DEAR MAGA: Open Thread 20250129 Opinions & Notes on the Medical Cases of Susie Sampson and Gail Combs.

At this point I can see at least three possible causes of Susie’s illness:

* Covid vax shedding,

* A bad and lingering case of the flu or

*Walking pneumonia

*I also think there is a fourth cause that I am seeing and many are missing. Permanent damage from covid/shedding that flares up when your system is stressed.


I started poking around the internet at about the same time Wolfie did. At the time I was not aware that “Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 [2009 Swine Flu] and A(H3N2) were the predominant viruses reported the week… ending January 11, 2025”CDC


H3N2 Flu Symptoms

No matter what strain of influenza is circulating each year, you need to know what to expect from the flu. H3N2 virus infection usually lasts between five and seven days but can cause a severe cough that lasts up to three weeks. Whether it is caused by H3N2 influenza A or another strain, typical flu symptoms include: …

H3N2 is one subtype of the influenza A virus that often causes significant illness. Flu seasons are often more severe when H3N2 is the dominant strain causing illness.

So one possibility is a lingering flu. However it should not be hanging around for months.



What is walking pneumonia?Mayo Clinic

“Walking pneumonia” is an informal term for a common bacterial condition. It produces milder symptoms that appear more gradually than in other types of more serious pneumonia. Symptoms usually appear within two to three weeks of becoming infected and can continue for weeks. A cough could continue for months….

With walking pneumonia, you may feel like you have a cold. But symptoms are usually mild, so you likely won’t need bed rest or a hospital stay. You may not feel the need to stay home from work or school. So you may be out walking around. That’s how the illness got its name…

So a second possibility is an opportunistic bacterial infection that invades a weakened system.



I am going to quote our resident expert, PAVACA on this.


PAVACA(@pavaca)  January 28, 2025 12:53 … #1404674


Endless Thank You’s for today’s post. I don’t think this was an easy one to write.

I will weigh in with my thoughts:

IMO, our good DePat was a “sitting duck”, in some ways, for what I firmly believe was being terribly negatively affected by COVID-19 “vaccine” shedding.
— She was, for the last 18 months or so (perhaps longer), the caregiver for her late mother (who herself passed away from cardiac complications from the Moderna modRNA COVID-19 “vaccine” doses that she had taken);
— During this period, and after her mother’s death, DePat took over the household work and responsibilities that her mother had done (cleaning, cooking, shopping, etc.)
Because of the above, IMO, there’s a good chance that her natural immune system was getting hammered on a regular basis.

— She also had to keep up a demanding professional schedule as a vocal soloist in her choir. This also meant doing daily vocal practice at home.
— She lived with other COVID-19 “vaccinated” members of her family (father and at least one brother.)
Because of the above,since there is a 99.999% likelihood that the other members of the choir were also COVID-19 “vaccinated”, she was potentially exposed to COVID-19 “vaccine” shedding on multiple occasions.

That leaves what happened to her on / around 17 November 2024 at choir rehearsal. This is the rehearsal where DePat was beside a choir member who had just been “boosted” with COVID-19 “vaccine” shot #4.

Many of the symptoms that DePat described about her condition after 17 November match those found in the Appendix 1. List of Adverse Events of Special Interest section of this report about BNT162b2, given to the FDA on 30 April 2021:
For examples: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (page 2 of the Appendix 1.); Cough (page 3); Inflammation (page 5).

But I will posit that there’s something else in play here: the LIPID NANOPARTICLES in the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” — the chemical compounds that carry the “payload” of the modRNA to every cell in the “vaccinated” person’s body — and are ALSO carried by the EXOSOMES in the “vaccinated” person’s body to places like the SKIN and onto the BREATH.

These LNPs are TOXIC and DANGEROUS. They were formulated so that the “vaccinated” person’s body either doesn’t recognize and destroy them; or, that the “vaccinated” person’s body DOES recognize them but can’t eliminate them.

Now, here’s the thing:
It’s now DIFFICULT to find complete MSDS Safety Sheets for the ALC-0159 or for the ALC-0315 lipid nanoparticles used in the Pfizer-BioNTech modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines.” One used to be able to see complete MSDS Safety Sheets on these compounds. Not now. In fact, Yours Truly has found multiple chemical company supplier websites stating that “customers must call for further information”; and, even “this information is not available to the general public. It is only available to the FDA.”

For example, the MSDS Safety Sheet information for ALC-0159 and for ALC-0315 by Cayman Chemical now has THIS for Section 4 of the MSDS for EACH of these compounds (below is for ALC-0159; for ALC-0315 it is the same):

HOWEVER, Yours Truly downloaded the MSDS for BOTH ALC-1059 AND for ALC-0315 back in 2023, BEFORE this 2024 revision was done. Here’s the Section 4 for ALC-0159 FROM 2022 (the Section 4 for ALC-0315 from 2022 is the same);

What I’m getting at here is that, IMO, our good DePat WAS COVID-19 “vaccine” shed upon by that choir member in November 2024; that she immediately began to have “Long COVID”-type effects from it; that the modRNA that was shed on DePat from the COVID-19 “booster shot” that the choir had just had ALSO contained the lipid nanoparticles ALC-0159 and ALC-0315, which then also shed onto DePat; and that a cascade of negative effects took over.

Below is a paper that describes the pro-inflammatory effects of the LPNs in the modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines”;
“Pro-inflammatory concerns with lipid nanoparticles”
Seyed Moein Moghimi, Dmitri Simberg
28 April 2022

May our good DePat rest in eternal Peace.



I want to take a look at this paper PAVACA pointed to because I think it is KEY:

Pro-inflammatory concerns with lipid nanoparticles”

The development of ionizable cationic lipids has been a pivotal factor in the clinical success of lipid nanoparticle (LNP)-RNAi (Onpattro) and the two LNP-mRNA vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 (Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna).1,2 The ionizable cationic lipids demonstrate improved efficacy and safety compared with the permanently charged cationic lipids.1,2 
👉However, acute side effects such as pain, swelling, fever, and systemic inflammatory responses have been reported in many human subjects receiving LNP-mRNA vaccines.👈
Although these vaccines use N1-methyl-pseudouridine-modified RNA (which is poorly recognizable by the Toll-like receptors 7/8), it is not clear how these vaccines elicit reactogenicity, but this presumably indicates that LNPs have intrinsic adjuvant activity.3 Infusion-related adverse effects have been noted in up to 19% of patients receiving Onpattro….

….Considering the rare episodes of human anaphylactic reactions following LNP-mRNA vaccine administration,6 we cannot disregard a role for a subset of monocytes and dendritic cells in orchestrating these responses. Extensive studies are now needed to map the interactions between ionizable cationic lipids and intracellular pattern-recognition receptors and unravel integrated and multifaceted mechanisms by which these lipids induce inflammasome activation. Such information would be valuable for identification and tailoring of lipid-based adjuvant and delivery systems and for generating diversified portfolios of vaccine components and platforms to provide immunity in specific target tissues….
The success of LNP-based vaccines has prompted a surge in overenthusiastic research focused on the broader application of LNP-based nanomedicines.2 👉Considering the pro-inflammatory nature of the currently available ionizable cationic lipids,4,5 notably their undesirable immune cascade initiated through the IL-1β release, and of other cationic lipids,7 the potential application of LNPs for systemic administration must be viewed cautiously.👈 This is important, particularly when targeting biological barriers such as the blood-brain barrier with intravenously administered LNPs for the intended delivery of nucleic acid medicine to brain parenchymal cells to combat neurological diseases and disorders, which could initiate severe inflammatory reactions in the brain either directly or through monocyte recruitment...



Reactogenicity represents the physical manifestation of the inflammatory response to vaccination, and can include injection-site pain, redness, swelling or induration at the injection site, as well as systemic symptoms, such as fever, myalgia, or headache.


 Anaphylaxis is a severe, life-threatening allergic reaction. It can happen seconds or minutes after you’ve been exposed to something you’re allergic to.

Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome

Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) is an exaggerated defense response of the body to a noxious stressor (infection, trauma, surgery, acute inflammation, ischemia or reperfusion, or malignancy, to name a few) to localize and then eliminate the endogenous or exogenous source of the insult….Even though the purpose is defensive, the dysregulated cytokine storm can cause a massive inflammatory cascade leading to reversible or irreversible end-organ dysfunction and even death.

Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS)

Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) happens with repeated symptoms of anaphylaxis – allergic symptoms such as hives, swelling, low blood pressure, difficulty breathing and severe diarrhea….


Gudthots added another piece of the puzzle.


Gudthots  Reply to  Gail Combs
 January 25, 2025 17:59 …. #1402668
An interview of a doctor that learned of Mast Cell Activation due to her daughter’s suffering of the condition. Goes into details of what is going wrong in the condition. I choose to suspend my reaction to one of her lines of work in order to learn more about this condition.

[I cut out the intro of what this doctor’s background is. GC]

Or macrophage activation syndrome.
Side note: Pepcid worked against CV as a histamine receptor blocker.

[PEPCID® is a histamine-2 blocker (H2 blocker) with the active ingredient famotidine –GC]

Reactive macrophage activation syndrome in a patient with parvovirus B19 infection, lymphocytic lichenoid vasculitis, urticaria and angioedema


A 47-year-old woman had a history of episodic acute intermittent angioedema and urticaria with moderate pruritus for one month. She was on 10 mg of loratadine daily. She had a fever of 39°C, arthralgia, fatigue, and angioedema of the upper respiratory tract. Laboratory results are shown in Table 1. She had elevated IgE (206 kU/L). The immunoassay for C1-esterase inhibitor was normal. She was treated with H1- and H2-blocking antihistamines, and methylprednisolone intravenously (1 mg/kg/day). Culture results and viral titers were negative except for a high positive titer of specific IgG antibody to parvovirus B19 of 11.1 (positive titer >1). On the third week of hospitalization, she deteriorated rapidly and developed a macular rash on the trunk and extremities with generalised lymphadenpathy, liver dysfunction and disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC) (Figure 1). A skin biopsy specimen was compatible with lymphocytic lichenoid vasculitis. An inflammatory pattern centered on the basal layer of the epidermis and upper dermis in a dense band-like distribution. Direct immunofluorescence showed no IgG, IgA, IgM, C3, C1q and fibrinogen deposits. A bone marrow aspirate showed hemophagocytosis (Figure 2). Parvovirus B19 DNA was detected by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in bone marrow (Figure 3). Macrophage activation syndrome was confirmed. The patient was treated with methylprednisolone 250 mg/day intravenously and intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) 0.55 g/kg BW/day for five consecutive days, followed by methylprednisolone 1 mg/kg daily. Fresh frozen plasma and enoxaparin were administered. Two days after treatment, she improved. Monthly infusions of IVIG were continued for 6 months. Corticosteroids were tapered gradually to 8 mg of methylprednisolone daily. On periodic follow-up, the patient was quite well without episodes of angioedema and no new skin lesions were seen. Our patient met all criteria for reactive macrophage activation syndrome (rMAS) outlined by Imashuku.



Useful definitions before we dive into a couple of papers on this subject:

Presynaptic Neuron – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

As a convention, the neuron transmitting or generating a spike and incident onto a synapse is referred as the presynaptic neuron, whereas the neuron receiving the spike from the synapse is referred to as the postsynaptic neuron.


Hematopoiesis is the process through which the body manufactures blood cells…. Hematopoiesis is the production of all of the cellular components of blood and blood plasma. It occurs within the hematopoietic system, which includes organs and tissues such as the bone marrow, liver, and spleen.

Refractory chronic urticaria

Urticaria is a mast-cell-driven disease characterized by the development of transient pruritic wheals [hives] with or without associated angioedema [sudden swelling of the deep layers of the skin and subcutaneous tissues]… Chronic urticaria (CU) is defined by the presence of recurrent urticaria, angioedema, or both, for a period of 6 weeks or longer..

And now another paper:

Antihistamine: New Advancement in H1&H2 Receptor used for Pregnancy


…This study shows that H1 antihistamine therapy alone is not statistically better to combined H2 and H1 antihistamine therapy for the treatment of chronic urticaria symptoms. Histamine has been one of the biological amines most extensively studied in medicine. It encourages the contraction of smooth muscles and the release of stomach acid, enhances vascular permeability, functions as a neurotransmitter, and has a range of actions in the control of the immune system, allergies, inflammation, haematopoiesis, and cell division. Histamine works by attaching to the H1, H2, H3, and H4 receptors. H3 and H4 receptors are predominantly presynaptic and haematopoietic, respectively, whereas H1 and H2 receptors are widely dispersed. Human H1- and H2-histamine receptors were cloned and described in the early 1990s, followed a few years later by human H3- and H4-histamine receptors. The main treatment for chronic urticaria is second-generation non-sedating non-impairing H1 antihistamines. Then, the H1 antihistamines permitted dosage is raised by a factor of up to four

Back to the paper:


Histamine decarboxylase, an enzyme, creates histamine, a substance that occurs naturally in the body, entirely from l-histamine. It is expressed in cells all throughout the body, including basophils, mast cells, neurons in the central nervous system, and parietal cells in the stomach mucosa [1]. Histamine is a low-molecular-weight amine [2].

Histamine has a significant biological function in maintaining human health by acting on four different types of receptors. Cell proliferation and differentiation, haematopoiesis, embryonic development, regeneration, and wound healing are all impacted by it. In Histamine is produced by the mammalian central nervous system, neurons that only contain cell bodies in the posterior hypothalamic tuberomamillary nucleus, and axons that deliver histamine to the frontal and temporal cortexes and other regions of the brain. [3,4]. With the identification of certain histamine receptors, we have learned a lot more about the effects of histamine in the past ten years. Now, it is known that histamine binds to four distinct binding sites (H 1 -, H 2 -, H 3 -, and H 4 -receptors)[5,6,7]. Sneezing, nasal obstruction, itching, and rhinorrhoea are the primary early allergic response symptoms caused by activation of the H 1 -receptor by histamine binding. Leukotrienes, prostaglandins [8, 9], and other cytokines are also produced in greater amounts when H 1 receptors are activated, which also occurs before the late phase of an allergic reaction [10,11]. Several physiological and pathological processes, including skin allergies, “septic inflammation, and various neutral transmission and digestion [15, 16]. The histamine receptors found in the skin are partially blocked by H1 antihistamines. The purpose of this clinical trial was to determine whether a combination therapy using H1 (hydroxyzine) and H2 (cimetidine) antihistamines is more effective than H1 antihistamines alone in treating patients with refractory chronic idiopathic urticaria [20,21]. Histidine decarboxylase, an enzyme, catalyses a reaction in which the amino acid LHistidine is decarboxylated to produce histamine (HDC). Mast cells, Histamine are produced in large numbers by basophiles, enterochromaffin-like cells of the stomach mucosa, and histaminergic neurones. These cells also store histamine within the cells in specialised storage granules.

