With Trump now FINALLY restored to his Rightful Office, I was wondering what to name my posts. Continuing to complain that Biden didn’t win when Biden no longer effing matter any more than roadkill seen in the rearview mirror, seemed pointless. Even if it was a monument to Wheatie.
This should have been a week of joy. And indeed much good has happened, a wonderful start!
And then we found out that DePat…Susie…had taken her leave, very much before time. In fact just before she could see Trump restored to office.

DePat and I clashed loudly from time to time but I have nothing but respect for the time and effort she put in on her posts. (This is something I know about being one of the other authors.) To be sure she didn’t do much of the kind of writing she was certainly capable of, but the time it must have taken to gather all of those memes, articles and what-not is substantial. (Seriously when did she find the time?) And she would be visibly frustrated when she couldn’t throw a big pile of them together. Me, I’ll just say “no science post” and move on.
I suppose we can’t know DePat was killed by the Covid Vax in super-hyperdrive reach-out-and-kill-someone mode, though it certainly seems very likely indeed that it found DePat worn out and pounced.
That damned jab has killed hundreds of thousands if not millions…and it’s the “gift” that keeps on giving. If they never gave another slab jab from this moment forward, it would continue killing for years.
What we can know is that this was way too damned early. And for it to happen just before the inauguration she had been waiting for would strike me as incredibly “in-your-face, fuck you” injustice if I were to believe it was done by agency. (And yes, I’ve read the flip side of that viewpoint a lot here, so no need to explain it (again) on my account.)
Perhaps DePat can serve as a symbol of those it killed, even if it were to turn out that she wasn’t one of its victims.
And we should all remember her, and Wheatie, as we push forward with the fight. This is NOT over by any means.
Fight! Fight! Fight! Because JUSTICE must be served on those who foisted that shit on us. And for all the other things they have done to this country.

You failed to pay attention to this advice.
You went out of your way to do the opposite.
You chose to rub our faces in it,
imprison those who dared complain,
and even to kill our people.
Now you shall pay just a tiny fraction of the real price, Ratfuckers.
Welcome Back, 4GodandCountry
I have no idea if you enjoyed my science posts before you went on sabbatical (I do remember you were enthusiastic about my post on the 50th anniversary of the first moon landing). If so you have plenty of catchup. Largely on physics, but a few side excursions, lately a walk through the solar system and I’ve just started on geology (if I can quit slacking and put out part II).
What is it that feeds our battle, yet starves our victory?
RINO scum. Like Murkowski and Collins.
That’s OK. We go around ’em for now.
January 6 Tapes Reminder
OK…I’m sick and tired of reminding you to no effect, Speaker Johnson, so I’ll do the more emotionally satisfying thing and call you a cowardly, lying, fraudulent sack of diarrhetic monkey shit.
Johnson, you are a cowardly, lying, fraudulent sack of diarrhetic monkey shit!
A Caution
Just remember…we might replace the RINO candidates. (Or we might not. The record is mixed even though there is more MAGA than there used to be.) But that will make no difference in the long run if the party officials, basically the Rhonna McDaniels (or however that’s spelled–I suspect it’s RINO), don’t get replaced.
State party chairs, vice chairs, secretaries and so on, and the same at county levels, have huge influence on who ultimately gets nominated, and if these party wheelhorses are RINOs, they will work tirelessly to put their own pukey people on the ballot. In fact I’d not be surprised if some of our “MAGA” candidates are in fact, RINO plants, encouraged to run by the RINO party leadership when they realized that Lyn Cheney (and her ilk) were hopelessly compromised as effective candidates. The best way for them to deal with the opposition, of course, is to run it themselves.
Running good candidates is only HALF of the battle!
Biden Gives Us Too Much Credit
…we can move on to the next one.
Apparently Biden (or his puppeteer) has decided we’re to blame for all of the fail in the United States today.
Sorry to disappoint you Joe (or whoever), but you managed to do that all on your own; not only that, you wouldn’t let us NOT give you the chance because you insisted on cheating your way into power.
Yep, you-all are incompetent, and so proud of it you expect our applause for your sincerity. Fuck that!!
It wouldn’t be so bad, but you insist that everyone else have to share in your misery. Nope, can’t have anyone get out from under it. Somehow your grand vision only works if every single other person on earth is forced to go along. So much as ONE PERSON not going along is enough to make it all fail, apparently.
In engineering school we’re taught that a design that has seven to eight billion single points of failure…sucks.
Actually, we weren’t taught that. Because it would never have occurred to the professors to use such a ridiculous example.
Justice Must Be Done.
The prior election must be acknowledged as fraudulent, and steps must be taken to prosecute the fraudsters and restore integrity to the system.
Lawyer Appeasement Section
OK now for the fine print.
This is the WQTH Daily Thread. You know the drill. There’s no Poltical correctness, but civility is a requirement. There are Important Guidelines, here, with an addendum on 20191110.
We have a new board – called The U Tree – where people can take each other to the woodshed without fear of censorship or moderation.
And remember Wheatie’s Rules:
1. No food fights
2. No running with scissors.
3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
4. Zeroth rule of gun safety: Don’t let the government get your guns.
5. Rule one of gun safety: The gun is always loaded.
5a. If you actually want the gun to be loaded, like because you’re checking out a bump in the night, then it’s empty.
6. Rule two of gun safety: Never point the gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy.
7. Rule three: Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.
8. Rule the fourth: Be sure of your target and what is behind it.
(Hmm a few extras seem to have crept in.)
Spot Prices
All prices are Kitco Ask, 3PM MT Friday (at that time the markets close for the weekend). (Note: most media quotes are for the bid…the price paid by the market makers, not the ask, which is what they will sell at. I figure the ask is more relevant to people like us who wish we could afford to buy these things. In the case of gold the difference is usually about a dollar, for the PGMs the spread is much wider.)
Last Week:
Gold $2,703.00
Silver $30.41
Platinum $948.00
Palladium $975.00
Rhodium $5,000.00
FRNSI* 129.758-
Gold:Silver 88.885+
This week, markets closed at 3PM Mountain Time Friday for the weekend.
Gold $2,771.70
Silver $30.64
Platinum $957.00
Palladium $1,008.00
Rhodium $5,000.00
FRNSI* 133.081-
Gold:Silver 90.460+
Gold went up nicely. While it was climbing, silver struggled to keep its head above the water and finally went up 17 cents on Friday–which was most of its gain for the week. So it now takes over ninety ounces of silver to buy an ounce of gold, and that’s assuming of course you don’t have to give the moneychanger a cut.
Silver is on sale right now folks!
*The SteveInCO Federal Reserve Note Suckage Index (FRNSI) is a measure of how much the dollar has inflated. It’s the ratio of the current price of gold, to the number of dollars an ounce of fine gold made up when the dollar was defined as 25.8 grains of 0.900 gold. That worked out to an ounce being $20.67+71/387 of a cent. (Note gold wasn’t worth this much back then, thus much gold was $20.67 71/387ths. It’s a subtle distinction. One ounce of gold wasn’t worth $20.67 back then, it was $20.67.) Once this ratio is computed, 1 is subtracted from it so that the number is zero when the dollar is at its proper value, indicating zero suckage.
This one got the Wolf Boot out of missed scheduling hell! Good night all!
So, if we have a Wolf Moon and a Wolf Boot, does that also imply the existence of a Wolf Boom, Wolf Toon, Wolf Boom, Wolf Boon, and Wolf Moot?
We certainly need a Wolf Toot – !
If you made all of them into songs, you’d have a Wolf Toot Suite!
If you can repeat letters, you get the Wolf Toot and Wolf Boob at Wolf Noon.
The second Wolf Boom was supposed to be a Wolf Moob. Dunno what happened.
Probably not your day to experiment with Graphene, either.
And then, there was the Moob synthesizer…
Hmmmm….Late night Friday…..
Good. They very obviously haven’t done their jobs.
Exactly and it’s going to send a shiver down the spines of each of those departments that someone with authority and authorization will soon be arriving, whose going to be taking their rolls seriously. No more white washing and real whistle blower protections.
Friday night…… he’s causing the Faux news to work on the weekend.
There’re so used to disregarding the late Friday night news dumps from the communists Dems.
That’s because they weren’t inspectoring anything at all.
Part of the Cover-up crew.
Exactly. Our current IGs (like Horowitz) and SPs (like Durham) are all about the “limited hangout”. Remember how Durham basically blamed people OUTSIDE government – and nobody IN government? Thus no action? Oh, I remember it. “Hillary did it – but we can’t do anything about THAT.” Then when Trump tried to sue here based on that, it was thrown out by a corrupt judiciary.
Nope. It’s time for WAR.
“One of the only times we’ve ever seen American troops defending *American* borders”
We may have to add a stanza to the Marine Corps Hymn.
From the icy edge of Canada
To the waters of the Rio Grande;
We will fight to keep the terrorists
Out of our Native Land;
We will guard our Nation’s borders
With the best they’ve ever seen;
We will fight, fight, fight invasion
We’re United States Marines!
Now send it to the Trump team.
Oh, Jeez. I wouldn’t presume.

OK, I tried to make the words fit the music.
Then I realized I was trying to fit them to battle hymn of the republic and for the life of me my brain wouldn’t come up with the right tune. (So I found a YouTube of it, played by the Marine Corps Band, who surely would get it right or do a thousand pushups.)
Still a couple of spots where a syllable needs stretching or cramming but on the whole pretty good.
Meanwhile I now know I am in NO mental condition to try to install a new OS on my phone.
Good “call”.
Lol, I’ve sung it many times.
The tiniest drop in the bucket, unfortunately. Not to minimize 420 megabucks, but the bucket is so damned big.
yes, but this only day 6. patience.
We really should be averaging a billion dollars a day in order to get somewhere.
Let’s see if they can pull the average up.
“Initial focus is mainly on DEI contracts…”
Hitting them where it hurts the most

New Trump Appointment.
Brent Bozell Named Head of US Global Media, Including VOA, Radio Free Europe
How about Radio Free America to counter PBS & NPR!
How about Shit-canning Commie PBS & NPR and saving the tax payer money?
Even better!!!
Are you nuts? We have to be fair!
Let them suck their thumb in a corner.
We can give them dirty used teddy bears left over from the illegals that have been deported.
Maybe AND logic, and do both?
I have always thought that those who scream the loudest about those networks can step up and fund them if they find so much value in them. Those with mega-bucks can fund them, or the stations can have fund-raisers several times a year instead of getting tax dollars.
There is a program on NPR that I like: “Performance Today.” It presents classical music concerts that have occurred in various places around the world. Programs like that are educational and entertaining, with no politics involved. I find value in that and would consider contributing to it if the rest of the network were not so biased.
They generally do…at least PBS does. The do the fundraisers AND get tax dollars anyway.
Part it out — no bundling!
Let those who want Latino USA pay for it.
Hmmm – I wonder…could Voice of America be reformed into a replacement for NPR – but reaching both nationally and internationally?
Definitely positive America First programming.
“I suggest targeting Western Europe first”
What frequency do they use? Listeners use VHF and or digital, it would need a local transmitter.
I wish some loud voice would counteract the incessant global warming shite from the bbc, it is woven into everything they do.
Yep. There’s a reason they killed AM; it wasn’t because of bandwidth, because at those frequencies, there isn’t much bandwidth to be had…..
AM, the signal slowly fades over distance.
FM, the signal has a steep cut off, and is unintelligible quickly (and other issues)
Digital (DAB), it’s said that the cutoff can be from one room to another, it’s so steep…
Another thing is the cost of entry into broadcasting. I don’t have the numbers to hand, but almost anyone with some knowledge and some used equipment and a decent antenna can start an AM station, either legit or “Radio Caroline” pirate style.
Start up for an FM station, IIRC, is around 100 times higher, so basically a closed market for us plebes…
Finally, for DAB, the regulations, equipment, training, etc. are at a level only large corporations or government entities can break into the market. Closed off entirely to us…
And that’s what they (TPTB) want. Joe and Jane normal with no voice…

