The above free vintage image of a medical doctor performing an exam on the larynx of a patient is courtesy of Google Images.
Health Friday is a series devoted to Big Pharma, vaccines, general health, and associated topics. Since today’s post speaks of the disaster of the COVID-19 virus itself, and of the COVID-19 BTI (aka the “vaccines”), it is dedicated to the memory of Yours Truly’s COVID-19 “fully vaccinated and boosted” late brother, Sam; to her late cousin, Bill; and, to all persons, of whatever age or location, who have passed away from the negative effects, direct or indirect, of the COVID-19 “vaccines” that they had in their bodies.
There are Important Wolf Moon Notifications, the Rules of our late, good Wheatie, and certain caveats from Yours Truly, of which readers should be aware. They are linked here.
This week’s Health Friday post concerns the ingredients and mechanisms of the COVID-19 BTI in the inducement of cancer in “vaccinated” persons. There is also a role to play here for the COVID-19 virus itself.
Yours Truly begins with examples of studies that prove the COVID-19 BTI (aka the “vaccines”) induce cancer: “Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs”. Stephanie Seneff, Peter A. McCullough, et al., June 2022. Below are Table 6 and Table 7 from this paper:
And, from this paper:, “Potential health risks of mRNA-based vaccine therapy: A hypothesis”, K Acevedo-Whitehouse and R Bruno, 25 January 2023. Below are two screenshots from the paper:
Another paper, which details damage in the “vaccinated” person’s body to the p53 tumor suppressor protein, plus damage to / interference with, the type I Interferon response (also called type I IFN response), is here:, “SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination and the Multi-Hit Hypothesis of Oncogenesis”, R.P. Angues and Y.P. Bustos, 17 December 2023. Below is the salient graphic from this paper:
**** Note that cancer can be fostered and/or metastasized by either COVID-19 “vaccination”, or by the COVID-19 virus itself. More on that later on in today’s post.
And, to “tie it all together” regarding the confirmation of the presence of “loose DNA” and the SV40 African Green Monkey cancer promoter gene piece in the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines”, this paper, by three high school students who worked in an FDA-supervised lab in Maryland:, TJ Wang, A Kim, K Kim, 29 December 2024. The Wang, Kim, and Kim paper is further discussed here:, “EXCLUSIVE: FDA lab uncovers excess DNA contamination in COVID-19 vaccines”, 2 January 2025. By the way, the Wang, Kim, and Kim paper was peer-reviewed prior to publication.
One important item that links all of the above is what the COVID-19 “vaccines” do to the p53 protein in the human body. P53 (also called TP53, or Tumor Protein 53) prevents the formation of cancer in the body. Please see: The modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” manufactured by Pfizer-BioNTech damage the p53 in the “vaccinated” person’s body, (which then interferes with and/or “disables”, the ability of p53 to “detect” and prevent the formation of cancer tumors in the “vaccinated” person’s body) via the SV40 African Green Monkey cancer promoter gene code piece that is present in this company’s modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines.“
Scientific researchers have been experimenting for years with the SV40 cancer promoter and its interaction to interfere with and/or to suppress, the p53 tumor suppressor protein. Here are examples of published papers on the topic:
One: “New Insights into the Mechanism of Inhibition of p53 by Simian Virus 40 Large T Antigen”, Hilary M. Sheppard, et al., April 1999. Below are two images from this paper:
Note that the “monkey – human” amino acid percentage of “identicalness” of p53 is much higher than that of the “mouse – human” percentage.
The “Hudson, Colvin” paper from 2016 details how SV40 suppresses p53, allowing tumors to form and grow:, “Transgenic Mouse Models of SV40-Induced Cancer”, Amanda L. Hudson, Emily K. Colvin, 31 March 2016. Below are images from this paper:
And, the Drayman, et al., 2016 paper:, “p53 elevation in human cells halt SV40 infection by inhibiting T-ag expression”, Nir Drayman, et al., 21 July 2016. Below is Figure 7 from this paper:
The point here is that the p53 tumor suppressor does a good job of preventing SV40 cancer promoter cells from infecting the body and establishing oncogenic (cancer tumor) cells. And, that this knowledge has been around for some time.
