The above image of a year-end wrap up countdown is courtesy of The Productive Woman and Google Images.
Health Friday is a series related to Big Pharma, vaccines, general health, and associated topics. Since today’s post mentions the COVID-19 virus itself, and the COVID-19 BTI (Bioweapon Toxic Injections, aka the “vaccines”), it is dedicated to the memory of Yours Truly’s “fully vaccinated and boosted” late brother, Sam; to her late cousin Bill; and, to all persons, of whatever age or location, who have passed away from the negative effects of the COVID-19 “vaccines” that they had in their bodies.
There are Important Wolf Moon Notifications, the Rules of our late, good Wheatie, and certain caveats by Yours Truly, of which readers should be aware. These are linked here. The discussion is not limited to what is presented in today’s post: It is an Open Thread.
Yours Truly will begin the Health Friday 2024 Year-End Wrap Up Edition with these:

And, many people who did “shut up and obey” are starting to realize that they have likely permanently damaged their bodies (and brains) via the multiple negative effects of the COVID-19 BTI (Bioweapon Toxin Injections, aka the COVID-19 “vaccines”) that they had put into their bodies.

And, continues with these:
https://kirschsubstack.com/p/a-summary-of-the-evidence-against, “A Summary of the evidence against the COVID vaccines”, by Steve Kirsch, 6 January 2024.
And, some new information to help round out the year 2024:
From Steve Kirsch’s blog: https://kirschsubstack.com/p/the-cfr-from-the-pfizer-trial-show. “The CFR from the Pfizer trial show the vaccines make you 14X more likely to die from COVID”, 24 December 2024. Mr. Kirsch performed a statistical analysis of the Supplementary Table S4 of this 2021 paper: https://doi.org/10.1056/NEJMoa2110345, “Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine through 6 Months”, Philip R. Dormitzer, M.D., Ph.D., et al, published 15 September 2021. There are over 25 authors of this paper. Most of them are affiliated with Pfizer-BioNTech, the developer (along with several other entities, such as the United States Department of Defense, United States Army) and manufacturer (along with the United States Department of Defense, United States Army) of BNT162b2. Apparently, the CDC never performed its own analysis of the data presented in the paper. Mr. Kirsch performed the first real analysis. Here is his conclusion (from his blog post):

CFR = Case Fatality Rate. Below is the Supplementary Table S4 from the paper:

Note that “Unblinding” means that Pfizer-BioNTech offered to give BNT162b2 injections to “Blinded” subjects in the C4591001 clinical trial. Most of the “Unblinded” participants accepted the offer and took the injections. This also means that data collected from the “Blinded” subjects after they took the injections is potentially compromised. However, even with this caveat, the data on the Supplementary Table S4 confirm that persons who took BNT162b2 had adverse events that the “Placebo” (“Blinded”) group did not have.
From Mole at Substack, an important post regarding “educated hesitancy” about “new drugs and novel vaccines”: https://mole.substack.com/p/c-and-c-today-new-peer-reviewed-study, “C&C today: new peer-reviewed study tears jabs a new one”, 23 December 2024. The paper referred to is here: https://journals.sagepub.com/10.1077/09246479241292008. “Pharmaceutical product recall and educated hesitancy towards new drugs and novel vaccines”, Peter Rhodes and Peter I Perry, 6 November 2024. Below is a graphic from this paper, followed by the Conclusion:

Then, two blog posts from Nick Hunt (Daily Sceptic): https://dailysceptic.org/2024/10/08/the-hidden-report-that-shows-up-to-40-more-heart-conditions-in-the-vaccinated/; and, https://dailysceptic.org/2024/12/11/revealed-the-full-hidden-pfizer-report-that-shows-heart-conditions-in-the-vaccinated-getting-worse-over-time/. Mr. Hunt was able to procure a copy of this confidential Pfizer-BioNTech report of March 2024. It is here: https://dailysceptic.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/06-C4591021-interim5-report-body.pdf. In Yours Truly’s opinion, this Interim Report by Pfizer-BioNTech given for the European Union Post-Authorization Study for BNT162b2 is dynamite. The statistics related to cardiovascular events begins on page 119 of the report. **** Note: It is important to also recognize, per the statistics in this report, that the COVID-19 virus itself can, and does, cause multiple types of adverse events in and of itself. However, in the vast majority of the statistical tables in this report, the incidence of adverse events reported among the COVID-19 “vaccinated”, especially as regards cardiovascular events, is higher. Below is page 119 of the Pfizer-BioNTech report:

And, to finish the 2024 wrap-up, the link to Katherine Watt’s Substack blog, Bailiwick News, listing and detailing the multiple signed (and, in some cases, also not redacted) agreements between the United States Department of Defense, United States Army, regarding the development, manufacturing, and distribution for administration, of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 BTI (Bioweapon Toxin Injection, aka COVID-19 “vaccine”) BNT162b2: https://bailiwicknews.com/p/on-contracts-consortium-agreement. “On contracts: consortium agreement; base agreement; technical direction letter-statement of work; project agreement”, 9 December 2024 (repost of her 28 April 2023 post.) The post is long and very detailed. It is worth reading through. There is much information in the documents that blows the lid off the cooperation between the Defense Department / United States Army, and Pfizer-BioNTech. This is, in Yours Truly’s opinion, a chain of documents that must be brought to the attention of both Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., (as the incoming Secretary of Health and Human Services); and, incoming President of the United States Donald J. Trump, on 20 January 2025, after President Trump is inaugurated the 47th President of the United States.
Yours Truly urges all readers to build and maintain the highest possible degree of general health, and also the health of their natural immune systems. One also urges all readers who may be COVID-19 “vaccinated” to seriously consider investigating, and following, a COVID-19 “vaccine” detoxification / mitigation protocol, such as the ones listed on the FLCCC website: https://covid19criticalcare.com/.
Yours Truly wishes all readers a healthy New Year 2025! Peace, Good Energy, Respect: PAVACA
Thank you, CV, for presenting us this year-end wrap-up. Hopefully by next year, we can look back on it with knowledge that we have turned the corner and things will get better from here.
You are very kind, thank you. I pray that you’re correct.
Thank you!
Yes, it’s been a heck of a year!
Wolf Moon
It is a privilege to present Health Friday to the board here.
Yes, perhaps 2024 can be “That Was the Year that Was.”
Check this out. They’re STILL up to tricks.
Hans Mahncke
When I first saw that WSJ put out a lab leak article this morning, I assumed it was a typical Johnny-come-lately alibi effort. After all, the facts have been known for many years, yet one had to rely on Twitter to learn about them.
However, a closer look at the WSJ article reveals that it is far worse than that. This isn’t merely an alibi piece to cover up the WSJ’s failure to report the truth over the past five years. Rather, it is a propaganda piece designed to further advance the cover-up. All the major players—Fauci, Andersen, and especially Baric—are portrayed as innocent bystanders rather than as key figures who were instrumental in the entire disaster. Blame for the origin cover up, if any, is attributed to infighting among intelligence agencies.
The entire article is a monumental fraud, and instead of celebrating it, people should be calling out the WSJ for its deception.
1:17 PM · Dec 26, 2024
Wolf Moon
Thank you.
The WSJ, I think, has been a DeepState tool / mouthpiece for some time. A shame.
Of course Fauci, Baric, et al., are going to be painted as “innocent bystanders” who were “caught up” in the machinations of “others.”
Exactly – painted with ‘whitewash’ aka lipstick on a pig.
Notice it is ‘DEPARTMENTS’ and not individuals. That means there is no one to target.