First-generation antihistamines, often referred to as sedating antihistamines, were the initial group of these medications to be developed. Examples include diphenhydramine, chlorpheniramine, and promethazine.

Second-generation or non-sedating antihistamines were developed to address the shortcomings of first-generation antihistamines. These medications, including cetirizine, fexofenadine, and loratadine, are more selective for the H1 receptor and exhibit a lower capacity to cross the blood-brain barrier, leading to fewer side effects in the central nervous system (CNS)…

H2-receptor antagonists (H2RAs)

Histamine H2-receptor antagonists for urticaria

H2RAs are used clinically in the treatment of acid-related gastrointestinal conditions, such as peptic ulcer disease, gastrooesophageal reflux, and dyspepsia…

Medications contained in this group include cimetidine, famotidine, ranitidine, roxatidine, lafutidine, and nizatidine, most of which are available as oral preparations….

There is still a degree of uncertainty as to the precise mode of action of H2RAs. Histamine is a potent mediator of immediate hypersensitivity reactions. Fifteen per cent of the histamine receptors in the skin are H2-receptors, and it is acknowledged that human skin mast cells, which store histamine also express H2-receptors (Lippert 2004). The H2RAs are reversible structural analogs (a chemical compound with a slightly altered chemical structure) of histamine that cause a decrease in the tonic activation rate of the receptor. Thus, these agents act as inverse agonists (agents that bind to the same receptor binding-site as an agonist for that receptor and reverse the activity of receptors) with a functional antagonism of histamine activity, hence, reducing the histamine activity on the receptor sites. In this way they may be able to block histamine release and curtail, or even prevent, symptoms of urticaria from occurring. It has also been suggested that one of these H2RAs, cimetidine, has an immunomodulator function (Nielsen 1996) and may have a role to play in chronic autoimmune urticaria….



I have been taking daily for at least a week:

20 mg Loratadine (double dose H1 Antihistamine)

400 mg Cimetidine (double dose H2 Antihistamine)

888 mg Fenbendazole

24 mg of Ivermectin

2 multi -vitamins (Women + 50)

1500 Vitamin C

400IU Vitamin E

K2 (90mcg) + D3 (5000 IU)

Vitamin B complex.

B 12 under the tongue helps for a short while.

1000 mg NAC

60,000 units Serrapetase (acts as an anti-inflammatory)

10 mg Melatonin (Sleep aid)

240 m6 Magnesium Glycinate (for muscle spasms + sleep)

100 mg CoQ 10

A Brazil nut for selenium, green tea & nettle leaf tea (a natural anti histamine)

For arthritis which has flared up:

Glucosamine Hcl (1500 mg) + Chondroitin (200 mg) + Hyauluronic acid (6.6 mg) + MSM (750 mg) + Boron (5 mg)

I am not taking Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) such as Ibuprofen, Naproxen or Aspirin because they tear up my stomach. However when I do take them, they help.


When I took ‘goat spit’ and Moxidectin the improvement was quick.

Moxidectin and Ivermectin Inhibit SARS-CoV-2 Replication

This time I am getting only a slight improvement from the Ivermectin.

My next step is to head to the medical clinic where I will probably be given Prednisone (a cortisone) and an antibiotic to take care of any infection in my lungs.


I have had allergies for years and I am pretty good at telling the difference between an illness and an allergy. I am seeing zero indication of an illness.

A very good allergist once told me to think of my allergies as a bucket that you are filling up. You can get away with chocolate. You can get away with strawberries and even cantaloupe. BUT put them all together and you get hives.

What I am wondering is if we are seeing permanent alterations in our bodies, or just a higher load of toxins like spike shedding and perhaps crap that has been sprayed in the air.

And that brings me to the last bit of information H/T to the video from Gudthots.

 What the bleep can I eat?!

This has lists of food for those with specific food intolerance including histamine. This is a second listing: Foods High in Histamine


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A prompt posting. WordPiss must be high.

Valerie Curren



Here, goat goat goat…..heeeeere goat, goat……


So, the church where De Pat’s funeral service will be held is St. Roch, at 1-314-721-6340. Their answering service says that they are only there on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. I just spent a good chunk of Tuesday afternoon trying to call them. I hope we can have better luck on Wednesday morning.

The problem is that I am TWO time zones late for the church, and would have to call them quite early in my local time — before I have my tea, or, indeed, possibly before I am awake. Can someone please call them for us from a more strategic time zone?

The message is quite simple: “Susie had family, IRL friends, and musical friends that everyone knew about. We are contacting St. Roch to let you know that Susie also has internet friends from all over who are troubled by her passing and would like to see/hear her mass. Can it be streamed or posted on YouTube so that we can see/hear it?

If there is anything we can do to facilitate this, please let us know.”

Can we please get a volunteer from Eastern Time or Central Time to make this phone call?


If they want to know who called before, you can tell ’em “Cuthbert” —

— that should get around any concerns regarding eldritch horrors.


Please let me know if you are going to call so I do not duplicate efforts.


Hi, cthulhu et al (especially Wolf) ~

I’ve been thinking this through. If a Q Treeper gets a live person on the line and explains the desire, that person would probably need to present this to higher authorities, etc., who would have to work out the tech details if they see fit. Then, someone would need to get back to the Q Treeper. How would the church person contact the Q Tree to arrange things, ask questions, etc.?



Depends on the circumstances.

If it’s just a question of contact, it’s fine to have “is there a better number at which I can call you?” in a conversation, or “when can I call you back?” If it’s a question of money, you can transfer money at a Walmart, or buy a generic prepaid VISA for cash, or something. We happen to know that someone took video of De Pat singing in church that is now on YouTube, so someone they know has all the technical expertise necessary.

Unfortunately, the only number we know is only good on Tuesdays and Wednesdays — but if contact is made, there can easily be more numbers.

In fact, if I can’t make contact at St. Roch tomorrow, I will be calling Lupton Chapel again.

I just wish someone would do the morning calls while Pacific Time gets its act together.


Reminds me of the time I called Edward Altman to ask him questions about the Altman Z score — Nice guy.

If you get hold of the right person, you can advance things very quickly.


The condensed version of my interaction with Professor Altman is that he had come up with this thing in a 1968 academic paper that showed whether a company was going to make it….or crash and burn. This made it into popular culture in the 1980s, when I was working in public accounting.

We had a client that was steering his company into a brick wall, and we needed to tell him (and his investors and banks) this without getting into a long heated argument that he’d be reluctant to pay for. So we were going to create an Altman Z workpaper that would make it “scientific” and beyond bluster and conflict.

I ran into some questions while doing this, so I called up The Man, Himself — and he was quite helpful. Along the way, however, he asked some questions and then started reacting.

In his mind, he had this idea that his was a nice little paper of purely academic interest…..and he was shocked, shocked! that someone would use his model to evaluate real companies in the real world. I had to tell him that the horse had long since left the barn in that regard, in that I had heard about his work because every Tom, Dick, and Harry on Wall Street was Altman-Z’ing every conceivable organization.

On the other hand, I also noted that our firm was exercising its professional judgment with regard to our client — and, of course, the one and only thing that may only be done by a CPA is opining on the validity of financial statements. Based on the totality of evidence at our disposal, the firm had already rendered its judgment — and we were using the Altman-Z score to simplify the presentation of this.

So we signed-off on good terms, though I left him shaken at how widely his paper was being used.

Valerie Curren

Funny that a guy with a good theory would be scared of real life applications…hmmm…


It wouldn’t be a money issue ~ just a contact issue.


Wondering if this Depat here at 1:20:50. It’s by the same church that did the other video of Susie singing. This was done in 2019.


The singer in this video is a different one than in the other video, imho.


Possible, there are about 100 in the choir, half male, half female. She appears younger, but same general appearance, part in the hair seems similar, arm gestures the same but that is likely part of the recital. Can’t remember what year the other one was done. This would of been 6yrs ago when she was 48 or 49ish.

Here is the other video. 2023. 4year separation.


Time stamped I think or about 57:52


Wouldn’t DP’s family be the ones to decide? The chapel would most likely agree to whatever arrangements the family wanted, not that the chapel would bear the cost but would agree to the arrangement?


I’ll call now. It’s 7:25 am in Montana.


Thank you.




No answer at what would be 8:28 am. I will try again in a bit.


Tried again at what would be 9:05 am there. No answer.


Sorta like dealing with the feds.

  • Dave Is Not Home. Go Away.

I just tried at what would be 11:45 there. Answering machine.


Again at 12:30, St. L time.






2:00, and then I called the Funeral Director @ Lupton.

He noted that St. Roch was a small parish that had been absorbed. From this, it’s possible that there is no rector to answer calls to the rectory.

The services will not be live-streamed, and video would be left up to the family (and is not likely).

He recommended signing the condolences on their webpage.

Last edited 1 month ago by cthulhu

I confess to feeling a bit deflated.

I’d wander into our local Catholic church for advice, but it is hard to get there without a car.


cthulhu, you did your very best. Don’t feel bad about it. This is one of those weird new experiences we humans are going to deal with, since we have all these online friends.

Way back in the day, people might not even know a friend or loved one had died for months, if not years. Now we know almost instantly, but we can’t even show up for the funeral. It might as well be on the other side of the moon for me.

The human experience gets stranger all the time.


I don’t feel particularly bad, or that my efforts weren’t worth making, but it is exactly as you say — all these things are structured as if we were all in the same village.


So, I’m doing some investigating and mulling things around.

According to The Fiancee, there are things called “mass cards”, where you can have any Catholic church mention your deceased at a designated appropriate place in a mass. There is a card that is produced that is normally forwarded to the family.

The church can be one where you can attend the mass, or it could be one where the family can attend the mass, or it could be one that is meaningful in some other way.

There is typically a small donation involved; however The Fiancee noted on her recent trip to Rome that some churches merely had people write names on Post-it notes for the next day’s mass.

I’m trying to find out how this dovetails with the Internet Age, and will continue to post discoveries and thoughts.

Valerie Curren

Thanks for all your efforts here!


Hi, just reading over this thread – still shellshocked at dropping in here a couple of days ago and reading the terrible news.

Coming from decades of experience as an organist/director in the RC church I can fill you in on what seems to have happened with St. Roch. Parishes have and continue to be consolidated nationwide – declining enrollment, not enough priests, and so on. Or so they claim.

St. Roch has been designated as part of Christ the King Parish, along with a couple of other churches. So they’re sharing priests and deacons. Christ the King Church seems to be the hub of the parish, their # is 314-721-8737. The website is

Hopefully I’m not duplicating info already posted. I’ll keep reading now.

Last edited 1 month ago by Gingersmom2009

I tried at about 10:55 their time. Machine.


JUST IN: President Trump Offering Millions of Federal Workers Buyouts if They Resign by February 6

President Trump is offering buyouts to millions of federal workers if they resign by February 6.

The federal workers who accept Trump’s offer will receive pay and benefits through September 30.

Trump is offering the buyouts to make sure all federal workers are “on board with the new administration’s plan to have federal employees in office,” CNBC reported.

Only 6% of all federal workers actually work full-time in the office!

Trump’s offer does not include postal workers, military, immigration officials or people in national security roles.

10% of federal employees are expected to take Trump’s buyout offer.

Federal employees were instructed to type the word “Resign” into the “Subject” line of the email and hit “send.”


NBC is citing an anonymous “senior administration official.” These days, if the 47 admin wants to announce something, it’s done publicly by a named official. I’ll monitor the situation to see what actually transpires.


White House incentivizes federal workers to resign

4 hours ago  The email is the most sweeping effort yet by the new Trumpadministration to shrink the ranks of government employees.


Trump administration offers federal workers a buyout to resign

9 hours ago  The Trump administration offered federal workers the chance to take a “deferred resignation” with a severance package of roughly eight …


Trump to federal workers: Resign now and get paid through … – NPR

6 hours ago  Through an email blast, federal workers were given the opportunity to resign from their jobs before Feb. 6 and retain full pay and benefits …


Trump offering buyouts to all federal workers – Axios

8 hours ago  It’s an acceleration of Trump’s already unprecedented purge of the federal workforce.


Trump administration offering “deferred resignation” to government …

6 hours ago  The White House expects up to 10% of federal employees to quit in a program meant to end work-from-home practices, senior administration …


End Wokeness:

All federal employees just got this email

comment image

Last edited 1 month ago by TheseTruths

Thanks for this extra info, TT!


YW! Apparently PDJT has put his email system in place where he can email all federal employees. Things are happening fast!


They coulda jazzed it up a little with some Sham-wow type encouragement.

Really sell ’em on the idea, appeal to their laziness and desires, list all the great things they could do with their time off and all that extra cash.


Eight months?!?

Only in America could paying people 8 months’ worth of salary to do nothing but go away save $100 billion dollars.

Why not reassign all 2 million federal workers to the Arctic Research station? You’ll get a lot more than 5-10% who quit.

I guarantee 😁


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The problem is that the tiny fraction of those who say “OK” would still be a large enough number of people that the station couldn’t house them all.


That’s what sleeping bags for, and the popular crash course on how to build an igloo in three easy steps 👍😂

Valerie Curren

Our local news said something about paying them FIVE months of salary to leave, which seems excessive, why not One or Two months (besides making the carrot bigger)?


IIRC, full pay through September. 1st or 30th, I can’t recall which.

They have until 6 Feb to send an email that says “resign” OR be back in the office for work.

I do wonder how many of these Feds working from “home,” also have another full time job.


I say let them go on unemployment. They should All get a dose of this BS Bloated system.

Valerie Curren

TY KBK getting paid double for doing next to nothing? 🙁


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Amazing how I can immediately identify the two women in the middle, Hussein and Hitlery, and nobody else.

I thought the Jamaican-Indian woman on the left side might be Commala, but she doesn’t usually wear glasses.


