when a human observer will first detect the crescent moon after the full moon. Thus one can’t predict what the date will be 90 days from now on that calendar. (However, the random factors cancel out, and you won’t be off by one or two days even a million days from now.)

It is Church tradition that specifies an exact date. So casting doubt on the date by itself shouldn’t affect ones perception of the veracity of the Bible. It would be like Billy Bob telling a story that’s not very specific about having a flat tire in late October a few years back and you saying to him, “But I know that flat tire didn’t happen on October 25th so you’re full of shit.” Billy Bob never said it had happened on October 25.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I think the Arabs basically either borrowed their calendar (which Muslims just continued to use) from the Jews…or both got it from the same even older tradition in Mesopotamia.

AFAIK though the current Jewish calendar actually uses an arithmetic rule tuned to closely match the behavior of the Moon. (Much as the Gregorian calendar uses an arithmetic rule tuned to closely match the orbital period of the Earth.) I could very easily be wrong about this.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I saw a photo once of a few mullahs using a telescope to try to spot the first lunar crescent. I think there’s actually a specific mosque specified (and it’s not the one in Mecca) for this.

I found that interesting because I’m pretty sure the rule traditionally assumes the naked eye (I say “assumes” because there were no telescopes when the rule was first made). They could have been using the telescope as an aid to tell them where to look with the naked eye.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Muslims use a different organization, I am sure.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The old-school religious follow the moon, I promise you

No question of that, with the possible exception of the ancient Egyptians who I think did use a solar calendar. Judaism and Islam? Absolutely lunar based. The Jewish calendar does currently add entire extra months to try not to slip too far out of whack with the Sun (when a calendar does that it’s called a luni-solar calendar). The Muslims don’t bother; which is why their calendar year is about 11-12 days shorter than ours, which is why even though Muhammad did his thing in the mid 600s they had their year 1400 in the early 80s…not in the mid 2000s.

Last edited 2 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA
Gail Combs

And their feasts are all over the place making it hard to raise sheep and goats to sell to that market.

Gail Combs

You would only bring them down from the mountains when there is snow cover. However they would still be out grazing. Fencing in pastures for livestock is a rather recent invention. (Think barbed wire) Before that you would have an enclosure to ensure their safety at night. During the day they would be out with a guard. Remember David and his sling shot?


The human gestation period is 280 days. That’s 10 moons, which would be 10 months if we used the lunar cycle of 28 days.

Gail Combs

Here is a Christmas Present from my Hubby.
Enjoy Treepers.


Amazing – delightful!!!

Gail Combs

And such a sweet and joy filled smile.



Gail Combs

Look at the length of the fingers on that boy. I truly hope he is able to keep his joy in music and is NOT destroyed by the SOBs running the entertainment industry.

We need a renaissance in the Arts.



That was amazing!


Anglican Curmudgeon, conservative Christian lawyer, finds and presents case evidence that Jesus was born on December 25.


The Fiancee is in a rivalry with the guy across the street regarding Christmas decorations. She keeps trying to jump the gun and put them up before the day after Thanksgiving — and he keeps goading her with lighting some up beforehand like they’re driveway edge-markers or something. They’ve been doing this for 20 years.

There’s a home around the corner that has an inflatable standing Santa Claus that is higher than their second-story. The Fiancee breathes heavily when we drive by.

Anyway, she made a special point of telling me that she had reset the timers to have everything go all night long on this special night. The electric meter is probably spinning like a top.


For Steve and his Flerfer obsession —

Ray Van Dune
December 24, 2024 at 6:26 pm

In a similar vein, I have on occasion showed a friend how the morning or evening Sun will illuminate a hand-held ball and the Moon at the same phase, which never fails to elicit expressions of surprise!

A common protestation is “Why do the ball in hand and the Moon in the sky show the same phase of illumination, when they are so far apart?!”

The answer of course is that, relative to the Sun, they are NOT very far apart- about 1/400 the distance to the Sun in fact! So in linking the appearance of objects literally at hand to the appearance of the Moon, this vividly suggests the true scale of the solar system!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A Flerfer who is no longer with us (someone who isn’t Rayzorback) tried to tell me once here on this site that the lit side of the Moon doesn’t face the Sun.

I mean you can go fricking LOOK. It’s possible that she was thinking that “lit side of the Moon” means the points of the crescent Moon point towards the Sun, but that’s exactly backwards and would actually be the dark side of the Moon facing the Sun. Which would be absurd.