None of this will change or be fixed until Donald Trump humbles himself and admits his own part in it. That’s my opinion.
The truth will come out – one way or another.
Trump had to tread very, very lightly on the subject of the Covid Clot Shots.
The real villain is Mike Pence and his chief of staff, Marc Short.
Dr Navarro’s interaction with Pence’s Covid Task Force is detailed in his book: In Trump Time: A Journal of America’s Plague Year
Pence’s chief of staff was Marc Short. Short came under fire for “…possessing up to $1.6 million worth of stocks in companies working with Pence’s coronavirus task force to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. He worked as a senior fellow at the Miller Center of Public Affairs, a CNN contributor, and Chief of Staff to Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, and the House Republican Conference. He served as the president of Freedom Partners Chamber of Commerce from 2011 to 2016.” LINK
Page 33 details Dr Navarro’s banishment from the Coronavirus Task Force over the travel ban. “– And it would be permanent – was Mick Mulvaney’s revenge.”
Dr Navarro confronted Fauci with evidence — Study after study THAT HE IGNORED.
[On page 89 – 91 Dr Navarro confronted Fauci for a second time. The first was over the Travel Ban.]
Also if I recall, I think it was the Stafford Act, meant the President has to defer to experts such as Fauci.
Ridge wrote this op-ed in 2020. Seems a bit obsolete to me, in that DHS thugs have resorted to the murder of one of its own in order to maintain power.
A few years ago I saw something that indicated that the president had to defer to experts according to the Stafford Act. I have never been able to find that article again or anything else that was clear cut about that directive.
Practicing Medicine without a licence maybe?
I am fairly sure there were restrictions on just what POTUS Trump was actually able to do in regards to Covid, HCQ and the Clot Shot.
If nothing else there were ‘optics’ and another possible impeachment.
Political Moonshine dove pretty deep on the Covid fraud, including stealing Executive Power from Trump in a “health emergency”, & this was written into presidential transition documents, iirc. There was a threat of removing a non-compliant President via the 25th Amendment if he didn’t defer to medical “experts” in this arena.
All quotes below are from the above link…
Obama: Presidential transition law augmented to insert pandemic preparednessPublic Law 114-136 to change presidential transition law permitting insertion of pandemic construct [13 Jan 17 during presidential transition meetings]
SOURCE: https://politicalmoonshine.com/2020/03/17/did-obama-pass-a-law-and-set-up-president-trump-for-a-global-viral-pandemic-construct-smoking-gun/
Pandemic construct inserted
Most important date in contemporary US historyFlynn/Russia story leaked followed by presidential transition meetings – EO leveraged & construct inserted into Trump Administration by Obama’s transition team
SOURCE: https://politicalmoonshine.com/2021/09/03/flatten-the-curve-forever/
To further understand this timeline relative to COVID-19 as a construct for enterprise fraud and to examine continuity of government considerations, consider these graphics.
COVID-19 is a mechanism; a tool; a lever; and its purpose is in part to transition the U.S. into Marxist communism where the construction of the COVID-19 “pandemic” provides the lanes to extra-constitutional governance that presents and functions as medical tyranny. As a construct of enterprise fraud, fit COVID-19 into this generational plan:
Transition is mentioned in this recent article too (I haven’t read it yet) so he may be reiterating what happened in 2016-17 to what is anticipated to happen in 2024-25…
I am going cross-eyed looking at the Stafford Act. it is about 200 pages.
I found this:
Sec. 204. Interagency Task Force (42 U.S.C. 5134)
(a) In general – The President shall establish a Federal interagency task force for the purpose of coordinating the implementation of predisaster hazard mitigation programs administered by the Federal Government.
(b) Chairperson – The Administrator of [FEMA] shall serve as the chairperson of the task force.
(c) Membership – The membership of the task force shall include representatives of
(1) relevant Federal agencies;
(2) State and local government organizations (including Indian tribes); and
(3) the American Red Cross.
Sec. 303. Emergency Support and Response Teams (42 U.S.C. 5144)
(a) Emergency Support Teams – The President shall form emergency support teams of Federal personnel to be deployed in an area affected by a major disaster or emergency…
Personnel – The President, acting through the Administrator, shall ensure that the Federal emergency response teams consist of adequate numbers of properly planned, organized, equipped, trained, and exercised personnel to achieve the established target capability levels. Each emergency response team shall work in coordination with State and local officials and onsite personnel associated with a particular incident.
(c) Administrator (1) In General—The Administrator shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. (2) Qualifications—The Administrator shall be appointed from among individuals who have— (A) a demonstrated ability in and knowledge of emergency management and homeland security; and (B) not less than 5 years of executive leadership and management experience in the public or private sector…
(3) Reporting—The Administrator shall report to the Secretary, without being required to report through any other official of the Department. (4) Principal advisor on emergency management— (A) In General—The Administrator is the principal advisor to the President, the Homeland Security Council, and the Secretary for all matters relating to emergency management in the United States. (B) Advice and Recommendations— (i) In general—In presenting advice with respect to any matter to the President, the Homeland Security Council, or the Secretary, the Administrator shall, as the Administrator considers appropriate, inform the President, the Homeland Security Council, or the Secretary, as the case may be, of the range of emergency preparedness, protection, response, recovery, and mitigation options with respect to that matter.
§315. Functions transferred
(a) In general—Except as provided in subsection
(b), there are transferred to the Agency the following:
(1) All functions of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, including existing responsibilities for emergency alert systems and continuity of operations and continuity of government plans and programs as constituted on June 1, 2006, including all of its personnel, assets, components, authorities, grant programs, and liabilities, and including the functions of the Under Secretary for Federal Emergency Management relating thereto.
(2) The Directorate of Preparedness, as constituted on June 1, 2006…
(b) Exceptions—The following within the Preparedness Directorate shall not be transferred:
(1) The Office of Infrastructure Protection.
(2) The National Communications System.
(3) The National Cybersecurity Division.
(4) The Office of the Chief Medical Officer
FINALLY on page 110
§321e. Chief Medical Officer
(a) In general—There is in the Department a Chief Medical Officer, who shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate.
(b) Qualifications—The individual appointed as Chief Medical Officer shall possess a demonstrated ability in and knowledge of medicine and public health.
(c) Responsibilities—The Chief Medical Officer shall have the primary responsibility within the Department for medical issues related to natural disasters, acts of terrorism, and other
(1) serving as the principal advisor to the Secretary and the Administrator on medical and public health issues;
(2) coordinating the biodefense activities of the Department; (3) ensuring internal and external coordination of all medical preparedness and response activities of the Department, including training, exercises, and equipment support….
§321g. Conduct of certain public health-related activities
(a) In general—With respect to all public health-related activities to improve State, local, and hospital preparedness and response to chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear and other emerging terrorist threats carried out by the Department of Health and Human Services (including the Public Health Service), the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall set priorities and preparedness goals and further develop a coordinated strategy for such activities in collaboration with the Secretary.
(b) Evaluation of progress—In carrying out subsection
(a), the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall collaborate with the Secretary in developing specific benchmarks and outcome measurements for evaluating progress toward achieving the priorities and goals described in such subsection…
There are a heck of a lot of “the president SHALL” type orders from Congress in that act.
Here are finds related to that Stafford Act from that Political Moonshine article I linked above:
23 November1988Stafford Act signed into lawStafford Act compels president to defer to “experts” if emergency exceeds scope of presidential competence. Transfers authority to criminal enterprise.