Wall Street Apes:

ICE is now raiding residential homes in Miami, Florida

I can’t stress this enough, SELF DEPORT if you are an illegal in the United States

If ICE finds you, you will have a 20 YEAR ban on all Visas. This means work Visas, tourist Visas, business Visas, visitor Visas etc


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Wonder what has become of Gaetz seat that he vacated,


A pair of Florida Republicans endorsed by President Donald Trump won their primaries on Tuesday to advance in the first congressional special elections of the new Trump era.
The victories by Jimmy Patronis, Florida’s chief financial officer, and state Sen. Randy Fine mean both will be the heavy favorites in the April 1 contests to fill the respective seats of GOP former Reps. Matt Gaetz and Michael Waltz. And the results in the two deep-red districts show that the 47th president maintains his powerful grasp on Republican voters when he weighs in on primaries.


Thanks. WE need those two seats back badly.


we do!


Libs of TikTok:

JUST IN: Plane carrying illegal aliens lands in Colombia from the U.S. Some of the illegals who were deported warn others not to go to the US because “they’re deporting everyone” and “they’ve sent the army to the border.”


She seems like a pleasant person, but she needs to go through a proper process to get here legally. The problem with the “process” for decades is that it’s totally gummed up. People who follow the law to get here often face endlessly frustrating, unnecessary, and slow-moving bureaucratic complications. Is this by design or incompetence? Let’s pray that the DJT admin has a plan to fix this situation.


People who follow the law to get here often face endlessly frustrating, unnecessary, and slow-moving bureaucratic complications.
I’d like to add.
An arrogant, rude and hostile State Department Official at the US Embassy, when the applicant applies for a visa.Both “interviews” lasted less than five minutes. “Denied” and abruptly walked applicant out of the secure area. No reason. No discussion.Applicant traveled ~eight hours to Manila. Required hotel accommodations. Would not have been a burden on US taxpayers. RN in the Philippines. Looking for higher medical training in the US.
Just another data point supporting my cold anger disgust with our arrogant, self entitled, unresponsive, USG.

Last edited 1 month ago by kalbokalbs

Everything needs to be fixed.


To me it seems that the influx of the last 4 years had nothing to do with the process or even a lifelong goal to leave their homeland for the USA. It was more of a open invitation with NGO transportation and assistance.
The vast majority were pawns in a plan to replace US native population. Another obvious part of it was to intentionally allow foreign criminals in to maximize chaos IMO.
ALL of it possibly served to reinforce the trope that white Americans are racist and that’s why citizens railed against millions coming in.


  :wpds_mad:  WEF pursuing NWO, by destroying America from within.   :wpds_twisted: 

Last edited 1 month ago by kalbokalbs

Yep. What person in ANY country wouldn’t take the deal…free transportation into the USA, no paperwork, no scrutiny, free medical care, free food, free housing…in some cases it looked like free vehicles since people reported no license plates


Yes, that, too.


When the congresscritters keep letting little cliques of special interests get cutouts after-the-fact, sooner or later you get legal versions of the Three Stooges backing into each other.

IOW, immigration law’s version of a black widow web.

An interesting passage from an article on widows that made me laugh out loud:

A 2014 study published in Animal Behavior found that male black widows seek out well-fed virgins for mating. In both controlled field studies and in the wild, researchers observed that males prefer such females, telling them apart from other females due to pheromones they release.


Compare and contrast to experienced, hungry ones….


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A meme that says it all in one frame.

The party of racism is the party of racial identity politics.

And it always has been, too.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

They haven’t been this mad since we took their slaves away from them.


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I hope this happens. I hate those ads. And the side-effects: “You could become debilitated, or die. Talk to your doctor.”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Many of them don’t even tell you what the medicine is supposed to be for.

Just “ask your doctor about Potassium Cyanide.”


“See if Arsenic is right for you.”


“See if goat spit is right for you.”





It’s not even intended to sell anything.

It’s a blatant bribery scheme, a payoff to own and control news media, to obtain favorable news coverage of the pharmaceutical industry and more importantly, to never report anything unfavorable about the pharmaceutical industry.

Make the TV networks dependent on your ‘ad’ dollars, and you own them. They will never bite the hand that feeds them.


I started writing down the names of these drugs in the ads – here is the list I have so far – for your entertainment:
My apologies for any misspelling, I cannot type as well as a room full of monkeys.


My apologies for any misspelling…

Who could tell if you had misspelled any of those weird names? 😅

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



How many monkeys are there in a room full of monkeys?

Perspiring minds want to know.  😂 

Cuppa Covfefe

42… 🙂


You missed the new one that treats lesbianism.


Valerie Curren

bwah ha ha!


They would still look like alphabet soup!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

ENHURTU is my personal favorite.

It probably WILL Hurt U.

Valerie Curren

I had very similar thoughts on That one too 🙂


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Notice her trigger finger discipline when her finger is nowhere near the trigger.

Great muscle memory.


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love it!!!


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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trump is just relentless about putting out the truth. All these baddies just fall before him!


Bad Panama!

Panama is a very very bad man! 😂



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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah well there’s no way it’s right if Doge is only claiming 9-10 billion (1 billion per day, ten days).

Last edited 1 month ago by SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Nick Sortor:

President Trump announces a STAGGERING 92.9% drop in illegal migrant encounters at the border since he took office

And he’s only been in office for ONE WEEK


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Seems like somebody is getting the message.


Water seeks its own level. So does illegal entry.

Bonus question: how unhappy are the smuggling cartels?  😪 


Not unhappy enough.

Their business model is being shattered and their banks are about to get raided.


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“the next door we kick in just may be yours”?

So you’re saying there’s still a pretty good chance it won’t be theirs?

Try something a little more confident and assertive:

“the next door we kick in is going to be yours👍


that’s an impossibility…how many doors do you think they have scheduled to kick in? the chances that the NEXT one is yours, cannot be guaranteed 100%…but they’ll get to it, you can count on that much at least.


Getting a bit detail oriented, aren’t you?  😉 


“that’s an impossibility…how many doors do you think they have scheduled to kick in? the chances that the NEXT one is yours, cannot be guaranteed 100%”


It’s not about calculating odds, it’s psychological warfare, putting fear into your enemy’s mind.

Communicating the idea of “maybe, maybe not” induces no fear, or even mild concern.

The idea of “YOU’RE NEXT” — whether it’s true or not — gets you a free furnished apartment, living right inside your enemy’s head 👍😂


Free advertising for Hefty Zip-Lock bags.


Collin Rugg:

Billionaire Nicole Shanahan vows to fund primary challengers of 13 specific U.S. Senators who don’t support RFK Jr’s confirmation, calls them out by name.


“I will make it my personal mission that you lose your seats in the Senate if you vote against the future health of America’s children.”

“To senators Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collins, Bill Cassidy, Thom Tillis, James Lankford, Cory Booker, John Fetterman, Bernie Sanders, and Catherine Cortez Masto…”

“This is a bipartisan message and it comes directly from me. While Bobby may be willing to play nice, I won’t if you vote against him.”

“I will personally fund challengers to primary you in your next election, and I will enlist hundreds of thousands to join me.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Here’s Nicole’s Tweet (at Nitter).

First reply gives phone numbers to the Senators she names.


Caroline calls cousin Bobby a predator. Yes it’s CNN, but her video’s there. btw she’s 67. Those Kennedy women do not age well.


She does look rough!


😳 .. That’s President John Kennedy’s daughter?!!! Wow 😮


100%. Aging is cruel to Kennedy hags.

Prolly needs more Boosters, RSV, shingles, pneumonia and flu Jabs. Free at their local TarGay.

Brave and Free

Probably way to many cocktails on the elite dinner party circuit.
What a hypocritical POS. Where was she when Ted was abusing his office?




Had no idea Nicole is a billionaire. Comes across far more normal. A normal Mom. Yea, I am the Slow Guy.


I highlighted her twitter feed in tomorrow’s post.

Very on top of things!


Had no idea she was a billionaire.


Imagine hearing 11 targeted critters saying “oh shit” in perfect harmony.

A joyous imagination.  😮 


This is the way.


Brigitte Gabriel:

This is so good.

Scott Jennings provokes Maria Cardona into an unhinged outburst over who runs the Executive Branch.

“The Department of Justice does not work for the President!”

“It’s in the Executive Branch!”

For far too long, the Left has promoted the idea of “bipartisan” agencies within the government that don’t answer to the president or to anyone except those within their own clique.


Another unhinged Leftist wymyn, totally detached from basic facts and reality, totally governed by her emotions.


I’d look that woman right in the eye and tell her she is a fucking moron.

Which is probably why I’m not on TV.


She’s fighting desperately to maintain the democrat double-standard.

If a democrap were in office she’d be making Jenning’s argument, but with Trump in office she’s claiming DoJ lawyers are independent of the WH.


Of course. The media is awful. Completely leftist.


I’d watch that for sure… must see TV 👍 😁

Valerie Curren

That would make Great TV though!!!


Was listening to some idiot trying to trick question Pam Bondi yesterday. His false premise was that the AG provides legal advice to POTUS [as if the AG was a personal attorney representing POTUS – it’s the Office of Legal Counsel that advises POTUS]. She is so good that she ‘accepted’ his premise without falling into the trap.


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The judges were confused about their assignment with the one on the left.

She supposed to represent Alabama. She’s not supposed to be the actual size of the state.


  :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol:   :wpds_lol: 



Brave and Free

Her obesity represents why RFKJ needs to be confirmed.




Exactly. I’m not a fan of setting someone up for ridicule, as that comparison does, but at some point reality needs to be confirmed. The woman is obese, and it is not attractive or healthy at that level.


while i agree with you on the ridicule part, I certainly do not think she needs to be celebrated or touted as desirable.



Cuppa Covfefe

Try this one on for “size” (if it posts OK… heavy, man, heavy)…

Last edited 1 month ago by Cuppa Covfefe


You’re leaving marks everywhere!


Whoops, lol.

Cuppa Covfefe

The one on the left in the pic probably leaves marks everwhere she walks…

Then again, there’s the Jabba-the-slut that the taxi couldn’t Lyft… 221KG !!!
Driver (VERY politely refused her) is now being sued for discrimination…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A quarter of a ton.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Still a ways to go before she’s “Two Ton Tessie”, but I don’t think I’d want to see a Mz. Creosote like that 😮


And it’s glorious.


Scott Presler:

We purchased the voter rolls for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

& are using AI tech to meticulously comb through them for dead/illegal alien voters.

Allegheny, Bucks, Centre, Chester, Dauphin, Delaware, Erie, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Montgomery, & Philadelphia are on notice.


PA definitely needs a clean on aisle 1!!


I served 10 days in the Dauphin County jail in 1967.

For vagrancy.

I was hitchhiking to California. I took shelter from the extreme cold at 1:00 am in a 24 hour laundromat and fell asleep.

I was punished for not willingly freezing to death. That tells me that it’s a sure bet Pressler will find a lot of irregularities in Dauphin County. .


Wow! I never hear the term “vagrancy” anymore. These days you would have been “homeless” and probably welcomed.

Cuppa Covfefe

Or “underserved”, which is an undeserved term…

Valerie Curren

10 days of free food AND fellowship 😉 😉

For some reason Rambo First Blood comes to mind here…


This needs to be replicated in every state.


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Dan Bongino’s team just applied to gain access to the White House briefing room.

Imagine Dan showing up one day, towering over all the fake news dorks, and actually asking the right questions.

We are entering into a new era for media.


And apologizing for the inability of dying legacy media to even act like grown-ups 😂

Just humiliate these insufferable Leftards, right there on national TV, every single day!

What are the mean girls and the soy bois going to do, start a fight with Dan Bongino?

Turn it into a daily humiliation ritual of the Left.

Ratings will go through the roof, so the humiliation will be just that much more effective, and these infantile, hyper-sensitive safe-space clowns will totally collapse under the pressure of national mockery 🤣

Last edited 1 month ago by scott467

Bring in Alex Jones and give him a front row seat!!


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Yeah, that’s a big one. But she has to wear it. Otherwise, she needs a string of garlic around her neck.

Robert Baker

That one made me laugh. Most likely true but still funny.






I think she should do the garlic string anyway. Really melt ’em down.


Wouldn’t that be hilarious!?


That’s the new DJT MAGA facial expression. All new hires need to master it.



Steve Friend:

The Acting Attorney General ordered the @FBI

to assist with ICE deportations. I’ve been told that agents are calling in sick – “blue flu” style – to protest the directive.

Confirm @Kash_Patel forthwith to root this subterfuge out.

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“I’ve been told that agents are calling in sick – “blue flu” style – to protest the directive. ”


Excellent news. It is always helpful when moles and saboteurs out themselves in such obvious manner.

How &^%$ing stupid can they be?


“premier law enforcement agency” 🤔


“Top men”


Looks kinda like the acting-AG (on POTUS’ orders) was trolling through the ranks to ID those not dedicated to their jobs, those who are anti-MAGA, anti-US traitors.


There’s our DOGE targets right there.


DataRepublican (small r)
Jan 28
Ever wonder exactly which government grants fund nonprofits? Now you can know—because I’ve cracked the code.

Unlike older tools that only sift through nonprofit 990s (which don’t directly show government dollars), I’ve mined the USASpending database to create fuzzy matches between nonprofits and their linked government grants.

All grants are active. All grants are ongoing.

Here’s what this tool can do:
– Search by EIN, Keywords, UEI, or Recipient Name: Zero in on the nonprofit or grant you want to investigate.
– View the Award ID & Funding Agency: See where the money came from—and how much.
– Dollar Amounts Matched to EINs: Transparent numbers, no guesswork.
– Location-Based Matching: Only UEIs and grants with address matches to nonprofits are included.

This means you can now trace your tax dollars with precision—from the grant to the nonprofit and back to the government agency funding it.

If you’re an advocate, watchdog, or just curious about accountability, this tool will empower you to dig deeper than ever before.

Ready to see how government money flows? Try it now and uncover the truth.

Heads-up: It’s data-heavy, but I made it as efficient as possible. Link below!
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Don’t forget to check out the other accompanying tools: 

501(c)(3) search:

DataRepublican (small r) @DataRepublican
Jan 28
Grant diagram network:


DataRepublican (small r) @DataRepublican
Jan 28
Please consider subscribing on X or Substack to support efforts! Completely and 100% voluntary.