Incidentally the ancient Greeks managed to figure out roughly how far the Moon was by triangulating against the background stars (not too dissimilar to Eratosthenes’ trick). They then tried to figure out how far the Sun was by using the phases of the moon. Wait for the moon to be exactly a half moon. That puts it at the right angle of the right angle triangle. Measure the angle we see between the Moon and the Sun at that moment. It will be slightly under 90 degrees. We know the short leg of the right triangle (distance to the Moon), so we should have been able to use trigonometry to figure out the other leg (moon to sun) and the hypotenuse (earth to sun).

It was hard to make the key measurements with any sort of precision (including determining that the moon was exactly a half moon), so all they could do is figure out the Sun was at least two million miles away, otherwise they’d have been able to actually do the measurement.


“It was hard to make the key measurements with any sort of precision (including determining that the moon was exactly a half moon), so all they could do is figure out the Sun was at least two million miles away, otherwise they’d have been able to actually do the measurement.”


It’s the kind of measurement you have to get right, if you’re gonna put enough fuel in the rocket to get there and back.

Guessing that must be why they never went.

Last edited 2 months ago by scott467
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

LOL, that and about 2300 years of engineering that hadn’t happened yet.

We got a decent “read” on the Sun’s distance in the 1600s because someone did similar geometry using Venus. But he assumed Venus was the same size as Earth. It’s actually a bit smaller. He was lucky the difference wasn’t that great.

Watching a Venus transit simultaneously from multiple places on Earth in the mid 1700s gave us our first good measurement that wasn’t based on a faulty assumption and if memory serves, the answer then was within 2 percent of the modern value of 149,597,870,700 meters.

Last edited 2 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Thank you, Aubergine – for researching the ‘genealogy’ of Christmas. You are a treasure in our lives.


Why God Became a Baby

“Intimidation doesn’t bring peace and joy. Infants do.

There’s something about a baby. If introduced into a crowded room, everyone will want a glimpse. Conversations will stop, smiles will spread and arms will reach out for a loving embrace. Even the most curmudgeonly denizen will be drawn toward the child. Babies bring peace and joy—it’s what they do.

The central message of Christmas is that God became a baby. The omnipotent Creator, the source of finite existence, the reason there is something rather than nothing, became an infant too weak even to raise his head. I’m sure that everyone around the Christ child’s crib did what people always do around babies: smile and coo and make funny noises. They were also surely drawn more closely together by their shared concern for the child. 

In this we see a stroke of divine genius. For the entire history of Israel, God was endeavoring to attract his chosen people to himself and draw them into deeper communion with one another. Yet a sad and consistent theme of the Old Testament is that despite the Lord’s efforts and institutions, Israel remained alienated from God: the Torah ignored, covenants broken, commandments disobeyed, the Temple corrupted. 

In the fullness of time, then, God determined not to intimidate or order us from on high but rather to become a baby. At Christmas, the human race no longer looked up to see the face of God but down into the face of a little child. 

Once we understand this essential dynamic of Christmas, the spiritual life opens in a fresh way. Where do we find the God we seek? We do so most clearly in the faces of the vulnerable, the poor, the helpless, the childlike. It is relatively easy to resist the demands of the self-sufficient. It’s decidedly less so for the lowly, the needy and the weak. They draw us, as a baby does, out of self-preoccupation and into the space of real love. This is undoubtedly why so many of the saints were drawn to the service of the poor. 

For those gathering to celebrate Christmas, a similar dynamic will obtain. Everyone will be there: parents, siblings, cousins, uncles and aunts, perhaps grandparents or friends who find themselves away from home. There will be food, laughter, lively conversations, most likely a fierce political argument or two. At most of these gatherings I expect at some point a baby will be brought into the room: the new son, cousin, nephew. 

May I impart some advice? Be particularly attentive to how people react to the baby. Notice the magnetic power the child has over the entire motley crew. Then, remember the reason you’re gathering is to celebrate the baby who is God. And finally, permit yourself to be attracted by the peculiar magnetism of that divine child.” 

The Infant King and Lord Jesus Christ was certainly a delight to two old people who had long been watching and waiting for Him to appear on the earth.

Anna and Simeon, who recognized and gave thanks for The Royal Heavenly Baby – brought to the temple in the arms of a humble carpenter and his wife.

“Simeon took Jesus in his arms. He gave honor to Him and thanked God, saying,
29 “Lord, now let me die in peace, as You have said. 30 My eyes have seen the One Who will save men from the punishment of their sins. 31 You have made Him ready in the sight of all nations. 32 He will be a light to shine on the people who are not Jews. He will be the shining-greatness of Your people the Jews.” 33 Joseph and the mother of Jesus were surprised and wondered about these words which were said about Jesus. 34 Simeon honored them and said to Mary the mother of Jesus, “See! This Child will make many people fall and many people rise in the Jewish nation. He will be spoken against. 35 A sword will cut through your soul. By this the thoughts of many hearts will be understood.”