SOURCE: https://www.fema.gov/disaster/stafford-act
May2019Stafford Act AmendedStafford Act is amended respective to authorities
SOURCE: https://www.fema.gov/sites/default/files/2020-03/stafford-act_2019.pdf
13 March2020U.S. Pandemic Declaration / Title II Executive Authority
China assumes proxy control of the US government“Presidential competence” drawn into conflict [Stafford Act] causing compulsory deference to the Criminal Enterprise [The Task Force, RICO] & Trump’s Title II Executive authority is usurped by the Enterprise.; China is now in proxy control of the US federal government in 8 essential domains [see COG slides at bottom of timeline].
SOURCE: https://politicalmoonshine.com/2020/03/13/who-declares-covid-19-a-pandemic-and-why-that-is-monumentally-critical/
SOURCE: https://www.fema.gov/press-release/20210318/covid-19-emergency-declaration
Whoa. Are you trying to foster a food fight?
No, I am merely stating the truth as I believe it to be. I try not to write things just to instigate trouble, although it must seem sometimes that I do.
I was just talking about this with my daughter tonight. I wonder if that 25th Amendment sword of Damocles is still in place via Presidential Transition “protocols” as has been painstakingly outlined at Political Moonshine?
And by the way – thank you again for taking up this battle! Health Friday has been a wonderful thing for this site!
24 days, 10 hours, 37 minutes until our Once and Future President, Donald Trump, is restored to his Rightful Office which was stolen from him, and becomes president of the greatest nation on the globe.
Not that I’m counting, mind you.
LOL at the toy sippy cup and teleprompter.
Note the blue and white tree ornament (Think Epstein Island as well as D-Rats) and the Red balls…
Yeah I caught the ornaments.
Though I think that’s just the way the Dem logo looks.
From yesterday, the colors have specific meaning.
Gunther Eagleman:
I have no idea how this could be done.
A large part of the problem (for both nations) is that some provinces are like “northern North Dakota” and would fit in well (e.g. Alberta, Saskatchewan)….while others are “new New England” and might as well be New York (e.g. Ontario); one has the same mental condition as California, Oregon, and Washington (BC); and one is just psychotic (Quebec). I’m not sure we would even want the latter three.
Tell the mental ones – either repent or stay mired and sink in the stinking sewage of your moral, mental, ethical, economic sins.
Make it by province.
I would not want Quebec at all, no matter what their politics.
The others could be decent US states except for their politics.
Trade Vermont to Quebec for the rest of the provinces?
I was originally thinking all of New England.
Trade Quebec to Denmark for Greenland and a daft choice to be named later
Just think of the Francophones having to learn Danish
LoL at daft. Sure sums it all up.
Well, they could be designated Penal Provinces and we’d send our Marxists there. Exit visas would be extremely hard to get.
And the King of England would have to agree.
If they can successfully turn America socialist by having it annex Canada, I’m sure the cabal will tell their puppet king to agree!
Or not.
It wouldn’t be the first time, America, the terrorists, Patriots, told the king to fuck off.
Canada would need to do the same.
The entire King thing, royal family thing, whatever they call Canada, Australia, and New Zealand being subjects or something to England is F U B A R.
Many other countries in the Commonwealth have actually converted to being Republics. In fact Prince (at the time) Charles got to go to Barbados and see them fire his mother, swearing in their first president in 2021.
It is hard for me to imagine what a Canadian Civil War would look like. It has never been on my list of militarily aggressive nations.
Might want to ask the Nazis about that — Canadian losses were about 10% of US losses, despite having less than 10% of the population.
They did a LOT particularly with air power.
I did not say that Canadians were less brave but that the nation was less likely to start a war, like, say, the US or France.
But…but….but….but…. they’re so strong and all
Maybe DJT is trying to force Princess Justine and England to admit that Canadia is a subject nation of England, so America can’t annex them, and they can’t just defect to America.
Look at the swearing in ceremony (we have discussed it hear several times over the years), it’s the same for Canada, Australia and New Zealand, and probably others.
It’s practically a boot-licking oath to the ‘Queen of Canada’, where the ‘elected’ leader swears his undying loyalty to the king or queen of England.
And it’s definitely not a quaint ‘tradition’, it’s very specific and legalistic, with nothing heartwarming about it.
I would assume that it would follow the Alaska method.
We have a bunch of potential methods — the Alaska method, the Hawaii method, the Texas method, the California method, the Louisiana method, the Florida method….
And, knowing Justintime Truedeaux’s dramatic background, the Alexander “method” (technique)…..
And I just read that Antarctic Ice is up 17% — That is in a polar desert BTW.
I just use regular ice in my drinks. Am I missing out on something?
Antarctic ice is colder…. honest…. Greta says so
or was that the Goreacle…
And the birdcage-liner media over here are quoting (inventing) the inverse figures about Greenland’s ice….. Commies gotta commie…
Good old algore looks like he needs more than his chakhra(sp?) released.
He needs a warm blanket, too.
His brain needs being released too… it’s not doing anything now…
Yup – simple as that.
The next American Stories series will be dealing with personal beliefs, angles and commitment of some of the founding fathers starting with the Declaration of Independence. The first part should roll out next week.
Well, rolling out likely does less damage than being dropped.
[hee hee]
Very cool! Looking forward to it!
Poor trigger finger discipline.
NEW: Extensive COVID-19 Origins Cover-Up Revealed, and the Biden Admin Was Pulling the Strings
That link is to a Wall Street Journal report that is behind a paywall. In the article I linked at the top of this comment there are a lot more details, including reporting by Jerry Dunleavy IV, which begins with:
I’m guessing this is the WSJ article referenced by Wolf, above:
The bottom line still stands: “The incoming Donald Trump administration needs to dig much deeper into this issue.”
Thank you.
Trumpet down the paywalls!
Sadly on point, Sarah is getting rumors of a plague rollout —
Bird Flu seems to be the next chimeric engineered virus to be released by the murderous cold-blooded inhumane criminal politicized ‘science’ ‘community’
Any update regarding Sally Q?
Seems we’ve been on this hamster wheel for several years. Incoming plandemic.
As for me. I’m done with the plandemic hamster wheel…
…Oh No, Another Plandemic…In January. January is in four days…. (NBFD..)
100% I need information whatever is out there, bug wise. How to deal with it.
Seemingly it always comes back to, It Is The Flu.
Admittedly not the sharpest tool in the shed, I’ve settled on…
A T-shirt that says, if you’re wearing a mask, you’re sick so stay away from me!
You forgot to mention MENTALLY sick
Let them figure it out.
Totally with you. I refuse to enter the “it’s a plague! oh, noes!” game until there are bodies lying on MY street that I see with my OWN lying eyes.
3 on my street from Covid. (Likely the Clot shot) Only one was elderly.
Just as a side note, it appears that Rob Squad Reactions has blown up.
Amber doesn’t go into too many details, but everyone’s primary concern should be that the children are safe and sheltered from any drama while their parents arrange a way to move forward.
They seem like good kids (Jay and Amber) and I hope that everything works out for them.
Pardon my ignorance here. Who or what is, Rob Squad Reactions?
I forget whether it was Scott or I who discovered them first. It’s a young couple that listens to classic pop/rock/prog music for their first time and talks about it. Here’s an example —
They’ve been quite successful — over half a million subscribers. From their comments, many of their subscribers are over well over 50 and are tickled by these youngsters enjoying the music we know so well.
No pardons for ignorance! Only for mental illness.
Thank you once again, Pavaca!!!
Some of the meat from that article:
“…They say they want to teach children to “distinguish scientific evidence from misinformation” except that they don’t appear to know what scientific evidence is, or what science is either. If they did, they’d talk about the dangers of consensus and computer models, and the importance of observations.