Forgot to mention that the range varies, oddly enough, inversely to the cost; AM has by far the longest range, followed by FM, and then DAB (digital). Depending on atmospheric conditions and antenna orientation, AM can go or bounce thousands of miles… I could pick up KNX in the SF Bay Area, 400+ miles away…
We were in the Chicago area once & picking up stuff out of Boston
When I was at USC and drove up the coast to the SF Bay Area at night I’d sometimes pick up Hawaii! Wierder still, IIRC it was FM, which shouldn’t happen… I wish I’d stopped and noted the details and asked them for a QSL card (shows how long ago that was; I don’t think stations do that anymore)… would have been a hoot, especially if it REALLY was FM… it was Highway 1 on the coast, so it wasn’t REALLY that far, and only ocean in between…
I’d normally pick up the huge Mexican stations in late-night DXing on AM…
No trouble in Colorado picking up Radio Mexico from Chihuahua at night.
My favourite was having just finished a Philips EE-8 kit (basically a breadboard) radio, and picking up the Beatles on Radio Caroline when we were visiting my Nana and Pop near London in 1964…
Radio Caroline was one of a couple of pirate radio stations on ships just far enough offshore to avoid capture
but almost always in the middle of legal battles and intrigue (I think the Dutch sank one of them)… ahhh, the good old days…
Here’s a bit about Caroline:
(they’re online nowadays)…
We saw some Super Bizarre Mexican game show when we were in the Denver Area almost 2 decades ago involving people dressed up as chickens LOL
The glory days [nights] of running Route 66 listening to Wolfman Jack on XERB radio out of Tijuana.
250,000 watts of pure broadcast power, all the way to Amarillo.
And some people could pick it up on their fillings
When I was a little kid, I had my Dad’s short wave HAM radio receiver from when he was a little kid. Made out of metal (gray hammertone metal IIRC, like the original Garrard 301 turntables from the 1950s) with hard plastic (I’m guessing bakelite, more likely) headphones with bent wires (like a clothes hanger wire) connecting the two sides, and the wire connecting the headphones to the receiver was cloth-covered, the headset looked like it was straight out of a WWII airplane.
I could tune in to BBC evening news and hear Big Ben in the background as the six o’clock news began. Doesn’t seem like much, but when I was a little kid, I knew what Big Ben was, and being able to actually hear Big Ben chime, all the way from the other side of the Atlantic ocean, was really cool
I could pick up airplane comms too, all sorts of stuff.
Miraculously, I still have it after all these years. I just checked it, it’s a National Model SW-54. The bottom sticker says “January 1, 1946” (so does the one in the photo below) and Radio Corporation of America, with lots of other info, including what looks like a hand written phone number (written in pencil), 380-2843. I have seen the same on other units on eBay, like this one:
Headphones connect to the “Output” on the back, I couldn’t find the headphones though.
Looks like this:
eBay example 1
eBay example 2
Here is a vintage (restored) Garrard 301 turntable top in hammertone gray (without the platter or plinth or tonearm, just the metal base or chassis), they were also available in ivory color:
That is so very cool. If you haven’t seen the movie Frequency, w/ Jim Caviezel & Dennis Quaid, in which a Ham Radio features prominently, you could be in for a treat
Thanks Valerie, I found it at blu-ray.com, and added it to my want-list

YW I keep wanting Hubby to look for a Ham at resale stores just in case LOL
You might try Publix or Wally World for something to go with your green eggs
Or have a neighbor that raises ameraucana chickens….
Very cool!
Nowadays, Da Yutes probably have no idea what any of it is or does.
Might want to check/replace the (probably paper) electrolytic caps… otherwise kit from that era is rock solid (erm, maybe not the tubes, but there are still places you can get them)…
At least TPTB haven’t killed off shortwave, or longwave (trawler band) radio…. yet….
Some friends of my parents had a pair of AR speakers (bottoms and tops, both from Heathkit) along with an AR-15 (or maybe 1500) receiver; probably the former, as it was a tube kit… not sure if it was point-to-point wiring or PCB… But it could get REALLY LOUD without distortion (outside of the warm “tube effect”)…..
One of Hubby’s old multi-guitar-playing bandmates had an amplifier, Marshall stack to play with his Fender Stratocaster, filled with tubes that he brought along for their concerts–very cool! Gave a nice vintage tone
Also kept the band warm when playing in chilly venues.
They had the opposite problem for their outdoor gigs in the summer time. Hubby would frequently quote my brother’s lament from his daughter’s wedding “It’s hotter than the surface of the sun” while on stage–yikes!
If he was a shooter he could have used the opportunity to cast bullets.
I keep a small melting pot in my car during the summer for that very purpose. Get out of work, open the rear door, pour a few bullets…
I’ll have to mention that to my son!
For a long distance broadcast like this, across the Atlantic, some frequency in one of the broadcast bands in the HF range (3 MHz to 30 MHz) is likely to be the most useful. And AM, so it can be received on most broadcast receivers. Some of the propagation depends on the time of year, time of day and what the Sun is up to — hams have to deal with this all the time for their long-distance communications.
But basically the same kind of shortwave broadcast that have been used since WW2.
Trump sticking his thumb in their eye, again! Lol, I love it:
“President Donald Trump on Wednesday said he would pick Media Research Center founder L. Brent Bozell III — who wrote a letter on behalf of his son, a convicted Jan. 6 rioter — to run the U.S. Agency for Global Media.”
I love this man!
Me, too!
President Trump Roasts Adam Schiff With a Brutal Reply When Asked Why Schiff Refused to Go With Him to Visit California (VIDEO)Cullen Linebarger Jan. 24, 2025 2:15 pm 973 Comments
Schiff spouting nonsense about providing more water CAUSES Wild fires.
In honor of D-Pat, some of the memes from that thread.
I really think there is some sort of “punishment ritual” that occurs when these people fuck up and lose. There’s too many black eyes and unexplained bruises.
it’s just too coincidental
It’s weird.
That’s what I meant by my “Black Eye Club” comment the other day. It IS a ritual, and involves “dark” ceremonies, much like the cut fingers do (band-aid on middle finger is a give-away)…
Weirdos and freaks.
There was information somewhere that talked about the “panda eyes ” (God help us and may the burn
in hell) that trafficked children get from being abused monstrously by the evil people out there. I won’t say more, I saw the pictures it’s so outrageous and evil.
I put it in this article refering to the Panda the WWF uses.
http://www.vigilantcitizen.com has a lot on that, including MK, Balenciaga, gorsad kyiv, and others…
N.B. the VC ones are disturbing… but show what the other side is into; we rarely think that anyone would do such things, but that’s why we always get surprised by the SatanoDEMONRATS and the WEFfenSS…..
http://www.crossroad.to and http://www.cuttingedge.org also have a lot of information, although some of it is dated… but the evil ones never change, so they’re still relevant…
I know about it. I wish I didn’t.
Just think, a bottle of Clearasil and Schiffty would be gone
YAYYYYYYYY! Gonna need a truckload …
preparation H might work faster
Ooooooooooo … wicked. I like it
Mixed with Chlorox…
good news
Happening Todayhttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f447-1f3fc.svg
– USMC helping border patrol secure the Mexican border
– Trump reverses menthol cigarette ban
– Trump sends US Army Corps of engineers to rebuild roads + bridges in North Carolina
– Trump says California will receive federal help for wildfires if they enact voter ID + allow the water that is being diverted into the ocean to flow into the state
– Mass deportations happening at scale & quickly
– Anthony Fauci’s $15 million dollar per year security detail has been revoked
– Putin says that the war in Ukraine never would have started if the election had not been stolen from Trump in 2020
– President Trump announces that he will be signing an EO to either fix or end FEMA.
This is what promises made, promises kept looks like. Trump is moving way faster than anyone would have imagined. This is incredible. https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f1fa-1f1f8.svg
“– Trump reverses menthol cigarette ban”
I didn’t even know that was a thing…
If he reverses the smoking ban on airplanes, then we’ll know he’s really serious about restoring American freedom.
Let people smoke in the back of the plane, and install roll-down windows
Or retro-design the planes to flow through ventilation.
This was how they used to be.
Yep. Because of the GangGreeniots, the ventilation air IIRC flows a bit into the engines before being piped into the cabin
I guess one could term that pre-smoked air, but…
(yeah… I’ll take the one with bacon filters…)…..
Smoking and drinking in the back of the plane used to be one of the greatest parts of flying. The best stewardesses always hung out there, too, gabbing with the peeps!
roll down windows! Let the giant sucking sounds begin. They will need to furnish parachutes before they roll down the windows … 
Americans were heartier back then, not like all the dainty boys today
But then there are people like me who apparently are “allergic” to cigarette smoke. It took years for me to put 2 + 2 together, other people figured it out long before I did, putting out their cigarettes or moving downwind. Why I would suddenly get “colds” coughing, sneezing, nose running after the meal was served and everyone lit up. Why I was always sick for 3 days upon arrival both directions. After smoking was banned on flights I am no longer sick on arrival. Now days it is only when some SE Asian airline heats up spicy food in the back that sets me off
My father, uncles, grandfathers all smoked. I lived in a country where 90% of all males over age 12 smoke. So what’s my problem???
I cannot understand why people here seem to think it would be “freedom” to inflict their exhaust on others.
I just long for the days when we weren’t regulated to death and every little thing we do wasn’t subject to some Karen calling the popo, or the HOA, or some other tyrant enforcer agency.
Watch any movie from the 1940s or 1950s to see how free people used to live.
Everyone dressed well. Even poor people had their shirts tucked in and looked presentable.
You could buy a Thompson submachine gun right out of the Sears-Roebuck catalog, and have it delivered to your house.
You could buy cherry-bombs and M-80s, and set them off whenever you wanted.
Even when I was a kid, you could at least still buy inch-and-a-half firecrackers (Black Cat or TNT brand) and bottle rockets. Now you can’t even buy the little tiny ladyfingers. Probably can’t even by fun-snaps or sparklers or the snake pellets you light on fire and the ashes coil out like a snake.
We had actual diving boards at public pools, including a high dive. You could even stand on the top step of a stepladder, because there was no warning sticker to slip on