Anna Gives Thanks for Jesus36 Anna was a woman who spoke God’s Word. She was the daughter of Phanuel of the family group of Asher. Anna was many years old. She had lived with her husband seven years after she was married. 37 Her husband had died and she had lived without a husband eighty-four years. Yet she did not go away from the house of God. She served God day and night, praying and going without food so she could pray better. 38 At that time she came and gave thanks to God. She told the people in Jerusalem about Jesus. They were looking for the One to save them from the punishment of their sins and to set them free.”

pat frederick

Merry Christmas Everyone!
scholars can argue till they’re blue in the face…somethings you just believe and know in your heart.

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AMEN, Miss Pat!!!

pat frederick

Merry Christmas GA!


Merry Christmas, and may God bless us, everyone.

pat frederick

Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas Tonawanda.

pat frederick

December 25, 2024 5:40 am

There is always a reason for President Trump’s focus.
“Chinese state media have identified Greenland as a critical strategic hub, citing its proximity to Arctic shipping lanes and its rich reserves of uranium and rare earth minerals. In 2019, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) announced its “Polar Silk Road” initiative—an extension of its Belt and Road Initiative—aiming to develop Arctic shipping routes and encourage Chinese enterprises to invest in regional infrastructure projects.
Economic ties between Greenland and China have grown significantly over the past decade, driven by efforts to expand Greenland’s mineral mining, oil and gas exploration, and tourism sectors. Greenland’s increasing dependence on China has coincided with Beijing’s broader Arctic ambitions.”


DJT spends so much of his focus on important things he rarely has time for unimportant stuff. So you can safely assume that anything he is focused upon is important and worthy of your attention.

Also, on links, delete everything past the question mark before pasting.

pat frederick

thanks pgroup
i just copy what is with the post, but i will try to remember!


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Gail Combs

  :wpds_shock:   :wpds_smile:   :wpds_lol: 


Ketchup on a hot dog? How profane!


Gail Combs

Should be sweet pickle relish… to kill the taste.


Kill the taste of the hot dog?   :wpds_mrgreen: 

Gail Combs

I really do not like hot dogs, esp the cheap ones you get at parties or fairs.

Now the sausages you get at a Schnellimbiss in Germany? Now that is a whole different story!

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Last edited 2 months ago by Gail Combs

Nah. Normal. Sometimes a dash of pepper and tabasco.   :wpds_twisted: 


I didn’t know the Goths really looked like the people today who dress up like they’re Goths.

Pretty cool to know 👍

Gail Combs

Another Christmas Present.
This echoes my thoughts.

Happy Festivus: Airing Our Grievances and Stopping The Swamp Donald Jr w/Sean Davis
I did not have a chance to look at this yesterday so ‘opened’ it today. It is wonderful! It does not list grievances but looks at what we, MAGA have done so far and can do in the future. THIS IS WHAT Q TRAINED US FOR!


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Gail Combs

And MARX codified it and twisted feelings of guilt into feelings of entitlement.


Didn’t require a lot of twisting, in my opinion.

Bet there was a waiting line.  🙁 

Gail Combs


And then the Commies that had infiltrated the Church, convinced people it was generosity and not theft.

I am old enough to remember when taking care of those in need was the duty of the community and the church. We had a poor farm where vagrants and others were housed. It was actually a very nice place. Mom taught art there. We had the town drunk of course who did odd jobs. The men made sure he did not abuse his wife and the Doc & Dentist saw to it the kids got care and the community saw to it the wife got clothing and food — NOT MONEY!

Then the Committee for Economic Development decided to destroy farming communities to drive a surplus of workers into the cities. This allowed the Commies to take it over turning it into the mess we have today.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Thieves and robbers consider your property to be rightfully theirs, once they decide they want it.


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Gail Combs

Interesting since it RHYMES with what Donald Trump Jr was saying towards the end of Happy Festivus: Airing Our Grievances and Stopping The Swamp

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

There was a scene in Starship Troopers (the novel, not the parody film) where someone claims in class that violence never settles anything, and the teacher says perhaps we could have the city elders of Carthage debate the notion.



Oh what a gift – The Word of Truth, the Bread of Life – the Savior, Redeemer, King and Sovereign Ruler, Good Shepherd for our sinful souls!