Let’s have a small revolution in logic and reasoning instead:
Look out, a foreign committee influenced by multinational corporate powers wants to provide a “non-political space” for your children.
Amelia Pearson, at the Monash climate change communication research hub, says there have been more “climate change dot points” added to the curriculum, but mainly in subjects such as science and geography.
Aren’t our schools supposed to be “non-political spaces”?
I say we survey the OECD instead to see if they know what science is — then cut off their funding when they fail….”
I would skip the survey and go straight to de-funding. AND I am fairly sure that is what POTUS Trump will do.
OECD are globalist (Gore-Bullist?) WEFfenSS shills… pushing the Europa dream of a renewed unHoly Roman Empire… a bunch of total rotters…
what would a foreign energy firm get from this investment? do they sell the “energy” generated to the local companies?
it’s going to be a huge mess to clean up. I sincerely hope they do not try to bury the concrete bases–they should be removed as well.
Likely USG funded this “investment.” Which I view wind energy as many things, but not investment grade.
Foreign energy firm is likely a scam, as are domestic pushers of green energy.
In general they suck up government money, pay CEOs top dollar, pump and dump the stock then bankrupt, leaving the locals to clean up the mess and the little investor skinned.
I would not be at ALL surprised to see this happen in this case…. OOOooops we are bankrupt, sorry.
Like this EV manufacturer I’ve never heard of until now?
The article:
That lists so many studies and various benefits of DMSO that it makes me want to use it.
another woman set on fire
Downey has been transferred to a local burn facility, where she continues to fight for her life in critical but stable condition, according to WRAL News. Almost three-quarters of her body is burned to some degree. Her family has established a GoFundMe site to pay for medical costs that will include surgery, additional treatment and rehabilitation.
Harnett County Sheriff Wayne Coats said the incident was the most horrific crime his police unit has ever had to deal with. “It’s just a nightmare for this family,” he said, observing that he hasn’t a clue what the motive for the attack might have been. “It could have been domestic-related,” he said. “It could have been a gang initiation. We’re mystified by what’s happened.”
If she is at Central Carolina Hospital in Sanford, NC, her chances of surviving are very very low.
I wouldn’t take a sick rat to that hospital and neither would anyone else I know.
Another site ranks it as below average
And this is by employees
I do not believe she was set afire with a lit cigarette. This false fact has persisted ever since the movie The Birds came out.
The article says there are no witnesses yet the sheriff does not like smoking so he made up an essential fact. Or the victim assumed that was what happened.
The Propensity of Lit Cigarettes to Ignite Gasoline Vapors
Just have to add some supercooled liquid Oxygen to the cigarette, as described by Dave Barry in a hilarious article back in 1995, and done by George Gobel (not the comedian, though this is funny, albeit dangerous)… how to light a charcoal grill REALLY fast
It’s SHOWTIME!!!!!
pat frederick
Yeah, the police are “mystified.” BIG BS. IMO, this was likely a “gang initiation” attack on this young woman. I hope she makes it.
Unless otherwise proven, it’s illegal immigrants likely belonging to MS13 or Tren de Aragua that are very likely present in NC.
IMO, here’s what’s next up:
Home invasions
House and/or apartment takeovers by gang members
“Random” assaults on people anywhere
Agree. Here is what is see.
Above will become common, unless citizens literally fight back.
Verse of the Day for Friday, December 27, 2024
“The LORD also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble.”
Psalms 9:9 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
Each day we see the plans of the wicked
We are exposed to the sins committed
We feel helpless to stop them come what may
Subdued and oppressed in every way
Where can we go for reprieve and relief
What can be done to end despair and grief
Man cannot execute justice for all
Only God has the power to enthrall
Without God we can do nothing to change
Circumstances we cannot rearrange
Ah but God can do whatever He pleases
To correct contain refrain as He eases
There are many who’ve invested in guile
For power and money that is their style
Their god is not our God and ne’er will be
For we dare not share in their destiny
We were cheated and defeated by a lie
Since then the enemy sought to defy
Steal our inheritance by any means
Subjugate us to his edicts it seems
No man can save our beloved nation
No matter his expertise or station
If he would humble himself before God
What he can do through Him would be awed
Pray for justice to be equally served
Pray the wicked get what they deserved
Do not repay evil its counterpart
God will mete justice take that to heart
D01: 08/25/2023
Thank You Duchess!
Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing
#psalm91 #psalms #prayer
Pray Everyday
Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.
#faith #god #psalms

You have been all over this and sounding the alarm, PAVACA. I have great gratitude in my heart for your efforts to educate the public.
The recent Thank You, Dr. Fauci movie release on TC used some of the medical research you provided us long ago, although yours is much more thorough. Maybe there is hope that the rest of the world will comprehend they have been duped into committing suicide.
“…Maybe there is hope that the rest of the world will comprehend they have been duped into committing suicide.”
I certainly hope so!
And it is people like PAVACA that will help it happen.
The jabbed I know, friends and family, if there’re comprehending what’s been done to them are keeping it to themselves.
A couple weeks ago, someone used a word to describe the Jabbed, who have figured out they are immune system is damaged goods.
And, they don’t want to talk about it. Most likely, will Not talk about it.
Also a bit of embarrassment too. Esp of they were warned and did not take the warnings.
“And, they don’t want to talk about it. Most likely, will Not talk about it.”
Anger and rage should trump resignation or embarrassment.
Followed by demands for compensation.
Especially in a nearly total victim-mentality society. Everybody will want to get in line for the big $$$ payouts.
You are very kind, thank you.
IMO — the COVID-19 BTI (Bioweapon Toxin Injections, aka the “vaccines”) are a form of population control. That’s how they were developed by the United States Defense Department and the United States Army, with the written agreements cooperation of Pfizer-BioNTech.
The NIH / NIAID were / are also involved in the lab-creation of the COVID-19 virus itself and the lab-enhanced COVID-19 “vaccines.” NIH/ NIAID also have written cooperation / royalty sharing agreements with Moderna. Moderna and NIH / NIAID co-developed (and likely with U.S. Defense Department involvement) the Moderna “flagship” COVID-19 “vaccine”, mRNA-1273. NIH / NIAID share in the royalty payments for every dose of mRNA-1273, AND for every dose of that product’s “descendant clone” COVID-19 “vaccines.”
Dr. Anthony Fauci (ex-head of NIAID) and Dr. Francis Collins (ex-head of NIH) were the “point men” among the entities who were doing the activities above regarding virus creation and “vaccine” development / enhancement. Ralph Baric, PhD, of the Baric Lab at UNC Chapel Hill, was / is also involved. Ditto with Peter Daszak, PhD (EcoHealth Alliance.)
Dr. Fauci, Dr. Collins, Dr. Deborah Birx, then-Vice President Mike Pence, and the United States Department of Defense / United States Army, all intentionally withheld vital information from then-President Donald J. Trump regarding the activities described above.
Then, IMO, not content with the “lack of mission achievement” in population control via the COVID-19 virus itself and the COVID-19 “vaccines”, those who want to reduce the population of not only the United States, but also of the entire planet, have created a “new mutation” of the H5N1 Avian Influenza virus, along with developing and “stockpiling” supplies of “vaccines” for this virus.
The links to the https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/ in today’s post contain links to numerous official documents that present compelling evidence of the activities between the United States Defense Department / United States Army, Pfizer-BioNTech, and other entities in the U.S. government.