DataRepublican (small r) @DataRepublican
Jan 28
Please consider subscribing on X or Substack to support efforts! Completely and 100% voluntary.

DataRepublican (small r) @DataRepublican
Jan 28
Yikes. That’s a lot of refugee-related money with the Catholic church.
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DataRepublican (small r) @DataRepublican
I pushed in a re-indexing that will boost large grant amounts to the top. So do a browser refresh and try searching for a keyword like “refugee” and be even more enraged.

DataRepublican (small r) @DataRepublican
FYI – what makes this tool different from USASpending or other search tools is that I built a multi-layer reverse index specifically over the awards description, keywords, etc. This greatly speeds up text search by a factor of like 99%. Not what PostgreSQL is designed to do.


THANK YOU – K1tt7-fzn!!!

You gotta know Musk and his helpers are having a lotta fun with this job, weeding out unMAGA and antiMAGA millions, billions and trillions of wasteful leftist largesse at taxpayer expense!

Last edited 1 month ago by GA/FL

whoa…untangling the complicated web of deceit!

Brave and Free

Hopefully this information is part of PDJT’s daily briefing.


This: “However, acute side effects such as pain, swelling, fever, and systemic inflammatory responses have been reported in many human subjects receiving LNP-mRNA vaccines.

Is not this:

“The success of LNP-based vaccines has prompted a surge in overenthusiastic research focused on the broader application of LNP-based nanomedicines.”

How are acute side effects such as pain, swelling, fever and systemic inflammatory response indicative of “success of LNP-based vaccines”, as opposed to being indicative that something is seriously wrong?


GOAT SPIT?! Please explain, Miss Gail.


This got to be something of a running gag.

When indications started coming in that the “anti-parasitic” drug ivermectin could effectively shut down covid, Gail said something like, “Good Lord! I have a gallon jug of the stuff in my fridge!” Indeed, she had a close variant — moxidectin — to use to combat worms in her goats.

Later, it got to be time to treat her goats, so she set up a production line and started processing her herd. Unfortunately, none of the goats liked the taste — so when Gail would squirt them in the mouth with the drug, half the time they’d spit the drug back up on Gail and she’d have to dose them again.

Amazingly, after this messy endeavor, a bunch of Gail’s health symptoms mysteriously cleared. I joked that this was because the moxidectin had been catalyzed by the goat spit.

Ever since then, whenever Gail goes “ivermectin”, I respond with “goat spit”.

It isn’t completely a joke, though, as she notes in the above: “When I took ‘goat spit’ and Moxidectin the improvement was quick.”


An alternative explanation for the “goat spit” effect is that Gail was covered with the stuff for several hours and likely absorbed many times the recommended dose (it can be absorbed through the skin). Fortunately, the toxic dose of the drug is huge.


Or, of course, it could be the goat spit that has the good health effects, and the moxidectin just sits there…..


Thanks, Coothie!

Maybe Gail can find a market for the ‘goat spit topical cure’.

Last edited 1 month ago by GA/FL

Seriously – topical fenben and ivm seem to be effective. Some have used ivm as skin cancer tx

Cuppa Covfefe

I think Chiefio uses the pour-on stuff… seems he bought a drum-full or something, IIRC…


Question: Would it be more appropriate to use DePat’s author name in the title of this post … for the sake of the family?


I was just thinking out loud.
I can see you following along with Wolf’s example.
Very grateful for what you brought today.
Thank you.


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Our government attacked the Right to peaceful assembly on Jan 6 and the Right to Free Speech, before during and afterward!


postimage says: “Image not found or was removed”
wonder why?


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Good theory Gail. Inflammation caused by an allergic response to an “invader” can be very damaging, if not life threatening. Good point too that how well the body processes a substance can be influenced by overall health.

A combination of factors can lead to Cytokine Storm. This is what I was most worried about when I had Covid last year because of my autoimmune issues. I was able to get things under control, but there were a couple difficult days.

Now that I’ve been through it I know what to do if there’s a next time or for the flu or the bug du jour. Support is needed though and right at the beginning of not feeling well.


Could you tell us, as briefly as you like, what you did to prevent cytokine storm?


Medrol 4mg. dosepaks. I take Day One’s six pills – supposed to be spread out through the day – all at once in the morning. Neurologist directed not me going rogue.

Usually one day is all takes for my immune system to calm down and stop pushing out antibodies. With Covid it took a week of stopping, restarting, watching. My next step would have been Prednisone.

Also, I was kind to myself – rested, de-stressed, lots of liquids, healthy simple food in addition to supplements, and visualizing myself healthy. I’ve been through this before and have a system of sorts. It was much more challenging though with Covid.

For the Covid portion I did Povidone rinsing, Ivermectin, high dose of D’s, C’s, Zinc, Multi Vitamin, and EGCG. The basics. Skated through that part in only a few days.

Barb Meier

Thank you, Holly!

PAVACA and Gail, I think this info should be saved.

Valerie Curren

Could be a good add on Linda’s health post!

Valerie Curren

Thanks Gail!


your employer is ALLOWED to collect some info from you, you entitled brats…
federal employees are suing over the idea that the President can email the executive branch
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Cuppa Covfefe

This is nothing new… HP had a whole department that does that, even back in the late 1990s…

My wife used to work for a large insurance company, and one of the folks there told her that they had information on just about everyone, gathered from neighbors, business associates, acquaintances, and all sorts of other inputs… and this was back in the 1980s, before social media, as it were.

Vance Packard’s book, “The Naked Society”, published in 1964(!) detailed the enormous amount of data collection taking place back then, and what increased computer tracking and data collection would lead to.

And here we are…..

Pointman wrote a few great articles about “the net” and privacy, not sure if they’re still available as he passed away a few years back (probably COVID and/or the clot shot 🙁 , same with Larry Ledwick)… Basically any expectation of privacy on social media is unfounded, as correlation and assembly of profiles almost always leads to generating a picture of each and every one of us.

Most websites, for instance, have like buttons or other trackers, which leak data even when not clicked to the likes of farcebork and gargle… even with throwaway devices, though folks like Chiefio make a sport of it 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

Just hope some poor sod doesn’t do a reply-to-all to that mailing list 😆
(a colleague of mine accidentally did that and came very close to being fired for that!… more than 100,000 autoreplies)…. and that’s wayyyy short of 2.3 million…

Then again, that’s what BCC is for, and why their claim of invasion of privacy is groundless…

As is the rest of their snowflake whining…


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We The People, have known all along.




Thanks, Kalbo. It’s good to have the whole thing. For those not inclined to sit through more than three hours (because we have sooooo much else to keep up with during Warp Speed Week+), The Vigilant Fox gives a nice synopsis:

Valerie Curren



January 29, 2025 9:10 am

The same goals drive the allowance of illegal immigration.
Say what you want about Eric Weinstein (there’s a lot to say) but while everyone else was asleep at the wheel he was one of the only people who tried to stop America from killing itself with the H-1B program and mass immigration. Credit where credit is due.
The most important point of this clip is exposing the lie of the high-skill labor shortage. It’s one of the most insidious and evil lies ever told. There’s no such thing as a labor shortage in a market economy. They created a fake study to justify the 1990 immigration bill that gave us the H-1B.
The H-1B program and similar immigration programs are a wage subsidy for employers. Instead of letting the market work as intended where they would have to increase wages to fill their talent needs, they ask the government for an unlimited supply of foreign workers to drive down wages for the economic benefit of the corporation. That is the design of the H-1B program.

Say what you want about Eric Weinstein (there’s a lot to say) but while everyone else was asleep at the wheel he was one of the only people who tried to stop America from killing itself with the H-1B program and mass immigration. Credit where credit is due.

The most important…

— Aesthetica (@Anc_Aesthetics) January 27, 2025


T. Turtle
January 29, 2025 9:22 am

The perversions, deviancy and corruption of these $MultiMillion is not shocking to US. This all needs to be shut down. This article is behind a paywall.
“It Wasn’t Just Condoms for Afghanistan—Trump to Kill Other Loony Spending Like Trans Comic Books for Peru”
Mast said closed-door interviews with mid-level grant writers have shown him there exists a glut of questionable expenditures funding cultural and educational programs in foreign countries that are unwanted by the recipient nations and fail to further any meaningful U.S. interests.
“We see these grants come through — provocative ones like drag shows in Ecuador, atheism in Nepal, condoms for the Taliban. These are real things,” Mast said. “And it makes you wonder ‘Okay, who signs off on that? Where in the process do you actually tie that to a broader U.S. objective that we need to be paying for contraception for the Taliban? Where do you tie that to national security interests?’ It’s informative for them to talk about that, but also good for them to realize there will be a change coming.”
So, $47,000 for a transgender opera in Colombia. That was a real one,’ he revealed. 
‘Let’s see, there was a transgender comic book, we’re trying to get our hands on the actual comic book, in Peru,’ he continued. ‘And I heard it’s reasonably risqué.’ 
I cannot, in good faith, allow you to spend millions of dollars to combat climate change in the war-torn Middle East or fund LGBTQI awareness in Zimbabwe — both of which are among your recent proposals,” he told the officials in his letter.
He informed Blinken and Power in the document that the Foreign Affairs Committee would freeze the funding for these last-minute initiatives.
Mast wrote, “The rush to fund these and other controversial programs on the eve of a new administration contradicts President Biden’s pledge to conduct a smooth transition and undermines critical Congressional oversight of taxpayer dollars spent abroad. As such, I am invoking the long-standing precedent granted to authorizing and appropriating committees to place a hold on these funds before they are obligated.”


H/t Filly
EXCERPT: “When the Trump administration unveiled a 90-day freeze of foreign aid aimed at ensuring the funding is “consistent with U.S. foreign policy under the America First agenda,” Secretary of State Marco Rubio allowed career staffers to submit waivers for projects they felt were aligned with that agenda. Those staffers went on to submit some 200 waivers for programs that would have cost taxpayers $1.2 billion this week alone, including some that pertained to “environmental justice” and “LGBTQI+ Inclusive Development.”
The Rubio-led State Department rejected all of them, sources familiar with the process told the Washington Free Beacon.
The situation reflects the severe disconnect between career and political staffers at the State Department and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), which the State Department oversees. It also previews the implications of a high-profile legal fight surrounding the Trump administration’s plans to freeze scores of federal grants. A U.S. district judge issued an order pausing those plans just before 5 p.m. on Tuesday when the freeze was scheduled to take effect. The judge’s ruling cites the administration’s Jan. 20 executive order that outlined the 90-day foreign aid pause.
In the wake of that order, career staffers at USAID began submitting the funding waivers, which typically covered one week. One such waiver made a one-week funding request of $21.7 million for the Bureau for Resilience, Environment, and Food Security (REFS). The request, which was reviewed by the Free Beacon, notes that the bureau prioritizes “equity and environmental justice through the empowerment of marginalized and underrepresented populations,” an effort that includes “support for cross-cutting issues like youth empowerment, gender equality, and digital inclusion.”
One requested grant within the bureau would have sent $1.6 million to staffers in Ecuador—not for aid to local citizens, but rather to conduct “oversight” into ongoing grants in the country and improve “collaboration with the Government of Ecuador and donor community,” an internal grant tracker reviewed by the Free Beacon shows.
Staffers also made a one-week funding request of $62.7 million for the Bureau for Inclusive Growth, Partnerships, and Innovation (IPI). The bureau “leads in carrying out key Agency priorities, including pursuing gender equality and inclusive development,” according to the request….”


Literally publish each and every line item freeze.

With a brief description of it’s “stated purpose.”


No question now that the trans promotion in public awareness, climate hysteria, destruction of food processing and production had far greater use than to mess with us. It serves as global money laundering program.
All those young kids being mutilated for what? All those mentally ill trans people being exploited for money.


Secretary of State Marco Rubio allowed career staffers to submit waivers for projects they felt were aligned with that agenda.

More people outing themselves.


And Rubio, perhaps, showing he may have a set and be aligned with PTrump . . . which would be a great relief.

Valerie Curren



Pure money laundering.

Every fed that reviewed, forwarded or approved this trash must be fired.


Gail, your post reinforces for me entirely the imperative of keeping our immune system and physical health in as good condition as humanly possible. More than ever, our bodies are under assault. By manufactured viruses, fake food, and bad medicine.

I am also convinced that the “variants” of Covid that people got AFTER the introduction of the quackzine are more damaging in the long term than the original virus. The vaxx “souped up” the virus in unusual ways as it mutated. So the general health of many people has been compromised by getting a variant.

Then a flu comes along and whammo!

A DAILY regimen of vitamins and supplements is NECESSARY, FOR LIFE. Full stop.

Please everyone, read and re-read the above sentence until fully absorbed.

If anyone understands how much that sentence sucks, it’s me. Up until Covid, I took NOTHING daily except an allergy pill. I hate swallowing vitamins. I don’t like how they taste or smell. I don’t like admitting that food, fresh air, and exercise alone won’t do it. I HATE IT.

Now, I take a rotating regimen of supplements every day. Because I don’t want the government to kill me. But if I wait until I’m sick, then it might not be enough. And that’s the problem. They “trained us” to treat illness. They indoctrinated us into the “treatment” model versus the “wellness” model. Because being WELL means they don’t make money!

Sorry for ranting a bit. I’m tired of losing people.


Gail Combs
I understand.
I think the difference in the COVID Era is, that while it was possible for people to consume their necessary vitamins and so on, via the foods they ate, this is no longer an option. Extra supplementation of vitamins, minerals, etc., is a “must do.”


Me, too, I’m sure.


Part of it is that our food supply has been “de-natured” to the point where you cannot assume that such vitamins and minerals are available in a normal diet.


^^^ NOT a rant. Acknowledging reality. Responsible Adult Actions To Maintain Health.

DAILY regimen of vitamins and supplements is NECESSARY, FOR LIFE. Full stop.

  • I take a rotating regimen of supplements every day.
  • Because I don’t want the government to kill me.
  • But if I wait until I’m sick, then it might not be enough. And that’s the problem.
  • They “trained us” to treat illness.
  • They indoctrinated us into the “treatment” model versus the “wellness” model.
  • Because being WELL means they don’t make money!

Until Covidiot, I didn’t even take a daily multi vitamin. Now a slew of vitamins and supplements.

On the positive side, I have not been ill since before Covidiot arrived. Feel quite healthy. So, I am good with my way ahead.


Good for you! I’m so glad you do that!