Sally Q had a good day yesterday. I talked with her about pain medicine – that she could use it as prescribed every 6 hours to prevent or wait until she was hurting to treat her pain. She thought about that and decided to try preventing pain. She asked for a pain pill at 9:20 am and after dinner at 8:30 pm.  
She also had a good visit with the Hospice Chaplain and so did I. This seems to be a comfort and blessing for Sally and was a definite comfort to me. 

The Chaplain will have the Hospice supervisor contact us tomorrow. We are going to request a different Nurse Case Manager. 

The Chaplain said the Nurse who is closest to our area, is a quiet, empathetic, skilled problem solver. Just what is needed as we travel through this excruciatingly hard time in our fractured family. The weekend call nurse grew up in Dowling Park and is also that kind of problem solver. 

We need a comforting supportive personality working with and for us right now, not an adversarial one…not one who makes and causes problems.

Sally was getting tired by the time I had dinner prepared, but she perked up when it was time to eat – looked like her old self, with rosy cheeks, sparkly eyes and she thoroughly enjoyed the scallop pasta dish, vegetables and Tiramisu dessert. She ate like she had a good appetite.

Her blood sugar was high this morning around 4:30 am, so I gave her Lantus long acting insulin shot early and contacted her Dad, and we urged her to drink water – and it has gradually gone down.  

Her bodily functions are fairly normal. She used her computer a little while yesterday. I can tell she tires more easily and sleeps more during the day. Today, we will try to take a walk, which she enjoys.

Thank you all so much for your prayers and encouragement!!!


Wonderful news for a Christmas Day!


We need a comforting supportive personality working with and for us right now, not an adversarial one…not one who makes and causes problems.

I am fairly certain that I would never ‘need’ the latter type.  😆 

Gail Combs

“…an adversarial one…” DOES NOT BELONG IN THAT FIELD PERIOD!


Thank you so much for the update! Great to hear that Sally Q is making some decisions regarding her pain med, and that she had a good appetite yesterday.
Fabulous that the Hospice Chaplain spoke with her and with you — and that the Chaplain arranged to ball rolling about getting a new Nurse Case Manager! There is NO SPACE for ANY adversarial person in the situation.

Merry Christmas to you and yours! 🎄❤


GA/FL This is an encouraging report, and I’m glad to hear Sally has chosen to take meds as a pre-emptor to pain as it gives her and you the best chance for quality time together.

I was sorry to read about your unnerving interactions with that case manager. It’s my impression she is working in the wrong part of healthcare for her personality (maybe a operating room nurse where patient is “out”!!”), and is definitely ill-suited to being your comfort and support. The more people like you who speak up and ask for a change in personnel, the better … preventing others from the treatment you received at the hands of
someone lacking proper empathy.

You are in my prayers, dear heart. 🩷


Glad to hear some good news, keeping you and Sally Q in my prayers, and Merry Christmas GA/FL 🎄


Thank you, Aubergine!!! Merry Christmas to all of you!

pat frederick

and to you, Sir!


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Merry Christmas to ALL!!!

…ok, Ok, OK … we’re doing steaks today since the kids are scattered to the 4 winds this year. It’s going to be great, just the two of us!!!



pat frederick

Merry Christmas!
we are just us too–celebrating our family Christmas earlier this month due to work commitments. We had our turkey dinner yesterday so we have leftovers and football to look forward to today.

Gail Combs

Some how I got talked into HAM… full of salt which I can not eat. So I am going to grill a small steak for me. 😊😍🤗

pat frederick

yum! who wouldn’t take steak over ham?
mom always cooked her ham in ginger ale which she said leeched the salt out.

Gail Combs


Hopefully Fenben will take care of my problem, and I will be able to eat salt again.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Similar situation here.

My family gets together this Friday, not today. (I’d better get the Saturday post written in advance.)


Thank you for addressing this in the opener, Aubergine. May God richly bless you and yours for your commitment to truth seeking. I pray for blessings and good days for each and every one of our fellow Qtreepers on here.

Wifey and I have a brief respite this AM until the Clark Griswold clan arrives at our door around 2 PM. They actually demand that I have Christmas Vacation on the DVD player as they walk in. Family tradition for about 30 years. The grandsons will be all over the place throwing Christmas wrap in the air, the baby will be demanding attention, the adults will be whining about eating too much, and chaos will reign supreme until the last one leaves this evening.

Yup, we all have at least one in that scene, perhaps ourselves. 😀

I give special thanks for the efforts of the docs/staff in wifey’s continued progress in response to the corneal ulcer injury. Gradually there has been healing of the eye with a slow, but steady improvement in vision, just as Wolf explained. Thank you again for all of the prayers and support.