I don’t know how many here are following the “tech bro” vs. “White American worker” Musk/Ramaswamy blowup on X, but I am. It’s about H-1B workers, and it is a HUGE deal right now. People are furious at both men. And they’re correct; Ramaswamy came across as an elitist (which he is; high-caste Indian), and Musk came across as just a prick (he said the whole thing was the biggest demonstration of the Dunning-Kruger Effect he’s ever seen).
Regardless, both of those guys are in DEEP, pissed-off American shit right now. All the good-will I felt for either is gone, that I will tell you. Both are tone-deaf; neither are America-first.
Here is the best summary of the situation I have found so far:
John Carter
The Great Christmas H1B War of 2024 is the funniest thing that’s happened on X in a long time. At the precise moment that the word “remigration” is on everyone’s lips, the tech CEOs decide it’s the perfect time to try and muster support for the H1B program, thereby running face first into a hard wall of extremely hostile public sentiment. Knocked on the floor, a halo of confused little dollar signs dancing around their concussed heads, they sit up, blink, and try to explain that actually they are very smart, and the chuds, who are not smart, just don’t understand tech hiring and the strategic necessity of procuring elite human capital. The chuds in fact understand all of this perfectly well, but don’t care. To them this isn’t an economic question. It’s a matter of their homes being looted and invaded for generations, which they are determined to put a stop to. The ones who don’t understand – because “homeland” is not something you can quantify on a spreadsheet and use as training data – are the tech CEOs, who therefore cluelessly carry on debating the question on grounds that are wholly irrelevant to the concerns of people who could not care less about the bottom lines of tech CEOs, and are not actually interested in a debate, because one does not debate the existence of one’s homeland. While this is happening, the “elite human capital” the tech CEOs want to keep importing decide it’s the ideal opportunity to boast about how they are in fact replacing the chuds, this is revenge for the Raj, white girls love Indian cock, etc. etc., thereby spraying gasoline on an already raging dumpster fire. This is extremely unhelpful to the tech CEOs, but their elite human capital can’t help themselves, because they come from a culture in which one is either the abused (servile, sycophantic, bootlicking) or the abuser (tyrannical, sadistic), and the small taste of success and power the tech CEOs have provided them – their first taste of this sweet, intoxicating nectar in several centuries – has flipped a switch in their collective brains to ‘abuser’, and they are rampaging all across the Internet, blithely unconcerned by the fatal damage their behavior is doing to both their national brand and the discursive influence of the only people who are keeping their migration pipeline open. It’s hard to imagine a more perfect clusterfuck.
9:45 PM · Dec 26, 2024
Yes, but it sparked one heck of a hearty debate. A lot of information came out along with personal stories of people being rejected for not being a foreigner.
Bottom line is that foreign workers are cheaper and don’t push back to employers. Americans will.
It is my personal belief that it has damaged both Musk and Ramaswamy greatly. We will see if it is beyond repair.
The fact is, Musk and Vivek live in the “global sci-tech community” where all that stuff they say seems true to them – and in some ways it actually is. J.D. Vance and his wife are the perfect examples. What most don’t realize is that Trump and his wife are, too. Eastern Europeans look more like the rest of “native” Americans, but many of the smarter and more talented ones (like Melania) slide in at the high end of American society – yes – with hard work and skills – but that is exactly what the top end sees, and why they don’t see the really BAD, CHEAP, MOTEL 6 programmers brought in like slaves on boats, or receiving data overseas, to replace uppity colonists. I’m sure that Musk and Vivek hire the cream of the crop – and that cream solves problems be bringing in or calling out to farms of super-cheap, bad, lying, “tell them what they want to hear” programmers.
Globalization has a very wet, smelly underside. The elite pretend that it doesn’t exist by hiring people who use that underside and deny its existence.
I have seen how outsourcing works – exactly like CONTRACT MURDER. People who don’t want to know the details, use money to get the details out of their own lives, by hiring people with even less scruples.
This won’t be too damaging, IMO. Demmunists will pretend it is, but this is some of the super-healthy discussion that needed to happen, and which THEY DENIED, just like the country-club Republicans.
And in her case, looks and a body the vast majority of us could never attain.
No green eyes, just reality.
I don’t think she’s all that pretty but she is one of the classiest ladies I’ve ever seen.
Plus she doesn’t appear to have even a smidge of stupid.
OTOH, if there is no LEARNING by Musk and Vivek – there will be damage.
Forgiveness is what our side does. But we are also very perceptive for lessons learned, and if there are no lessons learned…… damage will ensue with each confrontation on this issue.
I agree. Yes. They must learn.
Come to think of it, this fight is very healthy because it makes it clear that Americans DO NOT WANT FOREIGN WORKERS TAKING THEIR JOBS!
The internet fracas is a BIG RED FLAG going up telling Senators and Congressman that it is not just illegals who are consider personae non gratae by a lot of Americans.
Hopefully that means we have a major halt to the influx of foreigners.
One thing that I hope the debate does is point out the TOTAL and UTTER failure of the US school system (“thanks” to Dewey, Mann, Rockefeller, and “Columbia Teachers College”).
Mediocrity, participation trophies, pass-fail versus standard grading, lowering standards to increase number of students passing, etc.
The direction the debate is currently taking is ignoring the real problems and sounds, quite frankly, like the left are fanning the flames (yet again) to make us look stupid…
“Equal Opportunity” has only exacerbated these problems and delayed (or even eliminated) any chance of solving them.
We DO have a shortage of absolute top-flight scientists and engineers. And that needs to change. But we need to get top talent from somewhere and NOT RED China…
Conflating uncontrolled illegal immigration with strictly-controlled LEGAL immigration of needed talent in critical (but unstaffed) fields doesn’t do anything to solve any problems…..
[Back in the day Germany had extremely strong immigration controls. My company moved me to Germany in the early 1980s, and they had to prove my competence to the effect that there was no one in Germany, nor inside of HP (our computer vendor) or out, who could do my job as needed. A US company, so some of the hurdles weren’t there, but it took a mountain of paperwork nonetheless. It was a good company, at the forefront of their technology areas (they invested in 3D printing and research thereof, although the computing power to drive it wasn’t yet available, but foreseeable, for example)… too bad they were a victim of the heuschrecken of KK&R…]….
Arrogance self importance got them.
Yes, I agree entirely.
They achieved the American dream with American labor and they believe they did it on their own.
Goes before destruction. They must learn.
both men are arguing for America first not AMERICANS first. that sounds tone deaf to me.
like buying a foreign soccer team to play for your country in the Olympics.
Some excellent truth in what you just said!
Vivek forgot he was educated in Catholic American schools not Indian schools.
His ego is to be and will be his downfall.
St. Xavier in Cinncinati is a Jesuit school, and I think it is still all boys. He was valedictorian. That’s a whole different animal than most Catholic high schools.
Oh yes I remember thanks.
My kids went to St Louis University was very good education and served them well.
Indian culture emphasizes memorization.
How so?
Quite the broad statement, with zero foundation.
We have two all boys Jesuit high schools here. Two of my brothers attended one. Trust me. I know what they produce. One of the schools here has the largest insular support group/fraternity in town.
Jesuit institutions carry a certain prestige even with non-Catholics. Why? They used to be – and some still are – quite rigorous. It’s part of the culture, actually.
That is such an awesome description of the “good trouble” that is now showing just how AWESOME free speech actually is.
BTW, RE the Dunning-Kruger effect – which was boosted by Brick Suit – to which Musk approvingly responded – and to which I then CORRECTED BOTH (although gently) about the DK effect being a FALLACY.