Thank you.

Not only is is now imperative that people build, maintain, and strengthen their physical health and their natural immune system (something that I’ve been posting about for quite a while) —- People ALSO must build, maintain, and strengthen their EMOTIONAL / PSYCHOLOGICAL / SPIRITUAL HEALTH.

THESE systems are ALSO under attack by Big Pharma, the DeepState, the CDC/FDA/AMA, etc., on a daily basis. Been that way for years — but, since the release of the BIOWEAPON of the lab-created SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus, THEN the lab-created BIOWEAPONS of the COVID-19 “vaccines”, the GASLIGHTING and EMOTIONAL/PSYCHOLOGICAL PSYOPS attacks on people’s minds has ESCALATED.

The CREATED STRESSORS of the CDC Immunizations Schedules; of the FDA-“approved” or FDA-“authorized” drugs and injections — PLUS the incorporation of these into “mandates” and/or “requirements” by state public school systems, by employers, by colleges/universities; by state medical professional licensing boards; by medical specialty credentialing boards, and so on — have basically made GASLIGHTING and EMOTIONAL/PSYCHOLOGICAL PSYOPS A “NEW NORMAL.”

Stressors (perceived or actual dangers; anxiety; fear), in and of themselves, can undermine and/or severely compromise the body’s natural immune system. Stress hormones (adrenaline, cortisol, etc.) are released into the body for “fight, flight, of freeze” reactions that are extremely powerful. If stressors do this to the body on a continuous / chronic basis, the resulting immune system interference / compromise can then negatively affect the body’s ability to RECOGNIZE AND/OR ELIMINATE “ENEMY INVADERS.”

My late father used to say to me, “Pick your battles.” He was right.
People have to decide WHAT stressors, and in WHAT AMOUNT, they will accept.
For example, paying the mortgage. That can be an “acceptable” stressor that can be managed.
On the other hand, for example, that “little voice in the back of the head” that’s pushing to “Get the laundry done RIGHT NOW” is a stressor that can be “politely but firmly” told to “pipe down, I’ve got this, it’s OK, it’ll get done.”

I firmly believe that PHYSICAL health, EMOTIONAL/PSYCHOLOGICAL health, and SPIRITUAL HEALTH, are all immensely important.

At this time, Yours Truly is almost through the (long, tedious, no-fun) process of tapering down and then weaning off an antidepressant. Instead, I’m working on strengthening emotional/psychological health in OTHER ways that are more healthy.

Regarding losing people to the effects of the BIOWEAPON of the COVID-19 virus or of the BIOWEAPONS of the COVID-19 “vaccines” — this is an awful thing and is, in my opinion, much more prevalent than is “on the surface” — because the damaging / killing effects of these things, ESPECIALLY of the “vaccines”, were DESIGNED INTO the injectables to be “UNTRACEABLE” after a certain amount of time: although the “vaccinated” person’s body is STILL being damaged by the ingredients / mechanisms of the “vaccines.”

I also firmly believe that ALL people MUST be taking some kind of COVID-19 “vaccine” DETOX protocol, even if they’re NOT “vaccinated.” Vitamins / supplements / IVM or HCQ / good diet / daily exercise / get enough rest, and so on, are all part of this.


YES, YES, YES!!! I agree! To all you wrote.


Gut health is also very important


An issue with vitamins is where are they coming from and what extras are being tossed in as well…

But the good diet, hydration, exercise, rest, sun is a must for anyone

Valerie Curren

Nice to see you here at the Q-Tree Kea!!! hugs


Thanks. It’s so nice to see you all again. I did read as a guest.
For some magical reason it allowed me to sign in again.

Valerie Curren

De Pat’s passing has brought a number of lurkers out of the shadows…to all of our blessings!



Cuppa Covfefe

Here’s an article I ran across just now [while looking at the failing German traffic-light-coalition flailing about closing our borders and the firewall against the AfD (what a swampy ugly mess we are here….)]… seems Japan has been hit particularly hard…

Here is more info on the genocide that is the clot-shot via mRNA:
New skin diseases & shock medical finding: “mRNA is a killer weapon”

“The world has changed since 2020,” because for the Japanese dermatologist Prof. Dr. Shigetoshi Sano, the clinical pictures of his patients developed largely anew. Due to the mRNA covid-19 vaccines, he suddenly came across unprecedented skin diseases in people he treated. AUF1 editor Kornelia Kirchweger asked the renowned dermatologist about his new shocking findings and learned why the Japanese doctor even speaks of a “bioweapon”.


Prof. Dr. Shigetoshi Sano is a professor at the University of Kochi in Japan. He was president of the Japanese Society for Skin Immunology and Allergy. In the course of his treatment of up to 200 patients per week, he came to the alarming realization that the spike proteins are located directly under the skin and in the sweat glands of his patients. The dermatologist speaks of very likely shedding, because the spike proteins are transmissible through sweat, urine and also through the breath, he says.


The new self-amplifying mRNA introduced in Japan is even “more contagious” for unvaccinated people, warns Prof. Sano. He has also made a clear statement about Ivermectin.

Here’s the original article in German (a tad longer). The vid is in English…

The pics accompanying the article/vid are downright frightening!!!
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Last edited 1 month ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Thank you.
The modRNA COVID-19 “vaccines” ingredients (and, therefore, their mechanisms) are spread throughout the “vaccinated” person’s body — by the lipid nanoparticles when the person is injected; and. also, via the billions of tiny “shuttle cells” in the body, called EXOSOMES. These exosomes “carry” their payloads (in this case, the COVID-19 “vaccines”) everywhere, including to the skin and to the linings of the nasal passages.

Stephanie Seneff, et al., wrote about the potential for COVID-19 “vaccine” shedding back in June 2021:
“Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19”
Stephanie Seneff, PhD, et al.
June 2021

Here is a screenshot from the paper regarding COVID-19 “vaccine” shedding potential:

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Oh, my God.


It’s naughty, but I’m howling laughing:


That’s just plain’ol, laugh out loud funny.




  :wpds_oops:   :wpds_lol: 


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Senate committee advances Trump’s pick for AGPam Bondi, President Donald Trump’s nominee to run the Justice Department, is on track for a Senate confirmation vote in the coming weeks.
Hailey Fuchs
01/29/2025, 10:10am ET

Donald Trump’s attorney general nominee Pam Bondi, who represented the president during his first impeachment trial, was voted out of the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday morning in a party-line, 12-10 vote.
The former Florida attorney general is expected to be confirmed on the Senate floor. Her confirmation hearing earlier this month went fairly smoothly — so much so that Democrats repeatedly attacked Trump’s pick to run the FBI Kash Patel, who was not even in the room and will have his own confirmation hearing Thursday morning.


Great news.

But why wait weeks for the confirmation vote. Work Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Brave and Free

I’m thinking PDJT is okay with the time frame, the acting AG can clean house till then.


True, but you know they are much hoping to find a reason to derail her appointment.


Same reason they drug their feet on Hegseth.

  • Last minute letter from an X, lying about Hegseth behavior with another X.

Trump deserves swift confirmations.


January 29, 2025 10:20 am

So they took down a portrait…

Hey, New Yorker writer, where were you when the statue of Thomas Jefferson was removed from City Council chambers, the statue of Teddy Roosevelt was removed from the Museum of Natural History, and monuments to George Washington and other figures were vandalized… all right here…

— Councilwoman Vickie Paladino (@VickieforNYC) January 29, 2025


Matt Van Swol

@matt_vanswol President Trump has signed a new executive order to fast-track the repair of ALL roads and bridges in Western North Carolina. The executive order also demands that FEMA and the Secretary of Transportation repair EVERY private bridge that was destroyed. WHAT?!!!!!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trump is a genius.

Instead of having FEMA working for Democrat-aligned land-grabbers, he’s making it work for the victims.

Dems are going to go along with shutting down FEMA in 3…… 2…… 1…..

Valerie Curren

6(66) D Chess!



Verse of the Day for Wednesday, January 29, 2025

“Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing.” 

Psalms 100:2 (KJV)

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Thank You, Jesus, for blessings received and prayers answered !!!




Father God, I now follow your command to put on the full armor of God, because my battle is not against flesh and blood but against rulers, authorities, the powers of this dark world and against spiritual forces of evil in the unseen world.

I first pray on the Belt of Truth that it may be buckled around my waist, may I be centered and encircled by your truth dear Lord. Hem me inside all that is true and right, and may I be protected and held up by the truth of your living word, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Breastplate of righteousness, please protect my vital organs and my inner man, cover my integrity, my spirit, and my soul. Guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life, please strengthen and guard the most vulnerable places in my life with that which is right, good, and noble that I might not receive a fatal blow from the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Gospel Shoes of Peace. I choose to stand in the shoes of your good news, and on the firm foundation of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the solid eternal rock. All other ground is sinking sand, I pray that I will not slip or fall, but that my feet would be firmly fitted on your lordship, my Lord Jesus. I choose to stand on you, so that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus, the eternal Rock of Ages. I receive your holy peace now my Lord, from the sole of my feet to the crown of my head, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray the Shield of Faith into my hand now. As I take up the shield of faith, I ask that you might extinguish every dart and arrow that is launched from the enemy to take me down spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and every attempt of the enemy to destroy my joy. I ask that my faith in you would make it flame out. Extinguish every flaming arrow that would come against me, my life, my family, my home, or my ministry. May my faith always be out in front of me like a shield. Give me the courage to “faith my fears” by choosing to walk by faith and not by sight, in my Lord Jesus name.

I pray on the Helmet of Salvation, that you might protect my mind from the thoughts that can lead me astray. I choose to take every thought captive, and arrest all intentioned ideas and motives that would harm others, or distract me from your holy will for me. I submit every captured thought to the Lordship of my Lord Jesus Christ, and ask that you would imprison those thoughts that are not of you my Lord. Transform my mind and renew my thinking that I may think God thoughts, and have a sober mind that is focused on your glory. Please protect me from being double minded that I may allow my mind, I reject to live an earthly life, because I choose to live a holy one, governed by you My Lord Jesus, the prince of peace, please have my mind to be saturated with the holy mind of Christ, in my Lord Jesus name.

Finally, I take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the holy word of God, I pray this powerful offensive weapon into my hand, and ask that your holy word would be fitting for every encounter I face. As the enemy gets close to me, please give me the insight, wisdom, and skill to wield the word of God to drive away the enemy, in my Lord Jesus name.

May the enemy and his team flee from me, upon hearing the word of God spoken by the power and direction of the Holy Spirit. Give me the sword of the spirit to cut through the wiles of the devil, so that I may discern the schemes of the enemy when he is near.

With all kinds of prayers, supplication, and intercession I pray to you my Lord God as the one who fights my battles. Now that I’m in your holy powerful armor, I walk away covered and ready to face my day as you go before me, and please protect me in the midst of the spiritual warfare in this unseen world, in my Lord Jesus name.

Thank you my Lord, for the spiritual weapons of armor and prayer that you have given me. It is written no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses me. 

Thank you Father God, my Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, that I am more than a conqueror in my Lord Jesus. I pray all of this in the mighty name of my Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

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St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.





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Have you noticed evil increased on earth
The arrogance and flagrancy sheer girth
We are told to pray daily without end
We must not quit give up or even bend

What makes evil so blatant in plain sight
What can we do to curtail this and fight
We must don our Armor of God so fine 
We must be Prayer Warriors divine

We must empower others do the same
In His Precious and Most Holy Name
For whatever we ask of the Father
In Jesus’ name compares to no other

We must stand and be bold in all our ways
We must hold onto Him all of our days
We must not accept what’s meant to deter 
Redacted refracted revised to infer

We will find truth in His Word as put forth
We will discover knowledge for its worth
We will discern understanding in time
We will reap wisdom its purpose sublime

Saturated with lies and dire deceit 
We exhaust ourselves in fighting replete
Instead of uniting under His banner
We’re distracted in discordant manner

To God be the Glory forever amen
To Him be our allegiance now and when
We fight the good fight and are welcomed in
To our heavenly home purified within

D01: 08/04/2023





I said a little prayer for you
Tho’ we have never met
I only know you slightly
From the Internet

I see you everyday 
While I am on my way
Traveling thru cyberspace
Your love I will embrace

I hear you reaching out
To give your piece of news
Sometimes you give a shout
Provide your special views

I thank God you stopped by
With what He gave to share
Right from your own mind’s eye
I am grateful that you care

Just so you know why I came
To this special place today
I am here to send you Angels
To help you on your way

I pray for you all the best
God can give to you
I said a little prayer for you
Gave thanks for all you do!

D01: 10/30/2020




Lord I really love you by Mercy & Grace Band


Psalm 91. The most powerful prayer from the Bible. God’s protection, healing 

#psalm91 #psalms #prayer

Pray Everyday

Sleep Well with Psalms. Psalm 91, Psalm 121, Psalm 3, Psalm 4, Psalm 139.

#faith #god #psalms





I just had a weird, and potentially awful, thought.

We know that the Covid vaxx “turns off” IGg3 antibodies, which work to kill viruses, and “turns on” IGg4, which causes the body to “ignore” viruses and allergens, etc.

Does the “shedding” vaxx do that to exposed people? Could that in some way account for the “lingering” illnesses we are seeing? Does it only apply to Covid viruses, or is the vaxx affecting IGg4 for other viruses?

What do y’all think?


Highly possible. I know in my situation I have specific triggers that turn on my antibodies. Polyethylene glycol is one. So it could be the same for the spike protein or something else in the vaxx.

Cuppa Covfefe

I was thinking of the food additive, so I looked up PEG, and wow, maybe that’s where the fibrins are coming from?

From wacky (
(from PEGylation of adenoviruses for gene therapy can help prevent adverse reactions due to pre-existing adenovirus immunity.[8])

PEGylation is the process of attaching the strands of the polymer PEG to molecules, most typically peptides, proteins, and antibody fragments, that can improve the safety and efficiency of many therapeutics.[9][10] It produces alterations in the physiochemical properties including changes in conformation, electrostatic binding, hydrophobicity etc. These physical and chemical changes increase systemic retention of the therapeutic agent. Also, it can influence the binding affinity of the therapeutic moiety to the cell receptors and can alter the absorption and distribution patterns.