Kids didn’t have to wear dork-helmets to ride a freakin’ bicycle. Even in the 1980s, we had mopeds that would go 45mph (if you took the baffle out of the exhaust pipe, good for a boost of about 5mph top speed), and rode them on the streets everywhere, with no helmet.
I didn’t know a single person who had a serious injury from riding mopeds without a helmet.
Since we all had BMX bikes before mopeds, we used to set up dirt ramps and jump our mopeds, like we used to jump our BMX bikes. I learned that the moped shock absorbers weren’t designed for that kind of abuse though. That’s how I cracked the frame at the gas tank on my Thomos Blue-bullet moped (I sealed it with some epoxy so it didn’t leak gas, good as new!
When the throttle cable would break at the hand grip (about every 1,000 miles it seemed), I used a vice-grip wrench to clamp onto the frayed end throttle cable wire and just pulled on the throttle cable to go, steering one-handed (left hand) until I got around to getting a replacement cable.
Sort of like I used the emergency brake on my 1980 Toyota Celica as my main brake for a couple weeks, when my front brakes went out, and I didn’t have enough cash to get the brakes fixed

Ah, the memories AND truly good’ol days.
Kingman, AZ a few days ago. Two teenagers standing in the back of a pick up.
Kingman AZ…I had my head stitched back together there many, many years ago. An injury that probably accounts for the loss of a few of my braincells.
It can’t have been that bad…you’re HERE and not at whatever the loony leftist site of the week is.
Yes. Maybe it actually knocked some common sense into me. I seem to have had a decent amount of that through my life.
Which is fine…when you are doing it to yourself.
This. Inconveniencing others and even making them sick is not freedom.
It was just life. My parents smoked, one of my aunts and two uncles smoked, my grandparents smoked, seemed like practically everybody smoked.
People who didn’t smoke, didn’t inconvenience those who did by making them stand outside.
There was peace. People actually got along, in spite of all kinds of things they disagreed on.
Not like today!
Today, the Left wants to put everybody they disagree with in a headlock or in a courtroom, and force them to do what they want.
The most hyper-litigious over-regulated society in the history of the world, with a lawyer or a government official behind every bush or blade of grass.
Both my parents smoked and I have a similar problem to yours.
My parents smoked also. My brothers did also I did not.
Obviously since you weren’t one of the boys.
That’s why we put the smokers in the back of the plane, with the roll down windows

Your problem is that you don’t smoke. The annoyances you experience are a small price to pay for not having acquired such a terrible habit.
Yeah, I can talk about it – I have emphysema from a combination of things of which a lifetime of smoking was a big part.
El Al was and maybe still is a smoke filled airline. Almost every Israeli smoked back in 1978, when we went to Israel – the air was stifling.
“– Trump says California will receive federal help for wildfires if they enact voter ID + allow the water that is being diverted into the ocean to flow into the state”
I predict they won’t do it.
They can’t. It would be mental and ideological suicide, combined with the loss of multiple grifts and ultimately the loss of all political power and the wealth, affluence and spite that goes with it.
Newscum has the lawsuits against the Feds already to file more than likely.
And they will be countered all the way to the Supreme Court.
NewScum can do as he wishes… BUT it is TRADITION to tie Fed wants to Fed Dollars — Remember the 55 MPH speed limit?
DJT should add that to his demands – enact 55mph or no money.
OUCH!!! (For Californicate ONLY of course.)
Yeah… Kalifornistan… 5.5 MPH
No way should anyone leaving be impeded by arbitrary federal fiat.
“Remember the 55 MPH speed limit?”
Sammy Hagar and I couldn’t drive 55.
So I never did.
Instead, a whole generation of young people bought radar detectors and learned complete and total disregard for speed limits, anywhere.
Because 55mph on the highway is an insult to the intellect.
The 55mph speed limit was the 1970s version of mask mandates. A made-up solution to a manufactured problem that was all about control and nothing more.
The message of 55mph was that your time was worthless.
Jimmy Carter’s virtue signaling.
I don’t know for they would likely be the addicted to fed funds types so we’ll see…
Trump just secured the support of a huge part of the black community.
Apparently the MLK files are already out?
This guest on Jason Whitlock’s show read them, and it’s not going to be flattering for MLK.
the truth is the truth. release it all.
Nice hat btw
thanks! LOL
I thought Jennifer Aniston was a woman.
Ahhh, but it depends on what she thinks and how she feels
Oh…. wait….
So did she
(ducks and runs….)……
What she is saying goes along with my research about early intervention by the Communists and the Soviet Union into the black community, taking advantage of their resentments to co-opt them into their movement.
Frank Marshall Davis!!!
Percy Sutton.
Even sneakier!!!
is this to dispel the divorce rumors?
Probably to find out whether anybody recognized them, to see if they needed security.
Nobody did, so that should save taxpayers a lot of money
Nobody cared. Oh look there’s kakala -so?
“Oh, here I had thought this was a nice place.”
In German and Dutch slang Kakalaka means cockroach… so there’s that
La cucaracha!
(translingual pun) La Kuckuck Rache … it it’s a divorce…
Is that real?
I understand McGovern got a similar rude awakening when he tried to start a business, many years after he failed his bid in ’72.
I remember that. Politicians should ALWAYS have real life experience instead of becoming lawyers and then life long politicians.
I don’t know, but think it may be because they are looking at liquor. LOL
Assuming this is true, her campaign didn’t just not know this, it actively denied it. As big a fraud as the You Tube Flat Earthers who KNOW they are lying.
So no sympathy. NONE.
Good! She got the Wolf Boot! 

Now if she is just the start of a massive firing streak!
From the article:
“This decision appears to have been influenced by an article published in a conservative outlet, which alleged that I had ‘burrowed’ into the position. The article insinuated that the role was simply handed to me. Let me be clear: nothing in my life has ever been handed to me.”
From the looks of her she’s been handed a few to many cookies.
Her name is Elizabeth Peña. Peña is a name of Spanish origin, meaning ‘rock’ or ‘cliff’ Any bets she is the daughter of ILLEGALS?
Burrowed, wow that’s a LOT of digging, gonna need a backhoe …
The hoe is not around any more, so SOL.
nuts …
… and ….yay!!!!! 
Did someone say “HOE”
(3:40 if I didn’t cue it up right):
“Let me be clear: nothing in my life has ever been handed to me.”
Let me be clear: Most of the jobs you’ve ever had were at the expense of some man.
Let Adam Carolla explain it to you.
Speaking as one who is over-endowed in the waistline, upon viewing that picture I suddenly don’t feel fat.
A little bit portly, yeah. But sure as heck not fat.
I know the feeling. I am over weight… And then I look at some of these other women, especially those who should have NEVER crawled into spandex
and I suddenly feel thin!
There’s plump, there’s matronly, and then there’s land whale.
I am aiming to lose another 20# I have lost 30#.
Good for you
how about Rubenesque?
And Stacy-the-Hut…
Martha Reeves & The Vandellas LIVE – “Nowhere To Run”
… cough ..