Good times!
Elon Musk
The immigration hot-button topic is the biggest DKE situation I’ve ever seen
Brick Suit
Dunning-Kruger effect has entered the chat.
Elon Musk
Wolf Moon
Dunning-Kruger effect has left the chat.
The Dunning-Kruger Effect is Autocorrelation – Economics from the Top Down
From economicsfromthetopdown.com
10:18 PM · Dec 26, 2024
I felt a bit bad about correcting Elon – almost nobody knows about the DKE being a statistical mistake. The fake news media has totally downplayed it.
So theyre boasting of their intellect and use this graph, only to not know its not true? Thats hilarious. Really. Smartest guys innthe room…… thatd be Wolf tyvm.
The fact is, the lying media – which has HIDDEN THE TRUTH about the fallacy of the Dunning-Kruger effect (because it LIKES the alleged effect) – has assaulted all of us – Musk, Vivek, and Wolf – and only I was lucky enough to stumble on the article about it having been disproved.
Its funny in the sense of people memorizing quotes to sound deeply intellectual, but then dont have an understanding of say the economics behind what they quote, until someone that DOES know puts them to shame.
God schools us all (where God can be taken very broadly – even down to Sagan levels).
We think we know things – but most of what we know is repetition of information that others discovered or observed, and even they didn’t really “know” – they just observed and told others what they observed and thought.
As a scientist, I seek to earnestly retain some part of me that thinks the autocorrelation interpretation could be wrong or irrelevant – that there COULD still be some validity to the Dunning-Kruger effect. I will always be ready to walk back the idea that it is a fallacy, if a better explanation of its validity arises.
I have worked with many people that actually believed that they KNEW, because they had read the manual.
That’s a great way to improve society – get everyone to read the manual BEFORE pontificating on anything.
Not if it’s written by non-English speakers then (badly?) translated into English. Some stuff out of China or Korea is epically hilarious & makes little to no sense!
http://www.engrish.com ….
We have had kids tell us they know how to ride because they saw it on TV.
The problem is that your ponies don’t watch TV.
Are you SURE?
My horse used to look in the window and sleep right outside the bedroom. She would follow me around the outside of the house as I moved around the inside..
(I still miss her.
Brilliant summation–TY!
I accept that DKE is autocorrelation, but I have also experienced people thinking and asserting that they are skilled in an area when their abilities are woefully inadequate. That doesn’t prove DKE because of all the other factors, but it happens fairly frequently. Some people don’t know that they don’t know, and of course they don’t know what they don’t know.
EXACTLY! This is why the DKE seems like common sense – because even if it is wrong, it is very close to what we experience in life! The idea that people who don’t know, are likely not to know that they don’t know, is very logical – even mathematically likely.
In fact, I always retain the idea that maybe the idea that it’s autocorrelation is wrong.
I knew about it. Found it here, I think. And I almost left the article about it on X. I didn’t, because I’m just not that confident. I’m SO GLAD you are!
Thanks! And you did see it here. I only left it on X because if Musk or Brick Suit found better info to prove my info wrong, I would gladly accept it.
For what it is worth, in horse back riding and in caving, I see this:
Beginner knows they know nothing.
Intermediate think they know everything and get out over their skies. School horses HATE intermediates BTW. This is where you see the most accidents.
Advanced KNOW they have a lot more to learn.
I haven’t been following it because I’m sick of it and want unity within MAGA. I’ve been hoping Trump would step in, possibly privately, and get this settled.
Elon and Vivek need to shut up already.
Elon got out over his skis far enough to start the “Elon is really President” bullshit. Now Vivek has pissed people off so much they want him GONE. Seriously.
I want Trump to call them both in and lay down the law.
People need to relax a bit. Give Trump maneuver room. We don’t need to see or hear whatever Trump may say to these guys.
Trump will make H1B visa decisions. Not Vivek or Elon.
It was always a given to me, at some point Vivek and Elon would piss people off.
Separately, don Jr has been a bit mouthy lately. Maybe trump will give him a chill pill.
Zero concerns here.
I’m ready for WINNING. Entire truump Team, including DOGE.
The last thing we need is DOGE collapse before it really gets started.
And by letting the pot get stirred (or perhaps inspiring it), VSGPDJT is exposing yet more of the deep state, and getting issue brought up (crappy education system, lowered standards, EEOC garbage) that would otherwise be ignored…
Musk is getting flamed over here because he said the AfD is the only way for Germany to avoid total failure. And he’s right. But my, oh my, the Uniparty (Linke, Greens, SPD, FDP, CDU/CSU) are frothing mad, indeed threatening to invalidate the upcoming national election and/or censor “X”.
Never mind the fact that Baerbock (our Secretary of State) sent a crew of 20 or so to the USA to help out Kamel-Hoe on the German taxpayer’s dime… so much for interference in foreign elections….
Good to see that both X marks the spot and X stirs the pot.
I missed the part about indians bragging online. Been really sick so my info is snippets. Hibs in the US then are going on x and doing this by the boatload? I was deeply offended by vivek even supposing the argument that we are not even intelligent enough for the work. India doesnt have functioning sewers and the bathe and cook where they shit, so theres that.
I LOVE YOU! if you could tweet that BACK to Vivek…you would be the DARLING of MAGA!
My husband worked for 26 years in aerospace. The brilliant engineers came from all walks of life and every state of the US.
My PhD son can fix anything sometimes he wishes he had become an electrician or mechanic he would earn more money.
My one grandson is a engineer getting his PhD from Purdue and works part time in research at the university. He is second generation American from his fathers site and many generations from mothers. American kids are bright creative just need a little more discipline. The discipline is individual family what is important and temperament of the child.
By the way who fixes Elan’s and Vivek’s electricity or pluming in the house ?
The intelligent plumber and electrician
Elan and Vivek are missing that there are brilliant people out there who decided they do not want to be their slaves
No kidding! And it was VERY offensive. And so was Elon’s Dunning-Kruger bullshit. They both need to take a seat, in my opinion.
My brother was a Missionary for many years in India education is brutal for kids. They do not care how many are damaged in the process. We care for our kids mental and spiritual well being. Vivek and Elan show they did not have a balanced education.
Anyone can learn to memorize but internalizing and grow from it are two different things.
The problem is Americans were FORCED to TRAIN their CHEAPER FOREIGN REPLACEMENTS. EM Smith (Chiefio) was one such casualty.
2009 — Untold Stories: The American Workers Replaced by the H-1B Visa ProgramEleven Americans explain how Big Tech’s cheap foreign labor cost them their livelihoods
Immigration reporting tends to rely heavily on stories — stories about illegal immigrant families looking to be reunited, about TPS recipients facing potential deportation, or about legal immigrants working their way toward citizenship. One type of story that receives far less attention from the media, despite its prevalence, is from victims of foreign guest labor — American mothers, fathers, and breadwinners who lost their livelihoods to cheaper foreign replacements and outsourcing.
Big corporations and their lobbyists will often claim that there is a “shortage” of American STEM workers that necessitates an ever-growing number of “high-skill” visas, such as H-1B, L-1, and H4 EAD. This is absolutely false.
In fact, only about a third of natives with college degrees in STEM fields actually hold STEM jobs, meaning there are millions of Americans who could be recruited prior to turning to foreigners.1 Foreign-educated immigrants are also less-skilled than U.S. degree holders when it comes to tests on numeracy, literacy, and computer operations.2 Foreign-educated immigrants with a college or advanced degree perform at about the level of Americans with only a high school diploma, according to test scores.