PEGylation, by increasing the molecular weight of a molecule, can impart several significant pharmacological advantages over the unmodified form, such as improved drug solubility, reduced dosage frequency with potentially reduced toxicity and without diminished efficacy, extended circulating life, increased drug stability, and enhanced protection from proteolytic degradation; PEGylated forms may also be eligible for patent protection.[11]

[emphasis mine]
And a pic:

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A comparison of uricase and PEG-uricase; PEG-uricase includes 40 polymers of 10kDa PEG. PEGylation improves its solubility at physiological pH, increases serum half-life and reduces immunogenicity without compromising activity. Upper images show the whole tetramer, lower images show one of the lysines that is PEGylated. (uricase from PDB: 1uox​ and PEG-uricase model from reference;[8] only 36 PEG polymers included)


There’s PEG in the vaccines. I remember looking into it a while back.

Last edited 1 month ago by holly
Valerie Curren

The entire emphasis is on what is good for the drugs not the health of the drug recipient/victim–seems quite twisted thinking is underlying this process!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

People who have a high allergic response to the spike protein are exactly the people who are likely to react to “shed vaccine”.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

IMO the rate of conversion is probably too low for shedding alone.

It is known from the early work on this that it takes 3 or 4 of the mRNA vaccines to covert people from IGg3 to IGg4 immunity.

Shed vaccine, on the other hand, is a much weaker assault on the immune system – AND it is not injected – it’s more like an environmental exposure – AND it’s going to depend on the sensitivity of the recipient (Kory’s conclusion, which I happen to agree with). Most people simply aren’t sensitive to shed vaccine. That low sensitivity translates into low change of the immune system.

SO – a highly sensitive person who is already suffering from a shedding partner, and it seeing massive changes every time their partner gets a vaccine – that person MIGHT see some shift toward IGg4 – but even that’s not likely, because I would rank “immunogenicity by shed vaccine” to be something like 1/10 of the efficiency of an injection – AT MOST. So compare “0.4 shots” to “4 shots” needed for the switch. Nope. Also, IMO, regular immunity from disease may very well help return people to normal immunity over time, provided they don’t keep injecting mRNA vaccines.

Bottom line – I am not worried about others getting shots. I’m more worried about making sure that *I* don’t take the shots! The shots are proven to create IGg4 immunity.


Good. I feel better.


T. Turtle
January 29, 2025 10:59 am

If they cannot prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the oil industry caused these fires then this legislation should be dead in the water. There is proof that several of those fires were started by arsonists. Those Santa Ana winds have been around for thousands of years. There is absolutely no way they could ever prove that gas guzzling cars caused wildfires. Why don’t they try working on legislation that would actually benefit the people, like water retention infrastructure and common sense forest management. These Climate Scolds are an embarrassment.
Let’s also remember it was petroleum based products that put out those fires. And, those fire trucks were not electric!
“It’s No Surprise Who CA Dems Want to Be Liable for ‘Major Climate Disasters’”
A bill has been introduced in the California Legislature that would make fossil fuel companies liable for “major climate disasters.” 
Democratic state Sen. Scott Wiener, who co-introduced the Affordable Insurance and Climate Recovery Act, said SB 222 would shift the financial burden of disasters from homeowners to fossil fuel companies, thereby making victims “whole.”
The Legislation introduced:
Major fossil fuel companies intentionally misled the public for decades about the impacts of their products, and now Californians are paying the price with devastating wildfires, mud slides, sea level rise, and skyrocketing insurance costs. When climate disasters strike, SB 222 allows homeowners and businesses to recover damages from the fossil fuel companies responsible for the disasters.
The increasing frequency and severity of climate disasters has sent insurance prices skyrocketing across California and has pushed many families into the state’s insurer of last resort, the FAIR Plan. When the costs of climate disasters grow too high, both private insurers and the FAIR Plan recover losses by charging higher prices on California policyholders. By allowing insurance companies and the FAIR Plan to recoup losses for major climate disasters from the fossil fuel companies responsible for the damage, SB 222 provides a major infusion of financial support to stabilize the insurance market and contain the high cost of insurance for Californians.

Robert Baker

Sounds like a repeat of the cigarette strategy of the last century. Never let a crisis go to waste- right? These people literally disgust me.


The rfk jr hearing is ridiculously hostile. Zero respectful disagreement or questioning.
Can he, gabvard, and kash pass despite the dimms?


Beyond the pale ignorant. Clicked off.

Hope this is a one day hearing.

Cuppa Covfefe

The left are showing their Satanic wailing and gnashing of teeth…. same thing over here in the “five point” hearings on dropping the “firewall” (brandmauer) against the AfD and closing the borders, in particular, ending entry of Afghanis… all as a result of the massacre in Aschaffenburg (and one the other day in Brandenburg)…


You have an incredible challenge, but at least theyre trying!


Democraps are getting hit like Saddam’s army in Kuwait in ‘90.

I was wrong to use D-Day as an analogy. Trump is bringing Operation DC Storm.

Dems are furious, scared, and panicking.

Remember, these are disease carrying rats who mock and reject God Almighty. There are none who are more vicious and deceiptful.


Tell Congress to Stop the Labeling Fraud!
Where’d the beef come from?
Most grass-fed beef labeled “Product of U.S.A.” is actually imported from overseas.


January 29, 2025 12:02 pm

NEW: The Justice Department just filed a motion to dismiss the case against Walt Nauta and Carlos De Oliviera, who were indicted alongside President Trump by deranged Jack Smith.
The lawfare is OVER!

NEW: The Justice Department just filed a motion to dismiss the case against Walt Nauta and Carlos De Oliviera, who were indicted alongside President Trump by deranged Jack Smith.

The lawfare is OVER!

— George (@BehizyTweets) January 29, 2025


Hope those guys are reimbursed all legal costs.

Brave and Free

Can they sue the prosecutor?


Observer SC
January 29, 2025 11:54 am

This is a horrible story of DC trampling the ranchers and an entire State and President Trump saved the day:
FTA: “When President Donald Trump signed an executive order targeting wind energy development on his first day in office, it appeared to solely target offshore wind farms. But buried deep in the order, Trump also halted a single onshore wind development, the Lava Ridge Wind project in southern Idaho, handing an unlikely victory to local residents and a crushing blow to the green energy movement.
Trump’s order marked the culmination of a years-long grassroots opposition effort that turned into a David and Goliath contest, pitting farmers, ranchers, and landowners from tiny Lincoln County, Idaho, against federal bureaucrats and LS Power, the billion-dollar New York-based green energy developer behind Lava Ridge.
The behemoth project—spanning 38,535 acres and including 241 wind turbines—was poised to have detrimental impacts on grazing, farming, and local wildlife, sparking fierce opposition from locals.”
“While state officials opposed Lava Ridge, local concerns fell on deaf ears in the federal government—Biden administration officials sided with LS Power and accelerated permits for the project. In their December record of decision, federal regulators acknowledged the project would trample thousands of acres of land, kill scores of protected species, and interfere with the Minidoka National Historic Site’s viewshed but approved it anyway, saying it would help fight global warming.
“We realized pretty quick that they were just going to ramrod this down our necks,” Dean Dimond, who runs a small farm situated along the border of the Minidoka National Historic Site and within a few hundred feet from Lava Ridge’s proposed site, told the Free Beacon in an interview. “I would venture to say that anybody that was in favor of it are back in Washington, D.C., and it was all about the money. It wasn’t about those of us out here that were going to have to live with it and work with it every day.””
“A White House official told the Free Beacon that Trump prioritized blocking Lava Ridge for many of the same reasons why Arkoosh, Dimond, and other locals banded together in opposition to it.
The official said the project would be a “misuse of public lands” and noted the widespread disapproval of it among nearly all stakeholders, including Idaho residents, farmers, ranchers, environmentalists, hunters, water users, tribal nations, aviators, historians, and archaeology groups.”

Brave and Free

^^Money laundering^^ in plane view.


H/t Filly
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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What a motley crew of CREEPS.

Brave and Free

You’re way to nice.

Cuppa Covfefe

Miss Pi$$ed Piggy…
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Nothing says “legit” like a pre-emptive pardon.


Pleased to announce that I’ll be applying for White House press credentials to join the briefings.

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If I am chosen for the White House press briefings, I will do my best to sit near Kaitlan Collins. 

My hair will be done.




She is the foulest of women.

Just vile.


Whoa…hold up. The press women have so many that could qualify for that title! Almost every time a clip of one of them is brought here I think that has to be the nastiest one of all!


I consider it more of a rank or category rather than a single seat.

Joy Reid, Joy Behar, Whoopie, that thing on NBC that looks like Janet Reno, etc, etc. along with millions of others all fit the category.

Last edited 1 month ago by ForGodandCountry

I like that..sort of a borg…a hive of vile shrews


That nasty woman… she’s gonna be so mad🤣


Attorney General Bailey Hauls China to Court for Unleashing COVID-19 on the World Home 9 Press Release 9 Attorney General Bailey Hauls China to Court for Unleashing COVID-19 on the World
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – Today, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey finished his trial against China.
“Today, we hauled China into court to hold them accountable for unleashing COVID-19 on the world,” said Attorney General Bailey. “Missouri is the only state in the nation to file suit to hold the Chinese Communist Party accountable for causing and exacerbating COVID-19. Today was a great day: the judge was engaged in our arguments and asked detailed questions. We feel confident that we will collect on the $25 billion we’re demanding in damages. And if China refuses to pay up, we will seize Chinese assets instead.”
The Court today stated Attorney General Bailey presented “an abundance of uncontroverted evidence” that China harmed Missourians by unleashing COVID-19 on the world. The judge expressly shared he is inclined to rule in Missouri’s favor.
Missouri sued China in 2020 for causing and exacerbating the COVID-19 pandemic, specifically for thwarting the production, purchasing, and import and export of medical equipment, such as personal protective equipment (PPE), used in COVID-19 efforts. Attorney General Bailey is demanding remedies to the tune of $25 billion. To date, China has refused to appear in court, making a default judgment in Missouri’s favor likely.
The Court is expected to rule in the coming weeks.
The Eighth Circuit’s 2024 order handing Attorney General Bailey an early win against China can be viewed here.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



If all 50 states (and every other country in the world) start suing chyna, they’ll have to appear in court, because they can’t just allow default judgments against themselves all over the world, and have nations all over the world seize their assets.

$25+ billion x 50 states and 194 countries (195 if they sue themselves) starts to add up to real money.

So they will have to show up in court, and when they do, they’re going to have to provide a credible defense.

And the name of their defense is called LITTLE ANTHONY FAUCI and RALPH BARIC and BARRY SOETORO and CREEPY BILLY GATES and GEORGIE BOY SOROS, to name a few 👍 😁

Valerie Curren

That’s how to do it…now do Fauxi, Gates, Baric et al!


Susie would be proud of this.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gail – are you seeing an increase in pulse rate due to double-dosing loratadine? It has a long half-life, too, so it can take days to come down.

Valerie Curren

Hope you see improvement quickly.

I was wondering about All the stuff you take Daily…do you think it might be helpful to stagger some things?

I have set up a pill regimen based on Q-Tree contributions for my hubby & have 3 versions, morning pills (which he Might take 3 X per week), & 2 versions of evening pills (which he Might get 1-2X/week). We don’t keep great tabs on it all & I’ve never expected him to take stuff consistently. When he’s fighting something I’ll add in Ivermectin & sometimes an elderberry, zinc, Vitamin C chewable that helps, he sometimes takes the off brand “Airborne” or something that does extra Vitamin C.

I’m trying to be consistent with Metformin for Type II diabetes & sometimes take Vitamin D, Vitamin C, & get Quercetin from citrus fruit peel “tea”. When starting back up on M I tried doing several things at once & ended up throwing up. My system is Not used to taking meds & I rarely do so, even OTC, unless I’m really sick. I’ve barely had mild illnesses, like colds, for the 4+ years since I had “covid” but have some long-haulers symptoms that are mostly coughing up colored phlegm most mornings, but other than that doing pretty well. Well I have aches & pains that are likely age related & perhaps some lingering “brain fog”, fwiw…

Valerie Curren

Quite the balancing act for sure 🙂 Hope you feel Much better soon!


Just a quick post that I have been watching the confirmation hearings of RFK, Jr. The Dems never disappoint. They are the worst sort of scoundrels.


January 29, 2025 1:35 pm


🚨 JUST IN: The USDA Inspector General was just PHYSICALLY REMOVED from her office by security after refusing to comply with Trump’s firing, per Reuters

Trump’s given his orders. They’re NOT negotiable.

You’re fired. Get out.

— Nick Sortor (@nicksortor) January 29, 2025


Phyllis K. Fong

Nominated by Dubya in ‘02

Born in Philly, raised in Hawaii. Majored in Asian studies, then became a laywer.

Cuppa Covfefe

Sounds like a RED Chinese mole/tool… Probably quite favorable for RED China in dealings with the FDA (trade, inspections, quality standards, etc.)…. We had an entire school class in Bayern that had food poisoning from RED Chinese Raspberries… why they had to import Raspberries is beyond me, because they grow like weeds here  🤔 


These people have gotten way too big for their britches.




  :wpds_shock: A perfect example of FAFO.

Brave and Free

Yup, pack up your desk and get out. What’s so hard to understand, people get fired everyday.


Not in government. Apparently it has never happened before now 😂


Oh come on, they can’t tease us like that, and not include VIDEO of her being dragged out, kicking and screaming like a registered democrat demon, being exorcised just before the possessed person was about to cast their vote.


I’d pay to see the video


Joel Berry
A 6-year-old @TheBabylonBee prophecy fulfilled

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And then suddenly everyone wondered… who is Anthony Mackie, and why should we care?

Last edited 1 month ago by scott467

Who? Could be anybody in the phonebook. Nobody to me. I don’t have a landline.


No idea they all said and apparently it’s going to stay that way. He done killed the movie, but the hero, which isn’t him will continue on.


dayum…that was quick! Chucky is already gloating.

The White House on Wednesday formally rescinded a controversial memo that had ordered a freeze on federal grants and loans to give agencies time to review programs for their compliance with President Donald Trump’s agenda, NBC News reported.
The freeze, which had been set to take effect late Tuesday afternoon, was paused by a federal judge until Monday to give her time to consider arguments by nonprofit groups challenging its legality.
The memo ordering the freeze had been issued by the Office of Management and Budget. It immediately sparked confusion about which programs would be affected and was suspected of causing Medicaid reimbursement portals to go offline for all 50 states on Tuesday.
Acting OMB Director Matthew Vaeth, in a new memo issued Wednesday, wrote, “OMB Memorandum M-25-13 is rescinded. If you have any questions about implementing the President’s Executive Orders, please contact your agency General Counsel.”
Breaking — Trump rescinds freeze on federal funds.