Count Steve,
Have you seen the new DOGE Counter here? it’s going pretty fast – but I won’t be happy until the Debt Clock stands still and starts reversing!
I want to see the US debt wiped out and the European Banksters that have been de-frauding the USA citizens forced to EAT THAT DEBT!
This of course is actually BULL SCHIFF.
Banks do not really pay out loans from the money they receive as deposits. If they did this, no additional money would be created
This of course is a ‘Limited hangout.’ Some of the truth is acknowledged but not ALL of it.
My definition, that banks create money out of thin air, is backed up by statements by top tier bankers.
Evidence given by Graham F. Towers, Governor of the Central Bank of Canada
(from 1934 to 1955), before the Canadian Government’s Committee on Banking and Commerce, in 1939.
First National Bank of Montgomery vs. Daly
…the bank’s president L.V. Morgan, made a startling admission on the stand. Morgan admitted that the bank created money “out of thin air” and that it was a standard banking practice….
In his memorandum, Mahoney stated:
So in a court of law, creating money out of nothing has been ruled illegal. A friend who has a law degree, used the same argument to wipe out his credit card debt based on ‘NO CONSIDERATION thus NO LEGAL CONTRACT.
*US Banks Operating Without Reserve Requirements* March 29, 2009
Love your work! But. There is sooooooooo much to absorb.
In one sentence.
The banks print funny money and lend it out to us and then want us to pay it back WITH OUR LABOR.
Essentially it is SLAVERY.
Think about it. We pay between 50% & 80% of our wages in various taxes. (I have done the math) What we have left goes to pay the mortgage, car payments, credit cards… ALL of it is paying the banks for their ‘monopoly money’ that they make out of thin air.
Unless you deal mostly in cash, you are giving your labor to the Banksters.
You are a fantastic teacher and gift us with a wealth of information.
I have a GC file I draw from all the time.
Thank You. I figure this is my contribution to society.
But please, please, please make the banksters THEMSELVES pay for their larceny. We EU citizens and taxpayers are already taxed to death as it is…..
Yeah well they’ve been raping you too.
Iceland should be our model.
And Greenland…deep interior…their destination.
Dump them into Mauna Kea, plug it up and drop the CO² levels…
Fat and waste burning might do the opposite… Carbon DEIoxide…
I always wondered how much CO2 was “sequestered” in the body of an environmentalist.
Eighteen billion! That’s more like it! That’s 3.6 billion per day on average.
Doge has claimed credit for 0.24 billion which isn’t nearly fast enough to get us where we need to go.
thank you Wolf! i tried logging in this morning and i could! not sure if you did something or I just wrote the correct password this time…but yay! you can see ME liking things!!
Nice new avatar!!!
thank you! she is sooo stunning…i wanted to honor her.
The thing I do NOT like about that hat is that it hides her eyes.
her eyes are very telling. if she doesn’t like you, DAGGERS.
Thank you Pat, After reading your post I managedo get logged in and can also see my likings!
Just approved this comment – you should be good to go now!
Another Cute Chipmunk.
Seen you around in a few places here and I’ll take this opportunity to welcome you to the Q tree!
Thank you Steve! I have much enjoyed your awesome science posts
WOW! Awesome!
MAGA Minuteman
January 25, 2025 6:40 am
Reply to Monticello
Devin Nunes mentioned recently that around 25% of US farm products come from California.
If the water supply from the north doesn’t open up quickly to supply those farms and the southern communities, then a “State of Emergency” could be declared to ensure the safety of that food source. Food Security is National Security. 25% is a significant percentage.
I’m sure this is headed in that direction soon.
Yup, I expect to see that as the next step. Farmers/plants can not wait for water.
Hey, that’s an idea!
This has been going on for YEARS and many things require orchards, etc.; things that can’t just be fixed in a year. Many orchards are dead.
Something like five out of the top 12 hydrocarbon deposits in the US lie under California’s soil. Let’s put some teeth in an “energy emergency” by pumping it.
For that matter, offshore drilling too.
what a bunch of juveniles!
Feisty Hayseed
January 25, 2025 12:33 am
Federal workers’s ‘revenge’ plot after being forced back to office
[Editor’s note: This will only punish local DC businesses]
Spiteful federal government workers have vowed to boycott struggling mom-and-pop businesses near their offices after Donald Trump banned remote working.
In a now-deleted Reddit post titled ‘Boycott using local businesses around work site if forced back to office, several federal discussed how to fight back against Trump’s order.
‘For those that end up being forced back to their respective offices I would avoid patronizing the local businesses in those areas,’ the original poster said.
‘Bring your own lunch to avoid using the eateries and grocery stores, avoid parking in pay parking (use mass transit if available), and don’t buy anything at the shops or has stations.’
Democratic DC mayor Muriel Bowser said she supported Trump’s order because it would bring more people to the downtown economy; she has previously tied a decline in retail and office space revenue to a lack of federal workers in their offices.
Need to find out just WHO those jack asses are and do a colonoscopy on them. Chances are they have done stuff that was illegal too.
This is another “leftists are petty but really stupid” moment.
Are they so retarded they don’t realize that while they were “working” from home, they weren’t patronizing local businesses? Those restaurants, bodegas, groceries, etc. have been doing without their money for four years. The world has moved on without you, shitlibs. So suffer for nothing. Nobody cares.
Shitlibs! What a necessary word!
It does have economy over the more explicit “Shitheaded liberals.”
Sorry for stepping on your shadow. If I had read a bit further I would have known you had already said what I was thinking.
No worries! Great minds…
(sorry, didn’t read down to your comment… great minds an all
Lol! Yeah.
I would avoid patronizing the local businesses in those areas,’ the original poster said. ‘Bring your own lunch to avoid using the eateries and grocery stores, avoid parking in pay parking (use mass transit if available), and don’t buy anything at the shops or has stations.’
It would seem that would result in no net change to the local businesses. If they were “working” from home they were not patronizing those businesses in the first case. Returning to work in the office can only help the local businesses.
THIS^^^ plus they’re lazy bums. Yeah, making their sack lunches and using public transportation with the peons and violent nutters…won’t happen
Nope they need their super starbucks venti rooty-fruti-fresh-and-tutti coffees.
Starbucks (and its imitators) won’t feel the effect of this.
(Roto-)Rooted sounds like an appropriate punishment for them
I couldn’t help it
WOW. Those people have jobs that pay enough to eat at restaurants every day?!?!?!
lunch menus tend to be cheaper.
But not that much cheaper!
Hey maybe they can frequent one of those restaurants that have the roasted rodent menu? A nice rat or gerbil kabob.
Erm…. shows how stupid these lazyass wonks are…
How will boycotting the local businesses be any different than not patronizing them because they’re working from home (probably some tony community in VA) rather than in DC. In other words no change from the status quo… the only businesses hurt will be the yuppie/guppie soy bars in their tony home neighborhoods…
I suspect the idiot thinks Trump ordered it for the benefit of businesses close to where they work.
Of course I am assuming the idiot thinks.
Feisty Hayseed
January 25, 2025 12:45 am
Breaking: Biden Did Not Pardon Ashli Babbitt Killer Michael Byrd
Biden did pardon “the police officers from the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department or the U.S. Capitol Police [USCP] who testified before the Select Committee,” but Byrd never testified before the J6 committee.
Byrd has good reason to worry. As explained in the law suit filed by Judicial Watch on behalf of Ashli’s husband Aaron Babbitt, Byrd violated just about every Capitol Police directive on the use of deadly force.
Masked and out of uniform, Byrd did not identify himself as a police officer, did not give Babbitt verbal orders to stop, nor give her a chance to comply.
He did not “diligently assess” the situation before firing. He never considered any other defensive tactics or compliance techniques. And he disregarded the presence of seven other police officers in his line of fire.
Most critically, Babbitt did not pose “an imminent danger of death or serious injury.” When Byrd fired, he did not even know she was a female.
The treatment afforded Byrd after the shooting was unprecedented. For six months, the USCP brass refused to say who killed Ashli Babbitt. Quietly, they put Byrd and a pet up in a “distinguished visitor suite” at the “Presidential Inn” on the grounds of Joint Base Andrews.
Unfortunately Ashli Babbitt was from San Diego so a move of venue will not help.
San Diego at least used to be one of the more conservative areas of CA.
Byrd belongs in a cell.
Byrd belongs in a box.
That says KFC (Kentucky Fired Convict) on it… or Fried, for that matter…
Paging sparky…
The worst part is this was at best voluntary manslaughter if he [and others] had not tried to cover it up. This guy’s history of mishandling firearms strongly implies he had his finger on the trigger without the intention to presently fire the weapon.
Now, a reasonable jury could see it as murder because there was no rational reason to cover it up or portray it differently than a tragic accident. If he had not allowed himself to be part of a conspiracy to cover up what happened.
yup…at the very last the turtle voted no, but JD broke the tie. Hesgeth confirmed
Pete Hegseth officially confirmed as next Defense Secretary, in 51-50 vote.
The Turtle should get the No-Name treatment then.
Is Turtle even aware he voted No?
Senile Turtle is as bad as Slow Joe.
Is there a 25th Amendment for Senators? This guy should not be allowed to vote and needs to resign immediately.
Well, there is such a clause in the Constitution, but you need some votes from the DemonRats.
No way should he be anywhere near the position he’s currently in. Totally disabled the people around him should be thoroughly dressed down and removed from their positions. For pity’s sake it’s beyond shameful and pathetic.
No such amendment.
Amendments require congressional approval (unless we go Article V, which would be a real nuclear option); congress will never approve ANY check on the congresscritters.
To be sure Congress can expel its own members already, but that’s the fox guarding the henhouse.


it’s a video i didn’t watch, but…
Trump appoints Rick Grenell as wildfire czar.
Perhaps someday Rick will become LA’s Mayor or CA’s Governor.
PDJT promises to mobilize the Army Corp of Engineers to rebuild NC.
President Donald Trump announced that he would be deploying the United States Army Corps of Engineers to North Carolina, highlighting how the people in the state need their riverbanks and roads fixed in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene’s destruction.
During a visit to the state on Friday, Trump admitted that he did not know “what took so long” for the Biden administration to address the destruction that communities in western North Carolina faced due to Hurricane Helene. Trump added that his administration would get them “the resources” they need and the support they deserved.
“We have a lot of things in mind, and we’re getting the Army Corps of Engineers all set,” Trump said. “You need your riverbanks fixed. You need a lot of roads fixed. And, we’re going to get it done in rapid time, and I’ve asked Susie Wiles and all of my people to start calling up. Get the Corps ready and their going to get ready to go. I don’t know what it is, I don’t know what took so long for the other administration.”
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which has roughly “37,000 dedicated Civilians and Soldiers delivering engineering services to customers in more than 130 countries worldwide” works “diligently to strengthen” the security of the U.S. “by building and maintaining America’s infrastructure and providing military facilities where our servicemembers train, work and live,” according to the Army Corps of Engineers website.
“…The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which has roughly “37,000 dedicated Civilians and Soldiers delivering engineering services to customers in more than 130 countries worldwide”….”
Mean while OUR roads and bridges are going to schiff!
I am DARN sick and tired of paying for FOREIGNERS instead of AMERICANS.
“more than 130 countries worldwide”….. THAT REALLY GRINDS MY GRITS!!!
Should be only ONE COUNTRY, the USA. Service to USA Military OPs overseas should be considered separately, in any case…
This cat has Trump and Melania’s second tenure – FAFO – Don’t mess with me vibe, and Steve’s We Must Have Justice demand!
these agencies are out of hand! and DEPT of ED is buying tactical gear??? WTH???
in regards to this incident–the ranger has been reassigned and Harriet Hageman is now involved.
On May 1, 2024 the Maudes met with the Forest Service District Ranger for the Buffalo Gap National Grassland/Fall River Ranger District, Julie Wheeler, and they decided on a land survey to settle a boundary issue. Wheeler told the Maudes it would take as long as a year to get the survey done, but five days later, Forest Service Special Agent Travis Lunders showed up with a survey crew, and without permission, trespassed to do a survey.
As you might suspect, Lunders is looking like the bad guy in this case, because on June 24, 2024 he showed up at the Maude’s home, resplendent in tactical gear, and served each with a grand jury indictment for theft of government property, a 10 year, $250,000 felony.
Most Americans would be surprised to discover the Forest Service has “special agents,” but not surprised they have SWAT-like tactical gear. Federal agencies like the Department of Education have been buying tacticool goodies, huge quantities of ammo and automatic weapons for years. That there is no apparent need for this gear doesn’t matter. They have taxpayer cash, so why not? Even Amtrak(?!) and Health and Human Services have SWAT teams, and as early as 2015, there were at least 271 throughout the federal government.
I was trained for concealed carry license by one of those type individuals here in east TN. Ours are state employed and of great benefit to the area and people.
love the lapel pin!
I made a better one . . .

love it!
Oh, that’s GOOD.
We farmers were screaming about that years ago during the OH!Bummer years.
Marines on the move. Please shoot first, ask questions later. Sick of this shiz.
My suggestion is we need about 50K of them plus the border patrol, ICE and local law enforcement’s assistance through the purge. After that is done go with armed drones and border patrol. We need strategic bases, staging and tent city internment camps established on the southern border.
Get serious about security.
American Stories Part 4 goes live a few hours after Carl’s opener tonight. Warning – I may have been a little rowdy in the beginning.
we like rowdy!
Rowdy Yates, heck, why not Dirty Harry???
Looking forward to it! “Rowdy-o” is OK!
Not only is there no science post, there’s not even a declaration of “no science post!”
And you thought I wasn’t paying attention
That’s okay, eliert has rectified that with the post above. We have science!
January 25, 2025 9:26 am
Good. Thune really did keep Dumrats over the weekend to keep nominations moving.
If Thune does this a few more times, them dirtbags might keep things moving along.
Trump rightfully slams California Rep Brad Sherman to his face for making insurance in California impossible.
Remember the Tesla Roadster which SpaceX send to space on the first Falcon Heavy launch into Space, as a test dummy, some years ago?
Fun Facts on the Roadster. All the bold entries continuously change. And the accompanying space map does to if you click on it.
I read that to hubby and confused the heck out of him.
It’s a bit weird to fixate on radial speed components like this mostly does.
Would they be listening to Starman Vocal Band singing Aftermoon Delight?
That’s the meaningful one, it describes the car’s orbit, somewhat. You can get a (semimajor axis, which I often called “average distance from the sun” in my writeups) from this. Combine with this information here:
…about one point in the orbit and one should be able to get e (the eccentricity of the orbit) and a time since last perihelion. (Since it said “toward” one can assume it’s approaching perihelion not aphelion.) We have a radial speed here and a total speed in the first paragraph, we can get its transverse speed from that with pythagoras.
That’s three of the six orbital elements. If the positions of Mars and Earth are known (and they most certainly are) there might be a way to get the other three (the ones that describe how the orbit is oriented in space: inclination, argument of periapsis, longitude of ascending node). But that would probably be a very painful exercise.
Elon’s Tesla will certainly hold the record for most miles traveled without an oil change.
One probably does anyway…they’re EVs.
I was wondering whether electric motors needed oil changes. I guess that is a reflection of my place in the automotive age.
That’s really a cthulhu question….except that I’m pretty sure it’s not going to be an every-3000-miles type of thing.
I would imagine there’s grease where the rotating part touches the non-rotating part. I’m thinking something like your car’s wheel bearings. But here I’m out over my skis.
It’s a cthulhu question.
Why a cthulhu question? I wouldn’t own one of these things on a dare.
I figure you know something about the maintenance of electric motors in general.
My machining group is into building internal combustion and external combustion engines. Electric motors are found in appliances.
In simple terms, the most likely failure point would be the bearings on the motor shaft and would require pulling the motor. No ordinary maintenance involved.
That was sort of my impression but you were more rigorous.
Thank you.
See, it’s a barkerjim question!
Have wondered what scheduled maintenance EVs require.
As I hope to never, ever own an EV, have chosen not to look into it.
Oh hell. Googled Tesla maintenance. Very light maintenance requirements.
Tesla Scheduled MaintenanceTesla vehicles have a relatively low maintenance requirement compared to traditional gasoline cars due to their electric drivetrain. However, they still require some routine maintenance tasks to ensure optimal performance and longevity. Here is a summary of the recommended maintenance schedule for Tesla vehicles:
Tesla recommends performing these maintenance tasks on an as-needed basis, but the intervals provided above can serve as a guideline. For more detailed information, Tesla owners can refer to the vehicle’s owner manual or the Tesla app, which provides alerts and reminders for scheduled maintenance.
Pete Hegseth today!
DON’T mess with the Sergeants! They actually run the army.
31/4 marines in my family two Vietnam vets, one peace time and one “changed his mind” (bcd discharge … the two vets were not pleased with that one). The toughest of the bunch was the smallest, 5’7” made it to spec 5 in the army until he decked an officer who decided to wake him up from a sound sleep. He was busted down from spec 5 for that.
As I understand it the Air Force does not hold you responsible for what you do in the first few seconds after being awakened like that.
I’m confused, you said marines at the beginning yet one of them was army?
Sorry, yes. There were five boys and two girls in our family. The two oldest boys joined the Marine Corps so they wouldn’t be a burden on my widowed mother (she was 43 at the time my Dad 41 when he passed away). When they came home (both were in Vietnam at the same time/a glitch). Brother #3 enlisted in the army and was not deployed to any war zones. Brother number four joined the marines, … and changed his mind