Which brings one back to the Pfizer-BioNTech modRNA COVID-19 BTI (aka the “vaccines”), and the discovery of “loose DNA” and of amounts of the SV40 cancer promoter gene code piece in these injectables. It is inconceivable that Pfizer-BioNTech did not know of the ability of the p53 protein in the human body to detect SV40 and then to prevent it from establishing oncogenic cells. It is also, in Yours Truly’s opinion, inconceivable that Pfizer-BioNTech can try to explain away this discovery by some kind of “Oops, we’re sorry, we didn’t mean to leave that stuff in the formulation of the product” hyperbole. The “loose DNA” (and, by extension, the SV40 cancer promoter gene code piece) are present in all the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” made by this company in the summer of 2020, when Pfizer-BioNTech “suddenly” switched the manufacturing process for BNT162b2 from the original “Process 1” method (not using an “extracts of E. coli bath” in the process), to the “Process 2” method (using an “extracts of E. coli bath” in the process) for use in the BNT162b2 (truncated and data-falsified) “clinical trials” going on at that time for this injectable; and which “Process 2” method has been used to manufacture the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” by this company since. Please also see here:; the actual documentation that the company provided to the FDA regarding this change of manufacturing process is detailed.
Another piece to this situation is the fact that the modRNA COVID-19 BTI (aka the “vaccines”) contain dangerous lipid nanoparticles that quickly spread the contents (and, by extension, the mechanisms) of this injectables throughout the “vaccinated” person’s body. In addition, these lipid nanoparticles (ALC-0159 and ALC-0315 in the Pfizer-BioNTech BTI; and, SM-102 in the Moderna BTI) are specifically developed to evade the body’s natural “are you a friend or a foe” detection and elimination mechanisms. This is in addition to other excipients (adjuvants) in these injectables, such as PEG2000-DMG. Yours Truly has written extensively on these items and how they work to undermine / interfere with, the “vaccinated” body’s natural immune processes. Finally, there is the N1-Methylpseudouridine in BOTH the Pfizer-BioNTech AND the Moderna COVID-19 BTI. This lab-created compound was specifically developed to replace (remove) the natural Uridine RNA in the “vaccinated” body with “fake Uridine” plus a form of methane. In the specific case of N1-Methylpseudouridine, the consequences to the “vaccinated” body, BOTH in the physical AND in the psychological aspects, is profoundly negative. These are all aside from the addition of the SV40 cancer promoter in the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 “vaccines.”
Going back to the graphic from the “Angues and Bustos” paper regarding the fact that BOTH the COVID-19 itself, AND the COVID-19 BTI (aka the “vaccines”) can cause cancer. Below is a repeat of the graphic:
Notice the Impaired type I IFN response (type I Interferon) on the lower right of the graphic. This is another ingredient / mechanism of the COVID-19 virus itself (likely) AND of the COVID-19 BTI (definitely), the workings of which have also been studied and known for years. An example of a paper that speaks to this is here:, “The Type I Interferons: Basic Concepts and Clinical Relevance in Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Diseases”, Consuelo M Lopez-Padilla, Timothy B Niewold, PMC published 15 January 2017. Two images from this paper are below:
Please also see:, “A Unifying Theory of COVID-19 Pathogenesis, Combining Senescent, Cardiovascular, Oncogenic and Neurodegenerative Pathologies”, 4 April 2022.
Three points here, in Yours Truly’s opinion, regarding those who lab-created the COVID-19 virus itself, and those who lab-created the COVID-19 BTI (aka the “vaccines”): One: they knew exactly what things would: interfere with the body’s type I Interferon responses; interfere with and/or destroy elements of the body’s natural immune system (CD4 – CD8 cells, IgG3 cells, and so on); evade or interfere with, the body’s natural p53 tumor suppressor response to detect and eliminate the SV40 cancer promoter that would be present in the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 BTI; cross the Blood-Brain Barrier; and more. Two: they made sure that the COVID-19 virus itself is not “just another flu virus”, but, rather, a bioweapon that was lab-created from years of stunningly-detailed research and experimentation to wreak as much potential damage as possible on the person who contracts an infection of the virus itself. And, Three: they made sure that this created bioweapon virus would be the foundation of the COVID-19 “vaccines”; while, at the same time, limiting or denying access to simple and effective items that can successfully counteract the virus itself, such as Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc, Vitamin D, and Quercetin.
While it is true that the survival rate for non-COVID-19 “vaccinated” persons who contract a COVID-19 virus itself infection and recover is 99% for ages 0 to 65 years, and between 94% – 95% for ages 65 and above, an infection from the COVID-19 virus itself can still potentially damage the body. However, those who lab-created the COVID-19 virus itself did not reckon completely with the human body’s natural immune system’s ability to detect, fight off, and eliminate this bioweapon. In Yours Truly’s opinion, the COVID-19 “vaccines” were lab-created to “finish the job” in this regard: injections which were then “mandated” for people to take, to “keep themselves and others safe from the virus.” With the disastrous results that are now presenting worldwide.