Karoline Leavitt
This is NOT a rescission of the federal funding freeze.

It is simply a rescission of the OMB memo.

Why? To end any confusion created by the court’s injunction.

The President’s EO’s on federal funding remain in full force and effect, and will be rigorously implemented.




Margot Cleveland @ProfMJCleveland
Court has stayed order, so rescinding it moots that court case. OMB is likely to issue more specific directed freezes to prevent blanket injunctions & false framing of issue.

unseen1 @unseen1_unseen
Rofl. Trump’s answer to the court is, “Okay, we will do it a different way.”

 This is great. All that effort by the dems, wiped out by the swipe of the pen. This is the difference between politicians and a business man. The dems think they “won” while, in actuality, they stopped nothing and instead at the most might have scored some PR points that will be quickly forgotten when the next blitzkrieg attack hits.


I think a better approach would be for the WH to ignore blanket injunctions with the argument that POTUS’s powers re: spending are “plenary”, same as his power to fire anyone inside the Exec. branch.

Then again, I stayed at a Holiday Inn last night, so…


And THAT’s the way communication confusion should be handled . . . quickly and clearly!!!


😂😂 Total destruction of the deep state underway. Lots and lots of 🍿 needed. Have to make a run to Sams or BJs.


The devil is in the details.

The White House on Wednesday formally rescinded a controversial memo that had ordered a freeze”

”memo”, not EO.

And take note who wrote that….CNBC.

It was written precisely so you would make this mistake.


I will try to do better, Sir.


That is not what I meant.

It was written precisely so anyone could/would make this mistake.


i was just teasing.


So reissue the freeze and name every target of the freeze individually, to remove any ambiguity.


Many of them just sued making it even easier.


still looking for the sauce on this

January 29, 2025 1:38 pm

DHS Sec Noem revokes TPS on 600K Venezuelan migrants as reported by the AP.
WooHoo!!! Round em up, move em out!


Have seen the headline a couple times today. trying to locate…


President Trump wielding his swamp-draining chainsaw against the federal workforce in more historic ways yesterday, which feels like it is building to some kind of swamp-draining crescendo.


1.29.25: Timing is EVERYTHING, Those who were once protected are no longer, Epstein up? PRAY!

And We Know


Epstein wise, until I see a list, it’s protected data.


District of Criminals opening a chain of…comment image


WaPo in the last 24 hours:

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Cuppa Covfefe

Washed Poo…..

Birdcage-liner is too high praise for them…..


Report: DHS Chief Kristi Noem Cancel’s Mayorkas’ Amnesty Award to 600,000 Migrants

President Donald Trump’s new homeland security chief, Kristi Noem, has canceled the Democrats’ last-minute amnesty extension to 600,000 economic migrants from Venezuela, according to the New York Times.

The faster return of the Venezuelans to their home country will supercharge pressure for domestic political and economic reform, and it will cut off the migrants’ remittances that help the country’s Cuban-backed dictator, Nicolás Maduro.

The amnesty shift also suggests that Trump plans a pro-freedom foreign policy that can reinvigorate poor countries and boost beneficial U.S. exports to those countries.

In 2021 and 2023, President Joe Biden’s pro-migration czar, Alejandro Mayorkas, granted “Temporary Protected Status” (TPS) to two groups of 600,000 Venezuelans who had moved illegally into the United States after 2018.

The status for the 2023 population will formally expire in April 2025. The status for the 2021 population will expire in September 2025. The migrants will lose their work permits and can be repatriated when their status expires.

But on January 10, the Cuban-born Mayorkas announced he would extend the status by 18 months, starting January 17.

The extension would have continued the Venezuelan TPS amnesty until late 2026. That schedule would have forced Trump’s deputies to extend or cancel the TPS status in the run-up to the November 2026 midterm election…

Mayorkas used the program to help many groups of migrants to anchor themselves in U.S. society. For example, Mayorkas granted the TPS to roughly 300,000 Haitian migrants. Many also took jobs and housing in Springfield, Ohio, inflicting massive pocketbook penalties on ordinary Americans.

Mayorkas’ welcome for the Haitian migrants also accelerated the political and security crash in their homeland…






Among the many lies and misrepresentations, this struck me:
“literally all of our programs encompass AND ARE BUILT on DEI policies. It’s even baked into our contracts.”
This had to be stopped.

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Waaaambulance on the way….NOT 😎 


They’ll say the exact same things on the day Christ returns.

Ho hum.


You nailed that one!!!


The great news is, WE won’t see it!


hubby had been commuting an hour each way to work since we moved up here 20 yrs ago. then cv hit and erbody (in the office) worked from home. when things returned to normal, his boss offered him the opportunity to keep working from home. he loves it. he returns for audits and specific team things but he did what he had to for his job.

Valerie Curren

Makes me think of Rush’s phrase “180 degrees out of phase”  🙃 


From the bottom of my heart, to this employee; please QUIT and get some mental health treatment.

Also, a spine transplant, and maybe a brain would be in order.


Grab a scrubber or shovel either will keep food on your table.


Two hours of pushin’ broom should get you a room….


Department of Government Efficiency:

Following up on the $45 million in DEI scholarships in Burma. This has been cancelled.

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USAID spends $40B+ of taxpayer dollars to fund foreign aid:

– $45mm to DEI scholarships in Burma

– $520mm for consultant-driven ESG investments in Africa

– $1.2bn in awards to undisclosed recipients


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Communism. Paid for by us, thanks to China Joe – working for China.

Robert Baker

How much of these grants underwrite CIA covert operations. I am assuming a great deal is the answer.

Cuppa Covfefe

DEI falls in crash
Foreign wokeness out of cash
Trump keeps taking out the trash
Burma’s SHAVED…

Last edited 1 month ago by Cuppa Covfefe

Bravo Cuppa!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

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Andrew Torba


Do not bend to the hollows’ whispers.
Do not yield to their fevered cries.
Fight, fight against the fading of the light.

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1:42 PM · Jan 29, 2025




Cuppa Covfefe

H – A – double R – I – D – A – N spells Harridan
Proud of all the wicked blood that’s in me;
Divil and man are workin both within me
H – A – double R – I – D – A – N, you see
Is a name with no shame and ever is connected with
Harridan, that’s me!


These women give women a bad name. They look sick to me who looks like that and who addresses others the way they did. They need a mental professional.


Again, look who the hostile, aggressive, MASCULINE unhinged lunatics are.

Look at the anger and the hate.

All Leftist wymyn.

It’s not the Leftist men, they’re weak, feminized soy boys.

Leftist wymyn in the Senate. Leftist wymyn in the House. Leftist wymyn in all news media and universities and government. The Leftist wymyn who start all the fights at Denny’s and Waffle House and Taco Bell. They’re all ‘masculinized’, like cartoon caricatures of what they think masculine is.

Even the Leftist wymyn Karens all over youtube, physically attacking people for not wearing masks during covid, or attacking people for riding their bike on a walk path, or attacking people for recording them on a cell phone, etc.

It’s almost never men.

It’s wymyn.















From your heart a secret will be revealed
A proclamation that will be unsealed
Are you ready to live and love again 
Or are you still stuck in paralyzing pain

Is your heart so broken it cannot heal
Are you guided greatly by what you feel
Are you frustrated or fearful to try
To break out of your prison and just fly

When you reach out to another do you
Cautiously contact in auspicious ado
While thinking inside it will lead nowhere
Impossible for anyone to care

Until you are willing to take a leap
Your hurting heart you are bound to keep
Forget all the feelings of days gone by
And quit driving yourself dizzy asking why

Over time the heart has mended and healed
You need not put up a protective shield
The past is gone you can never change it 
No matter what you do to rearrange it

What is new can’t be compared to the old
Your experience now cannot be foretold
With each revelation comes enticement
With each step forward the excitement

So if you are coddling a hurting heart
You’ve defeated God’s purpose from the start
His Word says it’s not good to be alone
Nor is it right for love to be unknown

D01: 07/07/2023



Hi Duchess.

The science of Covid IS complicated, it makes my head hurt, too.

That said, anything I have said, or can say, about what happened to Susie is only speculation at this point. We don’t know what got her. Without more information, we can’t.

What I DO know is, God in in control. He is guiding us, and he works all things for good for his children. So while I am sad for our loss, I am happy for Susie’s gain.

This life is only a temporary stop on the way to eternity. You’ll meet her again, with all the time you could ever wish for to catch up.


Thanks, Auber – appreciate your thoughts and response !!! 💖

As I read through the comments and briefly researched the little bits I found – I realized how much we have learned from the onset – from the time we were youngsters we were told to stay home if we were sick – and yet – there were those who walked among us who pretended they were fine because they took a shot.

That part makes me cranky – so I repent and get over it – even though I suspect many of us here were ‘exposed’ and ‘affected’ by the pretenders – maybe Susie was, too !!!

What I do know is that God knows the beginning and the end – and all that happens in the middle – so I believe it was time for Susie to go home – and I am happy she no longer suffers !!!

I agree – someday we are all going to celebrate with her in a place far better than here – and I hope someone will bring a good quality wine !!!

HUGS !!! 💙🧚🏻‍♀️💙


Someone in the comments referred to Big Harma. 🙂


Katie Describing Caroline Kennedy’s Face
Dear #CarolineKennedy

Personal attacks are unbecoming of a lady such as myself

In your case I am prepared to make an exception.

Bobby’s scrotum has more elasticity than your face. And much greater value to society.

Best wishes

Katie Hopkins


LOL. Katie nails it. People age differently but what is going on there? Yikes.


She takes after Joe and Rose Kennedy, not Jackie.


Jab turbo aging


That’s my guess.

Valerie Curren



BWAHAHAHAHAHA! That’s hilarious.


And we now have DC Circuit precedent to back up this move in ensuing litigation. See Young v. EPA.


It’s disgusting that I must say that DC Court of Appeals got it right.


That’s ridiculous. Might as well have sentenced him to life in prison.

BTW, what did he do?

Just asking. [note: I am not defending this donkey or whatever he did]

Cuppa Covfefe

Should have whacked him with them…


What about the Bidens and all their bribes?


State taxman.


What did Menendez do.

  1. Took bribes.
  2. Left the reservation, pissing off his DumRat minders.

Nothing different than Maggot and politicians in general.

Brave and Free

Exactly, shut up and keep in line is the message being sent to everyone one else.


Jim Ferguson
Jan 28

In a chilling ultimatum, HTS militants (Syrian opposition) have threatened to burn Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris unless a convicted stab attacker is released from French custody.

A Warning of Sleeper Cells:

With millions of illegal migrants flooding into France, concerns are mounting that terror cells could already be embedded within the population, ready to carry out such heinous threats.

A Symbolic Target:

Notre Dame, a global icon of history and faith, has become a symbolic target in this escalating tension. The threat highlights the growing challenges posed by unchecked migration and the potential for extremists to exploit open borders.

France at a Crossroads:

This isn’t just about Notre Dame—it’s about the security of the French people and the integrity of national sovereignty. The risk of terror attacks increases as Europe grapples with a growing migrant crisis and inadequate screening.

The question remains: How many more threats will it take before leaders take decisive action?

The world watches as France faces this looming danger.


“In a chilling ultimatum, HTS militants (Syrian opposition) have threatened to burn Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris unless a convicted stab attacker is released from French custody.”


So take him outside, make sure all the cameras are there, and hang him.

And then deport every illegal Syrian alien in France, just because.

Cuppa Covfefe

A French Haircut might do…


This was reposted by Elon… although I haven’t found the source (from Fox News)

Mario Nawfal

Trump is signing an executive order to create Task Force 250, a White House team planning a massive celebration for America’s 250th Independence Day on July 4. 

The goal? Unite Americans around their history.

The order also brings back Trump’s National Garden of American Heroes, a park featuring 250 statues of historical figures. 

Plus, it reinstates protections for U.S. monuments after past attacks on statues of presidents and Founding Fathers.

Modeled after the 1976 Bicentennial, the event will focus on patriotism, national renewal, and celebrating America’s founding ideals. 

Trump first proposed this in 2017, and now, he’s making sure America gets the birthday party it deserves. 

Get ready for fireworks.

Source: Fox News

Last edited 1 month ago by K1tt7-fzn

Great news! I’m glad the garden of heroes will resume.


ME, TOO!!! I’ve been waiting and hoping for that!


Bring back cherry-bombs and M-80s!

I’ve been waiting my whole life, this is our big chance! 👍😂


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Cuppa Covfefe

An epic meme returns!


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Cuppa Covfefe

I hear that!!!!!!!


Tom Homan on Joy Reid saying the raids are performative. “She’s dumber than a box of rocks.” Love this guy.


If Pravda News had a clue, they’d stop interviewing Homan.

Thankfully Pravda News will keep interviewing Homan AND getting slapped around.

Brave and Free

Why is the Fuax news blurring out the faces of the perps? Oh wait so the libtards can keep saying there’re nice people being arrested, instead of the gang bangers and thugs that’s being arrested.


And people said he’s not sexy…

Brave and Free

I’m thinking possibly there’re not feed it enough. 🤔
Giant Sturgeon bites mermaid.


Could be. I hope they didnt kill it.


Prayer for Serenity 1: When Things Seem Out of Control
You did everything you could to assure a positive outcome, but it didn’t turn out the way you wanted or expected. We’ve all been there. It tests our faith. Maybe you accept the outcome or maybe you’re frustrated. God wants to help you put the situation into perspective and remember that he is always in control of every situation—even those you so desperately want to control.

Dear Lord, It feels like everything is out of control in my life right now. I know good things are happening too but the stress is overshadowing them. I wanted a better answer, things to change, but my hopes are dashed. Many people try to comfort me by saying that you’re in control, but it doesn’t bring me comfort. It seems condescending.

Lord, I want to understand and discern the plans you have for me. Father, restore my faith as I trust that you’re omniscient and I’m not. Envelope me with your peaceful balm to soothe my questioning mind. Remind me that you hold the whole world in your hands and all things work for good to those who believe in you. I do believe! Amen

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Prayer for Serenity 2: When Anxiety Overtakes Rationality

God didn’t create doubt, anxiety, or worry. Satan did to rob us of our joy, peace, and sleep. God knows common sense can flee when we’re under stress, so he gave us a remedy when we experience mind hijackers: “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7). Charles Spurgeon advised that, “Our anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength.”