I give thanks to YHWH for choosing to redeem all of us through the virgin birth, life lessons, Cross of Calvary and resurrection of His Son. Happy birthday, Jesus.

Merry Christmas to all of you.

pat frederick

Merry Christmas to you and yours! sounds like an awesome time coming your way!


How good to hear your wife’s eye injury is healing!
Merry Christmas to you and yours — have a wonderful gathering!

Gail Combs

What I find interesting about that scene is Aunt Bethany is 80. Old, but not that old. Both my grandmothers at 80 – 85 were still sharp, my Hubby at 82 is also sharp as are many others in their 80s.

So what is the MESSAGE? — IGNORE old folks they are mentally incapacitated.

That movie is from 1989 so the poisoning of our food supply would be starting to show as dementia and Alzheimer in old folks.

We now know the multinational tobacco companies moved into the food industry.

A Short History of Big Tobacco’s Fling With Food

…In particular, Altria had substantial exposure to the food industry in the late 1980s and 1990s …

The most obvious and best-known food-related event for Altria was in 1988, when the company paid $13.1 billion to buy Kraft Foods, which is now part of Kraft Heinz (KHC 0.59%). Although the price tag might seem modest by today’s standards, at the time, the Kraft merger was the largest acquisition in U.S. history outside of the energy sector, and it created the world’s largest consumer goods company.

1988??? 🤔

Happy go lucky

RJ Reynolds was into food creation as early as the late sixties, my dads first job out of college as a chemist was there when I was born. His team was tasked with creating foods, mini chocolate chips and pudding cups are two that come to mind.


Apparently a plane crashed in Kazakstan. 29 out of 72, sitting in the tail section survived. The cause of the crash is said to have been a bird strike.

An Azerbaijan Airlines Embraer E190 from Baku to Grozny crashed near Aktau, Kazakhstan, with 72 people aboard. Originally bound for Grozny, it was redirected to Makhachkala and Aktau, circling before requesting an emergency landing. #Airways #News

Gail Combs

If the bird goes into the engine it can cause a lot of damage.



Flight path.

Strange damage.

Video of strange damage, better views.

Holes similar to those that could form during a shelling or explosion of a conventional drone near the plane were found on the tail of the plane that crashed 3 km from Aktau airport.

We are waiting for the results of the investigation. The black boxes will tell a lot.

Blame game starting. Ukrainian poster says…

Special Kherson Cat Russian air defense most likely caused the crash of an Embraer 190 passenger plane during UAV attack on Chechnya:

He continues with a series of posts. One of which is drone being shot at from the ground with sporadic small arms fire. This wouldn’t of been what took down the plane, and it’s unsure where this vid was taken from. Assuming it’s right the best it does is show Ukraine had drones operational in the vicinity.

Okay, but that doesn’t look like damage from Russian Air Defense. It looks like damage from a drone blowing up near the plane.

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This shows the flight path again. From Batu, Armenia to Grozny, Russia. Then plain deviates and flys across the Caspian Sea where it crashes in Kazakstan.

Meanwhile Gen Kellogg just cursed out Russia for attacking Ukraine on Christmas day, but it seems the attacks were going both ways. Also Orban just called on Putin and Zelensky to accept a Christmas day truce. Putin accepted and Zelensky said no.

Keith Kellogg


Christmas should be a time of peace, yet Ukraine was brutally attacked on Christmas Day. Launching large-scale missile and drone attacks on the day of the Lord’s birth is wrong. The world is closely watching actions on both sides. The U.S. is more resolved than ever to bring peace to the region.

Kellogg’s post seems decidedly one sided. I think this guy is going to talk Trump into continuing the war. Wrong guy?

Maybe there’s something out there with him supporting Orban’s peace truce… I’ll look for it….

Orban’s plea.

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Dec 20

CHRISTMAS: Hungary and Turkey brokered a two day Christmas truce between Ukraine and Russia. Reportedly Zelensky has backed out of the ceasefire deal.

there is more of this, but that’s enough.


Oh I did check Kellogg’s time line in both of his handles… neither has comments supporting a cease fire.


New info. Series of posts. Grabbed the bottom one hoping they all show.
Saying Ukrainian Drones attacked Grozny in the same direction that the plane was coming in from just before the plane arrived over Grozny. Then Russian surface to air missile fired and blew up near the plane. Can’t confirm but poster is claiming Russian Military as source.