Congress has established that, each year, 65,000 H-1B visas will be made available for workers with bachelor’s degrees, plus 20,000 more for those with master’s degrees or higher. Certain groups, such as universities and research organizations, are exempt from these caps. In addition to H-1B, there are also L-1 visas for foreigners with managerial or specialized knowledge (no cap), H4 EAD work authorizations for H-1B spouses (no cap), and the Optional Practical Training program, which subsidizes employers who hire F-1 foreign students who graduate from college in America instead of hiring Americans. There are over one million international students in the United States.
Key takeaways:
Outsourcing and Inslavery are exactly how globalism puts a KNIFE in America’s back.
YUP. and you can thank Ted Kennedy, the SOB!
Evan A. Davis, David M. Schulte
26 December 2024
Yours Truly: Apparently, the “basis” for a “Constitutional disqualification” is that then-President Donald Trump “fomented and/or led the January 6, 2021, insurrection in Washington, DC.”
I will just say this now. I have ZERO worries.
If the Democrats want to totally destroy their brand, let them.
Just let them do it.
Wolf Moon
Thank you.
I believe that the “disqualify Trump” crowd won’t succeed. However, could there be some attempt to “postpone” the Inauguration due to “lawfare” regarding the “legal ability” of some / most of the Electoral College?
The Hill piece states plainly that then-President Trump “led” an “insurrection” against the Constitution. The piece states that “the evidence is overwhelming.”
The bottom line of The Hill piece is that, if Donald Trump is disqualified due to Constitutional disqualification, KAMALA HARRIS would then be sworn in as the 47th President of the United States. THIS is what the DeepState wants.
Screenshot from The Hill piece:
It is scare-mongering and wishful thinking. Trump did not “lead an insurrection.” Also, Gail has posted here several times that that section of the 14th Amendment was nullified by Congress in 1898.
I fervently hope that this is correct. However, what’s going on here, IMO, is the potential use of “lawfare” in some twisted way (think Judge Merchan-type tactics or Jack Smith-type tactics) to try and disqualify Donald Trump from taking the Oath of Office next month.
One of my continues concerns.
I expect Merchan will sentence Trump. No jail. Sentence of any type. Minor fine, whatever.
That shifts the case to guilty, if I understand PG and others.
Does that give Dumrats any leverage against Trump? Hope not.
Legal types for comment, please.
It also would mean that the case could finally be appealed.
Appeal on steroids direct to SC. Put an end to this farce.
I believe that was attempted, but the SCOTUS decided it wasn’t yet time.
Yes. My intent was.
IF Merchan goes to sentencing, then the conviction can be appealed to SC.
Legally irrelevant. Neither the judiciary nor the legislative branches can alter the requirements specified in the constitution. Note: IMO section 3 of the 14th NEVER applied to POTUS because that position is not a fed official – it is the executive branch.
Yes, of coure it is. There would be no other way to challenge this election. IMO they can’t get away with any of it.
And that is why we spread the nullification of the 14th far and wide.
The inauguration cannot be postponed. Per the constitution, it must happen on January 20th.
Notice that LBJ was sworn in on Air Force One because America cannot be without a President since the federal executive govt has NO INDEPENDENT AUTHORITY TO EXIST, absent the consent/authority of POTUS.
Not sure where that insane idea of Kackula being POTUS 47 in lieu of DJT came from but I suggest reading the constitution. It clearly specifies the steps to take if the POTUS-elect cannot be sworn in.
You think the Constitution is going to stop these people?
Yes I do.
In the hands of patriots, it will be both honored and obeyed.
Certainly don’t count on the military to defend, uphold or enforce the Constitution.
They’ve been totally AWOL for the last four years.
They will never regain the trust or respect they have thrown away.
I’m with you; bring it, you morons.
Read this two days ago on yahoo. Same story from the Hill but different title. Went to search for it, seems all the mainstream media sites are running it. Had to go in to my history to drag it up as the comments which now run in excess of 20.k were about 95% decidedly against such foolishness and yahoo is not a bastion of conservatism. Yet they persist. Woe to them if they try. They’ll quick learn from ground level how steamrollers work.
D O A.
For libtards. F A F O.
It doesn’t matter. Congress has already removed all of the disqualification penalties of the 14th amendment. Plus, DJT was not criminally charged with insurrection [a pre-requisite for being found to be an insurrectionist].
These people are both losers and stupid beyond belief.
Here is the evidence:
That’s why I have not spent two seconds on it. It is that simple. No charges, no conviction, not insurrectionist.
Yes. An ACCUSATION is not a finding of fact, or a guilty verdict. Insurrectionist my ass.
I am so tired of hearing about the masturbatory hallucinations and wet dreams of these fucking retarded leftists. Everybody gets all in an uproar, and freaks out.
Unfortunately there are a thousand or more still sitting in jail still because of these monsters.
I know.
In one paragraph, the article states that SCOTUS has no role. Then a later paragraph says that the Electoral Count Act has been passed by Congress.
So Congress can pass laws that cannot be reviewed by SCOTUS? Then why would anybody go to the trouble of amending the constitution? I thank God that these two law professors had nothing to do with my legal knowledge.
Good grief what lying asses.
How those two could clerk for Justice Stewart and turn into such asses is amazing.
Thoughts on probiotic tea? I get an organic one that has a few in it. It has helped in the past.
Kombucha Tea.
Matcha Green Tea — has both prebiotics and probiotics in it.
The one I use is actually mint. At this time, I can no longer tolerate caffeine, so that limits my options.
Try https://www.herbco.com/ they have a rather large selection of regular teas and herbal teas.
elon and vivek need to create scholarships to schools in the US that will help create the skills they are seeking. elon is loaded, this should be a no brainer.
start recruiting TODAY at high schools, colleges, trade schools…wherever these can be found.
you want this country to be able to compete? give it an incentive–working for you.
Truthfully, the country needs a tutorial in decent parenting. Teach the kids to work and be disciplined when they are young, and parts of all of this will dissipate.
I’m watching this in action with my brother and his kids. I swear my little brother is using Red Forman as a role model for parenting.
Who is Red Forman?
The father in That 70s Show. He was very hard on his son.
Oh did not know that
Kids need both and consistency 

Anti can play a role to balance
Brave AI
Red Forman Parenting Style
Red Forman, the lovable yet gruff patriarch from the TV show “That ’70s Show,” is known for his unconventional parenting style. Here are some key characteristics of his approach:
Sounds like my Dad.
Lack of Emotional Expression — good grief, that is what was expected of Dad’s. It was Mom who would be more emotionally supportive.
Vivek will never be president he st showed he does not have what it take love for US people.
He’s not a Natural Born Citizen, but neither is/was aka BHO, nor Kakula…sigh. I keep waiting for the “fraud vitiates everything” hopium to kick in & invalidate all 3 Joe-bama Fraudministrations, but am not ever holding my breath here!
Stephen Miller just sent a thinly-veiled warning to the America Last tech faction….
Miller shared a clip from President Trump’s 2020 Mt. Rushmore speech, adding his own emphasis to drive the point home.
Stephen Miller:
Trains are for riding or watching – never for facing down.
You have been warned.
Yep. Have to watch out for one track minds, too…
As opposed to one track, mined….
Both Ramaswamy and Musk are too intelligent to be smart. They are headed for a cliff, and they don’t seem to have the common sense to know it.
In our radioactive news segment today we have two unrelated stories.
I didn’t know we had a radioactive news segment
We do now and if we get a third story …
EPA Approves Road in Florida to be Made from Radioactive Waste
Anthony Scott Dec. 27, 2024 10:45 am 114 Comments
High Levels of Radiation Detected Across the East Coast After Mysterious Drone Sightings
Bonus — doesn’t need streetlights!