There are several items that can support / supplement the p53 of the body. Here are some examples:
Green tea compound:, “Green tea compound aids p53, ‘guardian of the genome’ and tumor suppressor”, Chunyu Wang, et al., 12 February 2021.
Capsaicin:, “Reactivation of mutant p53 by capsaicin, the major constituent of peppers”, Gabriella D’Orazi, et al., 6 September 2016.
Phenethyl isothiocyanate in the diet:, “Reactivation of mutant p53 by a dietary-related compound phenethyl isothiocyanate inhibits tumor growth”, M Aggarwal, et al., 3 June 2016. This compound is also called “PEITC.” Natural sources of phenethyl include broccoli, watercress, cabbage, turnips, and radishes. More information can be found here:
Finally, there is the phenomenon of shedding of the COVID-19 virus itself, and of the COVID-19 “vaccines.” It is not known at this time exactly what ingredients of these are shed. What IS known is that it is indeed happening, and that this shedding is negatively affecting the health of the people who are “shed upon.” A comprehensive article that explains this issue is here:, “Newly Published Study Shows Shedding of Covid mRNA Vaccine Products”. Pierre Kory, MD, 9 December 2024.
It is of the utmost importance that all people have, and maintain, the highest degree possible of general health; and, in particular, the health of their natural immune system.
Peace, Good Energy, Respect: PAVACA
This is amazing…
This poor little bear is relentless!
Nature is harsh!
Better to be relentless than a
bearsiclecubsicle.Your headline implies that there is now actual writing on the outside of a virus.
I’m pretty sure that is not what you meant to convey.
No, it’s one note of music.
No, that’s not what was meant.
Both the COVID-19 virus and the COVID-19 “vaccines” can induce cancer
Much of the research to date on this issue has concerned the “vaccines.” The potential for the virus itself needs to be further investigated.
I hope you understand that I was just trying to make you smile.
TEN DAYS, eleven hours, 36 minutes until our Once And Future President, Donald Trump, is restored to his rightful office.
Not that I’m counting or anything like that, mind you.
They have that giddy grin that signals joy at living their agenda. So happy that they got to be in the positions they’re in, just because they’re female homosexuals.
What could go wrong?
A statement from Trump:
And what is causing/allowing such attack?
Let’s Go Brandon. POTATUS. Toadie of Osatan.
Greasy Gavin & the Puppet Masters.
People definitely getting hopped up right now. Strong Advise here.
Meanwhile one perp has been caught by citizens. Lots of posts on this.
Apparently the perp has been named “Climate Change”. 😮
No idea what was happening here… lots of speculation.
National Guard showing up in force. MRAP and Armored HMMVS
Witness talking to media. Says at least a hundred looters descended on her neighborhood.
They also mention methylene blue, a textile dye, which I hadn’t heard of and would need to research.
Methylene blue is on the WHO list of essential medications. Characterizing it as “textile dye” is like calling chloroquine an aquarium cleaner.
Good to know. I just quoted what they said.
That they said it reveals quite a bit about them.
There is a book out on using methylene blue to fight cancer (I can’t recall the title at the moment). A number of people in my cancer group have used it. I tried it for awhile, but couldn’t tolerate the taste, to say nothing of everything it touches turning to blue.
Well, we could put up with blue Linda. Just saying. 😂
Ha ha ha! I was mainly talking about getting drops on your countertop and in the sink and on the floor. That stuff is really hard to clean up! But I suppose it probably made my insides blue as well. 😂
She could earn pocket money by telling stories about how things are back on Pandora.
There’s a KY Blue over at Marica’s.
Wonder if that’s why.
Libs of TikTok
They wasted money on other things and neglected the most basic safety protocols. Justice needs to be done.
Pavaca, thanks for the information on the p53 protein and dietary sources of it.
Regarding this:
I need to read the article you referenced. I think research needs to be done to determine what makes some people vulnerable to shedding, and what circumstances contribute to it. I suspect that it’s not a universal phenomenon, but of course I don’t know. It just seems that more people would be getting sick since there are so many vaxxed people.
From the article:
…which made me wonder if men experience symptoms, whether knowingly or unknowingly.