This is from Liberty Daily. Good report in this vid but no drone talk.
Not sure if these are the same plane or not. Needs better verification. Meanwhile this report is talking about the planes comms being jammed while over Grozny. Realistically if true that could be either Russian or Ukrainian.


Kellogg time on Trump’s team will be short, if he supports Ukraine war being extended.

100% not inline with Trump.

Last edited 2 months ago by kalbokalbs
Gail Combs

Zelensky needs to be STOMPED HARD! (So does the MIC puppet Kellogg)


Thank you so much for all your research into the history behind 25 December as Christmas Day! So much fascinating stuff!

Merry Christmas to you and yours! 🎄💟


Please read, it is well worth it. Our national blessing is dependent upon our faithfulness to God.

Gail Combs

More of our history that the Commies are trying to wipe out.



Verse of the Day for Wednesday, December 25, 2024

“Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, and put your trust in the LORD.” 

Psalms 4:5 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!




Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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The law of the Lord is perfect and true;
It revives the soul – and gives life to you;
The rule of the Lord – you can trust;
It gives wisdom to the simple – a thrust!

The precepts of the Lord are right and real;
They gladden the heart – with righteous zeal;
The commands of the Lord are crystal clear;
They give songs to the voice – chords to the ear!

The Fear of the Lord is holy – abides;
Wherein – the heart – that the Spirit resides;
The decrees of the Lord are true and just;
So Fear of the Lord for all is a must!

More to be desired than the purest gold;
Sweeter than honey from the comb threefold;
For in them – the servant – finds instruction;
From precept to precept – no deduction!

Great reward comes from their very keeping;
Only He can detect error speaking;
Of hidden faults – His justice surely acquits;
From the judgment seat upon which He sits!

From presumption – we must be restrained;
From judging others – we must be retrained;
Under presumption – we make ourselves blameless;
Not cleansed from grave sin – or even shameless!

Let the spoken word of your mouth – win favor;
Let your thoughts be pure – that they He may savor;
Let your heart be of a clean – contrite nature;
Let your heart – the Holy Spirit – capture!

The Fear of the Lord – is not fear at all;
It’s His love in your heart – so answer His call;
His precepts – commands – decrees are all there;
To guide you – correct you – keep you aware!

Be prudent – be faithful – be thankful you are;
Chosen by Him – loved – and cherished by far;
The Fear of the Lord – is His awesomeness;
Give thanks – for His love – and His blessedness!

D01:  11/18/2013


Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 
#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday

Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.
#faith #god #psalms




Deplorable Patriot

Merry Christmas.

Might I suggest another take on December 25 being the correct date of Christ’s birth.

He makes a persuasive argument based on Old Testament priesthood, and the account in the Gospel According to St. Luke of the Blessed Virgin Mary’s visit to her cousin Elizabeth.


Thank you, Aubergine, for sharing your research and thoughts with us. After your startling (to me) and thought-provoking suggestion yesterday that, perhaps the 7 days of creation weren’t 24-hour periods as we think of them, I’m open to more ways my beliefs can be expanded 😁🙃 Speaking of how ‘time’ can be perceived so differently, and reading in Scripture that many in Biblical times lived far longer than we do, I wonder if the conception in those days was longer than 9 months, and how that might affect the calculations of birth dates.

Fascinating. I don’t draw conclusions as much as I turn myself more openly to appreciating I don’t know God’s ways … yet 🙏✝️

Gail Combs

“How dare we speak Merry Christmas, how dare we.” – Kamala Harris.

Includes video of Kamala saying that. (The only time I have seen her when she was NOT giggling.)


That’s what Willy said.


Her. Her. F….

Truly hope Kakala runs in 28. Dumrats will shred her.


She’s really lovely, wonderful personality... 😂 🤣 😂


Mossad, are you listening?


Mossad was there recording.


They might be here recording. Everyone else seems to be. 😆


But who is recording the recorders?


Scroll through this, lots of current data. Might be a fair indicator of how things might go if such happens.

Also tell tale sign will be Turkey moving forces further into Syria.

Although it appears Turkey has significant advantages over Israel, the attacker normally requires a 3 to 1 advantage and then there would be the matter of closing the distance with Israel. I’d suspect something like this would require a build up in Syria on Turkey’s part. If such a build up occurs then this is a potential flash war. Right now it’s back burner stuff and noise.

Turkey taking back Israel would be the reconstitution of the Ottoman Empire which also had stretched into Greece. Turkey has also made noise in Greece’s direction as they have with Cyprus since Erdoğan came to power and started talking about reestablishing the old Ottoman Empire.

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Thank Biden!


Israel will nuke Turkey long before Turkey takes over Israel.