Roadside restaurants can replaced by road-surface restaurants….
Potassium Iodide (KI) and Radiation Emergencies: Fact Sheet
WebMD — Potassium Iodide for Nuclear Radiation Emergencies:
Old North Church uncovers painted angels ahead of 250th anniversary of Revere’s ride
GWP had a story on this with vid.
Eight Angels Found Hiding Nearly in Plain Sight at Church Where Paul Revere Hung Famous Lanterns Ole Braatelien, The Western Journal Dec. 27, 2024 10:30 am 104 Comments
Not as bad as smashing altar stones, stained glass windows and frescoes, but still not exactly Christian.
Just more subtle.
Is that a pipe organ on the right side of the pic?
“….survived underneath this very austere, neutral palette that was painted in 1912.…”
GEE, Just in time for the take over of the USA by the City of London. Coincidence?
California still not the place you want to be.
12.27.24: CHRISTMAS comms, Then coming years will be GREAT, PHARMA lies protected? Canada state? PRAY!
And We Know
December 27, 2024 1:20 pm
This is a good point by Jordan. We do subsidize the schools that give preference to the foreign students.
December 27, 2024 1:29 pm
Reply to Clarion
Exactly! The Universities charge more for foreign students so they give them preference AND their endowment funds receive substantial gifts from foreign countries looking to increase the number of their citizens who will be accepted…but we, the American taxpayers are often subsidizing the university system, rather than forcing them to spend down their huge funds!
(To add insult to injury, once the foreign student graduates, they are often able to to get work with a US company, leading to a green card, which leads to the chain migration of their family, who is then AGAIN, subsidized by the American taxpayer, in the form of SSI and Medicaid, since most of the family members do not speak, or have any interest in learning, English!)
Excellent elevator summary.
Jordan Schachtel:
I’ve always been a sucker for pussycats with glasses.
Massie is a true libertarian.
His motto is The Perfect is not the Enemy of the Good; it IS the Good.
January 6 Political Prisoners Launch Historic $50 Billion Class Action Lawsuit Against DOJAssistant Editor Dec. 27, 2024 1:00 pm 158 Comments
I just wish the EMPLOYEES had to pay and not the Tax Payer.
Oh but they can be. It’s just that in most tort suits, the plaintiffs are happy to get the judgment paid and don’t care from where the money comes.
I just hope they strip the individuals in the DOJ & FBI of all assets first and the US government is last.
After DOGE, there should be a Department of Clawback.
All salaries that were paid while employees performed political tasks get clawed back. They were hired to perform work for the benefit of the USA, not a political party, Ergo, they embezzled funds from the Treasury.
Ditto for pensions.
Bill them for all medical services paid for by US govt.
And special attention to Peter Strzok who pulled a sue-and-settle scam for millions supposedly for privacy violations. Open that judgment settlement and vacate it. Repay the millions falsely disbursed.
Do this for ALL sue-and-settle scam lawsuits.
BREAKING: Judge Rules Fani Willis Can Be Forced to Testify Under Oath About Crimes She Committed During RICO Lawfare Case Against Trump
Happy New Year, Fani!
So what? Her entirely legal testimony to every question will be “I invoke my 5th Amendment protection to refuse to answer.”
I’m just glad she is having to deal with a lot of legal troubles since that is what she put Trump through. IMO she should be disbarred and maybe prosecuted, but if that doesn’t happen, at least she is having to undergo stress and expense and harm to her reputation.
Also, none of her testimony about the ‘affair’ with Wade can ever be used against her unless she was given her Miranda rights AND she agreed to waive them.
That’s BIG FANNY to you!
Big Fanny and Lil’ Nate don’t care about testilying. Nate already showed Big Fanny how to do it!
The original has been removed from youtoob, the one above is the only one I can find now with the music background.
Gratitude Prayers
Prayer of Daily Thanks
Heavenly Father, as the sun sets, I want to pause and say thank You. For the little things like a warm cup of tea to the big things like my family’s laughter, I’m grateful. Each moment of this day has been a gift, and I thank You for the blessings, both seen and unseen. Let my sleep be a thank you, my dreams be praise, and my night whispers echo with gratitude. Amen.
A Prayer for the Gifts of Life
Dear Lord, under the evening sky, I come before You filled with appreciation. For the breath in my lungs, the food on my table, and the love in my home, I am truly thankful. Help me to always notice the countless gifts You provide and to never take them for granted. I rest in Your care, grateful for today and hopeful for tomorrow. Amen.
Thanksgiving for Enduring Love
Gracious God, as I lay down tonight, I reflect on Your unending love and care. Thank you for guiding me through this day, for the smiles shared, and for the kindness I received. Your love is a constant in a world that often changes, and for this steadfast love, I give You thanks. As I close my eyes, I feel the peace of a grateful heart. Amen.
Evening Gratitude for Strength and Guidance
Lord of all comfort, I am thankful tonight, not just for the good but also for the strength You gave me in challenging moments. Thank you for the wisdom in decisions and the courage in facing my fears. Your guidance is a lantern to my feet. As the stars appear, I thank You for lighting my path today and every day. Amen.
Sunset Thanks for Life’s Journey
Almighty Creator, every sunset reminds me of Your glory and the journey You’ve laid out for me. I am grateful for the paths I’ve walked today, the lessons learned, and the growth experienced. Thank You for being my compass and my companion. As the night unfolds, I count my blessings, and atop the list is Your unwavering presence in my life. Amen.
Kamala Harris to Certify Trump’s Win on January 6 After The Hill Sets Internet Ablaze with Insurrection Plan
IIRC, Dumrats made challenging the States a much higher bar, than it was in 2020.
Is this a fake out? I guess time will tell.
“…she intends to carry out her duties and certify the 2024 election on January 6.”
Not, “she will carry out her duties and certify the 2024 election on January 6.”
I know. I had the same thoughts. Still, I don’t think there is going to be trouble. I especially don’t think we should fret over it. If they try something, we’ll deal with it.
Yes. If they try something, we’ll deal with it.
And it will be exciting, and the end of communism. Sadly, they are unlikely to “make our day”.
Yep, I was about to say I hope they do ‘try something’, because that would be the end of them, their own self-destruction.
If they were going to try a stunt like that, it needed to be in the immediate aftermath of the election, when Leftist emotions were still frothy.
That’s over now. The country has moved on to the orderly transition of power.
If they try to prevent that now, they become the threat to ‘our democracy’, and we absolutely hold them to their own insurrection rhetoric, along with holding them accountable to the LAW.
FL has a great attitude regarding home invasion / breaking and entering.
‘You should expect to be shot’: Florida homeowner fatally guns down masked intruder, scares off another.Florida sheriff says ‘expect to be shot’ after homeowner opens fire on intruders
Couple days ago. Houston three of four idjits broke into an apartment, got shot. UFB part is all three were kids – 13 – 15 yos.
But, break and enter, homeowner has a right to defend themselves.
Could not locate the link this evening. Superficial search.
TY PAVACA for all of the heroic work you have been doing to bring the details of the Covid 19 “virus” aka weak bio-weapon & “vaccines” aka strong bio-weapons to our attention. I continue to share many of the links you provide as well as your posts to many others in hopes they will do some level of digging to help themselves & their loved ones.
Well done! You are doing above & beyond what most of us would even dare to attempt as you spread Light, Life, & Hope to us all. God Bless YOU Always. Joyful New Year to you!