The article:
Most of those symptoms could be experienced by either sex. I want to know if there is evidence that the jab caused those symptoms in the unjabbed, or if there are just anecdotal reports so far. For example, “death” is in the “rare” column. I wonder if there is evidence that someone has died as a result of being exposed to a jabbed person.
Speaking of relentless bears…..
Thank you, CV, for continuing the hunt for information about the COVID bioweapons. You continue to bring vital information to us here at the Qtree.
Just going through some random windows….
The animation setup for the movie Avatar included 4,000 Hewlett-Packard servers with 35,000 processor cores with 104 terabytes of RAM and three petabytes of network storage running……..Ubuntu.
Speaking of which, my current memory leak status is 90% of physical RAM and 40% of swap. Since I doubled swap, this should be about where things were getting squirrelly as both topped out. There is still a persistent leak.
OK, who here didn’t know that this was coming?
Nobody? Yep.
h/t WeirdDave @ ace
Sounds like they have been talking to the Chinese.
CCP Enforcing Live Organ Harvesting (13 min Steve Bannon — Dr Peter Navarro — Chinese doctor, Enver Tohti clip)
‘He Was Still Alive’: Doctor Explains Horror of Forced Organ Harvesting in China
Speaking of China and ALSO the AZ real estate Drug laundering scam…
No wonder the AZ politicians freaked when Mr Thaler’s research into drug money laundering via Real Estate was presented.
I completely missed this when I wrote:
How Chinese gangs are laundering drug money through Vancouver real estate
EXCLUSIVE: Brannon Howse Interviews Attorney John Thaler On Claim Politicians In U.S. Corrupted By Drug Cartel Money Laundering Scheme And Election Theft | Frank Speech the Home of Free Speech
The Cabal really did freak out over the Thaler documents getting out:
FOX NEWS: Republican expelled from state House for inviting conspiracy theorist to committee hearing — A bipartisan vote found Rep. Liz Harris violated a state House ethics rule
Vaccines and Retroviruses: A Whistleblower Reveals What the Government is Hiding
When I read Judy Mikovits’ book, Plague, One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth About Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Autism, and Other Diseases, I honestly didn’t know what to do with this new information – although I wanted to shout it from the roof-top. First, it allowed me to see how vaccination can trigger and/or exacerbate Lyme/MSIDS and other chronic illnesses. Second, it radically changed the way I view academia, science, and research in general…
It began with trials of polio vaccines and yellow fever vaccines given in the early 1930s. This is when the first recorded cases of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and autism appeared. It involved the use of laboratory mice to prepare vaccines for human use. [1]
Retrovirus exposure intensified in the 1970s as new vaccines and pharmaceutical products were developed. These retroviruses and related infectious agents are now associated with dozens of modern chronic illnesses – perhaps nearly all of them. In these diseases, 👉infection leads to inflammation — and unresolved inflammation can lead to chronic disease.👈
The list of diseases stretches from autism to cancer and from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome to Alzheimer’s. The diseases cripple the development of the young, steal the productivity and enjoyment of life for adults, and provide a slow and withering death to the elderly.
The retroviruses being discussed are very clever and very stealthy. They can infect a person and stay with them for their entire lifetime. Sometimes they shorten life substantially. But, they are just as likely to bring a person to total disability and deny people the opportunity for a normal life….
Research activities involved injecting lab mice with human viruses to attenuate or weaken the viruses. Scientists routinely did these experiments with mice in the same laboratories where they were growing human cell lines. 👉They believed that mouse viruses and human viruses would not interact, or travel from one part of the research facility to another.
In the past, scientists didn’t worry about mouse virus contamination, because they believed that these viruses would not harm humans if they actually made their way into a human being. Scientists acknowledged the risks, but maintained the judgment that the benefits of vaccines outweighed the risks. The work of Dr. Mikovits and other scientists challenged their beliefs. They suggested the problem with mouse viruses was already out of control and the cost of the damage could destroy the economies of nations.
There is a lot more.
Now do AND Logic.
Remember Ralph Baric
So is “mouse Retrovirus” PLUS “mouse-adapted SARS-CoV virus” the reason some people react so badly to the Covid Clot shot? Is this the reason for some people getting Long Haulers.
I know I had ZERO allergies until sudden onset at age 9. I now have trouble with ‘chronic inflammation’ In the form of breathing problems since Covid and a flare up of my arthritis.
New Schlichter —
Senator Fetterman is going to meet with Trump at Mar-a-Lago.
I’m hoping that VSGPOTUSDJT and Melania dress as Gomez and Morticia for the occasion.