Lord, you know how irrational I can become when I’m anxious. I can’t reign in my thoughts. Instead of expecting the best, I worry and wonder. I fret. My stomach churns, my heart races, and I can’t take my mind off the issue. I know you don’t want me living in a constant state of turmoil. It’s not good for my physical or mental health. It makes people around me miserable and keeps me living in a perpetual state of chaos instead of calmness, which I crave.

Father, you tell me in your Word to cast all my anxiety on you and so I’m doing that in this prayer. I lay at your feet the things I’m struggling with and I implore you Lord to free my mind of concerns. Remind me please to take deep breaths and trust that you can make a way even when the path is not visible to me. Father, please lead me to refreshing Scriptures when I feel anxiety approaching. The Holy Spirit fills me with the serene peace and joy of the Lord. Amen

You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! Isaiah 26:3 NLT

Prayer for Serenity 3: When Fear Overcomes Faith

Faith is the opposite of fear. The antidote to fear is to renew and reaffirm your trust in God when things are going well, when things look bleak, and every time in between. Don’t doubt him. Realize and internalize that God’s got this and he’s way ahead of us. Elisabeth Elliot once said, “Fear arises when we imagine that everything depends on us.”

Scriptures remind us to “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5). In times of trial, we may find ourselves by God’s grace able to overcome our fears quickly, or it could be an extended journey. The triumph will be worth the struggle as it draws us closer to God when we go straight to prayer and reliance on him.

Dear Father, I’ll admit that I’m fearful right now. My world seems unsteady and unpredictable and I’m afraid. I want to trust you in all circumstances. Please help me rely on you and avoid the instigators of fear. When I’m tempted to turn on the news, nudge me to pick up my Bible. When conversation becomes uncomfortable, please give me words to change the subject.

Lord, my hope is in you. Your Word always brings calmness to my soul and your presence in prayer is soothing and restful. I will not be afraid. I love you Lord and know that you first loved me. Greater love could no man have than to lay down his life as you did for me, even when I was so undeserving. Remind me Lord to believe when I forget that you are greater than anyone or any force in this world. I feel my fear subsiding as my love for you grows greater. Praise God from whom all blessings flow, even to me. Amen

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31:8

Prayer for Serenity 4: When What-if’s Overshadow What-Is

In Everyday Brave, I admit that I’m an overthinker and a perfectionist. 

Overthinkers imagine all the things that could go wrong or could happen. We wake up in the middle of the night ‘what-iffing’ and often create our own stress. We anticipate the worst in the future, robbing ourselves of the joys of the present. Overthinkers create problems in our minds that don’t exist and probably won’t ever occur. Perfectionists second-guess ourselves, never thinking we’re good enough or smart enough. Many don’t even try for fear of failure.

Lord, imagining future problems and never being satisfied with my, or others, performance doesn’t make me happy. I’m awful. I try to cope in my own strength and expectations instead of depending on you. Please teach me how to focus on actual circumstances and let go of those I fabricate. I waste so much of my life in a perpetual state of unrest.

You are my strong fortress, my anchor, my source of joy, serenity, and peaceful thoughts. Keep me grounded on the firm foundation of your Word and your ways. Guide me on paths of righteousness. You are the truth, the way, and the life. Amen

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34

Prayer for Serenity 5: When You Want to Give Up or Give In

Stress is debilitating. Even with our best intentions, the weight of whatever is bothering us can defeat our motivation to rectify the situation. We feel helpless and hopeless. It seems easier living with the source of our stress than praying to God for how we should respond. Often, he will direct us to take no action. It’s not our battle this time. 

Other times, he wants us to be resilient, resourceful, and rectify the situation remembering: “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength” (Philippians 4:13).

Dear Lord, please refresh me with your living water. Let the Holy Spirit flow over me. Remind me that this world is not my home and to keep my eyes looking heavenly. I can so easily lose sight of you in the midst of my problems and the world’s craziness.
Others are watching how I react to stress and difficulties. They need to see that my dependence is on you. My source of hope is you working in ways I might not see.

I want to be an encouragement when asked how I can still have a smile on my face and joy in my voice as I carry on in the midst of stressful times. Please don’t let darkness overtake me Lord as I seek your face in morning’s light and the stillness of night. I will not be discouraged for I know the Lord my God is with me wherever I go. Praise you Father. Amen

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26



Grant me the courage to change the things I can; the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; and the wisdom to know the difference.

[cliff notes version]


Focus On Loudest Voice In DC, Big Pharma Panic, Trump Testing The Water, Big Move – Ep. 3559
 January 29, 2025  x22report

The new transportation secretary is now reversing Biden policies in regards to EVs. Stephen Miller explains why getting rid of the illegals will not hurt the economy. Did China try to bring the market down? Trump is offering federal workers a buyout, draining the swamp. Fed pushing narrative that Trump will intervene, boomerang. The [DS] is panicking over everything that Trump is doing, he is cutting programs, firing people and draining the swamp. Lawsuits against what he is doing will fail. RFK jr confirmation hearing was full of corrupt Senators who are in the pocket of big pharma. Those who screamed the loudest have the most to lose. Follow the money. Big Pharma is now panicking. Trump is testing the waters to see how the [DS] reacts, Gitmo being prepared for illegals.

Ep 3559a – [CB] Is Right On Schedule, Their Trap They Are Setting For Trump Will Boomerang On Them

Ep 3559b – Focus On Loudest Voice In DC, Big Pharma Panic, Trump Testing The Water, Big Move


Trump Settles with Meta Platforms for $25 Million After Social Media Giant Suspended His Accounts in 2021


Tillis, the dirtbag R-Con that tried to sabotage Hegseth nomination, says he’s All In for Kash.

Tillis trying to redeem his turncoat behavior?

Wonder which R-Cons besides Collins has it out for Kash?

Scoop: Key GOP senator who hesitated on Pete Hegseth pushes Kash Patel for FBI
Thom Tillis is making a significant show of support for one of Trump’s top nominees, Kash Patel

Last edited 1 month ago by kalbokalbs

The dirtbags are taking turns.




Small plane and helo collide at Reagan National. While landing?

BREAKING: Airplane Crashes Into Helicopter at DC Airport… Massive “Boom” Heard From Near Airport… Fatalities Reported and More… [VIDEO]


A helicopter and a commercial jet collided mid-air while approaching Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. Rescue operations involving boats are currently searching the Potomac River.

They collided in the air, as seen in this video. I think the plane that is seen at the beginning is not part of the incident. It’s the small one that appears later, before you see the fireball.


Same video; seeing if it will show.


“Small” plane because it is distant in the video. As bakocarl points out, it’s most likely a large plane.


Yes, this is the small plane being reported…comment image


More video:



Doesn’t look like the first reports of a small plane are correct. It’s an AA flight from Wichita to DC. CR-700 twin jets mounted on fuselage near the base of the tail. Not looking good. It lloks like both aircraft immediatyely came apart and fell into the Potomac.


There reporting it was a black hawk. Flew straight at the AA flight. Some reports of helicopter transponder being shut off before they hit.


That’s what I thought when watching the vid but reports kept saying the plane flew into the heli…omg if that is true of a deliberate crash


If the AA plane was on a controlled approach to rwy 33, it would be flying steady and slowly descending. The helo came in from left to right in the video at the same altitude as the AA plane. The AA plane would be flying at a greater speed along its flight path, so the helo would be in front of the plane and flying toward the intersection of their flight paths. So, yes, the AA plane would probably fly into the helo, but that’s only because the helo flew in front of the AA plane.


White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt says President Donald Trump has been briefed on the crash.

‘Tower, did you see that?’

In audio from the air traffic control tower around the time of the crash, a controller is heard asking the helicopter, “PAT25 do you have the CRJ in sight,” in reference to the passenger aircraft.

“Tower, did you see that?” another pilot is heard calling seconds after the apparent collision.”

The tower immediately began diverting other aircraft from Reagan.

JUST IN: Helicopter that collided with passenger jet was flown by Army, AP source says


Sean Duffy, who was sworn in as Secretary of Transportation just hours ago, is currently at FAA headquarters overseeing the response to the D.C. plane crash.


What a way to begin his service! He hasn’t had much time to be oriented or briefed on anything.


It would appear that both aircraft were probably under tower control which makes you wonder what the tower was thinking having two aircraft with crossing flight paths at approximately the same altitude flying in the congested area of approach flight paths into National airport.

Last edited 1 month ago by bakocarl

FBI Says No Indication of Terrorism in DC Plane-Helicopter Collision Near Reagan Airport: Report

well that was fast


So indication of incompetence? Tower? Army pilots?


Pre bb
Following developments of what appears to be a collision between a CRJ arriving from Wichita and a military VIP transport helicopter just east of DCA.
The military aircraft was not broadcasting ADSB.

Valerie Curren

VIP hit?


They always say that. The guy could have been pulling a banner that said Allahu Akbar and they’d still say that.


Notice the wording. FBI says no indication of terrorism, not that it wasn’t terrorism. It very well may not have been terrorism. Too early to know.



So far it says Rescue Crews have found four survivors …

Valerie Curren



NO SURVIVORS: All 67 Individuals Feared Dead After Mid-Air Collision – Recovery Operation Underway with 27 Dead Bodies Recovered So Far


Valerie Curren

I’m so sad to hear this. May the Lord provide His comfort to the bereaved…


DEI hire? Way too many close calls these last few years?
A DS hit or terror?



If the AA CRJ was on short final, the flight path heading, altitude and rate of descent would be very tightly controlled. The question might end up being a question of control of the helo, either by its flight crew or under direction of the tower.



Carl I had no idea you were so into planes!


I’m not. I flew at 8 different duty stations in the Navy, and have a couple of degrees in Aerospace and Aeronautical engineering, and 10 years as an Aero E with the Navy and 11 more in space programs with Lockheed-Martin.


Oh wow!


I’ll second the wow. All that and a gracious humble man who can give us spiritual inspiration weekly!
Much appreciated BTW

Last edited 1 month ago by mollypitcher5

I am in awe bako. You are definitely an individual of many colors. God Bless!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And you let me brutalize astrodynamics in my posts a few months back?


I have forgotten virtually everything I thought I once knew.

Valerie Curren

Boy can I relate to That!


The airplane was on a perfect and routine line of approach to the airport. The helicopter was going straight at the airplane for an extended period of time. It is a CLEAR NIGHT, the lights on the plane were blazing, why didn’t the helicopter go up or down, or turn. Why didn’t the control tower tell the helicopter what to do instead of asking if they saw the plane. This is a bad situation that looks like it should have been prevented. NOT GOOD!!!
h/t we the people OT


Shared to me anonymously shows the Playback from official Air Traffic Control radar | #DC

Watch as exclusive playback, sent anonymously by @avgeekjake
to Rawsalerst, reveals official Air Traffic Control radar footage displaying the Collision Alert. This alert is not for an imminent collision but serves as a tool to draw heightened attention from the controllers to potential risks. The footage then captures the critical moment when both aircraft collided, emphasizing the urgency of the controllers’ split-second decisions. The radar data provides a detailed view of the events leading up to the crash, offering valuable insight into the sequence of actions and how the situation ultimately unfolded

Valerie Curren

Atta’s cousin/brother at the controls of one of them?  😡 


Betcha DEI flying helo.

Valerie Curren



Am working on tomorrow’s post and just had the unpleasant experience of getting my work WIPED by trying to embed a tweet. A refresh show the right header image, title and nothing in the post except the embedded tweet.


I will do up a short something to be ready for tomorrow.
And then work to recreate/add to starting content.

Valerie Curren

I do the saves too when working on a draft. I have some drafts in the Q-Tree that I keep editing for personal use & just keep adding goodies to save within them 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I lost the best post I ever wrote trying to drag a diagram to a different location.

Had to recreate it from scratch.

Valerie Curren

So sorry for your extra headaches here.

Can you do a draft work in some type of saved document that you then copy into Word Piss, if using that format, or perhaps email it to Wolf to upload?

Hang in there AND thank you for stepping up to the plate!


comment image


Assuming the 5.2 million for Pocahontas is cumulative over the years. Most are reporting $820,000 but give a two year time frame.


Why not just bring the receipts when he goes to the confirmation hearing?

When Bernie is done talking, instead of answering his question, ask Bernie if he has received $1.5 million dollars from Big Pharma.

Do the same to Lie-awatha.

When they lie and say ‘no’, pull out the receipts and ask them to be read into the Congressional Record.

Do that just ONE TIME, and all the other Libtards will think twice when it’s their turn.


IHmmmm regarding the opening well stress is always bad. It does a number on you.

My thoughts.

I know someone who was about the same age who had Covid and almost passed away but they discovered he needed a TAVR because of a genetic issue. Two flaps not three. The valve can be an issue with almost no symptoms.
Did she have a heart issue that was not diagnosed? Like the need for a pacemaker or even a stent?

As for the shedding again I ask the question what are the elite doing to protect themselves from people or contaminated food.

I also think the extra booster people are way down because the vax is no longer free. You have to pay for it. I’ve seen people decline it because they have to pay for it now.

Tragic no matter what.


The pharmacy told someone that the vax is no longer free because it’s no longer a pandemic or emergency so they have to call the insurance to ask if they can get it discounted or free.
I’ve noticed that online it doesn’t mention this but this is what the pharmacy was telling people.

I’ve noticed a drop on the push this year as well.


I highly suggest Trump federalize this bullchip.


More slow walking. A sixth grader could steamline the process in a snap. They prove they don’t care.


Its awful. I realize most are rathervwealthy but everyone wants a home.


More ignorant, oppressive government.

Tornado where we lived in Suffolk, VA.

Day one gas company secured gas leaks / ensured no gas leaks.

Day two, ID with affected address were allowed in.

Them are some good sheep out there.


Its obviously oppressive. You have to get an approved govt company to clean your property. They cant even sift their ashes. In alta dena a man and his girlfriend went to their place. He started looking around by an area where his desk was. He couldnt believe his luck when he foundvwhat hevwas looking for. Called his gfbover to him. Proposed to her on the spot bc in all that he had foundvthe engagement ring.