.. wasn’t good. Brother number five joined the marines and did okay he lives in Arizona now 
. Three of the boys are still with us and we are glad for that.
Evidently the army is different from the air force in that regard.
Anyhow, so 3 1/4 marines and one soldier. Cool!
Mom and Dad would pile us kids into the station wagon and go on drives to the country, it was fun however there was “designated seating” based on birth order and size so the younger kids wound up in the back seat. It had the occasional moments of fun .. on a good day.
Yeah Don was a half stepper like Gomer Pyle.

That’s funny.
For whatever reason the lieutenant did bust my brother Jim from spec 5
Jim enlisted in the army I believe because he didn’t want to go to Vietnam but I don’t think he would have. Al and Bob were older than Jim they went to Vietnam.
Al/Bob Vietnam, Jim Germany, Don semi-marine mumble mumble, Dave marine.
I wonder if your Jim was in Germany when my Ex was stationed there. 1974 – 1977.
That would be interesting, I think he enlisted once Al and Bob came home or no he said if they want him they will have to take him so he was drafted into the army.
Oh nuts I don’t remember it’s so long ago.
But what is she really thinking?
Oh.. btw… how about this one?
BTW I’m not seeing Melania on the covers of any tabloids yet… I might need to do a deeper dive. Or… we might need to organize a boycott through our grocery mangers to pull these rags off the shelf if they don’t want to be fair.
Why would anyone want Melania on a tabloid these days?
After the rat bastard tabloids shunned Melania the first four years, for lefty BS reasons.
Why would Melania play nice with tabloids?
Melania doesn’t need tabloids. Melania gains nothing. Melania towers over tabloids.
Disgraced tabloids need Melania. Piss on tabloids.
ITA. She should shun them. WE are the news now!
To see Melania in any form is to love Melania. It’s that simple. If people walk past a check out counter and see lovely photos of her which their many but not there, is create bond with the people and that bond automatically rubs off Trump. So when the berders come for Trump it’s like coming for Melania and the people are not going to stand for that.
It’s all about exposure. It’s good publicity. You seek out information on your own. Not true for the unwashed. It needs to be put it in front of their face before they can make a connection.
Good morning all.
So sad to hear about the untimely passing of our “DePat”, Susie.
She was incredibly strong in her faith and patriotism.
She always brought “something-for-everyone” to her posts.
I am at a loss for words.
Condolences to all.
Requiesce in pace, (((DePat)))
I lurk here frequently, although I rarely comment anymore, but I am very grateful for almost everyones contributions to this site, as I have learned so much and continue to learn, and have passed on information and especially links to people in my own circle many times.
One thing that stood out to me especially during the past couple of days blogs, as well as my own personal observations:
Does everyone remember when COVID-19 “went public”?
Many, including here, actually had the virus WELL BEFORE this.
Most that I talked to described it as “flu-like”, but something very “odd” (“odd” or similar term) about it.
I saw this “thing” going around and remember thinking that it was HIGHLY contagious but hardly lethal to those I know they went through it without seeking medical attention.
Then I realized that it was often detrimental and sometimes fatal to those who DID seek medical attention.
So after scanning the last couple of days worth of posts here, as well as my personal observations,I have to ask:
On top of that, we had come to reflexively assume “JAB” when we heard “DIED SUDDENLY”. Also, when someone “got Covid AGAIN”.
NOW, do we ALSO have to consider “SPIKE-SHEDDING” to enter the lexicon?
(DePat seemed to me to be ADAMANT about catching the bug from a particular individual via, SPECIFICALLY, “SHEDDING”)
I am SO THANKFUL for this site.
Best to all!
Nice to see you here.
While it can’t be “definitively” said that our good DePat became sickened and then passed away, from having been “shed on” by a COVID-19 “vaccine” from a just-“boosted” choir member who sat beside her — I strongly suspect that was the case.
I also strongly suspect that our good DePat’s general health (and, therefore, her natural immune system) had been compromised/run down, by the previous months of taking care of her sick mother — then dealing with the loss of her mother — then, taking over her late mother’s duties in the family household (cooking, cleaning, being a support for her father, etc., etc.), with what appears to be not much help from the remaining family members at home — in addition to her keeping up a demanding schedule of rehearsing, performing, and the necessary personal practicing that would be required, for her vocal endeavors.
There is also the fact that our good DePat was living in an environment in which other family members were COVID-19 “vaccinated” (her late mother; her father; and at least one of her brothers.) So, she may have been potentially exposed to COVID-19 “vaccine” shedding on a regular basis. This leads back to my suspicions about her natural immune system getting run down; this could have left her vulnerable. Also, again, there may have been some other issue that was going on, which may have been undiagnosed. There are questions that likely will never be answered.
I firmly believe that the phenomenon of COVID-19 shedding (BOTH of the virus AND of the “vaccines”) is a real thing.
The loss of DePat has affected many people, among them, those on this board, including Yours Truly.
Best Wishes and Good Energy to you and yours.
“What We’ve Learned from Over a Thousand Vaccine Shedding Reports”
by A Midwestern Doctor
7 January 2024
Thank you CV, for all of the hard work that you have done in this area.
I can’t thank you enough.
I wonder if we should be taking the suggested protocol that was recommended to detox the spike proteins (intended for the VAXXED), to use it as a prophylactic and maintenance?
I would really like to hear your thoughts on this.
Thank you. The more the truth about the COVID-19 virus and the COVID-19 “vaccines” is spread, the better.
I believe that all people—COVID-19 “vaccinated” or not—need to follow some type of spike protein/modRNA detox protocol on a daily basis. And to have supplies of extra Vitamin C, extra Vitamin D, IVM or HCQ, Zinc, Quercetin, green tea, etc, on hand for when the need arises.
TY !
I also believe that high/chronic stress levels can compromise the body’s natural immune system. People can, in certain circumstances, choose what stressors they will allow in their lives. Other stressors, like unnecessary or small ones, can be reduced or eliminated.
For what it is worth, I am having Cytokine storm type symptoms (Asthma) That I can not shake. I never had asthma prior to getting Ralph Baric’s disease in 2018.
This is what they call “long Haulers” and what DePat seemed to have.
Cytokines in asthma
14 Science Backed Therapies for Long COVID Long Haulers & COVID Vaccine Injury
Remember the doctor in South Africa that identified the subset of CV patients that would have problems AFTER they kicked the main part of the battle with the infection? His observation was that it was a follow-on inflammatory condition. He tracked every patient and if they had this secondary reaction, he had them on steroids ASAP.
I think you would find the information available on “Mast Cell Activation Syndrome” (MCAS) very interesting.
Yes, the first go round I was put on steroids and an antibiotic. This time I am just being stubborn.
Or macrophage activation syndrome.
Side note: Pepcid worked against CV as a histamine receptor blocker.
Reactive macrophage activation syndrome in a patient with parvovirus B19 infection, lymphocytic lichenoid vasculitis, urticaria and angioedema
A 47-year-old woman had a history of episodic acute intermittent angioedema and urticaria with moderate pruritus for one month. She was on 10 mg of loratadine daily. She had a fever of 39°C, arthralgia, fatigue, and angioedema of the upper respiratory tract. Laboratory results are shown in Table 1. She had elevated IgE (206 kU/L). The immunoassay for C1-esterase inhibitor was normal. She was treated with H1- and H2-blocking antihistamines, and methylprednisolone intravenously (1 mg/kg/day). Culture results and viral titers were negative except for a high positive titer of specific IgG antibody to parvovirus B19 of 11.1 (positive titer >1). On the third week of hospitalization, she deteriorated rapidly and developed a macular rash on the trunk and extremities with generalised lymphadenpathy, liver dysfunction and disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC) (Figure 1). A skin biopsy specimen was compatible with lymphocytic lichenoid vasculitis. An inflammatory pattern centered on the basal layer of the epidermis and upper dermis in a dense band-like distribution. Direct immunofluorescence showed no IgG, IgA, IgM, C3, C1q and fibrinogen deposits. A bone marrow aspirate showed hemophagocytosis (Figure 2). Parvovirus B19 DNA was detected by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in bone marrow (Figure 3). Macrophage activation syndrome was confirmed. The patient was treated with methylprednisolone 250 mg/day intravenously and intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) 0.55 g/kg BW/day for five consecutive days, followed by methylprednisolone 1 mg/kg daily. Fresh frozen plasma and enoxaparin were administered. Two days after treatment, she improved. Monthly infusions of IVIG were continued for 6 months. Corticosteroids were tapered gradually to 8 mg of methylprednisolone daily. On periodic follow-up, the patient was quite well without episodes of angioedema and no new skin lesions were seen. Our patient met all criteria for reactive macrophage activation syndrome (rMAS) outlined by Imashuku.
Thanks that is some very interesting info. I moved it to
So it does not get lost.
An interview of a doctor that learned of Mast Cell Activation due to her daughter’s suffering of the condition. Goes into details of what is going wrong in the condition. I choose to suspend my reaction to one of her lines of work in order to learn more about this condition.
PLEASE don’t be stubborn! I would like to keep you here. Remember, we are in a terrible new world now. Complacency might kill you.
Good questions and observations. The following isn’t scientific but it often appears that the victims who “died suddenly” were very healthy younger people who inexplicably dropped dead or young people who suddenly inexplicably came down with an ailment that killed them. It seems like the older people whose bodies are weaker due to aging would be the fastest group dying off . Maybe the turbo cancer and turbo dementia is written off as not unusual?
For all the worthless million $$ “study research why no curiosity about this? Why have attending doctors not compiled and shared the statistics on patients lost? I suppose those are rhetorical questions.
The amount of research compiled by Pavaca, Gail and others is astounding.
Wouldn’t the doctors that administered those shot be held libel?
Shots …. Nuts
I doubt it since the scamdemic overlords Fauci, Pharma and Fed agencies that approved the jabs as safe….Morally though, their own lack of backbone once problems started manifesting, is damning. The nursing home genocide, the ventilator deaths, etc was obvious to millions
A LOT of regulatory bodies are set up that way…free from harm if you follow the regs.
Get your work inspected and certified to meet code, when building a house? OK, you’ll be harder to sue. Just one example.
Another…new cars often have a “feature” that shuts the engine down while idling at a traffic light or stop sign. I know of people whose cars won’t start up again afterwards, so now they have an issue they could manage (OK, I have to spend at least five minutes at the convenience store so the engine will start again) and turns it into a MAJOR problem with their cars dying at every intersection…and I KNOW that will be an even bigger issue as even properly built cars age. I’d want to sue the hind legs off the car manafacturers over this…but it’s a federal regulation.
Well … they’re not going to get around answering for when they stand in judgment before Jesus Christ. Eternity is a long time to spend in hell.
I think they are going to be looking at ‘rough justice’
What happens to the clinic that PUSHED the Clot shot really hard in the not so nice black neighborhoods when the Blacks finally realize Fauci & friends have been DELIBERATELY trying to kill them for years?
All it takes is a guy (or gal) that lost a lot of their family to go Postal.
“The amount of research compiled by Pavaca, Gail and others is astounding.”
The biggest reason that I am most thankful for this site.
Part of my observations lead me to believe that those who engage in regular intense physical activity while vax injured (IMO, if one is vaxxed, one IS vax injured, whether they know it or not), are at a much higher risk of some type of cardiac event than the elderly who have slowed down naturally, or the couch potato who, regardless of age, leads a sedentary lifestyle, due to the relatively low demand on the cardiovascular system.
I also think that due to so-called “advances” in early detection and cancer “treatments”, many people accept it as something you catch, like a cold. Having cancer has been “NORMALIZED”.
The people that I personally know (or KNEW, in some cases) that I have based such observations on ARE the meme.
Sad state of affairs.
OOph, I wrote my last one before seeing your comment…agree with you
I think what your are seeing is the wisdom of age. Older folks are MUCH more likely to be taking various supplements and paying a lot more attention to their health.
How many young people in their 20s & 30s take a daily vitamin much less lots of Vitamin D and C?
That is certainly true but neither did most of us olders take a slew of supplements when younger so it begs the question if the poor quality of diets or the larger number of vaccines or a more sedentary lifestyle plays a bigger role?
However so many suddenly dead are athletes so that cancels outthe last one. do older people have much better immune systems?
older people weren’t subject to the 72, iirc, vaccines that are now “normal” for kids to get, so there is That at least…
Interesting point!
nice to see you here!
Good to see you too pat !