Ezekiel 38, here we come!

Gail Combs

very interesting interview.
Lectern Leader Adam Johnson REVEALS J6 Secrets and Cover-Ups 28 min

One tidbit, Adam’s Prosecutor is up for breaking a car window and repeatedly stabbing a guy.

It is this guy:
Jan. 6 prosecutor accused of stabbing motorist on Tampa roadway

The episode began when a Florida couple traveling on Interstate 275 stopped to check on a driver slumped behind the wheel of a vehicle stopped on the bridge shortly before 9:24 a.m….

According to police, Mr. Scruggs pulled over, walked up, broke a window and stabbed the driver with a pocketknife.The couple who had originally stopped to help returned again and tried to lend assistance to the stabbing victim, but police said Mr. Scruggs tried to stab them before they ran.

Mr. Scruggs was detained by a St. Petersburg Police Department officer who witnessed the commotion as he drove by. [otherwise he would probably have gotten away with it. -GC]

Gail Combs

I should ad that the interviewer, Robert Gouveia a criminal defense attorney, said he was not surprised. He thinks Prosecutors are ‘off’

Other than that the interview is very upbeat. Adam is making mini lecterns and selling them to raise money for J6 prisoners.


Somtin up? Houchel (sic) is back on the subway! 😆
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It looks plenty safe.

Why is everybody complaining about crime on the subway?


I think one of her eyes is looking a different direction than the other eye.

Sort of like a lizard.

Robert Baker

I am struck how her personality just shines through. I can’t tell whether she is reliving her high school prom or installing a software update.

Deplorable Patriot

Nicotine patch update:

Well…I stepped down from the full amount, and long story short, some bodily functions are letting loose. I’m starting to lose the bloat. And…insomnia gradually going away. Since about 11 pm last night, I’ve slept in bouts, but at least nine hours, and feel like I may need another nap.

My sister is not happy with me. Oh, well. All the years I’ve cleaned up after her, she can clean up after herself for once.

Bottom line, it’s a jumpstart to recovery getting the spike protein out of the system. I’ll take it.

pat frederick

you’re still in my prayers DP!
take care of yourself!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oftentimes the dose makes the poison.

Something can be beneficial in low doses and deadly in higher ones.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And I can’t resist saying (once again) that we’d be better off if a lot of people weren’t severely arsenic deficient…from our point of view.

Gail Combs


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I wouldn’t mind seeing them get a large astatine dose either.

Minor problems with the feasibility of that, I must concede.

Last edited 2 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


Gail Combs

  :wpds_wink:  SEE: Arsenic Rice Scare | Musings from the Chiefio

Arsenic: A Sulfur amino acid metabolism effector?

Other reviews have described in detail the signs of arsenic deprivation in four animal species: chick, goat, rat, and miniature pig. In the goat, rat, and miniature pig the most consistent signs of arsenic deprivation have been depressed growth and abnormal reproduction characterized by impaired fertility and elevated perinatal mortality. Other signs of deprivation described for goats include depressed serum triglycerides and death during lactation. Myocardial damage, which in advanced stages included ruptured mitochondria, has also been found in arsenic-deficient lactating goats. Other responses to arsenic deprivation have been described. However, these responses have varied in nature and severity with variation in the dietary concentrations of a variety of substances including zinc, arginine, choline, methionine, and guanidoacetic acid. These substances are interrelated because they are effectors of methionine metabolism.


Don’t forget the lace.

Make it old, but not too old 👍

Gail Combs

I have an whole pile of it from my Grandma in my sewing cabinet.


So glad to hear that the nicotine patch may be doing the trick. Please get all better very soon!


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Merry Christmas to everyone on The Q Tree! 🎄❤🎉


Merry Christmas PAVACA!


Merry Christmas CV!


A reminder of what happened this day…

Burn those ships, folks. Never going back…


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Makes My Day!

Hope Deep State, Lefty Loons, R-Cons and Libtards are shitting their pants.

Gail Combs

I just watched Don Jr interviewing Steve Bannon. If the Lefty Loons, R-Cons and Libtards watch that, especially the end, they are shitting their pants.

The video War Games Trumps initial moves.

The MAGA Engine That Could: Interview with Steve Bannon | TRIGGERED Ep.198


Trying to watch. Wishing Don Jr would STFU AND let his guest speak.

It’s why I generally don’t listen to Don Jr. But, he is good at rallies.

Gail Combs

Steve does a pretty good job of holding his own. Towards the end has the juicy bits. Suggestion for a different larger press room with the fake news in the back.