Welcome back.
I only wish the circumstances could be a wee bit better.
Thanks Steve !
(I’m still not fully caught up on your Science posts, but at least they’re all in one place!)
BTW, just a thought:
The term “FLERF” (or (“FLERFERS”)
I prefer to refer to the ones that have “master-minded” (OH – the oxy-MORON !) this CHARADE as “FLERF(ERS)”…
… whereas I prefer to refer to the weak-minded useful idiots who follow the FLERF(ERS) and help spread their BS as “FE-TARDS” ! (rhymes with “retards”)
I have learned to deal with them by asking them one simple question:
“Since you’ve found out that the Earth is flat, what are you doing differently?”
Always enjoy your posts!
I was wondering if anyone had actually READ that.
Yes – inspired by it actually.
I guess I’ll keep it as boilerplate then.
I ought to get rid of “Biden” related boilerplate at this point.
Verse of the Day for Saturday, January 25, 2025
“O come, let us sing unto the LORD: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.”
Psalms 95:1 (KJV)
Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!
Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.
I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.
I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.
Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.
May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.
With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.
Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me.
Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Sing unto the Lord a brand new song;
Sing praises to Him all your lifelong;
For He has sustained and kept you sound;
His blessings upon you daily abound!
Sing – Sing your sweet song of praise;
Ring – Ring your Hand bells and raise;
Your voice to His Honor and Glory be;
Your ringtone – a joyful noise – artfully!
With thanksgiving, let your sweet song begin;
With gratefulness, thank Him for peace within;
In Him, through Him, and with Him, we thrive;
Keep His commandments – Keep hope alive!
Victoriously – Jesus conquered death;
He suffered and bled until his last breath;
Praise Him – Oh, Praise Him – thank Him in song;
For without His gift – we would not belong!
It is said when we sing – then, twice we pray;
Double the praise – sing a new song today;
Raise up your voice – in Psalms praise His name;
Jesus is Lord – let your voice proclaim!
Sing unto the Lord – a new song today;
Rejoice in His blessings a brand new way;
When we give Honor and Glory to Him;
Our hearts fill with joy – right up to the brim!
D01: 04/17/2013
Thank You Duchess!
Louis Prima – Sing,Sing,Sing (With a Swing)
Hubby just commented that this is one of his favorite swing songs & of course we loved seeing the Swing Kids movie with our kids back in the day. In fact our middle son & our daughter used to go to quite a few swing dancing events with their cousins in the Metro Detroit area a while back. It seemed to be a pretty big thing to do in the homeschool community that their cousins were part of
Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing
#psalm91 #psalms #prayer
Pray Everyday
Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.
#faith #god #psalms

Watching Matt Gaetz on OAN – and he’s actually pretty good.
He just interviewed a congressman about DOGE and Trump’s amazing progress – next he has Brandon Straka – J6 victim who had do sign papers that prevented him from speaking the truth. His pardon has allowed him to break that NDA.
Merrick Garland and Lisa Monaco are PROGZI TRASH.
Hope he is deporting the others with them. Illegal is illegal, which is criminal.
Yep..those gangsters aren’t celibate monks. They have families
Thank you eilert, this a great

So awesome!!! And I was there! So amazing!
A great 100 hours to be sure.
But I hate it when he pulls out “mosts” and “greatests,” it minimizes things like early July 1776, Valley Forge, Ticonderoga, Yorktown, many things to do with the Civil War, many of the inventions here that have utterly changed our lives, etc., etc…All those things but for which this 100 hours would mean nothing or not even been possible.
Agree. That’s why I am doing the signers of the Declaration.
Remember that scene in the Musical “1776” where they all walked up and signed the Declaration of Independence?
And John Adams (btw “Kitt” from “Knight Rider”) singing “Is anybody there? Does anybody care? Does anybody see what I see?”…..
Interesting that POTUS Trump calls Jan 20th LIBERATION DAY.
Good! He needs feedback.
Especially when it’s positive in tone.
He’s probably under relentless pressure to calm down, not be so precipitous, etc., etc., and he may not otherwise be able to hear us telling him “WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO GET STARTED!!! FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!”
OMG, he’s flipping Nevada prior to war on Californicate.
Oh, there’s a lot going on with the Golden State right now.
Pressure from all sides on the minions of China running it right now.
Yes. This.
Don’t make it more efficient…if it is something you shouldn’t be doing at all.
Ayn Rand and Mises would approve!
BREAKING: Kristi Noem Confirmed as DHS Secretary by Vote of 59-34!
Let the bludgeonings redouble.
JD Vance
I thought I was done voting in the senate
9:32 PM · Jan 24, 2025
And by rights he SHOULD be.
Fucking RINO pieces of shit.
BREAKING STUDY – Childhood Vaccination Associated with Autism, Learning Disorders, Seizures, Encephalopathy, and TicsJanuary 25, 2025
Well, well, well. Makes scientific sense, too.
Pete Hegseth
The honor of a lifetime.
11:42 AM · Jan 25, 2025
Congrats to him.
I’ve been traumatized by the last 4 years. My first thought was..omg..where’s Biden, is he going to idle over to the kids and start pawing them…Thank the Lord he’s gone
Pete Hegseth would curb stomp him if he touched one of his kids!
Wow seven children … and Mrs. Hegseth is a beauty …

All those darling children! So cute!
Trump Rally – Las Vegas, Nevada – LIVE on RSBN on Twitter – Trump speaking at 3:30 PM ET.
Also at
I’m not on Twitter so thank you for this barkerjim.
Very interesting starting at 19:35
That was pretty cool & concise
a big NO from us in PA
January 25, 2025 10:15 am
There are 5 democrats on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.
3 of them are up for retention THIS November.
Who would replace them?
I forget is your governor a shitdem, a RINO, or a real American?
shitdem Shapiro–i think that’s his facebook name
It’s quite possible that if you kick those “justices” out, you’ll get worse replacements.
or we could get some repubs who are reasonable. i say we roll the dice
Not if that twit appoints them.
they have to be elected i believe
If so then I agree with you, it’s worth a roll of the dice.
We actually had here in Colorado a concerted effort to recall one of the justices…but here, Polis would have gotten to appoint the replacement (subject to approval by the legislature). THAT could have been very bad and the people behind the push were actually persuaded that they were likely to make things worse.
1.25.25: Truth ALWAYS wins, Dark [10], Censorship gone = Full OUT health revelations, Cali + NC, PRAY!
And We Know
Looks like she’s late to a coven meeting or something…..
… disinfect is your friend use generously and often … 
You work a road crew? Who knew?
(somehow I can see DePat bringing that… she was a fan of the movie composers, and I think he was one of them)…..
We need a few Clint Eastwood characters to help clean out the swamp!!!
Note to Feds:
“Never mess around with a woman’s underwear drawer.”
bwahahahahahaha–great one!
I’m getting to the age where I sometimes don’t remember what we had for dinner the day before … my husband has the patience of Job … lol