Yea, I am hanging in there. ~32 minutes in.
The WH press really needs shaking up.
The “majority” are NOT tuned into Pravda News AND should NOT dominate the WH press.

Last edited 2 months ago by kalbokalbs
Gail Combs

I think changing the Press room is as important as cabinet positions.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN. Absolutely. Time to fix this stuff and take the very idea of THE PRESS past the corporate mockery called the FAKE NEWS.

Gail Combs

I found it interesting that Steve Bannon and Don Jr were discussing it in depth. What building to move it to and how to arrange it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

How about, wherever the press room ends up, it’s arranged by viewership, rather than by putting the oldest TDS hag in front and calling her the dean of the press corps?

I’d rather do that (it’s an objective criterion) than give pro-trump media the better seats, that would be obvious favoritism. The press is supposed to be tough on politicians (it fails to be fair, the other requirement). I don’t want to see sycophancy rewarded.


Steve does the same. Drives me nuts.

Gail Combs

That is why I said Steve could hold his own. 😆


~51 minutes in. Glad I hung in there. Steve is delivering great messaging…

Gail Combs

Glad you hung in.


He does on War Room. Which I largely stay away from these days.

In this case, Steve is the guest AND IMO, has a better message than Don Jr.


Trump trolls hussein.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – the BURNING TRUTH is BURNING Democrat skulls – and from the INSIDE.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

25 days, 15 hours, 25 minutes until our rightful president is restored to office.

Not that I’m counting, mind you.


Talk about WOW…
Check out the graphic at the X. Steve talks about orbits like that…speeding up….slowing down…
The fastest human-made object ever: @NASA‘s Parker Solar Probe (120 miles per second), today flies closer to the Sun than we’ve ever been. Learning about our star

Last edited 2 months ago by kalbokalbs
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Thanks for that.

Seeing its aphelion is close to the orbit of Venus absolutely SCREAMS to me that it ended up in that orbit thanks to a gravitational assist from Venus. It must have passed in front of Venus and lost a lot of velocity, to drop into that elliptical orbit.

Now I’m going to go check.

And sure enough:

The Parker Solar Probe mission design uses repeated gravity assists at Venus to incrementally decrease its orbital perihelion to achieve a final altitude (above the surface) of approximately 8.5 solar radii, or about 6×106 km (3.7×106 mi; 0.040 au).[37] The spacecraft trajectory will include seven Venus flybys over nearly seven years to gradually shrink its elliptical orbit around the Sun, for a total of 24 orbits.[1] The near Sun radiation environment is predicted to cause spacecraft charging effects, radiation damage in materials and electronics, and communication interruptions, so the orbit will be highly elliptical with short times spent near the Sun.[36]

(From wikipoo.)

Gail Combs
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

This is humorous because I am currently reading “Rainbow Mars” by Larry Niven.

The premise is that by doing time travel combined with some unspecified method of going to Mars, they’re finding it inhabited, just a few centuries ago, by something that’s sounding an awful lot like Edgar Rice Burroughs’s works. It’s one of Niven’s more fantasy-oriented works. (He’s best known for “hard” (meaning rigorous) science fiction but dabbled in more fantasy-like storytelling from time to time.)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is the kind of garbage/chaff that CIA intentionally dumps out their torpedo tubes to make us think they are flailing on everything and incapable of doing what they’re actually doing!


Paging DOGE. Gonna be a tough nut, but CIA has got to be on the agenda.


A full hour of Damon. Hasn’t watched the whole thing, but the first three I did watch I haven’t seen before…


Anti Security Nazi Rant! 😮😏 👍😆👍

Last edited 2 months ago by para59r
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Given that many many people use the same password for everything including their email, sorry lady. If you want freedom from these “nazis” you have to up your game. They’re tired of getting blamed when someone guesses your password is “password.”

If you’re using the same password everywhere, it’s your own damned fault when something happens. If they hack your password on one site, they can then access your email, go to all of your sites (including your banking) and request to change your password everywhere. Then your online stuff is not yours any more.

Last edited 2 months ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Up to 2015, I thought I was clever in that I had “high”, “medium”, and “low” passwords for all things online. That way, I only had to remember three.

Of course, after my little cybersecurity incident (where, BTW, a keylogger picked off my “high” security password), I didn’t think it was all that clever any more. Now everything has a separate password, and my bank and brokerage accounts also use an RSA fob (I do nothing 2FA with a phone — IMHO that only makes your security situation worse).

Happy go lucky

I love Handel and this is superb 💕 I had my Messiah CD on repeat yesterday while in the kitchen cooking


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