I do remember his name though
I’m sorry, what were we talking about?
Who are these people?
i don’t remember what i went into another room for!
I’ve been doing That for years!!!
Sometimes I back out a bit, take a couple breaths, then walk in again & it comes to me LOL
i’ve taken to singing a song about the reason in my head. lol
…..then you get to the chorus and you’re supposed to be everywhere.
Whatever works!
Are you taking Statins? They’ll cause that.
Yep. Really says something….and not something good.
I don’t think the media or the DC intelligentsia realize that to a lot of us veterans, the fact that Pete Hegseth developed a drinking problem after coming home from the GWOT, and then BEAT said drinking problem, is a huge PLUS in our minds and is in no way a negative.
We all know too many of our friends who came home from the wars with demons they could not defeat, who descended into substance abuse and could not get out–and then some of whom even took their own lives.
Pete has been there, but beat it.
Pete understands what our late military adventurism means in a fundamental way that the Liz Warrens and Mitch McConnells of the world will NEVER get.
Good luck Pete.
Well said.
Totally agree!!
And I could not take one more minute of listening to these self-righteous Dems raking him over the coals for his drinking…when these people have an exclusive liquor store in their office building…our Capitol…and even get free delivery right to their office suite!!
Exactly right, typical hypocrisy and intolerance
Try to have some understanding. If they didn’t have hypocrisy and intolerance, they’d have nothing.
Which would make it too obvious that they are zeros.
Yep. As someone said on WUWT, if they didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any at all…..
Chris Plante says that. If it was not for double standards, democrats would have no standards at all. He also has “Remember Normal?” t-shirts. LOL
Found another description I had for “wine-is-fine-but-liquor-is-quicker minibar Emerita”:
Practically imperfect positively post-modern priss perpetually pickled poligrip pavement pentagram-ploying princess mafiosi missed-piglosi d’Alessandro Gamey Gangrenous Garbage-Truck Gambino…
Kurt Schlichter
Some unsolicited advice for @PeteHegseth from another combat arms field grade…
Social media and conservative media is already full of examples of open resistance to your leadership. We’re seeing it from the Air Force in particular. See, e.g.: https://redstate.com/streiff/2025/01/24/has-the-usaf-decided-that-it-will-keep-dei-no-matter-what-the-commander-in-chief-has-ordered-n2184765
They aren’t even hiding it. That’s how little they respect you.
Let’s bottom line it – they think they can make you their little bitch, and they’re already acting like it. This open DEI resistance, with the changed names and the laughing at the administration while thinking they can get away with it, is a direct challenge to your authority.
If you don’t take them out right now, quickly, ruthlessly, and unequivocally, you’re going to spend the next four years as the prettiest boy on the Pentagon cell block. You will fail.
Infantry commander to infantry commander, you need to pick one of these examples and get the entire chain of command – up to the four-star and down to the 03 – standing in your office at 0900 Monday to personally explain to you exactly why they believe they can disregard the commander-in-chief’s guidance. And tell them to bring their deputies for the likely eventuality that you will be relieving all of them for cause.
Do that once and you’ll never have to do it again. That’s my unsolicited advice.
Saber 6 out.
The rot is so deep he might have to do it a couple of times. But not very many.
Repeat as necessary.
To applause from the gallery.
No, you use this to clean house PERIOD.
He NEEDS to do it to EVERY SINGLE ONE who has defied him. Chances are they are TRAITORS beholden to NATO/the Cabal and not the USA.
Remember the US military TRAINS Gladio Operatives! Fort Bragg very likely trained the attempted assassins of POTUS Trump.
Operation Gladio
Operation Gladio & Colonel Towner PART 1 –February 13, 2023
Threaten to defund any Academy that doesn’t immediately eliminate their DEI rules – like the AFA that instructs cadets they cannot even use the terms Mom and Dad.
The following story was told by Michael Shane Daughtry, a J6 survivor.
I’m going to relay it in the exact same way that he wrote it out. Just when you think his story cannot get crazier, it does. His story is one of full-on corruption, and he exposes names.
Thread starts here
It’s shameful and infuriating. I detest these people. What an absolute joke that they’ve created this Russia Russia hysteria yet they’re doing the very same political persecution, extortion, sham trials…that they want Americans to shake in fear that it could come here…FFS..it IS here. The call is coming from inside the house
Well said. OUR COMMIES are the old Soviet Union in action.
Reminds me of what Alpha Warrior went thru AND HE WAS NOT IN DC!!!
Hope he sues the hell out of the DOJ, FIB, Marshall’s police department he worked for…
That makes me sick.
Every judge, lawyer and cop on the wrong side of this story needs a dose of their own medicine and this guy needs to be made whole again preferably at their expense.
“Elon Musk spoke via video at the election congress of the German party “Alternative for Germany”.
He called on German citizens to vote for the AfD and that the upcoming elections on February 23 “could decide the fate of Europe, and perhaps the fate of the world.”
“Go out on the streets, talk to people, convince them to vote.
Change is needed. It has to be done. This election is very important, extremely important.
Don’t talk about it lightly. I think the future of civilization may depend on this election. So when something is so important, you have to say: ‘Okay, you have to do everything you can to convince people to vote for the AfD,'” he added.”
The only thing I worry about is TPTB will use this to yell foreign interference in German elections, conveniently ignoring Satan Sauros, Klaus Stavros Schwab, and the EC (European Commission, led by Ursula von der Leyen (iar) whose history goes a ways back into the third Reich)…
Having said that, he’s absolutely right.
Over here, the Uniparty is six out of seven parties; going from left to (slightly) right, it’s Die Linke, BSW (Sarah Wagenecht’s parts), the GangGreens, the SPD, the FDP, and the CDU/CSU who used to be to the RIGHT of where the AfD is today… then, alone a tad right of center, is the AfD.
Indeed, the only reasonable and possible Alternative for Deutschland… all the rest are varying shades of red and green, indeed, watermelons, green on the outside and RED on the inside… the mix giving brown, like
“BSW (Sarah Wagenecht’s parts)” She must be something
Oops…. PARTY…
LOL that what I thought you meant
Monty Python once did a skit referencing Margaret Thatcher’s “naughty bits”
Shocked, shocked I say!
MaricaJanuary 25, 2025 at 5:05 pm

Juanita Broaddrick
President Trump has been invited by Speaker Johnson to speak to Congress on March 4th, akin to a State of the Union Speech .
This has never happened until after a President’s first year.
What was that speech in early 2017 to Congress, then?
beats me
February 28, 2017.
Trump War Room
PRESIDENT TRUMP: “I’m signing an Executive Order to open up the pumps and the valves in the north. We want to get that water pouring down here as quickly as possible — and let hundreds of millions of gallons of water flow down into southern California.”
Let’s hope that there’s quality inspection of the system before they blast water since it’s a certainty that routine maintenance has been lax or none. Probably no counties or State inspections have been done in years. Also with the likely arson terror going on they may add some infrastructure destruction.
From there, the water flows through canals to farms in the southern Central Valley and to cities in Southern California. To get to Southern California, giant pumps lift the water some 2,000 feet over the Tehachapi Mountains. The water is then distributed to reservoirs and pipelines that carry it to most of the people and communities in Southern California.
The weak link in this system of rivers, canals, and pipelines is the delta, which is connected to seawater from the ocean through San Francisco Bay to the west and is bounded by aging levees. If parts of the levees collapse, in the case of an earthquake or flood, seawater would mix with freshwater, disrupting California’s water supplies. As a result, state officials are studying ways to protect the delta system.
Make Gruesome Newscum ride a paddleboard in front of the wall of water which will be racing down the CalAqueduct…..
Pay-per-view worthy event
It might wash some of his hair gel out and gum up the entire water system!
San Antonio Express-News
Obeying Trump order, Air Force will stop teaching recruits about Tuskegee Airmen
Kurt Schlichter
@KurtSchlichter 50m
This is clear insubordination. They know exactly what they’re doing in pretending that Trump has ordered them not to teach recruits about the Tuskegee airmen. They know it’s a lie and they’ve passed it on to the media knowing the media will eagerly repeat the lie.
@PeteHegseth must act immediately and aggressively to punish the chain of command that allowed this open subversion and subordination to take place.
Well they certainly stuck their foot in it!
Nothing like giving Trump/Hegseth a clear reason for booting your ass out WITHOUT bennies.
And the moles are jumping up, waiting to be WHACKED…..
Perfect. Fire their asses, stating exactly why. Very publicly.
Starting with the asshole Commanding General / Superintendent Air Farce Academy.
Then fire the number two at Air farce Academy.
Then whoever is responsible for curriculum.
Anyone bitches, they are also fired.
Cadets bitch and moan, trash from Academy.
I guess this San Antonio Express would like to add this to their retraction?
NASA CGI Fake. Trump is a racist, remember?
(/sarc of course)
The wise guy.
The Tuskegee Airmen are historic proof that skill and merit is recognized and applauded. DEI is the exact opposite
Too easy to remember. They forget MAGA knows the internets and it’s way and we still have elephant blood coursing through our veins. We don’t forget anything
One: Declare intentional insubordination.
Two: Military Police arrest every single Air Force personnel member involved in this. Put them into the brig. Charge them with intentional insubordination.
Three: Demote every single Air Force personnel member involved in this.
Four: Remove every single Air Force personnel member involved in this. Replace them immediately with personnel members who will not do crap like this.
Five: Court-martial every single Air Force personnel member involved in this crap.
I’m with Schlichter on this; stomp this shit into the ground RIGHT NOW, or spend your four years getting slapped around the Pentagon like a bitch. Come on, Hegseth, show us how it’s done.
Peace and Tranquility Prayers
Prayer for a Calm Heart
Lord of Peace, as evening falls, I seek the calmness only You can provide. Quell the storms of my mind and replace anxiety with Your peace. As the world quiets down, let my heart do the same. May Your presence envelop me so that I may know tranquility tonight and always. Amen.
Serenity at Day’s End
Heavenly Father, with the closing of this day, I ask for serenity. As the night sky displays its vast beauty, let my soul mirror its peacefulness. Help me to let go of the worries of the day and trust in Your loving care. May Your peace reign in my heart and home tonight. Amen.
Prayer for Restful Stillness
Dear God, in the stillness of this evening, I come to You seeking rest for my soul. Help me to lay down the burdens I’ve carried today and find comfort in Your arms. Grant me peace that passes understanding and a rest that restores my spirit. May my sleep be undisturbed and my dreams be sweet. Amen.
Nighttime Whisper for Peace
Creator of All, as I listen to the night’s gentle whisper, I ask for peace to settle over me. Let Your tranquility wash away the noise of the day. In this quiet hour, I lean on Your promise of peace, a heavenly balm to my weary soul. Keep me in perfect peace as I keep my mind stayed on You. Amen.
Prayer for Gentle Rest
Omnipotent and Gentle Lord, at the end of this day, I seek the gentle rest that You so lovingly provide. May my mind be at ease, my body relax, and my spirit find harmony. Help me to release every concern into Your capable hands and sleep in the assurance of Your protection and peace. Amen.
How I feel going to bed every night now
Trust no Dems. They are still the enemy of We the People.
Nor RINOs.
Mostly, R-Cons are the same in my book.
Trust none of them.
Cynical Publius
As we move towards the RFK Jr. confirmation hearings, opensecrets.org is an awesome tool where you can track who got money from Big Pharma.
Hold’em accountable.
Yep that’s going to be a biggie…as will Kash Patel’s.
Bix Weir – The Entire Economic Structure Is About To Change, Say Goodbye To The [CB]
Bix begins the conversation talking about the events that we saw in the beginning of Jan. The fires in California are being pushed purposely. The economy is about to change, the old system is being removed and the new system is being introduced. The economy will be bumpy moving from the old and to the new. Trump has placed many safeguards into place to weather the storm. The [CB] will cease to exist the way we know it today, we will be going back to a people’s economy.
That almost implies the fires are part of OUR plan, that WE set them to help the transition.
More like the Q team KNEW that they would happen with a high degree of probability.
Those “headline” intros always make me work to get the real meaning because it’s not clear who they are talking about half the time. I decided it is as Tradebait has been saying, the fires are the plan of the evil doers, for stealing from the people.
H/T Sylvia @ her blog
POV: Trump’s response to Panama
Since Pete won, I’m more optimistic that all the rest of Trump’s major cabinet/admin will be confirmed. (I’ve not studied the 2nd level team as much, so a couple of them may have a problem) The win by Pete bloodied the dems and mitch’s gang. That being said, there are 4 nominees that are still in possible danger, and the lying legacy media will gaslight you on those 4 constantly from now until a vote, so be prepared. These four are in order of most danger (imo) are
Again IMO their success will depend largely on Trump’s success and standing. As long as Trump continues to rack up the wins and enjoy a positive approval rating, the senate should buckle to his choices. It’s becomes increasingly difficult politically for the senate to deny a popular president his choice of cabinet members.
Also, the blowback the backstabbers Collins, murcowski, and mitch get will determine if others think it’s safe to come out of the shadows.
Collins should be the focus of that blowback. She is the one in the most danger of losing her seat.
I’m okay with sacrificing the Maine seat to drive home the message.
Mitch should be attacked on his legacy dreams since he isn’t running in 2026.
Sadly, murcowski is probably the safest from blowback at this point.
If you’re upset about Pete Hegseth at the helm of @DeptofDefense, or claim he doesnt have the experience… WHAT HAS “EXPERIENCE” GOTTEN US OVER THE PAST 30+ FUCKING YEARS?
You must’ve forgotten the Pentagon can’t account for 60% of assets, can’t pass an audit and let’s not forgot about all the truths we’ve uncovered about the US war machine, including what was revealed in the Afghanistan Papers:
– High-ranking US officials were unclear on what they were doing and who they were fighting
– US officials believed the war was unwinnable, but kept this a secret from the public.
– US government manipulated information to make it seem like the war was progressing.
– US government lied to the public about the war, and how the war became a lost cause.
– The war led to corruption & massive drugs trade
– With their complicit silence, military and political leaders avoided accountability and dodged reappraisals that could have changed the outcome or shortened the conflict
When the corrupt US institutions push back this hard against someone… it usually means they fear them. Because they’re too competent – and will act in the best interest of the American people- instead of the bureaucracy & military industrial complex.
Let’s not forget what a total, massive failure ‘mad dog’ Mattis was. He is emblematic of the rot & malfeasance & ego of the flag rank officer corps.
They’re worse than worthless— they’re a liability. Just prior to WWII, the War Dept removed most general officers & replaced them with more jr officers who became the leaders that won that war. We just did the same thing with @SECDEF & will now do the same to the general officer corps.
“….You must’ve forgotten the Pentagon can’t account for 60% of assets…” AND just how much of that was shunted off to Operation Gladio?
Brian Cates – Political Columnist & Pundit
Jan 23
So today is the day it looks like they tried to kick-start a new pandemic…and it didn’t even register as a fart in the wind, because Trump shut down the US health agencies…and nobody is gonna remember because so much stuff happened…
10:13 PM · Jan 23, 2025
Wolf Moon
The black hat timing was perfect, sans Trump cutting them off at the knees. Inaugurations are notorious for many attendees getting influenza. Many of Trump’s older supporters didn’t go for just that reason. Sounds like DS had a strong psy-op planned.
Fly or flu? Inauguration or hospitalization? Palm Beachers weigh risks of winter travel | COLUMN
Something tells us that, after four inaugurations, lobster egg rolls won’t change Sharon’s mind. She’s staying in Palm Beach with husband Bob Murray.
7:12 PM · Jan 25, 2025
Wolf Moon
Watch Trump vs. a Communist bureaucrat (Venceremos Brigade, even!) as he tries to help the people of LA, and she desperately weasels her answers, to preserve her slow-walking recovery options that send recovery money to her union supporters and fellow leftists. Pure corruption!
Elon Musk
7:28 PM · Jan 25, 2025
Video link here:
Chuck Schumer
Jan 23
Is Pete Hegseth really the best that Republicans have to offer?
10:59 PM · Jan 24, 2025
Even if he’s not he’s far better than the best the Dems have to offer.
And much, much much better than your fetid self.
Love Mister Coolness in the front.
They’re all awesome! AMERICA! Reminds me of my youth!
And appropriately dressed in suits. Very impressive appearance.
He’s better than the best part of you that ever was, Schmucky.
Bullsh-t. It looks to me like the best part of you ran down the crack of your mama’s ass and ended up as a brown stain on the mattress. I think you’ve been cheated!
A line from Full Metal Jacket’s bootcamp sequence, in case you didn’t recognize it.
Mini ground report.
Round trip drive. TX-NM-AZ-CA-AZ-NM-TX.
Truck stops, rest areas and ramps heavy loading.
Rails along I-40 NM, AZ, CA seemed busier.
No idea if additional trucking / rails is optimism, positioning material, increased manufacturing…
Something is up, IMO.
Boss man running a crew replacing my perimeter fence, told me a good friend just passed. Was in his 50s. “Suddenly” died in his sleep. Hmmm.
Very interesting. “Died suddenly” – yup – JAB JAB JAB IMO.
Would like to think people are gearing up for a recovery!
Thanks for the report!
I found out the new bug that goes right into the lungs also begins to shut down the organs.
I feel I am over whatever it was still will take Ivermectin for 2 more days.
Three days in my kidneys seem not functioning well and my intestine either. That is when I began taking Ivermectin instead only Z-Pack. Second day taking Ivermectin my body began function normal again. One needs to be very aware not to miss what goes on in the body.
Day three with taking Ivermectin slept until 11 /30 am this morning. I just did
I know all of you will take what you need too to be well. God is good.
Important observations!
Wonderful you are feeling better.
Serious takeaways in your post. Thanks.
So happy you are recovering and used IVM!
Thank you for the ground report.
IMO, it’s the
that did the “died suddenly in his sleep” to this man. I’m sorry for him and for his family. May he rest in eternal Peace.
Best coverage of the Elon “Nazi salute” – but it’s a video.
Gail Combs
Yours Truly was doing some thinking about what you mentioned regarding having Cytokine Storm issues (Asthma) in the discussion thread today.
First of all, I’m so sorry that you’re having this trouble.
Sort of “piggybacking” onto something that GudThots said — can you take a low dose of an antihistamine daily? Would that help? Perhaps you’ve already tried this?
Second, I believe the lab-created mRNA for the original Wuhan Hu1 (SARS-CoV-2) virus had bits and pieces of DNA fragments mixed into it that would do the types of things that are going on with you. This is the stuff that people like Ralph Baric were messing around with in their labs for years. And it wound up in the “modRNA” that’s in the COVID-19 “vaccines.” But I think it was FIRST part of the COVID-19 virus itself (and/or whatever SARS-CoV-2 virus form was being messed around with in places like Baric’s lab.)
The Appendix 1. List of Adverse Events of Special Interest section of this report about BNT162b2, the report found here: https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf has:
Page 2 (page 31 of the above report) has “Asthma” listed.
Page 3 (page 32 of the above report) has “Cytokine release syndrome” and “Cytokine storm” listed.
Page 5 (page 34 of the report) has “Inflammation” listed.
As always, sending Good Energy to you.
I’m not recalling which ones target the H1 receptor and which ones hit the H2 receptor, but it may be important to know and test out to find the one that works. For me in Spring of 2020 it took over a month of Pepcid AC. I only took it in response to the symptoms and pulsed at various doses depending on the intensity of symptoms. Between 20 and 80 mg per pulse.
About a month following that I began the regular dosing of ivermectin twice weekly for prevention. Was surprised to find after about 18 months of this ivermectin dosing other physical issues seemed to be resolved as well.
May have posted, Trump seems to have a list of Maggot’s goofs to fire.
Trickle them out daily. One, a few or a lot. Both funny AND appropriate to shit can Maggot’s goofs.
JUST IN: Trump Ousts Biden’s Acting Director for National Intelligence Ahead of Tulsi Gabbard Confirmation Hearing
Trump went to military school. Touch luck, lefties.
The new one is associated with two good names.
There can’t be a single one of Maggot’s goofs who is competent or they wouldn’t have been chosen.
And there can’t be a single one who is not a criminal / traitor, because if they weren’t, again, they would never have been chosen.
You can’t run a criminal organization and have ANY straight / law abiding people in it, because they’re going to see everything going on in the criminal enterprise.
Best KARMA in ages…..
Peachy Keenan
The horrifying realization — of how what they’d done to him has backfired in their faces — finally dawned on the nitwits in LA last night
When he said to their stricken faces “I was supposed to be four days into my retirement right now.”
I will never stop laughing.
12:40 PM · Jan 25, 2025
Remember those FIRE! stories? Below is the first thing that is realized when it happens.
So if they don’t build back, this guys says 7/10 will not, will they keep paying taxes if they can’t rebuild or while waiting for insurance settlements that may only cover the mortgages? Remember the lender is the loss payee on the claim, they get theirs and anything left over goes to the borrower.
What says you?
You are witnessing the start of an intentionally planned catastrophe being turned into a land grab by cities, counties and the wealthy doing bottom feeding and taking advantage of the misery of others. The property transfer filings will reveal how it goes from here.
The effects of Helene were for the same purpose.
The FIRE series did not generate much reader interest so I moved on. I laid out the principles of how it works as well as operational details in our 2016 GSMNP fire here. One of my next focuses was going to be on Cali and the watershed diversion that has been creating the conditions for what actually happened.
The process works the same for other types of disasters – hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, volcanos, droughts, snowstorms and so on. They develop conditions to cause and/or measurably increase the likelihood as well as the damages incurred. They place people in key positions to insure “mistakes” and “omissions” happen. DEI plays a part. Politicians and other leeches do their things – like EPA. Then they game the system and make sure it cannot respond adequately to the disaster. The response will be slow, incompetently performed, undermanned, underfunded, etc. It overwhelms the people and they experience PTSD type symptoms and many give up as the government red tape obstructs even those who desire to rebuild.
That is when the bottom feeding begins, Governments are as bad as the modern day carpetbaggers. If they want the property for their purposes, they keep it. They can also sell it or grease the sale to a developer using Tax Increment Financing deals, payments in lieu of taxes, etc. to promote development in economically depressed areas – such as natural disaster areas.
Build back better.
This is something we can do in Californicate. We can connect the water “negligence” to the land grab and the slow-walking response, along with the idea that the people behind it need to get RICOed into prison.
Trump just put Newscum, Schiffty, and Karen Bass back on their heels. People are paying attention.
These people belong in prison.
Add San Diego as the latest target. According to my daughter who def isn’t immediately suspicious about everything like me…everyone is her bubble is 100% believing LA fires and the ones all over SD are all arson. Being used to fire seasons, these fires are noticeably odd.
Most of the SD fires> Not near homeless camps, not sparking lines, initial start-ups in residential areas, too many blazes in too many places too close in time that’s not wildfire behavior . The only wild aspect is using the Santa Ana winds to spread them.
It sure seems that Biden’s tragic tenure was their go-time. The narrative of affordable housing using homeless and the invasion illegals as a reason all cemented in the mockingbird media . How to really make it painful…disasters that completely eliminate existing housing. See? We do need moar housing, moar density, moar15 minute cities, severely limit single family homes .
Trump seems to know that. He put lots of pressure on the Mayor
The psychological effect!
Get the most horrific stories out about the first ones and then the rest of the fires don’t have to actually burn anything to fulfill the terrorism effects.
Im late to say but justice for millions Steve….millions!